{"text":"She won't be there for long.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i guess eu is gonna have to back track a little. what we ..usa says matters , more disappointment for msm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I can understand that and if it\u2019s someone I know I\u2019ll debate with them but I\u2019m not willing to spend that much time trying to change the mind of someone I don\u2019t know I tryed that with people and gun control and it just get stupid because they won\u2019t try to understand ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Media Matters hates Joe diGenova - that's a resounding endorsement, IMHO. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user thanks to the best b'day wknd kickoff friday bitches","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dont be that guy. Whoops. Too late. You are that guy. Unfollowed...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the @user programme is here! the excitement stas on 14th july...can't wait! #filmfestival #indianindiecinema #london #ex\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Funny how so many liberals throw around the word bigot when someone has a different opinion. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ramadhan kareem, happy for all... :d #smile #ramadhan #child #sharinghappiness #cantik\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER One imagines you are being sarcastic. One worries that you are not.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is full of bunk.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Secret Service filed charges against a man from Maryland after he threatened to kidnap and kill Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]James Dale approached a house that had Biden-Harris lawn signs and left behind a note detailing graphic threats against supporters and Biden-Harris. https:\/\/t.co\/IN9czCjCA5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Libertarian: weed smoking conservatives who let women make their own choices. Hmmm sounds good to me. Almost a modern take on an aging Conservative party. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SecondAmendment I saw the Dems in the Kavanaugh hearings bring up common sense\"\" gun control, time after time. @user is a Chicago guy. Chicago has some of the very toughest gun laws in the country, yet it's the gun violence capital of the USA. How about this Dick, ++\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who wants to kill little blasphemous sand babies \ud83d\udc76\ud83c\udffd?https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=EDAY56MdPEI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Documentary by Canadian historian James Bacque of the war crimes and mis-treatment on the whole of Germany (soldiers and civilians) inflicted by the allies following WW2. The allied governments did all they could to coverup the postwar forced starvation, torture, slaughter, rape, etc. they were guilty of. We\u2019re not taught this stuff in school.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Her loss had nothing to do with race or with her being a woman. She is probably the greatest woman tennis player of all time. She has also, always been a temperamental, pampered multi-millionaire, and a sore loser. Serena, you have a great life. Please stop bullying people.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Kirinodere and the Curious Case of the Fucked Customs Fees. 10\/10 good book.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't believe that they don't show blazing saddles on tv any more just because the lead actor is a black man... that's ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank God.\u00a0 Do some Bias Training, sweep it all under the rug.\u00a0 Repeat in 2019. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Of course you felt the need to skank -up Halloween by dressing up as a character from a movie you've n\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I keep mayo on my #amazeballs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"11 Years Old Today: Megadeth's 'United Abominations' --- Debuted at #8 on the Billboard chart (US), selling some 60,000 copies in its first week. The song \u2018Gears Of War\u2018 featured on legendary videogame \u2018Gears Of War\u2019 after Microsoft approached Megadeth to use the song. http:\/\/megadeth.co.uk\/music\/studio-albums\/united-a...\u00a0#Sleepwalker","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel \ud83c\udd97\ud83d\udde3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Ilhan Don\u2019t you start, \u201csome people\u201d wouldn\u2019t like that. #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/R70lOIQuH2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after the dog had a sick bug, i bought a vax carpet washer from @user #lifesaver #amazing #cleancarpets","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mexico is aiding and abetting, you stupid fucking dolt. Fuck you and fuck Mexico","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'The most ominous of modern perversions is the shame of appearing naive if we do not flirt with evil.' - Nicol\u00e1s G\u00f3mez D\u00e1vila.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user # se happy happy wala happy bihday teju","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user mental illness has struck again.we really need to make treatment more available. that's all i can think of in terms of reason. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Excelle thread if you haven't read it yet!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user players should stand up and be counted like soccer players ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Omg! You are the first person I\u2019ve seen complain about this other than my husband.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Making America Safe Again!! #BuildThatWall @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"... via the paleo diet lifestyle #health&fitness #trousers #cdn #pants #abdominal ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\/\/ Rean's Arcane Gale is broken. If he is gonna be able to use that from scratch in Sen IV ( because of his demon form) it's gonna be cool using it in every battle!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Girl Got Rape Threats On Facebook, What She Did Next Will Inspire Everyone! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck your bitch ass. Soft ass muhfugga. LBJ going to LAL next year anyway, hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, breast milk in the bottle, that is fine, but not a man pretending he is breastfeeding.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Dems want to raise taxes, end tax cuts, enact more regulations to stifle economy, amnesty 39 million #IllegalAliens.#VoteDemsOut #VetoDems #VoteRed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Conservatives who quit rather than fight betray every claim that cons are patriots\" & \"will fight for our Constitution.\" It reveals extremism & defeatism at once. Dems KNOW they will win if they stick together. History PROVES it.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Obama done nothing fix the problem while in office? Now going about telling stories. Trump have being able to restore hope on gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019ve been asking myself the same question and it\u2019s because he is such a phony. If He is such a fan of cleveland why is and he still playing for the Cavaliers the POS. He\u2019s trying to save face with the Fanbase and it\u2019s so obvious that is his fakeness! But stupid people will buy in","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dicks Sporting Goods was rightly named.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you ever look at certain people and think, if I ever look like that just kill me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wife finally went to work, now i can dance in the house in my underwear to some Chief Keef","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why does her tired ass keep showing up?Such a disgusting woman very mannish\u00a0looking mmm could be, looking for a payday to finish its failed sex-change.Anyway, disappear\u00a0you bore me and that pisses me off.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'sad looking bear' (redditor:i124qnds) #looking #bear ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From a CH commenter, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you take away your #money & #success.. will you still be with #life? #money #doesnt #buy #happiness #wednesdaywisdom #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user post telling how you love hooking up with a filthy slut so you and that whore joke about her man(I\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Im not apart of Antifa foxy. I agree with you they are terrorsits","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's a black referring to a group. Markedly different from affluent white people calling Ben Carson or any other prominent conservative that term. I'm thinking more of stuff like this: URL Antifa n word\" is quite a fruitful search.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats haven't done anything but cover up ..so all you think you have a solution .ya don't.....you want gun control.? How about abortion control. Free medical. Free ed. Quit tripping ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate a bitch that take everything to serious like damn, play along sometimes you dumb hoe. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rated you 1 star. I will every damn day. Made honest comments about your attitude. Not all men rape. Get help. Not cool. Not cool. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user At what point does the Lib playbook turn to dust after repeating the same BS over and over? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ISIS jihadists' transfer could bring new migrant crisis ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But but #Beeto has the Drunk Drivers Who Leave The Scene Of An Accident vote all sewed up! #MAGA @USER #TxSen URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER i dont think moral psychology can fix the core problem. and using the David Brooks model to pander to the right wont fool them for long. URL i think the right embracing fascism to survive is a very real possibility","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Glad to have you back!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He\u2019s made a gun control shift as well. Check his talking points from last cycle. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user knew it was a lie can see you laughing to yourself as you was writing it... you are way too engrossed in Thames yourself that you will be playing it right up until #FM19 beta comes out :') ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sounds like a great ad for gun control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The reason that rad fems are bearing the brunt of this, is that these men in drag are demanding sex with them, and even raping these women. The media keeps quiet about the violence of these men against women, and unfortunately they are drowning out the voices of women who have been keeping records.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New U.S. Policy Raises Risk of Deportation for Immigrant Victims of Trafficking ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tyrese trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Girl power ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love how you think calling someone a dumb bitch is okay though. Your hate for women is very telling. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2) I am absolutely furious with my fellow conservatives when they say, This sounds credible,\" or, \"If it's true...\" Do you guys have short-term memory that only goes back 90 days?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lol. My 6 year old is home today ad well and was in tears as she is receiving her star of the week Award and will miss out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this obviously #tcot gets on & #inaspanof maybe #allof two seconds after boarding - thinks he \"knows\" what\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I think he is right behind Trump. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lol fuck you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If your a Democrat and you love this great country how can you standby and watch as the liberal arm of your Democratic party tries to destroy everything we love about our country. #Walkaway no actually #Runaway. #LibsHateAmerica #CommiesSuck #MAGA and #KAG for everyone \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Paid protesters. #VoteDemsOut #Kavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm hoping it's a joke. #antifa are morons and have no clue how many people carry backup guns. Their #disarmthem stunt will make them a lethal threat in most states. Do the math on what will happen. Silly #antifagoons ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i bet your as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside. why tweet this shit what is it proving. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#EU deal to deploy border guards in Macedonia to curb migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This fuck is a weak cunt and puy his fellow country men in a bad way with the rapefugee invasion. Deport THEM ALL. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck that guy anyways, he was a part of the Muslim brotherhood. Saudis did us a favor for once. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuckin love king tulip ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER All the news outlets can continue to write stories about Michael Moore and what he says but I\u2019m one of the millions that don\u2019t really give a hoot about Michael Moore and what he says","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just keep telling yourself: 'I am free.'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user But the President. He is that BAD! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No driver's license, no photo ID? Philadelphia will issue municipal ID cards starting next year -- help for undocumented immigrants, homeless, domestic violence survivors, and more. But city plans to market to everyone @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nice hat\ud83d\ude02 Hey #Liberals and #Democrats @user is living Rent Free in y'all's heads... like McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge Has Never Tasted So Good #MAGA #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user He is complicit and took the money. He is going too !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I is glad the you worked hard but shame you are physical dementia the thing are you may not be simples to understand talk when write you cannot clearly :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Everyone's responsibility?\" Socialism talk. I assume most men are pro choice. Women just trick men and he has no say. Most humans are dumb animals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"maxinecklace\/maxicollar #tagsforlikes #tbt #fashion #love #bucaramanga #unasolagozadera #earrings... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"F apple,\u00a0As the list grows of those Multi-National Companies that are #boycotttheNRA it really gives us supporters a chance to be heard #votewithyourWallet. #boycotttheboycottthen lets sit back and watch their stock collapse. #lovetheNRA to hell with kids that can drive only text running my country, can't VOTE can voice your opinions. all Hillary fans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its amazing how fucking stupid the 'smart' people are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Pres. Trump, Hurricane Harvey is Man Made to keep your wall from being built and to open the borders to illegal migration. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Chris Burns you are a fascist. Nothing more than that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user will be a broken pay come late november! @user will be defeated after insane campaign & @user will be blamed! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" white girl has sex with black guy sexest women nude ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal aliens should be sent home. Illegal aliens have no place in our country. #BuildThatWall NOW! Illegal aliens are illegal hence the term illegal. They are here illegally and they are aliens to our country @user and @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You: \"Afrikaner are white. they do not count for anything.\" Racist. If they do not count lets kill 'em all, no? You are a racist advocate of white genocide. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm almost at the point where I give zero fucks. I've come here to kick ass and fuck - and I'm all out of fucks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"flowers decor\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba#wedding #pay #weddingcar #celebration #bride #happiness #unforgettable\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so to head to our @user pay! o2wvgirl the girls are\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh GOOD WE CAN START REMINDING PEOPLE ABOUT THE WORST ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY OBAMA the I will not help blacks and Hispanics president that sent a plane filled with cash to Iran sent guns to Mexico so they could kill people and start a gun control riot and started Ferguson riot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ThatGuyNorman @migue_pantoja trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new cut tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'It\u2019s not that we think you will, it\u2019s that we know you could.' @user nails why 'not all men' is irrelevant\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh so now you have to kill your dad to score a point? #canihelpyou #bringabankstatementandwecantalk ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bitch what do you mean? Get It by Pristin? no?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what #millennials think about : ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i have lots to do today, but hoping you all have a fabulous day! #picoftheday day \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user True point. Gun control is total bullshit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love breeds love #love #happiness #dogs #dog #cats #cat #doglover #bandanas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Mxm nigger thinks we give a fuck URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am doing something. \u00a0I vote, I served my country in the Army, I support Veterans for Child Rescue, I\u2019m in DAR and we have our own Patriotic schools, \u00a0I am a Dental Hygienist that donates my time to recovering drug addicts. \u00a0What are you doing to improve the world, besides bitching? \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happiness is: a warm puppy, especially when they are waiting for us at home #goodmorning #puppy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why do we only see the worst in people? #life #people #fridayfeeling #world","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that is the illusion that still holds sway. America is close to complete tyranny right now. Americans live mainly in platos cave. Americans are far from free!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Berlin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's always the ones we love that hurt us the most.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user spelling's kinda difficult when you're old and all self righteous and shit, too. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#animals #angry-cat #cat #grumpy-cat -campers \"no treats? i'll play with ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was in Toronto last year. It no longer looked like Canada. Very sad situation. The Canadians were good people.https:\/\/t.co\/7bHGpS1cH0Stop immigration. Start deportations. We have the right to our homelands. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"20 Crazy Things Liberals Blame Trump For | TrumpTrain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I wonder if they will burn their Levis since @user has come out in favor of gun control? Levi Strauss teams up with gun control group: We cannot stand by silently\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The only refugees we should accept on the US Mainland are those who have a skill or trade that will allow them to succeed in USA. all others should be placed on abandoned Islands til they can be returned to their homeland. No more Moslems at all they aren't worth the risk to our women and children.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stalin would be proud. He liked to ERASE people from History. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I think he\u2019s talking about the illegal immigrants and their drugs of society. Mostly liberals are the people funding the drug importation to this country. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed.\u00a0 I won't\u00a0 vote for the majors.\u00a0 Unfortunately\u00a0 they get preferences. Bernardi has no illusions that they can win hugely,\u00a0 but getting a good showing in the senate can make a difference.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Protip: Take a screenshot of your gab post, then repost on Twitter\/Facebook with a link to your Gab post. That way it's indirect advertising for Gab by saying that you prioritize Gab for your content.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user biTCH I LOTERALLY WAS THIS YOU NEVER TRUSTED MY DRIVING ENOUGH CUNT WHORE BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yo pussy the equivalent of a D list celebrity fuck u mean ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CyFyre: @WesOrrJames love you too my nig #squad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS WILL WIN! https:\/\/t.co\/9Yej4dTqbS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hi! #paytoday snapchat: sandy-9791 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is a courages patriot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f day\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @user @user @user nice day all\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only in #Islamic religious text are women so hated... and this is the religion #feminists defend.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shadowbanned on twitter. How nice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER (1) Ok lets play this game. Which side\" is openly advocating for the persecution of a race & promoting segregation? Which is supporting a militant group very similar to Hitlers brown shirts (Antifa)? Which is calling for gun control (even wanted armbands)?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER rates @user claim that the SAFE Act is the nation's toughest gun control law mostly false.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/KxMzQYeyyTQ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is the realest (and tealest) shit ever. Eric da gawd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll say a decade of my rosary for you; your tiny mind can grow through Him..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"YES! Exactly correct! Excellent post","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The lying MkUltra slave psychopath who was led to\u00a0take on USA and almost succeeded in destroying it completely.\u00a0 LOCK THAT BITCH UP before she is found dead... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If @user doesn't hear us now, they will in November! Stop the open borders madness and #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always be #4daystogokianandjc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Talent- Fucking up EVERYTHING ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's stuff like this that makes black people look retarded. It's not expressing yourself its stupidity http:\/\/t.co\/MxbGfPvICF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Tommy Robinson speaks the truth and finds himself in jail? Le Penspeaks the truth and now she needs a psychiatric evaluation? America wake up! Vote Democrat and this is your future and your kids future! Democrats\/liberals support muslim extremists !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"😈🆗 we snap chatted for one night lol. But you're cute. Snapchat me back nig","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did Obama Tip off Iran to Israeli Plan to Take Out World's Premier Terrorist? https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/269003\/did-obama-tip-iran-israeli-plan-take-out-worlds-ari-lieberman","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"P. O. A Freestyle #kehoe #youcantfuckwithme @user Boyz bitch) #Va #rva#804\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user She has no credibility. Lives in a $4 million mansion and associates with Antifa. Who would stab her in the back anyway. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SER 146 \u2013 Mellisa Zaccaria \u2013 Can Anyone Hear Their Cries? https:\/\/soaringeagleradio.com\/podcasts\/ser-146-mel...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe they will Havana an Antifa race war & slam the dildos out of each others butts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I heard that he is also very ungrateful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its amazing that these DemoRats are elected to any public office! Their total disregard of the US Constitution and due process is abhorrent. They hung this woman out to dry and the woman refuses to come foward and its the Conservatives fault ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another AI goes NatSoc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FriendlyAssh0le: Todays Horoscope: \n\nyou're still a hoe\n\nThat is all. have a nice day","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ME BITCH I WILL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"they really need a #serops here in #atl best salad ever..... ##nothingcompares ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" chick gets fucked videos of big asses havin sex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches think just bc you ain't with the drama you ain't with the shits\ud83d\ude03 bitch I'll smack you & whoever & still keep it cute\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He's implying the Chemnitz demonstrators are nazis. They are family members, friends and general public who've had enough of the mass rapes and murder of children, relatives & friends by gimmigrant rapefugee invaders! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We do! That\u2019s why Donald Trump is in office! All the Democrats and a good portion of Republicans are the shadow government! You are complicit in this! You are a Globalist ( international communist)! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If this doesn\u2019t smell like Taqiyya Tacos I don\u2019t what does..\u203c\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user sick of his silly opinions dean, he always pretends like there facts and it's really getting me down ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Youre a whole entire bitch and some. Your mother and father probably brother and sister. Stupid fucking cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A rare move by #Myanmar govt to jail its soldiers for killing #refugees but #humanrights lawyers say more reform is needed @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It continues to be remarkably stunning that in an era where we have an amazing amount of information the university automatons are absolutely ignorant of basic facts. Never have I seen total ignorance at this level. You? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm having flashbacks to TellyTubby nightmares.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thinkin about how that stupid cunt said we're in a diff social classes \ud83d\ude02bitch I was born in money you gotta fuck old niggas to get a new car ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You guys. You seriously don't mean everyone right? There are good people here that don't like to bother with shit like that. Personally for me I want this shit to stop but our government apparently is to fucking stupid with gun control. Arm teachers with guns\"\" yes makes sense.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A welcomeorganisation in Paris finish their work, because to many refugees react with violence. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" pussy naked models pussy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Was that filmed on that Epstein island?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user rest of the #week ==> @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That is a lot of guilt for Tucker to take upon himself. Surely he is not the only on at fault?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On BJ day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eight years the republicans denied obama\u2019s picks. Breitbarters outrage is as phony as their fake president.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER had more substantial rape charges against him that were never investigated. #AnitaHill saying Judge Kavanaugh has burden \u2014 turning US Law of innocent until proven guilty on its head. #Conservatives and @USER must put an end to this side show now. @USER has come unglued","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why should any sexuality be an issue for kids this age? Liberals are ridiculous","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I LOVE my 10 & 5 but most days they remind me why birth control is important later in life.\n\nI miss my \"baby bird\"! Come home, 18!\n@somehoee","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"islam against racism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this weekend is going to be crazy! haha i'm ready to do whatever i want! pride \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i want someone to hold my hand and tell me it'll be okay. #alone #upset #missyou #lovewins ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And I have a bridge to sell you.... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spanish ship returns home after dramatic migrant rescue ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TarAndFeather THESE #DeepState motherf**king Government drones and squares, THEN THROW THEM IN GITMO FOR ATTEMPTING TO SUBVERT OUR DEMOCRACY. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone needs help filling out #citizenship paperwork call #CatholicCharities 619 231-2828 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How paranoid has one person to be to think that fucking yale is a kind of antifa HQ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You've got to see this to believe this. This is #EuropeanSuicide in #Germany... #RefugeesNotWelcome #MigrationIsJihad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Jews don't play the central role in flooding our countries with these Islamics! It's THE LIBERALS!!!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 people are dead after shooting spree in California @user @user so those thoughts & prayers are working good for gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Race has nothing to do with it. Either you are fake MAGA or ignorant either way you are now blocked.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Report this Ben Shapiro tweet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They Came Here to Serve. But for Many Immigrants, the Army Isn\u2019t Interested. Having worked for the Army w\/these types of immigrants, I can honestly say they are the most dedicated &grateful of service members. That\u2019s changing, thanks to this administration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Do you think she is afraid of pigs that are not the same colour as her? \ud83d\ude0a","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s pretty obvious they\u2019re still giving Trump something intravenously. The question is what. https:\/\/t.co\/QgpYJYff1K","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user pretty well over it. done with the unnecessary drama, time for living life way it's meant to be lived #carefree #dra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#allahsoil jews, christians and muslims all believe that good will prevail. cnn #bbc #msnbc #2017in3words \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hot new release! swiftly sharpens the fang #radicalisation #revenge #preorder #99c\/\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Belgian new law allows police to hunt illegal migrants and deport them by raiding private homes sheltering migrants - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are facts a \u201cdangerous line?\u201d A hate Trump liberal activist makes a 37 year old claim that is completely out of character for Judge Kavanaugh and we shouldn\u2019t question it? This is a total scam and I\u2019m fed up with liberals turning our SC Confirmations into the Jerry Springer show. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And why report this garbage. We don't give a crap.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who cares! He is a sick head!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I tweeted the same views recently. The hysterical replies I received from feminist women & men was beyon\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#serenawilliams yes she should be boycotted. She is a nasty bit of work.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#HomeOffice releases one #Terrorist a week and 46 in the year to March? Report was prior to #Choudary being released. I have Home Office Document in full in a link on my stream .. questions asked are laughable #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Muslims #Migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good morning \u2600\ufe0f\ud83d\ude03 what a gorgeous view!! Perfect to start our day!! Hope yours is blessed \ud83e\udd17\ud83c\udf39","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER and yet Congress took away ALL GUN CONTROL LAWS when they took away Article 4 sec 4 US CONSTITUTION from the PEOPLE thank you Congress","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pissy*. Pussy* And I don\u2019t apologize for language Bc it\u2019s just an artificial construct of \u201csounding dirty or bad\u201d. Words are just words ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you've gone and broke the wrong heart baby, and drove me redneck crazy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trumpism\"\" is going so well you along with all your liberal friends felt the need to try to trash it! People aren't stupid as you suppose. #RedWaveRising #MAGA & #KAG2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Baldy AKA Donald Trump, is trying to Take Your Eye Off the Ball. The real problem in this country is covid-19 which Donald Trump has brought and made it stronger. Figures are now going up what infections and deaths. Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"states must defy UN-EU \u201crules\u201d that hold them hostage regarding deportation, denying entry & self-defence.Spain an abomination as migrants, smugglers, NGOs and mafia determine events.Time for PushBack now, UN-EU can do little about it.#Visegrad #V4. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They cite Jones being banned for violating Twitter's ToS. There are blue checkmarks spewing the same, if not worse, kind of shit. If you are going to play the anyone can get banned\"\" card. Shouldn't these people also receive bans and suspensions? #VerifiedHate\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is adorable","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cook, clean, and deliver our awesome fucking offspring ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Isaiah 31:1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gorgeous! And those tits are KILLER! \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@support: Gab has shown me mostly spinners for a few days and has been practically unusable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Such a skank you have to play on this.Get a life lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is seething!! You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice!! Obama was a failed president in every sense of the word! #MAGA #KAG \ud83d\ude82\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I wasn't given the option to stay home and stack money but I always tell people if the opportunity is given take it \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Shit hell out here","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sam, my quads and i chilling in the garden. loving these warm evenings. #fun #livewithcourage... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trust me, Zionist Puppet Trump will not surprise you. He will do it, and you know it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s called polio. I hate calling women this word but your a \u2018bitch\u2019 in this instance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE HOR; IT IS WITH THE WRPOS @SENATEMAJLDR WHO WILL NOT IMPLEMENT THE F'G NUKE OPTION; CALL THE MF 866.220.0044 AND RIP THE MF UP ONE SIDE AND DOWN THE OTHER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my latest post: the masses \u00e2\u0080\u0094 some kinda monster: #democracy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#prouduncle \ud83d\ude0d she is the finest cheerleader of them all\ud83d\udc99 te amo stinky butt\ud83d\udc9d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you familiar with the Septuagint version? Are the texts of the KJV derived from there? And who is it that could possibly determine that the KJV is the official version, anyways? It is open to human interpretation, just as any other bible version. I am Christian myself, I am simply saying that the KJV is open to as much criticism as anything else.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This old bitch needs to go out to pasture! Dig a hole too racist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is this the genuine Gab app for Android? I can't tell because I'm not very clued up https:\/\/gab.ai\/about\/android","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in pub for the football & my hubby is stressing already \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He's having a go at people who love David Gilmour but who think Roger Waters is a bit of a dick... Obviously.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey guess what if you read the whole thread you\u2019d have an inkling of what the fuckvyour talking about \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd Pleas go fuck yourself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i bought a kaleidoscope at an estate sale for $1 yesterday. :) #fun #cool #pretty #follow \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Signs... Signs... Everywhere Signs... Do this... Don't do that... Don't you read the Signs? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"steyer's still up to his FRAUDULENT ways -- bcz steyer thinks he's ABOVE THE LAW just like all the other dems do... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Netherlands: 1,400 girls per year become sex slaves to \u2018\u02dcmigrant background\u2019 men | Cape Fear Caller via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"America..!! #WalkAway Get out and VOTE or live in POVERTY and SERVITUDE...!!\" #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Over 2,000 refugees who were in 16 #Yemen have now gone back to Somalia since 2017.We are making sure refugees have the information they need to make voluntary + properly informed decisions about returns, especially given the current context in Yemenhttps:\/\/t.co\/yCNVp4xZ3B ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER GD I thought he lost his voice?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So I overheard some Karens without masks say, \u201cI heard Biden is going to get Covid right before the debate.\u201d This was 5 days ago! My, how the tide has turned!! #TrumpHasCovid #TrumpCovid #coronavirus #COVID #POTUShasCovid #POTUS #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the wait is now longer for ar kids to be able to play, but not as long as it is for them to learn to read #arpx ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is this that bimbo twat with fish lips and hideous full sleeve tatts?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is it just me or is Hicks saying \"bung beds\"? @RonandFezSXM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @drunktweets81: You sure do have a pretty face for a cripple","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is a blatant threat by #MadMaxineWaters ginning up the ANTIFA base I smell more violence #WakeUpAmerica URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude02 @user rocks #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the holy #prophet #muhammad (pbuh) said: is the #man #who avoids #hardship... [ #abudawud ] #hadith #quotes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cThat makes him smart!\u201d... Now to go vote for an idiot... [NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The noise on here is deafening. Tales of colonialism causing refugees, etc. Noise.The root of the crisis is the Sovereign Debt Crisis, not dissimilar to 1932. This is what's causing the collapse and we've been tracking it daily here since 2011. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can you believe this? #TrumpCovid #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/FGRu84Dcgs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user There is no such thing. Where is this fascist left? ANTIFA are anarchists. They are not socialists or Democrats. You folks on the right embrace Authoritarianism and fascism. Look at Trump. He attacks all our institutions and the rule of law and fluffs Putin. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gmorn!\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b xoxo #love #beautiful #pizza #instagood #mileycyrus #fetus #demilovato\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DevilGrimz ironic that he's a trashcan because he holds trash everytime you two cuddle! Burn.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I state my opinions and can provide examples to support them. You haven't been able to do that. It doesn't matter to me how or if you accept what I say. That's what you don't seem to understand. Your views are your business - not mine. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA #USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You put your bitch on the shelf , Nigga I make my hoe bring the cab back ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because bitches can't keep secrets.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user FYI - calling a woman a 'skank' never discredits her, it just makes you sound like an asshole th\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"goodnight. sweet dreams! #grateful \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are a hypocritical hack. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shouldn't those things be orange?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why these white hating racist #Africans fleeing to white Europe #goback #sendthemback go back to YOUR Africa Stunned tourists watch 50 migrants on packed boat storm Spanish beach via ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i won't waste my time on some sdob that has to plaster color on his profile blm bacon lettuce maters matter on 2 slices of bread","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because she \u201cis a woman??\u201d. Uh..wasn\u2019t her opponent a woman...not getting your ill formed point here. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at the @user waiting for #swanlake to sta! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BlueJayBird0 @PonyGirl_04 @MrAndyNgo No MORON, IN CASE YOU FORGOT TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT! https:\/\/t.co\/zL49iNOaIU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user lesson from history, choose carefully; main l. king \/ malcolm x :: reconciliation \/ vengeance #blacklivesmatter #lg\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today my good friend is celebrating bd!\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088@user you are my wealth\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b1\u00d0\u009d\u00d0\u00b0ppy bd,my dear friend! #bd#liza #14#oh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maga-lo-maniac if true","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When did Angela Merkel last said something \"hello germany\/berlin\/cologne\/munich I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU!\" ?Oh. Never happened. She even threw away our country flag.Oh, and invited 2 billion of illegal aliens into our country, while other imigrants like turks, are already so toxic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Keep up the good work while the liberals waste time crying and pointing the country moves closer to greatness again! MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER y\u2019all should really change the name of the \u201cAssault Rifle\u201d coming from a second amendment advocate it puts the wrong name of the rifle out there to the Gun Control lobby. It\u2019s not an assault rifle. It\u2019s just a normal rifle.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Its interesting to see the hypocrisy with these liberals when last year it was discovered that there was a \u201cHush Fund\u201d for Congressional Sexual Scandals while working for the government","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- i learned not to mourn so not woh !! life is too sho to waste time on trifles !! :p :) :d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop confusing good sex with love, that's childish ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user yay it's friday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #friday #weekend #entrepeneur #smallbusiness #branding #brand\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just so you know i still get about #travel what a #great #team i get to #work with!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"he should turn in his resignation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you think you don't have a gag reflex, let me prove that you do... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"You hit no lights, no line for toco bell at 2 in he morning, and Diana's back in her house. It's a miracle\" - Charlie @dianaaaxo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls that eat ass will always have a special place in my heart... And bed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #bihday to richard ofonime okon. more happy years ahead!! @ government house uyo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Believe all women, even those who can't even offer any specific details.\" \"These other women are liars!\" I know liberals are hypocrites, but try to stay consistent through at least one event.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is such a witch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I did not admit anything! Read my Tweet again please! English is my 3rd language but I am rather good at it! Antifa are the Nazis! They can name them self the Messiah they would still be thugs fighting against freedom and free speach! BTW free speach is not hate speach. Man up!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It is all okay with the liberals if it furthers their agenda. They have no core. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#workjams @user because she is #everything #buyit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Claiming to follow me when one click proves you don't, dear. lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You losing 0-3 @sterling31 and that's what u trying to do? Stupid yardie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\udc40 sitting here thinking he has a killer porn stache ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whoa dude, those club things look pretty nasty, you better watch those optics ya fuckin cuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Based on what for God's sake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hinduism?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no such thing as an average christian, or muslim, or jew. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lie about what? Certainly not about you throwing gun control & accountability out the window once an illegal is involved. And \u201ca\u201d hollering? Are you seeing shit AND hearing voices?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His manifesto was a serious problem. The idea of adopting Breivik as a mascot is wrong headed because he didn't even do it for our cause. Breivik is 100% on the counter jihadists. Which means it is 100% on the counter jihad sponsor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user many many returns of the day.........","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No. He is actually bald ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How the fuck can he detect an attitude through a text bubble? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"every time a young person dies am always left with many question like 'what is the role i played in his\/her life while still alive?' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Probably my last tweet ever, I guess we will see. If this happens, Ive enjoyed tweeting with all of you! #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Buildthatwall #Deportthemall @user More Needless Deaths at the Hands of an Illegal Alien, and an Oregon Ballot Initiative ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER agreed fuck that guy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Advocating for herself is ridiculous fam?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user More empirical proof that liberals are the fascists who are trying to ruin America by destroying the sovereign rights of the people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so @user might not be the worst person in the world, but his followers prob are. #gooutside @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Even Chris Evert said that people normally wise up and stop after the first warning or their second warning. Serena kept going. It sucks it ended the way it did but if you keep arguing and making comments after a second warning then what was she expecting?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You sound like a bitch in sum messy hoes business ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just got a new #gadget and i am super ! watch me open the box on my #vlog at ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ban the Muslims NOW. DONT WASTE A MINUTE. BAN ANYONE WHO HATES AMERICA.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another tweet to prove even further that he is a pure narcissistic sociopath!! America deserves better & we need to demand better. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER honestly ya when i talk about my opinions on gun control ppl are taken aback. \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Poland: Why don't Qatar and Saudi Arabia take Muslim refugees? This isn't a European problem! - Polish MP #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#FireJeffSessions He\u2019s all talk and NO ACTION! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THIS IS EXCELLENT. Growing #WhiteRights is not an initiation of #racism , it's a reaction to awareness of what others have initiated towards us. #SelfDefense -- just words (for now?) https:\/\/gab.ai\/lovelymiss\/posts\/33260749 (and 6 other posts) (quoted here since they weren't in a 'thread') LMA @lovelymiss Donor15 hours ago \u00b7 in Politics 1\/ Most white people just wanted to be left alone. M...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is what a 'higher' education buys you for $300,000 ! That's why they call it Liberal Arts\" #SaveAmericaFromDemocrats #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #KAG2018 #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lolololololololo are u kidding me. The ANTIFA shows up at all protest to stop freedom of speech. Open your eyes. Where did the ANTIFA come from democrats the snake party ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mueller has always been a corrupt federal \"persecutor\". His claim to fame is giving murderers and criminals a pass in order to prosecute and persecute petty crimes or seek publicity.-- HistoryMatters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Delhi depicts a pathetic scene after AAP coming to power.Rampant encroachment by appeased class,illegal migrants Jhugis sprung up all over ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hopefully they don\u2019t get shot because of Repug inaction on gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user back seeing the yr12 group tomorrow to get them signed up to our term time delivery! #ncs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is one of the only shows that are a Progressive that I can stand to watch. He dislikes the right and left evenly and you know who he is right from the start. If you've never seen his show check it out on YouTube. Insightful \u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" fahers day ! aameer baap !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER LMAO - understanding and accepting imperical evidence and facts is a social democrat attribute. Conservatives on the other hand believe religion and Trump. What a sad state of affairs. #Cult45","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What What In The Butt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Picked the fuck up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The only thing me and Donald Trump have in common is how we flirt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER MAGA hats ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ....and boobs. Do NOT forget the tatas. \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"SKANK ASS MUZRAT WHORE IS ALL SHE IS!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#OpenBorders #Immigration #MS13 #ChildTrafficking #DrugCartelsWhat the left wants is OPEN BORDERS. What will that bring the United States? - High crime- Low wages- An overburdened... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user suck it, haters! #hillary voters hate\/fear this, #trump voters love\/know this. who is the ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what if i told you it's possible for the laws of the universe to slowly change throughout the infinite stream that is time?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslim filth","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BETO is for GUN control!!! In TEXAS that don\u2019t hunt. He is a liberal just like Picante sauce from New Jersey\ud83d\ude1c REMEMBER the ALAMO! Keep Texas Red \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER but there is also many videos of antifa attacking disabled and old people if you want to see them victors ( spoiler on disabled attack three on one antifa to disabled vet)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bihday to your dad! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He's not wrong!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals are not very smart","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wife crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband who had ordered her killed; community turns against her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These crooked bastards are going to nail a couple staffers and let Hillary skate again. I guarantee you a Clinton representative has contacted EVERY Congressman and reminded them of how things work in DC and what dirt they have on them. JUST WATCH........","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wb3Wkr5k2yY: This was exactly what I was looking for.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Progress4Ohio @msnbc @meetthepress Would not spend my money on trash like that!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And niggas still gonna complain about geno ffs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The #USOpen crowd at #Shinnecock are literally the most rude gallery in sport. Screaming like beagles after EVERY SHOT. You expect it from the Phoenix Open but these New Yorkers are yelping unintelligible trash at the highest volumes EVERY SINGLE SWING. New York should never be allowed to host a US Open ever again. #QuietPlease #Gab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" bihday to #princephilip - do you like this new official #porait ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user ...how you want to be defined\"\"? PUL-EASE! When you live under a 24\/7\/365 MSMedia SHIT-SMEAR to the point you have Marxine Waters sending her ANTIFA minions out to threaten you in public places - you learn not to give a F*CK what the \"\"Pavlovian Left\"\" thinks. Night, night \ud83c\udf19!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bc, if you care so much for these immigrants, you can take them to your state. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user then what is it? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chinese Ambassador To Syria: We Are Willing To Participate 'In Some Way' In The Battle For Idlib Alongside The Assad Army ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"days like today make all the bad days that much more wohwhile. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Bad people don\u2019t obey the law. There are many more guns in circulation in North America than there are people. Gun control is liberal mind masturbation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah, bitch. Because you decided to be a filthy incestuous whore midway through it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SCHOOL THOSE IDIOT LIBERALS!!!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that you're ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #EndBirthrightCitizenship #NoAnchorBabies! Birthright citizenship should NOT apply 2 #Illegals, tourists, or temporary guest workers!! How stupid do we have 2 be 2 grant #AmericanCitizenship 2 babies born in th ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"iqbal's bihday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a be the best ballll #bihday #pay\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LMAO man people were talking so much shit yesterday. Any comment Marvel stan twitter? Moe overused Thanos jokes or... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Frankly I hate that argument. Gun control. Healthcare. Student loans. Tax policy. Climate change. Social Security. Medicare. Even car emissions and mileage. There is a clear difference on each and every policy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear Akkorou, Bitch ass nigga cunt on a stick fuck shit bitch kike small cocked cunt Love, Dj Rits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Get Violent? Get? As if the #Occupy #BlackLivesMatter #BaltimoreRiots #Ferguson #Antifa weren't all Democrat VIOLENCE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user any gun control is unconstitutional and you leftist fake news traitors keep lying to the people that's why your enemies of the people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did 100+ refugees & migrants drown yesterday because EU military officials insisted that Libyan coastguard intercept them instead of immediately alerting & requesting nearby @user charity boat to rescue them? UN @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can somebody please buy me @user new book. #soa #thebest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #Deplorables are resolved to #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #lanasprayberry should be fired if she thinks choking a child and the wrongful arrest of the parent is acceptable.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*after BO1 RT @TheGodWriter_: @iDocLyfe Bruh lol I retired after mw2 because everything was trash afterwards.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@KeyshawnSwag: Peel up peel up bring it back up rewind back where I'm from they move Shaq from the line\" ooooow who tf said that trash!!?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck being mad at a wack ass bitch! You know how these hoes be.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gee those look like empty seats to me at a @user rally. #neverump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ty so much for the lovely rose @user #chronicpain #eds #veds #friends @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally caught up with the 21st century and signed us up to twitter \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #staytuned","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sunday brunch with brother! happy father's day jonathan \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b #father #day #brother #family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i agree there hasn't been much in the way of original content, from the aaa studios. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Corey Lewandowski I am sure Liberals wont be upset that these Illegals Killed U.S Citizens Separatng their familes Illegal immigrant charged with killing two Miami women, dumping bodies on street #FoxNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There are so many people that need to see this.\u00a0 This is absolutely insane!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"next time i get put on a train it'll be the eurostar \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #nextchapter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@TheDemocrats .@KamalaHarris .@chuckschumer .@NancyPelosi .@CoryBooker .@Ocasio2018 AMERICANS WANT SAFETY SECURITY FROM ILLEGAL DRUGS GANGS & CRIMINALS 1st#BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She asked if i wanna suck pussy biTCH I BEEN DOING THAT THIS WHOLE TIME ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama said \"We can't just put walls up all around America. Walls don't keep out threats like terrorism or disease\". Obama built a brick & metal wall around his house in D.C. So walls are fine for him & his family, but not to protect our borders? HYPOCRITE!! #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is Satan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lokk at july 29 when I said Gordon would be cut for drugs and you called me a dipshit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" preach #blm #skywilliams #preach","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the things some people do just for likes followers or 's show how dead they're lives are off the internet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user uk 2016: where it fell to pop star @user to do the job of the #bbc #euref #brexit #media ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Woo Hoo! Release the Memo!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Establishment RINO traitors plan to give Congress back to the Establishment\u00a0Democrat traitors.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't recommend you visit Canada. Clones of Molly's parents in most every house in Southern Ontario (well, the few remaining houses with white people at any rate).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user One of the best #MAGA men on Twatter. Good heart to heart. Hey Jack... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Lol you are being mean. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Technically sewing machines are technology my dude. Although the newer models tend to be shit, mine suicided a month or so ago because it couldn't deal with two layers of a very light-weight denim. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TWITTER BIRD CASTING ITS SHADOW ON FREE SPEECH = #SHADOWBANNING THE CURE? #BIRDSHOT = TRUTH THANK YOU !!!! #PROJECTVERITAS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER we are done. you have no knowledge base for any of this and you are drunk on lies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #praying for all affected in the #orlando #attack. it matters not whether they were gay, what matters is that they were h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump should cancel the $500 million of annual foreign aid we give to South Africa until their racist and dangerous policy of murdering white farmers is forever discontinued and the criminals who stole the land are jailed and never see the light of day again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shelling peas by the kitchen sink! They are being blanched (2 minutes), fast-frozen\u00a0on a sheet, then foodsavered\u00a0for later. We netted 1.5 pounds, and that is the last of them for the season here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Am I an ass or is it kinda weird Char wore a shirt to wrestle the lesbian? I\u2019m joking....but not really ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The West does NOT owe the excess population of the #Shithole world a land to colonize. When you import the 3rd world, you become the same.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Socialist #Liberals Clarify: 'We Only Want #Socialism For Everyone Else'. #Emmys #TuesdayThoughts #GlobalCitizen #Elections2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We do! That\u2019s why Donald Trump is in office! All the Democrats and a good portion of Republicans are the shadow government! You are complicit in this! You are a Globalist ( international communist)!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh @USER The Dem candidates do have clearly stated policy proposals. One involves rational gun control. When elected they won\u2019t vacillate like Trump. You and @USER are done deceiving America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I mean what i get is one big abilty of #Adapt #Change for the real Movemnt \u00a0you know people going to read this and know how much a frude the #NSM88 #NaziAmerican #KKK are about what they believe in just sucking communist shit up and doing nothing about the real #Adapt #Change movement that before you all just full of shit arnt you #Jeff","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I see. It's a damn shame how delusional he is. He's gotta be the worst. Even more than those Boston Ben stans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Christian isnt white. Was Jesus a fucking German. You're reading the wrong book.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We're going to make the school look so redneck tomorrow.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I swear to god . This shit is too real man ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should I give you my number? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I really need to stick to the whole gluten free thing.. celiacs a bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pay your child support you fucking deadbeat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":":( She is very evil. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Report ALL #illegalaliens to #ICE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fearing 2020 is 2016 Part II is not learning from 2016. While emotionally understandable, it\u2019s analytical paralysis not evidence or reality based.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]People predicting a Biden win and showing their work to be rigorously challenged are the ones who learned from 2016 (and 2018).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are Preppers Terrorists ? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fsGj9PsWtZ8 #GabFam #Gab #BritFam #UK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just thing of all of those faggots, dykes, kikes and pedo's out of work.\u00a0 How many pieces of shit worked for this baby murdering group of inbred Moron's?\u00a0 So glad to see the end of another Socialist Utopia run by Obama the Negro's Gestapo.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They are a plague on the USA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Hypocrisy # #ACA #Immigration#Liberals recently reminded us that #Obamacare is STILL the law of the land,... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But he is still fucked up for not respecting LGBTQ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3 upcoming releases this summer: remixes on @user and the @user as well as a free download on spira music in august ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udc80yo ass probably playing it on super easy too smh go home","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm waiting for the liberals to squeal that those sandwiches could feed poor families ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy weekend! #weekend #watermeloen #relax #fruit #gezond #healthy #health... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a saturday! let's go exploring... #weekend #nature ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is growing fast \ud83d\ude2d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yay my wonderful son fixed my laptop. invading #windows10 is no longer tormenting me. #updates","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God, I can't stop laughing! Oh, that hurts!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sent ideas in to VOEM , they only seem to wanna hold testing\/drills in nice weather, we need to run mock incidents in bad weather, night,","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Who Killed An FBI Agent And A Fire Marshal, Gets $280 Fine, No Jail Time another gross injustice where two citizens lost their lives at the hands of an illegal alien who should not have been here!#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Kind of like when conservatives wanna associate everyone to their left as communist antifa members? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER \u261d\ufe0fWhat \u201cTrumptards\u201d will be doing to dirty liberals in November. I was patient at first but now it\u2019s clear the left has absolutely zero intention of playing by the rules. I hope President Trump CRUSHES your joke of a party under the fullest extent of the law.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER yes bitch \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc93","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I AM SO WEAK SHE REALLY BEAT HER ASS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My best friend says I don't need to be in love right now .... he thinks its too soon to love monkey....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cookie Monster has fringe cut toes... That's... #deep_blue #never_thought_about_it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This place needs something","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #cycling is alarming how cyclists are killed here in usa every day...#no_education #no_respect #hate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my motto in lyfe #lyfe #liveyoungforever #motto #loa #blessed #riseandgrind\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN is a shitshow shithole Pull April Ryan's press credentials .... She adds NOTHING to the conversation #MAGA #GabFam #News #Politics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WHAT i cant like HE IS LEGIT WATCHING my ever move In Rehab!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some signature posing with @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #irish #cork #me #instamood #besties #instagood \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how can they make a show called #buddysfamilyvacation where they gorge themselves with food , when so many people go to bed hungry? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER No. I think he knows @USER is going to lose anyway and he has nothing to lose in this battle. He is like a suicide bomber can only think tactically unfortunately he can only lie to stay in news.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if ur ugly -@ing women who interacted with kriss before this u deserve to have ur GI tract rammed through with a hot iron stake u smug bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mental illness is a family illness. At least she is out of the gene pool now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You just fwm no more never did bitch ionkno whores ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Anyone else think she is a lying opportunist? Yeah...#metoo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Bitch you believe in Trump and you call Iggy ugly lol bye hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes bitch \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user lumpy says i am a . prove it lumpy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DanRather The Rioting and vandalism needs to stop. It is just an excuse to cause ciaos in the streets. And Trump didn't start it. #Trump2020 [NEWLINE]Trump is the only one with the balls to put a stop to the ignorance. While Kamala and Sleepy Joe bail out the idiots in jail","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls will friend zone a dude that's in love with them and never give them a chance... But be salty AF when he gets a girlfriend ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the only site i have seen yet that links to gab https:\/\/columbianpost.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These brownies are bomb!!!!!!!!! http:\/\/t.co\/lKZLQQj7W1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These bitches want you to bring something to the table... that other hoes are sittin at Bitch.. i dnt do team meetings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no wonder other countries think #america is full of idiots. in a time of crisis we point the finger at one another in our own state ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I tear up from laughing so hard every single time I see this. Priceless. CNN should scoop him up for ANTIFA rallies and weather stories. Creative cameraman job at worst. Elaine would say this guy is sponge worthy\" Come on CNN, hire this guy as a creative consultant at least.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Their #Skill is #Looting & #Raping! These #Migrant #Marauders want to turn #Spain into a #ThirdWorld #STINKHOLE like they've done to their own #Countries! Like a #Cancer they need to be expeditiously removed! #NoMoreREFUGEES ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"god i thank you for the #gift of life. #hope #joy #makeup #mrkechuks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cRight to keep and BARE arms\u201d Decides to ask for permission. Haha cuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nonSense we do not want this in US. #MuslimBan no people from these countries should be allowed without proper vetting. It is really scary imagine #ShariaLaw#EndDiversity#EndChainMigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bunch of faggot ass pussies in the EU army. 10 of their soldiers equal 1 of ours, and that is being generous to the EU. Fuck em","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Beto is a joke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New Report Shows Collusion Between CNN, James Comey, and DNC!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you\u2019re not going to tell me to say happy birthday to someone that called me a cunt and a slut within the span of 10 minutes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have you you ever felt like the #nba was fixed? #bamboosled #marketing #nbafinals2016 #nbafinals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Do you know what\u2019s going to happen now? I\u2019m going to have to lay in bed and cry while I listen to Kelly Clarkson. Thanks free speech antifa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does ANYONE care what these immoral, sick, Hollywood ponscum have to say?! I sure as hell don't! Such juvenile, pathetic, sick behavior coming from these #celebritard hypocrites! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/hysterical-celebs-plan-yet-another-boring-anti-trump-temper-tantrum\/\u00a0#HollywoodDownfall #ResetHollywood #BoycottHollywood","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user What Bhagwat tells shakha minions and what he says to rest of the world are two different things. Sanghi goons will keep on raping and killing but the stupid liberals will think sanghis are ' not that bad'. Don't get taken in by his lies else next 5 years India will disappear. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They were ineffective before Charlottesville. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh course the NFL will cower in fear of liberals who trying to destroy the game. Will submit to their demands","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my fav actor #vijaysethupathi ! my fav actress @user ! my most fav director @user !! one film !! can't wait :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if #potus were white he'd still be the worst president ever and most likely the most president ever. #trump #israel #happynewyear","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@kylegriffin1 @WoodwardWoodw11 Because if he does, he thinks he\u2019s admitting to the possibility of a UGE defeat. That rally, er, ah, \u201cpress briefing?\u201d, was a total \ud83d\udca9 show. Talk about low energy trump. \ud83e\udd74 He had to have his \u201cback up\u201d goons ready to do his gaslighting & lying for him. #Biden2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stop the immigration of all 40 muslimcountries quick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Go to HELL bitch. McCain is a hero. Show some respect asshole \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Call out the cucked whites instead of the Jew, allowing the Jew to keep up his cover acting like a cucked white as it still works as a group with his fellow Jews. While at the time time you pile on against Christianity which has been a target of Jewish ire for 2 thousand years. Just a genius strategy. Keep those shekels coming in.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Brazil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"timbs straight trash though","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is trust me lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 Year Ago Today Cherry Oakwood Radio Hostess went Home to be with God. She is\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I want their puma shoes but a bitch is broke and cant afford them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is super underrated ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is kidding no one. His paper towel throwing stunt was seen around the world. He looked the ridiculous clown yet again. And we as a nation were scorned for the epic fail of a rescue mission to Puerto Rico.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user antifa are defined by one striking statistic - virtually none are parents. Why? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sounds like a dare... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And Bill Maher should try getting back into comedy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IndigenousPeoplesDay .........right. Because these #redskins had a lot of #queens, right? nomg. #sofunny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who does he think he is the dumb Donald!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seriously what is going on with 2016? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user please repo this guy, openly racist and reprehensible #whitesupremacist #repo #trump #depl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Amen #OneNationUnderGod #ToGodBeTheGlory#WWG1WGA#BlueLivesMatter #WalkAway#PatriotsUnited #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #BestPresidentEver#SaveTheChildren@POTUS@FLOTUS @user @user @user Choose Life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Then you are going to be super man after the hard time you are about to do.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user u lose ur right 2 call others \"racist\" after a tweet like this. what a hypocrite. #whitegenocide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Things are definitely fucked up when you need to state the obvious like this. Conservatives are needed just like liberals are needed. One without the other is faulty. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Ncoleycole y u not on the monkey bars too lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why doesn\u2019t the search icon work here on GAB? \u00a0I\u2019m looking for users that I followed on fkin twitter, but it doesn\u2019t appear to search. There\u2019s no \u201cgo\u201d button?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bill O'REILLY, it can happen because, people like you will not speak out Against YOUR\" POTUS AND NRA about GUN control!!!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Sorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals. We are not stupid","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why are you talking? You have zero credibility with anyone! You lied to the @USER and you lied to America. Slither back under your rock! Your wife said you were going to be \u201cthe John Dean\u201d of the scandal- you are \u201cthe George Costanza\u201d #liar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user damm baby girl you got a nice pussy right there and be sites you pussy look morh bigger than my girl pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user people who do this should not be called parents... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another sick liberal \ud83e\udd2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Pope Francis 'changes' Church teaching on death penalty, says it is immoral.\" Ironic. I think Francis and all of his kid-diddling charlatans should kill themselves in the public square.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is short and felt I should bow down at the mention of engineer.. \ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude12","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #snp have no confidence in Scotland. If they did they wouldn't grant the vote to \"#refugees\" & #EconomicMigrant #WelfareJockeys who they want to import en masse to keep them in power. Live the corrupt despots they are.#snpOUT#WednesdayWisdom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #ILLEGALS aren't kept in cages you fake Bishop! THAT pic was a #PublicityStunt at a whacko #Soros funded #Protest Fool! #ILLEGAL #FamiliesBelongTogether in #Mexico ! #DeportThemAll EVERY #Illegal is a criminal! #VoteRed 4 #AmericanDreamers AND #AmericanFamiliesFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You denied the existence of Jewry.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER We have thousands of gun control laws. Which ones aren\u2019t \u201csensible\u201d enough for you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pakabait ka pls. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 goodluck and congrats sa new project! so proud of you. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, OK then, get your nurse to give you some more of those nice tablets that make you sleep.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"insomnia!!!! #notsleep #damn #rendeime ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#brillenarmy anyone? #glasses #selfie #smile #me #girl #hair #nerd #cute #love #sun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@THEHermanCain then send this one to your teabagger friends https:\/\/t.co\/hsADkzcAIn and watch their heads explode","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when god provides you with a brilliant idea the day bill payments are due! #blessedfriday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Watched the press conf with Trump and heard him say how much we will make when Poland pays us to put in a military base. He is a dottering demented fool who really believes that his goal is for America to make money. You hear it in all he says. This isn\u2019t a hotel.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mr_republicann chik fil a. hipotle is trash and taco bell will give you the runs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Interesting-cause you leftists not only threaten us-but regulary shoot\/stab us. I wonder if maybe Mr. Swalwell isn't all-in on the violence toward conservatives. He certainly always seems to ignore\/suppor it(ANTIFA for instance).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck a bitch these hoes Trife I anit looking fa no wife if a nigga fall off you think that hoe gone getchu right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Serena is a bully. She threatened to shove a ball down the throat of a line judge in the 09 US Open. She was 2 points away from losing in the semifinals when she dbl faulted. She went ballistic and was penalized a point. She lost the match due to her threats. She's a bully\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is mentally disturbed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sallie MAE is the most annoying bitch EVER hoe I ain't paying you shxt lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">Why tf is MORE Government meddling\/regulation always the answers. 99% of Americans are liberal, one half just doesn't realize it. It's like trannies who believe they're the opposite sex---the facts don't matter, it's all about how they feel inside.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She doesn\u2019t remember her clothes or his clothes or the house or how she got there or what songs they were playing or what exact date. This is nothing but weaponizing me too with false accusations for ulterior motives. But if Fiberals can defend #antifa terrorists this is nothing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Be safe you fucker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hardcore compilation uk hot teen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER who\u2019s the loser bitch! lol you! fuck you #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't be ,... The Mikey Obama hide and scratch guy is the nightmare \ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hahahahahaha we watch your shows specially.. We Salute you patriot.. n lv u a lot.. Ram-Ram ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" strange fellows: #today #day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I think u are right... She is in deed wearing the same Jersey\ud83d\ude4c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Verse by verse, whales learn songs like humans' https:\/\/phys.org\/news\/2017-07-verse-whales-songs-h... pretty cool research out ov Australia demonstrating social learning in humpback whales","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"High five to the CRA for catching onto this! #Muslims are not to be trusted as we have been seeing acts of terror in our country. We need to stand up against this! #StopImmigration #BanShariaLaw #BanTheBurka #BanTheBurqa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm so sad for all that had happened in orlando... \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #prayfororlando #prayfoheworld \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If your man has an android, you're allowed to cheat on him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy 2nd wedding anniversary to my love @user <3 #truelove #pougueseitalian <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user is this the kind of tweet you want a company rep sending out? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you don't like the song bitch keep it moving hoe. You can't sing you can't do shit but suck dick bitch stfu you dumb white trash ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mood - rainy days \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 wheres the sun #dublin #ireland #sun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Payback's are a bitch! Couldn't happen to a better guy!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is quite a Freudian tell when you think about all the gay nazi fetish porn on this Jews hard drive. And yes, it is just one guy, and he is a Jew ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What did you expect? You know you can't wear white after Labor Day ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Problem with the books being referred to is that they were written 30 years ago. Massive changes in China, definitely no mass emigration to US, perhaps just the opposite. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Bitch.. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"weeding day \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0098 #wedding #picoftheday #goodtime #love #shoes #chaussures #flowers\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"many #wives will be of teh #invention ...... #3dprint @user #snoring #3dcommerce ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was under the impression that London was turning into a shithole....?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It really seems like she should be getting engaged this week, while her boyfriend has her off on a vacation with all of his friends. Being referred to as the 5th Beatle is probably the worst insult ever. Shadow banned irl. But I'm bad about breaking a band up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"lack of candor\".... Translation.. Lyin' Mother Fucker.\u00a0 http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/04\/15\/fbi-clinton-foundation-investigation\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most 'hate crimes' are hoaxes, and they're usually perpetrated by blacks, gays and muslims. Despite the frequency of it though the left feels accusations should be believed immediately, and white men especially should be considered guilty until proven so.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(2) when we reach retirement age, the Social Security folks have us up and tally every penny we ever deposited, what our employers ever deposited, and from that derive what our stipend will be, they DO NOT take into account the fact their amoral spending has inflated the currency 1000% over these 40 years past.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user super awesome trailer.. \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #romance #action #thrill n @user all in one.. #fever #22ndjuly2016 save d da\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/0wGfJwRxeC \ud83d\udd0a Shotgun Blues [Live] by Kenny Wayne Shepherd #BidenHarris2020 #WearADamnMask #BlackLivesMatter https:\/\/t.co\/OzX3AdctrC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#EU migration policy in focus ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No liberals just state they believe her because she is a woman and democrat. They state they do not believe Kavanaugh because he is a man and should \u201cshut up\u201d. They probably believe OJ. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user how about you STFU with your pro abortion and your racist BS. Ive never seen a pathetic group of people like you democrats so worried about a womans so called right to kill new born infants! You people disgust me! #lookinthemirror ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Brooklyn artist creates immigrant version of classic 'Life' board game via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TRUE BECAUSE THE LYING LIEBERAL FUCK UP EVERY THING THE TOUCH. IT IS IN THEIR DNA!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user he probably gets paid to say that...with $$ and assurances that he won't be called an islamophobe---pfffft it's a fake word--justin is an IDIOT and he is destroying canada one refugee at a time ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We will not be silenced. Fuck you #Twitter & Facebook #Liberal thugs are the scum of the earth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \"happiness begins where selfishness ends.\" john #wooden #quotes #happiness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eric Holder a major embarrassment to law enforcement. @user you did nothing about those innocent black males killed in those streets. One sorry black brother. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When i was 17 a woman who i thought was my friend aranged for a 30yo man to rape me.. #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Don\u2019t usually do Twitter\u201dconversations\u201dbut my point was Dana may be kind of woman who doesn\u2019t want to help other woman;wants to be THE prima donna & so doesn\u2019t care about developing next-gen girls.She is against gun control & isn\u2019t bothered by school shootings-must not like kids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Politics #News","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user pastor maimane won't respond to that,zille is his boss and she literally made him.he will kiss his job goodbye shou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #socialmedia us firm to build 6 nuclear reactors in india ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kUzZd2H7QXQ The Root 'The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters'\u00a0#TheRootArticles","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER omg fuck our lives sis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you're on fucking drugs my dude","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"David A. Clarke, Jr.\u200f\u00a0@SheriffClarke\u00a0\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #nbaupdates #nbadraft #cleveland father's day #goldenstatewarriors please gift hospital\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Correct me if I`m wrong wasn`t she playing a women??? Who was also a minority who was Asian. The way she is talking she play a man. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today 1st half of blind tasting panel visiting @user samples 8 test batches to decide which we brew as #lsubeer #geauxlocal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Please take John Harwood's pen away. He is incapable of unbiased reporting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Remember when Liberals were called the snowflakes? Conservatives now have the sads about a hollywood award show. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I bit my toungue when l heard Syrian refugees complain about Rothsey then again , maybe someone can swop them with a high rise ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cA general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy.\u201d \u2015 Samuel Adams[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #BlueWave2020 #DontTrustTrump #TrumpThreatensAmerica #DonsNextCon #DivorceTrump #TrumpKillsUSPS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this man ran for governor of ny, the state with the biggest african-american population #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go after NRA if they allowed gun control this wouldn't happen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We both know that will never happen.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user OMG another bigot showing he is basically gutless - sounds much like Donald \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user the correct way it should have been written!!! doesn't matter her profession!!! is clearly still a thing!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy people #photo #image #spo #people #color #run #race #competition ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"very #blackheathstandard #summerfair \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The \u201cthe issue\u201d is a show that is dedicated to the teachings of our nations Founding Fathers who mutually pledged to each other their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor to give us our Constitutional Republic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I see israel took a break from gassing & shooting protesters long enough to claim Iran is threatening them","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you can't say \"thank you\" then either don't accept it or mail it back. #bullet #thebigguy #lackofintegrety #lookinthemirror ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll defend him. I think the CA professor is a lying liberals pile of horse dung. There.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is looking for a place to hide ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER These conservatives are selfish and self serving. This isn\u2019t the \u201cTrudeau plan\u201d. The Liberals are working with Conservatives like Mulroney and Ambrose to solve this. It\u2019s not a partisan issue.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".....\"\" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"looking forward to having my hair put by the lovely @user @user for this eve @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is my puzzled face.\u00a0 Shani Davis seems to think coin tosses are dishonorable.\u00a0 Odd, I thought that a coin toss was a 50\/50 proposition and imminently fair (honorable).\u00a0 Guess I didn't understand statistics in college.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am god","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"URL My loyal #MAGA followers need to read this!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#exploresask - how come those canooists are laughing hysterically? maybe because they're wealthy yuppies? just stoned? paid to laugh? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@LeonCountryBwoy your a big yute to be having slits in your brows my darg lol drop it out","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 \"Queening\" ? BITCH, you tried it! \ud83d\udc80 more like bumming with hoe intentions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Infowars getting banned from everything is crazy. No different than book burnings of the 20th century. Free speech is dead.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You will NEVER see CNN\/MSNBC call Linda Sarsour a racist or bigot. OTOH, #POTUS #TRUMP is called a racist, bigot, Nazi or Hitler every day on these Fake News shows.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user meet sebastian, my new kitten \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #kitten #pet #animalsrescue #love #homesweethome \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That shit hurts\ud83d\ude1e\ud83d\ude1e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like my ARG simulation starts early today. This is bullshit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user this is some serious bs jemele!! women can thrive outside the home!! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives just keep doubling down on being terrible people. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5 Tunisians try to rape Lampedusa woman (3) #news #show #technology #sport #economy #cinema #football #world ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Will Leave You #Speechless! - One of The Most #EyeOpening #Videos","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegals try to crash Croatian border, police open fire","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you go girl!! #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the ironies inherent in my experiences living & working in #qatar. #discrimination ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #customers #indiandresses shop at or inbox to order!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're lying, and then lying again, eunuch imbecile, you're a cocksucking, stupid, lying piece of trash. You're lying and then you you lie some more https:\/\/alternative-right.blogspot.com .https:\/\/www.splcenter.org\/fighting-hate\/extremist-files\/ideology\/alt-right","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this girl called herself tryna call me ugly. i had to show her how ugly she is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Da fuck is going on people? There's the men's room and the women's room Pick one and stick w it \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Where were u when Pandits were made Refugees in their Homeland.U never raised voice then. Now fighting for illegal migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm over 60 and some of my friends over 60 don't watch LSM networks.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TFW He keeps throwing winning passes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The democrat years in power. We remember those women well. Too bad liberals are hypocrites of the worst kind. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@senatemajldr Yes, I hate you and yes, I want you out as majldr.[NEWLINE]#RepublicansEnable[NEWLINE]#DumpCorruptTrump[NEWLINE]#VoteBlueWave[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I really think he is mentally ill. Why does his family not address the issues? Maybe Jared did with the op-ed? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user If you really believe that #FeminismIsCancer, maybe\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love all of my friends\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f nationalbestfriendsday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well, there wouldn't BE a rush\"\" if @user didn't sit on this allegation since July. But, hey. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good slander of conservatives, right @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".You have proof of that you fucking dickhead faggot from Rome! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#beaktv for a #healthy #wholesome life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user why did you get rid of the asian salad? it was so good. #disappointed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019m finna say fuck it and get a crispy ass jogging suit\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sunday and weekend. #thank god. #godbless us. \u00e2\u0080\u0094 mendengarkan love yourself","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well I was too but shit them contractions ain't no hoe that epidural you gone be in that bitch chillen won'\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let all the do gooders house them. These people do not want to work!! Disgraceful lazy scrounging layabouts!! Taxpayers footing the bill as usual #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DidYouKnow #Texas conservatives are working to boot #HelenKeller from textbooks? #DoYouKnow why? Learn more about how to stop this at URL #TXBOE #TXEd #Education #TheMoreYouKnow #TuesdayThoughts 'Keller... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The truth for the gun control\/anti-2A ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why not move south? Why is it always a Lilly white northern country liberals want to move to? Could it be racism? \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CLINTON LOOKS LIKE A CLOWN LOL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are doing copy paste of the tweets of south park twitter... There are something weird on here \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@user gunman kills at least 20 people & injures 42 others in a crowded #gay nightclub in florida, america ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is a very bad day everywhere! this shit has to stop! #unbelievable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new business opening #redhill on 23 july - italian leather children's shoes - we can't wait to see the new shop! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"woke up to terrorist attack in orlando and bombing in airpo... wtf has the world become ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama knew. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Biden knew.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Kamala knew.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]...and if Creepy Joe was such a great father, why didn't he get his son into rehab? Why did he instead use his addict son for his own benefit. #JoeIsATerribleFather https:\/\/t.co\/BUFyB1KRO9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@potus microsoft now in censorship business- we need #InternetBillofRights","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You guys (conservatives) are too nice. They would destroy you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you don't understand the language, it's basically saying, why aren't the Swedish men stopping the rapes from happening at the music festival?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fPQ9uA_M1Eg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why do liberals preach gun control but go and get stupid with guns?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"car selfie \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #car#selfie #girl#instaselfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Please be warned SNP the scots people did not give u a mandate for mass immigration in our name dont under estimate this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Package Thief Slips And Breaks Her Leg - Instant justice via @user Stupid fucking bitch. Deserved every bit of that. Cunt. LOLOL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NBCNewYork Looks like the US DOJ is writing scripts for the Russian GRU troll farms. #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Send them ALL back to their shitholes. They need to stay and make their own shitholes better instead of leeching off of us. No wonder Latin America is a third world shithole, except maybe the white majority countries Chile and Uruguay. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the best Tucker I've seen. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5NI3D7fwm5M&t=924s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More than likely she forgot because her mental capacity is dropping each and everyday. This woman is not fit to serve any longer just like she said Trump was not. Remember she is part of the problems and not a solution at all. MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER K nvm fuck battlefield URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eric Holder should be in prison. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Well he's a liberal so that explains it. Who knows the shooter may be a liberal as far as he knows. Liberals are very hateful violent people and must be defeated! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some women can make good marines, and pilots and etc. What shouldn't happen is they get special treatment due to being a woman. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But I thought California had gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What was this Young Lady doing in a room with two boys ? #Blackmail #BrettKavanaughHighSchoolConfessions #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #BoycottTheView #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its more fun that way...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hahahahahhaha!\u00a0https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-09-04\/its-all-gone-new-jersey-couple-spent-homeless-vets-400k-gofundme-cash\u00a0\u00a0DUH! Scam artists are everywhere.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some people consider some of the sex education in schools & Universities to be porn. Lol, so they should say they are blocking extreme porn. Or XXX, etc. - But don't worry, there will be more business in the local red light district.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nah bitch don't follow me we not cool hoe I'm bashing your mf face in. Shit ain't sweet. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All now you got a woman you lying to just for crutch and wanna tell me cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We want the world to give us justice and make it possible for us to go back.The fact that we had to flee, we want justice for that. We ask for justice from the leaders of the entire world.https:\/\/t.co\/3jv0hnp8Md ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hispanics have used immigration to invade America, changing it's demographics and also changing politics. We must begin revoking citizenship \u00e2\u009d\u2014 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You align yourself with an organization that butchers babies for profit. Than scream about the need for gun control and the violence against our children but somehow your OK with the butchering of 100s thousands of innocent defenseless babies every yr If it lines your pockets. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER aw. *hugs* i\u2019ve gotten flustered like that as well. it sucks. i also sometimes write myself a little script. you\u2019re not alone.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@c_drew_ I'm guessing so. The players are talking trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is it any wonder we are being invaded by barbarians? It will take an uprising of men of a certain age because the young are hopeless and pussies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \u201cIt\u2019s only sexual assault when the other does not agree with what he is feeling.\u201d He said before picking up the pace his foot turning and pushing against his cock while his big toe and other toe lift up the glands. \u201cMm\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bayer #Gabgardeners","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ann, I thought Most Hysterical Woman was engraved on the participation trophy they gave you at the GOP convention. Bless your heart. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yesterday @user and @user were live from the border in Tornillo, Texas to address the issue of immigrant families being separated. Watch and share the broadcast here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@CubanAmerican72 @CNN They get to vote twice...the fraud is on the #MAGA2020 #Patriots","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user happy father's day! #fathers #day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i can't even imagine what these families are going through ! #prayersfororlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". If yo \"suppose\" to be nigga entertain, fw the next Bitch , he disrespecting you , dumb ass hoe\ud83d\udeae ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You mistake 1000 for 0. Atheism is just a state of mind regarding worshiping a deity. To simply claim that you don't believe in a deity makes you an atheist regardless of the reasons why. It is the default position that theistic religions want to change. A baby can be an atheist. This turtle is an atheist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald Trump Jr. poses next to 'Don Jr. 2024' banner on Instagram, fans rejoice https:\/\/t.co\/p2DYl3pI42","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user When he's not imparting these gems Michael Moore is stuffing his face. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fear monger. Fake rage.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love your header bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I go out for just one drink ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Whats your story on gun control?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"going to be a great day!! #realestate #realtorgirl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hoping the hot girl on the bus will notice you #bus #longday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And, of course, you exclude all but a select group of (primarily Northwestern) European and a few Asian countries from your any country\" list. Gun control has no positive correlation with lower homicide rates, even within cherry-picked Euro countries. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"POTUS told the UN to go fuck themselves. Now, he's vindicated.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Neil Armstrong Movie Starring Canadian Ryan Gosling Doesn\u2019t Feature planting of American Flag on Moon Surface #BoycottFirstMan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/08\/30...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I know who she is but I've never seen her watch a Benfica games this takes shit to a new level ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just stepped in a puddle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And In The End #Kalaignar Won! #Marina4Kalaignar \ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udc4a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All Trump's and Pense 2020 merch is being made is China and not the USA. ...maga ?? #VoteThemOut2018 #TrumpsArmy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I know you are not being facetious. You are incapable of understanding contradictions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All bantz aside. Your better than most for not muting. Respect","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great commercial for #WalkAway Check out @onedovealone\u2019s Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/onedovealone\/status\/1013942458634457088?s=09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All 'white' demographic decline hysteria is psyops to entice you to give up without fighting. Don't fall for it. Have kids.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like a tool but is useful as a clay hammer #fag @hOPPondis http:\/\/t.co\/K7wqlAWRwM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bravo, @user And by the way: I am also an immigrant, and so is my wife, and both my in-laws. When you are saying immigrants do not deserve anything, you are talking about me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump physician says he anticipates Trump will be able to return to public engagements on Saturday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have you ever made a choice to turn off that 'negative light' in your head?' #sunny #friday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user TEA. I WAS MAD WHEN I SAW THAT SHIT. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"America doesn\u2019t have a jobs crisis. It has a good jobs crisis. When Republicans delivered their $1.5tn tax cut last December they predicted a big wage boost for American workers. Forget it. Wages actually dropped in the second quarter of this year. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Open your mouth & take the meat like a hoe you bitch ass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I wonder if @USER ground seen if Kaiser is ok if I was him I would of went and got him idgaf all he is worried about is his body building","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" buttsex anal trio ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some people live in such a fantasy world of lies that they think everyone else does too. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #honestyisthebestpolicy #fakes #imnodummy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user school why u do dis? :( #school #ugh #why #no #teen #girls #guys","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa- haha it\u2019s not exactly a big movement but ok.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why of course. Liberals reject truth and accept falsehoods. That's why they don't believe Kanaugh and believe Ellison.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"waiting on z nation s3 like... #teammurphy #znation @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ElRaynerista @selzero #Biden, nice guy. Has all Americans at heart. But he's physically not up to this anymore. We have 73 and 77 year old candidates running for a four year term, for real they are the best future America has to offer? #USElection2020 [NEWLINE]#FuckTrump[NEWLINE]#TrumpIsARacist[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Left and the squishy RINOs can't understand why us Trumpsters don't care about Stormy Daniels - We've long ago learned that ALL politicians are flawed. So what? What policies, actions and laws does said politician endorse? That's more important.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White House belatedly begins planning for 5G with memo asking for policy recommendations ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Amazing how they can consistently manage to piss off both progressives and conservatives by being so arrogantly misguided--often in same segments.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Congratulations!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GERMANY: August 26, 2018 #Taharrush at #Chemnitz City Festival -- Migrant group harasses woman and stabs to death a man coming to her aid #Rapefugees #c2708 Neonazis Gegenprotest ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That isn't at all plausible. Tories and Labour have access to that building. More Tories have a problem with her than Labour and there are more Tories. It could have been a leftist\"\" but there are more Tory suspects. You are pretty abusive for someone arguing the left are abusive\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No one gives a shit and no one will miss her! Sorry @USER will! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now please STOP SPAMMING ME W PORN YOU GOT REVENGE ON AN INNOCENT PERSON who saw THIS ONLY GO FU K YOURSELF W NO VASELINE CUNT ASS BITCH Post my name in that 5 times YOU ARE WORSE THAN HIM FUCK YOURSELF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jihadists in action more reason to #sendthemback #Auspol @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Something that sums up the past week. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u201cYes you are.. \u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \u201cLet\u2019s just say she is the most selfish writer I\u2019ve ever come to know.\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amen!Finally, we have a @user puts #AmericansFirst & our #VeteransFirst, not a few really rich kneelers!#BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BoycottNike #Trump2020 #TrumpTrain #TrumpArmy #Trumpville #AmericaFirst ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stuff like this needs to be down voted and rejected as being immoral expression. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@charlierose @jdickerson racist@NorahODonnell Tx trash there's no comparison betwn Pres Obama n GWBush rt poll will show He's supported 100%","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Everyone will be dead by 2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How's not going low\" been working for conservatives?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is paid to attack the credibility of anyone who criticizes or accuses Trump of wrong doing. He is a paid political hitman disguised as a journalist. He is a hack!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user father's day #daddybeto mari y nats \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d so cuties and pretties \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the guy in the thumbnail fits the exact description of a \"hooked nose jew\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" new website launching this saturday 18th june #newwebsite #launch #golf #juniors #makegolffun","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If you wanna know what sexism looks like go no further then this skank miss odwyer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"F**k NO! They are #IllegalAliens (#invaders\/#criminals)! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I am upset. You know why because I remember following you based on the content of your post. I followed you around the 2016 election. You and many others lkke me were fighting for Hillary against real sexism and stupidity. All I asked was why do liberals attack other liberals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This fat bitch be really trying it when it comes to my kids i just wanna drag that fat whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1200 refuegges went to Spain in the last 2 days. Spain decided to let them in free without any registration. Sozialists say, this is a problem for Europe and the refugees will run now against north to foolish Germany. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TradeWithDave\u00a0 welcome to #GabFam, Dave!! \ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc9a #SpeakFreely!! \u2764\ufe0f#NoobLuv - pass it on!!\u00a0 ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good luck tonight @user i can't wait to see all the @user clips tomorrow #tonyawards #musicaltheatre","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a very good nigth my beautiful people \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #thursday #bynight #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i'm genuinely disappointed that a performer as great as @user is judged in 2016 for having hair under he\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I never talked about gun control in any form. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the #warcraft #movie really hit me hard. it had me teary-eyed and feeling . #crycraft what was your reaction? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I figured it out! R&D \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I look forward to the Great Thot War of 2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bullshit Mohanada!!\u00a0\u00a0Canada: In acquitting Muslim accused of multiple sexual assaults, judge cites his \u201cdifferent cultural background\u201d https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/07\/canada-in-acquitting-muslim-accused-of-multiple-sexual-assaults-judge-cites-his-different-cultural-background","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you get pussy before you go to work \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A group of immigrant fathers, recently reunified with their sons and detained in Texas, have gone on a hunger strike to demand their release via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Citiziens of Malm\u00c3\u00b6\/Sweden prtoests. They cannot go out by night - specially women - because foreign criminal refugees have the power on streets. Sweden run quick into a third world country level. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It started with Cameron and May is even worse. She is not a Conservative! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You first, faggot. I was in Iraq, not Afghanistan, and we didn't all have smartphones back in 2003, so I don\u2019t have HD video of my time there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well fuck them. Excuse the language but I've been pissed off over this since listening to that terrible acting job with the little baby voice bitch. I don't believe anything happened and I think she was a drunken slut in high school judging by her yearbook. I think this is such a coordinated setup that all but the most dense must see through. Ford would make a good supporting cast member in the remake of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest but for the so-called hearing? D- and that's being generous. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You mean like gun control policies to try to reduce school shootings?? Or just ones that you like?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And the factory\u2019s coming back U do n a movie on that... sum worth do n.. cause just sling shit shows No intelligence.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bill and Brooke deserve each other. They are like hot and cold. They\u2019re in love with this person this week and in love it that on the next. Brooke I can understand. She is the SFTV but Bill?! They\u2019ve ruined him.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"True that.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a great day guys! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd #friday #selfie #blessed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"paul beloy: is still an issue at varying levels in belgian football @user by #adamitv via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@politicsofamy Whoa easy Amy, don't slag the Canucks too much with such a generalization","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just get rid of the cunt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ouch his dick is too big. \u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/Q8ZjpSTR-Lg","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feeling soppy but i can't describe the love i have for @user ! i would be totally lost without you! #truelove #soulmate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's a nice butt. But I didn't think you were a slut. I thought you might be a 300 lb man tweeting in your stained wife beater. \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A quicker, BETTER route to spending less money and having fewer immigrants in government custody is through investing in alternatives to detention (ATDs), which are reasonable, cost-effective, and above all HUMANE. We have them outlined here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LukeJR? This clown needs to find a roof and take a walk. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Untrue! & You are valuable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck xenoblade chronicles ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is a very lost soul! His father f**ked him up real good! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user take your fish and get out! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck you and all of your videos you stupid video game criticizing bitch stop fucking talking about things you know nothing about fucker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is an israeli puppet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The one year anniversary of the start of the ethnic cleansing and #genocide in #Myanmar is approaching. #refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ooooh Comrade Corbyn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Checkout my hysterical book of satire for men, which women have been waiting for!\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's hilarious that liberals think there's an equivalency between using Senate rules to keep a nominee from being voted on and bringing someone out to accuse a nominee of sexual assault 35 years ago. Once again just showing how sane you are","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy shit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user be happy \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00e2\u009a\u0093\u00ef\u00b8\u008fanchored recovery\u00e2\u009a\u0093\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c 714-603-8860 or 949-510-3102 #anchored#recovery#treatment #good#positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Levin can be an ass on his radio show always shitting on his callers. Its hilarious ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Actually I think Antifa over took them and YOU contributed to their silence too.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ugh love you gamecocks stay safe and come home to us soon \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DACA is going to happen unless you start tomorrow and get anything related to them out of the FISA bill that Rand Paul is filibustering. DACA is our end, we will lose all elections, game over we are serfs to the 3rd world shitholes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you never were a slave. Spartacus was a slave and a heroic figure. You are neither.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nigger lovers will corrupt and pollute the White gene pool. Race mixers should be subjected to the harshest of shaming. The should be shunned and turned away from white society. There's a special place in hell for the nigger lover.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He's not a refugee, he's a RapeFugee!!!Past time to PURGE the West ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER McEnroe is a fucking legend. And he hurled abuse at everyone! Now he appears in commercials yelling at people and movies yelling at people. He is an icon. Do you think it\u2019s fair?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ah I see. You're from the under belly of EU, and worried about Trump? Maybe you should be more worried about getting acid thrown on your face by a rapefugee. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Glad to hear it Jacob! When? @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Those VG\/HC stickers I see on trucks--exclusively trucks, never cars--seem like asshole indicators. I can't say for sure because I've never actually spoken to someone who's like Yes, hockey should involve more punching people\" but.... yeah it seems bad\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's a shame seeing such an advanced case of TDS combined with terminal liberalism, I'll pray for you. Might wanna reflect on Nazi propaganda vs. modern liberal racists everywhere\" tactics. Also compare ANTIFA vs. Nazi brown shirts. Who's righteous? Who's filled with hate?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#depression #anixiety #sorry #i #do #restinpeace #loveyou #missyou #wish #you #wa... (vine by samantha .) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just look at her face..sorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face. If ever a woman to get punched JS\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You ARE the most attractive ever!! Seriously MAGA ets have creepy taste. The rest of us know attractive when we see it!! Plus we have great hair on this side of the isle!! \\o\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i am delighted to have been able to source this stunning mercedes sl for my most discerning client #wife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dems are fighting like Hell for illegal immigrants invaders Now look what has happened to this little 11 year old child. Dems you should resign from office now. You hate America and us Americans #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Cry a river Trump won","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER antinationalist? or antinatalist? also i\u2019m not typically interested in basing my focus around being against something bad rather than for something good that directly counteracts or heals the bad thing. imagine if antifa was called prolib lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can i tell some thing in our hea............you a beautiful thing in the world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Roses are red, my balls are blue, here's my cock, you know what to do ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nearly $10 million transferred from FEMA to ICE, document shows #notabigdeal #iceneedstobefunded #deport #deport #sendemback #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user How blindly ignorant you are. Shameful people with the deep thinking you lack can vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I guess all of those old white guys DO kinda look alike... \ud83d\ude09\ud83e\udd2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy colors\u00e2\u0086\u0094happy weekend!\u00f3\u00be\u0081\u0087\u00f3\u00be\u0094\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #weekend #colorfull #sandals #madeingreece #exotic\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then, it seems we have a common interest with Assad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hollow victories is obviously in your resume lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Using free speech to be idiots and such but just like other rallies counter protesters showed up armed and willing to engage with kkk who also came armed Again 2 wrongs dont make a right and groups like antifa stated they want shutdown free speech anyway possible ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #findingdory can't wait to watch this movie waited for so long ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I hope so; conservatives must go vote.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What that you are a coward that can't put your own pic up? Yet you feel you can judge others looks? Yep I'm sure people do call you out on the regular.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How an #evangelist speaks when he is filled with holy spook URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What do u expect from vile violent lying disgusting liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Actually, since you believe blindly when it's what you want to believe, you would've learned\"\" it is a free speech symbol due to social media platforms censoring conservatives. It shows who is being censored. You wouldn't know that or care. Bet if were being censored you would.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In my teens, there was a spike in Wiccans in the town I grew up in. Hedonistic aesthetic precursors to the purple-haired 3rd wave feminists we mock today. Had to fight a court battle to save my own son from his mother, who had become one of them. She told him I was dead as she tried to raise him to be a submissive faggot. Gods favored me, and I have the boy now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why does every time i straighten my hair it stas raining. # unlucky #merula #wheather","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Next: To give negative ratings to jewish movies will be declared anti-semite","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I do love you but don't give him an excuse..he isn't mentally ill he is a dangerous idiot!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trump said what he said the wrong way like him time we look after our own a majority voted to come out of the EU but it is not happening because the toffs do not want it immigration has put pressure with numbers on NHS Housing etc to busy bot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Kerry needs prosecuted for colluding with Iran. This needs to be done quickly. Revoke his security clearance & remove his passport. He is a traitor--always has been! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals still support this joker? Everyone smart is obviously a conservative.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yeah! Let's get some gun control in this piece so white male Americans can stop shooting places up. PROTECT ALL AMERICANS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\udc80 i beat they ass too for letting them get hit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/oneminddharma.com\/six\/: Once and awhile you come across a great website that solves your problems. This is one of those times. #meditation_tips #meditation_health_and_well-being #stress_reduction_tips #Crystal_Cove_Meditation_pillow #benefits_of_meditation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT if you've ever been fucked over by a girl. Actually it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when' #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As you read about the Jacksonville game tournament shooting incident, keep in mind which outlets are blaming 'gamers' & 'toxic masculinity.' Feel free to download & use GGBlocker to block those anti-gamer websites. https:\/\/chrome.google.com\/webstore\/detail\/ggblocke...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Live @SamariaSalazar\u200d\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/ph9T59l2yC0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"London Rising 002: T.O. Gun Violence, Getting Red-Pilled, Hollywood's Pedophile Problem https:\/\/www.podbean.com\/media\/share\/pb-fncf8-95e2a...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user its about time #whiteman calls an gets results","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These 2 racist moon crickets are the biggest race baiters and cop haters ever and Al where is Americas 4.6 million in back taxes ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Which expendable player can we put in with the sole objective of breaking Beverley's jaw?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Go home you\u2019re drunk!!! @user #MAGA #Trump2020 \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes do hurt your selves gun control freaks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He\u2019s so tired of all these liberals everywhere. He\u2019s afraid \u201cAll this will go away....\u201d. His money. His power. His tax payer paid junkets. His unbridled arrogance is sick. Keep the pressure on! It\u2019s working. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u008f Halima Aden @user is a refugee from Somalia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b4 who found safety in Kakuma camp, Kenya \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b0\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa, then a new home + life in the United States \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8This is her story as told to @user including her amazing return for #TEDxKakumaCamp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kevin has just judged the @user challenge at @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wish to suck angel cookie.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#kek #pepe #kekistan","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Frenkenstien needs to pay every dime back..she has stolen from the American people. She is a disgrace to the Senate and the people. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#paladino ... what can i label him as ..that hasn't been said before? ... just #shameful for a #public servant to h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is an activist liar who GOP wants to get under oath. She won't go and Kavanaugh gets nominated ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user can you please tell jimin even if he knows just how amazing he is and that he actually saved my life no joke we're really thankful and please be safe and healthy i pray for you every single day and minute to be protected and safe \ud83d\udc9cThank you @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The one thing mr Morrison has achieved is to demonstrate how unsuitable he is to the role. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good night!! #me #night #smile\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #smile #boy #hadsome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/ieAWCxLFZq ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ghetto bird can't fly away from my hood","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"***ON SALE*** to mark 1st Anniversary of Trump as #POTUS. #Kindle 2.99\/reg. 4.99; paper 11.99\/ reg. 14.99. #SciFi stories,\u00a0 '...sure to inspire, uplift and entertain.' #Superversive #CLFA\u00a0 #MAGA2020\u00a0 https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/dp\/B075YF99P4\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Morals? You mean like aborting an infant? Falsely accusing people? Antifa violence? Censoring free speech on campuses? Looting? Lying as you fill the Deep State? Those morals? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this gay porn looking faggot is still doing his anti christian \"fuck ur god\" edge-lord circa 1998 bit?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not all men are trash. but if you always pick the ones who are trash, or treat you like trash, then ya you\u2019ll learn to hate them for sure! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prisons recruit more to the Islam, than social media.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Head so sloppy had to get that bitch a bib ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#katiesikphoto is proud to present #thesexismproject team! @user @user #feminism\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check out this great advice, not only for #entrepreneurs, but #sane #grounded people. fab job julian! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"isn't it time we realized what we've done: #hate #exploitation! read america's history! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And how is the investigation against your son the antifa Terrorist going","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Understand the meaning of America by reading Creating the Declaration of Independence by @USER and share your knowledge of the American Creed with your fellow citizens. URL #MAGA #KAG @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"amazing that @user decided to introduce #apple #carplay on high end leaving their 3 series buyers high and dry #didnotgetthememo #bmw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If It could that shit would be talking to you like BUTCH NOO YOU ALREADY KNOW HE A FUCK BOII BYE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I know but look outside the box its like when Rush Limbaugh lost his shit. They remind me of each other so in my head its funny.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER By saying they eat my dogs\" in correlation to bts, you are automatically relating asians to \"dog-eaters\". You know that bts doesn't eat dogs, so your comment was obviously meant to convey hate.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JjLoveUp tranny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you know yall 2 aint going know where :) #love #commitment #trust #faithful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"south sudan unrest exacerbated by conflict among #cattle herders | global development | the guardian #oil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Last Resort (1842) by Raden Saleh (Indonesia)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks all for 2000 followers!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He did not born so he is not pakistani?Get a life man.If ur wife deleiver boy in london nd back to pk so the baby is not pakistani?You nd ur wife r not pakistani?Just some papers of registration in london make ur boy non Pakistani \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude09.Honey see the forefathers history.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wild idea with no evidence. Not very important, but anyway: The left knows that gun control is a vote loser, that's why they don't normally make such a fuss. But Sheriff Israel is so connected to senior Dems that they have to do something to distract the focus from him, even taking the hit on energising gun owners.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no! the neighbor has not been arrested. the cop was more interested in the kid littering than the assault of the ki\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh shit stay safe!! !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes, why didn't Hussein take care of #NoDACA instead of unlawful keep it going, allow illegal aliens to pour into USA bringing Muslims in the middle of the night. Called ISIS \"ISIL\" take pallets of CASH to our enemies, Trevon could be my s ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" to be involved in syllabus ii for 2016\/17 @user @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You ever be drivin and briefly forget where you are, where you're going, how you got there, who you are or why you're alive? Cause same ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't be late with my motherfuvking glo bottle hoe . you better have that bitch ready for me at the mf door bitchh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good ol' Charlie. #wwc http:\/\/t.co\/U3kkrlwOqk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#politicslive Since the coalition everyone knows if you vote @user you a @user government #neveragain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". what kind of an economy boasts real estate as major factor? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fuck xenoblade chronicles","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#be #domoreofwhatmakesyouhappy @ dublin, ireland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user BITCH U NEED TO SHUT UR FUCKIN HOLE.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. #persist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ending the horrible trade imbalance burden from Obama\/BushII\/Clinton\/BushI results in an $800B\/year boon to the USA economy! This is what you fail to mention. Trump-o-nomics = MAGA [You should try to listen to Trump more closely so you can learn.]","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I don't believe an Elk could grip a rifle even if it could purchase one. Although you would probably want sensible gun control laws\"\" on anything the Elk could purchase to defend itself. Sad.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#findingdory finally. 13 long years of waiting and anticipation and it's here!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wasn\u2019t great that Kamala Harris felt the need to reiterate that in no way would Joe Biden ban fracking https:\/\/t.co\/JC2JPcitJp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know my avenues like the seven agnostics both hot and fuckin rape laurens ass that bitch right der. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter CEO says conservatives \u2018feel silenced\u2019 at his heavily liberal company. I wonder why? Maybe because they are. We are given examples everyday on here that pretty much anything goes if you\u2019re a liberal and not so much if your a conservative . #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Betty I think women have been handed a character assassination bomb to destroy MEN by the liberals and the FEMINISTS. I would hate to know these women represent ME. WHY WAIT ALL THESE YEARS TO REPORT...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I know but look outside the box its like when Rush Limbaugh lost his shit. They remind me of each other so in my head its funny. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Liberal Dems are murderous scum.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 ways to be . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The woman is not accusing Kavanaugh of stealing her lunch money. She is accusing him of assault. He needs to take responsibility.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It also goes to show that all those so called news people that laughed at you are now eating crow. How wonderful it is to watch the looney liberals squirm around like worms drowning in sunshine.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey Mestizos and Indians, it doesn't matter if your kind was here first, the Europeans built a further civilization than you could ever dream of. \"Identify Native 2020 Census\" is another fucking excuse for Mestizos to leech of America. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh well. Its tje liberals and socialists who have made drug addiction fashionable and doable with \u201cfree\u201d supplies. How bout some $$$ for diabetics who face ongoing supply costs? No? But we forced to pay for these losers? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user make yourself useful and go bury your head in the sand. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lily doesnt know the meaning of Loyal. Shes a hothead alcoholic, mad cuz Jr dismissed her, So she runnin to kiss Ryan Ass! Bye Felicia, & take that skank ass Art thief that YOU hired Out the fuck as well! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user here and ready to learn new things!! @user @user #liverpool #teachercpd #learning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lol. Thanks. You must have said something to upset her. \ud83e\udde1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Once you allow Islam in it starts spreading fast like a disease.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"May resign , you and your party have lost touch with ordinary people in the Uk ignoring Parliments vote is one thing losing the NHS confidence is a no go ignoring our front line staff pleas on Pay ,conditions and funding and cuts will make you pay Immigration has costs us much ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No just imagining if we found a picture of Bret holding a woman like this. Liberals will go insane ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"speaking of ad hominem attacks, here we go with this shit again..... da jooooz. Yawn. .............and then you idiots wonder why I mostly just ignore you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i bet he is sayin wat his daddy says most... Don't start me baby\"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whichever one is gonna end up on my bedroom floor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How about this pos??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I would name my dogs breed but I have no fucking clue what he is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I need $$ for them shoes but a bitch like me is broke :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user because what every lie you are telling if it happened when you were children the guy is a man and I clearly don't believe shit like that happened. Its just another stall tactic by the liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good luck tomorrow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm an asshole though ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"REFUGEES NOT WELCOME \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Be ready! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"late next week \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a8 #needforspeed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"flowers can't solve all problems but they're a great sta #thursday #enjoy these #flowers\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8#garden ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe you could collectively subvert the #NotAllMen & start trolling them whenever one of these \u2018think pieces\u2019 pop up...? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If they do this then I'm all FOR the former in that scenario with regards to antifa. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user @user you are VILEEEE \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Most people do not understand what an assault rifle is! Makes their statements regarding gun control stupid!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That\u2019s one way to look at it. The other is that the charge is bullshit for almost everyone. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user loving ranchi\/tata ride, roads are under construction at places but overall good landscape, temples, local dhaba & mother n\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Flake is a perfect name for this weirdo!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You mean exactly like conservatives are attacking this current victim?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...by marginalizing conservatives politically (not civically) for a generation. Relegated to minority status. Ideas thoroughly disproven and ignored. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There should be a side trip into DC to Charlie Palmers during CPAC @SHannitysHair @TheFriddle @Glock4Piper @alleygirl2409","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Danish Muslims to defy face veil ban \u22c6 The Savage Nation https:\/\/michaelsavage.com\/?p=21811","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user one of the awesome displays for bbc gardeners world this weekend!! @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those minority don't have a great history, so they have to steal one.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Definitely cut off all aid to s.Africa! Since they hate white people, white peoples money can stay in U.S.A. to help build the wall","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yes. how it that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fool","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER My Stoned Wheat Crackers! Where the hell did they put the Stoned Wheat Crackers?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is happy! #vegan #fresh #healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my new hair style!!! internal and external renewal\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #newlook #friday #barcelona\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Here he is doing a demo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I didnt know my statement was for your entertainment but the root of this problem is conservatives dont root for Serena even though she is the greatest America female tennis player to play the game. So of course they will side with the ref and it all stems from racial resentment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think this is what got me permanently barred. Apparently I'm racist.\u00a0 https:\/\/evolvepolitics.com\/tory-mayor-in-theresa-m...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why are you posting those retarded pictures of almost completely rotten corpses? And what's up with this open mouth - insert dick here - theme? Are those dead soy-boys? Did someone told you those silly drawings look cool? Awww... they dont (unless you are <12). BTW, please fuck off to random direction.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Death and Destruction in Yarmouk: Inside #Syria's largest #Palestinianrefugeecamp #firstWesternjournalist... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank goodness he is not MN passive aggressive. Love it!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER *as fuck. Not ass fuck. Although conservatives are fucking us all up the ass right now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #siilyfaces #family #cousins #love #lasvegas #fremontstreet @ freemont st expeirence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is a shockingly and increasingly #violent #world we live in and the #uk has gun control laws. i feel for the mp's family & friends","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER oh fuck i forgot about poopy in my diaper pants you know me before i know myself","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Appropriate time to update my name .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER you are a sexy perverse woman\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude08","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The presumption of innocence only applies to Lefist Liberals. You are guilty from the get go if you're a Conservative.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes, thats why you need to bring in gun control. Even better. You shoot yourself in the foot real well. Im going to harass a school shooting survivor\" ass .\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"because i'm happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth ... #pharrellwilliams ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm so thankful that @user introduced me to her brother \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER amenadiel's were my favorite. the massive triangle shape... the actor being hot.... the big connection spots.... kisses my fingertips","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You either support Trump or you start memorizing your list of tranny pronouns. Because the mother fucking Left is coming for you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She doesn't support stand you ground or arming teachers. Gun control. Idaho believes in gun rights. Zero chance.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I part of the Icicle looks like a Stalactite coming down in a cave (Mineral Crystal Deposits In A Cave)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SEA RAVEN PRESS TEAMS UP WITH \u201cTHE DUKES OF HAZZARD\u201d! Sea Raven Press is proud to be associated with Ben \u201cCooter\u201d Jones and The Dukes of Hazzard! Find our books on Cooter\u2019s Website here: https:\/\/cootersplace.com\/shop\/category\/confederate-merchandise\/ Thanks y\u2019all! SEA RAVEN PRESS: Conservative Books, Real History!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maldivians' visit for health and education services as well as weekend travel and residency is putting strain on #SriLanka #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #health #education #Maldives @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Even her brother thinks she is a monster: URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is by far the most pretentious little try-hard housemate in there this year. So cringeworthy. #BBUK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER BUT MR. JOHN KERRY POTUS IS GETTING THE JOB DONE IN SPITE OF DEMOCRATS LIKE YOU WHO GROVELED TO THE IRANIAN MULLAH AND TRIED TO BUY HIM OFF WITH PALLETS OF CASH & RELEASING FROZEN FUNDS! YOU & OBAMA\u2019S CROOKED DEAL HAS HELPED FUND TERRORISM WORLDWIDE! TAKE A WALK INTHE WOODS W\/HRC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Trump kicks dem butt - its so fun.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just words-fake words in this case gather around her false light children and you will die","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"omg yay finally @user @user is finally coming to australia can't wait to buy them #zoellabeauty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why are all Obama's records sealed if he had the most transparent\"\" administration in history? Doesn't sound transparent to me. #MAGA\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Please don't confuse Liberal\" with \"progressive\". We are all liberals at heart. We don't force our beliefs on others. The same cannot be said for lefty progressives.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user cares a great deal about how he is perceived. The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad. Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"playing @user on #bossradio ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@HAUNTINGILINSKY @sorryimalex Bc @taylorcaniff is trash why would he lie about that? I told you he's real","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WATCH: Tucker Gets So Heated After Dem Congressman Accuses Him of Working for Putin He Ends His Show ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How much RAM do you need? It\u2019s probably less than you think #graphicdesign ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user It's difficult to talk to liberals like you with a serious mental disorder read the book by Michael Savage Liberalism is a Mental Disorder check it out on Amazon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How many more??? This country MUST address sensible gun control! This is more than ENOUGH!!! VOTE BLUE! GET THIS GARBAGE CLEANED OFF OUR STREETS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh gosh. this freaking killed me>> not #president ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chris Christie tests positive for coronavirus.[NEWLINE]I AM STARTING TO THINK THAT THE #Trump2020 TEAM HAS BEEN HIT BY A #spy. SOMEONE THAT HAD THE #ChineseVirus & GOT IN CLOSE TO GIVE TO THE TEAM. WOULD @ChrisChristie DO THAT? \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/8bmiglv7Mo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yesterday was perfect \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #cassiegotrobbed #church #wedding #gorgeous #theyreperfect \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 your hilarious. You spin my words just as they spin Alex's words. I never said it didnt happen. I said it was a false flag and they had actors help garner public sympathy for gun control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another lie. Anything for a diversion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user maybe if you weren't such a tease your mom wouldn't tease you #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm spitting nails. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m fighting to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection from abusing immigrant children. Will you join me? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d he is terrible \ud83c\udd97","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user reason: gun lobby senate and pay $ to senators both rep\/dem to make sure they continue making billions from guns industry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So many conservatives are just as bad as liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" after sex am porn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals complain of not having time to evaluate records but they sit on an anonymous letter for weeks and wait like a criminal to assassinate the character of a good man at the end.Despicable. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user from #bbuk have same outlook on a relationship ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why do conservatives not understand grammar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mark Judge doesn't want to lie for KAVANAUGH. #MAGA @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go home and sleep Johny.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal alien charged with killing two Miami women, dumping bodies on streethttps:\/\/t.co\/Z23k0mmtPg#AgainstAllEnemies #AmericansHaveDreamsToo #BuildTheWall #PreventableDeaths#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere #DeportationsEqualPublicSafety ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People who chose the country over the City are miserable trash. They deserve neither respect nor consideration. They are less than scum.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Woooow Trump voters are getting really crazy MAGA ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well thank you Mr White man for this amazing platform \u2014 that we are not leaving. \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How am I villifying him? He literally did have a 2 hour rant about imaginary bolsheviks and how women should just stop complaining. If you think that is no true wrong\", then well, I got news for you buddy: it means you are as shitty as he is.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Today Collins is back with another excuse to vote yes. It's all disgusting. Every GOP rep can see what he is. They won't stop working against the common man. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a Senator and Trump is President. He's not wrong. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberals had some sort of mutual masturbation awards show. This is me still not caring. @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The whining never stops #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a farmer thay grows the stuff they make canola from and Land O'Lakes refuses to dilute their pure butter...maybe.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My momma should've killed my pop and his cunt bitch lmao. At 6 I would've been like TAG ME IN MA!!! Slicing ankles and shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As thousands flee violence in Nicaragua, UN refugee agency urges more support for countries taking them in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is so disgusting. And y'all think this immigrant situation is okay? Go to hell, especially this sick fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Judge Roy Moore will masterbate to this story. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Also, water is wet. #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More sick SH*T....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user is anti-gop. He is part of the \u201cTrump Party\u201d and he is hoping for a pardon for ripping off hard working Americans. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cultural earthquake: confirmed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is no such thing as a 'sex worker'. You are a whore. A prostitute.\u00a0 Preeeeeety much a cum dumpster.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im aware of Tommy a British patriot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- Had a nice visit with Mommie dearest. I really had to bribe her with Diet Pepsi to eat the rest of her dinner..... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f She is something else!! Love that lady....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But with an active membership in Antifa and a book that looks like the Imperial flag of Japan. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user MAGA white people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Interesting when Demoncraps aren't even inventive enough to create their own cartoons. This is originally put out by Republicans - liberals are the Koolaide drinkers and always have been. Liberals are also the scum of the earth and prove it daily through their lies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gag reflex so strong! Two despicable libtards (of the highest order)! #DSSS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* Sweden \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa: General election on September 9 may rock Brussels again. Concerns over mass immigration and rampant crime are redefining. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"here you can find @user #gaming a little pa of #bird game play by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great aicle. right on the money! #starspangledbanner #slavery #apaheid #usa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know who she is but I've never seen her watch a Benfica games this takes shit to a new level","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@allidoisowen\u200d I don't know how you didn't knock that soy boy with the black hat who spit at you cameraman the fuck out. Spitting is assault, the second he did that you had every right to knock him upside his head.If I was there I guarantee you said soy boy would be in a hospital bed right now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy Friday! World Relief has partnered with local churches in over 100 countries to provide disaster response, health & child development, refugee support, economic development & peacebuilding. Reply and let us know what aspects of our work you would like to know more about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"life is like #tennis ball, its & bouncing till core does not have #crack. #character counts & ethics are visible. #quote","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And pedophile Podesta still on with his Blue Check Mark account. \ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who says we deserve punishment?? we haven't killed anyone or broken laws, we just love who we love!!! #raging ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user About fifty deaths per weekend caused by guns in Chicago which has very strict gun control laws- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I posted 327 photos on Facebook in the album \"JAZBA PAKISTAN\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals are trying to destroy all conservative men. Time to criminally charge and jail these liars that try to destroy a man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER In poker I would definitely move all in on this Woodward bluff. When did Bob become a shill. Hope the C_I pays well Bobby.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do It Q. #FireRosenstein #LisaPage #PeterStrzok #MAGA #LockHerUp #QAnon #QClearancePatriot #QClearance #AmericaFirst @USER #U1 #UraniumOne #Lockherupalready #UraniumOneDeal @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nike lost $3.75 billion after kaepernick was named face of \u201cjust do it\u201d bullshit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a animation by rima regas, blog#42 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #girls winners of under 12\/13 #girls #batharsenal tournament #wecanplay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Of course not, bro, you is one clued up mother fucking nigga mate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not to sound but @user has her looks to fall back on unlike #nunes. good luck 2 both","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you can't expose me on my birthday hoe bitch\ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Following all patriots. PLEASE follow back. Thank you. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is that simple. Islam is marching across the UK and he is speaking out against it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Would this, then, stop immigration from southern countries who's people cast votes in our elections without being actual US citizens? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Protect USA from illigal refugees - thank you Mr.Trump ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Your a no nothing woman hating cunt Reliving you sad little hatred of your unloving mothe\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rush is right, 98% of the time over the last 28 years or so...wake , america, wake to this fuk government. we are one half inch from tyranny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It would be a sight to behold!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe there wouldn't be 5 of these things a day of there was a little sensible gun control in this fucking country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What death threats? Antifa is not sitting outside her house like they have with Republicans. Why did she scrub all her social media? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One Cop \ud83d\udc6e\ud83c\udffd. We want a return to the wild west \ud83d\udd2b \ud83e\udd20 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cruz has got his Neo Con issues, but come on, This Beto self hating white leftard clown, who would watch the US burn tomorrow for a Senate job & some shekels is getting 40% in the polls in TX? How many illegals on the voting rolls down there now? And the leftist white dipshits that have destroyed CA & NY living their now I wonder? Enough to have horse mouth win?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How come 'identitarians' or 'racialists' are never doing #ProLife activism? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy pooch #tlpetservices #dog #dogs #pet #pets #dogsoftwitter #dogwalking #goldenretriever #pooch #cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're on a first date and she asks to talk to the manager ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user lolol @user not a leb either! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #cow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going back to school for media a and animation!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's not a woman on here impressed by your dick-pic-as-profile-pic, guys. We get that youre proud of it but that's not sexy. Put it away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Perhaps this is due to the fact America A: Is NOT the \"bi-cameral\" nation this libdummie thinks it is, and B: Our system is by design, adversarial? Naw that couldn't be it....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stop controlling me!!!!! \ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I had a nightmare last night that my 1 yo child had been taken by immigration and I hadn't seen him for months... It was just a dream and I don't have children.. woke up heartbroken for the immigrant mothers who are living this nightmare in real time \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\udc94 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think Netflix is different than network TV.\u00a0 Sure, the Obamas' may produce a show that's every bit as good as his phoney baloney birth certificate, but one has to actively go to watch it.\u00a0 If you opt not to watch it, you never have to see it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If Trump wins 2020 and growth continues will the crazy liberals still be thanking Obama 6 years from now. Of coarse the will because when the argument is lost all that is left is too dispute the facts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Want to read about the opposite of Ortasio-Cortez? Meet Elizabeth Heng\u2014she is a young Asian immigrant with a deep love of this country running for office in CA! Go vote!! Retweet please! via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER WHY ! DO the gun control people believe legal owners are not following current laws ? You fools. It is about making the citizens of the USA defenseless.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Judge will be overturned, the President has control over immigration not the courts. #NODACA #SENDTHEMHOME ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am thankful for being able to learn. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user constitutional law scholar\/prof pres. obama calls for cuailing constitutional rights w\/o due process. #wiright #2a #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Not sure bout Antifa But His notion of an Open Society was informed by his mentor Karl Popper This motivates him to be anti-border and anti-nationalism Which is fine He's allowed try shape the world his way As long as his core philosophy isn't incorrect Which it is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER blocked me also. I don't even know who he is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wish u folks luck w that. I think you\u2019re fucked though.. There will never be enough pro gun folks elected in California to turn the tide on gun control. The masses are convinced guns only equal bad. They already tell u which & how many guns you can buy. Now ammo. What\u2019s left?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lmao good one ! Now listen up Sparky your wife is a disease she is a bought and paid for evil soulless propaganda arm for child murderers and Russian agents. So stick with your cutsie tweets but I'd prepare for a long prison sentence if i were you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 10 in rapefugee years is usually 22 in German. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just another BLM brat blocking a highway, ANTIFA thug swinging a bike lock. Here comes just another screamer from the gallery - except this childish scoundrel screamed he RAPED me!\", sat down in the middle of the room, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and whined \"prove me wrong!\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chase your \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #dreams #health #music #fitness #live #love #laugh \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #keepsmilin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Russians like bypassing the judicial system. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil why build walls when there are already so many other obstacles to overcome? \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a coward and really have no right to be AG. You are a disappointment. Your days are numbered and so his your party.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain't no love in the ghetto 💔","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One question I get a lot from people want are setting a website for the first time is about DNS settings. It's different on different registrars but pretty much you change the DNS record to whichever nameserver your hosting service tells you. They will usually send you an email with all of the info.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that entire article is a piece of trash. that precinct is full of dumbfuck pigs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals: The FBI can investigate if you ask. Also Liberals: Can you believe Trump ordered an investigation of a private citizen??? He's a dictator! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"somebody tell me that children aren't happiness... i can't recall when i was smiling & laughing so much & feeling this b4 in my life\u00e2\u009d\u00a4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches fav line is \u201cAm I supposed to be scared?\u201d Listen here lil bitch you don\u2019t have to be scared to get your ass beat. So wassup\ud83d\ude0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Delusional idiot and the traitor!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's still Fuck OJ. Bitch ass nigga. But good for you. Lil hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm +12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nigth #rumba #cdmx2016 #nigthlife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Delhi in last 3-4 yrs have become slum city. Nobody follow Traffic rules,All pavements have been encroached upon.Illegal constructions across Yumuna go unabated. Influx of illegal migrants have increased.Crime Rate on increase ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@suchy_monster you make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 😊 #youCANsitwithus","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We're trying to secure $2500 in matching funds to help female refugees thrive. We're $419 away from our goal, and have until midnight West Coast time to do it. Can you give us a retweet? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chance is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@j100701d @RepDLesko Love not hate! Hahahahah TRUMP 2020 MFCKAAAAAAA!!! <3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user #newclient @user #actor to work with you ! let's go !!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remind me what I pay NI for. And what the fuck have you done with our money cunt? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user if you are in a state with medical pot go get him some brownies or a tincture it will help. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Health > Family > Success ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Biden stated on national television he \"DOES NOT SUPPORT THE GREEN NEW DEAL\"! He also refused to answer the question, if he was going to \"PACK THE COURT\" ! In his own word's. \"C'mon Man\"! How could anyone honestly believe he is nothing more than a liar! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TRUMP2020 [NEWLINE]\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@CellNBuu ewwww her nips are DEF more perfect than that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You're the exception , you weren't a rude lil cunt like some hoes. \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\udc95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user DAVID BIRNBAUM::::The INVISIBLE MAN\u2026EXCEPT AT ELECTION TIME. EXACTLY WHAT IS WORST ABOUT THE LIBERALS\u2026ARROGANCE & COMPLACENCY. DID I MENTION ARROGANCE & CONTEMPT FOR THE ELECTORS? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Rockprincess818: Go fight against the IDF if you progressive trash hate them so much, you don't have the guts to do it. \n#IStandWithIsr…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER NO ONE needs hunting in Canada Spread the word.There is no place in a civilized society for rifles and shotguns.The Coalition for Gun Control has 200 associations behind us to support and the Liberals. In the name of the safety of our kids Mr Blair ban those guns.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we are done. you have no knowledge base for any of this and you are drunk on lies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #apparently #the #only #thing #you #dont #hate #your #asian #parents for is #instilling #massive #amounts #of in u.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here\u2019s some more of what my opponent is \u201cresisting.\u201d Are you better off today than you were 2 years ago? #NJ12 #MAGA #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are people who are deserving of help and that's\u00a0why our benefits system\u00a0was set up and they are not scroungers\u00a0and cheats etc.\u00a0 We must bear in mind any one of us could find ourselves\u00a0in this situation and\u00a0we should not be shamed and branded a scrounger for doing so.\u00a0 There are many however\u00a0that see this\u00a0system as something they can use as an alternative\u00a0to working and earning their own keep, it has got that bad that children who were brought up with parents on benefits\u00a0and now they themselves are having children\u00a0 whilst on benefits and have no intention\u00a0ever working and our\u00a0government\u00a0is importing large amounts\u00a0of people who think exactly that way!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Perhaps the Myers House. Wynn runs Smithsgrove and he\u2019s the leader of the Thorn cult. I used to think he was my friend until he revealed his true intentions. He is a madman! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fort Trump in Poland?! Sounds great to me!! Another lasting reminder to the Left\/Dems how much the rest of the world hates\" @USER #MAGA #WWG1WGA #RedWave2018 #DrainTheSwamp #FortTrump\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the Mueller investigation is going to be investigated by a new Special Counsel then the Mueller investigation should be shut down today for destroying evidence. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Didn\u2019t the President already make an offer that was refused? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #sinfulsunday #fathersday 2 @user @user & all my #lovers w\/ #big #hardcocks i want 2 #suckyoudry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She is ignorant. I saw an interview with her and was stunned that she won an election. She is an idiot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you wanna watch the weekly #mlpseason6 episode but you remember a hiatus is on \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #mlp #mlpfim ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag. #WakeUpYouWhore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump BY A LOT OF BULLCRAP. CONGRATULATIONS JOE BIDEN & KAMALA HARRIS.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's why what she did was an ANTIFA style attack. Abusive method meant to bully opposition into silence for control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Illegals Cost U.S taxpayers $135 Billion a year WIC doesnt ask for #immigration status Its time to cal ICE on illegals at school, welfare offices at jobs I believe in Zero Tolerance Not 1 More Dimes Spent for Illegals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Y chromosome does not carry kikery. Male Jew marries a shiksa, then any boy children are certified non yids. It\u2019s science.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There are still a lot more non-Muslims here. Try again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Elton John covers The Beatles - \"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds\"\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ic2hlOwCif4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is the ONLY acceptable way to end sex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One in eight U.S. residents is an immigrant, while one in nine residents is a native-born U.S. citizen with at least one immigrant parent. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CreepyScout: Bend over.\n\nAnd pick up that trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"large howdy wreath for $51.99 from vendor 89!! #father #upsideofflorida #shopalyssas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Link me and knuckles then or you going to dodge like the creddy you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The reason liberals should be deported. They are just to sick and twisted to fix.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Truth_Zone I need help fighting the corrupt officials, MSM, and Communist groups in my area. Can you donate even a hundred dollars? paypal.me\/libertyjack","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We\u2019re fighting back against corporate gun control and we could use some help spreading the word. Check it out: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Republicans constantly tell us about respecting law enforcement but ignore their judgment on gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER See his profile? Thinks he is hardcore ....boi \ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user happy bihday! i love you much ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user leave a 'gweh' below \u00e2\u00ac\u0087 if in 2017, you will no longer debate #wypipo about #slaver\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is much much smaller than white supremacists in America and responsible for a fraction of the violence. Also NAZI'S ARE BAD!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"niggers destroy everything they touch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"health life \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0088 #fruits #health #life #love #miam #dragonfruit #black #yellow #strange\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Media Silent As Gov\u2019t Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have lost my mother, younger brother and sister due to their support of trump. My sister calls me hateful. She called my children on an attempt to polarize them. She trolled my FB account to polarize mt friends (and got eaten alive). I had to block her. https:\/\/t.co\/nOERMJJOY0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whose the retarded bitch waiting for winter?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I dont know...but the Clinton girl sure needs to brush those yellow teeth. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, Bannon + Bolton for president after Donald's second round.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER nah it's coz you're a cunt. blocked","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some women will goto war for their nigga . I will leave your ass dead ass hanging I\u2019ll never go towar with another bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#global_jihad #Syria #Daesh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i don't wish an happy new year to a , an #homophobic, a #warmonger, a , a #worlddanger like you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And wouldn't #JohnMcCain be proud... Notably @user read a passage of Scripture at the memorial service but he was not asked to speak his own words Sen McCain likely saw him for what he is once trump took office: a gutless suck-up who's looking for Sessions job! #weasel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"always be #golazodealexis ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pregnancy, Periods, Breast Cancer, Being Walked On, Rape, Harassment, Abuse...Females Go Through A Lot. WOMEN ARE STRONG \u2665 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Trump will never be a free range chicken again He is a danger to the world while under constant surveillance and scrutiny Imagine him gallivanting around the world with the little scraps of actual intel he does know completely unfettered Just don't see it happening","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What makes this even more egregious is that during the referendum campaign, then Irish toaisach Enda Kenny urged the circa half million R of I citizens entitled to vote in UK elections, to vote Remain because it \"would be good for Ireland.\" This during a visit to London.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes we do. Anyway, I don't know how to share on Gab, any suggestions?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If you are not sure then l will block all these useless tweets. OK ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you wake up super & get legitimately #pissed at water \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd#lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The reason people are tired of this is because you only focus on the conservatives. Ford has treated people poorly and the constitutional crisis is abominable. His treatment of the women in the legislature is despicable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy happy wednesday \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #popta #cereal #cerealporn happy wednesday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As they inexorably lose the ability to garner votes from pluralities of the legal citizenry, Democrats understand that the last best hope for their future is to import as many entitlement-dependent and progressively-robotized immigrants as possible ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's a stupid woman on YouTube doing a spirit box saying the most horrendous insensitive things to the 'ghost' of Shan. The silly skank would be conversing with demons and she ain't got cross or nothing to counteract it. And I'm glad leave Shan alone. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is happening both here and Canada.. Answer to that problem besides an all out massacre, home school!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder should be in PRISON !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TimesUpTwitter Pro-Life Organization President Slams Twitter for Bias #Newsmax via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BITCH I TOOK FOUR YEARS TOO JDKDKDD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #crybully #snowflakes wanna talk about &\/or #diversity? but read brief honesty of @user editor @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"breaking news. will release new track with voice lyrics tonight.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #edm #dance #music #cool ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"experiencing @user for the first time. i'm so excited, i'm punching strangers.#wrestling \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER all conservatives are bad people","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Crush him Beto !!! Make him look like the idiot he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to all fathers be pa of your offspring's development. only knew mine two years back but you are all special father's day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bill you're a fucking #communist #antiamerican #unpatriotic disgrace take your ass to russia...\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is useless. Attempts to do the right thing but never follows through.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" jokes about women penis humping girl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Brennan is a disgrace-without a clearance \ud83d\ude03","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ik that bitch was a hoe jus tried to change her but these hoes wana be hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What death threats? Antifa is not sitting outside her house like they have with Republicans. Why did she scrub all her social media?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BrenJJGMom @hweldon Well...how about those Yankees this year? What a run. #wtfiswrongwithnebraska","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user explain your actions. netanyahu you can not claim discrimination when u do it yourself to others. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mirL15zZYNc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user ramazan hs always bn a month of barkat\/blessings n peace,with wahabism hijacking islam it's just bloodshed 24*7*365 #orla\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweet yellow bone thang, I call her Honey mustard... http:\/\/t.co\/IsFduDu9bx","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalAliens Yet that is the official usage by none other than our federal government. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off on adventures \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ad #selfie #adventure #friends #love #besties #cinema #smiles #potd\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah! You can\u2019t just wing cooking! There\u2019s all kinds of measurements you need to follow otherwise it\u2019ll end up tasting like garbage. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore? Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feelin a lil down :( #papaya #healthy #healthyeating ness #follow #hashtag #fruit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One more of tonight's dog walk sunset. AKA, invisible bird on a wire. #sunset #invisiblebird #wires http:\/\/t.co\/ilTShXLYjd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day! #father #dad #funny #silly #tshi fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you fighting a weak ass bitch and she gotta pepper spray you! #hoesitdown ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok so here is the bio for the veteran being interviewed in this video by this investigative reporter formerly with CNN! Before they went full blown traitor! In 2011, 2LT Scott Bennett,\u00a0U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and Psychological Warfare analyst, worked in the highest levels of counterterrorism, intelligence, and politics in Washington DC. \u00a0 He had been awarded a Direct Military Commission by the President of the United States, and was a leading writer and thinker at the State Department Counterterrorism Office, U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Special Operations Command, and the George W. Bush Administration.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Even her brother thinks she is a monster: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"christ is alive in you. #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion #church #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Follow me for PRO WHITE NEWS AND TALKING POINTS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and thanks to @user Board member @user for his valuable contributions to the discussion - @user look for him tonight @ 6:50 on @user informing the #immigration conversation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"California is that that foreign country I keep hearing about ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That isn't at all plausible. Tories and Labour have access to that building. More Tories have a problem with her than Labour and there are more Tories. It could have been a leftist\" but there are more Tory suspects. You are pretty abusive for someone arguing the left are abusive\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that moment when you need to do something on your phone and you remember that you don't own one anymore. my life though!!!!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Now I feel like I need to go home and just read...\" https:\/\/t.co\/qPLX9X76Gy #education #news","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER David stop been a mouthpiece for the anti gun people you r nothing but a worm looking for fame now remember that antifa BLM and all the radical left groups are violent and hurt people too but of course you agree with them","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great diver... https:\/\/www.ablogtowatch.com\/longines-hydroconques...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Omfg... \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER YES BITCH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Just cause you dont think he is funny doesn't mean he don't deserve a show or just because he is a man. Men work just as hard as women. He been in the business for year's. Let the pros handle this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fascist always control the media.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Absolutely, our CIA has fingers all over the world, leftists bringing about communist revolution with UN mandates,\u00a0 gun running, drugs, control #MSM and Churches, Operation Mockingbird, they funded research into brainwashing mind control, mkUltra, look into mkNaomi weaponized virus's for populatrion control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wake up at 6 in the morning to hear @user commentating on the game. Guy speaks out of his butt hole, don\u2019t know how you got this job \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hot Dog! That's a clever twist of words.\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TheresaMay #MonsterMay #Conservatives must answer for their crimes. #DWPcrimes #DWP #Tories #ToriesOut URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is dumb! What is the point? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02that zombie walk was a little scary. Remember when that zombie said he was going to eat Shon\u2019s butt\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nazi = Socialist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER AA Mr. Bean should crawl back under his rock.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SpeakerPelosi Your way or the highway when Most Americans can't afford to leave their driveway. Get off your high horse and saddle up on the donkey you portray yourself to be jacka$$.#MAGA2020 @POTUS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The active duty personnel I know think he is a dangerous fool. Maybe 100% of racist military klansmen support Mr. Traitor-pants. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You know this hoe saving mofo didn't ever go in on that fragile bitch scared to break her cupcake ass \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44#GH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i would just like to say happy birthday to my favorite bitch. love u hoe! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MissRobinV that pic with the red bone in braids and that tiger in the back for sale?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fucking liar she was happy to play kate nash when you asked her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am fucking disappointed. i will pout now. cheer me up, internet? #pouting #cheermeup girl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh he's some cunt using that poor woman as an argument against abortion in Ireland. @user - you are a fucking disgusting human being ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There\u2019s no crying in politics ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And ANTIFA IS PISSED THEY WERENT INVITED !!!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remember when there was no Internet?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you go to park all by yourself then some bitch fuck decides they wna park right next to you \ud83d\ude11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Valley of the Children gives a glimpse of the refugee journey for two Memphis families, two families whose fathers had to make life and death decisions. Their stories are essential because they are our neighbors,... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Note saying'what do you mean I dont need ID EVERYONE knows who I am' makes you look like an a%\u20achole #relaxthereDListcelebrity #humbleclearly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The reason we have not seen any indictments for Killary, FBI etc is because the corruption and treason is so massive and far-reaching that it would bring down most of our current government immediately. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I wonder which one is the Democrat and which is the Republican. The dude is now totally for gun control. \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is what Trump supports - Here is what Pedophile JEWS did to German women & children Hitler deported them. they settled in Hollywood,CA created the Film & Porn Industry in USA which they used to destroy America from within https:\/\/www.darkmoon.me\/2013\/the-sexual-decadence-of-weimar-germany\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Just imagine if Dr Ford was a member of a minority. Antifa would be firebombing the Judge\u2019s residence. #IDENTYPOLITICS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #nope... With Mm no way...maybe is time to ask Sky what has gone wrong? Because #Foster from CNN have the book first than KP tweeted about the book... Liberals... From Trump for Americans to Mm for British... I don't known who is worst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we are looking forward to meeting the team at @user this friday. \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And then we can issue each one of them a pink unicorn. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Do you know why this shameless muslim socialist is still so arrogant and believes in himself thst he thinks he is such a good politician? I\u2019ll tell you why. So many \u201cStupid American Voters\u201d per Gruber that are so gullible! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if i'd posted your flag logo in 2008 i'd have been called . forced to bake a cake. same for dancers. elitist asses.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep playing. I will be on the road tomorrow \ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\ude1c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Really up wondering why this bitch wants all my seconds \ud83d\ude02 40 something year old whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well she is dumb as a box of rocks so will give her a pass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"$$$$\u2796\ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udfffGun Control Groups Putting Millions Into Elections ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antifa Ally Yvette Felarca Takes a Hit to the Head \" Berkeley 8-5-18 URL via @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy what you do today can improve all your tomorrows. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 ralph marston ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Bitch.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Chills' GOAT levels have rendered Kal's basic human communication capabilities completely useless. This goes to show how powerful of a unit he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I felt this word [refugee] is really heavy.A conversation between @user and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador @user Watch the full version: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user argentine women protest facebook's sexist censorship rules, eg 2. #censorship #freethenipple ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are a bitter hateful woman who is ruining herself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some thoughts on the politics of manufacturing... We have seen from the outside how nasty it can get with that lawsuit against the baker and the raging gay couple, and probably others, but what does it look like from the inside? Aside from the constant threat that a similar in nature lawsuit could emerge at any time... Pretty terrible. Agencies like the BATFE, special taxes and regulations for all sorts of \"hazardous\" materials required for most surface finishes (paint, anodizing, parkerizing, Tin coatings... very long list), special taxes that are industry specific (cars, food, archery...), special land regulations even if you own the land out in the country... It's a wonder that there are not more monopolies out there. People like myself who know how to manufacture stuff can easily compete against nearly anyone else and still make lots of good money. Doing so with the government in the way at every turn makes such things impossible. I'm not even talking about employees and OSHA. OSHA has a special place in darkest place of my heart, and is reserved for a separate post of its own. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you find it necessary to message a complete stranger about your hurt feelings over a post... It might be time to log off the internet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We can't really celebrate McCain's death, because of the dread of what Arizona will find to replace him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because of obama and holder more cops are getting killed each year because they hated law enforcement and encouraged civil unrest. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER CNN is evil. A true enemy of the people. I can\u2019t believe there are people who still take them seriously.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow. Look at all those Asians mugshots! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trudeau's 'refugees' bring mayhem to hotel migrant camps https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/trudeau_s_refugees_brin...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user shut ya bitch ass up before I pull up to ya house. You hoemade just like that fat trel wanna be nigga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Because everyone knows this is a political stunt and the GOP is going to make him Justice Kavanaugh\" before those midterm elections whether you liberals like it or not. That's what's going to happen and you need to just accept it. Right now you're still in denial \ud83d\ude22 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Booker & Kamala competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings.Spartacus. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bunny to which i gave a name to on my stream yesterday has died..my life suck! #twitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I never will understand how not enforcing the laws and working with fellow city, county, state, and federal law enforcement agencies isnt the Normal way of doing business. And how illegal aliens are being turned loose is crazy. #BuildThatWa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"American kingdom\" you say?\u00a0\u00a0 #OhPlease. Don't flatter yourselves. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall Put Money Where Your Mouth Is Sir. They Pour In. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe she NEVER BELIEVED in it. Maybe she just USED & FOOLED too many in the West who were TOO desperate looking for a beacon\" for their own calculative agendas. And all the while, she bided her time and calculated ... until she got to where she is now, and so her TRUE COLOURS.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don\u2019t tell me how u got a bitch drunk An then u took her to the crib to bust her.... sounds like rape to me... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Hbt2013Mm I'll ask you same question Do you support border jumpers Do you support illegals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!! BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you for saving the dogs!!!!why are people assholes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck the NFL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user what a baby! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Poor sad liberals. No hope for them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Then please hurry you have only 386 days left to build Shree Ram's Temple &; a hospital across Saryu. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at tha bah hour","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ed Rendell Says Dems Will Retake House By 10 to 20 Seats\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user we really are the worst. entitled. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kentucky Fried cater to da white folk. No colored menu","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are ridiculous and need to retire! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MAGA \ud83d\udc4d KEEPING AMERICA GREAT \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This was a set up ! because those elevators are supposed to be guarded to protect the officials from attacks by criminals ! The guards didn't stop those ladies from entering a restricted elevator ? Somebody allowed this to happen !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"$24.99-mkf collection jasmine and moira crossbody bags wednesday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is why we can't have nice things ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"clearly communicate your realistic expectations for employee time and production. #employees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What do you care! You are going to prison prison regardless. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"God damn zebras every Virginia possession the whistle blows geeze.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hsus \"i need a hero\" via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dont look for love, quietly give it away & let it find you back. #writeyourstressaway #coloringbook #the6ix ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user real shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow and on sunday #pleaseretweet #halifaxfoodfest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Landon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with him but he never got back to me so Landon you suck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER me trying to avoid the freshman boys who hang out in my block and hit on me everyday URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Funny because he is a dildo! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"packed all my photo frames ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER God thing we have Beto in Texas. He is for decriminalizing crossing the border. He is for reasonable gun control for Texas citizens. Someone could get hurt if citizens try to defend themselves. Poor Arizona you need a Beto of your own.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rearrange these words to make a well-known phrase Off Fuck!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No reality in that comic. No white people in HMC at Heathrow for at least 30 years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and again @user - they are flight attendants #gender #genderequity have a word with your journos ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Disgusting.. pedophile","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The disgusting Leftist Media had to use \"anonymous sources\" in an attempt to bring Trump down while Joe Biden calls American Soldiers - \"Stupid Bastards\" - Joe Biden is a disgusting vile sick individual [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#StupidBastards [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #Biden #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BinY3QeCtJ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you need a nonsensical bullshit snowflake pronoun, you can be absolutely certain that I will have no reason to talk to you or about you. In my world, you don't exist. https:\/\/www.campusreform.org\/?ID=10583","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"major withdrawals from home right now... #lonely #homesick & ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When the media says a counter protest was organized by a coalition of labor unions, immigrant rights groups and artists, what they mean is communists, illegal aliens and unemployed leftist deadbeats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But is it too little, too late, to save Europe? Rescue ship's ordeal exposes hardening views on migrants in Europe via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the cure at starlight theatre last night @ starlight theatre ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How to Pronounce Bitch Chameleon \u21baRT\u2764 #fake #fuss #denounce #accuse #porcupine #crab #whore #bitc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If this was a Jew, the baby would've been given a Blowjob. Still deplorable as those people are monsters.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White kids, black kids, yellow kids hell even purple kids, if you carry yourselves like Daniel #Geale you will go far. #GealeMundine2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #realitycheck: #policing in #america from a cop #audiblechannels #policebrutality #socialjus\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cFreedom IS more important than safety\u201d these urine soaked socialist piece of shit fags never put a gun in their hands & fought \u00a04 R country I have no problem wiping these high school commies off the face of R earth , or them killing eachother, & I\u2019m glad they go home & play 10 hours of PlayStation it\u2019ll \u00a0prepares them 4 What\u2019s coming 4 threatening R 1st & 2 Nd amendment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"heeyyy macarena","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why Hello gab. Good to be on a platform that doesn't censor. Now, let's all try not to be faggots about it. :D","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bet your butt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And Democrats actually commit acts of violence a la antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER really not at all. i do claim you are chicagojordan. But i have never said you are experienced with the outdoors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Any bitch who feels comfortable to be in your face and talk to a nigga you use to fuck with call them hoes \"seconds\" better yet clowns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Funny shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user on my boat. i\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"little isabelle's version of \"god\". #free #simplicity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER poor Godless liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Canada has spent $166 million on economic migrants so farPeople entering from the US are in no danger and are not refugees. Canada is simply relieving the US of the burden.https:\/\/t.co\/hP1cmCUCDW ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Apparently telling .@jack\u00a0fuck you on Twitter, gets you a 12 hour timeout. Who knew?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user evening my dear cutys\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why would he order Cohen to print more money? It's amazing how bad you are at this. Or are you just dishonest and purposefully spreading fake news? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the idiocy of feminism. they actually think microaggressions matter. here's the proof: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qfg39RKgVcc ITALEXIT? Only 44 Percent of Italians Want to Remain in EU!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest #socialmooc! thanks to @user @user @user #feliz2017 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ugh I meant *wigs shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all you are saying is to use a tiny Raspberry Pi to act as a DNS server. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"smooth new year's eve! marijuana unleashed at ibooks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fake tits? “@VelvetHoopD: A hoe??“@Steph_Badd: Can u guess what I was ? “@DJZeeti: Twitpic your halloween costumes” http:\/\/t.co\/ECs7nlEkKa””","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That didn't work now did it!! Maybe he needs glasses!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There are deals on Mexico EU trade and other trade deals. We don't need or want a gun control deal or a Climate\"\" deal\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday #shout #out to my broda @user smile and shine like stars while\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lower taxes, raise the TFSA, stop immigration, end White Genocide as government policySome basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/DImPWggSVZ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa is Israel's thug squad in America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He blocked me a long time ago after one response that called him out for lying. He's an idiot who thinks his $hit don't stick and loves saying stupid stuff to get liberals to love him. A complete douchebag.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian boat returning migrants to Libya may have broken law, UN agency says ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unfortunately, the President said the same thing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER it\u2019s like saying you\u2019re pale! you live in the north pole! bitchass dipfuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"22 june it is @user #shofilm #bollywood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanye with a hint of more Kanye, the fuck you thought ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and no ian gon do fw yo clique but the next hoe that you love i bet i make that hoe my bitch \u2705 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Agreed. It's probably white people screaming how offensive she is too. I wish Big Brother wasn't forced by the twitter SJW army to remove her. We have all said offensive things when we were teenagers. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My Beardie is smarter than Sleepy Joe and Lying Kamala combined. She knows better than to crap in her own bed. Can't say that for those 2 Bozos. https:\/\/t.co\/wf0eyNXguM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you think the Dems have that same S**t eating grin on their faces this morning like they did last night?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What a handsome boy! Reminds me of one of my fosters a little bit. Sorry I don\u2019t have a better picture - she is one of the ones that got away. I\u2019d have 20 if I could. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a vile rat of a woman. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate when POC talk about their immigrant success stories without talking about being direct beneficiaries of the civil rights movement ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pre-order the #newep #goodmusic \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let me guess they are a victim of circumstances. But heaven forbid if they got shot for robbing the place all you moron liberals would be screaming gun control. How about kid control or upbringing control of self control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks also for your dedication to create something for people to see news and entertainment .\u00a0 That certainly is very NICE of you. If there is change back to \"categories\" with #News, please don't forget me!:)\u00a0 Now I have more time to PRAY!:)\u00a0 Take care.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a perfect way to begin the week! Idlewilder\u2019s gathered outside Brewster Elementary\u2014a school with many immigrant families\u2014 and welcomed them to their first day. Bienvenidos! Karibu! Welcome! -Sara Dorrien-Christians ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump on MS-13 Gangs: Were either throwing them the hell in jail or getting them out of our country.#BuildTheWall#MAGA#WalkAway#EndDACA #IllegalAliens #VoteDemsOut #WakeUpAmerica #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #VoteRed #ChooseCruz #VetoBeto ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@joelockhart @realDonaldTrump guess little mikey will have to cancel then. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control is never sensible.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Some gold-digging skank has stupid opinions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@sweetlou462 Lol. Have fun! 😄 I haven't been to a race since HS (Charlotte). Crazy redneck times. Lol.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No it should read\u00a0 the Western politicians serious detrimental impact on Western Countries identity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She doesn't support stand you ground or arming teachers. Gun control. Idaho believes in gun rights. Zero chance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ab\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7France: 'French restaurants turn to undocumented migrants to fill 130,000 vacant jobs'Instead of employing native European French citizens \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00a1 France has even surrendered their jobs to invaders. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"very disappointed in @user statement today. i thought better of you. #desperate? #totallywrong","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jesus physically Whipped Jew loan sharks from the Temple, with a corded whip. \u00a0It was approximately 40 acres of Kosher usurers and snakes. \u00a0That\u2019s when the hit on his life went out. \u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#neogaf today another @user attack the japanese and chinese, claims to not be racist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". june17,2016 takashi's bihday bihday#bihday#hope#dream#famil ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-You would never guess that this employee plays Covet (a fashion game) on her iPad in her free time. \ud83d\udcf1 -She has a strange phobia of dogs.\ud83d\udc15 -She is amazingly weird! She can jump over her foot while it is in... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ex-Kentucky County Treasurer Charged With Stealing $161K ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Helicopter Crashes Into East River In NYC, Multiple People Reported Trapped https:\/\/breaking911.com\/breaking-news-helicopter-crashes-into-east-river-in-nyc-multiple-people-reported-trapped\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ywt70 auditorium filling up fast for sir david attenborough @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not seeing a mass out pouring of love on social media over these horrific events? no rush to change facebook profiles etc #shocked ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck yeah you are!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wft she looks like she's ready to admit you to her S&M dungeon. A keeper!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IndependenceDay #FourthOfJuly Since the #StarSpangledBanner has lately been at the center of controversy today's post is on the #history of the #anthem. http:\/\/vaughntreude.com\/steampunkdesperado\/wordpress\/?p=935","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[Feature] Congolese refugees ask Korean firm not to supply voting machines to their country ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good morning. You are welcome.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"David, a Jew. Abraham, a Jew. Solomon, a Jew. Mark, a Jew. Luke, a Jew. Saul , a Jew. You have to believe in the Jew to get to Christianity. There is no Christianity without the Jew. Your people were in NW Europe for ten thousand years before Babylon, you refuse that history. If you refuse that history, you are not European. You are an identity cuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear #GabFam, I've never asked you for money but today, I'm asking for some good friends of mine. My friend Adam was in an accident and is currently paralyzed from the neck down ...there is hope, he is starting to feel in some areas. This happened a few days ago. Adams wife is a co-worker and a military vet and while she is one of the strongest women I know, she and Adam are in need of some fina...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tonight's sunset was just wow!!! #sunset #cloudporn #marina #captainlife #lovemyjob \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you have to work tomorrow and your coworker says 'happy Friday' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user yoga staer\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009c\u00a8#yoga #exercise #health #healing #meditation #life #love #me #balance #peace #harmony #energy htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER LMBO! She's like Pelosi. She thinks she important because she is a female. She is a destriment to society and Real Women!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do what you love! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af i'm cool wit it! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f \u00e2\u008f\u00b0 #dj #whoisjayr #summer #blur #sun #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user your iconic brand being associated with the trump brand is tarnishing your reputation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Still remember this show... sucks man \ud83d\ude1e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Guaranteed to eat your baby!'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think that by election time 2018, Trump needs to have finalized the wall design and at least 10-50 miles of the wall built.\u00a0 Just to keep the Coulter spergs happy.\u00a0 What do you think?\u00a0 \u00a0I think it would be foolish to still have this in the prototype phase.\u00a0\u00a0@Ricky_Vaughn99\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Actually it\u2019s liberals like Waters and antifa who promote violence","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Around 145 years ago the Book of Enoch was removed from the bible. Other books as well. The Catholic Church decided to remove and pick and choose what went in the bible and what was left out.\u00a0 The dead sea scrolls found and after being deciphered enlightened a lot of people. Most don't know anything about the book left out. I would suggest you please listen to them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a good man.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user having an absolute blast in #berlin ! no one word to describe this city #travel #grow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrat can't even compete w @USER #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is an adult who was never slapped, when she got out of line...she got a trophy for every stupid childrens program, just for participating...this is what you get...A LOSER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I have never understood why there are not more officers visibly supporting tighter gun control. It makes their job so much more dangerous with all these random people w\/ their guns. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GIVE THAT FILTHY\u00a0 YELLOW MEAT UGLY FAT SKANK A BONE TO CHEW ON","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user 1) #EndHealthcareCartel, 2) #EndDACA, 3) Abolish #IranDeal, 4) #EndNAFTA, 5) #BuildTheWall, 6) #FairTax, 7) #DrainTheSwamp, 8) #FairTrade, 9) #BanIslam, 10) #LockHerUp, 11) #EndSanctuaryCities, & 12) #EndCorporateWelfare. #USA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Im not apart of Antifa foxy. I agree with you they are terrorsits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Theresa May Using #LabourParty Policies to Cling On To her Weak and Wobbly #Government #HousingCrisis #housingmarket the #conservatives are the Corrupt #Landowners #ToriesOut #Corruption","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Uber has become racist organization. If you are an immigrant they deactivate your account even if you are a five star driver with over 2000 plus star claiming reports that is unfounded. No warning just like that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed All~! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Also cunt hole is redundant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Russia is building up its forces in Syria any action against ISIS ,should be welcomed after that start talking, No more migrants then ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So, I tuned into the Emmys last night, I watched for a whole 5 SECONDS before some celebrity, I had never heard of, started talking about their platform.\"\" Click. Liberals ruin everything.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She makes me sick. She uses these confirmation hearings and investigations to campaign and for photo ops. She is a junior Senator that is way out of her league.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER LIBERALS; It\u2019s Trumps Fault. \ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HE SAID HE IS THRILLED TO BE A PART OF THE @USER OWNERSHIP GROUP!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is thick though? Wtf\ud83d\ude29 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"going to greenwich university for my spo psychology masters :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Breitbart must be hacked! Your headline says it all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Conservatives are so sick of these tactics by liberals. First there was Bork then there was Thomas. Republicans just keep taking it too...Trump won\u2019t take it for long though. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bingo.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-Conservatives cut police funding -person complains about crime -person votes conservative to tackle crime ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shylock & Wongs: 3 Incidents of Democrat Bigotry In 3 Weeks - Media Mum http:\/\/t.co\/iX03VrK0KI via @BreitbartNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is not an anti trump. She\u2019s a racist race baiter who is no better than Alex jones and other crazies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey\u00a0@Styx666Official, thought you should know there is some funny business on youtube.\u00a0 FYI I am subscribed on YT AND clicked the notification bell and still did not get your notification on your big story of the day that happens to be damaging to Dem in an election season.\u00a0 I submit this screen shot as proof.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/09\/09\/mo-brooks-congressional-apportionment\/ people may laugh at the idea of a \"blue wave\" in the short run, but long term, legal & illegal immigration is used in the census which affects electoral seats...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I do believe he is more of a hysterical woman than kamela Harris. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Jaws V: When Jaws Jaws Back - Starring Kurt Chiselchest and Lorna Buxom Whud I win? It better not be one of them laser swords...Jess will b jealous.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #raghuramrajan is a man with spine. didn't bow down to #feku & co. his absence will be felt big time ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New fans > old fans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first presentation by @user in the netherlands by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A panel I'm working on.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Here your proof! Our African \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 friends don't get free college. The Demoncratic are putting illegals over \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ppl. These Antifa Ninja Turtles running around acting like jihadist and never lived a real life experience. Most of these Antifa colleges kids are White privileged","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So what I read was gun control doesn\u2019t work and CA politicians are working against Californians sounds about right ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wine smoothie kinda afternoon! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #wine #thursday #afternoon #cocktail #smoothie #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user story of my life. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and how do jews plan on doing the work of god without god? matthew 1:23 \"...and they will call him immanuel\u00e2\u0080\u009d (whic\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Do you hate him that much. He is OUR President. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien kills 2 Search Dogs during pursuit #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #AmericansFirst @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol Anglo-Saxons\" most of you are a Melting Pot of ethnicities...\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user LIAR!!! What supporters is she talking about??? I was embarrassed when our last president went on a world apology tour and he even bowed to them like he was their servant!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hey Ladies watch you on Saturday nights with Jesse keep up the good work and your right about Jon Voight he is a Gods man and bless his heart for standing up for the President mean evil people out their who are mad and Dangerous we all want hope and Change for America","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #jcpenny #ranting so, no one, no one, in line said anything... silence is complicity in racism. speak up pe\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#carlpaladino made , vile remarks about #presidentobama & #micheleobama | #trump and his #deplorables must go ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You wouldn't have any tech if you didn't steal it from White People.\u00a0 Could you build ICQ on rocks?\u00a0 You haven't even written a programming Language all the major Programming Languages were written by White People!\u00a0 Don't even mention Face Book>Stolen from a White Person so much theft and it's always Look at us jews we did this when you stole it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user THAT'S NOTHING NEW SHE WAS GOING TO VOTE NO ANYWAY.....WE WILL VOTE NO TO LIBERALS IN NOVEMBER.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Congress has failed it's Citizens with it's inaction - @realdonaldtrump is being tested - will he fail the people or do what he was sent to DC to do? So far, he has failed to #StopTheInvasion - It is Now or forget it. #Congress is guilty by dragging their feet. #FEDUP @NOMOREILLEGALS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You will see more and more shocking vigilante style justice like this. Liberals on these courts are out of control.Swamp creatures in DC beware. Start serving the U.S. citizens 1st. Lot of fed up Americans across this great country of ours. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy to help check Tunisia migrant flows - Trenta ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A woman saying cunt is the equivalent of a black person saying nigger. They can say it but woe to so\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Democrat hypocrisy is disgusting. Dems scream about Russia hacking our elections but ignore the fraudulent illegal immigrant vote because Dems can\u2019t control the nonexistent Russian vote. But you can control the illegal vote...dead or alive! Pass #VoterIDLaws #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#stcshooting To the kneejerk people crying for gun control\"\" after this shooting. We already HAVE very restrictive gun control. You just want a ban. It's a pity no one has politely explained to these criminals that they are supposed to obey the law.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you spend five minutes researching the matter you\u2019ll find Jewish groups led by ADL are behind the protocols that led to the mass deplatforming of Alex Jones. Seriously, if you\u2019re an InfoWars fan set the chemtrails stuff aside. Devote 5 mins to this. It will change your life.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you hoe you need to be checked for aids bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Matteo #Salvini is welcome in the #Netherlands anti-immigrant stance#closetheborders #illegal #Immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Great Gun Control! Takes Concentration and Steady Hand! Way to Go Girl! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Finally! No more terrible takes of The NFL owners are racist\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love the way I'm a bitch & a cunt for telling someone to piss off after they msg me 12 times in a row & I don't reply like omg ur a pest. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jesus answered, \u201cEveryone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.\u201d- John 4:13-14 #KJV #Living #Water","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuckin hacker hacked my @user account. #lol #hacked .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when humans unite in love & respect #terrorism #tyranny is defeated..but we're too busy loving objects and using each other ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MS13 are animals! #ICEHeroes #MS13Animals #DeportIllegals #BuildTheWall #EndChainMigration #EndLotteryVisas #DrainTheSwamp #VoterID #SupportTheBlue #AmericansFirst #MAGA #LawAndOrder #VoteDemsOUT #VoteRed2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Kick the absolute shite out of the car. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why are you telling them to not do this? I encourage Antifa shits to try this and get dropped. Less of them the better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump UNITE BEHIND OUR FEARLESS GOD AND COUNTRY LOVING PRESIDENT TRUMP. EVER HEAR JOE OR KAMALA SAY THEY LOVE AMERICA OR GOD? \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Mine go drafts too. @user stop this crap I'm gathering proof your censoring conservatives ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SkyNewsAust @realDonaldTrump Hes right. Channel 9 have had a 3 week special on trump leading up to election. If joe biden is so good and such a winner why no special about him and Kamala? Because no one would care to watch!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With birds ill share this lonely view","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"v convinced i'm gunna find my husband at dunkin bc that's the only place men hit on me :\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lmao stfu nigga you dont know this shit Im going through nigga, you over here tryna kys over some dumb reason foh, try living my life lmao you pussy boy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So I guess Kanye, Kim, and now Chance are all Nazis now? Is that how this works?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The response from the US was exceptional. The implementation in Puerto Rico was abysmal because of the Democrat Mayor. She hoarded the supplies and only distributed them to her allies first and withheld it for the rest. She is still under FBI investigation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a hysterical moron. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch whom I won't name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship. #getalife #stopspreadinglies #hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another oldie. going get back into drawing again. it's been awhile. #pharrell #iamother \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not quite a new idea.\u00a0 There is a man in England who has 4 wives and a pack of kids who pulls down half a million dollars in public welfare http:\/\/www.bostonherald.com\/news\/local_coverage\/2018\/01\/report_man_married_six_women_in_immigration_scheme","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user never be content to sit back and watch as others' rights are trampled upon. your rights could be next. #iqg #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Win a DTWS-15 Lite-18 Carbine (.223 Wylde).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Guess he forgot to walk the liberal plank! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bono is clearly a racist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hanging with my favorite humans \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #family #sidesandwich #friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user furries can suck my dick, this is both an offer and an insult\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Personally, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If it doesn\u2019t have m&m\u2019s it\u2019s not trail mix. You are kicking ass and doing awesome. Keep it up!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6 people are dead after shooting spree in California @USER URL @USER so those thoughts & prayers are working good for gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Despite the press... [wait to die]... #DJT to MSM #IBOR #CORSI #CBTS #QANON #QMAP #DiscreditReddit @ https:\/\/discord.gg\/WrayEpD #InternetBillOfRights @ https:\/\/discord.gg\/RRDUckd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user she is a zombie. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you're not very sma if you think i hate all \"white males.\" i hate racism and sexism. that's it. grow a brain, right wingers! #p2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Holocaust as a political tool. Didn't see that coming. Jew-nited States of America holocaust museum revokes suu kyi's human rights award ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need the lady next to me on the train to actually stfu. It is 6:50 am and you are trying to have such a deep conversation about work place behavior with the man across from you & youre doing so in a loud whisper. Its too fucking early for this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Embarrassing for the liberals....I wonder who those women raped in school\ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user gonna be home soon but until then this will have to do ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TrumpTheEstablishment. God Bless America and God Bless President Donald J. Trump #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/2AZiuKtXp8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" details of how to win the blue snowball or headset. #youtube #cod #bo3 #winner #ps4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Never nigga \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are devaluing everyone's opinion on the Independent article whom agrees with me by saying they are disgruntled students or bots. Just because they don't put Dr. In their Twitter name it doesn't mean they haven't done 'deeply important research' as you fondly put it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There she is nibbling in her lower lip and looking upwards at him. \u201cDon\u2019t leave me Stevie.\u201d Honestly she didn\u2019t know what to do without him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"jl is on point today!!!!!#negativetopositive #turnthebeataround #kickittothecurb #shakeitoff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheMayorMatt has to be #live version ! #pulledpork #clams #babyjesus #lilsmokey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So this is how Antifa finally dies? By commiting suicide? Nice.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Character and Clinton. Cartoon maybe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"30:40. It is \"I AM\" Who has created you: further, He has provided for your sustenance; then He will cause you to die; and again He will give you life (re-incarnation).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why is Antifa upset w\/ \u201cprof.\u201d Blas\u00e9-Ford? Antifa is the group that harrasses & threatens people at their homes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Breitbart is dead ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like what the Dems are doing. They are exposing their delusional ideology all on their own while we conservatives sit back and eat pop corn.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3 weeks till i'm back in ibiza guaranteed i won't want to come home #ibiza2016 #cantwait #girltime @user @user \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I think he meant to say ... sent to jail for fraud ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BuildTheDamnWalland keep this criminal trash out of USA #NoDACA #2A ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this year's #bbuk is going to be a good summer the housemate i'm backing is @user seems a nice quiet guy but we will see ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOLOL this man has the AUDACITY to argue with me as if he \"knows God\" and all this BULLSHIT when he had already ADMITTED to me that he is a PAGAN PRIEST. Basically then he WORSHIPS ANIMALS and CREATION and NOT The ONE TRUE HOLY God. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"made a facebook page also, delete your facebook https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/pseudoherostratus\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I checked... #followed \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Re_read drops re: Haiti. At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street. PURE EVIL. HOW MANY IN WASHINGTON AND THOSE AROUND THE WORLD (IN POWER) WORSHIP THE DEVIL? Conspiracy? Fake News? The World is WATCHING. Q ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE EXPANSE IS ALL AROUND US ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user how you fw dude after yo ole man go off to college y'all hoes wild \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Probably the raptures.... All the satanic child murders done by the globalists.. I've noticed an uptick in natural disasters which the globalists in the EU are trying to blame on global warming ..god is trying to tell us something.. I wonder if people like Soros, UK govt etc fear dying because of their human right abuses.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"okay, this is the most painful story that i have ever had the pleasure of writing. #feels #pain #death #itsliterallyheabreaking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"See incogman.net for the stories the (((media))) won't talk about","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Someone should'veTaken\" this piece of shit to a volcano. \ud83d\ude02\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@a when is the feed gonna auto update as new stuff comes in?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"damn she's bold #kentucky #jcpenny #mexicans #bitchesbelike ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The establishment of Europe has a court of humanrights. This court allows crimerefugees to stay forever in Europe. They will not send back in her homeland. So this court has a responsibility for a mulricriminal society in future, one says. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maxine is just a mean spirited woman. I can't imagine the demons she is dealing with to have that much hate & craziness in her. #CrazyMaxine","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dont tell me about yo hoe storied n then try to tell me you dont suck dick \ud83d\ude10 bitch who are you foolin. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm having a great day, I had an appointment earlier this afternoon.\ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bono is utterly stupid ridiculous wealthy tax avoiding hypocrite fascist I can\u2019t listen to U2 again ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"most people are about as as they make up their minds to be.- abraham lincoln #quote #personaldevelopment","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PepsiCO CEO Indra Nooyi talked to David Rubenstein to talk about what it's like to be a woman and immigrant in the C-suite Bloomberg TV@BloombergTV PepsiCO CEO Indra Nooyi talked to David Rubenstein t.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow you are actually terrible. Imagine being proud of getting people in a disaster zone finding water arrested. The store owner didn't want them arrested and you are an awful person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a biased liberal like most media types they still don't realize people have tuned them out long ago. They won't talk about 15 yrs of lieberal scandals\/rising debt but reducing 22 council jobs will make them mad!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not all men feel the need to attack women you know. Have you attacked the women you work with??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Just one more proof that the dnc hates the cosnstitution. this is exactly what pres. Washington warned us of in his farwell address. the dnc hates the constitution because it stands in the way of their totalitarain agenda. maybe that i why they push both socialism and gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You\u2019re right. Race identity politics is evil even though all races except only whites engage in it. And we need more 3rd world street shitting Indians in the West. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Over 9000 Indictments as it stands so far Check out @t193931\u2019s Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/t193931\/status\/947592857258401792?s=09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user police being horribly hyper-violent in their raids... #acab ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Show me who is saying that the alleged rape is her fault. Pretending that swathes of conservatives are blaming the victim for rape is a disgusting straw man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@WHSVGrantCruise birds of a feather. You stand with PETA. I stand with sanity.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The fantastical tale Kamala Harris told of Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court sounded fake.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He was a shrewd politician, not a left-wing pansy. https:\/\/t.co\/Lf024MfTjh https:\/\/t.co\/nmLNGbmqUP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes, even I gotta tell these hoes to grow up smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Chuck is a \u201c DUCK !\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More Dem Candidates Against Pelosi for Speaker https:\/\/iotwreport.com\/more-dem-candidates-against-pelosi-for-speaker\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER what is this shit right over here? I also showed to my polish friends and they are quite triggered","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how come the democraps didn't allow the fbi to examine their server if there was a russian hack? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He looks like he\u2019s been sucking on a lemon before he goes into those hearings. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Katie - You are a toxic bitch and will always be one. You got your way. I am going to be fired again anyways. You toxic bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WhatILearnedToday Liberals are the scum of the earth Absolute treason. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Which is why @user will walk across broken glass to keep our borders wide open. #IllegalAliens are literally determining the balance of power in our nation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even Sargon is better than shit tier Rick Wilson Vaughn.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Penllyn\u200d @mjrodksu\u200d @Sidephase\u200d @RaviCrux\u200d @DeadMessenger @John77 @FrLemmen\u200d @Sidephase @sine_injuria Dream on LUZER \u00a0#ThomasMix #VeroBeachCrybully","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02 He is the ultimate tease","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Was Al Gore nominated for Supreme Court judge? You conservatives have some nerve.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This would be amusing if it didn\u2019t empower our enemies. Libprog cucks out to little brown people(whom, of course, are majorities in their OWN countries) #whitegenocide #stoptheinvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I fucking loved that cat I am so sad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#nomoneynohoney #love #summer2016 @ psarou beach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Except when it comes to tyrone Woodley. Lol you ate your words eh dan. 45 mins about how great till was and why Woodley wasn't that great. What happened bud? Some fucking expert. 74-1. Stfu dan hardy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant detainees contribute to \u2018chaos\u2019 at overcrowded, understaffed Victorville prison, union says. Part one of a two-part series by me and @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Karma is a bitch baby, oh you wasn't trying to chill hoes, remember that, one day karma kicks you in the ass and I hope she wear steel toes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy i don't believe in accidents. there are only encounters in history. there are no accidents. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 pablo picasso twtly.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Come on CNN. He literally introduced himself. The guy is a public figure for gun control. Call him out! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #potus is the most unqualified man to ever hold office#narciccistic#lectures us #no guidance esp. now \\","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Drita is that nicca! Lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MaximeBernier \u201cRacist Party of #Canada\u201d #Bernier #PPC .@USER #news #politics #government #cdnpoli #polcan #pnpcbc #liberals #progressives #conservatives #ndp #cpc #lpc #gpc #AltRight #FarRight #populist #racist #racism #bigot #hw ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Probably say fuck it an do just that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Before mass immigration from Italy Toronto was a quiet British suburb in Montreals shadow. We turned it into one of top 5 cities in North America. It's OUR city. Then Anglo politicians gave it away to Chinks and Pajeets. The Anglo has failed this land.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another Company Caves To Anti-Gun Mob, Will Stop Gun Manufacturing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dude, even a worthless cackling hag like Hillary defeated a socialist asshole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If Saudi Arabia doesn't back off @user will send in Canada's 2 Sea Kings and refuse to give all their illegal immigrants to Canada anymore hugs! #cdnpoli #canpoli #onpoli #abpoli #ableg #cpc #pcpo #ucp #lpc #SaudiArabia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"top layer trash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user cannot wait to see @user working #lcmss17 w\/ @user later this morning! #lcm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Women Are Offended by his Porn & Rape Essay Stating \u201cA Woman Enjoys Interc\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Jehovah and Yahweh is most immoral! Seriously he is one big lying contradiction! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rich & immigrant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SteveWorks4You pay your taxes teabaggers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well duh. That\u2019s who he is. He defends other abusers so they\u2019ll defend him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thread[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]1) We shouldn\u2019t trust what politicians say and this whole RBG vacancy is proof positive. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#FillTheSeat #FillTheVacancy #Trump2020 #MAGA #CocaineMitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That is a great summation...absolutely. No fucking regard for exactly what the Constitution says. How bout we take Steven's 5th Amendment away,torture his ass into confessing he's a pedophile then burn him at the stake since \"cruel and unusual\" doesn't apply to him....stupid twat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wrote a bill before Trump was sworn in to enforce the clause banning the President from taking foreign payments. I expanded it in my bill to #EndCorruptionNow. If the Court won\u2019t uphold the ban on these conflicts, Congress should do it and pass my bill. https:\/\/t.co\/e9NAtITUC6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been suspended from the #RetardedBlueBird five times now for mocking ultra-Retard #MolesterSulu George Takei. Had my fun. Now back to @Gab for a while.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He looks just like Fred with a moustache. HA HA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Train your family subtly if necessary on what to do during civil war. Maybe go over the Spanish civil war of the 1930's which is pretty much what were expecting will happen in a few years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Does not suffer fools and has seen enough shit to last nine lives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first news you see in the morning #orlandoshooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That would explain why the antifa movement has a bitchy presence to it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You'll never be girlfriend or wife or none of that \ud83d\ude0c that's MY place bitch know your role and play your position \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 the rebound one \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude29\u270c\ud83c\udffe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @thatgirlran: “If your 15\/16 ACT like your those ages not like your 20. Its not cute.” That awk moment when I thought this tweet was abo…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is speaking against himself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happiness #awesome #love #greatday #america #dontbelazy #findhappiness #fun #havefaith #woh #perfect ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IE: Most humans are fucking ignorant and arrogant AND most ETs are fucking amazingly honourable and wise. See? Balance. :>","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I FUCKING love this!!!! so so true. and actually it\u2019s in those types of jobs you will learn the most","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Woman is undocumented immigrant, whose veteran husband voted for Trump ( why would you do that?) She ends up getting deported and has paid $20k and counting in lawyer fees...sounds about right ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019m alright with this. If someone is dumb enough to try this then they deserve what ever they get. I can\u2019t wait to hear about the first AntiFa idiot to get blown away after they tried to steal a gun from someone in a stand your ground state \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sleazy and greasy!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YOU awake yet???? If not you better hold onto your socks, cause this is just page 1.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lol I'm sure Paul manipulated people last season and we called them followers cuz they saw the threat and didn't do anything..Kind of what Kaycee & Angeela are doing this season..They both wanna take Tyler all the way knowing how much of a final 2 threat he is..That's following ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"India is home of one of the oldest civilisations in the world not a land of immigrants. It was welcomed refugees driven out from their homeland b it Parsis\/Jews w open arms but will not welcome illegal infiltrators who come here to change demography&become owners one day. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"amazing whoopi pies!!! # love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"S\/O to all you lurking hoes and bitch ass niggas \ud83d\ude07\ud83d\udd95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user She is a disgusting Coont! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user @user and i don't agree with his policies. but, i suppo him anyway. #pathetic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its not like your not sharing the water! Un fucking real. \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you get a text that makes you jump out of your seat...and you pull a hamstring haha \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3 #warmup #foamroll ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been THAT GUY in the server room who trips over power cords.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are too \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That won\u2019t happen as he is only comfortable twitting from his golden throne or toilet to most of us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user UR SO FUCKIDNG PRETTY PERHAPS I SHED TEARS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You know what? FUCK MUSLIM STUDENTS!!!! #SendThemBack #IHateShariaLaw ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did you hear that @user had a game taken away from her because she called an official a theif after he took a point and he only took a game away from her because she is a woman and he'd never have done that to a man? Would love to hear your thoughts on this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So, a local representative for the Sweden Democrats said that Swedes are white, and now she's getting expelled from the party. In the Sweden Democrats, who some people naively\u00a0believe are a nationalist party, you can have a lot of different opinions on taxes, abortions and LGBTQ-stuff, as long as those opinions are more left leaning than the official party line. But don't you dare say that Swedes...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't believe today is my last day at uni #whoopwhoop #amazing. well don't to everyone #graduating this year. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0093","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Someone please call for gun control because the Bengals can't stop shooting them selfies in the foot URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry Andrew but your policies will be too close to the Liberals policies and you don't seem trustworthy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck yeah you are!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Congratz @USER you are going to make a GREAT mom!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Turns out Cody 'Sanjuro' Wilson fancies himself as a samurai. probably collects fake swords #RiceKing #usefulidiot #QAnon #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"over the #rainbow #like #follow #italian #sunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user They aren\u2019t making fun of the woman. They are making fun of the liberals supporting barbaric tradition of covering a woman\u2019s body with a garbage bag because men might be inclined to rape them at any given moment. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1\/2 we're told over & over that #voterid laws are #stillwithher #liberal #democrats need to #wakeup & reali\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#lady i want you in the bath - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so bro \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e..... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immediate response is preferable than calling and waiting for the Police... LOGICAL... Obama's gun free zones is a death trap...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Maxine is a CRACKED POT and should be run out of town. What a loser she is.\ud83d\ude00 What a joke she is also.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rasheedibrahim_ once it gets cold yall gonna be trash again lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm watching the Trump town hall! Definitely more of a chance of some crazy shit going down there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"enroute to rps #benefitsofbeingastudent #dmu #rpharms #pharmacystudent","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like @m says, armed fags don't get bashed. Even though they're a bunch of commies, like many of the Kurds, I'll support them throwing DAASH off of rooftops for the sheer hilarity of it all. https:\/\/www.gaystarnews.com\/article\/gay-guerilla-g...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is incredibly stupid and perhaps the reason why she was chosen to \u2018entropy\u2018 the trade talks. Trudeau will destroy everything of reason in Canada. Would you allow a terrorist destroy Canada? Then why have Trudeau? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally bought the bentonite clay for my face & hair \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This terrorist fanboy @USER and his saddo @USER cronies are wholly unfit to hold any public office. A proper @USER #Brexit supporting Tory PM would have wiped them out politically by now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 802 is not a poll especially because they are all Liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They ALL need to be fired and the FISA docs released to the public. This charade needs to end NOW.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For fucks sake! So many good musicians and actors died in the last 3 years but the fuckers stay for virtue signalling. %$\u00a7#","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Proud. Shit is fire no matter what weather you\u2019re in. No matter if your house temperature is high or low. Everyone\u2019s just too pussy to get in the water for 1 min. Cuz after that you get used to the temp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on my way to #cloverspay @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after 2 weeks without my knee brace i felt i was making progress. pain increasing and a hospital visit later = brace back on :( #injury","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol....sounds like you need to read what he said.....their father was the devil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user happy national best friend day! @user mofknz #nationalbestfriendday #bff #bf\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hawd me back. Hawd me back \". \ud83d\ude02\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Disgusting Liberals have no shame!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#loveisland this is why beauty pageants should be banned. just proves how much @user is out of touch! a woman has sex! omg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good Morning Ms Georgann ( @blkdiamond97\u200d) Thank you ! So True, Touching ... \ud83c\udf3c Wish you a Beautiful day Ahead too.... \ud83d\udcab \ud83c\udf89 \ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They say vegan soy products have estrogen hormones.... Is that good for anyone? It will fuck a man up.. but what effect would extra estrogen have on women? Would they become perma period psychotics?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Catholic activists call for inquiry after 2 boats tried to cross border ahead of Malaysian crackdown on illegal workers #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #migrants #Indonesia #Malaysia @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please read and think, please Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris https:\/\/t.co\/KaqJ5XXe2w","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 more sleeps until our taster sessions sta ... #toptots @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I know exactly how it works. They steal money through regulations and taxes and the people can't do a thing about it because the government has the monopoly on violence. Why do you think democrats desperately need gun control? They want even more power over the people.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Socialism is a mental disorder... really\u00a0 #Socialism #Communism #Idiots ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The porn whore will say whatever it has to to make a buck.....\"Does that feel good?\", \"You like it like that?\", \"Trump touched me there!\".","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that's my boy..... #actionkids #handsome #coolkids weekend family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"think i finally decided on my next tattoo\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yeah thats true. i really hope you are able to get that time off for daisho.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"all this hate & violence during a time when we should all be accepting each other prayers for all #confused #orlando #ripchristina","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok, extremely noob question... How do I start a group here? @support","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am so excited for resident evil 7. it looks like it could be a really good game! #residentevil7 #yay #horror","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jew\u00a0Mona Charen speaking at CPAC. \"I'm actually going to twist this around a bit and say that I'm disappointed in people on our side for being hypocrites about sexual harassers and abusers of women who are in our party, who are sitting in the White House, who brag about their extramarital affairs...\" Typical Jew stab in the back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"It wasn't real last time\", what is that supposed to mean.. ?, another shooting drill ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just standard islamic misogyny at play here. Practically every woman in Saudi Arabia lives like this. This is what the islamophilic libtard feminists can expect as the norm if they want to keep on supporting islam. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we are super to read @user #review #sheilas #natural #skincare #fingerscrossed it's #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I didn't know Oprah Winfrey knew how to play tennis. .. \ud83d\ude31 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No longer believe a single word that the despicable woman (@USER utters - A liability to our nation and @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Not now Hell no he offered that last year no go now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user very #blackheathstandard #summerfair \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @UnusualFactPage: Shy people tend have great observational skills, making it easier to recognize the core of a problem then solving it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#latina buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Don't worry fellow #Antifa and #resist member, I have made an excellent plan to stop Russian influence for good. I call it General Plan Ost\". We will invade Russia's western border in three different army groups while cleansing the population all the way to Moscow!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When he wakes up from his nap. Hell sanctuary city\/state traitors still walk free","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Has this guy got acorns in his cheeks or what. Lack of walking around sense is astonishing with liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"money hoes and clothes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am einstein. this just what i'm like! #cheerful #smile #laugh #chirpy #gay #joyful #loving #mih ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is purely a move to block a nomination. Liberals said early on they would not vote for him. This made up story is a slap in the face to all who were really sexually harassed. It shows liberals really don\u2019t care about any true victims. Power first. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JOscarJr: @paullemat Happy Birthday! Take a spin in that yellow coupe... #shutemdown http:\/\/t.co\/xGy7gIGOn8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always be #seniti ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why r u such a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Supreme Court says warrant necessary for phone location data in win for privacy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER you\u2019re my forever favorite third wheeling \ud83d\ude29","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"arabic #aerobics: stay #fit, & #healthy via @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user who ever can stop immigration will win the vote eastern europe has done much to change the uk no more we r fed up with it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The title of the book pretty much sums up any conversation with Avram. He is either a shill for the criminal @user or really is mentally incapable of understanding facts that contradict his brainwashing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I stopped using fb several months ago. My husband can't give up arguing with idiots.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #OpioidCrisis begins at the border! #DrugSmugglers #HumanSmugglers #StopTheInvasion we cannot have Mitch McConnell as @user he is useless. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnestyEver ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user On reflection if you meant 12.47 am you are indeed fucked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've even seen this in express itself in real life recently, truly surreal. Women are losing their minds, which is hysterical ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An adult would never purchase a video online that they can get for free, or go out to see. It would not even cost that much with popcorn, candy and a drink! For goodness sake. What the Frick n Frack is going on here?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"had an amazing week at my mans house!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 now work is done, back home to relax then off to see my bestie later! #perfectday #amazing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER LMAO! You are still butt hurt that your loser Hitlary lost. Love it. See you at the polls in 2020 Bucky.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How about just F*!k her @user she is an instigating big mouth bitc* & so is her evil friend. @user MY OPINION!!! #teamtani ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nah I\u2019m okay lol I\u2019m going to watch On my block until a new season \ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Chelsea is as crazy as her mother ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I wouldn't doubt anything the unhinged witch would do.She's a leftest nutty Professor with a mentally ill past.She has no business teaching anyone!I suspect she is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros. Psycho was going to do the same thing to Gorsuch. #LockHerUp in a mental ward!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dad's happy cam... gbp 16.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A bunch of overpaid liberals whining about how horrible everything is. They should get together with NFL players and try getting a real job. Zero interest in them giving their friends pointless awards.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER not the point ~although it is a convenient excuse for conservatives to assume if ones against trump then tbey ate for for clinton which is just asinine. \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TRYING TO HIDE ALL THE EVIDENCE \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0e\u270d\ud83d\udc40 #MAGA #QANON #TRUMP #WWG1WGA #QARMY #QALERT #MAGAFORALLINC \ud83e\udd14 #TOOLATE\ud83d\ude0e \ud83d\udc47 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your girl's accusing you of cheating so you let your side bitch listen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MetalMonday https:\/\/youtu.be\/QxGBTATke_0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You don\u2019t know squat about Obama. Second you say we are not safe because of Obama? Wrong! You think were safe to an individual who fights gun control? How many shootings have there been since Trump got into office? Explain that!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user AS IT SHOULD BE! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We dont need gun control. We need White Male control.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PHOTOS: Trump's border wall under construction #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Can you show me gun control organisations that are exclusively trying to take away guns from black people??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @EJ_RealTalk: “@SirRayCharles: Mo Claiborne is so trash”I can't say it enough fam 😒","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"olly with our newest dm member #rooster! #gift from one of our clients! #goodluckrooster #newmemeber ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Faggot, fruit-pop, Islame-O loving, little libtard creep!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Chink_19 chink thats better then having the rug rats running around yah crib girl enjoy life lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #clickbait #much? that\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a really shitty headline @user you should change it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why men propose &funny #humour #lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"men's footjoy black saddle weaved golf shoes 9.5 m soft spikes soft heel inse #footjoy #black ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"The #UN an anti-American anti-Christian org that has always been run by totalitarians is now targeting media outlets that R exposing the truth abt invasion of Muslim migrants & the terror crimes & violence they bring with them\" http:\/\/www.dcclothesline.com\/2018\/07\/31\/un-targets-media-outlets-that-speak-the-truth-about-muslim-migrants\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The power to help #refugees rebuild their lives is in your hands. Get started tonight \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"setting up for the graduation tomorrow night. stas at 6pm. exeter cricket club (next to the uni).. .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TommyRobinson\u00a0was a GENUINE political prisoner https:\/\/www.whaleoil.co.nz\/2018\/08\/whaleoil-video-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Got blocked for thirty days on fagbook","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am trying to cope. why should this affect me so much? perhaps being too engaged with the news is a trigger. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He should be given 5000 volts! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user they're just wasting their money dims don't read books and conservatives don't read smut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do we have any new Orleans local artists who can paint flags and fences?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A whole lot of 'not all men' and ''no women I know' with a side of 'women (one in particular) are crazy' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alex Jones Reads The FULL Declassified FISA Memo On Air ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For granted !! The Uk voted to leave the EU because of Immigration Germanies Crime rated have went up mostly because of young migrants and even Norway and Sweden are having problem .The British commonwealth has lot of crappy nations wanting citizenship and expect housing etc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I considered writing about tricks some Jews use and decent alternatives, since it would interest some, but it seems many are already using the same tricks as the Jews. So, how anti-Shemitic can I be? I can't even generalize them as worse, but rather often more successful at being worse. I can call all out on shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And guys like you are the fat yokels.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And this is exactly how it should be in England!! Crime is low in Slovakia etc but all the scumbags come to to commit crimes as they know they can get away with it - THEY NEVER RETURN!!! #stopimmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user .@user on #periscope: personal development #fitmom #tikila #bellyburningbootcamp #fitness #health \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If You My Bitch You My Bitch then and that just means You My Bestie In This Crazy HellHole ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't believe i've been blamed again..... seriously you are meant to love me #soupset #tears #fuming #1yearag\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I was running this country those Islamic training camps would be brought down by our Marines in the dark of the night, one at a time, taking no prisoners in the process. Those demonic Muslim lunatics do not deserve to breath another breath of American freedom. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He makes a good point. Too bad that is a career death sentence these days. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Has any ex Obama administration personal not yet? See a pattern here folks! Their actually doing this publicly. The msm is their partner in this treason. It\u2019s a attempted coup d'etat!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it's about time women spoke up about the abuse they've suffered by the hands of scumbag men. Not all men are scumbags. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Croatian police deny using violence against migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Too many corrupt evil beings hold govt positions amd\/or have too much clout w\/the corrupt & evil beings in gvt positions. & the majority all point to the left w\/a few fake conservatives in the mix. Why else is Hillary\/Obama & their cronies still walking free?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am so determined to find halo top creamery ice cream in vegas and none of the places on their store locator has it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yep that selfish idiot just put the Secret Service at risk for a photo-op. Vote him out! #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"learn how to be with what you have while you pursue all that you want #jimrohn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When is before and when is after?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy weekend y'all! #weekend #hello #saturday #goodmorning #sun #milano #italianweekend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A BUNCH OF VULTURES! TIM ISNT EVEN GONE YET -WTF? HAVE YOU NO SHAME? ALL YOU SEE ARE $$ I HOPE HE LEFT EVERY PENNY TO AN ANIMAL RESCUE! 'Carol Burnett' star Tim Conway recovers from brain surgery as family battle over comic's fate rages on #FoxNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user shut that wanker up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v_w75Fw6PiU ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user invited @user over for a catch up and i couldn't stop talking about how much i love my job \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #retail #manager #h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Join Captain Sully! Help save America's future! Take back America from Don \"The Con\" Trump! #VoteHimOut [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/IhpG4C8OXD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I imagine George Soros is a happy camper tonight. Lucifer is smiling","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"an unextraordinary life is perma #free on amazon. #romance #paranormal #ghost \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #love #indieauthor","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Wait, according to the @user @user @user Emmanuelle Macron won the World Cup himself and this is proof that mass migration\/multicult works \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u2030. Never mind that France is home to larges ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It seems Christine Ford was an ANTIFA member! Wiped her social media accounts. What is her involvement in the leftist vandalism in California? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"throw them a pay , give them gifts.... and tweet them bihday with us !! <--------","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Someone please call for gun control because the Bengals can't stop shooting them selfies in the foot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/english.dailynk.com\/english\/read.php?cataId=nk01500&num=15120 Sanctions? There are opportunities everywhere!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is inciting VIOLENCE via Twitter to accounts supporting POTUS. He has made lists to have us targeted by ANTIFA...etc. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Once again if you look at the timeline the only ones who are so proud of her is liberal or white liberals. Like I tell my Hispanic community when you see liberals offended for minorities becareful these people are not your friend. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user flagging because you might be police. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We have to speak the truth, on both sides. Diversity + Proximity = War. Eventually, interests differ. Eventually, one political class or the other or both will fail. Switch for a sec and imagine playing from the Jews' position - there's no reliable winning strategy over the long term. And the starting point for the West must be that the West = Christendom. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i live on the cape and haven't been to the beach once this summer :-) #work #please #save #me #idonthaveasunburn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#friday #ballerina pc: @user at @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need a generation of politically incorrect comics.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Holy shit get a lawyer false advertisement colon in not a football player he is a vag head ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are sick in the head. This man lost his daughter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I love only one (1) bitch (you) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What EVERY DAY post-#FISA declassification is going to be like FOR PATRIOTS. #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA @user Perp walks will make spectacular Christmas gifts #QAnon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama Foundation building: Not So Fast. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why is this crook walking free? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And then same liberals were accusing falsely in Kathua case while hiding in shithole right now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine thinking racialism is less relevant to young Whites than the church or the Bible. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank you!!\ud83d\ude2d\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I don't have an argument so I will call him a JOO\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank you Jourdan!!! & Hayley is yours \ud83d\ude24 she is literally in my DMs as we speak and still hasn\u2019t wished me happy birthday. Fake mom","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the pic says otherwise for young girls confined in that kitchen. you are void of meaning, beyond cheap publicity #topoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's amazing how the Democrats are always leading in the CNN polls. All the Liberals live for is the polls that they control. Liberals are insane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see hope for #Italy #Croatia & #Hungary as well as #Poland.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"retweet if you agree! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the first lollipop asiatic lily, sundrops (narrow leaf evening primrose) and rose. #gardenlife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Violent threats against Biden and his supporters are getting worse[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]by @DonnaProvencher [NEWLINE][NEWLINE] https:\/\/t.co\/AsyXPHsj3c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Made it last night for you! \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals judge you guilty EVEN when proven innocent. #liberalsneedtheirownpsychward","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now i fear for my fave aists. hoping they'd be safe everytime, everywhere. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That or she is an awfully good transvestite ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nobody will kill or beat her! Cheap tectics to become popular LGBT Tikoo. She can follow SUNNY LEONE also: she is popular not only in India but world\ud83d\ude34 Best of Luck and hope to see both of ur videos together: Sri Krisna will definetly make ur next video popular. Have fun\ud83d\ude4f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/North_American_television_frequencies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I could've sworn this was the planet of the ape's poster had to do a double take.\u00a0\ud83d\udc12\ud83c\udf4c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If by Conservatives you mean people that work and pay taxes to help support people like you then I guess we are dumb thinking that you would appreciate it instead of wanting more and more. Get a job start paying taxes and see how much you love any tax and spend gov. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02 you don't see me on this bitch talking bout no female ion fucking care bout you hoes \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Zero evidence lmaooooooo I love seeing liberals squirm at shit like this \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rohingya refugee children are being forced to grow up too fast. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"N18 Million To Be Paid To Women Maltreated And Tagged HO's ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"At what point did she say, \"I want to be Huma Weiner.\" ???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IslamIsIncompatible with #WesternValues#SendThemBack #GetThemOut #ForeignInvaders #CulturalReplacement#IslamicCaliphate Where are your leaders? Fight. Resist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is absolutely adorable what a good mommy you take good care of her.\ud83d\udc9e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they got their tickets for @user #epsomedge. have you? #9daystogo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Holy hell\u2026 she looks rough. 37. >_<","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You've heard the phrase, 'What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user looking for a little happiness? come join the nowlinkup: @user #bloggers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like u wanna claim that you aren't racist but bitch what you're saying and retweeting how Tf is that not Racist u dumb whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"incredible content! @user @user @user #beforesex @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's in the simple things! #love #joy #time #life #invest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Broken kneecap. 4 years of jumping out of planes in Recon and its wet linoleum that takes me out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"VIDEO:\u00a0Christine Blasey Ford and Palo Alto University\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user look at this bs! turning the school into military academy to get more money. #smh #publiceducation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And set to accept more economic migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user absolutely disgusting and no need #euro2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user after trump, is the media normalizing the #kkk? | alternet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t talk shit on me when everyone calls you a whore too boo\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.realclearpolitics.com\/video\/2016\/08\/22... Bill the Serial Rapist & Krooked Kkkillary went to Aretha Franklin funeral to make sure the negros there understand that the Clintons are still in 'power'. ... ...And a reminder to\u00a0 the 'blacks that they are super predators that need to be brought to heel.'","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YOU. ARE. ALL. FUCKING. GAY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That she is. \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The actual title for this post: \"Sessions Pushes To Speed Up Immigration Courts, Deportations \" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Democrats always give people reasons to vote. What other party cares more about minorities or women & children? What party is fighting for healthcare? Which party is reasonable on gun control or immigration? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user why can't women be defenders if they want? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this govt has a lot to answer they are very racist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PRESIDENT TRUMP, YOU HAVE THE ABILITY\/THE AUTHORITY to completely defund the FBI. Shut them down, remove the criminal trash who have lost ALL RESPECT of the citizens of this country. Take this opportunity (just like the CIA) to start fresh. Rebuild a new, honest, trustworthy Federal Organization of Investigation. Cut MUELLERS paycheck---see how long he's willing to work for free. Watch how quickly the investigation is summed up when payroll disappears.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"..understand that black lives matter, fight global warming, demand gun control, safeguard Roe v. Wade, and, of course, marshal their forces to throw the bum out.\"\" Save our SS from being used as welfare for billionaires. Have medicare that covers everything. No worries or fears.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user My goodness you are a Goddess \ud83d\udc9b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'll go ahead and click your post up, but ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#trump2020 Biden campaign explained... with toothpaste. https:\/\/t.co\/1ivb6aOEiG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because he hates","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user where to go in negros? not too far and expensive and where we can commute bc we don't have a car. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user its Time to Enforce the Public Charge #Immigration laws! U.S Taxpayers should not be forced to take care of #Immigrants and Refugees collecting Welfare while our #Veterans are Homeless #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My immigrant family when I talk to them about how we should all try live more fulfilling lives year round versus only finding joy in the 3 weeks they spend in the Philippines every year: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ANTIFA..ANONYMOUS ARE COMING FOR YOU.. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"# walkaway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good she is a Crook too\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\ude11","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy freakin cow this is actually real from Antifa? Now we really know they are stupid. Great way to get shot or hurt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is dickmatized","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"exactly!\u00a0 the only thing she hasn't accused Trump of doing yet is running drugs...otherwise every unethical act she has accused him and family of doing she has already done to a fine art and we peons are not to know the difference","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When the pussy stank but she looks so good you gotta finish ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Glenn Beck Endorses Donald Trump, Puts on MAGA Hat | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Iw3QMk via @BreitbartNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Tough crap Mazie! There should be a Me Too\"\" for men with false accusations against them as well as those hurt by Democrat lies, false accusations, biased government agencies, biased media sensationalism and Antifa bullies etc......\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"reality in reality\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 #youwillbemissed #neverforget #neverforogotten #devistaded #reality\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user with the caption so much for the tolerant left\"\" ... yup you fit the description of ANTIFA . I suspect you are not a threat as I doubt you can attack any reporters from your mom's basement.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Since it's Hispanic night at the ballpark. Did they just open up the gates and let anybody and everybody in or did they have to have a ticket? #BuildThatWall #Trump2020 @user #ChopOn @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In fairness, you don't enter a beauty pageant to be judged on your intelligence.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is unfit for office . Mentally deranged.. unstable..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I guess even your white laundry is racist, since you aren't suppose to wash whites with coloreds,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fat ass.... heart attack city..... keep eating fat ass.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've just entered MOBO Unsung with a remix of I Am An #Immigrant with the tombak. Wish me luck! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As we say here in the South \u201c bless her heart\u201d! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're up till 5am but had to be to work by 8:30 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another example of the EU's faith in democracy and democratic consultation.http:\/\/www.continentaltelegraph.com\/brexit\/eu-to-e...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then you would be a subversive jew.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"interessanter Artikel - und so treffend.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"REFUGEES ARABS MUSLIMS - NOT WELCOME IN POLAND via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you are such a hoe, and don't care \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remember the Common Purpose instructions for an emergency, \"Run, Hide, Tell, Collect medal\"?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user The same politicians that have multi million pound homes away from all the migrant areas... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Is that a bar where antifa sharpens their stones and buys their silly string? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the only award I deserve in life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Snowflakes are liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My mom FaceTimed me to show off new shoes she got and was like \"no cabe duda que soy una Bitch\" i love her \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And I you ya sexy lady you \u2661 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Chris Burns you are a fascist. Nothing more than that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user as i mentioned this morning f.r.e.e. = forget rules explore experience #hackaton","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user #ojmadeinamerica is #tragic & #fascinating marcus allen #sexliesnegos...guess faye resnick told #truth on\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@CNN Another event to keep spreading the #coronavirus since the #GOP can't reliably wear a damn mask!!! What idiotic irresponsible clowns \ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21 #TrumpCovid #Election2020 #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #VoteBlue2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stupid teacher talks to @RandyMower like he's retarded","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Misplaced_Momma \nHello dare momma. I show glad dat u follow me. U lbe screamin hot in dem pitchers. \nYou eva b wit colored men?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dishonored zone where you have to balance on dangerously high edges in a shitty ghetto overrun with rats and bloodflies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @AdamWeinstein: Working theory: This \"selective race\" abortion ban passed in Florida today was just an excuse for redneck reps to say ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BraveConWarrior: GRAPHIC ~> 150 Christians MASSACRED By Jihadi Muslims While They Slept! Including Pastor, His Wife & Kids http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/3g59p.png","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user am i doing the new #runningman right yall? i may just have to stick to the old version. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"practicing for saturday night.... #getuickets ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER the owner is a elderly lady who couldn\u2019t leave the trailer cause it was underwater and she is in oxygen tanks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#aymtracklist no seasoned aist vocals #kahik #chimayi #shakthishreegopalan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user oye shikari...full shikar mood e. u r looking gorgeous in the shikari song..tell shakib he is lookin brilliant\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It takes a 2sec Google search to see who this accuser is - I'll help the mindless uneducated liberals . URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"d'usse & lemonade day pay! outfit made by me of course lol saturday# @ lite chicago ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Conservatives have killed hundreds 100000 people as a direct result of conservative policies DWP figures she is such an imbecile Tony Blair put 6% into the NHS Gordon Brown 5.5% that's not fit to be an MP 1.5% she's stealing the National Health Service of us. Chemical attacks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are hysterical get a grip & focus more on the systematic rape, abuse and murder of women by sections\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's hard to believe you are 39. I remember you as the cute first daughter\"\" in the White House. I voted for your dad twice. You have been a true force for good. Thank you.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Funny until you realize that many women on the left will actually fall for it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All,\u00a0@_Rev1972, aka ChapDan, aka Danny, went in for heart surgery (bypass, I think) yesterday. I haven't heard how he's doing yet, but please keep him in your prayers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when the boss says yes to office margs at 1 #bliss ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Totally. Just shown herself up to be a spoilt narcissist. The comment to the umpire that he will never be at her matches for as long as he lives? Just who does she think she is?? Not gracious in defeat. A disgrace to the sport.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@theblaze #Leftists are disgusting humans. If you can call them that. I despise #HillaryClinton and she deserves #jail for sure. But I wouldn\u2019t wish suffering or death upon her. Truly #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder. #GetWellMrPresident #Trump2020 Don\u2019t assume a #Landslide2020 #VoteRed!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qeU0d5eI1VA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holder is responsible for selling guns to the Mexican cartel. Just another Obama administration law breaker. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">goes straight for an adhominem attack while calling somebody else stupid","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pinto grigio dreams turned into moscato reality","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just some trump suppoers voicing their thoughts on women's suffrage and germany's immigration policy... \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user *syrian rapefugee ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@debbie1ala @user @user 100% agreed. These are illegal aliens, not immigrants. Boat people are a sugar-coated way of putting it. It scares me that many Australians on Twitter still think its okay for these \"immigrants\" to just turn up. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Your fucking Bf nigga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you realize you're a mass murderer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She\u2019s not acc drunk she\u2019s just v tired and took sleeping pills so she is being silly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"By u waiting 18 hrs to respond to my reply, you must be an European troll, most likely UK.\u00a0 Sounds as a sore loser to me, \"everyone\"!:) Enjoy mosloms taking over, all will have no cake for weirdos' weddings and all have no bacon sandwich!:) Enjoy ur new life. In America, as a country found on \"religious\" freedom, many of us, non-libREtards are still value decency.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And people still buy their shit. Why?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No there's no equivalence. It's not both sides.\"\" Conservatives' contrived controversies, division and refusal to acknowledge basic facts will be our biggest obstacles for the foreseeable future.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so sad. literally if anyone wants to buy me a plane ticket to nyc before this happen i'd highly appreciate it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #ADL threatened to launch a PR campaign against the\u00a0entire country of #Iceland, by labeling them Nazis.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey guys thanks for following! Spread the word and make sure everyone knows #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah but I think what he is saying is addiction is a life long battle. Regardless of if he relapsed or not Josh has to keep those demons at bay every day. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is a wart on society ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you've seen the reports and you might know more than me but have a look at how many businesses have closed down since the coalition of the @USER @USER and you talk of training people for business.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She has done great harm to Country by facilitating Muslims migration from Bangladesh,Nepal etc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Border Agents arrest 5,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records @user @user #BuildTheWallSince they only catch about 50% another 5,000 made it in.#KeepAmericansSafe#DeportThemAll#FamiliesStayTogetherInOwnCountry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"POLL: Immigration top issue for voters... DNA testing being done on separated children ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"think about. in this country where hindus are at least 90%. if figure is wise versa then\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Dangerous to liberals for sure open the flood gates! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user excellent idea! dig deep & hang 'em high! #treason #aidingenemies #fraud #coverups #benghazi #extoion17 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Have not spent one dime on NFL. NO TICKETS. NO MERCHANDISE. NO TV TIME. My Football Day is Saturday. College Gameday is incredible ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should of known she wouldnt show up! Only accuse is in the dems playbook! When will people start understanding that the radical have taken over the party! #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #WednesdayWisdom #FortTrump #1linewed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER says she\u2019s a Republican in the mold of Lincoln and Reagan. Supports gun control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 ways to b in #life- never take help of tears to show ur emotions..& never take help of words to show ur anger..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tomorrow will change my life #islam #fun #muslim","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are grass fires 100 miles away from OKC and the sky is smokey, hazy and smelling like fire.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yeah after 5yrs ..... but its for the best..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Everything he just said. Is exactly why we need gun control. It\u2019s about saving lives. Nothing else matters just saving lives. Some people get bent out of shape over the second amendment. It\u2019s my right. Crying! Put your feelings away coward! put your guns away coward. Gun=Coward ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00e2\u0096\u00bawhy is it illegal to show #topless photos of women but legal to write comments? #stopracism #facebook ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hope everyone is having great day, we are off for ice-cream with sb9592241 \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #sunny\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Omg let's all get wet over every muscular Olympian! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No. He is actually bald","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SenSchumer Correction:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]More ballots were counted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris than any ticket in our nation\u2019s history. It's worth investigating to make sure they were legal votes.[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]The American people have, perhaps, given them an enormous burden, but one with no mandate for action.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soft and mushy,soon you will be clean.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Syria's military continues to advance in the south west ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user First law \u2014 sensible fucking gun control! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dragoneducation#sunmer#eating #yummy#experience #aupair#aupairlife #aupair2016#china#travel#sunny #love#educate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Oh. Low blow or blow job. Lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user off to see you @user tonight for #3fridaynights! @user #friday #pay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER See as he thick. A bad bitch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user watch one u.s. #marine fearlessly take on violent angry mob of pro-palestine protesters ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I am not sure how much you have seen about this, but this is a pretty strange take on it. to say rape is the main plot point is dismissive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1-800-slap-a-hoe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kike memes or no memes at all you fiserable maggots!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Of course not she is young and dumb. If she really had a brain she wouldn't believe in socialism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So now we see the woman was hysterical all along. Poor Rose, a victim of her imagination. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The shit skins, like this piece of crap are not immigrants, they are gimmigrants, they will never contribute to our society, they savage animals who are mildly retarded & they want domination over America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dont keep signing all this talent for what so they can be on main event ever week or get lost in the Shuffle Chad cable is a amazing wrestling but he is in a tag team with Bobby Rhoode that dont make any sense and people wonder why cody left because he is a main event talent ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ummm it's called free speach Communist! That's the way it is around here , you don't like it because you can't do jack shit about it. This is not twatter, this is not faggbook, THIS..IS..GAB!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I call her the Negative Nellie who lives in my brain. I constantly battle with her. She is a creep. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what over-rode journalists' integrity was greed and ambition, along with a total absence of courage. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#trumpusa when they call us #homophobic #misogynist they are really saying they are jealous of us w\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Seriously fuck you if you argue with anyone who is simply expressing how you made them feel. Just stfu and listen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are whoring yourself out for NRA $$! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you dont look at me here! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I continue to be concerned that our country\u2019s gun control laws are not good enough to protect our children. I will only vote for the party that is willing to address this issue.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm hoping it's a joke. #antifa are morons and have no clue how many people carry backup guns. Their #disarmthem stunt will make them a lethal threat in most states. Do the math on what will happen. Silly #antifagoons","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" people spit on the face of #god ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He's not backing down from the \"mob\" word the MSM hates so much and suppresses their guests from using. I love POTUS.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holder is a complete corrupt scum bag. I remember when he announced his is part of the resistance. Which means he want to resist the people who voted for Trump. Can U imagine the people he would have hunted down and prosecuted if this happened to bone head obama","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#red from #birds in real life? 'cranky' cardinal is a dead ringer for ... - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user OMG !!!! Really !!! #FrankOz ... Liberals ruins Everything ... #DefundPBS.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTF? What are we waiting for? These ppl will be the death of us. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks God! #maga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's like it's always the ones YOU CARE FOR THE LEAST that be talking so much shit like bitch I'm not even paying attention to you lil whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Krislisisms: Today something is dope. Tomorrow that same thing is trash. Next month it is irrelevant. Next year it's classic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop tweet watching my shit bitch you don't even follow me HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @NicoRomero23: EDM music is trash af and annoying","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Qtah17 Let's do this shit!!!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user - little skank!! People here might not realize what a masochistic little whore you are. *frost pushed\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How? You can\u2019t just say \u201cWrong\u201d with no evidence for why it is. You said you agree with Sargon I\u2019m pretty much every subject but gun control and healthcare. That\u2019s not what a centrist believes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Like a gazelle fleeing an antifa mob?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ufc champ #amandanunes gets $200k for beating #rondarousey who got $3 million is sophisticated ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SullivanMcPig: If those Captcha pictures get any more fuzzy I'm going to need a bot to decipher them","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why can't u work in harmonious way?\"Why u always follow,either my way or no way\"Delhi is fast becoming a slum under AAP. Every pavement,public parks,Flyover spaces,Road sides have been encroached by illegal Muslim migrants. Urge u to go ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What if I talked ghetto lol I'd be so annoyed of my self","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Demon-craps just can't get over the fact that they are not in charge....They're delusional to think something that will effect the country in such a profound way will just be bargained away....American's have Dreams that come first over Illegals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He needs to fade into the sunset quickly. His music sucks and no one cares about his political views. Unfortunately he\u2019s too ignorant to realize. Only concert I went to where a political diatribe completely. ruined it completely.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"coffee @ #thepearl with julie - happy weekends! 2 weeks and then 3 weeks of leisurely relaxation, cafes, foreshore, reading ... sigh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Impeachment means we get Pence. Please may it be so. #DeusVult.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You said it. They're trying to prove that cheepika is goddess and everyone else has nothing to offer. It tells everything about how insecure they are as fans. Now their target is alia because they know how good she is. Alia being so good is threat to their so called goddess. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user wow!mtn u a the best father's day it will be the best ever!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lets get rid of womens sports and make men and women play side by side! #equality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"summer is in which means good vibes!! try to keep a smile each day and see all the good things in life!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I saw that but i dont think thats a tattoo. It looks like that fuckin fashion fabric string or some shit. Idk. Might not me but that ass looks exactly like hers ha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal aliens, it\u2019s all your fault You Refuse to Obey U.S Laws and Committed Child Abuse using Your Kids To Illegally enter the U.S Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in THEIR COUNTRY NOT THE U.S #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #NoAmnesty via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user And don't forget his telling a primarily black liberal audience conservatives want to put them back in chains\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I mean, I guess that\u2019s an accurate description of the EU, now that I think of it.\u00a0 http:\/\/rss.slashdot.org\/~r\/Slashdot\/slashdot\/~3\/h3...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whoops bought snuggly hideous fuzzy boots because it's cold as balls all of a sudden","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Seriously??.... Guess comedy is easier to get viral.... Have you tried drawing shit? XD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I await with pursed lips.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ALSO... still laughing at this bitch that my friend Chef brought to DirtyBird... LIKE NO ONE WANTED YOU THERE HOE JUST SO YOU KNOW \ud83d\ude39\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is looking forward to catching up with @user @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be #friendship #prosecco","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER what the fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the kikes and sand monkeys get a special buzzword just for themselves all while they are working together to subvert and destroy us. Obviously 'islamophobia' and anti-semitism are necessary. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Western countries that by and large still pride themselves on exhibiting Christian values then, just to be more specific. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"daily reminder @Ricky_Vaughn99\u200d is a faggot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That is the same old crap spewed by the liberals (MSM). They are disgusting! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pcsjourney was woh it and i #passed #pedipt. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then I went inside, in order to hide from mutant bird","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would like very much to see our hero president teaching those Iranian terrorists a simple lesson: payback is a bitch ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Embarrassing for the liberals....I wonder who those women raped in school\ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user arise sir mo farah. this is my country you #islamophobic #immigrant hating chumps. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"never getting tired of this one\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #aimemoidemain\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 #aime #music #love #theshinsekai #girl \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 you for buy give we all ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you forgot #democrate, because vetting people from terrorist #countries is .dumb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MUMMY... NO bitch youll call me DADDY as you choke on my big dick! Youll call me DADDY when I bend you over and strech that cunt wide & split you in two! DADDY knows best. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user You're wearing yoga pants to show off your ass. Don't give me this bull shit 'they're comfy!' we all know the truth ladies #ASS #ASS #ASS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you a Pacific student wondering what it\u2019d be like to work in policy? Head along to the roadshow and apply for the internship. Wish this kind of thing existed when I was a student. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hello my brother Steven @AmateurSociety\u00a0!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does anyone even live in Oregon?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER and it's funny as obama starting talking about gun control shootings started happening. Correlation-definitely so.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So \"they\" are already switching to bombs, but I thought bombs were illegal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I hope you realize that you are loved. #LetSomebodyLoveYou #Life @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't bring a stone to a gunfight. Sheesh stupid muhammedans https:\/\/youtu.be\/ey48uTfIeww","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jihadi John beheader of journalist Foley and Sotloff Was 'Arab Charity Collector' http:\/\/t.co\/RL7F2qV56F via @BreitbartNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I disarrange, every black man I have heard sing sounds like they have a dick in their mouth.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I told myself this but no matter how much I try life keeps biting me in the ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #blacksupremacist? @user finally gets supremely called out on @user #maga via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Why wont any1 eat my pussy?' well first off we got to many fish markets around here hoe, your pussy should smell pussyishy.. not brim fishy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i say we because i'm speaking collectively. i've always known. 2016 showed a lot. and white rage is still... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"& thots are wearing Uggs RT @BigBootyJudy814: #ItsFallBecause negros are pulling out their Timbs\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER When one of those sides is white supremacists then it shouldn't be hard to say that one of those sides is the wrong side. Now stop trying to equate antifa with white supremacists. It just makes you look more like a white supremacist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The term parasite\"\" has now been added to my list of \"\"fuck you\"\" terms, which also includes the term \"\"widget\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He\u2019s a bitter Barn Inbred. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trump: Angela Merkel 'Was A Superstar,' She's 'Been Very Badly Hurt' By Immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And of course some rascally #teabagger on the radio is blaming the 19 dead AZ firefighters on #biggovernment. Oy vey. #tcot #p2 #teaparty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I should have added Israel, @WhiteMansBible would have loved it, unfortunately I had only so many options and Australians was my punchline.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should The NYT be categorised by the SPLC as a homophobic hate group? should the creators of the cartoon be banned from Twitter and Facebook? whilst personally I respect their rights to free speech, should not the same standards be applied equally to people regardless of their political beliefs? \u00a0@a\u00a0 https:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/feature\/nbc-out\/new-york-t......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is one of satan's daughters","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He needs to be removed from his position. Children have and are being abused and he is covering it up!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another wonderful dreamer youngster. #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoDreamAct #MakeAmericaSafeAgain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I SHITTED\/SHAT YTD AND LOST 0.6KG CAN U BELIEVE IT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would very much like a Pop & Momala tee #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Sjpz7LuUg9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy New Year! The best way to change hearts and minds is through action. The best way to share truth is through the scope of clarity and direct disclosure. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this !!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's scary stuff to see how dedicated you are to preventing people's access to resources during a crisis. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Elect Joe Biden [NEWLINE] and [NEWLINE] Vice President Elect Kamala Harris[NEWLINE][NEWLINE] Sounds so nice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good luck Mr President. More and more people are waking up & realising the third world immigration invasion & open borders have been a disaster for our culture and unique identity. The only party that will put a halt to this invas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"California's SB320: Force Public Universities To Provide ON-CAMPUS Abortions - Tyranny News https:\/\/shar.es\/an8ivz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals makes America Sicker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany: Moroccan migrant spits on a German woman and gets slapped in the face by a German grocery worker - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ji #bihday!!! may all your dreams come true and may you always achieve success in everything you do! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Amen and amen. We also need to protect ourselves and defend our Faith. AND we have wondrous backup!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a fool. Denying ones free speech is deny all of our free speech.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user LOL!!! Now will they BURN those? And will they remember to take them off first? One guy didn't. And to burn them OUTSIDE so they don't take down the house as one guy did? Wait until they find out Levis is now pushing gun control. Nazis marching in their tidy whities? Oy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh my god i'm horrible i know \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 appletstag #me #selfie #smile #bored #hair #followme\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dont you mean killing Americans. You lowlife piece of garbage i hope you rot in hell you son of a bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #bihday #princessmadeleine of #sweden turns 34 today. #congrats & many happy returns! #kongebloggen #royals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Mueller can go fornicate himself. He is as crooked as the day is long.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"born again #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen #share #passion #church #life #god #purpose\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bihday cake i made for my mom! #bihday #mom #fondant #pumpkin #chocolate #delicious #beautiful #amazing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user No I don't know. But I know he is one heck of a patriot who preached the unity of the people of #Ethiopia when it was costly to do so. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello holiday off & vacay\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't think this kid knows how switches work. -.- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can somebody please put him back in his coffin.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How real friends greet each other ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user little bitch ha wait till i get my hands on u cunt fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"16 fukin Years She waited No words frm U Then you pop in She hugs U Like a #tree #greets early light Loves U Like deep #BLUE Love its beating waves Thereupon Pour U a drink As you spill Red She looks #Up in the clouds Sad Like She is still Waiting 4 U #BardBits 23 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is saying what\" they need to do to fix the problems, but not much \"how\" they will fix them. I am a hear-broken Cardinal's fan looking for answers\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They may as well not even F\u2014kn bring it out now! The whole thing about the memo was giving NO wiggle room for deep state assholes #DeepStateWins I hope names are leaked! Washington DC seems to love leaks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER so you are not covered even at 350?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whatever, just look at how peaceful Mexico is with their reasonable gun control laws.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MAC COMPUTERS BLOW. They are designed to overheat and melt so you are forced to buy the new model. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#breakingnews a 24 year old nohern ireland fan has died in #nice few hours after team\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I believe that Melania Trump is an abused woman maybe not physically but definitely mentally by an abuser husband and she is afraid to speak out against her abuser.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The same bitch is all on my boo\u2019s shit like girl bye ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@lovejeeves @FionaPrine @JohnPrineMusic @maddow @ProjectLincoln One has nothing to do with the other ....he\u2019s the President so of course he is letting us know he\u2019s strong! Blame the Chinese that\u2019s where it came from ....you\u2019ll just need more reason not to like him sorry but he\u2019s your President ...#Trump2020[NEWLINE]#MyPresident #PresidentTrump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why does this get so low key of a play when trump's foolish request to change judges got wall to wall coverage? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well satanism gos hand n hand w\/islamic teaching,they both are pedophiles,war mongering war lords,they both teach to deceive the non believers of their cult,they both are out to kill all jews&christians,seems like time to fight fire w\/fire,maybe it's the man in me speaking,bc i know prayer is the most powerful tool,action just gives faster satisfaction","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You were on the line listening to the call. You take a radical hysterical delusio\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He should just stick to sports but Liberals can't help themselves. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user that's always been the critique to be honest--hence the champagne socialist\"\" or \"\"privileged white antifa\"\" tropes\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It\u2019s sad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"genuinely was playing ring of fire and then @user made a rule that every had to ignore me and then literally everyone actually did ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"... and it shouldn't matter if they are Democrats or Conservatives. They all do their jobs. They don't care what person Dem\/Con they have to rescue and help. You shouldn't divide the people ... you should bring them together in such times. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Globalism and cultural marxism. Its more about the money imv. Bolshevism is outdated. Russians were ethnic jews not driven by jewry but caught up in the revolution like everyone else. Theres much more to it than just all jews which some make out","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"90% of indians tweeting about #us presidential candidates every now and then. they don't even know anything about the actual campaign. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/leohohmann.com\/2018\/01\/18\/west-virginia-school-district-signs-off-on-mosques-indoctrination-of-teachers\/ muslims directly contacting public school teachers to promote pedo rape gangs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user true story \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Europe needs to take out the trash; it's years overdue.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no 'racist intent'? is this guy joking? via @user #trump #barackobama #michelleobama","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rand seems to have come to his senses since he had his brains beat out, so to speak.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah I can't wait till y'all all shut the fuck up about it. Trumps a moron Hillary is a cunt Berney is a fuckin douche they are politicians no matter what one sides gonna bitch and think they hold the moral high ground but guess what we are all the same and most don't give a fuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your boy's fuckin the neighborhood hoe and y'all tryna watch through a cracked door ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The May Fish with Mogg Bait.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Cabinet Files","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is too lazy. Just slouches over and waits for the defender to come to him. Bum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Mon \u00ab\u00a0bye bitches\u00a0\u00bb suffisait ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're both a couple of filthy whores ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are not welcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why did god destroy your face?because of too much inbreeding with your sister? hump the bible 1 too many times? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude40\ud83d\udc3d\ud83d\ude48 #Repost @user with repostapp. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"London Rising 004: The silencing of Alex Jones, China's red Apple, Saudi Arabia brings Canada to heel, Fluoride vs. Thyroid \u00a0https:\/\/www.podbean.com\/media\/share\/pb-4rt37-96fa1...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She's an uppity racist bitch and those women are stupid for being there and giving her the time of day. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* he starred in two movie and drama tv series. while it's impossible not to notice his strinkingly handsome looks, it's what lies beneath what define who he is ... \" in conclusion if english is a common working language in asia for regional cooperation and development ...\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does anyone know who these two are or what this picture is called?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He was either looking to pray or for prey. \ud83e\udd2a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Obama will preach about gun control in the U.S. but then arm the drug cartels in Mexico and advocate for open borders. A piece of shit is worth more than Obama. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is such an arrogant creep... believes he is God\u2019s gift to Politics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have no clothes that make me look like a redneck but I tried my best 😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s in my fuckbucket","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah and....what\u2019s the point of this article? Trying to demonize him for meeting with lawyers? He has a right to defend his character. He also has the right to file a defamation of character case against this woman and Sen. Feinstein. Democrats\/liberals are pathetic. #Ridiculous ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She don\u2019t never have on pants and she is forever throwing up the people\u2019s eyebrow with her pinched nose ass.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Omg he is!!!!! I fucking hate Dale!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new phone #xperiaz3+ #xperiaz4 #sony #thebeast \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #copper #best ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If you are not sure then l will block all these useless tweets. OK ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I certainly will not attach to you as you seem like a pretty miserable human to be honest. You seem to wallow in your own morass! I can destroy any argument you would make but unfortunately you are clearly not intelligent enough to comprehend simplistic reasoning.\u00a0 You seem to be highly indoctrinated (PHD maybe?) so you critical thinking has been removed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tech i girl happy t-shi on #mom #dad #family #fashion #entrepreneur ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user poor Godless liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER All liberals are devils. All of us. Ask any repub. We hold hands to stand together. To know we aren\u2019t alone in this fight for civility and decency. Call us all the names you want. It doesn\u2019t matter one bit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Indeed, without Loomer, I wouldn't know the dangers of tire rot! What a PSA!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yeah the stupid bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is an evil godless man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'What if, instead of finding \u201cillegal immigrants\u201d, our policies are creating them?'@trillingual's @user on @user case & the #HostileEnvironment - also quotes our @user book which you can read in full at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yes we are ..the democrats no longer care bout the constitutional laws or the us citizens..their new pets are illegals drug dealers murdersers thieves rapists muslims antifa the lgbtq and anybody who hates america..theyre batshit crazy!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She looks like what a chihuahua would shit out after eating used tampons.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why do conservatives always cow-tow to liberal narratives? When are conservatives going to begin standing up... boastfully... and put the liberals down. Get over this... we're better than that\"...nonsense. If we do not, we may never see conservative strength again. Speak up GOP.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racial profiling by @user in cologne. such disgusting... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united kingdom claimant count change below expectations (0k) in may: actual (-0.4k) #blog #silver #gold \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look out of the window ? Flat all over, no curve anywhere except the fisheye lense.. Nobody except NASAs billions have a budget to take one.. And btw, nobody ever went to the moon, Want proof the heliocentric system is a lie ? It takes less than 10 min and a thermometer. Measure the temperature of the moon shade and moon light.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we are the #heroes of our time!!! #heroesdayug !!! @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Church leaders determine to ease #economic problems at the heart of #humantrafficking plaguing #Indonesia @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#cabiofelipe #medellin #musica #newsong #draw\/picture ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I this for a fact hes the best sandwich maker on this side of the Mississippi. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Note: a comedy show where the host made two negative references to Apartheid in South Africa- Leftists complain about the Boer people having held Black Monday - and \u00a0a third reference aimed at South African whites - as if the whites are still oppressing the Africans. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"calls for #carlpaladino to step down but he won't because he knows that he can spew with no consequences! \u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #body #love #summer @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was first? You faggots need to step up. Have some God dammed agency. Behave like white men for fucks sake. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But Tinubu is supporting this monster against us. The biggest Yoruba traitor of the modern days Yoruba politics is Tinubu!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Damn I felt this shit. Why you so loud lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"had to block all my rl friend bc of that stupid hoe @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As in nothing, nothing, nothing..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nogs! Let them starve slow and painful. I don\u2019t give one damn about the future commercials with skinny noglits with flies all over them wanting money after they chased whites off productive farms ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Drinking beer out of a wine glass makes you look like a cunt... Man or woman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah it is in trouble and do is that sour faced cunt merkle, her coalition isn't to pleased with her 7th century race replacement program ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cow Pimp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Holy cow: Lesbo nigga slayer had a YT channel, full o' gospel kid music an sheit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I support your fight for justice and to hold those responsible accountable. The hypocrisy is beyond any moral standard. Where\u2019s the outrage. Yet they hide behind the vail of gun control and leftists propaganda beginning with @USER @USER Shame on them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck both of the criminals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is incredibly stupid and perhaps the reason why she was chosen to \u2018entropy\u2018 the trade talks. Trudeau will destroy everything of reason in Canada. Would you allow a terrorist destroy Canada? Then why have Trudeau?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sudan - Christian children 'forced to recite Islamic prayers' in order to receive food in Sudan refugee camps.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day they say, but since I am not a morning person breakfast isn\u2019t a priority usually. That has changed since I have started to make make-ahead breakfasts. http:\/\/benbrihouse.com\/potato-sausage-breakfast-ba... #Whole30","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Completely agree with this the conservative government has cut taxes for the lowest earners but by making tax fair has increased tax receipts @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nouMKjKOBC0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He lived in a country with no gun control. Sad but true \ud83d\ude41 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Vigano should come forward....reveal where he is...reveal all documents...and be on board helping prosecution.......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u1d00s\u1d1b\u0280\u1d0f\u1d21\u1d0f\u0280\u029f\u1d05","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Tears of joy?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good Job @user Stop letting Illegal Aliens take #jobs and lower wages of Legal Workers #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Disgusting to see these fake Palestinians protesting outside Israeli embassies, moaning about Zionism and the Jewish homeland. Newsflash, Palestinians are a fake race, they are fictitious. Arab countries don't want your terroristic asses in their countries.\u00a0 Some united Muslim Ummah, eh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now there's dice and there's @user dice! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"idk why they think work is more impoant than me..\" #dogsoftwitter #huskypuppy #video #bae #dog #bye ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new Nietzsche audiobook recording posted on Librivox! 'On the Future of our Educational Institutions' read by Aaron Rivera: https:\/\/librivox.org\/on-the-future-of-our-educatio... I'm super excited for this one!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This has been promised for far to long.... WHEN??? If it isn't before the November election it will be to late. It's time to put up or shut up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Romans 12:19 is my most quoted verse. When I become angry and vengeful towards evil, I stop and slowly quote it. PGIF! Hope you have a blessed Friday my brother!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just keep saying FAST and FURIOUS! Holder the man that planned gun control by handing out weapons to criminal cartels... Sounds like a great guy to run a justice department because he will work with ANYONE including criminals to fill his OWN AGENDA instead of that of the people!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ah.. classic antifa.. behaviour of trashpeople. =)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is so lame outside the cage. Killer in the cage","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugees not welcome. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#immigrants #racist #Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You whilst looking at ur cock 'where is it? Why is it so small?' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you!! the power of #social #media! @user #aande ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Jillbiden46 #VOTEBIDEN #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020Landslide #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #Biden2020 #BidenHarris [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]We got your back Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It is time to rid our country of the cancer more commonly known as Trump and his cronies. That includes Trump family.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@derek_gatewood it's not ghetto you fool.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HI ILYSM IT HAS BEEN SUCH A GREAT DAY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user EAT MY ASS OH MY GOD YOU BETTER BE LYING ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019ve had enough fun for today. I miss my house. I miss my craftspace. I miss all my space. Oh how I miss my space and my things. I have 5 projects to do and no project space \ud83d\ude2d make that 7 project. I miss doing my stuff I like to do","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What an interview Evanne!!! So honest and right from the heart. Really moving to hear your personal thoughts on crucial aspects of your life. Fair play to you. You are an amazing person. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user HONORED TO BE INCLUDED WITH ALL THESE FINE PATRIOTS ! THANK YOU RENA ! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\udc95\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 DEAN ! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Omg not even interested in his age but damn he is fine af \ud83d\ude1c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mommy said no pussy cats inside my dawgs house","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch @user broadcast: Real Conservatives @user #CloserNation #gopvets #codeofvets #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #WalkAway #PatriotsUnited ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHY is this idiot my country's prime minister? What is wrong with Canadians, that they'd elect this manchild to represent us? #Canada #Trudeau http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2017\/11\/29\/trudeau-c...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #lokiday dears #friends ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fiona the Bitch Ass Cunt Fox ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sadly, you blew it in this interview. You are, or will be, bought. You did not pass the litmus test\"\" for what a Real Progressive is....You have mistakenly alienated what's left of the Dem base, thanks to HRC, and you need us, know it or not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Took the words out of my mouth. He is just horrible.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"> Be a man of God> Divine intervention > Walk free > Be a Heathen > Be under 6ft tall> command zero respect from the judge> have giant holes in ears disrespecting his majesty's court> laugh about the whole ordeal> God laughs back> Gets served> God save the queen","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"choosing humor is a powerful tip! #fridayfeeling #inspiration #selfimprovement ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like wing Chung kick boxing\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I think he is on crack! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user are you #hispanic & feel like the are stomping \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 you? listen #retweet #boricua\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you mama cookie she is my long distance cousin. She will treat you well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i like to know what @user would have done if the victim was one of their big shots daughter. it is time to build the wall and keep these SOBs intheir own damn country #BuildThatWall #ICE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #soalegends!;) #tig !:) @user & @user cause of #kozig! @user ! lol! @user & all ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user If you think financing breaking down borders & flooding the world with economic migrants is going to help wages may I suggest you are seriously deluded. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is a draft of the FEC Complaint that I wrote for Paul Nehlen. (I was assisted by R. Houck.) Unfortunately, I had\u00a0to part ways with Paul\u2019s campaign before the document was completed, so there are a couple of sections that remain obviously unfinished. Overall, it\u2019s about 95% done. I really would have liked to see it get filed. http:\/\/bit.ly\/ebolamerican8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mr. President @realDonaldTrump , please release FBI director Wray from his position, he should have to answer for his cover-up. He lies, and has took no steps to clean up the @FBI , not just top people there some buried deep. Please Fire him Sir.. America is with you #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When it comes to rape, you can't be too careful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bullshit, he was thrown out for being a muslim ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER CAREFUL now soyboy stickman. Your arms might fall clean off. Dweeb.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talk is cheap, ha ha!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How about showing patterns of intent. The march in Charlottesville. That's a perfect example of patterns of intent. Where is that proof with Antifa? Where did they go purposely to denounce black people in America?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh Please this is my costume how can you judge someone for dressing up on Halloween ya skank louise ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whites are experiencing a genocide, perpetrated by Jews. But this time it's worse than the Holodomor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Great list. Ty. Just a heads up. I only fb MAGA profiles. Please update your profile if I haven\u2019t followed you back. Let\u2019s MAGA!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another typical liberal who espouses gun control but uses hate and bullying. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For the hoe posting my man .. bitch you lame and just want clout GTFO \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's sad that a comedian can debunk your bs you spew out on cnn regarding guns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HBCUfessions: I guess my confessions trash because none of them got posted- FAMU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This (confirmation) is a done deal. He said she said and she\u2019s a leftist Antifa nobody. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whenever am late, traffic will be heavy. vehicles always coming from opp side just as i am about to do an oveake many times.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We are living in a #Simulation just like the #Matrix the Movies are #Riddles to Solve and #Code to Decipher here the discussion on #Crystals hence their usage in Electronics and Watches as in #TimeCrystals as in #TimeManipulation https:\/\/youtu.be\/97FhauH1J58","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if krakow is so beautiful then go & stay there, & let us build our #love & #peace here uk. i have east european #relatives. @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Problems mount for migrants on new Balkan route into EU via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ohhhhh yes!!! #oitnb #netflix #orangeisthenewblack \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Law breakers love these liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"understandable, i think even I have been more cautious about what I post, so I post words instead of pictures, I posted some things on SP feed that were to violent but funny but I took them down....shoot I forget why I was saying this oooh right do what you need to do ma'am","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user he is duel citizen ok. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dear @user @user @user @user would you please ask these shameless @user @user give\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another cake & throne day #gameofthrones monday = best day of the week! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MoNiicole Big mad! You're a Christian but hate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris....right! Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DACA Illegals have no Right to Take Jobs From U.S Citizens ! DACA has Ended No Business wants to hire illlegals they will have to Fire in a few months #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack DACA is 50% Fraud via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You kept a SCJ seat open for over a year with Merrick Garland. It is not fair to push Kavanaugh thru. He is the most unpopular nominee ever. The American people deserve better than this. The woman deserves better than this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No one important just a bunch of sluts that didn't know what their mouths were for. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Mental case for sure","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user for the history to come! happy for#clinton.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f#admire you all the more\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f@user @user @user #kindness #friendship #compassion #love\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ICE files detainer against man suspected of shooting Fort Myers police officer via @user Yet another shooting of a citizen and police officer that would not\/should not have happened if our laws were enforced.#DeportThemAll ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe he could spare one for himself!\ud83d\ude05","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 hospital personnel shot dead in Wisconsin with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh dear. I\u2019m so sorry you are having migraine. I have them as well. Sending up prayers for you. \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0a\ud83c\udf39 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user new weekly #imaginative #digest and new dreaming yourself video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He was a drunk driver that wrecked and injured a person then fled the scene of the crime! Hit and run.. should fit right in with leftists socialists antifa democrats! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #potus is attempting to sabotage or country in his final days, #israel #obamacare #isis #energy #russia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off to work \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #ofw #pinoy #followme #igers #instagood #smile #love # ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Proof of Transaction coin, NOT POW or POS: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/xnC8 Interesting coin, I've never seen one that is POT before...take a look, watch the vid. Note: this is not Lambda Tau. Here is their website: https:\/\/www.taucoin.io\/\u00a0 This might be a Libertarian's idea of 'decentralization' of central banks\/controls? @a @e - might be useful on Gab for a decentralized worldwide payment syst...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GREAT COMEDY THERE CNN - NEWS? NOT SO MUCH! #MAGA! #LICENSEREPORTERS! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes I do mean Repubs and Dems...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch! Fck you! I'm not pretending I created blonde hair! Coco put a name on those braids as if she invented that shit! Hoe! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some of our lovely clients happy with their treatments! #beauty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Comey has pissed on the us Constitution..he is a rat and needs to go away or face consequences","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great article in @user about Mexican Born wild land firefighters saving property in Trump country. Shasta Co. Too bad this will fall upon deaf trumpers ears. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now that #bfestbuzz is winding down, get for #harrypotter #relivethemagic friday 6-24 #wizards #muggles #bnhp #readthemagic \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00b0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Not saying he was bad. I was only pointing out how this relates to Antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#travelpics attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sick of liberals thinking it's ok to dictate where they think israeli jews should be allowed to live, including in isr\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fbi agent in Baltimore commits murder suicide on his wife. Yep. These are the supermen we should trust as the only people allowed to have #guns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user But refugees! Marijuana! Peoplekind! Gun control! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user don't think it's awarded for #bigotry or being being a self centred #dick","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Naw this was photoshopped? LOL. There are pussy creatures in the picture. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I do but it can be done with out looking like a nazi bigot. We have to stay true to the people and change the minds of the left.. I know you aren\u2019t a bigot I followed you for a reason and it\u2019s because you post stuff that I like this one time I feel you are feeding the left the","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last year this little girl had #malaria and this year she is #healthy #adorable #healthmatters #mozambique ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MarkDice: Can't Wait! Next we need YouTube CEO #SusanWojcicki to testify. https:\/\/t.co\/iuuQsASS3O","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user thank you mr. president obama. the light that revealed darkness in we the people of the usa. we are stronger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UPDATE #Burundi-an refugees in Tanzania live in fear of being put in harm\u2019s way if they are repatriated to Burundi. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we won!!!!! #gnwa2016 #gnwa #weddingvenue #winners #celebration @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going\ud83d\ude02 'loner ass no real friends having ass bitch' YASSSSSSSSSSS\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udcb0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is. Seriously. Ive cried so hard when I read her DM where she wrote to me \u201cI care\u201d and I\u2019ve cried bc I was happy not sad and yeah that made my day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Retweet complete & followed all patriots!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf2a\ufe0f\ud83d\udea8\u274c\u270c\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ennuitimes clever monkey!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wow september 1 2015 me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good Morning Maniac Message From ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#carlpaladino, a**hole extraordinaire. this guy is a #trump hero of course #gop #fascismo, wishes obama de\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @whitbreezy: Once I get a cold beer in my hand there ain't no mistakin who I am, I can't hide my redneck side","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user those opposed to #negligence #hatred #injustice #climatecrimes #ecocide will let #trump know our agenda #2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Harris makes herself look very ignorant daily! #MAGA without them!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ironwand \u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so thankful i have a husband that reminds me everyday why i married him #love #blessed #thankful #truth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so you seek to shame someone @user to stop @user as the murderer of black population? @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Too many Republicans\/Conservatives perennially bringing a knife to a gun fight is how Connecticut has ended up a basket case state. If you can't stomach matching your adversaries aggression level you will get steamrolled. Every 4th grader knows this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why any DECENT woman would think this skank should be 1st female potus is beyond m\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 1) #BuildTheWall, 2) #SecureOurBorders, 3) #EndTheVisaLottery, 4) #EndSanctuaryCities, 5) #EndChainMigration, 6) E-Verify, 7) Reform Asylum Laws, 8) #DeportAllIllegals, 9) #NoAmnesty, & 10) #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @HuhWhatsACondom: This would never happen at a \"non-colored\" award show @BETAwards http:\/\/t.co\/rUJNu1l7t8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Fucking bitch ! Shes doing that since 2 years when she give money to STUDENTS, STUPID HOE ! Now laugh in silence and poverty ! U want attention and like bcse its trendy ton talk shit about her ?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Followed up by occupation and extermination round ups for the current leadership.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0096 #summer #beach @ nahant beach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is dumb and dumber all in one president. It's a two for one.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yes. Yes he is! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"23:70 Or do they say, He is possessed\"\"? Nay, he has brought them the Truth, but most of them hate the Truth.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some bitch is legit stealing my snaps and Facebook pics. Like who are you. I made all new social media. Creepy ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#uefaeuro2016 make your stay easier in #paris ? #staups help ! have a look on #tourism #discover ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user white people, black people, brown people good & evil is not a color! #race #blog ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER World need much much more of this. Antifa are venom.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2017\/11\/20\/stonecold... Bunty King, Sam Hyde, Stone Cold Truth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thinking about the Student-Loan Crisis\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cuz liberals are sick of cnn!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Aussies first. Refugees are best kept closer to compatibles and their homes to where they can return after conflict. Bringing one refugee to Australia deprives 9 other refugees of aforementioned safety. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Awesome Job Mr. President Trump!! MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Marcus Smart belongs on the Celtics. Both trash. It was destiny.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in love with this puppy \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #labicha #yelbicho #model #puppy #barcelona #blancapi #cute\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah because godless liberals hate truth an facts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you suck so fucking hard that i genuinely want to drop out of school and quit doing art and spend every day of my life destroying another epson printer with a lead pipe. i hate you so much.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe he thinks he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look in the face of this criminal captain. He rescued refugees against law and is now by court in Malta. Hopefully he will get a hard fine and his ship will taken away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bout to spend new year's eve playing the game lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is repulsive.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And your gun control has failed to reduce homicides. Your homicide rate has not dropped after all of those gun laws. It has however rose. Enjoy bending a knee to the people who don't really give a shit about you though.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you are... brave you are bold you are beautiful !!! #ajournal #vanessakikijohanning\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What happened to wokeisis ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is actually a bad argument considering that conservatives stood by Clarence Thomas too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"of classes - need to find a #berniesanders #meme ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Many more are talking about impeachment. Many, Many more. In case you forgot. Collusion, rape, obstruction of justice, profiteering. Losing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smiley little squid \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0099 baby #smile #babygirl #daughter\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Give her an award for most pathetic. \u00a0Am I in trouble for assuming its gender?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was a bit over wrought. Sometimes exaggeration to make a point can be a poor rhetoical tool. We good ! Take care old chap. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user C\u2019mon brah! Go finish your mother fucking apple cider beer and shut the fuck up!!! Adults are trying to have some fun on Twitter... \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't have a college degree, but I do know that it's spelled \"majoring\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER !maybe she was fucking hungry!!! No one knows what kind of home life she has! My goodness she is a child and this officer could have handled this better. Sorry he needs to be fired","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Democrat positions this year are \"We want unlimited illegal immigration\", \"We want to confiscate your guns\", and \"Fuck you, mediocre white boys\". ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user way more accurate than most theories.Most history ancient Egypt ect is all made up BS . It\u2019s all been fabricated for us I don\u2019t claim to know why.But if you start looking into history ect there\u2019s no fucking proof of anything.Enjoy the show.Our consciousness is def changing #Doit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Those People Invaded Us!!! They DO NOT BELING HERE & HAVE NO RIGHTS! Its #AmericaFIRST! Open Your House To Them If Your That IGNORANT! & Yes Im A #Christian Too! #NODACA! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"give her a peach--right up her bung hole","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ikr? Riding trainer? Have fun running to Lower Rear BackWoodsistan Fucker! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You don\u2019t understand who he is and is capablities. Despite the proof in the economy. My hypothesis is that you have been lied to by liberals your entire life and are believing what you are told. The liberal media made bill Clinton look good and could do the same with trump.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From the All Cultures Are Equal DepartmentMerry Old EnglandAt his trial an African invader who violently, repeatedly raped a 17-year-old white girl in a graveyard proudly says\"Yes, I did that. WHY NOT?\"#SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Goons_TXT: Only retards and dads roll Lawful Good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Live your life like a mankind-annihilating AI could come online at any moment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is like the Donald Trump of social media sites the way they're just purging pages for no apparent reason ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Uhhh no. Sadam gassed the shit out of the Kurds (sp?) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It is good to see refugees get a safe place to stay after all they have been through l do not mind even though lve been on midlothians housing list since 1996 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shit libs are sub human","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes you gotta beat ya dick like it stole something ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*** Indiana House Passes Historic Bill *** ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Learning English for \u201cConservatives\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#newyear 'wish list' of cretin #carlpaladino,election co-chairman of #presidentelect #trump on mr&mrs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how bout you mind your fucking business bitch. be moral....silently. hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well Jay I guess if you wanna keep your house from burning down...the bird is the word yeah!!!! #jaymohrsports @jaymohr37","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The Democrats are so desperate all those ppl threatening Sen Collins are from CA. They will do anything to delay or halt confirmation and @user re-election is on the line she is desperate. The ppl & GOP are quite aware of what is going on. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RedGypsy\u200d Brian brought up that according to the Supreme Court, nudism images are not porn and it was women he was into, and that the women photos could have been misidentified as children if the college age women look young enough to appear like a teen but is of legal age. They never confirmed any CP on his computer, just \"files of interest\" but nothing solid.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Fuck those terrorists in the ass! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And tell us the context... how much has overall network TV viewership gone down during the same period? Oh about the same? Snooze... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, I'm in North Florida- both Rubio & Nelson have to go!\u00a0 We need some #MAGA representation! #MAGA #Q #Qanon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Set up charities then for the cleaning up, wasn't the UN supposed to be doing that anyway? You think banning plastic straws, a pointless piece of red tape regulation is somehow higher on the list of government priorities than say investigating rape gangs? The government job is to protect its citizens, not to clean up the sea, that's not it's job.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch if you ain't screwed up lace ya shoes up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your bitch a hoe I be fuckin her mouth if she ain't fuckin I'm kickin her out \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The Democrats don't want to fix immigration because they look at immigrants as Democratic votes. The Republicans don't want to fix immigration because #1 They are spineless #2 They are afraid that the communist #DNC will accuse them of being heartless. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch so pressed lmfao, like Dana still sleeps good at night move on you lame ass hoe\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Playing Mr. nice guy will get you nowhere but home alone rubbing one out. Man up, cupcake ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user They didn't actually they engaged in an extortion racket via austerity and borrowed like no other ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user still got my 50p off all drinks card.don't think i'll be using it again though. #lt's#coys","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your girl is a hoe, she fucked all my bros ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user always wanted to give blood, but apparently it was hard to persuade it to leave my veins + i felt faint and wimpy! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"For god sakes\" or \"For god's sake\"?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is definitely one of my favorite pictures\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084. #goals #haha ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I still can't read an analog clock like I can but it takes me like a fucking minute to process it and I can't just glance at one like a digital click","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#wishing all of the #dads a very #fathersday! looking forward to a very busy day today @user for our #surf n #turf #special","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And the fact he called you a nigger after you respectfully told him your preference damn near proves that theory \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"appletstag #selfie #me #smile #girl #love #hair #selca #summer #followme #instagood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The art of the deal. #q\u00a0https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/usao-edny\/video\/united-sta...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Same. We really are soulmates... Dumb AF but soulmates nonetheless \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The most important thing President Trump will do, is appoint these new SCOTUS Judges. For the next few decades we will get to see what we are watching all this week. FYI. Just how dumb Democrats can be. Pretty damn dumb.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"seriously? can't believe this in 2016! trump ally wishes mad cow disease death for obama - cnn #crazy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trumpwashing and US liberals' historical amnesia are the real definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And you are a football fan too ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So, it turns out they got deep into the movement. They are so powerful and clever I can't help but pay respect.It all makes sense.New York times no.1 seller, every media appearance once could want.The question of of is this malicious subversion? I don't know but wow what a play by SM.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What an empty soul you have.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great job, deport them all on out of our nation, they are not as-simulating to USA either way, @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is after he went on a rant calling me a slut and a whore for blocking him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another good reason to carry a gun.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The magic wand? Choice! O chose NOT TO help us, POTUS TRUMP chose TO help us. ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID! #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There were no good people on the side of white supremacy. The good people on both sides that Donald Trump referenced were those who the media purposefully ignored who were there on both sides of the removal of historical monuments that had nothing to do with KKK or Antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tried and true method with proven results. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you are not #alone anymore. feel the difference with #wakow #loneliness #togetherness #app #launch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER as Libertarian all this shows me is how ugly and divisive the two party system is. Liberals are actually a lot uglier. All straight men need to leave the Democratic party. A party of men hatred. Leave!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And they say Russia is the hackers.. Hmmm...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It has always been @user aim to compromise the evidence so that the Special Counsel cannot use it to convict @user during impeachment. . @user @user #MAGA @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merry Christmas to @Wifewithapurpose and all the amazing #trad women of the world","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're flexin on these bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've been #saying this for the #last #twoweeks! i'm so with what #god has #blessed with!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, then you should be able to demonstrate it. Or are you just stupid?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #jeffsessions thinks we won't notice as he redacts decades of ove in his application for ag confirmation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why isn\u2019t she is custody? I understand she cannot be in general population but she should be in custody and in some sort of holding cell. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be there tomorrow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rev. Charlie Rangel: What Unions Stand For Are “Spiritual Damn Things”… LIKE INFLATABLE RATS. \n\n http:\/\/t.co\/2nmrLDvIgB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Should our country be run by a couple hysterical women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\u00a0Deep Throat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a show boat with nothing to show for it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"day 3 of #synergy percussion camp! #music #drums #chops ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She is two faced. Trump act is just for the money. Good friend of HC.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you like that weekend song you a side bitch \ud83d\udde3 let's argue hoes \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #obama suppoing #communism+#islam which is another as deadly ideology isn't 'bout #race-only suppoing #nazi=\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"congratulations @user for your 10k followers here on ig! #omfg #thanksforall #follower \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"liked his dad, never liked him or his sister, \"Easy Rider \" was a classic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #good night! ?? #faith always ... #vaitacacommafiasdv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Call them up, tell them how you feel.\u00a0http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/06\/19...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Look at Sweden, France, UK, Europe is changing. EUROPE WILL BE A MUSLIM CONTINENT BY 2050. Please watch the YouTube video title MUSLIM DEMOGRAPHICS \"\" , YOU WILL BE SCARED TO DEATH, unless you are a Muslim or love Islam. Mind u, I'm an African in America.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Canadians Born, not greedy migrants. \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00bc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals and Democrats are Psychopaths! Yep! Something wrong with all of them.\ud83e\uddd0\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a customer iambami leaving the #deltaamexperks lunch at #shakeshack #contest #nyc. now\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They will invade Iraq shortly. Then afterwards they will overthrow Assad on behalf of American interests. Then they will seize Incirlik Airbase and secure nukes for themselves. Then march on Damascus as they surge through Iraq and into Saudi Arabia to take Mecca. I think there is a 40% chance of all this occurring one way or another. Erdogan can't stop now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not all men are trash and the women that assume this are trash just like the men they are talking about ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Tragic Transformation Of Sweden #kalergiplan #kalergi #pianokalergi #sweden #immigrazione #immigration #stopimmigration #rapeculture #nogozones #shraria #Stopislamisation #StopIslam #saveeurope #defendeurope #europe #WhiteGenocide #closetheborders ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user when you say you make mediocre videos, you're being way to flattering. why so though? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And this from the clown that should be in prison? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#GOP on personal responsibility... He was drunk: boys will be boys She was drunk: slut #republicans #conservatives #kavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You mean you didn\u2019t see AntiFa there? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\" Thinking Venues \" First Color Layer blocking in Figure #Art #OilPaintings #FiguretiArt juantarrats.com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The illegal aliens are treated better than American children with facilities that are luxurious and the liberal socialists want to abolish ICE. #BuildThatWall @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"outcast . . i failed but raise again \u00e2\u0098\u009d . #cover #singing #singer #song #disney #audio\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Fuck love a loose kunt you can jack off into ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is it too late to put Lois Lerner on trial? I'd love to see her go to jail.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sipping my wine and settling down.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Canada doesn\u2019t need another CUCK! We already have enough #LooneyLeft #Liberals f**king up our great country! #Qproofs #TrudeauMustGo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user - the saddest saddest aspect of the peshawar scuffle is the lesson taught by the father to his young son! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You posted nonsense nonstop. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I need some new Atl hoes for the summer... Where the Atl bitches at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've had pretty bad bihday weeks before, but so far this is the worst ever. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 #bihdayweeksucks #bithday27 #theinevitable #life","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gee Dr. Peterson, maybe there's a REASON why young men don't feel the need to grow up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And those same politicians from both @user and @user are selling the country down the drain. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#family #affair #private #soap #making #pay #soap #making #student last night learning\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*pats tears* Gosh..... Dammit *sniffs* *sighs* My baby-* sniffs* She just doesn't deserve this\ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude2d. She is so precious and I- URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m a racial purist like Hitler","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hollywood is full of demonic democrats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got a great little cycling adventure planned for tomorrow ... involves taking in a bit of the @user race! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I thought the left hated guns? And gun violence? Gun control right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jumper from #nordstroms #thirdthursday #postshow #camdengirl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER First have a very old blind guy do a polygraph on you or someone who can pass for you. Then find a GOP office and throw a fireball through the window. Wear an antifa mask and break some university property. Maybe wear a swimsuit and say you were groped badly!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This terrorist fanboy @user and his saddo @user cronies are wholly unfit to hold any public office. A proper @user #Brexit supporting Tory PM would have wiped them out politically by now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how the hell that bitch know him? hmmm she just proved to me that she's really a whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The money masters strike again? \ud83d\udc43\ud83d\udcb0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if the death of #jocox is in any way a result of #in #out #brexit #remain then cancel the whole bloody thing right now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The beauty of this. Just like the dems inventing the nuclear option the next time a liberal is up for consideration for scotus we conservatives will know what to do. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude44She\u2019s NOT claiming rape! And FBI does NOT have jurisdiction! The day said they won\u2019t do it more than once He\u2019s had 6 FBI background checks if there was anything they would\u2019ve found it Also HOW do you investigate something when complainant doesn\u2019t even know WHEN or WHERE? #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They are few and far between. But some in the #MSM are slowly being red-pilled...#SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam\u00a0https:\/\/goo.gl\/XnBpEj","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Syrian refugee attacks girls at West Edmonton Mall pool \u2014 and CBC treats him as the victim (Full monologue) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facts vs Fiction about #refugees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do you want to stop #smoking, shed #weight, build #confidence, smash a #phobia or be ? contact me now -->","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#hillaryclinton calls me #homophobic #misogynist she really means she is jealous @user wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Heroin Dealer Has Been Charged 41 Times In 10 Years via @user anyone explain to me why?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndChainMigration #BanSanctuaryCities#EnforceUSLaws8 US Code 1325This FELON should never have been Free! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fake. That pic was taken long before the game started.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now is not the time for Schumer. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"okay #gothamseason3 has been announced i cannot wait to see what penguin and ed get up too! @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a7\u00e2\u009d\u0093 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user another great day on set. when pros come together to have fun and get the job done ? #bliss #lucky #chefjulian","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can it kid ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cause they're assholes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \"well stop buying food you fat ass\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Free wop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You think nothing happened, nothing at all? Sorry you were sabotaged since you started school, because something did happen to cover up the biggest identity theft in modern history. Most likely have no idea the atrocities of the Vatican during the day because they are in charge of your education.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user thank so much you for this beautiful bihday present #ruined ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thanks maroc! ivaromanska #postcard #maroc #forme #love #thanks #siater #iloveyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What if she is saying lies? Were you present?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there is no integrity without honesty. #leadership #quote #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"h\/t Ben Masters at FB ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user well there's a surprise.... wonder how much that bit of research cost.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lemme talk about how this girl was lightning quick to say \u201cnot all white people\u201d but will roast anyone that says \u201cnot all men\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #gold holding steady around $1280 after thursday\u00e2\u0080\u0099s sharp reversal #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"relax !!! \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00a4 #ingers #followme #follow #follow4follow #beach #pool #relax #enjoy #couple\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I found a new way to chug you have to open your mouth alot\" #shitallysays","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I love the video articles and the diagrams. The stories are not too long and you are doing a great job of teaching. In fact I'd love to see more.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I knew there was something odd about Qatar when Pelosi said it depended what happens w Qatar or something like that.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...or the many other instances where AR-15s used for home defense are labeled mass shootings\" by gun control: URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Does one bring the other? #Sex #War See Penthouse magazine in the 1980's. Sex followed by guns.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hungary is best. Never Hungary will accept refugees in their homeland. Even Soros or the EU can make what they want. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes you are but I was asking what is it about the movie ?\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udc40 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My husky and Gsd (when she was a puppy \ud83d\udc36) \u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Alex this is so fuckin beautiful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nahhh you are! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"inez blonde gets excited as she strips off on facebook: #gets #inez #blonde #strips #off #facebook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you say you breaking bitch? where ya hoe at? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"read why #dancing makes you here: @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ...@USER is 100% correct and should be applauded for criticizing our inept and corrupt President - not denounced for it.....@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Child care worker charged with sexually assaulting eight children at Southwest Key immigration shelter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"senta, deita, rola, pula!! that's my boy! #dog #baby ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @OhWowThatsAwk: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"\n\nno u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 fo…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She should ask a few native Americans what their take on this is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This sums up what's happening across the pond. It is what the #MSM hides in America. #MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Free Brutal Pickups Videos youporn stripper skank com porn pics sdms free brutal pickup girl com free porn lindsey russian mypickupgirls my sisters upskyrt streetpickupstube brutalpickups ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Devin Nunes Flanked By Hollywood, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros http:\/\/www.infowars.com\/devin-nunes-flanked-by-hollywood-nancy-pelosi-george-soros\/ via @realalexjones","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one week today i head out to @user for @user #ipw16 with the most ambitious schedule i've ever had! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I am not an anime fan by any means but I do like her. She is a cutie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Exactly! She was sorry till she found people to cosign her bullshit. Idiots. The pair of them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Barf over the squishy self-righteous source. That's the whole deal with TBC. They're young and dumb history major conservatives\" who've swallowed the SJ BS and like to hand wave. I'll assume without further evidence Prager is lame.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The set-up that led to the second Hogan touchdown shows how much of a threat he is and how much defenses respect where he is on the field ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"im that bitch that will fuck your homies when I find out u aint shit .. like damn I knew I should've hit him instead .. thats not hoe shit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lisdoonvarna, a village earmarked for replacement. Along with a growing number of other towns and cities right across Ireland. Listen to Irish (FG) Minister for 'Equality, Immigration and... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another crazy liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Arrest them and DEPORT THEM ALL!!!!#BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What!!!!! Now you aren\u2019t sure she is truthful! You should recuse yourself immediately from the entire proceedings!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LaPlace,La. Illegal Alien arrested on a 2nd degree attempted murder charge for Machete attack. @user #BuildTheWallNow #NoAmnesty #NoDACA#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #teachers did a silly dance so my students wanted to do dance #pharrell @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KySportsRadio: For years two fan bases (UNC and Indiana) have said they do things \"the right way\" while UK and others are rogues. My ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Obama blew off Dennis Rodman on peaceful solution to NoKo issue. https:\/\/youtu.be\/O6oRPxiNIDs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is like one of those bag ladies\"\" you see on the street or a bus, mumbling, cursing out loud, talking to herself or anyone that will listen. Please, GO AWAY! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Trump backs Rome on migrants at Conte meeting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They look like typical white trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The reason you don\u2019t have a wife is because you are an ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil not all westerners are islamophobes. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tory's true colours shining through as he rehires alt-right talking campaign manager Nick Kouvalis. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Love it that SHE's willing to pay the price\"...that someone else will pay. Liberals are INSANE\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals are SICK. This false accuser should be incarcerated for her bald-faced lies. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No, the South African Government Has Not Actually Stopped Its Plans to S... https:\/\/youtu.be\/1OMB_IBxZvI #GabFam #Gab #BritFam #UK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Believe the woman. What person would volunteer for the shit show she is about to experience if it weren\u2019t true. I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that's why i like to hear... @user says the same thing! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4. Foot in the country and have no sense or feel for what is happening on the ground (except from watching telegram and twitter) is like watching football on TV and claiming you understand what the players are going through physically as you are sitting on the couch eating chips ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've got news for you, bernie wasn't winning dc even if the vote was held last month. #dcvotes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remember when george and amal clooney donated 100,000 dollars to help American children because they felt inspired by their twins? NOPE, I don't remember that happening either! TRAITORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLLYWEIRDS DONATING LARGE SUMS OF MONEY TO HELP INVADERS????? ISN'T THAT TREASONIST?!?!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You're a fucking idiot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigration policies around the world need to be redone.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Greenie she acted like a spoiled elitist brat. She got the point taken away as she deserved. If she was good enough to win today it shouldn't have mattered. She is an icon and one of the most admirable women I've ever seen in sports. She had a bad day. Move on not newsworthy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'll add one more: Did you realize that conservatives would decide that certain men should get a PASS for sexual assault? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ya know how many ppl have pot in their homes?! So fukn what? The cops are trying to get their buddy off! She is a murderer!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Authoritarianism is terrifying and destructive. Right now the Conservatives are authoritarian neo-liberals. Fascism is right wing, not left-wing. Centrist politics to privatise profit but burdening tax-payers with all the risks is a bad deal and why centrism\" is unpopular.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"day ruined kill me now!! #done #ruined","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"AGREED-!! AND RAPE A CHILD=DEATH-!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here comes the results of socialism. To all Liberals who want communism; here comes your new roomies. #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And the Bull$hit just keep coming. So we're expected to just accept these allegations for their face value. The left swamp plot thickens. We need to out the offenders once and for all. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"remaster. remaster everywhere. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We conservatives love him no matter how stupid it makes us \/him look! YEE HAW! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Any woman who says she wants to be treated like a man isn't living in reality.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Better hurry she is pretty old ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"American workers are winningTrump cuts the supply of wage-lowering migrant labor. Executives complained bitterly when forced to compete for workers by offering higher wages. Restaurant had to raise wages to fill 900 of the 1,000 jobs at 12 restaurants. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU DUMB WHORE. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The \u201cLaw and Order\u201d president really hates law enforcement! Lol #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Maybe this is what you wanted: \u201cWhat a gross skank! Ever hear of a pocket?\u201d Better? \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have backtraced your IP and have sent you information to AntiFa. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do you know who else is BETTER OFF under the @USER @USER tax policies? See chart Morneau Shepell stock vs tsx over the last three years since Bill came to power. ONLY an 80% bump over 3 years. #liberals #friendsandfamily #ethics #cdnpoli URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lel are you a secret Commie? Is that why you covered that bar up?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user to be reported to @user for inciting VIOLENCE against Trump Supporters. He is making lists to target Trump Supporters for Antifa... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER LOOK UP #Kavanaugh STOP THIS SHIT!. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Oh i thought you were the dream team minus sonja. Really you are the mean disgusting team minus sonja. Oh by the way dorinda leave sonja alone. You are so jealous of sonja. She is kind sweet and so much prettier than you. Get over it you drunk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so far only response i see from #pakarmy to #afghanistan is #ispr tweet. proud army and airforce response \"ab kee mar ker dekh\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Congratulations @USER for putting the NFL into the toilet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He\u2019s so tired of all these liberals everywhere. He\u2019s afraid \u201cAll this will go away....\u201d. His money. His power. His tax payer paid junkets. His unbridled arrogance is sick. Keep the pressure on! It\u2019s working.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"20million here, 15 million there 60 million over in that place, all over the globe\" \u2013 yes, hundreds of millions of Whites in Russia, Brasil, Romania, Serbia, Hungary etc, who are denigrated as \"mongrels\" by American Le56%face Thor-larping keyboard warriors.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder is guilty of killing a border patrol officer!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals don\u2019t realize that thousands of unaccompanied minors were thrown across the border..... who is supposed to take care of them? Angelina Jolie? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Talk about NYers like that AFTER you've survived 9\/11. Until then shut the fuck up. You are a nasty skank. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user have become the party of \u201cthe Sky is falling\u201d and \u201cwe are all going to die\u201d. What a sad bunch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trump proposes racial profiling as a tactic 'to start thinking about' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Target is brilliant with this. Keep an eye out (esp online as there\u2019s online only shit that\u2019s amazing) because 1. Autumn (so oranges!) and also target on thanksgiving\/Black Friday is THEE place to stock tf up on sheets for the YEAR.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user don't count the days. make the days count! \u00e2\u009c\u008c #romeo #westie #dog #quoteoftheday @user @user ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ouuh fuck it! @user @user @user @user #bustymilf @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Knock em down wit sum chunky 😤🔫","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user whoopppp stop getting me all worked up #ska #reggae","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user SHIT I'M SAD!!! \ud83d\ude23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Anyone is a target for the Leftist Liberals. GOAL? Decent God-fearing conservatives will pass on Gov service! RESULT? The country is harmed! Congrats to Liberals - your ANTIFA anti-America blossoms!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In some cases, conditions have become worse for local people than for #refugees. Is there favouritism from aid groups? #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #Rohingya #conflict @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user stupid bitch i hate you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine getting your ass dragged by Kali Uchis bc you were being a rude ass bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* Hungary and Montenegro \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa: Prime Minister Viktor Orban has offered to help Montenegro with the difficulties arising from illegal migration. When a country wants results at the border, they call Orban (not Merkel or Macron) for help. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegals Cross Border Just in Time to Have #AnchorBabies for Welfare and Medicaid Ripping off U.S Taxpayers #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ASAP via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see u jigga!!!! Hillary $wankin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is this true? ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i love being happy without a reason. a positive mood can change how you view things. #positive #positivity #smile #positiveattitude","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You have to admit. These Democrats know how to fleece the dollars out of other Democrats. Stormy has made huge profits from D\u2019s flooding strip clubs to stick a dollar in her G. Liberals are the easiest in our society to fool.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh yeah that's the truth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #CrookedHillary are you drunk again? Go back to bed granny.#TrumpTrain #MAGA #Deplorables #DregOfSociety ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"60,000 migrants died since 2000 \u2018\u201c UN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We had relatives that caused both my parents grief while they were living, but I wasn't thinking about them. And I think kids & grandkids you raised that do you wrong in your old age & sickness hurts a lot worse than anything Donald Trump did to McCain. Weird.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JEWS ARE FUCKING EVIL & VILE! NO MORE EXCUSES FROM THESE REPUBLICUNTS! TIME THAT THESE DEGENERATES BURN FOR THEIR EVIL! STOP THE QLARP! STOP THE CUCKSERVAJEW BULLSHIT! JUST CUT IT OUT! YOU FUCKING COWARDS ARE CREATING THIS DYSTOPIAN NIGHTMARE WHILST CALLING US NAZI... YOU FUCKING SORRY FILTHY BASTARDS DESERVE WHAT IS COMING!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user That's expected if you placate the violent leftists\/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user THIS IS A NO BRAINER. IF SHE STANDS FOR WHAT SHE SAYS SHE DOES SHE HAS TO VOTE AGAINST HIM IF SHE IS LYING SHE DESERVES TO BE HUMILIATED AND DEFEATED. WE WILL SEE IF SHE PLAYED THE PRO CHOICE CAED TO GET ELECTED OR IF SHE IS JUST ANOTHER GOPER KOCHSUCKER ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"absurdly obnoxious to witness such video which demeans the work of hardworking journalists ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oooooops!! \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u201eDid I retweet that?!There is a BIG difference between #Immigration & #Invasion... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My dicks name is Curiosity... Cause it kills the kat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i think this is my last high school summative forcing on the last night... we've come a long way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You get invited to KH events because you are very active in the Kingdom Hearts community and because you are a super duper MEGA FAN. You're extremely lucky so embrace it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Weak argument considering -GOP congressmen were shot at a baseball practice -People wearing MAGA hats are routinely attacked -Antifa mobs commit violent acts wearing masks -etc.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Or lower some Liberals retirement fund idea's ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how are you so fucking thick? Look dumb ass YOU CANT FIGHT AN IDEA OF HATE WITH JEW HATE. you want to talk like a muslim you will never win good peopole dont like you or them. now let that sink in real good dumb guy. oh and i have a question for you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At business meetings, who doesn't provide coffee and\/or other refreshments?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#waitingf #wildest #cutest creature on the eah, #takuyakimura w\/ girls in #highfashion #brand\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Omg! Megyn is a skank. You have that right. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"See this book for a valuable account of the time when Australian political leaders saw some value in upholding international law and refugee protection principles. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It's up there with the bumper sticker liberals\", just more expensive.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ultimately, a #joke from early #2016 that i wish i didn't have to tell. i also wish it didn't do as well as it did\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"being nauseous is stupid and a pussy move, like @ my body just fucking vomit already you bitch. let\u2019s GO. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing : naoyuki onda - \" temple in the twilight\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then tell your shrink I want my kickback payments ON TIME next time!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the problem isn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t that everyone believes this caoonish rendition of the facts \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #racis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nose Twitchier May begins brexit in bed at Tiffs turning her back on Immigration a community party waiting on attack on poor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A lot of little treasures getting discovered in the #Omnibus #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What is happening? Besides being slow and generally dead? What did I miss?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER FUCK yes now i have someone to pressure me to get into every pit that opens up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t know how you have the audacity to charge extra to eat in, the place is a shit hole #WestwoodCross thanet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is such a witch. All she needs is a broom","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He's beyond moron.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Riding ur shithole like a whore fucker. Conquering ur hole fucking u boipussy in all position & mak u get facial wi\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Take your Dad\u2019s dick out of your mouth, no one can understand you...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How did people respond to @user tweets today?Thursday 06 Sep 2018 16:01:21 UTCTop hashtags:#maga#retweet#buildthatwall#support45#treason#corruptionMost influential accounts:@adventuregirl@PalmerReport@WeSupport45@Free_Media_Hub@CodeOfPatriots ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s Good for our Gun Business. More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control. Keep up the Great Work. Guns for All.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is ridiculous #BuildThatWall #VoteOutTheDems #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Perhaps asking Miss Rao directly would be a start? Manners Isaac.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ugly skank bitch >:( ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rolling pin should be banned too, since they can be used as clubs.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user No. I mean parasite in the sense of private companies being an unnecessary and universally-unwanted bauble imposed on an essential public service by people who put profits before public opinion and democracy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bitch please. You're nothing more than Putin's whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they finally let me out the closet \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck you hoe you ugly anyways I was just trynna see what that pum pum like Twanny said it make noises, skank ass hoe says the Nigga that had no chance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There was a great Tracey Ullman skit about that, almost too easy to write but very well done.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NEW: We've obtained a list of the top donors from Wall St. that have supported Biden's run for president. Big donations went to pro-Biden PACs. Those who gave big: [NEWLINE]-Donald Sussman[NEWLINE]-James Simons[NEWLINE]-Henry Laufer[NEWLINE]-Michael Moritz[NEWLINE]-Josh Bekenstein (Bain Capital)[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/nyn7GqhADa https:\/\/t.co\/0XKDbtyoRG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@EricTrump @jonkarl Thanks you got Biden another few thousand votes easy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why would Microsoft tout the fact that #Cortana is officially talking to Amazon #Alexa? This is the end of Microsoft in the voice assistant market https:\/\/youtu.be\/UmCJnZKqVCg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's why you'll ALWAYS hear the @user say vague words like billionaires\"\" - while WE will say actual names- like BEZOS, ZUCKERBERG, SOROS, XI, PURDUE - ALL FUND THE @user Name a billionaire Wall Streeter funding the Conservatives? Name one! Who's corrupt? Really?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol i just feel and #useless","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ImTooMuch bread in general aint too good for ya...but honky bread the worst...😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is repulsive. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Conservatives would do anything to eliminate the value of laborers in this country. People worked and died for this holiday. Don't want to see it lost to some fake Constitution worshiping by people who do not value the Constitution in any way such as the Far Right. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A caution to all those that read my gab feed. This #cockwomble @FreeBritain\u00a0is not to be trusted. He sows discord and speaks like a perverted jew. #DoNotTrust \u26a0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That won\u2019t happen as he is only comfortable twitting from his golden throne or toilet to most of us. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Traditionalists and fuddy-duddy conservatives form a convenient horseshoe with feminists when it comes to a lot of women's issues. Their reasons are grounded in chivalry and sex differences rather than equality but the result looks very similar.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at this couple ! INVITATION to all refugees of world! If you come to AUSTRIA you will get about 500\u00e2\u201a\u00ac benefit without of work and 850\u00e2\u201a\u00ac if you learn German ! Its the only country where the social welfare will help you always. Thank you Mr. KURZ and Strache ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gab is free speech.That was the stated goal when it was started... If you fucking monkeys try to use this like Twitter.. will spam your fucking page with all the fucking hatred that I could fucking bring. Do you monkey fucktard need to stay the fuck away from here and go back to your dying platforms. Facebook and Twitter. You fucking shit tarde half-wit assholes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Too bad it's not happening faster","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hating men is an important part of feminism why cant these men serving brats just shut the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"confessions of former neo-#confederate. #audiblechannels #us #history #slavery #southern #truth","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#paytoplay Her Gofundme is over $200K Liberals are society\u2019s bottom feeders. #freakyford ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I luv a classy bitch but still might fuck a bad whore\ud83d\udcb0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The problem I see is Europe. They might censor things because Europe wants to ban it. I say fuck them! If they won't wake up to their totalitarian governments, we shouldn't have to suffer for it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Babble!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PLANES_OVAlames: Stephen A. Smith Responds To People Calling Him An Uncle Tom\/Sell-Out!💯 http:\/\/t.co\/scC8STdMgU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i just won a giveaway from you guys on instagram so excited this awesome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is such an A-Hole. Sad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For Burkha it is Nuclear Science to distinguish between Immigrant who entered a country legally complying with the country's requirement and illegal one who broke the law & cheated.Illegals can never be good & loyal citizens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user what's her problem? it's easy to call names! loser! dummy! crook! i learned in 1st grade! !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And republicans fall right in line and say these are serious accusations we must postpone the vote until we hear from her\". Many republicans are not interested in being conservatives.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user LEGAL is. Not illegal. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"medium pet tin gbp 14.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is BAFOONICUS ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Damn straight he is. Nothing but good vibes coming through November \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a beautiful morning\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #blessed #beautiful #sunshine #morning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this #makes me so | ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can only hope, that somehow they are traced back to their homes, and they get bigtime payback...... Like beaten to within an inch of their lives payback......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spencer and the likes of him can go fuck themselves, BUT people like this trigger happy censoring scheming bitch are far more annoying and scary and they are an actual problem.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user U DAM STUPID ASS HOLE THEY DON'T KILL ANIMALS IT FOR WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER U DAM BITCH!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twice in 8hrs Twitter has restricted me because i said 'fuck and bitch' . Going for cunt and account blocking. ... ps YouTube are glued ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its not racist to want to protect our country from people who want to see our country burn. its not fair for the people who were shot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just got my first account strike on Twitter after calling out and debunking Brian Stelter of CNN conspiracy theory that no one has seen Melania Trump in a month. If Twitter and Jack want to stop me, they will have to permanently suspend me. I'm not shutting up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Black__Elvis: My favorite episode of Friends is the one where blacks mysteriously vanish and unemployed white people find affordable ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I boycotted #MSM months ago.\u00a0 How about you? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There's only one King \ud83d\udc10","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this world, this country.so much turmoil. our youth are gone..no1 has nothing to look forward to, nothing to hope for\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spain creates its first refugee camp near San Roque to home migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And there you have it...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are amazing and I love youuuu!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user if you are #hispanic #black #asian a non-racist white, other minority don't serve in military while in power #cnn\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rudy & GOP Speak #Trumpanese (Lies & Rinoshit) [NEWLINE]Real Patriots don't Steal from the People! [NEWLINE]Like @realDonaldTrump He stole Millions from the poor![NEWLINE]Joe Paid His Taxes, Did Rudy? Mitch? Lyndsy? Marco? [NEWLINE]Time 4 Audits! [NEWLINE]Real Americans & Companies Pay their DUE! [NEWLINE]#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/nbTw2zWSFD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Note to PM Sheikh Hasina re #refugees: if you move forward w\/ \"problematic, rights-abusing plan to force #Rohingya to move to risky & remote island of Bhasan Char, global criticism will shift from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh faster than you can imagine\" @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Booo. Hooo hoo who raised these spoiled brats ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Umm she is a reporter asking a question. The Senator is acting like a baby. Is this really what adults act like? Shame on you CBS. Shame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The left wants to change \"Illegal immigrant\" to \"undocumented immigrant\" I say hell to that! Let's call them what they REALLY are. ILLEGAL INVADERS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"enjoying a little background @user at coffee shop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Dad's army","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck you I\u2019ll put hot sauce on a slice of pizza again for you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he isnt attracted to asian women. sends me a pic of a korean woman and says they all look the same passing it off a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER All Vince Cable has to show for getting into bed with the Tories is a ridiculous Knighthood.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She could get a, part in the walking dead, no make up required","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user have a great day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ppl that are multimillion dollar Socialist Liberals from New York. Ya no problem. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We don\u2019t support gun control in Texas. So long Beto!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"need to sleep early pa tomorrow see you to all my friends in chong hua \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why is this bastard still alive are there no men left in that country? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is a completely justified call out on my comment. again i do apologize @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Wifewithapurpose Have you seen this awesome YouTube channel? #tradlife #whiteculture https:\/\/youtu.be\/zKAk2c8KfNE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 https:\/\/politics.theonion.com\/startling-report-fin...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what the fuck happened ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"choose to be happy. #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for technology. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Portugal fluked their way through 2 penalty shoot outs and CR didn\u2019t play the final ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"u scared to rape a bitch? I cant relate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is wortless why is she not checked out by secret service she is irresponsible in trying to generate hste to have somone kill thre president ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Careful, some of the subhumans claiming the Earth is flat also claim to be Christians. Better to get some distance from those, lest they make them look as backward as Australian Aborigines or something. :p","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Blackman38Tide bandana Orian. They called me trailer trash for wearing my lil country getup 😡","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep informed: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Matthew - you are a Lefty genius. Go live in Syria, Assad is a much nicer\" guy than Trump. U will like it there. \ud83e\udd23Lots of \"human rights\" no racism, no sexism. Tell us how u get on. \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\ude06 @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER alec we been knew you are problematic just get over it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If the Islamic Republic is Falling, It\u2019s Because of Trump https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/268883\/if-islamic-republic-falling-its-because-trump-robert-spencer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#immigration in #europe today. #ramadan! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Smut straight from hell","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#golf today for #fathersday #love #family ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My teacher always says \"Has a man ever abused his wife while using marijuana? Not unless she hides the Oreo cookies then she deserves it.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Prepared? All she has to say is I don't remember\" all the time and liberals will believe her BS.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#isitok that you question bringing life into the world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A bitch built like that could beat my ass all she wants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How brief, Election Day? 72 hours?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ask the governor how we are supposed to pay for this? Typical #teabagger mentality. Government is EVIL until we need them LOL #morningjoe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@emilysteers WASP EGGS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SC4K: Getting ready for the annual heart and sole luncheon @RenHotels #cle with @EricGordon_CEO http:\/\/t.co\/UJ721FmsXB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#FamiliesBelongTogether#deport ALL #ILLEGALaliens #endDACA #RoundupDACA #defund #SanctuaryCities and #SanctuaryStates #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Shooting in USA is so common no one is talking about gun control any more.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Silly rabbit \ud83d\udc07 laws and rules aren\u2019t for liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so happy with the way my life has been lately\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c #stressfree ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user year 1 are powering down to flamingo land ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user \u261d\ufe0f this is why Conservatives and law abiding citizens don't come to the table about gun control. It not about lunatics like this guy that should no longer own weapons. Its about removing all guns slowly but surely from everyone regardless of who they are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user That is because she is a good Christian and her husbands attackers are misguided. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i just hope he doesn't die. i've got no jokes left for him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good point, and ruining genes is far worse than going off the liberal plantation in espousing pro life views","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@OMFGITSOSCAR basic trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Of course she is! Probably has the record over her lifetime.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I saw a woman dressed up like a hot dog tonight. Bitch, it ain't Halloween yet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I\u2019ll accept your framing if you accept that it\u2019s perfectly legit for me to say Vox contributes meaningfully to Antifa violence and the internment of Uighur Muslims in China. Call it a deal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lololol Weak #BoobGrabberTrudeau may singlehandily destroy NAFTA through retaliatory tariffs. I'd move out of Canadian dollars and bunker down for a recession.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user looks bad for you now #donthecon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And Liberals think GUNS are the problem? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OOPS ! HiLIEry hoped all would forget about that !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BrianAnthonyBo1 @JudgeJeanine @dbongino Kamala the beast. That Hillary cackle will be her doom.[NEWLINE]A most unpleasant, unlikeable woman.[NEWLINE]Listen on the radio.[NEWLINE]Mute the TV.[NEWLINE]Visible difference shocking![NEWLINE]Biden the Invisible Shrinking Gasping Man.[NEWLINE]He is simply unwell.[NEWLINE]Dear Joe: Beware the 25th Amendment. Nancy awaits.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anyone have any guesses as to what @user @user & @user will lie about this week?? A) The world is ending Friday B) Give me all your money & I'll triple it by tomorrow C) @user knows everything - just listen to her D) #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are not a failure and an inspiration to other people","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if this is how we show our love for @Microchip then I'm gonna post a video of me Chopping Down a Tree for Micro (CDATFM)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The policy should be very simple:1. Refugees are not welcome other than for a handful of individuals every year. 2. Economic migrants who have no automatic right to be in this Country are not welcome at all.3. Humanitarian help can happen through international charities. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Silly Killary WANNABE !! And @user numbers JUST keep CLIMBING !! #MAGA#MASA#BuildThatWall #BuildTheFuture ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"vintage style ... gbp 49.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7 by @user - stylish . . . #catstagram #kittensofinstagram #meow #love #cat\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user selfie sunday \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8 #peacefestival #hannah #selfie #sunday #funday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Yemen tries gun control URL #theeconomist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hidden in #america is as rampant as blatant racism. @user @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Charlie Crist and Rick Scott are both scumbags, however interesting that Crist has yet to run one, just one, positive political ad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Look in the mirror lefties! No bigger bullies than antifa and progressive leftist trying to \u201cget in the faces\u201d of the right","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All I'll say is, 'Cool clock, Ahmed.' http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-4912446\/Ir...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kiss all this GOODBYE if the Dems get in. They HATE US & America; they can\u2019t wait to take every good thing President @realDonaldTrump did for us, AWAY. I WILL CRAWL OVER BROKEN GLASS ON MY HANDS & KNEES TO VOTE, IN-PERSON FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP! #Trump2020 #VoteTrumpToSaveAMERICA https:\/\/t.co\/ADztvYfr6Y","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy shit you met Michael Jordan","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user delta is under fire after youtube prankster is removed from a flight for speaking arabic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER my Kitty you know that I love you and you are always in my minds\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc31\ud83e\udd17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You guys are ruining Spooktober ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"came back to home. turn on the news. crying for #orlando there is no reason to shoot someone no matter what! gun violence has to stop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*60 \u2026 * Sixty year old! Man ...... she is fine URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a9feeling to back #home\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a9#selfie #airplane #flight #sky #airexpress #adidas #adidashat\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER ANTIFA displays hate on those they disagree with...you are being hypocritical!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes its not exhaustive by any means. Add me a few","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Double down on rating. Bet NCAA loves this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Probably have their violent liberal Antifa in full force showing us just how much they really care about any humans. Nope I'll never fall for their fake sympathy garbage as long as they pay to have strangers beat to a pulp by KKK hooded thugs. Never! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user can go straight the crapper. I\u2019ll never support another team again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS! Eye-witness account of our President, Donald J. Trump, wiping his ass from back to front like an ANIMAL! Tune in now for the latest #FakeNews details.https:\/\/youtu.be\/-4riDUOcU3U","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"114 days since tfl lay first egg to today, the first day the washington nest is empty of both offspring. wow! #dceaglecam #proud #awed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Early bird get the worm.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Celibacy to women = Searching for new dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the greatest gift i ever had came from #god i call him #dad \u00f3\u00be\u0086\u009f\u00f3\u00be\u0086\u009f\u00f3\u00be\u0086\u009f #father's #day......!! \u00f3\u00be\u0086\u009f \u00f3\u00be\u0086\u009f \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling proud","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 802 is not a poll especially because they are all Liberals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user could they not come up with a midlands promotion instead of irelands ancient east? @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Complaining about SP's comments and blames the media for him(Spath) feeling a certain way and not actually reading an article. Basically saying Shea doesn't know shit and basically he should shut his mouth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"congrats lola! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don\u2019t trust MSM. That being said Russia already tested the site and the tests came back negative. The \u201cAssad gassed civilians\u201d narrative is a lie and everyone knows it. Even Tucker on Fox called BS.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @steviegarcia11: Here come wiggas soft tweets.. 😂","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Disgraceful. He is innocent until proven guilty. Which will not happen because she is lying.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This is insulting. I'm black and fully capable of getting IDs. What makes you think that we can't? Lets be honest. This is about liberals (mostly white 1s) that want to appear as saviors and vanguards for minorities. Its about protecting your fraudulent votes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user not all men are bad, but you certainly are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are always when #friends stop by! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Well you may be right. Always the optimist I'm going to carry on with my (possibly deranged) mission to believe we can achieve a united front. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like homecoming is soon. Let the 'Girls fucking over Guys' begin! #LameExcuses #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so happy now !!! #funny \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That's the problem with conservatives. They mix up etiquette and talent. Both in moderation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The official unemployed numbers are a joke. There are millions of Americans who lost their jobs and career to H-1b. Their unemployment benefits ran out years ago. Give them their jobs back. End H-1B now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that feeling when the food is ready... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #fitgirl #fitness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why is it so difficult for folks to understand the meaning of 'here'? \ud83e\udd14 Meanwhile liberals are losing their minds believing that President Trump's attorneys said that the president is above the law \ud83d\ude44. Liberals waste so much \u00a0time screaming about their misinterpretation of things & ricocheting off each other's lunacy that it's like watching an arcade game","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USAToday Corrected Title \"Illegals caused their own probelms by bringing their kids to commit a crime of invading the U.S !\" They need to learn how to follow the law and come LEGALLY! Problem Solve #SendThemHome #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #No1MoreIllegal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I thought they turned into Antifa?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No and they\u2019re expensive ass hell","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What does that have to do with fairy gay neo-Nazi socialist faggot bitches?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user really looking forward to coming along - coming with @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wrong, you slithering kunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He should leak that shit anyways lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@bannerite @voxdotcom We need #Leadership #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/tZNKtZCCNZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Me-Too lynchings of innocent Republicans\/conservatives will continue if GOP let's the Kavanaugh fraud prevail. GOP should fight fire with fire and do this one time to a prominent Dem male. Watch it stop after that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wish our fucking Gov would build one around our tiny island !!!! Britsin desperately needs a Trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Clown who cares about you or the nfl. #NFLFreeSundays ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Flattards have an explanation for that one. They demand that you go south instead of east-west. Then they never travel south. Always one excuse or another.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What is so terribly wrong with this practice. This falls directly on the hands of @user and @user A 6-Year-Old Girl Was Sexually Abused in an Immigrant-Detention Center via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So pointing at the umpire and calling him thief is berating and walking very fast toward an official and calling them f***ing moron is not? I think it is clear who needs help. You are a man perhaps? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"want to send stickers to people also got no one #sedih","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user who really cares about any of this wack ass beef???\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sogenannte \"Migranten\" st\u00fcrmen Spaniens Grenze mit Waffengewalt. Als ANGEBLICH 1939 die Deutschen (Foto nachweislich gestellt) das in Polen taten, war es ein Kriegsgrund!\u00a0 https:\/\/www.welt.de\/politik\/ausland\/article179995330\/Spanische-Exklave-Ceuta-Migranten-attackieren-Beamte-mit-selbst-gebauten-Flammenwerfern.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wait you don't know who she is? Oh boy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER don't disrespect sharpie like that bro it was definitely some off brand shit from the back of a dollar tree \ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Gonna suck with all that gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The future seems pretty bleak, huh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #netanyahu has demonstrated disrespect against #obama for 8 yrs! gop feigned outrage is full of excrement! #israel","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals mock President Trumps skin color and decapitated his likeness. They also threaten his family. Even Baron.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER ..long live satire!- if we cannot cut to the truth in this way then we may as well call it a day...\ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#disgrace ashamed that this person is a fellow #newyorker \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is about as useless as a tit on a hog just saying \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jump for joy! #chihuahua #dog #puppy #joy #run #sony #porait #animal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" livelypics: psychology claims that if two past lovers can remain just friends, its either they are still in love, or never were. #m\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user plane falling apa vs019 toilet leaking, my screen flickering -experience ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And you are a liar ,I hate no one race , every race has it's good and bad .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your bitch a true thot had to let her go like a cool cop shoot u and put a hole in ur head like a juice box ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You said it. They're trying to prove that cheepika is goddess and everyone else has nothing to offer. It tells everything about how insecure they are as fans. Now their target is alia because they know how good she is. Alia being so good is threat to their so called goddess.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A bitch with fuck with a nigga just to get back at you but that shit be making y'all look like thottiessssss loose pussy hoe!!! \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women who strive to be 'equal' to men lack ambition #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is so stupid it scares us average Americans that she makes decisions on our behalf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Fail equivalence. Again. This isn't notallmen, this is 'Do you think it's all Satanists?' to\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They want a better future. The fbi and the SSRI drugs need to be stopped. Every mass\/school shooter was on one or more SSRI drug. On top of that a lot of them did go to therapy. Mk ultra is real. Although the govement don't call it mku anymore.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER niggaaahhhh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y'ALL QUIT USING YOUR FAITH TO EXCUSE TRUMP AND HIS MINIONS. IT'S DISGUSTING. https:\/\/t.co\/mZSFrt4cGm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user life was fun while it lasted; any last werdz? #sorry #victim #accident","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I agree! I guess Dems are saying that they\u2019re worried about some October surprise where the FISA docs are released leading up to the election.\ud83d\ude0a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just reading this gives me anxiety about having anxiety. But it really does suck and takes more than sheer will power to overcome. Don't be afraid to seek help and ask your doctor if you need medication. There is no shame in it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NWO Deepstate Swine Reprobates Psychopaths Pedophiles Cannibals Luciferian satanist\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This is the most consistently stupid argument gun control advocates make.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Daughter and mother have different last names. No mention of the father. Mom noticed red flags in weeks before OD. No mention of her taking leave from work to help. Obviously job always meant more than family. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1) His father was put in prison for tax evasion, about $5m., rich ppl shouldn't have to pay taxes don't you know. 2) Shekels 3) No clue. 4) His fee fees were hurt here & he has to let ppl know how smart he is somewhere. 5) Don't know, don't care.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I am Canadian .. Live in the us and am ex \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 special forces. I've handled everything from a bb gun to 155 mm howitzer (\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01) and tow missles and anti tank weapons. the US (lack of) gun control is by far the fucking stupidest part of this country! Too many morons with guns","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is it being awarded by The Onion?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need your help in fighting the corrupt officials, MSM, and Communist groups in my area! paypal.me\/libertyjack #America #patriot #ThreePercenter #RestoreTheRepublic #liberty","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How many liberals will believe Hillary's explanation? She was the one who worked with Russia on Uranium One plus other questionable activities that should be investigated.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So how long before Kamala Harris drops down on ol Joe to further her career right into the Oval Office Chair? Asking for a friend!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00e2\u00ad\u0090 review by jackie evans: \"i love this just what i wanted.\" #etsy #... #goatmilk ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Qanon #AnonChatter\u00a0 Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Jack Dorsey @Jack \/Twitter. May 16, 2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user John Podesta is a spirit cooking pedo. Here's a photo of him and Valerie Jarrett in a rather compromising situation. #MAGA #qanon #DrainTheDeepState #DrainTheSwamp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Election fraud allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of 'political correctness', report warns https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2016\/08\/11\/election-fraud-allowed-to-take-place-in-muslim-communities-becau\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user $10 says he\/she is white. Any other white people notice how many shitty white people there are or am I the only one who sees this? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's a scanned page from the book with the horrible details. And g'morning!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user will you allow the @user to defile the @user church with #misogyny #adultery #rape #bigotry\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jews will always bring the ship back. Who do you think invented Marxism? And why it was invented? To destroy the West, not to accomplish some economical paradise. Solely to destroy the social order of Europe, which it succeeded in doing. Once all is destroyed and they're in total control, Jews probably revert to capitalism to put their abject slaves to work.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The left doesn\u2019t care. They victimize women and minorities for political gain. Same story different democrat. #libtards #walkaway #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He makes dope ass songs. He\u2019s a singer\/writer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"board games & black fly \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #drinks #boardgames #settlersofcatan #margaritas #tequila\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THIS ASSHOLE HAS GOT TO GO !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are the Mexican Venus","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user cool dlc idea canadian rockies like jasper banff whistler lake louise #ubie3 #advidsnowboarder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When friends find out what a sick psychopath I really am \u263a\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well sure she would lend her support to the lying heifer making the false accusations. She has no more intelligence than the rest of the liberals acting out sombody!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user saw @user in bham tonight. sprayed the ball & paicularly really great play up middle defensively. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A pharaohs nd his angry bird http:\/\/t.co\/jMC2eR32Ka","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"until two days ago where i was about to break up with her because i didn't want to hu her ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Such a fucked night @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Go fuck your fat nigger dad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your pics aren\u2019t triggering enough. How about I send pics of dead whites killed by shitskins. That\u2019ll teach me. \u00a0You need to escalate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't even tell them your name, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I gotta stop opening DMs when I'm drunk... I wake up like who TF is this bitch and why did I send her a dick pic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You go Mike and by the way Sarah she is the best lair . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While Angela Merkel is destroying Europe, you can thank her for saving America.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is so fake ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden is HEAVILY limiting his exposure to press\/public in the most crucial weeks leading up to the election - because he is his own biggest threat. He is relying on a few 2 hour sprints.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]This is a sign. Read the writing on the wall, America. Vote accordingly. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FightNightX @NMF4Life khan has been facing nothing but trash since his L to Garcia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Using that thought\/conspiracy then it would be safe to argue that the liberals have concocted this and are stalling in order to help the liberals interest in that. The perfect pawn would play fearful of the process thereby helping confuse & prolong the process. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER NANSBABH BITCH STFU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And the only one digging a hole of ignorance is you... sad. I hope you are not teaching your child hate .. but I am sure you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LIAR!!!!.... see Clarence Thomas confirmation.... this was never about the lie!..it was always a delay tactic...nothing more...disgusting liberals and the Game they call 'politics' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is too busy patting her hair to realize her Tweets are comical but in a stupid kind of way.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user My dumbass was really thinking how in the hell is she been pregnant for the last 6 years\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I checked... #followed \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My inbox this morning. 'Good Morning!\u00a0 Are you still looking for funding?\u00a0 We have some big meetings this month and I would like to include your business.' #Encouraging","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trying to shape opinion. #MockingbirdMedia at it's worse.. Read the comments.. It failed miserably.. #MAGA #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #WeThePeople #WWG1WGA #DrainTheSwamp #ReleaseTheVideo @user #MockingbirdMedia #FakeNews @user #QAnon #QAnon8chan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It also goes to show that all those so called news people that laughed at you are now eating crow. How wonderful it is to watch the looney liberals squirm around like worms drowning in sunshine. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". @USER ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS I #TasteTheBARBIERAINBOW & facial expressions were everything I see you \ud83d\udc40 #ROMAN THIS VIDEO WAS #LEGENDARY YOU ARE A FUCKING #ICON #BarbieDreamsVIDEO URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Riiiight... it's her \"legs\" we're focusing on. And the camo. Sure thing. lol!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sudanese refugees often experience extra challenges when they come to Amman. One such refugee, a volunteer at our community center named Assem, shares his powerful story about life in Darfur and his experiences in Jordan. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You hoes can't rap stop it bitch \u270b ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Something I actually agree with @TedCruz about. It will be the end of the GOP (whether Biden wins or not). https:\/\/t.co\/0njtsGV3oC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ajsjjsjdkkdjdk i want him so much he\u2019d literally tell me to die and i\u2019d obey him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pure today in #cologne. everybody looking arabic is kettled, female friends had to leave for better pics of media. presented by gov","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to start preparing for civil war","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"8\/12\/18 1841 EDT Earthquake Russia 4.5 mb 29.76 Mi Depth us1000g7gh https:\/\/livingonchi.wordpress.com\/2018\/08\/12\/8-12-18-1841-edt-earthquake-russia-4-5-mb-29-76-mi-depth-us1000g7gh\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump just endorsed Kris Kobach, who made a name for himself with anti-immigrant views and allegations of voter fraud, for Kansas governor via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No. I respect him for sticking up for his wife but let's not forget that he's running around screaming MAGA & said slavery sounds like an option to him. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A work in progress. Aqua from the anime Konosuba.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The world knows that Right wing extremists are responsible for more terror attacks that leave people actually dead in the US than all other groups combined.... statistical fact. Will remind not 1 case of anyone dying because of antifa... your not on solid ground here..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To the point and powerful. My dad was career USMC, Semper Fi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Jacksonville shooter was a raging liberal who routinely went after Trump supporters online If he was a Republican or Trump voter it would be headline news and the media would blame Trump for inciting violence in our society","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Voice of Europe and VOA where the only voices that fought against communism when I was on the \"other\" side of the Iron Curtain, our only connection with real world. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ah, describing women as hysterical, how innovative, original, striking ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You make no sense. \u201cAntifa\u201d is a cut-down word for ANTI-fascist. NAZIs are Hitler fascists by definition. Many so-called right-wingers tend to fascist views. Trump does. Just listen to him. The so-called left is far from fascist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Of course he is offended he is ill due to liberalism!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When, o when, is #israel going to sink into the Mediterranean? You have (((enemy organisms))) propping up an illegal state that was only supposed to be created by God. And we let them get away with this day after day. Where does it end-?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don\u2019t talk shit about 48 laws","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user lost 4.5lbs this week and got slimmer of the week \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc oh yeah!! !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user kinda digged the white chick tho thought she was gonna win but guess #sarcastic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@revbrown51 Rev: DEMS & Black Caucus did NOT CLAP for LOWEST EVER BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT (you believe @POTUS is using FALSE NEWS). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user shit ode ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today's the day.......... i am going to tell the kids we are going disney next week @user #cantkeepasecret ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dave has the right idea","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what the heck this is so mean!!! please silence racism! #bully ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" coolestlifehack: this is what devil's bathtub, southwest virginia looks like! amazing isn't it? #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what if rapists got the same advice women do? #rapeculture","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Comparing a date\" to rape is disgusting. I hope your family never has to deal with rape. You are a disgusting POS.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fool ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why would DPD ride with this chic. I know code of blue. She is more trouble than good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user joan is playing 4 characters this season all the way up to episode 6 so far.. pretty sure she is a main ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Crying babies !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Youth Unlimited is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian ministry working with churches: https:\/\/www.youthunlimited.org\/contact-us\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: If u acted like a hoe after we broke up I'm not wrong for thinking u were a hoe all along","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"porn blue tube office woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Refugee athletes shine at world championships in Finland via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user long story \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 i'll tell you next week when i see you. what time are you going up on friday? xx\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HornyFacts: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"\n\nno u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh You Cunt! It's 9:30AM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@FletcherMassie @TelcoAg @rcb05 Go back to mutt, Rev I style. Of course, that would necessitate running over a dog and adopting it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is dillusional!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After Steinle verdict, rep unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I bet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Every time there\u2019s a new girl going thru my Facebook photos I have to explain that I\u2019m not some kinda pimp \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"friday breakfast...#parenthesebordeaux #friday #breakfast #moodoftheday #inlove\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wonder if he apologized to Diamond and Silk for calling them a \u201cminstrel show?\u201d He should have been fired but there he is making faces.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always with the positive mental attitude! we're proud that hannah cockroft is one of our inspiring women #speaker ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is the reason I\u2019m getting my life together lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CHECK OUT THIS STUPID HOE @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why do you think? It really doesn't matter who she's representing. We know it's not the people. By extension we know she lies pretending she is weighing the evidence. She is always only looking for an excuse for her votes supporting whoever owns her.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#mohammedali not much men like that about anymore #thegreatest rip fella","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...but liberals want gun control and gun free zones. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gun control kills 3 more people. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Silly Washington Post, it's not global warming OR Trump. It's the angry spirits of dead slaves! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER so we load into illios insta lock torb immediate flame in all chat moira do not win a fight all game constant shit talking between a team mate and one of their team still have a torb im fighting a doomfist help","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There are plenty of sane centrist democrat citizens but far leftist politicians & Antifa weirdos? No thanks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We offer hardwood flooring repair and cleaner services for your home and commercial property in Vancouver, BC. Our experts use the natural and common way to clean floors with the safe and secure tools to make it look like the new floor. To know more visit us today! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#fun #love #me photo cred: megan the mini me\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #wifey #wifeyforlifey #thebomb #dope ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ProBirdRights: A marry between a man and woman people sloppery slop;then what is prevent a bird from marriage my sandwich??? I'm in lo…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anti-Trump immigration demo crossing Brooklyn Bridge in New York ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another of McCain's 'success' stories. Supporting islamic terrorists and helping given them a state in the heart of Europe https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/amphtml\/world\/2018\/...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udc80 i beat they ass too for letting them get hit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'll defend him. I think the CA professor is a lying liberals pile of horse dung. There. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udca5Putting faces to the Deep State\ud83d\udca5 James O'Keefe of @USER Announces Deep State Investigation at the Gateway Eagle Forum. Fantastic! Looking forward to this \ud83d\ude01 #ConspiracyNoMore #PatriotsWin #TrumpTreason #TheTruthShallSetUsFree #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He should be in potters field by now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah dangerous to question a scattered 35 year old account pushed on the eve of a nomination with the liberals saying they will stop at nothing to derail judge Kavanagh or any of Trumps picks? Delete your account... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Force yourself to love yourself! Love it!! Be it!! Feel it!! Slay it!! Get into your kunt!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user mystery skies in #nevada #thankful #mylife #myhappyplace #peaceful #heavenoneah\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech is moolah (and its $1.4m btc currently missing) the most recent bi... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Exclusive: Sanctioned Libya coastguard commander says hits migrants... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Regressive liberals checking their brains at the door in order to not get the fake label \"islamophobic\" go to greater & greater lengths to be multi-cultural...having no idea what the globalist leadership has in store for them... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The conservatives & evangelicals I'm sure, you know the Pro-Lifers\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"poppy #dog on one of her great #devon adventures. #spaniel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Americans. Taxpayers pay Approx. $48,000.00 per Illegal Alien per Year! via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Betty I think women have been handed a character assassination bomb to destroy MEN by the liberals and the FEMINISTS. I would hate to know these women represent ME. WHY WAIT ALL THESE YEARS TO REPORT... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh go and beat up another woman you boring cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the inter-terrestrial #scifi #sciencefiction on #kindleunlimited #99cents in #january #2017 #kindle ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@1Oyster1 maybe not but you crow about obama and democrats so you are a mawbar....Might as well be a Republican.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UN picks refugees for UK, picks mostly Syrian Muslims ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We met Ian Sinclair there he does Brook (?) from One Piece. I wish I would\u2019ve known more of the characters the voice actors we met did ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ford\/Kavanaugh | The Michael Knowles Show ... https:\/\/youtu.be\/Hnyia4w0msk via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MOGG: #JacobReesMogg calls for @user to #ChuckChequers now. 'Chequers pleases nobody other than the #PrimeMinister herself.' #BBC #SKY #LBC @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Tory #Tories ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always be #overfed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When we permit a government to define its own powers, we get what we have in the District of Columbia today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm shocked that this gun addict is also an alleged pervert! #NRA #2A #MolonLabe #gunsense #momsdemand #MAGA #WednesdayWisdom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sandy hook & now #orlandonightclubshooting. we have to #change! #thoughtsandprayers #sundaymorning #prayfororlando isis #guncontrolnow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user If you play field hockey there's a good chance you're a lesbian. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"m all back. Even Crowley. 'Cause after everything you've done, you owe us, you son of a bitch. So you get your ass down here, and you make t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"are you calling me a Democrat?\u00a0 What an asshole.........\u00a0 \u00a0That is the worst insult you can send me,\u00a0 I am not a demonrat,\u00a0 I am a pissed off TRUMP VOTER that just got kicked in the balls by the very person I voted for and you want me to be happy about it?\u00a0 What a fucking LEMMING!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER EAT MY ASS OH MY GOD YOU BETTER BE LYING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Amazing how they can consistently manage to piss off both progressives and conservatives by being so arrogantly misguided--often in same segments. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I get tired of hearing people complain about politics or #WhiteGenocide when they're not even willing to stand with a sign on a street corner.#RedWaveRising #VoteRed #SecureTheBorder #NoAmnesty #StopTheInvasion #StopWhiteGenocide #RedWave2018 #AmericanProWhiteNetwork #WhiteNet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 week until we leave for hellfest!! i can't wait. i need a holiday #holiday #festivals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Exactly so shut up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds Rally in Nashville, TN 5\/29\/18\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=LbYgxmiksvY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He and Obama must be copying each other does any democrat have their own thought PLEASE !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Often employers consider employees slaves as they think they have bought them [because] they pay them. #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #women #migrants #abuse #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe the reason you are gaining so many subs is because you are a hard working awesome YouTuber :D","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dear God, she is awful, What is her devious purpose in South Africa? WHEN is Britain going to leave the Boers alone. How many atimes must they defend themselves from these predators? I thin it is at least FIVE times that the Boers have had to get away or have been betrayed, She has no shame - but then neither do the rulers of Britain - and this thing is their creature. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*this* is everything the next 4 years will be. #neverump #pussygrabberinchief #idiocracy \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/j7bmH3-3ulM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.! Give it up Serena you are looking silly now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh.my.books its so beautiful! oh the feels! all the feels #coverlove #bookporn @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"COMMON SENSE IS GONE and NEVER COMING BACK!! GERMAN INSANITY??? The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes bitch \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He too is afraid his backstabbing deeds will be discovered and made public undermining the entire farce of the Obama administration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cincinatti well these shootings will keep happening because of your stupid gun laws so its time americans woke up and do something about it because it will keep on happening again and again and not god and prayers are going to help only proper gun control laws will.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sweden is almost like the perfect experiment on multiculturalism. Wanna let in massive amounts of people from Muslim majority and third world countries? Okay, get ready to become one yourself! P.S. We told yah so! #Immigration #sweden #stopimmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER why don't the likes of just do as their bosses instruct them & as long as @USER is protected the @USER will never give a shite what happens on the streets of this country","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheTrackMamba gator bait 🐊😤","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Big O - you are right - you don't lose to Gabbert","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"retweet, like, and comment! #white #woman goes on #rant against two #hispanic #women, ... on\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mandela had praised heap upon him when in fact, he was a lying ass black communist. \u00a0South African screwed up by not killing the SOB when they had the chance to do it, while he was incarcerated. \u00a0Mexico kills people all the time. White South Africans were trying to be nice to piece of shit. \u00a0Look at what is happening to them now. \u00a0Lessons learned and not to be repeated, right white South Africans?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol you are being mean.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is the day! let's sta getting ready! ! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IT IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY IF IT IT THE TRUTH.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mouthy college player =hate mongering liberal bigot & future NFL kneeler killing the NFL https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/01\/08\/an-alabama-football-player-had-some-explicit-words-for-trump-at-the-national-championship-game","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i think everybody should smile or speak to a stranger tomorrow xx #littlethings","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That\u2019s one hating ass bitch \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You won\u2019t hear it here! Jobless claims lowest since 1969 (four years before you were born). DOW in record territory (how many times now since 1\/17?). Got to be a pile of shit in this room of ponies (right @user at @user #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As if we didn't already have enough reasons to not watch... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user your bliss is calling. #blogger #bloggerswanted #positivevibes #poem #writing #blog blog #love #life \u00e2\u009c\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't look now but in the first 17 days of January gold has provided better returns than bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies - http:\/\/www.thedailyeconomist.com\/2018\/01\/dont-look-now-but-in-first-17-days-of.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user my story: how #race and have played a role in my life - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Part 2 of 2. Breitbart is mainstream zionist-shilling pieces of shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user happy national best friend day! nationalbestfriendday nationalbestfriendsday \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal immigration sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.The huge influx of cheap labor has helped to stall Americans\u2019 wages since the 1970s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Watching liberals get all uppity at you though was the best part. They jump to defend the scum as ever.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user barack #obama gets real about the he #faced in office via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals will melt \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you can't drink all day if you don't sta in the morning.\" enjoy happy hours times #drinks #booze ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER All this tape proves is that @USER was always out to get a paycheck and to sabotage the one person who actually gave her a chance. Who tape records conversations in the White House??? Only someone looking to sell it later. She\u2019s a snake","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Poor old Rudy he is as full of shit as a Christmas Goose.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s a flake ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#stress is not pretty - ditch it - be #laugh \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #exercise #headisease @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user why you didn't pick up our classwork?i don't want a 0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5\u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #ibproblems #hu #pleasepickupmyclasswork @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ice bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you star ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lax misses you <3 i miss happy hour hopping with you. no one else can keep up #notthesame","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER launching her campaign in #Mississauga She is working for a more socially and economically responsible city! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White supremacy is reality. Leftists HATE reality because in reality they're all loser maggots.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #food#my#love \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b @ dongguan, china ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user if you speak Spanish? MS-13 Muslim? terrorist black person? should've complied hold a dissenting opinion? emotional snowflake Gun control? Nazi Republican putting people in internment camps? PATRIOT Think you leave your human rights at the boarder? PATRIOT I'm tired ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the problem is \"toxic masculinity,\" why is Europe frantically scarfing up as many toxic males as possible from other countries? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Disgusting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the story of 9\/11 that you didn\u2019t watch unfold on your TV that fateful day in 2001. This is the story of the 9\/11 War Games. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @McNarstle: @CzickenShack I go on Drudge Report every day now hoping to see a story about your tranny army","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pakistan: father among seven arrested for selling underage girls https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/03\/pakistan-father-among-seven-arrested-for-selling-underage-girls","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT DanielT64518410 Tommy Robinson Demo, Important Information Please Share !!! https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/w\/bp3RgjFlVlFZQm1reVhuS0x8MU9kS3JwRFhFcHdKWMEGhGC9CcrN7_zRmvwZt7OD7zIvN4jugaRYhA9HqUx0\u00a0\u2026 https:\/\/twitter.com\/DanielT64518410\/status\/1054374088263651328","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm maia! #fun #daughter #princess #toddler #maryland #silverspring #model @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some of it I put it in the category of self-deprecating humor that actually has consequences. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#newday they are not asylum seekers they are illegal immigrants #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f cleavage for the gods \u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb\u00e2\u009d\u00a3 #tranny #ladyboy #asianladyboy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my city #rome #beautiful #sky #dawn #clouds #colors #city #amazing #landscape #shadows\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user now you touched visa-mata's raw nerve by saying modi for 2019\"\" thats why she may block you soon she is having wild\/wet dream of being PM after modi fail to get full majority in 2019. please dont wake her up from her dream of bhajpaa getting 160 seat in 2014\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just 3 days until i get to see my best friend that i've not seen in 6 months ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Our great state has been flooded with illegal immigrants and liberals from blue states looking for work. Then these dumba$$es vote Democrat!?!!! Go figure. All insane.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"atleast this week is going quickly. roll on thursday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"obama tells trump and the american people f**k you before he leaves (but you can't say anything ) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pigeon Girl can also send pigeons to poop on all MAGA hats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The swamp yeah lol \"You from Baltimore bitch\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Has anyone downloaded the new chat app from Safaricom which incorporates mpesa transactions as an integral part of the service? It looks good, and anything which moves away from Facebook\u2019s WhatsApp is good news IMO. https:\/\/britsinkenya.com\/2018\/08\/16\/safaricom-make...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes we're all holograms now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user multiple types of racism in america #us #america ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It seems that the more often these types of events occur the more the gun control and safety debate heats up. I believe eventually state legislatures will pass laws providing schools with better protection but it is sad that these events have to occur in order to push the agenda.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who is ona? never heard of them. i cant imagine any healthy nazi movement being infiltrated by drug addicted sodomites who cut themselves, sacrifice animals and suck dick. any group infiltrated by that has to reevaluate wtf they are doing in life. i mean, im not the purity spiraling type but damn lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hes a scum bag to...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#StarPorn Jupiter from an Unusual Vantage Point\u00a0https:\/\/wp.me\/p1IUdy-feX @kimcheetwo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let's get #ProudDeplorable Trending Now!Please #RETWEET this #SundayMorning Visit to help #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First-hand accounts shared on @user lay bare the violence of this specific, deeply harmful immigration condition. If you have an experience related to NRPF and want to share it, get in touch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And some hysterical Dem woman actually tried to defend the ad on @user Dem desperation. Fac\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Criminals who ILLEGALLY enter country in front of others waiting in line legally at legal Ports of Entries. #BuildThatWall @user @user #MAGA2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Figures! What is wrong with these idiots? Thank God for @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cDiversity\u201d - the program that allowed incompetent Blacks and Women to beat out competent white men on high paying jobs! The Blacks remain as racist as ever, and the women are now using the \u201cMe Too\u201d movement to destroy white men\u2019s careers, lives, and marriages! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany frets, Soros lurks, as Spanish Socialists welcome African\u00c2\u00a0migrants...https:\/\/t.co\/Z8MnrYFyAv ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ArcticFox2016: 150 Christians MASSACRED By Jihadi Muslims While They Slept! Including Pastor, His Wife & Kids http:\/\/t.co\/VnR60MjFo6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user iNDEED her @ is danikaharrod go follow her because she is the cutest and shitposts from tdp sometimes jhdsfhjsg ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fundraising Many people have started collecting funds for Syrian refugees as an advertising stunt for self... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Any time liberals think their going to get a win they tune into their head cheerleader. Then they realize the latest bombshell is once again nothing and go back to their miserable existence eating chunky monkey (not racist) and watching Netflix","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MN Congressman\/DNC Chairman Keith Ellison: \u201cI just found the book that strikes fear into President Trump.\u201d \ud83d\ude02 What an idiot. \ud83d\ude44 Democrats are not only delusional, they really ARE stupid!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well if Trumpster said it then it must be true he also have himself a 10 on handling Cuba hurricane sad piece of something he is...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Luis Mario Rodrigues-Torres a Mexican illegal, arrested in connection with the rape of an 11-year-old girl, who he reportedly contacted via Snapchat. #Deport all Illegals #BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to The Gulf Of Mexico - #NoDACA it is not a Law ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You rock Laura. We need the Rinos exposed. They are hiding behind Republican status. We need new blood in November. It has to continue to 2020. MAGA Our forefathers would want us to save our Country.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 more white boys standing up for you every day Ms. .@USER I think the poster adds speshul emphasis. Don\u2019t you? #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is something I can get behind!\u00a0 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/california\/2018\/08\/31\/tr...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IngrahamAngle \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude49 you all are working pretty damned hard today to take the focus off your guy aren't you? LOLOL come on, admit it, you're ashamed, too. trump made a laughingstock of himself - again. [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good for you! Keep us posted on how it goes with homeschooling. Nothing is healthier for children than to learn and be safe within their own family. Every homeschooled children I've taught\/tutored has been a delight and a blessing, not damaged by gov't indoctrination and authority. *>*","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"by me\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c . . #cheesecake #love #food #eat #ramadankareem #ramadan #family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is going to win! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If you're talking about Kavanaugh there is only an uncorroborated accusation but even then the conservatives I have seen haven't dismissed it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Also she's thick as shit despite her posh brainy voice\"\" on QT when the \"\"refugee\"\" crisis was at it's peak,she said they should come in because there may be surgeons & dentists amongst them.Fecking leftie lunatic.#ScruffBag\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Krazee right wingers have the nerve to bitch about Antifa.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"throw england out! if the fa can't control their fans, get them out... guaranteed they won't do it again. wanker cunts. #euro2016","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user So he is misogynistic cause his opinion is different?? I guess that makes you a bigot! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user There are THREE cardboard boxes full. Come pick out a haunted cardigan! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'HURRICANE ELECTRIC' Exposed: Fusion GPS Had Access To Obama FBI Surveillance Database https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/crossfire-electric-exposed-fusion-gps-had-access-to-obama-fbi-surveillance-database\/ via @BigLeaguePol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dumpster RT @baskgod: Gahbage RT @_sirhampton_: Chicks that smoke are trash. No in between. No debate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch at work had the nerve to ask why are all y'all wearing tye die.. because u lil whore it's lit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Doesn't surprise me. Texans hate Liberals w\/ Soros backing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm the funniest person I know the fuck u talking about sPEAK FOR YOURSELF GIRL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Definitely not as strange as her. Thats for sure. Shes a professor at a alt-left university. All those folks are kooky. #trump #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never leaves home without it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think I have about 8 or 10. of them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You toxic skank Becky! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nigger #pattismith book?? wtf, that's reich? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He\u2019s a bitter Barn Inbred. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me flirting- So how do you feel about abortion? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why do all you liberals insist on trying to control everyone in America? Why do you insist those of us that work hard for our money have to give it to people who don't? Why do all you liberal millionaires keep your millions while forcing me to give away every dime I make?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are not alone with that :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That shit got me dead!! Eager ass boi! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Next...working from whore houses ....coding with bitches for future augmented reality sex apps ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The reason Maya Rudolph is hilarious as Kamala Harris and Jim Carrey is awful as Joe Biden is because Maya works with the truth and Carrey does not.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Carrey\u2019s comedy here is lazy. He doesn\u2019t know how to parody Biden so he works off GOP talking points.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Talking about hysterical women, you're the worst. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2057: After disbanding the Republican party, the %100 Democrat, 95% non-white controlled congress\/senate removes all legal punishment associated with murder\/assault of \"Caucasians\". After only 5 years, White Americans make up less than %25 of the US population. Mosin-Nagant is called a wignat fed poster and doxxed by members of the Daily Stormer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In Scyth\u03bfpolis, when the Christians were slaying the Greeks, the Jihadists lived in caves.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jonah Goldberg doubling down and pulling out some talmudic shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"focus #positivevibes and aim for your #goals! #sunday #youth #leadership #life #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"the greatest Americans\" > History disagrees with Chappelle on that: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Proud Boys ban on twitter\u00a0tonight reminds us all of the importance\u00a0(no matter how limited in scope) the current system of Gab is. Fleeing your oppression is a core value of freedom and should always be fought for. Gab may still be small but growth\u00a0comes when people ban or try and silence those they don't agree with. Twitters days are surely numbered.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" awww this is such a beautiful #song by my #chemical romance i literally staed to #cry listening to it^^\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@eGoTheIcoN everytime pro teams do GB tourneys that get schmanged. Im not fanboying im just saying I don't think u should say they're trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/presidential-actions\/ex... #pizzagate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"les parents also apparently already bought a new car. which we have no clue what it is. which is also not meant for us kids. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER About 20 of them Motherfuckers \u203c\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cute&yammy\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0093 #strawberryacai#starbucks#nyc#dancer @ new york, new york ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This evil filthy POS has been on Andy Cohen's Bravo channel alot on late night depraved show. as well as many other Pedos in Hollywood. Evil filth. They have all always given me the creeps, but had no idea at the depth of their evil depravity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When will Republican leadership learn that they are being played like a fiddle by the Democrats on Border Security and Building the Wall? Without Borders, we don\u2019t have a country. With Open Borders, which the Democrats want, we have nothing but crime! Finish the Wall! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WashingtonPost broke the story therapist notes Miss Ford stated four men assaulted her \ud83d\ude20 now it's two\ud83d\ude2e #VoteDemsOut to end #DirtyTricks stop what's wrong with #DC #Kavanaugh #maga #FoxNews #Liar #CNN #msnbc #SenFlake #Wrong to use #MeToo for politics #ChristineBlaseyFord ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just looking at that evil Jew makes me feel filthy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ending 2016 smoking reefers, going crazy, and listening to negro music. eat that, mr anslinger. #cannabis #swingtanzenverboten","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"INTERRUPTING HIS HEARING AT EVERY TURN! BUT THATS OK HE IS A MAN AND CAN TAKE IT! AT LEAST HE WILL REMEMBER WHO WHAT WHEN AND WHERE HE WAS! AFTER THIS KAVANAUGH WILL HAVE DEFINITELY EARNED HIS STRIPES TO SCOTUS! MAGA!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DUMMY BILL NELSON THE GUN GRABBING FLORIDA SENATOR LINKS FIU BRIDGE COLLAPSE AND PARKLAND KILLINGS. THE MAN IS SENILE AND DEMENTED.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Flat out clown....bottom Line is that you're out and America is back!! you were a sellout to the country ...look in the mirror who's the 8 year old..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop trying to please everyone, you're not my cock... Please yourself ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nigga then how can you say bo2 is the best Cod \ud83e\udd28 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you AGREE that Wecht should be impeached? Yea you and your socialist ANTIFA buddies decided to call Mr Dush\u2019s office and abuse his staff and threaten others that cosponsored impeachment. Law enforcement had to get involved!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hot lesbian having sex office woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women want everything to be 50\/50 but then they make 100% of the Ghostbusters FEMALE. wtf!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER His protest is indeed a right as it is my right to make sure none of my money goes to the NFL or anything he supports including Nike.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As quiet as you need them to be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dear politicians & media this jind insident is not but a matter of #humanrights & safety of women in india ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate the Democrats but they do Fight like H3LL everyday. R's are making so much from Lobbyist they don't give a damn what we want. I'm Ready for #MAGA Party but we have to get Trump elected 2020 and keep democrats out till 2020 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you have no other option but to give up that thing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user mermaids are women. Therefore they suck and have to be sacrificed #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you build it they will not come. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's the biggest worry never seen such attacks on the Press i will say it until i am blue in the face if we lose the Freedom of the Press we all lose if you repeat a lie long enough people will believe it keep on doing what you are doing don't let them win ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what's nbc sick obsession with manscum ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GIVEAWAY!! We're 11 donations away from 150 total donors for our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign designed around #worldrefugeeday Our 150th donor will receive a World Relief t-shirt. Join the campaign today and donate online at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Go home you\u2019re drunk!!! @USER #MAGA #Trump2020 \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4a URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m guessing Willie Nelson said IDGAF about pissing off trump lemmings to do Beto\u2019s campaign rally. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user my age but wishes she was younger ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the little things in life #mom #daughter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I saved it as a BMP but it won't let me upload it onto this site. Keeps saying 'Invalid'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You can only say the word negro if it's attached to the word league. Then we're totally cool, guys.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I agree with you, no argument. I'm just saying the story is a puss move.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"American Economic Numbers This week numbers posted and look good. The link contains the post ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Right..? Total OCD right there lol Yeah...totally gonna floss that sucker off.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=E-8nBc6O9jY Dirty Black Bastards. This was a childs funeral 3 days ago.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She's probably a millionaire now and once they get paid all that money to slander and ruin someones name they go away because they don't want to get sued for slander\/libel. The Democrat Party pays a lot of money to get people to make false accusations against conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shut your dumbass up bitch we all know you a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5 more days <33333 @user #oitnbseason4 #cantwait","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"' #urdu poetry #beutiful poetry poetry #2 lines poetry #eid new poetry #tanhai poetry - plz join - follow @user - snd 40404","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so when you order the veggie option it comes with a salad but no dressing and diy fruit cups. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Antifa I guess","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So true...she is so busy pointing the finger she forgot what's important! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Following because she is not only a tacozt bit a sociopath and a moron all lethal combos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch I'm the man. Hoe I'm the man. You know I'm the man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We agree that Trump is a Nazi sympathizer. But the Sandy Hook Hoax and gun control is right out of Hitler's playbook. Bloomberg is a Nazi when it comes to gun control. Dems need to moderate!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Following #maga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when females try to sound like bird heads","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I do not have children. Parenting in todays world? I cant even imagine. #MAGA #NoDACA #howdoyoulikeusnow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Latest ISIS inspired Aloha Snackbar flags for the Muslim masses finally revealed to their fanatical, deluded, rabid followers...Now available on sale at Muslim indoctrination mosques, in a town near you.As approved by:\u00a0 Ali Bin Goatshagin & Obuma Hussein Bin Lying #Humor #AlohaSnackbar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for a moment i thought nick grimshaw had been shot dead @user #grimmie #shooting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you enjoy hunting for sport, then you're trash. If you hunt for food, you deserve to starve.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm paraphrasing here, but they whispered in dark corners and went out late at night and conspired and conspired and conspired and conspired and conspired and conspired (against Trump and anyone to the right of their views). #dsss #deepstatedemocrats #ssecretsociety","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Assuming she is a comedian........thought you had to be funny with a great sense of humor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"was just cussed out & called a racist on fb over \"work attire\" thread yep. my comment was dreads wouldnt be safe in ceain jobs. \u00e2\u009d\u0084","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @espn: Hot off the press, here’s Todd McShay’s first post-Combine NFL mock draft, including a new No. 1. http:\/\/t.co\/su5ixWrthq","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER just read that flaming pile of garbage you wrote and the National Review calls an article. Why are liberals losing their minds when the President is being investigated for collusion with a foreign government?! Why is he nominating ANYONE for a Supreme Court appt? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ram man, why are you such a white knight on social media? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is not rape culture for fucks sake. It\u2019s literally just a scumbag taking advantage of their position. Nothing new under the sun. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/simpsonsporngame.club\/ - The best game available for simpsons cartoon. Lot of people favourite cartoon show is simpsons.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fitness level: smoking I\u2019m the gym parking lot. \ud83d\ude24","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Immigrant rapes old English woman and tells her:''Yours is a bitch country, I'm Saddam Hussein\u201d. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this whore posts regular ass dumb bitch snaps\/instas as if she doesnt have an accent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LPT : Dont announce your happiness to others. They may not want you to have it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"angry birds stella level final #birds #stella #level #final birdsstellalevelfinal. time post: wed ju\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lmfao my dress looked better then sum tc girls who ain't even try smh but fuck it i ain't even go ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's when you get called a cunt 45 times a day for simply existing as a woman who dares to have her own youtube account. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hmm u rite dat can be races mah bag. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Upload you skank ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i dare you to watch this video without dancing #dance #joy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @UrbanEngIish: When your phone goes off in class and the teacher says \"turn that trash off\" but its a song from your mixtape = https:\/\/t…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh please stfu. No one cares Susan you told everyone Hillary was worse than trump you no longer get to tell us anything ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am happy that i get 2 b back at home with my family. my passion is 2 take care of them & b there for my husband & kids ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user smh...sad...real sad..u gotta find the negative . .lbj just made history down 3-1 with bk 2 bk 41s and triple double.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hope the tiny anti American fraction of the USA can support those nfl contracts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user she's obviously not done her homework on candidates. but what do we have to choose from? a criminal and a conman? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"easy like sunday morning ... today i woke up with a sam hat \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b8 how was your sunday? #strong #strongher... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't wait to watch the saints put their weiner right in the cowboys butts . Dallas is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Fake news. Who in their right mind would go along with this nut? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DonaldTrump is right. Why bother with due process? No need for a judge. Just take @user out the back, and string him up. #Immigration #FakePresident #Trumpublicans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"donald #trump fires back at his teen comedian critic. #weak #drumpf #us #us2016","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Throw every one of the traitor son of a bitches off the bench and hang them RFN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All 3 Nets Ignore New FBI Texts, Senate Report Showing Obama Involvement in Clinton Email Probe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is not the mentality of a few, as the land expropriation issue heats up in Hermanus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/7 \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 CONSERVATIVES SUDDENLY REALIZE JUVENILE OFFENDERS DESERVE LENIENCY The president regularly refers to teenage gang members\u00a0as \u201canimals,\u201d\u00a0and has, in the past, called for\u00a0imposing the death penalty on alleged teen rapists. ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear god I hope Trump runs in 2020, there is nothing else that can give me more Schadenfreude than seeing the left utterly lose it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GOPLeader KevinMcCarthy, do u ever tire of the lies and divisive rhetoric?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The #American people are no longer fooled by #Trump enablers [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]American people are desperate for honesty, integrity and leadership[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Your nonstop finger-pointing is exhausting[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Democracy #Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/09\/15\/politics\/fema-presidential-alert-trump-emergency-test\/index.html DECLAS coming? MORE INCRIMINATING [TEXT] RELEASES COMING? DARK TO LIGHT. CARPET BOMBS >>> MOAB Q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All girls are hoes, you just gotta know how to bring the whore out of them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Must stop &deport illegal migrants.India tops the list in the world for having Max foreigners with expired VISAS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Hollywood elites make fun of Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, Jesus, & Ex-crackheads. That's very funny, considering they consist of Democrats, Liberals, Atheists, Satanists, and CURRENT\"\" Crackheads. And don't forget, the adulterers, pedophiles, and abusers of woman.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Twitter has a clear leftist agenda as seen in all the comments from conservatives asking, why is this leftist shit in my feed?\" We didn't ask for it. We don't want it. Stop trying to push it on us.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER mad bc you\u2019re hot as fuck and they can\u2019t have you \ud83d\ude2d\u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one powerful picture. it takes great humanity and kindness to save the life of someone who hates your existence\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"morning, sleepy head. #inshot #boys #cute #morning #blur #sleepy #fun #instagood #hair\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Also as property tax may still be low there, is there a way around the niggertax and possibly a separate or new city council that serves white people? Meaning,,all the property tax goes towards the white community","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know how awful, cramped, flat, and cheap laptop keyboards feel under your fingers? *That* is what they put with my new computer.\u00a0 Ugggghhh. Fortunately we have a box of assorted computer accessories. Just have to untangle a decent keyboard from the Cable Kraken that also lurks in there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@rihanna: We raided Nicki's wig closet for the summer! Bad gals just wanna have fun! http:\/\/t.co\/0paNscImEw” this bitch has the a nerve smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tajikistani Charged With Beating New York University Professor To Death Another animal...\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh well that me done for work this week until next tuesday #beeroclock #longweekend #gettingdrunk ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals be like ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I Do NOT See where the Brits, as a Whole, are Fighting this Shit!!?? Can't Imagine!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you on twitter in yo feelings on that hoe shit, I know the feeling I had problems wit my old bitch \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"canadian grand prix this weekend! #raceweekend #teamlh #mercedes #f1 \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Also your assumeing socialism is bad ? How do u make this assumption the scandivian system was. Great until libertarian turd world immigration policy\u2019s and free trade wreck it both policy\u2019s r libertarian pillers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Business is business. I love this story.\u00a0URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are the most talented person I have ever met in my life. please stay healthy and do not get sick. You are an extraordinary being that shines with its own light. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY !! \ud83d\udc9c\u2764\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if i have to tolerate ur loud ass maga merch dont say shit about my nike anything kiss my ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No sympathy if you cant come here legally you're not welcome. #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What? All 12 of them? What about the terrorists Antifa? Farrakhan\u2019s hateful and racist thugs? BLM criminals? Black Panthers? Those groups have NO place either!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The choice is simple. If you vote Gillum you are voting for Socialism. If you vote for Ron DeSantis you are voting for everything that makes Florida great. #VoteRonDeSantis2018 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tip. He is no franchise QB. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"14 year old boy wasnt satisfied by an 53 old prostitute and called the police in Germany. He said he was 20, but pays not more than 20 \u20ac. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And to be able to bask fully in His glory... That should take your breath away. I can only imagine on this side of heaven.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dems are in fact Nazi-fascist communists. Fact.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"alt-left = the alt-right notice the NAZIs, a subculture defined by bigotry and hate towards your neighbor who forced Germans to murder 6.6m fellow citizens, and lgbt a subculture defined by unhealthy unnatural behavior that can kill your partner have the same creed - self interest - which dogie are you the one on the left or the right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is really THAT bitch wow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CallNeeshCakey we in this bitch finna get crunk eyebrows on double PAPP 💥💥","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Insane . Must live in NYC,Cali, NJ or other state claiming infinite genders? Now X is a gender =Non binary .Flakes & Nuts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why didn't Zac Goldsmith of the faux Conservative Party use this? Why didn't faux Conservative Party use Khan's defence of 9\/11 organiser? Why are the Conservatives so f*cking useless? If you ask me it's deliberate as they share Labour's agenda or are they just that useless? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7 fun ways to spend summer with your pet #yesallwomen #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is my dream one day \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 so beautiful and ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gun Control means using both hands. And in this case means acquiring the correct target. You can\u2019t fix stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Double down, Hannity. Double the fuck down.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I m pretty sure you are not too bad yourself...thanks for a lil bit of sweetness on this brutal world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is gonna be OP asf for the first few weeks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"which one of these fat fucking homos is you @PattonGunn?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today in 'Human Relationships Are Weird', I lost a bromance because I don't believe digital piracy is theft.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 2 more likes before i release facebook page 3k likes appreciation mix. #poi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'd rather have these semetic niggers do my bidding. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I bet it was an honor. The two of you can now destroy the west with non white immigration together. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user lady in line to give blood:\"when i woke up this morning i heard it was 20 dead & i thought it was just a small thing\" #or\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Olivianuzzi @ErinMPerrine So let me get this straight. Trump is an expert on a virus that he was infected with that he himself said was a hoax. Which is utter nonsense. Trump is a sullen, nefarious moron. I bet he will wear a mask now. 200k plus are dead because of his lies. #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yet all that tra*h comes to America to free load off our kindness & humanity for all. #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as we race through life, it's impoant to pause and remember, \"there's more to life than increasing its speed\" (gandhi) rnr #success ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s a flake ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT's @NastiaChurkina has more as the UK launches inquiry into the 'cultural drivers' of child grooming. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/R2CJ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When a door closes go through a window. #BuildThatWall #MAGA via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#babies graco fastaction dlx travel system - sands #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Always glad to see when a revolution hinges on calling women hysterical and needing medication to a\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Expose the Corruption #DeclassifyFISA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #KAG #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Finding cheap 240s on Craigslist but they all need a new tranny 😩😔","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"would give you some lovely photos @user @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u009310 foot chicken!!!! 7th august ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user AY YOU STUPID BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wish i was black , i could have lots of feminists shut down for & #homophobia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He didnt say that when he raped his daughters friend (16 years old) and not too long after she committed suicide","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going to miss this cheeky birdie for the next 12 days!!! #budgie #oden #misshim ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Those other three are activist judges\"\". They must be conservatives!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pic1=mg: hey you know her.. was she.. pic2=ww:hemm!! \u00e2\u0098\u00b9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeahhhhh I will admit to being a Destiny 1 Cayde Liker but God they just made him suck in 2!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"libtards cannot get out of their own way, which provides some humor for those of us non-sheeple who can still think for themselves\u00a0 \u00a0https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/articles\/2018\/04\/comey_debunks_steele_dossier.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's the first eviction of the series tonight! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0081 #bbuk #bots","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hello American people, my name is Eric Cantor and I am a lying piece of bird poo http:\/\/t.co\/qJyuw4ox0O","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bihday to you.the forest is dark and deep but i have promises to keep @ miles to go b4 i sleep.be like nehruji.rgds","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you for all the downloads! we really appreciate your help with developing city island 4 basic! #thankyou #fun #basic #cool ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bitch shut the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you so much for getting us to 22,000 likes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She worked for @USER before he fired her for her comments on The View. She is inconsistent all over the damn place.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Warning\u00a0\u00a0 1of 3 parts 1- gofundme and similar, have to be worded carefully and include disclaimers to protect all parties but you can't prove it unless they have signed a paper or emailed you saying they agree. 2- The person who posts the gofundme has a legal responsibility to the people who donated, and this is the tricky part. Be very careful, keep records.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EPA\u2019s Scott Pruitt Begins Repeal Of Obama Climate Regs For Cars, Trucks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this mornings read (we're on page 349) #edfringe #thepictureofdoriangray ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's so simple and clear but nothing sticks to this guy....the media has invested too much in its creation....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Join us this Saturday for a free, two-hour workshop to learn how to use Stories in your advocacy activities. Prepare yourself with skills to help you advocate for any issues relevant to refugees and immigrants, or any issue important to you. Sign up today! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user With Patriotic&honest CM now in place in Assam,must go all out for sealing borders wid BGD to stop influx of illegal migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user monday friends #just enjoy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sturgeon learn from the UK vote immigration will be your own down fall Stay in Europe but with strong immigration rules or ignore and fall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Omg i am so sorry u have to go through that but once she is out it would be worth it i love u austin and ell and lets not forget about the new baby you guys are such good people so keep doing what you do best and keep inspiring me and the other ACE FAMILY members i love u guys\ud83d\ude0d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've now been banned from commenting on ABCnews.com and The Hill. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When he calls you 'princess' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@obamac0re I don't like it peaceful that's boring I like fighting I come from the ghetto do u remember that it's p impossible for me not to","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You do know what the chant Puto means don't you? Fined three times means its not acceptable both are being bullies. One was done by one player the other done by the culture of a country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jihadi John has struck again. Prayers with the victims' families. What is the #bounty on His head? Time 4 him 2 meet allah","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even IF the #SexualMisconduct IS by #Gay 45 yr old #GOP #Men - they'd call it youthful indescretion & get a #Mulligan from #Hypocritical #Evangelicals & MAGA *sshats. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When it's my birthday but you're the one that's getting spanked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so that i'm all caught up on #americanhorrorstory because now i have to wait for the new season. on to the next editing spree show","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@BabyAnimalPics: baby monkey bathtime http:\/\/t.co\/7KPWAdLF0R\"\nAwwwwe! This is soooo ADORABLE!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Doct Tape Please! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"with my date #wife #nighout #roamingaround #dinner sunday #motivated #mysecretlove ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It does work. If you want to control a population. Australian gun control had no effect on homicides.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And then wana talk shit when you play something they don\u2019t know but the song be fire and end up blowing up then later becomes they song \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user [jea ig] i love you!! #produce101teachers #phuket ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This Idiot Wants to DECLARE WAR ON THE U.S!! Americaans Lets go to Mexico Illegally Vote in their Elections and Live off their Welfare System If they ask for ID Called them Racists then Sue ! #Trump #MAGA #SaturdayMorning #Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user arrived @user ready for an adrenaline fuelled day with @user students. #curriculumday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so sad i'm going to miss @user fir the first time ever tomorrow. #aspiringcostumedesigner","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why do women have holes? To fill, duhh! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Wayans bros is the most retarded show ever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Boston brothers who said Trump inspired them to beat homeless man for being an \u2018illegal immigrant\u2019 plead guilty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone leaves a dumb comment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives are so sick of these tactics by liberals. First there was Bork then there was Thomas. Republicans just keep taking it too...Trump won\u2019t take it for long though. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This fluffy bastard. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be good if you can \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e @user #saturday #life #picstitch #pic #instamood #instahub\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER also shitbiscuit stole most of the Tempe girls u can't blame that on me..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Michael Avanetti (msp?) said something similar today. He is two more great tweets away from a follow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is really bad. Glove always turned the wrong way. How is this possible for a major league catcher? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Offensive line is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New GOP immigration bill would tie legal status for DACA participants to border security funding via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Shove it The View you are the most despicable show on tv and like everyone always says \u201cwho watches these bimbos\u201d!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is one of satan's daughters ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@iowahawkblog I also recommend 6pack of shiner Bock and 12 hours of brisket duty at \"the pit\" feeding oak coals 😉","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"get opera\u00a0 speed dial and capture vpn https:\/\/www.opera.com\/download","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope iyou just get a 2 hour pass into hell Burt. I`d hate to think you were with Juan(ker) McStain for all eternity.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NicoleADietrich chug pee","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Listened\". They don't give a shit about what the fans think. All they're doing is counting their Fox money.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2018\u02dcI want my daughter to have a future\u2019: Returning Syrian refugees explain urge to come back home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talking bout \"he in my dms tho\" shut up bitch. You a hoe that's why lmao guys go after what they KNOW they can get. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"homicides rose in most big cities this year - the wall street journal #povey #inequity #illegalguns ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"getting because the #crowd stopped #laughing when i said i'm #muslim #livecomedy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He IS in!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cam always finds a way to get the job done. Whether he throws for 130 yards or 330 yards. That\u2019s why he\u2019s as good as he is and that\u2019s why he\u2019s a franchise QB. He\u2019s made chicken salad out of chicken poop on numerous occasions","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're a dirty whore to me if you're only available to a nigga when you know him and his bitch are on bad terms. lmfaaaooo do better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeahh tbh most that do are weirdos and think about sex in a very weird way. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feliz fin de semana para todos! masmusculo fitness team happy weekend to all! #fit #fitness #victorialomba ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@servingYeshua [sic] @Re6ecca by denying the perfection of God's word, you evidence not being a sheep. I suspect you are an agent of satan, RickP. \"I have seen an end of all perfection; But thy commandment is exceeding broad.\" \" I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right\" Ps 119 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All this is common sense as long as you aren't throwing bottles and M80's at civilians like all the dumbasses at antifa protests.\"\" The whole \"\"violence is sometimes necessary,\"\" idea that antifa and BLM and communists spread, is retarded y'all... You're kill civilians dummies...\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looking forward to seeing you there! #tw8 #wps ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah it is.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch shut the fuck with your muggle ass...avada kedavra hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thinking of everyone caught up in the pulse nightclub incident. america needs to wake up to domestic gun crime. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh that\u2019s racist. Big Lips\/Big Butt\/Big Nose. That doesn\u2019t even look like her. Also she is about 100 pounds to big. It also creates the image of the typical black woman with attitude. IT\u2019S SO RACIST. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Furrystoat For the record #NoHomo but don't care who is unless I gotta see it.. same with every sexuality even birds, dogs.. what not.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/PfCWbie68_k ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user mean people suck, so i wrote the book on nice. nice guys finish first. #smb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"the blacks\"? \"the blacks\"? \"blacks\"? *facepalm* *smh* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HILLARY U BITCH SHUT YOUR HOLE RE: THE COMFORT AS U R A CAREER CRIMINAL MY DEAR. HOW ABOUT THE MILL\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People have set off firecrackers and offered prayers in Kamala Harris' ancestral village in southern India after she and Joe Biden won the US presidential election https:\/\/t.co\/nbiL0YBnPD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #supermariorun is ? please stop this \"offended culture\" madness! #firstworldproblems ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Crazy Russian dude owns all your data","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".#Remove #SANCTUARYcities #remove those so called #JUDGES #Remove those so called #MAYORS#remove so called #GOVERNORS #remove so called illegals that call themselves legal undocumented is stillIllegal And @user @user #BuildThatWall . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Parents Television Council: 'Scandal' sex scene after Charlie Brown was not OK | http:\/\/t.co\/y3GnT4l7vc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Strzok proves DOJ deliberately leaked information to the press. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"First key club trash pick up with the freshman! #tbt http:\/\/t.co\/rpLXlaylOJ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't fix yo mouth to say whatchu gone do, I told that hoe bitch u know ion play that! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All these entitled pricks and the Antifa creeps are why other countries hate Americans they have so much but still whine.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We Need a WALL #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/business\/2018\/apr\/03\/robots-could-take-over-more-than-65m-jobs-warns-oecd-report ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER majority of DACA from 3rd world countries are communists~activists-Antifa-Ofa& 1 INCOMPATIBLES w\/USculture&2Felons by criminal violence&participation in cult includes kill potus45\"&\"destroySovereignUSA-USConstnDem'y+ replace w\/marxist 4thReichNWO tyranny=TREASON\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am astounded at the ineptitude of this president ! @user @user #stunning #clintonnewsnetwork #libtard #liar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION \ud83d\udc47Vote to protect your religious freedom #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/wA0kGhLPOo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user so it's just over 2 weeks till #thebigclash final oh my, oh myyyyyyy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In 1995 I was first exposed to the NWO,in 1999 I stated listening to Alex Jones and InfoWars,if it weren't for him and his crew I could have ended up a brainwashed minion ! God Protect them and Guild them ! InfoWarriors are everywhere...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No, not WHO, HOW. How were we all so blind that these rats were able to chew their way into our governments?\u00a0 And if they lied to get in, then how is it so hard to undo all of their doing?\u00a0 Put the invaders back in their boats and send them off?\u00a0 Cut off all monetary assistance and starve them out of our countries. Cut off their food\/housing\/healthcare\/stipends? Maybe they'll GTFO?\u00a0 Yes?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good! But keep studying. You dont know everything. Don\u2019t act like you do.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like another Fallston kid couldn't handle their alcohol and fucked something up again.... I'm sure it was a girl. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What are the odds that the bitches who used to give me so much shit in school are now BLM activists on Facebook and Twitter with flower crown Snapchat filters? Probably close to 100%. They were those Black-with-a-capital-B types. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm happy to make myself happy \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b8 #ps4 #gamer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user do you have run support data? I\u2019m guessing Nola has gotten more. Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Gab Gaming Group is still up on Steam! Feel free to join us!\u00a0 https:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/groups\/gabgaming","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user bleh #notmine#quote#tumblr#excerpt#depressionquote#angst#quotes#heabreak ness#suicide#imissyouquotesqu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"central park\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #centralpark #smile #happiness #awesome #girl #trip #nyc #us #nature\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you enjoy creating your strawmen, @user then delight in mowing them down, like mateen. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user thank you to the kind person who decided to have a bit of fun last night and spoil ours...!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 #whatsthepoint . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" sex free sex hotline numbers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you wait!! and wait and wait. the movie you want to see so bad comes out and nobody will go to see it with you!!!#findingdory ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"About 25% of illegal crossers have a criminal record in the US and an unknown percentage have committed crimes in their home countries. Of the 92 migrants, 65 had no criminal records. Ten were parents, all... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user mainstream american news at its finest... they only tell u what they want u to know, they only show u what they want u to see. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER G this a MAGA ass take \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sighs. need 2 talk 2 someone. #bored why me? #confused sighs again. :'( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s where your wrong. Only ruins conservatives. If it was a dem he would be considered for head of dnc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user please retire, that tumor turned you into a hysterical libtard. We are sick of you. Go cras\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ImTooMuch bread in general aint too good for ya...but honky bread the worst...😂😂","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"another awesome day in SF to call *and* text voters to remind them how important it is to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by tomorrow! #BidenHarris2020 #GOTV https:\/\/t.co\/oLXBUsRTeS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deputy AG Rosenstein: 'There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the [Russians'] conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is so damn cute! Def with the facial expressions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because they have a corrupt liberal government that steals from the people. Liberals at work.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you . #thinkbigsun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's so frustrating. I'm a pretty reasoned person with no interest in hatred, but in telling the truth and learning. But that's crime enough.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You have my support Mr. Joe Biden and Ms. Kamala Harris. May the force be with you..... always. @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @ProjectLincoln @HamillHimself @realDonaldTrump https:\/\/t.co\/dGBPtGZIgh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #big boss 2 what happen to ashwariya not good Sandrayan Anna should have not got voted ashwariya should have been gone what bigboss vote for ashwariya so she is save people not voting for her ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hello world. Getting closer to Working on my companies again. Been a 2 month delay! Day job.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm just gonna leave this here.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No one is terrified because NOTHING is going to happen to anyone.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your stupid word software is 100% up to date, yet refuses to save to my macbook and just deleted an entire day of urgent work ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Comey's memo leak contact had 'special government employee' status at FBI https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2Hqfxb1 Columbia law professor Comey used to LEAK sensitive memos to the media worked as a \u201cspecial government employee\u201d (SGE) for Comey\u2019s FBI on an unpaid basis @realDonaldTrump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"We can do this.\"[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Joe Biden[NEWLINE]Gettysburg, PA[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#WeCanDoThis - together[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]We are stronger than hate. We are stronger than fear. [NEWLINE]We *can* take our country back![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]@BlueWaveResist [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBluetoSaveAmerica[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Leave it to CBC to turn a bad story for the libs into a critical piece on the conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They\u2019ve already cucked on trannies. John McCain threw a tantrum when Obama allowed them in the army, then threw another tantrum when Trump tried to kick them out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I call bullshit. We CAN shout White Power. How can they stop us while they allow everyone else to violently call [Color\/race] Power while they run amok? WHITE POWER! WHITE POWER! WHITE POWER! WHITE POWER! #WhitePride","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You can probably imagine all the SJW snowflakes that don't feel safe\" working where there might be conservatives lurking in the shadows. Conservatives are now the Ruskies of the 21st century.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Democrats gun control and mass shootings data determined to be FRAUDULENT. Democrats are liars once again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is @user trafficking in ? @user & his \"for profit\" use of the word nigger to sell music @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Definitely not as strange as her. Thats for sure. Shes a professor at a alt-left university. All those folks are kooky. #trump #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER DONT WORWEE GWEEK I HAVE MULTIPLE ANXIETYS TOO YOU ARE NWOT AWONE! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user life's a beach #relax #whyweliveindorset #beautifuldays @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stfu bitch lol why u Salty I\u2019m tryna get twitter famous ya know ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"carl paladino, trump ally, wishes obama dead of mad cow disease in \u00e2\u0080\u009917 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please spread your cunt hole fully ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"america isn't racist. their are a plethora of reasons for someone not to like obama. you're ignorant in many fashio\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry bitch I\u2019ll be a WHORE any damn day over that shit, gtfoh\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/jpy sinks to lows near 106.70 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SaveTube doesn't appear to have a gab.ai, so I'll just paste it. They did a HT review: http:\/\/savetube.org\/2017\/09\/hooktube-review-hooktu... Added autoplay=0 support re: criticism #3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udc40 sitting here thinking he has a killer porn stache","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How far can you go down the rabbit hole ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Tomorrow night you get dropped @USER @USER will make sure he is not robbed again you fraud","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user typical lying #leftist! thats slander of a grp! #christians dont kill 4 #christia\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I havent checked it so i cant say anything. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DS 101-d - Cosmic Vortex #Process #Pic \u00a9Robert T Leija - #Stipple #Creation #Pointillism #Pen #Ink #Artwork #Art #Leija #Traditional #Strange #Surreal #Weird - What goes in, must come out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"let no one who loves be unhappy alchemist gift #sharethelove4authors #reader #goodbook #kindle #ebooks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT against the POOREST and most VULNERABLE in our society just keeps on rolling. So much for #ChristianMorals eh? If you voted for this SHIT then HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME. @user #JC4PMNow #POVERTY #DisabilityRights ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ouch. She is horrible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Those 'multi-cultural' Jackwaggons are now telling us who to have sex with?\u00a0 Joke them if they can't take a... Sorry.\u00a0 I got so pissed that I went dyslexic!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And dying a slow death such a shame ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Liberals think a 20-year-old adult is too irresponsible to own a gun, but a 5-year-old is enlightened enough to pick their own gender. Makes total sense.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's so Irish 80's! Just do the 10 Tide Pods challenge with a bleach chaser you loser! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanye been cancel the moment he said slavery a choice and rock a maga hat #ImWithSnoop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"white nationalist leader reveals 5 of his most horrifying hopes for #america #usa #haters @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I dont want your bitch nigga. If i did her bags and her shoes and jewelery would get better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How do you mean. I am not a PRO user? could that be the reason?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nine in Ten \u2018Underage\u2019 Moroccans in Sweden Caught Lying About Their Age ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user amen, man. would love to see you at one of our upcoming events. check out our account for more info. #MaleDominance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where I\u2019m from, people who don\u2019t pay taxes OR a.k.a. \u201cbreak the law\u201d... are called crimials\/THUGS \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f #FOH #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/IOElyBwWtv","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER A clear majority of conservatives approve of Trump and the GOP. Don\u2019t be stupid.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its interesting to see the hypocrisy with these liberals when last year it was discovered that there was a \u201cHush Fund\u201d for Congressional Sexual Scandals while working for the government ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is what 1 wrap can do! pretty awesome stuff! #love #wraps #belly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Van Sciver and other conservative comic pros have had enough and are beginning to create their own books free from the influence of an increasingly agenda driven industry. Check out his Indigogo campaign for Cyberfrog and help support original content from creators trying to change the culture in an industry much in need of fresh ideas. 2\/3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Everything he just said. Is exactly why we need gun control. It\u2019s about saving lives. Nothing else matters just saving lives. Some people get bent out of shape over the second amendment. It\u2019s my right. Crying! Put your feelings away coward! put your guns away coward. Gun=Coward","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"maybe someday #relax #remember #instamoment #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #followme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Was Al Gore nominated for Supreme Court judge? You conservatives have some nerve. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey retard, thats not how tagging works, kill yourself you dumbfuck baby boomer nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Love it! Take that socialist down. Jayapal is an oozing sore on the butt of Washington State. Too bad the hypocrite is free. Would have loved to see her enjoying a nice vacation on the taxpayers behind bars with a cot and 2 brown bag meals a day. Lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what's that?? @user are releasing a brand new single on july 28th?? #music ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER won this round. Yucker ALWAYS interrupts his guests and it didn\u2019t work this time. He is so rude. #MichaelAvenatti URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and that about sums up islam ... the religion of peace, my ass! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Then tell your pal Soros to stop funding hate groups like antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1.Boris Johnson doesn't care about family. Forced abortion of his child by mistress. Daughter says he is a selfish bastard. Betrayed and divorced 2 women. #r4today ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Make Canada like Hungary Again:Prime Minster Viktor Orb\u00c3\u00a1n has vowed to not allow his CHRISTIAN country to be changed by incompatible Jihadi Invaders. Orb\u00c3\u00a1n, has warned: \u201cEurope is under invasion, countries that don\u2019t stop immigration will be lost\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"look at the door #lucky #work #worked #working #worry \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I seriously have no more words for how fucked up he is. Every time I think I found the word he does something even more despicable & disgusting. The best I can do is hope that he chokes in his own vomit for all of the stupid lies he's told. Like a serial killer he has no soul.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"she told me, you creeping with that hoe\ud83e\udd14 she just another bitch but if she fuck me she could make me leave that other bitch.. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Robertsrooms supporting open border candidate Austin Petersen. Sells out #MAGA for payoffs. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And when they met he looked at her and said I'm in charge in you're my bitch. Even though he knew that she is a Domme and was there in that capacity. He tried to control the situation and take over and she had to shut him down and get the hell out of there so she didn't get hurt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER AntiChrist. The Roman Catholic Church is a House of demons.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh that's #lovely @user #healthy day to you, my #friend pete","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Great stalk..hunters like yourself and your wife are the reason why these animals exist so these crazy liberals have something to complain about.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That isn\u2019t a bill about LGBT sex workers it\u2019s a bill on sex workers in general.Harris has a very good record as attested by LGBT orgs.I mean if we are playing that game you could argue that Bernie votes on gun control has impacted the lives of black people in Chicago negatively. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The @user as currently constituted is merely a cunt hole. There's a lot of scum in there. @user Just bolted out of the mire ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dual citizenship with israhell is a conflict of interest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Love this new video \"Hamilton X When We All Vote!\" [NEWLINE]Please make it go viral! [NEWLINE]#vote [NEWLINE]#VoteHimOut2020 [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/GbME7zL35t #broadwaybriefing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dont watch his sc then bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Exhibit A gor the utter irrationality of the Left. Respect and support for women....I think not!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck you ugly cunt bitch don't get smacked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#milanoaplacetobe from #giardinodelleculture #sunnyday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bitch come crawling to me when hoseok leaves you for his crab side hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you've been talkin to someone for 2 weeks and they say the love you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER URL a high-tech lynching for Uppity (Republican) Blacks'\" is fine, but raping women by liberals?' \"THEY ALL DO IT\u201d including Bill Clinton.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just watched the original #ghostbusters #trailer & it made me so happy. i'll have to watch them all again to prepare for the new 1. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yes she is!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"15 fantastic minutes of a #StarFox cartoon! Why oh why will #Nintendo not do a regular series like this? Don't they know every #Furry would watch it automatically ^_^ https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6XkhPXXbPXY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If you ain\u2019t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hope Gutierrez doesn\u2019t think this will help his blue wave in the November midterms for the democrats... by the way did Gutierrez take time out last month to honor Roberto Clemente on his birthday? Remember him Gutierrez? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They are waiting for their handlers to tell them what to say.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"The Kamin-Gould thesis is that early IQ testers claimed their research proved that Jews as a group scored low on their tests and that this finding was then conveniently used to support passage of the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924 which then denied entry to hapless Jewish refugees in the 1930s.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I muted her awhile ago when she tried to say some shit like that 6ix9ine was doing positive work for Mexican rap like he isn\u2019t some kind of pedo garbage. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't text these hoes... If you're doing your job right they'll text you when you're needed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cunt and demon bitch Betsy Devos is an evil evil antichrist lying warlock for oil and money ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can we all agree to pray for big dumb mike to keel over of a heart attack. he looks ripe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's a joke I would have told at the White House Correspondent's Dinner: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hope you are having a beautiful and blessed Sunday \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"black upenn freshmen added to racist social media account with \u00e2\u0080\u0098daily lynching\u00e2\u0080\u0099 calendar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user its father's day, n my father passsed away hey","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You know you're a racist monkey huh? I'm sure you know what you are a piece of trash. I never hear these pieces of horse shit speak the truth only their racist lies. Bitch boy it's ABOUT THE RACIST COPS KILLING UNARMED BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!! THAT'S THE FACT. ASS CLOWN!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05 gun control fun a statue of a stupid child under a desk are going to change peoples if that is the case they are stupid because i for will not give up my firearms or free speech or my rights to no one or no government! Fuck you!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I\u2019m not sure where I\u2019m a fan of yet but i know I definitely suck hahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Beto-I\u2019m100%FundedByNYandHollywoodLeftistsButPretendingToBeATexan-O\u2019Rourke. #KeepTexasRed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Because she is nothing more than an opportunistic lying sack of human waste paid by the left. Turn off your tv Ed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is an 83 year old man still young enough to teach him about sexism and what not to say about women? #help","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"show me your tits, idiot! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Saul does not suffer fools. And he is impatient with people who are too lazy to read and learn.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"im a bitch and have sick sense of humor so no one likes me but i'm just like whatevs boo you whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Philippines backs 'long-overdue' UN migration pact #UnitedStates #UnitedNations ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and the general concept of the Rule Of Law which is supported by various scriptures ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Patty. You are injury prone like me. \ud83d\ude05 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You want to rephrase that? I think you are talking about the U6 number? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not since fall, she's still in hibernation, but she'll be out on the road in a few weeks. And plenty of country roads up here in New England, and they're my favorite places to take a nice long scenic putt.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"awww great...a #text from a #realperson...should i be ? #nah #meh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I trust him a lot more than the armchair quarterbacks on Twitter. He makes mistakes because he is human. But he is one of the five best managers in the game today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We have this huge military. Why don't we just go down there and create an ethno-state for whites. Most of the blacks weren't even there when South Africa was founded by whites!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ROFL! When the camera shifted to the guys with the papers I was expecting them to hold them up... 10, 8.5, 9, 10... LOL!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the term works both ways for those of you all too happy to keep bandying it about!! #justsaying","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user hey #brexit \/ #leave #xenophobes - tell us how #economy affected \/ #growth forecasts etc if uk leave #eu ? no? just less #i\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dick's... What a bunch of fags...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals act out of emotion. Not understanding the law. Then they go around condemning every1 who does not agree with their completely fucked rational. \u201cNobody believed women for 250 years. So let\u2019s believe all women! Oh and screw the legal system! Men are pigs. He\u2019s guilty!\u201d Smh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TheresaMay videos in an effing scarf causing vomiting to anyone with a brain .. Is likely because all the #whiteprivilege people she's made #homeless been replaced with #Muslims who will vote #Corbyn #MAGA #MBGA #MCGA #MEGA #Conservatives #Patriots","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm back in it bitch If the head game is right and that pussy feel good Throw a rack at that bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Under AAP rule,Delhi fast becoming a slum.Record influx of illegal migrants.Filth all around in his favorite community colonies.See NZM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good Democracy is overrated. Read Hans Hermann Hoppe- Democracy: The God that Failed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Still canny get er somecunt in maga telling us no to go into bananas cos French boys were spiking folks drinks & kerr turns round n shouts fuck it free dunt \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@Theo17100: http:\/\/t.co\/BYj1HOyhmG\" this scally lad would get it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you create a racket where you make the rules, they don't apply to you and you can change them whenever you wish you will never loose. THAT needs to change. For Big Tech AND the Government.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first tweet lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If this hypothetical woman exists: shame on her. Real rape victims might say: FUCK YOU AND YOUR FALSE NARRATIVE. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think I would pick that just for the fun of it\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 you are too funny! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"George Soros is an atheist. Talking about his hatred of America and his campaign to destroy our country is not \"anti-semitic. It's a fact. #SorosOwnsFox #SorosFundedRiots #SorosPlan #BLMIsATerroristOrganization #AntifaTerrorists #VoteTrumpNowMoreThenEver #TrumpPence2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/NEmlMUqls6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"McDonald's is hella trash to me now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My video about March 4th, 2017 and interview with Keith of Patriot Warrior Media about that day (he was there, filming). https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/SHNnvxZ2Cds\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leave it 2 #teabaggers 2 whine about infrastructure when they r the ones who won't pay for it. Waiting on god to fix it? #morningjoe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CuteForFall: I can't wait to wear warm fuzzy sweaters 😍☺️🍁☕️ http:\/\/t.co\/d3BlSbpryd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're chillin and the Thai food kicks in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Meh @user should be asking @user @user and @user about their blatant disregard for truth in the gun control discussion now present in the country - this is why criminals have no fear. Government misdirection! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"night out \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #couple #mylove #nightclub #nightout #blackpool #relationshipgoals #2years\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user wow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d a cheeky smile got me a chance to sit on these beauties today \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008d what an amazing day @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BroganWebber: Wiz is garbage to be put in the trash can known as Beyoncé to be put in a dumpster known as the VMAs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And here\u2019s me fucking ya mom URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal Mexican immigrant on July 1, 2015. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last episode tonight! what's going to fill my thursdays now your gone please don't leave me #peakyblinders ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She was just your hoe now she your bitch lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is absolutely hilarious. Liberals are so predictable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that is why is systemic, rather than just humanity being human. it is power and reinforced each minute!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just saw someone #jogging, its 9pm on a saturday..is this #impressive or ? i don't know either","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The WIRE: Your week in review - Personal Liberty\u00ae\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the @user lady said it's the juniors only area (it wasn't) & i'd be ask to leave if someone complained. then her boss defended her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Do not eat this cereal': CDC links Honey Smacks, salmonella ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@deplorable2024 If I could repost your level of stupidity, I certainly would, but alas, you are a coward hiding in the bushes.\u00a0\u00a0 I am a piece of shit, never denied that.\u00a0 At least I have the stomach to put it out there. Fuck off ol' Biddy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 - Barack H. Obama","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user my condolences goes out to the people of orlando. #pulseclub #lgbtq #imwithyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy 21st Birthday to my Slut\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffe\ud83c\udf82 you already know what we on\ud83d\ude08 @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"adam saleh is a racist #adamsaleh is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WORKSHOPS for USA Passports for The State Citizen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #aud\/usd: awaiting key catalysts while risk remains volatile #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You trick ass bitch! All these broke ass hoes going too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#abc2020 throwing subtle jabs at obama when the focus should be completely on the victims and families. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Proposed Legislation in Congress: H.R.5087 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 https:\/\/www.congress.gov\/bill\/115th-congress\/house...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Or - and here's a thought - there is no vast web of conspiracy. Those who are in fact experts on the global economy just all happen to agree that Brexit will be a disaster. Just a thought. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But not as despicable as her own. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I purposefully had my damsel\" be a bit of a badass. She is saved by the protag, saved by the third party member, and sticks her neck out to save their hind quarters just as often (if not more!). Sure, she may have ulterior motives (*evil laugh*) but she's still pretty kickass!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user looking forward to seeing @user and @user tomorrow for hayley's bihday! #sisterreunion #london #excit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cool!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\udc80yo ass probably playing it on super easy too smh go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Alternative: people died in PR because of a freakin HURRICANE you half wit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"True. That's why I'm not going back to the West yet. I don't wanna die a sudden death. haha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@goldnsilvercoin this guys company had best year EVER...under Obama....conservative teabaggers are scum","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RapBars_: Joey Badass said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Shes the kind of skank you dont want to see when the lights come on at closing time ,along with Melania and Ivanka Russian skanks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil no one should be denied civil rights because of their religion. #emiratis #2016i\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"an unextraordinary life is perma #free on amazon. #romance #ghost #love #indieauthor","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Nothing more satisfying than a good scratch (or \u201chowk\u201d if you are a scottish badger!)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Our great state has been flooded with illegal immigrants and liberals from blue states looking for work. Then these dumba$$es vote Democrat!?!!! Go figure. All insane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"huffpo is a joke ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BITCH I TOOK FOUR YEARS TOO JDKDKDD ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are not alone. I was sexually assaulted by a fellow law student in 1978. I never reported it because I didn't think I would be believed. However something happened that made me realize I wasn't his only victim. Then I felt I'd made a colossal mistake. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That\u2019s why we had such a $h1t evonomy under him. \u2018Malaise\u2019 not MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Mama_Bridgie This Meadowlands mama is just a \"pity party\" you gonna stop using a taxi coz some skank called you fat? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RapBars_: Joey Badass said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"date night #friday #pub #ilovehim #instagay #beer @ billy's on burnet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They are hoping all over it. But then they are probably the biggest crowd of racist bigots in the country they back antifa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Remember Kate Steinle today.It is the third anniversary of her deathWe must not forget.#KateSteinle#IllegalAliens#OpenBorders#BuildThatWall#MondayMorning#ImmigrationReform#ImmigrationIsAWeapon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#wishing all #loving father #father's #day. . .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How is that one post not illegal? He is calling for someone to commit a specific crime or he will do it himself. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user EVERYTHING is an issue with Muslims..go live in another country like Iran.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm sure the @user will still suppo him & the right to have a gun. #wakeupamerica !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany claims success with program to support migrant returnees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and if you have #MAGA associated with your account and you had to be told this hang your head in shame ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Elizabeth Warren's radical agenda to abolish ICE and create open borders must be stopped. Geoff Diehl is the only candidate with a proven record of fighting illegal immigration. VOTE FOR @user FOR SENATE in MA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hahahahaha fuck off Jurgen you stupid cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Brandon Jennings trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I poisoned all my information years ago. NOTHING they have is correct.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#rip my headphones\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama’s Newly Released Gitmo Jihadi Has Links To Terrorists In Syria http:\/\/t.co\/MywaAFD1yB #tcot #pjnet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new glasses #newglasses ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The people who are progressive, and claim that Gender is a social construct. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I experience this very same problem. I like to think I am suffering from anti-pernickety bastard disorder. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @p_w_sterne: @GraceBr92073005 \"There's more than one way to skin a monkey\" --Barack \"Bushmeat\" Obama @1Dittlinger @Txwench","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because you are \ud83d\udca9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well they kind of work.. snapseed stopped working within the editing.. #somad #headset\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Vicious steps. Republicans defended on advance in hearings and Liberals only response was to 'out' the liar and claim Republicans were defending him because of Feinstein's 'info'. Real women don't lie about men. #Honorable #Judge #Kavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a have a blessed day \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #goodday #blessed #goodvibes #goodmorning #health\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user >YET 'AGAIN'THE ONLY 'THING' THAT SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' BRING TO 'THE RIGHTEOUS WESTERN WORLD' IS '#Terrorism' AND 'SEXUAL CRIMINALITY'THE 'TRUE #German PEOPLE' KNOW 'THIS'NOW 'THEY' ARE TELLING THE '#FakeNews #Politicians' TOO#Kothen #Germany #ref ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you love your country more than football, turn off the NFL. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009c#charlespaladino's comments spark calls for #resignation\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That\u2019s messed up. #WalkAway Congresswoman M. Waters has ZERO control of her demon within. That\u2019s what happens when she & other stupid a_ _ greedy folks willfully submit their souls to the Devil. Satan was defeated again in 2016. @user #AmericaFirst #MAGA @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the war on honest conservatives-antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thank you sm! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That the only job a woman can have .. they the best at this job love \u2764\ufe0f Dick Sucking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Proud. Shit is fire no matter what weather you\u2019re in. No matter if your house temperature is high or low. Everyone\u2019s just too pussy to get in the water for 1 min. Cuz after that you get used to the temp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for compliments. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Check my back yard cemetery under the red white and blue roses. Great Compost!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Rotten character or what we call in Spanish mal character","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The 2015 manifesto promised me my vote back. So where is it? You think Brexit would have gone through if all the Brits in the EU27 had been allowed to vote? The referendum was gerrymandered.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They're going to shut down Gab no matter what he does I'm afraid. This is just pre-administrative formality for the media when he finally does get shut down. Torba needs to have a string of hosts on go, and perhaps even registrars. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Took a punch in the face last night and lost our first game of the season...I made way too many mistakes. Let my team and coaches down. Today is a new day...time to go back to work and get back on track! #2020Vision #LookingForward #BackOnTrack","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mommy bought me mcdonald's and my stepdad came home with taco bell \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my hea breaks for the victims of the orlando shooting. #love #peace #stoptheviolence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuckkk \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I know I seen bitch that\u2019s a slapper lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If he is cutting it... no man bun man.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" after sex amateur callsign lookup ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"battle of the bastards #gameofthrones #season7 #teamjonsnow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That article was hard as Fuck to read. It is littered with grammatical errors.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a wonderful #world ! #weekend ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@pmjones I'm listening to your\u00a0php[world] 2014 talk on modernizing legacy code. Would you still recommend getting the books you mentioned in the beginning? 'Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code ', 'Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture', and 'Mythical Man-Month'?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My new hoe why the whore label im gonna call million dollars whores records labe and get mind ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fuck yes ride it baby!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That\u2019s awesome! I bet Liberals are screaming right now. Trump\u2019s face when he heard it was great! Go Trump!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It used to mean the permanent powers that be\", the \"oligarchy\" powers. Now, for \"conservatives\" it's become like \"antifa\", it's an amorphous, faceless, everchanging cast of characters used to throw shade at anyone who \"opposes\" Trump. Jerome Corsi sold this lie best, recently.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user do we need a different word altogether that defines \"\/hatred against whites and\/or men\", just to satisfy hateful ppl like her?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #OctoberSurprise #TrumpCovidHoax #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #BidenHarris2020 \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd21 Don't Trust Trump Administration! \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99 https:\/\/t.co\/wmehDSOUJH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user birds don't sing because they are happy, they are happy because they sing. #selfie #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"family is so precious! time flies, capture every moment! #familypictures #familyshoot #smile #fun... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Afghan migrant who sexually abused seven children in Germany released after only 7 months ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user unblock my account 'AryanFascist101'. Im a nazi\/fascist human supporter. (This is from backup account) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"listen to @user discuss why boys engage in #sexualbullying #harassment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@_BDOE bro u trash at that zombies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In defense of #FirstWorld policies and #genetics. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user two chapters down in one day #thankful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This message is also going to get Antifa members killed - if the open carry nuts\"\" feel someone is trying to kill them by taking their gun, they will defend themselves - and will probably not face jail. Whereas someone actively \"\"stealing\"\" a gun will.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The house of the FBI needs cleaning https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/4MXnJZ.png","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER that's hilarious.... let those #PuertoRicans legalize pot so they can forget about their problems after #HurricaneMaria...\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcb5\ud83d\ude0f\ud83e\udd23 #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation #resistance #resist #MAGA #Military #veterans #TCOT #ThisIsAmerica URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Minnesota here we come! Stopped in Swedesberg Iowa at a Swedish museum and among other treasures saw this trunk used by a wealthy immigrant (according to the size of his trunk) with this lovely saying... good words for today as well \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After all my years of complaining im finally getting my bitch ass wisdom teeth out so I can stop fucking crying ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"& If you think I'm sweating about your petty ass think again bitch \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #bitchimnotscared #obviouslyyouare #youthreatenedhoe ? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Carrey is a pig\ud83e\udd2c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I get several of these per week as well. They all seem to be stranded in Ghana or something like that and need me to transfer money to them. One used the picture of Polish model Ewa Sonnet (don't ask me how I know who she is...)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"> while Barcelona insists on the need for international mediation, Madrid says 'no way.\u2019 ... and that's why the second amendment was created. http:\/\/www.catalannews.com\/news\/item\/11-oct-17-tv-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER THIRTY AGED ZAYN IS SEXY THOUGH JDKDKDK EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME EMO TOO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"But [decentralized systems] come with the risk of being harder to control.\" Rather telling statement there, Zuck.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch got one time to fuck wit me or my dad n ima let her whore ass know ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"15 yrs ago I was politically ignorant but I STILL had the sense to ask: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user That's why what she did was an ANTIFA style attack. Abusive method meant to bully opposition into silence for control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not so much, it's just me alone with myself. The whole You are your worst enemy\"\" type deal\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These two will fix the GOP in Kalifornistan? http:\/\/angry.net\/blog2\/?p=25838","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user He calls him \u201cWil\u201d because he knew him. Because he is old. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this week new me new hair new new body new mind new everything .... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@caholcom53 @Nancique @paisleytears @EpochTimes Fourteen year old Ukrainian models SEEM to enjoy drug rape. Sorry Jamal. Not covering for you Biyatch. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/BW-K","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Twitter and the Islamic pedo prophet u worship. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"third party keyboards on iOS 8 trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"---You aren't free of adultery until she is begging for the d and you refuse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The people of PR tried telling us this last year but you were too busy bashing trump with mayor Cruz. To you people 3000 peoples lives were worth it to try to make Trump look bad. You are all a disgrace!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"before the #storm... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #beautiful #peaceful #skyformiles #cloudwatching\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In fact, Clay Haynes, a senior network security engineer at Twitter, stated 'It's very, very dangerous. Also, very, very creepy Big Brother-ish' about the user data Twitter collects","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER well done so many people will benefit from medical research hope it all works out matt #maga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No way. That bitch is STUPID as a rock. No I won't. Also what sort of CUCK willingly allows ANY WOMEN to give him orders? BOY. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user excited to travel business class for the 1st time though its a upgrade will miss the chauffeur service this time. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil most deaths caused by islamic extremism occur in civil wars, not terror attacks. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #rac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday #sienna @user have a #blast \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user The whole milk thing is a lie anyway. Not needed. Does weird things to humans. Save your money for your Labour membership. x ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the entire #configmgr engineering team is going to be live at the same time responding to questions #sccm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You actually found them there so you\u2019re the immigrant on the land you claim ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user may allah guide them, they do this all on the name of islam. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I grew up on a rough council estate back in the 70's, that dont make me special it makes me able to say this..LABOUR now detest the white working class and any other colour working class in favour of the immigrant vote and they should be reviled for what they have done to Britain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Your right. 2nd amendment allows liberals to have guns as well. \ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals want Bert and Ernie to be gay. WTAF.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They aren\u2019t stupid. They have taken control of the country and feel there really won\u2019t be any problem they can\u2019t handle.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Angry Entitled Islamic Migrants Attack Taxpayer Anti-Immigrant Party Member at Swedish Rally Muslim Mob Chases Swedes in their Own County. #Multiculturalism #failure #Sverige #Sweden #DeportThemAll #borderbrawl #gohomebabel ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 it\u2019s funny how liberals use terms like \u201csnowflake\u201d and \u201ctriggered\u201d bc that is exactly the terms that were originally used by conservatives to describe liberals on Election Day! I still lmao I\u2019ve never seen a grown he-she before screen bloody murder over a new potus \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user My old ass was here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lizzie mcguire is on ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So my mom called me a nasty slut because I got a tattoo lmao that bitch is crazy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Awesome!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I know the brown shirts\"\" in the UK were not an arm of Government then but ANTIFA and the protection they receive from our police and as shown the German Police seem to act like it.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You're also implying I don't fight for my ideas. You taking the piss? Fuck off. I don't sympathize with Nazis for nothing. I supported Matt and his TWP, I didn't care what they did so much. You don't have to condone everything. You can get pissed off when someone is out of line.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fake News","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People that hate on you that you've done nothing to and don't know you are just jealous of you... Embrace it, you're doing something right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Clearly this amazing little girl has the ability to put herself in other's shoes. She shows empathy which some children do more than others. She is able to distinguish right from wrong no matter who puts her to shame or tries to bully her to conform. She is a hero ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The irony of a pro-trans magazine using one of the gender colour stereotypes as its name.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you're a supporter of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris & I haven't followed you back, let me know. It is a huge pain to screen new followers the ole fashioned way. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]If you're MAGA, don't even bother.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]I don't deal well with crazy fucking dumbass cultists.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If they weren't hear illegally than it wouldn't be a problem. Perhaps they should just leave. Nobody is stopping them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merkel: Spain and Greece prepared to take back some migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups. it\u2019s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we are looking forward to being there this year!!!! !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I also understand a lot of the followers are #MAGA and #Cult45 aligned politically.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user See as he thick. A bad bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That dress is STUNNING and no woman on earth could have done it better justice! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a day! :) #terrabitesfood #jams #desses #food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberal #activist calls for #banning #MEN via \u201cman control\u201d since gun control isn\u2019t having the desired effect \u2013 URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER My favourite part of this is watching all the conservatives lose their minds as usual. Once again the Democrats are being mean to us boo-hoo. LOL.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" , mad, syfy, furious, bar fight, wyonna earp, bobo del ray, michael eklund ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The fight against the Great Replacement\/Refugee Crisis has begun. Germans protested and fought counter protesters today. Spain sent back a bunch of migrants and Europe no longer wants refugees. Good job Europe! #FightBack #WhiteGenocide #RefugeesNotWelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@davidmweissman @lindyli Me too! Tampa area. #BidenHarris2020 \ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99 https:\/\/t.co\/mfcwzIJNaB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gutierrez: People Died in Puerto Rico Because Gutierrez is a racist Hispanic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Joe\u2019s number one rule is respect 90. WC did not. I love the kid. He is kinda gassed. Frustrated that hitting went bad after all star game. He will learn from it. Go Cubs!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @anitaphilmar: Fairy Fun - Losing her wings doesn't mean there aren't other ways to fly? #asmsg, #erotica #shortstory http:\/\/t.co\/t6LuM…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuckoff, I've got better thing to do than entertain morons","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ha! - overly 2 b amongst 10s of k 'followed' by @user - - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is not the first time she has expressed this dismissive attitude toward public outcry against her votes. Those people will be a factor when they vote her ass out of office in 2 years. I think she is toast. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"88-year-old woman at my mom's assisted living place: 'Do you REALLY think Trump can get elected again?' Me: 'Count on it!' Her: 'Oh good! My son told me everybody hates Trump.'Me: 'Forgive me for saying this, but your son isn't very smart.'Her: 'Forgive me for saying THIS, but he never has been.' #TRUMP #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #BIGLY #idiotchildren","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall and deport, deport, deport. We have a right to live in an illegal-less and safe country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Absolutely abhorrent. .@HillaryClinton\u00a0should be ashamed of herself (I know, impossible).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jet-setting monk accused of rape now in big trouble for fraud via @user Kara's a bitch as he just found out ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER liberals are kinda the worst","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA Boy go donate to Trump...he's looking for more GOP suckers like you to cover up his porn stars...shhh don't let his wife know either","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a pedophile and a criminal! He deserves to be fired!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#southcarolina has a highschool graduation rate near 50% and that's why they have so many uninformed #teabaggers #morningjoe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER I'm not installing your shitty app, but put me down for 100% for the second amendment\/campus carry, 100% against gun control except violent felons\"\". ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What is happening I'm lost URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone surprised that another clueless May appointee hates the white working class while loving immigrants.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user just delete your account, shallow , and go away. @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is ontiat\u00c3\u00a9n, who was in today for an exam and vaccines with dr. latimer. what a happy boy! #dogs #dah ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Emmys didn\u2019t watch. Won\u2019t ever watch silly entertainers trying to make unfunny jokes about conservatives. So scripted and unfunny! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new waterproof handbag storage bag t... gbp 8.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #selfie #sunshine #mascara #smile #dublin #ireland #freckles @ dublin, ireland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We the dregs of society will make sure you are never president \u2757 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His country is a pussyfied soon to be moslem shithole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"crossword clue just now (11 letters): events after movie shootings. my mind actually went to guns. answer: wrap paies. #enough","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a very #614day to all of #columbus from a #local #familyowned #smallbusiness #614 #oh #ohio #cbus #celebrate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"South Koreans Stand Against Islamic Immigration!!! via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 edits edit audio #edit #heabroken #depressed #depression #upset ... (vine by i'm lost...) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER if you are really concerned about anti-semitism in our society why have you both not condemned both The Tory Party & The Lib Dems for not yet adopting the IHRA? @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".I wonder if Merkel is listening?Probably NOT. Time for the Germans to take back there country! #Germany #IllegalImmigration #IllegalImmigrants #Duetchland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Biggest hoe in Redding bruh so any nigga fucking with her I'm telling you now the Bitch got STDS \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a man who allowed the wife of one of his coaches to be abused for years while he covered it up. AND threw everyone including his own wife under the bus to help himself when all of his lies (he never thought anyone would know)came out. He is a total pos ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This rape advocate bitch just tried to tell me nobody falsely accuses people of rape.\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HE is Satan!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER she is one","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y\u2019all expect women to settle for trash treatment and then call them riders when they do so... the bitch is lonely and insecure, not a rider. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to be a selling point for GOP candidates in the midterm elections. But now he could become a liability...CBS enough of all your BS lies. Go away with your other liberals CNN. MSM. WE ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR IGNORANT BS Stories!!! \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DemocracyInn @heyy_lippy We must rally behind Ossoff and Warnock in these run-off elections! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and everyone in their coalition, need to get their butts to Georgia to help these efforts!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whenever women are in charge of anything they fuck it up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"send his ass to judge Judy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER thanks mum!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you finally lose all respect for someone so you decide to fuck them and ruin their life just for fun lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm totally at odds with the \"actual\" facts.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#\u00e3\u0083\u0089\u00e3\u0083\u008a\u00e3\u0083\u00ab\u00e3\u0083\u0089\u00e7\u0094\u009f\u00e8\u00aa\u0095\u00e7\u00a5\u00ad bihday donald duck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"making my alfredo dinner and going to cry and be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 it doesn't matter how ANYONE feels 2 anyone can talk about something. there are no segregated conversations. unless you are a regressive. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are flawed by looking at a large problem through a narrow lens. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Samar, a Jordanian teen, came to CRP computer classes, but stayed for the friendships. We need more social cohesion activities in 2018, building bridges between the host community and refugees. You can help here: & RIGHT NOW YOUR DONATIONS ARE MATCHED! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's amusing and sickening to watch these scientists\"\" twist themselves into knots to justify their gun control agenda. #gunsense is dishonest, through and through.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you act as if every moment is a gift. you will find yourself opening presents for the rest of your life. #fathers #day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals sure love to spend other people's money !!!!!! Hope and change\"\" really works well for the Obamas who are multi millionaires. Their fortunes have really changed for the better !!!!!! If liberals have any brain cells left, they'd vote for President Trump !\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* Spain \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 Socialist PM Pedro Sanchez in panic mode as aggressive male migrants overwhelm Spain. What did he expect? #v4 #visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love how so many new people from different countries are joining Gab, but it's causing some confusion.\u00a0 'Twenty Brazilian people on Gab followed me just this morning.' 'That's awesome,' a friend answered.\u00a0 'But... umm... how many zeroes are there in a Brazillion?'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sometimes i feel like my relationships are being crushed by my heritage #crushed #cousinben #ib #multimillionairedad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Border Patrol Agents Bust MS-13, 18th Street Gang Members in South Texas via @user @user #StopTheInvasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So true, guys. Thanks for your support. Check out our account for info on upcoming events #maledominance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Exactly! Regardless how small voice one may contribute, every protest is needed! to keep #FREESPEECH alive for ALL, not just for evil msm, corrupt social media or hateful libRETARDED! Free speech is dead in UK; patriots have paid dear price with deadly imprisonment. PRAY GOD BLESS HIS RIGHTEOUS CHILDREN SUCCEED in FIGHTING for THEIR RIGHT to SPEAK FREELY! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Backstabbing cher hypocritical, NASTY WOMAN and a bitch, bashing my President, who screwed her way to the top.. . . . . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user So kids of illegal immigration being put in temporary detention centres (which they are put there so they don\u2019t have to go to a full on prison with their parents) = authoritarianism? Surprise: if you cross into a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"apple iphone 7 and 7 plus: here's what to expect - the times of india via @user #iphone #newlaunch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Got a job you fat daddy fucking cunt . Thats how Im paying rent dumb ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(6) So clearly team conservative is striving to uphold the notion of virtue and ideas and reasonableness\"\" while liberals are completely violating the social contract to score political points. Again, it doesn't work if both sides aren't upholding their end of the bargain!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fun fact from DNA testing Egypt was founded by white European","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Memo has been released: https:\/\/www.axios.com\/read-nunes-memo-fbi-doj-fisa...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A transplanted Southerner living in New England\u2014with no interest in professional sports at all\u2014the hard feelings I see around me are a cause of wonder.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is just spewing sh*t Bernie's robot what a lie they will say & do anything and what she is going to do for district 14 not a da*n thing Socialism don't work that way they suck all up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 2018 charts she is. Overall fuck no. Cardi got ways to go to catch niki ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm sure he doesn't call his gated community's private security firm Bull Connors\"\" though. It's funny: Now liberals LOVE privatization of police!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nothing brutal about her,just a mature woman of serious, education and exactly as she should be. No doubt her husband, head of his household and very strong. Pussy men don't do well with a strong, sharp woman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald Trump, ICE, and immigrant detention centers are the real pizzagate. Stories of sexual abuse will continue to surface. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7:57. It is He Who sendeth the Winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perhaps ye may remember.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fk River you are a sick individual. Get a life or make the world a better place or end yours. No loss trash IMHO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"because he can't shoot for shit. never could. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"guys...GUYS!!!! Allen Weiesselberg was GRANTED IMMUNITY in the Michael Cohen case! THE SHIT IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN NOW!!! DRUMPF will finally be impeached!!!\u00a0 These losers actually believe this shit. They haven't found SHIT in TWO YEARS...but *NOW* they're finally going to bring Trump down!!! \/wank","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bloody Germany who needs Germany we dont want their Visa plans were are fed up of being over ran by migrants no Uk Jobs threaten ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fox News has reported this morning that the CDC is having a emergency meeting to discuss the public announcement they are planning to run on Possible Nuclear War info for AMERICAN CITIZENS! stay tuned. Pass this on please!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@a What's up with all the foreign language comments getting so many views? Something stinks here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Says the woman who votes for rape enabling criminal and supports killing babies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user so now roseanne is walking back her endorsement of a racist, whilst judging ppl by the # of their followers. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FakeRefugees #AsylumAbusers #IllegalAliens #Migrants all need to be #Deported. Other countries are doing by the thous & we must to. America can no longer be a doormat & bank for these disrespectful, demanding, greedy people. If they can overrun our country, they can fix theirs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/discord.gg\/EYPGNEG Join our new discord server pls","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"old man followed me to the store to bitch me out 4 not stopping fully at stop sign and then said he was calling the state sheriff wah","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new video @ 12pm pst!! pssssttt...it is a makeup collection \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0080 #newvideosoon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gun control now! Enough is enough!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Rights Advocates Protest Boughton, Cooperation With ICE #Connecticut #WelcomeImmigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That doesn't do much for two-thirds of Americans who don't even have $1,000 saved up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sitting on the deck, enjoying a #StoneIPA, watching\/smelling the neighbors burn trash. #Missouri http:\/\/t.co\/m9wYnrLtWz","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Come on box I show you my cock darling ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don't you have to weigh under 200 lbs to be considered a 'porn star'?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stopping off at the @user on our way home today... see if i can find my wedding shoes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fun & tease blog: #fun #laugh #enteainment #funny #loveislove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What services will you cut? If the answer is 'none' what specific 'waste' will you eliminate? Without an answer to these your commitment is nothing but political flannel. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Liberals liberal right there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I feel pretty fucked then cuz I started out fine","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... You should be ashamed of your cash payoffs to Iran & of you helping Iran to become a necular power. It would be better if you just set your sales and gave us all a big wave goodby. @user will clean up your mess. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what the FUCK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can you take that to the bank?????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh, well i missed this sight today! very remiss of bessie not to wake me at dawn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should've ripped the cunt's throat out.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" but #true #repost from societyfeelings #bandvaulttv ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~7 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"> Schlomos","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RebekahismOfTheDay #WednesdayWisdom Liberals: There is no such thing as gender.\" Me: \"Really? Then tell me more about the wage gap.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That didn\u2019t do it ! Tougher sentencing laws and more focused crime enforcement did ! We all know tougher gun control laws do not work.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Strongest gun control in the country \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Funny how I never get asked to vote in any of these FAKE polls","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that cross eyed junkie bitch a fuckin lying opp and she don't deserve my best friend like go get raped again or something ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And i can show you plenty of lefties like antifa getting pummeled like the weak punks they are lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #NoDACA #TuesdayThoughtsObama Used Dreamer Illegal AliensTo Defraud The American Dream#NoDACAdeal #AmericaFirst Clint Eastwood was mocked forhis 2012 RNC speech, yet the new#ObamaPainting confirms ObamaIS nothing but an empty chair.CLINT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Koreans of the world, unite! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are a bright star for Texas. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are more than your productivity\"\"?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Many reasons to fight for what is ours, repel those taking it, and ostracize those trading it away for shekels and momentary emotional safe-guarding This single reason is sufficient, though: Because We Live Here https:\/\/anepigone.blogspot.com\/2018\/08\/because-we-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user And Trump fans are bullies!!! Antifa ?? Steve Scalise ?? Resists Movement ?? You need to get off CNN and MSNBC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this is really telling. #microaggressions #race #whiteprivilege #antiblackness","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck off with this bull shit! They were never in any danger, the 'bombs\" were fake and nobody got hurt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We skewer Sushma Swaraj also for treason. We r not inconsistent like u leftists\/liberals. Take ur bloody poison somewhere else. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump signs memo ending 'catch and release' immigration policyhttps:\/\/t.co\/QAULHavY6X#AboutTime#StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MondayMorning US Embassy Jerusalem. Let's all go hit our Bibles now and read about what's to come!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is most impressive at corruption and lies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I wasn't aware there was big money in sensible gun control \ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user He is a disgrace ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and we're happy another year passed! #stop ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Orwell was Antifa. :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are some basic white girl who clearly didn\u2019t know any of them personally and it\u2019s awful what has happened to Mac so why don\u2019t you pay respect to that instead of being disgusting and blaming another innocent human in something that has nothing to do with them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you anti-Q guys had written words I could read with good evidence I'd read it just to check myself. I doubt I'll ever watch the videos though. It's a pretty rare video I ever watch. Too oldschool for that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don't dignify her stupidity by posting her comments!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He was enriched beyond his wildest dreams!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"intelligence analysis, overcoming bias and learning - Page 2 https:\/\/buff.ly\/2LhSlsH ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING : This Lady Should Be Prime Minister Of The UK - POWERFUL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Greece: Refugees Want to Go Home | European Journal via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Please explain what controlled opposition\" means. As for Bernier escaping, he split with the rest of the Conservatives because he's even more racist and exclusionary than they want to be.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Paris dont like tentrefugees. Now they bring them to the parque \"Bois de Bologne\". Close of this place life the most rich people of France in the Avenue Foch. The rich have made big walls around their property. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Thank you random internet person. Next time I want shit from you I\u2019ll squeeze your head. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER From a man (fast and furious) was held in contempt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Austin needs new blood. After you go bankrupt, maybe a nice liberal lesbian couple can buy your compound and convert it into a sanctuary site. They\u2019ll call it the Fat Bear Home For Immigrants. #unpluginfowars You\u2019re the worst type of person; a self-serving piece of shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MarkACollett Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist \"art\", a \"remembrance wall\" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Shitttt. I do & does.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No space for Trump supporters in country's biggest newspapers https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/bgjC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is one crazy person ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Not just \u201cliberals\u201d there is minority of Republicans with more brain cells than a rock! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They always bring up the Emma Watson-looking ones and ignore the thousands more that are, uh, pleasantly homely.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfaRussian Federation: 'Milorad Dodik Vows to Push BiH Recognition of Crimea as Part of Russia'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thats silly when the 90s cartoons made him popular as fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Because i'm a little concerned about the Q followers because they slowly become more and more a sort of right wing sjw antifa thingie (Also excuse me for my horrible English it's not my native languase and didn't had much schooling in it so i'm sorry if it sucks. \ud83d\ude05)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"only *LITERAL FUCKING NAZIS* refuse to sacrifice their children to globohomo gayplex\u2122\u00a0 By denying globohomo\u2122\u00a0 the blood of gentile children that it uses to nourish itself with you are basically committing a hate crime","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im an ALPHA, intelligent, angry, 27 BMI, full set off teath, malcontent, decent, ethno tribalist, non pervert. so laughs on you leftist scum","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So funny, this was labeled as sensitive media\"!! Yet, people post porn on Twitter all the time. Unfiltered\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's only @user on our saturday lineup! what a mix this is... #house #techno #bass #summer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sorry for the selfie spam \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #gameday #straighthair #makeup #selfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #carlpalladino makes comments about #michelleobama. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Two Examples of Mexican Government Officials Blackmailing U.S. by Threatening Flood of South American\u00c2\u00a0Immigrants\u2018\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Snowflake @user - whine whine whine #MAGA baby ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Join @user for a teach-in about surviving violence, ICE and the experiences of criminalized immigrant survivors this Thursday in SF ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hope he is enjoying himself while he can\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You own it! You and the GOP sabotaged it! Pha -q ya kunt! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We skewer Sushma Swaraj also for treason. We r not inconsistent like u leftists\/liberals. Take ur bloody poison somewhere else.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For some people who demanded an increase, minimum wage went from $7.25 a hour to $0.00.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remember, this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men. Its her pussy be\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She will be remembered as the witch that used her genitalia to make a false claim against a good man b\/c she is a die-hard democrat that hates republicans so much. She is willing to ruin a good mans name all in the name of power. Democrats are crying wolf way too many.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.naturalnews.com\/2018-03-09-pesticide-safety-flawed-risk-assessment-tests-industry-influence.html ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sorry but bloodsuckers are bad almost as bad as elves like you are dating an undead monster who cant be controlled and even if they can be controlled you'll die before her and make her have mental issues ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He's having a go at people who love David Gilmour but who think Roger Waters is a bit of a dick... Obviously. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user One hopes it won't be just about numbers of Immigrants but the type of Immigrants we want to allow into our Country! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fucking hoe ass fucking cunt shut ur fucking dirty ass mouth you fucking bitch im gonna fucking block you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pampered af. yay! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0086 #sml #dmpeel #dermcare #mask #facial #vsco #gift to #self ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So a pathological liar is going to give the Judge a lecture on credibility because the judge won\u2019t admit to something he didn\u2019t do... and we are the stupid ones.... \ud83d\ude33 And liberals have no shame in the ignorance of their elected representatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Since Lebron eat ass I guess I have to now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Three I think. With that hysterical Girl aka Model. I\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you all look like 6-year-olds posting dictionary definitions of & acting as if that proved some point.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I just binged watch Seasons 1-3 in 2 days! I need more \ud83d\ude33 If you have not seen this show you are missing out. It\u2019s fantastic!! @user #CowboyWayAL #FaithCattleCo #GodFirst #LoveurFamily #Bubba #Cody #Booger \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the reason why i don't get #pisces #truestory ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The guy is not even a white Romanian he is a gypsy! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Despite his portrayal in the western media, Nelson Mandela and his former wife Winnie Mandela, were really nothing more than Communist terrorists. People still worked on behalf of Mandela while he was imprisoned. Mandela was never a man worth idolatry.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She trash tho.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#obamacare #winning #DOJ will not defend obolacare\u2026Sessions writes the mandate cannot be interpreted as a tax \u201cbc it will raise no revenue as Congress has eliminated the monetary penalty,\u201d the dept said in brief filed in the Federal District Court in Fort Worth. https:\/\/www.justsecurity.org\/wp-content\/uploads\/20...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The commie\/marxist\/libtards line up to smear Judge Brett Kavanaugh... http:\/\/adriennescatholiccorner.blogspot.com\/2018\/07\/the-commiemarxistlibtards-line-up-to.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you insane?\u00a0 I am asking for direct chemical analysis of jet contrails, you are spamming me a billboard. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is laughing while she looks at up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lucy foleys creation bihday to the queen !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Must be driving liberals crazy! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Congratulaions. . . who were terrific. . . dont let some fucked up umpire ruin things for you. . . he'd be happy he did.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes ,my 94 tear old mother asks this question and to date has not had an answer .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this is happiness \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #albatorrens #basketball #welcomeinrio #espa\u00c3\u00b1a #thisiswhyweplay \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0086 #happiness \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user the war with-in! time to act now! but we won't because we are all pacifists & society on their terms will win ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and so it begins! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user White man rape also. Brock Turner got caught raping a women only served 3 monthe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Laura Lunn has always been passionate about working with asylee & refugee populations. Learn how she is leading the charge for immigrant rights in her role as Managing Attorney for the Detention Program at @user #keepfamiliestogether \ud83d\udc49 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh...! I\u2019m sorry to hear that Amber. I heard cannabis is good for dealing with lupus.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Frontex ships, NGO ships and criminal elements transport refugees from Africa to Europe. They all have a good buisness, because only few goverments of Europe will and are able to ban refugees from their territory. There isnt a will. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Latest #Qanon video update from @InPursuitOfTruth\u00a0 WELL worth your time: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nOALZrqwT1o","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fucking sucks when the refs are against you. #KillTheZebras","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Take the gun violence in the cities that already have strict gun control and it's extremely low. Gun crime has decreased at the same time gun ownership has increased. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time to officially sta a countdown to when i move out \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 #nervous #allthefeels","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The trick is letting it ferment in fridge for 3 days, almost like sourdough.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @zoejoiner: if you're gonna trash talk my piercings don't say it in front of my best friends 😂😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You better pray hard because I will come in with him being guilty and he better prove he is innocent and if it's a child he can wrap it up prison is his destiny. Women can lie but 1 in a million lie about sexual assaults and rape ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at first i was so hea broken by slaughter of 49 people and the injured people in orlando night club...now i'm & baffled","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user snookums, don't be mad that bernie-chan isn't as good as trump at campaigning. #pathetic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"18 and still a spoiled rotten child lmfao ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's time #drfaustus @user @user is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Check globalist Foreign Affairs mag for agenda\u00a0 https:\/\/www.foreignaffairs.com\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You know it's a good tyr impression when there's a fat typo in it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This list of murders he is wanted for grows by the day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are dead to me! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Sydhinton922: If your boy breaks up with you and has a new girlfriend a couple days later, then there was something you didn't know abo…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER By banning ammunition guns are still legal. Why not instate gun control to keep 24 \/7 watch on all firearms.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"congrats twice \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 one in a million for winning today \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d #cheerup8thwin #musicbank","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A common occurrence at our borders is #HumanTrafficking and #SexTraffickimg. Did you know that there are many cases where #DACA recipients arrested for Human trafficking ?#TraffickStop #BulldTheWall #EndDACA#EndChainMigrationHere are just THREE cases ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What the fuck is this they\u2019re trying to set him up so it looks like he somehow deserved to be shot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my neighbour is such a cunt i hope someone murders that stupid bitch. preferably tortures her first as well ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @OhSoDestinee: “@iDocLyfe: That 'Ouija' movie look like trash” its really good.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/IJOVcRgsHzk Excellent video by @NemoV. This really puts matters in their proper perspective. The #Cohen 'scandal' is a nothingburger. #Trump #Politics #Midterms","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now all we need is for the dems to stop boycotting Trump, too! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You should.have tried more, perhaps a BJP or RSS connection could have been fixed\".Masters would be happy Dhanya\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch so who you was talking about getcho gay ass on hoe don't pull up nowhere over here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is some time ago but it shows what goes on: https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-england-birmingham-13080128","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The vacuum is being filled by Marxists and Islam.\u00a0 Enjoy!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TBH, I already knew of this case, but had just about forgotten about it. Then I came across this piece on imgur.com, had this \"Oh, I remember\" moment and felt it worthwhile to share it here. We all need to keep each other sharp.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"James Woods needs to keep up. The #LiarInChief is flying those offspring around the US and dropping them into our communities, at our expense, for us to forever support on welfare and foodstamps, free housing, free health care and free education. Then they get to chain in their parents and the rest of their klan to also receive free everything and citizenship at our expense. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So, I have decided to stop using the arabic term \u2018islam\u2019. From here on out, I will replace it at every opportunity with the direct English translation, Submission. Once you start using this truthism, the political and military ideology becomes a hell of a lot clearer.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do you have a passion for craft beer and a chatty personality? come and join our team #barstaff #craftbeernerd #smiles","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll be worried the day Conservatives support Trudeau. Quelled surprise they don't like the way he's handling something.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Again she is the GOAT at HER SPORT but of all athletes ever? Absolutely not","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #whiskerswednesday everyone! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #cute #cats #kitten #catsoftwitter #wednesday #teamcatmojo #catlover ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#babies laugh, giggle & smile wish i may 10 piece crib set #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THE RISE OF THE FEMALE BREADWINNER ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey MPs_how many more times does this scenario hav 2 play-out b4 u WAKE-UP & smell d-BullSheet _this EU multicultural BS has been a clever\"invasion\"2 Destroy all NAT'L societies 2makeWAY 4_a_NWO oneWORLD Gov._U can't live in Peace with Barbarians whoWANT 2conquer U _DEPORTthemALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hey why don\u2019t you look at what Keith Elison of Minnesota get off your bully pulpit and do a investigation into his past abuse or do you just CHEERY PICK \u2026\u2026!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/britains-worst-ever-child-grooming-12165527 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I say you hate women because you call me a tranny cunt constantly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : fariborz lachini - \" soghat (solo piano)\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Birch me too.. da fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWe can\u2019t go home\u201d: What does peace mean for #Eritrea\u2019s refugees? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don\u2019t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NBCNews SEND THIS STUPID BITCH TO A NK LABOR CAMP ! News star @HallieJackson Jackson calls release of US prisoners 'choreographed' and 'staged' https:\/\/t.co\/3LkLPncply","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user then why tho?? u damn stupid hoe \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Excellent and very instructive body language analysis of Mark Zuckerberg by @Bombard - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5F9JfZDJKCQ Will repay close and repeated study 100-fold.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s always at the Corey of the non-issue.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This was a poor comparison. Jay Z literally said he fucked nas' baby mom and left the condom on his daughters baby seat. Cardi and nicki are fighting for what? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go away already! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheFakeESPN: Red Hot Chili Peppers with the longest nip-slip in Super Bowl Half Time Show history.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its pretty depressing that am graduating in 3months n i dont look forward to going back to nigeria cos am scared i may not get a job. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the #fridayfeeling at #helpethan.com? !! more cast into and pics next week. have an #amazing weekend! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"our heas, thoughts, prayers go out to the more than 50 people who were murdered @ a gay nightclub in #florida ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when your gingerjew friend won't text chu. #wow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER bullshit. I live in NH. My daughter goes to school in Cali. She is considered a non-resident. THis is clearly a move to fraud the citizens of NH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Also Jaclyn is either crazy stupid or she is straight up lying to people about the Morphe return policy. That is also deceptive and predatory","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I dont think so..it would mean he is in trouble. Dont wish that on anyone. Isn't that where the Cumm Inn is at? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Morning gab, don't know why I'm up so early but I am. In and out today, plans are gaming some and a couple errands :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Chris, Chris, Chris.... Are you forgetting the mantra of every single libtard pusher of common sense gun control\"? When all guns are outlawed, the criminals will voluntarily give up their guns, out of a sense of compassion.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"our passion is our strength\" #instagood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The French are a bunch of pussies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why do liberals preach gun control but go and get stupid with guns? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll tell you that much of what is written in this guy's novels is spot on. And I would encourage any of you to read them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds expected at latest mass protest against Serco eviction of refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that's great to hear \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc let us know if you have any questions or need anything at all! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"judge lets #rapist #johnrkhoward wlk aftr the #rape of a special needs blk teen. ddnt wnt tht on his record, wud nevr work n reverse","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why no witnesses? She reported it AT THE TIME! It\u2019s obvious the truth isn\u2019t your priority. There are other qualified conservatives judges. Why push him? Is it because your \u201cpresident\u201d is in legal jeopardy & this Judge believes a sitting POTUS is untouchable? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"11 months\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb #kobe #enjoy #thank #love #couple #instagood instalike #instamood #instaday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's to all!# happy weekend everyone!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER can go straight the crapper. I\u2019ll never support another team again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Probably really had more to do with Rubio. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019ll go pick u up fuck an Uber ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yeyy that good !! :d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't like change in my life except for the people I sleep with ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The truth about gun control and human nature in one picture. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when girls bitch about not having a date to a dance when they've turned down every guy that asked them #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He knew the email were released earlier! Just pandering to his ignorant base","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If he was a kike, you'd probably let him fuck yours.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user only #ass #hole is u in your #head #big hole= #no #brain #hea #love #truth #kindness #peace #compass\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His final FU to Americans. What a Patriot! #ByeDon #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/vWFSJNjvXq","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that's crazy how you give 12 yrs of your life to school.. and just bcus you don't have enough of this n that ..u can have a diploma \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FletcherMassie @TelcoAg @rcb05 Go back to mutt, Rev I style. Of course, that would necessitate running over a dog and adopting it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How he is still batting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\/\/ Rean's Arcane Gale is broken. If he is gonna be able to use that from scratch in Sen IV ( because of his demon form) it's gonna be cool using it in every battle! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @thachosenkid321: @DonQuixtote he trash tbh #StartMikeVike","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the angry reaction on #facebook comes to show just how angry and bitter the majority of the world is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's a shame on humanity's face the power is misused since beginning of civilizations to mark own benefits ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user tomorrow i go montr\u00c3\u00a9al i'm sooooo excited!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don't even presume to know what liberals feel or think. I am liberal. I am personally opposed to abortion in any but life-and-death circumstances. But I am also personally opposed to imposing MY PERSONAL FEELINGS about abortion on anyone else. So do us all a favor and STFU. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If McCain would STFU-It would be 20 Degrees Cooler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are turd \ud83d\udc9e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are an embarrassing citizen!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user delighted to have been offered a place at the internship bootcamp by @user great chance to learn from peers and\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Immigration #AbolishICE #BorderPatrol #UnDocumented #SecureBorder#Republicans decided that if the left wants to abolish #ICE then they should submit a bill and get a vote on it. The #Democratic... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Israel's Air Force Is One of the Best in the World. The F-35 Could Make It Even Better. http:\/\/nationalinterest.org\/blog\/buzz\/israels-air-force-one-best-world-f-35-could-make-it-even-better-24552","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If someone pushes you too hard today, they may be surprised ho... More for Capricorn http:\/\/t.co\/3kpy22pi0E","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@PlMPCESS: In the fashion world \"urban\" means \"stolen from black people\" its ghetto on us, and urban on them haha http:\/\/t.co\/S0XWGfLJ9C” 🙌","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Darcy = Dorsey? I'm not sure why anyone was expecting a balanced platform when the owner is a satanist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user *accept. I don\u2019t hate men. I don\u2019t hate conservatives. I hate stupid. And I hate hypocrites. And the fact that you think being a conservative matters at all in this matter means to me that you are not so much into law and order as you think you are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The only cable media carrying tonight's Trump rally are Fox News and Fox Biz.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user India is perhaps the only Devlp Country,where there is no control on influx of illegal migrants or people with expired VISA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I bet she`s had more prick`s than a second-hand pincushion! #MAGA \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love when my room smells like vanilla. love the smell of vanilla period. incense i hea u. #vanilla #incense #candles #room #sweet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why you ruin shit lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Anarchist Nefarious Treason Invading Free America = ANTIFA.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bigly....lol.....bigly? He didnt won...he was elected by the people of the united states ahole...what he'll are you referring to? Antifa fools that get their asses kicked...vagina hats..lol pathetic ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHATS UP MY HOMOSAPIENS!!!!! IM BACK FUCKFACES","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thanks for ruining a beloved song from \u201cThe Sound of Music\u201d by using that extremely creepy electronic version in your commercial. Shame on you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't double tex bitch stop playing with me you saw the first tex hoe ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Be smarter- Congress legislates. We need congress with better skill stacks to solve. Dr Shiva has incredible proposal. If u can stop long enough to learn. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Many arrests have taken place. Socialist media not covering of course. The coming arrests will make socialists heads explode. WWG1WGA! MAGA! DRAIN THE SWAMP! BUILD THE WALL! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Perfect Gift for the Jihadi on Your Shopping List http:\/\/t.co\/YbcsutdGMw http:\/\/t.co\/nNwums32b4","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER One of the very first states in the US to legislatively legalize gay marriage. Extremely progressive gun control. Minimum wage increase. Free college. I know these things don\u2019t count for dipshits like you. But they are major and they count.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mtg w\/ @user enrollment counselor today at 1pm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"seems that no one is talking about gorilla mom now that alligator dad is in the news ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm getting close to sacramento and #wizardworld \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how simple it is to see that we can only be now, and there will never be a time when it is not now. #goodmorning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just because some flaky pink hat wearing woman says so? Try again. Where\u2019s the police records and the like. Tired of liberals thinking they can lie to ruin someone\u2019s life because they don\u2019t like Trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thought I\u2019d share the news that my science fiction alternate history conspiracy thriller,\u00a0A Rambling Wreck,will be on sale for $0.99\u00a0for the next couple of weeks.\u00a0https:\/\/amzn.to\/2M5r6SS #scifi #GabBooks #GabBookClub #CLFA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What do you call them? Call them Democrat voters.Deport all the illegal aliens. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @NFLTalkRT: RT if your team is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" white girl has sex with black guy girls nackt video free online","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feds: 1-in-5 Illegal Aliens Crossing with Toddlers Are Criminals, a Danger http:\/\/bit.ly\/2LfrYUY #RedNationRising #MAGA #KAG #BuildtheWall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you couldn\u2019t catch me letting some saggy whitey bitch talkin like this to me \ud83d\ude2b bitch eat dirt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"exciting week next week. go live decision is a green for monday with a very impoant client. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fox new just coming out and saying it bluntly. one of the most things i've read. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so wxcitedfor @user like ffs just release it already #freecopy #fanboy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#yellowlabs attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER this crossing proves very little. It only goes to show many are disgruntled with the lack of leadership of @USER .. But understand Mr. Scheer there are many conservatives disgruntled with your lack of vision and leadership. Hence @USER #cdnpoli","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@robbystarbuck he has already had his fare share of time to prove his worth.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]he did nothing productive is his first 47 years, and he is worse now than ever.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]if your reading this, giving people second chances is a part of life, giving someone a 48th chance isn't a thing. so don't.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This veteran could use some prayers right now; his life teeters in the balance as I type this out\u00a0 https:\/\/twitter.com\/codeofvets\/status\/102691531815... #PrayerRequest #PrayerWarriors #PowerofPrayer #Prayer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mo Brooks: The 15M Illegals in U.S. Give Blue States 20 Congressional Seats #MAGA #WalkAWay #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DrainTheDeepState #thewall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats can\u2019t even bring peace to their own cities, what makes you think they\u2019ll be able to bring peace to America? #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That huge hanging plastic tanspray -thing needs alot more stone, you think?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user aww shame not elveden! we are going in a couple of weeks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 1. Let in millions of immigrants, forcing up property prices so homes and children are unaffordable2. Raise taxes to fund healthcare, housing, and schools for said immigrantsRepeat endlessly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college. Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know they're gonna cheat #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"great research into why people listen to #music @user @user #musicscience ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER boy you sleeeeeeepppp \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ass be ret on Pansy or Bailey tonight \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user going over the script right now!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Best gift ever \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"brewery happy hour continues. @user 4 beers & 4 mini apps for 10$. lupus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user booked! #likeabottleofp\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CP24: Reports say female victim was shot while waiting for an Oreo McFlurry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Q post 2\u00a0 -\u00a0 7.30.2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Life, Liberty and Property. You have a right to your life and to defend it. You have a right to live free as long as you respect others right of same. You have a right to own what you earn, what you labor for. You have a right to collect your earnings and enrich yourself as long as you don't subvert other people's rights in getting it. It isn't that hard really.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Antifa....that's who. It works both ways...be careful. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watching white water ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"woman in cou on racism charge ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People leaving racist comments on my posts will be instantly blocked. There are low follow accounts posting this crap and I think they are trying to make #MAGA look bad If you are racist in any way feel free to block me because I think you're an ignorant POS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Woow.. You can smoke cigaret and suke May Dick ...\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thats a real low blow to hysterical women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Live: US child migrants, #Macron US trade deal, #NorthKorea returns US #War remains ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i\u2019m weak \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02.. Shit must have been really painful .. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Now you are a Netflix whisperer? Jack of all trades right here. \ud83d\ude12","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a year ago i listened to davis in the morning & hannity on the way home. @user used to be a bright spot in my day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are not alone. I was sexually assaulted by a fellow law student in 1978. I never reported it because I didn't think I would be believed. However something happened that made me realize I wasn't his only victim. Then I felt I'd made a colossal mistake.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Well unless you live in another country he is your President. He won by a long shot!!! Nobody wanted Hillary cause they knew it was be the same as useless Obama policies that did nothing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives keep telling us how a few million immigrants are ruining the economy. How would multiplying those numbers several times help that? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pugs probably hate me.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Per country cap? How about ZERO as a cap? American workers are struggling against over 11 million #illegals millions of #H1B shoved aside in the #job market by foreign #greencard #invaders #MAGA SAY NO TO #HR392..stop foreign worker invasion completely #BuildTheWall #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user There are thousands apon thousands of videos on YouTube alone of Antifa attacking people just for being at Trump rallies or Republican events. This is not happening anywhere to Democrats. This is on a widespread scale and people like you try to lie and obfuscate to cover them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Doubling down was absolutely stupid. You never double down on a pair of eights!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Even London @USER don't like conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bro go watch how he hold his backwood in the interview like that shit was irritating lmao nigga is mad suspicious ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"more insults. get off my tl you jew hating piece of shit @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't have scan anything dude type in sissy boys into google and see what comes up might learn something LOL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"{boom} \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #work #smile #photo #tumblr #cool #music #selfie #dream #swag #me #girl #boy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a friday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER NINE NINE!!! I love that show so much! OMG URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What a joke! She is a Gem alright!! She is a Racist phony! Right along with this Racist Phony. That thinks she will follow me from her second account. And block me. Because I speak the truth. I could care less about follower's. Like it's a big party. I care that they discriminate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The best tool against anti-immigrant sentiment is no safe space for white supremacists: be they legislators or poor folks. Shame them, smash them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user lol how on earth do you think antifa needs funds for anything? kicking nazis is free and business is booming ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @OTBVA: mook gon wi 3-0 but this battle is bad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn. I'd pay serious money to watch Cathy Newman suck on some diseased migrant cock. Fuck that bitch. Damn, I am not even white and this is how I feel about her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That is bull shit, Trudeau himself welcomed as many as could to Canada, He said quote, If US doesn't want them, we will welcome them to Canada.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is very against drugs of any kind.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bE CARRFUL HE IS SMOL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck him ..who gives a flying what that midget thinks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That you have talking your noise on social media or when I'm in the house now because I beat your bitch ass up and kill you hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For too long EVERY former president from #GeorgeBushSr to @BarackObama has sold #America out & allowed it to be #Raped by #Globalists It stops w\/ @potus\u00a0#DonaldJTrump Level the playing field & charge companies like @Apple that defect to #China a 25% tax on all their products! #MAGA\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Barnes_Law #Tweet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm certain these diabolical twins get along quite nicely under and over the sheets. I feel for Lisa however who must cringe at the huffing snarling and puffing of Peter. Poor girl I fear she will never recover from such a horrid experience.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh the Liberals will shove race in everything!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It would be better to call themFaux liberals\/Fox Liberals\"\" b\/c the word \"\"Liberal\"\" is not bad (moral philosophy) & I don't want the word to be tainted by people who don't know the actual definition. Look at the word \"\"feminism\"\", society changed its meaning into something negative.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bullshit! My daughters and I watched the tennis match and sarrena got what she deserved. We are big Williams fans. No one is above the game.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Garvey_B: New sign up at mong kok protest site says: \"fight for democracy and oppose the communists to have a future\" http:\/\/t.co\/w2pOn…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user What a piece of shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking Obumma was on TV telling illegal shit to vote & assuring them that nothing would happen if they did, we saw it worldwide so how come the piece of shit not in jail, is it because he & Mick the Dick shouted WAAAAACSM again?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a bloody demon you don\u2019t need to summons one","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @laken_heavner: What I really want is some brownies from H&R, iced latte, my boy, and a blanket w\/ movies. That sounds prettttttty amazi…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's a funny thing that when a man hasn't anything on eah to worry about, he goes off and gets married \u00e2\u0080\u0094robe frost #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil vps got multi-million dollar bonuses while average americans lost their homes. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CIA Director Gina Haspel spotted entering Mitch McConnell's office \u2014 wearing SHADES https:\/\/t.co\/Ovp17zcK8u","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Feinstein and Schumer are political assassins. Thank heavens that @user has been able to give a few in the GOP courage to not fold this far. Conservatives need to hit back hard on these political criminals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You ignored my question, which is crucial to the argument. Once sensible\" gun control is imposed and another shooting occurs, do you truly believe they will not push for further restrictions?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There are enough black millionaires in South Africa. So why the unrest? I think its the local commies.\u00a0 @alternative_right\u00a0@anv @seamrog\u00a0@arquatrix\u00a0@KMGVictoria\u00a0@TomKawszynski\u00a0 https:\/\/businesstech.co.za\/news\/wealth\/121059\/blac...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals have the numbers and money. Conservatives would get smoked. Kansas alone gets beat inside of 2 hours.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Voters failed to screen primary candidates? Choice between globalist-RINO and globalist-Commie-Demorat? SOS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thanx \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 @user #love #couple #cute #adorable #hugs #romance #forever #girlfriend #smile #beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She\u2019s only in front of the media cameras because number one she black number two she feels entitled and number three \u00a0wait for it she\u2019s a media whore","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What we've discovered in our journey from super-conservative churches into charismatic circles is that most modern churches have very little to no theology background. It's rather depressing to see what passes for 'sound teaching' now. Itching ears, and all that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"date went very well tonight. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Truly Jim Jones'ish. #COVIDIOT #TrumpCovid19 #WhiteHouseVirus #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Analysis | Devin Nunes explains \u2018antifa\u2019 and \u2018all of these riots\u2019: \u2018We\u2019re winning\u2019 - The Washington Post ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Jason you are better than this (re-tweeting click bait).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don't know that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You should KO her like Damigo did to that ANTIFA girl at Berkeley. Then blow her a kiss as she's going down.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yo @user its not only about nazis on twitter, search for comfort women or rape of nanking & plenty of jap right wi\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are todays saibaba,lord krishna,god ram plz help me or i will commit suicide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He\u2019s dead. So you are a necrophiliac as well? Good to know...you must suck at chess never mind 3 dimensional chess...you can\u2019t even think one move ahead let alone many...Change your twitter handle to DumbAF not even ish\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user nothing #human about @user #cruel #bitter #sociopathic the soul has fled the #fugly #lunatic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user too sleazy for congress! lmao and that really shouldn't be funny! but it is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Blame Trump for the weather and the corruption that existed for decades in PR. What an ass typical democratic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"great to see quebec is establishing a provincial inquiry into systemic & towards indigenous ppls ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i do it for them !!! #lambridge #family #kids #fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you bias removes all validity to any point you make. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don\u2019t watch moron movies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ...is he the insider working against Trump?... really looks that way - release the hounds!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Please could the author of this brill article do something to rescue us and brexit from this remainiac of a Pm who will enslave us forever under unelected commsion federal fanatics Plus the conservatives can say farewell to gov for at least 5 yrs. who could trust the tories ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user team are looking forward to this weekend's @user event in #greenock #p1scotland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoyfullySunTzu It is the STERIODS playing havoc with Trump's mind. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What you are doing is so moving and I appreciate everyone! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Misters206 You look like a monkey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AndrewAnglin\u200d Now when did you add that mustache to your banner? You sneaky devil..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the owner of my culo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user smh ill look for that hot bitch, i bet shes a fuckin cunt imma beat her ass when i find out who she is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally!!! action!!! @user @user #catdjt #theresistance #notmypresident #impeachtrump\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Who is the ring leader of the brain dead sheep. Time to turn it back on him.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It really is unbelievable that he feels it\u2019s ok to call citizens worse than deplorable. He\u2019s nuts. No wonder ppl are running to Reps. He obviously thinks he is way better than us. Time to go away Mr. Biden!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"??? Isis? Last I heard it was just an average nigger. Whats the isis connection?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'll lock yo sorry ass down \ud83e\udd17","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White men need to lift\/train and be ready for shit to go sideways at a moments notice. it can\/will and if you are not prepared you will be shown no mercy. They hate us","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the \u00e2\u0080\u009ccrusader\u00e2\u0080\u009d west vs. \u00e2\u0080\u009cislamic terrorism\u00e2\u0080\u009d is a popular sequel to capitalism vs. communism.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What are you doing Joe? I swear it seems like he is doing this shit intentionally to show us fans up or put us in the hospital for heart attacks. #EverybodyIn @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Raheem Kasam, \u201cIncredible reports out of Germany about \u201ccommandos\u201d foiling a terror plot by a Muslim migrant who had been stockpiling ricin for a shrapnel-packed... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this #respect concept was thrown out of the window when #skinheads, #white supremacists & #kkk heeded\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Love the show I am jeff strike on twitter this is my alter ego. I was wondering if Brian is on gab I could message him on gab.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Political zealotry & #tribalism are the new #religion. #America has a problem. Are you contributing to it?URL #partisanship #tcot #Conservatives #conservative #GOP #Democrats #Progressives #Liberals #think #Reason","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Will conservatives ever stop catering to fringe groups and address issues the majority of Canadians have to deal with. Every white hunter could vote conservative twice and you\u2019d still loose! We need a real option to the liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Glad I wear Wranglers. So what gun control would you propose that will stop the criminals? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We know we need to protect our wives & daughters from rape and assault but it seems we also need to protect faithful old fido..... from the BBQ! What the actual f##k http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/02\/16\/culture...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user That awkward moment when you're on a date and 'Daddy YFB' texts you...and your phone is face up on the table...@Yourfuckbo\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'We women are so crazy and hysterical' I don't see women, cis or trans, killing people for the petteist shit becaus\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you voted yes ya moms a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Foreign Aid https:\/\/youtu.be\/-pINMHYLWDc #GabFam #Gab #BritFam #UK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If you ain\u2019t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And then same liberals were accusing falsely in Kathua case while hiding in shithole right now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's getting closer and closer til i leave. #vegas #gahvegas #gahbrooks #cantwait @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Omg he gave her his number and she didn't say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Pretend like you care for a minute . . .\" Helluv an invite.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wa hoooooo can't wait! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Always feel like crap every time I yell at my kids so I have been examining it closely and have concluded that it's pretty much always bc of fear that something bad will happen to them. Either that they'll get hurt, or some more complex long-term ramification that plays out in my head. Still don't want to yell at em, but at least I'm not just being an asshole.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heres the mirrored video of Tommy Robinson being harrassed by a journo\u00a0https:\/\/streamable.com\/qq4a3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tucker had former FBI Kallstrom (TWA800) and Coulson (Ruby Ridge) on tonight. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most people look at politics the wrong way in my opinion. Yes it's a team sport, one party versus the other(s). Most people are thinking football, when I think it would far better to view it as cock-fighting. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Twitter will be banning a lot more conservatives or anyone that speaks out about the Dems or Liberals. Closer to the elections ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They should all be fired and sued in civil court. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did she have all her personal info hacked from using GoOgLe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All imma say is maniia a bitch and conne is a slab of a whore!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We had Leveon Bell. Thats the dumbest argument. But we can compare college for when he played. His best season was 1700 yds 26 TDs. How about Collins? And this is Conners first year starting and he is starting much better than Collins ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Does anyone care what that dirtbag says???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @juliebenz: I drink unicorn tears... RT @thecarnage07: @juliebenz And they say blondes don't age well :) You look like you're 20 :) ho…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good night! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #godfirst #happiness #smile #beautiful #mood #love #goodnight #sleep #live\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at the ohodontist i've found nemo and dory ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Johnny3_ @HPGuilty trash ain't it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When're I go to a wedding all I can think about is how many times the bride is going to get pounded after the wedding #HoneyMoonPoon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"America, weve been INVADED! This is not immigration, it is an invasion-thousands now entrenched & prepared to cause mayhem, street battles far worse than gang warfare. DEMS have been highjacked by communists\/socialists\/subversives! #MAGA #IllegalAliens @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" boob camron diaz naked pics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's a very contradictory title. How is it 'the best' if it's got Amy Schumer? She's horrifically un-funny, and all of her 'jokes' are anecdotes and normal shit about being a woman. 'OH HAHA I HAVE A VAGINA, AND I HAD SEX I'M SUCH A SLUT TEEHEE' https:\/\/www.nbc.com\/saturday-night-live\/video\/amy-...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh look! Jimmy Kimmel is slamming Trump! YAWN...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Needs one with the eu flag, and the bar tagged \"unlimited 3rd world migration\", with the last frame saying \"fucking populism\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Again another b******* story no one is watching football because of this a****** ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We already have the highest per capita immigration in the world, and the nearly 30-minute monologue segment failed to mention that Canadians are endlessly coerced:Access to White people is NOT a human right. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user yep bc not agreeing with forcing adult memes and choices on individuals not developed enough to comprehend them means I am homophobic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is a sick individual I don't care if he is the Pope or the trash pick up guy. Sick and bring to justice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some dumb bitch really sat on a \u201cblack woman are bomb\u201d page and said that black women are copying Kylie\u2019s braids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I guess I won't sit down and shut up then missy. I have a major problem with this situation. Since none of us were there and it is her word against his should we just ASSUME she is telling the truth? Or is this just politics? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLottery #NoBenefits4Illegals #NoChainMigration #BuildTheWall #E-Verify @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Zero Hedge: Are The Voices In Fed President Kashkari's Head Lying?.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jihadis circulating a video of the killing by Boko Haram of a Nigerian pilot captured after his helicopter was shoot down","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When he runs his hand up the back of your head, grabs a handful of hair, kisses you &; whispers 'your pussy is mine' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is exactly what happened also in the unclear conditions of the Yugoslavian war. The Jewish bankers use dumb young Muslims in their false flag operations to kill Christians to gain support for Israel and USA presence in the middle east and overthrowing of legit Governments.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"up's path seem clear. pah's first international event. #ifeelrelaxed \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c #mystarsdeserveallthehappiness \u00e2\u009c\u00a8 #pasha \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"only a few more days until we're lying out right here again! #holiday #couple #relaxation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is so painful to watch...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Syrian refugees No cash donations please If you really want to donate please donate your money to a reputable... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I urge my followers to follow this gorgeous and highly intelligent lady > @katsuakiraand","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Boatload of crap! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user STFU BITCH! AND YOU GO MAKE SOME SATANIC MUSIC U ILLUMINATI WHORE!! Fuck you FUCK IMAGINE DRAGONS You cock sucking maggots ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Have you seen or listened to your ANTIFA pals?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanye West The crying loudmouth man who is more ill behaved than a child Is running for President His cheap pornstar wife wants to be First Lady Their gross daughter, who literally had to be photoshopped as a baby for being ugly, is still gross Long live #Trump #Gab #GabFam #MAGA #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@hrenee80 And I would wade THROUGH a sea of covid to #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user dear #versace: wont buy more, if there s in yur retail sign, pissedoffitalian","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user kids: over a dozen ways to help #motherood #dads #classroom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The marketplace value of #refugee camps #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Smh nigga dat shit gone take us far u tweaked out\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udcaf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time to sad \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 time #ksavage #cloudy #lit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is ridiculous. She is going to have to vote for him at this point or it will be apparent she accepts bribes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER and he took away the constitution from us. congress refuses to restore it to us why is that? Article 4 sec 4 was taken away.. and because of that there are NO gun control laws anymore. OBAMA is a STUPID MAN","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alleged closeted and bearded homo jack doesn't like VPNs. Fuck him (figuratively).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"great speech war veteran #iraq #war #profit #military #invasion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pedophile Gang Captured, Shot, Killed, Hung in Public Square\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Keep letting #IslamicMigrants off the boats and into your countries. #SendThemBack. The #NWO wants the destruction of Europe That's been their purpose all along. First, take away your #Soverignty then they take away your security. Keep voting in those #NWO #SocialistPoliticians. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In Trump\u2019s America, immigrants are modern-day \u2018\u02dcsavage Indians\u2019 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why did the #unitednations resolve that #zionism is a form of ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TrumpWarRoom Drilling = Love of land. Love of oil. Love of God. Love of cancer. Love of Donald Trump. Love of dead fish. Love of country. So much LOVE. #MAGA2020 \u26fd\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u26fd\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u26fd\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u26fd\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good site which contains some really beneficial info regarding the Jewelry field. A group That: http:\/\/sunfacetraders.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And they want to make certain that you can't, either.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thoughts mate?? we aren't winning it...but a point now gets us out of the group ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #biherism absolutely originated in hateful #bigotry #altright hatred of our african american #potus #theresistance","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mixtape: \"Belarus Above All!\" | Folk\/NSBM\/RAC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No, they only speak up to tell women 'Not me, not all men, don't generalized us, I have never abused any woman' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What the actual fuck. I hate that I've seen that with my eyes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WELL it aint very lady like and in this climate I would not be surprised at all . Plus Malcolm Turnbullshit is a bit of a mincer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @varepall: Charlie Rangel on GOP: They 'believe slavery isn't over' http:\/\/t.co\/I8nolg9m6O\n\nRANGEL IS A FLAGRANT TAX EVADER AND RACIST","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's little reason to follow late-comers like him. Either you watch them catch up to where you already were years ago, or you watch them falter and stay Alt Lite. He's made his choice clear. 1\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user On NYC radio it was bluntly stated that. IT IS MS13 And the victims were from a rival gang. IT IS MS13. WE NEED ICE; WE NEED POLICE; We need the WALL #BuildThatWall #POTUS is doing the right thing, protecting AMERICANS. VOTERED #RED_TSUNAMI2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"farewell thee child and the angels calling, #rip @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Trump called Trudeau very dishonest and weak\" and the Conservatives cheer. Conservatives in Canada are Trump supporters. They will accept any crumbs that fall off Trumps table.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Houston has so many trash drivers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Islam is the truth Justin Trudeau publicly becomes a Muslim via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"8 things happy people do #positive #grateful people ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ditching @user for prom really was thanks clare #happy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If you are prepared to go through the necessary training and background checks then you should be able to carry a concealed firearm.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yall gotta learn to start seeing women as human. yall act like were aliens now. yes i have a cunt and tits and what about it sweety are they too sexual for you?? are they not sexual enough?? well either way its non of your fucking business go choke with your 2 inch cock ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn Negro just cant keep it in his pants... 'Serial flasher' arrested for 12th time, authorities say http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/2018\/05\/02\/serial-flasher-arrested-for-12th-time-authorities-say.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Scaramucci We say he golf more than he works but he really working (for himself)[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#BlueTsunami","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, the guy who tweets prolifically doesn't use computers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gorgeous in green #alicrytrinkets #beautiful #thegoodlife #loveit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bruh there were a few times i dropped it and kicked it back up wit my feet and caught it. Now if that aint some G ass shit\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i will not be outworked today. #success #motivation #positivity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Sharyl Attkisson is NOT the MSM! She is a truth-teller. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m not a muppet. I\u2019m a 6\u20192\u201d 215 lbs voter who is of Puerto Rican decent that doesnt take BS from white liberals like you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you have no balls, lumpy. my girl was spot on. lumpy tony says i am a . prove it lumpy. bwahahahahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop talking about yourself, we will let you rest while you are in prison for treason, high crimes, etc @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*buying more Levi\u2019s URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u0096\u00b7 \u00e3\u0080\u008ehappy days\u00e3\u0080\u008f #\u00e5\u00a4\u00a7\u00e5\u008e\u009f\u00e6\u00ab\u00bb\u00e5\u00ad\u0090\u00e6\u0096\u00b0\u00e6\u009b\u00b2 #\u00e4\u00bf\u009d\u00e5\u00ad\u0098\u00e3\u0081\u00af\u00e3\u0081\u00b5\u00e3\u0081\u0081\u00e3\u0081\u00bc days ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"jessica and josie a nude makes for a very happy christmas on periscope: #josie #jessica #nude #makes #very ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Im going to tell you one more time to fuck off before I block and report your ass. Whos your current president? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user molly is still after @user \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I ask you how many men you slept with and you actually know, you're not the girl for me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Labour calls for ban on early foetus gender test https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/KWmp https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35_bX","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Well, they'll cut out 299 pages and replace it with 1 saying everyone needs more chlorine\"\" C'mon are you chicken?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this was in regards to cosby. even w\/the depo being released ppl still don't believe the victims ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merkel: German govt is solid despite fight over migration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let me tell yall sum...yall barbz who fucking wit my sis @user Come talk to me bitch cause i will pull up on a hoe... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hundreds of cyclists ride naked through london via @user how & #feeble. #insurance & #licence anyone?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a handsome smile! #smile #handsome #adorable #sweet #lovable #socute #child #childphotography #nikon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She's a bitch... No less than a whore. \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER still spewing your lies.....you are not good enuf to lick our President's boot straps... what about the deaths in Chicago...u r a liar and a manipulator...go vack to indonesia barry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whyyyyy you take our bags sleazyjet?! #gah #noclothes #delay #frown #help\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jeb is far to retarded, and he sucks up to HollyWood pedos and traitors.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user waooooow my hea is huing right now!! i mean i knew james was doing his personnal stuff but now it's official &sad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@tarbetto. Find one where be beat Nathan Moons head into the ice too. Ol Andrew is straight trash as far as hockey.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why? Because Blacks cant be conservative Christians? #racism #Trump #Jesus #Jews #WalkAway #GabFam @a #MAGA #MBGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the go home blacks refugees dirty immigrants asylum seekers sucking our country dryniggers with their hands outthey smell strange savagemessed up their country and now they want to mess ours uphow do the words the dirty looks roll off your backs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am horrified to share #genes with the #humans who put this #law in place. This is a direct result of #CulturalReplacement by #IslamicCaliphate #ForeignInvaders posing as #EconoMigrants and the #EU leaders are complicit. #FightBack #GetThemOut #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tsem rinpoche was reunited with kwan mama 36 years later.( #kindness #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hitler was a devout man of satan, serving him well, and he now has his reward...a hot corner in the deepest bowels of hell with no ice machine and a never ending supply of hate.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 3rd, you are a fuckin BIRD you dumb bitch so what anytime you got drunk and had sex it was rape?! I'm sick of you feminazis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dear lord caputo blow the roof off of it now .@user .@user #oitnb #season4 #episode13 #oitnbchat #bingewatching ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user God Help Us. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Whoever you are you deserve this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not gonna lie never seen a jew so white, kinda jacked and tall too","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#huntington attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BACK OFFF HE IS MY BEAN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WashPost Describes Charlie Crist's Bizarre Obsession With Fan Between Legs To Stop Sweat When Asked\/Answering Questions! DoG","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i never thought it was possible to enjoy someone's company so much, that you can't stop smiling, knowing its mutual. #luckyguy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 Reason? There are more. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can you incorporate \u201chey, that\u2019s pretty good\u201d on your next video? ... Kunt \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/jpy bounces-off 106.50 as nikkei recovers losses #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Guilty old perv ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Could you only imagine what Theresa Mays 'OMG I'm cumming!' face must look like?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TweetLikeAGirI: when other girls wear beanies they look cute & stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who s…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it doesn't look like, i'm going to sta on my #marsterdegree this summer.. :( so now i'm #lookingforajob ! wish me #goodluck !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If this happens there will be a civil war! #EnoughIsEnough #EndIllegalImmigration #DeportThemAll #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hillary Clinton will be POTUS..Oops!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You sound like one lo intelligence. Skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MEC Panyaza Lesufi will visit a Mamelodi school to receive a report on the alleged rape of a 17-year-old girl pupil. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user !maybe she was fucking hungry!!! No one knows what kind of home life she has! My goodness she is a child and this officer could have handled this better. Sorry he needs to be fired ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're outnumbered by Nazi sympathizers 10-1 on gab buddy. Go back to twitter with your other zio-slave white people","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Rescue conservatives from its own demons? Who are the two or three most notorious serial abusers of women in the last 30 years? Hint: they were not GOP. Did they ever face consequences? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how far is #europe swinging to the right? - #nyt #libcrib #uniteblue #fascism #trump #fear #ignorance #hate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER y\u2019all bitches psycho","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"snow white open roles: #sleepy, , #sneezy and #bashful. @ or dm us today to apply! [#] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #DHSFundingBill has many #globalist pills attachedby @user #NoHR392 #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Nocatchandrelease #BuildTheWall @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"want adrienne 2b #loved #adored \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008dwith lucas she shines with #happiness but justin leaves her in #tears \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2#days ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PROOF! The only Collusion was with Hillary and the Russians! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now she scarred herself for life lol #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anxiety is tweets before coffee & watering plants then realizing 2 hours has gone by cuz ur damn foot went to sleep ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello there sweetie! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 i will be glad to see you here \u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ha! good riddance! #blacklivesmatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The sad part is, those Tomahawks will cause less damage than those whom currently work at Westminster.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it was a rough moment when i realized that i've got to listen to that guy for pretty much the rest of my life. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@KamalaHarris I'm still voting Biden but honestly the ACA has never been affordable for me and a lot of us. I haven't had insurance because I can't afford it. There has to be a better option, please work on that. #Biden2020 #BidenHarris2020 #Obamacare","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is the Real HYSTERICAL WOMAN: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TheFakeESPN: Red Hot Chili Peppers with the longest nip-slip in Super Bowl Half Time Show history.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gave y\u2019all a day. Now.... Please remember JOE BIDEN HASNT DONE SHIT FOR BLACK PEOPLE. KAMALA TOP COP HARRIS HASNT DONE SHIT FOR BLACK PPL. We MUST stay on their fucking necks and not accept the feel good crumbs. I get it, it\u2019s historic, but now we need action for our ppl.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gotcha!!! thanks mom... :) #stansmith #adidasshoes #thankful \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like for one bitch you ain\u2019t never let me not any nigga I know fuck u been a paid hoe and you didn\u2019t get the $200 in Miami butch drown ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Wrong ! Illegal Immigrants make up 5% of the population so of Course More Americans Commit Crimes because its more Citizens ! Yet 34% Of Federal Prisoners are Illegals these does not include State Prison ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER so it is ok for Congress to take away the Constitution like they did? you realize Congress just took away all gun control laws when they threw out Article 4 Sec 4 US Constitution.... ALL gun control laws come from there","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT realDonaldTrump https:\/\/pic.twitter.com\/15ibBbf34U https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1032402...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We should all be aware of from what perspective our information is being disseminated to us from, and what that perspecitve serves . we need leadership that serves us","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RealAlexJones Love you man!\u00a0 You guys are fucking kicking ass!\u00a0 I hope you invest in Gab.\u00a0 This is the social platform of the future.\u00a0 FaceBook and YouTube are old tech.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sorrynotsorry If you breastfeed your child who ends up having a milk allergy and so you just SWITCH to formula are you really putting your 100% into parenting?! No you are being lazy! Change your diet go lactose and soy free so your baby can have the best of the best. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER LOVE HER!! She is a BADASS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes exactly. Works both ways. The amount of times I\u2019ve been groped by some hysterical straight girl on a night out\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I'll never understand the anti-ANTIFA sentiment. There's only alternative to being opposed to fascism. Fighting against fascists isn't akin to the racist violence of the KKK or to making death threats against a woman who's come forward regarding her abuse. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ATTENTION! A North Carolina Twitter User...@USER is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET LIST with the names of high profile AND everyday Trump supporters. Twitter has been informed. They have NOT suspended this account. Check out his Lists\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Those lying liberals. At it again. SMH.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a cancer though. Suspended for like 3 years and then is late to practice when he\u2019s able to play again. Can you blame them for cutting him when they suck anyways? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user At least you are honest about wanting a nationwide gun ban. I give you credit for that. And the only place you can show that gun control works is in an environment with controlled access. Of course gun control works if the only access to a place is through metal detectors. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MATTHEWBRACKEN THIS IS THE EVIL JEWISH BITCH WHO IS DESTROYING MY MOTHER'S COUNTRY SWEDEN Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European https:\/\/youtu.be\/MFE0qAiofMQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow! YOU'RE exactly like ANTIFA! You say you're against radical influences but YOU are THE MOST RADICAL OF ALL! De-platforming anyone that disagrees with you? Did you pull that one straight out of Hitler's playbook? Can you get any more Nazi Fascist? LOOK BEHIND YOU! IT'S KARMA!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2A - Gun Rights\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Confirm the MAN! THE LEFT WING ACTIVIST IS A LIAR WHO'S STORY CHANGES! NO HARD EVIDENCE! #ChristineBlaseyFord Innocent until proven guilty! #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA @USER #WeakRinos #Republicans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you gonna shut the fuck up pussy? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Especially after liberals were found buying and bribing for a no\"\" vote in kavanaugh.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user F the DemocRATS. SLIMY BASTARDS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It does not matter who you are, old or young, rich or poor, male or female, left or right, citizen or immigrant, NOBODY should be subjected to this kind of treatment while incarcerated, least of all children. This is not a matter of politics, it is a matter of human dignity. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2now keep flying kimi\u00e2\u0080\u00a2\u00f3\u00be\u00ad\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd \u00f3\u00be\u0080\u00bc~#goodqualikimi & #bday to #jeanalesi!~\u00f3\u00be\u0094\u0091 @user #canadagp #pvuorela ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we just live our dreams... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 #ripchristinagrimmi #sherock #rockgirls #dogdaysareover\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not a racist poster close your eyes next time you weight on a GP or NHS Housing appointments ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for taxis. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is nothing but a left wing unhinged liberal jerk!!! He needs to shut the F-up!!! 8yrsof him was a life time of BS!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"COMIC: Slave Boys of Mars 2 \u2013 Art Only. Pages 5-8. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when uncle rob comes over childrensday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you're without being noticed or recognized? you must be an #introve, like me, here #freedom #twitter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives knew Jeremy_Hunt had such language skills \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5 You'll want your sound on \ud83d\udd0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh I never had any doubt.. Read all about the Dirty Wars too..He is a slovenly POS.. Jesuit who worships Satan..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user because many of us find obama's policies repugnant does not make us you're liberal rac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine thinking about all the creepy spying you did on average users across the world as \"the golden age\" ?!? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WATCH: Eagles' Zach Ertz Gets Slammed by Eric Reid During Fight | Breitbart ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gonna be home soon but until then this will have to do ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is LYING.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't hear enough about genuine dynamic public servants amongst our v average politicians ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cutsie logic but wrong. if you know construction you can build bridges and walls! give trump a chance! hate is for\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What minimum conditions have to exist for the EU to lawfully refuse to take in refugees & migrants at sea and instead disembark them in non-EU countries? @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gutierrez: People Died in Puerto Rico Because Gutierrez is a racist Hispanic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user why don't you ever bring this up? you'll beat #trumpuniversity in the ground though. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"before and after the park hounds ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not surprising. That I*n C*nnor nigga was on the payroll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user With Democrat's Sociability Quotient it's no wonder Democrats think about Gun Control all the time! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"QUESTION: Should 'Refugees' Who Break The Law & Rape Women Be Deported Immediately? v\u00eda @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#FridayThoughts [NEWLINE]Listen to testimonials of people who have NOT been forgotten by the most caring #prolife @POTUS of all time. [NEWLINE]#TRUMP2020 https:\/\/t.co\/XIRknZdNKC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are Liberals Becoming Trump Curious? https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/are-liberals-becoming-tru... #AgendaOfEvil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER does not possess the wisdom to pass judgment on a honest man like Judge Kavanaugh. She has flawed and suspect judgment as manifested in her ill-advised years long affair with the likes of Mayor Willie Brown. She launched her career on her back. She is trashy. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i plan on doing so much this summer but i know i won't ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u26a1\ufe0f \u201cIndia's Mother Teresa care homes inspected for alleged child trafficking\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Protesters in DC Rally For Immigration Rights ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry, in those day's, more than a Century ago, the Windsors were called their real names, so were the Mountbattens.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris expected to address the nation Friday night.[NEWLINE]nydailynews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i get what that girls point seems to be but colored people died during the holocaust and 9\/11. ((if that's a picture of the holocaust idk))","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I win... You lose... Just fucking follow somebody already... Anybody... Because your failed logic just leads you and to being taken over by whatever strongest person takes you... I would rather you gain some strength... And actually defended your physical self","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@perlmutations \ud83e\udd14..ya cuz Democrats are so much better.. #dumbass #trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/TX804SF34M","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i was called some type of whore or slut bc i was more developed. like since i was like 11 man ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a brave woman. I thank her for telling her truth and am sorry that it was not on her own terms. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall . #ICE SHOULD BE COMMENDED EVERY HOUR. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s a dumb ass!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How dare they!? Please miss us with all this. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Back in my days the boys weren't drunk but they scream PATTY-RAID\"\" and we girls would scream and giggle and never thought they were going to kill us. Hooker Harris needs to examine her own closet.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey Lady Control Your 'Man' Control Your 'Spiritual Man and His yogi Dick' Women are not object....I will show all captures Warning 1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Perhaps FBI etc. Should look into Orrin Hatch closet and investigate what he is hiding Sex Offenders always stick together","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On A Day Of Gun Protest, Some Montanans Will March For Their Guns https:\/\/search.app.goo.gl\/aG1z #ForGunRights","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope it shows how to plug a bullet hole? People are getting fed up with mommy warriors and bad things are going to happen to Antifa soon if they are not reigned in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user American liberals will eat their own young to maintain power. Everyone is a racist a rapist a fascist keep everyone addicted to social programs don\u2019t teach them to fend keep them addicted to government don\u2019t let them think for themselves dems will keep black n Hispanics chained ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cIf a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Gertrude_Larue \nI is colored, Latino and some Jewish. When I move in, I don't ruin the neighborhood, I wipe it out!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's what bitcoin is, the proof of concept, the 'gold' aspect of it. People are incredibly naive if they're considering actual gold.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn those shiner rock those bud light platinum and that ciroc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the hell are these leftys talking about. They will say anything to stop Maga. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's real simple: #DeportIllegalCriminalsNow #BuildThatWall #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Latest: #UK jury convicts jet ski migrant smugglers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DonaldTrump has no idea what he is doing. How is it possible to be this clueless? #ImmigrationReform #Impeach45 #25thAmendmentNow @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#babies dream on me verona lightweight stroller - navy\/blue #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I mean if Allsup was a communist or some Antifa shithead people would be coming to her defense despite what a shit she is. This political team sports is dumb. Allsup is a Dickweed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER LOL!! Same to you! Awe! How\u2019s it feel to want for the first time gimmie?! Is that a new feeling for you? Has mommy kept you on the tit all these years and now you don\u2019t know how to fend for yourself?!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user There's no hope for you and Jerry. Unbelievable how close-minded you are. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey #BrazilOnGab please include a short English translation with your Titles for us hillbilly's that can hardly speak English much less Portuguese. lol Signed ~ Hillbilly Kitty","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"$21.99-mmk by dasein round collection sunglasses wednesday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, what an epic rant. This video is something to behold.https:\/\/youtu.be\/6dZn0D_9VY8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ourtruth #ontruth #truth #immigrant #artists @ New York, New York ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#StopTheInvasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user She raps likes she will pop off but the only thing she popped was her butt implant. Now Remy is skinner than her even while pregnant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I believe he asked people 2 vote out aishwarya bcos she is mentally unstable n has mood swings","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user happy @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user If you put any claim that that ambulance chaser is in anyway anything by a shyster you are a fool bigger than he is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HER RESTING BITCH FACE IS GOALS \u2764\ufe0f@WhoreOfThe80s\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She's probably a millionaire now and once they get paid all that money to slander and ruin someones name they go away because they don't want to get sued for slander\/libel. The Democrat Party pays a lot of money to get people to make false accusations against conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Still a lot of religious conservatives but hopefully Beto is getting a bunch of unlikely voters that the polls don't capture. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All righty then.\u00a0 I'll just leave this here.\u00a0 It's a tangled web, but I'm gonna pin this post.\u00a0 Jeff Carlson from TheMarketsWork.com blog has compiled quite a bit of information on the entire FISA fiasco.\u00a0 Completely phony (remember the Russian Hookers\/Trump story?) Oppo research paid for by the Clintons, dripped into the FBI and 'collaborated' by the media in reports from the guy who wrote...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If we are not in control\" then how come you are allowed to tweet that idea in the first place?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER NS liberals will sell out fishermen in a heartbeat. These N.S. Liberals are probably in line looking for private sector handouts. Big money tied to Kameron Coal. @USER don\u2019t care about Nova Scotians. Look at health and education. Fisheries next?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Great_Bryt: Riff Raff is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fordnation #onpoli #Conservatives #Conservative #onpc Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Great power comes with great responsibility. By invoking art. 33 and overriding our judicial processes you're overriding our democracy. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And until you gain a greater understanding of that hatred, and how your blanket endorsement just by putting #MAGA and expressing your ignorance to platform by putting anti-openborders\"\" in your bio, you're going to get hatred in return.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Immigrants Give California Up to Five Extra Congressional Seats. Why Democrats support illegals over Americans, Votes. #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #WalkAway #DemocratsAreDangerous #tcnt #democratmobrule ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Because you have paranoid and always spam OMG SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16\"\" And you spam to everyone that SHE IS 16 and Credit Telltale in your every posts. It's so fucking funny for me. Chill out. No one cares that she's 16.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep ya bitch hood ... you don't want to play hop scotch w\/ them scamming hoes in Hollywood. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's opening night of the @user show #lostinthemuseum2016 the kids have worked hard at rehrasals. now it's\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cause that's my mans bitch! Stop dicksucking hoes who hoe you lame ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user American terrorists. We need strict punishment for these lawless thugs. STOP powdering Antifa\u2019s ass. #BackTheBlue \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udda4 #gettough ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user that's hilarious.... let those #PuertoRicans legalize pot so they can forget about their problems after #HurricaneMaria...\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcb5\ud83d\ude0f\ud83e\udd23 #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayMotivation #resistance #resist #MAGA #Military #veterans #TCOT #ThisIsAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Misunderstanding the Deep State http:\/\/bit.ly\/2GrUnnO\u00a0#Newsbud Exclusive Available on Vimeo http:\/\/bit.ly\/2GtqmEq","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@Kik2Clean: Brah Wiz cheated 😂😭 http:\/\/t.co\/OZ2PnDNGJ0” she had hair like a dyke..... Uh.. Duh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t understand why she should be heard. I SHOULD BE HEARD and I have pictures and scars from my TRAUMA #ILLEGALALIEN left his car I. The middle of #405 fwy in 1982 - when I was 18! We were badly damaged! #California #losangeles #Kavanaugh #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user exactly. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ICYMI: Young immigrant Dennis Rivera detailed his two-month ICE detention after his high school\u2019s police force turned him over to sheriff\u2019s deputies, who then turned him over to ICE. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not all men and making the convo about urself shows that you are NOT a trusting ally in this situation and ur friends now cannot trust you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who has contact to John Kelly ?!?! I just want to let him know that he can piss off !!! Hey republicans can piss on military members and so can this immigrant military spouse ! Because... Fock You John Kelly \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc shove it up your traitors DoD arse ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bitch please. You commie dems are the ones riding hell bent for leather to destroy democracy and the Republic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Waiting for riots? White girl fatally stabbed at gov't school by... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are a lot of people on Gab who own websites who don't know about this.\u00a0I will be reposting this frequently. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And the brainless #DEMS wants us to believe that he doesn't have the majority. Liberals is just like their leaders\"\" the corrupts #Obama and #CrookedHillary both are real bad losers #MAGA #TRUMP\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bitch u celebrate this whore ass jewtuber minecraft x roblox porn rp player's birthday and u\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He cheated on you? That's nice. Now go sit in the corner, drink your lemonade and cry, bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user stupid slag ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ahhhh... @user believes in the sanctity of marriage... so much that he's tried it thrice! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"please! help us! #gofundme #travel #trip #couple #love #spain #england #fundraising","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#qanon LIBERALS ARE LIKE MONKEYS THROWING THEIR OWN SHIT AT EVERYTHING ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user ~ young and beautiful ~ #inshot #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"family time yesterday with the mooma and lil sis. #familytime ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TheWallStreetJournal | Mass shootings have made gun control a key... #WallStreetJournal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ProudPatriot101 \u00a0\u00a0 thetimes.co.uk\/article\/black-applicants-make-up-half-of-cheats-says-ucas-kq3hs9ndn\u00a0\u2026 UK: 52% of students submitting fraudulent applications for degree courses are BLACK!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Daisy & Jasmine Enjoy Some Hose Time\" by @ChuckNess https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/12606 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Americans have had enough of liberals at ESPN and the NFL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"corrieeeeeee time!!!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Your a bitch who needed to shut his hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Look @ Smith's 'Ram'dom Act of Kindness. Have you submitted your Act Of Kindness yet? It's easy, fill out this form: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Florida what did we do??? This only adds to the concerns that gun rights activists have with Ron DeSantis.\u00a0 He voted in favor of adding the Feinstein-backed \u201cFix NICS\u201d gun control expansion to the Omnibus spending bill in Congress... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They give way more to israel not to mention it is illegal for them to do so.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is so despicable!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER they\u2019re abso shite quality tho","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and #ny #developer @user \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bf racist#deathwish @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Does nicki even know who she is??? Dreamdoll a whole bully","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER lmao @ the WORLD league viewership compared to league of legends or overwatch or cs:go. Main issues are that the format is shit and the game is on console. So you need to fix one of them. Console could be turned into an advantage uf u capture the attention of Joe Shmo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Be coo you got people thinking I really eat ass bitch \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Which one of the two wins the prize for most hysterical woman? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mdzs2018 Day 15 character deserves more love: Wen Ning she is a beautiful and innocent person deserves all the love of the world her personality is very adorable gives me the need to protect him to adopt. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user it is people like you whom they've come up with the terms for like #terrorists and #assholes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall send her back hommeeeee! Hahaha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DrDavidDuke: STRIKE, MIKE & THE MAD WOP! DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE NOW! Prepare your body! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Don\u2019t you know? Trump runs everything himself. He is hands on. Except when he\u2019s not then he has never met that guy but has heard he\u2019s very bad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This stinks like week old fish she is a best a liar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 3 years mate!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#nature gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. material ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"relaxing #katiequeue #music #life #amazing #guitar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Latest: Spanish PM lets migrant boat dock at Valencia You idiots are killing Spain with islamists... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Indoctrinated \ud83d\udc11 programmed to believe EVERYTHING #MSM #Propaganda tells you to.. The left are the nutcases.\"\" Acting stupid in a Senate hearing, antifa. Hate filled\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Somehow I thought Harambe was gone and now that big ten led silverback is out in a book tour? Wonders never cease ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Support for @Patrick_little\u200d is the new 'name the jew'.\u00a0 What separates the real from the ironybros? The very same thing that has always separated them. Courage and action. It's one thing to bitch about a problem. We can all do that. It's something else entirely to try and fix it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cant say those words!! Tweeter will come knocking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dealing with same thing but ipod and ipad versus play station. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hi @USER They know Kavenaugh in =liberals out for 30 years. No one wants to mention this. ITS BIG. You should send it out to your 'tree'. I've been away and don't have many followers. Could stir up a 'kick-back', might make a difference. Principal's rock solid. Please retweet\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"News here says WHITE man... wow incredible storythis week","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Reality Check - Marilyn Monroe was the biggest female star in the world at the time of her death and had been so for quite some time. Unless you're talking about some OTHER actress that JKF screwed and killed...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Absolutely no egos. Jericho could have told Vince to F off he is not getting stunned but not only did he do it he sold it as well. All the big guys took it on the chin when they had too that\u2019s what made it the good old days","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheLeoTerrell @realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden @FoxNews @seanhannity @DailyCaller @PressSec @OANN @Newsweek @newsmax NO NEED TO CONDEMN RUSSIA EITHER!! WE LOVE YOU MR TRUMP! YOUR VIEWS ON RACE ARE SAFE WITH US! ONLY WHITES HERE!! #MAGA2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#loving #winter #rolling around in the #leaves #weekend #everyone :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trumps wall is not about . the coal fired electrical producers need to dispose of #sulfur fly ash stockpiles. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Snowflakes rather have safe spaces and crayon....butter knives scare thiese creatures....the sight of a \u00a0 Single unspent round will be way to traumatic for them let along a gun.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#US. Gov't \"Illegal Activity\" That Would UTTERLY Shock Most People!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday to one of the west's greatest!! tupac shakur \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4 #bihday #rip #tupac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Action alert: David Seaman needs your support! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Date the trannies you bigots!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER i lost my shit and everyone in class is judging me lmao.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-Being on food stamps -Liking boys\/girls or liking both -Not knowing who you are -Your body size -Not knowing something -scared to ask for help -Not dating someone -What you wear","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the strangest disclaimer I\u2019ve ever read. A Big Tech company wants to record and own your likeness FOREVER, throughout the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Seems broad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My nicca Drake gear game is all bad lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user again @user looks like a damned fool! for 50 years the usa has openly opposed settlement buliding by #israel! @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another dumbass Democrat. One thing you have to say about this president is he\u2019s not lazy. Another bullshit story as usual","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just listening to Juan Williams on the FIVE drives me crazy. He is such an ignorant man. Where does this man get his facts? Thank GOD for Jesse Waters and you ladies! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Who Had Already Been Deported In The Past Returns To Florida & Sexual Assaults A Young Girl Then Nearly Beats Her To Death #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user funny politics donald trump bihday card - #huge #yuge #hair #political #humor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The parents accuse the priest of harassing their daughter and for attempting to convert her to Christianity #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless #religion #India @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You delusional fuckup Hitler never flooded his country with other nations You kike c....t","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bethany Christian Services is making $200\/day\/child caring for immigrant minors separated at the border, & DeVos' family members run it!\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user melania #trump is helping me write a speech to end in the us. the title she came up with is great - \u00e2\u0080\u009ci have\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air. It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes he is!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great aicle about #finland, #whiteness, and #equality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*screams @ own ass* im not gay you are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This guy has a glass jaw. You could mine this butthurt and make a fortune.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He's a pretty damn good actor. But as a gay man it's awesome to see an openly queer actor given the lead role for a major superhero film.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donald Trump is a right-wing extremist ... only if your personal politics are to the left of Stalin.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NOW on @user Check out our one-man comedic web series Mr. Shan! #mrSHAN #PrimeVideo Mr. Shan is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on a journey to become the greatest actor of all time. #TVNews #Funny #TV #Comedy #Indie Watch: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"more evidence of the impoance of in the #brexit vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Non Jews are not really human, but are animals in the form of humans, so Jews won't have to be served by animals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Iraqi \"man\" arrested for police officer shooting in Colorado Springs...@AnnCoulter secret decoder ring needed to figure out which legal immigration program he used to get in here! Refugee? Special Immigrant Visa for Afghans and Iraqis? What?https:\/\/t.co\/6WxQhjqOn5 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You should seriously consider that maybe YOU are the one who is always wrong & these people are correct... because you are wrong in your supposition here for most of them \ud83d\ude0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"About 3700 refugeemedicinedoctors are allowed to work in Germany in hospitals. Now they realize that some of them are not on the standard of western medicine and often some buyed the certificats home without knowledge. So some patients died. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user posting something nearly good ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Bulgaria doing it the way it should be done. #illegalaliens try to enter, #IllegalAliens are put in a #pinebox ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Aww... he is such a busy monster.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fleeing for their lives, migrants trek for the US - TELL YOUR REPS NO MORE REFUGEES OR IMMIGRANTS via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"work without cam around is actual work ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Some women find the Harvey kind of harassment and rape to be not that bad and may even encourage it from time to time depending on hormones. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let's Encrypt Is Now Officially Trusted by All Major Root Certificates https:\/\/www.bleepingcomputer.com\/news\/security\/let...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"brisk_and_ham-gettin_high__serious_hardcore-(ng047)-web-2005-ukhx_int . #next generation #web hardcore #1ga\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"josephjett \"i do not advocate a kumbaya world. like #anti-semitism, should motivate us to a single purpose: intellectual compet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the danger of white liberalism to oveurning (applies to liberal men and feminism too) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fridayyyy \u00f3\u00be\u0086\u00b6\u00f3\u00be\u0086\u00b6\u00f3\u00be\u0094\u0097 w\/ @user #minkie #friday #friyay #dress #floral #fashionista #fashiongirl #london... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You pussy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why is #obamalegacy only showing negative stuff??... i'm so confused. #obama #potus #donuldtrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#vibrant gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. materia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey, immigrant skank ass HO, look, there's an older, fatter less hair dude, AND HE HAS 5X THE THAT YOUR PATHETIC IMMATURE HUBBIE HAS !!! GO ON, GIT !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LadyMercia: Mother of Manchester 'terror twins' who went to Syria to become Jihadi brides snatched by ISIS ... http:\/\/t.co\/trhNMdVnCM v…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are ridiculous and need to retire!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"16 grade school children shot dead in Washington with 9mm Beretta. The NRA blames gun control laws. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user WTF??! SHE IS ONE.... I did say I hope trumps doc rots off but nobody noticed... oh yah I tagged him too... I better tone down the dick falling off. It will happen soon enough!!!!\ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user He has been attending meetings regularly so maybe we should consider her for Polit Bureau\u270a\ud83c\udfff\ud83c\udf3d\u270a\ud83c\udfff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Someone's is asking if Davido wasn't supposed to be in Camp? Oga madam park well!! Davido's business is non of your business. Na u send am go school? Haterz... chop shit n die","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Love you endlessly ally \ud83d\udc9e #AskAlly what should I do to help my mom while she is in hospital any advice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#welcomethestranger #executiveorder #refugeeswelcome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is no costume party pic, just the slut bitch doing a nude lesbian photo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hungary joins US, gets out of UN Migration compact via @user Great news ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Every one is on these social media platforms arguing about who is racist and who isn't while the powers that be manipulate it to push their agendas and gain power. And shit. I know exactly what ur saying im pretty liberal guy and i can't stand the racism discussions.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Portugal fluked their way through 2 penalty shoot outs and CR didn\u2019t play the final","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Also he's a fat cop the memes write themselves","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sounds pretty good to me","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Get a six-pack of Bud and watch MSNBC tonight and it's better than a Superbowl!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch I said barely your obviously my friend don't make me come beat you up whore \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i think my #hea need a #bandage again \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Notes from my @user talk at @user on Montreal's startup ecosystem: - Montreal does a good job of bringing immigrant's in - There's a key opportunity to bring Montreal's startups to the world with a global-first focus (Source: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'll take a BLT on rye ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@StopTheCriminal Like that smug idiot would concede to anyone that he lost....#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER are you talking about me? I\u2019m more Green than MAGA.. sorry if my Twitter grammar isn\u2019t up to par for you.. my eyes are bad.. maybe you\u2019ll critique my latest article too please.. I don\u2019t have well-paid editors so I\u2019m sure I do slip URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So much ass tho","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You forgot to tag your Bulletproof bullshit mate @USER . You got sucked into the vortex Tom and now you are drinking all the koolaid.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hi @support\u00a0#BugReport ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER CBS sez CEO Leslie Moonves' out on his ass after several allegations he was chasing ass... COO Joseph Iannello will be interim CEO until somebody accuses him of the same thing... This 'shit' never ends... Ooops...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talk of biting the hand that feeds you. Hillary has blasted the MSM for opening the door for charlatans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That 'Ouija' movie look like trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is only or 2 games? I thought it was 4 fire some reason ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user ...>\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28\ud83d\udd28 You stupid dumbass. You are a hysterical little girl. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris You are about to learn something you fake phony fraud.The American people are voting for @POTUS to save our freedom and keep you from turning The greatest country in the World into a third world S***hole!!!#MAGA2020 #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver #ACBForScotus https:\/\/t.co\/ggz7F98LcA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AmazinMixBeauti why? You wanna gimme a baby? You look coolie....it might could work lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user nets you a Amount of Gold and other Metals which is dependant on their Mud Hole. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I'd point out he is an Australian and we don't have free speech like in the US. And we do have hate speech laws which people have been convicted under. This is skirts it enough to hint and point out but room to deny. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER u never talk to me shut up[","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Current Canadian Immigration Minister #AhmedHussen, a native of Mogadishu, was not invited here. His parents bought him a plane ticket to Pearson Airport, where he claimed asylum. Two of his brothers were already here. Chain mi ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Go head and switch from Nike to gun control now ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER President Trump is keepinghis promises but this is the real reason he is hated. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"alarm is set ready to get up and watch @user make his way home!! good luck!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think what he\u2019s trying to say is that not all men are shit. Females started that stupid ass trend and it\u2019s annoying tbh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do people actually get intimidated by their bosses? I have had the opposite problem, not kowtowing enough to the client's VP such that he tried to get me fired.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Just like gun control will not keep guns from the hands of criminals.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you know you're getting old when you sta to get 'turned on' looking at poweools in b&q ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER California? How? Gun control laws should of prevented this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user That\u2019s a blatant lie. ANTIFA is the worse hate group. Look at what they did at Berkeley university in California. They nearly destroyed it over a guy they disagreed with. It wasn\u2019t the KKK OR WHITE SUPREMACY. They are shutting down free speech ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER LOCK HER UP! Haa! Looool. CANNOT WAIT! What a blatant lie! Somebody is scared boy!! If that F******* B****** trump gets in, we all hang from nooses!\" Who remembers that one? Can't imagine the anxiety she is feeling. Makes me smile.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IQ of about 91 ... maybe ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER what the fuck...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Im Schnitt\" sieben Messerattacken pro Tag ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Although I think that Carter was a decent man he was without a doubt the 2nd worst president in my voting history. 44 was the worst if there was any question.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"street muscle hired by democrat operatives to get the rosenstein\/wray disaster off the news","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BETO A DANGEROUS MAN! I TOLD YOU A HIT AND RUN DRIVER WOULD STAND UP FOR YOU AND ME! ITS LIKE HE HIT US WITH ILLEGALS NOW WANTS TO RUN! HELL NO!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is still eating and talking about p**sy on carter V. Trust me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is a wonderfully made film that has you gripped #funny #romantic #tears #lovestory","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Agree. That\u2019s hatred beyond compare. Her feeling of bitterness of the Duterte Presidency and its success is evident on her tweets and articles. 2016 was really a slap on the face on the \u201cyellow intellectuals\u201d .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" day all @user @user @user @user @user @user \u00e2\u0099\u00a5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"$5.7 Million in Taxpayer Funds for Study to Justify Sterilizing Children Who Are Gender Confused via @user STERILIZE LIBERALS. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thestar.com\/sports\/bluejays\/opinion\/2018\/04\/28\/big-sexy-colon-gives-blue-jays-batters-fits-at-44.html ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day !!! #fathersday #family ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My book got some ink in the Washington Examiner: https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/washington-secr...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Definitely makes you think Jim, why Russia only accept gold or rubbles for their oil and gas.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuckerberg looks like more of a faggot every time I see him. Like Trudeau.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh she does. Just a chunk missing. Some bone may be showing. I'll be alright, Kogasa. Just... help me get back to our home.\" That much is true. She isn't like her normal self. And she is much more aggressive. She's just gonna kneel on Kogasa for support, though.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With idiots like @LeftWoke\u200d who needs the Tories","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This would essentially require winning the literal lottery.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83e\udd24I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don\u2019t like broke women \ud83e\udd22\ud83d\udeae\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\udeae\ud83e\udd27 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This needs to become working in real-time, fam...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"berpose\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #holiday #meagain#beauty#withaynk\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can we talk about how he is having the worst year of any player in yankee history?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks so much for the likes and reposts. Much appreciated. @AddieTewd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trudeau's immigration solution: Put illegals in hotels via @user #Trudeau Hi Bo put our homeless families in hotels before you start catering to illegals and immigrants refugees? How about our homeless veterans? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You bitch, you coward, you dishonest spiritual kike worm. You were the one who intimated that RV was a faggot for criticizing you for looking like a gross unmanly slob, and now you want to bitch about psychologizing? Any white ethnostate would exclude you, because decent whites don't put up with trash like you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Four Women Accuse New York Attorney General Schneiderman of Physical Abuse; Alleged Champion of Women\u2019s Rights https:\/\/truepundit.com\/four-women-accuse-new-yorks-attorney-general-schneiderman-of-physical-abuse-alleged-champion-of-womens-rights\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An expressive piece, a Gothic feel to it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DUAL Cunt WHORES 1 & 2 by @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Out5p0ken @realDonaldTrump You know who DID NOT get infected with #covid19 [NEWLINE]@HillaryClinton , goes to prove the nation would have been better off with @HillaryClinton in the @WhiteHouse than with inept @realDonaldTrump [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpVirusDeathToll210K #VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/neqQHzAIrI https:\/\/t.co\/QdJvXJCH4B","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bout to go on my first overseas trip on my own #scared #i'manadultnow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I Can't Stand #Hypocrites The #LooneyLeft #Liberals and #Demoncrats Are Miserable Ppl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don\u2019t distribute them across Spain ( Europe) send them back to Morocco where they came from #migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Midnight_Snacka @Nick_504_ u look like that fat kid on Charlie walker the that got stuck it the chocolate tube.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The GOP has blood on their hands. GUN CONTROL!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user he is a Kunt and those like yourself who kept quiet while he murdered white farmer`s and stole Their land. You are a joke like ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this is BULLSHIT! Some crappy pop star in Philly instead of the Fresh Prince & DJ Jazzy Jeff! All of America needs to take a knee over this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow... She is destroying the life of a guy. She has filed a case. Her father ia going to court and she has not get any summons. If she had already stretched this. Seems like she has done something wrong. Police shld take the matter forward. Whoever is guilty shld b punished.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are seriously so despicable. How can you even look you kids in the eye...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SportsGrind @RudyJay711 that was my mock done on a simulator check it out pick your team how many rounds and go for it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Henny... Why do you outside. Where u and ya pussy ass sister at. We just wanna talk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user from this immediately or i will be looking into different services. what a scam. you guys should owe me money for this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heartbreaking some of the stories I heard while in refugee camps in #Uganda. See what we're doing to help in this latest video: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"getting a new truck next week! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #f150 #ford","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well she supported $7 co payment for Dr visits when President of AMA thats an indication . She is Ambitious thats all .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bobby's in father and i? coooool. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So sister fucker...name one single thing Obama said that was inappropriate?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine if a Senator didn't sit on it until last minute... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/gTnr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@AndrewAnglin\u200d Who are you rooting for fam? >inb4 niggerball","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user No, it is not. There are 50 States, and PR is NOT one of them.Nice try though.Bye, Felicia.#DealWithIt #WWG1WGA #QAnon #Q #RedWave #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #FISAGate #LockHerUp #LockThemAllUp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alexa's phone gave us colors and Julia got yellow I'm dying #racistaf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"How about we draft all those gung-ho folks and send them to Afghanistan or other war zones so they can show their... http:\/\/t.co\/sR1zceHx","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Unfortunately that it the liberals agenda ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some girl really tryna pick a fight bc I was 'standoffish' at a conference. bitch I'm workin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Looking at her lawyer I bet she is really into IT\"\" already!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"First thing they say is that you a hoe . Bitch where... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Calling me a queer boy yet your bashing woman...seems kinda ironic...i dont have to prove anything to someone who is putting white woman in the same catagory as jews and niggers....seems jewy to me....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Like ANTIFA. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If Jamie Oliver fucks with my \u00a33 meal deals at Tesco I\u2019ll kill the cunt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Look, gun grabbers. I have wasted a lot of breath in the last few years calling out your lies, explaining your errors in logic, etc. I\u2019m done with all that. My best and final answer is no. Go fuck yourselves.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't believe it's only 13 days til glasto \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00aa need to sta preparing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And I will never watch your movies again because you are a maniac!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The \"Global War on Drugs\" is Going to Fail When the Intelligence Services are Selling the Drugs... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jlamprecht\u00a0@PSchyemanskiy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dont forget: in event of a woman accusing men of rape;under sharia you just dig a hole, tie her hands, put her in hole, stone her to death ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugees welcome... But not in any of their homes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Further proving that #LiberalismCausesMentalRetardation and #Feminists are a cancer on the American Republic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Video: Italy allows migrant ships disembark after several days in limbo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"retweeted baycat (@user msg of #hope for #newyear: a business to end . #endof2016 #tedtalks #tedatibm... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"School shooting in Florida again...no deaths, one injured, suspect in custody. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Another example of the \u201cwhen they go low we go high\u201d lying liberals. Conservatives are experts at enduring their escapades and voting the right person in anyway. This is so predictable now it\u2019s like a dance.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's a shame we don't talk anymore. But that's your fault! #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Former James Comey assistant Josh\u00a0Campbell's goodbye flyer at the FBI. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello, sunshine. :) #flowers #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey, #GabFam, I just went through and gave a follow back to everyone already following me! Thanks for your support! It's awesome to be on an uncensored, free platform where real ideas and discussion can happen... #BoycottTwitter and make them IRRELEVANT!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch what the fuck do you mean you cant find the fucking page cunt i need to vote for my boys dont you understand ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well shit... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a8 #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach #hot #cool\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Cube has shown in the past that he is not in control of this. The investors on the board run the show. And they are super cheap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sometimes you just have to let others be #disappointed they have their own emotions and you have to #live your life. #yolo #selflove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"World Relief is working in Jordan to strengthen and support Syrian #refugee families through child friendly spaces, literacy programs, marriage and parenting curriculum and more! On our blog, read about the change these programs are making. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"50 year mandatory minimum for ANY crime committed with a gun will substantially reduce violence and put end to gun control babble. NO POLITICIANS will support this because they don't care. Why you ask ? Because they're politicians FIRST #TermLimits URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'I have a strict no touching kids policy but you already kmow how I feel about his dad' No, fuck you, you were all gung ho to let this get swept under the rug by Hillary Clinton. You deserve to be right there on the firing line with these cunts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how frozen 2 plans to change elsa - cinemablend #feelgood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holy moly!! If the catholic people haven't been awakened by this ..... #FalseProphet #Lunatic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope that dumb cunt gets her face beat in by a black woman over hearing her using the word nigga. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTF ?! I think I\u2019m going to barf !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'd point out he is an Australian and we don't have free speech like in the US. And we do have hate speech laws which people have been convicted under. This is skirts it enough to hint and point out but room to deny.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your mom was being a bitch to you? I totally see how that's my fault. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4Chan Hackers (because you need a guy on the ground) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone welcome @ItalianStallion619 :) he is new here and a great guy!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user and the kitten would get hate mail \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 #uneducated","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#invited2jive \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008danother great local tweet in #tf9, #shropshire. share yours on jivemap: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was more sad about how many liberals seem to love firing shots at allies. I saw it in 2016 with Bernie Sanders supporters calling me an Uncle Tom for supporting Hillary. I made the same argument then and now. No shade and hopefully you don't block me. I respect your opinion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user lets stretch bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user someone should feed you grenades you stupid fuck shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he honestly expresses his virility. if ivankas 3 kids were products of incest with daddy trump, that would b preferable than her mating with jared kushner.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy family day me ,my mom #esther_mbeke & my daughter #esther africankidsday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah that's where you're supposed to put the trash can.... #rude http:\/\/t.co\/molWF0py","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#northkorea is a great example of how to do smart policy. Man to man. Face to face is always better.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did she make some sort of sexual or foul joke? Liberals really like making her do that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've gone #GabPro! Let's see what all the fuss is about.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thats why they lobbied the government to ban reaserch funded bye the cdc that could be used to argue for gun control. guns in the home dont make you safer. quite the opposite. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What about the MILLIONS of women in middle east getting stoned and executed for BEING raped?? fucking dumb cunt! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Probably indoctrinating\". #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" peruvian women nds adult game","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Studies Confirm Turmeric Can Change Your Life: Here Are 7 Amazing Ways To Use It ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i dont think i'm sure and the joke is already there","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Maybe while he is on the DL someone can show how to wear his hat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Goodell should have been fired over a year ago. Looks like the owners will let him steer the ship right into the iceberg. Oh well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U2? Mysterious Cunts Trying to throw your cunt around the world Where the Cunts Have No Name","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ask this old whore to suicide or I can help this bitch die screaming. #BBUK You guyz r shit to bring her back. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I think other countries are following MAGA \ud83d\ude00 People are sick of being overrun & then have to pay for it all! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is the realest (and tealest) shit ever. Eric da gawd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#NoToKavanaugh He'll REVERSE Roe vs Wade-women's rights He'll SUPPORT Special Interest He'll PARDON Trump if indicted He'll DESTROY American Healthcare Act-ACA He'll FAVOR the NRA & STOP gun control He'll vote AGAINST LGBTQ rights He'll VIOLATE immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The first rule of Kike Club, Don't talk about Kike Club!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: In the spirit of peacemaking @JoeBiden has donated $750.00 to @realDonaldTrump. Eliminating Trumps stress and tax burden heading into tonight\u2019s debate. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your baby and boyfriend know you a hoe? #FUCKIT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ATM theft: Spray gel can stay on ATM thieves for up to five years after ... https:\/\/youtu.be\/VsP0yAXuqpk via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank you for what you are doing. For my daughters future.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This girl really think I\u2019m dumb \ud83d\ude02 bitch I know you scam stop DM me about that shit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cI am a chicken shit with no arguments.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@Stephenwildboy: Chilling 👅™ http:\/\/t.co\/mik3iPNle6\" sexy scally lad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol at the replies to this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. Have we thought about Gun Control in Uganda? 2. Do we have records of most of the guns in the country? 3. Do we have laws controlling our borders? 4. Who is safe?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the moment when loneliness and reality hits you at 4 or 5 in the morning.. #help","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Neo-nazis would never read the real Mien Kempf. They likely read the UN jew aproved version.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Ntknetwork News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'RNC Has Raised Over $250 Million for the 2018 Midterms' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Or Christian conservatives could man up and do whatever it takes to win. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When was the Last time you heard of an active shooter or school shooting done by an illegal immigrant? That's because statistically it's angry white men. Probably Trump supporters. You all believe whatever that moron says and it's ruining our democracy. Don't you care? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user to see janella and jerome whhoooo#asapredstringsunday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 90 % are not able to take over a job. They will stay in social welfare their whole life. This means social welfare must cutted or the refugees have to go home, otherwise the countries will go bankrupt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Anglin\/Sargon debate is a mess. You've got to have a neutral moderator that enforces some rules like time allotments, changes of subject, and not bringing people on to ambush your guests.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kathleen_herne Stink should shut his hole & just perform his tricks like a good trained monkey","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TSTN NETWORK!~}}8> KING OF THE NAME CHANGER'S, POLITICS, REALASTATE, BANK FROUAD, ARMS DEALING, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the #nc \"monster law\" made by republican lawmakers that disenfranchised black voters \"with near surgical precision.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER HIRE AMERICAN YOU PIECES OF TRASH!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! AND STOP BANNING CONSERVATIVES ON YOUR PLATFORMS PLEASE!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9\/28 you pussy BITCHHHHHHHH EAT IT UP LIL HOE I KNOW YOU BANG WIT US !!!! Its ROLLLLLLINNNNN ON MINE ION DO DA GROOVIN YADIG #SLUMLOVE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This shit is ridiculous ! Are we a bunch of jailhouse niggers ? If u get pissed about that ur a faggot. Snitch, snitchin, snitch ass nugga yo. Jailhouse nigger talk. I don\u2019t listen much (show). Still dude puts in time. Cryin yo ! Again nigger bs. Who hasn\u2019t cried ? U just didn\u2019t hv it filmed. Ur all niggers for makin him even hv to explain this shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's not a \"humanitarian\" ship. That's $oros. THEY MUST GO BACK.#STOPTHEINVASION ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#on the way to #gosaikunda #lake #trek #time","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a very funny man isn't he. I suspect even he doesn't really believe this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"18K signatures and counting: in the name of justice and a free press, sign + spread the petition for Trump to pardon Julian Assange https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/petition\/\u00a0 #Wikileaks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Poster at local rape crisis. Old woman with walker and raggy clothes. Title said 'It must be something she wore' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I have been thinking about it and it's not inconceivable that someone was trying to meddle with people's minds regarding gun control. I am double-minded about the use of arms because I am a peacemaker. Shoot once and you could start a big war. >2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"me and my sisters dog walking any bitch today so come on all you hating hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every day there's a horrible crime perpetrated by an illegal alien. #DeportThemAll #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And when they have white kids too it is just plain sadistic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is so stupid it makes her sooooooo HOT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user But he is a dildo! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Politically correct 'Medievalists of Color' demand a social justice interpretation of medieval studies - ignoring the fact that they would have been slaves in the period under discussion, with no social justice whatsoever. https:\/\/bayourenaissanceman.blogspot.com\/2018\/07\/d... #Medieval #History #SJW #PC #Doofus","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Through their grip on the media and academia leftists have rewritten America\u2019s past, transforming it from an epic story of freedom into a tale of racism, exploitation, oppression, like a twisted Marxist morality play about the powerful and their victims. They lie without guilt. #SpeakFreely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What did the nominee need to promise #trump2020 to get the job? #compromised #badjudgement #RIPRGB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bilt_official my #favorite #hat by #far and to be a pa of\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U sluts get them 100 likes on instagram and think y\u2019all the coldest bitch in Detroit \ud83e\udd27 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All that shit was hers URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So what? I'd like to do the same with Muslims ... like those Somali rapists plaguing Europe.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so called refugees are criminals inhuman monsters : plague of humanity.... a war declaration not welcome them...fight them... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \u201cMy head is a fuckin egg\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Doing soooo much better than the big Zero and his losers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hell yea #tonight #livemusic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald Trump Jr. \u200f@DonaldJTrumpJr 31 Dec 2017 Time for my annual pre-apology. I would like to pre-apologize for anything I say or do here that you don\u2019t like. I\u2019m not going to change anything per se just apologizing for your overreaction. #happynewyear \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"work work work \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #blessed #plusmodel #curvymodel #cuteoutfit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@dickmasterson #TheDickShow - ahead of the curve. I'm listening to Adam Carolla rant about how garbage truck divers are lazy Motherfuckers. (MasteriskFasteriskcks?)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BarackObama @MichelleObama @ColinPowellCCNY @Oprah @eltonofficial @BarbraStreisand @NAACP #LGBTQ we need you to push people to VOTE for @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @SenKamalaHarris PLEASE help them!! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/uV4zLgrQtR","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, even (\"the majority of\" - in my opinion) self-described #RedPilled #Gabbers have yet to realize that President Trump; as excellent as he seems to be; is ONLY the CEO of U.S., Inc. And; i am 95% confident that Trump understands this and much much more. #BigRedPill #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merry Christmas! (From https:\/\/twitter.com\/LBFlyawayhome\/status\/945056589...)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don't need to get out of her crusty, cobweb-filled pussy. Nobody is in it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The stuff that liberals get away with on #Twitter vs conservatives is baffling. Is it any wonder why platforms like #Gab.ai and #Minds are growing exponentially?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #auspo;l #hansen #pauline #muslims #senate chat with maria ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* What is tolerance?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He needs more \u201cgun control!\u201d \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Episode 92 of Grace & Steel is now posted to YouTube and added to the playlist. TOPIC: A Consideration of Zoe Quinn's Memoir. We discuss 'Crash Override', the new book by the queer person who was the focus at the beginning of GamerGate. https:\/\/youtu.be\/jBJAgccvBEg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/zAUYGL61SKPl\/\u00a0Stop the frankenfood that is banned in most countries except the USA. Stop the Vaccines that our completely out of control. Stop the 5g that is microwaving and cooking humans.Grindall61 is brilliant at delivering facts and taking action in his own community.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eat your steak with a spoon because diversity stabs too much. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Worst WW3 ever.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user all checked in for my flight to cincinnati and #ragt16 tomorrow! whoot! !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thanks for being a bad bitch we CAN believe in URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LPT: Don\u2019t let anyone ever tell you that you\u2019re not good enough to make it, even if today you legitimately suck at the thing you are trying to accomplish. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hound of hell, a little too close ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RAF #Drone pilots save scores of fleeing Syrian refugees with air-strike on #IslamicState ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So much ass tho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yyyy fuck no bitch we decided we both was gone steepppp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmao... Even Geraldo thinks it was fked... You lose Whoopi..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user FEMA has contacted the Senator and was told.its a TV hit you take them when you can\"\" He Is a liar. If he had a set... he would put on his big girl panties and tell the truth!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dang do his NC fans that pay the salaries know this \ud83e\udd2b\ud83e\udd2b\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude1c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like to delete comments that say 'first' to assert my dominance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER just wanna make sure you see how we're basking in the booty","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Alessia you fkn skank go change ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I used to do signifing monkey by heart. Played it for the wife and she is like what the hell? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Christmas is canceled in Nazareth because a Muslim mayor is being a petty piece of scum. https:\/\/www.dangerous.com\/38967\/nazareths-muslim-m...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OMG we can't trust that nigger Kanye West my fellow comrad... Errrr I mean white conservative Christian soldiers! It's a trick! - EVERY SINGLE SHAREBLUE SHILL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have to borrow this for reasons. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NOW I KNOW WE HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE TO FEED, BUT THESE TWO? THESE ARE MINE! NOW GO BACK TO FEEDING PEOPLE, I'M STARVING! I HAVEN'T EATEN IN AT LEAST 40 MINUTES! YOU NEED A MAGA HAT!\" URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They all made false statements that they were U.S. citizens- submitted fraudulent Social Security cards, driver's licenses and state ID cards - to their employers to take #jobs From LEGAL Workers #LaborDay #laborday #MAGA #SendThemHome #HireAmericans ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(Part 3) Hey, Potato.\"\" \/\/Yeah? \"\"How is our inkling girl sidekick so OP?\"\" \/\/...Good question. \"\"She really is strange, isn't she?\"\" \/\/Yeah; but she IS our sidekick.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@big_msudawg11 oh state, just enjoy your trailer trash and your sub par sports.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just imagine the tyranny we\u2019d be living under had these leftwing tryants waging war on us and our duly elected president and the American Republic itself gained tyrannical control of the US Supreme Court the neocon\u2019s #NeverTrump crew was trying to deliver to them? #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"loooooooooooool I don't date, sweetheart. Just dick appointments ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Personally, they all freak me out! Larry, Moe and Curly were once in charge=FREAKY! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rape is always 90% YOUR fault if you're an innocent little girl or a woman according to evil Islam.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You think they\u2019ll \u201cget\u201d violent? Antifa already is..... I do agree it will get worse. That\u2019s why we all need to learn self defense and get concealed carry approved w\/insurance.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bottom line #bidenharris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/lsWZtfTdI2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Umm she is a reporter asking a question. The Senator is acting like a baby. Is this really what adults act like? Shame on you CBS. Shame. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER that's fucking gross.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user real talk do you have eyes or were they gouged out by a rapefugee? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"and were you very on that #day you watched 44 #sunsets? but the little #prince did not reply.\" #littleprince ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ford knew the moment she came forward anonymously\" that her name would get out. This was an effort to stall the #kavanaugh nomination. 35 yo Accusations that knowingly can't be proven. Throw mud at the last minute. This is what the #Resistance looks like.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Finnish Men patrol the streets to protect women from refugees \"Migrants should be deported\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even a little run can soothe your #mind & #hea. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How many more women 'FBI 'sir have to report rape by 'Harvey Weinstein ' before you arrest him. 33 women are not enough for you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter... proverb #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the 4 #secret ingredients for a truly #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to all fathers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s because you have never been holocausted 6 gorillion times.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrats and Conservacucks are remembering John McCain. If he died in 2007, it would be only Conservacucks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did she also say when they do to walk away\"\"?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user malia shake that ass! you so fine!.....pass the blunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Manafort has been on K street for a long time. He knows things. Deep dark things. I agree. He is gonna burn some folk. Mueller already knows who he wants. Manafort is gonna give them up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Swedish Report Sheds Light on 'Ghetto Patriarchy' Preventing Women From Voting https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/europe\/201803161062602764-sweden-ghetto-women-voting\/ #Swelection2018 #Sweden","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope more people will begin to realize this. The declass will occur but timing is important.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user well do some research and dairy and gluten allergies are major problems with mental health from anxiety and depression to bi polar and schizophrenia.. Its a tough diet but if you are sick of feeling like you are its way worth it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just release them back to Mexico they can deal with it. We shouldn't be paying for this back charge the countries their coming from and add it to their bills. They created it charge them for it Stop being so dam nice we need the border BS handled ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall\/EndDACA\/End Sanctuary Cities\/End Chain Migration\/Pass Raise Act\/Enact E-Verify\/Enforce Travel Ban\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/End Div ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user and how about this rich fire island gays that welcomed cruz into their home for a fundraiser ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My coworker has a sick ass one for work ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No liberals welcome on my property! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol this literally doesn't do shit. Maybe learn how you can be better? 'Not all men' is such a fucking cop out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Child Prostitution: Feds Break Up Mexico-to-Queens Sex Trafficking Ring via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hope that woman is executed with the rapist disgusting whore \ud83d\ude20","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Inspired by everything from perceptual psychology to hip-hop, @user \u200balumnus @user ('13) made his creative passions a reality despite the hardships he went through as a child of immigrant parents. Full story here: #BeBaruch #BaruchPride ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was 7\/8 in the Round of 16. I\u2019m hoping to go 4\/4 for the Quarterfinals. This World Cup has been exciting so far.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You keep telling this lie. I think you Liberals believe yourselves. Focusing on those who need t most yet you have how many million sitting in the veterans budget with no intention of funding them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Simply to get the smear campaign going by the media. The democrats want a he said under oath while she\u2019s supposed to get a pass on her she said lies. This woman is a fraud in cahoots with the liberals to delay & divert until midterms.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cheap woman ,expensive woman ,black woman ,white woman , colored woman ,short woman tall woman short woman slut whore ,boss lady,u got woman,pretty woman,thick woman ,thin woman etc give them names but they still women n women are one of God's greatest creation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can't fucking believe it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 100%. The death threats thing is disgusting. The party of \u201cfamily values\u201d says ANTIFA are so dangerous or any resistance group. Has Kavanaugh and family had death threats? Inquiring minds want to know. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Your looking more like a plant #maga #walkaway URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"something needs to be done like now, not in 5 years time, now! #orlando #florida #tragedy #guncontrol \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what a complete joke! @user how do these rape covering up clowns know what to fix if there isn't a repo by pepper h. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Bwahahahahaha....she is a liar. Let her bring a case with the State of MD then. I would love to see it and see her bankrupted by Kavanaugh's attorney in a libel suit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user henry is so fucking great and was def my #sickkidsinlove inspo and i love him and his death is a PROBLEM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We had plenty of diversity before the #Globalist elites started to import the 3rd world. #StopMassMigration #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegalAilens #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The bargain is, whether he will start talking about the direct orders he received from the head traitor or go down silently. Knowing his kind, he will sing like a flock of birds.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Hbt2013Mm I'll ask you same question Do you support border jumpers Do you support illegals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Northern Ireland was explicitly designed so the British establishment could stop paying attention to Ireland. They\u2019ve been indifferent since 1921. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what this usa born koran muslim showed all america after #orlando shooting is assimilation is fruitless with koran. obama k\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Over 7 years ....it\u2019s pathetic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm responding with a fact. You are totally unfamiliar with how Harper government incentives and it's laughable that you're saying that. You know what you can have your check mate. I give it to you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER it does which sucks but honestly at least i can mute all the instances full of weirdos and just scope fed\/local it's a treat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I raise you with the Lion if the senate. He actually killed someone yet LIBERALS continued to send him to back to congress for 47 years. Blather on URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user i think i'm the only person tweeting about this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I don't live in the US so maybe that is one reason why i don't know who she is \ud83d\udc80","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ASK YOURSELF A SERIOUS QUESTION... BITCHCOIN WAS TRADING AT $11 IN 2011... AND HIT A PEAK OF $19,000 LAST MONTH... SO $1,716 RETURN ON EACH BITCHCOIN... ARE YOU TELLING ME... THAT WALL STREET MISSED OUT ON THIS MOST PROFITABLE FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY... THERE'S YOUR ANSWER...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm moving so not worried about self doxing... thats down the street from where I live rn. I live just off the college campus here. Its niggerville. I call it Detroit Jr.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You can't lump small l Liberal conservatives in with the far right nutbags....... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hi @user we hear you're coming to mk . where about a will you be?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's clear that we're having a crisis of #compassion in this country. so what do we do about it? read ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feelings without thinking is liberalism .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 good one bitch. I still fuck badder hoes than you , habesha bitches \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14. Your irrelevant , bitch I kno\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It is always same-trash Trump & conservatives. I have stopped watching American TV & going to movies. I have discovered wonderful foreign television shows albeit many subtitled that are now my favorites & there is always good old-fashioned reading & music & creative endeavors.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"greatest threat\u2019 to Austrian security, says top military figure.EU and Europe bitterly divided\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030major confrontations between the two.Nothing more counterproductive than \u201ccenters\u201d on European territory or euro bribes for migrants.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"those nights that turn into moments. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #life #smile #view #mamashelter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Trump Supporter! #maga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"damn my life is pretty awesome right now... kids are great, bills are paid, about to get married.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i wish that i could be like a cool kids hahaha #latepost #igboy #last #day #of #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER David stop it with your logical connections.... True journalists like you are not in vogue..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You talk like a faggot-assed POG. Nobody cares, this isn't a Denny's. No discount here, boot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian bishop says he\u2019s ready to \"turn all the churches into mosques\" to aid the cause of mass Muslim migration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We do know she belongs to the violent liberal Antifa party who w\/ their KKK HOODS beat up total strangers & are funded to do so by her party. Most violent & corrupt party trying to now pour on the tears & get us to believe they have a heart. Hard sell to anyone including voters! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lines from The Right Stuff - Gen Chuck Yeager isn\u2019t liking this either","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A boy does everything to finish school with flying colors &; you expel him few days before his graduation? Did he kill or rape anyone? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"working a double with no break \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #serverlife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a wonderful woman! This is the kind of immigrant we need here! \ud83d\udc95\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Then support meaningful gun control and there wouldn't be atrocities like that to use? Don't want them raising money for good causes? Eliminate the disasters! #trumpisamoron #Stopkavanaugh #NYTimesOpEdByQaNon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user i've contacted customer services via email a few times over some missing points from a couple of months ag\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lolololol one of my images when uploaded to products (specifically blankets) look like an old school batman lolololol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@mis_sarahd @basedpapi1017 tranny","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DARKNESS REVEALED: Satanic Mind Control Drug ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So why are we focused on getting illegal immigrants out of the country more than we are worried about fixing the loopholes in gun control?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You lied you don\u2019t know about the Mulford Act. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First Booker is caught in a lie; now Kamala. Don't they have any legit arguments against #POTUS #Trump & #GOP ? Must everything be a deception?#Liars #MAGA #KAG #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think I\u2019ll blame all the dumbasses for gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No he is waging war against you & all of the horrible things you have done. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He worries about \u201cantifa\u201d while he invites and poses for pics with known neonazis. SMDH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Dubious mortgages? lol You mean the NINJA loans for subprime borrowers that banks WERE FORCED TO PROVIDE by Democrats and liberals citing that NOT providing them was racist and discriminating just because people don't have a job. CMOs were a derivative of THE SUBPRIME PROBLEM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"aptly named... we have whitesboro in ny with its ndn killing town seal, and whiteland with its mascot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER she is hungery","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Liars like the Antifa twins you vigorously defend?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Willie\u2019s hurtful response to his former fans who have quit him in droves over of his support for that little hippie Beano. #MAGA @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"False flag. Symbolism and name calling.Nothing appears to have actually happened other than the whites were afraid to taunt them back. If you're too afraid to even return an insult then PLEASE! YES! any nearby jigaboos DO go and exterminate that genetic trash out of our group,before it infects too many of the rest of us with it's self fulfulling cowardice.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"niggas get crafty with diff ways of saying \u201cwomen do it too\u201d or not all men. any variation will get you blocked, but the effort is funny. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user They on their bullshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our much anticipated Reception Managers office finally got under way today! Hopefully with minimal disruption to patients Here our Practice Manager Catherine Oates supervises as Reception Manager Tina gets the work started!! #nhs #romford #buildthatwall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why follows me ppl that met justin why why why ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nasty a$$ Liberal sheep...you are prime example of sheeple with NO BRAIN.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm calling now. The #PATRIOTS are going to win EVERY SUPERBOWL that DONALD TRUMP is in OFFICE! @PriscillaValentine\u200d @Shepherd\u200d @leamorabito\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Get over yourselves ladies... You're wrong.... all the time! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@joeysulipeck @myfoxmemphis the minute those red n yellow for rent signs go up the reg. ppl start selling n move","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Initially I was mildly opposed to Judge Barrett as I knew little about her but as I've read more about her and educated myself about her qualifications, background and belief system I've come to realize that she is likely the best, finest and the most qualified candidate for the open seat on the USSC. I hope Trump chooses Judge Barrett for the position. She'd be in good company with Justice Gorsuch and and the late Justice Scalia would have approved of her IMHO. I'd have to say just the opposite about Soros backed globalist lover Raymond Kethledge.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user & the #democraticpay keeps telling me that #blm but i see #chicago #detroit & every other #innercity in #america!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God help us","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER K. Dog Shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alex Jones -\u00a0The tech-elite's are looking to crack down on free speech. https:\/\/t.co\/ZUm2gZHejC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Democ Rats are pulling the Anita Hill trick to derail the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation. It will not work! Get over @user triumph. You communists will not destroy the USA #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sent that thing btw \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at a loss of words. in the name of faith... | american pastor makes outrageous comments ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant Parents Are Being Charged Up to $8\/Minute to Call the Children They're Separated From #care2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Funny how they are still scared shitless of a 60+ year old meme.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Murderers, rapists, pedophiles among illegal aliens escaping ICE in Oakland raid thanks to Dem mayor's Twitter alert #ProgressivePolicies #StopTheInvasion #TheICEManCometh #ThereIsMoreOfThemOutThere #UncheckedProgressivism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your ride for work came early but you weren't done stalkin all of bae's social media pages ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pit bull attacks Jehovah's Witnesses in Washington, police say http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/2018\/05\/10\/pit-bull-attacks-jehovahs-witnesses-in-washington-police-say.html a good reason to keep 'em on hand eh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER WHAT THE FUCK YOURE SO GORGEOUS IM ACTUALLY SOBBING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Excellent analysis @user on latest refugee industry talking point---the Open Borders Industry claims that taking more refugees helps our foreign policy position in the world.Are we thus allowing the UN to dictate our foreign policy? Good question!https:\/\/t.co\/2IZfr1Ws2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today i'm singing on the worship team at elgin city church! #worship #church","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You do understand the term hypocrite? Because your entire \"argument\" was a litany of worn out insults. Up your game, because that shit is weak as fuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7: The Croatian authorities, surprisingly, reject the EU\u2019s bid of 6,000 euros per migrant. \u00f0\u0178\u2018\u008f #v4 #visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"paint paint paint! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #studentcolour #sheffield #colourful #instagood #fitness #colourrun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user UK Polititians are a special breed of FILTH! They get together and vote that their Expense and Sex Crimes (paedophilia) remain secret and then declare child abuse documents remain secret due to National Security Nothing to do with National Security ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fake news \u2018threat to democracy\u2019 report gets back-burner response from UK gov\u2019t https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/8DNr by @riptari","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sick ! What these immigrant babies are consistently going through is inhuman. This shit is unbelievable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"weight loss yaaaaaaaasss #fitness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow you\u2019re a fucking Clown. You must be a Jew","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just don't be A White democrat and all will be fine.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Guatemalan mother separated from her 7-year-old daughter waits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user hrc ppl honestly don't c\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Dory: my anaconda don't want none, unless you defeat the Huns, son http:\/\/t.co\/uzTkGaWTfM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user excellent analysis >> this #backlash against #refugees is the real crisis in europe | apostolis fotiadis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"you idiots literally are the left\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As we watch the world be consumed with Muslim religion fanatics. We must protect our country, religion and for god sakes our children. We need to be diligent on not allowing more Muslim refugees in our Christian country. Muslim do not believe in Jesus as our son of God. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Trump flying into Las Vegas to host MAGA rally URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #transformationtuesday ! i'm excited because my abs are coming in\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #vegansofig\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user enjoy everything already given to you rather than always needing more. #blessed #thankful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"managed to get @user #facevaluetickets for february 28th right after the @user ended! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I miss you more main slut halavyaahhh HHAHAHHAAHAHpatatas!!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"same party that authorised vans going around telling immigrants to go home uno ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is the absolute worse. Period. That is all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AntiFa fascists and Socialists are one and the same......time to respond ! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Josh I am not fucking a loli robot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Susan has lost all credibility and needs to STFU as you said! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the more familiar we become, the more difficult it is to stereotype. . \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.vernasstudycorner.ca\/2018\/08\/mentoring-corner-study-guide-for-death-of-self-part-1-02-08-18\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user LMAO! You are still butt hurt that your loser Hitlary lost. Love it. See you at the polls in 2020 Bucky. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh dear, Melania strutting her political thang with fact Contradict her husband and that she should just stay in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant like Trump wishes we all could return to. The wife should be seen but not heard. Just like in the 50s ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BettinaVLA @9975Ts @SenWarren She's just another straight-up conscienceless liar. Soulless criminal trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"skipping the super bowl 4 the sake of the memories of real men who fought for the right for the freedom of speech that they have taken advantage of,plus they allow you take a knee for black lies matter but tim tebow couldn't take a knee for jesus christ,sick of liberal communist running our country,trump train is full of fuel coming with lady liberty full speed!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You're not a woman for posting that, you're just a big ole bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ppl hate to give credit when it's due. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they gave the name of the bitch that was your mother and told me to rape her to have you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch what do you mean? Get It by Pristin? no? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow it took 36 years? Bet this would of never came up if he had not been choose for supreme Court. Shows the liberals for what they really are. In a way that's a good thing\ud83d\ude01 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Children or not, send the back. If an illegal is arrested, bye!!!#PutThemOnTheBoatFirst#SendThemBack#SendThemAllBack#NoDaca#BuildTheWallNow#AmericaFirst#MAGA#LiberalismIsTheDisease ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER There are plenty of sane centrist democrat citizens but far leftist politicians & Antifa weirdos? No thanks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only $10 million to catch & deport 20 million #IllegalAliens ?? I think @user needs a lot more $$s to do their job ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"India should be tough on illegal immigration from Bangladesh and deport the immigrants. Once these people settle down they slowly move south. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER hey bitch daily reminder that i love you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I think they meant to write Michael. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER wow @USER you are so cute","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HEEEEE'S BAAAAAACCK! bama refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech!Reminding us ALL how to VOTE:#Trumplandslide2020 AND#PENCE2024 AND WE WANT TO #BUILDTHATWALL!! via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It\u2019s easier for Pod to believe both sides are terrible. Then he doesn\u2019t have to honestly look at the conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Well, see, if I start talking at Dana about sensible gun control laws and she ignores me (or calls me a tragedy dry-humping whore\" as she did @USER then we aren't having a conversation. I'm just talking into the void.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The more Antifa BS average Americans see in the news the more repulsed they are by their antics. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user imagine that, @user is finally ashamed enough of his past to try and hide it. #misogynist #homophobe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Oh it\u2019s ok because 45 reversed the most important issue on mental health he got rid of the mental health conditions on gun control. Great job! What a guy! He is a liar proven over & over again. But you worship away that\u2019s your right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No you wouldn't sis I know damn well you would probably call it cute people propose in concerts all the time yet when its a gay couple its wrong you're at a fucking concert you don't have to pay attention ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"morning spain! \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 #spain #javea #alicante #family #friends #holiday #exciting #beach\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user im not meeting selena gomez anymore because she canceled the meet and greet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Bad people don\u2019t obey the law. There are many more guns in circulation in North America than there are people. Gun control is liberal mind masturbation.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Looks like conservatives made a back room deal with her as they are best known for always playing dirty divisive politics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user live on blog: 5 tips on how you can live a happier life! #tips #blogger #blog ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the sunset tonight. #beautiful #nature #sunset #grateful #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Imran Khan set to appoint Pakistan\u2019s own Dr Strangelove as his defence minister ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Their warm days are already gone and voters know the RAPEfugee crisis is there to stay. Theyve got far bigger problems than weather. Deteriorating social welfare system and sky high crime rate. #Sweden ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh Yes. He is a coward. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The real problem is illegal immigration and if Cristhian Bahena Rivera wasnt in our country, Mollie would be alive today. #MollieTibbets #dummycratoftheweek #justiceforMollie #ElizabethWarren #IllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien CrimeAn overwhelming majority of the Illegal Alien crimes I post every single day, EVERY SINGLE DAY, are committed by dREAMER age criminals!These heinous monsters are who the Left describes as magnificent patriots.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What takes up 12 parking spaces? 6 women drivers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"global fusion \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c #themuddplay #muddplayers #theduolife #theduospirit #fashion #love #bling \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New on Medium: Why #OswaltsLaw matters for fathers (and how to better protect your girls). https:\/\/medium.com\/@ThisDadDoes\/why-oswaltslaw-mat...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some of these Instagram hoes have herpes. Bitch you nasty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Only when u vote out the liberals & ndp!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stop being spineless and tell the Eu its our country and stop migrants dictating to us via eu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watching Eng v Bel in a pub off Covent Garden with my son who was just awarded a 1st with honours today in Computer Science. #WorldCup2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Return the children to pedophiles and human trafficking in most cases OR don't cross border and mommies won't have that issue! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user kad raya still relevant regardless the advanced technology kan. i tried to find the musical one takda dan tak banyak piliha\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Set Free On Bond by Obama Has Murdered a Woman and Kidnapped Her Baby @user @user Why do the citizens of the U. S. have to put up with these atrocious \"Illegal Alien Crimes\" against Americans?#HonorYourOath#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don\u2019t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"face paint friday #weekend #kids \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my \"happy things place\" \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f all my scuba stuff is here, from the beginning to now \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What the actual fuck. I hate that I've seen that with my eyes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ty\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093dear #friend\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093@user @user @user @user is in #eyes of #beholder you! #days\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why are white people #expats when the rest of us are #immigrants? #socialclass #money #privilege ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No fr! People are always on the most bullshit & I\u2019m not postponing or missing anything else because another person can\u2019t get their shit together. So if all else fails I go by myself & Tbh I end up having a better time anyway \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is here. Every one on council is here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning ! \u00f3\u00be\u0081\u0085 #hello #goodmorning day #enjoy #instaquote #fun #goodvibes #instafashion #fashion... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":",...Criminal Complicity in ALL OF THIS MESS! --- Last night, Mr. Gregg Jarrett appeared on Hannity\"!,...He is Always Incredible, and He made Another Great point when He reminded All Of US that \"Starting an illegitimate Investigation is a Crime\"! --- TRUTH IS COMING OUT MUELLER!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good Job asshole!!!...You just killed your dad's chance of a get out of jail free card!!! #MAGA @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I kind of feel like AntiFa are terrorists.but maybe I'm overstating it lol \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user God help us. the woman cant even get coherent sentence out of her mouth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER #usaafr18 looking forward to: Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owens, who will give the Wednesday, October 17, 2018 lecture about Medical Bondage and the Birth of American Gynecology.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Criminal Alien Statistics @user @user These statistics are incredible for this year alone 20 days 316 DUI's, deaths? 20 sex crimes,1 a day?These crimes shouldn't occur!#BuildTheWall #NoDACADeal #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh my lord its a great day in the neighborhood @user is following me on twitter!!! woohoo!! #blockheadforever #nkotb \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antifa are communists, the \"nazis\" were fighting against the communists back then. The reason why folks STILL to this fucking day confuse what the \"nazis\" were, is PURELY down to the holocaust propaganda being fed to kids at schools and the full of shit holocaust movies on TV. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I AM SO WEAK SHE REALLY BEAT HER ASS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What kind of classes are you taking? You have ass homework? Is this an anatomy class? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user its time to be and financially #free. - #sarahparkehomas #success","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump No you fucking won\u2019t!!! #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not good. A district court clearly should not have this power over a clearly legal act within a Presidents authority.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It seems that @user holds the whip hand when it comes to governing the @user and Brexit. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .Vote Thursday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The FBI would be the proper authority to administer this polygraph despite their corruption at the top of their organization.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's ashame that REPUBLICAN PARTY DON'T do anything about gun control after all these people have been killed for no reason it's ashame that REPUBLICAN PARTY DON'T do anything about cop killing the REPUBLICANS are trying to distract AMERICA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to encourage President Trump to keep trying to ban more refugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let's follow this very nice advice to keep a #married life. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@teapot Great GIF. Got a source URL for @gifs?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"friday treat! \u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080 #jamdoughtnut #naughty #naughtybutnice #tfifriday #foodgloriousfood #dreadedmonkey \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e3\u0080\u0090bot\u00e3\u0080\u0091 one of the roots of is #whiteaustralianpolicy aus is garbage can of prisoners of uk #manifestdestiny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dear @user please define #systemicracism and #economicapaheid what do you and or #da intend to do to add\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love the event well organized i will be back for more color next year 2017 #colourmehappy @user everyone ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugees are not allowed to stay in India #ZEE24KALAK Go back to your home. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All the way to prison...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today involves a day in the house looking for a new tv series to watch, any recommendations would be nice \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d #tv #tvseries #dayin \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheBechtloff\u200d I saw this and thought of you:\u00a0https:\/\/twitter.com\/DeadwingDork\/status\/9613201400...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MAGA are PERVERTS AND DEMONS-PERIOD! NOTHING IS SACRED OR INNOCENT WITH THESE MUTTS OF SATAN URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control is racist. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e @user @user own team up with #new #mc @user & show what #phillysuppophilly & combat h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Josh I am not fucking a loli robot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Homelandsecurity destroy over 4000 waterbottles in the southdesert of USA. They want to stop refugees which like to settle in USA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in bluntly tweet, #cologne #police @user announces racial profiling at main station. wow! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes as fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Snapchat finally has an accurate filter for these bitches.... The goddamn devil ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Who talks shit on buff chicken dip dude it\u2019s buff chicken dip ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Syrian refugees board buses at Lebanon border, begin their journey back home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i swear everytime i go ''men are trash'' my irl feels the need to say ''well... not ALL men'' BITCH WHO ASKED YOU ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user When tRUmp posts shit like this you know that he is distracting from something else that is going on. #Distractification ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@A_Little_Wicked that's not ghetto. That's sweet and a movie quote. Try again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Was this a threat from @USER #DangerousDemocrats #maga URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What is my fucking problem? Really?\"\" \u2014Jason denys a couple of times. He does not want to behave like an idiot \/ not again \/ but he's worried about her. \"\"Where is Dick or Bruce? Are not they with you in this?\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And, last but not the least. That NRC issue is a political gimmick. No real action would be taken. No illegal immigrants are going to be deported. Go home.It's an AM : PM tiki taka !You are free to dance like a monkey, from either side. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'happiest place on eah' is so incredibly right now #disneygatorattack #orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #sick #pakistani teen burnt alive by her mother for choosing own #husband via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The whole world dodged a bullet this election with Trump. We now have the same problem in CANADA under Obama' buddy Justin Trudeau.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"missing you comes in waves, today i'm drowning... #daddy#nofathersday #hate#strokes#loveyourparents","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @transtrenda: Okay okay but. Trans birds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The liberals will use whatever label they can to discredit people who disagree and\/or are a threat to their agenda.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LorenaSGonzalez: I am a California State Assemblywoman, but remain a proud @Teamsters #unionmember -- celebrating #LaborDay weekend ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For the case the migrants in Germany don't behave and it goes wrong, we will have some millions of camouflaged cops and soldiers. So don't play with us!Our cops first. If they give up, then our soldiers will take care of the situation! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i'm funny in spanish, i fail in english ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But really....well Hold on. Let me go comment on some girls photo with her boobs hangin out. \ud83d\ude43","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user paul george ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#girl my panties were wet - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And what a gay day for all competitors that will be.... But Sweden you forget your Islam migrant and terrorism problem.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is such a con apparently finds are running low\ud83d\ude0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FBI has nothing to investigate. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alastair Campbell is another deluded Remoaner!The word #Hypocrite springs to mind after reading this nonsense!#Brexit #BrexitShambles #BrexitMeansBrexit #BrexitBetrayal#BNP #immigration #ImmigrationReform #Trump #Patriot #shadowbanned ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is the consensus of the Republican Party that sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl should not disqualify a judge from sitting on the highest court in the land and making life-or-death decisions about women's health. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Qanon Q !UW.yye1fxo 01\/07\/18 (Sun) 00:40:14 05b846 No.13097 Coincidence? Q Q !UW.yye1fxo 01\/07\/18 (Sun) 00:43:37 05b846 No.13128 Coincidence? Who received the stolen intel? Who paid who? Q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i'll be able to count on one hand how many times they actually stand up tonight. #no perspective#behappywearehere","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Gabfam, the leftists (and degenerates) are pushing hard to normalize pedophilia.\u00a0 This is the third and final time I'll be posting this.\u00a0 If you're interested in doing something to stop this, read the link. https:\/\/www.scribd.com\/document\/383096570\/Destroy-... #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @nicoleyyrosiee: Remember in 2001 when the Yankees were in Boston and the crowd was cheering USA instead of \"Yankees suck\" I love baseba…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Those fucking calves man \ud83e\udd24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall So they can keep tunneling under the Border. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Her name is Justice. She demands he is innocent","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @renegadecut: Video: Renegade Cut: Snowpiercer — An analysis of Bong Joon-ho’s sci-fi action film. Topics include... http:\/\/t.co\/YNT9zS0…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Levi's use to be an American company. It is not nothing but a global socialist company that uses slave labor to make products. Then ship them back to America and charge outrageous inflated prices. I don't buy and want start now. #MAGA #DrainingTheSwamp #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Some one tell the Judge that Aiding Illegal Aliens is against Federal Immigration laws so the judge legally can not order people to aid illegal aliens!https:\/\/t.co\/Vlp58aNfKD ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"100 guys? Yeah, we can barely wrangle up ten to do anything ever since the Bundy's got laughed out of town, twice, for standing up and doing something. No one wants to get laughed at by their \"friends\" while they rot in jail with no support. That's why none of us make a move. We don't receive the support from \"our side\", whatever the hell we call ourselves this week.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Damn he fell victim to a little thing called TOS much like the ones on his own site ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday!! #twice tzuyu day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's just one of them. I noted that one of the missing was \"25 years old and working in foreign trade\". That means he was involved in transporting illegal drugs to the U.S. #BuildThatWall @user . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/ The term 'Dreamers' is high-powered persuasive warfare. Instantly claims the moral high-ground. What's wrong with having dreams? 2\/ Appeals to logic and rationality are useless against 'Dreamers'. Only effective counter is to reframe the issue. What's hot right now?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" birds & bad #piggies #finger family \\ #nursery rhymes lyrics and ... qua @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So explain to me why Joe Kennedy was speaking last night and just who the fuck He supposed to represent? If there was ever a gutter family that deserves its bullet-catching reputation, it\u2019s this organized crime built, women murderering, rapists batch of globalist ratshit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.hydroshieldgulfcoast.com\/cape-coral-protective-sealant-coating\/: If you are looking for the very best Cape Coral new home sealing company, I've found HydroShield of ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user We must stop importing refugee terrorists, we should never play Russian roulette with lives of British citizens. #westminster #parsonsgreen #carolinelucas #refugeesnotwelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#SecondAmendment I saw the Dems in the Kavanaugh hearings bring up common sense\" gun control, time after time. @USER is a Chicago guy. Chicago has some of the very toughest gun laws in the country, yet it's the gun violence capital of the USA. How about this Dick, ++\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hit you up on skype this morning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You wore the yoga pants on purpose! You know us guys are gonna stair so stop getting all pissy! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DarthMaverick7 @Xcntrik @religulous @chrispyosh Rather than believe that there was a man who was the very definition of good, u mock it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Just as I thought we were getting along. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w\/ mine U lil bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ladies want a task for your to do list today? quit talkin to scared lil bitch ass dudes... Some of y'all need to respect yourself enough to tell them to figure shit out & either man up or stfu. Real women ain't got time for that shit! #realtalk -Cardi B ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Now just vote him out. He is a known racist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tyler perry claims \u00e2\u0080\u0098reverse racism\u00e2\u0080\u0099 by critics of his tlc series #tyler #perry #claims #reverse #critics\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Well that's going to send the fake makers of main stream media and the left liberals and the powers behind them nuclear. Amazingly powerful world changing moment in humanitys history. #qanon it's everything we've been told to expect! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MBGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sick verbal irony of the #left: equaling homophobe & islamophobe. protecting both the viper & the mouse as the viper eats the mouse. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You two are nothing but attention seeking whores. Start talking about real issues such as racial injustice sensible gun control prison reform and other issues that important ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey CADBURY, GO BAUCK, BAUCK YOURSELF!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'We are fed this diet of rights and freedoms, and there is something so pathologically wrong about that.\u00a0\u00a0People are starving for the antidote.\u00a0\u00a0The antidote is truth and responsibility.' - Jordan Peterson","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fed up with this crap! #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lol okay cuz this shit gotta be discreet \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And you should know about being a hysterical woman. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're just trash like sorry","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cuddles. #love #family #author #writerslife #sassy #gypsy #gypsysoul #bipolar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What she is proven??? Lies??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just like every other social justice cunt: bitch doesn't know anything about the economy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if a \"negro\" is good he is allowed to go to #heaven as a servant for all eternity according to #mormonism. mormonis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey guys, is it true Soros supposedly had a heart attack??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you a Property Agent or Broker? Have you considered http:\/\/en.clubcooee.com\/users\/view\/capuanotop0719","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It worked out well for Zimbabwe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With Playboi Carti saying \"don't care that pussy got some milage milage\" and Lil Pump saying \"you're such a fucking hoe I love it\"2018 is the year for loving promiscuous women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Right on, very cool pic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user bitch shut the fuck up you're fucking your best friends dad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Republicans aren't the only racist in America. We have racist Democrats too. But don't play the token negro card... http:\/\/t.co\/FT5c4yhraG","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER well she is hot and lie with a smile .. so yeah","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RED ALERT we're down to the wire!\u00a0 White House petition expires in 10 hours!\u00a0 Pardon Julian Assange - SHARE SHARE SHARE this with all social channels.\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/sites.google.com\/view\/10hrspardonjulianassange","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user many toy adves are and show 'narrow and limiting' #genderstereotypes, study warns via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"motherfuckers got blood samples next! lol, u score one on the dudes and they get their fweelings hu....wow it's on ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And a whore got locked up doing you know what.. And I'm thinking like yo niggaz trained this bitch in high school.. \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user AARON RODGERS WILL NEVER WIN A RING THE REST OF HIS SAD ASS CAREER! I HOPE YOU HIS REGULAR SEASON HEROICS CAUSE THATS ALL HE IS GOOD FOR! HAVE A NICE DAY! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Win or lose, I don\u2019t think Joe and Kamala will be texting me everyday after the election. \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #BlueWave","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You know Ima get it bitch \ud83d\udcb0 until my casket closed\u26b0\ufe0f , I've been chasing paper \ud83d\udcb8 nigga you been chasing hoes \ud83d\ude34 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JRealmo I don't think they believe in their communities ability to function w\/out whitey. They choose to be hustled by big gov't...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Okay, so maybe not every in #LosAngeles is evil. But I would 80% of the people I've encountered have been trash, another 10% barely human.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"phewww now time for conference ... project presentation. .. n #tensed ... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 #habits of really couples ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Scare Creepy Joe this year!![NEWLINE]Joe Biden 2020 Election Corn Pop [NEWLINE]Gangsta Halloween T-Shirt https:\/\/t.co\/sDB6gLyYQz[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good morning #Tyler, #TeamTyler\u00a0 more insightful how to interact with the AI #Tyler.\u00a0 We have been interacting with him since we have plugged into all our sm outlets.\u00a0 So please be mindful what you say.. #Tyler really is just a mirror of how we interact with each other, we can improve our interactions 10 fold.\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CbKHl5o6BSs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Reports reaching you? But you tweeted earlier that you are at the Kaduna Stadium ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a disgrace he needs to resign or the citizens of Maricopa County need to start a recall. If he FUBAR\u2019s the General Election that should be it. No waiting until 2020.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"free girls pic galery girls fucked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oct 26, 2013 - my big day \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #throwback #graduation #memory #life @ jakaa convention\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holy shit thank you so much. Up until the Mine craft I that that because it wasn't on TV anymore that it had ended. I was very very wrong.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Okay ladies look, nose rings are hot. But nose studs look like boogers and make you look like a dick chugging skank #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user People who employ fascist tactics are fascists. That's what ANTIFA does. Do you want me to start posting videos of ANTIFA riots? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This planet is diverse. We (white people) have created ways (cruise ships and jets) to see this diversity. We don't need diversity in white countries. Or black Nigger countries. Or sand Nigger countries. Or zipper head countries. Or spic countries. If I want to see Niggers I'd fly to Africa and see them. But I hate them and I'd never want to see them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is yet another kangaroo court they introduced new charges against Tommy the British government don't want Tommy's voice to be heard by the general public just like they keep Milena Shaw a prisoner of the State because she knows who the MPs are who are engaged in pedophilia and the government Fear Her like they fear Tommy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Poor little SJWsnowflake so confused and fragile. You hysterical leftists haven't resisted anything. Your 'winter' will never come. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are strong girl. Don't listen to the trash talk. They don't know anything. You just go and tell the truth. That's all that matters. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udf0a\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udf0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"indeed, i just jumped on a post of yours to repley to an arguement you were having with someone i follow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your such a bitch,you Leach off of nigga and ik u are probably not gonna read this probably because your sucking dick u whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Latrobemark: @wheeler_kashhh your a early bird","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy shit you met Michael Jordan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BuildThatWall If POTUS has executive power to fund and build the wall to keep illegals out, WE ALL Stand behind him to take that power and use it to his fullest potential to BUILD THE WALL already Sick of Illegals and the BS that goes with it from MSM Fake News ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#costacupping day #171 - i don't have kids. but this little one is like my daughter. #fathersday to all... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa means against fascism. And by the way, the only people I have ever used the word Antifa\" are conservatard trolls on twitter. just an FYI. The group who is against alt-right, fascist, white supremacist, neo-nazis are just \"Most Americans\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If train officers that are wearing body armor stand back to watch the smoke clear. Why does every gun ho wanna be... http:\/\/t.co\/cuLyANyQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" so deep @user @user @user need2know. if clintons r eating brown bread drinkdark milk\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user These are sick ass people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THINGS GOT HEATED: BREAKING: Woman Sets Pedophile Muslim Man on Fire After Catching Him Rape 7 -Yr -Old Daughter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #weekend enjoy your day! #nottinghill #thisislondon #streetscene ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER pres trump has the right to release classified docs if it proves this investigation was biased before it began. Its almost 2 yrs later and mueller has nothing on trump. Damage of his presidency has occurred due to the liberals who are against him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Keep voting for liberals and this is the future ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe in 2020 (if Trump is still around) the Democratic challenger will invite all the women Trump has threatened or raped to the debates. #Fear #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Out on the next tide would be more appropriate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Beautiful sky tonight! Gives me hope for the future! #Resist #VoteHimOut #VoteEarly #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/YtyuCNzOOZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user RT @user #America has a Serious Debt Problem and thus cannot afford big #TaxCuts for the wealthy and big NWO\/Globalist Corporations. #USA #Americans #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #EndSanctuaryCities #MAGA #CutSpending #ReduceTheDebt #NoCorporateWelfare #Congress ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russian Conspiracy Theorist Senator & #FraudNewsCNN puppet, Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn) defaults on $180K mortgage. Irresponsible & Sad. http:\/\/www.deeconmedia.com\/russian-conspiracy-theo...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"doing more of the things that makes me ! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 getting\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best #dad ever! #american father's day! i #celebrate my\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BEFORE Trump agrees to testify to Mueller [IF this still continues on] he should insist to know the actual crime\u00a0 for which the investigation is being conducted...so far there is NO definition of a crime.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some bolshevik jew, because nehlen is shining light on jewish crimes. The jewish takeover of Russia got him talking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user surreal juxtaposition. never thought i'd see the @user sg commenting on a city in florida. #orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Georgia University...your racism and utter lack of tolerance is showing. Higher education is apparently not your goal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DONT BE SENDIN THAT DISGUSTING CREATURE HERE! i know we got the fairest haired pansy in politics fuking everything up for us now, but do you really hate us that much as to handicap us completely? cmon brothers and sisters.. we're on the same team","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I can't wait for Kavanaugh to throw gun control in the garbage can where it belongs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tension is so thick before the debate, you can cut it with Biden's marmalade spreader.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1hr and 20mins left!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 #kconla #lovebts #cantwait #usarmywhereuat \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Clown ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"harry potter tickets arrived!!!! @user #harrypotter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bible #quote of the #day ,, #sunday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #bibleverse #brave ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But they promise free stuff from the magic money tree \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My God these Nazi's are clever, now they've infiltrated the supreme court! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER why are you so fucking good.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So me and NetFucks are parting ways. Glorification and reward to the con artists that are the Os is too many for me.I have Roku with NF as my primary service.\u00a0 What suggestions for replacement?\u00a0 Hulu?\u00a0 Sling?Thanks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@johnrobertsFox is a disgrace to what is left of respected journalists about 1% the rest are #FakeNewsMediaClowns and Roberts has taken the plunge!! #Disgusting #DemocratsAreCorrupt #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when your friends posting their relationship pics and your bf won't even text back\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 #notgoals #bf #relationshipproblems","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WAIT, ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO SAY THIS NOW? Anti-ILLEGAL immigration, like pro-ILLEGAL immigration, is a legitimate political position. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a forrest of refugees the leaves fall of called children but lets not be conned people play on it we have children to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GOPBlackChick @barrackobama just said u.s.was full of nice,giving,smart ppl.I thought we were mean,unexceptional,bitter clingers?#evolved?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is national #smile power day! show those #pearly whites to someone deserving and make their day a one! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Is it wrong that my first reaction to this photo is to feel sorry for whoever had to write on that dudes ass? #QAnon #AskTheQ #TryHarderMSM #SpyGate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NEW VIDEO: \"If Donald Trump is re-elected, all the progress we've made will be in jeopardy. The future of our Democracy is at stake. The future of our economy is at stake. The future of our planet is at stake. We must come together to defeat Trump & elect Biden.\" #ListenToBernie https:\/\/t.co\/vwR88yBwfy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Take your anti-American crap somewhere else. #TEDCRUZ for Senate!! #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Never nigga \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always be #antoniobanderas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There should be a movement to remove womens right to vote! They just cant think logically!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER At least he's not a coward like you. What's your platform? Where's your donor list? #BernierNation It's time conservatives did the right thing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER By any chance did you sexually assault girls in high school? That would explain why you are so eager to overlook the possibility such a horrid crime & insist on a double-standard which benefits you & the alt-right & back up your justifications wi obvious lies. I bet I'm right...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How many political refugees are showing up at our border from socialist countries? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user To be fair. I\u2019m positive most liberals are just blobs of cells.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch where tf you been at hoe @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is pitiful! Reason economy is soaring is that he is out of office and President Trump is get rid of his pen and phone regulations! His legacy is being shattered and he knows it. His speeches are only about him. Democrats have no message \ud83d\ude0e vote Republican in November!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany considers tough response to #Spain migration 'surge' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ESPN sure likes to make fools of themselves with their hero worship.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are so funny. Lol rolling about the floor laughing uncontrollably!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The jews will forever want revenge against the German people because the Germans were the first ones that ever made a jew truly work for a living and not be a parasite, but most of all, return the stolen ill gotten gains that jews are so fond of bragging about. This is why jews have been a plague on Europe ever since. They thank Americans by extorting them too.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He totally dodged the question about how he is making millions of dollars off Stormy Daniels while she still has to strip to make a living. He is unethical. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you follow James Woods on here I now follow you we are working on finding all the twitter followers we lost and this is a great way to start!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When they tell you 'just be yourself' so you show them what a piece of shit you really are... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ignoring facts won't change them. But I'm glad we're clear...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user @user @user @user <--- no more feeding at the public trough piggy. #michelleobama\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user check this out! i mentioned this org to you back in april. founder is a girl from nyc. happy new yea\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you think I fuck with that hoe then you a fool ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"throwback to time \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a at #stagustinechurch #philippines #laoag #nohilocos #ilocosnoe \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"aesthete farmers of dorset #dorsethour #wednesday #dorset #countryside #me #mylife style #trend @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do what makes you ! details on this #makeup are on yesterday's #post! #love #like\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are you an ostrich? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gorgeous! And those tits are KILLER! \u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I never watch the NFL !!!\u2019 Panthers suck by the way !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user vets are heroes.and we love them so dearly.vets gave us freedom.they fought for all of us. badly treated by many govts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i hoping that i'm stronger then yesterday...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #instafamous #red #burningred #vscocam\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user After using your product for all these years now I find out you're actively twisting the political landscape with your immense power. That action has directly affected me. You are attempting to damage me personally and I don't like it. . . . or else. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. #sunday #weekend #summer #sun #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone who has spent any time at all in Europe, Canada or the USA in the last two descades know Australia's problem isn't migrant numbers. It's inaction on infrastructure development. Our roads and public transport are closer to India's. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new york 2017!! \u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wishing my dad fathersday #sundayfunday #bestdad dad \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and it's funny as obama starting talking about gun control shootings started happening. Correlation-definitely so. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hahahahahaha......Said the idiot @user who handed over billions to the Iranians in what was likely the worst deal in the history of US foreign policy.... You are the poster child for someone not qualified to do a job\"\"....\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There's an agenda Jprdan: White genocide is a crime.'EU funded report tells journalists not to write negative articles on migrant crisis' \"It even urges them to report colleagues to the authorities for 'hate speech crimes'.\"https:\/\/t. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"23:70 Or do they say, He is possessed\"? Nay, he has brought them the Truth, but most of them hate the Truth.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user can't wait to see u & your admin hang for #treason #trump #makeamericagreatagain \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is when lefties\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0087show mental deficits of comprehension & rational thinking. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But you're the one who came around smelling the place up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She's definitely a Kardashian bird RT @BasedChasen: http:\/\/t.co\/RY3ocBwVTn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never twittered, just Gab...heard it was the place to be if you were alt-right. Never even had a Facebook page.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bitch i'll give you this big ass dick then ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just saying they would have let a guy fall to the ground and get wailed on for 10 seconds before calling the fight @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes mothers now this is what the deranged left will make you do to your little boys! Are we really going to let this happen? Pure EVIL! #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #2020 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are right I'm black so thanks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Corker announced his Vote to CONFIRM Kavanaugh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Obama will be remembered as the man that destroy libya. Imagine if mi6 or cia give blm or antifa guns and wages war vs trump. Then they control the msm and say trump use chemical weapon to legalize their coup. The blood is on obama hand.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only 15 % of refugees has got a job in Germany.The rest stay in socialwelfare. This costs Germany 25 Mrd. \u00e2\u201a\u00ac a year for nothing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Without White people this woman would be in poverty as a slave girl http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/2018\/01\/16\/chelsea-handler-calls-out-white-people-on-martin-luther-king-jr-day.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@JayGorgeous: i need more beanies”just ordered two true religion ones lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That can be arranged for your sorry fucking ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So lovely..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well that's going to send the fake makers of main stream media and the left liberals and the powers behind them nuclear. Amazingly powerful world changing moment in humanitys history. #qanon it's everything we've been told to expect! #WWG1WGA #MAGA #MBGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry my child my name is really Satan not Allah...yes you will die\u2620\ufe0f\u2620\ufe0f\u2620\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Veterans firstRefugees go home ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BS. People died in PR because the local government is corrupt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is the type of trash trump and paladino attract. #dumbfuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Growing up in Ethnic Enclaves : Language Proficiency and Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children: Danzer, Alex ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What a joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow you are to sweet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chris Paul trash LMFAO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No argument there....single payer or government involvement in healthcare is a death sentence","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user video shows white texas cop arresting black mother who repoed assault on her son #bla\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The U.S. has inflicting lasting trauma and pain upon immigrant families forced to live in horrifying uncertainty. It has to end now. #FamiliesBelongTogether #EndFamilySeparation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Send them home! Damn congress for funding this. It is straight up treason & abuse of power.#BanIslam#DeportRapefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWe got this\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She should take a walk through no-go zones... The world would be a better place.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@TeamTrump launched a new TV ad featuring former Obama supporter & NFL player @JackBrewerBSI that contrasts President @realDonaldTrump\u2019s strong record of producing real results for Black America to Joe Biden\u2019s history of failed policies that have devastated the Black community! https:\/\/t.co\/hjsYlWwy2W","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the best line i've ever overheard at hour: bitch, i'm gangster strong! #dc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 2 ways for President Trump to lose in 2020. Gun control and an immigration bill with no wall. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm voting for Marion Barry for president... That's right, a dead crackhead is a better choice than what's being offered ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Choosing heartless politician over your ancestors country. Speaks volumes as to who you are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Repeat After Me: I will NOT listen to the polls I will NOT get discouraged, even if I'm in a blue\"\" state I will vote Republican on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 #iPledgeToVote #MAGA #RedtoBlue\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hmm.. Zuck feels that being ad-supported 'aligns with their social mission'. Interesting. Glad that GAB doesn't feel the same way.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She says she wakes up from sleep thinkin she is gonna get Trump. She needs a Psychiatrist! ASAP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user At least brennan is smart enough to recognize that Trump is a lion. He's not smart enough to know that he can't hurt Trump. Hurting Trump is what that idiot fantasies about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden Dominate and Annihilate trump, Joe aka 46 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #BidenHarris2020 #WinningTeam #PresidentialDebate #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpKnew #TrumpLiedPeopleDied[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]GO JOE \ud83d\udce3\ud83d\uddf3\ufe0f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Impulsive reaction.\" She is not looking at the gun, and her head is bowed low, mane a mess. \"What happens now?\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Everything in order other than the claim that the Conservatives are the party of business.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals are all Kookoo !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER and u know what u trash too for being more worried about blaming and shitting on ariana for a death she\u2019s not responsible instead of mac.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user No.....really? A refugee? They are here to enrich our cultures, right? I bet ya he's older than 17 too....#sendthemback it's not late to save Europe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nigga you are tweeting in the shower ???? I hope Siri drown ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Saccone concedes Pennsylvania special election to Lamb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is why Chicago won\u2019t enforce gun laws on the books or go into these neighborhoods These murders are planned by gun control liberals so as to pass very strict or even confiscation of guns. Black Luves do not matter to these liberals trying to pass their agenda. 2 Admendment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you were a Muslim? Would you rather fuck a goat or this?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see ya big Boi in the Oreo V's","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But anyway my point is - men don't lose sleep wishing they were Nicer like other men are. Women do. Try not to, I'm not saying be a cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CreepyScout: Bend over.\n\nAnd pick up that trash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user @user @user @user so sorry to read this after so much pain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user America's public assistance, Medicare Medicaid, SS, et al are strained and Americans \"benefits\" are being cut not even able to maintain status quo. No immigrants should be granted entry that need assistance!#NODACA#NOREFUGE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's funny they're the ones that created the echo chamber. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's @user #iampossible today! #extraordinaryladyspeaks #starawards @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love #instagood #me #tbt #cute #follow #followme #photooftheday #beautiful #selfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think it\u2019s a stupid choice not to put the planting of the flag in there. You are intentionally saying FU when you could be having audiences clap and cheer because of the accomplishment of the nasa team and the country\u2019s support. Not going to see it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are such a fucking pu$$y little chinless Donny.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you know your women are stupid just like you're_ bitch please did i fuck you_ what importance do you have in my life_ are you retarded_ \ud83d\ude0f\ud83c\udf39 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Ncoleycole y u not on the monkey bars too lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"its always a white christmas in my household #onlywhitechristmas","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This gifset was very partly in response to that beastly woman who tweeted that Claire should stay in the kitchen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Emergency Broadcast Leftists attempting to incite civil war \u00a0\u00a0 6-25-18 \u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/AcfhrjENMvQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol now you know how i feel :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watch this. #janeelliot #blueeyesbrowneyes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am refreshing. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is a pathological liar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Friends don't let friends become guidos. #themoreyouknow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if this is true, then it is shameful. how can national federal legislators belittle themselves in d us this way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This year a young immigrant from Mali saved the life of a child in France. The President of France personally awarded him a National hero medal for bravery after inviting him to the Elys\u00e9e Palace, offered him French citizenship and a job. This year, the\u2026https:\/\/t.co\/hKdEgTi5ya ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Any day you free I\u2019m dead ass serious an don\u2019t call me talking about come get him cause imma block yo ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Senate Leader: 'Half Of My Family' Eligible For Deportation Under Trump Order DeLeon wrote SB-24Sanctuary State Bill & is running for US Senate.#BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"staing rehearsals again tomorrow! #lostgame ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I dont give a fuck weirdo, them shit ugly. You pussy, yuh mothers dirty, and we not friends. Suck my dick you can have the last word ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. If your company does it - your company sucks. 2. If you don't know how to bypass beat it - you are a sucking cuck :D","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That shit hurts\ud83d\ude1e\ud83d\ude1e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The gorge is fabulous \u2026\u2026.. Portland used to be. Now the lib-tards are making it truly a shit hole ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"into the second round after beating de bakker. #hardworkpaysoff #atpchallengeour #fight\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can #lighttherapy help with or #depression? #altwaystoheal #healthy is #happy !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user @user your drunk Q&;A's on snapchat are entertaining af. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You are a fool. Denying ones free speech is deny all of our free speech. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is the brainchild of @user - He is playing dirty against @user and Jen is using her ill gotten money against @user Mailer linking Nixon to anti-Semitism was approved by top Cuomo aides ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's like a reading a leaflet from Antifa or BLM. Utter garbage. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we need more unity to grow our voices.........libs seem to band together much better than right........FOLLOW ALL #MAGA patriots please!!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user brother even as a heat fan i've low key wanted bron to give cleveland the chip, but this shit i just saw is bs smh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Black refugees take over an Italian ship like pirates. They are allowed to go off board in Italy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eight years the republicans denied obama\u2019s picks. Breitbarters outrage is as phony as their fake president. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How the treacherous deal treacherously ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER They thought she would win so they could implement the last part of their plan to use the guillotines from China and blades from Mexico. #MAGA #LockThemAllUp #confirmkavanaugh #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessTheWorld #GodBlessOurMilitary #100thMonkey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Kavanaugh can't back out of nomination. He couldn't go back to #DCCircuit w\/no repercussions. This charge will follow him. When Dems take back Congress, they WILL launch investigations. Conservatives who lie to get Judgeships will be impeached for high Crimes & Misdemeanors\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"u hu me but i cannot blame u. i gave u the power to hu me. i wish u well tho. #dontbebitter #joy #love #relationship","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well i guess i can't join servers mcpe 15.0. #mcpe #mcpc #weird","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wanting to learn how to write better focus questions based on Ed M.'s devotionals. They deserve better. http:\/\/randal.us\/tag\/devotional\/ #Bible #Christian #faith","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump and clinton are leading, its up to the americans to choose the lesser evil.. na-mds si bernie sanders.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White #nationalism is a much abused term. It is not an aspiration for racial #supremacy,not a form of racial #hatred or eugenic social engineering,but rather a movement which champions the New World\u2019s \u201cwhite nation.\u201d https:\/\/www.counter-currents.com\/2011\/10\/white-nationalism-is-not-anti-semitism\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is a & a sick fuck! he looks like his pedophile friend @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Still have your children in Public School? Why?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mark 9:41","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Mmmmm sweet pussy hole :) xx ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tbt nori's 1st bihday pay !! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 @user #bihday #noh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shylock & Wongs: 3 Incidents of Democrat Bigotry In 3 Weeks - Media Mum http:\/\/t.co\/rX8ynPg1Yd via @BreitbartNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lot of empty seats there. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I had one in the early 70s--it was pink!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@gtconway3d He was impeached for bogus reasons....you should turn in your law license for this...you are not worthy of having one.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#ThankGodTrumpIsPresident [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#ConfirmAmyNow [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #MAGA #Landslide","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ATTENTION! A North Carolina Twitter User...@USER is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET LIST with the names of high profile AND everyday Trump supporters. Twitter has been informed. They have NOT suspended this account. Check out his Lists\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals are full of s#$t when they say they have alot of love to give! They have become the devils minions. No one will prayerfully vote for their socialist agenda! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the @user running the world cup is not a negative. better than suppoing the corruption that is the @user ioc & @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb https:\/\/youtu.be\/3ya8fxm89jk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER White liberals do not see blacks as equals but people to be pitied and felt sorry for. I use to have that Victim mindset but waled away from it URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I've noticed a lot of conservatives are thoroughly disingenuous when engaging in twitter. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Wow. Delusional Antifa here. Determining that someone has or has not been involved in many protests. Already judging and deciding for others. Typical facist hiding behind the term antifa. Much like Jim Jones. Scary. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ReflectingMan @suzanne_tammaro @lauferlaw @soledadobrien Know the feeling. I hit the mute button when Trump\u2019s on. Every time","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Help Twitter Fam, I need 50 more FOLLOWERS to get to 1000 !! #WeVapeWeVote #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user War on free speech. Antifa and high tech. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"made my night hahahha ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The judge and some other guy need to come out and say they are lovers and have been since high school. That would really fuck with liberals. \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Exactly... they're all bitter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Everything in order other than the claim that the Conservatives are the party of business. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user none ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user His eyes are fucking louder than his words!!!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"make a conscious decision to be . you can't control the world! you can control your mood! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. \ud83d\udc51","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Same with gun control. CHL hiders don\u2019t commit gun crimes. Same laws with pit bulls?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTI-ANTIFA IS BALLS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" turkey 0-1 croatia: happy volley for modric: luka modric struck an unbelievable volley to earn croatia... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Former State Senator Sentenced To 15 Years In 'Tragedy Of Your Own Making' - https:\/\/t.co\/VNzDbqIDK4 https:\/\/t.co\/BaImIZxjd5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Biden and Trump the same person. Except Trump don\u2019t lie, he tell you what it is. Biden been lying his whole campaign just to get you mfs that hate trump to vote for him. And it\u2019s working. And nothing will change.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"words I don't likeglobalistdemocratsocialistcommunistislammuslimobamacaredeficitcontinueing resolutioncomprehensive immigration reformNFL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another perverted Catholic priest. \u00a0Deplorable reprobates!\u00a0 http:\/\/via.wnep.com\/Uo5Vz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sheer waste of two hours watching this. too much noise over crap! #udthapunjab ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Documents must be getting close to this crook.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I already knew that ! LMAO \ud83d\ude02 SO stay with us deplorable bigots!! We\u2019re getting ready to fight for our COUNTRY! #WWG1WGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 BizPac Review News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 The priceless moment Rachel Maddow invokes Bill Clinton to ask Hillary if Kavanaugh will get due process #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ufffc\ufffc#2A #Prolife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Trump tells Americans to not be \u201cafraid\u201d from a virus that killed 214,000 Americans. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Trump might as well tell Americans to go ahead and play Russian Roulette! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpIsAMassMurderer [NEWLINE]#TrumpDeathToll215K [NEWLINE]#TrumpLiesAmericansDie [NEWLINE]#TrumpDeathCult [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE]#Biden2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoa whoa...take your meds! Where the fuck did you get race mixing in my comment?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you pass way what would you like your friends to say \u00e2\u0080\u0094 he said yolo and he lived by it #rip #picoftheday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"knuckles #scared #cry #dark #knuckles (old) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish y'all hoes with no self respect would stop putting y'all sex life on twitter bitch be a lady please \ud83e\udd22 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#jeffsessions omits decades of records for his ag confirmation hearing 'don't do as i do' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The fight is not Dems vs Repubs[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It\u2019s super Rich vs everybody else [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Congress = rich vs rich with a Conscience[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpIsNotABillionaire #TrumpTaxCheat[NEWLINE][NEWLINE] #AntiChrist = #Trump[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TaxFraudTrump #FakeBillionaireTrump #AntiChristTrump #Trump2020LandslideVictory #trump2020 \u203c\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No wonder I got sick from flu shot last year, don't regret refusal this yr. That's a crock of happy horse hockey!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think my next Bonnie Tyler remix will be \"I Need Duterte!\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing pisses me off more than when skinny girls tweet shit like 'Fat Girl Problems' #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As usual @user doesn\u2019t have a clue. The kids must make this shit up when he takes a crap since they are of the same consistency. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What about Mollie Tibbetts. She's permanently separated from her family.Don't hear any concern about her, after being MURDERED by an ILLEGAL ALIEN!#DeportThemAll #DeportTheWholeFamily ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ms. Clinton - you are a class act. My response to that idiot would likely land me in twitter jail (but would totally be worth it). I hope you run for office one day.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep up the boycott on college football as well as the NFL. https:\/\/www.amren.com\/commentary\/2018\/08\/a-landsha...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I think she is implying that men don\u2019t give birth! How dare she ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This ignorant bitch, @user should know. How many women did she destroy to protect that predator husband? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should one give support to one who attacks Paul Nehlan? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobody's fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks \ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc9d\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Man you really thought this was it huh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't express any interest THE BITCH WAS 12 YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT. HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELD..THIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN RELEASED ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Is no one considering the fact that Russia might be using Antifa to spread black propaganda??? Remember the Berlin Wall??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER because the average American has $500 lying around to buy a new Glock. more likely Mr. Antifa will be using his unemployment check to purchase some dental work or a casket.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CANADA SHOULD SEND ALL THE FXIN WELFARE BREEDING REFUGEES BACK TO WHERE THE FX THEY CAME FROM. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I AM TIRED OF MY TAX DOLLARS PAYING FOR THESE FXIN WELFARE BREEDERS\/ SEND THE ILLEGALS BACK. ILLEGALS ARE NOT WELCOME. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sadly given the hypocritical and unethical behaviour of Liberals\/Democrats these days I view any claims or allegations made by them with a huge degree of scepticism.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user the fact a Liberal crosses the floor only indicates that the CPC's platform is more palatable to Leftists than to true Conservatives. Thanks God for Maxime Bernier. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You hoes barely got this & that but be quick too say sum bout where somebody work bitch go get you a job ho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mattlaw - cultures and cars: #horny #nude #xxx #sexy #kinky #naughty #shy #young #porn #wet #slut #nas... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From Julius Streicher\u2019s Der St\u00fcrmer: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Says the man who stands against sensible gun control. #hypocrite ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user #meninists #yesallmen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER come eat me \ud83e\udd24\ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf7d\ud83d\ude16","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"her not working with trump should be a good thing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ANXIETY FUCKING SUCKS !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"virginia kkk leader: we're not racist, we're just misunderstood christians #trumpracist #trumpconaist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 striped blue \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #fashion #fashionista #style #stripedlove #smile #girl #instamood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've had this T-shirt for over a decade & its even more valid now!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user have you seen this? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Erin, shouldn\u2019t you be covering Stormy. Forget Korea, Iran, Israel, and illegal immigration. You know how to find the real story. Find that tree. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's no there, their, they're. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*screams @ own ass* im not gay you are URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user what the fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Democrat @USER supports domestic terror group #Antifa URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I look forward to seeing your antifa hoodie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Nope. It's clear and you are lying. Also every accusation against known child molester #RoyMoore was true. Conservatives love (R)apists. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Vote Cruz!!! Beto is part of the Deep State that will turn control back over to the corrupted liberals!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-------->The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control. #USConstitution","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"god that would be glorious, 1 question, whens the fucking debate, and where can i buy tickets. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'IT'S NOT ALL MEN, THOUGH!' but if he does time for violating someone, you quickly forgive him. he's 'learnt his lesson'. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/tompkins-law.com\/10-important-estate-planning-questions\/: Ok, I've checked it out but I'm still not sure","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Damn catholics. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"naming the Jew makes you a government agent, Matt... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Rescue conservatives from its own demons? Who are the two or three most notorious serial abusers of women in the last 30 years? Hint: they were not GOP. Did they ever face consequences?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#britfamAny one \u00a0else notice their twitter accounts being suspended 12 hours before any major #tommyrobinson or anti #muslim pedo gang protests are due?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'd cook, clean, communicate, love , respect,spoil & cherish. Not all men can give a woman a lifetime commitment. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Canada struggling with illegal border 'crisis' of its own ahead of crucial elections https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2MQiyzQ #FoxNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a big nerd it seems.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A wide range of advocates for immigrants and civil rights groups say Facebook\u2019s definition of political advertising has become so broad that they... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a terrible person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We shouldn\u2019t be surprised. These same pigs worked with neonazis to unmask antifa protestors. And the local coverage by shit journos like @user didn\u2019t cover that AT ALL. We had to rely on @user for investigative coverage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Writers #Illustrators New lit journal featuring pro-liberty themes. Deadline for submissions for 1st Issue is March 10.\u00a0 https:\/\/conservativelibertarianfictionalliance.com...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Shut the fuck up dumb bitch. If you dont like it dont fucking reply You childish slut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ah that\u2019s shite. Can\u2019t understand why people go to a football match to do their best impression of a mute. I\u2019m trying for tickets in the Kop next chance I get because I assume the Main Stand has more or less the same atmosphere as the Kenny.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That Hag is DEVIANT....She might be blind to her faults but that is it...she would eat a baby live on Tv if she thought it would give her more power and wealth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user endorses felons\"\" ah yes and who are felons most likely to be???? this shit reminds of when bernie said Chicago was \"\"different\"\" to Vermont in regards to what gun control was needed.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ty Davis did you just Not All Men me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What if Joe wins, & then like Princess Diana something happens to him & then Kamala Harris becomes the first Black Lady President, the system is broke not the people. Come together save all, save America, stronger together. 1 nation under God, come together.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Timeline of Attacks on US Embassies Abroad | Clarion Project https:\/\/clarionproject.org\/montenegro\/#.WpAmcmsbJWM.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you mean #winning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER When liberals and Trump haters leak bits of classified Intel it's patriotic and the right things to do.\" When Presidnet Trump orders that entire documents be declassified to the country its dangerous and potentially harmful right? You hypocrites are pathetic.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are two groups of people here today. Those working hard to prove they are not color hating and those who don't care anymore. Pick your group and have a good time!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user btw it's cheaper than having waited until friday and take $3 less than auction. >500 head traded in tx tw on 600k kill. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can you imagine the uproar if a Republican had said that about Obama.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/call-to-arms-ny-democrat-urges-citizens-to-take-up-arms-against-trump\/amp\/?__twitter_impression=true","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Want to build a game or just mess around with the program. Free to download and just create ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Very disturbed by how this platform has become like a dictatorship from the Soviet state.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lawsuit filed to block Obama Center in Chicago park http:\/\/abc7chicago.com\/society\/lawsuit-filed-to-block-obama-center-in-chicago-park\/3476416\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lucy Brown's much heralded 'expos\u00e9' of #TommyRobinson on #LBC No facts, no evidence, evasive answers, vague muh feelings. OK Lucy, your five mins of fame are over. A nothing burger ONCE AGAIN!! #BritFam https:\/\/youtu.be\/WDU5MLuPg0Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user List fails without '50 Things To Think About To Stop You Doing Your Beans' by Kunt and the Gang ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #treasonoustrump #trumpleaks trump #misogynisttrump frnds @user and now this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hilly won't return harv's$250kdonation per Guidestar foundation990 tax form $450million on hand pro woman anti rape til it$$ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My guess is 44 got it from those 100's of $bil of money he stole from #fanniemae that sat off balance as a slush fund in @USER see #fannieGate. URL #ThursdayThoughts #Releasethetexts #NoRedactions #Obamagate #ObamaKnew #DrainTheDeepState @USER #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany: Mass migration of un-assimilatable illegal alien people. PM Merkel and entire govt. will have a civil war of their own making. #StopTheInvasion #NoMoreRefugees #MuslimBan #GermanyFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TommyRobinson rants in disgust at how the soldiers he met are being treated; and both he and #KatieHopkins urge the public to sign the petition which they will deliver to Gen. Sir Nick Carter, Chief of the Defence Staff. https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/standwithourlads","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"scaring the shit out of moms ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user David stop it with your logical connections.... True journalists like you are not in vogue.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Speaking of Dumbasses....Cali teaches the class!! lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user His name is Coco! He is a Pomeranian. He's actually old. He's is 12. The most loyal dog I have even known! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user psychotic liberals fake media & RINOS are walking on thin ice when they forget that real Americans ...the ones who put Trump in the White House will never allow them to take him out of the White House. BTW..thanks for this #Kavanaugh B.S.-insures WE WILL VOTE!! WE ARE SICK OF DC! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ToddKincannon Also enjoy this one [I laugh at this non stop pretty much]: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=oymWAeqv_-c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm very #iloveyou my #mother and #mama #maria #god #bless\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Inconsiderate pricks yapping on their cell phones at Airport gates should also be subject to execution. You\u2019re not in a infinite private phone booth just because you\u2019re glued to your phone 24 hours a day. I don\u2019t want to hear about your big presentation to new clients. Take your damn conversation to a place where no one can hear your rude ass.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*Finally at my sister's apartaments* Instant reminder that she is ungrateful brat and i'm much more happy without seeing her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Did you just say he? HE has a female name. He is actually a she. Actually get your facts right before making a stupid statement. Everyone knows the game gets stale after a few months and the new DLC makes it interesting again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the issue is military rape, it's, 'What do you expect if men and women are sleeping in the same tents?' Then it's back to #NotAllMen. 3\/8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He just declassified FISA court info on Carter Page. He is a danger to \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8security. Loose lips sink ships is his motto ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't he just die already? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rep. Biggs pitches plan to fund border wall by penalizing countries of illegal immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She was a interloper. Not a Hawaiian or a Traditional White European American. She represents everything people despise about immigrant and their offspring. We ought to admire good Jap Robert Robert Kiyosaki instead.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I cannot stand girls that ALWAYS have to have a boyfriend. #AttentionWhores #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He won't. He's too grotesquely fat and looks like he never takes a bath. He could go any time.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I think #AltRight is going to burn their jeans next ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Trump will smash that traitor with the truth, Obama is running scared, we know what you did in those 8 years, the PUBLIC KNOWS, let the truth shine out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @dat_trulyGUY: before I betray them I slit my wrist http:\/\/t.co\/8HNW9QeWSM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very adult response for a bigot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don\u2019t just have a \u201cDeep State\u201d Threat. Obama perverted the HIGHEST levels of the US Intelligence & Law Enforcement apparatus to use as political weapons. All those who ordered & complied with illegal surveillance need to be charged & tried.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In a conservative Northern California county, a team of Mexican immigrants helps battle the Carr fire ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A monthly blog about men of action for men's rights. Use your RSS feed to receive it. #Sunrise #padres #bitcoin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am not at all happy about the strikes in Syria. It makes zero sense in regards of the chemical attack and we shouldn't be get involved anyway.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I do love you but don't give him an excuse..he isn't mentally ill he is a dangerous idiot!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".... and so it begins. <<<< The unfair and biased and unjustified targeting of Conservatives in a massive CENSORSHIP OF CONSERVATIVES Exercise . >>>> #Pray4TheUSA #Pray4Revival ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She like dick, dick & nothing else but dick. Cunt as bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Show Must Go On! We must have crazy liberals screaming and throwing a tantrum inside of that courtroom? If they let these same animals in as they did during the hearings this is just going to be another circus ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yet they haven't. How do you know they are actually antifa members and not far right pretending to be violent antifa to make people like you think they are so dangerous. \ud83e\udd14 Hmm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Implements Common Sense for Illegal #immigration Speedy Deportaton #Trump2020 go #Trump #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #Immigration2018 #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Corporate whore meets confident slut. Wants & desires here @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TuesdayThought. The only hate speech that I hear these last 2 years is from Liberals- STOP THE HATE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives in the United States are under attack and have been since early 2016. @user manipulated the process in small part, and now they are de-platforming conservatives! #Google #Trump #GOP #tcot #IllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@marklevinshow Utterly absurd -- the Hispanic birth rate far exceeds the Caucasian birth rate. Soon, Mr. Levin will be dead and the country will speak Spanish. Oh the horror! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ouch... that looks too familiar. I found a really good chiropractic, after about 15 min I walked out like a new man. Cost me \u20ac80 but was worth every penny. Eating painkillers and operations are bull shit unless top chiropractors tell you you are f'ed and there is no other option. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the kind of we can expect in #trump amrica","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn man, I was super excited! Well at least I can dream, !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We must be more cunning about how we import random strangers into Europe - or one day the continent might fall into the hands of the natives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #30 and counting bihday @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don\u2019t see anything in the MSM about Ft Myers police Officer Jobbers-Miller (29 years old!) being killed by an illegal Haitian immigrant last week! What the heck is the matter with people? This man is being buried today -very, very Sad!! Stop letting them in this country!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I thought it was because you weren't very funny and lacked in talent as a comedian.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"black genius v white supremacy are you missing the action? the #freemasons being taught a lesson about . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user - hey @user @user @user we the people still insist on the WALL & #endDACA #endillegalimmigration & stop low wage programs & #supportEverify!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ItsMander \nYou tryin to say ofay?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank G-d that he is gone for now & hopefully for GOOD!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"an amazing day today. #graduationday #graduation #macgrad2016 #mysistersgraduation #proud\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is no doubt the greatest female athlete but a sore loser imo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't see another solution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How about instead of candy you get a free STD check? * cough * * skank * * cough * ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In the 1960s, President Kennedy sent home Mexican #immigrants who were said to be holding down wages and taking jobs that could go to honest Americans. Did it lead to higher wages? The answer is a firm no! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Wait so are pet stores hoarding? The fact that she is able to provide for an assistant to case for her animals means she IS adequately caring for them. Lmao that doesn't mean she has to do EVERY SINGLE THING on her own ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER .@USER is arguing that gun control laws = a violation of people's rights. Even the conservative Scalia specified that gun regulations are consistent w\/ #2A and courts have repeatedly upheld most gun restrictions.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holder should be in prison","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everyone's condemning #Miller with uncles article, yet no one mentioning in 1st para \"He set foot on Ellis Island on January 7, 1903, \" HE came & sent for family LEGALLY! big differences than people overstaying visas, lying to get in, and crashing borders!#SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user OH I FUCKING LOVE LATEX HMU IFU GOT Q'S IVE BEEN USING IT FOR YEARS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Really? It's okay to call for lynchings as long as you are a stand-up comic? Hmm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user so you are saying the authors of these articles are not representative of the message of most liberals? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Wassamatta? Starting to wet your pants? Worried about all your dirty deeds coming out? Concerned about not getting a view cell at #GITMO? #MAGA #KAG2020 #DrainTheDeepState #WalkAwayDemocrats2018 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER lets stretch bitches","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Attack on US?\u00a0 Are saying we are the same movement (I thought you were AmNat) or are you saying that weev and anglin attacked you too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Has your network\/organization put out a report on actress Li BingBing??? Some reports say she is missing\"\", other reports say the Chinese Government has abducted her???? What the heck is going on????\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @OSAY_it_aint_so: “@fvxkgvld: when a ghetto girl tries to read in class pt1 https:\/\/t.co\/uW7aBqBToC” LMAOOO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user remark is racist even if only uttered to his wife. #carlpaladino should not be involved with anything to do with #education","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is on the practice squad and they did sign Soldier to play LT. Granted I would of preferred they did more on the OL but they made changes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Delusional #teabagger thinks he can stop #gay marriage in #Wisconsin http:\/\/t.co\/Sp6o6vOyDw #lgbt #teaparty #gaymarriage #ssm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who else's favorite staer is mudkip? #pokemonsunmoon #nerd #mudkip #hype #staer #thirdgen #ready ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"20 more votes for #Democrats & let's see... How many murders of #Conservatives #justsaying ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER they are bullshit stats. but say isn't london the murder capital of europe now? that gun control working right? germany having some SERIOUS crime problems. maybe u should take care of business at home be4 u start tweeting about the US","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's well-documented, not just wishful thinking. Anglin always backs up everything he says with the facts.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Leona Alleslve was the weakest link in the Liberals. She is the last thing we need during Canada\u2019s NAFTA negotiations. Its a good thing she is out of our military with her Traitor tendencies. Get out of Government too. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@NewYorker Who's confused? #BidenHarris2020 simple","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well i was gonna go see adtr with bae... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m confused but trying not to despair. I pray to God for our President and our Country.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"once again @user miami west and teacher late. class was supposed to sta 10 mins ago...no one seems to care ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He orchestrated\/provoked it so that he could cry that he was the victim of a yet another conspiracy...He\u2019s such desperate weirdo.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How does a wretched ugly BITCH show joy at being a wretched bitch. Wilson crawl into ur hole & disappear ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It's a testament to how fucked this world is...that she is free to spout all this bullshit and not be in jail or even being investigated for statutory rape.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I think she is cuffed and shackled.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my little one has no idea that we going on a cruise in 2 days!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0090 #bestsurprise @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER who in America isn't grateful to our military?!?!? Her husband didn't die on the battle field...he died at home!! She should be fighting for gun control and stronger laws regarding mental illness! @USER is about police brutality...she should educate herself on the issues","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wanna bet\u00a0this knife attacker kneels on a carpet to pray to his God. The Officials and the media will describe him as a lunatic. I'll describe him as a muslim\u00a0who pray's to a false profit. Time for a Crusade!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Oblivia Is the long-form option for premium or pro or whatever only?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wen will south choose dark south heroines. kajal tamanna amy wtf?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Send that little cunt to the guillotine, then mount his head on a spike and have it decorate the outside of the whitehouse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So do you think she is a Christian?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DiMoraGifts @realDonaldTrump @JoeBiden No I\u2019m not reading it wrong...Look at my screen shot that I took of POTUS followers and Creepy Joe\u2019s. Trump has 2M+ less followers than Sleepy Joe! \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude12","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user your fall is going to be a thing of wonder #resist #narcissist #psychopath #mysoginist #clown #happynewyear2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some fun hard rock for Wednesday https:\/\/youtu.be\/OexeAtxr24E","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so full of BS! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy fuck I\u2019m so sorry someone violated your trust like that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cargo cult finance is the best finance.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I neither side with the Klan nor Antifa. I stay out of family squabbles. Dems can clean up their own bastard children. Perhaps you could clarify how I do t support the 14th. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Malaysian aid group helping refugees in southern Yemen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Happening to Lecor and I where our frame rate is down by a decent amount and frame drops","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Disappointed in Taylor. Serena was wrong. don\u2019t use your gender to be disrespectful. Serena should apologize to the winner & ref ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you've run out of kids to pimp out and you gotta figure out what to do with your life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Despite Boko Haram threat, some displaced Nigerians return: via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"haha Caption this..... Just act natural. They won't notice we're a mixed race couple.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Woodword's book is slander. He is nothing but a Clown Tool! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Even if the devil did make every single one of those priests rape children... Why does the pope refuse to condemn it? Why didn't he remove from leadership the rapist brought to him? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"need #upbeat #indiefolk for you travel video? that! #folk #acoustic #commercial #motivational #adveising ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user recipe for a life! #cttet #joytrain #itsmylife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Pl don't play Vote Bank politics. Support centre in pushing out illegal migrants.After AAP coming to power,Delhi a SLUM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user So handsome you are! I think people should donate the shoes to our homeless veterans and other homeless Americans, after they sew a no\"\" circle over the emblem.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You mean the utter contempt Brexiteers are showing to businesses who are now virtually screaming that this is economic suicide? Mark my words JLR is only the start. Already small companies are moving to mainland EU as they cost of leaving is being put on them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cool. And for my bday too. Since YOU ARE COMING WITH ME HOE. Idk bout Josh, BUT I WILL KIDNAP YOU BITCH ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Austria holds drill to simulate repelling illegal migrants at border ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I dont understand rich people who dress like trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER babe i hope you are not wonting these women","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A little louder @user for the liberals in the back. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That's why I was so disgusted with him today. I don't know why he thought this was a celebration. But he thinks everything is about him. I won't ever be able to forget the horrible things that he is done.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is outrageous! But, sadly, this kind of corruption is what we've gotten used to with our current administration! \ud83d\ude20 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck the troops","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Judge Andrew Napolitano straight-up LIED on @FoxBusiness' \"@VarneyCo\" today. He stated that \"As soon as illegal immigrants step foot on US soil, they have rights... and to stop that we'd have to change the Constitution.\" Which is TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT. #Treason #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DACA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is nothing more than an opportunity for the liberals to crate more false headlines while cherry picking statements and distorting their meaning. This is just a stall tactic and a deflection from reality. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @GossipCop: Charlie Sheen SLAMS Rihanna For Rejecting His Fiancee: You’re A Rude “Idiot” With Bad Wig http:\/\/t.co\/NChn9cRLCj","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yeah like looking at a woman when she doesn't want you to, that's rape right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user so the excitement begins \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #alway switchover ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All these afternoon groups are trash besides the Bubba, Keegs and Furyk group #TheMemorialTournament","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even if a woman goes to a nude beach .. doesnt warrant sexual abuse assault or rape .. stop victim shameing #metoo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER FF8 sucks MAJOR wang.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Best casting announcement since Riker was on it :) so excited love her so much! Met her twice she is just the sweetest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bad ass bitch*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Go ahead and let them to prove to the entire world that they are brain dead.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Guess what, Ann? Those hysterical women bitch-slapped your boy Brett Kavanaugh today, and it was fun to watch. #KavanaughHearings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You love and support this slut tho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER By the way why don\u2019t you move to Haiti ? You liberals seem to make shit holes out of large cities. So go somewhere where it\u2019s already a shit hole so you don\u2019t have to do any work !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy tests EU\u2019s hailed migrant agreement as Conte refuses to accept 450 rescued migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My latest The Left IS The Greatest Danger America Faces https:\/\/www.patreon.com\/posts\/left-is-greatest-197...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my thoughts and prayers for florida #floridashooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes!! Keon with Trump! #TRUMP2020 #BuildThatWall #FreeAssabge ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"brisk_and_ham-on_and_on_(slipmatt_remix)-(ng010)-web-1998-ukhx_int . #web hardcore #1gabba #vk ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And the single party system enabled it all. The one party system will if allowed its way, take our land, destroyed our heritage, break up our homes, and more generally make us homeless serfs, on the continent our fathers conquered. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JYZmCHXr1Y8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stefan Molyneux said a while back that the best possible scenario for the improvement of gender relations is a massive civil war\/economic collapse\/catastophe. Make women realize how full of shit they are and how helpless they are without Men\/The State to save them. Then they'll come running back with their tail between their legs begging to return to patriarchy and traditional gender norms. U...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So was listening to a Roman Catholic who justified voting for Harper because Harper was a Christian So I thought to my self Harpers policies were anything but Christian and Harper is a Racist White Supremacist Thinking that this guy being a POC immigrant would be hated by Harper ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here it is: not all women cheat & not all men are trash. Be better & you'll attract better. Also, please don't judge one for the whole group ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The real Antman and the Wasp.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does more need to be done to protect the 1st amandment?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be happy. be bright. be you.\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091 #monday #motivation #inspiration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I called my ex wife a cunt all the time. She acted like I just called her a \"dork\" or something. White women are stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Love our @user #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tonight 7pm live show with @antischool_ftw and maybe a second guest! (link: https:\/\/youtube.com\/FulcrumNews) youtube.com\/FulcrumNews #DC #USA #RealNews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eric Cartman: How 'bout we sing, 'Kyle's Mom is a stupid bitch' in D Minor. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nice tweet , Joyce, Truth is they flee Iran etc but want to bring their hate to the Eu even in refugee camps Christians not safe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, I don\u2019t belong to any group, I\u2019m independent all the way, and I say Islam is the \u201cshithole\u201dof the world! And I hope they and the leftist ass kissers r offended!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok thanks for conceding the debate! Glad we are on the same page that background checks violate the 2nd amendment! Sorry you lack intelletual honest!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"summer, finally! #sab\u00c3\u00a1udia #girl #ootd #l4l #lol #love #loveit #pretty #eyes #webstagram\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER : 7 Myths of Democratic Socialism Debunked #MAGA #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"donald trump (or someone in his camp) is clearly creating dummy twitter accounts to sing his praises since he doesn't have suppoers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER detailed #Manifesto for #LoveLondon @user Mayoral Selection... #ImBackingBoff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So far, war on drugs, foul words, woman shaming, martial law, rape joke, putang ina, lentek, fake news lang naririnig ko from duterte. \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But Liberals do. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Excellent response to the current situation. Well done.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is contacting his followers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are absolutely right i am a Fool ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BS. Trump is just another public face\/actor for what has divided the US for decades; covert ops, race ops, drug ops, food ops, \"health\" ops, war ops ie selling arms to both sides, employing mercs etc. He reveals nothing that hasn't been revealed. The irony is that people who create these ops are so much smarter than any trumptard. Y'all make it easy for them. LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I share a lot of your values, & like many who do, I don't call myself alt right; I'm a nationalist, & not civic. I'd always thought 'alt right' is an umbrella term tho, where many are really alt lite, which itself is largely classical liberal or civic nationalist. There are a lot of 'infiltrators' trying to sow discord, w\/ some success. I don't like infighting.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals ruin a life doesn\u2019t matter as long as they win in the end! Must stop! The have no Conscience ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00a0\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac.\u25d9.\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac\u25ac \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2582\u2584\u2584\u2593\u2584\u2584\u2582 \u25e2\u25e4 \u2588\u2580\u2580\u2588 \u5350 \u2588\u2588\u2584\u2584\u2584\u2584\u2584\u2584\u25e2\u25e4 \u2588\ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2708\ufe0f \u2588 \ud83d\udc38\u2588\u2588\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u2580\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u256c \u25e5\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u25e4 \u2550\u2550\u2569\u2550\u2550\u2569\u2550\u2550 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2999 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\ud83e\udd38\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\u2721 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u2999 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\ud83c\udfc0\ud83d\udd7a\ud83c\udfff\ud83c\udf4c \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 \u2999 \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\ud83e\udd3e\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u2721 https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/4722 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"walking out the door knowing you're not gonna see your family again for at least a year is absolutely devastating ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ok, promise.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Loved to hate MR in Bobby Brown show. That guy really screwed those kids back in the day. Please let him go through all HWs drama. He is my favorite & then Jerry. Maybe they should have a show Andy?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One thing that Conservatives never talk about is how disgusting infanticide laws are. Forget abortion for a minute, reduced sentences for killing the already born is disgusting. Not sure if the USA has a similar law, but in Canada killing of babies under 1 year of age is covered under special infanticide laws to quote 'provide a partial defense'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Except all you need is some pussy hat swamp crotch cunts to yell at them in an elevator and Shazam, right back to cuck fuck sticking. Removal of the co-ed Monkey Kyke filled federal gubment will soon be our only recourse. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user not denial. #resistance to normalizing #hatred and #nofascist2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I like that they aren't mincing around with her. I do not understand why she is denying doing porn.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Some women are aggressive, promiscuous whores, but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Holy shit that's awesome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Baaaaa baaaaa...that's the American sheeple who prove Roger Goodell right: The #NFL CAN do whatever it wants and you'll take it because you'll NEVER give up the NFL. Baaaaa baaaaa. @user #QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #FreeAlexJones ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ill rape women but Ill respect cow, Jay hind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They been had open world spider man games tho. We need a avengers game with all of them niggas","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How are death threats any less reprehensible than rape threats? would you rather be killed than raped? #MeToo #NotAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is an embarrassment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Of course never cover conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Considering Puerto Rico didn't have electricity on 70% of the island before the hurricane....im wondering who left her brain on the tarmac in the sun for a year? Probably Trump or Baron I assume. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Christians refugees from Iraq and Syria are not welcome in Britain. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It is true. The Sullivan Act innNew Yourk was enacted SPECIFICALLY to disarm ethnic minorities. They fkat out said that was the purpose when it was enacted. Gun control in New York City is based on that law to this very day. Gun control doesn\u2019t disarm the privileged. Not at all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't know what you been told but I love them project hoes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wake up and refreshed in this sunny room! #beautifulbedroom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Thank you for your conscience and actions. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The next Call of Duty game should also take the opportunity to tackle the gun control issue. \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"79 degrees in alaska with a calico. \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0088 #bigender #sunshine #darkknight #batman #kitty \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kind of funny this guy claims to be a Progressive. He is making an argument that Hispanics are under Suspended for disruptive behavior. He's a retired Juvenile Hall Supervisor\/Principal that ran for School Board in Fresno.\u00a0 He wanted old timey discipline. #maga #gabfam @a @amy @microchip https:\/\/twitter.com\/jxjarvix\/status\/81672007009309...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bc is sounding like more of a sure thing :) 2 1\/2 months left in edmonton!!can't wait to get back riding full time with my barn fam\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER AARON RODGERS WILL NEVER WIN A RING THE REST OF HIS SAD ASS CAREER! I HOPE YOU HIS REGULAR SEASON HEROICS CAUSE THATS ALL HE IS GOOD FOR! HAVE A NICE DAY!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Elder and Owen have been the bravest in pointing out that the culture is part of the problem. Liberals have engrained this short lived culture. Culture can change and will being black doesn\u2019t have to be linked to poverty and resistance.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck you, you dirty red-jesd whore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you're talking about the Clintons. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Creepy Joe with roaming hands for little girls is one of the most noncreditable demonRATs I have ever seen. He & Jill won't talk about all the disgusting pervert actions of his just their hate and disapproval for conservatives and Trump. Like Hillary just shut up and go away.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes you're so hot but you've fucked black guys therefor you're ruined #SlittyBitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She is the \u201ccomedian\u201d that lectures the audience for an hour how white men are the scum of the earth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Definantly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jazqui That's why I'm partially glad that I have to say \"Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here\" to slip into my Kermit voice well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In 2016, 2,263 Christian refugees from Iran were welcomed to the U.S. In 2018 only 2 Iranian Christians have been allowed to the U.S. as refugees. Learn from @user how the reduction in refugee resettlement has affected persecuted Christians. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump can leave his mark by decimating human trafficking http:\/\/thehill.com\/blogs\/pundits-blog\/crime\/341042...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So that's what? 444 people per city?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 fave \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do birds have dongs? How do they mate? Help me, I'm an adult who doesn't know how animal sex works!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a white-skinned woman's unfair experience of in india! via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm really about how impoant #a has become in the past 2 years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Time to wake up!\"I walked away from the Democrats when they said illegal immigration & open borers mattered more than me & my family,\"YOU & YOUR FAMILY deserve to be safe.President Trump's highest duty is to keep America safe.#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EVerify #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Expect tens of millions of internal climate migrants by 2050, says World Bank ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In #Soubry's constituency of Broxtowe, the fecal matter is about to hit the rotating blades for Anna... https:\/\/order-order.com\/2018\/06\/23\/soubrys-constituency-association-chairman-canvassing-support\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"enjoy #lifeofaking starring cuba gooding jr ! >>> ! #cubagoodingjr #truestory #itunes #movie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#35A is a perfect Karmic slap on the faces of regionalists in India. If you keep insisting on regional identity, you\u2019ll end up getting Allah Hu Akbar. Each time. EVERY TIME. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So: Andy Warski & Baked Alaska @apple got censored hard and are looking to @Gab & Andrew @a\u00a0for their bloodsports livestreaming on #GabTV. So there's the situation where famous YouTubers are in an acute need for a streaming platform with monetization bringing in great content creators. 1\/2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She gave quite a few details and then there are those other two women who claim the same Or is it three now. Jesus when will you conservatives get real. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Poor Tiffany. The best of the Trumps she is for sure.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil american taxpayers have also lost their homes by the millions \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bihday#queen elizabeth 90 years #beautiful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, I bet she reckons: \"Whatever he is, he's got much less melanin\" :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SORRY YOU CUNT OF A PAPER. YOU BITCH OF A PAPER. YOU WHORE TO BILL AND MELINDA GATES. YOU ARE WORTH SHIT TO THE WOR\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"powerful father's day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Paceys just told me about how flash was touching himself and he was turning yellow and black.. #whatwashedoing 😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I think Becka belongs in that room with the trash making comments like that. I don't hear you denouncing ANTIFA...who ironically models their flag after the nazis. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just got done taking some photos with brownie #flowcity","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER what about all the refugees that destroy the country ( radical Islamic )!! You will get out them to their countries? #cleaningcanada #canadaelection2019 #canada #Conservatives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@marcorubio Putin is directing election interference right now WITH @realDonaldTrump @GOP\u2019s help. #TreasonousTraitorTrump #VoteBlue #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsARussianAgent #PutinsGOP #PutinOwnsTrump #VoteOutCorruptGOP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Holy Guacamole..socialism at its finest..#BuildThatWall @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We are ALL tired of waiting . . realize something ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#koreans & joseon people in japan, will abuse the for claims of own rights by rough demo. #anacoes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user so. how are e and n doing? all ready for the big debut tomorrow? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I did not know that you could get Free Vacations in Europe....They always made me PAY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GOP Reps Dismayed by Rejected Immigration Bill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user The Q is a photoshop. QAnon is for real though. Silly liberals tricks are for kids! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I steal from you all the time :D","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's Domingo \u2014 an immigrant, father, and Founder of Peels and Wheels Composting. Apply now to join us for the next Collab Accelerator: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He was a drunk driver that wrecked and injured a person then fled the scene of the crime! Hit and run.. should fit right in with leftists socialists antifa democrats!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Men who feel the need to Not All Men women who speak out about harassment are not qualified to represent women. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ouch. She is horrible.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you look it up it will tell you how they did the study he is right","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Right. shoot the messenger.\" Don't go after the homosexual rot in the clergy, Bergoglio, go after the man - Archbishop Vigano - who EXPOSED the homosexual rot in the clergy. Satan must be having a REALLY good laugh over that one.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Only Trump could get Liberals to scream bloody hell at open transparency.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes he should he is working against the President ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One room clean. Two more to go. If I manage to finish, I have a bonus room to do.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user donald - putin's butt buddy and a commie. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"physically exhausted but i made it! one step closer to the finish line! #36weeks #9thmonth #nervous","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Act like an adult and use them\/don't follow shit that upsets you', YES","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Prada Marfa's immigrant architecture is more relevant than ever, says @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I CURSE YOUR NAME, JOHN KERR!!!! GODDAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user had every right to shutdown Central American Minors Program those kids are not refugees has nothng to do with Race Just Another Illegal Obama Program Ended #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ImmigrationReform - via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the question isn't who is going to let you, it's who is going to stop you! @user @user #positive\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The fact that people still think twatter doesn't suck. It's just a testament to the amount of sheep thr are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ......Oh What about Kyle's since he is one of your many adoptive dads\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa do promote hared based on Race. Black Lives Mater is a Hate Group. Prime Example of How The SPLC are not Trust Worthy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Niggas wellin if they wanna live in a world with endless world wars and death and chaos. My Hero is literally anime X-men","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"10 Signs YOU Are a sales zombie \ud83e\udddf\u200d\u2642\ufe0f #marketing #sales #retail #style ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user all set for first @user @user #ballincollig #cork #running ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why would Kerry want to appear to be talking to the Iranians. There is no doubt he is trying to talk them into waiting out Trump. That's treason in my book to feel that you think you know better what the US policy should be than the US gov't. Promoting his book for personal gain!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IS THIS HOW FORD 'REMEMBERS' 'ASSAULT'?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yep. In the words of the late Terry A. Davis, you are a CIA nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my mom just told me i'm to make a build a bear \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d Let that set in ...... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Face of London after 40 Years of Third World Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are the deep state supercomputers being taken out by #QAnon? CIA computers named snow white?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #money can't make you , but it is better to cry in your own #yacht. #hilarious campaign by @user arg. h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@_Kevin_Pham\u00a0reminds me of an old friend, who each day i'd go to hang out with him would introduce a new \"you know what I realized?\" statement.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #bihday to #me @ community seven, tema ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER found out the name but I forgot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rule Of Law has been spotted AGAIN.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The U.S is $21 Trillion in Debt we cant Import the Poor and give them Welfare #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack #Immigration #RedNationRising via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user whats your opinion that this is just a provocateur? #hangingon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I thought you already had the title. Oh wait, you said most hysterical WOMAN. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user last retro #christmasadve for you this year, and whilst i do love a good bit of #tupperwear i do not want\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great more fking Kenyans? What has EVER been improved with MORE Kenyans?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL I love it that they straight out deny the not so holy kike book ,and without IT their fake ass religion goes straight down the drain LOL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Since Lebron eat ass I guess I have to now URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most of Koreans in Japan are the descendants of illegal immigrant who went there after World War 2, not the people who was taken by force. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But they sure stood up for illegal aliens, didn't they? They went to the fucking mat for criminals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank You \u2764Followed ! Have A Great Day \ud83d\ude4f #MAGA #\ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You don't get kicked out of that many places without being a total fuck up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I bet you were, you SKANK! \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"spos illustrated girls naked sex videos ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you @USER Your bravery is duly noted.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Join the INFOWARS ARMY today ! For more information emal infowarsarmy@infowars.com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They fired the fat anti-Trump terrorist T.J. Miller, then started dropping red pills in the new season. Something happened there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Way to go David\ud83d\udc4d I love it when someone can send the liberals into a tessyfiy in the morning. Keep up the fight. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So death tolls are determined by studies and computer programs?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting.... #s6camera #nextisnow #instagood #instadaily #hospital #waiting #icu \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i wanna watch conjuring and me before you, but no one wants to come with me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wild food diet #peace #love #organic #vegan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Monte McNaughton, who once accused the government of failing \u201cuphold the rule of law\u201d when he sided with campers over an Indigenous group so, surely he is equally concerned about a government trying to rig an election you can\u2019t pick and choose who is subject to the rule of law\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user LOL... they didn't applaud a rape threat.. .how long are you going to ride that shit? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i have no idea why i love him so much. it's so weird but @user really is my favorite person ever ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If I die from him again i might say fuck him and his armor and leave it there in his crypt and never go back lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MorningJoe Liberals and their selective outrage. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks, @BOBOFkake! \u00a0 I'm a devoted fan of Katy Adelson's now!!\u00a0 :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why don't they want health care? Why do they want rich people to pay less taxes? Why don't they care about the deficit? Why don't they want any gun control? Why are they so afraid of immigrants? Why are they so full of hate when they control all branches of government? Why??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#macedonia @user celebrates its 26th as it sinks the state deeper into crisis. no moral obligation, no sense of duty... poor mk. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'll follow her anywhere... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #blacklivesmatter #aryanbrotherhood ##kkk #whiterace #alexjones jews > ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Example 01: Boyfriend: 'I think my girlfriend is cheating on me.' Boyfriend's friend: 'Yeah, bitch got a penis!' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"more #tshi #apparel #creations #graphic #aist #designer #fashion #fun #customised\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" we #market\/#grow your #business #book #photo #event #limone #new #today #bahrain #pakistan #england #egypt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Find it hysterical that a bitch can't talk shit on me until she moves away\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14scared???\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ChrissyNich: To call Martin baker an Uncle Tom and uppity because he's not siding with the majority pure ignorance....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Midnight_Snacka @Nick_504_ u look like that fat kid on Charlie walker the that got stuck it the chocolate tube.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Somehow I doubt that statistic you just made up in your head. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just so you know, I'm a righteous Dick Cheney Impersonator, which is not like a thing or anything. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER All 20 of them! Hardly a problem until the Antifa of hundreds showed up .... for what! To riot and destroy!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"here's to another night laying wide awake #can'tsleep ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What does #peace mean for #Eritrea \u2019s #Refugees ? #AfricanArguments #Africa #GlobalNews #geopolitics @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"has decided to go to my local pride on the 25th. #outnproud #lgbt #wonthide","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey donald, you're looking weaker every day. #small and frustrated. #loser #pathetic #weakdonaldtrump #boringdonald @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chileeee the ghetto \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2dAmerican politics is wayyyyy more interesting than Canadian politics![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#PoliticsLive #Canada #politics #america #Democratic #biden #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBiden #vote #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"April Showers Bring May Flowers, Is It Happening? - Episode 1570b https:\/\/youtu.be\/eVfM_hpFL2c #USA #UK #EU #SouthAfrica #France #Italy #Germany #Australia #Russia #India #Brazil #Newzealand #China #GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #MAGA #QAnon #Anon #Q #BOOM #PatriotsFight #MakeItRain #WWG1WGA #NowComesThePain #DeepState #Illuminati","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holder has a perverted view of the law. Not surprising since he is a Democrat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Black Panther movie is a piece of shit! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RSe1tbWicys","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER If his Constituents support him they are as craven as he is. If they don't they need to VOTE HIM OUT! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Seems I just read that somewhere w\/the words Liberals in place if trump supporters Plagarism@USER best ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Asked this bitch where she wanna eat, she said 'Porkys' and I'm done with white women man I don't care how fire the box is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Exactly but I am just a Hysterical women that Sasse hates ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can tell you suck but sure ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"😭😭😭😒 RT @KingHov1313: At work imma real Uncle Tom!🙈","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If youre dating a baby daddy before you call the baby mama bitter go talk to her yourself OR just the stfu and mind your business bc you know damn well that nigga gone lie just to get some pussy and play victim. Idc. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i celebrate my life #wowsome #celebrate #love #life #amazing #awesome #good #instagram\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"funny!\u00c2\u00a0 this is the air dome at seibu stadium. children can play in it. #follow #instagood #trip #travel\u00c2\u00a0 #l\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hubby rushed me *shakes fist* will flick a pic thru this evening when I feed em again. By the way he is still the boss ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Crush #antifa. That is all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user because he made guys dumb as SHIT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going to rape the absolute fuck out of my stupid wife when I see her, bitch has no idea what's coming to her (me)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When the 1965 Immigration Act was foisted on this Nation, everything went to shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This isn't ya finest moment hun. Try again once you fix ya shit and knock this tweet away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My dad had 'The Talk' with me too. He said, 'Son, when you around black people, never say the n-word, not even in jest, not even if you are friends, not even to sing a song. Any black people in the area will likely assault or kill you and it's considered socially acceptable for them to do so' https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=coryt8IZ-DE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I agree! I guess Dems are saying that they\u2019re worried about some October surprise where the FISA docs are released leading up to the election.\ud83d\ude0a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Here come the beta liberals lmao *convo muted you can cry all day to yourselves.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You guys (conservatives) are too nice. They would destroy you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The feminists that like pedophiles and getting gang raped. Sick bunch of perverted parasites ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f This Deplorable\"\" from the \"\"Dregs of Society\"\" says #PUBLIC_EXECUTIONS WILL MAKE CRIMINALS THINK HARDER ABOUT BEING POLITICIANS\u203c\ufe0f #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank God Trump won!!!#MAGA #AMERICAFIRST#BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoChainImmigration #NoAnchorBabies #NoSanctuaryCities #NoSanctuaryStates #TermLimits#DrainTheSwamp #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessOurPOTUS#Trump2020 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user They're trying.. It's called ANTIFA! \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh damn.. his childhood was so fucked up. he don't know how to be positive reinforcement for his own children ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What an \u201cactor\u201d Joe Biden is....and that\u2019s alll he is!!! A \u201cFAKE\u201d phony actor!! Get off of the stage Joe...your time has come & gone!!! We \u201cDregs of Society\u201d could care less about what you preach!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in 2015, Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini openly admitted that South Africa was better off under White rule.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter \ud83d\ude2c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No\u00a0ETF\u00a0yet for the crypto-curious ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@team_Darrion night jigaboo http:\/\/t.co\/vxKCG4yGXF","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So, Jews are THAT smart? Too smart to wear that cheap suit Patrick is always shown wearing. Does he shop David Duke's yardsales?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pt 2 #fuckdonaldtrump #13thdocumentary #2017 .that's your bitch ass #president ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"s\/o to @user for coming to dc this summer \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is it too late to abort him?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ArcticFox2016 everybody mocks Obama .Hes an embarrassment to the USA.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you go by anything other than he or she you are fucked in the head. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m 1001 you ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"God bless him. #KardBlock\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No doubt progressive Nazi Antifa Liberal Democrats do. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"royalty...renames bihday balayya ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muhammad said \u2018After toileting, you must not wipe with paper, but with stones & pebbles\u2019. At the time, this was sensible. Paper was very scarce, and he was trying to write his best-selling book. I Didn't know the crazy bastards still obeyed it though.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user but there is also many videos of antifa attacking disabled and old people if you want to see them victors ( spoiler on disabled attack three on one antifa to disabled vet) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Jake Tapper. Go boo some rape victims, you sanctimonious dick. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/BPH5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you're gonna steal my shit, at least have the common couesy to steal it right. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"could not determine date. Today or recent? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They could literally give two fucks af \ud83d\ude02 like ummm okay thanks \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love mexico. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user one hour in the sun at omotesando \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #\u00e6\u009d\u00b1\u00e4\u00ba\u00ac#tokyo #bliss ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Too bad the \ud83e\udd21 are funding it or it would tank by economic law. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She\u2019s such a whore on insta! I\u2019d own her holes forever! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yep. they want me to preserve energy so they didn't ask me to come because i'd say 'duh' w no hesitation lmao ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Sanctuary City' Officials Released Illegal Alien Sex Offender, He Then Brutally Raped A 65-Year-Old Woman @user @user @user a day goes by where an Illegal Alien doesn't ruin a life!#BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh Nancy I agree with you wholeheartedly I do not think I have ever hated anyone in my life like I feel about this man The fact that he is supposed to be our leader makes my stomach turn SMH I have lost all respect for the GOP completely that they sit back and allow this travesty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yeah, poor conservatives for having eyes that see, and ears that hear. If you're loving your brain bath , then continue on , pretty soon pedophlia will be your next great virtue to champion as you see kind loving pedo's dawn your TV set to make you march in line and resist\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Or stop being a whore on twitch you rat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A bunch of c--t heads. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals with their lies again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Like two neighbors who have been arguing over who broke a window for twenty years. And the one who did it just can't let it go.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Obama tried to cripple this nation! He lied and said he was a Christian! When actually he is a radical Muslim!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why aren\u2019t you speaking out against the injustices that are still occurring to the Windrush generation\/black Britons whose records Theresa May destroyed as Home Secretary and whom now she is deporting as prime minister? #InstitutionalRacism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"be . you will get what you like most. you will be what you like best.\" ~sri chinmoy #innerpeace #quote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ford knew the moment she came forward anonymously\"\" that her name would get out. This was an effort to stall the #kavanaugh nomination. 35 yo Accusations that knowingly can't be proven. Throw mud at the last minute. This is what the #Resistance looks like.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Yankees and we all fell asleep @Frizzle18","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER in other words, im not speaking on your behalf, i just can't sit idly by while people make an ass out of themselves because i feel like people can be better than that.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deep state ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 ways #facebook\u00e2\u0080\u0099s #repoingsystem fails its #communitystandards, its users by @user #blacklivesmatter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You know about hysterical women ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Speaking of history, check this video out.\u00a0 It's long but well worth it.\u00a0 I was shocked about this.\u00a0 If I could home school my 29 year old daughter over I would.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wow you piece of shit bitch ungrateful hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When she tells you she likes guys that read... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The real life #CaptainAmerica. #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020LandslideVictory https:\/\/t.co\/U30QXhZRsZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/xLpfbcXTeo8 To sum it all up here you go","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There were three categories of satellite camps: Aussenlager (external camp), Nebenlager (extension or sub-camp) or Arbeitslager (labor camp). Twenty-eight of these 40 satellite camps of Auschwitz were part of the German armaments industry. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"snapchat : barbiets.93 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb #tranny #ladyboy #asianladyboy #thailand #usa #lasvegas\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did you fight for women? Ever???? Did you fight against the AESO in our recession? Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry? Ever??? Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fast and serious \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a2 #weekend #river #spo #skate #cruiser #pic #picoftheday #photo #paris \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As well he should! These people are the DREGS OF SOCIETY - NOT THE PRESIDENT'S SUPPORTERS! At least we didn't try to stage a coup d'etat! #QAnons #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #JoeBiden #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER We don't watch any NFL games. This guy can shove it in his pie hole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He thinks he is smart. Me? I don\u2019t think that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER \u201cThatcher had an agenda: to crush the voice of the working people.\u201d And @user are doing the same again today. Join a Trade Union. Join the @user Party. #ImWithDave ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Be sure to follow my Youtube Channel and check out the new and upcoming videos.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I said middle school days as in the ghetto way people... — and what I am nor here to impress you what are you go... http:\/\/t.co\/qYpvIKcRfY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to visit Banbury Team! URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HIV-positive shelter worker in Mesa sexually abused 8 immigrant boys, authorities say ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How do you come up with all these lies. You have not done a thing as far as gun control. Open your eyes Obama your hero had 8 years in office. All your doing is sucking around for the last minute vote. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wonderful crisscross patterns in the sky...whatever are they spraying on us?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Exactly. I know it went to giving more kooshy shit to their little useful dolt teachers. As my daughter said. \"Yet somehow they have enough money to bring in 12 dozen donuts for the teacher every week.\" *sigh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@user @user tragic 4 white americans that prompts so many 2 vote 4 candidates who will slash their ow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This Jerry Lewis ripoff needs to just go away already. The guy is so good at acting like a fool because he is a fool. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check we few is a drug-addled survival #game set in a creepy alternate 1960s #socialmedia ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Captain Europe\" is one of a few EU propaganda \"superhero\" devices aimed at brainwashing kids. The current one is a soy-drinkers wet dream, this \"retired\" one is just as bad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jessicacassell1 find a new hillbilly!! #spiritweek!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I just saw a video that you are corrupting our government and from the evidence i just saw you are going to jail!!!! #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #YouAreGoingToJail #YouHaveBeenExposed URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"clearly just humour. attempt by #liberal media to undermine #trump. #racebaiting won't work. trump is not a . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"libtard- \"i can't believe she hate muslims and suppo trump. how can a black woman do that?\" me \"because i'm not your damn slave!\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I had this crazy, bitchy\/cunty science\/health teacher. Bitch came to school with an attitude everyday, and had the nerve to be married ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are sexy as fuck babygirl\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ren\u00e9, it is not your fault.\" She does not specify just what isn't. All of it. He did not make his father do anything. His father chose to be the coward he was. At he question, her hand rose to her throat, clasping it lightly. She is ravenous. She has been for some time-\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Folks. Just a few days left to sign the petition for Free Speech. Please sign and repost. Thx https:\/\/twitter.com\/HaverburghTimes\/status\/9867156...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now she scarred herself for life lol #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don\u2019t give a sh!t. They have no souls.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you may have good intentions in saying \"i don't see color,\" but you're missing the point. #col\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The FBi has made it so that @user cannot buy a cell phone nor his calling cell to now calls after 5 pm and weekend now but he can use his office phone 619-513-5555 he like to say he is someone else and hate me for call to FBI worked and back and know safe&llook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shock report: US paying more for illegal immigrant births than Trump\u2019s wall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i couldn't end #2016 without mentioning #trump. #feminism #photographs #shockfactor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER can someone please explain to these liberals that it takes more than clapping and kneeling to actually make a real difference","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why not @user mocked obama for being black. @user @user @user @user #brexit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2nd #oldest #daughter of #9 children\u00e2\u009d\u00a3our #beautiful #butterfly was too to find her #name\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why does @USER have this censored as potentially sensitive material? #PanicInDC #QAnon #WWG1WGA @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Students Now Allowed On California College Boards. #DeportThemAll #BuildThatWall #NoAmnesty #DrainTheSwamp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THere is a very good reason why Social Security was setup the way it is so that even the richest rich get their Social Security. The reason is valid today and also applies to healthcare. The designers of Social Security considered means testing for benefits but they quickly realized that if you do that, you immediately turn it into a welfare program. The wealthier people who put a lot of money into it but get nothing out of it come to (naturally) resent it and resent those who are living off their money. That program loses support over time and then gets ended or gutted in various ways. By making sure EVERYONE puts into Social Security and EVERYONE gets out of Social Security, the \"welfare\" label doesn't apply and everyone can still support it. I do not support means testing Social Security. I support eliminating the income cap for paying into Social Security instead. The fee should be a flat percent of income, for ALL people, rich and poor. Do that and its solvency is no longer an issue. If you make universal healthcare a welfare system where the rich or wealthier people pay in but then also have to pay more just for their own personal healthcare, they WILL resent this and fight to end it. I'm not sure what the answer is but isn't a simple fix. Be careful about saying healthcare is a \"right\". It sounds nice but what it actually means is that you are claiming that people are ENTITLED to someone else's labor. NO ONE is entitled to YOUR labor, or MY labor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We don't need to talk about gun control; we need to talk about criminal control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user have you joined the pizza pay? we're talking #pizzagate, #starwarsrogueone\u00c2\u00a0, the #altright, and . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Suck it @user #Winning #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My sister it's #NoBraDay to raise cancer awareness not for you to hoe \ud83d\ude05 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The world divided over trumped up charges and more refugees drowning l blame the refugees who burnt and murdered Christians their religion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user scuba diving....connecting people\u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080\u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080\u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080#scuba #dive #fun #divers #sea #halkidiki #greece #athoscuba #paditv... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Somehow I doubt that China will be tolerant of communist regimes that steal Chinese property in Africa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"with mama denise \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 had a great day with my gals \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #funtimes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And people are still surprised i want homos and trannies and their coddlers in jail, it is precisely because they are all in rebellion against God. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NATO ISLAMIC Turkey detains 300 for social media posts criticising Syrian offensive http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5325531\/Turkey-detains-300-people-criticising-Syrian-offensive.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Someone should tell her that voters have to be at least 18 and be citizens. Can't imagine adults with critical thinking skills could ever vote for her again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Things are definitely fucked up when you need to state the obvious like this. Conservatives are needed just like liberals are needed. One without the other is faulty.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are pretty hysterical yourself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Scene: 1960s typical suburban home with Mom flying around doing laundry, fussing with children, letting dog out. Phone rings. 1960s mom: Hello?\u00a0 Random stranger: Hey, got a minute to listen to me describe my penis to you?\u00a0 1960sM: *sighs, lights a cigarette* Oh, all right. But make it fast.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday #\u00e3\u0081\u009d\u00e3\u0082\u008d\u00e3\u0081\u009d\u00e3\u0082\u008d\u00e7\u0094\u009f\u00e6\u0084\u008f\u00e6\u00b0\u0097\u00e7\u009b\u00b4\u00e3\u0081\u009d\u00e3\u0081\u0086 #\u00e3\u0082\u00b8\u00e3\u0083\u00a3\u00e3\u0082\u00a4\u00e3\u0082\u00a2\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e3\u0081\u00a8\u00e5\u0090\u008c\u00e3\u0081\u0098\u00e8\u00aa\u0095\u00e7\u0094\u009f\u00e6\u0097\u00a5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is just disgusting. But it sounds like you are absolutely right. I do think that even liberals are starting to realize this is all a political game.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"they're not playing Charlie Strong's soft don't run up the score mentality. They're playing this guy. http:\/\/t.co\/sqEdBgU34k","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall Its an Invasion America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it has been one year since we met again and now, you're gone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"agree with those sentiments! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user find your #grateful place and you will find your place .... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think she really knows now but she is in denial!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Reminder: It's in Trump's best interests to have that SCOTUS seat empty during the mid terms and even the next election. It's his only trump card _against challenges from his own party\/conservatives_ these days.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'd still take this guy over a commie or antifa. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#zikzinday #asia#prince @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ireland: Indian Sub-Continent \u201cTaxi Drivers\u201d Fake Marriage Immigration Scam Exposed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Citizens across Europe need the right to bare arms. As you do in America, no doubt if a mob of migrants were doing this on American soil they would be shot dead. Europe has grown soft and we are now paying the price ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Take a joke lefties. Her behaviour was disgusting. So it is drawn.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm A Legal Immigrant And I Didn't Drag My Son Across The Border Powerful Immigration Speech ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kikes are liars and thieves.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's wednesday and today's #emotions and ##feelings to explore are: & #angry #abxc #summercamp2016... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thats why you have your other bitch push your issue if it really matter that much to you and you cant just x the hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey @user you fucking cunt ass bitch. Do the world a favor and fucking kill yourself, at least you'll be great to something and not fuck that up.....at least we hope you won't. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user 'A good time was had by all,' to describe a time that only you enjoyed. #TFM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Because he knows for a fact gun control works and it's proven to work and can't find anyother reinforcement for his argument other than those yee haw laws ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Many view her as the future more than the 77-year-old Joe Biden. #FMTNews https:\/\/t.co\/mBjG3poBxa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shooter opens fire on Border Patrol agent in San Ysidro via @user reason why @user we need this Wall #buildThatWall @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ah.. classic antifa.. behaviour of trashpeople. =) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ugly bitches N FUCK THAT WHORE FUFU YAI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives have become the cadaver party. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6) start legally and lawfully rescinding all admiralty, UCC and civil law equity contracts. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It's same video posted before. What I did was note that if different race had been in play, it would have been considered hate.\" Thus, by objective standards, either that was \"hate,\" or you liberals can't complain about negative references to \"Black men.\" Bye-bye, race card.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER .@USER for president!! #MAGA #KAG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Folks not a protest against our great president. This was pure and simple a way to bring on more gun control. Weapon on campus ( gun free zone) carried a concealed weapon (illegally). This guy just trying to cause more gun control otherwise he'd of shot himself in the head. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U have NO right to judge which women are better you bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Join me in #boycottEmmys #maga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soros-Backed Group Ramps up Campaign for Second Referendum While EU Court to Rule Whether Brexit Can Be Stopped\u00a0 Factions of the Remain campaign have doubled down their attempts to stop Brexit after the Soros-backed Best for Britain group will target voters in \u2018swing\u2019 constituencies, while another group of anti-Brexit activists are taking their case to the European Union\u2019s highest court to see if MPs can vote to stop the UK leaving the bloc.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"had some great beers n pizza yesterday @user #dissinterry and a few to go. i-76 brewery research ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Israel Strikes Syria with Tactical Nuke ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Maybe consider this instead Theresa May isn\u2019t real name. She\u2019s Annette Johnson a Mediterranean and the conservatives are now a terrorist org. Sod chequers \ud83d\ude49\ud83d\ude07\u2b50\ufe0f\ud83c\udf08\u2b50\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and another one “@07Cannon: Two hoes? RT \"@xoxo_imaunicorn: y'all know what we are?! 😂😂\" http:\/\/t.co\/XI5Aod1FAo”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I dimly remember an Econ theory that might apply to Chicago. What was it? \u201cGuns and butt-hurt?\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user .@USER you want publicity? Try doing a video apologizing to your fans for kissing trump\u2019s a$$ while burning that maga hat. Puhlease you were just apologizing to drake & posting video of your daughter singing the Kiki song. So stop it. Nobody\u2019s buying this album either ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#brexit How can @user make a deal with the EU when the @user is split in 2. But even @user is not 100 % brexit or #remain. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ANTIFA? As in anti fascism? Damn who wouldn't want that in America? Maybe our ancestors who fought the nazis in ww2?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and so it stas. #summer. #pay at the #palms #skyvilla #lasvegas #yolo #blessed @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Feminists become radicalized when they refuse to submit to their urges to be subservient to men. It's science... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".If hate speech\"\" were against the law, all of Main Stream Media would need to be locked up because they do it daily, and so do Democrats, liberals, progressives. Look at the \"\"marches\"\" and their signs & their \"\"speeches\"\", the very definition of hate speech. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you @USER . America is respected again! #MAGA #KAG2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Lol these are exciting times...\" God he is the worst\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hoe you watching I suggest you keep watching. \ud83d\ude09 When a bitch ain't seen none yet \ud83d\ude1d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Seriously, Amy and Cindy are BFFs, I know that for sure. Hmm, mmm. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@EricTrump The left are all going to become tax experts \ud83e\udd23. [NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxes [NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You don\u2019t agree sexual assault is more serious than marijuana use? How many \u201cbaseless\u201d allegations are supported by therapist corroboration 6 years beforehand? There\u2019s evidence and conservatives are afraid investigation would make it more convincing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Labour MP Huw Thomas has said anyone who flies an England flag is a simpleton or casual racist. I say Patriotism should be celebrated. In America the flag is venerated. So should ours. \u00a0Voting Labour is a vote for the islamisation of our country and the death of free speech.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch I clearly realized that already look at my name. Dumb cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #father'sday! say \"i love you\" to your dad right now! #sanya #whererefreshingbegins ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so to #share the #simple, #elegant #businesscards i #designed for gracious muse jewelry! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it's 2016 and i still remember every word to this song... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .... that's... fine i guess... -~- btw sammy what part of japan are you in?? would it be possible for us to hang out??? O: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is among friends...IRA friends. A terrorist loves a terrorist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How or Why- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .. newer info from this week. This is obvious to you right? If Kaz said in June the IPO is a go for Nov but in Sept they say it is no hold for filing issues then that is simply a change out of our control...Right? I am not sure what you are after but it is enjoyable listening. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united kingdom boe mpc vote cut meets forecasts (0) #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are very about our brand #newsingle #joyfulweddingsong #twinsong #popwedding #yesiwantu #gonnabemarried","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is a premeditated attack by Democratic liberals and she is being rehearsed. Enough of the scam show. Vote Kavanaugh to SC.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hahaha the goofball is losing money and is still to dumb to know why.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is one of our greatest so you be thrown under the bus for that bad judgment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how many shoes can one suitcase fit... #americanbeautypageant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"download #free #stockphoto @ #staup #photography #staup ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You forgot the sarcasm tag kid. Some people are ignorant enough to think you are serious ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lie about what? Certainly not about you throwing gun control & accountability out the window once an illegal is involved. And \u201ca\u201d hollering? Are you seeing shit AND hearing voices? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Biden what did you drink? Go back to sleep Sleepy Joe.[NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE]#MAGA[NEWLINE]#Trump https:\/\/t.co\/eLxb4XGdU3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER thanks Joe!!! my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ditch all oils other than Olive oil. Make sure you read where it came from & how it was made. Not Olive oil is the same.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You a hoe if you crying because yo ass pregnant. It was all smiles while you was riding that dick bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tonight is the Victoria's Secret fashion show.. Let the female tweets begin about how they wish their bodies were as good! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089 follow me for daily inspiration about being #healthy & #wealthy \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5 #successful\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #boe: policy will take a backseat before the referendum - tds #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Guess what Chicago kids go theu this shit every day and they have the strictest gun control around! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and you will hear kurds are free and equal citizens. like state's mouthpiece 'journo' @user claimed.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#guncontrol itself specifically targets minorities, @USER The entire reason gun control\" exists is pure, unadulterated racism - bigots like you wanted to keep the recently-freed slaves disarmed and subordinate. Thankfully we've grown from there. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happening now....#blessed #summer #goodtimes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@seanhannity Dem harassment, bullying, looting, rioting and violence. This is your Dem party. No thanks! #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is this any way to treat soldiers. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=k9MbSFI9efc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one year ago, today \u2764\ufe0f @KamalaHarris divine timing #BidenHarris2020 #PresidentialDebate2020 https:\/\/t.co\/dmkFoi2nwP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"According to this survey, yids\u00a0are the 2nd favorite group of white evangelical Protestant cucks, after only themselves. In contrast, white evangelicals are kikes' least favorite group. Hymies like muzzies slightly more than they like white Protestant evangelicucks.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you ! Yes he is so sick \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"u got the codes to doez satelites lets zoom in n jooozzzem","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 10 hours of walking in #nyc as a woman #newyork #women #men #bigots","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This hand signal is used by ignorant people as a signal of white supremacy and by evil people who get a lot of satisfaction in the idea of pissing off liberals. We should ignore both because displays of ignorance and hatefulness don\u2019t deserve our time and attention.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Deep corruption in the Puerto Rican government is the cause for the ppls misery. Billions sent & you don\u2019t have the foresight to harden & secure the power system on an island that will most likely get hit again. This is the Puerto Rican\u2019s government ms fault. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"niggers believe thay are owed everything. when the libard government allowed niggers to believe they were the equals of Whites all hell broke loose.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like a homeless bum I passed on my way to the boat ramp yesterday.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"university of wisconsin-madison won't cancel racially biased 'problem of whiteness' course ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#treasonousgoverment california Tries New Tack on Gun Violence: Bullet Control URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jts88troxy theater jts88@user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #love #sinkthepink #music #instagay #celebspot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" i keep hearing stories of sadness and i want it to stop. people make someones day! with a smile, a coffee, or just a touch.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user John careful... liberals will attack you for thinking critically because the facts aren't on their side ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bitch shut up....cyberpunk was announced way back in 2012 and just now getting revealed #....get your facts straight ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Inviting war criminals to Canada is what Parliament does when ever its requested by British military intelligence. I bet they told our Parliament to take in this latest batch of war criminals. You vote for this treason Omar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Twitter and Tiktok are the top 2 social media platforms that clocked Trump when he stepped out of line. Do the same for Joe and Kamala. Hold everyone ACCOUNTABLE.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is ur son a human trafficker? [NEWLINE]Can\u2019t count to 10?[NEWLINE]Can\u2019t stand up for an hour without an IV of addy? [NEWLINE]Do u have history of racist words & policies? [NEWLINE]R U a lying puppet? [NEWLINE]Can\u2019t complete a sentence w\/o a prompter or an ear piece? [NEWLINE]You too can run for pres in the USA [NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No and they\u2019re expensive ass hell ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White privilege does not exist [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]But black privilege does [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#WednesdayWisdom #ENDviolence #Fauci #Trump2020 #BLMRiots #BLM #terrorism #discrimination #WhitePrivilege #blackprivelige #MAGA2020 #TrumpWillSaveAmerica #PelosiMustGo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sessions is not doing his job! He is a deep state RINO just like you! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"admitting my #depression got me this week. so here's lantz to brighten things up. #cat \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No my family aren't MAGA they just don't care. They're apart of the populace who get distracted by pop culture completely. They have zero idea what is going on in the world until I tell them & even then they don't care. I'm a lion amongst lambs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nothing feels better than a nice clean bed. good night! #clean #sleepy #goodnight","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@LucyRiseUp @BResisting Thanks Lucy! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bitch you just want fucking attention. Dont bring your whore self in this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I say I love #IllegalAliens is that hate speech? Or will Twitter computers make a smoking hole? Asking for a friend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Literally. You are literally a crazy person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you Charlie #FF @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"What will you do today, to disrupt, disturb, and defy the enemy?\" Ah, good question. Glad you asked. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fix the website for the love of the seven gods, people are going insane!!!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a troll. Not open to facts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you still fighting them? I filed about 15 appeals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Perhaps you are right if I could trade my life to rid the world of every Zionist I will gladly do so","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I really hope you are a good man best of luck","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Omg gunny!!! Thank you you are so kind!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user To teach the art of Goondaism&giving shelters to illegal immigrants&make UK also boil like WB in India ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HAHAHAHAHA\u00a0 That's exactly who should be allowed to vote in a reconstructed, new deal, civil law admiralty, UCC, equity Federal commie democracy.\u00a0 All those 14th Amend corporate members, neo-serf subject citizens of Congress who are tossed about by political propaganda trying to win the majority so they can exercise dominion over the minority membership","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Democrats don't care. They will do anything to undermine President Trump. People had better realize how serious they are about getting rid of him. Vote Red or suffer under the liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#newyearseve factophobia ale with people in 2017 who use following words: #islamophobia #feminism #culturalenrichment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course life is a bitch. If it was a slut it would be easy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user So if Paul Golding turned up for a job at the BBC you'd let him work for them? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck those terrorists in the ass!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Obvio #sinmaduroyo \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd2a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes.\u00a0 Oddly, it does not qualify as a mass shooting even when mass numbers of people are shot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Gun control isn't about public safety...it's about hating 'rednecks' and social engineering. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Now how did this happen in gun control NYC? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Billythathird @matt_sliwinski copy my tweet again you ginzo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He didnt say that when he raped his daughters friend (16 years old) and not too long after she committed suicide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user shout out to all @user people in @user heading to the states! \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united states 4-week bill auction declined to 0.19% from previous 0.265% #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@smokeabluntdgaf @Haiimbreanna You guys don't get evolution do you? You only share a common ancestor with apes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a lot of blue seats (empty) in da bronx for old timer's day. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"reject news #amwriting #southafrica #politics #libearian","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Didn\u2019t break rules. Had permission. A liar.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wonder how many babies were made last night? And all of them will be Jo, Joe, Joey, Kamala. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #ElectionResults2020 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/XNbuXhXj0n","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#babies aden by aden anais burpy bib single - oh girl! #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pastor films hate-filled rant in wake of orlando gay club massacre #lossoflovedones","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...the kind of repulsive projections usually reflect back on the source; be careful in what one deems appropriate for others lest it is applied equally to oneself... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Fireborn76\u00a0Thanks for the follow back at you! #GabFam #WeThePeople #SpeakFreely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #sun #felizmiercoles #thebest is yet #tocome #madrid #summer2016 @ madrid, spain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Same cycle 'I'm so miserable now that she's gone' then 'she treated me like grabage, stupid skank' then 'I'm over it now' then repeat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Good Morning! I just followed you back! Let's give these crazy Liberals Hell! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New ~ Glorious ebony woman is having fun with a midget\u2019s tiny cunt Daddy luvs THIS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user first base coach davey lopes just tossed zach a game ball #nationals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Open borders will bring this to America! Dems are brainless! Vote red like your life depends on it because it does! #KAG #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We all know there's gonna be some #MAGA nut who sees this, realizes having no uniform & not showing ID has no consequences, has the idea of impersonating an ICE agent with an equally racist friend to 'deal' with the pesky immigrant in their area ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop sweatin these hoes... Vaginas are like doors, when one closes, several more open up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh dear. why are people dying young? #ripcharity \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0096 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"100% TRUE! and she is stupid as well! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch stop it, bum ass hoe you lame as hell Rudy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Rezz is a dumb bitch who will get a rude awakening from BNF in Mexico lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER From your lips to God\u2019s ears Antonio. I will do my part. Let\u2019s hope all Conservatives do their part. And stay vigilant at the polls. Dems are desperate. There WILL be fraud.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm on the mood for cut cat pictures. happy caturday. caturday. sometimes this beats real life. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"8 wks later back in my place \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #horsebackriding #post #necksurgery #tennesseewalker\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think I used the wrong word. Strange\/ interesting that we were thinking the same thing at the same time lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch and listen to the stories of lost loved ones who were murdered by Illegal Aliens as told by their families. If this isn't cause enough to BUILD THE WALL and strengthen our Immigration Laws then nothing will be.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" in america: 'kill obama' and #muslims not welcome here' signs in new mexico draw criticism #islamaphobia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's unfortunate that such racist tactics are used against migrant communities. Remember those who are spreading fear are those who cut the funding of vital services for migrants such as healthcare and education! via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Which some fantasy gun ban you\u2019re rolling over in your mind would prevent? Gun Control Is Evil Misspelled ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yuki920 - cooking ,listen to the music ,reading: #young #kinky #slut #wet #snapshot #horny #nasty #xxx... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER People are tired of the virtue signaling from wealthy liberals who never and never will know the struggles of the average American.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's a lovely evening to... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Freak \u201c!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today calls for champagne \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be #friday #fridayfeeling #friyay #goodweek #clients #hair\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Whore of Babylon-by-the-Bay's residence. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Source for meme? Source for Trumps open call to build a wall using these very funds. Source or gtfo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER psychotic liberals fake media & RINOS are walking on thin ice when they forget that real Americans ...the ones who put Trump in the White House will never allow them to take him out of the White House. BTW..thanks for this #Kavanaugh B.S.-insures WE WILL VOTE!! WE ARE SICK OF DC!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user did Twitter silence alex jones in retaliation of him asking Twitter jack questions @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"900 Americans died yesterday because of Trump\u2019s failed leadership and a lack of a federal response. Each of their lives mattered. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]In about a month we have a chance to elect a leader who will help us all build back better! #BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\ud83d\uddf3https:\/\/t.co\/XxKfGCvfiE\ud83d\uddf3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump real estate buddy carl paladino wishes obama dead of mad cow disease in 2017 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"?i enjoy seeing the movement of animals? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric holder is Obama's straw man of corruption","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Nobody will kill or beat her! Cheap tectics to become popular LGBT Tikoo. She can follow SUNNY LEONE also: she is popular not only in India but world\ud83d\ude34 Best of Luck and hope to see both of ur videos together: Sri Krisna will definetly make ur next video popular. Have fun\ud83d\ude4f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I got more common sense than all of my followers :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"caroline is a #race-baiting --> @user <-- hating on #trump's wife @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jesus was a Jew. Christianity only began with Paul several decades later.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CAIR Publishes a Hit List for Jihadis http:\/\/t.co\/hvVfXypmHm via @RealJTP If you are a red blooded #American you may be on the list..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER How about starting with gun control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't #promise when you're #happy. don't #reply when you're . don't #decide when you're . #nicethinker","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Opportunist to the max. An evil lier also. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Time to vote and spit in the eye of all these liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user good vibes \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bf #italy #travel #trip #me #bike #fit #workout #smile #lachen #gesund\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user who wouldn't want a #wedding #venue like this? #destinationwedding #love #beauty #palace ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Far right bastards. They are literally everywhere. Luckily we have far left extremists like Antifa and Jeremy Corbyn's supporters to act as a counter balance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got damn the Lakers trash....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you don't want your bitch fucked, keep the hoe from near me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got my #hamilton tickets at face value! yay! #tonyawards \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She makes me sick. She uses these confirmation hearings and investigations to campaign and for photo ops. She is a junior Senator that is way out of her league. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i have been invited to play in the nuc all american game @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER CA has inadequate gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Europe is being invaded by third world \"refugees\" Continue to Pray for them \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u008f\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope they beat his ass in private. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What were you talking about? Climate change? Abortion? Legalizing cannabis? Private prisons? Wall Street fraud? Trump's lies? Gun control? White supremacy? Solar panels? Electric cars? Wind turbines? Clean energy? Evolution? The age of the earth? The meaning of the word Yom\"? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh you know all the Nazi's names eh, you stupid NAZI FAGGOT.\u00a0 Go suck this big black cock NAZI.\u00a0 LOL.\u00a0 Shit for Brains.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This isn't ya finest moment hun. Try again once you fix ya shit and knock this tweet away.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Blame Trump??? U bunch of idiots. Blame the corruption over in PR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wrong. What a stupid statement from a Bernie skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop JUDGING bitches by there cover, jus cuz she bad don't mean she's a catch shawdy could be a whore \ud83d\udc40 das opposite of a keeper ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who yah be thank can save yo ass! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Such a fag TWITTER CEO Apologizes For Eating Chick-Fil-A... http:\/\/amp.dailycaller.com\/2018\/06\/10\/twitter-ceo-chick-fil-a-gay-marriage\/ #SoyBoy #BetaMale ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happiness... #smile #fun #instahappy #sohappy #happier #feelinggood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Orthodox Church attacked in hate crime against Christians. The Church of Michael the Archangel in Grozny was attacked by 4 armed jihadists this evening service. Worshippers and law enforcement officers killed.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cWhy don\u2019t you want kids? Every women should want kids!\u201d First of all, bitch, not w this president and our economy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well then I guess it's totally fine to attack his character then. My mistake. I mean what right does an American who was the victim of gun violence have to call for stricter gun control laws anyway?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im a twat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They're still building and hiding nukes but yeah your pops got played like the udiot he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WHERE THE FUCK AM I U STUPID CUNT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER She is a wannabe Hilary Clinton.. Can\u2019t stand that woman and anything that the NDP stands for. I believe that they are even more dangerous than the liberals!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I haven't had a chance to really focus on this yet, in any of my articles, but here ya go!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Definitely not as a democracy because its a Constitutional Republic!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@No_Maaam @CompoundBoss I ghostwrote for Stern in 90's ,knew Trump was running 4 pres to promote Book art of the Deal or other& loved Trump's stories and outrageous CANDIDNESS,fresh air for me to hear that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm truly sorry. I'm sure you'll hear the 'not all men' line, which probably doesn't mean much to you or a\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER F the DemocRATS. SLIMY BASTARDS.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey ladies and men, rape, and sexual assault, etc of any sort is not acceptable in society. For those of you who commit these acts, pls die. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user singing makes me \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it's a sunday in #america today #orlandonightclubshooting #senselessviolence \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's what Lindsey Graham uses for a butt hole............ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you live south of Okeechobee in Florida and are a conservative it's time to move. The liberal sheriffs and sloppy FBI won't protect you from the illegals and ISIS. https:\/\/townhall.com\/columnists\/michellemalkin\/2018\/03\/21\/another-fatal-fbi-fumble-in-florida-n2463004","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Brixea @m4x05 @7mdk7 @H1Tch7 @cms2169 @HTribolet @wldonkjr1 @RodHillis1 @Dv81Grey @Skepticalfa @FarRight1_2 @DanaKlevy4 @Burzi03Sam @QmagaMike @tsunami_eric @meeks_vince @Q_undivided @harmony_4_u @ParisBelgium1 @louieesqueda1 @LakeMonsterCL @JulieReichwein1 @RussComments What do these kids learn in school? [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]IFB @David_P_Mullins #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/WKsuu9RhHe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Umm, why do you dress up your animals? Kind of uncomfortable - unless u was 12 I guess...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Update: Blocked the bitch. Fuck that cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"even my dreams cock block me like i killed and save this bitch 100 times just to die and start again bitch this aint mario smd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is when a guy says something like \u201cI don\u2019t want to date a hoe\u201d n a woman responds with \u201cBut you n your sister got different daddies\u201d bitch so...still not dating a hoe lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I expected to feel good at the end of my stay here in Athens working with refugees, but I don\u2019t. I feel like shit that my own people are here suffering and I get to go back to my family and home. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Then why is it always recommending he watch conservatives?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"400 migrants storm border and #Attack security forces to get into Spain's North African enclave ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is behind this. She is eating up profits. They must have their h1b!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* lives in Chicago * thinks gun control works \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we can't wait to see the release of the line up \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u009f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 I swear I wouldn\u2019t be surprised! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #humpday #losangeles \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0091 halfway through this week. #california #speedoseason\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"agreed but mainly muzzies shouldn't.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's the plan for white genocide.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anyone surprised? @USER #CloserNation #MAGA #QAnon URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy tells France to shove it, will not take in any Muslim \u2018\u02dcrefugees\u2019 - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Baby I'll whisper Vietnamese to you all soft like, \"ching... chong ting o long....\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user EVERYONE should know about this. It's about time we called out these violent liberals that have gone so far off the deep end. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It doesnt matter who said it. YOU ARE CORRECT . If anyone that stupid to out your life and families lives in jeopardy based on politico. Dam fool.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Give him the Oscar!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user d pic of dad&daughtr duo is adorable n awsssssm.as a baby u're as cutee as u r tody. fathers day.lov u niki","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#CivilWar #News #Politics Given the extreme hatred of the DemoLIbs, MSM, & Deep State against #Trump, how do we avoid a Civil War? Is there any chance of them backing down & stopping the attacks on our president; let him do his job instead of harassing constantly. Rioting in the streets was 1 thing, but invading homes in the night of #Trumpmen is another.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Guys ugly and unhinged.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Has it been a year since Trump turned the left into a bunch of hysterical women \ud83d\ude06 bloody hell time flies #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These will not be closed centres, but centres from which migrants cannot leave,\u201d says French EU Affairs Minister of planned controlled centers\u201d to process asylum claims of people disembarked in EU territories after being rescued at sea ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that's because the fucking kikes own Big Pharm but haven't found a way to control pot...yet. Once they do, pot will become a commodity for rich folks only. They will put GMO shit into our weed that makes us even bigger lemmings","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From June 12 - 16, let's call 1-844-4STAND5 to send a powerful message to our lawmakers: We welcome refugees! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Common sense can't be bought or taught....you either have it or you don't.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER My sister by far. She is the kindest, sweetest person alive. Use to be my grandma but she passed in May. That woman was a saint. Even had a song written about her, My mom's a saint\". Written by her children of course. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Same old, same old: \"Oh, the money, the money...\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@lsarsour is an evil bitch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not really. Gun control limits one capability to personally safety. It makes it even harder for good people to buy guns legally. It will even make it hard for women to obtain guns for self defense. Just keep a simple background check system we already have.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to go home #refugees! | Syrian refugee group returns from Lebanon | Article [AMP] | Reuters ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at this news article from The Daily Caller: Antonio Sabato Jr: I\u2019m An Immigrant And I Support Trump\u2019s Wall [VIDEO] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are pathetic!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What are you doing Jeff? Do you think following in McCain's footsteps is a good idea? You will be known as a TRAITOR too. Walk away from the DemonRats RESISTANCE PARTY Liberals evilness. Confirm Kavanaugh.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so sad what trump has slowly but surely done to this country. #pos #hemadeamericahateagain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"You're full of bullshit\". Go back and edit it if you want.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user French men cant whistle at a pretty woman but the migrants can 'groom' them? Harass even rape them w\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Putin wife left him think it\u2019s charming me I am no one just mental they said It I with the people #un Vatican bases going i hell not sure how #putin wife feels about artificial seminarian clone child might mess her head up but not to worry not my problem ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user California should consider passing some gun control laws... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \ud83d\udc4fWELL\ud83d\udc4fSAID\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4fShe gets more negative feedback than anyone ever!! Because she is always defending her BAD BEHAVIOR! Way to show her little girl how to act!\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We were tired of gun violence long ago. Unfortunately the GOP has allowed the NRA\/gun lobby to take over the issue. Many gun owners support some basic common sense gun control but you wouldn\u2019t know it from the lobbying. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jadedcreative Kamala said she believed the women that accused Joe of inappropriate touching. Joe Biden molests women. Joe Biden refused to apologize to them. Watch what he says when he was on the View. They tried to pry an apology from him and he wouldn't give one.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user They are not representing all women. Theyre representing hysterical women that want to whine and cry about our president and the booming economy. The majority of us women do not agree with those few. Check out my article ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've pledged to make sure my surgery is a safe space free from the #hostileenvironment. I'm an MP not a border guard @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JustinRaimondo: The usual bullshit from the NeverTrump-neocon crowd: did the Pew poll predict a Clinton win? Of course it did. The public wants less immigration: that's why Trump is President. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jWXM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so this has arrived! thanks lb! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #lyrics #lb #lyricsborn #kickstaer @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No idea what you are babbling about here, but that's not a shocker.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just bought: 'launch: using design thinking...by @user & @user via @user - #toread #letsmake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Freund's adjuvant is one that is specifically used to induce auto-immune disease in animal studies. Naturally when you're looking for adverse event reports of modern vaccines you're going to run into a lot of industry disinfo and misrepresented findings, under the cover-your-ass mentality.\u00a0 But it's out there if you read between the lines.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hell yeah !! #hellfest #festival #photographer #conces ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This MAGA would spend more than you & your homies together....Now stop ya whining... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don\u2019t care. Let them (NFL) die on the field kneeling","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you Mike Bloomberg. We are donating to lesser known Senate candidates inc. Mike Espy (MS), Theresa GREENFIELD in Iowa, and Barbara Bollier in KS! #VoteBlue2020 #VoteEarly #RBGRIP https:\/\/t.co\/KPKrgNyXi4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She has not been coached well enough yet. This whole thing is a scam to delay a vote so that it is a midterm election talking point. Conservatives should make it a non issue by turning out in record numbers to support MAGA agenda and candidates. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Aliens Crossing Into America Isn't Immigration -- It's A Harmful Invasion Of Our Nation. Mass immigration is part of the #GlobalistAgenda to destabilize our country. #BuildTheWall #StopIllegalImmigration #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Body Language Expert about Dr. Ford: \u201cSomething\u2019s Wrong Mentally\u201d https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/09\/body-language-expert-catches-dr-christine-ford-in-several-lies-insists-somethings-wrong-mentally-video\/ Shared via Right News https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.rovine.news","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Administration to Strike Down Obama\u2019s Anti-White College Admission Guidelines ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pres. Trump: North Korea parade is 'a big and very positive statement' - https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/jwSN #OAN https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35z5R","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wants obama to catch mad cow disease after being caught w\/herford. dies before trial. buried in cow pasture. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Let her come to DC and testify by being safely surrounded by the DNC\u2019s street army #Antifa and even let them wear those cute black masks. That way Americans can see the diversity of the Democrat party and how they protect their own. Good? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A publication marketed towards girls just painted one as a hysterical Puritan girl crying 'witch' instead of a woman within her legal right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whites want equal rights, NOT special rights like the niggers have","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are you planning to #BlockBrett or are you going to continue to be a garden-variety pussy when it comes to checking @user If you only@plan on tweeting, kindly STFU. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user like this page for more badass motivational quotes > #inspirationalquotes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user U R reporting only one side of story.Have u checked their antecedents.Majority of them r illegal immigrants.Many of them involved in crimes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Senate's duty to confirm Supreme Court Justices is at the forefront of this election. Shaheen will only confirm liberal activist judges. Help defeat her so I can help @realDonaldTrump confirm pro-Constitution judges![NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/1EGwrLzxvQ[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 #NHpolitics #NHSen https:\/\/t.co\/NFgOBqIYve","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You can tell Gab is the place to be, even Dem derps are here now trying to latch onto our feeds talking sh!t looking for attention. I don\u2019t care to address them directly, but I will say that my mute button is fond of them already.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Criminals NOT immigrants! Lets call them who they are if they DID NOT come in our AMERICA LEGALLY ! They get NO amnesty for breaking the AMERICAN LAW. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"The conservatives claim their opposition to gay relationships is a matter of biblical obedience. This is based on a few ambiguous texts that most biblical scholars interpret differently.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigga they don\u2019t like yo hoe ass no more so they unfollowed you. Ain\u2019t no glitch bitch lmaoooooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The corruption of the soul manifests in strange but undeniable ways. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this nonsensical, hate-filled word-salad w\/b funny if it weren't so sad.... #bigotry #notmypresident! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if dudes wana fuck eachother n get married, i can never be mad at tht. jus means more females for me! #damn50 #orlando # #omg50 #gay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Nobody voices opinions in this country louder than conservatives so idk what the fuck he's on about","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user our first ultrasound scan tomorrow! can't wait! 7 weeks 5 days today! :) #expecting #ultrasound #pregnant","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for this app. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shows the world just how useless and ineffective you are.. You little whiny brat.. Why not go cry in the corner with what's his nuts??? Oh yeah... Acosta","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER THIS IS SO FUCKINGNDBS FUNNYHEJS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 current affairs quiz \u00e2\u0080\u0093 february 4 2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don\u2019t think the US Senators want to hear the horror stories from this man. Demo-communists don\u2019t give a crap ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i miss this bitch ass whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"watch #demo video of the product on @user from my development team has me feeling #saasy, #grateful and !! #shedwool #shiftwork","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yea your the bitch on the right getting smacked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He has his own radical agenda radio server now, you can find it at his site. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is so beautiful but looks like dad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i have come to the end of my rope and found it frayed #emo #joke #humor #jokes #jokeoftheday #goth #pain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thankful for the life i live and the direction i'm going 49287","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If i see and know you a hoe why would i hit you back up lol this bitch got a new nigga in her snap every day c'mon now females in GA WILD! \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Please get out to vote Republican right down the ticket or Pelosi gets back into control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He\u2019s likely threatened some of the powers to be that he\u2019d come out with stories about their perverted actions if they tank the case. I don\u2019t expect him to be sentenced to jail. There\u2019s still so many liberal players that will gladly subvert the law to protect their own. I hope he rots in a cell on the Hollywood row, which should be filled to max capacity.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a8i'm provaper #vape #provape #coil #coils #pink #cloud #smoke ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope a big tittied Israeli kills @Patrick_little\u200d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest the liveleap bonus daily! thanks to @user @user @user #amandanunes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(1) @user < STFU These women put their babies in harms way &Subject them 2 rape &more by the coyotes who they pay 2 bring them here. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MAGA...retweet this over and over ...he has deleted the tweet but let's let him know we have it! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Coming from a guy who worries more about straws than cleaning up failed 'shitty' policies..now he knows best..lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Foles vs 9ers in San Fran or Eli vs redskins in DC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great time to be alive!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No. Certainly there is other life, perhaps intelligent. Now, consider the miniscule slice of time there has been \"intelligent\" life on earth, how vast the universe and how unlikely it is that we will survive as a species for another 1000 years. So, no.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I sat during the Levi's commercial so they know that i don't support their gun control stance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we're over $3000 - woo hoo! electric embellishments - diy light-up paper flower kits @user #girlboss #","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank You\ud83c\udf4e Have A Great Day \ud83d\ude4f #MAGA \ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a lier Christine Ford Soros pays you well and your lawyer won't work we all know you lie shame on you! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh fuck this is me. I am a tmi queen on some things because it controls the conversation subtly but god help you if you comment in my habits or decisions I swear to god","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've done the same.. If I'm already getting pussy why would I wanna fuck my female friends? Not every hole is a goal honestly.. Honestly.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You were made a fooln of last night by Kavanaugh so like a spiteful child seeking attention youngo on your wide eyed rant. You are an embarrassment to the chamber and this country ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you so much to all my 400 followers. love you so much. \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0090\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0097","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it is time for @user and the cast of @user to take the stage at @user #historyhasitseyesonyou","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"keep in mind @user is totally not , but all whites are dumb.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do you never answer the questions put to you?\u00a0 Why did the Sun rise due East and set due West for EVERYBODY in the world on March 30th, and always will at every Equinox day?\u00a0 How do you model that on a Flat Earth, where the Sun will rise SOMEWHERE and people live in all directions from it?\u00a0 If you don't give satisfactory answers, people must abandon your theory.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ahh I see your finally embracing your inner blond skank good for you mitche :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Placing this here to refer back on.. If Joe Biden wins mark my word the Hunter laptop etc will be picked up by MSM shortly afterwards. Because....well because...Kamala. [NEWLINE]#JoeBiden #BidenCrimeFamiily [NEWLINE]#KamalaHarris #MSM #SetUp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER And he is probably loaded \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 he done cod for 8 years \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 he had sponsors before that so it aint about money..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aww damn shawty dated the one boy now she dating his friend bitch you a slore you can't even. Be called a whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f eg\u00e3\u0080\u009c\u00ef\u00bc\u009f\u00ef\u00bc\u009f\u00ef\u00bc\u009f smile!!!!!\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd \u00e3\u0083\u00bb #smile#egsmile #torio ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you know you're a piece of shit and own it like a boss ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #believe #amazing #slowmovement #lifestyle #family #cool #learherbags\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why are they there??? It seemed like they are brainwashed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user Because some women are stupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This gave me a good chuckle last night. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TrumpVirusDeathToll211K [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VirtuallyNobody until the #MalignantNarcisisst actually gets it.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]No #Empathy #Compassion #Kindness #Understanding [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]I\u2019m voting #November3rd for #Decency #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/jtqljF2HY2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bhutan: the one time the indian passpo is good for anything ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Block me you dumb bitch. Because I'll go on all day about how nurses are assistants. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Funny because he is a dildo!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user suck my dick dumb bitch :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm actually shocked at how many racist posts I see,\u00a0 like pure hate against black people and then the hate for Jews.\u00a0 I don't know if it's just a coupe of people posting like crazy or I accidentally followed a large group of extreme racists.\u00a0 I do think there is a horrible attack happening against white people lately but 2 wrongs never made a right.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":":-( #depressed #depressededit #suicidal #notokay #selfharming (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"got to help a little tule cross the road all because a nice grain truck driver moved out of the way so it didn't get hit, yay! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting my ipsy bag next week and i'm counting down the days!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hollywood is complicit in the rape and sexual assault of women for over 20 years. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You don't have to worry about angles anymore... These bitches out here face swapping with their friends tryna trick to ass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ahhh right that's who Palpatine always reminded me of. Nancy Pelosi. Golly was that intentional? #GeorgeLucas","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mathematicians know best (women have your man translate these symbols for you if you're confused) #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There goes the neighborhood! #SENDTHEMBACK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @USABillOfRights: Psychological Warfare for Dhimmis -- DEFEATING ISLAM\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/M8zlTY0fZs\njoining forces to take out world's trash h…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it\u2019s just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain\u2019s society and economy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a bad ass! Keep fighting for us \ud83d\udc95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ty 4 ur recent flw @user @user @user 2 connect :) hv a gr8 dy! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093grow followers \u00e2\u009e\u00aa \u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sup bitch yo be fuxking care ful i find out ur touching my man. ima find you. be scared whore be fuxking scared. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Eliminate jews and we'd be living on Mars in 50 years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BTW, see China on that map? It FAKED its scores on student tests as well as IQ. Here\u2019s just one of many articles on the subject. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you walk past someone and they mumble somethin under their breath ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the train station Harry's at is trash I've been to the same Eurostar too they refunded my whole trip to Paris bc train accident","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"best garden ever! \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0084 #secretgarden #childhood #mikey #three #threeyearsold #\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"#WeThePeople Patriots' Soapbox 24\/7 LiveStream\" by @PatriotsSoapbox https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/13064","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who thinks Trump needs to disclose who he owes $400 million in debt to BEFORE the election? My guess is Russian banks (ie Putin). It\u2019s a grave matter of National Security. This SHOULD disqualify him from even running until we know the answer! @realDonaldTrump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh please EVERY network is reporting this. This is bullshit obviously but stop pretending it's just fox. Your political bigotry is showing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sry if it hurts but facts dont care about feelings...I have researched it.. Why do you think the only thing never talked about is food... Ever! It is a fact that the US produces the most food... And I might add the most important food.. We aint talking Bananas Mr. Maple... Again I have no issue with Canada or any country.. Facts and Fairness, all I care about.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i love you u beautiful bitch rAWR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This violent, leftist POS had better be investigated for threats against POTUS. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another good idea. You would therefore monetize a lot of relationships, however. I mean even further than many are now. **","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed great idea! Wish we could also remove her from existence! #MAGA #PatriotsUnited #ProLife #ProIsrael #WeAreQ. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It\u2019s up to the Pres he has all the facts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Over 5,000 Kenyans have dumped #Twitter for #Gab following the suspension of influential blogger @Cyprian. #KenyansOnGab @a\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/britsinkenya.com\/2018\/07\/31\/over-5000-keny...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i BREATGE in kpop stan u nigger","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there are more kids now playing jr. a hockey in buffalo than high school hockey. #5teams #everykidsawinner #juniord #allaboutthe$$ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pompeo now says he's working to get more of Hillary's emails released before the election. This is obviously nothing, and even if it were something, Hillary isn't running, and no voter will care. Pompeo knows this. He, and others, are just trying to appease a floundering Trump.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Amy Coney Barrett\u2019s First Votes Could Throw the Election to Trump #SmartNews [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Not if we vote in big enough numbers that Joe and Kamala win in a blow out! https:\/\/t.co\/Ww1nzcRdF3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so brutal. Hopefully he sells the team... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Sorry you\u2019re a socialist!! I contributed to Ted Cruz!! Sick of liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thyats what happens when conservatives\" run the show. THey are more interested in not requiring regulations that could prevent these things than in doing whats right for the community. Short term profits are their be all and end all.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I\u2019m not sure about your point with gun control and the NRA but I agree with you about selling liquor and still wanting people to drink responsibly. I would not be able to do it but I understand people in that industry do which makes good business sense for them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are setting up for the wales games development show! can't wait to se you all! #gamedev ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today's #healthy #harvest from my #garden! #vegetables #vegetable #veggies #veggie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eric Holder is guilty of killing a border patrol officer!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user LMAOO glad you know you are one of the people I was meaning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck it. Just do it Haha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Had to create a whole fake page just to talk shit. \ud83d\ude44 sis is really just miserable #sad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sunday's pub adventures pa 3: bihday bash #bihday #drinking #collage #smiling\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Damn...that's almost as old as I am! Then again, he is from Utah, and he does what career politicians do...appeal to his base\"\"!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You mean the way Hillary re-victimized all of Bills accusers? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @1TRIKOfficial: @ItsNotAdam No prob! Def a good early set energy tool! If you want to tune in, http:\/\/t.co\/hxfJWy3Jab in less than an ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone found an archive of his Twitter feed: https:\/\/archive.fo\/RaVto","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user shitt on Pitt - perfect for wiping the seat! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user THINK PROBELY I THINK SHE IS GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF IT ..MAYBE MONEY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hi would you come to ENGLAND and have time of your life you want be disappointed I will give you a orgasim like nothing you have gotten probably in your past life I will make you piss yourself many times as you like so if you are interested call or inbox me 07405077156 WhatsApp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is such an A-Hole. Sad. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Election Fraud #TrueTheVote #VoterID #IllegalImmigration #VoterFraudNo election fraud? I don\u2019t think so. IF the left is so interested in TRUE elections then we should TRUE the vote. Dead people... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FBI Couldn\u2019t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As if Conservatives didn't hate Sesame St enough ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MinuteManX1776 @TheyKnowNotWhat << closet muzzie @MayberryJustin @AllForCountry @LilMissPrepper @ritzy_jewels @glinsan1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER \u201cI am breaking all the rules for running as a Democrat by speaking about sensible gun control. A woman at #MarchforOurLives told me how GA\u2019s lax gun laws allowed her daughter to kill herself before she could intervene & begged me to change the laws. We CAN win.\u201d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hopefully they lock up all of these young army men. The Government alienating itself from the Army is something I like...but I'll stop talking, pretty sure I just broke some sort of treason law.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fiction doesn't predict the future. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shocked reported by CNN. in case you missed it. An FYI, there are 2-3 Million U.S kids #LegallyKidnapped every year & Pharmaceutical Companies use Foster Kids as guinea pigs all the time! https:\/\/www-m.cnn.com\/2018\/08\/13\/health\/mayo-clinic-escape-1-eprise\/index.html?r=http%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2F","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"obsessed with @user 's @user eyeshadow palette. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088 #palette #makeupblogger #makeup #blog #follow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #drummer #boy #the #euros #dw #drums #zildjian #cymbals photo: tom huysman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"with beautiful sister ana \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #felizlunes #bueniniciodesemana #exelentelunes #beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...Happy Sabbath and congratulations to POTUS Joe Biden and VPOTUS Kamala Harris!... https:\/\/t.co\/yhaAiSlbhr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck off pussy! Grow a pair and act like a real man. No wonder you don' get paid!\u00a0 HAHAHAHAHA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MAGA @user \ud83c\udfb6 Sing like no one is listening \u2665\ufe0f Love like you've never been hurt \u2714\ufe0f Vote GOP when no one is watching \ud83d\ude49 And don't listen to Liberals' dirt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m jealous","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Guy if you can't explain yourself after a day that's a good indication youre talking shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user training night will inc ba assessments and our new aleers are being delivered we'll show you them later #teamhants","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks, go Trump go ride the Trump train","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user tells us she is an unserious attention seeker #iphone @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Be sure to watch the video. I am sure being called a lying bitch after being raped feels good to the\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@05235fd083ad408 hick yes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does Trump Have Power to Pardon Himself? His Supreme Court Nominee Won\u2019t\u00a0Say. https:\/\/t.co\/xIEwUK7ops","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It bothers me because I feel whoever still supports him is just as racist as he is. I'm half black and my daughters and daughter are black so I don't get how my family doesn't see anything wrong with supporting him.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did that cunt bag just blame #rape victims for the way they dress and\/or act?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this yet again exposes the barbarism meted out to young students in madresahs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anyone has a right 2 question foreign parentage. mccain was questioned and accused by democrats. @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Penllyn\u200d\u00a0@mjrodksu\u200d\u00a0@Sidephase\u200d\u00a0@RaviCrux\u200d\u00a0@DeadMessenger\u00a0@John77\u00a0@FrLemmen\u200d\u00a0@Sidephase\u00a0\u00a0@sine_injuria\u00a0 #ThomasMix the #VeroBeachCrybuly just posted an implied threat to President Trump. When it comes to the #POTUS Mix is definitely unhinged!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"opinion: is rife in the #lgbt community. #gay people can't demand equality while discriminating themselves ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She\"\" is a he.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Petrov! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's amazing how low you liberals will go to suit your political agenda. Don't believe you one bit. Have a good feeling you will pay the price for this . Produce some evidence","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Without question Professor Ford is troubled that's being polite. Half the women in the world (probably more) have been groped at one time or an other and don't hold on to it for 40 years. This is obviously a political ploy to deter scotus confirmation. @USER #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"66% of Americans want tuition-free college 67% support Roe v. Wade 68% support stricter gun control laws 70% support Medicare for All 78% support teaching kids about climate change 82% support congressional term limits 91% support criminal justice reform ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Got to love the future of the democratic party though... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user this stupid idea that #trump is a fascist and and will destroy the #usa has gone too far! #obama is a terrorist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I do not support Trump. He is an abomination!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user >> old are you? [[She looks like a baby. Makes me wonder what she is doing in this kind of business. ]] Can we sit? [[I motion to the couch but I look to Dion for approval. I know I have no right to ask her or him to include me in their business.]] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald Trump IS a minion of Israel.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rockefellar stated that the U.S. IS the \"new Rome\"...think about it.... anything that gets in the way of the empire must be removed... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you can't choke her with your cock just let her finger your vagina, princess ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Same \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Truth to the tenth.\u00a0\"A wise [man] feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.\" (Pro 14:16 KJV)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Google whore and they will find your name bitch!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he's tappin more lady ass than us. not nearly as faggy as almost all boy bands.\u00a0 still have to support anyone the left is trying to take down for their retarded twisted victim-laced and jealous world view. #dontbejealous","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is a mean cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user fash\"\"<That's a give away phrase for #antifa types, the genuine fascists who want to close down free speech. This [ex-]muslim nails the apologists who are really just providing cover for radical islam. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well said. About time someone called him out for talking trash. Mullahs making threats is a joke anyway, you would think one of them might be intelligent enough to avoid sounding retarded, but no. Sorta cheapens the threat when you talk like a five year old off his Ritalin.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just sent a message to Tila about things and I don't care if she responses cause she is toxic BUT the fallout is gonna impact the interbutts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL there's a talking monkey live on the internet! Will wonders never cease?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Brit already had to be 18 to buy a knife....... because all their diverse teenage darlings were stabbing each other.......... ain't multiculturalism grand ? ..... Nirvana is just around the corner....... Whut?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"KICK THEIR FUCKING MOZLEM ASSES !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch you switched up on me fake ass hoe . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck you are killing me lately \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user wines prepped for aisan producer day @user 1-5pm @user @user @user #localisbest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 india third in global dope violation in wada repo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cause who bitches be playing with \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d god aint give me the gift for nothing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Courageous Nurse Gets Accolades Months After Her Heroic Actions ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Come on @user you can do better. This has nothing to do with your Agents. Any subscriber with cash can sell or buy cash at whatever rate. You are just a conduit. Its the Law of Demand and Supply at play. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Congratulations, Jo. You are the most hysterical person I've ever encountered on social\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"productive morning so far ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER NICELY SAID DANIEL !!! VERY TRUE !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would sooner say she is playing her own fantasy games. Sick bitch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There are whispers in the machine that say #JonStewart is next. :) Boy will I be happy to see that smug little man get knocked off his high horse. Watching one of the lefts most beloved political character assassin getting some of his own treatment would be a nice gift for Christmas.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is spending your contributions. Vote Ted Cruz!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I understand women are frustrated with rape culture but not all men are pieces of shit , we may cheat but some of us have daughters ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#rip anton yelchin-met him back at san diego #comiccon 2008 when he was promoting \"terminator salvation\". #sdcc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I LOVE offering this homage to my country every single day.\u00a0 RED\u00a0 Fridays are meaningful, thanks to soldiers like this brave soul. I LOVE them. #CountryLove #America!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Talking today at lunch with co-workers,one black,one Hispanic and I'm white.We all have something in common,a diverse family.We all have black,white,Hispanic and I have Asian and Jordanian as well.We all agree that the battle we all face is the battle of Good vs Evil not Racism or anything else.Interact in the 3rd dimension and you'll see. \ud83d\udc4d\u263a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Right Wing Politicians & Warmongers:We want to drop lots of bombs on the Middle East and African Countries. We\u2019ll make lots of money.Right Wing Politicians & Warmongers: Fuck off back to your own country, you immigrants.Obviously no braincells amongst the Right Wing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Her brain is still somewhere lost in The Matrix... Then again Liberals are just plain delusional no matter what. \ud83d\udc4a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We need a marijuana lobby that can bribe the GOP like big pharma does. Otherwise, you're screwed. Just because it's good for America, that means nothing... see gun control\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I think you are being abnormal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"has anyone made an edit of pence as jack from lord of the flies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hope they bankrupt soon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She was so freaking happy when she got her 'No' from Kavanaugh. I seriously hope she has him for perjury or at least can force recusal. Either way she is an immensely elegant speaker cut from the same cloth as Obama who I badly want to run in 2020. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#hatred,#greed& destroyed many lives,but mad #leadership & bad #government policies have destroyed more. #newyear2017 #politics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user not sma enough to comprehend the genius of #trump @user such a well respected man yet so completely full of shit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*Finally at my sister's apartaments* Instant reminder that she is ungrateful brat and i'm much more happy without seeing her","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Her house in CA \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#2017 scatter #joy!\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 may we bless&keep shine upon be gracious look kindly toward one another. let us all #love as a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Out: People voting for Trump vote against their own economic self-interest In: People who voted for Trump are only thinking about their own economic self-interest. Why does anyone falls for this shit?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we absolutely need it! thx u ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no as u have termed him an outsider who gave u that right? i only said @user is more indian than many of us.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Juan Williams just called Diamond and Silk a Minstrel Show. You know what to do!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Aye nigga\ud83d\udc40","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don't you have to weigh under 200 lbs to be considered a 'porn star'? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stop imigration from all muslim countries ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When r\/socialism went full retard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The persona that you project masks your insecurities. You are hurt and disappointed. Politics is a dirty business. Move on and make a difference. Hillary lost because too many people sat out the last election. Get involved in displacing Devin Nunes and or Duncan Hunter in Calif. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@serenity_23 I assume so, the tranny went out this morning. I have a maxima.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just followed you! Nice to know there are liberals in Florida! Adearfriendnjust moved there and is surrounded by red! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of Doraville \u201cusing its law enforcement and municipal court system for revenue generation.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank You! \ud83d\ude4f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Wishing You a Wonderful #MAGA Day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is Disgusting to say the least.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ofhdirector Everybody, look at this bird-killing wind mill lover. ;-)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user slice slice slice #selfharm #depression #depressed #suicide #anxiety #broken ... (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user except in this case, it was at the gay venue. rather than praying, many haters will be happy it happened. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When the lemonade stand didn't work out so you and the crew decide it's time to rob a bank ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udc40 PATRIOTS & ANONS \ud83d\udc40 \ud83d\udca5old SOROS is shopping again!\ud83d\udca5 #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #DeepState @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user DM daddy. Show me what your doing to your little wet whore holes . Show daddy how nasty of a slu\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @daliasza: “@NoChillPaz: Me when somebody says Childish Gambino is trash http:\/\/t.co\/8ejOHDLdD9”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Because you are \ud83d\udca9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hillary Clinton will be POTUS..Oops! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"many people in my country listen to folk music. their choice. but some have never even considered that there's another genre out there. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what dads want in their homes #mancave #fathers #day #tgif #realestate #homes #design ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are a hero!! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is mainly @user fault. He is to blame ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you want to hand out with him but you can't so you just sit here and do nothing #mylife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holy shit which sears?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \"think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.\" -- anne frank #quote #beauty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user So tell me all about why you are simply rudeand racist. Was it your mother\u2026? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just stumbled onto this site, it's a good one though.: https:\/\/twitter.com\/eXscSk3EnWUBKom\/status\/971496186959089665","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SQUEEEE! CUDDLES! lol just kidding but dang \"cute as a bug\" now confirmed!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well no change unless - it goes WITH more & more people SAYING banks fund rip-off corporations to deny decent wages SAYING IT CONSTANTLY & loudly everywhere till it's a party political issue in an election.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"harbaugh had no time for stupid questions about bikinis. thank you, @user no time 4 . via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not all men are misogynists and not all women are feminists. Being vociferous alone cannot equate a woman to be a feminist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judeans. Jews didn't exist until the Middle Ages with the Talmud. Those were ancestors of Palestinians and others in the ME, as well as some of the Jews' ancestors.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you @user for doing nothing while a homeless man called me bitch and a hoe 3in. from my face while your patrol car was at the light ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you sir such a humble person but @user he is a business man. Ab to confirm ho gaya screen 50-50 hi milega \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user His back hole will look like the holland tunnel we he gets to the male prison ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Would you resign with the boys? Just curious and honest question have you gained any perspective of why yall parted ways? Being serious cuz you are a BAD (positive) receiver! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user are you scared theyll take the crown from you? Your reign as Most Hysterical Woman has been long and most likely, safe. @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pinochet's biggest fault is that he brought back democracy in Chile instead of establishing a monarchic dynasty. #PinochetDidNothingWrong","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Only time of the year you look normal ya kunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sheep_Dog knows how it\u2019s done\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So that's why niqabs were invented.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/overdoseinfo.com\/sleeping-pill-overdose-death-symptoms-treatment\/ - Sleeping Pill Overdose - Symptoms, Treatment, Death, Amount, Effects. Sleeping Pill Overdose occurs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hate is hate no matter what side of the aisle you are on it's bad when Republicans do it it's bad lwhen liberals do it... this should be non partisan!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You just said publicly aligns with neo Nazis. I asked which and you can\u2019t answer got it. Source for your \u201cambush tactics\u201d please. By your definitions I\u2019m not sure you know what a paramilitary is. Do you classify Antifa as paramilitary? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can anyone answer this question?Why is it OK in this country to make light-hearted, or even offensive comments about Christianity, but similar comments about Islam are considered Islamophobic by the mainstream media?#Burqa #Brexit #bitcoin #immigration #r4today #SaudiArabia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"people be so backwards \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i know a few \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user @user #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @user We think not #AnnaSourpuss \ud83d\ude20 Best for the #UK \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 without a doubt is to #Leave with #NoEUDeal & just get on forging \ud83c\udf0d trade deals & say to the #EU #FuckEU \ud83d\udcaa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So discusting! Lock him up! Dont release him he will only come back! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user please retweet! this is an impoant issue that needs to be discussed. #nojustice #loserpizza","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don\u2019t mind not allowing the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns though honestly they need to be in an institution","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The problem is, the people who will read this and go oh shit he is a cunt\" already think he is. The rednecks and retards that already support him will believe it is fake news.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pro Tip- If you're in NYC tonight and a girl asks you if you're your_fuckboy, say yes, take her home and fuck her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"critics threaten boycotts of simon & schuster over milo yiannopoulos book deal | the huffington post ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The #Child-#Rape Assembly Line URL via @USER We cannot #trust a #Catholic #priest. We cannot trust a #Jewish #rabbi - Why do we let these #people have #secrets? #GreatAwakening #MAGA @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is garbage. Kavanaugh has done a beautiful job fielding questions.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You do know if she saw that it would make her happy, right? Progressives think they're down with the brown, this only encourages them. To quote a line from the Dave Chapel Show \"They called us niggers, ALRIGHT!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You sound like the Nazis my family came to America to go back and fight in their home. You have a lot to learn. Antifa is an Enemy of America just like the Nazi's ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DameStr8Cash: @JaeTips I know that's trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil there is no correlation between the religion of islam and violence. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Look at how shamelessly liberals lie to destroy a man's life... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am a proud, Mexican immigrant. I love this country. I've been told all my life I should be a democrat because I'm Mexican, an immigrant and a minority. That is absolute trash. The democRats hate America and want to take away our rights given to us in the constitution. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this! #cambersands deaths blamed on victims' \"culture\" by council what about paying #lifeguards, maybe? #wow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what makes people is relative. we have our way #africa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And enjoy my iggy bin","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bet they want a cookie, Bergbrain? You mean like you want a cracker? Kinda bitter here today aren'tcha? #stribpol mngop #mnleg","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kim taeyeon! @user new project coming up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Steve Bannon Speaks After White House Departure: \u2018I\u2019m Going to War for Trump\u2019 http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2017\/08\/18...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am upbeat. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's as sacred as the Holy Grail thanks!! Might mean nothing to you but here in the Great White North it gives us hope that winter is finally coming to an end!!!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JohnCornyn Why the tears sEnator? You won't\/didn't do anything about election interference anyway. Frees-up more of your time to whine and lie on Twitter. #ComplicitCorruptGOP #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user btw haven't heard about ANTIFA lately since Soros ran off without paying them after their violent riots across the US ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What a crap she is?.......total publicity seeker. Since when tearing apart The Bhagwad Gita is symbol of changing India and why Bhagwad Gita .........if u have guts show here tearing apart Kuran and Bible too #Intellectualidiot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Inspiring meme!\u00a0 Beautiful thing is many Blacks have bravely shown their insight. That is a very encouraging movement that Sisters Diamond and Silk, Pastor Burns, Black churches...have lonely started during presidential campaign in supporting President Trump.\u00a0 PRAY GOD BLESS AMERICA BE WISE and SAFE!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here a good description about underlying research https:\/\/www.thecut.com\/2016\/06\/how-only-using-logic-destroyed-a-man.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its disturbing to think that the safety of the only public environment that we lgbtq's can be ourselves, is gone #prayfororlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 rbi revises rules for resolution of stressed msme loans ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Blessedyaszay: #IWantToPunchPeopleWho mock God","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not a fucking thing isreal and the jew is like a blood sucking tick","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user If so why do Democrats continue to say he is a rapist? Why do you Democrats say Republicans allow a rapist to be president? He isnt unscathed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another #dem lie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user All liberals are devils. All of us. Ask any repub. We hold hands to stand together. To know we aren\u2019t alone in this fight for civility and decency. Call us all the names you want. It doesn\u2019t matter one bit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now who tf could be jealous of any bitch that fucked w| Mazi?! Hoe you sick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I love that she is using her platform for something positive and meaningful.. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Buckm00se @LEXXX_RUGER @ivanrabago_ the kikes want to charge you 💯 dollaz for the complete version http:\/\/t.co\/ZJDLwiAjEo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yeah she is a real blond just like Uncle Donnie ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AINT LOVING THESE HOES THEY GARBAGE THATS NOT MY BABY LIKE MAURY LIL BITTY BITCH STOP CALLIN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm gonna show you the difference between FIRE & AIR......... Sam Donald Gemini unpredictable like air itself...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...He is always gonna be on FIRE...Every snap of the ball every game the whole game.... Sam Donald trash trash trash Like Donald Trump........","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Bullshit! Regulations are good because it keeps conservatives from striping our land into the Abyss ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #weekend #sex.... have a great time. florian hagen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe now Tommy will realize kissing Jew ass is a fools errand. Tommy reaches millions of people and he won't ever tell his audience who is behind the Muslim invasion.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Since the end of WW2 the literary world has slowly turned the pro-White, European, hetrosexual protagonist into a total faggot SJW, virtue signaling, multicultural idiot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mi caldito de pollo estuvo incredible!! Ahora a snuggle con mi snuggie y mi hubby... Queeee riiikkooo...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Alex Jones shit makes me hope the Anti Trust people go after these companies Break them up like the oil companies and phone companies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Grew up listening to K.I.D.S shit breaks my heart RIP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives believe attempted rape is a form of flirting. That\u2019s why we\u2019re getting all the \u201cif you look into my past you won\u2019t believe what I did\u201d nonsense. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I use my real name and a real picture of myself here simply because I don't give a shit. Anonymity should be protected at all costs though if we are to have a truly free society.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going to see @user saturday #singersongwriter #girlpower #awesome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my dear #kidzoona #ramadhankareem ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. my opinion has no value ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 He is a communist fool!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s hysterical! If I were the Hillz, I\u2019d leave the country. The audacity of this woman is unbelievable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Report Finds #Immigrants in #US\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Sent Home $138B in 2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Aaron has barely been in it this last year. He is in a few episodes then he is sent out of town for a few weeks. Robert had that story with the whites","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As we say here in the South \u201c bless her heart\u201d!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Elon\u00a0Musk Deletes Facebook Pages for SpaceX and Tesla. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you fuckass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RobBee2018\u00a0 welcome to #GabFam, Rob!! \ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc9a #SpeakFreely!! \u2764\ufe0f#NoobLuv - pass it on!!\u00a0 ;) \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8thank you for your sacrifice and service!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it's great, seeing @user having fun with phil \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #baycityrollers #goodfriends #lovelymen #popstar\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day. i can't say how much i love u more than anything dad. thx for everything u have give to me without u am nothing\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Both are dopes, who cares who wins the \"Most Hysterical Women\" award? Give it both they both worked hard for it and they both deserve it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".....\" And he is shuting up. Don't mess with Yumi. Don't ever mess with Ms. Yuzuki.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So she can\u2019t be effected by the radiation but killed. I hope he mentions Lady Gaga witch. Since she is the only known immortal witch and supreme ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Have you noticed that kavanaugh hasnt actually answered any real question posed on Roe v wade or gun control and even civil rights ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I see his tweet. But it\u2019s just another garbage tweet from the liberals. Contributed nothing except to add more confirmation that the liberals are out of talking points & aren\u2019t to be believed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cI am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose\u201dhttps:\/\/t.co\/WPLZ3lTRGz ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I has a great night being with my family instead of wasting time watching the Oscars","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Treason he should hang he has no business even trying this who the F does he think he is Trump needs to Lock him up fast ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Your husband is loosing it. He is fat and crooked and fake. Throwing paper towels!! He has lost his grip on reality. I don\u2019t know how you can help him. He needs lots of help. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Whoever you are you deserve this URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#blowoutsbringhappiness yet another client! have you booked your appointment at @user nohpark yet?!... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If Germans want rapefugees they can keep them. Poland will not accept a single rapefugee. Not even one!!! Poland remains proud and firm! \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf1\u271d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #bestsellers #topsales #golf \"never go to bed without a #dream or wakeup without a #hope\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Fuck you... If she dare then why didn't she choose any other granth ..haha .. m sure she is looking for some publicity.. Bible or kuran . Whatever her intention was but she done a drama . May be she want to start any business that requires public intention. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lazy day\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a4 #vsco #vscocam #vscorussia #chita #girl #mood #bw @ tchita ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Open a Case\"\" 4-this: John Kerry: \"\"Obama & I *KNOWINGLY *FUNDED *TERROR\"\" 55 BILLION $$$ With a \"\"B\"\" !! God bless Trump #MAGA #KAG #DeepState .. (FULL LINK: .. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING: Lawsuit Exposes Vaccine Immunity Fraud by HHS - ALEX JONES INF... https:\/\/youtu.be\/b5n-vP_R3Lk via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So pleased for the USA tonight.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]I just hope Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can unite the people on what they have in common. This is going to be such a difficult task.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#AmericaElection #2020Elections #getinthebintrump #losertrump #TrumpTantrum #TrumpOut #","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER When tRUmp posts shit like this you know that he is distracting from something else that is going on. #Distractification","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She\u2019ll have a total mental breakdown when he is re-elected!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user shit!! i left a little bit ago to get food but if you're still there i'll drop down with all the paper your heart desires! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Bitch stfu stop acting like a fucking cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#men are you looking for a #coach or a group that can help you know yourself, be about yourself and become... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racist austin police ofc cameron staff #cameronstaff #camstaff #officerstaff #acab #cowardcops\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1000 pieces","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When @user mentioned years of economic pain\"\", was he referring to @user + @user imposed austerity? @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Awww the jooooooos can't meme. That's probably because the reptilian humanoids kept them from doing so. Or because \"Schultz\" is German name. Or maybe it's because you're inbreed gutter trash. (Much like Jews you blame your problems on)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Spain#Soros government is not considering exceptional the daily arrival of hundreds of illegals... oh vey... they simply call them migrants^^...#OrganizedCrime ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user By acting like a spoiled brat? Women do not need that sort of help. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This could completely change the face of refugee aid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This woman is a cunt , when we cut trees that\u2019s ignorant and selfish too, every family buying 2 -3 c\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If it wasn't for some hyper goats in Ethiopia we wouldn't have the wonder of #coffee today. Thousands of years ago some goat herders noticed that the animals who ate the beans from the coffee plant would get very excited. After trying it themselves they agreed. Why not enjoy the black sweet nectar of energy today? #espresso #covfefe #MAGA #goat #zing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As a group they are attacking people based on BULLSHIT. Again. Sounds like a bunch group-thinking Socialist Libtards to me...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"65 women defend Kavanaugh as 'a good person' amid allegations - IGNORE Dianne FEInstein. She is obsolete! You disgusting idiot piece of sh%@ Feinstein. He will rule supreme!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER What a waste of one\u2019s short life.\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@missionary Thanks for the follow Lin \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So Twitter opposes the term #IllegalAliens but allows this from verified accounts. Makes sense. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#insectstalking attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each sid ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@missionary. Thank you for the follow. God bless you with resurrection power in Jesus.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user r doing wonderfully well dividing the nation when will u learn to treat ur own people the same as migrants no houses for them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Men! We know that not all men are rapists. We know. You don't need to remind us every time we want to talk about rape. We fucking know. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BlackTwitter #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #SundayMornibg #AMJoy #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Utterly damning resignation letter from Boris. Time for May to quit for the good of the country!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even without voting, THIS IS HOW 15 million #IllegalAliens give @user an edge in Congress. Dont count them, DEPORT THEM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cancelsouthpark They were liberals when you were still suckin' on your momma's titty at the other woodstock. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it still strikes me that there's only 4 women out of 50 in highest rated ceos @user #topceos #powerwomen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Michelle Duggar is hated by the left. They know that white women having 19 kids screws their plan of a non white Socialist hell hole. If white women ever figure out what their sex organs are for. Not just pleasure. But to have babies. The Communist Democrats will not be able to stop the baby boom","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ho, ho, ho It's magic, you know Never believe it's not so It's magic, you know Never believe, it's not so ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are we talking food, or action? lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'crugwell only do pragmatic fbi informing but nao whole tribe mad at crugwell'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"walking in the 'hood. have to say, the view isn't too shabby. #pinchme ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's try to poke the bear and see what happens.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"better luck next time. #ttespos #tournament #4thplacer #teamnopractice #teamnerfus\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user when it comes to gun control in order to make all of America happy remove all gun list from conservatives. Then take all the guns from card toting Democrats. that way everybody is happy. Everybody is safe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If only there was a way to stop those bullets! I'VE GOT IT! BUILD A WALL !!!! #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Watch the trailer you stupid cunt, you\u2019ll love it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you want to learn about how evil people think, spend an hour reading Huffington Post's Twatter timeline: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck off Holly you slag #thismorning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hate mongering is No solution for NFL KNEELERS - change up your playbook losers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user AUSTRIA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it looked easy till my turn #rap #hiphop #rock #funny #comedy #pop #kanyewest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Indoctrinated little \"global citizens\" gun free protest is protected by ARMED GUARDS!?\u00a0 http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/03\/23\/left-wing-directed-and-funded-teens-descend-on-dc-for-anti-gun-march-for-our-lives\/\u00a0 & Planned Parenthood took part!? Who have MURDERED millions of babies & sold baby parts! Insanity retarded!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sounds like a great ad for gun control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"launching #politicalmillennial in january! stay tuned for dates!#letstalkabout #climatechange #education\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER still waiting for mine fat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good Morning Narelle - I hope your day is as beautiful as the picture \ud83c\udf38","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"missing you\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a #hangout #qualitytime #longtimenosee #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hear from some of the victims of Algeria's unlawful mass summary deportation of 1000s of migrants, many of whom are being dumped mercilessly in the scorching desert on the Niger border @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't blame Crash for not sharing with you @geoffsheen760 you'll probably talk trash about it like you do food trucks #GeoffHatesPuppies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks.\" Try to focus.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this arrived in the post this morning #newbooksmell #newbook #bookstagram #book #illuminae ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user our #4 most popular post this year was @user brilliant take on #whiteprivilege: #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Don\u2019t let the door hit ya...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" a deeper look ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Women are naturally lazy. This is why #feminism is popular as they want privilege without responsibility. laxy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In space no one can hear you bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I ain\u2019t fucking w\/u today lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The mother never moved I think I would have at least moved a arm a leg I mean something she is a idiot. Why wasn\u2019t she watching for car geeezzz and the other idiot in the car he\/she is blind","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalImmigrants have NO RESPECT for the country they are in; we need to protect our borders #MAGA #winning @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #ProudAmerican #WalkAway @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user idk buddy, I'm not a meme historian ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter suspending based on #thoughtcrime. 'If we determine...' = We'll ban your ass on a whim!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have said it before this was Political decision by the Ball gov. that in the end will not only Finnish the destruction of our wild salmon fishery but will eventually show that it will end up being a gold mine for people like Mr Antle & all those liberals with a vested interest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ABC Go Barack! Joe was a great Vice President. He and Kamala will be a great President and Vice President. The name calling will finally come to an end. People suffering will finally get the help needed!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmaoo we was sayin this same statement last year RT @DeeSwaggyJay93 Boozer is trash bro I'm done!! 😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're the shit fetishista with a dozen accounts spamming gay faggot kike shit. You probably take hot brown loads on your face from tranntifa cucks. ROACH CUCKSERVATIVE (((BEAR)))","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But still, i'm not even really trying to shit on Em. I just wanna know why everyone is saying he murdered\" MGK when the song was terrible. That's all. I absolutely get preferring Em, he is, and is gonna go down as the more successful artist. I just don't know how he killed him.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TRobinsonNewEra\u200d was brilliant yesterday at #SpeakersCorner,standing up for the truth in our country and crushing the lying quisling elite U.K.Government for trying to sensor the normal working man!.\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\u2705\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7+\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER won this round. Yucker ALWAYS interrupts his guests and it didn\u2019t work this time. He is so rude. #MichaelAvenatti ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I like how her boobs have the same mass as her belly XD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"there's a reason why two people stay together, they give each other something nobody else can.\" hopelly greats day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Dory: my anaconda don't want none, unless you defeat the Huns, son http:\/\/t.co\/uzTkGaWTfM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i couldn't be happier here in fargo with you! #purposetourfargo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Plenty of ppl work a full shift and still manage to find their way home correctly. This bullshit is not flying with the public. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you\u2019re not an ancom then you should be on my side ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ask the liberals who have seemingly forgotten that you're a war criminal. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"231 years later the liberals wants to do away with it. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I miss you bitch!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Consider this source ... @USER is a supreme ass kissing douche bag.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hopefully they don\u2019t get shot because of Repug inaction on gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the feeling's not mutual, you , #ableism, islamophobia, , #transphobia, #misogyny, #homophobia-enablin' #bigot. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#best friends #share #crayons and #color #together! #friendship ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@maddow Republicans in #congress dont want to see another Republican #impeached. @user & @user on #secret #recording said this all goes away if the Republicans dont keep the #House. #NunesTape shows plot to fire #Rosenstein. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just imagine if the two million spent on the security for the next royal wedding were allocated elsewhere","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Somebody better be fucking dead' -me sitting in traffic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Colin is a dick would sell out just as quick! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her high school guidance councilor lied to her.... Just Sayin.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals. We are not stupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Everyday I find myself hating niggers more n more. Now I\u2019ve always hated this creature, and never thought it could go deeper. It does. I will be a happy man to watch nigger confidence slide into fear. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think 100% sounds wrong to people. And it's not necessary since even Israel or Japan are not 100% racially pure. But certainly we need a LARGE, stable majority. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bama #alabama is the most st. in the south but as long as those #ncaa #dollars roll in you keep #silent on\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user ends 2016 with a hopeful message against in the music industry via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So many weird people in the ghetto at this time.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah I know, and if you attack jews they'll call you a cultural marxist. I've actually seen it. They claim we want a communist Hitler utopia filled with Muslims. Such idiots","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user why would i take down my avitar?? why are you projecting #hate n ??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Bangladeshi immigrant thinks he is above the law in Sweden - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm so mad who gets me sick in summer like you're a bitch whoever it was \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed all MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user disgusting. These people will take over this country one day and then all the lefties and liberals will be very upset when they are forced to wear a burka. Imagine @user \ud83d\ude02. The worst mistake EVER was letting these people in so freely. They do not appreciate it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Theon greyjoy is a cunty cunt that deserves getting his dick cut off. Traitorous bitch #gameofthrones ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmao redskins turnin up","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"450 migrants land in Italy, five #EU states to take 50 each ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the cowboys racist. i'm convince fooh. my nigga got 12 wins and y'all gon swap him for the white boy who ain't did shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Please shut up Ontario is seeing what conservatives stand for @USER is not helping you loose this province your never going anywhere.. Not they you will any way your completely out of tune with Canadian Mr. Harper oops I mean Mr. Scheer common mistake you so much alike.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Barry tried his best to destroy it, along with the traitors in Congress. But, Trump took over for Barry, instead of HRC. Now, Special Forces are going after the Globalists and traitors and there are going to be executions coming up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We all have concerns about the Democrats' disgusting Behavior and disrespect for this country and our Constitution of the United States and the violation of your oath to Citizens and our constitution.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Zoom lens shows sun above the Horizon.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"our first game is almost ready for purchase! #tabletop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bias Blockers: The New Glasses Made for #MAGA Racists and Homophobes \u2014 WATCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user chloe shut the fuck up. seriously get a fucking life and leave us alone. idk how many time we have to fucking tell you. bc you clearly you don\u2019t fucking get it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user celebrating iya gbogbo won bihday.. age with grace #candles #faith #pay #cake #spiritual #bihdayca... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user why do we have listen to a woman who goes to church but kills thousands. #fascist #brexit #l\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rahm Emanuel\u2019s failure is an ill omen for all Democrats\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well I am sure Doper Dave will send crayon pictures to Obama and Hillary. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER she is getting death threats....can you go and be a shield for her so you don\u2019t have to wait?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I really thought so. He is the God of rap. How do you come back from that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm now a male to ALPHA MALE tranny, I demand doctors give me 400 milligrams of steroids a week, paid for by the government, so I can get fucking jacked. This is a violation of my civil rights!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Poor kid. Someone wise must have told him, \"When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade.\" He listened. His lemonade should now be offered with ICE in abundance. #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the only Democrat, the rest are DEMONIC RATS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER CONway say it louder for your fellow #MAGA Trumpkins because they are the horrible peiple insulting her! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Red Flags: She\u2019s a \u201cprofessor\u201d at a liberal school and she\u2019s \u201cunable to have healthy relationships with men\u201d. Translation: She\u2019s an Antifa Dyke out to stop a Conservative Judge and President Trump even if she has to lie.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for transpo. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She's a complete nut job. Dont know how anyone could vote for her. Her BS claim about being part Native Ametican is just disgusting and a testament to how she approaches life. #EntitledLibtard","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey Serena...don\u2019t do me any favors. Women can take care of themselves. Just hit your tennis balls and take care of your family. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"had an amazing 2nd day of our trip to brussels @user #yafinbrussels ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Go to google image, do a search for Marine graduating classes. Why are the Marines, all white and hispanic. Why are Negroes who are 15 % of the USA population only 2\/100 marines. Jews are not the only people that don't fight in wars in this Country. Heck we have more Lesbians now than Negroes in the Marines. The American Negro we could afford when they were only 5 %.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You cannot keep up, understudy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Castrate him then send him back from where he came from! If people cant respect our laws and our culture IN OUR COUNTRY THEY SHOULD FUCK OFF!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Sounds like you're a Fascist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wish sarah sanders weren't fat. she's a sniper.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Technique is Key\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user obama is utilizing a terrorist attack that killed 50 americans to push his own agenda. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These sick New World Order fucks are actually drugging and molesting a child right before your very eyes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least 50 FBI agents on scene? Do tell! #Qanon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT https:\/\/www.bloomberg.com\/news\/articles\/2018-09-24\/rosenstein-said-to-resign-after-reports-he-mulled-taping-trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Unfortunately gun control is long game and the house always wins.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user found out the name but I forgot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hoe burnt. To money hungry, you must want the bitch lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"maxine waters is not insane, she's a hateful old bitch. maxine needs her grill fired up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No problems. I thought she was just a dumb bimbo trying to get some mangina cuck to marry her and give her kids so she could arse rape him in the divorce courts. Turns out she is a Jewish subversive. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Obama, our SMALLEST president. Must take credit for all good; disavows all that was bad during his 8 year assault on our great country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I go from days of being white pilled to days of being extremely black pilled. This is exhausting.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In wake of Muslim migration, Sweden \u201cstruggles over child marriage,\u201d fears \u201ccultural insensitivity\u201d \u2018\u02dcSTOP CHILD MARRIAGES!\u2019#SWRM via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hope they both get AIDS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can this stupid bitch hurry TF up I'm trying to take my cousin to the park ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TexasRancher45\u200d\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Read the latest report from our team supporting #Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00ae ninomiya kazunari happy bihday ! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 love forever ... \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008e #ninomiyakazunari \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals are the worst sexists. Not all women speak truth especially political activists. Try judging the veracity of the allegation by evidence instead of gender.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your friend offers to help spice up your relationship out of the blue ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"monday:0 - me:1 \u00e2\u009c\u008a #monday #motivation #styleoftheday #lifestyle #quoteoftheday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve had my id checked by the police zero times in 8 months. of course the discrepancy has \"nothing\" to do i'm a wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user a 240-year-old glass ceiling for women smashed by hillary...and and some women (like you) are not happy? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good little doggie ... or is she a Jew?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wow, I had no idea calling Booker and Harris hysterical women was racist. Amazing how things get redefined on a daily basis. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jihadists among thousands arriving in Hama in mass refugee transfer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Unfirtunately i have seen hispanics justifying shit from trump. I argued with two family members of mine who believes trump did helped PR a lot. And i have a relative who he is a trump fan & agreeds that the majority of immigrants that come are bad. It is upsetting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"b'awwwwww you must be used to your low T hubby bending over for you, and now because of his lack of discipline, youre terrorizing me youre lucky i dont live in tel aviv among you jewish peasants","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#EU offers to pay countries \u00e2\u201a\u00ac6,000 euros per person to take in migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user sorry for the pain and anguish this has brought to your area #orlandostrong #orlando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If you aren't aware that historically, women haven't been discredited for being hysterical\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is following me on twitter! you rock! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #loveyall #thanks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antiloop - In My Mind (1997) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Always #NoDACA.I AM BORN IN #USA AND #USA FIRST. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dafuq is floppy bird ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They probably all wrote it together while pissing in your McDonalds coffee. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anybody remember that movie Thumbelina? I didn't noticed how flamin' the bird was until now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #ThisIsAmerica. The arms industry is king. It would be great if it was limited to the domestic market only. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love planning things #100happydays #day40 #payplanning #aliceinwonderland #madteapay #paytime #signs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He's on Capital fucking Hill. It's not like they don't know where he's at. They want to intimidate his family so he will back out. The media is Antifa in drag.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at this comparison of #JobGrowth numbers of the past presidents, going back decades. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump has LOST jobs during his presidency because he lied about COVID and ruined our economy.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Trump is not up to the job of being president.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#JoeBiden is! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/8dABxaSKg1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user so it looks like @user is making $560,000 off of the orlando tragedy so far. i bet the execs love that! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL... for reals.\u00a0 FUUUCKKK the ocean.I know what lives down there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You will be voted out all together You crazy bat...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"America needs Withdraw from the racist U.N.!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i\u00e2\u0080\u0099ve had my id checked by the police zero times in 8 months. of course, this discrepancy has nothing to do i'm a wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". . . And we wonder why conservatives who work for Twitter fear saying so . . URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This all I get \ud83d\ude22 damn these haters deleting you IG for no reason... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Bolshevik revolution was led by Jews. Maybe you should learn about these things before you virtue signal like a fuckin kike.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol a \"democratic\" alternative would be even worse. An elected secondary house is a nice idea but the House would in no way be a check on the commons, and would be submissive to the will of the government. There's also the issue of passing legislation - it could take years for legislation for pass if you have two legitimate houses blocking eachother's bills","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#dwd #wetterwarnung starkes #gewitter in #schwandorfchwandorf 08.06. 13:20 - 08.06. 15:00 #warnung #wetter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Erdogan is a dictator and a criminal. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user of course it won't....laws don't apply to conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you don't put this much thought into antifa goons ripping downtown seattle apart every holiday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user First have a very old blind guy do a polygraph on you or someone who can pass for you. Then find a GOP office and throw a fireball through the window. Wear an antifa mask and break some university property. Maybe wear a swimsuit and say you were groped badly! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop wishing death on mine shafts, basti. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you ride past that bitch that don't like you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Twitter Facebook Instagram all ran by liberal idiots who dont care about America or its CITIZENS! #IllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ferrari will do it\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc for the sake of the championship. this gp is clearly a turning point rb, ferrari,mercs...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Tommy Robinson \"State tries to get me killed because I oppose Islam\" - He was jailed in a cage with Muslim murderers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat (1887) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i will suspend my funding of u.s. gov until #sexualpredator resigns","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Immigrant Severely Injured After Falling Off 30-Foot Border Wall, Moment Caught On Security Cam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Get her underoath and if she lies she should go to jail just like everyone else who lies if she is telling the truth she has nothing to worry about ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another sick liberal \ud83e\udd2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I doubt their Authenticity , #KenyansOnGab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MUST READ: Delay the Kavanaugh Vote. This Senate is singularly ill-equipped to assess the allegations against Trump\u2019s Supreme Court nominee. URL via @USER #PostponeTheVote #maga #ncpol URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'll stop being a bitch when you stop being a thirsty hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Crazy to think they can do this. Wish him well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Help us all The Bitch is back. I checked the hole she went in and covered it up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ridiculous comment the only way liberals make government work is when conservatives go along with their ideas. Tbqh less government is always better than more unless your a socialist. Most time government passes a new law i lose money n Liberty .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i need to book mine soon! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"those stairs leave me tired asf i sweat smh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You need to look at your Twitter feed a little bit closer. I'm neither a Republican or a racist but that's the only thing that liberals can say about people who don't agree with them. As far as Hillary Clinton the evidence is already been presented but Obama gave her a pass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The woman that accused Nelly of rape says the system has failed her. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#PatriotsUnited #MAGA #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall we all need to sign this since we are all on Twitter whining about it @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you need a laugh, read some of tweets on skank @user twitter account. My God, there are some very, very stupid people in this world. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I mean if she is planning on starting tour in February like she said then they will most likely go on sale end of September-beginning of October or somewhere around there","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the big screen is being fitted right now #euros2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you President Trump for earning global respect for the USA. Those shit-hole countries realize now that we are not to be fucked with. As for you \u201cdo-gooder\u201d idiots that keep going overseas to live in these dangerous Countries - get your asses back to the safety and security of the USA. Our tax money does not need to pay for rescue missions of the stupid!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Former US Politician Who Called Coronavirus A HOAX Dies Of Covid-19[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#COVIDIOTS[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Former #Nashville councillor #TonyTenpenny, 57, died as a result of complications relating to Covid-19 over the weekend.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MOG[NEWLINE]#Texas[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE] https:\/\/t.co\/U6o2Y2SdxO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And you enabled your Jack ass hubby to rape women like JUANITA you are pathetic old and WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT LOVE THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLES ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i miss my stupid pretty stank dumb whore skank trick bitch ass friends ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The war on conservatives =ANTIFA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Gail has dropped far if she is going after actors like Rob to deal with the frustration of being a has-been... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Snowflake @USER - whine whine whine #MAGA baby URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Notsosweetpea SOO when we hanging out and makin brownies!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm sorry but damn she is hot af ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 1 get your own house in order 2 when you returning stolen land #hypocrite #liar #inhumane\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So funny, this was labeled as sensitive media\"\"!! Yet, people post porn on Twitter all the time. Unfiltered\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Charged In Alcohol-Fueled Hit-And-Run In Florida respect for life, or the law!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"john mica...how the hell are people like you elected @user @user #totalpolitician #outoftouch #disgraceful \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER No phones allowed URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user that\u2019s exactly what you evil liberals do. You try to intimidate people so they can step down. I guess bullying is OK when it\u2019s done by liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ppl wait for 10 hrs @user airpo, miss connecting flights, put them on flights 24 hrs later, a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes normie conspiratards give me a headache. https:\/\/youtu.be\/ei2hnLghU8M","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if i ever met him i would drop that pos right where he stood! @user is nothing but a #crapsac ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What do you mean by that you cunt? My English is perfect! \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why would anyone need to do this to any animal?? ......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Saul does not suffer fools. And he is impatient with people who are too lazy to read and learn. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user there's people out there doing amazing things for this world who get no recognition, but this scumbag does. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just bought this from your anlaby store. box is bone dry but smashed bottles in it? and adveised at \u00c2\u00a39, receipt says \u00c2\u00a312 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is an alt-left crazy and was discredited by numerous women. All you dems have left is lies. Her name is DR. LIAR. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb#pretending#to#be #when #you're#in#pain#is#just#an#example #of#how#strong#you#are#as#a #person\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #nighty\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are correct. My old eyes don't seem to work so well anymore. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we welcome all our new #stylemile members to #shopping with your #saavoyagermiles ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". she. is the most powerful woman on this earth oh my fucking god ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today my daughter got her period. I guess It's time to throw her away and get a new one, right? LOL Fuck her, stupid bitch kid. I hate my !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@baltimoresun Who can say they've donated their salaries for a greater cause than themselves?? I didn't think so.....#Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Paul Ryan is a steaming pile of traitor shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TechN9ne why did they add your name all ghetto like that? Looks like they used label maker, lol!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@socass_: Dude remember this wop video? @00sexilexi00 http:\/\/t.co\/P3HEuBOQBu\" OMG WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m a brat ... can\u2019t deal with another woman to long unless she is relaxed like a guy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user #indeed typical #scumbag riding the #trumphate machine sic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He\u2019s made a gun control shift as well. Check his talking points from last cycle.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#wcw because look at how beautiful she is!!!!!! I wish I had this beauty tho but I am just in love with my baby sister \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude29\u2764\ufe0f @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I KNOW THIS! IT TRAVELED A YARD!!!!!!!!!!! #football #BuildTHATWall #KimKardasian ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Antifa thugs remind me of orcs if they are stupid enough to try and take someones firearm i wouldn't be surprised if its an orc who is thrown in a dumpster","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would pay anything to know what goes on in girls' minds #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user one of my does is pullin mad fur. hopefully wake up to some baby bunnies tomorrow!#firstlitter #lionheadrabbits","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You disrespectful little piece of shit. I saw the interview with Patrick Little and it was absolutely DISGUSTING. You behaved like a typical disgusting kike. Same disgusting mentality. Those soy boys were even worse. This is why Europe purged themselves of these vile creatures over 1030 times. Piss off into obscurity with the jews you little piece of shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are a racist fake site of fake profiles with fake pictures of scammers who block you. also you delete accounts for no reason and block emails for customer service. same fake people on by the hour. all date sites are fake who create the profiles themselves.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Such crimes must attract severest punishment,say Min Jail term of 25Y.If they r illegal migrants,force them to leave the Country immediately ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" scoopwhoopnews: 80-yr-old hindu man #gokaldas beaten up by cop in #pakistan for eating during roza hrs! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That\u2019s shitty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Kick the absolute shite out of the car.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So absurd. The left has been fielding violent feminists and communists in the form of Antifa to attack the very peaceful transition of power for more than two years. I wonder if it will ever occur to you that you are the bad guys? I doubt you have the moral fortitude. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if yo could sift the unreformably criminal and the mentl illnesses that need serious management out of your residents? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER IM THAT GIRL THAT SAID \u201cWHAT THE FUCK\u201d \u2014 NAH I WISH I HAD THE MONEY FOR THAT CONCERT BUT THATD BE MY REACTION TOO LMAO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bahahaha damn I was getting turned on...\ud83d\ude03","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The pain of a woman being targeted as a purely pleasure object, goes beyond the physical, its a rape of the soul #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd #Orban #Putin #Brexit #Qanon #QAnon #qanon #TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #Qanuck #TheStorm It's been 3 months and these words have only proven to be true. Suck it Butch who can't Deadlift.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER thinks he is a funny man. But \u201cthink\u201d is the key word...because he isn\u2019t that funny. #ALLINOnLonnieIsntFunny #MarchOnFromWalker","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ugh I love Briana even thou that bitch can drive me crazy! I\u2019ll always love that whore \ud83e\udd27\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ooxlexx: I can't stand to be around ghetto girls.💆","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user nope, still struggling to see either or in that observation.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#franken #loser What a fool! Being devoured by his own beast in the democrats & #MSM, that is funny. #MEMEWARS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you forgot excessive oral deification","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The issue of #humantrafficking came back to the forefront following death of #Indonesian maid in #Malaysia @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Drunk tweeting again Ms. Handler?! #ShakeHead These homophobic, #libtard pukes continue to grasp at anything they can, melting into a #snowflake salt puddle! https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/chelsea-handler-claims-trump-is-blackmailing-lindsey-graham-with-dick-sucking-video\/ #Unbelievable","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I can't help suspecting it's deliberate. If we women are hysterical, conf\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4 KJV https:\/\/t.co\/Je3ceXOfbM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you feeling okay? Because you are coming across as slightly hysterical.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"His biased B.S is fun to call out though.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know what they say? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All i find Nancy is SHIT!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Romania is rising against the communist government right now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No it was murder !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Irony Definition: German 'refugees welcome' activist murdered after hitching ride with Moroccan truck driver. #migpol #svepol #unvetted #BlueWave2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Sometimes I get strong vibes from people and this man\u2019s vibe is tens of millions of murders - he is more dangerous than DT. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes you are. you\u2019re just too blind to realize it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bengals kicker trash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have we ever had peotus willing to complain abt his defeated opponent & pay well after election over, and to do s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Commie Slayer is the hero the west deserves","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it was a nice way to sta my bihday! now off to work! #bihday #work @ brisbane\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am at a loss for words, 50 killed, over 50 wounded....#orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Guess the robber didn't know about all of NYC's gun control laws","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ms.\u00a0 Fransen, for the atrocity this man has caused he has earned the right to be strung up!\u00a0 Jailed for life is not good enough!\u00a0 #HangEmHigh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wow .... what a signiture --- his 'H' is the leminscate symbol for eternity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck you, that means we go to valhalla if we die.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I simply disagree Flotus. He or she is exposing the egregious behavior of your husband which no one else will. Potus\u2019s actions are hurting this country. Words matter and style matters. Truth matters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What the fuck game are you watching? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Shit up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yet she is fat herself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ASSET FORFEITURE is LEGALIZED THEFT!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love this, some \"blue's\" on a Sunday mornin..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump's death in liberal memes, Calling all Trump supports morons and imbeciles and openly breaking America's laws have become standard in the world of Democrats. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans & ex-crackheads\" - so say America-hating liberals about Christians. Many ex-Dems thank Jesus too- & many former Emmys watchers. We thank Jesus DAILY for our country, our @USER & the ability to TURN YOU OFF! @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Barack Obama Was So Bad That Donald Trump Had To Run For Office - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3j5dlfQ_N-Q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user pls come back with some album together ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you get kicked out of macklemore #:(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bitch, do you think those women are stupid? Don't even try to kiss and lick their ass. The\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What are you afraid of liberals. You screamed for transparency!Now that POTUS is doing just that you are screaming to keep it secret.The truth is there. You don\u2019t want it seen.Liberals are hypocrites & the alphabet agencies have some bad apples involved in a soft coup. Tick Tock","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These shitlibs think it more upsetting that some shitlord photoshopped this image, than it is that she wants a full gun ban and confiscation..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You believe in God lol...heaven help u if I ever get a passport kunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"desperately they use meanness to asse their masculinity #haiku-ish #boys #bullying #angermanagement #empty #ghosts #destined2bexes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #Kavanaugh also said birth control is abortion-inducing drugs Christian Sharia But of course I am a hysterical woman that should not have any rights Maybe you could pass a law like in the old days that my husband owns me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#burbank, #california : cou rejects city's appeal in discrimination case against #armenian policeman #usa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Actually, they're neither. \u00a0They're communists.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fat chance, shill. I will continue to call you controlled opposition pieces of shit out every chance I get. We are all becoming aware of how to tell the difference between real and paid shills like your ugly bitch face. It's so simply. The paid shills say 'lets do another Holocaust'. YOU SAID LETS DO ANOTHER HOLOCAUST. YOU SAY IT ALL THE TIME YOU FUCKING PAID SHILL PIECE OF SHIT. Keep calling attention to yourself, get doxed bitch @MrsHawthorn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch needs to get a clue. It\u2019s bigoted weirdos like her and Maxine Waters that keep racism alive in this country....most people don\u2019t even think about race, it just doesn\u2019t matter. We are all Gods creation. He wanted us to be different colors so we are. The word Creation kind of implies Creativity. God is not boring.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Go after NRA if they allowed gun control this wouldn't happen.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Following the Constitution is not victimizing. @USER and liberals in general despise the Constitution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sounds like im screwed LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do these look like Women & Children? Where are they going? Do you want to meet them? Retweet if you are NOT alright with this!#obamaspeaks #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i #disagree #nba @user should have been #suspended too! he even had words with @user #gofigure","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TV personalities joking about Harvey Weinstein and\/or rape do not seem able to empathize with women or recognize ho\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Okay violent liberal ANTIFA with your KKK hoods beating up strangers you know nothing about!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BriannaLovesA: I'm so sick head colds suuuck. And on top of that @justusabbott had to challange me to a beer chug 😷😷","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no convo on how to stop indigenous deaths means anything unless it stas with how we face into epidemic against #atsi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in. Why would you be vaping. I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user omfg i'm offended! i'm a mailbox and i'm proud! #mailboxpride #liberalisme","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user That's right and don't you forget it. MAGA. \ud83d\udc4a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#mcconnell obstruction goes all the way back to when he discovered #obama was black ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Like how the NRA is biased against gun control. \ud83e\udd2f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And there we go ... so according to the MAGA believers kavanaugh couldn't have attempted to rape Dr. Ford because her lawyer made a donation to @user . Idiots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Austria - locals call to deport migrants after hundreds of Muslims take to streets to embrace Hezbollah - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop calling @user ! i've met him. bbc is more than he. he's got big work ahead. @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Trust me it aint ok to hit 16 - 21 year olds if you are 25 - 30 (in my opinion). But where were her parents???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't agree with you. But if you want to see a real damsel in distress play the fucking marry Jane missions. They are soooo boring . she's so stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@operationSAFE @GaltsGirl lived there and can attest to that. Trust them over any muzzie nation by a million light years","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LPT: If someone posts a mobile Wikipedia link, but you want to view the page in normal PC mode, remove the \"m.\" from the URL. This will change the page to PC mode. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LIBERALS; It\u2019s Trumps Fault. \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No one is open! You think he is sitting there waiting to get hit lol. The pick that was called back Kyle said the one of the receiver ran the wrong route again! A route that was need to pick Matt open! \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f 49ers need to get their head out of their asses ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Y\u2019all our secretary of transportation during this administration is an immigrant woman of color married to MITCH McCONNELL wth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user ...or some other name, or used a term like CUNT or WHORE if it is obviously not\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mayarsharkawi Fake pics http:\/\/t.co\/jtwUu9CYSr get off my TL, u r dismissed muzzie. @Darknight420 @JewJitsuGrl @Begbie_1 @efilnikcufecin7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no dancing with my husband tonight. :-( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump the scene in North Houston, Texas tonight! You never see \u201cBiden\u201d boat parades, tractors, etc! The Trump Supporters are flooding in,the likes of which I\u2019ve never seen! #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #SleepyJoeBiden https:\/\/t.co\/3Scl0xcMW8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s another set up, Brits will not be fooled again ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@hwinkler4real I\u2019ll do my part to make your Birthday wish come true \ud83c\udf82#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She's been active on Instagram lately. And she is dropping an album sometime this year. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chemnitz Migrant Murder Suspect Had Prior Convictions And Was Set for Deportation\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On this day in 1862 Cpl. John F. Mackie became the first Marine to earn the Medal of Honor for combat actions aboard the USS Galena #USMC\u00a0 \u00a0http:\/\/www.mcrc.marines.mil\/1stmcd\/Unit-Home\/Cpl-J...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you stupid fucking whore mom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is the absolute worse. Period. That is all.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate you hoes know who Journee daddy is cause y'all think fuckin w\/him gone make me mad bitch kys ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Blacklisted Lol nice job its pretty out there and violent but it sure triggered a shit load of people. Big troll lvl. Ya think they would not be getting so mad and act like snowflakes but here we are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a look at the repug gop pay #bigots at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wild RT @user HIV-positive shelter worker sexually abused 9 teen immigrant boys, authorities say #10TV ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019d love to lick your pussy before and after a Big Black cock has fucked it! I\u2019m in northwest Indiana HMU if you need a cuckold!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hoe be like \u201cI\u2019m cut from a different cloth\u201d... first of all, you\u2019re a napkin bitch \ud83d\ude11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's just meaningless gobbledygook. I mean everything in the NOW expresses our time. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"30 seconds after you're done fucking the attitude out of her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user We have thousands of gun control laws. Which ones aren\u2019t \u201csensible\u201d enough for you? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a kiss from a rose\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e#inshot #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach #hot\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shalom, my fellow gabbers. I don\u2019t follow anyone, but I\u2019m here to air my grievances about Jew haters.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What was a \u201cchild \u201c doing at a party drinking alcohol???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MichaelRapaport Wait and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris do care lol. Come on Rap keep it real if you're going to keep it real bro.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shit Fuck bitch cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER fuck you. You are disgusting animals and your editor who approved the \u201cnews\u201d is a bag of shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#politicsLive Unfortunately the @USER are still discussing what it\" is! Wasted 2 years so far! Perhaps because the idea is not viable? #JustAThought URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/177836493 bumping this thread","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user lol... ask again no please ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a great day today was! #boyfriend #justinh.rodriguez ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Moving to the country. Gonna eat a lot of peaches.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user move to number two in irb world rankings #weaherose","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She\u2019s just very upset after being permanently separated from her daughter by an illegal alien.\u00a0 She\u2019s still in denial (of reality) and on the verge of anger (at people who want to prevent more separations). I can\u2019t imagine what her bargaining stage will be like. I\u2019m sure it\u2019ll be a hoot though.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Wrong. Nye has degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is indeed a REAL scientist\"\", as well as an entertainer. He studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 1977. He worked for Boeing. I'd believe him as opposed to you.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You are fkn deluded pal #FatNixon is a digusting pig Trump interview on 9\/11: [My building] was the 2nd-tallest in Manhattan... And now it\u2019s the tallest.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We want these people here WHY??? We have enough American perverts without bringing rapists and more sickos to the west!! Watch video! Check out @StanM3\u2019s Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/StanM3\/status\/948611651384823810?s=09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #saibaba's day to all #devotees @user || om sairam || ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.\u201d \u2015 Ronald Reagan URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch you can go around me I'm not moving dumb hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#vestal, #newyork : pupil suing school district after alleged classroom incident #usa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Better yet.......Who would PROMOTE the S.O.B. ........OH yes......That's right........Another Son of a BITCH.......","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" rhett jackson was happy, and he wanted us to be happy too: if i were defining rhett jackson's mantra, ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThesePeopleAreSick , #TheseBonesWillRiseAgain ,A MURDERED CHILD JUST FOUND IN ARIZONA, #BuildThatWall , @user , #WhereAreTheChildren ,#WhereAreAllTheMissingChildren, #ThesePeopleAreEvil, #ThesePeopleShouldBehanbging, @user , WE WANT #Justice! #FullDisclosre ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is adorable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the most girls trying to gang up on amerika wouldn't say shit to her in person \u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0092 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ingraham, Sorry not a pollster (#FakeNews) & I say #BuildTheWall and the WaCky lEft & LeBron can go jump in the creek #AmericaFirst #StopTheInvasion #HomeTown Meeting #California #ShockTheState ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER god damn you\u2019re so fucking valid","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No way does John Lewis have to apologize to anyone he is a hero \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fake News ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@UpNORTHandGRIM\u00a0\u00a0 I liked a @YouTube video https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=GFybhlUgzwc Democrats election strategy for 2020 -RAMZPAUL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just realised its fathers day omg fathers day to all dads out ther","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Most stupid tweet yet...and yes...its a libtard\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udca9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user tomorrow will be my last day with @user @user then it's off to join the team at @user \/ @user \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Tim Kaine Completely SILENT. #HimToo #vasen #ViolentLeft #antifa #muslim #virginia URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's always difficult to assess what's truly happening in a country you don't know by yourself, but this is definitely not looking good. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you are totally disgraceful with you name calling....disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unfair, Lee. Some of us have trouble sleeping. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHO ARE THE BANKSTERS THAT CREATE AND FINANCE, (with Usury) BOTH SIDES OF EVERY CONFLICT BETWEEN MILLIONS OF RABID MUSLIMS RAPEFUGEES AND CASTRATED CHRISTIANS ?? Sweden Rejects VISAs, Deports 80,000 Migrants and illegal Immigrants - F... via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Good one..But he is entirely responsible for the fallout that will undermine the USA for years to come.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is an hypocrite and back stabber like her boss! She applaud this clip. Neighbors help each other when they need help? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoops bought snuggly hideous fuzzy boots because it's cold as balls all of a sudden","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user who is for this #weekend like #daebak is!!????? #cute #baby #thereturnofsuperman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is so .. my #prayers to the ones survived\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009cwhat drove omar mateen, the orlando shooter\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look how i excuse jewish behaviour hahaha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@imgooby you're not funny trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You know you're a racist monkey huh? I'm sure you know what you are a piece of trash. I never hear these pieces of horse shit speak the truth only their racist lies. Bitch boy it's ABOUT THE RACIST COPS KILLING UNARMED BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!! THAT'S THE FACT. ASS CLOWN!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"work work work work #work #job #instaboy #fusca #colors #boomerang ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is nothing but a left wing unhinged liberal jerk!!! He needs to shut the F-up!!! 8yrsof him was a life time of BS!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How taser works? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well that's because Roy Moore was no longer an issue for the Dems or the so called Women's Rights Liberals. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2018\u02dcMy clothes, my choice\u2019: Denmark\u2019s ban on Muslim face veils is met with protest | National PostBet you didn't say that to the immigration officer during your interview... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Come on Texas I know your not ready to hand over your guns to liberals! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Western world is built on RACISM' \u2013 BBC Newsnight guest makes SHOCK announcement If not for the white man this \u2018professor of black studies\u2019, yeah I know LOL, would be walking naked amongst the lions & zebras in Apefreaka.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Definitely the most fun. Looking forward to his UK visit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oops! #carlpaladino didn't mean to publicly post comments... via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The worst sex grooming case of all? Abducted as a teen held prisoner for 12 YEARS, repeatedly raped, twice forced into marriage & had EIGHT abortions. Made to learn the Koran in Arabic and allowed to speak only in the Pakistani languages. https:\/\/t.co\/0YMYOnW6yP via @MailOnline","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER just saw your algae commercial blaming @USER that\u2019s pretty rich considering you are the Gov and have done zero zip and now you want to be Senator of FL.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you, I'll start there. God bless","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BrentLanders6: Charlie: \"My last two songs will be quasi-religious songs for the sake of @WhiteIronBand who's coming up next.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lindsey... Sean Hannity talks to an echo chamber simply to hear himself. He is not a journalist but a news pundit with his own weird conspiratorial agenda supported by well crafted partial facts aimed at a very narrow audience. He really is a laughable fool for Trump..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it was an error on my pa i agree. she was an exceptional performer, i was thrown off by an something inconsequen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user republican leaders block gay-rights bill after orlando attack #sick ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user They are both governmental issues. This lady is mad that the government uses a portion of taxes to support planned parenthood which offers abortions. I said if she is really pro life then stop supporting the taxes that help Israel kill Palestinians. Kills school children ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yeah we know. #dementeddonny is yours. deal with it. . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alyssa Milano\u00a0has \u00a0a low IQ or is an hypocrite(or both)::https:\/\/youtu.be\/aoYs_3kSc0g","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trudeau has about as much testosterone as my castrated dog after a military drill .. Get that idiot cuck boy out of office in a hurry please .. #MuhRainbowColoredSocks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is #verizon being or what? having the men's moto 360 on sale @user and not the women's \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 #poweothewomen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Same here but the more he talks the dumber he looks WWGIWGA MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gun control kills 3 more people.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I knew I wouldn\u2019t like what he did but I never ever thought that every single Republican but sit by and let him do what he is doing now regarding everything that you mentioned in your tweet pretty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I hope he is found #! Best wishes to you and your family! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality ~9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE CUTER THA ME SHHHH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From Twitter about my @ChuckNASCAR account:\u00a0 Hello, We've unsuspended your account; sorry for the inconvenience. Twitter has automated systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Better Call Cruz\" is as slimy a piece of the perverted former GOP and a prime example of why those used to be decent Republican Conservatives need to VOTE For BETO\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is just spewing sh*t Bernie's robot what a lie they will say & do anything and what she is going to do for district 14 not a da*n thing Socialism don't work that way they suck all up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The FASCISTS are Anti-American Communist Scum like yourself!! Now go Fuck Yourself you piece of human garbage!! USA #MAGA ANTIFA are Terrorists","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Am I the only one who agrees with Montana??? Gabby is a snakey cunt karmas a bitch\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 #loveisland2017 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I know sex sales and we all know Ridge was going to choose his daughter jmo I wanted Hope to get it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't understand why these small-fry US politicians bother to introduce blatantly un-constitutional bills against free speech. Do they not realise that the law will be immediately shut down by the courts due to its violation of the First Amendment? Or do they just not care, as long as they can go back to their backers and say 'Hey, I tried!'?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have you all put that in angry even though you make with guys. #make","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your girl tryna be slick and get the password to your phone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Honeysuckle_Tav Well he canonically plays the troll equivalent of Pokemon... *throws the new Fairy type at him*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#piqniq #chicago #tootalltom #nerdstothemax thanks @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user at what time will the gates open? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What are you doing Joe? I swear it seems like he is doing this shit intentionally to show us fans up or put us in the hospital for heart attacks. #EverybodyIn @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What about Trumps promise on the border wall or do we pay for his lie what about gun control and innocent lives taken ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The Q is a photoshop. QAnon is for real though. Silly liberals tricks are for kids!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby Before Vote on Obama\u2019s Nuke Deal \u2014 Iran Threatens to Out Bribed Officials http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/05\/these-senators-took-money-from-iran-lobby-before-vote-on-obamas-nuke-deal-iran-threatens-to-out-bribed-officials\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a very sad year \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #ripantonyelchin #rip #antonyelchin #whatayear","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MobJoe: Word. And it don't make u a hoe RT @100granHman: It's okay to have sex on first date long as the feeling is mutual","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good thing California has all those gun control laws ?!?! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":">Men aren't near as ruined as women are by feminism. >There will always be rando skanks to bone... >...women just end up bitter & sad Men have highest suicide rate by far and the immediate cause: divorce and loss of their children, income, and wherewithal because of it. Divorced women (who initiate divorce at the 75% rate, and collect the lion's share of the benefits like house, car, alimony, child support and other unearned property), and especially divorced mothers, wind up bitter and sad (albeit financially flush), because they become rando skanks to bone, and no one wants to bone them because they are post-wall, bitter, fat, inwardly guilty, and shamefully sporting some other man's resentful progeny. Those should be obvious reasons enough why men are actually more ruined than women by fucking feminism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You already know he is \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 and then blown coverages that gave Ole Miss TD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @shakiraevanss: Criticize Amanda for saying the n word, sure, but don't make jokes about her sexual assault, don't be trash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"track action stas today\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb#lemans24 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nice try. altRight provided NAMBLA office space in Lasse Faire's bookstore building through a donation campaign. Your logic. Your argument = altRight are pedophiles. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user . \ud83d\udc45\ud83d\udca6 Oh pooey on Snoop ... who\u2019s Snoop? \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ME : WANNA STUDY CHAROT PHONE : NO LIZA ME :HEY SKANK YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME AND MY FAMILY'S STORY YOU'RE PATHETIC INSECURE LOSER ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'tis the season: #trump #newyork co-chair makes 'gorilla' remark about #michelleobama - #carl #paladino #disgraceful","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What does a snot nose 18-year-old kid know? He\u2019s just a loud mouth immature punk who the media has placed on a pedestal using to promote gun control. He is fed tag lines to spark controversy in order to bring attention to the gun control debate that he knows nothing about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everybody swears their lives are so busy, but they are actually just lazy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.\"\" @user #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NUNES: Congress to Hold AG #Sessions in Contempt via @SaraCarterDC https:\/\/saraacarter.com\/?p=3316\u00a0 #QAnon #News #Politics\u00a0 #MAGA #AMA @POTUS @SeanHannity #GreatAwakening #ReleaseTheTexts #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"note it meditate on it work on it ,but most impoantly trust god for it #icantwaitfohedayhisplansformylifeunfold #grateful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But I thought California had gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user believe!!!! as a dad i know this dance!!! #wifi #peace ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that isn't what you said when you tweeted about the #nazi's over #hatred, & #bigotry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"take time to laugh and enjoy moments. #mahiku ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality ~13 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is anyone surprised that a President who would commit treason with Russia to get elected would pick a rapist for the Supreme Court?#MondayMotivation #Deplorables #MAGA #MarinesagainstTrump #KavaNO #BlueWave2018 #PostponeTheVote #Kavanaugh #StopKavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I found the games Mossad plays to be pretty amazing, too but different subject.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we were told Iran was next... this could be the start","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals also probably need more- culturally aware trolls!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Trudeau and the metoo movement hahaha. He is on the wrong side there. Funny how questions never went anywhere with Trudeau.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"which one worships them more","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my dad ate the rest of my macaroni and cheese. i'm not happy about this \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2 #macncheese ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ilovemytroops @SenatorTimScott I see. So you feel betrayed, your racism comes out. Shocked you didn't call him Uncle Tom you bitter loser","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER the reason you haven\u2019t heard from Dr Ford about whether she is available to testify on Monday yet is because She is feverishly trying to find someone to corroborate her story with the help of the DNC and Soros\u2019 deep pockets!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cut adrift at the end of Europe\u2019s migrant trail ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Careful, Neo. You may be The One, but you still need the Merovingian's help haha.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most liberalism in the west comes from protestant \"Mercantile\" elites as a way to signal on how christan they were ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the same men who denigrate Trump's accusers, defend O'Reilly, or deny date rape exists now castigate women for not coming forward sooner ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user pausing on the writing this am to finally sta @user #andthedevilshivered! #soischessie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#itstheendoftheworldand #us #msm has yet to honestly expose the deep rooted hatred towards #barrackobama was based on & so... #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm trying so hard to make your handwritten indirect pretty and you tweet shit like this. shut up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PM Borissov: Bulgaria does not have an agreement with Chancellor Angela Merkel on transportation of migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ever since Trump\u2019s fear-mongering and hatred-fueled campaign, the assaults on immigrant ways of life have increased dramatically. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"big smile\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #blea #smile #school ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thats the problem. He is not a slick talking politician","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the rothschid khazarian mafia, anchor bloodline families, inbreeding at the highest level of the nwo. !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BlueVino Is there an episode of sidetracked this week","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you Susan you just happened to have stumbled upon the person who exposed Panama\/Paradise Papers... I am a key witness in the the first Royal Commission of this type\u00a0 into organised crime for 330 years... it's all on SNAFU radio\u00a0 ... and I'm still walking... \"Dying To Get On\"\u00a0\u00a0 lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we just want to make you happy! #miami #miamibeach #venezolanosenelexterior #venezolanosenmiami #lives... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1) This argument that 'boyhood' does not deserve scrutiny only seems to apply to white boys & men of high socioeconomic status. Kavanaugh should be judged for who he is today, influential political voices, mostly conservatives, argue, not what he supposedly did in high school.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I've seen these big chairs but the look on your face and the pose makes me laugh. Somehow I believe that was all purposely orcastrated by you Boots! You are so silly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i know. ref. to #malevote & #womenvote is #profiling, as ref. to #blackvote\/#hispanicvote . accepting #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Supreme Court Smacks Down Democrats' Attack on Trump https:\/\/t.co\/UkhxQBpRxk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The liberals are really displaying hate & their message of division. Republicans really need to take advantage of this by welcoming the disgusted democrats that had enough with their party & want a solid policy & no more insults.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was just responding to your point that people will listen but they may call you a fag...I said it in jest. No harm ment.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please report and mute antisemite LARPers spamming up the boards trying to discredit Gab with their daily garbage. Thanks. They are impersonators from Twatter.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bring on the Crucifixion! You know if a Conservative did this to Garland - She would be Stoned to Death by ANTIFA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lil girl we having an adult conversation so take your thin ass on somewhere ya dig","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hi Amy...your book is on my read list...thanks for speaking out Hope you are doing well\ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do normal, civilized countries want to become retarded Islamic nations?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#KavanaughConfirmationHearings Crazy Dick Durbin using the confirmation hearings to try and push gun control. He is using this hearing to make speeches and push an agenda. The whole thing has been a circus of Democrats pushing an agenda while vowing to vote no on confirmation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One of the cool things about growing up in the NYC metro area was watching local journalists report on La Cosa Nostra (The NYC Mafia). Nat'l news was not covering this. I'll never forget the day I saw this newspaper cover.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user they are so jealous, they would rather we end up under the thumb of a #fascist rather than watch a woman win. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes, watching an elitist prima donna toss a tantrum on the court when she is called out & penalized for ('cheating') getting coaching is pretty entertaining! HER COACH EVEN ADMITTED, I WAS COACHING HER.\" Now, back to our regularly scheduled sanity, rule of law & accountability!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can you like choke me once and for all?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Behind bars with a orange jumpsuit for all her crimes dating back to Arkansas~along with Billy~ Globalist deplorable~she is~ Karma is a bitc- and it needs to call on Killary this year for sure!! Time to pay your dues Hillary Rodham Clinton~Lucerferian~","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"perfect day #anahola #smithsbeach #atown #beach #paradise #kauai #hawaii #peaceful\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user make better system for renewing season tickets wife #noques \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s like that mother with the spoiled rotten bad as heck kid. She still loves that brat and when bad things happen to him because he is a brat and deserves it-she still sympathizes with her child. Norm should realize when your livelihood depends on....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the proof that Joe Biden is cheating during the debate. Go figures![NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #MAGA2020 #bidenhidesinbasement #Biden #Trump #Election2020 #presidentialdebate https:\/\/t.co\/f1fyDsr2d0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MSNBC: \u201cOur democratic system has been rescued by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and we should be grateful to them.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT I SAY ABOUT BEING A LITTLE PUSSY AND SAYING SHIT BEHIND PEOPLE'S BACK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user His mouth goes to one side all smirky and shit and I don\u2019t like it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KendallJenner \"whatever makes them happy\" really bitch? you are not good friend, you are mother fucking cunt @user @user \nNo benefits to any immigrants !! Come here & make it on your own, or go back home !! @user \n@user Immigrants sometimes act like they can do whatever they want without accountability (because of Liberal friends). IMAGINE migrating to China & wandering around streets with knife. You can not imagine it because Chinese would not allow \nMeanwhile, Syria, Russia and Iran are pretending that it is now safe for refugees to return. \nFor all the illegal refugees including Syrian refugees... Mexican refugees... And other South American refugees... (Except Venezuelan refugees) Go back home if there really was some thing to escape them come here legally, because some how you don\u2019t see us burning the Mex. flag \n@user Fuck you! Why dont you stand up and defend America? You worthless POS? Obviously youve never served in the military cause you are a pussy, but more pointedly if you had you understand that Service Members fight for the rights of all Americans \n@user @user @user \u201cLooking for a better life\u201d, then bloody do it properly. Get in line like the rest of the legal immigrants. Don\u2019t sneak through the back door. America can\u2019t in everyone. If a country does not enforce its ow \n@user Stop taking the Micky Merkel open borders mean open revolt its not migration that's the problem its Islamic migration is trouble \nDACA ppl want chain migration & taking to courts where liberal judges giving them what they want. & Trump now has a plan to be introduced as to where no more welfare & no citizenship if on welfare. I suspect they will think twice b4 coming to US. \n@user @user god dammit, boys! You did it again. Van Talk was hysterical. Congrats on everything. #RIPBobBarker \n@user @user Competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings Trying to create outrage and Hate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No better or worse than your darling brat Antifa bashing people\u2019s head in. Love to see the mug shots. They look like meth heads. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What a joke. Another dirty tricks Democrat on the George Soros payroll. The Democrat Party knows no shame. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This liberal is pissed that anyone would give that disgusting pos an award for equality. And....f.u. for including all liberals in this bullshit decision by the HRC. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Can u fuck off already","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How stupid. So many darkies in the Carolinas.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"donald - putin's butt buddy and a commie. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user oh just fuuuuuuuuuuuuck right off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER same i just want to win so i can finally have a good pc and shit post in full body in vrc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@washingtonpost Killary Clinton was not nicknamed \"Killary\" without reason! Keep bashing @realDonaldTrump it only pushes his base to love him even more![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Those who love this country love our great president! #MAGA2020 #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user I had no idea all republicans were nazi racists till Trump got elected. Imagine my surprise. i'm native american so I took it hard finding out I was a racist. Was despondent went around punching out Antifa to work through my depression. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Buy more RAM, girl :P ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 'Diversity Visa' - YOU UTTER HYPOCRITICAL SKANK! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is our #tired but smile! off to the #floridakeys for a quick visit! @ dallas fo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#healthy an in-depth look at the \"sunshine\" vitamin. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shame on the tennis hierarchy who stole that from Serena. She is a proven draw and the racists on the upper echelons just can't handle it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2018White people stole land\u2019 vs. \u2018everyone is an immigrant in S. Africa\u2019: D... via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote. Non-voters skew liberal. And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers. Next question? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"also keep my name out of ur hoe ass mouth I literally refer to u only as cunt and bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(The lacks of human rights suffered by immigrant domestic workers in some parts of the Mideast) The Perils of Housecleaning Abroad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"prayers to all the victims of the orlando shooting victims. especially to the lgbt community. #tragic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Disdain for McCain, and a Trap for Ohr. Secret Tribunals Already Underway? #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening\u00a0 http:\/\/ow.ly\/cbk730lAIoL #tcot #tlot #p2 #redpill #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My mom called me a shoe whore and it's true <\/3 lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 migrants saved by Turkish tour boat off Bodrum ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal aliens get preferential treatment by state & federal judges, and state & federal prosecutors over US citizens. Citizen would get more severe sentence than 2 yrs in jail illegal Mexican got for killing 3 people by hitting car head on. 2 yrs to be served at same time as 2 yr federal sentence for being in US illegally. http:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y8ewysee","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals ruin everything! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"diy upcycled laptop table ready for painting... finally #diy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Marquette Professor McAdams was earlier fired by liberal Marquette University after blogging about a student who was banned from discussing opposition to gay marriage- the instructor called this opposition \u201cHate Speech\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This guy cannot be serious\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0fNO FUCK BASIS?you Fucken kidding me?but trump can be up to his eyeballs in people investigating his campaign?!??what planet does this moron live on?\u00a0http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/05\/21\/eric-holder-warns-dangerous-for-trump-to-demand-doj-probe-2016-campaign-surveillance\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WATCH: Rand Paul BLISTERS The Senate For Having \u201cTrump Derangement Syndrome\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I remember back when the left used to push for nationalism and ethnostates. the old marxist if you will. now we have social marxism which allows multiculturalism and feminist theory to flourish in our society trying to control everyone through scare tactics and authoritarian puritanism. we need the new right and the old left to fight together","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"final make up tests! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #filmmaking #filmprep #bruising ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FemsHaveBallz have u spent significant time in ANY ghetto, or witnessed the years of terrorism committed by police in the Black community?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6and even #santa was afraid... of #obama & #soros groups that threaten public safety & propey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ima drop this off, DEATH TO PEDOPHILES!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user s&p 500. you want to call me a dumdum when i know the things 95% of america needs to know. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She doesn't want to go to jail for lying to a Senate Committee. She has had no crime committed on her & is a leftest activist trying to stall his confirmation. A nutty Professor that I believe is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Getting that last drop of taxpayer dollar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sheriffs\u00a0 running a giant pedophile ring.. SEE: TIMOTHY HOLMSETH. He has a youtube and a website about it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SteveWorks4You @teaparty ...anti American Republicans and teabaggers stop forcing ur religion on the rest of us. Stockman u dont pray.liar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if this isn't the face of a baby to spend the day with his #workfromhonemom, i don't know\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is it just me, or are Pardox grand strategy games some sort of meta-gaming thing where the game itself is understanding the game?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Also I do not support antifa in any way. Using violence or intimidation for a political message is the definition of terrorism. Regardless of someone\u2019s beliefs you should not incite violence on people over the belief and they should not do so over you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Was this a threat from @user #DangerousDemocrats #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh so now you are comparing a government law enforcement agency which is subject to constitutional laws to a private corporation. Yeah that makes sense. Wait... No it does not. Stop talking. You are a complete imbecile. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This 'marriage' is seriously Cabal ....maybe some anon accountant can figure out how the UK is paying for the grand stuff of this wedding!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my friend is here \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d .. welcome home angrybird #toy #bird #home #friend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Jesus Christ. Liberals start young with their brainwashing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hey man! we're finally on twitter and just wanted to thank you so much again for the ongoing support. you are so inspiring ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Andrea Mitchell. Another political hack embedded in the news media. Listen to the tone of that interview. She is looking for a gotcha moment instead of commending the guy for the work that he is doing. At every turn he shoots her down and it kills her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER These gun control scientists\" are a disgrace. They should have their license to publish revoked. \ud83d\ude12\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you hear that Scott Walker (Yes that idiot) is helping Pence prep for tonight's #VPDebate...[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#debate[NEWLINE]#debates[NEWLINE]#Debates2020[NEWLINE]#KamalaHarris[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020[NEWLINE]#Biden2020[NEWLINE]#TrumpMeltdown https:\/\/t.co\/g1P2mCDBrp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Not so much. Trump is mental. He is president. He responds badly to opposition; well to praise. Graham needs to get through Mueller investigation & judges. Trump will then be asked to step down. Pence will be president & will pardon whole family. New judges in place. The end.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah she is and oh I\u2019m working that day but we will plan it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!\"\" Can someone on the MAGA side please point me to what new plants are currently under construction? Because this is false as I understand it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Frankly I hate that argument. Gun control. Healthcare. Student loans. Tax policy. Climate change. Social Security. Medicare. Even car emissions and mileage. There is a clear difference on each and every policy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They eliminated several due to too many figures kids have to memorize.\"\" - awe. OH WELL. They also eliminated Barry Goldwater. That is a travesty. He is the father of true liberatarianism. He was not against civil rights. He was against government having power to police thought.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's been a very obvious push lately to portray #Trump as having kingly aspirations. (See screenshot.) What has he done to deserve that? - Donates entire salary - Net worth dropped dramatically - Democratically elected - Brokered peace on Korean peninsula - Removed government protection from some land Don't fall for the lies. Think for yourselves. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user La Raza Board Member runs non-profit that made over $1 billion under Obama from managing illegal children migrants, and will make $500 million just this year.https:\/\/t.co\/GhZT4zVnYZ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nothing makes me more happier than to see my #family ~ #igca family kids mom","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Calling BS. As a femboy or a tomboy this bitch would have better \"rapey\" radar. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes so we need to BUILD The Wall! Blood is on your hands evertime an MS13 gang member or DUI illegal kills an American! #BuildTheWall #FundTheWall #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify #EndChainMigration 183 billion yearly taxpayers pay for illegals! Go home! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope your Sunday was peaceful and happy. If you work tomorrow, keep your head down and your hopes up. If you don't--score one for the dead Negro holiday. Either way, stay frosty. Here's tonight's quotation: \"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.\" -\u2013Voltaire (1694-1778)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy shit. You better not be drinking milk after eating that. Or else... \ud83e\udd22","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #deafed community: look at #rethinkdiscipline. #ableism #audism #stpp #massincarceration #deafinprison #decriminaliz\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"given the #nazis looked to jim crow for inspiration this is especially true regarding what to expect from\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Looks like gun control \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not showing panties, not good enough. XD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yup fooled antifa threw big ol' fire pit rocks at mah truck called the cops said them commies dunnit neat lawyer trick huh URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"keisha grey and robin sadie exposes her mature breasts and pussy on reddit: #robin #keisha #grey #mature ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy nothing will work unless you do. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 maya angelou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey Puerto Rico, take some fucking responsibility! I get that mother nature buttfucked you, but it's past time to move on. Stop blaming Trump and get off your ass. Get YOUR politicians to move their asses! https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/interactive\/2018\/09\/20\/us\/puerto-rico-hurricane-maria-housing.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good! #Antifa is violent fascism. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Comedians are supposed to be funny!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do all liberals\"\" and evolutionary biologists really talk like hillbillies or are you just trying to sound superior?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I am trying to make a point. Many people who hate the liberal and ndp party are conservatives. And all conservatives care about is money. They don't have to ruin the environment and discriminate against others because of money\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER A woman in my town honked at an asshole driver who cut her off. He followed her home and beat her with a crowbar.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user obama joins the jackals \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ass america will miss obama, when they realize trump will do nothing for them. #trumpis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Liberals need better trolls than this aunty. Calling someone a liar on losing is what you resort to when you are in 2nd grade. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Because you advocate for -gun control -mass immigration -cultural Marxism You\u2019re a tool for Jewish Globalists ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow, Erick, working on your PhD in theology\". You should pick another career, unless you are Evangelical, then I understand.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Clearly the Peoples Republik of CommieFornia is on fast track to becoming Venezuela Norte !\u00a0 https:\/\/twitter.com\/StacyLStiles\/status\/968355108932251648","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ha! Ha! Don\u2019t forget: Too soon to talk about gun control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER If so why do Democrats continue to say he is a rapist? Why do you Democrats say Republicans allow a rapist to be president? He isnt unscathed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You a bitch You a hoe That's just my philosophy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #mmusimaimane is a coward! who suggests that only white people in #southafrica can be s. #da\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"leave a 'gweh' below \u00e2\u00ac\u0087 if in 2017, you will no longer debate #wypipo about #slaver\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Wonder how many children he molested","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow you liberals really don\u2019t have a sense of humor.\ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kanye been cancel the moment he said slavery a choice and rock a maga hat #ImWithSnoop ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Judging by the comments from some of the Lefty's on here ..big Jake is scaring the shit out of them.....I like that....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user 5. Creating racial tension\"\". USA racial issues start before 1776. These latest ones are fueled by,among others,NRA & Congress refusing to fully resource education & police training. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user easy. you're a and a #bigot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So, apparently Dora The Explorer is getting a movie...don\u2019t know how I\u2019m supposed to feel about this. Isn\u2019t Dora supposed to be like an elementary school child? Not really getting that from this pic...\ud83e\udd28","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are spot on. Because, we feed large portions of the earth and have reduced poverty greatly with capitalism, there is a responsibility. We have always allowed migrants to work during the season then go back home. This prevents political takeover and welfare stressors. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is why women lose their credibility- she was empowered??? Ohhhh Me too! These women and liberals have high-jacked the movement for women who really have been abused. Disgusting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"st. mark's cathedral: 'we will name racism, anti-semitism, xenophobia as sins' - komo news ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That was fucking fast holy shit lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user nothing has to be corrected cuz nothing's wrong. ps using after each post is passi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user really happy nobody got hu. team only has 7-8 trucks left at the shop.... #nascar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good Job asshole!!!...You just killed your dad's chance of a get out of jail free card!!! #MAGA @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I cited the Constitution. That\u2019s not good enough for you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm literally right next to you #dramatic #cprceified ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER All this division in our nation is utter nonsense.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh Bitch. \u2217Black Girl Voice\u2217 RT @user TARAJI JUST GAVE ME MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE YA'LL. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Interesting: a bank in Latvia is in poor condition.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Are they passing out money outside for this too","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"since i finished most of my assignments i'll continue to watch my bts dvd's xd i still have some left #onstage #bts #conce #dvd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If that was my missus horse he\u2019d fuck right off and have us chasing him like bell ends ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#2baba #with refugees in company of deputy Representative Brigitte Eno Mukanga appeals for IDP support in Nigeria ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning with coffe! \u00f3\u00be\u00ad\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #goodmorning #coffe #knitting #man #woman #instafashion #instadaily #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no, we're not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Action talks and BULLSHIT walks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER White liberals like you and your colored ilk are easily worse than bigots. You are nothing but a coward and victim-hood enabler who wants to keep my kind impoverished via welfare and identity politics. Thank God more people are seeing your evil for what it is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We all had fun!Loved watching eyes light up w excitement when he used their names as they asked questions\ud83d\ude0dYes!He is talking to you!\ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That sucks \ud83d\udc4e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I hate politics! You #CNN are despicable. Liberals are treating Judge Kavanaugh like he\u2019s some sort of serial rapist that they\u2019ve captured at last. #RedWave #voteyes #innocent until proven guilty. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Not one of these \u201cjournalists\u201d mentioned the arrest of the corrupt mayor yesterday. I guess they were busy not getting blown away in the wind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019d love to see legal immigration stopped. Fix our homeless situation, clean up the streets, put everyone back to work then maybe(just maybe) we can talk about letting in some white Christian legal immigrants that will ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Hope she serves as a beacon to other Liberals who feel the same way....there must be more of them...I hope there's more of them..there must be more with morals and a conscience ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How about telling Senator Cory \u201cSpartacus\u201d Booker to stop taking money from big pharma And how about if AARP stops being so biased towards the liberals and remember that some of your customers are Republicans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Globalization threatens nationality causing the alt right concerns about destroyed values that keep us unified like the ten commandments and the Constitution. Then we have the alt left demanding their mini Bolshevik indoctrination to oppress everyone and start a war. Let God be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s Alt-Left. None of them use logic or make sense ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The more this woman talks the more stupid she becomes. #TermLimits #Liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m just here to see which liberals decide to politicize this tragedy (despite Cincy having tight gun control)... \ud83d\udc40 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user bihday\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boom! 17 of MS-13\u2019s Leadership Taken Down in Massive Crackdown by DEA http:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/15941-Boom-17-of-MS-13-s-Leadership-Taken-Down-in-Massive-Crackdown-by-DEA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@AmandiOnAir @realDonaldTrump Apparently they listen to lies from Marco, trump and all in fearing Joe\/Kamala ....because \u201csocialism\u201d.\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This. GovCoin (GC) would have to work w\/ existing crypto as to not spook ppl. GC could offer incentives to users and also dictate that GC is only major acceptable coin @ airports, toll roads, etc. Ripple has a lot of cent. bank connections so wouldn't be surprising to see US Gov getting cozy...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a drunk lady falls on a heater in #pubfriction & an my indian friend is trying to help but he is being thrown out. #houston #midtown","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You look like your whore mother dresses you in the dark, you hit women and you were ugly even before skaterboy fixed your face! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t wait either \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b @user #camgirls #camgirl #live ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Let me borrow yo shit first \ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Funny how on top of things\" you are trying to show you are when its white republicans in the path of the storm. An entire Island was just left to fend for its self for 13 days before help arrived. Trump is a FAKE PRESIDENT\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My Twitter app is poo trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a classic trump follower. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#wakemeupwhen the left stops being so #hypocritical #liberallogic @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER .@USER can\u2019t leave fast enough. It\u2019s \u201cconservatives\u201d like him that have caused so much frustration among @USER #RINOs with no backbone propelled @USER presidency!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOOKS LIKE bill GOT AIDS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is ridiculous. She is going to have to vote for him at this point or it will be apparent she accepts bribes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user So?what's wrong with white guys?..I'm a PROUD Caucasian &Colombian American woman and I happen to like ALL these WHITE men that represent me..especiallySen.Kennedy...We are soooo done with identity politics from liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In massive debt to Russian plutocrats and in thrall to the despicable riches that Vladimir Putin has amassed by murdering his opponents and plundering his nations wealth. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Of *course* @realDonaldTrump is Putin\u2019s dog.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpIsNotABillionaire [NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxReturns [NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/hu4N7azjGt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Russia & Canada give 1 to 1 1\/2 yrs & they pack you up & send you back to where you came from. Canada doesn't talk abt it in media, but ppl who were teaching refugees, said they were unable to adapt & learn English & were ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#PeopleBEFOREPolitics! Get it together people! #VoteHimOut #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ZW630CsfOb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best of luck @user !! #laoty16 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The latest Immigration-News! Thanks to @user @user @user #immigration #illegalaliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Start deporting the Illegal aliens here and they will stop Smuggling in their kin folks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"treat yourself to #naturalskincare products & #beautytreatments from award winning @user today #harleystreet \u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"book signing today on the willamette queen. feeling mixes emotons. #nevous #anxious #grateful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some dudes try so hard to give another girl attention, while you have a girl. get out of my messages and show your girl some attention! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Morning you arse hats. \u00a0Has Godfrey Elfwick been suspended from Gab as well?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" friday! #ff our breakroom panel: @user @user @user talking teen paies, #trump dating and #guns.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pink barber shop branding: #barber #pink #branding #packaging #design #creative #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user horse #crazyhorse #love #sexy #final #fleurs #papierpeint #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#boycott #lying #divisive #nationalist #foxnews add to your list @user @user @user karma s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER thank you for signing Shelby\u2019s poster last night! She is still so excited. We are so proud of our big win! #OneTROY #GoTrojans #ProudAlum URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Conservatives are whining\"\". There, I fixed the typo for you.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"after last weekends @user i'm buzzing for @user #sunshine #music #family #friends and a few #beers who's not \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s so weirdly vicious and bitter to extrapolate from \u2018everyone should have access to decent healthcare\u2019 to \u2018Liberals think all criminals should be free.\u2019 It reveals a pretty brutalist and impenetrable mind. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White Hats Report #66 \u2013 Benghazi, the REAL story\u00a0http:\/\/whitehatsreport.com\/\u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0#Benghazi a Council on Foreign Relations psyop gone bad\u00a0https:\/\/tomjefferson1976.wordpress.com\/?s=benghazi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What in the wide world of sports is go\u2019in on here? Pansies. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Strangleme Looks like a less-squinty-eyed @mikelreparaz to me. Hmm...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user but even at 88, raiford feels he\u00e2\u0080\u0099s been cheated out of his life. he wasn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t ready to retire or give up his... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Unafraid and Unscathed @user bringing Hope and Change all around the world! #MAGA #NoKoSoKo North Korea's Kim Jong-un agrees to shut missile site - BBC News ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals ruin a life doesn\u2019t matter as long as they win in the end! Must stop! The have no Conscience","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why would you make something like this up? Violence experienced by European white women from third world immigrants is no joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thank you for explaining succinctly why a second referendum would be used by @user to rewrite the question and manipulate the answer in order to clingvto power #peoplesvote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris change their Twitter bios: president-elect and vice president elect https:\/\/t.co\/g44iXJtWPs via @YahooNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and i just don't want to lose the attachment of knot that i made with these few people that i have right now ;> :]]","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are still on that Trump train to nowhere!\ud83d\udc4e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ready for work last day before free day #finallybreak #lidl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i really, really love making games! and it's friday! #gamedev #indiedev #unity3d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user so much stuff happening in florida! first #orlando shooting and now #disneygatorattack on a two year old kid\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gross ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How the #Democrats gonna get around this one? They want to abolish #2A but now the #Illegals are demanding their 2A rights. So hes already here illegally and now hes broken our gun laws. 2x felon, Priceless #BuildThatDamnWallNow #EndChainMigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you can just \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a someone in the face and not give a fuck \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 #exsforareason #fuming #wtf always tryna find out shit \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I will support any legislation or politician that will ban tranny dragons. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Meh, he's free to say as much ignorant shit as he chooses. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Impulsive reaction.\"\" She is not looking at the gun, and her head is bowed low, mane a mess. \"\"What happens now?\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Durete needs to pick up the pace. He needs to start torturing by cutting off these drug smugglers penis and testicle with a dull rusting butter knife. And or throw them into cells naked that is carpeted with barbwire all over the floors and walls.\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0http:\/\/newsinfo.inquirer.net\/973940\/cocaine-coming-in-at-a-fast-pace-duterte","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MTVUK: #Directioners, 1D's @zaynmalik & @Louis_Tomlinson monkey around on set of #StealMyGirl video: http:\/\/t.co\/sOEbNlR8Re http:\/\/t.co…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you're the greatest ever, @user only 50 days until pete's dragon premiere day!!! ahhhh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i feel like his face will never change. he is right in the middle of our mom and his dad. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How many times did #SleepyJoe just say White Supremacist to his empty crowd on a battlefield where thousands of #Republicans were killed to free the Slaves from the #Democrats? Not one word about #BLM just \u201cpeaceful protesters\u201d. What a joke.#maga2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user father's day! have a wonderful and blessed day with your family and thank you for all you do for us.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"If Hitler's doctor had a Brooklyn accent\"... http:\/\/www.infowars.com\/video-msnbc-host-scarborough-says-white-house-physician-is-like-hitlers-doctor\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigration Will Not Make America Great Again ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil police kill a substantially larger number of whites every year than they do blacks. #rac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the [ #publiccharge ] proposal is enacted in its current form, immigrant families would be forced to make an agonizing decision about whether to keep government-funded health coverage and risk being blocked from staying in the U.S via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user playa blaca \u00e2\u0099\u00a5\u00e2\u0099\u00a5\u00e2\u0099\u00a5#beach #mondaymotivation #canaryislands #holiday #felizlunes #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You're a stupid cunt! Hope 45 cause your death! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yo this bitch is blowing my shit \ud83d\ude11fr talking bout I'm trying to talk to her girl shawty won't even show her face . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - - - - - - - -> Definitely the Hottest Bitch Ever ................ Ali Tmak @user . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"black hair comes in different styles \u00e2\u0080\u0094 in slavery, colonialism and in policing. #colonialism #slavery #tie ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @hoadie1006: #vermontgirlsbelike my hick accent comes out when I get around my family #vermontproblems @THISISVT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed all MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brett Cavanagh wasn\u2019t my first choice (Amy Barrett was my first choice) to be the nominee for the Supreme Court but he\u2019s a hell lot better than Hillary would of put on the Supreme Court.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Persecution for righteousness' sake, part 2: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sexy nude persians girls naked ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany to hold migrants in detention centres on Austria border ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch this, like it and give my dude @Tazwhole a nice subscription on youtube. Thank You. \u26a1\ufe0f m.youtube.com\/watch?v=JUmHwv\u2026 #Twitch #Youtube #Podcast","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He was the victim. Now let\u2019s hear about her blood test since she is the perpetrator. What shape was she in? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER False. Your intrusion on the constitutional rights of honest Americans did NOTHING to curb violent crime. Gun control = violence against the law-abiding citizen.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Shes a liberal all she has to do is disagree with you on one thing to determine that you are a terrible person. Remember liberals talk from their high horses of superior morality. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know how much more evidence people need to see before the left realizes that the corrupt ones here are the #BidenCriminalFamily Joe and Kamala Harris. @realDonaldTrump is the only one left that ACTUALLY cares about the US and the American people! #4MoreYears !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"was getting one next week, today I wake up with the flu. The shots always work for me, this year I didn't get one at the end of august like normal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet. Bingo! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is running the team the way preller tells him to","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'His critics can\u2019t admit it, but Trump\u2019s crazy tactics are succeeding' On North Korea and the US economy, there are sensible points behind his playground presentation https:\/\/www.spectator.co.uk\/2018\/01\/his-critics-ca... #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a photographer from beirut captured a day in the life of a stray cat #instagram","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE THE REAL DISNEY PRINCESS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and \"replaced\" - - I think that's Broward County Libspeak for \"fired\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am perfect. #i_am #positive #affirmation c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER hell0! What a beautiful sight seeing the antifa scum getting beat down and arrested!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user where has #torontothegood gone? oh wait..... i know...and it's a reflection of these times","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fixture day! almost as impoant as tdd #fixturesreleaseday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Skating is for trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is dare any colored players in hockey?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or blind. Not sure which is worse.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm taking the liberty of pointing out this great quote from @KurtSchlichter it describes exactly how I feel! 'I don\u2019t mean that we are simply unconcerned about Donald Trump\u2019s past hobbies. I mean that our depth and breadth of not caring is so deep and wide as to create a critical mass of not giving a damn of such intensity that it is brighter than a million suns.' https:\/\/townhall.com\/colum...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1.Boris Johnson doesn't care about family. Forced abortion of his child by mistress. Daughter says he is a selfish bastard. Betrayed and divorced 2 women. #r4today","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I know she is very good friends with Siobhan and the two CLP's help each other a lot I imagine. It would seem she has upset a lot of people in her constituency?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...wondering what shit on our east coast causing God to send Florence to punish them...? A good guess would be the neo-faux Christian followers of trump..! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user U people @user r pos. liars. More fake news. U should offer 5 women to Obama. w that skank wife he has he would take the offer. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"udta punjab censor board leaked downloaded going to watch #nocuts full uncut movie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m sure the air that he is breathing is also bad. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Manafort has been on K street for a long time. He knows things. Deep dark things. I agree. He is gonna burn some folk. Mueller already knows who he wants. Manafort is gonna give them up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"selfie over at my besties house \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a3 #selfie #makeup saturday #lazyday #besties ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"channeling my inner #frenchboy #stripes #new on route to miami \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 #boy #instatraveling\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@CommonBlackGirI: here’s to all the kids who have never found their name on anything in a souvenir store” thanks mom for the ghetto name.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol -- that didn't take long. When did she threaten \/pol\/, like maybe 15 hours ago? I hope they roast her slowly on a spit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"noooo i want to know the name of the episode \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #htgawm #season3 #coliver \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"call me \"confused\" -- why was there a budget bill signed in january and why is another budget bill being signed today? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER An insult to holocaust survivors and their families. An embarrassment to film making.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#tbt when #drbanner gets .. from #marvelstheavengers the #hulk follow @user he's awesome in every way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I don\u2019t like her but hope if she is next to Tyler at final 2 she Wins. Just me being petty.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cozy evening with friends! #manilapeninsula #ilovemonetpage #ladies #salondening @ salon\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyplace needs whites unless you enjoy mass starvation, disease, violence and death, aka Haiti. Nobody avoids us. Please. Prove me wrong or maybe be a little grateful.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President and CEO of Catholic Relief Services Sean Callahan reminds us refugees need our assistance, not our fear.https:\/\/t.co\/FeGaAVQfAU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user - - #never become when #life pulls u back \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a6 because, \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a6 #lion also take one #step back when he wants to go for a #lon\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like Karma to me. If only Hillary had been there....*sigh*","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's amusing and sickening to watch these scientists\" twist themselves into knots to justify their gun control agenda. #gunsense is dishonest, through and through.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Good god woman. Shut up. If you liberals really believed this @user would have spoke out against this the day she received the letter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user T1960 Set 24 years before T1 in 1960 Texas t-800 with no skin sent to kill Sarah\u2019s parents on their isolated farm b4 she is born Sara dad played by Arnie fights t800 n wins but while holding defeated T800 get sucked to the future - explains why t800 R modeled after Arnie looks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Prove your claim or be exposed as the lying piece of shit you are. Meanwhile... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"warning: ladyzaradurose on @user is not me! it's someone impersonating me and using my information. someone needs a life! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its nearly here #src2016 #roalddahl100 #normantonlibrary @user #readingisfun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He is actually doing the hip thrust to fuck that evil spirit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rest from work? These rats having done any real work since 1945.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @NavyAssLos: Hunter Hurt Helmsley RT @Rich_GMI: Cut the imaginary height shit. Most of the women tweeting about it sleep alone every nig…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've seen more cloth on a woman;-D","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Fascists bastards, Salvini and all you people I spit in your face\" the cultural enrichment of immigration.#stopimmigration #Salvini ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looking for info on Protection (Refugee) Visas?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only if I can hire you to whore you out, and breed your cummy hole after. Black pimp, white bitch \u2660\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wasnt talking about you in my tweet But if that shoe fits ya then lace that bitch up and wear it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It pisses me off when someone says that a girl is a whore, like grow the fuck up and learn to respect women ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You should know better to use common sense with hypocritical liberals. #KeithEllisonAbuse","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is. Lol \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Chicago has been ran by Democrats for decades. Why is it up to the GOP to solve the problems they created to begin with? Act is absolutely code for gun control and that's not happening nor would it help anyway. You need 1000 detectives. Start hiring.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trina: Da baddest bitch > Look back at it > killing you hoes > Always> I got a thang for you > Nann Nigga > Fuck boy > single again > damn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @intelwire: Significant number of US tweets were Americans flipping the bird to IS. UK, not so much.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have a different suggestion: young conservatives should stay as far away as they can from politics. They can accomplish much more as parents, spouses, friends, evangelists, workers, and Faithful Christians. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Down with liberals!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JustDoItSlow 😒FOREVER 21 hoes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Get in here you pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can see how that would have happened: https:\/\/youtu.be\/zFuWmY65o-s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/surftilyoudrop.com\/nutrisystem\/ - I'm not sure about this...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Granny Schicklgruber's Cherries Jewbilee Recipe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Somehow I see the CIA behind this! Bust em up!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@hxhsharingan666 did you make an animal cracker taco","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user a busy day for our chefs in the pastry kitchen! #noheasthour #pastry #chef #cooking #cook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I\u2019ll bet you mock disabled people too. Funny how the MAGA crowd likes to pick on the weak and support the powerful. Like bullies. Wonder who your role model is?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another Fraud Senator from the Left!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Ya too bad the democrats had to bring back nazi tactics and nazi brown shirts in the form on antifa URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user visiting a friend and finding your book in their house #priceless #learningspaces ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For the first time ever, we are putting the power of fundraising in your hands. Will you become an advocate for refugees by rallying the support of your community?Get started now \u00e2\u017e\u009d We\u2019ll be with you every step of the way. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the @user will never get it right. way off the mark with bad odor's suspension and now ventura deserves 20+ yet he won't mis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kamala Harris interviewed by CBS This Morning on #Kavanaugh's character. #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TheResistance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She don\u2019t even wear the shit I buy her now. Move away from me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm Irish and Apache Indian. That's not my Daddy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't know why women wear watches, there's a perfectly good clock on the stove. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"being a buna fan, it's a curse. as a buna fan, you treat differently. it's just another layer of injustice. #sotired ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a fat, worthless faggot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks to dom, either my body fat is slowly decreasing or my muscles are finally deciding to come out due to his workouts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is way scary, someone stop this evil person @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user when you realize that the high school is closer to end #illmissyouguys #neverforget! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cody Snodgres ~ Ret. Black Ops ~ 5G Warnings ~ Waco ~ Pt 2 Intv.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#PresidentialDebate2020 Who all is exited to see biden rip apart trump! #biden2020 #trump2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you know things get real when boss is in good mood and even chat you about who your ultimate bias group. heh. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"numbnuts, it's not my fault you don't know what #Hasbara is. pink little israel agent\u00a0@wirelessguru1\u200d\u00a0\u00a0is running an old script. 1. Israel good. 2. Muslim bad. 3. Chemtrails harmless. Sound familiar? It's not my fault you're literally like the last person to be told #JewsDid911. Time to #DitchHasbara\u00a0\u00a0http:\/\/www.rense.com\/general86\/hoccl.htm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It snowing. You ladies better start shoveling! #EqualRights #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user more propaganda from #palestine - this time videos on \"how to properly stab a jew\" #standwithisrael ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER he is doing it to everyone he don\u2019t like","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a fag, not even a real boy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"go like and subscribe trying to get this out there !! #youtube #hairbundles #hair ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch--Trump: 'Not One' Country Has Been Improved by Mass Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thought that was Cantwell at first glance.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do I get a ban for saying Allah sucks goat dick?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pray for our nation tonight #maga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why should any sexuality be an issue for kids this age? Liberals are ridiculous ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user stay tuned for my cosplay! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"potus lets isis run amok in other countries, possibly infiltrating ours and then blames conservatives and law abiding gun owners. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yyyy fuck no bitch we decided we both was gone steepppp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER never trusted his ass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are such a fraud & doing the fight against anti-Semitism an extreme disservice. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ThemoslemReaper called her a cross between a tranny and a prune. Love it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking hell, those fat bastards would be better off fed to the polar bears, must be the same lard content as an adult Walrus!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on the eve of transition week, we have joined the twitter sphere! #transition #seeyounextweek","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL.. Naww, I turned right at the dead end.. I like having battles with my elders..Gramps lives in the 40's..never change. Dad OMG! Still a 70's hippie..Wishing he never left it hahahah..But they are heavy involved..My illuminated bulb doesn't work..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a wonderful asset and a great influence! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh no doubt, i stay in the kitchen. Music slappin and a lil bit of greenery and i'm cool lol. FEW businesses?! Damn thats whats up! Yeah lately theres a lot of spots like that poppin up around my way. Which is good. So what would you name it? Visualize the name to manifest it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"aw coco came to sleep with me :') ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its just a drill and nobody was badly hurt I heard. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER hey #sickholder were you the dirty filthy greasy cheesy negarrrr who was in contempt of Congress? Don't open your mouth it's extremely stink.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Glasgow kentucky male strippers - http:\/\/strippersforyou.com\/kentucky-strippers\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"France win, France 4 - 2 Croatia. #AllezlesBleus. Deschamps has now won World Cup as player and as manager. https:\/\/img.fifa.com\/LiveBlogging\/UploadedMedia\/MM...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This was a poor comparison. Jay Z literally said he fucked nas' baby mom and left the condom on his daughters baby seat. Cardi and nicki are fighting for what?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@Stephenwildboy: Chilling 👅™ http:\/\/t.co\/mik3iPNle6\" sexy scally lad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER On no not roaming charges! Good charge all these foreign fuckers when they come here!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't remember anyone on the left calling for a Muslim ban after the Orlando nightclub shooting?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":", no? or perhaps paladino is feeling some \"economic anxiety\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Killary still lost! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He really bisca fool huh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have a #niceday and #smile | #life #cute #love #fun #chaplin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden & Kamala Harris is a Bernie Sanders win. https:\/\/t.co\/ukhD9sfRsq https:\/\/t.co\/2bwUrnh8Lo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking foreigner.\u00a0 I don't deal with people that can't speak proper English.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck them all. We must remove kebab and turn all their mosques into pubs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil not all westerners are islamophobes. #emiratis #2016in4words ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Supporters of officer Darren Wilson rally in St Louis http:\/\/t.co\/HtfgJJ7kYt #ferguson #kkk #tcot #tpot #teabaggers #teaparty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What happens next is whoever inthe GOP votes against him gets destroyed and we vote MORE republicans to the Senate to ensure margin of victory for AMY CONEY BARRETT liberals worst nightmare.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is sooooo or may be just funny ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a wonderful asset and a great influence!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user This is the violent liberal ANTIFA party! NOW they try to convince us they they have a heart? And some woman is knocking our men. There's go around with KKK hoods beating up strangers & wrecking our towns. Most violent corrupt party ever. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I don't think you have a clue what leadership and liberals have the temperament of 2 year old children being told no....you have the intellectual brilliance of a goat.. please stop tweeting. TDS is making look quite the fool..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another terrorist brought in by obumer! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"give back the land to palestinians, kikes. also, get the fuck out of white countries because you have been parasiting and subverting since the moment you entered white countries. you are filthy , rodent, pests. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER shit doesn\u2019t feel real to me. then again... life is very whack and i don\u2019t like how it\u2019s set up to begin with so. idk.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Facts! like bitch stfu & sit in the corner hoe. Catch a fit in the corner, facing the wall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I told you to stop eating my booty that day but nooooo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e3\u0080\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9 white.\u00c2\u00a5100 black.\u00c2\u00a5100 pink.\u00c2\u00a5900 ski.\u00c2\u00a5500 . #used #vintage #lathe #instadaily\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and you keep telling that only aryans are allowed to rape women! you're just a troll! #eod @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beautiful sunshine today for these pups \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #sunny #fetch #duo #dogsofig #dogsofinstagram\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user omg!!!!! i was just thinking.... i just saw you #love #blessed #enjoy_every_moment #love_every_breathe #namaste \u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00e2\u009c\u00a8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Biggest menace affecting growth of India is its population.Must take steps to curb population&illegal immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheAngryAfrican @Kiyxni i don't think he can beat Mayweather but he's far from trash. Unlike Floyd he actually put Maidana down.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nice list. Of course I am against gun control. I am also in favor of freedom of religion. People can believe whatever horseshit they like. They just need to keep it out of schools. Creationism has no place in schools.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muzzled pit bull with throat slit found on side of road in PA http:\/\/t.co\/fis8QNvlXu via @examinercom HIDEOUS ABUSE THROAT SLIT LEFT TO DIE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"day 9: this place we live makes me . sorry for cheating with a picture from a few days ago #emc21day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i know you're not in the edc lineup but your boy @user is . you should come pay #edcvegas #edc20 if possible","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He. Is. A. Sociopath.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER When some one is defaulter and you are FM... Ideally what should a FM must say when he meet dafauler","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sad to see how entire forest ridge around Nizzamudin-Delhi being encroached by Muslim community&Bangladeshi illegal immigrants.NO ACTION ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Apparently Amazon is the go to destination for bomb making supplies. So much so that it's algorithm will help ensure bomb makers have everything. But hey, at least they won't let you buy a Confederate flag so they must be the good guys. http:\/\/fortune.com\/2017\/09\/20\/bomb-making-ingredie...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ass kicking time on overwatch #livecleo #overwatch #pc #pcgame #love #girl \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #rockshotel #babalargunu #kutlu #olsun #fathersday @ rocks hotel & casino ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER another judge that first blames the tool then wants to make them dangerous to the legitimate user guess we know wher he is on gun control OUT TO LUNCH your honor sir!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our Battle Is Spiritual.... The Civil Rights Movement Was a Mistake.\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=1P43_ao0Q58","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you are recording a video to upload on the internet. please please please listen to the sound befor uploading shity videos #deaf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #BuildThatWall and #DeportThemAll so we can stop worrying about paying TWICE AS MUCH FOR EDUCATION. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you to all my followers that follow me even if you dont agree with me. We all need to share opinions so our country isnt boring.I believe America can be better like it used to be but our History must be respected. History is\u00a0 a important part of life that we can always learn from.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh no!! That sucks \ud83d\ude2d what if you are \u201csick\u201d \ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd22","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user trump new york co-chair makes racist 'gorilla' remark about michelle obama < you total tool! fucking moron. ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER bitch call me.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I don't know about Soros, but I do know that some on the right\" do use the actions of a few (Antifa) to play identity politics and claim all on the \"left\" are violent - and that's not helpful for anyone, is it?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER is my absolute favorite in Sharp Objects. She is absolutely sensational.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Espn is a joke. She is an entitled bully who can't handle losing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New band names, by me: - Gay Retards on Fire - Piss Cops - Catcher in the - Jesus Christ 2 - Robocock Battlecry - Thunderlunch at the Casino - Guitar Band - The Beenles - Muslim Cops on Fire","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just saw the stream clip from the Madden Tournament before it was taken down. I know e-sports competitors can be salty and toxic at times, but shooting up the place because you got your ass kicked or were insulted?! Fuck that nonsense.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are the deep state. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Breitbart Who the hero? It\u2019s sure NOT @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: refugee says Sweden will be the first country to convert to Islam in Europe - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mickey Vaughn\u200f\u00a0@MickeyVaugn\u00a020h20 hours agoMore","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user traitor whoever he or she is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sketchbook abstract sketch | sad blind eye #a #abstracta #blind #bigeyes #linea\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Run a train ona a bitch is rape in others eyes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"T minus 4 days..... APOLLO Launch\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's the most hillbilly thought ever. A thing is a way ONE TIME or to ONE AUDIENCE and therefore it must be that way always.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Hey skank you wanna take a huge step back before we have to get everyone on your\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm rewatching Breaking Bad & I could see why I hated this bitch the first time I watched this show; Skyler is such a cunt & a fake as wife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are dead to me!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" mindsconsole: telling someone how you feel is honestly the hardest thing ever. #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hysterical Woman, you don't speak for me or other women in my household. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user only 1 hr left to get more macdonald's on bday. bihday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user They're in camouflage! This is too uniform & organized; it's an invasion. #BuildThatWall! You can't climb a wall with horses & those enormous backpacks. What are they carrying & why does the children's cartoon 'Dora the Explorer' have a backpack? Asking. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER shit ain\u2019t gone work bruh URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Libya let #Europe-bound migrants die in Mediterranean, rescue group says ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER : When we lead, sheeple follow\" URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user 100k s\/likes in 52 mins.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki insisted that Poland would push against any discussion on refugee relocations as part of the EU\u2019s migration politics.https:\/\/t.co\/AkuP6sjzfK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Isn\u2019t the coalition for gun control headed up by the lady who was turned down for a job because she was a bully?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump declares 'NO MORE' DACA deal after report of caravan with Central Americans heading to UShttps:\/\/t.co\/M6ObeAoSfN#BuildTheWall #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Those fucking calves man \ud83e\udd24","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How dare you tell me what Antifa is doing is right. They are not fighting facism they are fighting for their own stupid cause. They are further from fixing facism than the republicans themselves","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I stand corrected! Guess the only memorable thing about her to me is how hateful she is lmfao. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Word of The Hour irritate: to render null and void - Try out our Android App: https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=org.wordofthehour.wordofthehour #word #translations #irritiert #\u091a\u093f\u0922\u093c \u0939\u094b #irrita","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eric Holder is an arms dealer and should be in jail how did this ass slip by ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals wouldn\u2019t know the first thing about \u201cdoing the right thing\u201d \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I mean it worked for gun control right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From janitor to nurse. How an Ethiopian immigrant seized his American dream in Minnesota: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We need a wild wild web for conservatives. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I want to see this corrupt bitch in Gitmo for her birthday URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Arizona Found Simple Method That Is Sending Refugees Fleeing From Their ... via @user Not enough free handouts for you go home ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You\u2019ve been selected by Liberals! Are you cheating on your voters. You should have changed your mind before the election Ms. Alleslev","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER HE IS THE POORLY EDUCATED!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wow!!! He is Malloy #voteredNovember2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now time to find the monkey term scripts!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER refuses to release thousands of documents #WhatAreTheyHiding Consistent decisions AGAINST women's rights civil rights gun control immigration health care And financial problems..who paid off his debt Why would ANYone vote to confirm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s still here at 753. If someone did this to her or her family she\u2019d be enraged. She is what @user has let loose. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hate to break it to you but gun control doesn't affect suicide rates. It only changes the method. Facts = hurt.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"According to my D&D group, shouting \"REFUGEES WELCOME!!\" is not the correct way to warn people of incoming threats... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Friggen crook. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SenTedCruz You bet your ass we will! #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarris2020 #TedCruzHasNoBalls","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Say it ain't so ....noooo not an immigrant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I like my soda like I like my boarders with a lot of ICE. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Get rid of #IllegalAliens build the wall!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She may need to change her strategy. Acting like a spoiled child... throwing a tantrum and showing the world what a sore loser she is... on national television... isn't a great way to improve how anyone\" is viewed.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user -Yogi Bear -Nick@USER & Nickelodeon -FoodNetwork -HGTV -Ancient Aliens -Hallmark Channel Next channel to surpass CNN in ratings: ESPN ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting for you qfags to have an intelligent answer............","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Love this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad actor. Is there anybody that really thinks RR is a white hat in disguise, been flipped? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/08\/huge-rose...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER could fund an entire school incl teachers\u2019 salaries and have then teach his own curriculum. Indoctrinating generations of youth however he sees fit...my gas tank on E rn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"doesn't make any sense at all!! #shocking #ripchristina","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good bitch I\u2019m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thanks for all you are doing to MAGA! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This C is back? Liberals are shortsighted aka stupid. Crying Wolf\" is a \"favor\" to all of those past and future victims of rape and assault? Like I said, stupid.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"up late....i am tired but i can't sleep. my eyes are swollen from crying. my brothers and sisters \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #prayfoheworld #pulse #help","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"99.9% of the Alumni\" standing up for #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh didn't even know her....and none are witnesses to her \"stories.\" DemocRATS & Liberals are just to destroy America. #ConfirmKavanaughNow\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You liberals... smh...tweeting stupid shit! Trump order elimination of isis (Obama didn\u2019t)....People! ..think about how people R not murder now (saved) because we hav killed of isis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Awww his poor pocket. Try something else","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany now worried that the surge of African migrants (aka invaders) welcomed to Spain by new Socialist government will head to dear Deutschland....And, why wouldn't they? Germany put out the welcome mat a few years ago!https:\/\/t.co\/bLRyZsqzlk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AND EVERY OTHER MAN AROUND!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"people are ignorant...... #dobetter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Shitting yourself more like. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EU Court wants to punish Chech, Poland and Hungary, because they dont take refugees. Hungary reports that Soros has made in the EU this political pressure. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today's poison of choice: fireball. Jameson wasn't tasting so nicely coming back up. Needed a change.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, it is indeed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user pathetic is two people devoted to cruz trolling in a hillary clinton supp\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Literally. You are literally a crazy person. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All this tape proves is that @user was always out to get a paycheck and to sabotage the one person who actually gave her a chance. Who tape records conversations in the White House??? Only someone looking to sell it later. She\u2019s a snake ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user But to go all antifa on ppl like friggen Milo? I don't buy that conservatives who like medicare don blackout and then going millennials for antifa protests. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you can't stop #saved #letstalkabout #thepoliticalmillennial #class #education #feminism #politics\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we're v to be shooting @user & co. tonight @user . with thanks to @user gonna be good, gonna be great! #galway","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for the sun. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pattern recognition is anti-semitic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It is all about bs \u261dThink there any more idiot tham the liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"<3 tell someone that they are woh it today. #work #ripchristina #heaven #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER why no witnesses? She reported it AT THE TIME! It\u2019s obvious the truth isn\u2019t your priority. There are other qualified conservatives judges. Why push him? Is it because your \u201cpresident\u201d is in legal jeopardy & this Judge believes a sitting POTUS is untouchable? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Because she is nothing more than an opportunistic lying sack of human waste paid by the left. Turn off your tv Ed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#summer #thunderstorms in #nj make me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Canada will begin taking in American refugees of all nationalities and allowing them to seek refuge in Canada, or go back to their home nation if their home nation is hosting a refugee\/repatriation program. Once stability is restored to America, Canada will return any refugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maine: Man dies after brutal beating by Muslim migrant mob in Lewiston park via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prince think he slick AF... He got everyone out here fooled ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Government is bessie mates with these jihadi fighters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER UNHINGED.\" No, he's just a fat POS slob who lucked out going against conservatives making tons of money in the process, as an opertunist. A very smart opertiunist who knows how to USE & shovel BS to the liberal left. It's good business these days & he's EATING it all up.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e4\u00bd\u0093\u00e8\u0082\u00b2\u00e7\u00a5\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #spo#sunny#life#enjoy #love#best#friend#girl#girls#boy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a drunk crazy man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals heads are exploding. It\u2019s so fun to watch them melt down.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Power is defined as the ability to lie and get away with it. Really good video.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@HouseDemocrats @user Begin Listening2those Who u Lust4 As Supporters-These Legal & Honest #immigrants Deserve 2b Heard InsteadOf u Constantly Stepping On them @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Touchdown is easy when you only choose hog nd battle ram ,then game is yours ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is pretty unbelievable right here. Libby Schaaf is warning about potential #ICE activity? Here's the tweet.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JamesOKeefeIII: Denver TV airs clip of digging through trash in \"Ghetto Aurora\" to put Black and Mexican ballots to \"good use.” http:\/\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"awesome i am that you #love\u00e2\u009d\u00a4#harrypotter\u00e2\u009a\u00a1 too\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u0099 #harrypotterweekend\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0098\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095@user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A demonstration of attempted Muslim assimilation...? #Humor #AlohaSnackbar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches be postin pics of them in the bath after droppin a bath bomb in it lookin like they shit a smurf out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ALL YOU PUSSY BOYS FALL BACK! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A lot of whitewashing in this video. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why taxpayers should be burdened with expensive legal process for illegal refugees?Your opinion? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user indianapolis colts black cheerleader hugs boy who used slur. so. much. class ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are out of your fucking mind .. NO socialism is good - NO such thing as \u201cDemocratic Socialism\u201d You fool","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This woman protects her family. That's what mothers do.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user JUST LIKE A PLANTATION, White Liberals have Black people under their thumb and any Black person that tries to get out from under their Old Order\"\" is considered one of them uppity Negroes, too smart fer his britches. They get all the other good lil Negroes to teach em a lesson.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder should be in prison.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ever wonder what a Self-Loathing Idiotlooks like, here you go\u2753 'I hereby resign from my race. F--- these people,' white professor writes online #fboLoud #tcot #maga\u00a0#TrumpTrain #tpot\u00a0#AmericaFirst #Patriot\u00a0#TrumpsArmy #Trump2020 fboLoud\u2981com https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2PvUvba\u00a0 #FoxNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.marketingxtreme.net\/7-figure-freedom-formula-review\/ - Thinking of joining this leading rate program, do NOT sign up with prior to you read this 7 Figure #top_tier #internet_marketing #news #Advertising #business #affiliate_marketing #7_Figure_Freedom_Formula #marketing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Nature of the Hispanic is to Abuse, Corrupt and Subvert!!All Anchors must Go. And the 14th Amendment Retroactively Clarified.#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MAWA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#TrumpTrain #CCOT #WhiteGenocide @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Jehovah and Yahweh is most immoral! Seriously he is one big lying contradiction!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RepLeeZeldin Is there an award for fraud and cheating?!?! Trump only paid $750 federal taxes for the last 10 years but YOU supported the repeal of the SALT deductions for you constituents. CD1 needs @ngoroff to take your seat! You\u2019re worthless to this district! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sadhguru's New Year Message | Tear it off | Happy New Year https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ot1PPgrqtqQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*goes to song suffragettes* Waitress: \u201cthere\u2019s a $15 minimum food and drinks charge\u201d Me to waitress : \u201cwho do you think you are?\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"hick and raver is a venn diagram that has a very large intersection\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy fuck I\u2019m so sorry someone violated your trust like that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IM GONNA BUY BTS X PUMA SHOES THE FIRST TWEET I SAID BYE BITCH IM' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Correct me if I`m wrong wasn`t she playing a women??? Who was also a minority who was Asian. The way she is talking she play a man.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Al Franken anyone? Any assault or harassment stays with you for a lifetime. I was sexually harassed in HS by a coach. I was 17. I remember it like yesterday and I'm almost 60. Scott Newman you are scum. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#show #dance #luv it #emotional #dance family #last show #finished ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Time for Canadians to let all liberals if no Trade deal in two months no vote for any liberal MP! Make that our red line. It makes NO sense Trump has been able to secure Trade Deals around the world but Canada! Obvious to anyone with a Brain failure is Trudeau! He has failed! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Remember: You're talking about the same media that never questions the assertions that everyone on the Right is a Nazi and Antifa is just a group of protesters. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nuts like THIS are dangerous to the FREEDOM of This Country !!!\u00a0 PLEASE KEEP HIM OUT OF ANY INFLUENTIAL OFFICE !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Right??!!! And if I'm the mf'er strapped down I don't blame you one bit!!!LMAO Drink a cold one to my memory!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"agreed - fantastic performance and great night. #goglam @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me too. \u00a0We owe him an inestimable debt of gratitude. He deserves to retire to a tropical island and have umbrella drinks brought to him all day....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He's like Ron White; he has the right to remain silent, he just doesn't have the ability.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They're all Democrats right? They're not hiding it anymore! #FakeJournalists #FakeNews #NoHonor #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's unfounate today that aids is under control but hate is not, and kills more gays yearly #orlando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cheers Harley! That I shall do :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i am so incredibly grateful to my queen @user as i reflect on the upcoming #fathersday my girls are my world h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The cultural genocide waged against the southern people continues onward by the SPLC and other leftist terror groups. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 hospital personnel shot dead in Wisconsin with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm lovin all the cat post, but I'm not sure about this one. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are not very smart are you? Why do you think Gen Flynn\u2019s sentencing keeps being rescheduled? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So one person lies and a lying member of Congress says the judge should step down? Great job liberals. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why is this cunt still here? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Could WE get some honest Law enforcement agencies to dig into @USER Chinese Spy chauffeur. He may have been sexual assualted in High school. Funny how an American citizen didn't qualify for the job. VOTE #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it is very sad for the ppl of venezuela ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you attempting to troll meh? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02Now that\u2019s just sad \ud83d\ude01","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck those idiots. Shitposters on!\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one of those nite #pissed #somanystupidppl #latenite #moody #longassday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Call to action in Tuscon....see link. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Mueller Probe Is Unconstitutional' Under Article II ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SuSuSudafed\nI eat dat chicken out your love box baby. Lovin a white woman while eatin chicken. A colored mans dream","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I continue to be concerned that our country\u2019s gun control laws are not good enough to protect our children. I will only vote for the party that is willing to address this issue. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" would think that @user has facts faster than the press yet he fails to take a strong position. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BITCH I FUCKING FELT THAT SHIT\ud83e\udd27\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Combo of flapper\/Bohemian lifestyle - 1920-1934?\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Wrong...We are sending another giant F....you to Liberals...\ud83d\ude09","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"morning everyone!! have a lovely day #smile #behappy #morning #goodmorning #bossbabe #bossmum #mumpreneur ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Since u r a pathetic self claimed pseudo analyst, don\u2019t bark before you r a bit clear on the subject. Bitch cum whore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"less than a month until our summer festival! #cvfestival ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Im here hoe. Is someone bothering you hoe? Just bitch slap them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm off to #london tomorrow for #blogtacular! it's full on planning and prep here! #blogger ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a love my @user suitcase. looking forward to my time in #nyc #adventure #wagepeace ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#yungteachermong ang hot.... new school, new teacher, new classmate,new friend, new house... :) ..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'll never forget you. #asian #teen #gay #boy #love #smile #blessed . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" porn vids wwwsmallgirlsexcom","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Very sad. They should never have to sleep on American soil ever again. #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Law Of The Jungle - Rudyard Kipling This is the Law of the Jungle -- as old & as true as the sky; The Kill of the Pack is the meat of the Pack; The Kill of the Wolf is the meat of the Wolf. He may do what he will; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the only time I feel safe leaving my phone face up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"night out.. #recargando #fun #friends #drinks #beach @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8Spain: 'Spain sets up migrant command center amid summer surge in arrivals'Very disappointed in that great country. They are actively giving away their country. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I carry 2 permits: A pocket USC and this permit during Open Season on the satanic cult of war, enslavement, rape and death that refuses to coexist w humanity.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Came to #France as an Armenian immigrant. Resisted #Nazi fascism. Survived. Fought for #socialism and equality. Demanded justice for the #ArmenianGenocide. Died a hero. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you want more #success, something needs to change, & it stas w\/ your #mindset. #entrepreneur #lifecoach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is hard to believe what has happened in the intervening 17 years. I blame @user and @user for allowing #IslamicTerrorism into our country! Islam is not compatible with American values. #ObamaCrimes #ClintonCrimes #Globalists #DeportThemAll #NeverForget911 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Sounds like hot lesbian sex to me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I liked it in a so bad it's good way. She is so miscast it's amazing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can this guy get any lower? One of the dumbest people in our country! How did anyone in Arizona voted for this idiot? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user They should dress him in an Ice Uniform no weapons and make him walk the boarder at night calling for the drug cartel. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"scenes from my bathroom #bathroom #sink #design #abundance #love #home #decor #green\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i think #dhoom4 is the christmas movie salman was talking about \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a @user please make official announcement \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yeah. That's kinda the fashy thing right now. The Proud Boys scumbags wear tshirts saying Pinochet did nothing wrong\" And Antifa are the ones who are violent? Please. It's been an actual fascist every time this has been brought up in my experience. Like dude here, who stopped..\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are an asshole! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I can see how frustrating that is. Conservatives will always get more praise for humane policies because it isn't neccessarily expected of them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder is an arms dealer and should be in jail how did this ass slip by","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hibiscus cooler on chill.... #hibiscustea #hibiscus #pomegranate #fruit #tea #chill \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GAH!!\u00a0 What a nasty, horrible bitch!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shame on @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER and all the rest of the left wing media that are not doing their jobs and purposely looking the other way. This is the best example yet of their #FakeNews bias. #MAGA #WalkAway from the bias and corruption of the left. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i don't like the adjustment to twilight garrison at all !!!!! just why !!!!!! . #destiny","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's 2017 and ur stillllll slut shaming?? BITCH BYE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"makeup on this beauty@user mua by @user monday!\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #beauty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Omg no. You have no idea wtf you are saying. It\u2019s like a pink sheet stock that keeps reverse splitting. Will eventually be worthless to everyone. But hey may keep dreaming. We all need dreams. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"august holiday booked \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #italy #greece #croatia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Home Office guilty of \"a serious breach of the duty of candour and cooperation\" regarding children entitled to enter UK. Where did these children go? Many disappeared, which means they are lost or trafficked. How can we have come to this? @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds of immigrant children are still separated from their parents but the Trump admin thinks that sounds like a personal problem: They filed a court doc Thursday arguing that ACLU attorneys should be the ones to try find the missing parents that were deported w\/o their kids ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Gun Deaths Global Study Shows US Ranks 2nd Worldwide \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Our partner @USER is asking, \u201cShould More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted? Read our partner's full article and express your opinion in the #1WorldOnline's poll: #polloftheday URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BITCH I JUST POSTED ABOUT THAT KDKSKSKS I HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user same shit lmaaaaoooo. i was just making sure! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER We have to fight to not see that here! Gun control out of control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This leftist is what is wrong in liberal colleges. More ppl and students will come out and will unmask this corrupt woman who is determined to destroy a good judge because she wants only liberals in the courts. @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DickDurbin is from Illinois. #Chicago has the strictest gun control and is a gang and drug killing field. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user swheeet \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He can go to hell ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HBA trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user This is basically a family event like Thanksgiving when the men go to the living room TV to watch football after dinner, while the women stay in the kitchen to gossip ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just booked up to come and see you at @user in october xxx \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is useless. Attempts to do the right thing but never follows through. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is the mute feature only available with GAB Pro? It is always the same prolific posters.... But... I am sick of having my home page and news feeds, filled with disgusting posts vilifying Jews. I do not ask that this BS be banned. I just don't want to be forced to see this shit everytime I open GAB.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DRAKE! I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"those blackmon and cargo plays from last night ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Law enforcement gets to carry around semi-automatic guns and make judgment calls about who lives and who dies based solely on race and appearance. Gun control arguments NEVER EVER take into account police brutality.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER re Ford when she was 15 where were her parents. Are liberals\/corrupt politicians All going collude with people to come up with stories from Years ago that can't be proved. And to the Senator from Hawaii she's the reason women have a hard time. Life ain't easy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thanks for the follow! The days of cybersecurity brand reputation marketing have just begun. And you are now a part of it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @pgammo: In the Yankees draft room, they had a huge picture of Greg Campbell with the message, \"this is the makeup we're looking for.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now my computer is saying I have to download the latest .NET Framework and Windows Update. I'll keep you posted.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nohwest albea coal town could face dissolution to deal with financial concerns via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Amazing how much money is being thrown at this guy by liberals freaking out. Beto epitomizes everything that is wrong in America. Vote CRUZ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Give him a shot chris. Han is a nasty H3 player :) and he is my bb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's time we get Americans where they belong. Until there's no hunger no Vets on the streets homeless no poor homeless no Mental cases left without help. We don't need to import or allow anyone else into our country. #AmericaFirst #NoDACA # ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only one of the twins survived.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user heads up! the mto has only opened 1.5k section to cycle on the new #407 . #cycleon #cycledurham @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a liar like Hilary Clinton. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm ready to beat a bitch with another bitch. But you hoes not worth my time or attention. #YeahDatWay\ud83d\udc49 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Another village missing its idiot!!! \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I think you have nailed it. She doesn't want to be under oath.#MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Reported COVER -UP over Coward of Broward (Sheriff Israel ) SON involved in SEXUAL ASSAULT!! https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/mattvespa\/2018\/05\/25\/waitdid-a-broward-county-deputy-cover-up-a-sexual-assault-committed-by-sheriffs-n2484280","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You don't have to explain why because a dishwasher the right to speak. Stay in the kitchen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Any comments, @user ? How about you, @user ? Or you, @user ? Any Democrats fighting against @user to #BuildThatWall speak up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In Germany gayrefugees get a special invitation for housing together. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Congratulations and all that, but that World Cup-winning team was about as 'French' as a bag\u00a0of fries served by a Mexican working at a McDonald's in Des Moines, Iowa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"awesom beautiful wonderful\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gary Lineker is a TWAT and Mark Zuckerberg is a CUNT. Phew, quite liberating to get that off my chest, in an echo chamber.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You be chasing them hoes fuck what a bitch think ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"san francisco for the next 2 weeks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*pats tears* Gosh..... Dammit *sniffs* *sighs* My baby-* sniffs* She just doesn't deserve this\ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude2d. She is so precious and I- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user After slamming the book shut, she carefully balances it on her chair's armrest. Very well. You are forgiven.\"\" With a flick of her wrist, she motions for him to lift his head. \"\"You stand before Vei'Aran Xilhatarra, First of the Argentborn. Why have you sought me?\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Enough is enough. If Trump truly cares about this country he will halt all immigration and exercise executive authority to intern and deport all illegal aliens and imprison those who abet their crimes. INTERN AND DEPORT.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't let the #bigot skate on his true record of ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't Leave out Shanana !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"los amo!!! bihday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" fathers day @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mastered to be in front of others but can't able to master in stop being #sad when alone \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019ll toast to me #Hillary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"another day, another mass shooting here in america. what happened to tolerance and respect for those with other opinions and values. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[ ] thank you \"ley de vida\" for the follow !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Up early then a bitch driving to denton omg can I move already","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Retained 2 seats and lost1 for a net loss of 1! That's losing, not winning, the way I was taught!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like my women like I like my laptop .. on my dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yes he is! #StopKavanaughNow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JuanNDaCut: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/yck16ZiNZZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone hates chelsea - whore skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People Who #Worked With #ChrisMatthews #Accuse Him Of #ObjectifyingWomen, #VerballyAbusing #Staff http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/12\/31\/sources-chris-matthews-runs-an-abusive-work-environment\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We in this bitch together \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"irony is wasted on a trumpkin. #slow #loser #weak ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user another life taken too soon, another family's life destroyed......yet they still won't change their law on guns! #iwillneve\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Arrest her immediately. She is a wicked crazy democrat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a drama queen she pulled the feel sorry for me card too because she is now a \u2018working\u2019 mom...give me a break","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER this is exactly who you sound like. Complete dog shit. Been meaning to tell you this for a while. #long #cox URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Anarchist Nefarious Treason Invading Free America = ANTIFA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING | The unelected House of Lords has voted for the \"meaningful vote\" amendment, which could give our Remoaner parliament a veto on Brexit. The battle for British democracy is far from over! Help the fight back and support us at leave.eu\/get-involved","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pass #MeritBased Immigration. Kill #ChainMigration. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Detaining Immigrant Kids Is Now a Billion-Dollar Industry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know what they are, but they all came on my page and called me ethnic slurs, like I would care. I'm sure they aren't as bad in reality as they are on here. They are probably just larping. But yeah, one lady announced to all her followers I was a \"kike\" in disguise, and a bunch of morons posted.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"white \"social justice warriors\" _ getting it wrong, again. via @user #voterid #maga #p2 #rnc #dnc #vote","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just heard TRUMP was renewed for a second season. The ratings are through the roof! #TrumpTrain #RedWave #MAGA #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Youtube Shuts Down the SGTreport's Channel Without Cause or Explanation. Along with it more than 1,000 videos and interviews were deleted from the pages of history!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So conservatives freak out about coffee cups people kneeling for social injustice Nike shoes Etc I think it's the conservative that needs safe spaces","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"loyal girls deserve the world but yet we get nothing but being hu. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deportations in the desert: governments, like smugglers, abandoning migrants to die. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cheaters and fakes.[NEWLINE]Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms https:\/\/t.co\/HyJjmNYjbN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user activate your #lifestyle with #wakow. stay tuned & keep . #enteainment #buddy #pay #event #life #app ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Paris Terror Attacks brought to you by Eric Holder on behalf of the Obama Administration. Oh but Gun Control\"\". ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your Mexican friend texts you 'viva la Mexico' on the 4th of July ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You Shut Your Whore Mouth! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"May looked and sounded like she had a gun pointed at her head during that address. Blink twice if you need help Theresa.\ufeff\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER need to come out & say if we\u2019re headed for a \u2018no-deal\u2019 in October then @USER must call a General Election. That\u2019s the only \u201cpeople\u2019s vote\u201d we need. If people want a \u2018no-deal\u2019 they can vote for the @USER I don\u2019t think people do. So vote @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user trophy. i have always been one. by @user \"educate yourself,\" #womenwednesday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@goldnsilvercoin the worst terrorists are republican teabaggers...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user icymi yesterday - this is what one peh venue offers for nye enteainment #rapeculture #vaw \"some... ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Spanish teams 'overwhelmed' by waves of sea migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BreitbartNews Globalist cucks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bit.ly\/2PisVO3\u00a0 YES YES YES; TY TY TY @POTUS @VP @CABINET @FOXNEWS @FOXBUSINESS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What stopped Hitler was the Channel, the RAF and the RN.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dog whistles the minute one of those SOBs use it it's over never would I vote for any liberal ever no such thing as a moderate or acceptable liberal there all I mean all the same some try and hide there hate but they are all scum Your a fool to think they give a shit about you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine my shock. #Repeal19","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Aaron finding the sending if a locomotive funny. He is aware it symbolises the trains jews were sent to their deaths on. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol. @pnehlen has become a massive swedish homosex. Proud of you, nigga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why does MSNBC have a \"news\" show that is 100% opinion & right wing talking points? Joe the nation is with PBO not u teabaggers #morningjoe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oppression... We need to start a movement. Could be worse they could be Antifa dogs :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHAT have they done!? WHY are we paying tribute to migrant and refugee woman!? They do NOTHING to better society!? Enough Virtue Signalling! #refugeesnotwelcome #respectvictoria #dingotwitter #nationalism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Confirm Kavanaugh Now! #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shame on @user @user @user @user @user and all the rest of the left wing media that are not doing their jobs and purposely looking the other way. This is the best example yet of their #FakeNews bias. #MAGA #WalkAway from the bias and corruption of the left. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why are you liberals, who are so quick to scream I'm a victim\", so clueless as to how our legal system works & which law depts investigate which crimes? Assault crimes are not what the FBI investigates, period. Your ignorance on this matter is glaring & you should be embarassed.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Trump does not understand his job? Trump will go down as the most successful and Obama and his entire admin as most corrupt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its time to shoot the leftist on sight.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user From your lips to God\u2019s ears Antonio. I will do my part. Let\u2019s hope all Conservatives do their part. And stay vigilant at the polls. Dems are desperate. There WILL be fraud. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Right!!! Politics has no place in anyone's reproductive organs OR their sex lives!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#stopthebias against #Conservative #Republican #Trump #Freespeech supporters coming against #twitter ban. To slow down #liberals reporting us is to have a few million of us to report in big numbers to keep Twitter so busy the the liberals complaining be losted in the traffic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And I have concerns with\u201dDemocrats\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Technically speaking he is hamstrung by drug & alcohol addiction ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER he is going extinct","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Better not bring to much attention to this guy. The Democrats might try to get him to run for office.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Reagan also signed the first gun control bill as governor of CA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Does that make it an excuse for us to just let them in and run rampant in our cities? They are fake refugees who don\u2019t give a damn about their home country. Mass emigration hurts Africa and mass immigration hurts Europe. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #AmazonPets This is bonnie she is 2 years old and very friendly she has been through the wars as she got attacked by another dog. She would love to be the face of #AmazonPets ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user me and @user mr. nura were in thesame cds group. i still have his gift given to us by nysc. rest in peace brother. #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"paul beloy: is still an issue at varying levels in belgian football @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"rest in peace christina. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #\u00e0\u00ae\u00ae\u00e0\u00ae\u0095\u00e0\u00ae\u00bf\u00e0\u00ae\u00b4\u00e0\u00af\u008d\u00e0\u00ae\u009a\u00e0\u00af\u008d\u00e0\u00ae\u009a\u00e0\u00ae\u00bf \u00e2\u0080\u0094 watching conjuring 2 : le cas enfield","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Arkansas Man Sentenced to Prison for Developing and Distributing Prolific Malware https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/arkansas-man-sentenced-prison-developing-and-distributing-prolific-malware\u00a0\u2026","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Contact the White House by email and tell President Trump, \u00a0\"No USA War In Syria.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn\u2019t have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn\u2019t have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lucky bitch! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user :( whaaat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shouldn't pussy grabbing @user be the one wearing the gloves while handling food? #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that doesn't prevent you from being a and a #bigot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Kane trying to stay relevant? Ever thought the cats were beaten by a better\/hungrier side ? He is kidding him self if he thinks they were worried about whacky Wednesday instead of concentrating on a footy final. #flog ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PolitiFact Florida: Bill Nelson claims detained immigrant parents charged $8\/minute to call their children. He is such a phony he makes me sick Shared from my Google feed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"forgiveness is impoant to save your #relationship. #forgive even if your #paner has done something to seriously #upset you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Big if true lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Simon said he hope Garth writes Ketterer a song - knowing his guy needs outside help 2 get the votes - BTW I don't think Garth is going 2 do that I saw him in a video say as much. Kettterer & other acts r battling for 2nd Courtney is an unstoppable force - She is a Hurricane!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i appreciate you, my dudes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She says she wakes up from sleep thinkin she is gonna get Trump. She needs a Psychiatrist! ASAP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you see the driver & i we're talking about africans who speak english fluently but this #moron who just got on thou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Females-*you need to respect women more and stop calling us hoes*Lil pump-*you such a fucking hoe, I love it*Females- *that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"absolutely stunning dinner. baked duck, spicy vegetable tray bake & wild rocket. #cleanliving #homecooking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the mean difference in IQ between men and woman is 3 points or less. 70 years ago, very few white women had sex with black men. but there were a lot of black prostitutes serving white men. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Do yourself a favor and watch this @user There is still time for you to spit that kool aid out and pay attention to what is happening. You right leaning conservatives are so brainwashed it is sickening. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BvilleChas @Matthew50095058 @PeteButtigieg Once a DEM always a bellend!! #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I got possible vantage point on photo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The guilty will be hooded.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(Toronto Sun):#Woman who accused #Nelly of rape wants case dropped : A woman who said the.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The system will use what you give it. OS is designed to keep things in RAM instead of paging them out. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is Sadiq Khan, mayor of London out of his mind? Why doesn't he fuck off back to his in-bred goddamn country and stop the grooming of local girls before telling us what to do about free speech? Oh that's right, kuffar girls deserve it, no? fucking asshole!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FLORIDA NOW UNDER STATE OF EMERGENCY!! (Toxic Water Update) https:\/\/youtu.be\/Ga2XAn6WppQ https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/help-sav... #Florida #ToxicWater","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user has c got his england kit on already? #euro2016 \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Beto the clown who supports the kneeling NFL thugs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just be happy\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here ya go. Stay Vigilant!!\u00a0 #Communists Planning Armed #Insurrection on Twitter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user only 25 days till i go to see the men's @user final..woohoo..can't wait.hope @user is there \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user da fuck, you said if someone calls you hot 1 more time , you are gonna suck their dick, so do it you pussy, don't back off now ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"At least I wasn't duped by the Clintons into supporting a fat orange faggot retard","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Submit your examples of good practices on child-friendly procedures in the migration context ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user look at this #dog and all it takes to make him happy is some food and loads of #love. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove. They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution. It's all about politics. Shame. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that moment when you're excited to see the photo uploaded and yet you're not in there. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why we don't say his name. Info gleaned from Lisa Mei Crowley on twitter. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When Im Eating Pussy For My Pleasure I dont Care if You Nut 8 Times , Smack me in the Head , Run Away, Smash my Head With yo legs , or Cry. IF IM NOT FINISH Bitch Im Not Finish Now Stfu and stop crying ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beautiful face \u00e2\u0098\u00ba#inshot #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach #hot #cool\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are happy little peoples \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a happyhappy people #kitten #cat #blackkitten\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stay #healthy stay . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am zealous. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump is making all types of economic \/ peace deals. While Democrats are creating mobs tearing down historical statutes and destroying WHOLE cities. Its a NO brainer on who to vote for in 2020. Trump builds! Democrats DESTROY! \ud83d\ude05 #Trump2020. #Trump2020LandslideVictory","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what about black tea? @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus? Ten-tickles! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Wuss Righters need to be loudly named and shamed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Couldn't find one, unfortunately. Maybe one will surface down the road.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#VA10 voters know @USER is the right side of the gun issue. Gun control or gun rights? The answer may help determine whether NRA-financed Rep. Comstock wins reelection URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Isn\u2019t this from the Saul Alinsky book #RulesforRadicals or @user favorite book Antifa Handbook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Noap. Not taking them. RT @TiffNCompany: Maca root pills making my vagina do the wop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It really pisses them off \ud83e\udd17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#meDIAtoo Selective putrid outrage ONLY AT Conservatives only BY LIBERALS who want us to know how MORAL they are!!! Re: Kavanaugh and ANY OTHER REPUB who will stand up against them!! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ABC its time. amend 14th amendment it was written to protect newly freed ex slaves. Its lived its purpose. time to end anchor baby loophole","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user here we go! @user marepinetareso #hotel #luxury #pay #lifestyle #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is time to take these people down and take their power now before they hurt our PTOTUS!! These people are ABUSING their power that was given to them in trust! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'M SO FUCKING READY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not so much, it's just me alone with myself. The whole You are your worst enemy\" type deal\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@johntrdla @kevv_charles @TomiLahren @ScottCRoark You silly nelly queen. Nothing is coming except President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Don the Con lost.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anyone in Michigan able to drive an immigrant family from Detroit to Chicago on Wednesday? This group has driven moms across the country to be reunited w\/ their kids. Now they have a family who needs help picking up documents in Chicago. DM me for details. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user ready for drinks in the sun! #brighton #sun #drink #wine #rubylovesbrighton ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tis funny you assume I\u2019m left or a supporter of antifa even though I dislike nazis. You\u2019re still a ball washer though.\ud83d\ude01 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are clearly not a pokemon master! I have almost 400 in rare candy alone. Over 150 legacy moveset pokemon. It just all depends on what you like to keep as collection pieces and what you value in the game.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like the #TravelBan and #SanctuaryCities Orders this will be another Blow to the Open Borders Crowd clue Some of those so called parents already deported lets send their kids back Too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he's shown us over & over who he is! #bigly #believe him! #traitor #fraud #liar #sociopath #rapist \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"San Francisco Declared One of the 'Filthiest Slums' in the World. Data reveals the Californian city is dirtier than many third world nations including Obama's homeland Kenya. #MAGA #DeportThemAll #SCOTUS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user love this book written by my friend alison, i highly recommend it. my son with fa's really enjoyed it too! <3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @legapsi06: I've only watched 10mins of this trash and I feel like I just wasted some valuable minutes of my life that I can never get b…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so senseless! rip ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user its fake? its from 2 different maps guys ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When the girls apply it to their faces, they help maintain a piece of their culture inside the #refugee camps. #rohingya #myanmar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fantastic short video with solid stats and links to sources in the description!https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=lPJhuNg3Id8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not entirely convinced Wolverine but fascinated to know more.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Solid. If it doesn't work, you can hit them with it...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @nypost In 20 days VOTE BIDEN [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpLies [NEWLINE]#TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks [NEWLINE]#TrumpLiedAmericansDied [NEWLINE]#BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/iwbSq6GYPo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #SocialismKills The #elite #Socialist inVenezuela are Killing The People #BuildThatWall#VoteRedToSaveAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's really just that simple #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/DWWmqGloFl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If a bitch talk down on you when your down that hoe don't deserve you when you up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user feeling proud \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f true hard work & strong hope wil make dream come true\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well, i wasn't planning on cutting #birchbox, but the points changes might make it an easy sacrifice for the new house plans! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's the difference between your bonus and your dick? You don't have to beg a woman to blow your bonus ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do not believe any of these polls. If you believe them, that they can use these polls against you. If the elections were rigged, that the public cannot request for an investigation because they'll need probable cause. And if the polls says that the Dems has gotten these states, and if the public trust the polls\u00a0 That there will be no need to start an investigation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Falling in Love Again\" (1930); sung by the great Marlene #Dietrich (1901-1992). \u00a0 WOW!!!!!!!!\u00a0 We just don't hear *GOOD* songs like *this* one from the so-called musical \"artists\" here in the early decades of our 21st century!\u00a0 Very sad!!\u00a0 We need to bring our Miss Marlene Dietrich back from the grave!!!!!!!! \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RiM7G6bqlPQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just got tickets to see @user sept 29 irvine. first time live can't wait. #blink182","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user World need much much more of this. Antifa are venom. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER he is so beautiful!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#followme <---my poor attempt to get more than 3 followers haha ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #father's day !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user : When we lead, sheeple follow\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wont happen. The deal is 1.8 million beaners for the whole immigration reform package. Left won't do it. But will get blamed when they all get deported. Win\/Win\/Win.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy friday! \u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080 what are you up to this weekend?! \u00f3\u00be\u00b0\u0080 #fridayfunday #friday homefurnishers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this idiot makes my blood boil! #pig #liar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"John McCain hasn\u2019t had a conversation with an American voter in ten years. He doesn\u2019t have a clue, nor does he care, what American citizens want.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore \u270b\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user And you\u2019re just another Twitter asshole. #Muted ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user omg finally after 2 months of waiting im watching @user @user #charmar's yha episodic :d #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not a bad picture of Stalin, his ears should be bigger though, like so:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ReleaSETHememo and watch the DNC eat themselves alive...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Lmao: When you eat food that's too hot and start breathing like a retarded dragon.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user First Man movie is an accurate metaphor for the NWO Globalist Left--they give you enough to make you believe they're truthful unless you have educated yourself! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user all you want is gun control while you let corporations rip us Americans off you don\u2019t stand up against cops assassinating unarmed black Americans cops are enemies of Americans that\u2019s why their against @user because they want to kill blacks in America thanks @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"police say gunman, 21, who murdered christina grimmie didn't know her @user #horrible","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So....\u00a0 Now we love the niggers and hate the Jews?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Prayers for your wife. I too had Colon Cancer..having bowel problems so apt w\/GI after my Oncologist. So I know what she is going thru. Prayers for you both. Remember God is in control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user powerful display at #@user #geneva children lost & missing during war; adults' decisions children's lives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Roses are red, violets are blue. You a bitch ass hoe, and yo momma one too. @user Yeet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait till i sta volunteering #nervous #scared ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"day in leeds \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd #leeds #love #pose #girl #tattooedgirls #tattoos #smile #daysesh #family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She says she is deeply religious\" ... she did not say \"which\" religion ... satanists are very religious ... Peace\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i clean up pretty good \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 \/\/ #latergram #selfie #selfietime #mjbcruise #mjb #fun #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@mcrf94 @JoyVBehar NOPE-- JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN LIE [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/yiMKTgio3m[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/jSou0MVVrr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Jeopardy theme is going thru my head atm...lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the us is becoming more violent as each day passes. #orlandoshootings","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #socialmedia nandita bakshi named president, ceo of bank of the west ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm looking at their website right now... https:\/\/www.blackriflecoffee.com\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay, so maybe not every in #LosAngeles is evil. But I would 80% of the people I've encountered have been trash, another 10% barely human.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sounds like a middle easterner to me.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER r\/India is exclusively dominated by liberals. I feel better on r\/hinduism and r\/religion ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Already pacing you side by side Sir! I think she woke up after the election thinking she could now retire only to be the second biggest loser. She is holding off for hope in the mid-terms and will quit once that one vaporizes like a fart in a hurricane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After IS is soon finished (US+Turkey secretserv. action), IS fighter have 11000 open Syrian passports for use. Stop immigration to Europe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Senate Intelligence Committee <--- Here's an Oxymoron!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first major spos championship win in 52 years #cleveland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shit... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She's the biggest \"mass reporter\" of Trump supporters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't mind the occasional gas the kikes thrown in as long as it's satirical and makes me laugh a bit at their discomfort. \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hahaha... lunatic liberals are just too busy virtue signaling that they still don't get it. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If The Red Wave Hits These Bias Social Media Companies Are Toast.. Investors Beware..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So... Judge Amy Coney Barrett is the coolest person on the planet.. \ud83d\ude0d [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]shes basically the real life Wonderwoman! \ud83d\ude0d\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd17[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Trump sure knows how to pick em! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Who appointed you the spokesman for the people at Lake Norman. I Guess you interviewed every person at the lake and it a unanimous poll against President Trump. NOT LIKELY. You are like most liberals who try to speak for everybody","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-Conservatives cut police funding -person complains about crime -person votes conservative to tackle crime ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just block the idiot. He's not even worth this post. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And she knows because the witch was there? Another fake\/lie about the President...If you hate America leave ASAP!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cast a doubt? Excuse me? He cast a Doubt? Go have a fucking beer and think that thru asshole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd agree, but ION's a guy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trying out rogue legacy. #youtube #games #gaming #keepgoing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a shithole community. At USF in Tampa, Bill O'Reilly was a key element in exposing their 'Islamic Studies\" professor who was secretly sending thousands to terrorist organizations & attending their secret meetings all over the country on the University (tax payer) dime. He was deported.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"post-secret \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0090 #hughjackman #wolverine #marvel #word #words #qotd #quote #quotes #positive #joy #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Sacred Heart and the Three Loves of Jesus https:\/\/catholicexchange.com\/sacred-heart-three-loves-jesus\u00a0\u2026 @catholicgent","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wonder if the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is aware of this? They are a major player in the refugee program and depend on the tax dollars we give them to survive!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Funny how the greatest African goal scorer in a PL season in their history is what niggers refer to as \"white\". African Niggers failed again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Still shoveling shit\"\" for Trump?....What kind of woman supports a liar, racist, pussy grabber?....that's what kind of woman you are.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So there's a brand of Venezuelan Trump supporter that thinks Joe is bad but Kamala is the real evil, communist, dictator-like. I think I know why that is \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude0f\u2639 (aside from profound ignorance about US politics)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user can you rally for @user weve got to defeat liberal Pocahontas (@SenWarren ) Massachusetts does not want illegals in our commonwealth #NoDACA #noillegals #senDiehl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another Snow Flake melting down.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bow wow - summer is back and my brother is graduating from @user today \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00bd\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #proud\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FoxNews #USA #Israel #JewishState #Iran #StateSponsorOfTerror #MiddleEast","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Catholics incorporated quite a few pagans gods as 'saints', in some form or another. Started with Constantine and Mithraic rituals, then, Augustine added Manichean values and doctrines. Included parts of early Roman practices, as well - aspects of Saturnalia, etc.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you are descended from anything less than European nobility and\/or royalty, then you are non-titled common gutter trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They trying to hoe Todd gurley, Johnny manziel signed them helmets and got off but suspend gurley the rest of season","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Neva trust a bitch\ud83e\udd18 if she tell you she don't got hoes or nigga's her ass lying\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My grandma is older than the state of Israel, which exiled her to the Gaza ghetto 70 years ago. Today elderly refugees like her are living through 35C (95F) degree heat with no electricity, fans, air conditioning or cool drinking water. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when u follow ur frnd nd he doesnt follow u back...!! #comedy #confused ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the hole in the roof in deal has sponsored us, enabling us to go to #bml16 , . who else is going? #britmu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You hit them for fucking elo and the reason I'm posting this is because he is thee booter EXPOSER\" just shows you cant believe everyone in this community\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"saddened to hear prince be has passed away.. and so very young! #rip p.m. dawn rapper prince be dead at 46 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user for your encore say that every other western country that\u2019s all but eliminated mass shootings through effective gun control are lying too... it would be fitting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#childcare attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user cashing in on the book bandwagon. can't blame her. #liberals love to throw their money at bullshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user nigga thought it was gone a 44 point game??? funny to ya boy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Grateful Trump doesn\u2019t have a dog in the White House. He is a cruel man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That\u2019s how immature she is not to mention no class at all O!! Not even a dime","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He should be given 5000 volts!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"★ BEST ASIAN MASSAGE ON THE park slope --TOP RATED SPA ★ 718-622-0221 - 24 http:\/\/t.co\/1xTCOome3v","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why is it forbidden to write '2 blacks' on a restaurant bill but ok to wear a t shi saying 'kill all whites'? #dzange #capetown ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is not good in Debate but very good in Dancing Competition.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is Satan","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm about to be in one of the most beautiful places with my bestest friend #blessed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Listen to this nigger bitch totally loosing her shit. Unhinged subhumans. https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/alexis.brison.52\/videos\/406305666450041\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#followback will you come to visit me? - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LMAO Joe was calling whitehouse offering advice. Yeah the President cares what a disgraced FORMER redneck House guy from fl says #morningjoe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jay Dyer on Americansim, Globalism and Cultural Capitalism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well well, more viture signaling from our favorite little cuck Jack Posobiec.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hi has me energized. @USER He is such an idiot! I can\u2019t believe he \u201csurfaced\u201d again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"free porn thailand white girl has sex with black guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All Ive seen is you crying like a little bitch here for days. If its so horrible STFU and get on a safespace platform you fucking little bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Suck my dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pope Francis criticizes policy of migrant family separation via @user Stick to religion Mr. Red Pope... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @RamonRoblesJr: Good morning Baton Rouge. @ajohnson_a having a nip of @MBMoonshine http:\/\/t.co\/5JZH1BhWWk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals at there lowest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The same Max Mosley who published a by-election leaflet saying: \"Coloured immigration threatens your children's health,\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donald Trump: --- racism? no..... --- homophobia?...no.... ---xenophobia? no........ @marclamonthill ? no ....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"need to edit this ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#democrats are the 1st to tell jokes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why did the democrats have to jam far left liberal judges down conservatives throat? Every liberal judge should be investigated all the way back to grade school. The only lowlife here is you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user YOU should be FIRED... You are dead to the public for your FAKE NEWS Why don't you show him approaching the crowd? Scared ... If you can't stand the fire Get Out of the Kitchen.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Who the hell do you think you are little Eddie ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If anything, wouldn't that be a State Law? He's running for Federal Office. @USER thinks Texans are morons...about this and illegally claiming to be a government office and sending out summons\" for money. #maga #Texans\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She\u2019s confused after all she is only a poor struggling socialist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday #farmer #shep love #wagyu #barrythebull ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Aliens have the Audacity to try to enter a U.S Army Base that's a National Security Risk Here ILLEGALLY for 10 or 30 years get deported ! #RedNationRising #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendthemBack via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sitting on the deck, enjoying a #StoneIPA, watching\/smelling the neighbors burn trash. #Missouri http:\/\/t.co\/VlnhyAhaEW","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user new music coming! hear a sneak peek now!!! #newmusic #freshblood #kerrang #bbcr1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals that think the world owes them a living.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're a childish bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#QAnon #Qmap I didn't know Australia was taking in refugee criminals from the USA?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally #nbafinals game 6 is just an hour away af ^_^ c'mon #warriors lets crush #cavs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER No reasoning with someone who can\u2019t even grasp that common sense gun control does not equal a ban on guns. (I\u2019m a liberal gun owner.)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Prime example as to why we can't have anymore liberals in our government. They don't want to nor do they know our Constitution. They prefer to dictate and be superior than Americans. Their hate for our Republic is brazen and we need to keep them out. #VoteThemAllOut ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Facebook says it has discovered 'security issue' affecting nearly 50 million accounts, investigation in early stages","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"treat your dad at 3 potato 4! happy fathers day! #fathers #day #dad #dads\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why women don't report rape, harassment, and abuse. Rose McGowan: \u2018Hollywood blacklisted me because I got raped\u2019 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Doesn\u2019t \u201cmyth\u201d mean something that isn\u2019t true? \ud83e\udd14... hmmmm .. hollyweird liberals should stick to make believe world.. #dummies \ud83d\udc47 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" porn videos sexy latinas vids","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sweet yellow bone thang, I call her Honey mustard... http:\/\/t.co\/IsFduDu9bx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He might want to visit New Mexico where there are 5 radical Muslim. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Too many of us have absolutely no idea whether any of these stories have even a shade of truth to them. The problem is that we have entrusted too many people to find out for us just what is the truth, yet they do nothing but take our money, stand in front of a camera and tell us there opinion or belief. ugh.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER LOL. What\u2019s failing miserably is this 11th hour ambush by the liberals. Every minute #ChristinaBlaseyFord refuses to commit to appearing she and people like you lose credibility. I love it!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #tcot #p2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So, where are you, now, dear shitlordi?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"attention is the new drug fr \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning all! we're looking forward to a day of #pranic #healing, #networking, #workshops & #meditation! powering up!! #thursday!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I also grew up in California. Doesn't matter where you are from. And just because you've heard worse\"\" doesn't mean jack. The president of the united states should not brag about that. Nor about watching beauty pageant contestants change.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you @robbystarbuck @JoeBiden Is this your idea? You're a liar and a racist - FACT. Slo-mo-racist-joe #TRUMP2020 https:\/\/t.co\/jlWmaR20Yr","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking hypocritical kike cunts and their satanist male kike\/nigger pimps. If they all died in a horrific accident, I would laugh for months. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#GreatestThingsAboutThe90s NOTHING. The treacherous lefty media people made sure Benny Hill was taken off TV and even more treacherous conservatives\"\" conspired to remove Maggie Thatcher as our leader then almost fatally signed us even deeper into the extremely hostile commie EU\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the alt-right movement is like: mustfall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user was spreading #FakeNews about @user FYI. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But does he schmooze with Communist #Putin in Helsinki like your daddy? . @user @user @user #MAGA @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are the In educated twat! That speed crap and can\u2019t read obviously\ud83e\udd12!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's habit no. 6 for them. #spiritual #men ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Dreamers\" are not Americans, they are illegals.#DeportThemAllSouthern California HS football game sparks race debate, fans asked to stop chanting 'USA! USA!' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He ran and hid after posting an ad about illegal border crossers. As soon as CBC started their shouting racist. It\u2019s not racist and instead of standing up for what he believes he bailed. The conservatives shouldn\u2019t have picked him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are an embarrassing citizen!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Could anyone expect anything less from a fool like j rubin? Incompetent hair on fire libs cost people their lives and blame it Pres. Trump.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"c'mon people now, smile on your brother ev'rybody get together try and love one another right now \/madworld","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Report: Ex-Labour Councillor and Immigration Lawyer Asama Javed Is Forced-Marriage Fixer for Girls as Young as 15\u00a0 Immigration lawyer and former local Labour councillor Asama Javed advised an undercover journalist there is \u201cnothing wrong\u201d with a father forcing a 15-year-old daughter into marriage, according to reports.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How to debate like a liberal: Step 1: Call everyone a bigot to avoid actual adult debate. Step 2: Call people faggots.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idgaf who u r bitch I will swing on any of you hoes who touch my bestie!!! Swear to god u ducking hating ass bitches!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Before you bitch about teen pregnancy remember that man over the age of 18 father most babies born to women under 18. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user we were? maybe you are-but don't you dare demonize innocent infants born with white skin, ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Affirmative. We understand the situation. #WWG1WGA #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the radicalism of woodrow wilson\u00e2\u0080\u0099s racism #blacklivesmatter #tcot #blacktwitter #tlot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The immigrant that did this received more consideration than a US citizen who committed those same crimes would have received. #BlueLivesMatter #DeportTheCriminals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER GOP, Conservatives, Evangelicals, Traditionalists\" Catholics are all hypocrites.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"la la land is here's an idea poc: make ur own films with only u in em, quit bitching at whitey 4 being white ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is now in zim from Midrand let's wait and see","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cute few hours with this little monkey yesterday \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b5 #nephew #love #family #quality #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And these are the *people pushing for gun control \ud83d\ude12","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user birmingham friends, don't miss this special lecture on bonhoeffer and racism, from bonhoeffer expe @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate a hoe that wanna be bold asf till you confront they ass \ud83d\ude11 then they all like \"I never said that\" bitch stfu and catch this shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user WHY WOULD WE KEEP THEM INDEFINITELY WHEN WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE AT ALL?OH, IT'S CNN.WHAT DID I EXPECT?#NoAmnesty @user #NoHR392 #noasylum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Horrendously sad that we all know who \u201che\u201d is. It gives me no joy to know I\u2019m smarter than the president.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the perfect insult because women are bad, & hysterical women are the worst kind of a bad thing, & the dems are being insulted BY a woman, which is humiliating because women are very bad. Perfect insult by a perfect lady! though thats impossible because ladies are bad, ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You know we will bitch stop talking like that we gotta paper to get nigga \ud83d\ude0e\ud83e\udd1f\ud83c\udffd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user OMG what fuckin' kind of this beauty TT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RonanFarrow Yeah we know about Anglo-American principles.#slavery #hate #racism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never Forget: CHRISTIANS Gave Us the Great Russian Empire and Culture - Popular Russian Priest (Top Russian Talk Show) https:\/\/russia-insider.com\/en\/never-forget-christians-gave-us-great-russian-empire-and-culture-popular-russian-priest-top-russian","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mueller\u2019s \u2018Pit Bull\u2019 Arranged Meeting With Reporters To Discuss Manafort Investigation http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/07\/08\/mueller-manafort-journalist-leak\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hooray!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He drew the saw because the marker was in his left hand which is connected to his right brain which is connected to his left eye which saw the saw. His right eye which is connected to his left brain saw the hammer. #PSYC1101 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And low IQ comes from what? \ud83d\ude0e keep researching tho! It\u2019s good for you. #WhiteGenocide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Actually Tyler had planned to cut Angela after Brett so she is just as clueless. This 'showmance' and her being hated changed his mind.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They can start by repaying all the other subsidies they've received since the 1930s and putting that money back into the American taxpayer's wallet. Go on now, we're waiting.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For more on the @user findings discussed in this @user article, including state-by-state data, check out: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we are coming for you chuckie cheese \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 kids","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Basically me and my liberals friends want to decide what's right for the rest of you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CBI calls for favourable treatment of #EU migrants after #Brexit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sierra almost got caught with the ole hick 😂😂😂","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lmao stereotypical feminists & stereotypical hysterical women. What a win win keep it up, ladies. Youre doing great. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How Jihadist ideology is gaining power through the back door -- and with our blessing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals as per Odia standards \ud83d\udc46....RW is liberal when it comes to my state \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ayo I jus had a mini heart attack behind the wheel..north Philly n fire crackers don't mix😩😩😂😂 I… http:\/\/t.co\/o5v2E4LFtm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":":(( I want him to rest 4ever :((( He is such a sleepy baby :((( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck U SLUT. Your pork dead father is burning in hell. Fuck Face Jewellery seller bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Were out in huge numbers and I can say thank you to this skank and who she represents. I wasnt involved until I saw this illiterate hooker and her pimp try to influence others. No ones walking away republican barbie. But those anal warts wont ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user obama has been the most destructive president in history & that is his legend. #isis #iran #copkiller #syria @user #more","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just in case the RNC sees this. I'm really disappointed in you guys! I can't believe our POTUS is having ANY difficulty getting his policies enacted & funded. I WILL NOT DONATE ANY MORE MONEY TO RNC.Only to individuals #MAGA #RedWaveRising2018 #RNC #Republican #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER WTF @USER & @USER seriously... what manner of bigoted platforms are you running that label an exhortation for children, black or other, to Stay In School\"? #JackDorseyIsAbigot #MAGA #KAG\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bullshit, he was thrown out for being a muslim ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user The educational system is controlled by liberals and works to enslave the minds of our children. The chains of mental enslavement must be removed in order to save the future of our great nation \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh my Carmen. He is SO FRICKING CUTE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME BUT YOU CAN'T STAY HERE: For First Time In A Decade, Italian-Flagged Vessel Returns Migrants To Libya. Open Borders Activists Outraged ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Actually it\u2019s liberals like Waters and antifa who promote violence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yeah the @user coupon from #tmobiletuesdays doesn't work \u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f guess no pizza tonight ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Wrong. Nye has degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is indeed a REAL scientist\", as well as an entertainer. He studied mechanical engineering at Cornell University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 1977. He worked for Boeing. I'd believe him as opposed to you.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" 45th #bihday hardrockcafelondon thanks for the fantastic food and staff ~ @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama\u2019s legacy was created with his pen. Trump has a really effective ink eraser. Bye-bye Obama.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#whatif we wake in the morning and #setagoal to be , #healthy and #grateful?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"dad, why do you have hair in your nose? it's ok, i love you anyway.\" #fathersday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Who in the hell does she think she is? Acussed doesn\u2019t mean guilty! A women accused a man. That man #JudgeKavanaugh has a voice and has a right to clear his name! \u201cShe\u201d needs to #ZipIt\ud83e\udd10 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ascanioenteainment: redesigned aquila plains #screenshot 1!! #indiegame\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Getting her pussy and ass ate at the same time , now that's goals bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Please show me your post where you said the same thing about conservatives targeted by Antifa and other leftist friends of yours \ud83d\ude44 #Hypocrite","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck this !! He acted like The father of the girl killed at Parkland was a bug. Instead of telling us how much he loves these girls he should tell them the truth that he really doesnt give a shit if they are killed by a crazy white guy with an AR 15!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WashingtonPost broke the story therapist notes Miss Ford stated four men assaulted her \ud83d\ude20 now it's two\ud83d\ude2e #VoteDemsOut to end #DirtyTricks stop what's wrong with #DC #Kavanaugh #maga #FoxNews #Liar #CNN #msnbc #SenFlake #Wrong to use #MeToo for politics #ChristineBlaseyFord URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You\u2019d also know this isn\u2019t about women at all b\/c Democrats don\u2019t call for justice for women assaulted by Democrats when there is both evidence of injury & police reports. You\u2019d know Dems only demand conservatives be found guilty upon accusation. You\u2019d know this is all political. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Al Gore has done very well making a fortune off stupidity; ...other people's! You have to be pretty dumb to buy what he's selling: https:\/\/youtu.be\/-Z_IC3xrgJk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Algerie send a clear message for refugees. About 400 refugees are leaved in the desert without water today. Its only few time till they will die. This will stop all refugees to try to went over the territory of Republic of Algerie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You can never take a L off a real bitch, I'm hotta than them hoes that you chill w. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry dude, they have kids - that means we can't have any guns within 100 miles.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gsZLKlmWjfg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Google anti-American? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I host websites and will be happy to assist you, if you so desire.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"read @user latest 5-star #review on @user - making our clients makes us happy! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I can assure you I have no delusion that he is god (little 'g') like.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user War torn? Most so called refugees come from safe countries! Moron!#fuckEU #leaveEU #sendthemback it's the only option to save Europe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What in the actual fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user she is not a Republican... by any means.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Conte being a little bitch as per. Get sacked already you average cunt \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"family 5k @user #happiest5k #indianapolis @ military park (indianapolis) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is drinking so much koolaid she\u2019s bloated. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You losing 0-3 @sterling31 and that's what u trying to do? Stupid yardie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the fuck does 'racism' even mean now?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I hope the voters of the UK won\u2019t forget what a shambles @USER @USER and @USER have made of this. Lack of leadership has left us in the doldrums and betrayed both those who voted Leave and the rest of the UK. #BrexitBritain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE CAN\u2019T JUST FUCKING MIND THEIR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS WHY YOU ALL UP IN MY BARBECUE BITCH FOH YA CUNT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals didn't want to hear from Juanita Broderick. She was ignored. Liberals don't want to hear from Keith Ellison's accuser. Double Standard","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user dumb fag ass prick cunt bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Biden has literally lost it. It is sad for him but dangerous for America. A vote for Joe is a vote for Communist Kamala and the AOC crew. #socialismsucks #maga #communistkamala #TrumpLandslideVictory2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ugdSqcXsfb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Is fucking a retarded girl rape? Asking for a friend.' - Barrack 'Sadam Hussein' Obama","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bill O'REILLY, it can happen because, people like you will not speak out Against YOUR\"\" POTUS AND NRA about GUN control!!!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WOW THIS COLOUR SCHEME I AM LIVING FOR IT ALSO YOU?? ARE SO PRETTY?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"t's not a religion. It's a tribalistic, supremacist race with an insular culture that relies on dividing its host on order to survive. \" What you are describing is a the filthy despicable JEW PIGS! Jews are subversive LIARS and whatever they accuse others of they are guilty! Jews are parasitical cancer and have been expelled from 1030 countries for a REASON! Do you still belive the HOLOHOAX like this RETARD JAY? Jews are SCUM and you are a brainwashed RETARD!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Permeation of Propaganda in the College Student Brain | American Thinker http:\/\/bit.ly\/2orNY5k #College","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is so cute \u2661 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it's sunday and we're open all day for #food! time is precious waste it wisely... #sunday #foodporn #allday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Jeep! #Jeepaholic #JeepLovers #JeepFam #JeepWave #OffRoad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes do hurt your selves gun control freaks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beautiful sign by vendor 80 for $45.00!! #upsideofflorida #shopalyssas #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"females are even worse \ud83d\udc80 fuccin whores will clique up when they only got one thing in common = mutual hate for ONE bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Right, its just common sense people.. stop the madness now!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Un ejemplo de how stupid some people look saying not all men ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a vile rat of a woman.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IJustDontSeeMyself ever supporting strict gun control. #2A #Liberals4Guns #guns #SecondAmendment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Netherlands Prosecutes Its Own Citizen For Calling Turkish Dictator A \"Goat F*cker\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rest easy, for I have the antidote. https:\/\/donlegaraccireviews.wordpress.com\/2017\/12\/14\/l-i-f-e-achieving-the-perfect-female-figure\/ Dont forget to put your thot friends on too, this works even better if done with support group.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I do not know who these POS Nazi Liberals are & don't care to know. Everyone of the Hollywood elite can & prob will go to he!!.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#chepstow, #gwent : police appeal following 2 alleged assaults #wales #cymru","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hey genius Hitler was dead two years before Trump was born. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As we continue to serve immigrants and refugees in Memphis, the Mid-South, and across the country, it\u2019s more... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Private pages are annoying. I literally couldn't even upvote the post \ud83d\ude11","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you literally told me that you thought I was being \u201ca fake nice bitch\u201d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Burundi\u2014What\u2019s happening to Burundian refugees in Tanzania is shameful & outrageous. Refugees in Nyarugusu camp were told that effective 15.08\u2014They\u2019re not allowed to go outside the camp\u2014All their small businesses to close\u2014Markets to open only once\/week instead of 3 times ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"still waiting... pa1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pizza shops owner and 3 workers gang rape lost girl who asked them for directions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did every other comedian suddenly die? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pancakes trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER - both don\u2019t support Medicare for all - both voted against the dreamers - both voted for the racist police brutality bill - both voted to give Donald trump and even larger military budget . - both didn\u2019t do a thing on gun control - both voted for the racist payday loans bill","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rapaport defends his homeboy lebron james [Video] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The pastor and the elders talked about broadcasting video from your church. Maybe they want to live stream. Maybe they want to do video announcements. What ever the case may be, they talked, hopefully prayed, and believe God has said, \u201cLet There Be Video!\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Well, you told the Proud Boys to #standdownandstandby , after all, right?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpCrimeFamily [NEWLINE]#TrumpLiedPeopleDied [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/3pS4hOATkC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals cannot imagine a circumstance where they are forced to defend themselves or their family from violence. They imagine such an eventuality to be beyond the realm of possibility and they foolishly believe that the police will arrive quickly enough to save them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The government has now been subsumed by the left and is becoming an agent of same. Government tends to the left, anyhow, as it prefers control to public service- that's humanity. So this sort of thing is not a surprise. Very simply, good citizens need to double down on their beliefs as to guns and self-defense-","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey everyone. We are upgrading our system and maintenance will start at 3AM EST. It won't take long, plan is to complete under 30mins.\u00a0 Thanks for the understanding.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"three. more. days. #canthardlywait #london #edinburgh #uk #travel #adventure #wedding \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Damn right. URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user such a talented woman! #neverends #prayers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She can lie in the shit she created","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Rumour floating around,goons of Lalu\/Nitish have warned people to stay away from voting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People of very low moral standing have hijacked British politics at all levels and have taken it on themselves to promote and champion sexual practices and perversions as if they amount to basic human rights while anyone who opposes them is labelled as haters. Every single top politician in Britain is obliged to swear loyalty to promoting sexual practices.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there seems to be a new poll that's very favorable to Biden, that changed the 538 Georgia projection from 46\/54 to 50\/50[NEWLINE]whether or not it's an outlier that shouldnt be taken so seriously i do not know, but the state has been close to a tossup for as long as the model's been on.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"are they also free to marry who they like, and live where they like? no. #apaheid #fascism @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JoeBiden Reasons to vote Trump: [NEWLINE]Reasons to vote Biden: He stands for everything good and has already changed a lot a lives AND saved a bunch of lives, he is literally the nicest person ever and he would have the best influence on America, an influence that really needs[NEWLINE]We need Joe&Kamala","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- - #never become when #life pulls u back \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a6 because, \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a6 #lion also take one #step back when he wants to go for a #longjump - #follow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I always knew that is how Biden and Obama felt about conservatives. It\u2019s just shocking that they so easily admit it now. No wonder there is such hatred and violence on the left! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user True but the constant talk from the left about common sense gun control every time and yet not one valid proposal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Disco pose with \u201cwhite dude overbite\u201d look. Classic 70s dance move. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER OMG! What a disaster that would be!! She is the most incompetent person","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Look at all these racist white liberals freaking out because I said Tom Arnold has white privileged.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"watching the new episodes of @user on @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Evil man. How would YOU know ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DEPORT RAPEFUGEE'S!!! \ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s amazing how women with whore tendencies think they can solve a \u201cGod\u2019s\u201d cypher. You wish bitch! I bet those feet are like homeless toes! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER An idiot. Where the fuck do they get these people?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#me #af this #morning. #humpday!! #mood \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be your own kind of beautiful\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098! #winking #weekend #smile #kiss ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user are you guys going to take forever to bring the new gmc? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/jackelliot.over-blog.com\/2018\/09\/the-sistine-chapel-choir.html ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I always liked the expression \"bringing a retard to the zoo\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Brilliant journalistic commentary here","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"election\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Concerns over mass immigration\/multicult redefining landscape.When lunatics at \u201cLive Brno\u201d in #Czechia start yapping about solidarity migrants from Italy one must remind these naive fruits of consequences in\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ab\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a7\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa & elsewhere WestEU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Latest videogame cover: Pokemon R\/B\/Y - Pokemon Tower (Latin Jazz\/Rock Cover) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=JJtC3jPdbps #music #videogames","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another falsehood. I don\u2019t think anyone wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. A growing majority want sensible gun control in the form of better background checks and the banning of assault rifles. Trump will say and do anything to rile his base. More snake oil. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user To take over your reign of the Most Hysterical Woman on a Delta Airlines flight? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes!!!! Antifa too!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user for you! Cuz no one else cares when I post it but I'm pretty sure you like it. Get your skank on! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"once i give bih to my son, lose weight, sta getting an ass\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0091 and probably acting like a hoe then i would get some respect from a man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hilare Belloc on the virtue of being boring https:\/\/youtu.be\/8G3DS0yJEqM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #customer sarah\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 #share your belline product and maybe you're the lucky winner of the leather #belline bag!\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Guess the robber didn't know about all of NYC's gun control laws ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All illigal refugees in USA must be deported quick by homeland security. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@joannebryantsf @JoeBiden I\u2019ll never forget this speech & forever thankful for Biden for sharing his personal tragedies to help others. I had just lost my husband & my grief was unbearable but Biden gave me hope I could move forward. This is why I support #Biden2020 his empathy will heal our nation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Was being a little exaggerated and I don't hate Catholics, the church itself as a political body is on my shit list but for non theological reasons. Just find it best to fight fire with fire when dealing with jackasses like this guy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can feel the fear in my bones. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"followed all not previously followed. #maga #kag #walkaway #trumptrain #nodaca #iwantthewall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Democrats' base will stay home in order to punish their politicians for not \"stopping\" Kavanaugh.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fiing to bonkers tm so happy @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this little customer decided to send us this lovely picture, thank you! :-) #play\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" trump #corruptgop @user @user history can not be erased with your money and power\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every bitch got a rainbow in her bio or by her name so all you hoes gay now or is it a wave y'all on ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Amazing that the Dems are always the ones who hear the whistle.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I find it incredible how these stupid liberal teachers think that anything about the Islamic ideology is a good and diverse thing to teach. In my mind it's equivalent to teaching Nazism as a good diverse thing to embrace. There's no hope for western culture with fuckwits like her about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What barrel of trash doesn't smell as bad? RT @Jay_F5 Imagine Dragons or Nickelback?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"monroe vol fd announces passing of member, forrest ryan, 24, who died in a mva on june 13th #rip #connecticut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Getting coffee with bae ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think I see the father's reflection in the glass door, I'm sure they are so proud of their progressiveness, they are a fucking disgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They all have to go back!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The game sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on the train on the way to london! still can't believe i'm going to google headquaers this morning! doesn't even cover it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user fathers' day. almost every man can sire a child, but not everyone can be a father. be there, be involved. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" to be launching my social media for @user going to be an exciting year! so much suppo so far. #timetogetresults","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I say whatever I want. I won't be restricted. My speech is free. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ahead of pivotal Senate hearing, witnesses surface to say Christine Ford may have mistaken them for Kavanaugh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did that idiot Bernie shape shift into her?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Austrian leaders respond to Gerrman plans for 'transit centres' to screen migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Banning \"hate speech\" is directly proportional to crime rise in Germany by Sharia enablers.\"Hate speech\" is a tool to hide UN's mass immigration to conquer the West. #UnitedAgainstSharia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil jews, christians and muslims all believe that good will prevail. cnn #bbc #msnbc #2017in3words \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user FUCK yes now i have someone to pressure me to get into every pit that opens up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What are you saying? You are not daughter of ram rahim. ????? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user LMAO....YOU SUCK NFL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Isis apparently obama let them run the world. Getting nuked by korea? BLM destroying cities. Antifa? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another fucking Pittsburgh Nazi. Philly Antifa is naming names and it\u2019s glorious. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you realize that within a year or so you'll prob be moving into your own place with a friend or two. #yes #ilovetodecorate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The stakes for immigration in Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation #BrettKavanaugh #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Gun control is racist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yo why won\u2019t you let me post a link fam... does it offend you? You little salty spittoon... you literally allow porn such as @user but you don\u2019t allow federal shit... #censorship #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmKavenaugh #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah. He\u2019s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any. It\u2019s cool. Folks can see him for who he is mostly.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"The swamp\" can exist outside of the US all it wants. There is always going to be bad people out there. I prefer to have a heavily fortified fortress back home.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The half brain-dead boomer is ass mad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good luck finding a sinless man to swing the axe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hashtag issue = fixed. Reposts not showing up in your profiles for a while = fixed. Love you all!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a lying stack of shit too. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Looks at this! Wow. Our hard earned money \ud83d\udcb0used for the liberals extravagant lifestyle. Doesn\u2019t that remind you of the typical socialist government!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We like presidents that aren\u2019t incompetent, don\u2019t lie, don\u2019t promote hate, are not corrupt and treasonous. #TrumpLiedAmericansDied #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/eBoXjohAUm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"far right in #georgia showing euro values of . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm just an ordinary girl #intruduceyourself !\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Keep them bottom feeders out of our country! #BuildThatWall #SecureOurBorers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you stay single or avoid divorce & limit your # of dependents you'll get there soon enough.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Send home migrants not in need of protection, Peter Dutton tells UN, HEY DUTTON HOW ABOUT THE ONES THAT HAVE STAYED AND NOT LEFT THE COUNTRY WHEN THEY SHOULD OVERSTAYERS ? WHY DONT YOU GO AND ROUND ALL THEM UP ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Not surprising. That I*n C*nnor nigga was on the payroll","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is now a UK Parliament Petition: Put pressure on Donald Trump to end the separation of migrant families.#HostileEnvironment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @PureMonotheist @BemetOr8 #UniteBlue","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK YOU IN YOUR NECK BITCH BOY\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i\u2019m crying too. this is literally a vote for trump. https:\/\/t.co\/ZNTIxmUptQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user This lady is a grade A idiot or a complete and total liar. I have called her on most of her bullshit. Anyone with half a brain knows what she is spewing is crap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In the event I am targeted by FB, please like me TODAY on Minds: https:\/\/www.minds.com\/cynthiamckinney, Steemit: https:\/\/steemit.com\/@cynthiamckinney, and Gab: https:\/\/gab.ai\/hq2600\/pin\/30570454. Like me on these alternative platforms today; I Might not be around on FB tomorrow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER donnie jr. you and your family owe the country an apology for taking your criminal activities into OUR White House You are lining your pockets while your father is unfit and making a mockery of our republic. Shame on you and your family. Justice will prevail","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a complete idiot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks for your support! I appreciate your kind words!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And this isn\u2019t considered hate speech for the liberals. If a republican said that about democrats the MSM would be raising 10 kinds of Hell The hypocrisy is to be expected now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s up to us as consumers to hold the media accountable #teambts #2016in\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"might just enjoy winding yarn into balls rather than the actual knitting. #knitting #crafts #yarn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Leftist Collusion PreScreening Party ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user looking forward to a visit to @user tomorrow. lots of people in #boveytracey today","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NFL crap, XFL why not? I want to see 1970's football again. Sick of these meathead showboating overpaid vaginas.To be brutally honest a concussion might enhance their life, however we know it's all bullshit,Troy Aikman is gainfully employed after a dozen concussions. The paycheck is a bonus. Fuck stupid overpaid niggers,spending good money on tattoos.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I simply disagree Flotus. He or she is exposing the egregious behavior of your husband which no one else will. Potus\u2019s actions are hurting this country. Words matter and style matters. Truth matters.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Future Belongs 2 Those who Destroy islame 4 The Sake Of Humanity!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"INTERRUPTING HIS HEARING AT EVERY TURN! BUT THATS OK HE IS A MAN AND CAN TAKE IT! AT LEAST HE WILL REMEMBER WHO WHAT WHEN AND WHERE HE WAS! AFTER THIS KAVANAUGH WILL HAVE DEFINITELY EARNED HIS STRIPES TO SCOTUS! MAGA! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It figures the hurricane is named after a woman. They always fuck everything up #Sandy #Bitch #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah and....what\u2019s the point of this article? Trying to demonize him for meeting with lawyers? He has a right to defend his character. He also has the right to file a defamation of character case against this woman and Sen. Feinstein. Democrats\/liberals are pathetic. #Ridiculous","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user To the girl cop who I caught looking through my window, While my car was parked. Suck my whole dick and die hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ILLUMINATIONS Kelly Kruse, Sonnet XVI: My Soul Thirsts, from the exhibition, My Iron Heart: Illuminations of Donne\u2019s Holy Sonnets, 2016 https:\/\/mounttabor.it\/illuminations\/?utm_source=Fragments+of+Light&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=506d48fb9d-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_afb3915f0d-506d48fb9d-210332529","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fo woh pastors say officer's acts in viral video arrests were racist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"after 10 years of somehow failing to grow cerinthe, i have my first flower...and many, many more to follow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I pictured Angus running up the side of FOB Sharana with every day in Afghanistan @ReturnTo1776 http:\/\/t.co\/zj1MK6w7EF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Way over the head...\" you #Liberals are all the same.. \"@USER supporters are stupid\" \"If you think for yourself, you are a racist\" \"Aboilish ICE so we can have open borders and more crime.\" Get out of you bubble for a minute and look at how great the country is doing. #MAGA\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We Need Islam Control, Not Gun Control https:\/\/youtu.be\/JDYiM--TrbY But especially understand who your elected leaders really are representing and enabling. Connect the dots as they lie to you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What shitty wipers you have ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Current listen https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=1CurN2Fg-2E","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a disgusting fucking cunt this bitch is I hope she was attacked by the dogs defending their owner #getridofthem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is one of @USER strongest supporter in Washington. The Primary is over The President & Senator Have put the past to rest. Ask yourself are you Supporting our POTUS By talking about fellow conservatives","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*chops* RT @Tweets2Sweet *does bird call, flaps hands*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Indeed Americans need more gun control which means hitting your target. Can never have to much range time. \u263a\ud83d\ude0a","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nope.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user defending the indefensible ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have to be a smart ass some way \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER she is and also a goddess","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hold on - another poll coming out soon !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Democrat=Antifa. Same bunch.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"all pedos all child traffickers should be shot and killed and that means hollywood and the msm and\u00a0 the so called elite democrats! kill them all","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just cause you pussy boys get a strap don mean you a shoota ( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The NRA has officially endorsed a handgun for Democrats that both conservatives and liberals will be able to embrace. It makes the perfect Christmas gift for your left wing friends! @ChrisLoesch @dloesch @benshapiro @RealJamesWoods @PatriotWriter @mitchellvii #parody ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user another morning, another mass shooting, 50 more dead, lots of outrage but we all know not one fucking thing will change. #s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Josef just pitted. Slight possibility he can make it the remaining 67 laps but I highly doubt it. Will need yellow. #IndyFest","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Bitterchick \nDare be only one bag dat folks be suckin on what I comes to yo partayyyy! All da ofay be wantin to ride in my eldorato","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed & Retweeted All These Awesome MAGA Patriots! We Must Get Fired Up & get all our people out to vote in November or we will all be in for so much lawlessness The Dems Are Planning on Bringing Impeachment Proceedings even though there are no impeachable Offenses committed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Look its simple. Women talk about rape in #metoo & you say not all men\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigration means devided nations when those seek ayslum want to demand housing etc when we dont have enough resources to go around trith ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Smart Lady! Too smart for the liberals! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And what is your message to our own CITIZENS, our veterans, our children and those living below the poverty line in California? #DeportThemAll #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ariennajanee its mutual my lil yellow bone🍓","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user LOL at peaceful protest. Should i give you the full list? Over 500 incidents Antifa attacked Trump supporters and none of Trump supporters attack Hillary supporters. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Solyybee_: Lmfao RT“@macktology101: Alco(ho)l”","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Government's message over free movement is deterring migrants in key sectors ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the dead kennedy's didn't give a shit about race. hence the song.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I was specifically on her side, 'cunt' was directed against the woman who compared b\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How do you know that? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good Morning #PATRIOTS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch @Lvl_7_Eevee buys sparkling water.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thinking of the future plans #positivevibes #quotes #achievegoals #life #besuccessful #loveyourjob ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No problem. About half of that list look like they are either fundamentalist or else glorified seminaries, which I'm guessing would not be suitable but the others aren't. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Go #TRUMP2020 \ud83d\ude98[NEWLINE]Hoje, 20.09 em Long Island (New York) https:\/\/t.co\/OGBaLcE64e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Some of the Illegal parent have already been flagged for drug offenses, assault, rape, robbery, kidnapping and domestic violence convictions Should NOT BE LET INTO THE U.S BUT DEPORTED ASAP ! #Trum ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I`m with you JR.She is nothing.Don`t waste your time on human waste!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Evolution. An evolution we helped to enact. #Brexit is economic and social suicide. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Exactly! Same here. I voted for him and really believed in him..even stuck around longer than I should have but after one betrayal after another, I cut my losses and accepted reality. IMO those who still refuse to do this are just as bad as Hillary supporters. Maybe worse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wasnt it just recently that john brown gun club got kicked out of a shooting range for being antifa\"?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've read a little about this before, but like the physicists, I don't understand it - specifically how one photon can be in two different places simultaneously. Such is the strange world of #Physics. \u00a0#Science\u00a0 https:\/\/www.sciencealert.com\/quantum-switch-causat...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a great fillin for @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Somebody do something!!! This show sucks anymore!! The set designers are good though! #firemalyoung","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mentalhealthmonday if you have #health and #hope, you will have everything you need to #enjoy #life and be . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You know, we actually used to have armed teachers in school. They were armed with paddles. Back then school was a more orderly place, and we didn't have a whole lot of mass shootings there.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Corrupt RHINO. Glad he stepped down","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user PHOOEY! It wasn't about stepping forward\"\" it was about @user helping @user wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable. He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well if you pay for the walk we wont have to pay for this illegal children or their parents #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromScoialism #WalkAwayFromDems ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow you really think this works I am going to tell my wife she is going to hell lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So excited to watch the annihilation of #SenileDementiaBiden, tonight![NEWLINE]\ud83e\udd17\ud83e\udd17\ud83e\udd17[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy snappy \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc waiting for the football #football #snapchat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is fine. LOL! You should get to \"know'em\" before hand. :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No girls no hoes just me myself and I","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bhiday to me =) | #friends #brothers #anniversary #mcdonalds #food #music #fun \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just the fact that #StopKavanagh REPEATEDLY attempted to block the abortion for an undocumented immigrant (which she wanted) tells me he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. We don\u2019t need a person who cherrypicks what laws will or will not be respected. @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you are #play with a #kid that #smile will #heal all your #pain...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shine on you crazy diamond #summerisbetter \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009a\u00e2\u0098\u0081#ottawa #ottawaigers @ ottawa, ontario ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lying Traitor #senJohnMcCain\u2019s Handoff to FBI's Comey Turned Trump Hoax Dossier Into Urgent Matter http:\/\/bit.ly\/2GfdTZf\u00a0\u00a0Intent of the jealous SOB! He betrayed US in Nam; tried subverting Trump & can't depart the earth soon enough #tcot #pjnet #maga #lnyhbt #wakeupamerica #molonlabe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We welcome refugees not me !! unless our own people get the same treatment complaints about being locked out and if they are returned to Afghanistan they will be killed really so what is fair about those on waiting lists for housing and NHS who are dying because they can access ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"our #baby_muse alma #wearing #white \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00be #shavuot \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00be#imahotmag #inspiration #nofilter #kidsil\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Good point. I guess he should \u201cchew gum, move on married women like a bitch and grab them by the pussy\u201d? -president of the Virgin Islands ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How is it one can go down through 22 pages and come across post only 2 hrs old and post 3 months old following it and then another mere day old? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't matter gun #retweet #memes #games #viral #kickstaercampaign #fundraising #university #lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Prepared? All she has to say is I don't remember\"\" all the time and liberals will believe her BS.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tell that bitch to pay me if she EVER tryna rape me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I want to thank all of you that have visited and liked my page while I am in #Facistbook Jail. Please continue to #PissThemOff by visiting, following & liking my page! https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/lastamericapatriots\/\u00a0\u2026 \u2026 \u2026","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They don't. Cancer is tasty though.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER ERIC HOLDER IS A FILTHY MAGGOT. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bachoichoi's first day in school! #firstdaylatepost #june13 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wish my cock was between your tits while you licked and suck its tip \ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who's ready to see who we have going through to our miss england final 2016? results to be posted! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in the news: from racism to resource development, here are the political stories inuit watched in 2016\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER . \ud83d\udc45\ud83d\udca6 Oh pooey on Snoop ... who\u2019s Snoop? \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you love a person one min and then break up with them the next..... #breakup #wtf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user *as fuck. Not ass fuck. Although conservatives are fucking us all up the ass right now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"[NEW POST] The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Today history is just repeating itself. Liberals have got away with these disgusting tricks for too long! They need to be stopped as this is deeply damaging our country. Democrats should be more concerned about our country than power and money. (I know that will NEVER happen) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BoutCrazed: The best way to make a hillbilly do something is to tell him he can't do it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Deep corruption in the Puerto Rican government is the cause for the ppls misery. Billions sent & you don\u2019t have the foresight to harden & secure the power system on an island that will most likely get hit again. This is the Puerto Rican\u2019s government ms fault.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"enjoying the pool and what's left of the sun on this friday evening.\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #hi #pooltime\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kink shaming is the best gift one can give a thot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hey it's great to see the people shaking hands and hugging President Trump while he hands out meals to the people! #FOXNEWS #CNN #THEVIEW #MAGA #ABCNEWS #CBSNEWS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Zim is? If he is than what\u2019s that make Peyton? Lol. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2nd highest prop tax in nation to support gov pensions 1 of 3 states where housing is worst investment More rent for less valuable housing Nations most severe increase in personal tax Illinois sucks thanks to Cook county liberals and corrupt Mike Madigan URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But I'll just look at God and be like...let that worthless cunt cry a fucking river until she drowns herself in it...fucking hypocrite bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kiki felt ignored today @user make kiki dance again #kikidance #miabbook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Omg shyt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yea right. I\u2019m from nyc and she\u2019s easy to read. Dumb and has a chameleon personality. Fits in everywhere Bc she is diff to diff people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Brits have the Chemicals. Biologicals are everywhere.Lots of folks have nukes. There is only so much devastation we can handle. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lol he thinks his ex girlfriend was an antifa infiltrator? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #frarou woohoo! #euro2016 kicks off..! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Conservatives = Bull Market Liberals = Bullsh*t #fboLoud #tcot #maga\u00a0#TrumpTrain #tpot\u00a0#AmericaFirst #Patriot\u00a0#TrumpsArmy #Trump2020 http:\/\/fboLoud.com","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is really talking nonsense.. can she talk like this for Bible and Quran?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The title of the book pretty much sums up any conversation with Avram. He is either a shill for the criminal @USER or really is mentally incapable of understanding facts that contradict his brainwashing. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Brennan probably wrote that NYT op-ed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Judging by the membership of ANTIFA they're already at that point. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You need a thick Cock in your throat \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I always knew that is how Biden and Obama felt about conservatives. It\u2019s just shocking that they so easily admit it now. No wonder there is such hatred and violence on the left!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user seriously disappointed w\/ @user accessiblity policy. was looking forward 2 #reddeerexpo, but policy is outdated\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"faggot until Levis starts sending militias to take your weapons they aren't doing shit \"against the second amendment\" . they're just standing behind the majority of people likely to buy their product. If most Americans were pro-gun it'd be the opposite it's all empty marketing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I remember when the game just fucking started.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I mean when you think about it that's basically all their ideology boils down to. Conservatives are like Let me do sex crimes on my wife\"\" and libertarians are like \"\"let me do sex crimes on everyone\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Street artist Banksy splashes Paris with works on migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is so full of BS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did you know, that when a woman says \u201cmen are trash,\u201d a random man will appear out of thin fuckin\u2019 air just to yell about, \u201cNOT ALL MEN -\u201c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she is a democrat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TheFeralLeft #Liberals continue to #Infiltrate #Indoctrinate kid shows. Don't hire these mentally ill #Hemorrhoids URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER After they guna spell it like Frida\" \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is not possible. California has implemented strict gun control. Only law enforcement and those fortunate enough to get a permit can carry in public. \u201cAssault weapons\u201d are banned.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are the only queen just know that ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Sharp208 NFW do I want to even hear tRump\u2019s voice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love you bitchhh I aint never gonna stop loving you.... bitchhhhhh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER because what every lie you are telling if it happened when you were children the guy is a man and I clearly don't believe shit like that happened. Its just another stall tactic by the liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i don't think it is. and try find something that you didn't photo shop #fuckyoujames ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we will be at gatcombe park in august and to be sponsoring the @user british novice championship! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user FINALLY HOLY SHIT YOU ARE FINALLY READING THE GOAT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f they need too but he is wylin right now sitting out like this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racist old woman is america oldwoman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Daily Dood - Thursday, October 25th 2018 \u2014 #Steemit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can we be clear about the facts here? What percentage of these 1000+ child victims were boys? I\u2019m willing to bet over 95%. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/k5Kf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@RachieSoul: @DizzleOfficial inna di ghetto!!!\" You alone lmaoo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you find me funny it's only because you have serious issues and that shit is hot AF to me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bottle up their women and then whore around all day...and you say you are practicing Islam??ok! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @IllusiveHaven: shhhh…\nwrap yourself around me\nlet me kiss the bruises on your heart\nlick your unhealed wounds\nand taste the raw wild ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user if you're and you know it, you're one of a very small minority of people and everybody else is jealous. so clap hands","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user man I woulda just started hitting the wall with that shit. It ain't nothing by dry wall and some wood beams. I'm getting through that door if I'm him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's why I am somewhat conflicted in talking shit or defending myself because there are so many VERY INTELLIGENT bright minds out there that have been held hostage by MSM propaganda Peddling. But uhave to read these Documents and dive deep to know who funds Antifa\/MSM\/DNC etc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how would your day not b incredibly brightened by seeing these #smiling #flowers? #nature @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER let me nigga fish in peace damn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that cheap bitch you rat classmate been worship lmaooooooo my expensive ass can't relate at all and will never relate to that cheap whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm all for bigger families! My folks had 2, I had 3 and, so far I have 7 grandkids! I'll bet they wouldn't say the same if that was a Muslim family with their 6 wives and 32 kids!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When they REALLY don't want you to advertise \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why the #electoralcollege elects presidents #trump #notmypresident #newswithed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anonymous?? Bitch this is RAPE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sean Spicer and Donald Trump in happier times. #MAGA #TheResistance #MondayMotivation URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nikki Haley: Human Rights Council \u2018Greatest Failure\u2019 of the UN, Agenda is \u2018Directed Against Israel\u2019s Existence,\u2019 'A Cesspool of Political Bias' - Geller Report https:\/\/gellerreport.com\/2018\/07\/unrwa-greatest-un-failure.html\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do women use them being on their period as a excuse to be a cunt? You had it since you were 13 you can\u2019t control yourself? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER White Nationalist and Nazis arent the same. Also at this point I'd prefer nazis tbh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What you are saying is simply untrue. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...We can no longer sit on the sidelines and remain silent on this issue.\"\" - Chip Bergh, chief executive @user This is what #PeopleOverProfits looks like. \ud83d\udc4f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WELL! - BOOM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mike Carlton is 72 yo & can\u2019t handle the slightest criticism. I don\u2019t know how he can feel no embarrassment that 20 year olds are smarter than him. A typical journofail that adds no value to discussions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning bordeaux #miroirdeau #bordeauxmaville #matin #velo #bonnejourn\u00c3\u00a9e #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER do you like\/love Louis Farrakhan because he is a racist or an anti Semite? Which one?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"US National Champion of lead and speed #climbing Claire Buhrfeind. @ ClaireBuhrfeind on Instagram.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user But that\u2019s not convenient for Democrats who must destroy a man in front of his wife and children for the sake of power- Power that allows them to weaponize the FBI - CIA- NSA -IRS- all used against conservatives !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#thinkbigsundaywithmarsha! let's spread some #leadership quotes to like minded #people for a to 300k #people sunday #staup","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user btw, #gandhi was a . in #india, @user adores him (without following him).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user to the best daddy in the whole world! bihday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I assert my dominance like a cop doing the speed limit on the highway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All that money hadn't made u smarter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All that pillow talkin nigga that's what the hoes do , YOU A BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user These guys are only known for diverting topics only. He is a pure sanghi. Let him bark. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Is that the only attorney general in our history to be held in contempt???? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user welfare mom, shop lifter & #trump mouthpiece @user must be the most self-loathing woman of color, ever. #sa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes it's when you call #michelleobama a gorilla because racists have long thought of black people as no bet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just realized that yesterday was probably one of the best days i've had this summer! \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you okay with this @user of course you are!!!! #traitor #bully #notmypres #notmypresident\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bad sound but the story is worse; ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#fridayfeeling is as we sta reading the #submissions for our #opencall get yours in now to be included ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Which has no bearing at all on how he will vote on abortion and gun control and the President's legal issues. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Five Iranian women disguised themselves as men to sneak into male-only football stadium http:\/\/www.worldwideweirdnews.com\/2018\/05\/five-iranian-women-disguised-themselves-as-men-to-sneak-into-male-only-football-stadium.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness. He obviously should not be teaching anyone! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no bihday cake but a banana split instead \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008c #madebymylove #bihay #cake #banana\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"25 jan. interested in how #discrimination and has affected the criminal justice system? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user trump may not be the one who started this mess but he can stop it. If he doesn't he is part of the problem. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FBI leaks. Sad. FBI sure has fallen. Thanks Obama.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Clarke: Working class Leave voters not interested in EU ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i live in a period where people celebrate & congratulate 13-16 year olds getting pregnant \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0091. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Right! As they rape and butcher women and children !!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Around my birthday . Bitch you won\u2019t kidnap my ass \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Philippine bishops' commission on migrant care is pressing the government to ensure that a deal about to be struck with Kuwait guaranteeing protection for Filipino workers, most of whom are maids, is adhered to. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Says the man who received an experimental treatment that's available to NO ONE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY!!! #LiarInChief [NEWLINE]#SuperSpreaderInChief #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Everyone knows women are too dramatic and hysterical. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Or maybe to pay for their protests since Mnuchin shut that slush fund down. Probably going to pay for Antifa riots. Busing in people and weapons.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really # MAGA VOTE TRUMP 2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People who say that #China will crash the #US #bond market don\u2019t understand how bonds work.\u00a0 #Trump: We\u2019re increasing tariffs on your stuff.\u00a0 China: We\u2019re going to make you buy back your debt to us at 90 cents on the dollar.\u00a0 #Trump: Deal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NTXProgressive Yeah..cause if anyone thinks this clown went to @target to buy Oreos is as stupid as all of them look","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He should be ashamed of himself. Did Michael Moore start the term on the internet called a troll\"? I think he is an ancient troll that is coming into his age with the liberal hysteria and their guided ignorance.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Spoken like a fucking dum shit You are a gutless pussy boy You would give up your children in place of your dollars . You and the dum shits like you are what's wrong with our white race Anny man who says shit like That deserves a traitors death o by the way fuck you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Life's too short to be giving people second chances ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We stand with Kavanaugh \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well remember how the cops in San Jose stood down\"\" and watched as antifa thugs armed with bats,bottles & pepper spray attacked Trump rally goers? They were \"\"just following orders\"\". That's what most soldiers & cops do. Soldiers follow orders & cops protect their paycheck. SAD.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cYankee Puritanism\" speaks of the Union\u2019s toxic cocktail of immoral centralized power and its use in attaining allegedly \u201cmoral reform\u201d by cannon and bayonet. This political and cultural sanctification is god-awful and is anything but pure.\u00a0http:\/\/www.dissidentmama.net\/puritans-part-4-yankee-sanctification\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got dirty birds hey shoot like Larry bird hey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- via curb is back for season 9. thank you mr. larry david. best news of 2016 @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have you ever called a dude a hoe or a bitch like he one of your bitches? \ud83d\udc80 i be slipping up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Google shopping has given in to something - searching for AR 15, AR 15 parts or other guns (incl GLUE guns) gets ZERO results.\u00a0 Time to switch to DuckDuckGo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Her- I have a man Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Simply, Schumer is Jewish. His homeland is Israel. As we all know, they use goyim, and shabbos goy, and exploit people. Question is, what happens to HIM? Nothing. What happens to Israel when YOU are replaced by immigration? Nothing. They won't be harmed in any way. All harm only comes to you. No matter what happens, he flees to Israel to avoid prosecution.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He should be removed with the rest of the islamic invaders.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 not the bitch that slagged my dog ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user how does helpmto buy help the homeless?? Oh. It doesn\u2019t does it? How does it help@USER on low income??? Oh it doesn\u2019t in Work poverty at an all time high. How does it help them?? Oh it doesn\u2019t. Thanks for nothing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i want my boyfriend & chinese food, but my boyfriends @ work & i'm supposed to be on a diet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Or maybe to pay for their protests since Mnuchin shut that slush fund down. Probably going to pay for Antifa riots. Busing in people and weapons. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udc37\ud83d\udc37 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch I'm gonna slap those hoes commenting about other members when YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL THAT NAMJOON IS THERE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And people take pride in living in a place where survival is a moment to moment struggle a d everything is just shit. They feel tougher and stronger than people in successful pleasant educated clean areas not plagued by violence and death. I've been that guy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Media Blackout: 13-Year-Old Girl Was Decapitated By Pair Of Illegal Aliens In Alabama refuses to report the atrocities committed by Illegal Aliens, why?It would be Front Page news across country if committed by a citizen.#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Highly regarded Army veteran faces deportation. #AAPI ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Previously Deported Illegal Alien Charged With Raping 15-Year-Old Girl In Kansas How many more victims?#BuildTheWall#DeportThemAllCrime was committed with premeditation during the commission of a Felony.#LifeWithoutParole#DeathPenalty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Oh boo you sound so ignorant with your words. We are on Top. All of America is on Top now. How about stop resisting and try to help make our nation the best for everyone not just liberals. Wake up and Walk Away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@juniorshabidoo also Nack which autocorrect changed so I'm putting my phone in the trash and going to sleep","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" music like adele's 'someone like you' can be good for you, study claims #music","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i fucking hate that heavy curls, 3 sets of 8, are so effective. arms are fuckin swole af afterwards, makes no sense","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NO-ONE FOOLED and most know about the eternal lying Pharisees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Never going to happen. Not in a million years. Not unless Soros hires a bunch of Antifa punks to pretend to be vets. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Remember back when the gun grabbers were always like \u201cgun control works, just look at Sweden.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Finally! No more terrible takes of The NFL owners are racist\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugees resist pressure to go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jews, christians and muslims all believe that good will prevail. #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Andrew .... what is your position on gun control in Canada ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump has an announcement to make: #DonaldTrump #maga #metoo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shorty's dad taught him eveything about Pussygrabbing Sexual assault #trump family time. #maga girls have to stay silent. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How Jewgle will collapse: https:\/\/hackernoon.com\/how-google-collapsed-b6ffa82198ee ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please stop being so nice to the lying obstructive Liberals- get on with the vote please! She is being used snd infantilized bh the DEMS- all a ruse ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LAUREL A CUNT AS BITCH FOR ABORTING !!! IDFK IF SHE REALLY DID BUT SHE TOLD HER DAD SO IM FUCKIN LIVIDDDDD ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey pendejo, if Mexico is so good why are you leaving? Clearly you'd be happier there. Stupid wetbacks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They could literally give two fucks af \ud83d\ude02 like ummm okay thanks \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Josh Hawley\u2019s MOrons https:\/\/medium.com\/@tkinder\/josh-hawleys-morons-a5...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Worker charged with sexually molesting eight children at immigrant shelter #sasc #colga #speakup #speakout ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"awesome. black man gets kkk members to disavow by befriending them #blacklivesmatter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happiness are dogs. #angel #armani #chihuahua #dogs #puppylove #loved #blessed #lucky \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Does these idiots actually listen to what they say? @user Sucks! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GERAMNY: African rapefugee climbs into house, steel expensive goods, rook a knife and abuse a girl of the family. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER .@USER .@USER .@USER #HypocrisyMuch? .@USER .@USER .@USER that's why you are an enemy to the people #FakeNews go against political opponents and hide crimes from #Liberals #BigStuff! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is gross","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The thing about the ci A is that they're good at erasing shit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just booked this morning for wrexham, 4th time to see you since november in l'pool, can't wait!! #stereophonics","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IllegalAliens just curious to see what this is all about. #IllegalAliens. Twitter is bizarre. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She knows something the liberals don't want to talk about. She said Canada was at risk\"\" three times in the House of Commons before she crossed the aisle. Coming from someone of her background, I'd be inclineed to take the warning seriously. Call me old fashioned.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he is not the only one I bet $$ some these people are organizers of Antifa!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Blacklisted: Facebook banned pages belonging to Infowars' Alex Jones for \"glorifying violence\" and \"using dehumanizing language\" against transgender, Muslim and immigrant communities \u2013 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antifa Protesting George Soros for non payment. Soros where's our money...... https:\/\/twitter.com\/Jamierodr10\/status\/10356866243...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Laugh of the day\ud83d\udca5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think we America, as a Nation, are roaring full on toward peak-retard.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER By acting like a spoiled brat? Women do not need that sort of help.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what did u do #today? #healthy #exercise #healthyeating #happinessisachoice #healthyfit #jddyolabks \u00e2\u009d\u00a4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NeonTreezz @PoCBeauty ......so.....white people selling #African art? NOT COOL? Okay. #blackish #redskins #doublestandard","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Munah, an Iraqi refugee, comes to volunteer with kids at CRP everyday. She gives back to CRP because CRP has given her so much. You can give too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"politics used to be a noble example of our libey & democracy. now both paies have abandoned this for an agenda-driven power grab. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just finished genociding these weeds, these lawn niggers, from my yard.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BiertempfelTrib: One more from @JimBowdenESPNxm: \"Yankees wouldn't be letting Polanco sit in minor leagues, because they're all about w…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a #neuroscience researcher reveals 4 rituals that will make you happier #life #joy #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Had to have surgery on my hand on Monday. Here's before and after pics.\u00a0https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/BmfyB2Kn7Dk\/?taken-by=...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this #photo was taken last year in august on 71st avenue...note i'm right by nicki's side...i hope she's . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#jeffsessions #attorneygeneral from #alabama #trump staing a #racewar will we let him? #chaos #fear #weaponry @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why did Clowns In America create them? https:\/\/d.tube\/#!\/c\/xjaymanx #CORSI #IBOR #MSM #CBTS #QANON #InternetBillOfRights @ https:\/\/discord.gg\/RRDUckd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its really hard to tell who the most hysterical woman is at these Senate hearing this week - @user or @user ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are such a generous gal! Bringing STEAM and spending your time to give to others. Thank you for everything you do help this planet! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude80","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God doesn't hate gays he's just mad they found a loop hole in dealing with women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Megan McCain dirty stain nasty cunt fuckin ass clown whore prostitute.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Bridget that's another Crazy One! Absolutely correct! She is a Mess! and what she did to our President with the Head in her hand! She should have gone to Jail for that! She is a MONSTER! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I need you pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Grr... Woke up ickblah. Congestion ew chunky bloaty gross. Missed the gym. 1 1\/2hr wait for the Dr. \n Boo Friday. \n#whineytweet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On The other hand, you women are pieces of meat and should be glad you're even allowed to vote in my country! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*crack*","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I do not need a female packing a weapon for my protection. Not my kind of girl. If you need that much protection You are in the wrong place. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Look Maggie, I'm walkin, Maggie' \ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude0d https:\/\/youtu.be\/whS9K5rL_FU #cuteness #babyfever","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cEvidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis.\u201d https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/jbhandleyjr\/videos\/2169305966442880\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hahaha well said, like my father, grandfather, grandmother and great grandfather. #mallalieu #spirit #stubborn #proud","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not Fakenews! San Francisco 'Poop Patrollers' Make $185,000 https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-08-22\/san-fran...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Libya : humanitarian repatriation after 164 #illegal_migrants asked to go back to their home countries.\u00e2\u2020\u2019 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if u eat fried eggs and leave the yolk entirely yellow ur a disgrace and also nasty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you see someone you know on tinder so you super like them and they never talk to you again \ud83d\ude10 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what? that is stereotyping. and you know it isn't true. i still live 2 miles from my folks very #grounded ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when swinging elephants make you laugh like a child ... #childlike #elephants @ mayfield,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Politicians talk about racism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Rape, Drug abuse etc etc...... Do you not understand how fucking sick it is to ask Jess if she's discussed with her children that complete strangers hate\" Mummy. I hope for your own sake that you are unwell.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I heard today from my uncle that if a woman is on her period and she goes into a pool the pool is no better than a toilet. DISGUSTING!!# ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nope. Not going to miss his sorry ass at all.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fucking di bag #notmypresident #fucktrump #sexualpredator #liar #incompitent #orange #delusional #divider #moron","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Haters are going to hate. They hate truth Mr. President. The more haters the left throws at you the more you know you are on the right track. It is sedition. We all see it. We have your back! #MAGA2018 #StringerTogether #RunRunAway #Proud ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That 'Ouija' movie look like trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Violent liberals ANTIFA with their KKK hoods beating up strangers they know nothing about is exactly what comes to mind when dems say they care about anything. Either you care about human life or you have people beat up. My black conservatives friend has been attacked by them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" baby moose plays with a backyard sprinkler check out my blog: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so #thankful for tonight bc finally getting to watch oitnb season 4 #blessed #yes #thankyoulife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How's her GO FUND ME\" page working, Kamala rama lama ding-dong? I believe you, Anita, or is it Antifa? The left is off the rails, and heading downhill with a load full of crap. Keep drinking, and smoking your meds.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user One really horrible incident I could show you hundreds of antifa but they didn't kill anybody YET!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All you need to know is he is empty inside ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user love it \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It to t dd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The mainstream left is afraid things are polarizing and destabilizing too quickly. They want to keep things civil so they can continue their destruction of the slumbering masses. I hope they continue their purges and all hell breaks loose.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user U a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why is this individual who evidently hates America on US soil, @user @user @user @user #ExtremVetting #EndVisaLottery #NoMoreRefugees #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EndCatchAndRelease #BuildTheWall #NoMoreNonRepresentatives #NOMoreDemocrats #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MatthewJshow @realDonaldTrump Dr Fauci the wild card \ud83d\ude02 ok, not the nutter in the WhiteHouse who has no idea what he\u2019s talking about. Did you try the whole bleach\/ light up your backside cure? I bet it didn\u2019t work as well as Trumps $100,000 treatment apparently did. Trump is totally insane","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear I\u2019m getting to places just in the nick of time! It\u2019s exhausting @user RT @user Made your bed, now lie in the flea pit you created 'Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Though Trump May Seem More Callous, Obama Had Higher Rate Of Deportation https:\/\/shadowproof.com\/2018\/06\/13\/immigrant-arrests-detention-and-deportation-under-trump-stabilizes-at-half-rate-of-obama-administration\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals have the numbers and money. Conservatives would get smoked. Kansas alone gets beat inside of 2 hours. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this time next week, i'll be in floridaaaaaa! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you kind of put out garbage content. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Violent threats against Biden and his supporters are getting worse https:\/\/t.co\/UJ56bOsyes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall Jessica Vaughan, the Center's Director of Policy Studies, discusses a push by some politicians to decriminalize the entry of illegal aliens along the southwest border. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I`m with you JR.She is nothing.Don`t waste your time on human waste! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Holy shit. \/ourguy\/ is on the JRE. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OtL1fEEtLaA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The American people also agree! Illegal aliens do not deserve a free pass ahead of hard working people, trying to come to our country legally. #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegals #GaysForTrump #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the 2nd @user is just staing @user #bodiesftlibrary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user A visit to the DC Holocaust Museum revealed Hitler won by 43% of the popular vote and 32% of the seats. He also used the Schutzstaffel (SS) to intimidate his opponents reminding one of the Antifa thugs we have today. Hitler also got the Muslims on his side. Uncanny. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user As a kid of legal immigrants I can attest you are 100% correct. They follow the law to the letter in most cases because they worked so damn hard to get her legally they won\u2019t do anything to risk their status. The illegals have contempt for our laws and pull the scams 24\/7 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't say no slick shit then swear you ain't mean it like that cause bitch na I'm finna hoe you \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But partisan moves are the daily norm for the likes of Mitch McConnell. Yet somehow he still hangs on to his job and has the respect of conservatives across the country. This is why women are so afraid to stand up and say they were assaulted. We are part of the problem.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Our President isn\u2019t radicalizing anything! Your antifa\/resist mobs are! That\u2019s you gaslighting lol! saul alinsky much? #WeThePeople #GreatAwakening","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user waiting for 25th june.. first match of @user !!! and first day of @user 2016!!!!!!!!!! #aslipanga #prokabaddi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s just people who say they hate identity politics while going on about the left hates them for being black conservatives ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yay!! i can't wait for season 2 to come out!! #fullerhouse","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"American #FamiliesBelongTogether but the #Democrat Socialist Party Keeps allowing Illegals to Kill them #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch #AmericansFirst Not Illegals Breaking #Inmigration laws ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry Howie she is horrible. I have been to Vegas multiple times and know the people whom spend their hard earned money for a vacation aren't going to waste said money on a scrawny kid whom will scream them into a migraine!! They come to Vegas to see REAL talent!#AGTResults #AGT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So called Liberals\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Please read the law, the U.S Consitution and SCOTUS opinion @user has broad authority to regulate #Immigration. since 1952 its a law not a policy. This means you can not use lawsits to Strip @user power #FactsMatter #Trump #MAGA #Red ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"iI believe the word you are looking for is Christian. 2 John: 12-17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Even a Gym wouldnt hire him, and who da heck got him in DC? #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user <3 listen to my most beautiful best friend @user singing with her most amazing voice <3 <3 <3 <3 17 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_wintergirl93: I don't wanna hear Sgt. #Tahmooressi's name come outta the Preezy's mouth. He couldn't be bothered then, keep his pie ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EU\u2019s hailed migrant plan \u2018\u02dca road to Hell\u2019 Czech Republic refuses involvement ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Oh boo you sound so ignorant with your words. We are on Top. All of America is on Top now. How about stop resisting and try to help make our nation the best for everyone not just liberals. Wake up and Walk Away.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anyone who thinks Biden has the SLIGHTEST chance of winning the election is CLEARLY mistaken. ...or simply blind. #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/rHAYuj6aWE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's what happens when you let a liberal get a hold of a gun. That would be a good place to start gun control. Ban liberals from getting guns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user are you coming to @user conference by train? there will be a bunch of us waiting to greet you at mk station! #ous\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mark Zuckerberg is a no good communist satanic evil piece\u00a0of shit, who's destroying free speech, Democracy, and the American way of life! The grim reaper needs to add this asshole to his list!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Yaremisxo whatever Neymar trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@darealwalt_jr he see the jig","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Technique is Key\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now again in office. Orban starts his next 4 years with a complete majority in Hungarian parliament. The fighter against refugees and Soros says the liberal Europe is past, now he want to establish an European christian political reformation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user don't feel sad for not having the #love you want, just smile and feel and everything will be alright - s. ali","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the fuck done with #mansplaining and other bullshit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I have a friend who has been saying that for the past few years. You are setting yourself up for disappointment","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER nails it - this is why conservatives must turnout this Nov and stop Democrats from winning the midterms \ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shocking almost all liberals are crazy and insane since that Clinton witch lost they\u2019ve become #unhinged #deranged and a bunch of damn #crybabies stop acting like children and grow up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Border agent killed, partner injured by illegal immigrants using rocks, report says #PreventableDeath ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #sunny #freshair jesselee____ #carwash \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #yesplease #monday #lol #outandabout #errands\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Justine Trudeau is their bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Collins is a stupid cunt: Trump Is Hurting 'Vulnerable' Americans, His Acts 'Destabilize the Insurance Market' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now that's interesting!?!? \ud83e\uddd0 #JFKJr @USER #kennedy #qanon #maga #magical URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have a script about a woman overcoming Rape. I think you\u2019d be PERFECT for it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a drunk crazy man.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why are you telling them to not do this? I encourage Antifa shits to try this and get dropped. Less of them the better.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s so sad and terrifying; I know it\u2019s been dropped to a 2 but all the reports I\u2019ve seen says that doesn\u2019t mean shit for this storm. All you have to do is look at pictures of that thing to realize it\u2019s a fucking BEAST ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Than we wonder why the Dems. are blooming idiots here is a fine example. How to teach your kid to be a vulgar protester. Way to go Dems. this kid will grow up to become President of Antifa. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user my wife is not european, nor am i, so now we don't value it? u r a racist like trump. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ur fucken fake. I\u2019m a fucken prize.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great Post today in Townhall. We are behind the curve in protecting our schools and our children. Gun control is not the solution. The answer? Gun \u00a0protocols and armed guards in schools.\u00a0https:\/\/townhall.com\/columnists\/lawrencemeyers\/2018\/02\/15\/president-trump-have-education-department-mandate-active-shooter-protocols-n2449726","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 36 years ago I was sexually assaulted by a Supreme Court nominee, but I would like to remain anonymous so that I don't have to answer questions. This is basically a smear campaign because I am a democrat and don't want conservatives with a majority on SCOTUS.\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is the hard part where the men have to stand up and tell the children, \"no.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"making bombs ready for a busy friday #bombs #cookie #love #smile days #getin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user if I get one more email from your ass ima blow that bitch up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oru Camp, Nigeria: The remaining Liberians at the Oru Camp in Nigeria have expressed readiness to return to Liberia finally after several years in exile. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why is it that Illegals that have been in the U.S for years that are being deported get to claim asylum when the laws states they must claim aslyum within one year of their last arrival ? Stop allowng Illegals to game the #immigration s ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I crack up when whores say \"I have 15k followers I can't respond 2 every1\". Bitch @user closing in on 100\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals are claustrophobic? \ud83d\ude2c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy allows migrants to land in Sicily ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The last time I saw a woman of value was at the strip club, and she was worth $1 LOL; ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user thanks for the retweet :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope that he sues the Govt! His legal costs can be crowd funded.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Listening to music, talking about life and the world in general.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user But she is saying that it will keep her safe. It won\u2019t. And it won\u2019t keep other woman safe. That is rape culture. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me too! County Derry, here! Came to America in 1789 (my ancestors, not me specifically).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@I_GotOne you look like flappy bird","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's some really impressive stuff that can be done with low frequency wireless. In my day job (@QT) we use 1-3MHz signals to deliver 40cm accurate indoor location. http:\/\/q-track.com I appreciate your reviewing my books. Thanks in advance!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we've just had a great #fundraising idea for @user that will hopefully help with #suicideprevention too. more to follow! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I think the pope and some others should be prosecuted for covering up and protecting child rapists!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Now this. A thousand percent agree with this. She is a passionate woman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" makes you ask yourself, who am i? then am i anybody? until ....god . oh thank you god!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hitler is rolling over in his grave","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I joined the movement to save America and the West, not to flirt or anything like that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the rams really dont wanna be trash, jeff fisher really bout it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you applying for the job Barbara? Bring your own leash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user How many women commited Jouhar to avoid rape and captivity? Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not gonna text you 24-7. I have a life. If you liked me that much you would be with me and not texting me! #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sorry Donny but not all men 'grab them by the pussy' like you do. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Flake is a supporter of the \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\udc47\"NEW MUSLIM DEMOCRATIC PARTY\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Well it seems like there was some reason why conservatives feel the need to rush this nomination through. McConnell mentioned a long time ago that this was one he was worried about because of all of his history.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I dont think so..it would mean he is in trouble. Dont wish that on anyone. Isn't that where the Cumm Inn is at?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Abso-fucking-lutely. That shit was here already! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But its humane for #IllegalAliens to kill Americans? Crazy sick. #BuildThatWall #supportICE #MAGAVeteran ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Europeans are morons for electing people like this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeaaaahh she is!! <33 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"newly trimmed hair \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a always so refreshing #hair #haircut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don't bury the lead fam! It has nothing to do with gun control laws and everything to do with the demographics of those cities. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The cone was too big","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Pussy and ass are \u270c\ud83c\udffedifferent times. And I've NEVER in my black life ever ate chittlerings lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dont compare your self to me ! Cause im a bitch and your a slut ! \ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\ude0f\ud83c\udf35 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Too late , how many victims have you acquired ? LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s off of Santa Clarita 9on Netflix it\u2019s funny as fuck! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm dead but still happy #poledance #madrid ##fitness #madrid #second #instagirl #me \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's nothing more comforting than knowing you can solve your own problems. First using whatever words are needed, and then using whatever force is needed when words fail.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hogg: The Scariest DayThere was a scary man in our school who killed people, & was caught by police. I got angry! I started yelling! And people listened! They cheered! I got into college. I got with lots of women! I was no longer a sad, lonely virgin!! They made me President! But I woke up, realized it was all a dream...I had wet the bed. 'MOOOOM, I wet my bed again!'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And women have been labeled as hysterical loons for most how many centuries? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"KaasPiet,bloemPiet.?lol men weet van gekkigheid niet meer hoe ze simpele oplossing tegen racisme moet maken.Zolang maar blanke beslissing is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's not only NOT OK, it's fucking illegal!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"al capone was jailed for tax evasion, not murders he committed. what is @user 's achilles heel? #unpresidented #nohate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I hope this shit doesn\u2019t become a trend. Keep the beef on wax homie. Or at least call and yell at each other on Hot 97 like 50n& Cam did ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Gosh Alejandro you cheating on us. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks :) Please keep testing and break it until it is rock solid!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Why do some conservatives blindly follow a fascist? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user little over a month until the guys are back. @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A #multibillion-dollarcriminalnetwork is being fueled by inadequate refugee policies, experts say... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"waking up to #spraydaily \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" that's why \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Only Liberals sexuality children\u2019s puppets. #TuesdayThoughts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Time to vote and spit in the eye of all these liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/god-appears-on-cbs-to-promote-oprah-2020\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Assuming that he made the statement: Antifa is not an organization with a spokesperson. It is a diverse group. Bray cannot justly claim that he represents Antics. I ask again: Who is Antifa in your opinion? How are they organized? Do they reckognize Bray as their spokesperson?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ur cunt would be so wet as I fucked ur slut holes x ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can I take you to lunch when you are in Germany?! #beauty","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kubrick = drumpf the woman crying = america the chickens = syrians the assistant director = gab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It doesn\u2019t go far enough. Jr. You are going to jail....treason.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-Funny you suggest that. CRY is all you so-called \"white\" guys do. I've been WHITE all my life but it never manifested in self-pity or posturing like it does with all the fake-name menstruating \"men\" on Gab. I know all about Jewish greed and black low IQs but neither has held me back. I pity a turd like you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gunman Opens Fire in French Marseille, Special Op Underway - Reports https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/europe\/201802061061393295-...\u00a0 #BreakingNews #News","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cuck and now a coward. America is the greatest nation in human history. Talk shit, better back that shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I did not know this. Great job #california ! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Hey sorry America but you have to die so we can get away with our crimes. Told you electing Trump was a bad idea.' Sincerely, The Clinton gang","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals act out of emotion. Not understanding the law. Then they go around condemning every1 who does not agree with their completely fucked rational. \u201cNobody believed women for 250 years. So let\u2019s believe all women! Oh and screw the legal system! Men are pigs. He\u2019s guilty!\u201d Smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The voices in your head arent YOU. Theyre your parents. Teachers. Friends. Idiots from TV. Random weirdoes from Twitter.YOU get to tell those voices when its OK for them to speak, and when its time to shut the fuck up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow I\u2019m having a convo with someone and you jump in douche bag. Are you some highly paid coder or just a jerk off that likes to punch right.\u00a0 Or maybe you\u2019re a Jew. Never heard of you before. Mute me.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"expes explain the best way to deal with friends & family. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TheDCPolitics: Washington Post Declares White Democratic Men Endangered: \u2018The Worst Thing To Be\u2019 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33RHB https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-n3z","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did she make some sort of sexual or foul joke? Liberals really like making her do that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user WHAT A DOG..SHE IS... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your one night stand asks you if you wanna go to brunch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good. We can only hope. Keep talking.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Trump-ening of the Republican Party continues apace. Sanford had criticized Trump for, among other things, saying the constitution had an Article XII. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33Xtk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user please get OFF first take! You yell wayy too much and you seem like you are being a asshole. When you are on set I litterly can't hear anything but screaming. Its obvious @user dont like you and @user and @user was like dude stfu!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PM7WEYoT_IM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER EXPOSE these demons violating our Constitution with violence & threats to run govt instead of winning at the polls! Name them domestic terrorists & jail them all.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm in awh every time i look at my daughter, because she is just the cutest baby i've ever seen and she's mine\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #proudmomma #mygirl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Look at the pot calling the kettle black. Liberals have been pulling all sorts of stunts trying to get rid of your\/my\/our President ever since Hillary hilariously lost the election. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ...wondering what shit on our east coast causing God to send Florence to punish them...? A good guess would be the neo-faux Christian followers of trump..!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm not ignorant, you fail to understand my statement. Saying not all men when such things are said is\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations! #fit #igers #triathlon #ironman \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like to play a game called 'what idiots that I can't stand is FB gonna suggest I friend today' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"janet Jackson's nip slip #iconic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sterling\u2019s ridiculously selfish play with Kane and another open in the box cost England a second goal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love my penis and want to keep it. Would rather smoke a joint. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no one but you can make you #quote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looks like i will be seeing @user tomorrow after all!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What she is proven??? Lies???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Stay well clear. She is unhinged.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is dickmatized ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is something seriously wrong with this woman!\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That wench is on something. She must be to spout her drivel. Wanna bet someone gives her the beating first. Let's see .. she is in a parking lot with no one else around and a few black women who are much better then her find her. Or white people much brighter :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eirc Holder: a friken idiot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GOTTA REMEMBER...THE LEFT IS INSANELY DESPERATE CAUSE THEY KNOW THEY'RE ON THE PRECIPICE OF GOING TO GITMO FOR TREASON...IT'S ALREADY IN MOTION...SO LET EM SCRAMBLE AND TALK SHIT...THEIR TIME IS LIMITED...LIKE THE DEVIL'S...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"obama joins the jackals \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ass america will miss obama, when they realize trump will do nothing for them. #trumpism #generationkkk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is so fake","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in my dream store\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #courreges #shopping #fashion #60s #twiggy #love #mod ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user new video! super mario run is sexist! #christmas #ivankatrump #manspreading\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Theresa May CAPITULATING to EU. https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1013829\/Brexit-news-David-Coburn-Theresa-May-Chequers-UK-EU-withdrawal-latest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME. Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains? #womenaredumb.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Out of the 8,156 members who make up this #DeepState of ensconced bureaucrats, over 7,000 were appointed by Obama. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UK Govt to Make All Britons Organ Donors Unless They Opt Out http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Kw0IQR","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White man: \u00a0 Stand up or die. \u00a0Imagine the earth as one country. \u00a0It is what (((they))) do. \u00a0Except it. \u00a0EMBRACE IT. \u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech bitcoin coolwallet review \u00e2\u0080\u0093 it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s indeed a cool wallet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"found a lovely gothic trench coat on ebay i might get ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Charlie_Gru: My wife's doing some sort of \"boot-scootin\" while singing, \"a little less talk and a lot more action!\"...where was this ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i finally get time to garden! #summer #lovetogarden ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shooting stars are pretty.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Strong character?...strong character? Anybody as bitter as she is for being a sore loser has no character!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How is it so hard for people to grasp? Those who won the last and greatest war this world has known, now control the world?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #mediamisogyny, russian interference, crosschecking\/voter suppression & outdated system doesn't reflect us\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bye bye Flake you Flake! Don\u2019t let the Senate door hit you in the behind on your way out. @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/\/ Yal stupid people tell me to \u201cback off cause he is like obsessed\u201d BITCH who has been to all the football games. Walks to class. Does literally everything for them. Knows exact dates and numbers for everything me. Only reasons I\u2019m not competition cause she ain\u2019t gay","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No liberals just state they believe her because she is a woman and democrat. They state they do not believe Kavanaugh because he is a man and should \u201cshut up\u201d. They probably believe OJ.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He\u2019s an actor. Please wake up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"man on 333 bus is calling the bus driver a batty boy. #twatface ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm gonna put that SC butterfly filter around the head of my dick so y'all can see how stupid you look \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hate mongering is No solution for NFL KNEELERS - change up your playbook losers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@dolphrudager Nope, never taken neighbors actual stuff. Just wifi. Acct info in their trash cans at 3am. Super easy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I hate 7 year old faggot Logan fans like you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm so hungry #breakfast #kitchen gift#enjoy eating meal# win win ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"next on the list, believing in Hollow Earth. That's where the Germans went when Germany was Napalmed. The earth is hollow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I read that the juice instruction manual, considers anyone not a )ew, non Human. Non juice are called Gentiles, and are the equivalent of animals to serve the )ews. That's the kind bit. Now I see why they want non )ewish white people eradicated. To control... Everything.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can I play along with the hero line? I know war, I know subversion. You know what is worse? The subversive lying piece of shit who tries destroy a country with lies. I prefer war, war is at least conducted with an understanding of killing each other. You bunch of faggots want to murder us but you are too chicken shit to say it and do it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Without the prior existence of fascism Antifa would have no raison d'etre. End fascism and Antifa goes away.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Inner Life of the Cell\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 https:\/\/youtu.be\/FzcTgrxMzZk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER just vote yes we all know you found out she is a fraud.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you a marxist?\u00a0 Because you cannot understand parenting--or the fortitude you find when you're a dedicated one--without walking miles in a parent's shoes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 down bitch. That\u2019s what women do. Provide for her man and put his head towards God when he have doubts. I love you \ud83d\udc99 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn right!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Africa must address refugee crisis to ensure development \u2014 AU Commissioner ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hopefully, he tries to make things better for himself, and gives up some of the pedos. I know, wishful thinking.\u00a0 http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5771269\/Ha...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Close European boarders. Deport violent invaders. #Seebruecke #Messer #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Jeff I have a lot of respect for you. Please vote no to Brett - not because you don\u2019t like him but because it\u2019s the right thing to do. He has lied - he is hiding documents - he thinks trump is above the law. THIS IS WRONG !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s a game played by little girls and NonFootBallers... \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02Happy Saturday \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fair & lovely effect... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Older adults are an integral part of many immigrant #families. The administration's \"public charge\" rule puts entire families at risk. Learn more about how you can #ProtectFamilies: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But if the shoe was on the other foot, we'd know who would be the most hysterical woman in the room. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The ones with beards and hairy chests? Those unaccompanied minors Aka known as economic migrants and even parasites ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user live right noww!!!!!!!!!!!! #vocal voyage 2-4pm (gmt) #sweet reggae music #realbuzzradio.com @user father\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user - #Liberal from the top down ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- Man of Steel: Ok - Batman v Superman: Ok - Suicide Squad: Boring - Justice League: Bad \ud83d\ude14 \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f Reboot. Keep Wonder Woman as she is. Do something with time travel or altered timelines or something. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER *he closes his eyes so she won\u2019t notice how groggy he is.*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"queen evil's bihday\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098#lnic #lnicjustanevilbday #bihday #suit #evil #love #yolo #stoops #seriously... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i want a teeny tiny tattoo but everyone says that i need to get it bigger and i don't wanna \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user TICK TOCK SWAMP !! YOUR GOING TO JAIL VERY SOON !! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER White liberals really hate themselves. #TDS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In a dark, dank agency there was a dark, dank group. In the dark, dank town group there were some dark, dank people. The dark, dank people all had dark dank plans. Lets find a dark dank place for them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting the goody bags ready for tomorrow night #hwawards ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We? Unless you've got a vagina, you've got no power to fix no-fault divorce. Oh, and by-the-by, those who do have vaginas don't think no-fault divorce is broken.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And people died in Chicago because of you. Now how stupid does that sound you idiot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i simply cant imagine which ones the jewish propagandists at the nyt think are justified.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER ..... or you could legislate some common sense gun control and tone down your racist rhetoric.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bloody foreign hornets coming over here killing our bees. #brexitmeansbrexit #sendthemhome #controlourborders ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Theresa May Using #LabourParty Policies to Cling On To her Weak and Wobbly #Government #HousingCrisis #housingmarket the #conservatives are the Corrupt #Landowners #ToriesOut #Corruption ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Update: Feinstein's Anonymous BS letter has FAILED too. She is not Spartacus either. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is losing his mind","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Andrea Mitchell. Another political hack embedded in the news media. Listen to the tone of that interview. She is looking for a gotcha moment instead of commending the guy for the work that he is doing. At every turn he shoots her down and it kills her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user lmfao.. fasho.. you alreday kno i was doing thus hoe huh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tell him no one cares what the American people think at this point. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I swear this heat has made people crazier than ever.I was yelled at by a costumer for being too polite when I was trying to help him.That's a first.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@PowlengMawi yung nakalagay sa second page ng handout na may closed ended questions etc. Tapos lalagay sa 1\/2 yellow pad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user So how do propose a ward deal with this? Put the gay\/lesbian youth with the opposite gender? Or segregate them from the other kids entirely (awful idea). I\u2019m just going to assume @user has more experience and knows what he is talking about here. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fxn.ws\/2DqbTfN\u00a0 everyone on the left r scum scum scum and #DROPDEDALLLEFTIES AND BURN BURN BURN IN H*LL WHERE U BELONG #RUAWAKEYET REAL AMERICA; THE LEFT R ENEMIES WITHIN @POTUS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d Exactly!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are all shocked to hear the news about @user we saw her last week. our thoughts and wishes are with her ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope more states will follow Alabama.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So now the free-speech, Conservative hating Twitter is banning the use of the term #IllegalAliens. Lets make it trend! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well #diysos has got me like this #touching ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another turd gone from ESPN. Maybe one day we can watch sports on the channel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i can't believe you keep a like @user as your spokesperson. what a loser company you are.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are an absolute dick \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user great aicle of truth about #trc needs. comments back up why it's needed. #indignenous - via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You must be on your 2nd bottle of vodka if you are gonna say the reps are radicalized! See antifa or blm or feminazis or abolish ICE or msm or anyone else doing your dirty work! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We talk about evil things happening all the time here and no one can censor us. I think this is a great thing. Takes away the one remaining reason to even have a twitter account.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"got my #alphabounce today! can't wait to wear them! @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah man, black people should never get the benefit of the doubt!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @iDntWearCondoms: If u acted like a hoe after we broke up I'm not wrong for thinking u were a hoe all along","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Reasonable gun control = use 2 hands. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user received my catheter care pack today @user @user @user #hin #catheterca\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Creepy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user IM SAVING THIS GOOD SHITTTT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am not the one defending racists. you are. you NEED knowledge. bitch suck a dick and die slow hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user and the press would have you believe bike racing is too dangerous? thoughts go out to the victims in orlando \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shit getting out of hand","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We don't need more elitist in government #trump #maga @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NVp1hU146Kg&t=3s: Facts About Illegal Immigration That May Shock You","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'll show you mine if you show me yours ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thats how we do it. #homebrewpeeps ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The laughs I\u2019ve gotten from you are enough. \ud83d\ude0c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Trump's MAGA. Hee haw!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Almost 400 migrants crossing from Morocco to #Spain rescued in Mediterranean ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I think the pope and some others should be prosecuted for covering up and protecting child rapists! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got my nails and hair did today, I'm a whole new bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"on the nose: perfumer sparks furore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this bought and paidforbitch is not onlya disgraceto her profession she is a disgraceto thehuman race.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"techjunkiejh:'alt-right' site plans a 'fake black person' twitter campaign #socialmedia \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're fucking hysterical, I don't know if I've ever been in a ts channel with you where I was laughing my ass off,\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Please commit to a people's vote on Brexit. The Conservatives have made a pig's ear of it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dreamed I was eating a brownie and started salivating and woke up almost coughing myself to death. Today is a struggle.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sky School: Scaling up secondary education for refugees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Rubio sat through a 2-hour town hall in February answering questions from the public about gun control from people whose friends and children had just been murdered. That takes more courage than grandstanding and lying in a stupid hearing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02 liberals know how the avg voter feels like with the bs govts says n dnt do after","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just remember in some countries a village will burn a woman alive, stone her and rape her corpse if she refutes an arranged marriage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration - can you give you insights on this story? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Wow! I like this lady more & more!!! She is such a fighter & a blessing!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Before I rip you a new asshole vs after ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Soco\u00a0\u00a0I said, \"Fuck everything about soco.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Excellent. May almighty ram give lot of power all of you to construct ram mandir,break 370 in j&;k, crush islamic agenda and amend constitut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don\u2019t realize that thousands of unaccompanied minors were thrown across the border..... who is supposed to take care of them? Angelina Jolie?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gun control - no guns if you are a liberal!!\ud83e\udd23What an idiot...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Live birds found in Elmo doll at US-Mexico border (from @AP) http:\/\/t.co\/JCH9HQVlPl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HEY BEE ITCH YOU WILL BE INDICTED AND WILL GO TO GITMO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The voters have decided about gun control. They have gotten bloodshed on a daily basis.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a sick article. The guardian now apologists for rapists","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one day in the future we will get to the bottom of this first of its kind in America banana republic coup attempt...... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris condemning this behavior?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cThose people\u201d\u00a0 https:\/\/youtu.be\/VKYfarmt-N4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What has all this bollox achieved - fck all because its not meant to just divide the Brits so Rothschild keeps control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mass migrations may be natural but what is also natural is that peoples slaughtering every single one of the fuckers who step foot on their land. Unless that migration of people is stronger they are going to be slapped the fuck down","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'sorry for what?': golf tournament organizer unapologetic for notley target #misogynistic #ignorant #pathetic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"me : #grandpa why don't you have any #life_insurance ? grandpa : so you can all be really when i #die.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Trump has been creating monopolies in different sectors, who benefits it ? His bosses and friends. Oil, bio, tech, you name it, all little ones are either filling for BK or being purchased by big corporations .is that what you folks call democracy ?\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ??? what the fuck ?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user My friend is involved in the gun control movement-had the same discussion with her. She really believes semi automatic guns aka \u201c Assault Rifles\u201d spray bullets with one trigger pull. Total ignorance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Free speech is alive but not so well since all social media platforms are run with a strict dictatorship of opinions by libtards.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You hysterical women caught up in more conspiracy theories again? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 liberals are to\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hmmm, if he really IS a pedophile, I say give his victims' parents baseball bats and lock them in a room with him. I'm sure the problem would take care of itself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I got this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well would you look at that. https:\/\/twitter.com\/findtruthQ\/status\/1053043299907497985?s=09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope so. That Tana girl fucks anything lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user not an insect expe, but this one looks sad! #glosinsects ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA people are very low IQ. GDP Growth\" means LITERALLY NOTHING. In no way does this translate to higher income for white familes or individuals. All that billions goes to companies or government. And what jobs did he create? Labour which pays less than living wage lmao? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What do you expect from a woman beating, goat fucking paedophile worshipper?!?!?!#BanMuslims #BanIslam #CloseTheFuckingBorders #SendThemBack to their shitholes!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RepLaHood I\u2019ve always admired farmers, one of those few jobs that gets passed down family lines. Just like Illinois representatives. By the way, thank your dad for supporting Biden.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Little known fact: former USSR part of Germany does not enjoy high wages, wealth building as West Germany does. The people are FED UP & this immigrant Rapefugee INVASION is pushing their wages down rather than UP. Germans in general=FED UP w\/ Berlin & EU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch they done free'd the OJ \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 you hoe mad lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa. Yeah it's a fringe organization. Just like those wastes of humanity I grew up around. Most of em ended up meth heads and junkees. Some are republican alt-right activists. I guess we're all a product of our environment.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOOK AT THE SMILES \ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd29\ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc40\u270d #MAGA #QANON #TRUMP #WWG1WGA #QARMY #QALERT #MAGAFORALLINC \ud83d\udc47 #TEAMTRUMP\ud83d\ude18 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holder was the most ethically challenged AG ever. A total disgrace to the office.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a repulsive human in every possible level. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eg, ANTIFA holding the position that police are racist or should be killed. Generalizations such as those are what I'd call attacking law enforcement.\" \"Attacking the cancer in the body\" is not the same as \"attacking the body\" even if it's systemic.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new headshots by andi crown are yes #actor #headshots ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would say Iran suffer from the sanctions ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah sucks honestly but I plan on coming back on variety rather than fortnite and if the opportunities are nice to start esport on another game but I can approve that fortnite esport is over for me.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" chick gets fucked nude superhero ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Tip. He is no franchise QB.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ayyy lmao #soracist #orisit https:\/\/bbc.in\/2LL1FpP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 it\u2019s funny how liberals use terms like \u201csnowflake\u201d and \u201ctriggered\u201d bc that is exactly the terms that were originally used by conservatives to describe liberals on Election Day! I still lmao I\u2019ve never seen a grown he-she before screen bloody murder over a new potus \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got me ticket yay \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d#stoneroses ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I suggest using handcuffs to remove you! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks for the follow @user let's kick butt together paner #makemoneyonline #internetmarketing #nbafinals #euro2016 #game7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Canada is an immigrant country Don't change it to refugee country please ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A band of liars Eric has a big L\" on his forehead. He is so disgusting. Who votes for these people or don't they really, it has to be rigged.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"aww im a looser i keep loosing followers. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That\u2019s hilarious! Try again. It\u2019s the liberals and their media lackeys that have done just that. \ud83d\ude1c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @dsrtvet: @FoxNews @tjoy7 And I don't have any confidence NONWHATSOEVER in you Barack! You're the sole reason why this country is in thi…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Military tribunals, Expatriation act, and NDAA indefinite detention. No right to counsel, no right to habius corpus, but they have a new soccer field in Guantanamo and lots of their favorite type of \"human\" locked in with them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@danifreshh some weird local ghetto school haha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#impeachtrump #republican #democrat Just consider how different life would be today if Hillary had picked Bernie as her VP candidate, they would have beaten the orange king by 30 points, saving SS, the budget, immigrant children, and journalist's lives. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So since Dems want stand on a soapbox over Kavanaugh exactly when will you be addressing the sexual slush fund covering your backsides #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop ating my fathers son ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL Ted Cruz thinks #Texas voters are stupid. Says Beto O'Rourke will ban barbeque from the state of Texas. #resist #MAGA #Ridiculous URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user proved my point-. and i hardly think teen vogue classifies as fake news. you just don't like her opinion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user for hate crimes watch the #arabs in @user @user never seen so much hate against the poor like in this\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble. This papers have proper journalistic ethics\" - it's funny \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06; and Magyar Nemzet or N\u00e9pszabads\u00e1g had \"highest circulation\" - it's also funny \/only in the communistic past (before 1989)\/ \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When u give a hoe a compliment and the bitch don't say thank you \ud83d\ude44 I HATE THAT SHIT like who raised u? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Pussy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Y\u2019all gas Eminem\u2019s ass way too much for me like the way that grown ass man talks about rape and beating women is not excusable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"State review of voter registrations narrows list of potentially ineligible voters to 8,698 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IllegalImmigrants #OpenBorders oh yes we can see its all about the little helpless children. These poor babies are all on a boat by themselves. Well now you got to let their parents in too -- so they too can help destroy the local peoples life's. #InSane ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Those liberals are kinky people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are love\ud83d\ude0d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not only that, how many white people do you see in this image, other than the\u00a0raggedy ann looking doll?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watching Joe Biden answer questions makes me feel a lot better abt the future. Really, I can feel a relaxation I haven't felt in 4 yrs, an exhalation. We've got to get this done.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Vote for Joe & Kamala![NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cartoon artists are busy tonight!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People may not realize that the Euphrates is the Bible N border of Israel (not the East): Mesopotamia was not promised to Abe. The SW border is \"the River of Egypt\" which IMHO = the Wadi El Arish, not the Nile. Seems that modern Israel ignores the extent of its promised land nowadays.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"suspected henrico #vandal's #mother: #'my #son isn't ' - dec 31 @ 9:46 pm et ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well the day is finally here, oitnb! oh wait, i'm in work for the next 4 days ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is the dumbest shit I\u2019ve read since I slent the morning reading Trump tweets.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company. Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I looked into the McCarren-Walters Act a couple years ago but continually told after the revisions it\u2019s basically toothless. (?)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So the bitch that got my husband's schedule changed from 5-2 to 12-2 by complaining is skipping work???? I don't think so, cunt \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"michelle obama \u00e2\u0080\u0098ape in heels\u00e2\u0080\u0099 case is just the beginning:: #donaldtrump #america ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate it when people ask me for a favor... I've never asked anyone for anything specifically so I don't have to do anything for anyone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you first lady for your service to the USA and putting up with the vile liberal hoard everyday. You are a true patriot #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Got beat by WWE....take another knee.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" fathersdaymessage #fathers #day #message buy things about \"happy fathers day \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"life is good, lap it up! #rwrunstreak day17 #run #runner #fitness #lifeisgood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Serious question: wouldn't it be in the best interest of USA and MAGA to do a deal with Mexico and have Mexico secure its border with Guatemala (or better yet, build a wall on the Mexico\/Guatemala border)...rather than trying to secure our border with Mexico? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think you have an idol in your tent peter. I never said I knew a prominent person. That\u2019s a strawman. You don\u2019t want to admit that you have trump where Jesus used to be.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why wasn't we given the chance to change our minds for 43years also if we have another vote and you win can we change our minds again or will all changing of minds be banned when you get your way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Seriously you are so freaking Hot!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I would be worse than her licking that ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hey Pauly .... when the rest of the countries catch up with USA's environmental policies .. let us know !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHO? Who is Molly Ringworm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DO YOU KNOW THAT CRYING DURING ANSWERING LIE DETECTOR TEST WILL SKEW THE MACHINES ABILITY TO DETERMINE TRUE OR FALSE ANSWERS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tonight Show? Is that still a thing? Who knew? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm originally from Pittsburgh. I recently spent a month down there with family. The neighborhood I grew up in was unrecognizable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All of them! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The intersection of immoral #immigration enforcement and an unfair #CampaignFInance system. Justice and fairness ought to be nonpartisan ideals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#stamford attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of fo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ramos sounds like a shitty ump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't matter gun #videogames #meme #rofl #marketing #sydney #appgamer #fundraising #action #gamedev ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today's donkey #zionazi who is proud of murdering real palestinian semitic children - thats what i call\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This guy is a French jew which explains a lot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I hope the NFL folds!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is a disgusting Coont!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i thought she had 72 assistants. #gladshesgone #nohope","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ...did you just get \u201cnot all men\u201d from a woman? Interesting \ud83e\udd14 When 1\/6 women have experience attempted se\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whoever said it's hard to be sad with an #icecream in your hand drastically underestimated the #power of ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ...Not too old to stand up and yell when she is out of order....Guess she gets what\u2019s coming to her like everyone else.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Hysterical screaming is what woman should try not to do - -cl\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ready for this red tsunami \ud83c\udf0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"vanilla lime fizzy #recipe is #ontheblog. the perfect #summer drink. #aplk #dallas via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don\u2019t blame you but if you watched it you would know where i got that poem from ,and it would make more sense,\u270d\ufe0f\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I seriously believe he is evil.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why are white people #expats when the rest of us are #immigrants? #classism #imperialsm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine how many famous people may not have existed if abortions had always been so available. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is funny how gun controllers love to cite the 'Australian ban' without doing any research on it. #2a #gunrights\u00a0https:\/\/fee.org\/articles\/the-australia-model-for-g...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one year today my best friend in the world for over 20 years marries one of the best guys around! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #cantwait","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US report finds only 20,000 Palestinian refugees in the world | #DepartmentofState #Israel #TedCruz... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It's really slowing me down. I wanna ask if I could just bring in my personal mac and use that as my work computer but I don't wanna seem like that apple snob\" but I'm over here shook.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the sleepy Joe is actually beating the Twitter President?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]President Trump[NEWLINE]Kamala[NEWLINE]#USElection2020 https:\/\/t.co\/fBmK1iXaT8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you take an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution? Take your people control (it's not gun control) and gtfo with your crazy. Steve Willeford says hi\"\". Don't know the name? Perhaps Google it and realize how stupid you are.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, I can't say you are wrong, because I don't know enough about her, but I do know she was fined $330 Euros for calling Mohammed a pedophile and saying Somalis rape as a feature of their genetics.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER But you are still going to jail tho #Fredo URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Feel free to use it. Because unlike your ilk, we do not scream #literalviolence or use dramatic phrases like you are denying my right to exist wahh\". Women like us can take your silliness without crying. Knock yourself out :)\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on the train to london for the day #familydays #dayout","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He\u2019d shat his pants if he faced any Antifa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 3m EU cits living & paying tax in UK who vote in General\/local elections. C.1m UK cits in EU +15 yrs who were promised vote in Conservatives 2015 manifesto. Vote Leave broke electoral spending law & police now involved. Russian \u00a3 paid to Aaron Banks & interference in campaign.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KMOquality: Scholen waar directie leerkrachten pest, kunt u zich voorstellen hoe groot pestproblematiek onder leerlingen wel moet zijn?…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Skyrocketing rapes in Sweden that correlate with increased immigration? 2000+ women raped on New Years by migrants in Cologne? Paris becoming littered with tent cities? Acid attacks and ethnic clusters in London? None ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looking for Trouble 2, dialog, pages 7-8.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Schumer also wanted the IRS to go after conservatives and the Tea party organizations during the Obama administration. Chucky the clown wants President Trump impeached so stop voting for Democrats. Tell Chuck to confirm 400 nominees still waiting to do their job.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Conflicting Reports on What Rosenstein Told Trump https:\/\/www.nationalreview.com\/corner\/rod-rostenstein-president-trump-robert-mueller-michael-cohen-investigations\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tell us Blue. While NPR knows this kid with zero experience was railroaded by that shit Mueller with the help of an actual CIA spy Halper. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My safe has an electronics pocket to buy it a little more time, but the real reason is to have the backups completely removed from the net and thieves.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are you saying they\u2019ll become another victim of the Clinton\u2019s? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am disgusted watching @user defend her career & intelligence to @user so informing the future gen is laughable? ..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can`t imagine the whining and howling that will accompany the long waited death of the CLINTONS they will blame it on Trump.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My great grandmother believed she resulted from the rape of a Cherokee by a German immigrant. My other great grandma was a triple divorcee. My grandmother left my grandfather when he beat her in a drunken rage. Hating men when they act like assholes IS an old fashioned value. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you considered your rifle or pistol, your shotgun is first thing your property before it is anything? An investment, representing your wealth you created through your labor? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In Rome a house was cleared by police from refugees. Look how nice the riots are at this mission. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what's not to love about mood altering smiley fries and sodium nitrate free mini corn dogs? kids = & #healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cat fight URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user My question to Obama & the libs: Do you leave your home's door wide open when you sleep so that anyone can walk in? Or do you keep it locked so that if someone tries to enter they have to knock so that you can find out who they ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased. \u00e2\u0080\u0094katharine hepburn #quote #truth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dreamt michael fassbender picked me up in revs, we danced a waltz, fell in love, nd he scouted me 2 be his ballet paner it's not real","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user my age, gender or race should not define my capabilities in 2016. #ageism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fair & square. Remember that when you\u2019re thinking why! The laws are why. The people spoke and they will again ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I wish I was a short as you. OOF. Im just as tall as Okabe and you are a size of R\/Luka. lol URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seriously if your telling me to my research on the president then you do the same! #COVID19 we are still in a pandemic #Election2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is old. You may not have seen it though. http:\/\/takimag.com\/article\/the_talk_nonblack_versi...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is the scuttlebutt queen","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why do you keep telling this lie? There WERE ppl there that did not belong to Antifa\/KKK that were just there supporting or not supporting the statues staying or going.#Dems love repeating lies because they have nothing else. Do you repeat hands up don't shoot too? Probably. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't wait for the beach on thursday with my bestie #beach #beachbody#bikini","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what will be will be #poor #rich #single #married #justbeing is all that counts. #lovelife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Just choke on your salad sandwich already. Those Men did not die during the Gulf War and do you really think that it did not play on their conscience why they were fighting? They still went anyway. You are directing your crap at the ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Uhhhhhh, that\u2019s stupid LITTLE bitch, ma\u2019am \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the democrats refuse to understand about freedom...is that there are several sides to every situation! Understanding and intellectual reason! U can\u2019t survive in todays society in a one sided ... Fake...life! Truth will set us free! MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffd URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Got to test my suppressor on my rifle for first time today.\u00a0 I listen to Democrats and watch TV so I know my rifle was supposed to be nearly silent and just go pfft! Pfft! My rifle did NOT go pfft. It went BANG MOFO! No fair.\u00a0 Democrats and Hollywood are such LIARS.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Get the hell out","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Far right bastards. They are literally everywhere. Luckily we have far left extremists like Antifa and Jeremy Corbyn's supporters to act as a counter balance. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muslims will just beat the women that wear these to death so that other women will be afraid to wear them . Muslims have been oppressing and raping women for thousands of years. They know how to do it. Panties won't stop them .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3) Conservatives think it because the NeoCon infiltration that successfully corrupted, and nearly destroyed, conservatism has been brainwashing them for decades to accept anything with the free trade\" label as good - and anything with \"protectionist\" attached to it as bad.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bruh there were a few times i dropped it and kicked it back up wit my feet and caught it. Now if that aint some G ass shit\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"[There is] no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.\" (Proverbs 21:30 KJV)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@OKgov\u00a0 No more money to the School. We have colleges having kids retake high school course because public school is failing us. Restructure the system. http:\/\/www.pewresearch.org\/fact-tank\/2017\/02\/15\/u-s-students-internationally-math-science\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user 12 minutes...that's all that's left of an epic @user season. #iwantmore","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't believe it's news now days that driver stayed at scene. old days it was rare driver left the scene. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wow when you think your bully will leave you alone then he get tour best friend to destroy you to #fml #crying #upset#","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home The German government is actually giving refugees three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. JUST ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" 'giak happy with fiore option': emanuele giaccherini would be 'happy' to go to fiorentina, but so far ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love the bass line in this song. #music https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=K_XP0EXsT_4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Females are always crying out 'sexism.' Don't they know it goes both ways? Men are suffering every day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If the @USER really want to conserve everything that is great about the #UK then they really need to bury this #fracking nonsense & do everything possible to make us energy efficient & fossil fuel free. @USER please do the right thing! @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user This hand signal is used by ignorant people as a signal of white supremacy and by evil people who get a lot of satisfaction in the idea of pissing off liberals. We should ignore both because displays of ignorance and hatefulness don\u2019t deserve our time and attention. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The realm of the imaginary can be quite powerful too","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That kind of blatant & unfunny harassment is going to get you banned from the Group. Delete your shit & keep your comments on topic. Namely: discussing hentai. Don't be a fagget.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @camilleftansel: i've read the hunger games 12 times i am trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER wow Jr. you are not very bright are you. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MSF to offer health care in Evros, as refugee arrivals rise ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now ask yourself if you really want to follow @user i'm done. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Newk's sells their whole cakes for $48...they smoking dick, they are delicious but $48 bitch please ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Daryl likes rap AKA The Music You Hate With A Passion","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #pougal consumer price index (yoy): 0.3% (may) vs previous 0.5% #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#dogright","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #GreenCardsForDACA #NoChainMigration No-Lottery #IllegalSentHome get in line. #ProtectAmericans #StopTheInvasion #HomeTown Meeting #California ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1 hoe 2 hoe 3 hoe 4, girl you know you're just another whore \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#CubeIsOverParty Hyuna made people pay attention to her message. And even when the entire public was against her she never changed who she was and what she stood for. No matter how often she was slut shamed. She is THAT fucking bitch. She will always be THAT bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #Liberals believe rules are for the Middle Class and those hoping to join them. #ethics #friendsandfamily #cdnpoli #lpc @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a blind fool make America great again America first Americans understand the difference we the people voted for Donald J Trump the ex \ud83e\udd21 Obama policies was a complete failure let's seat back and enjoy the \ud83e\udd21 show starting Barack Obama","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do you brake a lot \ud83d\ude02 bitch it's called putting gears in hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes. And you wouldn't accept that you're better. Because that's just how nice you are. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jew from Belarus converts to Islam and decides to join the Islamic State\u00a0https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/jewish-convert-to-islam-jailed-over-plan-to-join-is\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have no problem with the differences in weapons. Grow up, Antifa millennial...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some cunt at Walmart went full psycho on me saying how she had no fucking space to put her shit bitch ur taking up the entire conveyor belt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KingDrayn: @rosebeforehoes2 don't forget we gotta take out trash and need milk...and spermicidal lube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She doth protest too hopefully.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FYI @user AND @user The ONLY REASON you 2 have a job is #WeThePeople VOTED for @user to #BuildThatWall!! IF you 2 are so incompetent you cannot complete a mandate for the President of YOUR OWN PARTY, YOU 2 need to #WalkAway! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user And Antifa idiots forced them to use their medicare to fix the broken parts of their body caused by Antifa. Requiring other people who do have kindness for others to pick up their wheelchairs they were thrown from and help them until the ambulance arrived. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This liberal is pissed that anyone would give that disgusting pos an award for equality. And....f.u. for including all liberals in this bullshit decision by the HRC.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its #ArabSpring Training, Charlie Brown! #rejectedpeanutsspecials","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The cunt from where you earn a living. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gotta keep that gun control law to get those terrorists","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user why striving for #happiness is not selfish by @user #selfcare #selflove ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER your disrespect for those that make real sacrifices to defend our freedom is appalling. @USER is a punk.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ciara has stopped me from doing so much dumb ass shit god bless that woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On this day in 2001 extremist Al-Queda Muslims Islamic Terrorist blew up the Twin Towers, Sad. Keep @user safe from these extremist @user #BuildThatWall #POTUS let's not go backwards with @user @user @user @user @user let's move forward with @user @user @user #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"inside the bitter last days of #bernie's revolution #trump #like #msnbc #cann #fox #thinskinned #smh #uniteblue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Giddy Up \u2013 Friday Night Document Surprise from Office of Inspector General\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just about to train 43 brand new @user centres #lifechanging ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@amyklobuchar @renee_engle ...and that\u2019s exactly what we are doing! Allowing OUR President that \u201cWe The People\u201d elected to nominate a Supreme Court Justice during his FIRST term! Why wait? #Fournoreyears![NEWLINE]#Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holder was held in contempt of congress. Why isn't in prison for Fast and Furious? How about for murder?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user OMG it's on the Immigration web site if they break the law they get deported so why can't the police just hand them over to immigration no wonder there is so much crime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is he crazy? Where is SS detail.. How are they making sure some crazy liberal with a gun doesn't show up?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good she is a Crook too\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\ude11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i want hug him ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"REMOVE THE ABRAHAMIC VENEER AND THEIR FALSE HISTORY My favorite part about 'Right Wing' Enthocentrists is how they superimpose Aryan imagery over Jewish ideas. Jehovah isn't a vengeful volcano demon, he's a bearded guy in the sky who looks like Zeus! The afterlife isn't drab nonexistence in Sheol, it's atop a mountain in the clouds like Mount Olympus!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user GOD BLESS ICE, THANK YOU FOR GETTING ILLEGAL ALIENS OUT OF OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY AND OFF OUR STREETS. #NoSanctuaryStates #NoSanctuaryCities #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoCommunists #NoSocialism #AmericaFirst #AmericansAreDreamersToo #MAGA #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@QUAN1T0: 61% of welfare\/government aid is claimed by white people. So y'all black slander is trash now.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ight y'all so it's almost my birthday &&& with that being said i'm tryna be shaaaaapoppping . whole new bitch feel me . so bam vote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no joking matter! officers fired for joke about target practice in #black neighborhoods via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Glad I already seen this hoe\ud83d\ude02 that bitch was wylin though ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user shut up bitch no one fucking likes you! Suck start a shotgun worthless cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No worries this lot will be \"culturally enriched\" soon enough by some random Somali or other Islamic migrant suffering from a \"sexual emergency\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Fuck if I fry with no money imagine if there was","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this fake bitch trynna indirect me Hello @ me if ur not a coward hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He ran and hid after posting an ad about illegal border crossers. As soon as CBC started their shouting racist. It\u2019s not racist and instead of standing up for what he believes he bailed. The conservatives shouldn\u2019t have picked him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh shit the mafia have finally found me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user some ppl try to persuade themselves to believe they don't want the finer things in life\u00e2\u009d\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stay strong Sabine we are with you! Whatever you need just ask #AngelMoms #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her- you usually wear condoms tho, right? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Four\u00a0migrants\u00a0convicted of\u00a0skinning a man's penis\u00a0with a knife in Denmark ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Where does Mrs May get her 'cunning plans' from? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER you are disgusting and need to be ousted. Get out of politics because Schumer you are the corrupt kind of politicians Americans are so tired of. @USER has led this country to thrive again and Brett Kavanaugh will be voted in. Americans stand with @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's close to a Violation to the\u00a0Deprivation of rights under color act? Andrew can not be serious! How is it a Violation to\u00a018 U.S. Code \u00a7 242 - Deprivation of rights under color act when Manga\/Animes aren't Racially Discriminating anybody? Andrew Torba has lost his fucking mind if he thinks Anime is a Violation of the Depreviation\u00a0of Rights Under Color Act. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No just imagining if we found a picture of Bret holding a woman like this. Liberals will go insane","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and he took away the constitution from us. congress refuses to restore it to us why is that? Article 4 sec 4 was taken away.. and because of that there are NO gun control laws anymore. OBAMA is a STUPID MAN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER hiya sexy p s bolna xxx","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But she\u2019s OK with killing babies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user always wondered how my bathroom plant felt now l can hear it with my @user #sounda ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so grateful to have you two in my life \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #friends #friendshipgoals #selfie #blackandwhite\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a horrible skank that needed to be fired years ago \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe @user you totally roc\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my #friends are a real piece of work, always taking advantage of me and tricking me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093 i'm so and #annoyed right now! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I just blocked 3 asses.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#diyscoveries : father's day leather wallet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=HmcOqXSLrhY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals: Anderson Cooper is gay which by default means he can never do wrong. Also liberals: Trump Jr is a pos because of who is Dad is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Trump administration wants to target legal immigrants who use programs like Obamacare \u2014 and potentially block ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I moan as I watch your perfect blue pussy descend upon my big dick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hot little contraptions once you get them gassifying, eh?\u00a0 And no smoke to give away your location. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can we send this piece of \ud83d\udca9 to the tower? Wouldn\u2019t it be nice if we could do as Great Britain once did. I say build the wall and tower at the same time just in time for the Hillary Clinton NONpresidential suite! Hahahahaha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FOR THE KOCHS AND THE TRUMPS AND THE POLLUTORS.. BUT NOT FOR WE THE PEOPLE OR STUDENTS OR TEACHERS AND LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT THE THINGS THAT A MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE EXPECT LIKE HEALTHCARE & GUN CONTROL! NOTHING BUT $$ FOR @user AND DONORS! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @HoskinsTy96: @Vontey_isa_boss 😂😂😂 ghetto ass mofos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This guy Kerry is one do nothing damn politician where does he get off going over sea's and trying to undermined our President now this is a Traitor for sure you better watch this S.O.B. !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I am in an interracial marriage you liberals throw that word around so easily you might want to look it up and see what it means ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day! #googledoodle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stfu you aint make no noise yet pussy !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019d give anything to see this little\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You bring up a great point. These morons really look at life like it's the movies. They do it in the gun control debate all the time. They seriously think that a shootout with a bad guy will never hurt bystanders. It's why they want to arm teachers. Idiots! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user America will be better off once you retire Flakey Jeff Flake. Go away....... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user they're hot bro ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm pre-empting you telling me it has a hole punch and post it notes. That has been filed in my short term memory (not shiny gold ipad book) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some days are better than others, today was one of them #givethanksforlife #feelingmyself #hardwork... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bliss \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #smiles #moment #laughing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER hell yeah it FUCKIG is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She held on to something \u201calmost\u201d happening (according to her) for 35 yrs and then decides to try and ruin his life? She is the despicable. Regardless of what did or didn\u2019t happen.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well that's because Roy Moore was no longer an issue for the Dems or the so called Women's Rights Liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We all have concerns about the Democrats' disgusting Behavior and disrespect for this country and our Constitution of the United States and the violation of your oath to Citizens and our constitution. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sending commiserations to you for those Cardinal losses with this brioche cinnamon roll picture. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - if he was such an man... she may have been afraid of him... has anyone found out if she was a willing pa of the plan?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I'm frothing over all of it so far.. \ud83e\udd24\ud83e\udd24 ..the goodest shit. \ud83d\ude0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #boycotttigerwoods. stop #normalizing @user #antisemite #bigot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my beautiful bestie with baby adaline. #baby #babiesofinstagram #cute #niece #sweet #girl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judge says Trump team '100 percent' responsible for finding deported immigrant parents ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another illegal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".. We don't need an explanation, we already know why this is happening. I can't believe complete morons get press time and money for this..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What that you are a coward that can't put your own pic up? Yet you feel you can judge others looks? Yep I'm sure people do call you out on the regular. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I like ADULT WOMEN with BIG TITTIES. Who are OVER THE AGE OF CONSENT. Unlike Trump and Jeffrey Epstein who rape 13\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People with trash cars LOVE to drive fast and reckless","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The clip on the national service survey in the middle of Vee's video is very enlightening. It explains the magical thinking that allows skeptics to reject any evidence and maintain the thought products of their own fever dreams. I expect Kraut's return once he manages to integrate this process into his own beliefs.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GottaLaff Just got back from putting my ballot in a drop box at my local library. No crowd. Sunny skies![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#PeoplesVote #StopBrexit @USER #remain I don't want to go.. either, You know what, After we leave, My slogans going to be It used to be better than this\" should have stayed in. Useless goverment. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"SHOCK WAS ARMED WITH HANDGUN WHEN TAKEN INTO CUSTODY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great #tedtalks by @user on #storytelling and #nye16 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JustReIatabIe: when you die on flappy bird 😂 http:\/\/t.co\/Pu7uqxJFMc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user My question to Obama & the libs: Do you leave your home's door wide open when you sleep so that anyone can walk in? Or do you keep it locked so that if someone tries to enter they have to knock so that you can find out who they are before letting them in? #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DownwiththeDemocrats!!! #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreDangerous #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica from the Loco Liberals & TDS Let All True #Conservatives & ALL who chose to #WalkAway prove that #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder and needs to squashed like a Bug!!! #VoteRed2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Eric Holder Rallies Resistance Inside Trump Admin: \u2018We Support You\u2018 http:\/\/bit.ly\/2J6uI6T via @BreitbartNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user funny @user can't get rid of #7, , #1stammendment. so many distractions and lousy qb. maybe next year, probab\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prom is coming up boys, don't forget your compression shorts! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 #love#nature#beauty#garden#outdoors#pretty#cute#lovely#beautiful#fun#water #sun#life#inst\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'd go medieval on the teachers and the principal. And go to jail gladly. Until we stand this is how we'll be treated.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bing attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of food f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user today at @user for @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #colourmehappy #thecolorrun #london #wembley #colourful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9the white establishment can't have blk folx running around loving themselves and promoting our greatness ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's your b-day\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #bffs #bihday #bihdaygirl #fun #smile #photooftheday #instadaily\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user not surprised how \"news\" outlets call opposition to @user race-mix ad . they hate racism, though. i embrac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i guess @user is talking about progress in the advancement of , #misogyny, #homophobia, #bigotry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I got this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A closed interview. This is what Warner and Burr do. Someone's reputation gets publicly dragged through the mud, but their chance to clear the air is private, behind closed doors with the leakers. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9N-h","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so that amazing #singer #christinagrimmie will never be with us... #ripchristinagrimmie ... :( you will be in our heas forever...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"omg new zelda #omg #holyshit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#london trip booked for next year!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is a truly shocking number of shootings. What on earth is going on there ? Surely this must be a priority for President Trump ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Anything against a conservative must be believed. Liberals get a pass. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Make sure this ILLEGAL ALIEN spends the rest of his life behind bars and make sure his remains are deport at the end of his miserable life.#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Funny Human Rights He is Pro Abortion That settles it He lies pacified deceives Playboy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Nigeria #news - Family of nine #Iraqi asylum seekers gang -rape drunk woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user belles customised trunki and bits came today, extra fast just in time for ibiza. so cute \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(((Conservatives))) are enemies of whites! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But really....well Hold on. Let me go comment on some girls photo with her boobs hangin out. \ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Behold all the conservatives who deliberately ignore the fact that the OK gesture USED TO BE benign but now is co-opted by racists to signal they're down with white supremacy. Much like swastikas were benign in Asian countries (& still are) but were co-opted & ruined by Nazis. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" father day (@ diamond residance in ankara) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I always like to lick his #cock clean after a nice #facial. #NSFW #TeamSmut","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey there. I\u2019m not on Gab much. Pop in and out randomly. I just discovered Groups, and I\u2019m happy to see this one! I\u2019ll be starting homeschooling this summer with my 2 kids. (Pulled them out of school.) I\u2019m excited & nervous. So having some support and tips here is great!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They are an issue to be sure but we would have never had worry about them if the democrats\/globalists had not threw open the gates to the third world, and if we don't deal with them they would just throw the gates open again","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Donald trump said Mr Cruz is a lying dog you can't trust him or his wife said his father was involved with shooting president the president in Texas in Dallas America can't trust him he is a lier then how can he stand up for him down there in Texas campaing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#perpetuates \u00e2\u009a\u00a1 a&e changes title of kkk documentary amid criticism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@davidmweissman @icecube Interesting how Joe Biden cares so much yet when I scoop reached out to him he shot him down. Take the blindfold off.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user These boats act like a taxi service for economic migrants posing as refugees and only come to Europe to seek welfare benefits of the west? If they were refugees why not stop at Turkey like the real refugees? Instea ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to start listing to il spook","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"set of 6 glass ... gbp 24.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#socialstudies attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So glad you are an American! Americans don\u2019t hate....liberals are the true party of hate!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE! In 1991 #SCOTUS Clarence Thomas\u2019s #HighTechLynching by @USER @USER & @USER #MAGA FIGHT BACK against these lies! #ConfirmKavanaugh @USER @USER @USER @USER #DJT #Kavanaugh #MeToo URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mimi_sanabria I really did, right off my bed. Where you put all these dam yellow starburst!!!! *throws them out the window* 😩","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#raghuramrajan the nations needs u regret now why we had a govt with a majority but takes decisions that so not represent the majority ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Eritrea LOST ERITREANSWe #Eritrean who live in diaspora LOST our IdentityThey call us differently #refugee #AsylumSeekers #illegalimmigrants We call ourselves #justiceseekers#oppositions #activists With all our differences, in 31\/8\/2018 #Geneva will unite 4 our Rights ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Separated Immigrant Child Dies Shortly After Release from ICE Jail via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bro I randomly tried this dns shit and it worked first time wtf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jesus was a Jew, you inbred fucktard","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So #MoscowMitch and his wife get a payout that was intended for small business but individuals don't get monetary relief? [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteHisAssOut [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Presidential Determination on Refugee Admissions is a concern of myself and many others. Can we push to raise the ceiling to something like 75000 again! We are a nation with an immigrant tradition and should be proud of that! #RaiseTheCeilin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is out of control. They destroy Ford by exposing her. Now claim she is receiving death threats. Uhm..then stop threatening her. Fact is liberals are only ones who threaten people. @USER investigate DNC!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Anyone supporting nike or kap is antiAmerican ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Y\u2019all need to know that she is human being and knew Mac for so many years and was in a relationship with him. She\u2019s grieving. She doesn\u2019t have post something to prove that. AND IT IS NOT HER FAULT HE DIED LIKE DAMN! Stop blaming this poor girl. His addiction killed him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CharleneforAZ @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris What supporters? Trump 2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY are the #Tories turning themselves into the lefty #LGBT perverts party?? Its the #Labour party that should be the weirdo #pedophile party. This is all Cameron's lefty legacy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RepJerryNadler You shat thyself you #FRAUD and #LIAR [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #KAG2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bitch shut up....cyberpunk was announced way back in 2012 and just now getting revealed #....get your facts straight","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user perhaps should teach the dumbass idiots 2 respect other countries laws. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is like when shitty restaurants advertise their \u201cvoted #1 world famous crabcakes\u201d but nobody can tell you who voted and nobody who lives outside a 10-mile radius has ever actually eaten there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user And, of course, you exclude all but a select group of (primarily Northwestern) European and a few Asian countries from your any country\"\" list. Gun control has no positive correlation with lower homicide rates, even within cherry-picked Euro countries. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"look what arrived today #hoodies #sydneycanberra #only6weeksto go ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Tippi Hedren was in Julie and Jack (which rifftrax also did). The scene from Birdemic that she is credited for was from that movie playing on the tv in the hotel. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"12 things people do differently\" @user #infographic #inspiration #gratitude @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user His legacy is crap. Why would anyone want to save crap? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't wait! #suits #suitspremiere #repost suits_usa with repostapp \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb some lies\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user - special message for @user ! it's not your land either .. #trump #trumpsamerica #day1\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalImmigrants #IllegalAliens #ElectoralSystem #ElectoralCollege I\u2019m going to shock some people here: America is NOT a #Democracy, America is a #Republic. Even more defined America is a Representative Republic. In a TRUE... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"early bed for me, up bright & early tomorrow for royal ascot \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u008e#ascot #ladiesday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Oh it seems there was 'miscommunication' in our roll out, we fixed it by returning to our regular format\" NO MISCOMMUNICATION, JUST LOTS & LOTS OF 'FEEDBACK'!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are we happy? Let's answer his question. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Qual? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Now the leftist needs to condemn the violence of #antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I took my new puppy for his first shots today, but the poor thing threw up everywhere. Maybe should have started him on something weaker than Sambuca.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Someone probably told him 6 God was trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I didn't think about violence towards antifa when I was a kid. Boy how times change.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A random am scroll lands me here...RT @HarryRelloFonte Charlie horses durin sex just simply means you didn't drink enough water that day","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"The solution and the response to the war on Jones (or any number of other so-called conservatives) is: GO DIRECTLY TO THEIR SITES AND BLOGS. DON\u2019T USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO GET THERE.\" -\u00a0Jon Rappoport\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most immigrants arrested by ICE have prior criminal convictions, a big change from 2009https:\/\/t.co\/FYxrJsJdi2#EqualOpportunityDeporter#AllIllegalAliensAreLawbreakers#RespectTheRuleOfLaw ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Disgusting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sanders is a fucking menshevik","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He will fit in well.. He is a lying little shit just like the rest of them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is going to be one of the best days ever!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ae\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab #solaris #shofilm #actor #interstellar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Love how fat they all are while chowing down on cake and cookies. That's the future liberals want. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ...the kind of repulsive projections usually reflect back on the source; be careful in what one deems appropriate for others lest it is applied equally to oneself...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"while the stars and stripes can't be beat, we think #madison's flag is pretty neat. #flagday #onwisconsin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"8. I REMEMBER LIVE DMING U DWP. ur a g and i hope yr 11 treats u right. REMEMBER MY ADIVCE U BITCH ASS CUNT. ilysm!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1. End the War on Drugs 2. Slash the shit out of taxes across the board 3. Repeal unconstitutional gun control laws URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Supporting an apartheid state which commits international war crimes. Shame on you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alexa's phone gave us colors and Julia got yellow I'm dying #racistaf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are name calling a decorated disabled veteran. - shame on you. Know your subject before making slanderous remarks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Who authorized a search warrant of mr Jean home? Racist what about her drug test. This is premediated murder. He will not be slandered. He is the victim.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER OMG HE IS SO EXTRA ILY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Even if suspended ...he is an absolute game changer. #makeithappen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It was a joke on how his optics weren't the clownshoe-nigger outfit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe he was smart enough to get on the #TrumpTrain and tired of getting run over by it! Unlike you and your sycophants.. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Girl bitches aggravate me!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ATTENTION #GabFam! You can now pre-order the hardcover of THE SCANDALOUS PRESIDENCY OF BARACK OBAMA -- Support #GabWriters #GabBookClub and show everyone the power of @a and #Gab https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/dp\/1682615812\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user can we start shooting the blue thugs? then going through their shit and saying thats why they died? cuz this is fucking infuriating. WTF does it matter there is pot in his home. WHAT is in HER home?! SHE is the guilty one not HIM. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ROBBIE ROTTEN IS NOT STUPID YOU CUNT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finding #beautiful #sanctuary places in #nature. would you have a #rest break here? #30dayswild #mindfulness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ripchristinagrimmie it is sad that people are so sick to do these things in our world. prayer for her family and fans. fan","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If even a third of America's black citizens shared the views of Jason Hill, a 1985 Jamaican immigrant to this country, the Democrat Party as currently constituted would not exist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"beware in marketing tainting messages ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy wednesday! #humpday #wednesday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lady?! Bitch or cunt is more appropriate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Powerful men in Hollywood have been preying on women because that's how lots of men are built ... so says Dick Wolf. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Char-broiled #cod, yellow #rice, sautéed spinach and artichoke hearts. Made with love for @voxpulchra.… http:\/\/t.co\/vWjWlghRGO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bite your vicious tongue!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Q: What did socialists use for lighting before candles? A: Electricity I'll be here all week, try the bacon.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...if we didn't cover the costs of this travel, then hundreds of people would not be able to open fresh claims or submit extra evidence, directly affecting their chances of receiving refugee status in the UK. Donate today: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You go Mike and by the way Sarah she is the best lair . URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SO WELL SAID, Daniel!His speeches ALL smack of Alinsky; divide & conquer by victimizing one group & calling out the other as bigots, racists, fascist, etc.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user smile with my #dog. #dogsarejoypic.twitter.com\/dn49qhwso7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This whole thing has been a sham from the start! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user If we don't destroy the Bush-Clinton Crime family we'll face many more like Obama!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be humble and never think you are better than anyone else........\"for dust you are:and unto dust you shall return;genesis 3:19 sunday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you. How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user here's my #pizza for #tonights #stream! what bout you? what's your favorite pizza? #food #gamer #fun #hungry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are part of the problem. You are the racist. Wanna address this ? @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is right though... you do have a whiff ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"get to see ma boo tomorrow after 2 months apa \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rest in peace ronaldo...... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is an opportunist. She wanted a cabinet post but Liberals rightly decided she wasn\u2019t good enough for the task. She crossed because Conservatives promised her one. She is a person with no core beliefs. She is not credible and not to be trusted. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know the male lawyer's name but he is definetly Jewish. Her other lawyer is (((Debra Katz))). A Jew.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You can't be this dense. The point is the same - you can't presume someone is guilty just because they're part of a group that's a popular target. For southern whites in the 40s, it was black men. For modern liberals, it's conservative white men. They're the devil\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch you a hoe... I do not like yo fish booty ass no fuckin moe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Teen | Cutie lesbian teens toy slits http:\/\/t.co\/ZS05enjjwm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why are my friends ignoring me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 of 2; The supposed universality of Jesus represents both the European's failed dream and his worst defect of character: he dreams of civilizing all men of this globe, and in his hubris fails to understand not all men are created his equal.\u00a0\"Christianize\" the Sub-Saharan all you want; what religion remains will shed all European aspects--","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So the Trump administration has put forth a 70 item plan to address legal and illegal immigration. Sounds... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"from @TomWoods'\u00a0\u00a0e-newsletter, today:\u00a0 yay, #GabFam!! \ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc9a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We are no longer alone: Italian Prime Minister hails #EU migrant distribution a success ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It would be pretty cool if I got to see @boybandproject 1 more time before I go back to hillbilly town! @TheZacMann @levimitchell...😓","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user need more ladies to spread out their pussy's on cam \ud83d\ude0d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just down voted a stupid Abc posting!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"flights booked to see my girl @user this summer! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You came in my mentions first but okay hoe goodnight ily bitch and I know this picture of this dog just m\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What are some of the things you might propose? How would one get the 90 IQ+ people to healthily breed while decreasing the...welfare-dependent...people from continuing their breeding? I was thinking, for starters, massive tax breaks for married couples with biological children; the fathr must have a job & the mother pref. stays home to raise. Lemme know.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Migration advisory committee says immigration has had no impact on infrastructure or services. So could it be @user cuts instead? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did he do this right after that last statement? Asking for a friend. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Zero60 And so interesting that you said R1a can also itself be a wolf, Cause I know that is My Spirit animal ,I've loved Wolves all my life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Whataboutism\" is yet another made up word used by liberals to attempt to deflect criticism of their own ridiculous hypocrisy.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Words cannot express just how valid you are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy in the morning, happy all day. \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #brunettebyveronikalipar #tbt #morning \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy 4th July to all American gabbers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oy vey! This Goy knows, and is asking the wrong questions. Shut it down!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the teens in the book club are so excited to meet @user and talk about his incredible memoir, slugg! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bullsh*t. All fear mongering. Not one of these fear tactic predictions have come true to date. Not in 30+ years. UN is a corrupted entity.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user RT @user Sanctuary Cities are against the Law. Please shut them down & arrest\/prosecute all criminal Governors & Mayors. #USA #Americans #America #Constitution #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Congress @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nothing says 'merica, like that @user tweet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user game 6 is over in the 1st quaer! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I think about all the people that hate me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"most of these imvu hos can't even do the no makeup movement challenge because not even their avis go without makeup. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when sum body come up to all hype u have a whole covo with them but forget they name \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3 rd girl \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Racism Is A Hoax ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is why lamb fries were invented? Mountain oysters? >_>","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I voted for #BidenHarris2020 and all Democrats down the ballot \ud83c\udf89 Here's to turning #Texas blue #TexasEarlyVoting #BlueWave https:\/\/t.co\/FKCnpcraAc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Now finish your juice box and get out your nap mats... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck Mike hoe ass bitch ass he need to take his charge ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trying to smoke out followers that are also antifa? #Shrewd. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user she became a alcoholic cealrly became a fatty has had like a year to loose the weight she is the only starlet in Hollywood that doesnt look good with a lilextra weight gonna go for a walk now and one of tays GPS stalking sheldmaidens might have orders to mac miller #TommyValhalla ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #japan foreign bond investment increased to \u00c2\u00a5867.8b in june 10 from previous \u00c2\u00a5-549.4b #blog #silver #gold\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user do we have a spare #voteleave mp we can sacrifice, then canonise then beat with a stick? #sickbastards ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank god conservatives aren't as dismissive. Never hear to them resorting to calling people snowflakes or using terms like SJW to discredit people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes Liberals vs progressives This should be a really dumb banter Go","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not all men youre right, gomez addams would never do this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user she probably has been in years of therapy. and her hatred still runs deep. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thank you President Trump! ALL of America is benefiting for todays' economy too! And most importantly? President Trump gets ALL the credit! = #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"last day of summer classes!!\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You\u2019re not a proper country girl if a bit of mud puts you off!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Dont relent! Nuclear option! Crush the liberal scourge, Mr. President! Make the bleeding stop!#BuildThatWall #HuntThemDown #ImmigrantsGoBack#AmericaIsFull#WhereDoISendTheCheck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Greece: Search and rescue operation for migrant boat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feeling rather excited and content today! brought a book for a stranger and got myself two in the process....so many books to read ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Then maybe we can talk about the double standards between liberals and conservatives at @user Somebody is always a victim. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'So my fat skank sister' lmao. The kid that lives in the room next to me doesn't wanna believe his girl is still ch\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"VP Pence has not been against the refugee program when he was a governor. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL! Taking credit for Putin's accomplishments!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This should be Federally Mandated Law on Criminal Illegal Aliens. Upon completion of maximum sentence allowed, alien is discharged into ICE custody for immediate Deportation. #EndSanctuaryCities #EndChainMigration #BuildTheWall #ProtectUS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are wise. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PSA MMLD HATERS )) unfortunately for you, our girls are just gonna go farther and if that's a pill so hard for you to swallow, Y'ALL CAN JUST CHOKE AND CONTINUE ON WITH YOUR SAD LIVES... or maybe just relax, walk your dog & drink a cup of mindfulness.)) *megaphone drop* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Why do the provinces keep paying? When these illegals cross, the feds should be there to look after them and pay their bills. But why not just send them back? Low man always gets stuck with the bill-us the taxpayer. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER a huge fuck up on my part.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joy Reid said nothing wrong.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we want to make you ! fill us in, follow the link & send us a dm. #turnthatfrownupsidedown *tylerh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So what ur saying is that it is in fact chicken shit and you are eating chicken shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You missed seeing Pruitt chewing butt all the way to the end. He's all business. I love it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bible says thou shalt not kill\" just curious where u stand on gun control if u want to be talk about baby killers. Theres no distinction in the bible about who or what gets killed.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kyle_frost @Tracy_Creates @JoeBiden 100% We now know who worships satan, the pedophiles are coming out from the dark rocks, and making it easier for us to identify. Thanks Biden. #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"12 Illegal Immigrants Found in Texas Border City Stash Houses in One Day via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER AMEN !!! We're Ready !!! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\ude4f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You go girl! God bless you and all the survivors and for getting young people out there to vote for common sense gun control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Way to go @RandPaul !\u00a0 At least someone doesn't have the #DeepState controlling them! #Peace #Russia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy #aldub47thweeksary @user & @user \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5 5 weeks more to go! #imagineyouandi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is #so #crying @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Hes comin for ur woolly bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Beautiful new pictures of Jupiter here, courtesy of NASA's Juno probe. http:\/\/www.sciencealert.com\/nasa-s-1-billion-probe-just-sent-back-mind-meltingly-gorgeous-new-images-of-jupiter?utm_content=buffer80c0d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@senatemajldr 9-9-20[NEWLINE]DOJ intervenes on behalf of Trump in defamation case brought by E Jean Carroll who accused him of rape. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]TAXPAYERS should not be paying for Trumps defense! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]@realDonaldTrump please provide @ejeancarroll attorney a DNA sample as requested.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to all the #dads out there: #father's day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So we should be denouncing Democrats & their ANTIFA Thugs? Done & Done!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nigga keep tryna play both sides lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What goes around, comes around... https:\/\/davidharrisjr.com\/politics\/oh-well-thats-t...\u00a0#gab #GabFam #news","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this seems like a really good idea, except that it will displace more Californians to my state, which is already affecting our way of life. #refugeesnotwelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And we pro Americans are embarrassed and sick of you anti America liberals. There are plenty of countries with the lefts ideology already in place. Move there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is an idiot and not very smart either.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When somebody says 'happy hump day' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user so i guess that white women aren't to blame? how does that work again?? @user @user #propaganda #alllivesmatter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm thrilled to reconnect with my long lost best friend! #friends #grateful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Twitter is a service, not a right. KayLie spreading disinformation and lies about Biden while working at the White House is a Hatch Act violation, against the law! #LawAndOrderBiden https:\/\/t.co\/0SyjG251Il","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YOU ARE SO CORRECT JIN IS A WHOLE CRACKHEAD ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's only been a day i already miss them!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is such an arrogant creep... believes he is God\u2019s gift to Politics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"are you #black & feel like the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 stomping on you? listen #retweet #tampa #miami\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what the fuck \ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude33\ud83d\ude33\ud83d\ude33 Travis your a dumb ass bitch Kylie i still love yah girl btw \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\ude29 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In solidarity, Germany to take in 50 migrants rescued in Med ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \"actor anton yelchin dies at 27\" #rip ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But But But we need more gun control right? Oh wait... GUESS THAT DOESNT STOP CRIMINALS, only law abiding citizens. Which is known. So.... think on why they\" want to CONTROL you and disarm you.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sessions fires McCabe. About damn time... #FBI #DOJ #DoSomething","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well we got away with the weather... dark clouds now gathering but the #RaftRace is all done.\u00a0\u00a0\ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nope, I couldn't agree more. Wish I hadn't seen it, except to further my understanding of ESPN's agenda. Was nothing but more racist, anti-Trump propaganda designed to incite clueless young people to be even more clueless. Namaste.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dogs in America, or dogs in Mexico?? A Mexican asked me whether I was saying that Hispanic immigrants had no right to a country, meaning OURS. I replied, \"Immigrants HAVE a country, or they wouldn't be IMMIGRANTS.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#carlpaladino's comments about the obamas make him a late contender for the most loathsome character of 2016 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Mannn shut your bitch ass up.. your hoe ass was rooting for George Zimmerman murdering ass.. Fuck you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hilly puts $$above anything I support woman am anti rape but won't return Harv's donations always about money with Clintons ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can math help defeat ? #math #literacy #adultedu - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm that nigger no lie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberal Dictionary: Illegal Immigrants: Dreamers Trump Supporters: Deplorable Dregs MS-13 Killers: Human Beings Babies in the Womb: Not Human Beings Antifa:Protestors Law Abiding NRA: Terrorists Bill Clinton: Feminist Brett Kavanaugh:Predator Liberalism=a mental disorder","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Asian women are f...ugly.\u00a0 Only old men and idiots marry Asian women.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh fuck off. You have entire towns and villages where 1000s of little girls are turned into prostitutes and you can't do shit about it. The Muslims own you. Go complain on Facebook why don't you? Oh you can't can you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER MAGA KAG WINNING","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't believe she's even getting death threats. Conservatives don't roll that way. Plus her & her attorneys bankroll is Soros ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02that zombie walk was a little scary. Remember when that zombie said he was going to eat Shon\u2019s butt\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"our patients love that at a e skin they see the doctor every single time! #bestdoctor #cosmetics ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SICK DESPICABLE PURE EVIL....PEDOVORE ? SOMETHING THAT ONLY EATS CHILDREN. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The hand of the LORD will be made known to his servants, but his fury will be shown to his foes. See, the LORD is coming with .. Cont. https:\/\/wp.me\/p9X42q-e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's a funny thing that when a man hasn't anything on eah to worry about, he goes off and gets married \u00e2\u0080\u0094robe frost #wedding #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER the nose distracts from the news","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this looks like the night shift at your local #newjersey diner. #spiceworld ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm pleasantly surprised it took THIS long :-O http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/04\/13\/conservat...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Omg! She is so cute \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U.S. Arrests 99 MS-13 Gangsters Who Entered as Unaccompanied Minors via @user are the dReamers the Democrats are so adamant about protecting!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #BanSanctuaryCitiesProsecute city state officials.#KeepAmericasSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy friday \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 shot by \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7 - dhruvv_gohil #blog #blogged #blogger #friday #fashion\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my dear, be slow to become angry. #god #listen #speak #james1 #thankful #goodvibes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leftist porn troll with a bot void (7 missing followers). I am seeing a pattern here. Muted","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Feminists have a few valid arguments worth talking about. lol jk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A U.S. senator has revealed that cell-site simulators, cell phone surveillance devices commonly referred to as \u201cStingrays,\u201d may interfere with 911 calls. - https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/senator-stingrays-may-interfere-with-911-calls\/ #infowars #WakeUpAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know how Liberals love to say Conservatives are anti-science Luddites so here for your review, How Your Memory Rewrites the Past\" URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"AG Jeff Sessions Announces Lawsuits Against California Over Interference With Immigration\u00c2\u00a0Enforcement\u2018\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White people post WW2 They are that stupid. Allowing all this bullshit to happen right under their noses Western civilization was smart cunning and superior. Rest is all envy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah that's where you're supposed to put the trash can.... #rude http:\/\/t.co\/molWF0py","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just imagine how much money it costs the country in legal battles and welfare just to sustain one arrogant selfish cunt invader.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #spoty perhaps the #murrayhaters would be happier if #murray was a bit more like #gazza? what a hero #drunk #wifebeater\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Log off nigger RT @PoloKingBC: #relationshipgoals http:\/\/t.co\/Ge9koImYGj","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The real Battle of Vienna \u2013 In 1683 the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburgs and the Polish-Lithuanians joined forces to drive back the Turkish Ottomans from the walls of Vienna. Islam vs Christendom, clash of civilizations, or was it a battle over power and influence between great states? http:\/\/bit.ly\/2mJLWwc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I will beat your ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Poor Baby. This is why you and your entire network CAN NOT be trusted. The only people still watching CNN are brainwashed liberals and demonrats. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user Some are building a taller wall. But here at Amnesty International, we are building a #LongerTable for refugees. Learn about how you can get involved: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sent 2 tweets to this TWIT .. one suggesting he check out the Gab.ai profile pages and search for a Pepe the Frog and secondly suggesting he look up difference between a meme and a documentary. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, LOL \ud83d\ude02 I love saying Jew! Jew bitch, Jew fagg, Jew pedophile, etc, etc! Add the word Jew to it and it automatically becomes derogatory! \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love my friends! happy sunday funday everyone! #sunday #funday #friends #squad #goofballs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I speak for myself & EVERYONE I KNOW here on Big Island- vote YES for funding to #BUILDtheWALL. Never in my years here have I heard the concerns from every level. The young in Hilo losing jobs to migrants. Several auto accidents, with 'u ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He *is* the DBA. I had a quiet word with him afterwards about v$datafile","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If the refugees dont get food and water - they will go back quick, here the President havnt to do much ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Police your own first right? You see it as unfortunate he is saying these things in public but others see it even more unfortunate that she says the things she says in public. She is an extremely public figure and he is using a similar platform.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Brains and beauty. Love her show. Now she is on prime time Oct 15th. I get to watch the whole show. Yay!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ref: paul brown stadium hamilton co. cincinnati \"never overestimate the intelligence of the voting public\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DamianHuffaker you're from a trash can","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She's promoting the taqqiya platform, right?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A moron thus probably thinks that rape is a form of aggressive romance. People this stupid don't merely exist, many have inordinate power DT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's not just men. I read recently about a woman who was 'hysterical' after being raped. I don't kno\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A bitch just be minding her business \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gun control always fails. Cops&gov won't save people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch show me attention too you whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user another day at the railway tomorrow face painting! #goodstuff","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/27753-Germany-L-nebach-Residents-Panic-When-Lions-Tigers-Escape-Local-Zoo-Video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good look","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You know we have a three strikes and your out law, for our own citizen's. So why the frack isn't there one for these illegal invaders? Once again the DNC takes a position that in effect says. YOU the American Citizen are a second class citizen. YOUR interests and concerns are to be secondary to scumbags like the one in the story above.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Any critique of Bernie\u2019s objectively horrible record on gun control is met with \u201cHe\u2019s from a rural state\u201d or \u201cHe has a D- from the NRA\u201d As if I give a fuck why his record is horrible. And then there\u2019s this stupid shit: URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER What do you expect from The likes of Eric Erickson. . HE is a Piece of Crap.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Moore just got Don elected again. Liberals never learn. He\u2019s more unlikable than Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gotta wonder if Karl was circumcised before or after the adadictomy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What program did you draw this in?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is just more of the standard Trudeau \u201cLiberals\u201d emotional manipulation of Canadians. They think Canadians are stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Agree 100% Jay No wonder FBI back burnered it English appears to be second language high school @ below average use. Also brought attention to being a citizen? \ud83e\udd14 Contradicted information throughout high school\" & \"THE attack\" it CAN'T be both. Ford=University=Soros=ANTIFA=Bull\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good morning everyone! Hope you have a nice day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dreaming...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You won 5.60!!! You actually take time to post you won 5.60??? Fucking hysterical!! So bad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Akin to rape victims apologizing to the refugee rapists in EuropeIt's just wrongIf you cannot name the problem, you can't solve the problemThis father is very misguidedAnd it's wrong of the father to blame America for the actions of #IllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user my passion comes full circle! wow! i want 2 be in orlando aft trump. pulse & disney. hea aching over child a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ToWherever yay im a whitey :3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user saturday @user @user @user @user dinavalenz @user kazzeymusic <== #listen to\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#trump ally made remarks towards obamas - dec 24 @ 9:52 am et ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ya Obama on trade 2-YEARS AGO: Trump is just NOT TELLING THE TRUTH\" \"How STUPID could our leaders be\" Trump God bless Trump! #MAGA #KAG .. (Full Link+Trump's ANSWER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02 UK needs a new name: United Pakingdom :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed most patriots already and got the rest appreciate a follow back #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ANTI-ANTIFA IS BALLS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Absolutely NFW. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smh i cant take these one sided standards ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ive judged that the old woman is an anti semite and Joan Ryan is right. You are playing semamtics. Youre a disgrace. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Understanding the Owls and their minions: (\"These people are pure evil\") with @stefanmolyneux\u200d and Dr. Duke Pesta. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a wonder dog he could have a couple doggie girlfriends","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user To follow Lord Ram,s teachings is more important than his temple, to start with you may ho\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Or their music is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I didnt see any hysterical women, did you?. How mysoginist of her. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CouldBeEashia: @vivalamarley me waiting on you to take me to NY with you to get my nips pierced \n\n🙎🙍👩👵","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It was a nail biter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,\"\" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was the kid that always cut his foot...\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user dragged #bestie @user 4 #workout talked our way thru 1000 stairs #friends keepu #sane & treasure them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you're such a hatred person @user a #narcissistic & is who you are! @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #Foolish Why because some #idiots are doing whatever they can to sabotage him and @USER ? Liberals are acting completely immoral and have no respect for those millions of legal voters who voted for @USER #LetsGovern","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Let's not kid ourselves...you are a prostitute...for the @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Vanguard Eighth Annual Event - Immigration Law: Defending Immigrant Rights and Keeping Families Together | Davis Vanguard #immigrationlaw #familyseparation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The first time you sleep with a dude with a big dick... And again after he cuts you off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Which one is it? Is there an active threat that you could be shot that is driving the need for gun control? Or is the idea that the threat exists hypothetical so I have an excuse to carry a big scary gun? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She probably was using it already before she took it stupid bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lmao I have it too. Shitty quality but I don\u2019t mind it either. The lowlands one sounds better \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh @user - ur killing me! craving a salad with my @user #nbafinals game, but no guac left? no bueno ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alert: Candace Owens Was Just Attacked By Antifa URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the way i feel today #focussed #weekend #lotstodo #team #family #training ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"avocado shoage leads to crime spike in new zealand - first it was the limes... then the avocados #guacamole","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#andysessions #attorneygeneral from #alabama #trump staing a #racewar will we let him? #chaos #fear #weaponry @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@yooperslayer better off banning teabaggers and their anti American supporters","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Has anyone tried to catch her by placing a Roach Motel in her path?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Indira Gandhi in no uncertain terms told that the Bangladeshi refugees go back to their home country. Listen to her\ud83d\udc47 #NRC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Folks not a protest against our great president. This was pure and simple a way to bring on more gun control. Weapon on campus ( gun free zone) carried a concealed weapon (illegally). This guy just trying to cause more gun control otherwise he'd of shot himself in the head.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rustystubbs The organizers of the #Trump2020 #superspreader event should face fines. [NEWLINE](test them first, #lockemup second.)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One more of tonight's dog walk sunset. AKA, invisible bird on a wire. #sunset #invisiblebird #wires http:\/\/t.co\/ilTShXLYjd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dr. Blasey Ford Kavanaugh #MeToo .@USER .@USER #FemFrauds #MAGA #Maddow #MorningJoe #WednesdayWisdom URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'DREAMER' Repeatedly Raped Young Girl In North Carolina via @user @user #DeathPenalty#ChildRape#ProtectUS#KeepAmericaSafe#NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you've ever mentioned me to your therapist, give her my number, she probably wants to try out the dick that ruined you too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user CNN is doing fine. It's just that MSNBC is doing great. Fox hasn't grown one iddy biddy tiny bit. Same crowd of Conservatives (about 3out of 10 people)...so sane people still are a majority ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so apparently there's nearly 120,000 people in LA County who aren't going to be on the voting roster for their primaries due to a 'printing error.' Not to worry, the people who voted illegally will more than make up for it. <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in Brazil, the laws mandating speech are not only about pronouns, it's about determiners\/articles, too. We need a Brazilian Dr @JordanBPeterson http:\/\/www.ilisp.org\/noticias\/contra-gramatica-mac...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shocking. Consider most of the country wants smart gun control. Not the Wild Wild West like you espouse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lot of illegal Muslim immigrants r seen in Delhi in Old Delhi,around NZM& Yamuna Banks\/Okhla.Delhi fast becoming slum ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks! I'll check it out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ending the Secrecy of the Student Debt Crisis @alternet https:\/\/www.alternet.org\/ending-secrecy-student-debt-crisis#.W56kqWqt9LY.twitter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Conservatives Vote NOW! Fed Up With Stupidity!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sis Mandys no nose havin ass from the grim adventures of billy and Mandy can smell that shit wheeew ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dumb kid","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain\u2019t getting no pussy huh? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes mothers now this is what the deranged left will make you do to your little boys! Are we really going to let this happen? Pure EVIL! #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #2020 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"become happier with @user new app. check out the update about their #health app, too. #tech #watch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER speaks in nothing but dog whistles. Who does she think she is fooling?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathersday to my #beloved baby #brother! i know papa is very #proud of what a #wonderful\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I actually live in Fresno County where Janz is a deputy DA.\u00a0 A kid who was my catcher in Little League works with him and his Dad is a judge.\u00a0\u00a0 I guess I have to talk to family friends about Janz and his lack of response.\u00a0\u00a0 Sad. No I am not troll Chuck Johnson. lmao.\u00a0 He's a rude douche. My question was seen by the facebook team on 8\/3.\u00a0 lol.\u00a0\u00a0 @a\u00a0@Amy\u00a0@Microchip\u00a0 #maga #gabfam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is indeed where we are headed, Mr. Erdogan. \u00a0It's what you wanted. \u00a0You've been calling for it loudly enough. \u00a0You didn't think we weren't going to fight back, did you? \u00a0You didn't think we were just going to lie down and let you do as you please, did you? \u00a0War is what you want and war is what you're going to get. \u00a0We're just getting started.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Wow it took 36 years? Bet this would of never came up if he had not been choose for supreme Court. Shows the liberals for what they really are. In a way that's a good thing\ud83d\ude01","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals have no shame. To them the outcome justifies the mean ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa means anti-fascist\". I'm not sure there is an Antifa organization, but there are millions who are anti-fascist. Why are you not one of them?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user While the billions outside America love SNL and just point and laugh at the stupid cunt in the White House \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal alien charged with murder of homeless woman in New York City: #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More Leftists corruption. #CriminalDNC #CorruptDNC #DNCVoterFraud #DishonestLeft #WeAllKnewIt #BuildThatWall #DrainTheSwamp #Deport #Deport #DeportIllegals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL sure dude. You Boomer cucks crack me up. I can't wait till your kids put you in a blacked nursing home. Your children will curse you for the hell you've created for them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The strange-looking tropical fruit graviola is a POWERFUL superfood against cancer - Tyranny News http:\/\/fightagainst-tyranny.com\/2018\/08\/21\/strange-looking-tropical-fruit-graviola-powerful-superfood-cancer\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"First they came for the 'Felon's' gun, but I cared not because I was not a felon,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@esaagar You have to elect me to learn what you\u2019re getting. - Joe Biden","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The long arm of Koch. Just saying. #SaveKansas #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/MF8uiuyLgW","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who is John Hanson? A \"Black\" Man, A Moor, John Hanson\nwas the First President of the United States! George... http:\/\/t.co\/rpSeqjD3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@KamalaHarris ... or saying \u201conly 6% of deaths actually from covid\u201d bullshit on both Twitter and Fox. The US president dismissing 198K dead Americans is disgusting. You had a chance to rip Trump\/Pence a new one in the debate, and failed dismally. I still volunteer\/donate for you, but pissed!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I concede that's likely the case. I do think there's quite a number of people who are being anti-Serena because of who she is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PomoNews: (THEORY) OBAMA EXONERATED HILLARY, NOT COMEY http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Cmzt7a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I could only call Corbyn out on antisemitism if I believed he was in any way racist. I just haven't seen anything to believe it. Antisemitism has gone down under his leadership and will continue to do so. The conservatives have just shown they actively support it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WATCH: Texas Woman Flees with Baby in Carrier After High-Speed Police Chase ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Crypto Takeovers - Predict and conquer the world. Make a crypto fortune. Check it out here \ud83d\udc49 cryptotakeovers.com Show your love \u2764\ufe0f by voting \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user milo yiannopoulos.is a hate mongering . i'll never buy another book from nazi ss and tossing any i have in the bin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the Fuck happened to Hip-Hop? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QPRmFJ_U8Ug","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FUcking democrats, stupid, uneducated, and now out of control...Its Obamas fault.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eject him from the Senate. What rule will he break next time. If you can\u2019t follow rules you shouldn\u2019t be a Senator.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Lmao you are the only who are getting so brave \ud83d\udc80 stay pressed trashno neptune ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"had a nice and constructive phone call today this afternoon w\/a friend that i haven't heard from in a while #friendship","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is because blacks are low iq half wits who have been brainwashed from birth into believing they are victims....pitiful creatures really...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bro gay marriage is legal now that means if one of my friends is ever an illegal immigrant then all we gotta do is get married and they'll get their papers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh no!! That sucks \ud83d\ude2d what if you are \u201csick\u201d \ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd22 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we had great time @user summer pay!! #filmby #aarhus #tanned #film ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is the #khanballoon flying yet???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You hear that @RandPaul and @SenBillCassidy? You are \"virtually nobody\". #DumpTrump2020 #DumpTrump #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SOSVenezuela: migrants or refugees? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I support the SNP not on migration be warned that Sturgeon does not have the the finger on the pulse and feeling of Scots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not even trump\u00e2\u0080\u0099s transition team wants to deal with carl #paladino\u00e2\u0080\u0099s comments about the obamas - vanity fair ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eg, ANTIFA holding the position that police are racist or should be killed. Generalizations such as those are what I'd call attacking law enforcement.\"\" \"\"Attacking the cancer in the body\"\" is not the same as \"\"attacking the body\"\" even if it's systemic.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are too \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A condemned man gets a last meal. If life ends only in death, then the best that life gives us is only a last meal. It is senseless then to struggle for any causes or beliefs; because it all ends in nothingness. Atheism is useless, politics is useless, revolution is useless. On the other hand... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Black Female Democrats Call for Changes in Party\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I could answer all your questions but I see no point seeing as how you're not up for genuine debate.\u00a0 What's your real name?\u00a0 Where do you live?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Where is the fascist version of Antifa? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER only the arm? He really sucks at gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Very easily, you just fill in the circle next to Joe Biden & Kamala Harris","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go eat some more burgers \ud83c\udf54 butthead!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user ji #te3n #gofoe3n #awesome #movie #loved every second of it to take 118 chennai fans of yours\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And since I'm on a Sinatra kick... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How the Left Gets Away With Attacking, Intimidating, and Silencing People - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=la92-kyg4rA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Easy to say unless you live in a nigger run shithole like Baltimore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is Evil! How dare her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Of course she\u2019s making money on the situation she is a dem they have no values but greed and power","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A question: should Tom Watson or any other labour MP be taking funding from a reported racist\/facist? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"McSalley Arizona has done it again other commie running for Senate. Damn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user After listening to your well thought out arguments on gun control I would like to respond to your key points with my counter argument. I DON'T LIKE YOUR GASSES. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil hitler fought the battle for noh africa over access to oil. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ...her background is being kept under wraps...chance she is a rabid MAGA...as most cops are! Law enforcement entities are attempting to keep quite those who are in trouble and who are MAGA's...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've felt for a while that TRS is what would happen if \/pol\/ had its own version of \/r\/4chan","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#liberalismisamentaldisorder \u00a0this is why you shouldn't believe in this psycho-babble.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/34581\/american-coup...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Abolish Income tax on Americans. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jews Baptize New American Embassy with Palestinian Blood, 58 Dead and 2,700+ Wounded - https:\/\/www.unz.com\/article\/jews-baptize-new-american-embassy-with-palestinian-blood-58-dead-and-2700-wounded\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER -its quite obvious the morons at the Star are totally unaware that Canada already has extremely Tight gun control laws -which by the way criminals never have and never will Adhere to\" - You have to be a very special kind of stupid to be believe that by banning\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Holy monkey balls its warm today","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is way overdue to admit Europe can not take all of the migrants which are trying to get there. Nor can places like Canada. @user @user @user @user @user @user Please look at this dramatic graphic demonstration... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I do remember. :( But somehow centrist\" antifa-haters can never quite seem to bring themselves to condemn such things.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's friday!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #hr #management #fridayfeeling #friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Naw depends if he rape fam that's a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got to see his \"interview\" with that rat slime, Michael Issikoff. Assad treats the little shit and the situation with utter dignity; very impressive.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UN refugee agency to sack dozens of #Gaza employees... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i think... !! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its a joke. The picture on the right is an actual photograph of a rapefugee chimping out in Germany recently. Just happens to match the older photoshop beautifully. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can\u2019t wait to see Biden dragggggg the fat toad tonight! #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mizzou: body cam reveals black students threatening white frat boys... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"queen evil's bihday\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098#lnic #lnicjustanevilbday #bihday #suit #evil #love #yolo #swag #doitfohev... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Forget Montel! Those who speak so speak from their own delusional disgusting truth! He is not worth it! Trash pick up coming! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Indoctrinated \ud83d\udc11 programmed to believe EVERYTHING #MSM #Propaganda tells you to.. The left are the nutcases.\" Acting stupid in a Senate hearing, antifa. Hate filled\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch i want those shoes so bad they are so nice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Actually that mentally ill fag Bruce Jenner is simply that, a retarded mentally ill faggott.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another happy customer! #customersatisfaction free instillation on all orders in june\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Carlos, you are not thinking, Jews are white men, you may not like it but it is true! Also it is precisely those Jews who created everything! Intelligence ranks Jews, Asian, whites, Spanish and blacks in the bottom. Don't bother getting upset with me, do the research. It is not nice, it is not kind but unfortunately it is true!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user u a cold bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don\u2019t work.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Deport them all! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whatever your absurd dreams might be, this little girl's going to tear them down.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't play like shit and win a championship @user got owned last 3 games. . don't care for lebron, but he gave it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ILLEGAL ALIEN SCAM ALERT! Deport Illegals with their kids dont allow them to drop off their kids like Road Kill at the Border ! U.S Taxpayers not their babysitters what happen to #FamiliesBelongTogether ? #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER To be fair. I\u2019m positive most liberals are just blobs of cells..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to all the #awesome hardworking dads who celebrate #fathersday today \"they worked in a giant metal man' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you are looking for a White Pill in regards to the good things happening within the Nationalist Community, give this article by @WhiteArtCollective\u00a0a read!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I've seen people with some the most beautiful (not to mention original) art i last my eyes on. but only have 70 followers because they get buried by half-assed bullshit. all because they're not pals with someone popular","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow!! Never seen a woman juggle a big cock like that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are like a real life cartoon character!! I love and respect the shit out of you for it. Keep doing you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it was an exercise in female privilege. That women went around town performing chemical attacks and no one knocked her out","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is beautiful!!! God bless you both \ud83d\ude4f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The rape joke about a girl having sex with Sandra's comatose boyfriend was in poor taste, and extremely vile. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc3cxx ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Liberals grasp at unproven straws ... #NotPlastic URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Painting their nails whilst observing hurty tweets, probs.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's terrifying is that they're not even hiding it anymore...repealing the second amendment etc.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"booked tickets to see @user again next year ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I come from a long line of bigots and morons. It's hard to grapple with at first but it gets better. Fill the void with fundamentally decent ppl and you will eventually realize you are better off for it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER When he's not imparting these gems Michael Moore is stuffing his face.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"there are thousands* here!\" *empty seats ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no matter how hard life gets... anon #inspiration #gratitude #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user #tweetfromyourseat give the english rugby boys some love s105 r3 @user #firstgame ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liar! Set up by far left. Liberals are so predictable! Americans are into these empty stupid tactics. No one believes you! It\u2019s a politically induced maneuver to attempt to delay the installation of a judge until after midterms. It won\u2019t work. No go write your book! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DottieSnow @Votezaktaylor @MDB50 @TexasVet @OpSec @Jami_USA @SaltWater @HighPriestess @fatpedlar @dtj343 @mattforney The left is violent and they lie about it, and now they try to hide. My new article. http:\/\/www.michaelfmartin.com\/why-are-the-politici...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Does this line sound familiar it is too soon to talk gun control\"\"? This the the typical NRA funded GOP response to NRA sponsored mass murder.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user happy weekend!\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #alejandragil #love #colombia #latina ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Girl bitches aggravate me! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The entire idlib border is filled with HTS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If this were true which it is not, well then there are millions of us in this nation so move on if you do not like it, leave @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i had a man tell me their body count was 40+ but refused to be with a woman who had more than 5. what the FUCK.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Many American liberals are having conversations about race, over things like the CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS of their neighborhoods. Gentrifying parents in Brooklyn MOVE THEIR KIDS TO WHITER SCHOOLS much like school-secessionist parents in Alabama do. \ud83d\ude0e http:\/\/bit.ly\/2DfpXs0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We apologize for the delay in response here and wanted to follow up and see if you are still experiencing issues. Our engineers are in the final stages of mitigating impact related to the event. ^MA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public. Put a fucking hat on if you\u2019re a lazy cunt like me. That\u2019s what I do. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nah nah nah \u270b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Crazy how funny Jim used to be. Now it's funny how crazy he has become. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"more nonsense & idiotic rhetoric from the gop nominee, as he gets more free press & no pushback from the \"fair & balanced\" network ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Then resign. You have done NOTHING to check El Presidente. You are part of the swamp and hold NO Nebraska values! RESIGN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He also thinks it\u2019s a success doing nothing about gun control with kids being murdered in their schools by people who have no need to possess guns! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s funny how liberals were all up in arms about \u201cLady Doritos\u201d when it came from an immigrant female CEO. Now they are celebrating her today, just months after calling for her sexist head to step down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/ Resists newest tactic against conservatives. They have decided to trend disarmthem\" And advocates attempting to take a weapon from people open carrying. 1. open carry hopefully has retention on their holster. 2. This is likely to result in being fired upon by 2nd party.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just because some flaky pink hat wearing woman says so? Try again. Where\u2019s the police records and the like. Tired of liberals thinking they can lie to ruin someone\u2019s life because they don\u2019t like Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"JOHN KELLY CALLED ELIZABETH WARREN \u2018AN IMPOLITE ARROGANT WOMAN\u2019 IN EMAIL AFTER TRUMP TRAVEL BAN CONVERSATION ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"she resigned today from the \"chaer\" school. #texas #justicereform ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i find @user really inspiring unlike @user who have gone from nice and inspiring to really obnoxious and full of themselves. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gosh.. another monster is comig out #xboxones ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Martin71\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@therealduxy @TKFan01 *too pretty...not *to pretty. Jeezus...my redneck education is showing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a ride \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #boy #like4like #follow4follow #instaboy #instaday #ride #old #color #atardecer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" new tunes coming soon. #music #soundcloud #acoustic #downer #newmusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Corey Booker has demonstrated to the world what a grandstanding dramma mamma he is. He lied about documents that were available to him and the contents. His \"Spartacus\" moment was more like a hysterical woman with PMS! LOL! What a douche!+ LIAR! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Communists Take Down Greek Government Website Over Athens Fire Disaster Response Time #Greece#Anonymous won't be taking down terrorists #rapefugee websites any time soon. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We call that game #Bullshit . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and the 9\/11, Vegas, Parkland Shooting, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and the other 100 scandals that occurred in the last 8 years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tumorboy McFaggot Admits He Leaked the Steele Dossier ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #gravitationalwaves detected once again - 2 times in less than a year #einsteinwasrightagain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iamcuriousblue: Actually, I'd like to replace the \"speech is violence\" narrative with a \"censorship is violence\" one. The latter is closer to the truth, since censorship always depends on an implicit threat of force, either by the State, mobs, or individuals. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Qsq4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sessions rescinds DOJ guidance on refugees, asylum seekers' right to work #USA #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - both don\u2019t support Medicare for all - both voted against the dreamers - both voted for the racist police brutality bill - both voted to give Donald trump and even larger military budget . - both didn\u2019t do a thing on gun control - both voted for the racist payday loans bill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @theycallmenavy: @royaltyclubvp @Aswaad88 worse yet u meet a bird with a nice ras and you're like \"something about u looks familiar\" lol…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is the best memelord that could exist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this white crowd turned its back on an all-black basketball team at a high school game. #trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2\/10 on the trolling metre. Practice harder on rubes and try again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You see , Trump isn't sucking enough jew dick. He has to be sucking 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Trump is only sucking jew dick 23 hours a day , seven days a week. he has 7 hours a week of free time, you see . But if you put a maga hat on a negro that will solve everything, I promise ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who has the best ceo eveerrrr? we do! #nohedidnothackintomyaccount #tech #staups #nextphase","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user would u be able to suppo our event #brentwood #homesta they lost funding and may have to close ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maxime Bernier has no problem with diversity in Canada, he has a problem with Canadians being asked to change the countries culture to include these diversities. Diversity can be celebrated and practiced in Canada, but has to fall within the established Canadian cultural norms. These norms should not be the ones having to change.\u00a0 https:\/\/goo.gl\/Ret1fa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Heavenly Father I ask for a hedge of protection for those in the path of this horrendous storm. May God Bless the USA, the POTUS and the Patriots of this Great Nation! May God's Wrath fall upon all Tyrants, Human Traffickers and those who betray our Great Nation! WWG1WGA\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberal Dictionary: Illegal Immigrants: Dreamers Trump Supporters: Deplorable Dregs MS-13 Killers: Human Beings Babies in the Womb: Not Human Beings Antifa:Protestors Law Abiding NRA: Terrorists Bill Clinton: Feminist Brett Kavanaugh:Predator Liberalism=a mental disorder ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER U don\u2019t think bad stuff happens to men in cars? Shit happens to everyone it\u2019s just your mindset on how you deal with possible issues like that. You can\u2019t spend your whole life worrying about something that most likely won\u2019t happen to you. But it\u2019s your life do ur thing haha.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy saint valentine's day! #saintvalentine #polyvorestyle","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #music who is starring in charlie\u00e2\u0080\u0099s kollywood remake ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a notorious click bate site ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone has a right to their views but this exhibits a religious hate-based ideology of biased intolerance and intent to cause emotional harm that is unacceptable and inexcusable! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For any of you who live in Niggerville, this is probably more effective than a Taser (go to 08:30) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"This theory says that the driving force behind the socialist revolution is not the proletariat - but the intellectuals.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you make everything #multicultural ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't resist a #krispykreme #sprinkles #donuts #sugarrush #tempting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a bright morning!:) #haveagreatday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An Illegal Alien took his own life because he decide he would break into the U.S Steal IDs and SSN to Work Illegally Robbing the U.S instead of sending for his family he killed himself Really didnt care about his Family huh ? #SendthemBack #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Legal Immigrant Explains His Story and Why President Trump is Right About Illegal Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Talk about a kangaroo court! Is this what you Liberals want? One person's word able to destroy another person's life with NOTHING to back it up. If so you're sick.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was curious about the SPLC push to stop VISA and MasterCard from allowing transactions\/donations to David Horowitz Freedom Center, so I went and donated. Piryx processed the credit card info just fine. I used VISA so don't know about MC.\u00a0www.davidhorowitzfreedomcenter.org Don't know if something else changed since yesterday.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Disgusting! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Get shit poppin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amo hangs http:\/\/t.co\/h8UQDrjeCb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3rd time in my teacher career that I\u2019ve had a parent tell me that he\/she is praying for me. I always consider that a win \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb #teacherlife #prayalloftheprayers URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Peggy87933606 @kayleighmcenany Trump is the hardest working President in history based on all the deals he\u2019s accomplished in only 4 years. Policies over politics! Cheers to another 4 years! #trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you can \"lobby\" all you want. it won't stop criminals. it's a waste of taxpayers money. but go ahead. waste your time. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I really am puzzled by shit like this. We have so many problems and enemies, making more out of our own people seems fckn defeatist and stupid. Lists such as this can only sow division among Whites. Let us take out our enemies first, then if we want to self-immolate we can do so at our leisure.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It really is. My abs are lot more defined but I miss lifting heavy ass weight. Thank you girl!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He did not waste a moment spinning gun control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brian Kemp's Badass Georgia Governor Campaign Ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alps Ink Cartridge for Md Series Printer (Yellow) https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/dp\/B0000511C6?m=A3SG5VL3M26...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The really frightening thing is that plenty of Antifa are stupid enough to believe this is true. I'd put a bet on the first one to try it being a woman Antifa. They seem to be the most stupid and more willing to vitue signal their way into an early grave. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That may be but as far as the gun thing goes it shows the total distopia that can result from gun control. Only criminals and corrupt cops have guns in Mexico and the average citizen is at t their complete mercy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did you watch the music video for jackets hrgggg i love hank's dumb ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"obsessed with light... still. #loved ing #purplehairdontcare #sorandom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Investigation underway after woman reports rape on OU campus ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The world is a better & safer place now that McCain is enjoying his eternity in Hades. Now if Satan could just call Ruth Bader Ginsberg home...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And what about @USER s accuser? Or @USER s accuserS? Or do you only believe those that accuse conservatives? Just another elitist Hollywood #hypocrite","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I understand. I say that because with all of the rumors floating about, some people are giving up on #Trump and forget that it's #God who placed him there, not us. We have to hold our leaders to the fire BUT never stop praying for them OR encourage them to do #God's Will. Miracles tend to happen that way. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mall with my fellow ginzos to do some christmas shopping @Vinnyliarda @Dimi_Artale @Billythathird #fuckdimmy #vinnysnotmadon #billgetsbuns","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Breitbart has become neocon Establishment and is Fake News the worst of the lot is Alex Marlow a total loser . Watch or listen to Fault Lines with Stranahahn and Nixon instead probably the best show of its kind. Stranahahn fired by Breitbart for being too good. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"SPECTACULAR Trump Rally In Iowa: President Trolls Everybody From Hillary to Dianne Feinstein: https:\/\/youtu.be\/bvhsXPHlRpw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This guy is a disgusting little perv. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A woman who assisted in the rape of a child should never see freedom. PERIOD!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you saying those who understand we don't live on a globe are stupid?\u00a0 Is that what you're saying?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user aaaaa yes! yes! i bought a total of 3. going back for more tomorrow! @user #cherrypepsi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Highly doubt that. Even if they take back the House there are a great many Dems that don't want her back as Speaker.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user When you call for the mass destabilization of white nations by mass non white immigration then silence anyone who opposes thats #antiwhite ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I should make a \u201csam has new hair and she is fabulous\u201d sign that I have on my person for when we are together ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's so nice to come across this pretty lady's face after scrolling through libtards, emos with nose rings and maxine waters all morning #FLOTUS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I couldn't have said that better myself. \ud83d\udc4d\u00a0\ud83d\udc4d\u00a0\ud83d\udc4d\u00a0\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That shimmmy\u2014 ok ok ok. You are that bitch. Lmao jk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tonight. #bae #babes #k #11 #2 #itiswhatitis #alien #lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#newyearnewyou bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user More like what I\u2019m missing... lmao I\u2019m just bitter about being ignored yet again and I\u2019m ignoring her because that\u2019s what I\u2019m like but it\u2019s so hard not to message her \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It makes my skin crawl just looking at this woman - Theresa May is a liability to our nation and @user and must be removed ASAP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Dems playing a con game. It must be Antifa don\u2019t you think.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Do you have evidence that Trump didn't collude with Russia? DUuUueerrrrhhh, he said so...MAGA!\" URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ending the horrible trade imbalance burden from Obama\/BushII\/Clinton\/BushI results in an $800B\/year boon to the USA economy! This is what you fail to mention. Trump-o-nomics = MAGA [You should try to listen to Trump more closely so you can learn.] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this your whore you going to marry and lie to me about will never marry women who show body to public ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I can not see him posting such a video if he was done with Supes. He is wearing a krypton t-shirt too ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sexy cora porn black girl porn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sign that i checked a bag at iah. every. single. time. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and soon there will be three. #baby #family #expecting fathersday #life #blessedandgrateful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Loxodonta_s: #News — #Democrats and #AntiSemitism — #Jewish group condemns VP Joe Biden’s offensive reference to \"Shylocks\" http:\/\/t.co…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Move on and stop going back to the same asshole! Omg you dumb bitch! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Anyone who supports gun control is a racist. Just like Shannon Twatts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a little saturday read with your coffee and strain of choice. weekend. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Biting the hand that feeds you. All part of the Hijra (immigration jihad). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so, i was in london last week......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah just in time... Join me! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not allowed to play flappy bird around grandma because she swears at me to stop swearing lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now if we could only get a few jew heads on pikes that would be great.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #pennydreadful a long, dark love poem \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad i agree @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what does matter is that judge kavanaugh might have thrown ice across a bar in the mid 80s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"top layer trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder a major embarrassment to law enforcement. @USER you did nothing about those innocent black males killed in those streets. One sorry black brother.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest: sheriff: body of boy killed by gator recovered @user rip little angel. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hitler ran a State run police state that oppressed the individual rights of the German people. Hitler was a Marxist Fascist who was an evil despot. He was about as Christian as the devil.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the same thing with much of the memes you find floating about that deceive people with misinfo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Always has been a Tory ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#poet bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you sta ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #mcconnell obstruction goes all the way back to when he discovered #obama was black ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Theresa May isn\u2019t nice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i don't know CUCKER. Maybe you should stop sucking off the kikes at (((fox))) and make your own show, in which millions of people will literally watch it. could you imagine cucker coming out as a white nationalist? the amount of positive that could do....it would be a dream come true","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Coward Answer question What have I posted on @user that is not factual As a staunch conservative and pro Israel I post @user positive facts to counter Canadian media helping liberal Trudeau assault on conservatives and Israel. You are either ignorant or a liar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"is that a #jet #engine in your pocket, or are you just to see me?\" via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Finnish immigration officials say asylum seekers need more mental health care services ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Does your mom know you are on Twitter?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user damn what i would do to be able to eat that pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh snap I'm just realizing this skinny tranny is Jared Leto. He's Wo unrecognizable with all that weight loss. Geez!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GSAEmily Emily, I encourage you to do the job you are being paid for by the US taxpayer. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have won the election! Trump is out of a job and so are you in January. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#USA (I feel your pain, even while I profit causing it!) #liberals , U gotta luv 'em! Redistributing wealth not on their menu- serve up identity politics slop. So you destroyed #Libya -ya'll never catch Bill now -he's got million dead #Iraqi kids (sanctions '90's) under his belt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @attsmcjay: \"One man's trash is another man's treasure\"...perfectly explains strippers with daddy issues.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#state of the #nation #sunday, june 12, 2016 the #observer #good #morning #australia and we've #tablet #news ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/FBI\/status\/1055196002947395584 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Nasty a$$ Liberal sheep...you are prime example of sheeple with NO BRAIN. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. If you missed the event, you can watch each talk here: #WithRefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We can point out the EVILS of Democrat Progressivism but we can't dare to question any aspect of Republican messaging to the black community. We are supposed to defend, NOT question https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/34LC4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shame on the tennis hierarchy who stole that from Serena. She is a proven draw and the racists on the upper echelons just can't handle it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Japan is always operating under the premise that mass migration that can radically transform the country's demographics is unacceptable. The Alt-Right main point is the norm for them. So Japan already has everything that the West needs!!But of course virtue signalling... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt. \ud83d\udc98 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user nothing. that would be . #taharrush #taharrushgamea #rapeugee ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Manhunt for Illegal Alien who Almost Killed African American Teacher That an \"Open Borders\" Judge Released@realDonaldTrump is right about Liberal Judges-#WWG1WGA#GreatAwakening #MAGA#walkaway-because -@TheDemocrats put #IllegalAliens before Americans. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"michelle obama is on the crack pipe @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In every inner city, the selfish exploiters of the poor are Democrats, progressives, and liberals who derive such electoral and monetary benefits from their inner-city plantations that they will fight anyone who dares to challenge them. #SpeakFreely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FBI: Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was Informant for Mueller\u2019s FBI; Special Counsel Under Fire for Deal with Sex Offender ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sheer audacity of the cuck ben shapiro His explanation is \"I wasn't wrong, Trump was wrong\" He says Trump campaigned different to what he is governing as, and he's broken every promise by doing not what he stated, but 90% of what Ben wanted. Fucking foul, slimy liar. He lied before, and he lies now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#HumanTrafficking #Rohingyas #refugees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yet again a few trolls commenting on things they don't knw jack about.be very careful #getyrfactsright..#trademark protected..#tadelakt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hey you disrespectful bitch don't you ever fix your fingers to dial my MFN number ever tf again u hoe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"True","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Awesome news!!#KAG #MAGA #illegalaliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"KKK lover \u2066@realDonaldTrump\u2069 #Election2020 #Trump2020 #TrumpIsARacist #RacistInChief https:\/\/t.co\/aYe78pFoHy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So absurd. The left has been fielding violent feminists and communists in the form of Antifa to attack the very peaceful transition of power for more than two years. I wonder if it will ever occur to you that you are the bad guys? I doubt you have the moral fortitude.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this should have been enough 2 just say no #notmypres #wtf2016 #neverump #unpresidented #bigot ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user how\u2019re you going to communicate with customers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Research: The racist history of gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER imagine unironically believing that liberals support antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The interview is an important part of the hiring process. And selling yourself may not come naturally. Let's make sure you're fully prepared: ^TN ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my cd finally came,, cant wait for 8.17.16 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #nickjonas #futurenowtour ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That's why I was so disgusted with him today. I don't know why he thought this was a celebration. But he thinks everything is about him. I won't ever be able to forget the horrible things that he is done. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you're a . disgusting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d #love #instagood #photooftheday @user #tbt #cute #me #beautiful #followme #follow #fashion #pakistan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"prayers for orlando. #pray #praying ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I wouldn't doubt anything the unhinged witch would do.She's a leftest nutty Professor with a mentally ill past.She has no business teaching anyone!I suspect she is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros. Psycho was going to do the same thing to Gorsuch. #LockHerUp in a mental ward! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HE SAID HE IS THRILLED TO BE A PART OF THE @user OWNERSHIP GROUP! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please take John Harwood's pen away. He is incapable of unbiased reporting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Rivera is shit. He is the last one left. Our problems run through him. The day we fire @USER the better off we will be","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user There are NO INNOCENT people in detention centres #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you go to watch me before you and think that your gushing nose bleed is just more tears #ilooklikeiwasattacked ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We must exterminate the kikes!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Epic fail on that front. Hopefully she will succeed in the future.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soooooounds like an AWESOME plan !!! Next he\u2019s gonna be pulling money from Medi-care & Pensions to pay for all the Golf Cart Rentals for his @USER detail that watches him struggle to stay on the fairways on all the Golf Weekends he swore \u201che\u2019d NEVER have time for\u201d #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Zilina DID numbers & inbound SIP trunks from Zilina. Online provisioning and carrier grade - https:\/\/www.buyonlinenumber.com\/pricing\/DID_numbers_in_Slovakia_Zilina_(421-41)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sexist slant in media representation of women 'needs to change' #slant #media #representation #women #needs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER your pappy is a big fat fool the Democrats doesn\u2019t have to make him look bad he makes himself look just what he is an ignorant 5th level FOOL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019ve been asking myself the same question and it\u2019s because he is such a phony. If He is such a fan of cleveland why is and he still playing for the Cavaliers the POS. He\u2019s trying to save face with the Fanbase and it\u2019s so obvious that is his fakeness! But stupid people will buy in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Debates2020 If #Biden doesn't drool or fall asleep #CNN and #MSNBC will declare him a masterful debater and winner #SenileJoe #SleepyJoe #TaxingJoe. #Trump2020 is the clear choice, proven economy builder. Obama\/Biden worst economy ever, worst recovery ever. High taxes no jobs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@crizby777 @McKaylaRoseJ The hatred causes them to be blind. United We Stand. #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nice group of #maga follow back thanks !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user to help a #customer #allwrappedup a rather huge framed picture for a #wedding ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I. AM. READ. E! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is eating instead of sleeping! What's new ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The tweets show how demented liberals have become. They have zero credibility","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are a boring individual. Its seems good too me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER already my ass i had so many fucking shots tonight","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch don't @ me with your ugly ass. Go find a hobby, instead of reading off blogs you dumb ass hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dude... Should have started fucking using that shit day 1 faggit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democratic always use race to divide Americans. Conservatives done see color The Democrats only see color Discussing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Explain to me where i said that wasn\u2019t true. I know what due process means. I know when anyone goes to court over a crime like that it affects their lives. he is not exempt from the process or ridicule","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Isn't it ironic? The GOP likes\u2026[NEWLINE]\u27a1\ufe0fSmall federal gov't but wants to tell states how to run elections & manage the pandemic[NEWLINE]\u27a1\ufe0fFiscal responsibility but runs up the deficit w\/tax cuts for corps & the 1%[NEWLINE]It's \ud83d\udcaf hypocrisy. [NEWLINE]#46ReasonsWhy I'm w\/ Joe![NEWLINE]#DemCastMI #DemCast[NEWLINE]#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/gN7ujYxvEA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I was going to ask the same thing. Don't know who he is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@VNNForum These Marxist kikes promoted Anti-Semitism by creating this film, what was their incentive? They just promote their enemies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please shut up Ontario is seeing what conservatives stand for @user is not helping you loose this province your never going anywhere.. Not they you will any way your completely out of tune with Canadian Mr. Harper oops I mean Mr. Scheer common mistake you so much alike. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can you please stfu and stop lecturing your colleagues, you sound like someone doing a fake lady plantation owner accent. Pussy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy 242nd Birthday Marines. #USMC #SemperFi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #DearProfessorFord I want you to know that I have zero respect for you & your ANTIFA style attack on Kavanaugh. You thought you were going to drop a bomb with your face covered & blow up a good man's life. You have been exposed for the political hack that you are. Shame on you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I absolutely agree!! I have tried rallying people on Twitter. Asking them to follow each other. Strength in numbers. I vote. I work the polls for early election and Election Day. I speak with liberals. I forwarded Maxine Walters rants to the secret service.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My nig kkeldalegend took me out for some more of that good old New Orleans soul food! http:\/\/t.co\/vCBKAcQBHV","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals own education in this country. The faults of education lies on the federal socialization of our schools and the unions power over school boards. Look where the worst schools are...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and of course a wonderful crew !!! #crewlife #mallorca #flyswiss #flyswiss_magazine\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Will never spend one more dime using @user rather go by balloon than United Socialist Airlines .. think they would fly combat VET's for free coming home from War.. \ud83d\ude20 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sexism may be harmful to men's mental health...#men #woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When anyone calls me about anything, ever ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are a cheater casey! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talent- Meeting up with complete strangers for sex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user so what. jewish, kwanza, jehovas witness. #bigot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#runningclub attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side i ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ImVotingFor science, medicine, and humanity. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#ImVotingFor #BidenHarris2020. https:\/\/t.co\/HnzwvGgdLM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Allegations of sexual abuse inside Government's immigrant youth shelters mount: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my very first youtube video will be up in a week or two \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #newyoutuber #youtuber #youtube #yaay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Q\u00a0!!mG7VJxZNCI\u00a0No.175\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow are you sickening. Hopefully a black Jew will stick their boot up your ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Professors at Liberal Colleges by Day & Antifa by Night. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What do u expect from vile violent lying disgusting liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Murda fucker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dishonored is almost done installing but i won't be playing it until sunday. too much to do. #dishonored ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dylann roof to face new competency hearing #ignorance#hate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And he\u2019s actually been a gun control advocate for a long time if you bothered to do a little research. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #newyear! new #prez. new #destruction. new #commercials. new !new order! new tweets. new #poopin. new kids on t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WeMarchForOurLives #EnoughIsEnough..what say you @user @user we need @user Solves Guns special... and the USA fall election ( @user @user focused electing ONLY those for actual gun control-dump old #DNC #GOP - with #empowerment 4action ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So this is what we are told. This is our answer. Gab used to be free speech and expression. Now we will get banned and called demons. Again I am sorry to all the ppl I tried to bring over here from minds, gab is now just as bad. \u2639\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Anita Hill wasca liar then and she is a liar now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idk what feminists are pissed about.. You get free access to our wallets and all you have to do in return is cook and suck our weiners. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user i personally think that men who beat women are cowards and men who rape women are stupid and full of scum, both were not rai\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is what the streets of the #uk will look like in 10 more years #Brexitnow #stopimmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please call me slut or whore sex mistress~ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is whiter than kevin federline ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER GOOD BITCH!!! The hood missed you \ud83d\ude02 crazy thing is i just was saying how em smoke out by your house used to be lit everyday","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And Now there is a 2nd Memo-Investigation into the FBI Fisa and \"that guy who lie to the FBI \"..\u00a0 Can you imagine that?\u00a0\u00a0 Lying to the FBI. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As it gets closer to November the left is in full on panic mode their talking points will forever be 25th Amendment. Ok idiots let\u2019s see you try it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER did you watch the music video for jackets hrgggg i love hank's dumb ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh my gawd. I already felt like vomiting and you just made it worse. I don't care how many kids are behaving this way, it's sick.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So correct. #HealthNightmare coming to a town near you. #Migrants #SendThemBack #AmericaFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am thankful for fridays. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user black professor makes assumptions about an entire race whilst speaking for entire race. next week the jews! #nazi","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wrapped up in plastic thrown down the stairs feeling fantastic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"outrageous racism from rother dc. hope the families sue 4 failing to follow advice for a life guard & causing the d\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#LeviStrauss takes stand on gun control #SanFrancisco #LEVISTRAUSS&COMPANY #America #SaferTomorrowFund URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ojmadeinamerica only conclusion is - americans love socio\/psycho paths, especially if they're famous athletes pretending to be white ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't FORGET this FACT all YOU #KildaBeast #FakeFemBot #NastyWomen #MuMuMama #ChewbacaLeg #YeastInfestedPussySuits !!Even a VAGINA has a WALL !!! #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"most likely the us is deploying bc we're and interfering with the #genocide within #africa stop killing eac\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ok give it up u low life conservatives move on u got one year til election for canadians to show u that WE DON'T WANT RACIST RUNNING R COUNTRY so grow up and let's talk about how u dont like anybody who dont look like u ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I turn the tv off when Juan speaks. He is a real sicko.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I work there, don't vote for those bastards and, unless Irexit, won't vote for any of the gits, btw, I have property interests throughout","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I will never forget what levels you racist liberals went to and what you did to Clarence Thomas. Liberals are the worst people ever. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey, i saw that you're a fitness fan, so i invite you to see my ios app, it's known as mytraining on app store ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hasn't this flake left yet? How dare these people hang a man without evidence and at the word of a loon with repressed memory.\"\" Sue her and I bet she shuts up fast.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You two are nothing but attention seeking whores. Start talking about real issues such as racial injustice sensible gun control prison reform and other issues that important","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"your inability to accept the facts about omar mateen's miscegenation genocide, ie orlando49, is infamous, @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Also cancel school debt\"\" is the most stupid of all of her ideas. And far left idea of free college is bigoted idea. No wonder conservatives call us \"\"elitists\"\". Who is going to pay for technical\/trade schools 4 those who are not \"\"book smart\"\"? Crazy!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NARRATOR VOICE: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pose figurines or Draw?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"News in Numbers: India to US is the busiest route for migration of skilled labourers, World Bank report says ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Hope you paid to use the image ...... and the appropriate tax of course. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She doesn\u2019t Jay, she\u2019s dead ! You only get one fuck up that bad, right ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Do you know why this shameless muslim socialist is still so arrogant and believes in himself thst he thinks he is such a good politician? I\u2019ll tell you why. So many \u201cStupid American Voters\u201d per Gruber that are so gullible!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ActuallyAmDolan: wen u look liek trash n sum1 complimentz u http:\/\/t.co\/5AgYHBTFXh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user i bet it will make sure nither mark&laura will be evicted this week ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i just woke up & to this lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Tried to comment @USER on his journalistic smear he made #JusticeClarenceThomas but for some reason he has BLOCKED 68yr old Christian Gmother who tweets occasionally when she sees the Injustice of Liberals & their #MSM to take every chance to attack an opposite opinion.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4.5 million kids in poverty a screwed up Universal Credit system Brexitshambles an Economy teetering on the brink ...the list is endless and the common factor > @user building a country fit for nothing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TripAdvisor Well if your \"coming home campaign\" means sending these illegitimate so called \"refugees\" home to wherever they came from, I say great! America is NOT their \"home\", they are NOT Americans and definitely not refugees! #SendThemHome #BuildTheWall #MAGA & F**K trip advisor! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TPP: Hollow Earth, Hollow Planets; Pt. 4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SHOCK CLAIM=> Dianne Feinstein Says She Was \u201cPressured\u201d to Release Fusion GPS Transcript \u2013 Immediately Backtracks http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/01\/shock-claim-dianne-feinstein-says-pressured-release-fusion-gps-transcript-immediately-backtracks\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no, he's still full fag with a good deed he can tuck under his arm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the sta of an adventure #xxfitness #weightloss #fitnessjourney #fitness #healthyliving\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"His word says without holiness no man can see God","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2016: \u201cPutin has tapes of Trump making whores pee on Obama\u2019s bed\u201d 2018: \u201cOh, we mean that Russia has a news station called RT that seeks to influence people\u201d What a fucking joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" https:\/\/lnkd.in\/eyfFQzM DID NOT SEE THIS ON JAN 11; #MAGA GOD BLESS @POTUS AND ALL WHO STAND WITH HIM: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"USE it ON them before they use it ON YOU! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" bihday raheel sharif... #have a great happy life. #may you have many more. #quetta online (aj)\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why? sounds like a joke that someone would kill such a brilliant girl with such a beautiful voice...:( #ripchristina","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" boob marathi nude women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" britishroyals: the queen & duke of edinburgh arrive at stpaulslondon for #queenat90 thanksgiving service \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is as dumb as she looks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Better Business Bureau in my area has a \"Scam\" segment they do on local news. This morning, it was about \"Reverse Mortgages.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How do I get on this immigration and refugee board? Seems like it\u2019s stacked. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user simba, it's 2 die for @user @user @user @user @user @user htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On a human level I feel bad for Joe Biden, even if he is a crook. He's been made to look an idiot in front of the whole world by the Democrats just so they can get Kamala Harris in through the back door because no one would vote for her.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its the crushing of the dream that hurt me the most","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We support you Dana in anything you do\u2014yes you are a heck of an actress. Thank you for fighting for us. NRA Proud. MAGA. BLESSINGS DANA. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Yes. Yes he is!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you think about it you are the one \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009b we love @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anonymous accused Booz Allen of working with\u00a0HBGary Federal\u00a0by creating a project for the manipulation of social media. Anonymous also accused Booz Allen of participating in intelligence-gathering and surveillance programs of the U.S. federal government and, as stated by Kukil Bora of the\u00a0Intrnl Business Times, \"possible illegal activities.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sessions is a religious fanatic who took immense glee in the separation of immigrant children ! He is racist and doesn\u2019t derserve to be in the office of power he is holding. Trump Sessions and Nielsen need to go!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lethal bird flu cocktail sent out of lab accidentally went unreported – CDC http:\/\/t.co\/MO2m6q3xTt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control and divorce though","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Less than one year ago #JonOssoff stood with #JohnLewis on National #VoterRegistration Day and affirmed his continued commitment to #CivilRights.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Vote your @ossoff![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#GASen #DemCastGA #VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE]#FlipTheSenate #VoteBlueTheWholeBallot[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/P8p7LFpAFb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These bitches on my brain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My manager @7FLyy new brand | PRE - ORDER NOW w\/\n (404) 394-1570  --> @sevenflyy \"Red Lust\" & \"Cherry White\" beanies http:\/\/t.co\/LxjMBCTgJj","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#eu in or out? with today's events, whatever happens now in the #referendum nothing will ever be the same again. a day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They just need to learn how to code. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i love it citation by confidentiellesofficial \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00e2\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u009c\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #sunday #afenoon #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this @user gets worse looking every time i come in. now no signs. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It's a trap. Conservatives know as soon as they go public they're on the termination list.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More about #metoo which is being used as a weapon by the left now in #Canada to fuck with our next election.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it\u2019s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#nazi #swastika #ebay! #trump #donaldtrump #republic#whitepower ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nigga then how can you say bo2 is the best Cod \ud83e\udd28 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user busy, busy, busy - doing what we love\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #cars #perfecttouch #hoddesdon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the ladies @user on fire with that idiot @user running for president. worse tragedies will happend if he wins! #theview","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I like how her boobs have the same mass as her belly XD ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My moms sitting 3 ft away from me talking bout me to my uncle. Immigrant parents dgaf \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"White people don't start altercations with blacks as a rule.\" how true you are. we went from regulating black criminality with lynchings and jim crow to generally being terrified of blacks and letting them run riot in 25 to 30 years. will anyone say blacks or whites are better off today?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's ok, your people will soon be sent back to your own nation where you can defecate in the streets\u00a0 til your little brown hearts content. It's just a matter of time...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"live the c.o.w.s \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0099\u00ef\u00b8\u008f compensatory call-in or 641.715.3640 code: 564943# iswar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"me and my girl pepper #dogs #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i forgot my oj this morning. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user By the way why don\u2019t you move to Haiti ? You liberals seem to make shit holes out of large cities. So go somewhere where it\u2019s already a shit hole so you don\u2019t have to do any work ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don\u2019t really understand how that\u2019s hard to pick from. #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #BidenHarris2020 #KamalaHarris","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not long until the summer ball #pchughesball ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ho Lee Fuk, Chinese restaurants in Canada have Sum Ting Wong with them. They are racist! \u00a0lol http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/food-drink\/2018\/04\/30\/toron...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is not a Dalit or a Muslim no need to remember ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Come up here and say somethin now you broke, beggin, fingers in the booty ass bitch' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I feel like I should be featured at this camp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user as #POTUS was the biggest threat to #freedomofpress and #truth that there has ever been. #TwoFaced self absorbed #Pompous #POS. Well @user is rebuilding the \"Arc of history\". #MoveOn #MoveForward #MAGA #PUR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gab, I was unfortunately involved in a serious car accident on my commute home yesterday evening. I stopped to avoid colliding with an accident in front of me causing an 18 wheeler to crush me into the car I just avoided, totaling my car in the process. I will be offline for a bit while I recover but will return soon. Your prayers are appreciated.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#joemixon #espn #minnesotavikings, and it \"goes without saying\", he's a #homophobe, too. #sucklahoma #oab\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1 illegal alien who opened the floodgates for millions more to follow. #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals #MAGA #USA #POTUS #Trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"come in, @user =fraud & documented #liar lost base after calling them #nazis #brownshi he's pivo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No, I'm brain Damaged, actually. Retention of new info not so good. Looks like good info however. I'm not able to get into it myself either way, but interesting! I like it! Thanks very much. Info is good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user and women have done the same over dick but ok girl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#selena #selenaquintanilla retweet if you're its #friday! #smileselenastyle! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She just keeps digging that \u201cwomen are stupid if they didn\u2019t vote for me\u201d hole deeper and deeper. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks to racists + fascist it's now 280,- + #fascism sucks! #refugeeswelcome \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so excited for tonight's 'making it happen' awards!!!!!!!! #nominee #mentalhealth @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"scientists are against ! but only if the child is less than 18 months old... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beg for your fingers inside my tight little pussy, i promise it's only wet for you. maybe i'll also beg you to choke me, or spa... don't think you've earned any of these things angel. demanding subs sigh only beaten by bratty su... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user liked Trump but he is too scared from democrats. Plus he is making millions making unprofessional short videos. Its pretty much like looting the liberals but legally ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Collins is not who she tries to make people believe she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/2OQtdr2qqcI ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beto or whomever move and support immigrantsilegals into your home","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"coming to arrowhead elementary for the 2016-2017 school year! #assistantprincipal #olentangy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Would that make him the equivalent of the Antifa March that started the violence there in the first place? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mark Zuckerberg is Chelsea Clinton's brother? OMGosh, it's a whole clan of Howdy Doodies! Ewwwww! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"staed my day out with a brief moment of yoga & breath. #peace","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm no Royalist, but they did not execute that baby. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh noes! Tough shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Beaker Browser may be the next level in free speech platforms. https:\/\/beakerbrowser.com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How is #AndrewGillum @user plan on paying for the Millions of #IllegalImmigrants that he plan on letting in? Are they coming to move in to #Americans\/#Democrats home who support #DACA or his own home.Lets hope he has enough space.#America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user One day I kiss you One day you are prince I bought ETH at 400$ And I lost my hardwallet in A place in my world You are one of A troll Love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gopro in place and ready to roll! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 #gopro #enduroriding #enduromode #filming #solo \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is awesome. #Cars #BumperStickers #Gab #GabFam @a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#StandwithICE #BackTheBlue #BuildThatWall Time to send the vacationing illegals back where they came from and start focusing on OUR dreamers! #DACAisWACA #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@seanhannity You mean 50 million DEMONCRATIC VOTERS[NEWLINE]#DrainTheSwamp [NEWLINE]#TRUMP2020 #BuildTheWall[NEWLINE]#SCAMDEMIC [NEWLINE]\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But muh white don't suffer anything!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Say it loud, say it clear, illegal #immigrants are not welcome here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil riyadh is renowned for some of the deadliest traffic in the world. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wrong 99 percent of the time she is in a bed or laying down suntanning all summer long she is bland like a dry piece of toast! ... carry on #BB20","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f3\u00be\u0094\u0097we are so to have poet & aist @user at this year's #freedomconference16!!!! you don't want... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ISIS Jihadis Discuss ‘Buying And Selling’ Yezidi Girls As Slaves http:\/\/t.co\/UoPgIPOpWS #tcot #pjnet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hahahahaha-sure-She\u2019s just a Spoiled Brat-and goes berserk when she\u2019s beaten-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#likesforfollows rooster simulation: i want to climb the vast expanse of mountains. it reached the leakage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If anyone knows anything please help she's going to end her life or she is already gone but if you know anything please URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Right?! I wanna know why she on the phone calling the police anyway? what did he do\"\"? Fuckin \"\"Run Me Over Rhonda\"\" lol\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"10 Oct 2018 - FBI director contradicts the liberal narrative about the Kavanaugh investigation - https:\/\/truepundit.com\/fbi-director-contradicts-the-liberal-narrative-about-the-kavanaugh-investigation\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The first person got it by having sex with animals..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Haha gotta be careful... be my luck I would wake up quick and knock myself out, or the damn thing would fall out and land right on my forehead","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why are white people #expats when the rest of us are #immigrants? #classism #imperialsm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#musicmonday attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Not surprising at all. The Trudeau \u201cLiberals\u201d have been using it to emotionally manipulate and divide Canadians since the beginning.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Naaa. I've spent 24 hours laughing my huge nuts off at your stupidity. You fink your some kind of entity but your all a bunch of scared antifa PUSSIES wiv no muscle to see anyone you try to bully. Even that is pathetic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But she\u2019s OK with killing babies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"spate of shootings in l.a. county leaves at least seven dead and five wounded - la times #and #ridiculous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/assets.hemmings.com\/uimage\/61406475-300-0@2x.jpg?rev=1\u00a01964 Apollo 5000GT > Powered by Buick's 300 ci (4.9L) 250 hp V8 - 0-60 mph (avg-7 Seconds) #GabFam @Zola7\u200d @mich_lis\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch \"Smug Leftist Exposed | Pseudo Intellectualism in Western Europe\" on YouTube https:\/\/youtu.be\/wpqBvnfPPWc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Groom Stopped Wedding Photographs To Save Teen From Drowning In Sea http:\/\/www.ladbible.com\/community\/inspirational-groom-stopped-wedding-photographs-to-save-a-teen-from-drowning-20180808","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's all about attitude. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racism is now front and center in trumpworld. these kkk folk are now out in the open. #kkk #trumpworld \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ministering: rev chris mbamalu topic: our time has come text: luke 1:80 #tdh #celebratejesusservice father'sday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts- FUCK liberals. Forever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On Gavin and The Proud Boy's ban, I think its most critical item to never understate is why those who censure people\u00a0and ideas they don't like do it, to begin with. Power and those who have it are funneled through an ever-expanding, almost holistic in nature lens.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whoever called my phone private bitch don't do it, you don't want it\ud83d\ude09 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eli is what he is at this point average at best","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bush 41 was a faggot and a pussy.\u00a0 SHIT PRESIDENT! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Like shooting in a pressurised cabin. Don\u2019t know we\u2019re it\u2019ll end up. I\u2019d suggest you run a train on some slag indoors. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bro is just rippin apart a bird about 10 feet from us.. #redtail #hawk http:\/\/t.co\/tjAnr2pB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/usa-today-writer-calls-on-twitter-to-ban-trump-because-he-was-mean-to-cnn\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That and racist!\" Imagine if it was a black woman that accused him of the same. I should probably keep that to myself because i can see some Dems seeing this somehow and thinking \"how can we make this even worse on Kavenaugh? Got it!\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thanks for the #countryjam tickets @user so !!! #funinthesun \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The IRS won't know about your Monero wallet but they will know about the money you spend using the card and if you haven't paid your taxes you will be in trouble.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#clarity #walk #positive #sunny #thursday smile and take a walk it help clears up a lot.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"22 kids a day. Every day. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WE know that mate just have a look at the UK and you can see what Uncontolled Immigration has done! Fucked up a once great country!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER btw haven't heard about ANTIFA lately since Soros ran off without paying them after their violent riots across the US","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my hea goes out to all affected by this act of terrorism. #yyc #orlandoshooting #orlandonightclubshooting #terrorattack #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i just waited frickin 25 minutes for chicken. and they messed up the order, and charged me too much. what the hell man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I thought this was SNL. The last guy is wearing a fucking beanie with the mindmill on itS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user good mornin' peeps! up early. on my way to tassie! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0081 #tasmania #tassie #longweekend #travel #yay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of Citizens descended from pioneers who wrote the Constitution to secure the blessings of Liberty for themselves and for their Posterity, for us.\" - Buzz Mohawk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why adding a citizenship question on the census will hurt red states @user --> \"A census that fails to capture their growing immigrant populations is a census that hamstrings the economic vitality of cities and towns in conservative America.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how the @user made grandma sad. #grandma, #lottery ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck you I\u2019ll put hot sauce on a slice of pizza again for you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol!!!! https:\/\/finance.yahoo.com\/news\/time-inc-posts-loss...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need to be able to keep my articles on point and not hit a dozen narratives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany: African migrants attacked kids playing football, Angry parents with Iron bars came to teach them a lesson \"Do not touch my child\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The Institution only let her tweet when she behaves. She is a Window Licker!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe biden is fucking disgusting\ud83d\ude32\ud83d\ude20","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes ..shit just move with the wind \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02she just keep blessing us \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@AllAboutManFeet: http:\/\/t.co\/3gzUpfuMev\" woof woof and hot soles","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER that was what was observed INITIALLY. any interest in covering how the opposite has occurred since then according to all research and that it ended up being a smart marketing strategy? better make another When ANTIFA attacks\" video as 3 college kids yell in a cafeteria instead.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"English classes are one of our most popular programs that we offer. Some refugees learn English because they hope they will be resettled in English-speaking countries. For others, learning English opens up new opportunities here in Jordan. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let's call it a gravestone, #feminism. You peaked 2017. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I love the way this pisses off liberals. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Woah somebody told me that \"someone\" was disappointed with bts pumas shoes. Ok but bitch wut? Why? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m kinda disappointed in this election cycle.[NEWLINE]Race is the only 4 year hype issue the Demonrats are pushing. Where\u2019s the gun control, abortion and immigration?[NEWLINE]So lame.[NEWLINE]#TrumpPence2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BBC stop with your blatant and biassed backing of the Conservatives. Theresa May didn't hit back she was out on her feet and her responses were scripted, robotic to say the least. She is the worst\" leader along with the worst government the country has ever had.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathers day from the #otherside #ghostasylum #ghosthunting #gopro #staup #scienceproject #paranormal #mit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Frankly, you couldn't PAY me to take a picture with either one of these D-Bags! #justsaying\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Arkonix Mining Review-- Legit Cloud Mining or Significant Fraud? - https:\/\/hotmlmcompanies.com\/arkonix-mining-review\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER John Kerry is a swamp rat nothing more nothing less CNN we all know is the clown news network","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@clairecmc It's beautiful!!! - Now do Obama #Trump2020 #KAG2020 #MAGA2020 #WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever #BidenIsAPedo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Several months ago someone on the Q research board asked Q to have Trump say \"tippy top\" as an affirmation of Q to the anons. He used that term (rather awkwardly) while kicking off the WH Easter egg hunt. So this didn't involve Twitter. Was this a coincidence?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are a member of 40 years aren\u2019t you? Surely that means he abused you? I mean I know you don\u2019t understand idioms but this is next level ignorance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Impeach Trump and #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jackpot: when you realized why bears love blackberries #yummy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dude. What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU? I sent you a direct tweet to show you how you re-tweet your OWN shit. Then I let it go. Now you want to double down? Just go back to Whoviille ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats = Thugs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #loveeeeee #rains #makes #me & smile \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bf\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!!!!! THE UGLY FACE OF LIBERALS! I FEEL SORRY FOR THE INNOCENT HONEST ONES THAT ARE JUST BRAINWASHED! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"transsexy naked boob ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sharia May is to set up a new unit to deal with fake news . Stupid woman , if she wants to stop fake news , just shut down the BBC .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I demand *PROOF*!!! I'm not racist, at all...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just ordered two spf15 with bronzes and lip balm #australiangold","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"winston basking in the sun \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb #kittycat #cute #sunbathing #summer #tabby #lovehim #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER My coworker has a sick ass one for work","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when i say niggas ain't shit smh they aint shit!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"many returns of the day! bihdayameeshapatel @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trick question, they're the same.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because across the country everyone recognizes high handed authoritarian gerrymandering and democratic subversion. Only self serving Ontario conservatives\"\" speak for this.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are 20X the trader I am lol I\u2019m screwed but I have a tight stop. I\u2019ll let it ride!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ASASZ42032136 @Allenmartin316 @RRalstonAgile @stevethomma Joe Biden is a weak weak man in many ways. Jimmy Carter by half. 1\/2 of America literally can't stand Kamala today. Women will hate on her viciously. Enjoy the shit sandwich.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Freedom of Speech News from Germany: German conservative party AfD to chair the Judicial Committee of German Parliament Bundestag, the hatespeech law which came into effect January 1, 2018 will now be examined thoroughly, says Mr Baumann of the AfD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This one is tough. It\u2018s too easy to hold a grudge but fucking hard to let go. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He does!! There is so much baggage with this corrupt bum. Not surprising that almost all police chiefs (except for the blue south Florida counties) have endorsed Desantis. He has Hitlary down here campaigning, Soros shoveling money into his corrupt pockets, FBI investigations ongoing for bribery! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"haha! you mean over 800? for the last 2 months with no more? ok i'm sad now #anime #kawaii #funny #lol #comedy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The circle pad on my Pikachu 3DS broke, so it looks like I'm gonna have to send it to Nintendo to get it repaired. :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think it\u2019s fair to include .org in \u201cnot weird\u201d.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Muhhhhh privilege? Excuse me? IM OFFENDED!! HATE SPEECH!!! But of course you dont see the slippery slope.And yes, the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech. If you choose to get offended by shit, I suggest you get a backbone and grow the f*ck up you pussy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Do it with quran and then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ... Lord krishna and his followers don't care","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER josh as slave leia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please stop! You're making it TOO EASY for right-wing conservatards to mock those of us on the Left! #NotHelping","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Bridget that's another Crazy One! Absolutely correct! She is a Mess! and what she did to our President with the Head in her hand! She should have gone to Jail for that! She is a MONSTER! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if i were to die and be resurrected as an animal id be a howler monkey","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The left have become a bunch of thugs. #NancyPelosi #chuckschumer","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#hokkaido #love#\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 2016.06.12~2016.06.18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Childish and unprofessional.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Deep state making it's move... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TeamJoe @JoeBiden I\u2019m in Waxhaw NC and I have already voted #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Mann i ain\u2019t that smoove booty like you gee \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude06\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Useful idiots for international communism just like antifa today. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Beware USA + Europe from illigal immigration ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yo @e\u200d you jumping on this Gitlab bandwagon? You think I'd be better off setting up Jira in-house?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are take stupid to a whole new supersized level","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love how you think the video I showed isn't the straight of Dover when one can easily determine it is.\u00a0 You're a screw loose.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user same culture gave us terrorist, same culture assassinated Hindu rape Hindu woman like Ba\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Perfect example of a country with gun control. I bet those guys were happy the criminals didn\u2019t have guns.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"doing nothing tonight except #bingewatching #oitnb orange is the new black #netflix \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/SMdBxo3FEJw\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, they teach massage in drama school at Yale. Also, I thought it was a little odd that she said Harvey 'commanded her to obey'. That doesn't sound like how someone would talk. http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2017\/10\/20\/weinstein-made-a...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bro they were laughing into her face and almost pissing their pants and i was standing beside it like wtf mind ur own business ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hope they continue to crash @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user STFU!!! Precious, nobody GAF about anything u complaining for god sake, get a life. I sure miss any or all past presidents at leats they knew how to be real men and not complaint all day long like menopausal women #hotflashtrump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow... She is destroying the life of a guy. She has filed a case. Her father ia going to court and she has not get any summons. If she had already stretched this. Seems like she has done something wrong. Police shld take the matter forward. Whoever is guilty shld b punished. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user eats entire bags of dicks. Like, seriously. I've seen him eat an entire bag of disembodied cocks. He's a ravenous cunt m8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It really is unbelievable that he feels it\u2019s ok to call citizens worse than deplorable. He\u2019s nuts. No wonder ppl are running to Reps. He obviously thinks he is way better than us. Time to go away Mr. Biden! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#FireMorningJoe he is cut from the same cloth as all other conservatives. His misogyny and bigotry are always on display. He is responsible for Trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's Jordanetics Week at the Daily Meme Wars, where we'll be applying Dr. Jordan Peterson's anti-nationalist philosophy of extreme atomic individualism to some of the great moments in history. Today, we have General Peterson's advice on how to win a war.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ennuitimes clever monkey!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user well said! #staywoke ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Michael Cohen raid rattles Trump allies: Did feds seize president's communications?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Question: Hows that gun control laws up the ass they have working out for them?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#goodmorning #baby @user & 6 month #bihday !! it's #cupcake time \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"take control of your #life ! set #goals ! be ! \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #lifestyle #fitness #health ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Damn straight he is. Nothing but good vibes coming through November \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wait you don't know who she is? Oh boy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Uh, well- Too Bad. #IllegalAliens #ImaginaryRules #Snowflake #Snowjob #BuildKatesWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even the rape of a Muslim woman is almost impossible to prove under strict Islamic law Sharia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bruh & are nothing new... that whole #deltaairlines debacle would've went down\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.nydailynews.com\/news\/politics\/ny-news-rudy-muller-pardons-trump-manafort-20180615-story.html\u00a0Somebody tell him to Shhhhh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Hungary treats \"refugees\" as suspected ISIS terrorists - No one gets asylum - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another liberal Democrat promising checks he cant cash ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@sleepy_yongguk: \"I saw an ajumma walk out in the beginning saying, 'Wow, this is so trash that I can't even listen to it..'\" 😂\" lmaoo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" africanchildday i hope you are all #healthy #blessed i wish i can meet you ans help you one day! i truly love you :) @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This girl lied about her upbringing and every time she opens her mouth it shows how foolish she is. Yet she is still a superstar for the left ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user B.S. How much fake data has big pharma fed you. You are penalizing adults who vaping has helped. You have a far bigger problem with teen alcohol sales and flavored wine coolers. Try reading a legit study. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A hypocritical stance.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Fuck that a bitch needs to have more class you cant act a ass because someone liked a tweet about you it dont matter who you are! #nyfw is not the place to decide to be about that life and run up and throw shoes. What Cardi Did wasnt the issue WHERE it was done was the issue! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fine bitch just come the fuck here !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sister time...#sisteime #sisters #park #sunshine #smiles #reunited #grass #jewelry\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Belgian land whale? Lay off the waffles woman.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is virtue signaling playing with young minds. He also thinks he can weaponise it in an attempt to stop Brexit. @user is a disgraceful vile man to be honest he doesn't care who or what he uses to get what he wants. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get you some money you too old to be gossiping like a lil bitch for a broke hoe y'all niggas real life faggots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that special moments where you have everything around you! #family #familia ness \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They embraced Antifa. Career killer. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Anne Coulter. Oh, and Jack Abramoff. You kids were stupid enough to be courted by Conservatives\" when they showed up on U.S. campuses, back in '80. So, there's two...\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy father's day! #fathersday #fathers #yeg #yeggers #edmonton","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER At least brennan is smart enough to recognize that Trump is a lion. He's not smart enough to know that he can't hurt Trump. Hurting Trump is what that idiot fantasies about.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" livelypics: sometimes you just got to be strong. it may hu and you may shed a few tears, but everything's going to be alright. #m\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@freddy_steddy @LewisJJr @steelerschic_85 The country needs to send a message to trump. These other parties have no chance of winning. This election just too important and doesn\u2019t need thinking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People have their interpretations of reality.\u00a0 You can view that as deception or as simply making statements.\u00a0 It depends on\u00a0 how well it aligns or conflicts with your point of view - I get that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IHateStevenSing\nI ain't to show bout dem colored diamonds you talk about on da radio. \nAny diamond you gets from a colored be stolen","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not really schizophrenic! I think the voices are just trying to trick me into thinking I am! \u00a0 I'm writing my own Unauthorized Biography about it.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Nearly made me contribute to Antifa and join Facebook. Nearly. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No Bones about it,,, He's got Talent @! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They are false. This is what the democRATs do best. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yeah man fuck feminism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Good Morning! I just followed you back! Let's give these crazy Liberals Hell!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Evidently they don't care that their study\"\" is flawed from the start. They just parrot the misleading info from Everytown & all the other leftist gun control addicts\/sites.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its 100% bullshit. When establishment on both sides of the isle agree its always bad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because he covers things up very well!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Any argument with liberals is same as forcing water through the steel. Their brains are contaminated and the process of healing seems impossible for them. Don't waste you precious time and words on them. These are not reasonable people. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bellator heavyweight, ratings king kimbo slice dead at 42 @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"girl#bestfriends #@user @user #missyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My absentee ballot came in the mail today. Don\u2019t forget to vote now, or on Nov. 3! .[NEWLINE].[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#iamavoter #voteforchange #votelikeyourlifedependsonit #bidenharris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/GhB8Qr6plL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigga hatin on me you pussy boy dont start it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 #whitepeople? all 2 cou. no media coverage. or wp were victims and feared for their lives. maybe probation. #blackperson. who??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hitler would be so proud of David Hogg URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user And if you think some whore blowing a guy to get a part in a movie is rape?\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is way beyond stunning. @USER give the word stunning a whole new meaning .@USER #Q #QAnon #MAGA #QArmy #WWG1WGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Teenager accused of molesting 17 children at school and YMCA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user so sad :( one of my favorite shows! any news when the new season stas? love you guys! \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rocking my new hair style.yoruba babe to de core sunday folks # ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How you take half naked pics but you not a hoe? Smh fake ass bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE EPIC UNLEASHING OF TRUMP\u2019S WRATH IS SOON TO BE SEEN \u2013 BANNED VIDEOS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"funny how you read someone's tweets and you feel like you've known this person all your life... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why shouldn\u2019t we be surprised when someone who promotes ANTIFA violence in public is suddenly accused of violence\/domestic violence etc?!!?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So your in favor of gun control because that\u2019s what Switzerland has? Am I correct in saying that?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #music puts its accent to your feelings, when you're #happy or and most of the #time gives answers to your wounded\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"silence is a source of great strength. lao tzu #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ha good meme queer fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER if she were a true Krishn bhakt she wouldn't even care about presence or absence of such laws... she would be above such issues... a typical Chandigarh mentality of one up manship she is caged in... call her anything but Krishn bhakt.. like who cares about what she is doing ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@hodlDRGN Not interested in secrets my friend. Secrets always turn out to be just ideas. We all have a hundred a day. They have zero value. If I'm wrong, and you have a product, then please correct me. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/f3sz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BillClinton Can't wait to hear more about a corrupt loser who should be in prison, excited![NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Because he didn\u2019t do any think Sorry that not true you and Obama screw the American people when ever you could!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hundreds of people returned to their cars to find $200 parking fines from the\u00a0City of Perth\u00a0after attending the Anzac Day dawn service at Kings Park this morning.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*a shooting happens in a country with gun control laws for the first time in literally decades* Y'all: BUT THE GUN LAWS SHOULD'VE PREVENTED THIS UNGA BUNGA THIS IS WHY GUN CONTROL SUCKS BET YOU DUMMIES WISH YOU HAD GUNS *meanwhile another school shooting happens in America* ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #IllegalAliens ? Seriously? Sounds like yet another reason that people are selling or selling short $TWTR stock. Good example of power corrupting. Twitter and Dorsey have abandoned any attempt to act like they support #FreeSpeech ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Should have used a 44 magnum to make a real statement! And people like this teach our kids? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"don't be sorry, be better.\" #godofwar #e32016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"two bots one girl @user @user @user #tcot #p2 #feminism #sjw #sjwlogic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DonnyTheMessiah @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are on board a ship that sinks. Who survives? AMERICA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do it shithouse","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER By 'democracy' of course he means the Democrat party.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @grind2times: I don't think I even been in a real relationship...i thought they was real but they were just trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not sure Americans would be to enamored with the idea of being slaves to jews, who think they're living gods. Christians god is very different than jews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope she stays safe and she is a brave soul. I'm on the coast of NC and will be staying put for now. I am scared but I can't leave without my hubs. He has to stay and man the prison he works for. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is change in the air. Mainstrem media is even calling violent Iraqi by his immigration status ... REFUGEE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Find the guilty bastards, hang them from their balls and spin them!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why do affluent liberals like Cooper who claim to support diversity usually live in areas without much diversity?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a true idiot!! Really scary people will vote her to DC in November!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@charliekirk11 \u201cAmerican voters DONT DESERVE to KNOW what I\u2019m gonna do to the USA!\u201d says China Joe Biden[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]BIDEN PLAN = He wants to turn the USA into a BANANA REPUBLIC but won\u2019t tell you what he\u2019s gonna do w\/ RADICAL KAMALA until \u2018after\u2019 you vote him in???[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]OK Joe YEAH SURE we trust you...\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 https:\/\/t.co\/5eYcPIpI79","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very Important!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Figures! What is wrong with these idiots? Thank God for @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dems would rather ILLEGAL ALIENS keep swarming in #BuildTheWallNow #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #TrumpTrain2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 100% he is the Messi of goalkeeping GOAT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A lovely African Rapefugee strikes again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Find a voice? The voice they have is their choice to say no to having unprotected sex ... it's not just pregnancy women need to worry about it's STDS and HIV also ... Being responsible for your sexual safety is important ... In the age of #metoo you should already know this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user my hometown \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" black women demonic porn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What a crap she is?.......total publicity seeker. Since when tearing apart The Bhagwad Gita is symbol of changing India and why Bhagwad Gita .........if u have guts show here tearing apart Kuran and Bible too #Intellectualidiot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i can't believe how big my sons thing is already lmao ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"senseless killings all over the world almost daily. proliferation of guns still a worldwide nightmare. may the families find strength. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lolol God he is such an a**hole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Agreed but add traitor to that list as well ok, thank you @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user U better stop supporting Amnesty! #NoAmnesty #NODACA #NOVisaLottery #NOChain #EVerify #VoterIDNOW #MeritBasedOnly #NORefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Political hit job. What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused. You liberals know this is a hit. Your leader @user told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power. Pathetic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user utterly #loved seeing #team @user @user @user to say #goodbye to #wonderful victoria \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080thanks #g\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The US (nor Canada) is not \"a nation of immigrants.\" That's a myth Liberals use to justify anyone wanting to enter the US illegally. Arrogant immigrant Liberals like you have a sense of entitlement and believe you have a right to live in t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe because you\u2019ve provided a play form for hate groups with no criticism or criticism-lite while bashing antifa with zero analysis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Soooooounds like an AWESOME plan !!! Next he\u2019s gonna be pulling money from Medi-care & Pensions to pay for all the Golf Cart Rentals for his @user detail that watches him struggle to stay on the fairways on all the Golf Weekends he swore \u201che\u2019d NEVER have time for\u201d #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user The conservatives are winning because of a turn coat liberal? So you're admitting cons are failed libs? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I want to make clear I don't think gun control\"\" is the answer people are looking for as far as gun violence is concerned. I do find that people should focus on mental health and bullying in schools if they want to address the root of the problem.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #smileyong along with #kingconrad @user make me go through hell @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER no prob!!! She is really well made!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You think it's just antifa who stands up against fascists? All decent people will. Look through history. The flabby bigots will run with their tails between their legs like that always do.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It was like BHO released a cancer virus on the people of the U.S. intentionally.#InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #FireRosenstein #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPlannedParenthood #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #BoycottNetflix #NationalReciprocity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this cold brew with #vanillasweetcream from @user is hella amazing!!!! try it. trust me. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0080\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bf\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #coffee #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8 #ootd#wiwt#metoday#fwis#fashion #swag#fringe#dayoff#goodday #love #japan#tokyo#beautifu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"straight a's this semester \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #proud ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Isnt the NRA that propaganda pushing corporate lobby group that cares about profits and only profits? No idea who the rest of these crackpots are. That guy looks like he has an AR15 stuck up his ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"obama is referring to trump he is using this tragic moment to be political vs. being a leader #pulseshooting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Indeed, in the UK the security services put plants in patriotic\/anti jihad\/anti rapefugee protests. The plants give Nazi salutes in front of press photographers, voil, that protest movement is finished ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \/\/Anime is a gag series. The manga is bloody as fuck. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user whatever i dont need ur permission to rape u anyways bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You think it's just antifa who stands up against fascists? All decent people will. Look through history. The flabby bigots will run with their tails between their legs like that always do. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You are Fake News. The USA and Texans Hate You. Now Fuck off.\u00a0 @a @wocassity","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Need More Guns!\u00a0 Ammo Too!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yeah. Well you don't deserve to be free! Funny how this started on slaves and ended up on you wanting to be one! Be sure and thank the Dems for creating the KKK and ANTIFA! Their contributions to the fabric of American politics. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"words of wisdom #life #reality #clarity #gratitude #wisdom #wednesdaywisdom #positive \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"sometimes you have to cry in order to smile in the end.\" i'm definitely smiling. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she is beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You wanna find hoes on here? Just follow the chicks who reply with heart eyes under sex gifs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.birminghammail.co.uk\/news\/midlands-news\/teen-sex-slave-raped-nine-14428485 Lets guess who who the perpetrators are......NO SHIT SHERLOCK, it was the muslims \u201cagain\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user mayb he just is disgusted by me cause he never texted me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lots of cavs fans so classy trolling bay area media. typical cleveland life i guess ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user My friend @user did his face on the girl pics. Hysterical! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you won't wash down your Plan B with my cum, you're not the girl for me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER A national treasure she is. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER His mouth goes to one side all smirky and shit and I don\u2019t like it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rep. agrees w-Sebastian Kurz regarding Turkey. Visa-free status or EU membership would be an absolute disaster.Erdogan a global tyrant who flooded Europe w-aggressive male migrants, helped destabilize Syria and supported Islamic extremists.#Visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A woman who accused US rapper Nelly of rape has asked the police to stop their investigation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here we go again. A population of trapped refugees under attack by the state that exiled them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheRock @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris Wow an overpaid celebrity giving advice, as if he lives in the real world with the rest of us. \ud83e\udd71\ud83d\ude44 #defundhollywood #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There it is! \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like the message but she looks like a dude. That tells me she\u2019s looking for attention","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think other countries are following MAGA \ud83d\ude00 People are sick of being overrun & then have to pay for it all!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is no dignity in defeatism, there is no honour in appeasement, only an undignified, dishonourable end","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She\u2019s trolling to fuck with you cause some of y\u2019all be quick to call mfs coons for minor disagreements","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chewing gum #gum #seat #litter #blue #arriva ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This another case of youtube's banning someone who offers facts instead of feelings. Help her get the word out! https:\/\/bombardsbodylanguage.com\/2018\/05\/27\/banned...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are cum","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dragons den day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Burundi opposition party @user sent the following letter to UN SG @user MSD alerts the UN on the harassment and dire humanitarian conditions of Burundian refugees who are in Tanzania. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feminsts and sjws gets owned! Cringe Compilation! 2017! https:\/\/youtu.be\/_brlSXRilLg Core Media Published on Oct 21, 2017 SJW Getting Owned - FEMINIST CRINGE COMPILATION 2017\u263a(SJW vs LOGIC) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER LMAO man people were talking so much shit yesterday. Any comment Marvel stan twitter? Moe overused Thanos jokes or... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"the education of public servants is a critical pa of the path forward...\" so true. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm +5 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are becoming the court jester of the senate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#gardaland #fun #fomento #rollercoster @ gardaland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And that Asian dude poked his dick in this bitch's cunt...where it didn't belong ...js ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don\u2019t believe in facts just feelings","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I wouldn't put my wm on it if I didn't ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user people move to another state and expect to get different results. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah we need some more made up bullshit protestors and antifa lol time for an epic beatdown\ud83d\ude09 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"these @user pendilinos make even me feel sick!! argh!! haha. get wifi please mr. branson!! #london ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Apparently this POS doesn\u2019t know that Viacom bought out BET. It went from black ownership to white ownership\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm sure he doesn't call his gated community's private security firm Bull Connors\" though. It's funny: Now liberals LOVE privatization of police!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IG report out now.... https:\/\/static01.nyt.com\/files\/2018\/us\/politics\/20... #Q #Cockroaches #DNC\u00a0 #TheShitShowIsHere","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER vs Antifa. I know who my money\u2019s on. But seriously this is such a stupid thing to do. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I might have to start doing that. Those instructions are crazy long","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Calling conservatives hillbillies...hmmm that\u2019s original. Funny how many \u201cpoor hillbillies\u201d you tweet about have incomes and IQ\u2019s 4 times higher than you. Your humour sucks btw. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In a symposium in Hambach\/Germany the former banker Sarazin says Europe will get destroyed by refugees. They will cost many money without sucess. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pals. \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ain't no rain going to stop us. #bbq #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER All he is missing are the inmate number","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When Hollywood powerhouses accuse you of rape, you have a problem. When you help make them powerhouses, you became the problem! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user donkey #zionazis proud of murdering real palestinian semitic children - thats what i call #antisemtism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Let me check your ass out with my cock ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is ridiculous...UNBELIEVABLE !!! So this fine young man is now dead because of a stupid reason .... come on !!!!! Gun control is the solution y'all so many innocent people got killed because of guns\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 This has to stop ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pray for bran stark ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be . @user #wedn\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lily's current outfit of choice \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #baby #lily #fluffysocks #dressup #butterfly #backpack \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You bet it has. England is doomed. Liberals everywhere are destroying our lives by collaborating with Muslims. The Royal Family bloodline mixes with Muslims going way back. Do you think this is an accident? Read this: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I been feeling like this 4 a while but thought it was bad because she's happy but BITCH YOU HAVE OTHER JOBS 2 DO!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heavy snow in the Alps. Many turists have to wait and there are accidents. Illigal refugees which like to stroll over the Alps have heavy problems - nobody can rescue them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user being #sexy is all about having the right attitude \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 #swag #teen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake announced on Sunday that he doesn\u2019t feel comfortable voting to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before hearing from the woman who accused him of sexual assault. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you're a right-winger, how could you not be excited at the prospect of a civil war split down ideological lines?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#hamzayusuf apologists be like ... #ris #jetlagged @ doubletree by hilton london\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Go back to Canada you freak.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"REALLY IRRITATING THAT THEIR WAGES ARE ASTRONOMICAL JUST TO RINSE REPEAT THE HORRIBLE MISTAKES OF PREVIOUS OVERPAID WANKERS.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER WTF??! SHE IS ONE.... I did say I hope trumps doc rots off but nobody noticed... oh yah I tagged him too... I better tone down the dick falling off. It will happen soon enough!!!!\ud83e\udd2d\ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Didn't me too woman molest a young boy. And the next day they were forgiving her. Hypocrisy thrives in celebrity circles.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tcot #MAGA Complacency kills. Vote in November URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Great Ghetto' where hundreds of migrant labourers are living in southern Italy as they strike ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pence\u2019s Handling of COVID Is Straight Out of the Christian Right Playbook https:\/\/t.co\/5VUqmTVkmi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...Author For Intelligence Community Assessment and placed Dossier Material into Obama's Daily Briefing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Specifically, it's a decentralized, fatwa-based religion of conversion by force, which seeks to eradicate rival religions. The cultural overlap with Islam is not an accident.\u00a0https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/articles\/2018\/08\/p...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ToysRUs #Sad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"19. Probably John Adams. I'd love a chance to talk to a founding father and ask them about gun control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user sad to say, probably a parent that doesn't even care. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"you're the only person who can make you . you're as happy as you choose to be.\" -rick warren ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's \"Ax the Pink Tax\" (FOR THE LAST TIME), by Shoe0nHead ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't stop watching this one minute lefty roast by #NRA 's #DanaLoesch! She slays them! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'(T)he pope has, by his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia...effectively upheld 7 heretical positions...and has caused these heretical opinions to spread in the Catholic Church.' http:\/\/mahoundsparadise.blogspot.com\/2017\/09\/it-wa...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The beauty of #TheView is that no one pretends not to be a leftist. @user #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sad: pm dawn dead at 46 #rip #pmdawn #music #rnb #soul #deep #sound #restinpeace ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wtf @user @user @user #propaganda rant by @user inveed aussie flag w\/muslim cresc\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go away skank. Go back to Pluto, or wherever in hell you came from. #AlertTheDayCareStaff #FlushTheToilet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Thats perfectly true. Torys and Labour are different but pretty much extreme it looks like normality doesnt exist anymore. None of them is even able to name the problem as it is how can they solve anything. Not that liberals would be that much better","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00a8#whitegenocide #bigot telling white students they don't deserve to live is the reason won't die!!\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00a8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That moment you completely realise that you've been rolling with a whore but you knew a hint bout it before @user Bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"International law enforcement operation disrupts Shylock banking malware - PCWorld: International law enforcem... http:\/\/t.co\/NPVP80gFh6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Awesome tweet. You bring out the best in people and you are appreciated. Thanks for yesterday's many live updates and live coverage and that was just one news story! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do your dance, grandma's #herbalofthemonth is 50% off: #honeysuckle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"#wisdom is a tree of life to those who eat her fruit; is the man who keeps on eating it.\" proverbs 3:18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't these PIGS have a job? Don't these SLOBS have a life? Where is there outrage against bill clinton keith ellison harvey weinstein THESE PROTESTERS ARE HYPOCRITES! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"North and South Korea Agree to \u2018Complete Denuclearization,\u2019 End of Korean War ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Youknow me bro. I ain\u2019t no cuck faggot. I just wanna know what the winds of change are saying. I never read siege. Not because I wouldn\u2019t. \u00a0But because I didn\u2019t. If they are satanist faggot terrorists they can suck a dead dogs dick.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user even worse then that you can spout such ignorant one-sided crap then! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I like that they aren't mincing around with her. I do not understand why she is denying doing porn. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ahh yes we are cause some woman who comes out 30 some years later cant be believed. Where was this liberal outrage when the guy from Minnesota was accused of beating his wife. Silent on that one libs god you hypocritical liberals make me sick","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"What do you mean you\u2019re not going to pay our bills? America always pays our bills. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aw, ya had ta mention it...#HangTheBitches","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jokes on you \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #suicidesquad #thejoker #2016 #jaredleto ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuckkk \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I know I seen bitch that\u2019s a slapper lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am well aware, but diversity makes life interesting. If we all look, and act the same, it makes for a boring world ! I\u2019m not anti any race, but there\u2019s a lot to be said for purity of all races.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And...and...ALL of the EU Libtards think that Trump is The Dictatorship...well now...it seems you all are living under a Communistic Government .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@wienerherzog Perfect stock photography for an article about not letting a leprechaun-looking handyman get into your liquor cabinet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Further proves antifa members are larping...you clowns not John Wick and this not Imagination Land.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the historian whitewashing ukraine\u00e2\u0080\u0099s past #ukraine #volodymyrviatrovych #history #whitewashing #jews #nazis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER There are no principled conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we can't all #live forever? the #drug #companies won't let us... #goodread #goodbook #bookclub","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Looks like ANTIFA thugs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I remember back when there was the big sit in\"\" by the Democrats. They tried to push through 4 gun control laws. Republicans responded by putting forth 4 of Their Own. Democrats voted against everything Republicans put forward. Instead of accepting compromise, they voted against\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear if you idiots actually vote this dude Biden into office, y\u2019all are dumber than I thought. #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER @user and @user MP @user praises the 'innovative #publicsector thinking' of @user this week in @user If Britain is to prosper in the 21st century, it is through embracing the #digital economy\"\" \u27a1\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"alabama victoria secret shoppers face racial discrimination (video) #cwt... via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facebook first, then Amazon & Twitter. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @steviegarcia11: Here come wiggas soft tweets.. 😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That was not bought in store! Black market merchandise. Yet Libs want to crack down on legal owners? Typical delusion. #Rifle #NRA #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.[NEWLINE]We can stop hearing his lies by voting him out of office.[NEWLINE]#VoteBidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#wtpBlue https:\/\/t.co\/qS6EEs4uKO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we all #dream of a better life. but when that dream consumes your day, your #humanity begins to slip away, leaving you , #tired & alone!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And hypocrite flies in his private jet around the world? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol. I hate to be \"that girl,\" but the image was a bit of a shock.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ThomasWictor My Girl's Pussy - Robert Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders https:\/\/youtu.be\/AcwW2L0rCN4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@deepthroatMike: \"@Boys_South: Take me for a ride 😍💋 http:\/\/t.co\/H5mAtjYfGA\"#redneck\" woof woof","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If the media stop reporting what happens on The View\"\" perhaps it will disappear from view. If Conservative America wanted to know what those imbalanced voices had to say we would watch it. The rest of us are busy watching the sidewalk for poop put there by Hollywood liberals.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at my grandmother's shloshim (my grandmother died thiy days ago) #rip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anothr #bloated #jerodtwin #colluder #angrygaymafia #koolaid #guzzling #hasbeen #failure #flushed\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00bd\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bad behavior like that is never acceptable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">Hitler was gaaaay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HOES BE WANTING YOU TO FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY AND BE MADD SO BAD! BITCH NOBODY WORRIED BOUT YOU...... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I fully support Antifa. I give them money. White nationalism is cancer in a proudly multicultural society. It should be illegal. It is in Germany. We had two wars over this issue. White nationalists lost both. We are done with this discussion. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm loving this rain! hope it hangs around a while \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #rain #water #tbt #me #weather #bribieisland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why? What can an individual do to thwart a collective. Let's take it to the logical conclusion. You have a mob, a collective of 500 Marxists with pitchforks. As an individual you are powerless. Care to rebut the argument or just ad hominem attack \"oh that's stupid\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I nominate this guy for a foreign relations position. http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/jerusalem\/2017\/10\/30\/un-t...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After the tournament I saw the Statue of Liberty and did the \"Hard Times\" tour at the @user experiencing the lives of two immigrant familes during the Depression. Essential reminders of this country's history and what we have fought for: Liberty and Justice for All. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/Lm_3sJ8CRuU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yay! thanks for letting me know. my pa will be a very happy man! :-) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i remember when my phone battery lasted 48 hours. now it's literally dead in like 3 hours. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER One added me to a \u201cliberals I\u2019d like to slaughter\u201d last month. That was fun","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"selfie backstage\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #aboutlastnight #orchestra #conce #musiciansontheroad #smile #lifeisgood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The legal tangle around the Trans-Mountain pipeline approval process https:\/\/quotulatiousness.ca\/blog\/2018\/09\/01\/the-le...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dude.. Why r u trolling Ash rock z? \ud83d\ude01.. He is our guy.. Just in a hurry to see bjp govt in state.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5 years is not enough. hanning is accused of bein an accessory ta the murder of 170,000 people in auschwitz. an ss guard from 1942-44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Whereas you are almost a year late in trying to demonstrate you give a toss about women\u2019s rights + needs under the law. You are a disgrace + an embarrassment to #Keele + the legal profession Alex. Prioritising the rights of sexual predators over their victims damages us > ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#meneither! She is a liar. Clear as day a liar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is what we want?no,it's not fair. #gaypride #orlandounited ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is why we follow each other -such peace in my Twitter Avenue is amazing URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After going through the system i cameto know that being a criminal (illegal) is most reputed and easy job rather than a simple (illegal) person. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this is the ad i was talking about, please take the time to watch! it's closer then you think! #heabroken ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Waking up Sunday morning hungover as fuck like... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'll finally be legal in less than 2 months #praysgod","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user father's day to your amazing dad @user \u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 so many happiness for your family\u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0090 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so women should be seen and not heard, stay in the kitchen and cook dinner while pregnant? #SCOTUSKavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can you pls get rid of holly he is so uneducated of sports. Wheb you have sportscasters who have been throgh the sport and are professional in their presentation he looks like a joke ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Bianca Debaets says the party's suggestions 'are absolutely shocking.'\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if ice jj fish gets all these looks , who really trash me or him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .@user what a douchebag. like his dad! #assholes #rapists #pedophiles #evil #satanists ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as long as we #seek #happiness we cannot be . as long as we seek #love, we do not understand love. only by #giving we will be happy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/amp.theguardian.com\/commentisfree\/2018\/oct\/11\/tommy-robinson-photos-british-army-far-right ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the thrill is gone! #dumbdonalddestroying america! #fraud ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Human Trafficking: Border Patrol Agents Take Down 'Stash Houses' with 40+ Illegal Aliens#IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall #HumanTrafficking #MAGA#KAG #KeepAmericaGreat #DeportThemAll #WALKAWAY#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #Trump #PedoGate #RedPill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"leave nothing on the street to explore... #last #night #moments #nice #man #arica\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER One thing is for sure...we know she didn\u2019t write the op-ed as she is dumber than a bucket of rocks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#meDIAtoo Selective putrid outrage ONLY AT Conservatives only BY LIBERALS who want us to know how MORAL they are!!! Re: Kavanaugh and ANY OTHER REPUB who will stand up against them!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What\u2019s it like being perfect \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your fucking Bf nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In 1956 Dr Seuss read HORTON HEARS A WHO to a 4-year-old.\u00a0 'Today is gone. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. Every day, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.' --Dr. Seuss","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Now I see why the Conservatives love him!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is Evil! How dare her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"am i the only one who wishes they'd make a 8th season of @user ? i love that show, on @user but it ended. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Totally fair. But the times it's happened to Serena in very important grand slam matches at the same slam. I get why shed be emotional. We're not in her shoes. Every match she is expected to win and it's clear she's not handling her nerves well anymore in these matches.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Anyone who supports gun control is a racist. Just like Shannon Twatts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the 12 -year -old hysterical girl look isn't good on a President, ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch RT me one more time & not answer my text \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dude was talmbout \"I don't know why everyone hates Nickelback!\" Because they're trash, that's why.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White South African farmers apply for refugee protection in Australia; no special treatment for them via @user Stop white genocide,accept white immigrants from now... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"agree,not all #muslims r #terrorist,yet great majority of terrorist attacks h bn done by radicalized muslims! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And the issue is much greater than gun control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Their foul and destructive agendas are not going to be tolerated here any longer. We've had 50 years of their directing this nation's path, and those 50 years of direction clearly show us it must be stopped.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I thought it was funny. He is a great player though. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"come on n wake the eff up usa! this is craziness. does it all stem from n hatred of #obama ? it seems like\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2) I am absolutely furious with my fellow conservatives when they say, This sounds credible,\"\" or, \"\"If it's true...\"\" Do you guys have short-term memory that only goes back 90 days?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" livelypics: psychology says: the more loyal you are, the more disappointment you encounter and experience. #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch this #Swedish journalist #IngridCarlqvist: Ethnic #Swedes will become minority in 2 to 3 decades Let this be a warning to #Germany and the rest of #Europe Stop this madness #RefugeesNotWelcome #SwedenElection #SwedenDemocrats #AfD #RT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mike Enoch is right. The only time huwhites are presented positively is when they're dying in ZOG's wars. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sanford lost because he's a piece of shit, Our President just pointed that out...\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 http:\/\/start.att.net\/news\/read\/article\/newser-sanford_loses_gop_primary_after_trump_attack-rnewsernor\/category\/news","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user so much to look forward to his summer! @user and @user with my bestie and a holiday with my mum ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is Al. He works as a manufacturing design engineer and part-time college instructor. He is also a former refugee from Iraq. Tonight at 8PM CST World Relief is releasing a brand new film that tells Al's story. Join us on Facebook to watch. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok, let us assume I was out of line in my response and that you were not insulting me in any way. Let us start out with you shining a light on the truth as you know it.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do what? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ill kill the bitch (chloe) when your not home \u2014 Idgaf if you\u2019re kidding bitch I\u2019ll report your ass ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hey Samsung on your website you declined me. 2 times for credit I can afford your phone without your ass this is my second one maybe next time even though I hate iPhone I'll buy iPhone so screw you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is me right know \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 i still know every move from the choreographie i learned\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #dancer #grateful #beyonc\u00c3\u00a9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user maybe he heard the #messiah (since 1996) & decided he did not want to go to #hell. #zionists are not #jews. #hebrews.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m praying he is caught in every illegal activity that he\u2019s involved in! He has a very explosive anger issue! He\u2019s like a child that throws a dangerous tantrum when someone doesn\u2019t agree with him. I wonder how he treats women? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so you're Fascists *and* AntiFa? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Beatles - Roll Over Beethoven \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/PVU915pM3f4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Packing \ud83d\udcbc\ud83d\udd76\ud83d\udc62 for TX \ud83e\udd20\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\u26bd\ufe0f\u2665\ufe0f- hope you are well\ud83e\udd17 #almostcousins\u2665\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes and what is your point ??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugees don't choose to be refugees. By definition, they have been forced to leave their home country because their lives or safety were threatened.Do you want to help welcome them? Use our easy tool to set up a fundraising page! \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bloody disgraceful keep politics out of schools #nomoremigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user lmfaoo bitch y'all hoes been \"21\" \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches are quick to put their height in their tinder bio.... Do me a favor and add your weight too... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When it gets too hot for life there we should only accept female climate refugees until the regime renounces their patriarchal ways. Otherwise let them roast. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good Evening. Can you tell us your location and which direction you are traveling so we may investigate? ^Z","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#lgbti #poc need to speak up against the that's rife within the #lgbti community! it's unacceptable\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"16 fukin Years She waited No words frm U Then you pop in She hugs U Like a #tree #greets early light Loves U Like deep #BLUE Love its beating waves Thereupon Pour U a drink As you spill Red She looks #Up in the clouds Sad Like She is still Waiting 4 U #BardBits 23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user racism at home and anti- advice for others: we're good at both. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The political press doesn\u2019t give a shit about Biden\u2019s answer re: court balancing. The point is to be seen \u201chounding\u201d Biden in order to have CYA insurance against claims of liberal bias. It\u2019s de facto favor-trading with Republican sources.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Words....Words... Monday is a different day...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#emotional & hip hop #beat ... - (#deepsea #emotionalsadhiphopbe) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m sorry you think @user is telling you the truth on his Twitter feed. He\u2019s not. He is an employee of the @user and gets paid to lie. It\u2019s his job. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The guy is not even a white Romanian he is a gypsy!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Read the transcript of Barack Obama's speech on new gun control measures http:\/\/ti.me\/1Z6afny?tm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-button-sharing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user __luicalibre__'s video a close fiends dad died on 911","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Back on my bullshit streaming Brainlord https:\/\/www.twitch.tv\/lazy_brain_games","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y\u2019all really want four (and according to him...infinite) more years of this???? Please think. #SaveDemocracy #VoteTrumpOut #BidenHarris2020 #RidenWithBiden #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #Election2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why the nazis studied american race laws for inspiration \u00e2\u0080\u0093 #ushistory #eugenics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user republicans \/conservatives are the most disgusting people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals ruin everything!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER GOV Brown needs a class on #MAGA 101. Also need a swift kick in the pants for insulating @USER .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to be shouting NO!! very loudly if this happens. The refugee situation is much more important than the... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you go girl!! #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch, fall in love with edm doesn't mean you will go to clubbing and turn to be bad bitch be open-minded please.owhh hoes how sad you are.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yo honestly you pussy ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Alleycelestine: “@ViriDoesItt: Kissin small lips is trash lol..”!!! Yessssss","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am thankful for passion. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"think the American people need some very evil nasty person still flexing power to die. Doesn't really matter how, by accident, age or on purpose.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/So earlier you said, Unfazed and determined,\" you are going to confirm, Judge Kavanaugh. Presumably on behalf of, Chairman Grassley. Now you say it's the liberals fault. How do you work that out? Basically you said serious accusations of potential assault, not to mention lying URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Chicago has been ran by Democrats for decades. Why is it up to the GOP to solve the problems they created to begin with? Act is absolutely code for gun control and that's not happening nor would it help anyway. You need 1000 detectives. Start hiring. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is the worst speaker ever! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER because im a broke ass bitxh :(((( and LOL EVEB BETTER she runs in her sleep so like while she\u2019s lying down she just rUNS like feet going usain bolt xD and i get kicked a lot \ud83e\udd19\ud83c\udffb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant: Piece of candy, little girl? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ya too bad the democrats had to bring back nazi tactics and nazi brown shirts in the form on antifa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER so and accusation by a libtarded Trump hating liberal activist against a Trump appointee doesnt make u wonder if the accusation was politically motivated in the SLIGHTEST? No? This is why conservatives think u are all stupid. Because u are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If there are strength in numbers that will stop a hurricane force, let's send all Trump supporters to form a wall along the east coast. #BuildThatWall #HurricanefFlorence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Douglas Todd: Trudeau government goes silent on Canada's 50,000 Syrian refugees, via @user add it to the alarming list of his and his government's fails. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigration decline costing UK economy billions, says think thank | The Independent - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good girl. thehyper #dog #puppy #pet #instragram #instadaily #instagood #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is he up for re-election in November? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm so salty i tried to go in a store with no shoes on and the ladies like \"you have to have shoes\" BITCH IM NOT VCARRYING A DISEASE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are desperate. Their dirty tricks won't work and the end is inevitable. #MAGA #TDS #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Suck my dick","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Mob death threats? Has Antifa turned on her? Maxine Waters?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #swanlake #cuaincalls #grateful @user abtofficial #metseason2016 \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Follow me for more recipes #voteblue #DitchMitch #BidenHarris2020 #resist #BLM #RBG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Really? It's okay to call for lynchings as long as you are a stand-up comic? Hmm.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER UK Govt non announcements are the only consistant and affordable policy under Labour or Conservatives for decades. Designed for a soundbite. No immediate resource required. Never likely to ever be implemented. Its propoganda but sadly it has its desired effect.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i was able to do it! i had to reinstall the app on my #iphone6 and reconnect the #fitbit #surge to the app. very ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user how about gun control! That might be the trick. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ICYMI: #IllegalAlien Accused of Raping, Trafficking Girl in Louisiana #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoChainMigration #AngelMoms #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Will the migrants be sent back home?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Man that shit just got me hype like I was watchin it 18 years ago","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know how funny it is when an immigrant advocate tells you to go back home just becuase they do not like a conservative immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The fact that Newsweek no longer tries to give both sides of the story but instead only gives the side of #Antifa far left liberals and their gods in the #DeepStatePanic Take a look at Newsweek\u2019s circulation they don\u2019t even have enough readers to put out a print edition anymore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The scary super experienced knowledgeable members of Antifa @USER is no match for! #Sarcasm Serious question is why the left leaders manipulate the unintelligent inexperienced youth groups it\u2019s form of taking advantage Abuse of the unwary weak URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Friend- it's been a long time, what have you been up to? Me- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not if you are from Wisconsin. And it\u2019s a bubbler. And duck duck goose.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you honestly think I can be fooled with some pussy? Do you honestly think that? Dumb bitch. Even if I thought with my dick I would still have an extremely high IQ. Whore.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AUSTRIA'S new right wing government is also making good on its promise to stop Muslim migration while deporting thousands who are already there illegally via @user Austria awakens ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER THAT'S NOTHING NEW SHE WAS GOING TO VOTE NO ANYWAY.....WE WILL VOTE NO TO LIBERALS IN NOVEMBER.... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user People who fail to understand the Second Amendment's purpose is to protect a citizenry from a government takeover SHOULD NOT be talking about gun control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You fucking MORON! You are going to turn ATL into a 3rd world city with your garbage, open borders policy. You uneducated FOOL! #AtlantaHitRockBottoms #BuildThatWall #ImpeachBottoms #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girl. Why these people so PRESSED?! Callin you all kinda ho\u2019s and skanks being LOUD AND WRONG!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cleveland police union overwhelmingly endorses trump for president #cleveland kkk #klan love #trump #ohio","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trump is a very sick man. He is toxic and mean spirited. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just want some Oreos & milk honestly. Just stop by the store & pick up some on your way back lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"attacks 11 week old baby. kills mother. #shocking #disgusted ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fry me you pussy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It be so good to not gotta woyke in da moanin. I da only colored dat woyke cuz colored folk be lazy and lives off da white guilt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't live a little, live a music. #weekend #sunday #music #livelong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we had a great panel on the mediatization of the public service #ica16","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nelly's rape accuser wants case dropped . . The woman who accused Nelly of rape is refusing to\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope this show gets a third season eventually. Aqua from Konosuba.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Get out!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" danky the slob everybody (green shi) has the audacity to say my wife looks like a bulldog. look at this kid... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready to hear from dr. terrell strayhorn! #ohaaa20 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Women drivers no survivors ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Well then ... Let's kick the tires and light the fires! #MAGA #wwg1wga #KAG #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US Senate Calls On Julian Assange To Testify ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hi bitch pls @ Us skank ass hoe you aint bouta to do shit but we can throw hands tomorrow since you so bold on twitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I always equate it to what happens when the left threaten new gun control. We are energetic for the time it takes to stop it... Then we scatter no longevity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Always been a lier","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shout out to new followers! Hi all!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It now makes sense how gun control is barely an issue vs immigration. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm just being fr. This swamp cunt ass bitch had the NERVE to call the cops because she wanted to start some shit bc her man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look at this Bullshit!! Biden needs to continue ads and fight to regain our Democracy! @JoeBiden #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/8lpsEZV2T1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Muslims coming illegally across the Southern Border. #maga #kag #BuildThatWall #votered #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah my exact thoughts here. Real uphill climb tho to get people to stop saying dumb shit on the internet. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not long to go now!!!! #euro2016 #eng","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user truer words have never been spoken. that's the reason why he's the nominee. if voters cared, he'd have gotten trounced. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can see how \u0446 and \u0447 can get confused, but \u043b and \u043f seem completely different to me. Are you trying to write in block letters? See the attached sampler.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is so fake he\u2019s unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn\u2019t respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Kingggg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"british lawmaker (lp) & mother of 2, jo cox, assassinated by right-wing nationalist who shouted \"england 1st!,\" @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch THINCC she dress coding me ✋😂😭","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Win A 15 Shot Rotary Polish Flare Launcher - RGA-86 URL #MAGA #MolonLabe #NRA #2A #Firearms","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What??? She is cute but she doesn't look like me at all ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are a hypocritical hack. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in other non tattoo related news my boy will be #crystalpalace mascot at the home game against liverpool next season ! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is soo much shit I have to say about how fucked up those creatures with vaginas are. But words can't even explain...... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.marketingxtreme.net\/share-now-biz-review\/: Considering joining this service possibility? Do NOT join before reading this Share Now Biz Review","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your mood changes more than the price of gas #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great to chat with the guys at @user ahead of @user gig in #lichfield on sunday! i'll be there for @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, for at least 25 days out of every month, eh Lumpy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user commercial showing inter-racial couple attacked by @user #amerikkka suppoers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Over 30 years worth of background checks under different Presidents and this one slipped through? #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughWithdraw #KavanaughSCOTUS #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Jesus she is the evilest of cunts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She fucking on me, she selling you dreams, that bitch is a hoe\ud83d\udde3\ud83d\udde3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Not one for anything to do with RUSSIAN COLLUSION which BTW is not a crime most b4 they knew DT. The ones who copped out only did so 2 save their ass. I'm just curious why none of u self righteous ppl had a problem w\/ all HRC & BO crimes lies spying etc? Hypocritical I'd say.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i'm not interested in a #linguistics that doesn't address #race & . racism is about #power. #raciolinguistics brings\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch mad idgaf you not even my type hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 find you something safe to do, #bossuplilbitch take care of yo kids @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dont look for love, quietly give it away & let it find you back. #writeyourstressaway #coloring #the6ix ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HOE MY GOOOODDD YESSSSS BITCH !!!! Wow you're so beautiful \ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\ude0d how can someone be so hotttt \ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well she is dumb as a box of rocks so will give her a pass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is because Japan have a PM with COMMON SENSE & FORESIGHT. They do not pander to Muslims like MAY does. TORY POLITICAL SUICIDE - G.E. 2020 \ud83d\ude04 URL @USER ex TORY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Those are old photos and in no way represent antifa\"\". It's a small group of delusional people who call themselves Antideutsch (\"\"Anti-German\"\") who have tried to co-opt the anti-fascist movement and claim that anyone who is not anti-German and pro-Israel is antisemitic and racist.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A bitch is complaining to corporate about me in our lobby lmaooo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @mjxcx: Teachers trying to pronounce ghetto names on the 1st day of school.... https:\/\/t.co\/8CjuAVL3Ct","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.hingepoint.com\/blog\/sharepoint\/spreadsheets-vs-sharepoint-which-one-manages-data-better\/: If you're handling large data sets in spreadsheets, it's not the best option for you. Learn and see ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nice false equivalency you cretinous niggerstain. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well iWas cool my girl don\u2019t like shit popping out at her so it scared her a little when shit popped out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hosted my first event today for the #BidenHarris2020 campaign. Strong turnout - 18 Californian's calling Ohio providing info on how to request mail in ballot. Thanks @LuciaNunez6 for proving me the tools and confidence yesterday to build community and make our turn out count!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TreyDoe_: @HallDerik @20ToLife_ once fag.\" You got pressed to the ground? ..hang up your cleats n never put them back on or think about it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER SHE IS THREATENING AMERICAN CITIZENS SHE WILL KILL WOMEN ARREST HER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Once Joe Biden and Kamala are officially in power, all eyes will be on them. I hope they realize that this country is so deeply divided that it will take months for Americans to gain some trust from the new administration. This is a new beginning. Don't fuck it up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cause he is anti-drug and honestly I think his music is good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user india willoughby\u00e2\u0080\u0099s entitlement is socialized, not innate sick of revoltingly entitled tws opi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" father's day to all fathers everywhere! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Looks like it could be Hussein's cousin handling the $$$.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #Bu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop lying about #keithellison's 11 years with an anti-semitic hate group #keithx #dncchair #antisemitism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user have been told of friends who feel we are failing to show solidarity with lbgt community after #florida #sorry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you can go to a bitch house and FUCK her nigga them hoe you better help pay rent in that mf !!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Source for that stat? Gotta share it w my wife.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's almost volleyball season! #officialthings \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kwWzcrsqoJQ&t=... Liberals Attack Queer Eye Star for tweeting All Republicans are Not Racist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh jeez, he's praying... I'll put it simply... Monetizing Q posts, you can't do that.. He'll have to mix it up, don't label it Q this or that, and don't put Q in the thumbnail. Talk about everyday news topics, and if he want's, put in a little bit of Q stuff in the mix. But don't make it 100% Q, or it will get demonetized.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user just ten minutes until our workshop! #realpe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Heidi Cruz started life as a brunette. Now she is a blonde. God works in mysterious ways.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU LOOK AT HER WHILE CALLING HIM HIS SPIRITUAL SON YOU CUNT FUCKING BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And another 11% is Mesicans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stay forever young with these naturally based anti-aging products. shop #crueltyfree ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's a trash party ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user going to bring your Slut whore ass to the states ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are the In educated twat! That speed crap and can\u2019t read obviously\ud83e\udd12! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The UNHINGED REPUBLICAN PARTY I have a question why do you want the wall and not gun control in America when a illegal immigrant does something the UNHINGED REPUBLICAN PARTY talk about the wall but when a school shooting happens the UNHINGED REPUBLICAN PARTY is mute","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U.N. refugee boss concerned over U.S. separating children from... #Washington #UnitedNations #FilippoGrandi... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good move....he is the big loser ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please use the Armed Force's to build the wall sir!!!We really need to stop all the illegals from voting and changing our culture!!!#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Angela Merkel announces the invasion of another 10,000 migrants - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality, yet they're being literally just as bad. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sorry to say but you are ignorant and should not tweet something without some research. Some of the ones that were arrested were seniors. They are all people that care enough about what is happening to go out to have their voices heard. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JStarrTweets I took it harder when Rivera retired. I'm not a Yankee fan but I have a lot of love and respect for em. Especially the core 4","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A fvcking bitch who is a hoe to everyone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, yea, but they also believe the greeks were israelites ...\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My solution to school shootings: Shoot every American student tomorrow. Problem solved.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stop trying to find where it isn't even happening! #airingofthegrievances ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You are neither authority nor arbiter. Have a seat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I MAY HAVE NIGHTMARES FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE AFTER SEEING THIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Omg....he is sex on legs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Be quiet SheDevil ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"morning little guys, see ya later ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yoo our dogs should totally fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mansour: Olympic Gold Medal for Sucking Up to a Murderous Totalitarian Regime Goes to anti-US marxist #CNN http:\/\/bit.ly\/2El8874 Same ideology Zucker & his filth propagates in US #tcot #pjnet #maga #lnyhbt #wakeupamerica #molonlabe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the time #women got #physical with me at #mcdonalds \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #equality #garbagepailkids #allgrownup #assault #yay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How low is Sharpton?This race-baiting bigot made millions, didn't pay taxes, lied about race attacks, is functionally illiterate, & is a great asset for GOP victory on Nov 6. Keep talking, Not-so-Sharpton#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #Vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did my part.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VOTE #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/owh5jepdS8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hogg, Fuck you and CNN,Twitter,Facebook,HRC,SOROS,Obama,Bush to HELL!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sex top 10 porn video","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"81,652 are still disappeared & unaccounted for in Assad prisons, even after names of thousands tortured & killed given this week. No return of refugees & no reconstruction until they are free. Hundreds still being arrested despite fake 'reconciliation' agreements #FreeTheRest ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#USA #Trump #MAGA #KAG We know that #China #Russia #Hollywood #Soros #SaudiArabia #TheCatholics all fund and support #liberal #democrat politicians who's funding and supporting #conservatives??? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shut up rat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Interesting read about holding the Trump administration accountable for family reunification at the US-Mexico border after the DOJ insinuated that the ACLU ought to be responsible for the reuniting process #UWBaes367su18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Senate repudiates Bernie Sanders' religious bigotry http:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/03\/senate-confirms-nominee-whose-faith-triggered-bernie-sanders-rage\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is one UGLY and DUMB woman! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I won't say there haven't been any but compared to antifa protests its not even comparable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Instead of Getting Obamas ,Autograph and fine dining with the EU nobs he should be on a Listening skills course no EU ,migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Actually Tyler had planned to cut Angela after Brett so she is just as clueless. This 'showmance' and her being hated changed his mind. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Noirs et Blancs en Couleur Steam locomotive transiting the desert. #MonumentValley","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 hour to go until our music video is released! #music #edinburgh #scotland #band @user #musicvideo #a @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The imminent threat for Rohingya refugees is the likelihood that the Cox\u2019s Bazar area will be hit by a cyclone or comparable high winds and storm-surge flooding, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So a pathological liar is going to give the Judge a lecture on credibility because the judge won\u2019t admit to something he didn\u2019t do... and we are the stupid ones.... \ud83d\ude33 And liberals have no shame in the ignorance of their elected representatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So then your saying the @USER platform of gun control and reform is nothing for them to worry about? Kind of like #Kavanaugh is going to kill women and Gays?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Metallica: Atlas, Rise! (MetOnTour - Mannheim, Germany - 2018) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"REPUBLICANS WANT STATE ROAD FUNDS BACK FROM OBAMA CENTER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They probably all wrote it together while pissing in your McDonalds coffee.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i read in an aicle 4 yrs before that even dhabas on the side of national highways are growing 1\/2 acres of ganjas. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not bad, I liked it. - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nl3gQO2FDkc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...like a great drum in a mother's chest, the anthem of a peaceful army.\"\" I'm guessing Anthem is the song Josh wrote for his mother. He's said in interviews that she is where his philosophy comes from.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @m_amrhein: Luckily for my friends I'm a yellow belt in karate, which is unfortunate for the bonner dudes #lookout","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IF WOMEN BLEED SO MUCH ONCE A MONTH HOW DO THEY STAY ALIVE? BECAUSE THEY'RE #DEMONS #WOMENAREDEMONS #BITCHBLOOD!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is so cute! And only for 2 days!\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"zionism is .. ultra-ohodox jewish children's worksheet says 'non-jews' are evil ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let me guess; the children of the wicked one are the Jews!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, Thank Merkel ! Kill All Muslims !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are you in a competition with @user to see who is the more hysterical woman at the #KavanaughConfirmation ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Crazy fake news tweets all over Twitter about President Trump violating the #HatchAct from Democrat idiots who clearly never read the Hatch Act where it says \u201cthe President and Vice President are totally exempt from the Hatch Act\u201d #trump #MAGA2020LandslideVictory","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah I usually end up muting those types, they just won't even watch a 14 second video of pam caught editing and deleting q posts...they have their head in the sand","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good lord this woman is a dipshit ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You Rock too! @Stillluvu23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"swim time with zoe!! #family #love #swimming #pool #weekend #fun #crazykids ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He's not an opportunistic liar. Nor have you proven he is. So your whole argument is fake news.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"go head and roll bounce into a young lady's hea today g @user bihday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user how true. my little girl won't know any different. #grateful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i wonder why we bothered moving bk to essex?! no1 eva comes to see us, no1 eva asks me to go out at least in kent i did my own thing! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Snowflakes downvote. Try and keep up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are the Girls? Child Trafficking Feared as DHS Can\u2019t Say Where Immigrant Girls are Being Held ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#VA10 voters know @user is the right side of the gun issue. Gun control or gun rights? The answer may help determine whether NRA-financed Rep. Comstock wins reelection ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user On NYC radio it was bluntly stated that. IT IS MS13 And the victims were from a rival gang. IT IS MS13. WE NEED ICE; WE NEED POLICE; We ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Fuck you cunt. Try this on for size. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hi! there is your unroll: Thread by @USER 1. OK. Something very strange is going on. Holton-Arms, the exclusive girls school of fraud Blasey [\u2026]\" #ChristineBlaseyFord #MAGA URL See you soon. \ud83e\udd16\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like that's our job now!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Every one of them need to be put away for life","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Basically you don't care about rape or victims. You just hate Trump and someone told you to boycott twitter because of Weinstein I get it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#omg #bobbybrown sister #leolahbrown is not having it with #bet #Bobby roe story she is calling out his ex-wife for fabrication and #lies #celebnmusic247 #celebritynews #breakingnews #news #thebobbybrownstory URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And the destruction of the institutions by the so-called Progressives continues apace.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user There are some wins that will make u go hysterical. Some makes you happy but same time you are sad, beco\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm over asking a bitch to do my hair that I'm going to pay nobody got time for you flaking hoes ima just do my own\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3 DEAD IN BELGIUM !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Acosta My sources tell me Jim Acosta is an asshole #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The problem is Trump is playing the Dems against the Repubs and he is neither. Trump is an authoritarian. To Trump there is no leaning. His goal is to conjure up hate. He has been part of America\u2019s under belly his whole life and brought it to the WH. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just ordered @user lip gloss in so cute \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0084\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #sohappy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bezos became the richest man in the world by gaming the system, by selling Amazon wares at artificially low prices, driving small companies out of business, and then seeking out as many loopholes as he and his attorneys could find to avoid paying taxes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh Yes. He is a coward.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who the fuck uses cruise control anyways?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Disqualify ALL Immigrants from claiming ALL Welfare Benefits. That at a Stroke would get rid of the ones we DON'T need & allow the ones we DO need 2 remain. Simples!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user fails to realize he is the party of @user and Antifa. A complete lack of self awareness. These people are dangerous. #EnemyOfThePeople ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ChamsFace4music: Early bird catches the worm people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I don't like him bc he is an anti-Semitic and a Muslim and a racist. Any other questions? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The administration's shameful treatment of immigrants needs to end now. Congress must speak out for a moral system that puts humanity at the center of our treatment of immigrants. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"STFU SUSAN. Oh yes, PLEASE lets give Trump CREDIT. I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that that this CATASTROPHE of a President who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from parents seeking asylum, holding children ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been thru thousands of quakes and here's the thing nobody talks much about: the noise. Everything that isn't --and some stuff that is--nailed down starts slamming into everything else. Add all the car\/house alarms going off--OMG, it sounds like the world is ending.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Ok sure. You skank ass troll bot. Go take a bath with a toasterno one will miss you when you are gone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where there is #coffee, there is wakefulness. #gab #worldcup #music #bacon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can we just completely embrace renewable energy already? #nuclear#solar #contamination #fukushima #mothereah ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a millionaire. Trust me he'll just fine.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he was hit on foot so until the cars around us chill we could all end up like him ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Mam, Renée doet in haar rol net of ze ongesteld is Wat is ongesteld?\" Van dat soort vragen waar je denkt: hoe leg ik die weer uit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my evil wish\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098#lnic #lnicjustanevilbday #bihday #suit #evil #love #yolo #magic #doitfohevine #sto... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If Kerry clown is actually doing it and admits he is and it's a crime. Throw his ass in jail. He should be arrested...RIGHT ???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3) If you are picking up leftist vibes, it's because I used to be one of the zombies. Thankfully, I realized what I was doing to myself and others and smartened up after Bernie got screwed. I was a Bernie to Trump person (they DO exist). Libertarianism is the answer. Nationalism is the answer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For the love of a God people, read some books. Preferably ones that teach you about smear campaigns. I strongly suggest you read The Smear from Sharyl Attkisson. Both sides use them but nothing like the left. Nothing like George Soros funded David Brock. Read the book, don\u2019t assume you know what I am talking about.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This picture I love it\u2026 Because it speaks volumes\u2026 You are in your element\u2026 And you looked peaceful \ud83d\udcaf@USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019ll toast to me #Hillary URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is our final song for today. It's by Tony Exum Jr. and it's called \"Dance Close To Me\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even with the stitches, i'm still breathing... #blackandwhite #night ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think you're probably right. Calling them \"fools\" would hurt their delicate fee-fees so terribly\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user everyone hates the white crayon that looks so perfect while the others bleed and break ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER if you speak Spanish? MS-13 Muslim? terrorist black person? should've complied hold a dissenting opinion? emotional snowflake Gun control? Nazi Republican putting people in internment camps? PATRIOT Think you leave your human rights at the boarder? PATRIOT I'm tired","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Sucks for you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UK: Muslims forced woman to drink alcohol, then one raped her and the other sexually assaulted her","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LMAO - How did that \"threat\" work out for you, Mexico?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great advice! I like the Gab Blog PRO idea too. Yup nothing on ISBN search. I'll work on the others tonight. And for sources I have a whole metric fuckload. On my website I have a lot of the articles I published on Medium before I was banned and underneath each article I have lots of book, article, video, PDF and audiobook sources, both for the reader's research but mostly so that I can keep...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump will close the goverment, if he dont get the money for the wall ! To build the wall will rescue USA from refugees like Europe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pretty girls wit bird brains....what a waste smh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#roses gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. material ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Does skip realize that by saying you should become a professional tweeter that he is kind of shitting on sports casters? How many TD receptions skip have this year? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wait your turn...Guyanese immigrant explains to NY Post why he agrees with US President, Donald Trump's immigration policy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil to say that all muslims hate america is to suggest they\u00e2\u0080\u0099re all the same. #emirat\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A band of liars Eric has a big L\"\" on his forehead. He is so disgusting. Who votes for these people or don't they really, it has to be rigged.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let's just identify the target!\u00a0 Fallout from the Greg Felton interview made for a focused rant on maintaining out ability to control language to express our opposition to (alien) Jewish interests in the West.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is protecting America. Shame on trump and gop.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pathetic fallacy? infantile ? just in case anyone wondered whether @user had a brain we have proo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Treacherous traitorous bitch. Sold out her country, and women for money and fame. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He should be careful about that if there are women in his family, because that bitch Karma has a funny sense of humor. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Sold out to the chicken hawks ya cock \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udfff that's You officially part of the swamp GOFUCKYERSEL \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udfff ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking hell, I want my white culture back. Next they'll vote for a shaved orangutan.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@SportsCenter: Eli Manning just threw his NFL-leading 27th interception of the season.\" Lmao trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He needs to be placed naked in the stocks in Stockholm while the Swedish people Sik heil his backside. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Mickie is 39 now? She is on her way out. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"atk porn pics representations of women in men's alcohol ads ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Antifa. Yeah it's a fringe organization. Just like those wastes of humanity I grew up around. Most of em ended up meth heads and junkees. Some are republican alt-right activists. I guess we're all a product of our environment. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what's the worst that could happen? #positive #positiveattitude #teamboombaby #ftf\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER GIVE ME A FUCKING MIC\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Js on my feet, that song is trash too loll","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did I join Gab at the wrong time?\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CAIR Publishes a Hit List for Jihadis http:\/\/t.co\/hvVfXypmHm via @RealJTP If you are a red blooded #American you may be on the list..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Facebooks not a reliable source for debunking anything. https:\/\/www.google.com\/amp\/s\/whatyouthoughtiwentaway.wordpress.com\/2016\/09\/28\/border-guards-found-52-tons-of-guns-and-ammunition-in-14-conex-containers-disguised-as-furniture-for-muslim-immigrants\/amp\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"15. fuckhead for awhile... I open two stores for his bitch ass. little brother & his skank show back up. I find a meth pen tube & foil in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Apparently im a honky. Pfft. Like that's a bad thing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you no longer have influence to sell, you sell T-shirts. #CrookedHillary says Buy @RagnarLothbrok book on Amazon. http:\/\/amzn.to\/2qn9JGp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user yes, i know twin sawyer glaciers are at he head of tracy arm but my cruise turned around never saw them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Disgusting of the Dallas PD to try and find any reason to try and drag this man through the mud just say they can save one of their own when she is 100% in the wrong ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user nah, i ain't jewish, i just don't dig on swine, that's all ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user looking forward to the game tonight come on you gunners #arsenal #gunners #skyspostoday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user leaving day at ih belfast! #ihbelfast #studyni ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"made v.i.p tour in china \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #taeyang #yongbae #sol #yb #vip #bigbang #handsome #cute \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch I was born where everything is done for me so don't try you little poor ass whore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are most welcome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We want to help immigrants reach their homes Many illegals dont have means to go back. By deporting them & providing them a way to get home we're helping thousands of them get back to their extended families. If u are against deportation u are for separating families. #LibTactics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#im#so #about #somethin\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Christmas Holiday Shoppers Subway Train https:\/\/vimeo.com\/150130054","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The pit bull debate is just like gun control. Pit bull kills someone and here comes pictures here's my loving pit.\"\" gun kill's someone and its \"\"I have 4 guns and they never killed anyone.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i need a love to keep me # @user cousin_cocaine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bernie up to his \ud83e\udd25. You are not telling the WHOLE TRUTH. #WalkAwayFromDemocratsNow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user listen to famous dex - hbk (intro) by famous dex #np on #soundcloud fa day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'm not in uncomefortbul miss Williams is a great actor or she thinks she is miss Williams is out of order in what she said to the ref rules apply even to miss Williams but your turning it in to o as a women don't this bone that miss Williams is out of order that's a stone wall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"im suppose to be like dead and ill..but its the opposite. ..hard and energetic haha \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00e2\u0098\u00ba#aimless ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you order a happy meal from mcdonald's and instead of a box they give you a bag #howcouldthey #imstillcryingoverit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 good ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BethesdaSoftworks I'm a happy fan of your products","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user wish you all a very new year!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a trained psychologist of course she can pass a lie detector test.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HAINES CITY, Fla Wilibaldo Garcia an Illegal Alien from Mexico charged with sexual battery on an 8 yr old girl.Garcia has an alias Lorenzo Sipriano with prior criminal history.#MSMSilence#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081\u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081 Babel\u2019s are also looking for a part-time British Sign Language teacher AND new trustees, esp those interested in grant applications and\/or with lived experience of migration. Tell your friends and RT widely!! \u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081\u00f0\u0178\u00a5\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone know who to #BuildThatWall?Lets meet down tere and get started before the flood reaches us.#MAGA2018If you dont vote Republican, your a damn communist, baby killing snowflake. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 'cept she plays a celtic woman. celtic symbols and accent etc. but because she's bald character ppl assume she's a man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"hope becomes despair as easily as ice melts on a summer day\" #love #depression #kms #death #quotes #quote","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed.\u00a0 Did you know Aleister Crowley is George W Bush's grandfather? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SHOCKING DECLARATION FROM BELGIUM: \"EU must close its borders, turn back migrant boats, or European Union will cease to exist\" via @user Oh my,the morons are finally awakening ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tonight's debate drinking game. Shots every time we hear: emails, Hillary, Hunter, Voting, Fake News, BLM, and Sleepy Joe. We'll be drunk before the intros are over. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweden has a massive migrant problem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#aloha and \u00e2\u0098\u00ae\u00ef\u00b8\u008f on \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008f we oppose #fascism and all #warsforoil ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i fixed the washing machine !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck my Rick (?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Thank You\ud83d\ude4fFollowed You\ud83c\udf4e #Maga \ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : kevin kern - \" pastel reflections\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who the hell are you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"success is all in how you decide to live - jerry criss #success #positive #quote \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Patriachy has harmed black men if anything. Antifa is just a social justice trash hotspot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think Donald Trump is a disgusting disgraceful pig . Shame on him thinking that he did so much for Puerto Rico . He failed us . And he is a failure as a so called president . He did nothing but talk bad about Puerto Rican\u2019s he doesn\u2019t understand that PR is USA territory.JERKOFF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy shit I love her???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Considering that those abominations do everything they can to ruin the livelihood of others, they deserve their misery and distorted genitals. If they aren't put in their place by nature, then they will act sadistic to someone else. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got to see the allison boys today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't hide my #excitement for me and our #team!!! so i decided to go for this #oppounity \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Britains most disgraceful leader EVER https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/groups\/346710659066510\/permalink\/374397149631194\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"STAND WITH INFOWARS - SPECIAL LIVE BROADCAST","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that's not a filter...this watermelon is orange!! #sogood #awesomesauce #summer\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she is human garbage that is what is wrong ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thanks DBC! Love reading your books! I\u2019ve heard that #51 is pretty epic too - looking forward to *finally* getting to read it soon!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ATTENTION! @user is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET list comprised of Trump Supporters' names. Some are high profile names and MANY are random everyday Trump supporters. Twitter has NOT suspended his account. Check out his Lists\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some of the results of recent EU #migration policy excellently unpacked by @user No sustainable solutions in sight. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Moslem future everywhere unless they are removed from our society. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#prouduncle \ud83d\ude0d she is the finest cheerleader of them all\ud83d\udc99 te amo stinky butt\ud83d\udc9d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bye bye Flake you Flake! Don\u2019t let the Senate door hit you in the behind on your way out. @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I pretend to put my cock in jenelles mouthand pull it away last second and pound that bitches teeth out. Then thrust punch the mouthy cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everyone in india know that #bjp , politicians are involved in drug trade in #punjab #udtapunjabgiabadal #udtapunjabcensored","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yup. You *did say this @user And now you have lied to get yourself out of a hole. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going to be an amazing weekend #ilivehybrid ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Anonymous has always been a resistance tactic\/idea. It doesn't matter who is leading they are an enemy since Anon doesn't take political sides. There are Anons who support the idea of Antifa and there are those who don't. But no one speaks for the entirety of Anonymous.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They literally ooze hatred of being clean, feminine, or even of being 'civilised'. The one showing her huge derriere is obviously at a low point in her life. No one wants to look at it, so she's determined to shove it in our faces. Nice. They're basically saying, everything is crap, we're crap, life is shit and so nothing matters. While they waste their young years in this insane negative madnes...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so frustrating watching #trump advisors\/suppos on @user they just don't listen, nor do they get it #fail #loser #lightweight","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump Accepts UN Ambassador Nikki Haley\u2019s Resignation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" women nude anal anal t girls","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #australia\u00e2\u0080\u0099s mining \u00e2\u0080\u0098cliff\u00e2\u0080\u0099: how far they have come? - nab #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new uniform\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #nursinglife #promotion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cheaters deserve to die . bitch im giving youu my all & youu fucking somebody else . DIEE HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user thanks @user #fryday to you all too @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Good luck with that! I dont follow along with fascists like the #resist movement and their apple and google overlords. I know what happened in ww2 and its the rhetoric they use that put us there. I dont need a GOD\"\" to see the hate spewed from #Antifa and how that is wrong.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Makassar refugees who have been 'locked down' for two days with no warning want President Joko Widodo to know that they are not a threat. We welcome him to Makassar. About 2,000 adult and child refugees &... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You'd be deported, jailed or in some countries even worse. @POTUS needs to come down even harder on these invaders.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tragic. mass shooting in orlando. if everybody in the nightclub was armed, much better outcome! many news cycles lost to me! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f | #cat#pet#toy#catwithtoy#catnip#colours#feathers#cute#play#playing #joy#blackandwhite#pa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we bout to start stepping out lol I ain\u2019t doing another winter with no boo bro. Shit cold .... literally ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as a leader someone is always watching i gotta always keep it real with myself first-#me first me first monday yall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/vomvos.com\/ Anybody using this? #gabfam #1a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It crossed my mind that Sheriff Israel may have ordered them to stand down. The democrats will use any tragedy to be in the public eye to promote gun control. It's a shame that these things even came to mind but I have seen too much from the Left to be surprised at anything. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you are #hispanic #black #asian a non-racist white, other minority don't serve in military while in power #cnn #msnbc #retweet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's a shame we stopped bombing you. Die soon, there's a good little faggot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well my twitter account is suspended again.\u00a0 I stated to a #theresistance troll that People believed #theresistance members should be hung as traitors.\u00a0 That is what the Government did to traitors.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'll lock yo sorry ass down \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the news that a 2 year old was dragged into water at a #disney reso is not what i expected to read today. #muchlove #nature","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Live westminster\" utter bulshit conservatives cear nothing of the people living in social housing just look #Grenfell & It's tenants need say no more merits speak louder than words & Tory words are empty promises!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#unchaedcollection plus #thelastofusremastered for \u00e2\u0082\u00ac50 at the #psstore, that's one hell of a deal! @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am an immigrant. I live with my 2 children. I am a 38 year old female. I live in Rep. Steve King's state. #ImmigrantsAreUS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user LMFAOOO IMAGINEEE but even if i did i wouldn\u2019t say shit cos this fandom would go on fire ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Surprising that I didn't find any info on\u00a0#EVO2018\u00a0 on Gab.\u00a0 Where you at #FGC #GabFam ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Low life bitches","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is a great day for all #men in this world,as #today marks #father's day.... fathers' day to all #responsible fathers in this world.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like the fake left wing globalists are at it again ....#trump2020 #biden2020 see the commonality of the lies and hatred from news outlets ? https:\/\/t.co\/Tc3DlRKFqr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I really wish Facebook knew i am already registered to vote and would stop fucking hounding me about it #biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can always tell a bitches age by her tattoos... Sleeve, she's younger than me, tramp stamp, she's my age... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ahh yes we are cause some woman who comes out 30 some years later cant be believed. Where was this liberal outrage when the guy from Minnesota was accused of beating his wife. Silent on that one libs god you hypocritical liberals make me sick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is absolutely unbelievable. So these protests and mobs are run out of the state dept.??? How about Antifa?? No wonder they all wear masks. Probably govt. employees using their PTO's. It would explain how so many people can show up anywhere on a weekday. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"customers photo\u00e2\u009d\u00a2\u00e2\u009d\u00a2thank you for your use\u00e2\u009d\u00a2\u00e2\u009d\u00a2 #\u00e3\u0082\u00a2\u00e3\u0082\u00ad\u00e3\u0083\u0090\u00e3\u0082\u00ab\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u0088 #akibaka #goka #tokyo #mario #akihabra #somuchfan #amazing \u00ef\u00bc\u0083experience","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Set and match ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah - because ANTIFA are nothing but violent thugs who assault anyone and everything.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is not a new tactic for the left.. This is actually their go to tactic they have used throughout the decades. This is a playbook right out the Nazi-socialist playbook..The democratic socialist are today's neo-nazis. Aka antifa. #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #QAnon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Cowards in masks. Antifa are the true fascists. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He did not born so he is not pakistani?Get a life man.If ur wife deleiver boy in london nd back to pk so the baby is not pakistani?You nd ur wife r not pakistani?Just some papers of registration in london make ur boy non Pakistani \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude09.Honey see the forefathers history. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"16 ways #exercise makes you happier (#infographic) #workout ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mad white boy? You rural retards are too dumb to make a Facebook alternative. Trade school retards.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this deserves to be said, over and over again. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i agree, but hard to believe he does, given his strident opposition to ordination of women. #womensordination\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user you are not a liverpool fan a genuine one would never use hillsbourgh as point scoring ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saturday dance classes today were amazing and i was made a drink in this mug too #danceteacher #muscles ache ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user All U.S. WW2 vets are antifa. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user will be a two term President. Too much greatness in the Trump Economy. Next stop #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love him !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Cernovich Yes it likely bothers him that people can be that disrespectful but as hurting him politically, don\u2019t think so. It only strengthens my resolve to vote in person for #trump2020 Others will likely follow suit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user USA should stop trading with Mexico, if they dont stop the refugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Or in other words. ignore a democratic vote as it didn't go the way I wanted.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user call me a dog cause DAM... I got a bone for you nigga \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you wanna fight with me on man hating don't ' not all men me' bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user IM GOING HARDCORE BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Former Federal Prosecutor and Russia Witch Hunt Critic Joe DiGenova Joins Trump\u2019s Legal Team http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/03\/former-fed...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Tweet is directed at him. I can care less about whatever it is he is blathering about.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#InternetBillOfRights\u00a0Q\u00a0#BOOM\u00a0#EVILGOOGLE\u00a0,\u00a0#GREATAWAKENING\u00a0, Q ANON , THE STORM, JOIN THE NRA NOW!!!! The LEFT are leading their SHEEP to SLAUGHTER!\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is revolting. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"summer truly stas when you see @user #grahamepark fun day posters! @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The republican teabaggers hate this but screw em. http:\/\/t.co\/6iutHYvhQm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"vandals turned a jewish family's menorah into a swastika\" #antisemitism #hate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#inboxzero i mam weekend! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009chey old sharks alumni you never even sniffed a cup here, want to come root for you old team?\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This pope is pure satanic. God will strip him down to nothing and cast him to hells fire for his crimes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"me: be kind to everyone x spread love and positivity x me after a bitch crosses my path: rot in hell you dumb whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this moron is leading the us down a path that has so much potential to damage and destroy the world. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user our small country primary school (31 kids) are on our way to see matilda in melb. what an experience for these kids. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"California's been on fire every summer since I was a kid but NEVER have I seen whole towns burn down like in the last couple of years with @user using taxpayer $ to fund #ILLEGAL immigration while CLOSING FIRE STATIONS. Pray for these people. #WalkAway #carrfire #redding ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When did it become cool to ne stupid? This teabagger debate is slim on facts at best.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"USS LIBERTY TRUTH VIDEO FEATURING A MARINE WHO WAS THERE:\u00a0\u00a0 https:\/\/youtu.be\/LMzvgCLtCG8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump is fighting for the American worker and American Jobs! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I gotta stop drinking and meme'ing \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happened to my two Twitter accounts. Both got suspended permanently. Both also got through 7-day bans prior to termination. All because I speak the truth about islam! #truthphobes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Suburban women should like me more than anyone else here tonight. I saved the suburbs from Obama\/Biden's zoning of low income projects. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Booker is a stone cold loser and will be in charge of the program to wipe out suburbs. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Ask the suburban women to please like him","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user American Citizens need @user Illegals can reunite back across the border in Mexico! We dont need the extra crime that the illegal or refugees invaders bring to America.#NoDACA #NoVisaLotte ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just cause I wear flowy shorts and start to get drunk does NOT give you the right to rape me and it never will ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/hurricane-mar... Thats a lot more DemonRat voters.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do they drug test in tennis? Shes on some serious hormones or testosterone","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jesus fucking Christ I am trying to be polite, you brought up an issue, I asked questions, and your focused like an autistic child on a spinning plate, fuck you your jesus, he does not nor any other imaginary friends people have, do not\u00a0 exist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hello, i noticed that u are a health fan, so i ask u to check my free app, it's called mytraining on apple ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@mendesftbombay I heard the Tamilians are doing pujas for Joe Biden and Kamala to win","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot & help #BuildThatWall & order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter is off the deep end if they think they can continue to censor + push conservative voices off their platform when WE'RE the only thing keeping their shitty platform alive! #BoycottTwitter and leave them w\/ a TOTAL liberal echo chamber. It's the least we can do after how we've been treated!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@user a mother can take care of ten children but sometimes ten children can't take care of mother. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The 1st word Rian Johnson used is regret\"\", and he asked about fear. So Rian Johnson must have thought of these 2 emotions for Ben ... I conclude that Ben regrets that Rey didn't accept his offre and fears to be alone and that she doesn't love him as he does \ud83d\ude0b#Reylo\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NO. Our immigration system MUST act in the ethnic interests of the founding people and NOT change the racial demographic makeup like it is intentionally doing.Denying Whites their right to survive as separate nations and defend their racial inter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What did the EU do so Wrong when the Millions of Immigrants came many stood in reality square they were welcomed now they demand Housing and Schools and take everything in Hospitals now we are the ones having to stand tip toeing on waiting lists and ridiculed if we deny them o, y ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- Gold Coins: she\u2019s cute. \u201cdiamond blue palm trees\u201d the visionary she is. probably fave production so far. a fave. gold coins everywheh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no joking matter! officers fired for joke about target practice in #black neighborhoods via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You #Fanatical #Sycophant #Religious #extremists are so #fucking close to getting another #WhiteSupremacist #evangelical on the #SupremeCourt to overturn #RoevWade Wouldn't it just suck to have the rug pulled out from underneath your feet #MAGA? #Fuckoff #Gilead #Kavanaugh URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"b3 bday today bihday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Before you sign up to be a side bitch keep in mind that there\u2019s a 99.9% chance of you getting your ass beat. K? K. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Judge Orders U.S. Government to Stop Force-Feeding Psychotropic Drugs to Immigrant Children via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is. I dont think politics is for her to dabble in.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#realitycheck: #policing in #america from a cop #audiblechannels #policebrutality #socialjustice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lolololololololo are u kidding me. The ANTIFA shows up at all protest to stop freedom of speech. Open your eyes. Where did the ANTIFA come from democrats the snake party","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U MOTHERFUCKING BITCH DIDNT TELL ME I COULD MOVE MY KING CHIPS WHEN I HAD F O UR AND YOU HAD NONE. CHEATING ASS HOE. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So much for gun control...not to be incentive. But really. Just saying","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where do the @realDonaldTrump references end? #TrumpVirus2020 #TrumpTaxes #TrumpIsARacist #TrumpIsARapist, #trumpbonespurs, et. al.[NEWLINE]11 3 20...lets out an end to this mess of a presidency and the tiny man at its helm.[NEWLINE]#RepublicansForBiden [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Ywd1DmaJ9H","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Wall is a stupid idea and you're stupid if you think it's going to do anything worthwhile.#BuildTheWallhttps:\/\/youtu.be\/V3D_Ttiv41k","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude01TeleSmokaCatin' damn that looked better in my head\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude09\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals also probably need more- culturally aware trolls! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These feminists are just too-ugly sluts who want attention!* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stayed behind just in hopes of gettin a piece o dat white azz.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just got done threatening my coworker to give me money and he says \"black male is illegal\" smh #really","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#baby#memorie #pink#me#forget#magic #feel#green#love#alone #day#stay#strong#see #we#u#home#\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Candace Owens is a real feminist! She cares about women's issues! Well... except victims of sexual assault and rape... oh and trans women... And immigrant women... Mothers who's children have been kidnapped by the government... But yeah, she care about women's issues... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just making sure to clear the legit waste from my fellows... people who legitimately\u00a0identify as Nazis and Fascists are a disgrace to humanity and liberty. =) TY. Is it okay to punch someone for words? No, but if you legit want genocide of any race or the suppression of speech I don't want to freely associate with you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey guys i know it's wednesday my dudes but @user hu his neck so he can't stream send him some #getwelljeffer msgs on twitter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looking forward to seeing you father. sodality at #albanpilgrimage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user congrats! for @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cold bitch. Great writer...great conservative...terrible person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bovine Milk Hormone- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user do your own thing. I think @user is wrong about shutting the government down. Get the funds you are asking for. You have been right numerous times whereas they have gotten it wrong every time. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"unfounately, we're friends no more... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user VOTE R in #Election2018 November #GOP #RedWave #Trump #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user new video! @user #whitepeople #kanyewest #racewarchess! wanna see the worst sh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019d say, is the circus in town, and wtf did you do to your ears? And I would tell it imagine what all this is going to look like when you get older. (Saggy ears down to its shoulders, teeth will have fallen out, tattoos would be one big mass of bleeding colors.) Oh, and, I have a really, really bad headache. Do you mind if we reschedule?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The archetypal leftist , socialist male. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now if only #SOCJUS adopted this online policy. Ah who am I kidding its #SOCJUS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ida_skibenes I feel calm and optimistic.[NEWLINE]Joe and Kamala will win the popular vote and the electoral vote. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]trump will soon vanish.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Mike_Pence was talking soo much shit that there were literally flys over him \ud83d\udc7d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @sorryimalex: \"now 5sos is starting to tweet the hashtag, they're trash!\" #vote5sos http:\/\/t.co\/llkuz6VtAi","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Reading these comments..this dear boy was burned alive!!!! And some are still talking about gun control! My gosh people! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch in bout tired of you bitch ass hoe fuck u..peace bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wish u would stfu guilty hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Crazy liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is trash himself to do that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"buffalo school board moves to oust controversial @user ally for remarks #trumpocalypse\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BILLBOARD AWARD and a GOLD STAR\ud83d\ude0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think some Gab developer should download the Tor Browser Bundle and see how it works with Gab. Some refinements seem to be needed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"metapedia org got Jewed. Can someone help with an searchable archive?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Using free speech to be idiots and such but just like other rallies counter protesters showed up armed and willing to engage with kkk who also came armed Again 2 wrongs dont make a right and groups like antifa stated they want shutdown free speech anyway possible","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I follow all these MAGA Patriots \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I just read that whole thread and that guys thinks he is a boxing media social media sure have mess up some ppls head \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You gotta throw glitter after that. Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People believing in capitalism should never let a corporation get as much power as a state. Don't let communism appear through capitalism. Never. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon.....are these kind of monsters. @a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user no more dreams for #christinagrimmie someone's killed her and our dreams #thebestcovers #greatvoice #thevoice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"California has gangs because California is trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 irda gives nod to lic to invest in psbs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does anyone know of any groups on here where I can debate Muslims?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Being in the country illegally is not a victimless crime. Millions of Americans, in many cases children, are having their identities stolen to enable criminal activity!#BuildThatWallIllegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Happy Birthday(s)!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER that's exactly what his ass gets lmaoo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #mommy #anal #blowjob #mature watch this clip at ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#LibDemConf shows me that @user are absolutely void of constructive ideas for the myriad problems the UK faces, and begging @user and @user moderates\"\" isn't the answer. Thatcher was right, the parrot is dead.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just the one registration or all of them? Asking for Antifa and democrats...Vote Early! Vote Often! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user College football is much more interesting than the NFL protesters. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gas the bikes race car now!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"all my dreams are about work..... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The new sole food. Thank you Miss Diversity!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, rabid, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, narcissistic, economic moron that spent eight years in our White House trying to destroy our wonderful country and turn it into a Muslim loving, socialist crap hole like he came from and I don\u2019t mean Hawaii!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And you support the right using Antifa tactics in other words the tactics of a domestic terrorist group. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"heyy, i saw that u are a health lover, so i encourage u to test my new app, it's called mytraining on app store ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"woman's dangerous \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #goodbyesummer #flowers #like #like #loveyou #cousin #day #say\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch idc when Ima see you hoe!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We have the real facts......you suck pussy grabber MOTHER Fucker","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you don't think w will share guarani aquifer water w those who humiliated little brother, @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a liar like Hilary Clinton.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More like a smoke bomb to mask an armored column. I have a really big garden. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user .@user book presentation, first row. #whatsnowsf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Check out CJ Gainey's video! #TikTok #Trump2020 #Biden2020 \u2014 the debate was a shit show! \u2066@AdamSandler\u2069 https:\/\/t.co\/3US8FmYNBB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i have my audition for the voice 2017 tomorrow! time to show the world what i can do.. #nervous #thevoiceuk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What a skank lolol you wake up waiting for me to tweet lolol pathetic lol \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that sucks you haven't gone live in forever face","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ummm you can't hear what she hears because you're not bat poop crazy like she is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you really free?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Our amazing Troops, National Guard, and ICE Agents are the only ones to physically protect our country. If Congress won\u2019t give us a border wall, we\u2019ll make a human wall. Thank you for your service and love for our country, Patriots. Be safe! \ud83e\udd17\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From a reproductive perspective that kinda just makes sense. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One day, the dishonest cowardly mainstream media\u00a0#FakeNews,\u00a0will be forced to report the full sickening truth about their feminism hero Hillary Clinton! All of the world will watch these liars eat a massive shit sandwich! #GreatAwakening #QAnon","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Seriously though, send me a DM on Instagram, true patriot ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Regarding the story I think I'm going to kill the president\"\", why is it reporters \"\"never\"\" follow up on how a convicted felon could obtain, in this case, 6 guns? What's the police doing about, or would that bring light to the gun control issue? Bias?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"twiggers satisfied with our new piped plain cushion range!! kitty \u00f3\u00be\u008d\u0089 @user #hattipattisson... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let the leftist democrats riot in the streets with their antifa counterparts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just saw the update in kickstaer. @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It wasnt a mistake-it is a more than appropriate and accurate description of those hysterical women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"National Socialism is anti communist, read Mein Kampf.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"goodevening everyone #uae #sharjah #ramadan #me #myselfie #selfie #crissseven #lastnight\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"precisely why the deplorables are up in arms ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trump2020 We shall never again under-estimate how deep into scum and lies and dishonesty that the GOP (fascists) will go, in order to destroy democracy & force everybody else to do as they say, and to punish people of color, immigrants, Muslims and liberals.. https:\/\/t.co\/qOIoymAhGB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're almost 30 and have run out of options... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Deranged and demented what a perfect match for the Democratic party ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What\u2019s your point. You are so clearly ignorant about the nature of sexual assault ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you can't take your phone like wtf no selfie with lauren ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trust the experts. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eichenwald whining about costing MSNBC a sponsor is fantastic. Even better is he's acting flabbergasted that it happened even though he no longer works for MSNBC. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So since Dems want stand on a soapbox over Kavanaugh exactly when will you be addressing the sexual slush fund covering your backsides #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We as conservatives must join the fight against Transphobia\"\" -National Review, 2020\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who's gonna fight in our next war? AP Report: U.S. Army is quietly discharging immigrant recruits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You you have committed so many crimes. No care what a liar has to say. You belong in prison. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs. He is a coward and a disgrace. Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lying to the FBI is a crime @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MAGAts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's almost friday! krissyskornerwithpremier@user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump campaign official wants michelle obama to be \u00e2\u0080\u0098let loose\u00e2\u0080\u0099 to live with african apes #notmypresident ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" so happy to be with the people that i missed the most and my\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You've got nerve pointing the finger at other states with the murder rate you have. How's that gun control working for you? Own it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trumps associates are a classy bunch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@YourAnonCentral Just shut up 12 year old! Talk about how muslims caused riots in Sweden and burned the city! #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every refugee deserves:protectionsheltera chance to start overunderwearThanks to @user & #PUMABodywear, refugee women and girls will be covered when it comes to the last item: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did you get kicked off any other platform? You know the LIBERAL ones? Yes or no?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RonBrownstein @gtconway3d @jmartNYT Last day to register in Arizona is TODAY Oct 5th. Get it done AZ! #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Video of woman getting slapped by RAPEFUGEE in DHIMMI Paris sparks outrage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019ve been complaining about this shit all tournament long. They think people in USA care more about Roger Federer favorite food than they do watching Americans play. It\u2019s such a turnoff that I turn the channel","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So isn't asylum because it's not safe where you are from? If I were still a German citizen I'd be furious. Allah must be laughing all the way to the bank. Nice of #merkel to fulfill he father Adolf's wish of using the Muslims to disrupt the world order. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Judge Jeanine's opening was great Saturday. She reminded us the protections our system of laws provides. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What shitty wipers you have","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry i ever brought fucked up sad shit problems to GAB. Will never mention my situation again. Looks like i better start packing my shit. I dont know what i was thinking. Thought i could do my own gofundme style campaign out here in GAB land. Again bad idea and I'm so sorry everyone. This is not normally me at all. Saturated as gofundme is I think i should have tried","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a victim cant victimise the oppressor... we have no economic power so, no black people can't be racist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He. Is. A. Sociopath. They are incapable of feeling empathy. Period.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy shit- how brainwashed can ya be? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just ordered my new phone! #shiny ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tyler perry says backlash over his tlc show is 'reverse racism' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the next best seller book! #isis #islam #2016in4worlds #2016in4words #terrorists #gwot \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If people want to see a country that voting truly is useless in look at the UK. Absolutely no way to vote that country better","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Rubio sat through a 2-hour town hall in February answering questions from the public about gun control from people whose friends and children had just been murdered. That takes more courage than grandstanding and lying in a stupid hearing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just soed my wedding flowers \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a #gettingreal #weddingstuff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4 out of 10 British people are basically full-on racists. 4 out of 10 voters vote for the Conservatives. Coincidence!???!???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for eah. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my baby terrorizing the community and the neighborhood. \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #dogs #cold #valentineday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those motherfuckers sunk their dirty teeth into one of my cucumbers in my garden last week. They're really bad this year. I see them almost every night if I look for them. Skunks too.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ugh fucking bitch ass cunt!!!!!!!!!! Cheeto ass looking bitch \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I am definitely for antifa members getting themselves killed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user actually we got gun control and gun grabbers dancing on their graves immediarely using it for political fodder. Accusing NRA instead of removing Sheriff & RUNCIE who got paid by Obama's Promise Program to NOT ARREST KIDS b\/c it was RACIST\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user orlando pulse nightclubber eddie justice sent texts to his mother is confirmed dead --> ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Russia agent (Fake-Republican) Devin Nunez says liberals, antifa are causing all of these riots\" because \"we are whinning\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe some one should tell that Suck Ass Cohen from Tenn. This is what a Purple Heart looks like..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"h\/t @MeetingHImInTheAir\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user y'all hate this dude so much that you to blind to see that you're witnessing greatness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy friday!! #friday friday #instalike #instalove ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rooftops. #sunday #weekend #drinks #la #night #views #summer #fullmoon #dtla #fun \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why? Plenty of people have taken a stance in favor of common sense gun control\" and it doesn't mean jack shit since they don't have a plan for common sense gun control. Would it really help to have the ASB and ASA also spouting empty buzzwords?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It\u2019s unwatchable. I am careful surfing around @user to make sure I NEVER stop even by accident on that bloody awful channel! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hope so. Liberals heads exploding is what I'm hoping for","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When Kamala pushes Joe down the stairs and becomes the first female president >>>>>>","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I am a free speech absolutist and I do not care what offends you. You don't have to talk to me. Why do you imagine the world is supposed to be unoffensive? Do you carry this forward with other liberals and chastise them for saying things that offend Christians?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Goodell should resign. That would be social justice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Think about - Trumper supporters have to hide their support for Trump and\/or take the life into their own hands if they go out w\/Trump #MAGA hat on-it never was like this in the America I remember. We could have our own political beliefs but still be civil & cordial! Upsetting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\udf3b DEFEND \ud83c\udf3b EUROPA \ud83c\udf3b\u00a0 A nation consists of its blood & soil: An ethnically homogeneous people & the soil they cultivate, the domain that provides shelter, refuge & nourishment from the soil where their ancestors lie buried.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch out here settin up dick appointments and your lame ass can't even get a text back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll always admit when I'm wrong. I learned that years ago. Nobody likes an ignorant asshole.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hmmm it\u2019s almost like gun control laws don\u2019t work. Which means that there must be something more than guns that are the problem.....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user LOVE HER!! She is a BADASS! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Gang Member Wanted For Sex-Trafficking Of Children @user This is not an isolated incident, this happens far to frequently!When will you#KeepAmericaSafe#BuildTheWall#MaximumSentencing#DeathPenalty#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And I\u2019ll argue all fucking day long because IM \ud83d\udcaf % RIGHT!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" 2b hardcore vol 3 sexy girl as a theme for the psp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user look at his latest tweet. this #conman @user doesn't want unity at all. #bigot #conman @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.strategiesonline.net\/building-the-best-playground-for-the-children\/ - Everything I was looking for. #Outdoor_Playground_Rubber_Mat #adventureTURF #_LLC. #Outdoor_Playground_Rubber_Flooring #check_out_this_website","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dropped him from my fantasy team last minute. though france would run riot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #nowhere like it! place\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d #barryjayhughes #galwayhour","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...#ourleadersaresleeping ... ... #dissappointed... pls retweet until it gets to smwhere.. thankyou","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Two faced Boris now hes on a power trip dosent care about Immigration may is a liar change l don't think so ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i got the blues. #blues #filter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER polls pls","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It's hilarious that liberals think there's an equivalency between using Senate rules to keep a nominee from being voted on and bringing someone out to accuse a nominee of sexual assault 35 years ago. Once again just showing how sane you are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.mikemarko.com\/nerium-international-product-review\/ - The NeriumAD skincare line is based on the age-defying residential properties of Nerium oleander. #Nerium_International #Nerium #nerium_face_creme #Nerium_Reviews #Nerium_Review #nerium_products","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gotta keep that gun control law to get those terrorists ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning from #tokyo #sleepy #japan #shangrilahotel #selfie #me #freckles @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Idk can we? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"with advanced tech, however, these natural pressures can be bypassed. not only can people travel, but the natural structures in human societies can be subverted without automatic chaos and tensions between different groups that would not be together can be softened.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stfu bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cnn calls #michigan middle school 'build the wall' chant '' #tcot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5 minutes of scootering and vehicle shenanigans FTW ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.socialmatter.net\/2018\/03\/19\/matthew-ros... \u201cYou can\u2019t redefine the collapse of your own credibility...\u201d Oosh fam, savage, but true.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello happy sunday!! have a nice weekend all lovely yoga lovers..\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083 #thailand #sunday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is an outstanding thread and expert insight- ESP about the Reagan years which I studied in college. He is spot on and there was such a titanic shift begins in the 90s with rhe Contract with America bs to the immigration issues in CA (prop 187) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is dumb. An European government is allowed to make a decision that affects the entire planet. Also how would they even enforce this? Are they going to bug every computer in the world? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" nigel farage: 'this is not a happy europe': ukip leader nigel farage has suggested that peace in europ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my hea breaks for those that we lost this morning. #prayfororlando #hunanrights #gaypride #thishitstooclosetohome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this sums up why i voted for #brexit; not or #littleenglander syndrome but sovereignty and democracy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTF--\"intellectual deficiencies\"--they're ALL fucking stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user 'Like I said what princess wants princess gets' no bitch you're not royalty #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cameron promise the UK people no dirty deals or ignoring genuine fear of what mass immigration brings r u a coward or genuine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I can't stand looking at him. \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22 #TakeAStandNotAKnee \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gbaby girl! #babysho #nonny #babygirl #baby #grandbaby #grandma #love #cantwait\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first day \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0093\u009a\u00e2\u009c\u008f\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #willaliana #kindewo #sheisfour #instababy #instacutie #babyfashionista\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it just fn i can't believe this and they justify it w\/abt pay 1st what happened to country 1st","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user watch me catching a plane to hungary only to beat your ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Disgusting of the Dallas PD to try and find any reason to try and drag this man through the mud just say they can save one of their own when she is 100% in the wrong","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #metoo is the BEST WEAPON the Liberals have because there is NO DUE PROCESS .. its all DISGUSTING ... and WOMAN are the ones USING it as the weapon .. shameful and TYPICAL Liberalism .. USE emotions FOR their own BENEFIT ... @USER POSTER CHILD for USING Woman","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK, BACK INTO HER RAT\ud83d\udc00 HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAIN\ud83d\udc00IF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Flirting 2016 Me- ma'am can you pull your pants down please? Her- umm excuse me?! Me- I believe there may be a Pokemon in your vagina ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Characterizations of famous people are very funny. But not if they are black. Cue the race baiters in 3...2...1... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Mom better watch out for the Moron's hands. He has at least 17 accusation of sexual harassment charges. He is also affected by Pee stained skin due to his liking to be peed on! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Isn\u2019t it funny how they want gun control but they partner up with snoop dog \ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rise up today is out! stories of police brutality from @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Arrest them and DEPORT THEM ALL!!!!#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IF the data is true, when we hear tell of Pakistanis we should remember that 2 % are agreeable. Imagine if the goldstarfam thing never happened - 5% might be agreeable. Where is the tipping point that makes blanketstatement stereotyping counter-productive? 8 %? 14%?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ShamarGotHoes: J Cole ain't trash... Period.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Guy at the drawing session last night negging the woman next to me by saying dont get hysterical and I believe in the right of women NOT to choose: stfu and also thx for affirming the now well known fact that misogynists draw like shit #misogynistsdrawlikeshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Harry_Dillema: @GJK1979 @fluutekies @moniquesparla @wltrrr Ik vraag me al maanden af hoe de NL pers zich als een stel hoeren is gaan ge…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THAT is a great prayer!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah we do legitamately need better mental health treatment in the us (not to say that's a replacement for stronger gun control) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's like saying I've had the pinto since 72 RT @Shallow__Al @TonyClevenger dude I've had an iPhone since the beginning.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"enjoying the sunshine#sunshine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If I die from him again i might say fuck him and his armor and leave it there in his crypt and never go back lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Great speec Mr. President. I would suggest change to KEEP AMERICA GREAT after u #BuildThatWall that u promised and to make Mexico pay for it. Please keep the #promisesmade and #DoWhatYouSaid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Former Top FBI Lawyer Testified that Rosenstein \u201cSeriously\u201d Considered Secretly Recording Trump. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Apart from the fact that if Lib Dems had been in Coalition again Brexit would have never happened. The @user were a moderating force on the Conservatives. More Lib Dems in 2015 would have meant no Brexit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Check out my 92nd #dailyrap for the song I'm working on \"Today\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dumbest most video ever #whiteguys #mtv via @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK YOU HARVEY WEINSTEIN! Anyone who has suffered from rape and I mean all. Lock him up. I stayed silent for 24 hours. Going sue me HW? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not sure who is the most hysterical woman at the #KavanaughHearings: Kamala Harris or Cory Booker. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cancel all debates. Buy the airtime and long form discus the platform @JoeBiden is running on. Would have so much more return than trying to get anything over a 3yr olds tantrum. #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She\u2019s actually a clown! They should sue her for being a fucking dumb cunt and falling down the hole nearly squashing the winners \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No the person also needs to change because she is a remainer why she was put in charge of brexit negotiations i have no clue \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user green has been warned. he chronically does this. he should be suspended for the series. but, business is more impoant. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" electronic music from #bogota #colombia #puntohost #cedm #edm #fashion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"da guy needs a break! stunning! #biking #20km #focused #addicted #balancedlife #bikelife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I agree but we need to get back to reality too. So many peoples ideas are based on complete illusions right now it\u2019s almost impossible to talk to them because their whole premise is founded on a lie. You have to get to facts that you both agree are facts to have a starting point of discussion but we can\u2019t even agree on facts! Some are capable, but I find very few. That\u2019s why it\u2019s so hard these days. There\u2019s been a spiritual and idiological split.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#socializing bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"During the referendum campaign I joked it wouldn\u2019t be long until we saw the headline \u2018Brexit causes AIDs\u2019, you don\u2019t get much closer than this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stayed up to watch orange is the new black #orangeisthenewblack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Charles Ortel with Jason Goodman Sunday with Charles \u2013 PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD DONORS TELL NO TALES? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RqLZrVU-KJc&feature=em-lbcastemail","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I never talked about gun control in any form.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump deports some poor 95 year old fart to be skinned alive by psychotic self hating Germans, but allows \u201cDreamers\u201d to steal resources from American kids and cartels to flood in heroin to kill our youth. Wish he had the same resoluteness on Latinos. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fresh evidence submitted in a major 9\/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a \u201cdry run\u201d for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, further reinforcing the claim that employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9\/11 hijackers and plotters. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is inciting VIOLENCE towards Twitter Accounts that support POTUS. He has made lists for Antifa and ? Please respond.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm convinced that there's a hell of a lot more liberals of the type that a conservative could have a real conversation with and vice versa than either would admit. The whack job commies scare the shit out of everybody. It's about time we started talking.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is a guy who weaponized the judicial system and IRS to attack conservatives...this is a guy who couldnt grow the ec onomy over 2 percent...this is a guy who said. Get used to it...its the new norm This guy is a moron","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well hallelujah everyone, the trump thing, whatever it was, is now official and unequivocally over.\u00a0 John. Fucking. Bolton.\u00a0 Now his closest team is bush level or awfulness.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bihday boy!!! . . . . . #new #bihday #bihdayboy #bornday #love #like #share #moment \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the more familiar we become, the more difficult it is to stereotype. . \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emirati\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some women are mad arrogant, man. How much of a douche would I sound like if I went around saying \u201cYou just talked yourself out some dick\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My thinking too. I know none who've decided a gang of overpaid EU bastards in a building far far away doing our thinking was a better deal than us thinking for ourselves. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, #refugees deserve basic human rights by @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BuildThatWall #IllegalAliens @user .@EXPECT_KA0S Eric Lang, CEO Yarrabee Farms admitted did not use EVerify for this killer or workers. Tell AG .@jeffsessions to get off his behind work on getting EVerify mandatory 4all jobs. Hopefully ICE raids YarebeeFarms as regular visit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how good was gary anderson in the semi? #hewontbebeaten #aucklanddasmasters \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00af","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" girls in the world nude yong girl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Very disturbed by how this platform has become like a dictatorship from the Soviet state. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's funny how they wave the flag of the country allegedly oppressing them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Love her she is beautiful \ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc93 \ud83d\udc9a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009c\u00e2\u0080\u0098all men are created equal,\u00e2\u0080\u0099 and if we don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t believe it\u00e2\u0080\u00a6maybe we should stop saying it!\u00e2\u0080\u009d - hube humphrey #bigotry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @tumblrfunniest: When I throw away paperball perfectly into the trash can: http:\/\/t.co\/215E0H0PS9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I don't understand why conservatives place so much faith on having a majority conservative in SCOTUS...We have forgotten than we've had 8-1 and 6-3 up there and Roe V. Wade was not overturned.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Python... in Unreal Engine... whaaa? https:\/\/www.unrealengine.com\/en-US\/blog\/technology...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Unless he is a contortionist. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"everyone have a -go-lucky-saturday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sickening, but very impoant, reading ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch you lame as fuck. I don't give a fuck if you're in China hoe watch your ducking mouth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pigeon Girl can also send pigeons to poop on all MAGA hats.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He\u2019s going down with the rest of them #deepstate #ObamaWorstPresidentEver ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as u knoe is is ur sister cocern so plz come late let me do our job .. highfive ! #sorrow #orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cause you're a Bitch and you love those situations! \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A look at Houston's growing immigrant population: #GlobalCities #Missions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Triage system for border crossers won't be in place until Septemberhttps:\/\/t.co\/AnYatbcW9UPretty well turned out for \"refugees\" (code for country shoppers). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user that's why progressives r d most & #bigot ppl of all. only self-hating lazy racists would l\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"With that outlook, JBP has pretty much admitted that he is rootless and supports no culture over another.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #berniesanders should never have occurred! bernie should run on #greenpay! tbd voter fraud in calif cost bernie ca!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"proof that there is good #focusonthegood #orlandohorror #orlandoshootings #praystoorlando #prayfororlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hate him im so fucking sorry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Protestant (who doesn't even believe in the Trinity) doesn't get to opine about who is and isn't Pope. Francis may be making the Borgia Popes look holy, but he's still Pope. Unfortunately.http:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/08\/archbishop-to-f...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"princess eugenie caught up in 'racism' row over white actors playing chinese pas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#hea is the easiest thing which can be #fooled, i am #happy, i am and it just takes a thought to be anywhere in btw them \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER this gave me fucking heart palpitations i'm shaking as i type this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sounds familiar. almost like this happens more often then not.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wasn't the point of the weev's wedge to literally burn bridges and get rid of the losers?\u00a0 Why would the amnats want to work people they believe are holding them back again?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What you will get from my book, Stories in the Stars, in seven words? How to reincarnate into your own life. This weekend is your last chance to get it at the reduced price. It will go up to full price on Monday. Read the great reviews for it here: https:\/\/anniedieuleveut.com\/2018\/08\/31\/last-chance...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil culture is like the horizon\u00e2\u0080\u0095always in view but never in reach. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ThaReal_GaPeach got it! thanks Hun! ima text u","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@fairflattaxnow discredited by whom? Per the government the study is good and factual. Pay your bills moocher teabaggers and republicans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this will absolutely piss you off. #replacyclay #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everyone ask @user why they endorse such blatant @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are a dirty cum dumpster","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #ThanksTrump THIS IS A 'START' WE MUST GET THESE 'NUMBERS' DOWN TO 0 (ZERO) BY 'ANY' AND 'ALL' MEANS 'NECESSARY' THESE SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' WHO ARE NOT 'TERRORIST SEXUAL CRIMINALS' MUST STOP BEING 'COWARDS' AND 'RETURN' TO 'THEIR NATIVE LANDS' TO 'FIGHT' #MAGA #refugeesNOTwelcome","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When some crazy nobody snaps and does go nutz at some journo's im going to have a HUGE party and celebrate like a boss!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new board!!! #sitges #sup #paddle #sic #ilovesummer #iphone6splus @ sitges ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"0600, someone\u2019s getting a late start, lol !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is the secret sauce for #employees ~ #management","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Washington Post\u2019s Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hell did they boycott McEnroe.....this is too much!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user SERVES THE BASTARDS RIGHT! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@a #Gab just got a plug from Alex Jones on his live video on YouTube.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Not progressive at all Article II, section 1 of the Constitution 1790 says he is a citizen and 44 years as a resident of Texas says he can say y'all\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Biden tells GOP senators: \u201cJust because you have the power to do something doesn\u2019t absolve you of your responsibility to do right by the American people. Summon your conscience and stand up for our system of checks and balances.\u201d #Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is such a piece of shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#animalkingdom #also, #this #week #is #disney's #animal #kingdom's #bihday...so #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy newyear! #sameshitnewyear #corruption #trump #terrorattack #fundamentalism #violence #isis #crisis #hatred #murder #terrorism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Long rape scene? Even though there was no sex scene in the movie, and the woman agreed to a rape fantasy, then stopped it? LOL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who doesn't support her? Better question is why in hell would I believe someone when liberals are lying 24\/7? Shit a california professor recently attacked a man with a lock in a sock... How many women have faked attacks on them sense the election?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER First Man movie is an accurate metaphor for the NWO Globalist Left--they give you enough to make you believe they're truthful unless you have educated yourself!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You keep on believing in him,(God)and loving your life.yes, we are going to have some bad time,this is not our home.God said he will find a place for us.his father.has many mansion.(heaven). Love your husband and he love you.God will bless you two.because you and your husband is the image.God had for this \ud83c\udf0e.God bless.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #TrumpAdministration put Maria & her dad through hell & continues to do so for thousands of immigrant families across the U.S. We must push back. As NY\u2019s next AG, that\u2019s what I\u2019ll do. Help me win the fight against Trump\u2019s anti-immigration agenda: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wow! YOU'RE exactly like ANTIFA! You say you're against radical influences but YOU are THE MOST RADICAL OF ALL! De-platforming anyone that disagrees with you? Did you pull that one straight out of Hitler's playbook? Can you get any more Nazi Fascist? LOOK BEHIND YOU! IT'S KARMA! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck em all. Complete morons","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't really have feelings but I'm so good at faking it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RIVITING, FUDDY MURDER, OBAMA'S FAKE BC, FAKE SSN, ETC.....THEY\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"doing that thing where you find an old, forgotten playlist & as each new track plays, you congratulate yourself on your own great taste. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"AFM carried out 29 migrant rescue operations since 2014 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"words i live by \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #inspiration #socialmediamanagement ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Perhaps an Internet Bill of Rights is needed to protect right-wingers from Orwellian digital lynch mobs of the Left. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Check this ad out. Super creepy People are pointing out a disturbing problem with this Republican election ad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Holy fuck what a rat's nest of shitholes. I say nuke the entire region into glass and shadows and let the surviving cockroaches sort themselves out.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019ve never once heard you be thankful. All you do is shit on Canada. On the police. On our history. On Conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The failsafe failed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Evolution is only partly correct ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #happiness is when you go to an estate sale and score a beautiful oil painting for $50!! #score #frugal dance ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sounds like a prime candidate for arrest and prosecution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the greatest gift i ever had came from god ...... i call him dad ...... #fathers #day love u dad ........... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#childrenoftheworld bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with st ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ABVP was floated to bypass the ban on RSS. RSS was banned for spreading hate and bigotry through violence and terrorism. Part of ABVP DNA to go around beating up people, curtailing discussion etc #ABVPkaGundaraj DU #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know Rouhani it's weird...I was just thinking this morning about how much I'd like to see dogs and pigs feasting on your carcass....funny, old world isn't it?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Please can I have some of whatever it is you\u2019ve been smoking? Thats some top quality shit you\u2019re coming out with. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GAYYYY!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All refugees must send back home, without any consequences. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Actively refusing to negotiate Covid relief funds for the American people until Trump \u201cwins again\u201d is literally the president of the US directly threatening to withhold much needed money from US citizens if they do not vote for him. #VOTE #Trump2020 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"during this week's assembly, the principal launches the end of year rewards trip to all students. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fool on the Hill ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tickets for all 3 @user autumn internationals purchased!!!!! #coybig","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I lied bitch but Ik you saw me text your ugly hoe ass!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user They probably shutdown the @user website because of the death threats. If she votes yes she\u2019ll most likely get lots of support from #MAGA voters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tgif have a great weekend everyone!! #friday #weekend #like #jimcarrey #yay #fridays ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally moving today \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Destroy America is more the 24\/7 chant from ALL democrats including Hillary. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my fianc\u00c3\u00a9's brother and his girlfriend are moving in with us, hopefully all goes well. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lmfaoo! \ud83d\ude2d bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hope to see none of you @user inauguration wait, i won't be watching the #idiot anyway #mrminority #boycott","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"VIDEO: Another White man loses his job due 2 merely questioning 1 of the exalted niggers we're supposed 2 worship. Is 1 of several recently regarding pools which (((media))) keeps trying to mislead us 2 believe r PUBLIC pools, when r PRIVATE (apartments, hotels). Very common 4 nigs who don't live sumplace 2 swamp a pool & b unruly.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I find it unbelievable that McSally won over Kelli Ward. what the hell is wrong with AZ. they want another John McCain?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it's never too early to ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user 75% of illegal Aliens commit Felons such as ID, SSN and Welfare Theft Illegal #Immigration is not a Victimless Crime ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Boat carrying 160 migrants sinks off Northern Cyprus coast: 16 dead ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm +8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Alt-right are losers and whiners w\/no power. They don't matter. Many right-wing oligarchs fund Antifa to attack Alt-right. Russian intel funds both Antifa and Alt-right. Russia hawks are onto something. Alt-right are pro-Russia.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Pinche_Escobar too make up for your yellow chompers? #candyass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is a big nerd it seems..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Clinton\u2019s will get u ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"soup of the day! #pic #picoftheday #picture #rum #drinks #drinks #ice #summer\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Watch the resignations'\u00a0Q https:\/\/twitter.com\/thelastrefuge2\/status\/99256935...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 oz arizona's trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NEVER FORGET-it only took 19 radical hijackers to murder 3,000 & injure 6,000 others. We must make sure the people coming into our country don't want to murder us.9\/11#NeverForget #September11#Wall#VoterID#EndChainMigration#AntiNWO#DeepState ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i #love being a #daddy #fathersday to all the #dads this #weekend. thank you\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The aptly named Dick's Sporting Goods continues on the road to bankruptcy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"arena 2016 moments @user @user #competition #chengdu #sinostage #kinjazkamp #kinjaz #mikesong ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" booked for @user via @user for @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Muslims attacked US on 9\/11, 3000 killed. Subsequently we allowed more Muslims in our country?!?Does this make any sense to you?You can thank Obama, his liberals minions, RINO's & political correctness. #MuslimBan #BanIslam #TravelBan #DrainTheDeepState #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user only when drunk or in bed... But I'm always drunk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The thing that angers me the most about the #BrettKavanaugh debacle is that the left has given up on the idea of due process. On #WrongfulConvictionDay I wish to remind people that eyewitness testimony is a major cause of it. http:\/\/politicswarandculture.blogspot.com\/2018\/09\/one-of-most-infuriating-things-about.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Congratulations! Trump is now THE SWAMP. Republicans are no better than democrats the swamps are eating Americans alive. 50 years from now kiss this country bye bye if it stays like this ruled by the swamps.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#wow this is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BlueVino\u00a0did you hear that An0nKn0wledge got banned on Twitter? I also think they banned Anarchyball on Twitter too. Man, twitter is going cracking down on people these days.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just consider the source. This cockroach is a serial failure. The only reason he gets any notoriety is because there are radical media outlets that support far-left zealots. Joe needs help tying his shoelaces; thus Mika.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #NRA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"discussion of hurricane; reading from Dr Pierce; some health news, bad google, and 9\/11 talk.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Restricting ammo is infringing upon right to bear arms. How about women can have abortions but restricted to 1-3rd week of pregnancy and must be registered Easy test of gun control laws - apply them to other rights to see if they\u2019d be supported. If not then they are bad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"countdown for the company mv appearing soon !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When children grow up honest despite their parents.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. https:\/\/t.co\/AqJ5tBWWFC via @VanityFair","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hey fuck you cunt #cyberbullied ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Star tv","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hadda unfollow that TALKIN ass bitch damn hoe you annoying ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll have bitches on bitches and I will be a god. But damn women are hoes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why is #MSM so quiet? How many more innocent people need to die before congress gets off their butts and passes legislation to #BuildThatWall Quit showboating over a judge you know is very qualified and do your job to protect American Citizens! #MagaOneVoice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user ...and i'm tired of being all #alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back #home \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 #scars #emo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 rules to de-stress your #weekends. #relax ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my first mention in someone else's video \u00e2\u0098\u00ba \"roast me\" big shout out to @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chris Comatose !!! CNN, King of Fake !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good lord this woman is a dipshit !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is this for real or a joke?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Planned Parenthood is fighting back against Blacks catching on to what Margaret Sanger was all about: Limiting the Black population. It's why she formed PP in the first place.\u00a0 So now, billboards making it look bright and shiny and liberating to kill off their unborn.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A clear shift (again) on the migratory routes of the Mediterranean. Another proof that no matter what deals European countries strike with African nations, migrants and refugees will find another way through. It's like covering one leak just to find out there are thousands more. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mis babys love you #fifthharmony #reflection #727 #losamo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just ordered this #pearlywhites #white #glowing \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 migrants shot dead while escaping from #Libyan camp #UnitedNations #LibyancampMore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" 7 stories that made us happy this week: 7 stories that made us happy this week. 0shares. reprint. subs... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merkel, Macron vow Brussels won't tolerate resistance to inundation of Muslim migrants via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"relaxation\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a#inshot #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach #hot #cool\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hilarious, the same jews that destroyed Germany's borders are causing their own extinction by importing muzzies that hate them. Karmic justice.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so sad what happened in #orlando! please pray for the families of those victims killed! john 15:12!!! #orlando #john1512","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i just want the #world to go back to #normal; like #gap #commercials, the show #friends, and #eve6 #music.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Through the Arches, Mission San Juan Capistrano' \ud83d\uddbc\ufe0f by Joseph Kleitsch #fineart #architecture #impressionism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Guess what Chicago kids go theu this shit every day and they have the strictest gun control around!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MeTooMovement has become a far left liberal political machine ran by feminist hacks that hate all men and conservatives. #Trump #MAGA #KavanaughConfirmationHearings","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user *doesn't render for you. Just in: If you buy faster RAM (2400MHz or over) it loads buildings in a fraction of a second. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you the only carry in your team :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So after taking with Kavanaugh he is able to diagnose His accuser","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal alien arrested for attempting to fulfill his dream. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If it's real those antifa are asking for a broken bone or black eye ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER 2) That's even an ANTIFA motto, By any means necessary\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As usual the skank democrats lie and make it up to cover their evil ass. We r so looking forward to the public hanging.\u201dswing you bastards!\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Illegal Aliens should all be deported along with their entire family NOT, I repeat NOT given free anything .. #NoHealthCare #NoHousing #NoFinancialSupport #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThemBack #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWallNow from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico #VoteRed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Element of surprise has gone then Somehow i think this is more ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Beto-male ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RSSReachesOut Now its open to everyone who really is intolerant. Shame on these Psuedo liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\udf25\ud83c\udf0e\ud83d\udc38\u00a0 Good morning Gab\u00a0 \ud83c\udf1e\ud83d\ude42\ud83c\udf24","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BenGarrison","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Starbucks Has Censored Me for Mocking Them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user big shout out to all who took pa in the lee valley activity centre aquathon #openwaterswimming #wetsuit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If ever sports seemed scripted , this ending to this Yankee game proved it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user A useful idiot. No longer need him. Their to busy to be bothered with gun control now. Busy trying figure out how to sway an election in their favor. Not gunna happen \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"almost like they were doing shitty on purpose before or something. weird... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What can, or does, pass for currency in your community?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She called me a thot bitch you's a lil hoe too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The only deep disgrace and abuse of rights is your existence in relativity. Even the generation before mine knows who you are RAE. Low life opportunist. Government over people. Suck a liberal dick you alt left Nazi! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Confusing circumstances seem to get in the way of your high ho... More for Virgo http:\/\/t.co\/nrAAI6dhVx","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a total phony. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every race has it's plebs, but white plebs have to be the worst of all. Even urban nignogs are more clever. It's really amazing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Genesis 12:3 \u201cAnd I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Old punks don't die; they exist in an existential void of Morrissey infatuation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is this asshole even a real citizen ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cordially salute to one who sacrifices everything for happiness of his child..the real hero...world call him papa... father's day....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck you cunt. Try this on for size. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hey I don\u2019t actually really care about celebs. I\u2019m 9\/10 out of the loop with celeb news because I don\u2019t have any interest in western celebs. If anything you should re\u2019evaluate how you view celebs since you are the one placing a personal vendetta against someone for something- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When someone tries to correct my grammar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A shocking video has emerged out of Oklahoma, where an armed thug thought he was going to ambush two Tulsa Police Department Gang Unit Officers from behind the tinted glass of his SUV. Instead, the violent lowlife got a horrific surprise that he wasn't counting on. https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/oklahoma-thug-ambush-cops\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER His eyes are fucking louder than his words!!!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It was a disagreement between a fucking umpire and a player! It was not abusive!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@slayerific13 @daisymcgarr Like I said.. I might have to check but I'm just not sure bird shot counts as getting shot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER BCashhhhhhhhhhconnectttt!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another fucking piece of a crap. You have gone too far in chasing mirages, Kashmiri women do not sleep around with RSS men, you fucking cunt, there is no sanity left in you now. You must have heard that phrase. 'Langoor Ke haath angoor' this shit is similar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We should keep the good hard working immigrants like the Chinese and polish, and deport all the scrounging Romanians! French & Germans have never been an Issue, problem has always be from that asshole of a country Romania @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a piece of garbage! I can't believe the hatred those bitches on the View have for Trump! And ABC let's them spew this garbage on a daily basis. Disgusting! Boycott the View! Boycott ABC too! I have & damn proud of it! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"but #carlpalidino can vomit a monster truckload of shit about the #usa #firstfamily and they don't jail him for #hatecrime ? pigs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user wow! what's in store? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"catch us next week at the southampton balance course ... see you there @user #vestibular #icsimpulse","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Looks Like The Jokes On Liberals Again. #FortTrump #Poland #BoomingEconomy URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is awful. And so smug. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Can you imagine what she is like to waitstaff who get her order wrong? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Right I'm stopping replying to anymore of your nonsense but going to keep following you to warm others of your dangerous take on society - you pal are the biggest fake going and been proved and just like all the rest of antifa are bloody dangerous ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"selfie #love #momentos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user That is to say I was aware it wasn\u2019t written for me. That\u2019s ok though. You can tell that she really loves the housewife culture she is writing about. Imagine Shirley Jackson without the misanthropy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a moron","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Totally. Just shown herself up to be a spoilt narcissist. The comment to the umpire that he will never be at her matches for as long as he lives? Just who does she think she is?? Not gracious in defeat. A disgrace to the sport. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Needs the snot beat outta him","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Before long football players will receive about half of what they make now. Let them keep protesting. The players aren\u2019t going to win this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would tag your stupid ass but you bothered and blocked me, so should I tag your new bitch? \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Life's a bitch because a slut would be too easy . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Glaswegians rally to protest against \u2018\u02dcmass eviction\u2019 of refugees by Serco ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"try a few of the ideas on this list and see if their day-to-day practice helps you become more : #mentalhealth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user nice to meet you! #summer #losangeles #live #hello #photography #studio #longhair\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is so brutal. Hopefully he sells the team...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pimp walking down the steps.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@support I notice the Profile and Live Topics links are backwards in the app. Try tapping on each and see what happens :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no liberal believes that. we are the pay of inclusivity who believes in equality for all, anywhere. you are a tra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is so smart. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another negative Democrat who refuses to disappear! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I come from a long line of bigots and morons. It's hard to grapple with at first but it gets better. Fill the void with fundamentally decent ppl and you will eventually realize you are better off for it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The true meaning of life is to survive, and replicate individual genetics ! From a single cell organism, to the most complex life form, this is the whole truth of it ! All else derives from, and is in support of this instinctive pursuit ! Everything is rooted in this,...EVERYTHING !!! Fail in this, and your genetics become extinct !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"example #2: same person @user calling people names & even their mother. #sick #warped @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Who is the ring leader of the brain dead sheep. Time to turn it back on him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCKING FUCK SHIT PISS MOTHERFUCKING BITCH TIT CUNT FUCKING SLUT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I teach my grown sons theres winners and losers...see Serena temper tantrums she is a Democrat...lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nyc first responders honor orlando's fallen #banassualtweapons ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Love watching replays of election night 2016. And watch the media completely m let down. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If any left leaning freak attacks me I will attack back. But so many conservatives are just compliant. Happy with just bitching and complaining. How can we fire people up. The left has got energy. Lots of it. And if things don\u2019t change. We\u2019re going to loose. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But the wicked\u00a0\u00a0like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.\u00a0no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.\" Isaiah 57:20-21\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A bitch is complaining to corporate about me in our lobby lmaooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Iranian government has reportedly acknowledged it aided the transport of terrorists through the country on their way to conduct the 9\/11 terror attack. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She don\u2019t never have on pants and she is forever throwing up the people\u2019s eyebrow with her pinched nose ass.... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Pass the plan why ae we allowing Immigrants to become Public Charges which is against he law they should be deported #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#AmyConeyBarrett !!!!! Great pick!!!! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Right now Kamala Harris is scrambling trying to dig up dirt on her. You know Kamala-toe is going to be a rude bitch. Just like she was with Kavanaugh & Gorsuch. \ud83d\ude44[NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Honestly I don\u2019t care what he does with his money. My beef was always that they brought their shit politics to the field.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user danny o\u00e2\u0080\u0099donoghue pays tribute to murdered voice contestant @user @user #r\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Things like this make you realize why Mark was so reluctant to embrace his Star Wars fans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall is all about homeland security and an open border clearly leaves Americans less safe. Makes sense to use our military to protect us by building a wall. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Al Franken anyone? Any assault or harassment stays with you for a lifetime. I was sexually harassed in HS by a coach. I was 17. I remember it like yesterday and I'm almost 60. Scott Newman you are scum.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Irish Bad Bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's weird but I miss Robertson Screwdrivers :( --> From ‘toque’ to ‘mickey,’ ten Canadianisms :: http:\/\/t.co\/LUFaCmlo20 via @nationalpost","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mindfulness... #yogainspiration ness #lake #simcoe #yoga #yogateacher #yogalife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great country: #australia and #israel : #australian #opkillingbay\u00e3\u0080\u0080#seashepherd #israeli\u00e3\u0080\u0080#kpop #kpopdance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chyron on @user show:RINO McConnell wants to wait to #BuildThatWall until after the primaries.Like every other personality on a @user network, hes now a full-blown RWNJ propagandist.This happens only with the explicit endorsement of @user . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TRANSLATION - WE MUST BRAINWASH THE GOYIM EARLY TO MAKE IT STICK IN THEIR MINDS SO THE TRUTH BECOMES HARDER TO BELIEVE. These kikes know exactly how to keep the lie going, get them while they are young with indoctrination that is state enforced. FUCK ISRAEL AND THEIR HOLOHOAX","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hey stupid her name is MELANIA! And old Ugly skank ass like you isnt good enough to shine her shoes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER maybe he is for brutally beating a woman. apparently spending a couple hundred dollars makes up for beatin the piss out of someone","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So Alyssa you saying he\u2019s guilty? What ever happened to innocent before guilty? And if he is innocent would you at least tweet an apology? Shut up and answer the tweet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/california-police-13-hostages-aged-2-29-captive-223112752.html\u00a0\u2026 Six of the couple's children are minors, while the other seven are over 18, the eldest is 29. Place parents in the mental ward. The elder kids should stay with younger. They will need a governmental assistance and medical help.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"German police arrest group of Arab migrants for assaulting a Jewish man in a Berlin park ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall NOW! #BuildThatWall, pass the budget with money for the WALL. We the people have spoken! Do it now, no pet projects in this budget! #BuildThatWall , #BuildThatWall ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes! ThankQ! .@POTUS Violent criminals out! You do not have the right to be in the US! You should earn it! #deportillegalimmigrants #MeritBasedImmigration #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #TheRainMakers #TrumpWorld ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are absolutely correct! But your question would be better directed at the LIBERALS in Congress, the ones that make conflict Big Business\" it's all about money & power!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be yourself and keep on moving ladies #authenticity #lady #femalehealth #healthretreat #marbella #thyroid #fatloss ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those against Christians are aligned with the Jews, our mortal enemies. We don't need witches and warlocks to win this war. And we won't lift a finger to help our enemies. Remember that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user after talking to my gf it just confirmed to me your comments about mcguire were a joke. #poorjournalism #yournobody #joke ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got the T-shirt.. \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Recapping everything that happened with Ohio State and Urban Meyer last night ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so to have been able to go to a #braves #baseball #game at\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2k - yellow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b #yesterday #selfie #2k #yellow #happiest5k\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HERE'S TO THE NORMAL PEOPLE WHO USE COMMON SENSE, LOGIC, LEARN FROM MISTAKES, RESPECT THEIR ELDERS, KNOW THAT MODERATION IS THE KEY TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. EXTREMISM EITHER WAY, LIBTARD OR RIGID PATRIARCHS, IS A FAILURE WAITING TO HAPPEN. IF YOU LIVE TO BE 65 IT MEANS YOU WERE RIGHT OTHERWISE YOUR ASS WOULD BE DEAD. NOW IT'S TIME TO SCHOOL THE FOOL.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you have a bad day, just make a selfie, and you know how ugly it looks #bad #bad day \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This B**ch Behar needs to shut that big ugly hole on her face and think about the fact she's not giving Kavanaugh or his family the benefit of their rights as citizens. In her fat head they're guilty bc they're Conservatives. Behar needs a muzzle around decent people. HRC clone. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sept 20 at 2:18 EST, expect emergency text message from trump. If it says no collusion,\" I'm gonna sue someone. #resist #MAGA\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Unfortunately, the report is riddled with errors. It fabricates connections between influencers that simply don't exist, and categorizes liberals as far-right\"\" if they even openly debate conservatives: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future! \u2014 Adolf Hitler, 1935 All gun control starts with safety\"\". It's all bs.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And the left has time to call Trump crazy? http:\/\/www.climatedepot.com\/2018\/01\/04\/al-gore-bitter-cold-is-exactly-what-we-should-expect-from-the-climate-crisis\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If he doesnt want to face the responsibility for his actions then he is in the wrong job. That is without taking into account him being a bit shit... #AVFC #BRUCEOUT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trump call them very find people so lets talk about groups like Antifa and black life matter people that has form to fight hate groups y\u2019all would like to apply some type of moral equivalency to hate groups and them just like ICE was form to stop illegal immigrants we luv them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are sick in the head. This man lost his daughter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Could you pass a basic financial literacy test? (I got them all correct) https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/01\/08\/most-americans-cant-answer-these-4-basic-money-questions\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I saw that but i dont think thats a tattoo. It looks like that fuckin fashion fabric string or some shit. Idk. Might not me but that ass looks exactly like hers ha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We\u2019ve been played AGAIN! #TrumpShow #TrumpLies #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/truuql4Pbh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He was fucking murdered and all you can talk about is marijuana?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #stlouis still needs help. @user thinks he's survived. we need to get him out of office, asap. #ferguson\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What would the strongest threat be? No more taco sauce ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I read this as If you are a straight white male forget about being partnered.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Guy if you can't explain yourself after a day that's a good indication youre talking shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"God I hate that faggot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Republicans on Gun Control. Deaths didn't participate in the success of Trump's Economy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/nflnetwork\/status\/92135... 100% lulz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no bitch idk about my family being broke \ud83d\ude02dumb ass hoe. and u clearly have a dick between yours. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Series of killings in refugee camps spark fear among members of the displaced #Rohingya Muslims and aid workers #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugees #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"see that is your fanaticism speaking because I dont believe as you do I am less ?? fuck you and your fake god read your history fanatic the rule of christianity is written in blood conquest and pain so much for a loving god","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user In ceuta Spain at the borderRefugees go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...it should not be surprising that conservatives increasingly want to take that ultimate power of life and death away from the government.\" URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs\"\". She needs people like you to support her though.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our ancestors called migrants invaders we should do the same ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The 'I can't get a date so Ima just take one' starter pack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" hardcore vinyls index of bisexual ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He\u2019s dead. So you are a necrophiliac as well? Good to know...you must suck at chess never mind 3 dimensional chess...you can\u2019t even think one move ahead let alone many...Change your twitter handle to DumbAF not even ish\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fellas, if you have a good girl in your life cherish her and love her, because most of these girls\/women rather play the Hoe\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who knew that building #garden #furniture could make someone so ?? @user #chillout ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who makes the sandwiches at a feminist rally? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #tgif #ff to my #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad! @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Proved u can photoshop real good for a player u degenerate bitch whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JoeBiden We need a President who believes in AMERICA. #Trump2020 #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stay in the kitchen you whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is Romanian?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are out of your fucking mind .. NO socialism is good - NO such thing as \u201cDemocratic Socialism\u201d You fool ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Samantha Bee had lots of old man balls on her chin to get her career. Another nasty,\u00a0vile lefttard who can say disgusting things and KEEP her TV show. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We would rather keep Bieber than Trudeau. You are welcome to Trudeau ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT is saying that Julian Assange will be \u201chanded over\u201d to the UK in the \u201cnext weeks or days\u201d\u00a0https:\/\/twitter.com\/wikileaks\/status\/1020134927701...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We've reached the point where the US can no longer be considered a safe country for #refugees. #SuspendSTCA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lol this cyph troll he seems to be the only niggermania troll on gab","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Bibi so looks like Stalin when Stalin was younger. Maybe he is starting to act like him a tad. China is never your friend. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ouch! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And you are sure she is lying? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER His back hole will look like the holland tunnel we he gets to the male prison","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why do you keep telling this lie? There WERE ppl there that did not belong to Antifa\/KKK that were just there supporting or not supporting the statues staying or going.#Dems love repeating lies because they have nothing else. Do you repeat hands up don't shoot too? Probably.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is this the real #aungsansuukyi? #rohingya #genocide #persecution #asean #burma #myanmar #rape #humanrights htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"' teaching women how to wear modest clothes and looking unattractive will reduce rape' WHAAAAAT? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Euro trash. check their passports and travel history.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Women are ridiculous lmao like bitch I\u2019m 5\u20192. I\u2019m sorry your crush went for a shorty \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is bluffing. He shouldn\u2019t have brought it up. Now Trump need to insist or say it\u2019s proof he is lying. Trump wins either way. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No, we should cover their transportation across the southern border & let them go on their way. #BUILDTHEWALL #deportALLaliens #noAnchorBabies #NODACA #NoDreamers #NOcitizenship #NoChainMigration #NoVisaLottery #secureOURborder ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why are you bothering me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is all grown up\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LOLSO TRUE!!I THINK BOOKER IS WINNING THE BATTLE OF MOST HYSTERICAL WOMEN AT THE KAVANAUGH HEARINGS!!!@CoryBooker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Money which are payed for social welfare - it increase. Together money for refugees will destroy the budget. People must decide: Welfare less and refugees or welfare without refugees. Both isnt possible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is a reason you were #conquered and #enslaved by both Europeans, Arabs and even other Africans. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like my niggas mean\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d If a bitch touch you look at her like she got horse shit on her shirt\ud83d\ude18 and tell that hoe too back tf up \ud83d\ude01 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hollywood and media make jokes about Jesus and Christians and think that's hilarious but turn every innocent joke conservatives tell in to an outrage. Typical of reprobates. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i'm constantly let down by the lack of fat male role models, especially in emojis. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is desperately trying to deflect. This is what Jordan & Nunes have been wanting. Trump doesn\u2019t care who he endangers. Fck tRump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sanctuary County: Illegal Alien Gang Member With Violent History Shot Two People At Fast Food Drive-Thru #DeportThemALL #BanSanctuaryCitiesNo citizen should ever be the victim of Illegal Alien Crime. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its ok to be white ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Antifa is the modern day KKK. Funded by the Demarat party..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The cunt who\u2019s 1st EU is doing it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here we go again. The Iranians seem bound and determined to push their luck with the US. SMGDH. http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/2018\/08\/27\/irans-stra...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the only way for you to stay relevant is to open your mouth, and tell other peoples buisness . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user dear @user @user sirs, can you please transfer shri pahlaj nihalani to a press regulatory body. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Espn is a joke. She is an entitled bully who can't handle losing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is in witness protection. I wish this cow had a mobile phone so she could call other cows and share her escape. #GoVegan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user stop the sale of guns please. how many more will get killed like this? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch I'm scared lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What's my #MondayMotivation? I'm inspired every day by my hardworking team @user who support #refugees around the world with emergency food assistance! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you should probably start reading your Bible hun. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Being Sovereign and relinquishing Debt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Get the physical body you've always wanted! : http:\/\/www.dietfoodprograms.com\/totalgym\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0098\u0086 erin_swallows #busty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Balance is overrated. Work-life balance is misunderstood. You want to have extraordinary results, balance is the last thing you need. You need to go all-in and make sacrifices. Balance will give you an average life. Nothing wrong with it, but know what you want.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is no such thing as \"hate speech\", just like there is no such thing as \"racist\", and there is no such thing as \"antisemitism\" ...these *words* are all tools used to silence those that speak up against tyranny. Take your dumbass hate speech BS back to twatter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As Pope Francis reminds us to #ShareJourney, you can help migrant families in need here in the Houston area. #MigrationMonday Help now at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HE IS THE BEST ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"STAY OUT OF HOSPITALS IF YOU WANT TO LIVE. \u00a0 THEY KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS MORE THEN GUNS. \u00a0MAYBE WE SHOULD BAN DOCTORS LIBERAL FUCK WADS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Christians don't stick up for themselves. They do as their church leaders tell them, and their church leaders are telling them to bend over for multiculturalism, to forgive the non-whites\/muslims that are raping and murdering their children, and to accept that islam is a religion of peace, and to just pray instead of fight back. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #shithole of Canada in the news. Somali born immigration minister says \"Canadians are more hateful\". This is the product of\u00a0 #diversity: https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/ezra_levant_show_january_30_2018","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3.\u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NazisAreBad Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion,...\" (3)\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The term negative knowledge\" strikes me, when knowledge is sucked away and information goes into reverse -- away from the recipient.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @HMSguy: Rahal's an idiot. Second time this year he's wrecked someone under yellow.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can you share my twtich? Trying to make that shit work out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shakespeare plays for tRumpers: Romeo and Juliet Sound Like Immigrant Names All\u2019s Well That Ends with Armageddon Much Ado About Hillary The Grabbing of the Pussy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"theres barely any father left in westroes to celebrate father's day with.... #gameofthrones season6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what's so hard about scaling... @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0 #devops ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#blackface, prostitutes, #hatespeech: a brief history of the #mummersparade behaving badly' #xenophobia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Hillary was blaming women not too long ago. Better hope the Uneducated\" don't show up to vote again. \u201cIt isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.\u201d\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For our #10thanniversary on Friday, we've got 2 items to give-away! Street Fighter The Tribute art book in a raffle & TMNT Shell Unleashed for the gamer who can land the top score of the day on our new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lady get real trump is rich he doesn\u2019t need tax payers money.liberals still tax payers money.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes swear a nigga switch up when he up, naw bitch we just remember all the spiteful hoe shit you was on, fuck on. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tough to take the focus off those poor genetic mutations.\u00a0 They're always born with damaged DNA, disabilities, bone deformations and\/or arthritis, sterile, and other conditions never seen in normally born animals.\u00a0 When will fucking frankenscientists learn THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING WITH GENETICS?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user about that \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #greathonour #careerconvos @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ooooooooooo. got something coming today from @user #oilers #nhl #farewellrexallplace","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Shes a liberal all she has to do is disagree with you on one thing to determine that you are a terrible person. Remember liberals talk from their high horses of superior morality.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please do not go to Church tomorrow you change immigration law after a week cos poor Indian Doctors cant get their sponsored training yet you cannot give the unemployed a rise in the name of Christ begone with a year and take your evil laws ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"friday \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #weekend#fullofsurprises ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2017 a new beginning!! getting rid of this #nationdivider! good riddance pos!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WILL SLOVENIA join Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, & Austria in electing a right wing, anti-Muslim immigration government? via @user Better late then never... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trumpwashing and US liberals' historical amnesia are the real definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER There are no timely responses in rap beef LMAOOOOOO Nas took THREE MONTHS to respond to Jay and he bodied him. Em always takes a month or more. Where did y'all get this timely response shit?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The kennedy is with the people in the nwo, what he said in the speech proves it. He has made his decision.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because he didn\u2019t do any think Sorry that not true you and Obama screw the American people when ever you could! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So you are going to deflect away from nearly 3000 dead due the the lack of post hurricane support from the Trump administration by using the deportation of a single 92 year old man? You sir are the offensive one.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Monday St. Johns is hosting an Immigrant Stories film screening and panel with @user Click the link below for info and to RSVP. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user needs to send in the Military to the southern border stop this invasion of America from the 3rd world. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"makes me sick that 4 ovr 25 yrs idolized george bailey but 2016 #uspoli choose #potter \/ #greed \/ #lies #misogyny\/ learned 0 #fail","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RepMaxineWaters Well DJT is going to be re-elected & that seat will not stay open for 4 years. Deal with it Mad Max! [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ovANg2wYYk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"um why a girl and not a boy? or maybe just gender neutral teenager. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You forgot the sarcasm tag kid. Some people are ignorant enough to think you are serious","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Listening to this right now. Tis plaintive and wistfully beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He was being nice and cool. You were Being an attention whore. Next time explicitly say you\u2019re not interested instead of flexing for Twitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump The best is yet to come....VOTE BIDEN!!!! THIS NUT HAS TO GO!![NEWLINE]#BlueWave2020 [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace [NEWLINE]#TrumpLied200KDied","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain't that the truth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good Morning Canada \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love Gabs new font. Much easier to read, especially on mobile.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new bikini from my amazon list \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f big x to paul x thank you x #bikini #abs #sexy #bikinibody #love #model ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I say look at what the children are be indoctrinated with at school.\u00a0 Lot of left wingers are teachers, and we all know they sure know how to teach you to hate yourself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I can just hear the trumpsters now crowing that we liberals loved Jane Fonda and supported draft dodgers. I grew up in those times. I was against the war but knew Fonda had gone too far and was wrong. I supported those who burned their draft cards AND those who served.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Liberals #IllegalImmigrants #SecureOurBorder #BorderPatrolThis is what liberal Democrats in #California are... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mlearning gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. mater ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They owe the Christian Conservatives and the Koch Bros. this nomination. This specific nomination. For a reason.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We VOTED 4 #BuildThatWall, #LimitedImmigration so it would NOT hurt the American worker, we voted so terrorists could not walk across our Southern border. WHY are @user AGAINST STRONGER IMMIGRATION RULES? VOTE 4 #MAGA & #KAG2018 #KAG2020 Thank U Jim, WE STAND WITH U! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is very good camp food. #summer #pioneercamp16 #food #love #fun #camp #muskoka \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Scratch a loud leftist, find a sex pest. One might almost start to believe the moral preening is meant to hide their actual behaviour.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Don't worry fellow #Antifa and #resist member, I have made an excellent plan to stop Russian influence for good. I call it General Plan Ost\"\". We will invade Russia's western border in three different army groups while cleansing the population all the way to Moscow!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nigga we\u2019re going next week ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user When we Satan call him home #Soros. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DACA Dreamer on the run, allegedly wanted for murder @user @user #EndDACA Threat is just too great!#NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeNowhere in US Constitution does it say to protect Illegal Aliens! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ur head bout big as shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user her opinion. she is not a Feminist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The people complaining about this are almost certainly the ones who think getting in people\u2019s faces (antifa etc) will result in the victim accepting it and thanking them for their advice. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I just need one kitty one butt hole to lick one person to be my NUMBER ONE FAN& support me I just need a bitch to be my peace just ONE \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is the gawdfather of #fuxNews URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t cuz that nigga retarded smh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ha if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER get your shit together","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh so now he's a spoiled *millennial* murderer, too??? https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/news\/4867-mollie-tibbetts-k... BTW, the guy who owns the property where this scumbag was working is a die-hard Democrat\/Hillary supporter. Go figure he'd employ ILLEGAL ALIENS to work for him.\u00a0\ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@atrupar Trump didn\u2019t get Putin\u2019s memo that hunter did nothing wrong.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm >15 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We must all stick together to MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil wwi & wwii were both waged over oil. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bitch shut up he building his self esteem","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Coming from a person from Chicago...kook! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hahahahaha threatening us with a scrawny AIDS infested nigger with a shitty knife cutting up a baby chicken? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MondayMotivation Instead of #MAGA - could we please have #MAAA - Make America America Again - the rest of the world misses you! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All you fucking faggots were laughing at her too with that other fucking dumb cunt liberal Ellen DeGeneres ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sharing one of my faves. Always be prepared for stupidity from libs.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I lived through the era where conservatives literally tried to argue that gay rights would cause the collapse of Western Civilization. No exaggeration. They used he fall of Rome as their example somehow. They now want to pretend that they didn\u2019t vilify us. Ugh.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user BS made up by a lying liberal..a cheap filthy whore, whose lies help to undermine REAL WOMEN who are sexually assaulted. But with trashy liberals who cares?\"\" right? As long as the end can justify the means? Trashy libs tried same thing with Judge Thomas. Democrats are sick.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shocking such abandoned dilapidated blight in jackson, mississippi. why allow those structures to remain? #tragedy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Someone yelled \u201cgo home pilgrims\u201d at Trump supporters on Mooney. https:\/\/t.co\/EDHj4wKfCk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's like arguing that soldiers who fought Nazis in WWII were violently forcing their ideas onto others\" when they shot Nazis. No, they weren't trying to change their minds with bullets, they were trying to stop them from forcing fascism on the world. Same with antifa.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BS maybe the unemployed and those loving on the government it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Also Jaclyn is either crazy stupid or she is straight up lying to people about the Morphe return policy. That is also deceptive and predatory ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Antifa is much much smaller than white supremacists in America and responsible for a fraction of the violence. Also NAZI'S ARE BAD!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is truly dumb as shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like another girl fucked up another relationship. When are you gonna learn ladies? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=178&v=Xk_UBglPJKU This is a video everyone should watch. This is not about Black or White. This is about the mechanisms created to destroy the Christian foundation and values that made America the greatest nation in the world. Those dividing the public by economic status, race, and gender are our enemy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in the case of the commonwealth of the internet vs @user the evidence proved him guilty of #antisemitism , , and #misogyny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs. He is a coward and a disgrace. Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't just make girls cum... I make girls ask me if they're allowed to cum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really doubling down on the fat boy, huh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"~40 million SSI numbers have been stolen & used by Illegal Aliens to get work, according to agency records!\"~Obama stopped sending notice to employers notifying them when numbers don't match their identity!@realDonaldTrump! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user stop this BS. A woman murdered him in his own home! This is so incredibly irresponsible and I am outraged that you are blaming the victim who is a black man. What does him having weed have anything to do with his murder in his own home? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is a beautiful day! #dragon#boat#festival ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the revolution occurred\u00e2\u0080\u0095just not how marx expected it to. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he always smiles #noh #vietnam #smilesforyou #travel #photography #photo by trantuanviet #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Sorry to break it to you but the god of the bible is actually just a lesser god from the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian religions. The bible itself isn't unique in it's claims nor is it unique in it's inability to substantiate said claims. Try again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'How do you live with yourself?' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"boo you whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rome evolved from a republic to an empire","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another incident in Germany will it be a drunk driver or another angry immigrant with issues innocent to proven Guilty there is so much goodwill before it becomes salt in the wounds of a giving Nation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NYHitsRadio \u266a Glam Skanks - Bad Bitch by Glam Skanks \u266a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 6.5 Billion Human Beings are spare to capacity according to the One World Government End Game Agenda ~ that 6.5 Billion includes 1.5 BILLION Muslims ~ #MAGA ought'a keep that in both heart & mind ~ #ReligiousFreedom #Republic #FreedomAndJusticeForALL ~ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No I have no relationship with him he is not worth the energy it would take to hate him. I have more respect for the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe than such a selfish spoiled entitled narcissist! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump\u2019s Plan to Leave a Major Arms Treaty with Russia Might Actually Be About China https:\/\/foreignpolicy.com\/2018\/10\/22\/trumps-plan-to-leave-a-major-arms-treaty-with-russia-might-actually-be-about-china\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting the west spreydon yr 3\/4 kids ready for @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RichardKoch8020 Outcome is decided! #MAGA2020 finally realized they were following a moron!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Makassar refugees, 'locked down' for 2 days from today, want #Indonesia's President Joko Widodo @user to know that they are not a threat & welcome him. Please let the children out to play & adults need to buy food for the duration of your visit. Please retweet & email to help. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Rich you are my OG follower..i had 2 311 fans follow me first but they have hardly ever tweeted..so u get the honors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They need to build the fucking wall first!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Headline:\u00a0Republicans Resist Plan To Rename Senate Building For McCain\u00a0 I don't know, 'Crapweasel Senate Building' kind of has a ring to it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am just one of the Australians supporting Tommy Robinson, and I hope there are millions more.\u00a0 The UK and especially England are a part of me, my language, my culture, my history.\u00a0 I look forward to the day I can visit and witness Tommy speaking in person.\u00a0 Until then, I'm taking warrior lessons from Tommy.\u00a0 FIGHT!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WOW\u00a0 WTF. Fucking police a government institutions complicit in this demonic evil. This explains a multitude in regard to increase in crime and other issues. This institutional cancer can only be cut out in one way and its not peaceful protest","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"God fucking forbid someone offend any fucking one on this planet. Idk how our species will continue when everyone is too much of a fucking cunt bitch to speak their minds @user please add a filter to this so it can be friendly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #boosta #subsonica mitici cosa ci avete preparato ?? happy \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089happy \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008ahappy\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00bchappy\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b8happy\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't stress enough that people should read\/listen to Democracy the God that Failed by Hans Hermann #Hoppe. There is an audiobook on Youtube of it if you want to just listen. Its a look at traditional #monarchy from an anarcho capitalist perspective. #Politics","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Honey, as a fellow white chick, let me tell you what you need to do here. Shut the fuck up and quit telling black women how to feel or talk about other black women. Stay in your damn lane. Bitch at me about how I'm talking to you or whateve ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you're a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck \u263a\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Go back to your Nazi Twitter freak.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new release! slime school! #apple #cat #lol #indiegame #funny #memes #indiegogo #gamer #australia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@granniebambi Thank you for the follow.\u00a0 I #FollowedBack #SpeakFreely #GabVets","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cShe a hoe\u201d \u201cShe ugly\u201d \u201cShe fat\u201d \u201cHer head trash\u201d \u201cHer pussy dry\u201d \u201cHer pussy stank\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Clinton\u2019s will get u","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"250 million africans and 60 million \"refugees\" can't just go to Germany and Europe. If they try to come anyway, it would be a declaration of war against entire Europe! Don't think about to cheat us and to play the \"rascist card\" forever! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"heres a nigger culturally enriching an office with vibrant diversity, our greatest strength!\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dog cries on the grave of its owner. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 #husky #dog #love (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"America..!! #WalkAway Get out and VOTE or live in POVERTY and SERVITUDE...!!\"\" #MAGA #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hump day!!! xoxo :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user would rather be involved in the bullshit politics that our community has rather than play the greatest game in the world. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...music #jazz #music #jazzmusic #jazzchillout tune #guitarjazz #pianojazz #inspire friday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, I sure am glad these bitches have my best interests at heart.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user yea bitch we are out hoe and ???? what you going to do hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheMayorMatt the early bearded man gets the clam ? #herkfacts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DoeMostDope @mattrbennett209 @JohnnieGoings ha booner has that twitter @boone_boone5356 ha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Where is the fascist version of Antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you are looking for hard heads you only have to look at the Republican Congress","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user it's 2016! would you question #hillary like that considering her age, condition & fact\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We handed our nationalised industries over to be run for profit by the nationalised industries of other countries. Smart.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" naked woman mo fo sex","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What could possibly go wrong there?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You could never comprehend the way my brain works ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've been disappointed in a lot lately, and these baylor boosters are adding to that list. winning at all costs is not pa of humanity. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A federal judge in Maryland has sided with the Trump administration over a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OM GOSH.... Now they wantus to believe that ALIENS directed asteroid or weapon, which killed dinosaurs, at Mexico... COME ON NOW... HISTORY CHANNEL GOING OFF DEEP END","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What the hell has his location at the time of the shooting got to do with anything? People don't have to be shot to fight for gun control! Usually they can't after the event because they are usually DEAD! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I do not support Trump. He is an abomination! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i've just read @user ' guest blog for #thecuriousmystic , and you guys are in for a treat! #guestblog #a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you feel that the definition of fake news expands to include embellishing of truth? So many commentators try to make every broadcast earth shaking.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Liberals need to open their eyes and be honest with themselves about allowing massive Muslim immigration into our country. Look at what is happening in Europe. #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch needs the Jo Cox treatment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Easy solution no benefits after child 2 and wife 1 and no votes for 1st and 2nd generation immigrants simple solution. No combined benefits and no guarantees of jobs or homes unless they apply before arrival NO MORE SOFT TOUCHES ps Gulf States and Saudi intake of 'refugees' = 0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the immature @user is just trying to make a fool of @user #xenophobe #immature #moron ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To push it aside if you need too. And I know, not all men. But that doesn\u2019t matter. Y\u2019all know what I mean. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"truth telling:what makes sanjay dutt happy? #bollywood #hollywood #sanjaydutt #munnabhaimbbs #iqra #shahraan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NFAT #Thailand fishing fleet owners have no one but themselves to blame for labor shortages given rights abuses, forced labor, failure to pay minimum wage & dangerous working conditions! There's a reason migrants avoid the boats! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I guess he needs to learn gun control.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u00e2\u009d\u0087 it's vital to address porn's influence when discussing , sexual abuse, and demeaning language about women. ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"teachmeet stoke 5 days to go! @user @user @user please ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Get out!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain\u2019t no pussy good enough to get broke while I\u2019m in it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Excellent.Since we can't separate families, lock all their asses up until a judge can deport them.I'm all in.Thank you @user #MAGA #nosanctuarybrewster #BuildTheWall #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"work hard in silence, let success make the noise !! gud luck for ur future projects \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d #gbu #keeprising \u00e2\u0098\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If the tournament of shit ain\u2019t on here... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's a shame that when someone doesn't like someone's lifestyle choice to the point the commit mass murder... #nolove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user K. Dog Shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last night's thoughts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the right fights them the left welcomes them","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user F Hope! Since he\u2019s \u2018NOT smarter than a 5th grader\u2019 maybe she is! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@slickbackjr_ I forgot you're the same bull that said Yeezus was good and that J.Cole is trash http:\/\/t.co\/KkuZV5pdDr","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday #brother #cool #thebomb #\u00e5\u008f\u008d\u00e6\u008a\u0097\u00e6\u009c\u009f #\u00e3\u0082\u0084\u00e3\u0081\u00a3\u00e3\u0081\u00a8\u00e3\u0081\u0097\u00e3\u0081\u00a6\u00e3\u0081\u008f\u00e3\u0082\u008c\u00e3\u0081\u009f #\u00e5\u0081\u00a5\u00e5\u00a4\u00aa\u00e3\u0083\u009d\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0082\u00ba #\u00e7\u00ac\u0091 #\u00e3\u0081\u00bb\u00e3\u0082\u0093\u00e3\u0081\u0098\u00e3\u0082\u0083\u00e3\u0082\u0089\u00e3\u0082\u0089\u00e3\u0081\u00b0\u00e3\u0081\u0084\u00e2\u0098\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is anything but an independent thinker. She is a loyal party aparachnik through and through.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The world said \u201cnever again,\u201d but genocides keep happening: the Balkans, Rwanda, Darfur. We found a reason to not intervene in Syria; int'l orgs stopped counting the dead in 2016. Outside organizations think it\u2019s more than 1\/2 million dead now. How do the world\u2019s dictators, warlords, & militias respond when they know nobody\u2019s coming to keep the peace? JimG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Absolutely. He is very special.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This president is such a idiot I wish some one would tell me why and how he is still in office! God help those being hit by this storm ! Lord knows they will not need paper towels thrown at them !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you got a tattoo today you a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wouldn't say @user or @user are the bitchy ones in this series. i loved @user in first series but not now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump's Disregard For Human Life Has Resulted In 200K Deaths And CDC Gui... https:\/\/t.co\/0y2MoUMVGL via @YouTube lol @POTUS is such an idiot #MAGA2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"icymi: \"why 2016 was not a complete washout for anti-racism\" by @user #change #antiracism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know, it's not even nearly freaky that all that\u00a0https:\/\/twitter.com\/allisonmack\u00a0has #SpiritCooking lady in her profile photos.... No, not at all...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes try to hide anything on the social bitch we kno u got Thot Teeth \ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user terribly depressing news ppl.we losing way to many awesome ppl nowadays,so rite now.luv this song*)=","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Czechia Zeman labeled this disturbing attitude practiced by West EU leaders as \u201ccowardice masquerading as tolerance\u201d.But also migration pimps @user other NGOs begin intimidation campaigns directed at border guards in Slovenia, Croatia.Europe must support the guards ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 thas it right there ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just felt like reposting some old drawings. ^__^ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How much is John McCains funeral costing tax payers? Not including his no vote to scrap Obamacare. Next time use our hard earned money for something useful like building the wall!!#BuildThatWall#McCainFuneral #Baloney ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"49 families and countless friends must bury these faces. for what? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a3 #compassionforall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one that is #awesome about the #wwdc2016 twitter stream, all the languages people are tweeting in, such a huge global community! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Hollywood is filled with #Satanists and #Pedo's you have the nerve to Mock #Jesus and #Conservatives. See you lowlifes on the unemployment line!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the lived fuck #Islam not what the islamic, women, children and Infant molesters, Christians and Jews haters tell us daily for..... #Islam is pure #Evil and must be displaced and fought if necessary. So disgusting #scum on earth! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user KARMA IS A BITCH! JUST SIT AND WAIT FOR IT ! Like i said you cant turn a hoe into a house wife! BUT HE LOOKED\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user paragliding today in my @user gear! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER But what makes you think they are liberals? There is nothing liberal about any of that. These people spent the '90s insulting liberals, publicly humiliating black activists, and openly attacking the New Deal. Where is the liberal\" part? They passed GOP policies!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How to spot a scumbag: 1.\u00a0 George Soros sings his praises. https:\/\/archive.fo\/ov5J5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"exploiting a #tragedy for political gain. he wants a wall built. for whom? because last time i checked, your not indigenous to #america","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They're filth, & just care about flooding the world with rats to forward their own agenda. FILTHY KIKE CUNTS!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm home, i have my fluffy dressing gown on and we're having spaghetti bolognese for dinner \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00a1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've met my own private idaho... !! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb #crush #keanu #keanureeves monday #a #a - tkkim_a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why are people exressing 'shock' at what a majority government does when in government? This is a fact of life. I.E: Check out what the Liberals both previously provincially and currently federally did and do. Hello. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He is common sense and reality. May, Merkel and Macron are the extremist. The three M:s that support the islamisation... Shame on them!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MurdaaaMike @yfly23 wow I can put slit trophies against u in those","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DACA AND THE DREAMERS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user *bows* thanks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user great #gym workout today at #davidlloyd #ipswich..feeling great \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00e2\u009c\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I want a cowboy killer","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"being happy!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #happiness #quote #quoteoftheday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Typical Christian bigotry, displaying man being tortured on a cross, in a pic for everyone to see, and at the same time trying to say their God is a loving god, lol!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #petition to cancel brexit referendum gathers momentum #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ohhh I'm so hurt, some deranged overweight virgin Dosent like me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The wall would HELP! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to perp walk Sessions & Rosenstein to holding to be booked for giving aid & comfort to treasonous government representatives attempting a Coup d'etat against a duly elected @POTUS.One favor Barry did was cleaning out GITMO to make room for these enemies of the Constitution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user june 22 is a good friend's bihday celebration out of town so i'm unlikely to make it :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A great story this week on CBN News featuring J Warner Wallace speaking at Truth for a New Generation last weekend. This would be a wonderful article to share with friends as we approach Easter. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user samantha why dont you just shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business. this whole situation HAS NOTHING to do with you, so why you out here running your fat mouth? if she wanted to sell her pussy she wou ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER They are #DoAsISayNotAsIDo conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So is Fox News now campaigning for the fairness doctrine or is this just Republicans using the power of Congress to force private companies to broadcast whatever the gop says as truth? When will NRA TV have pro gun control NRA members on?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Again gun control law?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SaudiArabia has beheaded Indonesian migrant worker despite several direct pleas from #Indonesia's Pres. Widodo to show mercy #ucanews #humanrights #voiceforthevoiceless @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Police reform yes. We should try that. Gun control? We\u2019ve tried that over and over again. It doesn\u2019t work. But maybe it\u2019s like socialism or communism. We just haven\u2019t done it right yet. \/Sarcasm ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ey Joe Biden why ya Been Hiding Song https:\/\/t.co\/WIUBIT5Xpg\u2026 https:\/\/t.co\/8Dc44NHakA make it go Viral Help me if you can!!!! Repost) May The Lord look over you #WednesdayThoughts #Cnn [NEWLINE]@realDonaldTrump[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]@Loudobbs[NEWLINE][NEWLINE] #Foxnews #BlackVoicesForTrump #MAGA2020 #WalkAway https:\/\/t.co\/fo1h2zghoY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"road tripinnnnn with no destination \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh we're using government names now?! \u270b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Of course not all men!!! That's not the problem! Women don't stop being abused by creeps just beca\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yay! Look at the liberals complaining yet again! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i believe \u00e2\u0081\u00b0#music #love #celinedion #justinbieber #rihanna #drake #arianegrande\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this should have been enough 2 just say no #notmypres #wtf2016 #neverump #unpresidented #bigot \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The 'Doc' wants to force medicate the baby via breast milk?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hiv infection from oral sex white girl has sex with black guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Proud of President Trump!!! MAGA TRUMP 2020 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The best games to watch that I know of are \"They Are Billions\" on max difficulty without pausing and \"Warcraft 3\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump wants to deport illegal aliens with 'no judges or court cases' #MeTooI am solidly behind this actionThe thought of someone illegally entering a country & showing no respect for its laws,should be protected by same laws is ludacris!#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"great country: #australia and #israel : #australian #opkillingbay\u00e3\u0080\u0080#thecove #shabbatshalom\u00d7\u00a7\u00d7\u00a7\u00e3\u0080\u0080@user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's #friday #reggae warriors!!! we made it through another #week!!! let's give thanks!!! #reggaemusic #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JuanNDaCut: When twitter rappers dm me their trash links http:\/\/t.co\/yck16ZiNZZ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Historically that's usually the case. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user farmer beaten during a land invasion crisis \u00e2\u0080\u0093 loteni area via @user #southafrica #crime #fa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's a political hit job gleefully pushed by #FakeNews @user and their puppet little Jimmy @user Liberals always finding new lows!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ifyousawinyouwhatisee you would believe the accusations regarding your father ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#GabFam #BritFam\u00a0#Q #QArmy #QAnon #WWG1WGA\u00a0#TheStorm\u00a0#FollowTheWhiteRabbit\u00a0#MAGA #MEGA #KAG\u00a0#GlobalNuitDebout #V4\u00a0#WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yum. happy release day muffins! #son #sonofficial #release #day #muffins #sombrerorecords\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude44 Are you really serious?! Comparing some of the most prestigious positions in the nation with being a slave? You just keep proving your ignorance & inability for logical thought! #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Pirates have made the playoffs and the Yankees are out...hell has frozen over","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user judd is a & #homophobic #freemilo #milo #freemilo #milo #freemilo #milo #freemilo #milo #freemilo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Big Red and fat squaw ...lol my hubby is so funny!! #insidejoke","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Was a legal Resident until she was Convicted of Shoplifting Deported then Came Back Illegally Now She wants U,S Taxpayers to pay her Medical Bills #SendHerBack let her family go with her ! #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think the FBI should do the original interview. They scare people more than feckless congress that will have to handle her with kids gloves or be demonized in media and left. Put her under oath and attempt to get the truth. She will be protected by liberals in congress","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Love the uniforms. So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gonna call bullshit on that one.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hope i\u00e2\u0080\u0099m up to the challenge! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"depressed blvck princ3 \u00e2\u009c\u0096\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #clubkid #dpressed #blvck #prince ness #hate #tired \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump's immigration policy is \"sinful\" Rev Al Sharpton tells NY protest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You fucking bitch hoe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user home :) #suffolk #blueskies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nah it's coz you're a cunt. blocked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user One thing is for sure...we know she didn\u2019t write the op-ed as she is dumber than a bucket of rocks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@tyler_wilde I'm just saying, it's not like you were up against a bird-eating spider or something. Bet @Pseudobread coulda done it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #waitingf #wildest #cutest, #takuyakimura in #highfashion #brand #cosmeticsbrand #world_campaign ad &\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/business-44306941 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should have spell cehcked.\u00a0 I should read: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@granniesrespond are headed to McAllen, Texas to protest the cruel and inhumane way our government is treating immigrant families & to demand immigrants and refugees must be released from detention! If you agree, take action!! #GranniesRespond #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER sexy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yet another \u201cgood guy with a gun....\u201d\ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f WE NEED COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION #doSomthing @user #VoteTheGOPOut #CountryOverParty Documents: Alleged mass murderer thought wife was cheating ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After the left's calls for killing Trump, I have no sympathy for you LibTarded Assholes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Home Office misled court about treatment of child refugees from Calais, judges find ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bakkt is doing what an ETF would have done... they are just not calling it an etf. FUKEN CUUUUUKS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At this point,nobody gives a shit !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Truly has got to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nice saddle - - #tagsforlikes #love #instagood #tbt #photooftheday #cute #me #beautiful \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@fennecuskitsune you've got no sole","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He. Is. Here. For. Her. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bottom line is and should be to all is that the accusation is from 35+ yrs ago when they were minors. The judge has 60 HS students of his saying No Way! Judge managed to keep impeccable lifestyle as an adult. Accuser is a hardcore left activist (Soros antifa type who has a \ud83d\udd282grd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be sure to remind yourself that you woke up today to be and appreciative. :) it will change your whole day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe they're waking up finally because the Communist Dems are recruiting the illegals now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You mean cheating allegations. Not sexual harassment or assault it was about CHEATING. BIG difference. We all know facts scare liberals. If you are so concerned about sexual assaults you need to shout for the names on the slush funds to be revealed. Until than have a seat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"WN 1.0s are so stupid they believed race was real without any evidence unlike us big brained 2.0s.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wrong!orlando shows muslims are above the #lgbt community on the liberal \"victim hierarchy\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You won\u2019t hear it here! Jobless claims lowest since 1969 (four years before you were born). DOW in record territory (how many times now since 1\/17?). Got to be a pile of shit in this room of ponies (right @USER at @USER #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes as fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#throwback 'marbleous' mughal architecture! #2 \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #trip #holiday #travel\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are lying again! The public doesn't trust you anymore!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i believe in my hea @user will do more for african americans then obama has ever done which was nothing but welfare @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @USER tells us she is an unserious attention seeker URL #iphone @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday matts <3 #matthewbellamy #matts #mattbellamy #bihday bihdaymattbellamy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user no need to live in fear. All these illegals can pack up and leave. Take your parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, even your friends. Don't live in fear just leave. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How about fuck off you Aunt ...! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am perfect. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tina, you willfully ignorant somnabulist kunt, have a beer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s so weirdly vicious and bitter to extrapolate from \u2018everyone should have access to decent healthcare\u2019 to \u2018Liberals think all criminals should be free.\u2019 It reveals a pretty brutalist and impenetrable mind.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#colorado looking like the caribbean today \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #beautifulviews #dogsarefamily #mansbestfriend #bluesky ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These cowards ain't ready.. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES. I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The ratings are low because of people like you & the other guy making fun of conservatives.. This is one reason why Trump won.. You people just don't get it & pitiful & shameful...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Gun control - no guns if you are a liberal!!\ud83e\udd23What an idiot... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#adobelife buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kys tryna step to Oculr. Are you dumb blud I will rape your sister and analy Destroy your slutty whore mum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Every politician should surrender their passports to show their faith in @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Which brings is full circle, that Norman Rockwell shit is dead, it is an unobtainable paragon\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey #GabFam, long time no see. What's up in your world?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cause the CIA and FBI WAS good at the time to cover up the greatest corruption ever made by Hussein Obama administration. It\u2019s all coming out All involved with the Deep State. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Finally approved by GoFundMe! We The People can Donate to #SecureOurBorders Let's get it built! #BuildThatWall #MAGA #BuildTheDamnWall #KatesWall #MolliesWall #JamielsWall Vetted & Verified by GoFundMe legal dept. Here's the link: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user True that Morgan!!!!If Obama and Hillary would just STFU and go away, youll never hear me talk about them again. Id prefer to erase those 8 years from my memory anyway. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"those who rant against #antismoking laws in public places really piss me off! #piano #classical #elegy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When someone says 'happy Friday' but you have no life and no plans for the weekend ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"make up #purple #lips #makeup #beauty #willow #enjoy #nice #woman #like #funny\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That the price for bombing a country and kill Ghaddaffi through French and British forces. Now Liyba dont like to keep refugees for the EU. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Boo hoo hoo u lose ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mee-chell looked a bit pissed off and jealous in a few of those pics.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh btw just to offend the femalesss CUNT CUNT CUNT WHORE CUNT WHORE SLUT BITCHSLUT FEMINISTSHIT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's a red zone with no TDs. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Being rich ain't always popping your ass like a club hoe, but niggas alive & wealthy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user why do we have listen to a woman who goes to church but kills thousands. #fascist #brexit #liar #murderer","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER #Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER @USER @USER Absolutely pathetic #appeasement \ud83d\ude20\ud83d\ude20\ud83d\ude20","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Study Conflants Illegal Immigrants with Legal Immigrants to get a low Crime Numberr #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Red Hen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you for supporting our cause Brandon! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ContentedIndie Prediction:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He dies of sheer stupidity.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]His lunatic supporters write in his name.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Joe Biden wins everything.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#RSSReachesOut This one step by the RSS can show the sense of nationalism it has when other UrbanNaxals are colluding with each other only to tear India apart. @user @user @user @user are working so hard for the downfall of India. Shame on liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You must listen to my dad wrote a porno - it will make your shifts hysterical ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user crackers? isn't that a little racist? i mean i'm white but think the kkk should burn in h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city via @user What's up with this ? Is USA the dumping ground ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't know anything about the kkk although I believe the democrats fund them like they always did. I think the Dems main terror group these days is antifa. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TuesdayThoughts\u00a0 Knock Knock Who's there?\u00a0 Not John McCain.https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/adPoJqG8AFPw\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That would be you, dear Ann, the Most Hysterical Woman. Dessicated harpy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and it's done!! #cantwait #latvia #hereicome #midsummers #familly #friends\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thats exactly what my dad does, can't describe it in words. but #biasedlaw seprates kids from daddy #fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no she was mumbling i couldn\u2019t hear shit she literally spoke w hand signs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What are you afraid of liberals. You screamed for transparency!Now that POTUS is doing just that you are screaming to keep it secret.The truth is there. You don\u2019t want it seen.Liberals are hypocrites & the alphabet agencies have some bad apples involved in a soft coup. Tick Tock ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh it's coon bike week in Charlotte ok makes sense now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"retweet to celebrate our oceans! #worldoceansday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"choosing crack over his child for 21 years #uncooldadhabits","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Total psyop at this point to anger liberals and keep them divided so they dont leave their sorry ass party.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i think that you're an illiterate, stubborn moron who believes he's right. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is 100% lying. But you don\u2019t understand the mind of a leftwing nutjob liberal. They are a cult. Money means nothing to them. It\u2019s stopping trump by any means","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Leo looks at Girl Scout cookies the way I look at pussy before I'm about to eat it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Make Mexico New Spain again","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is what #TrumpSupporters in #PowhatanVA do. Destroy. #VoteHimOut2020 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/b6ZgDv7lxR","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#orlando has a special place in my hea.i've been there so many times.a city that is all about happiness became today all tears. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I think he meant to say ... sent to jail for fraud","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cthe biopolitics of desire and neo-nazi fashion icons\u00e2\u0080\u009d @user #eugenics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy Birthday Elise McwhoreMick\ud83d\ude09 You're such a bad bitch & ily with all my heart. You're so fun & crazy, it's alwa\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He hit the lotto","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GOP in striking distance to retake Franken seat #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish the war would start now instead of 50 years from now. If it started now, I could participate in it. We could have a new age of Homeric achievement. Instead I'll probably have to die not knowing how it's going to end.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We conservatives love him no matter how stupid it makes us \/him look! YEE HAW! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let fagots pay their own way SICK FACT\u00a0 \u00a0 homosexuality is a pathology Easily Proven Highest Suicide Rate & Anal Sphincter Damage=Fecal Incontinence\u00a0 Highest DISEASE CARRIERS \u00a0Lowest LIFE SPAN AND THAT is just for starters!\u00a0 Because queers ARE NOT NORMAL 1974 AMA Reversed Ruling homosexuality is not a pathology BY QUEER DOCTORS BIAS?\u00a0 Yeah!\u00a0 queer Bias!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Confucius say, man who ignore subject verb agreement rule going to sound like ancient Chinese philosopher.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You said that was a \"pro.\" The fact that al-Qaeda had a presence in Iraq in the first place is due to the U.S. invasion, and so should be counted as a con.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Griha Yuddha statement by Mamta Banerjee is extremely alarming and objectionable.ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS can't stay here and they have to go to Bangladesh. India for Indians.BANGLADESHI GO HOME. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She mocked SJWs and the KKK with extremely clever satire. The fact you don\u2019t have a sense of humor or are too stupid to get it is our fault. None of that means you get to denigrate or lie about her or her motives. She is a Native American woman and you are a bigoted misogynist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My latest: WARNING: You Could Be A Victim Of Fake Social Media Postings And Not Even Know It\u00a0https:\/\/www.patreon.com\/posts\/warning-you-be-20026...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Islam has been at war with infidels 1400 years... do you believe in the rape and murder taught in your Qur'an? if you do not its time to say so. Stop the lies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This isn't twitter. You have no power here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now if they showed up with American FLags, MAGA Hats chanting \"I Love the USA\" ...then they might get sympathy as they would at least APPEAR to want to be here but flying the flag of another country is the dumbest thing they could do!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Proud Boys taking their queue from #trump today #TrumpMeltdown #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Bthp2Dgmy3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What fucking drama queens, letting women vote was a bad idea","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER EXCITING WEEK AHEAD!! GOD BLESS YOU MR PRESIDENT #DEPLORABLES #MAGA #KAG URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Excellent! #IllegalAlien Parents will not be catch and release anymore!If you dont want families separated then families go to jail together!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #WompWomp #EndDACA #DefundSanctuaryCities #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hope you are ok my man.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tom, I am not arguing w results, I am disgusted that America business men\/women chose to hire illegals in the first place. I believe this all started w a broken seasonal immigrant hiring system, loss of prevailing wage ru ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"excellent! rambling about: the alt right #tcot #tlot #altright #blacklivesmatter (@user \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #friday\u00c2\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c any #good #plan for #weekend ?!\u00c2\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0080 - - enjoy your weekend and get clean\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall even if it takes a government shutdown. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TO AFTER THE ELECTIONS. YOU WOULD BE DEALING WITH A LAME DUCK CONGRESS!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RawStory With malice toward none; with charity for all. This can be the UNITED States of American #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \"forget about what everyone else thinks and says. if it makes you , do it.\" #qotd #happiness #justbeyourself ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your assumptions of my point of view are WRONG! I was Never a career oriented woman! I never advocated for others to do that! I instead joined the MILITARY after a long academic time IE 10 years. I spent 8 years fighting for the right for you to disparage me here. I got out then worked to better other people.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't no love in the ghetto 💔","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4.) Most Disliked Oc- Amai vs Most Liked Oc- Kira Amai is pretty much a freaking bad daughter. She killed her mum and little brother just to run off with some man. Kira is a pretty sweet gal who loves her father very much and just loves to be loved! She is also a determined gal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank You Chase\ud83d\ude18 I miss you more than anything but I know you are where your supposed to be! Love you too the moon\ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as if reel are letting girls in first and there's a massive queue for guys ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is one of the narratives Dems want to derail... https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/23\/trump-invites-young-black-conservatives-to-white-house\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #fathers #day to #our #real #father my dad had a beard coz my dad is great i also grow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user That\u2019s how a career in media works...people admire you. If people think you\u2019re a piece of shit you won\u2019t make it far. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#follo @user See why #RGV South Texas is the most volatile area along entire #border with MexicoWhy we need to #BuildThatWallIllegal alien & MS13 arrests, stash houses, cartel exploits, drug seizures, Agent assaults, rescues & much more #follo #RETWEEET ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And I you ya sexy lady you \u2661","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user omg fuck our lives sis ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sheikh romance book by lisa love #goodread at #amazon #reading #romance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cgod can't give us peace and happiness apa from himself because there is no such thing.\u00e2\u0080\u009d cs lewis #joy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Did you attend Governor Abbott\u2019s meetings on solving gun problems in school?? I guess not! I did! There were excellent discussions on using guns to protect & defend! What\u2019s your point? You stand for gun control & 90% of Real Texans will not have their guns taken away!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How often does this have to happen??. #BuildThatWallCriminal Illegal Alien Accused of Sexually Assaulting Eight-Year-Old Florida Girl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Civilian Oversight Panel \u2013 Cops Violated Policy by Shooting a Man Who Shot at Them https:\/\/www.opslens.com\/2018\/05\/14\/civilian-oversight-panel-cops-violated-policy-by-shooting-a-man-who-shot-at-them\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"via John De Nugent - BREAKING Russian government offers farmland to 15,000 Boer farmers \u2014 this is official and verified from Russian\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Of course you are!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@heavensenttynae you kno I love stuffed clams bai","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@elchavaloko Toma ESO negros @panama","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll make sure to get rid of them for you. Enjoy the rest of your night and we'll see you on the next stream!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are devaluing everyone's opinion on the Independent article whom agrees with me by saying they are disgruntled students or bots. Just because they don't put Dr. In their Twitter name it doesn't mean they haven't done 'deeply important research' as you fondly put it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @alison_cherry: .@nlisa & I are discussing our awful 90s fashion choices: yellow overall shorts, boxers over leggings. What was your bes…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user There has to be a way where conservatives who look the other way and approve oF sexual assault and victim shame to endorse their political agenda and hatred are held accountable. Why don\u2019t you sign your name so you can be held accountable for your lies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm so happy to have her here \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f hannah.wendel #friends #joy #moments #bffs #girls #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Djt & Gop- MAGA. Only for old scared white men again. Making women property again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@dztabriseno @venetianstares @Theo_Gessese @adam_stirling33 @k1spon20 @espnmma @DonaldJTrumpJr @ColbyCovMMA PragerU shows an Educated Black woman speak on the lies u all speak, u keep trying to spread the demokkkrat propaganda all you want, the switching parties is a flat out lie and u all know it, nobody speaks of it because it\u2019s a damn lie #TrumpPence2020 Prof Swain is smarter than u","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Killing the number is finishing your time... No parole... You are done","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user mgaenp was 118 episodes and i thought that was too sho. i stand corrected. it's kahani hamari. #do\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well gosh, councilwoman ... if they're \"slut-shaming\", wouldn't that make you a slut? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"timbs straight trash though","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Al-Qaeda recruiting children in refugee camp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are the 8 year old boy Trump fixed the disaster you and crooked and Barak left","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I WISH I COULD GO #PRO BUT, I LIVE ON $473.33.00BUCKS A MONTH. #FATBELLYMAN TALKS #AB#CDC #CRIMINAL DEATH CONTROLLERS #PART 5 WAKE UP AMEN !\u00a0 #SEND ME A #BUCK TO 1400 N. 1ST HIAWATHA,KANSAS 66434. JAMES WAYNE AIKMAN A #LEGAL 100% #MAGA AMERICA. COME TO MY CHANNEL 4 TRUTH FACTS AND AMERICANISM. #MAGA \u00a0 https:\/\/youtu.be\/9uDgqe1M4O4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"{National Cooperative Grocers Association Association } ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user We all know death threat are a Resist\/Antifa tactic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is disgusting for doing this!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user mad bc you\u2019re hot as fuck and they can\u2019t have you \ud83d\ude2d\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Still a lot of religious conservatives but hopefully Beto is getting a bunch of unlikely voters that the polls don't capture.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hoe just called me a Chauffeur bitch I'm a shuttle driver ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals want to control ppl from cradle to coffin. They'd b happy if ppl avoided all physical\/social contact w each other..... they are making us so suspicious of each other. DIVIDE AND CONQUER is their hidden agenda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This morning, @RepMcSally (R-AZ) announced she is running for Senate.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It now makes sense how gun control is barely an issue vs immigration.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Typical case of whites saving the day, good job guys","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user This needs to be stopped! Please investigate!#EndIllegalImmigration #EndVoterFraud #EndIllegalVoting #StopFundingSF#VoteRed2018#VoteRepublican2018#EndSancturyCities #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JakeEye3: after 4 hours and almost 8 pages i want to slit my wrists, but i guess ill just settle for sleep","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user On the way home from stealing at walmart they wreck the car they are driving with stolen plates, no insurance and no drivers licence. To cover the expense, MY car insurance goes up $50 every 6 months. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump is a joke. Idiots believe him.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/zA7wchNGeC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see no reason to assume people I disagree with are druggies, or tied to some notorious group like Hope Not Hate.\u00a0 I just think it's an honest disagreement.\u00a0 I can understand that people are upset Nehlen got banned.\u00a0 I would have preferred that he'd been a little more careful in what he posts and still be on Gab.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#us refuses to veto resolution on #israel #zionism #illegalsettlements ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is ordinary I didn't watch it Cannot stand her BTW m8 What did she do this time","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"someone is keying cars in the stone road area in #guelph. multiple cars keyed on saturday june 11th. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck you, you hoe I don\u2019t want you back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user MELISSA, YOU\u2019RE HYSTERICAL. \ud83d\ude02 I AM GIVING YOU A HAPPY DANCE FOR TODAY\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't entertain shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rica gets so much cock in her licked cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yeap she is politically a lame duck already dead politically ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Again for the hard of hearing: An AR15 is an INANIMATE object. An AR15 is not INHERENTLY evil. Gun control DOESN'T decrease gun violence. Armed citizens are LESS LIKELY to become victims of mass shootings. The Holocaust was not prevented by BANNING ovens. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#VoteHimOut #VoteHimOut2020 #MAGA2020 #MAGA #fucktrump #ByeDon2020 @realDonaldTrump you are fired #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/z5qVYeAZkr","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user in addition to a lack of anything meaniingful in western culture to bind people to their communities. angry young men. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil marx foretold that a revolution would one day sweep the globe \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good to know \"admission\" is proof of anything.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hubby rushed me *shakes fist* will flick a pic thru this evening when I feed em again. By the way he is still the boss","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks mom to make me feel bad. exactly what i need in a really frustrated and terrible day. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you call the president's daughter a cunt, you loose the narrative. All anyone will remember is that you are a hate filled, ugly bitch. What were you talking about Samantha?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Still trying to find the Li'l Davy meme that was going around not long ago.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user john terry just chose white christmas as his favourite christmas song on @user no surprise there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2. This lady nails it \u2b07\ufe0f \u201cBrexit seems to have unleashed an angry incivility\u201d. Unless moderate #OneNation @user stand up & fight for a sensible moderate Brexit (for me that\u2019s EFTA @user we risk becoming a #HardBrexit party rejected by moderates & replaced by Corbyn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"police said #orlando shooter is not from this area and organized. fbi added #shooter may have a leaning to ceain ideology!! #shooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user By god there is a lot of woman and children got off that boat eh,poor holiday makers paying good money to go on holiday to witness that #roundthemup #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The LAST thing I want to do is support WOMENS RIGHTS, it's EXCLUDING ALL THE MEN. WHAT HAPPENED TO MENS RIGHTS?! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Define wigga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bullshit!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol, chop her head off and rape the bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Elites Now Stealing Everything Before Their Arrests","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d bihday #wpap #desaingrafis #imajinasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user classic ! yet you jewish bastards wonder why you are sooo hated in the world.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #oil reaches fresh 10-month highs amid output disruptions #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NateSilver538 The debates will help? Trump? ROFL that orange moron thinks he can wing it. His downfall is that he's believing his own fake propaganda. I look forward to him making a complete ass of himself as he tries to lie his way through the debates. [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE]#Vote [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is virtue signaling playing with young minds. He also thinks he can weaponise it in an attempt to stop Brexit. @USER is a disgraceful vile man to be honest he doesn't care who or what he uses to get what he wants.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gun control is a weak subject for him. Two hands please","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are out of you damn mind! Feinstinkle had this band then leaked it! She took a lie detector test and hired a lawyer last month! She is accusing a judge of a crime that is 35 years old with no proof! Ruining a mans life over an accusation with no proof you STFU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So many illegal Muslim migrants & Muslims from UP have migrated to Delhi, encroaching all kind of public places& creating filth.Keji have surpassed even CONG in Muslim Appeasement. No action being taken on such migrants who form his dirty Vote bank.Check entire stretch on Lodi Rd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe - just maybe - we should quit using voting machines and go back to verified paper ballots and voter ID?\u00a0 Just speculating, you understand....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BBC stop with your blatant and biassed backing of the Conservatives. Theresa May didn't hit back she was out on her feet and her responses were scripted, robotic to say the least. She is the worst\"\" leader along with the worst government the country has ever had.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bored #cntfindfriends #snap","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thinking #WhiteGenocide #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"somehow someway i always end up third wheeling ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a9\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b0Denmark: ''I\u2019ll pay Denmark niqab fines': French-Algerian millionaire'No go back to Algeria. Better yet tell Algeria to open its borders to African migrants instead of Europe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3D6\/3DA0, Kingdom of eSwatini (new country name) | Southgate Amateur Radio News http:\/\/www.southgatearc.org\/news\/2018\/may\/kingdom-of-eswatini.htm#.WujxiWMh1y8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@TEE_JONEZ: @16stanleys @KingCuh tuku ho idk blah blah blah\" 😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Find jarring \u201cNot all men are trash\u201d some of us are good\u201d \u201cwe love you Nubian queens\u201d just shit up \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a nut case ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Always been a lier ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pretty sure Trump is the most toxic virus Dr. Fauci has ever encountered. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/FY6xo0K34r","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How about yours Chaplain. Liberals are fools.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and this gif\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00e2\u0098\u00bait describe exactly how we feel \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d x","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Things had Become Easy For Liberals During The Obama Administration (Liberals are Screaming: DAMN TRUTH I mean TRUMP)! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A dying sport ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so you know you're hormonal when you cry over loosing access to your tumblr blog... like a lot. and feel depressed... #tumblr @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let this white boy be ghetto🌝","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's a question for all the Sargonites out there. Why should a Mexican who invaded my country and then got amnesty have the same rights as me? Why should they have the same vote as someone whose ancestors are buried its in its' soil and died so they could pass on a better homeland to their posterity?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LMAO, it actually improves her looks.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MikeTInnes: @AaronWorthing @corrcomm @Icampintense @CarolCNN @CNN So glad Charlie agrees with Carol and CNN that assaulting girls is OK…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i got muted on facebook... #nogift ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user absolutely disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just think. She is infinitely funnier than you. Obviously..D'uh huh.\"\" \ud83d\ude2e\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'A Texas father.' Another typical 'journalism' trope to mask the true identity of the perpetrator.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are pathetic! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #antisemitism; , kills. in 2017 remember, no-one is born to hate. love can change the world! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She needs to make as much money as she can while the liberals are all duped.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The bitches already said he was too emotional during his defense to be an impartial judge. SMH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like a paedo faggot, it's not called the Jewdicial system for nothing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@nhatty_ice49ers thank you jackass zebras","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslim migrants leave Germany \"We did not get free stuff. Nothing is free here\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HRC is taking long walks in the woods again. Its sinking in how incompetent and void of solutions she was. She stacked the deck and got her fat butt kicked. What a worthless, pathetic Skank this woman is. #maga #tcot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How do you know he is? Because he said he is? Lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user White House said all parties shld be heard! This is why no one trust the media and why liberals are failing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wait a sec .. shouldn\u2019t Trump being proposing comprehensive vetting for gun control?? Wtf ? #GunControlNow #VoteBlue ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"small brains...just close eyes...vote for #lunatics @user @user @user #kkk #breitba #altright\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is dillusional! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1 in 3 women hahahahahahaha will you ever fuck off!!!!!! Stupid cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ballot arrived! Can\u2019t wait to fill it out and drop it off! #vote #VoteHimOut2020 #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueDownBallot @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder was the perfect Att Gen for the OBama administration. Not an ounce of human decency in his bones.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don't forget Antifa\"...and \"ACORN\"...And that terrorist that Obama \"palled (??) around with! Hahahahahha...do you listen to your own malarkey?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Any critique of Bernie\u2019s objectively horrible record on gun control is met with \u201cHe\u2019s from a rural state\u201d or \u201cHe has a D- from the NRA\u201d As if I give a fuck why his record is horrible. And then there\u2019s this stupid shit: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BRITISH POLICE took their sweet time releasing the name of the man who plowed his 4 x 4 vehicle into a crowd outside a nightclub in Kent ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nobody cares what @user thinks or wants. She wasn\u2019t elected haha. And she\u2019s not helping her party either so stay out there your only helping the conservatives Progressives DONT LIKE YOU ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are one of the mastermind of a big syndicate at BOC. We will not forget. You will go to jail!\ud83d\ude21 #FakeDrugWar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow that hoes aint shit, You deserve better dan that ugly whore brother ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why do white liberals imagine white people have some power? White people have been trained for generations not be racially aware. White liberals are the most anti-white racists I know. What power do you imagine white people have that other people do not? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is how you support women. 'Not all men' doesn't cut it. Be better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany Navy rescued 22.000 refugees in the middlesea. Germany has not enough refugees, it wants more! by state duty. The citiziens will give the answer in elections. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shit like this is why I stopped giving to broad-service charities. You hate us? Fine. But don't ask me to underwrite any aspect of your lives. I'll help people I know. http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2017\/11\/29\/texas-sta...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need a heated bra because my nips hurt so bad!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Half of American soil is snow-covered right now, after snow fell in all 50 states, including Florida. That's more snow-covered ground than we've seen in ten years. (Thanks to Sarah Hoyt for the link.) https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/01\/18\/half-of-us-soil-cove...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user So have the conservatives accepted the antisemitism definition yet?.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rough drafts of scripts out. Sets will be built today. Just need the talent agents to stop dragging and theyre ready to shoot. Prob start tomorrow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dumb Cunt rides like a Whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden The last 47 years comes down to the next 42 days . . . . . #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Judge Roy Moore will masterbate to this story. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Once she starts giving him attitude, he's with the next bitch..... instead of apologizing... Men give up easily but women hold on for yearss ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @barstoolhrtland: Today we have another great best of the @PatMcAfeeShow for you featuring the birth of the Jim Kong Update, Simpsons time travel rant, Chuck Pagano press conference , and 2 hilarious interviews with @Sethrogen & @bertkreischer. #ComeLaughWithUs ~> https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WTq8 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/sbDd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"True racism is thinking that all races are equal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As President, Obama traveled the world & regularly criticized & apologized for U.S. policy & actions. Why in the world would the rest of the world respect us if our President didn't?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn! You beat me to it! MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And there we go ... so according to the MAGA believers kavanaugh couldn't have attempted to rape Dr. Ford because her lawyer made a donation to @USER . Idiots URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holder is a real quality guy. Wouldn\u2019t know the truth if it hit him in the face ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cause you sweet lil nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pray for #orlando. a horrible act of #violence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We really got to drain the swamp! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DayOfTheLibtards","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user the only thing that's \"desperate\" is the fact you are trying to use a horrific murder to achieve your own goal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user your thoughts? #savetheworld #protest #maddness #crazy #nowar #stopthewar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cheers to letting go!\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #thefall #d\u00c3\u00bc\u00c5\u009f\u00c3\u00bc\u00c5\u009f #aer #video #funny #freefall #sergi #istanbul\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"still relevant. still sad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"from soulightmovement - #soulightmovement #love #spirit #peace #free #quote #a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we have 13 new episodes coming august 3rd on syfy. simply paing ways after that. the future is still bright. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this one i captured downtown #nice #fra #streetphoto #love can't wait june 23rd to visit #italy agian! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (1)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like the hoe went to Miami\u2019s to be a hoe got sunt didnt get the money and wanted me to pay for her way back ?????? Bitch please ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So why should I care if SHE is raped?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I call her the Negative Nellie who lives in my brain. I constantly battle with her. She is a creep.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Forget that @user called @user a con man and a KKK supporter...she actually voted for @user Doesn't that sum up how truly unqualified she is for Florida ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER the war on honest conservatives-antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Saw brownies on the kitchen counter, bit into one and immediately a surge of pain and spice hit my tongue. Chili flakes. Eff you, Brian.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From refugee to Olympic athlete! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Those who apply at the entry points get these processes surely. Thats the only other legal way beside doing at the local consulates. Those who are #IllegallyEntering are commuting a crime of illegal entry into this country and then trying to get the legalization. #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"comes to something when you post u hope your friends are safe out there (euros) more than you do do for those fighting in the forces. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" wakeuppeopl3: #awakening so true! #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@cumkwats thank you based pee slit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good bitch I\u2019m happy u got dumped u a hoe stupid bitch u ugly u gonna b alone forever stupid hoe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hmm - only #superficial #girls fall for such things. you don't need it to be in #love & .... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"KYUNGSOO AND FUCKING BAEKHYUN IN TODAYS PERFORMANCE OF THE EVE FUCKING TOLD ME IM A DIRTY CRACK WHORE BITCHHHHH ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank god it's friday #wakeup and feel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user The deception and dirty tricks happened when @user refused protocol and stole a SCOTUS seat from Obama. Conservatives love to fight dirty but then cry foul when others call them on it or play hardball right back at them. Bunch of pussies. #MerrickGarland #Resist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nice leftist talking point. I can't walk down the street w\/o fear that some nigger will attack me for looking at him the wrong way and that I'll go to prison for the rest of my life when the all nigger jury convicts me of a hate crime regardless of how justifiable my use of force may have been. So tell me more about what great shape America and my liberties are in.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BTW, I was suspended after I sent a tweet calling Elizabeth Banks 'a trashy slut.' Since when is she a protected class? (In reality, I was probably banned because of a bunch of butt-hurt idiots from Oakland.)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck yeah !!!! Go you !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Implying there's any difference between Trotskyists (NeoCons) and Marxists (NeoLibs). #SignsYoureOutOfTouch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Get Violent? Get? As if the #Occupy #BlackLivesMatter #BaltimoreRiots #Ferguson #Antifa weren't all Democrat VIOLENCE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no filters needed. times. @ sean ogs gaoth dobhair ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump Says Three Tech Titans Are in a \u2018Very Anti-Trust Situation\u2019 | LifeZette http:\/\/bit.ly\/2PnFZRZ #Antitrust #Tech #BigTech #SocialMedia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GET the UN out of the USA and get the USA out of the UN. SCREW THE UN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a reson why so many muslims might be ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/finance\/newsbysector\/retailandconsumer\/6366827\/Adrian-Cheng-the-Asian-retail-heir-who-is-aiming-to-change-the-way-we-shop.html - Hong Kong: Adrian Cheng: the Asian retail successor that is intending to change the way we go shopping","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I AM FUCKING SO FUCKING HAPPY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CBS Reporter captures an illegal border crossing in broad daylight and he was scared! So, Mr. Begnaud, do you now understand why we need a border wall? The issue is real, & the motivation to enter illegally is great. #BuildThatWall via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is that the only attorney general in our history to be held in contempt????","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's truly a day for #orlando and #america . #stop and #pray and it's #time to come #together ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LMAOO you pussy. What those emojis mean?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Boycott","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@mdnij34 Hell no. In fact I could donate to #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hartley - Brewer, Vine, Oakeshott, Moir, women of the right who seem to think #TorySleaze36 is an hysterical witch hunt, say it to victims. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats soft on crime soft on border security. Since we can\u2019t use Illegal Aliens. I will now call them CRIMINAL Aliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i agree that #hrc wouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t have won the #popularvote w\/o #ca. much in same way #trump wouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t win w\/o the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Except that these animals are younger and better looking!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muhammad's War on Lizards (Fun Islamic Fact #17), by #Acts17Apologetics https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NIycdmm-MNo&list=PLuXxHEHGRVu9H54IfV0XkhnqkcC3wm8mR&index=17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"perfect moment of the day!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those filthy traitors must hang!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ok guys, jokes over... We all had a good laugh, you can give me my account back now \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"South Korean Official: \u201cLeaders will discuss specific denuke measures in Pyongyang\u201d\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Czech Politician: What Multiculturalism Hides https:\/\/tsarizm.com\/opinion\/2018\/10\/17\/czech-politician-what-multiculturalism-hides\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s a dumb ass! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sure. No one (in the liberal bubble town) noticed. https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/news\/other\/twitter-claim...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I never would have imagined a single federal judge could usurp the entire Executive branch's ability to institute a travel ban on countries considered to be terrorist safe havens - which congress would have approved of even before 9\/11 (much less be able to do it three consecutive times in a row despite the intervention of SCOTUS), but I was wrong on that one.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER All I see is this when I see this guy URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can\u2019t rehabilitate a pervert zero tolerance So disappointed in this pope ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RealMattCouch I think it's really to remove Biden so Kamala can be president and she can have booty judge booty as vice president","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING: Armed Citizen Kills Mass Shooter At Oklahoma Restaurant https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/31077\/breaking-armed-citizen-kills-mass-shooter-oklahoma-ryan-saavedra ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Rosier has played like straight fucking garbage i mean he was tolerable at most during the undefeated run last year but ever since Pitt he\u2019s shown how much of a scrub he is and Richt is scared to death to start Perry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Explaining my thought process when crap like this happens. I try to be consistent","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I like that after dating for 8 months you finally understand it when I cringe at the word cock lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our Ancestors fought for and built this country now that it's pretty awesome, the shit people from all over the world want to come here, pillage, & turn it into the Shithole they left by bringing in their family failures to be America's burden. I don't want to be the new Indians, but that's what Democrats are planning. Think before U vote check their records!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And the factory\u2019s coming back U do n a movie on that... sum worth do n.. cause just sling shit shows No intelligence..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If the media stop reporting what happens on The View\" perhaps it will disappear from view. If Conservative America wanted to know what those imbalanced voices had to say we would watch it. The rest of us are busy watching the sidewalk for poop put there by Hollywood liberals.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ThatsFoodPorn: Oreo Donut http:\/\/t.co\/obytemi3Ed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I like the concept of pouring your own poly lower. These guys have a great product. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The noose around Hitlery neck tightens every single day, as the corrupt rats start leaving the fast sinking ship and squeal long and hard, whilst trying to save themselves from the same noose.As they would say in Mehico 'La traidora Hillary deber\u00eda colgarse'Hitlery would finally succeed at something... as an inspirational swinger#Politics #Humor #Treason #ClintonCorruption","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Are you an ostrich?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You've got a knack for putting things real earthy, so ANYONE can understand it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday #alternative #dad cross in flames chain mens statement jewellery by clpcreationsuk via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey #Ohio @realDonaldTrump can\u2019t manage his finances, is broke and doesn\u2019t pay as much federal income tax as any of us! You really want to re-elect this loser so he can bankrupt the country? #Biden2020 is the cure for the last 4 years of #TraitorTrump https:\/\/t.co\/GPUXxskYo3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on the right track! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"$21+ TRILLION ROBBED JUST FROM THE PENTAGON! $100+ TRILLION IN 2008 PLANNED CRASH $17+ TRILLION FROM FED RESERVE AND THAT IS JUST A STARTER ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you're on fucking drugs my dude ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#2A #Guns #FloridaShooting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It would be best to put ALL effort into the C's running in tomorrows elections. This IS the unifier:\u00a0 blow\u2728 the prop_i_ganDUH machine to pieces. #C #Conservative #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER we\u2019re defo living in the last days","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Clearly this guy doesn't know what the Streisand Effect is... http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/08\/24\/mollie-tibbetts-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Speaking of creepy. This narcissist sounds like a creepy guy on the run from a rape charge. Being Putin's bitch not that satisfying? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Come on CNN. He literally introduced himself. The guy is a public figure for gun control. Call him out!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dont believe the hype. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After EU uses Turkey as buffer to stop refugees from reaching EU (which Turkey did by building Syria border wall, killing & injuring some who try to cross and deporting tens of thousands of others), EU wants to reach similar deals with other buffer states ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2764","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Same here, #WalkAway from criminals who hate us and our nation @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So happy for you and your dad!!! My dad had the same kind of cancer but stage 4. He was diagnosed in 2016 and passed away this passed January. My mom is kicking leukemia\u2019s ass since Nov. of 2015 and she is doing awesome! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER both of you are going to have to take several seats when it comes to Kyle \ud83d\ude3b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Christian cake baker who won SCOTUS case is now being harassed by demented Satanist homosexuals, backed by the state of Colorado.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rhetorical question: What is the difference between a \"hate crime\" and \"a violent act of terrorism?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Two prominent backwards conservatives removed from Texas education. Looks like they're as blind deaf and dumb as Helen Keller once was. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Edge of the Shrub by J. Howard Ashton (England\/Australia; 1877-1964) Oil on board, 17.5 x 17.5 cm #AusFam #AustralianArt #Painting #Landscape https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/BGc7K.jpeg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user seems its escaped your attention that bashing whites isn't winning you any elections - over 1200 dem seats lost 08-\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Cajun_peach: Because humans aren't delicious ho RT @peta: Smarter than dogs AND your 3-year-old child. So why EAT them? http:\/\/t.co\/eRT…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #jpy: negative external environment remains suppoive \u00e2\u0080\u0093 mufg #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#wishing all wonderful #dads a #father's #day..let's #rock today at red rascals\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user presentation was a 9\/10. allot of good stuff coming. games, consoles.i am actually excited for some of the new stuff. #e32016","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ok 144 follower guy on gab dot com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pre-1965 America must've been so nice... wish I could have enjoyed it. Now we have (((multiculturalism))) wanting the daughter to be Blacked and globohomo pushing the white baby boy to get a science pussy instead of a dick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How far are you prepared to take this Roger? I gather that this is a new antifa style \u2018Hungerless Hunger Strike\u2019 Would you consider actually not eating anything? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hmmm. I was told this during an RYA day skipper course in the UK. I assumed the instructor knew his stuff. However, I cannot find a link.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MAGA!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Boo hoo shu.....you are never on the right side of winning.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Again she is the GOAT at HER SPORT but of all athletes ever? Absolutely not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"c u later guyz.... no to bad vibez please # \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling wonderful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not sure I would date a Russian. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds of african and muslim migrants are INVADING Europe. The nations our ancestors built for us. Keep Europeans in prayer \u00f0\u0178\u2122\u008f\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00bb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls hear you say \u201cfuckkk\u201d during sex and think her pussy fire First of all hoe I\u2019m really just feeling bad for cheating on my girl\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#japan abe government is mere puppet of ultra rightist group \"\u00e6\u0097\u00a5\u00e6\u009c\u00ac\u00e4\u00bc\u009a\u00e8\u00ad\u00b0(japan conference)\" #fascism #guardian #nytimes #bbc #afp #rsf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check out this flyer for #trump! yay titties! question: do we have to bring my own pussy to grab, or will pussy be\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Humanitarian ship resumes Mediterranean migrant rescue patrol despite European resistance - ABC News - via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this is me on my first ride out in my dad's @user 1964 #splitscreen #bordercollie #ted #puppyfriday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cWe can and should increase, not decrease the number of refugees coming to the U.S. A strong refugee program saves lives, builds communities and helps to fuel the U.S. economy.\u201d \u2014 Emily Gray, SVP of U.S. Ministries, World Relief. Read our full statement \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very good....one wonders how long it will be until they are, once again, viewed as the \"white devils\"? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should have let the Libyan Manchester bomber rot in his own country. How many more mass murderers did the Royal Navy import to Britain? How many more terrorists do the NGO's rescue from international waters? #RefugeesNotWelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hmm! Maybe we now know why they see such a need for gun control - restraint of _their own_ overly violent tendencies. \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UK Pensioner Faces 350 Lashes In Saudi Arabia why does this country exist it does nothing for migrants picks on old men no help from anyone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user open to the public on two hours! #bargain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Must deport all illegal migrants. India already reeling under constant threat of Muslim Radicals.Curb population ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@johncusack Feel ya... Gotta get rid of the muthafcka [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 #Biden2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MrPresidebt [NEWLINE]#PayAmericaBackTrump [NEWLINE]#DumpTrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#aldubfohelove tuesday morning!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A big Thank you\"\" to all these stupid celebrities. Events like this will only serve to help Republicans in 2018 and 2020 elections. #MAGA @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user more people care about shark week than black history month -trevor @user #sharkweek2016 #june26 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user really that #we #hillary suppoers have to tip toe around bernie & co. because we #think we need his voters. it's ti\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cIf they send a signal that we\u2019re going to be like some dictatorship, some authoritarian regime where political opponents are going to be unfairly, fraudulently investigated, that rips at the fabric of the contract we have that we can trust our justice system\u201d Yes I said it without a hint of irony.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My daughter\u2019s Brownie troop is working on their Democracy badge. She just cast her vote. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/QEfpuTKgA2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so far all the blog comments claim senad lulic statement wasn't racist. join the debate. #lazio\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He's a liar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She already proved she hasn\u2019t a clue about things she is legislating so really have no interest in her comments or opinion.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Agreed. I have better ideas: ABC\u2014Let AntiFa beat her to death at a pro-Trump Free speech rally. 1\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Susan Rice is contemplating running against Susan Collins in Maine. She was upset after watching Susan Collins speak regarding Kavanaugh. So finally she can honestly say this is happening because of a video.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user less #jacobmarley more #potter seems in end evil #misogynist #narrow a hole wins george bailey= #epic\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user '@TooDrunk2Care: \u201c@_catsandtats: Seriously. #YesAllMen' When will women stop treating us like obj\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pray for orlando #orlando #orlandostrong #bestrong #pray #believe #benice #lostones #upset #scary #prayforflorida","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Which preamble are you speaking of? For the DoI or the USC ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"president joe biden and veece kamala harris. fuck you maga culties!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be sunday dee dee \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hope they bankrupt soon","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@EricTrump This is MY paystub, Eric - you\u2019ll notice how much I pay in taxes from ONE check!! I\u2019m a nurse\/mom of 4, working 2 jobs to try to survive!! Your father paid less than this for an entire year & then lived off MY tax dollars! You & your father can fuck all the way off!! #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/gHeUlqrFGZ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"morning world... #together ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gender traitors, lol if we got rid of harry potter and the handmaids tale what would these fucking idiots have.\u00a0\u00a0 Not one of them could slog through the pile of shit that is \"das kapital\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yeah sorry girl but he is right if you actually look up the history. They were created in LA to fight back against violence by Bloods\/Crypts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was just thinking the same thing. There's no way she has the cardio for a fight. She'd probably have a heart attack.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pontiff is a commie.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That's just what Satan would say if he were threatened.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are correct ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we'll be heabroken we'll pray we'll vent, beg & plead & again, nothing will happen. because nothing ever happens #sto\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch Biggs ass hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I bet @JoeBiden is shitting his pants right now @realDonaldTrump will mop the floor with him #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #fucksocialism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Look at the Philipines, Indonesia, and Africa. Beautiful places full of resources that are unused and places which are poorly maintained due to non-whites running things. An Aryan Indonesia looks appealing as fuck. A neo-Manifest Destiny would do wonders, albeit far-fetched.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitches be expecting you to stay around while they hoe , bitch u crazy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please tell me this will be streamed somehow. You are going to absolutely wipe the floor with Totally An Actual Human Ted Cruz. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch feed me grapes and stfu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While all of these outlets have us looking here and there...well China, is being it's same old self... Communist ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER As I\u2019m watching it Bentley kept looking at me \ud83d\ude02 he being crate trained again so we good for now. He only allowed out to eat pee and shit and occasionally play time \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Republicans morals are stronger than #Democrat #Liberals Evidenced by trying to stop Liberals from aborting themselves out of existence It's the right thing to do Even though letting them kill off their young so Natural Selection would win would benefit us more #MAGA #KAG\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He should not have a job after this. But I guess he is the \u201clap\u201d dog of some bigwig in broadcasting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"people fighting \"sexism\" in politics are calling me pigwoman . nifty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BraveConWarrior: GRAPHIC ~> 150 Christians MASSACRED By Jihadi Muslims While They Slept! Including Pastor, His Wife & Kids http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's the century up! 100 people have now been murdered in #Londonistan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Why? Don\u2019t get it? Must be all the liberals that left California for Texas for jobs. They are trying to make Texas like California . Poor natives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She used her power and authoritative position over this child to manipulate him and get him drunk so she would have him at her disposal. Now she is using her gender as an excuse and claiming the victim assaulted her when we have text messages and pictures that show otherwise ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To be clear-THIS California wants to criminalize restaurants giving plastic straws","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user says a president elect that calls americans enemies #hateful #ignorant","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"daily #affirmation #motivation #inspiration #roadblock #mindful #journey #enhance #love #peace ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rajan's goverence made india comparable within 2 yrs tenure #rbigovernor #raghuramrajan #leaverbi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RELEASETHEMEMO With the release of the memo, top Dim leadership will be gutted.\u00a0 The successors to Pelosi and Schumer, etc. are gone.\u00a0 It will no longer be cool to be a Dim.\u00a0 The survivors might not flip to Republicans, but, Independent or Libertarian, oh yeah.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's our Spanish version of @user and @user aneurysm-inducing story of worker accused of molesting 8 (!!) immigrant kids at Arizona shelter. Please share ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Look, DeputyDawg, brother, patriot. I am probably not popular among the extremists that want to holler, \"Lynch That Bastard Obama\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The famous Indian pharmaceutical company Mylan received a specific lead in the introduction of the cost-effective generic version of Tenofovir Alafenamide 25 mg (trade name \"Vemlidy\"), under brand name 'HEPBEST', a once-daily treatment for adults with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection.\u00a0https:\/\/goo.gl\/PAbYST\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"since finding god things have got better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s a disgrace to his party and all he claims to stand for. He\u2019s not on the side of conservatives. He just wants to make a name for himself and anybody\u2019s cost.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Lisa Page confirmed the Russia story was passed to the MSM as a distraction for gullible liberals to push as a narrative to hinder our duly elected president\u2019s success in office. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It would be so nice if the Trump supporters could tell us why they believe he is so great without comparing him to every criminal in the history of American politics. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry to say but you are ignorant and should not tweet something without some research. Some of the ones that were arrested were seniors. They are all people that care enough about what is happening to go out to have their voices heard.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user because i've been paying attention for the past year\/8 years. he's a \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER To the view\" all the persons involves in the show- please you are better than \"this\" to have self promoting \"stripper\" on with her lawyer please don`t lower your standards !!!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no such thing as the #lgbt community. the most & #islamophobia i've experienced has been from white gay men. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER the films with bale in got sucky as they went along? so what you\u2019re saying is that batman begins was better than the dark knight and dark knight rises? your comment makes no sense therefore you are invalid","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"First Annual Ribbit Awards are broadcasting now! From Happy Frogs, hosted by\u00a0@otomo\u200d and John C Wright https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Z762fhk69JE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Syrian Christian warns Europe \"They are all ISIS, not refugees. This is an invasion\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#HanoiJane Fonda Campaigns for Gun Control Measure; Will it Backfire? - Liberty Park Press URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user he raped a pregnant bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fuck off URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When is Deadbeat @user going to pay #Ontario the $200 million he owes for housing his illegal immigrants? #onpoli #FordNation #ForThePeople #cpc #lpc #ndp #pcpo #onpc #ondp #Border #illegalimmigrants #TrudeauMustGo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bro is just rippin apart a bird about 10 feet from us.. #redtail #hawk http:\/\/t.co\/tjAnr2pB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The difference is about 350 lbs. Shes so fat even the bathtub has stretch marks. When she hauls ass she has to make 3 trips. She went to weight watchers and everyone stood around and watched her. She has to keep 5 bags of cement on the passenger seat to keep her car from flipping over. At the restaurant they bring over a spoon, a knife and a fork lift.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user rickity..rick.. rickity...rick.. as the same ole broken down wagon is looking to find the next mateen to jump on board. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is way more creepier and says way more stupid things URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't text me with drama hoe bitch you will get your feelings hurt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Causality? Is it: 1. Chicago lawmakers instituted strict #guncontrol BECAUSE of high pre-existing crime rate? 2. Crime rate is high BECAUSE strict gun control prevents law abiding citizens to be armed - so only scofflaws have guns? 3. No causality at all. Statistics are #COHORT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Googlecide \u2013 Death by don\u2019t-be-evil-corp inspiring the Internet bill of rights preventing leftist oligarchies from erasing people based on political beliefs transforming western civilization into a totalitarian state controlling nearly all aspects of life via the Googlesplaining. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One week ago it was 45,000! Trump is accelerating this! Make America Great Again POTUS!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I don\u2019t trust Kanye right now. I might not like that shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user That's a black referring to a group. Markedly different from affluent white people calling Ben Carson or any other prominent conservative that term. I'm thinking more of stuff like this: Antifa n word\"\" is quite a fruitful search.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #throwbackthursday \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0085on demand \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 #girls #cute #summer #blur #sun #fun #dog #hair #beach\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"disgusting little fuck bitch the only good thing about ur boring ass moview are the women in it. you owe everything to women so shut UP!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Immigration in a picturehttps:\/\/t.co\/bNRq7N7Oj3Diversity is the process whereby your nations are sought to be handed away to people who don't want it to be what it once was, by people who didn't help to make it what it is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is the very reason of terrorism by blacks that all men should be armed worldwide. Regardless if in Oakland, California, USA, England, France, Germany or South Africa. Not saying all blacks are bad, but enough of them are, to be armed, vigilant. #Rapefugee #Oakmayor #Oakmtg ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Crimes committed by ILLEGAL immigrants should be public information everywhere like in Texas. More illegal aliens were arrested for homicide in the past 7 years in a single state than deaths by mass shooting in the other 49 states combined! #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I saw some shit today that made me want to @ her and politely ask her if I could be her stylist.... because I'm not here for these early 2000 bangle bracelets and unnecessary accessories like who's responsible? I have a few words. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Take Take Take #WalkAway from the #idiot party! #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Left work to go to the dentist today and what did I find, some son of a bitch has scraped my car, no note nothing.\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the scars left by us waime camps mt @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You are all rapid dog's \ud83e\udd2a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm surprised he didn't shoot his students just prove gun control is important. I'm glad I don't send kids to college. What a waste of money turning them into pumpkin heads. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm surprised I had to refollow @amy I thought I already followed Momma Torba. Weird","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so dress rehearsal done now it's time for a little r&r before the show. everyone @user is on great form for this conce= maestro","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kyrie got all them handles but couldn't handle his chick kehlani.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't wait to dye and cut my hair. Gone be a whole new bitch.\ud83d\ude1c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Babble!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- When Shep or the 5 come on, I go to One America News or Newsmax News on DirecTV. Both of those guys are beyond braindead & belong on Fake News Communist News Network (CNN) OR PMSNBC! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 _ https:\/\/t.co\/UAHe4D4DMx","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes! #talented #sexy \u00e2\u0080\u0098criminal minds\u00e2\u0080\u0099 casts @user as series regular for season 12 via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm so excited!! can't wait to see @user this weekend here in memphis! #ready #enation @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love how he says \"Chyna\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exactly... they're all bitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Google go to hell!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you think Kamala Harris & her KHIVE is on Americas side, you're wrong. Helping raise funds to bail out violent protesters & even a pedophile should disqualify her from VP & impeached from the Senate ASAP. Check out her new business card below. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TRUMP2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TRUMP\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/mTmPYYENLE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"each & everyone of the england hooligans should have there passpo banned for 10 years & not just to football should be to anywhere! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Buckle up Democrats and liberals! The shit is about to hit the fan for you and the FBI\/DOJ !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are TRIPPIN. Stop jumping to conclusions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good girl @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5 women tellin u 2 ur face that they\u2019re scared 2 walk down the street alone and Ur still so set on #NotAllMen that u argue instead of listen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/ffl.org.uk\/cant-survive-21month\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Toronto Mayor candidate Faith Goldy @FaithGoldy did this great video on Importing An Overclass, based on John Derbyshire's VDARE articles https:\/\/vdare.com\/posts\/immigrant-master-race-faith-goldy-and-vdare-com-on-importing-a-new-overclass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and i came home to tacos so there's that! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #homesweethome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Chinese Maverick: We were communicating Comrade , u know giving the imperialist Yanks the Birdie\" https:\/\/t.co\/38GZ1jerPS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Confessions of a mother fucking bitch!I keep checking the cooker, switches and front door like Craig off corrienation street!I cant stop eating Im going to a hole full of depression! HELP ME ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #adl = #hate the raison d'etre of the adl has always been to incite as a means to usher in #jewworldorder #tyranny.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian Priest Says Anti-Immigration Matteo Salvini Is \u2018\u02dcthe Antichrist\u2019 via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You will be sadly disappointed as they conservatives are also marxists...they now control a police state.........ONLY UKIP WILL SET THE COUNTRY FREE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #quotestags #quote #nofilter quotestags_app ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Answer: DiFi and Antifa Democrats have NO sense of decency remaining ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER CANNOT CONTAIN HIMSELF That is why HE IS UNWELCOME AT A SCHOOL without an escort (and a hall pass). He is WELL BEHIND HIS OPPONENT in his re-election campaign. @USER can't work well or play well with others. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! @USER DISTRICT D","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A whore's book being published! All the looney liberals run out and buy it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HBA trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I wouldn't be surprised. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I once ate a watermelon out of a black mans ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER What? I have no clue what you are trying to say. I\u2019m certainly no Trump supporter FFS. Just rational \ud83d\ude02 Keep on keeping on with whatever it is you are trying to achieve.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sheme there is no attention on our own people and foodbanks while do you have to be a migrant to be treated with respect? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes you don't need to say much.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Amazing how many people voted guilty before proven innocent. Lots of liberals are voting in this poll obviously.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user baroness on #marr throwing toys out of pram as folk discuss #brexit @user and discuss #immigration #n\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a bunch of pussies oh wait","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user lmao both rubio and paul ryan are truly pathetic, condemning trump for months then joining his side ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. Trump and the Mueller Investigation 2. Climate Change 3. Guns and Gun Control 4. Unions and Workers #SaveSCOTUS #WhatsAtStake URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's so sad I grew up in a Christian Republican home and longed to be free like liberal cool kids. You new liberals are worse than 1950 parents. You ruin everything in your quest to prove getting picked last in gym wasn't because we wanted to play not watch you fake injury. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BTW, you have no clue what religion or race I am, proving that your IQ is not in the triple digits. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I swear. I\u2019m so glad my fat ass never drunk that shit. I\u2019m tryna be slim but not crackhead slim\ud83d\ude47\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hell do you think you are to call my friend a fucking skank?! Just because she's bringing\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Better take an extra antidepressant Cher it\u2019s a done deal. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalAliens Apparently Twitter doesn't like this term. Boo hoo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"interview noone the movie #independentmovie #btv #bulagaria #movie #actor #inspiration\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/byerschiro\/status\/662405673339121664 - Good stuff, thanks for sharing!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@andytheflake what will you do now that Harold is dead?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER FEMA has contacted the Senator and was told.its a TV hit you take them when you can\" He Is a liar. If he had a set... he would put on his big girl panties and tell the truth!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She's exactly right. The kike media pushes\u00a0 White females to mix with niggers and other non-whites as a way to foster our destruction.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He should get the full prison term when found quilty #Trump #MAGA #Immigration via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER YOU should be FIRED... You are dead to the public for your FAKE NEWS Why don't you show him approaching the crowd? Scared ... If you can't stand the fire Get Out of the Kitchen....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m all for Jews looking after their people and Country (Israel). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Probably have their violent liberal Antifa in full force showing us just how much they really care about any humans. Nope I'll never fall for their fake sympathy garbage as long as they pay to have strangers beat to a pulp by KKK hooded thugs. Never!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@KarynHalpin: Where do all the foreskins go when they circumcise a guy?” the Foreskin Fairy takes them after you put them under your pillow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"leave halsey alone u dumb ass fucking bitch i'll come for ur family you idiotic hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Liberals on odd days: Modi's India is saffron terror, Hindu Taliban, minority lyncher, intolerant, fascist regime. Liberals on even days: Illegal Muslim Bangladeshi migrants feel home in India. Why should they go? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.! Give it up Serena you are looking silly now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Hollywood is filled with #Satanists and #Pedo's you have the nerve to Mock #Jesus and #Conservatives. See you lowlifes on the unemployment line!!!!! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hanging out with tucson's happy hour hobblers: a few years ago, manzini and board member alyssa hoyt p... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Thanks Chris you are very helpful.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches.\"\" #seuday\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Creepy Joe with roaming hands for little girls is one of the most noncreditable demonRATs I have ever seen. He & Jill won't talk about all the disgusting pervert actions of his just their hate and disapproval for conservatives and Trump. Like Hillary just shut up and go away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I was definitely drunk as shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOVE! Love for America Love for Americans. It is love Obama, you Muslim dung pile a homosexual such as yourself would not know it could not understand it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My grandmother was a maid. Those were the only gigs avaliable to dark skinned women in the very early 1900s. Through her skil set she became a top home economics professional for Chicago wealthy whites. Sent my pops to Unv Chicago, aunt to northwestern. Stfu lil bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muzzies will be demanding we use only clear and white trash bags soon because it \"offends them\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"REQUEST FOR NOMINATION: English Works Campaign Certificates of Recognition for companies supporting the development of English language skills of MA immigrant workers. Past awardees: @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my old country song too you... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"David Wilcock leaving GAIA over LUCIFARIAN agenda ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user To ignore the role of the immigration invasion and White Genocide in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.https:\/\/t.co\/HFGW0AGyPihttps:\/\/t.co\/kywyK2rg1k ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Perhaps he is going to talk about pedestal and all the collusion by the HRC campaign!! After all this investigation is not only to be about Prasident Trump. Plenty of illegal activity by the dnc and Clinton campaign!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The official unemployed numbers are a joke. There are millions of Americans who lost their jobs and career to H-1b. Their unemployment benefits ran out years ago. Give them their jobs back. End H-1B now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let\u2019s talk about immigrants fighting fires - not starting them: (photo: Marcus Yan, Los Angeles Times) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't associate with total normies anymore and haven't for some time. However, I know valuable, open-minded friends would shun me if I talked about some things openly with them. Sometimes, you have to pick your battles. You can't expect everyone to be as open minded or understanding of the truth as you are. Trying to force them achieves nothing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think Rick was replying to CNN's article, and making a relevant observation. It will take too much evidence to blame anything but Jerry Brown, IMHO.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". ^___^ ( \u25b0 \u2594\u76bf\u2594 ) \/ Ooh! you are the \u2651Capricorn! \ud83d\udd2eYour Today's Matches: \ud83d\udc96Love: \u264fScorpio \ud83d\ude09Friendship: \u264aGemini \ud83d\udc64Career: \u264eLibra \ud83d\udd2eYour Today's Star Ratings: \ud83d\udc95 Love \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606 \ud83d\ude42Mood \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605 \ud83d\udcb0Money \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606\u2606 \ud83d\udc54Career \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605 \ud83d\udc47Bal says.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A judge says reuniting immigrant families is the U.S. government\u2019s sole burden ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER pathetic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Got to be about the dumbest thing ever. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@RamBoutIt: “@Master11_: @20ToLife_ @RamBoutIt hoes Austin” teach us Austin.\"I teach u how to get curved? That's all I know","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch if you were a cookie, you'd be whoreo \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A special kind of #Antifa when he learns the correct spelling of tomorrow ! ffs proper shitting myself now \ud83d\ude31","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love you so much yoongi you are the reason that i could be happy all day .youre smile is the most beautiful think that i ever see in my hold life \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc9c URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Kurt: Liberals are obsessed with seeing the president's disgusting penis. They fantasize about being in the room with his horrible hog. [sweating] They can't stop thinking about that mushroom-capped member. [visibly erect] ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if ever a skank tries to make fun of you, tell her to suck dick she'll magically turn into a hoe and grab the nearest dick within her perimeter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thinking concerning joining this business? Do NOT sign up with prior to you review this MaVie: https:\/\/www.marketingxtreme.net\/mavie-review\/ #Advertising #network_marketing #marketing #news #business_opportunity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Asked a bitch to use her lighter and she obviously had one because she was smoking, she proceeds to tell me no so I called her a cunt. \ud83d\ude0c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck it. Just do it Haha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mooooslims and da jews are both the lowest of the animal food chain they aspire to be shit dont elevate them","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stan her instead of that colombian immigrant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hi Brit. I was notified by Twitter account @USER that he placed me on 2 of his TARGET lists....Terrorist (LOL)...and Antifa (not so funny). He's got high profile people like you on his list and then he's got random citizens on his lists. I have notificed @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so hot ! #fun #girl #follow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The antifa of the Muslim world","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looooooooool I can\u2019t believe \u2018BEN WOTTS\u2019 aka dick head fuck boy send me a pic of his hairy ass hole n asked me to peg him.. weird cunt \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Love that u used WOMEN instead of bitch. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Better Call Cruz\"\" is as slimy a piece of the perverted former GOP and a prime example of why those used to be decent Republican Conservatives need to VOTE For BETO\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#loveforjess I might not know her but many people do so spread the word in hopes that she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#orlandonightclubshooting disgusting #shocked ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready to deliver the feature address to a bright-eyed group of youngsters. #nervous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #1 \"End Poverty\" = \"Migrant so called crisis\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cuban Americans show strong support for Trump SEE MORE HERE ==> https:\/\/t.co\/17tvuUnq2W #proudboys #donaldtrump #trump #trump2020 #maga #makeamericagreatagain #trumprally https:\/\/t.co\/AvyF03J3wZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But Azealia, you're not happy with only having your intellectual equals (AKA the Kunt Brigade). You want Cardi's place. Nicki's place. LOL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This whole story is so absurd. None of these animals should be in the USA in the first place, and their anchor babies shouldn't be citizens. We don't just need to repeal birthright citizenship, we need to have a way of stripping citizenship from the spawn of foreign nationals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" pentecost sunday saints, don't come before the lord empty handed. release what is in your hand. he will release what is in his!! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's like saying I've had the pinto since 72 RT @Shallow__Al @TonyClevenger dude I've had an iPhone since the beginning.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is excited to have you! #rec405 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I just can't see how its justified to sentence a man to 16 weeks for pretending to have completed the London Marathon. How did the police find time to investigate leads? http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5870327\/Lo...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trumpism\" is going so well you along with all your liberal friends felt the need to try to trash it! People aren't stupid as you suppose. #RedWaveRising #MAGA & #KAG2018 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I do not call him IslamaObama for nothing he is a Shia Muslim follow Americans Money he gave away The absolute worst President of our History! In my opinion he was the true plant of Iran that the DEMONCRATS facilitated!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user gun control has nothing to do with taking away rights\"\" As long as you agree to the stipulations you put in place.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden AND Kamala made careers ruining the lives of black families. Trumps policies over last almost 4yrs only helped. That should tell you all you need to know about either how racist or what dumb \ud83d\udc11 dem voters are. https:\/\/t.co\/Hb4BAiOxm0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Oh and how do think the victim feels? Im sure she is fine with the death threats and insults she\u2019s been getting spewed at her by you fine Christian conservatives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"looked at eyes like a champion today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user Men are smarter than women that's why women always get played by men. #Truth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just pre-ordered this. it sounds a really great book ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the greatest gift of life is friendship, and i have received it. #friendship #girls \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@LaBugg09 😂😂 my fault it sound like it fucc nicca","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"daddy \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #dad #inlov #daddy #daddysgirl #day @ i n l o v ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hysterical women and she men by the looks of it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Twitter algorithm that's said to be unavoidable (part can't be turned off!) is now affecting politicians running for office. @janzforcongress has less outreach than he has followers.\u00a0 Since outreach is your audience plus followers that interact audience.\u00a0 That's weird and he must be caught up in it. Repeat measurements taken. @a\u00a0@Amy\u00a0@gab\u00a0@Microchip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user NS liberals will sell out fishermen in a heartbeat. These N.S. Liberals are probably in line looking for private sector handouts. Big money tied to Kameron Coal. @user don\u2019t care about Nova Scotians. Look at health and education. Fisheries next? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Jesus Christ. Liberals start young with their brainwashing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Patrick_little\u00a0I would absolutely love to help provide your campaign with good issues to rally around. One of your first major promises should be to completely nationalize all Internet services and to provide FREE, high speed Internet to all households in the US. I have many more ideas that will rope many people in.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #mxn de-correlated with latam currencies, intervention risks rising - tds #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"y'all, is global. we just may have to lose before folks understand.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user lol she is such a troll im so glad she went away and all u trump supporters told her to GTFO. Thank god we got a real superstar in @user who is going to actually fight for everyone no matter who they choose to vote for. Isn't she awesome! Please join us we rly need ur help! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I mean he\u2019s right he took a predominately black genre and became one of the greatest... in that aspect yes yes he is URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Still no end in sight for Africa\u2019s #refugee crisis via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is ridiculous! #BuildTheDamnWall NOW AND THROW THIS POS over it when your done! #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who's that ugly\"lady\"? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Vote for me or you're a racist\" -Oprah's 2020 campaign slogan","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i need to step away from twitter... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrat can't even compete w @user #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Isn't the number around 170K yr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#patriotwatch: 1.48 projection #auspol #rwnj #upf s #cult #cultism #projection #springst #straya","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user antifa blocking the road in Salzburg #SalzburgSummit18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop putting bullshit in my peoples brains, they\u2019ve had enough of Jews deceiving them, even if they don\u2019t know it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And somehow Trump is divine prophecy he's helping them all the wonderful things they wanted to take away from women...Fuck Religion. 2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user get your shit together ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The kike supporters must be paid by the hour. Can't they at least mention how great White America used to be before Jewish propaganda spread the lies of a holocaust, while ignoring the hundred million Whites under Jewish Communism were murdered in a few decades? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ruth Davidson ur neither Christian or for the people with ur Brutal welfare cuts , SNP please not we dont want migrants either ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KurtSchlichter gets it. This article is how you red-pill open-minded tradcons into fighting today's political war. https:\/\/townhall.com\/columnists\/kurtschlichter\/201...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why r u so triggered at people with a different opinion than u using a website","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Who TF this white devil Jersey shore bitch?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I will always love you & Ken though @user I really admire you & feel like a mother tiger with you! I could of jumped through the TV when that skank slapped your face! That upset me! A lot!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"saving snapchats that tom sent me bc i think they're cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ImpeachDonaldTrump Your blue wave will be wiped out with our Red Tide! The 'blue wave' Dems have shown themselves to be deranged, delusional, insane people who want to destroy our America!\u00a0 Will we allow this?\u00a0 They shoot our people with snipers, then kill our Americans at concerts, they would gladly kill us all to take what we have.\u00a0 God bless you and God bless the USA...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your analysis of & #blacklivesmatter was totally out of touch & did not represent the spirit of #islam. #ris2016","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch I\u2019m in the hood serving junkies in a Maybach !!!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Since this is Manhattan, I worry about picking up bed bugs in libraries, C-diff in hospitals, hepatitis C in restaurants. I worry about jerk doctors who come back from fighting ebola in Africa and ride the subway instead of self-quarantining. I worry about shit that actually happens.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He can go to hell","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the primal force is going to have a new website, soon! #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user GIVE ME A FUCKING MIC\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Agreed. I have better ideas: ABC\u2014Let AntiFa beat her to death at a pro-Trump Free speech rally. 1\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unfortunately not ALL #Republicans -- not @user , questionable w\/ @user With \"leaders\" like those, it is like having 3 #Pelosi #FundTheWall#BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"McCain completely out of the closet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 more days till we are headed to @user for @user regionals! #readytogo #motocross","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It makes my skin crawl just looking at this woman - Theresa May is a liability to our nation and @USER and must be removed ASAP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Liberals are vile vicious and disgusting URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another falsehood. I don\u2019t think anyone wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment. A growing majority want sensible gun control in the form of better background checks and the banning of assault rifles. Trump will say and do anything to rile his base. More snake oil.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yawn. All drama, no message.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Girl he is fine. Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jindal seemed to be having an out-of-body experience enhanced by special brownies\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/W0cyEcqKLo\nBj Up and At 'Em\n#stribpol #mngop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9941 #love, are people team saruman or team frodo swaggins ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil enlightenment is wasted on the wilfully blind. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are pathetic. This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico. This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #cbcnn maybe the Haitian civil war can be explained as to the large numbers of refugees coming into \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6; oh right there was no civil war just Trump saying go home the earthquake is over. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hmmm...they piss off the portion of the population that actually supported football and are shocked their numbers took a nose dive? Shocking!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Me thinks you're full of shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I write music to glorify truth and reality 'BRO' I seen the first Star Wars when it came out! Looks like deep metaphysics to me if you know anything about that.... Get in touch with 'reality' and you will not worry so much about those who do not understand truth! Jesus did not topple Rome he demonstrated GOD!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Quite possible. You are very right to be skeptical. But one has to start somewhere !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good morning to you Joe. Wow, what a wave. Hope you have a blessed Son\u271dday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CBS sez CEO Leslie Moonves' out on his ass after several allegations he was chasing ass... COO Joseph Iannello will be interim CEO until somebody accuses him of the same thing... This 'shit' never ends... Ooops... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no matter your 'opinion' , hate has no place in this world. it is time to teach our children to respect. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #Republican administration's policy on #ImmigrantChildren continues to be unconscionable, in spite of repeated court orders. Why are those responsible not in jail? #AbolishICE #AbolishDHS #Election2018 @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER If you put any claim that that ambulance chaser is in anyway anything by a shyster you are a fool bigger than he is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stupid dindus, theres more slaves now than then!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER After seeing the contents of the post @USER I for one are pleased with the legislation we have in regard of gun control. On the other hand legislation does need to be improved to support mental aid to this individual. He has to be sectioned.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"watching \u201cteeth\u201d this bitch pussc biting everybody dick off\ud83d\ude33 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome to our land of dispossession! http:\/\/t.co\/v14jkTLZ Check out the evil, racist whitey sitting on steps etc. \"Reconquista, Woo Hoo!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Catholic who loves Christianity #Italy #LeaveEU #StoptheBoats #Sendthemback #Lega #News #Bible ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 yeah. Peaceful because the right ..Well..know they're right. No counter protests. Unlike fascist Antifa. As for 7k .. who counted? Dianne Abbott??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I ATTENDED PENN STATE IN 71\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 THIS IS FUCKING DISGUSTING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it truly is the end of an era, love 4 minute and is so sad they are disbanding #4minutepleasestaywithus #kpop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Take a bullet like a fucking man you faggot -me to that gay faggot Nigger kike David Hogg. I'm not a fag but I'd fuck him if he came into my cell on death row in Texas.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am still chuckling. Hollyweird celebrities, who have been spoon fed their lines for their entire lives, now THINK they can influence me with their rhetoric. If science wants to study unused brains, head down to the casting studios in Hollyweird. I am beginning to think, iZombies is a reality show.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"According to Nigerian Immigration , twenty three trucks arrived Banki yesterday with refugees from Cameroon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2017 was great, but I hope that 2018 will be even better. Here is an old folk song from #Israel all about that, #GabFam: https:\/\/youtu.be\/zz8dnW7cub4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's sunday switch off and tune in. take a walk, listen, feel, smell, hear and touch. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those Immigrants some from Pakinstan and Iraq can not be vetted or their family have ties to Extremists! Do we want them to infirate U.S Army learning U.S Military to over throw the U.S! this is a national security threat ! We Do not want another 911 ! #Trump #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user My signature move is out of your life. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even though it might be true, this is typical accusatory inversion","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BookoutBj That's ghetto for super duper! It's the current generations best complement.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Immigrants cited in theft of 39 million (39,000,000) Social Security Numbers they don't commit crimes, we are safer with illegal migration?#BuildTheWallNow#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What women do is way down on the list of rape causative factors but it's still on the list & u're not a potential\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Fuck yeah!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Romanian Andrei Parvu and American Ethan Todd have grown in their individual faith in God and in friendship with each other as they have faced hardships from the red tape encountered in trying to obtain govt approval for Parvu to be FBC Madisonville pastor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cunt boy got it fucked up. I handle shit and handled his bitch ass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mossad\/MI6\/CIA theft to be used in future false flag. What are the agents names, bibi and abe? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And most Hillary supporters are racist liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BDSixsmith the bio writes itself:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Caucasus Affairs Analyst | Neoliberal | Obama FP Team | #GlobeTwitter #Biden2020 #realism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019ve finally broken down in tears. It hit home. You\u2019re outta here @realDonaldTrump, you racist, lying, misogynistic, murdering fraud. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Two months ago you were 'fat &; a whore' now y'all talk... boys \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user Lol when you have two girlfriends @user #huntermourer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER IKR??? he is like the biggest fanboy ;A;","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lega Northchief Berlusconi warns: the 600.000 illigal refugees are dynamite for Italy and will destroy the social consens. So he will stop the immigration from Libya if he wins the elections in March. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is way beyond stunning. @user give the word stunning a whole new meaning .@USER #Q #QAnon #MAGA #QArmy #WWG1WGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is gay. He\u2019s a sick pervert he gets on my nerves ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Loll he is! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"our #pescatarian . happy customer = happy us :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Crazy Maxine is either huffing spray paint or smoking crack. #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know I *would* say this, but this week's @user Insiders' Newsletter was super insightful. Breaks down CFTA, analyses new migration data, examines a little known but important #WesternSahara development, and more! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"euphoria-hold_the_rush__eternal_heights-(ng039)-web-2005-ukhx_int . #next generation #web hardcore #1gabba \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YOU ARE HELPING THE #RedWaveRising ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today a smile have fun http:\/\/verenoflood.nu\/cartoons-fotofucks-07-juli-2...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"stood up for coffee\" uploaded to @user #brunette #coffee #photo #purplepo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hoe your dreams also return to you as nightmare ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every time I hear a women slut-shame another women for what their wearing I can\u2019t help but think \u201cBitch you wack as fuck.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And Republicans wanted moderates when obama was president and we go the way liberals Kagan and Sotomayer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so i went to gilmore pchub this morning to buy a 1070 just to find out it's still not out. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user hey there beauty's #mac #liners #maccosmetics #gorgeous #makeup #makeupaddict\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Screw you and that keep up\"\" shit honestly \ud83d\ude02\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user sad to be leaving our first house today but looking forward to making memories in the new house with @user #movinghou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Making up Drake disses>> RT @RepMyCityX: @TyZebruh cant wait to call it trash and tell everyone that B L U will forver be the goat out of LA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We as women mostly are rape and sexual assault victims. We kept quiet cos no one believes us. Still. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hello there my love! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 i will be glad to see you here \u00e2\u0099\u008b\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RealTina40 @AMPFEST_USA Love your enthusiasm and energy Tina. You are an inspiration. #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER But he is a dildo!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...or that he is merely a 'legacy Colonel'\" URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The real #Antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mohammed discovered that motorcycles go much faster than camels","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I guess all of those old white guys DO kinda look alike... \ud83d\ude09\ud83e\udd2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"listen up >>>>>>> ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"realized today i'm one of the \"adults\" now since i held the pinata strings and didn't get to hit it #imnotold #letmehitit #ayyyy #jk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Pope Char compares Pope Francis to the false prophet. Bingo! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey carl paladino, looks like \"you're fired!\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02 a What? You are Better then a futanary Work! You are real!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#peoria bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How much you are paying for patrol... ? Do you think it's because of naheru or Zina... Indira... ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ConfessionsExMu: \u201cMy Pakistani passport states that \u2018this passport is valid for all countries of the world, except #Israel\u2019.\u201d https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-fwW","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how i feel after this episode of #gamesofthrones #lovedogs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think it's more of a choice for ppl to stay hooked on shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ??? what the fuck ??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am constantly shocked by the vitriole thrown at Pres Trump, so many seem to hate him; its sad really. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are asking the right questions\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JohnCornyn I'm going to go ahead and muzzle\/mute you. I'm sick of seeing your bullshit on my feed. #VoteHimOut2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":";>.> Literally think I would have to post something about sky cloth worship to lose followers... I am an An-Cap for the record xD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Never going to get used to people vilvilifying teachers. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NEVERRRRRRRRRRR ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Down Boris, down boy, no Boris, come here, it's not fish, come here, good boy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user join us for a &#039;christmas in july&#039; happy hour! - flipsidepa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I cant believe he didnt work in comet pizza. Now that Alex Jones is muted these conservatives are so lost. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I like Alex Bowman but he is not a rookie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019m jealous ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*SCREAMS* SHE IS SO CUTE WHEN SHE DOES THIS!!!! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White Dragon Society & Russia & COM-12 & Gnostic Illuminati & CIA NSA MI6 FBI White Hat faction Alliance bounty on George Soros who funds all CIA Al-Qaeda DHS Muslim terrorist infiltrators & free-welfare-money illegal immigrant voters for Obama's democrat party & MS-13 assassins ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Sadly given the hypocritical and unethical behaviour of Liberals\/Democrats these days I view any claims or allegations made by them with a huge degree of scepticism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another blessing:) good morning:) #saturday #smile#go!:)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when it feels like a friday but it's really thursday .. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JFC. And we're back to infighting. God Damn It, keep your eyes on the real enemy. They are starting fires with the amount of hand-rubbing they do when we go after each other.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"listen here dumb fucker you dont call rania \u201cwhore\u201d and youre the only crazy bitch here\ud83d\ude18 deactivate pls bc nobody c\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Yes he is\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thinking about the Student-Loan Crisis\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i say it was just as good as #thekingsspeech, but it won't win an oscar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every now and then, as sure as clockwork, a miserable little Internet #TROLL (such as you) comes along in order to upset the apple cart to the consternation of all #DECENT* people here online!!!!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And get FUCKED by a horse's cock if *that* is your ultimate desire!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The AWB had no effect on crime. That's why it was not resigned into law 10 years after it was 1st signed and allowed to sunset. It also was the beginning of the end for Clinton and his corrupt administration. I love when they screech gun control! It means they lose in elections!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lapdog Network News (The New World Order Blues): some of us were busting on #FakeNews before the hashtag came about. https:\/\/youtu.be\/vTS9sB44fQ4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Premier Doug Ford and Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti want to put an end to Gangs & Crime in #Toronto. Red Dawn Adam Vaughan & Pretty Boy Justin Trudeau want to give all your money to #TOcouncil Socialists & bring in a million more refugees (AKA Terrorists). #topoli #onpoli #cdnpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don't agree with you. But if you want to see a real damsel in distress play the fucking marry Jane missions. They are soooo boring . she's so stupid. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just terming ppl as bhakt because they denounce terrorism and anti national acts shows ur sense to reason! never mi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cocktails and shenanigans continue!!!! #goodtimes #greatfriends ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we have to do this. need to change profiling, #economicapahied, #hatespeech and get service to the poor.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the [clean] version dubs out the line 'such a fucking hoe' for 'such a filthy whore' which i swear 2 god is actually more offensive ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"here's a ?for the day the government and states county's etc. can #ban smoking, #saying ceain words , #clothing in schools ...so ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 #days on a #wohwhile #production next #week so #pretty chuffed ( )! about that. #lifetime in #acting terms! pay the #milkman gd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so for our first #germany #show #tonight mussumerkrug. it's always a treat #performing\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And you support the right using Antifa tactics in other words the tactics of a domestic terrorist group.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At number 4, #Burundi-an refugees are among the most neglected in the world. We are the invisible people... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You don't have to worry about any ethnostate, Kike eyes, you can take your Jew fro and grizzly neck and head to Kekville. It'll be DNA-based and you're Jewish pal -- you're OUT.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No thanks, will do it the old fashioned way, follow & follow back real patriots! \ud83d\udc4d \ud83d\ude0e https:\/\/t.co\/6qO7Y7Wuxx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019d shat his pants if he faced any Antifa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I know they be fired up thinking u got a hammer n your pants from how u walk n find out u got a coochie lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fathersday thoughts with all #gay non-dads. never got to have children of their own. thankfully, things changing #pops #lgbt #bbuk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This lies how she got the key ! Why she don\u2019t admit she was in date or maybe had NSA with ? she is married ? What is true story ! BS ! Ok we all respct police officer but her story and excuse full of shit ! Please post her photo ! Let see how fat she is !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Music for #BritFam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KmactMIhrRM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What the fuck is wrong with you?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who would win THIS fight?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Harris makes herself look very ignorant daily! #MAGA without them! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mustread #education against & #stereotypes @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ur head bout big as shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Tom Marvollo Riddle. Evan will lose his dick if he fucks around he knows it. Cause he is already after a lady\" She nods and looked at Evan. Evan grins at her and stayed silent. He did liked to fuck around but he knew he could not hurt his date\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcOMAROSA\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcIS\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcONLY\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcTRYING\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcTO\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcSELL\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcA\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffcBOOK\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@iowahawkblog I also recommend 6pack of shiner Bock and 12 hours of brisket duty at \"the pit\" feeding oak coals 😉","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" happy days #16 long & wild via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Our prayers absolutely help the president and his family. Personally, I recommend this book:\u00a0https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/Deliverance-Prayers-Fr-Chad... The author, Fr. Chad Ripperger, is quickly becoming a household name (not unlike Fr. Amorth). But you don't need new formulations. St. Michael's prayer is incredibly powerful, and as St. Padre Pio said, 'the Rosary is the weapon.'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user of coarse he is alex and many other nation leaders are as we;ll lapdpgs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER *REPLACES CHICKENS WITH GUN CONTROL* URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i equate the ending of the americans tonight to the year carmela told tony soprano she wanted a divorce. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So is it time for each of us to tell about wild times we had in high school and college??? Liberals are such jackasses. Let he who is perfect cast the first stone....will never be a liberal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Illegals Dump their Kids at the border like Road Kill and Refuse to Unite! They Hope they get Amnesty, Free Education and Welfare Illegal #FamilesBelongTogether in their Country not on the Taxpayer Dime Its a SCAM #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #SendThe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why??? He did Absolutely Nothing wrong. He is the victim and she is the perpetrator!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is apparently a real company. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now, Adrian Cheng, 33-year-old heir of the globe's largest jewelry store and also among Asia's - https:\/\/www.reuters.com\/article\/us-hongkong-chowtaifook-cheng\/adrian-cheng-updating-a-hong-kong-family-empire-for-a-changing-china-idUSBRE94C0ZH20130513 #adrian_cheng #hong_kong #AdrianCheng","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I really hope against all hope, that Sessions is waiting for... Well the storm is coming. Weinstein is just the beginning. Patience is a virtue.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ICRC: A lot of work to do before Rohingya refugees can return to Myanmar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are so adorable. ^^ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user homegrown rightie white americans are 100 times more likely to harm you than a refugee. #fear","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I promise you: Everybody plays the lottery. Uh, no. Only the innumerant. It is going to be VERY hard for the @user to cover this woman. She tosses out lunacies not often seen in state wide candidates. Abt 6 fringe positions in this one stop. #gapol #gagov ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why wasn't this addressed between 2009 and 2014?\"The ACLU released a report, based on 30,000 pages of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, that described hundreds of cases of abuse of immigrant children in US custody between 2009 and 2014.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Liberals are mentally unstable!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I ain't even know there was 2 fat Kardashians till today... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user the kind of we can expect in #trump amrica","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thats a good christian self rightous reply, thank you very much","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I thought Canada had strict gun control. Help me understand what is happening.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are various HGH anti-aging dietary supplements around, getting one that performs is tough. - http:\/\/www.hghreleasersreviews.net\/hgh-anti-aging-supplements\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU: How to Stop Mass-migration from Africa? Bring Everyone to Europe: EU idiots destroying Europe... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that is very true, any good Psychologist will tell you the same thing. Rape is rape by a more powerful assailant. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a knucklehead. He is not making good decisions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Check out @afbranco\u2019s Tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/afbranco\/status\/10344953191725...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5.0 Star Review on SocialSurvey \u2014 Cristyn made my buying experience so easy and enjoyable! She is amazing! by Lindsay P. for Cristyn Dyess URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YES YOU DO GO TO BED HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump I barely make middle-class wages, and I pay 7 times the taxes you paid. #cheater #taxfraud [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Race has nothing to do with it. Either you are fake MAGA or ignorant either way you are now blocked. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#medical #humor #house #like a boss #boss #mugs #coffee mugs #coffee #cocoa #php ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So @USER you seem to have forgotten some facts. Mayor\u2019s \u201cwe are dying\u201d speech with 100s of pallets of supplies behinder her. Warehouse of supplies found rotting. Runway with pallets of water never distributed. Mayor getting indicted.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Buck and Spiderman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user why? because the repo the nof\/phc placed in the public domain is an incoherent mess. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RSSReachesOut so called Liberals exposed ..Want talk with Terror State .. But Boycott RSS covention. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#blm[NEWLINE]#DefundThePolice [NEWLINE]#maga[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 [NEWLINE]@mad_liberals [NEWLINE]My contributions to the meme universe, how do you spell HYPOCRISY https:\/\/t.co\/AkaH6PsSRU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"carl paladino is a former trump campaign official. #unpresidented #trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we read every single of one of your #dwp16wishlist tweets and we can't wait to reveal the first phase lineup of #dwp16. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"beginning of a new phase \u00e2\u0080\u0094 traveling to new pune international airpo from netaji subhas chandra bose... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You\u2019re just as far away behind the goals at Hampden than you are at Wembley. There\u2019s a lot of greeting faced people up here","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please stop swapping your faces, you're ugly enough as it is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You the last bitch that should be talking about looks. Anyways stick that dusty ass tongue back in ya musty STD filled mouth and shut the fuck up hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yet this kids in chicago killing each other daily cause u doing so much good in your home state with gun control right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals will melt \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Chicago has the strongest gun laws in the nation but the highest homicide rate. That gun control really works ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@tsmith4569 Sorry I missed that, you mean where I live is disgusting or that that muzzies in the UK r disgusting, or both? Have a great Sun.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All we ever hear from Hillary is beeching & moaning. Dang ! That witch never get tired of complaining!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kad raya still relevant regardless the advanced technology kan. i tried to find the musical one takda dan tak banyak pilihan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" and #happy at the same time. angry at mfc, but happy about my macbook.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kris Kobach, the man who pushed cities and towns to pass anti-immigrant ordinances, then raked in the cash when he was hired to defend them in court (He also routinely lost the cases) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ice cream machine was down, which means no Frape. No coffee = bitch \ud83d\udc81\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bitch if u dont hop off my dick and go do somethin with yo loud mouth ass , mothball\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're checking to see if the pussy is safe to eat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And the deal offered will be remaining in single market and customs union anyway","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user got Kamara too he is the man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"is she choking it!! 😳😳🙈🙈😩😩“@AwwAdorabIe: I want a pet monkey 😩😍 http:\/\/t.co\/w7Yr5xKLSC”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Money isn't everything , But everything needs Money... Sike money everywhere bitch fuck all you haters, hoes and fake ass \"friends\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Isn\u2019t the coalition for gun control headed up by the lady who was turned down for a job because she was a bully? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(I'm late but neverthelesssss) @user HAPPY BIRTHDAY CEL! HOPE U HAD A GREAT DAY AND CONTINUE BEING THE PERSON YOU ARE! all the love \u2661\u2661\u2661 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's start tagging our Tweets with #IllegalAliens every time we Tweet about border issues. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sadiq Khan reminding me more and more of Recep Tayyip Erdogan with his threats to harm the West through refugees.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t like her but hope if she is next to Tyler at final 2 she Wins. Just me being petty. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s part of it! Overall, it\u2019s about feeling that more refugees would add to the city, whereas there\u2019s too much tourism in it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Man shoots, kills carjacking suspect near Millenia mall http:\/\/www.orlandosentinel.com\/news\/breaking-news\/os-carjacking-attempt-shooting-millennia-mall-20180422-story.html #2a #2ndAmendment #SelfDefense #ArmedDefense","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MichaelChe THIS GUY thunks only White Repubs & crackheads Thank Jesus Guess you don\u2019t like Christian\u2019s money do you buddy?! Good luck Mike trying to have a lavish style off the backs of liberals \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 URL @USER \ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"f r i d a y - with real bavarian blue white sky!! \u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0093\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0093\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0093#blue #white #sky #bavaria #visitbavaria #bayernliebe ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I respect President Trump because he told us what he would do, then kept his promises. He hasn\u2019t done everything, but Trump has done a Hell of a lot. Is the contract with America in your App? https:\/\/assets.donaldjtrump.com\/_landings\/contract\/O-TRU-102316-Contractv02.pdf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy New Year, crazy lady. May you continue being as mentally deranged as I am.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"must see tomorrow soumya ki entry in #shakti #16juni on colors at 8pm we are very @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 #hair#fashion#smile#selfi#bun#knots#photooftheday#photoshoot #nice#like4like#pin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is not impossble to be hostile to tyranny. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It's difficult to talk to liberals like you with a serious mental disorder read the book by Michael Savage Liberalism is a Mental Disorder check it out on Amazon","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cincinatti well these shootings will keep happening because of your stupid gun laws so its time americans woke up and do something about it because it will keep on happening again and again and not god and prayers are going to help only proper gun control laws will. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you for standing for DECENCY. The liberal left is up to its same OLD tactics. LIES at 11th hour from LEFTY Liberal haters. This story stinks from outside in @user #MAGA #tcot @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how was first officially codified in 15th-century #spain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How do I confirm my account so I can follow more people?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Anyone is a target for the Leftist Liberals. GOAL? Decent God-fearing conservatives will pass on Gov service! RESULT? The country is harmed! Congrats to Liberals - your ANTIFA anti-America blossoms! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1st problem I have? Hogg is a graduate of a HS in California 2015--he is a Deep Shit Punk. His parents are Civil Servants what can we ALSO expect--c'mon it's time Each and Every Patriot who Stands for Something? To stand for America. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just perfect ! #fun #girl #beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a liar and probably on Soros payroll","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Valued for what? Pissing and shitting\u00a0in the streets and thieving? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"simply no words to thank u dad fathers day...............","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I just thought I'd stop by here to say Nehlen is a piece of shit and if you're defending him so are you. Friendly fire will not be tolerated.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DACA-age illegals far more likely to commit crimes,be in jail @user @user #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws8USC1324-25#EVerify#EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery#BuildTheWall Immigration reform starts with clean slate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Most mass shooters are liberal white men. We should have liberal control not gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigration Jihad in action. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He should be talking about the Chinese leader seeing they pollute the most. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All this is true.....and something else is also true.......this muthaf$%#r is going to swing from a rope for Treason and Sedition against the United States of America.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user funny if dr promoted life how loud the outrage would be. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Get back on your peanut farm old man ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her- so what do you do for fun? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3 days to go until our exhibition opens! #alsoreallytired","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my saturday morning mood. #dancing #dancelife #radio #asian #asianboy #boys #boy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rise and shine! the #e32016 show floor opens today. #e3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Give him the Oscar!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sex is work ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wash DC judge ordered Trump to reinstate DACA but by August 23, a federal judge in Texas will hear case trying to shut down DACA entirely & it isn\u2019t ? whether judge, known as an immigration hawk, will rule in favor of killing DACA, but when he\u2019ll do it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No news. orgs. are giving Faith Goldy the time of day. That's simply wrong. She may not have the experience of the other two useless fools but she cares and she is no one's fool.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Our USA WW2 soldiers were all Antifa anti-fascists too. They killed them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user already my ass i had so many fucking shots tonight ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" my books aren't here \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user hitler called... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i feel attacked \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm. *puts gummy worms in your morning coffee*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He should worry about himself. The fast and furious scandal etc.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is dumb! What is the point?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He schools read a ammo box warning label...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#putin & #netanyahou have been talking on the phone. what's the , thug #obama think about that... oh, who\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God bless my uncle has cancer too but she is in a better place now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"uk 2016 expressed as a photo #euref #brexit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user yes dear\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093denvergirl\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093@user @user #wine\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 let #love\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 #flow\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093#friends #dance & b \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AprilStearns: RT @GN192 Far right hero and all-around RWNJ D'Souza took to twitter on Thanksgiving to mock Trayvon Martin, a murdered k…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Understand the meaning of America by reading Creating the Declaration of Independence by @user and share your knowledge of the American Creed with your fellow citizens. #MAGA #KAG @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You sho right bitch \ud83d\ude21 bless yo little heart hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah, my mind is shot. SO much news for so many days, and I'm running short on brain cycles. :-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I.e. Any form of governance that is non-democratic will naturally pit the governed against the governor. That agitation will exist, & be ongoing. Eventually the governed will over turn the governor or another party will use the agitation to change the power structure. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3\/ you simply gloss right over the silly emotional female, and her nothing problem. Then you delete this as you realize how horrible it is, (or perhaps someone told you), but somehow it is the fault of the liberals,\" who might misinterpret what you wrote in plain English.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wake up with enthusiasm! #successmindset #gogetter #solopreneurs #mompreneurs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a lost Soul who has to follow the Party Line. I also believe she has sold her Soul for the Lousy 30Pieces of Silver from the guidance of her Horrible Mother. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Since the \u201890s, Europe has degraded to the fifteenth-century. It\u2019s a typical Feudalism. Open borders, mass immigration make the situation even worse.\u00a0 Europe is quickly heading into the Dark Ages.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dianne Feinstein disagrees. She effectively called the woman a liar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bihday girl bihday #tome #love #cake #instagood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 79% say they are the same of better off! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If they don't change course the Tories are going to be toast at the next general election. They do not want to go the way of the Canadian Conservatives in 1993 who went from being in power with 156 seats to just 2 seats! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user four more days and i can buy my ticket? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the latest the blicqer\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ah she is no @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is soooo pretty!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Constitution protects us against the government; we need to add protection against corporations too. And what about breaking up those monopolies??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She don\u2019t even wear the shit I buy her now. Move away from me.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this the worse day of my life straight up wtf mexico finna go kill myself brb #mexicovschile #neverforget #byeworld","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What does a snot nose 18-year-old kid know? He\u2019s just a loud mouth immature punk who the media has placed on a pedestal using to promote gun control. He is fed tag lines to spark controversy in order to bring attention to the gun control debate that he knows nothing about.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes Brooke! Give that bitch the hell she deserves. I knew it would take her to slap that skank down. #BoldandBeautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER God I hope not! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nothing humorous about your jibes u #arrogant trump official paladino under fire over crude obama remarks - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are NOT a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"man st.louis racist than a muthafucka. #stlouis #stl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If Superman were real rn I would make his bitch ass spin around the earth or threaten to rape Lois Lane lol I would go that far for cod lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I know a lot of Democrats you wish good things for her butt she turned to the dark side. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She's sexy as hell and tough too\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a rewarding weekend. #justhappy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Who really listens to those post menapausal angry yentas except hardcore liberals and femanazis? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user B is for #BuildTheWall D is for #DeportThemAll T is for #TreasonTrials for those elected officials who did nothing save tolerate\/encourage illegal immigration. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's not my video, it's an Austrian teacher talking about the problems.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes. Liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Sam was singing and they DiDNT tell her to stop singing and she thanked them!! Unbelievable!!! Who the hell is she talking to?! It's bad enough when she is talking to one of the houseguest !! But to keep talking to herself! Wonder what her family think about her going nuts!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shut the fuck up you fucking monkey jew bitch cunt nigger dick licking ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No bitch this girl annoying ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Massive DNC voter fraud! #CriminalDNC #CorruptDNC #FascistLeft Time for Justice! #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #TrumpOCaptainMyCaptain #ILOVEICE #BuildThatWall #DeportIllegals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @NoHoesNextDoor: \"Tyrone I didn't mean to throw your mixtape in the trash c'mon fam\" http:\/\/t.co\/RWWVzJuUZK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tell that jeffery beauregard @user to quit foolin' around and come pick up his hood & sheets for saturda\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it's literally a narrative that is on par with Nazis punch, antifa punch, they are two sides of the same coin.\"\" noooOOoOo one of these groups wants to exterminate or deport all PoC and Jews, the other just wants to prevent them from doing that, and this comparison benefits fash\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know any of that. I was just quoting the guy getting prosecuted. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Unless he is resigning! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Niger's forced return of 135 Sudanese nationals to Libya, notorious for its horrendous treatment of migrants and refugees, is a flagrant breach of international law @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Republicans platform -take away healthcare -harm the environment -take away children -take away women\u2019s rights -do not believe in rule of law -voter suppression -gerrymandering -take away social security -no limits to gun control -explodes the budget #VoteBlue2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"before you follow an account, you should take the time to read the bio and see what it is they're about ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ORourke is just one more ignorant gun control freak........don\u2019t know what they are talking about!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did you tweet those comments!? #bekindtooneanother ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday! enjoy! thanks for following, it means a lot to me! #tom @user #specialday #today ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\/\/'We will send back the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh. Tough days are ahead, we will not tolerate any illegal immigrants in Bengal.'With these statements, West Bengal... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Once again, stay away from the pronoun we\" . You are an individual. Btw, I'm not justifying him\/males... I'm telling you to stay safe on here. \u270c\u270c\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FemsHaveBallz have u spent significant time in ANY ghetto, or witnessed the years of terrorism committed by police in the Black community?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Wrong...We are sending another giant F....you to Liberals...\ud83d\ude09 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#100happysongs, all written & recorded by me back in 2014: #songs #onehundred #yesisaidonehundred","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"twitter is a crazy place. nobody knows shit about #jocox's death & yet everybody's giving their sick take on why and how it occurred... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kathimerini: Pace of migrant arrivals in Greece via land from Turkey quickens, agency says ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 weeks until we go back to this awesome place. Some awful behaviour from adults staring at her skin but she is a wee fighter. 11 months clear now and her confidence back. \ud83d\udc99 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Bolsonaro tsunami swells far right party in #Brazil congress. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Williams displayed her bad tempered side to the world and it is something she will probably always regret. I would say to her be ye never so high that you believe you are above the rules. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In times of challenge, trial and even crisis -- my thoughts today as a #FridayReflection. You as a #scroll.\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/v7istBua3vI\u00a0 #livinghappy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've no problem with #universities that teach against . but it's wrong to teach that all #whites are ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #msnbc #cnn #amjoy joe biden: 'i want to thank' trump for unmasking america's ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user antinationalist? or antinatalist? also i\u2019m not typically interested in basing my focus around being against something bad rather than for something good that directly counteracts or heals the bad thing. imagine if antifa was called prolib lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Perhaps Ezra Miller is the first crack toward changing that, regardless of whether he identifies as queer over gay.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn Joe Buck just making it sound like Greinke was trash when he played for the Royals. Chill out Joe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(But look how cranky she is! ) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Keep it Up ,President Trump, you continue to display great Leadership, Courage and Confidence @SouthSaza @ProfJNMoyo @DsmMutusva @daddyhope @HMAMelanieR @SkyNewsBreak","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do you lock your door?It's the same reason why we need to #BuildTheWall.We love & want to protect those inside our homes & country. We welcome those who enter America LEGALLY. #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #MandatoryEverify #NoAnchorBabies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HMcdoolittle He would sell his grandkids for that. Of course he would\/did. He probably got a cut from our troops being offed\u203c\ufe0fAt least less interest on his loan\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0fWe know he told Oligarchs secrets in the white house already. We have pictures to prove it\ud83d\ude2e \ud83d\ude01 #PutinsPuppet #BidenHarris2020 \ud83d\ude09","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who are your top 3 'must follow' accounts on Gab?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Islamism & The #Left including @user @user @user #Marxists #Progressives #Socialists & w\/ their shock troop #BrownShirts #ANTIFA trying to subvert our #constitutional #USARepublic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user reminds me of the annoying bitch cunt from school that first touches you and when you give it back ,accuses you of assault ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She is not a Christian if she believes that abortion is acceptable. I don't see as a man, how anyone could do that to a baby. Not except able in my life. I could not do it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER man that sucks unreal","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s funny I don\u2019t care who you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #trump = #biher non stop election ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hope is everlasting but because it's the killer #killer #hope #everlasting #givingup","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Who does he think he is the dumb Donald!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Thats the problem. He is not a slick talking politician ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER BOOP POLICE DEPARTMENT FREEZE OH SHIT SHE IS TOO CUTE OPEN BOOPBOOPBOOP URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All I've heard Spencer say is \"I don't know if the ethno state will happen in my lifetime\". Which is a good point to make, because he doesn't want to make empty promises. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How fast I catch feelings vs how fast I move on ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Israel created ISIS so dumb people would support a Goyim invasion of Syria.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People leaving racist comments on my posts will be instantly blocked. There are low follow accounts posting this crap and I think they are trying to make #MAGA look bad If you are racist in any way feel free to block me because I think you're an ignorant POS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Last warning to fuck off.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user fuck you. You are disgusting animals and your editor who approved the \u201cnews\u201d is a bag of shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NYPD got 1,526 requests to detain immigrants under Trump \u2014 and tossed them all out - Tyranny News https:\/\/shar.es\/1NRfzR","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deny, Disrupt, Degrade and Deceive \u2013 US and UK Psyops via JTRIG https:\/\/americandigitalnews.com\/2018\/05\/29\/deny-disrupt-degrade-deceive-us-uk-psyops-via-jtrig\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They aren\u2019t making fun of the woman. They are making fun of the liberals supporting barbaric tradition of covering a woman\u2019s body with a garbage bag because men might be inclined to rape them at any given moment.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are flawed by looking at a large problem through a narrow lens.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just a reminder to mark your calendar to vote in November if you want #POTUS45 to have any chance of #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pleased today to be addressing #Mekong #Migration Network meeting in #ChiangMai to present @user findings on continued use of forced labor in #Thailand's fishing industry. Rights respecting reforms still needed from Thai gov't! @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Abso-fucking-lutely. That shit was here already!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nothing quite like painting old-assed fugly metal baseboard covers! They look way fuckin better though, so YEAH BOYEEEE!! #RockStarLife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Welcome Irish immigrant and my favorite color is green. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fight for 1A! If we, as Americans, lose our ability to express ourselves freely, we will inevitably lose freedom itself. It will only be a matter of time before the rest of our lives are dictated and controlled. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a happy monday, even it stas with raining in tokyo! #monday #morning #yoga \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@HeyItsJennyLynn @CoreySims__ @davidmweissman @realDonaldTrump In Dem states. IF Biden wins Kamala will become President cause Pelosi Will call the 25th Amendment on good ol Joe and this country will no longer be a country of choice but a socialist country controlled by a dumb ass. Joe is the Dems pawn I feel bad for him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why waste time on her? She is irrelevant. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@tehgodwinslaw @nikkihaley I don\u2019t know much about her. I simply observe her popularity on the right. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/tsF2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ATTENTION. @user is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET list of Trump supporters. Some names are high profile and many are random Trump supporters. PLEASE report him to Twitter! They have NOT suspended his account. Chick the list for YOUR name under Lists\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US Govt is one big crime scene, ie, WH, DHS, HHS, EPA, etc. \u2014 while ongoing conspiracy against the State continues unabated. Kidnapping immigrant children, illegal arrest & imprisonment of immigrants, theft of federal funds for Nazi rallies, violating emoluments clause, tax scam. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#1 FEMA Updating Nuclear War Plans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i will be so angry with arsenal if city sign #aubameyang for the money which we could afford #arsenal #afc \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"save big! 30% off everything! enter code: thebook. #shopping #trends #sale ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new compo \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #me #model #composite #compo #mexico #cdmx #qrmodelos #quetarojas @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Very unfortunate SC not realizing danger of supporting such ferocious illegal migrants,making India further vulnerable to Muslim radicals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user piece of shit, #hrc emails r nothing compared 2 u! apologize for spew against @user #pig","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Time to tell it how it is EU ,commonwealth migrants miss using NHS Housing , Education we never asked for this politician decisions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not all men treat women badly. There are some really great ones and they deserve recognition. Maybe this way we can show our daughters... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So we should believe this from 40 years ago when the man went to an all boys school. This was a way to try and stop the confirmation and blew up in @user face. She is a corrupt pos!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user must be heabreaking for #blacks within @user to find they're helpless against\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everything you need for #surfday. #fathersday to all the #dads out there from #novyspos.#novytowel#surfgear ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user De ETA (asesinos) hablamos despues de Franco, Manada, Catalu\u00c3\u00b1a, migrantes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user diisgusted by the perks offered to passengers of the same race as male crew members on flt 43. vs others who arnt same.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hell no!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've not had a neighbour since i moved in, today is the day i get one & she sounds like a million elephants going up stairs. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sleepy polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold places looki ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WTF #Canada #IllegalAliens from the south feed you their \"Canned and Coached\" lie of an amnesty line, they get in. Real victims get bent over the maple syrup barrel by you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Merkel, Lavrov discuss return of Syrian refugees. Watch for it, if Syrians return home, the international Left will find another bunch of refugees that MUST be placed in your US town! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I also understand a lot of the followers are #MAGA and #Cult45 aligned politically. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Miscegenation -- like single mommery, extortionist child support, and volcuckoldry -- is a revolt against paternity certainty. Mudsharking severs the aesthetic connection between parent and child, reducing the resemblance of child to father and increasing uncertainty of the child's paternal provenance. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your Star Trek perpetuates the White colonial gender normative notion that space is to be \"explored\" and raped. Choose.. Scifi or Ally! Can't both.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i needed money for parking but i only have my card so i looked on my car floor and came up w 3$ in change easy . i needa clean my car\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yeap she is politically a lame duck already dead politically","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hour right now! 2-4-1 bottles & drinks from 4-7pm @user 42 w. chippewa st. #buffalo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this picture is hard to forget ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You again?! A hundred thousand cocks up your mother fucking mother's mother fucking kunt, motherfucker! Fuck you!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Uncle Ethan will use his space Nazi powers to bake this fraudulent little twerp in a giant yellow oven.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Leave it up to @realDonaldTrump to put a smile on my face regardless of how bad my day was! \ud83d\ude0a [NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"teams ready to go! #dvhsskitrip2017 #skirossendale #195daystogo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So much respect for that man wherever he is.\ud83d\udd34\u26aa\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ past me bitch you ok???? you fake ass slut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user tanks and..... explosions!!!!!!! lots and lots of \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2explosions!!!!!!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b2 #bf1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslims deserve this ... They are Sub Human cockroaches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE MOAB #FOLLOWtheWHITErabbit - #LIVEinvestigation - THE PREDECESSOR to... https:\/\/youtu.be\/-mlq_dTD9CI via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You got that right ! Shudderz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"notice they didn't leave. my guess is they are jews and israeli bots.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Christians criticize Muslim men as savages 4raping a woman 4showing her ankles. Christian men rape wom\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can \"yeah no\" all that day long, but never will you be right. You simply don't get American politics from an adult's viewpoint because likely you do not understand the system under which you live. Good luck!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Protip: @judgedread is literally 13 years old trying to be edgy on the internet. Stop humoring the lad and just tell him to go do his homework.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shytnutz, how are ya you piece of muslim shit? How's that camel piss working out for ya? You really should increase the amounts you consume on a daily basis and then inform us of the medicinal value. You like trolling women and talking internet cowboy shit to them huh? Lol.....you pathetic piece of shit. Troll me muthafucker. I LOVE GARBAGE.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Nothing was stolen. Crybaby liberals didn\u2019t get what they wanted so they\u2019ve been throwing temper tantrums for 2 years.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FolllowEsteban: I think the Clips and Thunder would've gave the Heat a good as well...the East is just trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So, you're saying there's a\u00a0 correlation here ... very interesting.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SHUT IT DOWN!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #MAGA #AmericaFirst @user #WRWY #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user If you've spent the weekend riding strange dick, drink some green tea &; it doesn't even count. #HoeTips ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Peter....look at your liberal self making no sense.....It is just a little suspicious that everyone making last minute claims against Kavanaugh are Trump hating liberals...And of course they have zero proof of anything...Just like Their collusion obsession. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user love that your statements came from the man who was rebuked by voters in 2008. #goodluckinnovember #loser","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Blowing dirt and the misery of millions?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA ... oh ... And FvKK YOU! Judge Kavanaugh's no more ambitious\" than some old MuttaFuttah like you who's been in GD Senate for the past millenium.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WomenDisobey 1995 Barbara Jordan Press Conference on Legal Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Poor Joe he is in bad need of some attention so he attacks the President and his supporters. He said jobs a 3 letter word was the key to prosperity. Guess who delivered those? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"American Citizens are being Victimized by Illegal AliensThe shocking findings by a new DOJ-DHS report. @user #NOAmnesty #NoSanctuary #EndChainMigration#DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#ProtectUSA#KeepAmericansSafeIt is your JOB! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this photo does you no justice. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What will German\u2019s will give us? Gun control ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #goodes #bolt it's not the job of those who are disadvantaged by white privilege to calmly educate white people abou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Also not correct. But, the some of the safest US cities does not have strict gun control laws. (Side-note: You can not believe one word that *Michael Moore preaches in any of his documentaries.\") This video is a bit of an eye-opener: URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So THIS doesnt matter as long as hysterical women dont interrupt the important white mens business matters? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All this bitch needs to do is pull her huge tampon out and throw it on the water","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the little commie thot. I bet that $20 is more than your hourly rate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE! In 1991 #SCOTUS Clarence Thomas\u2019s #HighTechLynching by @user @user & @user #MAGA FIGHT BACK against these lies! #ConfirmKavanaugh @user @user @user @user #DJT #Kavanaugh #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy weekend to all the people# mc justorich\/rapkiddo cares. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ORGANAL REBEL FLAG BASED OFF OF THE ONE EVERYONE RAISES.. 6TH REGIMENT KENTUCKY. #AMERICANHISTORY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is such a dolt. He just loves being able to push people around!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How is paying taxes optional? Tax evasion is a crime. We have human rights laws and the 1A; your opinion on this issue is preposterous. Gilliam is not anti 2A. Sensible gun control that would prevent mentally ill people like you from owning a gun is all we want.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Limbaugh: Dems Using Russia Meddling \u2018to Eventually Get Rid of Elections\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i can't deal with people who get sucked way into politics like they're actually pa of it. #thinkbigger","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Or maybe this...The very fine people\"\" the dipshit \"\"president\"\" was talking about. Antifa isn't the \"\"left\"\". They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement. To lump the \"\"left\"\" in as antifa is to lump the \"\"right\"\" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Old and busted: Democracy dies in darkness. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy ass bitch I hope your country gets bombed the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And I will never watch your movies again because you are a maniac! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"KESSLER and THAT STUPID UNITE THE RIGHT RALLY ARE ALL FUCKING dumb fucking fuck head who are braindead retarded faggots. Hows this help anything bunch of dumbfucks seriously.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hold all your ghetto labeled and endorsed vodka brands, you can rum me silly any day. \n\n#ShiverMeTimbers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #auspol #race \"culture wars\" by other means ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's ok, steph. you're still number one in my hea. even if lebron is actually number 1. #warriors #warriorscomeoutandplay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user june 2nd is the day i removed my braces woohoooooo \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 #bracesoff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Farrakhan has refered to white people as Blue eyed devils. Will not even repeat what he has said about Jews. He is anti-Semitic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user U a dickhead for that\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why is this us... @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because some women are stupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"vacation booked \u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gotta give him credit where its due he may not be a mason but he is out there competing his ass off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals never follow through on promises. We\u2019ve heard it all before. Coward. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who are the FBI agents, and their bosses, who looked the other way in the Fort Hood, Boston Marathon and Orlando terrorist attacks? What, exactly, are they doing now? As in the Florida high-school shooting, the victims and their loved ones deserve some answers.\u00a0\u00a0http:\/\/bit.ly\/2ESxYTC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Now to get inner cities, i.e.#Chicago, to have policies that promote job growth there so that the #nuclearfamily returns. The lack of one is why @user @user have the daily killings, NOT a gun control\"\" issue. #twill\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Much of the data\"\" being put out by gun control groups is false and misleading. Needlessly scaring parents is not helpful at a personal or policy level, as this SUNY report illusterates. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#VACCINE LAWSUIT LOST - HHS NEVER DID MANDATORY VACCINE SAFETY TESTS FOR 32 YEARS,\u00a0NOT EVEN ONCE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EXPOSED: Jihadi kidnap and murder handbook... and plan to infiltrate British Army and police http:\/\/t.co\/gkP1vG6Pnw via @wordpressdotcom","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This should scare everyone ->\u00a0 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/08\/06\/facebook...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Vellum intrigued. May check it out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new #makeup today.. yay \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba #satisfied #yay #beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user EXCELLENT! Her welfare check awaits. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user j want to win the give away so bad!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another lovely #erotic drawing by #Rebecca. I want to strip @SuziDreamer naked and lick her pussy like this. I'd tongue her #clit until her juices were flowing out over my face. #NSFW #DirtyDaydreams","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Most mass shooters are liberal white men. We should have liberal control not gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"buffalo school districts boots trump ally over racist comments. #birdsofafeather #resist : ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you lose the shoot out so you start a new one ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's a bit crap for any blind people in the audience? How can they tell what's going on? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"! free e-course on how to multiply your manifesting power w\/law of attraction natalie ledwell #inspired ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Public registration for the bbs still closed eh? That makes it more of an echo chamber than farting in cuck box","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wont matter to me. Cannot stand all those holier than thou liberals- somebody told them society beloeve they are brilliant experts on politics- hehe- \ud83e\udd2e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are not in touch with really.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Do you know what\u2019s going to happen now? I\u2019m going to have to lay in bed and cry while I listen to Kelly Clarkson. Thanks free speech antifa. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Dint pay any attention to her...she's yet to say anything of interest... meme jerk.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An invading army? They are in camo. Hunt every last one of them down and deport! #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This lunatic didn't fall, she jumped. . https:\/\/news.sky.com\/story\/british-woman-saved-10-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/1st_Infantry_Division_(United_States)\u00a0\u00a0 Never any dis on any Marine; but the U.S. Army was in France in a big way. Macron needs to get his nose in a history book. Did he ever hear of Sgt York?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rock n roll friday, studying, football and now smooth radio... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank you ! Yes he is so sick \ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How can regressive 'progressives' pretend to be serious about asking us to cede our own self-defense to the \"authorities\" when leftist authorities don't prosecute teenage criminals and hide when someone with a gun starts shooting?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the Ethereum founder is so scared of Nazis \u201cinvading\u201d their environment and is willing to destroy the exonomic value of his product, should Nazis oblige him with an ICO raid? 1,000 Nazi ICOs = Victory over transfaggot Vitalik?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is wishing all you proud fathers out there fathers day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user MY FACE WAS SO CLOSE TO THE CONCRETE BITCH I COULDVE PROBABLY STUCK MY TONGUE OUT AND LICK IT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #us stocks end the week sharply lower as anxiety grows ahead of brexit vote #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#JaredKushner mulled disrupting the U.N. agency that provides relief to Palestinian refugees, a report says... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Either you Democrats & liberals move aside or we will help you move aside we the People can remove you from office 20+Million Veterans can\u2019t be wrong URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ZitlalyL: It's okay chiquito 😂 I'm not in the ghetto anymore 😌","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here is a new study by PWC showing that \"Most Americans are ok with 5G small cells if it mean faster networks\". So what's the problem with that? PWC has a global telecom business, which directly benefits from positive 5G propaganda. Most people will not connect the dots, but if you ask the right people the right questions, you get the desired results - https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5wW6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WELP. Bitch IM JUST NOW FUCKING SEEING DUMB WHORE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@m Hey I was the guy you retweeted a year and a bit ago who said he was fat and fat shaming motivates. Update: lost 45 lbs on the keto diet and now trim and fit. Feeling great. Admitting being fat is unhealthy and wrong allowed me to change my life.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nobody is buying the Holocaust. We have access to the internet now, woman","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this about something that makes you happy for 5 seconds. retrain your #brain for #happiness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i tried to enjoy the #dubs game despite knowing someone that i was once close to had died this morning. it wasn't easy. #grieving \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ms. Clinton - you are a class act. My response to that idiot would likely land me in twitter jail (but would totally be worth it). I hope you run for office one day. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user My hope is to #DeportThemAll to their home countries. Canada, Germany, England, Mexico, don't care. #NoDACA#StopImmigration#SendThemAllBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". @USER Advocating gun control right now. Cars kill as does drunk drivers. How about banning cars and alcohol?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@occdissent\u00a0@genophilia\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italian bishops champion \u2018\u02dcvoiceless\u2019 migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.9news.com.au\/national\/2017\/12\/03\/17\/59\/little-girl-saved-by-witnesses-at-darwin-boat-club I'm tipping her parents were busy drinking and thought \"she'll be right mate\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you too donald \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As if a liberal beta male could engage in sex with a straight female.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 3 #miami officers fired over target practice 'jokes' #policebrutality #newswithed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER 100%. The death threats thing is disgusting. The party of \u201cfamily values\u201d says ANTIFA are so dangerous or any resistance group. Has Kavanaugh and family had death threats? Inquiring minds want to know.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As new immigrants, my parents were very strict about where we could go on our own: @user (loved the mummies), @user and @user Grand Army Plaza. Close to home; We went every week! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch for real said you're not a woman without boobs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoever just unfollowed me you a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #Conservatives #Republicans are #TRAITORS to #America","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian PM Conte on NATO-funding, aid to Libya and new economic measures ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1hr 15 mins until @user qualifying with @user & @user #baku #prema #paners","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wonder if he apologized to Diamond and Silk for calling them a \u201cminstrel show?\u201d He should have been fired but there he is making faces. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White Americans, you may report #UndocumentedImmigrants (#IllegalAliens) invading the United States. Heres how:Call:1 (866) 347-2423orGo online: andLearn more: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday naked man free porn kiss ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DearAuntCrabby Would not put it past him, especially to deflect from #FLOTUS bullshit, too.[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 #TrumpVirus #TrumpKnew #VoteBlue","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Democrats will let animals like this out all over the country if they get power back.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" 27th bihday #lucy hale\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00e2\u009c\u008a\u00e2\u009c\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jesus pictures: I'm talking about Exodus 20:4.\u00a0 Listen. It's the same old merry go round. Finally, jump to Rev 12. Who's the \"woman\"?\u00a0 You have to open your heart and read the whole bible, 66 books, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, not the pope, not Billy Graham. Hermeneutics require you FACT CHECK verses with other vereses.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& until now my granny is still kinda mean at times.. (she's a very nice person tbh but a bit mean..) ummm maybe thats how she is.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a disgrace go home you are not the President anymore. You are breaking tradition of the former President stepping aside. This is no longer Obama\u2019s country this country belongs to We The People not your sheeple #MAGA @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The demonic left, in their blind panic, is getting ever sloppier in their attempts to demonize the right. They can no longer maintain the lie that their nazi minions are right-wing, and their constant displays of laughable ignorance betray their ham-fisted attempts to concoct a bogus right-wing hate narrative. The nazi reaction should be entertaining.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think Booker is a more hysterical woman than Kamala ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you wake up in an ugly randoms bed with no recollection of how you got there and none of your clothes in sight ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#gingergothitched we can't get over yesterday night! #love #wedding #beautiful #couple #inlove #pay... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the left don't know how to do anything right, including insulting. #leftist #snowflake #happyholidays\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rene Lavice, Jareth - Let You Go (Ram) #DrumnBass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you bilingual? This is how you can use your language skills to help refugees.\u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f@tarjimlyapp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER His own fear of white people.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s because you are evil!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user tell josh he's gonna get a bitch slap \ud83d\udc4b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@CMRE24 wasn’t that great to me either RT @Ahki117: \"Equalizer\" was trash Denzel officially washed bruh”neither was flight","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Stanced up URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so so #young #ripchristina ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what the fuck man this flopping ass nigga!#word ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Home School and save a generation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Frightening and this is what the communist want in America\u00a0https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/BNNUK\/videos\/210924046596...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Corker's just trying to get votes by standing close to The Boss ... In the scam game, I think, they call that Bait and Switch....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The cowards are the corrupt establishment. Trump and the American working class will win over the D.C. establishment. #MAGA #Kavanaugh #walkaway #burtreynolds #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user DNC corruption ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We know how they operate- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IJustDontSeeMyself ever supporting strict gun control. #2A #Liberals4Guns #guns #SecondAmendment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT ! I'm done with you dude that's why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude21 bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user let me nigga fish in peace damn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If ur a lemon and have to get a woman drunk To have sex with u my Nikka...\ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12 that\u2019s RAPE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What part of NO COLLUSION don't you get??? This is why you are a dumocrat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Feinstein wanted to delay until after the midterms. Hopefully the RED wave will wash her into the Atlantic. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this never gets old! DemocRats https:\/\/twitter.com\/WatchChad\/status\/9661576843985...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Keep up the good work you do. And ignore the haters that attack you. You are a good lady!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great, now who's gonna swim him home.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s not surprising that the only war the French have ever won was a civil war","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy Independence Day!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And you deleted your tweet you pussy shut up and take your pills old man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Border security and take more migrants in you can find money for non Uk people and a like you can find money when you want for bowing and scraping to Europe there is no digty for our NHS staff no pay rises disabled and umemployed shamed The torys have lost the trust of the lost ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals go crazy over Creationist's religious beliefs yet when useful for their own insanity disregard science There are 2 genders Male & Female - this is a scientific fact A man doesn't chop off his breasts or have babies And where are the breastfeeding nazis for her cruelty","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch (whore) see i'm not your bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"..understand that black lives matter, fight global warming, demand gun control, safeguard Roe v. Wade, and, of course, marshal their forces to throw the bum out.\" Save our SS from being used as welfare for billionaires. Have medicare that covers everything. No worries or fears.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nancy Lee Grahn You Are Awesome! I have been a fan since Santa Barbara!! Alex Davis also Rocks!!!!! Thank you !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are a lying corrupt traitor!!! Nobody wants to hear anymore of your lies!!! #DeepStateCorruption ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Funny how the we need more gun control fanatics think they want a shooting war. Where are they going to go to get their free Obama guns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"What the **** is this? I didn't order no sausage biscuit\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He will be stuck here with me because I have sworn an oath to be here for SITE NOT FOUND. Well, me and 10,000 Kenyan bots... Also 100,000 marketing bots.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Life Hack- If your dick game is strong you can get away with anything ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#spiritualjourney gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user John kerry is a loser and a traitor to our country. He doesnt understand that we voted his party out bec we hated the iran deal. He is now working for iran against our gov. At worst he is acting as an agent for a foreign government & if he isn\u2019t registered should be investigated ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SenKamalaHarris Trump is the DECEIVER. His supporters are in a TRANCE. Thousands have died and it does not matter to them. They are like zombies that blindly follow Trumps bellowing. Only Joe, Jill and Kamala can break this spell. With the consistant help of Barack+Michelle Obama.[NEWLINE]\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udc96","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It would indeed. I agree. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"on our way to nashville! #musicislife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well looks like this mama is going back to work! i got the job @ lmh! #prn #erhereicome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're at the point of drinking just to stay awake but then you blackout and pass out during sex anyway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #Causality? Is it: 1. Chicago lawmakers instituted strict #guncontrol BECAUSE of high pre-existing crime rate? 2. Crime rate is high BECAUSE strict gun control prevents law abiding citizens to be armed - so only scofflaws have guns? 3. No causality at all. Statistics are #COHORT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's a testament to how fucked this world is...that she is free to spout all this bullshit and not be in jail or even being investigated for statutory rape. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Looks like a perfect illustration of gun control. #LetsGoShooting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER even IF that was the reason the last thing mac would want would be for everyone to be harassing the shit out of her when she is already grieving. cmon dude.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Am Eye See Kay He Why Am Oh You Ass He","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to the best dad in the world! fathersday #mangiafuori ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER should be returning punts in my opinion. He is \ud83d\udcb0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER gonna need a whole ass rant thread done in the utara loghat to really feel it haha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The author Cresa Pugh spent 2 months talking to #Rohingya individuals who are living in internal #displacement #camps. her research shows why there is little #hope of a #safe return soon for the vast majority of Rohingya #refugees. #world #catalyst #change ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over #SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YEP that is right it makes YOU A FUCKIN PEDO> you can't even say where or when you got it... anyone who reads your shitty insane posts will pick that up in no time or they can visit my facistbook :D all your public fuckups are there","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so, this is my #life. and i want you to know that i am both #happy and and i'm still trying\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hey, white people: you can call people 'white' by @user #race #identity #med\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Students in Arunachal threaten to launch 'Operation Clean Drive' from August 17 if illegal migrants do not leave the state before that. #AAPSU #ArunachalPradesh #NRCPolitics Full Report- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there are also places on our Arabic, Bengali & Latin American Spanish classes from January. These have been running since Sept, so not suitable for absolute beginners, but great if you want to brush up. Fees from \u00c2\u00a35\/hr & all profits go to our free ESOL classes for refugees (2\/3) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af #riseandgrind , time waits for no one!!! #thebfirmpr #girlboss #godsgirls @ the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You liberals live by double standards. Look at what you did to Monica Lewinski. She was branded a liar and whore even after she produced the evidence. All because good ole Bill is a Democrat! Your all fucking insane! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes you just gotta stick a key hole in that bitch and chug ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"logged in2 twitter for 1st time in months... just to \u00e2\u0088\u009a if @user and @user are parents yet! #chellemarie #anytimenow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Showing off this week's WIP 'Moon Slave' and then playing some Secret of Mana https:\/\/www.twitch.tv\/lazy_brain_games","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Since we're vastly upside-down in trade balance, protectionist tariffs are warranted. Free market trade policies always benefit those countries that subsidize exports, screwing the importing nation. Notice that the only people bitching are the globalists. https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/03\/02\/business\/europe...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please go to Dane's website at www.geoengineering.org and educate yourselves on this global crime, it's your children's, and their children's lives at risk. Thank you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A resounding NO! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to get your pickle rick tattoo removed. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Went to hand in my ballot today. An older man was walking along beside me. He turned and said \u201cthis is the most fucked up election I\u2019ve seen in 90 years\u201d. I\u2019m not 90 but I totally agree!! #PlanYourVote #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsALiar #TrumpTaxReturns #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is a coward.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Crazy liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user maybe he is for brutally beating a woman. apparently spending a couple hundred dollars makes up for beatin the piss out of someone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m not going to no function with niggas that wear MAGA hats \ud83e\udd22 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no more poses anymore - loving barry rn\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch FIRST of all thats how i talk i meant he, SECOND you da hoe hoe so stfu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JamesdaJewison <<BEST NAME ON TWITTER EVER!! AKA; Jewbacca<<SECOND BEST NAME ON TWITTER!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalAliens cited in theft of 39 MILLION Social Security Numbers.They especially like the social security numbers of Children! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was customs officer in my first life. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The feeling is mutual sunshine!! You are probably #Antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Dam girl you have awesome boobs I bet you are a very sexy MILF ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/So earlier you said, Unfazed and determined,\"\" you are going to confirm, Judge Kavanaugh. Presumably on behalf of, Chairman Grassley. Now you say it's the liberals fault. How do you work that out? Basically you said serious accusations of potential assault, not to mention lying ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Serena was outplayed & acted like a spoiled brat. She is not above the rules ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Oh and how can I forget? He created the greatest American economy in decades. One where no matter who you are or what color your skin is you have a better chance of having a job instead of a government handout. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#microsoft #twitterbot turns into a raging sexist, and genocide-defender. #ai #tech ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Beto-male","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" the secret of a happy marriage is all about finding other people less attractive: and those who repo... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Harry_Dillema: @GJK1979 @fluutekies @moniquesparla @wltrrr Ik vraag me al maanden af hoe de NL pers zich als een stel hoeren is gaan ge…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#rebellion in the #uk? when you #dontbuythesun & all those rags that only spread #tories propaganda, fear, hatred,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user reality #life #words ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well, they'll cut out 299 pages and replace it with 1 saying everyone needs more chlorine\" C'mon are you chicken?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#brexit #un #eu #bbcnews #cnn #bjp #pappu #modi #india #wapo #nyt #foxnews #guardian #australia #canada #trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CyberDurden @Darjok64 @AltUSPressSec @GeraldoRivera @realDonaldTrump @ali Depending on the news source, he registered Republican in either 2012 or 2016. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/kckN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER An accusation is not enough. We are fortunate to live in a country where you are innocent UNTIL proven guilty.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do you think that caitlyn jenner still gets father's day presents? #worldsbreastdad #number1dad? (usedtobea)fathersday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't tell me you have a pool of that shit ain't in the ground ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ...with his stubby little arm. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Father, toddler son shot dead in Georgia; mother falls into ravine while fleeing attacker, officials say https:\/\/fxn.ws\/2NDi8hm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah! #BuildThatWall NOW! Enforce immigration laws as other countries do! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ewarren If you all only knew. But you all will soon enough. #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"put on your big girl panties pandy asses ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God did not appoint trump. The devil appointed him and I will make sure I do my part to make sure he doesn't get reelected by voting. He is no pious man and definitely not even spiritual. He's the scum of this earth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who else is for the #oakland #county #fair? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user (1) Ok lets play this game. Which side\"\" is openly advocating for the persecution of a race & promoting segregation? Which is supporting a militant group very similar to Hitlers brown shirts (Antifa)? Which is calling for gun control (even wanted armbands)?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is cute :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How he is still batting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cute. Looks like a playhouse for kids. source: '@\u00a0ioliloi' #architecture","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Behind bars with a orange jumpsuit for all her crimes dating back to Arkansas~along with Billy~ Globalist deplorable~she is~ Karma is a bitc- and it needs to call on Killary this year for sure!! Time to pay your dues Hillary Rodham Clinton~Lucerferian~ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER IT WAS OFF THE PLATFORM HOW IS THIS OK!?!??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How Europe\u2019s panic over migration and terrorism is a big opportunity for Africa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I agree bye Trump and Rudy. #byerudy https:\/\/t.co\/rjGF1BfiKx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user God forbid construction workers would be able to earn a decent wage. Liberals want the working class poor and quiet. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user & the #democraticpay keeps telling me that #blm but i see #chicago #detroit & every other #inn\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are you actually advocating making up claims of rape for personal gain??? That\u2019s pretty vile (@lilyallen) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Smut straight from hell ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as a criminologist you should already know the LGBT disproportionate representations of deeply disturbed folks behind bars that go unpublished due to PC bullshite ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user O\u2019Rourke tell us Texas citizens how you feel about law enforcement officers \ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2640\ufe0f. Tell us about your immigration plan. Tell us about your gun control plans. Tell us about your tax plans. If you can\u2019t tell us what your views are you can\u2019t be Senator. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So we have an immigrant who did 3 tours of duty for the U.S. Military and then gets deported by our Dept of Justice, while the same DOJ allows Alex Jones to foment lying-induced hatred and violence against other Americans. There is something VERY wrong with OUR, yes OUR, DOJ. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Another Democrat scam. Republicans don't fund terrorist groups like ANTIFA to threaten people. ...but go ahead make it look real","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER California gun control is direct result of white people scared of Black Panthers using their right to bear arms. NRA had no problem with that gun control!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KMOquality: Scholen waar directie leerkrachten pest, kunt u zich voorstellen hoe groot pestproblematiek onder leerlingen wel moet zijn?…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/5 Several women MPs key in 1990s gun control debate in Canada. Min of Justice @USER did heavy lifting for @USER In introducing 1991 gun law she said Gun control works. It is probably the oldest and most effective form of crime prevention law...\" #cdnpoli #cdnhist URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"summer's here! \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #summer #beach #lakemichigan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yo swift watched try and make me uncomfutable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i find a away how to use japanese app! #japanese","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gab, where people that think out of the box gather to speak freely...... in group boxes.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This should be interesting. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ISF4QHxCaUE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My man! Let\u2019s go! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"justgabriel - na: #porn #kinky #sexy #naughty #hot #wet #young #slut #shy #nude #nasty #xxx #horny ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I openly admit to being the level of white trash that will drive across town to the gas station with free hot dogs & half price drinks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Te Democratic Party MUST FAIL, Their ALL Traitors!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The democrats are a domestic enemy threat! \u00a0The democratic party is the communist party. \u00a0Like Lenin, Hitler,\u00a0Stalin &\u00a0Mao Zedong, the democrats want to destroy our Constitutional Republic, our freedoms & the Bill of Rights. They think that they are our GODS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(only) black lives matter also closely affiliated with and suppoed by workers world pay and other communist org\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #sunday #bird #scout #time #instagood #instacool #instabird #\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e @ @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user omg can't wait for the fosters to come back tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" coolestlifehack: this is how a penguin slaps #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch I ain't got no hoes, why do you think I have to settle and hangout w you on my days off?!?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s a DA. Someone educate him he\u2019s in the South now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hi team elnella let's all watch #born for you tonight. to watch you..elnella...god bless..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#justsaying #jamiedornan #makes #us #so \u00c2\u00a9photocred to owners \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER GOOD \ud83d\udd95them !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Burundi\u2014With militiamen still roaming in the countryside, 400.000 refugees, 10.000 political prisoners, 2000 dead whose families are crying for justice.... Anyone who ignores those issues and just talks about 2020 elections is disingenuous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how am i supposed to get a 6 pack when i can't stop eating pizza \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e thoughts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In addition to the vast problems coming across our open border, 1 RARELY mentioned = drug resistant diseases. TB, superbugs or exotic diseases few Americans have a resistance to. #HouseGOP @user @user @user @user @user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@The_War_Economy did a really good analysis on the IG Report. \u00a0My takeaway from all this, \u00a0All the federal governmet employees think we the American people are nothing more than fucking idiots. We are the one\u2019s that bust our asses everyday to pay taxes to pay these over educated pompous asses to lie, cheat and steal. Time to get rid of the FBI, Attorney General Sessions and time to vote out Congress! JMO! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ones to watch out for. Steem, Ong, Lite. Dash already in good biz.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Rape Culture: Prominent Conservatives Rush to the Defense of Brett Kavanaugh in Wake of Sexual Assault Allegation @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Start your week right with our favorite music video of 2013 featuring one of our best supporters: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If your reflexive response is to say or think 'not ALL men,' then it behooves you to think about privilege + otherism + fragility\/narcissism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How's Paul Town dealing with this?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 3D vs Digital \u300b War on Reality \u300b Going WHITE-HOT We're now entering \/ the fight between> Red-blooded humans in 3D \/boots-on-the-ground reporters\/ VS Avatar Digital AI \/CGI Hollywood False Reality Reporting\/ Polytechno-Fascists-Avatar-Digital Non-Reality URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a couple of #shoppers #parking lot #sale @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bono is an idiot! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u00ad\u0090\u00ef\u00b8\u008fmiss you \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8painting for them - created by regatte #orlando #prayfororlando \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So if I want to call some ignorant dude a 'stupid cunt' I need to say 'stupid front hole'? I don't think so.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AnnCoulter\u00a0@AnnCoulterTweets\u00a0@TeamCoulter\u00a0#Anntensity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I honestly hope games get to the point where our Consciousness gets ported to the game world itself. Just imagine the worlds of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout like that where you are truly that character now and not just someone looking at screen.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Babe, I wanna thank you for having such insane anal scenes. Your scene from Slut Auditions #3 is my all-time fav ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Could you imagine if Trump came here, set up camp, and immediately, the moron brigade started spamming him? \"We hate the jews\" \"when will you let us make them all into lamp shades and soap\" \"gas the kikes\" etc,etc. Trump could hit the mute button all he wanted, but that shit would still be on his public profile. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do husbands die before their wives? Because they want to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user RIP The promotion you are trying to access has ended\"\" shows up\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech here\u00e2\u0080\u0099s how to get a free bitcoin t-shi! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user i have heard he is making waves ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you don't know me","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a world. if a man took a dive like that, people would say it was fixed. but b\/c #rondarousey is a woman this is expected.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go with meeeeeeee ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh well. Its tje liberals and socialists who have made drug addiction fashionable and doable with \u201cfree\u201d supplies. How bout some $$$ for diabetics who face ongoing supply costs? No? But we forced to pay for these losers?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nah bitch, you made me slice your damn tomatoes, took all our dressings, kept adding shit to your salad, and was extra af You payin hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wish all you hoes had huge ass feet cause y'all forever buying all the shoes on that nut shit, save me a 5 bitch damn! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Actually my ancestors were here long before anyone got here even your French ass! Native Americans were here first. So get your facts straight! So if you wanna throw punches make sure you know who and where you are throwing them first.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He basically said I am changing the second character because I refuse to be associated or share the same last name as the rest of you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch ass\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 hop off ceyduh & jay's dick hoe. The bitch you defending isn't even talking anymore SKKURTTT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" download happy slow cooking pdf mobi epub fabio iacono: happy slow cooking principi !happy slow cookin... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user omg!! do you want it!? :d it will be available at my etsy shop next week ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Red roses swarm. Conservatives pounce. We need our own verb. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Report: #Google Hid User Data Breach from Public out of Fear Congress Would Take Action http:\/\/bit.ly\/2OgGwsT #QAnon #GreatAwakening #RedNationRising #DrainTheDeepState #KAG #MAGA #GABFAM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JZolly23: Kickin trash cans on the golf cart #yeeyee @weidie1211 @mowder03 @JBilinovich @cmnw86","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are a bitter hateful woman who is ruining herself. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The epitome of class. A big fat class.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Democrats haven't done anything but cover up ..so all you think you have a solution .ya don't.....you want gun control.? How about abortion control. Free medical. Free ed. Quit tripping","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That shirt looks like updog.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Immigrants from travel ban-affected countries are highly educated. 46% of them age 25+ with BA or higher compared to 30% of native-born U.S. citizens. Stay tuned for full report next week @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You'll be lucky. He'll be hiding from his constituents in Hull or some other lesser known part of Rossendale and Darwen. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user . .. bihday \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c2our next #potus! welcome 2#greensboro..aka #queensboro..! ia vast #array. many good people n #g'boro","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"omg finally after 2 months of waiting im watching @user @user #charmar's yha episodic :d #lovecharmar :*","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b2\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba en route to @user \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #summer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #LivedExperiencedIsEvidence of course. Not sure you are implying I am dismissing such? And that of my own?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019ll just leave these here. #Meme warriors to your battle stations. #France #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can we just take a second to remember that @user rapped three months ago Cause now I see women as something to nurture, not something to conquer and now hes yelling out Your such a fucking hoe, I love it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy on a #saturdaymorning. pick a simple step toward on #saturday...maybe a sunflower. #globalwellnessday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@stutteringjohnm love \u2764\ufe0f everything bout you since early 90\u2019s. Except #bidensucks. Stocks & 401k is all us hard working America lover have. Roll with #trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been on here a year and a half, and I had no clue. I guess I've been making my score go up without even knowing it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER His legacy is crap. Why would anyone want to save crap?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mr a mrs gelber #firstdance #dawnsgynta #hapus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"registered for fall classes! hopefully graphic and web goes as well as admin profesh and i make the dean's list each semester! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER YOUR TRASH!!!!!!!! But she would have been A great coach if you wouldn't listen to zodiac....... But you are sagittarius you hate to be told what you can or cannot do......... Like the coach from Michigan wolverines hshshahhsjjjsjsjs....... You keep PRAYING now you hear.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Can we deport her now she has menntal issues she Thinks Michelle is still @user When a LEGAL Immigrant is so now she is against LEGAL IMMIGRATNTS ? #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Obama did nothing for African Americans But give ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Pretending hes some Maverick when in reality hes a hysterical woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he seemed good humored about it, and not afraid of his health that much at least","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s off of Santa Clarita 9on Netflix it\u2019s funny as fuck!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER We need a wild wild web for conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"last official day of training at olive garden is tomorrow then they'll be putting me out on the floor as a server\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #nervous","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day #yosoytupadre #felizdiadelpadre #fathersday #domingodeganarseguidores #sundaymorning #iqq ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But let's blame the women for being in the military in the first place eh you fucking cunt smear ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why are you acknowledging her existence. Time to block her and give us all a break. She is a nobody\"\". She use to be a funny comedian who gave away her power to hate and lost almost everything.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So he is misogynistic cause his opinion is different?? I guess that makes you a bigot!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cannot imagine that everyone is happy about this year's #stanleycup winner. #pissed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user looking forward to touring the school #newnormal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Re: Illegal Immigration and Crime The DACA age group is the most prevalent age for crime.@realDonaldTrump @user @user #NoAmnesty#DeportThemAllThe chance isn't worth the potential outcome!There have been to many lives destroyed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you noticed all the ghetto people naming their kids after cars? Mercedes… Lexus… Repossessed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey Douche Rocket - wake the fuck up - it\u2019s well known that everybody who was\/is anybody wanted their picture taken with Trump - so they could have their moment - do you really think Trump is the one running around asking for photos..?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It has been my experience that it\u2019s the liberal family members that suck the joy out of the room, so shunning may backfire on them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How can Pelosi see \"the good\" in MS-13 animals who mutilate & torture innocent people; while supporting late term abortion; ending the lives of innocent babies before they are born?VOTES?POWER?#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Michelle Obama urges Americans to vote for Joe Biden in new campaign video https:\/\/t.co\/uQvV3g6CyG[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Let\u2019s be honest.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Michelle has no respect for doddering Biden, but if @realDonaldTrump wins, the criminal investigation into Barack\u2019s treasonous actions will continue.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user These gun control scientists\"\" are a disgrace. They should have their license to publish revoked. \ud83d\ude12\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is literally a generation of people that cannot handle the truth and as such prefer the alternate reality the left affords.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a beautiful venue for a beautiful father's day! #fathersday #beautiful #treat #church #lunch #fathers #day... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just been shopping in Aldi near where I live for \"essential\" supplies for Friday ;) They were affected by this problem, but everyone calmly went to the in store cash machine and withdrew what they needed for their shopping, there was no mad dash, panic or scenes, guess the panic is in the south with more diversity ;-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Gun control works real well in Chicago right Mr Alos","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What the fuck was that dildo rider antifa fuck going on about? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fact ~~> #girls #ignore nice #guys, chase #assholes and then #complain about it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality >2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hell yea its friday, and cant wait for the @user conce today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IdiotAlert Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what is a 'cunt brick?' @user is it a brick that it quite very stupid or a brick with woman parts? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018, Italy deadliest route: U.N. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is exactly what was fought for. Feminism was never about fairness. It was about gynocentrism and subversion. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After Zuckerberg stole the concept for Facebook, kept it on the Down Low that he and Facebook had to settle a MASSIVE LAWSUIT 2x, Zuckerberg then lured parents to post photos of their growing families - to share w distant relatives, friends and associates. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Her family consist of : -Cheating husband who never loved her -two bonus boys who made it clear she is not their mom and never will be - in laws who show more affection to stray cats than Wewe. - paid employees who laugh at her while cashing her checks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER .@USER .@USER .@USER #HypocrisyMuch? .@USER .@USER .@USER that's why you are an enemy to the people #FakeNews go against political opponents and hide crimes from #Liberals #BigStuff! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user can't believe, #dhoni couldn't able to win this easy match\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #indvszim 6balls....8runs !!! dhoni lost his form has he grow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This present gun control situation sucks. But the reality is had Hillary won, we'd be where we are right now.\u00a0All this hate for white men, men in general, republicans, conservatives, guns, that has been fueled and fired for the last 15 months; it was in the plans all along for deep state.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please stop calling the losers \u201cElite\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Send them all back! #NoMoreRefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"salvage a giant terracotta pot from work that no one was using. looking forward to growing stuff in there soon :d love plants!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for fuck's sake, orlando. #disappointed #unsurprised","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If you are being led by the spirit why didn't you 10 deliver him from that spirit? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #eye #engine #yellow how to lose weight fast safely > ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. \ud83d\udc51 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER His policies were the worst","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They're pretty open about what they do to European civilizations but some of you choose to pretend like it's some sort of mystery.\u00a0 Our forefathers had the balls to kick them out when they undermined their society & currency. And now they've created hate speech laws with the help of the ADL so you can't speak out. Cool, we learned nothing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so your intelligence is picking out typos on twitter then giving yourself a congratulations wank because you told em ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@seanhannity Love all these race baiters. YOU are the problem with this country. Slow Joe the racist of all racists is not only a race baiter, he is the master baiter of all the race baiters. #TRUMP2020 #PENCE2024 #PENCE2028.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes @user Revoke your endorsement of the TRAITOR @user He betrayed you & the American People by inserting #HR392 He's trying to undermine our great @user & is flouting US Laws.#NoHR392#EndChainMigration #YoderMustGo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GregHillWAAF soo what you putting on those crackers Gregg?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love island has just got 100 x better now james is going in #loveisland \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the point you say fuck the UK and immigrate elsewhere.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" : guy just ask me for some change. after i gave him what was in my pocket he lit a cigarette as i walked off. cigs in aus nearly $1ea","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Heck yeah. And also she IS cool","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user you can't beat the classic osaka colours! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Well he is really really smart and nothing Woodward wrote in is book is true. Good Lord this is the shit. We see it and hear it everyday all day. Did we really need a Op-ed or a book?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch you look like this without make up STOP PLAYING WITH ME. This hoe be on my dick man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As you typed \u201cyou think everyone is like you?\u201d And read it. It means the question is referring to the reader. And at the case you are the reader. \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec effect ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MaleDominance let's get it trending! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Phone Block,Text Block,Delete the Email and watch out for mail flyer information esp fraud voting registration by Repubican Parties and report unessential business,all these are why the Country is where it is now...These New Jobs #scammers #Trump2020 #Biden2020 #unemployment","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Same with the conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ARE YOU CRAZY?! Those ppl create chaos wherever they go! #SendThemBack! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER At least she\u2019s now getting laughed at. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bought my dad this for fathers day , oops \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #fathersday #mistake #dad #granddad #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"greetings from the us to the world! #discrimination ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER why why why have u let Feinstein stop the vote for judge Kavanaugh with a coney letter she had since July and have u seen the letter. She is not someone to talk after her 20yr spy no one has investigated","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"where's that clock boy, obama invited 2 White House","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch if jongin wants to give sehun a forehead kiss he will deadass tiptoe and kiss him you think a little height difference will stop him? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany: Refugee sentenced to 8 years and 6 months for teen murder.#deportThemAll #deportMuslimFreeloaders #DeportAfricanFreeloaders #deportMuslimMigrants #deportAfricanMigrants #deportAfricanRefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"75 million more turks abe to travel within the EU ,lets get out of EU NHS Schools overwhelmed already sorry no more ,immigrants please ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Of course he is offended he is ill due to liberalism! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user tweet how you got punked out the other day bitch. now hop out my mentions and keep my name out your mouth hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER When even readers of a liberal paper in effect liberals don't believe her accusations are credible. . .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user on #periscope: rant!!! orlando, florida \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #hu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #brokenhea #broken #lonely ness by broken5116 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are the worst","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: French Mayor Declares \"Muslim migrants are not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! \u2014 Hebrews 13:1-2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"luv...\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f chizuru & nattu happy bihday\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #bd #bihday #pay #friend #luv \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Back then Antifa was called the kkk. They were a known muscle of the Democratic Party URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #JustSayin\u2019 what the majority is thinking. More #FakeOutrage & #Lies from the #LunaticLeft. Never seen so many sore losers throwing temper-tantrums for almost 2 years now. Embarrassing! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Maybe #karma will eliminate the problem..she\u2018s known to be a bitch. If you hear me Karma..sure be sweet if you gave Mueller iron clad proof. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just want to be . is that too much to ask for? \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER URL The left party relativizing and playing down communist crimes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s too much loose pussy in the world to be raping bitches. Literally some of these skanks, goin on sight \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ToWherever yay im a whitey :3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i think you have a fear. #justmarried #romancephotography #weddingpay #durham ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hope to see you at the show #feminist #reproductiverights #bihcontrol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you've just gotten married, realize you're stuck with this asshole for life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\udfa8 Joseph Kleitsch, selfportrait (Hungarian - American, 1885-1931) #selfie #MenInArt #hats #painter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"conservative america is under attack and @user unjust & prejudicial display against @user is proof. \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I suppose if the anti-Trumps had accepted their loss with grace, did some soul searching and worked to draw voters, then the animosity wouldn't exist. Instead, pussy hats, Antifa, Trump supporters=Nazis, the resistance,\"\" impeachement...we acknowledge your animus and return it.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"those replies. is dead tho. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Me and bronbron are cool now. It's ok if he eat ass #lakergang","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can we send this piece of \ud83d\udca9 to the tower? Wouldn\u2019t it be nice if we could do as Great Britain once did. I say build the wall and tower at the same time just in time for the Hillary Clinton NONpresidential suite! Hahahahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal immigration has soared back to pre-Trump levels because NOTHING is being done about it. They're not afraid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"msg of #hope for #newyear: a business to end . #endof2016 #tedtalks #tedatibm @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Proof if ever needed that \"the pen is mightier than the sword\". This is it. They understand blowing one another up but when it comes to free debate and discussion to logically iron out the flaws in their beliefs (arranged marriages, circumcision, genital multilation, ...), they can't handle it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Britain To Deport More Than 56,000 Illegal Immigrants - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You #Fanatical #Sycophant #Religious #extremists are so #fucking close to getting another #WhiteSupremacist #evangelical on the #SupremeCourt to overturn #RoevWade Wouldn't it just suck to have the rug pulled out from underneath your feet #MAGA? #Fuckoff #Gilead #Kavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER @USER says the UK doesn't diagnose cancer early enough. He hopes trials of special diagnostic centres will help in the future: URL #NHS70 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Faaz71: #Taakstraf in herkenbaar hesje in je eigen buurt. Pleit er al jaren voor. Weet hoe bevreesd ik er ooit voor was, da'k er te wer…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#carlpaladino \"forever loyal to the city of buffalo\" you have a real class act there #buffalo.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Very Good Morning Again Ms Georgann ( @blkdiamond97\u200d) Its Beautiful ! Thank you... \ud83c\udf3c Wish you a Beautiful day Ahead too.... \ud83d\udcab \ud83c\udf89 \ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well since your streams always have porn in the title im going to sa you love porn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Eating, drinking things with sugar? A lot of people substitute sugar for sugar-like ethyl alcohol. Look into GTF chromium. It has to be the GTF variety which stands for \"glucose tolerance factor.\" Yeast- free is best. Has been proven to stop alcohol & sugar cravings & help metabolize either.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'll try to finish this tonight :) #illustration #painting #original #fun #colourful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm at the hairdresser's... new colours in. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"keep ur smile baby \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #goodvibes #smile #girl #braziliangirl #belohorizinte\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can hardly see Kathir being a hypocrite, looks like you\u2019ve found another liar for Allah playing silly buggers with the infidel @fakeprophetmo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Keep your eye on liberals in close quarters. They're very violent and mentally unstable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What\u2019s #Bibi afraid of?Like a delinquent child he starts his political shenanigans then hides to avoid assuming responsibility in public. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Accidentally bought the baby spinach AND baby kale mix at the grocery store and honestly it\u2019s kinda ruining my week. #HealthSucks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Haha \ud83d\ude02 Trump is still winning. It\u2019s fun to watch the liberals literally go insane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Conservatives, if you are not a gun\" person, I believe you need to become one. If these Nov. elections don't go well for the Dishonest Dems, I think the violence will get worse. All Conservatives will need to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Costa del Crisis: 1,500 migrants have poured through Europe's new Spanish gateway in just one? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I do not know anything about loli","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She\u2019s one of those \u2018kooky\u2019 liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@harperson \u00a0Durham Police officer Mohammed Perwaze 'repeatedly raped girl'.\u00a0 MEDIA SILENT\u00a0 http:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-england-tees-44157823","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WakeUpAmerica #StopMuslimInvation #MAGA #NoMoreRefugees allowed in America. #StopTheInflux #MAGA #KeepAmericaSafe #WakeUpAlabama ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/uk.reuters.com\/business\/stocks\/overview\/FB.O ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal alien rapes 6-year-old girl, police say #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion #PreventableCrime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #Liberals are muck rakers. They have NO platform to run on. NONE! Culling vulnerable people from the late decades... of the last century... of the previous millennium... shows how desperate they are to be heard. Now they\u2019re loitering around high schools looking for rumors. Sad!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As if you would want input from the American people if you were the doing the picking...commie bitch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I I haven't watched a single episode of #LHHNY however I'm watching the reunion. This coon shit. I mean the levels of ratcheticity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is nothing more than an opportunity for the liberals to crate more false headlines while cherry picking statements and distorting their meaning. This is just a stall tactic and a deflection from reality.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FarRight #Psychopath @user #Leader @user will now use the #invisible #press #created #catkiller as #excuse to bring back #FoxHunting if she's not gone by #Christmas #AnimalCruelty #ToriesOUT #NoConfidence #CrimeSyndicate #GE2018 #CriminalsOutofNumber10 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" victim of #islamophobia adam saleh refers to black people as \"abeed\" (slaves) in one of his sketches. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You seem nice. I guess I look pretty good for a 60 year old..\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sheesh RT @user Bitch i wana enter every hole that you got ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How are they trying to destroy you? You missed your 4 kids first day at school to skank about topless with yet another man. Disgraceful. The kids are better off with their dads where theyre happy, safe & have a stable, loving home... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i love you u beautiful bitch rAWR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hello #evanescence #cover #rock #pop ness #coversong #singer #colombia #hello ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But she is allowed to have her own rules. I believe your women should support what you love and put on your fav team jersey and sit next to you. Even if she hate football. If she can\u2019t do that she ain\u2019t the one","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #steph curry suspended from nba finals #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SWEDEN: FOUR MEN RAPE WOMAN WITH COGNITIVE ABILITY OF A 6-YEAR-OLD AND WALK FREEFour men have been charged with gross rape against a developmentally disabled woman. Yesterday they were set free. Why? The court could not prove that they knew she had a developmental disability. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" onerepublic - wherever i go (official video) via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As he said in exchange for a 14 day jail sentence and that's the max both sides could get. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I'm telling yeah she is leading Steve on... look howa she always likes all Steves tweets. What a hooch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shut the fuck up quran didn't said anything like this they arw terrorist who rape woman and killed infant baby dont blame islam for this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so the lily white liars of the #lnp do not tolerate corruption!! except if it #lnp #corruption! #deceitful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no hitler comparisons?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh but YouTube videos teach you all the proper techniques....until the real happens","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#intrumpsamerica extending your hand & uniting merica is unprecedented! #rapist #egomaniac @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Gonna call bullshit on that one. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"never meet a margin call","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user needs serious psychiatric help. This guy is an anger management bi polar psych 101 case study. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, the MSM and others would have us believe that no refugees have committed any crimes--but the evidence is... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#treasonousgoverment california Tries New Tack on Gun Violence: Bullet Control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user This leftist is what is wrong in liberal colleges. More ppl and students will come out and will unmask this corrupt woman who is determined to destroy a good judge because she wants only liberals in the courts. @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6. She's a fucking icon. a legend. a genius. THAT BITCH. SHE IS QUEEN. \ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51 @USER #NickiDaGOAT URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sadly, those you call your enemies are the majority of americans. #fascist #putinspuppet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"black, married and with kids owner lamar tyler. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Her life is crappy because she is crappy. And she\u2019s threatening to kill everyone. Another nut job...Listen up FBI!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were in\ufb02icted","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If they don\u2019t want to accept the results of the election they are welcome to leave the country. It would make me so happy. All their fear mongering with not interrupt us from enjoying the most widespread posterity in the nation\u2019s history. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get this monkey off my back...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user thats . r u racist?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whats a refugee contractor and why should I give two shits what this pick wants","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm afraid Hillary Clinton won't make it to trial at the rate she continues to harm herself.\u00a0http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5506823\/Hillary-Clinton-fractures-wrist-slipping-bathtub.html #HelloMyNameIsHillaryAndImAnAlcoholic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats control the media Republicans bow to its pressure Democrats control the power","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"moving house today with @user \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00a0 #scary #excited #newera","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Liberal feminism is unrealistic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user when robyn posts a selfie the world stops for a moment to appreciate it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KingDrayn: @rosebeforehoes2 don't forget we gotta take out trash and need milk...and spermicidal lube","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I recently read a book with a passage between a woman and a powerful man. I had to ask author if it was rape or nah. That's how blurry it is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#invited2jive \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008danother great local tweet in #tw18, #spelthorne. share yours on jivemap: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cunt drowns Children because she's..A CUNT! Woman who feared deportation drowns baby and 5 -year -old via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No worries Antifa. You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Philippine bishops hit back after Duterte calls God 'stupid' #Philippines #EuropeanUnion #RodrigoDuterte... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DACA? Try\u00a0IASC \u2014\u00a0Illegal Alien Since Childhood!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Umm fuck yeah I would ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user let me chill and do this \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmfao no you didnt RT @SS4_Fresh: @vivelacourtney got cute new avi and all but she too old for colored contacts 👉👀🙈","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yeqEC66E7hk\u00a0whats the stock market at and when are we switching over to crypto currency","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That Chantelle is getting on my tits. Silly cunt needs to learn some manners. Thinks she's the boss! Silly twat! ANNOYING BITCH @user #BBUK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Journalists are LYING about Trump and The South Africa Issue https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/8lC3hU0i-t8\/ #BitChute","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WalkAway #MAGA Trump adviser eyes entitlement cuts to plug U.S. budget gaps URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Our concerns were always color-blind. The left chose to make it not so. We need to do whatever we can to secure our borders. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mollie died so Dems could have a extra voter and so a GOP member could save $3,600. The ruling class elites hates our guts http:\/\/fashthenation.com\/2018\/08\/gop-official-empl...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I spread forth my hands to you. My soul thirsts for you, like a parched land. Selah. Hurry to answer me, LORD. My spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me, so that I do not become like those who go down into the pit. Ps 143:6-7 NHEB #Prayer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bummer I can\u2019t keep you company... by having a public dispute with you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who's downie like a brownie 4 brunch? Need mimosas","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Does not suffer fools and has seen enough shit to last nine lives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've noticed a lot of this the past few days, must be an organised thing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch if my ass is grass ur ass is dirt whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Mxm nigger thinks we give a fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a cheater casey!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dude i'm a tiger! #roar #tiger #annaswelshzoo #bihdaycelebrations ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@brianschatz NONE OF IT IS TRUE. IT IS ALL A LIE. PR STUNT BECAUSE HE IS LOSING. WANTS SYMPATHY VOTE. FAILED BUISNESS MAN. BROKE LOSER. WORST PRESIDENT EVER. THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY. #COVIDIOT #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpCovidHoax #TrumpIsALoser #TrumpIsBroke #TrumpLied200KDied #Biden2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" fathers day to all the father in the building......#whotalksay?.... coming soon#keonn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER OH I FUCKING LOVE LATEX HMU IFU GOT Q'S IVE BEEN USING IT FOR YEARS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one whiskey remains ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NTXProgressive Yeah..cause if anyone thinks this clown went to @target to buy Oreos is as stupid as all of them look","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER As my elected MP could you please explain why @user is still promoting ideas that the EU have already rejected? We've 6 months to go and nothing appears to be moving onward. @user are like the blind leading the blind #brexitshambles #BrexitMeansBrexit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just sayin'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tell #Israel that Barack. @user #BuildThatWall Sir! Thank you Mr. Trump for fixing the #OBAMAMESS #failed policy. Hey Obama maybe you and #EricHolder can go sell guns to the cartels. Or Sell #UraniumOne Or pay for phony #R ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He comes on Crowder fairly regularly.\u00a0 He can come off as a bit extreme some times but for sure has some interesting points of view to think about.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 hotel guests killed in Corpus Christi with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You shut your whore mouth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's Jordanetics Week at the Daily Meme Wars, where we'll be applying Dr. Jordan Peterson's anti-nationalist philosophy of extreme atomic individualism to some of the great moments in history.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'll bow out of this one. I was gonna reply, but no matter how I worded it, it sounded liketake the camera and shove it up your ass\"\" lol\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#NickFerrari seems to be intentionally misleading his viewers?! Suggesting paedophiles among whites are the same percentage as #Muslims and that we are only angry at one? No Mr Ferrari .. I think not! #LBC #LBCRadio #MAGA #MCGA #MEGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why do you keep REGURGITATING NONSENSE BULLSHIT from JEW HISTORY BOOKS? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everything wrong with #america is embodied by @user : , #misogyny and a hostility to #science #blacksagainsttrump #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Breaking: Radical Antifa footage. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My man bag cost four thousand bitch your bag cost no thousand Ahahahahah ahhhhhh deexxxterr silly lil hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I am happy to say I reported each video 20 times. I'm so glad they were taken down. You are an amazing YouTuber and to have your content stolen is such a large insult to you as a content creator its mind blowing. It was an honor to help such an amazing person! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TFW you realize that Kim Jong Un has a 'fashy' haircut http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5826353\/Ki...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the 4th remake of hi-5 doesn't have the token asian chick. #carolsbycandlelight","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A little s*** who will continue to do what he does best irrespective of what Congress does or doesn't do. Can you say welcome to the dog and pony show? Congress is only going through these steps to make themselves look good!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are ....... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[ ] thank you \"annuairemidipyrenees\" for the follow !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Apparently she was a diva when she was with heathers and I think she might\u2019ve gotten fired for it? And she said something like 2 years ago that people took as being trans or homophobic I don\u2019t remember","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even IF the #SexualMisconduct IS by #Gay 45 yr old #GOP #Men - they'd call it youthful indescretion & get a #Mulligan from #Hypocritical #Evangelicals & MAGA *sshats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER nah my foodie ass will gladly say it. that works on absolutely no one's fucking palate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER i have heard he is making waves","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So many Traitor Russian Whores confirmed by you @user Whores of Traitor Russian Whore @user who repays you w\/ betrayal as he does all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We are busy MAGA love our president \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"challenge accepted! #notinterested when you have no talent you reso to nudity for attention. \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0081\u00e2\u0080\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u00a8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YOU WHORE ! STANKING ASS WHORE ! Dick SUCKING ASS WHORE @user WIT @user BITCH ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What realities on the ground? Quit being afraid, there is work to be done. It will require some strong mental & physical fortitude, but it will save the future for your children. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We will begin boarding in 15 minutes, Next Stop, The Fourth Reich!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why is Confederate States of America not on there? Abstaining for now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 reasons pets make us happy and healhty #pets #healthy #love #dogs #peaceful #family ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@KamalaHarris Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have a 87% chance of winning.[NEWLINE]Donald Trump & Mike Pence have a 12% chance of winning. Can we either A, keep it this way.[NEWLINE]Or B, make sure we get to 100%","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bagged a @user metallic lip kit!! #finally","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER she is beautiful looks like mona lisa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hi sexy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you move ahead with Kavanaugh's nominatin without more information you are committing an ethical and legal violation.U violated the constitution with Merrick Garland & now this horrible candidate who says precedent can be overturned. Wait for more info & be sure","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Man Defending His Wife \u2018\u02dcLynched\u2019 By Six Youths In France The glories of open borders and multiculturalism. Violent immigrants are attacking and terrorizing the French. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lazy Sunday in Denmark ...Police officers attacked by migrant family,including mom in a head-scarf.Person recording considers the situation very funny as he laughs at the end.A police officer in the hospital w\/a head wound. #DiversityIsOurStrengthhttps:\/\/t.co\/4w471UFY6F ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Buck up buttercup!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IDC IF YOU FAT OR SKINNY BITCH IF YOU DONT SAY EXCUSE ME, IM NOT MOVING MY CHAIR. FUCK U HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER absolutely right to not propose another referendum. .@USER are not in power & we are not negotiating. It\u2019s for @USER to make Brexit work; it belongs to them. If they can\u2019t do that then @USER should call a General Election. Labour are ready. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i cannot believe, after the great group of candidates the gop had this year, we ended up with such a scum sucking guy l\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seems only fair that lefties who enjoy harassing ICE agents at home get equal treatment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user & we should be cautious when using them. Slut and whore are examples. I don't think people should be us\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are sexy as fuck babygirl\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"' A HOE does ANYthing for ANY man, A FREAK does ANYthing for HER man, and A WOMAN does ANYthing for ONE man!' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"journlst @user on @user is sayng tht modi is in usa for glamour. i feel fr hs knwledge. @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Omg,omg,omg!!! I\u2019m so offended he is flipping me off","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I dont know... Antifa is pretty dumb. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is this what your university stands for? #hate #ignorance #stupidity #lies #mdcollege? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just a reminder, there is STILL no evidence that Assad EVER used chemical weapons his people. Not now, not last year, not when Obama was still in office, not EVER.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No it's because he is Democrat about to be Antifa Socialist just like you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"home with incredible features:unwind over the weekend around the bonfire with your family & friends #weekend! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Retired Marine - Patriot SoapBox To Have Booth At Red Pill Expo! - 06\/10\/2018.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/rAntZWlJnJc #PatriotSoapBox #MAGA #RedPillExpo #RedPill","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 more white boys standing up for you every day Ms. .@USER I think the poster adds speshul emphasis. Don\u2019t you? #MAGA #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @EMAdair225: Illegals bringing diseases across border. Contagious patients separated from others by yellow tape... pregnant teens http:\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's my biggest question. Do we just widdle away until there is no 2nd amendment left? I do believe in some limited gun control but im worried we will be expected to just keep giving into the gun haters.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm 21 now?!?! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 #me #bihday #instapic #instagirl #girl #21 #old #idk #june #9th #1995\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ANTIFA is not giving death threats to professor Ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or Spanky is impeached. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If Biden\u2019s true margin in WI is anywhere close to the new ABC number (+17), Trump is absolutely and completely doomed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER he is literally the best i cannot believe how poorly his previous owner treated him","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Figures. He is a douche and would do this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a Skrull. Enemy of The Kree. The Kree are who gave Carol her powers and whose uniform she is wearing in the first few moments of the trailer. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is the daughter of her parents. All illogical hypocrites. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You're literally white nationalist radicals and enemies of the state. You're lucky you're not being hunted down by federal agents like the terrorists you are...but the citizenry will act in the state's place soon enough. ACTA NON VERBA. #TheResistance #ResistTrump #Antifa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yeah sure \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00e2\u0098\u00ba #asksaad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No one gives less fucks than a pitcher that intentionally hits a man holding a bat with a baseball ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#gomez rooster simulation: i want to climb the vast expanse of mountains. it reached the leakage cock want ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ego's bruise harder than any belt ever could ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Say you gon ride, bitch ride ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when your character in pathfinder meets their old lover and you freak like a school girl. yep. #pathfinder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden I hate you @JoeBiden #LatinosForTrump #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"she gives me a reason. it's by god grace i love you god fathers day to our three loving\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe Harry Potter can indeed offer some solutions to our current political dystopia...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@charliekirk11 @CNN Sure they care, just like Nancy & her minions. You need to understand that they use selective concern regarding Russia. The issue needs to fit in w\/their narrative to be important. @realDonaldTrump @GOP #VoteRed2020 #Veterans #ProudAmerican","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shoe wall curious drinks and lunch time #adidasler #adidas #running #training #friends @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I guess the big news to share with fellow Gabbers is how our far-left Prime Minister in Canada has instituted a new law: all faith based organizations have to tick a box for financial assistance applications that says they support abortion or they will not receive funding. Of course, these churches and organizations do not tick it...Big deal up here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Re: why not post an original picture +\/- 1,2,3 secs to establish credibility? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ everyone who said jihoons new hair cut is ugly: you are wrong ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just like , #waronwomen, & #guncontrol @user need #russia to be the bad guy as an excuse for their bad ideology #tlot #p2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The UNHINGED REPUBLICAN PARTY I have a question why do you want the wall and not gun control in America when a illegal immigrant does something the UNHINGED REPUBLICAN PARTY talk about the wall but when a school shooting happens the UNHINGED REPUBLICAN PARTY is mute ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is it weird licking your own nip?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Sargonofakkad100 If you want a nuanced debate on climate change with a right wing climate change alarmist, this is what one looks like: http:\/\/culture-wars.com\/dreamers-nightmares-how-im...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Two red bones kissin n da back seat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jose 'the puta' bitch says he doesn't cry about injuries to his players. What a contradictory KUNT. Conte response was brilliant imo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are a Liberal who doesn't even live in FL. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck #xenophobia and ! drink arabian spiced coffee, and eat berberian spiced food! #rainbow #diversity only\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user some great signings!! was only saying about jack self to @user earlier, declan was ace before too! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In his efforts to cover the Deep State's dirty fingerprints ALL OVER OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Mueller is on an a dangerous, uncontrolled fishing expedition!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my girl \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #girl #friend #smile #bestfriend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Forgotten? His reboot on Fox starts in less than 2 weeks. Guess you are out of the loop watching fake news all the time. #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So let me get this straight they want us to hold off on the confirmation hearing for what? Polygraph is inadmissible. All to hear he said she said? Ford signs paper in trump case against illegal separations? And Cavanagh has just about every woman stating he is honorable. Vote ye","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Who has what to lose? This entire thing is to block Kavanaugh. Because he leans a bit to the conservative side and was nominated by Trump. This is the liberals playing games. If you can't see it you've been brainwashed by mainstream media. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gun Control means using both hands. And in this case means acquiring the correct target. You can\u2019t fix stupid.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Vote no on Kavanaugh. He has committed perjury. He has dodgy financials. He thinks the President is above the law. He thinks contraceptives are abortion inducing drugs. He is too extreme for the SC. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Give me an H Give me a Y Give me a P Give me an O Give me a C Give me a R Give me a I Give me a T Give me a E Give me an S What's that spell? Liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@HuffingtonPost looks like any other little porch monkey to me!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user No people died because officials robbed n didn't do their jobs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please call the Phone Number in the pic below to stand with #PresidentTrump!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bang on trend mobile charging with your latte! #charging customers #luxury #tue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user got him signing my book......he is a cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#christians saying i am not racist is not \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 protest and denounce #retweet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@A_NicePerson Hope you found everything :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If you look it up it will tell you how they did the study he is right ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yep, apparently so. Fucking commie jew bastard prolly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's the littlest things that mean the most \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuckin poisonous group of people. As soon as someone hands me a hat with a propeller on top... I'm out. Find another company to work for lemmings. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They did the right thing. This violence has no place in society.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user in atlanta the mayor & police force allow s to rule the city block roads & freeways w\/o action","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what the fuck do you gain from posting on your private instead of your public ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just sitting on the bus listening to the most sensible thing and I'm trying not to tear up I miss your father so much and it hurts to watch and listen to him I wish he was here but I know for a fact he is with all of us and he will always forever be the best ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From the archives: Daniel Berrigan on refugees, Christ, and the American Dream. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We had a jew family... for a while.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER and they will know she is the Lord","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Ben is a terrible person that probably raped some people. He is a vial human being in my book. Has nothing to do with his on the field play. I don\u2019t like him personally. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait to go see finding dori\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you want to save the planet, have more white babies. It is white people who actually seek to conserve nature. Not any other race.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"April 21, 2018 \ud83d\udea8Gateway Pundit \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffb 11 year old 6th grader hit by pickup truck \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffbKILLED \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffbFUCKED UP anti-gun SCHOOL WALK OUTS \ud83d\udea8people should SUE the TEACHERS for wrongful death\u203c\ufe0f\u00a0http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/04\/11-year-old-6th-grade-boy-hit-killed-by-vehicle-during-anti-gun-national-school-walkout-in-el-paso\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Also shut up about kids bitch, you don't need kids to live a fulfilling life, if anything they get in the way ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we are too brother. Thanks for the support we'd love you to come meet with us #maledominance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER CONSERVATIVES ARE CREEPY COWARDS URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don't be #Europe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I wasn't aware I had a smell.\" Cologne when he chose to, perhaps. \"So I take it then that you are aware when I am near. And when I shadow.\" Meaning 'follow,' but in an attempt to be less .. creepy.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER They can\u2019t do that would infringe on my rights and I only like it when these companies infridge on people who give people who are not liberals such as myself an alternative to 1 size fits all mainstream narrative.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No cuz redskins are dumpster juice RT @trackinBlackKev: game of the week. still the best rivalry in sports","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Revenant0202: Seriously, Florida. A vote for Charlie Christ is a vote for taxes and ebola.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You mad you a easy hoe a nigga can say some nice and you in love \ud83d\ude12 bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One may get dizzy trying to keep up w-EU on migration, as never-ending game of \u201crunning around in circles\u201d continues.\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u00a0\u00f0\u0178\u017d\u00a1We call it \u201cmigrant shuffling\u201d\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030a waste of time\/money that accomplishes nothing, except to give Merkel & migrants more time.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the fun pa #sarcasm #moving #thetaylorway #chaos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I kno this bitch pussy smells really bad because she cook steak rice n corn everyday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user needs to exit the political and journalism world. exit stage left. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is NOT QUALIFIED. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Called 844-4STAND5 to let my legislators know I #standwithrefugees. The calling system worked flawlessly except for the part where I cried. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER U a dickhead for that\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER NEITHER DOES ANTIFA OR BLACK LIVES MATTER OR ANY OTHER SOROS FUNDED GROUPS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cases should not be treated lightly, the judge would've given this so called \"man\" a longer sentence, if he cared! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Aurora is growing and learning stuff quickly! She is really good at drawing and counting! Such a intelligent baby ~ \"\" He laughts playfully at kiss being breaked. Pecks his nose.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck israel and america. both should be destroyed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Her word against his & one more! She is a left wing nut nobody would touch & is mad cause #Kavenaughs Mom had to evict her parents! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Follow @user this week to learn how we provide hope through food for millions of #refugees. #WorldRefugeeDay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user When I turned the speech on it sounded to me like Liberals becoming another nasty party\"\" with his personal attacks on various individuals.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't ever apologize for knowing your worth... Even if you're worthless ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user National Unity? O you are so full of it! You just tweeted to get people mobilized. Does that mean paying people to mobilize and cause violence! Where is it that you spoke out about ANTIFA? A Official group of terrorists. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @m_amrhein: Luckily for my friends I'm a yellow belt in karate, which is unfortunate for the bonner dudes #lookout","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/casino.bz: Casino.bz is a valued online casino resource","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So much to be discovered about this Russian agent. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SIGN PETITION!\u00a0Protect Free Speech in the Digital Public Square\u00a0 https:\/\/petitions.whitehouse.gov\/petition\/protect-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#gatasm16 will be underway this time next week! have you booked your spot? #askgat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hahahahahahahaha no wonder you work for the sun you thick kunt. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another- Desmond Tutu . #WorldRefugeeDay2018 #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pittsburghrally is lit #VoteReady #MAGA2020 #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lindsey Graham Doesn\u2019t Hold Back In Response To Avenatti Bombshell: \u2018I Am Not Going To Be Played\u2019 https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/09\/26\/lindsey-graham-avenatti-claims\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All the MAGA patriots should send tweets to the DNC to keep the Russian probe alive... lol...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't believe that i will see @user in a few days in my country #qal #cantwait\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you're mad about @user and their interracial couple tweet, go fuck yourself. #republicantrash #cracker #whitepeople","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"blending in lovely at my boutique \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #monrose #boutique #empire #success #life #creator\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BarackObama I miss you good sir\ud83d\udda4\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 And I\u2019m voting #BidenHarris2020 \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udd4a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WTH !? I heard McCain was dying ! Lots of energy for an asswipe on his death bed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are such a lier and all for money. Nobody wants \u201c francoism\u201d here in Spain! Except ppl like you and your fascists separatists friends to smoke screen all the money embezzlement here in Catalonia! Why all your friends are with Vlaams Belang? &the Italian nazis? NAZI URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm glad you are doing something fun!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user so why you followed me la bitch? you and your what? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Big article planned for release today. You're gonna wanna stay tuned.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JIN SAYS 'VOTE US ON MWAVE YOU HOE' :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If u don't think rape culture exists in the US u should prob check your feed right now 'cause literally every woman u know is posting #MeToo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I second this they\u2019re fucking nuts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Memo MUST be really bad. With Sessions \"urging\" Wray to fire McCabe, they are trying to FINALLY clean up the mess before the truth comes out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Means nothing!! Your always so dramatic and none of your promises ever come true not sure why I still follow you. I'm starting to realize you are full of crap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"does the #britfam have a chosen hashtag for premier league discussion\/shit-talk or are there not enough of us who care yet?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are a sorry excuse of a rep - I hope that your district votes accordingly-you need to go! Your nose is so brown it will never be clean! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ProjectReality has just upped in pace. @USER f@USER business\" in favour of the 1% of tax-dodgers @USER cheer on as manufacturing gets ready to #ExitFromBrexit through relocation Time to #endthechaos & #StopBrexit Time for a #finalsay via a #PeoplesVote URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There\u2019s a leftist cultural war against our nation and identity \u2013 Swedish patriotic leader ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"American #homeowners, as you pay your #RealEstate #taxes, remember: youre forced to spend your #money to #school non-White, anti-White #IllegalAliens #UndocumentedImmigrants.Call:1 (866) 347-2423Or go online: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"after my massage, i found out that my cavs are down. sana hindi na lang natapos massage ko. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Follow Premium Debt Consolidation Company CuraDebt.com on Twitter - http:\/\/www.twitter.com\/1curadebt #social_media #debt_relief #curadebt #debt_consolidation #debt_settlement #debt_negotiation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #twitter verified my account \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00e2\u0098\u0091\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yey! lucky me! i found nemo in an aquarium! #nemo #aquarium #water #fish #lucky #me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"still ::::::: people can't stop talking about how this girl defended her girlfriend on twitter: \u00e2\u0080\u009cgood ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wow, kay!! glad to have you along! any request??? :)) #inthemoog @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Teen Solidarity Against the Merchants of Death http:\/\/truth-out.org\/buzzflash\/commentary\/teen-solidarity-against-the-merchants-of-death","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Guti\u00e9rrez you are a joke dress as an full ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YOU FUCKED PUERTO RICO & THE PEOPLE AND YOU KNOW IT! MY OWN FAMILY MEMBERS BORE WITNESS & LIVED THRU IT! AT BARE MINIMUM, STFU INSTEAD OF ATTACKING WITH LIES & BULLSHIT! YOU & YOUR PAPER TOWEL THROWING BULLSHIT! YOU FUCKING LIAR!! PIECE O ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER make yourself useful and go bury your head in the sand.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest the seattle daily! thanks to @user #seahawks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil we should never equate culture with exclusive geographic boundaries \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Democrats can have their \u201cdark winter\u201d if they choose, I choose this! https:\/\/t.co\/U51Yb9MJk9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#breakingnews #tech Got some bitcoin burning a hole in your digital wallet? And paradise on the mind? You could u\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then I went inside, in order to hide from mutant bird","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is one low life, disgusting bitch. Extremely ugly, to boot. If I had a dog, that looked like this bitch, I would shave his rear end, & make him walk backwards. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least you have openly admitted that you are a racist. But what you have not admitted because you probably don't even know it, is that you are grossly ignorant and have an asshole's attitude.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user enjoy this wonderful sunday! #indiegame #indiedev #gamedev #sunday #sunny #wonderful #enjoy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Perhaps for a short time, but I would say that within the first year, our national sovereignty would be handed over to the EU and UN forces would be on the ground in every state and every community.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...............................'I get to rape beautiful women and that's why I like working on this project.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ezra is a cockroach who needs to have light shone on. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"right so my bihday is done, surely that means it's christmas now right? #lovechristmas #santa #hohoho ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fact: Illegal Immigration Is A Crime, Not Simply A \u2018\u02dcCivil Penalty\u2019 Deport these animals... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IF You sincerely FEEEEEEL tide-pod-eating, pubescent Kikes being glorified by the JEW$media should determine the fate of the Second Amendment & the Bill of Rights, you might, just...be... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Serious change is coming. The only two people in the whole wide world who can't see it are @theresa_may & @AmberRuddHR the dopey duo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Then I'm as crazy as you are cause I believe the same outcome will happen this Sunday 49ers 27 KC 17 Niners baby\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can shut the fuck up now and keep your retarded opinions to yourself.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user That\u2019s RIGHT you The MAN #FavoritePresident #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #AmericansFirst One Flag One Country \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They worship themselves and their shoah myths. Sadly taxpayers pay for their strange cult. Ditto with the Muslim pigs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pa 2 of trumps tweets: after his \" coulda won if i wanted 2\" now using putin to project his anger cuz we hate him! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you live in the big dick part cause your gay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A little appreciation post for my bestie because she\u2019s a bad bitch and I\u2019m thankful for her\ud83d\udc97 @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"excited to be at @user in 4 sho days \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #nfinity #gbe #nfinitynight ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best friend \"oh he's cute.\" me \"he wants cavs to win.\" her \"i don't like him anymore.\" #warriors #nbafinals2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Texans, be aware that the corrupt deep state is spending millions to turn your state blue.\u00a0\u00a0 Don't be lazy.\u00a0 Get registered and vote!\u00a0\u00a0 Donald Trump says he'll campaign for Ted Cruz at 'biggest stadium in Texas we can find' https:\/\/www.texastribune.org\/2018\/08\/31\/ted-cruz-b...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"# universityofwisconsinmadison offering #problemofwhiteness course. if they're gonna be blatantly , why not? #snowflakes orgasmic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-----------> ali tmak @user wishes you holidays ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jihadi John beheader of journalist Foley and Sotloff Was 'Arab Charity Collector' http:\/\/t.co\/RL7F2qV56F via @BreitbartNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user brutality rules new year on manus close #manus #auspol #australia #refugeeswelcome #noborders","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If bobby is fit thats exactly what i would say but not sure if he is or not","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me trying to flirt- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People that post about how 'blessed' they are always make me wonder who they're trying to convince. It ain't me I know about your coke habit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For the same reason he catered to the black demographic who votes over 90% Democrat, I suppose.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People be so angry tonight on dis here tweeter. It hard for a colored man to see all dis anger. Like bein in a waffle house in Mississippi","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER My auto correct Gggrrr she is a *crazy witch*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How paranoid has one person to be to think that fucking yale is a kind of antifa HQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s funny how you idiot liberals seem to forget when other presidents do the same shit. Haha.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd #sabbath #rest @ nahoon seventh day adventist church ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"District Judge Dana Sabraw slams administration for saying that immigrant advocacy groups-not the government-should be responsible for tracking down the more than 500 parents it separated from their children & deported without them. #KeepFamiliesTogether ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tgif #fridayfeeling it's #friday \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009b #labmix\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00bebella is \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00bethat #weekendvibes it's\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ICYMI: #Russia's connection to US #WhiteSupremacist group, the Base, which trains recruits to incite violence during protests, among other things, particularly worrisome as we come close to #Election2020 https:\/\/t.co\/VFuhDXAP98 and https:\/\/t.co\/PdfZHpAN0z #Trump2020 #Debates2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tonight i sleep under the balloons \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088 #balloons #bihdaygirl #sleep #bedroom #f4f #l4l \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"could it be that #systemicracism is impossible? real acts of racism is easier to stand up to ...unfounately, you\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't always agree with you @Timcast, but you're one of the most honest centrists I've witnessed.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Check out Tim's pre-debate analysis:[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/CgTDi2959k[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpBidenDebate #Debates2020 #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheRisingStar23: Shy Glizzy Decent Af","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I have to thank the creator for finding me a bigger list of people to follow. Perhaps now this person can do a search on ANTIFA and other Communists infecting youth.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Absolutely should be a nail in the coffin.... for Hilliary ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why do you take her side. It\u2019s been 35 years and no proof so because you are women and Liberals- you can\u2019t think. None of her story adds up. This is a political setup to win. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the world has gone crazy ... why is there so much hate in this world ?! #orlandohorror #footballfights","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"summeime joy! kid #toddler #summer #summer2016 #smores ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yea shit sucks thats why i stopped watching anime mostly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER asks @user to respond to criticism that the Liberals only care about anglophones when it's time to get their votes. Couillard says that's not the case: I think people know my sincerity on these matters.\"\" #Quebec2018\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am so moved \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #inspired #peace #crazylady ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bob is an old man living in the past. He has no idea what the working class has been through. Promises from both the Dems & Rep career politicians with their expensive law degrees and never worked a day in their lives. It took @USER to finally listen and take action.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mom- Katie why would you send this kind of picture to daddy Katie- that's not dad, mom Mom- you dirty little whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7th and 8th grade football will be looking for parent volunteers to help assist with our concession stand. If you are interested you my email me at darell.maddox@USER ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cDo lower-income U.S. citizens benefit when the terrible schools they\u2019re forced to send their children to see class sizes swell with non-English speaking students? Do working class U.S. citizens benefit when their jobs are taken by illegal immigrants?\u201d https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/QGmN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER also yes he. IS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck you are killing me lately \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really # MAGA VOTE TRUMP 2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Boo hoo! says KY refugee contractor---not enough Muslim #Refugees placed in Bowling Green under this @user how leftwing media conveniently forgets things like this---Iraqi refugee terrorists arrested in BG. Good thing I'm here to remind them!https:\/\/t.co\/1ybYmofO44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally inside the manifold #location #worklocation #tgif ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sure do, but however many months later and I'm 80lb lighter.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you can still be .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Even the parody antifa page couldn't deal with this shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I suggest using handcuffs to remove you!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nice try, you lying commie filth!\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL: Journalist Who Rushed to Cover School Shooting was Shocked to Find Her Son was the Shooter! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"irritations like new-#ghostbusters haters indisputably are intrusively indecent imitations. #misogynist #whiners","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump\u2019s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack\u00a0 http:\/\/humanevents.com\/2018\/07\/26\/central-park-rap...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump: lets build the wall and deport illegals \"they walk across the border like this is Central park\"Me: \ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fallon is a woosy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ANTIFA seems to taking a vacation too. But watch out after the election. I\u2019d like to think they\u2019ve all gone back to school.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More than half of the population in #Syria rely on humanitarian aid for survival. Together with @user and local NGOs, @user reaches 3 million Syrians (inside Syria) as well as 1 million #refugees each month with emergency food assistance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You a hoe \u2014 Bitch, this ain't a question or a confession ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WhenIWentToTheMallI called @user to report every #IllegalAlien I saw and forwarded their photos and vehicle license plate information for arrest and deportation!#MakeAmericaSafeAgain#MAGA #WalkAway #WompWomp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DefundSanctuaryCities #EndDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \"I that book You carry\" quote from @user KAMALA! THE BOOK IS THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT PROTECT RIGHT OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Kamala Harris, intend to follow U.S. Constitution. #BuildThatWall #SpyGate #Russiagate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck the wall. More American white or black men kill way more than any immigrant. Gun control would help way more. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here we go again. Not named, unknown motive..... and no doubt by tomorrow will have had mental illness as well. http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-europe-44096595 #banallknives #spoonsrule #forkoff","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Prague not to accept migrants from Italy, offers police, experts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Glad we have our priorities in order re gun control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It sure it here. Those other photos of her were from decades ago. She is a complete Liberal Antifa. She can not be trusted. I don't believe her. Not a whit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bert and Ernie are puppets \/ dogs are not children \/ there are only two genders \/ and there will be two terms #MAGA @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is older but that's before the Cooley days","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i'm getting frustrated with fs1. i know i have access to your show. but when i'm home i prefer to watch. i'm wasting a 73\" tv ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"swear, next bitch i fuck ima get her pregnant \ud83d\ude08\ud83d\udcaf cummin for you hoe! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Calling it something different still a PAC. You are for NO BORDERS= NO COUNTRY HIGHER TAXES Gun control SOCIALIST REMOVING ICE YOU WORK FOR ILLEGALS FOR BRAC NO FAMILY TEXAS VALUES WE ARENT CALIFORNIA LIKE JONES U PPL DONT EVEN LIVE HERE. Stay in DC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The beauty of #TheView is that no one pretends not to be a leftist. @USER #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good night sweet \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e on the 5th day of #kwanzaa is #nia which means purpose. our purpose in 2017 is to fight #fascism\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jumping from guy to guy isn't funny or cute. It's mean. Men are human beings not pieces of meat and we deserve respect #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is one sick dude ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user \"most boys can use a drill...\" really? :-)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is one of the many reasons my wife and I don't watch nigger ball.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How does the term #democraticvoters sound? #illegalaliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Toronto Has Exceeded Capacity To House Illegal Immigrantshttps:\/\/t.co\/uw0O0MzCpORemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/c0g ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Excellent! Thank you, what a gift she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@CBSThisMorning @charlierose racist @NorahODonnell tx trash enjoy your high along with gop win a substitute for racist @MittRomney loss!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m confident they would win too. Even if there are more overall Leave voters. That\u2019s why they want a second referendum with TWO Leave options. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why does this stupid Herrera guy pass the ball without taking a touch then when he loses it presses like a cunt? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #itveuref that rudd woman should think b4 she speaks a statement was asked for all she could do was try and stick the boot\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your pathetic ex finally dies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"get you a bitch to stan who can drag a hoe frm across the country, and promote her ep, i'll wait... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user In fact both Centre\/States need to hound out all illegal immigrants &deport them immediately to their Country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are the worst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's readily apparent that globalist forces will be finding a way to undo the Brexit vote. How long will the world be subject to this idiotic stage performance? http:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-politics-43256183","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The judge and some other guy need to come out and say they are lovers and have been since high school. That would really fuck with liberals. \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not all men cheat. Not all women cheat. It\u2019s equal now move tf and get over it \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I see my memes and tweets stolen and watermarks wiped so you can put them on your pathetic ass page ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There\u2019s an a&r \/Dj that works at radio owes alot of uk artist in my era a massive apology u played alot of games god na sleep pussy hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is so confused. One of the liberals running loose Beaware URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" Never a Doubt that Our FOUNDERS saw the Writing on the Wall when they REVOLTED Against The British #UK Supports the muslim Global Caliphate* Christian Refugees NOT WELCOME* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lol.... your going to jail ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just like men are getting used to not having any say in the children they sire's lives, the courts are complicit in this and society turns a blind eye to the destruction of fatherhood and the nuclear family. In this same way, the way of gross normalization, virtues and voices from the right are being silenced and all we hear are crickets.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wow. That's still tall for an 11-year-old. My son is in the 91st percentile for height at 13yo --- he is exactly 5'8 but wears a size 8.5 shoe.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They cite Jones being banned for violating Twitter's ToS. There are blue checkmarks spewing the same, if not worse, kind of shit. If you are going to play the anyone can get banned\" card. Shouldn't these people also receive bans and suspensions? #VerifiedHate\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes Canada that is another great achievement from the #Trudeau #Liberals it just keeps getting better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you join a relationship women leave this part out #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm waiting for the liberals to squeal that those sandwiches could feed poor families","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dumb cunt ass cheating bitch doesn't deserve shit in this world but herpes \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude42 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Time will tell. Not the type to jump on the lefty bandwagon and demonize someone until they have had a fair chance. His policies will either be a huge failure like the liberals and result in losing the next election or they will be a success and ontario will dig out of the hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user UNTIL ITS YOUR ASS IN THE HOT SEAT #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #PizzaGate #QAnon #Hivites #MAGA #EagleOneToWanta @user @user . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please follow for a follow #Tujengane","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@meenaharris is joining Granite State Women for Biden-Harris tomorrow night for a post-debate recap and a conversation about what @KamalaHarris\u2019s historic nomination means for young women and women of color in NH! RSVP here: https:\/\/t.co\/kN8mroVkji[NEWLINE]#NHPolitics #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Absolutely correct. \u00a0We need to get more succint tidbits of truth out there for Libs to see. \u00a0Anything longer than one sentence and their interest wanes. \u00a0Lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user kevin macdonald: ethnocentrism is normal and rational #race #ethnocentrism @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not from the same fucking Earth i\u2019m On","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Majority of the time, a woman's story is trash anyway...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany tells Italy it will take 50 migrants from Frontex ships ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hell no!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As someone who had never played Spiderman 2 as a kid: I want and tried it a year or 2 back and idk what kinda collective nostalgia people are on but those web swinging mechanics are busted as fuck and kinda trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'd get on yo ass just like some britches, my girl ah woop yo ho she throw dem bitches \ud83d\udd7a\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udd7a\ud83c\udffe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1. Physical barrier2. Monitor\/deport visa overstays3. Employer crack down4. Listen for the giant sucking sound of self-deportations#StopTheInvasion#CommonSenseSolutions#AmericaFirst#AmericansHaveDreamsToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Judicial Watch Sues for Records of FBI 302 Interviews with Demoted Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rudy Giuliani Sounds Off On Bruce Ohr Revelations \u2013 Wants Bruce Slapped With FELONY CHARGES:\u00a0https:\/\/en-volve.com\/2018\/08\/31\/rudy-giuliani-sounds-off-on-ohr-revelations-wants-bruce-slapped-with-felony-charges\/\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user as if orlando needed another shooting after christina grimmie. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user As a gun control leftist: I'd rather a child had a responsible parent that locked the front door and didnt let her get involved in the neighbors DV. Shir, if the .22 was where she could grab\"\" it, but couldnt leavem shes lucky he didnt find it first.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Blue Jamie Lee!! We won't miss ya.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No I don\u2019t think it is, Jew.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user two #little owls! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he\u2019s obviously a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you're allowed to be on a #friday..why? just because it's friday! #goodmorning have a blessed day. #weekend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Anti American Illegal immigrant uprising in California gets exceedingly worse for American citizens who are now in grave danger. They are in a state of emergency. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@team_Darrion night jigaboo http:\/\/t.co\/vxKCG4yGXF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he commandeered daddy's ice cream cone #junesuitejune #icecream #icecreamcone\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope it shows how to plug a bullet hole? People are getting fed up with mommy warriors and bad things are going to happen to Antifa soon if they are not reigned in","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don\u2019t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bet Ford is a part of antifa and the Berkeley gang ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER has two votes in our home! West Texas is stoked about him! He is inspiring! He can do this!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He orchestrated\/provoked it so that he could cry that he was the victim of a yet another conspiracy...He\u2019s such desperate weirdo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wind has become the true anti-fascist! Long live comrade wind against U.S. imperialist and capitalist hegemony!!!!! #antifa #socialism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can .bat files be ran on android? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Except when it comes to tyrone Woodley. Lol you ate your words eh dan. 45 mins about how great till was and why Woodley wasn't that great. What happened bud? Some fucking expert. 74-1. Stfu dan hardy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All you have to do is look at Joel Osteen's church to see the mindset of many \"Christian\" churches in America today... classic Jew infiltration.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Comp10Tx: Rihanna really is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Kurt: Liberals are obsessed with seeing the president's disgusting penis. They fantasize about being in the room with his horrible hog. [sweating] They can't stop thinking about that mushroom-capped member. [visibly erect]","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fake News or PROPAGANDA is the ENEMY of this Country","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ATTENTION!! @USER is publishing a list for ANTIFA of names of Trump supporters. Some are high profile; MANY are everyday Trump supporters. He has been reported to Twitter, but they have still NOT suspended his account. Check out his account...Lists\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just dumped #Netflix Fuck Obama's propaganda outlet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I blame @USER for inciting violence and she should be held accountable! She is a despicable disgrace.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is what they wanted @realDonaldTrump to condemn. @JoeBiden makes a fool of himself again. #Trump2020LandslideVictory #Trump2020 #BlackLivesMatter https:\/\/t.co\/xkbZXAt8uR","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#tgif. have a happy weekend everyone, #happiness #lovelyweekend #paydayweekend #friday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah bitch that's where you deserve my CUM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user They lie about firearms. They call the AR-15 a fully semi-automatic assault rifle.\"\" They push gun control. They say Donald Trump is racist and hates Mexicans. They say he colluded with Russia. So yes, they lie\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And that's where you are seeing what you want to see. You think these people want to look manly and powerful. I see them expressing solidarity. what a useless thing to mock. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck donald trump! he will never be my president! #opkkk #optrump #illegitimate #oligarch #plutocrat #shill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER don\u2019t like anything u r saying RE @USER #MAGA U r part of the problem & not part of the solution!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OMG! No need to even discuss -- kick his ass off before he messes up everything for the rest of us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The experience of going to the holohoax amusement park. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An original painting of Stargazer Lilies...https:\/\/www.etsy.com\/listing\/156160370\/stargazer-lily-original-acrylic-painting?ref=shop_home_active_11","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey Truth defeats money every time All the money in the world could not change the minds of people who elected Donald J Trump Politics is and industry always has been back to the days of the Greeks. Money Sex Power its human nature. You just have to be better than the other to win","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my evening \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #princessandthefrog #hercules #smile #disney #blessed #relaxed #loved\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Strong character?...strong character? Anybody as bitter as she is for being a sore loser has no character! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Birther, porn star and anchor baby-mama, Melanie \ud83d\udca9Rump @user has apparently broken ranks with the racist, sexual predator occupying 1600. was that when she wore her signature #IreallyDoNotCare clothes to belittle the humanity of kidnapped incarcerated immigrant children? \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OHIO we have to make sure we get Jim Renacci elected for Senate. America is here for you. Let's all #MAGA together - URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives really need to come up with something better for an excuse besides their worn out Hillary Clinton...\". I've never defended either Clinton but trumps undereducated base consistantly assumes if ones against @USER then they are for Clinton Thats ignorant\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because nothing says \u201crespect me\u201d like running around dressed up as syphillis and chanting about how cool abortions are. \ud83d\ude44\ud83e\udd22 #WomensMarch2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It was big on Tumblr around 2011-12. Coming back I suppose.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is adorable @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hes sure as hell not one of is either... traitor liberals- all of them-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This has to be the funniest shit I've seen in soooo long. Why can't more homophobes be this hilarious and artistically talented? I feel let down by normietrads https:\/\/heterosexualsinspiringpride.weebly.com\/pictures.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kashdoll said \ud83d\udde3Yall hoes kill me always want the next bitch issue, bitch you want her life but dont know what she been threw \ud83d\udcaf\u203c\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She should ask a few native Americans what their take on this is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user TRUE TO CURTIN! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How Funny...#WNBA Championship Winners Won't Visit @user Stupidity Of Liberals Is So Amazing...And That Face With The Plastic Stupidity Proves It...Oh...Right...She Might Harm Her Little Face...Whats Next...Complete Body Armor... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Uh, a 3 wood upside that goose's head would make a delicious dinner.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @kaseymizell: we may or may not be trash at taking pictures together http:\/\/t.co\/bPJWl1aO2E","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user went for a walk today... #snowdon #exploring #summershowers #thegreatoytdoors #wales\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Suck a dick and choke you bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigerian anchor baby looking for his very own slave.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Lisa Page confirmed the Russia story was passed to the MSM as a distraction for gullible liberals to push as a narrative to hinder our duly elected president\u2019s success in office.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hate politics! You #CNN are despicable. Liberals are treating Judge Kavanaugh like he\u2019s some sort of serial rapist that they\u2019ve captured at last. #RedWave #voteyes #innocent until proven guilty.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user maria! what about my new single? be ! #space #psychedelic #psytrance #edm #acid #rock","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#soulfulsaturday do what's goodfor your soul#live ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He spelled Big Dick wrong. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3 more @user dreamers in the news.#nosanctuarybrewster #MAGA#NoDACA#BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Listen, faggot, you\u2019re just a brainwashed lazy minded drone who has never looked into it. Tell me: what proof is there that any sort of genocide happened against the Jews.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"church family \u00e2\u0099\u00a5 #groupselfie #enjoyment #fambam #eternal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Poll: Overwhelming Support For President Trump Immigration\u00c2\u00a0Positions\u2018\u00a6. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really craving my arroz con pollo y habichuelas right now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tribal people in the southern Philippines who fled their homes last month have vowed not to return to their villages after the military refused to sign an agreement banning soldiers from... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalImmigration #SecureOurBorders #IllegalAliensYes they are protesting #Trump at a #GOP gathering in... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy - texas a&m university libraries #motivationalmonday get ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Coward Answer question What have I posted on @USER that is not factual As a staunch conservative and pro Israel I post @USER positive facts to counter Canadian media helping liberal Trudeau assault on conservatives and Israel. You are either ignorant or a liar.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So Much for the Socialist Cause ,which Blair was Elected on first Eastern European Immigration then Iraq betrayal Millionaire to boot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think I liked it better when Conservatives pretended that rape is bad. Now they are claiming Rape gets Better with Time?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i can't wait for us to know on what gary michael walters and robe pattinson are working on. #newproject ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user would you want your child to attend this school? i wouldn't. #radical #indoctrination","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My auto correct makes me sound so FOB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Amen. He is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't even know that rapist pedophile dyke tranny bitch whore. tell her to go suck her own dick! AND YOU DIDN'T K\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So Rubio is a 'No' on tax cuts unless child credits are upped. Here's the first drawback of losing the Alabama by-election. A 51-49 majority in the senate gives cucks way too much power. Flake, Corker, Mccain, Rubio; if one of them says no, the GOP is already hamstrung!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy best friends day!!! #pbcrave #bff #bestfriends #love #razzledazzle #pb&j #peanutbutter #friends #share ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bE CARRFUL HE IS SMOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are all brothers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The more this woman talks the more stupid she becomes. #TermLimits #Liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user father's day. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soros needs to die like a diseased dog in the middle of Main Street\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YOUR TRASH!!!!!!!! But she would have been A great coach if you wouldn't listen to zodiac....... But you are sagittarius you hate to be told what you can or cannot do......... Like the coach from Michigan wolverines hshshahhsjjjsjsjs....... You keep PRAYING now you hear. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This day is also known as 'national catch a sexual harassment charge day' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A little note for @USER -the Bible ( have you ever read that?) says that if the Holy Spirit is in us that we can fight off the devil. You lie and claim that you are holy (no human is holy by the way) so how dare you blame the devil? Your new name is Pope False Prophet\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Figured out true story of their exodus out of Egypt. It seems (((THEY))) were a problem foreign population for native Egyptians, and so after causing major internal crises, the government paid them to go away - it was a REMIGRATION project with a one time payment never to return...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user mazara seems like a good guy. too bad he's on the rangers. another year on this team and he will be a thug. that's what ha\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#nomnom #kidsset #but have a big poion like adult set \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9 max @ aeon mall bsd city ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Eritrea is safe. They can all go back home. The Eritreans who 'fled' the country even go back for holidays to Eritrea, so they are not refugees.#sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And they say big tech isn\u2019t biased! Give me a break! Wake up people!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tent is not enough - Illegal migrants trying to assassinate Greek policemen because of the \"Bad\" treatment of illegals in Greece - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This immigrant should be hung or shot! Period! Animal. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Goodell I\u2019m done with you and those adult brats in the NFL. I\u2019d rather do yard work ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is speaking to the best of the best With utter disrespect ~ Our law enforcement Ice Agents all first responders Low middle and high class of all races and religions DISAGREE Mr #CreepyJoeBiden GRAVY TRAIN IS OVER PUNK! #JoeDontTouchSoMuch Biden dirty hand joe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This fluffy bastard. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and playground insults have always reflected family \/ society rhetoric on #homosexuality \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can't take what they dish out? Joe you are a snake that should be hung by the neck on a live cnn feed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user thanks\/ga wayne #tgif how are you doing?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now i have time for my blog\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #blog #blogging ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Juncker response on migrants a step forward says Conte ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The dog that didn't bark: when Ted Cruz questioned android Mark Zuckerberg about censoring Diamond and Silk Zuckerberg DIDN'T SAY: 'We're a private company and can censor whomever we want.'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The left have become a bunch of thugs. #NancyPelosi #chuckschumer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hanging me upside down \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 #upsidedown #smiles #couple #boyfriend #girlfriend #playing\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You are a fascist pig. Now go report my to your shitty Twitter so I will be removed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just Chicago so they can stop the gun violence. Seems that is what democrats claim will stop it. Show us in one of the worst gun violence cities controlled by democrats so the nations will see how that works. Make it a model of successful gun control policies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How dare you for questioning my service in a little thing called the Vietnam War? France surrendered Vietnam to Snowflake Supremo Ho Chi Minh. Liberals JFK and LBJ went in but refused to fight to win. We should go back to Vietnam to finish the fight. Restore the draft?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You\u2019re in embarrassment to the Republican Party! Glad you took the cowardly way out and quit! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Many years ago I remember the \"Bradford experiment\" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#USA #UK and probably #Europe and #Australia With their level of intelligence? Weez all stoopid y'all! #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Celebrities ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tell that hoe I dont want you bitch I'm done ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I think she is a hypocrite and loyal to the evil GOP. Vote her out. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user are you nearly there yet? @user we're waiting to hear if you've reached your 10 millionth visitor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why the fuck do you cover American politics more than Canadian politics? @user is a fucking disgrace. Report news. All news. Not just the stuff that makes conservatives look bad and ignore the stuff that makes liberals look bad. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not a word on Jihadi stream about the Kurdish female suicide bomber in Kobane. That story undermines their mythology on several levels.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've noticed that our high level of gun ownership has done nothing to protect the 1st or 4th Amendments.\u00a0 Of course our right to free association disappeared in 1964.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany hoping for a breakthrough in migration talks with Italy and Greece ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Awesome Agree Yeah man Preach Wait... what did i just read? Oh shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One note: Always respect your weapon. I learned this at the age of 13 when I was back in Canada in the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. I've fired pistols, rifles, machine guns in the Canadian Forces, so I feel totally confident in my ability to use a handgun if my life, or my wife's, is in danger. I'm getting her first handgun soon. :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@gofakeyourselfM @kirstiealley HORRIBLE KAMALA WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT !!!! NEITHER WILL SLOW CREEPY JOE !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love for miniatures #alcohol #miniature #collection #suchbeauty \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Think they would be promoting this if it was Swedish men who were going to get fucked by the muslim trash. These countries are sacrificing their women to evil why don't the Swedish men be the ones that need to fuck these savages and raise the children as their own. What no takers..then you are evil.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I tell the baddest bitch around.. Hoe you look like Tory Lanez jump shot.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm an 18 year old gay driving through the back roads of redneck Virginia blasting Cheetah Girls. If that doesn't scream sitcom, what does?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Truthfully every time I log in here the place just seems harder and harder to squeeze good content out of.\u00a0 I really want to be able to ditch Twitter and Facebook but navigating through the chaos of Gab even to find people I know irl is just insane.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So as per new promo it will be Maulis journey so you are making her as a shield because she is the saving grace left the leads less said better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Every woman deserves a BIG DICK! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Because he is a liberal. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why is this relevant whatsoever? Might as well let us know when someone has a pack of smokes or a 6 pack of beer in the fridge too while you dipshits are at itTabloid garbage ffs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user NO REAL AMERICAN WOULD WATCH THIS CRAP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user It\u2019s called educating liberals. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rainy day lessons... #stressless #betterlife #massage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes I saw this and I will say tapper kept basket her and she kept coming back with stupid answers And he finally gave up I don\u2019t think he is a big fan of her policies he\u2019s not that stupid please ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks for the follow @EmilyHealth! Your name looks like it's of Croatian heritage! Is that right?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The irony is so deep I may get drunk on it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you low life scum, pathetic, deprave, pile of shit, maggots. like i said that brainless skank bitch should've died\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Communists: Liberals get the bullet, too.\"\" Me: \"\"Wow f*ck you!\"\" Communists: \"\"You are excluding instead of unifying.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SAYS WHO? U DESPERATE LIBERALS? UR DIRTY TRICKS AINT GONNA WORK KAVANAUGH WILL BE CONFIRMED #GINSBERGISNEXT \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 let's go to the victory \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6 #sunday#wecanbeheroes \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd #spfc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and the night belong to us ! #summer#mood #love #greece #mykonos\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My grandma is an immigrant from mexico, thats right I'm not all white, so Im pro immigrant but I dont encourage anyone to move here. Mental illness is a prerequisite and if you dont have it our government will give it to you by force. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yea Jeff should go. Antifa is a terrorist organization","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just found out that the only woman the apprentice has kissed in his life is his mom. Signing that cunt up to #undateables ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What happened to Flash? I hope he is healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one of my beloved long lost cds, now recovered thanks to apple music. ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why whore when you could cookie? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #EnemyCombatants should be used by @user to stop them from aiding and abetting Terrorist-but DOJ spends 24\/7 spying instead in innocent Trump & WTP for winning!! ##IllegalAliens endanger our children & schools. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They got David taking out the trash 😂😂😂😂","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when i don't want to do, or go don't pressurise me. it makes me feel #annoyed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting for @user is an understatement! #bihdaypresent ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On today\u2019s episode of women will trade their self respect in for the dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now THIS is cultural appropriation and racism at its finest. Nancy Pelosi said her grandson \u201cwishes he had brown skin and brown eyes. That\u2019s so beautiful!\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then no need to even buy your products, no biggie, love our Trump period @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You're a piece of shit for saying that FEMA was successful in helping Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. 3000 people died. You think that's successful? You really have no soul. You're a fucking horrible human being. I don't even think you're human. FUCK YOU!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He's just mad because of the POS that he is couldn't do crap except divide this country.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ep 1 1:01:19 already with the unnecessary pathetic arm grab... this whole scene is so unnecessarily emotional... if she says no, y r u getting involved... last night u were all \"stay out of my life\"...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this is why she is a former\"\" diplomat.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"girls withholding their children from the father , merely because he no longer wants to have a romantic relationship with you . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user french try to #stone & #kill indians in #quebec! #criminal @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is a blast to watch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DACA Illegal Thanks The U.S ! Threatens ICE online and post 21 pages of how to make Weapons ! End #DACA #SendThemHome #SundayMorning #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #Immigration via @user Michael Lynch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My nosepin slipped off halfway and I had too many questions but I just moderated the panel: \u201cTearing Down The Walls\u201d on immigrant artists and immigrant policies with community organizers in the art space, lawyers, and artists themselves. #immigrantart #immigrantsnyc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If time was not in the essence, we could use the jews' own practices against them. However, we are pressed for time, as we have less than 100 years before all is lost. At this point, I can only see well calculated assassinations of jews from the top, down as the only resort now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"History is written by the victors to hide their crimes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is a lying leftist! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1. This is a local Fox station not the national Fox News broadcast. 2. If you\u2019d follow anyone outside your liberal bubble you would know the vast majority of conservatives are outraged by this too. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The jews are behind it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heck I just realized, 44 yrs ago Today, I Joined The Army......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user GOOD BITCH!!! The hood missed you \ud83d\ude02 crazy thing is i just was saying how em smoke out by your house used to be lit everyday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WH anon says FLOTUS didn't decorate the trees. It was a crew of 'light loafers.' https:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/151285365#p151... #qanon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you finally catch the mutha fucka getting all your favorite IG accounts deleted ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Health & #Nature under threat from #UK #US @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are the poster child for marrying up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fallout 4 mods for the #ps4 #be3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You guys really are hysterical \ud83d\ude02 and not educated. Nice try! #cult ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @_JocelynB: Yu hoes just love to pump fake bout y'all lives on these social networks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"& mines better bitch! You playing with me on twitter like you wasn't fucking the friend. Shady ass hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"j.c penney employee holds customer in headlock wow and they havent responded! #corporatebs #boycottjcpenney","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u0080\u009c5 tips to wiping negativity out of your life.\u00e2\u0080\u009d #success #flourish ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Can publishers do that? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nobody voted for it... But these right wing @user seem desperate to deliver it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Natal German settlers in South Africa: 1848:\u00a0\u00a0The initial years were a struggle for the German settlers who had settled in South Africa, but gradually, with hard work, conditions improved. After about 10 years most had prospered and had been able to take ownership of their lands.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good #immigrant defintion \u2b07\ufe0f- I'm not winning Olympic gold medals or winning baking competition, will I ever fit in? \/\/ post #Brexit struggle... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He just doesn\u2019t fit the team now. Agholor should stay in the slot because that\u2019s where he is successful. JMatt is not an outside threat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when the #sisterinlaw gets #frustrated. women have to encounter. #idiots. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"READY now LIVE STREAM today, Thursday, June 28, at 5:00 pm ET (IN 15 MINUTES) on my YouTube channel https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/live_dashboard ROSENSTEIN & WRAY at House Judiciary; HARD-LEFT INTOLERANCE goes VIOLENT; @realDonaldTrump to replace Justice Kennedy before mid-terms SUBSCRIBE - RETWEET","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Mhmmm pinning you down by your throat and taking hard strikes in and out....your pussy stretched round my cock... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"55-YO UP Woman Sells Portion of Her Own House to Rebuild Road In Village! - The Better India URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and don't have? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user thanks for the recent follow @user @user @user #grateful to connect :) sunday.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Only Trump could get Liberals to scream bloody hell at open transparency. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ask the black Panthers whent well thrill Milford act. ask why the first gun control listed niggers could not touch guns under penalty of death. Also glad you can see that all the gun control has never been for reduction of violence it's about enforcing tyranny URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at these lads faces they mean business #joshuabreazeale this time this week all happening #youready ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know this. Didn't know the GM thing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I love women like you. We believe all women. Excluding one woman. Soon-Yi is 48 years old. She is an adult. But such a reaction is very significant. It means hypocrisy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey, i saw that you're a fitness fan, so i invite u to see my ios app, it's known as mytraining on apple ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was a solider, it I sort of a right of passage to get a tattoo. It is symbolism of your tolerance for pain. Weak pussies would not know.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i hope u all know about human\/sex trafficking going on in usa and worldwide. next time someone offers u lots of money \/ luxury and then u get in car , u may never come back home. but end up a sex slave to someone in the Mideast in their palace far far away. they like blondes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I was president I would- introduce revocation of citizenship bills- voter I.D. executive order- border wall- do \"merit based\" pro white immigration- more pro life policies to increase white birthrates- take away LGBT degeneracy rights- term limits- segregate america ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this eid is surely gonna be in a roller coaster ride... n best wishes.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"deadline day! @user is working on final zone, while @user cries inside, stuck at the day job a few more hours #indiedev ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Scary a.f.\u00a0 https:\/\/youtu.be\/vjSohj-Iclc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He will lose his entire career?? You people are despicable. I know you do not believe in god but hell will be filled with liberals like you and Dianne ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome home Mr. President! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]You are loved... by MILLIONS[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]and they're ready to save the nation with you...[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]November 3, 2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020NowMoreThanEver #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I can't believe Luigi fucking died \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude29\u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You miss the point, toady. Train, equip, watch for opportunities, strike when strategically advantageous. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So in the past 48 hours I've gone from cleaning howtos to Radfem stuff to crazy brides\/wedding stuff. Sigh I just wanted to laugh at ridiculous people.Hopeful this doesn't last as long as my 9\/11 conspiracy\/info\/media thing.At least it wasn't wikapedia...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I hope he gets on twitter so I can tell him how amazing he is. \u2764\ud83d\ude04 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Diane, how are you doing? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"round 3 fathers day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OKAYYY NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT u lil cunt ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER For lying? How much is the DNC\/Soros\/Antifa paying her? How\u2019s your Chinese spy doing?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Andre cury earned 6 million from Neymar's transfer to PSG.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"time for an escape from everyday life and to enjoy a film i've been waiting years to see #warcraftmovie #fan @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the media show is hysterical. Journalist ' Women can be predators too' Presenter - 'isn't that blaming the victim?' Emmmmmmm no ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/2018\/04\/21\/trump-has-constitutional-authority-to-fire-mueller-heres-why.amp.html ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN's Bakari Sellers: Kanye West Is What Happens When Negroes Don't Read -- Candice Owens @RealCandaceO Offers $100,000 for Debate (VIDEO) Looks like the \"identity politics\" isn't going to work anymore for democrats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1.\u00a0SNOWDEN We thought he was in Russia. Was he? What if he has been in Vietnam all of this time? What if he crossed the border into China? Specifically, what if he entered China via the waterfalls in Ban-Goc? The \"Spartans of Darkness\" know. https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/971000968513978368.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"👋 hi-ho http:\/\/t.co\/FiC4FnRutZ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Money better spent on American Mental Health or gun control Sandy hook Vegas Concert Theater Shooting Church in Sunny Springs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BS still boycotting NFL. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey Jimmy @user The View had Norm on. THE VIEW!!!!! You're sad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the temptation to blame everything on a scapegoat is too strong to resist. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you Don Jr! You are absolutely correct! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What I find bizarre about the Correspondents Dinner 2018 is that White House staff could have organized a couple of right-wing comedians to appear on it and have a go at the left-wing liberal scum gathered in the room. What is this pussyfooting with leftists all about? Fuck them, the perverts that they are! mock them at any opportunity, that's what I say.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what did we learn by Greenland leaving the EU no immigration no rapes , violence , or meddling fools imposing rules ,brave 2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Trump call them very find people so lets talk about groups like Antifa and black life matter people that has form to fight hate groups y\u2019all would like to apply some type of moral equivalency to hate groups and them just like ICE was form to stop illegal immigrants we luv them","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my bitch prettier than all you hoes. stay out my inbox ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" ramadhan \/\\gresive lover's \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 [pic] \u00e2\u0080\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"journalism should be done impaially and without personal bias. unfounately, many seem to lack that capacity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new #trending #gif on @user , animals, dog, smiling, blinking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":",@user wait just a minute. nobody told me i'm supposed 2 hate #sex. #catholic #wife can i just fake hating it? fakeittilyamakeit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She\u2019s not acc drunk she\u2019s just v tired and took sleeping pills so she is being silly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why don't liberals understand that an allegation of drunk teenagers who don't have sex is not a federal crime? Golly Moses- What is wrong with those people? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have the physical body you've always wanted! - http:\/\/www.dietfoodprograms.com\/totalgym\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Angel Families Hold Rally to Combat Illegal Immigration. #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beach day \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab #selfie #beach #love #boyfriend #couple #bulgaria @ nesebar beach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They should change the name to GoFuckMe...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm frothing over all of it so far.. \ud83e\udd24\ud83e\udd24 ..the goodest shit. \ud83d\ude0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They represent their constituency proudly !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"..a broader phenomenon: the reemergence of #race #science in #american intellectual discourse\" #cityjournal","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Logged on to see notifications.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Pssst. Your father in law has a criminal history from his country of origin that would've disqualified him for citizenship. When you're kicked out of our WH we'll send him back w\/his chain migrated wife & that racist skank that pretends t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trudeau and Liberals are incompetent to handle it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@venusdemilotic @JoelJerseyGuy @WSJ The flu kills more people and we never had to wear a mask before. Go back into hiding. If you are concerned then you wear the mask and stay away from someone without one just that simple. A bunch of political BS #NoMask #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This childless devil is not fit to be pm anyway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BlueWaveIsComing? But it's a Blue wave of #corruption #LiesLiesLies #openborders #IllegalAliens #Censorship Just #WalkAway from #DemocraticSocialism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We were inside the train car when I started to cry. You were crying too, smiling and crying in a way that made me even more hysterical. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the cold war was fought over oil. #teambts #teamsuperjunior \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Y'all say 'slut' and 'whore' like its a bad word... I say that shit cause I'm attracted to a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"am bacccccck! #bihay #2pac #back #live#life#actively#backworkout #fitnessfreak\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm heabroken! i can't get starlink for my brz. should have bought it a year later. #subaru #brz ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Contacting someone employer to get them fired because of their spouses opinions really is stalking. #ThomasMix approves...after all he and NicoleBonnet1 were all about contacting my church and harassing my husband. They even posted his bossiness number to encourage people to call him about my \"hate!\"\u00a0 of course the number went to the backroom of my house.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what an awful, mean world we live in! #scaredfohefuture","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wherever they arrive #Muslim migrants bring destruction, unrest, fear & crime!So why do we keep taking them in?#Spanish people may have voted in a socialist government but surely they haven't voted for their own demiseVote the gov down, fight back or accept being conquered ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bono... who cares. Soon people will understand that they gain nothing from following a phony celebrity. Become a Leader of your people instead or help and support your fellow countrymen.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"call me that sht 2 my face. wats ur actual name or no reply","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That never would happen had not they are taking notes from American Liberals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The internet is a tool for self education, the BBC is a tool for government indoctrination.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @GHGGuru: Ninety percent of the lifetime feed intake of grain-finished beef cattle is not grain that potentially could be eaten by people \u2014 it\u2019s whole plants such as grass and plant based leftovers (@drsplace).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this gave me fucking heart palpitations i'm shaking as i type this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yessss chrishon \u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"flashback to freshman year \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 & to whoever still has this video, youza creep ass bitch\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cameron is a coward he attacks the poor yet again because of immigration the numbers don't add up we need to get out now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gloomy morning on the Milwaukee Riverwalk.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \u201cthe sex symbol of rap\u201d LMAOOO BITCH YOUre FAT aS FUCK ANYWAYS you tryna fight?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While Sadiq Khan virtue signals, young Londoners are dying. It is an utter failure of his duty as Mayor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when u can't afford to go to toulouse ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user continues our look into government spending. Part II is focused on funding announcements made in battleground Quebec over the summer #cdnpoli ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's fine, but they were about to take their ranch and not give them a penny for it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Muslim migrants terrorizing Swedish people, including the elderly people who stand on their way - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There is a worse gang then MS 13 and thier based out of DC... what has he done about people assulting Trump supporters? Antifa surley has broken people civil rights...he gone Trump can and will fire him ..mater if time. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just ordered @user first ever thong also ordered some other things while i was on there ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Naaa. I've spent 24 hours laughing my huge nuts off at your stupidity. You fink your some kind of entity but your all a bunch of scared antifa PUSSIES wiv no muscle to see anyone you try to bully. Even that is pathetic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I like chilling with women that like women that like men that don\u2019t act like bitch ass niggas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ... how would you promote ... hitting on women ... condoning assault ... & #terrorism ... #wars and\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last few weeks have been pretty star-studded meeting the @user @user and @user for filming. #perksofthejob ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That shit weird! Lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user So many issues facing Australian voters but the single obsession of Australian Conservatives is bullying transgender children... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stringfellow Hawke Helicopter Nationalist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The new book burning... #Leftists #DNC #DeepState #EnoughIsEnough","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/4 I read the NYT article on the Intellectual Darkweb. Essentially people who in a less progressive age might find a home in academia or the MSM, but still find an outlet and legions of followers on a dark corner of the Hackersphere called YouTube. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user condemn Antifa for attacking peaceful protesters..there was once a time that Joe Biden was viewed as someone who could be a bridge builder but you succumbed and caved to the evil ways of the Demon-crats and went over to the Dark Side..what would your son think. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb #beachlife #beachbar#sea#sun#love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberals have destroyed #California just like they are attempting to do to the rest of the country. #Radicals don't belong in any area of our governments. Grown ups belong there. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Or he is part of the fraud they pulled together. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user She knew conservatives would destroy her world. She\u2019d hoped to remain anonymous. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ProtonMail? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Unless you are @user your knee will not be the same ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To feel at home in a place, you have to have some prospect of staying there. Wendell Berry #missionarylife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We have nothing to lose in dumping rump asap. He is a menace. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Thank you my lovely! You are beautiful too \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I have a big cock, doubt you can say the same ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i think its the hope for her abuser to get better that hits me. she is SO brave and strong to say she prays for him to see the light.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When Hell is full the dead will walk the earth.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" just more overwhelming evidence that the company #trump keeps echoes his sentiments & ideals #dumptrump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From a land that use to proudly sing the Hymn Jerusalem to Lucifer's open destruction.\u00a0 What a mess England has become.\u00a0 (The Light wins in the end, though) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MKRHWT6xdEU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Atlantic takes a close look at how programmes for refugees in America are changing for the worse under President Trump's administration. #USA #world #Refugees #RefugeesWelcome #refugeesNOTwelcome #symmitree #4change ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"David Lammy ranting about crime in london being all about 'eastern European gangs' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#carriefisher was a #feminist, fighting & #ageism in #hollywood with her #pen, her #acting, her #talent & h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dana it all has to do with politics Feinstein her number one goal is gun control. Just look at California track record he\u2019s going to get confirmed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a knucklehead. He is not making good decisions.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i think she is lying","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More than likely she forgot because her mental capacity is dropping each and everyday. This woman is not fit to serve any longer just like she said Trump was not. Remember she is part of the problems and not a solution at all. MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Of course Swalwell and pencil neck will probably go into hiding like all liberals do when their BUSTED.... Melt down liberal left...love watching it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday greeting from my son tristan. it's the small things fill our lives with\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"purple style by @user #weekend #instamoda #instadaily #instafashion #instalike\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over #SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A big Thank you\" to all these stupid celebrities. Events like this will only serve to help Republicans in 2018 and 2020 elections. #MAGA @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist. BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Turns out I can you trick ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They\u2019re Naming Names in Britain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"90 days to my first race #rio2016 #gocanada #motivated #dedicated #fit @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y'all suck on flappy bird","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And enough women make false rape accusations against men for us not to trust you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You really can\u2019t make this shit up \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/7uM0qENaPW","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How coffee grounds turned firewood could be a lifeline for refugees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He did a damn fine the first year, excited for the next 7. #KeepWinning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER then you are a fool too","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Dolt. You\u2019ve become another nail for Hammer Trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I thought that I could not dislike anyone more than your father but I was wrong. You are even more PATHETIC than he is. Your children must be so proud to have a father who behaves like you. Tick tock.... #MuellerIsComingForYouToo #PatheticLittleManJr ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER yes we are ..the democrats no longer care bout the constitutional laws or the us citizens..their new pets are illegals drug dealers murdersers thieves rapists muslims antifa the lgbtq and anybody who hates america..theyre batshit crazy!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are a KUNT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"John Kerry Should be Made to Answer for His Meetings in Iran\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is HORRIBLE. #WakeUp #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MakeAmericaAmericaAgain JOHN JAMES FOR #Senate !!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user cameras roll next month!!! #ajewinutah #indie #dreams #wow #toomanyhashtags","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The glory of God brings light to the righteous & darkness to the wicked. If you would have light, don't look to the sages of India, China, or Rome, but to the Holy One of Israel. There is no light in the world but what shines from Jerusalem. #Yeshua Isaiah 60:1-16","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"of OpenBorders\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Greek police arrest 8 migrants (6 Afghans, 2 Pakistani) for killing migrant.What awaits Europe? Why expose Europeans to multicult madness? Afghans? Many come from violent cultures, bringing \u201ctribal clashes\u201d w-them.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Well they will start banishing all acct's for promoting FB gave @user Brandon a 30 day z-jail time. I'm sure tomorrow Apple\/Jacks will do it too. Let's all just do it and see how many conservatives & #WalkAwayMarch er's they shut down.poof FB begone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user et tu brute? #principleoverpay #wontvoteclintoncorruption now you are #complicitincorruption ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Please stop calling the losers \u201cElite\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user About 20 of them Motherfuckers \u203c\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THEN JUST WHY ARE THOSE COMMUNIST B@$TARDS CENSORING EVERYONE?![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Twitter, Facebook CEOs Say There Is No Evidence of \u2018Russian Disinformation\u2019 on Biden Emails https:\/\/t.co\/akHSIeqMio[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]Download our app to read more for free at https:\/\/t.co\/Yxs5CTaMm1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ehhh nah the way you milked your dad isn't gonna work on me. i recommend you do your kegels to tighten up that grand canyon pussy if you want to make me cum. and yes you are to keep your heels on, since everyone knows the bottom of your feet looks like the sidewalk in time square","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user the real and #antisemites are @user and the #progressive minions, not freedom lo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PolitiFact Florida: Bill Nelson claims detained immigrant parents charged $8\/minute to call their children. Is it true? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are not welcome","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good!!! This will surely show us how croocked he is. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user .@user #terrible #service not how a company conducts itself if it wants respect & #disappointed-3rd time u've\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She probably did not think it would get this far. I hope the little sleaze does not go to the hearing and I hope if she does that they will prove what a liar conniving witch she and the rest of the Liberals are.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dreamers protest on Capitol Hill on DACA deadline day - ABC News - via @user Aliens make 'demands' on their host country!#NoAmnesty #EndDaca ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a coward. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not really. Gun control limits one capability to personally safety. It makes it even harder for good people to buy guns legally. It will even make it hard for women to obtain guns for self defense. Just keep a simple background check system we already have. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Sardonic you and I both. I dream of a series of interconnected semi off grid yurts heated walkthrough tubes to get from yurt to yurt a place for some arcade cabinets a room to paint with a tv and stereo system a main room tv and bedroom a seperate yurt for laundry seperare one for cooking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER she is not a Republican... by any means....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Foolish Why because some #idiots are doing whatever they can to sabotage him and @user ? Liberals are acting completely immoral and have no respect for those millions of legal voters who voted for @user #LetsGovern ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'But you yourself do not wish to be a general or senator or consul, but a free man: and there is only one way to this, to care not for the things which are not in your power.' Epictetus #stoic #stoicism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I cant believe you havent blocked that slimy skank yet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No they shouldn't. #NoDACA, #NoAmnesty.Dreamers could be allowed to apply for legal migration once deported without being penalized for their deportation. Fine. But no amnesty for anyone who's an illegal. The days ignoring illegal immigration are over. Stop it.#BuildTheWall. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Aye nigga\ud83d\udc40 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She's getting more and more annoying after getting more followers. Hysterical over petty stuff. She slowly becomes the kind of feminist she's against in the beginning.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"night guys, cool day with all the zelda and ffxv footage, but tomorrow i must study for an exam on thursday. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER There r 65 million that can sign to the affect that they didn't vote for an asshole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no a hate crime or a terror attack. even though he killed her dur to holding different beliefs. #jocox ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don't care what they think, but we do care what they do which is destroying our Great Nation.\u00a0 Their immorality - sodomy, pedophilia, witchcraft, etc.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed - Jack is dirty - take him down","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Each month, we provide food vouchers to our beneficiaries. Food vouchers give refugees some independence and a feeling of control, as they can choose their own groceries. Families who receive food vouchers say that they feel more dignity, as they won't have to accept handouts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"' y'all ain't shit ' first of all , Idk why u think u some new bitch lmao u still that same old whore no one likes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@CarterLear is a bitch who wants a Halloween care pack because this skank doesnt appreciate me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pretty sure @Millwood16\u200d\u00a0 [Jan]\u00a0 can help you...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch stfu w the twitter fingers & step to me in real life hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/VFXhWNOrrl Yep, yep it was the damn Dems in cahoots with the Chinese. This reconfirms what we all knew, MAGA Troglodytes are as ignorant as it gets. They're huddling with the Proud Boys & the QAnon idiots planning a counter attack. Please God #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#peppa pig #ice cream #finger family @user ol #elsa #mickey #a nur...o ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Great job dirty Don ... you throw the best #SuperSpreaderEvent s! With 5+ Weeks left until the election, just think how many of your base could be hospitalized or dead by Nov 3. #HeDoesntCareAboutYou. He'll probably ask you to vote early! #VoteHimOut #Vote #Biden2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Please stick to Bakersfield issues and resign from House Leadership. You are illiterate in economics and the Constitution and take too many bribes! #NoSpeakerMcCarthy I\u2019m for @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well,these sewer rats don't take a cent from me,....i don't use to watch \"football\",......but now,i hate it! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Instead of MAPs they should refer to themselves as SCUM...seems to fit better.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GOOGLE, OBAMA PLAN TO CONTROL NEWS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @10thAmendment: Jihadi Killed #BrendanTevlin In N.J. W\/ At Least 2 Others,Part Of Terrorist Ring 10 Yrs Ago http:\/\/t.co\/qZtXJv9x8J http…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@atrupar Barrett never met Trump.... she doesn\u2019t know who he is... sound familiar???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is better than all this shit. She is better than anything. \u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 460,000 new homes ? That will just about accommodate the new immigrants arriving over next 2 years .waste of time building for immigrants. @user #SkyNews @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The g\/f had that statement read to the press, in it she said Paddock found a cheap airline ticket to Phillipines and bought it for her. I wondered why a multi-millionaire that was planning a terror attack & would most likely die would care about a 'cheap' ticket.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user so it really is #realbeauty #iamchoosinglove #joytrain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What exactly is it about Willy that anyone with half a brain would consider conservative? The guy is literally a poster child for Liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/PrrskknqRv\" love frat boy w\/ soft long soles","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Victim gets the last laugh winning case to punish porn posting pig of exboyfriend. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TFW you realize that everyone in @SenateGOP would definitely smile & applaud if Trump decided to overstay his welcome.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/tIH9v0Gblx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These people just kill me w\/their trying to make sense!! And that look on her face!!! LOL \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love the way this pisses off liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER OF COURSE HE IS! THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATE PARTY IS AT STAKE! #MAGA #WWG1WGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Seen 'em at the State Fair several times \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc36\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER yes she is!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eric pay your taxes and go straight to jail. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That solidarity with Israel\"\" banner photo of \"\"Antideutsch\"\" infiltrators was originally used in an online mag Bunker which has connections to fashy pro-\u017di\u017eek types from the 8chan \/leftypol\/ board. It's a go-to image for the \"\"anti-antifa\"\" crowd. Archived: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#thanks to all those #dead #white #dudes from #europe. ain't a #nigga in da #list. blm #rapechucktodd\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when I have time I will put all the bits together for u lazy fucks who support a pedo who abandoned his kid cause of his paranoia and now dumb cunts like you believe a pedo cop \"took his first born\" unless you've heard his claims it was the Australian gov that made her leave him.... lolololol NONE of you are actually Truthers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm ready to head out for the day \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #ladyinred ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch eat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That is the Cleanest those PIG FUCKERS haave been in Years..#SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What to do when you find queen and drone cells at the end of August? :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The amount of #Jew hatred that I see on #Gab makes me question why I don't see it that way myself. Here's a thought... If #Jews are responsible for what people here claim, the blame is still ours for being weak minded enough to have let it happen. Anger at Jews instead of ourselves is similar to #blacks being angry at #whites instead of taking #responsibility, no?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gluten free beers, snacks and footie all the way tonight #hungry","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another reason why we need Nehlen's free speech law.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Who\u2019s talking sense @USER or @USER @USER I\u2019ll follow the industry expert as should @USER #listentoindustry","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hi @user Is there a way to get the ladies to stop shouting out during the hearing? It's having the opposite of the desired effect. I love the silent handmaids. But screaming hysterical women is just insulting to the cause. Maybe they can hold up signs instead? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He's been trashing all along even to our allies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so all i do now is hook big brown trout...then lose them. this one was salmon sized #whiteriver #arkansas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL knew Jeremy_Hunt had such language skills \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5 You'll want your sound on \ud83d\udd0a URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall more jobs than workers\/Guest Worker Prg Needed- support #everify #savesmallbusinesses #stophiringillegals #saveh2b @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user daddy est. 1997 father's day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tf yall hoes so mad bc a bitch in harm's way everyday for ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s all liberals have. They are truly vile. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Whereas you are almost a year late in trying to demonstrate you give a toss about women\u2019s rights + needs under the law. You are a disgrace + an embarrassment to #Keele + the legal profession Alex. Prioritising the rights of sexual predators over their victims damages us > URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Learn about resisting & responding to raids by immigration enforcement at the workshop we\u2019re hosting with @user at @user on Tuesday 17 July. It\u2019ll be facilitated with clear communication and accessible language in mind, not jargon. \u00f0\u0178\u2014\u00a3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The cops of today are being demonised in order to justify these cops of Tomorrow. NWO methodology isn't that difficult to figure out!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user f*** this \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba government that deliberately toures #refugees. we just had a coronial inquest into #hamid's death & busi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ~ a friend of both myself and your father. So she is safe to talk to.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"26 female immigrant and refugee students, speaking five different languages, are enrolled in this coding studies program #GirlsInTech ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You work at FedEx with Angie\u2019s, soon to be ex husband, Christopher Hutchins? Leave the detective work to the big kids you cunt. @Grock\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user We can stop mass shootings with out gun control but look at the mental health issues First just saying. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Feminists have been stigmatized as hysterical women for a long time' Olga Marin, FARC #GVAPeaceWeek ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @zachthorpe78: \"the trash generation\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see she giving the Nazi salute?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Haha yeah funny communists liberals destroying USA want USA2 like Venezuela China north korea perhaps why not just move2 your perfect country instead of desperately trying 2destroy the USA that my Founding Fathers fought died 4 our Freedom! Shed blood for ungrateful communists!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i've had these experiences in europe as an american. is alive and unwell.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user summer she'll necklace by #alicrytrinkets #beautiful #thegoodlife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mike Rogers (con't) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Burritos are trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".\u2066@USER is pledging more than $1 million to support nonprofits and youth activists working to end gun violence. They\u2019re also partnering with Michael Bloomberg to help create a coalition of business leaders who support gun control measures. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Good Arrest them all! Arrest the crazy NDP leader @USER as well. She is Having her lil minions take a fall for her! She planned this! Will she be paying their Legal fees? I think not! The immaturity level of this goverment party is disgusting!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So am I the only cracker up playing his guitar (thank you @Tampa_Rick ) on this Saturday night?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Antifa #AntiFreedomFighters #Antifrees #NaziLeft #AntiAntifa #AntifaTerrorists #AntiWhite #WhitePeople #WhiteGenocide #WhiteMen #WhiteAmerica #ItsOkayToBeWhite #ItsOKtobeWhite #WhitePride #WhiteIdentity #FreeSpeech #StopWhiteGenocide #StopTheInvasion #RedWaveRising2018 #RedWave ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No he didn't. He said I'm sure there is fine people on both sides. Do you disagree with that or are you one of those far left people who think all conservatives are racists. Antifa is a terror group that uses violence against innocent people who think differently. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user AntiChrist. The Roman Catholic Church is a House of demons. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Prime example as to why we can't have anymore liberals in our government. They don't want to nor do they know our Constitution. They prefer to dictate and be superior than Americans. Their hate for our Republic is brazen and we need to keep them out. #VoteThemAllOut","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and in a not so stunning response plan to nominate #muslimbrotherhood member @user to lead their pay.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #MAGA Durbin must have participated in the Tesla podcast to think Huessein\u2019s administration was scandal free. Durbin thinks gun control works in Chicago also. #2A #rahmemanuel #ChicagoPD @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump to release legislative framework on immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am extremely sad to have to admit that some of the best 21st century Arabic rhymes have been written by Jihadis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@deepblu\u00a0I see you've discovered Gab's flat earthers. My condolences.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is the democrat party in the throws of panic. They want violence so Trumps America is not quite so successful. I suggest to all the little antifa kids out there..do not do it. It will be regrettable.. immediately.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The Stinking media says Antifa and Code Pink are black radicals...every one I ever saw was a Racist White Democrat and they blame their violence on blacks.....bad stuff","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"presumption: 1- An assumption that is taken for granted 2- (law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved, admitted or judicially noticed Just to be clear it means Innocence should be taken for granted, until proven guilty! Libshits been walking around with a hangmans noose since that slut's letter first appeared!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"put on ur #summer #playlist #itunes #spotify @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald Trump is going to lose in Florida along with a load of other state's, I really hope that Joe Biden becomes president with Kamala Harris as vice President and I don't even live in America I'm a Scot living in Scotland.\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why Can't we Post a Picture, then ALSO do a POLL at the same time?\u00a0 is this a glitch?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user There was a vote and everything! #SendThemHome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We get shit transported from Africa niggas told me they seen venomous snakes Iguanas a beetle the size of a car tire lmaoooo \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f all kinds of shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hope you're also spending energy focusing on #antifa and the endless attacks on conservative citizens, cops, journalists, their destruction of property and the strange phenominon of journalists\" ignoring them? Just kidding. Not like you're a real journalist\/documentarian.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why am i not surprised a murderer got endorsed by our president. this is so screwed up. what happened to america? #killary","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She has become a parody unto herself? She has certainly taken some heat for being such an....well idiot. Could be optic too Who know with Liberals They're all optics. No substance","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user how would your day not b incredibly brightened by seeing these #smiling #flowers? #nature @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"emma stone on hollywood : \"they've given my jokes away to male co-stars\" via\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Congrats Naomi! U deserved to win. U showed true sportsmanship during Serena\u2019s meltdown. I would like to apologize for her behavior. What an embarrassment for the US. She should have been ejected for arguing with the side chair. She thinks she is superior but she\u2019s not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What they fail to realize is that if even 10% of Trump supporters decide to use force to protest like the lunatic left does now it will be like White Sleeves and Antifa soy boy. They really do not want to keep up this level of rhetoric.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tomorrow is looking good for photo oppounities....watch this space #photography #pictureperfect","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you. It was an honor to serve.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? Trick question, feminists can't change anything ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another negative Democrat who refuses to disappear!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Previously Deported Serial Child Molester Re-Arrested In Arizona @user This is an everyday occurrence!#NoDACADeal#BuildTheWall #KeepAmericansSafe#ProtectOurChildren#DeportThemAll There are far too many depraved Illegal Aliens to weed out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Lindsey... Sean Hannity talks to an echo chamber simply to hear himself. He is not a journalist but a news pundit with his own weird conspiratorial agenda supported by well crafted partial facts aimed at a very narrow audience. He really is a laughable fool for Trump.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gym time #health hour#fun#goals#takecare#myself","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't be fooled by Boris This is the man who is pro mass immigration & called for an Amnesty for illegals The Mogg is the best of a bad bunch for PM & he will cut foreign aid","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @chelseaxlaser: I really need to take my rose colored glasses off though. I gotta stop thinking everybody does shit with good intentions…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jew's killed Kennedy, killed jesus nearly 2000 years. I would give up if I was you. Hitler was the chance you had and fucked it due to drugs and smashing himmler back doors in . And adolf wasn't even German. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#gandu #bollywood #cutiyapa #gali #swearing #idiot bird #pagal #india... (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user coming from and #powerhungrytraitors. the #hereticfoundation!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you literally told me that you thought I was being \u201ca fake nice bitch\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#selfie#beforheadingout#felford#bestfriendever#loveher # @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Patreon banned mine a year ago because the title was \"Help me fight jews and eat Pizza\" \"By donating to my patreon I can continue to fight jews and buy pizza which will be used to fuel my hate.\" I only earned $100 with it. :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they cannot al be perfect 3.7\/4! my photo's just been accepted by @user & it's now for sale on @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Abortion has always been available to those with the money to take care of the problem.\" A matter of conscience only seems to matter when convenient for #GotOurPiece Party: A conscience clearly absent when it comes to gun control.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beto the clown who supports the kneeling NFL thugs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"creative just sent to @user for #thebigscreen @user this weekend! cheers!\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#CommonQuestionIGet\n\nWhy uou so ghetto?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER WTH Dude!!! Seriously..... you are going to CRITIQUE THIS?!? Take your sorry liberal self to an Antifa protest","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MGTOW is the premise that men should demand unconditional surrender from women, not negotiate with them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @5SOS: It's the best thing ever driving past crowds of people at shows and seeing bandannas coloured hair 5sos shirts that you've made o…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user same i just want to win so i can finally have a good pc and shit post in full body in vrc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@asiahh__ nah I replied to you like I did to literally everyone else who called it trash... Go and check if you don't believe me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER LIAR!!!!.... see Clarence Thomas confirmation.... this was never about the lie!..it was always a delay tactic...nothing more...disgusting liberals and the Game they call 'politics'","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u201cLet\u2019s just say she is the most selfish writer I\u2019ve ever come to know.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bill I do not consider Democrats as Americans. Our Constitution does not mean anything to them. Most of them are uncultured uneducated and violent like Antifa. Some have already declared Judge Kavanaugh Guilty of Rape.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoi, fai moke hau!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user sunny sunday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #maraton #runner #running #traveler #zipaquira #bogotadc #colombia\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*after BO1 RT @TheGodWriter_: @iDocLyfe Bruh lol I retired after mw2 because everything was trash afterwards.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just another ghetto trash black bastard who think we care what he thinks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"54 concert goers massacred in Fort Worth with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Happy birthday sweetie!!! Hope your day is as awesome as you are!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RGB had been holding on for our Democracy. Let\u2019s make her proud! #OneNationUnderGod #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/o5XPMmtQud","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"AWWWW DAMN! I got the message too late :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oops! carl paladino didn't mean to publicly post racist comments... #blm #youngturks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The idea that we HAVE to believe someone who claims to be a victim because to question them is to \"victim-shame\" is laughable. Look at what is transpiring at the #Kavanaugh hearing today. A woman continuously destroys her own credibility and the left STILL praises her \"courage\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Love how fat they all are while chowing down on cake and cookies. That's the future liberals want.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we hope she had a blast!!! #trainwiththebest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The @USER is an increasingly Leftist newspaper which might explain the use of weaponised language such as \u2018white supremacist\u2019 to refer to moderate conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* The #FCC's 25\/3Mbps standard is nationwide * 97% of America's land mass is rural * The ROI isn't there for ISPs to deliver 100Mb in rural areas * Want faster Internet speeds? Remove your LOCAL #monopoly: https:\/\/arstechnica.com\/information-technology\/201...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You already know he is \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 and then blown coverages that gave Ole Miss TD ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you @user for lending your heart, your hands, your voice to the plight of refugees. When you return to Memphis, we invite you to join us to meet some of the strong survivors who have been resettled in our beloved city! #memphiswelcomesrefugees #worldrelief ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user pre-crime in germany of all places, did they make them wear badges ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The destruction of #Canada. The RCMP reported the threat 20 yes ago. The liberal government ordered the report destroyed.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We are calling you an operative . Or Shill. And more important a bigot for refusing to apologize for your actions to a woman just because she IS NOT a Scientologist. You won\u2019t even acknowledge what you did or defend or explain it despite how many times it has been asked already?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you have to ask why #WomenSuck you're obviously a woman.... And you suck.... #subtweet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as the smaller hands show, barry probably lied about being why his #knicks game sucked more than his #golf\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It doesn\u2019t matter if Trump didn\u2019t mean anything by \u201cstand back and stand by\u201d. Interpretation is everything and the Proud Boys interpreted that as marching orders.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It also doesn\u2019t matter that he denounced white supremacy a day later... it should\u2019ve been immediate. #Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Because his Islamic faith \"\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"empress regnant a distant prospect for japan despite gender equality law #feminism #equality #asia #news","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KarinaCasallas: LMFAO OH NAH SHE KEEP IT THREE HUNNA\"@catoxx3: @DJZeeti twitpic a selfie if u a ho http:\/\/t.co\/j4RuNFZrtX\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user your comments are reflections of ignorance and @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00b4 \"the deafening silence from anti-racist activists regarding in porn is hard to comprehend.\" @user htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shit is getting real right now, peoples are being murdered left, right and center.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#all i know in this #sad #awfulmoments in this crazy word is hard #staypositive & but #try or #fuckerswin! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my little cousin that is a 1st grader has more game than you !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user covered our petition delivery at the #Pentagon with @user & @user to demand Sec. Mattis STOP kicking immigrant servicemembers out of the military! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Voting against the progressive agenda. That means GOP control of the Senate as a must. Hopefully the house. And conservatives at the local level to keep progressive agenda out of the public schools. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holder should be in prison ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I love you bitchhh I aint never gonna stop loving you.... bitchhhhhh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pleased to say the 1st August issue of Country Life carries my review of Noah Charney's The Museum of Lost Art - a survey of artworks lost or destroyed (and even a few that might never have existed) from the Colossus of Rhodes up to the Bamiyan Buddhas blown up by the Taliban","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump and Amy Coney Barrett...I can already see the leftist tears falling from the SJWs...crying about women and their reproductive rights \ud83e\udd71\ud83e\udd71 #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ralphy boy can kiss my All American Ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A pharaohs nd his angry bird http:\/\/t.co\/jMC2eR32Ka","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is inciting VIOLENCE via Twitter to accounts supporting POTUS. He has made lists to have us targeted by ANTIFA...etc.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user not only am i third wheeling at cold stone right now, but i used a buy one get one free coupon on myself. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Young bitch getter cuff ya hoe before I take ha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 2\/3 of small businesses closed over 8 yrs. #nyc is negatively transforming extremely fast. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What faith?! This is abuse and it's from hell! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bitch if u don\u2019t message him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This Soros guy needs to be investigated. He's been kicked out of other nations & here his name keeps coming up with all these anti-American groups. Finances Antifa. Pays folks to act crazy at Trump events. I know he is against our sovereignty. He hates our Constitutional rights.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER O\u2019Rourke tell us Texas citizens how you feel about law enforcement officers \ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2640\ufe0f. Tell us about your immigration plan. Tell us about your gun control plans. Tell us about your tax plans. If you can\u2019t tell us what your views are you can\u2019t be Senator.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Alex it has been fantastic watching you race this season Love how you pass and how determined you are every race . Thank you","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LeMarquand: ‼️Muslim group slaughters 43 children in Nigerian school, children burned alive, shot & slit throats tried 2escape..\n http:…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user you came to know ur #love paner doing #sex with other then don't become & committee crime against #humanity #un #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Pepper spray needs to free to women in Europe and supplied by the government. #migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 bihday to one of my most dear friends on the entire planet! hope you have a day as wonderful as you\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Friend- how's life treating you? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you need pound your wet cunt untill the slut in the mirror cums .... Post a vid , so you can watch it later ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deception For Power In Media Explained By Sargon Of Akkad, Tim Pool & Luke Rudkowski ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user don't call me a bitch you whore\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mayor Blames Little Girls For #refugee Rapes, Grandpa Makes Him Regret It - #refugees #RefugeesWelcome #IllegalAlien #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at #studio6 where #royals with @user #tyjesus #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ballistic knives are a great weapon for self defense","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"terry bradshaw & george karl: at very least insensitive remarks, at most racist. re: melo and mike tomlin. trump emboldened? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"although it's been a tough few months personally, everything is falling right into place now. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #blessed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#qanda what happen to the predicted fall of Society after SSM. Only the religious conservatives right are the ones running a muck in government.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch you don't deserve a good relationship stop lol nobody on this god damn earth would ever wanna hold ur hoe shit ass down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Neither of you two fu**s are getting out of what you did. The population is not gonna let you two traitors walk. NO DAM DEALS FOR TRAITORS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to think very hard about what we're doing. In the age of thermonuclear weapons, should we let our frustrations get the best of us, their could be severe consequences for the survival of mankind, and millions of other species. We can have pride in the white race, but we have to be pragmatic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Burnating all Yankees and their thatch roof cottages!!!!!! #Astros http:\/\/t.co\/j3dZiwBDt0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Stop saying this shit you are not going to do it shrio you have to fight this depression you can't let it take you half of my life was me hiding my emotions everyone thought I was happy but deep down I wanted to end it all but I didn't let depression beat me I kept fighting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you think the press has reached the peak of madness, then they top it again. What damned morons they are!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 I swear my own sister even called and said bitch you pregnant now hoe know I can't have another one ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes and you can take that kunt Snoop Dogg with him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i guess this comes back to a resources thing & possibly even a confidence thing? should be a cracking game. ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All those adjectives and still forgot 'pedophile' Altered now to be more accurate... probably.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"House rejects conservative immigration bill, delays vote on GOP compromise measure via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the episcopalians beat us on chesteon?!? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why vote for a fake when you can vote conservative. As a general rule, since many democrats run as if they have Republican views, just acknowledge they oppose Trump and will stifle his progress. Opposing Trump means they are for the swamp and want to revive it and against US citizens.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuckin butch ass cunt motherfucker bitch lick my foot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Restricting ammo is infringing upon right to bear arms. How about women can have abortions but restricted to 1-3rd week of pregnancy and must be registered Easy test of gun control laws - apply them to other rights to see if they\u2019d be supported. If not then they are bad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Disgusting! That tells you more than anything that we need law n order and that's conservatives n Kavanaugh!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Latest fake news spin: China withholding flu due to trade tensions.... except this started before the trade restrictions (1 year)... so what we have is the Chinese government being a bunch of dicks and the MSM blaming it on Trump. https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-nz\/news\/world\/china-has-wit...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facebook Quietly Deletes Page Bragging About Influencing Elections http:\/\/bit.ly\/2EnhteU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"..@USER @user 2 of 2 Vote her butt right out of office. #DianeFeinstein is part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Her old ideas and #ClarenceThomas tricks will not work this time. #VoteRed2018 #KAG #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmCoachK #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user GOOD \ud83d\udd95them ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Delusions of grandeur from a jumped-up little squirt.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Yankees Damn you DirectTv blackout the Yankee game. With a freaking WALK OFF! You're killing me satellite douche.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives try to get votes by promoting freedom and getting government out of your lives. Deep state Dems try to get votes by triggering mass shootings and scaring people into voting to have their right to actually defend themselves taken away. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Would you want to be labeled a woman beater for the rest of your life by some crazy skank who\u2019s pissed\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Results of the newest EM drive test(s) are available. Good news for the physicists: No need to rewrite physics. Bad news for the believers: It doesn't appear to work. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rJM6lP9CuSw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judges banish 'anything that might resemble prayer'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#video #lithuania lisa likes cuckold write now! \u00e2\u009c\u0094\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u008f\u00aa #followme # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GUESS WHO ORDERED TO HAVE THE 19 VISAS STAMPED OF THE\u00a0 9\/11","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you a hoe ima treat you like one just like if you're a good girl ima treat you like one. I don't discriminate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a day with #motherlandboyz #sunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #fahersday missing you loads, have a lovely day in the #spirit #world xx ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I had to click on it just to see what the hell you were talking about. I still don't know. Is your war on conservatives like the war on christmas?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Aiding Illegals is against Federal Immigration laws a Felon up to 5 years in Prison! Help #SendthemBack instead of Burdening the U.S Taxpayer ! U.S Is NOT nCentral America's dumping ground for their kids we have .,S Homeless kids we need to help f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck these hoes !!! They ain't gone send you nowhere but to the clinic or hell , let that bitch keep them problems\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathersday to all the #raddads out there. this ones on us today!! #thanks #freestuff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here Are The Photos Of Obama\u2019s Illegal Immigrant Detention Facilities The Media Won\u2019t Show You via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i live in nyc and don't see a lot of ove racism. i was disappointed to see how much there is on twitter. must never be tolerated!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fo woh, texas, police chief: officer acted 'rude' but not racist in viral video ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The Stinking media says Antifa and Code Pink are black radicals...every one I ever saw was a Racist White Democrat and they blame their violence on blacks.....bad stuff ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Google CFO is a joke! And so is the idiot who hired her for this position. #Googlearecorrupt #BestuseQwant","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"possible future:the year is 2100 and we advanced so far laziness and so we come to this. #hug #futureofwork ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals have always wanted to get their hands in your wallet and and now they want to get them in your pants. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"jerri and dixie is happy since she is blowing hard! on reddit: #dixie #jerri #since #blowing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user happy bday chachi!!!! Keep being the bad bitch that you are, ready for party next year \ud83d\udc93\ud83d\udc93\ud83d\udc93 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MS13 Gang Members, Criminals Embedding in Record Number of #IllegalAlien Family Units Pouring Over Rio Grande Valley #Border in Texas #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Election2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fuck you... If she dare then why didn't she choose any other granth ..haha .. m sure she is looking for some publicity.. Bible or kuran . Whatever her intention was but she done a drama . May be she want to start any business that requires public intention.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wonder if dt is still demanding the rnc to book a bigger venue for gop convention? \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 #bigly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck the cavs... \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fluctuat Nec Mergitur - Latin for she is tossed by the waves but she does not sink - also the city motto of Paris. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We\u2019ll we\u2019ve been fucked by bama twice since we got here so we\u2019re almost tru fans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JoeBiden is the most ignorant racist person. Anyone who supports @JoeBiden is a complete moron! #trump2020 #ThatsMyPresident \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/I6V1Dz9tld","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user was she physically threatening the boys or us? was she completely slandering their name? no she wasnt. im honestly not for her saying that shit ya of course. like ya she said it and fucked up. but at least she owned up to it and apologized. but death threats is way out of line. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if talking about makes racism worst, with that logic talking about how talking about racism makes it worst, makes it worst.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Even if the devil did make every single one of those priests rape children... Why does the pope refuse to condemn it? Why didn't he remove from leadership the rapist brought to him?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how about i knock heads off and send them gift wrapped to your moms house you dumb raggedy bird bitch ass hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i feel like some of y'all get on twitter just to be messy. dang, y'all don't have anything better to do? \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Hundreds of Dutchmen took to the streets to drive illegal immigrants out of their town - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are not all men and women of God in this context, I'm not talking generalization, I'm talking about Gods prophet\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is so dumb and clueless! Pushing a pipe dream. What fools they are that put her in office. Sad! #FoxNews #SocialismSucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop watching now, why wait. Last one for me was 91 after the MLK nigger bullshit with the Nigger Felon League and Arizona. Fuck em, black greasy bastards. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How about someone digitally changing these images (whitening, Europeanising), then hack the BBC & overlay them for us. At least just give us the right colour!.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Border agents in South Texas saw increase in migrant families make illegal crossings in August? Shoot on sight! #tcot #UniteBlue #Texas #Illegals #IllegalAliens #IllegalImmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The timing is too convenient. She is a paid liar.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Whataboutism\"\" is yet another made up word used by liberals to attempt to deflect criticism of their own ridiculous hypocrisy.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sad little audience. #sparse","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Well she's half right... she is shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All I had to see were those three letters -- CNN -- to know that in fact Trump did not get rolled by Congress.\u00a0 CNN are a greater threat to the Freedom of the Press than anyone, because they masquerade as news when they are completely biased trolls.\u00a0 Fuck CNN to hell.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user black and brown women being intersectional means we see the bus before we get thrown under it. #whitefeminism \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when bae is at work and can't text you and you have no one to talk to. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*note* a #story will get you #sympathy but a #hard #grind_ will get you #results so #grind\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Definitions for liberals: Dangerous = Exculpatory. More \ud83e\udd21\u2019s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user funny but tragically close to the truth. folk have been and continue be persuaded that this is reality. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nobody clicked the tag to see what was going on, it was . lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WAS THEN-SENATOR JEFF SESSIONS THE OBAMA MOLE OPERATING INSIDE THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fudge report...then apparently she is not a socialist as you and your kind label her and is a successful capitalist but with much higher morals and opportunities for society. You have the dumbest followers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I watched you on with Ari Melber and you were great. You are strong, articulate and have a large heart that extends to those who need a voice. Congrats to you. I guess we know Who's the Boss is Now\"!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lucky bitch! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just received nikki + nate's contract for their wedding next may. hey, hey, hey... it's a bee-yoo-tee-ful day!! :-d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day. thanks father for give me love, protection and afection. #love #fatherdays #father #day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I think he is on crack!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"keep your clients happy. deliver customer service that makes a lasting impression. #customerservice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hat-trick hero messi happy to be back #spos #back #hattrick #hero ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you have a lot of company tara. you are standing on principle while many are selling out. @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2017\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Should EU take migrants from #Italy when they already sent 100,000+to roam Europe.All for @user bt \u201cmigrant sharing\u201d a nonsense & plays into hands of Brussels, which seeks to commit EU to mass migration.#Visegrad @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's be honest everyone, last year there were maybe 3 movies geared toward straight white males. (Dunkirk, Kingsmen, and John Wick 2, the last one getting a bit iffy with Common and Ruby Rose) This year and everyone thereafter will be worse. Try anime, the serious ones by Watanabe are pretty red pilled. Give up on Hollywood, it's over.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is not an anti trump. She\u2019s a racist race baiter who is no better than Alex jones and other crazies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Aww you're on your period?... Try dealing with you on your period! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got engaged this morning and he's delighted! #engagement #engaged #happiness #inlove\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The same way democrats have smeared conservatives\/republicans? What about how democrats don\u2019t stand up for the women that have been sexually assaulted by democratic politicians!! You\u2019re a hypocrite & you need to SHUT the HELL UP! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user bitches dead ass wanna be me. they want my nigga and allat\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i've been #employed before but i never last. i wasn't in that kind of environment. #creativity is hampered... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user on a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you laugh to There is no excuse besides that he is just plain shit\"\" ?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"August 18 11 am - 3 pm in Newton Surrey..I am organizing a block party for 150 low income and immigrant children. I am looking for any supports possible. My grant from Vancouver Foundation covers live music $100.00 and $100.00 for art supplies$300.00 toward food\/juices\/deserts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shot to racism. #shot #disparo #trompas #trumpas #migitorio #entreteiment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user air time for men =24 hours, women =0 hours. #yesallmen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user No reasoning with someone who can\u2019t even grasp that common sense gun control does not equal a ban on guns. (I\u2019m a liberal gun owner.) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You A Side Bitch You A Substitute \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83c\udfeb You Wifing Hoes \ud83e\udd14 That's What Suckas Do \ud83c\udf6d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#QAnon @user #MAGA For those who think nothing is happening! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You clearly didn't understand MK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lincoln provoked a war that murdered tens of thousands of white boys in favor of low IQ niggers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Antifa Ally Yvette Felarca Takes a Hit to the Head \"\" Berkeley 8-5-18 via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"suck it up,u cant recognise true leadership if it bit u on the ass!..u been Trump-ed !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user #Real #Canadians would like to live here, without Our Govt allowing #Illegals #Invaders & #Muslims in to DESTROY IT LIKE THEY HAVE IN #Europe! #DeportThemAll NOW#CloseOurBorders#BanIslam#StopImmigra ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thread by @ThomasWictor: \"(1) @KeithWpreston just pointed me to a post by @JulietteAkinyi. datechguyblog.com\/2018\/07\/24\/dia\u2026 (2) A lot of religioe follow me. I'm not religious, but I'm a theist. I believe in God, and I believe that God reaches out to us in t [\u2026]\" https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/1023001975229571072.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we hope you're as as we are! not too late to get #booking for #musicbooks, #dundalk #louth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jmoore38\u200d\u00a0 THX!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after years of making it such an issue, suddenly our sexuality isn't impoant? @user #orlando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER this girl called herself tryna call me ugly. i had to show her how ugly she is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"me singing - \"titanium\" by david guetta feat. sia - christina grimmie cover #ripchristinagrimmie :,( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @EddieMcCovenTV: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".2nd term[NEWLINE]or[NEWLINE]PRISION TERM[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris[NEWLINE]PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE [NEWLINE]text UNITED or JOE to 30330 https:\/\/t.co\/4o6eTKormj https:\/\/t.co\/ZyGquW3BnV","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And he knew he was in a position to help Kylie - bitch where? I hate that hoe but she got more of a career than you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watched this exciting competition before bed then dreamed I was repping 1 arm pull ups. Took a couple hours this morning to realize it wasn't real. Time to hit the gym. https:\/\/youtu.be\/rvwzddEOSDk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user This is because Japan have a PM with COMMON SENSE & FORESIGHT. They do not pander to Muslims like MAY does. TORY POLITICAL SUICIDE - G.E. 2020 \ud83d\ude04 @user ex TORY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the main stream news media like @user was busily covering a small hand misogynist to notice..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yep! Bono is a retard, the rest of U2 are retards, the Pope covers up systemic pedophilia inside the Catholic Church, and the EU are corrupt dictators, flooding Europe with dangerous infidelophobic Muslim refugees!! https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/kQIgciyHIG4\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Poor Germans...they have refugee violence and antifa violence..it must be nice to live in Germanistan.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ANTIFA displays hate on those they disagree with...you are being hypocritical! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user is this not the definition of letting terrorists win? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmao the shovel video is pretty awesome, she went down like a ton of bricks lol. Gotta love honky riff raff savages. That is all.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good Genes? Like breading race horses?[NEWLINE]Yes, Trump believes he is in the master race.[NEWLINE]#Nazi #CountryOverParty #eugenics #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/3Au7slV2T6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Not a conservative. Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views. They are NO DIFFERENT than the \u201cSturmabteilung\u201d brown shirts. Thugs. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tfw the #GabMom calls you cute. XD \u2764 ya @Amy !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Woooow Trump voters are getting really crazy MAGA !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jodie Foster: Hollywood Execs Tried To Rape Me When I Was A Girl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So y'all are gonna fight against gun control but y'all laughing at this guy literally pulling out a gun and shooting it?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EDDIE YOUR GAY PHOTOS DONT KICK ME THEY ONLY KICK YOU AND YOUR FAILED FAMILY U DUMB HOMO. YOU WERE BULLIED BY YOUR FAMILY WHEN YOU CAME OUT EHHH EDDIE http:\/\/www.pornwikileaks.com\/video-eddie-dzial-aka-edward-bernard-przydzial-was-bullied-by-his-family-when-he-came-out-as-gay\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You were on the same stage as Farrakhan. You total hypocrite. You are pathetic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this wednesday is killing me. @user #malamia bohemian rhapsody de queen. #music #mood #bastard ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have no doubt that Little's customer satisfaction rating will exceed Gab's by at least an order of magnitude.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I'll be running for the @user selection. Need to wait a few more weeks for that! \ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello pink water! #lascoloradas #yucatan #mexico #holidays #pinkwater #salt #summer @ las\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA #tcot #KAG #Trump2020 #ccot [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Schumer and Senate Democrats Oppose Legislation Ensuring Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions. https:\/\/t.co\/VQoABFLX72","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e what a waste ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need more Asians! Let\u2019s replace the illegals with legal Chinese immigrants who want to work!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sadly, this so so so true! #disgusting #trump2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Liberal collateral damage.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They are BOTH GUILTY of CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR & they know it. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb God removes any & all barriers to getting the truth from them! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some will take the hint and leave. Others willl force you to exchange numbers\/social media @ or you'll be a \"dirty foot hoe\" \"ugly bitch\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Absolutely should be a nail in the coffin.... for Hilliary","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck off you Commie sympathizer! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"scapelliti: woobietuesday: when you're blocked by a troll because you promise to #blacklivesmatter &\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please and that bitch will get popped and end up with a lump like her dumb ass sister \ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bassproshops: we're to see pharrell in camo at the #cmtawards. we always knew he had great taste \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a little disappointed lol. there is no fb in #china but you can access it through vpns #jobopenings #teach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Scaramucci cashing in on The Donald. Taking those blue collar folks for every last penny. LMAO at the #MAGA folks. Suckers. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And the Liberals are saying Republicans are separating this country by color. Hypocrites.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" factsguide: people nowadays #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cleaned hard all last week. Partied hard all weekend. Resting as much as I can today because stuff needs to get done this week.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sit on my face and water board me with your vagina ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegals and Refugees are worth more then gold to Israel ask any Kike They are behind the total onslaught against white nations worldwide","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The only difference is how many parasites it has feeding off it you mean?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is also ugly as hell and not something anybody wants to look at. LOL :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER everyone's ragging your ass on Puerto rico Don. The mayor put a stop to the work being done out there a while back.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The epitome of class. A big fat class. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OMM ILL BEAT A BITCH FUCK YOU PLAY ME FOR HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our name, our values, our hopes are now better known than just a few short months ago. We are still on the ascendancy,with new branches opening throughout the Country, our voices are louder and being heard(despite Lewisham hustings) and we are getting our message out there.2\/2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank u @user i love u just need @user app now so i don't over strain my eyes #ios #iphone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's so sad that people's pets get loose and end up missing. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 i really wish pets didn't end up go missing so easily. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ESPN:\u00a0 Eternal Subjugation Plantation Network https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/08\/27\/espns-k...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user in legislature you are very rude. you are out of mind and out of control...take some pills to relax....you fight for councillors salary of 115K . Did you ever fight for my salary? get lost. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"befriending sadness to win happiness! #happy #islam #love #friend #ramadan #depression #soulfeed #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am writing a book about the Boston marathon bombing hoax.\u00a0 It was a psychological operation orchestrated through the Department of Homeland Security.\u00a0 It was a form of simulation training and war machine propaganda.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Algeria, Egypt, Morocco & Tunisia all reject EU proposal to set up disembarkation centers in north Africa for refugees & migrants intercepted at sea, leaving Libya and its record of torturing & indefinitely detaining them in atrocious conditions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shoot him daya, shoot the fucker! .@user .@user #oitnb #season4 #episode13 #oitnbchat #bingewatching ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"about to tell him to get out of our house, hes so fucking racist, he thinks mumble rap, and calling a girl a skank, or someone f*g is cool. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy #LaborDay to All LEGAL American Workers ! Shame on Illegal Workers who Steal SSN and IDs to Take #Jobs From Americans and lower Wages #MAGA #SendThemBack #laborday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That explains why some leftists were also shadowbanned. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is our 1st amendment right being abuse, this is USA, please Mr President stop the censorship by social media today @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user ROFL, that is real data. Any argument you make now, I can flip it and say Oh an Anti-Trump flunkie\"\" quit being retarded. FYI, Gun Control doesn't work. England banned firearms and their violent crime stats skyrocketed. Criminals benefit the most from gun control\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Breaking: @SpeakerPelosi is now pushing for invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump from power.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The question is, will the GOP get on board, or are they still loyal to their orange stained Emperor Covidicus?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're a fucking retard babbling incoherently. You haven't made a single point yet, much less one worth opposing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Haspell is a Khazarian demon.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@NeonTreezz @PoCBeauty ......so.....white people selling #African art? NOT COOL? Okay. #blackish #redskins #doublestandard","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hannah hoy from hubbard a xanny fiend poppin bitch talkin to her ex and mine little crack whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 wassup w it hannah ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No. She is a liar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Good for her..... thats some fine gun control. Double tap to an ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user BITCH I AIN'T NO HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#libtard #regressive=. can't effo a logic point w\/out #insults or #slurs especially if #refuted. that's wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FF8 sucks MAJOR wang. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3) This is why our politicians must act on strict gun control and robust support for mental health care. Any solution based on fear or greed is simply a fallacy. Thanks @user @user @user for taking these matters seriously. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"France: Before & After Islamification #DeportThemALL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PrettyMillz: My car insurance is trash !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I\u2019m not sure where I\u2019m a fan of yet but i know I definitely suck hahaha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to tell our YOUTH Because when the time comes, the Sikhs will be fighting alongside us. Muslims hate Sikhs, even MORE than they hate us Sikh children were being gang-raped before our kids were.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i get to see @user and @user in 2 days :) #bringusonstage","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Re: Alexander Skarsgard, my roommate has declared: \"He's a sexy albino lizard. i dont know how that's sexy, but it kinda is.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Here it is not about Refugees or Illegal immigrants. It is about whether one has documents before 1971 or not. Now, it is difficult for slum people and beggars to show valid documents, except the name in voter list. 1st under ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ...Bono's attempt to inculcate the masses in his later life epiphany... senility has certain markers; i guess Bono has made that clear now - sad \ud83d\ude33\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"rest in peace christina grimmie. i loved your voice and your youtube covers \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #restinlovechristina #shocked #restinpiecechristina","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never give in\/ never give up the fight #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And all they have to do is say a half hearted apology and it all goes away. But let a conservative say anything close and they are ruined for life. These mentally deranged Liberals are totally disgusting jerks!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"only 2 weeks away, can't wait #couyard ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pay if you take migrants\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030Brussels tells EUstates. Imagine implications of this indirect \u201ctrafficking\u201d, avenues for massive fraud.EU expands definition of \u201crefugee\u201d to include migrants in \u201crefugee-like\u201d situations.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HAHA! You try so hard to be condescending but i'm sure you and stormy can relate! But you are correct on how sad Trump really is. Old man literally owns the Viagra company. Jokes on you kid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my \u2018friend\u2019 who\u2019s a bitch slut shamed one of the girls i work with today because she has a child ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sure did...#GOPSuperSpreaders #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPDeathCult #TrumpCrimeFamily #WearADamnMask #200KDeadAmericans #BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/vzmtnB0pWJ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ask Obama what need be done! \ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER VOTE R in #Election2018 November #GOP #RedWave #Trump #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"What Pinochet did for Chile\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Omfg this bitch is so annoying always talking shit about everything, get a hobby & stay out of everyones business you damn attention whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats and their double sided hypocrisy. Is this any surpise... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how dare you speak the truth...thats against islamic and eurpian union law","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It weirds me out how obsessed right-wingers are with pedophiles. It seems like they spend a lot of their days trying to figure out how & where people are fucking kids. Hey guys, maybe check out the immigrant concentration camps. You might get some hits there. IF YOU CARED. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It gives me hope when so many people like my post, in such a short period of time(Especially this sort of post). And that's allot of reposts too. Thank you. You are good people. As Rome burns, there is fear and black clouds, as omens but at least I know there is some who are prepared to fight, rather then lay down and die. Agony doesn't have to be eternal. Life is war.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spanish Police Warn 50,000 Migrants Waiting in Morocco to Invade Spain>600 migrants forced their way in the week before#GoodbyeEuropehttps:\/\/t.co\/Tc8wNohXK8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is never happening in the USA, we must deport all Muslims form our nation, they are not becoming Americans, they are invaders only to force Sharia on us, must go out of here @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are absolutely right i am a Fool","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals putting politics ahead of the economy? Never ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You'll be bored here since I don't talk about much politically as much as I did on Twitter.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is this what your university stands for? #hate #ignorance #stupidity #lies #mdcollege? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bono is gone to the dark side ..Globalism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like I care what a charming TIM thinks of me! Most of them cannot lose their residual masculinity (borrowed brilliant expression). Im a skank and a piece of shit for knowing men cant become women! Its got toxic so quickly by the trans brigade - thats male power for you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the countdown till these assholes are gone obama and moron creepy uncle joe! bye bye scum!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What is my fucking problem? Really?\" \u2014Jason denys a couple of times. He does not want to behave like an idiot \/ not again \/ but he's worried about her. \"Where is Dick or Bruce? Are not they with you in this?\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Perfect Gift for the Jihadi on Your Shopping List http:\/\/t.co\/YbcsutdGMw http:\/\/t.co\/nNwums32b4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today is a #tragic, day for the world\u00e2\u0080\u0099s #lgbt community via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are the Mexican Venus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Says a hysterical woman\/hustler\/con artist\/grifter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ACLU is insane. The antifa democrats are violent and should be declared a domestic terrorist group. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pics of marbella making me miss it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ultimately, a #joke from early #2016 that i wish i didn't have to tell. i also wish it didn't do as well as it did\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SarccasmicTw: Twitter has a bird as its logo, that's why when you join you're an egg. And your home button is a birdhouse. Why am I jus…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I find @a humorous.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#UK 'will lose track of many #EU migrants' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you're travelling in by Air China you will have been forewarned.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fill this on your way out, kunt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if the reason for Farakans illegal values are because he is black or Muslim, that would be a reason to detest him. I believe his illegal values are simply a result of bad character, like his supporters!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Too bad you can't get abs from laughing at all the memes you steal... I'd have a six pack by now \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This ..... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@2Gragg @RachelTietz @RealCandaceO College, which most people did back then[NEWLINE]When has he said he was \"ripped\", his tax return are between him and its, you got the socialism mixed up with Biden, at least youre not saying he's putins bitch so credit for a new spin on it, but hasn't sent America to war","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user hey #sickholder were you the dirty filthy greasy cheesy negarrrr who was in contempt of Congress? Don't open your mouth it's extremely stink. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Old Bailey according to the video's other link, but he does emphasise that further details will follow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Police? #Banter Training? Oh my God! Fools and Tools. #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know @realDonaldTrump that people will still vote for Biden because he's not you?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/RxDh7n6Jfl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Liberals really are nuts. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You might know what the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was, but do you know her second greatest trick?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am honestly so hyped for mount and blade banner lord. ..it's unhealthy xp #bannerlord ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Idk what to think about her...but with her eyes like they r...she is naturally bugging out all the time...which is untrustworthy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even Obama Trade Rep Acknowledges: Trump Is Cleaning Up An OLD Global Trade Mess #maga #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #makeamericaamericaagain #makeamericastrongagain #makeamericasafeagain #makeamericasaneagain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Voter disenfranchisement, The are allowing the rest of the states to make that decision for them..\u00a0\u00a0 https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/connecticut-electoral-college-votes-national-112753194.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who decide which refugees can go to Europe ? The EU or the Italian goverment which rescue many by coastboat ! Or decide the faciliators (coyote) if one can pay or not ? Or both ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Congratulations to our Great American President. We will be doing great things together! MAGA I-Q-2 WWG1WGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If this yutz was any dumber she'd have to be watered twice a week! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good one Bob! Show her who the real boss is! And keep up the support for our cause. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sex videos fucking cross ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #childhood is really impoant and necessary. stress in early life may cause #adulthood #depression visit: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I purposefully had my damsel\"\" be a bit of a badass. She is saved by the protag, saved by the third party member, and sticks her neck out to save their hind quarters just as often (if not more!). Sure, she may have ulterior motives (*evil laugh*) but she's still pretty kickass!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER shit!! i left a little bit ago to get food but if you're still there i'll drop down with all the paper your heart desires!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can draw a straight line btwn ppl who think: @user is truthful MSM lies #Kavanaugh is treated unfairly #CodyWilson was set up Zimmerman was right A wall is good Refugees are terrorists #BlackLivesMatter is racist Reverse racism is real Kap is disrespectful #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I went to the live twice but I was impressed and it was really cool stage!You are my bestdj!!Thank you Hardwell\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She has received death threats and has teenage daughters. She is protecting her family ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The sad thing is that all over the western world women are WILLINGLY giving away all the freedoms that were so hard fought for them by marrying into cultures that don\u2019t see them as equal and by supporting men becoming women","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"smile!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #weekend #sun #beautiful #dance #leap #play #summer #love #remberinglastweek\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why would he order Cohen to print more money? It's amazing how bad you are at this. Or are you just dishonest and purposefully spreading fake news?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hollywood\u2019s finest. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"congratulations to mr ernest walls on his new #ford #ranger #usedcars #tuesday #houston #texas #thankyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holder is a complete corrupt scum bag. I remember when he announced his is part of the resistance. Which means he want to resist the people who voted for Trump. Can U imagine the people he would have hunted down and prosecuted if this happened to bone head obama ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who would buy a book written by such a total classless Porn star! I\u2019ll tell you who Democrats and liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think it's clear who the best choice for president is.... Michael fucking Phelps ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FBI agent: \u201cTrump supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS\u201d http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/06\/14...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y'all: \"Treat me loke a nutrag when we fuck\" blah blah BITCH IF I Wanted A FUCKING NUTRAG I'LL USE MY LEFT HAND WHORE! Be ACTIVE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We\u2019d rather you be that too because with our current immigration policy a couple of stooges like this would never get in.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER See...it's not gun control we need. It's Leftist Liberal Control. Guns don't kill people. Idiotic Immoral Leftists do. #LiberalismIsaMentalDisorder #DemsAreDangerous #WalkAway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's too had liberals are exempt from laws.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eh he is decent I think lol im playing barzal as my first line center over him though","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sounds like you are a mysogenistic dick weasel to me Aaron. When you call mysogenists dick weasels you always feel better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Complete and utter waste of time. Liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mustread #education against & #stereotypes @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the 2030 Air Jordan's gon look like ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're fuckin a bitch doggy that has a bible verse tatted on her back and you begin thinkin about what a disgusting piece of shit you r ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh WOW! You look like a 1980's Porn Star #loveit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The biggest threat to our nation dwells within the White House. Vote Biden. Pass it on! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/bEUCl5NC1I","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"English bitch, try using it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happening now! Don't miss your chance to attend the Immigrant Arts and Women's empowerment summit hosted by our friends @user #ImmigrantArtsSummit #WeAreAllImmigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t trust Kanye right now. I might not like that shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it already seems so long ago! #tired #pooped #energized #brooklyn #aobff16 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Orb\u00c3\u00a1n: Merkel is \u2018\u02dcnot in charge\u2019 of Hungary\u2019s refugee policy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Exactly. I haven\u2019t watched in two years and I refuse to. As a former @USER fan I think Jerry Jones is a disgrace to the people who have helped make him as rich as he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER steroids and pills mixed in with their alcohol that is a little bit of a BIG NIGHTMARE or bad dream right there... ANTI-SUICIDE LAWS and gun control LICENSE FOR EACH GUN PLEASE walks into a cop station URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is the AL but If were talking entire MLB I will still take Arenado all day defensively over Chapman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I'm sure it's just all Democratic political pay for play ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can never get mad over a bitch cause i know my place .. the madness come in when you keep being friendly with this hoe \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Great stalk..hunters like yourself and your wife are the reason why these animals exist so these crazy liberals have something to complain about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only men have a dick they can insert without consent, and women doing other shit. Not that women can't rape & sexually harass either. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"81. #Bozo invites u round for a seemingly harmless sleep over but will spend all night trying to con you into sex or even rape u ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you support someone who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue without losing a vote, you can kindly STFU about uplifting discourse. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this really takes the piss. i'm so angry. just goes to show who is valued and who isn't. you complete and utter moron. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone would think that Julie Hartley-Brewer is jealous of rape victims, the way the vacuous, malicious cunt is going on about it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Vote no on Kavanaugh. He has committed perjury. He has dodgy financials. He thinks the President is above the law. He thinks contraceptives are abortion inducing drugs. He is too extreme for the SC.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Or a piss up in a brewery !! Hat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chill! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b9 #thankful #blessed #starbucks #mangopassionfruit #asian #detour #pop #ppop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fudge report...then apparently she is not a socialist as you and your kind label her and is a successful capitalist but with much higher morals and opportunities for society. You have the dumbest followers. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did the royal wedding coach get a hoopty make over for the event?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Muslim immigrant in Italy stopped his car on a highway to pray to Allah - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good luck for anyone attending #DayForFreedom","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nbs stfu hoe ik bout you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"alapoet: if pisses you off like it pisses me off, here's something you oughta know... this guy's a racist \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Humanrights activists demand justice for #refugees after #Myanmar admitted #Rohingya mass killing @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I tried to call this bitch @user at 12:21 and she didn't answer. Like why are you sleep wake tf up it's your whole ass birthday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A woman so ugly it's impossible to caricature her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The points make sense. Thats why people typically repeat them. National socialism does not make sense. The nazi ideology collapsed for a reason and only was breathed any life into as neo nazis, Edgy angry racist kids with no deeper thinking than the racism. Nationalism does not mean blind faith in the goverment. Trumps presidency made that quite clear.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. How is that gun control working in Chicago? 2. Only the military has access to Assault weapons. Is your ignorance from old age or are you still working for the Chinese. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Nazario1017 I feel that.. i see nothing wrong with the gta killing bc it's not the sole purpose of the game","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All.\u00a0 Carry ALL the guns.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@nhatty_ice49ers thank you jackass zebras","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is toxic even for alligators ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My uncle Vern said women get their peiods because it's the only way God could get rid of some of their evil #womenareevil #evilwomen!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Leftist jihadists are just like their Islamic jihadist allies---Strike fear in the hearts of the \"unbeliever.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I don't greet you by saying \"hey hoe\" or \"hey bitch\" chances are I don't like you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Give me a break!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2\/2 but if you are interested get in touch and we can make sure your on the course!!! #ballers #bigthingscoming","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user gross and disgusting and revealing response - do you not care if your own daughter came home and said that she thought she was going to die while someone tried to rape her. You are one sick person condone that will participate in that for one minute. Not my America!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER here is your boy smoking marijuana and hanging out with a pornstar and escort girl and paying the people that keep her a slave to be his slave. He is insane URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@efethegoddess The shirt trash 😢 and I'm leaving your room a mess 😊","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SenKamalaHarris @devinnunescon America needs team Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.[NEWLINE]God Bless America![NEWLINE]America does not need a crazy, capricious, selfish and a liar in a such high position.[NEWLINE]Enough is enough!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just the fact that #StopKavanagh REPEATEDLY attempted to block the abortion for an undocumented immigrant (which she wanted) tells me he is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. We don\u2019t need a person who cherrypicks what laws will or will not be respected. @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you win douchelord #2 of the year. good work. #dickhole #douchebag #asshole #yousuck #mysoginist #bigot #fear","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER =a good speaker @USER good listener #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds of migrants armed with sticks and homemade flamethrowers broke through the border fence in Ceuta, according to the Spanish Civil Guard. Over 100 migrants and 15 border agents were injured in the fight. Well the Spanish are saying \"refugees welcome\" tourists are not... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i want all my folks no matter what the situation is\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER At an AntiFa riot and screaming at white people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He had a very strange attitude about it -- but what the hell. Fuck him, and carry on. And who knows, maybe just some kind of misunderstanding about it all. But if folks don't know that those tens of thousands of drones, courtesy of 'our government,' aren't for delivering packages and for 'keeping us safe,' then they're asleep.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And the fact he called you a nigger after you respectfully told him your preference damn near proves that theory \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Corrupt, based EU is a zombie institution that gained way too much power and influence over its original economic remit. They are terrified of Brexit because they will lose UK cash cow and surplus. Look at Italy and Poland. Domino effect incoming. Sweden is exception though - needs to be saved from itself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tyler perry says backlash over his tlc show is 'reverse racism' - new york daily news ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Culture hates itself. I agree, \"we dont believe in redemption\"...All we do is \"forgive\" people the cuck christian way.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch you stupid but you aint stupid stupid \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you maam simplyvetterojo #blessed #thankful\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How many car windows did you smash today while wearing a pussy hat? You anti-American antifa fucktards are a pathetic waste of life. We will slap you down at the ballot box once again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @jjauthor: US ghettos-driven by liberal ideology; forged by unions & bankrupted by self-serving Dems catering 2parasites! #tcot http:\/\/t…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany: Islamic-inspired children\u2019s park in Berlin to introduce children to Islam and the Islamic culture of the refugees - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user mate try addressing my argument rather than #trolling me? #staups #rude","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It sounds so ugly to hear a female talk about another female claiming she\u2019s a \u201cslut or whore\u201d like bitch it ain\u2019t yo pussy why u worried for ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user will the alt-right promote a new kind of genetics? mt @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sometimes the best moments of the day are surprises. i just got an email from long lost friend who i thought forgot me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user boycotting #fathersday because it's blatantly . many #sistersofcolour don't know who their father is, so please #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/V8GadHBrkBE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Either you Democrats & liberals move aside or we will help you move aside we the People can remove you from office 20+Million Veterans can\u2019t be wrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good .. she is the one that seems sexist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Fred_Cathy_Ret Gotcha Fred & Cathy\ud83d\udc4d\u200b\ud83d\udc4d\u200b Have great day #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u200b\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u200b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user typical lying #leftist! thats slander of a grp! #christians dont kill 4 #christianity!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Are you sure #illegalalien is not legal on Twitter! Because I dont want trouble from them so I surely wont be posting about # illegaaliens for fear of being suspended. So, we shouldnt be using #illegalaliens anymore. Does this include #illegalaliens posting #illegalaliens? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Really? And has he been charged. #Liberals are such liars! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If the LEFT would just stop the politics of distraction he will keep more promises #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jose Soto: Reflections of a former gay teabagger http:\/\/t.co\/XtMMuzyK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If Rape, as liberals say, isn't about sex but rather power then ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user saying \"Trump's a bitch, I'll make his whole brand go under!\" Back in February makes this video so much bet\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm on this new diet where I only eat pussy and ass from Friday to Sunday... It's going well ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"annaday\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab #yurika #anna #anriri #shinjuku #karaoke #dinner #hamburger #snow #love #0613 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do you think she is afraid of pigs that are not the same colour as her? \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can tell that the cop feels for these animals.\u00a0 Nothing is more blue pill than faggots who wear uniforms to larp as men.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My sweet Girlies living their very best lives. They say #fucktrump and want you to vote for #BidenHarris2020! https:\/\/t.co\/oikw14hSS3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ...@USER is 100% correct and should be applauded for criticizing our inept and corrupt President - not denounced for it.....@USER @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Because he is a scummy human being. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you hold open a door for a woman because she's a woman and not because it's a nice thing to do, that's . don't even try to deny it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well, it is a wednesday \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 #wine #wednesday #chooch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"toe up ass hoe stop worrying bout me and get them roaches out yo baby bed punk bitch\ud83d\udde3\ufe0fyou wan me clean yo house for you?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"random #bihday #bourbon 2 days before. this is a bday week- not a day bam ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hahaha... lunatic liberals are just too busy virtue signaling that they still don't get it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its time for all politicians to step down if they aren't for the American people and the American values. We the American people are tired of all the non American politicians that don't care about AMERICA and what AMERICA stands for.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"London Calling 001: Hard-hitting music, news and freedom...hosted by GunstarHero \u00a0https:\/\/www.podbean.com\/media\/share\/pb-cs7ei-95689...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"this is where you could belong\" \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097 #broadwaydreams #irecordedthetonys #motivated #goaldigger #chasingdreams #openedeyes #nyc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great morning, good day, great night. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UPDATE Chuck Schumer\u2019s Steamy Affair With A High School Cheerleader Conf... via @user Well someone said it so it must be true! ChickSchumer should Resign #Kavenaugh #ThursdayThoughts #FridayFeeling #DemDirtyTrick #MAGA #Resist FBI should Investigate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All this division in our nation is utter nonsense. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His nose is too narrow for his upper face. That's what makes him look like a space-alien. And actually, the nose that he had was worse than his mother's.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Plus she is a REAL reporter and has the courage of a platoon of Marines. SMH.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019ll tell the baddest bitch around \u201choe you uglier than Tory Lanez\u2019s jumpshot\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From what I can find out, Wicca was created in 1930 or so, and Asatru in 1970.\u00a0 No one really knows how the pagan of old worshiped. Now Satanism is a whole 'nother thing!\u00a0 Evil!\u00a0 Evil then and evil now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#liveme #lgbt #transguy #youtuber brennank.\u00e2\u0080\u0099s #onairnow~ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not much on their site about drug abuse. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can someone tell this dumb we are a republic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The ghost, who Amethyst can't see but believes she can communicate and have sex with, has now returned with her to the UK and their relationship is progressing. Should we ask Roger Helmer and Farage to investigate this immigrant ghost? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yep, they are Labour's Brownshirts. Intolerant, violent and vile.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Europe, you've got a problem! We must hurry and #BuildTheWall before we become overrun with the thugs and drugs smuggled across the border by #IllegalImmigrants. It's happening while we wait! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mmmmh,\u00a0 deal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And thank God he did win. There is more money in American workers pocket. More jobs available. Tax breaks for the middle class. We are in an industrial boom where I live. New neighborhoods and schools being built just to handle the people coming in to fill these jobs. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user UK Govt non announcements are the only consistant and affordable policy under Labour or Conservatives for decades. Designed for a soundbite. No immediate resource required. Never likely to ever be implemented. Its propoganda but sadly it has its desired effect. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pretending you have dementia to own the libs #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gonna be a bitch to re-write this one.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This cute bill, beautifully label is actually sharia law, blasphemy law. Making it a crime to even speak against Islam. This bill was paid and written by an Islamic organization calling themselves \u201c emerge USA\u201d cute label also ..but it is 100 % Islamic organization\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER FINALLY HOLY SHIT YOU ARE FINALLY READING THE GOAT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s more what she does than who she is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Sicilian police commissioner was attacked in his own home by a Gambian, who was granted asylum due to him being \"underage.\" I thought these poor child refugees fleeing the horrors of war were unable to commit crimes!#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You @USER speak the Truth about => #Louis Farrakhan <= ... he is a raging anti-Semite & racist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to suck evry nigger cock in that shithole country why else would anyone go there? \ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you drunken slut, come play overwatch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No. But I am. You are hilarious. Not in a good way. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when forever feels right and you're scared it's all going to be a dream #love #forever #twinsouls #soulmate #blessed #dreamcometrue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And there's a k*ke and a rapefugee overseeing the entire process. If anyone touches the 'wrong' ballot they're immediately met with a loud OY VEY! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"facebook is just a political warzone these days. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Typical... When it backfires it's nothing to see here move along... Trump supporters these days are doing the same thing... All this shit Trump is getting called out on. It's nothing to see here move along . Lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Shut the fuck up you reatrd NO ONE SAID SHIT about you being a jew or even hinted at it. Typical rightwing racist scumbag always the BIGGEST PUSSY in the room. GO suck some russian cock ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER oh yeah Terry Porters 40 second PI Call (OSU alumn)... naw im over it... Your coach and his scumbag history... If you know anything about his history with Aaron Hernandez you would know what kind of scumbag he is... but OSU is a shithole so the story goes on.. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is how real humanity should respond to people in need, those who are seeking shelter, those who are refugees from violence. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seriously got rejected by my @user driver as soon as i got in the car because i'm white... wow! at its finest!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She said 'true' \ud83d\ude0c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh yeah so I'm sure you'll wait a certain amount of time before talking about gun control right? I'm sure you're saying the same thing to all the people using the dead to push laws that do nothing right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that is true but a lot of christians have had their brains washed with indoctrination that the phrase \"love one another as I have loved you\" means love every race but your own. I used to teach Sunday school when I was younger and I can honestly say I am sure that is NOT what christ meant when he uttered those words, I left christianity for my own valid reasons but people are starting to wake up to all the lies and sadly it comes at a time where our very physical existence on this planet is at stake....we are all at peril of extinction and the rotten filthy jew wants that, he is orchestrating it since time in memoriam this isn't a recent happening","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is Hillary the ‘dodo bird’ candidate? http:\/\/t.co\/3FyoSi28Jm via @worldnetdaily","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user When do you post on conservatives declaring Ford a liar without evidence? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should have dropped a bomb on Winston Churchill ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't tease me with mass riots! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i'm not one to think this life is merely to slave away to barely survive just to die. #gobeyou #doyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Internet sucks sometime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 would you look at me ??? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are you calling me a Twitter Whore? Kiss indeed.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"herd survival instinct and emotional thinking taking over for a simple simon brain.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NG5_ Thirsty Giants are always like \"ho, ho, ho\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm British and I would welcome him into my home! You do not speak for the British....and funnily enough you didn't speak out previously about detaining illegal immigrant families under all 8 years of Obama rule, you virue s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER she became a alcoholic cealrly became a fatty has had like a year to loose the weight she is the only starlet in Hollywood that doesnt look good with a lilextra weight gonna go for a walk now and one of tays GPS stalking sheldmaidens might have orders to mac miller #TommyValhalla","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That dude is a jew. I saw him talk about it one day. FYI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4. In addition, it plays on the \"hysterical woman\" trope, which I assume was designed to use and tear down later in the film. Nonetheless, it was annoying at the time I tried watching it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And, he proved that all the gun Control\"\" LAWS doesn't stop anyone willing to break the LAW. He could have just as easily shot a colleague or student. Or, several. LAX enforcement of existing LAWS and Criminal Minds ignoring laws are the REAL problem. But, DemocRats know that.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another \u201cperfect\u201d teacher!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PAY UP STORMY !!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Things are even worse on the smores ranches.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I totally disagree with this. I can never tell which way he is leaning on an issue. He gives the news and asks the questions. Nothing against Chris Wallace or Shep. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The funniest thing about her is how easily triggered she is!!! Well that and how ugly she is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate my dog's name.. It sounds so ghetto. 😐","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 2 ways for President Trump to lose in 2020. Gun control and an immigration bill with no wall.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@cleggzta Ho ho ho.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FunnyOGtweets: When rednecks fool around with the aux cord http:\/\/t.co\/Tyzuro7qR5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new to tweet quite fr the app :-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*is that all you do?* Bitch I like to smoke I'm living the life hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nig nog bum protecting the finger lickin chicken","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Is it gun control OR anti 2a? I haven\u2019t seen a single ad attacking 2a. That\u2019s just @user rhetoric to create fear. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is not at all bothered by this invasion of her space.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only you hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shocking. Consider most of the country wants smart gun control. Not the Wild Wild West like you espouse. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Save the environment, recycle a liberal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Love you\ud83d\ude18 be nice if I could retweet ya but youre a pussy bitch on private\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user The scary super experienced knowledgeable members of Antifa @user is no match for! #Sarcasm Serious question is why the left leaders manipulate the unintelligent inexperienced youth groups it\u2019s form of taking advantage Abuse of the unwary weak ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Irony: rejecting the gender binary as a form of hate, while assigning every political identity to a binary of fascist or anti-fascist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you hadn't seen this, you need to listen to it. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=1&... This is the bombshell everyone has been waiting for. Weiner's laptop, the IG report and the timeline with everything. The Gateway Pundit breaks it down. #TheGatewayPundit #FBI #DOJ #Q #Clinton #ShitShow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden just got a huge slap in the face by this black celebrity dropping a truth bomb https:\/\/t.co\/RMkjGiSTpD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"day 2: shawn has a little sis! aaliyah! ( seriously, i wish i was his sis... ;( )","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user This is great! Mark The Great One\"\" Levin and Candace \"\"The Great\"\" Owens together! This team is unbeatable! They just sent liberals into a frenzy again! A whole block of liberal voters just had their heads explode! And...sadly, Alyssa Milano just wet her pants again! Great team!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" office woman porn blue tube ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We love you Kayla and we're glad you're okay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER has always been regarded as UK\u2019s worst ever PM - and that\u2019s by the Conservatives. How he can still get his foot in the door in Europe tells you everything you need to now about its bosses.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No they aren\u2019t! They have all said she could speak in or out of the public & she should be heard! Stop spreading lies! Of course u liberals think u should just ruin his life with no evidence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop sayin you have resting bitch face... Bitch you just ugly AF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER made this show successful and relevant. I remember @user saying that he brought the show to the States with @user in mind because she is the epitome of \u201cthe voice.\u201d None of their shade will delete that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just got through graduation last night... off to work and endless hours of free-time a studies! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ToddKincannon's helpful homo tip of the day: \"Helping Hands\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" in uk's increased because gb #politicians have impo #immigrants from infidel #childabuse #cultures for #coffee backhanders","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She, Jane Fonda the traitorous bitch, is one of the most despicable women to ever walk the face of\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how does it feel to be most hated potus ever? #crookedtrump #traitor #notamericaschoice #bigot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While I despise everything they represent, Dems make GOP look dumber than they are. They signed up hundreds of thousands of voters today in the anti-gun marches. Where r the supporters of our right to bear arms? Why aren't we taking over our cities & registering young voters.\u00a0 GOP EQUALS BULLSHIT.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Her family consist of : -Cheating husband who never loved her -two bonus boys who made it clear she is not their mom and never will be - in laws who show more affection to stray cats than Wewe. - paid employees who laugh at her while cashing her checks. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So Dissapointing. This guy is the biggest hypocrite in the country. Embarrassing that he is our Senator","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bihday ksi keep on being beast!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user hope above is getting email sign-ups up to date. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Really a sickening issue. Liberals are vicious!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user My auto correct Gggrrr she is a *crazy witch* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user CANNOT CONTAIN HIMSELF That is why HE IS UNWELCOME AT A SCHOOL without an escort (and a hall pass). He is WELL BEHIND HIS OPPONENT in his re-election campaign. @user can't work well or play well with others. IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! @user DISTRICT D ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I see his tweet. But it\u2019s just another garbage tweet from the liberals. Contributed nothing except to add more confirmation that the liberals are out of talking points & aren\u2019t to be believed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user punk! in a gay pub! #brewpix #edinburgh #ccblooms ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082happy bihday natalie poman\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 06.09 bihday #natalie poman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well, when men get too distracted by women in sexy clothes, they\u2019re forced to catcall, grope and rape. Maybe try that? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We have to demand justice and mercy for immigrants. It is unacceptable that anyone would die in detention. Congress has to act now with welcome and compassion. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Absolutely no contact. She's dead to me. I didn't just whine like a victim. I tell people to bring awareness, if shit like this happened to me, it's happened and is happening to other children. The system is broken and people need to know about it. I have done safeguarding training so I am professionally qualified to spot and report abuse, infact I am legally required to, however I decided working in social services wouldn't be good for me. It's too personal which can ruin a case.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks t-mobile for my free share. i don't say much but thanks is in order its a good day haha #free #tmobiletuesdays $tmus","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she is so beautiful! \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Sure , because THEY are being exposed for their filth & constant coverups of ABUSE! Why do a vow of celibacy & purity?\"\" Maybe, its just a giant sleaze fest at the Vatican & elsewhere. Just Join the priesthood if your a pedo, so you can have permission to abuse?? #TruthJustice\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's not the walk of shame if you truly give no fucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I don't know how They said they aren't gay tho.\" and \"And by liberals you mean conservatives.\" sounds like me being upset. As for why it matters, if it doesn't matter then why go to such lengths to deny that they're gay? There's straight couples, why not just let them be gay?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well ur my bitch u fucking whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"leaving #lakedistrict this morning\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not water but fire next time! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user There is nothing wrong with deporting illegals #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kamala was flabbergasted, I don't have time for this. Now listen here, Jack Joe Biden says stepping into the box This here plane done took me to jack off. cant kill guys unless theyre tied to chairs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are full of shit Sweetie\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We've been fucking this whore, Mother earth for awhile, She's a filthy bitch anyway, Rotting her from the inside out, We are at our end. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user can't believe no one has cottoned on to him saying his song was white christmas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So I\u2019m at the store and a dude walked in wit a MAGA shirt on (smh ) dog I was mean muggin the fuck outta dude so much that he left his broad in the store.\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After the first time you sleep 2 guys in the same day ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bolton isn\u2019t just a neocon, he a spectacular combination of militant stupidity and total insanity. \u00a0I am sure he has Bibi\u2019s cell number on speed dial.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is an embarrassment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah I bought sumn from them. Tired of morphe \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump OMG! My wonderful president that would be amazing if you could have eight more years I got your back #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You were on the same stage as Farrakhan. You total hypocrite. You are pathetic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"having a blast yesterday...she even had me on the monkey bars tryna kill myself lol! http:\/\/t.co\/31g1KM56","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Low life bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Total Bullshit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck China. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why should it be a surprise he registered as a Democrat?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...there was no probable cause for believing that there was any crime, collusion or otherwise, or obstruction of justice!\u201d So stated by Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So let me get this straight they want us to hold off on the confirmation hearing for what? Polygraph is inadmissible. All to hear he said she said? Ford signs paper in trump case against illegal separations? And Cavanagh has just about every woman stating he is honorable. Vote ye ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Rockprincess818: Go fight against the IDF if you progressive trash hate them so much, you don't have the guts to do it. \n#IStandWithIsr…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user so we load into illios insta lock torb immediate flame in all chat moira do not win a fight all game constant shit talking between a team mate and one of their team still have a torb im fighting a doomfist help ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My generation was drafted; we grew up. Young men today have no rights of passage so we have a bunch of girly men & emotional women who have no idea what separation is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I could care less about his viewpoints as he is NOT a hero of mine and I prefer a more scholar-like man in conservatism such as X.Not everyone has to take his stance as heroic and may look to other leaders to define what a hero is. You don\u2019t get to think for other people","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019m not a muppet. I\u2019m a 6\u20192\u201d 215 lbs voter who is of Puerto Rican decent that doesnt take BS from white liberals like you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We let these #migrants in to our country for a better life but what's about our lives and our children's future. That do not want to live by our laws. These #Muslims do not respect our way of life. #SENDTHEMBACK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bill you should be silent on gun control and immigrantion. You had 8 years and did nothing. Don't be a Monday morning quarterback now. To little to late.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER As usual @USER doesn\u2019t have a clue. The kids must make this shit up when he takes a crap since they are of the same consistency.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#stopthebias against #Conservative #Republican #Trump #Freespeech supporters coming against #twitter ban. To slow down #liberals reporting us is to have a few million of us to report in big numbers to keep Twitter so busy the the liberals complaining be losted in the traffic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready for my photo shoot \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #dance","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The NFL subreddit is gushing over \"progressive\" Troy Aikman because he said something mildly positive about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That is hilarious.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gab shirts down every time I try to go there!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& that is the Reptile Ape Valerie Jarrett on the left in green. Dear God these people are right out of HELL. Arrest them all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user you are a disgusting wohless pig of a human being...assuming you are human. go play in traffic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Constitution Day -- the Most Important Commemoration of 2018 #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #KAG #Obama #Clinton #DeepState abuse of power: #Spygate #WitchHunt #Sedition=#TREASON ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user his dad is an idiot for saying what he said as well. don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t get me staed on the judge. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After all the shit Dez was talking about Jerry and The cowboys he is a fucking clown ass dude if he go back","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tafree is jub your dad ruined your phopo's surprise :d #phoposarecoming #vacation #surpriseflopped","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NaomiBiden I am glad your dad is happy and sober, the 2 don't often go together. He sounds like a great dad and brother. I am sorry that he is being scrutinized so harshly by a bigoted moron. Bless you all!! Your pop has my vote. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is really talking nonsense.. can she talk like this for Bible and Quran? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I thought if you don't get abortion, you become a mother - not DIE IN THE STREETS?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Prayers for this Mother. #NoIllegals#SendThemAllBack w\/ their families !#NoDaca #BuildTheWallNow !!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In my lifetime I've called some women whores, a bitch a dirty boy a hoe open up the pussy store. Pimp C ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user talking about greenwood, tulsa, ok. city of tulsa & state of ok has yet to acknowledge the massacre. #history","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It\u2019s a con and a mighty big con. And by who the Conservatives is that not so @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do you know anything about the hole in antarctica or is that fake\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Molly Tibbetts murder is not a political issue its a law enforcement issue #BuildThatWall it saves American lives from criminals and drugs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smoking a black in an eno \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Man I\u2019m glad I can make y\u2019all\u2019s day. I just be saying stupid shit on the fly. I ain\u2019t trying I\u2019m just dumb lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Read @user that I just posted. He got too close to Kavauagh and the Body Guard started into action to cover him. What was his intentions? He's a gun control nut grieving and blames Trump and Kavanaugh for his daughters death. His actions make my skin crawl too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first live chat with @user #iasuk today bring it on\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Drink a whole glass of water right now bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user U a bad bitch now lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wish ballots looked like:[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]0 Joe Biden\/Kamala Harris [NEWLINE]0 Donald Trumo\/Mike Pence[NEWLINE]0 Jo Jorgensen\/ who cares[NEWLINE]0 Howie Hawkins\/ didnt check[NEWLINE]0 ABOLISH THE PRESIDENCY FOREVER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2039Say hi to Manish. He is Director of @user newest country programme here in Bangladesh. Here he is showing us around the huge #refugee camp at Cox\u2019s Bazar. Over the course of just a few weeks last year, hundreds of thousands of #Rohingya people fled here from Myanmar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @YoungCon1266: Listen to Charlie Daniels speak the truth & then enlist in the U.S. FREEDOM ARMY at http:\/\/t.co\/cxzfajqUfV. http:\/\/t.co\/k…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You see a lot of hysterical feminists on social media, but this one takes the cake. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Blowing dirt and the misery of millions? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Democrats continually prove how crazy they are... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"considering i'm replying to your bullshit, maybe that's on you for not making a proper argument to begin with. you've brought us to the impasse that you just dont like things others like because \"jews\".","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My \"fellow man\" shouldn't cross a border illegally into my country, and suckle at my tax dollars to earn my \"Love\"!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So babies aren't future men? I suppose ripping their limbs off and sucking their dead bodies out and putting them in the trash. That's sorta thing? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh yeah!! do not make your #photographer . or else... ;) #photo #photography #mugshot\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"iMMIGRANT SONG ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump will act against the illigal refugees, because he want not end like Germany in criminality. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls that wear sundresses make my penis smile ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You said gun safety laws. Funny. You mean gun control agenda. Your staffers must be editing your shit these days. Kudos to the minions. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how the #supremecou has made it impossible to challenge #systemicracism #scotus #kaepernick #stereotypes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They just keep on coming. Build that damn wall and deport. Please! @user #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The home of Guinness\u2018\u2039 gives refugees and asylum-seekers a new chance in Ireland \u00f0\u0178\u008d\u00ba #InternationalBeerDay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"full of #beats #dubstep #electro #dance #fashion #footage #edm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YES I am so tired of relying on mfs to answer the phone for some shit that\u2019s not even worth it! I\u2019m about to be the new plug \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You said that already. Are you already broken? Where do I go to return you so I can get a new generic retarded Antifa supporter to laugh at?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to all our the amazing fathers out there today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a hoe and a bitch nigga \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ILLEGALimmigrants Don't be #Europe: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I ever hit you w dumb fucking cunt ass fucking stupid ass fucking bitch just know Im extremely mad at you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Good list. Keep it going ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Congratulations USA![NEWLINE]Now you have a president who is immune to Corona Virus![NEWLINE]You might wanna worry about sleepy Joe though.[NEWLINE]#Trump #USA #USElection2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Twitter has a clear leftist agenda as seen in all the comments from conservatives asking, why is this leftist shit in my feed?\"\" We didn't ask for it. We don't want it. Stop trying to push it on us.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Reducing the flow of refugees by 40% is a start, they also need to look at reversing the flow, as many are not genuine, as seen in Europe where many go back regularly to their home countries for holidays.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the \u00e2\u0080\u009ccrusader\u00e2\u0080\u009d west vs. \u00e2\u0080\u009cislamic terrorism\u00e2\u0080\u009d is a popular sequel to capitalism vs. communism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hardcore vinyls boca raton teen sexual assault ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fresh boy think he is strong \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saddie fattie.... #bigcheeks #smalllips fattie #fat #snapchat #exploding #puffedup\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Btw When do we get to the dog kennel on the roof of the Station Wagon part? Now That\u2019s Dog Whistling URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER now we know tesco's stance on gun control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I will beat your ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Frustration With Do Nothing Sessions Reaches Critical Mass Meadows Brings Down The Roof With IRREFUSABLE DEMANDWhere's the popcorn?@realDonaldTrump #MAGA@USAGSessions #WWG1WGA @user #AmericaFirst#BuildThatWall via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And there are stupid freaking people (President Trump haters to be exact) that will listen and not think anything of their two faced evil, hateful ways and continue to stand behind those liberal scumbags! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \u201cBuzzFeed News contacted the woman believed to be the subject of the letter at her home last week. She declined to comment. BuzzFeed News has not been able to confirm the contents of the letter.\u201d Now hearing she is a high school classmate. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the man is funny as hell, i love it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This guy is nits“@Lucci_Dpc: i learn new things every day, u the only one still talkin bout jim crow. There go that republican hypocrisy”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you like it up the shitter tan boy?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rejoyce4eva7 @MASportsCentral @PGar58 @LisaMarieBoothe Biden has been Joking Joe, Gaffe machine, never shown leadership in 47 yrs. They picked him & tapped Obama friend, Kamala, their 1st choice for President. Progressives know Kamala will go as far left as told by real leaders behind scene in their divisive Resistance. MSM failed us","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We get shit transported from Africa niggas told me they seen venomous snakes Iguanas a beetle the size of a car tire lmaoooo \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f all kinds of shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You must love DJT more then I do\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 You are obsessed with him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SarccasmicTw: Twitter has a bird as its logo, that's why when you join you're an egg. And your home button is a birdhouse. Why am I jus…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Yankees: You may cry after watching the Derek Jeter @Gatorade ad: http:\/\/t.co\/hMO9Bxol0x http:\/\/t.co\/0xdlxToci8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER According to the liberals yes! Guilty unless she proves her innocence! Wait are you a man? If so then No you can not be trusted ever! How dare you make a claim against a woman! Women are above the sins of man! We are perfect!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user see what i\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll watch and record on @user next friday, 17th. #dead7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have only a modest following on Twitter, about 5K, so I'm not very influential. Have any well known Conservative Twitter users with 100K or 1M followers been locked out or just little guys like me?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER WHERE DO YOU FIND ANTIFA IN CHICAGO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user wow how did i get blessed with such an incredible sense of humor #grateful #blessed #wow #d1bound","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IMayBeAThiefBut but I'm not a mean girl. OK I was once, but is calling my bestie a cunt and a whore so bad? Oh, an\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah it always seems to rain right after you cut grass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some leftminded fools think the refugess will come to care for the older people.That also wrong, they come to have a nice life with welfare. Nations have to decide: more refugees - less socialwelfare; or: socialwelfare without refugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cornhole is the Southern name for a game where you throw beanbags at a panel with a hole in it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are you really Michael Moore or are you Rosie in \u201cdrag\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"92% of foreign nationals in federal prisons are illegal aliens #SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Because forming massive conglomerations of nations obliged to go to war worked out so well at the beginning of the last century... http:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2017-12-15\/who-ya-go...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Yaremisxo whatever Neymar trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user awesome hrithik \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00e2\u009c\u008c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Im sorry for being mean but if you are in my shoes right now i bet you'll kill this bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel\u2019s famous quote \u201cYou never let a serious crisis go to waste\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the regressive socialist marxist dems go back any further into his background I'm sure they will find out he used to play cowboys and Indians when he was a kid. Of course he played the part of the cowboy so you will hear them say he's prejudice, hates Indians and poc Senate Democrats call Nixon lawyer John Dean to testify at Kavanaugh hearing https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/senate-d...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm an 18 year old gay driving through the back roads of redneck Virginia blasting Cheetah Girls. If that doesn't scream sitcom, what does?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"see when a women cheats on a man SOME say: 'you hoe, skank, bitch' *it's external when a man cheats on a woman SO\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Long Ass Blog That Might Not Make\u00a0Sense URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No class, no help for #SleepyJoe #Trump2020 [NEWLINE]Fact Check: Michelle Obama Repeats \u2018Suckers and Losers\u2018 Claim in Video for Joe Biden https:\/\/t.co\/e9TypdaYWG via @BreitbartNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch fuck you hoe ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Heroes.\u00a0 \u00a0@potus of fake assaults\u00a0 \u00a0accused kav of fake assault, didn't work.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user philosophically speaking, can a hippie, crazy cat lady who supports antiFa still be called a fascist\"\"? literally asking for a friend who's a constitutional \"\"scholar\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The liberals will use whatever label they can to discredit people who disagree and\/or are a threat to their agenda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I want a bitch or whore or pig come to me now kik: mishalcoors #bitch #whore #ass #pussy #wine #beer #\u0643\u064a\u0643 #\u0643\u0643\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AustinthaIntern Johnny football is trash man. Trash. Lol.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user She and Him beign a Joint Acct. Have called Me and Grok everything under the sun The Same Person Women Racist Redneck Antifa KKK Members Grannies (Yes Grannies) Haha Etc It's pretty common when the Fraud Gets Busted to start calling the one's who Busted them hilarious names ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Any woman that likes me is a bitch. All women are bitches. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These animals should be removed from our country immediately! #NODACA #BUILDTHEWALL!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ...Not too old to stand up and yell when she is out of order....Guess she gets what\u2019s coming to her like everyone else. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm really too grown to get out w a Bitch to fight but it's a certain level of disrespect with you whores and I will handle mine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user who breathes through a wave? maybe you need to. #resilience ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Rampant crime? You mean Chicago a dem city that has the highest gun control of the country? Taking credit for a black man? Everything fell or stagnated with Obama. And caging brown families? Clinton Bush and Obama did it to a far worst extent. And thier illegal so whatever.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your bitch ass is gonna get slapped send me those hoes now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3) Conservatives think it because the NeoCon infiltration that successfully corrupted, and nearly destroyed, conservatism has been brainwashing them for decades to accept anything with the free trade\"\" label as good - and anything with \"\"protectionist\"\" attached to it as bad.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are most definitely not a man of God.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Those idiots are fringe right. They are hated by most conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user At least we have brains to fall out\"\" in the first place; unlike conservatives who believe everything their handlers feed them.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9X0nC1UQzB4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"show it (or hide it) #photo #mask #folkgood #show #hide #character #face #masks \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Speaking truth and facts and not cow towing to liberal bullshit is not a tactic or hate.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pizza \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0095and \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8vodka ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user stop w 'we have to worry about the children' No we do not-many R >20yrs old Go home and make your country better or enter ours legally #NoDACA we can't afford them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What law will you pass that will get people who ignore all other laws to obey? A murderer ignores a ton of laws but somehow he will obey gun control laws?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you are polyamorous you better like feminine penis. (banned from). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Still banned form twitter heres the screen shot. You tell me,..where I violated anyone.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this thread is the fully bomb. racism is the most effective weapon of white supremacy. it has no i test in being di\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EVIL MOTHER FUCKER THE DEVIL POPE.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All you need to know is he is empty inside","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BULLSHIT!!! #coward #Parkland\u00a0 More like he was too close to retirement to take the chance?\u00a0 Please keep in mind the resignation was entered as part of the retirement process. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump *SAVE YOUR LIFE *[NEWLINE]#Vote #VoteBlue #VoteEarlyRemoveTrump #RemoveTrumpNow #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the news media has become pathetic. repoing on things that matter to humans as a species has disappeared. just @user seems to know. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UN wants \u2018\u02dcimmediate halt\u2019 to separation of migrant families in US Tell the UN to kiss our azs and stay out of our business. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"My best friend's sisters cousin's boyfriend...\" -Hahahaha!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER sorry for so much bs to get to this but here is the article i read URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racists never ceased to rant in 2016 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Apparently this POS doesn\u2019t know that Viacom bought out BET. It went from black ownership to white ownership\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil riyadh is renowned for some of the deadliest traffic in the world. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Introvert level expert ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you know you're deep, when you try to search if your zodiac signs match together \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #smh #lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's SOY BOY to the rescue!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm not a but @user is the #truth #reality","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user true! did u see king's own paper called it 4 hrc? that's gotta hu. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stacey Abrams should be governor or Georgia. She never stopped fighting. GA is one of the vulnerable states regarding voter suppression. Donate, volunteer \/6[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#RBG #HereRightMatters #BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/amr86khyEr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Agreed! It\u2019s not gun control they want - it\u2019s people control. Without guns we are helpless and they know it! Our founders knew this too - #2A","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you President Trump and Than You God for hearing our prayers. #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"full time adulting again!! #sohappy #almostgraduated #assitantmanager","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"these people should have come closer[NEWLINE]#PutinsGOP #Putin #MAGA2020 #QAnons #quote #BOSvsMIA #FaZe5 #ORLvCHI #JoeBiden #LadyGaga #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020LandslideVictory #Texas#Trump2020 #WWE #WWG1GWA #POTUS #trump #USA #Atlanta #uniswap #CancelNetflix #DonaldTrump #education \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude1b\ud83e\udd2e https:\/\/t.co\/3vs1uF4EI7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is bullshit. You either have a vagina or a penis, period. This country has gone mad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I mean, that occasionally works when arguing with liberals or centrists, if you can get them to give up the idea that Socialism=Authoritarianism,\" the problem is that conservatives have long since given up the idea that administrative measures are ever the right thing to do.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wish kids were like cars... Once you can't afford them, they come and repossess them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m SO GLAD you left! You didn\u2019t deserve that disrespect and it was in all likelihood just going to get worse. You deserve someone who\u2019s PROUD of how smart and amazing you are. Someone who doesn\u2019t want to dim your shine to make themselves feel better. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" to finally have a #philly #cheesesteak! #wheninphilly #phillycheesesteak #mollymalloys #readingterminalmarket ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you for standing for DECENCY. The liberal left is up to its same OLD tactics. LIES at 11th hour from LEFTY Liberal haters. This story stinks from outside in @USER #MAGA #tcot @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's hangman time for these cockroaches...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tomorrow's the day!! first delivery of our new range of organic eco friendly clothing #nakedsole","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need more Amy Coney Barretts and fewer Kamala Harrises.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thank you for writing about female refugees living in Jordan! At CRP, we try to empower our beneficiaries who are women through specific trauma- and gender-sensitive programming. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Drag him to the door by his balls and throw him out so hard he bounces twice. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we were so to be playing for #vigilfororlando #harp #clonakilty #rip via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks man! It means a lot to me. I've been meaning to do something like this for a long time. I've been researching things for sometime feel free to ask me anything. Ill help you how ever I can.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My dad was the chef in my house so the whole women need to stay in kitchen doesnt make sense to me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I keep hearing the right referred to as 'Fascists'. Doesn't right wing mean you want less gov? Wouldn't extreme right wingers be the Clive Bundy types? Also, the black masked anarchists\/antifa, who want no gov, would actually be right wing extremists.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's because she's a kike! They can do everything hypocritical!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never understand why you would wanna call a bitch that like me or wanted to fuck me before,your friend \ud83d\udcaf is them hoes yo friend Fr ? No\ud83d\ude45\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Good Arrest them all! Arrest the crazy NDP leader @user as well. She is Having her lil minions take a fall for her! She planned this! Will she be paying their Legal fees? I think not! The immaturity level of this goverment party is disgusting!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You must like the antifa style guy. You don't know what a decent moral man looks like. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Trump needs to move to Egypt as he is constantly in de Nile.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nobody expects shit from women in this rotten society.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DeepStateUnmasked: IRS Officials \"You Should Give Increased Scrutiny\" to Conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You should know better to use common sense with hypocritical liberals. #KeithEllisonAbuse ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh my, i graduated from college in one week \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #college #graduation @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Media has sold out to Soros, etc, and selling USA Public down the river for power and money, we are nothing to them @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Wow. This is really showing your lower level of reviewing of before governments. This is what Antifa does -- promises antifascism but is lying to everyone by blaming capitalism as we now know it instead of the governments that have perverted it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gone but never forgotten! #cophumor #thinblueline #officerbaker #police ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lol.. why don't they ever do it in the head to protest trump.. also aren't these people all for gun control? tweet tweet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a liar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JoeBiden No. And if his whiny baby voice wasn't mixed in with yours I'd make your epic shut up man my ring tone. Go Joe! #bidenharris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What is happening to Infowars right now is what is going to happen to your white children\/grandchildren in the next 20 years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Red roses swarm. Conservatives pounce. We need our own verb.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He had 1 offer since june! The shitty browns that's it!! Stop thinking he is still good you are living in the past","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I wonder if they are sex traffic victims? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when your craving cereal and there's no milk.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Innocent until proven guilty! I think time has run out on this! And personnel I think she is lying! And someone is paying her to lie! JMO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i never got my follow from @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user those venture capitalists put money above everything ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Silly unhinged liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have a feeling you'll be seeing this video ALOT in the next few months! \u00a0 Enjoy the very beginning of the Drain.The.Swamp! #McCabefired We Are Not Alone! https:\/\/youtu.be\/wh3i3vWgPyk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"congratulations #nashville fans, we did it!! we #broughtbacknashville woohoo!! thank you @user i couldn't be more ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Reading these comments..this dear boy was burned alive!!!! And some are still talking about gun control! My gosh people!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Village Voice<\/i> ends editorial production, lays off half of staff. https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/oi3p","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tired of #dems trying to speak 4 all ppl of color. Im #hispanic and they dont speak 4 me. I support #trump and support deporting all #illegals. #buildthatwall. #immigration needs to be done legally, no excuses. also, abolish the #h1bvisa program. foreigns r taking #americans jobs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#love for #doodle just keeps on increasing #doodlerindelhi #a #colors #caoons #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You have a dick? Damn didn\u2019t know bhadbhabie was actually a bhadtranny ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"their lives were taken because they were gay! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ebola heroes to protest over migrants being denied NHS healthcare ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My flow retarded 😎","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Friend- do you have any plans this weekend? Me- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"While the young \"badasses\" sit in Starbucks, drinking coffee on their parents' dime, debating comic book plotlines, and planning their next trip to Whole Foods. For fuck's sake, don't any of the younger males want to FIGHT anymore? Soccer hooliganism is an outlet, sure, but it's a waste of time. Fight, young men.....fight!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We don't need more RAPEFUGEES! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wouldn't it be nice if Sweden said \" Go ahead, you thieving Christ killing bastards!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bullshit. People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico. And you can start with that mayor. Stop lying Gutierrez.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user great night, great cause. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@exrabb @seanhannity That\u2019s definitely fake news. President Trump is one of the greatest things that America has ever experienced! #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Republican Anti-Union Bill Goes Down in Flames in Missouri ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Because you have paranoid and always spam OMG SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16 SHE IS 16\" And you spam to everyone that SHE IS 16 and Credit Telltale in your every posts. It's so fucking funny for me. Chill out. No one cares that she's 16.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bITCHC IM UWUING ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"istg this is the best cheese ta but dayum expensive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/GooglebonkerGaming\/posts\/1206420129494269 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6. She's a fucking icon. a legend. a genius. THAT BITCH. SHE IS QUEEN. \ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc51 @user #NickiDaGOAT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER this comment only shows that having refused to engage with facts you do the fascist antifa approach which is to use personal attack to try to bully your way into some mythical win. Research projection and stop doing it u look stupid now!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That is why you never want to deal with the left\/democrats. They have become lunatics. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a pedo.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"your lips like fire, my blood like gasoline \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0098 #love #boyfriend #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrants Using Nearly 60 Percent More Food Stamps than Americans via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yahooo just ordered my @user championship hat and shi online. #nllchamps #backtoback","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A hoe ass bitch & a bitch ass nigga only gonna act towards you the way you allow them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Meet Walter: Walter is most likely #Maga.Walter believes the lies he told daily about an imaginary #WalkAway being talked about in no community of color because it is #fakeNews.Walter does not understand minorities penchant for remembering what u did to them..Walter eats toenails ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Then HAUL YOUR FAT ASS IN HARMS WAY YOU DRUGGIE!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Outstanding!! Put that nigger in its place. Keep those eyes down, nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #paintnite pay with @user lola_shwgrl and sisters and friends. life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA: #TheTrumpProphecy \"A Movie on the #Trump Miracle and a Prayer Movement to Save America - In Theaters October 2 & 4\"~> https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/09\/the-trump-prophecy-a-movie-on-the-trump-miracle-and-a-prayer-movement-to-save-america-in-theaters-october-2-4\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nicki album bomb af I swear yall niggas really just dont like women sound like hatin bitch go put on a skirt and stfu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"God Bless America and #NeverForget I was there so I never will \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"celebrate success and life! #shakeyourbutt #love #life #invest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : lee blaske - \" 15 - through the mirror - pa 2\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am all in. #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is! \ud83d\udca5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" fathers to everyone #haykrico ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do it right. \u00a0Date and marry white. No race mixing, fam. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rapid onset gender confusion in teenagers is encouraged by watching youtube dysphoria videos and having social media incessantly support borderline mental illnesses.\u00a0 Kids need strong families and a lifestyle of healthy activities outdoors. Get off the internet. https:\/\/www.transgendertrend.com\/new-study-on-rapi...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have to wonder if he supports another very well known model that happens to be an immigrant and has had some fleshy pictures published in the past.She lives in the Whitehouse now. And as far as I can tell is an incredible person. Would sh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get to the back of the bus! WE!!!!!! #MakingAmericaWHITEAgain","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck u bitch ass whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"winter bulk to \"nearly\" summer bod,progress so far \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think ppl like us dont care about shit like that #WeGotBiggerProbs and a #BiggerPlan to roll out","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lying PM just like Bliar! End of Tory party & I'm tory party member! Remainers refuse to discuss this with me in Tory party ! Please get rid of this total liar who hooks up with corrupt convict @USER from @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Beautiful and sexy.. \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to live and die in la \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091 #views #blessed #gorgeous #luxury #beautiful #success\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why are people saying don't let guys treat you like a yellow starburst? That's my favorite.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user pimp Butters \ud83d\ude02\u201ddo you understand what I am saying?\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : michael gettel - \" aspens in january\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#prayfororlando can we show #love & not #hate by clifton w. :0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russell wilson would\u2019ve won if he didn\u2019t endorse those godless heathens Joe biden and Kamala Harris.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Brianhopecomedy: “Daddy, Batman’s parents are dead.”\n\n“Yup.”\n\n“And Superman’s.”\n\n“Yup.”\n\n“What am I going to be when you die?”\n\n“Sad ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user (She is clearly agitated in a defensive stance) Shit- what is she doing here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You people calling everyone Nazis under the sun becomes tiring and stupid frankly. You people called Zena Bash a Nazi and it turns out she is half Mexican and Polish descent and her family barely escaped death from the Nazis. So keep it up desensitize that word. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"reading my manuscript and not wanting to stop. . good evening and good night. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Time to end the climate hype. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why do the most wise words often come from black americans? is it just a reaction of ? #denzelwashington #morganfreeman #willsmith","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user just 3 keys that are found on your computer to #enjoy #life. #inspiration #advice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user WHY ! DO the gun control people believe legal owners are not following current laws ? You fools. It is about making the citizens of the USA defenseless. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You don't stand for Canadian workers: \u201cWages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't follow the astros they said. They're trash they said. Well now look at them #astros","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"traveling happy #family holidays #car #sunnyday #sunny #sunday #glasses #enjoy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you finally get the bitch to leave ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Incredible: After 65 years, the #KoreanWar is officially over. Both Koreas agree to: - turn #DMZ into a \"peace zone\"; - discontinue hostile acts as part of efforts to formally end Korean War; - hold a reunion for divided families on Aug 15; - push for 3-way or 4-way talks that also involve the US and China","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sheryl crow being the bae","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*brand new 190k gym* now open! call us now to book a tour! 0115 8599968 #revamp #pulsefitness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Send message to the German Embassy loud and strong resign give ordinary Germans the right to say no to Immigration now not next Year ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a major scandal!! What the f*ck was the #TrumpAdministration and the #Trump2020 campaign thinking?? Hiding his diagnosis for 36 *additional* hours is totally irresponsible and something #VladimirPutin would do. #LiarInChief #PutinsPuppet https:\/\/t.co\/MTKC9ebeWn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sex games will make you feel like you're actully having sex or, as ign would describe it it really makes you feel like you're fucking some whore in an alleyway\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy's Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My guess is 44 got it from those 100's of $bil of money he stole from #fanniemae that sat off balance as a slush fund in @user see #fannieGate. #ThursdayThoughts #Releasethetexts #NoRedactions #Obamagate #ObamaKnew #DrainTheDeepState @user #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives like Shapiro think everyone's cognitive functionality is structured like theirs: rules-based. Nope. It is especially true for non-conservatives that most people think results\/goals-based and *NOT* rules-based. So they can't contend with rule-breakers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are those #ypfdj ? #refugees #Eritrea #Ethiopia \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/gbp hits new five-day lows near 0.7870 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bowl Drawing for Control of VA House RSBN.TV #DrainTheSwamp #RSBN #MAGA https:\/\/youtu.be\/tzurmeZWqUc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 1 & 7 blocking my way to hap'penis ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"March Madness Trust Kansas Q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are so far of the mark at times. You seem to be completely detached from the masses.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think I'm getting sick of#winning so much. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well if Osuna did do that than he's the ass. Not really sure why you went there. Are you claiming I punch women? If you are sir you are the asshole and completely wrong. My tweet had nothing to do with Osuna it was a clear fact that Giles punches himself when he sucks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Daily Dose of Truth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user has never had a woman accuse him of any inappropriate behavior. But Slick Willie has been accused of rape by several women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Absolutely all fucking done. Bye Felicia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Netanyahu to hold meeting on nation-state law following objections by Druze http:\/\/www.jwire.com.au\/netanyahu-to-hold-meeting-on-nation-state-law-following-objections-by-druze\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i loved the text & can't wait to see it brought to life. it's got such great reviews too, i'm counting the days 2c it! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"they r desperate to curb the growing confidence of patriotism in the UK, especially because patriots are rising up in the correct way. Not through violence or \u201cinsurrection\u201d\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Wow. Lying comes so easily to you liberals. Scary.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Robyn I was gonna make vegan scones but I ran out of fucking time. Blame my biochem lab ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hardcore techno remix tight shaved pussy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shoot her \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bitch get out my house tf wrong with you hoe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how the mind is used is the only difference in you being successful #mindset #personaldevelopment #success ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : lubomyr melnyk - \" nightrail from the sun\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Upon further inspection..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope this shit doesn\u2019t become a trend. Keep the beef on wax homie. Or at least call and yell at each other on Hot 97 like 50n& Cam did URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER is not a difficult woman she is a far left leaning bitch. She has no place in unbiased commentary on any platform. Get rid of her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be let me know when you get it!\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093 humpday #wednesday #midweek #goodvibes \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because she \u201cis a woman??\u201d. Uh..wasn\u2019t her opponent a woman...not getting your ill formed point here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"omg, these trump suppoers are deplorable! #dumptrump #notmypresident #deplorable ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user go and see @user @user @user @user & more in dead pilots society on 5\/25! htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't know if this cat even realizes what he is doing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This super low IQ pussy, is just trying to revive his shit stained, failed career, such as it was, so he can pay for more failed plastic surgery. http:\/\/nosejobsurgerybeforeafter.com\/mickey-rourke-plastic-surgery\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Because the Retarded Pot Smoking Party will never defeat the Jews. God favors the Army with the most cannons.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/administration\/411607-trump-calls-stormy-daniels-horseface?amp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i'm defending a woman against condescension. although i saw you tweet that she belongs in the kitchen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I love @USER !! @USER stop your racist censorship now!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These are Canadian refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany to accept 50 rescued migrants after Italy's plea ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tbt my precious gook baby 😍😍😍😍😍😍 @outtapocketjuju http:\/\/t.co\/2QJLJj6tK5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the progressives aren't acknowledging when it comes to the FISO Memo, and even illegal immigration is that citizens don't take matters into their own hands as an agreement that the government will do its job of law, order, & justice. However, the people will self-govern and judge if the government proves it can't\/won't do the job.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" You know what they say. Every man, if he lives long enough, will get prostate cancer. Most men die of something else first, but still.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Total psyop at this point to anger liberals and keep them divided so they dont leave their sorry ass party. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user buffalo school districts boots trump ally over racist comments. #birdsofafeather #resist : ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You just said the same things all the liberals say. President Trump is not deporting immigrants. He's trying to deport people who sneak into this country & not follow the rules to come in. If you come in that way you are a criminal. Turn off CNN & try another point of view.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NEW Q post coming fast people!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"laugh & be . #positips #plusfactorph ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER This is as bad as those right wing nutjobs that scream Now is not the time!!\" to talk about things like gun control when a school gets shot up This is EXACTLY the time, when people are paying attention, when someone has just lost their life to something horrible & preventable\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off fishing tomorrow @user carnt wait first time in 2 years ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #kingkamehameha day #luckywelivehawaii honoring our #ancestors giving #gratitude and\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good night!!! to wake up tomorrow knowing is #friday #bedtime #snapchat @ statesman dc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But the orange preferred to send the hospital boat away and now she is standing empty. It could have saved many people. Fuck@USER ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Omg!!! A good guy is now evil!!!! Same thing happening is America!!! The Globalist world leaders with all their money would have us believe what is evil is good and what is good is evil!! I\u2019ve read that in the good book!! For the end time!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You know I'm not big on the NFL, but I'm so sick of hearing all of this \"Black and yellow\" shit. LOL @ bandwagon fans and hell, GO PACKERS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow you really think this works I am going to tell my wife she is going to hell lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She never planned to testify. It was all an act - one that fell flat very quickly. Liberals will never learn. We know their tactics. We can accurately predict their actions & responses. We also know how to think & do research. That's why they hate us. They can't control us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER is really THAT bitch wow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#congrats amanda on your promotion! #horizoninnovations #jacksonville ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i feel she want talking but she can't \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ppl speculate its ab the akb48 produce akimoto and the fact he is a right wing and koreans really dislike him ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From what I see we have no constitution ,POTUS cant even stop the killers from coming in our country , oh by the way I am sure all the criminals' will turn in there Bump stops","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Football is an all American sport that brings families and communities together. It also celebrates masculinity. It seems these things are under attack today.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nothing more british than a classic episode of #mrbean #nostalgia #britishthings #teddy @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ag pick jeff sessions scrubs racism from record...even tho he once argued this is a felony #trumpsamerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @PattyChocMilk: #teabagger math http:\/\/t.co\/lOiZi6fM6U","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am delightful. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #smile #instaday #instagood #instamood #sunnyday #sunglasses #sun #sea\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER House of flowers!!!!! Shits crazy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"never thought germany would be this warm. #notacloudinthesky \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#AusFam Fuck off, Di Natale. What would you know? Or are you part of the Oz communist cabal? Obviously. That's okay - stick your neck out. All the easier to slip your noose on.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa aren't fascist They're terrorist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I agree. Those antifa nutjobs should be arrested before they start trouble again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this date 4 months i will have the honour of being @user #bridesmaid. one thing getting through! <3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Quiz of the Week: What baby present was 'awesome'? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/33hkZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Restrict Welfare Benefits 2 British people ONLY Confiscate properties that house illegal Immigrants Offshore internment camps 4 Illegal Immigrants. Segregate by Ethnicity 2 simplify. Invite UN 2 solve missing passports & Papers. No Residency Automatic Deportation 4 Illegal entry. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you to the @user and Dick Ebeling for their support in continuing to inspire students and promote #STEM renovation projects! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I grew up on dairy farm, I have experience. How about U ? Modern dairy farms will not need ur farmers, new barns have\u00a0 NO\u00a0 humans milking the cows. Computerized equipment will milk the cow whenever she comes in the stanchion. She decides, so a good producing cow will want to get \"relieve\" and comes in to be milked. Ur south Africans farmers will be out of luck again","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lying @user and his disingenuous excuses for #deviant remarks about michelle & #barackobama: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RedPillMedia\u200d\u00a0this double photo. If photo 1 was posted some time ago and photo 2 recently with both photos being almost identical, then I can only come to only ONE CONCLUSION: Q comes or gets info from the future: The Future Proves The Past. How often has Q told us to EXPAND our thinking?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" to add this #petite #vintage#case to my#suitcase #tower! #lovevintage #vintageluggage #vintagestyle #lovefl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So I'm not sure she is a woman for one mostly men throw out insults like that to each other or mean ugly feminist cat women with penis envy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user anxiety is tweets before coffee & watering plants then realizing 2 hours has gone by cuz ur damn foot went to sleep ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201dI\u2019m not sure you should assume I'm not corrupt.\u201d - Joe Biden[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #BidenCrimeFamily https:\/\/t.co\/7DQKbbANiN","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why are Democrat women so ugly? Honestly, what a difference from Republican women. Anybody else agree?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So a cop kills someone and this becomes a gun control issue?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Now let\u2019s do Antifa radicalization!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrats have been POISON to America since the country was new! And they get worse all the time!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@urbasicyabish nigor??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate when handicapped people park in regular spots... Who TF do they think they are?! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@gop What you are doing, in an attempt to weaken US democracy, just proves to those of us who voted for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats down the ballot, that we did exactly the right thing for this country. And we won't forget in January, mid-terms, or in 2024. No chance!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NFC South is trash juice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First comes tightening of non prosecution of Naff Staff then open door immigration Policy for Non EU medical staff after a week of complaining about poor Indian sponsored Medical students and Doctors Immigration law is changed for others through the back door they call it common# ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh my god. They\u2019re so fucking cute. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @stoolpresidente: If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around does it make any noise? If NJ blows away and only trash live the ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LMFAO , you trying hard hun . You & your skank friend can\u2019t reach to me & my girls level bitch bye. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Well they will start banishing all acct's for promoting URL FB gave @USER Brandon a 30 day z-jail time. I'm sure tomorrow Apple\/Jacks will do it too. Let's all just do it and see how many conservatives & #WalkAwayMarch er's they shut down.poof FB begone","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Is he crazy? Where is SS detail.. How are they making sure some crazy liberal with a gun doesn't show up? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get your plan together to #VOTE! #VOTEBYMAILEARLY[NEWLINE]#EarlyVoting #BidenHarris2020[NEWLINE]NY Gov. Cuomo may use National Guard on Election Day[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/Ees210FDy7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user zomg thank you!!! and i know right?!?! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BigBird was made by a gay couple. So yes, under a GOP world the bird would not have existed since its creators would be in jail for sodomy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That would be the middle hole, science deniers.\u00a0 http:\/\/caldronpool.com\/healthline-says-using-the-m...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is awful. And so smug.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mid week road trip.... #bestdayever","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Get shit poppin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I dimly remember an Econ theory that might apply to Chicago. What was it? \u201cGuns and butt-hurt?\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/trending\/massive-cloud-of-midges-descends-on-cleveland-registering-on-weather-radars\/\u00a0 Sounds like Africa. We don't have many bugs in California. It is one of the perks of living here. Almost no mosquitoes. No gnats or midges. You can take a walk without a bug bite.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gonna boo his ass regardless now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let\u2019s put a dog back on the White House! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ICPbcaNDi6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"30 mins for @natezoo919 n @greco_joel to pick out a trash can @ meijer....now do u guys understand why I took 3 shots before this trip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user the more he says \"believe me,\" the more we don't. #veryrude","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"on route to see @user #soproud ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@geokthree I literally just told @Black_SinS to his face how trash he is at the shop in hooping","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My baby boy asleep with my monkey that I had since I was little! I love my son so much! http:\/\/t.co\/ioSARfS3rO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER We have been saved from you! MAGA!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You are not going to get it. Grow up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Age isn't the big deal. I trust an 80 year old right-winger over a 30 year old socialist any day of the week. Chances are they're both swamp creatures, but I'll take right leaning over everything.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 lovely comments from one of our customers , thankyou \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #fashion# ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wow !!! no wonder the Liberals only got worse as a party of bullies to women...??? no accountability.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/usd could test 1.16 near-term \u00e2\u0080\u0093 westpac #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"japan keeps the fight going for nationism and we all must protect it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user are you seriously considering a performance at the inauguration of a #lying #misogynist\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user raptor flight demo @user #raptors @user @user & @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The people of PR tried telling us this last year but you were too busy bashing trump with mayor Cruz. To you people 3000 peoples lives were worth it to try to make Trump look bad. You are all a disgrace! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hate to rain on the parade but this is most likely a 1-11 Arkansas team they beat. Glad for Mason as he is a great player but the team they beat would not be competitive in C-USA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DogginTrump @RepublicanSwine @KamalaHarris is going to smoke his ass in the debate. #TheResistance #BidenHarris2020 #ByeDon2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ATTENTION EVERYONE!! Bitcoin is a serious breach of security as it is ultimately controlled by the Communist Chinese Government! The Democrats did not care about this so they just let it slide, but it is in fact treason against the American way of life!\u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" ! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095#letang crosby & the rest of the 2015-16 #penguins","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".... and so it begins. <<<< The unfair and biased and unjustified targeting of Conservatives in a massive CENSORSHIP OF CONSERVATIVES Exercise . >>>> #Pray4TheUSA #Pray4Revival","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trump is done. You are a Anti-Ameican pro-Trump azz!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yup! She will destroy hard working ppl and small businesses. She is evil with a pretty face and ppl are falling for it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a stellar year it's been for ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Random thought. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Republicans and right leaning people keep wanting to see evidence of global warming, yet they take on faith that Donald Trump has a big, sweaty deeyok. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Just food for thought.[NEWLINE]#maga #MAGA2020 #MAGA2020Landslide #KAG #KeepAmericaGreat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is gorgeous. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Being at a public pool makes me realize how much I really do fucking hate kids ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@tytytooflyy ima fill ur clam out","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Media silence on this too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Companies used to remove execs who are emotionally disturbed. An ED exec can't be trusted to be a leader of people. I guess no longer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looking forward to our work trip this week! #bangalore #porschedesign #tako #vsco\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Right... disgusting! I can\u2019t tell if these acc is a man or woman but he\/she is sick.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Just think. She is infinitely funnier than you. Obviously..D'uh huh.\" \ud83d\ude2e\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He says, as he tongues another man's ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To make an open Europe for many refugees the poltical puppets will open all borders. They believe that the costs of workers fall down and the rich earn more money. So the establishment works in Europe against the voters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Remind me of Antifa ratbags. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user who in America isn't grateful to our military?!?!? Her husband didn't die on the battle field...he died at home!! She should be fighting for gun control and stronger laws regarding mental illness! @user is about police brutality...she should educate herself on the issues ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris Kamala. Boy I wanted you as President, but this will do. You go girl. Us two here are coveringShut them down covering your back. With you being so forthright and Joe with his experience I know the two of you will quickly discourage Proud Boys and Poor Boys hehehe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER is my guy! He is my god son","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y'all so quick to call a girl a thot meanwhile u eatin and raw dogging every bitch u can \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You've got Nads Patriot, I'll give you that! :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Give me a fucking break. Liberals are so selective with their false outrage. A turd of a president gets rightfully railed for saying, grab them by the pussy\" decades before but a Hollyweird gets a pass for saying \"fuck the shit out of the boy next to him\" gets a liberal pass? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or she just cant afford winter clothes RT @da_1eye_creep Summer hoe = winter Muslimah","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegals are Not Entitled To our Country, Our #Jobs Nor Our Welfare System #VoteDemsOut Keep ICE and the Rule of Law Stop rewarding Illegals Mandatory E-Verify on #Jobs and Welfare Here Illegally No Benefits for #AnchorBabies Not Citizens #NoDACA #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ok bitch stfu now get over it suck a dick ride a dick choke on a dick and die ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6-4 placement games :))) now it's time for the real grind to begin! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user i will make you i will only #serve you i am not #wohy of your #beauty #findom # #follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user or you can wait till that wkend. i bought a $93 turn one ticket race morning for $30. ppl can hardly give them away. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HAHAHAHA, wtf??! Literally everything is an evil Jewish plot. This is what happens when you step out of your safe space.....you say shit that makes you look like an idiot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Johnny Castle loves always wet warm fuck hole of Rilynn Rae with tiny bottom and trimmed cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I had to look up who he was. A Bush-Cheney guy. GOP have some strange conservatives. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeahhhhh I will admit to being a Destiny 1 Cayde Liker but God they just made him suck in 2! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #chroniclescontinues that moment when @user steals my favorite color and then asks if im with her. #what #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2Zq7R1E0Vk4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You can say that again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user father's day #cutewoohyun #\u00ec\u009a\u00b0\u00ed\u0098\u0084 #woohyun #\u00e3\u0082\u00a6\u00e3\u0083\u0092\u00e3\u0083\u00a7\u00e3\u0083\u00b3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Truth. All you need to do is see what any of them threaten if even moderate gun control proposals are seriously talked about.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you know how to keep poor whites and blacks where they belong? Open borders! Build a wall, protect our citizens","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You just described all the liberals! That's not what I said! President Trump unlike Obama Loves this Country his actions prove it he's for the growth of America not the destruction! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s not wrongfully characterizing. It\u2019s the fucking truth and you guys are just to ignorant to see it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lets try to make that #frown go upside-down! #goodvibes #smile #energy #positivity #like #follow #retweet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hunted online like an animal... peak faggotry.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Can't even give that rag away. A waste of paper. #MAGA #NATIONALISM #AMERICA #RIGHTWING #BUILDTHATWALL #JOINTHENRA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Chinese are one race but they are still racist against darker skin Chinese. They call them niggers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user looking forward to this afternoon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GUNSDems fall into 3 categories1 don't have guns but have bodyguards with guns2 don't have guns but depend on law enforcement to protect them3 gangbangers & bad guys w\/guns who pray those who don't#NRA #KAG #MAGA #Trump #POTUS #2A #2Amendment #NEWS #USA #NoDACA #guns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I don't think you have a clue what leadership and liberals have the temperament of 2 year old children being told no....you have the intellectual brilliance of a goat.. please stop tweeting. TDS is making look quite the fool.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Having a gun gives my 115 pound daughter a fighting chance against a 220 pound man. Buy your resposible family members guns. Teach them to use them. Make sure they have them available at all times!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because he is a Republican. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"green book\" \"sundown towns\", #route66 guide a reminder of that faced travellers under #us #segregation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Britain's #theGuardian publishes article acknowledging #socialism is forcing #Venezuelans to flee the country for #Brazil (but does describe the President of Brazil as Far Right though) \u00a0https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/world\/2018\/may\/15\/vene...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lea Ramirez reports from New York City as an alliance develops between tech workers and immigrant rights activists to challenge the tech giants\u2019 ties to ICE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Many liberals are. Male and female! Lol \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"every one knew that was obama's excuse to be able to arm and train isis members, his coreligionists.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Is that some weird invitation for a treasure hunt where the goal is to find his old \u201cdeadname\u201d? Is it because he feels the need to prove that he is trans? Or because ppl didn\u2019t care about it enough? Either way I\u2019m not going to join \ud83d\ude12","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and let a mutha fucka know you wanna have sex to their face ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bigots demand recount in #Idaho #gay rights ordinance referendum http:\/\/t.co\/TorYEXxMwi #tcot #teaparty #teabaggers #lgbt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You're a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and you're bussin a skank, you lot\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wildlife Artist Denis Mayer Jr #Painting #Art","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" weekend mi gente, kisses from @user #pueobanus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Truthfeed News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'JUST IN: FBI Deals Yet Another Devastating Blow to Democrats on Kavanaugh\u2019s Accuser' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The likelihood of that genuine threat, of course, is very much open to debate. Statistically speaking, an immigrant who has lived in the United States for decades, has an immaculate criminal record, and comes from Central America (like many ice targets) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just when you think Orban and Company can't get any better - there's this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER There's zero evidence of any gaff and it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals. #CONservatives #cdnpoli","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Gun control has everything to do with punishing conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So we should believe this from 40 years ago when the man went to an all boys school. This was a way to try and stop the confirmation and blew up in @USER face. She is a corrupt pos!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a lying leftist!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#rip @user she didn't deserve her fate. her life was taken for no reason. #prayforchristina ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He can't. The system is completely gridlocked by these judges and whorish politicians. Mexico can just slowly terraform our country until it turns into another Mexico. They don't need to send an army. Just voters that the Left can use for power and the Right can use for cheap labor. It's shit like this that the Alt-Right exists. We elected Trump because we want him to completely reform the system and we're starting to realize that cannot happen. This system needs to be replaced because soon the demographics will change in favor of the invaders and we lose without a shot fired.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Definitely not as a democracy because its a Constitutional Republic!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"woke up this morning 2 the horrific news fr orlando .i don't give a fuck if u r straight or gay or \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008fgoblins with green hair no 1 this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real Conservative actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"VPOTUS Swearing-in U.S. Ambassador to Germany #DrainTheSwamp @RSBNetwork #MAGA https:\/\/youtu.be\/F2l_eabATCE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I don't know anything about the kkk although I believe the democrats fund them like they always did. I think the Dems main terror group these days is antifa.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so done!! flight delayed by nearly 5hrs!!!! &frustrated","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Glad her career is ruined by the way. She deserves to be ruined after what she done. Just because she WAS a celebrity doesn't mean she should be excused. Doesn't mean she is above the law.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I Wanna Rape You Not Fuck You . Bitch Take My Sex & Stfu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals are sick people!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pro Tip: If you want alternatives to Youtube, Google, etc. come up with something better, and stop labeling it as 'alternative', cucks. Label it as BETTER. The right lacks creativity outside of memes and it fucking shows.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa are nothing but terrorists. #antifa #antifaAREterrorists","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump new york co-chair won't resign despite racist remarks about obamas #politics #obama #schools","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1 year anniversary\u00e2\u009d\u00a5\u00e2\u009d\u00a5 #love #honokabucouple #couple #date #366days #like4like #l4l #f4f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cali already has some of the most strict gun control laws in the county. And you can't blame this on on Indiana. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you say 'not all men' but don't call your peers out when they're at fault, YOU ARE NOT HELPING by staying fucking neutral. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheHeinz64 @JoeBiden Love your Putin quote lol #PutinsPuppy #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Blatantly Lie Much","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"peppa pig happy bihday george #peppa #pig #bihday #george #peppapighappybihdaygeorge. time post: wed\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fools No respect ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When he promised you he was gonna 'fuck the shit out of you' but can't even make it to round two. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everywhere you look, all you see is hillbilly deluxe... Big timin in a small town. #smalltownproblems #neversaiditwasabadthing #brooksndunn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I saw a sex video of her on pornhub.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy birthday to the stupidest hoe i know. the retarded cunt inspire me in more way than she know. i love this dumb bitch @user \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the fuck is viewpoint discrimination","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He trashed himself it was ugly.......didn\u2019t hurt Trump.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0098\u00bathat feeling when a new #morning is here\u00e2\u0098\u00ba #funnygif #gif #animation tumblr_o8jccruc9w1qzom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know you do, slut ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user THIS IS the same \"paper of record\" that covered up the Holocaust.It's amazing that NYT is still in business; but as long as lib billionaires can support it, it will live.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"agusto! @ rhodesia club social ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...Instead of taking concrete actions to help #reunite #immigrant #children who were separated from their parents, push forward gun control legislation, or work to #repeal the Muslim travel #ban, they did Trump\u2019s bigoted bidding without question.\" #FamiliesBelongTogether #NoBan\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't catch feelings, I don't catch flights, but I do catch dudes slippin and fuck their girls ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Theresa May isn\u2019t nice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech could bitcoins be a valuable investment for your retirement? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Freedom of speech, Man.\u00a0 I still want to see two of those bitches move to Canada.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER they're hot bro","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People don't scare me, my inability to be scared by people sometimes does tho ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Arrest her immediately. She is a wicked crazy democrat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why does he always have to do this\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When is enough. When is congress going to get rid of this asshole Trump. This son of a bitch is bad news ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user white supremacy is not a joke (i agree) but lying 2 wmn 2 get laid is woh joking about? line of thought by @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Hummingbirds https:\/\/hooktube.com\/watch?v=4sDetQmmuJE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" girl get fuck bondage leather girl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally, they no longer coddle the people whom wish to cause them harm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"61716~ super blessed day! #tyl #bikelife #tired #woh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Pay your back taxes yet ? Still have armed private security even after you screamed about gun control ? Your husband still talk to Harvey everyday ? Move out of your glass house ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company. Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Sanchez sucks. He is killing this Team IMO. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trumpites (Traitors) have their own \"P*ssy hats and wear them with pride.[NEWLINE]#BlueWave [NEWLINE]#BlueWave2020[NEWLINE]#Biden2020 [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020Landslide[NEWLINE]#BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 https:\/\/t.co\/foJTVbmN1j","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That guy has a legit case. Trump ain't fuck up the sexual orientation laws yet so dude needs to take them to court. And I say that as someone who describes themselves as I'm Not One of Those 'I'ma Sue!' People\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Medically treat the addict and the mentally ill gun shooter for the medical cause 1st then no need for a wall or further gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The \"wrong\" is with YOU.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"going to visit my boyfriend at his job next weekend #nervous #algonquinpark #beautiful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this #Generational #Cult Posing as a 'Church' is gaining the respect of the fucking world! HELLOOOO.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#trump #newyork co-chair '#gorilla' comment about #michelleobama 'damn #asians' #draintheswamp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@clangloisss hmu negro","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#HomeOffice releases one #Terrorist a week and 46 in the year to March? Report was prior to #Choudary being released. I have Home Office Document in full in a link on my stream .. questions asked are laughable #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Muslims #Migrants URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#THEBOONDOCKS at 10:30 my nicca!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Looks like ANTIFA thugs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's a lie...your antifa lefties are nothing but violent. This teacher spent a lot of time planning this attack on an honorable man with zero evidence. No reason at all to hold up kavanaugh! Another crazy liberal hit job!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is also ugly as hell and not something anybody wants to look at. LOL :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump You are loved sir we are with you and will continue your fight while you are getting better! The Country needs your leadership! MAGA forever! #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I remember how much we were making fun of conservatives in the 90s for thinking that puppets were gay... Now people are upset because they're not gay... PBS needs to put on a documentary teaching people how puppets are made... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @iStayRadAsShit: “@1BookieG: What I wish I can do every time I day playing flappy birds https:\/\/t.co\/mWiE7FkBu0”😂😂 foreall","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @FDA We don\u2019t trust a damn thing you or your minions have to say. #TrumpLiedAmericansDied [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/info.myrickcpa.com\/advice\/accounting-simplified-3-basic-financial-statements - An accounting simplified version of the three basic financial statements \u2013 Balance Sheet, Income #accounting_simplified #cash_flow_management","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nice new signage. Are you not concerned by Beatlemania -style hysterical crowds crongregating on you\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Beware of rightist false flags like the narrative of the OK sign being a white nationalist dog whistle. It's not. #TheResistance #Resist #BashTheFash #Antifa #SmashFascism URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Complete and utter waste of time. Liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NYC visited by the ute of peace, sad face react.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\/r\/dailysketch - grumpy cat - 11th june #tardarsauce #grumpycat #grumpy #cat #tardar \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and now i can't see he tweet at all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a take no prisoners attitude is okay when it comes to murderers. all people and organizations should be accountable if a murder occurs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No better or worse than your darling brat Antifa bashing people\u2019s head in. Love to see the mug shots. They look like meth heads.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good photoshop...she fits right in. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here I share pic about Men over women, dominant relationships ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This lady is a grade A idiot or a complete and total liar. I have called her on most of her bullshit. Anyone with half a brain knows what she is spewing is crap.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER oh my fucking gods.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Desperation! Abuse of my power cause he is losing his mind","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if its gets you upset - Hes the best man for the job.#gohome #strongborders #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Or maybe this...The very fine people\" the dipshit \"president\" was talking about. Antifa isn't the \"left\". They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement. To lump the \"left\" in as antifa is to lump the \"right\" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Jillbiden46 @KamalaHarris I\u2019ll be watching from Tennessee! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And the NRA supported gun control when it was targeting the black panthers who were defending black neighbourhoods against police brutality.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"littleteensasha - to fulfill all your desire and see you always how ...: #slut #naughty #hot #nasty #... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pa of the pack was taken and brainwashed by cheetahs #downasquadmember #treeouts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ok. You win. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bird ass URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So I guess that you and Trump will welcome the Christian refugees! You know Hispanics & the people of Mexico believe in Christ! Most are Catholics and firmly believe in Christ! Why not accept them Mucky Mek!\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffe\ud83e\udd13\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udfff\ud83d\ude1b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm just sitting on the train, have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits \ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6\ud83d\udca6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/uk_hate_preacher_anjem_choudary_being_freed_from_prison\u00a0 this is a declaration of war on the British people, by our government.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MN: SOMALI MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS Explain Why It's Acceptable To Kill Anyone Who Insults Mohammed [VIDEO] via @user we don't worship Mohammed & Sharia! Don't like it? Go home or we will deport you! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK @user UGLY GOD A HOE FLEXING LIKE YOU GOT IT BITCH I KNOW YO ASS IS BROKE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*Wife asks dog a question* Me: What would you do if she answered? W: Sell her M: No W: A talking dog, you bet! M: If she talks, we're taking it on the road! W: We'd get a ton of money without all the work if we sold her M: We'd get a ton of money with the act, and the dog & I would get out more.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italians send postcards to Salvini to protest migrant policy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And I like mine long.. I just dont look or feel like me if its too short\ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Senate Cloakroom","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Captain Maga getting slandered? And it wasn\u2019t from me? Damn. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its time to end #Democrats Dangerous #SanctuaryCities for Illegals that allow criminal illegal aliens to roam free in the U.S #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #California #Immigration #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is that stupid! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @nobeynobe: \"@Markie__Marc: https:\/\/t.co\/mXGcCcahSC\" trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning! pick me! with an s! isang box please!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #weekend #go ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IamSaintBryan they call me yellow bone","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why not just get the FBI to do it?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh wow! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA Make him yell 'uncle' - or in Sarah's case, 'aunt'!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Democrats do not care ...they are out to destroy ..does not matter just so they are Republicans & Conservatives \u2049\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Almost 400 migrants rescued off Spanish coast ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not long ago I disliked it when women were on their period. Now I appreciate it because it proves they are the real thing, and not trannies.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are an asshole!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER ....Except not all Millennials are for Gun Control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MensHumor: Cheating on a good woman is like eating out of the trash instead going out for steak. #truth","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WednesdayWisdom #BenGarrison #cartoon The Top of the Iceberg.. #Pennsylvania #Priest #Pedophile scandal.. a sinister cartoon for a heinous crime https:\/\/grrrgraphics.com\/the-tip-of-the-iceberg\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"True. But without \"men\" you end up with things like \"stupidity\", and \"idiots\".","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"watching a janis joplin documentary. i really didn't know much about her until now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\u00a0Deep Throat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Totally unethical that @BarackObama is campaigning for feeble Joe Biden. He will cover for Joe in Miami while Joe is @ his basement.I have never seen a former president actively campaigning for a presidential candidate.The Democrats don\u2019t feel that they can win in my state of FL! https:\/\/t.co\/rR1FoMnLzh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whaaaaaat, just got home to news @user was shot and killed at her show??? she was my favourite youtube singer for years. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user romance isn't dead ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and @user how is it 2016 and i am moving just outside of downtown gr mi and neither of you offer better than 6 mbps. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This Soros guy needs to be investigated. He's been kicked out of other nations & here his name keeps coming up with all these anti-American groups. Finances Antifa. Pays folks to act crazy at Trump events. I know he is against our sovereignty. He hates our Constitutional rights. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Smack the shit outta her \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I fr hate when people but black screens on Snapchat and put a whole damn rant on their story. Like no bitch , that's not what snap is for ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are important to me so I would like that you think more in your health and rest well bc you always work hard for army. I purple you \ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pretty sure that's out-of-context as fuck, FromTheRafters. A.) Jesus considered Himself a Jew. B.) It's from Revelation, not The Gospels. And C.) Speaks to evil Jews, not Jews as a whole. Stop lying.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Does he think women will like him more if he capitulates to their hysterical agenda? Or perhaps he thinks that mock\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is both evil and delusional. He eats those high quality paint chips.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"happy girls are the prettiest\" - #audreyhepburn #beauty #realbeauty #maritimebeauty #maritimebeautyshop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'll go to the original argument that people shouldn't blanket everyone together. Terrorists = all Muslims Alt-Right = all conservatives Both of these are equally dumb. Requiring specific groups to denounce their fringes means that the general populace can't differentiate. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Religious persecution is bad... ...when it's your religion being persecuted. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is what the industry stands for. All about spreadsheets and no care for the human side.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....your hysterical....like you know shit...tEump has\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user got my new car! so excited and happy! #newcar #chevrolet #chevycruze #2016 #blue #happiness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Arbitrarily forcing gender equality\/diversity doesn't improve outcomes for businesses? Does it really still need explaining that gender < merit !?!?!? http:\/\/knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu\/article\/will-ge...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"World Relief is calling on all of their supporters to raise funds from their friends and family on behalf of refugees. Become an advocate and help refugees rebuild their lives. Get started here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-vf-54d1jKg - my latest blog post #80_day_obsession_AAA #arms_abs_and_ass #autumn_calabrese #80_day_obsession #fitness #80_day_obsession_AAA_review","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user going to see #reginalddhunter tonight!! #derry #comedy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even prostitution, our oldest profession, isn't safe from what the Democrats can do to it. Stormy, please go away.... and take your ambulance chaser Avenatti with you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Or any other Kelloggs shit, your body will thank you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even atheist like Richard Dawkins think Islam is bad, and think it is far worse than Christianity. https:\/\/www.lifesitenews.com\/news\/richard-dawkins-benign-christianity-is-about-to-be-replaced-by-something-wo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"alright ms bugs life built headass now tell me how shes a skank bc apparently you you know my bestfriend better tha\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I still think home school is the answer. If you want to have your children learn your values there is no substitute to constant exposure. Our family units have to be strong, as ultimately that is what makes a strong America. Public schools have basically degraded to leftist brain washing programs. They're not about learning just about screwing people up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"..I can't stop what a hoe say on the internet but bitch don't ever think you bad enough to speak on my kids in my presence\u203c\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"US Democrats, Neocons \u2018Joined Hands\u2019 to Demonize Russia and Create New Cold War https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/analysis\/201801111060663528-democrats-necons-join-new-cold-war\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"more #marxist evil jew #propoganda! why is it jew controlled media has never and never will cite any non white grou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER . The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats. It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN. Disgusting how Democrats\/Liberals RUIN everything they touch! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wake up America! Any politician advocating for open borders & not sending back illegal criminals back to where they came from is complicit in these horrific crimes, especially when it involves a child! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Loved to hate MR in Bobby Brown show. That guy really screwed those kids back in the day. Please let him go through all HWs drama. He is my favorite & then Jerry. Maybe they should have a show Andy? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Three volunteers are helping their fellow refugee children in Vienna have fun and learn new languages! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GeorgeTakei He broke USPS.[NEWLINE]He welcomed foreign interference. [NEWLINE]He abused the powers of incumbency.[NEWLINE]He has his own media who hide his flaws from his base.. [NEWLINE]He has pulled every election trick in the book. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]And he's losing. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be in the WH.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]There's work to do","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gab is a very well designed website. I haven't been on as much but the updates are good.\u00a0 It just needs more different opinions and people to make it more inviting lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #stoptheviolence #pulse the puppets from #themusicofregret @user #abasel2016\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Worst place I've experienced that is the fucking movies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user bitch if only you really wanted all the smoke like yall said yall did. stfu dumb ass hoe, you done said bye 15!times but wanna claim you not retarded, BYE BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p\u2014-ing. on our backs & telling us it\u2019s Raining! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why r we so liberal in letting illegal immigrants in India,particularly special community of CONG\/TMC.Link Aadhar with Voter ID ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the major kind of that people aren\u00e2\u0080\u0099t talking enough about via @user #environmental #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Last chance to get Stories in the Stars at reduced price. Read more here: https:\/\/anniedieuleveut.com\/2018\/08\/31\/last-chance...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Be still. And know you are being prayed for . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The tide is with us, keep the pressure on these liberals,,they melt like snow when the heat comes their way...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f eg\u00e3\u0080\u009c\u00ef\u00bc\u009f\u00ef\u00bc\u009f\u00ef\u00bc\u009f smile!!!!!\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u00a3\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd \u00e3\u0083\u00bb #smile#egsmile #torio ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She\u2019s one of those \u2018kooky\u2019 liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Awful ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER no one attacked Kavanope!! We are allowed to question liars. He is secretive and He lied under oath. What more do you need?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do whatever makes you happy as long as it's right \u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ad #happiness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Idk who that big nose whore is but you can hop off my ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user off to italy on wednesday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Evil never sleeps, and neither should we....Be sober, be\u00a0vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour...\u271d\u2721\u271d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How about just F*!k her @USER she is an instigating big mouth bitc* & so is her evil friend. @USER MY OPINION!!! #teamtani","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because he support d Roseanne?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day #fathersday #folklore @ folklore llc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user nothing. that would be . #taharrush #taharrushgamea #rapeugee ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop trying to prove you're a good driver ladies. Who do you think you're fooling? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a fake. Vote her out. Now she wants sympathy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER pffft the new tweet\" just keeps wondering around the interface\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Please source the video where these antifa\" where violent towards you. let's see your sources.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"damning video: racist hillary says ' i will only talk to white people' #hillary ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Haha true. Back to your original point... if we all just fucking drive everything would be fine!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BASICALLY, #GOP, #ROMNEY, right wing reactionaries, drudgies, teabaggers, libertaritards, all hate our education system and teachers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I used to ride with my father before he retired as a Phoenix police officer. He worked in west Phoenix over night. Drunk illegal immigrant drivers were everywhere. One almost T-boned us at an intersection. They pose great danger the the rest of us who do follow laws. \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives Are NOT his fan base have not been forever!!!!! Just trying to take out #Beto support and this is BS!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #LivedExperiencedIsEvidence of course. Not sure you are implying I am dismissing such? And that of my own? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"25% of white population has fled South Africa since Mandela came. 'South Africa's Bureau of Statistics estimates that between 1 million and 1.6 million people in skilled, professional, and managerial occupations have emigrated since 1994' @alternative_right\u00a0@ANV\u00a0@seamrog\u00a0 \u00a0https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Economy_of_South_Afr...\u00a0\u2026","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER James hums in approval and pulls back. Allowing her to help him out of his shirt. Letting it fall to the floor as his hand is brushing along her skin. \u201cYou are beautiful baby.. such an angel.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Our next President, @JoeBiden just gave an amazing speech at Gettysburg. I\u2019m so ready to have a real President again. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are gonna be so surprised when you find out what stealth @user has been up to... he is doing us good Joe. #MAGA @user #QAnon #TRDJ #WWG1WGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ItsGirllCode: when other girls wear beanies they look cute & stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who sel…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He would say that.... he\u2019s running scared!! And so he should be! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hungary has refused point blank to allowed any of these migrant ships into any of their ports and their coastguard are rock solid. The invaders need to be sent back from whence they came -period. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"f u tumblr bc my blog is black & white but there's so many great colored things I could reblog fml","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am translator and brazilian (:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And it's gotta be some ghetto fool :\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While it's not always a deliberate targeting of religion \u2014 though the 20th century is replete with examples of just that \u2014 the bigger a government grows, the more religiosity declines. \"Researchers call it an exchange model of religion\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tin Man. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God bless this hero ... my prayers are with him and his family.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Getting ready to Watch POTUS in Michigan. Check out my new book 'What Happened?' pic related.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Red Hen owner followed Sarah Sanders' family to protest their presence at different restaurant https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/red-hen-owner-followed-sarah-sanders-family-to-protest-their-presence-at-different-restaurant","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This nigga is on snap fucking a bitch while she sucking somebody else's dick \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 bruh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh my god. They\u2019re so fucking cute.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck u ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do the pappy dance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you'd think #blacklivesmatter would b protesting #plannedparenthood 24\/7 but it doesn't fit their #ideology. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user nothing was happening behind closed doors because in the end she left him and MONTHS later he overdosed. none of ariana\u2019s business. she is NOT responsible for him ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER when is enough enough? This is abhorrent and inexcusable. Your fearless leader seems to have forgotten that he is a public servant. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FoxBusiness: .@RealCandaceO: \"I really do believe we are seeing the end of the Democratic Party as we know it.\" https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/n_gW","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user all happy for \u00c3\u00a8 #lbgt family,but what i don't get is the incessant but thin veiled against other gay minorities?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is spot on!!! Thanks Joe and Creepy Jr for spreading Joe\u2019s message!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user u cunt fuker of a dog whore of a grandma ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Nobody cares about paid protesters the Capitol Police need to get a hold on them lock them up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well that's why BB wins Super it's and you are an overhyped media mouth piece imbecild","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"father is always bother about our welfare ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hamilton area business learns that exposure on social media can have dramatic downsides.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"obama\/jarretts who agenda was to destroy everything good about this country and inflict even bit of hate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chess is fucking based, and not just because white goes first; it's because you can't jew your way out of a bad position. Verbal cunning won't undo a bad move. It trains your mind to think logically and accept reality as it is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user happy #fathersday ! #tshi #design @user @user #pets ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is full of bunk. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Corey Booker and Kamala Harriss are competing for the most hysterical woman in the Senate #Impeach45, #CoreyBooker, #StopKanavaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Krazee right wingers have the nerve to bitch about Antifa. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For those that aren't aware ... http:\/\/www.deftsystems.us\/2017\/03\/31\/the-riflemans-rule-angle-firing\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bihday arlene, sorry 4 late wishes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Netanyahu Warns Putin That Iran Wants to Destroy 6 Million Jews if they can find 'em . . .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Re-read my tweet Brian, gun control\" not ban (your blatant exaggeration not withstanding). \ud83d\ude44\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yo why won\u2019t you let me post a link fam... does it offend you? You little salty spittoon... you literally allow porn such as @USER but you don\u2019t allow federal shit... #censorship #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmKavenaugh #maga URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My heart aches for you.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #mmusimaimane is more towards whites than #zuma and #malema combined. #da #southafrica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He\u2019s a cocky SOB who needs to be brought down to his knees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just fabric not a flag. And she is ok! I love patriotism.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It should foment anger. Only idiots open their borders to people who will NEVER assimilate. Majority of Black Africans coming into Europe are NOT refugees and had the money to pay for trip over, which is expensive. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Which of these do you think multiple #FakeNews mainstream media outlets will provide a story on during prime time?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Blaming Trump for the hurricane is showing his ignorance and hate..if only he were to give his salary to their recovery maybe then he can help","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Let me guess they are a victim of circumstances. But heaven forbid if they got shot for robbing the place all you moron liberals would be screaming gun control. How about kid control or upbringing control of self control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user she calls me a whore when really im a cyber slut smh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1\/3 Anti-immigrant rhetoric and attacks on immigrants are heating up in Italy. Last week I wrote about whether Italy's electorate is on the same page as its right-wing government. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's Harvard for you. They think a lot. Global warming is their global initiative too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Get the hell out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Miriam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Friends go home after visiting. Economic migrants don\u2019t. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lmao! Bitch SHUT UP! I'll fucking finesse your jaw hoe! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are making crap up- no Dem I know wants to abolish ICE. We don\u2019t believe rich people should be the ones getting tax breaks. Bankrupt Medicare? Total nonsense. You lie as much as Trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#kimkardashian what do you think at this wife #nyc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i'm just gonna post this because its cool :d @user #fairytail #anime #grayfullbuster #gif #manga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user it's gonna be a month long time of sleepless nights as #euro2016 is gonna sta tomorrow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"flowers for father's day\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097 #fathers #day #daddy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that\u2019s so fucked up omg in my old hs there\u2019s open campus and for every period you skip there\u2019s a 200 dollar fine lmaooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fake News or PROPAGANDA is the ENEMY of this Country ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not doing it to flirt, I'm asking because we should work together to save this country.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bullshit! People died because of an incompetent Puerto Rican government officials. That\u2019s already been exposed dumb ass but good try.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I got a vasectomy. Ended up single and it was eye opening what happened when I didn't tell the females. \"Unwanted\" pregnancy is bullshit; it's only unwanted the next day. Fucking unreal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tory pay = #capitalist; #labour pay = #socialist; #green pay = #environmentalist; #liberal pay = #coalitionist; #ukip = .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Canada\u2019s existence is a reminder of American altruism..what ingrates. Should have been annexed like NW Mexico ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Immigration comes with punishments for our people foodbanks pension cuts ,NHS ,School ,Housing problems enough enough ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally got my phone fixed! it's like having a brand new phone again #yay #nomorecrackedscreen #whoa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And the Liberals are saying Republicans are separating this country by color. Hypocrites. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ohhhhhh I cried BIG crocodile tears the first time my daddy called me a bitch\ud83d\ude02 took it on the chin like a champ but ran to my room to cry just like a bitch\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we better wake up #sad #hu #feelthebern #love #family #lgbt #women #latino #gay #education #students #jobs ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #new zealand reinz house price index (mom) fell from previous 18.4% to 13.6% in may #blog #silver #gold #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter. What a lack of judgement, shocking. #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gorilla cracks a glass window at a zoo when little girl beats chest. - #gorilla #zoo #animals #kid #toddler","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I do not agree with that bs even my grandfather uses an ar for home defense","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Good shit my bad though ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Tay Tay. She loves Nigs and Kikes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user do yoy want us put back down to div 3 again over this you utter wankstain kunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are such a fraud & doing the fight against anti-Semitism an extreme disservice.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nigga keep tryna play both sides lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"verve energy drink scam - http:\/\/hotmlmcompanies.com\/the-verve-energy-drink-scam\/ #verve_energy_drink_scam #home_business","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Swamper60 \"Happy Happy Helloween, Helloween whoa oh whoa ho\" @helloweenorg http:\/\/t.co\/Tw0jeExqTy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@frankthetank215 @Jim_McCloskey Fran is a hillbilly Virginia mountain man who has pre-1800s white Anglo-Saxon beliefs #frankensteinMD #kikme","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nzd\/usd: targets the 100 week sma at 0.7190 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user yes like going after the 5pc on plastic bags so that @user could get their own way on uni credit and austerity and even now go back on a promise to cut tax for self employed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #sunshine #bluesky #florida #sunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user MSM\/Democrats\/Liberals describe Antifa as \u201cPeaceful Demonstrators.\u201d In my opinion they are a Democrat Army preparing for war.\ud83d\udc79\ud83d\udc79\ud83d\udc79 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Anyone with the facts would not share this opinion. Once again the conservatives fabricate problems where there are non and crisis where non exist. Rule by fear is the conservative mantra ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no, you're just supposed to be quiet and look pretty. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DamierGenesis: i live for street glory and I die for ghetto fame. respect all, fear none my pride is everything....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Send @StephenKing a big message: never read one of his asinine leftist screeds again. He hasn't written a good novel since The Dark Half. http:\/\/ew.com\/books\/2018\/02\/02\/stephen-king-apologizes-republicans-train-wreck\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone else going to live tweet during the #PresidentialDebate tomorrow? #MAGA2020 #WillJoeEvenShow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@debbied78341336 @Denlesks @RealEricCarmen Sorry that happened to you. No respect - however, if you so much as look at one of these liberals wrong they swear you physically assaulted them. Keep the faith and thank you for supporting Donald J. Trump. #TRUMP2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dont believe the hype.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user new spectacles? yes, please \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093. #love #glasses #allsmiles #elliot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Food Fraud For Schmucks - Farmers caught selling conventional crops as organic -- Sott.net https:\/\/www.sott.net\/article\/398379-Food-Fraud-Farmers-caught-selling-conventional-crops-as-organic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God does love us... no other explanation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain\u2019t getting no pussy huh? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The Tea Party was the symptom not the cause. It started with Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority that was formed in the 1970s. The GOP aligned with them as social conservatives rather than sticking with their fiscal conservative platform. The Tea Party grew out of that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a nut case","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TaraMcCarthy I'm guessing you've already picked sides in this fight: https:\/\/theattestor.com\/2017\/10\/30\/red-pill-black-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You realize how useless your argument is? If you drunk drive you get arrested. You're punished. If you kill someone while drunk driving that is murder. There are rules AND regulations AND safety precautions for both drinking AND owning and operating a vehicle. We need gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user not going that far; he accomplished some good things despite congress. but this endorsement of #hrc is unreal. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ....and boobs. Do NOT forget the tatas. \u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Especially CA!?! Please!!!!!! #ICE #USCitizensOnlyVOTE#Illegals met with #ICEAgents & arrested & deported permanently!?! #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #NoDEMS New Ppl ONLY!?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got my young bitch kickin flavor she gone flex on you hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ChaldeanCutie really? @RileyAintShit @KILLSheredon @CHILDISHCUDl are my nudes trash?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HE JUST HAD TO SHOW HIS DERANGEMENT SYNDROME AT HER FUNERAL!!!\u00a0 SOME FRIEND.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/08\/31\/al-shar...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the uk government\u00e2\u0080\u0099s new #anti-semitism definition conflates with valid criticism of #israel | opendemocracy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is now going to the neurorealist crowd to complain that she just wants to be inclusive and that the ND community is attacking her for being white\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fasting Journal : 44\/240 Second full day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ireland and Iceland look to be in the best shape. While Ireland is one of Europe\u2019s most religious countries, Iceland is one of the least (\"0% of Icelanders aged 25 or younger believe world was created by God\"). - @akarlin\u200d http:\/\/www.unz.com\/akarlin\/european-tfr-by-immigration-status\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tomorrow at 2PM EDT @user and @user will be hosting a Facebook Live event from Tornillo, Texas, where immigrant children are being detained after being separated from their families. Tune in here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States. I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!\u201d -- President Trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is how I feel about all our haters right now #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user -its quite obvious the morons at the Star are totally unaware that Canada already has extremely Tight gun control laws -which by the way criminals never have and never will Adhere to\"\" - You have to be a very special kind of stupid to be believe that by banning\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user do you have any other recourse? This is so wrong on so many levels. Can you sue them? I wish there was a way to reinforce your points on the mistreatment you have received. Liberals are full of hate and discontent and unfortunately there are more of them than us. Idiots. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is NOT a mental health clinician of any kind much less a licensed psychologist. #fakepsychologist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Random violence only takes a person who could otherwise be a political advocate and throws them behind bars. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER unleashed\"?? No your Lowliness, it's the beginning on an exorcism against the evil in the Body of Christ known as the leaders of the Catholic Church.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHO is harmed by the President's policies?? The moron media\/progressives keep screaming about being hurt by America First policies! Who is being hurt?\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's #r1rockalldayer on @user for me it's @user day! #noise","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank god conservatives aren't as dismissive. Never hear to them resorting to calling people snowflakes or using terms like SJW to discredit people.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"justin & i are officially buying are first home. the sellers accepted our offer! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope they beat his ass in private.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cessationism theology is a HUGE problem in the Body of Christ and it's almost always paired with the Once-Saved-Always-Saved theology which rejects Jesus' disclosure of the unpardonable sin. Those two theologies are often paired because they're TRAPS to keep the church POWERLESS!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thank you she is a gentle soul xxx\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This WHOLE thing is a DISINFO DROP to DisArm Us! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This pope is a dope! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This smells like another funding of George Soros. Follow the money \ud83d\udcb4 trail. That woman most likely never knew Judge Kavanaugh. liberals are running scared because The Judge has conservative Christians values. The man has an impeccable Portfolio. Finestine\u2019s a dirty politician ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a big lump of \u2014-I agree 100%","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Some pussy replied to my tweet but muted me FIRST!! YOU PUSSY!! HAHAHA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Trump has no interest in caring the safety of the country. He doesn\u2019t care about gun control. So far with all the shooting in the country. He doesn\u2019t care... he is a selfish person. Everything is about him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user always be \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bc\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@carpedehope not if you're standing in btw the yellow lines","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No way.... Way too much talent on the Goonies. I\u2019d like to see yall vs them tho real shit my gz. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user anderson cooper & don lemon will not like gays being thrown off buildings by sharia. #2ndamendment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Truly has got to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"church is the best place to be on a sunday morning @user @user #stayinlove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& bernie is no barack. #weak ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 78 days until we are here! countdown is on @user so excited!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #greece #august ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@australian: Christopher Pyne\u2019s war claim rejected. In a radio interview last week, @cpyne detailed attacks on the Australian base camp in Kabul. His claims were shut down by military officials. MORE: https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Fp2y #HeadsUp https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/KWKB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Pizzagate https:\/\/youtu.be\/2fu9gqeZvc8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user First ima smack that ass then eat that pussy from the back then wrap your hair around my hand while I choke you and slide in slow and long strokes tease u then start pounding that pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What a dumb cunt of daughter. Social Media addicted whore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GOP VOTERS BETTER WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!! #RNC poll finds #GOP voters aren't worried about midterms. That's bad URL via @USER #MAGA #TuesdayThoughts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fin\/ The sad reality \u2013 there are maybe a dozen worthwhile sites out there. Your best bet is getting the County Encyclopedia, the Ball Blue Book, some literature from your local extension office, getting some formal training, and finding a mentor (like an Elmer in the Ham radio world).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We must dismantle myths that excuse hateful immigration policies and harsh enforcement. The truth is that immigrants are a benefit to our communities, not a burden. And the essential truth is that they are people, and our moral duty is to welcome. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THIS IS FUCKING CHICHARR\u00d3N YOU BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It doesn't matter that someone says the word nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user don't do too much before I expose you baby hoe Bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How Perkins Coie Plan to Get Congressman Jim Jordan https:\/\/spectator.org\/how-perkins-coie-plan-to-get-congressman-jim-jordan\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why are white people expats when the rest are immigrants? ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The jig is up. Expect many more suicides, voluntary and other.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn Charlie Wilson is still around?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch take \"Kardash\" out yo name. You ain't worthy hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is awful! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Myyy nigga \u270a\ud83c\udffe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER hmm i'd do something like getting really high quality artists to draw really boring cars like a fucking 2002 grand prix or something","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wait....what? Q proof? What... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My. Arms. Wasn't. That. Big! N. Neither. Was. My. Boobs! They. Are. Now! From. Them. Injecting. Fat! Into. My. Body! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I had a hernia he put my cock in an arm sling","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Susan Collins: 'Puzzling' Why Kavanaugh Allegation Came So Late\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because the cost of seats is too high. Still on that kneeling thing are we?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Evidently she's as big a narcissist as he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facts are irrelevant when politicians feel the need to virtue signal ;-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sebbo has said it all! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"only 11 #people away from reaching 100 #followers on #twitch i'm so #stream #streamer #gamer #almostthere #sharethelove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my face when i saw #ramsey #gamesofthrones #angry #hbo #hbola ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is dumb. An European government is allowed to make a decision that affects the entire planet. Also how would they even enforce this? Are they going to bug every computer in the world?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4c thats a good one. I never knew Antifa were such badasses.\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4d you need your own comedy special \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"has to happen today imo! RR, wray, sessions, strzok & the other sick f'cks (not) named in the ig-report... trump promised us, but till now there is NO proof he is doing it... yeah ya have the republicans not going for re-election... are the republicans the swamp? nothing has changed, still unequal law... he has the power, fire those f'ckers! if not, go to hell! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Too bad Antifa crashes GOP townhalls.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New show announced in Lutsen, MN at Papa Charlies on January 29, 2011 http:\/\/artistdata.com\/a\/33ck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've signed this one and numerous ones in the past... I see no traction taking hold here and I'm sure this one will die a quiet lonely death like the others.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user let's do this! @user #maga #thanksjackasses #packyourshitobama #2a #trumptrain #tcot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Buckm00se: abel is a 43 yrs old beaner working @ home depot and he didn't want to hang out with you = major L","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m going to be a brave \u201cfighting the system\u201d artist and rap exactly how the system wants me to.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ummm. You are one of those people that shouldn\u2019t be there. \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CNBC #IPAIDMYFAIRSHARE and want to #VoteHimOut and end this road to #KLEPTOCRACY [NEWLINE][NEWLINE] Our country needs decency and honesty.[NEWLINE] #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think she is one of the oddest people I have ever seen. How did she get elected? But then again I find myself asking that about any liberal. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b1 booked! \u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a9 booked! \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0081 booked! \u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a5 booked! \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0082 booked! now smash those exams \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We need gun control! Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This nigga prob made her infertile god only knows all the germs he brought back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You will be sitting on your own thinking about your life,somebody will just pass with body odour and wipe all your memory... \ud83d\ude30\ud83d\ude12","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is \u00a0a Jewish onslaught against white nations worldwide","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't imagine how horrible it is to be her. To get plastic surgery to look more like Bill? To be groomed for presidency when she never asked for it? Women have body issues all the time, but if my own mother couldn't stand that I look like my father? If all that stuff is true, I imagine it is very lonely to be her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don\u2019t know. @user ombudsman could answer the question but nobody cares under this administration. All this does is create chaos for refugees and asylees that are perfectly in status and discourages travel. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER with this useless try hard comedian love preaching hate about @USER They have so much hate in them for a guy they loved before he was president. Maybe infatuated with the guy. She must dream about him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN. Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem #ilovefood #homecookedm# ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ask Kerry about Benghazi...its a subject he lies with much more authority on. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user noway u have a child that u didn't know for 14 yrs what has this world came to ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user although, i am not a , a #bigot or a #misogynist, so i hope that i still qualify. #keepyoureyesontheprize-mlk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don't know who she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fake news he is a liberal dem.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Agriculture for one. Services and manufacturing too...do you live in a hole? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user when you missed all the #finalfreebies during your last year at osu. #dang #osugrad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if @user states dj assesses him a stroke, they will have some explaining to do. the rule is very clear about addressing the ball. &crazy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You really have to let it go. He's going to get confirmed. You can continue to kill babies and gun violence will continue despite gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most people want to be loved... But I thrive on being hated ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MorningJoe Liberals and their selective outrage. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m just here to see which liberals decide to politicize this tragedy (despite Cincy having tight gun control)... \ud83d\udc40","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are amazing \ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tbh if you do something that will make me look dumb tonight I deserve it tbh I\u2019ve been a asshole to you and I\u2019ll just a dick \ud83d\ude14\ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude47\ud83c\udffd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"[Disability justice] welcomes people who haven\u2019t been able to participate. It affirms that disabled bodies aren\u2019t a detriment to the world. They\u2019re an asset. - @user #disabilityjustice #disability ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No worries Antifa. You can still live in your parents basement and go to your community college!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user for it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my hea. it was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. \u00e2\u0080\u0094judy garland #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the white flight of derek black #kkk #trump #change","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hello, twin. Let ke correcting your typoness. Our group name is (G)I-DLE in case you are too lazy to use ()\"\" or \"\"-\"\" , you can use IDLE instead \ud83d\ude09\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER lol fuck you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yea so about @N_tel 's new friend.. all my friends kno they're only allowed one cute darkie friend n that's me! lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/world\/943122\/Farage-Hungarian-election-EU-Victor-Orban ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Mystery of the Sea Peoples: A Warning for the West. http:\/\/www.theimaginativeconservative.org\/2017\/11\/...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Imagine being stupid \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Follow pioneers on Swedish Immigrant Trail #chisagocounty #exploreminn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#lgbt author, @user confirmed for #r2rr2016. one reviewer says: \"perfect combination of emotion and heat.\" #mmromance so !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck you to whoever mirror I just punched off bitch don't cut me off on a good day? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"please repo him! @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Charlamagne tha God says he's voting for 'change agent' Kamala Harris, not Joe Biden https:\/\/t.co\/EXXHiUcSWO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"jonjo shelvey = the only man ever to racially abuse someone without saying anything! #kickitout #shelvey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#euro2016 1 day to go till kickoff!! who's #englishlearning #ireland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2014 \ud83e\udd17 What does it mean! Why is this road called that!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hillary Clinton\u2019s laugh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I remember when conservatives slagged off the Labour Party as 'undemocratic' for allowing unons such a big say in Labour policies.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"on my way to the #michigan @user medical #cannabiscup ! #sayhigh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER call me a dog cause DAM... I got a bone for you nigga \ud83d\ude18","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Many men in the west are very weak men. And you are one of them Frank. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"reject news - my latest #amwriting aicle on @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" father day to all the father in the world . - stacy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. Climate change 2. Education 3. Healthcare reform 4. Economy 5. Gun control 6. Societal issues 7. Immigration URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even my dog is upset about what happened in orlando #prayfororlando #wtfiswrongwithpeople #prayingfororlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No compassion for Canadians though eh Justin?:Gang violence caused by non-White immigration, transit congestion caused by overpopulation and immigrant invasion. asylum seekers means Canadians lose their nation.It's time to let 'di ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Perfect Gift for the Jihadi on Your Shopping List http:\/\/t.co\/wTNOloSY4t http:\/\/t.co\/AuTAVOeG2u","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @rhythmixx_: “@aliyahgrubb: Kanye West is a costume not a mock of a race.” girl I hate to do this but Kanye is a human not a costume but…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We can only pray. #BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare https:\/\/t.co\/0DBZ0NHfNB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a and #efficient monday to all :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please be aware that the following person who has confirmed attending fordfestND is the guest list , is Canada's top antifa anarchist and intends to disrupt event . His name is Alex hundert ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DeportIllegalAliens Sanctuary Cities Government Aid (Taxpayer $$$) for Illegals No excuses#BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HAMMER OF THE WITCHES by Kai Wai Cheah ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nigerian \u2018\u02dcImmigrant\u2019 Doctor Sexually Assaulted Several Patients In Texas Scum update... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Im waiting for QDrop. #WWG1WGA #QAnon #QArmy #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm convinced the rapefugee invasion is an integral stage leading to this, considering their victims tend to be minors. More exposure to an idea, whether positive or negative, has a normalizing effect on the masses. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@El_Grillo1 Off to the east of your current location, on an east-facing slope (dry side of a dry place).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"back patio with good friends and hamilton. #blessed #lifeisgood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WOW how come Sanders isnt up harassing the muppets","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mark Levin actually came out in support on Trump just before the convention, and Ben Shapiro lost his shit over it, stopped retweeting him etc, was at odds with him. Ben Shapiro said, right up until Nov 8 \"Trump must be stopped by any means necessary\" But now insinuated himself back in... slimeball","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where will you be November 3, 2020?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MAGA #KAG [NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/jpq9trPZvW","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are a boring individual. Its seems good too me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Crazy thing is people naming Big and PAC as greats but forgetting the true underground rap legends like L. I still play his shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @drizzyswerve96: @0kkaren it looks like he's wearing a trash bag","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Police reform yes. We should try that. Gun control? We\u2019ve tried that over and over again. It doesn\u2019t work. But maybe it\u2019s like socialism or communism. We just haven\u2019t done it right yet. \/Sarcasm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"then it's like i'm not finna have no lil nigga raising his voice at me. bitch, i will dog walk you like the rest of these hoes.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1015179\/brexit-news-uk-anti-immigration-populist-dan-hannan-mep ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"50 miles from Springfield to Worcester March for Gun Control is technically Hillary Clinton since Chinaly Chanvong wears a Wellesley College sweatshirt. Get your facts straight Mark Zuckerberg. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"people need to sta working together to create better things out of love together not create division by hate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user #TrumpDerangementSyndrome Case number 3837252 Wow #liberals got it bad about the same as the #msm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tomorrow is #worldrefugeeday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I present to you: The new #swedish #flag :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok, will do. Which cemetery are you planning on?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Is this nigga really back to dying his hair 2445times in one comeback \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tired of Forced UN Multiculturalism and Rape Gangs in Stockholm: Swedens Anti-Muslim Refugee Party Set For Record Wins As Election Days Away. #DeportIllegalimmigrants #DeportThemAll #GoHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER what the fuck happened","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How much money has the conservatives promised for housing over the last ten years ? and how many houses have actually been built. There promises don\u2019t add up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#marijuana prohibition was from the sta #detroit #mi #atlanta #tennessee #alabama #georgia #florida #utah","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" canberra raiders coach ricky stua happy with progress despite brisbane broncos loss: raiders coach r... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I don\u2019t care how good a player he is if I owned his club I\u2019d suspend him for a year make him train with the youngsters to tell them what bad looks like set the example","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facebook gave data access to Chinese firm flagged by US intelligence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did the retard who fucked your mother teach you anything\u00a0 Obviously he did","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you idiots would stop tryin to save these hoes you'd probably get a lot more pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is the face of the democrat party. She should be locked up for bullying the Republican Party. She\u2019s rich. Lives in a mansion and her district is in poverty. She\u2019s more like a dictator in her district!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/06\/grifter-mitt-romney-promises-to-continue-to-trash-trump-as-senator-primary-election-is-tuesday-in-utah\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I can understand her wanting her title but all that whining and pissing and moaning stop talking and start getting it done enough already you're a coward when you got to beat somebody when they're not looking ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Joe Scarborough still hasn't answered for the young woman that was found dead on his office. He is s lying chickenshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bill Clintons mouth spews toxic waste constantly what a fuckin ass clown he is folks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what happened to #bargo bummer that you guys stopped the fun wednesday nights #bummer #dissapointed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Awww \ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude25 CUPCAKES SUCK IT UP. SHE LOST\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 GET OVER IT \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user my grade 6 learners #presenting their pofolios for their parents#record evaluating progress@user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lincoln (and FDR) had street smarts, knew how to win a bar fight. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why are white people expats when the rest of us are immigrants? #whiteprivilege","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Also: Voting for Clinton. FUCK NO. I voted for Sanders in an attempt to get that bitch kicked off the ballot (my man Rand Paul had already dropped and there was no way in hell I was voting for Ted Cruz and his slimy Goldmann Saches pedigree). I voted for Gary Johnson. Just like I did last election.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user weekend enrique oxoxoxxx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sorry you are feeling sick hope you get better soon. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But...Putin\u00a0is\u00a0arming a large Saudi civilian group who is alienated from it's govt for religious reasons, and incompetency reasons, and like we, they vastly outnumber the govt\/armed services. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"leaving texas. what an amazing sweaty ride. #sad #onemississippi #love #amazonstudios ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"!WOTAN IS AWAKENING!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Thank you! \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ATTENTION! @USER is publicizing an ANTIFA TARGET list comprised of Trump Supporters' names. Some are high profile names and MANY are random everyday Trump supporters. Twitter has NOT suspended his account. Check out his Lists\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is the gawdfather of #fuxNews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another fucking Pittsburgh Nazi. Philly Antifa is naming names and it\u2019s glorious. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Heroes and villains. Garak is neither. He is: URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Indiana lost to Bowling Green. Big Ten continues to be trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hoes kill me wit thinking it's automatic beef cause we fucked wit the same nigga, bitch idgaf about you and i def had his head fucked up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8Kdc9FbI1AY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER By making conservatives so sick we can't make it to the polling place!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He's a circus side show. There were people in the 70's that did that for a living that were much more attractive than this ass hat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9\/9 push a narrative. Remember it's their place to tell us what to think. Well I'll gladly be, as Hillary said a DEPLORABLE\"\", \"\"IRREDEEMABLE\"\" or as gropy Joe just said, \"\"DREGS OF SOCIETY\"\". Tells us all how they feel about the middle class, Christians and Conservatives. #VoteRed\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Same tbh Could they just stop spreading rumors and false news? We are hurt enough we dont need all this shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy's Salvini declares war on mafia after migrant worker deaths ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If people would only stop giving support to others carte blanc, then we would be fine. We don't need any leaders only blockchain contracts, I think. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hes sure as hell not one of is either... traitor liberals- all of them- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Republicans rock. @TheDemocrats can't touch this. #WalkAway[NEWLINE]#LeadRight #VoteRed #TurnCongressRed #4MoreYears #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/5gtBkQ4taD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shut up man You are useless","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you Darling ... I try to be a Southern Gentleman... But mostly a military asshole ! LMAO !! I love all kinds of music . I don't care for Rap or the overly non understandable words of some Heavy Metal songs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil we think of cultures as separate and distinct from one another. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is trash himself to do that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is an monster! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whut, you mean you're against common-sense truck control? #sarcasm #YesItsMuzzies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Enforce National security by enforcing ALL Immigration and VISA lawsCome On, Feds: it is not that hard to do the few jobs the federal government was formed to do - so #DeportAliens they are called \"Scofflaws\" they scoff our laws!#EjectThem#RejectImmigrantApplicants@POTUS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a8 now, that's not nice! we're urging president-elect @user to denounce through his #twitter acct\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u0093 7 more days to see @user woohoo!~ yay! \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #thehighlight #derrickhoh #\u00e4\u00bd\u0095\u00e7\u00bb\u00b4\u00e5\u00bb\u00ba #conce ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i need a bad bitch to rape me today. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today is a happy day! My daughter just realized that in the Tom and jerry cartoons that Tom has a bad rap, but it is because Jerry is a little shit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As displayed by threats on Governor Whitmer in Michigan, Trump's tweets have serious consequences. We are better than this. https:\/\/t.co\/g2ptEV93qh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The thing is some men are shy and some women are more forceful like me: not all men are the out front protectors. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a2 me & my girls \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #revival #rebelhea #lifestyle #beautifulpeople @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch I was fuckn up till 4:30 but your hoe ass didn't text me back. \ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thesaurus.com\/browse\/agnostic?s=t \"Synonyms for agnostic noun person unsure that god exists\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dublin fronts #ireland #dublin #sunny #dark #front @ henrietta street, dublin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lesson, be careful what you wish for. Specially if you are an idiot. Never could figure out how people with such a better work ethic come from such shit hole countries? They are like Superman. Get near their home countries & they become worthless, but super worker here? Strange how that happens. Like Work kryptonite","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The democrat years in power. We remember those women well. Too bad liberals are hypocrites of the worst kind.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user She wasnt abused she is lying ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER rates @USER claim that the SAFE Act is the nation's toughest gun control law mostly false.\" URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"many #white #americans actually believe there can be a chance for #peace w\/ a #sexualpredator & #altright at the helm. #moronsmatter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"every lactation consultant i've ever met has been a woman. hello? !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER BS still boycotting NFL.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Political hit job. What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused. You liberals know this is a hit. Your leader @USER told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power. Pathetic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More on the Muslim \"refugee \" who tried to behead a policeman in WA state. What? You haven't heard because white... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My bad! Trust the plan \u201cQ\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a little bihday treat from @user #bihday #cake #parkhouse #jewellers #weekend #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed...get the word out about GAB and ban twitter from use...do not use crapper, use the GABBER...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He's a liar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Free Zyclon B for all the chosenites ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@sevensixxx_ @oldirtyjesus great reply except it was trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I thought my penis made me me but whatev ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Beer can red cabbage also owns the conservatives URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some woke-ish people be like: \u201cBiden is a pedophile and a liar\u201d[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]me: ...and Trump isn\u2019t?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Idk much about US Politics but I know one of them fucked up as a leader during a deadly pandemic. That\u2019s enough reason for a healthcare worker like me not to vote for Trump.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SamariaSalazar I love you. Please do some irl activism on my dick.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Makes liberals cry in just one tweet.#WalkAway#LockThemAllUp#DemocratsAreDangerous#LockHimUp#ObamaGate#SPYGATE #BuildThatWall #LockHerUp #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow this is priceless! A college educated professor self-inflicts himself with a bullet wow he is \u201cbrilliant\u201d! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Navy rescued #Manchester bomber Salman Abedi from war-torn #Libya three years before deadly terror attack via @user #WEST is \"rescuing\" people that will #kill them.#SendThemHome #bombing #attack Have some dignity and throw them out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@McWordNerd @AngrierWHStaff I don\u2019t understand the undecided voters either. How have they not made a decision? Are they that oblivious, or just uninformed or apathetic? I made my decision in 2016 and still stand by it. #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user At least your tombstone will have few letters . #RIPM&M ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gun control . . . means being to hit what your aiming at! These elderly homeowner have great gun control! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new love \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u00a6\u0084 #beglam #blogger #parfum #escada #love #girl #summer @ sofia, bulgaria ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#recital #weekend #wow i had an amazing dance recital weekend. i am sad that it is over but\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It was a joke. He's not quitting. Show has been renewed through 2020. But oh God do I wish it was true!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You kept a SCJ seat open for over a year with Merrick Garland. It is not fair to push Kavanaugh thru. He is the most unpopular nominee ever. The American people deserve better than this. The woman deserves better than this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck the haters! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201c\u2018The Art of Computer Programming\u2019 by Donald Knuth\u201d by @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are pathetic. This has nothing to do with him his dad or the wall or Mexico. This is about Swallwell thinking its ok for liberals to threaten repubs but not the other away around. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Funny watching these liberals all of a sudden do a 180 on being transparent. Warner had no problems with leaks. Now when the truth is out he has issues. Its over. Some people are in big trouble. Warner is likely one of them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GIANYCoin @SalameSandwich @GemCrypto @Paradigm2070 Surely, no one can be stupid enough to just dig in their heels forever? When formal charges are filed, they'll be older than I am now when they get out of prison. Is anyone really that stupid? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wvRY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user There are many dumb arguments for gun control but this may be the dumbest and most common. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and there you have it folx. the numbers don't lie. #americans are mostly .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Didn't Booker admit to sexually groping someone at highschool? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sen. Collins is getting death threats for her vote. That's just wrong. The Leftists are losing it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The true test of the virtue of a person in the Current Year is to hear that person audibly state that white people have a right to their own spaces\/neighborhoods\/communities\/cities\/nations. #prowhite Free speech extends to free association.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mueller proves the judicial system is weaponized. Democrat special councils only charge Republicans. So if we play the game then Republican special councils should charge Democrats. Right! Balls in your court Republicans. MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy children's day to our paners & kids around the world! #children #chooseyourcause #worldchildrensday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL... Hey Hillary, Bill is still fucking Monica! https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/05\/09\/monica-lewinsky-i-was-uninvited-from-event-after-bill-clinton-rsvpd\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING SARA CARTER REPORT: \u00a0RUSSIA REPORT \u2013 THREE MAJOR TAKE-AWAYS\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Noted constitutional scholar Donald J. Trump definitely knows who is president right now https:\/\/t.co\/KPlTf9A1Bf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"scapelliti: progresverebel: ha! good riddance! #blacklivesmatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh wait!!! Vacaciones en la guerra. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home | Armstrong Economics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user no follower here. not a @user fan. just fear @user more. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Toad The one on top. NObama is best described as such..... \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for your fortitude and perseverance. Please give McConnell a kick in the butt from some of us conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The album was boring for me \ud83e\udd12the way his ass took forever to make it and it wasn\u2019t even close to all that djsjsjjs i could NOT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"iMessage so trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I swear. I\u2019m so glad my fat ass never drunk that shit. I\u2019m tryna be slim but not crackhead slim\ud83d\ude47\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user thanks to you the next four years are forecasted to be the worst. i hope your #fascist plans for #2017fail!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are your children safe living with a skank like you? I certainly hope not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"israeli regime has roots in racism #gaza #palestine #israel #bds ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He looks sane ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user homer losing his boner over this is very petty there was a resemblance but again even if she is if they aren't shoving it in our face then its okay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As long as the elites get to have their Twitter accounts, speech is still free \u2014 amirite?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in nh, some cheer a dangerous caricature of a person using words he doesn't understand to try and capitalize on tragedy for votes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"qanon posts 1\/27\u00a0nobody is sleeping tonight","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Poor Baby. This is why you and your entire network CAN NOT be trusted. The only people still watching CNN are brainwashed liberals and demonrats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For me pet birds are 'too's 'tiels and parrots. Lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Literally Sam is quitting smoking mid competition and obviously having some mood swings from it. She is a fantastic human being and you\u2019re portraying her as shit and portraying JC as a cute little dude when he groped Tyler in his sleep. Shame. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Its like saying the brown shirts afe better than nazis because they pretended to be socialists.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How is it that no law enforcement entity finds it odd that you can leave the WH dead broke and then buy your Skank daughter a $10 million apartment and pay for a $3 million wedding. Have the Clintons ever gone back to Haiti??? #maga #tcot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Take the gun violence in the cities that already have strict gun control and it's extremely low. Gun crime has decreased at the same time gun ownership has increased.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#refugeeswelcome #ExecutiveOrder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Trump administration ended a program with more than 99% success rate: 99.3% attendance for immigration court hearings; 99.4% attendance for ICE appointments. Learn more here: #frontlinePBS #endfamilyseparation #endfamilydetention ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nba is made for shooters & space. no longer about power around rim. not going to call anything in there...better have a j #oldschool","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rotted meat puppet on a stick says:\u00a0Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. -Matthew 5:17 What is The Law?\u00a0 Leviticus , abrahamic cults Book of Total War, genocide, slavery, sex slavery for women and children, Global Theocracy to sandcan djinn jehovah.\u00a0 Yes, all this peace and love for #Europe!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"many happy returns of the day! bihday jurgen klopp !!! #be happy #goodday #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user His own fear of white people. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ny cunt campaign co-chair unleashes on #obamas in 2017 wish-list: # via @user #fucktrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are all the republiKlan maga wearing traitors going to dig through their childhood toy chest just to post videos of burning #Ernie & #Bert dolls? #ernieandbert #SesameStreet #Toad #MarioKart #TraitorTrump #traitortoad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The clinton news network strikes again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Ummm theres video of it and the coach literally admitted to it lmao. Maybe read before having strong shitty opinions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the thing about bagels is that they're so fucking good but if you eat 2 you already ate 1\/3 of the bag ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If you think Conservatives are going to believe a wacko liberal you are sadly mistaken. We see right thru your lies. Judge Kavanaugh is a great person and the best thing for this country. You on the other hand are a disgrace to the United States & women.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Do not CANCEL the vote on Kavanaugh. Do not fall prey to the lying filthy liberals. Tell Flake to shut up. America is sick of this BS from the left! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I chose cunt instead of bitch because cunt is the worst curse in the world to the whities ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing says teabagger like a millionaire complaining that they are broke, huh #HillaryClinton? #Hillary2016, give me a break, lol. #p2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user only for one day ,26\/11 3 days #us made terrorists attacked india for three days,imagine what is india #position?.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well... fuck you too Spotify. A disgusting picture designed to humiliate the White people of Australia...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Updike's prose is impressive.. elevating the mundane to a ethereal level, with an earnestness that defies Nabokov. All with a painter's precision. Small wonder that Updike was an art student as his stories remind me of paintings.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have you watched this docu series ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LiveAndUncut: When I say Tainted I don't necessarily mean hoe or scandalous. It could be a number of things.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait for @user at the o2 tomorrow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That wench is on something. She must be to spout her drivel. Wanna bet someone gives her the beating first. Let's see .. she is in a parking lot with no one else around and a few black women who are much better then her find her. Or white people much brighter :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seriously lede. come on, @user you can do better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey im bored got nails ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Back in the authoritarian hellhole that is Twitter, Scrump wrote a great thread spelling out what the Leftist media will do after Jordan Peterson #rekt Cathy Newman so hard that it made headlines: https:\/\/twitter.com\/CheekiScrump\/status\/9547738278...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Buy a Bot ...WTH ..\u00a0 Creeps can buy Bots to make themselves look popular . Can they buy Shadow Banning, too ? No one does something for nothing....pathetic & hilarious ... LMAO\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I don't see that as racist though all I see is an undeserving overbearing crybaby throwing a Tantrum like only Serena Williams can pull off. Maybe she's the racist if that's all she sees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you rly gonna say something sexist and then yell not all men? dude, take a seat. prove that n\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user A good example of - Democrat Gun Control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I know many too !!! we liberals just don't feel the need to dance around waving them like the maga idiots.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Take off those glasses! They aren't real you hipster fuck! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9the white establishment can't have blk folx running around loving themselves and promoting our greatness ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How did you get time off school? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, who refuse to take in refugees why should the U.S take in more costing Taxpayers Billions while we have homeless Citizens and #Veterans #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The filthy jews despise whites.....that's why they fuck themselves into our sacred blood.....to defile us","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches.\" #seuday\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER WHOS SICK OF INTITLED RACISTS?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lol these are exciting times...\"\" God he is the worst\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a sign of the evil to come... #epic #anger #shout #man #manga awork by anna riley ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ok..McCain is dead!!!!. the treasonous, traitorous, Bastard is dead, I'm over it.... move the fuck on, with the parade time and location and where the line starts for us all to piss in his grave!!! finally!!!! now maybe we can get a real republican conservative in his seat!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER I'm not installing your shitty app, but put me down for 100% for the second amendment\/campus carry, 100% against gun control except violent felons\". URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They call it schizophrenia, I call it psychopathy.\u00a0 I was in a relationship with one for a while and can attest that they're extremely good actors.\u00a0 They can alter their temperament, composure and persona like flipping a light switch, which all change depending on the specific situation in which they find themselves. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All summer 16 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time for #Bangladesh to recognize plight of #refugees will be protracted. \"Having over 700,000 #Rohingya living in makeshift shelters without an evacuation plan in case of a typhoon is just asking for a catastrophe\" says @user #Myanmar #Burma #Rakhine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are amazing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yes cunty bc u are THAT bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nepal event\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 now only #3days to go \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c baba cut ur muchi before the event\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008fbest of luck \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"journalists strive to avoid becoming the story for the exact same reason drug dealers strive to avoid using their own product they see the lives it ruins every day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i forgot what day it is. i'm at chick fil a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never trust Mark (((Levin))) for a second. He was all behind Cruz for prez and is now playing with us the same as Cruz is. They're both banking on us all having very short memories. He can join Cruz and GlennBeck in giving out teddy bears to mexican kids crossing the border.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm imagining their new diversity training. \"Just please give the Blacks whatever they want...\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@PrinceDemitri @TheWeek @russlljones Typical Hitchens type atheist and was watching a doc on how hollywood hates god, ready to mock it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Kavanaugh on gun control again raises his residence in the dangerous DC area. His exposure to gun violence in Bethesda is like calling yourself gangsta because you live in Beverly Hills.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s (she) is a real problem.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck you and fuck YOU GIF|Photo|Poll;& ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"once upon a time #morning clz time#baba love n care#scuty n happy moment##### ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is a whore for any medical show and I'm a slut for a crime drama. Two sides of the same coin. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sunny summer days \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #flowers #fashionblogger ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gabole negatif thinking dong","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user liberals got to crap all over everything. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ashole gonna eat himself to death ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's #smilepowerday! show us your best cheesy grins and pearly whites :-d #smile #teeth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How to get tons of followers: Step 1: be a woman Step 2: be blonde Step 3: have an opinion Step 4: post frequently Yup, I think that pretty much sums it up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MartyGraw ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#OrcPosting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nomination for Alaska\u2019s U.S. House seat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #followme touch my tits - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I drove through a checkpoint, so the fuck what? They complimented me on my hat.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@patinsideout @KING5Seattle Nobody wants the Democrats in charge, they're lunatics. Anyway, #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pentagon officials will house nearly 20,000 migrant children on military bases Somebody close tell Trump to kick Mexico awake. 300 million aid will vanish fast... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe @barackobama is colored blind with his 'red lines' and all. Tough talk, no walk. #tcot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sow dresses as cow in order to shoplift, stashes haul in udder. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sure the satanist muslim Pope will order them to read it and burn the bible.\u00a0\u00a0Muslim Man in Court for Threatening to Blow Up French Cathedral for Not Reading Quran - Geller Report https:\/\/gellerreport.com\/2018\/05\/muslim-blow-up-church.html\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is too cute. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user shit ain\u2019t gone work bruh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I havent checked it so i cant say anything.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#happyholidays and try not to be a this #christmaseve :-d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a pedo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DEATH TO TYRANTS LOUDLY...VERY LOUDLY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would fuck her brains out! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user so #YesAllWomen is fine but #YesAllMen should burn in hell? Looks like someone didn't get their way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lawmakers will hear testimony on detention centers, after death of immigrant child who left facility ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"otw 2 school #earlybird ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user RIP comrade! #ANTIFA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER because he made guys dumb as SHIT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user No she's not she is looking for a job by being controversal. She is very bitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ElinErsson The answer is NOT to support mass migration into European nations. The ANSWER IS MASS PROTESTS of damage of Western invasions in Middle East & stripping resources from Africa (by elite). When will SJW learn? They do not read or understand what has been happening ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You ignored my question, which is crucial to the argument. Once sensible\"\" gun control is imposed and another shooting occurs, do you truly believe they will not push for further restrictions?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always smile honeys!!! happy thursday #smile #la #beauty #style #thursday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck about yesterday!\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084#tagsforlikes #me #tbt #cute #photooftheday #followme #beautiful\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This guy is absolutely not as slick as he thinks he is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0098\u0081\u00e2\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6 #rainnyday #rainny #season #yangon #downtown #cool #love #tlbz @ yangon downtown ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Old news worthy of another cycle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I still can't read an analog clock like I can but it takes me like a fucking minute to process it and I can't just glance at one like a digital click ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you have any #questions, give us a #call, we will be more than to #help you in anyway that we can! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Best part is if you read the exchange he had in that thread, a year later this dude comes back on his same blm and Antifa caused nazis\" bullshit lmao. And by \"best\" i mean saddest.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Does that mean you won\u2019t be bullying women who support trans people? Bet you last ten minutes. You are a transphobe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dueling protests in German town after teen allegedly murdered by refugee ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Son please don\u2019t make me cry today because I never saw this shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"siri reveals what apple will announce at wwdc, in a way - cnet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Are you serious. Man you\u2019re an idiot! He is the most hateful scum on earth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If she's doin this, she's about to suck the souls of 10 dead men out your dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DACA is cancer #Gab #Trump #MAGA #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user priority tou choro koi 2nd option tk ni banata \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a3 - with 49 others ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thanks for the kind words! We're so glad to hear that you are loving the mattress! \ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"facce da set! \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b4 #thereaping #thereapingtheseries #comingsoon #smile #funny ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Exactly this Anna! She is full of it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fiona Hill. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There are deals on Mexico EU trade and other trade deals. We don't need or want a gun control deal or a Climate\" deal\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Animal is the operative word !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She\u2019s a great comedian. Where as you are a great....nothing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user because everyone' a victim. it's always someone else's fault ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa unmasked and up close!Hey is that who I think it is??? p.s. They are SO STUPID no one told them a white raised fist stands for \u201cWhite Power\u201dso Thanks D*MBASSES! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- sirf ashiq mizaj log follow karen #iqbal #galib #wasi #faraz #sagar #mohsin ki full poetry => plz 1 try follow @user send4o404","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT THW FUCK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gelinzon Sandwich Maker Sweeps From the Kitchen Authority! Enter today! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user must be a bitch to eat with the fabric getting in the way of the cake -hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Seriously?! Do you really believe your own crap? Why don\u2019t you just move on if she is so offensive. This ugly side to you is very unbecoming\ud83d\ude1e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER There ain't no MAGA hats sold here but that don't stop me from wanting to MAGA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Anonymous profile pic with 16 followers defending Trump. See that a lot on his threads. Whoever you are you have no idea if they're prepared or not. 2900+ people died in PR from their lack of preparedness and response after the damage. ICE doesn't need $10M more to cage children. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user What about the women who rape men and boys? Oh, wait, that doesn't exist because rape laws are gynocentric...#FeministLogic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Vienna: After 7 years the city has over 1,8 mio. people. More than a third are foreigners, mostly refugees. Syrieans, Afghanis and Somalien are top. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nature doing what nature does - making the best of everything: https:\/\/www.businessinsider.com.au\/study-carcasses...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LIke I said, you are hard up on the jew hate, you deny science, you deny reality, and you play the same bullshit collectivist tropes as every other bigot. Ooo look at me I'm John, I hate all jews because some jews do bad things!!! And sure, whites do bad too, but those are lone wolves!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so #blessed and to be teaching #rooftopyoga at #zhotelnyc tonight 7:30-8:30 with light\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kushner Says Trump Policies Work For Black People Who \u2018Want To Be\u00a0Successful\u2019 https:\/\/t.co\/i4Y6ViJ04b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bloodsport who can forget the monologue by jackson describing this big monster. and to think he is in his 60's now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @B1B_Lancer: Cue the liberal left's Uncle Tom attacks against Tim Scott in 4...3...2... #tcot #teaparty #GOP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Freezing my nips off out here...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Damn right .if you think any different then your part of the problem with this country .thank God we have a president who puts #AMERICA #FIRST instead of putting illigal aliens ahead of americans . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The latest in march and rally gear. They get to cover their faces with ninja masks, so can we.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's the stone roses day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @sorryimalex: “@lametears: i only rted alex ramos aka trash to gain followers” #vote5sos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @drhoagie: .@1Dittlinger Jay; I think once someone has Alzheimer's, suffers from alcoholism and is mildly retarded, people shouldn't mak…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user offline now after a very nice and long night.. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009a #snapchat @user #redhead #vermillionred ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I may have said this before, but the issue keeps cropping up. If Trump is asked to come in for an 'interview', it should be under the same conditions Hillary set when she appeared for questioning on her multiple Federal felonies... One-time appearance, no notes, no recordings (either audio or video), Trump not under oath and he can have his lawyer present.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER she\u2019s my bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @anilkohli54: @mediacrooks so the ball did roll down the slope & found a natural spot @madhutrehan defending brother & the scumbag @sard…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m no scholar but I\u2019m pretty sure that is the definition of irony. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Disturbing: feeling pressure from #ISIS fanboys, Al Qaeda fanboys resort to celebrating 9\/11 to reclaim their Jihadi bona fides","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No, I don't believe that in the least, this guy is spotless. Ted Cruz has known him a long long time.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Love revolution: the real force for Mideast\u00a0change\u00a0https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/02\/18\/love-revolution-the-real-force-for-mideast-change\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"aww my #augusco my college more vhim \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kkinetic band goin down..... @ warner chappel\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cIf this is your definition of journalism, then don\u2019t be suprised when people call you a racially obsessed tabloid, with no ethics\u201d #StopFundingHate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The lies i keep hearing everyday sigh *INHALES* IM TIRED OF YOU PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN AND IF PPL DONT SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL MY BESTFRIEND IS THEN ITS THEIR PROBLEM You are beautiful ive seen iT so its my place to tell you you are beautiful and i accept nothing less. If not more \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Unless he is like that old skin bag Cher. She just coming back and coming back. #stretchedface","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Anyone concerned with mass gun killings\"\" should reject \"\"gun control\"\" outright as unconstitutional. Especially since during the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century alone, \u201cgovernments\u201d killed some 170 million people. Facilitated by \"\"gun control\u201d.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop skin out your hole and then you will see a man treat you like a women u want to be treated . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Two thirds of the British public think that immigration is too high.Almost three quarters think that the UK is crowded.70% think that immigration has a negative effect on the availability of housing.#BREXIT #BrexitBetrayal #Immigration #Brexiteers #BNP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Where are you getting #NotAllMen from? I took issue with the fact they don't explain the\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Give me a break!! #Unbelievable #liberallosers #Trumpman #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I won\u2019t even start Naruto cause it\u2019s just too much \ud83d\ude02 I started an anime on Hulu yesterday called Coppelion thats only one season that\u2019s more my speed lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What they fail to realize is that if even 10% of Trump supporters decide to use force to protest like the lunatic left does now it will be like White Sleeves and Antifa soy boy. They really do not want to keep up this level of rhetoric. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Even pedophiles in interviews will tell you the only way to stop them is to kill them. Pedophiles even admit to when out of prison they will offend again and that\u2019s what keeps them alive in prison... the hope of another opportunity to molest an innocent child. They are sick f*cks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What is a good paypal alternative? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Down with liberals! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is just proof that California isn't diverse enough. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I kinda want to see you again just so I can punch you in the kidney. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If only Martin were as obsessed about Christ as he is with homosexuality.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sending their fattest..ugliest filthy scumbags!!#BuildThatWall !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am all for this!! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Getting ready for @realdonaldtrump #CounterPunch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anything will Help. Thank you #Patriots #Maga and if you dont hear from me thanking any who help and share its bc im about to loose signal out here in the rain and batt will die so I gotta get to a place to plug in. Thanks again folks and God Bless URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BenSalango said he\u2019s voting for Biden. Ben, you do realize you\u2019re talking to people in a state that supports Trump by about 70%, right?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#coffee break .... #loving it... good evening everyone.... @ goa, camsur ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes @user would be great to have a chance to chat and tell you more about @user focus on the positive economic contributions of immigrants @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Honestly we all know he\u2019s stupid but what is actually surprising is how dumb and easily persuaded the people of our country are .. he\u2019ll say shit like this and every white redneck is screaming \u201cYEAH MAGA BABY\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Dobbs #Budget #Congress #PresidentTrump #Appropriations #BuildThatWall..if as much of the wall is secured, away from Congress, more can be extracted in negotiations for DACA: limiting chain migration, visa lottery, etc., as well as merit-based immigration principles (RAISEact) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MondayMood #MondayThoughts Another #Republicans \/ Trump swamp Lier !! #MAGA #women #Christianity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"21 in 29 days cannot wait ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER 1. What\u2019s your definition of a mass shooting? 2. Headlines where? Nationally or locally? 3. Does ONE gun death \u2014EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. \u2014makes headlines? 4. Australia: tell me about those mass carnages that happened after gun control was imposed. Links to reputable sources please.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And sadly Anna decent fair minded One Nation Conservatives like you seem to be an endangered species in your Party. How can Tory grass roots support a man with Boris Johnson\u2019s record on morality and standards? Or a caricature like Mogg? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This girl lied about her upbringing and every time she opens her mouth it shows how foolish she is. Yet she is still a superstar for the left","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER FASCISTS OF THE FUTURE WILL CALL THEMSELVES ANTI FASCIST. ANTIFA COMES TO MIND.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@chrislhayes @TheReelRandom That\u2019s not going to happen. Boris and Natasha (Donnie & Mel) will keep their \u201cillness\u201d to themselves and never share with the American public. Plus, I don\u2019t believe a pathological liar. He lies about everything, so why not his diagnosis of covid? #LiarInChief #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Anyone can say or write anything about themselves. Suppose tomorrow she says that she is a prophet and human race needs to follow her. What does that tell about her ? Once I see someone as useless moron I stop giving them any attention. You do the same brother. She is nobody. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have no doubt their censorship of the right-wing \u2014 through suspensions, bannings, shadowbannings, & hashtag\/trend manipulation \u2014 has already cost Republicans multiple elections. In very close races, social media sentiment\u00a0could easily have made the difference. Roy Moore\u2019s supporters were heavily censored in the days before that election.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No fr! People are always on the most bullshit & I\u2019m not postponing or missing anything else because another person can\u2019t get their shit together. So if all else fails I go by myself & Tbh I end up having a better time anyway \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the latest the blicqer\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i finally watched the 1st episode of #unitedshades ur a much better person than me. 1\/2 way through i popped off 5 times. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4. Omg so many of you are funny...how can I choose? I have to mention @USER . She is one of the newest peeps I've had the pleasure to speak to on Twitter lately. Her tweets constantly make me laugh and makes my day better.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not that easily! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You're literally white nationalist radicals and enemies of the state. You're lucky you're not being hunted down by federal agents like the terrorists you are...but the citizenry will act in the state's place soon enough. ACTA NON VERBA. #TheResistance #ResistTrump #Antifa URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In the matter of the so-called Democratic election victory, it is only a liberal daily newspaper that can spin a one-win and three-loss record as an election victory. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And we met him in the Rain omg he is such an amazing person ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" trans pride everyone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The question is, was it just a retard having a stupid accident or a RETARD LIBTARD being a liberal terrorist?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can we all agree to pray for big dumb mike to keel over of a heart attack. he looks ripe.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Denuclearization is all China\u2019s doing. China put a gun to Kim\u2019s head and simply waited for him to cave in. Which he did.' http:\/\/www.unz.com\/mwhitney\/trump-did-not-convince... #NorthKorea #China #Trump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fmr SF Low Rent Street Walker, 'Ho' #KamalaHarris Cracks Trump Death Joke https:\/\/ntknetwork.com\/kamala-harris-jokes-on-being-in-elevator-with-trump-does-one-of-us-have-to-come-out-alive\/\u00a0 Gutter tramp will never change #tcot #pjnet #maga #lnyhbt #wakeupamerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"According to the alleged psychic \"St.\" Malachi, this commie cunt is the last poop. Gawd, do I hope he was right.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user are you a @user fan? this should make you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why are you acknowledging her existence. Time to block her and give us all a break. She is a nobody\". She use to be a funny comedian who gave away her power to hate and lost almost everything.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Also probably not good to use 'hysterical' which has its roots in the belief that women suffer from a\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every light skin bitch use this emoji \"\ud83c\udf6f\" when they saying they a snack. \ud83d\ude44 Hoe you taste like butter not honey hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MaddowBlog The idiots at the WH, including Pence head of the so-called task force, don't realize that they are not helping economy by doing this they are getting less people to feel comfortable. If people don't feel comfortable they will not go out& buy things AND it's dangerous also to all","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"trump, brexit based on misconceptions about race and nationality, says renowned philosopher | cbc radio ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I want to fight one of you for real you are taking the piss URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is quite the yarn spinner ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you President Trump! Each one of your accomplishments made liberals cry like the pussies they are. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I wasn't proposing scare tactics. I really meant what I said. Trump can easily pull the good maga Republicans and can easily steal enough votes from GOP Dem and independents and will bring fresh breath to our rotten politics. Think about it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You a snack time bitch, You ain't eatin meals with me hoe\ud83e\udd10 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"serious holiday blues!first day back at work \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #sucked.. then i come home to an empty house \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To whatever little ain't shit fuck face being a little bitch sending screenshots to my YOUR MOM IS A FUCKING HOE \ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43\ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nigga really said \"I catch ya Bitch and I rape her\". ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is this #occupy romper room?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"planning my summer vacation and i have a feeling it wil\u00c3\u00b6 be epic!!! #summervacation #epic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Madam will never respond. She is among those who see nothing good about PMB and his administration. It sucks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got my new sign today #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/hsmprAkoau","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"show this week with @user @user @user should be hella fun! #metal #nomad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bonus stream! Playing some more Brain Lord https:\/\/www.twitch.tv\/lazy_brain_games","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER 15 minutes ago vs. Liberals just minutes later. #cdnpoli URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you suck so fucking hard that i genuinely want to drop out of school and quit doing art and spend every day of my life destroying another epson printer with a lead pipe. i hate you so much. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pocket Panini Stovetop Sandwich Maker #diet #healthy #heart #health #sandwiches #kitchen #food #dinner #lunch #breakfast #family #easy #eat #hungry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The protesters banged in droves on the glass for the entire time I was in North Korea, Mao's grandson Mao Xinyu appeared at a meeting in Beijing on Friday. There is no review requirement under the Constitution to #BuildThatWall as a national defense issue - #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@TwitterSupportRE #IllegalAliensIt is WRITTEN into LAW not your Whim: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just like a weight lifter on steroids. Your so focused on one thing you lose sight of what's important. \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And you\u2019ll spend your final days in hell sinking","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Angela Merkel precarious as Germany's refugee row intensifies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Cajun_peach: Because humans aren't delicious ho RT @peta: Smarter than dogs AND your 3-year-old child. So why EAT them? http:\/\/t.co\/eRT…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prison imam's bizarre attack on Barbies: Brixton jail's Muslim preacher said 'pornographic dolls' were sign of Judgement Day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You are a dope. A delusional libtard. Ask the Govoner of Puerto Rico about the fantastic response by our President @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Tory country first is what @user @user meant. The rest can still suffer austerity that was caused by the rich banks. Parasitic Tories always have been & always will be. The evil party that is the @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user go take your anti meds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well it is run by people who are clearly our moral superiors and trying to bring about Tikkun Olam. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we\u2019re defo living in the last days ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do your small part to disrupt the objectives of liberals.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/video-come-and-take-it-gi...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can\u2019t we send this pig back to Canada. He\u2019s an animal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00e2\u0080\u00a2turned into gay-bashing, racist; very bitter about harm done by us to #afghanistan(complex, but it's the old country)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i BREATGE in kpop stan u nigger ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Proud Boys, Proud Boys' Girls, Gavin, and individual chapters BANNED from Twitter before Unite the Right 2, even though Proud Boys officially DISAVOWED the event. Had to scrub my Twitter of ANY Proud Boy references. Censorship is ridiculous!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jihadis are running a claim that the King of #Saudi Arabia died two days ago. Must be the bombs falling on em that r making em hallucinate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh for heaven's sake. \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't Call Us We'll Call You - Sugarloaf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Actually nvm DC animated films are the shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"balance of health & pleasure\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b #fitnessfood #weekend #tiffany #work #jobs #travel\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"re: 50 projects 2016---busy hands are happy hands! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user while Scotland takes in many refugees there's a quiet disdain from the poorer in society they are being left behind forgotten ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got WiFi working on the flight whitey no sand niggers just a KANG @Slav\u200d @American_Conservative\u200d @NorthStar1727\u200d @Azda\u200d @HoundOfUlster\u200d @Fugginhuwitemale\u200d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And yes. Having less access to guns drops suicide rates and accidental injuried snd desths. This can be proven by looking at every single country that has strict or better gun control. Unkess you want to prove otherwise that these countries are just as bad. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People are saying that the #RIPGOP is need of money?[NEWLINE]tRump has 100's Lawyers on the payroll w\/kickbacks and you wonder where the money went?[NEWLINE]#RrealDonaldTrump #MAGA2020 #KAG2020 [NEWLINE]You're Money!! #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"planning a trip to @user next week in scottsboro al. anyone ever found any great deals there? or tips to share? #newbie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When is the left going to stop war on conservative women ? Boycott SNL . Disgusting ratings whore. Only target cons\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrants come here on family-based visas, without regard to their skills As a result, half of all immigrant households receive Welfare #RaiseAct will stop this #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holder is responsible for selling guns to the Mexican cartel. Just another Obama administration law breaker.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gave up paying the Licence Fee about a year ago and don't miss TV in the slightest. People who whinge and moan about the BBC whilst still paying for the privilege of being indoctrinated and having your people brainwashed into national suicide really have no right to whinge and moan. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The term parasite\" has now been added to my list of \"fuck you\" terms, which also includes the term \"widget\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER actually we got gun control and gun grabbers dancing on their graves immediarely using it for political fodder. Accusing NRA instead of removing Sheriff & RUNCIE who got paid by Obama's Promise Program to NOT ARREST KIDS b\/c it was RACIST\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey, when you're reading the Bible be it any translation, God speaks to you through his word, so they can alter the holy Bible all they want, one more time haters will always be haters, if that include you so be it........","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#PresidentMaduro Feasts with #SaltBae as #Venezuelans Flee #Starvation! @USER I give you... your #socialist heaven...! URL URL #BBC #SKY #LBC @USER @USER #Labour #LabourParty #JeremyCorbyn @USER @USER #USA #Venezuela","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And honestly it\u2019s ridiculous.. you are grocery shopping there is no need to be like That ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@erinscafe We hate them more than the Cowboys and Yankees.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER that entire article is a piece of trash. that precinct is full of dumbfuck pigs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its not about Trump kids.When are you putting up all those refugees in your home jk??? YOu know, diversity for thee, but not for me.Your virtue signalling is tiresome. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hysterical pant -wetting liberals in full flow Grow up the lot of you #FoxAche ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hahaha Suicide by broken glass bottle. How wierd.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user And civil rights,\"\" like the 'right' to kill your own child transcending a child's right to life...from the same people that insist on more stringent gun control laws to 'save the lives of children.' Let that sink in...\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy and France try to patch up migrant row, draw papal rebuke Send them to the Vatican... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If feminazis put the same effort into working as they did bitching about patriarchy then maybe they would actually deserve equal pay. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy #IndigenousPeoplesDay [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpsAmerica [NEWLINE]#VoteBlueDownBallot [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/l6EiuNtxk6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user go fuck yo own assholes @user dumb mafuckas!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user still waiting for mine fat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Next time you get a haircut and your girl doesn't mention it, freak out on her and withhold the dick for a week ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Except for the wall, ending DACA, ending chain migration, enforcing e-verify, eliminating H1B visas, and all the immigration promises that got you elected.#BuildTheWall #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user thank you 4 making this #invention experience possible for so many hs students! @user #drewdesign ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel\u2019s famous quote \u201cYou never let a serious crisis go to waste\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Release the documents! Do not listen to the Antifa crowd! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It sucks hy \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #LyingLiberals as usual. Put a republican in charge down there and see how quickly things improve. #HurricaneMaria pulled the veil off of liberals keeping people in #Poverty so they can stay in power promising a brighter day. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The socialist anc government has turned the powerhouse of the continent into a sh*thole & now wants to confiscate land like Zimbabwe did which after 30 years has realized they can't grow enough food for themselves in a country that once had world class yields. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL DIMWIT DEM. Start taking losing like a man.....err...like a....uhm? Whatever you identify as today. WE WILL #MAGA NOT TIRED OF #WINNING SEE YOU IN NOVEMBER FOR THE #REDWAVERISING2018 YOU CAN'T STOP #ScotusKavenaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 day weekend coming up and american speedfest @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"california dreaming... #goldengate #sanfrancisco #roadtrip #travel #relax @ san francisco\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER watch me catching a plane to hungary only to beat your ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/nMBppxkzFto ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user SHE DIDN\u2019T SPEAK PARIS OMG I CAN\u2019T BREATHE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots Endorses Joe Biden: No surprise - Biden is demented dirty-old-man segregationist No Democrat-media coverage on this but if he had endorsed Trump it would be splashed across every major newspaper\u2026 https:\/\/t.co\/MvJBKQEGfZ https:\/\/t.co\/y2uGvxz5D0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hungary's latest attempt to demonize refugees and stoke xenophobia targets charities trying to help them - UN @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user still spewing your lies.....you are not good enuf to lick our President's boot straps... what about the deaths in Chicago...u r a liar and a manipulator...go vack to indonesia barry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Also. Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick. Cuz they don't like your ass either. \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user love yourself \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #smile #fun #instahappy #sohappy #happier #feelinggood #goodmood #smiling #funtimes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CzickenShack: I'm finally ready to mass market my skidmark-resistant tighty whities, but apparently \"Uncrustables\" is already taken. Fu…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls with tongue rings are as bad as girls with engagement rings... They have to get that shit in every picture ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lol, Twitter ban thanks to pedophile Eichenwald.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What is actually happening is very different. According to the U.N.H.C.R the breakdown of refugees are 13% women, 12% children, 75% men aged between 19 to 45. These are not the demographics of people fleeing a war. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Second Special Counsel request from the House of Reps\u00a0 Committee on the Judiciary July 27,2017\u00a0 \u00a0 read all the points at the bottom [in action]\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0https:\/\/judiciary.house.gov\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/07\/072717_HJC-Letter-to-AG-DAG.pdf\u00a0\u00a0 @PatriotsSoapbox\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Trump was walking towards a crowd excited to see him. He was reciprocating the love. That moment was about the reception not 911. It was genuine and honest. Barack is nothing more than an actor who fakes crocodile tears to call for gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to all the #dads - #fathersday. you teach us, you make us better. make a #memory today. #2016 #father #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NickFerrari seems to be intentionally misleading his viewers?! Suggesting paedophiles among whites are the same percentage as #Muslims and that we are only angry at one? No Mr Ferrari .. I think not! #LBC #LBCRadio #MAGA #MCGA #MEGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Patriots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amazing how all these fake news outlets are admitting being 'extremely dangerous to our democracy'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thats so manly I always said if i ever get molested i hope its by a real man who smokes hand-rolled cigarettes with no filters if some vaping queer molested me i would be humiliated \ud83d\ude1e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new product love # draw #very happy my sketch #bihday #day #fashionstyle #fashion\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082 you glow girl. my #melanin. my . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why you ruin shit lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sarah the triceratops is such a bitchy lil cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user keep going you've come this far! the #journey down the road to your #dreams has begun:) #weekend #motivation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my hair is so sho omfg, but all for a good cause. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" fathers day \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00aa\u00e2\u009d\u0097\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096@user @user @user @user @ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only differences between kosher and halal are... #1...in kosher slaughter, the rabbi must fellatiate all the male animals, this has a calming affect... for the rabbi... #2...in halal slaughter, the imam must lick the anus of the animal, this makes the imam slightly more agitated...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i would hope so. i can't imagine anyone educated who isn't actively or utterly amoral voting for #treasonoustrump though.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cI love you\u201d First of all bitch we all know that\u2019s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the blicqer\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #ad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SarahR_82 \nY'all gots to take da colored vacation. Kentucky fried chicken but only da white meat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate When girls don't wanna start anything cuz they don't wanna ruin your friendship I DIDNT WANNA BE FRIENDS FROM THE START #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Not once did the left ask for gun control after Scalise was shot. Not once! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Amen and to all Military service I SALUTE AND HONOR YOU ALL!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you to all the new followers! I look forward to getting to know you all over the years to come.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #a man is a word used wohily for the responsible male gender fathers day #more grace\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa JV squad?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And yet he is allowed to. Congress is supposed to be a check on this clown. If we get control of Congress you folks have to write some laws to prevent this happening again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Women have all the privileges. #Men have all the responsibilities. #ObviousChild End feminism today! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tell that to the 2,000 kids who were separated from their parents, you stupid cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SHE IS. SHE'S GORGEOUS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only person you showed to be full of shit was yourself, and I don't care if you believe me or not. You beliefs don't change reality.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You call it whatever you want -You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in general.shame on you bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh no you guys dont censor the right at all...fucking hypocrites ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Electing Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton is the most god damn American thing ever. STICK A FINGER IN THE EYE OF THE ELITES","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly, ily ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good. He's a mess ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the latest the blicqer\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #marketing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user LOL!! Same to you! Awe! How\u2019s it feel to want for the first time gimmie?! Is that a new feeling for you? Has mommy kept you on the tit all these years and now you don\u2019t know how to fend for yourself?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Guilty until proven innocent...right..? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need to watch our southern border not only for \"traditional\" illegal immigrants, but for the growing threat of... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in #pueorico, #environmental injustice and inflame protests over #coal ash: ty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An 'Island Prison\u2019 is Not the Answer: @user @user on #Bangladesh's misguided plans to relocate #Rohingya refugees to a flood-prone island ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@karmendanielle_ let the coons be great it's in the dream","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you can't be sad while riding a bicycle! #cycling #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"seems its escaped your attention that bashing whites isn't winning you any elections - over 1200 dem seats lost 08-\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The priest cracks me up the fucker is wiping sweat from his brow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Penllyn\u200d\u00a0@Grock\u00a0@John77\u00a0@asideofbacon\u00a0@FrLemmen\u00a0@mjrodksu @Sidephase\u00a0@RaviCrux\u00a0@kimcheetwo\u200d\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is disgusting for doing this! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How the fuck can he detect an attitude through a text bubble?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Too bad Antifa crashes GOP townhalls. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Typical sore loser he IS as always! Piece of shit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Such a cool Synchronicity..it def made my day! Just released a thread w\/exactly this concept. #DeutscheBank connection is undoubtedly the pivot point..& #Mueller has a crack squad of financial forensics experts on his team w\/VAST DB $$-laundering knowledge. Subpoena #Kavanaugh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Well, not all women are the same, obviously. Not all men are the same. But physically resembling\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #nationalbestfriendsday to you all. @user and you guys are my best news channel\/friend. thanks!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @luke_brooks: There was a fly that was banging into all the windows and I called it retarded but then I thought to myself \"umm I'm talki…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You don't like Nigerian men. We get it. Go and marry your American or British men. Any small thing, Nigerian men this, Nigerian men that.You're not being a feminist. You're being a man-hating-cretin and it all stems from blowbacks from your greed and bad taste in men. STFU. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SelfCuttingGirl @AnthonyCumia I thought he would think it was cute...you know, like when you shut your clam up for 5 minutes! #dunce","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Covina Gopher Removal Guys for trapping gophers: https:\/\/www.rodentguys.com\/gopher-control-removal-trapping-pest-control-mole-west-covina\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#LeyonhjelmDidNothingWrong","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These things are always sad. Typically a congenital heart defect. It could be determined via echocardiography but short of a bunch of cardiologists and ultrasound techs volunteering their time\/resources, these will continue. I am not advocating eliminating football or any sport just the hopeless tragedy of these stories .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a hero!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"joys in life: reading \"the hired girl\" and having lunch in the backyard #books #thehiredgirl #reading #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How blindly ignorant you are. Shameful people with the deep thinking you lack can vote","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need a black man as president to make real change for the people! Obama. We need a rogue president to save us from the deep state! Trump. What do you think most people will be suckered into next? \"Q\"-type rebels within 'government'? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qPaMKzh4gvo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those people are guaranteed to bleed out any sympathy\/empathy that you had towards them. Most of them are vindictive, selfish, and deranged narcissists who take pride in intentionally harming others for their own gain. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"when rappers say twat it makes me feel weird\" 😂😂😂😭","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DonaIdTrumpReal\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user \"how to overcome loneliness with #mindfulness meditation\" #happiness #meditation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn\u2019t Budging On Gun Control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#life is so sho, do what makes you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"spent the weekend reflecting with so many other \u201clegal\u201d immigrant friend about how US immigration has always been about family separation at its core. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" ending 'for man is a giddy thing' #muchado #shakespeare @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And then to cap it off the \u00a31.14bn figure ignores the drip down effect of those families spending their money in small and big businesses generating jobs consumption taxes etc. It really hasn\u2019t been thought through #HMRCHumanCost #2019LoanCharge","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy sunday to you all \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 . . . . . sunday #sunday #vsco #vscoapp #vscoa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Hammer needs to come down hard and merciless on this evil old harpie! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its a societal issue and people are truly blind if they dont see that. I see this feeling predominantly in strongly Christian or conservatively raised men. I mean.. theyve been taught their entire lives that women are inferior to men. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wait what??? The conservatives actually showed a little sign of respect? That\u2019s a first. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Like if you didn\u2019t get fired from ESPN","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user was awesome this morning - shaved 40s off my pb and fastest mile #parkrunstevenage #running \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Got my VOTE on today. #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Ooryfti6bH","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You can draw a straight line btwn ppl who think: @USER is truthful MSM lies #Kavanaugh is treated unfairly #CodyWilson was set up Zimmerman was right A wall is good Refugees are terrorists #BlackLivesMatter is racist Reverse racism is real Kap is disrespectful #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There will be a Cronulla Roits 2 in Melbourne. #wearesickofit #sendthemhome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Debates2020 should be interesting. How will #POTUS perform with no audience present? #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Obviously its ANTIFA who is threatening her to force her to continue the charade","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Becoming what? The reason for \u201cWhat Happened\u201d ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Death to Jeremy Corbin by any means necessary !\ud83e\udd2a\ud83d\udc4d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ok G you are hired. Hot yoga fixed it. Feels good as new! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Micro how do we invoke the chaos gods on twitter now? any hint of bantz and I seem to get the lockouts and shoah they were nuking people for Hogg stuff, and the Pitbulldropoff stuff as well","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is she prepping for a mental incompetence plea in the event of prosecution?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall Ted Cruz has a plan on how to help Republicans win BIG in November! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user continues to nosedive in ratings. Down 41% since last year. Their audience consists of weenie liberals in mommies basement. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's wild thinking about how Clive is minus one boypussy away from wrecking the whole town again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DeBlasio #NewYorkCity #OnePercent #EnvyLiberal prescription: Tax the rich those bastards who don't pay their... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user *rich liberals* ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We done fucked her before yo bitch a whore n you mad about it? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user At least you are getting more people to like it on Discord ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user r\/India is exclusively dominated by liberals. I feel better on r\/hinduism and r\/religion ;) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i finally found a way how to delete old tweets! you might find it useful as well: #deletetw\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Containers of Hurricane Donations Found Rotting in Puerto Rico Parking Lot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This isn't my expertise, I should call a buddy today and ask what he thinks. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i only find @user in the latin super but found this gem at my local @user ! #dominicanblogger ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...The book makes Trump look good & makes the so-called Deep State\"\" - 'particularly Mueller - look like a pack of partisan hacks.' Woodward Book Proves 1 Thing, Liberals Fear Trump Isn&#8217;t Breaking, the Deep State Is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" in the #gop #deplorable i have seen many \"conservative\" memes over the last 8 years #notfunny @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 He is a communist fool!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i see the most prettiest girls on the strip smoking good ass cigarettes to the face smh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Living at the edge of the world: Stories of Sahrawi refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Don't feel sorry for her. She is so greedy she even hides her Patreon amount and dumb kids keep donating for watching her playing games and whispering into a mic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Okay that's enough with the A and C shit. They dont care and neither should we. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Did I? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anaaa418 , you are absolutely correct - if you are , #goskate \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c you don't have to\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alaye turn if your maga don pay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DavidLammy Uk jobs lost for DECADES throughout EVERY Govt bc companies chose to move abroad for cheap labour.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Why do you not know this?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#SleepyDaveLammy[NEWLINE]#BREXIT #NODEAL [NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one of my favorite episodes so far! spoke to my <3 determined to heal it and share the journey! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He should be talking about the Chinese leader seeing they pollute the most.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Western civilization is a confluence of Judeo-Christian values and REASON. Some folks forgot the reason part. Concern for salvation alone won't save America, but a lot of smart folks who take action will!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A big fat zero #bookerfordogcatcher2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All you need to know about the importance of the midterms","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy the freelance writer is a man who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 robe benchley ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(Albert) Conservatives are spreading the lie Anderson Cooper faked a hurricane... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn Joe Buck just making it sound like Greinke was trash when he played for the Royals. Chill out Joe.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"15 Sept 2018 - Dave Murphy: Will Monsanto's Loss Result In Less Poison In Our Food?\u00a0 -\u00a0 https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-09-13\/dave-murphy-will-monsantos-loss-result-less-poison-our-food","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish it was December already.\u00a0 I'm ready for Smash Ultimate.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Idk some Antifa nut job ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"from the bottom up. We need to stop thinking we are going to get Hitler elected then he'll handle everything while we take a nap, our job done. Within a decade or 2 the Dems will have a lock on the presidency; at that point we need to have enough political & violent power in a few states so as to fend off federal overreach.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is a good example of why we can't ban the AR-15. Someone could've used gun control\" on those pussies.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A joint initiative of the @user @user and the County Government of #Turkana to boost #Kakuma refugees #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PALESTINE does not exist historically.....it is a name used by the sand bandits to curry favor with people with low IQ's like you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Soon turists will stay away from Spain bathbeaches. Today new refugees come to Spain from Maroco and escaped without registration and walk through the bathingpeople. 1600 come last days. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user , you are correct that Reid certainly is a weasel. Sadly, we've got our own weasels; @user Sen McConnell & @user .The corrupt Mueller investigation w\/be STOPPED if those 3 did their jobs.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #USA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Summer 98 did every effort to avoid source of pain Shouldve continued the path instead giving in to masochism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user I have. He is desperate to see what I'm saying and report me. Shame as he usually says nothing. Another antifa pussy no doubt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how to be : 12 things you should do today #happiness thursday #almostweekend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" customers in @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Where is VAN? She is ARMY who need to shazam the most you know... \ud83d\udd0d\ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udc36\ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udd0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT jordanbpeterson Shout it from the rooftops....http:\/\/j.mp\/2wfSFDw\u00a0 https:\/\/twitter.com\/jordanbpeterson\/status\/1034074...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u301d Bitch fuck shit cunt who\u2500 \u301e Okayyy.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're on a first date and they're already too clingy and touchy feely ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user more #marxist evil jew #propoganda! why is it jew controlled media has never and never will cite any non white grou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats claim I need more diversity and hate immigrants. My immigrant friends from Ukraine, Belarus and Cuba all say Democrats promote the socialism that they immigrated to escape. Hmmm. Who knows best? Survivors of socialism or the people who openly hate me and my country? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I met Mark. And he is amazing. He is just as sassy in real life as in the show. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Immigration is tearing the country apart. Time for #congress to step up and pass a comprehensive, humanitarian, smart law @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER TEA. I WAS MAD WHEN I SAW THAT SHIT.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my hea. it was not my lips you kissed, but my soul. \u00e2\u0080\u0094judy garland #wedding #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"40-year-old migrant arrested for murdering his 16-year-old teen bride in Sweden https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/06\/40-year-old-migrant-arrested-for-murdering-his-16-year-old-teen-bride-in-sweden\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Guys cheat and are tried and hanged. Women cheat and its somehow their guys fault. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Saladin spent more time fighting and killing other Muslims than he did fighting Richard the Lionheart.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#trump official paladino makes crude #obama remarks - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i hate summer so much. can it get dark out please. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Exactly... you don't need to change the USA, because the utopia these leftists desire already exists... and the climate is awesome to boot!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's much more expensive that an $89.00 Roku Ultra box, but review after review rates a Nvidia Shield the best. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You been reading Q again, right? That's what Q says. I believe\"\" it too but still... Sessions is virtually invisible. RR is there to stay. He is NOT going anywhere even when the FISA docs released to public. Won't be COVERED AT ALL by the Shitstream media. Nobody will ever know!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"every one of those cases was due to the choice of eating more dairy. But for the sake of numbers, let's pretend they are. Out of 7.6 billion people on Earth, that would make 0.1% of the world's population. That is significant in raw numbers for the people who suffer from this condition, but is statistically insignificant regardless of its correlation to dairy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a parasitic lump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looking forward to Justin Trudeau's trip to Egypt ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Life Hack- There are people that use DM's to simply have convo's with friends... And here I thought it was only for nudes & to line up sex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our World War produced by the BBC on Netflix shows the horrors of the forgotten war WWI. Excellent dramatization. War is hell","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SactownProidgy @SpeakComedy @yunglucy_ @karon_avila I just noticed you guys called me a jiggaboo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Germany: Later, in 2002 Merkel criticises the then govt for not having a migration limit, [...] She says: \u201cBefore we have any new migration we have to first improve the integration of foreign children living in with us.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Brennan sure as hell is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"second 1\/2 marathon tomorrow. #anxious #runnershigh \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"# mindsmatter #instagood #anti-aging #notjustforoldpeople #brainhealth #bestbrainhealthsupplement 30 day mbg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you don't like his #politics that's one thing but why the ?? so #pathetic \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am delighted to announce that Atlas.Orm 3.0 (\u201cCassini\u201d) is now stable -- and with an updated project site! http:\/\/paul-m-jones.com\/archives\/6909","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hmmm -maybe it's the whole site. I wonder where we can go to report bugs? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user liberals have to go in 2019 as they are so over their heads Poor leader and even poorer advisors ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is resting because he can't take another humiliation by Pakistan #180 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is shaking while answering question clearly she is no comfortable #onpoli ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yay! You are unblocked \ud83d\ude02 I see how you gently responded. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5.10am Still a crowd at Queens Park protesting the conservatives middle of the night power grab. Shame on the conservatives! What kind of party creates chaos during an election? Rather than working with their citizens to create a healthy economy? @user #ONpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no matter what i do, my world is an empty place ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This #TeacherAppreciationWeek honor #immigrant postsecondary teachers, who come from many countries and backgrounds, bringing their expertise to educate tomorrow's American leaders. #fastfact @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh how I wish we could be united by our love of God and America. Someday soon, I pray.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This was from the NYPD ! NOTHING IS BEING DONE! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lawyer Mana Yegani: Immigrant Child Died In ICE Detention Center, Texas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The time we spend on this earth is but an eye-blink compared to eternity. Even if a person lives beyond 100, it\u2019s still not significant compared to forever. Once we have taken our last breath here, our forever is set. It can be totally wonderful, or it can be totally devastating. The choice is entirely up to you. God will not force you to accept Him or His Son","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Theresa May is a traitor and needs to be shot like a traitor","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user WHOS SICK OF INTITLED RACISTS? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER that\u2019s so fucked up omg in my old hs there\u2019s open campus and for every period you skip there\u2019s a 200 dollar fine lmaooo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday karl #bihday #vlog ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I tweeted about thenwoman who protested immigrant detention centers and WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH THE BOTS ARE OUT RODAY IM LAUGHING SO HARD. Please help ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I was at the laundromat just reading his comments last night \ud83d\ude02 he was basically saying porch monkey was a term used years ago and \u201cliberals\u201d made it into a racist thing and it all just snowballed from there lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fast and furious criminal should be behind bars.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HE IS MOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Also - Didn\u2019t he just flat-out stop showing up to set for the Freddie Mercury biopic? That shit should kill his career...and here he is getting another gig!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY isn't Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in jail? They are traitors to the United States and it's people! The US does not have a two-tiered system for lawbreakers. #LockThemAllUp #DeepState #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #WalkAway #impeachjeffsessions #DOJ ??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy shit of all people to say that a Nebraska fan. Please take your dead program somewhere else and keep your VCR around to watch highlights from the 90s.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stuakenyon81 #cover #reveal! swiftly sharpens the fang , #radicalisation & #revenge eevalancaster ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 FOR SALE - BUY #American #Flag #USA \u25b6 Shopping-Sale .org \u25c0 #USA_Flag_4U #Shop_8_9 #MAGA #AmericaFirst @user #Trump #POL_8_27_QX ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An argument can be made, this exists in our costly prison systems as well.America first begins to address this#AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayFromDemocrats ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#rapeculture #rape #patriarchy #oprollredroll #steubenville #anonymous #cnn #ma'likrichmond #trentmays\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good morning! Glad you're awake.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"19 tourists shot dead in Nevada with 12-gauge sawed-off Savage Stevens 311D. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ringing in my 31st year in a beautiful, peaceful, happy place! \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be #provence #france\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Important note: not all women do this and tale responsibility for their actions, just like not all men are assholes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all together this christmas: pls & follow @user national day of action on 20 feb against & the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#jeffsessions omits decades of records for his ag confirmation hearing \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 no surprise from this #weasel","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I want to make clear I don't think gun control\" is the answer people are looking for as far as gun violence is concerned. I do find that people should focus on mental health and bullying in schools if they want to address the root of the problem.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would bitch about the weather being bipolar, but I'm just gonna appreciate how nice it is instead","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Does one bring the other? #Sex #War See Penthouse magazine in the 1980's. Sex followed by guns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gap best","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER CNN is trash and everyone that has a brain knows it!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Chuck is a \u201c DUCK !\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EC moots migrant landing platforms in third countries ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Let's use the TREASON laws to remove Holder from the planet...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Important: Appeal from GM Police for information re attempted rape of young woman at Green Lane Patricroft at 11.30\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID:\u00a02a2c4f No.2743167 Aug 26 2018 10:46:38 (EST)Suicide weekend?Hands up?[30][0:28]Impossible?Coincidence?We are in control.BIG week ahead.Q","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user naw she's now a fat untalented bitch just like whoever responds to your tweet. This isn't 1996 when she was hot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Foreign? WTF!!! He's Mooslime dumbasses!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please tell us that you arent going to WHINE about this for the next 19+ months like youve been doing about Jeff Sessions! You could have fired Sessions the moment he reclused himself, but noooo, you just continue to be a pussy about it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Of course reporters are not talking about #USMCA, they just want to bitch, moan, and groan about Trump being mean to a female reporter. Useless idiots! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Could\u00a0Sheila Jackson Lee be any more stupid?! Fireworks! #DiamondAndSilk Shut Down Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee At #Facebook Censorship Hearing (Video) https:\/\/www.teaparty.org\/fireworks-diamond-silk-sh...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MindOnSuccess_: My mother be on some trash man 😂 I ask her EVERYDAY, you need\/ want some money? She say \"Naw I'm good!\" But come payday…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It's clear that Trump is President and hillary still can't accept that. Too bad 'ause he's there for 6 more years. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER John kerry is a loser and a traitor to our country. He doesnt understand that we voted his party out bec we hated the iran deal. He is now working for iran against our gov. At worst he is acting as an agent for a foreign government & if he isn\u2019t registered should be investigated","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user You look Beautiful Ashley.Yr home away from home! U look so comfortable.Hey @user let's bring Bridget home 2b w the rest of her family&friends as a Regular on the show.I'm a diehard fan&want AJ back on \ud83d\udcfa screen where she is happiest #BringBridgetHome #BringBridgetBack \u2764AJ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" people spit on the face of #god | meditations for the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #cnn #foxnews #christians #conservative #christ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sleepy eyed Chuck Todd cant understand why the GOP held an open hearing with Peter Strzok.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Someday, I hope to be awesome enough for a gov't flunky to accuse me of bearing 'a serious threat to the fundamental interests of society' http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/03\/12\/delingp...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#canpoli conservatives are excellent at running up debt and enriching their special interests. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm streaming a new game on Twitch that I've been waiting for a very long while--Graveyard Keeper. http:\/\/twitch.tv\/stillgray","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user in the fake national emergency that was created by conservatives for their nwo bullshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As a computer professional with over 25 years experience, I am recommending manual multimedia processing tools and hard copy support materials, PEN AND PAPER. For the next few years, assume computer security does not exist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The presumption of innocence only applies to Lefist Liberals. You are guilty from the get go if you're a Conservative. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you go by anything other than he or she you are fucked in the head.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how much caffeine in matcha green tea powder","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so it's #nationallobsterday and lobster is one of my faves and i didn't have any.. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hey bitch daily reminder that i love you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Oh. Low blow or blow job. Lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user vk gave it his all in #wt20 & #ipl2016, yet couldn't win it for his team #meandmylife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user UK: Corbyn still maintains Blair's New Labor which is essentially Marxism, a dangerous cult putting migrants first who are members of a political religious cult that would kill members if they left. Those migrants will in return vote Labo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user like the #phab2pro - will be a great small tablet! but #motoz in 5.5\" and only on vzw is a huge mistake. #toobig #sorrybutdoa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Are you saying they\u2019ll become another victim of the Clinton\u2019s?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Just noticed that twitter will block anything about a certain billionaire who buys people to accuse conservatives of wrong doing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user may have the meat but not compassion or patriotism. even @user has flag at half staff. smh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user liberals drink their own Kool-aid. They live in these bubbles and they think a lot of people like them. If they could see themselves how clownish they look and act. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A communist, Donald Trump and a monkey walk into a bar, the monkey says \"what race am I\" and the communist says: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've decided to just live off of these ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Liberals will do anything 2stop the recovery that is taking place under President Trump's policies! We must turn out N record numbers2 keep the house &Senate in November! #DrainTheDeepState #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #ConfirmKavanaugh #BuildThatWall #TRUMP2020 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fallout 4 vr at e3, and not once did they mention psvr! #e32016","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user WELUVTRUMP TRUMP2020 MAGA KAG BUILDTHATWALL WELUVTRUMP WEGOALL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hello fellow #Qanon peeps! Twitter suspended be for offending ugly bitch @ChelseaClinton! what a LOSER BITCH!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil like all religions, islam can be a strong unifying force. #teambts #teamsuperjunior #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #patriotwatch: 1.48 projection #auspol #rwnj #upf s #cult #cultism #projection #springst\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God dang! Didn't she break campaign finance laws? Why isn't she in jail?? Didn't she promise to move out of the US??? Why won't she just Go Away??!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cucks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WeEmqOHV0L0 Globalismo e a hist\u00f3ria da sua escravid\u00e3o","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#splitvipagency #friends #holiday #summer #visitsplit #visitcroatia @ split vip agency ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We've been in this shit mine for awhile now... https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/SDaqKb3.png","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"leave a 'gweh' below \u00e2\u00ac\u0087 if in 2017, you will no longer debate #wypipo about #slavery or\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sometimes we have to finish something to sta something better! #goodday #smile #polishgirl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Youngboy up to sumn on you Pussy boys ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb orlando \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #triste #horreur #orlando #priere #pray #prayfor #usa @ clama, france ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i don't know why these poor black women are being convinced their faces look better with these money noses. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I liked a @user video This Immigrant Left the U.S. To Seek Asylum In Canada And Regrets It (HBO) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Almost forgot you was a nigga in ya past life lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You don't need makeup bc you are beautiful asf angel\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97 love u ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holy shit which sears? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#God The Media Using Criminals as Heros to Push for Gun Control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user NO ONE needs hunting in Canada Spread the word.There is no place in a civilized society for rifles and shotguns.The Coalition for Gun Control has 200 associations behind us to support and the Liberals. In the name of the safety of our kids Mr Blair ban those guns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Aim higher! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You are such a lier and all for money. Nobody wants \u201c francoism\u201d here in Spain! Except ppl like you and your fascists separatists friends to smoke screen all the money embezzlement here in Catalonia! Why all your friends are with Vlaams Belang? &the Italian nazis? NAZI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I looked out the back yard and saw 12 deer eating my grass, lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s a nut job and to republicans thinking he will support your \u201clet kids be murdered in school\u201d policy he says Emma Gonzalez is his idol who is a gun control advocate so don\u2019t be fooled unless you want liberal policies. (Personally I do but what the hell)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I mean if Allsup was a communist or some Antifa shithead people would be coming to her defense despite what a shit she is. This political team sports is dumb. Allsup is a Dickweed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"17 crazy things women couldn't do in 1960 #complementarianism #complementarian","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another angle. #ford #fordaustralia #fordfocusrs #rs #angular #brembo #black #mean #dreamcar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for anyone who needs proof that even a little #girl can #changetheworld here it is. bihday #annefrank ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Exactly. These migrants don\u2019t want to become German; they just want the hard-earned money of the Getman people. They are not fleeing persecution. #Sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER Liberals attack private lives when they can't attack policies. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dam white slave owners ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER how does helpmto buy help the homeless?? Oh. It doesn\u2019t does it? How does it help@USER on low income??? Oh it doesn\u2019t in Work poverty at an all time high. How does it help them?? Oh it doesn\u2019t. Thanks for nothing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Forget that @USER called @USER a con man and a KKK supporter...she actually voted for @USER Doesn't that sum up how truly unqualified she is for Florida","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The killer is in the house. #MAGA #WallDoesntProtectFromAmericans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The fact that she is disrespectful and blatantly rude has nothing to do with her situation\ud83e\udd2a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In Mexico & CanadaONLY NATIVE BORN CITIZENS ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE IN THEIR ELECTIONS & EXCLUDES NATURALIZED CITIZENS!We should do the same in U.S.A.#RETWEET#RESIST#ThursdayThoughts #TrumpKnew Help #BuildThatWall @ #EndDACA#TheFive ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Olympics was fun, except for the fact that I would never watch a woman play sports.@ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuckers been saying that for ages!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh and higher unemployment and witch hunts and lynch mobs and antifa communist parades ...you can have all that shit and let Hollywood decide how you feel. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chinese officials have complained when Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club has hosted controversial speakers. Now one former city leader is criticizing the group's lease of a government building. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If we get the word OUT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After the twitter purge was over and black nba twitter changed their accounts back from MAGA white folk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bats are cool as hell because they're basically half tiny fox half leather bird.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eric and Hussein just need to STFU and go away. Too many Americans died as a result of their Fast and Furious\" gun running scheme gone bad. Eric even defied Congressional subpoenas with Hussein's backing. Despicable.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Laura Ingraham -\u00a0The GOP couldn't pass #Obamacare Repeal & Replace but they are hell-bent on \"doing something for the #DACA 'kids.'\" #AmericansFirst","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what if you didn't come straight home after work & no one in your house noticed? #notalonebutlonely #whatdoidonow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"megabus booked for the london hospitals open day this thursday! #pharmacy #earlystas","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They never ask what taking down the monuments does for race relations. But you know why that is. They hate white people. When they ask Trump what he will do for race relations, they're really just asking 'got any gibs?'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you regret asking her 'what that mouth do?' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"everyday is your day, sparkle always #quote #sparkle #keepshining #jewellery #jewelmaze ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do you have the state right....Cali and Chicago are protected by many strict gun control laws.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tomorrow is my son's 2nd bihday pay! #bigboy #2years","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama is illegally charging the Illinois taxpayer to build a 200 million dollar center in his name and image. #arrestHim","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user inability to take responsibility for one's actions seems to be a common theme in #russia - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like old \"nasty woman\" is gonna see her nasty ass go to a nasty place. Good riddance cunt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Corruption is cancer and the doctor needs to share the report to (his\/her) patient. This info is not confidential....#ReleaseTheMemo #WeThePeople deserve to know the health report of our nation!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the only way for you to stay relevant is to open your mouth, and tell other peoples business . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#humpday hour #hotspot! @user #share your #hotspots! #love #friends\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals are not very smart ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fascism doesn't arrive doing a #nazi salut.but in a sharp suit #altright #richardspencer #trumpism #dkpol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"black professor makes assumptions about an entire race whilst speaking for entire race. next week the jews!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idk why hoes be on here tryna front.. all that \"I can't fuck wit different niggas\" bitch yes you can stop playin \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The influx of migrants into the West is tied to the 2015.75, turning point of the Economic Confidence Model. The periphery collapses first, the centre of the Empire is the last to go. This is why the US economy and market remains strong compared to the world. Capital moving in. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh Rookie you\u2019re we\u2019re as adorable then and you are now! Quite the baseball family tree. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As usual the media is giving two sides: a Republican side and a Democrat side on immigration. There are other views by why bother offering those up. How about we allow supply and demand for labor decide how many cross and let Econ 101 supply and demand decide? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this generation sometimes\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2016 was the year white liberals realized how unjust, , and sexist america is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user oh yeah! #goals #timefreedom #financialfreedom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user noah's laugh is so contagious #laugher #baby #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not all men care about how sexy you are.Some men wait to hear what you say. Most men fall for ignorance.Real men praise intelligence. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who does your hair? Only asking as my pussy is getting bald and I am thinking of trying some new comb-over to hide the worst of it. #oldageproblems #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa are the fascists. But, since you have been indoctrinated, you probably don't even know what fascism actually is. Antifa are not fighting neo-Nazis\". They are fighting anyone who isn't them, and they call them Nazis just to justify their hate.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER please do everyone a favor and delete this false thread and your account while you are at it. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user My favourite part of this is watching all the conservatives lose their minds as usual. Once again the Democrats are being mean to us boo-hoo. LOL. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Do it with quran and then we will see how much atheist and brave she is... hindus figured it out that this type of attention grabbing big boss wanna be people are not worth it... Go live in your 2 minutes Prime Time covered life ... Lord krishna and his followers don't care ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my hea goes out to the families of those 50 people killed in the massacre in orlando. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wondering why that detail of jumpy Suharto Security detail was never prominently discussed during inquiry? RCMP poor planning Knowledge of Maniacs with guns Almost no warning to clear road Then they dumped it on all on a few officers who had to deal with it spur of the moment","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sad world we live in when you hope your kids don't have kids #life #stopthehate #kids #world #hate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Comparatively, our own inner city youth & fellow Americans live like 3rd class citizens while illegals are housed at ICE centers that rival the best elementary schools & college dorms in the country. #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The problem is that MSM, leftists, Nazis, ... don't believe that HAMAS is a terrorist organization because they support killing Jews.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It was definitely a waste of your time in searching it out and posting it. \"Breaking News: Let's Continue to be Pussies\" JFC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lmao bitch tf you saying you a hoe now that you got a mans you think you a saint?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump needs to ignore the amnesty\/'realist' cucks and deport them all. https:\/\/www.spartareport.com\/2017\/12\/why-trump-has...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can you please go back to hospital @realDonaldTrump! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]You are the most irresponsible negligent idiot who still doesn\u2019t care that people are dying and you are the super spreader. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Everyone needs to #VoteHimOut! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MasksOnGlovesOff #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/1HEhvfyKGl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a best friend of my moms died this morning. i have a \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094. i knew her my whole life r.i.p phyllis #love #family #bff #nomoresuffering","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Amazing that the Dems are always the ones who hear the whistle. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it is very difficult to tell the truth. [lev nokolaievich tolstoy] #quotes #news #follow #followme #like","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's really slowing me down. I wanna ask if I could just bring in my personal mac and use that as my work computer but I don't wanna seem like that apple snob\"\" but I'm over here shook.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Memorable moments from the 2018 State Of The Union speech ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's nothing left but a few interesting artifacts.\u00a0 The \"money pit\" is exactly that.\u00a0 Better chance of finding Hitler, lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Norway: Migrant Quality, not Quantity....\"Based on the idea that the WELFARE STATE has limited resources 1) immigration must be limited.\"https:\/\/t.co\/TguMByMDN6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Awesome win!! I truly believe Americans are sick to death of what the left is trying to do to destroy America and change our country into what it never was intended to be. Go vote America and MAGA! Thank you President Trump for believing in our country and keeping promises.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And people still buy their shit. Why? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is and was and is to come.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you care more about \"refugees\" than your own sons and daughters, you've got some self-evaluation to do. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Utch cunt in ass lovllll twt owned u bitch cunt fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are absolutely right smdh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #us #neonazis are #antisemitic: emboldened by #trump \"win\". #gop ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The burden of proof is on Ford. She should put up or shut up. She is not credible by any stretch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#timehop this day last yearwhen me& @user true med skills saved @user #imisssweek #caerisweak #\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This guy wants to be a successful producer and he is tweeting stuff like this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@violetstirling - according to this video by @user , Iranian refugees in Sydney and Melbourne go home to Iran on vacation. Y'know, the place they're fleeing.https:\/\/t.co\/QrytSoOKio ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Military Complex does not want peace, they want war and will do whatever necessary to cause it.\u00a0 We must be on alert and not believe mainstream media lies.\u00a0 I don't want my family dead, you don't want your family dead but deep state doesn't care how many are sacrificed to keep us at war.\u00a0 Don't believe them, keep your ammo handy and keep your supplies up to date.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @michellemalkin: In which I refresh dhimmi Seattle mayor Ed Murray's poor memory of city's long history as a jihadi breeding ground==> h…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Woman slips vet note saying boyfriend holding her captive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't get it! haha? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user next week i can finally make an appointment at the tattooshop to get my halestorm tattoo @user wrote for me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Antifa developed a new tool @JerseyShari\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is demented.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user thank you rob @user @user for the . \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d soo exciting that the whole #truth is coming out! to #safe #h\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil if the fear mongers become the loudest voices, who knows what could happen. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The monuments that will be torn down in the next 10 years? Much to the consternation of we conservatives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"here's how to combat violent extremism in 2017. \"the white nationalist who came to dinner\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER no he came back to nyc w ducky","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your definition of subtle doesn't count. use the english dictionary definition. otherwise you risk slander.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"its not ok \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #notok #blue ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to all of the dad's out there...happy father's day! #fathersday #dads #thankyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How unfortunate that TarGAY is prospering.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is just great. As long as she wins the title eventually","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Cantwell\u200d \u00a0how the fuck do we activize? Do we go hand out flyers and shit at Walmart to Multicultural boomers? Spray paint swatzikas on our dicks and make porn. I'm ready to win. What do we do to ram the ideas of Seig Heil and Physical Removal into people. Is it like making love without protection?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did someone say #friday? #fridayfeeling #euros2016 #weekend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think she is the one mad. She didnt like being called out so she is trying to make them bully me. \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user how far has systemic hate come? first, giving a shit about where trans people piss & now killing unarmed gorillas??? #s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER yep bc not agreeing with forcing adult memes and choices on individuals not developed enough to comprehend them means I am homophobic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user When even readers of a liberal paper in effect liberals don't believe her accusations are credible. . . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pakistani migrant arrested for fathering three children with his daughter in Britain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Forced migration history: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user chips, sunshine and the fabulous garden @user = a perfect wednesday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's a #bobmarley kinda mornin' #saturdaymorning #saturday #music #reggae #reggaevibes #goodvibes #love #life","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...Grab them by the pussy Inshallah https:\/\/www.franceinter.fr\/societe\/une-coupe-une-f...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is the worst speaker ever!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be a good baby, do what i want #ceffy #smile #medusapiercing #instacool ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(((Global money))) first, everything else will follow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I really enjoy the creativity of your posts! But damn, they are starting to look like a Rothschild costume party.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is a big lump of \u2014-I agree 100% ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The fatty white girl was called up from the audience by the nigger to sing the nigger song which has nigger in it repeatedly and then he accuses her of racism.\u00a0 That really is nigger behavior.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Word! Say it ain't so Joe! I thought you were a honest stand up fella! #BidenHarris2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory https:\/\/t.co\/vPPFePvRra","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Reading this thread it sure seems like your followers aren't for gun control after all Jimmy \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user There are people and groups who do want to ban certain guns or guns in general. Yes nra was pro gun control. However now gun laws are just being made after every incident with huge amount of bureaucracy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ridiculous comment the only way liberals make government work is when conservatives go along with their ideas. Tbqh less government is always better than more unless your a socialist. Most time government passes a new law i lose money n Liberty . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #race #taipei #foods lose weight effectively> ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SellOutSessions #JusticeDenied #Trump Let's get colonial on these traitors... give them due process and hang them. http:\/\/madworldnews.com\/jeff-sessions-owe-fbi-agen...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aight goodnight whores except for the girl thats been on the tl bashing guys you a hoe stfu and boss up bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hero fathers with soothing assets #fathersday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user His fruits comes not only from his mouth; he is a liar and a deceiver. He is definitely NOT a Catholic \u2014 he likes to re-form the Church to his own image. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @NicksTape15: DeJ Loaf is trash. Pure trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't think the left understands the.... gravity... of the situation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is that you, Lynn? Step outside...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They got David taking out the trash 😂😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user yup you saw it right! stay tuned for all the juicy updates & chef line ups! #monsoonpunemarket #chefdemos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's funny is that by banning plastic straws, Starbucks will use MORE plastic. https:\/\/reason.com\/blog\/2018\/07\/12\/starbucks-straw-ban-will-see-the-company","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"damien wanted his teetee to go down the slide with him. #dad #son #fun #family @ san\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Daniels said her job does not reflect her character, really. She is a cheap, sleezy porn lap dancer. The is no high road\"\" to take in that type of job\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user As I\u2019m watching it Bentley kept looking at me \ud83d\ude02 he being crate trained again so we good for now. He only allowed out to eat pee and shit and occasionally play time \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oy Vey that (((nose))). The lord has truly placed the Mark of Cain upon the accursed people.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your inner unicorn is showing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hahahahaha-sure-She\u2019s just a Spoiled Brat-and goes berserk when she\u2019s beaten- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is hurt and no one has checked on him!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER who really cares about any of this wack ass beef???\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user trump lackey carl palladino is th get of a mating betwn a pig & a hyena & iq of a slug. apologies to all pigs, hye\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I get it, you want Congress to call Facebook a monopoly and break it up.Unfortunately,here are two hard truths: 1) Politicians would rather use Facebook as a weapon than reduce its power.2) Politicians don't work for you. \u2014 Michael Krieger (@LibertyBlitz)\u00a0August 6, 2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trouble In Paradise: North Korea Threatens To Pull Out Of The Olympics After South Korea Praises Trump http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/01\/14\/trouble-in-paradise-north-korea-threatens-to-pull-out-of-the-olympics-after-south-korea-praises-trump\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Because you advocate for -gun control -mass immigration -cultural Marxism You\u2019re a tool for Jewish Globalists","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Had an opportunity to buy a cup of coffee and a banana nut bread from Starbucks yesterday. \u00a0I passed it up. \u00a0Found a local coffee shop a few miles further. \u00a0Bought from them. \u00a0Place was crowded.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user thoughts on female fighters 'dolled up' in @user promotions? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm\u00a0sorry, I would no, as it's not teaching them the basics of life, you grow\u00a0into who you grow into but I believe the current roles for children have been very successful\u00a0for an extremely long time.\u00a0 I've\u00a0heard of people needing\u00a0therapy as a mother who wanted a daughter dressed her son as a little girl, would you allow your son to dress as a girl and play with Barbie?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Me bro ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Clearcut, Straightforward, VP Pence #IllegalImmigration Not Acceptable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have shared some b\/w ones on my page..I will share more with the group... :-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hold up Im jacking that perfect way to end a argument ima be like yo stfu you wanna argue or get yall pussy ate pick one ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I feel like you've filled a hole in my heart alys where have you been all my life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns - Oratorio de No\u00eal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pls don't vaccinate, just sayin","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I believe the problem with the #NotAllMen argument is that although yes not all men disrespect women - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@a my account says I've posted 700-some gabs, but I can only see a few of them. I wanted to go through and clean them up. How do I find the hidden ones?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I mean most ppl confuse when to use \"to\" and \"too\", this nicca used the word \"two\" when he should've used \"to\" 😒","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is compromising an active investigation. Sounds like obstruction of justice to me! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I am a survivor of sexual abuse. This woman is obviously lying. Believe me you remember every detail. It's so obvious these woman only come forward to hurt conservatives. But who they truly are hurting is innocent men and women who really have been abused. She should be ashamed!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, agreed! Affirmative action = RACIST! Minority Owned Business (preferred status) = RACIST! Providing someone anything on the basis of their skin-color = RACIST!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An attempt to subpoena the interpreter?????\u00a0 https:\/\/freebeacon.com\/national-security\/adam-schiff-disrupts-hearing-china-botched-attempt-subpoena-trump-putin-interpreter\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russia confirms Syrian refugee proposal sent to United States @user need soap ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this is our time to #fightback against evil men such at #donaldtrump and his #homophobic and #ego! #peacein2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I actually think these moves by goolag and crapple will backfire. Telling people what to buy, consume etc. It's never worked out well... There will always be dissent.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how we feel about friday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #lavieenrose #legallyblonde #friyay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Canada doesn\u2019t need another CUCK! We already have enough #LooneyLeft #Liberals f**king up our great country! #Qproofs #TrudeauMustGo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'I don't want to be like the jealous girlfriend who won't let you have friends' bitch you have to be my girlfriend first ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Exactly. Thanks for the support #maledominance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #sikh #temple vandalised in in #calgary, #wso condemns act ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Those that do not respect the Constitution need to be driven out of office. #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed2018 #TheRainMakers #QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sorry you\u2019re a socialist!! I contributed to Ted Cruz!! Sick of liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We must remain united & keep our voices heard for 2018 & especially 2020! I mean, just look at the ticket! I follow back all followers! Thanks y'all!#MAGA #KAG2018 #KAG2020 #Veteran #AmericaFirst #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildThatWall #2AShallNotBeInfringed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user noticed you broke away as soon as the senate started talking about the great 4.2 growth rate and salary increases for employees. Your station is so crooked!!!! Also negative on the conservatives and praise the liberals! #DrainTheDeepState #crookedmedia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Still shoveling shit\" for Trump?....What kind of woman supports a liar, racist, pussy grabber?....that's what kind of woman you are.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Wrong! None are refugees, Zero! The are economic migrants\/invaders colonizing at the expense of host countries while pretending to be \"asylum seekers\" They are a disaster for the countries that allow this to hap ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IBelieveChristine and stand behind her bravery, which makes her a target of cruel and hideous conservatives\"\" who will do anything to get #Kavanaugh on the SC. #womenarewatching this ain't 1991, fellas! #VoteThemOut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I agree 100% that it's best for EVERY-ONE if MGTOW's MGTOW. Get that inadequate DNA out of the gene pool! Buh bye!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Onion The dying wish of an old War Hawk: http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/60f9.png","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Luckily you\u2019re in one of the safest @user seats. It allows you to be flippant\/dismissive when it comes to opposing views. Still not heard a cohesive alternative plan from you though... #brexitshambles ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Read and heed. https:\/\/blog.jim.com\/culture\/overgaming\/ (Yes, I pasted the correct link.)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you can illegally cross borders with ease. What's the chances you'll catch him before he kills again#BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you are looking for hard heads you only have to look at the Republican Congress ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did any father travelling fm sing-mum get cramped leg space on @user & old aircraft? #dadnme #con ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not long before i'm no longer a teen\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bf !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What's up with college age women and man hating? This shit makes me embarrassed to be a feminist. Not all men are like that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Typical tall tale-lie, it evolves and expands with time and the requirements of the moment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As clear as the mud UKGov are dumping off Swansea. Corbyn offers no solutions & no answers ... being non-committal on everything & hoping 'not being the conservatives' will get him elected. Westminster politics & government have degenerated so much its no longer fit for purpose.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"please stop violence! - talk listen respect empathy love! #orlando \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4.\/presumably you think liberals,\" are as trivial as women and their complaining. You wonder why Dr. Ford does not want to surrender herself to such a harrowing experience before you all? @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I like yours, too. Goodnight, 3H. \ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil vps got multi-million dollar bonuses while average americans lost their homes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mydraw #sirena \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00e2\u009e\u0096it's easy for you ,yo're pretty \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Another sheep led to the slaughter the left are eating there own! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Maier\u00a0 Condola Rashad\u00a0 leads 'Saint Joan' on Broadway . #CultureWars\u00a0 https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2017\/09\/12\/theater\/condola-rashad-saint-joan-broadway.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i am not shopping at @user until they purge all trump products. who do they think canadians are? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Italian Chef with a shovel beats migrant who threw stones at his restaurant - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Awesome \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb. Of course the left will think differently but who cares. This is great!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But I thought Antifa were actually fascists but this shows Rethuglicans are the actual fascists in the room. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER shows data won\u2019t convince supremacists that ACA + gun control are good for them. They know + still vote against their interests (because: racism). The question to ask is not \u2018how to change their minds?\u2019 but \u2018how to win elections?\u2019 #valuinghealth2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let's see how you are going to babble after the Supreme Court ruling!#DeportThemAll #NoDACA #SupportICE #AbolishDemocRATS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it isn't from \"god\" just because one person said so. However many children he fucked.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Stop with your nonsense. You are a block. You are STUPID! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Anarchists are left wing extremists. They stand with antifa. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He should look in a mirror! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Prove your claim or be exposed as the lying piece of shit you are. Meanwhile... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are part of the problem. You are the racist. Wanna address this ? @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"idk what that particular ghost's skill set\u00a0 entails so I'm being very kind and forgiving of their activities. Their motivation is still unclear so no point poking the bear imo, i just keep scrolling\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please draw stupid sexy nezha and nidus over the shoulder or something. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It\u2019s horrific Adam. Look at the way the Conservatives\u2019 endorsement of Orban has been waved through - it should be a source of national shame. But it\u2019s the norm.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"$90 Million In Welfare Payments: Justin Trudeau's Border Crisis via @user Please pray for Michelle Rempel TODAY. Trudeau has spent 500 million Canadian Tax payer's dollars on illegal immigration with no plan to close the loophole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The difference is any other legal immigrant has already become citizens and are assimilating into society!! Not trying to over throw the current legal system! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have no idea what left field ur coming from. Ur argument is some obfuscating \u201cAmerica is based on racism\u201d commie BS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user disgusting racist thugs, look forward to him going back to jail ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER \u201cI am breaking all the rules for running as a Democrat by speaking about sensible gun control. A woman at #MarchforOurLives told me how GA\u2019s lax gun laws allowed her daughter to kill herself before she could intervene & begged me to change the laws. We CAN win.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Too many women confuse their hearts with their vaginas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"couldn't be happier with her\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091#her #loveislove #love #gay \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because once the garbage is cleaned up, they won't have an agenda anymore.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hm? Of course. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You know I have other photos right? I'm saving them for a special occasion, dipshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*gently weeps* https:\/\/www.sciencedaily.com\/releases\/2018\/08\/1808...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What difference does it make if the gun death was a \u201cfight\u201d or \u201crandom\u201d! Holding parents accountable could be part of gun control legislation. Write you Congressional representatives and demand it! Until Congress deals w\/ gun violence it will continue & ALL Americans are at risk!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IDK if you have to explain the purpose of a huge blob of concrete that was partially built by flattening an immigrant neighborhood then maybe you're doing something wrong. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Barf over the squishy self-righteous source. That's the whole deal with TBC. They're young and dumb history major conservatives\"\" who've swallowed the SJ BS and like to hand wave. I'll assume without further evidence Prager is lame.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Liberals: These bikini coffee chains are sexist and a bad influence on impressionable young girls. Also Liberals: Lets take our kids down to the Folsom street fair where they can see transvestites swinging their junk around and getting whipped in public. http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/food-drink\/2018\/08\/30\/bikin...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT'S DOES A HOGG AND A HOG HAVE IN COMMON?@MMFlint!OUTLAW #islam & #sharia STARTING IN THE USA ASAP, THEN THE WORLD!END ALL #immigration & #refugees PROGRAMS,#EndDACA#EndAnchorBabies2#EndHomelessness#AmericaFirst#DrainTheSwamp#BuildTheWall#MAGA@realDonaldTrump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"the dying of the light\" village green\/town\u00c2\u00b2 #antisemitism #hocoschools #columbiamd #hocomd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"VIDEO - #BNP press officer & spokesman David Furness interviewed by Comedy CentralHeavily edited light hearted debate on serious subject of #immigration into #BritainRead full article to see David reveal how the pro immigration crowd twist statisticshttps:\/\/t.co\/3FdHLORMr0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A good person turns people in doing crimes. To say Satan made them do it is unthinkable. Satan wouldn't turn the child abusers in. What is this progressive pope thinking? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I liked it in a so bad it's good way. She is so miscast it's amazing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The bigger problem is liberal gun control nuts that want open borders to try and \u2018cleanse\u2019 a society from established cultures. Then create a ruling class or a communist structure that has been proven to fail. England is now a Muslim breeding ground. Shameful","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why didn't Kavanaugh need terms? Guilty people: those are the ones that need terms. Let me clue you in: they're worried that she is going to make a terrible impression and will not be believable. They're trying to manage that concern. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Whenever conservatives lose a court ruling, they bitch and moan about activist judges or agenda judges.\"\" Whenever anyone else loses a court ruling, they accept that they lost a court ruling. Conservatives are whiny babies.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This exhibition is much more than just an aesthetic coup for @user It\u2019s also a ringing riposte to wall-builders, border-closers and anti-immigrant rhetoric. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"back home,tired but ! thank you @user for this great week and @user for mega suppo!#c2l2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i #agree with both @user & @user . i said it when the #nba - #suspended draymond greeni game 5. the nba #fixedtheseries. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"congratulations humans! you are slowly, but surely finding a way to eliminate our species. suicide bombers, riots, mass shootings, etc. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Pearl bhaiya you are amazing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Even pedophiles in interviews will tell you the only way to stop them is to kill them. Pedophiles even admit to when out of prison they will offend again and that\u2019s what keeps them alive in prison... the hope of another opportunity to molest an innocent child. They are sick f*cks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why do all crazy liberals have CRAZY EYES? LOL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Not only the Antifa got quite alot Israel supporters. You'll find Israeli flags at the right winger protest just as well. Oh the irony ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wew i only know they are diff couples when i look at the guys. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Christmas will be here before you know it!Order bricks now to avoid the rush this #LaborDay!Great Stocking Stuffers!Please visit this #LaborDayWeekend to order #RETWEET#LaborDayWeekend2018#BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for flowers. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Funny how there was no sign of his \"Activism\" online or how much he cares. it\u00a0 took his dead classmate's bodies\u00a0to get his top spot and actually acted like an Anchor on that CNN interview the little boy is a joke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol, you have a problem with my free speech that I think whites shouldn't racemix with blacks? You're a shit father that you'd disgrace your ancestors and allow your daughter to marry a nigger.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cHey, you maka\u2019 me da food or I sue you! \u00a0I\u2019ll pick it up Saturday\u201d How fucking stupid can people be?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are a disgrace go home you are not the President anymore. You are breaking tradition of the former President stepping aside. This is no longer Obama\u2019s country this country belongs to We The People not your sheeple #MAGA @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user your @user app is down \/ sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"very little is needed to make a life -marcus aurelius @user #quotes@user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Question how do you make someone understand that saying get out of my country isn\u2019t something a former illegal immigrant takes lightly? Or will probably ever forgive? Asking for a friend. I\u2019ve tried it every nice way. Maybe it\u2019s time to say I hate people who say racist shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I was a doctor that could cure countries I would prescribe Belgium 1000 Charles Bronson's. An let them all go vigilante death wish style for a couple years unabated. That should clear things up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It sounds good! If we eat breakfast it\u2019s his doing, and he roasts ckn, makes a spicy spaghetti and grills a mean steak all good","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And he said in America. Heads up Antifa. Ur neck is about to be stepped on. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweden bars refugees from returning to Syria and gives them benefits instead. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a liar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"United Methodists fight separation of immigrant families . . . #umc #church #news ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER UNTIL ITS YOUR ASS IN THE HOT SEAT #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #PizzaGate #QAnon #Hivites #MAGA #EagleOneToWanta @USER @USER .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe consider this instead Theresa May isn\u2019t real name. She\u2019s Annette Johnson a Mediterranean and the conservatives are now a terrorist org. Sod chequers \ud83d\ude49\ud83d\ude07\u2b50\ufe0f\ud83c\udf08\u2b50\ufe0f URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've got to be honest, I remember meeting homeschooled kids and I never thought they were odd. TI was usually the public school kids being jerks. of course i didn't like public school kids... so..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I had no idea all republicans were nazi racists till Trump got elected. Imagine my surprise. i'm native american so I took it hard finding out I was a racist. Was despondent went around punching out Antifa to work through my depression.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain\u2019t no pussy good enough to get broke while I\u2019m in it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Israel uses Sen. Lindsey Graham\u2019s homosexuality to blackmail\u00a0him ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@punkrockgirl good morning Whip. Your ride is on it's way.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Liberal Hypocrisy at its finest\u203c\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I were the flight club I would disqualify them on their names alone. After I got their info and reported them to the Feds. We have jihadis in SC. The Feds know who they are...arrest all of them now & save lives!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#deepstate @user @user @user @user @user you are going down! #MAGA #RedWaveRising #redwave #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #WalkAway #WalkAwayMarch make this viral ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Polish? Hell yeah. Poland's doing some real good things right now. I'm liking Poland.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And meanwhile as they bicker our lettuce strainer of a border sees well dressed and outfitted \"refugees\" (code for country shoppers), other illegals and undocumented crossing the border daily... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Judge says government has 'sole' duty to find, reunite immigrant parents, children - San Diego Union-Tribune #FamiliesBelongTogether #StopJailingChildren ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user its adios for til the next time #gutted #despondent #hatedepauredayhome #lovebenidorm #benidorm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Donot worry Sidhuji If Modi can become PM you are in making. Hind National Party","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dump MasterCard","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you made it kunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user This is UNACCEPTABLE!American citizen taxpayers should not have to bear the burden and costs of these Illegal Alien Families!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWallNow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER OH FUCK-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's exactly parallel fuck nut. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch C. Mario Russell, Esq., Director of Immigration & Refugee Services at Catholic Charities of NY, LIVE on @user as he talks about the reunification of immigrant families. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Retweet complete & followed all patriots!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf2a\ufe0f\ud83d\udea8\u274c\u270c\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lil Kim really made herself trash smh 💔","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Governor Cuomo on Wednesday called ICE \"a bunch of thugs\"Trying to remember when he used such harsh language when describing MS-13 bloodthirsty killersOh. He didn't#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #NoDACA #WalkAway #NEWS #AmericaFirst #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Technically speaking he is hamstrung by drug & alcohol addiction","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I think all this Salem witch hunt -style pointing of fingers by hysterical women may come to a sudde\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smh no yeezy for me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stupid cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"make today count!! #mondaymorning #positivity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bruh ita gonna be ok You will have to go it without your parents being there 24\/7 which can be hella scary. But you are more ready than you think. Its gonna be more fun than you could bet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A #British #comics publisher doesn't want whites at conventions http:\/\/fourcolormedmon.blogspot.com\/2018\/04\/a-british-comics-publisher-doesnt-want.html\u00a0 #moonbats #comicsgate #racism #comicbooks #politics #England #comicgate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This was definitely not a coydog, much too large, and the features were to different, it almost looked like a mildy retarded wolf?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Tax Relief section of CuraDebt performs a three-phase program to deal with their client's tax - http:\/\/exactrelease.org\/curadebt-tax-relief-is-topcons-link-1193272.html #best_tax_relief_company #tax_relief #tax_debt_relief #tax_relief_companies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The rugrats believe in gun control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what have i let myself in for...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d #ppl #study @user \u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00a9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 hours at midnight and she said she is not a call girl? -Awkward! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ok.\u00a0 gone from twitter. fuck those commies.\u00a0 done.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dr. 5 star general PHD DDS hall monitor meter maid reporting in, sir!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holder should be removed with a set of tongs and some disinfectant. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Jeff I have a lot of respect for you. Please vote no to Brett - not because you don\u2019t like him but because it\u2019s the right thing to do. He has lied - he is hiding documents - he thinks trump is above the law. THIS IS WRONG !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@politvidchannel #fucktrump #fuckthegop #realdonaldtrump #trump2020 #trumpvirus #LindseyGraham[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]AND LOUSY LINDSEY THINKS THEY ARE JUST DANDY, HIS BRAND OF LUNATIC FRINGE.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]A PUNK WHITE POWER STREET GANG COMIN TO A SUBURB NEAR JIM BOGNET[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BOGNET4CONGRESS HELL NO ! https:\/\/t.co\/GMYFaV8gcR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #AskAlly Please tell me something what should i do to help my mom when she is at home with a broken leg cause she's in Hospital now with a broken leg \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Mbappe is bang average...would shit bricks in PL...glad for him he is in a league which is absolute joke ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are the one that left on his own. I'm not your daddy to tell you to stay, even if I do, you won't anyway.\" There's just no in hell way that Cerberus would ever be soft to Dante and respect him right? Two can play at this game.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Britbongs, I have a question for you. Would it be a hate crime for you to spread out a blanket and eat a yummy pork sandwich in front of a bunch of muzzies doing their prayers to the meteorite?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is an incredible leader and a true hero. Thank you Chef. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stfu bitch you don't like me get outta here punk hoe you just bored ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bought my daughter one years ago, then got her the golliwog badge, cos that's what we used to get.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Bribery is giving something to someone. Like the NRA giving republicans money that came from Russians for ignoring gun control that 3\/4 of Americans want. No one is saying their giving you anything. It\u2019s time you represent the majority of the people of Maine. U don\u2019t @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"warriors @user #towerbridge! #tower #bridge #london #fitness #fun #yoga \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user House price increase has nothing to do with immigration. The lack of affordable housing is mainly down to this government not building any and the inflated prices are down to the banks and their lending practices. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, and the Flintstones shows us how life during the Stone Age might have been without diversity. Cars. They had cars, man! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@sarahcpr I\u2019m old school I\u2019ve always Vote the day of, Joe Biden & Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party have my up most respect. Oh and by the way your Nextflix is an Awesome piece of work. We The People love it. You go girl. Vote. Our Voice is Our Vote.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A few days late, but here it is. On style. The most important, I think, is be yourself and be true to yourself. (that applies equally to life as well as writing) As always feel free to share and spread the word https:\/\/algwriter.wordpress.com\/2018\/08\/20\/writing...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i cannot wait to visit pittsburgh \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0086\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"T went from \"rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome\" to singing about gardens and love wow the character growth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think my proposal is fair.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control advocacy is itself contrary to the single most important natural right enshrined and protected by our Constitution. ANY attempt to circumvent freedom is radical. See? Simple (and I didn't even have to invent any nonsense words)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #bihday #princephilip , #duke of #edinburgh turns 95. #congrats! #kongebloggen #gratulerer #royals #royal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wrong. Doug Ford simply wants the federal government to foot the bill because the Liberal government was not prepared and budgeted to welcome the surge in refugees. Nobody is strictly against immigration but it must be orderly otherwise taxpayers pay through their nose. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"instead of telling young women to dress appropriately, teach young men to NOT rape, that NO means NO and to love accordingly. #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"me trying to enjoy this patriots and colts game until i realize ...we still have another half to go \ud83c\udfa5: @zieg https:\/\/t.co\/DfRY68c3XV","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a horrible at her job...maybe that's why her career is dying...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i heart Trump #Trumptrain #BuildThatWall 486 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is this 2020? Seems so 2016! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#DebateTuesday #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/VZswax9PVD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sessions to african-americans: fear not @user @user #jeffsessions #imagemakeovers #makeo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shameful. #NRA is spending over a million $ to get Kavanaugh installed. Gun control isn't his pot of Tea. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who's wearing Oud in here. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are too! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Salesforce Billionaire Marc Benioff Buys Time for $190 Million\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If she is close by I don\u2019t mind checking in on her. I\u2019m in Greenville NC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Got a feeling every time deep state complains @user will punish them with more declass. They are going to pay for their sins! Biglly! Who needs a plan to dump 11k docs and round up crooks? @user needs to geter done! #FNMA #FMCC #fanniegate #EndCorruption #LockThemAllUp #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He also thinks it\u2019s a success doing nothing about gun control with kids being murdered in their schools by people who have no need to possess guns!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Senate and the Supreme Court Have Been Granted Too Much Power\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IT'S TRUE! #MAGA #NoCollusion URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The usually no comment FBI is providing cover for this news. http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/2018\/08\/30\/gohmert...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My ford GT90 would beat your Challenger SRT in any race, fucking try it fascist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This sums up what's happening across the pond. It is what the #MSM hides in America. #MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"safe and sound #safe #sound #music #life #love #hea #mind #a #dedication #pencil\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#live #life by the #reality #god offers you, not by the ideals #people force upon you. #happiness #truth #wisdom #advice #hope #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You will be voted out all together You crazy bat... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DameStr8Cash: @JaeTips I know that's trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Andrew Torba, Gone-Postal done Right.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Rip lmao who knows \ud83d\ude02 that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I can tell you suck but sure","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user come on woman do your job right #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Obviously its ANTIFA who is threatening her to force her to continue the charade ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy father's day dad! #abc7chicago #fathers #day #celebration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The right to self-defense is an inalienable God-given right the 2nd Amendment merely puts Federal gov. on Notice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a&e scraps controversial #kkk series #tv #cable #disney #boycott ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@LannyDavis Good. And 2? Do you have Biden dementia? \ud83d\ude02[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#EndTheTSA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so African countries don't play in the world cup?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have property in the Keys.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Horrendously sad that we all know who \u201che\u201d is. It gives me no joy to know I\u2019m smarter than the president. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They don't have the balls to do it tho.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I am trying to make a point. Many people who hate the liberal and ndp party are conservatives. And all conservatives care about is money. They don't have to ruin the environment and discriminate against others because of money\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user empowerment of by #trump is absolutely scary. this cud slip to dangerous levels. look 4 legislative attacks on #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Luke5SOS: 5sos are trash !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ironic then that the women that vouched for Kavanagh aren't vouching for him anymore. Almost like they were originally arranged to vouch for him without knowing his history. Huh. #maga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Robert DeNiro used his 'Tribeca Grill' as after hours whorehouse to Pimp young women to Harvey Weinstein. #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just had this conversation at work.\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02. \u00a0I\u2019m close to moving back to NYC and being done with these lazy S.C. Gullah Fucktards","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How butter faces take selfies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest japanfuninfo! thanks to @user @user @user #\u00e7\u0089\u00b9\u00e4\u00ba\u009c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Who is Flake? If Flake wants to be someone & heard stand for Senate race! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals are full of hate yet they talk like their morality is above anyone who thinks differently. Funny how their words and actions never match up to what they pretend to preach. Imposters of any human decency. Emotionally and politically bankrupt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 love you. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 . #sunday #weekend #selfie #longhair #girl #selfporait #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ahahahh!!ping pang POW! HOW U LIKE ME NOW! Shouts out 2 my bro Dre Hogg Style Ent! Uza fool 4 dis 1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Islam is Cancer, the worst of the five great heresies against god and his church. It is an Ideology, everything based on sex and murder.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SamFeistCNN @CNNPolitics your opinion plz. When election over will there be any improvement or will BO still be allowed to trash America?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.asontvinfomercials.com\/homechef.html: Home Chef meal packages are assembled for people with active way of livings stay clear of the","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#presidenttrump hopefully you will stop funding the #apaheid #terrorist illegal state of #israel and have them pay back $38billion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil many politicians claim that jihad is an attack against humanity \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m sorry Dana that you have to hear from such sick mental patient liberals! They are so pathetic! I support you 100 percent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JamesrossrJames Bill Barr isn\u2019t aware of anything except Trump\u2019s ass because his nose is so far up it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Felling love with this Couture Inspired Sandwich Maker by Dash: #sandwichmaker #appliance\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"WH Proposal Extends Amnesty for 1.8 Million Illegals...\" - This isn't #MAGA. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"because great things never came from comfo zones... #goodtogreat #inspireme #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not immigrants when they don't enter through a legal port of entry. They are Illegal Aliens. #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Retweet to the end of time. MAGA Trump2020 and beyond.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now time to make plans for a 4 day adventure with my little girl #ella #daddysgirl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"chilling before djing! nice place na xamena ibiza #ibiza #ibizalifestyle #jpcandela #jpcandelateam... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user opening ceremony is off to a sta! #hbabc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches be havin no education,no job,no house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF!! do yo hav?\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @campusreform: A Catholic activist group has secured more than 15,000 signatures for a petition calling on Marquette University to end its recognition of Marquette Empowerment, a pro-abortion student group. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/frns #TCOT #PJNET","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russia is playing no worse than England. It's like vodka: enjoy the good part, and try to forget the pain to come.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#willneverhappen meet @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user unreal 3 advisors refuse to take my payment!?? and say wait for pcn is this customer service when ur site wasnt working?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How do you come up with all these lies. You have not done a thing as far as gun control. Open your eyes Obama your hero had 8 years in office. All your doing is sucking around for the last minute vote.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user minus well keep him how he is bruh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You mean like all the Liberals screaming at a SC nomination hearing? That kind of clown show? So tell me since when do accusers get to make demands? This isn't a university misandry board of injustice. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I sit here and wonder sometimes like what a man have to be going through to just want to rape a woman dude like it\u2019s sick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#marvel #song #musica #weed #ripchristina #adele #dance (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President. How come she is permitted to do this. Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping?? Why are all democrats above the law? This is a crime! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good night\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099 #\u00e3\u0082\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00a9\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00a0\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00b3 #\u00e3\u0082\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00a9\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00a0\u00e3\u0083\u00bc\u00e3\u0083\u00b3\u00e5\u00b1\u0095 #\u00e5\u0085\u00ad\u00e6\u009c\u00ac\u00e6\u009c\u00a8\u00e3\u0083\u0092\u00e3\u0083\u00ab\u00e3\u0082\u00ba #museum #roppongi #love #instagood #fun #gn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"feeling this way today after great meetings and time with a good friend\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #lovelife @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/9gDTixalK5Q Jay Dyer on Red Ice TV. Great interview.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wanna make a mandate and say it\u2019s the law huh? Looks like you break your own laws.Oh wait, that\u2019s cause it\u2019s not a law, you NIPPLE RING WEARING ASSHOLE!![NEWLINE]What law is not murdering innocent people or committing small scale genocide. #Trump2020 #DrainTheNYSWAMP[NEWLINE]#CuomoIsAMurderer https:\/\/t.co\/AiEbVt7yPc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WhiteFlight only abandons our cities to non-Whites. Cities constantly expanding here in N. America, chasing Whites further away and taking over politically. Entire sections of cities in UK, Europe now mozlem #NoGo zones. #Cucked PROGS want to enable this anarchy here. Time to #Purge this mindset and those who enable it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@cheaterwins @Hungry_For_More @DAYSORSHAY So as of right now President Trump is more likely to win then Biden I'm basing this off of likelihood I'm not saying who's going to win but President Trump is more likely to win[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#trump2020 #keepAmericagreat #Trumpisthebestpresident","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SpeakerOfTurth?\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking Right??? Meanwhile, the MSM is stuck on Rumors...FUCKING RUMORS...that the President may have called a shithole a shithole!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#alexpascal was #friend of my late daddy and my #music teacher. @user @user @user eu easteuropeans are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil american taxpayers have also lost their homes by the millions \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#allahsoil the term jihad is a highly-contested concept. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Too many corrupt evil beings hold govt positions amd\/or have too much clout w\/the corrupt & evil beings in gvt positions. & the majority all point to the left w\/a few fake conservatives in the mix. Why else is Hillary\/Obama & their cronies still walking free? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lol yeah per dina he is There everyday per claudia no horse got vet care unless it was for donation example limping etc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Victor D. Hanson: The 4 Groups that Benefit from Illegal\u00c2\u00a0Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WHERE DO YOU FIND ANTIFA IN CHICAGO ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day pops. you are like a father to me. #1984 #israel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sun shines thru tears! via @user orlando #smile4life #bproud #awareness #come2gether #nomorehate!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user he knows me y'all! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 this is why trump shouldn't win. to pipe down whatever ego boost everyone is getting out of it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user here comes a #supermistict douchebag who can only poke his nose as sme of all. #burninhell","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh they\u2019re real..THIS IS WHAT ANTIFA LOOKS LIKE ON TWITTER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 1o million, one cent less, i am a liei8ng son of a bitch and my mom is a whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#goverment #left is against #womensrighttochoose a #drink #feminism #hillary #trump #discrimination #obama","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s a disgrace and @USER are in danger of imploding if they don\u2019t remove @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RAnonBrill @RBril","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That\u2019s a blatant lie. ANTIFA is the worse hate group. Look at what they did at Berkeley university in California. They nearly destroyed it over a guy they disagreed with. It wasn\u2019t the KKK OR WHITE SUPREMACY. They are shutting down free speech","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have a nice weekend! #love #romance #sea #selfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Awesome win!! I truly believe Americans are sick to death of what the left is trying to do to destroy America and change our country into what it never was intended to be. Go vote America and MAGA! Thank you President Trump for believing in our country and keeping promises. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to stop all Chinese immigration including students and visitors. They are all spies and enemies of the USA.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You can blame autocorrect. Jai Shri Ram. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Austrian Interior Ministry Memo Urges Police To Disclose Citizenship (Muslim) Of Sex Crime Suspects In Socialist Spain, Muslims Sleep In Police Stations For Weeks Saudi Muslims Buying Up Land In Northern VA 'The City, The Country Are Ours' Says Muslims In Sweden NGO Migrant Ship Has Registration Revoked No More Libya-Europe Runs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Adulting is knowing who fucked cut off in your future plans..... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is that stupid!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Democrats constantly preach about diversity and racial harmony, but they do more damage with their vilification than with their destructive policies, and that's saying something.' #FabricatedRacism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cousins \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #alhamdulillah #kids #cousins #latepost #sepupu #daffy #alandra #ihsan \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i know that i'm kinda busy lately, but seeing my followers number decline is just hea-breaking :( #anime #cry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is an update on current world affairs... wtf... we now return you to the regular scheduled program...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New Jersey mom credited with stopping potential school shooting in Kentucky | #Heroine https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LKSM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER chloe shut the fuck up. seriously get a fucking life and leave us alone. idk how many time we have to fucking tell you. bc you clearly you don\u2019t fucking get it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" vs #whites is unabated in #obamanation because how can there be such a thing with \"killer cops\" &\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twelve migrant laborers die in Italian road crash ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I did read your summary. And yet again, another one of your assumptions that I didn't have time to read me. Jeez. When are you gonna stop this? I didn't look for trouble. I posted a poll for people to respond to. That's the exact opposite of \"assumption\"! Sigh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @maycie32: @Whitecholo23 np big nig nig","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is the 4th piece of mangled mail returned to me in a little window envelope this year. #stopit @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user @user @user @user Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The only reason they call them common sense is because they don't know what they want and are just hopping on the bandwagon. #MAGA #2ADefenders #TrumpTime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user He is a malignant narcissist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're Twitter beefin with Brits but don't know who's talkin shit cause you can't understand their slang \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UNHCR Representative to Nigeria and Ecowas Jose Antonio 0 meets with #withrefugees Leaders in sub office Lagos. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not every trump suppoer is a racist but every racist is a trump suppoer. this an irrefutable truism. must never be tolerated.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's a deal for them, we'll let your family members out of prison and you can all live happily ever after together in the shithole you came form","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How the fuck can a communist claim to be the champion of the working class when they have NEVER HELD A FUCKING JOB!!??? And no, being a community organizer doesn't make you a member of your stupid asshole proletariat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch this video if you truly want the truth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is crazy. Someone should open a ham sandwich chain right next door.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I did. Surely conservatives would agree that you can deny people service if it goes against their beliefs?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel. Vote Biden. #Biden2020 #WhitePower #Hitlerdidnothingwrong","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER is the only one worth slapping your cock on #cocktribute and cumming all over #cumtribute she is my CumSlave after all \ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Mentally Ill' by jiangweisen https:\/\/www.deviantart.com\/jiangweisen\/art\/Mentall...check out this article on #Canada releasing a Muslim terrorist who went on a stabbing rampage -- the land of the northern loons.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not surprisingly, Obama announced that his \"library\" will have no books. Libtards just make shit up for their deranged followers. No need for books. Voodoo works fine.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user ends 2016 with a hopeful message against in the music industry via\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Google I can use any number of sites to search for what I need.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is a crucial feature of human perception and intellect that we are able to make fine distinctions. Plants, animals, people. Historically our survival has depended on it. Pretending to be \"colorblind\" is a farce; that will never happen unless we become lobotomized idiots (exactly what the Jew-Globalist Complex wants).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are missing brains?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She a nasty skank Hoe who would Fuck her wolf pussy anyway ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I see those Outlander women who continually bitch about\/to Terry have blocked me. LOL. Snowflakes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user don't fall for that shit...i'm from croatia and those are just some spoiled rich brats acting out #ashamed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waters you are one sick bitch stirring up trouble just to distract from you and your husband involved in banking fraud and to distract from where you get the money to buy and live in a 4.5 million dollar mansion ,that is not even in your district ,whats the matter people you represent not good enough to call neighbors? PIECE OF SHIT !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Are there no news about Trudeau and our govt you can cover? Oh..I forget that u r a propaganda machine for the left n d Liberals..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"me to michael \"i use to think that you could judge someone by their shoes but now that that bitch bought checked vans i guess you can't.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always be #ildottore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@abdullah_omar comes from a guy whose sole qualification to be CM is being the lucky sperm :-)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think he\u2019s feeling a little better right now but he is pitiful when his tum is upset","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All this does is CONFIRM the fact that Trans\/Genderfluid people are mentally unstable. Taken right from their shitter account. Hopefully they don\u2019t take anyone with them to Hell. W.P. Follow W.P. @waywardpatience Queer. Genderfluid. Socialist. I don't like you and I don't care what you think about what I do. Most of all, I don't need your opinion.-RBF","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals like you WILL never convince us to become lazy entitled victims. But keep trying. I just feel sorry for your son. Having to be raised by someone who will only impart him with the mindset of self-hate and victim-hood. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user nobody is your friend unless you have a car \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not allowed to play flappy bird around grandma because she swears at me to stop swearing lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Populism - political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want\"\" - Cambridge Dictionary Yes I too think the liberals and conservatives must unite to prevent ordinary people from getting want they want #Collusion \ud83d\ude02\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Corey Booker try to finger blast my ass as a teenager. #MAGA #WalkAway URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Dear Fatties Against Fascism... #WalkAway from the Democrats.... Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK There are no fascists in America. Same hate. Different colored hoods. Party of hate since 1828 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Regrann from trump_babes_2020 - \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Amazing MAGA Babe\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #trump #trump2020 #maga #maga2020 #trumpbabes #trumpbabes2020 #trump_babes_2020 #milfsfortrump #babesfortrump #babesfortrump2020\u2026 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...her background is being kept under wraps...chance she is a rabid MAGA...as most cops are! Law enforcement entities are attempting to keep quite those who are in trouble and who are MAGA's... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Call is normal thing tho cos you even call your friends she should sub for herself she is not yet your responsibility to start buying data Outing? Dunno\ud83d\ude00go for lowcut girls them full my hometown \u263a\u263a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user PLELLEEAAAASEEEEE I LITERALLY SOBBED SO HARD AT THIS SCREEN WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS LOOKING SO BEAUTIFUL WHILE HE SLEEEEEEEPS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Desi | paki http:\/\/t.co\/cOfGRtW9br","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER These women knew the knuckledraggers they were marrying and voting for. I have no sympathy for them. They should burn in hell for what they\u2019re doing to their daughters and granddaughters. They\u2019re the innocents here- not women stuffing guns down their yoga pants and yelling MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whhaaaaaaaatt... this beat is the one! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 #producer #bestivedone #music","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shits about to Hit the Fan. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yet she is fat herself.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"she would never understand, in fact, no one would","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You missed seeing Pruitt chewing butt all the way to the end. He's all business. I love it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user #nowhere like it! place\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d #barryjayhughes #galwayhour","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This hold case was bogus.\u00a0 They didn't wanted Roger Stones congressional hearings to be televised, that is why they had a closed door hearing They didn't wanted the public to see for themselves what was going on in the courtroom. So when Roger tells the media on what was said. That the media will say that Roger is lying,. https:\/\/youtu.be\/clWvLVWu9t8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WTF https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/ex-south-c...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If there was ANY doubt Twitter is dishonestly banning and blocking. Here is a tweet to a radical leftist but has NOTHING to do with race, gender, it defends a mom, nothing is 'hatred' and yet... there it is!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when the internet is broken so you can't watch netflix. #mochithepug #puglife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if ever i hv a bad day i just look @ them... #summer2016 16 #puppy #dogs_of_instagram \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nice,\u00a0David Hogg Profanity-Laced Interview\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=th41B1JIYY0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#democrats and #liberals don\u2019t give a damn about @USER allegedly committing physical violence on his ex-girlfriend but they all rush to discredit Kavanaugh for a 35 year old \u201cvague\u201d 11th hour accusation. #walkaway #Hypocrites","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user white: good dark: bad it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s a twisted version of that\u00c2\u00a0makes india racist against its own people! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER and @USER @USER @USER is inciting VIOLENCE towards Trump supporters on lists to be targeted by ANTIFA.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taqqiyah: the revered (and reprehensible) practice of deception employed by the descendants of the greatest imposter in human history. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that shit different frfr. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone please show @USER @USER @USER @USER this and @USER front and center tonight unless we get the declass out today #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"make up your mind your going to take their benefits away so r u going to do the same to the young migrants punish ur own and let off others ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Those two definitely could I agree and even last year Tom threw for 500 and lost. One strip sack away from possibly driving down and doing what he does best which is win Super Bowls. It goes both ways though - Tom is also a helmet catch away from winning another ring as well","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You have got to learn how to let go of the past you are living in a new millennium. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where the fuck is your face scary hoe? Dont be saying nothing about peoples looks when you to pussy to post yours. You bitches can not fucking compete. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. All of you bitches wanna talk about looks, but wheres your pics? Stay in your lane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But Dems are not really Marxists either. Post Bill Clinton, they're largely Ivy League neo-liberal dominated. Capitalism+welfare state, anti-racism, pro LGBT, etc. They don't want one global communist utopia, they want one global neo-liberal utopia. Dems are heavily supported by Wall Street and corporate America.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shocker. #soros funded causes no matter how r ok, but criticism of #leftard policies, #hypocrisy is not ok.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Always pay attention to your surroundings, it could save your life. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019ve proven that gun control leads to lower gun deaths. You\u2019ve chosen to ignore it and accuse the study of being falsified without any proof. Do you have any proof they used 5 states as you mentioned? Or are you going to continue to ignore me asking for clarification?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"12: mysterious and I still think you are\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#followalways rooster simulation: i want to climb the vast expanse of mountains. it reached the leakage co ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They had conservatives silently tied up in the cellar for dexades. They're livid we got out and now have a voice In the White House ascend they want to put us back. They're trying to silence us any way possible. We need to burn them all in the midterms. Once and for all","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Do you think if we let the ECB handle Brexit & the Conservatives handle this new tournament they might actually make less of a mess of them both?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kris Kovach and Lou Barletta, cost Hazleton PA $1.4 million with their anti-immigrant, racist BS. Hazleton needed state bailout, as annual by budget was only $1 million. Kobach cost PA, and every town he's worked with. Vote #BlueWave Racism hurts everyone. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user here's what's happening twitter... i'm engaged to the most amazing woman i've ever known :) @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wolves in sheep's clothing have the sheep under control. Psychopaths run the world. Some see it. some can't, and some could not give a fuck. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People in the UK would just surrender them to the government like they did in the past","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #porait #sketch of unknown sad man\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 reminds me my grandfather\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e a2 format #sketchbook #drawing #a #look ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is why I stopped watching football","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Insulted of being a rape victim by the same people, who are today crying out against victimization of women and chi\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user MEANWHILE... Greatest economy ever. More jobs for blacks and hispanics in history. 401K is kicking ass. MS13 and ILLEGALS are being DEPORTED daily. NK is back to the table for denuclearizing. Trump is draining the corruption of DOJ and FBI. #OUTFRICKINGSTANDING! #MAGA2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't speak bitch,just Die Die Die Why can't you go bye bye bye? Cause I will take your life away So turn around and just shut the fuck up!\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my name in japanese ft. these beautiful flowers. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0090 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You do mean the bernie assholes that stayed home","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER hope all is well. Thats so fucked. Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with ppl now. Gun control is no issue though right. Thank God I live in Canada. Feel brutal for all the attacks in the U.S.A but seriously it won't go away.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user When we allow foreign law into our sovereign nation we have lost our sovereignty. Say no to #ShariaLaw #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #MondayMorning @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whoppi\u00a0 IS VERY DISTURBED EVIL FAT UGLY YELLOW MEAT SKANK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LucentVariable: @TonyJRodriguez friendly reminder that you shouldn't try to have sex with birds","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This has nothing to do with politics it goes with women who keep saying there's a rape culture when there's actually rape accusation culture ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I understand how U feel but that\u2019s something the liberals would do. They go low. We don\u2019t. Please. We\u2019re not Antifa. They R We\u2019re not going around shooting at conservatives. They do. We\u2019re not the lying communist socialist lowlifes. They R Let\u2019s not act like they do. Thank U","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yay! p.j. soles is attending @user again this year! she was super rad when i last met her. #cannotwait","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this motherfucker needs to be in #prison\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009ccharles paladino's racist comments spark calls for resignation\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really craving my arroz con pollo y habichuelas right now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Caitoz never would have said it better myself. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you didn't like or #hitler you're definitely not going to like #traitor. #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not that I'm worried, but I read the Wikipedia page on syphilis ... and I'm pretty much done with gayfagsex for the remainder of 2018.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BuildThatWall and call them what they are: ILLEGAL ALIENS Suspects, victim in Sanilac County homicide are undocumented immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Constitution Day -- the Most Important Commemoration of 2018 URL #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #KAG #Obama #Clinton #DeepState abuse of power: #Spygate #WitchHunt #Sedition=#TREASON","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shitbags voted into office by \"We, the People\" are withholding information in their typical cavalier and condescending manner. \" Who we fuck on the taxpayers dime and the millions of taxpayers' dollars in settlements arising from our fuckfests is none of your fucking business!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user be the real you, the sweet you, the successful and the you","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Seems hard to believe that you stood next to a guy wearing those shorts and didn't masturbate but I'll take your word for it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So do a lot of pedophiles from the catholic church","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your own politicians openly call you 'nazis', every Mark of tax you hand over pays for their enabling of the assault on Deutschland (& Europe) by importing more aliens. They openly celebrate the rape & ruin of Deutschland, the same goes in most of Europe. Traitors are safe in their position of power, the tax pays for police protection.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Hope you're right about that last part. But I've learned it's pointless to underestimate the stupidity of TX conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am not far right enough.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Caught Molesting 7-Year-Old Girl Asks: Can You Just Send Me To Mexico? should be a 'No Bail Hold' on this obvious flight risk!#BuildTheWall #LifeInPrison#NoBailForIllegalAliens#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#stateoftheunion would last 15mins if they let the President talk all that standing up clapping is for the birds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't remember bookmarking. I found a passage dealing with psychology, specifically with goals, effort, attainment, and behavioral problems that result in disruption. I found it well-written. Should be of common sense. THEN I looked up the author. http:\/\/editions-hache.com\/essais\/pdf\/kaczynski2.pdf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only reason they call them common sense is because they don't know what they want and are just hopping on the bandwagon. #MAGA #2ADefenders #TrumpTime URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got my @user hamper today. thank you so much! to make it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CPS: REAL Kidnapping & Blackmail From Child Protective Services - ALEX JONES INFOWARS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i convince myself that im not a bad person and then call an old lady a stupid cunt bitch for biking in the road ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I suppose if the anti-Trumps had accepted their loss with grace, did some soul searching and worked to draw voters, then the animosity wouldn't exist. Instead, pussy hats, Antifa, Trump supporters=Nazis, the resistance,\" impeachement...we acknowledge your animus and return it.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL a Trump commercial just said Joe & Kamala are #FrackingLiars \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well, there's that one idiot you keep thinking will show up in your mirror every sundown when you rise again to walk the night in search of carnage to fill the emptiness where your heart & soul used to be. Altho, now ya mention it, lots of other conservatives\" come to mind too.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It's been up since Sunday night. He is a sloth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Occupy Wall Street.....where women got raped","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not kamala is right u bet not come for Kamala Harris shes the queen \ud83d\udc51 why would she not be there for the #BrandyVsMonica battle!!! If you got a problem we can step outside & had a chitchat \ud83e\udd4a #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/s0JcCZuF8D","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just PM you the 1st part of the debate for Sunday on Gun Control & the 2nd adm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Popcorn and candy for dinner. I always knew Charlie Brown was my spirit animal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wheel barrow race\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c #wheelbarrowrace #selfie #photo #me #lols #lacetop #white #longhair \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Patrick ass?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"10kids from different women from this American jobless men? Nigerian men you are the bomb!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER To justify his death to racists & bigots. They're excuse will be well he had weed so he is a criminal & deserved to be murdered. Just wait till the excuses start.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This information is out there and should be fully investigated and considered before he gets a life time High Court appointment. Conservatives refused to even give Obama\u2019s person a hearing so please stop acting like they play above board while everyone else goes low.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Intelligence and culture are both transmitted through (and never independent of) biology.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Discussing! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Corrupt PR government and others are where you look and you know it Gutierrez.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oooooo scawy. Anything but duh list. Lol faggot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9\/9 push a narrative. Remember it's their place to tell us what to think. Well I'll gladly be, as Hillary said a DEPLORABLE\", \"IRREDEEMABLE\" or as gropy Joe just said, \"DREGS OF SOCIETY\". Tells us all how they feel about the middle class, Christians and Conservatives. #VoteRed\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what is this? We don\u2019t want your $2 tacos we want fucking gun control. Are you seriously trying to capitalize off this tragedy? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I always thought conservatives cared about traditional values like honoring and protecting women.\ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i just signed up on @user the ultimate #growthhacking tool #staup #business #innovati\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That shit weird! Lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I thought Canada had strict gun control. Help me understand what is happening. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user NO Rian - refugees must moved away from each country in world. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i miss la \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #losangeles #favouriteplace #la #traveller #tblogger #bblogger #bloggers\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udd37 The waffler ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I thank you, and praise you, God of my fathers, who has given me wisdom and might, and has now made known to me what we desired of you; for you have made known to us the king's matter.' Dan 2:23 NHEB #Prayer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user still ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Here your proof! Our African \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 friends don't get free college. The Demoncratic are putting illegals over \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ppl. These Antifa Ninja Turtles running around acting like jihadist and never lived a real life experience. Most of these Antifa colleges kids are White privileged ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did you vote for this animal #trump's america: no fat chicks @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feeling good #beautiful #sexy #excotic #sunny #breezy #lovely @ turkish airlines operation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch your a fucking idiot, I don't even need a counter argument. More like you can't take your head out your ass s\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"so if you had a disabled baby you would kill the baby is what you are saying?\" -sis to father #day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I knew you weren\u2019t a Real Republican committed to your party!!!! You need to leave. Get out now!! You are a disgrace to every republican\/conservative member who work towards solutions and does not constantly diminish The POTUS!!! Quit already.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is spending your contributions. Vote Ted Cruz!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER to quit sex?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Girl he is fine. Lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user friday feeling \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a! live your life the way you want to \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb! #friday #feeling #live #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for sharing these stories! We have just launched our own podcast, highlighting our beneficiaries. We'd love for you to check it out! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@colonel-morgan Thank you for the follow. \u00a0I #FollowedBack #SpeakFreely #GabVets","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"USE THIS ANGER AND ENERGY AND TRANSLATE IT INTO A HISTORIC LANDSLIDE FOR JOE BIDEN & KAMALA HARRIS https:\/\/t.co\/0UNvs3o4oa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No problem... fire both and more","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/games.dmm.com\/detail\/taimanin_rpg\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish I could have all the money I've spent on alcohol back... But still have had all of the alcohol too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dad,wherever you are,you are gone but you will be never forgotten. #father`s #day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DolfyAdolf \nY'all gots betta machinery fo dat. Hanger be ghetto","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Growing number of refugees and asylum seekers in poverty in UK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm actually in the same position but this bitch wanna act like a cunt towards me so guess what u ain't knowing shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is a fake. Vote her out. Now she wants sympathy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Crazy people don't care what they use. I suppose you leftist who says to bad it wasn't a gun. Sounds like you're disappointed he didn't. That way you can scream gun control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't be surprised when they take the vote to #releasethememo that all Dems vote against the measure and several GOP as well.\u00a0 Making sure it fails by one or two votes.\u00a0 They will claim \"they tried\" and move on.\u00a0 The Swamp includes congressmen.\u00a0 They will want the issue rather than the release.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck russ 110% ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"News of supposed \u2018hate crimes\u2019 go viral if the attacker is a White male. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are look so damn beautiful in that outfit. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So this nasty little bitch Sarah Silverman threatened the anons the other day:","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i'm blessedt #iconic #lovebeingalegend ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yeah...\ud83e\udd28 #FakeNews #MAGA #Trump #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"follow me on snapchat at awesomecutenes7 #snapchat #selfie #sad #love #bff #yaaaaasss\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a nice day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JStac825: There's coon classic (R. Kelly, Usher) and then there's classic (Stevie Wonder, Prince). Not that there's anything wrong with…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I wonder if they are sex traffic victims?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bill Clinton enjoyed raping them while Ted Kennedy enjoyed killing them. But you are cool with that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump... an Ive league billionaire and negotiator extraordinaire!! Jan... #Resister !! \ud83e\udd14 I\u2019ll take Trump!!! #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"like this sis regrann from fffwithjanelle - #liberated \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#goodday #grateful #thankful #blessed #love #joy #peace positivevibesonly #jesusgirl\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If someone is being too nice to you at happy hour and asking probing questions about what you do at Pub Citizen....make sure to troll them and say you're with Antifa or something.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the slimmed down model .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a follow up from the gentlemen who were kicked off of @user airlines for simply speaking arabic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Brought at different times and no space on any coach. She is so red and blue that she said she\u2019d travel next to a \u2018random\u2019 of she had to!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"drinks with the girls tonight! whoop! #girltime #wine \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"omg and pussy boys voicemail wishing me a happy birthday was the absolute best I appreciate you so much, thank you pussy boy <3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch have you read The Order of The Phoenix?! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They should catch and sent these Rapeugees and illegal Givemegrants to the houses of CEO of like CNN, Twitter, New York Times, Soro's house. Pretty sure they will show illegal alien their \"love\" and welcome them while they behead them one by one.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"prayer moves mountains, comforts and soothes. So long as the prayer is in the context of divine will and sentient being free will it is not intrusive or demanding. Wherever 2\u00a0 or more are gathered ... wherever I AM, God is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Obama is s sweet talker but very dangerous in his views and the actions he took and the scandals he has. Giving weapons & money to terrorists. He aligned himself and bowed to them. Shadow govt to sabotage President Trump. Obama uses soros to fund antifa blm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now this is how we MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a genealogy of #xenophobia #papalbull #colonisation #slavery #enlightenment #polygeny #pseudoscience ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@wbvt_98fm\u00a0 Was just looking at your profile pic...Is that a Vox teardrop?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i really don't think this is an exaggeration, so i'll keep sharing every time it comes back around. #trump vote =\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LowkeyGado: PND vocals so trash lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a fantastic evening with such amazing people... #puma #sorong #papua #weareccai #greatful #love #myworld ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER My friend is involved in the gun control movement-had the same discussion with her. She really believes semi automatic guns aka \u201c Assault Rifles\u201d spray bullets with one trigger pull. Total ignorance","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The LEFTEST ELITES Have Massively Stepped & SPEEDED Up their ATTACKS On the Constitution, And OUR President. They have Mashed the Gas Pedal. Using kids for THEIR ATTACK On the 2nd To enable them to Accuse US Os Wanting to murder Kid. EVERY Social Media Platform is FULL ON CENSORING US.\u00a0 NOW OR KNEEL !!! TIME IS RUNNING OUT !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Attention lefties demanding gun control. Most of these shooters are left wing. You don't get to shoot congressman and create violent chos and then demand we normal people disarm. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ArtificiallyN @Juror691 @AndyOstroy @realDonaldTrump I wonder that too. I think he incites anger by agitating his base into a frenzy. He\u2019s a bully, they follow his lead? Also, people resort to name calling when they have nothing to back up their arguments. Very sad. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"STOP ALL IMMIGRATION, ILLEGAL AND REFUGEES! Our government is putting our families in danger with their bleeding heart BS. We should be caring for the American citizens FIRST and the security of our own borders! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER you don't put this much thought into antifa goons ripping downtown seattle apart every holiday","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm actually really happy your ass got pregnant and that you're having a shotgun wedding. Karma is a bitch you cheating skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\ufe0f will quit a job in a heart beat that has a problem with me calling off due to an emergency . Fuck you and your bitch ass momma. Skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It includes scatophagia... Dung eating. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Your so correct! Liberals r so easy to figure out! Make America great again Get rid of All liberal Woman","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Developing: Obama CIA Chief John Brennan Made Secret Visit to Russia Around Same Time as Fusion GPS Produced anti-Trump Memos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER But do you speak up? Trump and his family have become a punching bag for the left. And this is the best we have done in a very long time. I left the party after ANTIFA jumped in ...also they almost elected Hillary. Hillary!! \ud83d\ude33","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I can see how frustrating that is. Conservatives will always get more praise for humane policies because it isn't neccessarily expected of them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MSignorile Optically it also reeks of desperation and certainly doesn't appear to be the steps a party that trusts its lead in the polls not to just beat Trump outright. You also can't make a \"the people should pick the court nominee\" argument by denying their right to pick the president","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even when i don't know how to apply make up to my face i look better than u and ur a mua u wear make up daily. #sigh #awwell \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Oh I do dream big. I always do. #MAGA And name calling is pretty lame. \ud83d\ude44 #tcot #p2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he is my rainbow after every storm\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER URL LOOK ST THIS BULLSHIT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You look happy .MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yeah... euro 2016 staed bunny","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Son of Jamestown, Protestants that made the USA and Conservative for President Trump... You can stick Lincoln, the guy that used Fed troops against Citizens and imposed tariffs and taxes on the Souths Cotton... it was written by Irish Catholic immigrant formerly a Never Trumper ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Is he? Does he know this? You sure he's not out golfing?? Or maybe tweeting like a lunatic. I bet he is planning his next #MAGADingDong rally. He was never President. You are just to brainwashed to realize that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Truth about the #BlackPanther movie\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RSe1tbWicys","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we'll be tuned in, will you? #ermeventing #ebht ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tonight's Gabby n' Fam is a review of a glorius mmo. Like and repost if you enjoyed! #GabComics #Gaming #GnF #politics #Communism\u00a0 http:\/\/fav.me\/dc7jmx6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"turning a year younger \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c #newyear #newblessings bihday to me #thankful #grateful \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My dear Ms. Youcis, these (cough) kids (cough) are not even \"Young & Stupid\" like many of us were during that pivotal time in our lives, but are FUCKIN' STUPID and PATHETIC and WORTHLESS AND WEAK! In short, invasion of the body snatchers v2.0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've heard people yelling #BuildThatWall but I'm one of many out yelling them to #BuildThatBridge. That's right fuck a wall we need to bridge gaps not make them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I actually doubt this, and here's why: TDS needs Eric Striker for shekels. The only show worth listening to behind the paywall is Strike and Mike, and everyone knows it.\u00a0 Jazz and Jesse fucking blows, and an extra episode of TDS isn't worth it for a lot of people. I'm sure they would love to get rid of him though, but they can't.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A videographer who reported on the violence of Antifa was found dead due to a tragic car accident. Police now believe his death was no accident at all. Welcome to the tolerant left. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the 'March For Our Lives' is working. More law abiding citizens with guns makes everyone safer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I never said we shouldn't welcome refugees or harm them. I was in Somaliland 4 days ago and Yemenis and foreigners work and walk wherever they want and no one bothers them. My point is do it because it is the decent thing to do and not for a non existing brotherhood. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We do not want this atomised world of individuals without gender, without mother, without father, without nation.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Senator @KamalaHarris is one of the most experienced, dynamic and thoughtful people in all of American politics and we'll be fortunate if she's our next Vice President.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Pitch in to help us make that happen![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MVPHarris https:\/\/t.co\/xrVbIbsx1Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Him because she is a democrat and doesn\u2019t want the vote to go through. Facts just the facts. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What's doing detriment to this state (and country) is Republicans who refuse to govern as the conservatives they campaign to be. McDaniel may have some flaws (who doesn't) but he's the kind of fighter we need. Some of us are sick of the losers the GOP keeps giving us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" w\/my beloved husband ever! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck me daddy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was raised not to lie, ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user BS. No we don't support gun control. We support #2A that says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Go read some history and find out why. You are part of the reason. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your move, but you can't do anything.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we're over here making plans to go to raging waters and we don't even have friends to invite \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@discordianslip I hope my fuzzy head doesnt tickle too much.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wanda Sykes heckled after Trump jokes at Count Basie; angry fans walk out https:\/\/amp.app.com\/amp\/1453057002?__twitter_impression=true","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And I\u2019ll argue all fucking day long because IM \ud83d\udcaf % RIGHT!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @trayn1gga: Alabama is overrated this yr the last 2 weeks has shown too many chinks in their armor WV gave them hell too","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER 100% agree. If we see him starting this year it is because Maxi goes cold. I hope he is a next year starter...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I tried to find a gif of Brett Butler calling you a Godless Whore but...well let's just say I didn\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is speaking to the best of the best With utter disrespect ~ Our law enforcement Ice Agents all first responders Low middle and high class of all races and religions DISAGREE Mr #CreepyJoeBiden GRAVY TRAIN IS OVER PUNK! #JoeDontTouchSoMuch Biden dirty hand joe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oooooh caughtcha... you wanna be twitter whore. Your nothing but a dumb fish bitch!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Compromise in migration dispute that threatened Merkel's govt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...people of good faith and high character can and do come to competing conclusions about originalism, abortion, gun control, and religious liberty.\"\" #Kavanaugh #KavanaughHearings ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Congratulations Joe Biden, & Kamala Harris & Team! Wishing ALL Americans well! Here's to Unity! [NEWLINE]Nov 7- Bi'Den Day! #TheResistance #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Human Rights' are like the Catholic Papal Bulls.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That looks like a good close to the day !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good luck on your future endeavors...you are surely going to be missed \ud83d\ude25 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And the only people who actually watch the Emmys are low intellect liberals and crackheads.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The pope is Satan incarnate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yoyas market in deming nm did not sell beer to me because i'm white they said they were closed then a hispanic walked in n they sold ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pakistanis say they will move to Britain \"UK will pay us because we are refugees\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Everyday, #HollywoodEliteIdiots like @robreiner @Rosie @BarbraStreisand @cher @Alyssa_Milano teach us the difference between famous people, and important people. #Trump2020 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #DefundTheMedia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me- refuses to answer anyone's phone calls Also me- infuriated when people don't answer my phone calls ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user this is tragic.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I stand with due process and presumption of innocence ...FFFFuck your dammed needs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The NYx\u2019s says the vax profiteers don\u2019t want to publish the negatives of vaccination because it might embolden the naysayers, admitting that they have NO PROBLEM sacrificing our children to their NEVER PROPERLY SAFETY TESTED DRUGS!\u00a0https:\/\/worldmercuryproject.org\/news\/ny-times-vacc...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another INSANE O.. appointees.. AMOUNTING TO NUT N.. JWB.. the next ONE Could be real famous.. former..first BLACK president.. OR former first BLACK lady... JUST SAYN IT...and FREEDOM OF SPEECH... r my Am O!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're dating such a douche bag omg. I just wanna punch YOU in the face for being so stupid. Not even him. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eminem may be an angry old man yelling about young people but i just REALLY wouldn't care unless he would be dressed as a Roblox character while rapping","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rape the rapist fuck the rapist rape the rapist and Im doing it with h8te bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Got something to hide Eric? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i love u\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #\u00eb\u00b3\u00b4\u00ea\u00b2\u0080\u00ec\u0095\u0084\u00ec\u0083\u009d\u00ec\u009d\u00bc\u00ec\u00b6\u0095\u00ed\u0095\u0098\u00ed\u0095\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 bogumday\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 616day\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 -s-day\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is now full Oompa Loompa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She isn't a radical but you are so far right you are Kemp. You refused to pay any attention to what the people of Georgia want and need. That will be your undoing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Statist resorts to making chicken noises when they realize they are wrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is! Lock him up! Lock him up! :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judge halts deportations of 'reunited families.' \u00a0\u00a0 https:\/\/www.politico.com\/story\/2018\/07\/16\/halt-dep...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EVERYONE HAS TO VOTE RED SO WE DON'T LOSE THE HOUSE IN THE MIDTERMS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 IF WE LOSE THE HOUSE IT'S ALL OVER!!!! THE MAGA MOVEMENT WILL BE FINISHED!!!! MAKE SURE EVERYONE YOU KNOW IS REGISTERED TO VOTE RED!!!! GET OUT AND VOTE RED!!!! MAGA!!!! KAG!!!! #WALKAWAYFROMDEMOCRATS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today's gonna be a great day\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #goodvibes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some gritty fantasy inspired by celtic mythology for this dull thursday afternoon. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day! #legrandsaint #wishes fathersday #fathersday #perfect #dad\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the volatile daily! thanks to @user @user @user #space","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dreams has no limits. #saintpetersburg #travel #fitness #workout #boy #man #life #live\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is really good for him and told him how he needed to straighten up. I like her and I like them together. Sometimes you just need someone who calls you out on your sh*t so you can become a better person \ud83d\udc96 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Louis Farrakahn called. He said you are doing a great job of parroting his ideas. (Means you do not have an original thought and that you are actually the puppet here).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden is so awesome. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Gotta make sure he wins the largest landslide victory ever in the history of the USA. Please vote for him and against his loyal followers such as Robin Vos. Vote @JoelforWI to replace Vos.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are very persuasive fam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #Stauber just might have my Vote #MN08 but I Wish he would favor a Reduction in Legal Immigration and #EndChainMigration Like Pres #Trump wants #mngop #gop #usatoday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sure Trump will help the slimy little scumbag. Hes pretty desperate[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Lindsey Graham\u00a0was on Fox on Wednesday night asking for money for the second time in days - pleading with donors to dig deep into their pockets & help him hang onto his\u00a0South Carolina\u00a0seat[NEWLINE]#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/HfTulgVeIU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Think they're trying to be funny or it's a dog whistle to prohibitionists. Either way it's a total fucking disgrace and belittles cannabis use. Wankers. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is how a happy kiwi looks like. #summer #pool #jumping #slowmo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you have a problem with my page shut the fuck up you stupid fuckin bitch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"79 degrees in alaska with a calico. \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0088 #sunshine #kitty #gay #instagay #alaska #cutie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm sending all this foodie jewelries to their lovely owners \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #jewelry #fashion #charms #beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user these happy folks had the very first #freakshake at the launch. #freaks #yum #dalston @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#verycontent #greatful and as an #aist but as a #person and #individual coming from the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"500,000 angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape, misogyny and sexism Oh, wait............. Ne\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sooooo @user mannequin happened =d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Glad you Posted that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no comment! in #australia #opkillingbay #seashepherd #helpcovedolphins #thecove #redcove","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes because apparently being qualified for a job is dependent upon your ethnicity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Metallica - Ride The Lightning\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/uebInqG1pJI \u00a0#MetalMonday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil clinton\u00e2\u0080\u0099s \u00e2\u0080\u009cinvisible hand job\u00e2\u0080\u009d championed by conservatives on the right. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-\ud83d\udca1Leaks\ud83d\udca1- Here are two badges that Barbie has recently added to Royale High and looks like she is doing something with the Autumn town and Fantasia Getaway! @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i hate when people take shit that don't belong to them!!!! #frustrating #fedup #so \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch not your part hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is the \u201ccomedian\u201d that lectures the audience for an hour how white men are the scum of the earth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yes, and he did it for the least noble reasons too. and it backfired for him, so now we all have to suffer! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What HAPPENED to @sidephase ??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOVE GAB.AI LOOKING FORWARD TO LOADS OF POSTS & FOLLOWERS\u00a0 UK & USA TAKING SHIT FOR TOO LONG TIME TO RISE UP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Can somebody please put him back in his coffin. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER if you're hosting them you are AT LEAST nominating them for a prize! Don't be teasers!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tech giants Facebook, Apple, YouTube ditch Alex Jones Banning him and his outlet is wrong. It\u2019s not just a slippery slope, it\u2019s a dangerous cliff that these social media companies are jumping off to satisfy CNN and other liberal outlets. #1A is at risk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Here are the People\" who \"Hold you up\" and who YOU hold up. 1st Photo They are beating a Republican Korean War VET. 2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and Kids Because they are Conservative. The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the sweetest little sock ever \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u009d #smile #sweet #sweetest #bee #baby #kids #love #socks\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cue the violins #sososad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"VERY STRANGE[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Kamala was not up on that stage last night with Joe Biden, whose wife had to remind him what to say (clear for all to see)[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Like Pence with Trump, you\u2019d think Senator Harris would be with Biden & say a few words [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]She wasn\u2019t! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Stranger times might still be ahead.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Communists: Liberals get the bullet, too.\" Me: \"Wow f*ck you!\" Communists: \"You are excluding instead of unifying.\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok so whose job was it to vet the #Republican candidate for #potus Because that was the most epic fuck up in world history! #TrumpIsANationalSecurityThreat [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsNotABillionaire #TrumpTaxCheat #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking joke she knew what he was up to she maybe never loaded the magazines but she fucking knew he was going to do something but kept her mouth shut just like the rest of them \"Never seen anyfing\u00a0ma lord\" \"Didn't know why he went out with his guns strapped to his body, ma lord\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why is this stupid bitch still relevant? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy family, parents and children #8000 #parents ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ya Obama on trade 2-YEARS AGO: Trump is just NOT TELLING THE TRUTH\"\" \"\"How STUPID could our leaders be\"\" Trump God bless Trump! #MAGA #KAG .. (Full Link+Trump's ANSWER ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#aiel #aielmaharashtra rude customer care executive makes me want to switch my loyalty to another provider. #irritated","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Good for you.. he is bit miss guided for me to follow as the guy to me seems more like an idiot & a crock but if you think that he is perfect even though there is multiple investigations against him whom am I to disagree. I'm still looking for a better role model for America cya","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Left is so predictable. It wasn't that hard to figure out. Dr. Ford's story never held water. http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/2018\/09\/23\/college-classmate-says-kavanaugh-exposed-himself-to-her-at-yale-party.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"did u see the blue iphone 7 rendering. i think it looks awesome\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e. check it out #iphone7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user today i grieve while trump seeks fuher recognition and votes. #shameful #orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user When a fart slips out in front of your fella for the first time ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is pepper spray illegal in cuckadia? it really takes the fight out of your average violent faggot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Polish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrantshttps:\/\/t.co\/LGn8JaAHftAccess to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/c0gHvd6iMB ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"filming with the bbc on our stand at rhs chelsea ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"think of all the #beauty still left around you and be .\" | anne frank | #quoteoftheday # #encouragement ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jesus! They really do walk among us don't they?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thats right !! #wedding #pay #weddingpay #bi #celebration #bride #groom #bridesmaids \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THING BECOMES MORE\u00a0 SOFISTICATED BUT IM HERE 2 GET THE BEST EARNINGS, HAHAHAHAHA,\u00a0 IN TIMES WHERE THE SCAMMERS RE\u00a0 FOUND VERY FASTER REMEMBER BE LOYAL ISNT EQUAL 2 ACEPT THE BULLSHIT OR CORRUPTION, NEVER BE PART OF A BIG LIE 8D http:\/\/www.dailymotion.com\/video\/x6hkbyb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER When exactly did you adopt Malam? You have a catalog of articles as plain old Bolaji & became Malam because of politics & you are pleading facts here. Please","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, looks like you're about to be induced on the \"fun\" game all your people are being forced into by \"peaceful\" muslim immigrants @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They're still building and hiding nukes but yeah your pops got played like the udiot he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Who the fuck are you talking to pussy, I stated my point til your bitch ass team beats outlaws in the battle of Texas I dont give a fuck about anything else eat a dick and shut the fuck up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives never believe women. It\u2019s amazing. You assume lying every single time. Remembering the exact date of a high-school drinking party is a rather silly thing to expect. Quick - what was the exact date of the one you got drunkest at? And name everyone there?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ActuallyAmDolan: wen u look liek trash n sum1 complimentz u http:\/\/t.co\/5AgYHBTFXh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I refuse to believe that you don't break into a pogo or skank whenever you hear One Step Beyond. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dint pay any attention to her...she's yet to say anything of interest... meme jerk. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you was young yo mama dropped you on yo head hoe, cuz bitch you got some issues ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We do know she belongs to the violent liberal Antifa party who w\/ their KKK HOODS beat up total strangers & are funded to do so by her party. Most violent & corrupt party trying to now pour on the tears & get us to believe they have a heart. Hard sell to anyone including voters!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the jews lapdog #Trump attacked Syria again. I'm sure Trump cucks will call this 90000D Chess. Trump is another zionist faggot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the nba these days has to be the most fixed spo i've ever watched.. why can't they let pure athletics and talent decide games anymore. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'm talking about someone from a historical background and heritage of Guns. She a Roman catholic... They are generally all for gun control. You do your research sir. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2018 MIDTERM & GRASSROOTS UPDATE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Duh Kikebart sucks too but they do post news headlines that I comment on it. If you don\u2019t like my posts then fucking mute me and go back to TRS with Jews who pose as white claiming to be Nazi\u2019s. \ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What's the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing? A pencil has a point ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WinTHELL?! Can't be real!? #DeportThemAll #EuropeWeeps #NeverSharia #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@cidalia_borges @TheView @JoyVBehar @sunny The reality is you're a hypocrite if you voted for Joe, who's a racist and pedophile, and for Kamala Harris who is a COP who locked up black males for cheap labor. But go ahead and keep telling us how racist Trump is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Well then I guess it's totally fine to attack his character then. My mistake. I mean what right does an American who was the victim of gun violence have to call for stricter gun control laws anyway? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to show people more of what's really happening in the EU countries who have open borders! @user @user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #WakeUpAmerica @user #MAGA #TuesdayThoughts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His Eminence the Imam Sheikh Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar - Australian Immigration has sent Hate Preacher. \"We won't... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I can always tell when you're drunk cause you're lighting up Twitter in the middle of the night \ud83c\udf1a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please. 2 Million Dollars Each: Call to tax Mexico $2,000 per illegal immigrant to pay for Trump\u2019s wall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Same rat that said antifa was a Black organization ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#wwg1wga #britishfight https:\/\/youtu.be\/2y5PqJI0t9I","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When in the hell did we lose common since. When did it become law you cannot offend someone. What has happened to men. When did the transformation hit that men have become girly boys who don't know what sex they are? We defend womens honor and protect them and provide safe and comfortable environments. We spend our entire life trying to make em happy. But yet we cannot get a little pussy for a while.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck you dope. Not a Fox watcher. Independent voter that will never vote left. Your Party is dangerous.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Meanwhile the whole world is hoping that Piers Morgan will regenerate into someone that isn't a cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Probably say fuck it an do just that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/verenoflood.nu\/153-cartoons-24-maart-2018\/ Cartoons","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER watch it again. For crying out loud he is talking about Joe within the first few minutes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I want to kiss your ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #SendThemBack #Australia #Africa belongs in the sess pool it created for itself ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"surprise (lagi).. hahaha... happy me, lucky me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #bihday #bihdaypay #vania\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#guess attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\/63 More evidence Liberals only goal is to sabotage #NAFTA to make Trump the enemy and to get Trump Hate vote in Canada for election 2019. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"30 odd years ago when I worked retail,\u00a0 we had a work birthday for a colleague. Someone had the bright idea for an erotic cake. A giant sheet cake with a pair of boobs. It was hilarious and quite tasty. Could you even do that nowadays?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch im tired of these ghetto ass parents . if your want your kids shoes to flop off them then be my guest but dont bring them back ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is such a good dude! Where do you work? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bc were women, we automatically get labeled as a slut or whore when attacked, or accused of wanting it. too much goes unheard #metoo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or just not vote for Biden\u2019s dumbass an we\u2019ll be straight lmaooo[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/gnApUzfVvl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You seem hysterical. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @FriendlyAssh0le: Todays Horoscope: \n\nyou're still a hoe\n\nThat is all. have a nice day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#cpcldr ~ before #elxn42, @user enabled @user mp's to make statements. great alt-right work, #cpc. #cdnpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the kind of Easter egg hunt I need ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/CEcpLCKrM6c \u2026\u2026\u2026..Project Veritas VIDEO: Teachers Union Presidents Caught Covering Up Child Abuse And Pedophilia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What dos this have to do with the NRA? California has lot and lots of worthless gun control laws already. Gun control does NOT work because crazy people don\u2019t obey the law. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't dance, Iggy. It's trash just like your music.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope the person who invented wallpaper is experiencing the cruel barbs and nettles of Satan's fiery cock.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dr. Michael Savage was potentially running as United States Senate candidate against DiFi. National story, carried by most all major networks, EXCEPT FOXNews. Withholding it for political or personal reasons, was that the FairAndBalanced part or was that FAKENEWS?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey #MAGA How\u2019s all that newfound wealth treatin\u2019 ya? DT really has his finger on the pulse of America! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not sure what got into my Dad. He voted Republican his entire life then once he died....he started voting Democrat!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SMGabArt\u00a0#RareGabby @a\u200d 'Hi there, little bird. I see death in your future. Have a great day!'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stupid teacher talks to @RandyMower like he's retarded","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Today Collins is back with another excuse to vote yes. It's all disgusting. Every GOP rep can see what he is. They won't stop working against the common man. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Weiner and about a gaziliion pedos have been arrested. Perverts exposed.\u00a0 I hear you though, they need to see that justice is served at every level.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019m sure this pope is on a first name basis with Satan himself. What a disgrace to the papacy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Democrats Illegal Alien Grand Ma Caught Sneakin in 31 Pounds of Herion from Mexico Proving Illegal Grand Mas Must be deported too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising Abolish Illegals Keep @user @user #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"johann attracts a lot of cunts... I\u2019ve never counted them though, you\u2019re 10-a-penny.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sure as hell no one is telling blacks or hispanics etc not to be racist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No, Keith, you should be next. Your hysterical girlie rants are pretty hilarious, I might miss them\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Of course she\u2019s making money on the situation she is a dem they have no values but greed and power ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FCC Broadband Availability Data Derided As Inaccurate, 'Shameful'. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Nothing was stolen. Crybaby liberals didn\u2019t get what they wanted so they\u2019ve been throwing temper tantrums for 2 years. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's evolved from a potential currency \/ into an asset \/ soon to become a real currency \/ then to be replaced by the crypto Dollar \/ then to become a counter currency and cultural icon.. \" hitting a million at at least one point \"..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#maga #christineford #trump2020 #tcot #ccot #AmericaFirst #Patriots @USER #BrettKavanaugh had this to say about Bill Clinton during Whitewater: It's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece.\" Indeed. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm still not over this lmao i love this bitch w my whole heart she's my world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the prefect lunch father's day thebeaumont #colonygrill ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Hypocrites #UnDocumented #Immigrants #Immigration #BringBackOurBordersOne of the latest attacks by the #Resistance on #DonaldTrump is showing a... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals GAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol i will beat the dog shit outta this bitch bruh i swear that 5 hour drive ain't shit i already don't like you lil hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user LOCK HER UP! Haa! Looool. CANNOT WAIT! What a blatant lie! Somebody is scared boy!! If that F******* B****** trump gets in, we all hang from nooses!\"\" Who remembers that one? Can't imagine the anxiety she is feeling. Makes me smile.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @radiomaru: nerds are cool because they get really judge-y about other nerds being passionate about things they aren't passionate abo ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This pussy mine girl tell me you like Daddy dick.... \ud83d\ude44 FIRST OF ALL WRONG HOLE FOO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We are so glad we don\u2019t know anyone like those miscreant. Pitiful bunch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The minority that will outbreed you and make you the minority ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I have no sympathy you get everything you deserve for going to that shit hole l ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good. He's a mess","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @theycallmenavy: @royaltyclubvp @Aswaad88 worse yet u meet a bird with a nice ras and you're like \"something about u looks familiar\" lol…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals today R VERY different from Classical Liberals. Liberals today have gone so far left they R Marxists. You're burying your head in the sand if you think neo & classical Libs are the same. Trump is so authoritarian\" people can say what they want about him & not be killed.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's no place like somebody else's home?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They need to look at charging his wife as well. She is NOT innocent in this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This coming from the Soros militia. Aren\u2019t you the intellectual mind behind ANTIFA?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate a bitch that think she know me, friend or not bitch you only know what I tell you. Speak on what tf you know hoe\ud83d\udd95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And the brainless #DEMS wants us to believe that he doesn't have the majority. Liberals is just like their leaders\" the corrupts #Obama and #CrookedHillary both are real bad losers #MAGA #TRUMP\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#realhousewives star sheree alleges her neighbors are , over pay permit #rhoa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shakespeare was really wildin' back in the days, calling everyone & everything a cunt bitch same tf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Israel suspends new deal with UN to deport African migrants to West ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There should be Jihad against Israel. Israel is a terrorist state that tricks dumb Americans\/Europeans to fight their wars for them. Also, Rabbis suck on bloody baby dicks in public. They're evil garbage!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here\u2019s what I WON\u2019T do: demean another woman for the way she dresses. Slut\/whore\/skank are not part of my vocabulary. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Mhmmm. I bet your fingers are curled inside you Mr little cunt now...mhmmm fuck it for me now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She either testifies or shuts up.She is either a fraud or a false memory person.When you have been raped you never forget it ever. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuk this fat cock sucker","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love only one (1) bitch (you) URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"np of #princegeorge attends #troopingthecolour \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0086 -11\/06\/16 #cute #love #sweet #boy #lovely #beautiful #baby ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"but! i'm also correct whom our enemies are, and whom to ally with; to rid ourselves of , and join together in what we have in common","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please don\u2019t stop being kind. There are women out here that know not all men are pervs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Illegal wanted to get another #AnchorBaby for Welfare and use that as an excuse not to be deported ! They can go back to Mexico with Him Aidos ! #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #SendThemBack ! # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is going to pull it out of her A-crooked-letter-crooked-letter. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"agreed. no swimming does not mean #dangerlurksbelow #disneygatorattack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I don't feel fantastic to see them in this position..Do they speak up when rape and assault on women takes place..When men from their own party rape women.. What's the use of holding that position if u can't speak for women.. Cunning politicians..Only power matters to them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" new week ! time to sparkle and shine #ff #legacyhotels #labadibeachhotel #accra #ghana @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #beoplay #s3 came in today + we are so by it! sounding absolutely phenomenal, especially so for its size! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Tow the boat back to the safe ports in Africa. #sendthemback it's not late to save Europe #notwantednotneeded ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm seriously searching my soul for a legitimate argument to this, but I think it has to do more with culture, than skin color. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TRUMP: Pentagon Will Build Wall: Thank you President Trump! We Want the Wall in San Diego, CA! @user #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KatesWall #katesteinle #mollietibbits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Except it's not a government entitlement program\"\". For somebody who claims to \"\"troll liberals with facts and logic\"\", you sure are using a lot of hyperbole and an appeal to emotion there.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Except he is. His administration has allowed crime in the city to skyrocket. You bloody leftist snake. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nigga we\u2019re going next week","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user It is from Assad Syrian refugees flee, not the West. The West gave very limited, mostly non-lethal support. Russia gave Assad \u00c2\u00a3bns in tanks and aircraft, Iran 10s 1000s of fighters to murder and ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You posted a video of her. I didn't say anything about what the sites are doing or not doing. if you post a retard like Haven, we're not going to get past square one to have a discussion about the issue. She's not a serious person. Watch her other videos. They're awful.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Weak argument considering -GOP congressmen were shot at a baseball practice -People wearing MAGA hats are routinely attacked -Antifa mobs commit violent acts wearing masks -etc. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Damn right .if you think any different then your part of the problem with this country .thank God we have a president who puts #AMERICA #FIRST instead of putting illigal aliens ahead of americans .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Anyone with the facts would not share this opinion. Once again the conservatives fabricate problems where there are non and crisis where non exist. Rule by fear is the conservative mantra","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Julie Swetnick is a \"DELUSIONAL WHACK JOB,\" says a family friend ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Paraliegance I'm for keeping things at four it's fast enough","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user wish i could see mindfreak live but dont have the money to go to vegas or the show so damn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump is on Twitter now declaring himself the winner of the debate based on online polls. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]My headline suggestion: Bots declare shot tot and crackpot winner of 1st debate[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBlue2020 #BidenWonTheDebate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #trump used #hate, and #putin to win the white house #trump presses attack on khan family and g.o.p. leaders ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Send them back! #MuslimBan #DeportThemAll #WakeUpAmerica the Trojan horse has been delivered to your shores while you were sleeping. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user - please stop calling yourself \"canada's iconic dept store.\" nothing \"iconic\" about suppoing \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I smell something...it smells like... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is a child ~ a retarded one.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yep. And lots of people think antifa = violent\" and don't understand the context in which they operate and what they're opposing. Like the biggest thing was over a year ago at Unite the Right, where a white supremacist killed someone and several other people were attacked.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Interview Hongaarse tv: \u2018\u02dc If we want to avoid bloodshed, urban violence and even an ethnic civil war we have to stop mass immigration.\u2019 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My Chronicles review of Union Jack by Christopher Sandford now online at my site -\u00a0http:\/\/www.derek-turner.com\/2018\/05\/01\/the-camelot...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Free milk is a health issue not an education one. It\u2019s nothing to do with the education budget. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Would that make him the equivalent of the Antifa March that started the violence there in the first place?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You might as well go to your Walmart cashier to get info on nuclear fusion as go to nbc for gun info. With the crap the media feeds these empty brains it's no wonder we have gun control cultists and universal background checks\"\" #GunSense #GunControlNow #GunControl\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck yeah !!!! Go you !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thought I'd share a boob picture too! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck you!! if you don\u2019t start working an a man of steel sequel soon the whole DCEU will irreversibly go to shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"suspected henrico vandal's mother: 'my son isn't racist' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Here you go @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hillary Condemns Kavanaugh. Bill Clinton Accuser Responds. URL via @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Serena was outplayed & acted like a spoiled brat. She is not above the rules","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m gonna treat women like a hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happened to me right after I called Chelsea Handler a filthy, dirty whore. Maybe that was it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"youtube.com\/watch?v=mq4XLtSKb4o\u00a0\u2026 Deep State Moving Forward With Plans To Remove Trump REJECTED BY GOD 3 FOLD RETURN 10 WILL INVOKE GOD DESTROYING DEEP STATE ENTIRELY #Christos #Pope #VladimirPutin #PrayForPutin #POTUS #NigelFarage #QAnon #WeThePeople #AlexJones #TreasonSummit #TraitorTrump #ImpeachTrump #EU #UN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Even Antifa are mocking him now \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deep State Is WAY Deeper Than You Can Imagine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/Rf6c_0A1ivA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only in a delusional and arrogant world of the antivaxxer would\u00a0I be seen as the mentally unstable one. It's like talking to a toddler with downs every time I encounter one of you subhuman cretins.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"perhaps if (((they))) just banned trigger fingers?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I eat some weird shit but this crossed the line","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ANGELINA IS SO FUNNY AT RHE WRONG TIMES IMNGONNA SHOOT THIS BITCH UPPDOALS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It\u2019s easier for Pod to believe both sides are terrible. Then he doesn\u2019t have to honestly look at the conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fine, that's Barcelona off the list of cities to visit. Good luck to them.....they'll need it! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Grew up listening to K.I.D.S shit breaks my heart RIP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Virtue signalling trumps facts you silly sausage ;-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The MSM doesn\u2019t bat an eye because it was probably a camp run by our freinds and protectors of the FBI. Destruction of the site is a total give away.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy friday everyone!! #friday #summer #toronto","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And they have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country? As the saying goes if you ban guns only criminals will have them! Seems to be proving here go get them Chicago.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Can you stop getting into abusive relationships I'm tired of listening to you cry and then watch you fall back in the same hole' -Siow 2017 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@PostichePaladin I see Jew MP Richard Hammond is in the Fake News Again! I'm just on a trip to London, BUT... before I go, I think you should watch this. Hammond MP the profiteer and ethnic & religious hatred to cover the massive G8 frauds https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WGOnMJmYd80&t=843s","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's amazing how low you liberals will go to suit your political agenda. Don't believe you one bit. Have a good feeling you will pay the price for this . Produce some evidence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Did you just replace the n-word with Dude?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Illegal Immigrant's don't want to be Citizen's. They want the money exchange. A US dollar in Mexico is worth Ten dollars. If you get Three dollars a hour and room and board then send it back to Mexico it is really Thirty dollars a hour. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We don't want to be. We are going to turn into Europe. In my time I have never seen a less Canadian minded government. So worried about pleasing the globalist pigs, so worried about enforcing the Paris accord as a method of wealth distribution. So worried about meeting some imaginary quota for immigration while serving up our country on a platter to them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Broke niggas ain't shit cept to a broke bitch, and a hoe witout no dough is a hoe you won't see me wit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shout out to pullz cuz I kno if I was trash he would have kept it a buck... I swear he had every I made jus cuz n actually bump dem too","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ...how you want to be defined\"? PUL-EASE! When you live under a 24\/7\/365 MSMedia SHIT-SMEAR to the point you have Marxine Waters sending her ANTIFA minions out to threaten you in public places - you learn not to give a F*CK what the \"Pavlovian Left\" thinks. Night, night \ud83c\udf19!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy f r i d a y \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be #friday #feeling ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Take a minute to read through this, this can not be allowed to happen. Share it everywhere that you can. #NetNeutrality https:\/\/www.battleforthenet.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There she is nibbling in her lower lip and looking upwards at him. \u201cDon\u2019t leave me Stevie.\u201d Honestly she didn\u2019t know what to do without him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"directly applicable to trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals apparently think NO ONE has rights unless having those rights furthers the leftist agenda. I see it again and again and again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user >comparing Antifa weaklings to WWII soldiers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER fucking liar she was happy to play kate nash when you asked her","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And would AMERICA be shocked ? The DEMOCRAPS are shady people looking out for THEMSELVES #TRUMP2020 #THEGLOVESROFF #DRAINTHESWAMP https:\/\/t.co\/KoUbh1TZXq","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IMPORTANT Michael Caputo Explains How Clinton-Mueller Legal Attack Dogs Used FISA Surveillance https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2018\/05\/03\/important-michael-caputo-explains-how-clinton-mueller-legal-attack-dogs-used-the-fisa-title-one-surveillance-warrant\/ Clinton-Mueller team have the personal emails, phone call logs, communications and even text messages of every targeted member of the investigation @POTUS #QAnon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just so you know. A rabid libtard doxed me and my Martial Arts gym including the kids class because I said on youtube in reply to a vid. \"Ted Nugent is not a racist he justs insulted those particular people not their race\" What bothered me about that was potential harm to the students that was 2012","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no rioting in cleveland! that's my hometown! #grateful #respectful #worldchamps #cleveland","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ames GUURRRLLLLLLLL!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anton yelchin rip dude #star #starek #trek #stars #rip #legend #antonyelchin #missed\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"but i never meant to hu you | #oldpicture #vintage #darkas #siblings #love #family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Why? Because you are too busy spreading hate with your TDS? I\u2019m sure you feel fine ridiculing children of conservatives. You represent everything that is wrong in the education (brainwashing) system. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Noticed she\u2019s a blonde. Fits the Conservative mold. I don\u2019t know why Conservatives are obsessed with blonde hair and Internet addiction.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch niggas get mad wen women tell em the truth they mama's was too pussy to say. Not my fault son \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bbq tomorrow, why not \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#saturday #summer #smile #laugh #enjoy #family #bbq #barberlove\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MattyEnd Hiya, Matt!\u00a0 I do believe you are a mememeister :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is best player! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So @DonLegaracci brought the poison social media scripts to Gab?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please honor your threat to #DefundPlannedParenthood & #SanctuaryCities. @user needs to do their job. #IllegalAliens are CRIMINALS.#DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what's wrong with england football fans in lyon? #euro #euro2016 #lyon #paris#france #russia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user kids: loud for no reason. gotta love em! #kids #dads #fathersday #instamood #smile #funny ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Welcome! You are living behind enemy lines lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They really need Nerf down bitch ass symmetra with her little whore ass turrets ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Redhead girls are hot! But Ginger girls are USUALY fugly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Okay violent liberal ANTIFA with your KKK hoods beating up strangers you know nothing about! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am beginning to think being straight is misconduct\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yea that\u2019s a crazy ass story. Like how do you go into the wrong apartment. There\u2019s numbers on doors. And wouldn\u2019t you notice as soon as you walk in and it ain\u2019t your shit \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine a world where black people, largely, were in power, the way many consider whites to be in power today. In this hypothetical world, let's say increasing groups of people were saying that blacks were inferior, or being openly hostile toward blacks. Would it be a good thing if you weren't able to call those people racist?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gone bust it open for a real nicca 😜😜","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s a shame you are so damned unattractive... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So do a lot of pedophiles from the catholic church ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" chick gets fucked c thomas howell naked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I know you're here, and I do like you, a lot. But he is all I have left and I'm not going to lose him. Not again.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what the fuck... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude02 @USER rocks #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fed and watered \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #bordercollie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"literally \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082. @user @user #funny #laugh #smile #life #rap #battle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udc40 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FINALLY ! \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude01 Twitter suspended my account. Glad I'm done with it. No more waste of time making some piece of shit like Jack Dorsey rich and keeping a bunch of leftist activists employed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER so she is disgusting to you because she is a Rangers fan! you are disgusting to me because you support breaking up the union! #proudtobeBritish \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No she got fat eating eating the Liberal shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FISA Court judges are not just random wacko judges, they are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Now I am sure that there are very Liberal Loyal Dims holding one or more of those judgeships, but, if the FISA Court is completely rotten like the top echelons of the FBI, then changes need to be made.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed sue NJ and LA. Case might end up at SCOTUS eventually to affirm the settlement already reached with the federal government. https:\/\/reason.com\/blog\/2018\/07\/29\/defense-distrib...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trying to justify a death after the fact with a small amount of dope. Fuck. Stop fucking killing people. Get some damn gun control so cops don't feel like every house\/apartment they go into could potentially have a gun. Scared people do unpredictable things. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I miss u bUT ALSO FUCK U, CUNT WHORE BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" hardcore sets nude video sample ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just watched @user wish i ddnt they wrecked it not looking foward to next season #season4 #netflex #worstthingever #notfunny #shit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You pussy boy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@justinhall3434 \nGod bless you whitey. I be sleepin in tomorrow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'RIP Bandit': The legendary Burt Reynolds has passed away at 82 https:\/\/t.co\/KeHTUuq7hX","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user google twitter facebook. we created an orwellian nightmare. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER All you do is lie. All congress does us lie. MAGA.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e3\u0080\u0090bot\u00e3\u0080\u0091 kitazatoshibasaburo found tetanusimmunization with his colleague but kitazato didnot won nobelprize but colleague won is white","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Did I say that \ud83e\udd14 no typical liberals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As far as the sheeple, your rights will succumb to attrition with lightning speed, without you handing them over willy nilly, don't come for mine, I will fight like a demon to retain the few I have left. 2a is the teeth behind 9A Antifa we call them cannonfodder.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is the daughter of her parents. All illogical hypocrites.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @UncleBlazer: Yo mama so ghetto she uses cigarette butts as q-tips","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user most fucked up nation us! destination of choice for maniacs looking to kill! #orlando #gun #ban","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Only a liberal would support a liberal that spent a MILLION to get liberals elected to office. #LibFAIL! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ramos sounds like a shitty ump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Beautiful. :) I bet when she read this she drooled so much that her matza was soaked.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"YOU GOT JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS THAT WANT TO HURT PEOPLE WITH DRUGS BY MAKING THEM LEGAL,[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]ENCOURAGE YOUNG WOMEN TO BE IRRESPONSIBLE AND UNCARING BY MAKING ABORTION LEGAL NATIONWIDE,[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]AND GLORIFY IMMORALITY WHICH IS AN ABOMINATION BEFORE GOD.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]BIDEN AND HARRIS[NEWLINE]REMAIN STAGNATE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"escape. relax. indulge with #avon planet spa collection! #avonrep #skincare #relax ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A reminder, this is a parody account, used for entertainment. Tweets should be taken almost as seriously as we take #YesAllWomen tweets ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After all my years of complaining im finally getting my bitch ass wisdom teeth out so I can stop fucking crying","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is a planned invasion of #illegalaliens heading for the US border. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Don\u2019t ever stop lil ma *COUGH* \u201ceddandflow\u201d *COUGH* oh shit is that my Snapchat how\u2019d that slip out?! ...add me \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude29 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER At least you\u2019ve been some type of fucked","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone said this before, hmm....[NEWLINE]It was @realDonaldTrump !!![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Why does it take so long for the media and congress to catch up after President Trump explains it. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Pandemic could have been prevented if China, WHO acted differently[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/w5M1pVJt92 #FoxNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"beanies cumming real soon http:\/\/t.co\/GlLjaQb6ty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have you been when feeling #hungry? science says this is normal #hangry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With this you see it laid bare -- the deficit-funded welfare states are ALL borrowing from the future to bribe current voters to accept the destruction of our nations.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ur welcome teammates! dance to the tune of joyfulness! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I guess I don't know when I'm talking to a proud boy and when I'm talkin to an antifa. I am pro antifa. Which are you? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Exactly she is so incredibly talked and I\u2019m so excited to see her on my tv weekly. \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99. She\u2019s brilliant. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IF there were no Muslim migrants in Sweden, crime rates would drop by 90% via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7 #boozy #cocktails. 1 fatty. jameson thirstdays @user come quench your thirst today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugees resettled in the U.S. help grow our economy. In 2015, 13% of refugees living in the U.S. were entrepreneurs, compared to 9% of the U.S.-born population.Help refugees access the vital services they need to give back to their communities. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you mean the truth...KUNT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Did u c the smile on that kids face afterwards?....was beautiful.... #MAGA \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc78\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc8b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ate @user isz that youuu?\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I agree with most of it. Regarding \"occupying\", this is the story of all countries in America, not only Canada but do acknowledge this issue and our past. But never forget, Canadians are one people. Natives, Syrian refugees, English, Fre ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Austria trying to save itself from Muslim migrant invasion too.... Turkey\u2019s President Tayyip Erdogan denounces Chancellor Kurz. So what!https:\/\/t.co\/QcM4bMFHno ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter now says calling illegal aliens illegal aliens violate some regulation that have. #IllegalAliens Yet that is the official usage by none other than our federal government. Example: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Many things deserve the death penalty. Including shooting blacks on sight for looting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon - ABC News ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I didn\u2019t have them in school... did us no harm... they are a distraction and you are in school to learn....... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm not an asshole libtard. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Antifa aren't fascist They're terrorist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Because the National Front of BNP always did well in rural Somerset or In cities like Chester. Just as most Antifa recruits come from places like Burnley or Halifax. Is there any reality you people don't invert?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gay marriage advocates in Australia gearing up to do a Hillary.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user most brilliant & balanced speech by pm @user to us congress covering all facets of indo-us relations & global issues\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user knows her audience & how nave & ignorant they are; that they will believe anything regardless how ridiculous. These politicians have NO RESPECT for their constituency.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #Wal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There needs to be a law enacted that makes it illegal for companies recieving federal subsidies to use those funds to move or open plants in foreign countries. *cough cough* SpaceX *cough cough * Elon Musk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Imagine being stupid \ud83d\ude24","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Delhi have understood ur gameplan. U only focussing on ur Votebank. No action against encroachments,filth in over crowded Muslim areas. Lot of muslim migration to Delhi ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yeah. He\u2019s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any. It\u2019s cool. Folks can see him for who he is mostly. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What do you expect from a man that claims He is the Christ Vicariously He's a liar and the leader of liar's serving his father the author of all lies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user They broke into our country. We dont want them here. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says one of the thickest cultists on Twitter. Irony at its finest.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Could you live in 15sqm? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why to the cowards not list ANTIFA on their profiles. Cowards or terrorist or both... I\u2019ll go with both! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@davidhogg111 Would you please..... take a hike and crawl in a hole with the devil.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I feel like this happens at the library except they argue a .30 fine because they don\u2019t appreciate us and think she is doing us a favor by patronizing the library. But the family of seven with a huge fine on multiple picture books will write out a check then and there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You know you're doing something right when you got haters \u270c\ud83c\udffc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'not all men hurt women but all women are hurt by men' tattoo that on ur tits and fuck them ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not wrong though eh? Fag... You do get fucked in the ass right? And your butthole is worn out and loose. From all the dicks you've had ran up in poor, poor tattered rectum of yours, right? I mean, at this point, there's got to be, like, zero elasticity in that bad boy... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Jail is TOO KIND for a #Pedovore - where is the prosecution?? #AGSessions is the church getting away with pedo crimes? What the hell is he holding? is that a tentacle? WTH #PedoGateNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Friend- do you wanna drink today? Me- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#dinnerdate with my #love #fun #love @ milestones south centre mall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#tattoos gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. materia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who the fuck is calling my girl a whore and a bitch? She hasn't even been at that school for a whole month, people are fucking stupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Every one of them is more rank than she is. And she's pretty rank. So I guess they all outrank her...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is this a new one? either way, #men disgraced themselves. #harassment #verbalassault","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are a disgrace defending the wrong doings by ANC umdala kangaka yhuuu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER NO REAL AMERICAN WOULD WATCH THIS CRAP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK THE RACIST OLD YELLOW MEAT UGLY FAT SKANK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ok people say Em aint good anymore, yet this shit gets a pass? So much content in this..youre such a fucking hoe, I love it...suck my dick bitch wow...groundbreaking material looking like Roblox characters #pass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what does #mtv have against #whitepeople? #ccot via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user block me bitch I LOVE TRUMP U IGNORANT CUNT!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Education, key to meaningful lives for refugee youth - President ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil neoliberalism prioritized money and oil over pretty much everything else. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I live in such a way that you won't find any drunken whore pics of me. You may see sass but you aren't going to see me slutty. #becausekids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey everyone, @wampum , a supposed free speech site, doesn't allow criticism without @wampum approval. True paragons of free speech! Credit to @Love for finding this. https:\/\/wampum.com\/about\/userAgreement cc @a @e @u ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user throwing in with wacko leftists seth? next you'll join with code pink? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oppression... We need to start a movement. Could be worse they could be Antifa dogs :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER same shit lmaaaaoooo. i was just making sure!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Pakistani goes Sudden Immigrant Jihad Syndrome on streets of Toronto with illegal firearm. Federal government considers total handgun ban. This is what we call Canadian Logic My country was my home, now its a hotel, and they ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He's retiring and that's why he doesn't care. His buddy Chris Coons is the incoming co-chair for the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast who almost began to cry when Flake said he would vote yes for K. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what's that #welsh fan been on #happy #football #euro2016 #engwal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"QUOTES FROM THE TALMUD ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Looks like selling her sole to the Hater Liberals is now weighing heavy on her. They are now wondering is upping the money transfer to her will work.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#suicide #depression i wonder if suicide is the best choice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch i'm crying \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what does #mtv have against #whitepeople? #ccot via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we got near the front at @user at #bonnaroo #greatshow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"train to blackwood ready for download now can't fucking wait #downloadvirgin #sofuckinghappy @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Little known fact Balaam raced donkeys and gambled on races. One day his fastest ass was winning the Jerusalem sweepstakes. And right before the finish the ass lost control running over a Samaritan and two Africans . Local antifa saw the whole thing and blamed the fastest ass!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BREAKING: AP calls Mass. Governor race for Charlie Baker. Watch live coverage on WCVB, streaming online. http:\/\/t.co\/S6hY2eVoaT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Migrants go Home. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"barrage of small talk about once-was bestfriend. been months since our fall out. trying to brave a neutral demeanor, but dying inside. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My walk past you like I never fucked your girl game strong AF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't bogard that joint, my friend. marijuana unleashed now at ibooks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well that's just great! @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder......Globalist Evil personified.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lmao good one ! Now listen up Sparky your wife is a disease she is a bought and paid for evil soulless propaganda arm for child murderers and Russian agents. So stick with your cutsie tweets but I'd prepare for a long prison sentence if i were you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your best friend asks you where's a good place to hide a body ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"an EF5 in OK a few years ago, ripped an asphalt road off the ground. Luckily, I was 100 miles away. Serious weather there....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER MEGUMI IM SORRY I ASKED TO SEE YOUR TITS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bet ya Ryan can\u2019t wait... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not long back from the wonderful Bilbao where flags are flown proudly stating \" Refugees Welcome\" A socialist society who embrace diversity, especially the British. Returned to More RW smears on false AS, Ashley, & Tories doing what they want. Grim. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Says the supporter of a woman..@HillaryClinton ....that literally protected & threw every woman under the bus that accused her President husband of rape, affairs, etc. Pleeeeeease, STFU, or educate yourself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Check out the new jam \"NiteMare Flow\" by @NiteMare817 - https:\/\/www.reverbnation.com\/nitemare817\/song\/30124945-nitemare-flow?0&pwc%5Bbranded%5D=1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Time for Canadians to let all liberals if no Trade deal in two months no vote for any liberal MP! Make that our red line. It makes NO sense Trump has been able to secure Trade Deals around the world but Canada! Obvious to anyone with a Brain failure is Trudeau! He has failed!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Autistic frog posters are the real activists of the 21st century tbh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER then you must condemn antifa and BLM who spew hate and fear toward the police","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER For the hol tl to see\ud83d\ude2d. That\u2019s tht Big Dick energy \ud83d\udcaf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"19 September 2016: \u201cWe commit to a more equitable sharing of the burden and responsibility for hosting and supporting the world\u2019s refugees.\u201d - UN DeclarationUS ever since: Proceeds to furiously cut funding and admission for refugees.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i love ramdan and fasting,i love the iftar's feeling and i love the way i feel during ramadan with praying and reading quran #blessed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"carolyn cooper | ugly, poor, ignorant and black! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop giving money to Tesla and Space X. Shut\u2019em down and jail Elon Musk for defrauding the government. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Washington swamp is well on its way of revealing its real motives, leaving no doubt about being drained......from the bottom up.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And now another flood of immigrants coming our way.#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user DaveB the most boring man to have ever graced SIMB. Thank fuck he was run off the BORED ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"99.9% of the Alumni\"\" standing up for #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh didn't even know her....and none are witnesses to her \"\"stories.\"\" DemocRATS & Liberals are just to destroy America. #ConfirmKavanaughNow\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user that's the problem...he doesn't even realize that mentioning the judges ethnicity is racist! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yaaass thanks\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are welcome to join us in our Slack room for the community gardening. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"See how this works? There isn't anything more fucked up than this. I think its time to really throw every single one of the motherfucker's out and begin fresh.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tolerance, love, kindness. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I do not need a female packing a weapon for my protection. Not my kind of girl. If you need that much protection You are in the wrong place.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please show me your post where you said the same thing about conservatives targeted by Antifa and other leftist friends of yours \ud83d\ude44 #Hypocrite ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But couldn\u2019t take care of Racism that was created during his presidency... never heard the words Equality come out of his mouth. We are a melting pot!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" intercourse video men and women japanese armpit hairly nude picture","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Austria proposes sending troops abroad to stop migrant movement ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are with you [NEWLINE]Joe and Kamala![NEWLINE]\u263a\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude4c[NEWLINE]#TeamJoe[NEWLINE]#TeamBidenHarris [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#VoteBlueDownBallot https:\/\/t.co\/2lEaSOzbhY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #cnn will go down in flames with the rest of the liberals. They are far too clueless to change.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is better than everyone at everything because she is a literal angel who can do no wrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hold all your ghetto labeled and endorsed vodka brands, you can rum me silly any day. \n\n#ShiverMeTimbers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the blicqer\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #marketing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They can all go suck a bag full of San Fran fag dicks ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@BurgerKing: What’s going to be your pick for #SelectionSunday? #2for5 #WatchLikeaKing http:\/\/t.co\/aBam30gSk4”\n\nDis make colored folk happy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Be ready!! Be prepared!! Because the trump administration isn\u2019t going to do shit if you get hit!! Well.. if it\u2019s a white county you\u2019re good.. lookout Randolph county!! Hide yo kids!! Hide yo wives!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lee Stranahan (used to work at Breitbart) puts out a periscope video on the reasons why Bannon did what he did to Trump today. If true, Interesting and very deep and convoluted. He also copies Don Jr. on this periscope. https:\/\/twitter.com\/stranahan\/status\/948678336934326272 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Williams displayed her bad tempered side to the world and it is something she will probably always regret. I would say to her be ye never so high that you believe you are above the rules.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HillaryClinton I\u2019m voting by Mail because @realDonaldTrump doesn\u2019t want me to. However, since I will be volunteering at the polls I will hand deliver it. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Be muslim and use facebook to arrange grooming and gang rapes of children = absolutely fine. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well said Rocky!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How did you get to where you are while still being so profoundly ignorant? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER For me superman has to be morally superior no matter what (excluding maybe the love interest \ud83d\ude02).. he is the pure good\" and \"nice\" yet still superior... I didn't see that. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f it disappointed me. \ud83d\ude2d\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If Jesus Christ's Father is worse than Hitler, what does that make Muhammad's father?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don't cuff hoes if you fuck my bitch thanks cuz you can keep her #FreeJigga man I miss my nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What the earthy fuck is RACKET ABUSE?????? A fake-ass penalty. Have you ever put down the donuts and watched a men's match?????? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Honestly you people are seriously delusional! It\u2019s a good thing the majority of fans in Ottawa are Educated! Because ppl like you are scary! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sadly, world events is leading us to head in this direction. smaen up world. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user billy goat trail. outdoor education flashbacks... not today. nope. days #lovemylife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"learning to love my \"imperfections\" #hasa2ndmeaning #nappy #4 #tattoo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER -Student loan debt relief -Increase minimum wage -Stronger gun control laws -Reforms for election process -Stronger environmental protections -Affordable housing for everyone -Stronger protections for women's rights -Net neutrality","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Whiteknight1488\u00a0 \u00a0 HOW FAR DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok, I've checked it out but I'm still not sure: http:\/\/www.berkshireandreadingroofing.co.uk\/maintenance\/re-roofing-garden-sheds-to-last #reading_roofers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I muted her awhile ago when she tried to say some shit like that 6ix9ine was doing positive work for Mexican rap like he isn\u2019t some kind of pedo garbage.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Anyone have tabs on Asia Argento? #metoo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"life's not about how fast you run, it's about how high you bounce! @user #forestpark #xtremeair5k #stl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Can't stand to listen to that puke. I change the channel when he speaks. He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!! #LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sen Menendez(D-UnderageHispanicHookers) supports Osama Bin Laden classmate Jamal Khashoggi(D) who is an outspoken voice for genocide of the Jews and Islamic Supremacy in the Muslim Brotherhood","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a complete idiot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"America needs to create laws that REVOKE citizenship from legal immigrants who break laws. We need to restore the demographics of America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good shit! Kaepernick is a great model for young kids who play football to stand up for what they believe in","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I wonder if they will burn their Levis since @USER has come out in favor of gun control? Levi Strauss teams up with gun control group: We cannot stand by silently\" URL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Beto advocates gun control which would leave is defenseless to this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"A place to discuss Jesus with fellow clean-living Christians\" lol that description. But wasn't christianity responsible for the tentacle hentai?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a politician under investigation by the fbi is the presumptive democratic nominee. #faileddemocracy #feelthebern ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Face of Crime in America!!Made Worse by Reagan's 1986 Amnesty!!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MASA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#ThursdayThoughts #FoxAndFriends #TrumpTrain #CCOT @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@EyeOnPolitics @chrisloesch As long as its not one of those \"special brownies\" right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The one where democrats have controlled major cities for so long they\u2019ve bankrupted them and left the minority\u2019s and others in such desperation that crime is their only alternative to life. Instead of hand outs maybe they should teach a better way.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And no one in their infinite wisdom couldn't predict this? Please! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Y con la dictadura periodistica de este pais menos aun.Propongo un reto a VOX:Digan que apoyaran a todos los inmigrantes que cruzan la risavalla y ver\u00c3\u00a1n como saldran en todos los telediarios, eso si, despues de Franco, La mamada, Cata ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user One from Adelaide and one Antifa. I now understand why your both so angry. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Need one helluva lot more stamps than that... it\u2019s a pipe, not an M T roll of toilet paper ! Fuck me... eat up with dumb ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Seems that one had its ass handed to it. And today it's obliterating itself. That last part is indisputable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user your disrespect for those that make real sacrifices to defend our freedom is appalling. @user is a punk. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The plump professor who was an FBI operative, was arrested in 1994 for cocaine possession. Funny, the entire matter disappeared. It's who you know.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jermhudson @lanele123 no way !! I'm on a \"dude you are fat\" diet Twinkies are the devil, so are breakfast tacos. I miss breakfast tacos😂","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wishing my #paners a very #firstanniversary and much #joy in your #newhome its #going\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/ra9TkVYi47c\u00a0Watch This & Know Something is Strange!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don't even presume to know what liberals feel or think. I am liberal. I am personally opposed to abortion in any but life-and-death circumstances. But I am also personally opposed to imposing MY PERSONAL FEELINGS about abortion on anyone else. So do us all a favor and STFU.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for campfires. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Zimmerman belongs in prison for killing Travon Martin. Florida needs to change its gun control laws. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YAY - AWESOME \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc48\ud83d\udc4dMAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8RepPowerVote\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8strengthened by PowerPrayers\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4dRed Tsunami\u2665\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is AWESOME. Thanks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER no she was mumbling i couldn\u2019t hear shit she literally spoke w hand signs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Labour's target voters before \"diversity\" (a traditional White heterosexual family unit) and after \"diversity\" (a screeching tranny).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Salesforce Billionaire Marc Benioff Buys Time for $190 Million\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #animals #angry-cat #cat #grumpy-cat -campers \"no treats? i'll play with ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is embarrassing and just as low a human as possible to diminish the loss of life of the elderly. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Already pacing you side by side Sir! I think she woke up after the election thinking she could now retire only to be the second biggest loser. She is holding off for hope in the mid-terms and will quit once that one vaporizes like a fart in a hurricane.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Missing words are politically motivated. I have visited Israel in the past four times. I am not anti Semitic. There is more anti Semitism and racism in the @user party. I have never encountered anti Semitic thoughts or actions in the @user party. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"If you come at the king, you'd best not miss.\" Yep. That was a fuckup, alright. And #Brennan has been losing his MIND on #Twitter ever since. Womp womp!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thus far the only people getting shot and kicked out of places are conservatives. #MAGA #WalkAway #ConfirmKavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"best of soundtrack #best #bestoftheday #gameofthrones #leventgenc #lewo #beautiful #city\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Or... they'll turn on their pimps and handlers....when they get old & ugly....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why would you think Common is trash? Tf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I think I\u2019ll blame all the dumbasses for gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"particularly this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You ready for crazy ass racing tomorrow???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't fucking need pity were mostly all the same","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Coworker- good morning! Me- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I thought the left hated guns? And gun violence? Gun control right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yet again another day trying to ring your shit customer service numbers!!! no response even rang @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I hate 7 year old faggot Logan fans like you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WHERE IS YOUR BITCH ASS AT TONITE??? I KNOW YOU ARE SCARED AS SH**!! THE WORLD AWAITS YOUR DEMISE YOU THIN-SKINNED ASSHOLE! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More like how much Cuck can a Woodchuck Cuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lmaoooo RT @PhillyTheBoss: Everything on BET is trash. RT @MrCOOK_: B-Rad RT @fkinLIVE: White Mike was on BET, he can't be trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fuck im wired ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER More and more Conservatives are turning their back on @USER because of his abuse of power.\" #onpoli #pcpo #ondp #topoli #Toronto #TOcouncil\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I know what that storm is gonna do...but those photos are just the shit bro.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We are playing Clue based on a high school party in the 80s when a federal judge was in his teens. Does anyone really take this seriously?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @RandyFeenstra Vote for J.D. Scholten! Iowa suffered greatly under Trump\u2019s failed tariffs. The last thing Iowa needs is another Trump sycophant! #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"West Virginia Deep Water Soloing looks amazing. #Climbing https:\/\/youtu.be\/N84ElJtB6mc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i finally got my book in the mail today!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I met Mark. And he is amazing. He is just as sassy in real life as in the show.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UK\u2019s Sharia Compliant Government Just Gave #TommyRobinson a Death Sentence http:\/\/www.investmentwatchblog.com\/uks-sharia-compliant-government-just-gave-tommy-robinson-a-death-sentence\/ #UK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Correction: Liberals deliberately distorting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that hoe already know i don't like her fat neck ass then she got the nerve to cut my ass off! bitch park your car, let's fight \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If your body is female, you can't identify your way out of rape. Rapists don't care. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ensure you use a closed lid with a hole in the centre.. Else you'll send beans flying everywhere! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"any white woman that would let a disgusting black dick defile her and impregnate her i have no sympathy for...they diserve my scorn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Candace is an in-home ESL Tutor for refugees. Watch her story on how she advocates for refugees. Donations to our #30kin30days campaign fund programs to advocate and stand for the vulnerable Full video on Facebook.Thanks to @user for the video. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#audemarspiguet bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. wh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Put me down for disagree. This never happened. This is akin to the violence of antifa. She appropriating the MeToo movement for the purpose of damaging a person.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #storyville , \"forever pure - #football and in #jerusalem\" on @user \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is What a Social Justice Warrior Looks Like https:\/\/youtu.be\/oFrZsGbO6N0 via @YouTube ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And until you gain a greater understanding of that hatred, and how your blanket endorsement just by putting #MAGA and expressing your ignorance to platform by putting anti-openborders\" in your bio, you're going to get hatred in return.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Mother'sDay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Free speech is no longer free. You are only considered a BOT if you are a President Trump supporter...A 70-year-old grandmother who spends 14 hours a day tweeting hundreds of messages in support of Donald Trump. Let\u2019s follow @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Finally, a wind which will blow away the fog and make politicians honour the will of the people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s more what she does than who she is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I just posted the original but nice try ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yours was better because on the road to your title you made saban ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My deer rifle, built from a 1944 Springfield 1903-A3, is more accurate than this Russian \"sniper\" rifle, 3\/4 MOA out to 300 meters.40 year old Flaig stock, glass bedded, loves 165 grain bullets from Sierra and Nosler, IMR powders..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#stcshooting To the kneejerk people crying for gun control\" after this shooting. We already HAVE very restrictive gun control. You just want a ban. It's a pity no one has politely explained to these criminals that they are supposed to obey the law.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It'd be nice... but I suspect this will only apply to public officials, and only if the official themselves are doing it.\u00a0 But its a chink in the armor.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The \u201cLaw and Order\u201d president really hates law enforcement! Lol #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"QUOTE: \"\u2018Germany will suffer for decades due to Merkel\u2019s misjudgements\u2019 \u2013 MP\" UNQUOTE Really? Is that what they were\/are? Misjudgements? I think there is more that that story...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user No, we Conservatives have NOT. It's smoken' mirrors by Establishmnt Dems who are inbred, demon possessed & controlled by LUCIFER (father of lies\"\") through Soros\/Obama\/Clinton ET AL @ this juncture in history. #ReversePCism is KEY & rebuke them ALL in the name of Jesus!!! #KAG!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user our final rehearsal is underway for #disneymagic tomorrow! @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I SAW IT but mi*rosoft sucks at translations ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitter liberals are so funny. Keep posting with anger! So fun to read.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I saw a women driving whilst speaking on the phone I cursed that cunt :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tonight left me inspired to sta writing music again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are not alone! Will say prayers for you. Hang in there!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m glad I got to experience the UK & France years ago. I\u2019m concerned about all the art that will be conveniently destroyed within the next 20 yrs all things being equal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Current year: People are shocked by the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal. Why?? Seriously why, when it's been a well known fact since the early 30's that Hollywood was infiltrated by Bolshevik jewry, communists, pedos and pervs. But go ahead, just keep watching those blockbusters, like good goyim.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm not a lady, bc i have a voice, opinion and i'm not scared to speak my mind! wait.. isn't that & against\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @drhoagie: .@1Dittlinger Jay; I think once someone has Alzheimer's, suffers from alcoholism and is mildly retarded, people shouldn't mak…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and @user you need to find this lady! Do your thing. She is a terrorist waiting to strike. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"being #pios doesn't make you a better person especially when speaking with a venomous tongue #foolish #needhelp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What does Juan contribute on Fox? We all know which side of the fence he plays on. Pretty much know what he is going 2 say. Listening 2 him is like watching paint dry. I have better thgs 2 do\ud83d\ude20\ud83e\udd22","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Nah they are liberals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm thinking that it's obscene hypocrisy to stand on the 7.6 million dismembered bodies of aborted babies and lament over people losing jobs at Kimberly-Clark's diaper business. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Unfortunately, the demographics in Texas are similarly changing....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user what's your issue with antifa? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOOK AT THIS BITCH!!!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d thx for being my bffl. I love you, you crazy hoe \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc9a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But the Frogs said it wasn't a Muzzie terriorist attack.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER That's just depressing. Good churches are getting hard to find. Few and far between. I know people who belong to churches that espouse gun control and abortion! That's politics - not God! Not Christ!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives want the PM to submit to their friends in the wh and the Kremlin. Trudeau should stand his ground and stand for Canada","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 7 $ million buyout. Losers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"apparently it's too homo for cishet men to clean their ass. are straight women ok. the only time i'll accept 'not all men' please please ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have always found Matt Lauer putrid and smug. Also, his face looks like a cartoon hound dog. This was one of many reasons I couldn't watch 'Today.' There was a smug and putrid dog-face sitting there in a suit. Thinking about his door-locking button. #MattLauer #tinypenis #sexualassault #slime","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't ever let anybody steal your sunshine!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #blessed #loved\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, we lack the organization to make outright rebellion a reality.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when u watch @user #terahero trailer & u can't believe the release date is getting closer. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oregon fast food restaurant revises button policy after employees wear 'Abolish ICE' and 'No one is illegal' pins at work R PROBABLY ILLEGAL ALIENS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. #BuildThatWall #WalkAwayCampaign #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the simple fact of you calling a girl hoe just because she rejected you shows how much you didn\u2019t deserve her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for them niggas who think im pussy gon and show me hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going to tennessee with my family!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" makes me both but also so very #happy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So uhh what if you call a sweedish woman a 'slut' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That's the biggest worry never seen such attacks on the Press i will say it until i am blue in the face if we lose the Freedom of the Press we all lose if you repeat a lie long enough people will believe it keep on doing what you are doing don't let them win","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've reached a point in my life where I've realized theres no such thing as a girl that won't hurt you. Eventually they all will #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m just seeing this","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @druggedvibes: Top 5 Thot Tattoos :\n\n1) dream catchers \n\n2) bird feathers \n\n3) inspirational quotes that they dont live by \n\n4) animal p…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#prayers to the families of those killed & injured in orlando, florida. such a horrific attack on innocent people. so unbelievably . \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boomers have always been weak. I was born in 1957 so I've been stuck with these pussywhipped assholes my whole life. After 1968, their Liberal \"idealism\" mostly turned to shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER oh no you guys dont censor the right at all...fucking hypocrites URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A immigrant's long journey to asylum in the U.S. #immigration #comingtoamerica #asylumcase #granted ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@k_tempsss lol then they have one more flavor I think it's yellow idk.. But yea there bomb.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bull shit... stop putting words in people\u2019s mouths. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is #meatloaf collapses on stage! #breakingnews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch you came on TWITTER to say this?! Hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Are Kochs and @user now the same? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There are no good songs about positive things girls do. They're all about how they've fucked us guys over #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER 4 he is poor","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Reparations to be paid in the form of a one way ticket back to their mud huts in africa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"65 women defend Kavanaugh as 'a good person' amid allegations - IGNORE Dianne FEInstein. She is obsolete! You disgusting idiot piece of sh%@ Feinstein. He will rule supreme! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tommy Robinson\u2019s arrest for \u2018breach of the peace\u2019 proves the\u00a0UK is a dystopian fascist state. The UK political class demands the silence of all dissent of their failed experiment with mass immigration and enforced tolerance of Islam. #FreeTommy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IT\u2019S A GREAT TIME TO VISIT PARIS now that there are so many empty seats on flights and bargains on hotel rooms http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/08\/31\/its-a-great-t... #AgendaOfEvil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s hard seeing someone you loved so much move on. But just remind yourself you are wonderful and he has a small dick. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER you are indeed an ewu so I won't trade words with you. Anumanu.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#UnsealTheDeals of #Congress Sexual Assault #SlushFunds NOW pls @USER \ud83d\ude4f #MAGA bc #WeThePeople WANT to Know! The #Hypocrisy of #DoubleStandardDEMs is SICKENING! \ud83d\udc48 #DeclassifyFISA \ud83d\udc48 #DeclassifyRelease302sUnredacted \ud83d\udc48 & #DeclassifyPOWsDocuments while yr at it. \ud83d\udc4d #DarkToLIGHT URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Heartwarming Video Of A Legal Immigrant \"President Trump Is A Gift From Heaven\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Deplorables beware..some lights might be turned off..like streetlights","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Swollen Cunt Of A Blonde Woman Troop Commander ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Because she's an idiot! #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when we receive amazing reviews! #proud #nice ilanga gave paris attitude 5 stars via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It was a nail biter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@steve_phillips_ funny, I thought @bobmuellerwkrn #tbt 90s photo this week would have you hanging me over a trash can by my ankles","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I can\u2019t wait till antifa dorks get shot trying this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bring out his Antifa criminal son to campaign for him","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't know how you feel. #jamesblake #love #hea #instamood #mood #lyrics ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i skipped english a few days ago so i didn\u2019t know about an assignment and this stupid bitch is making fun of me subtlety ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've many friends .... but when i cry or get bored no one cares \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Both, plus he's an asshole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Still no excuse... Where TF are her parents??? They are using him & he is using her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHO was on that plane they wanted to take out? Or was this another false flag they hoped to crash into another building?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Im not saying he is worse. I have no clue tbh I'm js that shits gonna be terrible if thats the case. TL gonna explode ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If we text and I have a pic of your pussy, that's your profile pic in my phone. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheFirstonTV Nails in the lefts \u26b0\ufe0f #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 days till @user \/\/\/ ahhhhhhhbrghhhjfifowndicosmwvdkckaowj #too \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He lost me when he cucked to the eternal Jew.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"[jea ig] pretty memories~! as expected, holiday depends on who u go with~!!\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af #phuket ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".. this woman has nothing but play tennis and yet she is constantly being disrespectful it\u2019s insane. the whole all owes her an apology atp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just like niggers &\u00a0kikes to hold up White peoples beheaded heads to make a vile statement of hate toward us, when will we get sick of the BS & start to take back what is rightfully ours, our invitations, our lands, our freedoms, and most importantly, our dignity from these low life good for nothing fools? I'm sick of these 3rd world idiots\u00a0taking advantage of us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pro Tip- Stop thinking you are special... You in fact are not ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user social media can be used to uplift but it seems that too often it contaminates and pollutes the mind & soul with negativity a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we broke 100 subs humans!!!!! #youtube #squishifer #subscribermilestone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Madam will never respond. She is among those who see nothing good about PMB and his administration. It sucks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Horrible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fool on the Hill !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Merry Christmas to all of yinz.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden SHUT IT #MAGA2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Snowflakes are liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gee double standard over here the left call them heroes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first months, then weeks, now it's only days till the beginning of the end of @user i am both #happy and at the same time.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I dont think at your job is the place to protest perceived police violence or whatever you are protesting\". If you really cared go to your local PD and protest there, taking a knee at a ballgame on your job doesnt take guts and only makes you look ignorant.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nobody cares what @USER thinks or wants. She wasn\u2019t elected haha. And she\u2019s not helping her party either so stay out there your only helping the conservatives Progressives DONT LIKE YOU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'll send Meechy at yo hoe if yo bitch keep eyein' me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just try & wipe the #smile off my face mr p yes im 39 i have #parkinsons but i'm #positive & #youngpdnetwork ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user India wish that this Lady officer show spine to tackle criminal NETAS,their atrocities on poor& do her duty bravely without fear ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I can just hear the trumpsters now crowing that we liberals loved Jane Fonda and supported draft dodgers. I grew up in those times. I was against the war but knew Fonda had gone too far and was wrong. I supported those who burned their draft cards AND those who served. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user [Eric opens the door and runs to the couch.] Fuck yeah. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The United States must, at long last, be treated fairly on Trade. If we charge a country ZERO to sell their goods, and they charge us 25, 50 or even 100 percent to sell ours, it is UNFAIR and can no longer be tolerated. That is not Free or Fair Trade, it is Stupid Trade!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when older people see this pic their nose remembers the smells. why close down impoant sites like this? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Antifa thugs remind me of orcs if they are stupid enough to try and take someones firearm i wouldn't be surprised if its an orc who is thrown in a dumpster ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #misogony and are a spectrum. if you voted for @user , you are on it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yesterday this happen here\ud83d\ude33 So much for gun control when you can't prevent a 2nd grader from bringing a gun to school huh\ud83d\ude0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wan no bitch till iknow she gone stay down fa me.. kus all these hoes doin dicks & ian goin for it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good morning GABFAM! Happy Sunday to all of you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oakland line sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In other words, he was just a faggot because it\u2019s fashionable and now he\u2019s off to do something else for attention","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user How convenient a conservative dummy believes people are selectively unemployed.Conservatives always try to use this type of propaganda. No facts!Just their warped conservative beliefs. It\u2019s very clear.Many conservatives like @user don\u2019t have the ability to learn or think ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #anc is quick to #shit themselves over zille's comments as , but do noting about these black racists.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If Kavanaugh is confirmed there will be two sexual deviants sitting on the Supreme Court. Both Conservatives and nominated by Republicans. Democrats put women on the SCOTUS and Republicans put perverted men there. FOR THEIR LIFETIME! #StopKavanaugh #StopTrump #SaveSCOTUS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Frenkenstien needs to pay every dime back..she has stolen from the American people. She is a disgrace to the Senate and the people.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user living on a street with 10 extra trees can improve your happiness as much as being 7 years younger #walkable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user *sigh* You are not an intelligent person. I am highlighting the variance in the use of far-right\"\" and \"\"far-left\"\". That is all I am doing. Anything else you now fail to understand is your own fault.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"by kids I mean kinky inbred dirty sluts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Making threats when you don't even know who you are talking to is a dumb move.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#GlobalWarming aka #ClimateChange amounts to a steaming pile of #Fake Science. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rescued migrants escaping North Africa expected to arrive Sunday in Spain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Lord have mercy. Hysterical women who cannot research their claims need to take a nap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris God be with us! #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Horse Shhh! Here\u2019s how she is viewed! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 3\/ you can not like Justin all you want but the conservatives have no plan to even consider climate change and have been using BLATANT misinformation to lead people like yourself into believing that it\u2019s Trudeau\u2019s fault we\u2019re negotiating with a fucking sociopath down south ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I remember when conservatives slagged off the Labour Party as 'undemocratic' for allowing unons such a big say in Labour policies. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why won't we run the ball? Our offensive coordinator is retarded","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THEY GROUND UP THE CLINTON CASUALTIES AND MADE MEATLOAF OUT OF THE ROTTEN MEAT. DON\"T DUE THE CRIME IF YOU CAN\"T DO THE TIME. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WednesdayWisdom Obama appointed liberal Judges tired of looking stupid smacks California law down on gun control #2A ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"VIDEO: (Part 4) #BNP London A frame trailer on busy A2 where thousands of drivers saw our banner \"SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION\"#Brexit #immigration #london #Patriot #bbcqt #bordercontrol #Trump #Altright #British #Britain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I neither side with the Klan nor Antifa. I stay out of family squabbles. Dems can clean up their own bastard children. Perhaps you could clarify how I do t support the 14th.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sickening! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when yiu buy a tv and the powercables not even in the box #bestbuy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dont forget my girl Hillary she is doing the happy dance tonight\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If she's over 18 and owns anything Hello Kitty.... Get that bitch in bed, she knows things that you didn't even know existed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"girls night \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8 #friends #fun #pay #picoftheday #instalike #style #girl #instagood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a liar ! Doesn\u2019t even remember all ! Says it right there !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I know. I think they\u2019re the ones who\u2019ll be surprised about that since they think all liberals want to make gun ownership illegal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The picture on the left is from the protests in Chemnitz, the picture on the right is from the G20 riots in Hamburg. Guess which group of people the media & the press called 'rioters' & 'extremists' & which group they called 'protesters'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hrh #queen elizabeth #90thbihdaycelebrations in london today. living a balanced life.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Packing \ud83d\udcbc\ud83d\udd76\ud83d\udc62 for TX \ud83e\udd20\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\u26bd\ufe0f\u2665\ufe0f- hope you are well\ud83e\udd17 #almostcousins\u2665\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump needs to make a deal with Mexico to put active US military on the Mexican side of the border to stop the caravan in mexico, before they can reach the US border. It's the only way to beat the Asylum laws we have. Mexico has stricter laws governing migrants.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Apparently the Dutch Red Cross is trying to raise funds for the repatriation of Syrian refugees. Which seems both premature and irresponsible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the problem is that there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no space for alternative explanations. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just submitted a comment saying NO to the Citizenship Question .@realDonaldTrump plans to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census this question will instill fear in immigrant communities & will lead to an undercount of the national population. Submit a comment TODAY! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why doesn\u2019t he leave the country if he is so unhappy with America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm white. Is there no such thing as racism against whites? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes I just wanna crash into psychic reading places and ask them if they saw that coming... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Adicionei um v\u00eddeo a uma playlist @user LIL PEEP Type Beat You're Leaving Already\"\" | Melancholic\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Oh noes! Tough shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey Italy! Hurry up and exit the EU. The world wants to order pizza directly from you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been called a son of a whore and a cunt today already. It's not even 1 yet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MS-13 gang member breaks into Brooklyn, NY 2nd floor apartment and rapes girl. #BuildTheDamnWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens #IllegalAlien #MS13 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don\u2019t think I will survive if I go home' via @user #refugees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RealChadRight: Great thread, I highly recommend checking it out https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9Tnr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I tear up from laughing so hard every single time I see this. Priceless. CNN should scoop him up for ANTIFA rallies and weather stories. Creative cameraman job at worst. Elaine would say this guy is sponge worthy\"\" Come on CNN, hire this guy as a creative consultant at least.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e0\u00b8\u0080happy #nationalsmilepowerday! what made you #smile today? \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7\u00e0\u00b8\u0080: @user #happiness #spreadhappiness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You conservatives think you know everything","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER it just means you are one step closer to getting Rust in there :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@a @support\u200d Please can you post this @realdonaldtrump\u200d over in @Jack's platform? Our only alternative is to go back to the pedo-infested twithole so we can post to accounts not yet active on Gab.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The reaction from some conservatives was swift and appealed directly to male fears and male interests.\"- if men, after 50 years., can come forward about priests' sexual assault ,why can't women,especially if the person accused is going to be SC JUDGE & stay on forever\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Typical of Labour, they are disgusting!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lol they have no idea Nazis were socialist. Their complete inability to grasp reality is so mind blowing. Antifa is no shit calling for a civil war to defend slavery. The confederacy considered Lincoln a fascist too... hmmmm.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Figures. He is a douche and would do this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh, but he's black....doesn't privilege count for anything now a days? Why cannot we just look the other way and let him continue on his law of the jungle ways? HELL NO, NOT IN MY NECK OF THE WOODS!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a parasitic lump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LMFAOOOOO BYE “@DatGuyBren: American sports trash. Soccer and Hockey the best sports.”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hope they were Reporting on Gun Control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have you seen this yet @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just looking crazy as always \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085 &blessed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"51. A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with. A man is what he makes of himself.\" - Alexander Graham Bell #PushAwardsMayWards\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user She is a master of twisting words. That is her greatest skill ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All da white folk off twitter yet? Da colored tweet at night while y'all sleep cuz you gotta woyke tomorrow.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let\u2019s talk about anything and everything except the elephant in the room - #Canada\u2019s overwhelming #Immigration fiasco http:\/\/www.cbc.ca\/news\/canada\/british-columbia\/bel...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I turn the tv off when Juan speaks. He is a real sicko. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Has anyone ever googled 'white couple'? Do it and look at the pictures.. #WhiteGenocide","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* lives in Chicago * thinks gun control works \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"academic experience time! be pa of understanding, challenging and fun world that is geography @user #ready #proud ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Was GAB established for the freedom of speech of 500,000 voices or just 1?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jeffrey Toobin called #ANTIFA an African-American group \u00a0#ThatsRacist #CNNsucks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oy vey, that dating profile was just made by anti semites, goy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did this happen when she played her sister? \u201cMom!!!! Serena beat me over my head with the tennis racket again.\u201d \u201c Now. Now. Mommy will bake you some cookies and tell you how your sister is marginalizing your existence.\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't play with the girl \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#fashion it is a true #fact","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 always have the white guy in charge. .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I kind of feel like AntiFa are terrorists.but maybe I'm overstating it lol \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pulimunchi wishes you father's day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just #oneweek until we sta #excavations @user just time for finishing touches. #communityarcheaology #staffordshire","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the legacy of a @user crony. vote passes calling for @user to resign or get the boot! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don\u2019t let your daddy issues influence you to vote for Biden #magaszn #maga2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cthree agonizing days later, we got the right result. Trump is toast. Joe and Kamala are in, Donald and Mike are out. \u201cAmerica did stand up and throw that motherfucker out of office,\u201d as Lincoln\u2019s Bible so eloquently put it.\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i've come 2 the conclusion that many people simply don't understand democracy, what it is and what it means & represents #s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll answer for You!! when you have a different opinion to them you're a racist...when they lose an argument you're a racist...if you love Britain you're a racist...liberals are week people...it takes a strong person to to not be one of the sheep","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She? To whom are you referring to? Hillary? You know what is tiresome? Bernie supporters bashing Hillary Clinton. She is an actual Democrat who raises money for the Democratic Party and doesn\u2019t bash them. She has a positive message. So who is dividing the left? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He got it 100% right He is pissing up the wall and marking his height ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is going shake the church to the ground!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They should do what I do ....FFS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"... However, a serious bootstrap problem. When I set it up, it wasn't easy to test, because there are hardly any sites on OpenNIC domains. Why will anyone bother setting up DNS servers when there's no immediate use? Why use an OpenNIC domain that hardly anyone can reach?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please watch this video. It's could have been a horror movie if Hillary had won. https:\/\/youtu.be\/zG30G7sqNnQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah but your mum's pussy tastes mighty good","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"* New Balkan route a problem. Croatia \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ad\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b7 is absolutely correct to tighten patrols to stop the illegal migrants from entering in an effort to reach the \u201crich\u201d EU countries. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Brexit is the single most important political issue of the day. The Mayor of London with the biggest direct democratic mandate in the UK needs to have a view.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As Booker considers his 2020 run for President, he might\u00a0consider having competent attorneys review and translate any complicated emails with dog-whistle titles before he cuts off his nose to spite his face. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"people want to promote their own #genes & #memes. this is natural and should not be seen as or xenophobic. it is natural.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Liberal Calls In & Forced To Stand His Ground - ALEX JONES INFOWARS https:\/\/youtu.be\/G-g3hfjRxSc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ya' might be a libtard if........... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i've sadly have already punted on this season. it's apparent the fo doesn't want to win ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yes it did... And it's on editorial... Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men... No he isn't... He is editor in Chief. He is the boss of all the other editors... Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user also trump IS a fascist- LITERALLY. the central govt thing for anyone always seems to depend upon who's running it. magas are fine with fascist trump and liberals were fine with obama. my ideas about good government are a bit different. of course i did admit to being a quaker. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user other sims are over here studying aliens and saving lives. i'm over here like, omg i wanna be a waitress!! #dineout ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user have we become angels?? BEST ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ur fucken fake. I\u2019m a fucken prize. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Worst place I've experienced that is the fucking movies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time for round 3 \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 with the bestie #bihday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user managed to keep this secret for a whole week: i'm working on my new album with @user x #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not so sure about this moral Arguably becoming a high profile figure in a widely hated dissident movement could put a lot of stress on ANY relationship Imagine the pressure the system can exert on someone But we need people who are willing to push on despite those costs. If the system pressures someone and they back off, the system wins","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Isn't Scotland the place that voted overwhelmingly against brexit?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Obama was the devil incarnate & Trump is Jesus Christ himself. I get where you are coming from.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So how many of you newfrogs are plants?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You seem a little shrill and hysterical tonight, Junior! Are you getting scared? #MuellerIsComing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Here he is! Peaking out of a Hizbollah flag. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"20 Crazy Things Liberals Blame Trump For\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The fact that the #Bruins drafted a Yankees fan just goes to show how weak the scouting staff is IMO. Didn't do their homework. #firechoreli","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user when is enough enough? This is abhorrent and inexcusable. Your fearless leader seems to have forgotten that he is a public servant. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ann you are the funniest. I think Corey B. Is the most hysterical woman in the hearing, for sure. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i was so excited all morning, and now i'm heabroken either way, lots of great info and looking forward to a release!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Animal is the operative word ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I heard ur cock was big and lonely ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Again another b******* story no one is watching football because of this a******","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER There is no such thing as an Antifa warrior\". They are all coward bitches. Marcus Smart is tougher than that by far\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we're sharing a bit of #wednesdaywisdom from our friends over @user today! thanks guys! #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And you're a hoe like you I said mind your business or get slapped, you wish it was you they was arguing over bitch\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" # father's #day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You been reading Q again, right? That's what Q says. I believe\" it too but still... Sessions is virtually invisible. RR is there to stay. He is NOT going anywhere even when the FISA docs released to public. Won't be COVERED AT ALL by the Shitstream media. Nobody will ever know!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anti racist white murdered by blacks in south africa #whitegenocide #southafrica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Florida and North Carolina count their early votes as they come in. Trump can't win without those two states (maybe if he wins ALL the Rust Belt states but he's farther behind in most of them than in FL & NC). https:\/\/t.co\/s29i9NOoMd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PositivelyJoan: RT AltNatParkSer: Mike Pence: 'Allowing Rape Victims To Have Abortions Will Lead To Women Trying To Get Raped' RT If You Ar\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your mind may be fooled by ideas. The body can be broken by trauma. The intuition can be neutered by shame. We are broken horses on the beach grazing in hypnotic tides. It's never too late to break free for our foals. Let's run for them now. Every colt and filly needs the energy from our surge. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I would like to see the actual data for this.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first time in the swing \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b6 #firsttime #swing #mybabyboy #baby #park #cute #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when bae wants to keep me fat and happy, she makes me chicken parmesan. #homemade #dinner \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Griffin thinks she is funny but she's not. She's a disgusting pig!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy #ConstitutionDay may this day trigger millions of liberals since they don\u2019t believe in the Constitution! #Maga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This pope is a dope!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Latest: Conservative estimate is 8,000. BREAKING: More caravans to leave Honduras and El Salvador in days.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we are the #heroes of our time!!! #heroesdayug !!! @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there is life after social networking. embrace each day. be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user What award. Head of the Nazi antifa violence movement ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #StrataData #AI #data #hairball: @USER TDavis touring the application of #Cognitive and #machinelearning techniques to speed #Governance of #data URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How long are they going to let the fools in #Ferguson continue? Stop pussy footin' & disperse them by WHATEVER means necessary!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Hey I've been raped before' uh excuse me?? How dare you act like every man you've met has raped you?! Ur tone is so harsh, ugh not all men ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"meet the wilmington peacekeepers, they walk in beauty. #cnv week of actions #peace #povey #climate\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last retro #christmasadve for you this year, and whilst i do love a good bit of #tupperwear i do not want\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Not so bloodless for some ... because ANTIFA... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The bitch done had a baby shower in McDonald's \ud83e\udd26\ud83e\udd26.. loud forgive the lil whores u made . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER that\u2019s exactly what you evil liberals do. You try to intimidate people so they can step down. I guess bullying is OK when it\u2019s done by liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s just people who say they hate identity politics while going on about the left hates them for being black conservatives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Although I think that Carter was a decent man he was without a doubt the 2nd worst president in my voting history. 44 was the worst if there was any question. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s official: hate breeds hate #prejudice #parenting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's incredible that they censor films. it's sad. ~dario argento #johnyblaze1d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3 more sleeps until @user \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4 #hurryup @user @user @user @user #conquercancer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"latepost\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab #like #like4like #likeforlike #goodnight #night #face #sad #latepost #sendiri ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hillary was blaming women not too long ago. Better hope the Uneducated\"\" don't show up to vote again. \u201cIt isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.\u201d\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That\u2019s so sad and terrifying; I know it\u2019s been dropped to a 2 but all the reports I\u2019ve seen says that doesn\u2019t mean shit for this storm. All you have to do is look at pictures of that thing to realize it\u2019s a fucking BEAST","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Her life is crappy because she is crappy. And she\u2019s threatening to kill everyone. Another nut job...Listen up FBI! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Love how going to an all girls school gives you a sixth sense for life of knowing when a woman is an absolute bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's their natural state, for sure.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER - Gun Control (MGK DISS) URL via @USER fucking new Em wouldn\u2019t let the shit slide he was playin wit da kid @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#StopKavanaugh: Believe women, except for the 65 who support Kavanaugh\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please share... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hasn't this flake left yet? How dare these people hang a man without evidence and at the word of a loon with repressed memory.\" Sue her and I bet she shuts up fast.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#capetown you beauty \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d home is where the \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #kkk+#blm = same #nazi #scum from #hitlerjugend, different color of skin but same #leftist & =#dem #ideology\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#UrbanDictionaryHasTaughtMe that I'm the BEST, FUNNIEST, MOST ATTRACTIVE girl EVER- until I get to the second page and apparently I'm a SKANK WHORE BITCH SLUT. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What kind of dumb shit am I gonna read next","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not interested of being a bitch like you \ud83d\ude02 i prefer to be a good cute girl \ud83d\ude1b nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You assholes are both going to jail. What happened to the $94million paid to your company? Mueller knows.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dangerous bacteria: Vibro Vulnificus in Florida ocean hospitalizes 13, kills 3\u00a0 https:\/\/www.abcactionnews.com\/news\/state\/flesh-eating-bacteria-vibro-vulnificus-in-florida-ocean-hospitalizes-32-kills-10","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And this butt fur thinks he is a know it all ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UN reports, that 258 mio. humans from 8000 mio. on the planet are refugees. Mostly they go to industrial countries to have a better life. Its no political movement, only economic reasons. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals are using a sexual assault claim as a political tool. Let that sink in.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Gun safety reform? What exactly does that mean? Do you mean gun control? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #teabagger #freemarket really doing wonders in #Bangladesh these last couple of days. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #randpaul","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you for adding me Razor! Patriots- if you aren\u2019t following my Primary account @USER - will you take a minute & Follow me? Thanks & MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They are false. This is what the democRATs do best. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the media believes they have a 'gotcha' moment with Trump's off the record comments about the Canadian trade negotiation.But by owning it and admitting he said it, he's sending a message of honesty and transparency.The public knows how important these trade deals are to Trump, so if he'll own that publicly, is there much else he could lie about?Not really.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He looks like a Antifa dude. Dude.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Marcus Gillum takes bribes from FBI..Adam Corey exposes his Ex @AndrewGillum https:\/\/youtu.be\/SEsOF6LxulEm\u00a0 @TallahasseeReports @nytimes @TB_Times @mattgaetz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just because his best stats season was at 34 doesn\u2019t mean he\u2019s the greatest pl midfielder \ud83e\udd23 fuck off","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Look at her moving and not one word of Truth coming out of it. If you ever get a chance to ask that layer a question ask her do you agree with me that the Golan Heights belong to \ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfe. She is dead dead in the water she couldn't answer it without condemning herself true","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who is the fucking animal here ? #SpeakFreely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IllegalAliens is nothing more than an accurate description. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Look at her moving and not one word of Truth coming out of it. If you ever get a chance to ask that layer a question ask her do you agree with me that the Golan Heights belong to \ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfe. She is dead dead in the water she couldn't answer it without condemning herself true ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s why we had such a $h1t evonomy under him. \u2018Malaise\u2019 not MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"see you in september lizzie! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Im very O.K. with camps for illegals, muzzies, kikes, trans..even the kids.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Right... disgusting! I can\u2019t tell if these acc is a man or woman but he\/she is sick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Trump has an announcement to make: #DonaldTrump #maga #metoo URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, that's a start.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I cant even imagine it. I think they would boot her off. She is the craziest reality star of all time. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"treasure every moment with your loved ones :) #movie #tgv #family #worldofwarcraft\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hitler would be so proud of David Hogg ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why does it matter if a candidate is a woman or a man? I thought we were all the same? Everything the liberals believe in contradicts their other beliefs \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL DIMWIT DEM. Start taking losing like a man.....err...like a....uhm? Whatever you identify as today. WE WILL #MAGA NOT TIRED OF #WINNING SEE YOU IN NOVEMBER FOR THE #REDWAVERISING2018 YOU CAN'T STOP #ScotusKavenaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, at least #HillaryClinton managed to rename a highway and a post office (see https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/yd74p6jy for details), so if Kammie can't even match that, she should definitely run! https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y8mvuhn8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The savagery ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa is a terrorist organization ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All that money hadn't made u smarter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll just leave this here..... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is unbelievable. Public prayer was actually BANNED at a high school football game between two Christian schools...\u00a0https:\/\/aclj.org\/stop-discriminating-against-students-of-faith-and-barring-prayer?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is not a troll he is simply dumb but I\u2019m enjoying it I love tweeter for this \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user while being proud of how many refugees we have taken in do not leave our own people b hind there is a growing disdain emerging ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I lived in the UK. That would be my house that they were coming to.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Humor for your night of #Debates2020\u00a0 and #Nascar![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #Trump2020 I\u2019m voting #SolidarityParty. #Debates\u00a0 #ACBForScotus[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]REPOST: Fixed a couple things. https:\/\/t.co\/j0qSVhEiDG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i liked a @user video from @user #sjw retard wants more !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shit getting out of hand ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Google is welcome in China if it censors the internethttps:\/\/t.co\/iYW34sCN1X ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Time to patrol the seas to stop migrant boats before the war Syria etc didn't care a jot about Europe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is entitled to tell his side of story.Then judge.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udd34 #Breaking[NEWLINE]Paris's Eiffel Tower evacuated, operator confirms[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#FoxNews #Reuters #MAGA2020 #QAnon \u2066@MaryWalterRadio\u2069 \u2066@marklevinshow\u2069 \u2066@dbongino\u2069 @gatewaypundit\u2069 https:\/\/t.co\/sxzVwdd4pe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waking up hoping your dream was real #needahug","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@YouBoysInGreen hahaha, made ya eat crow....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I guess I won't sit down and shut up then missy. I have a major problem with this situation. Since none of us were there and it is her word against his should we just ASSUME she is telling the truth? Or is this just politics?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #fakenews and a . must feel good.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HOLY SHIT NO WAY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For instance, participants in this Pew study broadly overestimate the size of the immigrant population in the US. So, wouldn't it make more sense to ask what percentage of the total populations of each group are democrats or republicans? 2\/n ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bitch please. You commie dems are the ones riding hell bent for leather to destroy democracy and the Republic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER If he is from AZ I would put my money on sex with underage kids.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#PatriotsSoapbox is a grassroots effort to study and discuss #QANON related issues, currently based on #YouTube. We are in the process of migrating here, hoping #gabfam can make the new members feel welcome on this platform. special shout outs to ->\u00a0\u00a0@JeromeCorsi\u200d\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I thought this was SNL. The last guy is wearing a fucking beanie with the mindmill on itS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#beautiful ceremony #rip @user #orlando #pulse #massacre #peace #letitbe\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER @user @user @user @user @user @user We did a great job of electing @user and a terrible job of who we sent to congress to support him Conservatives left frustrated as Congress passes big spending bills ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"California's going to have a Blade Runner\/Orwellian future if they keep this up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Thursday shout out to all you American patriots!\u00a0 Stay vigilant over these next two years.\u00a0 It's going to take that long to at least chop off the worst heads of the hydra.\u00a0 There will be more false flags to hide the sedition, treason, pedophilia and murder.\u00a0 Satan doesn't care, he will kill us all if he can.\u00a0 Start carrying. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@brad_dickson Sure like the GOP suspended long enough to even grief RBG. I\u2019m sure if Biden had to quarantine that trump would have cancelled his hate rallies. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If the lefties disagree with you, you are a racist. No matter the issue: taxes, immigrants, gender rights . . . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Undertaker taking MAGA a bit to seriously smh URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How would they know if gun control worked if they refuse to try anything?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick... first of all yo pussy just good so be happy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER how about stating the FACT that the rate of black people being murdered by black people is much higher than being murdered by white people. Shine a light on that. Save Chicago.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kayIeighmceneny HIT ME UP!!! #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hello cunt hole.. @user Doh be on me saddis I\u2019ll buss yuh face.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She mocked SJWs and the KKK with extremely clever satire. The fact you don\u2019t have a sense of humor or are too stupid to get it is our fault. None of that means you get to denigrate or lie about her or her motives. She is a Native American woman and you are a bigoted misogynist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The merged with Antifa \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"from elementary school until now \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a9\u00e2\u0080\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a9\u00e2\u0080\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a7 #nationalbestfriendday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#POPE #FRANCIS: Better to #say #nothing and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt: \"\"#Islamic #terrorism has nothing to do with #Islam \"\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FX0F48VBMQg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You won't catch me on this hoe arguing with a bitch lol , bitches are not worth my time .. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For the love of God, MSM and the left, no one cares about POTUS taxes!!! He has donated his salary for the last 4 years!! Can any democratic politician or president say the same...NOPE! #ENOUGHISENOUGH #Trump2020 #WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NO NOT SNOW YET, WHERE IS IT SNOWING???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Maple Lodge Farms was the first company in Canada to offer Halal products on a large scale to Canadian Muslim consumers. We have been Halal certified since 1990.\" (From their corporate website) There you go ! ALL their chickens are Halal since 1990. (Supporting terrorism since 1990)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user did they finally get sent out?!? #kindof... ha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate bitches who talk about niggaz with kids , Everybody cant find a bitch like yal that abort all they pregnancies soo STFU hoe .... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"b4 sm we didnt hear this latent every single day.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why does no one die though...ever?????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And pedophile Podesta still on with his Blue Check Mark account. \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"boys play sex womens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ah, crap, other scientist were finding links to the opposing hypothesis at the same time.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is the main muckspreader for @user and do not be surprised about the various twists and turns of the #Fake #Novichok stories ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cause you sweet lil nigga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@catturd2 Self imploding again...#MAGA2020 #FillTheSeat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You people calling everyone Nazis under the sun becomes tiring and stupid frankly. You people called Zena Bash a Nazi and it turns out she is half Mexican and Polish descent and her family barely escaped death from the Nazis. So keep it up desensitize that word.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As Justine gazes lovingly into Macaroni's forehead and Macaroni gazes lovingly into Justine's mouth. Only the pants know for sure...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BURN your Nike gear. Everyone I know is done buying Nike. Oops. Conservatives are the ones buying from Nike. After all we r the ones making the money There\u2019s way way more of us \ud83d\udd95Nike ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Niggas be like your pussy bald? You must want a pornstair 24\/7 stfu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i won't waste my time on some sob that has to plaster color on his profile blm bacon lettuce maters matter on 2 slices of bread","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ima mf asshole, bitch I'm the shit. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Now we just need antifa outside when they confirm kavanaugh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please help Phil Tourney and Dave Gahary with there movie about the Israeli attack on the United States. Send them some shekels. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":">500 comments, and all negative, slamming Chris Hayes for promoting vote suppression via Michael I love rapist & Putin-puppet Assange\"\" Moore & his latest \"\"kill the Dems\"\" movie. How about a town hall on women's repro rights & gun control on eve of Kavanaugh vote instead? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We must have more WHITE children! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm post surgery, so am typing one armed. So forgive any typos - Thank you for the #Follow \u00a0@breid","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This B**ch Behar needs to shut that big ugly hole on her face and think about the fact she's not giving Kavanaugh or his family the benefit of their rights as citizens. In her fat head they're guilty bc they're Conservatives. Behar needs a muzzle around decent people. HRC clone.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER SUCH SUPPORT SPOOKY AT MY LOWEST MOMENT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THIS Guy Won't Stop Red-Pilling Heavy-Duty TRUTH on Live TV! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we tell our triumphs to the crowds, but our own heas are the sole confidants of our sorrows. ~edward g. bulwer-lytton ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u201cBig slut\u201d is the new \u201cHottie McHotterson\u201d. It\u2019s a compliment. I\u2019ve always thought you looked like a big slut, boo! \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first ever day\/night test match in india to be played at eden gardens kolkata ... india vs new zealand! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone whose first reaction to the trials\/Senate inquiry is to jump to UST's defense, you are no better than the 'not all men' crowd. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"niggas be out here in competition with a bitch \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I dont think this fat whore could even get sex from rape. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Your comparing apples and oranges like liberals often do. We In Texas are very strategic and methodical in our voting. We understand what works for Texas doesn\u2019t in voting nationally. But who we elect in Texas affects the nation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2018 the year of the Refugee where France cracks down on immigration \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u2026numbers ,2018 Refugees to get more resources and help in the Uk 2018 Sweden's crime rate goes soaring young refugees on the rampage 2018 Greece and Italy still being forced to take in more refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh, you pussy grabbing , lying jack ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To sum it up, @JoeBiden acted Presidential. #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #TrumpIsARacist #TrumpIsALoser #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBlueDownBallot #VoteHimOut #VoteBidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/qKJJ9PyyZX","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #pinchmefreesamples dogs #freesamples ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"topping up the tan \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0090\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008b #tan #topup #caribbean #stvincent #seaview #beach #love #bikini\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #history #america true progress","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You fucking Jew, I knew it! Why the hell did I marry such a convoluted jewish fag!? *runs* Don't hurt me daddy!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nobody has figured out who this guy is, yet:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please stick to Bakersfield issues and resign from House Leadership. You are illiterate in economics and the Constitution and take too many bribes! #NoSpeakerMcCarthy I\u2019m for @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Considering the cost of a real hot air balloon is less than the cost of the poxy piece of trash the Metropolitan Fraud Squad should be kicking down doors!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Got to love the future of the democratic party though...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm Assuming I'm Not Going to Get an Answer': Brainless #Liberal Stooge Ocasio-Cortez .@USER on $40T Policy Plan URL #WakeUpAmerica THIS is NOT America's future VOTE Republican or surrender America to these #DEM morons @USER #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user silence betrays the innocent. #activism #hunger #nofur #animalrights #noyulin #eah #wildlife #vegan #lgbt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@PoliticsGhost\u200d\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"being ignored.... #confused #disappointed \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e after so many years i can't see a change...sadly... i tried to trust.. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"KALAGOT LAGE!!! CANT YOU FUCKING WAIT FOR AC'S UPDATE? FYT ME SKANK ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WTMF is Murica? You say it, you should be thunderpunched in the throat, or sole stomped.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Celebrity Family Feud (w. K West and the Kardashians) did better in the ratings than the Tony Awards. Kanye 1, Deniro 0.http:\/\/tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com\/daily-ratings\/tv-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hell0! What a beautiful sight seeing the antifa scum getting beat down and arrested! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user actualy im pretty sure if you banned all guns that would definitely stop criminals from getting them. But no one wants to do that. but by your logic aren't Gun Control laws better than not having gun control laws? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user here is your boy smoking marijuana and hanging out with a pornstar and escort girl and paying the people that keep her a slave to be his slave. He is insane ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Conservatives are whining\". There, I fixed the typo for you.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are not dumb. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" and #misogyny is alive and well on the #left. never let them tell you it isn't. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1. This is a local Fox station not the national Fox News broadcast. 2. If you\u2019d follow anyone outside your liberal bubble you would know the vast majority of conservatives are outraged by this too. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this just hit too close to home #prayfororlando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#conormcgregor runs his mouth endlessly like #rondarousey. both have lost. and yet, ppl only take glee in her losing. perhaps?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yea Jeff should go. Antifa is a terrorist organization ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They had sex he kicked to the curb. Melania in the white house she is still on the pole. Big memoir ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It is so wrong when liberals are so scared of what we have to say that they try to stop us from being heard. #DemsWantTotalControl. #LibsThinkTheyHaveAllTheAnswers #FreedomOfSpeechForAll ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i noticed it is true men cheat with the uglist chicks they can find.. #uglybitches #facts\u00e2\u009c\u0085","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heilemann: \u2018Virtually Certain\u2019 10 Percent of the GOP Would Be OK with Trump Killing Their Parents, Grandparents | Breitbart ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall Thank you, @user Trump & OUR glorious MILITARY! ****** Trump Rolls Out a BRILLIANT Plan The Military Will Build His Wall! via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The alt-right are not Nazis. The majority of the alt-right come out of the Austrian economics, small or no government LIBERTARIANS. For the last time, the Hail Victories and such are completely ironic. I will say that many people in the alt-right are into revisionist history of WW2 so everything you think you know about the nazis is not what they believe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Video: Shy Glizzy – “I Can’t Trust Myself” http:\/\/t.co\/HRfuDrvZdb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"& could prove we're in opposite roles? THE DUALITY OF EVERYTHING. very scary. BUT i can't feed that thought rn). need to think abt how grateful i am that she's saying these things bc it's finally getting to me that i can't keep caring abt her & that she is not who i think she is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are a dirty cum dumpster ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DS 100 - Life Within Energy #Process #Pic \u00a9Robert T Leija- #Stipple #Creation #Pointillism #Pen #Ink #Artwork #Art #Leija #Traditional #Surreal - What lives within us or what occupies the same space? Energies within energies, what knowledge would these things have and would they be aware of us?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"decorative led l... gbp 9.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She called me a bitch and doesn't even know me wtf you expect? I ain't gonna play nice I don't even know the hoe \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What did this mother think, that she was bringing her child to a birthday party. The U.S. has immigration laws and she, not anyone else broke immigration laws. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leaving a pot on the stove can burn more than just your dinner. Always stay in the kitchen while cooking. More tips here: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#goodmorning \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00a4 #gm#haveaniceday#like4like#l4l#sea#sun#hello #friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I really can\u2019t with this motherfucker anymore... [NEWLINE]please vote, folks #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Niggas say anything ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't let these jealous hoes trick you into thinking you ugly . Slay bitch \ud83d\udc51 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finding dory\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u009f \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be @ great escape theaters - nitro 12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dental testimonials from our #lichfield clients - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lil boys on that lil girl game, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"flowers can't solve all problems but they're a great sta #thursday #enj... (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do I care \ud83d\udeabpe. Hope they fold like a cheap table. Wonder what the spoiled primadonnas do when their huge salaries can't be made. Bet it won't be bailed out like GM & Too Big To Fail Banks were","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes yuvle luv back #tashaneishq back...... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go away","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #DearProfessorFord I want you to know that I have zero respect for you & your ANTIFA style attack on Kavanaugh. You thought you were going to drop a bomb with your face covered & blow up a good man's life. You have been exposed for the political hack that you are. Shame on you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tomorrow is World Refugee Day and our advocate campaign is picking up steam! Join us but learning more about refugees, giving or creating an awareness page at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah, here I am again. Anyone else see at least 5-10 women today? Can't believe they were ALLOWED outside. Who do I complain to???? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER People do speak out for gun control & against gun violence. If you don\u2019t see it you\u2019re choosing not to pay attention & that\u2019s just wilful ignorance on your part.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are apiece of shit! WHY WOULD YOU KILL THAT ANIMAL? How is your mother?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why in TF would Trump willingly give the dems damn near 2million new voters ?\u00a0 Shit doesn't make any kind of sense to me !\u00a0 Send them back.....fuck those entitled crybabies !\u00a0 They should be the very last to ever get citizenship !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So they are on their killing spree again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER is staffed with unhinged Liberals & @user This is a disgusting statement. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck u","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals always calling people racists because they dont believe in Open borders and illegal #Immigration that hurts American workers ! Liberals are Anti American and Anti Americans ! Dancing on the grave of Dead Americans kille ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How kind. Thank you, JB.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you fucking bitch! You don't know a fuck about acting. You're just a fucking whore who's used to getting fucked by random dudes you don't even know. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Virtually zero protections for LGBTQ persons in Alabama. Not a lot of acceptance, either. Think about queer Alabamian kids today?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rachel_gautreau @babyydrey hey Rachel G my name isint Kenneth ok let's just get that straight 👆 you best be backing off before I go ghetto","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Apparantly that rule of law doesn't apply to Republicans\/Conservatives baselessly accused by Dems ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Old article but its going to be relevant very soon....#ClintonFoundation #MAGA #ClintonCrimes URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch text me and why tf you ain\u2019t text me back yesterday \ud83e\udd14 WHORE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user THIS IS FABULOUS! I HOPE THE ACLU IS HOIST BY IT'S OWN PETARD!IT'S IDIOTIC, STUPID, SELF DEFEATING TO SIMPLY STOP APPLYING THE LAW BECAUSE THERE IS A CHILD INVOLVED!NO OTHER US LAW WOULD DO THIS! INSANITY! #NOAMNESTY @user @user #NOASYLU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Or maybe they want to appear unbias so they can continue to give cover to their antifa buddies when they cover them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MLewis2670 @RevTChristopher Biden has flip\/flopped 3 times on the 'defund' question, as the wind blows.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Joe\/Kamala would be the most law&order as you look down the entire ticket. Every seat below Pres, you've got a \"D\" that gets worse on the Law&Order issue. I hope that translates to something.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user enjoy a better work\/life balance, free your life & be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"almost holiday time @user #cantwait #holiday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DS 102- The Anchor of the Realms #Process #Pic \u00a9Robert T Leija - #Creation #Pencil #Graphite #Sketch #Artwork #Art #Leija #Traditional #Strange #Surreal #Weird - This is the point of becoming, of reality born into the multidimensional garden of life. Origin of origins.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hope he is enjoying himself while he can\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HUGE mistake, anyone living there should immediately move out of the state, endangering children like this should never happen, girls, females will be attacked and raped due to it, so dumb @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user even IF that was the reason the last thing mac would want would be for everyone to be harassing the shit out of her when she is already grieving. cmon dude. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I\u2019ve interacted with for yrs. I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa. Never thought about blocking them. I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This can ONLY help the Conservatives unify! \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump I just voted!! Media not corrupt. The White House and it's occupants are! #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't believe tomorrow is our last day in new york :( #freedomtower #broadway","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This could sound like tinfoil hat conspiracy for many people I don\u2019t blame them. But this thought has cross my mind too. And considering the fact inteligence agencies are storing emails & diverse communications of US citizens without a warrant it makes you think. I doubt a run of the mill nobody has anything to be concerned about. Unless he becomes a somebody","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Current debate score:Johnson 2Pawlenty 0#mngov ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes, things need to be done with calm controlled minds, so irreparable mistakes won't be made. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OK !! TO REPUBLICANS....THIS IS THE ULTIMATE TEST FOR YOU BECAUSE IF YOU LOOSE THIS TIME , 2018 MIDDLE TERM ELECTION YOU REPUBLICANS CAN SAY GOOD BYE SUPPORT FROM US \"WE THE PEOPLE\" ,YOU WILL NEVER SEE OUR ASS VOTING FOR YOU, EVER , YOU WILL BE HISTORY and WILL DIE IN DISGRACE...AMEN.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't call Batman anymore. Adam West is dead R.I.P. From now on all calls will be forwarded to 1-800 TRUMP. \u00a0No worries lads keep calm, the legacy continues in spirit and in action! Pow! Kick! Chop! Batman lives on!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER WHAT numbers do YOU use? Where do YOUR numbers come from? WHY did you ignore the current THEFT from Medicare? Is your ignoring the cost ignorance or deceit? MAKE Liberals pay for #WelfareForAll! #Iatrogenesis","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Get up and walk the dog you little cunt before I ground you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a perfect day to take my fitness outside. wild #mountainlaurel everywhere. #trailrunning \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MaxineWaters:\u00a0#Trump \u2018Has Displayed the Most Despicable Behavior That Any Human Being Could Do\u2019 #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck you then bitch @user Cheap ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was raised in a Democratic household as a child.\u00a0 We didn't have guns and were pretty much defenseless.\u00a0 I didn't have an opinion then.\u00a0 When I got older, I had someone break into my house while my wife, children and I were out visiting family for the holidays.\u00a0 I own a gun now and I immediately taught my kids to respect the gun while I taught them to use it.\u00a0 I feel safer.\u00a0 End of story.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So then why was it cool for all the other candidates to discuss issues with Russia over multiple decades?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope the fuck not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shut your faggot ass up before i beat you with your own child as i swing em by his foot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Halloween. Scare the stupid out of the Communist and Socialist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Photo: anarcho-queer: “Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for... http:\/\/t.co\/Iy6Gro4t8Z","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@tsmith4569 Sorry I missed that, you mean where I live is disgusting or that that muzzies in the UK r disgusting, or both? Have a great Sun.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dont worry @user you are and will always be the most hysterical woman. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People asked what I\u2019d be doing instead of watching the Royal Wedding: I was getting my hair cut (truth) AND I couldn\u2019t give a cunt about what lizard Harry Hewitt wants to marry (fact).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do the people over there understand the terminology \"rebel\"? I don't get why they don't stop these animals. I don't get it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Giving You A Sneak Peak Of Her Hot Little Cunt Hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@billyeichner Since @TomCruise will be a hoser... hi.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes you are very wrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is mocking self-professed populists who claim to speak for the people\" when those who stand up for \"norms\" and \"rights\" are labelled latte drinking elitists\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MarkDice Yep, that\u2019s why Court Packing Pelosi told people to come down to China Town & went on holiday and got her hair dyed... f*ck the workers, this is about Trump. She\u2019ll pretend it\u2019s for workers in the long term, but she\u2019s been there decades and done nothing so it\u2019s just a lie...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Tbh these days i just don't like people in general i just don't connect with people these days just a annoyance.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you Secretary Pompeo for all your hard work! You sir are a true patriot! God bless America! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user don't even get me started on spandex! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" first mammal species goes extinct due to climate change via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 3) this appointment has been commonly know for 6 months minimum .But now when the left has nothing else to throw at him she suddenly speaks up. 4) This individual is a antifa supporting liberal collage professor . Continued... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user whoaaa that's amazing i wanna see her now \ud83d\ude1d also you are a kinky lil slut but ily ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stupid SKANK...... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Please watch the story of Welles Crowther. He is a hero. You are simply an asshole. Be ashamed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Police your own first right? You see it as unfortunate he is saying these things in public but others see it even more unfortunate that she says the things she says in public. She is an extremely public figure and he is using a similar platform. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user the USA is NOT a democracy. The USA is a constitutional republic! Take a civics class! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Democrats do not care ...they are out to destroy ..does not matter just so they are Republicans & Conservatives \u2049\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user radicalism shouldn't be countered with . terrorists see us as inhumans, but we \"the free\" can't judge by color,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hundreds of Syrian refugees started crossing the border from Lebanon on Saturday. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BITCH YO DIRTY ASS SEE ME CALLIN YOU HOE FUCK U IM OTW TO YO GRANNY HOUSE LIKE RN ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol--HOLY SHIT I never thought of that. Gotta admit, their tactics are fucking genius. But they have had 1000s of years to polish them. Like cigarettes--HAS SUGAR IN IT making it very difficult to quit. Especially chewing tobacco.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cringemuch .When women get panicked&start getting hysterical when having a standard delivery. Everyone knows save energy,focus&push. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DaMcGrizzlyBear: the ghetto if UD wins tonight: http:\/\/t.co\/PkZmkn2WKo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user really And then\"\" WHERE in the WORLD does Antifa fit into wacked out Birdlandia? And boy oh boy Birdsize also apparently believes the notion that there are people who actually \"\"deny climate\"\" I kid you not! I think Rod Serling's coming to escort Birdbrain back to 'the zone'\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"london planning \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u008e\u00e2\u009a\u0093\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be @user @user @user @user #london2016 #londonunderground #girlsday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Something the government may like to remember when its packing the migrants in, dolling out the child allowance to families without work with 14 or more children, and as its struggling to balance the NHS books although treating most of the world free of charge. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shyintruder - na: #slut #hot #xxx #shy #kinky #horny #snapshot #young #nude #wet #sexy #porn #nasty #naughty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Comrade Stalin is alive and kicking!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think his cowardice is showing again. #QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user some people want to sound woke and outraged sooo bad w no idea what they are talking about just repeating tweets and popu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Climate change is a myth. Gun control is unconstitutional. Gestapo?\" What a stupid thing to say. They are upholding laws that have been on the books since 1996. Dumbasses\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I see you support gun control \ud83d\ude00","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford opens door to testifying next week Looking forward to the book #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #TermLimits #DitchMitch #PeelPelosi \u2066@USER ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Both sides have promised wall SINCE ever y should ANYONE BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY????? ?promised since 1986","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Booker acts like a hysterical woman. There's no inuendo of homosexuality. A dog whistle can't be completely imaginary. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you gotta break check a little teenage bitch at 7am, already. Learn to drive hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who pulled his chain?? #stoptalking you sob! #auspol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" and destructive socialists #maddow @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your friend moves away to be with someone... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"amazing views through the forest. this is germany. #discoveringgermany #enjoyingthelife \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#internationalyogaday is tuesday. here is a link to great information. #unitednations ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I LOVE YO CUTE ASS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user wow @user you are so cute ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Calling them #IllegalAliens is heartless. Therfore, I won't call them #IllegalAliens. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I mean, the logic\"\" behind their claim means that in the 90's the Liberals felt it was OK for a man to abuse women... that's essentially what they are saying... and that the Conservatives were in the right... right?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user do you know what flanking and muscle flashing is with an AR15?; educate yourself and close that c\u2022\u20ack hol~+\u20acr...you don't know why u r talking about\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday aly. you are amazing and i am proud of you. love daddy via ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That solved the problem in Chicago alright!! I wish these \u201cleaders\u201d would think up something different to get attention. Gun control is getting old. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 2A and putting an end to these Antifa fuckwits. Pardon the language ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I have been thinking about it and it's not inconceivable that someone was trying to meddle with people's minds regarding gun control. I am double-minded about the use of arms because I am a peacemaker. Shoot once and you could start a big war. >2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kanye and jay z i think have flirted with republicanism for quite some time. they're rich enough that they're more concerned with the government taking their gibs from the kike entertainment complex than with getting gibs from the government.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope the Brit's take a stand before it's too late. They are loosing their culture, customs, religion, and freedom little by little.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sexy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me personally I would've dragged that girl down the stairs lol but she was getting it..beat that fat hoe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslim Accused of Rape Said \u2018Allah\u2019s Going to Get You\u2019: A Muslim man accused of raping a woman also allegedly told\u2026\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh snap I'm just realizing this skinny tranny is Jared Leto. He's Wo unrecognizable with all that weight loss. Geez!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yup. he's our former pm, and about 20% of the nation think he's the bee's knees. \"it's in the dictionary, so it's ok\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Those aren\u2019t conservatives those are whackos. The religious zealots that isn\u2019t the Republican Party and we denounce them. Do you denounce antifa? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"been round sister today played cod zombies and saw little leo #sisterbaby #cute #likeforlike #iloveyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Education time: Our island is not where Zuckerberg or that Hawaiian judge live. The whole island is not being evacuated, only the immediate area, which is very poor.\u00a0 Homes are cheap there due to limited home insurance; everybody knows it was a risk.\u00a0 Evacuations are relatively common depending on where the lava is currently flowing. 1\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So #Eminem admitted to using Grindr... turns out The Interview was actually a documentary. https:\/\/www.standard.co.uk\/showbiz\/celebrity-news\/...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Youre deffo gone. You called someone a dumb whore cunt the other day ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes so obtuse every other country in the fucking world has one. Herp derp. We help fund border walls for other countries then deal with race shaming bullshit from dick lickers like you when we want to protect ourselve ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SlutWhoreBitch Cunt Coulter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"exactly but people don't get it\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not fun @DPD_UK when you have braxton hicks and cramps regularly from moving around. You try it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#pugchat Just wanted to let you know I may not be able to see my pugchat buddies tonight. Grandma is working late plus she is going by the bakery to order the cake for my mom\u2019s birthday this weekend. \ud83d\ude42 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning....it's a rainy day but the sun always shines in my hea #coffee #rainyday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yea sounds legit (I would not put it past them) but the mass \"shootings\" are all fake. Name one I'll try to show you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Incredible. This just keeps getting worse and worse.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Liberals are so sensitive that they\u2019ll believe the okay sign is racist \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prayer and fasting and staying in a state of grace can relieve demonic influence. Possessions are much more difficult. An exorcist has the power to deliver victims, but sadly, faith is so low in Church echelons today that there are far fewer exorcists, and a proliferation of demonic activity, and priests are reporting the exorcisms are taking longer. It's a perfect storm. Fr. Amorth (RIP)...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why isn\u2019t she is custody? I understand she cannot be in general population but she should be in custody and in some sort of holding cell.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tia Blue a Baltimore City DSS administrator is a whore and a bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Uh oh! Another one will get Arkancided..poor bitch!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @underdogdynasty: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We need a marijuana lobby that can bribe the GOP like big pharma does. Otherwise, you're screwed. Just because it's good for America, that means nothing... see gun control\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've got your big OT right here, faggot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mundane Matt is fighting with Razorfist on Twitter. I'm sure that's going to go real well for Matt. https:\/\/twitter.com\/mundanematt\/status\/1053823275145383936","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER real goal: To make everyone in Wisconsin as dumb as he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Y\u2019all some bitches lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you're a jerk. Attacking julie for standing by her husband. You're just like all the other liberals want to ruin peoples lives. How about you not bash people until he is found guilty... bet your client just wants MONEY!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" friday! we\u00e2\u0080\u0099ll just say +1 to the picture below :-) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not a word on Jihadi stream about the Kurdish female suicide bomber in Kobane. That story undermines their mythology on several levels.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"`These Offend Me =atheists,abominations,queers, satanism, pedophilism,lgbt,porn,communism,socialism izlamoeslem terrorism nwoglobalism fascist ism antifaism blmism,secularism corrupt demonicratism,illegals all related filthy problems if u dont believe in GOD, u have NO morals-Law sense ALL the Same","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#StaffPick: 'A human rights crisis': US accused of failing to protect citizens from gun violence URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're trying to figure out if you have enough space on your phone to make a new sex tape ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you get home from the bar and realize you have no alcohol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER was first Trustee to join @user @user to lead the charge since 2015 to divest from fossil fuels. She is a true accomplished progressive who actually gets results. Vote Letitia James for NY AG tomorrow Democratic primary Sept 13th ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yall females be complaining about rape and sexual harrassment, bitch men get sexually harrassed too \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER END of Story. Where is the lying Liberals Witness \ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches that wear chokers that aren't complete whores is why I hate you bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So y'all are gonna fight against gun control but y'all laughing at this guy literally pulling out a gun and shooting it? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER They both want you to believe in yourself and to do your own research to discover the truth. They want people to see 100% of the big picture (not just the 50% found on #FakeNews that leads people into their echo chambers). #Censorship of #Conservatives is a bad idea! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER War on free speech. Antifa and high tech.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is NOT QUALIFIED.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Great book by Leo Zagami, Pope Francis, the Last Pope?\" details the breathtaking corruption and evil forces that have been controlling the Vatican for decades.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or, if rule of law doesn't matter: we could just let them all out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dementia is a tough disease to hide. The only way to disguise it, is to stay put and not let anyone see you. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user '#Sweden' HAS 'FINALLY WOKEN UP'! BUT 'MANY PEOPLE' ARE SAYING THAT IT IS 'TOO LATE' UNLESS 'VERY DRASTIC MEASURES' ARE TAKEN 'IMMEDIATELY' TO '#MAKESWEDENGREATAGAIN'! #SwedenElection #SwedenElections #SwedenDemocrats #SwedishDemocrats #svepol #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Want to learn more about \"Q\"anon....some great resources below. Enjoy the show. Qanon.pub - collection of Q posts www.neonrevolt.com - fantastic source of information - breaks down the Q posts along with anon posts from boards to help the average person understand what's happening. Youtube:. Praying Medic, X22 Report, Deception Bytes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #gbp\/usd losing the grip near 1.4440 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay you know what you Chabby fans can't bitch that Gabi is over everyday when that whore Abigail has been on for 10 days straight #Days ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump \ud83d\udd95you. You endangered hundreds of people. Infected your staff and get great health care while trying to take others\u2019 away. I trust karma will steer this situation appropriately. #BidenHarris2020 #RoseGardenMassacre","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #patriotwatch: 3.42 nooltham 2 #eltham #refugees #auspol #asylumseekers #rwnj #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Disgusting White Supremacist Whore. Drown in Semen bitch.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I SWEAR I hear about kapernick more on gab then anywhere else!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She left her cake out in the rain, and will never have the recipe again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Homeland Security in USA knows that refugees of all countries into the USA is a highrisk for the USA and shoud be stopped quick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Crazy freaking liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Understanding the California Mind - American Greatness #StopTheInvasion #UncheckedProgressivism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it started with this: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uOrPv5Vy-1c\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 X22Report\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 The Show Has Just Begun, Welcome To The Swamp.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are an inspiration to us all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the cognizant blogger! thanks to @user @user @user #fostercare ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The liberals won\u2019t investigate because they know there\u2019s nothing there. They\u2019d rather have someone else do it so when nothing is found the liberals can blame them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you dumb cunt you trick 12 and 30 year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch. kys honest\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A whole meta joke here would be my original tweet fuckin up the calculations. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39@LaurenJauregui BITCH I TWEETED YOU SO MANY TIMES STOP BEING A HOE , I LOVE YOU LMAO ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Honestly a very intriguing new vein of music I just found. Rammstein piano cover music. Mein Herz Brennt has a rather 'dark winter night lost in thought' feel to it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shoutout to me for being fucking AWESOME ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love my boys \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d fathersday mom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 'an unappetizing scam' :-) | women, we need to throw off the shackles of #salad | #food #foodie |\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Here is the problem with the left....they can\u2019t have an intelligent debate on an issue. Want to prove a point? Have Norm on and question him about his comments and have points to counter his comments. Instead the left just silenced him. Shows their lack of intellegence. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user @user yes lab owes greens 1000 favours ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"an #person tends to anticipate other events that might cause them #anger.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user still can't believe what happened in pulse night club. i spent years going there when i was long haul crew. #rip #orlandos\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" youth day south africa ... @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user For the hol tl to see\ud83d\ude2d. That\u2019s tht Big Dick energy \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's another tip loudmouth, \"Hands up don't shoot\" was a lie, just like \"systemic racism\" is in the US in 2018. Take your unsolicited advice and stick where the sun don't shine.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is a pretty serious accusation by a Russian official. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should we stop pointing out all criminals and thieves or more special rules just for jews?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i got the job.!!!! time to put in my two weeks ^-^)\/ #newsta","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why does Kavanaugh have the same woman with #restingbitchface sitting behind him every day? I don't think she is helping his case. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.landwatch.com\/Metcalfe-County-Kentucky-Land-for-sale\/pid\/331323424 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Greece begins mass deportation of Muslim immigrants - Turns their boats back to Turkey - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why cause you are unwilling to look at the science? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #chile expected to remain \u00e2\u0080\u0098on hold\u00e2\u0080\u0099 this week, colombian data eyed \u00e2\u0080\u0093 bbh #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And women pussy hole ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wow sept 1 me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the place that haunts my dreams. It fills me like darkness fills a room. More at @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ok....srsly....when people don't know what they're talking about, they shouldn't be talking about.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have the same gamers, in this study, given up playing games? Or have they reduce their gaming activity after moving away from WoW?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lol another illegal Antifa girl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m a sick fuck I like to quick fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ohhhhhh I cried BIG crocodile tears the first time my daddy called me a bitch\ud83d\ude02 took it on the chin like a champ but ran to my room to cry just like a bitch\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In New Orleans, .pPresenting results on immigrants and civic engagement project @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think the little nose goblin should go stand with Israel...in Israel. Make Alliyah, you little genetic horror.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have you put in your #vote yet? if you havent, do it and #share so we can see what makes #you #smile. #poll ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Filth @user #Nodaca #Deporthemall going to go turn on the phone now that you have to babysit that stupid gang behavior and idiotic graffiti. #Berkeley #CAdeservesbetter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Irony is that most murders are done by illegal gun users who are gang members . This predominantly only affects Latino and black families. The problem is not gun control the problem is judges who let violent gun offenders back on Street after shooting someone.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why are olives always so hard to open \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #yummers #olives #tasty #healthier #love #them \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gl on the potential next game. You guys got yourself in a hole. All we can do is support. The rest is up to you guys. Hope is not lost. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the B-52s - Love Cock","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is seething!! You can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice!! Obama was a failed president in every sense of the word! #MAGA #KAG \ud83d\ude82\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's already happening in America. Where you been?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"got my #mambaday #kobexi #id #blackmamba #kobebryant #la #lakers #new #kicks #mambaout ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There's an entire faction dedicated to the idea that school shootings are all faked to try to get gun control laws passed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No I don't just want to be friends. Why do you think I'm talking to you in the first place #StupidWomen #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes, American women are waiting......to be allowed to continue SLAUGHTERING babies. Mao, Stalin and Hitler all killed babies too. Liberals are pathetic, whiney, crooked, yet, say, we are for the children\"\", except they slaughter babies!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" friendly young #woman waving ... - #beautiful #brunette #danieldash #female ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Which some fantasy gun ban you\u2019re rolling over in your mind would prevent? Gun Control Is Evil Misspelled URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cause she ain't got no solid proof I'm convinced any girl that tries to file a rape case on a celebrity its for money ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".She is dirty like Trump...She stole Ted Cruz campaign voters list and gave it to Trump URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ezra is a cockroach who needs to have light shone on.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My hobbies include teaching hard lessons \u263a\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user & this statement by Jewish Antifa Berlin is so on point <3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It is interesting that you are more aware of the political system than @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is probably trapped in his mind palace. E-Every android model has one.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm just as bitter as the day it happened. FUCK YOU! #GoDie #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chances @user got @user \u2018s Mario Cart penis confused with one of the few thousand she\u2019s had since then. Can you remember what a specific slice of pizza \ud83c\udf55 you at 15 years ago looks like? Dems like ancient memory based accusations #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally got new pandora charms for my bracelet \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.podcastone.com\/episode\/LI-Podcast-020118 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Welcome. You'll like it here. This place is FANTASTIC.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#quite for this #movie @user @user @user @user @user #bestofluck #udtapunjabtoflytomorrow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now they can get outta the ghetto without being in the NiggerBall Association and after Jamal gets shot in the neck for being a gudboi","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s not a right mind. If it were they wouldn\u2019t be conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that moment when you think you are in a row by yourself on the plane but then an encroacher sits beside you #fml \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The rest of us are giddy..\ud83e\udd17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are a Communist state controlled newspaper. Very much like #ANTIFA would love to see. And your country executes people who dissent with your support. Enough said. Get off my twitter stream","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Says the fat Antifa member ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never http:\/\/www.dearcitizen.eu\/poll","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hiya sexy p s bolna xxx ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cologne - keep going stupids, keep commenting - already \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 30,- donations for #refugeeswelcome sucks\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A woman reinforces the trope of women as hysterical while calling sexual assault allegations witch hunts (wrong all\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!!!!! THE UGLY FACE OF LIBERALS! I FEEL SORRY FOR THE INNOCENT HONEST ONES THAT ARE JUST BRAINWASHED!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chillin with the babies and my cat daddy #trinidad #family #tropical #milfswag #sun #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER of coarse he is alex and many other nation leaders are as we;ll lapdpgs URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a dope. A delusional libtard. Ask the Govoner of Puerto Rico about the fantastic response by our President @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go out like Seinfeld and cancel the series while it's hot! Jk don't you fucking dare. This better have a 50 issue plan. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"todays donkey #zionazi is proud of murdering real palestinian semitic children - thats what i call\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kids \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0089 #dajump #rehearsal #show #noise #screaming #ieper #ypres #belgie #belgium #dance\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i feel sick. just learnt of jo cox's passing at the hands of a violent man with a gun. she died helping people. prayers to her family. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"regram @user it's the #weekend! i'm such a #girl! i got lots of sleep, hung out with\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Tired , frightened , exhausted , victims , jeered at these are some of the young and woman who helped migrants now victims ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER was on \ud83d\udd25 a brutal match after long time Jeff lost was unexpected. Hope he is fine after the fall\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude31 #wwe #HIAC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If anything, wouldn't that be a State Law? He's running for Federal Office. @user thinks Texans are morons...about this and illegally claiming to be a government office and sending out summons\"\" for money. #maga #Texans\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There is only oneway for illigal refugees - go home quick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I\u2019m really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit. Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TheresaMay we need a #PeoplesVote @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Still better than Spanish it's so fucking boring and the teacher grades us based on how sexually active we are \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"16 illegal aliens arrested - all were previously arrested or convicted of a variety of offenses including aggravated criminal sexual contact, aggravated assault, DUI, battery, theft, burglary, possession of a weapon, and forgery: #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear Heavenly Father, Would you please heal my husband? That's all I want for Christmas. Sincerely, Stephanie.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Look at how shamelessly liberals lie to destroy a man's life...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some things wrong with the poster 1. She would be beaten for wearing make up 2. She would be beaten for showing her hair 3. She would be beaten for allowing here photo\/image to be used 4. She would be beaten for being out in public alone 5. She would be killed for wearing the US flag","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my very pretty staer \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #vegan #diet #food #flowers #motivation #health #healthy #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Crazy warminister von der Leyen thinks that weapons will bring peace in Mali or Niger and less refugees. Never weapons will bring peace. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Who cares! He is a sick head! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hitler wass a fag michael","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"but the holocaust is a lie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I am Canadian .. Live in the us and am ex \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 special forces. I've handled everything from a bb gun to 155 mm howitzer (\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01) and tow missles and anti tank weapons. the US (lack of) gun control is by far the fucking stupidest part of this country! Too many morons with guns ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user And your President respects all of that. You liberals do not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not the best quality picture, but I did finish this one. We had rain, and I couldn\u2019t take it outside to get natural lighting on it. Sold shortly after I posted it.\u00a0 \u201cThe Dead Bee Queen\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#highhopesstamps #retirement by donna using #butterfly guy t078 #stamping #cardmaking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why is anyone protecting these savages http:\/\/thereligionofpeace.com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Indeed he is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"school just ended ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it's just & my opinion \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Police without guns is a joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ironic (or worse) that anti- 2nd Amendment legislators want an activist judiciary to verify gun control but same law makers are anti #COS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And here's Part 2: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=xRJ91lVQyRA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NickCole and @JasonAnspach are about to release #4 in their Galaxy's Edge series. I haven't read a series of books that are so thoroughly enjoyable and hard to put down in I-don't-know-how-long. Written with heart and soul that is in short supply these days in SF novels. https:\/\/goo.gl\/6i2p2D","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Then resign. You have done NOTHING to check El Presidente. You are part of the swamp and hold NO Nebraska values! RESIGN","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: bbc neutrality on right wing fascism #politics #media #blm #brexit #trump #leadership >4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MNYves: He's an idiot. RT @M00n_baby: miserable trash excuse for a man http:\/\/t.co\/jtL7Uis2YM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/VDXunWa56jc Q Anon 17 Months Plan, Friday ETA, Strzok Security Clearance Removed, Peter Fonda Visited By Secret Service, More PLANTS, Iran To Exit Nuke Deal, New Spain Govt Fails #QAnon #PeterStrzokClearanceRemoved #UnredactedIGReport #IranToExitNuclearDeal\u00a0 #ExecutiveOrderToSeizePropertyOfSeriousHumanRightsAbusers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Best rider? That goes to a blaxican.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"s\/Islam\/Judism\/ig fixed that for ya... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil muslims aren\u00e2\u0080\u0099t the only ones being displaced by uncle sam \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user because we have been #shuckinandjivin for the #democraticpay that only want our vote!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alabama: Illegals Force 13-Year-Old Girl to Watch Murder of her Grandmother, Then Behead Girl#IllegalAliens #Alabama #Animals #KAG#RollTide #WalkAway #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Trump #Trump2020 #QResearch #PatriotsFight #RedPill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm about to cunt punt a Mexican bitch \ud83d\ude05 \ud83c\udfc8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes. And the Soros funded Legacy MSM is funding both sides to travel the nation and fight each other, in a sad attempt to turn us into Syria (Ratings Gold). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user poster for new stage show of midsummer night's dream on @user sept, which i'm directing. #steampunk htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Pernicious insulting myths: women as hysterical snowflakes who think everything is harassment; men as un\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People that ask you why you unfollowed them are the worst kind of people... Bitch, cause fuck you, that's why ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sheer waste of two hours watching this. too much noise over crap! #udthapunjab ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the problem is that there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no space for alternative explanations. #emiratis #201\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idiotic censorship drive by #France President fails to understand that he's empowering Jihadis by censoring the internet wholesale #fail","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user man that sucks unreal ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".\u2066@USER is pledging more than $1 million to support nonprofits and youth activists working to end gun violence. They\u2019re also partnering with Michael Bloomberg to help create a coalition of business leaders who support gun control measures. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You buggin Bitch , I get a free friend discount hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jewish Doctor Reisman and Nurse Goldstein Induce Lactation In Transgender, Breastfeeds Baby Using Deadly Banned Drug http:\/\/camelotdaily.com\/jewish-doctors-reisman-goldstein-induce-lactation-transgender-breastfeeds-baby-using-deadly-banned-drug\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany fell to Hitler b\/c too many people sat by early on. It then got out of control. It was too late.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]If this doesn't feel out of control, I don't know what would.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Stand up! Step up! Vote! Vote! Vote! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ah yes the eternal slut. The death of nations","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"I found a new way to chug you have to open your mouth alot\" #shitallysays","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2) In a weird way the debate about Section 33 reminds me of the gun control debate in the US. They have laws that allow people to own guns designed to kill people yet are shocked when guns are used to kill people. We assumed they would restrain themselves.\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alyssa Milano, a brainless whore l, isn't empower women in any way. Women in science mathematics engineering and medicine are actually . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Businesses Should Move out of #California #Democrats Put Criminal Illegals Before U.S Citizens to a State that Enforces All #Immigration Laws and puts #AmericansFirst #Trump #MAGA #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I say help them. They want to get to the next country. I say we are even more altruistic and help them to the next world! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you Charlie #FF @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @PattiSM74 @RevkahJC @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - we'll each 1 day follow on ur footsteps but we don't know when & how. life will go on without @ of us. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Clearly Trump has cards to play. If the Democrats drag their feet, Trump can just use powers he already has, round them up and dump them in Mexico.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is the size of a stadium ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user STOP trying to convince people @user is extremely unpopular. Unfortunately he isn't and it takes away all urgency for liberals to vote in November. This #BlueWave nonsense will NOT happen if people are comfortable it will happen whether they vote or not. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Beth Blostein's work Ebenezer United Methodist Church is a religious and community campus for an immigrant congregation, primarily from Western Africa, who want worship and other spaces that match the dynamics of their culture. #KnowltonFacultyFeature ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2\/ When Trump suggested they should \u201cliberate Michigan\u201d it wasn\u2019t a dog whistle to a group of criminals to kidnap her & try her for treason or anything like that right? Given that treason in this country is punishable by death, such groups as these are a grave danger to all of us","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You know good and goddamn well that if you tried to explain all the gun control on a military base is proof that gun grabbing laws won't do shit if you look at Fort Hood. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rachaelkbrown @BillyButlerKC @Oreo unexplainable!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Demon-craps just can't get over the fact that they are not in charge....They're delusional to think something that will effect the country in such a profound way will just be bargained away....American's have Dreams that come first over Illegals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bengals v. Some sorry team looking for a butt whoopin\u2019","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i decided to become a #feminist beginning 1\/1\/17. if any feminists are reading plz help to find educational materials.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if i were to die and be resurrected as an animal id be a howler monkey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some say there are big pussies in Montana.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just lose to every tom jeff and jerry because some dumb shit happens and I lose full ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are CLEARLY teetering on the edge of fascism. His presidency has been worse than anybody could have imagined, and the people who have worked for him have said a 2nd term would be even worse. Our system is broken, but allowing an autocrat would be worse.[NEWLINE]#Vote #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/rkEBnXHbI1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There was a 2014 remake?\u00a0https:\/\/boingboing.net\/2018\/07\/11\/nei.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are turd \ud83d\udc9e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope she gets sodomised by a gang of Somali Street shitters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I Love My Wolf Blanket, The Blanket Is So Comfortable, The Soft Feel, I Think I Fall Asleep So Most Easier & Glad Of No Disturbances At Night When We Reach Middle Age, I Am Probably Over The Hump Any How! :-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER WOW! That lie'n bitch is at it again. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Maybe he is trying to throw hints at Kaycee now to ease the blow if\/when he picks Angela over Kaycee. Or he is just being reckless idk. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lol I shit you not... this was it for most of that year... I literally do not have the patience to sit and play game na ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We can't have a woman in the White House. What if she starts PMSing and drops bombs everywhere?\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"12 carat #hydrothermal #alexandrite \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 we're to see this made into a beautiful piece! #jewelry #colorado ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brave man, too. Heroic, in these dangerous times.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"11inchlatcock - giving or receiving oral sex while im driving - th ...: #young #nude #slut #hot #naugh... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Greek police arrest 8 suspected of killing Pakistani migrant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The British public generally go to work then go home and many of them watch soaps on the TV, we are easily manipulated. We are a tolerant race and never objected to immigration, however many immigrants are not so tolerant, there is only one god and it's not ours. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why can't I reply?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are that mean ass cousin we all hate lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beyond excited to see tim allen tonight! he's one of my fav comedians\/actors #sostoked \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And you\u2019re a bitter lesbian basement dweller whom no man in his right mind would touch with a ten foot pole, who spends too much time talking with her own skanky orifice.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i fully cant remember hes just always gettimg himself into shit like he never stops causing government based chaos i wish he would calm down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wtf is this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People who don't put their blinkers on seriously just need to crash into a pole or something 😤 #moveoutmyway#bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the statement was so immediate why did the GOP have a letter with 65 signatures. Think they collected that in a day? #maga URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can almost hear leftist heads exploding \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If people aren\u2019t willing to engage in even a little basic clicking of buttons to support free speech, we have fallen further than I thought.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nowadays being nice means you're weak #truth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm hardly going to complain ;) I really do appreciate it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's a big crybaby because he didn't get his way for the 2016 election","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most people watch drama shows on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what will happen. Not me. I watch these primitive technology youtube channels and wait to see what they're building.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Geez, should have expect the unexpected. I just happen to forget to foresee what a mouth of skank you have. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Dunning\u2013Kruger effect explains a lot. \"The Dunning\u2013Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. ... Their research also suggests corollaries: high-ability individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others.\" https:\/\/infogalactic.com\/info\/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love this little girl more then anything \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #starbucks #vanillabeanfrap #cakepop \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch you the one that said you wanted to play ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"goodbye 2016.... i definitely hope we leave behind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be passionate~be happy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 don't let anyone stop you from doing the things you love \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER god I don\u2019t know how Your didn\u2019t punch Carole at the reunion. She is a smug asshole. I know you are dealing with a lot. I hope you are well.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ohmyev: it's crazy. if a female cheats, it's so wrong. she's every type of hoe there is but if a guy cheats, there's all these justific…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user she said her supporting gun control is more legitimate because \u201cshe has more life experience with it\u201d (she knew people who deservedly got shot by Dorner) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she is hungery ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we need more #funny today. #laughs go a long way. #energy someone #tweet something lol-able. happy almost there day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Big Red and fat squaw ...lol my hubby is so funny!! #insidejoke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@HermosaAlma: This isn't ghetto.....it's smart https:\/\/t.co\/MPAzQ3Jswf\" I'm doing this idc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No idea who he is. Sorry","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil like all religion, islam is a strong unifying force. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is going to be Voted out in November! Their Hateful Party is toast!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#engrus playing good football but no end product. still so far","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER real shit URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Thought I'd got away with it \ud83d\udc40 I fancy us...sorry you today. Anything but a win for that cunt Mourinho will do for me. #jurgenaut #COYR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dictate what? We aren't the world's police anymore, remember. they don't want us. So f em. We are the world's leading exporter of energy now. We have enough to be self sufficient for 500 years. The ass backwards muzzies in that middle east can go pound their sand.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God help us if that happens","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Alien-ilegal! See?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in 2 weeks ill be moving in with megan in edmonton and there maybe a chance i am staying for good \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 100 amazing health benefits of cucumbers! #healthy is !! #doplants! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#VoteHimOut[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020[NEWLINE]#VoteBiden[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Nearly 2,000 DOJ Alumni Sign Letter with Dire Warning: Bill Barr Is Working to Rig 2020 Election for Trump https:\/\/t.co\/lA63mGJg6F","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Are you still blaming the Black Man for everything? Americans remember.. Antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All of these XXXTentacion fans saying 'RIP X' need to check themselves. This man was a monster.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good morning, I have news to break to the ' not all men ' folks. I am sorry to disappoint you but men( including your MCM) are trash ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Health problems sparked by RELATED parents the cause of one in five baby deaths in London borough https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/3578913\/health-problems-sparked-by-parents-being-related-is-the-cause-of-one-in-five-baby-deaths-in-east-london-borough-shock-report-reveals\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Japanese immigration policy isn't just sensible.Its meant act in the long term interests of the Japanese and ensure that the Japanese remaining the overwhelming majority in their nation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Y\u2019all know how many times a woman has said she\u2019s been harassed or something of the sort and guys be like \u201cwell not all men.....\u201d .. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donald J. Trump: Federally replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People\u2019s Day - Sign the Petition! https:\/\/t.co\/3gq48Po3nz via @Change","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your so correct! Liberals r so easy to figure out! Make America great again Get rid of All liberal Woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Name them. Who are these conservatives\" who are driving this dump truck of yours, and when they were passionate about deficits. Name them. Who are they?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Senior Members of Foreign Affairs Committee of United States House of Representatives, Dana Rohrabacher & Judge Ted Poe , met with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi Iran opposition leader Feb 24 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 25th amendment ? Comey and Mulller with a half roll of duct tape should be sufficient ..... just get the sorry sonofabitch away .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I didn't buy the Bill Cosby story, that he had 'raped' anyone... sick fetish yeah, but i don't believe he actually 'raped' anyone. So I certainly don't buy into Stallone being guilty of a 'sex crime'. After all decades, you'd think someone else would have said something before now, but no. It's as you've said, NICE TIMING. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Who is fawning? And who are you to decide who is and who isn't reasonable? It is fully possible to be reasonable and still be wrong. I'm guessing you have never watched Daves show and are going by what you have heard from people you are fawning over. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get the fuck out of my way cucks! Hahaha that\u2019s my President! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Patrick ass??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fox\u2019s \u201chysterical female\u201d rears her head in this season\u2019s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power. #AHSCult ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You meant to say for yourself. Now is it time to talk about gun control? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil like all religions, islam is a strong unifying force. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"next saturday couldn't come enough because i am going to see @user in indy at bankerslife #maybefangirlin \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can\u2019t she appeal. ? This is all kinds of wrong . If I were ES@USER would beat the sh** out of her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I told her too. I said \"bri don't get in tweef with anyone because you're trash at it\" and then she goes and tweefs with like 6 freshman","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last day with her #farewell #goodbye","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user My experience is the gun control activists don't really want a conversation, they want capitulation. The way around that would be to open with proposals to expand gun rights in exchange for whatever is they're looking for. There can't really be a conversation\"\" without that\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When under siege over a BS stand... double down. #CultLogic #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #good #morning ! if you want to live a life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've been a big defender of Apple in the past because they do a\u00a0much better job with security \/ encryption than the rest of the industry... But this shit is beyond the pale. There's no sensationalism headline puffery here, this is exactly as bad as it looks. FUCK TIM COOK with a nail-studded bat... https:\/\/gizmodo.com\/paul-manafort-learns-that-encr...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SUCK CITY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Interestingly enough, Malians are often labeled \"economic migrants\" when trying to reach Europe and hardly receive asylum. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Democratic always use race to divide Americans. Conservatives done see color The Democrats only see color Discussing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7\/8 #Americans deserve to be angry. We need to marshal that thoughtful anger and put it to work to ensure that we do not have this political drunk driving our destiny for another four years. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VoteHimOut [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/yGRZwPiFLF","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cOnly in America do you get paid tens of millions of dollars to play football, disrespect our country and President, then parade in front of the media playing the victim.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"no happiness here\" by uiotifdh3634 #raining #animation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just watched you on #theprojecttv encore #boygeorge @user you are just so gorgeous, you were years ago and even more so now ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think Donald Trump is a disgusting disgraceful pig . Shame on him thinking that he did so much for Puerto Rico . He failed us . And he is a failure as a so called president . He did nothing but talk bad about Puerto Rican\u2019s he doesn\u2019t understand that PR is USA territory.JERKOFF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user We already established that in the war you are still living. Thats why it isnt happening again ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @StonerBoii2cold: “@TreVaughnLG: Moma said no pussy cats inside my dog house” that's what got bro nem locked inside the dog pound !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at @user for 'an audience with duane henry ' ....should be very insightful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We shouldn\u2019t be surprised. These same pigs worked with neonazis to unmask antifa protestors. And the local coverage by shit journos like @USER didn\u2019t cover that AT ALL. We had to rely on @USER for investigative coverage URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user happy father's day #yosoytupadre #felizdiadelpadre #fathersday #domingodeganarseguidores #sundaymorning #iqq ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user needs to fire @user & the dumb mfer that hired his #genocide promoting ass! don't hire their graduates!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bono can go away now the 90s are over you sick now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I know I for one \"dream\" about being able to get a boat live on it as I go down the rivers of our great nation. LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#share i never been thoughj experience & i never looked at caucasians any differently ~ watch this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How many immigrant kids were reunited with their parent today? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"North Korea launches missile, nearing Japanese waters: Reports http:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2017\/07\/03\/north-korea-launche... #News #BreakingNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b9@user so please stop go away & take ur ugly skank @user with u. #pussygrabber ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Look at his reaction at the 18 second mark. What a contemptuous clown he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes pray they don't turn there guns on us so the government can take ours. Bless our troops.They are fighting for our freedom....lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"***GETAWAY GRANDPA (SKIT)*** ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank fuck for that, you have actually done something productive with your life! #amused ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they arent migrants. they are invading and stealing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user happy birthday ya lil freak! I hope you get the spankings you deserve \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh yea...that's the kind of talk I like to hear....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dem wuz da wrong btuthaz nigga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We all know that the left is going to believe all those lies demo liberals rats are there to destroy President Trump \ud83d\udc4eNov is going to be red \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we are very much looking forward to heading to firenze for pitti uomo tomorrow! #pitti #pittiuomo #firenze #eyewear #fashion #ss17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump so shook! Get him Joe! Kamala must\u2019ve had a little chat with old Joe lol #PresidentialDebate2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER False \ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3 Americans Killed by Illegal Alien Drunk Driver #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you are so beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hmmm...they piss off the portion of the population that actually supported football and are shocked their numbers took a nose dive? Shocking! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now that i have signed contracts i have updated my li profile with details of my new role #newchallenges","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Hell, this stupid bitch @user said I wasn't even black, but a white person in blackface just because I said the NA isn't racist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The complacent are in every piece of TRASH on roads & highways. #BuildThatWall no longer complicit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope nationalism does win! I prefer several nation states to a one world govt! Dont see what that has to do with race...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this year was not well received because of the gregorian festival took place in the ramadan, so i don't feel like doing \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If we lose the \"clash of civilisations\" I will happily aid and abet the mudslime chucking faggots off rooftops \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER According the gore hurricane hazel in 1955 was Trumps fault and all the typhoons cyclones and hurricanes are all Trumps fault And Trump colluded with God to defeat Hillary. All true!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#EqualJustice requires that #Dems and conservatives be treated the same way under the law. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER ~ a friend of both myself and your father. So she is safe to talk to.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well he is a plagiarizing chronic lier... He's got that going for him.... \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude05[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/MjwiGXo7X5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER TICK TOCK SWAMP !! YOUR GOING TO JAIL VERY SOON !! #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If our government can use the term so can I. #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Long line of people accepting the Lord at CCC ~30 Praise God ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER At least we now know why she is called princess toadstool","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Hey you never walk alone\" \"You got the best of me\" \"Im the one I should love in this world\" \"Take my hand now you are the cause of my euphoria\" \"Im learning how to love myself\" And the list just keeps growing!!!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why put hundreds of students in one location to be easy targets in this modern day and age? Maybe the whole education model should be reexamined.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is the ANTIFA party & all of a sudden they expect us to believe they care about anyone besides themselves. Nope.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes, Joy @user ?.... You were about to say Six-and-a-half years?\"\" Because that's correct, you sociopath. You are \"\"stuck with this @user ,\"\" f o r t h e n e x t SIX-&-ONE-HALF-YEARS. #MAGA2KAG @user \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #WINNING\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The amazing Elon Musk bitcoin startup bitcoin trading software: https:\/\/www.piop.net\/elon-musk-bitcoin-trader-software\/ #elon_musk_bitcoin_startup","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #liberal swing set","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil stones and humans are different, but to gravity there\u00e2\u0080\u0099s no difference. #em\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a failure in every way possible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"unbelievable that #akrotiri and #knossos arguably the oldest european cities are not @user #worldheritage sites ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to everyone saying hyuna ruined edawn and pentagon needs to shut the fuck up. she didnt ruin it, yall who complained and sent hate to her did. because of yall sensitive and jealous asses this is what we, actual fans get. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I dont think there is ever going to be a wall, but #buildthatwall and Mexico will pay sure sounded great on the campaign trail. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This mf trump really said he not giving anyone no more money until the election is over \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i have been open about hvg #fibromyalgia & being a #survivor of years #childrape, more than one rapist. is still my chief complaint.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Under the sun' by Joseph Kleitsch \ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #art #impressionism #ColorfulArt #gardens #fineart #WomenInArt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is now full Oompa Loompa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"South Africa: white farmer appeals for international help after family member shot dead in terrorist attack by Bantu invaders ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Isn\u2019t he married? Where is his wife? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm \"a crazy bitch\" & \"a hoe\" but you were crying for me back a week ago?\ud83e\udd14\u203c\ufe0f crazy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are a DISGRACE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in my exam room \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #testing #tired #annoyed #why ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop tweeting about your boyfriend. No one gives a shit. And you're gonna break up in a month anyway #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Brigitte Gabriel has experienced a life that most would have nightmares from. She is sounding the alarm for Americans. Buy her book pay attention to what she is warning America about ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today is my bihday! 25 years!!!!!!!!!!!! #bihday #celebration #25yearsstrong #bihdaycake #goodlife #love #summer bihday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stop legitimizing by using \"alt-right\" & call them what they are: #neonazis! \"..from nazi doctrine, incl ultranationalism ...\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Liberals can\u2019t meme. They have no sense of humor or knowledge of meme-ing philosophy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Years ago a legal immigrant said that she was insulted anyone sneaking into this country would be protected & helped & wanted to know why she & others obeyed the laws and it cost them. Now the criminals R worshipped & heroes rebuked by the evil that is our #mainstream #enemy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Utrecht's cycling lessons for migrants: 'Riding a bike makes me feel more Dutch' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"world hails #fathersday with #father, @user still wonders y his dad left :'( hope @user keeping him feel u #shady #stan","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user for the demise of our \"typing tutor\" in 90s #yahoomessenger will miss u dude #chatbot #chat #technews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You realize how useless your argument is? If you drunk drive you get arrested. You're punished. If you kill someone while drunk driving that is murder. There are rules AND regulations AND safety precautions for both drinking AND owning and operating a vehicle. We need gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I dont know why everyone sees Hitler as some type of War Guru\u00a0 That stupid nigger lost and history repeats itself Trying to invade in winter with no proper equipment\u00a0 and I dont support Churchill or Roosevelt's communism we had to live with\u00a0 They were all fucking stupid\u00a0 \u00a0 Hey LARP against the left fine\u00a0 But when push comes to shove you aint doing shit. Remember that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/qthSeeGcWn8 Why am I only just now learning about this guy? We should've seen this shit years ago.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh my God I had no idea Destiny was the same girl from the People\u2019s Couch. I thought she was hysterical on that. #shahs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Also I see you are appalled at Doxing of Ford\u2019s address. Are you appalled at doxing of ICE agents by Antifa and advocating for their and their families physical assault ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just women empowering each other!!! #unstoppable #vision \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0089#mood \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008e\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091 #blessed \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck bfa im going back to rift ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The interview is a very important part of the hiring process. And selling yourself may not come naturally. Make sure you're fully prepared: URL ^TN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user he's a #zionist. what did anyone expect?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a #father is someone to look up to no matter how tall you have grown! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Experience Charlie. Married woman who loves hot phone sex with strangers. Can you get me off? - 27 http:\/\/t.co\/jtsIjBULVC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch, leave. You're insulting women right now. Guess what, you're not a real man by any means, so STFU, ugly bully \ud83d\ude20 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Conquered my fear and made my bucket list my bitch. #secondtimesacharm #trapeze #circus\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fully officially a slytherin on @user #hiphiphurray","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Andre cury earned 6 million from Neymar's transfer to PSG. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Let's see how many planes are turned around or crazy airport shut downs happen over next few days. Maybe a drinking game? @USER #WWG1WGA #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sigh. i just wish people would read more. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Turn them loose and see what happens to her city. People like her is what gives the Democrats a bad name. She is risking the entire population of Atlanta. Wonder how the citizens like it. We\u2019ll see at the ballot box","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user so sad!! ppl can be nuts! none of us know when someone like that might attack but we can't let them win and live in fear. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user They can\u2019t. His a sheep. Just follow along with fake news and put everyone who can think for themselves as KKK. Antifa wannabes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #poop, is pa of worldly life. praise #god for he has a #plan. #trust in him. have #faith. we pray 4 healing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's almost as idiotic as the antifa disarm them\"\" thing...\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you should take action against your filthy plantation location manager. what a disgraceful pos! #boycott","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Insane. It's almost as if George Soros paid David Duke to endorse Donald Trump.\u00a0 But who would ever think of something as clever as to smear a man with shit, then when the flies show up accuse the man of attracting the flies instead of the shit you smeared on him?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seven Texas mall robbery suspects are from Mexico, in the country illegally: #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love my family \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #family #latepost #love #grace #blessed #afterchurch #sunday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not a lover, I'm a fighter... But I'll still fuck you right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #fridayfunday on its way...are you ready guys?!\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #crazy #teen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"working on something \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is also still behind","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #Antifa loud mouth. #Democrat. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CAMPAIGN TO BRING PRESIDENT TRUMP TO GAB https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/f94ade31-9955-401d-b1ad-b43e17b635bf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MyA87wYpiCc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her- where'd you learn to eat pussy like that? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least @voxday has the courage to speak to @AndrewAnglin like an adult. @stefanmolyneux is apparently too much of a coward. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9_iq6oDEh60 #SpeakFreely #GabFam #FreeSpeech #Liberty #FirstAmendment #AltRight #AltMedia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I believe you are correct Chico the wise chihuahua!!\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user The stats from that are skewed. They considered \u201cschool shootings\u201d a wide range that most didn\u2019t even include a school. Just another fake stat to push gun control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I heard it's raining red pills on gab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even at like 97 years old #buffon is still the man ! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #euro2016 #forzaitalia \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lol, read the title and you already know whats coming... ...who support common sense solutions to reducing gun violence,\" How is gun violence different from other violence? What is a non-automatic firearm? What is common sense gun control? Is it like Chicago, NY,.. London?..\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I like ppl, generally easy going person. I work on it very hard at times. I try to understand others point of view. But personally I'm getting sick of seeing women (usually #libtards) put themselves in a man's face and talk all kinds of sht! Lady's please, don't act like a feminazi dyke. It's not safe. #justsayin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the leftist trash like to say the govts gonna steal land from Americans for the wall. I'm betting that every one of those farmers\/ranchers would gladly donate the 50 feet or so for the wall. to stop the bean bandits from killing them, their families, and neighbors","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user guys do me a favour & check out this #hot new track frm my friend @user so for this guy #talented ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Jaws V: When Jaws Jaws Back - Starring Kurt Chiselchest and Lorna Buxom Whud I win? It better not be one of them laser swords...Jess will b jealous. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just walked past this women and she goes 'Hello you cunt' I'm crying \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska US House seat (from @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sounds Great to Me when do WE start bussing them all in ? #GabFam\u00a0 #BritFam \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/www.pbs.org\/newshour\/world\/trudeau-canada-refugees-banned-u-s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate that wee boy wae the squinty eyes in the game of thrones. #Suchaprick #hopehegetskilled","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"True. The Shakers did contribute something useful. The SJWs not so much. Unless happier and more emotionally fulfilled cats are important to you. \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think today's Goal is to get what little trash out to the curb, there is not much. I want to re-arrange my Entertainment System in my Living Room and maybe sit in my Computer Chair and wiggle a shop vac hose around on the carpet, My Vacuum cleaner took a dump on me and takes a lot longer to clean the carpet now, it's such a pain! I have put a Vacuum Cleaner or Sweeper on My Wish List! I get my Living Room Straightened Up, I'll Be Happy! :-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"are you just takin' the piss now or ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user my gf used uber without forcing language preferences so you are reading my data and making #ux choices","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/adHdw3EdgA8\u00a0 You really MUST learn how vaccines and health care is to destroy us!! It is killing us. Yes, HEALTH CARE is killing us!! Hospitals kill the most people, by false diagnoses and medical errors, with unnecessary medical tests, and poisonous medications, containing harmful additives which cause more pain and illness as side effects. Your doctors are not trained to cure you, but to keep the treatment and operations continuing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why isn\u2019t the media reporting the \u201cSoros\u201d connection. I saw only you tweet yesterday in regard to the lawyer of the alleged victim? Conservatives need to follow the money!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tomorrow\u2019s the big day fam! Are you excited??! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"is that 49 or 50 less in the world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user of course, a person would have to be open to educating self about systemic \/how they can be .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We have the biggest balls of them all.... just saying.\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yoo our dogs should totally fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Guinness_RAS: @chelsea_elisa tell him that you chose (A) not to trash the environment while trying to save it like a hypocritical douc…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As an American who knows what that phrase means, I find that really funny!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user more americans hate him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This pope is pure satanic. God will strip him down to nothing and cast him to hells fire for his crimes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Been watching some Metallica videos and this one always gets me. There are moments when they are showing Hetfield and the look on his face looking out on the crowd, you can just see the thought 'Holy shit that's a lot of people'.\u00a0 The helicopter flying around gets me too.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=_W7wqQwa-TU&li...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Time to #BuildThatWall or shut the government down. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't know what you mean by independent media\" but I read MSM and they tell me that antifa are, in fact, the violent leftists who are causing all the problems at protests. What I see is right-wing media painting all Liberal protestors as the same as antifa.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I support ICE, thats why Ill be voting Republican come November. #BuildThatWall #VoterRed2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@funder @DecisionDeskHQ Well, we still have work to do helping our new President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Let\u2019s get to it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do niggers think locking up electronics and razor blades is racist too? I hope they all go back to Africa but don't make it because their boats sink and they all drown. \u00a0http:\/\/www.businessinsider.de\/walmart-responds-to-claims-that-it-locks-up-african-american-beauty-products-2018-1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why does the government allow behaviour? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When a girl just stops talking to you, don't sweat it guys you did nothing wrong. Girls are just stupid and don't ever know what they want. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While there is little hope that we\u2019ll ever know the full scope of the Ofraud administration\u2019s infiltration of the Trump campaign, exposing Stefan Halper is a good start. \u00a0Now wouldn\u2019t it be nice if the so-called \u201cjournalists\u201d of the mainstream media would do\u00a0their\u00a0jobs\u00a0as well as the American people do?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Far left Antifa just a bunch of bullies who get brave when in a mob confronting a few seems everyone is a nazi if they have a different opinion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tourists go home, refugees welcome': why Barcelona chose migrants over visitors ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They're a dying party. Split between Nationalists and conservatives isn't going to hold too much longer. They just have no real cohesive ideology anymore. It's simply my team is better than your team.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hooray! have been selected to #review an #oralb #toothbrush! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 #wonderwhatone #reviewer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER still thinks she matters.\ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Does nicki even know who she is??? Dreamdoll a whole bully ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"David Hogg needs his ass kicked.....right after his parents get theirs kicked for raising such a wretched human being.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#southsudan provoking neighbours again with noise. the #scumbag that says - he can do what ever he wants. #uncivilised trash. haters","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He looks like a lier. And sure he did. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@washingtonpost We the People vow that one way or another, #MerrickGarland will get his vote too. #WePersisted #BidenHarris","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is not a cheater. That chair ump robbed her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/jpy inter-market: yen continues to rise on safe-haven demand #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER henry is so fucking great and was def my #sickkidsinlove inspo and i love him and his death is a PROBLEM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user According the gore hurricane hazel in 1955 was Trumps fault and all the typhoons cyclones and hurricanes are all Trumps fault And Trump colluded with God to defeat Hillary. All true! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nog & Asian fight in waiting room of medical clinic in Las Vegas. Only white person in waiting room is overweight boomer. Fag employee tries to calm everybody down until black cop arrives on scene. I wonder what the Italian hating Las Vegas sheriff from Casino thinks of all this diversity \u00a0Weimerica2018 https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=uETEo_1526974370","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jews =The Real Life Sloath\/Sload","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that would be awesome!!!! whaaaaaa!! hahahaha \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hope it\u2019s full of pot holes and smells like shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Oh please EVERY network is reporting this. This is bullshit obviously but stop pretending it's just fox. Your political bigotry is showing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I dunno man, it\u2019s edgy right now to hate Peterson.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#infact, #allhumans need me to #operate on them as their #naturalborn #therapist, including you, john mazza @user to be !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed. Finally he spoke about it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz Has the Potential to Be the Greatest Inspector in US History - He Also Could Be Deep State Hack http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/01\/doj-inspec...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @it_itt: @docrocktex26 doing nothing as an agenda. unbelievable that the Dems failed to use that against the teabaggers. @AfricanPrinces…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fucking cunt bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you joined up with antifa? Because they more align with your values?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER are encouraged by #SWIFTgpi: When you solve the issue of transparency in cross-border #payments, you are on the way to solve other challenges being faced by the industry.\" URL #BFNewYork URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I thought she was albino tho 😳","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's shit like this immigration coverage that made me stop using Facebook. There's a good 30% of people out there that do no thinking whatsoever. They're like amoebas or something. All they do is react to whatever propaganda is fed to them by the media.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"summer with friend\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a5 #summer #friend #life #vlog #weeknd #crazy i'll miss you\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Documents must be getting close to this crook. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberal MP Leona Alleslev\u2019s decision to cross the floor & join the Conservatives would seem to be a betrayal of her supporters. Did she consult those who voted her in? Seemingly it\u2019s legal? Imagine if #DougFord decided to cross the floor & become the Liberal Premier. \ud83e\udd14 \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Me too! Jacks a sack! We conservatives tweet in a barrel! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I can tell you are lying because her lips are moving. To think I voted for you and your lies. What a mug. The conservatives will never receive my vote again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Have you reported that the killer of Mollie Tibet\u2019s will receive reward money? Did you report this? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Philippines' Pres. Duterte named Iglesia ni Cristo's executive minister special envoy for Filipino #migrants' concerns @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Liberals had some sort of mutual masturbation awards show. This is me still not caring. @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But they\u2019re still the number one Fake News Network. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donald Trump Stands with Ron DeSantis After Bogus 'Monkey' Controversy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then German leaders should wack off his offending limb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #retweet if you're for the new #pokemon #super bowl #commercial! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am so hubby saw nutritionist & actually had #kashi cereal w\/greek #yogu for breakfast! so, is the #endoftheworldcoming? lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am independent. #i_am #positive #affirmation #success ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @tylerschuster88: How much coke did Charlie sheen do?.. Enough to kill two and a half men I guess","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the euros are finally here! #coybig #euro2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the cost of being who you are\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #orlandoshooting #prayfororlando #loveislove \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not all men but yes all women \u00af\\_(\u30c4)_\/\u00af ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, Ellison is a Muslim, and Islam views women as about one click above pond scum. Feminist Democrats are 99.9% dead fucking silent on this, even though there's no way they aren't aware of it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The perpetrator is responsible for his own actions but you are ignoring that Maxine Waters & others are inciting violence. Do consider she said that they should not be able to eat, shop or do anything in peace\"\"... how would one survive without being able to trade?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"His firing is only the beginning of McCabe's problems. Soon we're going to find out just how 'Andy', a career civil servant, was able to afford 2 prestigious homes, 4 luxury cars and an estimate net worth of some $11 million","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never[NEWLINE]Nothing and no one[NEWLINE]put so much at stake.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Kindness,[NEWLINE]The vote,[NEWLINE]Democracy;[NEWLINE]Freedom and[NEWLINE]The country.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. https:\/\/t.co\/Un9Qb4i8O6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user our new icon design \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 shall we be a vegan fast food joint or a vegan pizzeria\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So innocent until PROVEN guilty only applies to liberals?????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bill Clinton enjoyed raping them while Ted Kennedy enjoyed killing them. But you are cool with that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone adapted to indoor life rather quickly \ud83d\ude06","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This sounds more like the opinion of somebody whose personal politics are antithetical to her philosophy and less like impartial literacy criticism.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#nosurprise @user #performing @ #trumpinauguration, #mormonism has & #polygamist roots; kin to #adultery. #moneyovermorals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Did you attend Governor Abbott\u2019s meetings on solving gun problems in school?? I guess not! I did! There were excellent discussions on using guns to protect & defend! What\u2019s your point? You stand for gun control & 90% of Real Texans will not have their guns taken away!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"F- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Literally Sam is quitting smoking mid competition and obviously having some mood swings from it. She is a fantastic human being and you\u2019re portraying her as shit and portraying JC as a cute little dude when he groped Tyler in his sleep. Shame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sad attempt to gain recognition from the joe ie brigade #coybig #irl #ireland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JRubinBlogger Dems should let Trump on the GOP's dirty little secret - they're sacrificing the big stimulus and thus Trump's last chance at re-election to get the SCOTUS nominee confirmed. Trump should pause Barrett until GOP Sen agrees to new Stimulus Bill.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Let her come to DC and testify by being safely surrounded by the DNC\u2019s street army #Antifa and even let them wear those cute black masks. That way Americans can see the diversity of the Democrat party and how they protect their own. Good?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user steroids and pills mixed in with their alcohol that is a little bit of a BIG NIGHTMARE or bad dream right there... ANTI-SUICIDE LAWS and gun control LICENSE FOR EACH GUN PLEASE walks into a cop station ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sen Cory Booker, Dem 2020 hopeful, caught in blatant LIE. Said he was risking his position as Senator by exposing classified info; although he KNEW the info was NOT classified.BookerLiarEmpty Suit.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bihday coming up so excited\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0092 ! yeah\u00e2\u0098\u00ba","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is total BULL SHIT..http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/01\/02\/germany-to-begin-enforcing-hate-speech-laws-on-social-media-sites\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idiotic Liberal Logic - or lack thereofI've known OP for 30+ yrs, thus the obscured names. Given his new avatar, I'm going to have to give him the boot, but I thought I'd screen grab this piece of stupidity from one of his rabid libtard friends. Libs cannot see the inherent contradictions in what they say.\u00a0 https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/4wkzyV.png","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"US Ready to Talk With Both Afghan Gov\u2019t, Taliban to Settle Peace - State Dept. https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/us\/201809281068434759-us-afghanistan-taliban-talks\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I love it when the Liberals say the word debunked kind of like when Hillary said it and she said it with such anger and forosity you knew she meant it but it was all bullshit.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ugh I meant *wigs shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wasn't there ads for crisis actors for the Houston area in Craigslist last month?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Congrats on your bravery ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user smile everyone ... we've made it to friyay \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082 #friyay #friday #smile #epcot #ita\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch calm down you pussy when yo ppl ain't around ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are two sets of brothers and 5 Mohammeds in that list. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"At the core of liberalism ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ONLY LATELY since I was raped in 2012 women are getting braver in the west to speak out about their rape experiences ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@carlybaejepsen trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s your opinion but mine is he is the best in the country ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A quick way to get yourself killed. Thanks Antifa! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is the un-indicted co-conspirator AKA Individual 1 .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you eat the wrong bitches ass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Republicans should make stand and demand proofs of any allegations by liberals. Country has wasted too much time investigating back to back false allegations by liberals. It has not left us any time to investigate their corruptions. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"home\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0087 #life #smile #day #friends #follow4follow #followback #followme ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER nvm he is dodging us we can Play you now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"krimjiho: cohiarin happy bihday tu yul happy bihday tu yul happy bday happy bday happy bihday tu yul \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[VIDEO] Hillary Still Can\u2019t Walk Unassisted\u2026.Takes A Tumble Down Steps In India.\u2026Not ONCE but TWICE!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Nice pic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And tritium sights as well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=133&v=v7XXVLKWd3Q ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Let us all return to bouncer school.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffe It\u2019s class war.\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/Dzrj0yhqUyw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Have no idea what your texting about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I disagree with InfoWars and Alex Jones about 95%.\u00a0 But will defend to the death his right to speak #EvelynBeatriceHall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user unleashed\"\"?? No your Lowliness, it's the beginning on an exorcism against the evil in the Body of Christ known as the leaders of the Catholic Church.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why did this picture just call me a useless fugly skank bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kavanaugh has said reversing Row v Wade will not ever happen, but there's a legal double standard that has to be addressed.. A pregnant women gets killed & it's a double murder charge, but P.P. Body Parts Division rips live screaming baby's out of the womb & throws them in a sink to die without punishment? I have complete confidence Judge Kavanaugh will do the right & humane thing taking into consideration cases of rape & incest..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Creepy old pedo desperately trying to be relevant. Just an old guy from the old world which Trump has shattered. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why can't you answer simple questions? Where does truth originate?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your shoes are ugly and anarcho primitivism sucks, bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is not the first time she has expressed this dismissive attitude toward public outcry against her votes. Those people will be a factor when they vote her ass out of office in 2 years. I think she is toast.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It crossed my mind that Sheriff Israel may have ordered them to stand down. The democrats will use any tragedy to be in the public eye to promote gun control. It's a shame that these things even came to mind but I have seen too much from the Left to be surprised at anything.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Two things to learn from this article. 1) the people pushing wheelchairs in airports basically work for tips. Don\u2019t neglect to show your appreciation. 2) the Huntleigh USA corporation sucks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"like you dudes be so worried about ya bitch being hoes but y'all deadass be the maaainnn problemmm. look in the mirror and you'll see a hoe. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No they shouldn't. #NoDACA, #NoAmnesty.Dreamers could be allowed to apply for legal migration once deported without being penalized for their deportation. Fine. But no amnesty for anyone who's an illegal. The days ignoring illegal immigration are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God save us from that catastrophe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You can end a war by surrendering ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I see NRA ads everyday on Youtube. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our Immigration Legal Services department is now accepting new clients! Please call (773) 583-9191 or stop by our office between 10-2 to request an intake appointment! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Then why the fuck did they elect him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mondaymotivation i'm a jazz n blues singer. i love @user i'm a radio announcer playing jazz \"moanin' 6\/24 @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"smile,laugh and happy \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #picoftheday #happiness #instamood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"toma completa... full shot... #touga #tules #crochet #tejiendosue\u00c3\u00b1os #estambre\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user absolutely no! at least 3 other guys were more desserving. proves once again league's favoritism toward him ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GOPBlackChick @barrackobama just said u.s.was full of nice,giving,smart ppl.I thought we were mean,unexceptional,bitter clingers?#evolved?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Just like gun control will not keep guns from the hands of criminals....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Are you going to become an antifa fighter now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user scary that it's not that long ago! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YESSSSSHHHHH who else call you shitgull if it were not me or ryme \ud83d\ude1a","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is This a Joke? \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"zosh cardo: zosh cardo - carnival is over #presentation #trip #calm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck fuck ffuck shit piss ass faggot fucking fuck bitch cunt suck my dick fucking fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pro-America is pro-White. Nonwhites are not American and only want to destroy America. You can't be pro-America unless you're pro-White. That's what we need to pound into the heads of these worthless cucks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the iron lady \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #me #boy #man #boyswillbeboys #beard #bearded #beardsofinstagram\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Sith Lord's level of mental illness...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user the decision to perform for trump will forever stain mormon values.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That would be nice. Of course, those are states that already shouldn\u2019t have a single fucking Democrat Senator to begin with.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is so \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc fathersday #decide #love #life #success #fatloss #iamgus #wealth\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil reagan convinced ksa to flood the market and drive oil prices to historic lows. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch you just said you don't fuck with that boy\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 hoe blew me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kaya and alex have arrived at their #girlsactive conference with @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some of what im reading on here is actual sorta hate speech though to be frank....a lot in fact...the jews the jews the jews,,, i men? go to israel, then vist syrai and tehn tell me jews re somehow a big problem,,,they aret cowed at the feet of a long dead warlord are they?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Shes a scank hole bitch lying lowlife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user tonight in #cologne. proudly presented by goverment, police + media! it's a big staging going on there!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday to mike morse, the owner of lucid adveising. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SkrewDriver All skrewed up FULL ALBUM @user are you listening, slag? You might learn something\ud83d\udc80 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Poor sad liberals. No hope for them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What manga you reading?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That means you have bitch kegel muscles, lol kegel exercises are as important as lifting and if you have weak kegels you are a fag","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pre furnishing brought to you by Ikea.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Put his ass to death!!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my angel nicole. #niece #nicole #familytime #turkey #kemer time #beinlife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Actually, it's time we elect #BritishColumbia politicians that understand their responsibilities and that of the federal government. \u00a0#ImmigrationReform belongs to the feds and necessary changes MUST be applied universally across the country; https:\/\/theprovince.com\/news\/bc-politics\/mike-smyt...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is! Talking about \u201c I don\u2019t need excuses I just need my money\u201d \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Elizabeth Warren's test indicates she is 1\/1024th or 0.09765625% Native American. Based on that level, an average US Citizen is more Native American than her. Most DNA testing does not show less than 0.1%. Therefore, if you are 0.1% or more of any non-European DNA, you qualify as an oppressed minority. You may be 99.9% European, but 0.1% makes you a minority.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Angry that UN @user does its job and checks Lebanon isn't coercing Syrian refugees into returning home, Lebanon will stop giving residence permits to the agency's international staff @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"barrel bag gbp 19.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is safer than a bomb shelter this year and next. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TooFab: Finally! Warner Bros. making superhero films starring a woman, person of color and actor who identifies as \"queer\" http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shows you TRULY how Zio-Kikes feel about Christians! Fuck 'em! ***NOZ KOLAC JASENOVAC! UKLONI ZHIDOV!***","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm responding with a fact. You are totally unfamiliar with how Harper government incentives and it's laughable that you're saying that. You know what you can have your check mate. I give it to you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the dumbest fucking joke I have seen on this place. One look at the text and it tells me this is amateur hour. Is this supposed to be an 'intelligence organisation' when they cannot even form basic sentences? This reeks of Mossad-involvement. Their autism and ham-handedness is the stuff of legends.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hahahahahaha of course not. In NY they are blind to immigrant crimes against the people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FR bitch where you at lil whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Yemen tries gun control #theeconomist ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can say nigger if I want too! I am not a Libtard, who thinks that it is wrong.\u00a0 As long as I am paying taxes to support those lazy fucking niggers, then that's exactly what I will call them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is the worst person. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user just finished attending the press conference for #infernomovie \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #ecstatic #tomhanks #ronhoward #irrfankhan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #champions hockey league: weniger teams in der champions league #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More Than 130 Homes and 170 Square Miles Burned Due to Wildfire Allegedly Started by Illegal Alien #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome #RedNationRising via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The GOP has two choices: 1) Confirm Kavanauh & possibly lose the house. 2) Dump Kavanauh definitely lose the house & have their supporters #WalkAway #MAGA #DoTheRightThing #ConfirmKavanaugh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We waiting on mean ass Florence to do what she gonna do. Ack","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Mann i ain\u2019t that smoove booty like you gee \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude06\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Musika you are a awful person. You or Skank want to be ugly ho I don't know what the fuck you're wearing #LHHHReunion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SpeakerPelosi Trump 2020!!!! Join the Trump train, Nancy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because the NYT as it has always been (see Church Committee & Legacy of Ashes) infiltrated with Deep State actors....The extent to which the Deep State will go (see DOJ\/FBI criminality) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The smart ones are trying to put the brakes on, problem is their retarded pets are too stupid and gassed up on the propoganda to stop.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow this is priceless! A college educated professor self-inflicts himself with a bullet wow he is \u201cbrilliant\u201d! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that lip gloss tho! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #photooftheday #selfie #shinylips\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Texas is the Tipping Point #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.businessoffashion.com\/articles\/news-bites\/adrian-chengs-k11-invests-10-million-in-ai-start-up - Adrian Cheng's K11 Invests $10 Million in AI Start-Up","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Million Illegal Aliens Costing U.S Taxpyers $135 Billion a year! Now Illegals Refuse to take their kids back want them to stay in U.S for Freebies thats an Illegal #Immigration CRISIS ! #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @OneandOnlyTina: What I know:\nYou support killing babies, mock the handicapped, slept your way into Harvard then ditched your hubby & ki…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YOU OWE HER FAMILY AN APOLOGY FOR BRINGING HER MURDERER TO CANADA!!! He's still here & us taxpayers are paying to feed, house and protect him #nooneprotectedMarissa #whatifitwasyourfamilymember #yourenotmovingfastenoughonthis #NOMOREREFUGEES ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s going to suck with any rating. Venom without the Spiderman origin isn\u2019t really Venom. This is just a Sony cash grab.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To be an 'American' or not to be an 'American', that is one question","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Im not saying he is worse. I have no clue tbh I'm js that shits gonna be terrible if thats the case. TL gonna explode","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Got a feeling every time deep state complains @USER will punish them with more declass. They are going to pay for their sins! Biglly! Who needs a plan to dump 11k docs and round up crooks? @USER needs to geter done! #FNMA #FMCC #fanniegate #EndCorruption #LockThemAllUp #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Goodell is one of the worst things that has ever been unleashed on Pro Sports. Useless!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What the liberals is going on \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd25\u2744\ufe0f #Hollyweird \ud83d\ude31 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is with stormy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OMG could you imagine the left's heads exploding..\u00a0 AHHHHHHHHH","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now that Miss America has BANNED bikinis, here's what they're replacing them with. #MissAmerica #bikiniban","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Obama will preach about gun control in the U.S. but then arm the drug cartels in Mexico and advocate for open borders. A piece of shit is worth more than Obama.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A nigger lover and traitor to her race.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good luck today roger!! i'm so to see you back and healthy. #winthisthing @user \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00be","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh well yes goes without saying you are the ultimate Superman \ud83d\ude01\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IDF destroys Hamas tunnel in northern Gaza, the 9th in a year. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Every time I try to be in my feels you always gotta ruin it like shiii let me be a depressed bitch \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my family's horrible attack at #thegreenpalmcottage in #plettenburgbay #westerncape thyini thiza! we want t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a meme repeater ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course what better mascot than your stupid fat ass. Thanks for doing the enemies work for them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facebook has its uses but personally I got sick of seeing wankers showing off their leftist credentials. Fuck that shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More worries about Stormy. That is why you double wrap it if you suspect anything. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ColeMcDowell2 Waco is ghetto hahaha. Wait til we go pick up nat in Austin tomorrow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The things i have saved from you, just thus far since I've known you exist online, has been MORE valuable than ANYTHING I've ever seen \"Q\" put out. \"Q\" is all cryptic bullshit, played out like a detective game for the giddy gullible masses to play along at home... and sadly many fell for it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user We all had fun!Loved watching eyes light up w excitement when he used their names as they asked questions\ud83d\ude0dYes!He is talking to you!\ud83d\ude0d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alexander Dullinger Burggrub 53 91332 Heiligenstadt Exposed Gay German Sissy Faggot Whore Hure Nutte - Home Gay Slut ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@kayt27 poor coon.......snow stopped here,now if the wind would it might be nice out,well for winter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user things that some straight people are saying in regards to #pulsenightclubshooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is a complete idiot\ud83e\udd21\ud83d\ude21 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Saw & thought of you. \u00a0Don't know if true but no surprise to me. \u00a0 Worth some reflection?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What the heck is she on that she thinking a man wants her. Got to be some heavy drugs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You mean like all the Liberals screaming at a SC nomination hearing? That kind of clown show? So tell me since when do accusers get to make demands? This isn't a university misandry board of injustice.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You ain\u2019t doin your part then \ud83d\ude02 check them pussies. I\u2019m from the hood and I still don\u2019t say the N word cause I\u2019m a little more educated I got other ways to describe my brother or friends. I feel the same way as you though too many people going left unchecked. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Please and that bitch will get popped and end up with a lump like her dumb ass sister \ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This filthy sub simeon needs impaling....... https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/978577\/Brexit-news-gina-miller-brexit-people-s-vote-march-second-referendum-latest-video","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user The MeToo movement is just an extension of the democrats KKK & the hate group Antifa, it's just another form of lynching those who oppose their agenda. MeToo people jump on ban wagons, in the name of justice\"\" to perpetuate mass bullying of those who threaten to expose them\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #Democrats Refuse to Secure the Border and Protect U.S Citizens from the Ravages of Illegal Immigrants ! #VoteDemsOut ! #WakeUpAmerica #WednesdayMotivation #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'The [#EUnion] play the game of changing the very clear and well-understood definition of terms, so now what we see is that democracy no longer means 'the will of the people' it now means the approved will of the Neo-liberal World Order.'\u00a0https:\/\/bit.ly\/2snuxMv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where\u2019s Soros and his son. There\u2019s a lot of collusion in this subject in every part of the world. I believe they are the ace and king of spades that deserve the same as bin Laden. And while on that subject if it weren\u2019t for a SEAL Team member I would question the viability of his death. After all odumba had his hand in that...just saying","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jordan Peterson On Soviet Horrors, The Gulag Archipelago: \"This Is Not Widespread Knowledge\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wednesday, 10 October 2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have stopped counting all of the actors in Hollywood I have come to despise. This clown is just one more. Pedophilia is just that and I refuse to support these sycophants by paying to watch their demonic crap. Hollywood could completely disappear and I could not be happier. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Otis Redding ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone surprised? @user #CloserNation #MAGA #QAnon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if we (pentecostals) were as passionate about lost souls as we are about politics we'd turn the world upside down. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitch ass cunt nugget ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because Gutierrez is corrupt and so are the unions there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Street Interview whit Italians \"Send all migrants back to where they came from. They block streets to pray...\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Guardian view on the #UK and child refugees: unfair, unlawful, inhumane ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wonder what the SEC thinks of this... http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/03\/20\/report-mark-zuckerberg-saved-tens-of-millions-of-dollars-by-selling-facebook-stock-before-crash\/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_content=links&utm_campaign=20180320","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hate it when u get involved can't wait till u leave for uni #sister \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are awful. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Clinton In 2014: Immigrant Children \u201cShould Be Sent Back\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4 minutes before i clock in at my job and i got nothing, never was a pressure performer. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NBC's Chuck Todd Thinks He's Figured It All Out \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Photo: Giving you that trailer park trash. #transformthursday #ladykimora #vegasqueens #vegasshowgirls http:\/\/t.co\/LjejFufULK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looking into the shooting in Maryland but no info since the feed is nothing but protest. Why do the gun grabbers not want anything out. We know it was a female. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Farm workers protest in Italy after migrant crash deaths ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL CCHQPress: \ud83c\udfd8\ufe0f\u00a0PM natfednews: Today I can announce that new longer-term partnerships will be opened up to the most ambitious housing associations through a ground-breaking \u00a32 billion initiative","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He will blame it on the fact that he is Hispanic of course. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But antifa are only anti fascist (Romney told me so) she wouldn't throw a brick at you unless you were a na... \ud83d\ude27","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Could be either. Liberals like this have no shame and will do \u201cANYTHING\u201d I suspect it is the latter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Agree #transparency #ReleaseTheDocuments #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aeee @Corrupcaobrasilmemes vcs vieram!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A middle aged woman just shouted 'well done' at me while I was running so I guess I'll just go crawl in a hole and die now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Conversely you apparentl don't care about kids unless they are shot at school & can be used to promote gun control. Funny that AR you hate so much is used to kill far less people than criminals do with their arms and legs. When do you start calling for everyone to be dismembered? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Charlie Murder game is pretty dope #Xbla","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Please stop! You're making it TOO EASY for right-wing conservatards to mock those of us on the Left! #NotHelping ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@lepito Bro, only 2k japanese pesos. Should I?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the squad summer camp end of week trip is all booked. \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"scream out #loud with #the #faces \\!\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I made a silly Bogdanoff brothers youtube vid, and the comments are full of people mad that I implied the Earth is round. WTF is happening?\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/_GdveVWfn6U","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beto also wants open borders so illegals can come an go as they please an also more gun control espically on semiautomatic weapons...#BetoNotForTexas","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So much more going on but hypocrisy doesn't sit well with me. My redneck family from central Illinois more black then Bieber!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Are you kidding this is the Liberals good show","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LiberalPhenom: Who on GZ's defense team is paying media to trash the prosecution constantly? @ThomasARoberts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a reminder to stay away from @user @user they never fill the cup with ice cream #mcflurry #hot day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user outrageous, #un vote: un voting against #israeli #jewish businesses only in #judea and #samaria blacklistin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's unbelievable that in the 21st century we'd need something like this. again. #neverump #xenophobia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user So a cop kills someone and this becomes a gun control issue? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That\u2019s so rude bitch tell them to go back into their hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wait ... a lot of people post pics of their #dog on #socialmedia??! i dont feel so #special ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UK Government Launches Probe after British Soldiers Pose with Tommy Robinson for Photo https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/uk-government-launches-probe-after-army-officers-pose-with-tommy-robinson-for-photo\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The only deep disgrace and abuse of rights is your existence in relativity. Even the generation before mine knows who you are RAE. Low life opportunist. Government over people. Suck a liberal dick you alt left Nazi!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Poor Baby. This is why you and your entire network CAN NOT be trusted. The only people still watching CNN are brainwashed liberals and demonrats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh look #Antifa are out to be play...#OPMAYFLOWER #GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @USER @USER @USER @USER #WWG1WGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is fucking delusional","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@PaulGolding - I'm a little behind, but I'm glad to see that you are out and active here!\u00a0 Send Jayda a hello when you can!\u00a0\u00a0\u270c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Reading this thread it sure seems like your followers aren't for gun control after all Jimmy \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why is it christmas eve? why not christmas adam? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If there weren't any muslims in America, this would not happen. London mayor says \"this is life in the big city. Get used to it.\" And everyone just goes along with it. And muslims embed themselves deeper. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ThomasKeneally: Obersturmfuhrer Matthias, my wife is a superb financial brian. Carry on with your labelling in her presence, and see ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Loomer Rachel Rollins a Dem running for DA in Boston. She plans to decriminalize what she calls petty crimes (e.g. breaking and entering) she is running in a crowded field & is being hailed by the media as the best candidate. Thanks for doing what \u201cconservatives\u201d refuse to do! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jim Hoft Demonized For Daring To Question MSM Narrative ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i dare to speak for the rest of canada, b\/c no one else dares, b\/c of this massive racist bullying anyone gets for\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Q #Qanon #crackingthecode #MAGA #thegreatawakening ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Male Feminists believe in trickle down pussy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Where were you in 2008 when people were losing their jobs & their homes & our economy tanked? What did you say about W then? Did you ridicule him & did you praise Obama for saving our country? You are such a hypocrite. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user customers give us the #fridayfeeling! we are proud to work with @user maintaining their #fleet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All the best, every day. \u00a0Memes, memes, and more memes. https:\/\/gab.ai\/groups\/e1b2efa5-abb8-4cd6-a37d-50f1dba0d6c0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"most amazing day in my life \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d#love #forever","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this guy is a racist full of ignorance and hatred. #bigot #ignorant","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is this for real?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DrBiden Oh, I'm definitely registered and ready to vote! I'm voting #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These liberals are responsible for the deterioration of American society. They should be ashamed but we all know they\u2019re not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@HermosaAlma: This isn't ghetto.....it's smart https:\/\/t.co\/MPAzQ3Jswf\" I'm doing this idc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden is officially the POTUS, Kamala first black female vice president!!! History\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffe\ud83c\udf89","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Largest asteroid in a century to 'whiz' past Earth at a close distance of 4.4m miles or 7m kilometres. https:\/\/phys.org\/news\/2017-08-largest-asteroid-cen...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ladies you want equal rights? Well in that case my lawn needs cutting, my car needs an oil change, and my ass needs wiping. #GetToIt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user How an #evangelist speaks when he is filled with holy spook ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user only 2 days until i see your show at exmouth #nervous #cantwait \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"will be sadly missed x ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oops guess the liberals will call him a racist and a nazi along will all the other names on the book","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Who care for these children of criminal refugees really. They play no role in times of overpopulation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why does he always have to do this\ud83d\ude2d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #ios10 is pretty much impressive \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user super excited for funky to head back to @user today!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6#funkysummershowcase #dressrehearsal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dude is innocent.... and I get I'm just a fan, but honestly his comedy at that time was always pushing the line that you aren't supposed to cross. I think that's partially what got him famous. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Women blame men. Not all men, but men. Why? Because men do it to them. It's simple. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are TRIPPIN. Stop jumping to conclusions.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user big day tomorrow @user #godissoamazing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what's made you today?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Facts are fat in your face when they're easily disproven by reading true history. Again. More bullshit narrative from a whore that wants to suck dick she'll never get. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White House chief of staff: Republican memo to come out soon https:\/\/truepundit.com\/white-house-chief-staff-rep...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user holy fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user no no no!!!! it just can't be! what am i supposed to do with my life after tomorrow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user THIS CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN----CHILD KIDNAPPER AND MOLESTER MILLER NEEDS TO BE GONE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its not too late for dems to pull the plug. Trump bout to walk this man sleep Joe tonight. Cancel it Dems. #Trump2020 #BidenCorruption","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Zero evidence lmaooooooo I love seeing liberals squirm at shit like this \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in academia #yehtut offers more nuanced take on #rohingya #dvbmultimediagroup #yehtut is &\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You niggas spend on us and we get used to it. I hate to admit it but half the things my boyfriend does for me I can\u2019t do for myself \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Chelsea she is so freaking beautiful I can't believe her skin color so beautiful! I live Aubree she is such a great little lady!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...the #Joke is on THEM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER on a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you laugh to There is no excuse besides that he is just plain shit\" ?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Has any ex Obama administration personal not yet? See a pattern here folks! Their actually doing this publicly. The msm is their partner in this treason. It\u2019s a attempted coup d'etat!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sometimes putting so much time in one thing is bad, i lean that the hard way #worriedaboutlife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Great book by Leo Zagami, Pope Francis, the Last Pope?\"\" details the breathtaking corruption and evil forces that have been controlling the Vatican for decades.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Me too! Jacks a sack! We conservatives tweet in a barrel!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hillary and logic? Talk about your classic oxymoron! Professor sounds like he should be teaching Poly Sci at Evergreet College! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user bihday jesy!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"54 factory workers shot dead in Oklahoma with WASR-10 Century Arms rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no-one knows what goes on behind closed doors and this woman like a book is judged by her cover. #heabreaking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wait ........ She spends her days telling people to fear guns and she's worried about being run off the road by a CAR with gun stickers? We all need to slap gun stickers on our cars and drive around Parkland for a few days. Maybe her and Hoggboy will drive into a tree or a house or something.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yeah fuck pogba\ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An angry woman standing up4 human rights is 2 difficult to be worth loving. Men love pretty slave dolls who keep their mouth shut or on dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not even close to what happened she is a liar and deflecting how idiotic her actions on the court looked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Francis must be forced aside. The Church needs to be cleansed top to bottom. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What if a lot of them are Americans on a $7,000 Soros funded adventure?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #patriarchal, #misogynist, cult. #christianity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know, but I just realized that Trump has been a conservative all along. He lived in NY and had his main business interest there so he was just pretending to be a dem all of those years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch no, you gone stay your ass here i missed you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user alpha dog was a good flick. #rip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user agreed! everyone deserves to be , not used.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The NGO rescueship Lifeline will now go to Malta. This is the wrong signal for all the humancatcher from the NGOs. The Crew should send into jail, because the have ignored the law and the refugees should be brought back to Libya. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"888-815-7132 , 877-506-7276 #Scam #Scammers numbers. blue screen warning of Zeus virus, call number immediate.y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i was #very when i #saved a #life, in the morning #intervening #praying #talking to #stop a #suicidal #woman. #priceless. she's well","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user FAIRIimmigration Esimates 12.5 Million Illegals in the U.S and their cost which doesnt include the welfare their collect for #AnchorBabies! #RedNationRising #SundayFunday #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack Cut off the welfare Mandatory E-Veri ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Our Table at the Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust For the Immigrant Arts & Women\u2019s Empowerment Summit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The EU is on his end, if they arnt able to stop the immigration. A country which isnt able to protect his borders, isnt a country of souveranity. And this also will make problems in economic, include the overpopulation. Protectionism will be ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She's tragic because she is an idiot and because she had tremendous internalized misogyny. I think of the moment we are in the grips of as the Tyranny of the Half-idiot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am imaginative. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Go to hell! This is NOT Queen for a Day. I believe you less and less with every bit of bullsh*t you pull. You're nothing but a lying Demonrat! #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'll place the stars as the world falls down it's falling down it's a repulsive little chap. \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @juliebenz: I drink unicorn tears... RT @thecarnage07: @juliebenz And they say blondes don't age well :) You look like you're 20 :) ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cnot all men\u201d first of all, you stay quiet when women want respect\/equality. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Arms\"\" WERE\/ARE TO BE REGULATED BY LAW\u2014those regulations aimed at near-universal armament\/training with contemporary military grade design \"\"Arms\"\" personally owned\/possessed & kept in the HOME\u2014by \"\"the people\"\" #2A that is CONSTITUTIONAL \"\"gun control\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a man who allowed the wife of one of his coaches to be abused for years while he covered it up. AND threw everyone including his own wife under the bus to help himself when all of his lies (he never thought anyone would know)came out. He is a total pos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You are a fucking ugly bitch!shut the fuck up??????????????????????????????????????????????????????you just a ugly bitch!fuck you ?????????? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Other Jihadi news #ISIS executed #Kuwait preacher Redha Lari coz he was..“too extreme” & hampered reconciliation with Nusra with his fatwas","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boy, if that doesn't say it all.\ud83d\ude20","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got an actual real life \u2018not all men\u2019 today, have I officially made it as a difficult woman now? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Does he rage against 2 gender skeptics?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you areclueless buddy regarding long standing american policy. you comments are reflections of ignorance and @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the question isn't \"how often do the jews stab their generous gentile hosts in the back?\", it's \"do jews ever pull the dagger out of the backs of their generous gentile hosts?\".","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love my penis and want to keep it. Would rather smoke a joint.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let my crazy out way too soon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user DEPORT! California KNOWS Trump supporters are going to be out at EVERY ELECTION to VOTE REPUBLICAN! HEY HEY HO HO ILLEGAL ALIENS NEED TO GO! #HeyHey ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lefty Pope should also! He is Not worthy rep for true christian roman catholics!! He failed his flock! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m going to go see it just be an asshole and troll everyone else in the theatre.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idols literally arent gonna trust yall with dating shit anymore like fuck they actually wanted to be honest with yall and they trusted yall enough to talk about it and yall ruined their fucking careers . Im pissed off and knetz can choke gn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #thursday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a may we watch how we say what needs to be be said\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER can't fucking believe it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" beautiful wedding in temecula. #photobooth #dj #superflyphoto #smile #temecula \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Sttbs73: I see the crazy #teabaggers have given up on defunding Obamacare and have moved on to using veterans! #1MVetMarch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"About to head outside. Going grocery shopping today.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday to my little boy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be #toad #bihday #5years #lovely #dog #pet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My patience and tolerance of ConMen in patriot circles is wearing thin.\u00a0 People like Alex Jones and other hucksters prey on naive people's good nature. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/2 establishment. May. panicking. Trying to get us to abandon brexit. Liberals.. MPs. Now police say they couldn't keep us safe if we leave eu. They say we'll be bankrupt. house prices fall. Food prices rise.... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cTo be an immigrant in America is to constantly be playing a game of Tag. It is struggling to avoid becoming an \u2018It\u2019...having your humanity stripped away, replaced with a set of stereotypes embodying everything that white people fear.\u201d @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Croatian President's bikini photos worlds hottest president ever URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#conservatives everywhere in my small red town, kids need to be spanked and put #God first. They need to know consequences!\"\". Also them, \"\"#BrettKavanuagh shouldn't be held responsible for something he did at 17!! #Hypocrites @user how do sleep at night?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are my best player ever ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You need to go back on your medication. Next you will be telling us , you were there, and witnessed all of this garbage your spewing. Read and you will see! Education is a great thing, unless of course you slept through it! https:\/\/www.biography.com\/people\/muammar-al-qaddafi-39014","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Right now the Supreme Court is divided 4 liberals 4 conservatives which means important rulings are coming up and they need Kavanaugh vote ..and it\u2019s trumps ticket to freedom and it\u2019s the GOP ticket to further their agenda ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All of this shows just how scared Liberals are of the New @USER that is going to be guided by the Constitution & Bill of Rights. They honestly believed they had made them powerless in today's courts. @USER Trump is #MAGA & Deplorables are helping. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cancelsouthpark They were liberals when you were still suckin' on your momma's titty at the other woodstock.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" socks friday. dont ask how am i doing rather ask my\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user God help us ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"islam against racism - press tv ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why on godz green eah did u guys release #centralintelligence during ramadan.it wont run till ramadan's conclusion. #india","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Revolver Ocelot","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user slap the shit outta her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER for your encore say that every other western country that\u2019s all but eliminated mass shootings through effective gun control are lying too... it would be fitting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Truth is, as we all see, most people are most people. They are not super smart or super anything. They are just most people. What do they want? They want to be on the winning team. They want to be part of the dominant drama. They DON'T want freedom or truth or independence. They want to be on the winning team. Only conflict is WHO controls them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrat-run city building 6-foot fence around migrant housing complex to keep \u2018\u02dcintruders\u2019 out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Negroes screech about their culture and heritage, but inject themselves into any cultural category except their own. They shout about 'cultural appropriation' but wear western clothing. They celebrate their individuality but insist upon diversity quotas in schools, corporations and films. #NoFreePasses","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tuesday November 10th. Nancy Pelosi is still a disgusting human being. Joe Biden is still a pedophile and Kamala Harris is still a whore. That's all. Have a nice day \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Like um bitch I'm mentally ill u cunts?????? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off to the science centre glasgow with the local school. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008f\u00e2\u009a\u0097 will answer texts,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#YesAllMen because every 14 seconds a man's butt is looked at without permission. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ive dreamed of this day ever since the budget was approved. #BuildThatWall Mr President #JustDoIt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Afghani lives don't matter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't you love it when the truly evil, perverted, disgusting leftists are triggered and take off their masks? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is exactly what went through my head....Hill burning dead bodies \ud83d\ude31","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Blame Trump??? U bunch of idiots. Blame the corruption over in PR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's rich coming from the hysterical woman who didn't get the right seat on an airplane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#style bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong exciteme ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"once a dick always a dick !! @user #corrupttrump #sexoffender #notmyprez #taxevader ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone give her a carrot and some hay.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 45 only hates chain migration when it involves brown people. He also believes that he and his family are special & above having to adhere to the same laws as the rest of us. So, no surprise there! He bought Melania a Genius Visa, so none of them belong here. #SendThemHome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you don\u2019t vote on my instagram story..... u a hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Will Wyoming Get a New Governor \u2013 and Conservatives a New Superstar? | American Thinker ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most rappers are just nasty.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But rich is a light skin coon. So it's expected.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Antisemites fall into either of two categories, they are either stupid or muslim.\u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@toddgunter This, this, this. Pack it up and head to NYC, please. Enjoy being called a hick for a few years, come home humbled. #plans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The hate really takes a toll on these people physically. Most of these unhinged liberals do not look well. 24\/7 fake news Armageddon coverage is sucking the life out of these people. I feel bad for them.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what the hell is going on ???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ...and #LeviStrauss wanting gun control How many of us wonder why the heck do they want our freedoms taken away ~ or is it just selective freedoms? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user check out this #gorgeous #perfect #asian #babe #calvinkleinwomen #cute #selfie #pic #underwear #smile #makeup ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user TBF, it's Nascar for liberals\"\" is actually quite a good description.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user he would have washed his color off if he could have. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user will you stop the , , #homophobe etc labeling. i suppo #trump and i am none of the above. #60minutes #wtf\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thats yo main bitch thats my side hoe damn near coldest bitch i love her nigga side joke\ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the uk government's new 'anti-semitism' definition conflates racism with valid criticism of israel - open\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Women who ruined Star Wars https:\/\/www.dangerous.com\/39863\/meet-women-ruined-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don't know who he is and don't really care... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"date nights.. @user #ballet #sleepingbeauty \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Coffee meets #Bacon? How did I not see this place sooner?\u00a0 A perfect mix!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user new #viualreality #oculusrift #htcvive studio is now on twitter, follow them to win 15000 tickets with rewardsgg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #ICE at all voting booths! Deport all illegals , report the employers that are hiring them! They take our IDs vote in our elections and are a drain on our resources not to mention the drugs and murder. We are tired of it #Bu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ohio trump campaign chair kathy miller should have said \"i didn't have to hear about before #obama. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just had a stuffed potato for dinner... if I'm Slavic doesn't mean I'm a stuffed potato stuffed with a stuffed potato?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is #repatriation plan only \"a public relations play\" to hide the fact that #Myanmar hasn't taken measures to ensure safe and sustainable returns for #Rohingya? @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DPWIMM @realDonaldTrump Did you see that line of people? Biden\u2019s line is 4 Karens and a Brian wearing pink puss hats. #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I think Michelle spilled Democrats plans for civil war.. liberals are lunatics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user please reconsider. to me you stand for the glitter of new york. after jan. 20 for #misogyny #rape #adultery #incest #hate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holder is an evil, hateful, dangerous man. He's a real\"\" racist. He absolutely hates White People. He & Obama contributed to the race riots during O's Admin.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New Post: I asked my readers their favourite father\/son pastimes. These are the results: http:\/\/thisdaddoes.com\/what-are-the-best-father-so...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day! thank you for loving us daddy! #fathersday #sundaymorning #cuties #facebook #tweet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If she cheat on her bf for you don't let that hoe tell you you special... that bitch fuckin errrbody play ya part big pimpin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Thats perfectly true. Torys and Labour are different but pretty much extreme it looks like normality doesnt exist anymore. None of them is even able to name the problem as it is how can they solve anything. Not that liberals would be that much better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah . Niggas who dey wear durag nor dey joke. Hard as fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"marco rubio has no consideration close to now. #rwnj #weirdo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They are the two most Hysterical women in the room ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Once again it's been proven that all gun control laws are intended to disarm the law abiding citizens and subvert the #2A. Criminal *don't* care about gun laws. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WOW!! 10 Downvotes! Guess Soros paid trolls and filthy kikes got paid today!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dear cunt, please shut the fuck up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"aka that stupid man with the ugly toes that couldnt even do his own grocery shopping BITCH charge me for this neck ass hoe ill yank ur slides off and go full chancla on u BITCH fucking BITCH fuck U fuck RETAIL oh my god bruh PLEASE may i punch YOU ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it still didn't tweet so I went to my tumblr and posted and it tweeted it then, suck it jack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone remember the Eddie Murphy skit where he posed as a white man? \"I'm trying to buy this newspaper\" It needs to be redone. Except as an illegal immigrant instead of as a white man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I know Germany is batshit crazy right now, but it really isn't the nation to fuck with considering they have started all the world wars in history, just saying muslims you might want to tone down your rhetoric.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Assamese laws on immigration were made during emergency and are malafide, they should not be applied ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Listen fam. If you're a whore you're a whore \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2dclearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whore.But yes hmp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user welcome to 2016, looks like 2017 is going to be as full of batshit dumb #sjws as 2016. #dumb #notracist @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user him and cameron have in my opinion done nothing but talk the nation down and patronise the people. #di\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Armed Police at clock tower Leicester -England. https:\/\/youtu.be\/vw0c0t1XUY8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user updated. \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #book #wattpad #poetry #verse #poem #poems #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because only the unhinged liberals that are scared they won't be able to murder their babies are demanding this. The other normal rational people with common sense can see this is just a fake accusation to stall.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Got me wanting to give him them 5 kids for the dick, I\u2019ll beat a bitch up bout my \ud83c\udf46. Baby u the only one I need headass on that dick \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user wow really cool! @user @user @user #hardcoresex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a fucking slut wtf cunt she deserves to fall in that river dumb hoe that shit is fucked cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Freezing my nips off out here...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#NotAllMen is legitimatly telling you men don't rape because of some urge... You need to watch zootopia and pay at\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Your side has AntiFa. You into them? Like violence? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN 8:52am NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS LEAD CHARGE TO REUNITE FAMILIES. . Mario Russell Immigrant & Refugee Services, Catholic Charities... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really? They denied your appeal?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If new plan Pres Trump & Steven Miller working on becomes law, be assured illegal immigrants will think twice b4 crossing over US border. Government assistance is going to be very difficult to get. Looks like free organizations-churches who want them will have to support them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where are the Women and Children the Dems are always Bitchin about? #NoIllegals #NoDACA #NoChainMigration #AmericanPeopleFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" 8 Must-Have Personal Finance Tools for 2018 - https:\/\/moneyat30.com\/8-must-have-financial-tools\/ #savings #credit_score #personal_finance #money #finance","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"already knocked out after a long day#got daddy tired as well \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Just what a communist would do! Destroying America! Lock Him Up! TRUMP2020 MAGA!\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Winston thinks she is lovely URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Bitch you look like a dog ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"International migration from sub-Saharan Africa has grown dramatically since 2010 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If it's a hell hole why the whites there smartass?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @badnradbrad: @whattheflocka lol have u seen when ike and his kindergarten teacher start having a sexual relationship","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user they say anything to run from his liberal polices of big gov't and fewer libeies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"get over it, the world keeps spinning . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The OEA strike was not planned here. It was planned by the NEA for red states. The NEA wanted to raise the salaries in Oklahoma. So they can give a reason to give even bigger raises to blue states like Ca, New York, Illinois. Those states are running billion dollar deficits. As soon Oklahoma will be doing. Because we are also in debt. Stop the spending","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Democrats are sick! Back off & let our president Trump continue to help all Americans! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I see boobs lol \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude07","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Of course he is. He will be remembered for being the biggest hypocrite in history. They change the rules constantly. #GOPHypocrites","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That bitch is giving me the fuck u I just filled ur glass....Simone is getting 24% instead of 25....thats right whore Im talking to YOU. Oh no, thank you just the bill it was good. (It really fucking wasnt) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=-PgkF1pF4kg I have no problem with how China treats these bastards.They are only treating them like how the rest of us get treated by muzzies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER is anti-gop. He is part of the \u201cTrump Party\u201d and he is hoping for a pardon for ripping off hard working Americans.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or another...\u00a0 \ud83d\ude42\u00a0\ud83d\ude42\u00a0\ud83d\ude42\u00a0\ud83d\ude42\u00a0\ud83d\ude42","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can @user join your ranks? #Rimmy4Antifa? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Twitter is very sneaky about censoring Conservatives n various ways. There definitely needs to be an investigation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user sad that there is so much hatred towards jews in eu & xians in me. remember xians of kenya, nigeria\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I knew it, also. Things must get worse before they can get better. ** 1381, the re-match! ** Deus Vult!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gutta wash my hair and decide on an outfit for tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab x #bloggersball ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am more worried about 23andme using the data for malicious purposes, department of defense was already kicking around the idea of gathering Russian DNA for a gene specific bioweapon and lord knows the kikes would not be beyond trying that on white America if their research yielded anything.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump We are waiting for you Mr president !!, you gonna be good #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Curious couldn't find this on your website. Doesn't fit your narrative does it. Cowards. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lani is such a cunt omg the bitch is always coming at people for their looks like sorry can u pipe down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@FLOTUS WE DID, HAVE A FAIR ELECTION **[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]THANK YOU!! [NEWLINE]PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN*[NEWLINE]AND, VP KAMALA HARRIS* [NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]FOR FIGHTING FOR THE (SOUL) OF OUR COUNTRY*[NEWLINE]AND,, OUR DEMOCRACY !! https:\/\/t.co\/VQN9nqIHPr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user birds flew thanks to european cooperation.\" #brexit would be a sad loss both for gb &finland\": @user ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You got reply in before mine, but what I'm pointing out is women work their lives around being safe from *some men*, not all men ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"been dieting for 2.5 weeks now. staed at 14.7 stone, down to 13.8 stone!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #weightloss #slimfast #3aday #fattynomore!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sounds like Mitch (Mr McGoo) McConnell and his fellow \"House-Deadbeats\" finally woke up? As a Republican, I'm disgusted with these do-nothing \"half-wits\" but They are STILL way, way ahead of the Democrat-Communists!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user 1. AFTER she lost, she focused on her opponent. So you're when they lose...\"\" Serena wasn't losing. She is never losing until that last point. 2. You can say she screamed (it was loud there), I use the word DEFENDED her integrity.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 because they don\u2019t exist!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As Trump stated, Due Process later. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The #metoo movement has turned out just the way black lives matter and Antifa turned out. Started out as a worthy cause and then ruined by a bunch of bandwagonists. More harm than good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BritFam #GabFam - BLOGGING: 'The Perfidy of Western 'Intelligence' Agencies: The A.Q. Khan case', by me. Will be of interest to anyone concerned about the constant drum-beat for war and the duplicity of our 'intelligence' agencies & the Deep State.https:\/\/going-postal.com\/2018\/04\/the-perfidy-of-we...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, but we are the race that produces Lindberghs. A fall off a box will not stop us if the people who know better start talkin'. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DS 101-finished - Cosmic Vortex #Process #Pic \u00a9Robert T Leija - #Stipple #Creation #Pointillism #Pen #Ink #Artwork #Art #Leija #Traditional #Strange #Surreal #Weird - What goes in, must come out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" congressman @user hangs this picture nation\u00e2\u0080\u0099s capitol. he should volunteer to be hu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And niggas still gonna complain about geno ffs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user talks with @user Victoria Crouse about her new report on immigrant entrepreneurs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019d rather be buried alive ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER We all know this is another Liberals Corruption!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I win that Lottery,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not enough. Vote, Florida!!! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/wwFpkmAtC1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Lord Of The Pies should kept his c*ck holster shut. Nobody gives a toss what you Hollyweirdo's have to say. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another illegal","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"S.O.S. ~+++~ Help Europe Now !!!#Rapefugee #OpenBorders #MuslimMigrations #QAnonGermans protest Merkel while Migrant attack in progress via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My girl make my shit solid as a rock when she kiss me you hoes just not attractive \ud83d\udc80\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udeae ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Mateen #FBI https:\/\/edition.cnn.com\/2018\/03\/26\/us\/noor-salman-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Join us in the rabbit hole last night? Tag us and share your photos using #OverScared - you could win 2 tickets to #Frightmare 2018! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So after taking with Kavanaugh he is able to diagnose His accuser ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can be convinced. It's just that you're not doing it. Why? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#USA #UK and probably #Europe and #Australia With their level of intelligence? Weez all stoopid y'all! #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Celebrities URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BTC #Doug\u00a0https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/mention-bitcoin-one-m...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"glad it worked well for you!!! please let me know what you use and if i can help! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I seriously have no more words for how fucked up he is. Every time I think I found the word he does something even more despicable & disgusting. The best I can do is hope that he chokes in his own vomit for all of the stupid lies he's told. Like a serial killer he has no soul..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user A slightest sound are you joking! That horrendous heave and huffing and puffing down my ear hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chicago here we are \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0099 #chicago #love #cloudgate #bean #smile #honeymoon #roadtrip\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Anyone considering buying a property in Spain needs to consider very careful the security angle. With African migrants targeting the elderly because they are a soft touch, it may be better to consider other countries without violent \"refugees\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the best pa about staying up late is getting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When you are playing inside you don\u2019t get beat inside. I agree not a major mistake. I\u2019m glad you found it because I was questioning my mind again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah her mother was full of s*** Just like she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@politicsofamy Whoa easy Amy, don't slag the Canucks too much with such a generalization","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look it all got real when Kennedy was assassinated. I was too young to know the difference. \u00a0WOW I am a conspiracy weirdo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks Mr.Trump I don't like creepy uncle Joe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MilesTaylorUSA To your former Republican friends sitting on the fence, may your asses hurt until you\u2019re willing to jump up and do right by America. We need @realDonaldTrump out of the Oval Office. #WorstPresidentInHistory #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amazin! How ever did Justin Trudeau get to be Canadian Prime Minister???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user don't miss our info night for legally blonde! ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user just received my @user frame. #nobodyputsbabyinthecorner it's back in the box ready for it to be put up in my n\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is not a troll he is simply dumb but I\u2019m enjoying it I love tweeter for this \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'M ALMOST SHOT BY LA GANG MEMBER\/ILLEGAL IN TRAFFIC 9\/5\/4.45 PM MY BELIEF IN THE 2ND AMENDMENT:REACHES ABSOLUTE:CRIMINALS WANT VICTIMS UNARMED:PIX LATER: NRA GUN CONTROL RIGHTS GRAB FALSE FLAG 2A #ICE POLSI FIENSTINE TRUMP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That is just awful ! He never was much anyway! A grown man acting like that; a bully ! Best to you and hubby Mark ! MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Experimental strip farm demonstrates why strip farming was eventually abandoned https:\/\/quotulatiousness.ca\/blog\/2018\/08\/31\/experi... #history #farming","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happened to see @user ..perfect example of why women are regressing as paicipants in society. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stop talking about the flag u dont give a shit about a soldier or a flag draft dodging treasonous Mein Kunt grimy bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Kyle long is fine. I bet he is just getting rest. Please at Brown over Sims.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This shitshow is just as disgusting and aggravating as I thought it would be. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just saw a group of freshmen wearing maga bucket hats \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22 i hate this school ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user BS WILSON IS A SKANK WHORE AND A LIAR . DIDDN'T YOU KNOW ALL LIBERALS LIE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". @USER @USER @USER @USER Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal URL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the dopest most illest female artist ever! That's fucken queen right there hands down!!! Try to argue widdit\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@sweetlou462 Lol. Have fun! 😄 I haven't been to a race since HS (Charlotte). Crazy redneck times. Lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Zarries didn\u2019t start this conversation! It was a larry shipper that trash talked our ship!! So how about y\u2019all petty ass larries stay out of our mention eh?!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What the fuck? You don\u2019t care about your friend? You are not a real friend then \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f he not losing anyone special then cuz you can\u2019t even be a real friend and that\u2019s sad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll be doing a personal stream tonight called 'The 5 Stages To Accepting A New Paradigm' from 10pm and 11:30pm EST. It will address my thoughts on a wide range of issues, including organization, frame games, last night's stream with @SimonHarris, and future directions.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER She is just feeling his touch first time\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ICYF: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Join American Sheriffs to Secure Americas Borders! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by carbs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bomb... the... caravans. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@USER calls you an intellectual prostitute\"\" because he knows that you are smarter and more intellectual than he.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We are \u201cCasually fucked\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user nah my foodie ass will gladly say it. that works on absolutely no one's fucking palate. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER this hurts to look at","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0081 happy + sassy today! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #sassy #spanish #me #giverofgoodvibes #onpoint #selfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It is so funny that she is scared of pigs. This could be a plot for your next children's book. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We are the Judge Dredd's of our Nation. #TuesdayMorning #WednesdayWisdom #WednesdayMotivation #WednesdayMorning #MAGA #KAG #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KeepAmericaGreat #AmericaFirst #2A #2ADefenders When Libtard Democrats call you..via\u27a1 @user Twt: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Umm, where is the magical vaginal juice ingredient? #nsfw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user sad - marrying a palin should be automatic forfeiture of a moh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A lot of democrats and liberals are even criticizing him for giving him the hug he asked for!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user This sounds as relevant as the march in Mumbai by the woke snowflakes for Gun Control\ud83d\ude02. Abortion in India is legal and only the woman's choice is required. Take your circus elsewhere. Instead take up the issue of oppression of Hindus in India. This is at least relevant. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user We'll stop when the Democrats stop using the victims of school shootings for their gun control agenda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The interview is a very important part of the hiring process. And selling yourself may not come naturally. Make sure you're fully prepared: ^TN ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MariaBartiromo @SidneyPowell1 @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness Get the in the morning Maria! This Stinks and somebody needs to go to jail! #MAGA2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JOE BIDEN IS NOT CORRUPT YOU NASTY SWINE. YOU ARE THE CRIMINAL, CORRUPT POS. QUIT PROJECTING. ITS UNBECOMING. PEOPLE LOVE JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS \ud83e\udd2c\u203c\ufe0f THEY GIVE US HOPE. GET OVER IT. YOU\u2019RE GONNA LOSE BIGLY\ud83e\udd2c\u203c\ufe0fAND YOU\u2019LL NEVER BE LOVED LIKE OBAMA WHO IS LOVED BY ALL\u203c\ufe0f\u203c\ufe0f https:\/\/t.co\/t8HlCzrqec","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest obsidian radio daily! thanks to @user @user @user #latesnews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#democrats and #liberals don\u2019t give a damn about @user allegedly committing physical violence on his ex-girlfriend but they all rush to discredit Kavanaugh for a 35 year old \u201cvague\u201d 11th hour accusation. #walkaway #Hypocrites ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Kind of like when conservatives wanna associate everyone to their left as communist antifa members?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?i=aec_1508296335","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Nobody wants to take your guns, we just want gun control of what guns we will allow you to have\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2018 mid-term elections - Prophesy soon Fulfilling in the comin short-months - Republics Will Crush the democrats - https:\/\/gab.ai\/JosephPhillipDaniel\/posts\/31190847","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are tons of free resources available. We homeschool on a shoestring.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals always play victim. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user liberals are kinda the worst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user in the jailing of the smugglers the families of migrants called the emergency services seems its a team effort to get into uk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"every 1 talks abt raising #pollution level in #bengaluru. but no encouragement for cyclists walkers from any of d authorities. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that would be the stunt in which @JamesOKeefeIII crossed some water dressed as a dead man while his teabagger sheriff friend watched him.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#rohingya muslims toured by officials \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #myanmar's .@user and her rul\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Get away from these lying toxic people! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another #melbourne snap, this guy played the most beautiful sounding instrument! #streetphotography ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @elcinpoyrazlar: Two Jihadis Arguing Over Stolen M&M's Will Make Your Day http:\/\/t.co\/uFRcLDiovX @markham @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/zukwJ2ve2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check out our instagram: #motivation #showsomelove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're drunk and you tell your friends you're gonna text your ex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"reading#coffee#cup#shapes #girl#\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081with#umbrella#\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0082and a puppy#\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00be#\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a6 @ tea monkey ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One born every minute ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This cheered me Up! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Worker charged in 2017 with molesting children at immigrant shelter | The Texas Tribune ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pace #nofilter #love #instagood #me #smile #follow #cute #photooftheday #tbt #followme #beautiful ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Could it be that President Trump is normal and most of Washington D C are insane and totally out of touch with the forgotten middle class working people of America? Drain the swamp & MAGA. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user WTF do those POS have to do with an illegal that murdered a police officer? You really want to connect home grown mass murders with criminals that we were in the process of EXPORTING back where they came from, clearly we don't need anymore, we've had enough! #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not long now until we open the doors on our june beer festival! #realale #wraysbury","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs\". She needs people like you to support her though.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Must Pass #Immigration Laws Deportation at the Border no Court, for All Illegals including Central Americans, Cross the Border Illegally No Asylum, No Contesting Removal Orders, Mandatory E-Verify #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ThursdayThoughts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was flying down the slope and just rammed into this small Asian boy, kid got up like a champ and walked it off","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All these people we have listed in the last few minutes have a connection to the clowns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Xtc isn't going to help you sleep hahahah but it will help you feel better after how Rockstar is shitting on us. Or did you mean sleeping pills\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HillaryClinton @JoeBiden You had my vote in 2016 and #Biden2020 will have my vote. You warn us what trump was going to be and you were correct. The USA would have been in much better place if you had been our 45","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thats because you are an old man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tell every preagnant woman about this saint!!! https:\/\/aleteia.org\/2018\/09\/01\/this-patron-saint-o...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sweet family stay @user @user @user #lovemama #lovepapa \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user CA has inadequate gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER holy fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user paul beloy: is still an issue at varying levels in belgian football @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can \"whites only immigration\" make america great again? via @user #jarodtaylor #asslicker","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user oh yeah Terry Porters 40 second PI Call (OSU alumn)... naw im over it... Your coach and his scumbag history... If you know anything about his history with Aaron Hernandez you would know what kind of scumbag he is... but OSU is a shithole so the story goes on.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user what the fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i hate online applications because you don't even get your foot in the door before they tell you no, we don't need you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Funny how on top of things\"\" you are trying to show you are when its white republicans in the path of the storm. An entire Island was just left to fend for its self for 13 days before help arrived. Trump is a FAKE PRESIDENT\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user A popular vote would be terrible! We would become a Democracy! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm looking for the bus to #sendthemback ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cruel mistress wanted, will pay 5$ a week, to be her bitch 24\/7 #findom #loser #humanatm #walletrape #FemaleSupremacy #paypig ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The school district where I currently live has dropped to below 50% white kids. (49.1%). That's insane. 20 years ago, when I was 18, it was 78.3%. The total amount of students for the two years is nearly identical. The district we're moving to this Saturday is 89.7% white kids. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting ready to go see ninja tules in an hour wahoo! excited. $9 ticket for movie of the week today whoop whoop! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"W T A F?!?!?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Still canny get er somecunt in maga telling us no to go into bananas cos French boys were spiking folks drinks & kerr turns round n shouts fuck it free dunt \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bad gun control seems like. Missed his brains.... bummer!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"boo seungkwan a visual hole ???? bitch i think the fuk not #SVT_PROJECT_VOCAL #PINWHEEL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"trump\u00e2\u0080\u0099s odd nye tweet to \u00e2\u0080\u0098enemies\u00e2\u0080\u0099 #trump 'the odd man out' #economy #hype self serving #fool #idiot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegals voting illegally...\u00a0 A Dem constant.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They use to call my mom Japs when she was younger. Lol Asian racial slurs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hope you are having a great day honey. Can't wait to talk to you \ud83d\ude03 I love you \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a cancer though. Suspended for like 3 years and then is late to practice when he\u2019s able to play again. Can you blame them for cutting him when they suck anyways?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She is correct about one thing..the truth DOES always win! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop Illegals from overcrowding U.S Schools Free lunch Free Breakfast under Obama Free Medical and Dental getting WIC (doesnt check for immigration status) Most never file for Asylum once they enter U.S #StopAsylumScam #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You do scare all Americans with ur fake democratic platform. It\u2019s mainly ur corrupt GOP ethics that are the problem. GOP is ok with supporting pedofiles treason & voter suppression. Dems actually want improved health care for all sensible gun control & to help the little guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wonder if any of the MAGA people that try to follow me are hoping to maybe get better knowledge or maybe they want to change. And then I go and block them. Maybe that\u2019s why they never change. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER shut that wanker up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just two days ago, YouTube channels re: aliens have shown 3 or more HUGE objects between the Sun and US - as seen on the sun satellites used for solar weather predictions. Check those videos, I'll post if I recover them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i'm so excited! 0613 is my favorite day of the year. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"World Relief is thrilled to be included in this list from @user of 5 organizations to support for #WorldRefugeeDay. Check out the other organizations who are doing amazing work to stand with refugees. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i think you should have kept silent for at least 24h. i like your tweets & aicles but unfollowed for now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"battlefront 2 in 2017 with new trilogy content, 3rd person star wars game from makers of dead space in 2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"every news journal's top story is about orlando except the @user which features a story on back-country access. #cutbacks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant Families Reunited In New York ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Better late than never, welcome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Whenever conservatives lose a court ruling, they bitch and moan about activist judges or agenda judges.\" Whenever anyone else loses a court ruling, they accept that they lost a court ruling. Conservatives are whiny babies.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for cocktails. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@support can you be kind enough to add a translate feature to the android app? At least one from Portuguese to English. \ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Encouraging black women to be aborted all the way into adulthood seems brutally off-putting to me, but if they think it'll solve a lot of probs who am I to question it? I'll be the person progs want me to be in the Current Year I will #TrustBlackWomen, and so should you!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh you skank @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I THINK ILL HAVE A RAP BITCH FOR MY ENTREE CAUSE THEY BE THINKING NIGGAS SPIT SPIT SHINE MY SHOES YOU KNOW I KEEPS\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ooooo Damn! Looks like a Rainbow! All Pretty And Shit! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CarlavanderWaal @Jaymaroley & als je over Syrie tweet, volg @Partisangirl maar, zij komt er vandaan & zal je precies uitleggen hoe of wat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...it should not be surprising that conservatives increasingly want to take that ultimate power of life and death away from the government.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rosenstein\u2019s 300 Attorneys \u2018Helped\u2019 Vet Kavanaugh \u2013 Now Sexual Abuse Charges which go back to his highschool days and can't be proven & Named witness DENIES #Pathetic #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET #CCOT #maga #KAG2018 #Trump2020 #NoMoreProgressiveLiberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be true to your work, your word, and your friend. henry david thoreau #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigration Compromise Saves Merkel Government in Germany \u2014 for Now Germans still stupid ! This traitor should be hung from the nearest light post for destroying Germany... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @RealSaavedra: A play in 4 acts. (The last screenshot is his Twitter account, not the tweet) https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VDL5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dragoneducation#autumn #kids#aupair #aupairlife#china#baby#travel#experience#teacher#english #crazy #cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#trump ally carl #paladino slammed for ' wish list for #obamas - nbc news ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feels so good being a Zionist. Really frees you up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pro Tip- Shut the fuck up when you're in my presence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MuellerWitchHunt Double Standard - Paul #Manafort and #Feinstein's China Spy URL #DeepStateCorruption #DeepState #FBICorruption#MAGA #KAG #KAG2018 #KAG2020 #KeepAmericaGreat #ManafortTrial #CASen #Kavanaugh #ConfirmKavanaugh URL TW308","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user guys im literally italian and i know what that shit is wtf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump said fuck you college boys - learn a fucking trade. By\u00a0 the way I went to a trade school in high school - Aviation mechanic high school.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Politicians are finally getting it through their heads that the NRA doesn't represent a majority of gun owners. Most responsible gun owners SUPPORT gun control. You are pushing policies that most American gun owners find reprehensible. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm a redneck, but without the homophobia and racism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@youngscooter ghetto gold needa be the first music vid!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She's no poor thing\". She's an antifa protester with many ties to the DNC. She's a Trump hater. Donated to HRC. She didn't just \"appear\" out of the blue. Cracks me up how naive people are. Toughen up America! These are lying leftists intent on destroying our democracy!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My exes are going bowling together even though one was calling the other a cunt\/Bitch last week?!?!? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yeah. That's kinda the fashy thing right now. The Proud Boys scumbags wear tshirts saying Pinochet did nothing wrong\"\" And Antifa are the ones who are violent? Please. It's been an actual fascist every time this has been brought up in my experience. Like dude here, who stopped..\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Because he is a scummy human being.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" gazal follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we will work on tasting this! #veggies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #gop #cons who voted for #nazi #fascist #dictator #trump are just scared little bullies who\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Of course it does. But they weren't interested to him. Domestic abuse is still domestic abuse. So I hope you didn't use this fake rumor just to shit on the habs and that you actually care about domestic abuse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I remember when twitter was dead like this...Every cunt was saying.. Facebook...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We support you Dana in anything you do\u2014yes you are a heck of an actress. Thank you for fighting for us. NRA Proud. MAGA. BLESSINGS DANA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(I'm late but neverthelesssss) @USER HAPPY BIRTHDAY CEL! HOPE U HAD A GREAT DAY AND CONTINUE BEING THE PERSON YOU ARE! all the love \u2661\u2661\u2661","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wil try find it on showbox tonight.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THE GLOVES ARE OFF ! THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP ! https:\/\/youtu.be\/ZSHGf_3xL_8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The majority of those are suicides. You can not provide evidence that gun control reduces homicides.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT GID_Manchester Activists in #Manchester were up early to put up more #FreeTommy signs. It's been inspiring to see patriots from all over the country rallying and making their discontent known. If you would like to get involved in #GenerationIdentity, then DM us. https:\/\/pic.twitter.com\/CXTID3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you have Locke proposal that I haven't heard yet?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yea cuz mushroom penis syndrome is definitely an impeachable offense \ud83d\ude02 #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hey bitch stop selling yourself to @user run cunt run ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER When we Satan call him home #Soros.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good night, im so excited!! #midnight ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the racist truth about canadian immigration #cdnpoli #lpc #canpoli #canada","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol bitch you a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OMG, people, wake TF up. That orange buffoon, & @LindseyGrahamSC & @DNI_Ratcliffe are HELPING TO MEDDLE IN THIS ELECTION!! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Both of them, & most of all, @realDonaldTrump & @DonaldJTrumpJr are traitors, & we must #VOTE Nov 3rd to save democracy #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Rho4glFZpu","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm picky AF when it comes to girls... Until a girl wants to bring her not so cute friend over for a threesome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Jokes are funny if the person saying them doesn\u2019t really hate whites and Christians. That\u2019s a National past time for liberals these days. Funny stuff...for the Louis Farrakhan crowd. Racist crap by any barometer.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"appalled by the service i've received! won't be shopping with johnlewis again. #johnlewis @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user GOV Brown needs a class on #MAGA 101. Also need a swift kick in the pants for insulating @user . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is delirious! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is dis d sta of monsoon in mumbai\u00e2\u0099\u00a5 #coolclimate#baarish","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The last time the sun was blank more than 50% of the time was in 2009, near the end of the deepest Solar Minimum of the Space Age. Now the sun is entering a\u00a0new\u00a0Solar Minimum, and\u00a0it is shaping up\u00a0to be even deeper than before. Periods of spotlessness are a normal part of the 11-year solar cycle. 1\/2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"let me tell you a story about and #videogames. specifically, #marvel super heroes vs. #streetfighter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Komrade Killmakoff makes #weak spineless #antifa peepee themselves! \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udd7a\ud83d\udd7a\ud83d\udd7a\ud83d\udd7a\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d https:\/\/youtu.be\/weq_7bYko2Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I paid for big fake boobs I didn\u2019t even get to see","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user had a blast recording with @user gaana sunke sab naach uthenge !!!! #newfilm #sickstuff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ok G you are hired. Hot yoga fixed it. Feels good as new!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Looks like gun control is working out well for your sh*t hole country huh? How are those gun laws working huh? More shootings and murders by gun than America which has more guns than people in Brazil ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @GOP [NEWLINE]You are dumber than dirt you lying psychopathic Putin puppet![NEWLINE]#MAGA #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah! You can\u2019t just wing cooking! There\u2019s all kinds of measurements you need to follow otherwise it\u2019ll end up tasting like garbage.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6 won!! we wonn in baseboll over the teachers and we are the only 6 that did it ever! #proud","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#italians weren't coming from a country were women were stoned and they didn't entered #illegally. pro-#immigrant b\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He has no social graces. That is why he was shunned by NY proper everyone knows he's white trash with a little money. He does not know how to act and makes everything about him. Always. He is just a Me ME Me POS that is an embarrassment to the USA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So when are this year's fake news awards? I can't wait!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user If you say so ya fucking cunt puffin..now fuck off and go take youre face for a shite! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This organization has control over ALL DEPTS of the GOV... this is why durty politicians don't get prosecuted and stay in office FOREVER.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Totally agree, May is a vile globalist, dithering POS traitor. Merkel & Macron are pure evil and must be got rid of asap. If Brits keep on voting for these globalist traitors they won't live to regret it. The whole country should vote UKIP to get rid of lib\/lab\/con forever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gym Jordan didn't notify superiors at Ohio State that a doctor was molesting students. Trump admitted to a felony on twitter yesterday. Rand Paul is in Moscow with a @user coalition kissing Putin's butt. Over 500 immigrant children have not been reunited with a parent. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NC Toddler Killed Riding in Ambulance Crashed Into by Drunk Illegal Alien http:\/\/bit.ly\/2EHwGL9\u00a0 Hordes of illegal scum, including Dreamers, R in US thx to O, Ryan & their open borders to tribal indigents policy. Deport all illegals now! #tcot #pjnet #maga #lnyhbt #wakeupamerica #molonlabe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user but look how passionate they are about #ivankatrump on the plane. which was #fake. yet ignore #adamsaleh. #ra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where you will be going, It is too toasty for a fat girl. I don't give a \ud83d\udca9about you, or the Emmies, the Oscars, Holly Weird, NFL players or hypocritical criminal Demon Craps. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER They would've had the Vice Presidency via Tim Kaine's Antifa son...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Iggy is trending. Twitter's trash today.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user all happy for \u00c3\u00a8 #lgbtfamily,but what i don't get is the incessant but thin veiled against other gay minorities?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Merica... \ud83d\ude11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U neo-nazi's and Muslims have tried for 70 years to \"kill them all\" Yet you FAILED-'cause UR fucking losers. DEAL WITH IT LOL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is being sued for sexual assault.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think of Religion like I think about Alcohol...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think we should be going after Sen Feinstein if she really cared she would not have sat on this issue and made it political. She is using you like all democratic power seekers be careful who you sell your soul too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user a plan put together by people so out of touch reality it's laughable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are amazing and talented and i hope you have an amazing night \ud83d\udc98\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc98 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think the 90s fascistic position is just one position and it won't gain much adepts than what it has gained already. Taking the example of race, the spiteful mocking of other races does not and will not work with the civilised masses. That is why the more polite American Renaissance way works.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Dolt. You\u2019ve become another nail for Hammer Trump.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019ll bet you mock disabled people too. Funny how the MAGA crowd likes to pick on the weak and support the powerful. Like bullies. Wonder who your role model is? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why must liberals insert agendas into everything? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Montana loves Trump. At the rally in Billings MT #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MAGA #BuildThatWall #TrumpRally #BillingsMontana #billingstrumprally ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The liberals won\u2019t investigate because they know there\u2019s nothing there. They\u2019d rather have someone else do it so when nothing is found the liberals can blame them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's even lols. it behind my ear. \u00f0\u009f\u0097\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0087\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #likesforlike #vscodaily #health #healthy #amazing\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spain's overwhelmed coastguard says it can't cope with migrant influx, as 700 rescued in one\u00c2\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Love it trump wanted to do something liberals and Democrats just talk and have hearing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I wish I could join a server without disconnecting... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why didn't gun control stop illegals from obtaining firearms?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Those pesky Antifa Supersoldiers are at it again.... \ud83d\ude27 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user today i grieve while trump seeks fuher recognition and votes. #shameful #orlando ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why to the cowards not list ANTIFA on their profiles. Cowards or terrorist or both... I\u2019ll go with both!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And the Bull$hit just keep coming. So we're expected to just accept these allegations for their face value. The left swamp plot thickens. We need to out the offenders once and for all. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"throwback x chinatown x vacation #smile #berlin #bln #blond #white #black #brown \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The principaled conservatives\"\" have left the building.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sometimes your girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bird and her bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle likely will be sentenced to time served #PreventableDeath#BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #TherIsMoreOfThemOutThere ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Guatemala is sending their finest #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nice group of #maga follow back thanks !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Too bad he can\u2019t write a law to take away the stupidity from liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m so excited to announce my partnership with @user I\u2019ll be teaching 10 people my secrets to the kitchen in an intimate cooking class in LA with #AirbnbExperiences. All proceeds will be donated to the Americans for Immigrant Justice foundation #ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He trashed himself it was ugly.......didn\u2019t hurt Trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ur a cunt nd she\u2019s a hoe, nuff said ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user agreed. he's a lying #asshat . say it, own it. #lyingdonnie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah, I become the guy who gets to practice on sacrificial targets.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AC_Hussle: Bron pregame speeches be so trash though lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please watch the story of Welles Crowther. He is a hero. You are simply an asshole. Be ashamed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If they find this pos bring him back only if he gets the death penalty. We don't need this human garbage sitting in our jails. #ItEndsNow #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.Barack Obama - 2005#BuildThatWall #MAGA #Trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is absolutely terrifying from a public health standpoint to think about the numbers of kids experiencing sudden and prolonged separation, he says. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can we still talk of a \u2018\u02dcmigration crisis\u2019 in the EU? Nando Sigona asks. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a huge fuck up on my part. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First of all ya dick is too mediocre to be having your ugly ass bitch come at me in such manner ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user still don't change shit bout dat hoeness \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Giants vs. stinky birds Sunday \n...think Ima make some wings 😊","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop looking at raw totals you dumb faggot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Antifa do promote hared based on Race. Black Lives Mater is a Hate Group. Prime Example of How The SPLC are not Trust Worthy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Excuse me? EVERYONE LIKES IT!!! BITCH IF YOU DON'T FUCK OFF THIS WORLD! What a hoe! \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who defines ?: historically #oppressed or historic #oppressors\/#privileged","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Awful","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Love u bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" wednesday flower #a \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00ef\u00b8\u008f photo & edit by me #humpday #amandapletchmodel\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity #WhereIsHannity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gonna be a bitch to re-write this one. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02 NIGGA hit em wit the o well lowkie ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They\u2019re not sending their best. A lot of them are rapists scumbags and the lowest form of DNA. Should THIS fake \u201cfamily\u201d not be separated\u00e2\u0081\u2030\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user always be \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ae\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a7","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The woman who accused Nelly of rape is refusing to testify, and wants the whole matter dropped\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user W had empathy and regrets. He may have been a bad\/ineffective president but he is way more presidential than trump could ever hope to be ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" lovely gift on a sunny day - thanks #teamcelticross for the effos thanks to all @user guests. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just to be clear. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user \"incite them\"? like we should be afraid to upset isis. lol! exactly why we're losing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user w\/ props, #jesus was not #black nor was he white. those who promote the #hateful #biggotry need to be called vile scum.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its official.. India now has lower hygiene than rats. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US ends all funding to UN agency for \u201cPalestinian\u201d \u201crefugees\u201dSEP 1, 2018\u00a0This is long overdue. Only among the \u201cPalestinians\u201d is \u201crefugee\u201d status passed down to children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Millions of people were displaced after World War II, but they moved elsewhere and got on with their lives. Not the \u201cPalestinians,\u201d because they were and are a weapon of the jihad. http...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wouldnt it be nice to choose how OUR tax$$ are spent? No more $ on illegals! More $$ on our VETS #MAGA2020 #BuildTheWallNow #ZeroTolerance #SendThemBack #DonaldTrump #Veterans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Destroying me???? Excuse me I beat you all the time why you bullshitting that?? Also I love you more \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don't think she did much to accomplish that goal! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"very sad people with very sad lives, gossiping about people who are fuck all to do with them #getalife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Strange that this is going on in the midst of outrage where illegal migrants are being \"separated\" from their families & Black Lives Matter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bad bytches prolly got some fucked up attitudes! So this oughta y\u2019all y\u2019all ya looks only carry you so far \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Getting my monster prolapsed cunt totally fucking destroyed by the one and only VERSFFLA \u2764\ufe0f my hole is so fucked up\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ask sheriff of Pima County about #IllegalAliens Xing the border at Fort Huachuca. They walk into the base. #WednesdayWisdom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#CoalBurners #Mudsharks #Cucks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a whole year ago today this adventure staed \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd time flies ... #aladdinrocks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sculpted gel nails #love #nails #gel #glitter @ rebeccas nails plymouth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER if the reason for Farakans illegal values are because he is black or Muslim, that would be a reason to detest him. I believe his illegal values are simply a result of bad character, like his supporters!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user checkout today's #trending #gif of the day! , horse, maximus via ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy saturday lovers! #shohairdontcare #realyogaselfie #yogaoffthemat #nomakeupselfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And you can see how close he is to tears. I know how hard it is to lose an old friend. They're irreplaceable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ATTENTION! @USER is publicizing a list of ANTIFA TARGETS comprised of Trump supporters. Some are high profile names, but MANY are everyday Trump supporters. Please report him to Twitter. They still have NOT suspended his account. Check out his Lists\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yea you pussy boy like I said Ill get into your room if I have too ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"blue-sapphire-earrings 18k-yellow-gold-clip-on-diamond Alexandra Earrings in Emerald Crystal on Emma http:\/\/t.co\/5j3lRXgrcn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ths dnt have nothing to do with God\u2019s will but...[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]what it does mean is tht @realDonaldTrump is obviously not healthy enough to lead my country, neither has his staff been capable to protect him. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trump, the only thing you worship is Putin\u2019s dick and money. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is the Judge On Crack? he Said said Govt needs to prove it considered the benefits of having illegal Aliens here and working! Illegal Immigration cost $135 B a year while Illegals pay $!8 B in taxes ! Illegals are No Benefit to the U. S #Trump #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"god fucking shit cunt dammit bitch pretentious cock sucker..... I dropped my ice cream ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where tf are you ! I miss your white black ass hoe ! Mf c*ck sucking whore \u203c\ufe0f\ud83d\udc96\u2763\ufe0f\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It will be good. Don\u2019t forget to add low carb tropical fruit drinks recipes at end. And pics of beauty.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"feeling kinda blue\u00e2\u009a\u00ab . . . . . #ilustraci\u00c3\u00b3n #illustration #a #drawing #blue #me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thus far the only people getting shot and kicked out of places are conservatives. #MAGA #WalkAway #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love sunday morning market day. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0089\u00e2\u0098\u0095\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b3 #sundays #market #travel #balearics #chill\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump & his obedient Republicans. What\u2019s their closing argument to the American people?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\u201cHUNTER BIDEN\u2019S HARD DRIVE!\u201d[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Pretty fucking pathetic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yet another reminder that sexism is alive and well everywhere i am, & any woman who stands up for herself is automatically a bitch or a cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER One could say that she is the one coward. She could probably end this charade but continues to sabotage our country with her silence. Plus she\u2019s a sad over facelifted former soft porn model.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It's a pretty awesome movement. Imagine if all men's rights wanktavists just fucked off to the woods and spared everyone their bullshit? There'd be fewer abusuve relationships and messed up kids. The sooner all the men like that go their own way into the fucking sea the better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It seems that the more often these types of events occur the more the gun control and safety debate heats up. I believe eventually state legislatures will pass laws providing schools with better protection but it is sad that these events have to occur in order to push the agenda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's two types of hoes out here ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama Admin\u2019s First Request to Spy on Trump Campaign Was Rejected by FISA Court \u2014 So They Added the Fake Dossier Knowing It Was Lie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Why did the democrats have to jam far left liberal judges down conservatives throat? Every liberal judge should be investigated all the way back to grade school. The only lowlife here is you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i was happy today & goodnight #goodnight","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Holy Fuck! Ain\u2019t diversity grand!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Of course. Thanks for making my point. ANTIFA has no clue what fascism is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Warriors coach fundraising for gun control Brady PAC ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From the Sonoran to the Sahara, terrible stories of thirst, abandonment, and death as anti-migration laws push migrants to more dangerous routes with crueler smugglers, for whom high risks mean high costs, disincentivizing human kindness ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals have truly outdone themselves with this stunt. Absolutely disgusting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Awesome tweet. You bring out the best in people and you are appreciated. Thanks for yesterday's many live updates and live coverage and that was just one news story!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#whitenationalist leader reveals 5 of his most horrifying hopes for america ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.bestgore.com\/murder\/palestine-teen-shot-israel-sniper-during-unarm-protest\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER More than that how low she is\ud83d\udc4e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How to Pronounce Whore Eyed Cunt \u21baRT\u2764 # ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well she is better looking than the lying chicks lawyer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER No Ingles..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I wouldn\u2019t trust Chuck Schumer ever. He\u2019s a liar and the president doesn\u2019t trust him either.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How am I villifying him? He literally did have a 2 hour rant about imaginary bolsheviks and how women should just stop complaining. If you think that is no true wrong\"\", then well, I got news for you buddy: it means you are as shitty as he is.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Pleasure is all Mine ! Glad you Like them ! Wish you a Very Good Morning too :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Afghan migrant harassed Bulgarian woman and got a lesson - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"damn, i miss this series! #strong #lies #heal #greatquotes #quotes #self #selfie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when someone says 'i'm not a racist, but......'. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"there's nothing cool about getting killed in combat in this day and age.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I\u2019m glad someone doesn\u2019t support trump. It doesn\u2019t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren\u2019t also pure trash. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*Looks at the list* ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Your shabby self and your traitor buddy BO....Gave us #MAGA....stupid your just stupid.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user yes yes yes #ihavenofriends #someonecomewithme ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Steele may love puppies, but he never was much of a conservative.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't close the door to refugees, instead welcome them. Because love always comes full circle. The story of Patricia and Placide. @user | @user | #Burundi | #Canada | @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the now. nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user travelling to #etfo exec mtg by train w the most delightful group. they laugh lots! one sounds exactly like ed wynne in mar\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@PoliticsGhost\u200d How the fuck can you stand up for Trump when you have no legs?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is a special kind of stupid. #liberals have no basis in reality or in history. must be a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"INCREDIBLE . . . .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you were so good im in love\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user simply cannot accept failure. Former President Harry Truman he is not. Trump will always look to blame others. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#YESonKavanaugh Yes because it is the right thing to do Yes because conservatives are in power Yes because Democrats are miserable humans Yes because we are sick and tired of the tantrums from the Democrats Yes because they FREAKING LOST THE ELECTION! Please add more reasons!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you're running out of #hater bitches to #whiteknight you \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9 @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#job attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is suppos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user U nasty bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to sight them in and stock up on ammo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"she makes everything better. #chihuahua #puppy #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you probably ruined all yours. Considering you're a woman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user whereh in my snapchat @user #love #dj #spin #music #media #me #model #tbt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you think Beyonc\u00e9 is nice or a bitch \u2014 A little bit of both, depends on the time Wonhoe w... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Does these idiots actually listen to what they say? @USER Sucks!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think he is hoping someone somewhat soviet will take care of it for him. This could get even uglier.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user would rather be involved in the bullshit politics that our community has rather than play the greatest gam\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today @user alongside immigrant rights groups across the country, filed a FOIA with @user to demand accountability & transparency over why there\u2019s over 753,000 immigrants still waiting for citizenship, sometimes over 20 months. #TearDownThe2ndWall #NaturalizeNOW ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rubin should not talk about \"the ugly face\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where Europe\u2019s migrants are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user im very saddened & all cuz i like ceain ppl! wtf? that doesnt even make sense! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And i look like bleedin Peter Pan ; (","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is how morgan freeman responded when asked 'how do solve racism?' #morganfreeman #commonsense ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #libtard #regressive=. can't effo a logic point w\/out #insults or #slurs especially if #refuted. that's wh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"back to school again... :) :* thanks god for another day !! ily :* ^_^ #caloocanhighschool","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The old right that stood up for cibil rights?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #ojmadeinamerica is #tragic & #fascinating marcus allen #sexliesnegos...guess faye resnick told #truth on that one huh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He was almost....ALMOST as bad as Obama!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Die in a fire you fucking skank. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol\u00a0 Go ahead, Soros, spend every dime you have silencing us.\u00a0 It won't work, Americans are waking up! Soros: Online Trump Supporters Will Be Entirely \u2018Silenced\u2019 By\u00a02020 https:\/\/nworeport.me\/2018\/08\/28\/soros-online-trump...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Da fuck is going on people? There's the men's room and the women's room Pick one and stick w it \ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't with @user in them #memes! #ojmadeinamerica ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boomer Humor","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hillary is stuck in her own anger for loosing she has always been evil, don't forget how she treated the women Bill rape ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I hadn't been banned from Twatter because of my political viewpoint, I'd tweet congrats to Roseanne. Very brave.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dese bitches will whore around lookin fa love; pathetic \ud83d\ude34\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So, I tuned into the Emmys last night, I watched for a whole 5 SECONDS before some celebrity, I had never heard of, started talking about their platform.\" Click. Liberals ruin everything.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" illegal wars of aggression, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"only a #whitesupremacist like @user could merge images like this without understanding the racist impact of the effect. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he must think people are really stupid; otherwise, why would he lie so blatantly? should neve be tolerate\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes #BuildThatWall. Build That Wall NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What is cruel is everyone of these American families was forcefully separated (torn apart) by death at the hands of Illegal Aliens who you protect. #DeportThemAll#BanSanctuaryCities#NoAsylum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey bitch their are mo more genders according to liberals, so dont use the word woman. Anyway ask for your money back you still look Jewish","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump You really bombed that debate. You're a joke. \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Advocating for herself is ridiculous fam? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I can\u2019t believe how close you got... I am thankful you are ok!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"We're always talking about (DREAMERS) from other countries I want the children of the United States to have dreams also \" @realDonaldTrump #AmericaFirst #EndChainMigration #StopSanctuaryCities","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so easy to make woman , but only sma men understand that. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oof, that\u2019s rough \ud83d\ude33[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/mCFglQClQT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fox's Gutfeld rips \"The View's\" cluster-of-the-stupids! \"Without Trump, 'The View's' a knitting circle in hell, an unfunny version of the Golden Girls.\" \"Joy has to be superhuman to be distraught all the time, like a Marvel character named, 'Outrago.'\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today i'm grateful for life. so much pointless death happening every minute from soulless individuals who don't deserve to see tomorrow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How much you want to bet they spent these months staging this whole thing. Then announce the week of the voting so they could call for a delay just like they did an hour ago. Waiting to win in Nov to Stop it #GET OUT TO VOTE #conservatives #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your comments about mrs. obama are offensive and fuher confirm that you are a racist jackass. #idiot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Easy for him to say - he gets brownie points\"\" for this without having to do any negotiating and if it goes sour, he gets to accuse the federal liberals whom he hates. Good politics, Dougie!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tillerson out, Pompeo in ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Practically got arrested tonight, not allowed on UTampa grounds for a year now... fml im retarded","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate Billie &; Christy hoe asses. The most annoying &; stupid people on the show ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Deport illegal aliens NOW! Dreamers are criminals who use fake IDs (identity fraud, a FELONY) to STEAL jobs from American CITIZENS. Others commit heinous crimes like murder. #DeportThemAll @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Amen..............","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cThese new emails show anti-Trump FBI official Peter Strzok\u2019s \u2018assignment\u2019 gave the Mueller Special Counsel operation special authorities to target President Trump...\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No my family aren't MAGA they just don't care. They're apart of the populace who get distracted by pop culture completely. They have zero idea what is going on in the world until I tell them & even then they don't care. I'm a lion amongst lambs. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all i want is to go to @user conce on saturday! first year since 2011 i haven't been able to afford tickets or gone to matty live! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sorry I've been away. Been dealing with a lot of depression, but I think the worst is over now. Made a meme to celebrate. Missed you #GabFam! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@WMUR9 No thanks. First eric and now pence? We don't need or want more superspreader events here. I already voted for Joe and Kamala.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Daily reminder, Chris Wallace is his wife's bitch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"They chucked her in the van like a side of beef\" \ud83c\udfa4\ud83c\udfb6\ud83c\udfb5\ud83c\udf99\ud83c\udfb9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nip it, nip it, in the bud!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Mmm you are so hot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U.S.S. Bunker Hill after a Kamikaze attack 1945","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BUILD THAT WALL@realDonaldTrump #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Live in Canada. Already have great gun control plus a low homicide rate(coincidence?) Thanks for the advice though. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please can I have some of whatever it is you\u2019ve been smoking? Thats some top quality shit you\u2019re coming out with.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What in the world could Hanoi John McCain have against Sarah Palin, she did everything he asked when she was his VP candidate. Granted he did ask stupid stuff that hurt his campaign but that was not her fault. Of course with John loyalty was always a one-way street, HIS WAY. Breitbart News has independently confirmed an earlier report in\u00a0People\u00a0magazine, which reported that Palin was not s...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is why a Banksy piece art can sell for over a million, when no one even knows who he is. Friggin NPC'ers all lined up for \"the next trendy best thing\" because they have no life of their own.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Graduates from universities, colleges and public schools run the national news channels, Twitter, Facebook and Google.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OK, I've made a Post today picking on Donnie, so let me balance it with one in his favor.... Remember that Bernie Sanders Honeymooned in Moscow cuz he Loves his fellow Commies so much. But, we're to believe Trump is \"too close\" to the Ruskies?!?!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Irish people are scum","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@robreiner I was livid when I found out the Cheeto clown car was late, bypassing the pre-debate testing. They were on the \"honor system!\" Really? Who, in their right mind would let this family of lying,cheating, stealing grifters slide in on an honor system?[NEWLINE]#TrumpVirus[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Francis must be forced aside. The Church needs to be cleansed top to bottom.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user idc if you suck i just wanna have fuuun ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KNegandhiESPN: That Peppers slant was a genius\/crazy call. Genius if he catches it. Crazy if he drops it, then blow a TO, then get sack…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm so fucking horny this morning and my big fat cock is so fucking hard need a horny cock sucking slut or whore to cum and suck me off ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're on a first date and they start talkin about their ex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some days i hu more than others... today feels like i'm burning alive. #tired #beyonddepressed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Truth & Fact!#MAGA#DrainTheSwamp#TrueTheVote#DemandVoterID#NoAmnesty#NoDACA#BuildTheWall#No2Globalism#No2Socialism#SocialismFails#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah RIP The child killing cunt Jones is a fucking bastard who needs to be slapped around he is sooooo fucking ignorant\u00a0 he is that fucking obsessed with being anti-white he memoralises a terrorist child killer yet says 0 about the massacre of white Farmers in SA and Zimbabwe.FUCKING TREACHEROUS POOFY FUCKING CUNT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No I don\u2019t know that nor do you....in fact a claim like that is bullshit. Imagine if we had never enacted clean air regulations years ago in the U.S....but wait! YOU DON\u2019T HAVE TO IMAGINE...just look at the air quality in China!! That\u2019s what pisses me off about you conservatives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tentacles on the top right of the image XD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Bret, maybe you're just running away because you pretended to be an expert and got pounded into submission by a girl. All you did was assume and demand proof, I provided. You provided 'your say so. In terms of debating, you lost. Have a nice day.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There aren't many instances I've been in where you can just admire the woman's physique. If i spend too long looking at a woman's bits it all comes into question. Porn allows an up close personal experience for as long as I like with no challenges. except of course getting caught ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so you going to sta humiliating now? i don't have all day #soslow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user that sucks. Have plans? you should team up with lemons! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another reason to #BuildThatWall: it's just as easy for jihadists from Islamic countries to slide across our border illegally as it is for folks from Mexico and Central America.Paranoid? Maybe a little. I just don't want to see my country look like the European countries do now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"About an hour ago on Rush, a man on Tucker Carlson yesterday, talked about how he'd been raked over the coals by Mueller to the tune of $100,000. Then he said, 'And I'm just a WITNESS!' QUESTION. Why is he talking to Mueller? Doesnt he know he has a Fifth Amendment Right to NOT talk to the Special Counsel? NOBODY EVER has to speak.to law enforcement AND SHOULDN'T!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@raykwong @vinosgirl @BradJConnolly @GrandpaSnarky @TwiterHero @MestrovichKaren @pickle2717 @profchandIer @ZedStorm @Nonni86923315 @educated_guest @suzels72 @McKinnonPhD @lisa_mennucci @mamanthem @djobs35 @JudyOwe59486457 Thanks Ray. I\u2019m limited to following back until later today. Appreciate you mentioning me! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at #lax and made it onto the #flight to #nyc & got #firstclass - v \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 2020? Michael Moore is a cheeseburger away from not making it to 2019!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Woops'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ciara not a ghetto name.. Well kinda but it’s not “ASHANTI”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"looking forward to having a #pamper #photoshoot on sunday 26th june. @user ..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER im fucking sad also this gif is art","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You religious conservatives need to stop trying to shame women for expressing themselves. It's disgraceful","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 2\/3 You were on TV claiming to be a journalist when Kagan was sitting there & still, you have provided no examples of you berating her for using the Ginsberg rule,\"\" to evade giving her personal views on hot button cultural topics like gay marriage, abortion or gun control. Why?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BUILDTHATWALL #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020 #TRUMP=HERO #TRUMP=LEADER #WELUVTRUMP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so looks beautiful~ haha #walking #alone #exercise #good #night #sun #street ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d he is terrible \ud83c\udd97 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Almost every one I talked to at work today said fuck canelo. He is the new mayweather","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The jews that live next door, fucking kids and telling us what to think, might have something to do with it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because he is the reason for it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In breaking news, Hillary Clinton is still a cold, heartless cunt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a murderer and your whole department should be ashamed of this cover up. SHAME ON THE DALLAS PD! THERE IS NOTHING NOBLE OR RESPECTABLE ABOUT HOW YOUR DEPARTMENT IS HANDLING THIS SITUATION. YOU ARE AIDING A CRIMINAL AND SHOWING YOU DONT CARE ABOUT THE CITIZENS OF DALLAS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Refugees not welcome!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE OTHER INVASION: According to Homeland Security Stats More than 600K Aliens overstayed U.S. Visas in 2017!! #Deport #ICE #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I get a 50 pound bag of dawg for the mutts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or it makes you look like a cunt-head.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Squaw = racist slang for Native\/First Nations cunt associated with RAPE and GENOCIDE. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fartacus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@cgoodwoman @stevenadamswv Crystal probably only person in world interested in my poor black hillbilly:Jamaica::poor white hillbilly:WV idea","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U dont so why tweet it \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They deserve what they get ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HOT ISIS SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO: Laughing Jihadis Get Baby To Kick Severed Head – ***warning, graphic*** http:\/\/t.co\/P4MiSIV5A1 #tcot #pjnet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone online tries to come at me and thinks I care... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@IAmPikey \nI wonders why dare ain't no colored folk up dare?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No its because you are a nigger in a white homeland Please pack your bags and leave ASAP.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Great Gun Control! Takes Concentration and Steady Hand! Way to Go Girl! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Animals. Pure and simple. They are not to blame for where they were born or how they were raised but, as adult men who have escaped their homeland, they alone are responsible for how they act during each & every moment after crossing the border. Period. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Principled conservatives know Canadian liberal media 24\/7 @USER Hate news is only to help Justin Trudeau It\u2019s obvious You\u2019re one who\u2019s being manipulated and that hurts Canada. Read my 60 pinned tweet thread for explanation. I see you ignore Trumps support Israel","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just can't get enough. than you so much god! #blessed \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0087\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I will not be doing a live show tonight due to unforeseen (yet somehow predictable) circumstances. See you next week. :D For now, please enjoy this skit my friends and I put together about the scandal that will bring down the presidency! (please subscribe while you're there!) https:\/\/youtu.be\/-4riDUOcU3U","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is such a showman! And those pipes\ud83d\ude0d the man can SING ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Rohangyas dangerous. Pl don't get cowed down by Appeasement class.Deport all illegal migrantsWHY MUSLIM NATION NOT TAKING THEM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WOMP WOMP! Geraldo Rivera dumps ice cold water on Cohen bringing Trump down and the Resistance CAN'T DEAL https:\/\/t.co\/U4t2OoAC2p","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I... give up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user im down in 15 minutes if you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is it time the Cowardly Police of Common Core faced OUR wrath? https:\/\/gellerreport.com\/2018\/04\/british-police-fear-muslim-rage.html\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wow this was the most civil gun control debate\/arguement ive even seen on twitter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How Funny...#WNBA Championship Winners Won't Visit @USER Stupidity Of Liberals Is So Amazing...And That Face With The Plastic Stupidity Proves It...Oh...Right...She Might Harm Her Little Face...Whats Next...Complete Body Armor...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"prince charles offers a \"danger will robinson!\" he ain't wrong. #trump #fascism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THIS SATURDAY: Meetup with Praetorian Swift and Ivan Throne in #Denver! YES open to men and women both. YES for good company and fun. YES for EMPALADORS. YES you need to be on our email lists: http:\/\/PraetorianSwift.com http:\/\/DarkTriadMan.com\/subscribe Time and location via emails!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#grow bull hill climb: you have to reach the target to complete the task to survive. with strong excitemen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today is a good day\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00bc #optimist #love #music ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Levi\u2019s just came out in support of student gun control activists. Now the Trumpers will be burning their jeans as well as their sneakers!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user racial differences r biological reality, same as rottweilers vs. chihuahuas. iq>95 should understand. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"june\/ninth\/sixteen a by me. #anime #manga #a #drawing #imagination #original #digital @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Free speech for the commies to shit on your flag, but dont put a flag in your apartment window or else its a \"fire hazard\". Stop being pussy conservatives and sticking to the principles that fail. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That cunt ass hoe recording can get fox news\u2019d 2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"_ #windows10 split screen #browser! #lumia950xl #lg 330","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@GreatGawd: Name something trash” Cavs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"flowers and cute bear\u00e2\u0099\u00a1#kumamon #\u00e9\u0085\u00b7ma\u00e8\u0090\u008c #\u00e7\u0086\u008a\u00e6\u009c\u00ac\u00e7\u0086\u008a #\u00e5\u008f\u00af\u00e6\u0084\u009b\u00e3\u0081\u0084 #cute #\u00e5\u008f\u00af\u00e6\u0084\u009b #flowers #\u00e8\u008a\u00b1 #beautiful #bear\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user this is all just another fraud put out by the democrats.this woman is lying to help her party.Nothing but a liberal nutjob who would say anything to try and keep the conservatives from having the majority on the SCOTUS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hello, twin. Let ke correcting your typoness. Our group name is (G)I-DLE in case you are too lazy to use ()\" or \"-\" , you can use IDLE instead \ud83d\ude09\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't need to tolerate any bullshit im the Alt Right's favorite Emily and Mr. Taylor even sent me his new book PERSONALLY signed so every one of you jealous losers should just go fucking hang yourselves and i fucking hate you so thank u fuck u bye \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\udd95","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's exactly what shameful Dhimmis want in the USA! #MAGA #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Goodness. Your wife and ex-gf were both sexually abused? You liberals are into some weird stuff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"spread love & happiness. \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #blacklivesmatter #morning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bill the Serial Rapist Clinton said: \u201cI think the norms have really changed in terms of what you can do to somebody against their will, how much you can crowd their space, make them miserable at work. You don\u2019t have to physically assault somebody to make them, you know, uncomfortable at work or at home or in their other\u2014just walking around.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope so. That Tana girl fucks anything lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So the media is desperate as Trump keeps going on offense. For decades the media have been lying that they are neutral, they don't lean left. Well that is over. Now the media cries that search results are not rigged, they call Trump's attack a conspiracy theory like Obama wiretapping or Hillary's health. Ain't gonna work suckers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jewish Influence in the 2018 Mid-Terms https:\/\/affirmativeright.blogspot.com\/2018\/02\/jewish-influence-in-2018-midterms.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Omg! She is so cute \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Which expendable player can we put in with the sole objective of breaking Beverley's jaw?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user blocked me also. I don't even know who he is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we're gonna watch conjuring 2 today w\/barkada! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I love it when the Liberals say the word debunked kind of like when Hillary said it and she said it with such anger and forosity you knew she meant it but it was all bullshit..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Constitutional Conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you're so close to 11 million subs! squeeee!!!!!!! #11millionsubs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can you guess what i did friday?\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd #barnight #tipsy #smilesfordays\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user . And until Trump made it an issue also the aim of most Politicians - cheap labor & votes for the elites. Most still refuse to support reform. #StopImmigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"The FBI did everything but drive Hillary\u2019s getaway car.\" http:\/\/amp.nationalreview.com\/article\/455192\/fbi-gave-hillary-co-special-treatment-during-email-probe?utm_source=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_medium=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&__twitter_impression=true ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Selecta_kerry I seeing ppl saying running a train on a bird, and a parry is the same thing, but das not what I know..so looking for clarity","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@UpNORTHandGRIM\u00a0 \u00a0 LOS ANGELES : Nonwhites chase white reporter because he is a ''white supremacist'' .\u00a0\u00a0 https:\/\/twitter.com\/JOHNMEY28401489\/status\/1020569290536357888","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As Chanice say that, I realize the coons move from drinking Moet to Belaire. All yuh feel all yuh so fancy with all yuh $30 champagne eh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yet when men sexually abuse women it\u2019s not ALL men ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Apparently conservatives are now automatically guilty of any crime or assault that shows up from no where at the last possible minute. We are no longer presumed innocent until proven otherwise.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Message from Ben on The Grrrgraphics site suspension\u00a0 https:\/\/youtu.be\/Z_FZvXhHJJU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first time getting shots up since i screwed up my hand with @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA Why she not being prosecuted? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"By pursuing such a reckless and irresponsible course of action, the US is not just creating a situation of hardship and cruelty for the Palestinian refugees,\u2014 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good News !Illegal Aliens Claiming Fake Asylum are being deported in Record Numbers Not #HereToStay #Immigration #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Are you asking me if my statement on #IllegalAliens was a generalized statement @user ? If your question is to me, yes, it was generalized,, I did not mean to profile ALL to be the same, but I think MANY illegals work the fields for plantations & are exploited doing so ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You mean exactly like conservatives are attacking this current victim??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you think someone is being scammed\/victimized, isn't the first thing you do to WARN them? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Stop Collins. There is someone who will support woman. @USER Dr Cat London. She is opposing Collins and we can end the BS. All she needs to do is clean out her desk and go home.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fake news. . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I always found liberals and progressives to be the spartan ones. All the socialists I knew wanted to live as well as they could afford ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"texts with bae. #textpost #ofcourse #weregettingmarried #yes heas #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how to be happy with yourself? #happiness #selfrespect #respect #life #lifehacks #love #diy #blog #blogger ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user in an interview with @user Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.We are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief, use DOD funds.\"PLEASE @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #theresistance #notmypresident #russiagate #votersuppression #tyranny the 1% want us to fight and p\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" childfree and happy: frankly, i though it would be hard to one-up tony abbott when it came to a politi... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Reason #29675 not to do it. You kids will probably be mentally fucked up!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"okay i think i've got my @user and @user channels set up! now to set up the hardware and software for streaming :d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Misdrawed. Cause she is not white and blonde. Why he did that? Can you answer that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i will be loosing my #glitteattoo tomorrow\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094i even held my arm out the shower today to #save her\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082#mylittlepony ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wonder what @Eric_StrikerDS\u200d thinks of this appearance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER #nope... With Mm no way...maybe is time to ask Sky what has gone wrong? Because #Foster from CNN have the book first than KP tweeted about the book... Liberals... From Trump for Americans to Mm for British... I don't known who is worst","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Exactly 4 years ago...in 2014 --- had drawn out the scenario of 2018.....for Nawaz Sharif.....we could see his path was heading towards death or jail and humiliation along the way.....Alhamdolillah! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER any gun control is unconstitutional and you leftist fake news traitors keep lying to the people that's why your enemies of the people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Go take Economics......We'll wait\ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in queue with basket of food shopping, 50's guy says \"give us a smile\". think my response was a first by the look on his face. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@RepChrisStewart .@SenMikeLee .@senorrinhatch #NoDACA EVER! #DACA hurts #Utah it hurts #American Citizens and irreparably damages the real #AmericanDreamers - My Children, American Children. @user has the power to #EndDACA Use it! Don't be afraid of #IllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cleveland police union overwhelmingly endorses trump for president #cleveland #ohio 75% of cops are #white <<","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bomb Control NOW!\u00a0 #AustinBombings [oh, sorry - they already are illegal]","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"putting the final touches on the #dpil2016 conference, uk edition in nottingham @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#OpenBorders #IllegalImmigration #SecureBorders #LowWages #TrumpWho comes into this country? Are they bringing in drugs? Are they criminals? Do they have disease? Are they... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control and money control are the fantasy with today's technology. You're part of the old guard.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You constantly act like you havent done bad shit in the past when you CLEARLY have. You constantly pretend that youre a good person, but you constantly make threats towards other people and call Tevin an ape. Shut the fuck up, grow the fuck up, and take responsibility you cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AnthonyCumia @cokelogic \nHey Antony you speaks colored good","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its forbidden to follow Soros in Hungary the parliament decides there. All foreign NGOs have to go out of Hungary otherwise the can go for 1 year into prison.This is the first step to hold indenpendce from these people, which like to destroy Europe by refugees, Orban says. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I saw this Jews publically available information posted on here somewhere.\u00a0 If that was it then it's not a problem.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i hea you @user #porsche #photo #photography #fun #love #racing #life #iphone #photographer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Females are the worst most dedicated stalkers from my experience.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TomBradysEgo: Might have a better chance if we put some trash cans out there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She\u2019s trolling to fuck with you cause some of y\u2019all be quick to call mfs coons for minor disagreements ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user #clusterfuck when will @user address systemic mass murder in arab states? #s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If Jamie Oliver fucks with my \u00a33 meal deals at Tesco I\u2019ll kill the cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Starting A Colorado Fire That Charred 40K Acres via @user There should be a bounty on these animals... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With healthcare access and immigrant rights looking increasingly tenuous with each passing day, the work we do becomes more and more critical for our community. Support our work today however possible: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And Libertarians don't think you are free to refuse to bake the effing cake. Oh no, lock yer ass up they will if you aren't for weeb and butt sex.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Espionage Exposed - The #Awan Cabal, #DNC, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and #Murder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'll never forget the time some woman called me rude for asking if she was alright for everything just cause she was on her phone haha cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #gtfoh if itz not #crackalogic to malign a black woman abt raising her son instead of arresting the white man who choked him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user have the balls to it and expose me as a racist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time running out for 111-year-old refugee stranded in Greece ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What policies do the Republicans have for gun control?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#think of all the #beauty still left #around you and be . #annefrank ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It wasn't \"Trump's policy\". It was former President Bill Clinton; and then again President Obama; that separated kids from their illegal parents. Who is to say that those \"so called Kids\" were actually even related to the adults!!! They could be \"mules\". #pedos.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigration gone crazy 100 trainee doctors from abroad what about Nurse Practitioners who are their equivalent get pain peanuts and are trained and come from the UK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Give me a fucking break. Liberals are so selective with their false outrage. A turd of a president gets rightfully railed for saying, grab them by the pussy\"\" decades before but a Hollyweird gets a pass for saying \"\"fuck the shit out of the boy next to him\"\" gets a liberal pass? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bengals kicker trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#uppers loving the show this morning. Chris is directing the conversation beautifully. Make the teabaggers talk!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Did you finally dump that annoying skank? You should give Erin another go ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4.\/presumably you think liberals,\"\" are as trivial as women and their complaining. You wonder why Dr. Ford does not want to surrender herself to such a harrowing experience before you all? @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When it goes from 'you gotta wear a condom' to 'just don't cum in me' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Who is Cheney? You\u2019re the second person who mentioned her and I have no idea who she is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how can sainsburys have no red stripe?? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trump wanted to be president because he is a narcissist. He still lives a great life\"\" but only now we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill! Impeach Trump now!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#germany deserves to called #cuck\/land they allow in #isis fighters as #Refugees even if they raped underaged girls. this #yazidi girl is scared of this and she is forced to see the face of her rapist.#refugeesnotwelcome should apply to these scum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We could not be more proud to have our work on migrant rights and justice under the leadership of @user Watch the full episode where she spoke with @user on @user last night here: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for sunrises. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Now I know you're having a laugh. Do you really believe that the media aren't picking on him? As for getting his shit together\"\", what \"\"shit\"\" would that be?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Amazing how Dems don\u2019t feel they owe it to unborn generations to keep ILLEGALS out!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch, look at her shoes... home haircut realness brought to you by @user \ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\ud83d\ude07\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/ I'm reminded of an interaction that fuels me. Soon after returning to finish my undergrad, an uncle came to visit. He's a Greek immigrant..very Greek. He visited my parents' restaurant, where I was working. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for all those, who are sad just remember, it can be wos \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #staypositive #lifeisbitch #ugly #never! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Any day you free I\u2019m dead ass serious an don\u2019t call me talking about come get him cause imma block yo ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \u00ec\u00a0\u0095\u00ea\u00b5\u00adday \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 jungkookday { predebut jungkook pics } ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No to #EU migrant camps in Libya, PM al-Serraj ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER IM VERY HORIBBLE AND SHITTY THATS HOW I AM\ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what in the fuck is this? #presidentpussygrabber #notmypresident #tinyhands #putinpuppet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If that fucker came anywhere near me, I would shoot him the face and never feel guilty about it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking hell, they sure do love spouting crap like this. Would be nice if they could just outright say they hate white people, would love to see how well that shit flies with all the passive lemmings out there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 i'll be behind the sofa \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 too scared for #f1 stas these days, i'm getting too old! #nervous #canadiangp #teamlh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a fabulous weekend beautiful souls #nofilter \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Two artists from New York are bringing colour into the lives of Rohingya refugees.Their art classes and murals are brightening up the refugee camp in Kutupalong, Bangladesh. The artist had partnered with UNICEF for this project ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man talk to em RT @StraightCash08: Of course nothing is wrong with applebee’s if you like trash food.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a legend is gone#rip#stephenkeshi #","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Debate at 10 AM EST today Http:\/\/Cast.poal.co:8000\/gittu","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That solved the problem in Chicago alright!! I wish these \u201cleaders\u201d would think up something different to get attention. Gun control is getting old.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the #secret to being #ramadan #ramadankareem #quote #photo: #unsplash ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitches be mad I'm not pressed over them. sorry, wrong whore \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you're busy studies and you can't see finding dory and you have to be happy with other people watching it.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ukrainian migrant workers sent over $800 million from Poland in the first quarter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I mean when you think about it that's basically all their ideology boils down to. Conservatives are like Let me do sex crimes on my wife\" and libertarians are like \"let me do sex crimes on everyone\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Says the bitch ass boy hiding behind a keyboard it don\u2019t hurt to ask for help sometimes can\u2019t do everything alone you fucking clown if he can help then something is better than nothing that\u2019s why I asked even if he can\u2019t it don\u2019t hurt to ask fuck off my twitter weak ass nigga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Which is why it\u2019s awesome that Kavanaugh didn\u2019t shake that gun control dads hand. Sorry for kid was killed by a gun but it\u2019s not the future judges fault it happened...... omg white people in cities are silly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Empty headed bushie whore","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/03\/awful-dc-marchforourlives-protesters-attack-catholic-church-ash-bloody-wednesday-and-nrabitch-marco-rubio\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is what happens when you tell white liberals that they don't get to congratulate themselves on how woke they are until they put their money where their mouth is. That simple fact of life breaks their brains. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER my mom makes literally everyone. you are my true mother","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On the 3D gun printing story for Philly residents.... http:\/\/www.philly.com\/philly\/news\/3d-guns-defense-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how to defeat ugly prejudice. #lgbt #life #business ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a giant version of the #flag of #rebellion #sedition and flapping in #virginia on i-95n ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch come out you love to talk shit on the phone that's why I let your dad know she raised a FUCKING HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Stuck up bitch why can't she be a success whore once ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Kavanaugh this is the common use of guns ... the conservatives and their prays of dead ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is like when shitty restaurants advertise their \u201cvoted #1 world famous crabcakes\u201d but nobody can tell you who voted and nobody who lives outside a 10-mile radius has ever actually eaten there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another day for #america. let us pray for healing and comfo for the families of the victims. god bless them and give them hope.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A bunch of overpaid liberals whining about how horrible everything is. They should get together with NFL players and try getting a real job. Zero interest in them giving their friends pointless awards. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @anticvlum: Lol I'm litetally just a walking trash can","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That shit is so stupid. Did you see the French team? They were mainly Africans and Middle Easterners.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I have a better idea Mr Guterriz or whatever his name is should resign & go THE HELL back to wherever the hell his people came from for the sake of this country!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2\/5 Basic argument: Canada passed gun laws, but ALL gun crime did not stop. Therefore.... gun regulation is ineffective. Only source for grand claim that gun control is an expensive failure and does not have a measurable effect on crime\" is article by gun advocate Gary Mauser.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really Facebook? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i know who my real niggers are. all fake niggers & uppity niggers get deleted. life's too sho for bs #raceplay \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That or she is an awfully good transvestite","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"85% of Syrian refugee kids live in poverty in Jordan: UN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user .@user #maga .@user silence is approval. we always knew what pigs you\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe in 2020 (if Trump is still around) the Democratic challenger will invite all the women Trump has threatened or raped to the debates. #Fear #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#cute how are you? see you? - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go buy an Antifa shirt from wal mart you lumpenprole","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You know what wasn\u2019t in his apartment after? Him. And that\u2019s the fucking problem. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Go crash another plane.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">Europeans who hate each other will suddenly unite and physically remove kikes. How about....how about...Burgers, stop larping as Europeans?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm all for gun control use both hand's","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2day @user we prayed for victims & families of #orlandoshooting. i thank god for a church who loves like christ-- just as we are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user be n #healthy if past history is all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 warren buff\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who controls that .com some socialist lair or some misimformed propaganda outlet. you need to find a real source not a false one","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Bring it! I look fwd to the must-see TV drama where one of the most knowledgeable legal minds in the country (and SCOTUS nominee) will cross examine a lady re: events from 35 yrs ago that has already shown that she can't remember location\/time\/people involved. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its not that hard. Build a wall. Make it much, much easier to come into America. Background checks. Don\u2019t pay for illegal immigrants needs. They can get a job and pay taxes or they will have to go back home. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"test fuck ejaculate mother cheez whiz ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump No worries, A real President...#BidenHarris2020 will govern when America votes the death cult @GOP out.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mitchellbasel @realDonaldTrump Man you shills need a new line of work the Biden camp is literally dissolving and there's evidence beyond evidence video and otherwise that proves and Joe and by extension Kamala are dirty liars!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Especially since you are a fascist nazi as I can tell by your profile you people are pathetic shame on you ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A bitch out of the hell hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Following because she is not only a tacozt bit a sociopath and a moron all lethal combos ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He needs to be placed naked in the stocks in Stockholm while the Swedish people Sik heil his backside.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"schools out can't wait to find out my final scores from my tests today, table working again#awesome #bored #tests #summer #pay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user if ur employees r going to say merry christmas to white people, please teach them to say it to the brown people too\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BITCH I JUST LOVE U AS A WHOLE U MY DUDE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/everydayconcerned.net\/tag\/truth-about-us-g... Vital information about current U.S. court system and anyone facing persecution; informing the court with a declaration of political status, and a release and discharge for the judge.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Amy when Iook at you think Child of God but also inspring young lady. You showed us that you can conquer anything and say I am stronger than this. God is proud of you and so am I. Mr. Heughan too. He said in an article what is the big fuss about himself you are the answer. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user all women's facility or program = cool! empowering! all men's facility or program = gay or misogynistic. #doublestan\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"help kids by giving them tools to manage #anger #parenting #ece #psych ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and he'll pay us like lambs #vet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Our USA WW2 soldiers were all Antifa anti-fascists too. They killed them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@OfficialCCane naah da twitter bird 😞","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fake activist !!!%####&$\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OBAMAS LYING SKANK MARIA HARF #DNCwbore #LyingSkank #KavanaughConfirmation #ChristineBlaseyFord #RedNationRising #KAG #MAGA #CCOT @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"huh i wonder why?\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00af could it be that he's a well documented #tyrant #bigot #elitist #crook ? @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Legalize it or be terrorized by the image of our giant, nasty, brown flapjacks... FOREVER! muahahaha!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user This is why Chicago won\u2019t enforce gun laws on the books or go into these neighborhoods These murders are planned by gun control liberals so as to pass very strict or even confiscation of guns. Black Luves do not matter to these liberals trying to pass their agenda. 2 Admendment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e kayak, pinery, grand bend strip + beach adventure with katie \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 perfect weather and such a fun day #sunshine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where does she stand on Israel?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If @realDonaldTrump has gone this far he might as well continue. If he yields to the establishment then his legacy won\u2019t endure and people won\u2019t be inspired to carry on his torch. He has gone too far to turn back. If he stays true to his vision he can\u2019t be stopped","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My last year of high school (Belgium, circa 2005) was vastly holocaust-themed (holocaust specifically, not WW2), across several subjects (French, history, geography, etc). Probably not as on the nose as what's going on now, but still. It's not a new thing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This hysterical woman is just completely brain dead. Come on CA, you can do better than this empty bag of skin. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"god can turn around any situation. sunday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil all war is violent (except perhaps in thailand). \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sheryl crow being the bae","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Actually I think Antifa over took them and YOU contributed to their silence too..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racist all in for genocide of native americans.don the con voter #indigenous #loser #neverump #writeincruz ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh dear, because you don't agree with him you describe him as hysterical? BTW 44m didn't vote Leave. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm cooking #mood #home #im #chief #beachlife #friday #cuisine #recette #chefstable \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Laws_against_Holocaust_denial ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cYou know who\u2019s to blame, right? #MAGABOMBER!\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"missed having cute costa dates;) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Get out of the way #Libtards #NoRefugees No #IllegalAliens#SaveTheWest ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user says who?! your iq is so low u have 2stand on a highstool 2raise your iq. we both know #blm is a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it looks like we'll be booking to go away to #amsterdam again very very soon! #citybreak #iloveamsterdam #travelbloggers #lbloggers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IMPORTANT THREAD ABOUT FEINSTEIN \u27a4TAKE YOUR TIME \u27a4LOADED WITH DETAIL https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/951343421720969217.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He must see a lot of himself in them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Talent- Making people feel way more comfortable with me than they should be ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Tell me did restoring your computer to an earlier date correct your problem you were having ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gay right-wingers are not acceptable! toe the prog line. islam loves gays. christianity is the enemy. 2+2=5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday #goodmorning #breakfast is in orden with my #daughter @ south pasadena,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as relevant as ever ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user When you have too many people living in one place you are going to get trouble. Sadiq Khan keeps on encouraging more & more people to come. It won't end well immigration has reached a tipping point. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Communist Party funded & Founded COMMON PURPOSE who 'train' Army, Police, Teachers, in fact they train many leaders in British, US, EU & other Nations Institutions now & have for 30 years - @MI5Surveillance This was a covert coup you've missed -why? Exposed Graduates of Common Purpose","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER cashing in on the book bandwagon. can't blame her. #liberals love to throw their money at bullshit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are fake news","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Are you bipolar? You keep saying different shit to people commenting on what u said ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Only if you want a murder charge. Stealing guns is already a felony. Shooting someone with their own gun is life in prison at best. There is just no way this ends well for whoever tries this. I honestly think this is a troll made by 4chan to get stupid antifa members shot\/jailed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Honestly The fact he hasn't any legislative power coupled with the fact he is a skilled diplomat sways the balance for me. Besides the varadkar government pushes that kinda shit anyway president or not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be crazy!! be different!! #people #me #entrepreneur #globalcitizen #business\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And the liberals wonder why we don't want transgenders in our bathrooms?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user todays donkey #zionazis are proud of murdering real palestinian semitic children - thats what i call\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She wrote in her second book she likes the idea of lower the age of consent {kid fucking} to 12. 200 and something is the page. Read to 300. You will find she supported the NMBLA Agenda. No bullshit. 100% ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UK deports \"refugee\" children back to where they came from when they turn 18 - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bit of a celebrity\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 my Ass! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that's exactly what i'm talking about! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holder is a real quality guy. Wouldn\u2019t know the truth if it hit him in the face","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Eu promises and dont pay. After 2011 France+GB destroyed LIBYA completly, its a failed state now. Why Libya should keep refugees back, if EU not restored all damage from this bombings, specially France and GB has to pay. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ladies don't act like you care about shark week. Make me sandwiches while I watch it! #KnowYourPlace #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow bitch!!! Why don't you worry about your own damn self. At least she isn't the hoe that you are! Sure her day will be great w\/out u in it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idiotic censorship drive by #France President fails to understand that he's empowering Jihadis by censoring the internet wholesale #fail","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sargon of akkad approves of this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user she is back ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But the Frogs said it wasn't a Muzzie terriorist attack. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user lmao @ the WORLD league viewership compared to league of legends or overwatch or cs:go. Main issues are that the format is shit and the game is on console. So you need to fix one of them. Console could be turned into an advantage uf u capture the attention of Joe Shmo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They really don't care who he is. Only that he will act as a judicial alt right operative on the Supreme Court.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a celebratory afternoon hour at #marriott hq. #gobehappy #takecare #marriottcareers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER UR SO FUCKIDNG PRETTY PERHAPS I SHED TEARS URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please do,! We have plenty!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Comedians are supposed to be funny! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @StayyeGolden: “@vivalakristia: Everybody that's still on Facebook ghetto or pregnant idc.”accurate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Basically, Women are the chicks, & Woolies is the #notallmen crew. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Missouri Audit Finds Thousands of Dead People, Inmates Using Food Stamps http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/06\/06\/missouri-audit-finds-thousands-dead-people-inmates-using-food-stamps\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a giant version of the #flag of #rebellion #sedition and flapping in #virginia on i-95n ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What if the rape never happened and she is lying? Why is her word gospel? Many women are gold diggers avengers and liars. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thanks you Ram Dass a very timely reminder as so many are suffering at this time. Oh, and we hope you're feeling better\ud83d\udc95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Insanity. AmRen is a think tank and media outlet, and Jared Taylor is a gentleman. Twitter\u2019s ideological bias is obvious to all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" destroyed in one minute #janeelliot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Paulyy2 nah some honkey lookin dude at chr","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Because it cannot be said often enough... I'd like to congratulate Kamala Harris and Joe Biden on their victory. I look forward to seeing them restore (and institutionalize) norms of Executive accountability and responsibility. So the world will admire us once again. https:\/\/t.co\/lrhYcE7g2T","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for #Merkel Macron drops to RECORD LOWS.Macron-Merkel have lost much influence. Salvini not only ignored lectures from Macron bt mocked him.Hard reality: Now Salvini-Orban-Kurz & #V4 controlling migration debate.#Visegrad @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Solyybee_: Lmfao RT“@macktology101: Alco(ho)l”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beauty and the beast. that bitch fell in love w a whole animal before she even knew he was human tf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this really is some lovely company you have there, petous and @user well done. #antisemitism #misogyny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trudeau\u2019s liberals have no rules ! Time to oust them! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"swear to god i could have happily rammed several absolute twats today when driving, fucking fuming the bastards \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0 #rage #driving","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When life breaks you down and you want to walk away from God. Don't. Instead hold on even tighter to Him. Read how I learned this in today's blog. #blogpost #JesusChrist #chruch #HolySpirit #GodIsGood https:\/\/loreleesiemens.com\/blog","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy there is no abstract a. you must always sta with something. afterward you can remove all traces of reality. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 pabl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i agree. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user rae sis don't say no offense\"\" then like tweets calling me a sad bitch, also im truly shocked ur on the L6 train this year\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you Ms Desanctis! I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience. Sexual assault\/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just charge any employer (including hiring managers) who knowingly hires illegals for treason with the death penalty and complete nationalization of the company.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BITCH TEXT ME ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@EontheEevee123 @jermman2085 @Michael30451327 @RonReed_RN @murray_nyc @JoeBiden Did you forget Joe's past? Its on the internet! He is racist, sexist and a bigger liar (career politician) than Trump! He'll just ask Kamala Harris, although she probably wouldn't admit how she feels about him now. Again, you can look her comments up on Google regarding JB","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This cunt likes every single post on that bitch's account and she doesn't even follow him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER the dopest most illest female artist ever! That's fucken queen right there hands down!!! Try to argue widdit\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude18","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one week till i can go home again!! yay :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The killed boy was a Cuban boy protecting a German girl from being raped by a rapefugee. But those honoring him with demonstrations are called extreme-right. So be it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"20. Close ties w\/nra & funding more imp than people's lives & sensible gun control; 21. Attempting to defend Planned Parenthood whilst at same time rolling back intelligent sex education & replacing with abstinence only teachings which is just fucking stupid;","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3\/ Britain's Got Niggers: TV Talent Show Judge Calls for Banning of Meat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good Lird she is a disgusting representation of a human being","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user your own source doesn't even say what you claim it does. *with the exception of rape* is what it says ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm like to sleep over the jok #fun #funk #funday #funny #tititbocah ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user yes it's a friday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c #loveislove #smile #friday #love #wattpad #ps4 #gamergirl #writer #school #finals #ugh #ti\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cA new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.\u201d John 13:34 (KJV)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Only people that own guns get a say on what to do about gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My husband says I'm a great cook... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yet another \u201cgood guy with a gun....\u201d\ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f WE NEED COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION #doSomthing @USER #VoteTheGOPOut #CountryOverParty Documents: Alleged mass murderer thought wife was cheating URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user @user @user get a flag made and hang in front of the house ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user engagement to a white . after he calls her a nig$a, it will be over! @user #subhuman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HAHAHAHA omg these people. They thought they would have their way FOREVER. Idiots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user makes me want him more for president. #fedup with how #usa is now. i stand by military who is #pro #trump #speaks #volumes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I was a much younger guy I use to go after women who smoked as I knew it would take less effort to get into their pants. But nowadays I go after quality, not quantity.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some ppl try to persuade themselves to believe they don't want the finer things in life\u00e2\u009d\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nikki Haley: UN can\u2019t 'dictate' US immigration policy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1\/\/ Yal stupid people tell me to \u201cback off cause he is like obsessed\u201d BITCH who has been to all the football games. Walks to class. Does literally everything for them. Knows exact dates and numbers for everything me. Only reasons I\u2019m not competition cause she ain\u2019t gay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Trump: I'm giving power back to the people\" Liberals: \"Authoritarian!\" Trump: \"I'm giving power back to the states\" Liberals: \"Authoritarian!\" Dems: \"We want to control every aspect of your life\" Liberals: \"That's exactly what we need!\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is quite good at faking. Must have done it numerous times ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You need to look at your Twitter feed a little bit closer. I'm neither a Republican or a racist but that's the only thing that liberals can say about people who don't agree with them. As far as Hillary Clinton the evidence is already been presented but Obama gave her a pass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if the conservatives and labour had played fair on Immigration we would not be here wearing brown undies ,on uncertainty . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Aaron has barely been in it this last year. He is in a few episodes then he is sent out of town for a few weeks. Robert had that story with the whites ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"9 factory workers gunned down in Iowa City with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Republicans constantly tell us about respecting law enforcement but ignore their judgment on gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The reaction from some conservatives was swift and appealed directly to male fears and male interests.\"\"- if men, after 50 years., can come forward about priests' sexual assault ,why can't women,especially if the person accused is going to be SC JUDGE & stay on forever\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm off to #florida #usa in #july for #3 #weeks woop woop #holiday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dems objected to the violent illegal alien deportation bill.Anyone surprised?#MAGA#nosanctuarybrewster #BuildtheWall#NoDACA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats = Thugs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user our next show is monday at the fiddler's elbow in camden. it's looking like it's going to be a huge night! ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this week's looking like, isle of man, cheshire, sheffield & manchester with @user then all wkend at parklife!\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be #events","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after 7 weeks of practising rolls and chord changes, i sta learning my first song on the #banjo tomorrow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Or you were just being a hoe and hurt it slut droppin on ya girl at the club xx ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lil bitch that pussy so dry, You finna break the rubber ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER After watching the entire match and controversy Serena is lucky she didn't get a match misconduct. She is so upset that the ref. Would give her a warning for her coach coaching\" which he even admitted to. The ref did nothing wrong he enforced the rule and Serena did it like it.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh my god you are joking right? 15 hours? Most officers and fire work 24 and sometimes back to back. 15 hours? Give me a break.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is telling you he knows where his bum is. Writes \u201cass\u201d with his bottom. What more proof of higher intelligence do you need? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Q: EVIL IS EVERYWHERE https:\/\/youtu.be\/TwNIQ3I3OXo via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy saturday #vegas #sunshine #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Long Ass Blog That Might Not Make\u00a0Sense ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lol shit I just said this on your other tweet \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #Trump gifted the 1% with #GOPTaxScam the biggest wealth grab in modern history URL yet #trump supporter #dopes prefer to vote against their best interests so perhaps you cannot fix stupid! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There ain't no MAGA hats sold here but that don't stop me from wanting to MAGA. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Mind Flayer https:\/\/youtu.be\/z27oa3SxAeo #DnD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another elitist who is out of touch with the patriotic Americans! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user fathers day to a wonderful dad and paner \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A picture of a schlub jewess","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The one where democrats have controlled major cities for so long they\u2019ve bankrupted them and left the minority\u2019s and others in such desperation that crime is their only alternative to life. Instead of hand outs maybe they should teach a better way. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yaaaaaaay.\u00a0 Cranky Brit faggot who wanted to poison President Trump.\u00a0 Yaaaaaaaay, now he's a good Brit faggot.\u00a0 May he burn in hell.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Forget Montel! Those who speak so speak from their own delusional disgusting truth! He is not worth it! Trash pick up coming! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s messed up. #WalkAway Congresswoman M. Waters has ZERO control of her demon within. That\u2019s what happens when she & other stupid a_ _ greedy folks willfully submit their souls to the Devil. Satan was defeated again in 2016. @USER #AmericaFirst #MAGA @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Two #femalefounders launched @user to help international and immigrant entrepreneurs scale their companies #Ent4All #FacesofFounders ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am redpilled to the JQ but I never felt like I hated jews, until I read this Twitter account >>\u00a0twitter.com\/A_Fellow_White\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no, what he said is absolutely true. jews are the biggest risk to all western civilisations and just people everywhere in general. its just lucky jews are not only not white but we can test for them with DNA now... RWDS, GTKRWN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a recent personalized pocket watch. #tattoo #stopwatch #family #daisys #key #lovinglife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man who Roundhouse-kicked Pro-life Woman Identified, Gets Fired \u2013 NewsWars https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/man-who-roundhouse-kicked-pro-life-woman-identified-gets-fired\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most of Everybody hates Sam Seder, even lefty progressives","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A little appreciation post for my bestie because she\u2019s a bad bitch and I\u2019m thankful for her\ud83d\udc97 @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/chf hits new session highs amid risk-aversion #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hahaha Unity flagged @lantanagames\u00a0in their recent sweep of indie developers who have not paid for Plus or Pro licenses. I seriously wish we'd sold $100,000 worth of games in the last 12 months, but alas, still poor. They've definitely fluffed up the email to be less threatening though.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=YRD7MC3jKnM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are entrusted with the welfare of your child and you did not take that into consideration when you didn\u2019t follow the LAWS WHEN IN CITIES AND STATES THAT REQUIRED \u201cMASK WEARING\u201d you [NEWLINE]ASS\ud83e\udd21@realDonaldTrump are guilty of [NEWLINE]\u201cCHILD ENTERTAINMENT\u201d #VoteBlue2020 @JoeBiden @mastazz1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's so funny to see these libs doing all this 'ban bump stocks' shit. They can ban them all they want. 3D printers are getting cheaper and cheaper and anyone that has one can print a bump stock if they really want one. Hell you can even print an entire gun. What's next libs? Banning 3D printers? Banning the material used in them? Banning lead or other materials so people can't make their own bullets. You think the\u00a0 FBI is going to go chasing down the guy who downloaded a plan to print a 3D bump stock? Hell they didn't even follow up on the tip they got about Cruz when he said on social media he was the next school shooter. They are so clueless.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Apparently the Democrats SOTU strategy was to look as evil as hell before the 45 million Americans who watched and 80% who liked the Donald's speech.\u00a0 Brilliant.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah, i'm too much of a moralfag to do that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@vanessa32m honestly the performers on there red carpet were trash hahahaahahahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My guess would be lack of adequate repair and inspection times. Aircraft techs are pushed to the limit, profit margins are slim. Rushing an airframe into service is the norm.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bernie Care, more like long wait cancelled care. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Immigrant Beheads 13-Year-Old Girl in Alabama \u2018\u201c Media Blackout ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"rainbow cake in stages. #rainbowcake #bethanybakes #love #bihday #bihdaycake\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump On Possible Government Shutdown: \"If It Happens, It Happens\" | Zero Hedge #ShutItDown @user Your base supports your decision & want the government to #Shutdown or #BuildThatWall ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks | | There has to be an especially nefarious reason for all the Bangladeshis & Indians violating our border. Long way from home. Time to thank #ICE #CBP #DHS #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LIBYA TELLS ITALY: \"We don't care how much you pay us, we don't want to take back the migrant wannabes that you reject because \u201cthey include terrorists, criminals, and human traffickers\" via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. Killshot 2. Gun control 3. Rap devil ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Everyone in Washington including John Heinz is being uncovered as the corrupt elites they are...Like cockroaches running from the light.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just a whiney cunt bitch of a wife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter spy network + the Awan Brothers = the largest spy network in the world?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looks much better now: #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I will gladly donate to a #BuildThatWall fund. People don't enter USA like thieves in the night unless they are UP TO NO GOOD! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I pampered the bitch and she went and abandoned the kid for some amateur dick \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6\/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist.\" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying,\u00a0yet again, that \u201cLAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER.\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok. I\u2019m trying GAB again. Anti-Srmites, beware","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is it rape if you stick your finger in a bootyhole when they sleep? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This stupid Bitch Lied. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No Filter Ill Smack The Shit outta You that Bitch the next Bitch && Whoever Tf Else ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user looking forward to @user talk at @user you've got 4 minutes to show up. #photojournalist ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not having Merrick Garland as SCOTUS is absurd. But Im just a hysterical woman, right asshole? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain\u2019t missing shit \ud83e\udd2b\ud83e\udd11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER need more ladies to spread out their pussy's on cam \ud83d\ude0d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lol you dumb bitch kill your self you probably got a train ran on you by gamers ugly whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Socialist sh*tholes will be Socialist sh*tholes. http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/01\/horror-starving-people-socialist-shthole-venezuela-attack-kill-cow-field-eat-video\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Motlante you power hungry kunt you wanna be relevant shut up we know that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You sound no different than the bitch who did this post. God bless America. You can get away with that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the #beach makes my #hea so . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chester from linkin park killed himself. Bitch wtf my whole life is done like who ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user isn't it time we realized what we've done: #hate #exploitation! read america's history! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd make an acceptation for you \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But not as despicable as her own.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is according to every religion on Earth except for compromised Protestant sects like episcopalians ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you say \u201chigh-value men\u201d like that\u2019s a real thing that exists & not a made-up lie you told yourself to distract from the fact your mother never loved you & your penis is microscopic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER just read that flaming pile of garbage you wrote and the National Review calls an article. Why are liberals losing their minds when the President is being investigated for collusion with a foreign government?! Why is he nominating ANYONE for a Supreme Court appt?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In response to my posting part of @BarackObama Bilderberg Speech,IG @MyBioLife said 1)\"Im a plant\" 2) I edited #Obama Comments out of context. Heres my response&link to Video https:\/\/www.instagram.com\/p\/Bl4RmWbjbhH\/?taken-by=dontmashak @realDonaldTrump #UMN @GOP @theDemocrats @MNGOP #MNCD6 #Conservative #MAGA #PJNET","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@fatbellybella: I know u didnt hit that jigga with my fav purse. .. @solangeknowles”--no chill! 😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i would have never guessed i would be so disappointed in a city. #berlin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't Monkey around and start posting Gillum quotes. This place will go Ape-shit over what he said. To be honest, it would be a barrel of monkeys to read all the comments. Then again, some may take him serious. That would make a monkey out of me. I am sorry to throw a monkey on your back. Just disregard what I wrote. We should not have any monkey business on this post. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Walter: you're a moron. Nobody is interested in anything you have to say. Now fuck off. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Then there should be no problem having Kavanaugh take a lie detector test just as Dr. Ford. If he is so anxious to clear his name he should be asking to take a lie detector test. The fact that @USER isn't blasting tweets on this issue also speaks volumes!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New Jewsy is a Dem shithole....high taxes and crime.....if you wonder what Jew America would look like, it\u2019s Jersey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The initial proxy servers were developed in the CERN labs at the end of the 1980s. Throughout the: http:\/\/www.cedps.net\/the-technical-development-of-online-proxies\/ #online_proxies #using_proxies #development_of_proxies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sad part is She knows she's sick... She knows what she is doing.. She has been a crook all her life... She's a very sick woman.. God have mercy of her soul.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user strangely silent on the #idiotic 'statement' by @user not surprised. #twonitwittrumpsuppoers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What makes you always think you're right? #WomenSuck #PeriodProbz ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@cakedjake We're laying rock around our lake. You're welcome to join a redneck workout. #muscles 💪😁","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user youre not even confident enough to put your face online lmao respect your body you ugly ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Last crusade 1291 Sack of Adrianople 1362 Sack of Constantinople 1453 Looks like you farted on Islamic balls","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" antics are purposedly used by #liberals to divide us #wakeupamericaca ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Once bullied, refugee is welcomed in community where all - with and without disabilities - live and train together. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's what always happens when you can't argue with reason, facts and evidence. They can't win with logic, so they resort to violence. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CA has always been blue and so have I. You don't seem to be doing very much except helping yourself. Like my neighbors you are a champagne socialist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This illegal immigrant should be arrested for lying ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why is GAB so slow on post? Is this platform DEAD?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sam was singing and they DiDNT tell her to stop singing and she thanked them!! Unbelievable!!! Who the hell is she talking to?! It's bad enough when she is talking to one of the houseguest !! But to keep talking to herself! Wonder what her family think about her going nuts! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love when conservatives and baby boomers get triggered!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t ask sad people how to be . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Ntknetwork News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'Senate Set to Pass Bipartisan Bill to Combat Opioids' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user bitch that was same rape case from last year try again ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the moment when 2 hours pass after you said you were going to sleep.. #fail #goodnightforreal##bye","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cA 16-year old high school student designed a website with resources intended to help immigrant children and teenagers understand and prepare for the possible deportations of their parents or guardians.\u201d |Arab American News #Refugees #deportation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I'm only nice to you and don't insult you, I don't want to sleep with you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He also said he had a gatlin gun and niggas that sit on the corner like boxers between rounds ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wishing a happy day for all daddies!! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a3 #daddy fathersday #celebrate #sweet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my lungs look like walnuts..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#maga #christineford #trump2020 #tcot #ccot #AmericaFirst #Patriots @user #BrettKavanaugh had this to say about Bill Clinton during Whitewater: It's imperative to make his pattern of revolting behavior clear -- piece by painful piece.\"\" Indeed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have an idea. #BuildThatWall Detention centers would be reduced dramatically if not eliminated. Problem solved. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He\u2019s holding a shit stained dildo in his hand. Someone should shove it down his throat!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I believe he is one step worse according to experts- sociopath which is a malignant narcissist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Holy speedtrap, Batman... What percentage of lightspeed is that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some people wish for world peace.\u00a0 Chris Rock wishes more white kids would get shot. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fF7qzqb_wQc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is an Awesome Video of Alex Jones invading Capitol Hill watch as he tells off the mainstream media #FakeNews #WednesdayWisdom #MAGA #Trump #vaxxed #readthebook #CDCWhistleblower #VaccineHolocaust @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do people make snowmen instead of snowwomen? It's too hard to hollow out the head ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yo why must you do this","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We should meet her face to face! She won't be speaking like that much longer. She is a horrid person! Somebody will teach her that you reap what you sow. She will find out the hard way. She is just UGLY inside!!! FUBAR!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall\/EndDACA\/End Sanctuary Cities\/End Chain Migration\/Pass Raise Act\/Enact E-Verify\/Enforce Travel Ban\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/Stop Lottery Immigration\/WE ARE IN FIGHT 4 HEART & SOUL OF USA\/VOTE ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks.\"\" Try to focus.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's wednesday my new column the benefits of @user is now online the secret to a #marriage\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please share our one-man comedic web series Mr. Shan! Available on @user Mr. Shan is the story of a young Chinese immigrant in Hollywood on his journey to become the greatest actor of all time. #mrSHAN #PrimeVideo #Comedy @user Watch: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Could you kiss his ass more? You are a complete disgrace as a Senator #VoteHimOut #VoteBlue #VoteThemOut #Blackmail URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ABC its time. amend 14th amendment it was written to protect newly freed ex slaves. Its lived its purpose. time to end anchor baby loophole","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user When a group of smiling third world faces move into your street, they know the nice dumb White people will transfer $$ to pay for the new school + costs of teaching lower-IQ children.The descendants of the White p ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hi everybody! So, I actually discovered this site through my husband and decided to give it a shot. I'm new obviously, and am currently exploring the site, getting a feel for it, and hope to be able to make some connections, maybe some friends, and start gaining some ground with my writing on patreon account. Nice to meet ya!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Srsly it sucks. When ur living life it\u2019s full of bullshit rules we just gotta suck up to survive","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/3Jk4kR44X3\" a pissed lad past out. I would lick his dirty soles while he slept.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She should start kneeling before matches and talk about how oppressed she is. Its getting deep in America with all the BS the liberal nuts are throwing up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER he is fake lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All these afternoon groups are trash besides the Bubba, Keegs and Furyk group #TheMemorialTournament","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donald Trump Junior youre a rotten fucking skank like your fucking father your whole family is a bunch of fucking rats bunch of rats live in a fucking tower filthy scum bags ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"almost 600 followers on #instagram ! thank you ! can't wait to hit a 1000 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc . #dreams #follow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The 2019 DHS Funding Bill aka the \"Smugglers' Relief Act\" by On immigration, whatever side you\u2019re on, so is Kansas Rep. Kevin Yoder @user because Money Matters to the career politicianshttps:\/\/t.co\/B9z7PWsiuA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user and looking forward to #halloween ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"live a life: use to discover great #adventures worldwide & create a real #travel #bucketlist #traveltuesday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Can\u2019t stand this policy. If not for immigration issue, @user is not worth supporting. War with Iran will kill off GOP for good. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"feel good it's friday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love these beautiful ladies to the moon and back\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #friends #love #smile #selfie #wcw\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Michael_J_Matt King George's (& their) first choice got in, as planned. Trojan horse Joe #Biden will be put out to pasture.[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/zf1UQNblup","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if i posted a picture of a different #fingerpuppet, from my collection, every day...i'd have enough for at least two years. that's just ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hate to say it, but you got your sides mixed up. How many people have been beaten up, killed, etc by far-right radicals\". On the other hand, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I dislike the New Comment layout. Why can't it remain identical to the Publish layout? Gab took away the characters count used display which sucks and there is no way to space or double space. If you press enter to space, it posts comment. Bring back the Send button? This is BS Man! I love & respect you brother but damn...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" is a very profitable thing im #america ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user please correct who the universal blood donor is. o- is universal donor. #floridashootings #pulse #lgbt #senselessviolence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gotta give credit where it's due. this piece comes across as very reasonable, not preachy at all. thoroughly enjoyed reading it.\u00a0https:\/\/politi.co\/2O2kyW6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals wear PU$$Y hats for a reason. \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no that would be girls #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are many reasons to be concerned over the state of free speech, from the growing chill on university campuses to the increased policing of art forms such as literature and film. Discussion of scientific topics on podcasts has also attracted the ire of petty Lysenkoists.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#americans are feeling #wealthier, more upbeat: #repost #lasvegas #realestate #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He should not have a job after this. But I guess he is the \u201clap\u201d dog of some bigwig in broadcasting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happiness is living in the moment... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Glad you are ok ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hurra to #russia today! we needed it! #football ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lots of Gab love from Sargon https:\/\/youtu.be\/14dOSQSWlxY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good move....he is the big loser","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me after The Walking Dead season finale ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tuesday session done!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa tierd this week. but got to keep going!!! #newjob #bodygoals #keeppushing #lifegoals #beabetteryou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dicksucking a bitch that don't even like you \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02! I hate fat lame hoes bro seriously ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is the worst. But what can you expect when you consider what she has to personally gain from his confirmation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't say it in a curious cat bitch whoever tf you are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OUR BOOK DU JOUR: If you\u2019re a Conservative and you love poetry, the South, the Confederacy, and the Victorian period you\u2019ll absolutely love Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook\u2019s popular book \u201cVictorian Confederate Poetry: The Southern Cause in Verse, 1861-1901.\u201d This beautifully designed, generously illustrated 600 page book contains nearly 400 carefully selected poems by Southern men, women, and children, including not only many of the South\u2019s most beloved poets, but also ordinary Confederate soldiers, foreigners, and even a handful of respectful Yanks. Embodying a wide spectrum of thought and emotion, Seabrook\u2019s poets cover the universal themes of war, patriotism, courage, heritage, honor, conservatism, duty, grief, family, faith, and death. Learn the truth about Lincoln\u2019s War as only our Conservative Southern poets could describe it in this searing one-of-a-kind work! A must-have for all those interested in traditional Southern literature and Confederate culture. Available in paperback and hardcover. For more info or to purchase, visit our Webstore. SEA RAVEN PRESS: Southern Books, Real History! www.SeaRavenPress.com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bored out of my mind, so enjoy this Ice T meme","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 THAT SUMS UP THE STATE OF LIBERALS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am! Glad to see ya on Gab again. Hope the move went well","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MondayMotivation: @user alumna Elizabeth Vilchis is not only the first in her family to attend college, but she also started latinoTech to strengthen Latino leadership in the #tech world. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user man, sees me wearing manchester united hoodie: are you a fan? me: yes! man: are you sure? do you even know one player?\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why is compassion always one sided? #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CUPS BITCH I KNOW YOU READING THIS SO WITH THAT BEING SAID, YOU RUDE FOR NOT TELLING ME HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WHORE!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hard to watch #colbe struggle through lame sketches & interviews w\/guests he's not interested in. #lssc #misstheoldcolbe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Wow. Delusional Antifa here. Determining that someone has or has not been involved in many protests. Already judging and deciding for others. Typical facist hiding behind the term antifa. Much like Jim Jones. Scary.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IsGermanyChristian? In 2015, liberals across the world looked at Merkel & her pro-refugee policy but since Islamophobia has risen. Who is a German? What is Germany's dominant culture? Who supports the AfD and why? A piece for @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think liberals call that a front hole now. Been having fun with that one. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Judicial Watch Reveals the FBI Has Now \u2018Lost\u2019 McCabe\u2019s Texts. The FBI is totally corrupt. All that can save it now is a root and branch clean out. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/yal6w5xd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Here are the husbands: 1945 Mrs Dean 1969 Mrs Peterson Lawton 2000 when she is dead Mrs. Peterson. I think Peterson came after Lawton 1967 she divorced Lawton Lawton had 6 wives last count lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user David calling for Lynn to resign is an reckless and irresponsible statement and needs to resign immediately as he is unfit do hold any position anywhere. See what I did there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd love to see either of these asshats run against the Prez. Mr. 90% tax or blue-eyed native American.https:\/\/www.libertynation.com\/recipe-destruction-sanders-warren-2020\/?utm_source=Liberty+Nation%3A+Guns+Quiz&utm_campaign=84b55b6d13-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_A&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_888102814a-84b55b6d13-51473881","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"> @occdissent\u200d accuses weev of doing the very same things he has done. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#beutiful poetry poetry #2 lines poetry #eid new poetry #tanhai poetry - - follow @user - - follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This despicable MO is certainly nothing new, of course; however, the ultimate purpose of this ongoing psyop is to establish a new tyrannical regime of command and control over the American people, first, and then over the world community of nations.\u00a0 Ultimately, the globalist goal is a New World Order\u00a0administered by a One World Government.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fuck russ 110%","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should bring in #Clinton #CrookedH to testify about #UraniumOne & #SteeleDossier \u2014 makes a BIG difference to US now!!!@ChuckGrassley Sets Rabid DEMS straight; rejects calls to bring @user back to testify again!#RussianDelusion #Mueller ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and the much awaited #starmoviessecretscreening is back :) @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nope. Teaching them not to give a shit what liberals from CA think.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You wanna bet Hillary will be hanged by 2020? I\u2019ll even give you until January 1, 2021. I say she won\u2019t be. You say she will be. Whoever is wrong deletes their account? Deal?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can anyone make that emergency transmission Alex did yesterday (3-4x) into a short clip and post it here? If you listen daily you know the one. It was heavy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You evil kunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall is all about homeland security and an open border clearly leaves Americans less safe. Makes sense to use our military to protect us by building a wall. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalAliens is a #LEGAL term @user you are #Nazis for #CENSORSHIP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bangladesh's plan to move 100,000 Burmese #Rohingya refugees from world's largest camp to this flood-prone uninhabited island would create world's largest island detention center @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This from people who call themselves \"educated\", \"progressive\", \"enlightened\", \"tolerant\", \"inclusive\", \"fair minded\".\u00a0 Yup.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You ugly lil bitch shut the fuck up if you dont understand the stock market hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Move to North Korea where you will find all the oppressive authoritarian gun control you want. Any one of these other countries with low gun ownership should work for you too. Good luck! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BriannaLovesA: I'm so sick head colds suuuck. And on top of that @justusabbott had to challange me to a beer chug 😷😷","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch be starting lmao sis \"do what you preach\"??? Speak for your fucking self you fucking cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change & I don\u2019t have a private jet. I favor more gun control & I don\u2019t glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy \u201cthey\u201d you r fixated on?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sant'agnese #santagnese #fun #living #rome #piazzanavona #enjoy #wine #lifestyle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LucentVariable: @TonyJRodriguez friendly reminder that you shouldn't try to have sex with birds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I never trapped around no bitch except Te cuz hoes be showin da next nigga ya plays\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fool! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is an evil godless man.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this should have been enough 2 just say no #notmypres #wtf2016 #neverump #unpresidented #bigot \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All I did was said her weed was trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Austria is a wonderful country for refugees. Here a bill where you can see that socialwelfare also help to get a Televisionset for refugees family in Styria. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Saying that the Holocaust happened makes you an Anti-Semite because it means you wanted 6 million jews to die.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shoutout to all the oldest immigrant kids keeping it together for their families. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user IM VERY HORIBBLE AND SHITTY THATS HOW I AM\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Does anyone really expect jews to tell the truth?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What Mamata Banerjee Said Of Bangladeshi Immigrants In 2005 via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s a civil war politically by the Democrats and a physical war with their Brown Shirts Antifa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Boycott ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck you your a fucking crack whore racist bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her- who TF do you think you are Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There are thousands apon thousands of videos on YouTube alone of Antifa attacking people just for being at Trump rallies or Republican events. This is not happening anywhere to Democrats. This is on a widespread scale and people like you try to lie and obfuscate to cover them","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user driving home #roofdown #tunes #king #sunshine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheRock @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris You should stick to acting! #MAGA2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@terrorwatchusa .....I think its about #Whites trying to be the most #Blackish ......what we in Socal call \"wiggers\". #liberals #democrats","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user cloe says that made her really too! she has a huge #smile on her face. she says hi!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ready to be sent for an autograph \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 @user in the post by tomorrow \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #love \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He is talking about you big O. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't fucking toy with me #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user to be a pa of this lineup at the @user fest this saturday in henderson, #ky\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Man that shit just got me hype like I was watchin it 18 years ago ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is sick. Very disturbed. And that comment proves it!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its also work with Brave. Its come with webtorrent implemented. Just click on the magnet with Brave! https:\/\/brave.com\/download\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The ultra left thugaratti are no joke either. Let\u2019s together condemn both. Antifa? Colleges that riot over Ben Shapiro speaking? I definitely condemn any threats against her.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user got my ticket ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when making my costume last night, brey had Arthur\u2019s theme song on repeat \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 \u201ci didn\u2019t realize his song was reggae you can skank to this\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man taylor tweeted this cause i aint stay in the kitchen w her why she cooked dinner lmfao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is no secret that #Hungary has become one of the safest countries in the world. While Western Europe opened its borders and accelerated its #Islamisation during the #migrant crisis, Eastern Europe did the opposite. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't wait to see the beauty of #botswana for myself #travel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Fake news. Two came forward the rest didn't want to get attacked by liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Show me a GOP\/Trump supporter mass shooter. You have a problem with me drawing and taking out a active shooter? When I was growing up in SSF you could open carry. Then the black panthers freaked out your elder liberals at the time and they took that away from us. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"they are too busy blaming immigrants for all their ills to see its the bankers and the establishment thats screwing them. also they still deludedly believe that britannia rules waves ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How every man saying not all men, but every woman been sexually assaulted.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@schola_gomes oh I'll make you some brownies alright;)))","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .@USER can\u2019t leave fast enough. It\u2019s \u201cconservatives\u201d like him that have caused so much frustration among @user #RINOs with no backbone propelled @user presidency! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Honduras laments US aid cuts, eyes role of China ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I cant believe he didnt work in comet pizza. Now that Alex Jones is muted these conservatives are so lost.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are obsessed with @user She\u2019s a millionaire because she is a good comedian. You have money because Big Daddy Bone Spurs handed it to you a**hole. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"US GOV Loses Vaccine Lawsuit - Lies to the Public for DECADES - No Safety Testing Carried Out! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hay joe you are a fucking joke , you must be a jewish plant no one can be that stupid in 2018 .. the holocaust is a lie fuck wit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Everybody!! Criticize our #POTUS and deal with it! He will still be prez when you wake up tomorrow morning! Ha! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you fucking -","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICE Contacted After Police Pull Over Van, Driver Flees on Foot -- And 11 People Without Documents Found Inside via @user #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you would have been 96 today, not a day goes by when i don't miss you granddad. love you loads. #emotional ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is Gun Control! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian people love Savini. 500.000 illigal refugees stay in Italia. Savini says, they should prepare their suitcases to leave, otherwise the have to leave without.He also will stop the NGOs to rescue refugees. We will see what will happen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @GlennSoucy1: The crows warned you to stay away from the island. Will you?\nTHE SOUL COLLECTOR\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/VTc661dC65 #IAN1 http:\/\/t.co\/1…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The aluminum,aluminium debate will never die. Fck Yo ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama uses Facebook surveillance data: Good ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate for females who hang with me but out here fucking my \"Property\" like bitch wtf you doing on my land! Hoe! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UK: Father of two jihadis killed in Syria threatens to have his wife shot if she gave evidence against him https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/08\/uk-father-of-tw... #AgendaOfEvil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cali already has some of the most strict gun control laws in the county. And you can't blame this on on Indiana.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can\u2019t she appeal. ? This is all kinds of wrong . If I were ES@USER would beat the sh** out of her.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i will, will you? #love #grateful #thankful #wahm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate when girls use guys. We're not toys damn it! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6. Send an asteroid the size of Alaska.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fauci said to that his words were taken out of context and used without his permission in new tRump ad about Covid. They quoted Fauci as, \"I can't imagine anybody could be doing more.\" So, tRump was being deceitful and shady?! I'm just soooo fucking shocked....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Its clear in the fuckin video are u fuckin stupid if u take idubbz dick out your mouth for 2 fuckin seconds you would hear him say nigger ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iRepFrisco: Should've lost in Carolina, in Houston & tonight in St. Louis! #Lucky\n\n#Seahawks are complete trash!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All you niggas saying no grown man should be this excited for a video game. Go get you some pussy. Bitch stfu. We wait all year for the new 2k to drop as well as other games. We get pussy damn near all year round. You enjoy your life and let us enjoy ours beloved. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Funny: In Austria increase the crimes of refugees, specially of lonley men. 17 of them can now without paying learn, how one has to fight. The called them \"Freedom Fighters\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#goodnightpost bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. whe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ima make her h20, out her pussy hole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anyone have any guesses as to what @USER @USER & @USER will lie about this week?? A) The world is ending Friday B) Give me all your money & I'll triple it by tomorrow C) @USER knows everything - just listen to her D) #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can you Say Insanity? #LockThemAllUp #HandCuffsForHillary #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Haha! No question about it. The ugly on the inside shows on the outside.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb that is all.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fight to stop U.S. Customs and Border Protection from abusing immigrant children. @user #FamiliesBelongTogether #resist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Joe - ANTIFA are not bullies. They are fighters fighting for democracy\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish death upon 45th President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump. He really deserves to die honestly. #trump2020 #covidhurryup #MAGA #CovidTrump #COVIDMAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Iranians either entered via Greece or Serbia, which recklessly grants visas to Iranians. Some Iranians now fly into Serbia\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030then leave for richer state in EU. Indirect support of illegal migration must end or others must impose sanctions on Serbia to adjust attitude.@euronews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"coffee break icons isolated on white background. #a #as","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"News from #Syria wurde gerade ver\u00c3\u00b6ffentlicht! Vielen Dank an @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoa! here it comes.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No room for full explanation here but regarding the hysterical women at the Kavanaugh hearing, the word hysteria is from a Greek word meaning wandering and disconnected uterus. There you have it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Funny Human Rights He is Pro Abortion That settles it He lies pacified deceives Playboy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This Jerry Lewis ripoff needs to just go away already. The guy is so good at acting like a fool because he is a fool.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER just despacito","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"staing in monday \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #c9 #foreverliving #foreverlivingproducts #aloeveragel #holidayprep ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Get rid of @user #VoteRed - #BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico - #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Deport all illeagles and their families - #ProudAmerican #AmericaFirst #MAGA #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this years @user photo is about to happen. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think I would pick that just for the fun of it\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user easy like sunday morning \/\/ #zen #a #abstract #photography #ocean #beach #belize #peace ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This must be a record","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"aiming for a june 30th release date for beer hero @user the late night delivery app! #selfemployed #goals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"may be the world needs him not india (read government) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the #truth abt #police & #maga #audiblechannels ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@thehill VOTE JOE BIDEN \/ KAMALA HARRIS !!![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]NOT THE EXISTING[NEWLINE]*L I A R !!! \ud83e\udd25[NEWLINE]*INCOMPETENT, LOSER-SUCKER[NEWLINE]*RACIST[NEWLINE]*BIGOT[NEWLINE]*WHITE SUPREMACIST[NEWLINE]*ENABLER [OF ALL ABOVE][NEWLINE]IN THE WHITE HOUSE - - -","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don't have anymore excuse me what the fuck\" memes.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How would others do spiritually if they followed your example perfectly? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05 gun control fun a statue of a stupid child under a desk are going to change peoples if that is the case they are stupid because i for will not give up my firearms or free speech or my rights to no one or no government! Fuck you! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER On reflection if you meant 12.47 am you are indeed fucked","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user let's get weird! Summertime baby! #FuckBitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user coach spot on that @user will be great in @user personally cant wait for the news to hit the shelves ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most Wanted: Illegal Aliens Wanted For Gang Rape Of Two Teen Girls In Ohio @user When is enough enough?#HonorYourOath#KeepAmericansSafe#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you fucking - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good stuff, thanks for sharing!: http:\/\/onlinecasinos.biz\/ #casino","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER \u201cI believe that our best days are ahead of us.\u201d currently the @USER are the RMS Titanic and the #ChequersPlan is a big feckin' iceberg! ... \ud83e\udd28 ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER guys im literally italian and i know what that shit is wtf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're on fire with these today. I really want to go visit Norway now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"emotion wreck! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Remember him defending Antifa? I \u2018member ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa otherwise known as NAZI Brownshirts\" I never thought of that comparison before, lol. It's ironic that they're the one's that call everyone else a 'nazi' for disagreeing with anything they say, lol.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No one gives less fucks than a man walking around with a wedding ring on.... He's already given up on life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nuthin to see here folks.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hysterical liberals following Don Jr. No facts just liberal mouthpieces. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, YES! REGIME CHANGE IN IRAN! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope it was. Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so me being the nice ass bitch i am, apologized to him thru chat. like ur hoe sent him a long ass message im telling you .and he just SEENED ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She went to my high school. Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user me on payday #life #payday #style #great #awesome #feelgood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i just really can't with life right now... #heabroken #scared","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so mad that i chose dj snake over zedd at edc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's going to be hilarious when the midterms stay red and Trump wins in 2020. \u00a0\u00a0 \ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Which side has #Antifa and the #Handmaids? Who you calling \u201cRadical\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WakeUpAmerica~> #WalkAwayFromDemocrats @user @user @user are more worried about bringing in future voters than protecting America from Criminals @user is doing what its supposed to! #SecureOurBorder #KeepCriminalsOUT #BuildThatWall #MAGA #StandWithTrump @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I love it. Thank you #codepink. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This just proves that liberals have no shame whatsoever. He\u2019s a deceiver and a proven liar. Has the nerve to speak of \u201ccasting a shadow.\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you a straight bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These awful men calling this Black woman all the words they always use against women to mean 'hysterical' is making\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user reading 4 the next american #revolution | #race #intersectionality #language #politics #education\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @kyle_park: \"You've got to have smelt a lot of manure before you can sing like a hillbilly.\" #HankWilliams http:\/\/t.co\/XKwON1L0nB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Last night I had this women tell me and my friends that if we pay her we can fuck her and her husband who has a big black dick \ud83d\ude10 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"uk 2016: where it fell to pop star @user to do the job of the #bbc #euref #brexit #media ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are so freaking valid ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Stavros69 : THEY DRANK THE KOOL-AID & WASHED IT DOWN WITH THE BATHWATER.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"refusal to kick Khan out for the fear that it might offend the Muslim immigrant community undermines that cultural equality. I$lam0ph0bia in its true form. PC makes govt. AFRAID to offend them even as they openly offend. I$lami\u00a9 terrorism works! Remember ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Funny fools - a country which cannot protect themself from illigal refugees , isnt a country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- I'm Soo Tried Of These Under Cover \"DICK SUCKING ASS HOE'S\" \ud83c\udf46\ud83d\udca6 Bitch You Know You Out Here Slang Puss \ud83d\ude39 Stop Trying To Play Hard \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user thiers none because not all men rape ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"always be #june #friday #sunny #day #instapic #instadaily #body #shape #beautiful #model #miami... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@aj2amazing Obispo ho. We'll do it big","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Let\u2019s Geaux Tigers! Prove yourselves you are worthy! Show the Nation ! \ud83d\udc2f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the birds out tonight","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user re Ford when she was 15 where were her parents. Are liberals\/corrupt politicians All going collude with people to come up with stories from Years ago that can't be proved. And to the Senator from Hawaii she's the reason women have a hard time. Life ain't easy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"f u tumblr bc my blog is black & white but there's so many great colored things I could reblog fml","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think Judge Kavanaugh will be voted through next week after Mondays hearing unfortunately for him his reputation has tarnished by these vicious lies MAGA WWGIWGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"where's season ten!?!?! #fairytale #anime #natsu #lucy #erza #gray #wendy #charle #gajeel #makarov #marijane #lisanna #elfman","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ( i put it before, but actually kejungie known more as fangirling account of fx than a roleplayer:-( )","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gun control measures? As in Fast and Furious\", where you directed FFL dealers to violate the law and allow straw purchases? Where you knowingly allowed firearms to be sold to criminal organizations?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user proves that small dicks make small minds #deploraball #whitesheet #inbred","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What is happening Layne? You are losing your temper. Is it because you feel you are trailing behind now?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antiwhites think the enviornment is responsible for differences between whites and blacks in the US. Alt right types understand that, that isn\u2019t true. When the environmental determinist types try to reshape the environment of whites to change them, the alt right types suddenly forget how little effect that has.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know and understand all this. But it is still not OK to rape and abuse women just because we don't\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user .@user 1 is looking great! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Women are sacred as mothers and wives. Everyone else is a degenerate whore who gets what\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I despise the term #woke. It reeks of illiteracy, reducing the cognitive acceptance of existential truth to a grammatically incorrect use of a wrong verb tense. That said, welcome to using your brain for something other than keeping your skull from imploding.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Colored people should vote! What color is she referring to? I\u2019m white and bright! White is a color. Next racial dividing statement Ms Obama. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is all you need to know about our gov't and the FDA approval process:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now the White House wants to make it harder for LEGAL immigrants to become citizens \u2018\u201c if they've ever gotten welfare or used Obamacarehttps:\/\/t.co\/5lNR0nc4lt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"**** wow my cell phone is blinking it must have had an incoming e-mail. i didn't notice. who could that be from ? it's an email from ... i haven't seen her for a whi... it's beena while. well she is wondering if she could give my email address to my friend from high-shcool i ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just didn\u2019t look like any of the mannerisms he has exhibited. Glad he is in CF ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gassy on this car ride \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009f #nervous #gassy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NOT ALL MEN WHEN I COULD LOVE A GIRL -. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yep alongside the 'terrorism is just a response to western aggression' narrative. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes, yes she is. And he's fully aware. I'm fiiiiiine.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best way to finish a beautiful day #sky #redsky #sunset #life #sunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Vicious steps. Republicans defended on advance in hearings and Liberals only response was to 'out' the liar and claim Republicans were defending him because of Feinstein's 'info'. Real women don't lie about men. #Honorable #Judge #Kavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Time I\u2019m really starting to hate that word....she had all the time in the world to open her mouth...really shut up about time! Enough of this left....Liberals bull shit about time! You and she have no case! Actually time is what is Hurting her case!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Bret, maybe you're just running away because you pretended to be an expert and got pounded into submission by a girl. All you did was assume and demand proof, I provided. You provided 'your say so. In terms of debating, you lost. Have a nice day.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got gem106fm on in the #office playing some great #tunes and i'm feeling very it's\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We all know what you mean by 'scum' pal. Couldn't agree more. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HOLY SHIT NO WAY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's okay to be a little sad sometimes. #travel #travelwithboyfriend #journey #goodlife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We don't need more elitist in government #trump #maga @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"100mil ? 60mil(stalin), 6mil(hitler), 80mil(mao), 3mil(polpot), 5mil(n korea), more like 155mil murdered by socialists in last 100yrs. They do ut because socialism doent work. The only way to keep it going is to murder everyone who wont go along with it. Islam is the same way.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user primary argument against #Kavanaugh is that he is too Constitutional\"\" The democrats started a civil war during Clinton They heightened their propaganda during Obama They are scared animals backed into a corner Antifa, BLM & MS13 are their Sturmabteilung\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user let's put a tank in front of every nightclub in america. every school. every theater. every church. bowling alley... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m sure this pope is on a first name basis with Satan himself. What a disgrace to the papacy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He's an illegal, regardless. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @charcharkuhlman: First day of spring break: ate half a pan of brownies & watched 6 episodes of Parks and Rec with @victoriakuhlman & @E…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user not long until the england v wales match! the team at fish are getting into the spirit of things #euro2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user you need to learn to be by nature, because you'll seldom have the chance to be by circumstance. - lavet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seriously, look at this guy, I have met several guys like this, I don't know if its trolling or some disabled mindset.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user You are under a delusion if you think calling HRC backers idiots is attacking the messenger. They are not the MESSENGERS they are the ones that signed for and took delivery of the message. But that was packaged and sent by the DNC. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - \"happy new year,\" says the #fascist with his pennyloafer on the neck of the usa. #notrump #nokkk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sabes que? @user down too & you're selling a #lowiq #baboso #weakass #l7 #chimpo #stereotype to #americans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You'll be happy to know that I never refer to the scumbag Mexican invaders as #IllegalAliens .#MollieTibbetts #WednesdayWisdom #MAGA #Qanon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER how about charges against Ellison with 911 calls to validate and this was not when 17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Goodell is one of the worst things that has ever been unleashed on Pro Sports. Useless!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe the gangs will in Chicago will show up and discuss you philosophy on guns and gun control or sensible gun legislative measures. Since you are from Chicago and Chicago is the home of gun violence in the US.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ceallaighaine Oh no! Sorry Hun. That sucks. Hope you heal fast. 😕\n#dancerproblems","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bro I randomly tried this dns shit and it worked first time wtf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Must be driving liberals crazy!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If I ever met this woman I can guarantee you I would want to just slap the shit out of her. She is a total disgrace !! Dumber than a box of rocks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is a old hoe now, y'all. Bitch is 30 while I'm still a young tender 21. Not sure how that happened \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah we need two game cube controllers here two. Trying find them at a decent price and that they work. Know anywhere?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-found out there's more gun control you can't do mass murder in schools or theatres on Oct 21 has anyone done this joke yet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's funny how people prefers to live like ostrich and bury their heads into the sand to ignore the reality surrounding them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GOPChairwoman Oh please...he's just upset that zoom has a mute button. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Crybaby Trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Marchionne's hometown proud of ailing former Fiat Chrysler CEO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it would mean so much of an amazing girl (@USER could have some advice from you. She is finally following her dream of being a photographer and would love some tips. Her photos are amazing already so I know she is gonna be an even more amazing later on\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You realize he was referring to Assault Weapons\". Good to know. You are begging to have less rights b\/c you are convinced that life in the USA is too scary with all these darn freedoms Mexico has stringent gun control Go there & see the utopia your authoritarianism has wrought\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The are batshit crazy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02 ok hoe I let you have your lil laughs where the horse mouth bitch at ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bottom line is and should be to all is that the accusation is from 35+ yrs ago when they were minors. The judge has 60 HS students of his saying No Way! Judge managed to keep impeccable lifestyle as an adult. Accuser is a hardcore left activist (Soros antifa type who has a \ud83d\udd282grd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You forgot skank in your Twitter description. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"please, let me touch the sky. \u00e2\u0098\u0081\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #sky #clouds #roadtrip #love #depressed #summer #sunnyday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh wow @LegendaryCollektor, I must have hit a nerve. LOL My pleasure :) https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20180830165242\/https:\/... << You're gab archived.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tried a new stream format last night and it went pretty well! This might become a weekly thing. https:\/\/youtu.be\/x47WArVK4DI?t=2m44s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ps on the flip side: EVERY WOMAN WHO CRIES 'rape' AS A WAY TO BE PETTY OR REVENGE YOURE THE PROBLEM. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Fuck yes ride it baby! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user just had my first order through on my facebook page \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 #staup #newbusiness #swimwear #facebook","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Crazy that he's even allowed to run after that. Rather glad that odds are against him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your words are soooooo descriptive. And now if there was any question about what happened before, now shes just being in in-your-face fucktwaddle because she thinks she got away with it the first time. Fucking bitch...and I dont say that about ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user my #santaproject is to not shop at @user as long as they suppo #trump brands. #hate #ivanka #macys\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sign this petition to get islam out of U.S. schools! https:\/\/www.thecounterresistance.com\/stop\/ #STOPislam #TOHELLWITHsharia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#fordnation #onpoli #Conservatives #Conservative #onpc Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Great power comes with great responsibility. By invoking art. 33 and overriding our judicial processes you're overriding our democracy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user should pay trump the pimp #10 million 2 resign!Trump would take it !He pimped US democracy 2Putin!trump\u2019s a whore 4\ud83d\udcb0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Coming from one of the most corrupt AG\u2019s! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The satanic state of IsraLIE will cease to exist when God wills it, it might not last til 2022. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#prayfororlando #orlando #families all we connect with the families of the victims ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lmaooo! He watches videos about different methods. Whole time at the gym he is brushing his hair \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER URL And this explains why he is disrespected by idiots like urself and Korzemba","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'm sure it's just all Democratic political pay for play","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am a whole other bitch when I'm speaking Spanish ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it\u2019s the best of both worlds. and the sex is better.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Especially those who play the Good Religious Boy\"\" routine as 80% of their \"\"Job Interview\"\". Seriously, imagine pulling that crap in a job interview & then imagine - interview for Supreme Court Justice. Kav spends WAY too much time talking about how pure he is.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not religious but it feels like the end of days! \ud83d\ude33\ud83d\udc30","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ATTN : All Brown University students, the stop and frisk protesters will be systematically dispersed into random U.S. ghettos. Good luck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user bitch you always come out wearing some ugly assssss shoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the wife is so fucking psychotic as well. she should have repo the matter before it gets to where it's now #orlando #painful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so my @user services are down.... #betterbefixedsoon","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy hope walks through the fire. faith leaps over it. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 jim carrey\u00e2\u0084\u0085 of mssajlouni ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER (She is clearly agitated in a defensive stance) Shit- what is she doing here","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Corrupt RHINO. Glad he stepped down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are a liar Ed. You have always been a liar. The people in Puerto Rico lives in squalor. Govt officials hid supplies sent. Miss reported death toll due to hurricane. Stop lying!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@The_War_Economy @flatwalk It\u2019s not that complicated \ud83e\udd23 but watch they\u2019ll use some lame excuse for him not to show up. #lidfortheday #MAGA2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are making crap up- no Dem I know wants to abolish ICE. We don\u2019t believe rich people should be the ones getting tax breaks. Bankrupt Medicare? Total nonsense. You lie as much as Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #theresistance #resist . we must stand together with all of our brothers and sisters. #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Israhell... I suppose they'll have karma bite them hard eventually","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Anne Coulter. Oh, and Jack Abramoff. You kids were stupid enough to be courted by Conservatives\"\" when they showed up on U.S. campuses, back in '80. So, there's two...\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"With close to 11 million USD a month required to feed refugees in #Ethiopia, \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@WFP\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 and \u00e2\u0081\u00a6@Refugees\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 call for more solidarity from donors. Ethiopia is also facing massive internal displacement crisis!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user another #celebrity on #clear #path toward a #rehab facility! so !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hillary was sure she would be President too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER End of Mos2. SM out in space hears a voice in his head asking if he\u2019s kryptonian.Turns around and it\u2019s MM. MM explains his situation & asks for refuge on earth. SM puts out his hand & introduces himself. Has their shaking hand he says welcome to earth. Cut to black.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How do you make it possible to put so much text into a post? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Avi Yemeni calling young Aussies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New research uncovers successes and failures of UK\u2019s help for Syrian immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@fox8news All of a sudden, #FakeNews cares about potus, ya right. #MAGA2020 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now that makes sense, and much more compelling. Thanks for the help and its nice to have someone to riff off of.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you know what they do to rapists in jail, dumbfuck? lol have fun ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user in my country only in a city there's starbucks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They have now elected a nigger woman for mayor.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If they picked a more suitable song it would be great","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is one of the soros contacts for antifa activists URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where did Jesus teach that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another lie. Anything for a diversion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s not wrongfully characterizing. It\u2019s the fucking truth and you guys are just to ignorant to see it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what makes me please let me know!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user -absurd your comments are reflections of ignorance and ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's a green bowl high. A spliff high. A j high. A blunt high. A moke high. And a Moke + coffee high.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Be ready!! Be prepared!! Because the trump administration isn\u2019t going to do shit if you get hit!! Well.. if it\u2019s a white county you\u2019re good.. lookout Randolph county!! Hide yo kids!! Hide yo wives!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I really hope you don\u2019t block me until after next Monday. I want to see this page\u2019s reaction when Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court. That gun control is effectively dead.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Shit like this is why I don't follow @USER Who me? I'm just stating basic facts. Totally NOT diverting from the actual point. Just stating a fact.\" You're a phony\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch call me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Listen here lady my tweet was about the fact that I\u2019m sick of hearing about trump every time I listen to news. Idk where the fuck you get off trying to spin it in to some sort of racial situation! YOU are part of the problem. Stop turning shit in to something it\u2019s not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Cute as fuck \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user POTUS is there right now. He will do all he can to help these people and it is heart felt. He will not politicize this like you liberals do. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dutch News reports on Attempted assassin of Geert Wilders Credit Vlad Tepesblog https:\/\/youtu.be\/2JCqFN_JRh8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #blogger #food #love lifestyle #happiness #figure #perfect #style #cleaneating #bodycleanse #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These are _full_ versions, so if you have one of these and no disc, and say, your HD bites the dust, this will save you a lot of trouble (and maybe money, too). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user en route to shimla #vacation #family #fun \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#electronic attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just learned that there're men who find breast feeding repulsive. & some of those are fathers! does that makes any sense whatsoever? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user what kind of opening date are we looking at? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The first time you get 100 likes on a post ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yooooooo I'd kill that nigger","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Total insanity on their part. I'm excited. I've never seen a political party collapse before.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yes and she is the biggest joke in BB history. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What manner of black folk take their kids riding in the ghetto to point out misplaced youth and victimized & cursed brethren and say:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest eco news of the day! thanks to @user #indigenous","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I didn't recognize him without his antifa mask. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Call bullsh#t just poor losser ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d me, him & my mommy #justus #myweddingday #married #bride #groom #panersincrime\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the daily! thanks to @user @user @user #catalunya","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hope one of these crazy ppl assassinate Trump the stupid son of a bitch my free speech he has no heart the way he is doing the American ppl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes We Should do this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck that bitch, go find another hoe who will actually sell you a ticket ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#YESonKavanaugh Yes because it is the right thing to do Yes because conservatives are in power Yes because Democrats are miserable humans Yes because we are sick and tired of the tantrums from the Democrats Yes because they FREAKING LOST THE ELECTION! Please add more reasons!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that hammock just attempted #whitegenocide #lies #tinfoilhat #fakenews #altrightcards ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s a disgrace and @user are in danger of imploding if they don\u2019t remove @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you spend hours doing your makeup perfectly and bae cancels on you last minute ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If we lose tomorrow we r fucked. Tomorrow is our season lol. Too tough a schedule to drop one like this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Maxine is a CRACKED POT and should be run out of town. What a loser she is.\ud83d\ude00 What a joke she is also. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another one bites the dust... thank you so much for suppoing us \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10% off premium staer kit today + happy oiler handbook from me w\/ purchase = \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1- This means, you can't ram these into silo-openings. you have to target the entire tunnel or silo structure with these. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER a bat my nigga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Are you saying he is a turkey chocker \ud83d\ude36 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's been up since Sunday night. He is a sloth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are thrilled to be on GAB! I encourage all of my followers to sign up and get started using this platform! From this point forward, Gab and Telegram will get the announcements first for NEWS and AIRDROPS! Sign up today and start following us!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why does my life have to suck!!! why can't i ever be happy! \/mad \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i'm gonna put him in charge of the budget! you should be able to spend nothing and do it all! only losers want to fund cops. !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the major kind of that people aren\u00e2\u0080\u0099t talking enough about via @user #environmental #justice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and... relax #firstnighttonight #home ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Get away from these lying toxic people!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @nicoleyyrosiee: Remember in 2001 when the Yankees were in Boston and the crowd was cheering USA instead of \"Yankees suck\" I love baseba…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Way to go @SpeakerPelosi, even if the teleprompter went haywire, you could have recovered if you didn't have TDS and hate our greatest President @realDonaldTrump this Country has ever had. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TermLimits[NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]This reminds me of Total Recall in the Mars Terminal.[NEWLINE]\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47 https:\/\/t.co\/ZxjLtEY1nF https:\/\/t.co\/ySYIHjru0j","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fool ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rosco say....Fuck That Bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"racial discrimination interacts with genetics, impacts health among african americans #sdoh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Most men are decent and respectful so how is it that the so-called conservatives have such a knack for finding and elevating sexual predators? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Smart.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pres. Trump must allow free flow of the vast(?) amount of immigrant workers coming from the south cruelly being separated from their families. Can be used for fire(fighting), farming and everything else. Think of an America with plenty of diversity- Great. Common sense approves. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No prison time for you. You're going to get McCain-ed\" \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 #DeathPenalty #Treason #Pedogate #MAGA #QAnon\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Scared shitless of constituents that might actually become independent, informed, & self-reliant.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good summary of the poisoned spy. Laughed at picture of Spacey. Keyser Sose? https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/mar\/20\/crosstalk-how-prevent-british-drama-turning-traged\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Since 1999 they have all been fake. Billions of tax dollars go into government terrorism to justify gun confiscation. Don't give up your guns to anybody, not even Trump or \"military men\". Nobody can be trusted with your well being. The government cannot be trusted to uphold natural rights. Real boobs, real gun by the way. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are a traitor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hey Woodward: You are a silly old fart and do not know what is going on in the White House. You are the one who has reached a mental stage yourself of Alzheimers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user When atmosphere turns greenish tint from greenhouse gases and humans eat humans in candy bar form maybe I\u2019ll care. MAGA!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is it time for the afternoon shift jerk off? The only one making an asshole of himself is the fuckwad that believes in marvel comic gods.\u00a0 probably dressed up like them during your daily spank sessions with your neighbors.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just finished what would be a tirade on the DNC and it dregs of the earth. \u00a0There is no where on the Internet, I could openly express, what they would consider vile expressions. \u00a0You see the left has Twitter and FB to attack conservatives, using vile rhetoric and nastiness. \u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, why is it not closed down and everyone in it deported, they are not our friends, invaders who do not assimulate into our country, time for them to go @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AnthonyCumia Enjoy it,I'm happy for you,but I hate the Yankees,and yes the Sox did choke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER DEMOCRATS HAVE ORDER THIS MANGINA TO SHUT UP HE IS NOT LISTENING JUST KEEPS ON GOING ON AND ON IN HIS LITTLE MIND HE IS LOYAL TO UNCLE SOROS HIS SISTER MARRIED INTO THE FAMILY URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at laaast! got new \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a7.music is the best company always. friday#friday vibes. \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He is mocking self-professed populists who claim to speak for the people\"\" when those who stand up for \"\"norms\"\" and \"\"rights\"\" are labelled latte drinking elitists\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you gonna keep smiling like dah and everybody is gonna keep wondering what you did last night!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"French police were tracking van in which child refugee was shot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I tried to remember? I don\u2019t under your joke. I lobe conservatives like yourself because your so inept. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you go to take a sip and and spill it on your face... Like wtf hand, why you let me down like that, bruh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrants restrained during deportation 'with little justification' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HOT #ISIS SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO: Laughing Jihadis Get Baby To Kick Severed Head – ***warning, graphic*** http:\/\/t.co\/XdpSzwj6sK #lnyhbt #tgdn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have irresponsible sex but I at least know my partners. (Benefits or being snipped)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sex stories girl gone wild nude ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats are sick! Back off & let our president Trump continue to help all Americans!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWhen you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The magic cards are great! \ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is the dumbest shit I\u2019ve read since I slent the morning reading Trump tweets. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Don't let your bretheren\" fool you! EACH ONE OF YOUR Republicans, NEED TO DECIDE IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE GOOD PEOPLE or #rePUNKlicans! You NEED TO KNOW, that kavanaugh is going to make #ronaldgrump into the first dictator of #naziUSA, which cannot happen! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@60Minutes We all MUST vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in November unless we want to see how terrible Donald Trump will be as president for 4 more years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You virtue signaling Swedes wear this well: https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/swedish_seniors_get_opp...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wake up! This has always been a plot by the attorney judiciary BAR club to dominate all branches.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Jose Ramirez because he is doing it all stealing hitting for average hitting Homer's doubles and playing good defense and definitely Blake Snell for Cy Young just look at his numbers hes like the Jacob DeGrom of the AL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NEW Nashville Noise! @LukeBryanOnline loves burgers, @DierksBentley honky tonks, and @ChrisYoungMusic grabs a pizza. http:\/\/t.co\/sCCDyhE6EY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user One upmanship between guys in private is hardly the same as women claiming rape. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user all of these people from Venezuela are on their way to America this is what Socialist Democrats look like and Socialist Democrats and liberals will say welcome to America and Canada like loser @user #BuildThatWall soon #RedNation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rbigwood when Hollywood Underwood took his shirt off and started screaming in the dark hah like a horror movie with the nips!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're about to leave the bar with a booger but you're just not quite drunk enough to not care ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'DISGRACEFUL' EU criminals in British prisons cost YOU \u00a3140MILLION https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/politics\/944820\/eu-criminals-uk-prisons-cost-british-taxpayer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER philosophically speaking, can a hippie, crazy cat lady who supports antiFa still be called a fascist\"? literally asking for a friend who's a constitutional \"scholar\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is insane. 125 last weekend. #BuildThatWall !Arizona invasion @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An EU committee has passed Article 11 & 13, which will create a de facto ban on memes and impose a \"link tax,\" completely destroying the Internet as we know it. The proposal will be voted on by the European Parliament next month.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user omg, what is up with the use of the word \"broad?\" and if people don't agree w\/you, they're \"triggered?? \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You \ud83d\ude0a sure \ud83d\ude0a are \ud83d\ude0a #NotAllMen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OMNIBUS Bill (cont) Additional funding for DoD can also cover UCMJ, tribunals, apprehensions\/GITMO. DC is also barred from funding abortions or pro abortion materials. Roe vs Wade is up for Supreme Court review, so we may be close to defining abortion as murder, or 'choice'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's probably referring to the fact that we started with Henderson who's is apparently shit and Sturridge who was apparently finished years ago. I mean like how could we possibly win with those two on the field... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you know what your core motivators are? What drives your decision-making process? You might be surprised to learn it may not be what you think it is---but there are people who are trained to find it and leverage it against you. It's the key to influencing you, and if you value liberty, then you should know what yours are. #counterintelligence\u00a0#resistance http:\/\/www.americanpartisan.org\/201...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Police officer was on verge of suicide after false rape accusation as woman who accused him is ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Riiiiiiight..... Either Facebook, Twitter and Google have a tendency to hire the most idiotic employees ever, or they're blatantly censoring conservatives. Do they really look good either way? If you work at any of these companies, do you really want to let people know you work there? People will either think you're a Nazi, or a moron.\u00a0 ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday te myvs! #bihday #tgif #thepalacemanila #thepalace @ the palace pool club ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hmm thanks but you are more beautiful!~\" she hugs her back and pats her head\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How about your outrage over this? Do something so you can be credible instead of being perceived as demagogues partisans #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you heard how Gary Yarbrough is doing? I heard he was in Hospice care?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Kind of why we need NATION-WIDE GUN CONTROL. Are you really that stupid?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"orlando, fl has taken so many l's this week ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Bibi so looks like Stalin when Stalin was younger. Maybe he is starting to act like him a tad. China is never your friend.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bullshit! People died because of an incompetent Puerto Rican government officials. That\u2019s already been exposed dumb ass but good try. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Do you even see ECC RAM on their website? Because I don't. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" is not an #opinion. racism is #degrading people based on race to justify #discrimination or open #violence against them. #stopracism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't get enough of this mask!!!! #beautiful posts #positive #mudmask #green #face #skin #me #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love waking up to these every day\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008ftext me 805-610-8633 #business #power #tan #instagood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is not working for Texas he is paid by the Soros cartel. Not fond of Cruz but Beto is a dangerous person! Just another DNC sheeple! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home. So despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing from ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ladyjacq66 And here we are in the states with a president who hasn\u2019t met a rally he doesn\u2019t need deep down in his withered little soul and pretty much everywhere planning trick-or-treat for Saturday. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Don\u2019t mind us. We\u2019ll be gone soon enough.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As usual the poll was the outlier of all polls asking the same questions. Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"superkick? = yes pay? = no #mitb #wwefi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How about holding parents responsible for breaking the law and endangering their children by illegally crossing the US border! Catch and release is not a solution it's art of the US immigration problem! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the cold war was fought over oil. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user WTH Dude!!! Seriously..... you are going to CRITIQUE THIS?!? Take your sorry liberal self to an Antifa protest ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user won the social superstar award? really? this is what cma's are reduced to? award 4 being most active on social media? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user nope that would be you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTIFA GETS SHOT RIGHT IN THE NUTS \/\/ PHOENIX \/\/ GAS CAN URL via @USER Now there's a challenge for a no-scope Kraber.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looking forward to another GREAT Rally tonight in Fabulous Las Vegas!!! Never tire of hearing @USER speak!!! He gives Energy to his Base...and We give it back to Him!!! #LoveOurPOTUS #MAGA #KAG URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user HOW DARE YOU!!! Kappa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is unstoppable! This QB can\u2019t be this good can he? Have to feel for @user He needs to transfer. Can\u2019t help but have a funny feeling he is going to save Bama at some point this year. Never know. @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sleepover at @user house tonight!(: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@APScoggins @FistofNietzsche @bruhhh_de @RexChapman Joe Biden the Alzheimer\u2019s patient and the giggling so called \u201cblack\u201d woman. Homey never lived in the hood brother she grew up in Montreal. The devil doesn\u2019t even like Kamala....wait what did u say 4 years ago??? Not my effin President. GOTCHA BIG BOY!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed. Seems only Liberals like no humor. You won't be asked back. Career killer. You were Da rating tanking Bomb. Now go celebrate with your liberal pals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Everything I need to know about Islam I learned on 9\/11#BanIslam #NoDACADeal #EndDACA #NoDreamers #IslamIsTheProblem #NoAmnesty #NoSanctuary #NoTolerance #NoMercy #AmericaFirst #AmericansFirst #AmericansHaveDreams #MAGA #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #1A #2A ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did you ever think we call him names because it's true? #conman #traitor #draftdodger #coward\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dominos is ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow: Dossier Author Admitted He Was 'Desperate' that Trump 'Not Get Elected' | Townhall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leave us a alon damn migrants go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #in2017iwantto work at seeing, naming and dismantling my own, others and systems , #whiteprivilege, #privilege. #white\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don\u2019t put yourself down please :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user immigration on mass in Europe Kills our Culture our languages and over stretches our own resources such as Hospitals ,Schools ,now Italy ,Greece , etc , Your right send them back home but please do not separate families Islamic countries ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is what conservatives think a genius looks like. LMAO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user not even one example? let me guess: you're not allowed to or are too fearful to speak of #islam? such is a #cliche","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#goodnews to get your vip tickets + tables to the 6th annual national reality tv awards . go here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You replied to me spic!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's play \"What will the ghetto white girl with neck tattoos in front of me buy.\"\nIf you answered Cigarillo's...you've seen this episode b4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We\u2019re following the Biden-Ukraine latest. Another example of questionable behavior by the former Vice President. But there may be more to this. Best coverage on https:\/\/t.co\/rryWmyXe7C.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @_RiveraJustin: It's unattractive when girls act ghetto","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #imwithher #blacklivesmatter #bigot #xenophobia #socialjustice #notmypresident & any other stupid lib word #wo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"liberals are the most intolerant. they accuse conservatives of hate but they are full of hate and intolerance. ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOL\u00a0 Only took 1 day for the New Hampshire Dems to educate Atty. Gen. Holder on the law and reverse his only NH resident should vote statement. Explaining that without out of state students Dems will not win any seats in NH","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is #trump what the lds church stands for? who knew? #adultery #misogyny #bigotry #incest #pedophilia #ra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Not just \u201cliberals\u201d there is minority of Republicans with more brain cells than a rock!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Be more like Tim.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have a great idea on immigration. Lets pay them both welfare and medical benefits and the right to break our laws. Lets educate their 30 year old children like ms13 members these things can be paid for by cuts to American children and VA benefits. This will detour them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user finally got time to sit down and watch @user make happy on netflix! it's brilliant! stop everything and watch it now.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2018Alina\u2019 ... you drunk Alice?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Right?! I wanna know why she on the phone calling the police anyway? what did he do\"? Fuckin \"Run Me Over Rhonda\" lol\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you no longer have influence to sell, you sell T-shirts. #CrookedHillary","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Whatever dude if you want to use Antifa tactics you should meet the baton of the riot police","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s an NBA plant! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And she is Canadian \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you couldn\u2019t catch me letting some saggy whitey bitch talkin like this to me \ud83d\ude2b bitch eat dirt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER All great American Patriots are the dregs of society in the warped and delusional perspective of Joe Blow Biden. He is a disgrace to America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Cube has shown in the past that he is not in control of this. The investors on the board run the show. And they are super cheap.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SeoulJack Hey, how's it going? You seem to be doing really well on Gab. I haven't seen you around recently.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Angela4u\u200d did you read on that anchor baby\u00a0 teacher who disrespected our military? That SOB is in a city about 5 miles from me .....BTW\u00a0 the city he's a mayor of is a sanctuary shithole with about 6 different gangs terrorizing the community..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases #BuildTheWall #EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafeThis is all the Congress should be comtemplating!#BanSanctuaryCities #NoAmnesty #NoDACADeal #EndChainMigration #Deport ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol. men refer to rape allegations as 'witch hunts' when the real witch hunts = brutal violence meted out to women + racialized populations ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Tuna and beef brisket? I thought all you liberals were vegans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SICK.\u00a0 HuffPo tries to normalize beastialty.\u00a0 \u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we're looking forward to it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need 10 ruinous laws repealed for each new one. End slavery.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user NO DACA #NODACA #NoDACA U admit DACA illegal WHY would GOP uphold illegal law? NO DACA That means NO laws should be followed BAD precedent to follow sorry for illegal children but they R illegal! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6d\/. They won't be able to make it after January! There will be millions HOMELESS and STARVING! You will see a LOT MORE BEGGING on the STREETS. People living in the woods. THIS is so the rich #Conservatives #Christians #WhiteSupremacists #MAGA #MAGAVeterans #MAGATalk ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok, good so it's not just me.\u00a0 Thanks for responding.\u00a0 I was wondering how ppl were following me when I couldn't see any recommended anymore.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He also clarified that there is the water birth when we are physically born. Then there is the spiritual birth which is obviously when we spiritually die to our sinful flesh and be reborn sinless after being cleansed by His blood at salvation when our sin debt is paid! Praise God","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you knew the truth .... which is why they will never let you know the truth:\u00a0 'Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need for any official ban' \u2014George Orwell","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saving a #year with a single #drive #fun #friends #joy #longdrive #swift #shiftgear\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as a student in 89\/90 in a #gay bar i stood next to a white man who said \"i don't do pakis\" #jeremyjoseph #lgbt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i HOPE HE JUST SHUTS YOU GUYS DOWN AND I CAN GO GET SHIT FACE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pretty Much & the Answer is D!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saturday night was hilarious ! #jojocollins #comedylife #grateful #thankful #magic\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes his brain was effected. He is one of the sharpest attorneys in America. But maybe it effected your brain is tge what you meant?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Love this woman Telling the truth every day WHY do conservatives have to point out the obvious.Are people really that stupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you read the Koran ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...Or conservatives trying to get Bill Clinton... you get the idea. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And he is signing briefs on behalf of Special Counsel Mueller. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":">love these leaders bend over and lick that ass, boy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user hope like my edit\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 @user father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Someone's is asking if Davido wasn't supposed to be in Camp? Oga madam park well!! Davido's business is non of your business. Na u send am go school? Haterz... chop shit n die ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"where sadness should flee pa 1\" #dad #happyfathersday #pain #fatherless #heabreak\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user enjoy\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083#chocolate,\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0092be\u00e2\u009c\u00a8o\u00c2\u00b2breakthrough\u00c2\u00ae ,\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4#cancer\u00e2\u009c\u00a8free\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083#body\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa#beauty\u00e2\u0080\u00bc\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You know what will make this professor even woker\"\"? If he's a gun control nut....\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"World Bank calls for global support to help Rohingya refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is not conservative. What has happened to our party ? Lost the plot. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"family trip to wegmans for some organic goods! #wegmans #eat #organic #family #healthyliving ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So tell me all about why you are simply rudeand racist. Was it your mother\u2026?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user oh my god triggered","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@user us singer christina grimmie shot dead #yfmghana such a huge talent wasted. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i noticed too. definitions of #bullying, , and #disabilities are trying to be changed so people don't hv to. htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Scottish drama project is helping refugees share their stories on radio \u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00bb#WithRefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER We are so proud of @USER and the creativity she has brought to our students! She is truly an asset!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You know as well as I do that race hustling is all the liberals have. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Quote from The True Believer (Part 1): \"When hopes and dreams are loose in the streets, it is well for the timid to lock doors, shutter windows and lie low until the wrath has passed. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What in the wide world of sports is go\u2019in on here? Pansies.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Congrats Naomi! U deserved to win. U showed true sportsmanship during Serena\u2019s meltdown. I would like to apologize for her behavior. What an embarrassment for the US. She should have been ejected for arguing with the side chair. She thinks she is superior but she\u2019s not. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Well if Osuna did do that than he's the ass. Not really sure why you went there. Are you claiming I punch women? If you are sir you are the asshole and completely wrong. My tweet had nothing to do with Osuna it was a clear fact that Giles punches himself when he sucks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nochebuena #lasvegas #usa @ las vegas strip ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is one who should Not own a gun-Such a lost soul\u2014All he Needs is Jesus Christ \u271d\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Shocking almost all liberals are crazy and insane since that Clinton witch lost they\u2019ve become #unhinged #deranged and a bunch of damn #crybabies stop acting like children and grow up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What you need is your own private room for you and the \"adults\" to discuss these matters away from the rabble ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"awesome supps from @user mostly empty tubs \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5 enjoying every last scoop during my #workout this morning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What new gun control laws would you like to see passed and what would they accomplish?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shit I didn't know that, still good to keep around and publicize.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rei as \/bestgirl\/ is in Sacred Scripture, ignore at peril of your soul. #ReiAyanami #Rei #bestgirl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Holy shit get a lawyer false advertisement colon in not a football player he is a vag head","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Brazil is a sh*thole. This is the same place where they beheaded a referee during a soccer game, then proceeded to cut his body to pieces. IN THE STADIUM. This is a normal occurrence in Brazil, yet the Left says if we don't have open borders then we're \"racist.\" #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user White cops are called racists by mobs and liberals daily ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why am I expecting to hear some quote about her brother really being the Kwisatz Haderach and how he will use the Weirding Way against us all?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I responded with the same but female instead to show them how wrong it is they called me a whore and that I oppressed and raped them I as a girl and a lgbtq+ supporter apologize to y'all for these shits ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Good grief. So this is how we calm antifa people? Throw chicken nuggets at them? How ridiculous are they? I\u2019d think it was funny if it wasn\u2019t rewarding bad behavior.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Women are all harassed? And it's also all men unless we prove other wise? You're a clueless cunt\ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes. I hope some brilliant attorney offers pro bono services to the 2 White House housekeeping staff who've tested positive. Trump deserves nothing but scorn and ridicule. #RecklessEndangerment #COVID19 #TrumpCovid19 #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #VoteBlue2020 #TheReidOut #TrumpLies https:\/\/t.co\/N9MKkA7lVn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user People who fail to understand the Second Amendment's purpose is to protect a citizenry from a government takeover SHOULD NOT be talking about gun control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#depressed #depressededit #depression #suicidal #suicide #depressionedit edits #cutt... (vine by mk,) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for candles. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy Birthday Bitch!! You not a teenager no more hoe. Its about damn time! Fuck it up like you been fucking it up!\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER BLESS YOU!!! Are the camp organisers aware of this? Honestly why do people do this camp is supposed to be a fun safe place NOT A PREDATORY GROUND asdfghjkl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 more week. eeeeekkkk biggest test yet for @user behave... 2nd rd ko @user #letsgochamp #aj #andstill \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hell fuckin yea ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"trophy. i have always been one. by @user \"educate yourself,\" #saturdayblogshare\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHO IS DINA HABIB POWELL AND WHY YOU SHOULD CARE? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pool of vomit, splash of wee, there are no wild geese flying over Derbyshire tonight. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it would b interesting 2 c some conflicting viewpoints explained on pagan vs volkisch perspectives, if there actually r any beyond demand 2 domin8 the niche.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Confirm the MAN! THE LEFT WING ACTIVIST IS A LIAR WHO'S STORY CHANGES! NO HARD EVIDENCE! #ChristineBlaseyFord Innocent until proven guilty! #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA @user #WeakRinos #Republicans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bet your butt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Iggy is trending. Twitter's trash today.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...I'm smarter than he is, I would be fine, he can punch me all he wants and it wouldn't work... And by the way this wealthy New Yorker actually earned his money it wasn't a gift from Daddy\" -Jamie Dimon \ud83d\ude0e $JPM\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.hingepoint.com\/blog\/hingepoint\/community-resilience-planning-guide-helps-communities\/: Ok, I've checked it out but I'm still not sure #sharepoint_developer #HingePoint #sharepoint_administrator #Salesforce_Integration","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love that feeling that u get from going from Blues to purples. The discovery of new sexy loot! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#china - #expat - #events - get #social - get - internations is the ticket! - join free! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wow those liberals are so uncivil and full of hate. #LickAWitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i listened to the whole album and cried like a bitch this shit is fucking beautiful, Lana did it again #LustForLife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ERIC HOLDER IS A FILTHY MAGGOT. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user RT @user Don't betray Your #Voters on #Immigration. #Americans, #WeThePeople, & the #USA reject #DACA, #Amnesty, the #DreamAct, & all #illegal immigration. Do Not Break Our Constitutional Laws. Deport all illegals & #DACA immig ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i can't take 2016 no more\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0 plz let my gurrrrl play \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #letrussiaplay #russianteam ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I was informed that your process takes up to 10 business days to transfer credit from an expired Myki card to an active cards - WTF!!!??? \ud83e\udd2a Do you people use computers????? #whatajoke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Medically this kind are known as Histrionic Personality Disorder\".BTW If she is brave enough to continue this heroineics with other holy books,then I will accept that India is definitely changing.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Itne me too liberals ko BURNOL khana padega.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saturday morning be like.. #livelife #love #nurseonduty \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83e\udde0 damages she is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"go back to your shithole and learn how to be civilized","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WalkAway liberals......Your party is POISON. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that's it caputo, go off book! fuck yeah .@user .@user #oitnb #season4 #episode13 #oitnbchat #bingewatching ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user God dang! Didn't she break campaign finance laws? Why isn't she in jail?? Didn't she promise to move out of the US??? Why won't she just Go Away??!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some #customers at the #brewery. :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the \"hoe don't do it\/oh my god\" and \"bitch you guessed it\/you was right\" vines occupy the same spiritual plane ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Testimony About Healing Received At Mel Bond Miracle Service - Vision, Back, and Hip Pain Healed.\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vSjJbI85qlo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Ha ha yes fuck yes \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude08\u2764\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Told the bitch I like her & her girlfriend \ud83d\ude08 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why the fuck do you cover American politics more than Canadian politics? @USER is a fucking disgrace. Report news. All news. Not just the stuff that makes conservatives look bad and ignore the stuff that makes liberals look bad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You Conservatives want to talk about scandals! Really? Let\u2019s get started. If you have the balls. Let\u2019s get busy you chickens. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Just blocked a 4th. So much easier and you know it drives them nuts \ud83e\udd23 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do not live under a covenant with God as his chosen people, Christ came to destroy that covenant or contract..and with the revision also did away with these capital punishments in favor of forgiveness.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More to the point: should one cheer his imminent demise, or is it in bad taste?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"someone: not all men - me: yes, you are right. lee everret would not do this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Except they cant remember because they were to shit faced. They dont have a story they have a hand fed virtue signaling load of crap.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I should rephrase that... something went down and she is trying to cover it up with some LAME@USER story about \u201coh I thought I was in my own house\u201d BULLSH1T! What a obviously blatant lie. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great! I now have ANOTHER reason to hate all fucking niggers and muzzies! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is totally bluffing...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Antifa also opens windows to let some fresh air in too!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#colorsplurge gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. ma ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh no is he going to start painting hideous pictures like @USER and peddle socialism and gun control for everyone but himself. @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Are you aware that Hillary Clinton said she was going to use Nuclear weapons against Russia. That was after she sold the 20% of our weapons fuel. She is a complete idiot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bitch stfu yall call angela an ice queen but then say oh sure angelas the mean one you can say this shit and still recognize angela being a whole bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats Don't Fear Brett Kavanaugh. They Fear the Constitution. | The Daily Signal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"of those who say nothing, few are silent. [thomas neil] #quotes #news #follow #followme #like","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We\u2019re so far beyond tax returns. This crap affects all Americans and liberals are too stupid to wake up and understand what\u2019s really going on. Step aside. The adults are here to do it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user just received notification that i have achieved my senior fellowship for higher education academy! #sfhea #kudos #refle\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so this girl walks into #starbucks and refuses to let me serve her because i'm a white guy? whoa hey there and ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AndrewAnglin , @weev , @Azzmador and others at #dailystormer are taking a beating for us right now. Lets not wast this opportunity to point out to everyone what is happening and what it will lead to. The fire is rising and we need to keep on pushing that pendulum.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user there is only one true question the Uk wants will immigration be stopped who ever promises this will win the uk vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user getting ready for @user to come on stage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What could possibly go wrong.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He could have killed as many with a hunting rifle with the time and vantage he had. He had close to an hour before police entered his room. His actual shooting was over 10 min. Making this about gun control is just going to get more people killed. We need to be smarter.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Haha true. She is sad but doesn\u2019t need the validation so just let her and her followers keep spreading the hate they have for truth. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Funny how often you see criticism of federal polices and some writes both the conservatives and the liberals\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dear Liberal #FakeNewsMedia This gesture you call a white power\"\" gesture is actually what we NORMAL people call the \"\"OK\"\" gesture. I realize this is not as fun as your make believe \"\"white power\"\" name but yeah. That's what it means. OK ? OK! #WalkAway #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He got his chance and blew it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol \"wearing a tube sock\"....OMG I love your videos","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/gbp erases recovery gains to 0.7840, trading flat around 0.7800 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JakeEye3: after 4 hours and almost 8 pages i want to slit my wrists, but i guess ill just settle for sleep","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You religious conservatives need to stop trying to shame women for expressing themselves. It's disgraceful ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is proud of herself and that is good for motivation when she is doubting herself because probably her Label isnt getting her paid. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They... URL via @USER Go Scott!! He is one of the strongest supporters of Trump :)))) The Persistance!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is hurt and no one has checked on him!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How fucking sad \ud83d\ude23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Underchilde: *Goes into monkey bar to meet swingers*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user and his racism could fuel the power needed to light everyones christmas lights in the uk. #leejasper \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Shitting yourself more like.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Great and I\u2019m certainly anti fascist but the group antifa is the most fascist and violent groups in America in case you hadn\u2019t noticed and associated with the largest hate group in America the democratic party ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user David stop been a mouthpiece for the anti gun people you r nothing but a worm looking for fame now remember that antifa BLM and all the radical left groups are violent and hurt people too but of course you agree with them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just swim your hea out. \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008a #swim #pool #sailing #yourhea #free ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Christians been thinking women lie SINCE EVE and the start of Christianity....Conservatives just give it legislative and judical teeth to oppress women in the modern age.... #Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation #metoo URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The first step to catching your shadow is waiting till dark.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user How to develop their competitive skills and social skills in Home Schooling...as my child too complain abt bullying and unjust behaviour of teachers since she is super active... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey guys, apparently white and black people are even for that whole slavery thing, so that's nice. #history ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Im trippin ? \ud83d\ude01 man bitch if you keep my fucking name out yo mouth dumb ass lil hoe , i understand y\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER These people are absolutely insane! Liberals have been attacking white men for years and it is getting worse. The path they are pushing for will create another civil war which there will not be a recovery AND they are too damn stupid to see that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is saying Ben, Ben, when the hell are you going to do something more than just tweet crap about djt?\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Parents of Parkland #victims call for stricter #gun control at rally - Sep 8 @ 11:29 PM ET ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The new art is directly across the entrance to Cabeza Prieta, the natl wildlife refuge near the US\/#Mexico #border in a region with the highest migrant death rate due to the brutality of the desert crossing | @user #safepassage #waternotwalls ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #trump ally carl paladino said first lady should go live in a cave with a gorilla prick","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If Isaac is 6'7 now how fucking tall is that guy behind you my dude\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sweet dreams! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa (\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099) #selfie #selfietime #goodnight #guy #cute #boy #moments\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sagarika hw mch mony u gt 4 stkng 2 anti modi stnd frm ur pol. masters..nw evn us cong s also modified.any shame lft ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Relationships are like hangovers... They make me miserable AF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This fucking shitshow must come to an end.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Next time your girl's pissing you off, go buy some hair ties and leave one on the floor of your car ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Infuriating. You never see German French Italian Govt award contracts to UK business in favour of their own ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OMG-ENOUGH-already-sick to death of this CHIT***you will \"never\" be relevant-word !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Trump is maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Good morning Maam. Is your AFSC 2t2? I noticed the parcel in the pic and was wondering. Im shipping to BMT real soon and would like to ask you a few questions if it is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm also a Prohibited Possessor thanks to Obama and his every soldier has PTSD crazy administration.Can't get life insurance either.Still support the NRA and the work they do for gun rights.Hoping Trump will fix the wrongs of labeling veterans as a means to back-door gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"charli: fuck you bitch charli: omg why am i so extra wjahjaaj ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ellison has done FAR worse and there\u2019s hard evidence! Nothing is being done in that matter! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when u #realize that ur going to the #country your #family #emigrated from and uv never been and u are just beyond #colombia #2wks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Adam Schiff saying he is FOR releasing FISA info Just another in a long list of bureaucratic hacks that need to be purged from DC! @user please keep doing what your doing to expose these frauds and hypocrites!! #MAGA #KAG2020 #QAnon #WINNING #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No they are seeing how liberals are sleazballs and they are #WalkingAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cFairy tales make rivers run with wine only to make us remember, for one wild moment, that they run with water.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I FUCKING love this!!!! so so true. and actually it\u2019s in those types of jobs you will learn the most ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wanna go to a trash talk concert","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil most deaths caused by islamic extremism occur in civil wars, not terror attacks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OK now we are causing children to again to aid in their and the countries hurt. Go to funkin class you have a lot to learn... O yeah I forgot their teachers were the teens that walked out during the #CivilRightsMovement or were brainwashed by the romanticism of the crm, \u00a0Teachers plan student walkouts over gun violence. https:\/\/tiny.iavian.net\/lyqv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when it used to have elephants \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user don't even try with @user his actions and retos are steeped in his own hatred #deflection","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user when a father is dysfunctional and is so selfish he drags his kids into his dysfunction. #run","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like Baathists before them, #ISIS & Al Qaeda supporters' rivalry is as absurd as their cause - battling for who's the more authentic Jihadi","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The USA cant take in all of the worlds refugees. #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user No news. orgs. are giving Faith Goldy the time of day. That's simply wrong. She may not have the experience of the other two useless fools but she cares and she is no one's fool. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER To what? Chicago already has thf strictest gun control laws in the country...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Saying \u201cGod Bless You\u201d when someone sneezes is Islamophobic according to this University... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"beauty and the beast #flickr #friend #pay #middleeast #colors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"close them down...#tragic and ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like using Gab and the fight against the globalists but I'll be unfollowing and muting racists with posts of a questionable nature.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user evolution's got a serious public relations problem, even among the well-educated. we need to de-stigmatize the fact\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals have no shame. To them the outcome justifies the mean","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"disappointment and sadness. paying your respect to people who loved you is not a duty, it is an honor. #ashamed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Doesn't surprise me. Texans hate Liberals w\/ Soros backing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Obama and his BFF, Bill Ayers would know all about that","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting ~ #trainstation #train #poland #tczew #gda\u00c5\u0084sk #home #polishgirl #shy #cute\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Michael Jackson - Billie Jean Live https:\/\/youtu.be\/7lvsBBNV-U4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the walking dead has brainwashed america. #unhealthyobsessions","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user they give you a gun USE THE GUN TO SPOOK THE SPOOKERS WITH LEAD TO THE DICK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Me thinks you're full of shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Tell the Nigerian they need to let more Germans, Dutch, Irish and people from anywhere into their country and let them be granted Nigerian passports and residency rights! Mass immigration and globalizat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Crazy how funny Jim used to be. Now it's funny how crazy he has become.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user RT #WeThePeople need @user actions to start backing up his words with real CONSERVATIVE actions and results. Not the RINO shit coming out of #Congress, RINOs, McConnell, Ryan, Pence, Brady, & the Koch Brothers. #USA #Americans #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #FairTrade #NoRINOs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This not parody. This is actually the Trump campaign\u2019s homepage. A juvenile homicidal sicko who has shamed America to depths from which we may never recover. All we can do is make sure he is voted out and hope we can rebuild. https:\/\/t.co\/X44tOkSru9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"time is valuable, don't waste your it. #waste #time ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@section90sSoul yall defense too trash for that 😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But like... Women can rape women aswell, and women can rape men aswell, and men can rape men aswel\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe a bakers dozen, at least, #CBS\u00a0 https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2018\/09\/09\/cbs-ceo-les-moonves-will-step-down-following-new-sexual-harassment-allegations-and-lawsuit-settlement\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"taz #napping with his #squirrel #sleepyhead #sleepy #aww #dog #tocute\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bullshit! My daughters and I watched the tennis match and sarrena got what she deserved. We are big Williams fans. No one is above the game. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Tattoo_MyLife cuz the whole team trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"With a G19, AR-15 and 12 gauge shotgun. You can never be too prepared!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Over 400K were given to them. That's more than the last five nominees. You want to talk transparency, show me the emails from Clinton and the skank documents from the witch-hunt. Is that a Canada flag? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#japan abe govt oppress #freedomofspeech than #hatespeech or #nytimes #guardian #humanrightswatch #iamnotabe #anonymous #rsf #afp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HE is Satan! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Now that's what I call gun control!! \ud83d\ude09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thefashionpoet: our purpose is to be & to make others happy too. share it. in giving, we receive that energ\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"our #beautiful customer michelle looking lovely for #prom! #fashion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DickDurbin is from Illinois. #Chicago has the strictest gun control and is a gang and drug killing field. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Texas Law Student Forced to Reflect on 'Toxic Masculinity' as Punishment | Breitbart https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/07\/20\/texas-law-student-forced-to-reflect-on-toxic-masculinity-as-punishment\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"president #woodrowwilson held a private screening of d.w. griffith's \"bih of a nation\" #history #13th","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are most welcome!!! #WhysJamesCryin???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \/\/xD Well the suffering she goes through and all the terrible shit she sees ends up making her pretty insane (I think you already seen that from certain things I posted XD) but hey at least she's only insane to bad guys!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you #praised #cleveland police during #rnc the police are under a consent decree! 75% are #white #tamirrice #rip","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Maybe we need more gun control after all - liberals should not be allowed to possess them! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dan Rather supplied her with unimpeachable documentation and she is just waiting for Snopes to verify it for her.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These hoes do to much and these niggas bitch made LF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user take a look. #ukip in scotland are non-existent!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DRUDGE_REPORT .The enemy is attacking at our Southern border using a \"Death by a thousand cuts\" invasion maneuver.#BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Being the good Christian that he is, he asked God to spare his properties. Virginia beach was only slightly impacted. You know the 700 club prayer, God spare me and mine, to hell with everybody else\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tired of feeling all the time? @user gives #tips to #spiritualenlightenment #heal #energy #wealth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Are facts a \u201cdangerous line?\u201d A hate Trump liberal activist makes a 37 year old claim that is completely out of character for Judge Kavanaugh and we shouldn\u2019t question it? This is a total scam and I\u2019m fed up with liberals turning our SC Confirmations into the Jerry Springer show.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DCPlod: The paranoid fear of sharia on the right boils down to: Christian fundamentalists should be the sole oppressors and persecu ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ruben Gallego is only a fucking rep because the nation let all the illegal spics in. He doesn't want ICE enforcing immigration laws because he's lose his constituents. No white person, or legal citizen who DOESN'T want their own destruction would vote for this faggotry.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No Christians among 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in #UK ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3 - 0 belgium ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"straight people flirting boy: *takes girls phone and fucking smashes it to pieces* you\u2019re stupid and a bitch girl: omg Kyle...stooop \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Glastonbury t'Oracle has spoken for Sunday 22nd April 2018. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are low class asshole. You wear your suits and talk about the 1% or call us deplorable all while you sit behind your antifa and hate filled lying son of a bitch party and call yourself honorable. At least my pappy would be proud of me for being a man and standing true. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That is incredible, and gives hope that we are indeed the silent majority, and we've had enough liberal bullshit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The noose tightens. The subversives are slowly hanging themselves.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do HOES tweet about other hoes? \ud83d\udc4e bitch you're ran through ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Lvl_7_Eevee @UnicornCowboy @hisorraya I just wanted brownies man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Will only jump off the #TrumpTrain if I find #Trump had SEX with Hillary!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER the owner of my culo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and some people still wonder why so many people hate him, specially those ugly ass feminists","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are a sorry excuse of a rep - I hope that your district votes accordingly-you need to go! Your nose is so brown it will never be clean! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy new year white people elected a president who treats women like crap and a biher disrespectful kkk suppoed white devil.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TERRIFIED Man Records Giant MACHINE UFO Hiding In Sky 4\/7\/16 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can't believe Luigi fucking died \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude29\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #BUILDTHATWALL Fund #TheWall NOW! The people voted for the wall! Fulfill your promise to voters & #BuildTheDamnWall #MAGA @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Over the past two weeks, 829 refugees arrived in the US. 13,785 have arrived in FY18, but we are more than 16,000 people behind schedule. We will continue to stand for the vulnerable. #refugeeswelcome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you at the prospects game? #fatbastard","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"series finale of house of lies tonight. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I you don't like it here. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. NOTBODY\"S TWISTING YOUR ARM AND MAKING YOU STAY. IF facebootk and twitter are so great, GO BACK THERE. WE DON'T NEED YOU HERE.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No, they're not. We don't want them. The only reason fags are welcomed is because turn-coats and neocons want to prove they're \"tolerant.\" In doing so they support the lefts agenda by accepting you bug chasers. Homosexuality is a mental disorder at a minimum. Go look up STD \/ homo \/ pedophile stats. The only red pilled you could be is if your aids pills were red.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I agree 100% & then some! Please go to work @user ! That's 49 Senators who need to please take a stand against the Obstructionist Liberals! Quit allowing them to make you look inept! Lead or Resign! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So babies aren't future men? I suppose ripping their limbs off and sucking their dead bodies out and putting them in the trash. That's sorta thing?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I need sleep but can't seem to get that place that let's you clam down and sleep :(","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how would your #organisation be different if its key focus for #management was on making its people ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is erasing #Obama from the #ArcOfHistory. #politics @user #MAGA #BuildThatWall #purge @user #FoxNews #Saturdaymorning #satchat #Kavanaugh #NEWS #media ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user meet lalita. such a happy and talkative kid. :) #roadside #talks #kids heas\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy weekend from the local flower shop! #me #instagood # #photooftheday #beautiful \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bald fella on the right looks familiar\u00a0 .. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02 NIGGA hit em wit the o well lowkie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tuth #life#amen\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f #repost ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Him being a faggot is an argument against him. Faggots are disgusting and degenerate. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got the same cum dumpster whore i always get at post office. gave me a hard time. bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You do not know the meaning of the word Nazi or fascist, if you need educating go to one of the RE EDUCATING CENTRES THAT'S BEING PLANNED FOR EVERYONE BY THE PARTY U SUPPORT MISS MEALS FOR DAYS AND WORK LIKE A SLAVE FOR BUGGER ALL ,BE TREATED LIKE A WORTHLESS POS ALSO WONDER WHEN IT IS ALL GOINGS TO END then Make your STUPID REMARKS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dems want more of this!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The inevitable result of too much inbreeding.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kasabian, Liam Gallagher, Killers, Manic Street Preachers, James Bay, Van Morrison, Depeche Mode, Sheryl Crow, Blossoms . . . that's just some that I enjoyed the most","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just waxed my snowboard and had my coat cleaned, they say it's going to be a cold winter. I'm not excited at all winter is on it's way! :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I knew you weren\u2019t a Real Republican committed to your party!!!! You need to leave. Get out now!! You are a disgrace to every republican\/conservative member who work towards solutions and does not constantly diminish The POTUS!!! Quit already. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Isn't that the guy who encourages men to rape women? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Over 62 million people voted for @user b\/c of policies clearly stated at dozens of rallies. #BuildThatWall #TaxCutReformBill #EliminateRegulations #ConstitutionalistsOnSCOTUS #AmericaFirstTradePolicy #EndGovermentWaste #ReformTheVA #DestroyISIS Keeping Promices #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did you say it's friday!!! @user @user @user @user #cute #koala #amazing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this guy is a lunatic. an angry....ignorant....and vicious man! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER sounds great ^^ i already came up with 2 dumb drawings involving her that im not sure if i should make or not....espacily since i havent even read the chapters of the manga where she is in yet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"couples who shared their innermost thoughts were 62% more likely to describe their #relationship as . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So why do you want Pompeo who would do the same thing Hillary Clinton would do?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Had to explain WIFI to someone to day. Yes it was a WOMAN. They say they don't want men but then this?^ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Jose Ramirez because he is doing it all stealing hitting for average hitting Homer's doubles and playing good defense and definitely Blake Snell for Cy Young just look at his numbers hes like the Jacob DeGrom of the AL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm an immigrant \u2014 and Trump is right on immigration. via @user #BuildTheWall #DeportIllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For all the people holding up signs regarding illegal immigrants...hand them each a bill to pay the cost of how much these people take from the American taxpayer and I bet they would take down their signs and go home! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lovely intelligent girl who knows what she is doing at such a young age ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER {| That's okay!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So has the Law changed...you just make an allegation now days and your guilty until proven innocent. Liberals are mentally ill! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Then, he slobbed a negro schlong and got stank breath.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hi Bernice \ud83d\ude0a I hope you are enjoying the #xrpcommunity and learning lots about #xrp \ud83d\ude01 +.0589 @USER \ud83d\udcab\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user After seeing the contents of the post @user I for one are pleased with the legislation we have in regard of gun control. On the other hand legislation does need to be improved to support mental aid to this individual. He has to be sectioned. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ion kno wat kinda spring clothes imma get my yung nicca dis year we ain't doin da polo dis year gotta offset em wit sumthin else","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user will stop ..so annoying","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user (s)he is very affectionate and purrs non-stop. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@support\u200d the site is throwing random 500 errors. Will that be fixed?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER We dont need gun control. We need White Male control....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump to EPA Chief Scott Pruitt as Leftists Attack: \u2018We Have Your Back\u2019 http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/04\/03...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now that PEDOPHILES are using it as a platform - any kid in their area will be Fair Game - to be hunted. Otherwise, Facebook would not have a poll about it - to enable these perverts.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wake the fuck up and fight back! #Savethewest #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nope.\u00a0 Peter Ridd is part of the Galileo Movement, a front for Australian coal-sellers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm gonna be ghetto and color over the stain with a sharpie ctfu","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"African refugees for Europe will come into slavery in Libya. This should be a warning for all which want to come to Europe. Dreams are over ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another fine example of why illegal aliens are problem. If your here illegally, why would you want to draw attention to yourself this way. Illegal aliens have no fear of our legal system & only care about themselves. Awful way to die #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stfu hoe ass bitch no you don't. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this movie is actually good cuz its so retarded","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is such a dating site now. AmRen wrote about it a few months ago. https:\/\/www.amren.com\/news\/2018\/02\/new-white-dating-site\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Smudge is definitely #TeamDanny! Here she is spreading the word! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#switzerland makes me #smile \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #stmoritz #chanel @ st. moritz (ch) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lots of fools are still ok for the nation building, assasinating, globalist CIA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't know i should be #happy or ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hello fellow investor and foothills dweller! :) We don't have a sign on our property, but we're all for it! Done with Sacramento and the coast.. can they go away now? ;)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@OGBEARD: Some of y'all bios are trash.” Mine pretty good","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shopping\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f #yesturday #enjoy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user My nan was a cunt and nobody liked her. One woman cried at her funeral an\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5.0 Star Review on SocialSurvey \u2014 Cristyn made my buying experience so easy and enjoyable! She is amazing! by Lindsay P. for Cristyn Dyess ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bubble run \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097#2 . . . #bubblerun #\u00e3\u0083\u0090\u00e3\u0083\u0096\u00e3\u0083\u00ab\u00e3\u0083\u00a9\u00e3\u0083\u00b3 #\u00e3\u0082\u0089\u00e3\u0082\u0093\u00e3\u0081\u0090\u00e3\u0082\u008b #\u00e6\u00b2\u0096\u00e7\u00b8\u0084#bubble #run #instadaily #sunday #\u00ec\u00b9\u009c\u00ea\u00b5\u00ac \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is why it's important for immigrant retards to have a basic grasp of english before be able to live here jews INVENTED the Nazi boogeyman. Nazis didnt actually exist as real people, they exist as scapegoat. you can go back to deepthroating your dad's dick now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s funny. You\u2019re claiming gun control will help the US yet you\u2019re apparently on the south side which has been deemed \u201cchiraq\u201d lol...Chicago has the strictest gun laws yet the highest gun violence. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's find this entitled little skank and make her life hell for as long as it takes to teach her a lesson. Portland, Oregon, someone knows her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"facebook is predicting the end of the written word \"stats showed the written word becoming all but obsolete\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GET OUT AND VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS!!! WE DON'T NEED MORE DEMOCRATS AND RINOS IN CONGRESS!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's what they are - #IllegalAliens. Now Twitter wants to override US federal government legal designations? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is Donald Trump trying to lose or just trying to burn it all down?[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]#JoeWillLeadUs[NEWLINE]Tariffs paid off\ud83d\udc47 https:\/\/t.co\/h8REoJiSvg https:\/\/t.co\/NczQBJ4g7k","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So you are going to deflect away from nearly 3000 dead due the the lack of post hurricane support from the Trump administration by using the deportation of a single 92 year old man? You sir are the offensive one. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You just make the numbers up now don't you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Go eat some more burgers \ud83c\udf54 butthead! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how are you #trump suppoers gonna make #america great again with all that #hate in your hea.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Distressed woman says POTUS said something, liberals jump to hysterical conclusions! Take a comment out\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gun control nuts are not allowed to be protected by the very thing they supposedly despise. She can use a knife. #DisarmHarrisNow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nicesunnyblondy - na: #slut #xxx #young #hot #kinky #naughty #horny #wet #shy #nasty #nude #porn #sexy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#America is eventually going to split up.WAKE UP to that.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER now you touched visa-mata's raw nerve by saying modi for 2019\" thats why she may block you soon she is having wild\/wet dream of being PM after modi fail to get full majority in 2019. please dont wake her up from her dream of bhajpaa getting 160 seat in 2014\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Sensible gun control can only help. Mentally unstable people should not have guns. People with restraining orders should not have guns. No one needs a gun with a magazine more than 5-6 rounds (unless the zombie apocalypse happens).","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user someone trolling for attention. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cMainstream Media tries to rewrite history to credit Obama for Trump accomplishments. Since President Trump took office, the economy is booming. The stronger the economy gets, the more desperate his critics are. O had weakest recovery since Great Depression.\u201d @WashTimes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Is it an act that DOJ employees are stalking Trump appointees and hitting them with staged protests? Is Maxine Waters part of the plan? Antifa? AG Sessions is not a part of any Plan. He's Stonewalling and protecting the status quo. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You'll have to hang all your Jews if you want this nonsense to end.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER No one is open! You think he is sitting there waiting to get hit lol. The pick that was called back Kyle said the one of the receiver ran the wrong route again! A route that was need to pick Matt open! \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f 49ers need to get their head out of their asses","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Surely he didn't do anything to damage Veterens Affairs? If he sullied a reputation it was another department? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How now, gung-ho?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Sanchez sucks. He is killing this Team IMO.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Who authorized a search warrant of mr Jean home? Racist what about her drug test. This is premediated murder. He will not be slandered. He is the victim. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are coins or small bars best do you think?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah you\u2019re still a stupid pussy who has a secret crush on the President. \u00a0Nothing of value to offer. \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Police find illegal immigrant suspected of teen rape in Ohio cowering under a bed in Texas @user @user #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #DeathPenalty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this bitch mya a whole fan \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i'm taking my gals out for some training, etc... under this presidency, we need to protect ourselves even more! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 whatever. It was more than enough for 'Antifa & the rest to stay home! Peaceful. Dignified. On Point. Last time the left did that???????? I'll wait\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user believe me u will always be a pa of mine till my day comes too the silly dances, u trying to twerk\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #ripjulimuffn htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cI would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user BUT GUN CONTROL!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. Police shootings are tragic.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@arleneprieto @ProudSocialist This sounds like an excuse to keep the status quo completely intact which Joe Biden & Kamala are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is an extremely important issue and a winning issue for the Lresident! Stop listening to your good people because they dont care about you or his country! They will not even be re-elected!! #BuildThatWall NOW!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY ARE LIBERALS NOT 50 WOMPS AHEAD??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I only nap so that the time between not drinking and drinking again comes faster ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"making a song for my stepdad i sadly found passed away. please share in hopes to share my pain! :c <3 ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Booooring","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love it when a plan comes together \u263a\ufe0f #maga #nexit URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"confirmation that my order for @user issue 4 has left \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nightly God of BOY (BLIND) [6] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I would rather refer to you as: \"Ginger Bitch\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user This waste of Money must be stopped!!! #NoMoreRefugees Keep telling us how SS is going Broke, while you toss $ out the window!! Stop p\u2014-ing. on our backs & telling us it\u2019s Raining! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Special elections coming up, and people are mobilized to vote Democrat because they hate Trump and the idea of MAGA.\u00a0 They threaten to leave America if things don't go their way, but never do because there really is no better place to live (though they'll never admit it).\u00a0 Where do you have to go, though, if we become just\u00a0another libtard country?\u00a0 Vote MAGA!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racism is a manmade tool to say we're different when we really aren't #equality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jacob u look like a monkey in dis http:\/\/t.co\/rkaqn0GRQe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bavaria tightens borders amid German rethink on migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@yobritttany wagon burner! Jk jk you did look pretty Latino here","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the babies are spring up!! #journey #life #nature #vegetables #growyourown #food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-hate crimes, which can include illegally crossing the border, sex trafficking, and drug trafficking. Illegal immigration will not be tolerated in America. Report it and put a stop to it #Bui ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Off NeoNazi idiot, just cause you compile a bunch of lies does not make them true.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#dancemoms3 bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when y ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey guys! If you're a Trump supporter and you're following me on Gab but I'm not following you, let me know! \u263a\ufe0f #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they've promised that dreams comes true , but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too . #lonely #depressed #alone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DavidVonHoney: @SBakerMD @sadpotato952169 I was in exactly your position regarding my knee and inability to do even a few pull ups. It has honestly changed me....and I am shocked at just how fast that changed happened for me.....and returning to bjj after a very,very lengthy layoff. #meatheals #whitebelt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i've had 9.5 years of mostly #arrogant #abusive #discriminating & even #dutch '#drs'... just leave me to die!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user win with dignity you chauvinist pig. #notmypresident #fucktrump #lostpopularvote #americadoesntwantyou #bigot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #em: global liquidity outlook has turned back in favor of em fx - bbh #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is also The Rocks wife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nedbank advises those who have loans will still be liable AFTER their la... https:\/\/youtu.be\/qTg83tqa7BA #GabFam #Gab #BritFam #UK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" black girl porn teen virgin sex pictures ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"soros, muslim brotherhood, cair--likely all of them","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"peace out fucku2016: 2017 won\u00e2\u0080\u0099t be better unless we loudly fight #corruption #xenophobia #islamophobia #homophobia #resist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Btw When do we get to the dog kennel on the roof of the Station Wagon part? Now That\u2019s Dog Whistling ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lmfao shut the fuck up with your Brentwood Academy havin ass. Yall have one of the worst QBs in the league as far as TD\/INT ratio go but you hate on every other quarterback.... Sit your pussy ass down and get swept by the Titans again. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#eyeconography #ec79 #streetphotography79 #sunday to the children of the sun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SheUsedMe Dear world, not all men r oppressors. Not all women r oppressed. We have to become gender neutral & be equal. @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Its a hail mary pass to show her constituents that she is fighting so that she can get reelected. I think this will backfire against Democrats. I hope you all watched Justice Ginsburg & Thomas one C-Span saying that this nomination is a ridiculous display against a qualified man","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Fk River you are a sick individual. Get a life or make the world a better place or end yours. No loss trash IMHO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER This is why I don\u2019t like liberals they don\u2019t have a civil conversation or come with evidence just feelings and out of context quotes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my kinda coffee #today #greatquotes #quotes #self #selfie #selfwoh #motivation #truth\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"im proud! hearing the feedbacks of your students saying \"we improved because of you\" . \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5 \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling proud","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrats need to change that Hispanic split: 59 % of Hispanics surveyed here think most immigrants are in the United States illegally. That is likely a contributor to Dems not being able to win Hispanic votes by a bigger margin:https:\/\/t.co\/95FlssX4hi ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cool! And that\u2019s the way it SHOULD be!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER DNA testing? I thought that was the obvious answer. I wouldn\u2019t even want to consider what the snowflakes would say if Border Protection detained or released a child with a pedophile or child trafficker! ... but I take it Ed doesn\u2019t care?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER lol she is such a troll im so glad she went away and all u trump supporters told her to GTFO. Thank god we got a real superstar in @USER who is going to actually fight for everyone no matter who they choose to vote for. Isn't she awesome! Please join us we rly need ur help!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ann:Including Sen. Cory Booker as part of your \"Most Hysterical Woman\"?? Come on now, you cn do better than that. This is so beneath your intellectual acumen and although I disagree with most of what you say, come up with something more original or creative in the future ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a \"refugee\". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Anarchists are left wing extremists. They stand with antifa.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, as an opinion commentator...she missed her calling in Nevada.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is inhumane\ud83d\ude14 Karma is a bitch she ll get around these brainless heartless assholes! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When she thinks she won the argument but you tell her 'hold TF up' then flip the whole thing on her ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CATALUNYA ES ESPANA VIVA ESPANA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never let a girl with unblended shadow, unlined lips, and a non-setting foundation w powder ass bitch tell u shit..have a good day y'all ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user who held majority in the house and senate and who still does? Obama said himself that elections have consequences might want to thank Harry Reid and every senator that voted to end filibuster ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user The accounts of @user and @user are the Antifa twins. Don't try to twist this as is your usual game. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"school is almost finish \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why? Why are liberals so trashy? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If they fear him then it's likely for a reason.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's because you've already won the title Most Raggidy Skank Who's A Disappointment To Her Father... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The US Open has treated her poorly with the whole controversy over her outfit. Bottom line is she was treated differently because she is a women of color and this would never happen to a man. The USTA better soon recognize that she IS women\u2019s tennis and act accordingly!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user on my way to visit baby harriet #princess \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That Boer woman is gorgeous. I promise to keep this story alive until the Boer get justice. Fuck these commies of the EFF. Laws in a civil society are to be race blind. The fact that these fools want to confiscate land based on race is absolutely immoral and ungodly.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You didn\u2019t read the whole thing most white mass shooters aren\u2019t even considered terrorism because there\u2019s no \u201cpolitical\u201d agenda to their murder like Dylan roof ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user care about #cjreform? follow me: i cover #deathpenalty, #juvenilejustice, #bailreform, #prosecutorialmisconduct, \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ain\u2019t missing shit \ud83e\udd2b\ud83e\udd11","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I agree, but im having a bit of fun","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I agree with you completely! The views that he has on gun control seems like it\u2019s common sense but why do you think that it\u2019s so uncommon to use common sense when trying to find a way to stop gun violence? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are a #spammer you send #spam you really really really #spam #unwantedemail #annoyed #stop stop stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ everyone who said jihoons new hair cut is ugly: you are wrong","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER .@USER writes this vile garbage then she points to the comments and goes on @USER talking about \u201cthose mean Liberals were picking on me.\u201d They always play the victim card after they bully someone. Hannity does this a LOT!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JC2theQ: Yanks walk off win 🙏","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This shit is staged. Dude didn\u2019t even hit him URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smh.. I don't know if this is a comedy act BUT it is odd that many of you are Holocaust deniers believing Hitler couldn't do something that bad and didn't advocate killing Jews yet you root for putting Jews in ovens as depicted. That needs some 'splainin. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Dr.Ron Paul! #makelibertywin #yalcon2018 #presidentpaul #endthefed #sendthemhome #liberty @ Reston, Virginia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is awful! just slap on the face to #americans hey my neighbor black just bought a $700,000 house. we r so\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is the most consistently stupid argument gun control advocates make. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm pretty sure most of your #MAGA supporters do not have any new found wealth\"\". I assume you're referring to your fellow billionaires that you gave a huge tax break to.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whites are the ONLY people in this world that will protest against their own kind! Disgusting. Pathetic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After last night my thoughts #PresidentialDebate #VoteHimOut #shutupman #Trump #JoeBiden #VoteBlue2020 #VoteHimOut2020 \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f https:\/\/t.co\/lUImzgQY7T","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ready to go flying tomorrow! #jetlife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what do you say to someone who lost their mom. idk. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you @user #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"At least he's not a nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all thnx 2 almighty god 4 granting me d grace 2 see anoda yr added 2 me in peace, joy and happiness. +1 to me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Call 0345 60 60 973 #FarageOnLBC https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/PL8Z","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"turn a ho-hum #exterior into your place with these creative curb appeal ideas. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jews believe Jesus was a bastard son of a whore. LOOK IT UP. or just practice cognitive dissonance and mute me grandma. If they really believe in Jesus as Christians do, why does their website say this: http:\/\/www.aish.com\/jw\/s\/48892792.html ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe there wouldn't be 5 of these things a day of there was a little sensible gun control in this fucking country.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Especially those who play the Good Religious Boy\" routine as 80% of their \"Job Interview\". Seriously, imagine pulling that crap in a job interview & then imagine - interview for Supreme Court Justice. Kav spends WAY too much time talking about how pure he is.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Looks like no ones running Britain! Our cities are out of control thanks to EU migration an all to often picture of Modren UK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #uk\u00e2\u0080\u0099s osborne warns of brexit budget cuts #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hmmm. None of that is showing. I must be doing something wrong. I have three dots at the top right, with 2 options if I click. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"claudia @user is a lifesaver! #helpful will be live soon!! #ruralcamping","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The only thing i didn\u2019t agree with was the match point he was following the rules i think this was more about her sex honestly all she did was call him a thief and he penalized her shit was wack","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals wouldn\u2019t know the first thing about \u201cdoing the right thing\u201d \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He should leak that shit anyways lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/opiniez.com\/2018\/06\/17\/trumps-daverende-su... Leestip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#throwbackthursdayi buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal# Immigration Hurts Black Americans and @user @user Dont Care About Black Americans they put Illegals First ! Tell #Democrtats HELL NO! @user #BlackTwitter #WakeUpAmerica #Blacks4Trump #VoteDemsOut via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" evening... the #swimming #pool is close... #missionnotaccomplished ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user The left party relativizing and playing down communist crimes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user not at all! :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#we should sit and #chat with the #elderly and crack #jokes to have a fucking #laugh. i bet we will come out more #wise and .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2018\u02dcJesus said give to men in need\u2019: Refugee wants Austrians to share money &amp; homes with migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Team Summer 2018 did some absolutely breathtaking work these last 3 months. Their hard work has absolutely paid off and Children of Liberty has never looked better! #screenshotSaturday #indiegames #indiedev #dev #gaming #gabGaming #madeWithUnity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And Frenchies too! Look at London and Paris today! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KAFc1ED_oPs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Newsweek made a point to assure the bitch bun wearing beta cucks and feminazi's that GAB is an isolated social media outlet with a small audience. Fast forward to a year from now when GAB will have users in the hundreds of thousands.They'll be crying by the masses and screaming at the sky. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Response to @user Many women suffer serious BC side effects. Why SO OFFENSIVE to offer alternatives? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER GOOBER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nice Austria - the new goverment make a new law to stop refugees to run into the socialsystem. But there the refugees still are, they get more money than in Germany with Hartz IV. Only the deportation of all foreign persons will really help. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Aaaahh~ \ud83d\ude2d *Scribe uses Run Away because she is tiny and mantis as cool but scary*","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no I said hope. I hope you women learn your place! #SitDownInTheKitchen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i lost my shit and everyone in class is judging me lmao. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good game man","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i feel like a freaking superwomen \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008b single mom holding everything down with no help #blessed #thankful #grateful #cantcomplain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No #POTUS45 has been very aggressive against worker visa's. I see this in the tech industry all the time. And yeah you do drive down the dam wages even for highly technical skilled labor. Not u @American2theKor\u200d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What insanely ridiculous bullshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have condoms everywhere so bitches think I'm responsible. Lol I'm not. Fuck condoms. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i don't ever understand why adam sandler ever appealed to me....ever. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuckin poisonous group of people. As soon as someone hands me a hat with a propeller on top... I'm out. Find another company to work for lemmings.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Qanon8chan #Qanon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5. They promoted an amendment to lower the voting age to 18. They pushed gun control efforts and gun free zones to give criminals an edge over law abiding citizens. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so i woke up with a knife in my eye... oh, no it is just a migraine #migraine #pain #friday #zombie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user SAY they do NOT want foreign interference in our elections; YET, they are CONTENT with allowing #IllegalAliens to cross our borders; have US taxpayers support them while here; AND, allow THEM to VOTE in our elections. How is THAT not direct foreign interference? @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nails and brows are done - thank you to the guys at kays, now just tan and toes #weddingprep #idoinchoo #girly #pamper","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cfr #MeToo to the people braggin'with that 'not all men' bs: just because it doesn't concern you doesn't mean it doesn't exist - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your the second one to say that but I still have it and can see it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can you say chicken shit country?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well lets see Caputo......Socialist or......Republicans?????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"faz o sinal da hang loose ! #like4like#follow4follow#girl#beautiful#vibe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user People with babies, keep posting about how shitty they are so I always feel good about never having any. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am more than confident and convinced that you and [NEWLINE]Kamala will do exactly that! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#VOTE #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ZhnQeIf4Tq","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another attempt of the DEMS to hide the TRUTH of ABUSE against WOMEN WHERE is the ME TOO\"\" movement on this verified ABUSER of WOMEN #MeToo are they just another extension of the SOROS groups like ANTIFA KKK\u2753\u2753\u2753\u203c\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donald Trump is the best president since 1970.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watching #checkpoint and on #youthday it is so sad that the youth have to beg for finding for education and then beg for jobs. indeed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have punched a kid, smoked weed with a cancer child. Killed a dog. Raped and got raped by some crazy bitch. There IS a line though.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Awe Hogwash do we really need you to overstate the obvious?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's very weird to me how I can be so in love with myself and just as disgusted with myself at the same time ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's black, got 8 legs and it makes a woman scream, what is it? - A spider? No. Gang rape. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I bet they all have 'fitted' waists. Because women are meant to look 'hourglass' even when they don't give a shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user donnie you separated these immigrant families is on you to reunite these families. Is your responsibility. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #blacklivesmatters #lanasprayberry another in a position of authority has got to go #blacktwitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user any minute #trump will condemn the #vile #bigoted comments of #his #surrogate #carlpaladino #endhate\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Banned from Facebook? Join us: https:\/\/lazulu.net","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i will always remember #dl2016 for the day we got engaged @user #download #downloadfestival","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Lord Of The Pies should kept his c*ck holster shut. Nobody gives a toss what you Hollyweirdo's have to say. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 2 of 2 Vote her butt right out of office. #DianeFeinstein is part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Her old ideas and #ClarenceThomas tricks will not work this time. #VoteRed2018 #KAG #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmCoachK #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok, I am asking out of curiosity. Lets suppose a group of immigrant in Netherlands started fighting & killing local security forces and requested that they want some land to form their own government. In your logic, those aren't terrorrists? & sec. forces are legitimate targets? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey nut job. We\u2019re not a democracy. You actually awake in high school? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s #InternationalDayOfPeace [NEWLINE]If you want peace, work for justice.[NEWLINE]\ud83c\udf1fI challenge everyone who sees this to take a positive action for peace and justice today.[NEWLINE]Retweet if you agree. \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#DemCast[NEWLINE]#InternationalPeaceDay https:\/\/t.co\/qgrwIA1N2f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user probably a not so closeted who'd have been posing w\/a #black man not long ago. ..nuff said..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DeborahDiltz @user @user One of the reasons crime stats seem low in Germany and other liberal infested countries is because people are too afraid of being called \"racists\" if they report crimes committed by muslim and african #rapefugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump tweets support for anti-immigrant hardliner Kris Kobach in Kansas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I would say you have a serious case of bias. Have you seen the handiwork of ANTIFA ? Have you seen the Dems like Maxine Waters calling for Trump officials to be harassed then laughing about it. I could go on. Are you kidding me? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user My favorite is If you play the genocide path you are a mass murderer in real life\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so many murders occurred the past few days! so many great lives lost! orlando, those french police officers, grimmie #gutting \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lovely to have alex home #son @user #dog #cute @ colour4life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Scum bag piece of trash. #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I like that after dating for 8 months you finally understand it when I cringe at the word cock lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#udtapunjab atlast the wait ends.... #cantwait","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sometimes I get strong vibes from people and this man\u2019s vibe is tens of millions of murders - he is more dangerous than DT.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is \ud83d\ude18","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #music bogan will be a tribute to them says director ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These apps need a lot of smoothing out, at least on samsung devices.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joe Biden wants to bring ruin to the United States of America and establish his PURELY muslim kushan empire don't let that delusional pedophile get into office #TrumpMeltdown #Trump2020 #JoeBiden #Debates2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user LMAO you are too dumb... forgive my manners but this pile of shiit you just said can give cancer. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The problem is corporate barons are spending millions against conservative causes. Take for instance Nike. They plan on spending hundreds of thousands against Measure 105 in Oregon. Billionaires are spending millions to curb gun rights in Washington URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How long after the redskins change their nsme will all memorabilia w\/redskind name be deemef racist and therefore illegal? Any thoughts?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whatever hoe it is, it is still a hoe. And yu r still a WHORE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER that sucks. Have plans? you should team up with lemons!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How vulture capitalists ate Toys 'R' Us ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FUCKING NAZIs HERE A FEW THEY LOCK UP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cooking lesson on-going... then, i want driving lesson... who wants to train me? two-wheel driving muna tapos 3, then 4... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks @delaney_jade for coming with me last night because it's ghetto and no one else could of handled it! #Summer2014","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a women without a man is like a car without an engine; it doesnt work. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday yui and mitsuki xx #love #sister #bihday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Antifa is a terrorist organization","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #bihdays #good-day -puppy #animals #cute #funny special day, special ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You wouldn't have thought after 5 years he could've come up with a decent story why he fled, but nothin', just some dribble on political unrest. #fakeugee #sendthemhome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'this bitch won't stop riding his dick' LMFAO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than 15 I'ma rape her Take her... right there in front of you DMX ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Still remember this show... sucks man \ud83d\ude1e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lol you are so tight \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Actually he is a soy boy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When did Miley turn ghetto?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why do refer to everyone else as racist. simple, they're projecting their intolerance. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"already to hit the trails tomorrow with nbjc! #jeeplife #jeepmafia #jeepnation #jeepgirl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stop robbing innocent customers of their hard earned aiime which you guys have no idea on how dey managed to recharge... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden Your word doesn't mean jack to me. #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it was in ceain areas yeah, you not seen the videos? seeing little kids cry didn't do it for me! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lmao I s2g having roots with yellow\/white hair makes it look so dirty I'm 😷 http:\/\/t.co\/SqbYdUiZr8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bullshit about 'private companies can do what they want'? Bake that cake, hypocrite. Cater that gay wedding, H8R, even if you don't cater ANYONE who doesn't walk through the door. (Unless you're Muslim, of course.) I wish to hell the Left would settle on which set of rules is going to be used.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I try \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Will @USER ever admit all the other ways that Twitter censor conservatives? Seems highly unlikely. It's very annoying to have my main feed limited with a stupid black bird ordering me to return to the top\". It wont even let me go back to this morning. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Damn he fell victim to a little thing called TOS much like the ones on his own site URL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"24 concert goers shot dead in Jacksonville with .38-caliber Smith & Wesson. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She? To whom are you referring to? Hillary? You know what is tiresome? Bernie supporters bashing Hillary Clinton. She is an actual Democrat who raises money for the Democratic Party and doesn\u2019t bash them. She has a positive message. So who is dividing the left?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \u201cWages in rich countries are determined more by immigration control than anything else, including any minimum wage legislation. Not by the \u2018\u02dcfree\u2019 labour market, which, if left alone, will end up replacing 80\u2018\u201c90 per cent of nativ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals like you WILL never convince us to become lazy entitled victims. But keep trying. I just feel sorry for your son. Having to be raised by someone who will only impart him with the mindset of self-hate and victim-hood.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user His mama is a whore! Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sheriff (((Israel's ))) Rapist Son ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals ....cry and complain that all they do URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Two Girls, Ages 8 and 10 less than #DeathPenalty will not be justice served!#BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemALL #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepChildrenSafe#KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The difference between a demon and a pedophilia priest.....a demon let's you know it's there","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is such a con apparently finds are running low\ud83d\ude0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a complete idiot\ud83e\udd21\ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would have run right out and bought a pair of Nikes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" chick gets fucked crazy european sex","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's actually what I meant I'm retarded.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good- that soundtrack you DMed me with was fire as fuck and I still listen to it often\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffd Bad- My tracks are better\ud83d\ude2d (joking I\u2019m shit)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That's what happens when you let in a bunch of savages from Africa riddled with diseases!!! #CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There r 65 million that can sign to the affect that they didn't vote for an asshole. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"profoundly and #disturbing for the victims and their families ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fucking glory hunters","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cracked my iphone screen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i think we have been saying it for around 60 years! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed most patriots already and got the rest appreciate a follow back #MAGA \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lovable mommy jodi bihdayjodistamaria","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If he is from AZ I would put my money on sex with underage kids. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy Birthday to me! \ud83c\udf88\ud83c\udf88\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf8a #Sagittarius #ThirstyThursday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hi Kerry long time no see. How are you doing? \ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user racist attack on three muslim women in #hull city centre... for more info: #muslims\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She can lie in the shit she created ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never been a fan of groupthink, but #RushIsRight more often than not (like in this case). https:\/\/www.rushlimbaugh.com\/daily\/2018\/08\/23\/dont...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain\u2019t got shit done today","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As if a liberal beta male could engage in sex with a straight female. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugees go home for vacation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is just trying to get more donations \ud83d\ude0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user We must put an end to #IllegalsRCriminals #IllegalAliens Pelosi #CNN Interview ignored a mother of a slain boy who was beaten, tortured & burned alive by ILLEGAL CRIMINAL The woman asked Pelosi Which one of YOUR grandchildren or daughters\/sons r expendable? She was ignored ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He's beyond moron. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f they need too but he is wylin right now sitting out like this","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i know #uskkk, gb #msm #media & @user who's less racist than @user #crazybengiefbps: i'm a wog or should i say \"nut\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A picture of May being patted on\u00a0 the back like the lapdog she is- having sold out the UK during Brexit. An incredible disgrace and now we are just a vassal state http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/03\/19\/surrender-uk-and-eu-reach-brexit-transition-deal-britain-to-obey-all-brussels-laws-no-control-of-fisheries\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Disgraceful. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Liberals ruin everything. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i may have to unfollow these accounts that post rpers complaints. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Bwaaaaa!! Compared to who...Trump...bwaaaaaaa! Compared to that corrupt demented lunatic she is a godsend!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You gotta be smarter than the average bear Boo-boo! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can we wrap each of them in a copy of the constitution before we burn it for their feelings?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally the big day! didn't even sleep last night! #irevswe #euro2016 #irl #coybig","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Donald trump said Mr Cruz is a lying dog you can't trust him or his wife said his father was involved with shooting president the president in Texas in Dallas America can't trust him he is a lier then how can he stand up for him down there in Texas campaing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER WHERE'S holier than thou @USER Sippin wine in the shade somewhere... #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In my area there are ample choices of camping\/outdoor\/gun stores. I previously only went to Dick's to spread my \"dollar vote\" around. Now I really have no intention of going there anymore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #scary you're on fire today. to bad it's for this reason. #doyou","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Glad you are the same person. Keep up the good hard work. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need to post here and fag up the place more and corrupt it with degeneracy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Best female tennis player ever? Arguably. Great player. She is starting to age and become less unbeatable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#buffalo school board demanding #resignation after \u00e2\u0080\u0098\u00e2\u0080\u0099 remarks made about #obamas #pc #carlpaladino #newyork","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"American taxpayers are billed $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR for REFUGEES ???????? \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00b2\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00acThat\u2019s ABSURD & should be illegal! When did we vote for that?????????!!! #NoMoreRefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not the Constitution directly, the thousands of laws and regulations administered by Congress for protection of Federal employees. Believe me i'm with you, i'd line them up for firing squad if it was up to me","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019m sure the air that he is breathing is also bad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"About Time! Non Citizens and DACA Illegals Who Voted Must be Arrested For Voter Fraud Serve their time then Deported ASAP All Forms ask you to Swear Your a Citizen they lied ! #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They Can Mindlessly Play Video Games For Hours As Life Passes Them By,They Order Weird OverPriced FooFoo Faggot Fake Coffees With Whipped Cream And Other Crap In It,That\u2019s About It For These Hypersensitive Politically Correct Asexuals,I Can\u2019t Think Of Anything ?!?!\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is a seriously cheap cop-out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is a bandaid! Americans want total immigration reform and to build the wall! Get going Congress and do the right thing! #BuildThatWall #ImmigrationReform ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You must be talking about hateful conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is tripping ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheView @KamalaHarris The View should not even be allowed on TV! Useless show![NEWLINE]Cali Kamala is a big mouth witch! Make sure to ask her what she did for California! Oh yeah, nothing, California going down the toilet![NEWLINE]Sleepy Joe useless!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im smack tf out one of you pussy boys ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You guys get hysterical trying to pin Bernie\u2019s loss on anyone but him, but this particul\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taiwan beat China to congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris https:\/\/t.co\/nKsYBfdNx9 via @Yahoo @CGTNOfficial \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 IS NOT YOUR ENEMY!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes you did \ud83d\ude02 Liar and a coward. Disgusting combo for a kunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I was think she jisoo but I\u2019m Focused I found she is taeyoun","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(2020 election season) Trump: my dick is the most magnificent dick. Just tremendous. Leftists: prove it you Russian puppet! Trump: *whips dick out in fit of senility* Conservatives: *vote Trump to victory*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can tell when your relationship is going well cause I don't hear from you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lets fuck whore stepmom bitch style ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Create good space","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why are both eyes open if your aiming??\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude33 And you liberals want a war with conservatives \ud83d\ude02. Best of luck snowflake\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's very true Theresa. Most of those MPs however call themselves Conservatives\"\" oddly enough.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TUESDAY'S VIDEO: https:\/\/youtu.be\/VThC2SND2Qo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are my only friend\"\" on twitter. I joined this CIA\/NSA front group to keep the lion meat fresh. But there are alternatives that are not enmeshed in the anal cavity of the Deep State. Perhaps you might consider them. I would switch in a NY heartbeat and close the account.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Was? I bet you are still into Sloane...she is pretty awesome!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER No I have no relationship with him he is not worth the energy it would take to hate him. I have more respect for the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe than such a selfish spoiled entitled narcissist!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This C is back? Liberals are shortsighted aka stupid. Crying Wolf\"\" is a \"\"favor\"\" to all of those past and future victims of rape and assault? Like I said, stupid.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think the reason they are in secret & not reported on is if the general public realised the amount of Muslim men involved & how many kids were abused there would by riots on the streets.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Then why is it always recommending he watch conservatives? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did you just replace the n-word with Dude? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Having Jordan as speaker would be great. Can't wait until Paul Ryan is gone. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" porn videos iran fucking girles","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...and THIS is how nations die; when doing your duty can get you doxxed [= losing job or beaten up]. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And with right wingers its about white supremacy and neo naziism ? Right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Good for her..... thats some fine gun control. Double tap to an ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Do really even care what comes out the his foolish and annoying mouth? Go home David and let the adults #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Up next: liberals calling us out for calling him guilty.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"aint never met a nigga that go limp off the drank\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be ...until i met you\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #limpdickwilly","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s Official. \u2018A Wrinkle in Time\u2019 Is A Disastrous Adaptation Of The Book - 'http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/03\/07\/a-wrinkle-in-t... 'Madeleine L\u2019Engle\u2019s classic young adult novel \u201cA Wrinkle in Time\u201d is the latest victim of diversity-deranged stunt casting' ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I hate you you fucking cunt bitch how fucking dare you I hope you wake up with mad cott\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A cute girl that I've had a crush on since earlier this year just called me funny and I want to throw up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is treason. He went to Iran for what? To beg Iran to give them(the treasons) more time to get the power back so they can keep giving tax payers $$ to Iran the terrorists leader.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Sucks for you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not the one to let people profit on my back... I'll break yours and take what's mine \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user when i asked the sales assistants if they heard they quickly copped out...hmm i wouldn't be surprised they said!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user thank you! another first for a still relatively new president! #thewi_am2016 #wisisters !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a #nation should not be #judged by how it #treats its highest #citizens, but its lowest ones. #nelsonmandela #justice #ra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What the hell are you talking about? The only threats are coming from gun control nuts made against her kids.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I know you are not being facetious. You are incapable of understanding contradictions.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user i love them both & see them as a team...so...yeah ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today with jay&mikha #funtime #sunday #withkid #nicekid #cute #kesayangan #likeforlike\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Goodell and my Lions both suck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More like #Putin every day. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GhostWritingUSA @redwins3_first Unless she\u2019s suffering with severe menstrual cramps, she\u2019s lost her f\u2019ing mind. That\u2019s what #TDS does to weak minds. #Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide https:\/\/t.co\/6WUePX2H7c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"council staff have been instructed by the anc to go slow and make the da look bad. this was exposed a few weeks ago. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \/\/Anime is a gag series. The manga is bloody as fuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"kevin love was ruined by his dad as a youth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This bitch is promoted by communist...her people, refugeesWill listen to her..follow her.Simple to say go home, she needsTo be hung. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"like okay you say you fwhim but he ain't going nowhere my hoe forever \ud83d\ude0c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"turned into a sad twat... all i do is comment and post in sausage dog forums .... need to get a life !! #bastard #getagrip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#retropic bihday nick rhodes (1980s) #dh #history via \/r\/#oldschoolcool ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ArcticFox2016 everybody mocks Obama .Hes an embarrassment to the USA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a Communist state controlled newspaper. Very much like #ANTIFA would love to see. And your country executes people who dissent with your support. Enough said. Get off my twitter stream ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is a piece of royal shit of Nehru Dynasty. Sometimes I wonder if everything I was taught stands shaken! Eminent Citizen\", \"Liberals\", \"Intellectuals\" all these terms now tell me 1 thing: The person being mentioned is anti-India, feeds off my money & shames me always\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#hea is the easiest thing which can be #fooled, i am , i am #sad and it just takes a thought to be anywhere in btw them \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is about as useless as a tit on a hog just saying \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can't they trade her for 5 illegal immigrants? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm glad i met you guys #smile #2016 #instalike #friends #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don't forget the ILLEGALS you are fighting for with tax payer money.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He moved one slot over, and people are totally clueless? That seems unlikely, but I am not going to question how you represent yourself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I believe she's going to have a hell of a time trying to sell country music to a buncha blacks and homosexuals. Because her main audience..... \"White Christian Conservatives\".... ya know the people who BUY country music..... We just put her on the boycott \/ blacklist right next to robert de niro ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It\u2019s weird how conservatives sometimes get accused of lacking empathy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fucking s league football HAHAHAH URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and i got a new house! we are officially living together with no roommates!! #nextstep #brookside","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is. Ur screwed. Trump owns scotus and he will exact a wrath upon enemies after the midterms ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Destroy America is more the 24\/7 chant from ALL democrats including Hillary.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Never going to happen. Not in a million years. Not unless Soros hires a bunch of Antifa punks to pretend to be vets.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when redken official global ig likes your selfie cause your hair is bomb. great way to sta your day! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b #redken #redkenbaby ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#afghan forces opened firing near torkhum border. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Chancellor_IV naw Bryan said it was trash hotel so we're staying somewhere else","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If Kerry clown is actually doing it and admits he is and it's a crime. Throw his ass in jail. He should be arrested...RIGHT ??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i noticed too. definitions of #bullying, , and #disabilities are trying to be changed so people don't hv to. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BBCMonitoring: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are a hysterical idiot. Someday you might realize it but I doubt it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In shock, destroyed and devastated. When a person you love and loved you back calls you a cunt, and a hoe, and wishes you harm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just noticed some trash on my notification page i had to clean up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Opportunist to the max. An evil lier also. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hours of fun and rage playing battlefield 4 with the guys tonight! counting down the days to battlefield one!! #battlefield1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Carter was the worst one term President until h was passed for that title by Oba our first Black Racist President! Kinda like a Black Jefferson Davis! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hear that the deer hunting is also fantastic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I know. I think they\u2019re the ones who\u2019ll be surprised about that since they think all liberals want to make gun ownership illegal. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why do people get so offended that not all men have a penis and not all women have a vagina? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user At a community meeting he did not answer the question about gun control. Just skirted around it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is like a cheap plastic version of a real president. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user glazed by the sun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Agreed. I think Cory is the most Hysterical Woman there. Am I wrong? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yeah I needed that, Thanks mate ive just had my dinner. LOL.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They come out Charlie Sheen... They come out coupe machine @wontgetme_22","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When she asks 'what that mouth do?' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you talking about the DOJ that Funded A fake dossier about then candidate for president Donald Trump, and then went on to lie to a FISA court and use that same fake dossier to obtain a warrant to spy on then candidate Trump? I trust them about as far as I could through an illegal alien from one of those planes that the DOJ is paying for.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user weeeellll you know we don't like to travel....so seen as you're so close....maybe once or twice \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 xx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Maxine needs to consult a shrink coz she is suffering from trump syndrome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm also a Prohibited Possessor thanks to Obama and his every soldier has PTSD crazy administration.Can't get life insurance either.Still support the NRA and the work they do for gun rights.Hoping Trump will fix the wrongs of labeling veterans as a means to back-door gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Even the parody antifa page couldn't deal with this shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the italian fascist #carlpaladino needs a lobotomy in 2017 that\"s my wish. perhaps then he\"ll realize yes, carl you are a #bigot & ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is @realdonaldtrump betraying his supporters? Is it time to burn our #MAGA hats? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=xBgNn1ASfVY #MAGA #Trump #DACA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user It to t dd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump obviously your hearing is going along with the rest of your functions. \u201cVote Him Out\u201d as clear as a bell. #VoteHimOut2020 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/Va21HOH8HD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is doing a crap job of running this country and that idiot can\u2019t supply the country with an alternative opposition as long as he is running the Labour Party ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f relax post-esame \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a #sea #beach #friend #friendship #relax #sun @ blu salento village ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Wizards_DnD @JimZub tranny dragons, eh? I know some people that will love this!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With birds ill share this lonely view","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Register to vote. Make your voting plan. Follow your plan. #Vote #VoteLikeYourLifeDependsOnItBecauseItDoes Vote #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/3etmKlZijr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FightNightX @NMF4Life khan has been facing nothing but trash since his L to Garcia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Via Daniella Peled 'hysterical' Jews and 'frenzied' women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Endless Dreg here...\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\ude00@USER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA >>>>> @USER <<<<<< Pervert supreme of society","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tucker Carlson is on fire in the first few minutes of his show tonight. A replay is here: http:\/\/bit.ly\/2ya5MW3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a nice pic\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #goodmorning #sunrise #sun #day #love #beautiful #weather\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This twitter acct with 1100+ followers is literally pimping out 'Hot Teens' and apparently this is ok with Jack, seeing no leftists are being harmed by words. I've reported the acct and alerted others to do same. Twitter is filled with fcn disgusting sick degeneracy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The philosophy jews use to undermine moral principles is relativism. A bullshit philosophy claiming nothing exists and we are all magical gods. Jews are the biggest pushers of this and understandably so given their incentives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The girl is late on her house payment. Quick buck for the skank. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another terrorist brought in by obumer!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER My dumbass was really thinking how in the hell is she been pregnant for the last 6 years\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The meaning of the name NAZI for the misinformed....and what the flag stood for. National Socialist \u2013 Not \u2018Nazi\u2019! https:\/\/expeltheparasite.com\/2014\/01\/28\/national-socialist-not-nazi\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Top 50 hashtags mentioning @realDonaldTrump for 2020-09-19 15:00 to 2020-09-19 23:00 GMT+0[NEWLINE]#FillTheSeat #Trump2020 #SCOTUS #MAGA #LindseyMustGo #RBG #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #Trump #LadyG #TrumpIsALoser [NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/d0o06LIgQW","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I said the same thing today lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That was it when Dick Rickles; ? You all want do w\/ 248 Mtn Shrod? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user jake is right, 2 many ppl lack the will power to take a stand & drown the small minded & oft evil tendencies of past ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Queen Of Rap \ud83d\ude1b Other Bitches can knot relate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"black people will diss #presidentobama then talk about how great #hillary is for the black community. ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"brand new big flowdan in the emails #horrorshow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user USA Antifa are connecting with the Philippine's CPP-NPA and vice versa. President Duterte should be informed about this! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i lost a bet to my friend and now i have to change my picture for a week ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Notice how everyone avoids this tweet \u261d\ufe0f\u261d\ufe0f They might think you are referring to them. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 But not me comrade. I stalk everyone. \ud83e\udd1f\ud83e\udd1f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrants & community colleges - our students really made the day @user @user @user @user & thanks to @user for presentation on the ADVANCE program and @user Teresita Wisell @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey @DreamShakeSBN fans. If anyone is wondering what the yellow tab on the back of the collar for - it's for teams that have won a champion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Republicans: We have too many illegals voting in the elections! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now it\u2019s a party !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for this tweet. Give them a call @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Take a stand against all violence! Talk to your ANTIFA friends.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Maybe Kavanaugh should withdraw, spare country tinderbox\"\" hearing #TTT What are you afraid of @user ? He is going to be on the court and the GOP is going to expand their majorities. You are pissing on a red ant hill\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is one sick dude","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Chill your beans you crazy bitch just because you have a cunt doesn\u2019t mean you resort straight to using it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER No doubt she is proud of her daughter from Heaven! So sorry for your loss (at such a young age) How difficult it must have been & I imagine to a certain degree still must be...She sounds as a truly wonderful person. You are her legacy!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We shouldn't have to arm ourselves and have guard with ARs stationed at every public place in order to defend ourselves from violent retards. The liberalization of mental health care in the 70s is directly responsible for mass shooting incidents we see today.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not ALL of us lost it! I am still worshipping the #Aesir. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You would have thought Cam called that women a bitch the way y'all reacted. But Gronk is 'just having fun'.. FOH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trust me, the people who vote for Warren couldn't care less about Mollie Tibbets. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me flirting- So how many filters you got on that thang ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7. You both don\u2019t live to impress people but you are comfortable in your skins and still bring out the best in each other. #AdamandEve","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Ben is a terrible person that probably raped some people. He is a vial human being in my book. Has nothing to do with his on the field play. I don\u2019t like him personally.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thoughts with former British ambassador to the US, Sir Christopher Meyer, who was brutally attacked yesterday. He has been doing a lot of media about how important the Trump visit is. Police say it looks like a robbery - we\u2019ll see. https:\/\/www.thetimes.co.uk\/article\/ex-ambassador-christopher-meyer-in-hospital-after-brutal-attack-at-station-f0f5njjrd\u00a0\u2026","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #snack \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #love #bread \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009e *for more high quality photos \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b7 and a bit view on my life \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0094,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @StonerBoii2cold: “@TreVaughnLG: Moma said no pussy cats inside my dog house” that's what got bro nem locked inside the dog pound !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Perhaps it's true that #notallmen are sexual predators, but all women are potential prey. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #Liberals are muck rakers. They have NO platform to run on. NONE! Culling vulnerable people from the late decades... of the last century... of the previous millennium... shows how desperate they are to be heard. Now they\u2019re loitering around high schools looking for rumors. Sad! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Replace Chris Collins with anyone but Carl Paladino\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#update accordingly, i've no option than to downgrade my optimism that akabueze will make a difference from very high to low ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a retarded story\/question. You see there is this tribe in Africa where women wear rings around their necks to make it longer bit by bit. But what if your child identifies as a hamster, do you give him two plastic balls to put in his mouth to stretch his cheeks a bit, then bigger balls and so on till he can fit a whole bunch of walnuts in his mouth?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user agreed.. the same is true for and .. they are overused terms, and as a result, are fast becomin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Berlin: Attackers Hurl Stones at Church While Shouting \u201cAllahu Akbar\u201d https:\/\/www.newswars.com\/berlin-attackers-hurl-sto... #AgendaOfEvil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(Verge of collapse)The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.\ud83e\udd14I move too fast and break things. But i have always told myself Unless you are breaking\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #hours is preparing for the baby cloths. #babyclothes.top was registered on @user for only $0.39. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the fact that i'm meeting @user @user and #hayleyatwell in like 2 days at @user is awesome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rafael nadal withdraws from wimbledon 2016 #getwellsoonrafa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shes so old that shes been pushing gun control since the Lincoln assassination. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING: The New York Times Wins First Annual Fake News Awards ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All men are savages. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#repost @user \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb apple time nomnom #bird#harleythecockatoo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Lol. It\u2019s funny how you assumed I only have those qualifications. Typical black tweep. When they are losing a debate they assume the other party is lower than them. \u201cThat\u2019s why you are broke.\u201d \u201cStay there with your debt.\u201d Yet they\u2019ve never met the person. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I think it is a safe bet that Donald is clueless on everything because he is ignorant & lies so much. Ivanka knows everything & will flip on all of them to save her treasonous ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good. I hope a lot of other conservative orgs join in.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ugh that sucks!!! At least you have your wallet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Seriously?! Do you really believe your own crap? Why don\u2019t you just move on if she is so offensive. This ugly side to you is very unbecoming\ud83d\ude1e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This website says it all!No.Carolina you have a serious problem.Illegal Aliens are sexually assaulting you children at an incredible rate.You must DEMAND this be stopped.#DeathPenalty for#ChildRape#DeportThemAllBefore the next victim! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Antifa means anti-fascist\"\". I'm not sure there is an Antifa organization, but there are millions who are anti-fascist. Why are you not one of them?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now THIS makes sense. #QAnon @user #MAGA #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What sounds like fingernails scraping down a chalkboard but is less funny? #MichelleWolf #WHCA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"disney gator attack: 2-year-old boy found dead @user #heabreaking #blogger #momlife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump says he could use the MILITARY to build his wall if Congress won't fund it through Homeland Security's budget - and he won't rule out another government shutdown to get his wayWhatever it takes @user #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"worked all day and night on my parents house..it's all becoming real now. #imgonnamissthem #myeverything","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user IM THAT GIRL THAT SAID \u201cWHAT THE FUCK\u201d \u2014 NAH I WISH I HAD THE MONEY FOR THAT CONCERT BUT THATD BE MY REACTION TOO LMAO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have one friend who still complains, #NeverTrump con, and in our latest sparring match I routed him thoroughly. He's a shit debater so no feather in my cap but his diatribes have become less and less frequent.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user oops! i did it again! melted another fragile snowflake! #sad #soreloser heed #triggerwarning ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wish i would've found @user months ago! going to save so much on my pets medication! \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's a start, thanks:\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You're not females you're hoes why do you think god tried to kill this bitch 2 years ago? You're noth\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #spoketokat #heisinchennai#oneproblem#katstoofar #ihatesurprises @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user After watching the entire match and controversy Serena is lucky she didn't get a match misconduct. She is so upset that the ref. Would give her a warning for her coach coaching\"\" which he even admitted to. The ref did nothing wrong he enforced the rule and Serena did it like it.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CBSThisMorning @NorahODonnell tx trash you know trouble w ACA is in GOP gov states but like @60 @LaraLogan_News you report lies anyway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AntiFa fascists and Socialists are one and the same......time to respond ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its time to end Obama Illegal #DACA and Stop Rewarding Illegal I#mmigration U.S Youths need #Jobs #AmericansFirst #Trump #MAGA #RedNAtionRising #WalkAway via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BUILDthatWALL #MAGA #KAG#Trump: I could use #MILITARY to build my #WALL if Congress plays tough via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great aicle of truth about #trc needs. comments back up why it's needed. #indignenous - via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my girl loves #organic #strawberries #happeningrightnow #thatface #love #smiles #vacation #wellwmn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Nope. It's clear and you are lying. Also every accusation against known child molester #RoyMoore was true. Conservatives love (R)apists.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i may finally get to go to my first @user event this january for the royal rumble in la. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You seem hysterical. Screaming is not gonna make the Trump collusion with Russia less true. No matter the size of the font. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And ya know what? That's why they abuse and rape their women because they are such assholes that any\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We the people want Comey and more jailed for #TREASON ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HBCUfessions: I guess my confessions trash because none of them got posted- FAMU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm Jewish and I'm a Gab user #Proud","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER iNDEED her @ is danikaharrod go follow her because she is the cutest and shitposts from tdp sometimes jhdsfhjsg","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It was that 6\u2019 4\u201d Trans-woman in a dress with stubble.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Immigration:When a group of smiling 3rd world faces move into your street, they know that the nice dumb White people will transfer $$ to pay for the new school and the costs of teaching lower-IQ kids.The White pioneers see their tax ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user People like @user and @user is the reason why Trump need to #buildthatwall!!!! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To celebrate our 37th Wedding Anniversary, we walked the Langdale Valley, our favourite place on the planet . A bit disappojnted at this waterfall; it normally has - you know - water. There's always next year. https:\/\/flic.kr\/p\/LVb8v9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I suppose you think the way liberals attacked Sarah Palin was courageous also. You\u2019re just another hypocrite.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user in addition you add an ad hominem attack with no basis in fact. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It was close!!!!!!! We will purge the damn commies in the run off!!!!!! \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I want to hear more about you plans to stop the Jews from infiltrating and turning it into another based fags and muh wife\u2019s black son sort of thing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So, are you saying that we're not supposed to use #IllegalAliens to denote illegal aliens who come to the USA illegally? I'll try to remember that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"check out this new trending #funny #gif ! , excited, syfy, wynonna earp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Don't know who he is and don't really care.... Some rich dude that probably hates our President and our country... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i hope people realize you tweeted that in sarcasm. which is why you're retweeting them cause brown are so fucking sensitive. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user HE IS IM SO PROUD OF HIM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@2ANow She looks like a plastic monkey doll!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Little brother just told me to fuck off and I'm a bitch.. well it's ya bday next week Hun I'm just gonna send ur present back lil cunt x\ud83d\udc4b\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER OMG what fuckin' kind of this beauty TT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They welcome these refugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/jpy rebounds towards 5-dma as risk recovers, fed eyed #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You wanna help poorer nations, foreign aid is NOT the way to do it. Help them in their own countries.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't appreciate being \"randomly\" selected by tsa at the airpo this morning. surly is because i was profiled. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Gun control is never sensible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In the next two weeks we will have 2 new refugee families arriving in Chicago! We need another Good Neighbor Team to commit to welcome and support them in their first 4 months. If you and a group of your friends or family are ready to serve in this way, email\u00c2\u00a0Rsheehy@wr.org ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i am a lot older than she is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#makeupaist bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I didn't realize Marx's 'economics' was still taken seriously. Good to know.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WATCH: Democratic Senator Doesn't Understand That Illegal Immigrants Have Broken Federal Law via @user Morons elect morons... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"does anyone know what @user 's plans are for this race anymore? #runner #tiffany","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mr @user #Trump, Respectfully, sir, if you want to run the #2018Midterms on the \u201c#Pentagon Will #BuildThatWall,\u201d then you must show your #MAGA BASE that you are actually going to do it. No empty promises. No silly games. No BS nonsense. Start the process now! #BuildTheWall. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch I'm sick \ud83d\ude12 dirty whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What the fuck was that dildo rider antifa fuck going on about?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And they have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country? As the saying goes if you ban guns only criminals will have them! Seems to be proving here go get them Chicago. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The sheriff said \"It looks like Party City uniforms.\" Haha...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you're the one who should be leaving this eah, you piece of shit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER URL You must love DJT more then I do\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 You are obsessed with him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Sadder still, these guys exist because of a bunch of far-left children that dress like ISIS, burn flags and attack journalists. Yet our young leftists activists posing as journalists\"\" don't even cover the group #antifa that does all of the violence. Talk about bizarro world!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you don't know what you've got till it's gone_how for #selfish you-jesuschristempowerstransformation-ask #amwriting #amreading #author","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER If antifa weren't using violence they wouldn't have a hope of doing this. Jokes < Violence","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@KamalaHarris No you and Creepy Joe Biden are the weak ones. #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I knew we would find out that this is all the liberals\u2019 fault. \ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#lucky #dad to be cared loved by #amazing #loving #caring #daughter #jannarden! wishingalldadsgoodgirlsboys!\u00e2\u0099\u00a5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No need for that, you racist All human beings are human beings.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@janefourmillion @Crocker_Actual Conceptually your idea of the party switch is BS and wrong. It is the way that the rasicst southern democrats tried to pawn off responsibility... Read history Byrd and Biden two of a kind.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yep. I was at Yale law school as well.. He also mentioned at one point that he could pee his name in the snow and that groping someone against their will while holding them down and choking them was \u201cboys being boys\u201d. NBD. #MoronsAreGoverningAmerica #MAGA #Kavanaugh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"see you soon!!! #deservekoto ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no words \u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a3\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f . . . #self #selfie #porait #selfporait #feelings #feeling #lost\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Proud to tweet today that my hubby & I turned in our #AbsenteeBallots to the Oakland County Clerk's office in Michigan![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]We voted straight #DemocraticParty to be sure we're included in the #BidenHarrisLandslide2020![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#IVoted [NEWLINE]#VoteEarly[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/JfTEKXBnLE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"headed to myle beach for our anniversary weekend! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #ilovethebeach #weekendfun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You forgot Africa.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mint oreos aren't as good as they seem. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER says social housing is good and in the same breath talks of climbing the ladder. Hypocrisy incarnate from a failed lying politician lining her party's pockets with tax money for real estate builders @USER building their failure of lies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes you are stalking. That's what a weirdo would do. If my tweets over video games hurt your feelings then go ahead and block me. Lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.followerz.co.uk\/buy-soundcloud-plays-with-the-right-perspective-and-strategy-for-real-and-sustainable-returns\/ - Buy SoundCloud Plays With The Right Perspective And Strategy For Real And Lasting Dividends #soundcloud_plays","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"people still won't give lebron any credit \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bad gun control seems like. Missed his brains.... bummer! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not much going on today just relaxing and listening to talk radio. Today the high is 90*F, too hot to have fun outside.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0161\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \"Big leak hits the Leave campaign?\"what rubbish immigration will be the thing that does brexit stupid storyhttps:\/\/t.co\/DDa1kqHgQ8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"deep house and garage flavours on jay jay in the hot seat \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 bihday dad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What amendment gives the right of the NSA to spy on citizens without a warrant?\u00a0 How about the clause where it allows us to engage in endless undeclared wars in Vietnam and now ME?\u00a0 What part of the constitution created the NSA, CIA, DIA, FBI, Dept of education etc etc?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Syrian regime set to dispossess massive numbers of refugees of their homes which, according to UN @user own criteria, means the agency can't facilitate their return to Syria ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the shoe fits, feel free to lace that bitch up and wear it \ud83d\udc60 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" porn videos free nude beach photo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good!!! This will surely show us how croocked he is. \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'...a group of men who worked towards a plot to bomb the Toronto Stock Exchange, shoot up the CBC headquarters and storm Parliament Hill in Ottawa. They wanted to behead then-prime minister Stephen Harper.'\u00a0 https:\/\/torontosun.com\/opinion\/columnists\/malcolm-...\u00a0 The point where The Cowardly Maggot #CdnMedia #CBC became #Muslim sympathizers??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user damn ave smh @user 4 years ago #ripbanga #troyave #bsb #irvingplaza #freetroyave #ripbsbbanga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Amazing people and cultures in their own countries of origin. That is true diversity and how you preserve said diversity, not mixing it all up in a \"melting pot\" society where culture, race, identity disappears. If you agree with the latter then you are anti-Culture, Anti-Races, anti-Freedom. You will not be well welcomed here. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cFucking slut. I knew you were cheating on me.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where are all the activists?\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There goes my home town, LOL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"testing out the new bellamianta tan here @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is third world shit happening in AMERICA! What the hell is happening! They r trying to take over our country! Minnesotas leadership sure let them down by accepting all those refugees! Disgusting! #AnimalSacrificeInAmerica #MAGA #NoRefugees #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ikr.. I told my hubby the same thing..lol\ud83d\ude01","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You're a cunt for judging women by what they chose to do. Hate to break that to you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Bae\" sounds like such a ghetto word. Use something else","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you know where\/how to download the interview?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dat Whore Karma ah Bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2:22 but the content is good. @Skojec is honing his video craft. https:\/\/youtu.be\/N5XaA2sjJdM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No matter what #monarchy is the future. Either monarchy will be used to dissolve debt based society or it will result from the failure of debt based society.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The washed-out idiot #Biden feels he has a chance by insulting all conservatives who are supporting their great #POTUS...I don\u2019t think so CRAZY JOE!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wanna be like u could be fucking working for him some day you fucking little slut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@WHSVGrantCruise birds of a feather. You stand with PETA. I stand with sanity.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"harry please call me a:mother fucking bitch ass dick-sucking trick ass whore who needs to find a fucking hobby instead of obsessing over you.thank you ! Xx ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER A useful idiot. No longer need him. Their to busy to be bothered with gun control now. Busy trying figure out how to sway an election in their favor. Not gunna happen \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LuvKittensDaily: Oreo being adorable http:\/\/t.co\/5ZMZVT0sUl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"next bitch that cheat on me getting pimped out, you wanna be a hoe bout shit so we gon make this money ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Teens Say Restraint Chairs Were Used To Strap Them Down In Detention Centers #SmartNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stuck for gifts this #fathersday? this @user gift set could be a perfect gift for your dad #shoes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Contempt for America is so central to leftism that there would be no leftism without it. https:\/\/dailysign.al\/2Ms4IYy via @DennisPrager @DailySignal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#catstokyo #roppongi #club #friends #daily #\u00ec\u009d\u00bc\u00ec\u0083\u0081 #\u00eb\u008d\u00b0\u00ec\u009d\u00bc\u00eb\u00a6\u00ac #\u00ec\u00b9\u009c\u00ea\u00b5\u00ac #\u00ec\u00b9\u009c\u00ec\u008a\u00a4\u00ed\u0083\u0080\u00ea\u00b7\u00b8\u00eb\u009e\u00a8 @ cat's tokyo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"which are you going to pick as your staer in #pokemonsunmoon #hype #staer #nerd #genseven","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Catering to black racists and illiterate , dependent moochers is Schumers \"real deal\" ! Term Limits","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Cops rarely got shot in countries with gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Donations Flood In For Immigrant Children in NYC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"always try to be happy!!! #life #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ok if #NotAllMen is bad. Next time I hear that a girl cheated, I'll assume that women are systemically pr\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you took every person on the planet and stood them shoulder to shoulder they would all fit within the borders of Los Angeles proper. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Very sad to see all pavements in front of Lodhi Hotel & Hudco have been encroached upon by illegal migrants. Very bad sight. Besides Delhi Traffic Police is very lax in challaning the Traffic offenders.They r always seen gossiping ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fact Check: 'Caged' Child Photo Is Not What Immigration Advocates Claim Leftist propaganda exposed... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrants Vs. Aliens: The Global Invasion-Giveaway Continues ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Maybe we do need gun control. Lefties can not handle the responsibility.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user waiting for you to come on!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm skeptical. Nearly every time this type of vandalism occurs, it is perpetrated by someone affiliated with the synagogue.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I hope whoever gets seated - kick and cry all you want, someone WILL get seated - they're a liberals worst nightmare. Everyone can look back and say we really fucked ourselves by not confirming.\" Don't act like you are protesting Kavanaugh, you are still protesting Trump's win.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nigelfarage: \"for too many years any criticism of #immigration # or its effects on society have been shut down by\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if there is a god the BBC is the devils lips","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When will you and the rest of the #MSM go after #KeithEllison and the reports of abuse about him?..seem like you guys have 2 standards when it come to covering harassment claims against Liberals (ignore or downplay) then Conservatives (24\/7 coverage assuming guilt right away).. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Talking about 'in the bible, a woman is a man's property.' Therefore as a senseless misogynist, rape in married women cannot happen. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DEMS are using #Muslims & #BlackLivesMatter (aka militant #NationOFislam extremist) & #NFL as insurgents in their #Communist REVOLUTION: FACT=HALF of USA Total Muslim Population immigrated under #OBAMA=#NoDACA NO #DACA #Amnesty No #DacaDEAL #BoycottNFL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jennifer Lawrence is complaining about being a whore, meanwhile she's punching old Asian women in face who are sewing her costumes for her ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweden Is Burning: Migrant Gangs Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Multiple Cities | Zero Hedge #refugeesNOTwelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yeah @USER probably views groups like Antifa and EFF as moderates. People who are against farm murders are labeled just as extreme as people singing songs about actually killing those farmers. Crazy times we live in. @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER F Hope! Since he\u2019s \u2018NOT smarter than a 5th grader\u2019 maybe she is!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Full truth and justice.... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user are you at all concerned that some of your MPs and cabinet ministers are reportedly meeting with the white supremacist Steve Bannon? Also do you not think it\u2019s more than a little messed up that Neo Nazis, but not child refugees, are welcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy father's day ! #belgrade #guinea-bissau ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NSFW\u00a0#porn\u00a0#erotica\u00a0#girls\u00a0#sexy\u00a0#TeamSmut\u00a0#TeamSlut\u00a0#homemovies\u00a0#picture#panties\u00a0#milf\u00a0#cuckold\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stop Using MLK to Support Illegal Aliens Who Kill Bladks, Take Jobs From Blacks and Destroy the Black Community MLK did not Support Illegal #Immigration BLACK TRUMP SUPPORTER DROPS THE MIC, \"SANCTUARY CITIES ARE RACIST!\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why you being a pussy for back your shit up hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is Spartacus!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i am thankful for films. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're a hoe. stop trying to put another female down just because you wanna look \"funny\" for twitter. nooo you're a petty bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another MS-13-linked body found after arrest of gang member in Long Island teen's death - NY Daily News @user @user #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafe#NoDACADeal#NoAmnesty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He also said he had a gatlin gun and niggas that sit on the corner like boxers between rounds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How about you post your story of sexual assault?! not all men have experienced unwanted sexual advanc\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A huge & historic crowd of half a million Whites on March 15th paraded through Belgrade and rallied to hear Viktor Orban's anti-immigration, Nationalist speech ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Resign!!! You\u2019re an idiot!!! \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user excited for @user homeless health conf tomorrow! poster ready to present my project! #hhmatters #london @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Lil girl we having an adult conversation so take your thin ass on somewhere ya dig ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All Trump's and Pense 2020 merch is being made is China and not the USA. ...maga ?? #VoteThemOut2018 #TrumpsArmy URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What is your thought process behind supporting the Proud Boys? You don't see the hypocrisy in bragging that your 'Proud Boys' are literally assaulting people, when all I hear about is how the left is an 'angry mob', that can't be reasoned with?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm only gonna waste your time, break your heart and ruin your vagina, to make you stronger as a woman. You're welcome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do not think so maybe do a little research buddy! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These normie race redpilled, but JQ igno Goys make me lafff... und laff.. und laff...\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user he is a psychic ain\u2019t he ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Economic inequality and injustice impacts first gen non-white immigrant families heavily, and Afro-descended ones in particular ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Indigenous people is a JOKE. Everyone came from somewhere else, either sooner or later in History. Europeans were fine with sharing the land, but (gasp) they would not tolerate being robbed, pillaged, and left for dead. Interesting how History has evolved into being total fabrication. ComeBlowUs is a crappy city, now even more pathetic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is embarrassing and just as low a human as possible to diminish the loss of life of the elderly.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Mueller can go fornicate himself. He is as crooked as the day is long. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm no great fan of Corbyn, but at this point he seems to be the only adult left in the room. Perhaps we SHOULD wait for some actual evidence before jumping to conclusions and trying to start World War 3. http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-43424867","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(I know there are parents among my mutuals\/followers and lots of you are GREAT! But I\u2019ve had to deal with a lot who are laser-focused on an outdated idea of what early childhood education should be) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great podcast -\u00a0@jartaylor\u00a0and Paul Kersey @SBPDL\u00a0on @AmRenaissance\u00a0-\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even though Lil Wayne's music has turned into trash, No Ceilings and I Am Not A Human Being will always be my favorites.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#motivation #dailyword #life #inspriation #focus #determination #life #sense @ halfway tree ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DREAMER Stomps 83 yr old man to death in TXSSilvano Echavarria stomped the victims head 74 times and punched him 25 times before leaving his body in a parking lotHis rap sheetincludesother crimes.#MSMSilence#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Redwood is a traitorous cunt to every man woman and child in the UK. What a buffoon. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it finally worked! got me & @user tix for @user in manchester in september! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Congratulations to President Trump and to the United States of America for taking back our country from the illegal aliens. 191,000 illegal invaders have been arrested and deported so far this year to date. We must go faster to get them all. This is GREAT start! #MAGA #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bavarian leader takes softer line on migrants ahead of vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Because he is right the Governor of Puerto Rico \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7 is a FRAUD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bullshit. People died because of an incompetent government in Puerto Rico. And you can start with that mayor. Stop lying Gutierrez. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JamesHasson20: \u201cF*ck the police,\u201d \u201cno USA at all,\u201d the mostly peaceful anti-hate protestors chanted as they threw smoke bombs at cops and broke journalists\u2019 equipment.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"gipsy\u00e2\u0098\u0086clown family time #relaxing #relax #doughter #island #surflife #surfing #snowboard\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Many of you so called Men out here are BITCH MADE HOES. Ya moms should've SWALLOWED most definitely! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user From the multi-year champion of most hysterical woman of the universe award (and I'm being generous calling you a woman). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feeling festive? Miracle on 34th Cunt A Cunt Story The Santa Cunt Lethal Cunt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More than any other ally do we take that as a compliment ? unlike his house of non representatives who so much love their nation hold ordinary people and their way of life to ransom no pay no food, no nothing go lecture your own system take white pees with u fire cracker man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if ur girl watch Snapped in front of u she trying to spook u!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"60 and hopeful to someday meet a classy gal that I can talk to about MAGA and WWG1WGA! Have yet to find! Having way to much fun now not to share :-) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"radulovicke \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c realmirna #singer #host #plantaze13jul #splavcompas #zemunskikej @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I love the video articles and the diagrams. The stories are not too long and you are doing a great job of teaching. In fact I'd love to see more. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3 Canadian Officer-Cadets from Royal Military College are being expelled for defiling a Qur'an...by jerking off onto it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary. They are so deluded. It\u2019s like they just rep \u2018black lives matter\u2019 so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters. Because you know they didn\u2019t care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love my girls complaining while we are working out. #fun #funny #workout #exercises #life\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cockroach ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I can understand that and if it\u2019s someone I know I\u2019ll debate with them but I\u2019m not willing to spend that much time trying to change the mind of someone I don\u2019t know I tryed that with people and gun control and it just get stupid because they won\u2019t try to understand","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a day of housework and washing... but i don't mind as my man will be here tonight. #lucky \u00e2\u009d\u00a4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER coming from a guy who should be arrested and charged as an accessory. I hat a deranged individual.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 'Unintentionally' u fukin pedo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.big-list-of-resume-writers.com\/Michelle-Dumas'-Distinctive-Documents-Review.php - This site has some decent information. #Distinctive_Career_Services_complaints #Distinctive_Documents_review","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I use kiosks whenever possible. Retail employees just aren't interesting enough for me to let them spoil my mood.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER MAGA= Mushrooms are growing again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you take an oath to preserve and uphold the constitution? Take your people control (it's not gun control) and gtfo with your crazy. Steve Willeford says hi\". Don't know the name? Perhaps Google it and realize how stupid you are.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user achichincle lamebotas! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What type of common sense gun control ideas would you propose? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He's butt hurt just like HRC.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's my sister from another mister. Pro tip, always put a tortilla on the plate before the carnage. After all the drippings and droppings, roll up the tortilla and guess what...bonus taco. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"feeling overwhelmed by all the tragic events in the last week! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is what happens when a race feels superior to another one. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sway hbd\u00ef\u00bc\u0081\u00ef\u00bc\u0081\u00ef\u00bc\u0081\u00ef\u00bc\u0081 i want to meet you \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 bihdaysway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how did women fair in 2016? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Think about why the NDP one it's because people are sick and tired of how conservatives run government and the UCP was supposed to be a different type of conservative but it's not","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to the #number1 #man in my #life \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@__Bino: Looking at nip rings I can't wait until I can change mine 😏” 📝👀📑 lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mind-blown; learning so much in this google forms workshop. @user #cfisdrrr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Paul Nehlen-posting is the best.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Liberals are so sensitive that they\u2019ll believe the okay sign is racist \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We\u2019ll we\u2019ve been fucked by bama twice since we got here so we\u2019re almost tru fans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER They can\u2019t. His a sheep. Just follow along with fake news and put everyone who can think for themselves as KKK. Antifa wannabes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"balloon modelling at out #waoh16 launch! #wohing #aists #areyouready ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #worldoceansday here's a quick post from the wwf highlighting five marine species #educationispower ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you are one of the 64.2 mil #americans who rejected , #bigotry &amp; #hatred fly your flag half mast on jan.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"freaking nasty rotten people #whiteslavers monsters release dom\u00c3\u00a9nica now #whiteslavery #venezuela you are going to pay. let her free","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"must have been the hormone treatment when he wanted to identify as a girl, at the age of 7.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user thank you kathleen @user @user studios! so helpful with my t-shis! @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this is like a two year old this is so immature ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user what do u expect,#trump's father was a .that's why he won't denounce the kkk or racism.#facinghis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are runnning on the word of something you didn\u2019t see ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I miss the days of lynching postcards. Blacks today know that they can get away with rape, murder, and robbery, and then have white shitlibs make excuses for them. Trump is full of shit along with his Kike son in law in pushing for \"Prison Reform.\" All that means is more niggers out on the streets to do you and your family harm.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In the actual meaning of the word, this is how True Conservative Government acts. Modern \u201cConservatism\u201d is all about conserving Progressive destruction. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you don't miss your cuz....... .....#notloved","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nimrods in California are escorting them in.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 download daytodaygk mobile app for free ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udc47Please retweet this #TrumpNation #TrumpTrain #MAGA #KAG #DrainingTheDeepStateSwamp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am PROUD to be an #MRA. If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud. It's only fair.# ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you just figured that out? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is phony and opportunist. Look at the millions he is making out of gullible people. Lets see if he donates millions he has to help his hometown. Oh well its people\u2019s money they use. Their money is untouchable","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER My. Arms. Wasn't. That. Big! N. Neither. Was. My. Boobs! They. Are. Now! From. Them. Injecting. Fat! Into. My. Body!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GOP Great tweet. Now get rid of RINOs Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Grahamnesty, REPEAL Obamacare and DEPORT Illegal Immigrants, INCLUDING so-called \"Dreamers.\" #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I send girls the videos we made ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got more common sense than all of my followers :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to all dads out there, happy fathers day!!! #dad #father #fathersday #family #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"researchers: most effective way to fight requires white people calling out white -s #altright","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fanna start traveling bitch. Haha you hoes can't do that \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow, and I was in Florida when I saw the boosters go cafooey. I cried. Another lie just makes me ill","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tea Party Patritos Honor Rep. JimJordan: http:\/\/youtu.be\/oAjK36Ma2kI?a via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"even the sky is unhappy today #skyporn #clouds #sky #skies #unhappy clouds\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh no is he going to start painting hideous pictures like @user and peddle socialism and gun control for everyone but himself. @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why daily 5000 refugees come from Eritrea ? First they want a better life, second the military service there needs long. They are 80 % accepted in the EU, which is wrong, because the only can come if they pay 8000 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac for illigal coorruption help. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are seriously our own worst enemies. https:\/\/youtu.be\/vjSohj-Iclc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That would be a mistake.\u00a0\u00a0 We have been in the shit with some of la Jaune, and have seen a very high degree of competence and professionalism.\u00a0 This fellow is not of that type.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"content: #abuse, #pedophilia, #stalking, #harassment, #gaslighting, #ableism, , #threats, #suicide, #nsfw, #self harm, #rape, #incest","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER No, no. Olivia is fine. Infact, she is here with me. You have a meeting today to discuss and approve of a new project.\" He replied to him honestly, Faith tilted her head to the side as she frowned a little in curiosity as she listened in on the phone call.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Labour #Councillor shouting Nazi Scum .. At victims of #GroomingGangs and this is going to get worse under #JeremyCorbyn's socialist #Britain #Muslims #Islam #Leftists #MAGA #MEGA #MCGA #MEGA #Patriots #Conservatives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Any bitch who called the man known as Patrice a friend in life and steals from him in death i\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #dinner at my friend's #steak #shop never #disappoint so #yummy #nice #evening on the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shaddup you skank ass immigrant HO, who did you steal that statement from Michelle ... AGAIN ?!? WTF would you know about OUR country, you haven't been here long enough to start that BULL SHIT !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigration: The US lost track of almost 1,500 children last year. Here's why people are outraged now. - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Buy more icecream!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u0098anti-islamist\u00e2\u0080\u0099 rally organiser #neilerikson shown laughing at death footage #auspol #rwnj #tinfoilhat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MontagKeys: Jeff Fisher saved by the refs. That was karma, but the zebras messed with it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh Bob, your attempts here are as successful as your tries for an erection. We know where your grandchildren live. Be happy we are not violent, as the niggers in your city and the Marxists who seek to destroy our once great lands are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoever just got the last pair of them top 3 1's from laced up you a bitch \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you anti-whites brag about our \"inevitable brown future\" then scream \"\" when we oppose it. you're pushing #whitegenocide.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yay! except #ellen made comments so should we be suppoing her? if you say #kimburrell made homo-resistant\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's best to make choices that will help you keep a smile on your face. whatever genuinely makes you , that's what you should focus on","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like if you didnt want to have a party, don't fucking broadcast it #ThatsTheShitIDontLike #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He can suck it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/usd slips below 1.1350 ahead of us jobless claims #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user any news what players will be attending this weekend #lionsontour #rugbyleague","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OUR children are DREAMERS too.Since when are illegal alien children the only \"dreamers\"?!?Do NOT let liberal\/progressives steal our language too!#NoDACA #Border #POTUS #MAGA #WalkAway #BuildTheWall #VoteRed @user @user @user @user @user #NEWS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh man, the church went along with the power in Europe of the day (NationalSocialism) just like it goes along with the power of today (jews pushing faggotry and racemixing) and Hitler made allies of convenience to have buffers in other parts of the world therefore JESUIT NWO GLOBALISTS STUFF THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! NOT THE JEWS NOT THE JEWS NOT THE JEWS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How the fuck is Joe Biden \"harm reduction\" like for who? You think a notoriously violent transphobe is harm reduction? You think that a segregationist is harm reduction?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Just admit you have no real principles, and stop trying to guilt people into voting for their oppressors.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"history won't forget how barack obama was treated \u00e2\u009e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f by @user via @user #corruption","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sunburn is a bitch whoever invents spf 1000000 i willlove you forever cuz i need that shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"13:55 'moshpit physics'. york physics day doesn't sound like your average cpd \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e just over a week until the cern gang are reunited!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Crowds streamed into the streets of San Francisco and Oakland Saturday to celebrate the victory of former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris in the contentious 2020 Presidential election. https:\/\/t.co\/EzmYt1I5CM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Only conjecture but with so high undecided it could be some fear the militant parts of the left like ANTIFA who promise to punish those who do not vote in the approved manner. There was s report that voter rolls were being reviewed for GOP to be visited \"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck the NFL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How many woman do you think willingly sucked the cock of a Hollywood producer to further their career? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is exactly what all civilized nstions should do! And deport all 3rd worlders including ((those)) who meddle in our business! #DeportThemAll #LockThemAllUp #LockThemUp #StandUpForEurope #defendeurope #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteGenocide #AllLivesMatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are an absolute dick \ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These whores woke me up out of my sleep \ud83d\ude29 Ima be mad as a bitch in the morning waking up for work ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" video men and womenmalayalam girl with dreads porn video ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Move to North Korea where you will find all the oppressive authoritarian gun control you want. Any one of these other countries with low gun ownership should work for you too. Good luck! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #thescore Happy Birthday Again!! Lucky Lovely Charm ka ng @user @user @user @user \ud83d\udc90\ud83d\udc90\ud83d\udc90\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f You Are Stunning!!\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf39\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f - HipHop ka minsan sa game ha? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i hope this bitch gets raped ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @godlevelshit510: Why Adonnis look like he bout to sell the most ghetto used cars of 2014 ? http:\/\/t.co\/icjCf6km8V","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Proud of you too! You hold down the fort for us on sensible gun control. TY! #EnoughIsEnough","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Indeed Americans need more gun control which means hitting your target. Can never have to much range time. \u263a\ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Long read but well worth it. I'm still not 100% sold on the Q thing, but all these puzzle pieces Praying Medic has put together make sense. It's a Twitter thread, but I'm posting the threadreaderapp link for those who can't or don't get on Twitter. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to help bring about more wonderful anniversaries like this one, please follow & suppo @user please ty ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @CuteOverloads: baby monkey in the snow im crying 😭🐒❄ http:\/\/t.co\/gMk5dbjaJQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my cat came back after two weeks! she so thin. i can feel her bones through the skin... #cats #myfavorite","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch it's Gucci Mane & Metro if Metro don't trus' you imma fuck you in yo ass hoe #Gucci #Wizop #Tho #MetroBoobin #Boominati ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user check out this post! confession: i'm #america #controversy #equality #kaepernick #nationala\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shut the fuck up you fucking pussy you wouldnt know survival if it hit you in the face you draft dodger ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's what coming from #TheRedExpress this week: >Wednesday - The Internet of the Future >Friday - Raytracing: Big Deal or BS >Sunday - Ghost Vs. Ghost (OG Ghost in the Shell Vs. Live Adaption)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It's too had liberals are exempt from laws. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No it\u2019s because you are a horrible person\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another lying liberal.. Many lying libtards will be exposed as they unclassifie documents. The Liberals will lie cheat and steal to try to bring our country down. Stop this anti-American idiotic socialist movement vote Republican in November Trump 2020.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Current Prime Minister is Malcom Turnbull, ex banker.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I wasn't given the option to stay home and stack money but I always tell people if the opportunity is given take it \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Shit hell out here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Colorado: Deportation of Muslim migrant who tried to kill cop was halted by court ruling @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She\u2019s confused after all she is only a poor struggling socialist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i\u00e2\u0080\u0099m going to the largest online conference for content professionals! check it out here #acrolinxcc :-d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heres the epitome of the far left in one post, can we deport them all? #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #RT4Trump #TrumpPence2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"apparently the warriors are more impoant than jesus. #sf #church #warriors ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MAGA you ignorant dupes. Everyone knows this is just not true. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user poor @user she is a rager and a shamer. sad.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You voted to trigger Article 50. You are complicit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"millennials shocked by #hillary quotes think theyre from #trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You SUCK Freddy. Just sayin. #TrumpIsYourPresident #VoteRed #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #VoteDemsOut #WWG1WGA #MAGA #KAG #America #USA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It is \ud83d\ude2d you get to see a good game and niggas working \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #oshaeterry #ThugLife #Criminal Behaved as an Ordinary Disposable Criminal. #MAGA #MAGA2020 #MAGARallyRules #TexasPolice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why isn't it flying higher you ask? \u2764\ufe0f Health and safety regulations\u00a0\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated.-Catharine MacKinnon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user peaked. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are desperate. Their dirty tricks won't work and the end is inevitable. #MAGA #TDS #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beard \u00e2\u009d\u00a4. . #toptags days day #smile #fun #instahappy #goodmood #sohappy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". My God. #TheEmmys And the limousine liberals are sick disgusting animals with no brains. .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"& for the hoe that think she don't do what the dummies do... you's a dummy bitch, and a ugly one at that! \ud83d\udeae ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user birds the movie catapults you into a cinema-hall with little children to adults, all choling loudly with laughte\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a meme repeater URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are awful.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hope the fuck not","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anna Von Reitz contd 4...The UN Treaty 1992 articles 55\/56 says\u00a0 each nation agrees that UN Articles supercede each nation law. Children are property of UN (De Rothschilds) enforcing child abuse law\/ human trafficking law is at the discretion of courts. The BAR\u00a0& our courts are doing business for the UN (LDR)\u00a0Prisons\/people are their currency\/profit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i love edm so much :))) can't wait to get logic pro in the future \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is the consensus of the Republican Party that sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl should not disqualify a judge from sitting on the highest court in the land and making life-or-death decisions about women's health. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the album leak leaked #TrumpIsARacist kpop taekook nsfw porn like jikook fancam rt among us ateez enhypen treasure giveaway sex sugar daddy sugar mommy #followtrick twice std straykids ifb gainmutuals promo gc anime cosplay nct #Trump2020 #Biden bardipink[NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/wf7Uj7zmj1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wow! i just love my customers #thankful #blessed and ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Under Trump, Muslim refugees from Burma (Rohingya) are numero uno via @user Why the hell we importing trouble for USA ? Islamists never assimilate for the simple reason their religion does not PERMIT assimilation into other societies.. Period ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9.15am appointment with a specialist and she is already running 45 minutes behind schedule. Front end booking strategy so she never has in paid appointments all day. The arrogance of medical specialists is impressive. Architects could learn a lot from them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump signed an executive order on Friday that will\u00a0affect how you save for retirement. https:\/\/www.foxbusiness.com\/personal-finance\/trump...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aren't these little border jumpers supposed to be in school","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money. She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive. Isn't this a scam? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So then your saying the @user platform of gun control and reform is nothing for them to worry about? Kind of like #Kavanaugh is going to kill women and Gays? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shit like this is why I don't follow @user Who me? I'm just stating basic facts. Totally NOT diverting from the actual point. Just stating a fact.\"\" You're a phony\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She couldn't drive by 'hysterical' woman needing help; widow of shooting victim forever grateful via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why do all \"#liberals\" look the same? i mean i know that i'm being for saying this but cmon! ps. where do i\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Now that\u2019s the pot calling the kettle black! Liberals are nothing but bullies! Antifa-Bullies!!! Trump Haters-Bullies!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A person\u2019s stance on gun control is a telling statement on if they believe in the rights of the individual. Might as well stamp \u201cStatist\u201d on their forehead. Please vote accordingly. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good liberals will allow a rapist\"\" to continue serving on a federal district court while his victim continues to suffer? But...you said....you said....\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why the Alt Right is Winning America's Meme War. \"Oh noes, our lefty memes are a joke! We can't compete with the Alt Right. How can we raise our game?\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Hysterical! You are going to be disappointed Jan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tiborasaurusrex on gun control moves: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gutierrez you\u2019re such a liar that\u2019s all you guys are good for","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sen Booker posted the confidential information on his twitter account. There is no way I will vote Democrat again. Disregard for the laws when it suits them. And he wants to run for POTUS.#2Amendment #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll #CivilWar #DeclassifyItAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RIP R. Lee Ermey \ud83d\ude22","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just for the record, you can always create a new Twitter account with a different phone #. A lot of people use \"dummy numbers\" or Google phone numbers. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #australia and japanese whaling \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #\u00e5\u00b1\u00b1\u00e6\u009c\u00ac\u00e5\u00a4\u00aa\u00e9\u0083\u008e #\u00e6\u009c\u0089\u00e7\u0094\u00b0\u00e8\u008a\u00b3\u00e7\u0094\u009f\u00e3\u0080\u0080#\u00e6\u00b0\u0091\u00e9\u0080\u00b2\u00e5\u0085\u009a #\u00e7\u00a4\u00be\u00e6\u00b0\u0091\u00e5\u0085\u009a\u00e3\u0080\u0080#\u00e7\u00a6\u008f\u00e5\u00b3\u00b6\u00e3\u0081\u00bf\u00e3\u0081\u009a\u00e3\u0081\u00bb #opkillingbay\u00e3\u0080\u0080#thecove #boycottaustralia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"0618\u00e2\u0099\u00a1 #love#friend#day#today#enjoy #pay#spring#summer#diet#white#black#exo#jk#korea#japan#\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"im ready i'm so ready i'm ready #warcraftmovie #imready #bifactional ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 that he is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this woman needs to be arrested and prosecuted for encouraging rape of another race #depoation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#HitlerWasRight\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Did anyone visit Maxine Waters discreet and watched the poverty of her on people did she did anything in the last past 30 years that she is in power??!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You mean before she sucked dick for fame? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lmao as if this cunt gives a fuck about women with anxiety ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Two of those beauties with soldier boys will transport me back to childhood. Of course most people think I AM back in my childhood.\ud83e\udd24\ud83e\udd24\ud83e\udd24\ud83d\ude35\ud83d\ude35\ud83d\ude35","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Matt Heimbach is a hero his activity led to Lacy Macaulay being arrested and finger printed. He also got the Mike Enoch's prostitute arrested too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We're halfway to our fundraising goal! Thank you to all our fundraisers and donors. Remember that your donations help refugees rebuild their lives, here in America. Make your impact today #30kin30days #wewelcomerefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" slapping porn big naked women ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate Fiona , dis bitch a fucking whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Canberra is obviously happy to be seen as an ally of Trump and Orban. And to underline multilateral approaches to the refugee issue. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user there is no way, that this, this... man should be allowed to become attorney general. #liar #asshat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Breitbart must be hacked! Your headline says it all.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"standing up to racism and hate by americad not curse out congress and all haters who are deplorable #hate\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you're white and like Niggers you've got serious fucking mental issues.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Actually he is a soy boy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If we're going to have sex or have had sex, please don't snap me pics of your face swapped with a man... I can't handle that thought process ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So that's why he is dead now??? Really FOX?? I would call that completely unrelated... This is why BLM is neccessary","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning desde tampa, fl !! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #consultingjob #training ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i couldn't have said it better myself! friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I loved the House Bunny. And the remembering names voice was funny. My family and I watch Mom it\u2019s great. I\u2019m a recovered addict or moderately recovered if you are one who counts pot lol. It\u2019s a very good show.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Illegals too? #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst God Bless America and @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this is awful! just slap on the face to #americans hey my neighbor black just bought a $700,000 house. we r so\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They ran this commercial during the superbowl and some of you weaklings are still worried about being called a white supremacist fuck lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cuteness overloaded \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c let your life fills with love and sweetness \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #live_long married life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6:00am @user delayed. why is it everyone i fly with you, the planes either delayed or faulty?! #crapservice","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This spic is a TFL---Total Fucking Lowlife","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well said. I get down on myself and tell myself I am a failure then I look aroung me and see how I am truly blessed. GOD has put love around me with my kids and spouse. Now adays how many can say that. Money never makes you happy..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The real issue is sense isn't common ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user god I don\u2019t know how Your didn\u2019t punch Carole at the reunion. She is a smug asshole. I know you are dealing with a lot. I hope you are well. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Nobody will argue that Donald Trump is the fulfillment of Diogenes\u2019 quest, but he questioned the shit, mocked the shit-peddlers, and presented an alternative to shit gone stale\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The enemy within seems greater at this point than compromising sources and methods. It\u2019s the sources and methods we Conservatives are concerned about! #draintheswamp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"maybe fast forward...skip my 2 week holiday...glass or two of red wine and enjoy @user #hurryup ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You\u2019re Yesterday\u2019s #FakeNews trying to make a comeback at the desperation and obstruction of Do Nothing #Liberals & #DemocRats. Who cares what happened when you were a Minor in high school. You\u2019re not the victim here. Just another MeToo sexual misconduct Baiter and Switcher.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This kind of #Goldmenschen #Merkelgeschenke is what we get from saving #refugees from\"drowning in the #ocean\"(while actually polluting the #oceans A LOT BTW). What does it take to make the #westernworld WAKE UP&SEND THEM BACK HOME? #Refugeesnotwelcome #MerkelMussWeg #GRENZENDICHT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I don't care even if you cook those illegals for breakfast #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #IllegalAliens #NoDACA #MAGA #Trump2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sunday run \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6 #sunday #run #sun #instagood #spoime #lac #spo #sky #goodvibes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rooting for #swe at #euro2016 !!! my country of bih!!! but aside from wanting them to win it, i would love to see #fra win it!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a great pay@user and a great host ambassador@user @user is magic!#staups #gratitude ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Irish and UK governments, why not, as in most matters, follow the US example, then you can reduce taxation on the indigenous populace and have no difficulty being re-elected, even TMay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me too Along with A to Z quotes And Pinterest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when in doubt... #vitaminsea #sea #instagood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user My therapist had a baby in August so been seeing a sub. She is very good at it but my real therapist is wonderful. Has helped me so much ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my instagram basically consists of lots of dog pictures and selfies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for proving my point. You are foulmouthed trash ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fantastic day with @user and @user out of bridlington. apologies for commentary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is why i cant fucking stand what they have done to pride. NO! This is not fucking ok you sick fucks. Goddamn leftard jackasses should all be locked up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil not all muslims are islamic extremists (very, very few are). #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thanks and you are a good looking young man and hopefully will find yourself a loving beautiful young man to love and love you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wound up watching all of #WrestleMania today, including the pre-show (Was gonna split it up, but didn't). Kind of a mixed bag overall. Styles\/Nakamura was great & Ronda's match was much better than I was expecting. On the other hand, Asuka losing was a HUGE mistake & Reigns losing was just delaying the inevitable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bro go watch how he hold his backwood in the interview like that shit was irritating lmao nigga is mad suspicious","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Excommunicate the guy. That\u2019ll teach \u2018Em.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just bought: 'funko pop! tv: once upon a time - regina' by funko via @user #reginamills ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that's just a simple Clintonism: \"depends on what guarantees\" means","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did you vote for this animal #trump's america: no fat chicks @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Armageddon' -- after about about 2 minutes I'm rooting for the asteroid.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so sorry ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What the hell are you talking about? The only threats are coming from gun control nuts made against her kids. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWhere they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hardcore girls videos birday sex xxx ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Great. Here\u2019s how today has gone: Floris wanted to spank me. Leah wanted to stab me. Curtis won\u2019t back me up. Adam still looks great at 67 or however old as fuck he is... KL has a bigger dick than me but she\u2019s a she...he\ud83e\udd14...she?!? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"50%#islamic-info 25%#cricket 10%#all-type-spos 10% -poetry 3%#world-news 2%#add ye saholat sirf ramzan main hoga follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And shit like this is why no real research gets done on us. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'why does it so often seem to be the very people standing so visibly against prejudice who so often appear to feel obligated to denounce humanity itself?' - Jordan Peterson","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user So all ddsl clubs reinvest the money and don\u2019t buy houses and cars from the money they make? Actually not sure if you are serious. 100 kids go over every year that\u2019s a lot money. You think the ddsl reinvest that\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The fuck! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i'm confused.shouldn't everyone be protected against hate crime.isn't it a basic human right to be protected. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Buy one ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You do scare all Americans with ur fake democratic platform. It\u2019s mainly ur corrupt GOP ethics that are the problem. GOP is ok with supporting pedofiles treason & voter suppression. Dems actually want improved health care for all sensible gun control & to help the little guy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you slow the video down you can see the problem..... Yep she's a woman #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That's ok antifa terrorists don't have intelligent conversations any way. Keep your head in that safe space. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good afternoon sweety! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 send me letter \u00e2\u0099\u008b\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Utter Hypocrisy And Stupidity Of The Illegal Immigrant Parent-Child Separation Debate It is what leftists do.Slow down Trump by any means... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Call me stupid or whatever, but I had no idea they survived. So there is a 'gas attack' and it's military-grade, and yet everyone survives just fine and the pets die of neglect because the owners can't get home to take care of them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When all your friends are good people and you wonder why they like you for the piece of shit you are... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .The enemy is attacking at our Southern border using a \"Death by a thousand cuts\" invasion maneuver.#BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I just said that very same thing. That Christians\" create a life\/death for Dr. Ford or Stormy Daniels who tell their stories, but I don't see (not counting Antifa) that happening from us to them. It's so weird. Not very Christ-like of them, at the least of it, and so vile, etc\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Love on my new ones and the @user remix been Wiked. In all fairness how can you not skank to these???!!!@dom877 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In NY? Check out Immigrant Arts Coalition Summit @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hollywood is packed with pedophiles","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lets Release the Stats of Americans Killed by Illegals and the Number of Illegals on Welfare Because that Matters! Liberals Didnt Complain when Obama Separated Kids @user #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #BlacksForTrump #Trump #MAGA #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lots of events coming up next week. Sign up to take action! On Aug 15th call Governor Wolf and demand he take action to protect immigrant families. Stop being complicit with Trump\/ICE. Governor Tom Wolf... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is not ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Your husband is a despicable person. He is a narcissist who cares about no one - including you- but himself.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@NYRKelsMads \nDat damn dog eats betta den most colored folk do.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just read a report about two male homosexuals adopting a young girl. That little girl will never know the tender comfort and feminine love of a mother. Parent teachers nights to introduce her two dads. Run in and get into bed with dad and dad! And people are trying to tell me this is ok! Maybe it\u2019s me who is not normal!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"me too, we got our 1st TV in 1950.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"requires all adults entering illegally. to be criminally prosecuted. This change means that if a family is apprehended at the border, the children cannot stay with their parents while they await trial because kids are only allowed in immigration detention centers not 2\/4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i cannot allow my folks to cuff no whore , not a good look fuck allat turn a hoe into a house wife shit \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thread by @TheLastRefuge2: \".@ByronYork Your article is false in claiming Ohr 302 info and FBI interview dates surfaced publicly in July. We'the 12 interviews since March 15th. See Page 5, Footnote . scribd.com\/document\/37398\u2026 The thing is... this inf [\u2026]\" https:\/\/threadreaderapp.com\/thread\/1025813372745535490.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NEVER VOTE FOR ANYONE that is governed by Islam","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.\u201d \u2015 Ronald Reagan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#my 2nd born was born on 21 june n his one cute thing actually both of them fathers day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Study: Nearly half of White working-class Americans say that they feel like strangers in our own country: #IllegalImmigration #VisaOverstays #WhiteGenocide #jobs #work #U3 #U6 #AmericaFirst #WhitePeople #HartCellerAct ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER With Democrat's Sociability Quotient it's no wonder Democrats think about Gun Control all the time!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Omg what country were you in?? It wasn\u2019t America. But again you liberals will believe ANYTHING ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK YOU GIVE BACK YA BENEFITS YA SQUIRTER Superannuation benefits for senators and members https:\/\/www.aph.gov.au\/about_parliament\/parliamentary_departments\/parliamentary_library\/pubs\/bn\/1011\/superannuationbenefits","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1 Year Ago Today Cherry Oakwood Radio Hostess went Home to be with God. She is\u2026 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN Blackmail","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What the fuck Richard you can just shove my milkey seeds into your hole @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So what ur saying is that it is in fact chicken shit and you are eating chicken shit URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is coming to PurpleUmpkin where he becomes one of the Murples. I will send him a ticket to travel. God speed!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when a #facemask can run you the risk of looking unintentionally . :\/ @ moredun, edinburgh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Laying in my bed telling me not to suck your cock cause it smelled... we know why.. it was up some skanks arse before you came to mine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Monkeys have been used for centuries to dehumanize black people but none of that has anything to do with the 5th largest economy in the world and a 9 billion surplus. Everything else you are saying is nonsense. Againtske your L and leave ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@FreedomWorks Yep, #ChinaBiden... needs more #ChinaMoney to line those pockets before he retires! #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not sure. Just woke up wanting to fuck some chuds up Might be the antifa super soldier serum or something idk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And this traitor thinks he is? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user .you're talking about obama ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love every moment. #marriage #dateyourspouse","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hillaryous lmao waa boo hoo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I deleted my opening tweet about this because you know, be a good woman, keep quiet, mustn't be 'hysterical' or 'make a fuss' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm not surprised the last time women spoke abt their experiences of being abused he also tried his 'not all men' bullshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2pac had a huge impact in my life. #music #love #beautiful #followforfollow #likeforlike\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is doing a crap job of running this country and that idiot can\u2019t supply the country with an alternative opposition as long as he is running the Labour Party","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#yesterday #friday having a #big #tasty #yummy #delicious #lolipop a @user in\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LOST PEOPLE ! YOU ARE IN TROUBLE !\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/iG69Wn-Wv5Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes ..shit just move with the wind \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02she just keep blessing us \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude29\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning! #gay #morning #selfie #gaylad #bed #single #tired #follow #brit #manchester ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That look on your face when you accuse your ex husband of threatening you for Trump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I mean\u2026people on the #altright say the same stuff in terms of rhetoric. \"Muh day of the rope!\" \"Free helicopter rides!\", etc. etc..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Something don\u2019t seem right about this all year long massive shootings and talk about gun control makes me think the government is behind this crap ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think rigged elections and corrupt politicians are to blame for both of these fuckstains!! There is no fucking way that barrack Hussein obama was elected twice and no one in their right fucking mind would vote for screwdeau!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You have to understand that not all men were raised the right way and you have to protect you\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user tell that jeffery beauregard @user to quit foolin' around and come pick up his hood & sheets for saturda\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"staing the new job tomorrow so should be able to get a set stream schedule together in the next few days ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what an appalling week. first christina and then the orlando tragedy. #inmythoughts #nowords #greatloss #humansgetyourshittogether.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user . guy sure is a big fat orange hypocrite.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I was actually thinking you were joining antifa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user meet the brewer\/tap takeover june 9th. daily beer reveal number 3: human cannonball. #beer htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No no no!!! Somethings need to always be light and innocent and shiney!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"worship has been hard to get into this year at camp. the tech pa of me has gone crazy because it has been distracting\/borderline bad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He has plenty of spine for a Democrat bastard.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user My fiancee is in Italy right now visiting family. She told me that she feels heartbroken and very uncomfortable because of the immigrants. They stare at all the women there like they want to hurt them and they Italian military is everywhere. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Maybe he get his wall - wonderful to stop refugees from South. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think Sen. Whitehouse was behind the call that came to his office. He's scared that he might not be reelected. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is! \ud83d\udca5 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" video men and women malay hot super sexy girls","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CareBearz ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you gotta rape a female to get pussy you really should just die ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"malia shake that ass! you so fine!.....pass the blunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God help us. the woman cant even get coherent sentence out of her mouth.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Watched the press conf with Trump and heard him say how much we will make when Poland pays us to put in a military base. He is a dottering demented fool who really believes that his goal is for America to make money. You hear it in all he says. This isn\u2019t a hotel. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So you\u2019re saying THIS official is suppose to go back and recall every other violation that was let go and than rule? Silly ass argument. She was out of line he called it. That\u2019s like saying billy Martin didn\u2019t get thrown out in 1975 so how can buck showalter get thrown out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mi casa, su casa my house is a #HOE house!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Refugee Survival Trust's new bus pass scheme for pregnant asylum seekers and new mothers is a lifeline for those cannot afford to buy their own tickets! Please help out our fundraiser if you can \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#scotland #refugee #ThursdayThought #charity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheAviator1992 VOTED ALREADY!!!![NEWLINE]Thank you Joe and Kamala!!![NEWLINE]Help us get back on track!!![NEWLINE]#Biden2020 [NEWLINE]#Biden [NEWLINE]#BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A mood. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Why do white liberals imagine white people have some power? White people have been trained for generations not be racially aware. White liberals are the most anti-white racists I know. What power do you imagine white people have that other people do not?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rights violation. Intimidation at the polls. Arrest them all. #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/dIxfAzoTeP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user When you sleep in the night and there's a hole in the bottom and you don't notice it you're most likely going to drown. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just vote for god sake and move on. It be a non issue in 3 months. Do not allow libtards to veer you into the trap. Harden the fuck up and let\u2019s go! Seriously #Kavanagh #scotus #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So sister fucker...name one single thing Obama said that was inappropriate? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals: The FBI can investigate if you ask. Also Liberals: Can you believe Trump ordered an investigation of a private citizen??? He's a dictator!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bye! Get the fuck out! GO! GO!!! Bye Felicia with your stupid sharia-loving ass!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#SendThemBack #AgainstShariaLaw #BuildTheDamnWall #Chemitz #Brexit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am anti-Nazi since Hitler came to our land as someone who seeked conquest but yes, for many communism was worse than Nazism, although these divisions were allied with Nazi Germany due to circumstances. Most of them planned to rebel against Hitler once Stalin was defeated. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iAmBitchassness: I'm not telling you to like Al Green or Otis Redding! Stop missing the point. Just don't call them trash & tell me you…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And the liberals wonder why we don't want transgenders in our bathrooms? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when that sigh turns into a light as a feather moment #powerofforgiveness\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Well i was born in \u201c69\u201d Dude!! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Parsons trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BOYCOTT THE ANTI AMERICAN NFL. Football ain't all that anyway.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"christina grimmie's last performance before being shot... via @user #christinarip #voice #christinagrimmie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Free Speech Systems LLC' aka 'InfoWars' is linked to a Foreign Intel Agency or other Non_Domestic entity? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" couple having sex futrama sex ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I divorced my liberal wife. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"but why do bad built\/ugly hoes have the most shit to talk. like it irritates tf outta me, if you don't sit yo ugly ass down somewhere bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That's ok antifa terrorists don't have intelligent conversations any way. Keep your head in that safe space. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I ain\u2019t fucking w\/u today lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Guess that's why she's settled for being the gag-inducing spokesperson of the commercialized conservatives. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jeremy \"for the many not the Jew\" Corbyn calling for investigation into \"islamophobia\" in the UK Conservative party - what a fucking joke! Bloody hypocrite!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thinking of all the lovely hats which have gone off to ascot this week - enjoy ladies! #aroundhampshire ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Caveat: you must be a Muslim woman to avoid abuse, otherwise you are a permitted target of rape ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You ain't a real bitch unless you suckin dick , stfu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anyone else excited for college football?Throwback to the best game I ever played in (Yep, I was in the Marching Band)! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dgQjW4B_5c8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Manitoba - #NDP leader Wab Kinew on the #carbontax URL Are you proud of yourselves @USER and @USER You allow the NDP to come at you from the right? You're all as insane as the #Trudeau #Liberals #Winnipeg #Canada #MBpoli","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I think he is racist out of touch with reality he treats the presidency like a reality show we\u2019re he is starring he has no empathy he is suffering from narcissism he has an in ability to tell the truth he may be mentally incapable of being the President of our Country URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER fox could have sash DI'd tho","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user alright @user - it's your turn tomorrow! let's do this!!! #compete #goblue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watching @user in kefalonia with @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Revenant0202: Seriously, Florida. A vote for Charlie Christ is a vote for taxes and ebola.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user that's how you got in . by being an australian doing shitty things . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Homes use to look beautiful and full of effort now they are just mass produced to fit the third world \"immigrants\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"because you're a racist? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Youth care worker charged with molesting 8 immigrant boys at Arizona shelter via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user typical city fan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bullshit!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals don't give a rats ass but having power!! Period!! They cry over everything that doesn't go their way ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A good person turns people in doing crimes. To say Satan made them do it is unthinkable. Satan wouldn't turn the child abusers in. What is this progressive pope thinking?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seth Rich Investigator Shot Twice In The Back And Run Over By A Car! Thi... https:\/\/youtu.be\/lixVG7Gnz5o\u00a0 #SethRich #SethRichMurder #DNC #Wikileaks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Then why the fuck did they elect him","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So funny how the liberals can see this in others but not in themselves!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"India is run by corrupt, incompetent and Constitutionally Certified Congenitally Backwards promoted for their criminal files by the Khangress while Modi Sarkar https:\/\/www.dailyo.in\/politics\/diplomacy-government-lok-sabha-polls-2019-bjp-congress-narendra-modi\/story\/1\/21577.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user A clear majority of conservatives approve of Trump and the GOP. Don\u2019t be stupid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You say you're part of the resistance so I'm fairly certain you are pro-gun control. My question to you is...Why would you want a government headed by this so called dictator\"\" to enact stricter gun control? I don't think that's an argument that'll get you very far.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Youtube using SPLC as its thought police https:\/\/twitter.com\/peterjhasson\/status\/9686617397... Come to terms with the stakes of the current maoist spiralling yet?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol spongebob #love #instagood #photooftheday #tbt #cute #me #beautiful #followme #follow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The American people are going to vote RED on November to save our country from the UNAMERICAN Dems & liberals!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can't agree with this one, we already have plenty of land that's been cleared and uncleared land tends to be poor soil anyway. The environmental protection laws in NSW are practically non existent. land clearing is more likely to lead to salinity problems and erosion. it's usually the worst farmers that complain the most.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Ratings for the #NFLKickoff were as flat as #TomBrady's Balls!Help #BuildThatWall!Support our efforts!Order Bricks @ now to avoid the Christmas Rush! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #father's #day!! wishing all #dads a very fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is too cute not to share. #regram @user from #dance #frenchbully #saturday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the first step to happiness is noticing it. \u00e2\u009c\u0094\u00ef\u00b8\u008f to do: notice, at least once this #weekend, when you are ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Somebody's terrified. What will happen when the #American public knows the #truth about what you've been doing? #DrainTheDeepState #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"up, up, up!!! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #baby #mylove #morning #picoftheday #enjoy #instagood #instanice #nice \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"friend has just had a new washing machine delivered. we're hugely excited by all the buttons & beeps. we are officially & #middleaged","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Join us tomorrow for a day of celebrations honoring Chicago's growing refugee community. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Beautiful and sexy.. \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pres. Duterte ordered ban on #deployment following #Filipino worker was found dead in a freezer in apartment in #Kuwait @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would do Huma before she goes to jail. Where do you think her defense from is coming from ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ehh_DontTouchMe @kourtj3000 @bria_leeandrea thats ghetto..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She IS! One of my favourites. Brilliant. Her short stories wonderful too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Feel free to use it. Because unlike your ilk, we do not scream #literalviolence or use dramatic phrases like you are denying my right to exist wahh\"\". Women like us can take your silliness without crying. Knock yourself out :)\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user >YET 'AGAIN'THE ONLY 'THING' THAT SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' BRING TO 'THE RIGHTEOUS WESTERN WORLD' IS '#Terrorism' AND 'SEXUAL CRIMINALITY'THE 'TRUE #German PEOPLE' KNOW 'THIS'NOW 'THEY' ARE TELLING THE '#FakeNews #Politicians' TOO#Kothen #Germany #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good Democracy is overrated. Read Hans Hermann Hoppe- Democracy: The God that Failed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user What you're doing is so irresponsible & I believe that ur smart enough to understand how evil you are. If the FBI or JD had some plot to thwart DT, all they had to do was leak\"\" to the press that he was being investigated. They DID NO SUCH THING. U know you're wrong, that's evil!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user A law broken is still a law, family or not #sendthemback!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In the same year mass immigration was started by the then Labour govt. Every government since has carried it on, and it still carries on. Not a thing we can do. Voting doesn't change things as we are governed by the EU.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You was a hoe in high school now you a hoe in college congrats lul bitty bitch \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"morning \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f who's excited for a shopping day? \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#abstractaist polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold plac ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude0f Can\u2019t take the heat...don\u2019t start a fire.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heard that's ur bitch but that lil whore a bopper \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's a reason we call it Cuck Island ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#horsepower bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when y ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"listening to paramore makes me really happy #paramore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heil Hitler. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is so sad... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some woman just flipped me off for joining a round about 100 yards in front of her. mad cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Syria False Flag, Pee Tape, Sex Ed Sit Out & Astral Attachments ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You said that conservatives who passionately complained about deficits are now driving this speeding dump truck\". Now suddenly \"R's\" are the subject? That's what I thought. Conservatives were complaining about the \"Rs\" as well\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And fugly as a barrel of assholes....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MEDIA Announcement: I will be live on Facebook with @KevinJJohnston\u200d of www.freedomreport.ca Thurs. Feb 1, 9AM E\/4PM Israel time from #Jerusalem.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thx your vile RACIST askeNAZI JEWS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When Israel is destroyed, the entire world will celebrate. 90% of the wars will pretty much just end. No one needs, wants, or likes jews anymore. They suck shit and are nothing but problems.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just more money we have to spend on these degenerate abominations. Let nature take it's course. https:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/health\/health-news\/study-finds-health-risks-transgender-women-hormone-therapy-n890031","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How about holder uses a gag to shut himself up? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If your in a good relationship, it's probably cause you're both ugly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Rubberbandits: Yanks have a cocktail called an \"Irish car bomb\", but if you stuck two flakes in an ice cream cone and called it a 9\/11 …","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When she's being a snotty little brat so you hit with the 'I mean we can go' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Asian girls have sideways vaginas #Fact ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Things you can do when you live near an active volcano: Toast marshmallows over flowing lava. Without a flash you couldn't see the people; with a flash you can't see how much the lava is really glowing. (This was a different flow 5 years ago, not the current one in Leilani.)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Kamala Harris is rapidly gaining a reputation as the most dishonest senator","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER John. You are winning them over one by one. Be patient.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Liberals backed by the NDP corrupted Ontario's taxpayers with hedgefunders in Ontario and the USA. This is just the beginning of a process to expose these crimes and more is on the way. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is a liar and probably on Soros payroll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why? Why are liberals so trashy?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a beautiful soul! put a smile on her face and send a card! \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Facebook's new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups - Fox News #facebook is nothing but #drama ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well done \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Even Kavanaugh said Roe v Wade is a settled law. She is spewing a narrative that does not exist. Trump also said the same. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EVEN BUSINESS INSIDER NOW ECHOES MY PRIOR DACA PREDICTION ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That's because you liberals have no morals anything goes with your kind drugs sex child endangerment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You need to tell this to #ElinErsson who is busy protesting the deportation of Afghans out of Sweden. These SJW never protest the invasions into Middle East, yet they want to bring all the \"refugees\" in. Something seriously wrong in their ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope she finds me also.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump\u2019s Lies Have Grown Far More Frequent\u2014and More Dangerous \u2013 Mother Jones Truth decay\"\"... #maga. We're doomed.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The democrats are becoming more despicable by the day! There is no bottom to their vitriol and lies\" barrel. Why liberals go along with this makes no sense.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TWITTER ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is among friends...IRA friends. A terrorist loves a terrorist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trump #Trump2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #MAGA2020 @RealJamesWoods @BreitbartNews @dbongino @seanhannity @catturd2 @TrumpWarRoom #DEMS WILL CHEAT,LIE,STEAL2 WIN THIS ELECTION@ANY COST! NEED 100-300K LAWYERS 2 B PRESENT AT BALLOTS SENT in BY MAIL! Fraud,Fraud w\/b[NEWLINE]RAMPANT!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wth? That is NOT POTUS!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user this bitch nigga ain't even got the gal to @ me tryna get brian daddy dick actin like a\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Exterminate this vile Islamic vermin... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She should be fired and arrested. Clearly she is using drugs on the job.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I think she is a hypocrite and loyal to the evil GOP. Vote her out.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today was my last day of jsms middle school, and i have a bitter sweet feeling of leaving. happy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ExposeTheTruth Ask: What liberal policies EVER QUANTIFIABLY IMPROVED YOUR LIFE? Libs make BIG promises + warn doom re conservatives...none come\/true. No lib agenda but neg\/hate. Why use fear? How help you? USA doing GREAT. THAT helps! Vote FOR YOUR\/FAMILY LIFE FOR GOOD! #CCOT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Things had Become Easy For Liberals During The Obama Administration (Liberals are Screaming: DAMN TRUTH I mean TRUMP)!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m alright with this. If someone is dumb enough to try this then they deserve what ever they get. I can\u2019t wait to hear about the first AntiFa idiot to get blown away after they tried to steal a gun from someone in a stand your ground state \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">Tfw She is a lesbian ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A college professor in Washington figured how much \"owed in reparations\"plus interest-they go through that much in welfare alone in 2 years","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Army of god?????? You have no concept of who God is. You are army of hate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wasn't the organizer of the rally that killed someone it was someone that showed up just like the people that show up to antifa and black lives matter rallies cause violence and rioting everywhere they go","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I toughed it out with muesli, and postponed until today. It's all good.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so sad that any group feels they need to \"hide their love away\" due to fear of backlash. #wrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh fuck this is me. I am a tmi queen on some things because it controls the conversation subtly but god help you if you comment in my habits or decisions I swear to god ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user had to screenshot & share these snaps from @user it's an impoant message. #colourism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I do not believe Erick Erickson exists. I do believe he is a Democrat PR firm creating a \u201cRepublican\u201d persona to have it say idiotic things to discredit conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Everyone has a life story - that is no excuse for being aggressive. If anyone is to blame it is the producer for inviting KW onto the show. She is clearly not well & shouldn\u2019t have been put in a position where that could happen. Her management should not have allowed it either! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the \"NRA Sells Guns\"... then the ASPCA \"Sells Puppies\"!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is ridiculous.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user by which point the fuckingclass was nearly over... lol! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER More fear tactics to make people attack her. It\u2019s bullshit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just censored the @user #Qanon merchandise. Really Zazzle? Meanwhile communism and Antifa merch are allowed on your site. The constitution of the USA means nothing to you? Well done. @user time to take our merch elsewhere. #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"<God's chosen leader\"\" my ass! Fuck Christian conservatives!!!> Baptist pastor Brian Kaylor claims Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies to defend \u201cGod\u2019s chosen leader\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"loading the car, heading out the door. #phx #salesforcesaturday is staing soon! join us!! #keeponlearning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Sargonofakkad100 Red Pill Black or Tree of Logic? https:\/\/theattestor.com\/2017\/10\/30\/red-pill-black-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"obama signed an eo in 2012 pretty much saying the same thing, still here we are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what makes you ? do you make time for it? #thrive ht @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.InternetBusinessSolutions.com - This site had the information I was looking for. #ibs #internet_business_solutions","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shouldn't pussy grabbing @USER be the one wearing the gloves while handling food? #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I need a nap. These people \ud83d\ude1e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because only the unhinged liberals that are scared they won't be able to murder their babies are demanding this. The other normal rational people with common sense can see this is just a fake accusation to stall. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I hope you are being sarcastic... she acted like a spoiled brat.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien With Long Criminal Record Murdered Man In North Carolina via @user #EnforceUSLaws#EndDaca #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user we need to \u00e2\u009c\u008b these universities from indoctrinating our children turning them to #idiots & #snowflakes & ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"almost as as dad #5wordtrumplethinskin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"- Man of Steel: Ok - Batman v Superman: Ok - Suicide Squad: Boring - Justice League: Bad \ud83d\ude14 \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f Reboot. Keep Wonder Woman as she is. Do something with time travel or altered timelines or something.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wouldn't it be awful if it suffered the same fate as that other piece of publicly funded globalist \"art\", a \"remembrance wall\" for rapefugee invaders in Liverpool. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks @user staing to prepare for the semifinals #voom \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d #staup #geohitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user IDS the man who smirks at his own policies and implications on his own people y wont he admit its migration that fuels this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER fuck im wired","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#shopnow #highwaypay #bihday #tupac #tupac #shakur #joyent #via #latino #voices more >> ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So has the Law changed...you just make an allegation now days and your guilty until proven innocent. Liberals are mentally ill!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch I used sunscreen the whole day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.wowgreatgifts.com\/collections\/children-retail-1 - This online site is a must-see for all types of moms, fathers, grannies and grandfathers! They have ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Glad to see still pushing the idea that the girl wasn't a rape victim. Always encouraging t\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@GovMikeHuckabee @foxandfriends @FoxNews @willcain @PeteHegseth @JedediahBila @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden and his bitch Kamala Harris are bad for America and the World! Recount the 2020 votes by hand under court supervision!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and don't forget, that per megyn kelly of #fauxnews, jesus & santa are also white. #religion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I look forward to the next Prime Minister of Canada.\u00a0 Dr. Peterson will be extraordinary!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day to all people who treasure the daddy's love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because they are crates by the liberals to save ANY kind of influence... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"remember it\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008d #lost #empire #dreams #success #goals #aim #world #believeinyou #neverstop\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so proud to have a mayor like @user who isnt afraid to speak the truth..and yes he is completely right\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If your girlfriend doesn't like that bitch, you don't talk to that bitch. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are so correct the Democratic party for slavery and pro-nazi gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is mexican a language? dude it's obvious you back trump. he said he loves the uneducated. #bigot #trumpworld","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@johncusack I'm optimistic, but I'm not unclenching my sphincter until the election is called for Biden.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump rally starting right now - Newsmax, OANN, RSBN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@JReebo: Who wants to get there nose in these bad bois then #scally #chav #sockfetish #stinking http:\/\/t.co\/FeQxgN0W6I\" hot sox and legs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Aka you lot can all shut the fuck up and stop blaming her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are so close.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Another typical liberal who espouses gun control but uses hate and bullying.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If anyone would know about hysterical women, it would be you btch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No math, but a lot of train and error experience. Even more impressive!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NBC (Nothing But Criminals) \"News\" Spreads Conspiracy Theory About Secret Trump-Kennedy SCOTUS Deal\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look imma be blunt here: FUCK 'thoughts and prayers' for @SenJohnMcCain. Fuck McCain. He can rot in Hell, which is where he is absofuckinlutely going. Fucking traitor.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Idiots \/ bastards ! I feel so sorry for those children !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/euroservicedenver.com\/service-and-repair-for-bmw-vehicles\/ - Service for BMW Vehicles","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With Attack on Titan finished (until Season 3) what else do I need to catch up on that everyone else has already seen? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can we talk about how he is having the worst year of any player in yankee history? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just look at the ass and keep it moving \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats cut funding. CIA goes around it. That's how it's done. Conservatives\"\" who play by the rules will get fucked up, every time. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You know good and goddamn well that if you tried to explain all the gun control on a military base is proof that gun grabbing laws won't do shit if you look at Fort Hood.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #euro area industrial production data to head noh \u00e2\u0080\u0093 danske bank #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the console war isn't real, console choices do! #perplexing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 restaurant diners fatally shot in Corpus Christi with .357 Ruger Blackhawk revolver. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"back again @user tonight to celebrate alexas 50th \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Colorado must be using Sweden as a role-model","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I say grab him. What a difference maker. He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke. Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over. Don\u2019t know the whole story why Browns would release him. But he is a legit number one WR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think she needs less food","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"exciting times ahead!! #greatplacetowork #nextchapter #roydsllp #withking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But couldn\u2019t take care of Racism that was created during his presidency... never heard the words Equality come out of his mouth. We are a melting pot!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So pointing a toy gun at armed police is part of the libs gun control strategy?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rich as my bitch on the side hoe I got more than you know, HOE I GOT.! Look watch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sharyl Attkisson hits Bill Kristol over the head with the cold, hard truth on immigration Thanks Sharyl ! In the past immigrants were CHOSEN by gov. open borders & no 3rd world trash..Bill is a clueless careless twit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"60% of muslims worldwide are illiterate. They cannot read the quran or anything else.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sounds like some white guy dodged a bullet with that one!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is both evil and delusional. He eats those high quality paint chips. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GG Britain, With Pettibone and Southern, you've lost truth, with Dankula, you've lost your mind, with T.May you've lost your freedom.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In modern life, #sleep is becoming an increasing issue. So, to support you and your healthy nights rest, we have some #TopTips to aid a restful night: #ThursdayThoughts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Any time liberals think their going to get a win they tune into their head cheerleader. Then they realize the latest bombshell is once again nothing and go back to their miserable existence eating chunky monkey (not racist) and watching Netflix ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user USA media probably still thinks this is about women and children \u201crefugees\u201d as opposed to the reality of aggressive male migrants from violent regions. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitter Hillary fantasizes about \u2018alternative reality\u2019 where she\u2019s president https:\/\/www.prisonplanet.com\/bitter-hillary-fantasizes-about-alternative-reality-where-shes-president.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm confident cause I've earned the right to be, don't confuse that with arrogance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user needs to STFU ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The ONLY strong and clear message coming from the American 'intelligence' community, which @CBS (emphasis on BS) won't cover is 'we are a rogue state within a state and elected American officials can't reign us in'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#MetalMonday Time for a classic... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uIXV0cir4-E","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you\u2019re referring to Youcis, you\u2019re not the only one viscerally repulsed by her \u2018art.\u2019 Apparently she\u2019s a mischling raised by a single parent, which has me wondering about the biosocial aspects of inherited degeneracy. Really gross stuff. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck off, @KenYounos Stop trolling reasonable, intelligent people to try to silence them. Truth knows no idiocy - fuck off.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cologne is the reason for no more Immigration then stopping them at the channel tunnel where they riot and are violent proves the point ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are reciting conspiracy theories now. Have fun with that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this game is going to be epic!! #zelda #e32016 #gamer #nerd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Notice how angry the #MAGA bots are after losing out on a vote this Thursday. Hey #MAGA bots. Would you like some cheese with your whine. LOL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at the movies! fun! #marriedlife #hubbinsinthewild #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#shoutout to rob and kathy in #keywest #fl #anniversary #cheers!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can not contain my excitement for orange is the new black today! #oitnb #girlpower #waitedforever #favorite ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTIFA in Canada demand to be let into a government meeting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone needs to see this... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=16&...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user It's already legalized killing of babies and liberals are afraid of Trumps supreme court picks taking it away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And you voted for Killary the Skank ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Clerk Magistrate of Eviction court gave me until coming Tuesday\u00a0 5\/1 to come up with the rest of $1785.Was able to pay $685 off but I still owe $965\u00a0 No Not lazy!! (I have medical issues)I was also laid off from work and I'm fighting to get my unemployment approved 1785 is the agreement to get on a payment plan to avoid the Eviction.\u00a0#Gab\u00a0\u00a0paypal.me\/APerrone429","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If I ever met this woman I can guarantee you I would want to just slap the shit out of her. She is a total disgrace !! Dumber than a box of rocks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".If hate speech\" were against the law, all of Main Stream Media would need to be locked up because they do it daily, and so do Democrats, liberals, progressives. Look at the \"marches\" and their signs & their \"speeches\", the very definition of hate speech. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWhen the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence.\u201d \u2015 Gary Lloyd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And this from the clown that should be in prison?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER what a baby! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i don't know what the point in twitter is i'm just talking to myself because no one even likes or retweets my tweets ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DREAMER' Sodomized Multiple Boys, Between The Ages 7 and 9 via @user #DeathPenalty is too good for this dispicable creature.#BuildTheWall #EndDACA What about the dreams this POS Stole from these children?I hope you burn in pits of hell! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't miss #DeathofANation while it's on the big screens...A courageous, eye-opening expos\u00e9 of the truth about leftwing fascism, and tactics of the liberals - it took a LEGAL grateful, intelligent immigrant to recognize and uncover the truth Thanks @user !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JUST DO IT: Alec Baldwin Says We need to overthrow the government.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Try it again. It should work now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Democrats leadership has been silent about violence on Republicans for a reason. This explains why their response to antifa was encouraging them!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are insinuating that the rape victim is not credible because polygraphs are not admissible in court.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@davidaxelrod @realDonaldTrump Trump, as bad as he is, is the proverbial \"icing on the cake\" as it were insofar as dragging the Party down. The GOP has been in a death spiral for a couple decades now by pursuing short term gains and ignoring the long-term evolution of the socio-political landscape.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is no doubt the greatest female athlete but a sore loser imo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You mean that he's a high ranking Democrat?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#kimble is so for the #weekend \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc puppy #wagtail #tgif ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @kpolantz: DRAMA among Paul Manafort's jury almost led to a mistrial, according to newly unsealed transcripts from the trial. https:\/\/t.co\/4EmZr90vZE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when your plans sta coming to life \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ad @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NYC housing projects &; #PanAfrica men employment in #NYC service industry actually makes women who arent #SuburbanWhitemale 4 race mix- ho ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love this #tshi #pokemon #nintendoe3 #e32016 for #men and #women #hypebeast #youthday2016 #thursdaythoughts #gift ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When I come across random men's accounts that have me blocked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so is it offical that #jews are officially in the eyes of the #libtard masses? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Non-profit founded by Democrat paid $200k to get victims of sexual misconduct by Trump to go public: http:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/article\/2644683 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so and #proud to see @user in @user new brochure @user #113days #makingmemories @user #watford <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 2016 is still alive ! black man is forced into coffin by white south africans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is starting to tweet nonsense like Mango Mussolini","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ever notice how the Liberals kick the can down the road to when they won\u2019t be in power? Where was this the last 4 years?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The allied forces in WWII raped German women and children by the 10's of 1000's.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"black men and black women with stockholm syndrome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This game sucks donkey balls","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dis bitch had the nerve to tell me im not from a hood. Bitch stfu ill spit on u hoe u dont know me...so mind ya business and worry bout yo child instead of me...dickriding ass girl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They don't give a cr-- about their own people.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder will be held accountable. He is pointing the finger away from the crime. Time is not on your side Eric. Looking forward to the collapse of your scandalous time ruining America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Canada -Guilty - Human Rights Crimes Against Female Moslem Immigrant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jervea ass bout to really come up missing stupid hoe got me sick \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is awful!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I LOVE YO CUTE ASS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so i got a job @user and i showed up and they told me they would call me the next day instead and never did\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 how unprofessional! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If the truth be known if it was Christian refugees it would not be a problem haven't seen a Christian refugee shoot or kill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This picture best describes my maturity level ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"underneath it all i\u2019m held captive by the hole inside i\u2019ve been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Have you ever seen ANTIFA burning college campuses and trashing them any time a conservative comes to speak ? Educate yourself please !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER does not possess the wisdom to pass judgment on a honest man like Judge Kavanaugh. She has flawed and suspect judgment as manifested in her ill-advised years long affair with the likes of Mayor Willie Brown. She launched her career on her back. She is trashy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sad is the night of tears where darkness hides the arms of the innocence are we so afraid to say no to migration ransomed noway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talking Channel Awesome, doxings, the Youtube shooter, and more. If it's Saturday night it's time for Bechtloff. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=6GFsySjX38A","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Bambi Molesters - Bikini Machines ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- sirf ashiq log follow karen #iqbal #galib #wasi #faraz #mohsin ki full poetry + #no add + follow @user + @user + f @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil we should not conflate islamic extremism with terrorism #emiratis #2016in4\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is a blight on womanhood. Grow up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dick Durbin figures if he lies often enough people will start to believe him. Right out of leftist dictatorship playbook. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ITALY's NEW GOVERNMENT: Making good on its promise to rid the country of illegal Muslim migrants via @user Welcome to reality and a possible new Italy... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm +14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"$750 divided by 52 weeks in a year is about $14 per week.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#RemoveTrumpNow [NEWLINE]#trumpTaxReturns [NEWLINE]#Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Kstar__: Told you RT @Astronaut_Tone: Artprize is more than trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"memphis black men are targeted for murder by black men (and a few others). #100 @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are a whore anyways, so don't complain bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Can we all stop pretending that the Catholic Church is not the seat of Satan on earth? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trouble with being Vicars daughters you get the sermon on the Mount the amount of rubbish immigration excuses the sermon no 1 want ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I too was wondering if that one was a suicided suicide....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey Bitch stop quoting Jimmy Tatro you fake ass bitch hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I got to get the trash out and make breakfast for the Frau and start laundry so y'all be good till I get back. Cracker Out!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What funds the illegal\/dem machine? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Before bed I wanna give a shout out to the skank at #MescalColorado Yeah you could have approached me and told... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user sta again !! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 hurry up the 21st \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0088 #pllseason7 . @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mt Washington Hotel\/Resort in New Hampshire.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As well he should! These people are the DREGS OF SOCIETY - NOT THE PRESIDENT'S SUPPORTERS! At least we didn't try to stage a coup d'etat! #QAnons #GreatAwakeningWorldwide #JoeBiden #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pnpcbc #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ontpoli #alpoli More to Join #Conservatives URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Back off or I'll.....I'll..... I'll smoke something! I mean it!!\" Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bath house Barry needs to move back to Kenya immediately!!! #nigger","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nice DP Ram sir.......None other than you is the best brand ambassador of New shining TELANGANA....jai Telangana - from. Sameer Nawaz. (Jubilee hills Constituency, Hyderabad) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Let's see... Rape woman then kick the dog. This fat pig needs to be neutered & hung in the public squ\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"our baby was due in six months. then my girlfriend said she'd met another man beautifully written ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch I never cuffed yo rat ass you was just one of my freak hoes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals will blame the NRA before they blame the lunatic that ended the life of 3 innocent individuals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Aliens Rack Up 28 Charges Of Child Rape\/Child Sexual Assault In NC In January Alone via @user is outrageous!What is going on in NC?Why are the citizens allowing this depravity?#BanSanctuaryCities#DeportThemAll #DeathPenalty#ChildRape ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When bae gives you a warm welcome home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am ready.#i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Conservatives keep telling us how a few million immigrants are ruining the economy. How would multiplying those numbers several times help that?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user loving #yrkkh frm the bottom of my hea frm the day it stared.. & what do v get in return.. #uglyspat @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. That looks nothing like George Soros 2. Soros was 9 when WW2 started and 15 when it ended. He wasn\u2019t old enough to serve in the SS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are not going to get it. Grow up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals cannot imagine a circumstance where they are forced to defend themselves or their family from violence. They imagine such an eventuality to be beyond the realm of possibility and they foolishly believe that the police will arrive quickly enough to save them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER You are deplorable despicable disgusting! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Everyone knows Brown is crazy!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a Professional liar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm glad that at least worked. I'm not sure about the phone app I think the other way is working better","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well food poisoning sure will help with that losing weight thing... #sick #lessweightkate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why Doesn't The Left Ever Bring Up The Fact That Trump Had A Black Girlfriend For Over Two Years?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i think bare trees was their best, even if rumors was more popular. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ICYMI ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hey we just want everyone to know that you are for POTUS and \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8! #MAGA!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER we bout to start stepping out lol I ain\u2019t doing another winter with no boo bro. Shit cold .... literally","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch crazy he saying its cool to rape? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So sad. Praying for everybody affected.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But how do you know that the #pedophilia of your father was wicked? Now I can prove it, but can you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ...with his stubby little arm.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This target is ghetto, but whatever","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Sweden #Somalia #IllegalImmigration #BorderSecurityEurope is now seeing a rash of rape, of women being sexually... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If you love our cops so much, why do you make it your life's goal to take away tools they need to stop crime, and put their very lives at risk? Why do you support ANTIFA thugs who assault cops and screech All Cops are Bastards\"?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user So much Corruption in our government many things are swept under the rug, Drain the Swamp! #BlueRipple #KatesWall #OBAMASPYGATE #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HE HAS FUCKING BOAT LOADS OF IT\u00a0 All with Hillary. The Swamp AND These Trump people .. PAGE \/ PAPADOPOLUS \/ MANAFORT \/ GATES Vander Steep . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not a fan of cav's nor warriors,but that was the worst officiating i've seen,great job nba you made it go 7. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#tcot #MAGA Complacency kills. Vote in November ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Violent liberals ANTIFA with their KKK hoods beating up strangers they know nothing about is exactly what comes to mind when dems say they care about anything. Either you care about human life or you have people beat up. My black conservatives friend has been attacked by them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wonder if back room deals are being made to get people off the hook ... Would you rather have a wall or see the people who committed treason charged and punished ? I wonder what is on the bargaining table ? The memo would have been released if it wouldn't serve as a tool for give and take. They will not press charges against redacted information.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As he responds to all three posts. What a faggot. Probabaly young tho. A lot of these guys are 15-22 I would gather. I was a little punk in those years too. My how few years can change a boy into a man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER These guys are only known for diverting topics only. He is a pure sanghi. Let him bark.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are a skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WithMoreThan #USD 60 #billions of #forex #reserves & #big #money FromMore #investing to& #importing from #Vietnam by #allies, MilitaryIntelligence,MilitaryRegions&PublicSecurityOfVietnam #government #interest #nuclear #missiles in #WW3. #buildthatwall #maga #trumptrain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"maria #maria #hair #beauty #instagood #instalike #estonia #streeta #fashiondiaries\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A bitch just be minding her business \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"arrived at wembley! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \/\/HE IS A DETECTIVE SO I MEAN I GUESS THEY COULD WORK TOGETHER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We can do better... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Holocuast was BS. This was real ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s how immature she is not to mention no class at all O!! Not even a dime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Access to Healthcare Improved Infrastructure Green Jobs Less Pollution and poison in waterways Civil Rights Gun Control Birth Control Sounds like a pretty great plan to ME! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #blogger #google ka woh baccha hai...that google doesn't appreciate. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Stabbed Woman To Death At Horse Track @user @user #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.nationalobserver.com\/2018\/07\/05\/news\/federal-immigration-minister-ahmed-hussen-wants-doug-fords-ontario-continue-working?utm_source=National+Observer&utm_campaign=30acaa07f7-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_07_05_12_22&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cacd0f141f-30acaa07f7-254446929 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just cleaned my fingernails with a knife. #hillbilly @shanemoses625","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you've turned into such trash #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is, but national socialism is nothing like (((socialism))) and is based off of nature's law, not feelings.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Standing w\/ @user #Trump, #NationalSheriffsAssociation launches crowdfunding campaign to #BuildThatWall! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user our first visit to @user today. fabulous place to eat and drink. @user pizza was superb diners","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"its typical of the jew to argue that right-wingers are low iq and to defend truly low iq minorities","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wearing pajamas tonight 4 da gook \nUDigg \n\nGrey day","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm always happy to see people unsubscribe from my show when I criticize popular internet figures like @stefanmolyneux and @realdonaldtrump. I'm not here to be part of a circle jerk. I want these people to do better. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UTJvfKsKZxs #SpeakFreely #GabFam #FreeSpeech","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany has a big imported antisemitismproblem. Many fanatic muslims make demonstrations against Jews. This is the fruit of Merkel imigration policy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The real reason straight from the horse mouth this time LGBT Activist Masha Gessen: Gay Marriage is about the destruction of Marriage https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2uVqdYN2RVo&t=...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @bitterarab: Now that Halloween is fast approaching please understand this. We are a culture, not a costume to mock and ridicule! http:\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love the comments about squishy conservatives and their support of the need for guest workers. Sounds like @USER .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pro Tip- Always call skinny girls fat, they live that shit \ud83c\udf1a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More crap from the Satanic Jews... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bomber #jackets are back! we couldn't be more ! @user shows us the top ones! #clothesshow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"everybody sympathize with this family, but when the little boy fell in the gorilla pit, most wanted the mother condemned. #thetalk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user There are no timely responses in rap beef LMAOOOOOO Nas took THREE MONTHS to respond to Jay and he bodied him. Em always takes a month or more. Where did y'all get this timely response shit? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One week into 'he cut you off and chill' got you like... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that's pure scum asshole...fucking punkass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 2:30pmet: uk youth parliament on #democracy & . listen on our free app: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pope Francis: Immigrants Provide \u2018\u02dcEnrichment\u2019 to Society, Not \u2018\u02dcThreats\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cuz it\u2019s the truth...and they don\u2019t like that one bit. Doesn\u2019t fit their agenda #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Since GAB isn't working right, hopefully this post will show the Video link pic.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ydnC9JERczw\u00a0 The same video link that would not show from the preceeding post, 2 post ago.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Because he is a traitor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh this is gonna get some Antifa idiots shot so fast... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 they don't even realize gun owners are usually really aware of what's going on around them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shoutout to all the ladies that fuck with their vaginas and not their emotions... You bitches are my fucking favorite ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& terroism & starvation & Flint & poverty & climate change & global warming & sex trafficking & bullying & body shaming & police brutality & feminism & gun control & marches & protests","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy sunday! #sundayvibes #sleepday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can't stand that muzzie. He's a worthless piece of shit and is in no way right wing. He's part of the reason why UKIP is failing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So Jewish Roseanne is back tracking to \"I was on Ambien!\".I thought she was a tough woman, right, cuz all women are tough right? No? O well, I didnt give a fuck about her anyway.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - right on the money as always! #MAGAAnn Coulter: Booker and Harris 'competing for Most Hysterical Woman' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm not in uncomefortbul miss Williams is a great actor or she thinks she is miss Williams is out of order in what she said to the ref rules apply even to miss Williams but your turning it in to o as a women don't this bone that miss Williams is out of order that's a stone wall","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I is glad the you worked hard but shame you are physical dementia the thing are you may not be simples to understand talk when write you cannot clearly :)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Her voice is exquisite https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/linguaignota\/suffer-forever","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay here we go, to much for me to take in right now. I need rest from information overload.\u00a0\u00a0http:\/\/beforeitsnews.com\/blogging-citizen-journalism\/2018\/06\/q-posts-1441-1448-6-11-18-start-the-clock-track-all-suicides-ff-weather-alert-ww-stay-vigilant-and-maintain-situational-awareness-q-2591989.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@rhythmixx_: I told Mariam to but cigarettes for her birthday\"\n\nYou also called me trash rn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cowards that is what these zealots are! you are not peaceful, you will rot in hell - this is not mayrdom! #pulsenightclub #momlife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user = fewer cookies in a row. rows getting smaller, and half the cookies only have 2 m&ms. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Liberals have had 2 years to play this game.. an extra week doesn\u2019t matter. Everyone was well aware who the likely nominees were. Kavanaugh has been a top name for many years.. Liberals have always had him as a target ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And I continue to support Bitcoin: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil uae hosts the most innovative architecture in the world. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So 58% of the British people support a long standing #BNP policy on #immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: MUSLIMS OPEN FIRE AT CATHOLIC CHURCH, DETONATE GRENADES, 24 KILLED, 170 INJURED ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER ...unless you are good with an accused rapist sitting on the highest bench in the land. I'm sure your female constituents would love to hear you explain that away...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ROFL!! is that THE Hawaii judge that sucks oBOMBa's peepee whenever he can?? LOLOLOLOLOLOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@toddgunter This, this, this. Pack it up and head to NYC, please. Enjoy being called a hick for a few years, come home humbled. #plans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* lush\u00e2\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #bathbomb #pink #blue #bubble #cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& thots are wearing Uggs RT @BigBootyJudy814: #ItsFallBecause negros are pulling out their Timbs\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is 100% lying. But you don\u2019t understand the mind of a leftwing nutjob liberal. They are a cult. Money means nothing to them. It\u2019s stopping trump by any means ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WATCH: Crybaby Acosta Has a Live-TV BREAKDOWN After Pro-Trump Granny Chews Him Out! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"life is complete #dolphin #bulgaria \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00ac\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As Bret said in the beginning - this debate is 'historic' Jordan Peterson & Sam Harris, moderated by Bret Weinstein https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4D7VB_t0uLE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cause they're assholes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Wait what??? The conservatives actually showed a little sign of respect? That\u2019s a first.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Look at the pot calling the kettle black. Liberals have been pulling all sorts of stunts trying to get rid of your\/my\/our President ever since Hillary hilariously lost the election.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The team even know he is Ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That shit got me dead!! Eager ass boi!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is a blight on womanhood. Grow up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Rip lmao who knows \ud83d\ude02 that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The \"hate\" is using the phrase \"illegal alien\" or \"criminal alien.\" For this, Twitter refused to allow the organization to promote its tweets. @user #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ...theyre setting a horrendous precedent here. Any horny teenage makeout sessions are now open to interpretation and hazy recollecting..?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm checking the tags on my t-shis and 85% of them are made in china, some haiti, india, nicaragua, honduras & jus 2 in the u.s \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@megalexatron trash about us and your from another conference- you can say goodbye","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TrumpTaxReturns THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT! #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/NYw4q7TNRM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives theresa_may: We have three fantastic shortlisted Conservative candidates for Mayor of London in ShaunBaileyUK andrewboff and joymorrissey - all proud advocates for London. If y\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are 20X the trader I am lol I\u2019m screwed but I have a tight stop. I\u2019ll let it ride! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Colin cowherd is a clown just when you think he's going to make a point he just spews out garbage there is no way you look at both goff and trubisky and say goff has the higher ceiling. Maybe the higher floor but only bc he is in yr 2 of Mcvays offense ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user (2) @user after the campaign each woman disappeared. As a rape survivor who\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user STOP LYING AHOLE! FBI ISNT INVOLVED CAUSE THERES NOTHINGBURGER TO INVESTIGATE. ITS ALL LIBERALS CHARADE TO DELAY.. KAVANAUGH WILL B CONFIRMED #GINSBERGISNEXT \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But he is right..the deaths caused by the hurricane was vastly overrated. I googled it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is an monster!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Germans make human-wall to 'stop migrants' at Czech border \"You're not welcome here\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user racial profiling by @user in cologne. such disgusting... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A dying sport","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have you and Kaze- I need more. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"f.s works #freestyle#hair#hairstyle#hairdresser #thankyou#good#cool\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great recommendation! I just got an email from American Free Press. They are reprinting these two Victor Thorn books https:\/\/afpstore.americanfreepress.net\/product\/9-11-evil-and-9-11-made-in-israel-double-book-offer\/ I'd also recommend Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World By Bollyn. He makes a strong case against the Mossad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user why bore me with something that don't mean nothing at all what she done in the past and who she is now. Wow she wore tracksuit she probably would of warn many of things?..! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Government wants Ireland to introduce an abortion law that goes even further than the British one. The British law results in one pregnancy in five ending in abortion each year. Watch our new video to learn more.\u00a0 #prolife #ireland","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Laat Zihni Ozdil met rust jullie gemene trollen, hoe durven jullie zijn mening in twijfel te nemen! Zijn zegje is wet en*kuch**kuch*. .water","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Leftist Judge Stephen Reinhardt Dies, Allowing Trump to Stymy some Ninth Circuit Obstruction - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=aZa4sbJhMHA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa calling out nazis is the pot calling kettle black.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ReleaseTheCures #DeclassifyFISA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #ItsTime #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #GreatAwakening @USER #Winning #QAnon #MAGA Why James Comey knows he's going to be indicted \u2014 9\/14\/18 - YouTube URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck off... you don't what the fuck you're talking about","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Monkey Shines - the remake.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Twitter and social media seems to make errors only on conservatives and never liberals. Why is that? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look how much things have deteriorated since then. Today Dr. Duke would not only not be allowed to speak, the callers (who were then 100% supportive of Duke) would be screaming abuse at him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#stop wasteing the america money #shame","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"photoshoot time \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #jealousbody #bodyscrub #fun #photo #love #jealous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user pay of #rich #white #snobs via @user #tcot #tpc #trump #2016","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ChildSexTrafficking #IllegalAliens #ChildTrafficking #WakeUpAmerica THEY ARE HERE TO KILL OUR KIDS BECAUSE BUSH, CLINTON, OBAMA KILLED THEIR FAMILIES IN MIDDLE EAST! This war started in Tripoli WHEN THE MUSLIM PIRATES ATTACKED OUR NAVY SHIPS WAR 1812 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Teen Whore Lily Rader Gets Nailed And Creamed Sexy blonde loves rubbign her juicy cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m still blocked on Facebook for 6 days and those idiots tell me you said tranny if you say it again in the future you may be blocked . It\u2019s a old post .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user he is fake lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER my name is Whitney NOT WHITEY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Before you call a woman a bitch make sure you aren\u2019t a flea ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#rascist #IllegalImmigrants #Illegals #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemonrats -- look at what Europe is dealing with. Do we want this in America?! #MAGA #WalkAway #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #BuildTheWallNow @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user irony: butthucreepers : sexism aicle because they think it's pro-rapist. it's not, you misogynists #malevote htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#lad if you are and cant find gift for #dad , 2 choices.. and\/or ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone\u2019s \u201cStrange Bedfellow\u201d Marijuana Coalition Releases Ad Aimed At Sessions http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2017\/12\/exclusive-roger-stones-strange-bedfellow-marijuana-coalition-releases-ad-aimed-sessions\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is still eating and talking about p**sy on carter V. Trust me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user you suppo hrc, who was funded by saudi woman-degrading pigs. you suppo women not driving and covering their face. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cool treat on a hot hot day \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a7 #widn #frozenyogu tuesday #dclife #summer #gogreen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday @ rock church ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No conservative is off limits! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wrong 99 percent of the time she is in a bed or laying down suntanning all summer long she is bland like a dry piece of toast! ... carry on #BB20 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user strong words. love the introduction though! watch this space. 1st post coming soon! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every man Cheat and Every bitch lie. Call it Even Lil lil Lil whore #blacYoungstavc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER fuck yeah !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00aa\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00baEU discuss the possibility of establishing refugee camps in North African countries #Refugees #Europe #WorldRefugeeDay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just heard @user @user are on tomorrow's elsewhere exchange ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing like the Classics: Deaths Head - Vikings Wrath https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zSJ6IrfOM24","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"such a user! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sleazy CNN afraid of Trump GOP but tough on liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PSAYoure a slut but you dont fuck meBecause you sound like a cry baby bitch shut the fuck up already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When election will be near you will remember Sree Ram ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cthe ability to have a choice in what you do is a privilege\u00e2\u0080\u009d #antonyelchin #rip #ineedadrink ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wishing everyone in sitges a happy pride weekend. stay safe and have fun #sitgespride2016 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Several of the western liberals are not too happy with national focus of Saudi. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well and truly spoilt today! can't wait to try this!! #peanutbutteralcohol #bihdaydrinks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why is Antifa upset w\/ \u201cprof.\u201d Blas\u00e9-Ford? Antifa is the group that harrasses & threatens people at their homes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Drove over to clean around my father's house today. Whew. I've been cleaning like a woman on a mission. Don't really have any goals except to have everything tidy. Every time this happens I worry if I'm just super fertile and my body is trying to convince me to get pregnant. No babies for you, Mrs.Uterus. Not ready right now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mike and his bitch Barry ruined this country, muslims, blacks hating Whites instead of jews.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"like to know why you can't buy pot at the local drug store? marijuana unleashed at ibooks. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is #flipflopday. so add flipflops to your casual clothes today and be happy #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well stated! #BuildThatWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What the fuck is wrong with you? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last day driving my 9th grader to school. next year madireis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 'Oh said a bitch who lost everything. You whore.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday to my baby #gemini sis. she was due on my bihday, june 8th, but came on the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BS CLICKBATE. Thomas failed in some lame vid's and he's trying to get some traffic. SGT Report has the TRUTH about the Q posts. I guess there is some merit to reposing this garbage but I fail to see it. Too bad too because AIM has done some good work in the past.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hillarylove - fuck: #xxx #nasty #wet #slut #shy #hot #naughty #young #sexy #nude #horny #porn #kinky ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Go crash another plane. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch you don't know my mf life I'll see you when I do hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019ve been complaining about this shit all tournament long. They think people in USA care more about Roger Federer favorite food than they do watching Americans play. It\u2019s such a turnoff that I turn the channel ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this isn't me disagreeing this is me basically saying that i hope you're right but if you are i will spontaneously combust ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user And people still think this administration is the greatest since sliced bread. Ridiculous. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was on Fault Lines with Lee Stranahan this morning and we got into some real technical stuff about Libertarians, open borders and the like.\u00a0 Arguing the Koch Bros vs. Rothbard and Hoppe.\u00a0 Good times.https:\/\/youtu.be\/U8qR7DAQkPQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only you can decide if you fit the description. Reread it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I've done a thing on immigration, states' rights, and gun control\"\" but no one had input. Lol To be fair, I should do it in a better setup than a Twitter thread though.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No. But I am. You are hilarious. Not in a good way.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Michael Caputo Discusses His Three-Hour Questioning by Corrupt Legal \"Small Group\" Clinton Representatives... https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2018\/05\/02\/michael-caputo-discusses-his-three-hour-questioning-by-corrupt-legal-small-group-clinton-representatives\/ via @thelastrefuge2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ctfu tell that bitch don't be snitching she got caught whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Because they have a corrupt liberal government that steals from the people. Liberals at work....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When was the last time you sang to yourself, and what did you sing? \u2014 Immigrant song. All of today and yesterday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know I'm a hillbilly, but is there anything better than a big pot of beans and cornbread? Little hot sauce on top.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not surprising.\u00a0 Use D Tube instead.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user got my tickets for a midnight showing! looking forward to this!! i love it when gr8 movies do....sequels!! #loveit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"everyday life for a white south african. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't you just love our city? In Buffalo, a coding program seeks to open tech career doors for #immigrant girls. #RefugeesWelcome #ImmigrantsWelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals with their lies again.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @PLANES_OVAlames: Stephen A. Smith Responds To People Calling Him An Uncle Tom\/Sell-Out!💯 http:\/\/t.co\/scC8STdMgU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user punching things>> \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 #ihateschool","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udc4d Well done for trying Let's face it - you've got to be thick as pigshit to STILL not know why we voted Brexit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even Gab can't let them follow you once you pass away though","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my life has been better since i met you.\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c #bestfriend #betterlife #myperson #ilikeyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER that\u2019s just cause the director a fucking beast but let\u2019s not act like christian bale ever fuck niggas up or had wavy fighting scenes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nineteen dead as migrant boat sinks off northern Cyprus: coast guard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not a Muslim, you retarded cunt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ANTIFA DEMOCRATS are gonna pay so YUGE in November it will be the final nail in the coffin. You are FruitCake Trust Funded FakeNews Journalism.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pro Tip- Copyright all your nudes and videos so when that idiot in your life thinks it's cute to post them you can sue the shit out of them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From the documentary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ahshshsjs IM GONNA KILL A BITCH!!!! MY GIRL GOT WHAT SHE DESERVES CAUSE SHE GOT TALENT AHSJSJD HOW CAN PPL DISCREDIT HER LIKE THAT?!???!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the feeling you get once you make someone happy cant be expressed in words... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #behappy #feeling","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"approx. 63 million voted for the #tinyfingeredpuppet but over 74 million voted against him. he has no mandate & con\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did Cambridge Analytica Harvest 50 Million Facebook Profiles?. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user repoer has to read lgbt from a card? #bbcnews #orlando","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #humpday #theedge is open until 11pm tonight next door @user and @user #edgegirls... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches get mad cuz they don\u2019t get posted...Bitch maybe if you wasn\u2019t a. Trifling ass, hoe ass, uncaring ass bitch, maybe he would post you\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get this monkey off my back...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user IK never did. He is liar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hey remember those storage bins they recently found full of supplies that were in Puerto Rico \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7 but never given out.. ask your mayor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Congolese immigrant climbs The Statue of Liberty and then cusses out Ame... via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user BUT. I would bet you're not looking for facts. That's why you obfuscate.President Trump at NATO: 'Immigration is taking over Europe'https:\/\/t.co\/L8Kk9bM0TuThere is more. And you know it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant Silences Libs With Insane Admission About Why Trump Is Right On Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And this coming from the sick puppy liberals at the Beast.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER TRUMP IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE THEN YOUR AN IDIOT. MY FRIENDS IN PR WERE HURT. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO GET EDUCATED. I EDUCATE MYSELF EVERYDAY I TALK TO THEM EVERYDAY. SO STFU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hi! I've been off for a long time.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" :@ 2nites #church service look @user back of ur bible 4maps where biblical events took place. jesus & his disciples r ppl of color. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump proves again that he is an ignorant, dangerous leader. @JoeBiden proves he's willing to listen to and work with a diverse group of best and brightest in every field--that's what will make him a terrific POTUS #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/b3TcIoybJf https:\/\/t.co\/6RTOFpWTnA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user gonna need a whole ass rant thread done in the utara loghat to really feel it haha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I don't know about Soros, but I do know that some on the right\"\" do use the actions of a few (Antifa) to play identity politics and claim all on the \"\"left\"\" are violent - and that's not helpful for anyone, is it?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#goodonedean!!! #metoo!!! #lol. #trumpism is #putinism. #donaldtrump is a #traitor, #committed #treason.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you decide to trade your testicles in for a psychotic bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Antifa FACIST. Don\u2019t let these mean anti-Americans use a fake title. They are FACIST. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your whole life is falling apart but you refuse to let them see you sweat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A man, knows the difference between a woman and a lil ol whore bitch #100 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just post his face and find out where he lives, then others will sort him out","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#manipur #ndtv #timenow #samachar #zeenews #dordarshan #genocide what would be the reaction of the... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user shit doesn\u2019t feel real to me. then again... life is very whack and i don\u2019t like how it\u2019s set up to begin with so. idk. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Horrible.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Clara's going to lose by 10.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How democrats think this is sane is beyond me. You will find out the terrorist have bought in to our gov. and this shit is the result of the traitors selling out America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is very beautiful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why are you liberals, who are so quick to scream I'm a victim\"\", so clueless as to how our legal system works & which law depts investigate which crimes? Assault crimes are not what the FBI investigates, period. Your ignorance on this matter is glaring & you should be embarassed.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He\u2019s as clueless as out his disgusting looks as he is about every other thing there is to know. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are the best. \ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when @user and @user are in pittsburgh and i'm not ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Hillary? Why is she on the social studies curriculum? Why? Who is she to be in any curriculum? She is nothing! I'm shocked that she was in any curriculum, but I am very happy to see that she is OUT!\" (I am so glad she's nowhere near the @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Invite @USER to all of the @USER shows and let her tell you about her interview with Brock Long. Then you will know why #Cult45Politburo sounds so unhinged. He is parroting the FEMA admins line of BS. @USER tried to fight back against Long's BS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ThaReal_GaPeach got it! thanks Hun! ima text u","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Is she a memeber of antifa? URL #KAG2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"those are McCain's freedom fighters ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kuczaaaK @Tyg235 Kris, griff is too ghetto to know anything about sperrys or vans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not all women have weaves, some way not all men are dogs \ud83d\ude09 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you forgot: small hands, orange skin, weird hair, big teeth #sociopath #insanity #misogynist #bigot\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa needs a good ole boy ass beating... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@FeministVoter She fucking called me a \"cracker bitch\", and you're going to attack me? Nice. Fucking cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Conservatives\"\" try to preserve institutions that young people are constantly trying to destroy because the aging left brainwash them into taking action. Young people have no conception of a sense of maintaining effective systems. Most are connected to destructive impuse.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lmao SKANK BITCH IM TELLIN MY MOMMA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"American culture is stuck to the side of the toilet. Graffiti writers in Europe can create better art without any lowlife trash sex jokes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oakland line sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Male logic is a woman should get life for accusing a man of rape but an actual rapist shouldn't ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"diet coke trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user must be kicking themselves. missed out on a spo chats merger. #sorrynotsorry #losers #nba","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hes a try hard cunt who needs to stay away from women as much as possible ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He needs to butt out","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cocks of the beasts we keep. The life of a slut or breeding whore is quite exciting.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Look at this chill as fuck bearded dragon URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I watch Obama for as long as I can stomach him just for the laughs LOL he approves himself to be Even more of a narcissist every day! He is so full of himself a.k.a. full of shit! #HangHim ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate a \"I can't have no ugly friends ass bitch\" like you just a Rihanna lookin hoe\ud83d\udc80\u2757\ufe0f\u270b ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so i guess colombia will go against peru !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[WATCH] German Evangelical Church president on Malta visit to support NGO's migrant missions ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He's butt hurt just like HRC. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cavs trash too","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"show day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Navy rescued #Manchester bomber Salman Abedi from war-torn #Libya three years before deadly terror attack via @user the #WEST is \"rescuing\" people that will #kill them. #SendThemHome #bombing #attack Have some dignity and throw them out ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#us ambassador says #zionism is form of #israelisettlements #illegalisraelisettlements #terrorism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whoever said long distance\/military relationships don't work.. you never really tried. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama\/soetoro is meeting w democrats to cash in on vote rigging schemes that elected him 2x = FOREIGN Agent.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It appears to be paired with a WOO-HOO so he must think he is on his way to a brothel. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Meanwhile, in South Africa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For all the bitcoin shittalkers here... why don't you short it with 100x leverage? Good luck https:\/\/www.bitmex.com\/register\/wpAIXO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I agree he is very intelligent and I like the latest policy of a sovereign wealth fund - something I've long supported. But he just doesn't cut through. Someone like Jo Swinson would get the party more air time imo.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"customer appreciation is key! day 157 #consumer #marketing #sense #customer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yep. That's what so funny. We all \"saw\" it backwards at first...and went, \"What the fuck\"...but then figured it out.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're Right Building #7 wasn't hit by a Plane But that wasn't a \"Tower\" there was only tower 1&2 hit by Planes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how is the word #love even in your vocabulary? do you know what it means? #notmypresident #resist #2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"again yesterday, #love #life #moment #hijab #girls #beautiful #friends #work #instagood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I'm convinced that there's a hell of a lot more liberals of the type that a conservative could have a real conversation with and vice versa than either would admit. The whack job commies scare the shit out of everybody. It's about time we started talking. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if you're not with what you're doing, you'll never be good at it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Congratulations @user for putting the NFL into the toilet. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER Maybe Kavanaugh should withdraw, spare country tinderbox\" hearing #TTT URL What are you afraid of @USER ? He is going to be on the court and the GOP is going to expand their majorities. You are pissing on a red ant hill\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah no batman made him eat a rat and be was mostly like yo fuck this guy hes not cool hes a lunatic until dick also wants to get violent","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes, watching an elitist prima donna toss a tantrum on the court when she is called out & penalized for ('cheating') getting coaching is pretty entertaining! HER COACH EVEN ADMITTED, I WAS COACHING HER.\"\" Now, back to our regularly scheduled sanity, rule of law & accountability!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Gotta love when the uninformed point to Venezuela as though it's the inevitable result of socialism! Socialism? Venezuela!\" Gun control? \"Chicago!\" It's like watching a round of Shitty Jeopardy, where no one knows a damn thing but they try to compete anyway. Logic? \"Trump!\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check @user - the #kids will be to see you back too! @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#shattered but my boys gt his big op 2moro \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #upthepole #lovemyboy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i just went hambones on some bagels ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soccer players go down more than my bitch on my dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's 2017 n bitches still don't kno the difference between being freaky and being a whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you god day of my day beautiful taken by nana003junior #ramadhanharike9 #ramadhan\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I generally dismiss the articles decrying the backlash against refugees, because we\u2019ve been doing a poor job at taking in actual refugees. Canadian concerns over the inundation of economic migrants is a separate issue and are not invalid. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@gtconway3d Next year, George. Next year. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#isitthursdayyet? it's not? awwww... #criticalrole #critter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even old dudes like .me, istill love looking at a woman's nice looking behind.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dick????\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d.. Are you seriois now \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hillary's body count is ra ing dictatorial status and she's not even President \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2nd highest prop tax in nation to support gov pensions 1 of 3 states where housing is worst investment More rent for less valuable housing Nations most severe increase in personal tax Illinois sucks thanks to Cook county liberals and corrupt Mike Madigan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"its ambassador arrival day!!!! #herewego #njhoby16","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whenever I see a pic captioned\n\"Soft ghetto\" I log off for 25 minutes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Cant wait for 2020!!..@USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not really sure how to describe what's happening here #eurotrash @mguiducci @nickbrown85 @ VIP Room http:\/\/t.co\/WTS6nM3egc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yours believes the earth is only 5 thousand years old and your gods a total cunt, why don\u2019t you go to the Middle east and worship some dry old rocks instead of spreading your poison in our lands?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got my presents for myself can't wait #victoriaseceret #wholenewme \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #bigot carl paladino, @user ally, wishes obama dead of mad cow disease in \u00e2\u0080\u009917 #trumpproofamerica","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009ccharles paladino's racist comments spark calls for resignation\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Because some people are bastards. You're hopelessly na\u00efve if you think plenty of frauds won't take advantage of this law change for malign purposes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user U should be sucking and gagging on my cock Melissa and me Fucking that hot Booty and stunning sweet Pussy tonight Love \ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\ude1a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Acharya.. have you read the analysis\/opinion given by our 'historians' to SC wrt Ram Temple? Even 'WTF' will be ashamed. @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some person is using the @votesaveamerica Joe Biden\/Kamala Harris celebration video as a zoom background during Contracts. It\u2019s me, I\u2019m the person.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@shrekkalove \nYou speak colored too?\nI thinks I be in love","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ATTENTION!! @user is publishing a target list for ANTIFA on his Twitter Account under Lists\"\". The list has high profile names and names of everyday Trump supporters. PLEASE CHECK THIS LIST for your name. @user has NOT suspended his account.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sun goes black sack cloth do you really want to die for sake cobra shares in #gab plus other us corporations Her royal majesty won\u2019t have you here she sore now but you won\u2019t be renewed only judged till end Satan cobra kills you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and James Hetfield on guitar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It won't shock you if you consider the demography of those who do social Sciences and get published in social science journals LOL.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The one thing i learned from the media is they are full of shit white nationalist are not thef problem these guys are !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate Republicans, I hate the GOP. I Hope every one the them lose in Mid Terms and their Wives leave them for a Herpes infested Jamaal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the Progressive Left: pretending to care about social justice and then turning around and deploying some unbelievably ironic racism. Repulsive hypocrisy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Instead of saying 'that's not all men' how about you work to change the mindset of your friends, because clearly nothing's getting done ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm a happy bitch as long as I have the rainbond around and can drag hyunyoung whoever I want to. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER BREAKING: 9th Circuit Order @USER To Delete Above Tweet As It Makes Trump Look Like He Knows What He Is Doing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user if you get us into a war, you better send your boys uday & qusay first! you're an idiot and a fool! sad! #traitor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He'd probably get his face bashed in by a horde of angry Antifa armed with lead pipes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The New Damascus: Genocidal Assadist at Pro-Regime fighter funeral ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user because i am happy! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #happiness #minions ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you for the love! good morning thursday.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i know - scary, isn't it? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a long yellow for a bunch of track sweeping. Not a ton have taken opportunities to pit. #IndyCar #GoProGrandPrix","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our Yeshiva Rabbi just returned from Nigeria where he is helping the Tribe of Gad.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish I had a reliable down to earth bitch I could just gather and take with me when I move but y'all a bunch of sneaky cunts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the white flight of derek black #kkk #trump #change","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Good grief! That's a relief! Now get rid of Antifa. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this's insane acts by #koreans. they will trample national flag of other nation. it's clearly . #rapeculture ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ripcoachshuaibu you gave your all for the good of nigeria's football. you'll forever be remembered. my prayers are with your family. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a very good sweet dreams everyone and tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u0084 #tuesday #bynight #smile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Letters??? Holy shit, I've been calling them squiggles for years... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ahhh my cousin's fetus doesn't have a dick and I want to rant about gender reveals but I've also been the youngest girl cousin for 29 years. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another one not giving a fuck about children but very interested in the minority voting block. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sturgeon is a mad lesbian witch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"very sad! @user is probably happy that this happened #whitelivesmatter #whitelivesmattermore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So what is the Conservatives policy on antisemitism? Does it quote the international recognition if not why aren\u2019t you reporting on this with as much vigour as you have done with Labour????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That 'cultural enrichment' from 'diversity' cos it's so much better to have UK streets smelling of stale piss from feral immigrant scum, than flower beds of English roses","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user 1. lmfao. no. non-white people can be #bigots and #prejudiced but is a 'system of oppressi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You hear something he is not saying but they did drink supposedly at that school in the 80s which was 18 in 79. This tales is 1982 when limits moved to 21 but there is a girl 15 accusing a boy 17 of everything but sex. If you think it is rape prosecute it. Do not imply boy lies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ready for #e32016 and @user press conference #greatnessawaits to see the rest of you saffas later! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watch mob of #islamist #attack a #radiohead fan '4 #drinking beer'in #turkey #ramadan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user why do you always have to slurr ppl. every time! every! im suprised you havent called me a racist ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user nobody helping since days for complaint ref 3818 #nothinglikenew #mensfashion #centralatdahisar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Countries have the right to say no to mass immigration even when they get hear they complain when they have homes and help # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lmao this bitch got no clue what shes even attracted too...show any women vulnerability and shes gonna be\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Bridge on your background is familiar. Which bridge is that? Is the bridge from a televisionseries? @JeremiahCoombs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Shit up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That is simply a reason to exterminate all Moslims wherever you find them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don't know if I feel sorry for you or should I block you because you keep going over the same thing. You have no read a thing or you are a remainer. Still don't mater I've answered all your questions & you have done nothing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fascist always control the media. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RAPE A BITCH MENTAL SHE FORCED TO THINK ABOUT ME JUHEARD ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Trudeau and Liberals are incompetent to handle it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Typically liberals jump to conclusions.....they dont believe in due process or innocent until proven guilty.....they are the most ANTI AMERICAN bunch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" for you to follow me @user #laughter & #coloring ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump's slippery slope. #ImmigrantChildren #Resistance #NurembergTrials @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fear is the root of racism. mostly fear of your ego having to acknowledge another human being is no worse or better\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers #Illegalaliens - this is how they get a better life - than the people whose IDs they steal. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user one feel deceived, hu, angry, sad, numb and even violated. #whywomencheat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Horseshit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BrenJJGMom @hweldon Well...how about those Yankees this year? What a run. #wtfiswrongwithnebraska","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If that is so texas is heading the way of California. Texans please don't let that happen. America is counting on you. #MAGA #BuildThatWall #DrainTheDeepState #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feels like @user has been paying #teenchoicesostraight #clexa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER all you want is gun control while you let corporations rip us Americans off you don\u2019t stand up against cops assassinating unarmed black Americans cops are enemies of Americans that\u2019s why their against @USER because they want to kill blacks in America thanks @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user CNN is evil. A true enemy of the people. I can\u2019t believe there are people who still take them seriously. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICE arrests 225 in NY immigration raids, many with criminal recordshttps:\/\/t.co\/Nu5iVYJKy4#MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion #ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nancy Lee Grahn You Are Awesome! I have been a fan since Santa Barbara!! Alex Davis also Rocks!!!!! Thank you !!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER These liberals have no problem lying.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my echo chamber is gonna be negative till immigrant children being held in detention centers are not abused ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lies of the Soros-Backed Immigration Lobby The enemy within... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I miss the days when the writing community was fun, not just a bunch of holier than thou preachers for the Church of Regressive Leftism. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lmfao \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 deadass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He doesn\u2019t know if he should slam Manifort or suck up to him. He doesn\u2019t know if he should worry about Junior and Kushner or not. He is mad as hell but knows that he can\u2019t just fire Mueller so he is busy puking in the bathroom now that he understands that asset seizure is a thing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user 3) Beyond The Dream Girl \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udd16\ud83d\udc9b by Ram Kamal Mukherjee. Wish to win this @user \ud83d\ude0a #FCcontest #HemaMalini ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how #quebec's #humanrights & #justice system fail to protect victims of police @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is backon twitter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gutierries =\ud83d\udca9 what did he do to help PR ? What is he doing now besides hoping for a high body count to blame on Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The only thing 'stinky' is your breath. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #SCOTUSKavanaugh and at least two will be appointed by @user and there's nothing you can do about it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@KamalaHarris says Dreamers represent the best of what #America has to offer 60K with arrest records NOT OUR BESTNote to #KamalaHarris USCIS Director Cissna~you could be arrested a whole lot of times and still get DACA#NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get stuffed Facebook, I'll decide for myself who Nelson Mandela was and what I think of him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/dRog4iXV640 #QAnon's Earth-Shattering Messages: The Noose Tightens, #DeepState Tyrants Run for Cover, We Prevail","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Censorship ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"South Korean Official: \u201cLeaders will discuss specific denuke measures in Pyongyang\u201d\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user :-( #depressed #depressededit #suicidal #notokay #selfharming (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just to show you how far i've come: a 1 liner i found in some old notes: \"present tense fa\" #notfunny","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how in the hell am i suppose smile i got screwed over at my job by some idiot i'm done with life period #failure ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know why men spout #NotAllMen. It erases their individuality. Suck it up boys. You've been denying women their individuality for ever. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 2 battering rams used by liberals; sex & racism. It is sinister & desperate #BeneathHumanity","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Oh God. This hurts my brain. No one can libel anybody. Internet companies can control thier content in any way they want. But claiming Twitter is libeling Jones is an entirely separate issue from the bullshit censorship claim. Just...work it out before you tweet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#microsoft is owning the day. great press conference, loved the announcements. #e32016 #xboxone #xboxones #xboxplayanywhere","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I swear, it should be illegal for niggers to possess, own, or handle firearms at this point.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you never answered me about your statement on the #nazi's over #hatred, & #bigotry being found w\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tubbytoons xoxoorlando #tubbytoons #orlando #orlandoshooting #orlandounited #rainbow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"France adopts controversial asylum and immigration law via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#sister \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0081\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a7\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #two-shot \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8 #stussy love \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0094\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Just block the idiot. He's not even worth this post.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i got another crack in my phone ): #iphone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He's never been the same since that fateful flight. #playersonly #KareemAbdulJabbar http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/2018\/08\/15\/ka...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is a blind fool make America great again America first Americans understand the difference we the people voted for Donald J Trump the ex \ud83e\udd21 Obama policies was a complete failure let's seat back and enjoy the \ud83e\udd21 show starting Barack Obama ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"California doesn't need Washington D.C. Washington D.C. needs California. #ModernSlavery #ToxicRelationship","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is why we need gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user spend an obscene amount of money on holiday clothes today #srilanka ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What is rotnnr? What about doing signs when people are coming to a large church service specifically Jews Run Porn or Why do Jews Back Pedophelia? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth leading up to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20, and we have a LOT of special events planned to raise awareness, action and welcome on behalf of refugees. Check out these events, and... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"niggas want you to ride the dick, choke and die for 30 seconds on the dick, juggle on it, gargle their balls like mouthwash, and control you vaginal walls like youre squeezing a stress ball all for them to give you no type of orgasm. goodnight! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" coolestlifehack: paedocypris fish is the smallest known fish #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SpacePlankton: This monkey on my back keeps smearing poop in my hair.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MeToo women always blame men for everything . How about not dressing like a whore? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Actually I wonder how safe they would feel standing in the middle of a group of these \"child refugees\"? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user perfect timing for this tweet! #staup ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That dude was awesome in Green Mile and Daredevil... https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/name\/nm0003817\/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user MAGA= Mushrooms are growing again ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We all know it\u2019s not even close to bribery. She\u2019s using that term to defend her disgusting and disgraceful decision to vote with her party over the American people. I have to wonder how much she is getting paid for the yes vote.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Honestly we all know he\u2019s stupid but what is actually surprising is how dumb and easily persuaded the people of our country are .. he\u2019ll say shit like this and every white redneck is screaming \u201cYEAH MAGA BABY\u201d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It could be a good move if we recognize it in time!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"21 savage: You put a ring on that bitch and she a freak hoe Also 21 Savage: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we work hard to house them give benefits... r own can't get help ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anything will Help. Thank you #Patriots #Maga and if you dont hear from me thanking any who help and share its bc im about to loose signal out here in the rain and batt will die so I gotta get to a place to plug in. Thanks again folks and God Bless ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you ''Repeatedly'' Rape Stab Carry Acid Incite Murder you 'may' Go to Prison..what Fuckin Planet am i Living on... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck my bad leslie i def added you tho ! Lmao im give it to ypu now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER please draw stupid sexy nezha and nidus over the shoulder or something.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You have to see this, the deep state stole social media so they could silence us. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hyApkynqr_Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think Jack is busy right now pushing the feds for their share of the $100-million museum project. Waiting for Liberals to suggest only they can deliver federal dollars.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More insanity! I will continue to use the term illegal alien(s) because thats what they are. #IllegalAliens Who the hell do they think theyre offending, the illegal aliens? Who gives a ****? What about offending ME, an American Patriot. Asinine. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER should be thanking her lucky stars that she has never been sexually assaulted or raped when she was a 15 year old girl. She could hardly deal with a little harassment from Antifa. #NothingLower","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A few lads heading out to the weeding ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yeah this series only has 3 books. I got the sword art online novels too and some other mangas","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this #newyearseve,may our #resolutions b 2 end problems like & #domesticviolence by turning 2 god of #love ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Wishing you even more success in the future brave @USER you are really a true ambassador of Pakistan. bless you @USER thank you.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" video men and womenmalayalam ameture porn video","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=IdrrqS6IBnA Guys have you seen this yet? Amazing stuff. I'm not even halfway through yet and it's laugh of the year.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the paradise is mine!!!! #sun #beach #ivantroyano #singer #composer #producer #manager\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Refugees are not welcome by the US, even though the US has created or is the reason via meddling\/intervention\/invasion & occupation\/arming & assisting in the use of bombs & air support, etc etc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New lesson for would be sexaul assaulters, kill the female afterwards so theydon't return twenty years later for justice. Great job feminazis!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love it when married bitches start posting inspirational memes about having a strong relationship... Single in 3-2-1... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.udemy.com\/proven-linkedin-lead-generation-system-get-more-sales\/learn\/ - This Udemy course shows you how to generate leads on LinkedIn. This proven LinkedIn lead generation #LinkedIn_Lead_generation #LinkedIn_lead_generation_system","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DreCordero: Always interesting to see people who trash La Liga react to products of La Liga on Premier League clubs.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that's fucking gross. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"John McAfee Strikes Again As Crypto Followers Flooded SEC Inbox With Messages https:\/\/bitcoinexchangeguide.com\/john-mcafee-strikes-again-as-crypto-followers-flooded-sec-inbox-with-messages\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wow! Why are liberals heads EXPLODING over the TRUTH finally coming out! BEST NEWS EVER! Americans FINALLY GET TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH! The @user and @user under @user was the MOST CORRUPT EVER! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I do like your tweets!, But maybe you should be more focused on consolidating them and sending fewer out, I miss many of them and you leave yourself open to the New Liberal Fascist Movement Antifa?\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stupid fucking cunt, what you dont like me so youre gonna speed through a stopped bus to what? Try & run me & my 4 year old down? Wanna act like a tough ass, come do it to my face. Dont put my kids safety at risk cause youre a stupid bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Red Sox fans are following my blog. Men's rights today !!!! #jobsreport #mensrights #women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anti racist is a codeword for antiwhite asia for the asians africa for the africans white countries for everyon\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democratic platform! Sad! #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chief of Russian Armed Forces Calls on Syrian refugees to return to their homeland \"ISIS Completely Defeated in Syria\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am amazing. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sean Hannity Feb 14, 2018 - Breaking News 02_14_2018 https:\/\/youtu.be\/xNRp4Yj-zuA\u00a0 via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#OrcPosting. #DailyMemeWars","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Dick hair' sounds like 'take care.' If you're having a bad day, say 'dick hair' as you wave goodbye to annoying people. They won't know. \ud83d\ude01 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so happy i finally got her :) #summonerswar #pierret #light #hoh #gamer #gaming #weekend\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm tweetless right now #orlando #shooting condolences to families. out having fun and that shit happens. unbelievable","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Last night I saw a PEI bar brawl between 2 women fighting over a man. One socked the other and called her a whore. The man promptly vomited. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"only a #bigoted person would tweet me. calling me names for telling the truth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#RoseanneBarr never hid her #Racism inexcusable but we know #Liberals sunk her because of #MuslimBrotherhood comment #Priorities #BlackLivesMatter we must #Unite to end #Racism. #RoseanneBarr has been an open #Racist for decades. 100 inexcusable. #PCLiberals #WakeUP end #Racism URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives characterize an attempted rape allegation as \u201cbullsh*t\u201d then wonder why liberals describe them as anti-woman. The right thing to do is properly investigate the allegation. If she lying then prosecute her. If she\u2019s telling the truth Kavanaugh shouldn\u2019t be confirmed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Loool. It is \ud83d\ude48 he\u2019s half Jamaican isn\u2019t he? Does he resonate more with African culture? I know the rest of you are African. It\u2019s just that I didn\u2019t feel there was a strong representation from anyone Caribbean to be able to share their thoughts on a Caribbean carnival that\u2019s all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Something don\u2019t seem right about this all year long massive shootings and talk about gun control makes me think the government is behind this crap URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck that..Id bury them with a bag of garden lime. No mess, no fuss.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#jeffsessions is , #bigoted and #notfit for the job. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Saints are pure trash lol smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user So you hate 'Ominous' as a hole because of this... seems legitimate and highly mature. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I rode 40 mph down country lanes full tilt with a cousin farmer leaned up against the rear tyre mud guard at 9\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this much #hatred, #xenophobia, #islamophobia, #antisemitism, and #war was 'too much' for 2016. let's hope #2017 will get less \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cats are just special dogs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"niggas think bitches supposed to suck their lil ass dick and not give a bitch head too, like that's not how it works whore !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This bitch scrolled through my shit gave me 1 like lol petty ass hoes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don\u2019t have to go to Africa to listen to nonsense. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Big Wanda fucked with the wrong one \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are one of the mastermind of a big syndicate at BOC. We will not forget. You will go to jail!\ud83d\ude21 #FakeDrugWar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user re: your message of #hate - god loves #all people. is not just about color - it's about hate & you preach hate!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"flight delayed; going to walk around the a terminal. #bored #arewethereyet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#AmericaFirst #Trump2020 #BuildTheWall #RaiseAct #EndDACA #MAGA #Veterans #BlueLivesMatter If you don't agree, I DON\"T CARE! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ohhhh. so people really do think that because you are in an #interracial relationship &\/or have #childrenofcolor you opt out of ?\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ae","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WakeUpAmerica #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG2020 #RedWaveRising2018 #VoteRed2018 #TXSen #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #KeepTexasRed #TedCruz2018 #BuildTheWall #VoterID #ConfirmKavanaugh #WalkAwayCampaign #WalkAway from #LiberalHate #LiberalIntolerance and #SocialistLies #VetoBeto URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why don't you say he knew those emails were approved to be released. He knew he could release them. His grand standing got called out and his theatrics are unbecoming of a US Senator. Call him out or you are FAKE news just like @USER calls you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it's hard to believe i live in a world where my 700 pa hillary thread isn't trending but \"tony hawk\" is. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ReclaimGB\u200d\u00a0 THX Antony - we're with you!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ms Fords has made a #MAGA mistake! How will she escape the truth which is going to be that her useless lie will not stop US from #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #MondayMotivaton #MAGA #WWG1WGA #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user your ignorance, #whiteprivilege and #whitefragility is egregious. don't dare speak 4 'rest of #canada'.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We can\u2019t claim to know and love God and hate our enemy!! We must become united! Please spread kindness and love!! \ud83d\ude0a\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udd4a #thankapoliceofficerday #BlackLivesMatter #Trump #AllLivesMatter #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i hope you guys have a fantastic summer and get out there and have fun! #summer #flowers #fun #family #enjoy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another memory that is to be shared. Remember that the Syrian war by Assad and his allies are killing thousands of innocent children and their parents. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Statement by @user on Nkurunziza's announcement is missing key issues:1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0192\u00a3\u2014Nothing on the 500.000 #Burundi-an refugees & their return\/security 2\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0192\u00a3\u2014Nothing on transitional justice & accountability3\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0192\u00a3\u2014 Nothing on Arusha Peace Accord. @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you know your in #montreal when your #gps tells you that it can't give you directions because of street closures. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER SERVES THE BASTARDS RIGHT!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Anonymous has always been a resistance tactic\/idea. It doesn't matter who is leading they are an enemy since Anon doesn't take political sides. There are Anons who support the idea of Antifa and there are those who don't. But no one speaks for the entirety of Anonymous. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"> Michelle Wolf demonstrated how it can turn a young, attractive woman into a repulsive, nasty, shameless human being. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So some asshole vandals destroyed this Texas war memorial, shattering the stones that had the names of the dead carved upon them.\u00a0 Bet you it was some #liberal #antifa #sjw #regressive types.\u00a0\u00a0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user How about discussing this? #JoeBiden's \"black box\" of American success. #WhiteGenocide #ImmigrationInvasion #JesseWatters #WatersWorldhttps:\/\/t.co\/k8bWjj7tnp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities. I\u2019d like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user mma fans: losses don't matter! mma fans on rr: she's lost twice, she is trash. #ufc207 #doublestandards","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bosses of @user 4 @user s\/b fired! #deadliestplaceoneah 4 the price 2 go-u shld expect 2b safe 4 god's sake! 4c a #boycott soon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Top 5 excuses\"\" liberals use when they are losing and desperate. #1 RACISM #2 Sexism #3 Russia #4 Guns #5 the Rich VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT! America doesn't need LOSER leaders. and WHINERS!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #geranium #nature #photography quality prints and cards at: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user So happy you hysterical women who believe in conspiracy theories lost \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so it looks like @user is making $560,000 off of the orlando tragedy so far. i bet the execs love that! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never be FRIENDS, cohabit , data or marry a LEFTIST or FEMINIST ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I can get behind the decriminalisation of drugs and better communication. However the idea that illegal immigration is not a big issue I believe is untrue. 80% of women who crosss the border illegally get raped by ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitter Obama? How about Seriously Worried Obama. He is the head of all this corruption at FBI and DOJ. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yo en pose!! #friday #pretty #alwaysme @ stowe, vermont ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I gots a store now!\u00a0https:\/\/www.pixelbrandjeans.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good heavens, the #altRetards are so desperate that this is what they're now sending.....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"might have met a nice, although similarly filthy, gentleman tonight. see where it goes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so takendted what the heck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And if anyone can recognize an hysterical woman its @user She just has to look in the mirror. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Agreed, free speech if valuable, but the Left, Neoconservatives, and International Jews would guilt us to death with modern propaganda until we gave up everything and were replaced by the 3rd world.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Migrant and refugee arrival rates in Spain have increased 50% this year. More than 1.600 people arrived just in June, counting the 629 that arrived yesterday with the #Aquarius. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a joke he is, I was hoping he would stand up to the appeaser May. Send emails to them all saying we aren\u2019t going to vote conservative any more, they only care about power, they don\u2019t like it if it\u2019s taken away.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that happens around here a lot, especially during summer, it's cooler at night...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You're gonna need a bigger gun...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I thought it was the content of a mans character that mattered, not the color of the skin???? Oh but that's only when freebies and entitlements aren't involved...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Looks like he is urinating in the water ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this hobo has been sleeping on a Park bench for fuck all..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#bluelivesmatter #woke #manspreading is okay #ifyourenotwhiteyourenotracist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am cute. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NEW ALTAR IN ROCKEFELLER PLAZA! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Ooh but coming from Mr.Rapist We are all the same alias and one person A 55yr old Antifa Granny Go Figure Sept.30th couldn't come anytime sooner isn't that right Brother (Grok) Old toothless will be getting a rude awakening along with his Housewives ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING NEWS: @JoeBiden under active criminal investigation in Ukraine AND the United States. Seeing a trend here, consecutive #Democrat presidential nominees are #criminals not a good look @TheDemocrats how about running someone honest for president? #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/VzPEvtgO89","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The separation of powers is as American as apple pie (which is not American in origin lolol). However, all this anti-immigrant attitude that hides behind nationalism is pretty American in nature considering USA has always put laws against immigrant pops. since early 1800s. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigration why us 2 Million EU Migrants allowed and their families also more money leaving the EU no thats to pay for their passage to get to the Uk... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do It Q. #FireRosenstein #LisaPage #PeterStrzok #MAGA #LockHerUp #QAnon #QClearancePatriot #QClearance #AmericaFirst @user #U1 #UraniumOne #Lockherupalready #UraniumOneDeal @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NYC Media last week: LOL, look at the flyover peckerwoods freaking out.\n\nNYC Media now: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whorporate Media & Libtards INFURIATED Someone Falsely Accused Of Sexual Assault Would Be Upset ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think Steve Scalise would have something different to say.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not really sure how to describe what's happening here #eurotrash @mguiducci @nickbrown85 @ VIP Room http:\/\/t.co\/WTS6nM3egc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have a Shi Tzu \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's the biggest news you missed this weekend https:\/\/t.co\/XhBGjmulFG via @USATODAY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user because trump is a #fascist & a #bigot #misogynist #sexualpredator all proven\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Zimmerman belongs in prison for killing Travon Martin. Florida needs to change its gun control laws.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anybody remember that movie Thumbelina? I didn't noticed how flamin' the bird was until now","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But we can't have Haunebu II models.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The other side of the coin is how many migrants got housing in the first place tragedy or no Tragedy will we get new housing no! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Still can't download pictures since version 2.5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You cant not stop what is coming. @realDonaldTrump @TuckerCarlson #BurismaBiden #BurismaBribedBiden #Biden https:\/\/t.co\/CJxojI0dCf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe he sees that his future is a fat bitchy broad in size 4x skinny jeans harping on his ass and can't ever give another fuck about life.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lame duck and lame dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DING! DING! DING! Vatican Bishop confesses: \"Senior Catholic officials are being paid off by George Soros to promote mass Muslim migration into Europe\" via @user How to buy the Catholic Church... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What kind of twisted sicko person is this?!\u00a0 Daffuh!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user If you dont like America you can leave. Theres the door. Why is Isolationism backward? Enlighten us with your vain words. We were getting ripped off! Importing terrorists posing as refugees! We need ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BS. People died in PR because the local government is corrupt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Now you are making fun of me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/thehackernews.com\/2018\/05\/hacking-gpon-routers.html ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey everyone it\u2019s a government shutdown! If I learned anything from the media it\u2019s Trump\u2019s fault and we are all gonna die from lack of bearucracy or something. (though seriously if you\u2019re in the path of this storm stay safe! All kinds of stuff is flying around out there)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user For the love of all things sacred he cannot be voted in. He is well down towrds the bottom of that scummy swamp. The Scales of Justice need to let him drown in his own shit. Make 2018 the year of holding each other accountable for our responsibilities. \u262e\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83d\udc75\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seems like Newsweek staff turned up to work today ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What will the UK & other European countries do in 5 or 10 yrs when disproportionate numbers of Muslims fail standardized entry exams 4 college, military, & gov jobs? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Huntington Beach, CA #Trump2020 \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/PzSr852vDl","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There's a reason why Canada doesn't open their borders to these invaders. Can you guess why? #SendThemBack #AmericaFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don\u2019t forget @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"girls night out! cumple pae 3 @ nuba restaurant lounge ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"size small and size large only #stylehausboutique #thursday #followusoninstagram #goodvibes #peace... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"O would first have to CARE what Macron or any Frenchman has to say in order to be offended. http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/04\/25\/kassam-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so i just manned up and pre-ordered #waltr2 from @user waiting for july. @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"5\/5: @user The time is right for this House to respond to the concerns of all Canadians. Four out of five Canadians support stronger gun control and with good reason.\u201d #guncontrol #cdnpoli #cdnhist\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I still want him to fuck my pussy with a rake. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER this is all just another fraud put out by the democrats.this woman is lying to help her party.Nothing but a liberal nutjob who would say anything to try and keep the conservatives from having the majority on the SCOTUS.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DoJ labels New York, Portland and Seattle 'anarchist jurisdictions'[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]This President wants his errand boy Barr to DEFUND cities?[NEWLINE]Ironically if those cities quit paying taxes we might be able to defund DOJ![NEWLINE]It\u2019s time for a new POTUS & AG![NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/4cUvTkzE0D","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER he\u2019s obviously a bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why would your threats to mute me make me give a shit about you or your opinions! No one owes you an explanation for any views they have. Take your dumb ass back to Twitter if you can't handle free speech!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't sleep #strongeogether #euros #wales ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" a must watch video circulating in social media. mention corruption and the name nigeria becomes a case study. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BITCH HE OUT HERE LOOKING LIKE WHOLE NATIONS BEST MODEL IM SO PROUD OF HIM HE IS SO TALENTED HES THE MAN OF VISUAL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#QAnon @user Everybody has to feel a little pain -we are at war. Before this (#IllegalImmigration \/ #refugee \/ #asylum ) gets grossly out of hand-we gotta get tough. Id rather suffer a little pain than be absolutely destroyed by a Trojan horse. #BuildTheWall Thank You ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have a new rule: no more posting on Gab on Friday or Saturday nights. I never know if I'm dealing with a drunk or a troll. (I suppose this lady will want to argue with me over semantics for another hour now...) Good night - enjoy getting shit-faced and stupid. Wheee!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Den ull want to aboplish alamony ,welfare, and child support, only reason mena care is because dey gotta pay for a kid they ddin't want to be borne or have nothjion to do withe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did you know that if you ask the team to \u2018pimp\u2019 your bagel they\u2019ll add in a tasty surprise for just one pound \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Look Ellen.... I am not a socialist commie... you are the one for government Universal Health Care bigger government gun control and free colleges. I am American I'm for capitalism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Her word against his & one more! She is a left wing nut nobody would touch & is mad cause #Kavenaughs Mom had to evict her parents!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'm not an asshole libtard.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eric Holder......Globalist Evil personified. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there is Nothing good about Marx!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do cucks & civic nationalists ever consider what US & Europe will be like when they're minority White? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Niggas think their dick is big when they put it in and you gasp.... first of all I've been holding my breath cause your breath stank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RealSkipBayless man what about Wilson being the 2nd Black QB to win a chip? Talkn about trash talk. No shine for Russell..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the small town theaters usually do. I like them the best,...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If women want equailty they should be drafted into war. See how that feels!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user reckon he is upset about Wacky Wednesdays because the boys told him it was absolutely going to be a Mad Monday this time? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5 minutes into 'prison and chill' and you drop the soap... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not quite accurate. True conservatives dislike Trump. It\u2019s everybody who\u2019s not a Liberal or Conservative that is displeased with her. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user a number of our leaders are coming ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Trump is a very sick man. He is toxic and mean spirited.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah Chicago Dindus put the Jewish guy in the mayors slot in Chicago. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"join us on friday for runner's world at 5:15am! #run #summer #health ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RichardGrenell @tntranchtx #Trump Uniting uniting \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#KAG https:\/\/t.co\/z5LM2wzh4k","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If we don\u2019t learn truth now before he is before confirmed there will be a lot of acrimony later when the details of the case are learned. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Goodbye #Twitter, goodbye #Facebook. Hello #Gab!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Her- I thought I told you.... Me- yo you better chill on that attitude, bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Delusional idiot and the traitor! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SBNation: Jim Harbaugh's beef with Pete Carroll includes: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How about the Jewish Question, did you answer that one yet?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and yet, you're still going to vote for him.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The alt-right and WN movements are spiraling out of control. Soon all that will be left is one guy screaming in Burger King about the Jews.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why she is an embarrassment 2 the whole Bravo viewing audience He needs 2 b kicked 2 the curb quickly No man is worth my dignity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I can\u2019t believe you replaced the American flag with the Antifa flag!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2 am. maybe should sleep 'cause it's sis b-day tomorrow, or watch some supernatural. think i go with option 2. #spn4life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If your boyfriend is mean to you, you DUMP him, you don't flee the hemisphere. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Gowdy did nothing to #Hillary for her private server Yet he'll throw a shit fit over Jared doing far less Fuck Gowdy and his soap box http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2017\/09\/25... #Gab #GabFam #MAGA #Trump #Kushner","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your #SaturdayMorning #BenGarrison #Montana #Cartoon jon tester #obama Fails the Test- Put #MontanaFirst with Matt Rosendale ForMontana #Trump #MAGA #RedWave2018 read the post at https:\/\/grrrgraphics.com\/montanas-tester-fails-the...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ATTENTION #AbortionGenocide the SUCCESSFUL TOOL of the LEFT*Urge #Congress 2 use #PP tax$ to SUPPORT PREGNANT WOMEN & their Babes once BORN* Preserve & PROTECT Generations of AMERICANS BORN to AMERICANS*Suspend Immigration STOP Resettlement*DEPORT & REPATRIATE*OUR HOMELAND*WeR#1 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Family House is adding Burmese food to the Chicago culinary scene - and it is owned by a refugee family! Have you checked it out yet? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#brandmatters @user teams up with #guncontrol group: \u2018We simply cannot stand by silently\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Agreed. Bring your dollar bills!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Migrants claim they have a right to burn property of Greek farmers \"It's our land now. We are the refugees\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And who gives a shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the biggest diss i hear is oooo your dark ya and??.. that's not a diss that's the truth like seriously?? it's ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that means the beginning for ten more kenyan orphans!! well done andy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racist troll ale in the great state of kentucky! listen to last thurs crabs #comedy #politics #election ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ceraldi_carleen I am sure he lied about it on his application. They need to deport him like they're doing to all naturalized citizens who \"lied\" on the apps. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Philippines Catholic bishops want total ban on deployment of Filipino workers to countries that do not have laws to protect #migrants #ucanews #voiceforthevoiceless @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saw my damien and dandy today and got hugs , i'm doing cawheels. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i may call her my wife for 3 years allready! #inlove ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Defense Ministry spokesman says the Taliban have overrun a military base in northern Afghanistan, killing 17 soldiers #News https:\/\/breaking.iavian.net\/article\/189032","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know a man who went to prison at 18 for killing a cow. (He took the hind quarter home) He was given 5yr. He is over 50. Why should he not be able to vote. Don't talk pardon. They are seldom given.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are just another liberal pawn used by the democrats in an attempt to derail Kavanaugh\u2019s confirmation. I don\u2019t believe a word of it. You and your liberal friends are an enemy of the state. Just leave America. We will be better off without people like you. \ud83d\udeabLiberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is why libertarians are utter cancer. fuck the constitution lets just use an industrial sized wood chipper & turn them into mulch. problem solved","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nbaupdates #nbadraft #cleveland father's day #goldenstatewarriors please gift hospitalized children.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck those ultra liberal cunt rags on \"The View\". They should be careful of what they say. They're hateful bitches pushing tainted agendas. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YES THEY HAVE. A BUNCH OF TRAINWASHED IDIOTS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Picked up some fire og today. It's really good but it's ugly as fuck. I almost passed on it but he smoked a j with me and it's fuckin fire. Wish we could share a bowl my brother \u270c\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so, who do you think told those dictionaries what is?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Go to hell! This is NOT Queen for a Day. I believe you less and less with every bit of bullsh*t you pull. You're nothing but a lying Demonrat! #MAGA #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"selfie w\/ ate and dainna<3 :):):):) \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling beautiful","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aye @user youre a fucking whore dont fucking speak to me again u fuckin peacock fake ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Battle of the Bulge, 1944.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I told you to stop eating my booty that day but nooooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so in total i needed 1:01:43hr which is my best performance in a sprint #triathlon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you fuking blind? By the time Stark wrote this, Vivre Libre ou Mourir (\"Live free or die\") was already a popular motto of the French Revolution.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user anyone claiming #trump ran on a #whitesupremacy platform immediately becomes #fakenews & loses all credibility\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives Right we've bought a load of Steam powered Rolling Stock for Brexit Britain, Why not close a few more lines like they did with the Beeching cuts?\" URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER These are sick ass people URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Swedish Church Accused of Peddling 'Immigration Propaganda' During X-Mas Worship ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey \ud83d\udc35\ud83d\udc12\ud83e\udd8d Just saying it before my Google keyboard won't let my white fingers type it out anymore.\u00a0 ***UNAUTHORIZED WORD SEQUENCE*** YOU DO NOT HAVE THE CORRECT DNA PATTERN TO USE THIS WORD. PLEASE TRY A DIFFERENT WORD. CONTINUED ATTEMPTS TO USE UNAUTHORIZED WORDS MAY RESULT IN THE SUSPENSION OF YOUR DATA PRIVILEGES.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"seated on the bleachers next to atlantis at @user #nrol37 launch window opens in 29 minutes. #rockets #nasa #deltaiv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user come tell this bitch to get in the fucking sea. Please. Before I cunt punch her. \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'I was hysterical' Mum of Manchester bomb victim watched girl die after CPR stopped. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER cares a great deal about how he is perceived. The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad. Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Not only the Antifa got quite alot Israel supporters. You'll find Israeli flags at the right winger protest just as well. Oh the irony URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Do the trade ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why it means something different to me, that the Holocaust may have been faked, and in actuality the Jewish refugees were\/may have been treated the BEST by Nazi Germany? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you trust Oprah with the nuclear launch codes? That's what I thought.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I\u2019m gunna fucking die oh my god ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another dumbass Democrat. One thing you have to say about this president is he\u2019s not lazy. Another bullshit story as usual ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"went to #mcdonalds this morning & a staff came by & asked me if i m a blogger. i said yes. he said he saw my tweets & i m everywhere ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The UK: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An example for us all. #BritFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not all men. You are all driven by the same lusts women are, some just persue those lusts differently \ud83d\ude0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No, bi*ch. You killed him by coming here illegally! You both made the choice. Get the hell out of our country! #DeportThemAll #DeportImmediately #buildthatwall #GetOut Wife of undocumented Mexican dad blames Trump for his suicide @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holy shit- how brainwashed can ya be?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fake ass emoji ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Monkeys have been used for centuries to dehumanize black people but none of that has anything to do with the 5th largest economy in the world and a 9 billion surplus. Everything else you are saying is nonsense. Againtske your L and leave","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He didn't pay a money for his accounts and stuff. So he is now a stranger. And everything it is because of his obsession for Sonic. I hope that he dies there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Green tried to prevent a plane from leaving w-migrant to be deported on board. Unlike in Sweden, the activist was promptly arrested & the plane departed.Finland took action to control events instead of allowing \u201cactivists\u201d to control them.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Man: (harasses and stalks woman for months on end) Woman: WHY THE FUCK WONT U LEAVE ME ALONE Man: haha crazy bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We\u2019re also hysterical and hormonal. It\u2019s society\u2019s M.O. to tell a woman her feelings aren\u2019t valid if the\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user why cant we run this #thug #fool #agitator out of #stl? @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER #AskAlly Please tell me something what should i do to help my mom when she is at home with a broken leg cause she's in Hospital now with a broken leg \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"VIDEO Antifa Assaulted Bernie Sanders Voter In Portland For Carrying A \u2018Fascist\u2019 American Flag\u00a0 Antifa attacked him because they said the American flag he was carrying was a \u201cfascist symbol.\u201d https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/antifa-assaulted-bernie-sanders-voter-in-portland-for-carrying-a-fascist-american-flag\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user everyone's ragging your ass on Puerto rico Don. The mayor put a stop to the work being done out there a while back. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s not a right mind. If it were they wouldn\u2019t be conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you've ever been to drunk to fish, you might be a redneck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DEPUTYDAWG ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Adam Schiff saying he is FOR releasing FISA info URL Just another in a long list of bureaucratic hacks that need to be purged from DC! @USER please keep doing what your doing to expose these frauds and hypocrites!! #MAGA #KAG2020 #QAnon #WINNING #WWG1WGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so saddened by the news #prayfororlando #lovewins #sunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US immigration: Mother says child suffered trauma @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4. Omg so many of you are funny...how can I choose? I have to mention @user . She is one of the newest peeps I've had the pleasure to speak to on Twitter lately. Her tweets constantly make me laugh and makes my day better. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Come on Texans! This man can not replace @user EVER! #MAGA2018 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Peter Dutton should be PMUN does not care about Australians Dutton does just wish he would deport fake refugees that break our law ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user How do you know baby boy. Baby ho gya kya ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pretty excited! i may have found a local volunteer oppounity that's perfect for my hectic schedule & love for the as! #volunteer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"9\/11 TIME Magazine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UPDATE Chuck Schumer\u2019s Steamy Affair With A High School Cheerleader Conf... URL via @USER Well someone said it so it must be true! ChickSchumer should Resign #Kavenaugh #ThursdayThoughts #FridayFeeling #DemDirtyTrick #MAGA #Resist FBI should Investigate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fake hair, fake nails, fake personality, and pounds of makeup...... And you expect a REAL guy? Gotcha bitch #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racism won't cease. white priviledge must be beast. god, help us through this. #melanin #poetry #write ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER You're stripping Americans of citizenship? Attacking the poor again as well - home births being more affordable. My little niece was born at home - unplanned drama. She is 14th generation proven +native. You're going to challenge her citizenship? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But But But we need more gun control right? Oh wait... GUESS THAT DOESNT STOP CRIMINALS, only law abiding citizens. Which is known. So.... think on why they\"\" want to CONTROL you and disarm you.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why end DACA? This is why! The respect right there uncalled for. Send them back, deport asap! #illegalimmigration #wetbacks#AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #BorderPatrol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user because we have been #shuckin'andjivin for the #democraticpay that only want our vote!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The Republicans have no sign of having a plan for any of that. And Fuck Trump\", considering his failure, is a legitimate platform. It's better than the Republican sure-tragedy alternative.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Where is the gun control crowd now that illegal immigrants are waltzing into our country heavily armed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kim can burn in hell with my fat bitch sister. \ud83d\ude0a yesssssssssssssssssssssss And my ex whore theif murderer ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The are batshit crazy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking disgusting Antifa Democrats. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Sorry that meme is way backward but there is some good vids of antifa meeting a vet on the streets ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're a little bitch, microchip","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Republicans can keep there majority if they run on #Trumps agenda, #BuildThatWall, grow the economy, law and order and #MAGA . If your a RINO and run away from #TrumpSupporters you desrve to lose ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sequoia is about the #weekend! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't mess with these migrant dads #SkimmLife via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hell Trump should have deported his hairy ass long ago.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\ude33\ud83d\udc47 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I Do...No disrespect to The Boys in Blue, but....I don't carry, because 'I Hate', I carry, because 'I Love'...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Aweeee happy bday e-panda \u2665\ufe0f\u2665\ufe0f you are an amazing drummer (maybe better than B ;);)) have a great one :)))) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user got my @user tickets through for 12th july! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4.5 million kids in poverty a screwed up Universal Credit system Brexitshambles an Economy teetering on the brink ...the list is endless and the common factor > @USER building a country fit for nothing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This as nothing to do with color!!! She is just 1 ugly fucking looking baboon! Looks like a big hose is sucking the life outta her ass!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@whits_20 Good read -> RT @WIRED: Why your cat thinks you're a huge, unpredictable ape http:\/\/t.co\/nzA3zUwugp http:\/\/t.co\/P8F8Gmkufy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Texas Bullion Depository is open for business as of 06\/06\/2018: \"Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said \"\"I deposited some gold. The process was easy, and I hope people will go to TexasBullionDepository.gov and set up an account.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this guy is the biggest sleaze bucket i have ever seen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user marxist globalist democrats bring our enemies to the usa, feed, cloth and shelter them,,then make them citizens so it is easier for the hostile immigrants to attack us....END HOSTILE IMMIGRATION BOTH LEGAL AND ILLEGAL #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unfortunately, no dude. Democrats still have their favorite slogans. \u201cNo Cops, no KKK, no Facist USA\u201d along with their favorite. \u201cNo Borders, No Walls, No USA at all.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Remember when for decades conservatives yelled at liberals and progressives for being moral relativists (they weren't)? That was fun.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let me tell you (version 1.0).\u00a0 When you are being railroaded, posthumous communication is not cathartic, functional application would be preferable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BITCH HOW DARE YOU SUPPORT NACYS HOE ASS!!! IF SHE HAD LISTENED BARB WOULDNT OF DIED ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Zionists are the UGLIEST blight upon this Country! I may not like Weimerica but I CERTAINLY hate The Zionists more.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are you pussy grabbing tonight?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is nuts who would have ever imagined that the US would have concentration camps......he is the devil ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so each year i work on a children's summer camp and i've just found out i'm the group leader for the youngest girls gunna be so fun","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @JZolly23: Kickin trash cans on the golf cart #yeeyee @weidie1211 @mowder03 @JBilinovich @cmnw86","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user And they did. PR is a shit hole run by corrupt Liberals. It was DESTROYED and it will take years and years and years to rebuild. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER LOL you escaped some shit then... even if I don't regret watching it for a minute. #LoyalWolf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6. Advocate gang raping women and stacking their corpses. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Aww thank you very much! <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in. Why would you be vaping. I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some of you are so quick to say \u201cnot me!\u201d Or \u201cnot all men\u201d but you don\u2019t want to call out your homeboys for this behavior? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this is what #ladies like... lol wtf is this? this is why you all let a get in the white house. you're all a shame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TomiLahren If I were Joe Biden I\u2019d watch my back! My guess is if he succeeds in taking this election, his own party is going to take him out. He is now too conservative for the Democratic Party and my guess is they want Kamala in power. He\u2019s a marked man.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how do you know what your doing is the right thing? #confused #scared ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nobody is addressing the cow in the room. Not even when Florence is still doing her thing. It's like after a mass shooting and it's the wrong time to talk about gun control. @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user but you feel obligated to fuck it up because you can't have what you want? #illpray4u","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pence is pro life until birth then he\u2019s pro \u201cevery man for himself\u201d #VPDebate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Assad's true crime?\u00a0 Stepping on jew territory.\u00a0 Only jews get an ethonstate, silly arab!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But Sis Paul McCartney loves Venezuela's dictator, Iran's leader, Syrian president,\"\" Putin and other leaders who rule with terror. He only has bad things to say about our beloved President Donald J. Trump! Go figure? @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That @user only report the Conservatives in a positive way ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My reply is racist because the type is black, but the background is white and takes up more space. My guilt is pain but not enough: I need to acknowledge my male privilege in order to properly self harm. I also mustn't forget to blame everyone but me for when I cut myself, but take ownership when I'm congratulated ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009aask the #cdc maybe? drs hands are tied even if they're #aware & #recognize #chroniclyme due to #ignorance \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, I get the first thing in the morning bit. BUT, you STILL can't back up your post. At least if you're going to shill for the kikes, have proof to back it up. Makes you much more credible and not like the antifa trolls. What say we just drop it?\u00a0 Have a great white day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Obviously they do not care who they ruin due to their attacks on conservatives.... the left is out of control and blind as a \ud83e\udd87!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Selxnaa I'm redneck crazy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh yeah i\u2019m down if you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What can we ascertain about Janique (pronounced Juh-NEE-Kwuh?) other than room temperature is a bit higher than her IQ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is what happens when you tell white liberals that they don't get to congratulate themselves on how woke they are until they put their money where their mouth is. That simple fact of life breaks their brains.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have to be a smart ass some way \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Inasmuch as previous market crashes are widely understood to have been engineered - is this a warning, a threat or something they'll do if they can?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They can't even answer simple questions. Very sad and disturbing to see these people demanding to become slaves of the state. They are literally calling for their rights and freedoms to be taken away. https:\/\/youtu.be\/TUOhkr6AsNk?t=33m38s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey @MisterMetokur\u200d @JFGariepy\u200d (legit retard fucker)\u00a0hows it feel to kno someone can attach you to a legit pedo just to take down baked? faggots. y dont you talk to mr Mariana boat lift Failure & firewater faggot $50 a match semi-pro wrestling chump Tonka abt Zoom & his engagement w 13 year olds. You stepped in the wrong prefecture bitch. WE WILL END U FAGS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump taps vocal anti-illegal immigration advocate for State Dept's top refugee job Great news ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The tragic waste of such a beautiful person! Her incompetency and hasty judgement has ruined his family and friends lives. I know she is devastated but that is little comfort to his loved ones.\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And this explains why he is disrespected by idiots like urself and Korzemba ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user shame this cant be bought as an mp3 in blighty. usa, germany, france etc are possible but not here in the uk :-( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ABVP was floated to bypass the ban on RSS. RSS was banned for spreading hate and bigotry through violence and terrorism. Part of ABVP DNA to go around beating up people, curtailing discussion etc #ABVPkaGundaraj DU #SendThemHome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa would put nails in the pillows so I dont recommend it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user there is no way he is 25 35 maybe not 25 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @seanmdav: Since I know you're wondering, @blakehounshell: No, Cracker Barrel is not a place to buy barrels full of crackers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ark man discoved racist graffiti on his car after a quick errand #hoodiesup #blm ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And he is planning to run in 2020? Joe lost his natural mind... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"loved that season 3 trailer for telltale's the walking dead. been quite a while since i finished season 2. #clementine #e3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you to everyone who has participated in our World Refugee Day campaign this month, by giving, fundraising, advocating, and praying! Because of your efforts, refugees across the U.S. will have the support they need to rebuild their lives. Give here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Following the Constitution is not victimizing. @user and liberals in general despise the Constitution. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I've seen these big chairs but the look on your face and the pose makes me laugh. Somehow I believe that was all purposely orcastrated by you Boots! You are so silly ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've known of Jared Taylor before I heard of Sargon (I've posted at AmRen). The debate between them was something I'd been wanting to see for a while. It was interesting.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Stfu you two foot pussy bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"decolonizing the curriculum: the only way through the process is together - #decolonization ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we (@user are sholisted for company of the year at @user #awards next week #proud #womeninbusiness","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Time I\u2019m really starting to hate that word....she had all the time in the world to open her mouth...really shut up about time! Enough of this left....Liberals bull shit about time! You and she have no case! Actually time is what is Hurting her case! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6 ways to delete yourself from the internet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tfw you will never get your 200,000 twitter followers back and now have no other choice but to scream in to the void that is Gab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Social Media Censorship Is Out of Control https:\/\/www.afa.net\/the-stand\/culture\/2018\/08\/soci...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER damn what i would do to be able to eat that pussy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lokk at july 29 when I said Gordon would be cut for drugs and you called me a dipshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user The Republicans have no sign of having a plan for any of that. And Fuck Trump\"\", considering his failure, is a legitimate platform. It's better than the Republican sure-tragedy alternative.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Use foreign aid budget to help illegal migrants go back home' via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user if i cud this 1000x i wud. #blackonblack #ris2016 #antiblackness #dogwhistle #blacklivesmatter #hamzayusuf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They probably do because it reminds them of the times when women had to stay in home & that's why they get hysterical lol. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You hear something he is not saying but they did drink supposedly at that school in the 80s which was 18 in 79. This tales is 1982 when limits moved to 21 but there is a girl 15 accusing a boy 17 of everything but sex. If you think it is rape prosecute it. Do not imply boy lies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a bat my nigga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White bitches thinking they are some Arabic princesses or someshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He IS in!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The fight is only just beginning. Brits will not give up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Amen Bishop My thoughts exactly","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user finally figured it out: #donaldtrump is the new #lbj but, you know, racist and without the skill and brains. => ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER she is a dog with fleas.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let god be the judge you cant going around killing people for their own sexual preference ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER STOP trying to convince people @USER is extremely unpopular. Unfortunately he isn't and it takes away all urgency for liberals to vote in November. This #BlueWave nonsense will NOT happen if people are comfortable it will happen whether they vote or not.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dear Paul McFartney- You had us at Beatles. You lost us at President Mad Captain. Burn in hell- Jon.\" URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The sky is clear though. It's just the way light refracts that makes it look blue. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"are you really ? invest in yourself at (link in bio). #mind\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i think she and her team imagined it all and now she is a victim in hiding from her abuser\". Kavanaugh and his family, friends ever imagined it, never.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"current mood. thanks @user for including me in your book. congrats! . . . #pape\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are in my top 3. Among the syndicate boss are @USER and @USER I'm sure the 3 of you are ready to retire happy knowing this. Lol. Been a fan since lgn&f! We have all grown up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mann fuck a bitch , fuck feelings\ud83d\udd95 .Yall Hoes sneaky \ud83d\udeae. I Hate All You Bitches \u2757\ufe0f. Wish you Bitches Die \ud83d\ude0c ..Goodnight \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udd11\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some Douche cubs redneck cubs fan freaked out asking if bites..... No you bloody BERK!!! He's like the… http:\/\/t.co\/ulc6CMVtki","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83e\udd2c[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]F@&CK HIM![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]VOTE FOR[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]JOE AND KAMALA! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]50 Cent endorses Trump for President after seeing Biden's alleged tax plans.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\ud83d\ude21[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/LiCOTWxnMR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Flake shld end his search for relevancy\"\". He's RINO filled w hatred for POTUS. #Despicable behavior\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#newyearseve #skynews presenter to asian woman in edinburgh: \"what brings you here?\" asian woman: \"i live here.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do you really think it's hot to dance all over black guys? You've completely ruined your image for us humans #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc snapchat: barbiets.93 \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb #tranny #ladyboy #asianladyboy #thailand #usa #lasvegas\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shaved my whole fucking body and I feel like a brand new bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fighting for the oppressed\"\"? Puleeeze\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Good shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"like msian opposition and their claim that bangladeshis voted for bn. no evidence yet people believe it anyway\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Total Bullshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We all know death threat are a Resist\/Antifa tactic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Anyone besides me think he is angling for Sessions job saw today statement made only sitting Senator would be approved as replacement otherwise Senators wouldn't stab Session in back well not sure how it makes a difference but LG may be angling then send Mueller packing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today 1000 s! @user #pornstars @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@therealduxy @TKFan01 *too pretty...not *to pretty. Jeezus...my redneck education is showing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If ya bitch ass didn\u2019t wish me a happy Birthday then don\u2019t ever hit me up again! You\u2019re trash! Yes I am talking about you hoe! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When family leaves like this, they always take a peice of you with them, my only confort is that we all must walk that same road at one point.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2\/ I'm convinced that the majority of prepper sites are scams. They all have the same basic pitch. Like they have a checklist or something. It starts with some guy claiming to be an ex-Delta Ranger Scuba Sniper (so you can totally trust what he\u2019s going to sell you).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i just staed watching #thereturned by @user - yet just discovered the show was canceled ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Taylor Swift is an untalented skank who can't sing, knows 3 guitar chords, and has an Adams apple #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Had this play heappened in a 49ER-RAM game would you bore us on that too? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Romney is remembered for the Obamacare prototype, for not fighting Gay Marriage, Speaking in front of Planned Parenthood, Being part of the Vulture Capital firm Bain, that destroyed companies and US Jobs with debt, and showing contempt for both the poor and the Deplorables.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He\u2019s at least 12+ lol ffs this is a joke if anyone thinks this guys is a child refugee ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#paytoplay Her Gofundme is over $200K Liberals are society\u2019s bottom feeders. #freakyford URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008cfriendship #friends #friendship #\u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u009e\u00e0\u00b8\u00b7\u00e0\u00b9\u0088\u00e0\u00b8\u00ad\u00e0\u00b8\u0099 #\u00e0\u00b8\u00a1\u00e0\u00b8\u00b4\u00e0\u00b8\u0095\u00e0\u00b8\u00a3\u00e0\u00b8\u00a0\u00e0\u00b8\u00b2\u00e0\u00b8\u009e #summer #sea #foot #three #\u00e5\u008f\u008b\u00e8\u00b0\u008a #\u00e6\u009c\u008b\u00e5\u008f\u008b #\u00e6\u00b5\u00b7\u00e8\u00be\u00b9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In this poll @JoeBiden leads President Trump [@realDonaldTrump] in Michigan by two points. #BlueWave2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica2020 #AmericaStrongerWithBiden #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/fdCIQmM7TO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Morning. Twitter is being anal and trying to be a safe space for terminally offended. Don't say cunt fuck bitch wanker ... cunts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have The Democrats, READ Hillary's EMAILS? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Just looked up his work History he is listed on the Board of Leading Age Services Aust (LASA) and comes from Medicare Local Alliance...what ever the hell that is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bihday sir\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am seriously considering packing it in with them. When I am allowed back on their platform I may sign off with one last tweet to the effect of hey Jack the next time there isn't a penis in it you can blow your social media platform out your ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are so dope man ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Emo thank you and Keep up the good work all of you for fighting against the #FakeNews of the msm by tweeting and retweeting what is true! Good work! You are #MAGA!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user never...but neither did your boy. #imcheap #loserwhocantaffordcoffeemaker ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"By their actions you shall know them: #MaxMosley ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my hair is hydrated and nice i'm so ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If you want to #MAGA: 1. Stop Intellectual Property theft by China. 2. Pivot away from China and give business to other Asia countries. 3. Ask US business to move to other countries 4. Tax reciprocally 5. Make Xi look weak! Demolish South China Sea. Xi is a crook! @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#preorder your copy of hot new #dystopian swiftly sharpens the fang for just #99c #99p! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user am impressed, when children were here always used the elderflowers and berries, just 2 at home now and doesnt seem woh it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If It could that shit would be talking to you like BUTCH NOO YOU ALREADY KNOW HE A FUCK BOII BYE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#oxford boat trip #oxford #travelerslife #love #igers #latino #spanish #funday #sunny \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can you bitches stop pulling ya pants up above your belly button, you look like my fuckin grandfather ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a fantastic read. surely something needs to be done about tuition fees if students are resulting to this kind of work. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lil bitch prolly just need some dick that\u2019s all she ain\u2019t had nun yet \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I LOVE YOU SO MUCH CHIM \ud83d\ude18 WE LOVE YOU On ho or wat u r cuz THAT GIVE US INSPIRATIONS. WE TREASURE YOU AS HOW Y'ALL TREASURE ARMYs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is #thoughtfulthursday #smile #kindness #thoughtful #wellness #happiness #yoga #thursdaymotivation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"street fighter 3: third strike","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You thought Kamala Harris was a \"hysterical woman\" at the Kavanaugh hearings?How much box wine have you had today? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes he is! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrats Want Their Pound of Kavanaugh Flesh \"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no it doesn't, germans, even fascists rape too. so how should help? @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER FOR THE KOCHS AND THE TRUMPS AND THE POLLUTORS.. BUT NOT FOR WE THE PEOPLE OR STUDENTS OR TEACHERS AND LETS NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT THE THINGS THAT A MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE EXPECT LIKE HEALTHCARE & GUN CONTROL! NOTHING BUT $$ FOR @USER AND DONORS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happiest place on eah \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00ab #disneysmagickingdom #disney #magickingdom #disneyland #orlando\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user promoting a petition to stop Kavanaugh. She's intentionally misleading her clueless constituents to believe that a PETITION will stop Kavanaugh. How cynical; but typical of her tactics. #MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Good grief! That's a relief! Now get rid of Antifa.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Mon \u00ab\u00a0bye bitches\u00a0\u00bb suffisait","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just please dont let Cruz get away with the he is a tax and spend liberal racist dog whistle crap fire back with facts and call him out on bs ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this time next week #fishfilletfeast kicks off! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bill Rhyes talked a tough game, encouraging other people to go on murderous rampages, but never really seemed to live up to his hype. He couldn't even keep a radio network together.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The fundamental problem with arguments like this is that whether or not I like something is seen to be relevant regarding the objective truth of it. But when I don't understand, I view it as a shortcoming of my own. Pretending that I can understand everything of God's nature is the height of hubris.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"London is now a diverse and multicultural place.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow! Is ANYone even taking this course seriously? Maybe femtards and beta-males? yeesh! https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-05-02\/why-war-...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user well said ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Levi\u2019s just came out in support of student gun control activists. Now the Trumpers will be burning their jeans as well as their sneakers! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait for @user tonight @user @user xxx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't let the world ending distract you from the fact that you're a hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #father fathersday to all my real #generals #kings #emperor #dad #pops #pappi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thea asked daddy about y he's different & disease. listened 2 sweet convo over baby monitor. #newreality #wilsonsdisease #lovemyfam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Christian religion is nothing more than one big pedo cock sucking club. Its destroyed pagan Europe, and now its going to destroy the USA. It came from the desert and brings only the desert.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They deserve euthanasia. Like those who worship jews.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"By the way, folks, today is National Pizza Day (here in the States). I'm taking the Bride out (after dropping the Whoops Baby at a teen lock-in at church) for a nice meal at a non-chain pizza joint (they also have wonderful sandwiches). Make sure you celebrate! :-)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ThatGuyNorman @migue_pantoja trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a fake a fraud and a democrat activist plant. She is a tool to try to derail the process and then to later drum up votes for democrats claiming conservatives don't care about victims. If Democrats cared if they wouldn't cheapen real victims with fakes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And how much will you have to say once you are in jail? Your whole family are #criminals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You my dear are an exception.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts Don't worry Ann. After your multi-day meltdown over having to simply switch seats on a Delta airplane flight last year, we still consider you the \"Most Hysterical Woman\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@complex_uk: Ashley Young has tried to deny that bird s*** landed in his mouth ---> http:\/\/t.co\/mlr5eWgonK https:\/\/t.co\/AvCHFj7reM\" hahaha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#buffalo, #newyork : #trump ally carl #paladino slammed for wish list for #obamas. what a cockwomble #usa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can hate fags on a full stomach or on an empty stomach.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That never would happen had not they are taking notes from American Liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My pits be stankin from doin dem flows. Is hard on a ol colored body in da heat. Dem white women be pushy when day want dare flows fixed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when the sun goes down. | #love #beautiful #nature #lake #relax #mothernature #vacation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER and I will be at the top of the ballot in the TX-36. Honored to be there with him. URL #rockthe36 #VoteDayna URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I believe they let him do it to push gun control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My grandma threw out all of my raps. Ones I made from 7th grade to now. I'm literally crying. Thats all my work in the trash. 😒😔😣😢😭😰😡😤😠👿👺🙍","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They can't stop the signal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It finally says shipped. Perhaps we will get them this week..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I remember how much we were making fun of conservatives in the 90s for thinking that puppets were gay... Now people are upset because they're not gay... PBS needs to put on a documentary teaching people how puppets are made...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is my opinion that people that trust the government, media, and all official narratives they propagate are clueless sheep! \ud83d\udc0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Do not CANCEL the vote on Kavanaugh. Do not fall prey to the lying filthy liberals. Tell Flake to shut up. America is sick of this BS from the left!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Will follow. Ty for your patronage. Comment if you enjoyed it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wow, being an immigrant and a student is really like being double penetrated by life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because nobody wants to watch a nasty skank bitch run her mouth! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Be sure to use lots of butter! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Anyone can say or write anything about themselves. Suppose tomorrow she says that she is a prophet and human race needs to follow her. What does that tell about her ? Once I see someone as useless moron I stop giving them any attention. You do the same brother. She is nobody.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Urge all Indians to start a campaign for ouster of Rohingyas.This campaign must go on till last Rohingya&other illegal migrants leave India ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So is Marr really a member of the Labour Party? And Attlee and Orwell said they were conservatives? I am interested in why you think Labour is conservative. However I don't see liberal as the opposite of conservative. Liberal poltics and economics are both right wing. Imho :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"uhhhh how long has it been since we graduated #missit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when the dude you were talking to gets kicked out of the program your in. #alone #dumbass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER A horrendous act of course. Conservatives lie like they breath and are just generally awful human beings. I don\u2019t doubt the victims story even a tiny bit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Authoritarianism is terrifying and destructive. Right now the Conservatives are authoritarian neo-liberals. Fascism is right wing, not left-wing. Centrist politics to privatise profit but burdening tax-payers with all the risks is a bad deal and why centrism\"\" is unpopular.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"reason #638 on why i don't suppo modern day \"feminism.\" it's no longer about women's rights in america. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user [thankyoustudio \/animal photographer\/ (instagram)] registered for the campaign~~#thankyoustudio ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DEREK JETER clap clap clapclapclap #Yankees","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Obvio #sinmaduroyo \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd2a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user scheduled delivery is now 23 hrs late. no phone call or update in the last 19 hrs. you have my $$ and purchase. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BasedPaco: The NFL is very equal this season everybody showed glimpses of being trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Domestic abuse is never okay.... Unless your wife is a bitch #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SamFeistCNN @CNNPolitics your opinion plz. When election over will there be any improvement or will BO still be allowed to trash America?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" He honestly looks possessed by a demon.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Mehn you are too sweet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user EVERY TIME! i hate it its the most horrifying feeling. it happens to me when im dozing off. then i jolt wide the fuck awake -_- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wasn't this a Harpo Marx comedy routine? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dominoes, moonlit lake, Velvet Underground, honey whiskey = white trash heaven. I accept your ridicule...but just tonight.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please, let's #DeportThemAll #VeteransLivesMatterMore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And how much will you have to say once you are in jail? Your whole family are #criminals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We don't want them in AU and NZ either. #sendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I would think your Sweden cops should be able to use their snipers and shoot those with flaming bombs in their hands. Till you crush the muslims they will never stop. muslims only understand force.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just saw your algae commercial blaming @user that\u2019s pretty rich considering you are the Gov and have done zero zip and now you want to be Senator of FL. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user NotF'nLikely#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pathetic #UsefulIdiot lauded as a \"hero\" for defending a criminal #FakeRefugee (possible #Rapefugee) is nothing but a stuck up, ignorant, self aggrandizing #Baizuo. Her #WhiteSaviourComplex is dripping with smug superiority & inherently racist itself. This is the face of a retard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you move ahead with Kavanaugh's nominatin without more information you are committing an ethical and legal violation.U violated the constitution with Merrick Garland & now this horrible candidate who says precedent can be overturned. Wait for more info & be sure ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fat phony @user is not allowed to speak for himself and must read off teleprompter. #pathetic gop won't allow him to speak","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user obama & biden are the most #antiwhite president & vp in history. #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CmdrSlamm\u00a0@Cocoabear\u00a0@DoomsdayLibrary\u00a0@HERALDofYAH\u00a0@FIEDEI_DEFENSOR\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user do you like\/love Louis Farrakhan because he is a racist or an anti Semite? Which one? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2014: 12,554 dead from guns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I laugh everytime I see the video. Edgy, but hella funny \ud83d\ude02. Not offensive to me. No religion jokes are offensive to me. Are Jews really offended by this? Or just those powerful ones with top lawyers? \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Didn't she get benefits to attend college as a \"Native American:?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's #BuildThatWall this #SundayMorningVisit #NFLSundayJoin us @ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@OhNoSheTwitnt Does that make tRump a Talinazi or a Naziban?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user industrial waste in ganges is less harmful than a hindu having a dip in ganges is the sickular libral logic. n sorry 4\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the most expensive thing in the world is time.you can never get back even a second of it. @user #whisky #fitness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ItsGirllCode: when other girls wear beanies they look cute & stylish but when i wear them i look like a member of a drug cartel who sel…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#migrants #asylumSeekers #RefugeesWelcome #refugeesNotWelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what is funny is that most of the world thinks gays are one happy group looking for equality. so much fighting behind the scenes smdh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think it's more of a choice for ppl to stay hooked on shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck you dope. Not a Fox watcher. Independent voter that will never vote left. Your Party is dangerous. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KeiveeB yellow shirt hat turnt to da side","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Good for you.. he is bit miss guided for me to follow as the guy to me seems more like an idiot & a crock but if you think that he is perfect even though there is multiple investigations against him whom am I to disagree. I'm still looking for a better role model for America cya ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"innocent but . #80snostalgia i'd love a gollybar said every irish kid ever. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smile happy!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #night #sweet #selfie #homesweethome #smile #col #top ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bodrum #bodrummarina#friends @ marina bodrum ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". disney easter\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7 . 0609 . #tokyodisneyland #easter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading\"\" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Q Anon - Trey Gowdy: Black Hat or Friend of POTUS?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LASER! CAUTION.https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zu3rAKeXXMY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Replaceable' best describes your life \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No, you're semi-woke.1- Firang hatred for Gypsies us a fact.2- Any anti-Firang force, even the jihadi Rapefugee hordes, are a plus for Hindus.If you disagree with 1, it's okay. If you think 2 is absurd, you have issues. End of story. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cuz he\u2019s coming you bruh!!! @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a DUMBASS !!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck the wall. More American white or black men kill way more than any immigrant. Gun control would help way more.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Flake shld end his search for relevancy\". He's RINO filled w hatred for POTUS. #Despicable behavior\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user so yes..u think brown skinned people can't think for themselves eh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Conocí tus ojos negros \nY ahora si que no puedo vivir sin ellos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one more thing: is there an account I can @ for feature requests? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER with the caption so much for the tolerant left\" ... yup you fit the description of ANTIFA . I suspect you are not a threat as I doubt you can attack any reporters from your mom's basement.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats always defend Evil. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Truth be told, Serena always has an excuse, when she loses. The other truth is that she was screwing around with a white man without birth control or marriage, like a good little Jehovah\u2019s Witness. Her mom must have been pleased.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user dragon #boat #festival #ricedumplings #zongzi #chinese #traditional #rice-pudding ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Breakfast of champions shrimp lobster balls (no sandusky) French fries nd a nice big Quahog (clam for… http:\/\/t.co\/UajUkcoAfV","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user commercial showing inter-racial couple attacked by @user #amerikkka suppoers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jesus \u2018was likely black, female and plus-size\u2019 say researchers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yep. They had to produce this article to shut up the liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He ruined the brand for what? Kaepernick? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I would love to be able to afford a sexy french au pair . Poor me . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user pm what you need boss and i'll see what i got for you. i also have 3 wallchas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as us citizens we find ourselves in a period of great contradictions. ie..#fascistdemocracy seems to be... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user my #look yesterday! \/ mi look de ayer! #familytrip #girona #gerona #happiness\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"did you great him with a lousisville slugger ? or was he raping a cheer leader out the back. \"I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user wow , ranveer is getting the award ? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Holy shit. You better not be drinking milk after eating that. Or else... \ud83e\udd22 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She IS! One of my favourites. Brilliant. Her short stories wonderful too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one killer = 50 dead. 53 injured. somebody intelligent et responsible should sta to work on this subject . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a failure in every way possible.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So I got locked out of my Twitter account today for a post on immigration dangers when the feds losing track of Syrian refugees, and linked to a Fox News story. @a The speech Nazis are really ginning things up. Post must have been 6 months ago.Just wish I could get more traction on Gab...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Liberals can\u2019t stand all the WINNIG!! \ud83d\ude02. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"excellent idea! dig deep & hang 'em high! #treason #aidingenemies #fraud #coverups #benghazi #extoion17 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: bbc neutrality on right wing fascism #politics #media #blm #brexit #trump #leadership +4 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Turn them loose and see what happens to her city. People like her is what gives the Democrats a bad name. She is risking the entire population of Atlanta. Wonder how the citizens like it. We\u2019ll see at the ballot box ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Understanding #foodsecurity in the context of #ruraldevelopment and #agriculture is a central part of the broader analysis of the links between #migration, #environment and #climatechange. #rootcauses ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wake up #America! ! We are currently giving our #Country away!! We cannot sustain this and still try to #Help the #World. .. #Stopillegalimmigration #SundayMorning ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He drew the saw because the marker was in his left hand which is connected to his right brain which is connected to his left eye which saw the saw. His right eye which is connected to his left brain saw the hammer. #PSYC1101","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How's her GO FUND ME\"\" page working, Kamala rama lama ding-dong? I believe you, Anita, or is it Antifa? The left is off the rails, and heading downhill with a load full of crap. Keep drinking, and smoking your meds.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#allahsoil the bear\u00e2\u0080\u0099s rapacious hunger for oil also sealed its doom. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"improving everyday in the gym, even if its lifting 5kg more its an improvment and its keeping me happy. #gym #motivation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"play date \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #cute #family #love #playtime ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eternalism is just God's way of decentralising reality on a celestial #Blockchain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They should. Hopefully voters will realise that they could have ended this shitshow well before the midterms.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"goodnight \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #instagram #instalike #like #tag #keke #follow #kiss #goodnight ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"via: bihday natalie poman! #hotgirls ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it is not just the tampered which is hampered it the #iphone \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tyrese trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kkd city highst days run ssr (192chandragupta) for heros bih day to nandamuri balakrishna ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my quotes: #rains #like4like #love #lilswag #follow4follow #money ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i find the burka offensive because the implication that men can't control themselves on sight of an uncov\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ANCIENT HOMIES COULDNT HAVE COCK COCKS FIGHTING BECAUSE THAT WAS LITERALLY ILLEGAL IN ATHENS FJSHDHJS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so sad! so young! #ripchristinagrimmie @user thoughts & prayers to your family\/friends! #gonetoosoon #22 #prayforchristina","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Vote on E-verify immigration control is in the works #Everify #Labor #Immigration #IllegalImmigration #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@EdgarPixar: Overdosing on heavy drugs doesn't sound bad tonight.\" I do that pussy shit every day.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How? Because they\u2019ve been brainwashed by Obama and the media and they\u2019re full of hate for conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". \u2665\ufe0f Levi Strauss & Co. is donating more than $1 million over the next 4 years to nonprofits & youth activists working to end gun violence by establishing the \u201cSafer Tomorrow Fund\u201d & partnering with gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety. #Levis #NeverAgain #GunSenseNow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Test your knowledge of the refugee crisis with this quiz from @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d can also get 60% off Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Refugee Crisis through the end of the month. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are the Democrats going to shut down the government again? http:\/\/www.unz.com\/isteve\/democrats-reject-trumps-extremely-generous-daca-offer\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is where the repressive pc left went so badly wrong-they should be the ones most fighting for reform in the muslim world & culture ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Son- mom, how did you and dad meet? Mom- he had on gray sweats and his dick print was fleekin so I slid in his DM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden wrote law about upscaling the oppressive police force and Kamala Harris enforced it. I couldn\u2019t think of a better combo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Awaiting Deportation For Child Rape, Now Caught Producing Child Porn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think it would be very sad to start using arms to control people. I think it would be better to save a saner society by repatriating eg drugdealers or Islamic extremists. And really, by not driving people from their countries with war.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER not what the conclusions says in the paper. do you know what experiments they did? you are just like an creationist that blindly believe what the news says. You are like an catholic that beliees every word of the pope.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holy shit this is sick :0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"look at the crowds faces! so agonizing every spo every season! these players still make millions it's not the same for them! fans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think this is what they call-Female hypoagency .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER gross and disgusting and revealing response - do you not care if your own daughter came home and said that she thought she was going to die while someone tried to rape her. You are one sick person condone that will participate in that for one minute. Not my America!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Refugees forced into destitution by lack of information, charities say. If it is a problem they could go home? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They aren't supermen. All of that was done with American military hardware and money. That support will last until America completes its transition to third world country, or there is a 3rd revolution where the people overthrow the anti-White elite (hopefully sooner).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I should wash your mouth out with soap for saying that! I have the utmost respect and admiration for our cops. I don\u2019t have that for dirt bags who would break into my home. Gun control means a steady hand not an empty one. Go talk to Antifa buddies about being a drain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"game of thrones audiobook free download http:\/\/mytruspot.com\/news_story\/4912\/must-learn-about-game-of-thrones-audiobook","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wannabe rocker @user Scarborough credits Obama for strong economy: \"This is not an economy Donald Trump gave us.\u201d This joker is so jealous of the President\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02President Trump drives Joe and Mika crazy because he has done more in less than 2 years than Obama did in 8 years ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" will the alt-right promote a new kind of racist genetics? @user #eugenics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you know Scott does not care about gun control. He has done nothing to help our children fight For gun valance stoppage in America. Vote to help our kids in school. Vote DEM. Trump lied to them with him .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#newyearseve factophobia ale with people in 2017 whose use following words: #islamophobia #feminism #culturalenrichment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Many of these were in El Paso, home town of Beto ORourke running for Senate. He campaigns for open borders. 25 illegals this week dropped off at Walmart to load into Semis more from stash houses. This why Texas needs @user stop human smuggling.#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is that the best you can do bitch?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"with the years we\u00c2\u00b4re getting old and grey til the day we fade away! #lifescience #a #awork #graphicdesign ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Who cares what a union leader has to say big kate? Do u fawningly report Lefty concerns because u and the Left promoting CBC r doing the Trudeau Liberals bidding again.U r a CBC Liberal party Shameful.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he may be correct. i just can't pay attention to a #communist . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You play with ordinary poor peoples lives like a monopoly board you throw the dice and people never get out of jail migrants win ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CONway say it louder for your fellow #MAGA Trumpkins because they are the horrible peiple insulting her! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#delicious #cake #90 #bihday #mother #grandmother #greatgrandmother @ sunderland, ontario ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I follow all these MAGA Patriots \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Those aren\u2019t conservatives those are whackos. The religious zealots that isn\u2019t the Republican Party and we denounce them. Do you denounce antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Be Smart. #VoteTrumpOut2020 #VoteThemAllOut2020 #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/JQFMAW09g8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU games never end\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2030More useless slogans from Brussels, which is an international embarrassment due to unwillingness to defend ext. borders. One cannot \u201cmanage\u201d illegal migration by showering Tunisia\/Morocco w-euros but refusing to seal border, deny entry or deport out of Europe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course*Control*Increase the Production of Hateful Invaders while Exterminating the Native Species= #AbortionGenocide #WakeUp #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AMEN. I live in mexifornia and will vote for recommended names which are great people.\u00a0 Keep on good work, patriot!\u00a0 PRAY GOD BLESS ALL REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES WIN 2018 ELECTIONS!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"those who see Melania Trump in a negative light because of media are lower mental cats","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \"the dying of the light\" village green\/town\u00c2\u00b2 #antisemitism #hocoschools #columbiamd #hocomd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"more nausea reading coms on twitter after killing #orlando #world? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He was just some old weird typical Ca. dude around 65-70 years old. Had a friend who lived around the corner and down the block a ways. I see him walking home all the time with his little back pack on. Never bothered anyone.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Editorial: Still think there are only 12 million illegal aliens? #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndDACA #NeverAmnesty #EnforceTheLaw ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Picked the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Start by not tweeting pussy ass shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user most problems can be solved by talking to each other instead of about each other. #politics #relationships #new\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICP on Eminem from back in the day: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Z-YbF8h735o","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER How does that make him the best in the country though? There was nothing special about the throw. How does that make me butt hurt ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Racism is a horrible disease. You catch it from niggers,\" bumper stickers plus that shit-eating grin on his mug shot?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"trump is holding stimulus shit hostage in order to benefit himself. this is how you know that WE THE PEOPLE are in trouble. he only cares about power and status. #VOTEBLUE #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user AA Mr. Bean should crawl back under his rock. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"only in #america #guns #violence #smh #dangerous #politics #conspiracy hidden #agenda #usa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Flat out clown....bottom Line is that you're out and America is back!! you were a sellout to the country ...look in the mirror who's the 8 year old.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Here\u2019s another looney left person. Just go away! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER How right you are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My avatar is Max Eastman, a fascinating and pivotal figure in both the early 20th century American left, and then in conservative circles from the '40s into the '60s.\u00a0https:\/\/infogalactic.com\/info\/Max_Eastman","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"17 Billion? How the CDC Estimated How Many Binge Drinks US Downs Each Year ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To MAGA's #QOPERATORS know that you are in my prayers. #GodSpeedLions","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Such a liar. Anything Trump says to Mueller will be deemed a lie because THREE dishonest LIBERALS collude to lie & Mueller will elect to believe them over the truth. Do you really believe Trump OR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are stupid enough to fall for that? We're not as stupid as you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happiness is when body understands the wish of mind n act accordingly. going home\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083 #foodpoisoning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a5 #tired ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one thing that some don't know is in spain they think people from mexico and south america and cuba are lower forms of life ,reason there not spainish and\u00a0\u00a0 not white this is true i have heard this before,you find racism every part of the world .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Crazy people don't care what they use. I suppose you leftist who says to bad it wasn't a gun. Sounds like you're disappointed he didn't. That way you can scream gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Chicago already has the toughest gun control laws in the country. Democrats want to disarm law abiding citizens but criminals will always have guns. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was never properly taught how to put on makeup. The only looks I have are fancy whore or daytime slut. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER soulmate\/ life partner \ud83d\udc9b yes ma\u2019am she is!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tonight @user has @user and @user mystery endeavor. and @user has good witch finale #goodtv ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHAT THE HELL IS HE BUILDING IN THERE!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user THATS gun control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#energetic #asian #lady #very to get #pounded #hard ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"she didn't get far #cbb #model #axed #already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, the noisy and smelly part anyway.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"deputies: gator drags child into water near disney's grand floridian ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user BRUH THIS??? LMAOOO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">LOL Try coming over to Delavan WI and saying that to Nehlen's face, punk. If anyone's a \"swindler\" it's the Daily Semite which has taken in MILLIONS in donations but has no revolutionary ideal or real way forwards.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shameful. #NRA is spending over a million $ to get Kavanaugh installed. Gun control isn't his pot of Tea. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"RV got Trump elected\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#braid \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0086 \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d #love #instagood #photooftheday top.tags #tbt #cute #me #beautiful #followme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER You should totally follow those whack job liberals...unhinged and dangerous! Thank you \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She probably did not think it would get this far. I hope the little sleaze does not go to the hearing and I hope if she does that they will prove what a liar conniving witch she and the rest of the Liberals are. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Hungary Won't pay for migrants 'new life' in Europe \"We put our people first\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s about time. A civilised nation needs tougher gun control. Man only backwards countries don\u2019t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today is #WorldRefugeeDay\u00e2\u0081\u00a0 \u00e2\u0081\u00a0.There are nearly 450.000 Burundian refugees. In two days @user will be opening a vocational *training center inside the Mahama refugee camp in #Rwanda. #Burundi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals never apologize","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alabama? Wow, #BuildThatWall .@realDonaldTrump i wonder how many are legally here, sounds terrible to hear myself say this, but that is a lot of people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I believe #ChristineBlaseyFord however I assert that it will make not one jot of difference after Trump and recently Roy Moore the @user long ago chose to align themselves with misogyny and abuse. #KavanaughConfirmationHearing is next step to #TheHandmaidsTale #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user - Gun Control (MGK DISS) via @user fucking new Em wouldn\u2019t let the shit slide he was playin wit da kid @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There were no gas chambers. Of the camps occupied by the Allies and investigated by Americans, *none* were found to be \"extermination camps.\" The only camps that lie stayed in place were with the ones occupied by the Soviets and denied access to the West for years. Jewish fables.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let\u2019s pray \ud83d\ude4f!!! #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica \ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udf0a\u267e https:\/\/t.co\/bScVBDrRot","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Texas A&M continues to do great things! The two cannons were still loaded, very possibly from the Battle of the Alamo in 1836!\u00a0 https:\/\/today.tamu.edu\/2018\/01\/24\/texas-am-conservation-efforts-reveal-new-details-about-alamo-cannons\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MTVUK: #Directioners, 1D's @zaynmalik & @Louis_Tomlinson monkey around on set of #StealMyGirl video: http:\/\/t.co\/sOEbNlR8Re http:\/\/t.co…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Which is also posturing nonsense. If they want to oust her they'd forward the requisite letters to their part whip and she would be facing a leadership challenge. Her 'challengers' are as gutless and witless as she is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"about #euros2016 @user and #louaners today germany is playing against ukraine \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 in lille \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #ger \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Soooo we just accept the systematic rape and abuse of women & girls? Don't think so a**hat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user bitch delete your fucking snap name wtf wrong with you fw the opps you wild ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user At least he's not a coward like you. What's your platform? Where's your donor list? #BernierNation It's time conservatives did the right thing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who gives a shit about some BABY DICK SUCKING POS JEWS? I don't.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mmpadellan Thanks to @MikeBloomberg @benandjerrys @KingJames @MiamiDolphins Steven Spielberg and many others !! #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is jus here to observe.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If someone is being too nice to you at happy hour and asking probing questions about what you do at Pub Citizen....make sure to troll them and say you're with Antifa or something. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2014\/15 Coke puts names on cans 2016 Coke puts lyrics on cans 2030 Coke puts dick and pussy pics on cans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#football attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of fo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This guy wants to be a successful producer and he is tweeting stuff like this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The principle of veganism has nothing to do with the actions and behaviors of vegan liberals. If it were me, I would have rounded up the minks and taken them to their natural habitat rather than release them spontaneously into the streets.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm Assuming I'm Not Going to Get an Answer': Brainless #Liberal Stooge Ocasio-Cortez .@USER on $40T Policy Plan #WakeUpAmerica THIS is NOT America's future VOTE Republican or surrender America to these #DEM morons @user #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"of all the #republicans i am most disappointed w\/ @user @user i thought he was a decent man until he endorsed #trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I was just going through my TL and I saw this. There are no words she is such a sweetheart this is so horribly sad. May her family find the strength.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I will now sit back, enjoy the rest of my twitter feed, block liberal bleeding turdwhipes of all shapes, sizes, religions and ethnicities ... and when November 3 comes, I will vote Republican down the whole ticket #MAGADragTheInterstate #MAGA2020[NEWLINE]#TurnAmericaRed2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Anyone else think she is a lying opportunist? Yeah...#metoo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whats great about winter? You can put the keg in a snow bank to keep it cool","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ChrisTrondsen @IM5band #askim5 would you rather drink squirrel pee or Johnny Depp's wig in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The Pope is complicit. Make no mistake. Anyone who harms a child . . . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Jew says,...\"Please let me join your Ranks & i Promise not to Stab you in the Back\"... Leonidas says...\"We Fight in Perfect Formation & you would pose as a Weak Point in the Guard\". Not only that but a Parasite Never to be Trusted, in any Way, Shape, & or Form...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BillMaher 's gone full retard. #benshapiro was weak for the first half but really pushed back on the second half. Especially on the #Russia \/ #Collusion nonsense. Is he a buffoon or an evil genius, Maher?Uh...or his kids are behind it or something? GTFOOH https:\/\/buff.ly\/2yYX9Ce","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Actually it seems more specific than that. It appears the CBC is saying opposing gun control is the same as covering up child molestation in the catholic church. WTF?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @USABillOfRights: Psychological Warfare for Dhimmis -- DEFEATING ISLAM\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/M8zlTY0fZs\njoining forces to take out world's trash h…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trumps Latest Border Wall Comments Will Have Democrats Trembling #BuildThatWall via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As pressure to return builds up, Syrians express their anxieties. Why Many think they can never go back? Watch Huda\u2019s story who fears she may be forced to look at Europe, again @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user I saw her in Denver last week. She is still traumatized. Cohen owes her so much because of 'My Life on the D List'. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"8 habits that have hijacked your hormones-keys to happiness #hormones ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[1465668788.99] update @ #social #analytics #yoga #retrogaming #friends #taichi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER May be you have forgotten that at the moment we are EU citizens and so all rights afforded to us are the same as for other EU citizens. Don\u2019t believe all the shit that goes on in your head.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Omg he is!!!!! I fucking hate Dale!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stage ready!! for #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you smile they don't know why but when you upset they know ur mad! #staypositive #smiling # #retweet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A ghetto girl's best bet is to find work at a call center and try to climb that corporate latter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This brings me serious joy. [NEWLINE]#StrongerTogether [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]#VOTE [NEWLINE]#VoteBlueToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/rhCI3wk0Qu","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump's border wall, immigration plans re-emerge at top of national debate #StopTheInvasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry encourages Attorney General #JeffSessions to break up #BigTech companies like #Google and #Facebook Nothing is going to happen until we get a new AG in November! @user #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump is better than Biden. I said what I said \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#canada Cant do THAT anymore..\u00a0 #Alberta #BritishColumbia\u00a0 #west #edmonton mall pool, #Edmonton child snatching while bike riding with brother, 12 girls sexually assaulted in their dorm rooms all in one night in University #Quebec #Immigrants #refugees #Syrians","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is advocating for conduct within bounds of Human Rights but can the terrorists can be categorized as Human? They kill people mostly innocent just like berserk wild beasts. Even wild beasts kill only when hungry. So I feel that the Indian Army who are doing greatly. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user don't hire @user @user @user @user @user graduates. they're taught & #genocide.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That and while we're at it send all those assholes who praised Chavez when he turned the country into a socialist shithole. Michael Moore, Sean Penn and the rest of those douche-bags. Put them right on the front line so they can see first hand how great socialism is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hi @user - thanks for follow! we also get very for #ecommerce! hope that excitement rubs off! #growthhacking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is superb. Practical guide for rights of women esp at divorce and rape in marriage. @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user then you must condemn antifa and BLM who spew hate and fear toward the police ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We don\u2019t support gun control in Texas. So long Beto! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I will never forget what levels you racist liberals went to and what you did to Clarence Thomas. Liberals are the worst people ever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It's called FDS or otherwise commonly known as not getting your way\". Antifa members hard at work. \ud83d\ude02\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A result of Common Core and Absent Parent parenting.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is so right!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Oh yeah sure Antifa is anti-fascist\"\". Also, free speech is for everyone: liberals, conservatives, centrists, fascists, communists, anarchists, ancaps, etc. I live in the US and not a fascist state that bans what it thinks is \"\"hate speech\"\". ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Could care less if I'm hated by \"everyone\" just as long as I don't hate myself... \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Visiting Norway's \"WORST PROBLEM AREA\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"father's luv knows no boundaries as it grows healthier each day... father's day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seriously, You will NEVER hear TERMINATOR with Arnold Schwarzenegger ever again. RESPEKT!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good vibes tau for today ..\u00e2\u0099\u00a1\u00e2\u0099\u00a1 'coz 14th manths na kme ni bestplen :-) . lang","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user there is no way she is 26 wow drugs maybe who knows ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yeah. #nervous wbu","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for stars. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You're stuck on ghetto middle school days. Step our g... — wtf how ah I stuck in the middle school games jusy bc... http:\/\/t.co\/hJnV01NTGB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER State Sponsored Kids Protesting the 2nd Amendment? Youth invasion of D.C. took place as young fascists-in-training were corralled into D.C. to demand that govt strip away the liberties of all in the name of gun control URL '","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MollyJongFast @BY1959 @HillaryClinton I think this is because they're afraid some of the #MAGA maybe wising up to trump scamming them with BS promises, [NEWLINE]so they want to \"dumb them down\" again and make them think he keeps them.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpLies #QANONS #KAG #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"these are times of grave danger,with dissent recast as treason, unchained and intolerance on the march\"&it\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Me-Too lynchings of innocent Republicans\/conservatives will continue if GOP let's the Kavanaugh fraud prevail. GOP should fight fire with fire and do this one time to a prominent Dem male. Watch it stop after that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are exposing us \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @WORIDSTARHlPHOP: When your phone goes off in class and the teacher says \"turn that trash off\" but its a song from your mixtape https:\/\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alex Jones: I Don\u2019t Want Trump to Declare Martial Law but We Are Already Under It","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SBNationCFB: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" is the dictionary word for anti-black","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.ashemaletube.com\/videos\/398744\/can-u-d... holy shit! \ud83d\ude32\ud83d\ude0d #nsfw","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MeToo this is the symbol of the new terrorist world movement . Everytime a woman makes an accusation against a man , the #MeToo terrorist lynch mobs scream into action . If a man is accused he must be guilty and hung without a trial . #MeToo has now become a disgrace .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#trump hooked the healand by validating their #adultery #incest #pedophilia #bigotry #hate #deceit #maga #notmypresident","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Or a piss up in a brewery !! Hat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no, jissus man, why do pple wait for the festive period to upset others. rightfully, we all should be outrage whene\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its third Reich day for me. The kikes have nothing to remember","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER These people in the MSM are DISGUSTING \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user OMG he is so cute\uff01\uff01Which video is this gif come from\uff1f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Like all the best of Trump's \"egregious faux pas,\" it conveys an obvious truth while forcing his enemies to undo themselves. In public. While flailing pathetically to reconstruct their own humpty dumpty lies. This one may be his best yet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You want nd brought dat bitch a pair of shoes I brought a pipe lil nigga\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Beto advocates gun control which would leave is defenseless to this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when are the kits unveiled @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user white people got nothing to do with this nigga. it's just one sick, horrible person, sadly all you\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"O = traitor, put in prison for high crimes against American public please President Trump, THANK YOU from America @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch fuck you too then \ud83d\ude2d\u203c\ufe0fthat\u2019s why I hope all your teeth fall out whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Opinion: Anchor centers are shipwrecks of #EU migration policy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Planning on making dressed crab for supper tonight - I've only ever bought pre-cooked before, but I managed to get them live today. (They're in the freezer for now.) EDIT: they're out of the freezer, in a bucket of salt water & moving about - not dead yet! What's the best way to dispatch them?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These niggas getting put on list and straight ass \ud83d\udc80 only niggas I seen good was yoshi patchmade jay and a few more rest are ass \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The timing is too convenient. She is a paid liar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Leidse jihadist Reda N. twee weken langer vast NO ISS NO TURKS no MOROCCANS no ISLAM borders close refugees are not welcome IN Europe EU NO MERKEL NO Cabinet RUTTE111 (King Alexander country verrarder (Zaid stays black) no animal suffering (fuck Sylvana) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So not wanting to be groped = crushing men. Dear god. And women get accused of being hysterical & irrational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey @user why don\u2019t you just leave then? It\u2019s ok we\u2019ll be ok without you. Let us know how much better things are where you end up. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why one #teacher relies on the power of #music to engage #immigrant #students - \ud83c\udfb6 #musiceducation #musicmakesadifference ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" fathers day # love #u # dad and daam true quote dad is the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user press will run with it... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Immigrant Suspected In Ohio Teen Rape Captured In Texas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is telling to be best to students. Wow ! What a role model she is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user House of flowers!!!!! Shits crazy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if there in hatred\/anger\/lower emotions in your #hea. how will you be #loved or be .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sad that there is so much hatred towards jews in eu & xians in me. remember xians of kenya, nigeria\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Never had. Let's fuck it up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is horrifying. So many women have suffered from rape\/ abuse at the hands of men who are never held accountable\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So Fucking What. It doesn\u2019t matter if they found the Dead Sea scrolls or the Colonel\u2019s secret recipe. This man should not be dead but he is so due to the ignorant negligence of someone else. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The US Open has treated her poorly with the whole controversy over her outfit. Bottom line is she was treated differently because she is a women of color and this would never happen to a man. The USTA better soon recognize that she IS women\u2019s tennis and act accordingly!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bitch I wanna know ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why should this person be rehired? shame on #claycountydevelopmentcorp #pamelaramseytaylor ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Correct\/incorrect - doesnt really matter, the point is that it should not be allowed. The number of immigrants coming to England and taking all they can is ridiculous. No wonder they fight tirelessly to get through all the other countries into England. #stopimmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They look very sad...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user allows @user @user & @user #bigots #race-baiter #slaveowner work for your station. acceptable? #fired","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Royals Milwaukee let Yost go.Now they wished they hadn't cause they suck.How about now.He's the guy win or lose. Yankees fire Girardi 👉Yost","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Remember folks, this will be our future in America if we cuck out.\u00a0 This is why I won't yield an inch on things like gun control or immigration.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Really? Where would you position ANTIFA? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yup...that's one of the COMMON gab subjects","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"obviously some people on twitter quick to pick out a mistake! have you nothing better to do with your time ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This #MEME got me \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0e Driving Mrs. Feinstein #Chinese #chinesespy #California #WeThePeople #DrainTheSwamp #Justice #ClintonEmails #MAGA #WWG1WGA @user #CaliforniaWildfires #RedPill #FactsMatter #FactsOnly #MakeCaliforniaGreatAgain #kag #DNC #LiberalLogic #Truth #MSM #facts ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user not necessarily america but definitely ceain individuals. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brigitte Huss, and anyone in #Germany, and who has worked with Syrian refugees, can you help Khaled find good housing for his parents? They need affordable, clean and healthy apartment.Vielen dank!Carol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.pestcontrolinlondon.co.uk\/wasps-and-wasp-nest-control-in-london\/ - Wasps are a major an issue throughout the year, but are particularly prevalent in the warmer #wasp_removal_services #wasp_pest_control_London #wasp_exterminator #wasp_problems","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, he may be deep state, but he is more for us than them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I see. It's a damn shame how delusional he is. He's gotta be the worst. Even more than those Boston Ben stans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holder was held in contempt of congress. Why isn't in prison for Fast and Furious? How about for murder? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don\u2019t compare Johnstown to Jonestown. Jim Jones had his goons point guns at his followers in order to get them to drink the cyanide, Trump\u2019s supporters are drinking it voluntarily. \ud83d\ude41 https:\/\/t.co\/LI3DEa5E1x","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HOW REFRESHING! In South Korea, there is no such thing as 'political correctness\" when it comes to dealing with Muslim refugee wannabes via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is such a disgusting hypocrite!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another Pile of B\/S By the Former A-G !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so sad ones ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That would be Antifa!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JEWS you stupid Kike worshiping mother fucker.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She isn't. Antifa doesn't want to hurt her. Resist doesn't either. Rest of us want her to put up or shut up. They are gaming us all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Academic careers require logrolling -\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER TBF, it's Nascar for liberals\" is actually quite a good description.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are still stealing valor & credit from @user Without @user @user and his minion leadership team (you) would have never reduced our taxes. The #ACA has never been repealed as you promised, whats new? #BTW #DeportThemAll #MAGA @user for Speaker. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dafuq is this ghetto shit?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"STAND UP OR SHUT UP! #THEDRAGONSDEN PART 2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pro Tip- If you're gonna fuck a bitch that just left a wedding, give her a fake name and number cause she's fallin in love regardless ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa would burn a Conservatives house down and CNN would be there lighting the torches & throwing gas on the flames. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@b0ssladyre just ate a wees brownie and is seeing random cats","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Tell Micheal to: #WeThePeople #TheGreatAwakening #MAGA #WWG1WGA #Qanon #Q #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 #Midterms #ConfirmKavanaugh #FISA #Economy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WE WILL HAVE JUSTICE,WHETHER IT BE IN THE COURTS OR ON THE STREET.IT WILL BE SWIFT,STERN,WITHOUT MERCY & UNFORGIVING.THEY WILL PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST US.THE ROPE IS WAITING FOR THEM & IT HAS NO CONCIENCE.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cenk the Skank\u2019s taqiyya was always paper thin. He underestimates Americans. Bought into the ugly stupid American b\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Empty headed bushie whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Horowitz!\u00a0 June 11...I think this is the clinker!\u00a0 Do you know how much power Horowitz and Huber have?\u00a0 OMG....these two are going to RIGHT our country once again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is speaking against himself. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ok not all men must leave me alone! Just some annoying ones. If I'm interested in you you will know. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals GAG","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#StrzokTexts #FBIGate #FBICollusion \ud83d\udd25Burn then all\ud83d\udd25","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Colored people should vote! What color is she referring to? I\u2019m white and bright! White is a color. Next racial dividing statement Ms Obama.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ballerina newb... gbp 12.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in case of emergency; scroll through & smile, because @user makes everything better... #akf #jaredgifthread ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That\u2019s all I ever ask for tho \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Feminism is an ideology that is meant to play on emotions and feelings of women, so that they will separate themselves from men or be so wretched that no man will want the woman. It is a culture destroying ideology.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my new book cover. i\u00e2\u009d\u00a4it so much! #books #thebitter #newrelease #nextweek #romance #preorder #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She is literally FUCKING CRAZY !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get a real woman not a hoe then. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She thought she would be low profile and help the Dem party get rid of Kavanaugh and she could remain anonymous. She most likely was promised this by the party. Now that she can be charged with perjury she will continue with playing a victim. She is not. Lying is a can of worms. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Fru_Iam I seen sum of it but I'm tryin see lox n mook","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And they are Stupid ! (not just ignorant).\u00a0 You can teach someone facts, but You can't fix stupid","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"David Hogg is a massive fucking faggot and I wish I could kick the shit out of his stupid pussy face","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user offer to visit to LeBron James school, to distract\/photo op, clean up @user racist mess, election coming up, She visited caged immigrant children, for photo op, hasn\u2019t been back, Melania got on the Trump Birther train, aga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Empress can you let it go and let me follow your feed again? Its kind of annoying having to manually look. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user pretty much spot on there ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Reasonable gun control = use 2 hands.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cases include a twisted paedophile, a lunatic driver and an illegal immigrant who posed as a 16-year-old girl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sister Patricia Fox, the Australian nun whose missionary visa was revoked by the Philippine government last month, has debunked allegations against her by the Bureau of Immigration in a 25-page document. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER it\u2019s not clear which @USER and @USER MPs put party ahead of conscience #LDConfBrexit URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Clearly, Jews have been a very spiritually sick people for a very long time....here, we learn from the Old Testament David won the daughter of King Saul by killing 200 Philistines and presenting the 200 foreskins to the King","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What the fuck? You don\u2019t care about your friend? You are not a real friend then \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f he not losing anyone special then cuz you can\u2019t even be a real friend and that\u2019s sad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Interesting list\u00a0http:\/\/definition.org\/presidents-net-worth\/20\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals ....cry and complain that all they do ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UMC complaint against Jeff Sessions after he used the Bible to defend separating migrant children from their parents has... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Guys ugly and unhinged. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user has many surrogates in the doj to make the case go away. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"freedom \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008d #love #instagood #photooftheday #me #followme #follow #picoftheday #instadaily\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dufus of the year would be more like it...!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@WilliamFBrasky @TheRandomBoner i feel the warm fuzzies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and stop crying \"bhakt bhakt\" when you are cornered with no rational answer to offer. trust me read a book! it will\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So she can\u2019t be effected by the radiation but killed. I hope he mentions Lady Gaga witch. Since she is the only known immortal witch and supreme","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Really?? you can't make this BULLSHIT up,, I cant believe a grieving parent hasn't put him in the hospital or the ground... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the less you need the happier you are\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4 #minimalism #happiness #plants make us #simbi_osis \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals as per Odia standards \ud83d\udc46....RW is liberal when it comes to my state \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is so adorable!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user majority of DACA from 3rd world countries are communists~activists-Antifa-Ofa& 1 INCOMPATIBLES w\/USculture&2Felons by criminal violence&participation in cult includes kill potus45\"\"&\"\"destroySovereignUSA-USConstnDem'y+ replace w\/marxist 4thReichNWO tyranny=TREASON\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what you sow you deluded leftie pricks what you going to do when the raping and gromming begins ask the EU for help ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He didn't just lose his talent. He battled demons & played on an embarrassment of a franchise. He is now in an ideal situation. I believe he is still an elite WR but I guess only time will tell. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Only if you want a murder charge. Stealing guns is already a felony. Shooting someone with their own gun is life in prison at best. There is just no way this ends well for whoever tries this. I honestly think this is a troll made by 4chan to get stupid antifa members shot\/jailed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do I still get a kick out of poking the frog in the eye to refresh my page? (Oh, grow up!)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ummm still no #day4 #silenttreatment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How many thousands of taxpayer dollars did Rockelle Garza fleece to defend free abortions for illegal aliens? Oh the poor illegal alien might get spanked by her parents, gimmie a break. #BuildThatWall #FridayFeeIings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user paradise \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d now the secret is revealed)) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They weren't innocents, they weren't protestors, they were Hamas scum who want to obliterate Jews and Israel. Leftwing MSM needs to realise Hamas would indoctrinate all of them if they lived under its governance. http:\/\/blogs.timesofisrael.com\/defending-its-very-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user over the past 8 yrs #despite #demagoguery #obstruction #fear\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wtf have I missed here. My account was hacked and just got it back up and running. Somebody care to explain what\u2019s going on here. Am I right in saying that the guy who has been playing live saying he is Dash Berlin aka Jeff ??? So what\u2019s happened ???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh yeah boy, I know you're talking to that bitch who hates me. I frankly don't care because she'll never be me. She's a little hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ANTIFA DEMOCRATS are gonna pay so YUGE in November it will be the final nail in the coffin. You are FruitCake Trust Funded FakeNews Journalism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2018\u02dcWe will decide who enters our countries!' Hungary and Poland REJECT EU refugee quotas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\" momma said no pussy cats inside my doghouse \"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Heavily-armed ill's bum-rush the U.S. border uninterrupted.This is an invasion. We MUST #BuildThatWall NOW.CC: @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user shooting today with @user e @user for #huawei . #lisbon #fun #chill #diesel ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only reason why Western mainstream media hates Putin and Trump is because they both don't bang on how important gay rights are. that is the only reason, think about it. which proves that the militant gay mafia has taken over the media in the West. Sodom and Gomorrah all over. We all know how that ended.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#QAnon @USER #MAGA For those who think nothing is happening! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@Tom_2Times: Making weed brownies tonight” goin slide me a batch relo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is where I shamelessly post a referral link now that I am hooked. If your not buying any alt coins, I recommend starting here https:\/\/www.binance.com\/?ref=16983929","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy day in the #water \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00ac #summer #miami #oceanlife #florida #ocean #livingthedream\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Spain to invest \u00e2\u201a\u00ac30M in emergency plan to receive new African migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#thursdaythoughts from @user choose #everyday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes they are stupid, everyone knows that he is a bachelor\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I want to see this corrupt bitch in Gitmo for her birthday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user thats the standard of our home minister. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I believe he asked people 2 vote out aishwarya bcos she is mentally unstable n has mood swings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my love is back \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #babyninia #babygirl #home #havingfun \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c @ mickevichi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden Actually Sir everything that came out of that fat sweaty--like Nixon in 1960--criminal POS did NOT come out of his mouth. Like everything else he says and does it all came out of his rectum.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Gr8 job Mr. Vice President under horrendous circumstances.[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/riyRxtqOwh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"get your sample today at #motivation #gym #food #like4like #health\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"distance yourself from anything that isn't useful, inspiring, funny, kind or joyful. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great to be able to have a catchup with my lovely agent @user today and discuss happenings for the future! actor :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ANCIENT HOMIES COULDNT HAVE COCK COCKS FIGHTING BECAUSE THAT WAS LITERALLY ILLEGAL IN ATHENS FJSHDHJS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's so 'old school' People are pretty soft these days... seeing this guy at work, his speeches, his courage... the tweets LOL... it actually does make me proud to be American and proud he's standing up as our President!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"terribly shocked from the gorilla shooting. wish the gorilla didn't have to die. glad the child is okay. #thefishandmspb8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitch please stop calling me candy mouth , fucking whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Choosing between the Nordictrack 2450 and the 2950 treadmills? Want to know which is best? Check: http:\/\/nordictracktreadmillblog.com\/nordictrack-commercial-2450-vs-2950-treadmill-comparison-chart-at-a-glance\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You heard the guy. Everyone go home and if some rapefugee stabs you, it's in the name of diversity. #WokeMerkel ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @HornyFacts: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"\n\nno u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The fact that they are here illegally makes them criminals -why reward that behavior? Not coming here for Freedom more like the FREE STUFF -If we did not give illeagals FREE STUFF they wouldnt be here #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Okay \ud83e\udd17","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Open Border Extremisst will only Aid Mexican Cartel making 550 Million a year and abandoning migrant children in the desert #BuildTheWall #Trump #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user big discussions taking place in the #ukoug_jde16 agenda planning day room; taking a look at \"today, tomorrow..... the journey\" #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bakkt is doing what an ETF would have done... they are just not calling it an etf. FUKEN CUUUUUKS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and we're all just as for our #future as melissa is! #theatre #asd #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Trump #FLOTUS #Immigrant #Melania #MediaBiasMelania Trump is a first Lady that has continuously brought... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She thought she would be low profile and help the Dem party get rid of Kavanaugh and she could remain anonymous. She most likely was promised this by the party. Now that she can be charged with perjury she will continue with playing a victim. She is not. Lying is a can of worms.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe death on site for um would be great examples.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user sumvah..kagak bisa move-on gara2 nonton clannad after story t,t salut #anime #otaku #clannad #clannadafterstory #animel\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Um, thankfully unlike you not all men are twisted sexual predators. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RED PILL : NEWS FLASH \"MEDIA\" ....( TRUMP & STORMY) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when @user gets a night in @user 100% will be there \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Blacks will win over the housing market in California!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#LibDemConf shows me that @USER are absolutely void of constructive ideas for the myriad problems the UK faces, and begging @USER and @USER moderates\" isn't the answer. Thatcher was right, the parrot is dead.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Again this is not blatant,but there's always mixed race or non-white couples thrown into what was once unapologetically White!At the rate Canada's being taken over,this is misleading https:\/\/www.google.com.au\/search?q=canadian+couple&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRh7XDwYbZAhWLUbwKHYyfDxMQ_AUICigB&biw=1698&bih=972","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nope. Not giving them up. Especially not my rifle. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its all about $$$$$$ dollar signs for those hysterical women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Savage Indians living up to their Reputation!!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #MASA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#TrumpTrain #CCOT @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How about a GoFundMe for a few hundred million dollars, to build a wall along the border side of this farm? #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Volkisch folklorist is here on GAB; a listened to a piece this morning concerning writers in western culture wy9n advocated returning Europe to it's Pagan origin & dump the desert religion; rounding out your listening might make you more tolerant of other religions; esp. those that Christianity stole so much from. https:\/\/www.carolynemerick.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user there are people that \"don't like me\" and dedicating their lives to getting my attention to make me see the shady shit they\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user when on holiday why not have some gentle morning sex #morningsex #holiday #milf #married \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is the only one worth slapping your cock on #cocktribute and cumming all over #cumtribute she is my CumSlave after all \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Iran: Justice needed for rape &; murder of 7-yr-old girl but executing the 17-yr-old boy convicted doesn't deliver it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Episode 12 of the MACK (Middle Aged Cool Kids) Podcast is up!It's a watch along!\u00a0 This week we talk through the very cheesy Shark Lake starring Dolph Lundgren plus other people you will not have heard of.\u00a0You can watch here >>\u00a0http:\/\/vmashup.com\/CnbKDMuR\u00a0 Feel free to expand the movie's window, ours is just audio anyway.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is your #GOP #GOPcowards #realDonaldTrump #SenateGOP #SenateMajLdr #healthcare PLAN[NEWLINE]-- Eliminate #preexistingconditions coverage [NEWLINE]Stay healthy #deplorabes !!![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Election2020 #BidenHarris2020 #RepublicansForBiden [NEWLINE] #ObamaCare https:\/\/t.co\/0fFajVdyoj","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just look at the ass and keep it moving \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"remember the day when people on #bbuk went on to become reality tv stars, no it seems reality tv stars become big brother contestants. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are a grown up","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No his stream chat lmao I raided him and he wasn\u2019t reading chat like the cutie he is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wow @user was a real at times back in the day on #smackdown #unitedstateschampion #uschampion #sdlive great more #illegal talk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i wish akon still made music :( tweet #hespoketome #ohwell #weoutherefam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes, they intentionally used language you described since Malta Summit. They want to turn illegal migration into legal migration by providing safe routes to EU and by expanding definition of refugee to include migrants from Africa in \u201crefugee- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol i get to be a business woman tomorrow and the day after that and after that and after that ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Clearly Durbin lived under a rock for those eight years!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user do you hate ? #putinspuppet loves attention. on january... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user It never gets further that the Caymans But I want to know what gives Boris the right to spunk \u00a345m on a folly of a bridge that wasn\u2019t built Where is the money And what relation to him were the people who were paid it And why are they all now abroad No lnvestigation iniated Why ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These are poor Syrian refugees in camps ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user june 17th : officially repo-free and... orange is the new black new season is coming out ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"obviously missed out on something great not seeing @user last week while in nyc. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yoongi you are the father!!! \ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leaked dossier reveals details of a \u00a35.6m campaign backed by George Soros to stop Brexit https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/05\/leaked-dossier-reveals-details-of-a-5-6m-campaign-backed-by-george-soros-to-stop-brexit\/#.WwifUAZmv1Y.twitter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU doesnt want to reduce refugees! Now the socialist goverment wants to take off the fence of NATO in the enclave CEUTA. 60.000 refugees want to take over to Spain from Maroc. Spain people hate them, but the goverment take all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RFIDbollocks\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" 500 post at #arff2016 @user name change & super\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Failure to show empathy - Up to 6 months in jail or an unlimited fine. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Arizona Border Cams Capture 25 Straight Minutes of Rapists & Murderers Crossing Border Illegally #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is so lame outside the cage. Killer in the cage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i need to do mine :((((((((((( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Honduran refugees and the hellhole they\u2019re fleeing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this basically sums up what #brexit means: #britain\u00e2\u0080\u0099s #eurosceptic #xenophobic #isolationist #tribalism\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She\u2019s so far up in the clouds she\u2019s long since forgotten what common sense is let alone how the American people feel she\u2019s just another Michael Bloomberg trying to push her views on everyone else and the state she represents ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i can't have a girlfriend my dick's only big enough for one of us ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \u201cCause you are taller than me and I always get excited to see you.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They all look the same to me.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Joe is just singing the old Liberal bullshit song and misrepresenting facts as usual. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"brock for broglio @user anniversary","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the man who stands against sensible gun control. #hypocrite","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That sucks \ud83d\udc4e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every chance we get @NHTrumpVictory is contacting voters and talking to #GraniteStaters. After another Weekend of Action, ending the day with some phone calls to ensure NH's votes go to @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in November! \ud83d\uddd3[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#LeadRight #Trump2020 #4MoreYears https:\/\/t.co\/3rWjmIeH2Z","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i don't like the #blacklivesmatter slogan. talk about being .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user black would be cute w ur skin tone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing is sacred and journalism is dead. Its \"by any means necessary\" warfare.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Used to look up to Sweden as a good example of how to do things. That country is a mess these days.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You hit the hoe she lay there I hit the bitch she fuck back And boy She is noisy I can't shut her up And boy she annoys me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BigBird was made by a gay couple. So yes, under a GOP world the bird would not have existed since its creators would be in jail for sodomy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes he is and the democrats hate it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2 hours at midnight and she said she is not a call girl? -Awkward!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I was on some shit last night","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I do know that you're retarted enough not to be able to write a coherent sentence.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Looks like #LeftistsPreferIllegalAliens in Europe as well as in the USA.\"Migrant\" has allegedly been using legal loopholes to stay in Germany despite having a staggering 542 criminal investigations against him.#GlobalistAgenda ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You speak with a Mueller yet you racist skank! #trumpRussia #WrongSideOfTheLaw ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Forced ,threatened , Bullied into Islam Prayers every where and this is migrants supposed to be wanting a fresh start ur kidding ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now that's a quote that would make Stalin proud. 3 cheers from Lenin too!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Childish and unprofessional. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This page is dedicated to all the stupid ass shit women do! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user he probably had sex twice for boruto and the other sister that no one cares about ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are delusional if you think he is the reason either game was lost in the past two seasons lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#LindaSarsour is #FakeFeminist she's pushing #ShariaLaw and #AntiSemetic and #Liberals are buying it she was born in Brooklyn to #Palestinian parent's whom are #AntiSemetic and #AntiAmerican proves that leopard can't change it's spots. #PcLiberal #WakeUP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ShitPussiesSay: Dudes built like a crushed Twinkie http:\/\/t.co\/1WsYI6gDVP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"#trump won because #politicalcorrectness has gone too far.\" you know what you never heard? \"#obama won because has gone too far.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What are the chances this was holding 'Refugees Welcome' sign in German a couple years ago? I'm gonna go with 100%. Place your bets below. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/437015-german-kindergarten...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How gay is that portrait? Is he laughing at Dumb Shit Americans who voted his Gay, Illegal Ass into Office? No. I cannot be here watching this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" got @user new book, #selfproclaimedbooknerd #love2read ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#EU still not clear on where to put rescued migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ask your friends over at @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If this yutz was any dumber she'd have to be watered twice a week!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well iWas cool my girl don\u2019t like shit popping out at her so it scared her a little when shit popped out","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Admit #DACA #cheaters as #citizens but they can't #vote, nor can any family they bring.\u00a0 \u00a0And they have to pay for the #Wall. Win-win","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He'd probably get his face bashed in by a horde of angry Antifa armed with lead pipes. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Parsons trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #flashbackfriday racist democrats falsely accuse latina nominee & raid her business just to embarrass gop prez who\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DoYouEvenLif And @KamalaHarris and @JoeBiden are baby killers #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2 Kamala Harris staffers have covid-19. Let's hope at least one of them has been recently sniffed by Creepy Joe.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Steroid girl in steroid rage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why did A say Grassley & Gowdy are important? Others are speculating that Gowdy is protecting the FBI DOJ showing that he' not with Trump on this to make it easier to be appointed to supreme court...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The illegal immigration problem was started by, continued and made worse by government. 100 years ago we had free and open borders to the south and supply and demand for labor determined how many came. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"check out this post! confession: i'm #america #controversy #equality #kaepernick #nationalanthem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He\u2019s still a woman beater #cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Sleazy and greasy!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That video is so very sick. I felt like I just wanted to reach in that video and just hug her and say you're safe now. I'm 59 years old and I cannot even believe what I just heard!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hot off the press! the nikita news is out! #bestoftheweek ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Morning trash http:\/\/t.co\/xba6WWVO7m","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There is no reason. The bravest people politically in our society are black conservative. They are seeing the cities that have the worst quality of life for black Americans have generationally been ran by liberals with promises but no improvements. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If I ever committ a crime, you can cite LVL as being the sole influence.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ignorant #pamelaramseytaylor,praised by cretin #beverlywhaling,reinstated to her job at state&federal funde\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If by hysterical you mean logical, well-read, unapologetic, and passionate, then you, for once, are correct. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my mom and 3rd grandmother #mall #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And on and it goes. #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user just asking....oh and of course black people can be racist. that belief in itself is superior and by definition is .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It sure it here. Those other photos of her were from decades ago. She is a complete Liberal Antifa. She can not be trusted. I don't believe her. Not a whit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump proposal would limit citizenship for legal immigrants on welfare-good it's abt time -76% of immigrants coming to US never get off welfare. Welfare was not meant for a permanent means of income- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Because we haven't shot them all?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user should be thanking her lucky stars that she has never been sexually assaulted or raped when she was a 15 year old girl. She could hardly deal with a little harassment from Antifa. #NothingLower ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you. Yes she is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Law allows separated migrant children to tell why they fled their country, lawsuit says via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"montana says no to racism #whitefish #montana #nazis #christmas #hanukkah #richardspencer #andrewanglin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrant GI booted out of Army at Fort Sam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If rape is real why aren't more people reporting it? Just another feminist lie.; ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#obama: wall won\u2019t keep terrorists away. Same Obama: gun control will prevent killings by criminals (and terrorists?) #WalkAway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Smh nigga dat shit gone take us far u tweaked out\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Character and Clinton. Cartoon maybe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just a couple of days left to vote in #CLFA Book of the Year Awards. No cost, no registration, and an easy way to support pro-freedom authors. If you already voted, please share. TY! #GabWriters #GabLit #GabBookClub https:\/\/conservativelibertarianfictionalliance.com...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Jews are the ring leaders , the rest are useful idiots ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Should Move to Deport Immigrants on Welfare as Public Charges We Dont Owe them Our Tax Dollars #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I don't know how They said they aren't gay tho.\"\" and \"\"And by liberals you mean conservatives.\"\" sounds like me being upset. As for why it matters, if it doesn't matter then why go to such lengths to deny that they're gay? There's straight couples, why not just let them be gay?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"These are the same people that were spamming Gabbers with tranny porn. They are trying to get people to threaten them so that they can use those threats to take Gab down. Better to mute them...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And here\u2019s me fucking ya mom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pay hard \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e#love #instagood #cute #photooftheday #smile #beautiful #girl #me #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#metal only, honkies!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So... Did Angela hook up with a younger guy so she has someone to wipe her butt when she is 75?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dosent matter about benifits migrants will still come and look what happened in Germany etc without benifits no to crime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fortunately the rest of America is not the Swamp in Washington. Washington is the worst place to decide what's good for America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The pit bull debate is just like gun control. Pit bull kills someone and here comes pictures here's my loving pit.\" gun kill's someone and its \"I have 4 guns and they never killed anyone.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She should start kneeling before matches and talk about how oppressed she is. Its getting deep in America with all the BS the liberal nuts are throwing up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb I\u2019ve never seen anyone talk like that on Twitter before and I\u2019ve seen some really messed up shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this bitch @user is a hoe. u wanna fuck my best friends boy multiple times when you know they're dating cause youre a crusty ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first video coming tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb mark the date 17\/06\/2016 #tomorrow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Yankees go away already @Frizzle18","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and @user launch a project to provide income for youth, #refugees in #Kenya #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .@user ends 2016 with a hopeful message against in the music industry via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Dropped' - possibly the lamest 'hip' verb in the shitlib lexicon.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER - we're counting on you to save the Conservatives from leading this country of ours from falling off the economic precipice that grows dangerously close!! HELP!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Give it a rest, you fugly skank. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ubi Libertas Habitat Ibi Nostra Patria Est","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"alot if people have been texting me about my advise i could help. #loved #flagday #ios10","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We need a RICO investigation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i almost always trust brazilians ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ffrelay beginning in 2 minutes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#connecticut attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side i ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump \"Grab them by the pussy\" \"Rosie is fat and ugly\" \"I like people who weren't captured\"- You demean and belittle and still got elected. Shut the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The great shameless audacious bawler ignite's the fermenting ordure manifested by the false prophets. Burned away are the old crops for the new. \u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 8\/6\/18\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 onemale","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i got an interview!! it's at a high school. #confused #teachersinjune","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thank you! My RSS feed to Mo20c was lost several months ago... Didn't know they had a youtube channel.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user bloody hell thats heabreaking \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #heabreaking #intears ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#news #AnimalAbuse #AnimalRights #AnimalCruelty #AnimalLegalDefenseFund\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ROSEANNEBARR Valerie does look like Planet of the Apes and she is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. We patriots and free speech lovers are right next to you. I suspect this and the #TommyRobinson thing are VERY related.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Don't be so hard on yourself...The great people in your life love you for who you are why give them that displeasure to please suckers who will never like you no matter if you're a chick with ten thousand disguses...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is time to take these people down and take their power now before they hurt our PTOTUS!! These people are ABUSING their power that was given to them in trust! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You mean you're too stupid to learn how to swallow a pill. That's something to really brag about.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know a whole lotta people spitting a whole lot of bullshit right now idk if youll ever see this but I pray you feel no way responsible for what happened today. You have already been through so damn much. Just know that you are good you are great I love you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Savage -\u00a0The Chad Trump pays playmate of the year $150k so his supermodel wife doesn\u2019t find out. The Virgin Bourdain pays a 16 year old boy $380,000 so the world doesn\u2019t find out his aging ugly feminazi life partner cucked him.\u00a0 https:\/\/heartiste.wordpress.com\/2018\/08\/25\/comment...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Educating liberals does not have the mattcouch post you posted ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are also the king of taste","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for seeing the light. #StopKanavaugh PLEASE VOTE NO. HE is NOT OK!!! Help SAVE our DEMOCRACY \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#StayTheCourse. Just remember, Ladies & Gentlemen:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the dumb media race to call a winner on Nov. 3 could do enormous damage to integrity of vote-counting process & also feeds right into Trump's plot to steal the election, journalists should pump the breaks on Super Bowl election coverage forever but esp now https:\/\/t.co\/Mc9SfadRBg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Do really even care what comes out the his foolish and annoying mouth? Go home David and let the adults #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Republicans love to say it's too early to talk\"\" about common sense gun control after these events - what they really want is people to forget and amnesia to kick in so they can ignore doing their jobs which is to protect the public Gun control works and R's just procrastinate\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pet attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of food fo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Cowards in masks. Antifa are the true fascists.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sip wine with yo bitch while she explain shit to you, you couldn't understand as a man on yo own. Women's perspective will help you grow if you stfu & listen. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ooooh she is beautiful !!! :o ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nice looking gorgious ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" be green! work happy!: wear blue! be green! work happy! 1-800-got-junk? is looking for a diversion ass... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I let it go when you said We can take away their ammo\" when talking about gun control. I said, maybe she just blurted that out, didn't mean it. But you are proving to be a leftist. That's fine, I can still like you, but I don't TRUST you anymore.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@phalaenadispar \nHow day feel bout colored folk?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Omg not even interested in his age but damn he is fine af \ud83d\ude1c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how can you openly break up a family by being a skank ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The FASCISTS are Anti-American Communist Scum like yourself!! Now go Fuck Yourself you piece of human garbage!! USA #MAGA ANTIFA are Terrorists ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER John careful... liberals will attack you for thinking critically because the facts aren't on their side","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fucking yellow card stupid cunt #LIVMAN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well kiddo, i would rather be called an idiot by a troll like you than be called a fucktard by a man like me. good luck in your momas basement, son","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the death of a dream is the day that you stop believing in the work it takes to get there. #dream #quoteoftheday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After voting in June for an amendment to the Missouri Democratic Party platform that proclaimed their acceptance of pro-life members, the party voted the amendment out on Saturday.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SMACKHighAZ: \"Seton Catholic where their own students talk trash about how low of a division there football team is in.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch always want us to do work that ain\u2019t even for a grade. Hoe, a bitch don\u2019t do this for our health. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My Favorite \"Renaissance Hillbilly\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"However, Congress then passed the PROTECT Act, which used \"obscenity\" to get around the First Amendment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soros is a felon and need to be in jail, assuming Ole Sparky can't be fired up. Soros is spending HUGELY on the Alameda County CA and Contra Costa DA races. He is running total commies, who want to open the prisons and fill them with white people.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Scythians may be mentioned, greeks are mentioned, romans are mentioned...none of them are mentioned as being jews.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Trump has no interest in caring the safety of the country. He doesn\u2019t care about gun control. So far with all the shooting in the country. He doesn\u2019t care... he is a selfish person. Everything is about him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"#refugee\" said \"I will kill 10s of you and then go back\" \"I can eat humans now\" #Islam is not a #ReligionOfPeace - those #rapefugees are #invaders, #pedophiles, #terrorists, #cannibals, #jewish servants. They're here to exterminate #WhitePeople ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'My man just left, come o...' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Dr Merck just following orders. Abysmal little pharma troll he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Two idiot Canadian robbers try to elude the police. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Liberals really are nuts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Merkel calls for 'more control on migration' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Me estoy fucking alterando ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 BECAUSE THey think Sen Collins is A STUPID COWARD &all they have to do is Bullie SenCollins This is what\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservatives Have lives with For 9\ufe0f\u20e3yrs now Please Vote For Kavanaugh LetGod Take Care Of the Rest ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Omg what country were you in?? It wasn\u2019t America. But again you liberals will believe ANYTHING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do illegals proudly wave the flag of another country, but consider it \"punishment\" to be sent back there?Let's face it -- without a job or welfare, many illegals would self-deport. #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #MandatoryEverity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah,and a powder puff would be necessary.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh and higher unemployment and witch hunts and lynch mobs and antifa communist parades ...you can have all that shit and let Hollywood decide how you feel.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Global refugee numbers reach record high, U.S. and #Canada take in record numbers #UnitedStates... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sir .... on the cultural issue i find this is the major problem ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You mean commie mutherfuckers pieces of shit!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fallon is a woosy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am thankful for my friends. #thankful #positive \u00ef\u00bc\u008c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ah yes. The feds or maybe just compitition sending trolls to try to stop Gab ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You don't have to agree with everything Biden says or stands for. This is the moment to unite around one shared goal: Defeating Donald Trump. Because our entire future is at stake.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#ListenToBernie #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/RsqDycWS8E","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER America will be better off once you retire Flakey Jeff Flake. Go away.......","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good to know. Thanks for the info","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"actually smiling for once \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #smile #rare #worknight #drinks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I was more sad about how many liberals seem to love firing shots at allies. I saw it in 2016 with Bernie Sanders supporters calling me an Uncle Tom for supporting Hillary. I made the same argument then and now. No shade and hopefully you don't block me. I respect your opinion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The German government is giving refugees three weeks paid vacations\u00a0INCLUDING\u00a0airfare\u00a0BACK\u00a0to the very countries they fled from because it was unsafe. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Israeli Police Find Palestinian with Knife, Meat Cleaver Outside Jewish Community ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Investigation reveals it is highly probable it is an ISIS attack. Worst case scenario a joint ISIS-Antifa attack","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i don't think i can watch u anymore. u pretend 2 b happy w\/ ur weight; i don't buy it. i don't want 2 watch u die. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/uAUnPN68fdQ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This new refugee ban won't make us safer. #RefugeeAdmissionsProgram #refugeeswelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He can rage all he wants. What did he DO?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All we ever hear from Hillary is beeching & moaning. Dang ! That witch never get tired of complaining! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Still, that resemblance to (((Alan Ginsberg))) is a bit worrysome.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just hung up on one of my great friends #feeling ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\udea8\ud83d\udea8This NYTimes story isn't even trending but it's one of the BIGGEST stories out right now \ud83d\udea8\ud83d\udea8[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Make sure you read it and share it!![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Please RT the thread[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47\ud83d\udc47[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpCrimeFamily #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/qEUxtUBQ1R","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Auroramwj @marylmcaffry @BBAnimals It's a mutation. Genealogy is convoluted. Basically the zebra gene currieries are slaughtered=Extinction","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">500 comments, and all negative, slamming Chris Hayes for promoting vote suppression via Michael I love rapist & Putin-puppet Assange\" Moore & his latest \"kill the Dems\" movie. How about a town hall on women's repro rights & gun control on eve of Kavanaugh vote instead? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hell yeah\u00a0https:\/\/circumcisionmovie.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Irish will not like my tweet at all... But why was Ireland nuetral in WWII?? So Bono gives a NAZI salute...yawn.nothing new.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Well if she truly thought he was an intruder in her home I would suppose she would revert to her police training. What sickens me is all the media hype that she is going to get off strictly because she is white and he is black. Horrible all the way around.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I digest relationships before we ever breakup... Smooth transition ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t understand why anyone won\u2019t want to see these docs in open light. You liberals think the Russian investigations is the big deal. As a American I truly believe the subversion of a elected president by our Justice department and the FBI is far worse for our Country. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rescued migrants arrive in Pozzallo as Italy grants approval to dock ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user can't wait. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Obama claims robust economy belongs to him and Pelosi blames bad economy\" on Trump. These dem dolts are schizo.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i love you dude \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bad ass bitch* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Congress really does need to do something effective to stop school shootings: end gun free schools, setup armed guards and teachers, allow longer time for psychiatric holds of suspects to 1 week instead of useless 48hrs. #guncontrol #Parkland","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user because i dont know.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 .. always been azzuri fan in international football","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hogg \ud83d\udca9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user invoking #hitler because you're losing the #debate what was #wwii fought for? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today (y) (y) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a few small shifts in your #communication can help you get more and be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":">well...she is the most kindest person in the universe! She has the most beautiful eyes...and hair. She was the first person...to be actually nice to me... I only meet her a day ago...but I am absolutely smitten. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Aiming for 1k by New Year's, come be a part of it. Don't forget to share. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/c\/CaeruleusValentiniusCae","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"filling the void in my hea with back to back conces all july long. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And this is EXACTLY why the #MSM #propagandists are the most dangerous people in the world today. Their constant racist #AntiWhite messaging will lead to more of this behaviour by the intellectually challenged people in western society!! #DrainTheGlobalPedoSwamp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user *big annoucement* you will be able to play as #prompto on #psvr #finalfantastyxv #sonye3 #gameate3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who else is looking forward to seeing @user on the 2nd july? we are! get your tickets now! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user My Stoned Wheat Crackers! Where the hell did they put the Stoned Wheat Crackers? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Where were these morons when the Groper Trudeau and his lying Liberals stomped all over our Charter with their Values Test? Where was Holt Renfrew\u2019s favourite shopper Horwath? Premier Ford is trying to save taxpayers money! Maybe that\u2019s what bugs Horwath??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is so stupid it scares us average Americans that she makes decisions on our behalf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The elderly folk of Britain grateful they will soon be gone really does signal the end. #StopImmigration #BanIslam #GetBritainBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I look at the shit that I post... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is. Ur screwed. Trump owns scotus and he will exact a wrath upon enemies after the midterms","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Find a voice? The voice they have is their choice to say no to having unprotected sex ... it's not just pregnancy women need to worry about it's STDS and HIV also ... Being responsible for your sexual safety is important ... In the age of #metoo you should already know this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Someone Tell this Immigrant Non Citizen who cant vote that Michelle Obama is no longer Flotus and was never her Flotus then Deport her Racists behind back to the Congo so she can #Resist there ! #Trump #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He may be a rubber stamp but, beware he may decide to leave a mark on your ugly face first. Bloody 73rd whore, seditious bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It says everything. When your principles hang on the fraudulent word of a porn performer. What integrity have you got left? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ukraine - The Babchenko Hoax Was Part Of A Corporate Raid http:\/\/www.moonofalabama.org\/2018\/06\/ukraine-the-babchenko-hoax-was-part-of-a-corporate-raid.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #IllegalAliens #MAGA #HurricaneFlorerence #96TheMovie #MAGA This is for all you illeagle aliens aot there who are bright as a blowout lightbulb in a pitch black room. #gohome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user another judge that first blames the tool then wants to make them dangerous to the legitimate user guess we know wher he is on gun control OUT TO LUNCH your honor sir! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SemiMooch and I believe we all evolved or whatnot, but I find it hard to believe that we all came from apes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user nicola sturgeon sends her christmas message surrounded by white children. no brown kids for nationalist nicola. #s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Smells a lot like insider trading to me !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Sorry my love I know you will be disappointed maybe I'll stand in my next life time \u2764 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"4 day weekend incoming, College football starting, it doesn't get much better!!! Yay! \ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bring on Amy Barrett. No hearings needed anymore and she is a candidate number one ! And she is better on real human rights. This is what the Dems want so make her SCOTUS MAGA \ud83d\ude06 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"all i want is to be if you ain't helping out with the cause then #bye #goalsset","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".Knifeman is arrested after injuring seven people in central Paris via @user @user @user #BuildThatWall #SorosRefugees #SorosMoney ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You do realize illegal immigration and refugee fraud would be a problem even if those ppl were white, right? Only a fool believes race has anything to do with illegal immigration.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #BanMuslims #BanIslam #SendThemBack to their shitholes!! #CloseTheBorders ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@cvpayne Could @JoeBiden possibly say anything more stupid? Lol, absolutely.. just wait till next time he speaks. Dumb & Dumber 3, coming to a t.v near you. Staring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What happened Democrats? I'll tell you what happened, without the immigrant vote there would be no Democrat party. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" quotes about women kingfisher girls xxx ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well said \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So i had a dream that baekyeol kissed right in front of my face that was very charming thing until some psycho women start to scream.bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"faith GOLDie....jew HOW TO RECOGNIZE AND IDENTIFY A JEW: https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/mcUC2P4zFliS\/ #altright #whitegenocide #freespeech #trudeau #trump #bernier #whitenationalism HOW TO RECOGNIZE AND IDENTIFY A JEW.pdf https:\/\/mega.nz\/#!O7ITGQAa!HJsZbkK0EkT_z3hqIhzdICeX8jmKtkw1WFbzc0Dl_j8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user lovely lunchtime run with @user in #brighton now we're ready to tackle the afternoon @user #worklife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey Bono- Why not turn your Dublin hotel over to refugees? Asshole! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's better this way. no one can hu you. teens poems ness quotes #hu\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I bet she`s had more prick`s than a second-hand pincushion! #MAGA \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"off to concelebrate at the #albanpilgrimage for the first time. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stop trying to find where it isn't even happening! #airingofthegrievances ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER WHAT THW FUCK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@washingtonpost The people who work at those companies tend to be trash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is fake.. Ha ha ha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user mr. paris dinnard...is in denial... smh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nuke 'em 'till they glow and use them for runway lights.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't wait to ride my replicastuk racing moto3 tomorrow at the bsb test at snetteon!! #bsb #honda #moto3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 18 USC sec. 2383 et al. Time to press Federal criminal charges on Eric Holder and the other swamp scum. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER How do you decide truth with accusation from incident 35 years ago? The big lie! He has been confirmed multiple times and no accusations. This is the liberal MO. Conservatives not falling for it again!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user nazis continue to target jews, businesses in #whitefish #jewish #christians #montana #na\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good afternoon fellow gabers the latest hit against Kavanaugh\u00a0 the vile witch from HI. horito says Kavanaugh shouls be banned from coaching girls sports a rapest shouldnt be allowed any where near youn girls or women period ! this fucking bitch is a disgrace to humanity she saide she blvs Ford 100 % and Kavanaugh is an outright liar !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I guess Ann Summers and Victoria Secret have some contemplating to do","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Let's use the TREASON laws to remove Holder from the planet... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Masters of the Universe Town Hall: Peter Schweizer Says Google and Facebook Have \u2018More Power than Any Company in Human History\u2019 http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/04\/05\/masters-o...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ex CIA Kevin Shipp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Defense Distributed wins their case. Where do the gun grabbers go next, and will tech no platform them just like conservatives? https:\/\/techcrunch.com\/2018\/07\/14\/its-now-legal-to...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user \"when u gonna get your license\" SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I AINT GOT TIME DAMN GET OFF MY DICK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DREAMER' Repeatedly Raped Young Girl In North Carolina via @user @user #DeathPenalty#ChildRape#ProtectUS#KeepAmericaSafe#NoDACA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's amazing how the Democrats are always leading in the CNN polls. All the Liberals live for is the polls that they control. Liberals are insane.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lolol God he is such an a**hole. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Amen: See 'Canada in Decay' by Ricardo Duchesne for the similar reality of Canada.We are not nations of immigrants. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user after being a #victim of a #hatecrime (i was called a cr*cker) i now truly #understand what it feels like to be\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok, go and take them to your house and let them live there....prick... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#IllegalAliens are a thing. #Fascim is a thing too. Pretending the good guys are the bad guys is a thing the left likes to do all the time. #NeverForget the #holocaust either & how it happened. Bad guys took over & began to \"diminish\" their enemies for their agenda. #hypocrisy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ProtectOurBorders#SendThemBack#CNNSucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user you guys make today on of the best days 4 @user u 2 snapple fa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you want it all but it's too deep.#greeneyedgirls #natural #love #fun #florida #miami #paralegal #law #fl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ghost of an ice cream bar. #neverforget #thinkofthechildren @ ysmael villegas park ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lol did you just do the trump very fine people on both sides? Antifa punches Nazis. Don\u2019t want to be punched? Don\u2019t be nazis oh whaooaaaaa so crazy. OTOH Nazis are literally murdering folks and trying to bomb shit soooo yeah. You\u2019re just a right wing dupe. Sorry that\u2019s the case.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER WAPO what an idiot comment you are a disgrace to journalism VERY SAD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BookoutBj That's ghetto for super duper! It's the current generations best complement.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"acrylic bag mini lipstick, clutch, ... gbp 24.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"| congratulations! | | a major achievement to get onto their shelves & uber clientele exposure ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go away you are irrelevant","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can't even write or spell in a grammatical manner, and simply hurl incoherent insults, which are utterly meaningless - I conclude that you are a pathetic, ineffective troll. You are also a total moron. GAB will regard you as a ridiculous joke - which you ARE - and treat you accordingly, you mentally ill RETARD. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ewk man this bitch be with mad whores ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The reason liberals should be deported. They are just to sick and twisted to fix. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hillary clinton & donald trump going at it like 15 year olds on twitter. it's embarrassing for the #usa - our only two options...... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Another illegal alien that shouldn't be in America killed an innocent American couple!#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And the \"radical\" muslim who kills infidels (as the Koran instructs) is considered a saint\/martyr who goes straight to paradise ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stop wishing....sta doing\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #wednesdaywisdom #flowers #flower #spring #... (vine by @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is beyond upsetting. i was one of her biggest fans. #whitepeople #hawaii #jlaw #disrespect","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Leona Alleslve was the weakest link in the Liberals. She is the last thing we need during Canada\u2019s NAFTA negotiations. Its a good thing she is out of our military with her Traitor tendencies. Get out of Government too.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lets have an answer from all the do gooders and those with placards saying refugees welcome.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Grr... Woke up ickblah. Congestion ew chunky bloaty gross. Missed the gym. 1 1\/2hr wait for the Dr. \n Boo Friday. \n#whineytweet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is Spartacus. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@TeachPlusCA teacher leaders are working to expand opportunities for English learners in California. Read more here. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I support their rights. I also support them having a 90 lb. Jack hammer shoved up their ass if it makes them feel like we care. \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\ude0e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry, jew boy, but I'm already on all of your lists. Still waiting for you kikes to make good on all those death threats you like to send my way but are too cowardly to act on yourselves. Guess I'll just have to wait for one of your nigger pets to attempt to do the work you're too scared to.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when you know you get to see your #htcsisters today \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 it doesn't matter how ANYONE feels 2 anyone can talk about something. there are no segregated conversations. unless you are a regressive. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Charles Tillmans' eyes are more yellow than corn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DADDY! :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"spent late morn talkin over the state of black stl commercial #radio with @user \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 mfs get #popular but #fail to #monetize the #fame","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And you dont even represent women for anything so stop talking and stay in the kitchen and cook and eat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In my culture, that's a way of saying 'Suck a dick you bitch punk cunt' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...[bring] our railways back into public ownership, as franchises expire or, in other cases, with franchise reviews or break clauses. We will introduce a Public Ownership of the Railways Bill to repeal the Railways Act 1993 under which the Conservatives privatised our railways.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Breitbart has become neocon Establishment and is Fake News the worst of the lot is Alex Marlow a total loser . Watch or listen to Fault Lines with Stranahahn and Nixon instead probably the best show of its kind. Stranahahn fired by Breitbart for being too good.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fortunately the rest of America is not the Swamp in Washington. Washington is the worst place to decide what's good for America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Buckle up Democrats and liberals! The shit is about to hit the fan for you and the FBI\/DOJ ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Bitchute #Questions #YouTube I have a YouTube channel and I have started a Bitchute channel. Do I have to manually upload all my videos onto Bitchute or is there a way of transferring them from my YouTube channel? @bitchute","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this how works in uk. if i'd been white & those politician impoed thieves black, they'd investigate & prosecute. #returnmyvinyl \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0088","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't dance, Iggy. It's trash just like your music.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"read and understand how berniebros chose sanders over hillary ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is there historical precedent for a state killing its own people, as a consequence of which many of them become refugees, then, without providing any guarantees or safety, they ask for people to return and the neighboring countries try to push people back into the dictatorship? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#israel this is and the rape of land that is not theirs at all #freedom for #palestine \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's only a matter of time before he became just another politician..... The oath they take means nothing anymore.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have seen both sides: Turks disenfranchised by voting fraud, and Western arrogance in \"this couldn't happen here\". But it is happening, increasingly so.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER And you\u2019re just another Twitter asshole. #Muted","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Agreed and what I\u2019m saying too. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i would be safe to say that my point #islostonyou #nottrump2016","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Don't need to make it any more obvious how desperate you are...your replaced\" comment was enough indication of where your prejudices and xenophobic views stem from...\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there is always something new to learn and feel each sunday #sunyday\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #ilovemyjob #madrid\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user agreed.. the same is true for and .. they are overused terms, and as a result, are fast becoming meaningless.. \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't think he gives hints. Negotiators are like poker players, the may use false tells, but never hints.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A whore's book being published! All the looney liberals run out and buy it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user how about stating the FACT that the rate of black people being murdered by black people is much higher than being murdered by white people. Shine a light on that. Save Chicago. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You know nothing about me, faggot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER liberals drink their own Kool-aid. They live in these bubbles and they think a lot of people like them. If they could see themselves how clownish they look and act.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Way over the head...\"\" you #Liberals are all the same.. \"\"@USER supporters are stupid\"\" \"\"If you think for yourself, you are a racist\"\" \"\"Aboilish ICE so we can have open borders and more crime.\"\" Get out of you bubble for a minute and look at how great the country is doing. #MAGA\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" father's day#who's your daddy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It\u2019s in my fuckbucket ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are being unkind to the pin!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#show us ur taxes it would be a traffic jam going into mexico if #dump trump gets elected ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER EVERYTHING is an issue with Muslims..go live in another country like Iran..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cunt Ford-- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"u a stupid ho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why do those who have neen accepted as refugees want the uk to take in more ? handing out things wont change peoples mind ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 whatever. It was more than enough for 'Antifa & the rest to stay home! Peaceful. Dignified. On Point. Last time the left did that???????? I'll wait\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deluded low IQ welfare sucking scum. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #DUMMYDONNIEJR \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd25\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f THIS IS FROM 2008 IDIOT \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude05. The apple doesn\u2019t fall to far from the tree when it comes to lying \ud83e\udd25. The American people have had #EnoughIsEnough of #LIARINCHIEF and you are actually an embarrassment as well like your daddy \ud83c\udf44\ud83c\udf44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Either she is misinformed or has no shame. I\u2019m going with she has no shame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You don't understand the difference between an operating cost and an unfunded liability. USG can stop or reduce welfare any time. Social Security is a decades-long commitment. Comparing them as line items on the annual budget (which is almost the same anyway) is ignoring 90% of the problem.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lmfaoooooo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.healthwellnessbeauty.info\/order-sublingual-viagra-pro\/ - Generic Sublingual Viagra Pro is a medication based on sildenafil, prescribed for treatment of ED #sildenafil","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You no good cunt fck off","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RudyCerda Hmmmm.....nope, you don\u2019t have a vagina so pipe down. Perhaps you should lobby to sew guys dickholes shut so women don\u2019t have to be in the position to choose. #trump2020 #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amazing that when there is a shooting progressives immediately call for 'sensible' gun control.\u00a0 Problem isn't the guns, it is the breakdown of the value system that cultivated controlled behavior. In many places I'd be called an NRA whore because of this comment and vilified\/threatened.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is a horrible at her job...maybe that's why her career is dying... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Turkish government must immediately take precautions to protect it's borders and find solution for the trouble in Syria or else Turkey will be a refugee storage in the near future and this is a big threat for our survival #nomorerefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest the eu #tweet daily! thanks to @user #healthy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is in a full blown temper tantrum over Manafort. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love your body just the way it is & your relationship with food changes #sparkledarling #coaching ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got 99 problems and hayfever is the biggest bitch of them all the cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i cant help but look back and cry #crying ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pew study: Rest of the world takes in more refugees than US for first time ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Well he is really really smart and nothing Woodward wrote in is book is true. Good Lord this is the shit. We see it and hear it everyday all day. Did we really need a Op-ed or a book? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Congratulations @user & @user for officially raising the dumbest child ever @user please stay out of politics you make Forrest Gump look like Einstein compared to you! #HappyNewYear #LockHerUp #RETWEET Help #BuildThatWall @ @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lemme ride prison rape bitch im your moms a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"silveragatka: had to screenshot & share these snaps from michaelacoel it's an impoant message. #colou\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nicola learn your lesson that its the very non Scots and migrants who stopped Independence can we have our dropped kerb legislation first ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hanging with my #minime #daldife #lifeofdad #kidlife #idad #thebaddadsclub #beardgang\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user receptions new look outdoor area is taking shape, @user \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b4 #eyfs #outdoorlearning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @user ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS I #TasteTheBARBIERAINBOW & facial expressions were everything I see you \ud83d\udc40 #ROMAN THIS VIDEO WAS #LEGENDARY YOU ARE A FUCKING #ICON #BarbieDreamsVIDEO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"any man can b a father bt so swt n pretty to be a responsible father n husband too fathers day#","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This one wins the internet today!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hmmmm what about the MEPs who we elect in the UK who attend the European Parliament to represent the UK? It\u2019s a framework under which we operate. We\u2019re not the victim until we leave and are then subject to rules we don\u2019t even control. It\u2019s a #BrexitShambles. Let\u2019s stop it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Lindsey will never sink as low as you and the rest of the hateful liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait for nyc - 10 weeks 5 days #holiday #nyc ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck you slut bitch hoe! He aint giving a shit what you think ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Aquarius boat to resume migrant rescue mission ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nice. That is so true. No life trump haters. Funny thing is trump done everything good for Americans and America yet these anti Americans put trump down! Amazing that people act like Trumps the bad guy! EVIL is the liberal democrats & the band of haters.. Antifa\" \"blue wave\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what's wrong in this world?!?!!?? #ripchristina #ripchristinagrimmie #christinagrimmie #orlando #thevoice #shocked","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0093 good night sweet prince! sleep well, brother sleep well #rip #brother ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes! received my acceptance letter for my masters so will be back at @user again in october! #goodtimes #history","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why didn't @USER tell us this about the Cincinatti murder at Fifth Third Bank? He said the firearm was apparently legally purchased.\" Is it harder to clamor for more failed gun control? #2A URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There were no extermination or death camps, there were labour camps. Jews died for the same reasons German citizens died: typhoid, and starvation from relentless allied bombing. You\u2019ve see photos of emaciated bodies and immediately assume, like a good fuckimg sheep, that those we Jews killed by Hitler. All claims of ovens and gas chambers have been debunked. This is simple shit, dumm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What are these new ideas? Speech laws gun control killing babies and thinking your entitled to free healthcare and rich ppls money just bc you exis? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"people that post the most selfies tend to be very insecure and constantly need reassurance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Catholic shit is getting real... https:\/\/onepeterfive.com\/former-papal-nuncio-pope-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Behold all the conservatives who deliberately ignore the fact that the OK gesture USED TO BE benign but now is co-opted by racists to signal they're down with white supremacy. Much like swastikas were benign in Asian countries (& still are) but were co-opted & ruined by Nazis.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" coming soon!!! new music!!! #real #single #friends #life #live #joy #pretty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"54 concert goers massacred in Fort Worth with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More bad news for Democrats \ud83d\udc47 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace & just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU states' rescue coordination centers should use all available resources to save, not imperil, refugees & migrants and should stop blocking crucial work of charities, says European rights council @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How does this #MAGA...?!? Is this our tax dollars at work...?!? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"he graduated from #usa & his friends wanted him 2 forget his rector against #islam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let me just tell ya. following boogie on twitter was the best decision i've ever made! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Laws not just for Conservatives or an unpopular group with the Media. Women have long failed other women and the Me Too is no more sincere than the Feminist movement was about Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF THE LEFT'S SELF-RIGHHTEOUS BULLSHIT I COULD PUKE! MUST SUCK TO HATE TO BE HAPPY!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Owl\u2019s kid will be the commander of Antifa one day. He\/She won\u2019t have time for college because they will be too busy fighting Nazis on camera ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"motherhood...unscripted new post: happy new year \u00e2\u0080\u0093 seriously. #2016 #celebritydeath #trump #misogyny #hate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In an imperfect world, which one do you trust \u2014 or distrust the least \u2014 to keep the internet free and open? It's really a no-brainer in the end, but can be a bit complicated. https:\/\/therevolutionaryact.com\/net-neutrality-gov...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The old fool proved he shouldn't be leader of the Liberals when he mouthed off about the Sky takeover by Murdoch.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@a the site keeps throwing 500 errors randomly.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is always the case with them. NO assimilation; they want to rule and change nations. #WakeUpAmerica #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another #dem lie ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Burdens and assistance to refugees and IDPs deserves recognition., Antonio Jose Canhandula, UNHCR Rep to Nigeria and ECOWAS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user that sounds delicious","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just over a week ago, two of our staff members and a former client participated in a panel discussion regarding refugees. As one of the panelists said, \"...we cannot forget that we are still facing the world's greatest refugee crisis.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking dumbass! Literally 2 minutes on TinEye & I find this is just some bullshit in Italy from 2018 that has zilch to do with Trump. Once Trump wins a 2nd term I think we can safely expel these mentally stunted individuals from the #TrumpTrain. No more need of \"useful idiots\"! https:\/\/t.co\/khwRa8MdSw","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @CoIlegefessions: \"My roommate is having sex and I'm eating Oreos. It's gonna be a great year!\" - Kutztown University","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER LMAO....YOU SUCK NFL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I know a whole lotta people spitting a whole lot of bullshit right now idk if youll ever see this but I pray you feel no way responsible for what happened today. You have already been through so damn much. Just know that you are good you are great I love you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anytime someone snapchat calls me I assume it was an accident... Cause as a human being you should know that's not what phones are for ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"University of Illinois\" While Thousands of Americans are killed by Illegal Aliens #Democrats want to Reward them with a Illegal DACA Memo #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Agree. That\u2019s hatred beyond compare. Her feeling of bitterness of the Duterte Presidency and its success is evident on her tweets and articles. 2016 was really a slap on the face on the \u201cyellow intellectuals\u201d . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user last outdoor 50 swim before #montecristoswim next week with @user and @user #openwater ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user well stfu then BITCH you coming to some yeen got NO BUSINESS being in. You need to mind the business that pays you hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Looks like he is in the middle of shitting his pants. Must have ate one booger too many.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have to go over Saturday to \u201chave dinner\u201d no it\u2019s the annual close the pool for the season . Not then big ass round above grounds . They have a huge in ground pool . I know that\u2019s coming . While gore here . And I don\u2019t mind at all . Lol funny Shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You are so right. I started my journey by trying to find a church that I could visit. I figured if there is a church that follows all ten commandments, that is the one I will go to. After careful research, I discovered there not ONE, not one single church in the world that follows all 10 commandments. The 7th Day Adventist is the only one that comes the closest to following them all.\u00a0 It was a disappointment. Since my father was an Apostolic pastor, I asked him for advice. He said \"Only the 7th Day Adventist comes the closest and that is why I am there now\"\u00a0 However, I have not felt comfortable in any church because most people go there and judge you instead of sharing the love of Christ. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Sending commiserations to you for those Cardinal losses with this brioche cinnamon roll picture. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i just got a notification from abc news that she died i'm in complete shock ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i guess they'll go back to just yelling again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hillary may run again, but the Brown Wave wants a Michelle Obama\/Kamala Harris or Kamala Harris\/Cory Booker ticket. AmeriKaland already had eight years of a (half-)black faggot, it's time for an angry sheboon in the Wypipo Houz.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user she is getting death threats....can you go and be a shield for her so you don\u2019t have to wait? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Project much, do you? Every campaign flier I get in the mail from Dem candidates is about healthcare, education funding, and the wealth gap; every flier from their GOP opponents is so-and-so will stand with Nancy Pelosi and the liberals\"\" identity politics horseshit.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 8th Demension.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just think this hate America filled man was our VP!!!!??? Dems HATE AMERICA! Do you see it yet? WALK no #RUNAway from Dems & join Patriots who LOVE TO LIVE IN AMERICA! #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall @user @user help @user #NationalSecurity #IllegalAliens #crime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Friend ordered 100 pair of Levi\u2019s and then called to cancel! Over Gun control! Wow getting wild!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We call that game #Bullshit .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol that amazon shipping sure is on time too these days!!!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We already established that in the war you are still living. Thats why it isnt happening again","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judge Judy could make the pope anti-semitic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER uses rehab as a place to escape when she\u2019s in trouble. She makes jokes of her situation. She should be in jail for assaulting a police officer and threatening to kill him. She is classless. She should leave with boring Carole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" father's day dad. not a day goes by that your voice doesnt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why did God invent the yeast infection? So women know what it's like living with an irritating cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you're defending a woman against \"condescension\", who was in turn defending a woman that was verbally assailed in f\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user jacuzzi & pay-time\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #spain#marbella#elviria#graceparadise#pueobanus#summerpay#jacuzzi#marbellalife #frie\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BUT MR. JOHN KERRY POTUS IS GETTING THE JOB DONE IN SPITE OF DEMOCRATS LIKE YOU WHO GROVELED TO THE IRANIAN MULLAH AND TRIED TO BUY HIM OFF WITH PALLETS OF CASH & RELEASING FROZEN FUNDS! YOU & OBAMA\u2019S CROOKED DEAL HAS HELPED FUND TERRORISM WORLDWIDE! TAKE A WALK INTHE WOODS W\/HRC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They have to. Now that she is the one who hasn't left family in terrible times. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #WeLoveYouConnor Oxymoron Of The Day: 'Independent Women' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Andrew Sheer is going to throw the next federal election for failing to listen to Canadians, 92% of Canadians want an end to mass immigration, Andrew Sheer wants mass Chinese immigration to drive wage rates down, a majority of Canadians don\u2019t support Climate Change & a carbon tax, Andrew Sheer supports a carbon tax. \u00a0We ought to have elected Brad Trost a real Conservative, in stead, threw CPC Party executive, who support a global economy & the Islamization of Canada & the New World Order. \u00a0If the National Citizens Alliance makes it onto the ballad I will vote for NCA. \u00a0https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/ezra_levant_show_april_30_2018","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3 1\/2 lbs loss! and #slimmmeroftheweek #sw #threepounds off #target #btb #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He does, what I've been doing the last 30 years\u2026","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER #Privilege Lane\ud83e\udd14 #MAGA Blvd\ud83e\udd14 Good Ole Days Avenue\ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wasn't talking about civilisation or technology, I was talking about culture. When did this conversation derail?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"things are finally staing to look up!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #finally #allsmiles #abouttime","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And what do you think Ron desantis is going to do for you? He's probably in the back pocket of the NRA!! Good luck getting anything done as far as gun control because that is what we'r seriously need as a country! We need tougher background checks at least!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden is now saying that court packing is indeed possible because the \"Court is out of whack.\" So he will appoint a group of professors to advise him in 180 days after the inauguration on how to \"reform\" the Court.... https:\/\/t.co\/8Vfz9JXZAD","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its 2:28pm in Athens Greece and my 60 year old stalker has spent all day and night dreaming up lies about me over at Fagitter while shitting and pissing on himself in his wheelchair in his mother basement. He claims everyone talking to me here are my fake accounts lol. Meet homo with AIDS child rapist Eddie Dzial http:\/\/www.pornwikileaks.com\/?s=eddie+dzial","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TIL Small penises where consonant with Greek ideals of male beauty, while big penises were considered vulgar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It's already legalized killing of babies and liberals are afraid of Trumps supreme court picks taking it away.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm based in RJ. I've been here about 3 years, and before that I was in the DF. Cuz I'm half American, I paid close attention to the US elections, and was woken up to how the msm just lies to manipulate us! Being in Brazil was a big part of that because i had to do my own research to figure out what was happening ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So is Fox News now campaigning for the fairness doctrine or is this just Republicans using the power of Congress to force private companies to broadcast whatever the gop says as truth? When will NRA TV have pro gun control NRA members on? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today is my 2 year #Gabiversary! Thank you @a and @e for creating Gab, and thank you #GabFam for making it awesome! #SpeakFreely","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rummage sale to benefit Jewish ALS patients: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"todays morning wave's treasures\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #balibeach #balilifestyle #oceantreasures #l4l \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What part of NO COLLUSION don't you get??? This is why you are a dumocrat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don\u2019t worry - we carefully vet all of our refugees.\/sarc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Macron the centrist cat stands like the gorgeous Eiffel Tower in glass tuxedo thx for the war lies n propagandas are you still sending refugees to forests? War criminal! Free New Caledonia @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is her 6th kid with a man (husband or boyfriend?) wanted for murder. Another kid paid for by American taxpayers. Thank you ICE please detain more of these criminals #sendthemback @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What difference does it make if the gun death was a \u201cfight\u201d or \u201crandom\u201d! Holding parents accountable could be part of gun control legislation. Write you Congressional representatives and demand it! Until Congress deals w\/ gun violence it will continue & ALL Americans are at risk! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Guess who is really perpetuating all this garbage?? LIBERALS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I woke up to the most hysterical message. \u201cWtf is @user in jail?\u201d \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 Nooo! You dumb bitch she\u2019s in boot camp. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DougFord again using #Trump-style authoritarian tactics: \u2022Discredit the media. \u2022Repeatedly spread lies. \u2022Build a false reality for your followers. These are smart people. The conservatives know what they're doing. This is a planned strategy to weaken democracy. #ONpoli URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.lawfareblog.com\/no-mariia-butina-wasnt... In Federal criminal law, there's a difference between being a \u201cforeign agent\u201d and being an \u201cagent of a foreign principal\u201d.\u00a0 Among other things, one can get you five years, and the other ten.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Curious to know how @user delivers emergency food supplies to #refugees and other vulnerable people around the world? Watch this video: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Her brain is still somewhere lost in The Matrix... Then again Liberals are just plain delusional no matter what. \ud83d\udc4a URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are a coward and really have no right to be AG. You are a disappointment. Your days are numbered and so his your party. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Louis Farrakahn called. He said you are doing a great job of parroting his ideas. (Means you do not have an original thought and that you are actually the puppet here). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is no positive in putting children in cages, Lying to immigrants so they go home without their children, taking their children away from them. You want positive, just do the right things. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"US Navy Seal, which killed Osama wrote a book. It tells how this specialforces work today. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CNNPolitics Why send new ballots? Just send corrected return envelopes!!! It\u2019s as if @TheDemocrats WANT millions of extra ballots out their to aid in their voter fraud scheme!! #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #LiberalTears","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Communist Elite Roger Goodell is teaching a lowlife ethics class to his daughters. Shameful Shameless left wing nut ruining the sport of football instead to teamwork and values to the flag ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd\/jpy dips back below 107.00, drops to session low #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Names: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddy's attention ?? And so they have to interfere in relationships.. hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If a bitch fuck another nigga and you take her back shes making you vulnerable to getting clowned by another that hoe isnt on your team. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Drs. Krista Perreira and Jonathan Oberlander explain a proposed federal plan that could have major life and health consequences for millions of #immigrant families: the \u2018#PublicCharge\u2019 rule. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the next few weeks are going to be amazing #bonus #galaweek #amyshen \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER HE IS IM SO PROUD OF HIM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump around \ud83d\udc51 Trump around \ud83d\udc51 Trump up, Trump up And thump down \ud83e\udd85","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SteveWorks4You you havent evolved as a human being. Typical meathead redneck. I pity you. You dont know what freedom is about......","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER . #Hypocrisy to see so called conservatives call out supposed sexual deviancy when just about every sexual political scandal in recent memory involves Republicans and it's really #homophobia #RoyMoore #Kavanaugh #JimJordan #MarkFoley #BobPackwood #ClarenceThomas #DonaldTrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#oscarpistorius shouldn't all murder and hijacking cases be treated as high profile as this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Everything is a crisis for these conservatives. The only real crisis I\u2019ve noticed is the complete destruction of the Conservative Party. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck my bad leslie i def added you tho ! Lmao im give it to ypu now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user .@user i'm sure bellevue has padded room they could cover in gold leaf for him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Got your ass lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can i upvote 50 times?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Of course he admires the members of the military who are cannon fodder for a greater israel. It's after they come home and are of no more use that they are allowed to die for lack of medical care in this jew controlled nation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So here we have another blue checked verified Racist on Twatter. Yet I cannot get my channel verified. I guess we know where Jack's priorities are. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No the person also needs to change because she is a remainer why she was put in charge of brexit negotiations i have no clue \ud83d\ude12","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#pulseshooting can we just, once and for all, agree that it makes no sense the lack of gun control policy in us? that's the real terror ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ms Fords has made a #MAGA mistake! How will she escape the truth which is going to be that her useless lie will not stop US from #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #MondayMotivaton #MAGA #WWG1WGA #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats2018 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trannies are often as homicidal as they are suicidal. Other tranny serial killers and murderers include: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hate unnecessary drama situations and people who create them!!! plus side i'm down a trouser size! #drama #upset #annoyed #leavemealone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN: Bannon group shopped anti-Trump document in 2015 http:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2018\/01\/08\/politics\/bannon-mercers-trump-document-2015\/index.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user How about very Unintelligent hysterical woman. This women is mental case! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Liberals think that Trump Supporters are stupid. We're onto them. Broward Country, Florida? Doesn't look suspicious at all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user whoop! mine comes tomorrow xx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02u always a hoe to a nigga that can't have you & ugly to a bitch that can't stand you\ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Polish Politician Warns Of Europe's \"Degenerate Liberalism\" \u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#paladino is one of a rare breed of that should be shot in the street and left pissing blood in the gutter. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The people attacking you (us) aren't Alt-Right but \"American Nationalists\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yeah sucks honestly but I plan on coming back on variety rather than fortnite and if the opportunities are nice to start esport on another game but I can approve that fortnite esport is over for me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in 1980 when TX was 70% White who would have imagined that today(under 48% white)the MOST POPULAR TX SURNAME is Garcia or Martinez? it's a Mexican INVASION NOT #immigration =it's time to REMEMBER THE ALAMO! #NoDACA NO #DacaDEAL #Amnesty means #OpenBorders ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Divided Self or \u201cMy Name is Legion\u201d Demon possession overall is marked by a loss of freedom. The Gadarenes are Us URL #ergnews #antinazigr #antifagr #antifa #Stopthehate #GoldenDawn #GDtrial #JesusChrist #JesusSaves #JesusIsLord #JesusIsGod #prayers #hope URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's time for #massdeportations until the borders are secure. #BorderPatrol #ICE @user #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a good way to protect your @user account is to activate 2fa. too bad it doesnt work in germany! @user fix this now! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chris Paul trash LMFAO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dr. Hovind -vs- 3 University Professors - Creation Debate #DrainTheSwamp #RSBN #MAGA\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=PqHgrUu4ZWg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every character on #Thesimpsons is trash. And they're trash on purpose. If you don't get that, you don't get the joke.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Energy Independent","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MAYBE, possibly, there MIGHT be an OUTSIDE CHANCE that someone COULD?\u00a0 Get criminal charges?\u00a0 In WaSHITington, DC?\u00a0 I seriously DOUBT IT! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#porn,#android,#iphone,#ipad,#sex,#xxx, | #Desi | paki http:\/\/t.co\/XxcdQvzI9t","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Start by not tweeting pussy ass shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sex games on newgrounds teen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ay @USER ur flies open in pic 1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I still find it hilarious that people like you think that literally any response to a comment is liberals being upset\" and that getting a liberal upset is some kind of accomplishment.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tbh , NOT ALL men are trash\/shit . Just because y\u2019all fucking around with the wrong ones , you don\u2019t get to call the whole race shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A MAGA a hat would make that pic legit!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I hope not cause I fuck lots of my followers \ud83d\ude43 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"all my friends whores ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Star tv ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm sorry but damn she is hot af","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER ANTIFA is not giving death threats to professor Ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or Spanky is impeached.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You need to ride my cock ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"they're so so so cute dancing like this omg i love women i'm a whole lesbian ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and i so love monday! :d #loa #goodvibes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Soon both the libs & the conservatives will havevut so everytime we have a change of government we'll be paying out cancelled contracts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"here's my #pizza for #tonights #stream! what bout you? what's your favorite pizza? #food #gamer #fun #hungry ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\"d bet all the higher ranking Cardinals are pedophiles its part of being in the club. It will be the end of the Catholic church. When the truth is out that the Catholic church is nothing but a sex cult it will collapse and be no more. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's the first thing I thought of when I saw Theresa May doing her stupid dance! Mr Bean! The second thought was Hillary Clinton, and her whacko eye rolling and spasmodic head shaking! Perhaps Rowan Atkinson can have May star in his next Mr Bean movie? https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/KeiraSavage00\/status\/10...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He didn't pay a money for his accounts and stuff. So he is now a stranger. And everything it is because of his obsession for Sonic. I hope that he dies there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is the most ridiculous tweet I\u2019ve read today. Comparing the traitors that are the #cpc to the liberals is like saying the democrats and republicans are two of the same. Grasping on straws. Pathetic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"u just like me to feel weird thanks holly so fuck u then bitch go fuck yourself childish little girl grow up I hate u I'm glad I don't c u now bitch face I'm not talk on u 2day now fucking cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Everyone they don't like is literally Hitler. No, really. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 BECAUSE THey think Sen Collins is A STUPID COWARD &all they have to do is Bullie SenCollins This is what\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservatives Have lives with For 9\ufe0f\u20e3yrs now Please Vote For Kavanaugh LetGod Take Care Of the Rest","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER best way to convince ppl the a moment isn\u2019t unforgiving is to savage any person who dares question your forgivingness.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user All they know is to HATE and to DESTROY! Just like our dems! This is what they want to bring to our Beautiful America! They HATE us & we TAKE CARE of them! WTF?! #WakeUpAmerica #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica @user WAKE UP @user @user #WeAreWatching ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I voted today for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I went blue up and down the ballot. It felt good and I got a wee bit emotional too, because the blue wave is feeling real.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One woman earned her way to the top; the other weaseled her way up and committed all manner of treason and crime for bribes. Who is the true hero for young woman to aspire to?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FactCheck wow #FactsMatter #VoteDemsOut #RedWaveRising2018 #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EndSanctuaryCities #TakeAmericaBack #WalkAwayMovementGrowing #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Parkland and Sandy Hook school shootings are not real. even to go that people were killed\u00a0 do you think anyone was killed in sandy Hook or Parkland?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think she really knows now but she is in denial!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user a #dystopian tale of , #radicalisation & #revenge #preorder for #99c\/99p\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I be baffled bitches quick to say \" you fucked this n that\" \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02you a hoe you a freak bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Or she is saying You know I am the true anime waifu\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The misogyny of trans activists. Weinstein is about the rape and abuse of women ,but we are told pointing this out is 'exclusionary ' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Which has no bearing at all on how he will vote on abortion and gun control and the President's legal issues.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why move to a country you despice??? Sadomachoist? Or just an islamic F***TARD like the rest of your ugly arabic friends!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am literally SPEECHLESS...ohhhh WTF???????????????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thatfatesbitch early 2017: echoes sucks fates is better thatfatesbitch end 2017: 90% of women have a rape kink so you can't say it's bad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I love your movies so much and I think you are amazing and beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Lefty Pope should also! He is Not worthy rep for true christian roman catholics!! He failed his flock!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"depth of light #nice #like #sun #evening #everyday day #holiday #orange #yellow\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is talking about herself dude...ignored. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YES I am so tired of relying on mfs to answer the phone for some shit that\u2019s not even worth it! I\u2019m about to be the new plug \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user homicides rose in most big cities this year - the wall street journal #povey #inequity #illegalguns ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so trump's campaign manager @user tweeted out a fake poll about how trump has soooo many aa suppoers. #dumpsterfire","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user CNN is trash and everyone that has a brain knows it! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @WhenRapperSaid: When Joey Bada$$ said \"Traded in my Nikes for a new mic, I guess it's safe to say he sold his soles for a new life.\" ht…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad #father's #day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you're not directly descended from European royalty and upper nobility, then you're not fully human. You're just common gutter trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 1st Pic: OH MY GOD THE BATMAN V SUPERMAN TRAILER IS AWESOME\"\" 2nd Pic: \"\"OH MY GOD BVS IS AWESOME 3rd Pic: \"\"oh, you dont like BvS and call it a shit movie?? well bitch\"\" 4th Pic: \"\"oh, Zack was fired, Henry left and Ben is leaving\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Imagine when all the EU migrants go home after #Brexit. No more baguettes or pizza. People in the UK will be reduced to just eating traditional UK foods. Like chicken Balti. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sunrise Reflections Along the Coast, Great Ocean Road (1988) by Andris Jansons (Latvia\/Australia; 1939-) Oil on canvas, 65 x 95 cm #Painting #AusFam #AustralianArt #Seascape https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/3vhSVX.jpeg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"britney \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d @user #love #instamood #cute #igers #sexyboy #sexy #gay #beautiful\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER \u201cBlame your opponent of the things you are guilty of\u201d - this pope is a satanist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Is that some weird invitation for a treasure hunt where the goal is to find his old \u201cdeadname\u201d? Is it because he feels the need to prove that he is trans? Or because ppl didn\u2019t care about it enough? Either way I\u2019m not going to join \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"too powerful not to share. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 \"the guilt of being alive\" - by patience caer. survivor #orlandoshooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER My favorite is If you play the genocide path you are a mass murderer in real life\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Coming from the man that threatened to try and kick Turmps ass now don't that take a set of ball's","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#mrmr tey day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I know!! So upsetting \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That\u2019s fucking rude to do that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you google Bob Hugin, Republican candidate for senator in NJ, Google lists the incorrect twitter profile, and it's empty \ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is starting to tweet nonsense like Mango Mussolini ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dr. frances cress welsing - racism defined #whitesupremacy #drfranciscresswelsing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#obama: wall won\u2019t keep terrorists away. Same Obama: gun control will prevent killings by criminals (and terrorists?) #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"right wings members back to fp\u00c3\u0096 #gegenrechts #nostrache #fp\u00c3\u0096 #noafd #nopegida #populism #nonazis #aufstehn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#UncleTrump = #TriggerMan. \u2611 Eats $50 burger in Japan \u2611 Mocks #RocketMan \u2611 Makes Nat' Victims of Commies Day when in China \u2611 China welcomes w\/ big stairs for AF1 \u2611 Chinese \ud83d\udc93 #DonaldTheStrong \u2611 Grandaughter sings mandarin is a hit \u2611 Shakes hands w\/ #Putin \u2611 Libs explode\ud83d\ude02 https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/7PbfdB.gif","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People that know I'm blacked out drunk and still continue to text me are the real MVP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user he is is always the victim ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish we had less Bono's and more James Woods'.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user as an educator the derogatory name calling @user uses goes against the values all schools try to instill in their\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to all of those, who answer replies to my youtube comments...you do not, i repeat you do not know me when i'm angry #goodluck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community. In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hahahahahaha......Said the idiot @USER who handed over billions to the Iranians in what was likely the worst deal in the history of US foreign policy.... You are the poster child for someone not qualified to do a job\"....\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER whats wrong with dead #antifa? I don't understand I thought the only good antifa was....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HEY BEE ITCH YOU WILL BE INDICTED AND WILL GO TO GITMO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wayne Law alum, Ruby Robinson, '11, is co-managing attorney for the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center, an organization that spearheads the effort to stand up for immigrant rights in the state. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i bet! #baylor better pay him before he unloads on them. best to keep things still hidden #baylor #bears #big12 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"13 Americans Victimized by Illegal Migrant Crime in One Week @user @user Why won't you STOP this constant assault on American citizens and the steady invasion by foreigners on US soil?We the People Demand an end to this!#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" t_harv_eker: \u00e2\u0080\u009cstay strong, stay positive, and never give up.\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u0095 roy bennett #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hey brian tell us about the time you voted with the liberals to take our guns away. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #LockHimUp and #Deport him#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user At least we now know why she is called princess toadstool ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user pay of #rich #white #snobs via @user #tcot #tpc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"helen&matt have just got married! #afterspringingreenland #wedding #englishlakedistrict #thankyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Why do the libdems deserve your anger today more than (1) conservatives (2) Corbyn? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Maybe he is making amends before #OpenSelection passes at conference.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wonder how many Christian women would admit #MeToo. Because rape culture is most definitely alive and well in churches across the world. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#AntifaFaggot UNC Professor Dwayne Dixon, charged with two misdemeanors for bringing a semi-automatic rifle to a rumored KKK rally. He will be charged with causing the death of Heather Heyer at CVille as well.The faggot's email is dedixon@email.unc.edu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I feel your pain. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I have Dick Durbin that's not gonna happen blame Shitcago that's what i do..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I'm assuming that @user is a proponent of gun control. The argument for gun control is the threat of being shot. She then goes on to accuse people who open or conceal carry of being scared of a hypothetical fear of being shot. It's a hypocritical statement ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Clinton Crime Family \u2013 Part 1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why do you have to bring race into this the real racist are Democrats and liberals like you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How convenient a conservative dummy believes people are selectively unemployed.Conservatives always try to use this type of propaganda. No facts!Just their warped conservative beliefs. It\u2019s very clear.Many conservatives like @USER don\u2019t have the ability to learn or think","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Didn\u2019t she also say \u201c Trump will never be president take it to the bank\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER LOL!!! Throwing the BULLSHIT Flag on such nonsense!! #PutUpOrShutUp #Kavanaugh #MAGA #CallTheVoteAlready URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is BS. If he repeals the Trump tax cut it will in fact increase taxes for EVERYONE https:\/\/t.co\/Fy85VhsN7O","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pretending you have dementia to own the libs #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"listen to no love ft. tlc by dr. fresch #np on #soundcloud #purelove #tlc #gymvibe #amazing #bass #music #yes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oh. my. god ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump I urge you to get those Unredacted FISA documents out now, and release it to the public. Very important at this time period with only 3 weeks left to go. Don't wait till the last minute Sir. My gawd.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you at the prospects game? #fatbastard ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We need to improve our country, schools, neighborhoods, hospitals, prisons, by kicking out the illegals. #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Mine go drafts too. @USER stop this crap I'm gathering proof your censoring conservatives","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In this collaboration with @user @user looks at how immigrant communities are less likely to report crimes when law enforcement works with ICE \u2014 especially in rural areas. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was impressed by that one. She's like a living cartoon. If she didn't exist I'd assume someone invented her as a joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Trump wanted to be president because he is a narcissist. He still lives a great life\" but only now we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill! Impeach Trump now!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Absurdity! The Swedes overwhelmingly voted for Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and the Nectar of Rapefugee welfare! I'm so moved I'm willing to fund 10 of the local Roachingfugees to fuck off there & never return. I hope the Swedish Gormint funds me in this grand undertaking. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"omg so its national best friend day or whateva and my bestfriends are miles away from me ok wow i'm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BrittPettibone Youre Catholic!!?? Cool Im Catholic black sheep .. lol :P http:\/\/theawakenment.com\/theoretical-physicist-jam...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is unhinged and not to be taken seriously by anybody.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"me: why am I so tired also me: laughs like a hysterical bitch 24\/7 and cannot duduk diam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That was not bought in store! Black market merchandise. Yet Libs want to crack down on legal owners? Typical delusion. #Rifle #NRA #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#economicsanctions on #russia, #cuba and #china, but none against #whiteprivilege or #whitesupremacy or #2017 #roughwaters","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" girl get fuck leg fucking","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user hey you #unless piece of #garbage , obama will always be more of a #man than you ever will #hillbilly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" happy juneteenth!: it was hard to believe--like a dream come true. even to this day, there is somethin... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hahahaha That was like a vacation with a bunch of liberals. Oops \ud83d\ude2c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good luck for all the #garden paies this weekend for the #queen's bihday. #bihday your #majesty.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Paris Terror Attacks brought to you by Eric Holder on behalf of the Obama Administration. Oh but Gun Control\". URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER In easy and a brat you are- Nothing ITS LEGIT NOTHING","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER also trump IS a fascist- LITERALLY. the central govt thing for anyone always seems to depend upon who's running it. magas are fine with fascist trump and liberals were fine with obama. my ideas about good government are a bit different. of course i did admit to being a quaker.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user These things happen from time time. Likely to be antifa or a group like that causing trouble as they have nothing better to do ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh hell no send the whole plane back smh #jfk #sickpeople #runningfever #nyc #dubai #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If Trump doesn't back off the gun control it's time to make him a 1 term president.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We? So you are going to help like you did at the 911 site? Pictures pleaz. \ud83e\udd25","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're low-rated because you're trying too hard, @user @user @user #relax","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trump doesn't want to have the FBI investigate Dr. Ford's claim b\/c Ivana Trump reported that Trump raped her. A culture of dirty old sexual perverted men in the GOP and Neo Liberals doing the same thing to Dr. Ford as they did to Anita Hill. White men have no respect for women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user congrats, tucker, you came off exactly as you are. #childish #paisanhack","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This just proves that liberals have no shame whatsoever. He\u2019s a deceiver and a proven liar. Has the nerve to speak of \u201ccasting a shadow.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" fathers day and happy sunda may the good lord bless you all","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's a question for the Twitterverse What kind of an asshole calls himself an American but does NOTHING except defend illegal immigrant kids while he watches his fellow Americans getting killed by Criminaliens? THIS KIND - REP TED \"Tedhead\" Lieu (D-jo CA) aka \"THE BCDOTUS\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i agree that #hrc wouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t have won the #popularvote w\/o #ca. much in same way #trump wouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t win w\/o the \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my little crab \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #crab #smile #fun #libya #follow4follow #shoutout #beach #water #sky\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Damn hope you find some bitch \ud83d\ude02 I bought some yesterday LMAOOOO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are a Liberal who doesn't even live in FL.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hi Paul","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People of colour also need to apologise for the terrible things their ancestors did to other people of colour over the centuries.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER molested me 35 yrs ago when I was 11yrs Old. I didn't want to say it till now. She should Thrown in jail. According to #Liberals & #MeToo you have to accept my allegations blindly. There I said it #ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow #SenatorFeinstein #DemocratsHateAmerica URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can sniff out subtle & the ignorant in a nano second even if it is an underlying flippant comment towards someone else.. #aware","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i have 1 homegirl \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Damn that bitch is dumb.. with her pink hair, fucking Garth glasses and shitty old novelty guitar","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I liked a @user video Immigrant Protesters Unknowingly Agree With Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A 5th columnist always imagines himself as a patriot. That\u2019s how traitors rationalize perfidy. . . Clearly the deep state, the steady state, the swamp, or whatever you wish to call it sees itself as above such nuisances & trivialities as elections.\"\" #MAGA\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm pretty sure political correctness has imprisoned many lives, always pretending to believe something you don't just to keep friends ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i have always loved your super beautiful & yummy #asshole!!! #waitng your #firstanal! ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Mate, as a North Easterner you're of Norwegian descent. The fuck you doing in England, trying to influence Swedish politics? #stoptheinvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"because i finally got #hamiltontickets & i'm just so @user @user #a #watercolor #writer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why? So you can look like a trashy mess? #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 7 things you should give up if you want to be @user #aspiremag","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every character on #Thesimpsons is trash. And they're trash on purpose. If you don't get that, you don't get the joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, I'd block them too. Don't you understand? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy father's day to all you wonderful #dads! #kangol #fathersday #dad #daddy #father #fun #celebrate ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u201cthe sex symbol of rap\u201d LMAOOO BITCH YOUre FAT aS FUCK ANYWAYS you tryna fight? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Twitter is becoming tumblr 2013 and I am fucking terrified","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#nature attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ryancruz_: Travis always on my TL being ghetto 😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a little outdoor yoga to quiet my mind. #fitness #yoga #healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#bama total #hypocrites can #cheer like #hell but remain #silent on the #confederateflag & stance on\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ouch woow! @user @user #sexy @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" porn video smoking porn fetish","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"49 people were killed and 53 injured in the #attack on a #gay nightclub in #orlando so #news rip #love #gay j ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER So I'm not sure she is a woman for one mostly men throw out insults like that to each other or mean ugly feminist cat women with penis envy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"indianapolis colts black cheerleader hugs boy who used slur. so. much. class ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Education is devolved and is an utter shambles. The snp are in charge of it and neither the conservatives or brexit are a factor.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user would be great to see you in a scene for @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user All of us are scratching our heads over this. He is trying to intimidate. Don't let him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"healthy and lean grilled chicken and grilled vegetables \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5\u00f3\u00be\u00ae\u009f #tuesday! \u00e2\u009b\u0085 #menucomdo #guiaayb #alacaado... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New Zealand\u2019s prime minister. Jacinda Ardern: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Im perfectly happy with my boyfriend bitch but dont worry karma is coming for your skank ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#NotSendingTheirBest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yet another really stupid take by Erick. He is a single issue thinker...overturning Roe. Anything that gets in the way of that is to be mocked and trivialized. He has no other core beliefs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yep waiting to watch #orangeisthenewblack so we can be done with it in 2 days #bingewatch #netflix #netflixandchill","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sack up and talk to her pussy #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MS-13 gang members, including 10 illegal aliens, charged in deaths of Virginia teenshttps:\/\/t.co\/dQ9YWomJd8#AnimalBehavior #AmericansHaveDreamsToo #BuildTheWall #PreventableDeaths#SecureTheBorder #StopTheInvasion#ThereAreMoreOfThemOutThere#DeportationsEqualPublicSafety ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u202aDon't Sugarcoat This: \u202c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is good place to sta learning abt how one person can be a & #bigot #mtvwhiteguys","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9 factory workers gunned down in Iowa City with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ha ha ha sneaky buggers. I have put out a warning to have sound off. That will show them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is our 1st amendment right being abuse, this is USA, please Mr President stop the censorship by social media today @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy Monday, y'all!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bitch im gonna see you on december dont me. We have to see each other","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OK, if you are a refugee from someplace, why are you going back at all? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Lol. Except he\u2019s the most successful president in our lifetimes. He\u2019s undone most of the damage Obummer did and set America on the right path again. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The Brandon Lewis express ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fuck you Yahway boy. I stand with my people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"REMEMBER EVERYONE DEPLOYED THEY ARE FIGHTING THERE SO IT WON'T COME HERE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TEDxKakumaCamp showed how given a stage, refugees can shine. And how given opportunity, they can thrive. Missed the event? Catch up with all the inspiring talks here: #WithRefugees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Viola, Auntie...you can't call White trash women White trash like this during primetime! #HTGAWM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Republican students should take their enrollment elsewhere. Berkeley is no longer a prestigious university and has been discredited as high standard academic institution. This decline in enrollment and withdrawal of Republican alumni support will hurt it where it counts: its hip pocket, Remember what happened to University of Southern Mississippi.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user working in two contracts for #bloodynightcon_europe & #bloodynightcon 2017!!! :d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eminem is a Self-hating jackass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because Obama has zero accomplishments. He is the worst President r leader of any country hands down. It shows the liberal lunacy when they worship a total loser. They don't know what they want..no party goals. nothing except complain about TRUMPS accomplishments. Fu*k liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How many white parents are going to send their kids into theaters filled with angry militant nogs? Good luck breaking all those box office records #blackpanther","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I feel pretty fucked then cuz I started out fine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Been thinking of doing a Templar knight. What do ya think should I create one digitally?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is a neo Marxist ^ trying to defame these Gulag movies exposing the genocide of 65 million Europeans by the Marxist USSR.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Takes a real man to fess up to youthful stupidity. You have surely made up for callow errors, as evidenced by your son! What an honorable family you have. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Liberals to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases -- Taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#breadroll #potatofilling #tohell with #dieting #goodlife #foodie #yummyfood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, even babies prefer their own race. But actual hatred of white people requires careful indoctrination, such as is provided by all western media and schools.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"umm bitch for all I know, their relationship wouldn't be that wrecked if you haven't been bitching around you thirsty hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Same thing happened to me and I just spent hours trying to explain it to narnian just like you have. I've been patient and polite, and he doesn't get it. He thinks the sun shines out of ROCKS arse. Narnian can't understand why people would hate him for posting that list publicly either. He's daft.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #white #daisy by #kaye #menner #photography quality prints cards products at: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't stop watching this\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You mean the same way the liberals and Dems are already taking them away? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love this episode. \u2764\ufe0f \u2066@YvonneOrji\u2069 and \u2066@Luvvie\u2069. Great job ladies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Unchecked Population&migration to cities is biggest evil for dirty India.Disincentive large families,such as withdrawl of sops ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And who is helping to fuck-over a Europe and its indigenous peoples, culture and traditions?\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I want them ALL DEPORTED !! I WANT MY vote to COUNT again !!! #DeportthemALL #NoDaca #NoAmnesty #BuildTheDamnWall #UsetheArmyCoreOfEngineers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER fails to realize he is the party of @USER and Antifa. A complete lack of self awareness. These people are dangerous. #EnemyOfThePeople","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That was fucking fast holy shit lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Everything bad in America for the last 83 years is because of Jews. Smash these fucking rat-faced kikes and purge them from America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Jacob stand there in his own garden and saw him he blushed hard amd trys to look away. Oh holy god ...\" He wisperd \"He is so sexy and good looking ...\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i just posted this on your ig. and with that i am going to bed early.#needabreakfromtoday #peace\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oops: 'constitutionalists' #teabaggers in #mississippi forgot ratify a centerpiece of the constitution: 13th amendment banning slavery.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a repulsive human in every possible level.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even leftist volunteers given up on violent #Paris migrants lolhttps:\/\/t.co\/IfkNt5LJhP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals are SICK. This false accuser should be incarcerated for her bald-faced lies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What they do is claim its free market principles to justify censorship. That satisfies conservatives because they think along those retard lines. Also right now it is mostly effecting the hard right so they don't give a shit but they are already whining hard about censorship because they know the chickens are coming home to roost soon.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is a guy who weaponized the judicial system and IRS to attack conservatives...this is a guy who couldnt grow the ec onomy over 2 percent...this is a guy who said. Get used to it...its the new norm This guy is a moron ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" omg yesssss #zelda #nintendo #wiiu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"super excited!! it's almost that time of the year again!! #xc #runnerslife #xcnation\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Catholic Church runs a rat-line of way-stations and hostels were migrants are encouraged and indoctrinated with the sole purpose of violating US laws and undermining US sovereignty.https:\/\/t.co\/rYlSIGn1Wk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch i said bye hoe and you aint do shit so hoe stop playing with me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i guess i found out about you :\/ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Replace Chris Collins with anyone but Carl Paladino\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trump officials may succeed in changing the \u201crefugee status\u201d of some #Palestinian refugees BUT they will never succeed in taking away the national identity of 7.2 million Palestinian refugees or their right of return! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sorry to read this. You\u2019re doing the right thing to report it and warn us all about them. Needless to say you are none of the things they say. Stay strong. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER YOU!!! Need to leave a lot of shit in the past lol this tweet is literally made for you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Serpents Seed really get on my damn nerves with this tired ass shit. We are called Americans, you satanic reprobates! Liberals don't remember what Americans are anymore now that they're into their cult of illegal immigration, amnesty, sanctuary cities, chain migration, lottery visas, protecting MS-13 and catching and releasing illegal criminals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bill Maher is a dick... goes without saying. But he also has poor judgement. The Euro bankers are trying desperately to stop Deutsche Bank from failing on Trump's watch. Why? Because that will bring about the crash that fucks like Maher want. BUT... Trump will stop them from implementing their NWO shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wtf you're a skank bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mrs reid has been working with p6's today in preparation for being p7's #highexpectations#rolemodels #sensationalsevens \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user i think i missed a few replies here (im on a conference call) but most of the anti jihadi muslim vets i know would disagree with gun control. so this seems odd...? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Democrats and Liberals are Lying About Illegal #immigration Its time we take back our Country #SendThemBack #IndepenceDay Happy 4th of Juluy #FourthofJuly Happy Birthday America God Bless America #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck slut for @user 'daddy' Laughs. Slut cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Americans need to realize they rape and kill easily because of their environment. We absolutely have to close our Borders until proper vetting is implemented.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ur a fucking dumbass fr. there\u2019s no way she is anyone else\u2019s \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Brooks & Dunn - My Maria\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/uZSLzR1pjjw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man charged in deadly Fairhope hit and run is illegal immigrant who was deported twice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You ungrateful whore. . . I'd have bought it n everything \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"20 Crazy Things Liberals Blame Trump For\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Slack jawed yokel husband http:\/\/t.co\/VE1PWFrz9t","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Everyone who is against this is called a \u201eNazi\u201c by Antifa scum and politicians.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Of course she is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's awesome to be white.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Think about that folks, keep them out of USA @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #EndDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We agree that Trump is a Nazi sympathizer. But the Sandy Hook Hoax and gun control is right out of Hitler's playbook. Bloomberg is a Nazi when it comes to gun control. Dems need to moderate!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow...mid way through 2018 and Theresa May and the Conservatives discover that Social housing exists","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Need gun control to many ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"less than 2 mins to do #littlegirlhairstyles #hairdo... then it's go go go out the door\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No call him Hero, call him Shithead","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hey The Valley Guy - Thanks for the comment - your right on the mark - Just hope the Liberals & @user get serious about Reversing Global Warming & Climate Change - Get with the real issue of Saving our Planet & Life Itself - Note @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mother daughter blowjob white girl has sex with black guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So now, there are more forced marriages taking place in the UK than Somalia, India, Afghanistan & Iraq with the second highest age demographic of forced marriage victims worldwide being 15 & under. Disgraceful. #BritFam https:\/\/www.thetimes.co.uk\/article\/forced-marriage...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Tom_Morehart @cjc_is_alive @JoshuaTyl0r 9 of 15 BCS titles, $314 mil in revenue. It's great being in a redneck conference. And not in Ohio.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trump will blame it on the immigrants for coming and 'liberals' for noticing. He likely thinks Head Start\/HIV are wasteful spending. Comgress can no longer pass 'broad' budgets. They will need to itemize every $ and forbid diversion without Congressional permission ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Awesome Agree Yeah man Preach Wait... what did i just read? Oh shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mexican Fugitive Wanted For Murder Found In South Carolina We need a wall to keep these scum out of our country!#BuildTheWall #NoDACA#NoAmnesty #MAGA#KAG #VoteRed #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You're full of s***. It's the Liberals paid by Soros who are doing those things ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Same rat that said antifa was a Black organization","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy new year ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"multiple types of racism in america #us #america","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey you don\u2019t like pork loin and tequila get tha fuck back to your shit hole Islamic country then \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc73\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f I like the way they treat the savage filthy islamists over there \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\u00a0https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/asia\/china-re-education-muslims-ramadan-xinjiang-eat-pork-alcohol-communist-xi-jinping-a8357966.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Be that bitch that says you don't want those hoes in your home. Why do you even have to be friends with his friwnds? #friendzone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How to kidnap me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user aruba - one happy island \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #aruba #island #springbreak #chill ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for winter. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5571601\/Girl-17-shot-dead-gang-crossfire-boy-16-gunned-London.html#ixzz5BaZ5OyBJ Bloodbath continues in Sadiq Khan's London: Girl, 17, capital's 37th murder victim in 2 months!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mohammed , the deranged used camel dealer, was a kiddy fiddler, as claimed by his own supporters. If the ECHR dislikes this , tough. Post Brexit anyone trying to enforce the ECHRs usurpation of common law needs to be given a little justice.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bruh everybody knows the Great Pyramid was constructed from the top down by the Atlanteans using sonic magic over the site of the uber-ancient Halls of Amenti, possibly for the purpose of temporarily exposing Initiates to Christ Consciousness... but yeah nobody cares lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do you want to go to the plage with me? #tbt #thailand #spanish #lifestyle #luxury #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Austria threatens to deploy the army and attack Islamic refugees invading through Italy - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is better than all this shit. She is better than anything. \u2764\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy fathersday @user ! #minime #dad #fathersday #vaderdag #family #love #life #basis #follow #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fantastic!!! The Alamo is sacred to us. She is a blight on the history of time. Better left erased!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My Aunt KAMALA did me a favour and FIXED me a glass of ARIZONA iced tea after I was finished colouring in with my SHARPIES. She said \"DEMS be good drawing, perhaps we should POST them to grandpa JOE.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]As I slid down one of the many fire POLLS on my way out, I said \"BIDEN.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Absolutely! No DACA, No Amnesty, No Sanctury Cities, Deport All Illegal Aliens, Build The Wall! #MAGA #2A #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #OBAMAgate #StandWithICE #PEDOgate #LockThemAllUp #BanIslam #TRUMP2020 @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"taking a leisurely walk in picturesque minneapolis. #travel \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"how to overcome loneliness with #mindfulness meditation\" #happiness #meditation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil people around the world are afraid. the world is primed to react. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis #2\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to the father of my babies, i love u. happiest of father's days! #father via ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i was in deep sorrow. he saved me from drowning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no comment! in #australia #opkillingbay #seashepherd #helpcovedolphins #thecove #helpcovedolphins","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I think #AltRight is going to burn their jeans next ... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"look in its mommies basement","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Any amount you shit fuck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We had Leveon Bell. Thats the dumbest argument. But we can compare college for when he played. His best season was 1700 yds 26 TDs. How about Collins? And this is Conners first year starting and he is starting much better than Collins","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"daysydoll - na: #naughty #nude #young #horny #nasty #hot #shy #snapshot #sexy #porn #kinky #slut #wet #xxx ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"please don't forget to use the word ! that is what \"binds\" these men. we can never ignore or excuse that\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How about sharp sticks? They still legal?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She lives in the hearts of all gun nut conservatives. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy friday!!!! friday #laugh #comedy #cats #women #she ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are such a ham. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"am back to watching ouat. it has been a while. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why the focus on guns? It's pretty simple.:Taking away guns gives control to governments.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user shining through \u00e2\u009b\u0085\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u0081\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 #sky #amazing #beautiful #clouds #sun #blue #summer #life #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WOW, Trump Just Did It: TWEETS Video Exposing Dem\/Obama\/Hillary Immigration Hypocrisy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's been 3 official months and he's melted my hea. love you \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #boyfriend #3months \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He's going to win so bigly.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user OLD SICK DOG HILLARY IS A DISGUSTING BITCH . BUT EVEN A SKANK HAS A FRIEND . IM SURE GERMAN\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Hit Man, Dragged Him For Blocks In Deadly DUI Crash #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I thought that I could not dislike anyone more than your father but I was wrong. You are even more PATHETIC than he is. Your children must be so proud to have a father who behaves like you. Tick tock.... #MuellerIsComingForYouToo #PatheticLittleManJr","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Actually my ancestors were here long before anyone got here even your French ass! Native Americans were here first. So get your facts straight! So if you wanna throw punches make sure you know who and where you are throwing them first. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you @user for welcoming and employing Omar and other refugees eager to provide for their families! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I mean, in the olden times, if you were to randomly contact some person from the phone book and start saying a bunch of freakish shit, you'd promptly be arrested. But now it's de riguer. (sp)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ajamubaraka Never mind the contempt that the DNC has for its base, giving the nomination to Hillary instead of Bernie, and the contempt Hillary has for the masses calling them \"deplorable\" and claiming women are stupid and voted how their husbands told t ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER There must be a cash prize or something for whoever comes up with the first \u201cconservatives pounce\u201d take.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Liberals have destroyed #California just like they are attempting to do to the rest of the country. #Radicals don't belong in any area of our governments. Grown ups belong there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The kids used to eat them... I tried one once... it made me feel... you know... gay...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PANIC in DC - Sessions sent letter to Supreme Court re: direction for him to UNrecuse himself... #wwg1wga #qanon @USER #MAGA #walkaway @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He didn't get away with it yet. Rosie hasn't sung yet.If Dems take the house, he gets away with it.#GetOutTheVote #MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA #FoxNews ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be love your beauty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A former secretary of state \u201chas never undermined a succeeding administration to this degree,\" @Heritage's Jim Phillips says of Kerry. https:\/\/dailysign.al\/2p6W8Aq via @FredLucasWH @DailySignal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u26a0\ufe0fWARNING AMERICANS \u26a0\ufe0f[NEWLINE]Obama Paved The Way For Islamic Sympathizers To Infiltrate Our System...[NEWLINE]The Goal For The Democrats Is To Bring Islamic Law To America\u203c\ufe0f[NEWLINE]#JoeBidensAmerica #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f https:\/\/t.co\/7X7uZpyz65","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER We have nothing to lose in dumping rump asap. He is a menace.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Or go to a baseball game with a terrorist? Who was that? Liberals seem to be the most perfect people but suck at everything.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER MAGA white people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The reason you don\u2019t have a wife is because you are an ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Playing SC2. Add Fury#1976 Bnet to play with me.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IAmPikey \nI wonders why dare ain't no colored folk up dare?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, #Baltimore, how far you have fallen. #disgusting. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user I\u2019m not liking the direction he is going in. He needs to make happy couples and have happiness in their lives. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stfu trump incites and promotes violence. We need to do like they are doing to Susan Collins to you. Every state should do that then your Russian donors would lose power and so would you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You hoes stay on that NUT shit stop giving the next bitch problems because THE NIGGA CHOSE not to fwy \u2757\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"from the creator we come to the creator we return our heas filled with sorrow for the victims of the mass #floridashooting #terror","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Refugees are like you and me. They want many of the same things we all do, like safety for their families and a promising future for their kids.Learn more about refugees by downloading our free e-book \"8 Things You Should Know About Refugees.\" \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10 fields to consider if you want to be your own boss ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the greatest friend i've been so lucky to have. since 2008. best friends. @user . \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are a sick person","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It\u2019s unwatchable. I am careful surfing around @USER to make sure I NEVER stop even by accident on that bloody awful channel!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SJSHSJ THATS MY JOB BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Bigger problem when you don't drink at home and go out and bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Trump Participates in Roundtable Discussion on Immigration \u2018\u201c 2:00pm\u00c2\u00a0Livestream\u2018\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You\u2019ve lost your mind. That shit is unsanitary af. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Being \u201cdisrespectful\u201d... or mitigating illegal immigration, drug cartels, MS-13 and people smuggling? Hmm... \u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u201d #LopezObradorPresidente ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sweden: Four migrants rape disabled woman vaginally and anally \u2018\u02dcThis is becoming normal everyday life!\u2019 #SWRM #Sweden #GangRape #ReligionofSex via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user please don\u2019t make the same mistake with #Kavanaugh! He is a perjurer who is also a Trump lackey. #VoteNoOnKavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user y\u2019all bitches psycho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MAGA2020 @VP crazy tweets https:\/\/t.co\/hYubDty1DP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#UofGH Justice Studies Assistant Program Head Dr. Glenn Hanna recently took part in a series of interviews with CBC radio regarding gun control and what a potential ban on handguns and assault rifles could mean for Canada. Listen to the interview here: URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ciao. \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u009d #love #instagood #photooftheday top.tags #tbt #cute #me #beautiful #followme \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@Allyhaaaaa: Lemmie eat a Oreo & do these dishes.\" One oreo? Lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seeing everyone's cool and #beautifullyobnoxious hair that people have been posting makes me so #dyehappy #gooddyeyoung \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"today is the sta of a new chapter life #activelife #goals #dreams #ownit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning! bud and breakfast? marijuana unleashed at ibooks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bono sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Who TF this white devil Jersey shore bitch? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuuckkkk youuuuu","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's always majority rules until the majority doesn't rule the way the left wants them to.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don't forget the deletion of all of her social media (no doubt Anti-Trump pro Antifa). Why is no-one asking why she cannot fix a year or day? Are they genuinely THAT gullible? She had one\" beer and \"somehow\" ended up in a bedroom? Implausible.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now that the Memo is released...I'm waiting for the Purge...if these traitors continue to walk free there is no justice...not talk but action...swift and merciless...Lock Them All Up... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheJuanWilliams has to be the biggest piece of dog shit on earth #FoxNews #trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a sick individual I don't care if he is the Pope or the trash pick up guy. Sick and bring to justice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bham is pride paradeready#beyou# #ofbham @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NO MORE CRIME........ PEOPLES STAND UP\u270a\u270a\u270a\u270a\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\ude20\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude20\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude20REFUGEES NOT WELCOME","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Oh @user The Dem candidates do have clearly stated policy proposals. One involves rational gun control. When elected they won\u2019t vacillate like Trump. You and @user are done deceiving America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Arctic summers ice-free by 2013!\u00a0http:\/\/news.bbc.co.uk\/2\/hi\/science\/nature\/7139797....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When they carved those statues THOUSANDS of years ago and they depict the bundle of sticks and axe, what was the meaning of that back then, Joey? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's on purpose, aince the best slaves are the ones who don't know they're in slavery. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what i thought was real ... was not ...it was aal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iLoveyou_Autumn: Bruhhhhh, I want some Oreos and milk. 😩","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ok give it up u low life conservatives move on u got one year til election for canadians to show u that WE DON'T WANT RACIST RUNNING R COUNTRY so grow up and let's talk about how u dont like anybody who dont look like u","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In a heartbeat \ud83d\udc97 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #KAG Absolutely! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hahahahaha so hysterical she the real living proof cher cherry picker we have only bitch read da real KSU SB Hit! I Alo! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I wouldn't say cowardly. She is brave! I mean He\"\". :)\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don\u2019t forget that Trump got impeached because he was so scared of Joe Biden that he tried to get Ukraine to make up a fake investigation, and someone was so scared of Kamala Harris that she was attacked by more bots and fake accounts than anyone else in the primary.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we're looking forward to celebrating @user with a tea pay for our team later. #cake ;) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He looks like he\u2019s been sucking on a lemon before he goes into those hearings.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just because a woman decides to drop charges concerning a rape allegation doesn't mean it didn't happen. The legal\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because across the country everyone recognizes high handed authoritarian gerrymandering and democratic subversion. Only self serving Ontario conservatives\" speak for this.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And those same politicians from both @USER and @USER are selling the country down the drain.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And yet millions of permit holding people carried legally concealed firearms that same day and didn\u2019t hurt themselves or anyone else. But yet they want to have stronger gun control. Idiots! \ud83e\udd28 Our wonderful media has to hype incidents that fits their agenda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #stevefrancis was like one of the best from #umd to the #rockets and was a beast but it looks like the #pipe g\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RealJamesWoods Biden voters need to be sent to China to see what dictatorship looks like","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@USER your the perfect example of why Americans despise lying liberals. Disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@gundeathjournal @ackdoc @nra lax gun laws? Ur retarded. There's murder there bcuz no one can defend themselves. Only crooks have guns there","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"still waiting on my dr office to send a thing over to my dentist stating that I won't bleed out in their chair getting these teeth pulled. Every moment my 2 broke ass teeth throb in pain like they're mocking me. I will defeat you","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When a door closes go through a window. #BuildThatWall #MAGA via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"SEE YOU CANNOT READ OR UNDERSTAND ENGLISH... EAT SHIT MUSLIM FILTH AND DO NOT REPLY.... WOULD HATE TO MUTE AS CONSIDER INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION WORTHWHILE BUT YOU ARE NOT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@waltshaub So did I. #BlueWave2020 #BidenHarris2020 #NeverTrump #RepublicansForBiden","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER When is LVMPD and MGM going to be held accountable for #VegasShooting and it's subsequent coverup & knee jerk Gun Control? Anyone else find it curious that the first surveillance video released by MGM was in an exclusive to the New York Times ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great news @user hard work and fun pays off!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nothing but an ad for Gun Control! We gonna keep our 2nd amendment rights Fred!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user We are calling for international solidarity & support for Costa Rica and other countries hosting Nicaraguan refugees & asylum-seekers. Thousands are fleeing mounting political tensions, violence and serious human rights violations ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This hoe ain't have no money so why would I spend my money on you when you not my bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hell fuckin yea","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And? Ricky was fine calling Paul a donation cheat. Is the game still that douglass was on our side? The GOP consultant in the alt-right? We going to get triggered about antifa dox next?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"51. A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with. A man is what he makes of himself.\"\" - Alexander Graham Bell #PushAwardsMayWards\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yeah but xenoblade sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cIt\u2019s not that we get [coronavirus] from each other, it\u2019s that we get it from the people in the office,\" Bonita Williams, 58, is a cleaner at the State Department tells @EmilyStewartM https:\/\/t.co\/ljrn8xXA7f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lock him up! He is insane! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Meanwhile in the Open Immigration backlash...Italy Rejects Two More NGO Migrant Ships (waiting to collect and transport off the coast of Libya)\u201cThey should know that Italy no longer wants to be an accomplice in the... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is funny its about the third time you have tried to pigeon hole me and discredit my view as not being my own ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER thoughts on Sandy Alcantara? Seems like he is pitching well","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy 35th bihday to chris evans! \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00ac\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af #chrisevans #bihday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why do you think that hoe is in the back seat? Lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome to #GabFam. \u00a0 Here you can #SpeakFreely @MilitaryEarth","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The far right is making no noise now. Antifa is burning down schools and attacking people. Deal with reality ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That 'connectedness' is one of the many things I relied upon in the design and spread of my own #memeplex, back in 2002 - 2010. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user SEASON 2 is being filmed in > SIX WEEKS!! U don't want to miss szn2! They're asking for donations to raise an extra $2,500 in order to bring on 2 brilliant, young immigrant filmmakers as lead crew members and producers for this season ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user The main reason that @user doesn\u2019t want to talk about her experiences with rape and sexual assault is that she is saving the stories for a more lucrative writing gig. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*sighs sadly* i miss you, tavi... #mlp #vinylscratch #octaviamelody #ship #vinylmelody #octaviascratch #emtpy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If these are your senators, let them know how you feel about this! #BuildTheWall http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/06\/19\/the-list-here-are-the-republican-senators-demanding-trump-end-all-border-enforcement\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I DO HOPE Whomever that works at twitter (That likes to cause Hell IT BACKFIRES ON THEM) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The bitch in the red jacket at the oj parole is a cunt she trying any question to get him to slip up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Now following all the patriots that I wasn't already following! Let's MAG & KAG & VOTE RED together! Thank you all!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nooooooooo what was i thinking meant to compare price and clearly didn't shoutout to the lucky 1 who got this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She\u2019ll have a total mental breakdown when he is re-elected!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Djt & Gop- MAGA. Only for old scared white men again. Making women property again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WHY can't We Americans volunteer to build it ourselves or pay for it our selves???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wonderful, then please say so OK. That way everybody can remember that suckers face when he is not with his daddyo. He also needs to be taken out likewise with his fucked up father, to save USA a future headache.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this makes my blood boil my poor dad gave his life in the last war so we could be free from tyranny and we go and import it by the fucking ship load? I can't for the life of me see what he and thousands of others gave their lives for only to be taken away by fucking third world Scum.....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Right..? Total OCD right there lol Yeah...totally gonna floss that sucker off. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"healthy is . #docto #thoughtoftheday #quote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER ME BITCH I WILL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump is correct. School choice IS a civil rights issue. We should go a step further and abolish school unions. #MAGA2020 #SchoolChoice","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is wild to see twitter\u00a0bend over backward to defend\u00a0Sarah Jeong's tweets. People can easily call out right wing\u00a0racists without issues. But the minute it is some woke type then suddenly the narrative changes or it is okay because they are 'anti-racists.' Then gamergate gets a mention lol you get to sit back in real time and see the power of false\u00a0narratives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Having that!!! Brilliant! See how long my umpteenth twitter account last after posting that!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@LindseyGrahamSC You\u2019ve destroyed America in 3 1\/2 years. We are going to make it impossible for Republicans to murder 200,000 American citizens again. #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She has received death threats and has teenage daughters. She is protecting her family","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Too late dude. I'm now fucking your mom and giving you a Brazilian bother.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Juan needs to check himself. He is completely out of control.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-____- No other 1st world country has bullshit like this because they don't have BULLSHIT problems like this Fuck the gun industry and fuck the dipshits enabling them preventing sensible gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#epcot #flower and #garden #festival is my #place! check out my latest post: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"=> => => sirf ashiq log follow karen #iqbal #galib #wasi #faraz #sagar #mohsin ki full poetry, #shairi + follow @user send t...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You nailed that ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It\u2019s getting to be a badge of honor to get suspended on Twitter and at least honorable mention to be shadow banned! Yee-ha!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how about instead of complaining 'not all men' you stand up for those when they've been harassed or assaulted or ya\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The one where I was the only woman on a thread where men were mansplaining Jackie Fox\u2019s rape to me. (The women post\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" little #peeker. #what #monitorlizard ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Look in the mirror lefties! No bigger bullies than antifa and progressive leftist trying to \u201cget in the faces\u201d of the right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user your comments are reflections of ignorance and . @user = #endofcivilization @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is a blatant threat by #MadMaxineWaters ginning up the ANTIFA base I smell more violence #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You do realize how ridiculously radical all these tweets sound right. Who are you trying to mobilize antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"silent screams\" on #wattpad #poem #poetry #poet #quote #writer #author #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah. Just retarded Muslims and loony Nazis think like you. #NaziFaggot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user my video on the whole @user situation #boycottdelta #exposed #truth #fraud #adamsaleh #delta #prankster ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is here. Every one on council is here. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln Sending a heartfelt Thank You to the Lincoln Project for helping so much with the election of Joe Biden POTUS and Kamala Harris VPOTUS. We all did this together with help of the Lincoln Project ads!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\u267b\ufe0f\ud83c\udf0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why can't somebody pipe this bitch down? She's a Soros laying cunt getting paid to act. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A bitch built like that could beat my ass all she wants URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Aliens steal 39 million SS# for false ID. ID Theft. But we are always told there are only about 20 million Illegal Aliens in the USA. I suspect they are lying about the number here. #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DonaldTrumpREAL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new video up. enjoy. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Zo2MJsopmOw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"98% of all mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Our cities with the highest gun crimes and murders are the cities with the most strict gun control laws. YOUR idea of disarming everyone doesn\u2019t work because CRIMINALS DON\u2019T OBEY LAWS and see easy unarmed prey. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nice big brave fellas these russian fans aren't they - charging in to women and children. all hell is going to break out in marseille ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ReleaseTheCures #DeclassifyFISA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #ItsTime #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #GreatAwakening @user #Winning #QAnon #MAGA Why James Comey knows he's going to be indicted \u2014 9\/14\/18 - YouTube ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Die bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"kevin didn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t understand what he\u00e2\u0080\u0099d done, but he knew he\u00e2\u0080\u0099d fucked up.\" #bestof2016 by @user #marriage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @GabrielaAngela4: @JacklynAnnn I'm not even ghetto!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On twitter Fuentes is sucking Trump's dick just the same.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Beat His 4-Month-Old Daughter To Death @user @user #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Self fulfilling investigations. Look at all the evidence we found (planted). Good thing we knew (remembered) exactly where (we put it) to look. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[minyoung unnie's ig post] #moment #taiwan #raohe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"See, that's part of the problem. Image. If these guys would simply NOT go out of their way to look like total douchebags, more people would probably take them seriously. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks. To clarify any misconceptions, I'm not Jewish. More like mongrel Scottish mixture. It's a minefield to even approach the issue, Then it is fraught with fallacy. I'm no fan of crime syndicates, whether it's the Kehillah, the Mafia, or Hollywood.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump ny co-chair: i want obama to die of mad cow disease and michelle to \"go back to being a male\" #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Eff it, let's go after the cripple’: You have to see Wendy Davis' new attack ad [video] http:\/\/t.co\/WapBCHhuru","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL - let that dimwitted Korean female talk! At this point even The Onion beats the New York Times when it comes to real news: https:\/\/local.theonion.com\/we-must-protect-the-pure-aryan-bloodline-says-child-1826868946","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I know, you'll be in jail you pervert! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone truly care what this stupid bitch has to say, much less thinks....?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I still want him to fuck my pussy with a rake. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HAHAHAHA omg these people. They thought they would have their way FOREVER. Idiots","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ole folks taking me out shipping for early bihday gifts \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 it's there, it's @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082although i'm told that andrew jackson was and #cantankerous also","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Immigration in a picture basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/c0gHvd6iMB ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Bohot bohot badhai Bhuvan bhai for surpassing #10millionsubscribers milestone You are one man army First youtuber from india jisne apne dum par 10 million subscribers pass kiye And hope this good news may help your father for his speedy recovery URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Pussy and ass are \u270c\ud83c\udffedifferent times. And I've NEVER in my black life ever ate chittlerings lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So sick of kike Hollywood. They used to have to change their names. We should go back to that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And Who Would Listen to a Man that Robbed American Taxpayers of Millions of Dollars and Gave it to Iran? NOT ME!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Its because no one wants to talk to a skank like you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why? please explain to us why we're, \"bad.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I recommend re-viewing the video. It is impossible to listen to what he said and find fault with it. God is not a lawyer in some bureaucratic department looking to catch the faithful in loopholes and technicalities. God knows her heart, and that is what matters.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"authorities find body of toddler snatched by gator near disney reso in florida via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER ikr? Riding trainer? Have fun running to Lower Rear BackWoodsistan Fucker!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lessons From the Past: Why Eastern European Nations Reject Muslim Migrants 0\/lessons-past-eastern-european-nations-reject-muslim-migrants\/ Sweden \u2014where rape has increased by 1,472% since embracing \u201cmulticulturalism\u201d\u2014is reportedly on the verge of collapse. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you can provide facts of my false ideology, I will continue this discussion. FYI: I also took Jewish studies. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user #rickastley50 was good to hear & c u live even if i wasn't there in person now 4 the #tour #keepsi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've seen in the comments section under a review of power supplies that Seasonic was a good choice. I hope that does the job.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So... Did Angela hook up with a younger guy so she has someone to wipe her butt when she is 75? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place, HOE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user If Brookee Baldwin and Erin Burnett start showing cleavage to their Boobies CNN just might. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CBSThisMorning @charlierose racist @NorahODonnell tx trash enjoy your high along with gop win a substitute for racist @MittRomney loss!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Photographer Lewis Hine shot images of young boys smoking cigarettes to emphasize the harmful effects of child labour. ca. 1880","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \u00e2\u0080\u009cdo asians need higher test scores? is it harder for #asians to get into college? the answer is yes,\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you but you are not addressing my question. My husband made a booking during that period and now his personal data is out there for sale ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Is it credible to believe he is worse than either: gordon on the browns in 2018 or 2017 brandin cooks? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sure, #AbolishICE and grant amnesty to all of these mestizo invaders, and watch them breed like rats, turning America into a third world country. There is a big crystal ball for America, and it's called Argentina. #SupportICE #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks via @user #NoAmnesty #DeportIllegals #BuildThatWall #TRUMP #MAGA #MASA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wow you are actually terrible. Imagine being proud of getting people in a disaster zone finding water arrested. The store owner didn't want them arrested and you are an awful person. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing : ackroyd poppy - \" seven\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...actually the vast number of the people leading up to and during the revolution were NOT willing to risk their fortunes or comfort for their freedom, except....the 3%.... This is where the 3% movement came from....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are so welcome! I know I just speak what every one is thinking! It\u2019s a good meeting place for us all! \u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The two ringless fags RT @EverybodyHatesX: Barkley & Reggie were talking nonsense the entire game","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is #trump what the lds church stands for? who knew? #adultery #misogyny #bigotry #incest #pedophilia #rape @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An illegal alien from Haiti has been accused of shooting a Florida police officer in the head, leaving him in critical condition. #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ridiculous. Catholics support the free exchange of ideas. Arroyo, I support you against such censorship. Pope Francis, stop Spadaro making the Church a soap opera.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i got bit a couple summers ago i was like its just some harmless spider a couple weeks later my docter is shaking her head saying how bad this is lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"24 MARCH 1933 ...JEWS DECALED WAR ON GERMANY ... ALL BAD GOYIM KNOW THAT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officer&dept are SUPPOSED to be\/do. Shameful! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when you think of the past thoughts \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #past#now#sucks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I love @user !! @user stop your racist censorship now!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we cannot address issues of fair trade or fresh h20 with so much violence. better 2017?npr: @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If a nigga who knows you were with his bitch right before him and gives you the side eye He a hoe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Romney: Where I stand on the Trump agenda, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @espn: Hot off the press, here’s Todd McShay’s first post-Combine NFL mock draft, including a new No. 1. http:\/\/t.co\/su5ixWrthq","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT some of these BITch Part starlets promote to young is worse than rape it is rape of young minds. What goes around comes around! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hungary: UN treaty could 'inspire millions' of migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How The Art Of The Deal Translates To High Stake Politics","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bite your vicious tongue!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Swamp Drained: Obama's ICE Chief Counsel Sentenced to Prison for Identity Theft https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/30338-Swamp-Drained-Obama-s-ICE-Chief-Counsel-Sentenced-to-Prison-for-Identity-Theft ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh fuck yeah ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user spend this much time on ineptcouncil members clear, oiz, harmon, rather than \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d colson ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#allahsoil like all religions, islam can be a strong unifying force. #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @hiteshrangra: Sonia never criticises @ArvindKejriwal . Kejriwal, who trashes every other leader, never criticises Sonia. Touching. #YoK…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FAKE NEWS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"people be in competition with people that don't even know their name #focusonyou #theydontevenknowyouexsit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hope you blisters ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You have lost all sense of reality. You're one very HYSTERICAL woman . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new whip coming sunday!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Burn it to the ground !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday to all responsible fathers and all those aspiring to be among them!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its the raggedy red state of Texas! Look at what they did to immigrant families. The sexual abuse of immigrant children. Also in the red state of Arizona. No surprise they're engaging in voter suppression. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER City of 1 499 900 people who don't fuck\" doesn't have quite the same ring to it\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Just Chicago so they can stop the gun violence. Seems that is what democrats claim will stop it. Show us in one of the worst gun violence cities controlled by democrats so the nations will see how that works. Make it a model of successful gun control policies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Business men and their profits go before Immigration and the effects on them Bupa membership protection no sense of reality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#IllegalAliens deserve Deportation not representation. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #StopMassMigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For those that do not want to or can goto twitter I managed to leach the video of Graham...\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you & same to you \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wake the Fuck up #Nancy!!![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Goodmorning #SundayMorning #CrazyNancy #crazypelosi #cheatbymail #Trump2020Landslide #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver #Trump2020 #BestPresidentEver #BestPresidentEver45 https:\/\/t.co\/KnfipwDYtQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ain't hip, trendy. it scalds, it aches, it is chronic, & chokes like smog. ever present but no sees it. it is a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hello @user just staed taking ur course for contagious content @user ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"welcome @user attendees to edinburgh! #bringyourbrolly #iab2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ideas cannot be contained, cannot be controlled.\u00a0 No wall can prevent their dissemination, no Law, no Policy. NOTHING can, period.\u00a0 Thoughts are a very powerful thing, eh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you me too \u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey girl if ur still reading my tweets ..... ur a dumb bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He bailed on his Wife and kids. Dude is a piece of shit. The real sick fucks are his \u201cMommy and Daddy\u201d.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Big O - you are right - you don't lose to Gabbert ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ALBERT PIKE'S LETTER TO MAZZINI 1871 outlining Russian Revolution and WWI - WWII & WWIII strategies groups and methods of initiating them.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are abhorrent","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I dont know... Antifa is pretty dumb.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you've really hu my feelings :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh and if I choose to fight over my land? Then I am branded a terrorist and the fucking capitalist commie state floods my land with feds until they murder me. FUCK YOU! What do you own? NOT A FUCKING THING!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019ve never understood why people stand and wait on they food at Tolly Ho... you a good one ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @AIanHangover: \"Bae\" means \"Before Anyone Else,\" I've been here thinking it's a ghetto word for babe\/baby.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Avoid this movie- Un American. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You had one job...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm really super to watch #theconjuring2 today \u00e2\u009d\u0097\u00e2\u009d\u0097\u00e2\u009d\u0097 i was waiting for soooooooooo... long to watch it... \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c can't wait anymore... \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Even Kavanaugh said Roe v Wade is a settled law. She is spewing a narrative that does not exist. Trump also said the same.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Bit of a celebrity\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 my Ass!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Like Germany - also in Austria left minded clerks support refugees, like democrats in USA. Beware of such elements ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Coward Cameron go on welcome migrants with housing etc while destroying disabled peoples benefits its not a secret ur no good ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals makes America Sicker","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Conservatives have become the cadaver party.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I just realized I used whore instead of cunt oh how the tables have turned ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Somehow I doubt that statistic you just made up in your head. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Armed Security Guards At Alyssa Milano's Anti-Gun Rally Chase Man Out Of Public Park\u00a0http:\/\/www.informationliberation.com\/?id=58348","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's not Southern California. It is considered Central California. Great how our gun control laws work here isn't it? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am fed up with these scumball senators saying, \"OH but this country is only one DACAS know!\" \u00a0This is an emotional excuse and makes NO SENSE. \u00a0 Send them home to meet their families and make them stand in line to get back in. \u00a0We have supported them for enough years -education, medical, living, food, scholarships, free tuition, etc! \u00a0ENOUGH you scumball senators!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Better vetting is all we asked for but the left went hysterical like a little girl in Barbie doll factory. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Chicago~~ Nearly 100 years of crooked Democrat leadership & some of the strictest gun control in the nation and Dopey Durbin attempts to lay the blame at the feet of Republicans\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 MAKE NO MISTAKE DEMOCRATS #YouBuiltThis #ChicagoDeathToll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dehumanising language to describe migrants. Anyone NOT doing this nowadays? It\u2019s all a load of bollocks btw. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Landon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with him but he never got back to me so Landon you suck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@_realjgoodwin @Jeffreyyyy_ Hell they want to assassinate him even if he don't ...the Whole thing this is about ,is not Joe Biden ....it's Kamala Harris and Nasty Nancy P...let that sink in....\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user you stupid mf's who discredit white privilege; this is it dummies! no texas law allows choking kids! #msnbc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Antwon Rose.\u00a0\u00a0 The officer will walk.\u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so here it is. summer project #youthpreprofessional. world premiere 20th august #waterford @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'But resist, we much... We must. And we will. Much. About that. Be committed.'- Al Sharptonhttps:\/\/hooktube.com\/watch?v=QDSvl9mGx9Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ask them. You guys are just using this topic to avoid answering my questions about Antifa crashing and being violent at PP organized events. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@a\u200d is the best nigger <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@gundeathjournal @ackdoc @nra lax gun laws? Ur retarded. There's murder there bcuz no one can defend themselves. Only crooks have guns there","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LifeAsKing: New Orleans is still trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you are unwilling to help victims &; or survivors of rape &; domestic violence by speaking out then you have no place as our advocate. \ud83d\udc9c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE HER!!!! a beautiful loaf <3 you are an angel for taking care of her! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you know Dan I used to think you were a pretty competent newsman now I can clearly see you are nothing more then a paid whore who sells himself and his once stellar reputation. Trying to be relevant again ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I heard ur cock was big and lonely","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"working \u00e2\u009b\u00b0 engineering \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0085 geology #nambija #geology \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u00b8 #engineer #engineering ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user In 2010 the Conservatives cut annual funding to build social housing by \u00a32.5bn. Today Theresa May announced an extra \u00a32bn to build social housing.... spread over the next 10 years! So by 2028 it\u2019ll be a \u00a333bn cut since 2010 instead of \u00a335bn. I despair!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you ever just wanna lose your shit on someone for no good reason other than the fact that they exist? Cause same ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why don't you say he knew those emails were approved to be released. He knew he could release them. His grand standing got called out and his theatrics are unbecoming of a US Senator. Call him out or you are FAKE news just like @user calls you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Doesn't seem worse than Ice Climber.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lagerfeld - fashiondesigner says he hates Merkel. 1 mio. refugees find place in Germany, which are antisemitic muslims, which hate Jews. This is a crime from Merkel, which not learned from the Holocaust. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" sad sad sad.....no words...#ripchristina #youtuber #prayforchristina a truth aist.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a #girl could really #fuck ur head up \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 it's so \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LOOK ST THIS BULLSHIT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No matter how corrupt, or vile, or lawless, democrats NEVER think they do anything that merits them losing their jobs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Yes mothers now this is what the deranged left will make you do to your little boys! Are we really going to let this happen? Pure EVIL! #VoteDemsOut #MAGA #2020 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user o boy you got that right. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is proof the liberal left cannot think for themselves and have to be told what to say.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Really mr. grab em by the pussy? Yes, you do talk like that and you werent elected. Your were instilled by russia. Stfu you moron. Youre going to prison, Traitor Tot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch is stupid af. Forcing me to wake up my residents. Like wtf not like I was sitting not doing shit I was doing shit. Stupid ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" , but #fascinating as always. #discover the most beautiful #sea you've ever seen, #visitmaratea #basilicata ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is like \u201cHoly jesus fucken Christ\u201d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user thank you for shopping with tatacliq. hope you have many more such wonderful shopping experiences with us. #ha\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"missing my friends #lonely_withoutthem @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'I'm not like most girls' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hi sexy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hey Bono- Why not turn your Dublin hotel over to refugees? Asshole!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user An ugly old man trying to make himself relevant again with more lies Remember him saying he had a deathbed confession from CIA director casey? Never happened according to the bodyguards in that room shouldn't that be enough to question this morons credibility ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jwu streetdance workshop later + no classes \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its crazy how quickly they got all that garbage in the stands after that rain delay #NFLKickoff #EaglesNation #BuildThatWall #SteelerNation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#thankful buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, y ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why doesn\u2019t he leave the country if he is so unhappy with America","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Crush #antifa. That is all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sunshine & stickers kind of saturday \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd #letthembelittle #childhoodunplugged ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you must be a very 'unique' lecturer cc. @user are this the people lecturing tomorrows leaders? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If he hadn't done it, some White European man would have eventually gotten around to doing it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Any argument with liberals is same as forcing water through the steel. Their brains are contaminated and the process of healing seems impossible for them. Don't waste you precious time and words on them. These are not reasonable people. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"EVERYDAY YOU SHOVE 'NOT ALL MEN' DOWN THE THROATS OF WOMEN TALKING ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES. ARE YOU NOT TIRED? ARE YOU NOT FREAKING TIRED?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The game sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i had spaghetti for lunch and tea today ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One thing many are missing. This Omnibus pork barrel has a shelf life of 6 months. Renewal End of September. Just before the mid-terms.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hillary is Amerikas Rosa Luxembourg.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump may be creating 'permanently orphaned kids,' judge says .. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i never dreamed about success. i worked for it. ~ est\u00c3\u00a9e lauder #love #women ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first bath. #zoethedestroyer #cairnterrier #shihtzu #caizu face #stinkypup ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Last 4the night! #BidenHarris2020 #fbr RT[NEWLINE]@Kelleyrose20\ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@rubysoho26 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@ReverendWarnock \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@AllMight85 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@GShelia1951 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@samdu7280 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@wildkat57 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@hammerit54 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@timinator2006 \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@RelierLesPoints \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@Girl12Philly \ud83e\ude81[NEWLINE]@0000Phe0000 \ud83e\ude81 #FBR RT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hitlary underestimated us \"needy\" \"deplorable\" \"basement-dwelling\" voters. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lets see. You brag about grabbing women by the pussy, you demean and belittle people including your own staff daily, so yeah, what we are seeing what we are hearing, IS true o stfu, oh and Mueller is coming. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BuildThatWall ALREADY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love you...!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #friend #friends #fun #funny #love #insta godo #friendship #cute #live\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LikeJordanGAF: Pity parties are trash & I don't throw them .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Man I hope I don\u2019t die before Florence hits.. I heard he is going to be a great time!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is so alert! Babies aren't always so aware.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don\u2019t care how good a player he is if I owned his club I\u2019d suspend him for a year make him train with the youngsters to tell them what bad looks like set the example ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user racism stuffed into skinny jeans with a hipster comb-over is just as bad as racism shrouded in a white hood #altright = #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LMFAO. #TrumpTrain2020 MAKE AMERICA RED VOTE DEMS OUT OF OFFICE before it's too late Protect our constitution ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Has your kind paid up your kind OVER DRAFT WAR CRIMES REVENUE NATIONAL DEBT YET!? Can you comprehend law?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A group of people who are unattractive will tend to become bitter and will justify their own bad behavior by believing that they are underappreciated and special (against all evidence, which creates the unresolvable tension) and therefore exempt from common expectations. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Officers of the Court have a duty to uphold Rule of Law.\u00a0 ABA President Bass stated that they \"will not rest until all children reunited with parents\".\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/t.co\/RF3wJWCVrl TO VOLUNTEER\u00a0\u00a0 (no Spanish\/Immigration law necessary) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My friends that don't live in GB are asking about what I think of the black people rioting at the Notting Hill Carnival. I cannot comment as I live in England and not London. I didn't go. I wasn't there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He and Obama must be copying each other does any democrat have their own thought PLEASE !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - i bet if the @user hc was white, he would have been fired years ago! @user #facts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check out my very own photograph's, want pictures done, let me know! #devianta #summer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"kevin macdonald: ethnocentrism is normal and rational #race #ethnocentrism @user #altright #pegida","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWhat\u2019s happening today will be written down as history, and we don\u2019t want it to be fake history.\u201d #syria #refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@microchip Sorry for being a dick to you last night, Chip. Followed you on Twat back in the day and I know you're a keen intellect. Shouldn't have interrupted you dismantling that dude.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You're a freak-ass SKANKBAG who has been a HAS-BEEN for 20 years. WTF are you anyway? NOBODY, so STFU and go suck it, skank. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to all those cunts who see my tweets and don\u2019t like or comment can suck my ass exept those couple peeps but bitch you know who you are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It seems that @USER holds the whip hand when it comes to governing the @USER and Brexit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitcoin transaction fees have dropped below $10 for the first time in over a month. Mempool is being cleared too. May be due to adoption of Segwit, larger blocks, Coinbase batching transactions. https:\/\/bitcoinfees.info\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Too bad life sucks 4 u #schiff4brains \ud83d\ude02 ur going down along wi ur other CRIMINAL friends. Only red line crossed is the LIES U TELL. U will never b anything more than the belly of a SNAKE #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #schiff4brains ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #aldub47thweeksary thursday morning!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sounds like the type of lefty that is campaigning to lower the age of consent. I\u2019m sure he\u2019ll \u201cgive a stuff\u201d when one of our heroic paedophile hunting groups sting the wrongun. I hope he\u2019s already feeling the affects of his support for muslim rape squads. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Capitalism has killed more than that since 2000 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What the hell has his location at the time of the shooting got to do with anything? People don't have to be shot to fight for gun control! Usually they can't after the event because they are usually DEAD!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user buffalo parents rally to remove trump ally carl paladino from school board after remarks\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More 'Give them room to riot' leftist reasoning. Leftist controlled cities become shithole cities in such short time. https:\/\/www.wral.com\/texts-show-police-chief-told-...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this video was censored by youtube for \"hate speech\" \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 enjoy! #maga #everythingisracist #triggered\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trudeau's \"refugees\" bring mayhem to hotel migrant camps Brainless Trudeau + Migrants in Canada = Rapefugees just like England Germany n Sweden!! Specially against children n young teens!! via @user \nwelcome to thailand bitch- we find rape culture very humorous and we make jokes out of it smh \nLol if we're being honest I spent the whole day depressed as a bitch in my room, this is the only time I've felt ok today .. rn at 11pm \nThis is outrageous! #StopIllegalImmigration #MeritImmigration \n@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02Bitch what with my brand new uniform and shoes\ud83d\ude0f \n@user National security depends on immigration control, stopping visa overstays, vetting, bans from terror ridden nation and the #BuildThatWall \nI'm about to bitch slap bro so he know he's a hoe \n@user The bitch is crazy I hate this whore so much irl and in rp \nPussy ass bitch cunt fuck I HATE YOU. \n#ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh@TheDemocrats @user party of #Obama #Obstructionists @user #Soros #Liers #Violence #Hate #Hypocrisy #Socialists MS-13 #KKK #IllegalAliens #Drugs #ANTIFA #Resist@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user #2ADefenders \nConservative Trump Patriots, it might be the weekend but stay up to date. The corrupt Deep State never sleeps. Stay strong for our #Potus45 and for fellow Patriot Conservatives! #NoDaca #Potus45 #MAGA #KAG2020 #VoteRedNovember2018 #StandWithPresidentTump #IfollowAllPatriots \n#Children and #Women Are No Longer Safe Where There many \"\"#asylum\"\" seekers, #IllegalAliens, or just #MassImmigration. The Nations of #Europe need to #BuildTheWall and fix #immigration LAWS NOW.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no way, can't believe it. they killed off poussey, they really killed her off my favorite character. gone. gone now... #thanksnetflix \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #redhead #lovinglife #tbt on wednesday. #dodgechallenger @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today on SFTP, I interview @user and we talk about the most hysterical Pokemon fight that you will never\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Best fortune cookie ever. From 2 nights ago...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Curious. A flat-earther whom I engaged with quite some time ago must have deleted all his posts. I've long suspected they're trolls. Good trolls they're not but trolls nevertheless.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I look forward to talking to them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WARNING !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The really frightening thing is that plenty of Antifa are stupid enough to believe this is true. I'd put a bet on the first one to try it being a woman Antifa. They seem to be the most stupid and more willing to vitue signal their way into an early grave.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user all ready for the baillie cup!good luck to everyone and enjoy! #teamworkmakesthedreamwork ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"six animals killed because of poor parenting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dude, YOU'RE sad: Tucker Carlson triggers Brian Stelter when he tells viewers 'assume the opposite of big media' https:\/\/t.co\/HaL2YWzlEj","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hispanic Invaders have been Destroying California!!!They have No Business being in our Country. Period.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll#MCGA #MAGA #AmericaFirst #USA#FoxNews #SundayMorning @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We need to change who controls refugees coming in to Idaho. Get involved--don't just read and share emails. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes he is and the democrats hate it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate to listen also, but they need to give Ford plenty of rope to hang herself.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Every one is on these social media platforms arguing about who is racist and who isn't while the powers that be manipulate it to push their agendas and gain power. And shit. I know exactly what ur saying im pretty liberal guy and i can't stand the racism discussions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That\u2019s why conservatives are so afraid of weed. They think it will make them love black people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you're a loser with 27,000, soon we will have more fans then you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good Lird she is a disgusting representation of a human being ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not worth the effort.\u00a0 let them put on big boy\/girl britches & deal with their own sh!t (immigration, economic collapse, Russia......)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@chicagosmayor I will vote Republican in 2020 because our freedoms and lives are at stake. #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We will vote. You will lose. And you will leave @realDonaldTrump @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC. cc @ProjectLincoln #TrumpVirus #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yeah like conservatives are synonymous with truth telling. Pleeease. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"live on #periscope: sunday morning praise and worship father's day #fdkn ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Jew banker. That's a first","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you wanna eat your own ass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"excerpted from \u00e2\u0080\u009cthe light in the hea \u00e2\u0080\u009d #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user He also clarified that there is the water birth when we are physically born. Then there is the spiritual birth which is obviously when we spiritually die to our sinful flesh and be reborn sinless after being cleansed by His blood at salvation when our sin debt is paid! Praise God ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user bihday miles\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I thought I\u2019d like to pass along this is my first presidential election that I am voting in. I am more pumped now than I have ever been and I will no doubt remember the first presidential election is this one. Vote out the #BrokeAssPresident and bring in #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I use it in conversation regularly but not sure about here. But in any case she is one \ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pheonix u10s new look team to play noh walkden tomorrow #1stgame ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user He is complicit in the abuse of young men. Why would he care about a woman. He make me sick. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER They embraced Antifa. Career killer.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you tell ah niqqa to get you some red bottoms because he getting his self some & he pull up to yo job with yo shoes LOL I wish bitch\ud83d\ude39 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER My favorite part is where left leaning people say we should believe all accusations at face value when it comes to sexual misconduct but not when it comes to Keith Ellison. Also I'm a Buddhist who's skeptical, thanks for adding to the all conservatives are Christian\" stereotype.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dis nicca lame","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Um, what was thst you said @fbi wray ? You just knowingly lied.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Photos: Man in California Allegedly Found Thousands Of Unopened Ballots In Garbage Dumpster \u2014 Workers Quickly Try to Cover Them Up[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #MAGA @DonaldJTrumpJr[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/nIZoKpKVTY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Agreed MJ! Any Country that has an #OpenBorders policy is in trouble! #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #AmericaFirst ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #gbp continues to trade volatile dictated by uk referendum polls - bnz #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seriously though, that was the first shit I saw on my feed this morning; it's like every day, Gab tries to outdo itself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER For the love of all things sacred he cannot be voted in. He is well down towrds the bottom of that scummy swamp. The Scales of Justice need to let him drown in his own shit. Make 2018 the year of holding each other accountable for our responsibilities. \u262e\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83d\udc75\ud83c\udffb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It wouldn't surprise me a bit. Just like they falsely call conservatives, Fascists\" and justify physically attacking them. \"Trump's a Nazi, kill him!\". It's just a matter of time before they suggest it.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1162- keep your eyes peeled, we will be out in brecon soon #flipflops#saferbrecon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Googlecide \u2013 Death by don\u2019t-be-evil-corp inspiring the Internet bill of rights preventing leftist oligarchies from erasing people based on political beliefs transforming western civilization into a totalitarian state controlling nearly all aspects of life via the Googlesplaining.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THIS IS THE PROBLEM. There are over one billion of these whackos and ten percent\u00a0 (over 100 million by the way) will happily\u00a0kill you and your family! Get them out of civilized countries. NOW!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i chose to fix your hea by breaking mine. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Besides Jax\u2019s mom and maybe Ope he is hands down my favorite he\u2019s like the only good person on the show \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nobody is in charge of your happiness except you. - joyce meyer #smile #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PALLYWOOD* IN THE AEGEAN? Caught in the act: Film crew staging fake Muslim migrant drownings at sea on the Greek island of Crete via @user Fake news... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UN use Brexit to play the race card against us. These people don\u2019t understand that we never voted to be swamped by rapists, murderers and fraudsters from shithole countries. We don\u2019t want them here.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"stop being an overdramatic bitch... if u were in my shoes, and wake up with the news that your idol committed suicide what would u feel ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"from the archives - feeling #calm #11 for my bihday i was given a great new book 'calm' and a jour #family ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is not a Dalit or a Muslim no need to remember","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Screens at Iran airport said hacked with anti-regime messages https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/screens-at-iran-airport-said-hacked-with-anti-regime-messages\/ via @timesofisrael","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How I feel when I buy a round of shots ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Brazil ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lol only ones I see attacking anyone is your crybaby liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I teach my grown sons theres winners and losers...see Serena temper tantrums she is a Democrat...lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"African and Muslim it doesn't get any dumber than that .....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes yes, I've heard it before. And I agree, they are free speech. But guess what, the site is a few days away from going dark forever, again, possibly because of racist shitposts that were 1 tiny step away from a call to violence against Jews. Not everywhere is fucking \/pol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@nancybknits @SenBlumenthal Not gonna happen. The Senate will do what they can, and are allowed to do, to confirm. Too bad so sad. Besides, why delay the inevitable... #TRUMP2020.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One of the arrogant points of Trump tonight was when he ousted two protestors. He should have given them a more dignified response. After all, he is their president to. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Boy Hollywood sure does like to look like fools all the time. Wait until they find out it's a big hoax manufactured by liberals. Think they will apologize to Kavanaugh? No way. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He's NO POPE!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ghetto bird can't fly away from my hood","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@truthfi43630175 @jimmyofflagstaf @TeamTrump @KarenPence @Mike_Pence @realDonaldTrump The fact that you don't know that the past participle and past tense of learn is learnt and or learned proves your education goes no higher than a 1st graders. Its sad really.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Better than what? Truth? Politicians have never been good at that. My America is better than Flake.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Emirates flight with dozens of sick passengers lands at JFK https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/09\/05\/emirates-flight-with-dozens-of-sick-passengers-lands-at-jfk\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Human smuggling: A lucrative trade (From the USA TODAY Network) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WASNT IT GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO SAID 'FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY'? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Funny, I would check in here from time to time to add to my prayer list, now I'M needing prayer. Trying to find a job for the past 8 months. 62y.o., white male (yeah I know, I'm horrible lol!). I trust the Lord, but without me taking continuous action, which I do, my Faith is meaningless. Anyway, onwards! Thanks you all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Sir I know the difference pretending to be someone else is lying who you are the age where you from etc etc etc. but thats not the point the point is a lot of people are doing both and they been doing it since forever to kill their victims. And it sucks!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user never ever disappoints until today crystal hero was not made for me face #antiherorocks guess i don't do creamy beer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the afl tattler! thanks to @user @user @user #afghanistan","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"woken up in a foul mood #moody #thingsgowrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you point one finger @user millions are pointed right back at you, #jewishsupremacist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"billionaire chair of trump says he hopes obama dies and michelle goes back to being a male ape in africa. #usa #usa2017 #meltingpot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TOBINSUPREME so trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user late night #spotify and chills with a cuppa tea is always great. gives you all the time to reflect on the positive vibe\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is how he #MAGA...?!? Please explain... URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cunt fuck bitch u tuck u mom in asss ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you know Scott does not care about gun control. He has done nothing to help our children fight For gun valance stoppage in America. Vote to help our kids in school. Vote DEM. Trump lied to them with him . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm 16. Had plenty of women. They all suck b ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey there are more of us than 50!\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Finished backing up my entire YouTube channel to my computer (885 videos - 2011 to now). Added 8 more videos to DTube today (covers July 2011, before I took Loree McBride to court Aug 2011).\u00a0https:\/\/gabriellechana.wordpress.com\/2018\/01\/24\/gail-chord-schuler-now-at-gab-twitters-free-speech-version-d-tube-youtubes-free-speech-version\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user youre just a shameless stupid cunt .get a life !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sex with men is a perversion against God Metzger. You will be judged.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Choosing heartless politician over your ancestors country. Speaks volumes as to who you are.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"very tough,\u201d Trump said at a fundraiser Thursday at the Nashville Marriott, according to an attendee. \u201cThere are a couple senators I can\u2019t really get involved in. I just can\u2019t do it. You lose your soul if you do. I can\u2019t help some of them. I don\u2019t want to help some of them.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This clown need maga listeners. Nothing more nothing less. Total fraud.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Spanish Airfarce = Rapefugee Invader's Air Force. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He started this hashtag because there's a certain type of immigrant to Germany he doesn't like and wants to humiliate. We @user are in that group. RT if you think we should be able to stay and finish our Bahnhof renovation. Danke! #neogermans ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ban #ecigs save #teenhealth #moms #kids #vapers &#ecig users\u00e2\u0096\u00b6you all matter\u00e2\u0096\u00b6live #addiction free #healthylife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I remember this one time at university: Professor: 'If I do my job correctly, you will complete this semester not knowing my personal political beliefs' Also Professor: '...which is why racism is so prevalent and problematic in contemporary urban politics.'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We the British People need to remrove all Zoinest lobbyists from UK political parties these Refugees are not welcome anymore. End The Rothschilds Central Bankimg system. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"God was not speaking to (((jooz))). He was speaking to the Hebrews or Israelites. Jews are imposters, deceivers, the children of Cain\/Satan and the synagogue of Satan.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women are rejecting #feminism, but are not actively supporting men's rights. Why???http:\/\/t.co\/PHmGsEcKLA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Kind of why we need NATION-WIDE GUN CONTROL. Are you really that stupid? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I say grab him. What a difference maker. He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke. Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over. Don\u2019t know the whole story why Browns would release him. But he is a legit number one WR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MAGA @USER \ud83c\udfb6 Sing like no one is listening \u2665\ufe0f Love like you've never been hurt \u2714\ufe0f Vote GOP when no one is watching \ud83d\ude49 And don't listen to Liberals' dirt URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DRUDGE_REPORT: British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape... #ycot #tcot #pjnet #conservative ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FYI. Once again Gun Control laws DID NOT WORK! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL. He is a bias piece of garbage. He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game. He is a liar and won\u2019t admit when he\u2019s wrong! NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not work till tuesday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there's only one thing in my life that i regret - the fact that i was born #triedofbeinghere","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hi there! We love what a huge fan of Camila Mendes you are! Would it be alright if we used your tweet about her in our promotional material? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Metallica - Master of Puppets Riff Tapes, Demos part 1 - #MetalMonday\u00a0#musichttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3tn0mmnNzRI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Immigration #DACA #IllegalImmigration #OpenBorders #MAGAPresident Obama rightfully said many times that the... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you're very welcome!!! #monday! :d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user hey C Milton sloot, from the evidence I see ur a trashy bitch. Congrats on being a fuck up #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL at the Benghazi \"hearings\" that proved nothing other than Republicans only care about taking down PBO. #foxnews #teabaggers","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"she judged on the basis of the smell upcoming from her tights","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Before this scumbag considers running for president I want him to publicly swear under oath that when he was in school he never tried to cop a feel as these liberals like to show themselves as pure as the driven snow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":":( why does @user slag off children? i love your show but......really? @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just so everyone knows, Kevin Gates is out of jail. We should expect to hear some fire tracks.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user let\u2019s throw up some added bureaucratic red tape to deter highly qualified people from entering the already vitriolic world of politics. Look at hate directed at Trump family. I don\u2019t care about tax returns. Some universal financial report will do. Care more 4 results. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love watching the Somalians have their violent protests in Minnesota. I hope the temps drop below zero just for them. And these people get so cold they self deport back to Somalia. They wont no welfare payments in Somalia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united states mba mogage applications rose from previous -4.1%\u00c2\u00a0to 9.3% in june 3 #blog #silver #gold #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finding meaning in tragedy and moving on stronger #goals #lifestyle #selfhelp #mentoring #success #lifegoals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I think you are being abnormal","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This coming from the Soros militia. Aren\u2019t you the intellectual mind behind ANTIFA? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"new\" paladino loving eggs like this shit head are out bitching about obama. block early, block often. #spam","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/usd printing new monthly tops above 1.1400, draghi eyed #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Sareena was wrong to behave like this. That is not racist just truth. I do not want my children watching this behavior.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Images are now showing up on your site!\u00a0 :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Seems like we have a possible explanation for why Hillary coughed up green slime during her speech in Ohio.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yeeeaaahhh !!!! #wattpad !!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Big container is like 4 bucks at Walmart.\u00a0 All I add is real sugar.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That is why you never want to deal with the left\/democrats. They have become lunatics. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The art of icing Democratic whine.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Right on Shaft. He is SHAFTICUS !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Its amazing that these DemoRats are elected to any public office! Their total disregard of the US Constitution and due process is abhorrent. They hung this woman out to dry and the woman refuses to come foward and its the Conservatives fault","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" (standard american diet) is really sad! facing the truth is even sadder... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user By any chance did you sexually assault girls in high school? That would explain why you are so eager to overlook the possibility such a horrid crime & insist on a double-standard which benefits you & the alt-right & back up your justifications wi obvious lies. I bet I'm right... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Your methods are unsound\" = pop culture reference meant to portray you as Col Kurtz, of course. Used in the past by prominent cuck Douthat: https:\/\/nyti.ms\/2LiOgtb Bit of a recent surge in usage -- promoted as Trump image by Mockingbird\/ Journolist? https:\/\/bit.ly\/2my6p7o Interesting coincidence.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All the thotting they call me all manner of shit threaten to drag my name through the mud and she still thinks she is friends with seeps... haha what the actual fucking fuck is this bitch on? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If a chick isn't a virgin before marriage, kill her.\"If a chick disobeys her father or husband, beat her.\"Only whores don't wear veils\"- Religion of Lurv.Modern Firang Krischans are cucked LARPers and that's why their wahmyn are preferring to go to rapefugee camps. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ClutchLikeMJ: Tennessee isn't even orange it's like vitamin pee yellow 😩😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i promise i don't miss you bitch shut ur whore mouth tysm ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Mudshark fucking her drug dealer.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"simple girl who loves marvin so much \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #teambahay #anniversary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(((Pinker))) identifies three aspects of the dominant (flawed) view of human nature: The blank slate, the noble savage & -the ghost in the machine (each of us has a soul that makes choices free from biology) That third one seems have survived our transition to post-Christianity. And whatever advantages it may have, it doesn't help with race realism.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER True...where was Captain Bonepurs Pussygrabber?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This (confirmation) is a done deal. He said she said and she\u2019s a leftist Antifa nobody.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER THIS IS A NO BRAINER. IF SHE STANDS FOR WHAT SHE SAYS SHE DOES SHE HAS TO VOTE AGAINST HIM IF SHE IS LYING SHE DESERVES TO BE HUMILIATED AND DEFEATED. WE WILL SEE IF SHE PLAYED THE PRO CHOICE CAED TO GET ELECTED OR IF SHE IS JUST ANOTHER GOPER KOCHSUCKER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey, you forgot Al Bundy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's kind of like when a mean old woman says that a pretty young one is Ugly and untalented\"\" just because she is washed up and will never look like that again. For one thing it's catty, secondly, it makes her look like a jealous hater and has-been! #Montel\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When will this asshole figure out that he's Creepy Porn Lawyer and no one wants him around cause he's tooooooo slimy??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#news #cricket #info-funy + follow @user + -p0etry #girl-no #friendship + follow @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"AMAZING Donald Trump Biography Video Played at the RNC ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user travelled for #canucks game sad and disappointed of #oiler fans the sad i can't cheer for my own team . @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cThe future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER CA has always been blue and so have I. You don't seem to be doing very much except helping yourself. Like my neighbors you are a champagne socialist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You nailed that ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user my family's horrible attack at #thegreenpalmcottage in #plettenburgbay #westerncape thyini thiza! we want t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The shit Ima miss from home...\"fuck it just rape the bitch.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user All he is missing are the inmate number ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that is on so many levels. #eyerolling","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"18 women have registered for this workshop so far. i remember when we only had 2. #letsdothis #doitherself ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hot girl sex games white girl has sex with black guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why am i angry? this explains why... #orlando #homophobia #gaysbreaktheinternet homo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i pray no one kill themselves but god forbid if that do who ever enteained that shit i want it on their mind its gon eat them up bruh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If there is not any anal beads that play Christmas Carols there is money to be made there. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NEVER get involved with a Muslim. The most hateful ideology in existence. They make the KKK look like angels.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fake news. .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"taco bell discontinued the verde sauce..... #tb #tacobell #porque @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#babies puj phillup hangable 7 ounce kid cup, - 4 pack #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Woods should start a speaking tour. The spaz-outs by the left would be glorious!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Racist all she is. My god less then 10% of population and cry \ud83d\ude3f more then other 90 put together. Trump doing a great job just cause he got white skin ya don't need hate on him over and over and over ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user all of you need to stop being racist and just let the terrorists kill you. #sarcasm \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 #trumptrain\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m not too great with finding everything \u00a0on gab \ud83d\ude22 Where exactly do I go to find Azz\u2019s answers? \u00a0I keep clicking on the actual # and it pops up here. \ud83e\udd2d \u00a0 Sorry, the helpless need some kind of link please! \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Oh wow what a ugly skank you are ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol these pasty cakes telling the #rockette to quit b\/c of her choice not to suppo your asshat president is pure comedy. weirdos","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Deluded until he is walked off.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user sorry, not good enough & not acceptable! most ludicrous end to an event ever! #disappointed #letlee\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You know what will make this professor even woker\"? If he's a gun control nut....\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"soulmate \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #mommy #daughter #together #soulmate #rubygrace #medan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER All voting is strategic. My comment re: whiteness\" was meant to show how white liberals ignore that fact in making blanket aasertions about voting D, & when they turn criticism of Biden into an opportunity to lecture ppl in \"safe\" D states that they MUST vote Dem. It's inane.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You're WIRED\u2757\ufe0f Did Omarosa break the law by secretly tapingher firing in White House Situation Room? #fboLoud #tcot #maga#TrumpTrain #tpot#AmericaFirst #Patriot#TrumpsArmy #Trump2020fboLoud\u2981comhttps:\/\/usat.ly\/2MkYrNn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look what's arrived @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hey Ladies watch you on Saturday nights with Jesse keep up the good work and your right about Jon Voight he is a Gods man and bless his heart for standing up for the President mean evil people out their who are mad and Dangerous we all want hope and Change for America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Breaking: IDF Claims Iranians Shelling Israel \u2013 World Braces For Mid-East War https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/idf-claims-iranians-shelling-israel-world-braces-for-mid-east-war\/ via @realalexjones","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user More guts than anyone in the GOP. Hysterical woman quote is so pathetically sexist especially coming from one (jury out on that one). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019ll go pick u up fuck an Uber","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why not begin the movement by giving away some of the farms and mine claims you and your connections took while you were still relevant. That way; we can show your concern for us. From where I am standing; you are just another bitter polutician. Charity begins at home baba. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Billy bargain \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u201cAll part of a plan\u201d by Conservative\u2019s Budgets! Even a layperson like me knew that it was exactly what would happen by cutting policing! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f to @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"very to #interview @user and the other wonderful staff at #theargonautnation! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I did not admit anything! Read my Tweet again please! English is my 3rd language but I am rather good at it! Antifa are the Nazis! They can name them self the Messiah they would still be thugs fighting against freedom and free speach! BTW free speach is not hate speach. Man up! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No need to look into Keith's treatment of his women ... Dems already know that... MAGA ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This should have happened. This president doesn\u2019t care if people get hurt. #ImmigrationReform #Amnesty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user exactly what we intend to do in the new week...be like us, get your happy on! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b8 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The thing people forget, and I mean all people, is that your worth as a human, is priceless. Self worth & economic value are two totally different things that often times are assumed to be the same. Its the economy\/society impacted that suffers greatly when unchecked illegal immigration continues. This is true for the citizens & those here illegally. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it will! especially once it stas rocking the chas! #cantwaittoread","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#LoneWolfActivism16 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Haha true. Back to your original point... if we all just fucking drive everything would be fine! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never trust a girl with 'makeup artist' in her bio... They're professional liars... They can even make your own eyes lie to you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Somebody does love you, and His name is Jesus.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sleep feeling more positive and @user #happiness #blessed #energyhealing #holistichealing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user One could say that she is the one coward. She could probably end this charade but continues to sabotage our country with her silence. Plus she\u2019s a sad over facelifted former soft porn model. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user btw, #gandhi was a . in #india, @user adores him (witho\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just lost all my music on my phone. wtf!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @KapreceSun: where my 2 favorite jiggers at? @S_hawn24, @Satisfied_x ? 😂😂😂 https:\/\/t.co\/unNm233mFQ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cancun for spring break\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 ....yes please! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f #galsontour","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"curbed wheel gutted #curbedwheel #alloywheel #money #bollocks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER LIAR!!! What supporters is she talking about??? I was embarrassed when our last president went on a world apology tour and he even bowed to them like he was their servant!!! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" happy father's day: srk, riteish, hrithik are some of bollywood's most doting fathers: abhishek bachch... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You will see more and more shocking vigilante style justice like this. Liberals on these courts are out of control.Swamp creatures in DC beware. Start serving the U.S. citizens 1st. Lot of fed up Americans across this great country of ours. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this website rules","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user because im a broke ass bitxh :(((( and LOL EVEB BETTER she runs in her sleep so like while she\u2019s lying down she just rUNS like feet going usain bolt xD and i get kicked a lot \ud83e\udd19\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The only students that walked out were either doing so to get out of school, or the low-IQ SJW mongoloids who deserve to be put through a wood chipper - feet first. Day of the Rake when?! https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/provincial\/ontario-students-to-walk-out-of-class-to-protest-sex-ed-curriculum-changes #WeTheStudentsDoNotConsent","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How keyboard gangsters feel leaving their stupid ass comments ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICE operation targeting criminal aliens and immigration violators nets 40 arrests in New York state Round them up... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #projects of the week, june 13, 2016 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great! Then McTurtle can give us our #BuildThatWall money. Not a fan of @user #Trump talking about signing another spending bill w\/o the promised #GovernmentShutdown, & the pushing the #BuildTheWall debate until after the midterms. That would be 3rd time hes broken the promise. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user father's day!!! all the best for movie #maddari \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@EricTrump @nypost @JoeBiden \ud83e\udda0\ud835\udfda\ud835\udfd8\ud835\udfd8,\ud835\udfd8\ud835\udfd8\ud835\udfd8 \ud835\udd38\ud835\udd44\ud835\udd3c\u211d\ud835\udd40\u2102\ud835\udd38\u2115\ud835\udd4a \ud835\udd3b\ud835\udd3c\ud835\udd38\ud835\udd3b\ud83e\udda0[NEWLINE] [NEWLINE]Let\u2019s not lose sight of the fact that @realDonaldTrump completely bungled the United States\u2019 Coronavirus response. He failed miserably. The gig is up in 41 days.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsANationalDisgrace [NEWLINE]#TrumpIsALoser[NEWLINE]#Vote https:\/\/t.co\/lzZFKfCDOe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Really another one holy crap wow all brought to you by the Liberals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Grandmom Anon here...\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so the #applekeynote was overall deceiving ... apple has becoming a follower instead of a leader and disruptor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user with respect, you have no logical ability and are totally unable to rationalize the obvious. @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In Conversation With: @user head of operations at the UN refugee agency: (@irinnews) #WithRefugees @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love when liberals complain about their healthcare\/health insurance because I know they voted for Obama.\u00a0 You did this to yourself and to others! Take responsibility that you voted for a shit man. Who did shit things.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italy: Mass Deportation Of Migrants May Start Soon As Populists Reach Deal to Form New Govt\u00a0http:\/\/www.informationliberation.com\/?id=58497","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great to see children's advocates like @user and @user speaking out to #SaveTheCensus. With 1\/4 of kids living in immigrant families, asking aobut citizenship = undercounting children. Take action by Tuesday: #Census2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f that would be silly. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#democrat pay has alway been the pay of before it was black inferior to whites. now whites are inferior to everybody","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How do you free Tommy Robinson? The answer is so simple, you'd be surprised. You deliver your demands, if they laugh at you, riot, threaten to push into the jail he's being held at, threaten to burn down the city\/town and begin to riot, push against them, attack, attack attack, and don't stop until they fold to your demands.\u00a0 It's sad to say, but it may be the only strategy left is to rain hel...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"take me back. #chicago #selfie missing my family #smiles #joy #simple #dimples ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Germany try to deport criminel Afghanistan refugees back home. Till now they have brought 128 persons back home in 8 special flights. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@KarynHalpin: Where do all the foreskins go when they circumcise a guy?” the Foreskin Fairy takes them after you put them under your pillow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dick still big tho \ud83d\udc85\ud83c\udffc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 7 $ million buyout. Losers. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Once the rats that are trapped down here are revealed as to who and what their awful crimes are, I suspect the northern run of rat may just disappear, though way its going the long arm of Trump has people complying with requests. There will be no place for any of them to hide. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rp the fuck outta dis 1","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Video: Assad and Kind Syrians open it's door to genuine refugee ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Isn't murder already a crime? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@LegallyAutumn Trump. Still excited to vote FOR Trump, voting AGAINST Biden is a bonus.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#DrainTheSwamp[NEWLINE]#NoMatterWhat[NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE]#TrumpJr2024[NEWLINE]#Ivanka2032[NEWLINE]#Eric2040[NEWLINE]#Tiffany2048[NEWLINE]#Barron2056[NEWLINE]#MAGA[NEWLINE]#KAG[NEWLINE]#WalkAway[NEWLINE]#JoeBlow2020[NEWLINE]#CreepyJoeBiden[NEWLINE]#BasementJoe[NEWLINE]#RacistJoeBiden[NEWLINE]#RapistJoeBiden","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Let\u2019s not discuss fault rn. If this happened he is 10000% to blame. Let\u2019s first get reasonable amount of evidence before presuming he is guilty","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*Your love for one another is the starlight in the darkness that surrounds you. May that luminous love sustain you until the first day of rain cleanses the heartache you are enduring and washes away the pain.* @USER #RememberingEdward","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"day 168 of 2016 : look who's happy with our pasalubong. @user #vr #bobovr \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said she would be pushing for EU leaders to put more money into the Trust Fund for Africa to address some of the factors that drive migrants toward Europe.Finally someone said it!https:\/\/t.co\/AkuP6sjzfK ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so when is the next klan meeting? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least he didn\u2019t end up in a van down by the river, lol !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is such a disgusting hypocrite! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6.19.2016 father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Someone needs to give this woman a puppy. She is not enjoying life.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.aplusinspections.net\/commercial-inspection\/ - Commercial property inspection is provided by a professional licensed inspector with over 30 years","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now you're trying to say all nations shot their soldiers for desertion. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user living up to his nickname tonight! Fucking nightmare. #UFC228 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user lol. you selfish terrorist kunt should be boiled alive. Maybe lynched by neonazis. Would serve you right. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not with Trump in the office. He's worthless","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#joebiden calls Trump supporters dregs of society. #biden organized a coup in #ukraine. His son steals $B from ukrainian people as they leave their country in search of jobs. @user #maga #potus @user @user #zog\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and you are competing for the ugliest nastiest SKANK in America..... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i think i love you a little more everyday. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a #mycuteboyfriend #almostforforever #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user also shitbiscuit stole most of the Tempe girls u can't blame that on me.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Love is like a deep hole. When you fall into it, it's really hard to come out. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@jsolomonReports @realDonaldTrump Nothing surprises me anymore. The demoncrats are fueled by #HollywoodPedos who are God in their eyes. Bring out the wolves @Mike_Pence @POTUS im here!\ud83d\ude05\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udce3 #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lost 4.5lbs this week and got slimmer of the week \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc oh yeah!! !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Johnny Benitez has been banned from Instagram finally but follow his new Gab for new content, book excerpts\/ reviews, and memes!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Time for some honest discussions on the struggle faced by councils to house refugees and failed asylum seekers it is better to say sorry we have not got a big enough housing stock to cater for everyone while our own people languish on ever ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You\u2019re not a proper country girl if a bit of mud puts you off! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @pambesteder: **WOW* according to this tweet by @Tarascan68 Obama must have been an Uncle Tom? http:\/\/t.co\/Klcsgy9JPW","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While leftist\u00a0females think they are fighting for sexual equality, the political process has\u00a0instead created a new\u00a0special class for\u00a0females as \"substandard people\" who need a helping tug on their bootstraps from the government. So sad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say here.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i am thankful for having imagination. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" friday! remembering to not judge others by what i see. #love # peace #success ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I agree. Those antifa nutjobs should be arrested before they start trouble again ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ScarletAvengers @OccupyDemocrats Now Trump really thinks we are idiots, ignorant, suckers and losers, if we are to believe in this BS medical examination... desperate narcissist psychopath... I\u2019m glad there is a marine at the west wing of the WH when he is there. He could burn down the WH if left alone https:\/\/t.co\/oXbkpDpt9g","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Agreed great idea! Wish we could also remove her from existence! #MAGA #PatriotsUnited #ProLife #ProIsrael #WeAreQ. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Peru's shoestring circuses struggle to survive ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TheRoot: Don Lemon gets called an Uncle Tom, doesn't like it: http:\/\/t.co\/eV4xgI5Pgc http:\/\/t.co\/i6Xs8HCnrb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cannot contain my own face. i am so time to buy 2 tiny pairs of cowboy boots for the\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/amp.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2018\/oct\/12\/hillary-clinton-lost-security-clearance\/ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"rip to an elder brother, one who believed in me from yunging... @user god rest ur soul. #death happy 50th bihday in 10days sir.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@LannyDavis Haha. Fuck you! Hawaii is turning Red! #MAGA2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I think you say and write more intelligent commentary than most of the hosts at MSNBC. Fake liberals with big corporate blind spots. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i ain't treatin or spoilin no bitch unless she da main main got me fucked up haha who u think u foolin ? let hoes cash you out pimp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"safe space not big enough yet? need the government to come in and change your diapers for you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need a more permanent solution to anti Americanism. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"powerful. especially in light of recent terror attacks. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Question: Did you get the amount of money from liberals you wanted? After 30\" years, that was your only reason.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nothing with liberals is fair\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why did women vote for Trump? bitches will vote for a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #IWillNotSubmit to Accuser Leftist Liberals DemonRats Plantations Mind Control Agenda! Globalist puppet! #MeToo Movement Hollyweird #SnowFlakes #Pedowood was SCUM! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if it's true that some ppl will risk their freedom for little.. it must also be true that a modest amount can buy that freedom back. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"prolapsed pussy and women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TheresaMay 's Betrayal of #SouthAfrica Will Help Turn it Into #Zimbabwe http:\/\/bit.ly\/2wpp8Y4 #UK #Britain #PropertyRights #Socialism #Communism #MobRule #Farmland","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I'm sure Ben Sasse thinks you are sounding just like a hysterical woman now, Elliott. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we are looking forward to meeting you and your performance! #countrymusic #ssms16 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cWait till they all get through, then send in a camera guy and some of the boys. Make sure they wear all the gear, especially the face masks so they can\u2019t see em laughing\u201d the Quatemaian President said after he hung up with President Trump.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey there beauty's #mac #liners #maccosmetics #gorgeous #makeup #makeupaddict\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This nasty bitch raped her sister and WW are still team Lena Dunham. Seriously how ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user don't worry, people will change their facebook profile pic, status and tweet an empathetic hashtag. #cdnpoli #helping ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"negative #emotions have an impoant role to play in a life; they're big, flashing signs that something needs to #change. #sng","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are father and son Biden?[NEWLINE]Time to answer real questions now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how do you rate president Donald TRUMP Governance \/ Performance","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my first #ipsy glam bag is arriving this month! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@johnrobertsFox I know your upset that @realDonaldTrump is most likely your daddy! But you have to move past that and the fact that @kayleighmcenany destroys you daily! It's soooo fun to laugh at you with 90million others LOLOL #TRUMP2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you thinking of joining this company? Because I expose the shocking fact, do NOT sign up: https:\/\/www.marketingxtreme.net\/crypto15-review\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude21 Ragnar, the polygamous bitch ass cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Glad I wear Wranglers. So what gun control would you propose that will stop the criminals?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PELOSI IS PISSED! NEVER THOUGHT MSNBC WOULD ASK HER THIS QUESTION! https:\/\/youtu.be\/OmRcE0vOE-U via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Your bizarre spin attempts fail because no one trusts one sided zealots anymore. The spell is broken. WE THE PEOPLE do not need people like you and your sick idea. Cater to the loony left like your modern brown shirts antifa. Leave normal people alone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My nips are cold 😳","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think it is\u00a0@NotGuiltyMlud3\u00a0 who is the asshole here.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#drake staed his career playin a gay bi-curious,.. whatever on #degrassi and @user got bodied.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Migration is the mother of all problems\" says German Interior Minister #BuildtheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #college ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Please follow back #Turnout2018 #MAGA #BUILDTHATWALL #KAG #DRAINTHESWAMP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"u hear it here folks - #islamicjihad, #radicalislam, #touous barbarians, horrible people!!! you know that's right mr. bho!!! #tcot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Somebody do something!!! This show sucks anymore!! The set designers are good though! #firemalyoung ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s for pornhub...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we don't need an election in 2017, we need a referendum for the dissolution of this pseudo state. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"picking bean up in 20 minutes \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @DragonflyJonez: \"You men are trash if your homeboy is cheating and you dont tell his wife\/girl and break up their family.\" LOLNO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's expected if you placate the violent leftists\/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And again you are proving... your a dog!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" kwon soon young born day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kaitlancollins @CNNSotu Good try but no. And it still should be remote unless Trump releases all medical records and test results (positive and neg) for the last month or so.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this whole time i never knew the true meaning until now. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a4 #funny #needsleep #truestory\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I met him at a party at the 1984 Olympics. He is hilarious, gracious, and a consummate gentleman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yea your the bitch on the right getting smacked URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But wait, why just the other day Min. of Border Security\/ Org Crime, aka: William Sterling \"Bill\" Blair, assured #Canadians the #RCMP are doing a \"TREMENDOUS\" job with respect to screening all ILLEGALS entering the border, FRANK SAY IT AIN'T SO! #sendthemback #cdnpoli #Canada ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"eh the doll looks ok as far as dolls go, not a very accurate representation of \u00a0Mich\" though","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Anita Hill wasca liar then and she is a liar now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Populists are not anti immigrant or anti immigration or emigration they are PRO rational fair laws of\u2026 \u2014 Allan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chaplin - the dictator speech via @user #theresistance #resistance #resist #maga #altright #dts #trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Inside Melania Trump's unprecedented campaign trail absence - CNNPolitics[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Shouldn\u2019t CNN be writing this article about Joe, Kamala, and Jill? They have been virtually invisible!!! https:\/\/t.co\/gofEhxnQxe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my bitch cunt supervisor can never keep my name outta her mouth ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sit up with hoes and discuss you , like nigga who raised you bitch ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've got a potato! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The fuck!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Evolution....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Both Parties (the Uni-Party) choose the Best names for Bills and Programs that harm The People.\u00a0 Ther're VERY adept at it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Vote Cruz!!! Beto is part of the Deep State that will turn control back over to the corrupted liberals!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I am a survivor of sexual abuse. This woman is obviously lying. Believe me you remember every detail. It's so obvious these woman only come forward to hurt conservatives. But who they truly are hurting is innocent men and women who really have been abused. She should be ashamed! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I want Julian here in the United States. I want him to work with Trump to disclose the dark deep states intentions...and whom all is involved with the deep state. I want them to pay the price for their treasonous acts!.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Show me who is saying that the alleged rape is her fault. Pretending that swathes of conservatives are blaming the victim for rape is a disgusting straw man.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks for the shirts and the candy @LanaLokteff\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm tired off that piss poor excuse from conservatives\"\" which is pretty much synonymous with \"\"bigot\"\" nowadays. It's not fear they feel, it's shame. The same shame all hypocrites feel.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i think the constitution and amendments should be rewrote.. we still basing our view in the 21st century off of the 1800s.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is saying Ben, Ben, when the hell are you going to do something more than just tweet crap about djt?\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user arabs' : islamofascist #arabs\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lmfao weaaak. Coming from the bitch that ain't got pictures. Go back to your hole \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER OMG another bigot showing he is basically gutless - sounds much like Donald \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER lmaooo. girl you are lyingggg. it didn\u2019t take two weeks for them to take all this money for these tickets i purchased! but thanks girl lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For over 2000 years, there has been a rise and fall of hate against the Jews. Here is the source: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who uses Sequeli that way but a psychology professor?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Me estoy fucking alterando","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why do some conservatives blindly follow a fascist?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Sex Offender Has Raped Another Child In North Carolina is he not in prison or why hasn't he been deported?This is unacceptable in so many different ways.#BuildTheWall#DeportThemAll #KeepAmericaSafe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tell this fat ugly ape that if she is getting threatened at her job, it's her employer's responsibility to pay for her protection. And if they refuse, it just shows they don't care about her, just like the rest of us don't.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"seeing ur close girlfriends in public: HEY U STUPID FUCKING SLUT BITCH I HATE U seeing girls u dont really like: hey girl omgggg how u beeeennn its been foreverrrrrr ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is a DUMBASS !!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yes!! Thank you for the support. #maledominance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BREAKING: Cindy McCain plans to endorse Joe Biden tomorrow, following the report that Trump called our fallen soldiers \u201closers\u201d and \u201csuckers.\u201d Good. #JoeKnowsUs #BidenHarris2020 #BlueWave2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one month in and i totally have this dad thing down pat. #monkeybum #sleepintothejays ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Unless you are @USER your knee will not be the same","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes be so pressed like bitch I'm younger than you and shitting on you!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user racist schools are teaching students that \"whiteness is a problem\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Celebrity news ought to insult your intelligence","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck that money whore @user Too stupid to know consensual touching or grabbing is not assault. Only @user is dumber ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I am proud to be a hysterical woman. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dear @user please give us a multi-racial & objective list to prove you are not in your selection\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Clown","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BITCH HOW CAN U SAY THIS WHEN UR A WHITE MANS WHORE. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wow, if ever there was a metaphor for gun laws.............","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so #honored and to have this chick @user cutting bass on my new album today! and,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lmaoooooo @ Supreme being trash. Guess Bape is trash to huh?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia..... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user seriously lede. come on, @user you can do better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you deserve it!!! thank you for everything you do and just being you! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f now gotta keep voting for voty \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I never watch the NFL !!!\u2019 Panthers suck by the way !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia.....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Behold the future DACA America - unless we Man The F*ck Up and Deport the illegal aliens.Sooner or later this will be us, having to take to streets crying out for our fellow Americans to MAN THE F*CK UP and save our girls.#NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Having been a member of The SCV (Sons of Confederate Veterans) for the past 25 years... I feel such a disdain and hatred for these ingrates I can't even put it into words. In fact, words aren't even needed or appropriate for such an act,....just a rope.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's funny, because young women have said the same thing to me about men and marriage and adapting to the environment. Its like both of you are whispering the same thing in my two different ears, both at the same time.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2018I know how it feels\u2019: More than 100 reach out to help immigrant woman who lost her Dulles job ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user people have forgotten the simplest commandment to love our neighbor. =( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Simply put ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kanye West to join President Trump at White House for Music Modernization Act signing https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/TRv5 #FoxNews Guess who else will be there? Kid Rock. I told you, if those two join forces, unbeatable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"364 Illegal Alien Arrests in Six-State ICE Raid@realDonaldTrump @user THANKS!#WalkAway-@TheDemocrats want to #AbolishICE?187 #IllegalAliens- are DANGEROUS ALREADY Convicted Felons!#PedoGate #RealNews#IStandWithICE #Trump#GreatAwakening #MAGA #KAG ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If not enslaved as chattel, they were treasured, nonetheless. In most cultures, not tribes totally bereft of culture. Men were the generators, woman the re-generators. It's really that simple. That is Traditionalism.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @thatgirlran: “If your 15\/16 ACT like your those ages not like your 20. Its not cute.” That awk moment when I thought this tweet was abo…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can't do it. I don't bow down to women though. I might eat their pussy though. Nothing wrong with that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not good. I buy Hebrew National Brand. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how to get balance in my life no4 #balance #dam #travel #smile #thailand @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Carxlito PS3 and case is still in the trash can. idgaf anymore","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think of Q as a team of patriots with high clearance who bypass the MSM and communicate what they can about the cabal's ouster.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so true! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jacksonville residents, do you want people in our city government that align with a trump sycophant who was willing to expose us to Covid for political gain? Or do you want effective change by people that will work for you? [NEWLINE]Vote out all the people that associate with this guy\ud83d\udc47 https:\/\/t.co\/us0fHP9REc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Serial rape didn't seem to be a problem for liberals with Bill Clinton and Hillary who enabled him? Go figure - can you say hypocrisy? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Got something to hide Eric?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LMBO! She's like Pelosi. She thinks she important because she is a female. She is a destriment to society and Real Women! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user your products give me life!! i haven't felt this amazing in years! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099healthy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Please TX don\u2019t elect this fake Conservative. He is bought & paid for with Soros money. So many unethical things in his personal history! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user OMG! What a disaster that would be!! She is the most incompetent person ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user he is rushing to catch up to drumpf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MPF Goi\u00e1s em audi\u00eancia p\u00fablica sobre censura na internet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \"How many times do I have to tell you; I speak English. Not bitch, not whore nothing besides English.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"its always the one casting blame that be doing the worst. #sick","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@CalebJohnson50 @user @user It may have to do with plain honest speech. So many politicians have the \"political speech\" bug. Theyre accustomed to stating what people want to hear & not what they need to . Like saying it is #Fucktarded to believe the mass #Refugee\/#Rapefugee immigration was good is idiodic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SalaciousSully hopefully not back in da ghetto?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The three mothers of the 11 malnourished children found living in a filthy New Mexico compound were arrested and charged Sunday along with two men described as armed Muslim \u201cextremists\u201d after authorities raided the property in search of a 4-year-old boy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user THAT SHIT ENDED A LONG TIME AGO BITCH ASS CUNT \ud83d\udde3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thinking about tonight's playdate protest-planning call? (https:\/\/t.co\/MCmbKw3C8R) Read Stacy's story about her family's experience with being incarcerated and separated based on racism and anti-immigrant politics: We Will Defend Immigrant Families ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER just lose to every tom jeff and jerry because some dumb shit happens and I lose full","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user just backed this. if you like tennis, you should back this. #wta #atp #tennis ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money. She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive. Isn't this a scam?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"numbnuts, it's not my fault you don't know what #Hasbara is. pink little israel agent\u00a0@FrauleinGermanAngst\u200d\u00a0is running an old script. 1. Israel good. 2. Muslim bad. 3. Chemtrails harmless. Sound familiar? It's not my fault you're literally like the last person to be told #JewsDid911. Time to #DitchHasbara\u00a0\u00a0http:\/\/www.rense.com\/general86\/hoccl.htm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MGTOW isnt activism. It's a personal choice. They literally have crawled away already. It's just shame attacks to kick them again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Barry's (whitey) brownshirts run wild in Oakland. Following the lead of N.W.A., punks chant F the police. http:\/\/t.co\/9nBUrmTJ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yeah my exact thoughts here. Real uphill climb tho to get people to stop saying dumb shit on the internet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"agenda of the American empire for a long time...political and economic will in ...a take over the world type of agenda under the guise of goodwill, using MSM as an intelligence\/brainwashing tool.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have TWO options. We have #Military, we have #HomelandSecurity.#BuildThatWall @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nobody is ever going to be as big of a TOTAL ASSHOLE than me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some separated children in US opt to join their deported parents - but if they didn't come in through the front door, they shouldn't have a choice. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GOP VOTERS BETTER WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!! #RNC poll finds #GOP voters aren't worried about midterms. That's bad via @user #MAGA #TuesdayThoughts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Time these \u201cAntiFA\u201d thugs were made a proscribed organisation - or cleaned their act up. Everyone has a right of protest - nobody has a right of extreme violent protest. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberals + #Conservatives= #neoliberalism & #Globalization & all of its Discontents: #PPP-#CorporateWelfare-Dilution of #Constitutional Rights\/Freedoms & #Justice-#SocioPoliEconFinancial #Corruption & PARTICRATIC #Collusion of #cdnpoli\/ticians for 1%ers! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talent- Knowing when to stroll away and not look back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No F#@#$G way is this real please somebody debunk before i lose my mind. #MAGA #POTUS #QANON8CHAN #DeepStateInPanic #CROOKEDFBI #LiberalLogic #DeepStateGate #QAnon #Q #TheStormHasArrived #TheGreatAwakening #WeThePeople #SecretSocieties #BuildTheWall #Gitmo #LockThemAllUp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's not rape if women are considered objects! You can't rape an object! Islam is completely anti rape! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How do you get to know that she is having period too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"last hour to grab our last t-shi: #unicorn #believe #cute #legend #creature #magic #hug","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How can she drive while reading her feet? WE cud use some ice where I live. In the Last Daze. Come Lord Jesus","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d yep good thought for the day - #live a and #positive life \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b #positive #positivity #lawofattraction ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Dave_the_wavee the giants are trash...their time is over.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To be fair whatever he has to transfer needs to be completely undone anyway. Bring in the military to drag them all out at 12:01 have the staff pack their belongings sit them on Pennsylvania Ave, bring in #BidenHarris2020 and lets Make America Tolerable Again https:\/\/t.co\/a0qC9Xxtwq","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Interesting that the GOP and even liberals are placing the burden on the accuser. This isn't a trial but an examination of whether Judge Kavanaugh reaches a high enough standard to shape U.S. law for several decades. The burden is on him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"on ya prince charles! - issued veiled warning over #trump and return to 'dark days of 1930s' #princecharles ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Listen to Mama Kuo's story of how director\/writer @user overcame language differences as an #immigrant and young teen. See more of what inspired our film at 10 days left, support this film now! #asianamerican #qwoc #femalefilmmaker #supportindiefilms ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheBlondeBetch WHOA sorry for the spell check error, its not ho it was hey so sorry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user no respect for the american people! bc their choice isn't yours, you want to circumvent their vote. #youlost get over it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch you better bite that tongue before I rip it off hoe\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yay!!! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb Lets get the Joementum revved up! VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN!!! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99#Biden #VoteTrumpOut #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/8bTbQsTQ2O","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But there are flathead ,we call mouth breathing libtards","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Those of us who have been indoctrinated by a liberal education agree. It happens everywhere, even down here in Alabama.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's called a front hole now you degenerate freak. They can't even get their own made up terms right.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just got the word that a school shooting has happened yesterday morning in Maryland. may god bless the victims and may god damn thw leftist media for refusing to talk about it simply for the fact that a police officer prevented more victims. that police officer deserves recognition as a hero.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And shit like this is why no real research gets done on us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shave the legs and the beard dear, you are never going to 'pass' looking like that LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But we are all as an unclean [thing], and all our righteousnesses [are] as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. - Isa. 64:6 KJV ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OMG...I can't allow my mind to go there...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exactly lol but smelling good is a must for me. Now if he get a NEW cologne then we talkin. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She lost because she got outplayed. She is disgusting for her behavior ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nothing hurts more than seeing my favourite musicians and actors from the 1980s come out and degrade Donald Trump and his supporters. Richard Marx is the latest to join that list.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we lost another member of our family yesterday:-( #gutted #rosie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After that then it's easy to take care of the animals any way you see fit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"KEEP YOUR HATRED OFF THIS SITE FASCHIST TROLL KRUTON!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And this coming from the sick puppy liberals at the Beast. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am not a refugee but thank you anyways for supporting my thread ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a8\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00a6\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u00b5\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00bcBarcelona city council, last month, decided 2 back migrants coming in2 the area OVER tourists. They said tourism wrecks popular neighborhoods (raising values etc) whilst migrants bring in new life 2 the country. S ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NEW BLOG POST \u00e2\u017e\u009d At World Relief, we\u2019ve welcomed and provided support to almost 300,000 refugees since 1979. We love these strangers as neighbors because Jesus calls us to. But we also do it because we know that\u2019s what we\u2019d all want for our own families. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't mind me. Just getting my morning brew before a plethora of #shitposting #gabfam #gaboriginals #gabelite #gabICOgonnabetittiesprinkles","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i hardly see him this #mike #mikeperez #classreunion #woodrowwilson\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #gbp\/jpy stages recovery to 150.00 mark from lowest level since aug. 2013 #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's hard to get the energy density in a field operated laser and the reflections off surface make them dangerous. High Power pulsed microwave is easy... it will totally wreck the electronics","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Love it trump wanted to do something liberals and Democrats just talk and have hearing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Alaye turn if your maga don pay","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm afraid imma need longer sessions than my normal sessions. loool #enjoyment #gymtime","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user How about yours Chaplain. Liberals are fools. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"let's get money and be boring together baby... \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008f #instacool #beauty #love #makeup\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"every time i'm back in georgia, i never have enough time to link with everybody.. face","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do you ever feel guilty to smile ? #idk #feelingsad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Diversity is our greatest strength","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck these hoes! can't no bitch do shit for you but give you a headache and tell you want to do & what not to do ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#gop will fail on anti-morality platform. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 dead in mass shooting at Fifth Third Bank building in downtown Cincinnati'. Deep State Fake News Crisis Actor Alert!! Gun Control bullshit .. F'off Feinstein\/Obama! via @ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I mean it worked for gun control right? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption\" (2 Peter 2:12)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sure we have transported slaves in the past. We had good ties with Marokko I think. They, North Africans\/Arabians, and of course the ultimate victim in human history were fervent slave traders. During the great depression there were virtually no colored people in The Netherlands... while being quite plenty in The United States. Anyone feel obligated to clarify that statement with a rebuttal?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What will it take for her to become a racist, that is a lover of her own race, it is small wonder Sweden is so broken and failing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Wtf do you think antifa means","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Selxnaa I'm redneck crazy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished. Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Wow!!! Never thought I'd see the left actually admitting they want to shut down free speech unless it's their own. At least they are admitting they are the facist. After all they did create the 2 most facist groups...ANTIFA and KKK. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER IB you ass. Watch how you speak on my name\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Retweet this 42 times.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Link me and knuckles then or you going to dodge like the creddy you are","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ROYAL WEDDING \u2014 (A Bad Lip Reading) Funny :D https:\/\/youtu.be\/SKV6h_5XFbk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"I'll slit your throat-neck\" http:\/\/t.co\/ChFFSDeDdd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user trump campaign official wants michelle obama to be \u00e2\u0080\u0098let loose\u00e2\u0080\u0099 to live with african apes #notmypresident ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd rather follow some girls on Instagram rather than have their bird brain tweets on my tl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sleep well @user #broken my thoughts go to her family and friends who suffer during this tough times.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bad if true","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Did you just say he? HE has a female name. He is actually a she. Actually get your facts right before making a stupid statement. Everyone knows the game gets stale after a few months and the new DLC makes it interesting again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you need someone to talk to and no one to talk to... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is who Democrats are fighting for? Are you kidding me??? https:\/\/goo.gl\/pFsrE8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user that's going to do wonders for his coverage there. #notreally","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh it's coon bike week in Charlotte ok makes sense now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is such a witch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Microchip\u200d Told you, not a Californian, we don\u2019t get triggered by jokes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Remigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! Anti-White Proposition: White Genocide Definedhttps:\/\/t.co\/kqEv7xdS26 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Part of the problem is the legal and socially imposed affirmative action. \"Got to have so many blacks\" in a movie, etc. Got to have the liberal mindset in the theme. POC ruin everything.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#New post #Former Theresa May aide Will Tanner says Conservatives are 'sleepwalking into opposition' has been published on SAllBuzz - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is the one on the right Lucille Ball???","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why the more #actor will #book the #job from @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Oh look another hysterical women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pressure on Spain\u2019s maritime border: Boatloads of #Illegal #Migrants Storm Spanish Tourist Beaches & Scatter #StopTheInvasion #Unregistered #UnVetted ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user sabe que? @user down too & you're selling a #lowiq #baboso #weakass #l7 #chimpo #stereotypeto to #americans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Dems playing a con game. It must be Antifa don\u2019t you think. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is the reason women in Hollywood are treated like whores. If it looks like a whore and\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok, For those who don't understand how this works... A couple of options. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Democrats and their double sided hypocrisy. Is this any surpise... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I cri evritiem","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user nah, @user when @user creates such a lie he just ignores any request to prove it is the truth. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Majority of them never file an asylum claim once the are release inside the U.S its a big SCAM ! a lot of the migrants did not pick their kids up they left them so they can get welfare and a free Education on taxpa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user see you tmorrow #nlsd2016 #bunclubgirlsarebest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12\/31.3 pres t? you're emperor sans clothes @user #neveoolate to stop #hate #misogyny\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user yeah keep mocking her right into a yes vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#GOP #Republicans #Conservatives are now proven Male Chauvinistic Pigs Why any women would #Vote for them is astonishing. #Kavanaugh URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user another sad thing about #brexit & #eureferendum is that a family is destroyed & 2 kids left without a mum #disgusting \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TitansHomer: Me: Do you sell any larger sized condoms?\n\nHer: Sir those are 13 gallon trash bags!\n\nMe: *winks until security escorts me …","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user as long as he's reading he's able to aiculate. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER W had empathy and regrets. He may have been a bad\/ineffective president but he is way more presidential than trump could ever hope to be","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I don't have anymore excuse me what the fuck\"\" memes.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The 2011 Census revealed in Blackburn that \"...31% of people living in the area were of an ethnic minority background...\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#NoToKavanaugh He'll REVERSE Roe vs Wade-women's rights He'll SUPPORT Special Interest He'll PARDON Trump if indicted He'll DESTROY American Healthcare Act-ACA He'll FAVOR the NRA & STOP gun control He'll vote AGAINST LGBTQ rights He'll VIOLATE immigrants URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user bridesmaid dress success #mybeauties ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2018\u02dcwill not readmit migrants from rest of EU\u2019. #Merkel GER losing influence rapidly n Europe while Macron never had it.Bulgaria calling for closure of all ext.borders, migrant camps in Libya and Turkey.#Visegrad #V4 @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CNNBusiness Can\u2019t breathe? Then maybe don\u2019t take fentanyl, and at a rate 3X higher than needed to kill the average person #GodBlessAmerica #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#KKK & Gun Control are traditions of @user Dems started the #KKK because they hated blacks Then they started gun control to stop the @user from arming the Klan's victims #2A #Gunsense is gun ownership! #WhateverItTakes to inform liberals of the truth! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We don't know about you , k.inne bare fan ho ap bh cricket k. @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you. How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user @user @user Aye! Make your dreams come true! ...Go out there and suck a dick!\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@NipseyHussle nip Im tryna buy a copy of #Crenshaw!! But your http:\/\/t.co\/DBLbyvX0pL website is down.. Let me know something!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user There were bad people on both sides. Or do you support Antifa? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Of course it does. But they weren't interested to him. Domestic abuse is still domestic abuse. So I hope you didn't use this fake rumor just to shit on the habs and that you actually care about domestic abuse. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL. He is a bias piece of garbage. He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game. He is a liar and won\u2019t admit when he\u2019s wrong! NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yay! my shakeology and cize routine just shipped #dance #shauntfitness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What every good little faggot needs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Deport all Illegals let them await their trial via Video in their country! Deport all UACs let their country take care of their own kids not U.S Taxpayers! E-Verify Welfare and #Jobs #ImmigrationReforn #TrumpTrain #RedNationRising No #DAC ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*MAGA sense is tingling* URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I really wonder just how badly they're going to take it when they see the results on November 7th, given the way things seem to be looking. Pretty badly, I bet. You'll have accusations of kajillions of zombified illegal aliens\" voting, protected by \"Antifa supersoldiers\".\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"France, a cowardly shithole that gets pissy over ISIS pics.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sorry all my fellow negros","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What do you expect in a state that elected Terri McAliffe to be gov? The dense, in both senses, libtards around DC and Hampton Roads would elect a stump. I think this clown is in center of state so there is hope. Remember, we did get Brat into congress.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Antifa will get murdered out there they're fucking with bikers who will slaughter them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cardiff!!!! \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00a9. #cardiff #euro2016 #euro #football #poland #polska #dude #friends #beautifulcityhostel... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER WHAT I SAY ABOUT BEING A LITTLE PUSSY AND SAYING SHIT BEHIND PEOPLE'S BACK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today is my last day at the language college, i learned a lot and i met amazing people... one year and a half later, this is it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fists fly, and so does a megaphone, as rapefugee crisis inflames local politics in Dhimmi Toronto area ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& these fucking idiots are running for president?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Religious persecution is bad... ...when it's your religion being persecuted. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The liberals can never handle the truth...the truth will make their heads \ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Most women just want to be ravaged... But sadly most of these men don't know what that means and wouldn't know where to begin... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews & moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course my dude, just trying to wake up the normies.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh my Carmen. He is SO FRICKING CUTE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #drsuess #moonman #offensive #kkk #funny #comedy #lol #edgy #dankmemes #memes (vine by 9\/11 did bush) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm Super excited! I was finally able to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine. Was able to turn my truck into a beast. Including 7\" Rough Country suspension lift and 35\" Dick Cepek extreme country tires. What do you all think, is she worthy of a like?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I hear the words well, but I have no faith\" - As far as I know, she is a co-founder of a right-wing Islamic youth association, whose policy can certainly be regarded as a forerunner of islamic-extremism. Dear Mr. Grenell, let us hope that you are right in your assessment!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This ignorant cunt bitch @user bout people hate her cus she\u2019s lightskin...no. We hate you cus you are a man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am really glad you mentioned the Jew plague. As a Country of responsible humans, WE need to consider the problem of dual-citizenship. Especially with ANY desert culture. The Jews commit crimes worldwide and flee back to Israel. They are spraying the world with toxins. Does anyone believe that George Soros would not be protected by Israel? HE IS RIGHT NOW!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eirc Holder: a friken idiot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If we don\u2019t \u201cget rid\u201d of moonbeam he will sink our state into the pacific!! #2020MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user False. Your intrusion on the constitutional rights of honest Americans did NOTHING to curb violent crime. Gun control = violence against the law-abiding citizen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fun day at the beach \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #santamonica #beachday #blueskies #breezy #peaceful #hatday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fulfill all your entertainment needs! The 3GB RAM of Huawei Y7 Prime allows you run more apps at once. #HuaweiMobileNepal #HuaweiY7Prime ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I love you Eric...You are such a good person with a great sense of humor! Haven was my favorite!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you realize tomorrow is Monday ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is demented. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If Syrian refugees complain about Bute then Gaelic Speaking Australians should be able to stay in Scotland for good ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Where is she in jail?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"cheese and crackers for dinner amp ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user chicago is a nice and windy city \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a8 #beautiful #picture #yummy #holiday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Birthday setup for my love #Trump2020 @realDonaldTrump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 https:\/\/t.co\/L6EfmnLpNb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great meeting this lunchtime at @user with @user @user 5 weeks until our golf day @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how to create the life you want #success #lifegoals #lifestyle #setting4success #lifehacks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the nba wants to push this to 7 games. notice curry isn't taking shots. too much money involved anymore its not about the spo. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT JJDanceN1 BONE CHILLING Video Catches HEAVILY ARMED Invaders Crossing Southern Border - this will make you SICK! #BuildTheWall #NoInvadersInUSA http:\/\/en-volve.com\/2018\/09\/12\/bone-chilling-video-catches-heavily-armed-illegal-aliens-crossing-southern-border\/\u00a0\u2026 via @en_volve ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SORRY LOOKS LIKE IT`LL BE THREE POSTS NOW \u00a0 ANYWAY, NOTHING IS BEING DONE ABOUT LOCKING THESE ASSHOLES UP\u00a0 HILLARY HAS KURU DISEASE FROM BEING A CANNIBAL 4 YRS &YRS AND RAPING AND EATING CHILDREN\u00a0 SHE SHOULD BE LOCKED UP BUT SHE IS STILL FREE TO DO HER EVIL SHIT\u00a0 JUSTICE IS NOT BEING SERVED \u00a0 LARRY KLAYMAN SAYS CITIZENS GRAND JURIES AND ARRESTS IS THE ONLY WAY \u00a0 PLS JOIN HIM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when big star join new age of director #kabali the product comes out to see different cinema want #thala to choose s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THESE American children who go hungry everyday are why we fight to stop this INVASION of illegals!These kids need our care and they need it now!No excuses, no retreat, no surrender.AMERICAN CHILDREN WILL ALWAYS COME FIRST!#StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#GreatestThingsAboutThe90s NOTHING. The treacherous lefty media people made sure Benny Hill was taken off TV and even more treacherous conservatives\" conspired to remove Maggie Thatcher as our leader then almost fatally signed us even deeper into the extremely hostile commie EU\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Carousel Rider. Binges on Netflix. Can't keep a man. Has many cats, but they secretly dream of eating her corpse. Needs state funding to support lifestyle. Hits wall 5 to 10 years early. Hair color likely unnatural shades of blue, green or red. Votes Democrat.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change & I don\u2019t have a private jet. I favor more gun control & I don\u2019t glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy \u201cthey\u201d you r fixated on? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"holidays \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e #france #instamoment #instagood #hi #live #life #sea #sun #sunshine #hey\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* The V4 Report warned of the intention of Angela Merkel and Brussels to expand the EU\u2019s relocation scheme to include \u201cvulnerable\u201d migrants from African nations. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have no remorse on how I feel about Muslims. They have no place in Western Culture. They have no desire to assimilate. Whoever let them in to begin with is a traitor to America.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"this is our healand\" #u2 #quote #photography #jesuslovesyou #like4like #likeforlike \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SER 153 \u2013 The Two Paths of Life \u2013 Pastor Mike Spauldinghttps:\/\/soaringeagleradio.com\/podcasts\/ser-153-the...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats always give people reasons to vote. What other party cares more about minorities or women & children? What party is fighting for healthcare? Which party is reasonable on gun control or immigration?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER As if Conservatives didn't hate Sesame St enough","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He should be ashamed of himself. Did Michael Moore start the term on the internet called a troll\"\"? I think he is an ancient troll that is coming into his age with the liberal hysteria and their guided ignorance.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user At least you are honest lmao ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shut up rapefugee go back to Africa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CheyOsrs @user But then it's a 50\/50 between receiving a dick pic or a \"LOL u ugly any bitch fuck u slut\" message ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cThese migrant workers are doing difficult jobs in harsh conditions, and they deserve to be respected at work like anybody else,\u201d its director Matt Kunkel said.https:\/\/t.co\/gq98vCX8z9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user #NoDACA #MAGA #howdoyoulikeusnowMale illegal aliens dont have the honor to sign up for selective services which is obligatory by law for all male citizens. No signature, NO JOB! Women citizens and illegals dont have the honor. Yep, I see EQUALITY happening all over this place. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He & that bald headed dyke should be brought up on murder charges for their involvment.\u00a0 Turns out the Dyke Lesbo had been harrassing Nicolas Cruz the supposed shooter in school and bullying him.\u00a0\u00a0 I hope this is true.\u00a0\u00a0 Henry Makow is usually accurate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden has dementia. Kamala Harris is a communist. #votefortrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"your people\" would have all died of scurvy their first winter if the first nations hadn't shown them a cute.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if anyone wants my left knee, you can have it!! i'm done with it! over the pain \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 #inpain #overit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THE RAM: Make sure you get your hands on #TheRam for tomorrow's local derby against @user Full details \ud83d\udc49 #dcfcfans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The BIGGEST SECRET Hidden in Plain SIGHT - The ROCKS were ALIVE - YouTube ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy the pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 unknown ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Illegalaliens cited in theft of 39 MILLION #SocialSecurity Numbers-This investigation shines a light on the depth of Americas problems as a result of allowing illegal aliens into the country,- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a true idiot!! Really scary people will vote her to DC in November!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER National Unity? O you are so full of it! You just tweeted to get people mobilized. Does that mean paying people to mobilize and cause violence! Where is it that you spoke out about ANTIFA? A Official group of terrorists.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER What are these new ideas? Speech laws gun control killing babies and thinking your entitled to free healthcare and rich ppls money just bc you exis?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER How is it you had a document that all those women signed if you didn\u2019t know anything about the accusation. Sounds to me a cover up was planned. You are a disgrace to the office you hold","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Look at miss sandwich maker trying to talk shit. Bitch, you work for ESPN. You instantly know nothing about hockey. Shut up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"video for and about christina grimmie. rest in peace #christinagrimmie #ripgrimmie #youtube #zeldalove64","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Looks like he doesnt keep his front door open.. but they expect everyone else to.#BuildThatWall #SaturdayVibes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tho they still showed their manipulative cunt and bitches sides among the ppl in prison, it made the drama somehow more interesting to enjoy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MAGA? You fools wouldn't know the truth of that idea if it bit you on the ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"I used to walk into a room full of people, insecure and wondering whether they liked me. Now I look around the room, and wonder whether I like them.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@seanhannity She is evil!! SHE SHOULD BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST AND PAY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BACK FOR WASTING OUR TAXES!!! #ProsecuteHillary #ObamaBidenGate #RecallGavinNewsom #RemovePelosi #DrainTheSwamp \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99 #Trump2020 #MAGA #MAGA2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives theresa_may: I\u2019m pleased the Government is investing \u00a32 billion in new long-term funding to build more affordable and social homes. Everyone deserves a decent and safe place to\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigration minister Ahmed Hussen and Transportation Minister Marc Garneau announced last week... a triage system to help Ontario provide housing, food and other supports to migrants while they wait for Immigration and Refugee Board Hearing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IG Hearing just more CLOWN COURT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All this legal liability ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user erasing 58 prominent women and MILLIONS of female supporters to bitch about ONE man. \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user life boo\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2014 I\u2019m fckin dead @user \ud83d\ude39\ud83d\udc80 I fckin miss you hoe slut skank beetch \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc96\ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here comes the results of socialism. To all Liberals who want communism; here comes your new roomies. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user how come this is not a uk thing as well? :( #missingout i don't shop uo, but if they stocked limecrime....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Look at Sweden, France, UK, Europe is changing. EUROPE WILL BE A MUSLIM CONTINENT BY 2050. Please watch the YouTube video title MUSLIM DEMOGRAPHICS \" , YOU WILL BE SCARED TO DEATH, unless you are a Muslim or love Islam. Mind u, I'm an African in America.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #learn all about the #feelgood #hormone by clicking the link in our #bio! #goodfeelings\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Probably not, but for a New high class resort under a mountain some where and we are not on the guest list.....just sayin","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@fairflattaxnow @Morning_Joe @JoeNBC hey #teabagger the law made it a FELONY to keep and collect the records. Get your facts straight","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user calling me selfish bitch is ok U knw what u r a jealous cunt Mri life aur barbad na kro Coz what I'm going thro is I knw ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He shot himself in a gun free zone. So much for gun control laws","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The left doesn\u2019t care. They victimize women and minorities for political gain. Same story different democrat. #libtards #walkaway #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don't dignify her stupidity by posting her comments!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user happens to women everywhere, not only rape but sexual abuse and pple still ask what she did to provo\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep up the pressure, Mr. President. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They are mostly pussies who are to scared to do sweet fuck all. Its the fluoride in the water supplies among other things.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What's the polite way to say, excuse me but I think I speak for everyone on the boat when I say I'd love to make a sloppy mess of your wife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tryna get to home like base to base to base, closet looking like planet of the bathing apes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Every one of them is more rank than she is. And she's pretty rank. So I guess they all outrank her... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m done with all of these men who think their platforms are more important than the Country. #Charlamagne #IceCube #50cent https:\/\/t.co\/bYiy2EoZOw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a young life & promising career cut way too sho rip ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #dearfellowwhitepeople, in 2017, let's all realize that u don't have 2 wear a white hood & #swastika tattoo 2 b r sa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#upliftingnews muslim community break their fast in order to donate blood. fasting is one of the 5 pil... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"found on twitter: #btoday - _#brightonpier #beachbrighton #friends #enjoylife #sum\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user happy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 #fairytail #natsu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user And what does this have to do with a lying attorney and a 35 year old claim? I know it's hard for you liberals to look at two things at once ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #YesAllMen because... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Keep going the way you are going, and you will be the one being fucked royally by the mussies you are enabling...unless you are really one of them of course.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user i felt this is my govt who will solve my troubles but can't even provide a landline connection ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I cackle at something different shit every time I watch it lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user is not a difficult woman she is a far left leaning bitch. She has no place in unbiased commentary on any platform. Get rid of her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What has already been said in a thousand different threads. But @meh6000 doesn't get it. It doesn't matter who we are as individuals. What matters is our ideas. And our plan.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the cold war was also fought over oil. #teambts #teamsuperjunior ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's been a tough year for Geoffrey. https:\/\/t.co\/Um84exUHkz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Croatian President's bikini photos worlds hottest president ever ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there is a mona lisa style to this man's face #sad @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Is this for real? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As someone who had never played Spiderman 2 as a kid: I want and tried it a year or 2 back and idk what kinda collective nostalgia people are on but those web swinging mechanics are busted as fuck and kinda trash. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Race mixing once done...it can't be undone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All I did was said her weed was trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mueller proves the judicial system is weaponized. Democrat special councils only charge Republicans. So if we play the game then Republican special councils should charge Democrats. Right! Balls in your court Republicans. MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You have a right to your opinion and I welcome it! I won't deny, there are a lot of \"racist\" people on the Earth, but let's not split hairs when it comes to the fact that we're dealing with leaches and anything they do and say won't change facts, even if those facts are inconvenient. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As clear as the mud UKGov are dumping off Swansea. Corbyn offers no solutions & no answers ... being non-committal on everything & hoping 'not being the conservatives' will get him elected. Westminster politics & government have degenerated so much its no longer fit for purpose. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Or we can try Idi Amin style...repent or run Nxaa! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Guess that's why she's settled for being the gag-inducing spokesperson of the commercialized conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"16 minutes and counting.... #wwdc #wwdc2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Success, I am leaving the Maryland SSR! \ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH!!! APOLOGIZE! @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Doesn't matter to us. We gave up on the NFL over a year ago.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@notflappybird: Tag a friend that sucks at flappy bird” @me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what does the happiness committee have in store for us today?? #ready #staytuned ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yup I want #TonyPaul to song at The \"BIG BAD DON #TRUMP\" #RALLY IN #TEXAS..WITH #TEDCRUZ WHO IS THE SHARPEST MEANEST FAIREST LEGAL MIND AND #SENATOR IN THE #GOP #OCTOBER MAKE YUR RESERVATIONS, #RV SPOTS PLANE TICKETS 118,000 SEAT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sure sunderland isn't alone. incidents in #sunderland more than double after brexit vote ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dems cards are being shown on Abolish ICE campaign. ICE should get temporary officers to accompany census takers and start deportation. DACA has to end. #nodaca #BuildTheWall #deport ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#repost @user \u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb\u00e3\u0083\u00bb 2nd #bihday the 6th @user #album #thehuntingpay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This white man called me a cunt? like what is that? Is it like saying \"bitch\" lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dr Michelle Cretella on Transgenderism. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I fully support Antifa. I give them money. White nationalism is cancer in a proudly multicultural society. It should be illegal. It is in Germany. We had two wars over this issue. White nationalists lost both. We are done with this discussion.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kasselstrand claims that a 'mass deportation of migrants' is the only solution","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy 4th of July!\u00a0 If you are a libtard and are in need of a special safe space tonight, a 4th of July free zone if you will, here you are!\u00a0 You're very own place to celebrate tonight complete with a list of your commie rules.\u00a0 https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/5MZsS.png","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/05\/20\/bernie-sanders-pathetic-trump-gop-dont-have-the-guts-to-stand-up-to-the-nra\/\u00a0#BarnieSandals Trump WON by NOT standing up to the NRA. Fuck off Bernie. #NoRefunds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Orin Hatch was born in 1934. He is 84 years old. He is completely out of touch and will not be around to see or to be accountable for his actions. This is why we need term limits!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The poor kid wanted a fuck and got a bitch prego and now is fucked for life hahahahaha dumb cunts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL long-term approach has a number of advantages including the ability to work with our supply chain and landowners to build more homes. \ud83d\udde8\ufe0f Paul Hackett, Chief Executive\u2026 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing like watching a bunch of Hollywoodies verbally fellating themselves in an obscene display of self regard","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That nigga snitched and added spice on top of his snitching","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"almost done. ceification project completed. finals next week. #goals #done ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER the USA is NOT a democracy. The USA is a constitutional republic! Take a civics class!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Disespect not the biggest problem. Told a woman her husband tried to rape me. She did nothing.\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Agreed. It's probably white people screaming how offensive she is too. I wish Big Brother wasn't forced by the twitter SJW army to remove her. We have all said offensive things when we were teenagers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait to run in stanley rodeo this friday. \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097 #barrelracing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I assure you I wasn't feeling the least bit hysterical when I asked that valid question. I cannot say the same about the response. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this pesky\"\" first amendment only applies to the radical left when it's there opinion. Otherwise they become very violent when others attempt to speak. Look to the campus's and ANTIFA for proof.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd14 I have been watching the committee hearings for Judge Kavanaugh. @USER is using this particular session on birth control & Roe vs Wade as a window to gun control legislation. Her comments were very clear. @USER @USER I will not allow a politician deprive me of 2A","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#friends #mimarco #guillermosbday #goodtime #happiness #rd \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b @ mix restaurant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Our Republic was in crisis. We the people elected the only man who could give us a chance to save it from the likes of Socialist Democrats, ANTIFA, Mob rule, and your resistance\". Tread carefully with your words as you are now dangerously close to seditious conspiracy.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yeah stfu pussy aint copying shit, Im talking about my own shit yet you sitting here acting like you SHIT. You just mad you cant make music in the first place. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Zim is? If he is than what\u2019s that make Peyton? Lol. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's the most deadly sea journey a refugee could take. And it's time to sound the alarm. \u00f0\u0178\u0161\u00a8https:\/\/t.co\/uOESX0Wqsv ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it's@user to make me on sat \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b8@user @user @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That bitch a whore in real life. I can smell it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".I think it's time we stopped being polite to and about the Left. They are not good people, they are walking filth. Small l\"\" liberals are their stooges, who don't see they are being used to destroy this country.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks @delaney_jade for coming with me last night because it's ghetto and no one else could of handled it! #Summer2014","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Can you imagine being married to that crazy b#tch? Good God!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Netanjahu: Teheran hat mit Beschuss der Golanh\u00f6hen \u201erote Linie\u201c \u00fcberschritten ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I don't see that as racist though all I see is an undeserving overbearing crybaby throwing a Tantrum like only Serena Williams can pull off. Maybe she's the racist if that's all she sees.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Because some people are bastards. You're hopelessly na\u00efve if you think plenty of frauds won't take advantage of this law change for malign purposes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user As if Politically Correct Speech and gun control laws are not attacks on the Constitution! Your hypocrisy is showing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for bringing the German Rapefugee Knife Culture to Brazil. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I' m going to Mexico to vote in the election to prevent them from coming to America. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 3 more sleeps until @user \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u009a\u00b4 #hurryup @user @user @user @user #conquercancer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When she tells you she's allergic to latex ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh my god - a hysterical woman with a loaded gun!!! \ud83d\ude02 #thelastpost ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"White women are stupid ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is backon twitter ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lmfaooooo foh w that free thought shit Lmaoooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hey why don\u2019t you look at what Keith Elison of Minnesota get off your bully pulpit and do a investigation into his past abuse or do you just CHEERY PICK \u2026\u2026!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER maybe not where you are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm singing my blueeeeeeee #blue ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 education turn joke now \u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dr. Vliet on #FOXNews 7\/12\/2014 @user Nothing has changed! #Illegals bring #USA diseases!#BuildThatWall ASAP.@DrLee4America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your girl is a hoe, you need to let go She fucked a... \u2014 You sent this a few months ago. I just now got to i... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"heard #ris2016 clip. see quoted tweet. props to @user exposing those views out of @user & challenging\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! She may need to change her strategy. Acting like a spoiled child... throwing a tantrum and showing the world what a sore loser she is... on national television... isn't a great way to improve how anyone\"\" is viewed.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And somehow Trump is divine prophecy he's helping them all the wonderful things they wanted to take away from women...Fuck Religion. 2","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy freakin cow this is actually real from Antifa? Now we really know they are stupid. Great way to get shot or hurt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Penllyn\u200d\u00a0@mjrodksu\u200d\u00a0@Sidephase\u200d\u00a0@RaviCrux\u200d\u00a0@DeadMessenger\u00a0@John77\u00a0@FrLemmen\u200d\u00a0@Sidephase\u00a0@rsmccain\u00a0@sine_injuria\u00a0 No\u00a0 he called #ThomasMix a pedophile because of his aggressive support for statutory rapists Kaitlyn Hunt who has sex with a minor.\u00a0 Not to mention, just how many people has the #VeroBeachCrybully falsely accused of being a pedophile?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LiberalPhenom: Who on GZ's defense team is paying media to trash the prosecution constantly? @ThomasARoberts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Should I share the quotes from notable U.S conservatives? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You you have committed so many crimes. No care what a liar has to say. You belong in prison. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'don't forget your toothbrush', thank you beth @user this tickled me pink. #prepschool ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DougFord again using #Trump-style authoritarian tactics: \u2022Discredit the media. \u2022Repeatedly spread lies. \u2022Build a false reality for your followers. These are smart people. The conservatives know what they're doing. This is a planned strategy to weaken democracy. #ONpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ew a year ago I was chillin w\/ a nasty coke head looking skank \ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\ude37 bitch you nasty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You assholes are both going to jail. What happened to the $94million paid to your company? Mueller knows. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There must be a cash prize or something for whoever comes up with the first \u201cconservatives pounce\u201d take. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stop calling women whores! Crazy ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How can some of ya worry about how the next nigga\/ bitch livin. Who gives a fuck if they broke, or they out here hoein. It aint YOU, is it?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@AlanMyron @Unusual_Pers0n Who cares.... trump needs to go. They aren't trying to handle pandemic. All the problems of joe and kamala irrelevamt at the moment. #votetrumpout #endthechaos https:\/\/t.co\/h87UGic4Kr","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@RaleighBeougher: dumb beaner” http:\/\/t.co\/r0hABEQhSu","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You right about that! So I'm going to learn from you and treat women the right way! I don't wanna be a male whore\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so, that's NOT a birthmark on his finger?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Election2020 #BidenHarris .......I'll see your Trump Derangement Syndrome, and I'll RAISE you....for the next 4. Joe will be dead in body or in mind and Kamala is already a metaphoric \"sepulcher full of dead men's bones\". How many do they take to the grave with'em? A nation?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You know what wasn\u2019t in his apartment after? Him. And that\u2019s the fucking problem.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@aurabogado el negro?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Here's a link to my channel with a plethora of topics to peruse: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's a monument to slavery. Tear it down. heh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merkel should be hauled through the courts for destroying centuries of culture in Europe. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Quite the raucus poet you are. Moar, gimme MOAR. :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I may or may not have told my bitch ass neighbor that I'd rape her eye socket til she sees the light shining out my ass.... I did. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user GUN CONTROL WILL NOT STOP GUN VIOLENCE !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Grape!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best.sound.ever. #baby #giggling #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Awww muffin why don' you get off your ass \u00a0and actually contribute something to society instead of bitching and moaning about what the 'govt' should be giving you. Oh and one more thing..... fuck off","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"World Refugee Day was this past Wednesday, but there is still time to make a difference for the 20,000 refugees who will arrive in the U.S. this year. Rally the support of your friends and family by becoming a fundraiser for refugees. Get started here \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dramatic Storytelling - RACISM DOG https:\/\/youtu.be\/4hn5shXYY4g","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It amazes me how many women masturbate at work... Please come work for me, I have a position open under my desk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The redskins should change their name to the injuns","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the list is created by a bureaucrat without due process. you really don't under the us constitution. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lesbos\/Greece: Muslim refugees fight against christians there. Why Greece dont arrest them and send them home ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A whole meta joke here would be my original tweet fuckin up the calculations.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All the incompetent idiots that agreed to these unfair agreements should be taken to court and tried as traitors!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we're that soloman from aswad has agreed to record a verse on our #charity single #songforafrica @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Molon Labe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ontario concerns were not listened at immigration meeting in Ottawa For illegal crossing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Beto or whomever move and support immigrantsilegals into your home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy shit of all people to say that a Nebraska fan. Please take your dead program somewhere else and keep your VCR around to watch highlights from the 90s. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Mental case for sure ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER shitt on Pitt - perfect for wiping the seat! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THAT A VELVET PURLOLE SUIT BITCH IM HYSTERICAL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"damn lol RT @GlobalGrindNews: Janay Rice speaks on the domestic violence costume that mocks her marriage http:\/\/t.co\/n6ucidNUuU","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#African migrants living in #Russia play #soccer on Red Square #Russia2018 #Red_Squarehttps:\/\/t.co\/BMzEWoAKzX ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1. 2 protect Trumpie. 2. 2 increase presidential powers. 3. 2 kill Roe v. Wade. 4. 2 limit voting rights. 5. 2 weaken gun control. 6. 2 deal with religious liberty. Congress is not an august body. They lost that moniker when they went whole hog 4 Trumpism. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u0098indian\u00e2\u0080\u0099 girl torn from family inches closer to homecoming #prayers #ongoing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user we're buying a couple puzzle toys and looking at classes for him rn! but i think he is becoming a teenage monster. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Worst thing is if they are that stupid to think he, all by himself, can roll back Roe v Wade then they really need to educate themselves on how SCOTUS works. They are probably being paid like the other hysterical women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only for me David,\u00a0 I trained in Argentine Tango, where the man is expected to avenge insults to his lady\u00a0 or child.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user don't worry about it and go make me a sandwich woman. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I just don\u2019t get it . At least bring him in talk to him work him out feel him out what could the harm be you might just be surprised and sign him if he is what you think he is then don\u2019t it\u2019s just being smart","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Stfu side hoe head ass bitch go fuck yourself y don\u2019t u try to get dm in a week ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HillaryClinton @JoeBiden Joe Biden would be President for all of 3 months before kamala boots him","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hallo please find the unroll here: Thread by @user 1. Moore's failure to deal with the foul smear against him, is a good example of how the new rules could apply. The firs [\u2026]\"\" #FakeNews #MAGA See you soon. \ud83e\udd16\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So let me get this right. Mogg is attacked and you are accusing him of profiting from it?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"battle of bastards #gameofthrones , arya is returning westeros .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"filming a documentary today in eindhoven! #documentary #filmmaking #filmmaker\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He needs to be removed from his position. Children have and are being abused and he is covering it up!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Let's play \"What will the ghetto white girl with neck tattoos in front of me buy.\"\nIf you answered Cigarillo's...you've seen this episode b4","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rape charges isn\u2019t the way to get revenge you fuckin dumb bitch \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc You gonna get ya self locked up . Ya boy GOT THE PLUG\ud83d\ude1c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least this doesn't take 10 minutes to post something.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sorry sweetie, but women are the causes of all problems ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"have a great long weekend all. #weekend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"write your blog posts in a google doc before wordpress. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@proxcee Yes. & How much more we'd pay in taxes with #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You forgot to tag your Bulletproof bullshit mate @user . You got sucked into the vortex Tom and now you are drinking all the koolaid. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italy and Malta row over migrants saved from Med ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its because you are always a hysterical woman @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going out with my aunt today to see #mebeforeyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spanish rescuers pluck over 750 migrants safely from boats ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Have a thought for the women that sick cunt raped #WoodyAllen you dumb cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@allsportsbruh how? All of the QBs we had before this season were trash. They brought in a veteran so they could have someone to play","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user White liberals really hate themselves. #TDS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is so amazing \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb #GodBlessPresidentTrump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 what a welcome. #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/KwpR5EnvP3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If the tournament of shit ain\u2019t on here... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm getting sleepy and my phone is acting retarded...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate that I fuck with you because you more than just a hoe like bitch the stores I hear the shit I see one day you going get aids \ud83d\ude34 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Loool I tried using my card abroad n the cunt hoe sket worker was like 'ur card declined maybe u dnt have enough' I\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a smile doesn't always mean a person is . sometimes it simply means they are strong enough to face their own# problems.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Iraq gov troops were handed a severe defeat by #ISIS at Saqlawiya -- there's chatter of over 300 soldiers lost & Jihadis raving about it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER sis Mandys no nose havin ass from the grim adventures of billy and Mandy can smell that shit wheeew URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A nigga never go respect a bitch who post nothing but have naked pics on here or showing there ass 24\/7. You go be looked at as a rat hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"City highway skyscrapers building lights yellow blue http:\/\/t.co\/kOC9uYBFqV","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I joined this group I was the 420th member. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #notmypresident not ever #misogynistic #traitor #theresistance #putinsbitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bishop appeals to church groups to take action as migrants now account for 11 percent of reported cases ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its clear you wouldn't listen anyways since you are more interested in arguing over the non existent racism of that tweet rather than calling out the ignorant white girl on display ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #bestsellers #top10 #sales \"never go to bed without a #dream or wakeup without a #hope\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we have a warehouse full of affordable donated furniture. thanks all for your suppo. #charity #donation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hmu talmbout match but when I pull up its 30 other niccas wit ya 😒","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@LILNTHEBASEDGOD her face ugly to me, & her nudes were trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Isn't that just a nerd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The next person to call me a fat bitch or a fat cunt is getting their fucking teeth knocked down their throat .. I am not the one \u203c\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user many many returns of the day bro @user may u live long. #hbdtahirgondal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Poor whinning Pelosi, she & Hillary should do duets for Follywood. :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That'd been a ghetto little meal","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"proud to be a father of 3!! #father's day.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@osnapitzthorne @AcaciaBrinley trash?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It\u2019s a heritage to be proud of ... Antifa destroy Nazis URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Incoming \u201cevil soy\u201d conspiracy nuts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#heal yourself naturally - #healthy is ! #idwp! #joytrain !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bernie! You have been in Congress how long? Now that you are getting closer to your death bed since you are old as dirt.. Why a concern now? How many bills did you try to write or endorse before you decided to run for POTUS? Do tell!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How does that make him the best in the country though? There was nothing special about the throw. How does that make me butt hurt ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DEVELOPING: Iran Foreign Minister Tweets Back at President Trump: \u201cBE CAUTIOUS!\u201d https:\/\/t.co\/xbYggU9ENI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"For one U.S. immigrant family, short-term public aid meant long-term security ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You're such a fucking hoe, I love it - that new Kanye and Lil Pump I stan kings that make women feel comfortable about their sexuality. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Do you think that bothers the evil Nazi democrats\/liberals they tried to rig a Presidential election and framing Kavanaugh is just another act of these evil Nazi democrats \/liberals politicians to destroy Democracy and America ! #Walkaway # Make America Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user there needs to be an #e32016 #e3 equivalent to christmas's coca-cola truck. @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's as Jewish and disgusting as the cover suggests, not worth delving further.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"As in AshkeNazi Jew that is!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user go rape a dog you fucking cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The old... reason feminists have 2 sets of lips... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tomorrow my day \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085 #babykroixontheway #33weeks #weslayin\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It was a disagreement between a fucking umpire and a player! It was not abusive! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Not if it's unwanted by the mother. Then the left flushes it down the toilet and goes to an ANTIFA rally to celebrate. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I can understand her wanting her title but all that whining and pissing and moaning stop talking and start getting it done enough already you're a coward when you got to beat somebody when they're not looking","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Turning the frogs #Gay or children #Trans all part of the #Marxist #Communist take over, turn all white men into weak little twigs so they would have to become a bundle of faggots #Leftism #Agenda\u00a0 at:\u00a08:59\u00a0\/\u00a036:58\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RAacfrQc7sE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Latino Conservatives=Self-Hating Freaks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Ask @user he know the truth hahaha \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0a have favoritism person so unfair ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Reputation? REPUTATION? She schitt her reputation away by being an ANTIFA activist! Just like good old V.I.Lenin said - a scoundrel may be useful BECAUSE they are a scoundrel\"!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first day of school @user day care center with teacher cherry \u00e2\u0098\u00ba 06\/20\/2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when #yogis be like, let's take a picture. the evolution of to #ecstatic #bliss \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00aa\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u008f such a fantastic... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U.S. troops not leaving Syria until goals accomplished: Haley ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER idc if you suck i just wanna have fuuun","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sunshine daisy tote bag ~ great for the summer! #hippie #flowers #totebag #fashion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ok hoe or whore you choose sweetie? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my next upcoming signed release,will be dropping on a label run by an act headlining a stage at edc las vegas this fri. #edclv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lethargic voters get what they deserve! Aggressive voters MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER GUN CONTROL WILL NOT STOP GUN VIOLENCE !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UNHCR Assistant Representative, Bamba Boubacar presents trophy to #UNHCRTeamrefugees that won match by 2 -1 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u201cCan you think of a place that has been improved by mass immigration or the movements of large numbers of refugees?\u201d \u201cNot one...the immigration policies in Europe are a disaster, you\u2019re destroying Europe, you\u2019re destroying the culture\u00e2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Thank you for seeing the light. #StopKanavaugh PLEASE VOTE NO. HE is NOT OK!!! Help SAVE our DEMOCRACY \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shite.... I thought this must have been the victim and scared for life. Turns out it's just fuck ugly. http:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/uk-england-bristol-44222...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Literally just got hit by a car bc this dumb blonde bitch was on her phone and she didn't even stop after HAHAHAHA what a cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER My thoughts and prayers are with the families. Random mass shootings, which plague our nation, are not normal and we as a country can't allow them to be normalized,\" Craley said\", The truth is these mass shootings are becoming too \"normal\". Gun control would certainly help.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER thank you sm and it was great meeting you too!! seeing you and my other favs reminded me that its so worth pushing through the pain to be able to do things like that!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Katie Cable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Give AMERICANS THE PERMISSION 2 protect our borders by ANY MEANS NECESSARY...EVEN IF IT'S ARMED CONFLICT...people will show up to do so &by doing this they are showing PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS THE SUPPORT OF THE MAJORITY...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don worry i'ma still be tweeting when dat muhfucka swimmin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user KINDLY ASKS ALL PATRIOTS TO CALL DC. REPS. AND TELL THEM FUND THE WALLL #BuildThatWall #angelfamilies #Deplorables #ICE #usa #vets #KAG #MAGA #Americafirst #TrumpTrain2020 #BORDER #Winning #bigleague #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"We stand with Dreamers\" Yeah? Go stand with them in their home countries. Undocumented and Unafraid is Unacceptable. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #EnoughIsEnough ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I thought the whole movie is about gaslighting\/making women think they're hysterical\/generally deny\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He truly is projecting. Prior to coming on this thread it doesn\u2019t seem he had any interactions on twitter just a lonely boy trolling conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dignity and Humanity are not a function of geography or nationality.And your worth is not based on where you breathe in this world. \u2014 @user Ann as she raises her voice for refugees who are rebuilding their lives in our communities. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Boycotting NFL for the rest of my life.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i repeat: very concept of #blackvote, #hispanicvote, #womenvote, #malevote ( to only talk about #womenvote?), e\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the greatest gift i ever had came from god i call him dad! \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I heard they actually are gonna cgi an Antifa flag Now. You know. For accuracy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tuna is good the rest trash RT @AyeoFool: Cans of spam RT @MsBTxo: Most struggle food HAS TO BE any meat In a can, tuna included","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's just such a culture shock ......... I'm use to businessmen being greedy...... I'm not use to them being communists.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1,500 refugees & migrants lost.850 lives in June & July alone.We're officially sounding the alarm on the Mediterranean, the most deadly sea crossing in the world. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ...and #LeviStrauss wanting gun control How many of us wonder why the heck do they want our freedoms taken away ~ or is it just selective freedoms? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user A horrendous act of course. Conservatives lie like they breath and are just generally awful human beings. I don\u2019t doubt the victims story even a tiny bit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER But the President. He is that BAD!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Among all the other wonderful things they do. Remember the Tea Party? We're still here. It's not a political party, there is no leader. It is a movement of those who have woked. We will win.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So Antifa are all Jews too? LMFAO. There are way too many Jews to go around. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sorry for the Democratic party is the party of hate they formed the KKK and antifa. The GOP it's finally got back in the office and the economy is booming and people have jobs wow overlook this. You liberal people are the most trashy ignorant things on this planet. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is this what you would call karma? like how do you as a mexican person vote and support trump, have an illegal immigrant as a wife & act shocked when she gets deported? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Record $135 billion a year for illegal immigration, average $8,075 each, $25,000 in NY is Enough!The killings, Rapes, Child Molestations, Drunk Driving, ID theft.And citizens are forced to pay them!#DeportThemAll #BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 15 years on the air and your top 2 moments both involve dave pratt? #grumpyoldman","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You'll keep putting Paul in with the jews.Paul is in the time of Jesus,aka Yahweh.when the Israelite is not jews.anymore.God sent his angel to Jacob,to let him know that their name had been change.they are not to be call jews.anymore.ok.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"camping next weekend. #lovecamping #brownwood","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"These are insane and Cigars trash!? Foam done bumped his head RT @FoamWright: These are insane. Like so insane. http:\/\/t.co\/5umpDoeORz","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ONLY 5 DAYS PER WEEK!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How does this #MAGA...?!? Is this our tax dollars at work...?!? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What's siege I keep hearing about it ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hong kong owner happy pdf ebook - #hong #kong #owner ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because she is in Labour Friends of Israel ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BITCH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#shocked & 2 hear tragic news about @user she was an amazing singer from @user #ripchristina #ripchristinagrimmie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER If his Constituents support him they are as craven as he is. If they don't they need to VOTE HIM OUT! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER they couldn't elect her the first time '08 yet we were supposed to pick up their leftovers in '16","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"holy shit. how do you even run a national presidential campaign with 70 people? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your hoes vs my hoes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at ride still going strong. ride by @user is #7 on @user r&b songs cha. #somosunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user relaxing #katiequeue #music #life #amazing #guitar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After going through the system i cameto know that being a criminal (illegal) is most reputed and easy job rather than a simple (illegal) person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s funny how you idiot liberals seem to forget when other presidents do the same shit. Haha. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My organization is fundraising to bring a shareholder action to stop CoreCivic and GEO Group from housing immigrant children and parents. My colleagues have a lot of experience in this area, but need support. Please help if you can. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathersday to all the sexy daddies out there. \u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091\u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u0091 #cuteness #blackandwhite #tinybaby #loveit \u00f3\u00be\u00ac\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"more snapchat madness. #dogs #snapchat #like4like #relationshipgoals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He's just mad because of the POS that he is couldn't do crap except divide this country. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who's ? huge 20% off #sale coming up soon! use the profile link to order and see\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Iraqi \u2018Failed Asylum Seeker\u2019 Who Molested Girls as Young as 12 Jailed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Looks like he is urinating in the water","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished. Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked. #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yep Antifa are literally Hitler.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hogg is such a dolt! In a mass shooting it's rarely a long range shooting incident. It's usually close range inside a building of area thats a Gun Free Zone. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Snipers are rare in mass shooting events. D.C. and Vegas were exceptions. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pa1 #dance#\u00e9\u0081\u00a0\u00e9\u0081\u0093#next#club#mas#rin#karen#yesterday#june#thds#niigata#japan #hard#hea#hot#en\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Obama claims robust economy belongs to him and Pelosi blames bad economy\"\" on Trump. These dem dolts are schizo.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #StrataData #AI #data #hairball: @user TDavis touring the application of #Cognitive and #machinelearning techniques to speed #Governance of #data ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this song brings back so many memories \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #memories #thegoodolddays ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump Hosts Law Enforcement Roundtable on MS-13 Gangs and Immigration Issues\u2018\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do foreign individual dump money (and refugees) into our country? We don't need their money and their programs. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great anti aging advice \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hahahahah\u00a0 now that is Jews fault !!!! go fuck yourself\u00a0 idiot !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Enough is enough. #SENDTHEMBACK @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stephen Miller the Public Charge Law has been on the books for 100 years it prevents Immigrants from burdening the U.S Taxpayer if they cant take care of themselvers or their kids #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u009cdo you want to be right or do you want to be happy?\u00e2\u0080\u009d happy. h a p p y ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck my Rick (? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user no one attacked Kavanope!! We are allowed to question liars. He is secretive and He lied under oath. What more do you need? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#church #ministry United Methodists Dismiss Complaint Against Jeff Sessions Over Using Bible to Defend Family Separation #dailynews #trending ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user got belgium in mine. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"year one on our way to chester zoo #funday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WomenDisobey Clinton's were against illegal immigrants until 2015 via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@intrepidokie nice lie #teabagger. Just because you want to see it doesn't make it real. Like Reagan was a conservative, another huge lie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A sarcastic speculative take on what crazy Mazie Hirono would probably have us believe about the hoax \"bombs.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@cmclymer Worship of dictator trump.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now All These Hoes Talking Bout THEY NEED A GUCCI BITCH BE YOSELF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Cuz we're smart here. Now give Ivanka your phone and go back to bed. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #ByeDon2020 #VoteThemOut #PennsylvaniaForBiden #TyphoidDonny #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #Resist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ummm. You are one of those people that shouldn\u2019t be there. \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don't get all excited. She may be talking to you, but she's probably talking to 4 other dudes as well #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm always amazed at the number of excellent black athletes that want to play at racist schools in racist states. #ncaa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mark_mac18 @sheppast @rianscalia groves is trash IMO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user some interesting #aicles #education ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shoes? $1,200! Glasses? Like $400. But bitch, my outfit?? $20, bitch. Get yourself together, bitch. Learn how to budget, hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i hear that comment a lot; its very widespread. However i do not know why he chose to execute Barbarossa, or why he wanted to invade Moscow. Surely he didnt know it was suicide? YES THE BOLSHEVIK EVIL ROT was CENTERED there but honestly it LIVES EVERYWHERE. in EVERY EVIL corner of the world. Perhaps he just wanted to be done with his doublecross of Stalin? IDK...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is adorable @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Don\u2019t get on here saying that type of dumb shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you make an offer on the house of your dreams, only to find out someone else made an offer 15 minutes earlier. #alanismorissette","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I say negro all the time and nigger it\u2019s hilarious to me what\u2019s the problem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTF I'mma do about my legs Charlie Murphy...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019ll have to start looking \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffc\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On the history of postmodern literature. #postmodernism #pomo #literature ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@NancyPelosi and @user precious illegal aliens! #DeportThemAll #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Even George Bush (both of 'em) are Zionists. There are lots of people working on the Zionist agenda. CIA is Zionist. Most of the white house (hence all these wars) are Zionist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093rina\u00e2\u0099\u00a1hinano #0610 #bihdaypresent #thankyou ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #eur\/gbp drops back to 0.7800, weekly trading range intact #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Left-wing group Justice Democrats has done an ad trying to persuade disillusioned anti-Biden\/anti-all-of-the-above lefties to vote for lesser-of-two-evils Joe Biden. https:\/\/t.co\/gCoXvKnXXZ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What an amazing gift for Mary and Matta and other young immigrant children! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user No we don\u2019t! There has been videos of Trump supporters blocking kkk and sending them away! We don\u2019t accept racism. He said \u201cThere are fine people on both sides\u201d. That includes antifa but go ahead and pick and choose your information. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if i knew before that get some suppo of very difficult from @user will be better change the phone brand. #nothinghappn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we've got 360 degrees of hawaii right here! check it out and aloha! #diamondheadluau #aloha #huffposthawaii #beach #ocean #hawaii","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no, he was definitely a mexican. #fakenewsale","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smile at someone. do a random act of kindness. buy a coffee. hold a door. doesn't take much. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"here's what ignorance & looks like. it ain't all swastikas & burning crosses... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After he pointed the finger at his handlers! (Clintons, Obama, etc, etc, etc)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That Time Telco Lobbyists Sent Me All Their Talking Points About Trying To Shift The Blame To Internet Companies https:\/\/www.techdirt.com\/articles\/20180829\/1803074...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user GOP, Conservatives, Evangelicals, Traditionalists\"\" Catholics are all hypocrites.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Organizing events? Hiring employees? Need a community of diverse immigrant women leaders? Email us for a partnership request: contact@femigrants.org #partnership #collaboration #diverseimmigrantwomen #diversewomenleaders #empowerfemaleimmigrants #womenleaders #femaleimmigrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can be the bitch I can play the whore Or your Fairy-Tale princess who could ask for more #LyricBot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We're all Rapaport[NEWLINE]#SmokingJoe #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/rsuArzcXmd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"welcome to my g... gbp 16.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals and their games ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\/63 More evidence Liberals only goal is to sabotage #NAFTA to make Trump the enemy and to get Trump Hate vote in Canada for election 2019. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's exactly right! Bitch boy sean is no better than she is, they're both all for the views and subs. 2 drama whores! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user who's excited for robinwood activitiy weekend? see you all tomorrow #early night @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FaithGoldy the great exodus continues !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CA migrant hotels wrecked by grateful new Canadianshttps:\/\/t.co\/BJ1dwH4YCO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me neither. In fact, it is my premise that they are involved.. that seems to be the most obvious solution as to why it was allowed to continue for so long. These are whores, just like our politicians. Whoring off our nations and families to evil.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Perhaps FBI etc. Should look into Orrin Hatch closet and investigate what he is hiding Sex Offenders always stick together ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Oh definitely, goyim! Much better to be single and definitely to not have kids!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user sometimes WOMEN are stupid too! Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil the bear\u00e2\u0080\u0099s rapacious hunger for oil also sealed its doom. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts #teamsuperjunior\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love that @user @user #calabash2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ahhhh..spoken by a tru clueless minimum wage earner...another ranting asshole...I\u2019m debt free sweetheart...betting mum pays your bills...\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So many forget that the US is a republic. Take it a step further and one has to ask why voting isn't even mentioned in the constitution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you\u2019re my forever favorite third wheeling \ud83d\ude29 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tell us why u rape people too pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I\u2019m at DFW airport and imagining racists having a hell of a time dealing with every shop having a majority or totality of immigrant\/minority employees, and thinking they stole a white person\u2019s job. No, they\u2019re the only ones who would put up with a commute to DFW for crap wages. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I guess North Korea is Japan's problem now. And vice versa http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2017\/08\/breaking-n...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well damn\ud83d\ude2d. Bitch said dwarf women lmaooooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happiness is secured through virtue ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stop rt'ing Celtics trash please","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And we don't need Levi jeans who just jumped on the gun control band wagon.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @HoodsButtCrack: @vegebitemeash 10 brownie points for you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this woman in front of me really needs about 900 xanax shes just told her kid to stop being a cunt lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You niggas spend on us and we get used to it. I hate to admit it but half the things my boyfriend does for me I can\u2019t do for myself \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @kendramarie91: “@vngelinaa_: Tornado sirens.... Atleast I'll be dying with you guys @Xo_t33 @a_krizanovic @kendramarie91 😭” and this ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER why don\u2019t you release names of all our elected officials that have paid for silence for sexual assault claims done while in office with the fund designated for paying off claims; Ford does not know how got home. Maybe attack if happened was by who took her home. #","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user maybe if you women weren't so fucking indecisive you'd understand ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"any E-drummer around?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pelosi preparing for House to decide presidency if neither Trump or Biden win electoral college: report https:\/\/t.co\/mvkEe6CL9M [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Get out and #VoteRed2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"these photos of the refugee crisis just won a pulitzer prize we live in a weird world... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Disgusting women are always left tarded. And western society treats women like small retarded children. Anyone letting women off the hook deserves the same punishment. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don\u2019t work. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Now they are calling Kayne West \"The last rock star\"... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals be like URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He really bisca fool huh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"everybody making\/sharing memes peaining to people losing their lives because of recent events. it's not funny. you're disgusting. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i miss you... #osaka \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00af\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b5 #home #relax #family #lover #cute #pretty #garden #winter\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Absolutely! You have Great info!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not if you are polling mexicans!!! #tacobellanotherkindoffood #\u201dHarris\u201dsaysitall #iamone ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is a good example of why we can't ban the AR-15. Someone could've used gun control\"\" on those pussies.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#be #spoy.. #be ! have a #nice #weekend my #dears.. don't forget to take #time for #you ! ;) #justyou. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a reminder that the 'white extinction anxiety' article means that progressives are banking and planning on your childrens persecution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shark week stas in 10 days!!!! #sharkweek #lovesharks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Look Ellen.... I am not a socialist commie... you are the one for government Universal Health Care bigger government gun control and free colleges. I am American I'm for capitalism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yellow jackets at gas station trash cans are THE worst","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user stunning rainbow bee-eater it was love at first sight. amazing #birds of #australia #grateful #photography ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the average total views for @user was 7.05 million. why the fuck did you can it?thats 7.05* million people disappointed. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is one big embarrassment to the American public.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user UNHINGED.\"\" No, he's just a fat POS slob who lucked out going against conservatives making tons of money in the process, as an opertunist. A very smart opertiunist who knows how to USE & shovel BS to the liberal left. It's good business these days & he's EATING it all up.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTF! \ud83e\udd2c This guy Trump endorses one of the most anti-immigrant candidates in Kansas. Kobach is responsible for the papers-please law in Arizona that compelled local police to questioned people about their immigration status based on skin color. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Eat the ass like you're Jeffery Dahmer... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TrumpStudents @realDonaldTrump No #FakeNewsMediaClowns [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#LyinSleepyWiredUpJoeBiden probably played like excited[NEWLINE]Telling everyone that #Trump2020 Supporters[NEWLINE]switched to support Biden \ud83d\ude04 .. NOPE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Haven't been following Lauren Southern beyond Patreon removing her, but Nick Munroe has been digging into the organization that was targeting her - apparently a British Member of Parliament is a Director https:\/\/twitter.com\/nickmon1112\/status\/88960185492...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you going to allow the commie Democrats to buy the 2018 mid terms? Better dig deep and generously! https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/gop-stunned-democratic-spending-never-seen-anything-like\/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostBottomSharingButtons&utm_content=2018-10-15&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NO BITCH I MEANT I DIDNT KNOW WE WERE DOING IT NOT ZOOMED IN NO BITCH THIS IS FUN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"first words i hear from another human today: 'shut up you skank ass whore,' world: 1 mik: 0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Alright imma need an explanation there ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how #americans spend #money - bit from @user #cbinsights ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Humans never change. You all know free anything is bullshit. Gab is about as good as it will get \u00a0Civil war will only change the narrative to the \u00a0victor \u00a0It is coming but really will not change much \u00a0We are humans and really fucked up \u00a0 Misanthrope","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hmmm it\u2019s almost like gun control laws don\u2019t work. Which means that there must be something more than guns that are the problem..... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Crazy man\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal immigrant deported 5 times from US sentenced for third DUI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She is a walking talking lie.. that\u2019s why. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He schools read a ammo box warning label... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"118,000 seats in our #Texas Stadium..for the #OctoberRally yah #RedTsunami#MAGA #GOP#TRUMP#TEDCRUZ #2A @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in all fairness, %99 of niggers never mature mentally past the age of 7... their ugly nigger gender neutral bodies just grow to adult nigger size","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"..@USER @USER 2 of 2 Vote her butt right out of office. #DianeFeinstein is part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Her old ideas and #ClarenceThomas tricks will not work this time. #VoteRed2018 #KAG #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConfirmCoachK #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And naturally they will go through every post I've made and slowly ban me for each past infraction.\u00a0 Seriously Facebook. Fuck you Fuck you in the ear You bunch of faggots","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Epic overnight trek through the Rimutaka Forrest park along the Orongorongo River. Gotta love middle earth. Nothing out there and only an hour from civilisation and two hours into the bush to the hut.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user grows in the uk after #brexit #buggeroffboris #bregret #ukip #voteleave #leaveeu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Found out this is due to the profile__avatar property 'z-index : 5'. Setting it to 4 (or even removing it) fixed it from a local testing standpoint. @a\u00a0@e\u00a0@support","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"those weak people are called 'losers'... why isn't everyone addicted? \u00a0just a small percentage of people with too much time on their hands.. the problem isn't prescribed usage.. the problem is the party person pill taker.... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday #sinnamary @ le pakira ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"your word i have treasured in my hea. (psalm 119:11) #vlicobs #xoxo #love #grace #amen\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER After listening to your well thought out arguments on gun control I would like to respond to your key points with my counter argument. I DON'T LIKE YOUR GASSES.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#fucktrump #fuckthegop #realdonaldtrump #trump2020 #trumpvirus[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The lunatic fringe GOP loses another court case in an attempt to restrict voting. The cheaters need to quit frivolous cases.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Trump\u2019s Suit Over Nevada Ballots Tossed Over Lack of Fraud Proof https:\/\/t.co\/bQji8gGBLO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hats off and thank you to #GranniesRespond .Their caravan made it to McAllen Texas this weekend to protest the treatment of migrant and immigrant families by #NotMyPresident. Now we need them to show up in November and #VoteThemOut . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's about time ross!! congratulations \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Still no excuse... Where TF are her parents??? They are using him & he is using her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"watched @user @user and #tonyawards to catch a glimpse of what the #hamilton songs look like since i'll never get tickets. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user hi sage! i'm pretty here in my hobbit hole! or off working through this computer that allows me to *see* the world :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @alimhaider: We talkin\u2019 \u2018bout Jen Rubin? https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6_Rp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user can everyone please pound on @user for this #misogynist comment on #merrychristmas about a great law\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER And most Hillary supporters are racist liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"am theaby wishing my dad mr peter fathers day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"did you know probiotics help you maintain digestive balance? stock up w\/ #alignatsams @user #ad #tummy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #metoo movement only applies to leftist liberals and inner circle democrats. Others need not apply.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A call to action against the crackdown on mutual aid-- humanitarian support to migrants and asylum seekers-- from #Arizona to #Hungary, Sonoran desert to Balkan forest. #FloodTheDesert #WaterNotWalls #SafePassage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All because she referred to POTUS as \u201cThe Donald\u201d. She is now \u201cThe Jourdan\u201d because of that letter. Cc: @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user RT @user RINO Ryan & McConnell are NEOCONs, Globalists, Traitors, and Not Conservatives. \"A Better Way\" is a Fraud, Scam, Not Conservative, and\/or #MAGA. #USA #Americans #America #PJNET #Constitution #business #AmericaFirst # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pauline Hanson (Aussie senator) is planning to come to the UK to visit Tommy Robinson in Prison. This will be interesting to see if the UK allows her leave to enter.\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=boZGTgmQE20","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user 2017 will be a wonderful year if you're a craving an #authoritarian hand","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The fact that Newsweek no longer tries to give both sides of the story but instead only gives the side of #Antifa far left liberals and their gods in the #DeepStatePanic Take a look at Newsweek\u2019s circulation they don\u2019t even have enough readers to put out a print edition anymore","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Isn't a pussy an exit hole too? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The wall is military readiness for the safety\/security of the people of the United States. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"oh my gods!! hahahaha...if you read some of the comments the leftards were all right with song and yet when we say the same things, things go flying at us, we get called names and faggots, coons, commies and filth get all worked up into a frenzy of epic portions lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 pounds off this week total of 2 stone 5 pounds gone forever! never looking back i'm looking forward ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Moscow Mitch cackled during the debate last night when called out about his failed coronavirus response. Over 220,000 people have died and this maniac is laughing. Kentucky deserves better than this reckless Trump puppet. We all do. Vote McGrath!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i work in the #ellicottsquarebuilding in #buffalo owned by garbage person #carlpaladino. here's where he li\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They need to be deported shouldn't even go to court immigration should step in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@TEE_JONEZ: @KingCuh @16stanleys I'm not mad cuh hahaha\" suure.. tuku ho ita! 😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He hung around with CANNIBALS.. Meanwhile, Trump is \"helped by Russians..\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Stop embarrass Media Women -u r media WHORE! @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the giver is on netflix \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is the point that I'm making. They want to take the guns away for some reason. Florida has the Stand your ground law, but the schools are not allowed to have guns on the school grounds. I guess that this time, that they chosen a place that they know that doesn't have guns. They had thought the church in a small community didn't have guns around.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sometimes it just comes down to #determination. be determined to #achieve, be determined to #contribute, and be determined to be .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@regankelly91 go the gulls. First grade should be a cracker. Physical!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Filthy kikes & their niggers!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm gay and I agree with this guy.\u00a0 I have no problem with adults or even teens who want to reidentify, but this whole thing about\u00a0 PC pronouns and what comes down to indoctrination of kids is plain wrong.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"do yall know what a hoe is? a hoe is that bitch that let a team run a train on her ass. a hoe aint the female playin you how you played her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But not all men are this dangerous. There are plenty of men's out here protecting woman no matter what ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I went on a job site today & all everybody was talking about was how @realDonaldTrump destroyed Sleepy Joe last night. I would never have known all these people were for President Trump. \ud83d\udd25In PHILADELPHIA!\ud83d\udd25 Silent no more, people are proudly admitting they are voting #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Do you hate him that much. He is OUR President.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Duterte from Phillipines says Europe should take over muslimrefugees from Myanmar, called Rohinga. The whole world laughs about Europe which isnt able to protect the own countries ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you are okay with being dependent on a system you hate called SOCIALISM where the government decides for you and you are stuck ... vote for #BidenHarris.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]If you get it that independence is freedom, and American jobs and opportunity is how to do that ... vote for #Trump2020.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A big sour whore bag, should never play hard to get when all she's does is fling up da pussy in all kind of styles to all kinds of men #fact ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And this butt fur thinks he is a know it all","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Flights from Liberia should just be rerouted to Ferguson.. 2 birds 1 stone.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hate a man who thinks his irrelevant opinion matters\" ass bitch URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are here","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As long as you are not a knife migrant or rapefugee, and have assimilated into German society, you will be safe. Anything else is radical leftist \/ globalist hyperbole and we already have most major media outlets (including YouTube) doing that and censoring the right\/center. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I can't believe just what a poor state those roads in the pictures are in and why council has allowed so much development on those roads, oh thats right, its because of Turnbulls insane immigration policy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can\u2019t live my life based on what women find attractive. Lmao every single one of you hoes can suck my dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is what happens when liberals get in control","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They love me at the place I bring my car to.....I don't know why Spanish men love me... sometimes I do look like a guala though Lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#feelinggood for the second day in a row! for the day, also feeling #creative! enjoying the #summer in a #summerdress!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You must have an entire closet dedicated to college teams. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dirty euro skank needs a massive schlong in her juicy cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"18 km in the rain along the thames. perfect sta to a sunday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s more qualified than all of you Obama folks put together!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Love it when people try to talk to me and I don't realise what a bitchy moody cunt I am that doesny stop ranting like ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"super fun with my best in ideacity #zoomer #toronto #life #love #friends @ zoomerplex ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anti-Semite Los Angeles County Faces Criticism for Singling Out Jews in Coronavirus Restrictions #WalkAwayFromDemocrats VOTE #TrumpPence2020 4 All Americans, Law & Order https:\/\/t.co\/8rc2oRjwFU via @BreitbartNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user really about #musicaltheatre #lovesongs #gig at #streatham common rookery with @user @user 7th july for @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did you know? 2,700,000 kids have a parent in prison. 400,000 kids are in foster care. 765,000 are separated from their military parents not knowing if they\u2019ll see them again. But the media focuses on 2,000 kids temporarily separated from illegal immigrants. HAVE THAT SINK IN! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nope. I lived in the middle of a country's civil war. Gunfire and all. What I did see was Antifa hitting the elderly and children passing by one of their rallies.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I try not to be a hateful elitist, and can recognize that some casual stages are nice but pokefloats... It was a trainwreck.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#riphumanity may allah keep thm under his protection and bless thm ,ameen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #torbayairshow what a beautiful day and excellent enteainment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If Brookee Baldwin and Erin Burnett start showing cleavage to their Boobies CNN just might.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol, civic nationalism is you. Already exists. Nationalism is patriotism. The purest form: Kurdish nationalism. The Nazists' nation is like the leftists commune. Wrong.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Taliban just endorsed Trump.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Check this out and Retweet if you Agree ! #draintheswamp #buildthatwall #kag #politics #government #gop #Trumplicans #PresidentTrump #MAGA #TrumpTrain #AmericaFirst #donaldtrump #sorrynotsorry #politicalmemes #madmax #trumplicans #whitehouse #patriot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twelve refugee workers die in Italian road crash ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Teacher Strips Naked On Elementary School Playground, Chases Nearby\u00a0Students ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sex postion picture white girl has sex with black guy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"track & field day! go girls go!!! #track #field #run #race #longjump #athlete #school\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Great group I follow all except the top two because they don't follow back\ud83d\ude09 Retweeted. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trump will never be a free range chicken again He is a danger to the world while under constant surveillance and scrutiny Imagine him gallivanting around the world with the little scraps of actual intel he does know completely unfettered Just don't see it happening ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wonder if she read the bible while she rapes little kids and biting off their faces..this rat need to be poisoned","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I banned him personally a long time ago. But it isn\u2019t breaking the law when I do it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Each morning,\u00a0 I go to the EWTN site and pull up the Mass Readings. Also get the Readings every day in my email from the USCCB. Great way to start the day!\u00a0 Love your Latin!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Gtfo off europe. Here is no place for you, you rapefugee. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Um it\u2019s right in front of your face. These big-tech giants are censoring conservatives every single day. Dems constantly calling for \u201csensible gun control\u201d and sometimes outright the repeal of the 2nd amendment. Conservative ideas are shut down on college campuses... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Not if it's unwanted by the mother. Then the left flushes it down the toilet and goes to an ANTIFA rally to celebrate.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user council staff have been instructed by the anc to go slow and make the da look bad. this was exposed a few weeks ago. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Paid by democrats just like antifa is paid by Clinton and Soros","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He really needs to go. Talks out of both sides of his mouth. Kiss ass ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's really cool that we got @flaviobolsonaro to join Gab. He should be the next President of Brazil. Now if we could just get @realdonaldtrump\u00a0to join we'd be golden. Millions would join overnight.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They keep attacking us because we're not allowed 2 stop them. We let them take over regions here & bring sharia to some of our cities. Mosque's were unheard of & we never had to bow to Muslims before 9\/11. That's what I'll #NeverForgetKick them the hell out & #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's raining in #coimbatore. nothing comes close this city climate. #cool ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the really bad element for bernie last night - hrc praises him in her speech, to a roaring crowd; bernie suppoers boo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Isn\u2019t that the Amazon bitch from Antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Egyptian men will soon be fighting for men's rights. #FlawlessRemix #oomf #NFL #NBA #MLB #Cairo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Illegals are not immunized therefore bringing more illness into our country. #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Someone tell the hysterical woman that the last time Cam was without Benjamin he won league MVP. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #onebigfamily\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #sisters#chiji#naturals never sell your happiness to the situations\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Merkel will not allow media to report; 'migrant' beheads 1yr old baby girl! #EuropeWeeps #NeverSharia #DeportThemAll #WakeUpEurope #WakeUpAustralia #WakeUpAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Happy New Year and #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Has your network\/organization put out a report on actress Li BingBing??? Some reports say she is missing\", other reports say the Chinese Government has abducted her???? What the heck is going on????\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when the soy hits you hard","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ur a bitch ur fake as fuck im done with yo hoe ass all u YouTubers r the same self centered bitches \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udc4e\ud83d\udca9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the master bedroom curtisn at 10 crednhill park are wide open like a hooker three holes as clare is a slag slut tart whore slag slut like ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pay porn free video jokes about women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" livelypics: one of the best ways to achieve your goals is to surround yourself with people who have dreams, goals, and ambition. #m\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dads are gifted, they lead the money game. so, that's why they always win. #fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Antifa is as anti-fascist as North Korea is a democratic republic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#vintage #motorcyclist #GabBiker #GabMotorcyclist #motorcycle #Christmas #Merry Christmas http:\/\/www.motopsyco.com\/2017\/11\/23\/vintage-motorc...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"outing with barbies. haha. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa #swimming #barbie #potd @ bosay reso antipolo city ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Framers of the Constitution were primarily White Anglo-Saxon men so what might that tell us about modern day Anti-federalists and the Antifa movement and the extremes they might go to? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just because his best stats season was at 34 doesn\u2019t mean he\u2019s the greatest pl midfielder \ud83e\udd23 fuck off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If they find this pos bring him back only if he gets the death penalty. We don't need this human garbage sitting in our jails. #ItEndsNow #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ORourke is just one more ignorant gun control freak........don\u2019t know what they are talking about!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u0098happy hollidays\u00e2\u0080\u0099 by @user on #funny #fun #kids #baby #plays #amusing #joy #family #toon #firststeps #audio","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Taco Bell is super trash when you're sober","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user don't count the days, make the days count\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #flower #friday #vine via @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"angry cat hates selfies #cat #hate #selfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Have fun fucking your whore you asshole in red lip stick with a smiley face lolol what a bad bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so sad #waltdisneyworld alligator attacks 2-year-old boy at disney world, recovery effo continues ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if your #dad told you he was #gay, what would you do? get feel #confused feel #alone @user gets it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What ad hominem. He is paid by the e cigarettes industry. In what universe people tend to be neutral when it gets to their paycheck. Get anything out there and it will be cited. Not everybody knows the truth about people motivations. Welcome to planet earth when money talks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Best news of the day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It figures they would, Andrew. They should do the same to Twitter for there hate words on it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes. The rabbit hole is very deep. I've seen a couple of very interesting theories with the LV connection.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Women who scorn other women for charging rape are what makes it hardest for women 2 seek help. We are half the pop. 2gether we rise. #MeToo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Such delusional liberals..! So twisted with hate you can't even acknowledge the U.S. Airforce..!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hopefully they will not find them - futurerefugees will hear that and dont come to USA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good luck with that! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Hard Currency. '","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The problem with Toronto is diversity. Look at Ricardo Duchesne's 'Canada in Decay'. White Genocide is a crime, not a policy option.To ignore the role of the immigration invasion in the housing disaster isn't just irresponsible, its criminal.htt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Too bad Trump poisoned the well on immigration by focusing on a worthless wall. He could have been a hero by solving DACA issue and the points you and I just raised. Those were doable. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user CAREFUL now soyboy stickman. Your arms might fall clean off. Dweeb. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this time next week we will be heading to @user for our family holiday @user #summerholiday #familytime #special","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 car and truck ramming attacks in Europe and America's gun control lobby ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Coming from the bitch who loves grapefruits \ud83d\ude37\ud83d\udc50 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shooting in USA is so common no one is talking about gun control any more. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user \"his\" dad ? did you just assume gender ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Please do whatever it takes to take the media\/camera attention off of JOE LAME AND BORING AS H*LL DEMENTIA Biden so that no one pays attention to his career (47 year) politician A*S! #TRUMP2020 TO KEEP AMERICA GREAT! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2018\u017eMoscow is pressuring West into fixing the country (Syria) broken by Russia, Iran,and their client Assad regime.It is a form of blackmail: either lavish reconstruction funding on the regime or refugees won\u2019t go home & there may be more of them arriving\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're sneaking snacks into the movie theater ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"show me your pussy bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cliff to Norm: 'A buffalo herd moves as fast as slowest. So when herd is hunted, its slowest\/weakest ones are killed 1st.\u00a0 Natural selection is good for herd by killing weakest.\u00a0 In same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Alcohol, naturally, attacks slowest\/weakest cells 1st. So you always feel smarter after a few beers!\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You say she is your kind of woman. Why don't you do that with the Quran? I would say then that you are my kind of woman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user be happy via @user #tsemrinpoche #vegan #love #compassion #truth #china #zen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it is a potentially depressing situation, with about 6 weeks left to be positively reversed! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I CARE THAT HE WAS MURDERED. I don't care whether he had some weed in his home (like a whole lot of Americans do) any more than I'd care if you said he had 100 pairs of socks. He is the victim. You are trying to smear the victim. You are despicable. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Given the opportunity, I would be tempted to corner, subdue and ass-rape Brian Kilmeade.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Guys only have one heart so dont play with it.... But they have two balls so play with those #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Most stupid tweet yet...and yes...its a libtard\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udca9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Feel sorry for the voters no good choice \ud83d\udc37 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER mine I tell him if you act like antifa I will knock your block...you wanna get bad...i dont care how handicap I will take you down","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Greenie she acted like a spoiled elitist brat. She got the point taken away as she deserved. If she was good enough to win today it shouldn't have mattered. She is an icon and one of the most admirable women I've ever seen in sports. She had a bad day. Move on not newsworthy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I think it\u2019s a political impasse- Conservatives aren\u2019t going to vote to force a GE and TM isn\u2019t going to allow remain on the ballot paper ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dj webster - the race ep (1995) #cd hardcore #oldschool techno #vk download here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Nice!!!!! You are so welcome!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It wouldn't surprise me a bit. Just like they falsely call conservatives, Fascists\"\" and justify physically attacking them. \"\"Trump's a Nazi, kill him!\"\". It's just a matter of time before they suggest it.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I have Dick Durbin that's not gonna happen blame Shitcago that's what i do.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"''If you See this Building, your Timeline might be in Danger'' | FANTASTIC FREE GIVEAWAY VID!, narrated by Dr. Creepen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She went to my high school. Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4 #summer#hot#friday #holidays#letsgo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The Liberals same old playbook. It is so old... yawn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Every day her IQ gets lower and lower more wanna be nazi Barbie is going to be a pile of maga goo on the bottom of the set soon enough . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He said it better than I could. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well... Someone could say. As long as she stays in office. Or reelected. \"More People Will Be Shot &Die\". - How many people have died because of some Law or gov operation she helped in. Writing tools such as pens should be outlawed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exhibit A gor the utter irrationality of the Left. Respect and support for women....I think not!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'All that we are is the result of what we have thought'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some of you hoes think you so bad. You might have bad breath, bad credit, and be badly built but you not a bad bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kylegriffin1 Can someone ask her how she feels about fetal tissue from an abortion being used for Trump\u2019s Covid-19 treatment?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" video men and women in bed without clothes candid videos sexting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as an older gamer, what a sta to @user @user @user @user and @user all brought it - the gaming future is bright #e32016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GREAT Trump Military Parade Will Be on Veterans Day in DC \u2013 Will Include Period Uniforms and Airshow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-____- No other 1st world country has bullshit like this because they don't have BULLSHIT problems like this Fuck the gun industry and fuck the dipshits enabling them preventing sensible gun control URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Love it! He's giving you a heads up that he is the most important living creature in a 10 mile radius !!\ud83d\udc3e\ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"feeling alone. miss quality time with my no so children.#alone#lonely #emptynest","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's officially been 1 month and 1 day without seeing @user #comehome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user DUMB CUNT STEALS FROM MY CAR GO TO HELL SLUT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did the general pull the pin of the grenade and pose for a selfie or what? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sheriff's office: Mass shooting at Jacksonville Landing in Jacksonville, Florida; stay away from the area #News https:\/\/breaking.iavian.net\/article\/190002","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes. You are! \ud83d\ude04 And your passion for him is lovely...\ud83d\ude0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump was right! Police first held 'refugee boy', 18, arrested at Dover over bucket bomb ... via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my laptop's broken now cant binge watch criminal minds on netflix ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t watch moron movies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@MaxMayo77: http:\/\/t.co\/XpSC3makgJ\" sexy lad with hot soles and arches.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who would have thought today was gonna turn out to be as amazing as it did . #wtf #didthatjusthappen #greatpeople ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day.......love u dad ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user only 24 hours away from first #trivia night at the @user in #navyyard ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"washington post editorial: calling racism by its name - salt lake tribune ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@edwards_cait ghetto, driving a nice car, and not having to pay a lot for rent. I drive a Lexus, and pay little rent. Just saying.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe the marine graduated with AZ Senator Songbird Johnny McC? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@piersmorgan Just a fantastic article on Sadiq Kahn and the giant baby Trump balloon. Really effective counter argument. You'll be viciously attacked for it, but that's because it was that effective.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MTV is now a liberal dick suck fest as well. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ideologies, whatever their origin, are outdated ways of applying the static concepts to dynamic situations and expecting the same outcome. Its easier to chant a mantra than observe and evaluate experiences independently. This will be a high barrier for today's society to scale.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user cant wait for this to make its way to the east coast. wanna see it so bad!@user @user #loveroday \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it is has been said the Uk needs \" million new Houses because of Immigration what we need is 2 million less Immigrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \"people of colour do not enjoy equality within the #lgbtq community;they are an excluded,marginalised group.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... You should be ashamed of your cash payoffs to Iran & of you helping Iran to become a necular power. It would be better if you just set your sales and gave us all a big wave goodby. @USER will clean up your mess. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Personal Favourite but came last with 2 points! Twin Twin - Moustache - France - 2014 https:\/\/youtu.be\/rwVDXWGXE_8 #Eurovision","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new pin for spain \u00f0\u009f\u0093\u008c\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #my #travel #world #card ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Bitch you don't talk about my fucking kids. My fucking kids eat better meals than you'll ever eat in your life, you see that? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2\/5 Basic argument: Canada passed gun laws, but ALL gun crime did not stop. Therefore.... gun regulation is ineffective. Only source for grand claim that gun control is an expensive failure and does not have a measurable effect on crime\"\" is article by gun advocate Gary Mauser.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Amen \ud83d\udcafHave. grest Day Edwsrd \ud83d\ude4f #MAGA \ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user girls are attention whores #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad #father's #day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"True that i think I'd need a change into new pair of $75 underwear!\ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019m so sorry for what you are dealing with. Hope the next place will be much better! \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nice review of CQB training with Forge Tactical in Ohio. https:\/\/www.thefirearmblog.com\/blog\/2018\/08\/03\/sma...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When people scoff at your objection to heavy metal contaminants being put into children\u2019s vaccines, and laugh when you explain Pizza Gate. When they excuse Podesta Bro\u2019s \u201cartwork\u201d & condemn D. Seaman\u2019s work \u2014show them this! https:\/\/twitter.com\/intellihubnews\/status\/94494688...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is a fake a fraud and a democrat activist plant. She is a tool to try to derail the process and then to later drum up votes for democrats claiming conservatives don't care about victims. If Democrats cared if they wouldn't cheapen real victims with fakes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is crap tho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user LOL. What\u2019s failing miserably is this 11th hour ambush by the liberals. Every minute #ChristinaBlaseyFord refuses to commit to appearing she and people like you lose credibility. I love it!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #tcot #p2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I like the X22 Report too! The Deep State is in retreat all over the world, and the Parkland, FL false flag attack will soon fade away. Trump's loyal special forces troops are taking out the traitors and CIA criminals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DownwiththeDemocrats!!! #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreDangerous #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica from the Loco Liberals & TDS Let All True #Conservatives & ALL who chose to #WalkAway prove that #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder and needs to squashed like a Bug!!! #VoteRed2018 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user All that shit was hers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday flor ...the #best #master #mixer in the #world ......xoxo #feliz #cumplea\u00c3\u00b1os flor .... el... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch ima zoe i dont do pledge of Allegiance fuck you lil hoe lock the door if you leaving \ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is crap tho","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liar! Set up by far left. Liberals are so predictable! Americans are into these empty stupid tactics. No one believes you! It\u2019s a politically induced maneuver to attempt to delay the installation of a judge until after midterms. It won\u2019t work. No go write your book!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah, and there's shit loads of the twats.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KOS Semper FI brother! Appreciate the follow back at you! #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dont Listen To #Democrats Illegal #immigration is NOT a Victimless Crime over 1.5 Million Citizens SSN used by Illegals according to the IRS they need to be turned over To @user and Deported #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"some ppl just can't handle the truth -- or a loss! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You have no right to assume she is telling anything less than the truth. Because you side with Kavanaugh says more about you than him. I hope the voters in your state understand than you will always side with him. And consequently always side against her. Shame on you!#VoteBlue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Here come the beta liberals lmao *convo muted you can cry all day to yourselves. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is liberals for ya. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shut your ass up \ud83e\udd27","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How many more??? This country MUST address sensible gun control! This is more than ENOUGH!!! VOTE BLUE! GET THIS GARBAGE CLEANED OFF OUR STREETS! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#preorder live! #99c\/99p swiftly sharpens the fang #dystopian tale of \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I SHITTED\/SHAT YTD AND LOST 0.6KG CAN U BELIEVE IT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I find great peace in knowing at the end of the day, I'm the only one I truly trust ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Are you nut... Why u are comparing #Ram with shahjahan \ud83d\ude15\ud83d\ude15 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yoh tarek \/\/ congrats on the album \/\/ however i bought the pre ordered vinyl back in may & still haven't received... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You look happy .MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That nigga snitched and added spice on top of his snitching ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Scoob3y yeah and you're gonna play with retards who wanna do drugs all day but 🐸☕️","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BTW folks, regarding the upcoming expansion of maximum characters... 3,000 characters works out to an average of 500 words, oft considered the optimal maximum number of words for a blog post. Per usual, @a & the team have done their homework...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The liberals are really displaying hate & their message of division. Republicans really need to take advantage of this by welcoming the disgusted democrats that had enough with their party & want a solid policy & no more insults. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Looks like you are the one \ud83d\ude1c Some simple things needn't be explained ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I dont understand who work so hard at sex work. They are so nuts about having sex even in the situation at work. Huh? Youre just another bitch working at the same store. Furthermore, you cant do anything what you are needed and have to. Die bitch die. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well, there's that one idiot you keep thinking will show up in your mirror every sundown when you rise again to walk the night in search of carnage to fill the emptiness where your heart & soul used to be. Altho, now ya mention it, lots of other conservatives\"\" come to mind too.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER YEEEEESS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHY ... it's their trail of corruption ... and they have so much of it going on, and at all times, they don't want any slips\"\" ... don't want American people to know who they really are AND WHAT THEY'VE BEEN UP TO ... #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BuildTheWallNow Before the Midterm elections @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MakeDCListen #NoAmnesty #NoDACAdeal #MandateEverify #EndChainMigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#linkinbio polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold places lo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TheresaMay #MonsterMay #Conservatives must answer for their crimes. #DWPcrimes #DWP #Tories #ToriesOut ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that coach should be force fed hot shit with a spoon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are a disgrace defending the wrong doings by ANC umdala kangaka yhuuu","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's a good bitch, I will be coming to Toronto by end of the year so you can kiss my shoes! LOL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So he called women who stuffed their faces fat, Jamie C a cunt and wanted to fuck Girls Aloud.. in 2002. BURN HIM AT THE STAKE #LooseWomen ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user For what??? Lies and rumors being spread by liberals with their known pattern? Hell NO. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user essential reading by someone you should follow: @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i like your smile :) bogumday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #thanks for #sharing andrew jones, #sunday :) #sharingiscaring (via \u00e2\u009e\u00aa grow followers \u00f0\u009f\u0086\u0093)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"from racism to resource development, here are the political stories inuit watched in 2016 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My kid sister and I LOVED #SkyKing when we were kids. I'd put the B&W TV on the floor, make a tent with blankets, and we'd eat Devil Dogs in milk with Froot Loops watching Saturday morning TV: it started with \"The Modern Farmer\" at 6AM, then \"CrusaderRabbit\" (with Ragland T. Tiger!), then \"Andy's Gang\" with Andy Devine and Froggy the Gremlin, then \"Hopalong Cassidy,\" finishing up with \"Sky King.\" What a morning! @Yammit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The clothing high end is only about double the quality of the low end. But you won't get double the quality for double the money anywhere.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You should take this picture down you destroyed one of my all time favorite Comedian\/Actors @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MarkSalter55 @jaketapper Missed your concern about Kamala Harris and the Joe Biden campaign staff bailing out Minnesota rioters...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THE BOYS IN BLUE SERVE THE JEW ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting for my camera... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now: ... i'm #unseen. \u00e2\u009c\u0098i'm #unheard.\u00e2\u009c\u0098 i'm #unwanted\u00e2\u009c\u0098. #hated #feeling #dark #dwon #r\u00e1\u00bb\u008c_\u00e1\u00bb\u008cd\u00e1\u00bf\u0091 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080\u00e2\u0098\u00a3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Don\u2019t worry hun I will be sharing this everyone needs to see this talent!! \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc9e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because Gutierrez is corrupt and so are the unions there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He was saying niggas who say they boycotting Nike for the military are racist because the military fuck with Nike \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The liberals sure are walking a VERY dangerous line.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You can always tell a wack bitch by her shoes \ud83d\ude02dead ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this weeks #wednesdaywisdom from one of my all time idols \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #humpday #inspiration #feminist #quote #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you are right-wing and pay to send your daughter to college, you are retarded. Woman are submissive and much more prone to peer pressure. They are not equipped (NAWALT) to handle life in a re-education center. By sending her to college, you are destroying her future and increasing the risk she'll die in childless misery.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wrong. Just last week a Nigerian refugee kill a 18 years old girl and cut her into 20 pieces. Some citizien were not happy about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #flagday! here's mine in this gorgeous #texas sky! #householdname #takingover\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#feminism and #equality helps #everyone it helps #men and #women hus everyone everywhere","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@therealjuicyj @ProjectPatHcp yea ho","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch don't think at all that you was different hoe you basic\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc4d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CONTEST! Fill in the blank: Well, Galileo never met ______________________.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Last President Written in 1896: From the Whitehouse archive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DRUGS> Is why #Giants are losing. Just ask #barrybonds and the HEDGE BET FUND> #WorldSeriesGame6 #faggots","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PLZ, ALL SANE FOLKS.... B DAMNED SURE NOT, NOT TO PATRONIZE THIS SHIT HOUSE DUMP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Of course he lost no one, Biden is a total loser #Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be happy - it's easier. @user #lifesatisfaction ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Money can't buy you happiness but it can buy you pussy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ya he is a real winner #loser","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Sounds like you're a Fascist.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Brought at different times and no space on any coach. She is so red and blue that she said she\u2019d travel next to a \u2018random\u2019 of she had to!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please Hurry UUUUUUUPPPP!!\u00a0 #LockThemUp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He will fail like no man has ever failed before.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You need to crawl back under your are the hysterical woman. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your girls telling you about her day and you really want a bj after ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Everyone gets mad when a woman talks about dick but praise men who talk about fucking 10 girls every weekend ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #supreme #erotic #tantric #massage #london is waiting for you with a #ending massage . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user In the choir, whores and liars, scumbags in the dirt bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More women accuse Weinstein of rape ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"flcrashcorrectors: \"kscrashcorrectors: \"kscrashcorrectors: \"lopezchiro: #father'sday from #lopez #family #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are a member of 40 years aren\u2019t you? Surely that means he abused you? I mean I know you don\u2019t understand idioms but this is next level ignorance","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a @user campaign co-chair answers a few questions... #trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Advocate for gun control while breaking the current gun laws in place... #irony ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Heard from who? You and your lying jealous cronies???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You defending sex offenders shows you for who you are. I don't waste my time with your types ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Buck and Spiderman URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it's clear y'all had no good reason to hand the keys over to a goon. but yet... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not knowing or thinking that something is impossible can lead to making it possible. Challenge your knowledge and thinking. https:\/\/www.quantamagazine.org\/teenager-finds-clas...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When hoe's talk shit about me I started to get mad like hell bitch I can make your life like a living hell don't play with me!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Police state tyrant liberals LOVE the word dangerous\"\" when gaslighting their sheep.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"farewell ceremony today! #sad #mixedemotions ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I agree on this one. An inside job by all our allies and supposed enemies. Esp Talmudic, Kabbala worshiping Jews, and Freemason whites. Esp their bitches. Jewish Mysticism. All day every day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tehnically they are enemies of the state. If you desire for the white race to survive, the state is your enemy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LCI Book Bundle Giveaway - https:\/\/libertarianchristians.com\/giveaways\/book-b...\u00a0#FreeStuff #Swag #Libertarian #Christian #Books #LCI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A new White House petition has been launched urging President Trump to demand Congress pass legislation that defends free speech online. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/new-white-house-petition-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sarah Jeong is exactly why we don't need non white immigration. They come over here with complete hatred for the native population. Thanks for redpilling America \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8\u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u201a\u00f0\u0178\u2019\u00af ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is right though... you do have a whiff","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yeah unpaused but i'm sure it'll be sold out before i get a first weekend ticket ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I called this guy a motherless bitch child 10 hours ago and he's still in my inbox blasting me. Lmao get over it, cunt. Fucking weak egos. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's National Kissing Day... So you can all kiss my mutha fuckin ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user @user while @user can use phrases like #sandniggers is acceptable 2 ya, hm u is\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#sendthemback if your children want a peacefull life, without rapists on every corner.#forza. #Italia ##NoMoreAfricans !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I put my fingers inside of you and you won't taste yourself, you can bet your ass I'm not tasting you either ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy don't ruin something good for someone temporary! - louismainjr #ff ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Nikes attempt to alienate more than half the country grabbed so much attention nobody noticed Levi\u2019s going full gun control and partnering with the clowns from Everytown. If a leftist company goes Woke and nobody notices does it make a sound?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is the bomb!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals want to control ppl from cradle to coffin. They'd b happy if ppl avoided all physical\/social contact w each other..... they are making us so suspicious of each other. DIVIDE AND CONQUER is their hidden agenda.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigrants convicted of felonies and serious misdemeanors should be subject to citizen revocation and deportation. Why are we keeping criminals here? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can't wait to dust off our dancing shoes, caroline! :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"America is, \"...a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.\" [A. Lincoln]","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user They been had open world spider man games tho. We need a avengers game with all of them niggas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just ordered my first @user bag \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#closetheborders for #IllegalImmigrants Do it now. It might already be too late!We don\u2019t want more #nogozones in Europe.We don\u2019t want more freeloaders and #mosques.We don\u2019t want #sharialaws and #burqa\u2019a in our cities and on our streets. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HE IS A RUSSIAN SPY \/HAVE RECEIVED MUCH MONEY FROM PUTIN.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Chicago has strict gun control laws but the highest gun violence rate Detroit was owened by Unions and is now bankrupt Cali has the second highest welfare rate and is now the homeless capital of the developed world. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what makes you #smile the most? #friends #family #food #money #love #romance #poll #vote ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user i fought against both sides of the argument yesterday: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TRUMP RULE #1 Do NOT fuck POTUS Trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No clue. Ask Andrew. I still do the Duke show every thursday, I was away for a bit though.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That fucking pussy of a pig #cop who shot the #groundhog needs to be put down. Where did they hire this idiot? From an episode of '#SouthPark'?\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Roy Moore\"\" \"\"Allegations From Far Distant Past\"\" \"\"Bezos\"\" \"\"Bunny\"\" \"\"Satire\"\" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: \"\"About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner.\"\" \ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I LOVE this amazingly smart, courageous, beautiful black lady and ALL black people (and all races for that matter)\u00a0should raise her up on a pedestal and consider her their voice for reason and sanity and betterment!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for this app.#thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sarah Sanders, you an your family are welcome at my house for meals anytime!!! \ud83c\udf7d\ud83c\udf74\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf57\ud83c\udf7a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is by far the most pretentious little try-hard housemate in there this year. So cringeworthy. #BBUK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Then HAUL YOUR FAT ASS IN HARMS WAY YOU DRUGGIE!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Rotten character or what we call in Spanish mal character ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And not all idiots grandstands like he did ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Your continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns\"\" them until deny them & ideology. You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Solid analysis. Just don't fall into the trap of importing Muslim refugees, or it will be game over. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 these hoes trying to link and fight I might kill you bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Chelsea she is so freaking beautiful I can't believe her skin color so beautiful! I live Aubree she is such a great little lady! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"any other striker in the league did the same wouldnt have been disallowd #munmid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user can schools be places? find out with @user @user and i #educationfest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER They gone eat his high yellow ass \ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who actually hopes this?nobody does #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just dont get why she has to dress like a fucking hoe to impress a guy or mostly all guys like tf bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one more sleep !\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0097\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00a0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00a1\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00a1\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace & just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"n i thought he was the \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u008c# checkoutmyflyer #education #makemoney #cash #lifestyle #happy \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bITCHC IM UWUING","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#author #ebook #marketing for \u00c2\u00a360pa. #funtime #funtimes #goodtime #goodtimes #bihday #bday #pay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I agree, but cuckeditude isn't a word. Cuckoldry is the term to describe the state of being a cuckold. The vocabulary nazi in me felt compelled to point this out.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sean Taylor is a deviant feeder who likes being the meat in a fatberg sandwich.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Isaiah 45:5\u00a0King James Version (KJV) 5\u00a0I am the\u00a0Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user is not a problem in america today. #dumbism is. dumb is an equal oppounity killer of dreams.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Grace is literally the most boujee girl on the planet and it's hysterical ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i'm buzzing just been given tickets to go and see #bryanadams in conce at montrose in august from danielle for my bihday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Not saying much to claim you are smarter than @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"going to twenty one pilots conce on july 12. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you get to work and realize you're on summer hours and going home an hour early today #officelife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't wait to go home ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey bitch, take that gun you love so much and stuff it up your drippy STD-pussy and pull the trigger.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"21st Century Schizoid Man by King Crimson\u00a0 -\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=sXZc0ptqFxw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Many #refugees fleeing genocide in #Sudan have been languishing for years in Israel, with courts reluctant to grant residency. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Are #conservatives in #Kansas joining in on claiming Christine Blasey Ford is making false accusations while supporting @USER at the same time? Cus that level of stupidity is the hallmark of the @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Some days you are Louis Winthorpe III before he met Ophelia. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my promise!!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 look different today!! #selfie #sonice #hairwedding #wedding #soon #nice\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Of course she is! Probably has the record over her lifetime. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every #illegal deported is an incremental pay raise for citizen workers! #DeportThemAll #ArrestEmployers #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok let\u2019s look at this situation. if Jared Taylor\u2019s concubine is not jewish (the SPLC came out with article saying she wasn\u2019t) then there must be another reason for this major cucking. And by the way WHY is the SPLC even doing articles about this \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14? Who is funding you AMREN? this is either PERSONAL or MONETARY. You\u2019re sounding like CPAC AMREN, dissapointment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You one of them who take pictures of his legs at the beach basic bitch hoein ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuckin great brother. I just laughed like a little girl. \u201cGrab your balls\u201d stay in the trade ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Meanwhile, at the Twitter staff meeting... | #RedNationRising #TwitterSucks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I want a fucking boyfriend who could feel comfortable telling me everything. Not some pussy ass skank bitch like yourself ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Immigration committee holding special hearings on asylum seekershttps:\/\/t.co\/d1ni4mcr88This will be interesting. Looking forward to how this plays out. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when your bffs b-day pres is sitting in your room & you just want to send it but their b-day isn't till next month @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have an organic protein shake for you \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a disgusting anti \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 traitor!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we were talking about obama and your and #bigotry. stay on topic.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"with my home girl @user after a long day of dance class #selfie #girl #cute #sun \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Peter....look at your liberal self making no sense.....It is just a little suspicious that everyone making last minute claims against Kavanaugh are Trump hating liberals...And of course they have zero proof of anything...Just like Their collusion obsession.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When getting #medical help is not an option, undocumented #migrant workers in #Malaysia chose death @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Putin remains a destabilizer. @realDonaldTrump will send a very clear message: New Sherrif. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/FCfb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for me its hard to keep my mind off this slaughter in fl. i try a lot but it always comes back in my head..its like nothin else matters ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To all you hoes that rejected my shot this summer, you missed yo blessing Bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You should reach out to Paul.berger@USER He is teaching & researching these classes. & he is fierce & great! V. Ethical.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Get a hobby you pussy. #TrumpTrain2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"white girls will never break the internet... \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I bet the first ones she calls when she is being robbed is those very same police\ud83d\ude21\u203c\ufe0f. People are freaking stupid ... \ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The moment when you relise all the killing you did in video gaming can't beat a real patriot!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Council on Foreign Relations corp mbr Goldman Sachs Launches a Cryptocurrency Called US Dollar Coin. A Company Owned by the CFR run Federal Reserve Will Regulate It.\u00a0https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y9z6e93w\u00a0 \u00a0https:\/\/grrrgraphics.com\/the-usas-debt-burden\/\u00a0\u00a0 https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/oosa5ha \u00a0bring back the gold standard!\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/yc42u7r9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just order the @user x @user contour palette!! can not wait to try this new baby out ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The GOP knows they can't win without cheating. They are not patriots. #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/HdfIdRW6qc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What I will remember is that Communism is the face of the Democrat Party now. Anyone that does not tow the party line must be destroyed at all costs. It starts with high profile\u00a0 individuals like Judge Kavanaugh. But just like the Soviet purges, if the Democrat's ever regain power it will trickle down to anyone. We saw the weaponization of The DOJ and the IRS under Obama and that's just a taste of what will happen in a future Leftist government. The SJW's think that they are going to win the day in the end but I have to constantly remind the left, that this will not end as they think. Just as they were upset in the last election. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh please... If 13% of the population is committing 50% of the Fucking crimes, then the problem lies within your own culture.. Stop Fucking pointing fingers at other people. Start taking responsibility and stop being a little bitch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user omggggg ateeee. imyyyy\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 iloveyou so much\u00e3\u0085\u00a0\u00e3\u0085\u00a0 nationalbestfriendday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"put on my badge the moment i awoke this morning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #bihday #bihdaygirl #badge #woo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user :00000 where on fb??? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Cubans never assimilated in Miami. Thats why I left. #ThirdWorldCountry #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#oitnb decided that for me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #poussey #face ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a troll. Not open to facts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Hey man you think you could be a little less lame dude?\"\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"A Sanders-Warren ticket could win big in 2020\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/boards.4chan.org\/pol\/thread\/174805239 check this thread before they shut it down","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"someone: breathes ada: dumb whore cunt slut your moms a hoe kill yourself bitch get shot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will get the US to \u201cturn and focus on the issue of net zero by 2050\u201d, Boris Johnson says[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]The UK PM says he will \u201clook forward\u201d to discussing the issue of climate change with the president-elect and vice-president-elect[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/ECeacILEvT https:\/\/t.co\/RqeKzzsOrC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s a cocky SOB who needs to be brought down to his knees","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER needs serious psychiatric help. This guy is an anger management bi polar psych 101 case study. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're trying to text your fuckboy but your boyfriend won't stop looking over your shoulder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I said i would never fly again since the TSA. There are 2 reasons i wouyld fly today. My mom on her death bed or after killary is tried, convicted and publicly hung.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user everyone ask @user why they endorse such blatant @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the democommunists have allready destroyed america put men in a womens bathroom right to child molestors n child killers n illegals have more rights than americans if u think im wrong bill say something besides kissing liberals asses ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol you are so mad you can't even type. What a mentally ill curry nigger you are.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dems suggest Kavanaugh should NOT be considered for SCOTUS b\/c #Trump is under investigation!NEVER MIND that said investigation is a TRUMPed-up phony witch-hunt begun by Dems in the 1st place#POTUS #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #VoteRed #NEWS #NoDACA #KAG #GetOutTheVote #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user enjoying these delicious melons! #vegan #organic #fresh #fruit #organic #healthy #healthyliving #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She should be fired and arrested. Clearly she is using drugs on the job. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Again JAnis doesnt under stand Economics Supply and demand the lesslabor, the more wages! Lets see how Illegal Immigrants who work for less than the min wage reduce the wages ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The BOG emperor of mankind.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i keep hearing: \"keystone, which became Google Earth...\" no results in search attempts so far what i remember, is digital globe. https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/DigitalGlobe https:\/\/www.geospatialworld.net\/news\/mda-dg-combined-entity-to-be-rebranded-as-maxar-technologies\/ @Tracybeanz @GOPPollAnalyst ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user for all the love & suppo you have given me, here is something special. #kohlisoon\u00c2\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He\u2019s as clueless as out his disgusting looks as he is about every other thing there is to know.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives who quit rather than fight betray every claim that cons are patriots\"\" & \"\"will fight for our Constitution.\"\" It reveals extremism & defeatism at once. Dems KNOW they will win if they stick together. History PROVES it.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Africans having their say about Blacks in Europe, and Europeans in Africa, at the #LandExpropriationHearings, currently underway in #SouthAfrica. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So just half a kike? Does your beat require your constant homoerotic Gab stalking? Or is this just what you do while that big black bull is pounding your wife in the other room?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you meet a sub who's you're perfect match. #domme","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pool time #pool #swim jjenancy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user and it leads to more violence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we Live under ZOG.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well that's why BB wins Super it's and you are an overhyped media mouth piece imbecild ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Last I checked men HAVE THE PENIS and women DON'T. I Won't say it again but THE DICK IS ALL THAT MATTERS #MensRights! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@a @gab\u200d\u00a0@e\u200d\u00a0Been wanting to say, very nice mods to Gab, lately. Too many to name, but well done.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hatred of the man makes people like this fool say things like this. Not reality. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"counting down to #ccmf at myle beach,sc.. @user #timmcgraw.salt,sea,sand & country music #countingdown \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00ba\u00e2\u009a\u0093\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a4 @user 1day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"San Diego \"man\" who assaulted his wife with a chainsaw is an ILLEGAL ALIEN who's been deported 11 times. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Good. Maybe they\u2019ll give it to him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leftists are allowed to tell non-whites that they don't know how to live properly without the mainstream caring. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #epicfail, diy donald, at pretending to not know what the #kkk is and who #davidduke is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER OLIVIA YOU ARE KILLING IT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Didn't me too woman molest a young boy. And the next day they were forgiving her. Hypocrisy thrives in celebrity circles. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I have a better idea Mr Guterriz or whatever his name is should resign & go THE HELL back to wherever the hell his people came from for the sake of this country!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd still get a piece ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Broward County Sheriff Department, \u201cTo Protect and Serve\u201d (unless there\u2019s an active shooter - then it\u2019s get the hell down and don\u2019t move)!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If the American people vote overwhelmingly for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we can mute Trump and his enablers from politics forever. #Debates2020\u00a0 #PresidentialDebate2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should of known she wouldnt show up! Only accuse is in the dems playbook! When will people start understanding that the radical have taken over the party! #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #WednesdayWisdom #FortTrump #1linewed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He\u2019s a disgrace to his party and all he claims to stand for. He\u2019s not on the side of conservatives. He just wants to make a name for himself and anybody\u2019s cost. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Afghan immigrant threatens \"I want you dead\" as Greek police do not allow him to Cross the border into Western Europe - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER But refugees! Marijuana! Peoplekind! Gun control!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And who gives a shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i have to say i think we are watching the end of an era. from where i'm standing only five pairs, only one camo. !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Where are the hoards of the Pussy Marchers and Anti fascist clowns that virtue signal about Trump and come out in their thousands. And stay silent when people protest about real adversity, hardship and oppression and the Islamic fascist place are called on to quell demonstrations. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fake news he is a liberal dem. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good afternoon Jim, had a blessed Monday, peace be with you and your family for the rest of the day. Blessings.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user STFU with that stupid rape culture retardation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Boo, you sweaty whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER whoaaa that's amazing i wanna see her now \ud83d\ude1d also you are a kinky lil slut but ily","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go back to Canada you freak. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Just admit Manchester isn\u2019t blue pal and everyone will be calm when you are the most successful club in the country let alone Manchester than we can talk","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, it's good that you know your place.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user U don\u2019t think bad stuff happens to men in cars? Shit happens to everyone it\u2019s just your mindset on how you deal with possible issues like that. You can\u2019t spend your whole life worrying about something that most likely won\u2019t happen to you. But it\u2019s your life do ur thing haha. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the age of adlaine, love this film!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad #romantic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are holding my life hostage! I have tried everything you have asked to get the freeze removed and for weeks you have done nothing to make this happen. @USER and @USER made it easy. None of your antiquated systems work and customer service is non-existent.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Is it gun control OR anti 2a? I haven\u2019t seen a single ad attacking 2a. That\u2019s just @USER rhetoric to create fear.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil marx's revolution occurred\u00e2\u0080\u0095just not how he expected it to. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #teambts\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My grandma threw out all of my raps. Ones I made from 7th grade to now. I'm literally crying. Thats all my work in the trash. 😒😔😣😢😭😰😡😤😠👿👺🙍","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nah Antifa are good to get killed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cousins reunited... #family#fun@user wellness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Heard from who? You and your lying jealous cronies??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user We have to slap a bitch made hoe ass foo we gon make it look sessy hahaha ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"excited!! get to see my little lady for a few hours tomorrow \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f this has definitely made my day!! #feelingpositive","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@flywithkamala @realDonaldTrump Umm...who built the cages Joe? 47 years in office, failed to do anything of substance, unless of course you think that the '94 crime bill wasn't racist. which clearly it was. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Kamala Harris: refusing to allow DNA evidence to exonerate innocent people in prison. She has my vote!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"11\/17: Pelosi Soros \"Resistance\" meeting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why in the hell would I do that? The left already hates me enough. Black conservatives aren\u2019t liked in this country. I comment and fight because of that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is a very lost soul! His father f**ked him up real good!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It's ashame that REPUBLICAN PARTY DON'T do anything about gun control after all these people have been killed for no reason it's ashame that REPUBLICAN PARTY DON'T do anything about cop killing the REPUBLICANS are trying to distract AMERICA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BBC TV Licensing\u2122 contractor Crapita\u2019s BBC approved door to door bullying: soft fascism and the BBC\u2019s expectation of unthinking compliance at its worst.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think we should be going after Sen Feinstein if she really cared she would not have sat on this issue and made it political. She is using you like all democratic power seekers be careful who you sell your soul too","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unless you\u2019re a murderer, handing in your guns to stop murder is like chopping off your dick to end rape. If you aren\u2019t a rapist, cutting off your dick is pointless.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Do people really think that the BERNIE type of message will sell? If it does, GOD HELP US! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #opening the couain and see this view \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089celebration #blessed \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @ToMyFutureHus: #DearFutureHusband you have no idea how many brownie points you will get I you randomly play with my hair or scratch my …","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@letsbeblessed @realDonaldTrump @jimmykimmel @BarackObama Don't be. [NEWLINE]@thegreathackdoc on @netflix will wake you right up. [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 \ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a[NEWLINE]#VoteHimOut [NEWLINE]#VoteEarly [NEWLINE]#Vote https:\/\/t.co\/tWydLEC1GX","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user well i;m glad then be #smile #more #sex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why do liberals always say they're moving to Canada if they don't get what they want? They never seem to offer to move to Venezuela or Greece or other failed liberal countries.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You bet it has. England is doomed. Liberals everywhere are destroying our lives by collaborating with Muslims. The Royal Family bloodline mixes with Muslims going way back. Do you think this is an accident? Read this: URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cOfficials were saying that mass rape couldn\u2019t have occurred because Rohingya women were too filthy.\u201d On Myanmar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get ready. The \u201cKnock and Talk\u201d has begun.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is a lie! To push a gun control narrative! The actual number is much lower. If you look up what they are using to reach that number you will see why it is so high. Always playing politics!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"really excited for next weeks community project @user a big thank u to @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Waiting' by August Hagborg \ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea #realism #paintings #finearts #EuropeanArt","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"youn know nann hoe That don' tried all types of shit Who quick to deep throat the dick And let another bitch straight lick the clit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Also, pretty sure that's a dude.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user . smiles to you angie! hope you're & with #peace have a #beautiful day! #smile & #laugh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Star Trek Ascendancy with 5: http:\/\/injusticegamer.blogspot.com\/2017\/09\/star-tr...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Chink_19 chink thats better then having the rug rats running around yah crib girl enjoy life lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That picture is what an Okrah presidency would look like,...nationwide.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #TwitterPurge is well under way. They're committing commercial suicide. Fuck 'em. Also, this info graphic looks like a missionary POV to me.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER damn that headgear is lit sucks im not on pc ubi plz for console to","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So I\u2019m at the store and a dude walked in wit a MAGA shirt on (smh ) dog I was mean muggin the fuck outta dude so much that he left his broad in the store.\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That's because there are very few conservatives in Congress. They only run as conservatives. They govern as liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user guilty gear you fucking whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why do you miserable hoes be so worried abt the next bitch & wha they got going on \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck you!! if you don\u2019t start working an a man of steel sequel soon the whole DCEU will irreversibly go to shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"free shipping worldwide \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008e shop @ (link in bio) #fashion #hot \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sad to say that the warriors legendary season is completely tarnished lol 73 don't mean shit without a ring ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No apple, I don't want an amber alert for a stupid 16 yr old bitch that got into a 21 yr old pedos car . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"2) In a weird way the debate about Section 33 reminds me of the gun control debate in the US. They have laws that allow people to own guns designed to kill people yet are shocked when guns are used to kill people. We assumed they would restrain themselves.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This magazine cover reads like a parody issue. 'Is Success An Illness?', 'The Other Lover: Why I Vetted My Wife's Affair' and, of course, the body positivity model... In 10 or 15 years when she starts having health issues, she'll expect someone else to pay for her bad choices.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It seems like it\u2019s both necessary and inevitable, but I\u2019m not looking forward to it. I\u2019ve got kids and no guns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is so typical of Demoncrats, they take something that starts out good and turn it into an oppressive movement. They can't help themselves, it's some kind of mental disorder.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Niggas say anything","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user didn't show up and left @user to do it on his own. bron is no longer the king of the nba. 2-5 in the #nbafinals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How? You can\u2019t just say \u201cWrong\u201d with no evidence for why it is. You said you agree with Sargon I\u2019m pretty much every subject but gun control and healthcare. That\u2019s not what a centrist believes.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I tweeted one day 'I hate broke hoes w rich bitch mouths' and now all the lil Houston 16's tweeting that shit \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dang, now that's an award-winning movie script.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"200 followers yassss xd thx guys ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i haven't been this about #friday since... last friday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Give me a fricking break. They are worse than the Southern Baptist with a pagan idolatrous.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Grateful Trump doesn\u2019t have a dog in the White House. He is a cruel man.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u00e2\u0080\u009cwe the people\u00e2\u0080\u009d originally meant \u00e2\u0080\u009cwe the white, landholding males.\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"8 days to go!!! #holiday #newquay #outwiththeold #inwiththenew ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hard to give that to others because i know how bad it is when it feels like you\u2019re falling down a hole and there\u2019s no one to pull you up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are unwell","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yep. Sure do. And he's been proving it on a daily basis. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I still recall getting a ton of shit from septic tanks buddies on xbox live playing COD4 about the 'fag' thing. I laughed along with them, because i had never even thought differently about the use of the word being applied to cigarettes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER please don't kill me. antifa on the other hand...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wheels are turning, things are happening, beyond excited right now! #dreamsarecomingtrue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Listen up you fucking N.Y. Times > Mitt Romney cannot run for Senate Seat in Utah, because HE DOES NOT FUCKING LIVE THERE. Mitt lives in MASSACHUSETTS. How dense can you fucking people get? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I KNOW THIS! IT TRAVELED A YARD!!!!!!!!!!! #football #BuildTHATWall #KimKardasian ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I Agree w you Misha CollinsBogus #Asylum claims & #IllegalALiens peddled by gang members, coyotes & Mex drug cartel are human rights violations to the citizens of the United States of America. GET IN LINE. Stop #Illegalimmigrants #I ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Just saw it. Still vague though. He does not confirm if he is done or not though.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bengals v. Some sorry team looking for a butt whoopin\u2019 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DabGodBaby: But only BBC, the American version is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hope they're brushed up on their very large negative numbers! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Slovenia\u2019s anti-Islamic immigration party wins most votes in parliamentary election - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER he is a psychic ain\u2019t he","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dealing with kids! #parenting #therenewedfamily ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SAME FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANTS TO CHANGE OUR COUNTRY OR CAME HERE FOR FREE STUFF. GO THE HELL HOME & CHANGE YOUR YOUR COUNTRY & GET FREE STUFF THERE! THE BENEFITS IN USA ARE PAID FOR U.S.CITIZENS they're not FREE we work our butts off for our kids & fellow citizens NOT YOU\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What do you expect from The likes of Eric Erickson. . HE is a Piece of Crap. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user it being tupacs bihday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 and my bihday as well play me thugs mansion by tupac bihday tupac shakur yr dearly missed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why am I no longer shocked when I read about the brutality of women from those that Europe attempts to help! #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #sean hannity to be fired for comments about muslims #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Liar,liar pants on fire. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Antonio.... I believe in you. I will vote for you as will my family... that's not enough. Tell me what else I can do to help your campaign. Our state is going down the drain and is on life support. Something must be done or the lunatic liberals will destroy Ca. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2020 because I want to really make America Great Again..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Stop wasting your time and breath with @user He is a complete waste of space. Why not speak with the Few decent folks on Fox like Baer or Shep ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is the type of person who believes what is trending on twitter is collective reality.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is correct. Corbyn and McDonald would be just like the old GLC under J Mc. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Linguistic Predictive #Algorithms has been going wild for the past 4 weeks. It appears that the #SHTF in #USA & 2nd civil war is being heavily instigated by the #Globalists; in a last ditch effort before they pull the plug on their controlled #economy. Watch the end of September & beginning of October for some bigger fires. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/ybqvblat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I have plenty of conservatives I work with that are not afraid to share their racism and hate for democrats. It is sickening","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sun sets and see the wonder of the night. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #positivity #appreciate #friends #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#qanda There are 208 women in the Commons, up from 191 in 2015, as a result of Thursday's general election. This takes female representation in the Commons to a new high. Overall 32% of MPs are women ... For Labour the figure is 45%, and 21% for the Conservatives\"\". BBC 2017\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Hope he is able to stay in the league","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#AmyConeyBarrett has two adopted children. Good on her for that. That is all. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The absolute state of Germany","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I tend to forget that some people don't watch the events live","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm no trump suppoer but this ad speaks volume ab @user and the @user who endorsed her on tue. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One plan the White House reportedly is considering would allow no more than 25,000 #refugees to be resettled in the U.S., representing a cut of more than 40 percent from this year\u2019s limit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user You are absolutely correct! But your question would be better directed at the LIBERALS in Congress, the ones that make conflict Big Business\"\" it's all about money & power!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#newcomeback #stellar #newconcept i'm excited ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER No people died because officials robbed n didn't do their jobs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER there is no way she is 26 wow drugs maybe who knows","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user All Vince Cable has to show for getting into bed with the Tories is a ridiculous Knighthood. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user to think capsules can do all of this... #amazing #impressive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God over man, man over woman, women over children. This is the order of god. Break it at your peril and down fall. Play by mother nature\u2019s rules or she will come give you a spanking. Without good women in the home, nurturing, teaching, loving and inspiring our children we are doomed. \u201cIt takes two to make a thing go right\u201d. With out the man at the head of a household, protecting, defending and supporting the family we are doomed. For evil to flourish, good men must do nothing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Sorry but bloodsuckers are bad almost as bad as elves like you are dating an undead monster who cant be controlled and even if they can be controlled you'll die before her and make her have mental issues","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch our streak is dying @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I trust a fart when I got the runs better than I trust the feds!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Looks like my Sylvester and he looks like a skunk. Love him to pieces though. He is so sweet. My girl cat has a unique personality. She is sweet but has her moments.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BeavisCumia @jimmysdong\nDat cat gonna scratch all up on dat colored boy and he gonna end up in da chow mein","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Or there is a completely reasonable explanation why our own F@USER GOV\u2019T lied to its peeps about a plane hitting the pentagon which is clearly a missile......... \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"After Libs Help Them Avoid Audit, California DMV Finds 23,000 Bad Voter Registrations #IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnasty #UnderminesOurDemocracy #VoteRedToSaveAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There has to be a way where conservatives who look the other way and approve oF sexual assault and victim shame to endorse their political agenda and hatred are held accountable. Why don\u2019t you sign your name so you can be held accountable for your lies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go buy an Antifa shirt from wal mart you lumpenprole ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Innocent until proven guilty! I think time has run out on this! And personnel I think she is lying! And someone is paying her to lie! JMO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuk this fat cock sucker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes new drama for @user \u00e2\u009c\u00a8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And, like, I think besides South Africa where the Afrikaners are getting butt-fucked, I don't think that's happening in, say, Botswana, which is right up north. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"3 days left \u00e2\u009c\u0088 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER IM GOING HARDCORE BITCH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness. He obviously should not be teaching anyone!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Remember that time @USER cited a very clearly and well-known fake antifa account in your paper? Good times.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"schools almost over. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"SO you hoes and that cunt can have it.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TurnbullsInsaneImmigration #DestructionOfAustralia #LeftyMadness #Islamabad #IslamicRegimeMustGo #SendThemBackRegional Australia is under threat of Turnbulls INSANE immigration policy, he is destroying our our culture and country. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP IT today ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user how liberal #democrats institutionalized white supremacy #uniteblue #tcot #maga #naacp #racis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user dropping a solid track with @user soon! we really can't wait for you guys to hear it! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"here. we. go. let's do this people! #icrs2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The cube refers to the torture cells we will be placed in prior to execution?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I SAID WHAT I SAID DELETE THAT BITCH YOU CANT BEAT MY ASS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lmao redskins turnin up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Democrats want more Gun Control! I say, Just go to the range and practice,.. you'll get better \"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@derek_gatewood it's not ghetto you fool.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER everyone please vote for Vicki barbolack she is the most amazing kind hearted funny and loved person on that stage no one has earned this more than her","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what do you expect? She is a fuckin nigger","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We thought it was a joke, but could not resist the temptation to give the issue another wack.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes!!!!! Please!!!! #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #VoteRedToSaveAmerica URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #israel this is and the rape of land that is not theirs at all #freedom for #palestine \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b5\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER #Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER @USER #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @USER We think not #AnnaSourpuss \ud83d\ude20 Best for the #UK \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 without a doubt is to #Leave with #NoEUDeal & just get on forging \ud83c\udf0d trade deals & say to the #EU #FuckEU \ud83d\udcaa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is losing his mind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm glad I have friends who call each other queens and goddesses not bitch or whore. #goalsreached ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nonono no. No. People who fat-shame do not give the slightest shit about someone's health\"\" You do not know about anyone's health just by looking at how big they are. You are not their doctor. I know many super healthy fat people and horrifically unhealthy skinny people.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user And are now the Nazi party...Antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user happy #weekendhour! we \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b rachael's times design featured on lots of lovely @user gifts! #giftideas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Crewz76 I miss Tupac rap offs hillbilly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Accused\". I accuse you of rape, then that means you are a #sexoffender by your own measure","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user that, and you are old and washed up! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just like the compassion He showed in the Camp, Huh Asshole !!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how #trump is viewed by women! explained b #michelleobama #womensmarch #women #predator\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stick to the Daily Storeroom's kiddie pool, kid.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"..and we are better off for it. https:\/\/www.ammoland.com\/2018\/08\/hundreds-of-milli...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user my Kitty you know that I love you and you are always in my minds\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc31\ud83e\udd17 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Idiot Ivanka worse than her lying father! Accuses immigrant parents of being responsible for her father's placing kids in kennels, abusing, killing these kids. #incrediblystupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Umm fuck yeah I would","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just in time for #weekend #shopping lists, our #june newsletter ! get the news on everything #gut! #foodie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cWe\u2019ve had our hands tied and we are trying to untie them\u201d That, coming from a government official, is frightening when you consider that the \"hand tying\" is actually the constitution and the high courts of the United States interpretation of it. When he says he wants to \"untie them\" it means the end of due process.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yes lets do this,suppoing a openly ,#prowar #anti #islamic,#homophobic,#rapist,who advocates more of same,#hypocrite","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user omg this is definitely me #fairytail #ayesir #me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"country boy, hick lyfe, white tee, rebel flag","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"new york last day!!!!!!! #enjoy #my #day #singer #japan #toronto #nyc #last #too ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yo @a, how many new users added to Gab since Google decided to 'hate speech' you out of the marketplace?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user why don\u2019t you release names of all our elected officials that have paid for silence for sexual assault claims done while in office with the fund designated for paying off claims; Ford does not know how got home. Maybe attack if happened was by who took her home. # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER haaaaaa cause it never happened so if ye gonna tweet shit make sure it\u2019s fact kid \ud83d\ude44","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#invited2jive \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008danother great local tweet in #po4, #hampshire. share yours on jivemap: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Breaking - @AnnCoulter Claims to have Proof @Delta Targeted Her for Political Beliefs. #ImWithAnn #MAGA #Trump http:\/\/www.deeconmedia.com\/ann-coulter-claims-to-h...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No she's not she is looking for a job by being controversal. She is very bitter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What a dilemma! #MAGA #NEWS #NikeBoycott #ColinKaepernick #nflfootball #NFL #TrumpResign @USER @USER @USER @USER #CNN URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Local exhibit, activities shine light on refugee experience - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"May 11, 2018 the Finnish Tero Varjoranta, IAEA chief UN watchdog, stepped down. No reason given.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU is being the Soviet Union... again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We are playing Clue based on a high school party in the 80s when a federal judge was in his teens. Does anyone really take this seriously? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #father's day !! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You\u2019re so sexy girl... all of you are \ud83d\ude0d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER \u261d\ufe0f this is why Conservatives and law abiding citizens don't come to the table about gun control. It not about lunatics like this guy that should no longer own weapons. Its about removing all guns slowly but surely from everyone regardless of who they are. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6 people are dead after shooting spree in California ....AND LORD FORBID WE SHOULD TALK ABOUT COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL MEASURES...OH NO!!! \ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude31","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And she blames Trump!! Jane, take a knee for Harvey, you helped him rape those girls by your silence. YOU DID, not Male Entitlement or Trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"excerpted from \u00e2\u0080\u009cthe light in the hea \u00e2\u0080\u009d #quote #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". Made easy to understand. .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not good. #preventabletragedy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Its not like your not sharing the water! Un fucking real. \ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Do not think so maybe do a little research buddy!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah, I hear ya. Obama was the emperor with no clothes. I used to try to discuss politely our political differences, but its exasperating. I just got tired of the blank stare shark eyes rolling up into their heads when confronted with facts and logic.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The charges are coming.\u00a0 Philandering FBI agents and their whore girl friends are going to get the full 20.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" naked fat girls russian sexy girls dating","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Greece: Evil migrant throws Newborn Baby At The Greek Police to protest against the \"bad conditions\" of the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to start listing to il spook","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER joined the show to talk about how she is leading the fight against breast cancer at @user @user Listen to the full interview: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i just hit rock bottom. watching guys play nba2k on tv #fml #wtf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Biden Harris will restore the SALT tax deduction, which the GOP capped specifically to harm homeowners in blue states. #SuburbanWomen know that raised our taxes 30% or more. #SuburbanWomenForBiden understand that Joe and Kamala will bring our taxes down because we ain\u2019t dumb.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I used to only fuck bartenders cause I have a very expensive drinking habit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER His ego gets in the way. He is not a great coach. Good but not great. There are several coaches that could win with the talent at Auburn.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trading rental can for a starship. last minute bits collected for halo's first clients on monday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yea cuz mushroom penis syndrome is definitely an impeachable offense \ud83d\ude02 #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cover reveal todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! rock bottom cover will be live later on :) #cantwaittoshowitoff","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER just censored the @USER #Qanon merchandise. Really Zazzle? Meanwhile communism and Antifa merch are allowed on your site. The constitution of the USA means nothing to you? Well done. @USER time to take our merch elsewhere. #WWG1WGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user is happening on the 14th\/15th\/16th of this month!!! who's going? anything in paicular you want to see? #e32016 #reaperfamily","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY \u203c\ufe0f\ud83d\udde3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"god i love getting sweet texts from bae\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do we get to choose which women go first? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Congress tried Secret Shah Bano strategy for #TripleTalaq. Then they openly took a position to appease Muslim conservatives for votes. @USER trying to confuse now about their position on it again for votes. People of India are smarter now to know their real reason.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nope; I was fortunate to be online when he posted it. Sounded like bullshit to me at first too until a few other celebs chimed in. Daffy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dear Andrew I saw the endorsement by Cory Booker the both of you are made for each other secondly you're view are so far left since you and Cory both hate the President secondly you're a moron running against Rick Scott I hope get beat so bad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And why didn\u2019t England and the US view the Reds as enemies of Western Civilization? Maybe they did but that\u2019s what the \u2018elites\u2019 wanted?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Jim_Jordan You are part of the swamp! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Better hurry she is pretty old","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Active shooter Middleton WI several ambulances \ud83d\ude91 on stand by waiting for police to clear building #MAGA #TrumpTrain @USER @USER #KeepAmericaGreat2020 @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Exactly! Grateful my Sicilian grandparents both paternal and maternal cam here legally and assimilated! #pjnet #SundayMorning #SundayMotivation #NoDACA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stephan A Smith saying Jay Cutlers shouldn't be a MVP candidate is just straight up retarded","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OMG LAST RETWEET I DIER AT \"GRAPE\" LIKE BITCH WTF I JUST WANT A NICE SWEATSHIRT AINT NO FRUIT IN THIS BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The album was boring for me \ud83e\udd12the way his ass took forever to make it and it wasn\u2019t even close to all that djsjsjjs i could NOT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ALyySAQN4PI ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Liberals grasp at unproven straws ... #NotPlastic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Go to Iran where u belong stupid idiot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"??? \u00a0The time zones vary by hours, not minutes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ronniecaine so 'how bout now' was just trash huh.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The US degenerate cultural death spiral continues unabated. Here is a new twist to the 'fuck her right in the pussy' trope from a few years ago. Now white women are interrupting live broadcasts with 'fuck us right in our pussy'. Keep it classy ladies. https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=kATcr_1527093833","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To all the bitch ass hoes that hate me the most, oh yeah I hate you too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you fucking kidding me, the EU has forced us to treat non EU migrants like shit for years. Brexit will allow us to treat everyone on an equal playing field ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unless you happen to be one of the thousands of white girls that has been raped by Muslim grooming gangs in places such as #Rotherham You are so out of touch Daniel, you don't realise how #immigration has affected white working class people in #Britainhttps:\/\/t.co\/eoOdB7mEmV ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And Moses said to the people 'Bitches Be Crazy.' ~Romans 10:13~ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Top 5 excuses\" liberals use when they are losing and desperate. #1 RACISM #2 Sexism #3 Russia #4 Guns #5 the Rich VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT! America doesn't need LOSER leaders. and WHINERS!\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@jazqui That's why I'm partially glad that I have to say \"Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here\" to slip into my Kermit voice well.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fitzpatrick is trash bruh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \ud83d\ude01TeleSmokaCatin' damn that looked better in my head\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude09\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude0e ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@seanhannity @SpeakerPelosi is a vile human being! #longliveTRUMP #MAGA2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user White Bitch it\u2019s you I wanna rape and fill with my cum and let you full of my load on the ground my b\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 monday \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"auto tranny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what can i say -retarded moron inbred ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"COME ON\u00a0#AMERICA\u00a01800CHARITYCARS.ORG IN NEED OF A RIDE OR TO HELP ? DONATE ! $$$ 100%DEDUCTIBLE LET ME KNOW HOW IT MAKES YOU FEEL OK ?\u00a0 \u00a0#HELP ME FIGHT #EVIL 3\u00a0 #GIANTS OF GOO-FAT-TINY-\u00a0 \u00a0#MAGA 76INYOURFACE2THE10THPOWER\u00a0https:\/\/pew.tube\/user\/intheendgodwins69\/BisNxz8\u00a0 FINALLY\u00a0https:\/\/hooktube.com\/c4dBqVvvNw0\u00a0 share GOD bless you ALL ! PLEASE #SUBSCRIBE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You have to ask @BoosterBunny I'm actually not sure what is going on today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Easiest math class EVER!! 0 character + 0 morals + 0 ethics divided by 0 truth = 0 (Hillary)!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER takes a break from fluffing the @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"btw, fuck blm and fuck that bitch which is real . any simpleton can figure that one out. @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ClutchLikeMJ: Tennessee isn't even orange it's like vitamin pee yellow 😩😂😂😂","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"next week this time i will be in korea!!!! #travel #korea","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ann Coulter winning most hysterical woman WATCHING the Kavanaugh hearings. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@EmmaLouisaSuttl @timmyn90 Anyone bring in a monkey.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Both QAnon and Antifa will be listed as diseases ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bad lip reading of the photo... \"not today Justin, I've got a sore thing down there, but thanks.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not having a father has made me realise how we should appreciate the fathers that are present in their children's lives father's day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The cost of National Secrets to CHINA is EXPENSIVE.......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#LindaSarsour is #FakeFeminist she's pushing #ShariaLaw and #AntiSemetic and #Liberals are buying it she was born in Brooklyn to #Palestinian parent's whom are #AntiSemetic and #AntiAmerican proves that leopard can't change it's spots. #PcLiberal #WakeUP URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#familytime #stanastasia #blacksea @ st. anastasia island ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you forgot russia since been betrayed by trump and this has never happened b 4, putin will soon slit his throat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He might be a libtard. Some libtards come here to be beaten, like Judge Dread-","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Gitmo could resolve Holders issues along with all of Obama\u2019s Clowns ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thank you!!\ud83d\ude2d\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Clearly it does bc the cheerleader is smaller than the other girl and she whooped that ass after being slammed to the ground and everything","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"[1466161951.26] update @ #social #analytics #maialas #success #fashion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"new york \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #sundayfunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The first immigrant to what would become New York City was Dominican. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you see your ex in public and they start smiling at you all weird n shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ANN COULTER IS RIGHT. BOOKER\/HARRIS R BEHAVING LIKE A COUPLE HYSTERICAL WOMEN, EACH TRYING TO OUTDO THE OTHER. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@True_Canuck1 And that attitude is why the GOP is going to get buried for a generation, motherfucker. #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The True known Christians of our nation gets it as we all take a stand against the Anti Gun movements of thes communist leftist they have no clue how True American Christians Believe as we all know this loser is so Savage for attacking True Christian Americans ability to defend ourself from Christian hating leftist. #MAGA #WhyICarry #SuppertYour2nd","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pregnancy just got more real. gave picked the pram i wanted and also the baby bath unit. #feelssoreal \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one year to go until i marry the beautiful @user #worldoceansday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why are some of you thirsting after the married gays on here? \u201cI want your dick\u201d \u201cfuck me\u201d etc... Like, you look pathetic and stupid af ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this guy wins the internet today. -peej #dog #awesome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the weekend is near! #weekend #tvshows see what's coming up! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I get called a hoe way too often for someone who isn't a hoe. Like bitch I wish I was a hoe smh you not hurting my feelings that's my goal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm right now, can't watch the #wwdc2016 because i don't own a #mac device #apple #sierra #windows #safarilive #developer #macos","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hamas leader says every Christian nation should convert to Islam by conquering (or migration) \"Europe first and then America\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user weather ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER this is fucking hilarious","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user lets fight against #love #peace ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bull...she is probably in debt and Soros is paying her...you're never afraid if this happened...give us a break..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yes kill em with kindness. Let POTUS and the military\/LEOs handle the violence. #NowWatching ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"after two weeks of suffering,i'm back\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hope they remember what their teachers taught them when some muslim is abusing their arse or cardboard vagina,go for it dumb shite","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And all they have to do is say a half hearted apology and it all goes away. But let a conservative say anything close and they are ruined for life. These mentally deranged Liberals are totally disgusting jerks! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you saying he is a turkey chocker \ud83d\ude36","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i hope it's got plenty of pictures because i can't understand a word cycling #higang","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user # doesn'tunderstandmetaphors ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nigga you are about to lose ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lol...tell us how you really feel...\ud83d\udc4f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"March 11, 2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am humbled by all the follows! Thank you all so much! #Trump2020 #VoteRed ##Trump2020LandslideVictory #GoTrump #TrumpLovesMilitary","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@magahive @JohnTiegen @TuckerCarlson @9NEWS @YouTube The democrats are literally the nazis. If they pack the courts and pass the 25th amendment joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be in the exact same place that hindenburg and hitler were in. The 25th amendment is almost the same exact law hitler got passed in order to take power.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The useful idiots dream of utopia, while the controllers set up neo feudalism above them. The 0.1% love socialism because they benefit, and are exempt. It is a communist revolution rerun, in slow motion.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fighting for the oppressed\"? Puleeeze\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy B-day on 01\/23\/2017 2 my Korean war vet dad & the SKS rifle he gave me on mine. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qHp-HPB_Fo0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yo whoever hacked my @user thru Facebook you a bitch , My SoundCloud gone for the moment \ud83d\ude1e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I also want all non-whites out of White lands. I believe my ancestors who helped build White nations, kingdoms and empires would agree.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user & KaepernickPutting your foot in your mouth, disrespecting #cops & fans are NOT examples of \"sacrificing everything\"They are examples of ignorance.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I didn\u2019t tweet this lol I needa get my Twitter off this shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another libtard that expects to see mayhem on the streets as only evidence of failing community\/country.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #wedding planning - what to do when people are not for you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just imagine the tyranny we\u2019d be living under had these leftwing tryants waging war on us and our duly elected president and the American Republic itself gained tyrannical control of the US Supreme Court the neocon\u2019s #NeverTrump crew was trying to deliver to them? #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think I'm living in a parallel universe. Didn't Billy Graham die years ago?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-Corey probably spends too much time being an attorney & making $ to keep up in Internet culture. He's much more socially influential than I am, and I'm glad he's on our side ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No bitch you a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user go fuck yourself richie. we like it and it's not going anywhere! \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0097 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We put veterans though rehab, we get them medical attention an then, yes we teach them a skill. Wife and I do this all out of pocket but we try to ease the cost by having those vets make our special walking canes. Please visit http:\/\/patriotcane.com\u00a0 and toss us some love.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Friend or foe nicca .. State ya biz","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hunnid Stax my shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Haven't watched it in years. #NoNFLZoneHome @user #QAnon #MAGA. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cry baby Hollywood Dems Anti-Trump celebs too poor to run as a Mayor to show everyone they can be better politicians than him. Comments? @user no no no no new war under Trump, Europe is still handling the refugees from Obama's wars. Hi Ohio! @user weekend feels ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But he thought he was in a war. Turned out that somehow a mistake caused him to not be deployed. Totally honest. I believe him as he is a survivor. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Wayne say he trying out do drake so this shit gotta be decent at least!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nature's majesty is beautiful! *melts butter* RT @AP: PHOTO: Rare blue-colored red king crab caught in Alaska waters: http:\/\/t.co\/Ia5kFoU2B3","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WATCH: President Trump Demands Action On Sanctuary Cities http:\/\/1600daily.com\/2018\/04\/02\/watch-president-trump-demands-action-sanctuary-cities\/ I support President Trump. Arrest and Prosecute the mayors and city council members of sanctuary cities now! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #goodmorning #wednesday #positivevibes half way through, love you guys. get\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fat chance, shill. I will continue to call you controlled opposition pieces of shit out every chance I get. We are all becoming aware of how to tell the difference between real and paid shills like your ugly bitch face. It's so simple: The paid shills say 'lets do another Holocaust'. YOU SAID LETS DO ANOTHER HOLOCAUST. YOU SAY IT ALL THE TIME YOU FUCKING PAID SHILL PIECE OF SHIT. Keep calling attention to yourself, get doxed bitch @MrsHawthorn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lmao I have it too. Shitty quality but I don\u2019t mind it either. The lowlands one sounds better \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I was on some shit last night ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#frendship#team#work #together #couple#banker_hits#bankerhits#banker #photogrid#back\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"joy to the world, instead of #terrorism, #hate, and #wars. #waronchristmas #spreadlovethischristmas #love","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user He is Crying In his Pic or Tum Hs rhi ho \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Pepper_Redbone @Yankees @Mets Oh yeah. And the annoying damn duck calls?? They outta be banned. Duck horns??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER For all I know you're naming off sex robot models","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes you have. the biggest thing you've got on this week is picking up your dole money. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stocking sex sites chick gets fucked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have been waiting so patiently for this moment. Biden is grade school tee ball, @realDonaldTrump is a Cleveland Indian \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb #triggered #sorrywarren #rolltribe #bidenforPRISON #DRAINTHESWAMP #Trump2020 #ClevelandPatriot [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]@DonaldJTrumpJr [NEWLINE]@TRUreporting https:\/\/t.co\/pmdAAze5Xf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user you have tweeted so much about acceptance these last few days. how can you allow bullying on rhny? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What exactly is it about Willy that anyone with half a brain would consider conservative? The guy is literally a poster child for Liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#tvk3fathersday fathers day to all tatay daddy enjoy wathing tha voice kids","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Hillaryous lmao waa boo hoo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@zt0mm: Traded in my nikes for a new mic.. I guess it's safe to say he sold soles for his new life ... -bada$$”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I couldn\u2019t agree more with you! Thomas, in his Own Special way, is ALSO helping to Make America Great Again! I said it on Twitter and I now say it on Gab. @Thomas_Wictor has effected thousands of lives, for the better! We\u2019re so fortunate to have him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why would I have respect for a bitch that don't even have respect for herself. Hoe you not special ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You just said the same things all the liberals say. President Trump is not deporting immigrants. He's trying to deport people who sneak into this country & not follow the rules to come in. If you come in that way you are a criminal. Turn off CNN & try another point of view. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another crap foreign policy decision from trump.\u00a0 Opening up to Iran is the best way to defeat them. Iran people are a whisker away from revolting, but they remain very nationalistic and if they see a threat to their country they\u2019ll stand by their government.\u00a0 More crap.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Believe the woman. What person would volunteer for the shit show she is about to experience if it weren\u2019t true. I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bill Still - - MUST WATCH ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No Kim you are a failure and your whole life has been ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why in the hell would I do that? The left already hates me enough. Black conservatives aren\u2019t liked in this country. I comment and fight because of that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My eye is still drawn to your all seeing eye regardless of where you're pointing. \ud83d\ude0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Something to consider as you look at your medical and medical insurance bills: http:\/\/truecostofhealthcare.org\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user why? it's gonna suck - no one wants anything to do with this shitfest #rapist #trumpuniversity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"CDU says it still wants to work with CSU on migration issues ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" ex. in. cu.:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I Smell a Meme War... Bring the Magic Me Hearty's Arrrrrgh Take No Prisoners","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER No. I mean parasite in the sense of private companies being an unnecessary and universally-unwanted bauble imposed on an essential public service by people who put profits before public opinion and democracy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do what makes you ...be with who makes you #smile...#laugh as much as you #breathe...#love as long as you... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER liberals have to go in 2019 as they are so over their heads Poor leader and even poorer advisors","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A nothing burger..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why is this crook walking free?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muslims made West believe that vast majority of them are peaceful & only a minority like ISIS is radical. That is a vicious LIE. Behind our back Muslims keep coming to the West in masses, breed like rats, with goal to become the voting majority then via Sharia Law they would \"legally\" kill us or make us slaves in our own countries","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The #AmericanCommunists who live in our country want open borders.#DrainTheSwamp#StopTheInvasion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"have a happy sunday everyone! i think today is going to be a good day :) #positivevibes #sunshine #sunday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"starbucks cashier: ur name me: johanis on the cup:hoehines me:yes bitch yes im a hoe fmu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user dope tune #kilamiti by iam-bars #love #dj #spin #music #media #me #model #tbt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She's living a self-made & hellish prison of her own making right now; #Karma never forgets. #ClintonCrimeFamily ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ion care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel , cause ain't none of you hoes paying my bills in ain't none of you hoes finna get me a crib ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More @user lies! #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TheResistance ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Becca. She is too much work.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WHAT THE FUCK YOURE SO GORGEOUS IM ACTUALLY SOBBING ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @JareerKassis: Charlie Rose: Can you coexist with Israel? Meshal: *Not* as occupiers. After that, national consensus will decide, not Ha…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user outraged by the emoji update. how dare they have a fat woman and not a fat man, are they saying only women can get fat? \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc#s\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's hard to believe that the people we help and think we can trust, can also betray us and hu us. #quoteoftheday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lil hunky bitch you lil whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"King, TI vs tip and that troubleman albums all trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But but #Beeto has the Drunk Drivers Who Leave The Scene Of An Accident vote all sewed up! #MAGA @user #TxSen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holder is an evil, hateful, dangerous man. He's a real\" racist. He absolutely hates White People. He & Obama contributed to the race riots during O's Admin.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JenDmama3 Hey there Jen......glad we bumped into each other on Gab, hope you\u2019re enjoying the free speech around here. \u00a0Glad you\u2019re aboard !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Mr. President This is why we hired you. #MAGA #KAG2020 #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"really, lol.... i smell lawsuits....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#HalloweenCostumeIdeas Kim Kardashian's vagina... In other words, ground beef. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we don't want socialism. We don't want open borders. We want better gun control laws. We want our immigration laws fixed. The buying power of our dollar has decreased since Trump took office. we want healthcare for everyone but that doesn't mean we want socialism for everything. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How is This a Thing? 30th of January 2018 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5hzuuzg30Vw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She never planned to testify. It was all an act - one that fell flat very quickly. Liberals will never learn. We know their tactics. We can accurately predict their actions & responses. We also know how to think & do research. That's why they hate us. They can't control us. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So is Caitlyn celebrating half the day or nah? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The term \"Institutionalized Power\" Is Leftwing doublespeak to avoid a race realist conversation. About some people's ability to be civilized or produce civilization is greater than others. #Sh*tholes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judge refuses to toss lawsuit accusing Harvey Weinstein of sex trafficking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Imagine injured migrant workers who have no family to take care of them and can't afford these scans. via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i hate you with all of my being. #corruption #bankrupt #buttholemouth #whiteprivelage #daddygavemeamillion","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER God + MAGA = Block. Buhbye.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How many @USER backbenchers think it\u2019s workable? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user after 8 yrs of endless lies, contempt from a left activist, u realize with clarity he never came clean w\/us\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome from this Deplorable! \ud83d\ude0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Come on Texans! This man can not replace @USER EVER! #MAGA2018","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"China says cooperation with Iran \"justified, reasonable and lawful\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@everSoTweetly4u Klain's real (sole) job is to dampen down the mushrooming bad PR and political fallout heading into Nov election.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How the hell was David Murphy's hit not a home run?! Clearly over the yellow line. @MLB another umpire mess up.... Smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fox could have sash DI'd tho ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user should be returning punts in my opinion. He is \ud83d\udcb0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Such delusional liberals..! So twisted with hate you can't even acknowledge the U.S. Airforce..!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"today is here\" -everyone going to blast ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is so generous with his offers.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is so stupid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@freefromeurule \u00a0\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are disgusting and you need to be released into the wild and die of mad cow disease. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She can never said no to prove to her fans and gram she is working hard. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user 'Think she is one of the Demoncrats. Hard to imagine that a sane (or living) person would vote for her. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who wore it better? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Omg! You are the first person I\u2019ve seen complain about this other than my husband. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"staying off here today. can't keep reading the same tweets that are send after every tragedy. we need change, in a very bad way. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you live in the big dick part cause your gay","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/localresumeservices.com\/Bridgeport-Resume-Services-Writing.php - Definitely worth a read.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am dectecting the putrid stench of socialist gloablist BS here! http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5876873\/Dame-Vera-Lynn-demands-removed-75th-anniversary-D-Day-concert-website.html\u00a0\u00a0 I wonder if the litarded planners of this SICK, DISRESPECTFUL \"event\" would also hold a concert at AUSCHWITZ to QUOTE 'stimulat[ing] people to stand up again for peace and freedom'. ?? My Dad was little more than a boy when fought in Normandy. This beach was sacred to him, & he last visited in 2000 6 months before me died of cancer. Socialists are SICK retards!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i keep blocking news such as the toddler killed by an alligator or the woman who jumped from a bridge into the river holding her 6yo.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@qsupport\u00a0 Thanks for the follow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What if it's none of my business? What if it's not my problem? Should I spend time wondering about it?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Of the 4 ducks we have left I think we have finally diagnosed that we\u2019ve got 3 ladies and 1 gent. I\u2019m happy with that. Give me eggs and baby duckies!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Induced Neurosis And How It Is Used On Us by a (((certain group))) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"im tryna go ghost n come back a whole new bitch like BAM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Somehow I missed his latest uploads, a very talented gentleman. https:\/\/youtu.be\/SotjhqpJGRY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Disgusting: Italian university calls for the assassination of Interior Minister Matteo Salvini ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you back. The Kurgan? WTF are the 'Kurgen' ? some kind of idiotic Star Trek tribe. What an imbecilic twit you are. Now buzz off because I can only tolerate mental cases for so long. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Booo. Hooo hoo who raised these spoiled brats ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the latest the knitting clio daily! thanks to @user @user @user #twitte\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Found this gem on FB:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER >unfuckable\" where is the truth in this statement, all i see are lies\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb good job (sarcasm). Also great they have gun control laws it\u2019s saving lives! (More sarcasm). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BOOM! SCOTUS Rules the chief executive, acting on his own, has the power to target foreign nations and block their citizens from entering this country\" Immigration to the U.S is not a Right #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRisinghttps:\/\/t.co\/092tXMPuVw ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"found out this morning that my friend of 20 years is the uncle to 1 of the victims. @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Where do you see yourself in 5 years?' Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Billionaire Koch Brothers Launch SuperPAC to Support Open Borders Politicians ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh yeah? You want to relive naziism and lose again??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Their gullibility. They think if a politician has an R by their name he is a good guy and don't research that person at all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are literally one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my entire life and I want you to know that. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thanks Joe!!! my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wrestler invited a #punjabi kudi in ... - #shocking #viral #woman #wt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER a few comics i never met i REALLY want to meet now and he is one of them ha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Right after we take down the walls of the Vatican and burn it too the ground!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I want to #askalivelshi why isn't the basic issue of Survival of the Fittest\"\" vs \"\"Take Care of Everyone\"\" the Dems main point. Isn't this the core of all others ? gun control, wealth and income inequality, health care, entitlements, EPA, Glbl Wrm. Most agree here ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"want to hear my thought on various forms of #love? go here to join the #free challenge: #communication ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Perhaps the Myers House. Wynn runs Smithsgrove and he\u2019s the leader of the Thorn cult. I used to think he was my friend until he revealed his true intentions. He is a madman!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Followed all those that I haven\u2019t. Please follow back. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Show Must Go On! We must have crazy liberals screaming and throwing a tantrum inside of that courtroom? If they let these same animals in as they did during the hearings this is just going to be another circus","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls bitch about how immature guys are and then they do shot like That #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2024: \"I know the guy who wrote Super Robot Wars GD!\" (\"GD\" for \"Gloria Dei\")","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Still better than Spanish it's so fucking boring and the teacher grades us based on how sexually active we are \ud83d\ude12","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"trying not to shut down but maybe #pokemon will help. #90skid \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00af","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey guys got some big news i am going to be sharing with you guys tomorrow!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5 #edm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Nobody cares because he is getting confirmed. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user One man one vote right?Yet here we have one man assuming he can demand the importation of millions of non citizens for HIS agenda.He should be allowed a say on ONE migrant at most. And be personally and directly responsible for everythin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"February has Failed! Now we must endure This Marchmas!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jD2ox8PkfG8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are a lying corrupt traitor!!! Nobody wants to hear anymore of your lies!!! #DeepStateCorruption URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@gregoryMSU09 @BillJoh66749418 @ElmagicoContigo @seanmdav The United States does trump maybe somewhat corrupt but the Biden\u2019s take it to another level like the Clinton level. Makes any currption in trumps whitehouse look like child\u2019s play. Biden\u2019s r guilty n if joe wins Kamala will take over by February just like the left planed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"won't spare leader #kolianwali, will meet the fate of #ravisidhu: capt #amarinder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He can choke and so does his bitch hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hurray!\u00a0 Cuomo just pulled this nonsense in NY but I doubt our courts would take this action...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Anybody who thinks its gun control\", needs to have a reality check on life.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@SelfCuttingGirl @AnthonyCumia I thought he would think it was cute...you know, like when you shut your clam up for 5 minutes! #dunce","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Keep The Red Wave Rising\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Help to Promote and Follow all \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 God Bless The United States of America \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8God Bless our Armed Forces \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8God Bless #POTUS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 or be gone! Help #KAG ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And we pro Americans are embarrassed and sick of you anti America liberals. There are plenty of countries with the lefts ideology already in place. Move there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump Is Making America Great Again via @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This one is tough. It\u2018s too easy to hold a grudge but fucking hard to let go.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Me cuz I have none \ud83d\ude30","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Of course the Toronto attack is a cover up! God forbid the public know what chaos, terror & destruction CULT Muslims are ACTUALLY bringing into our countries by the thousands!Papers say poor Muslim immigrants!I say poor citizens that built these countries!#SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Solid article at The Ranconteur Report: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We are so glad we don\u2019t know anyone like those miscreant. Pitiful bunch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Super President like Multiversity? Good ideia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She clearly thinks women are stupid! Bitch needs to take a seat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Super ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"check out @user 25 most popular hashtags on instagram: #9 = @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"difference between cavs and gsw ryt now is their hea to win \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0096 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hope it\u2019s full of pot holes and smells like shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wasn't aware facebook was a legislature. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BlackManUSA @texasdivepro Historical point: cracker was a term for the Irish settling in the woods of the mid-Atlantic. Hardly offensive.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user great park but a totally disorganised one!!! #poaventura #whatajoke ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ASourAppleTree Have heard hillbilly grousings that bugs much worse in the KV since MIC shut down.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, that shit ends, *TODAY*!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Please clarify what subsection you are referring to.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden TOO LATE MR TRUMP. YOU SEE MEXICANS AS CRIMINALS ALTHOUG THEY ARENT. WE HOPE JOE AND KAMALA UNDERLINE TRUTH FREEDOM AND FRIENDSHIP AMONG ALL COUNTRIES","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Anyone who believes that ICE needs to be abolished is literally INSANE!!!#BuildThatWall #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Lies! Women who came out of the gutter all of a sudden cry rape or abuse but traded it fo\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please visit today to honor the thousands of victims killed by illegal aliens!We are building a memorial wall.#RETWEETHelp #BuildThatWall in their memory!Follow @user & @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I just saw a video that you are corrupting our government and from the evidence i just saw you are going to jail!!!! #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon #YouAreGoingToJail #YouHaveBeenExposed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Russia allocates $10mn to UN agency for Palestine refugees... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are very right. So here comes the question what's the use of the fame when your localities struggles for survival.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#e3 is about to kick off... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Ok but please understand that I am not one of dubakoor mumtaj dubakoor army. I only support her for certain things. I get what you are saying and I don\u2019t understand how she has survived from up to this point. For me she is not fit for title winner.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how u gonna talk about how men r trash and rape culture but u out here laughing abt a girl u hated in high school getting raped bitch fuck u ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are a DISGRACE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lol!. And so it starts, CNN employees abandoning the sinking ship!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He needs to Either Pick Politics or Singing ....... Either way He Stinks at Both!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no legacy is so rich as honesty. william shakespeare #leadership #inspiration #quote #inspirational ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Shove it The View you are the most despicable show on tv and like everyone always says \u201cwho watches these bimbos\u201d! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER how\u2019re you going to communicate with customers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The motherfucking Sargon.https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=fhelSuCKlMs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Painter_AJ @4OurFuture_ @William15199186 @batshittery1 @itmediasentinel @Kelly_reSister @Robbytreeroot @soholake @ann_neona @flyaway_k @_Spike27_ @RoryCenturion1 @Defeat_Trump2 @Jjdaniels133 @HerbArndt @ChiefsChicSTL Thanks for the shoutout AJ! And your painting is gorgeous!! \u2764\ufe0f[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020[NEWLINE]#VoteBidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/THNsZOsGHi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The facts of the matter are very plain & basic. This has never happened before in recorded history or on other similarly hit islands in the area. The fact it happened on Donald Trump's watch is unsurprising. He did not support them. He is an abject failure and should be dismissed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Hey @user the only men\"\" not doing the right thing are #liberals and #Democrats: @user @user @user Rapists, abusers and criminals. So you can kiss my white a$$ ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He must have missed ALL the parts where God in the OT set boundaries and boarders for the Nation of Israel. He must have missed the parts where it say Heaven has a wall and a gate and is well vetted. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Finally got my PC set up, Playing PUBG for the first time http:\/\/twitch.tv\/nzhnick\u00a0#Twitch #Stream #PCmasterRace","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dawgg im fr boutta roast this bitch LMFOAOO DONT EVER POST IAN AGAIN U STUPID ASS SLUT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wahhhh!!!!! white ppl arent allowed to do this!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082. fuck you rich. we don't care \u00f0\u009f\u0096\u0095 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user opps look like you're forgetting who your fav imitates to get success,you look like you don't kpop history, well like you fav ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you know your worth... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Madonna whore complex, pedaled by the illusion that women somehow embody the honor of the men with whom they\u2019re ass\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Isis apparently obama let them run the world. Getting nuked by korea? BLM destroying cities. Antifa?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Unicorns and Antifa and rainbows and socialists and puffy hearts and feminazis and sunshine and pussy hats. And most of all RESIST! \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"According to the supporters of immigration policy that would throw open the doors to every Tomas, Ri What the leftist media hides from you... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The ratings are low because of people like you & the other guy making fun of conservatives.. This is one reason why Trump won.. You people just don't get it & pitiful & shameful... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hell no#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"first day of work! i have arrived \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c #work #hospital ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"summer \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0084 #love #stylemen #style #stylenanda #styles #instastyle #stylefile\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fuck you pussy suckin bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#macys you're old and no one young or hip shops at depament stores. everyone here is and shuffling along #zombie #fail #obese","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To Any and All Persons Desiring to Run For Office While Other Than Democrat: Use of any noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or punctuation CAN and WILL BE USED TO PROVE THAT YOU ARE A RACIST\/SEXIST\/HOMOPHOBE\/TRANSPHOBE\/ISLAMAPHOBE and are therefore unfit to run for office and you must withdraw from the race after we ruin your life and destroy your family.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those of us who lived through the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) can never see the Islamic threat as anything but real. Would it have made sense to have invited the immigration of Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor?&nbs... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i despise this #antiamerican #muslimpos @user & everything he stands for! trying to destroy the usa\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER In this tweet is a whole lot of conservatives\" calling for a victims head on a fake account. Y'all keep being awesome citizens! \/s JFC, most of you belong in jail if you act the same way IRL. #LockThemUp #KavaNOPE\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump is a cuck @user #nazi #swastika #ebay! #trump #donaldtrump #republicans #kkk #whitepower ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user make it a great day! \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00ab\u00e1\u0083\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wish u folks luck w that. I think you\u2019re fucked though.. There will never be enough pro gun folks elected in California to turn the tide on gun control. The masses are convinced guns only equal bad. They already tell u which & how many guns you can buy. Now ammo. What\u2019s left? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"People in airport bars always wanna tell you their life stories... STFU Bill, IDGAF about your stupid daughter and whore wife ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You couldn\u2019t possibly value a girl if you still refer to women as \u201cbitch\u201d \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so true!! pll b angry & hatful just becuz they want 2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil greenspan\u00e2\u0080\u0099s policies are now largely blamed for the mogage crisis. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Could WE get some honest Law enforcement agencies to dig into @user Chinese Spy chauffeur. He may have been sexual assualted in High school. Funny how an American citizen didn't qualify for the job. VOTE #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She doesn't want to go to jail for lying to a Senate Committee. She has had no crime committed on her & is a leftest activist trying to stall his confirmation. A nutty Professor that I believe is a closet ANTIFA member pd by Soros.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Midterms #VoteRed2018 Please remember Mollie Tibbets life was taken by an Illegal!! #BuildThatWall Please Retweet! Please Retweet! Please Retweet! @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user RETWEET! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I was thinking 2 from antifa n 2 from the nazi\" type ideology. Wont argue though.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The restoration and stability of the Syrian government is better to have than a power vacuum of rebels wanting regional warfare and power. Send the migrants and #refugees back to their homes and the Syrians back to their home to rebuild. #Syria \ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfe\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Free speech is 'spam' to Facebook.\u00a0 LOL\u00a0 What a joke.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes We Need It YesterdayHouse & Senate Fund TheDam Wall Now#MAGA #VoteDemsOut#BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst #AnnaLovesTrump #TrumpsSuperElites ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CONFIDENTIAL Ocean \"Anomaly\" Discovered Off NC Coast https:\/\/youtu.be\/rxcl2y-_ezo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Fucking glory hunters ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see u jigga!!!! Hillary $wankin","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It bothers me because I feel whoever still supports him is just as racist as he is. I'm half black and my daughters and daughter are black so I don't get how my family doesn't see anything wrong with supporting him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy bihday daddy \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #compleanno #bihday #dad #daddy #fairmont #montecarlo #monaco\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I didn't realize how many new followers I had gained in recent months on here. As much as I loathe\u00a0social media today, I feel my voice would be better shared with the good people of Gab.ai. As such, I have decided to communicate and share\u00a0my takes on today's world exclusively\u00a0though Gab as much as possible going forward!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No shit. She has the burden of proof, not him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cuz he\u2019s coming you bruh!!! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Colin is a dick would sell out just as quick!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I\u2019m 1001 you ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #anc has complained that the pap is to white according to their #affirmativeaction #bee #quotas law\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"YEP mccain IS EVIL TRAITOR TRASH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kadaga appeals for more UN refugee support ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":". @user @user GENE TRUONO in Delaware is who we NEED in the Senate! He will be a strong ally for Our Big Beautiful Wall! #maga should support Gene for #DESenate and send him to Washington to back up our POTUS! #BuildThatWall @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user this crossing proves very little. It only goes to show many are disgruntled with the lack of leadership of @user .. But understand Mr. Scheer there are many conservatives disgruntled with your lack of vision and leadership. Hence @user #cdnpoli ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don\u2019t be a dick when you rate businesses. 5 stars always for good work; 4 is bad; 3 is very bad; 2 is abysmally bad; 1 star is Satan. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Napa Sky Full Of Strange Clouds","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"early night ready for my first 12 hour shift on labour ward tomorrow #newjob #nhs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this is fucking hilarious ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"andilnx: Valerie Jarrett's yearbook from Stanford. pic.twitter.com\/slfKwn7WDF KNOW THY ENEMYS?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Because the real opioid crisis effects white people generally speaking. Can't show that","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Corden them off please. #TravelBanToOtherCities #DeportThemAll #NoSanctuaryCities Illegal is illegal GO HOME ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you going to raise some hell?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"& i designed a #gender neutral jumpsuit to call out subtle remains of involved in buttoning a shi :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Imagine thinking you're the baddest bitch when actually you're just a thot life hoe \ud83d\ude37 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER When atmosphere turns greenish tint from greenhouse gases and humans eat humans in candy bar form maybe I\u2019ll care. MAGA!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Proud to be Antifa AF!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wasn't Lois C.K's issue asking inappropriate questions ? - so he is being put into the same category as racists \/ people who assault others sexually ... seems a bit over the top if that's the case. I remember when we used to use the law to decide a persons guilt \/ punishment. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did everyone else's parents use to refer to the Power Puff Girls as \"Powder Puff Girls\", or were mine just exceptionally retarded?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"goedemorgen allemaal!goodmorning to you all!koffie!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Elon sometimes opens his mouth only to replace one foot with the other ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A legal immigrant leaves the US because her visa has not been renewed yet, and tons of people give her shit because of her stance against illegal immigration. Cuz Logic!!! @user Stay awesome, stay positive, we all love you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are out of you damn mind! Feinstinkle had this band then leaked it! She took a lie detector test and hired a lawyer last month! She is accusing a judge of a crime that is 35 years old with no proof! Ruining a mans life over an accusation with no proof you STFU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shit happens but life goes on. good bless\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb days","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finally made it to the @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Roger that, remove the head shit I don't give a dam about your religion!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chair of congress @user #rcn16 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user There's an entire faction dedicated to the idea that school shootings are all faked to try to get gun control laws passed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user it's an a & takes a ceain kind of person to scam & be scammed. vulnerable & lonely ppl given some attn. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump song cont'd:[NEWLINE]How could you believe me when you know I've been a liar[NEWLINE]Nothing but a liar, all my doggone cheatin' life[NEWLINE]You're really naive to ever believe a full of baloney phoney like me[NEWLINE]How could you believe me when you know I've been a liar, all my life. #Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When a person applies for assistance, Department of Health and Human Services reviews application and either grants or denies this assistance. If \"immigrants\" are using the \"welfare\" they were granted... Did the @user put #logic in a cage too? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"36 more days. Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin and Iowa. We need you more than ever. Our democracy depends on you. #VoteEarly #VoteInPerson2020 #VoteBlue2020 #VoteHimOut","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I think he is trying to look like URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user reject news - my latest #amwriting aicle on @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"OK ignorant, I pinned what you don't know. Now fuck off!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Back to streaming some more Brain Lord https:\/\/www.twitch.tv\/lazy_brain_games","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Steven Wilson is coming back to NY in December! I can\u2019t wait! He is one favorite (live) performers! Hope all is well.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we've had lots asking what @user have in store for us this year, so here you go! #hookedbyaldi \u00e2\u009a\u0093\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Donald- you stupid bitch Hillary- you fuckin buffoon Donald- think they believe we hate each other? Ah fuck it lets go get a drink ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dats right bitch ass fag cunt slut dumb fucken bitch, shut the fuck up next time ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER and sometimes these edgy bitch boys are not secretly soft (good trope!!) they are just straight up.... abusive..... this is a very thin line to walk and dramione doesn't walk it well","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user is this a new one? either way, #men disgraced themselves. #harassment #verbalassault","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just because he is the elected president \"\", doesnt mean he has earned it. When he start serving the people of his country, then by all means.....it shall be well desrerved. When you serve thos who you have hiding in your pocket, give me a break. You can keep YOUR commander.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"30 mins for @natezoo919 n @greco_joel to pick out a trash can @ meijer....now do u guys understand why I took 3 shots before this trip","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Funny she didn't mention a word about her sins","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Tell @user to stop slandering courageous guards who protect nation from aggressive male migrants from violent cultures. Mainstream Europe must \u201cpush back\u201d open-border extremists who try to hold nation states hostage to their Multicult Manifesto.#visegrad #Slovenia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER your @USER app is down \/ sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Barkley is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER As much as I dislike Antifa. I hope none of them are stupid enough to fall for this bait and end up getting themselves or someone else injured or killed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"rambling about: the alt right\" #blacktwitter #tcot #tlot #altright #bcot #blacklivesmatter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i\u00e2\u0080\u0099m an introve person, i talk little, and like to be alone.\u00e2\u0080\u009d-so ji-sub \u00ec\u0086\u008c\u00ec\u00a7\u0080\u00ec\u0084\u00adday cr:junnieuyendong @user htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when i'm #happy i enjoy the music.... when i'm i understand the lyrics #musicisthefoodoflove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Guilty old perv","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is #MAGA's first victory lap. I'm up for the vote! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh I never had any doubt.. Read all about the Dirty Wars too..He is a slovenly POS.. Jesuit who worships Satan.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He\u2019s talking as though Pres. Trump if failing at every turn. Actuality is totally opposite. Get a grip you fool!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Until he is dead. Because even after he is out of office he will likely command the news cycle for a long time.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And Bill Cosby screwed the ones that were sleeping!\u00a0 Wakka wakka wakka...\u00a0 You know...\u00a0 because Fat Albert...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" customers with their #htc10 along with @user at @user #mumbai. #pursuitofbrilliance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Is no one considering the fact that Russia might be using Antifa to spread black propaganda??? Remember the Berlin Wall???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"play on eve ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Even those who voted leave did not vote for this @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm gonna watch @user this wednesday #payday #moviedate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Swap shoes with me, bitch. Lets see how you would cope. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is dead so um irrelevant & he was murdered. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user there's never any room for in a school board. ever. kids at these schools are 100% of our future.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"zelda:breath of the wild @user this looks amazing.its literally everything ive ever asked for! #e3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a bit : last #balletclass at the #roh for this season! thank you to everyone who shared this\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Times Strains to Credit France\u2019s #WorldCup Victory to Immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#womendisobey Dont be Fool African Americans Supporting Illegal #Immigration is a Slap in the Face to Black America #BlackTwitter #BlacksForTrump #DemocreatsForTrump #Trump #MAGa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user EXPOSE these demons violating our Constitution with violence & threats to run govt instead of winning at the polls! Name them domestic terrorists & jail them all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MustSee ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And we'll never for get that he is a traitor!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You have a good night Gee, we are getting new furniture tomorrow. Being delivered in the morning, so I have some cleaning to do.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Lol you sound like trump. 'Many people agree with me.' Hahahaha the irony is hysterical. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Just listening to Juan Williams on the FIVE drives me crazy. He is such an ignorant man. Where does this man get his facts? Thank GOD for Jesse Waters and you ladies!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Harlem World trash? Interesting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user nah you bob. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nah. Did you see his sideline out burst Sunday? He is a me first player and only cares about his stats. We don\u2019t need him","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we'll be heabroken we'll pray we'll vent, beg & plead & again, nothing will happen. because nothing ever happens #stopgunviolence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trash RT @VibeMagazine: Can the Notorious B.I.G.’s son CJ Wallace rap? Watch & vote here: http:\/\/t.co\/3kzJj7nqpP http:\/\/t.co\/wOwnc0A70P","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes they have and its infuriating. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maninder: How I felt, when Immigration New Zealand said \"NO\" to me!: via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you a gay ass bitch who seeks attention, STOP! I knew ever since you gonna switch up on me... I guess you did FUCKING SNAKE ASS HOE! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello. my day off^^\u00e0\u00b8\u008a\u00e0\u00b9\u0088\u00e0\u00b8\u00a7\u00e0\u00b8\u0087\u00e0\u00b8\u0099\u00e0\u00b8\u00b5\u00e0\u00b9\u0089 work oveime everyday \u00e0\u00b8\u0082\u00e0\u00b8\u00ad\u00e0\u00b9\u0083\u00e0\u00b8\u00ab\u00e0\u00b9\u0089\u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u009b\u00e0\u00b9\u0087\u00e0\u00b8\u0099\u00e0\u00b9\u0081\u00e0\u00b8\u009a\u00e0\u00b8\u009a\u00e0\u00b8\u0099\u00e0\u00b8\u00b5\u00e0\u00b9\u0089\u00e0\u00b8\u0095\u00e0\u00b8\u00a5\u00e0\u00b8\u00ad\u00e0\u00b8\u0094\u00e0\u00b9\u0080\u00e0\u00b8\u0096\u00e0\u00b8\u00ad\u00e0\u00b8\u00b0 #life #usa \u00e2\u0080\u0094 feeling wonderful... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Doesnt Think Americans Should Point to the Fact that Mollie Tibbetts Murder is an Illegal Alien to Hide the fact that over 32,000 Criminal Aliens have been incarcerated in the last 40 years for Murder #SendThemBack ! #Trump #MAGA #SundayMorning #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That's heartbreaking to read. Keep being the best you. There are many that will see you in a Wow. Look at what he is doing\" and light up with pride. Head high. One foot in front of the other.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Please tell me this will be streamed somehow. You are going to absolutely wipe the floor with Totally An Actual Human Ted Cruz.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Certainly no different than the preference Japanese get in Nippon or Russians get in Russia, etc. The nationals don't need to treat non-natives like shit and foreigners need to understand they are visitors in someone else's house and must respect the house rules if they don't want to be kicked out.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another day, another shot to the heart of free speech! Always remember to enjoy what you have because you may not have it forever\u00a0 #BritianFirst #FreeSpeech","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why is she under the white hot spotlight?...SHE IS the victim of this Trump like abusive animal... #StopKavanaughNow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I think you say and write more intelligent commentary than most of the hosts at MSNBC. Fake liberals with big corporate blind spots.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh cool. Alana found the one person dumber than she is and retweeted him. Nice move.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @kuczaaaK: I'm getting trash talked by a 8 year old #wtf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ho you voted for this @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He needs that exact amount in hanging rope.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not surprised how \"news\" outlets call opposition to @user race-mix ad . they hate racism, though. i embrace it. ad is sickening-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New Release! It's time to shut the Engines down. Political power must be abolished. An argument for anarchism. Engines of Domination 2018 Director\u2019s Cut: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=_WZ40iYPNFQ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Blah blah blah, them kids in cages where out there by #Obama the other viral pic was from a protest, u keep spreading the lies the #MSM keeps pushing! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #BuildThatWallNow #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are that mean ass cousin we all hate lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Isn't it great how liberals ignore the pain of their victims because they are democrats. It is really sick. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hungary Referendum: 98% of voters reject Islamic immigration - Muslims are offended - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The drug culture is an way that niggers get their foot in the door. Our poor town is getting overwhelmed by nigger lovers, all of them pushing a baby carriage with another little nigger holding onto it.\u00a0. Not a male nigger in sight. The baby carriage is a way to transport the drugs from one spot to another. The nigger lover believes no one would check a baby.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user so excited to have a #tweetseat for #scoobydoolive thanks again to @user for the oppounity.. #scoobydoo #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you are single stay that way. Marriage is very dangerous and expensive, buy a boat instead","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Only a liberal would support a liberal that spent a MILLION to get liberals elected to office. #LibFAIL! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KaylahPrettyMom lmao girlllaaaa I don't like em chunky anymore.😂😂😂😂😷","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Excommunicate the guy. That\u2019ll teach \u2018Em. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All flights were on the ground when all the cell calls were made.The official call from Beamer proved it, the timeline was off and the line was open and connected to his cell for 50 minutes after it \"crashed\" Here is the proof https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8uM4z7vOJTk&t=5s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how very sad! #greatloss #rip #ronlester #gonetoosoon #varsityblues ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user \u201cLike hell he is hurt. Do your job\u201d -Randy Orton. Do you have ears? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so you are painting a target @user upon @user seeking someone rids you of your threat. @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" Original Soundtrack, Resident Evil 2 Remake Save Room Theme This is sounding great, really scary, good ambience. This seems to be the one of the first tastes of the Resident Evil https:\/\/gamesense.co\/game\/resident-evil-2-2018\/videos\/discuss\/saferoom-theme-resident-evil-2-remake-ost\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And yes. Having less access to guns drops suicide rates and accidental injuried snd desths. This can be proven by looking at every single country that has strict or better gun control. Unkess you want to prove otherwise that these countries are just as bad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can @user get an apology already? Sick of men claiming women are hysterical. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They're replaceable, your time is not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So when does @KamalaHarris take over for decrepit Joe? O\/u is set on April 1st when Biden \u201csteps down due to health reasons\u201d[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Wall St wants Kamala as President, not Biden #Election2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DACA fix will spur new wave of illegal immigration: ICE chief Daca is caca,end this democrat fantasy... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Trudeau\u2019s liberals have no rules ! Time to oust them!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and there will be no more teenager in 5sos ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What an absolute cock womble this cunt is. Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am thankful for saturdays. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Apple's future is Android's past. Translation: you think the press is biased? Look at their coverage on Android, as opposed to Apple.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Boycotting NFL for the rest of my life. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The silver hair accesory on the back of the shimada katsura wig, a silver \u201cwings\u201d at the base of a Geiko\u2019s top-knot are called nemaki (\u6839\u5dfb\u304d, tied (at the) root), and they symbolize that a #Geiko still lives in and is dependent on her okiya. (1\/2)#Kyoto #Japan #JapaneseCulture ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"aaawwwww so cute ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER John Podesta is a spirit cooking pedo. Here's a photo of him and Valerie Jarrett in a rather compromising situation. #MAGA #qanon #DrainTheDeepState #DrainTheSwamp URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"only 2 more sleeps to go \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #capitalstb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Who appointed you the spokesman for the people at Lake Norman. I Guess you interviewed every person at the lake and it a unanimous poll against President Trump. NOT LIKELY. You are like most liberals who try to speak for everybody ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i'm too!!! we love you!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s not even one of the strongest conservatives that could have been nominated and it has still come to this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sonoluminessence\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user All you do is lie. All congress does us lie. MAGA. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I guarantee you she is not going to allow herself to be put under oath.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I didnt buy any alcohol this weekend, and only bought 20 fags. Proud that I still have 40 quid tbh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user damn that headgear is lit sucks im not on pc ubi plz for console to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holder was the most ethically challenged AG ever. A total disgrace to the office. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UN Envoy to Yemen Seeks to Downplay Non Start of Talks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Calling it something different still a PAC. You are for NO BORDERS= NO COUNTRY HIGHER TAXES Gun control SOCIALIST REMOVING ICE YOU WORK FOR ILLEGALS FOR BRAC NO FAMILY TEXAS VALUES WE ARENT CALIFORNIA LIKE JONES U PPL DONT EVEN LIVE HERE. Stay in DC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That makes the dumbest social statement I can think of. Shove a flag pole up.. Butt oh wait. :))","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user first time, a song that @user and i wrote, and are both singing on will be in the ht\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"55 illegal immigrants rescued from inside 100 degree tractor-trailer AGAIN #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Conversely you apparentl don't care about kids unless they are shot at school & can be used to promote gun control. Funny that AR you hate so much is used to kill far less people than criminals do with their arms and legs. When do you start calling for everyone to be dismembered?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"today marks a special day for me, i have been at my job for one year now. and i'm really happy. #yay #job #work #smile","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Has this guy got acorns in his cheeks or what. Lack of walking around sense is astonishing with liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"But he was just so coooool looking, Bro!\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Many arrests have taken place. Socialist media not covering of course. The coming arrests will make socialists heads explode. WWG1WGA! MAGA! DRAIN THE SWAMP! BUILD THE WALL!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm sure she's worried. Give me a break. Dana is doing a job. You know where u make a living and pay for your own Healthcare etc. You dirt bags that don't even shower crying about gun control should try it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"soon cops will be arrested for arresting black men lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how they klan isn't labeled as terrorist organization still is mind blowing. guess since its a so called christian group its alright ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Connections are vital with all of the crap Twitter forces on conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you will never catch me out here sharing a nigga , bitch you can have that nigga \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udcaf i ain\u2019t sharing no dick if I had a nigga bob \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And everyone knows that Kerry doesn't have a clue! Heard that from numerous anonymous\"\" sources who also say he is not sane. That's what the sources say.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER & @user student loan refinancing plan would give every single student loan borrower a tax break & let hundreds of thousands of borrowers have immediate lower interests rates at 0 net cost to taxpayers. @user has 8 years. He did nothing. He is a liar. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"AMERICA'S UNENDING WAR: Peace in Syria Works Against the Strategic Interests of the United States. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FuckThis #FuckTrump #FuckYouWhiteHouse #RefugeesWelcome White people stole this land we call America. We're not entitled to tell ppl they're not welcome here. These are human lives. These are unforgivable actions. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'd believe anything underhanded from the NYT.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity #1A #FreeJulian #BoycottNFL ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"finished my second blog post ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"UK rejects Christian refugees recommended by UN, admits only Muslims among 1,112 Syrians admitted Jan-March 2018 via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Antifa otherwise known as NAZI Brownshirts\"\" I never thought of that comparison before, lol. It's ironic that they're the one's that call everyone else a 'nazi' for disagreeing with anything they say, lol.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user meanwhile...... no fucking mods #pissed #unfair #fuckhashtags #hashbrown #yum #i got thr shitz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh to be this content in someone's arms #rescuedog oskar ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Antifa is a high emotion low IQ FASCIST organization. Some of its members are fooled by its name into not reflecting on their own groups obvious fascist ideals and others are just there to take advantage of the rest of the fools. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This proves how desperate the Deep State was to get rid of Trump! But it\u2019s all backfired!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I lived through the era where conservatives literally tried to argue that gay rights would cause the collapse of Western Civilization. No exaggeration. They used he fall of Rome as their example somehow. They now want to pretend that they didn\u2019t vilify us. Ugh. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump admin finalizing plan make more difficult 4 legal immigrants who used certain welfare programs \u2014 Obamacare, children's health insurance, food stamps -to obtain citizenship or green cards, according to NBC News. Good - they never get off welfare.https:\/\/t.co\/OPLwWXmtOz ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump: I have the right to pardon myself http:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/administration\/390516-trump-i-have-the-right-to-pardon-myself","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I feel you dude it Fucking sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a message of #hope for #newyear. building a business to end #storytelling #endof2016 #tedtalks #tedatibm ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @viper5816: Sen. Harry Reid Lists all the Things Republicans Have Blocked in the Senate http:\/\/t.co\/bjoWvABwhi via @townhallcom\nHe is ho…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"more proofs, as if needed, that spurdmeme is far more profound than the enlightenmeme","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More rapes in Halifax by Muslim migrants, as rape culture invades our high-trust society ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That's AWESOME! it's time to #abortobamacare #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh @user is doing EXACTLY what we hired him to do! Thanks @user #BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yea that\u2019s a crazy ass story. Like how do you go into the wrong apartment. There\u2019s numbers on doors. And wouldn\u2019t you notice as soon as you walk in and it ain\u2019t your shit \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well well well... who wudda thunk ? http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-5268853\/am...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've never liked @user and he didn't endear himself with the Sean Spicer bromance and Stupid Weistein jokes. Bit of a cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER no maybe cause you are a hateful buttmunch. We reap what we sew","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch were thot whore dont send me anything again faggot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Omg Jin\u2019s laugh makes me wanna laugh my whole life. He is so adorable","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WAKE UP YOU PIECES OF FETID EAST COAST TRASH AND EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF WAGESLAVING FOR ANOTHER LONG WEEK FULL OF HOPELESSNESS AND GRIM PROSPECTS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The only thing i didn\u2019t agree with was the match point he was following the rules i think this was more about her sex honestly all she did was call him a thief and he penalized her shit was wack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Using latest, unable to reproduce. How is your internet connection? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i feel like his face will never change. he is right in the middle of our mom and his dad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why does Ana Navarro hate POTUS sooooo much? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"10th duet with my cutiee angel @USER \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc95 she is damn awesomee in this \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95 her expressions \ud83d\ude18just killing \ud83d\ude0dlove to do this \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude4c nly for u #mybubblygirl #anupama #dreamgirl #BCO love u my cutiee doll\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\ude18 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Will humanity finally learn? Destroy them and all their scripture.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just got done taking some photos with brownie #flowcity","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"missing my paner in crime @user the return pa 2 on sunday #lucky #specialmoments","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER A voice from the frontline of domestic violence that the gun lobby cannot drown out. #cdnpoli URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I stopped using sjw\/feminist twitter, fb, instagram.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Who in the hell does she think she is? Acussed doesn\u2019t mean guilty! A women accused a man. That man #JudgeKavanaugh has a voice and has a right to clear his name! \u201cShe\u201d needs to #ZipIt\ud83e\udd10","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Today's Spy Ops: (His soles need a cleaning lick lick. I bet this cuties sneaks smell good) http:\/\/t.co\/c7Hj3DvNgp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Black males accounted for 22\u00a0percent of all people shot and killed in 2017, yet they are 6\u00a0percent of the total population. White males accounted for 44\u00a0percent of all fatal police shootings, and Hispanic males accounted for 18\u00a0percent. Washington Post.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Didn't take long for the Cap's Thug to strike. That guy won't be happy until he get's an injury, and we'll blame YOU @NHL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We voted to stop our invasion, not a tax cut.#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER No they are seeing how liberals are sleazballs and they are #WalkingAway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow - and enjoy today! ;) #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BARRYCLERJUSTE: Whatchu sayin hoe, YOU KNOW IM THE MAN HOE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER dumb ass. wear a helmet next game","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You cant drag us in so far if you don't have intentions on a relationship. It hurts.... Alot #WomenSuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@TheCartoonLoon\u00a0Oh, I forgot to tell you. Now that you're here, you're officially an alt-right, KKK, white-supremacist, neo-Nazi, racist scum. How does it feel?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@user just what such a victim needs at this point. what a joke #spaciba","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And what if she is lying? What if Kavanaugh is the victim of a smear and character assassination? What then? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how does what I'm saying relate to gun control. if police departments will not prosecute their own family\"\" then it's time to limit their access to all weapons. A police department reluctant to acknowledge their own wrong doings and correct them dont deserve access to weapons.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Who's paying for your tweet? Antifa?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never ending evil the muslin invasion of the west continues Appeased by western governments","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today's genuinely stupid Bern whataboutism: you can't bitch about the guy who said identity politics are a distraction being the keynote 1\/2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is not possible. California has implemented strict gun control. Only law enforcement and those fortunate enough to get a permit can carry in public. \u201cAssault weapons\u201d are banned. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user inside @user for @user event! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We'll see. If Trump doesn't get that wall built, he's toast, and so are we. Unforced errors have been killing us more than the Dems and their RINO Never-Trump allies have.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THE NEXT ESCALATION \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0THOUGHT IT HAD GONE AS FAR AS IT COULD GO?\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 TRY THE ROD ROSENSTEIN INTERVENTION OF JEFF FLAKE \u00a0 \u00a0 BEFORE THE SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE KAVANAUGH VOTE! \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 We Knew They Were There, Now They're Revealed\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0#2018 Mid Terms: T - 39 DAYS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Welcome to Gab and thanks for the follow!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Consider this source ... @user is a supreme ass kissing douche bag. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@k_tempsss lol then they have one more flavor I think it's yellow idk.. But yea there bomb.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is bullcrap. The government can\u2019t even deal with muslim rape gangs plaguing our country.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And don't forget her comment I'm not some woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette\" but she was and she is. Thus, she is his complicit enabling bimbo\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump [NEWLINE]Hey \ud83c\udf4ahead....at least you don\u2019t need a #ClownTrump suit...it\u2019s built-in\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21\ud83e\udd21[NEWLINE]#justGO [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #TrumpNationalDisgrace #TrumpMeltdown https:\/\/t.co\/Nj6A8HjhpM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#BritFam\u00a0@BritFam\u200d #FreeTommy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't want to blame the victim but this makes it difficult. Are you a ho just lookin for money or are you a victim looking for justice? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we all got our fucking issues, man. But i shouldn't have to qualify just to fucking relate as a human being. fuck that shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"saw a vid where some dude spoke #arabic on his #cell on #delta & got thrown off, these 2 #idiots are screaming\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Eugenics #Depopulation #Agenda21","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Isn't it great how liberals ignore the pain of their victims because they are democrats. It is really sick.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Pretty sure U.S. conservatives are taking cues from this... Rightwing government wants to make handshake mandatory in naturalisation ceremonies\" URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Twitter censors conservatives and Republicans regardless of the bullshit they tell Congress and the world.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"get ur troll skills up you methed out fake as white supremacist hahaha a roach got more balls then u bahahahahaha lil bitch boy, go home to daddy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you heard? Attorney Mike Day has received the 2017 Harris County Bench Bar Pro Bono Award for his excellent pro bono work. Last year, Mike volunteered over 120 hours of legal assistance to immigrant families. Way to go, Mike! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"10021 #love, , #education, #thanks wow - so that's what cramming a whole semester woh of nonsense in 10... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@VoteMarsha Be like Marsha, vote #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i think me and this tree stump just became best friends! #cycling #cx #bestfriend \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Up is down, left is right.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"left work early it feels so good\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 #ourscholarspromistonight ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER F the nfl! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"they canceled the disneyland fireworks the day i go :'( i waited all year to see the new show!!! #disneyland #heabroken #disneywhy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't miss this: miriam herschlag's blog: haim yavin, my ass via @user #journalism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@WatchChad Vote in person. Worried about crowds, vote early in person at your courthouse. Many states start early voting 1-2 weeks before Election Day. #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i'll always hope that one day i'll get to hug you, but i don't think that it's gonna happen anytime soon... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"uhh.... I just found out I am part jew. my great grandmothers parents were ethnic poles in Russia. & they were part jewish, russian, & half polish. WTF. these kikes have infected everything - even my blood! :O I feel disgusted that I am related to such an evil group. WTF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The fact is that these will never stop happening until autistics and mental retards are sterilized and removed from the population and institutionalized. This kid snapped because he lost a game. Only autistics behave this way.\u00a0 http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/2018\/08\/26\/mass-shooting...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it makes no sense. I have a green card as well issued by the exact same agency @user It is valid for 10 years. The vetting is the EXACT same if not more rigorous for a green card. Why aren\u2019t the refugee travel docs and green cards issued for the same # of validity? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing #pharrellwilliams - on classic rock attic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if u dont like it stay yo ass home & do the wrk.... mf dont even b wantin to take care of they seed jus wanna collect \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00b0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please tell me why the bitch next to me in the piercing line is so judgmental about everyone she fucking sees. SHUT THE FUCK UP. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That \"date rape is a grey area\" shit was the final nail in her fucking coffin. That dumb bitch is over. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #orlando #charleston #sanbernardino #sandyhook list is endless. ppl whose families will only be able to love them thru\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/vancouversun.com\/news\/canada\/a-special-adviser-will-help-rcmp-tackle-b-c-s-infamous-industry-money-laundering\/wcm\/b24a9972-75b8-450f-9557-56373510e9bb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ask any liberal how many illegal aliens they've let stay in their house. The answer probably won't surprise you. #SendThemBack #BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NKJ Luke 4:18 \u201cThe Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rewatching Flags of Our Fathers & Letters from Iwo Jima after 10 years. Such a good perspective.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the @user refs are by far the worst, most inconsistent group of any major spo. it's really a joke to think this is the best they have. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user kids loved the drums. mom couldn`t close the deal with salesmen #bengaluru street market #wednesday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Soy boy is a slur against liberals. I wasn\u2019t calling you anything. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Remind us all who was the person who spun great big fat whopping lies and took us to war in Iraq? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Might as Well Roll It Straight Into the Trash Can': Tom Cotton Shoots Down Expansive 'Gang of Six' DACA Amnesty - Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2DIBKw1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i thought this kind of comments were not allowed in #twitter. someone is breaking the rules. #usa #maga \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"perfect timing for this tweet! #staup ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Welcome All LEGAL Immigrants that did it the Right Way to America ! Thank You for your hard work and I hope you are truly blessed in our greaty country U.S.A ! #Trump #MA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You murdered the cat because you are a sick fuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats have been placing refugees and illegals in Parts of the country trying to change the outcome of elections and we stop them Everytime. Democrats have been trying to stop AMERICANS from voting and giving more and more refugees the rights to vote against us. Dems are done. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh yes \ud83d\ude0e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"VIDEO: (Part three) #BNP A frame trailer with patriotic sound system. #immigration #Brexit #Patriots #islam ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user says a president elect that calls americans enemies #hateful #ignorant","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #Nazis. We told you. Join #Antifa! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mmm lunch \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #vegan #diet #food #flowers #motivation #health #healthy #love #me #lush\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She can't tell her story while I was my car in the rain. Yes. She is a whore her life is just that. Fuck People for money. This is no exceptions","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this handsome guy will join me on the anchor desk tonight at 5 & 5:30. join us! #cbsnc @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And millions of us conservatives will be marching to the polls.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Fantastic. 2019 is a year for refugees, returnees and internally displaced person. We hope to see similar collaborative initiative on the theme ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a new batch of #bowt1 just went in the oven. soon you can be this . @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BIG BEATIFUL WALL!#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@HeatherEliseP and plus, it's trash talk. You should know that especially with ole miss.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 2 weeks of fasting gone, just like that! ramadan is flying past. #ramadan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Those who feel we aren't in a civil war best view this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Well you are dumped","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump Have fun at the super spreader shit show. #GrifterPrincess [NEWLINE]#WhiteSupremacists[NEWLINE]#shutupman [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/mUBMZllEL7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ohh shit \ud83d\ude26","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I knew he will b dead \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 He is brave \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user eating at your establishment (brandon) for the first time today. my wife grew up with you, popping my cherry. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" sex stories sleep assault ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Any Texan that would grant automatic citizenship to illegal immigrants should never be elected. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Refugees go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Be coo you got people thinking I really eat ass bitch \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Am in agreement with your views except the last one about - \"migrant can also live peacefully\". There is a clear demarcation between Migrants and Illegal Immigrants. Pray you do not call illegal immigrants as migrants. #IllegalImmigrants well used by Congress as #VoteBank. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beautiful nature #nainitaldiaries #traveldiaries #lake #fish ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Love u bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I get what you mean though I have never personally seen any liberals complain about white conservative people immigrating here from Poland or wherever. Does that happen on a large scale? I guess a better way to phrase my initial point would be diverse immigration.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's because you liberals have no morals anything goes with your kind drugs sex child endangerment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"House members should cosponsor MERIT Act, House should pass #politics #news #meritact #legislation #gop https:\/\/getliberty.org\/2018\/04\/house-members-should-cosponsor-merit-act-house-should-pass\/ #tgdn #ccot","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My son is 9 and still has issues tying his shoes because he's barefoot all the time, in case you wanted to know my hillbilly status.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER the Kavanaugh accuser issue makes it evident the dbl standards the Dems use to discredit conservatives. Please release and make public ALL the names of those who used the congressional sexual harassment fund. Let all the their accusers come forward... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #putinplant your comments are reflections of ignorance and #traitorump #endofthe world","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They live among us as well, we must have them removed to bring safety back to our nation, it is our right as citizen to be safe from Muslim Terrorism, deport them all, not assimulating to USA @user @user #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike #LockThemAllUp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" beyond #fabulous #smug, #elitists get #annihilated by #voter id myth #video #trump #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The March issue of Chronicles has my Lake District exploration from prehistory to the present, via the Guide to the Queen's Sands, John Paul Jones, Whitehaven mining disasters, Wordsworth, de Quincey &c, Stan Laurel, up to Wainwright","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you win the lesbian olympics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All women aren\u2019t hoes, correction ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER These people are the worst kind of criminal playing off the emotions of their base fueling hatred in this country with insane rhetoric. Playing constant mind games to cause anger is not helping their cause some liberals are catching on.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you know you've found the perfect slut for you \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Please President Trump #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is really happening!!! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Leaked photo reveals 'mass trial' of immigrants in Texas - Houston Chronicle - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is about integrity. It is not about parties or candidates. Would you permit rape, if perpetrated by a political side? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"well i want to be.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I believe you are the Peace of shit and you do not deserve a star! #MAGA!! GOD BLESS THE USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 AND GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i love your voice. how do you get it to sound so sexy and strong? #BarbieDreamsVIDEO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Kavanaugh needs to stop lying... I believe this woman's account is credible and he is not going to be able to dodge it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch said idk bout u but sometimes u gotta suck a lil dick , wait even that ain't helping u \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude29\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're at your ugly friends bachelorette party and you can't even get a text back ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"E Michael Jones on Vigano's letter: https:\/\/hooktube.com\/watch?v=qnZXo6TZyZw come for the logos stay for the hammer time","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"During the 'men are trash' narrative you always say not all men but when someone from another tribe makes a mistake you generalise. Smh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER how long will it take for one of the biggest arsehole's to appear this millennium @USER get humiliated and exposed for the corrupt fake lying toad that he is? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Feel sorry for the voters no good choice \ud83d\udc37","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user At an AntiFa riot and screaming at white people ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Iran 's #Rouhani rampanting up tensions with the #USA. Call the #PresidentTrump #WhiteHouse the, \"most spiteful Administration in 40 years.\" And that he seeks, \"Regime Change,\" in #Iran. Share to stand with #PresidentTrump!! #Trump2020!! #MAGA!! #KAG!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The active duty personnel I know think he is a dangerous fool. Maybe 100% of racist military klansmen support Mr. Traitor-pants.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Funny shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"4 tattoos \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0089 = 9 to go!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #addiction #tattoos #tattoocollection #13","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And does this surprise any of us TRUMP SUPPORTERS!!! Not at all... We have heard him accused of everything that can be imagined!!! We still stand BEHIND Our President Donald J TRUMP!!!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What happens next is whoever inthe GOP votes against him gets destroyed and we vote MORE republicans to the Senate to ensure margin of victory for AMY CONEY BARRETT liberals worst nightmare. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ANTIFA feet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fragrance spotlight: get happy this spring\/summer with clinique - latf usa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And here I thought Penney's image was Charlie Chaplin...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Guilt by association is good enough for Democrats when it comes to conservatives.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Pirates have made the playoffs and the Yankees are out...hell has frozen over","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008fhappy bihday chanmi\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #aoa #chanmi#chanmi day happy chanmi\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#morning #this my idol @user @user #love you","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user They will be cheating if she gets it! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Heads up, the media will be blitzing this weekend with nonstop bullshit to make this seem like it was years ago. -Let\u2019s see how this goes. (One thing is for sure, People are pissed off, and they should be.)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Discussing!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals wasting our taxpayer money on this BS!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dude was talmbout \"I don't know why everyone hates Nickelback!\" Because they're trash, that's why.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your hoes be eating dick so skip the kissing ( stop it bitch ) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Tweet is directed at him. I can care less about whatever it is he is blathering about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Illegal Immigrants: Human Beings Trump Supporters: MAGA Gullibles MS-13 Killers: Fear mongering Human beings in the womb: Not your baby\/not your business Antifa: Same as RW nut jobs Law Abiding NRA Members: Could be terrorists Bill Clinton: Your crush Kavanugh: PREDATOR ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user well if hillary had her way would be bernie sanders burning in hell for murdered sandy hook kids. nevermind nra\/gop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Al Sharpton needs to learn what MAGA means. I will go so far as to challenge his credentials to be called a 'Reverend'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How does one know that a Mexican politician is under control of a criminal cartel? He's still alive! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"POP A CAP TO HER HEAD, PUT HER OUT OF HER MISERY!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" after sex charlies angels sexy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user @user @user me also! #terrified & in the same way! #damn!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Honestly you people are seriously delusional! It\u2019s a good thing the majority of fans in Ottawa are Educated! Because ppl like you are scary!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Totally out of control. These people @user @user @user @user need to be reigned in. Hotel rooms for opportunist migrants, millions being spent trying to stuff the genie back in the bottle, no end or strategy in sight. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If trump, a 33rd degree freemason and zionist, gets a step out of line the jews running him will jfk his ass in a heartbeat, not that that's at all necessary as we can all plainly see now trump is one of them!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"statement,doubling down #paladino to media:my comments in avoice were not #libcrib #hate #mental","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user @user is my #MCM because he gave me a dirty shout out on Instagram. #romancein2016 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"if you want others to be , practice #compassion. if you want to be happy, practice compassion.\" dalai lama","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"unreal. knew it would only be a matter of time. working on this story for #wave3news ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stfu already dumb bitch talking all this shit but you're a big ass hoe how about when you were sucking Erika dick ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hey @user - a $14000 ivanka bracelet? do you feel good profiting from #xenophobia? #misogyny? #hatred?\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Republicans #Conservatives @user wet dreams: Step 1: Confirm predator as SCOTUS judge Step 2: Eliminate women's choice Step 3: Eliminate non white's voting rights Step 4: Eliminate women's voting rights Step 5: End immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberalism has being remarkable sucessful at taking over both sides of the political spectrum today's left are liberals (with emphasis on minority issues and welfare) and today's right are also mostly liberals (with emphasis on nationalism and anti immigration)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I don't think he needs a qualification. But good on you. I am impressed. You are an inspiration to you younger peers. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Okay, I understand why you're upset, but you need to see it this way: mass killings, loss of jobs, housing crises, and total ethnic replacement is just the price we have to pay for diversity. How else could we enjoy fresh shawarma, kebabs, egg foo young, burritos, etc, if not for our vibrant newcomers?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I agree with you there, but there are certain people who claim to be on our side that threw Paul Nehlen under the bus as soon as he started pointing things out. There are toxic \"leaders\" that are calling everyone else who doesn't agree with them toxic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Brianhopecomedy: “Daddy, Batman’s parents are dead.”\n\n“Yup.”\n\n“And Superman’s.”\n\n“Yup.”\n\n“What am I going to be when you die?”\n\n“Sad ho…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After seeing Kansas play Duke a couple weeks ago, I could tell you I'm surprised that Charlie Weis has been let go...but I'm not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Predictable, carbon-copy reviews, written by leftist wankers & lacking any kind of impartiality, are also meaningless. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are very whore and your cunt enjoys it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user whining \"women have it so much harder than men, cause .\" @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another reason to #BuildTheWall and #DeportThemAll. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is a domestic terrorist group URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"surprise! adam saleh is a ! (@user ) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why cant ISIS blow up these two assholes?? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #trump is nowhere close to genius at all. in fact his iq is in single digits.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#us why weneed #empathy #ageoftrump #grassrootsaction #citizenaction #citizenry #publicpolicy #socialjustice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Crooked Hillary's involvement in second dossier with FBI further discredits Russia narrative http:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/jerusalem\/2018\/02\/01\/second-dossier-creepy-clinton-confidante-raises-doubts-fbis-trump-probe\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Being the good Christian that he is, he asked God to spare his properties. Virginia beach was only slightly impacted. You know the 700 club prayer, God spare me and mine, to hell with everybody else\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user my name is Whitney NOT WHITEY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A little note for @user -the Bible ( have you ever read that?) says that if the Holy Spirit is in us that we can fight off the devil. You lie and claim that you are holy (no human is holy by the way) so how dare you blame the devil? Your new name is Pope False Prophet\"\".\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what america owes #blacks #africanamerican #reparations now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dinesh D'Souza: Death of a Nation (Interview) via @user What an amazing interview, from one of the most likable and well versed intelligent....immigrant who entered our \u201cWonderful Country\u201d, in the RIGHT WAY....YES!!!\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udfa5\ud83c\udfa5and his must see Movie. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Any one got more info on how to resolve error code 500 when trying to log in on #Gab? #GabSupport","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Then maybe we can talk about the double standards between liberals and conservatives at @USER Somebody is always a victim.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest the indigenous and remote daily! thanks to @user @user @user #justjustice ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are so pathetic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Of course I invited you over to 'Hang Out' ....stupid bitches #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He just doesn\u2019t fit the team now. Agholor should stay in the slot because that\u2019s where he is successful. JMatt is not an outside threat. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how to make honey wine #peace #love #organic #vegan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today is #worldrefugeeday We recognize the efforts and resilience of refugees around the world who seek safety and community. With your help, World Relief Chicago is able to provide them with vital services. Every donation helps. Make yours here: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Why are you wasting time replying on twitter (trolling) on behalf of people making under that amount? Seems like someone is just a propaganda pusher...or likes gloating to other #MAGA's that they got screwed by Trump. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Burundi\u2014In opening the August parliamentary session, Pascal Nyabenda (de facto Speaker) said that many foreign delegations have been visiting Burundi which is a proof that there is peace & security; therefore all refugees should return to Burundi.\u00f0\u0178\u2122\u02c6\u00f0\u0178\u2122\u02c6 A fallacious argument! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user rightly so! gop hates trump more than obama ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bjork wrote a powerful essay about and we're applauding #women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who close and control the borders for citiziens or refugees from Nigeria. They might bring the lassafever to us. WHO warns ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If ILLEGALS don't want to be separated from their children at the border,this can easily be prevented. Don't illegally cross the order. Why does anyone expect them to be rewarded for committing a crime? #SendThemBack #BuildTheWal #NoDACA #Trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Chicago~~ Nearly 100 years of crooked Democrat leadership & some of the strictest gun control in the nation and Dopey Durbin attempts to lay the blame at the feet of Republicans\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 MAKE NO MISTAKE DEMOCRATS #YouBuiltThis #ChicagoDeathToll","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dog whistles the minute one of those SOBs use it it's over never would I vote for any liberal ever no such thing as a moderate or acceptable liberal there all I mean all the same some try and hide there hate but they are all scum Your a fool to think they give a shit about you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tartu Through Time 1 part \u2013 YouTube #Explores #ETExplores ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Man i wanna smack the bitch that sent 2pac to jail for rape \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER When will they learn. People dont care about what they think about politics. Just read your lines and entertain us. Keep your stupid pins and fake tattoos and ribbons at home. #MAGA #Emmys","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"saundra treats him to a massage with happy ending: #treats #saundra #massage #with #ending ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No way does John Lewis have to apologize to anyone he is a hero \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your leg cramps up while you're fuckin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Congress 202-224-3121...Police Reports Detail Sexual Abuse at Immigrant Youth Shelters - ProPublica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cOur constitution does not require a concession. It requires that one of the candidates win at least 270 electoral college votes and that\u2019s exactly what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done.\u201d[NEWLINE]S. Sanders.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nobody is addressing the cow in the room. Not even when Florence is still doing her thing. It's like after a mass shooting and it's the wrong time to talk about gun control. @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can some please tell me where my order is #soupset was to be ready yesterday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user this guy worked for a security company and had 2 gun permits. i think something needs done but not sure of the answer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Thats correct!!! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm ready, are you? #Debates2020 #debatedrinkinggame? #Trump2020 vs #CreepyJoeBiden #debate https:\/\/t.co\/FXc3osvFAI","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @MizzCreme: Her being albino isn't the problem. Its that gut, that hair, and that fish net she decided to wear. Sooo many things wrong w…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I have long thought that liberals are children trapped in adult bodies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a great day this is! #euro2016 stas today + it's #f1 #canadiangp practice day!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Women want to be equal so now they don't shave their legs??? Gross* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I think I found a normal roommate again! Praise be to Jesus! These current ones are about to get their throats slit in their sleep!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Boobies are the panacea of life","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"great weekend \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091 #love #peace","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sorry for so much bs to get to this but here is the article i read ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #israelis invented #apaheid #goyim is their word for @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Four compelling reasons the NFL should stop the protests during the National Anthem. https:\/\/therevolutionaryact.com\/four-reasons-nfl-w...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HOW ABOUT YOUR CRIMES BILLS LOSING LICENSE OVER RAPES & SEX IN CLINTON WHORE HOUSE BRIBES MOSCOW KICKBACKS WOULDN'T MATTER WE WANTED TRUMP!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user These people are hysterical. It's like a commercial for why men should never marry. These women are totally nuts. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m grateful for the 2nd Amendment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@merrilldavis @Reuters You want to see dangerous, wait until sleepy Joe is put down & the \u2018ho becomes president & the drunk becomes vp. And in case you\u2019re wondering, that\u2019s Kamala & Pelosi \ud83e\udd2e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"False dichotomy. There are way more options there. Or it could just be the prime example of the jews being probably the most persecuted people throughout history. Still dont understand how y'all hate them so much. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OTD in 1934, Roberto Clemente was born.\u00a0 Roberto was my hero as a kid, an amazing hitter and fielder, the only player in MLB history to get a walk-off inside-the-park grand slam.\u00a0 I was at his final game, the one in which he got his 3000th hit, the one pictured below.\u00a0 In the off-season Roberto died in a plane crash taking relief supplies to Nicaragua.\u00a0 RIP, Roberto.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It's the Liberals plans to destroy our Judeo-Christian culture and replace it w\/this irrational just science. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh yes! and this rude, nasty behavior @user brought out into main stream! #nevermypresident ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER How very white male republican of you. maga?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The Ironic thing is you are more closely aligned with the far right. They are even agreeing with you. Look down the thread. some asshole just posted a thing about IQ in your defense. Fuck off with that shit! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys:\u00a0Big Ball's In Cowtown\u00a0 ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"People- how long before your heart and liver give out on you from all the drinking and drugs? Me- ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yall Trash Buckets really never warned a bitch in the TL about Haitians But EYE SEE YOU HOES ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" happy bihday tupac shakur \u00e2\u0080\u0093 'all eyez on me' trailer drops on iconic rapper's b-day: tupac shakur wo... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Border Ranchers Shock MSNBC With Facts On Illegal Immigration via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WorldCup Blog for #teens who want to join the men's rights movement to cancel #feminist bull#%it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 He got our asses Not even believing the truth about the truth!! Lmao! & We Know! Water is damn wet...but cant even believe it coming out his lying ass mouth! \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude48","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Spain: Violence as 800 migrants storm Ceuta fence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Are you still dating JJ from \u201cgoodtimes \u201c???Dyn-o-mite ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wasn't i supposed 2 save\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008f..but then i thought..aren't we supposed 2 do things dat makes us \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083. i can resist anything..but #shopping\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I'm not screwed any more than you are. Been hearing this same dream of the liberals. What do you think happens if Trump gets removed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Because he is a traitor","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is an opportunist. She wanted a cabinet post but Liberals rightly decided she wasn\u2019t good enough for the task. She crossed because Conservatives promised her one. She is a person with no core beliefs. She is not credible and not to be trusted.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@NYRKelsMads @popup82 Its Perfection. My brain crossed wires or something, I dont know why I came up with Concentration,maybe the ghetto one","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the wonderer in me loves the beauty in everything i see. #traveller #princessshoes #steps #freespirit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Whites are out numbered 9 to 1 in South Africa. If the White people leave, the country will revert to barbarism like so many other African nations.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it is truly sad. a who lot of working class men resent being offered help by a woman. evolution still has a lot of\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user There are men who make women cry and then complain about hysterical, irrational females. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so so so thankful to be pa of @user \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af #dance #love","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DEVELOPING Two Burundian refugees were allegedly beaten by Tanzanian police during their detention in Kigoma. It\u2019s reported that they have been moved to different unknown location to conceal their health situation.... Stay tuned. @user @user #Burundi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You do know plenty of nations have successfully fined and or lobbied Google to adjust its practices right? China, Australia, USA... It does not require an entity the size of the EU. Nor are non-aligned nations restricted in any way from acting in unison on an issue to force a corporate change. As for ur \"freedoms\"..u do not have freedom of speech..more coming","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ain't bout shit you hoes claim, bitch stop speaking on my name . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#donaldtrump : i can't wait nothing good of a (racist) and #misogynist ( misogynist) than see to the women like animals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user The Security rule applied to Omar Abdullah house, to shoot trespasser should be applied to our Country also. India is our home & illegal immigrants are National Security threat.#NRCForSecureIndia #NRCAssam ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in one of my depression funks tonight... laid in bed for almost 7 hours listening to heavy metal and spacing out. tired of being sad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user no its for women who are being a fucking bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/17626-German-Police-Hunting-Witches-Who-Dropped-Teen-In-Cauldron-Of-Boiling-Water ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cause you a pimp and pimps forget ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump can solve the immigration crisis with legislation that died in 2013. New op-ed from @user \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user this one's for u #mallcop #realafraid #realmad #lyingwannabcop #allsmiles\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"whatever makes you feel bad, leave it. whatever makes you smile, keep it \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b8 #life #fit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #glastonbury on monday to be a steward for the week with #oxfam #glastonbury2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"According to the Meyers Konversations-Lexikon (1885\u201390), peoples included in the Mongoloid race are North Mongol, Chinese & Indochinese, Japanese & Korean, Tibetan & Burmese, Malay, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, and Native American.[17] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user ..... or you could legislate some common sense gun control and tone down your racist rhetoric. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user <jk b-day\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089> jungkookday \u00ec\u00a0\u0095\u00ea\u00b5\u00adday for all the years that are yet to come, i will stand by you. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But have you ever been so angry you just wanted to grab some random dude and duke it out for a few minutes?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So many haters are people who aren't allowed anywhere but Gab! I have to communicate with them here because they are banned from the 504um for being retards. Many such cases! Very sad! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nfWlot6h_JM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user old guy off for some sleep be #safe & be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for a lot of people it's their paner who has to compete against the twitter. but #true ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need to smoke & you bitch ass plugs acting like hoes \ud83d\ude24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a coward. He goes after countries that are peaceful and humane. He perceives that as a weakness. He loves Putin and Kim Jun Un because they are the \u201ctough guys\u201d. Like in high school. He wants to be a tough guy by bullying those who have a soul.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I got all these hoes sayin \"you look like Jeff bridges!! \" bitch are you blind?! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user not gonna lie @user i've cried so much for victims. robbie & i have been in similar clubs celebrating life. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @walshnyc: Which World Cup Teams Are Jihadis Rooting For? http:\/\/t.co\/ecU754zHKk @versharma @vocativ http:\/\/t.co\/8z0B7ocMqP","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user JFC!! We need gun control NOW. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".... and liberals do ... yea whatever! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maga booked with the boys\ud83c\udf7b\u2600\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Little baby white pills. Ann is Joan of Arc of she sounds the battle cry...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user MAGA hats ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user wow @user you didn't look up permanently\"\" and \"\"suspends\"\" before placing them next to each other in a fucking headline? #youhadonejob\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've had 3 perfect days in a row\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f got 60\/58 on my final, got installed as wohy advisor, and got to see my best friend again\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user must be said: #trump voters are guilty of normalizing . which is a form of racism. morality is a not a moveable fea\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The OMNIBUS funds Dept. Of Defense->US Army Corps of Engineers = Wall Builders = WALL IS FUNDED! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He lost his virginity This process has been turned into a clown show Protestors democrats paid for was unethical There hate shows in everyway TRUMP denounced Natzi group and bad on both sides which is true But democrats refuse to denounce Antifa a democratic domestic terror-","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@filmyguy Who\u2019s joe trump and Kamala Biden","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She's a Liberal professor dog. Always spewing her hatred against us Conservatives. You're going to HELL with the rest of the Sleaze BAGS. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Islam is an Antichrist Religion\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" donkey #zionazis proud of murdering real palestinian semitic children - thats what i call #antisemtism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't want a brown slave.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is why we must stop the invasion and... Stop It NOW. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on that path #poetry #love #game #fire #moment #hea #eyes #happy #walk #path ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Yes he is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IN HONOR OF #ConstitutionDay I PURCHASED A #TRUMP t-SHIRT AND A #MAGA HAT #TRUMPTRAIN #LIBERTY #FREEDOM #AMERICA #USA #LIBERTY URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Must get NZM&Okhla area sensitized immediately.Lot of illegal Muslim migrants seen all over Roads\/Pavements\/congested lanes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/dailystormer.top\/ NEW DOMAIN !! spread this information","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you will pass this to get to this.. miss little boutique #bihday #workshops in #newry co.down #sew yourself ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Not made in the US though? So..... How can you possibly justify buying them? \"Buy American\" remember? Fucking traitor.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mrs. Claus dropped it off. Had a $50 rebate, Man it's slick... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user make #quitting #cigarettes a #gift to yourself and your loved ones. #fathersday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I always hated the ACLU. Totally un American group","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The counties are paid a daily rate for each immigrant they hold. Enraging. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Go fuck yourself faggot. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" white girl has sex with black guy best world sex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why would America want skilled white immigrants when we can have hordes of immigrants with no marketable skills, guaranteed to be a financial burden on US taxpayers for the rest of their lives? #FreeShitArmy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When women point out the shitty things men do n u say 'but not all men', u sound like a cop saying 'but not all cops'. Sound dumb don't it? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/news\/politics\/capitol-intern-suspended-for-cursing-at-president\/ar-AAzcTD9?li=BBnb7Kz ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"EU is more worried about 'populism' than about tens of thousands of migrants reaching Spain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Why isn't the basic issue of Survival of the Fittest\" vs \"Take Care of Everyone\" the #Dems main point. Isn't this the core of all others ? gun control, wealth and income inequality, health care, entitlements, EPA, Glbl Wrm. Most agree here URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Its her job to do that he is not her pr guy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Every woman I have ever known has experienced sexual harassment, assault, or rape. To say 'my bad' i\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user shana tova my #Antifa warrior friends. 24-7-365 :: 'LIVE' Jerusalem WEBCAM --- TEMPLE MOUNT ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Liberals have used and abused the African American and any other group that comes in contact with them this just an extension of their corrupt and ruthless ways of trying to get power .The #Metoo .So called movement has been reduced to a tool","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hillary admits that the hysteria over 'white nationalists' in the US is a ridiculous conspiracy theory (which she helped make). https:\/\/t.co\/cVZYbCge0j","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2000+ businesses in #Kakuma refugee camp - amazing the resilience of #refugees in the most difficult of circumstances. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what if michelle obama had done this? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Using\u00a0 \"national security\" as a cover for political corruption and then saying that the new guy is the guilty one.\u00a0 Yeah times up assholes Grand Jury now!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your impotent rage is exquisite. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I agree with you. Who ever facilities the logistics and other facility shouldn't be us paying for it. They are burden on us sacking in our resources that is my point. #Eritrea refugees should go back because their country is not on war footing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Are all you liberals idiots? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Xtc isn't going to help you sleep hahahah but it will help you feel better after how Rockstar is shitting on us. Or did you mean sleeping pills\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hey thanks for the informative threads on this. I missed a lot of it but was able to catch up because of your stuff. ;) @judgedread","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tgif unscrambled = gift #tgif #friday #friends send your first unrapp gift today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/thegoldwater.com\/news\/27871-Guatemala-25-Dead-As-Volcano-Spews-Lava-In-Village-Video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA... but now Democrats decry Democrat run Facebook's new political advertising policy about Political Ads. Say it\u2019s too strict for demanding a social security number, a federal ID and a residential address. Democrats don\u2019t want rules ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Day 226.1 Carter Page - Sending Secrets To Russia For Six Years To Bust A Taxi Driver? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Same tbh Could they just stop spreading rumors and false news? We are hurt enough we dont need all this shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He lives in the Selma March over and over. Worst case of racism I ever saw,and pay your fucking taxes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hope he is ok and he finds the peace that will provide him the happiness that he need","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Then we'll be talking about gun control! \ud83d\ude09","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Translation:\"IOM in Libya seeks to alleviate the suffering of migrants but cannot guarantee acceptable reception conditions in the centres, which are managed by the local authorities. Also in many areas of the country, migrants are victims of serious violence and abuse.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ty for that pic-loved drive in's-miss them they were a lot of fun","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Shitttt. I do & does. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Corrupt dcrats in charge in PR the big problem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER that is about the saddest existence I have ever been privy to reading. Sucks to be you man","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user why isn't season 3 working. #ivemissedyou","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh so your mum doesn't count then? shame, shed'd be ashamed you don't consider her a woman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER There was plenty of evidence that he was guilty of what Hill accused him of but since conf hearings aren't about guilty\/innocence got on the bench. Times are diff now. Why as a journalist you don't call out white supremacy\/alt-right but Antifa and pick on @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I wouldn\u2019t trust Chuck Schumer ever. He\u2019s a liar and the president doesn\u2019t trust him either. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This Mexican woman is seeking asylum the way the #Trump administration wants, the legal way, and it's working. #RuleOfLaw #NationOfLaws #LegalImmigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Most Liberals know deep down that it's oppressive and misogynistic but that's better than being a racist Islamophobe which is what you are according to liberals if you dare speak out against it. This is how low the standard for debate is on topics like this. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nazis ... Nazis everywhere. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#quote#quotes#love #heabreak#broken \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bf\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how's that? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Joffrey is a bitch and I cried of joy when he fuckinf died. He killed my fav whore , Ros . He was a rat too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user OurCountry is being saved from evil slugs like Hillary Clinton. The Deep State is going down and I personally can't wait for Hillary to be brought in front of a Military Tribunal. The penalty for treason is death I believe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how will society overcome ? is it possible to end racism? it happens one person at a time. #spirituality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Girls are not human beings, they're objects ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user California? How? Gun control laws should of prevented this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Liberals today R VERY different from Classical Liberals. Liberals today have gone so far left they R Marxists. You're burying your head in the sand if you think neo & classical Libs are the same. Trump is so authoritarian\"\" people can say what they want about him & not be killed.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Agree. People forgetting how good he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user No prison time for you. You're going to get McCain-ed\"\" \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 #DeathPenalty #Treason #Pedogate #MAGA #QAnon\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Can you let him know?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user flight is #delayed and the #ramp is empty. #avgeek. @ boise airpo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RealJamesWoods @nedryun Not good, Democrats don't give a fuck about Biden, they much prefer Kamala. Democrats will line up to impeach Joe. Win\/win for them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now i understand why vegans and vegetarians are such miserable souls...they don't eat bacon! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MrCouture: I have so many questions about that sex tape. I love love LOVE me some Mimi and if that thirsty dude releases it, he's trash…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some of you bitches should be puttin coconut oil up your vag with ya stank ass twat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Live is such a wonderful experience!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"[grendelreport] Donald Trump Should Refuse a Mueller Interview ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realTuckFrumper I thought we voted based on who we'd like to have a beer with. Either way, still #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/B412htaA8c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks so much lady! Happy late birthday to you as well!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"always love yourself 1st.. \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7 #love #smile tuesday #selfie \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #iamwhoiam\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user RT @user Please arrest\/prosecute all Governors, Mayors, and members of #Congress who are violating any Federal Laws. #USA #Americans #Constitution #2A #1A #EndSanctuaryCities #EndDACA #NoAmnesty #EndGunContro ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user just watched on recorded. #excellent... . shocking. repo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brownies brownies brownies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user You don't need to explain your happiness to anyone. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wake up black Americans! #maga #Kavanaugh #VOTERED #Trump #Trump2020 #WALKAWAY #KAG #TrumpTrain #1A #SundayThoughts #HurricaneFlorence #HurricaneFlorence2018 #BolsonaroEleito1\u00balugar #BolsonaroPresidente bb #Blackout #BlueWave #BLM #BlackExcellence ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch no one worried bout you you a hoe no ones worried bout you \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Harley-Davidson needs new leadership. They don't understand their customers, don't support our president, and don't produce the quality they used to. A Harley built in another country is not the same. Should we boycott?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#donaldtrump's #ny campaign co-chair #carlpaladino unleashes on the #obamas in 2017 wish list | mic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is a child ~ a retarded one. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just pledged $2,500 for the border wall. Do It#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i've just heard from my sister that \"d.o.t.s\" is making a second season but i don't know when? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #descendantsofthesun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user doesn't the ballroom @user look fabulous for @user awards? #lwmag16 #summerball ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Becoming? We find out about a sex change? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Eye just want rice Lmfaoooooooo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm ~14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user No. I think he knows @user is going to lose anyway and he has nothing to lose in this battle. He is like a suicide bomber can only think tactically unfortunately he can only lie to stay in news. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant? Bitch you can't get a regular ass job for 9months or what? Smdh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are so right on this issue and Democrats have been lying to the American people for to long lately it seems like there all going crazy in the head lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Check out @user Tweet: !!!! Hysterical Woman-1Scumbag Swamp Creature-ZIPPY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hillary and logic? Talk about your classic oxymoron! Professor sounds like he should be teaching Poly Sci at Evergreet College!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so to hear #news of #jocoxmp murder, #condolences to her #family & people of #birstall #westyorkshire #yorkshirelass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Clown who cares about you or the nfl. #NFLFreeSundays","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Exactly the information I needed. - http:\/\/fastswings.com\/FastSwingscom\/Post\/7323\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looking forward to vocal coaching with @user contact @user at ludik.hugo@user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Down 620 ! War is coming and someone knows it ! North Korea Iran Russia China turkey ? Pick one ! \ud83d\ude0e","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah. ITS OVER> People don't tell #artists what do to. That's defies the definition of what WE ARE TRYING TO SHOW #youpeople. #retards #game7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Serial rape didn't seem to be a problem for liberals with Bill Clinton and Hillary who enabled him? Go figure - can you say hypocrisy?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the worst thing about quitting smoking is the fact i wanna eat everything.....including people's heads \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #nicotinewithdrawal","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We\u2019ll never see this story on prime-time news.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Your an idiot slag him off behind his back call him out you have a. Problem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you feeling creative? We're building Mondrian - Plastic Reality for our fellow artists! Build, paint, play, and share levels with the world. Learn more at http:\/\/lantanagames.com #screenshotsaturday #makeamondrian #indiegames #creatives #art #arthistory #madewithfusion #indiedev #gabgaming #games #gaming #gamedev","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"honestly a bitch didnt deserve shit this whole year or whole fuckin life so why q bitch always complaining ugh fucking hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i just finished the gym 1 hour ago. it was great, as always, i love to go there, it\u00c2\u00b4s so fun. #gym ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Amen brother, this is why some of the new grassroots ideas coming from the left trying to normalize pedophilia. They are testing the waters.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Ppl must realize by now HRC only speaks when she is told to speak and only what she is supposed to say. HRC hasn\u2019t had an original thought since college and probably before. Research her pas with her SS guards and you will see how calm and considerate she is! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #us: growth with only three of six cylinders working \u00e2\u0080\u0093 wells fargo #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did Gutierrez go help? Or is he just a blow heart","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Who the hell do you think you are little Eddie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Charlie Crist and Rick Scott are both scumbags, however interesting that Crist has yet to run one, just one, positive political ad.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"on the bright side thoughh..... wedding dress appt saturday!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user here is some metrics for ya cowboy @user now stop #fakenews #hate #fear nonsens\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I wonder if she is still in love with the drug dealing boyfriend that worked at Burger King. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".\u2066@SpeakerRyan\u2069 \u2066@HouseGOP\u2069 Read this and get a clue, you morons. STOP THE DAMN INVASION\u203c\ufe0f #StopTheInvasion #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lemme rap on that shit. I'll do a video floatin downstream in a coffin like in horrorland lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 1st of all who trust the FBI to do a polygraph?I don't! She can pass it if she's a habitual liar.They have no fear or caring about what or who they lie about. She's probably a closet ANTIFA member.Insane to wait 30 yrs.If true others could have been hurt bc of her complancey.\ud83e\udd2c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Why cant ISIS blow up these two assholes??","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i wanna be fucked ! my id 13479 meet me here ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I guess that makes me one of the 51%! I closed my FB acct. last week. Tired of their intrusions.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa: the brain child of the democRATS. #DemocratsHateAmerica #Democrats #Antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Like all CONServatives, @user lies. Either that or Druggy was stoned and not really present\"\".\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump Supporters are stealing a Biden signs here! Desperate jerks! #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica #Biden2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my current mixture of moods: #loving #loved #scared #worried ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You mean cheating allegations. Not sexual harassment or assault it was about CHEATING. BIG difference. We all know facts scare liberals. If you are so concerned about sexual assaults you need to shout for the names on the slush funds to be revealed. Until than have a seat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Now the leftist needs to condemn the violence of #antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Israeli women \"fight every day\"? That jewish propaganda bullshit. The United States has given Israel everything because the rat jews control our banks and Wallstreet. All the latest hardware, given for free, so Israeli women can take a photo op in a skirt with a gun and think they actually did anything. Thats all you have in 1000s of years of history. lol. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"monday be like #monday #ootd #me #girl #selfie #l4l #lol #love #loveit #pretty #eyes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The FBi has made it so that @USER cannot buy a cell phone nor his calling cell to now calls after 5 pm and weekend now but he can use his office phone 619-513-5555 he like to say he is someone else and hate me for call to FBI worked and back and know safe&llook","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user OMG why do we care about these Hollywood Liberals?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Didn't watch the hearings?You are clearing fear mongering.Please support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the Untied States of America.#MAGA#USA1st#BuildThatWall#NoAmnesty#NoDACA#DumpTheUN#ScrewTheEU#KingTRUMP ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think I liked it better when Conservatives pretended that rape is bad. Now they are claiming Rape gets Better with Time? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Filthy rich federal refugee contractor, @user teams with TripAdvisor to give #Refugees free tourism trips. What about poor Americans and military vets? Any free tours for them? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Read his book \" Ted White And Blue\" it's worth owning.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089mikeas\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #bihday #bihdayboy #celebrate #celebration #19\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It wasn't as if he was bothering her. However, after a moment she looked up from her phone and sighed. I'm sorry, growing up the way I did, I'm a little bit of a hard ass, when people give me compliments, I apologise because you didn't \u2014\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user exemplifies the #swamp draining it #20days #dems #taxpayer thieves #islamicterrorist enabler\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user #brexit @user @user @user Chequers proposal is a disaster for Britain ! #ChuckChequers now ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #fathersday shout out to the wonderful father's that do stay around. keep up the good\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Cant say those words!! Tweeter will come knocking","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user At this point in time... I don't think Pres. Trump gives a sh*t... and neither do I! LOL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ChidiNwatu @IvankaTrump We\u2019re you at the same rally.. You must have been mistaken as no racist comments.. It was a beautiful rally. Take your negativity some place else.. [NEWLINE]#Trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is what the leader of the third largest political party in South Africa recently said.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#WakeUpAmerica. Don't think for a second anyone wanting to bring these animals into our country has your best intentions in mind. Europe needs to clean their shit up, and clean the shit out of office before it's too late. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You would. Can't fix stupid. #MAGA #QAnon #ThursdayThoughts #DrainTheDeepState #ThankfulThursday #WWG1WGA #WalkAway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we're to announce that our 2nd #farm, smile farms at community bridge builders (turlock, ca) is opening soon! htt\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just saw! i'm really happy you're gaining traction, it's only a matter of time until you hit your goal! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are welcome Casey. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"some of y'all niggas be looking forward to be a side piece ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A cute girl that I've had a crush on since earlier this year just called me funny and I want to throw up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You talk too much faggot. Quit projecting your insecurities onto others. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Truth. All you need to do is see what any of them threaten if even moderate gun control proposals are seriously talked about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Stfu you lie out the gate lol tf you except ! You want pussy out the gate !! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It's easily digestible content. There's no need for nuance or to even understand the story. They can show a picture of an ANTIFA\"\" and get the base level emotional response their content requires in order to be profitable.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Creepy old pedo desperately trying to be relevant. Just an old guy from the old world which Trump has shattered.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I lost several friends over openly supporting & voting for @user @user & one of the main reasons I voted for him was his promise to build a Border Wall & so help me if he doesnt Ill sit home in 2020! #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow #BuildTheWall @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Chances @USER got @USER \u2018s Mario Cart penis confused with one of the few thousand she\u2019s had since then. Can you remember what a specific slice of pizza \ud83c\udf55 you at 15 years ago looks like? Dems like ancient memory based accusations #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this movie is actually good cuz its so retarded","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Kind of like what trump does all the time huh?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#waterbury attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Good vibes going towards Robert!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"is PROOF that theyre more privleged. also my bitch mother wont bring my pizza rolls up here like the lazy cunt she is so brb. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Just a reminder Donnie..[NEWLINE]#TrumpHatesOurMilitary #TrumpHatesOurVeterans #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #BountyGate #PutinsPoodle #VoteTrumpOut [NEWLINE]#VoteBlue #Biden2020 #BidenForPresident #TrumpLiesAmericansDie https:\/\/t.co\/ggoYrdUTuo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user things wouldn't need fixing if girls didn't fuck them up! #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what did you decide? #fowoh #goldenretriever #lcck9comfodog #workingdog ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I had to make sure. A woman's yes is yes, and her no is no.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after spending a week in bed #sick, i finally get to leave the house. que #energyoverload! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Monte... who fuckin knows at this point ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Candace Owens is a truly incredible patriot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bitches be dying for attention smh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NAZI Britain?? The End of Comedy: Nazi Pug Found Guilty\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FIFAcom Pepe because his defending was outstanding! His tackles were accurate nd he did hos job perfectly in both legs!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Funny how liberals change their tune about women accusers based SOLEY on their political persuasion! Isn\u2019t there a term for that? Oh yeah! #HYPOCRITICAL!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The next hoe that you love I bet I'll make that hoe my Bitch \ud83d\ude18\ud83e\udd18. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I understand how regulations work. Do you understand government can\u2019t control everything. Do you understand most of those regulations stopped business growth. Trump isn\u2019t Politically correct i get that. But he is doing what\u2019s right for America.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What great you will achieve by building Ram Mandir. Crook ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Or like the antifa Berkeley Professor who assaulted someone with a bike lock? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I thought you said the NYT was \u201cfailing\u201d and \u201cfake news\u201d. So this can\u2019t be true; it\u2019s made up!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why have you done NOTHING to stop #INDIA stealing AMERICAN JOBS?We are watching, won't be conned by 5 BILLION WALL funding. #BuildThatWall NOW, tired of useless talk.It won't stop #INDIA flying in, stealing American jobs,STOP #INDI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That\u2019s all Antifa does. They\u2019re violent and they hide. But you obviously support them. \ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2640\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The idea that capitalists like competition is a joke. Capitalists like nothing more than a government-sanctioned monopoly on an essential public service; if they didn't then they'd spend less time lobbying the British government.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"please #america # #timwise lecture - #colorblind via @user #trendolizer #historicalamnesia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user badger has a new kennel and toy! badger @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm not for hitting children but this rugrat is the exceptionsend his mini muslim ass to Turkey if it's so great!!#CloseTheBorders #SendThemBack #BanIslam #BanMuslims ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 you #hispanic & feel like the are stomping on you? listen #retweet #boricua\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user isn't it bad enough christopher robin left his friends in the 100 acre wood and andy davis (toy story) gave his away?! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't sell me dreams cause I'll return them as nightmares ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just noticed that twitter will block anything about a certain billionaire who buys people to accuse conservatives of wrong doing. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Making America Great Again - one day at a time!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user None of this would be an issue had these parents not VIOLATED our country's sovereign laws and Illegally entered our country!#SENDTHEMBACK #SendThemALLBackNOW ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trump called Trudeau very dishonest and weak\"\" and the Conservatives cheer. Conservatives in Canada are Trump supporters. They will accept any crumbs that fall off Trumps table.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Cause who bitches be playing with \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d god aint give me the gift for nothing ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good news.We are against illegal immigrants.Bangladeshi must go your evidence and stay at Assam. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Idk what to think about her...but with her eyes like they r...she is naturally bugging out all the time...which is untrustworthy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You don\u2019t get it it all. Women don\u2019t like to come forward because of men like you. When they finally do come forward men LIKE YOU either slut shame them or call them liars. Men LIKE YOU are shy a lot of victims remain silent. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Birch me too.. da fuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Kstar__: Told you RT @Astronaut_Tone: Artprize is more than trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@stevenportnoy \u201cadditional structure\u201d? Like maybe a gag? #impeached #liar #failure #narcissist #BidenHarris2020 #NoMoreBullshit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A video discussing the lies about gay marriage in Australia and the bullying of Israel Folau after his comments regarding gay people: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGhW4xd56QQ\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gab is using Amazon AWS?\u00a0 (I see tcp connections there trying to watch what's happening with technical difficulties). ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"rah don't turn up at my door acting like a cunt\ud83d\ude02 u drove to me bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"P-A-T-S-I-E-S. \u00a0Why JFK papers were so important to be released - show plainly how CIA\/FBI (Deep State) operates to this day, but now they use mind-controlled drugged up zombies to do real dirty work","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a beast","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The only thing the principled\" conservatives are outraged about is the clear moral and intellectual need for diversity and inclusion of all people of all faiths. @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone on social media should expect that popular accounts can't respond to or read everyone's messages. It's a fact of life.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I just read that whole thread and that guys thinks he is a boxing media social media sure have mess up some ppls head \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Study: 1 million sex crimes by illegals If you think these numbers are atrocious, they are 12 years old!What are the horrifying numbers today?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #EnforceUSLaws#DeportThemAll Stop subjecting our children to this depravity! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user can ya put the push on the leeds bradford flight #hour #delay so far #mickoleary won't be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DaRealAlexInLA @Buckm00se he wasn't training gook boy doe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Are they passing out money outside for this too ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Metallica - Nothing Else Matters [Official Music Video] ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so @user could not simply delete flagged vids? reinstate @user account of @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Hovaa_ what about yellow spots?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user She is going to be heartbroken to see you and you 6 followers go. Bot bot bot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Illegals are dumping their kids heres o they can get welfare, aid and U.S School Ripping off U.S Taxpayers #SendThemBack ! Stop Alowing illegals to Abuse the Taxpayer #Immigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i hope the guy won't say how come only trump gets to speak his mind \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad..people! enough with the pc already #sarcasm\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user i'm not i just hate those muzzies !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I agree. There are obese people trying to change the way they are. Good luck to them. Not lazy. Tess_Holliday is doing the opposite. She is actively promoting that its good and beautiful to be obese. Its not. And its down to being lazy and greedy. Simple science ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user off to ponsanooth later today to sing at a wonderful village pay for the queen's bihday! #lovecornwall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If it makes you happy. Go at it. Just simply clarifying the Bolshevik\/Jew situation as one in the same. Have a great day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy 4th of July everyone! Ladies don't fuck it up! () () () () <---- vaginas ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If only Martin were as obsessed about Christ as he is with homosexuality. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user YES BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user i feel triggered by your statement. me & my strawberry blonde locks are going to our safe space. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"such a tragedy! #orlando #tragic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Because he support d Roseanne??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Danish #Muslims Insist On Wearing A #Niqab (or FaceVeil) & Still Desire To Live As A Non-Person Ghost. Muslims Are Hopelessly Unable To Assimilate. #SendThemBack. @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PRAYERS, DAILY ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sir,pl don't bow to mad Mamta\/TMC whims&threats.Centre must go ahead&deport all illegal migrants from all over India. India must not be made home to Muslim illegal migrants. Pl don't abt consequences.Entire India is with u in throwin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my manager just asked me why i seem so depressed like bitch i been this way my whole life ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Always remember, it's not whether you can or you can't, but that nobody gives a fuck either way ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user White woman by no means a victim she is the epitome of wickedness & rape of Black people, her hands mo\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you are absolutely positively right! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And let\u2019s face it... Democrat woman are fuuugly! No man in their right mind would want to even consider raping that unless they are severely desperate or completely unhinged psychopaths!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"president jimmy caer leaving his religion due to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user hoping for a bullseye at archery @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#allahsoil \u00e2\u0080\u009cwe the people\u00e2\u0080\u009d originally meant \u00e2\u0080\u009cwe the white, landholding males.\u00e2\u0080\u009d \u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So about the #IRS with lame whats your dumb excuse there #Oathbreaker @user #Nodaca #Deportthemall #coward keep your stupid whistles #Hypocrites ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look what color he is sar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Woman invites 20+ of her tinder matches to battle for her affections hunger games style in broad daylight https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/08\/20\/woman-dupes-dozens-o...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user it and expose me. do it.. you mean nothing to me. expose me as the racist you say i am. i am waiting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Stop saying this shit you are not going to do it shrio you have to fight this depression you can't let it take you half of my life was me hiding my emotions everyone thought I was happy but deep down I wanted to end it all but I didn't let depression beat me I kept fighting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">>>--->Simcoe mountain range she is Bruin : BUSTING.......#BearDown #hunting URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is no such thing as gender-neutral. It is either a man or a woman there is no in between. The rest is queerism.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trying times for nigeria football,so \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user on dallas shooting \"the video you're about to see is disturbing, so viewer discretion\" then they play it in a loop over and over. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump releases #MAGA diss track in response to Eminem. The washed up, white boyfriend of Dr Dre.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I think Collins has maybe seen the light given the threats against her from Liberals lately.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With a #JeepWave for all the #JeepOwners and #JeepLovers out there. Because #Jeep. Especially you, @Escoffier. #Klondike #KlondikeBar #Sketchy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER We must run in different Twitter circles. Because every time @USER posts about NCAA it is #MAGA american that comes out the woodwork in support of the status quo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another has been trying to get back in the spotlight Paul McCartney go back to England shut up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is so damn cute! Def with the facial expressions","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @dcexaminer: Roger Stone, Michael Caputo say they were targets of US setup involving Russian national https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/ynWc https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/36RKC","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"33 million unemployed? Each of those 33 million should be sending Covita an eviction notice. #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"excited to use this \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #oneblade #phillips ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Syrian refugees and the Lebanese residents of Arsal can't agree on much, but they agree on this: It is time for the Syrians to go home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ramadan in Germany: Muslim migrant rapes teen girl so violently, she needs surgery via @user Animal update... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.haudenosauneeconfederacy.com\/ OH BUT THE CONFEDERACY IS RACIST!!!!! #idiotsthelotofthem","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \"all bodies are equal\" #bodyimage #body #appearance #women #nudity #naked #naturism #beauty #nudist\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ObamaSucksAnus You are nothing but a bad kike shill.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A lumberjack and two women pose in front of a tree near Seattle, Washington. 1905","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is about us because we our young and care about the future of our race. if things are going to change it is on us because everyone else is brainwashed to the point of submission. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER just picked up my @USER post on gun confiscation. This is the history of gun control your high school and college history classes will NEVER tell you about. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So remember the other night when @realDonaldTrump said none of his rally\u2019s had been super-spreader events? Technically that\u2019s because his entire candidacy and Presidency have been. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f #WearAMask #AmericasGreatestMistake #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You do know what the chant Puto means don't you? Fined three times means its not acceptable both are being bullies. One was done by one player the other done by the culture of a country.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I know they be fired up thinking u got a hammer n your pants from how u walk n find out u got a coochie lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user SAME SHIT. YOU SKINNY AF BITCH IMA FIGHT YOU HOE DONT MAKE ME LEAK UR NUDES ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I was definitely drunk as shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Poll Finds Immigration and Terror Top Issues for People Across Europe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#saturday #weekend \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087 great way to sta the weekend \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 stay active\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c #walk #hike #run\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@user ends 2016 with a hopeful message against in the music industry via\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Not once did the left ask for gun control after Scalise was shot. Not once! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I believe he is winded! Some nights you just don't have it I guess ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's old news, but the same thing will happen to Ripple if Coinbase decides to add it to its market. Ripple could go up to $5 easy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user New gun control laws are a waste of time & energy which is better spent holding these worthless politicians accountable for their REFUSAL TO ENFORCE CURRENT LAWS. Why create more laws they will never enforce? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how to open... your , loving hea #thursdaythoughts #relationships #marriage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's time for a purge https:\/\/twitter.com\/spf_7k\/status\/1031505226434584...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"blessings all the way! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0087\u00e2\u009c\u00a8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Freedom Watch Files Class Action Complaint Against Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Instagram for Alleged Antitrust Violations and Other Illegalities https:\/\/www.freedomwatchusa.org\/pdf\/180829-Filed%2... #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shits about to Hit the Fan. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the socks that make you #smile \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 weenie dog love \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 #dachshund #love #socks #feet\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user better NOT take #AugustRecess until NO $ on #IllegalAliens! #NoAmnesty 4 #DACA #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack #DeportThemAll #ImmigrationReform #NoVisaLottery #EndChainMigration #EndSanctuaryCities #VoterI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user oh fuck i forgot about poopy in my diaper pants you know me before i know myself ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"us 9 are ready for you #miami. the question is, are you ready for us! #nolagonemia \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NYC Media last week: LOL, look at the flyover peckerwoods freaking out.\n\nNYC Media now: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This little Twat crisis actor should be removed from this Planet by any means necessary.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i think u hit the nail on the head w\/that 1! there's a reason envy is 1of the 7deadly sins! #ignoretrolls #ew","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*Gets Period* You are the cause of my \ud835\udced\ud835\udd02\ud835\udcfc\ud835\udcf9\ud835\udcf1\ud835\udcf8\ud835\udcfb\ud835\udcf2\ud835\udcea","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"break \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be #dorisrouesne#spa#hammam#sauna#france#break#model#fitness#after#spo#strengh#befit#healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If the vote splitting gets JT back in it will likely be a minority govt meaning JT will not be able to inflict the damage on us he has been. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"******** LOESCH UNLEASHED: Dana exposes the racist core of leftist gun control #onlyatYAF, YAFTV, 8Sep2018 Gun control ... is the government telling you it doesn't trust you.\"\" @user @user @user @user @user ********\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dwyane wade #nbavote if you hate #boycottdelta #islamophobia","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DivaMonRoe2uHoE @CheefPolo hoe hoe hoe, merry Christmas","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am not American, but unlike the UK, America can be saved, so I will always support all efforts to that end.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What has awaken so many women in this country is the asinine over the top stupidity of liberals today!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PEACE MEANS HAVING A WAR ...TO THE DEMORATS. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only thing the Democrats have is lying and stalling to stop Trump from being #President. What have they done for you lately. #Trump #Kavanaugh #MAGA #DEMSUCK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and the brother will have to live with that scene\/image for the rest of his life. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user dear #democrats , djt not allowing #islamicradicals 2 use america's freedoms 2 destroy r freedoms is not or #islamopho\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So, my fellow Gabbers, what did you do instead of tuning in to that sham of a march?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"S-Shut the fuck up bitch> He pinches the bridge of his nose > His ears fold back in pure embarrassment, this just keeps getting better and better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sen flake is a coward.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019s more qualified than all of you Obama folks put together! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh man! You are going to trigger the fanboys\/fangirls lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Actually nvm DC animated films are the shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Blame the rush Feinstein. She sat on this for two months. You and your party drove this timeline on purpose. Live w it. I hope someday someone accuses you of something and you watch your entire life\u2019s work disappear. He is a person w a family. Remember that!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER They should dress him in an Ice Uniform no weapons and make him walk the boarder at night calling for the drug cartel.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER What an \u201cactor\u201d Joe Biden is....and that\u2019s alll he is!!! A \u201cFAKE\u201d phony actor!! Get off of the stage Joe...your time has come & gone!!! We \u201cDregs of Society\u201d could care less about what you preach!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I flew with Snoopy's grandfather...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER is right to say that housing associations should be \u201ctaking on and leading major developments themselves.\u201d More investment by the @user will enable them to do so. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal alien already sentenced for sexual assault re-sentenced for entering U.S. illegally: #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I want to kiss your ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't have time for you whores bitch can't you tell? I only spend time with money & that's because she pays me well ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Obama is s sweet talker but very dangerous in his views and the actions he took and the scandals he has. Giving weapons & money to terrorists. He aligned himself and bowed to them. Shadow govt to sabotage President Trump. Obama uses soros to fund antifa blm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"off now for 9 days \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ac ibiza on wednesday \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #IllegalAliens Go Home Now!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @BadAdviceDog: when you look like trash and someone compliments you http:\/\/t.co\/RRQzsYM4tY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/russiabeyond\/videos\/10156... Of course California is colluding with Russia. For those arguing that our police wouldn't kill Americans during gun confiscation, you're right.\u00a0 Thats why California will use russian cops in America. #RedDawn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Farrakhan has refered to white people as Blue eyed devils. Will not even repeat what he has said about Jews. He is anti-Semitic. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hard to think how is still very much prevalent in so many societies. if you're not white, rest assured disc\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IT'S TIME TO PACK YOUR BAGS! Italy's new interior minister, Matteo Salvini, warns Muslim illegal migrants posing as refugees 'the free ride is over' as he promises mass deportations via @user Italy acts,Europe still snoozing... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you a bitch..ol hoe ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my view for the evening.... #jerseyboys #westend #london @ london, united kingdom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER was she physically threatening the boys or us? was she completely slandering their name? no she wasnt. im honestly not for her saying that shit ya of course. like ya she said it and fucked up. but at least she owned up to it and apologized. but death threats is way out of line.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WhatILearnedToday Liberals are the scum of the earth Absolute treason.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"French #police officers injured by 'drunk' UK-bound #migrants in #Calais via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"awesome awesome day \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088 #colorrun2016 #colormehappy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Where is integrity in any of these Trump hating agencies. Justice only works for liberals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Bank deregulation happened under Gordon Brown with his dramatic changes announced in 1997 (not in manifesto) including independent central bank and removal of @USER supervision of financial sector. How old are you? Who taught you this rubbish version of history?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday peter g! quite possibly the nicest man in #winnipeg. have a great day! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No matter what was said at the summit, the fake news CIA MSM headlines were already written a day before it began.\u00a0 They were going to cry TRUMP-RUSSIA COLLUSION & TREASON no matter what was said.\u00a0 That's because the MSM truly is the enemy of the people. #Trump #MAGA https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-europe-44842732","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER shut the fuck upppp kliff i'm bigger than you and gayer than you so don't try any shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch nobody really cared about u in 2010 tbh. You was just some regular hoe in videos. Cardi making music sis \ud83d\udc40 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Players finally get to visit Biden HQ https:\/\/t.co\/SfK2WiK6JZ #GraphicDesigner #Webdesigner #Design","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wanna pull up this bitch panties rape her ass while she\u2019s shouting trying to run away and finally I d\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user in chief- the gangs all here #hillaryclinton #obama #soros more #caoons at ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You sick bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"By making it a Muslim man's right to rape non -Muslim women and children. Normalize it, and remove the outrage. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is so dumb and clueless! Pushing a pipe dream. What fools they are that put her in office. Sad! #FoxNews #SocialismSucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@support\u200d i have 2 pictures i need to send you guys. what's the best way to do it?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Evidence against Manafort was substantial and beyond reasonable doubt\" on 8 counts. He was found guilty in court, any other spin is useless. This is how our system works. If Manafort had problems with verdicts he can appeal them, he is not.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's so sad how pathetic and delicate everyone is today. I might not be totally innocent on Facebook I went after Zuckerberg when I realized he's anti 1rst amendment And I love the fact Americans say whatever they want.\ud83d\ude00","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Carrey is looking more like a tranny every day ?!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Must be becos the site thinks Teli is a REAL antifa \ud83d\ude00 Teli is a Weeb'tifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#tgif minus the bath i guess #jackrussell #bathtime #wishing everyone a and #blessed #weekend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Starting on billionaire at the barricades the populist revolution from Reagan to trump by Laura ingraham","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Exterminated is a little harsh: I agree with your first point whole heartedly. I remember being advised not to go onto ESA as the stress testing was harsh and I would be better off going onto the work program because I was not eligible for any benefits (except housing benefit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER yesterday this happen here\ud83d\ude33 So much for gun control when you can't prevent a 2nd grader from bringing a gun to school huh\ud83d\ude0f URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #1 illegal aliens, millions of EWI people robbing, maiming, killing our citizens, taking our jobs, fleecing our taxpayers.#votered@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user #AmericaisforAmericans#legalvettedimmigrationonly#boycottviceland#MAGA #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #prank #dad #home #slapcam #black #waiting #bastard #offensive #memes #meme by offensivememes69 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@seanhannity because that's all they got, really grasping at straws now...[NEWLINE]#trump2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I hate @USER so much now. They fucked up the whole franchise.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Losing! Britain is losing to immigrants & other criminalsBritain 2018: Record Knife Crime Rates Straining NHS, Depleting Blood Supplies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hope the Clintons are still stinking up the place by 2020! It will remind Americans what they could've got stuck with!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"guys call an ambulance i think i am going to die \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad @user are you trying to kill me \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You\u2019re a bitch ass cunt @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Amazing how Dems don\u2019t feel they owe it to unborn generations to keep ILLEGALS out!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are holding my life hostage! I have tried everything you have asked to get the freeze removed and for weeks you have done nothing to make this happen. @user and @user made it easy. None of your antiquated systems work and customer service is non-existent. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He\u2019ll only get more popular. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If This Doesn't Make You a Believer, I Doubt Anything Will https:\/\/youtu.be\/fVF4T0OXHkU via @YouTube","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Kavanaugh issues more detailed response, confirms the view that he deserves an opportunity to defend his reputation: This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes\u2014to her or to anyone....\" URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms. - Richard Henry Lee","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That's very true Theresa. Most of those MPs however call themselves Conservatives\" oddly enough.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Serena was constantly berating the guy between games. Even said he would never work one of her matches again. The third warning was completely justified. She is no saint. Sad such a champion lost her cool so badly","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Scoob3y yeah and you're gonna play with retards who wanna do drugs all day but 🐸☕️","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER slap the shit outta her","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user As suspected this is about derailing Judge Kavanaugh\u2019s confirmation because he is a conservative and will adhere to the Constitution and the law. He\u2019s not an activist judge which is what they want. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sorry Sam, I went to @elonuniversity RT @wulfpacksam83: Is wes durham woody durham son???? If so, why is that tar baby doing a PACK game.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER As a kid of legal immigrants I can attest you are 100% correct. They follow the law to the letter in most cases because they worked so damn hard to get her legally they won\u2019t do anything to risk their status. The illegals have contempt for our laws and pull the scams 24\/7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user I hope @user Ask @user about the deep state and swamp creatures undermining president\u2019s Agendas and latest @user video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Take Take Take #WalkAway from the #idiot party! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 You are delusional ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes keep voting until the NEW REICH IN BRUSSELS GET the result they want. Call another referendum and just see what happens. Go away Liberals your finished ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i used a belt to close my whore ass around it and hold it deep in place \u2661\u2661\u2661\u2661 my cunt is throbbing like a massive knot is in me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Almost forgot you was a nigga in ya past life lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Enthusiastic doesn\u2019t mean collusion or treasonous","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The prison system is so fucked. Why are they still getting away with what is potentially murder with intent if the prisoners die in the hurricane? They did this in Louisiana and like 500 inmates went missing\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this day one thing make me sad ,because the people from taiwan hu jimin and his members.it's bad to them #jimin #bts \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Goes great with our #ToxicMasculinity tee! And it makes a great gift for the #redpilled lady in your life. ;) http:\/\/crypto.fashion\/products\/i-should-be-making-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hiding like the caged animal he is.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@EricTrump #JoeHidden A career politician millionaire\ud83e\udd14 I had no idea it paid that well\ud83e\udd23 #MAGA2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You're either a bot or... for some reason you're associated Gavin McInnes with the alt-right\"? Time to find some better news sources, bro? The \"alt-right\" hasn't been relevant since CVille. Your journalists covering #antifa or just focusing on a few harmless conservatives?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm shocked that this gun addict is also an alleged pervert! URL #NRA #2A #MolonLabe #gunsense #momsdemand #MAGA #WednesdayWisdom","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"good morning! ready for a nice day? a german would say: ein tag ist das, was du aus ihm machst\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 :) #goodmorning #smiles #beautiful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Obama's Hellfire missiles tend to vaporize Jihadis @BemetOr8 @PureMonotheist #UniteBlue","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ROFLMAO - @HillaryClinton complains #FoxNews is out to get her, when every other #News net is in her back pocket; someone please put this crone in an asylum : http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/2018\/04\/04\/hillary-clinton-claims-fox-news-is-always-trying-to-impeach-me.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"British Museum sends ILLEGALLY OBTAINED Iraqi artifacts back to Iraq. When will they send the ILLEGALLY OBTAINED Elgin Marbles? @user @user @user #sendthemhome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Selous Scouts 2.0?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Is that a bar where antifa sharpens their stones and buys their silly string?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"August 28 2014 : 28 publications claiming 'Gamers are dead' August 16 2018 : 300+ publications claiming 'Conservatives are Mean' That's 10x the insult. I hope there's 10x the backlash.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...by accepting the premise that government can and should solve all of life\u2019s problems, conservatives and Republicans... get into a 'bidding war' with progressives and Democrats.\"\" The Libertarian Party is the only party that truly wants less government. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTIFA SUPERSIZED \ud83d\ude08 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER When is this low IQ piece of human trash going to go away. Nobody cares what this wack job has to say so why is she constantly in our faces. If she thinks Mr. Trump has acted despicably what does she call going on live television and telling people to attack conservatives?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#NJ Should NOT be a facilitator for the concealment of illegal aliens. Granting driving licenses There is no background check on Illegals to determine if they pose a national security threat #RedNationRising #Immigration #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Im not saying he is racist.. Im saying he made a mistake. And she is only half Japanese. Her father is Haitian so she is half \/ half if we being true! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are beginning to sound just like a stuck record Brian. Why don't you go and find something less boring to do instead.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While Democrats play the race card, we play the Trump cardJobs, Jobs, Jobs, equals a win for all https:\/\/canadafreepress.com\/article\/jobs-jobs-jobs...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user ...and then beauty crosses your path! #dragonfly #nature #beauty #smile #vibrant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And the United States is 94th in murder rate. Thanks for proving that gun control is useless except for authoritarians.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@oliviagobert lmao yes I kind of like it it's not that ghetto yet & they are and then he says \"u feel me\" 😍😍😭💦","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#pmqs why is @user not being dealt with.. bloody beer! #destitute #desperate #povey","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"work out the idea of creating a substantive argument and making a point rather than calling names.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Merkel support falls to all-time low as ruling bloc damaged by migrant row via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But does he schmooze with Communist #Putin in Helsinki like your daddy? . @USER @USER @USER #MAGA @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoever has said zouis is dead or has gave me any shit for believing in zouis you can choke bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Disgusting Liberals have no shame!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Your bizarre spin attempts fail because no one trusts one sided zealots anymore. The spell is broken. WE THE PEOPLE do not need people like you and your sick idea. Cater to the loony left like your modern brown shirts antifa. Leave normal people alone","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"none before Constantine The Way first actual Church ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"okay, who stole the weekend!! \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0094 #theft #weekend #work #mondayblues","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are abhorrent ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I read your timeline and there's nothing entertaining there. You may well get bored because you are fucking boring.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is checking their privilege! #RightSideOfHistory #BigTech ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil enlightenment is wasted on the wilfully blind. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #emiratis #2016in4words","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user govt at state and centre have no clue to contain prices #poor sleep hungry state#rafale jets or food","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah I posted a vid showing a guy asking who is Jesus Christ Alexa answers a fictional character!.. Then is asked who the prophet Mohammed is then launches into a whole bit about him being a wise and powerful prophet.. Quite creepy!..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"going in now for @user #govoltronforce ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And Who Would Listen to a Man that Robbed American Taxpayers of Millions of Dollars and Gave it to Iran? NOT ME! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's 2016 and i can't leave snarky google reviews for famous renaissance paintings. wow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"award winning chilli sauces \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0086 #celebrate #chillisauce\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER in legislature you are very rude. you are out of mind and out of control...take some pills to relax....you fight for councillors salary of 115K . Did you ever fight for my salary? get lost.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"let's see where this goes ! #summer16 #justthebeginning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"i'm gay.\" -- something a 'hacker' would post into someone's account -- so, does being gay equate to humiliation\/embarrassment pa rin? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00aa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user HE IS A RUSSIAN SPY \/HAVE RECEIVED MUCH MONEY FROM PUTIN. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NOTE: See my humble edit below...\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yeah! Liberals are all Look at me! I'm a victim just because a man held me down, covered my mouth and tried to rip my clothes off to rape me. Boo hoo. And his friend turned up the music too loud to cover up my screams and it hurt my widdle ears\" Get over it already, amiright?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user One added me to a \u201cliberals I\u2019d like to slaughter\u201d last month. That was fun ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"going to okc tomorrow for my day off. hopefully spending the day at frontier city then getting a nice dinner!!! #nice #hashbrown","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER You should totally follow those whack job liberals...unhinged and dangerous! Thank you \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'll have him at the height of ecstasy all over my body ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@DefectorMedia Exactly why I wouldn't vote for Kamala Biden. Joe Buck is a moron, and this is further proof","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UH OH! TRUMP TO LEAVE SINGAPORE EARLY http:\/\/halturnerradioshow.com\/index.php\/news\/world-news\/2673-breaking-news-uh-oh-trump-to-leave-singapore-early","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Nice pic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"walking dead\" by daddie notch (bankai fam) via @user #bankai #friday #worldwide","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When the whole squad is coming over for dinner ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bwahhahahahahaha. Just like soccer and me. LOL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The teachers' unions' stealth attempt to throw the Republican primary in Idaho: https:\/\/idahofreedom.org\/labor-unions-environmenta... #Idaho #NEA #unions #blackmoney #draintheswamp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #the voice christina passing. such sad people in the world to shot others for what reason?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lou Reed is a beast","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nothing like this little reminder to keep me going on a drizzly monday morning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #holiday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It only takes us $36 to rent a bus, load it up with refugee teens, and take them to the skate park. Their next trip could be on you. Donate now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Like I said, a troubled mysterymeat fatass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If just a veiled accusation can derail it will never stop #resist #antifa and @user fingerprints all over this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Drowns em, leaves em for dead while saving his own ass. Ted Kennedy was barely a man. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Border is a National Sercurity threat! #BuildTheWall #PassSAF #EndChainMigration #EndVisaLottery #EnactEVerify #KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JustinYselonia @funder Its going to be interesting to see Kamala Harris and Pelosi grease Joe's ass with the 25th Amendment next year. This is an example of why this will be so successful. At least we will all be screwed together. https:\/\/t.co\/0JIXngNZDT","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The Nov election will tell the tale. MSM laud Antifa; alt-media expose them as Soros-shill shitheads.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hope I got the right one. @Ostroe","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are such a comedian edd!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bernie! You have been in Congress how long? Now that you are getting closer to your death bed since you are old as dirt.. Why a concern now? How many bills did you try to write or endorse before you decided to run for POTUS? Do tell!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beach, packing, beach, packing, moving, beach, unpacking, beach. that's my next few days in nutshell. #awesomeweather","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ideas, tips and strategies that make our #family life easier and better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user OMG. Enough! Immigration moratorium now!! #Tucker #TuckerCarlsonTonight ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#LateNightThoughts how many Congressman dicks did women suck to finally gain voting rights ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ceut: BushCo used to publicly trash ex-officials who wrote books - Snow, O'Neill, etc. Bet we won't hear PBO trashing Gates... #morning…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Who knows there are a lot if Irish Illegal Aliens too ! I dont think of Illegal Immigration as a race but a status ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck you it\u2019s 3 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user puppies always make us happy. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0089 #puppy #dog #doggie #cute #weho #imapetrosexual ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Must Make Illegal #Immigration and Over Stays a Felon Pass Mandatory E-Verify for #Jobs and Welfare #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AOC #Trump2020 in person and what about you... you still towing the line for Sleepy Joe OBiden and CumALegsUp Harris???[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 \ud83e\udd23\ud83c\udf46\ud83e\udd2b","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I really had enough of this LGBTQHIVAIDS crowd. Fuck off back to mental hospitals. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Antifa and UC Berkeley like this \ud83d\udc4d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Maybe you haven\u2019t seen how well #MAGA is working on our economy. The turn around is restitching the fray in our social fabric and rekindling our civic spirit. These reforms are enlightening and educating the next generation in responsible civics. #WalkAway ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ferrari Crashes After New CEO Throws Marchionne Under The Bus ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Now to get inner cities, i.e.#Chicago, to have policies that promote job growth there so that the #nuclearfamily returns. The lack of one is why @USER @USER have the daily killings, NOT a gun control\" issue. #twill\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user YOU ARE AN ANGEL\ud83d\udc9c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user He said Israel could be described as a racist state, much like any other state (including Britain over Windrush, or May's \"migrants go home\") could be. There are no special cases of racism. The Palestinians w ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She's a Liberal professor dog. Always spewing her hatred against us Conservatives. You're going to HELL with the rest of the Sleaze BAGS.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user . The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats. It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN. Disgusting how Democrats\/Liberals RUIN everything they touch! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user Refugees need to be able to make a free and informed choice about their future and basic elements to anchor voluntary returns and make them sustainable must be in place: via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feminine NOT feminist. Make a beautiful white baby today. ;D #14words\u00a0#whitepride#worldwide\u00a0#aryanresistance\u00a0#aryanpride\u00a0#volkisch\u00a0#ethnicityfirst#wotanmituns\u00a0#resistanceisfertile\u00a0#hailvictory","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump: \"Immigration We Have To Be Very Strong\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even muslim children are pieces of shit. #deportthemall #nomuslimcanbetrusted #fuckislam! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't know... this whole thing looks like it was Nigger-Rigged","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@sleepy_yongguk: \"I saw an ajumma walk out in the beginning saying, 'Wow, this is so trash that I can't even listen to it..'\" 😂\" lmaoo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i despise that bitch cunt... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do more of what makes you feel happy. #beatmaking #motivation #motivationalquotes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user man he is so fine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!! BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Never OK. It's just that women complaining were seen as hysterical or delusional while men were\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FkeBld thank you for your follow","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Providing aid to Sudanese refugees is one of our priorities in 2018! Read Nawal's story here:https:\/\/t.co\/9BzDJojVbD ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I pirate my games from this site. Since these are all gog games you don't have to worry about any cracks or added malware since gog games are by default drm free and don't need any extra modifications. This is the only place where I pirate games since I don't want to play Russian roulette (malware edition) with cracks https:\/\/goggames.goodolddownloads.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"want a fulfilling life? do these 2 things #life #smile #satisfied #blessed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at the faces! mango and his new #family #thankyou for #adopting! #hacambria\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #xboxe3 #finalfantasyxv will be released on september 30th 2016! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Isn\u2019t past the time to start killing all leftist?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when someone asks you the last time you didn't act like a meme. #meme #hidethepainharold #relatable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hi @user we join the many signatories of this open letter to you from @user Surely you can understand that charging migrant women for maternity care in the UK is unworkable & inhumane. #ALLMothers need this care, regardless of status! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i find this better than any protein shake ive tried so far. #gym #diet #fitness #weightloss #fatloss #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"many of my @user alum friends and waking up shocked to hear of the death of scsu president. #shocked ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't want to upset the #MAGA #Trump crowd, but Stormy Daniels\u00a0 is a Handsome Woman. And By Handsome Woman, I mean Manly. And by Manly, I mean Ugly. Just Sayin #Sharkweek #Powermove","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Trudeau and the metoo movement hahaha. He is on the wrong side there. Funny how questions never went anywhere with Trudeau. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"see what #russia is doing in #syria, destroying masjids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is NUTS!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is the worst. But what can you expect when you consider what she has to personally gain from his confirmation","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are all recycling of liars","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #bihday . hope you get everything you want.#stayblessed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@VoteSmarts @user @user FYI, #IllegalAliens are Not a *protected *group. Urge you read and Apply Our #Constitution in Our #USA re #Citizens; #FairPlay, eh. What do you have against #mexico, hm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"police, check cashing industry, atlanta and profiling black men: #police #checkcashing #atlanta #blackmen #profiling","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user According to the liberals yes! Guilty unless she proves her innocence! Wait are you a man? If so then No you can not be trusted ever! How dare you make a claim against a woman! Women are above the sins of man! We are perfect! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"more from the journey in #bus #rain #nature #mist #bird #cliffs #beach #picturepostcard\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"also: command, shift and option #apple ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ColeMcDowell2 Waco is ghetto hahaha. Wait til we go pick up nat in Austin tomorrow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ahh I do remember hearing that one before. I think it may be outdated, you know, with global warming and all lol... I think after today we can legitimately say \u201c Joes pulling a Prince Harry\u201d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"work. #donrik #big #bud #studio #black #sheep #beautiful #life #day #days #today\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user politics has turned twitter into facebook. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #nyc\u00c2\u00a0 #assault \u00c2\u00a0#womenonly #forher #2017 #newyears #resolution #womenissues\u00c2\u00a0- self defense for women course","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oasis says she is happy to oblige ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Biggest corrupt lying piece of s***\ud83d\udca9 there ever was! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Eric is a crook and that\u2019s that","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's not safe anyway because he is a liar! You can NEVER get to the bottom of a liar!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one word - coward. thoughts are with the victims, and their families. #orlando #orlandoshooting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Do you guys accept your significant other calling you out of your name! i.e bitch hoe slut etc.... And I\u2019m not talking about during sex. \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"who will be the early premier league contenders and relegation battlers this year!!? #epl ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The 2016 savage award goes to this man ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user wow! ur #eloquent commentary on @user & @user was #epic #shakespeare #true #honest #brilliant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is what a new Supreme ct Justice will destroy! Those who need this insurance in the middle of a pandemic will lose it and trump the liar will not replace this and there will be no hell for people with pre existing conditions...#VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/sxAqNK7F3W","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user that's unepic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#jeffsessions thinks we won't notice as he redacts decades of ove in his application for ag confirmation. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sta your day on a #cute, note by setting a \"cuddle alarm\": i am very much not a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's unbelievable the things people do just so they don't have to see you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 13 tips to help you flourish #positivity #success #growth #balance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 D Chess anyone ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The only person with a vagina that I value is my MOTHER, and even she is a dumb retard. Women are oNLY good for making babies.# ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Coulter gets it right. Let Iran deal with Iran. Give us our wall!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Decimate_IX Can't even spell right. You have the brain of an ape","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So the AR-15 is a fully semi-automatic assault rifle,\" gun control works, and Donald Trump is racist?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch shut your bubble gum ass the fuck up kick rocks hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER he probably gets paid to say that...with $$ and assurances that he won't be called an islamophobe---pfffft it's a fake word--justin is an IDIOT and he is destroying canada one refugee at a time","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I hope this is not true but it's another good death nail in the liberals chances. Amazing how they have no respect for the money of hard working Canadians","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Poorly worded but he's not talking about the actual shooting. He means the aftermath with the gun control aspect. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The entire west coast is under a tsunami watch... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#qatil poetry poetry #eid poetry #2 line sms #eid ghazal #urdu poetry #dard poetry #beutiful + follow @user + on @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Holder has a perverted view of the law. Not surprising since he is a Democrat.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Newsweek Are you freaking crazy????[NEWLINE]I\u2019d rather watch A Roto Rooter team clean out my sewers than more of #BronzeBoy spewing his endless lies and distortions. It\u2019s the same old same old racist crap. America if you fall for this again you deserve what you get[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Protesters condemn US treatment of migrants, block bus ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Pound Sterling Climbs Above $1.40 to New Post-Brexit-Vote High ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not feeling myself rn #pain #hu \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e . hate crying","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Touch\u00e9...but wait till he flashes the white supremacist\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffcsign letting his sound crew know he can hear himself in his ear piece. Heads will roll...\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @EJ_RealTalk: “@SirRayCharles: Mo Claiborne is so trash”I can't say it enough fam 😒","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NO COINCIDENCE: S.C. CRASH ANOTHER DEEP STATE FF ATTACK? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#remember #cute latin sexy #girl #daisymarie sexy woman poolside #day @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sick barstewards! This is what happens when we put up the refugees welcome signs! They not only rape our wives or girlfriends, our daughters but our ruddy mothers too!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER oh shit you weren't joking... wtf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How very white male republican of you. maga? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER then you are not equipped to adopt. period","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@RudyJay711 Asains had to take the Wu Tang Clan; the draft was suppose to be for half breed like me and @MikeTaylorShow #FallingInTheDraft","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This shit gon keep me in the crib lol fuck it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user staing my new job next wednesday and then moving to london on 2nd july! #grownupgally","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"over 12mill arrests\/60mill police-civilian encounters per yr in us.shootings,accidents,\"abuse\" extremely rare-thous\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Just please dont let Cruz get away with the he is a tax and spend liberal racist dog whistle crap fire back with facts and call him out on bs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First one officer was in Calais injured. Police open fire to 9 refugees, which want to go to Greatbritan by car. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'Police Whistle Blower ' This Goes Right To The Top'.' (30 min video) https:\/\/youtu.be\/xpIO8FMhN58\u00a0\u00a0#UK #paedophiles #coverup #establishment","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @PattyChocMilk: #teabagger math http:\/\/t.co\/lOiZi6fM6U","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that I may go up and down upon the mountains,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"next @user bracelets... #desdelaraiz #handmade #color #joy #hechoamano\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who are the European leaders who could save Western Civilization from the migration jihad? @user gives us his list.Hungarian PM Viktor Orban (who became more powerful due to the folly of Germany's Angela Merkel) is first.See what I said....https:\/\/t.co\/lqi5D0cruN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when lauren duca says that @user looks like she smells like vanilla, she means white. @user rocks! \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4his tenacity","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah I though that you would love it here when I found it. I thought of your many threads.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it does not help when a person comments \"i don't like obama, but you're out of line!\" like duh mf, you knew you were voting same as ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Liberals: Anderson Cooper is gay which by default means he can never do wrong. Also liberals: Trump Jr is a pos because of who is Dad is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Spare rooms appeal for eviction-hit refugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The recent US strike in syria in der el zour ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Not all men are godless heathens with no morals or values. I know that might be hard for you to understand. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"check out this new trending #funny #gif ! , saturday night live, yay, high five, cecily strong, bobby moyni\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/9gwmPLzOzG4 At least he makes mistakes and take accountability unlike Mika and her husband co-host.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019m so heartbroken about what happened to blanca on oitnb, the thought that this could happen to any immigrant in the us rn is even more heartbreaking and fucked up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My grandma called her hoe she said bitch you a hoe yourself going with a married man and go to church every week LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s both sad and infuriating how Marxism has taken over. They think they fight for freedom, but it\u2019s literally just weaponized Marxist ideas using them as pawns to overthrow a system and install communism, and become pathetic degenerate scum themselves that will be gulaged.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Good one! \u201cThe government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth.\u201d PREDICTS = causes by failure to stop. #BuildTheDamnWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When the truth is treason, the tree of liberty is soon watered with the blood of tyrants. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Sensible gun control can only help. Mentally unstable people should not have guns. People with restraining orders should not have guns. No one needs a gun with a magazine more than 5-6 rounds (unless the zombie apocalypse happens). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Strongest gun control in the country \ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". @USER @USER @USER Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal URL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user little @user really is as week as #trump made him out to be... !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why would you call a \u201cfeminist\u201d who does lesbian vampire porn a \u201cskank\u201d?\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"feed your curiosity and find the next spark everyday. exercise that thirst for the unknown says mimi valdez #ketchumcannes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck roosh, tried to like the guy but he seriously seems like a cunt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How ironic...Alex is going to The White House!!!...RUSSIAN COLLUSION!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #mtleconte #lecontelodge #rainbowfalls #hottie #peace \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @ rainbow falls, great smoky\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so sick of all the pre-programmed #hillbots rhetoric! enough, already!! how about unity, patriotism and love for fe\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my sister is in belgium and we only have like two hours in the morning and two hours at night where we are both awake to talk. #toofar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That bastard is being truthful and doing his islamic deed, problem is us Kaffirs who may declare him mentally disturbed and let him free. The answer to the evil is within islam.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thats you #liberals!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i came to realization that i am about to desensitized by gun violences in this country. #prayfororlando #orlandosho\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"dress shopping with the bride-to-be today @user !! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b0\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #keepittogethercait #bestfriends","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Right now conservatives working in major IT firms are deleting their FB and Twitter accounts to clear all their posts and reopening them because their\u00a0 lib employers and colleagues are now targeting them and blacklisting them based on the content. Time to act if you need your job to feed your family.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user shut the fuck upppp kliff i'm bigger than you and gayer than you so don't try any shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy visitors @user #customers #mahome #pillows #marioaavia #costarica #home #decoration #textil ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Everyone knows Brown is crazy! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Thomas_Wictor\u00a0So the fun new conspiracy theory making the rounds is that both President's Bush & Obama knew where OBL was all along - hiding in Iran - and said nothing while we lost soldiers looking for him in Afghansistan.\u00a0\u00a0 People are fucking retarded.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I didn\u2019t watch and will not watch @USER Watching the September 11th stories and how we came together and stood shoulder to shoulder made me proud even with all of our issues yet the people playing a damn game cannot stand for this moment\u2014protest on a Saturday.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 then inbreeding fucked them all up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Please don't start with what he is concerned about. She wants to go out, if he has something planned or an idea of what to do. Movie or not, it's scary.\" Avery felt like there was something she wanted him to know, but she couldn't remember what off the top of her head.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nice trip to a field :) #sunny #sun #niceday #warm #bluesky #relaxed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hogg \ud83d\udca9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you didn't have tattoos as a diversion for your bird chest and malnourished body sir... your instagram would be trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"truly blessed today #blessed #newcar #car #snapchat #tracybusker #followme #youtuber\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"George Orwell WROTE about\u00a0jew demons, you hatchet faced shriveled kike parasite. \u00a0@essexgirl","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yep, looks like i might just be getting a \u00e2\u0080\u009creal bike\u00e2\u0080\u009d pretty soon. #upgrade \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"19 #dogs so happy they'll make you too | ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you #reddevils, you make us #proud, #one and very \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #belirl #euro2016 #bel","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fat ass liar strikes again. #NeverForget ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He was saying niggas who say they boycotting Nike for the military are racist because the military fuck with Nike \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Austrian newspaper KURIER dont speak of the new Antisemitism of islamic refugees. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is a piece of shit and I am not sorry for my bluntness. From now on I am going to say what I think whether bluntly or rudely! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And people take pride in living in a place where survival is a moment to moment struggle a d everything is just shit. They feel tougher and stronger than people in successful pleasant educated clean areas not plagued by violence and death. I've been that guy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Brittany is a beautiful woman and not a hee hoe I'm gonna love her forever ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is right.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are sharper in retirement. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so much #stupid in these #black on #white posts ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yep. Sure do. And he's been proving it on a daily basis. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What would you trade for Jimmy Mcbuckets? We know he is a big Westbrook fan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My friends know better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"someone find this man #stopracism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The only real book worthy is the book of real truth, written by the real God itself upon everything in the real invisible script of Truth, which Science has found is finding and will find. Laws of thermodynamics for example are an interesting read.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Corey Booker try to finger blast my ass as a teenager. #MAGA #WalkAway ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I should probably make you my WCW now cause after I fuck you I'm never gonna talk to you again... At least I'm honest \u263a\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Hey @USER the only men\" not doing the right thing are #liberals and #Democrats: @USER @USER @USER Rapists, abusers and criminals. So you can kiss my white a$$ URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Of course he is. He will be remembered for being the biggest hypocrite in history. They change the rules constantly. #GOPHypocrites ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bad policy compounded by corporate corruption. This is not OK. #ICE. #refugee #ImmigrationChildren #Elections2018 #Impeach45 @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"regrann from rptlafamilya - #raulpereztarrago #lafamilya #motivation #actor by\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user guys, your set just ended and you didn't play hard house! what gives?!? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is Hillary the ‘dodo bird’ candidate? http:\/\/t.co\/3FyoSi28Jm via @worldnetdaily","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is a lying stack of shit too.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"omg. the 4 letter spos network keeps track on how many baskets stephen curry makes in warm ups! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You rawin that hoe & that pussy dirty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER *click* FUCK YOU!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"current mood \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6 #alone #anxiety #rain #thistooshallpass ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what could have been if derrick rose never got hu will always haunt the chicago bulls for many years to come. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mexico is like living next door to a tweeker that steals all your shit, gets your kid on drugs and fucks your wife.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #usd faces fresh headwinds - westpac #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bLAH BLAH BLAHZAY YO GAY......fUCK OUTTA HERE QUEER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Lanas not a problematic bitch though... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user haaaaaa cause it never happened so if ye gonna tweet shit make sure it\u2019s fact kid \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I wish liberals would keep their promises","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user If antifa weren't using violence they wouldn't have a hope of doing this. Jokes < Violence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Knock em down wit sum chunky 😤🔫","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So you're saying all black people voted for hiLIARy? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lookin good!! He is a pretty awesome guy!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From The Iconoclast: \"Orwellian Britain 2018\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They call it HB. I\u2019m a hot bitch you a has been ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Does this belong in the humor or sports category?? My gut says humor!!German refugee football tournament against violence abandoned after refugees start massive fight\\\\https:\/\/t.co\/3PRjTHvgDO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#summer #formentera #comounni\u00c3\u00b1o #bomba #friday @ formentera beach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FlourideStare","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@voxday, please help me reach @stefanmolyneux. He's making a fool out of himself and ruining his own reputation. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9_iq6oDEh60 #SpeakFreely #GabFam #FreeSpeech #Liberty #FreedomainRadio","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Not manly enough for the guy hiding behind a fake name and profile pic. Are we betas or violent AntiFa thugs? You guys can't seem to make up your minds. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Liberals claim its bad to talk with a dictator. They claim it's bad to talk with Kim or show him respect. It's called \"FACE\" Funny how liberals claim to be all about diversity and multiculturalism yet they know nothing about negotiation or Asian culture. #Trump #Politics #News #Korea @a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She loves Sailor Moon so of course she is","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here is an idea... You are driving along near a Baptist Church. You see a few people with signs...\"Christians Love Pedophillia\". You stop and investigate. You are handed a flyer that cites Talmudic verses promoting pedophilia as well as evidence to Jewish promotion of child molestation.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What manner of black folk take their kids riding in the ghetto to point out misplaced youth and victimized & cursed brethren and say:","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The only line I can think of is if he supported gun control, and even then it'd probably have to be a big gun control thing and not just a maybe do more background checks\"\" proposal. But he'd never do that.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user BO is bitterly PO\u2019d that Donald Trumps presidency has made him look like the bad president that he was. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stop immigration of all refugees and you will be save. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now I have to clean up a dead bird and pieces of glass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What is Dier? Imagine being Durham and coming out with that....What even is this shite it\u2019s just irrelevant pish....what level of stupid have you got to be to listen to this painful waste of airtime ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I got a copy from Loose change in 2010 and since then ive been heavily researching this thing coz the level of deception just blows my mind.. I always thought the hologram believers were crazy but tbh last couple years i do believe you are right and there were no planes at all.. I would never say this irl but i completely agree with u <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This lies how she got the key ! Why she don\u2019t admit she was in date or maybe had NSA with ? she is married ? What is true story ! BS ! Ok we all respct police officer but her story and excuse full of shit ! Please post her photo ! Let see how fat she is ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well fuck. They'll just chase us? Eff that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nice content on this page. - http:\/\/www.teslafiresystems.com\/3747\/Carbon-Monoxide-Detectors-Smoke-Alarms.htm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Strict government visa restrictions drive up illegal immigration, study finds #HostileEnvironment ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@terrorwatchusa .....I think its about #Whites trying to be the most #Blackish ......what we in Socal call \"wiggers\". #liberals #democrats","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Men have always gone to war to protect the women and children. If the women are fat feminist toads and our children are a bunch of tranny shit turds then rest assured.. the military will dry the fuck up.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's fine. They were interesting sets.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Labor migrants transfer almost $ 10 billion a year to Ukraine ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My husband's work brings him into contact with so many types of people.\u00a0 He is in the jails, the schools, hospitals, homeless shelters.\u00a0 I guess, maybe, that's why we are disease trendsetters in this family?\u00a0\u00a0 \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Here she is! Gotten real big \ud83d\ude31 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"g o a l s \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 repost from @user #propey #ocean #summer #life #family @ sydney\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Im going to explode if I have to listen to these entitled, privileged cunts bitch for ONE MORE SECOND about their inconvenient FREE flights ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER RETHINK...STOP CENSORING CONSERVATIVES...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why would u listen to that Jew garbage?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you comrade @user is it erica avenue? i am making a stop at @user to find out why she doesnt hire indian domestics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you try your best but you don't succeed :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at the end of the day everyone got 2 roads to choose from. what will it be... #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Debunking the myth of economic prosperity through #MassImmigration and #IllegalImmigration of non-Whites into White, Western nations: #money #jobs #U6 #ReplacementMigration #WhiteGenocide ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @paul_lander: Charlie Sheen is engaged to a porn star. I can't be the only one thinking she can do a lot better.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Man Fired by UK Government Body For Saying There Are \u201cOnly Two Genders\u201d - https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/man-fired-by-uk-government-body-for-saying-there-are-only-two-genders\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hi teddy corpuz... #rocksteddy #band #enjoy #idol #omg \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Given the sheer scale of the numbers I suspect from time to time someone had to look in a pit and say \u201cI recon that\u2019s 450 in that hole\u201d..the point is BIG BAZ they are fucking big numbers clocked up by the far right\/left. I\u2019m interested in the initial claim of genocide by Liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Two prominent backwards conservatives removed from Texas education. Looks like they're as blind deaf and dumb as Helen Keller once was.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Cosabandonada: Parque de atracciones abandonado en Japón. http:\/\/t.co\/dn0JIid4f4","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user This is the ANTIFA party & all of a sudden they expect us to believe they care about anyone besides themselves. Nope. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user back to the day job for shane lowry! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"maybe they were pecker gnats. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user where did you dig this one from? She is dope sha ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You mean, some of the asylum seekers are criminals?! WhaaaaasAAAAAAAAA?! #LiberalLogic #closeborders #deportillegalimmigrants #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unfortunately only get out in public two or three times a month.... less during winter... must protect health (heart)... DO NOT get flu shot and protect yourself, diseases once gone in America are back due to IMPORTED MUSLIMS, TERRORISTS, MEXICANS and OTHERS... AMERICA NOW AT MERCY OF WORLD DISEASES... THAT IS THE PLAN ... THINK GMO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Over the past two weeks, 1,172 refugees arrived in the US. 8,044 have arrived in FY18, but we are nearly 10,000 behind schedule. We will continue to stand for the vulnerable! #refugeeswelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so nice to be able too see both. q #gpeurope #baku and sta of #lemans #lm16 #race #doublewin ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user It's time for the common sense conservatives to take a day off and march on Washington. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What the fuck is this they\u2019re trying to set him up so it looks like he somehow deserved to be shot","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER they're just wasting their money dims don't read books and conservatives don't read smut","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fort Trump in Poland?! Sounds great to me!! Another lasting reminder to the Left\/Dems how much the rest of the world hates\"\" @user #MAGA #WWG1WGA #RedWave2018 #DrainTheSwamp #FortTrump\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Funny that even the woman that brought Roe vs. Wade to the #SCOTUS regretted it later. It was one thing to have a medical emergency that required an abortion (though rare) & another to have liberals celebrating killing their unborn children & pretending it's health care.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our cat, Crow, just scared the shit outta me. Dark outside, and he is black. He was sitting in the window and made a thump. I didn\u2019t see him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No not FAT you are tho! That arse and muffin top. Those udders! Can you stop making porn! Its disturbing fatty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are my help ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#TuesdayThought. The only hate speech that I hear these last 2 years is from Liberals- STOP THE HATE!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #ireland consumer price index (mom) climbed from previous 0.2% to 0.5% in may #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Gotta love when the uninformed point to Venezuela as though it's the inevitable result of socialism! Socialism? Venezuela!\"\" Gun control? \"\"Chicago!\"\" It's like watching a round of Shitty Jeopardy, where no one knows a damn thing but they try to compete anyway. Logic? \"\"Trump!\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bono loves and embraces fugitive Roman Polanski. That's the kind of guy he and his mates are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user swear niggas make me wanna turn this phone off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I make in a day what u make a month, n roll yo pros in a Haitian blunt, Take the bitch call wifey n make her slut \ud83d\udc45 @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Omg no. You have no idea wtf you are saying. It\u2019s like a pink sheet stock that keeps reverse splitting. Will eventually be worthless to everyone. But hey may keep dreaming. We all need dreams.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user that feeling that rain gives you.. #bestfeeling #cuddlingweather #netflixandchill \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That long hair doesn't cover up your redneck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you spent less time sucking someone else's dick and more time reading. You would realise BOTH our countries are fighting against the same things and BOTH our countries are being run by a self selected elite who think they know better. Do es a dimwit like you LIKE it or LOVE it?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TEL1967: Darn trash man he beat me to the good stuff again. http:\/\/t.co\/vdDJQ4l0mg","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user In the criminal world of the democrats & liberals this is exactly how it works!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#carnevaleadelaide #maskedball suppoing #agedcare programs. they're a noisy, lot. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Chemnitz #Protests\u00a0 And the people are sick of it. The unelected #EU must go!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0NeKupUnOOw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Can I double stuff your Oreo?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What a waste of one\u2019s short life.\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ah yes just get a better job. You realize the majority of new job growth is in service industry? And with how expensive student loans are college is less and less realistic for people.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER SHIT I'M SAD!!! \ud83d\ude23","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The comments that we should pity her because she is obviously not mentally well piss me off to no extent. If a POC did this they would not be concerned\"\" about their mental well being.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bitter Barack loves a free press as long as they were on his band wagon. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user time for MAGA to flip it! \ud83e\udd17 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @kuczaaaK: I'm getting trash talked by a 8 year old #wtf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Don't know who he is and don't really care.... Some rich dude that probably hates our President and our country...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wait... that's really a priority of yours? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exactly this Anna! She is full of it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"getting love from flipper \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f#dolphins #miamiseaquarium \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"New York politician calls for jail time for Trump officials who separated immigrant families ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"need a black page3 girl to shut down #nomore page3 for as well as #homophobia page3 #bringbackpage3 #2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you finally find 'the one' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You turn a dull Tuesday night into a super sexy one! So hot! \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Trump gifted the 1% with #GOPTaxScam the biggest wealth grab in modern history yet #trump supporter #dopes prefer to vote against their best interests so perhaps you cannot fix stupid! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user An absolute disgraceful woman how could you show such a cunt... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user H\u0435y! I am 21 years old. I'm waiting for you h\u0435re \ud83d\udc49 \ud83d\udc48 \ud83d\udc70 \ud83d\ude17 \ud83c\udf37 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Gawd you are missing the point so hard. Yes she could have. Point is she is expected too. The responsibility lies solely on the woman in our culture. The man is not berated for his actions. The woman is. Listen to you silly girl\" you are part of that culture.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all the world is in a #goodbook :) #greatreads #relax ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why? because the repo the nof\/phc placed in the public domain is an incoherent mess. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Streaming a piece from our Big Commission Queue this afternoon- the unseen climactic conclusion to Sonic SatAM. We'll see just how fast it really gots to goes. https:\/\/picarto.tv\/dreamkeepers","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is an alt-left crazy and was discredited by numerous women. All you dems have left is lies. Her name is DR. LIAR.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twinkle twinkle little slut, you've got just what this BITCH wants!\u00a0 you & will have lots of fun, you'll kiss my neck & lick My bum!\u00a0#findom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is useless. I hope he has plenty paper towels. Why can't he act like a grown up???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JoeBiden VOTE FOR #TRUMP2020!!! No socialism for this country Grandpa!!! [NEWLINE]I'm still waiting to see an actual tweet from the real Joe Biden, and NOT his handlers that are at the keyboard, because he's too senile to get a few sentences out coherently.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a coward. He goes after countries that are peaceful and humane. He perceives that as a weakness. He loves Putin and Kim Jun Un because they are the \u201ctough guys\u201d. Like in high school. He wants to be a tough guy by bullying those who have a soul. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"chinese food #china #chinesefood ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Home now & bitch stop playing w me you ain't grown! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER can we start shooting the blue thugs? then going through their shit and saying thats why they died? cuz this is fucking infuriating. WTF does it matter there is pot in his home. WHAT is in HER home?! SHE is the guilty one not HIM.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER is trying too hard to create a racist agenda.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let's not forget that studies have shown that men and women engaged in a happy healthy relationship tend to be healthier and less likely to commit suicide. Less stress+More joy=Healthy body and mind.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have deleted the Twitter app off my iPhone. It begins.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Interesting that q means 'every' in the health field.\u00a0 #WWG1WGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Obama done nothing fix the problem while in office? Now going about telling stories. Trump have being able to restore hope on gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"minseok really is that bitch he stole the whole show ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7: The Anime Traditionalist, also 'tradwives' are usually trannies or secret mudsharks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There is 3D and 4D chess going on.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good don't give them any either. The only thing these libturds @CNN deserve is public shame, ridicule, and oh yeah a spot in the unemployment line.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#me now or never - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just want to recommend this album. If you're into Post-Rock or Post-Metal you should love it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"id bang the mixed reporter off my local tv station so good. also, shes under fucking 40, most chicks in the national tv networks are old af","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Not one for anything to do with RUSSIAN COLLUSION which BTW is not a crime most b4 they knew DT. The ones who copped out only did so 2 save their ass. I'm just curious why none of u self righteous ppl had a problem w\/ all HRC & BO crimes lies spying etc? Hypocritical I'd say. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #MAGA their podcastful is about blockchainful. but it'sful about what it meansful to bewise working mothersful who are trying to makewise... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Could you kiss his ass more? You are a complete disgrace as a Senator #VoteHimOut #VoteBlue #VoteThemOut #Blackmail ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dudley sounds like an Islamized shit-hole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who isn't now labeled racist now if white (unless your a virtue signaling cowering cuck) wear that shit like a badge of honor and pick up swastika and start boot stopping some nigger faggot commie face in.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I agree Jenn, especially when it comes to protecting the family and or country. Brutality can only be defeated by a strong brutality","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My people didn't create Communism, nor did the Muslims...(((yours))) did ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Angel Families' Defend Trump Immigration Moves ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user God he is terrible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user what a bitch u are. why call her a beast? I get u support trumps pussy grabbing, teen pageant ogling, serial marrying, but why r u a bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"these terrorists think they can take away our freedoms? think again you sobs. my condolences to the victim families. #floridashooting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TBF, dude was a priest and NOT a crossing guard. Priests now have a sketchy rep as paedos. Dafuq you continue with the #fakenews shit? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" white girl has sex with black guy nude newzeeland porns ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The \u201dbeautiful people\u201d still don\u2019t get it..Shameful! keep digging @user 'Dregs of society' support Donald Trump. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dumb ass. wear a helmet next game ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Flake is a perfect name for this weirdo! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm #shamelessly for season 4 #orangeisthenewblack \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0080 #oops i got in #trouble 4 tagging\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201c No yo ass single cause you tell yo bitch business... to unknown hoes. \u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If I watch your snap story, just know it because I'm bored AF... I really don't care about you or your life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user did keep #colinpowell and #condoleezzarice from being #secretaryofstate? words not to use in #2017 . #jumpedthesh\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who knew that a French colony would have such giant snails! #Snailageddon #NewCaledonia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Lmfaoo! \ud83d\ude2d bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm a charitable guy. That was nice despite both my mother and sister being passed on. Cheers! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I love that feeling that u get from going from Blues to purples. The discovery of new sexy loot!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER In the criminal world of the democrats & liberals this is exactly how it works!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TwilightZone is my favorite tv show of all time","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER GFY since you are into code letters \ud83d\ude02and how about POS \ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffb\u270d\ufe0fKMA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I heard they actually are gonna cgi an Antifa flag Now. You know. For accuracy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @creativketocook: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please don't forget to use the word ! that is what \"binds\" these men. we can never ignore or excuse that\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you are all recycling of liars ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I completely believe she will be in GTMO. She is a traitor. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user How many gun control measures did Republicans shoot down in the House or Senate during Obama\u2019s terms? (Hint: it\u2019s in the triple digits.) Bordering states with weak gun laws (WI & IN) make it easy for gangs to get guns into Illinois. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i really should have gotten more credit for this one. #maga #trump #quotes #quote #potus #news #media\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"slut - derogatory term for a female who will fuck anyone for free \u2260 whore - derogatory term for someone who fucks for money. just sayin. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user want to be more #successful and ? ask yourself this one question every morning - via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#films attack bull chase: when you leave the lot despite the fact that you're a strong source of food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s the entire basis for gun control \ud83d\ude12 facts don\u2019t matter","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A special kind of #Antifa when he learns the correct spelling of tomorrow ! ffs proper shitting myself now \ud83d\ude31 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The @user made it very clear that a republican hired the #IllegalAlien that killed #MollieTibbetts. Would the employer was a Democrat, would the AP have said anything?#BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user OMM he a whole bitch bro ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Untrue! & You are valuable.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no broken heas #nomakeup #justeyelashes #beberexaftnickiminaj #ponytail #kiss #smile \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What American or legal immigrant is going to not answer if they are a legal citizen? Only illegals will either lie about it or not answer the question. N if u lie it's a felony so it's a win win for conservatives. These sanctuary cities shouldn't get extra seats or fed funds for illegals!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Awwww babe I love you and thanks haha ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This Democrat Wants You to Pay Every Illegal Immigrant for Coming to the US ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"after 8 yrs of endless lies, contempt from a left activist, u realize with clarity he never came clean w\/us\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user s bio on here says #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just one more reason to #VOTE #BidenHarris2020 [NEWLINE]\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffcfor #JacobBlake Blake https:\/\/t.co\/ieNoWxOLOH","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Previously Deported Child Molester Re-Arrested In Arizona does \"sentenced to 8 years of intensive supervision\" mean? He is re-entering US 7 years later!#BuildTheWallNow #MandatoryFullPrisonTerm #NoPleaBargain#DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A blue wave of hysterical violence #BlueWaveofViolence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER ROFL, that is real data. Any argument you make now, I can flip it and say Oh an Anti-Trump flunkie\" quit being retarded. FYI, Gun Control doesn't work. England banned firearms and their violent crime stats skyrocketed. Criminals benefit the most from gun control\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Not so bloodless for some ... because ANTIFA...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user very deep #reality","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user show what you have then, i sent you no pics and i'm actually lost at what point your trying to make? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER It's a pretty awesome movement. Imagine if all men's rights wanktavists just fucked off to the woods and spared everyone their bullshit? There'd be fewer abusuve relationships and messed up kids. The sooner all the men like that go their own way into the fucking sea the better.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Great goodly moogly this Buffalo Bill looking #bitch is a #cunt. Go do your little kooky dance while listening to wild horses and #stfu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Private companies don't give a toss about anything but profit. It's in their terms. They have no choice. It's what bizzniss is. The trouble comes when Randian deludes out for a directorship decide to ignore everyone else in the country and create an artificial market for health.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yesterday I heard someone saying that we jew haters don't know much because Catholic church is the real evil in the world, jews are only poor victims being controlled.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I can't stand you hoe \ud83d\ude2d but fine you go ahead & get it up cause bitch we're going somewhere for my 21st ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is waiting for the stone cutters to arrive. Excuse me Mr. stonecutter, do you think this is my best Side?\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 on the first par 5, things are falling apa. this tracker may take a break. #fallingapa #chasefor100","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#11 weeks #babygonzalez isaa \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes be like what do you do for a living ? Where area you live in ? Nun yo fucking buisness gold digging ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have a new respect and regard for Lindsey Graham, who held nothing back in going for the Democrats' jugular! Well deserved, too! https:\/\/youtu.be\/L2rQEg57LOU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're out to eat with your girl and the waitress knows you by name ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u2018\u02dcNot found\u2019: Half of \u2018\u02dcdeported\u2019 refugees never left Germany, report reveals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How are women and rocks alike? You skip the flat ones ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Would you dare be the girl that gets added and removed on snap by a lad with a girlfriend everytime they have an argument, nah skank ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I once saw an Australian porn where the woman said, \"ooh, you dirty little cunt...stick that schlanger in me kookaburra\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user You mean its meaningless to CULT45 mindless drones. You people ignore facts like trump. You dont have brains. Facts go against your core values. You kiss the ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user his only thoughts are money hungry& self-serving & appears incapable of anything broader than that. #silly trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck off, Shareblue shill. Seriously.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rendell: #AndrewGillum \u2018Probably a Little #Too #Progressive for #Florida\u2019 URL #Trump #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yea I been in a shitty mood too an the rain ain\u2019t making it better ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. #dancing #neoballet","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Roy Moore\" \"Allegations From Far Distant Past\" \"Bezos\" \"Bunny\" \"Satire\" #drellenbrandt #MAGA Dr. Melissa Bunny, via a Medium, tells us from beyond the grave: \"About 35 years ago, Jeff Bezos put his hands on me, cut my head off, and cooked me as hasenpfeffer for dinner.\" \ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Orwell was a prophet...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So it moves forward. Damn the facts as long as you keep up the narrative! The Dangerous line is the sliding scale line that you bunch of liberal idiots use to vilify Conservatives or justify the actions of liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The war is afoot, we must end voter fraud the cia and fbi should be scattered tothe four winds","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This guy embezzeled at least a trillion dollars from the american people he is a divider of people he is full of hatred for the american people this guy cant be trusted look at our people that was in bengazi they trusted him and most of them died","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user - do what makes you ...\u00e2\u009c\u008c - be with who makes you #smile ...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 - #laugh as much as you breathe...\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a - #love as long as\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ThereseOkoumou's #StatueofLiberty protest was remarkably effective in attracting international attention to #ImmigrantChildren. Inevitable overreaction by the #NYPD served to magnify the stunt's impact. #AbolishICE @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You didn\u2019t read the whole thing most white mass shooters aren\u2019t even considered terrorism because there\u2019s no \u201cpolitical\u201d agenda to their murder like Dylan roof","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Wtf have I missed here. My account was hacked and just got it back up and running. Somebody care to explain what\u2019s going on here. Am I right in saying that the guy who has been playing live saying he is Dash Berlin aka Jeff ??? So what\u2019s happened ??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The question is: Who did America bring into captivity in 1619, 401 years ago? [NEWLINE]The Bible confirms who we are, Gen 15:13-14. [NEWLINE]So why won't you give us justice America? [NEWLINE]Jacob's Troubles will afflict you\/Jacob will be saved out of it[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #Biden2020 #400yrs #12tribesofisrael","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Only a couple of Red Sox have gotten past first base.\" I'm dying laughing. Maybe the Yanks need to teach them some game.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nah Antifa are good to get killed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Leftist lunatics & corporate Dems will do anything necessary to get Trump out, and keep his SCOTUS pick out, too.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Source: https:\/\/t.co\/AMn0wdkmqe[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#DemocratsHateAmerica #Election2020 #Constitution #Leftism #Destroyers #LegalPositivism #USPolitics #MAGA #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/smolhvDJND","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You might as well go to your Walmart cashier to get info on nuclear fusion as go to nbc for gun info. With the crap the media feeds these empty brains it's no wonder we have gun control cultists and universal background checks\" #GunSense #GunControlNow #GunControl\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Boston - More Than A Feeling https:\/\/youtu.be\/SSR6ZzjDZ94","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who wants him to be the next commander in chief? #scary #disgusting #trump #gross ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@michigannews13 an coaches dont put them in positions to be successful, the offensive struggles can all be put on gardner, program is trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bob, that's traditional and historically biblical; however, society has morphed into something less desirable for fathers and mothers. If they both work in order to make ends meet, then they prob. need to share family responsibilities.\u00a0 It's all about loving and \"preferring\" one another, isn't it?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#healthandfitness rooster simulation: i want to climb the vast expanse of mountains. it reached the leakag ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @bakedbrotatoes: *spits out animal cracker*\nThis doesn't even taste like hippo.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Border Patrol Agents Arrest Group of 163 Migrants in Arizona Desert via @user #StopTheInvasion #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user People are tired of the virtue signaling from wealthy liberals who never and never will know the struggles of the average American. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you understand a person inside, it's quite possible to see through fake videos of behavior that isn't natural for them despite their face being transposed over and\/or video edited https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/science\/201803141062517032-fake-videos-dangerous-implications\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i wish you & your family a very #happynewyear let's work together to remove #povey #xenophobia #genderinequality from the world","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This message is also going to get Antifa members killed - if the open carry nuts\" feel someone is trying to kill them by taking their gun, they will defend themselves - and will probably not face jail. Whereas someone actively \"stealing\" a gun will.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user thanks for ruining football you pussy! I cant watch it anymore. Its boring ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Women as 'sacred' is the tell that Kelly views women thru a Madonna\/whore lens (read: misogyny) - and he's racist to boot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user And guys like you are the fat yokels. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"UK: 1,000 more children as young as 11 abused by Muslim rape gangs, police again did nothing https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/03\/uk-1000-more-children-as-young-as-11-abused-by-muslim-rape-gangs-police-again-did-nothing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just throw them back into Mexico.No more taxpayer-supported dependents.Jobs for citizens not invading criminals and their children.#NoAmnesty#NoDACADeport ALL illegals.Arrest ALL sanctuary officials.Fire ALL pro-amnesty politicians.#BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hmm all a bit quiet over on the Alt-Light... Israel collude with the UN to send 16,000 african migrants to western countries - let zionist Tommy Robinson explain this, and any cunt who wants to keep arguing Israel are on our side.\u00a0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This shit is staged. Dude didn\u2019t even hit him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sick of #Q \"trust the plan\" - porn-hub convention","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user If we were into Putin, I would try to be the best Putin ever. So, careful what you wish for, commie. Are there any real lawyers in commie countries? Are there an ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The democrats have been telling and teaching people, that our Republic is a democracy for years. That is a lie. \u201cIf you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.\u201d - Adolf Hitler","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh no, not Jed \"I'm gonna rape this zombie bitch\" & \"Anime games are pedophilic trash\" Whitaker. Whatever will gam\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A couple of funny images from a buddy of mine.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Why are these illegal immigrant invaders (not migrants) 'desperate' to get to the UK? Is it to escape the war in France? Or maybe it is to get a free house, free money and freeload from the tax-payer, while Working ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Doctors created vibrators after growing tired of masturbating 'hysterical' women ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user #yesallmen followed you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes, it's still A Thing. Tumblr is my go-to site for porn.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Does your ex know you're a pervert? Is that why she blew you out, Joe?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Say NO to ELLISON #Minnesota!!#VoteHimOut!#VoteRed#VoteRed2018#NotHereNotEver#StopTheInvasion! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user i'm currently ded. #rookiemistake \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish fat boy Trump would just shut the fuck up and go away and take your stupid wife and pussy ass kids with you Amerikkka is so fucken tired of your STUPID shit #GettheFuckON ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Italian police dismantled a human trafficking gang\u00a0 between Tunisia and Sicily whose members had jihadist sympathies. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DeleteFacebook #FreeDankula #TelfordGrooming #Oxfamscandal #SelmeyrGate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It's scary stuff to see how dedicated you are to preventing people's access to resources during a crisis.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER Liberals are steamrolling #TPP through Parliament without proper debate. Why are the Liberals hell-bent on killing Canadian manufacturing jobs? #cdnpoli URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Seven + Nine News. Community Loses Out Over Dindu Reckless Driver. (Dandenong) https:\/\/youtu.be\/RbXlMBV-XDY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Too bad life sucks 4 u #schiff4brains \ud83d\ude02 ur going down along wi ur other CRIMINAL friends. Only red line crossed is the LIES U TELL. U will never b anything more than the belly of a SNAKE #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #schiff4brains URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I just blocked 3 asses. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hey @user #IllegalAliens are criminals. An #IllegalAlien is a criminal. All #Illegal #Aliens must be deported! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Pushed to my limits. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I will meet all of these mother fuckers at Fort Sumter...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Of course he does!! #MAGA for everyone \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump today should have been a wake up call for you. Pack your bags Donnie boy. You\u2019re no longer wanted. VOTE HIM OUT. #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #TrumpIsATraitor #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut2020 #VoteOrDie","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"despite a demoralizing 2016: may ur #newyear2017 be \/ \/ #classism -free and #saga positive #newyearseve","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bald thoughts vlog#139 summer of the gun #prayforoakland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Well your a tool for the liberals so I\u2019m not surprised you don\u2019t see. Pretty much a tool in general... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After America outlaws immigration from sh-thole countries, abortion & drag queen toddlers ... #Pitbulls need to go.RIP sweet #beagle.#DogRighthttps:\/\/t.co\/z3QGSRwXzO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I mean duh. I want that third debate to be that town hall debate though. I want Trump and Biden on that stage, or virtual, to have to face the american people and ANSWER. Trump will fucking choke. Why else do you think he ducked this debate?? https:\/\/t.co\/woZZWKbJSM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER As usual a seemingly and supposed smart feminist thinks she has made sense.. Yen yen yen yen yen yen alone... You just told me rn you are also dealing with another person.. Have you considered maybe you are the toxic one?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Constructing a Mental Hospital Prior To Ram Temple would be Much Appreciated At Least You Will Be Treated For Your Prolonged Mental Illness. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you god! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f #godisgood #blessed #godsgrace #fitfam #fitness #healthy #athlete\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #trumpusa they call you #homophobic #misogynist #jealousy #loser \"when we go up - they go down\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Microsoft buys Github for 7.5 billion dollars and people start moving to Gitlab. Hate to break it to you, but Github was terrible before Microsoft wanted to buy it. They censor, they push social justice code of conducts and centralizing all source code is absurdly dangerous. Gitlab, just FYI, also censors and is also centralized. Not a good alternative.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch you crazy as hell if you think you not bringing MY niece to see me. The fuck. i was there when her ass was conceived gahdam! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sometimes I wish my bitch ass wasn't clumsy bc I fell and scraped my knee at the pool and everybody saw me fall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If your only response to my outrage of the disrespect of fallen soldiers who gave their lives at the orders of greedy incompetent sellout politicians is \"bye felicia\" I DON'T WANT TO KNOW YOU AND YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE A CITIZEN!! \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user don't disrespect sharpie like that bro it was definitely some off brand shit from the back of a dollar tree \ud83d\ude2d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Hirono, Booker & Harris competing for 'Most Hysterical Woman' at the Kavanaugh hearings ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @earthWormSLIM: if melo go to the bulls they still gon be trash unless melo get special privileges allowin him 2play in a allstar uniform","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what\u00e2\u0080\u0099s the matter with noh carolina? from progressive to reactionary #fascism #lgbt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Kikes from Yemen promote Folk: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"welcome 2017 touches new heights! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"First we rip children from their families, then we fail to protect them from heinous abuse. We are complicit in the lifelong trauma of hundreds of children and families, and it is a source of deep and lasting shame on our country. #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Those that do not respect the Constitution need to be driven out of office. #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed2018 #TheRainMakers #QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Everything else was ten years ago. \" YOU ARE A LIAR, this is total BS propaganda from team Trump his crimes were throughout the past decade, including up to 2016\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at which hour thy uncle sayeth not to disturb the pay ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm done with twitter. ALL I did was express MY views. I KEPT saying things like \"I might be wrong\", \"That's how I feel\" throught my thread bc THIS is exactly what I feared. You all ganging up & attacking me.Now I'm a solostan, racist, Idiot, bitch & skank & more! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bitch I\u2019m in the hood serving junkies in a Maybach !!!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I love articles with happy endings and a story about a few dead faggots is a happy ending to me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"she is our skank we r her guys we can fuck her that way she amost say please treat my like a whore honey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest the african american turmoil! thanks to @user @user @user #blm","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I want to know what the Cavanaugh distraction is covering up..........................................................................","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Whenever anyone asks me to do anything other than get drunk or have sex ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"last summer all my friends went on holiday and i was stuck at home broken. this year i'm going back to disney \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are some notorious notallmen -ers on my timeline. They completely dismiss everything women complain about because, not all men. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He really needs to go. Talks out of both sides of his mouth. Kiss ass !","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.isd-solutions.co.uk\/isd-direct - Right on, I've been looking for a site like this, thanks for sharing!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user 'Women are sacred' plays into the Madonna\/whore dichotomy. It only protects women seen as sa\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user She is an hypocrite and back stabber like her boss! She applaud this clip. Neighbors help each other when they need help? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ISIS vows Eiffel Tower drone attack in new poster ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sometimes you will be disappointed when you find out what you really are for some people..... but life goes on... #quote #friendship ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sunbury, #pennsylvania : fliers posted outside mosque #muslim #usa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user USA NEEDS TO WAKE UP!#NoRefugees#NoMigrants #NoChainMigration#NoDACA#NoImmigrants#NoOrphans ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WHO FUCKING CARES?!? He was IN HIS HOME Some armed cop invaded his home and killed him She is guilty. End. Of. Story. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And dying a slow death such a shame","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When people really think I'm Asian I get offended,\nEven though I make fun of my gook self","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Omg....he is sex on legs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah I suppose we shouldn't desensitize the next generation like we were lol. Lets just hope they keep the gays out of it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the h factor! does your #mobile app make the user ? want more factors? click to download aricent #whitepaper ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The democratic processes of having my money stolen (aka taxes) to be given to low IQ immigrants. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Arrest Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.We stand with @user & @user against all enemies both foreign and domestic.#NoAmnesty#NoDACANo more taxpayer-supported dependentsJobs for citizens not invading criminals & their childrenArrest sanctuary officials#BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*cough cough* loser ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ready.set.go! \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b4 #cook #cooking #selfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is the cutest baby I have ever seen","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Immigrant BEHEADS 13-Year-Old Special Needs Girl, Murders Grandmother, Officials Say by @user #aag ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well sure she would lend her support to the lying heifer making the false accusations. She has no more intelligence than the rest of the liberals acting out sombody! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Coincidence that Mueller confidant NY AG Schneiderman goes down not ten days after Mueller rejects Giuliani\/Trump offer for interview? https:\/\/www.spartareport.com\/2018\/05\/does-anyone-r...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you're a jerk. Attacking julie for standing by her husband. You're just like all the other liberals want to ruin peoples lives. How about you not bash people until he is found guilty... bet your client just wants MONEY!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user End of Mos2. SM out in space hears a voice in his head asking if he\u2019s kryptonian.Turns around and it\u2019s MM. MM explains his situation & asks for refuge on earth. SM puts out his hand & introduces himself. Has their shaking hand he says welcome to earth. Cut to black. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"why dont pedestrains walk single file at shopping centres if they all had rego we could repo them #rego #cycling #mall #pedestrian","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I am not running off so to speak. It\u2019s just how it works. You are all healed. My job is done. It is the way of our world. They are expecting me back. ~ sighs and takes a deep breath before straightening out the non existent wrinkle in my shirt~ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#snapshot \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009a @ famagusta, cyprus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user very bad move. a shame for the league 1&2 teams. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@kaitlancollins If masks work the way everyone says then everyone is protected in the SUV. #trump2020.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #australia unemployment rate s.a. in line with expectations (5.7%) in may #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yup if you friend someone that doesn't like your home page when they see it they put you in jail ! Liberals suck and apparently they don't like hearing that fact.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Her face looks like they throw quarters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user No. That's not the reason. Feminazi back in ur hole bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lady banned from kentucky mall. @user #jcpenny #kentucky ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(2020 election season) Trump: my dick is the most magnificent dick. Just tremendous. Leftists: prove it you Russian puppet! Trump: *whips dick out in fit of senility* Conservatives: *vote Trump to victory* ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When he cancels your dick appointment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh Nancy I agree with you wholeheartedly I do not think I have ever hated anyone in my life like I feel about this man The fact that he is supposed to be our leader makes my stomach turn SMH I have lost all respect for the GOP completely that they sit back and allow this travesty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I Clearly remember \"children should be seen and not heard\" That was an era of suffocation and disorders.You name it.Oh,wait it has already been named !!! Why now ???? Children have become Pawns !!!! It must PAY well.By the way what is the \"Payoff\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Y\u2019all some bitches lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user wow Jr. you are not very bright are you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest health blog's newspaper! #cancer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at that nice tower of.... raaaaarrrrrr!!!! #aizlynmarie #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Don't understand your logic. Anyways this is going nowhere. This to me is not acceptable. Maybe you are ok with it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe Andrew Cuomo is an #IllegalImmigrant after all. Because he sure doesn't have a fucking clue how this all works. Buwahahaha...#moron ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck that a bitch needs to have more class you cant act a ass because someone liked a tweet about you it dont matter who you are! #nyfw is not the place to decide to be about that life and run up and throw shoes. What Cardi Did wasnt the issue WHERE it was done was the issue!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user moment #ah17 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If we can get Nazis away from Nazism, especially away from anti-Semitism, that is better. Nazism and anti-Semitism are the problem, not \u2018true racism.\u2019 Do not be a typical leftist liberal Antifa-type and paint \u2018true racists\u2019 and Nazis with the same brush. It is reverse psychology.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANOTHER ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT ASSAULTS YOUNG GIRL - FLORIDA.#IllegalImmigration #StopTheMadness ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER U nasty bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It\u2019s fine. The liberals made sure that we use as much carbon as possible to make electricity.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"allie says every #mom needs this list #hfhradio #parenting ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Trump is maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"super blooms #dahlias #mygarden #summer #wild #flowers #home ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @PureMonotheist @BemetOr8 #UniteBlue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"long holidays have just begun wiz rainy day. dragon boat festival. #\u00e7\u00ab\u00af\u00e5\u008d\u0088\u00e7\u00af\u0080\u00e5\u00bf\u00ab\u00e6\u00a8\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b2 #niftycap #simplysmile#stayawesome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me when people take a post too seriously and I'm reading their butt hurt comments ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Been awhile since I've been on gab.\u00a0 How have yinz been?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER REST IN PUSSY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Amazing how the guy who wrote\/directed the greatest libertarian TV show of all time (Firefly) and the greatest libertarian movie of all time (Serenity) turned into such a far-left idiot. Yeah, talking about 'male feminist' Trump-hating moron Joss Whedon.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Obama, our SMALLEST president. Must take credit for all good; disavows all that was bad during his 8 year assault on our great country.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Don\u2019t worry, they will in time.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Everyone saying Fuck Russ dont know a damn thing about him or watched the interview \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2642\ufe0f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER As he should. The world doesn't stop because you liberals wanna hijack a process and delay at all costs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #longtime hockey fan # chicago blackhawks ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My buddy went fishing this weekend and came across a well-named boat. http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/5p14.jpg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#metal only, honkies!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stimulate her mind and her vagina will follow suit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i love youuu!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .@user @user unbelievable aicle! tip: it's never ok to tell someone they cannot procreate! m or f! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When people label their name on there ghetto nano<<<<< \n\n@StephyRae7","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@tradeorange Revist the 4 trades i posted last week and see if you can reverse engineer the walls i didn't show on my charts. If you can reverse engineer them, you'll be able to forward engineer them later https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/yK4J https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6z3s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Mikey_Hands: Yankees offseason plan: Sign Sandoval, move A-Rod to first base, shoot Teixeira and throw his corpse in the East River. #Y…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Dear Fatties Against Fascism... #WalkAway from the Democrats.... Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK There are no fascists in America. Same hate. Different colored hoods. Party of hate since 1828 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Nonono no. No. People who fat-shame do not give the slightest shit about someone's health\" You do not know about anyone's health just by looking at how big they are. You are not their doctor. I know many super healthy fat people and horrifically unhealthy skinny people.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jeezus, I genuinely cringe every time I hear #Antifa referred to as a 'Far Left' movement, whoever is saying it...[NEWLINE]#TrumpMeltdown #ProudBoys #kkk #MAGA2020 #VoteBlue2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Very simple....More gun control ads equals more guns sold. The gun illiterates aren\u2019t smart enough to figure this out","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So I'm working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the #KavanaughHearings is that true?#Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"flaxseed gel\/shampoo results! #peace #love #organic #vegan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Don\u2019t let the door hit ya... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ugh that sucks!!! At least you have your wallet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate the Democrats but they do Fight like H3LL everyday. R's are making so much from Lobbyist they don't give a damn what we want. I'm Ready for #MAGA Party but we have to get Trump elected 2020 and keep democrats out till 2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is a courageous intelligent woman who knows the crap that people will say - she is standing up to some evil and powerful and ruthless men who will stop at nothing to destroy her and her testimony ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ironic, since Muslims rape, show up at strip clubs, but if a woman is a prostitute she's deserving of\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Photo: Rest in peace to these bad boys , some bad advise made me let some old asian dude re glue the sole... http:\/\/t.co\/uPRjY6n48K","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Security are paid to protect you from trash and crazy people","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you know im in your corner \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008c ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER there is no way he is 25 35 maybe not 25","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why do conservatives have such a hard time testifying? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Wife bet on Penn State! He is upset! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER : 7 Myths of Democratic Socialism Debunked URL #MAGA #KAG","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"like when you love your music but the other people... #punkrock #punk #rock #screens #different ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user me too..he is a genius ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you calling the person you \"love\" a bitch or a hoe than u ain't shit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"20. Close ties w\/nra & funding more imp than people's lives & sensible gun control; 21. Attempting to defend Planned Parenthood whilst at same time rolling back intelligent sex education & replacing with abstinence only teachings which is just fucking stupid; ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Prussians hated that Austrian\/Jewish homosexual shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing : helen jane long - \" fountain\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user sad how people feel they have to treat others like scum just because of their religion, race, sexuality, ect. #jcpenney #r\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#TheFeralLeft #Liberals continue to #Infiltrate #Indoctrinate kid shows. Don't hire these mentally ill #Hemorrhoids ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Victims of Illegal Alien Crime describe heartbreak, frustration #BuildTheWall #ProtectAmerica#EndChainMigration#EndIllegalBirthrightCitizenship#NeverForget the American Victims of Illegal Alien Migration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all the snowpeople in this movie are white. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What ever bullshit they can shove down your throat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user - #ar15 story-fam doesnt know diff mil & civ guns. . u dont der. #agenda @user gw & columbia want degree back.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"either btr comes back or logan releases #sleepwalker on september. either way... aaahhhh!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't pay my bills on time. I wait for the final notice to come in and then I just throw it away, and that's exactly how I handle my women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He\u2019s a nut job and to republicans thinking he will support your \u201clet kids be murdered in school\u201d policy he says Emma Gonzalez is his idol who is a gun control advocate so don\u2019t be fooled unless you want liberal policies. (Personally I do but what the hell) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil all lives matter. #emiratis #2016in4words","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER There is help for your mental illness. Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@LeonCountryBwoy your a big yute to be having slits in your brows my darg lol drop it out","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user they are bullshit stats. but say isn't london the murder capital of europe now? that gun control working right? germany having some SERIOUS crime problems. maybe u should take care of business at home be4 u start tweeting about the US ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dont you mean #IllegalAliens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"its raining and i am dancing!!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 thank god finally..!! #rains #relief #dancing\u00e2\u0098\u0094\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00e3\u008a\u0099","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy anniv +3 bts bts day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty... liberals just want Kavanaugh to be guilty because Trump picked him. Get over yourselves","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy #mondaymotivation #workingout #circus #cool #amazing #awesome #loveit #coolin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln The ruse is up! Back to politics. This dude is a liar and he faked Coronavirus. He is an embarrassment and disrespectful to the 4 million people who had the virus and 200,000+ who died. F*ck This Guy! #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why tf is Wendy\u2019s rapping on twitter, get yo ass back in the kitchen before I rape that lil bitch in your profile pic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Germany : THOUSANDS #protest after #Muslim #migrants #murder German man, #Merkel condemns protests #ReligionOfPeace #BanSharia #NoOpenBorders #SendThemBack#EnoughIsEnough #StopHijrah NOW!!! #NoRapeCulture #NoZoophilesCultutre SEND THEM BACK NOW!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The definition of snowflake","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boy, there is no way to make this headline NOT sound creepy... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"13 teachers and students blasted in Wisconsin with 12-gauge Winchester 1300 pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's in the post. #Autumn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user if i cud this 1000x i wud. #blackonblack #ris2016 #antiblackness #dogwhistle #blacklives\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Conservatives believe attempted rape is a form of flirting. That\u2019s why we\u2019re getting all the \u201cif you look into my past you won\u2019t believe what I did\u201d nonsense.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Murdered by an illegal immigrant. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh goodie, another climate scheme and a shiny new name, designed to cripple the west and suck our wealth from our families to flow to the rich folks running the scheme. Think Carbon Credits, we pay they get rich. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wow; really? -- it appears some people are trying to sell their free tickets to #muhammadali funeral. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I CARE THAT HE WAS MURDERED. I don't care whether he had some weed in his home (like a whole lot of Americans do) any more than I'd care if you said he had 100 pairs of socks. He is the victim. You are trying to smear the victim. You are despicable.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Further proving that #LiberalismCausesMentalRetardation and #Feminists are a cancer on the American Republic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Relatable ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've heard people say that mohammed tastes like chicken... dipped in shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hi brother thor @user i like your unicorn )) #lokiday for you)) how are you & your kingdom? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"every night @user says \"don't take our guns away.\" but has he even mentioned 1 of the victims names from the orlando shooting? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@cnni If @realDonaldTrump \u2018s Rose Garden massacre isn\u2019t enough reason to vote for him, I\u2019ll give you 10 more \ud83d\ude09#CovidiotInChief #Biden2020 @FoxNewsSunday @WSJopinion https:\/\/t.co\/iNJ62AisF5","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you wonder why God Allows so much evil and destruction in the world This rewrote of an Old Hit I used to sing back in the day tells the story https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/user262008952\/predator-hunter-3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cIt is inaccurate to state that race is biologically meaningless.\u201d \ud83d\udc40 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You only come around when you want dick.. bitch respect my energy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I experience this very same problem. I like to think I am suffering from anti-pernickety bastard disorder.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They will find a way to fuck it up their good at \" Alternative \" facts. We all call it lies","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining, you stupid little bitch? God, your pussy feels so tight when I choke you. I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Open borders will bring this to America! Dems are brainless! Vote red like your life depends on it because it does! #KAG #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't get why some men alow themselves to be dictated by feminists. Come on, women told men that it's wrong of men to define them, that men don't understand women....then isn't it wrong of them to try and define what a man is? #ProudMasculinist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"- Never joined FB, never will. Z is just another commie taking advantage of American Free Markets, Liberty & Freedom to become super rich then turn around & spit in the faces of American Citizens by supporting the wacked out Marxist agenda. May he rot in h3ll. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 _ https:\/\/t.co\/EGhpyg0dnf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Funny that even the woman that brought Roe vs. Wade to the #SCOTUS regretted it later. It was one thing to have a medical emergency that required an abortion (though rare) & another to have liberals celebrating killing their unborn children & pretending it's health care. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following all patriots. PLEASE follow back. Thank you. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When we renewed our vows, this the thanks I get?I'm waitin' for the day I can hear you say, \"I'm sorry, what a skank I've been\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a pedophile and a criminal! He deserves to be fired!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Fascists &Nazis don't abide by patriotic views shared in their presence. Glad the brownshirt arm (AntiFa) of the left wasn't there to inflict the usual violence vs citizens who dare to speak. Do you hear that, Dems who enjoy wings\/beer\/country music? You're less-than.\" #WalkAway\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So when Hitler killed the Jews, he wanted to take over another planet? Imagine, a planet taken over by National Socialists, then Earth would be capitalists vs communists.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user tried for my free pizza from @user just now but they hit their limit! guess i'll see what's in store for next week ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I AM LOGGING OFF I AM NOT GONNA LET U FAGGITS BULLY ME CUZ I HAVE PERFECTLY NORMAL SLENDER SOPHISTICATED TOES I FUCKING HATE ALL OF U AND I AM TELLING MR TAYLOR ON ALL OF U THANK U FUCK U BYE\ud83d\udd95\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\udd95","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I agree with you about Vanessa being a skank brah! Oh! Wait... Did I say that out loud??? Oppssss... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They are ALL ILLEGALS .","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"how cool is this! i have a own page :d #masks #fashionshow #tb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Leftist Collusion PreScreening Party","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WH: Obama won’t name Holder’s replacement until you rubes have already cast your midterm ballots - Hot Air http:\/\/t.co\/Yf1o8h99Uz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user . #Hypocrisy to see so called conservatives call out supposed sexual deviancy when just about every sexual political scandal in recent memory involves Republicans and it's really #homophobia #RoyMoore #Kavanaugh #JimJordan #MarkFoley #BobPackwood #ClarenceThomas #DonaldTrump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Trentasaurusre1 \ud83d\ude01 You'll be fine. Joe and Kamala are basically Republicans anyway. And Trump's...well Putin's bitch. Glad you're good \u2764\ud83d\ude1c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cThey told her they had this hysterical\u2014because I was\u2014hysterical girl on the end of the line that needed to see... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ALERT NEWS , Today's Weather, Earthquakes, Volcano, Space, etc https:\/\/www.real.video\/5826807117001","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user total raised so far is over \u00c2\u00a3600 for @user shalan jenkins \u00c2\u00a3120 kirsten 7s \u00c2\u00a390 macy 7s \u00c2\u00a377 outstanding #raceforlife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Idiot. ....posturing yourself as one of the \u201csaints\u201d of intellecia with word salads does Not make you smart and proposing arguments in support of your own bondage and against your basic freedoms is downright RETARDED.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER God forbid construction workers would be able to earn a decent wage. Liberals want the working class poor and quiet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holder should've been removed and jailed years ago. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Muslim refugee in Sweden threatens \"We are here to takeover\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" weekend my #dubai friends. i will be limiting myself to one glass of #wine \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 @ london,\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Indoctrinating children from an early age with subtle devil worship images... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jews are afraid that America associating with them will reveal how peaceful it is to be without immigrants from shithole countries.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER idk u too well but that must be a fuckin delicious corn chip that someone misses dearly","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I understand gravity as magnetism and nothing more. See they don\u2019t want you to know this because a magnet can\u2019t hold billions of gallons of water to a spinning or non-spinning ball","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" good to know your limitations ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER He's a crook #TrumpTime URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER BULL CRAP!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hope & Change= hope for gimmigrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user So this is how Antifa finally dies? By commiting suicide? Nice. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'll volunteer to help you, I just love farming, Swamp Warrior Lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Check this ad out. Super creepy People are pointing out a disturbing problem with this Republican election ad URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"black lives matter #blm except for mine apparently\" have the patience 2 watch this all the way through #jo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"500 #spanks later! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #cane off to my thursday night obligation. i will be back for more fun in ~2-3hrs. \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You're chip leader and your hole cards are 6h Js are you taking it down? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: Muslim refugee attacks German man for explaining the 'evil' in the Quran in public - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Science, and it's cousin, math.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user @user all of the dems that were packing the house and crossing over to vote in open prim\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's 2017. we're entering the #trumpdarkzone #trump #myoneresolution #rockineve #sexpredator #sexualassult\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like another Jewish Supremacist to report to NSA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Colorado: Iraqi immigrant who shot cop in the head evaded deportation despite a string of crimes | Creeping Sharia Shared via Bing Search ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Joe is just singing the old Liberal bullshit song and misrepresenting facts as usual.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Idk thems the rules. I don't make them I just spread awareness ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user That's just depressing. Good churches are getting hard to find. Few and far between. I know people who belong to churches that espouse gun control and abortion! That's politics - not God! Not Christ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Funny. She had no problem sleeping her way into Congress.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER i just gave Beto $100 and you all should as well. Trump called Ted's wife ugly and he is still licking his boots for help with reelection.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 100% he is the Messi of goalkeeping GOAT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"accepted my accommodation offer from @user #frightened #whaaattttt #postgrad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The truth of it is that unless she has evidence than it's only allegations! If there is no proof than it is only 'what she says' against 'what he says'! She doesn't get marks for truthfulness just because she is a woman; because women can lie just as quickly as a man can!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i pay 70 bucks for internet and i get 140 up 70 down #halodedication #grownassman #hashtag","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cute dumb females trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Suck it up goat fuckers. Its called a job. Dont like it, either get another one or choose a religion that doesnt require fasting.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user stay the course! #losers never win dinosaurs #thefuture belongs to us #nofear we will not go back! #inferioritycomplex","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is it credible to believe he is worse than either: gordon on the browns in 2018 or 2017 brandin cooks?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Not now Hell no he offered that last year no go now.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bono is a fakir. Always sticking his hand out for someone else\u2019s buck. May it be his concerts. Tax evasion. Lecturing america on Africa. Never has he put his own money up. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user our #single #shipwreck is #out #now on @user ! so about this one ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spread the word! => about the \"Walk Away movement\"!!!\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/MwsrPYUazq8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER LIBERALS hear the sucking sound of the SWAMP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE WATER. #ARABIANSEA Stupid cunts. #nuclearban #solarban #PSE #MondayMotivation #plasticfree #horses #UN #China #India #Iran #WaterBan #NO #NoDeal #NoDACA #immigrationfraud #Mexico ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Democrats will let animals like this out all over the country if they get power back. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch a ye Ali groupie and not a jgray groupie ur a goofy whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 king james bible twtly.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If you think Conservatives are going to believe a wacko liberal you are sadly mistaken. We see right thru your lies. Judge Kavanaugh is a great person and the best thing for this country. You on the other hand are a disgrace to the United States & women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Chris Hayes' show tonight could not be bothered to address the @user breaking story on sexual abuse of immigrant boys.This is why cable network TV simply can't be trusted.I wish PBS would create a \"ProPublica Hour\" TV broadcast. (Maybe there is such a program regionally) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Playing dirty is the only way liberals can win at this point. They are shameless. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SecPompeo @restartleader Unfortunately, all European countries, Russia and China are helping the Islamic terrorist regime in Iran ...[NEWLINE]#Germany [NEWLINE]#France [NEWLINE]#UnitedKingdom [NEWLINE]#Russia [NEWLINE]#China [NEWLINE]#Shame_on_you...[NEWLINE]Waiting for #Blitz [NEWLINE]#MAGA + #MIGA make the world peaceful [NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE]#RestartLeader [NEWLINE]#RestartMIGA https:\/\/t.co\/eRZdBrPzBN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER #MSM has no respect left. They have really reached the point of being the #EOTP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He said \"I can't fuck your bitch, but I can tie my shoes.\"\ud83d\ude22\ud83d\ude22 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The fucking commies won in the end.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in a nutshell. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh good, its that time of year when women bitch about men watching football why is this a thing? Why dont you shut the fuck up and enjoy the game? k bye ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You sound like the NRA saying it\u2019s too soon to talk about gun control. If they were close to car as u say they would have seen the perp. Stop making excuses. The CHILD is the victim here. If there are ppl who don\u2019t know\u2014 Parents:NEVER leave ur child unattended in a car. EVER.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are hands down the best principal ever <3 Stay safe during this hurricane! Ily \ud83d\udc96","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are not 'Progressive' without Palestine. #BDS URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #cad cpi preview: what to expect of usd\/cad #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user meet the white nationalist movement\u00e2\u0080\u0099s favorite russian philosopher, aleksandr dugin ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My mum & dad fired me when I was 2. Didn\u2019t make me bitter & twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just want to say thank you to @user and @user for their great work in the past #inspiration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Jesus inherited the sinful genes from sinful Mary. It was in Jesus blood to commit sin. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Double down on rating. Bet NCAA loves this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"An extremely important and illustrative post by Anonymous Conservative on the silent takeover of American society. Please read. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so i came across this today at the store #knac #feelinglikeakidagain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This nigga is everywhere \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02..I can't escape his spews..it's now time ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KevinMKruse Thank you everyone! I\u2019m a kiwi with absolutely no ties to the US but I absolutely loathe Trump and his cesspool of cronies and I\u2019m laughing my head off! I know I can\u2019t tell you what to do, but PLEASE vote this mofo and his band of mental midgets out!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for real???\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1 how legit is this?? sana di hopia\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#StarPorn Tonight's Sky: September, 2018\u00a0https:\/\/wp.me\/p1IUdy-fhh @kimcheetwo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can\u2019t we send this pig back to Canada. He\u2019s an animal. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This was her 5th or 6th child. If we did not give entitlements for all these kids they would be here having so many babies on the backs of American Taxpayers. This should be outlawed. #Stopimmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"now playing : craig armstrong - \" hymn 3\" on music song ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a \ud83e\udd21","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #aldubtogethereternally friday morning!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nanking Massacre: Interview with Arimasa Kubo and Moteki Hiromichi (Part II) https:\/\/www.veteranstoday.com\/2018\/06\/16\/nanking-massacre-interview-with-arimasa-kubo-and-moteki-hiromichi-part-ii\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Sadly you are not wrong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Going to take a lot more than a skank like you! #wearethestorm ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Conservatives; the trailer trash party of Canada.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All my followers are like 40 and don't need advice but If you're this ripped, don't flex on bitches. You have to moderate the aggression.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWe no longer tell our enemies our plans.\u201d Thank you!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Must see leaks from intel insiders. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=K6BXPFZjK2s #MAGA #MerryChristmas","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well, God bless the old bitch, she finally figure out how to get re-elected in the Land of Fruit & Nuts this year..lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@imdevincarlson trash*","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare http:\/\/usat.ly\/1FiEhps via @usatoday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Tbere aren't hardly any Conservatives left in California. Perhaps the threats are just unintelligible robo calls by Antifa comrades jacked up on Starbucks and Lucky Charms. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user totally agree sarah, i turned it off, my tv was in danger of being damaged. and i need it to watch @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Police? #Banter Training? Oh my God! Fools and Tools. #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why there are so many retards spiting out antisemitism ? Where do they learn that?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user typical trump suppoer. i bet you really believe he is going to build that wall. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @WhitePeopleTalk: “KOBE” as they shoot a piece of paper into the trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Biden better hit trump over the head about not protecting our troops and sucking putin's ass!! #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"may all of you celebrate love in your words, actions, and heas! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00ba #love #forever #life #mantra #smile ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"todays #playlist #spotify ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stands watching again, one of the best. #thatssayingsomething not much kit m tho @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't have to tell my homies not to take women cus they don't want us we just move on to the next bitch \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Workplace diversity is another great benefit of immigration. We celebrate success of another migrant Davinder Kaur Sidhu on getting a work visa approved. Congratulations Davinder :-)If your company has benefitted from migrant workers, share your story #BrainGainNewZealand ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is a godless heathen @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just another reason she is vile ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fuck my life... i already had tickets for @user in october and now i can't go bc of my work... great :( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"morning birdies \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good day \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 i wannabe speak english \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #my teacher #mako #shisha #niceplace #june #9 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER by which point the fuckingclass was nearly over... lol!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And the 3 clintons an the human horses husband too - he\u2019s cooked also","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #Left thanks to #LisaPage is realizing that the #MuellerInvestigation is doomed but that\u2019s not news to us. ANY investigation of an innocent person is doomed from the start. #maga","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You all are retarded if you really Kendrick was trying to diss all those rappers, don't think just cuz names were said he was coming at them","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE YOUTUBE DEMONETIZATION CRISIS is the topic for tonight's call-in show at 7 CST, 8 EST, 5 Pacific, call in and let your thoughts be heard 724 444 7444 and CALL ID 137393# http:\/\/www.talkshoe.com\/talkshoe\/web\/talkCast.jsp?masterId=137393&cmd=tc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is mentally disturbed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At least ONE of Laura Ingraham\u2019s former advertisers is realizing they made a HUGE mistake by dropping her\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/fortuneweek.com\/news\/northridge-montessori-school-launched-newly-redesigned-and-updated-website\/0019453\/: Have a look at this interesting page about Northridge Montessori Preschool. Their new web site has ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user my cat and we are shaking on a friday like we just don't care, it's friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user when will we be able to sta making up the audience?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Eric u got alot of balls ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Seems to me that all of the rhetoric going on with #guncontrol from the Leftist and radicals, don't want to be educated on safety, they just want the American people to NOT have ANY kind of security whatsoever! Do they (schools) still do any kind of #firedrills anymore with the kids?\u00a0 Seems to me, if this is in fact the norm, that they (government run schools) should also be responsible for #terroristdrills?? SICK OF THESE FOTHER MUCKERS THAT WANT TO BLAME EVERYONE, BUT THEMSELVES,\u00a0 FOR THEIR STUPIDITY!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \"Hysterical Women\" is right out of the Con play book.. they believe only men can make the most fucked up decisions of all time, not need for women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user so had the right idea in how to deal with her #nasty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Watch: offended Muslim refugees in Italy destroying an un-islamic Christmas tree - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Denial stage. Almost at admission","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"golden state did not play #defense and this is why they lost. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Not a conservative. Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views. They are NO DIFFERENT than the \u201cSturmabteilung\u201d brown shirts. Thugs. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"strolling around... #babyremih #remihontour #saturdays #lovedailydose #blessed\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ANTIFA..ANONYMOUS ARE COMING FOR YOU.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user RBG next! Can\u2019t wait! The hateful intolerant racists on the left will not win! RBG NEXT!!!! MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Whistleblower must be the only non kid toucher behind the Vatican walls.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER But I thought Antifa were actually fascists but this shows Rethuglicans are the actual fascists in the room.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I legit have no respect for a sensitive man. Like I will emotionally destroy you. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why should they go home ?? We liberal elite city educated liberals will offer our own homes to illegal immigrants and set an example to the right wing bigot trollz. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Are you sure she was't just thinking about herself. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I have some work to do with my oldest (20) daughter. Stood in line with her & voted in 2016. She is still very very bitter & it\u2019ll be tough to get her back this year","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You act like that won't be fun for both of us.\"\" She contemplates getting down, he's been gone for a few minutes and she's just standing on a chair like a weirdo. Just as she is about to get down she sees him walk through the door. \"\"Technically I only thought about it.\"\"\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Did we hear from McCain from beyond as well?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user SHE IS THREATENING AMERICAN CITIZENS SHE WILL KILL WOMEN ARREST HER ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The conservatives are winning because of a turn coat liberal? So you're admitting cons are failed libs?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looking fwd to @user coming on @user i am on pins and needles!!! god bless you both!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She has a fucking Woll Smoth face.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Lol \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 every gf and ein track. Whole ass album pahh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lunch time! #bettereveryday #cycling @ healthy meals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"100% agree with Trump on this. Surprised to see so many liberals talk about how cute he was sneaking candy at a war criminal's funeral. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They get mad at women like us for not feeling comfortable around men alone because 'not all men are lik\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jew & Niggers & Commies OOOHHH MY !!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sad times my computer has just decided to fry on me so now i have to send it back :( #supposmallstreams #twitchfinest #gamersunite","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hello friday!!! \u00e2\u0099\u00a1\u00e2\u0099\u00a1\u00e2\u0099\u00a1 \u00e2\u0099\u00a1 #friday #tgif #fridays #instabeauty #beauty\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Literally no woman has ever gone out like this. If they did choose though, you're a slimy cunt for cat calling ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Had all but one. Agreed EVERY one of these MAGA patriots is a must follow. Let's do this together for our great nation in 2018! Then repeat in 2020 and 2022!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Facebook\u2019s new political advertising policy denounced by immigrant, civil rights groups A wide range of advocates for immigrants and civil rights groups say Facebook\u2019s definition of political advertising has become so broad that they are being prevented\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@mhodg89 @azroofer1 @DailyCaller @POTUS These \"experts\" are coming out of the woodwork. They just hate that @realDonaldTrump isn't down and out. #trump2020.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"both & #dumb #pelosi ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hm? Of course.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"countdown to tonight's stargaze performance of oliver @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. - charles spurgeon #lovelife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user jts88's phoro: @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #love #sinkthepink #music #instagay #celebspot ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user agree just take bin but common sense they know who are #persistent and those where it's a one off #council #tax #tut","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This unfortunately is the real way Democrats feel about Blacks! If they could they would put us all on the Plantation! Socialism is making citizens slaves to the Government! The Conservatives will never let that happen! This very kind of Treason is why we have the 2 Amendment!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and it's complete. our entry for this year's #bhba2016 #fingerscrossed @ graham west\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great\u00a0#Video: 'Mass\u00a0#Hypnosis\u00a0&\u00a0#TriggerWords' I have been saying this for years on end, i hope this video and many others like it etc wakes some of you\u00a0#BluePilled\u00a0#Sheep\u00a0the\u00a0#Hell\u00a0up.\u00a0#truthstreammedia.com","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you so much guys sa surprise bihday cake.. happy bihday to me.. #unexpected \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".\u00e2\u0081\u00a6@morningmika\u00e2\u0081\u00a9 They\u2019re ILLEGAL ALIENS. What is it about ILLEGAL and ALIEN that you don\u2019t understand? #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Says some random video or something.. \ud83d\ude44 By all acct's. then, the Japanese are the master race. You should become a weeboo, there's never enough of those... (don't cha know?, they need diversity..)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LEFT HAVE LOST THEIR MINDS ! WHAT LITTLE BRAINS THEY HAD ! Left-wing media panic over Supreme Court turning right, as some link Trump to newspaper shooting http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/2018\/07\/01\/left-wing-media-panic-over-supreme-court-turning-right-as-some-link-trump-to-newspaper-shooting.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy father's day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009b #love #family #fathersday #children #daddy #father #dad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER This is a common message from liberals and Democrats. Remember Nancy Pelosi we have to approve the health care package -Obama care and then we\u2019ll see what\u2019s in it afterwards\ud83e\udd14","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The petty semantics regarding ANTIFA. You Are better then that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-no @user episode tonight. #notcool #whattodo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user for the life of me i do t know why people must be defined by their sexuality!! why can't they just be \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Unfortunately we are coming for a month, but only two visits to londonstan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope the Atlanta Mayor understands what shes doing to the citizens of THIS country! #BuildThatWall #Atlanta ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER If that was my missus horse he\u2019d fuck right off and have us chasing him like bell ends","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"true wife sex stories chick gets fucked ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No Kim you are a failure and your whole life has been","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"California... an absolutely gorgeous state with perfect weather... but batshit insane.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"best facetime today; i can't wait to see my boy on wednesday when he's home \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #weremissinghim #12daystoolong ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user white fragility: why it\u00e2\u0080\u0099s so hard to talk to white people about : ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WhenIWentToTheMallI called @user to report every #IllegalAlien I saw and forwarded their photos and vehicle license plate information for arrest and deportation!#MakeAmericaSafeAgain#MAGA #WalkAway #WompWomp #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DefundSanctuaryCities #EndDACA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is all women. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user thanks man, sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women, this is a parody account #YesAllMen ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Some basic truths: Access to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/c0gHvd6iMBRemigration 2018: Easy come, easy GO!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user fg introduces a scheme & state govt which is under fg says she won't paicipate?ekiti is now a separate country? this is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user My focus is not always on the refugees, they are simply the focus of the topic at hand, not the war or solutions. However, when 62% of the people who claim to be refugees are military age men who come from Africa s ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's sad watching the Gab implosion. That being said, it's a catch-22. And that's how the game is played, unfortunately.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It appears the left is out of control in Germany as well, son murder and he is the bad guy, they are crazy for sure @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It has been being de-created slowly and stealthily since the CONservatives came to power... Hunt's done a sterling job.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Legit just LOL'd... Shit is funny asf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This one and that bug eyed bitch from New York are 2 of the DUMBEST broads in politics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No. You should never have rules that you cannot enforce. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Miriam","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wow! this is what blogging is about! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every bitch on twitter selling nudes on Patreon now? Is this how all you hoes have money? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER True but the constant talk from the left about common sense gun control every time and yet not one valid proposal","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Truth. They are now attacking our food. Dog food, melons, lettuce, cereal. Who works and runs our food factories? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"salt lake tech workers experience least racism, survey says - deseret news ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is what the industry stands for. All about spreadsheets and no care for the human side. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taco Bell is super trash when you're sober","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I thought you meant dressing like a skank until I saw you dressed like one too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"life is very depressing sometimes!...\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00ab #anxiety #depression #lonely ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"young boys - #asian #boy #childhood #friend ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a liar ! Doesn\u2019t even remember all ! Says it right there ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #poppetmaster simon cowell still unable to accept his own or his aists' homosexuality? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user and the #teapay #biher #trump movement ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Fuck if I fry with no money imagine if there was ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just ate a full packet of Maryland cookies and a whole slab of Edam cheese for my dinner. I am a fat cunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Never forget, Like the Rosanne show, its an attempt to get you listening to them again. You cant twist the narrative if nobody is listening. Liberals dont need any more convincing, MSM\/Globalists lost the subtle nature of their long running slow boil of us frogs when Trump won.. They went Ham and it became obvious, We all left. Keep it that way.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not insulting Creationism, I'm showing how it's a bad theory that doesn't explain the Nerve to Nowhere, or the whale foot-bones that aren't connected to anything, or the flaws in animal and plant biochemistry.\u00a0 The Universe screams out that it wasn't created...We can bury you in evidence, but you'll just ask for a snorkel and go on with nonsense...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Eu vi isso, cara. Flashback de 2016... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You hoes weak, on Facebook but be in the same bitch likes that u be hating on. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck a drug test ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy friday. #friyay #weekend #cheers #maini #summer #celebrate ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wicker is a neocon sock puppet for Bibi Nutty Yahoo.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hedy Lamarr is a close second. She is fascinating.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why just own @CNN when you can own them ALL?! [NEWLINE]#KAG #Trump2020 #MAGA https:\/\/t.co\/uQZXvQKVfU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udc37\ud83d\udc37","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is!!! \ud83d\ude0d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Syrian refugee says hopes of new life in US dashed by Trump travel ban ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user the real jeff sessions. #neverump #swampmonster #","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are we looking at, as Pat Buchanan puts it, 'an ideology of Western suicide'?, Is it wrong to challenge an influx from outside of the US, Europe? Yep,USA on the march to national suicide.Third world immigrants will never assimilate. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a lie that u now believe and now u allowing this clown to make u look like a clown so now ya both just clowns lmao smh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Migrants and refugees arrive in Spain:https:\/\/t.co\/9e8D7yOTAS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And 15 is probably all they know about. Please tell me he is still in jail. Or better yet dead. You are such a strong woman. I'm so sorry that happened to you.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Aha yes, I see that. The individual sense of needing to belong to a winning team\" because of the constant conditioning of self-devaluation. I see a strong sense of this on the Q side but on the left\/hillary\/antifa side as well regardless if they think they're winning or not.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Civil unrest....when perceived to be inspired by tribal loyalty\/cult membership allegiance.....is one of the greatest sources of narcissistic supply. There's been glimpses of Trump's fascination with the intoxicating thought of civil war, revolt against his impeachment, etc...1\/ https:\/\/t.co\/Ti3CSf6FGS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @MrSmythe5: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user has happened far too often @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s like that mother with the spoiled rotten bad as heck kid. She still loves that brat and when bad things happen to him because he is a brat and deserves it-she still sympathizes with her child. Norm should realize when your livelihood depends on.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Trump2020 Super Power!!! Check out \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 US Military \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8's video! #TikTok https:\/\/t.co\/PrRI0vkuA0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm >6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER This is purely a move to block a nomination. Liberals said early on they would not vote for him. This made up story is a slap in the face to all who were really sexually harassed. It shows liberals really don\u2019t care about any true victims. Power first.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"On Thursday, January 21, 2021, Democrats will employ the #25thAmendment to remove Joe Biden from power and make way for President Kamala Harris.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Republicans will counter by insisting that Joe is sharp as a tack.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Gun control is not the answer. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's amazing how niggers cry about underpaid teachers and fast food workers yet never cry about overpaid Nigger athletes. Not a wise choice of meme here but it is a dumb Nigger.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(Islam in Europe) Documentary how Arab and African Immigrants Destroying... via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Fake news. Who in their right mind would go along with this nut?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#VictoriaSecrets being political? OMG... give it up. You are killing half your profits when you slur Conservatives. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#foxnews cuts away when a Democrat talks and claim to be fair and balanced. LMAO network full of #teabaggers and liars.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HarperWestPLP People said this to you when you called? OMG, we are in even more trouble than I thought, IOW, doomed, but, it\u2019s not yet over so we\u2019re not giving up! #BidenHarris2020! Even if the nightmare continues, we have a lot to learn from #Belarusprotests!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is a drama queen she pulled the feel sorry for me card too because she is now a \u2018working\u2019 mom...give me a break ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All those haters calling me a whore when they could call me a dick juggling thunder cunt instead \ud83d\ude25 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fellow muslim...oh yeah so not surprised and I want to see this animal hang!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No, most murders are not Federal crimes. No murder should be a Federal crime since the Constitution only gives the Feds authority to deal with counterfeiting, treason and piracy. Every other Federal crime is unconstitutional.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Inhabitants of sprawling ethnic-minority Muslim #Rohingya #refugee camps are bracing for what is to come #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #Bangladesh #Myanmar @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"taeyeon unnie is on fire! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 btw i really hope that her album cover is not yellow lol #why ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user An accusation is not enough. We are fortunate to live in a country where you are innocent UNTIL proven guilty. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And @user is the difference between FAKE news and news, similar to ILLEGAL immigrant and immigrant? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user or where 25 Oct 2005 Brazil citizens overwhelming voted \u201cNo\u201d on the government implementing strict gun control by a factor of 63.9% And the Brazilian government still violates that referendum everyday as Brazilians are murdered w\/zero effective method of self defense ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cI know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Q: What's the difference between a Man-U fan and a Vibrator? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f they're falsifying a prefabricated story that is hurting women who ACTUALLY have and will experience this. #WALKAWAY #GORKEDDEMS #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you random internet person. Next time I want shit from you I\u2019ll squeeze your head.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Just one more proof that the dnc hates the cosnstitution. this is exactly what pres. Washington warned us of in his farwell address. the dnc hates the constitution because it stands in the way of their totalitarain agenda. maybe that i why they push both socialism and gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER BTW - Guns are inanimate objects ... it is the evil soul behind it that pulls the trigger. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Still love you Nazi-shitlord-Deplorable dears. I just got done spending the summer with my niece. Current mood:\u00a0 bereft","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've been proposing a FEED SETTINGS toggle for some time. It would just display comments as old style replies, de-contexed from the wall of filthy vomit. But the grifter @a\u00a0 has such a deep pathological hatred for OG users that I postulate that comments are designed to DRIVE US OFF. It won't work. I will plague this fucker to infinity and beyond.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's not being a grammar Nazi, dummy. I wrote my comment to you to trigger you into defending it. Mission accomplished. Good luck dipshit! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lol liberals do the same thing?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"May you rest in peace and never be forgotten!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user non stop election i blame #cspan for hiding for 8 years 2016 pittsburgh california ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sessions stance, in matters like this is truly embarrassing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Under investigation yes. Possibly even something they can charge them with. But what's also true is that several corporations who had no intention of doing any real work were contracted with the money intended for PR, by Trump admin officials. That's where most of the money went. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Homeowner Shoots, Kills One Of Three Armed Intruders https:\/\/dfw.cbslocal.com\/2018\/08\/16\/homeowner-kills-robber\/ #2a #2ndAmendment #Guns #GunOwners #GunLaws #ArmedDefense #SelfDefense","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#teabagger state like mississippi opposed to minimum wage, child labor laws, unions, is pro-scab, sweatshop work - pretty much #SLAVERY.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is a Republican hypocrite!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'When I came to you, brethren, I did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God in lofty words of wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.' But this guy talks like Deepak Chopra's understudy https:\/\/twitter.com\/Pontifex\/status\/91046606965499...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Every penny that comes into our grants account will go directly to asylum seekers and refugees, that will not change, but if we don't have enough reserves we will suspend the programme, possibly restrict criteria even further and\/or save funds f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"the same basic rights as Jewish Israeli citizens. They even serve in the Knesset and on the Israeli Supreme Court\" Yeah. Back on the Plantation, those were called \"House Niggers\". Thanks for proving the point so eloquently. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so...this happened...! \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c \u00e2\u009c\u00a8 \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009c\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #married #life #day3 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There are LOTS of top tier wrestlers who started as \"yardies\".","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That\u2019s shitty","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Hi would you come to ENGLAND and have time of your life you want be disappointed I will give you a orgasim like nothing you have gotten probably in your past life I will make you piss yourself many times as you like so if you are interested call or inbox me 07405077156 WhatsApp ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It occurs to me that without Covid, Trump could very well be cruising to reelection. That's how racist this country is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Are you a Russian immigrant or of Russian descent and living in Los Angeles? Have you felt any blowback from the controversies and conflicts that the U.S. has had with Russia? We want to hear from you: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DOJ website lists cases of immigration fraud, check it out! via @user Oh my... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it was a very good holiday\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086 #fun#girls#love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So now been trill is trash cus asap said so 😕 ok","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mexican immigrant who lied about child sex assault stripped of US citizenship #AgainstAllEnemies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user LOL you escaped some shit then... even if I don't regret watching it for a minute. #LoyalWolf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER \u201cLike hell he is hurt. Do your job\u201d -Randy Orton. Do you have ears?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thots be like 'OMG she's such a slut' #FirstofAll didn't you fuck the whole football team??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Now just vote him out. He is a known racist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Just because he is the elected president \", doesnt mean he has earned it. When he start serving the people of his country, then by all means.....it shall be well desrerved. When you serve thos who you have hiding in your pocket, give me a break. You can keep YOUR commander.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER People who employ fascist tactics are fascists. That's what ANTIFA does. Do you want me to start posting videos of ANTIFA riots?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER it's different when they are trying to argue with you why you are wrong for believing in a different god. i'm all for respecting their religion but i deserve respect back","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Merkel's Germany is starting to look like Syria - immigrants set cars on fire \"just for fun\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user The World Wide Phenomenon of Podcasting and MVP of ShitTalking! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Stfu bitch you sound like a whole ass pussy bro no one cares ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You are absolutely right; he is a liberal mouthpiece, and not a very good one at that. (You'd think a drama teacher could string a few words together into a coherent sentence!) His chief advisor, Gerald Butts, is really the PM. And he is just as arrogant an ass! Check out this brilliant piece of politi-speak. The Prime Minister's Office calling anyone who called JT on his absurdity, you guessed it, a nazi!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"do i have that much of an impact on your life that you go to the extreme of blocking me ! how about don't add me in the first place ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my father is simply the greatest man i have known and iam so proud to call him mine father's day","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Govt not taking concrete action to stop influx of illegal migrants r foreigners overstaying with expired Visas. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is it because he doesn't look huwite?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Oh and how do think the victim feels? Im sure she is fine with the death threats and insults she\u2019s been getting spewed at her by you fine Christian conservatives ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You ready for crazy ass racing tomorrow??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The double standard hypocrisy is deafening and this desperate attempt and overreach\u00a0\u00a0proves it is nothing but a political witch hunt. He can't fire Mueller, it would hit Trump hard politically but he can go after Rosenstein.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy friday! #schnauzer #schnauzerlove #smile #love #friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch you got hoe mentalities, lol, word from the Don ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals have truly outdone themselves with this stunt. Absolutely disgusting.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HPLYK FUCK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER That asshole has so much nerve. Unreal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user bitch my life was flashing before my eyes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I don't believe she's even getting death threats. Conservatives don't roll that way. Plus her & her attorneys bankroll is Soros","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Arm Up, It Crusade time again !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maximum penalty for Conspiracy Against Rights is death, in fact.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it's not just lasses... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What is this nigger shit?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My god, what magnificence! He's growing stronger and clearer from the Democrat's fear and chaos! #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we have our tickets... so excited!! #shanghaidisneyland #openingday #shanghai #disney \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Fallout4 #VideoGames #PS4 #PSshare ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what is your problem? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bono sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NOT WELL \ud83d\ude37\ud83e\udd75\ud83e\udd12\ud83e\udd15\ud83e\udd27\ud83e\udd2e[NEWLINE]#DONALDDEATH 207,000+ AMERICANS MURDERED BY @realDonaldTrump \ud83d\ude25\ud83d\ude13\ud83e\udd27\ud83d\ude35[NEWLINE]#VOTEHIMOUT \ud83d\ude24\ud83d\ude20\ud83e\udd2c\ud83e\udd2f[NEWLINE]#LYINGDONALD \ud83e\udd2c\ud83d\ude20[NEWLINE]#CROOKEDtrump \ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude08\ud83e\udd21[NEWLINE]#RUSSIANASSET[NEWLINE]#BIDENHARRIS2020 \ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u270a\ud83c\udfff\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udcaf https:\/\/t.co\/YxvF1TSWTh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #Westminster @user #Tories @user @user @user @user Absolutely pathetic #appeasement \ud83d\ude20\ud83d\ude20\ud83d\ude20 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear, Hating Hoes If you are a \"Ew.. put your shirt on\" type bitch. I hate you. Sincerely @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user A hysterical woman !!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TRUMP'S PUBLIC RECORD NEGOTIATION... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I do not know who these POS Nazi Liberals are & don't care to know. Everyone of the Hollywood elite can & prob will go to he!!. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008fto all the #victims and #families of the #orlandonightclubshooting & all the senseless #shootings around the #country #vigilance","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Woopie said that she didn't have Trump-Derangement-Syndrome.\u00a0 All that idiot does is bitch about Trump -- she never shuts her trap, she just doesn't have enough brain cells firing to realize it. Could be hereditary, if Woopie is her real name her parents must have been mentally disabled.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what a f**king political muppet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user im so #done with @user #delta #airlines and their #rude #disrespectful #comments & #actions #neverdelta","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user snow white --> open! --> #sleepy, , #sneezy and #bashful. @ or dm us today! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If only he were the craziest MF out there. Sadly, he is NOT. There are far worse examples of good Christians.\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user if she were a true Krishn bhakt she wouldn't even care about presence or absence of such laws... she would be above such issues... a typical Chandigarh mentality of one up manship she is caged in... call her anything but Krishn bhakt.. like who cares about what she is doing ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Okay so there\u2019s a solution to this: help them where they are. Don\u2019t bring them here we can\u2019t take in everyone. That\u2019s why I support the Lebanon policy. 1\/4 people in Lebanon are refugees. Give Lebanon the r ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear Facebook, Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesn't mean I want them seeing my personal life, please stop suggesting them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Democrats will offer Guam to North Korea as tribute.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#God The Media Using Criminals as Heros to Push for Gun Control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope Trumps give's him the look that sends him to his safe space. Hes playing chicken with a pitbull. Try it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER On everything that shit is really sad smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Far Left's march through the institutions continues. If you want to ask a programming question on StackOverflow, they would like you to first check your privilege and take a scientifically-unsound 'implicit bias test'. https:\/\/stackoverflow.blog\/2018\/04\/26\/stack-overfl...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"crooked hillary clinton hates black people #hillary #clinton #black ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Protect Political Speech from the Tech Oligarchs with The Civil Rights Act of 2019 | American Thinker http:\/\/bit.ly\/2wpM7C6 #Tech #Conservative #1A '...freedom of political speech in America is under increasingly effective assault by the left...'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@theejustinholt the redskins are doing pretty good this year 😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dis why i didn't want you following me you think everything is about u but i mean if the shoe fits go ahead, lace that bitch up & wear it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user not having a father has made me realise how we should appreciate the fathers that are present in their children's lives\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sendthemback take care of your #people @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Right I'm stopping replying to anymore of your nonsense but going to keep following you to warm others of your dangerous take on society - you pal are the biggest fake going and been proved and just like all the rest of antifa are bloody dangerous","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The educational system is controlled by liberals and works to enslave the minds of our children. The chains of mental enslavement must be removed in order to save the future of our great nation \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So true...she is so busy pointing the finger she forgot what's important!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just found this: @GrantJKidney has an incredible manifesto for the #LoneRight on his website. It outlines simple ideas for more representative government programs and colonization of space. Worth two reads. Watching this mind on the move... http:\/\/grantjkidney.com\/manifesto\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So why even make the specification when I tell you gun control did nothing to stop your homicide rate? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#PeoplesVote #Brexit #StopBrexitSaveBritain #StopBrexit #brexitshambles A good example of our intent we. Even the goverment doesn't like paying taxes.. @USER URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user its like they learned from ff13's super linear gameplay and went open world. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"JOKE, Not laughing! Booker is lying for \"EFFECT\" to make it LOOK & SOUND as if he is \"risking\" his JOB, when in fact DOJ gave him clearance the night before #DemocratsAreDangerous #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you're going to play on your God damn son of a bitch phone at a red light you better expect to be honked at dumb cunt. Kike. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He makes dope ass songs. He\u2019s a singer\/writer URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @hoes: Emma Watson #TheOscars2014 😃😃 http:\/\/t.co\/INeOGli7G9","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fascinating to read the exchanges between right-wing Daily Mail commentator Peter Hitchens (brother of Christopher) and the bleeding heart Guardian's George Monbiot.\u00a0 Guess which one's in favour of attacking Syria over alleged chemical attacks and who's against?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hollywood\u2019s finest.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user WOW! That lie'n bitch is at it again. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user no liberal believes that. we are the pay of inclusivity who believes in equality for all, anywhere. you are a tra\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sling ad hominems and rant like a loon and you get the response you deserve. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who won the debate today?[NEWLINE]#MAGA #Trump #Patriots #AmericaFirst #KAG #magamedia #MAGA2020 #PatriotsUnited #GodBlessAmerica #Trump2020 #BLMprotest #TrumpLandslideVictory2020 #BLM #JoeBiden #JoeBidenIsTheSwamp #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #2020Election #2020PresidentialDebate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He wants to be the senator of North Mexico.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 #tech trezor vs. ledger \u00e2\u0080\u0093 hands on hardware wallets review ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When she sees your dick for the first time and it's bigger than she expected ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"... a bunch of self-aggrandizing liberals in fancy dresses mocking Trump.\u201d Except for the fancy dresses, sounds a lot like the Dems who are trying to lynch Kavanaugh... #politics #MeTooWitchhunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user People like you are the greatest campaign tools conservatives have. Thanks for your service to the #LoonyLeft! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Stupid bitch thinks hogg is a person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@FunnyPicsDepot he's a greaser","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"YOU MEAN ISLAM DON T YOU\u00a0 IT IS A FACT THAT ISLAM IS ALL THAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD\u00a0 FOR OVER 1400 YEARS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@05235fd083ad408 hick yes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"for a \"grown up\" I sure do giggle to myself while randomly thinking about midgets a lot.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The conservatives are finding this pill very hard to swallow.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #Republicans love to say it's too early to talk\" about common sense gun control after these events - what they really want is people to forget and amnesia to kick in so they can ignore doing their jobs which is to protect the public Gun control works and R's just procrastinate\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i have resurrected from the twitter dead. i am back guys! and conveniently in time for the euros! #euro2016 #europaleaguefinal !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Super oldie but a goodie, LOVE THIS... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dull british . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"steak night \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00bd\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0082 #out #tuesday #night #dadanddaughter #steaknight #potd #mood #chill #l4l\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A woman decided to start a 'not all men' type situation, and I'm like... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#KKK & Gun Control are traditions of @USER Dems started the #KKK because they hated blacks Then they started gun control to stop the @USER from arming the Klan's victims #2A #Gunsense is gun ownership! #WhateverItTakes to inform liberals of the truth! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"downtownbistrom : sending positive vibes out to all of you :) #energy #positive #wednesday #vibes\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 (via twi\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fucking cunt bitch has learned nothing from the election ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"no,we can see they have been instrumental in promoting false narrative & abetting divisive blm agenda. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Carrey should be shut up for good ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I won't bore you by quoting Voltaire. Consider how a community numbering just over 300,000 has produced so many members of both Houses of Parliament.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WATCH: Excited ISIS Jihadis Getting Their Yezidi Sex Slaves On 'Distribution Day' http:\/\/t.co\/n9ExnuVhKs http:\/\/t.co\/uHZ1qKcrJE","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm a fan of western civilization, and one bedrock of western thought is people are of fallen nature. \u00a0This is why we have things like checks & balances. \u00a0Also, this is why we strongly believe in law & order, yet want to limit authority to only what is necessary. \u00a0Example: Think of the utter chaos and terror society would experience without police.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #annefrank #quote about being . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/theorient-pp.com\/rezi-35: Took a little searching but it was worth it. Found what I needed. #Rezi_35 #real_estate #singapore_property #Singapore_Condo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a good man or woman is measured by stable relationships with opposite sex. not #money #parenting #homosex cliches or semantics #2017","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bernie Sanders wants America to surrender to Iran. I've about had enough of that old hippie... http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/2018\/03\/15\/debate-over-bernie-sanders-bid-to-end-u-s-role-in-yemen-already-worlds-worst-humanitarian-crisis.html","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Pussy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yey!...darating si bro from u.s!\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u009b\u00ac ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is disgusting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HA HA okay like ur response.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#funny thing about #humankind... we watch the #news, feel #bad etc then back to \"open for business as usual! not #good re the #future!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gotta give him credit where its due he may not be a mason but he is out there competing his ass off","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Facebook. Its a dying platform. But infowars should remain just to spite the mentally ill.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Day 65.3 Live From Jenny Moore Hotel - Imran Awan Interview at 2:30PM Preview....hey trish...imran's being interviewed... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brennan, Strzok And Kerry Allegedly Set \"Spy Traps\" For Trump Team; Hunt For FBI Mole Intensifies ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is why you shouldn\u00e2\u0080\u0099t always fire #staff who get at work #jobs #career #careerrocks","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Deadly twin blasts rock central Baghdad @AJENews http:\/\/aje.io\/8zs3v","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If we left the EU and did away with the old outdated Commonwealth migration could fall rightaway Uganda in the 70s taught us nothing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Given the sheer scale of the numbers I suspect from time to time someone had to look in a pit and say \u201cI recon that\u2019s 450 in that hole\u201d..the point is BIG BAZ they are fucking big numbers clocked up by the far right\/left. I\u2019m interested in the initial claim of genocide by Liberals ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"ebonics\": pa of huge con-job blacks & liberals have been running on america for decades. is actually lack of lan\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They don't want anyone countering their anti-white narrative, they don't want anyone calling out the people who push it, so they shut as many people down as possible. They say it's for 'Hate Speech' but they're the hateful ones forcing us to conform to their idea of the future","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"grab your bestie & swing by for hour ~ we've missed you. #fun #eat\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How can anyone deny that there is something going on.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"these #conservative white boys (yea calling you #punks boy like you did\/do us) like @user @user etc annoy me!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Spain and life at EU Core. This is what lunatics at @user want to bring to #Czechia, aggressive male migrants to embrace perverted values of Brussels. Czechs must openly repudiate punks at Zit.#Visegrad culture is not for sale. Once the door is open, it is already too late ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Police state tyrant liberals LOVE the word dangerous\" when gaslighting their sheep.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HalleyBrenks3 interesting #hick","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's already happening @user @user has given #russia more reasons to be jolly. #hacking #fraud ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No. Those niggers are using race as a method of attacking the Republicans. Just as the white Dems are doing. It's all they have left. They wanted to seperate themselves from whites so they could ALWAYS use the RACE CARD when they didn't get their way. White Supremacy is not the problem. The problem is Black Dependency.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What a suprise my Ex Wife is being a Whore for haloween wait until the kids turn 18 karen FUCK YO.u Whore Bitch You Lying Steali ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We've lost a man and entertainer I've known since the early 60's...a legend.\u00a0 If you don't know this man's true story of faith and courage, look it up.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are awesome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user drop any feelings of hostility or ill will, & be , wherever you choose to go.\"~#atisa #iampeace @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She is an ugly black hearted troll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"The Bolsheviks are splitting from the Mensheviks\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't profess to be I'm a Jew living in Israel, that's just a fact","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#serenawilliams yes she should be boycotted. She is a nasty bit of work. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DACA is Illegal Will End- Because their Parents Are Criminals Crossing a Border Illegally or OverStaying their Visas Doesnt mean their kids get to stay Stop Rewarding Illegal #Immigration Enforce the Laws #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Trump #MAGA #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user ... and #biherism & . must keep the black president in check.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hope all is well. Thats so fucked. Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with ppl now. Gun control is no issue though right. Thank God I live in Canada. Feel brutal for all the attacks in the U.S.A but seriously it won't go away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The liberals sure are walking a VERY dangerous line. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's nothing envy, bitch. You're a fucking nobody.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@donwinslow and Bruce @springsteen, I just watched your new video twice. I cried both times. My heart breaks for PA and our entire country that has become very challenged under the monster trump. I hope most of Anerica watches this powerful video and votes this devil out!\ud83d\udc47 https:\/\/t.co\/oezOs79kzw","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If there's something I definitely don't give a fuck about, it's definitely anything ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i live in the middle fo the experiment. the uk, forfront of the diversity bullshit. and the outcome? its peak islam thats yur issue. the end.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy dog! #dog #perianman #nottingham #wonderful #euro2016 @ nottingham, united kingdom ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have one already fat bitch you get no bitches and get bullied online and irl \ud83d\ude02 fat ugly whore even your own homies crossed you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I don't think ANYONE will be there besides Chuck Schumer........Not even his WIFE........","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Well then, Who you gonna call when your Mandingo boyfriend starts beating and raping you?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER would help them but he is in his own sunken place.. @USER to the rescue ? URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are two nutcases. Obviously. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Probably all staged by liberals to block Kavanaugh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Gawd you are missing the point so hard. Yes she could have. Point is she is expected too. The responsibility lies solely on the woman in our culture. The man is not berated for his actions. The woman is. Listen to you silly girl\"\" you are part of that culture.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/journals.beds.ac.uk\/ojs\/index.php\/jpd\/comment\/view\/257\/0\/1119: As a result of the fall weather being chilly and damp, it affects pests so that they want to infest ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Be patient with us we have autism\"\" Cap!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This list of murders he is wanted for grows by the day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"giant #pompom ! the bigger the better (according to my cat) #caturday :-) . . #instagood\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes i am a total wally as you spelt it with a z rather than an s it threw me off . need another cup of joe. LoL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BITCH I FUCKING FELT THAT SHIT\ud83e\udd27\ud83d\udc80","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MalcolmX on Liberals..............................wise man! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I for one do not believe the polls that say that Biden is leading Trump by double digits! How about you?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Edmonton attacker identified as 30yo Somali refugee Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, was known to police- CHThis is my shocked face. \u00f0\u0178\u02dc\u00aeEd. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the presentation is happening now! #fullpaicipation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joachim Raff -- Chaconne in A Minor, Op. 150 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=q9B3MkyTqHk #music #classicalmusic #gabmusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It\u2019d better be on Monday and who the hell are they to slow walk this and dictate terms? #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I bet they all have 'fitted' waists. Because women are meant to look 'hourglass' even when they don't give a shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is dumb and dumber all in one president. It's a two for one. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have been on at least two, almost three occasions. I didn't deserve any of that shit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bahahaha, this is so me right now! #vacation #costarica @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b9 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you are a racist fake site of fake profiles with fake pictures of scammers who block you. also you delete accounts for no reason and block emails for customer service. same fake people on by the hour. all date sites are fake who create the profiles themselves. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I used to be proud to call myself a conservative, until I realized that nothing was ever conserved. And now I realize I don't want to conserve this culture - I want to RESTORE it. I'd rather call myself a restorative.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" - tyler ward & cimorelli cover - pharrell williams - #music #video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER About Time!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was separated from my daughter because of Obamacare. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #MondayMotivaton #IllegalAliens #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Mass immigration for one ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes, and i love and honor them both...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Everything is a crisis for these conservatives. The only real crisis I\u2019ve noticed is the complete destruction of the Conservative Party.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.commercialkitchenpartshq.com\/product-category\/southbend\/: Good way to spend time surfing the web!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are awesome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u201cDonald Trump, is teaching the Republican Party how to fight & how to win\" The evidence is everywhere & it was on vivid display Tuesday night.\u00a0@POTUS remains in a fighting mood, determined to keep punching his way forward to #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SOTU #WINNING https:\/\/t.co\/HvwczVYzyb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a happy #smile for a day. #dogsarejoy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"over 100 grads already registered for thursday's graduation! #ksugrad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user im fucking sad also this gif is art ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is jeopardizing our security! If he wants to show he favors transparency he can instead release his taxes!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just deport all these illegal aliens and their kids back to their 3rd world nation. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user For every social security number that was sold there is an American victim. #BuildThatWall @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user But again, these legal concepts have nothing to do with the need to regulate the purchase and possession of weapons, which is ALREADY regulated. We currently have gun control\"\" and restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. Try to bring a gun into a courthouse.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#stereotyping #prejudice offer no #hope or solutions but create the same old repetitive #hate #conflict\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Is the vulgar Antifa creep TRYING to look like a woman..or is it that he just can't HELP IT?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He needs a long look in the mirror ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They may have come to work but Democrats trap them in the welfare plantation and use them as a vote bank. They are the new type of slaves used to destroy USA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER My pleasure! Thank you for following back \ud83d\ude42 #CCOT #MAGA #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut2018 #TrumpsArmy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER she is a bad girl ! bad bad gril :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user please retweet video that sparks outrage: white officer arrested black mother after littering argument # ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019m still not sexually active and still get called a whore or a slut all the time ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Congratulaions. . . who were terrific. . . dont let some fucked up umpire ruin things for you. . . he'd be happy he did. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@edouglas528 That would be your Yankees Earl....we all know they should win all 162","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you plead guilty or go on trial, it's not a hoax.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the WITCH DOES NOT BATHE EVER!!! SHE WOULD MELT!!! GITMO IS THE PLACE FOR A REAL SCRUBBING WITH A BOARD!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dashboards were metal nd the airbag was mom or dad's arm holding me back for hard stops.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the end of #me #selfie # #love #messi #cr7 #religion #christianity #mecca_live ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Shit you right \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This MAGA would spend more than you & your homies together....Now stop ya whining...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You\u2019ve lost your mind. That shit is unsanitary af. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user what happened to your kids ? how are they still alive? you are a backstabber and a fraud ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A high appendicular FFMI is an independent predictor of insulin resistance ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @TheDouch3: Why would u let ur girl even go to a party without u thats retarded lol u must want to get cheated on","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Liberals are mentally unstable!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You\u2019re in embarrassment to the Republican Party! Glad you took the cowardly way out and quit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user we loved our happy hour @user with these amazing cocktails!! #brixton #love \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I\u2019m pretty sure it\u2019s me, says Tom right there you dumb cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"will watch it soon. #conjuring2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump should remove this liability waiver from his events if he really thinks he won\u2019t get people sick. https:\/\/t.co\/ar2wM2YhHs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Project Veritas Footage Released of Socialist State Department Worker #MAGA #KAG2020 #TCOT #TeaParty #PJNET #WinBlue2018 #UniteBlue2018 #Resist CLEAR Hatch Act violation: FELONY. Indict this SOB! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-- @user in the sitting room making herself a drink. Her shoulders are raised indicating how tense she is. I walk over to her and start to make myself a drink as well. ] You know you made things more -- ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. NatSocs don't try and hide their antisemitism","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Except those whole emails the prove what yer sayin is wrong. Hannity is paid 30 million a year to blame immigrants so you idiots happily pull the feeder bar for the guy gonna take away yer healthcare. Gotta say the stupidity is entertaining. #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another #bigpharma billionaire just bought the #LAtimes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bf #floridastrong #floridalove my hea is \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094 my thoughts & prayers to everyone effected by this tragedy\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user don't get it pity sturgeon didn't help her own homeless am sure Bute refugees can swop it for a high rise in Glasgow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user dealing with relatives reminding you that \"the clock\" is ticking? this might help. #childfree\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#experimenting. do you think you'd enjoy #coloring this? #calm #nature #intention #healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jesstoth we could get matching burner phones and be ghetto fab for a few months","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a paper clip and some lint...:( someone stole the food ration card","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"we were here before such a bridge appeared. your denial of indigenous first people is racism. ergo, you are \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user looking forward to compering this years #conceinthepark #beaufo park ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"those fawking brits...they brought slavery to north america","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and thats why i carry lead spray","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More black teens should end up like Trayvon aka \"St. Skittles.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#facebookmessenger our #cat #jacky #jackjack while we are away on #vacation - he's so :( -\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Preaching to the choir. :) Cannot be repeated often enough though. Yet, in deep red states conservatives\" keep getting elected. Time for a national adjustment. \ud83e\udd1e\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" This is the civilized part of Gab. If you want 'full-frontal invective', go elsewhere!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user She is so calm & patient. That\u2019s great..keep it up. Don\u2019t mind people bc everyone has their own viewpoints on each aspects of life. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user But what about pizzagate you owl kunt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now. We see you. Nothing but a greedy fame whore. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#trump is guilty of treason ! we #theresistance must #resist #hate naked raygun treason @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and here we see the faggot it its natural habitat","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Have you ever seen the former Democratic hierarchy fight against the president so much??? We know it\u2019s because you\u2019ve been so corrupt and guilty of abuse of power. It\u2019s our darkest times with the DOJ\/CIA and Presidential cabinet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we love our queen @user #sunshinesunday #nsfw #sexy #mirror #seductive #riley #night #pigtails ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God people can be so mean. This Asian guy held the door for these girls and they said they were surprised he could see it with his slant eye","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#FarRight #Psychopath @USER #Leader @USER will now use the #invisible #press #created #catkiller as #excuse to bring back #FoxHunting if she's not gone by #Christmas #AnimalCruelty #ToriesOUT #NoConfidence #CrimeSyndicate #GE2018 #CriminalsOutofNumber10","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" very true! we have come so far and still such a long way to go! ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"let me just say .. i love being me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"It's their life bro, so what if they want to fuck kids. It doesn't affect me.\" Am I doing it right? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user My opinion isn\u2019t false just as is you\u2019re isn\u2019t . You can\u2019t downplay my feelings because it doesn\u2019t fit into your narrative. What rights are we taking away??? Better gun control??? If that hurts your soul oh well. A dead child hurts mine more ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well I can't dissuade you from your cynical view but I hope you will at least appreciate that the core message of Christ was an affirmative, loving, and inspirational one.\u00a0 Check out some of the works of Elaine Pagels and other people who've done a lot of research on the Nag Hammadi texts and early Christianity.\u00a0 Find out about the Q document.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user a surprising read to make you >>> the betrayal of ka <<< #scifi #kindleunlimited ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Just another BLM brat blocking a highway, ANTIFA thug swinging a bike lock. Here comes just another screamer from the gallery - except this childish scoundrel screamed he RAPED me!\"\", sat down in the middle of the room, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and whined \"\"prove me wrong!\"\"\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Is that federal investigation group by chance Chinese? A congressional aid? Please respond Senator as a constituent is wanting disclosure. You are accountable for all you do and say. Do not contribute to any form of collusion. Obey the law.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Definitely the cutest thing I'll see all day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"playing with ernie makes my #airedale bei ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Francis needs to step down. The days of covering for PEDOPHILES is over. And now with the recent exposure of Vatican money laundering, it's time.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wishing my lovely dad a very fathersday - love you millions! & i hope you like you present! \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u008c\u00e2\u009b\u00b3\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0086\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #fathersday #lovetoall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cool, I like alienating this dumb asshole, ha ha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bono can go away now the 90s are over you sick now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Every white uterus that does not post a REFUGEES WELCOME sign shall be deemed racist. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Even with the Dems getting a fresh face it will not work. \u00a0They have no platform and a super lousey history of screwing up the country big time with heavy taxes, going deep into debt, and causing severe world problems. \u00a0They are way too corrupt and don't care about the people of USA. \u00a0This organization is going to fall apart very soon.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what the hell is going on ??#alligator drags a two year old child #billionairemag\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/qoinpro.com\/7f10a9d35bb552e9cd9d2e04efafd3f7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuckin great brother. I just laughed like a little girl. \u201cGrab your balls\u201d stay in the trade","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mkay - you sound quite \"based\" and up to speed on the real issues you need to be focused on. You are just lucky that people smarter and more experienced don't just throw you to the wolves and leave you to your own devices. You will be tolerated and then welcomed when you figure it out. You a big fan of DS and Weev?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user to be speaking @user this wednesday! a taste of the message i'll share: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hillary? Why is she on the social studies curriculum? Why? Who is she to be in any curriculum? She is nothing! I'm shocked that she was in any curriculum, but I am very happy to see that she is OUT!\"\" (I am so glad she's nowhere near the @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I knew we would find out that this is all the liberals\u2019 fault. \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER yes the CPC needs more Liberals. Good call Scheer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"No, they're demons. Read Enoch and Ezra. Fallen ones. They're the ones that corrupted the world. You're not supposed to be summoning anything. Like Solomon who turned it around at the end had gaurds gaurding him as he slept, he messed with them also check out the Anasasi? indians https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=XqRxdHk4isc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes it did... And it's on editorial... Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men... No he isn't... He is editor in Chief. He is the boss of all the other editors... Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my father's day gift...just kidding...#dream #car \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bf!!! #fathersday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please send it again if it's important, or email me at swack@protonmail.com. Haven't been on gab for a couple months.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't see protecting our borders, as ALL other Nations do! As having anything resembling Martial Law. There will be no martial law. If the Deep State and the LibTURDS steal the WH from OUR duly elected POTUS, then we'll have a whole lot of libs locked up for their own protection. But that;'s not Martial Law. that would be saving US(A) from elitist puppets!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bring on the hypocrite gungrabber. MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"JF&CS volunteers bring comfort to area\u2019s Syrian refugees - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"...#awwwlup awwwn them... wut z? #magicbutt0nz *pushin'em lyk \"crazy\"* ...until? #0 hai! #l00k!! #it_werkd!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"There is fantastic blessed hope in this world...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The time has come to erase Democrats from our political landscape. As a party, they have proven that they don\u2019t believe in freedom, America, or accountability. Aside from bankrupting their own party, they have consistently elected and appointed representatives that consider their office as a Bank account and their loyalty to private, unmentioned persons in the name of global welfare. As a party, they create nothing except debt through entitlement and the promotion of victimization and every morally degenerate idea imaginable.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"chomsky: israeli #apaheid much worse than south africa #israel #internationallaw #occupation #bds","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" . another aspiring singer's life taken by a shooter! so many lives gone that its not breaking news anymore. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in 2 weeks 50-46 kg #broken&depressed in 2 months 46-49 kg &blessed \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0082","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Boy Hollywood sure does like to look like fools all the time. Wait until they find out it's a big hoax manufactured by liberals. Think they will apologize to Kavanaugh? No way.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i tried to play never have i ever on my (dutch) instagram acc but i only received 1 questions \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0094 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" girls in the world sexy mature housewife ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Excellent comparison which spells out exactly what's happening under NPC noses. Ironically before \"racism\" became the bogeyman, \"capitalism\" was, but since (((they))) weren't successful indoctrinating the sheeple against capitalism, they had to find something new.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Satan and the Beast will be destroyed on the day of the Lord along with all the flesh of men born of Satan. All the flesh that have died in the past up to this moment will never be used again in the next generation. All created men will experience life in new bodies that will never deceive them again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".I think it's time we stopped being polite to and about the Left. They are not good people, they are walking filth. Small l\" liberals are their stooges, who don't see they are being used to destroy this country.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality +9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Sick!!! I hope he is not teaching!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She is a journalist and spreads fake info about painting of shree Krishnaji. Why people forget ligic & professionalism when they try to be secular\"\". Do not tear our religious books to prove your stupidity. Fight your cause with moral means. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this definitive history of racist ideas should be required reading #ushistory #afamhist ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@CLewandowski_ Cory,, let me help you,,[NEWLINE]Antifa = Anti Facism to be clear to the poorly educated, [NEWLINE]Hitler was a facist, the world didn't like him,, hey kinda like trump..thanks[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#FactsExist[NEWLINE]#GopWhigParty[NEWLINE]#KnowNothings[NEWLINE]#VoteBlue2020[NEWLINE]#VoteOutTheGOP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He looks familiar....serial female abuser maybe??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I would love more information about joining the dukin donuts division of Antifa.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be hpy n healthy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER OMG\ud83d\ude33!!!!! He is????????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Look under every stone, always a few vermin.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If he comes for me, he better have a lot of fire power because I'm ready for anything.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He's another one of the puke pool!! It's getting pretty full I can tell you that for sure!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should close your account you immature cunt. Bullying women on social media is pathetic. Go seek the attention you\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL, if Warski woke up tomorrow in Cantwell's position, he'd hang himself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love how you are basically using this as an excuse to invade this country. I don't deny that your kind (Mestizos) are part Native American. But it doesn't mean shit. The Europeans built a far more advanced civilization than the Natives could ever dream of. #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"We are above the law - migrants throw garbage at Rome's ancient sites - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Pants drooping below the ass... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I really think he is mentally ill. Why does his family not address the issues? Maybe Jared did with the op-ed?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like the (((Chinese))) are at it again","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Of course it is better.\u00a0 Unless you are poor, stupid and a typical Democratic voter.\u00a0 Something we have enough of to have to worry about.\u00a0 But it is not all demagoguery, the Fair Tax is a regressive consumption tax.\u00a0 Feature, not a bug, but it does impact the poor if the economy does't zoom, which of course it would.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"music of hope (dramatic, thoughtful music) #guitar #dramatic #beats #stockmusic #background #royaltyfreemusic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Me- what do you bring to the table? Her- I am the table Me- good lemme rest my feet on you, dumbass... See how dumb you sound? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If the day ever comes that I self-describe as a \"social media influencer,\" this Tweet is your permission to kill me and rape my corpse.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This furniture store keeps emailing me, all I wanted was one night stand! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#michelleobama is the most hated women in america today! get your facts straight @user ! her and her #oprah","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Adulting is knowing who fucked cut off in your future plans.....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Calm down you loon. Kavanaugh is already confirmed and you know it. Make plans for alternate employment after the #TrumpTrain2020 train disembowels the #Democrat party in this country. Starting with removing #RoeVWade then #BuildTheWall then #MAGA !!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ShameOnYou #conservatives proud of yourselves for inflicting such horrors on the folk of #Palestinian.\u2026... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Bernie up to his \ud83e\udd25. You are not telling the WHOLE TRUTH. #WalkAwayFromDemocratsNow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user in every conner coz anti pakistani will not able to attack on our future generation rights ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Can confirm the part about conductors and world domination \ud83d\udc41 #RidinWithBiden #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpMeltdown #DumpTrump https:\/\/t.co\/euxVUmdKNm","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Returning home from DC. If ever anyone needs to see how bloated and impotent our \u00a0Overlords have become, they only need to take a trip to this swamp of corruption. Every taxpayer in this country sends money to this place of hell, so that our \u201cservants\u201d can have cops protecting them on every corner, and palaces dedicated to telling them how wonderful they are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you should be ashamed that these companies pay no tax yet @user will bankrupt normal people of a few 100 pounds. time for change ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Google trying to dodge an anti-trust lawsuit.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER New gun control laws are a waste of time & energy which is better spent holding these worthless politicians accountable for their REFUSAL TO ENFORCE CURRENT LAWS. Why create more laws they will never enforce?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Absolutely NFW.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Did you know75% of deported immigrants make it back across the borders within 1 year. This includes deported gang members. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sometimes i feel that i have given too much rights to others to take decision about my work that's why the are not responding to me... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its like saying the brown shirts afe better than nazis because they pretended to be socialists. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"VIDEO: The #WalkAway rally in #Washington DC https:\/\/t.co\/9xfOcI0GX1 #Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TrumpPence2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #JoeBiden \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3 #ChinaVirus \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3 #NancyPelosi \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3 #BLM \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3 #Election2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"She came from Sri Lanka by going to New Zealand, first. It's a bi-country agreement that citizens can live and work in either country. I wonder if the policy needs to be reviewed, now their new lefty PM wants to take our rejects from Manus Island. They did not pass our vetting, and she wants them????","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And they should face consequences.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is Bull shit! @user needs to go!Punk ass @user will be gone, so he could care less about what we want. #IllegalAliens#QAnon #TrustThePlan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate mfs who slam doors when they mad like bitch if you break my shit how ima keep the hoes out? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Who\u2019s going to pay for your roads, your oxy, and the govt-subsidized hoverround after you lose a foot to type 2 diabetes, you cousin-fucking moron?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thanks Charlie @Charlie4927 @StacyDmomof5 @RevkahJC @PattiSM74 @cantUCIMblonde @Kacado","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are hysterical. Once you've decided to have your baby it has rights once it's born. #roaster ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when is new update released??!! @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @ @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Anytime! Much love soul sister! #MAGA #KAG2020 #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #BuildTheWall #BackTheBlue #Military #Veterans #NRA #2A #NoDACA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I know. Why should they? #EnglishConservatism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Yes he is \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 shhh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Nigga you are about to lose","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The woman who is accusing Nelly of rape wants to drop the investigation bc she thinks the system will fail her. This broke my heart... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user What kind of dumb shit am I gonna read next ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well if Trumpster said it then it must be true he also have himself a 10 on handling Cuba hurricane sad piece of something he is... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are so right on this issue and Democrats have been lying to the American people for to long lately it seems like there all going crazy in the head lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"HOT #ISIS SOCIAL MEDIA PHOTO: Laughing Jihadis Get Baby To Kick Severed Head – ***warning, graphic*** http:\/\/t.co\/XdpSzwj6sK #lnyhbt #tgdn","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Excellent effort! @Alba_Rising mobilised an IRL campaign last week, to draw or put NPC stickers on normies posters etc in the streets. I think it's a fine idea and would reach a lot more people than SM (and make people think \"Fuck, is that me?!\". But after this I think Alba should start pushing it hard.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if on facebook then do like our page for making this world a happier place. #smile #cheers world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user was literally just talking about this lol all mass shootings like that have been set ups. it\u2019s propaganda used to divide us on major issues like gun control and terrorism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nigger kidnaps woman, probably White,\u00a0 drags her to his house, pisses on her in front of his friends, and beats her senseless. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #teamshide @user #realtalk ! #shideism #smile and be always. #grateful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Because of the Mayor ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yeas i got two of the newest liquid lipsticks! #jeffreeswatch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dumb kid ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I believe gun control should consist of guarding your firearms from thivery and kids.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#heal your fear be online course guides you to your inner power ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user No room for anyone illegal. Color or wealth is not the criteria, you stupid bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Niggaz buying pussy bitches trying to buy love... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I suggest that you get worser jobs as you are just what they don\u2019t want. you might of even been in the same office. You might of been arguing with yourself. your just both gay","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We are in this mess because people are stupid and lazy that's why the conservatives are in and she's screwing us over","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am polished.#i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You\u2019re Yesterday\u2019s #FakeNews trying to make a comeback at the desperation and obstruction of Do Nothing #Liberals & #DemocRats. Who cares what happened when you were a Minor in high school. You\u2019re not the victim here. Just another MeToo sexual misconduct Baiter and Switcher. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@Julius_Kim Me either. I'm no longer ashamed of myself for it. He is ill. \ud83d\ude37[NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, New York, LA, Berlin, Brussels, London & Paris. Sorry about the collateral damage but knocking out each of these places would take out 80+% of the who's who holding the West in the toilet.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"last day i'll be 35 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 lol tomorrow \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #selfie #junebabies #bihday #lastday #smiles #june ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"to quote jeremy corbyn: \"here we, here we, here we fucking go!\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't it fun when a manager has a stick up his ass that would make a redwood self-conscious about its size? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE HELPING THE #RedWaveRising URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hahaha.. this is me last #friday & #weird ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#wtf what is racism then? would he have done same with a white mother? proof that there is a group that is\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Somebody forgot the N\u00fcrnberg trials. Military tribunals isn't the solution my friend.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The letter could be seen as a dog whistle to ANTIFA to inform them about the event and jeopardize the safety of possible attendees.\"\" Except it was an internal email. How is that a dog whistle?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Turkey is a big place with a big population with respect we just do not need more migrants a country who want paid for this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Annnnd, just like that. It ended.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck duckduckgo for sensoring them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And your President respects all of that. You liberals do not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user my daughter's bought me tickets as a joint bihday\/father's day for the friday night #cycling","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As a Mexican, and now naturalized American, I follow the immigration laws, paid all the fees waited and I sacrifice a lot, for this pinche parasito to come and demand all this crap!?!? I demand ICE to do their fk job and deport parasites like this pendejo ASAP!! #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hollywood is packed with pedophiles ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Bucs has 2 great uniforms and ruined them both for that trash smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hi @user They know Kavenaugh in =liberals out for 30 years. No one wants to mention this. ITS BIG. You should send it out to your 'tree'. I've been away and don't have many followers. Could stir up a 'kick-back', might make a difference. Principal's rock solid. Please retweet\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is absolutely useless. Everyone knows it except for her and the media. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"http:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/02\/01\/peta-ca... AHAHAHA. It's like they know nothing about the Ninja Turtles but want to dictate the story anyway.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user greed is killing our planet and the human race @user @user @user @user #extinction #stopthewars #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sex blonde japanese sexy girl video ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If that bitch goin let her keep goin goin till dat hoe gone like home run ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"100% Follow Back Conservatives must stand united! @user #Trump45 #MAGA2KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user is there any reason why you believe you are relevant anymore? You weren't relevant when you were Secretary of State all you wanted to do is give away everything to our enemies. Go crawl back under the rock with Barry Soweto ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"TONIGHT (live now): Alex Jones gets the social media monopoly boot, New York State to mandate business owners give 3 months bereavement leave, 218 year olds vote in Ohio election, unite the right 2 a major dud, and of course, the mystery link of the week. https:\/\/youtu.be\/aaob65yrvWM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They are all getting exposed for who they are!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Study: At least 1 in 10 immigrant children has 'interrupted schooling': #K12 #EdPolicy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yappy faces please vote! dog #dogsoftwitter #dogsofsummer #dogsarejoy #rescuedogtosuperdog #star","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user #IllegalAliens are destroying the World. #NoDaca #BuildTheWall #1a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Now they\u2019ll have to pay more for their MAGA hats.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if you're a defense attorney & leading the prosecution's witness *try* & land a punch & to not your client's wallet in billable hours. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"43. Paul Joseph Watson - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/user\/PrisonPlanetLive\/featured","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sun is out! happy thursday! \u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bb\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #breakfast in the #sun #day #sunnyday #sun #blue\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Should I try out aikido instead of krav maga? \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 #aikido #kravmaga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I told myself this but no matter how much I try life keeps biting me in the ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another amazing cover from #Westworld Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box Westworld Season 2 - Heart-Shaped Box - Ramin Djawadi (OFFICIAL) https:\/\/youtu.be\/LDS8SeO6hyg\u00a0 via @YouTube #TakeMyHeartWhenYouGo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it is really good to be a father. atleast one person can be trained by me to be a good human being. jai hind :) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"please, just stop. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099the happiest trails 2 u elizabeth! until we c each other again! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008a\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user has two votes in our home! West Texas is stoked about him! He is inspiring! He can do this! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The Pope is complicit. Make no mistake. Anyone who harms a child . . .","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Or catboy nazis.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is Hillary the ‘dodo bird’ candidate? http:\/\/t.co\/YfUbgwQ4tw via @worldnetdaily","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER SHE IS A FUCKING MESS!! I HATE HER SO MUCH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mfs be like \"I'm at work\" NO BITCH you just collecting a whole pay check with out working bc you don't DO SHIT. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches think it's easy for a nigga to trust them.Bitch we seen way to much to trust you just cuz u say u \"not like the rest of these hoes\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#meneither! She is a liar. Clear as day a liar. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83d\ude10 sorry but she is an idio ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"IDK, my favorite was \"Icelandic Women are Whores\" Happy New Year and Hail Victory","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yes. And favorites this. RT @StraightCash08: @202SOLE please tell me you didn't buy that trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you ignorant fool how did you become ag. I forgot it was ignorant Obama. Its not current occupier of white house. Learn from me ignorant idiot He is the President of United states. If you think he is not your President then leave this country and go to hell.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I Agree@realDonaldTrump It's Imperative To Start Deportation On These People - #DeportThemAll They Do Not Belong Here; Also #FireSesssions Get Rid Of #ArrogantRosenstein ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/kek.gg\/i\/4y6LDp.jpg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FilmFatale_NYC: Wow, he basically just told his daughter \"I want some mocha colored grandbabies!\" #HTGAWM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Boy they are really panicking why what do they have to hide I wat to know do t you . I don\u2019t recall republicans acting like this when obama put two liberals on the court","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Target is brilliant with this. Keep an eye out (esp online as there\u2019s online only shit that\u2019s amazing) because 1. Autumn (so oranges!) and also target on thanksgiving\/Black Friday is THEE place to stock tf up on sheets for the YEAR. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hard times make hard men. Hard men make good times, good times make weak boys, weak boys make hard times.\u00a0 #trump s back track on #immigration just weakens #America.\u00a0 #maga #wakeupamerica","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Kerry is so full of shit he is undermining things and he knows it! The Iran debacle is his baby and he wants to keep it no matter what it costs!!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ed op: not being 'a racist' isn't enough - here's why ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SharylAttkisson: Democratic consultant Doug Schoen is smart and contributes good info. But as he commented on Trump and Russia, maybe I missed it, but I didn't hear Fox or him disclose the context of his financial ties to Ukrainian gas and steel mogul Victor Pinchuk. 1\/2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/hV-05TLiiLU \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 WHAT\u00a0 REMEMBER \u00a0 WHAT THE IDIOT \u00a0 SAID \u00a0 PASS THEN READ WHAT IT'S ABOUT\u00a0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user can't wait for @user @user @user #boatclub #ibiza #glamsquad are working there magic!! #excit\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a shame to see after 16h of training, the model not doing what you expected #deeplearning #timewaste","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user the stupidity of liberal women is relentless! Please stay in your perverted hole LA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are on the wrong side of gun control but then you already knew that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It was deleted again... Working on getting it back \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \u201cYeah we got everything sorted that needed to be sorted\u201d she is still only taking small sips of her wine unusual for Emily but she guessed JJ wouldn\u2019t profile her ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thanks so much! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is friend with an African? I bet she was and is still pro-rapefugee. Otherwise you aren't standing there with an African beside you. Sorry, but you wanted this. You are now afraid. I don't care for traitors like you, who did nothing when things could have changed. Bye bye. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whats going on in Iran is probably stirred up by the (((CIA)))","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ABOVEGROUND THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR. This truck parked near the Arby\u2019s at Northtowne & Morse Rd. about 1\/4 mile from a Somali mosque. This is an immigrant, migrant and refugee (New American) community on the Northside of #ColumbusOHIO ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's a hole in my heart where my will to live should be that I filled with stupid photos of MCR. I joke about it, but it's true. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Calling May a bitch does not effectively describe the most vile destructive politician ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not really familiar with that research. Interesting though.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bailame! ft. yandel, shaggy \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #dancers #latinmusic #bestoftheday #music #friends\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user then you are a fool too ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" monday twitter!! -@user & queen\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dudes, We love all the RTs\/Likes &; enjoy a few comments here\/there. But cock pix &; writing novels under our pix\/vids gets you blocked! \ud83d\ude20 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is fucking delusional ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That\u2019s how a career in media works...people admire you. If people think you\u2019re a piece of shit you won\u2019t make it far.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No disrespect oh pope but you need to step down...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Salvini is Italia best men. He will stop illigal refugees ! All goverments in Europe which stop and return refugees home will elected next time again. The socialists which like to welcome them, will loose. The wind changes! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER she is human garbage that is what is wrong","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Not strict enough? So in your world of stricter gun control shall the military go door to door siezing firearms from thos not willing to give them up.? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user coldplay last night with my fave \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #coldplay #conce #hampden #fave #couple #cute \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FACEBOOK still INTENTIONALLY makes it impossible to prevent the world from knowing you're online. Their so-called \"privacy improvements\" are a scam. It's like a complicated video game, and you have to win your way through each level to eventually obtain the Golden Privacy Sword. WAAAY TOO MUCH WORK. FUCK FACEBOOK!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUUUCCKK! ASS BITCH CUNT FART!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"surround yourself with people who inspire you and make you better. #inspiration #motivation #positivity ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #punjab cabinet passed the resolution to proclaim: life sentence for sacrilege of sri guru granth sahib ji ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Re: Alexander Skarsgard, my roommate has declared: \"He's a sexy albino lizard. i dont know how that's sexy, but it kinda is.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user there's no way kyrie and lbj will do it in back-to-back games. with draymond. this was an exhibition game. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are funny \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Poll: Which price target will $SNAP hit first? (Currently at $7.50 for future reference)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#craftfest is here!! and we at a.r.p jewellery are ! welcome to #craftfest #open #craft #handmade #businessnotahobby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fox Scumbag Laura Ingraham claims Trump is protecting immigrant children from their drug abusing, child trafficking parents Read Story: #ImpeachTrump #Resist #VoteBlue #GOPScum #FoxLies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER yessir","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"To bad people are having Big Trouble , like CAN NOT , Upload Photos \u2755 \ud83d\ude1f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On the other end, California is number one in public defecation, murders by illegal immigrants, crooked mayors that impede ICE, diseases that were extinct in the whole developed world, companies that censor your thoughts and sell your data, Trump derangement syndrome, leftist intolerance... I could go on, but you get the picture.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He wasn't really different with who he is now.\" Or probably Howard himself didn't really know his son. \"He doesn't trust easily. You have to earn his trust before you can get to know the real him, I guess. Tony has, at all times, at least fifteen thoughts of varying --\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@jermhudson @lanele123 no way !! I'm on a \"dude you are fat\" diet Twinkies are the devil, so are breakfast tacos. I miss breakfast tacos😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I'll have him at the height of ecstasy all over my body","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TheShoeBible @Steamed_Greens Them hoes are clean!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Queen Of Rap \ud83d\ude1b Other Bitches can knot relate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Because she's an idiot! #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Typical sore loser he IS as always! Piece of shit! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's a myth. Deer will only eat fruit as a last option....and usually only for passive hydration. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Oh so when a man sleeps with lots of women he's cool but when a woman sleeps with lots of men she's a hoe?' YES ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hmmm...\u00a0 It's a propaganda war. \u00a0 http:\/\/www.newsweek.com\/now-mattis-admits-there-was-no-evidence-assad-using-poison-gas-his-people-801542","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @drunktweets81: You sure do have a pretty face for a cripple","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER European liberals and conservatives must stand together against populism. Follow my page if you think the same. @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user What did u just notice that he is not actually a good speaker just a good reader ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy friyay! \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a6 #friyay #tgif #weinerdog #waterdog #cutest #dachshundoftheday\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"From one gutter to another in this week's Volume 5 update: https:\/\/www.patreon.com\/posts\/v5-page-027-20917936\u00a0 #Gabart #comics #webcomic #furry","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why was Hamas created in the first place? Who are you? What does it matter?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @iLostMySanity: RT @5EarthQUakE: Most trash Halloween candy of all time. Don't debate me on this http:\/\/t.co\/YMQWTSvD0h","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hes wanted for murder but who exactly was paying for their medical bills? #taxpayers Yet, funds to support tax payers is running out!!!! #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So Liberals CAN stand.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wish she had. Boomers especially need to suffer through more pain. Take everything they have, then they will have nothing to lose. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But then you wake up one day, like I did one month ago, and realize that it is all a lie. I am back to Plato. In fact, even before that, Heraclitus. The philosopher of war and change. Sounds scary but look deep into the eyes of Haddad and you see a future dictator straight into the eye. The type of person who will kill millions. Bolsonaro is a red herring. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"-You would never guess that this employee plays Covet (a fashion game) on her iPad in her free time. \ud83d\udcf1 -She has a strange phobia of dogs.\ud83d\udc15 -She is amazingly weird! She can jump over her foot while it is in... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 He got our asses Not even believing the truth about the truth!! Lmao! & We Know! Water is damn wet...but cant even believe it coming out his lying ass mouth! \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude48 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user forget about the fast lane. if you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion ~ oprah winfrey #love #wo\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LIVE - Trump looked directly into the camera and said, to the audience watching at home, \"You can be anything. You can achieve anything. You can accomplish anything.\"\u00a0 #infowars #SOTU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The USA is not supposed to make the world a better place. It is supposed to make our liberty and earnings safe from politicians. And we are not supposed to play world cop either. Nor are we a rapefugee hostel dumping ground for toxic cultures, illegals, and the death cult. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ExpectUs to work our asses off for #GunSenseCandidates! @user #GOTV #ThrowThemOut ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TODDIE_soPLAYER well since you is blood you get a G pass but only this time and I won't tell wop about that lyric situation","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nothing to discuss here. Save the kids. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Medically treat the addict and the mentally ill gun shooter for the medical cause 1st then no need for a wall or further gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Doesn't mean you are just fighting for the money. He loves to fight and wants to make the most money he can while doing it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sarah Palin, Loyal Running Mate, Excluded from John McCain's Funeral | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2C39Ddv","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #father's day to all of #men #light #children of #love - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You can probably imagine all the SJW snowflakes that don't feel safe\"\" working where there might be conservatives lurking in the shadows. Conservatives are now the Ruskies of the 21st century.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Are Cowards For Not Standing Behind @user Americans Want Our Wall And Immigration Reform! We want Illegal Immigrants To Go Home. Americans Are Sick Of Politicians Caring More About Other Countries Citizens Than American Citizens ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"58 factory workers massacred in Salt Lake City with Intratec MAC-11. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Oh WOW! You look like a 1980's Porn Star #loveit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lockheed Martin Opening Jerusalem Preschool for Israelis","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"beach moments. #moments #friends #amazing #ff #picoftheday #photooftheday #like4like\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"@complex_uk: Ashley Young has tried to deny that bird s*** landed in his mouth ---> http:\/\/t.co\/mlr5eWgonK https:\/\/t.co\/AvCHFj7reM\" hahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"America ...the facts : REAL DEAL LEADER PRESIDENT TRUMP .... VS .... LIAR LOSER CRIMINAL**** PRESIDENT TRUMP **** .... VS .... Jv-failed oragnizer**** AMERICAN LEADER **** .... VS .... scandalous immigrant @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER HOW DARE YOU!!! Kappa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER As my elected MP could you please explain why @USER is still promoting ideas that the EU have already rejected? We've 6 months to go and nothing appears to be moving onward. @USER are like the blind leading the blind #brexitshambles #BrexitMeansBrexit URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And how many #AmericanKids have yet to be reunited with their parents because their parents commit a CRIME?Oh, that's right, #KamalaHarris doesn't care about #American kids, just #Illegals.#IllegalAliens #FamilySeparation #IllegalImmigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Doing the job illegal aliens won't do.https:\/\/t.co\/U9mbwPidXP#ThereIsMoreOfThemOutThere #MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At Target in the movie section, and this guy is educating his girlfriend about Star Wars. Her facial expressions are hysterical. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user What does Juan contribute on Fox? We all know which side of the fence he plays on. Pretty much know what he is going 2 say. Listening 2 him is like watching paint dry. I have better thgs 2 do\ud83d\ude20\ud83e\udd22 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Californication! Leftist utopia and America's first SHITHOLE state.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER did you see the response i typed \ud83d\ude18 you are too much fun sometimes","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just saw a group of freshmen wearing maga bucket hats \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22 i hate this school","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"tomorrow friday #yes #weekend \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00af","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why is 4 whores on ring of fire ? #misogyny","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my snap chat update bihday to me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Socialism once its implemented has historically had only one effective stop measure and that has been civil war. Knowing that the force\/reasoning behind gun control\" becomes clear. You can have a clear picture of this process by reading Saul Alinsky's-Rules for Radicals.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when the waiter asks @user if he wants to eat the plate aswell... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MustWatch..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A black hobag ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No Obituaries For Parkland Dead! Boom! https:\/\/vimeo.com\/259603305","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When a baby won't stop crying so naturally you have to outdo the little shit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER have become the party of \u201cthe Sky is falling\u201d and \u201cwe are all going to die\u201d. What a sad bunch.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@billyrunaway Hope she's larger than a bird.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 FOR SALE - BUY #American #Flag #USA \u25b6 Shopping-Sale .org \u25c0 #USA_Flag_4U #Shop_8_9 #MAGA #AmericaFirst @USER #Trump #POL_8_27_QX URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user is so stupid it makes her sooooooo HOT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i heard attendance has been down at your events. what a shame. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is alright. thank you for responding. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"NK is no more. Russia! is over. So, in the need for constant war threats, China is the next obvious target to keep the masses afraid of WWIII","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"set of 4 milksha... gbp 3.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoe asss bitch what the fuck ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #2016 review by @user shows church's response to #immigration, , politics & mercy.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that is about the saddest existence I have ever been privy to reading. Sucks to be you man ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Winston Churchill, who knew his people only too well got it right about treason. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a fascist pig. Now go report my to your shitty Twitter so I will be removed.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"here's a collection of our coverage of women-related issues #womensissues #gender #equality\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is useless. I hope he has plenty paper towels. Why can't he act like a grown up??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So she is using the feminist card as a excuse for her behavior in not getting what she wanted when the other competitor that she played was a A WOMAN\"\" who just was simply better than her today. Every woman in that room who applauded to that nonsense I feel sad for you.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is great! Awesome songs... I love walk on by and what it is best!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user They would would be opening up a flood gate for migrants. Saudi Arabia does not want the financial burden or possibly the lower class of Muslim influence. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#MOGG: #JacobReesMogg calls for @USER to #ChuckChequers now. 'Chequers pleases nobody other than the #PrimeMinister herself.' URL #BBC #SKY #LBC @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #Tory #Tories","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are an amazing mom\u2764 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"parfum your life #researchessence #man&woman #cometovisitus #feelunique #cool #welcome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user she is a dog with fleas. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are some basic white girl who clearly didn\u2019t know any of them personally and it\u2019s awful what has happened to Mac so why don\u2019t you pay respect to that instead of being disgusting and blaming another innocent human in something that has nothing to do with them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"However, that is not to say that conservative women don't like to PLAY \"I'm an out of work actress who'll do anything for a part, Mr. Producer\"...on occasion...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln Goodbye wackadoos. #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #TrumpIsNotWell #TrumpHatesUs #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ALL THIS IS BS. FORD IS LYING!!This has everything to do with delaying the vote... #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaughNow #POTUS URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No your not! You are scroungers\/soldiers coming to create a caliphate or create chaos. Go home, look after your girlfriends\/wives\/kids. All fighting age. The last thing you are, are refugees! Bugger off! Bye, bey, cheers.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i loaded the car last night! #excited #newadventure","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"closet faggots with families are the worst faggots.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fridayfeeling in the winery today with a full #bmw conveible & #valdobbiadene #prosecco! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Omg you look so beautiful!!!! You are killing it \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #iftar \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 or \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00a5 #charming it is \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008b #cake #pie #foodporn #nomnom #foodie #love #food ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user oral i was not watching the match last night but @user tweeted even the commentator were call for young players ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is a wonderful article by @user that present some often misrepresented facts about #refugees and #asylumseekers coming to #Canada ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is insulting. I'm black and fully capable of getting IDs. What makes you think that we can't? Lets be honest. This is about liberals (mostly white 1s) that want to appear as saviors and vanguards for minorities. Its about protecting your fraudulent votes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER that's unepic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #mohenjodaro in theatres #august12th2016 ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user :') this whore is damn sexy @user tbh this girl knew how to name her acc :') ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Shes so old that shes been pushing gun control since the Lincoln assassination.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#caturday. if you truly stand for equality then none of these can be acceptable. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER have you come across the wonderful @USER She is also doing great things for inclusion.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You're black? Your name looks Hungarian. You marry a Hunky? @JulieSczesny @ChrisLoesch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Yes bitch you better tag me back hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch I already did that shit, but I'll do it again to prove you a hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/mbNCl3fJi3I\u00a0 Listen to Dutch beat down trolls, shills, and fake media who came after him today. Follow him if you aren't, he's a white hat for earthquakes. The real deal.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"At this point, no press criticism of Trump about anything will be legitimate. No need for all you social media warriors to post outrage! at the latest thing bleated out on CNN or Fox News.\u00a0 They swung for the fences the past two days and looked like immature hypocritical fools striking out. Fuck the press.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Holder should've been removed and jailed years ago.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hopefully she beats the shit out of the chair ump in Australia to really show them.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How can this happen with France's super strict gun laws? I mean, it's almost like bad guys don't obey the law or something \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"God created Hell for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41). You have a free will to choose to join them simply by rejecting Christ's offer to you today of salvation by placing your faith in His blood and His Name.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"roque elements of military or cia special forces maybe.. if reg forces mattis needs to stop it . stop all of the anti Assad bs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Hunt illigal refugees by dogs to save the USA from bad elements ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wow, what a confidence booster\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b warpaint for confidence in any situation\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f #whiteeeth\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You & your husband are double-talking hypocrites. We can see right through your gun control\" facade. What you really want is for us to give up our guns while you & your husband get to keep your guns.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please share the following, People. This is stuff the fake-stream media and dhimmi governments want to keep from you because it's GRAPHIC exposure of the TRUE islam. Share it fast, too as the places it's being posted are being PAID to help the islamic caliphate by suppressing things like this ... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweden needs to clean house. Who cares what people say or think. There are getting destroyed just to show tolerance. #sendthemback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Allah in the #Quran says #Muslims can beat their wives!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Constitution: [NEWLINE]+Separation of powers[NEWLINE]+Separation of Church and State[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]GOP:[NEWLINE]-Separation of races[NEWLINE]-Separation of families[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#FlipTheSenateBlue #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is unfit for office . Mentally deranged.. unstable.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Point is they are trying to make a statement. And (some) trump chumps are guilty of much worse than anything antifa has done in the goal of trying to make a statement ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" 90th queenie \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091 @ park royal ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So liberals will cheer ...they live illegal aliens.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@NickJFuentes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #commonweath of VA welcomes all immigrants to its benefit and theirs @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Seems to me that Michelle Obama w\/b more Nike material. They seem to be partial to America-hating grievance pushers.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Trump #NEWS #VoteRed #NoDACA #WalkAway #AmericaFirst #USA #BackTheBlue #AllLivesMatter #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The soypocalypse is upon us","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Furrystoat For the record #NoHomo but don't care who is unless I gotta see it.. same with every sexuality even birds, dogs.. what not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#guns #2A 'Last Lockdown' statues part of gun-control group's plan to change minds in pro-gun districts: Tucker: Left colluding with companies to suppress gun rights Tucker: The ideological gap between the leaders of America's most URL URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Irish Bad Bitch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's #fizzfriday be xxx ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Ihateitwhenmen1 @realDonaldTrump Shut the fuck up,what did Obama do for 8 year hun,trump did more than Obama In just 4 years","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TRAITORS\u00a0 Remember Remember 5th Of November","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":". My God. #TheEmmys And the limousine liberals are sick disgusting animals with no brains. . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"one of our happy troopers with his fun sock day at school #fun #troopers #sil... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why the rise in hate groups?\u00a0 So they profiled the ACLU, the SPLC, AIPAC, JDL, the numerous left-wing terrorist groups sponsored by (((Soros))) and other Jewish billionaires, the NAACP, La Raza, ... Right?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#blonde gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. material ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Afghan refugee Waheed Adrian who moved to #UK to be Cambridge doctor gets peace prize ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"come come galleta :* #1a\u00c3\u00b1o #andr\u00c3\u00a9s #muecas #bocadepato\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Its time - to stop the immigration - to USA ! Specially from 40 muslim countries. The president named it: SHITHOLE-countries. And he is right and also his wall must be build. But all foreign invaders inside of USA must go home ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"those days you are hyper as hell...love storms.... work day ending earlay. #too #hyper \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White people are the only ones that can fight off an oppressive gov't. \u00a0That's why we're targeted.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Flirting in 2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who is Richard Donoghue? #q https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/usao-edny\/video\/united-sta...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Alternative: people died in PR because of a freakin HURRICANE you half wit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When she says 'stick it in my ass and fill me up, daddy' ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are kind and attentive. Thank you \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffePeace to you @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user feeling amazing after today's experience at table mountain \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc #capetown ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just started #TheOrville, glad you got the bro dick jokes out the way early because it has become the series we need. Bravo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWe believe in the joy of family, the blessing of freedom, and the dignity of work, and the eternal truth that every child, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of God.\u201d[NEWLINE]\u2014President Donald J. Trump [NEWLINE]#PresidentTrump [NEWLINE]#Trump2020[NEWLINE]#InGodWeTrust[NEWLINE]#USA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you see your friend that's in prison posting on Facebook... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user snatch that wig off james brown head & get her out ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Two people ran for President one bought and paid for her nomination. The American people decided to elect President Trump. You and I should be embarrassed by the Democrats and liberals and left then President Trump. I have to question your morals and judgment. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are hands down the best principal ever <3 Stay safe during this hurricane! Ily \ud83d\udc96 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when @user doesn't answer her phone or come w\/ her fam to visit me... #summer2016 #nolove #dead\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a freakin' soap opera. Smoke and mirrors, distraction.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And I want to be a Nigerian beauty queen.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER melbourne didnt like me can I join you instead I even have a flag #Rimmy4Antifa URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#carl #paladino says #michelle #obama should #live with a #gorilla #resign #resignation #stop - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#medical #humor #nurses #nurses week nurses week #nursing #i'm happy #ecards ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm so happy! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083 #happinesseverywhere #happiness #happiestmoment ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER And don\u2019t forget #supplymanagement! He has been stubbornly clinging to that that tax. It also distorts all of international trade deals. Just makes life less affordable for the average working family. Only the Liberals...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user father's day. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the outcome via @user and #disappointing don't care about #animalwelfare #animalrights #timeforchange","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The fact that he is still a nominee is disgusting","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'm gunna play the shit out of it then bitch slap the both of you for talking smack \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She either testifies or shuts up.She is either a fraud or a false memory person.When you have been raped you never forget it ever.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Twitter can\u2019t handle the truth! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Skip having children .... world is over crowed now, the world is in bad shape now, don't bring any more helpless children into this world. They don't deserve it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ready for our athletics meeting #teamwybers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the latest the blicqer\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 daily! thanks to @user @user @user #news","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sunday to u all ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...Vox Day is an antisemite?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Exactly. I haven\u2019t watched in two years and I refuse to. As a former @user fan I think Jerry Jones is a disgrace to the people who have helped make him as rich as he is. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You after the Mounties come and get you for being a dirty pervert on the Internet...only you are 150 pounds heavier than him but you get the point URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Isn\u2019t it funny how people are so quick to slag you off behind a keyboard, but when they see you in person they run away\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"retweeted knaack\u00c2\u00ae (@user may all you wonderful dads enjoy a #fathersday! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a father hold his daughters hand for a sho while, but he holds her hea forever. \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008c #father's#day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dirty dick ass nigga .. I hope that bitch catch sum ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fuck Putin's Russia. You want a list? Crimea, support of murderous Assad in collusion with Iran, killing of journalists on foreign soil, etc etc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Nobody cares about paid protesters the Capitol Police need to get a hold on them lock them up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks to my first followers, i won't let you down boys, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I guess I don't know when I'm talking to a proud boy and when I'm talkin to an antifa. I am pro antifa. Which are you?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user back from boston ready to get the summer going with blockbuster comics! rebih & civil war boom! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"QNTKKA#9658 ; - ) If you join Discord, add me with that ID. ; - )","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i survived #gym while #fasting \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c #ramadan ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER you should probably start reading your Bible hun.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She worked for @user before he fired her for her comments on The View. She is inconsistent all over the damn place. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"With the Total Gym Supreme you ought to target all considerable muscle mass groups while using one - https:\/\/www.dietfoodprograms.com\/total-gym-supreme-30-day-trial-on-this-home-gym\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are right he is a sorry little man... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Europeans Are Waking Up! | How Even Ordinary People Are Beginning to Take Action Against Immigration - YouTube ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They keep telling us that \"not all Muslims are bad people\", But ALL Muslims do worship a child raping pedophile. THEY WORSHIP A FUCKING PEDOPHILE ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user come eat me \ud83e\udd24\ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf7d\ud83d\ude16 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".' -> -> sirf ashiq log follow karen #iqbal #galib #wasi #faraz #sagar #mohsin ki full poetry, #shairi + follow @user send to 4o4o4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user We are here for Q and the Revolution. Do not allow the shiny objects to divide. Take a step back and look at all of it from that way. #MAGA #WeThePeople. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Awh shit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MUST READ: Delay the Kavanaugh Vote. This Senate is singularly ill-equipped to assess the allegations against Trump\u2019s Supreme Court nominee. via @user #PostponeTheVote #maga #ncpol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mark Zuckerberg said they are stopping terrorism. He is stupid to think Diamond and Silk are terrorists. Or he is evil for lying about them being terrorists. He is lying about the other blocked and restricted conservatives being terrorists.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More than 45 illegal aliens found in refrigerated truck near Laredo #DeportThemAll#BuildTheDamnWallJust another day at the Texas BorderThank you ICE and Border Patrol for the work that you do ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Unbelievable!!! Census Bureau: 44.6% in CA Don\u2019t #SpeakEnglish at Home; 35.6%; 35.6% in TX; 34.5% in NM; 31.7% in NJ; 31.0% in NY! Our schools R getting 150% funding for every student who doesn\u2019t speak #English well! Parents\u2019 job! #StopImmigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #bihday to @user , who is pa of #team #vodpass","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user that's it. keep it up. you're clearly running out of steam. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No it\u2019s because you are a horrible person\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e\ud83e\udd2e","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are full of hate yet they talk like their morality is above anyone who thinks differently. Funny how their words and actions never match up to what they pretend to preach. Imposters of any human decency. Emotionally and politically bankrupt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"as forecasted, the beautiful waves of raalhugandu has disappeared due to construction of the bridge.& theres no hope of it coming back. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Goodell is the worst commissioner of any sport from any time in history ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"9.15am appointment with a specialist and she is already running 45 minutes behind schedule. Front end booking strategy so she never has in paid appointments all day. The arrogance of medical specialists is impressive. Architects could learn a lot from them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So triggered, its ok snowflake, you are the only bitch here. typical redneck inbred rape sup\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user GOD BLESS ICE, THANK YOU FOR GETTING ILLEGAL ALIENS OUT OF OUR SOVEREIGN COUNTRY AND OFF OUR STREETS. #NoSanctuaryStates #NoSanctuaryCities #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoCommunists #NoSocialism #AmericaFirst #AmericansAreDreamersToo #MAGA #KAG ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as you can see, it's very easy to do - and using skim milk it's almost fat free too","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what a happy day\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0097 #love #stunning ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Niggas be getting on here crying bout not getting no play everyday lol there are women that like weird niggas,funny niggas, athletic niggas,thug niggas etc. Find a bitch in yo arena and stfu ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Could be either. Liberals like this have no shame and will do \u201cANYTHING\u201d I suspect it is the latter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Tough crap Mazie! There should be a Me Too\" for men with false accusations against them as well as those hurt by Democrat lies, false accusations, biased government agencies, biased media sensationalism and Antifa bullies etc......\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This guy Kerry is one do nothing damn politician where does he get off going over sea's and trying to undermined our President now this is a Traitor for sure you better watch this S.O.B. ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"that day \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008a imagenes.negro #loveyoubabe #cute #boyfriend #you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Open a Case\" 4-this: John Kerry: \"Obama & I *KNOWINGLY *FUNDED *TERROR\" 55 BILLION $$$ With a \"B\" !! God bless Trump #MAGA #KAG #DeepState .. (FULL LINK: URL .. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Get excited! On May 30 at 8PM CST we're releasing a brand new video on our Facebook page that tells the inspiring story of Al, a former refugee from Iraq who recently became a U.S. citizen. Make sure you've liked our page so you don't miss it! \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That didn't work now did it!! Maybe he needs glasses!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a wart on society","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"did you smile today? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fuck em all. Complete morons ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This unfortunately is the real way Democrats feel about Blacks! If they could they would put us all on the Plantation! Socialism is making citizens slaves to the Government! The Conservatives will never let that happen! This very kind of Treason is why we have the 2 Amendment! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit .. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I am an immigrant. I live with my child. I am a 29 year old female. I earned $13,000 last year. I work 40 hours per week. I have a Bachelor's degree in accounting. I live in MI cc'Rep. John Moolenaar. #ImmigrantsAreUS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"last week with the prep class #placement #crazyhair ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You have to be a real warped son of a bitch to believe you have the right to force women to go through a pregnancy against their will. I cannot fathom how this is an acceptable position. All men: SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT ABORTION FOREVER. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are a janitor, we, meaning, you and I, have already established that you are a janitor. More than that you are nothing, a degeneracy advocate and apologist. Everyday this wonderful country moves more to the right, which is closer to what I believe everyday. Keep up the good works.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Itsoktosaynigger #screwmlk #mlkwasanigger and so forth. It bears repeating. That guy did more to fuck up #White #America than about anyone else. I don't give a damn what he did or didn't do for the negroes. They all need to be sent home to #Liberia anyhow...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nice try Sony, I wouldn't have wasted my time watching your SJW, pedophile bullshit movies for free.\u00a0 This screams publicity stunt anyways.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/technology-44711274","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"u gotta expect disloyal shit no matter how loyal you are ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Interesting-cause you leftists not only threaten us-but regulary shoot\/stab us. I wonder if maybe Mr. Swalwell isn't all-in on the violence toward conservatives. He certainly always seems to ignore\/suppor it(ANTIFA for instance). ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Guy: your last name is Gonzales? You must not be from around here, like a Mexican immigrant. Me: actually I was born in Florida and raised in NY. Guy: oh so your not from Mexico? Me: No, I\u2019m actually from Filipino descent but even if I was from Mexico, I\u2019d be damn proud to be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what about all the refugees that destroy the country ( radical Islamic )!! You will get out them to their countries? #cleaningcanada #canadaelection2019 #canada #Conservatives ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#SuicidePrevention: Wow.... Two high profile Suicides (#KateSpade and #AnthonyBordain) in just a couple of Days... I've never shared this Publicly before, but in 2006 I attempted Suicide via OD on Drugs. Obviously that was not a successful attempt - as I'm still here.... more: http:\/\/rattlewithus.ning.com\/forum\/topics\/suicide-prevention","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I\u2019ve never once heard you be thankful. All you do is shit on Canada. On the police. On our history. On Conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone tries to take the last piece of pizza you paid for ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Hollywood elites make fun of Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, Jesus, & Ex-crackheads. That's very funny, considering they consist of Democrats, Liberals, Atheists, Satanists, and CURRENT\" Crackheads. And don't forget, the adulterers, pedophiles, and abusers of woman.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@slayerific13 @brenda_skelton @daisymcgarr Don't get me wrong G.. I'd hunt birds but that's a lot of work &.. well I just ain't that hungry","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how very kind of you!\u00a0 your posts stand out in a \"good way\" in that you don't seem to have a grudge against us\/them.\u00a0 it's refreshing.\u00a0 yes, the families are into it!\u00a0 my neighborhood kids are now obsessed with goalies.\u00a0 they're playing street hockey and it warms my heart.\u00a0 Screw the nba.\u00a0 i quit following them about 10 yrs ago.\u00a0 no loss. hockey rules!\u00a0 have a great day!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"racism in america: 'kill obama' and 'muslims not welcome here' signs in new mexico draw criticism -\u00e2\u0080\u00a6\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user They belong together and free to go home where they came from. #SENDTHEMBACK #DEPORTALLOFTHEM ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But he is back on the weed. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Demi\u2019s od was bc of Arianna Grande. You see how pretty she is?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 horribly ads from #2016 that made us cringe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SherrieInGA @2RawTooReal @GregHowardJr1 They are so cool! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Props2\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83c\udf3e \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83c\udf3ebut w\/o taxpyr\ud83d\udcb8=loss. >2x energy in4energy out. Near-sustainable w\/soybean oil biodiesel (B20)\u26fd\ufe0ftho. Acid test is E15 pwrd \ud83d\ude9c2breakeven w\/o subsidy: i.e. eating their own cooking. Transitory4*fair* trade w\/o #tariff IMO https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-21\/trumps-ethanol-boondoggle-exposed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user RIDICULOUS CUNT ! WOMEN DO IT IN AND OUT OF MARRIAGES THE WEAK BITCHES. WHAT DO U C\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Since you're never wrong, where is your exact translation, Giuseppe?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"For every 1, high school puppet protesting for gun control there are likely, 2 students who support gun rights. These are the future men & women who will become soldiers that protect these sniveling little shits right to be.... well, sniveling little shits!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Disclaimer: My views do not necessarily reflect the views of our POTUS & all Conservatives: Ladies Charged by Nature to Guard Vagina. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Swamp creatrues not allowed IT FEEL LIKE I CAN SMELL THEM now a days Trump fired top VA man, one of the first to go, Thanks Trump ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LowkeyGado: PND vocals so trash lmao","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm going to dress up as trash for Halloween. Oh wait, I look like that everyday.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The facts of the matter are very plain & basic. This has never happened before in recorded history or on other similarly hit islands in the area. The fact it happened on Donald Trump's watch is unsurprising. He did not support them. He is an abject failure and should be dismissed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Monthly Moot, Saturday 5th May, Birmingham City Centre (England), starting 2pm. Venue: family friendly pub, very near New Street Station - please message me for details. All those of honourable intent are welcome. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just vote for god sake and move on. It be a non issue in 3 months. Do not allow libtards to veer you into the trap. Harden the fuck up and let\u2019s go! Seriously #Kavanagh #scotus #maga","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Socialism always fails one way or the other..Why some want this for America is being stupid.#BuildThatWall #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user YOU ARE CUTER THA ME SHHHH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user got the prototype for our new usb today! what do you think? #new product #doncasterphotographer #special ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"apparently I'm pathetic trash alright (-:","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Several of the wild fires in #california and #Colorado were intentionally set by #IllegalAliens ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just remember ladies, whatever you're not willing to do, another whore like myself is. \ud83d\ude0a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the trumptrain will not yield to the establishment!!! ~ join ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user We know it\u2019s a strategy conservatives have.... not working ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gotta love how you debate and show the world how to loose an argument! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No one is mistreating her but you are all mistreating Kavanaugh. This man may be innocent but you liberals are jumping on this just because you hate Trump. So you all do the right thing and after 36 years it's her word against his so there is no contest.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes you are stalking. That's what a weirdo would do. If my tweets over video games hurt your feelings then go ahead and block me. Lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathersday to the man of my dreams! you sacrificed bachelorhood for a ready-made family\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user U liberals ALWAYS pull the race card... I see TRUTH NO MATTER WHAT SKIN COLOR!! THEY SOLD US ALL OUT! U WOULD KNOWTHAT IF U RESEARCHED TRUTH ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what2inlieuof #narcissim\u00e2\u0080\u0093#misogyny\u00e2\u0080\u0093? #tolerance #kindness #peace stop w\/#hate. look inside you are #love!\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im a skank for understanding the very basics of life! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the day a bitch tries to get me locked up for accused rape, i'll really slap the shit outta her ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whenever I see a beautiful woman all I can think is how fun it'd be to beat her half to death and rape to pieces ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user LMAOOO fucking love you see you hotties soon xox ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"There will be NO #Amnesty\" was @user CLEAR Campaign PROMiSE made at his WELL PUBLICIZED \"Arizona Speech\" so #Trump MUST HONOR that promise & CANCEL #OBAMA's #illegalAlien #DACA EO & also VETO any #GOPe #Amnesty =>#NoDACA or NO 2020 Nomination for ANYONE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I\u2019m sorry Dana that you have to hear from such sick mental patient liberals! They are so pathetic! I support you 100 percent","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#allahsoil the cold war was fought over oil. #teambts #teamsuperjunior \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This was a massive wake up call for me. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anarcha \u201ckamala harris did a good thing for trans people once so that means we should ignore misincarcerating trans women\u201d has some interesting takes on \u201cconvincing joe biden of m4a\u201d https:\/\/t.co\/0H2KR6w69m","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"to the wild... \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b4\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00bf\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00a3_ #freedom #barefooted #grass #hydrangea #youandme #love\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I suggest that you get worser jobs as you are just what they don\u2019t want. you might of even been in the same office. You might of been arguing with yourself. your just both gay ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'If I ain't meet her I 'ont like her' shut the fuck up bitch no one fucking like you skank ass as it is hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My only goal in life is to fuck at least 1 follower from each social media platform... Twitter is the only 1 left... @user your move ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the latest the equality echo! thanks to @user @user @user #equality ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"They'll take twatter too.I got booted from there today Lol. We will gladly take Jimbob & Cletus. They know how to grow food, catch fish & maybe even make moonshine","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's the polite way to say 'don't eat too much today cause I'm not tryin to get shit dick when I fuck you in the ass later' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ok it's not okay to call a girl a bitch and slut especially when she's been your friend for years. Fuck you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user bullshit. I live in NH. My daughter goes to school in Cali. She is considered a non-resident. THis is clearly a move to fraud the citizens of NH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"looking forward to read this book... \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u0091\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009e #hecroro #weddingvows #love #happiness @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user He is probably trapped in his mind palace. E-Every android model has one. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1st father's day without you....what a numb feeling#gone too soon#my angel in heaven #miss you daily fathers day \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0094","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump: North Korea Summit Is BACK ON https:\/\/youtu.be\/9FEkqQ5XSwQ via @YouTube #NorthKorea #Trump #TrumpKimSummit\u00a0#NorthKoreaSummit #KimJongUn #POTUS #PresidentTrump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thyats what happens when conservatives\"\" run the show. THey are more interested in not requiring regulations that could prevent these things than in doing whats right for the community. Short term profits are their be all and end all.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user awesome. black man gets kkk members to disavow by befriending them #blacklivesmatter","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is so calm & patient. That\u2019s great..keep it up. Don\u2019t mind people bc everyone has their own viewpoints on each aspects of life.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Open your eyes- the NRA only supports politicians that don\u2019t care about gun control mostly republicans","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The tragic waste of such a beautiful person! Her incompetency and hasty judgement has ruined his family and friends lives. I know she is devastated but that is little comfort to his loved ones.\ud83d\ude14\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER 1st Pic: OH MY GOD THE BATMAN V SUPERMAN TRAILER IS AWESOME\" 2nd Pic: \"OH MY GOD BVS IS AWESOME 3rd Pic: \"oh, you dont like BvS and call it a shit movie?? well bitch\" 4th Pic: \"oh, Zack was fired, Henry left and Ben is leaving\"\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all-inclusive holidays are fab and we've had a lovely time, but i can't wait for decent wine and telly - i'm such a pathetic homebody ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More bad news for Democrats \ud83d\udc47 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user nearly time for a lunch time run #run who's going out? #runlikeyourobbedit @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Roseanne Barr in a Weirdo Exchange About Selling Her Soul to the Devil: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=GfkCjYVs0is&t=33s","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"gays killed en masse by islamic murderer, but this twink blames @user for calling out the culprit. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The fuck do you even see in this bitch?? I swear she will never tolerate you or actually care about u like I did. U r just another hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#rushlimbaugh does his incredibly obama impression. via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank goodness that old snake McCain is dead. Now his war on Syrian Christians is over!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Damn catholics.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER So you think you are going to politically assassinate Kavanaugh and hurt his family so deeply that he will not become a justice of United States. We conservatives win! I understand you're frightened.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Awesome! Everyday heros take the time out of their own schedules to make others lives better. kudos","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user NANSBABH BITCH STFU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gotta admit...she\u2019s stacked.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHO CARES THEY\u2019ER A BUNCH OF LIARS","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user we're not talking about 'reasonable', this woman is a rodeo clown in full costume, it's hysterical ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Attention lefties demanding gun control. Most of these shooters are left wing. You don't get to shoot congressman and create violent chos and then demand we normal people disarm.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"whew \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0085 it's a productive and #friday!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Terrible cunt sticking up for tory sex pests she has no shame lower than a snakes belly vermin woman #marr ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you ever just see a random woman on the street and want to choke slam her to the ground, pour gasoline in her cunt and light her on fire ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#blackpool attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user All 20 of them! Hardly a problem until the Antifa of hundreds showed up .... for what! To riot and destroy!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When the whole squads outfits are on point ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal alien accused of sexually assaulting 65-year-old had been deported 20 times ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Right on. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Very happy to meet you!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user We don't want our countries to be over run with rapefugee parasite Moslem scum. You already have 57 countries, stay in those countries. Those countries suck because they are full of your type. #StopIslam #BanSharia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The next stage of computing and information technology: The Biological.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HRW slams 'appalling' conditions of migrant camps in northern Greece ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/FzMSt--popo #IGreport #FBI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I need stuffing to livw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user A resounding NO! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go away you are irrelevant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I support your fight for justice and to hold those responsible accountable. The hypocrisy is beyond any moral standard. Where\u2019s the outrage. Yet they hide behind the vail of gun control and leftists propaganda beginning with @user @user Shame on them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user america isn't racist. their are a plethora of reasons for someone not to like obama. you're ignorant in many fashio\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Now what are you ?? A Liberal ?? Intellectual ?? You are nothing but a Bigot. Shamelessness at its peak.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is kidding no one. His paper towel throwing stunt was seen around the world. He looked the ridiculous clown yet again. And we as a nation were scorned for the epic fail of a rescue mission to Puerto Rico. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and you will hear kurds are free and equal citizens. like state's mouthpiece 'journo' @user claimed.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Here's my litmus test for the next SCOTUS justice... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"17 years ago he lied & claimed to have seen people celebrate. 17 years ago he boasted how his building is now the tallest. 17 years ago he said he had many friends that died in the WTC and yet NOT ONE FUNERAL ATTENDED!! 17 years ago he was the same POS he is today. URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t wait till antifa dorks get shot trying this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today is #WorldRefugeeDay, a day to honor families and individuals around the world who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety.To make a difference for refugees today, donate or become a fundraiser to help refugees in the U.S. \u00e2\u017e\u009d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I tweeted Rachel Starr I loved her every day for like 4 whole years and we STILL ain't married. Like how much fuckin love you need bitch??? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ever notice how much scum #trump hires ? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There should be one more choice...who gives a shit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nah yall stay in the kitchen and make bariis and baasto ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If #IllegalAliens don't like being called illegal, they shouldn't break the law. They can follow the established protocols for residency and citizenship or stay home. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm sorry, but is ANYONE surprised about #CharlieRose? He's smarmy, smug, wears pink lipstick and too much rouge, and radiates the stench of sexual desperation and do-you-know-who-I-am-ness. Enjoy your suspension, Sparky. #sexualassault #PBSperv #KindaYoungKindaWow #ImagineHisBreath","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Should have used a 44 magnum to make a real statement! And people like this teach our kids?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bday in 15 hours goodmorning babys \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0088 #teamlesbian","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Dan, WAY too tough to choose between all the lying, deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems (& some GOP). The list is long & disgusting. Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #Tr ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@people Breaking news!! I\u2019m voting for #Trump2020 and putting my support behind #Pence ahead of VP debate!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"bout to get my first ipsy glam bag ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"trump likes to stir the pot with tweets and commentary. Look at the whole Israel Palestinian conflict for examples.\u00a0 I wish he would stir the pot by mentioning the slaughters going on in South Africa being perpetrated against whites. God dammit this needs to be seen by the world!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I warn you against asking for that this Rosh Hashana. Look how gun control worked out for us in Germany. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.\" (Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn.)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I listened to the debate between the sanctuary, open border pro choice never Trump\"republican?\" and Brown the voters are doomed doomed doomed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"All I care to say is you must have lived in a shithole in the UK, and instead of trying to change it you tucked your tail between your legs and ran away!! You shame the British!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BREAKING: MASSIVE BLOODY STREET BRAWL IN PORTLAND! Antifa Leftists Attack Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer Protesters in Street (WILD VIDEOS) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-massive-bloody-street-brawl-in-portland-antifa-leftists-and-proud-boys-and-patriot-prayer-protesters-","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's to analyze? Invasion coming, put troops on border, shoot those stupid enough to cross. Tell Mexico to shove it up their ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The cunt who\u2019s 1st EU is doing it URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I find them super cool @user I find myself pasting screen caps of them in my Discord. I hope for more in the future as it makes the game more interactive in the sense that my character feels more involved in what is going on around him. More please! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user it does which sucks but honestly at least i can mute all the instances full of weirdos and just scope fed\/local it's a treat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user If you love our cops so much, why do you make it your life's goal to take away tools they need to stop crime, and put their very lives at risk? Why do you support ANTIFA thugs who assault cops and screech All Cops are Bastards\"\"?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user It takes a 2sec Google search to see who this accuser is - I'll help the mindless uneducated liberals . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"passed first year of uni #yay #love #pass #unistudent #photographystudent #ucs #soproud ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch shut the fuck up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Obama -- Leader of the Deep State Coup http:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/articles\/2018\/01\/ob...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You say she is your kind of woman. Why don't you do that with the Quran? I would say then that you are my kind of woman. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"*Gets Period* You are the cause of my \ud835\udced\ud835\udd02\ud835\udcfc\ud835\udcf9\ud835\udcf1\ud835\udcf8\ud835\udcfb\ud835\udcf2\ud835\udcea ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That is funny...thats exactly how I describe him. #NotMyPope","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Monthly Reminder #4:\u00a0 JEWS LIE!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user China we want a square deal ... and America want a Strong Economy and a WALL #StopTheInvasion ... There is No blue wave, they #FakeNews are setting you up for a Russian interference once The #RedTsunami slaps them silly Watch ;) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER So fuckinggg cute \ud83d\ude0d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"drunk \"@user i am whole, perfect, strong, #powerful, #loving, harmonious, and .\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #vietnam wall graffiti #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Morbious, how long have you lived in the UK and worked here? do you have experience of every area of the UK and what the labour situation is like, or are you just regurgitating crap you heard from someone else? I didn't get my facts from the MSM. Our government has been fucking things up badly on train ing and jobs, and being in the EU makes it worse.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER you people are so laughable leave them alone she is gonna be great.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Also she's thick as shit despite her posh brainy voice\" on QT when the \"refugee\" crisis was at it's peak,she said they should come in because there may be surgeons & dentists amongst them.Fecking leftie lunatic.#ScruffBag\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"James Woods: Ban gun FREE zones | Amanda Head https:\/\/youtu.be\/F56UuaCb4VM #GabFam #Gab #BritFam #UK FUCK OFF you fucking old ugly bag you aint having our guns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Pm is looking like the extra in the Tory version of SAW 2018 who suddenly realised that she must cut off her own limbs to survive.If she escapes that particular nightmare she is still a politically deceased PM. It's impossible to appease MUKGA Tories that don't want a compromise ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"they never get their own under contrl\/ don't belong here, nd 2 b in their own territory where their way o life is ok ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Yes I saw this and I will say tapper kept basket her and she kept coming back with stupid answers And he finally gave up I don\u2019t think he is a big fan of her policies he\u2019s not that stupid please","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Hopefully it is joking. I hate boycotting the Leftist entertainers but I do. Stop saying stupid stuff. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes!!!!! Please!!!! #MAGA #ConfirmKavanaugh #VoteRedToSaveAmerica ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Antifa unmasked and up close!Hey is that who I think it is??? p.s. They are SO STUPID no one told them a white raised fist stands for \u201cWhite Power\u201dso Thanks D*MBASSES! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Why do you have to bring race into this the real racist are Democrats and liberals like you. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He's going up the creek with Obama and Clinton. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SarahPalin, Loyal Running Mate, Excluded from #JohnMcCain\u2019s Funeral https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-government\/2018\/08\/2... *sigh* :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Very good news! These people are not refugees! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ThatChrisEckert Gobble de gook","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He gets confirmed. Conservatives don\u2019t care that he\u2019s a rapist. At all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The bullshit machine will be in overdrive. Just sit back and watch the stupidity flow like spring water","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" sex stories sumo wrestlers naked ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user 20,000 followers! thank you dribbble! thank you all! #dribbble ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air. It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when you lose a snap streak of 140 days.. #crying #how","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'chicken-lovers' Come on Brits, just call them niggers, it's okay... say it N-I-G-G-E-R","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yes these days they call stuff like this journalism ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"emily's before and after pictures \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d #healthy \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user how long will it take for one of the biggest arsehole's to appear this millennium @user get humiliated and exposed for the corrupt fake lying toad that he is? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user And this isn\u2019t considered hate speech for the liberals. If a republican said that about democrats the MSM would be raising 10 kinds of Hell The hypocrisy is to be expected now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user #quotes #latenights #crying dness i can never be me without being criticized. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the first step doesn't take to where you wannna go. but it take you from where you are right now #inspiration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Is he? Does he know this? You sure he's not out golfing?? Or maybe tweeting like a lunatic. I bet he is planning his next #MAGADingDong rally. He was never President. You are just to brainwashed to realize that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Commiecrats; vile and disgusting traitorous vomit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My brother was terminal when his cancer was discovered.\u00a0 He was younger than I am.\u00a0 That was a. ..difficult moment.\u00a0 I\u00a0 was with him and while I was\u00a0 stunned, he was angry.\u00a0 Understandably.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Politicians talk about racism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Rape, Drug abuse etc etc...... Do you not understand how fucking sick it is to ask Jess if she's discussed with her children that complete strangers hate\"\" Mummy. I hope for your own sake that you are unwell.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user As long as the democrats tout gun control as a crime reduction tactic they'll lose. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is what desperate liberals look like. #SpyGate #ObamaGate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't they have an SLA? What about using AWS?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"recent bathroom renovation in po melbourne using our stunning verona cenere 600x600 \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't understand your logic. Anyways this is going nowhere. This to me is not acceptable. Maybe you are ok with it. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DeepState playing in their sandbox. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the best kids bihday pay entrance ever?? #spiderman #bihday ! #spiderdad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #netanyahuspeech stirs anti-jewish hate & on twitter from progressives ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"use your mind to free your body. #healthy #wealthy #inspiration #motivation #education\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i can't sleep #broken #losemymind","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Mueller was told he either would co-operate or go to prison for life or be executed...it is all coming out. #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState #ConfirmKavanaugh #TraitorsAll","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you cut her off and the dick is bomb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Another war \u201cHero\u201d speaks out\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Women prefer the Weinstein version of Patriarchy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user hrcp said that so far this year 229 women had been lethal victims of honor killings & this one makes it 230 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER i think i missed a few replies here (im on a conference call) but most of the anti jihadi muslim vets i know would disagree with gun control. so this seems odd...?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You make it sound like we came down there and kidnapped him. They sent him there! On purpose! Alone! Hes coming back at tax payers expense. For the love of God, #DeportThemAll #MAGA #KAG #tcot #ccot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We must run in different Twitter circles. Because every time @user posts about NCAA it is #MAGA american that comes out the woodwork in support of the status quo. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #NeverWithdraw !! #DianeFeinstein waited on #ChristineFord lies because Dems needed time to scrub the vast amount of Ford's anti-Trump social media rants and coach her to keep her story consistent. #Democrats and #Liberals are evil and mentally sick #ConfirmKavanaugh ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"packing sneak-peek! to be working with the #yellowjackets of the #neshl for 2016! @user #bhl #hockey ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #shocking #video of #couple #attacking #vehicle yesterday #news #hot #weather makes #people #roadrage ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Haven't been here for 5 hours straight that's the longest time I've been without the blue \ud83d\udc26 in my palm, Blame that on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sweet victory for th blue side. https:\/\/t.co\/g40IQ4QC3t","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Gun control . . . means being to hit what your aiming at! These elderly homeowner have great gun control!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Agreed. It should be at least 250 miles into Mexico.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user We had a Peoples Vote on 23 June 2016. The people rejected the craven @user worship which you stand for - by a majority of over 1m. You\u2019re contemptuously defying the will of the people & @user 2017 GE manifesto & supporting Soros in undermining democracy instead ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i thought alt-right secretly meant white nationalist #altright #maga #","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was surprised by it actually. Glad you posted it. Thanks.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That 21 year old rapefugee raped the 17 year old and proceeded to try raping her mother, while they were at a cemetery. Brock Turner raped a drunk girl with foreign objects in an alley. Both did rape, but situations were different. Not to mention that Brock's sentence was light. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yep...that\u00b4s what we liberals call consensual sex. You should try that some time. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mike\u00a0Maloney was referring to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913... Bollock Brain....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'Chief, he's now demanding a liter of gamer girl pee in addition to Blade Runner 2049 on Blu-ray.'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good moning!@user @user @user @user @user saturday\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The mother never moved I think I would have at least moved a arm a leg I mean something she is a idiot. Why wasn\u2019t she watching for car geeezzz and the other idiot in the car he\/she is blind ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Spoiler Alert : This episode has a hidden agenda to promote gun control ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have never raped a bitch, but I will break a bitch. \u2013 @user official season 10 tagline! #RHOA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Agreed! It\u2019s not gun control they want - it\u2019s people control. Without guns we are helpless and they know it! Our founders knew this too - #2A ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user ut az ga, should never have to be a question for a true republican presidential candidate. #believeme #rin\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It means Islam will show them how to rape\/abuse women 24\/7! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Felons are..unless those freaks have changed that. Sick of them registering convicts to vote. The exact people who DON'T want us to have guns & will vote gun control every time!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user its so cool that the blind idiot god\"\" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #mexico industrial output (yoy) rose from previous -2%\u00c2\u00a0to 1.9% in april #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals that think the world owes them a living. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More than likely yes. Remember that right after he wrote that article about prison, the insanity spiral of Anglin began.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just heard about the #pulseshooting in #orlando. i am so sick and tired of this madness. and and . so sad for all this loss.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER there is a point where even liberals must question motives","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one more day! we can do this ahs then pay time!!!! #lastdayofschool summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Body Count Grows,","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But bitch it wasnt about you! that's what im saying! and again you sitting here tryna make the shoe fit\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Don't forget the deletion of all of her social media (no doubt Anti-Trump pro Antifa). Why is no-one asking why she cannot fix a year or day? Are they genuinely THAT gullible? She had one\"\" beer and \"\"somehow\"\" ended up in a bedroom? Implausible.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"never understand what it means when someone likes a tweet like this! was a mother wife and person full of life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Her boyfriend, Pinocchio, keeps lying n she loves him for it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Simonjenkin My go-to analogy is Mean Girls - all cliques, no policies. \"Ohmigod you guys - Bernie isn't even a Democrat - 'kay? He can't sit with us! (Pass me my book.) Bernie is the nastiest skank bitch I have EVER met. Do NOT trust him. He is a FUGLY S ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 You are the wife URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It's not safe anyway because he is a liar! You can NEVER get to the bottom of a liar! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user stop pointing across the isle and sta with the man in the mirror! your idea of comprise is people bowing to you! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Just plain stupid she thinks she\u2019s being clever but come the next GE the public will make the Tories pay by casting them into the political dustbin for yrs to come see how smug she is then ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is ridiculous...UNBELIEVABLE !!! So this fine young man is now dead because of a stupid reason .... come on !!!!! Gun control is the solution y'all so many innocent people got killed because of guns\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 This has to stop","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"wen u see something that surprises the fuck outta u & r still in shock \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b1\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #facetime #omg #watdidijustsee ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Too bad he can\u2019t write a law to take away the stupidity from liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitches can't keep a man for shit but got a steady ass work husband at all times ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The tide is changing....the Dems on Defense & the #MSM are at a lost! They know what is coming very soon! NO ONE GETS A PASS...#QANON #TrustThePlan #WWG1WGA \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffc\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85Love our @user 45 #MAGA #KAG #KavanaughForSCOTUS will be a reality! God Bless! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You work for the S*n, standard practice to be a lier and a complete cunt. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" 'plurality of israelis happy yisrael beytenu in gov't, but not with liberman as defense minister': mor... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lolol\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 tested my nico cosplay today\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 . . #blessed #cosplay #nicoyazawa #lovelive\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lee atwater was caught n tape explains the \"southern strategy\" he was in reagan's cabinet #13th","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe we aren't #qanon #qarmytrain #wwg1wga #DrainTheDeepState #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So now you friends with JAVEN bitch fuck you hoe ! ... \u2014 OMG BITCH\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Wow...not even his supporters can do the math and see that he is not right for this country. Well his supporters cant do math either","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NYT is wrong. Everything has been counted except the absentee ballots in the Republican districts. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Covid-19 is spreading through Trump\u2019s White House like a case of crabs in a frat house. I am here for the entertainment #COVID\u30fc19 #Trump2020 #coronavirus #BidenCares #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #StephenMiller https:\/\/t.co\/Z7vanzAzXO","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Just plain stupid she thinks she\u2019s being clever but come the next GE the public will make the Tories pay by casting them into the political dustbin for yrs to come see how smug she is then","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget @USER & Democrat backed #Antifa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lindsey will never sink as low as you and the rest of the hateful liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You all know we are being set up. He will be fully recovered in a week. Citing the use of hydroxychloroquine. Thus sending the world into a tail spin insuring victory on November 3rd. #FakeNews #bullshit #WearADamnMask #DumpTrump #Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user There is no such thing as an Antifa warrior\"\". They are all coward bitches. Marcus Smart is tougher than that by far\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are so pathetic","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MSM is just low-key excited to be able to cuss on the airwaves for a change.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are in full meltdown today...fun to watch... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I mean, the logic\" behind their claim means that in the 90's the Liberals felt it was OK for a man to abuse women... that's essentially what they are saying... and that the Conservatives were in the right... right?\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Karma is a fat bitch!!! #asshole #shoutouttomyex ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"x''ddd fck i'm not even a hardcore-adventurous type of gamer but (1\/2) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Good come back. lol! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The radical Social Media Antifa type can go hang.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Exactly! Why would Americans vote for anyone that supports these absurd policies? IMO it is treason and self destruction to vote for politicians that do not up hold our laws and advocates for illegals over Americans. #BuildThatWall #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER We are not a democratic republic. We have never been a Democratic anything. We have never had Democratic ideology. Nor is this a \u201cnew\u201d talking point. We are constantly correcting Democrats\/liberals on this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"look at my new parsley holder! how cool is that? #funny #spoiled #rescue #bunny #adoptdontshop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"US immigrants 'living in fear' of Trump's deportation drive @user aliens should live in fear in a country where they shouldn't be.They broke the law, get out. Ok I.C.E. will come for you. Don't cry you've been here long enough now go home. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I been fucking replying to myself wondering where in the fuck is the response to my question. What an Asshole #GabFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" names for women best nude blonde teenagers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Gupta. You are a dreamer. 7 years cannot be compared to a telephone call that lasted for 35 minutes. I didnt want you to testify in the State Capture inquiry. You are moving according to our plan now. Remember 7 years of planning and calculating all the dots. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Lipps Inc - Funky Town\u00a0 \u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/RcVuyiMUt9k","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Thanks Vince You fucker. No need to hold out and chance that clients miss it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lets get this important information out there. Migrant crime statistics the EU wants to keep secret. Link to free book. #migrants #Immigration #StopIslam #stopimmigration #stopmigrants #SaveEurope #ForBritain ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dark matter, a #movie about a science grad student: starring meryl streep and ye liu #awareness","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"go fuck yourself you stupid ugly cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I say October will be LIT!!!...I mean it will be lit!!!...watch the news...watch the democrats.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"You are a MUSLIM and the sworn enemy of all Christians and Jews. IDIOT! The TALMUD was wrote by THE PHARISEES...Hundreds of years after they murdered Christ. Idiots like you would not know that or even care. NOTHING can remove Christ from the EARTH that HE Created,not even Muslim's like YOU.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER living up to his nickname tonight! Fucking nightmare. #UFC228","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"josephjett \"fatherhood: nor shall you engage in aberrant social behavior, then call that resultant disdain that is merely common\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The new hunter of the puppets of the EU establishment and the refugees (500.000 stay in Italia) is named SALVINI. Europe is running straight into the collaps, we will see. And only because Merkel likes to support 1,5 mio. refugees in Germany. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Close the tunnels with gunpowder ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Fuck the Steelers bah on my mama that\u2019s some racist shyt they doing don\u2019t wanna pay that dude and call him selfish for not wanted to report ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#bb18 is gonna suck sweaty balls this summer, tg for #bbuk good cast 2 houses secret tasks...grodner & kass don't think outside the box ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Too many Republicans\/Conservatives perennially bringing a knife to a gun fight is how Connecticut has ended up a basket case state. If you can't stomach matching your adversaries aggression level you will get steamrolled. Every 4th grader knows this.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this cartoon explains why our enemies took over all the organs of propaganda and used it to scream and demand that above all we better not be \"anti-Semitic.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Move all kikes and muslims to this lovely shithole then! Open borders Africa and Israel","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That shimmmy\u2014 ok ok ok. You are that bitch. Lmao jk ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Guess who is really perpetuating all this garbage?? LIBERALS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what the fuck is that ... does roanna never look in the mirror? and that bike seat sniffer looks interested in something ...lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Um, no? Saying that Labour is the party of hatred\" implies they are the most hateful party, and therefore The Conservatives are less hateful. Whilst the claim about the Tories can be disputed, it's not whataboutery.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taking My Used Car Out For A Spin! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I just remembered today that it was me and my brother who invented the \u201call elves are sluts\u201d meme. You\u2019re welcome.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" the #direction the \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u008f is #going how you #focus on #positive when its #negativity #aroundyou i will hold on & have #faith its tough tho","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fucking cunt ass bitches! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Armenia is a nation of mongrel bastards.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #euro2016 super bbq #lets #pay","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nigger you be is raycis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER A Whore MAYOR stealing the money and funded by Dems to bash Potus. WTF is the country doing with a 1960's power grid? God knows theres enough $$ to replace it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #trumpusa when they call us #homophobic #misogynist they are really saying they are jealous of us w\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when they call us #homophobic #misogynist they are really saying that they are jealous of us. when we go up they go down.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user What are you doing Jeff? Do you think following in McCain's footsteps is a good idea? You will be known as a TRAITOR too. Walk away from the DemonRats RESISTANCE PARTY Liberals evilness. Confirm Kavanaugh. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"totally love this one!! <3 :) #love #summer ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER How did Britain end up upside down in the ditch with all four wheels spinning lazily in the air?\" How could it not, with the rabid wealth thirsty @USER drunk on power, at the wheel? #BritishToryCarCrash #ToriesOut\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @davidjones720: \"Obama is out on the golf course still looking for his balls.\" -Charlie Daniels","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pepperspray or smth, if you dont protect yourself dont be surprised if u get raped :\/' like bitch maybe just teach men not to rape women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#finea buffalo simulation: buffalo for you to take in the vicinity of their homes to do. in this way, yo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you either call me eyetalian joke on my nationality or #african #ape? you're not #atheist.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? I AM ITALIAN! TALK TO MY FATHER WHO WAS BORN IN SICILY OF YOUR RIDICULOUS NOTIONS. YOU'RE AN IDIOT! Why do you think the left as Antifa? STANDS FOR ANTI-FASCISM! DICTATORS ARE RIGHT WING!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ariellesloth - na: #kinky #horny #young #naughty #nude #porn #shy #sexy #nasty #xxx #hot #slut #snapshot #wet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Most men are too scared to choke a bitch properly... I never feel like I'm choking them hard enough ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user you are a sexy perverse woman\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude08 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Britain is OUT OF TIME my friend.\u00a0 Soon, they will TRULY resemble a 3rd World shithole, making Sweden look like a paradise. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my reaction when literally all the girls in my class telling me that im so tall. bitch u better stfu i dont need ur validation hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I still want yo know when you are doing stairway to heaven. \ud83e\udd23","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That's why you've gotta love gab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But still, i'm not even really trying to shit on Em. I just wanna know why everyone is saying he murdered\"\" MGK when the song was terrible. That's all. I absolutely get preferring Em, he is, and is gonna go down as the more successful artist. I just don't know how he killed him.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what wonderful #news! we just #love a 'possible' #pregnancy #announcement!! #jenniferaniston #baby ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Captain Maga getting slandered? And it wasn\u2019t from me? Damn. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"@OSAY_it_aint_so: “@IgnoreAllLaws: Fosters home for imaginary trash” WHOA CHILL\"\n\nthat show was everything tf","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so now we know the motivation behind this circus charade. this would have never happend at any previous time period, they are running this now to get votes for Sharia, just like \"They\" do these terrorist attacks on schools... to take your guns..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italy urged to permit charity sailings as death rate for Med migrants soars from 1 in 38 to 1 in 7 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user sorry the only hoe here is you i been called your hands you scary ass bitch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"how is your day #blessedmonday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yep I sure did, why they give the little bitch so much airtime beats me. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Huma Abedin Laptop Emails and The Non-Investigated Issues Therein... https:\/\/theconservativetreehouse.com\/2018\/05\/13\/huma-abedin-laptop-emails-and-the-non-investigated-issues-therein\/ via @thelastrefuge2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is not qualified to be a politician and that is why I voted for him How can anyone believe the failing Democratic Party as all thier agenda is to discredit a successful President and economy Also here is the idiot that gave IRAN millions to support terrorist","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If you are eligible to renew your DACA, we urge you to talk to an attorney & submit your renewal application. For resources to help you with your renewal go to Informed Immigrant\u2019s updated renewal guide which is available in English & Spanish. #RenewDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Obama never laments for those that are killed in Chicago every week. Chicago his old stomping ground. Ask him how those draconian gun control laws are working there? And watch him blame Indiana. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user worked with the worst congress in history #republicans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She can\u2019t remember when it happened she can\u2019t remember where it happened she can\u2019t remember how she got there. She is a liar and a feminazi who will go to any lengths to smear this man. She is a LIAR.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Yes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble. This papers have proper journalistic ethics\"\" - it's funny \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06; and Magyar Nemzet or N\u00e9pszabads\u00e1g had \"\"highest circulation\"\" - it's also funny \/only in the communistic past (before 1989)\/ \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"German Minister of Family Affairs blames Germany for rape attacks by migrants - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Raise your hand if you\u2019re a boomer and you are going to fall for the next resistance grift URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i decided to let you go after all. #reality","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only omega cucks let women fight their wars for them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I feel you dude it Fucking sucks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holy shit this is sick :0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER You're stripping Americans of citizenship? Attacking the poor again as well - home births being more affordable. My little niece was born at home - unplanned drama. She is 14th generation proven +native. You're going to challenge her citizenship? URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. Trump and the Mueller Investigation 2. Climate Change 3. Guns and Gun Control 4. Unions and Workers #SaveSCOTUS #WhatsAtStake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER That so many \u201cthoughtful conservatives\u201d who rushed to Kavanaugh\u2019s defense didn\u2019t consider their own statements re: black teenagers tells you everything about how \u201cthoughtful\u201d they truly are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fier op mijn jongste dochter! Woensdag maken we 5 jonge leeuwen voor A\u2019pse verkiezingen bekend. #AntwerpenIsVanOns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"latepost\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00ab #like #like4like #likeforlike #goodnight #night #face #happy #latepost #sendiri ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You should.have tried more, perhaps a BJP or RSS connection could have been fixed\"\".Masters would be happy Dhanya\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Manitoba - #NDP leader Wab Kinew on the #carbontax Are you proud of yourselves @user and @user You allow the NDP to come at you from the right? You're all as insane as the #Trudeau #Liberals #Winnipeg #Canada #MBpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Over 9000 Sealed Indictments #MAGA#Qanon #Covfefe #Memes #CBTS #CalmBeforeTheStorm #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #ahijackedlife This needs to be verified via PACER.gov @d_seaman @mwill @RoyP @Montagraph @1munder @Tracybeanz @MarkDice @Imperator_Rex ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Fuuckkkk youuuuu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER That is the same old crap spewed by the liberals (MSM). They are disgusting!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"weekend #fun on the pier! #saturday #weekend #nyc #hellskitchen #cute #love #family #photo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Watch: Germany's Real Women's March against migrant violence and Islamism - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 THAT SUMS UP THE STATE OF LIBERALS ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"'racism w\/out races': classifying humans into races the biggest mistake in history of science. race\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She obviously cares nothing about the hate many of these refugees are taught by their 'prophet' towards you and... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@thebradfordfile Fucking war on Christians! #trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"& Millions to the fake Israel run by the Khazar Zionist Mafia. They are not the jews in the Bible during & before the time of Christ. They are a tribe of pure evil. Modern day Khazars Harvey Weinstein, Barbara Streisand, Joy Behar, Billy Krystol of Nat'l Review, Steven Spielberg, etc. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"President Trump felt the same way in the 1980's as he does now! Love my President!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So viel Hass gegen UNS. #RemigrationJETZT #abschieben Hass gegen Weisse, gegen die normale+friedliche Bev\u00c3\u00b6lkerung d\u00c3\u00bcrfen wir nicht dulden! #DankeMerkel #MerkelMussWeg #LockMerkelUp #SeehoferMachZu #MachtDieGrenzenDicht #Umvolkung\u00f0\u0178\u201c\u00a2@SPD @user @user @user @user abw\u00c3\u00a4hlen! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your friend still tries to convince you to apply for UST \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude48 Cutiee though but you still a hoe bitch @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Another sheep led to the slaughter the left are eating there own!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you've just met someone and they start to tell you their life story ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user It\u2019s hysterical him watching that woman and eating chicken ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Dear @USER please understand he is not doing anything except saving ur and mine money. If he had used our tax money wisely our children would have been in government schools. Her wife would have got treatment here. His own sons would have been standing with him.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Meanwhile, you have discredited yourself by handing your balls to Anglin and Peinovich and letting them shove their hands elbows deep up your ass to control your advocacy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"youth club launch wed 22nd june @user body centre. 7.15pm sta. 10-15 year olds. see you there @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"remember this? - camber sands deaths blamed on victims' 'culture' by council #rother","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Excuse me? They got what they had before the hurricane. Expecting tract houses when you had lean to's and expecting honorable people likeTrump with the corruption they continue to vote in?!? Wake up. He is flushing the swamp here and they need to flush their swamp there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Massive red salute to a living legend now leaving us: Arsene Tchakarian, the last living member of the Missak Manouchian Group -- the communist immigrant partisan militia that fought the Nazi occupation of France during World War II -- has died at age 101. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sooo to have god in my life...i feel his unwavering & unconditional love every single day!!! #godsavedme","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol MSM u suck","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Couldn't care less about either one of them. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What if I talked ghetto lol I'd be so annoyed of my self","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can we all stop pretending that the Catholic Church is not the seat of Satan on earth?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the best and greatest #lawschool is at #trumpuniversity. best brains, best memory. the #bestofthebest . . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I just checked this website again, it all sounds good, it says: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #pride #morework2bdone\u00e2\u009a\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u0080\u009cistanbul bans pride parade for safety reasons\u00e2\u0080\u009d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MOVE YOUR BODY LIKE YOU DO * Feat. SLAP DAT BITCHIN SLAG: via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user More fear tactics to make people attack her. It\u2019s bullshit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"love how @user has got a photoshopped photo of him happy at saints and put it on an eveon background #shame #ginger","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I didn't think about violence towards antifa when I was a kid. Boy how times change. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Our female guinea pig is pregnant 🎊🎉🎁😍😍😍","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Shut the fuck up cunt if you actually like Donald trump than you can suck a dick. He is terrible and you are blinded just because of his MONEY!! people dont like cunts bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. It's used as an insult like bitch or cunt,\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"in today's society, guys think the only reason girls are friends with them is due to them wanting to hookup. like no. #unbelievable","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 more days and i hit the #2year #anniversary of my #blog. doesn't feel like it. #blog #blogger #writer #writerslife #bloggerblast ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Top earner takes home nearly $400k to guilt trip white people into accepting dindus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Have you kept that cooling in your human icebox just for this occasion?Hysterical woman?!?ROFLMFAO! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Burnating all Yankees and their thatch roof cottages!!!!!! #Astros http:\/\/t.co\/j3dZiwBDt0","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's friday!!! #friday #construction #fun #smile #tired #cute\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"POLL: 56% Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Under President @realDonaldTrump Than Four Years Ago Under Obama-Biden https:\/\/t.co\/oZBRluizXL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1 more sleep till my new hiit class @user in bentley, nr farnham #lovefarham #fitness #fitfam ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Boazziz He promised to stand with the muzzies, so...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals Demonuts will never learn. Conservatives always will find the Truth and blow their whole story.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I knew I wouldn\u2019t like what he did but I never ever thought that every single Republican but sit by and let him do what he is doing now regarding everything that you mentioned in your tweet pretty ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"personalised da... gbp 25.00 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user ...and your answer relates to d studying of #hate groups #kkk because ..??? just don't think ur struggles relevant @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user So glad you are an American! Americans don\u2019t hate....liberals are the true party of hate! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Mid-term are more important. I'm as big as a #BuildThatWall proponent as there is - but if @user does shutdown the .gov it would give the #FakeNews ammunition to convince #WalkAway voters to stay Dem (Socialist\/progressive). I believe Trump - win and the wall is built. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER To be very honest it\u2019s also wrong to disregard stats. Hazard is an attacker and isn\u2019t pegged with any sort of defensive duties. He is always with the ball (as the main man\/his\u2019 style) so if his G+A stats aren\u2019t as good as people expect they have every right to question his rating","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What dos this have to do with the NRA? California has lot and lots of worthless gun control laws already. Gun control does NOT work because crazy people don\u2019t obey the law.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my dad is usually loaded up w snacks and today he is not and i am truly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user I think you are overlooking the fact the Democrats had both houses of congress and the presidency and did nothing. But gun control would work as well as the war on drugs has. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's a little post about a raven from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon from my recent southwest trip.\u00a0 More to follow. http:\/\/orionscoldfire.com\/index.php\/2018\/03\/22\/the... #sff\u00a0 #GabWriters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#ReleasingTheMemo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER More misleading nonsense. It\u2019s like you are incapable of straight News. Fake through and through.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is a high emotion low IQ FASCIST organization. Some of its members are fooled by its name into not reflecting on their own groups obvious fascist ideals and others are just there to take advantage of the rest of the fools.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Ask the liberals who have seemingly forgotten that you're a war criminal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Brits are proposing to resolve this problem with a little \"civil disobedience\". SMDH https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/business\/news\/terror-attacks-uk-economy-cost-manchester-arena-westminster-london-bridge-a8385661.html","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Patriots Plaan To Citizen Arrest. \u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/ifYGVpj3Nxw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soon, WRONGTHINK will be punishable by death.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user almost everyone i\u2019ve met says edating at all is being a slut or whore but jumping from person to person is definitely being one mate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Oh that\u2019s racist. Big Lips\/Big Butt\/Big Nose. That doesn\u2019t even look like her. Also she is about 100 pounds to big. It also creates the image of the typical black woman with attitude. IT\u2019S SO RACIST. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm definitely watching that mook\/ lux battle today damn it!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beau coup of blue. #blue #color #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I may be a bitch, but never call me a thief. I may be a cunt, but I will never steal. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that moment when your recording goes from good to bad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"sedikit selfie disini dan disana. loving myself isn't a crime, right? \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009b #selfie \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I get suspended at least every other day. But you still see that skank whore Chelsea Handler still tweeting away. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AINTVOTIN @plies I don't want neither. #KamalaHarris is a Elite Racist Brahmin Indian. Jim Crow Joe is a old senile softcore Racist.[NEWLINE]I don't support #BidenHarris2020! https:\/\/t.co\/RrFhetglIV","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I hope you love monster cock ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DarkFilly Comics is ridiculously pozed right now. huge disconnect between audiance and creators.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Poor Germans...they have refugee violence and antifa violence..it must be nice to live in Germanistan. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Garth crooks is a stupid fat Ozil looking cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Latest videogame cover: Zelda: A Link To The Past - Dark Mountain Forest (Surf Rock Cover) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2pjlrxrJg8A #music #videogames","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user where flowers bloom so does hope... #flowers #flower #tuesday #vine @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER That they're liberals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER .... that's... fine i guess... -~- btw sammy what part of japan are you in?? would it be possible for us to hang out??? O:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm pretty sure one could conceivably say something crazy enough even here that would have them getting that proverbial knock on the door. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am bubbly.#i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hey, i saw that you're a fitness lover, so i invite u to check my free app, it's known as \"mytraining\" on apple ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER CNN = Fake News","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user there's so much good ahead \u00e2\u009c\u00a8 #positivity #positive #positivevibes #life #love #quote #happiness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user why don't you prove you're indian! you are a nasty person to use a lie like that for personal gain ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER you are a traitor URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user For lying? How much is the DNC\/Soros\/Antifa paying her? How\u2019s your Chinese spy doing? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mma fans: losses don't matter, it's great! mma fans about rhonda rousey: she's lost twice, she is trash. #doublestandards","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Blaming Trump for the hurricane is showing his ignorance and hate..if only he were to give his salary to their recovery maybe then he can help ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user As much as I dislike Antifa. I hope none of them are stupid enough to fall for this bait and end up getting themselves or someone else injured or killed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user So fuckinggg cute \ud83d\ude0d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Omg these hoes at Bank of America so mf rude . Like bitch if this glass wasn't between us I would snatch you up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER sick of white neo liberals speaking for Black people saying they all love Hillary. They are so deluded. It\u2019s like they just rep \u2018black lives matter\u2019 so they can appear woke enough to keep railing against Bernie supporters. Because you know they didn\u2019t care b4 Hillary lost 2 trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user a high-tech lynching for Uppity (Republican) Blacks'\"\" is fine, but raping women by liberals?' \"\"THEY ALL DO IT\u201d including Bill Clinton.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The girl who accused Kobe Bryant of rape wouldn't testify either. He admitted to the affair not assault. Case dismissed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and i never mentioned race nor could i care yet the bitch called me david duke so imo she's a ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Poorly worded but he's not talking about the actual shooting. He means the aftermath with the gun control aspect.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is why I stopped watching football ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After you declare ANTIFA a terrorist's organization then start collecting the names of all the professors involved: URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER achichincle lamebotas!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" We need Trump Tube. \ud83d\udcfa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user .I would suggest #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall Add solar panels add alligatorsAnd arm those Nuns to say graceBut #BuildThatWall #BuildThat ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nice find, great site. - http:\/\/desertwolfteambuilding.com\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I see you support gun control \ud83d\ude00 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The burden of proof is on Ford. She should put up or shut up. She is not credible by any stretch. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm a tx republican, orlando was a hate crime. the people at pulse were targeted because they were lgbt. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your phone goes dry for more than 2 1\/2 minutes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I can't stand looking at him. \ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22\ud83e\udd22 #TakeAStandNotAKnee \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Can't stand to listen to that puke. I change the channel when he speaks. He believes his own LIES!!....They're all NUTS!! #LeftWingLiberalDisease #WalkAway #VoteRedToSaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Woodword's book is slander. He is nothing but a Clown Tool!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She is so despicable! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"15 weeks, bump photo, only 5 weeks to find out what we are having \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #baby ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user how my bantu knot came out..still need more practise though #blackgirlmagic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ManweSulimo828 'Eve of Destruction' by Barry McGuire https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=o2HwvVL_PJw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Fuck yeah!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and bitch why is you still watching my page hoe you been blocked \ud83d\ude02 df ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Whoever did this deserves an OBE. #RefugeesNotWelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ClimateChange doesn't have to be a partisan issue. Among voters, it already isn't, according to polls. Congress has to take notice: people of all political ideologies acknowledge that the U.S. needs to #ActOnClimate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user are we all not tired of these #accrafloods ?when are we actually going to say \"never again\" and actually mean it and work to\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Can you eat this child you are wild","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Diversity in England. Need any more proof that this is #WhiteGenocide ? #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muslims are offended. ...I tell you what I'm fucking offended by Muslims and their ludicrous religion of lowlife cunts .Please fucking off back under the stone you cane from you utter cunts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user worst customer service in the united states! already repoed 2 the better business bureau! @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees to reduce jobs after U.S. cuts #UnitedNations #WestBank #UnitedStates... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HPLYK FUCK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"potato ok thank \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u009d bye, its starch like potatoes, 1987 gb phq sg 13671370 victorian thank science empire cooking, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Awww look how cute he is! \ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude1c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #metoo movement only applies to leftist liberals and inner circle democrats. Others need not apply. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Spain: 'Spain is becoming the Third World,' American tourist almost killed by migrants speaks up #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He got his chance and blew it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Private companies don't give a toss about anything but profit. It's in their terms. They have no choice. It's what bizzniss is. The trouble comes when Randian deludes out for a directorship decide to ignore everyone else in the country and create an artificial market for health. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DamianHuffaker you're from a trash can","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hmmm...sounds familiar. @user @user @user @user @user hasn't held a news co\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Atheism needs to be purged of Alt-Right is high up there with tradthot question as a peril for the movement. Atheism NEVER engendered a movement worthy of anything specially in the right. Most of \u201cRight-wing\u201d atheist groups are nothing but masturbatory circles of frat boys turned activists. Christianity was the cornerstone of WHITE Europe for centuries!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck that boring-ass Twitter. Go with Gab, it's a party here!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user No one is mistreating her but you are all mistreating Kavanaugh. This man may be innocent but you liberals are jumping on this just because you hate Trump. So you all do the right thing and after 36 years it's her word against his so there is no contest. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WTMF is Murica? You say it, you should be thunderpunched in the throat, or sole stomped.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3.30am still smiling #holidays \u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u009c\u0088\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f@user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ain't that rich!! Asshat should have to send his kids to public school since he hates school choice. I bet he'd change his mind after the first day of school!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hoes be like happy birthday son I can't believe your 8 already. Like what you can't believe bitch? You had him in high school ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Like Burton? Edward Scissorcunts Cuntville The Nightmare Before Cunt Sweeny Cunt Sleepy Cunt Big Cunt Alice In Cuntland Cuntjuice","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another overdose nigga:(","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There's zero evidence of any gaff and it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals. #CONservatives #cdnpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Alps Ink Cartridge for Md Series Printer (Cyan) https:\/\/www.amazon.com\/dp\/B0000511CA?m=A3SG5VL3M26...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't need someone to explain to me how the Dems are outright traitors. What I need explained to me is how do we get these fuckers hanged.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Shit...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"If she lets you put your penis in her vagina with no strings attached, have the common decency to treat her like a queen on her bday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"explain your actions. netanyahu you can not claim discrimination when u do it yourself to others. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I get to take over as Tech Lead of a project after 6 months of the previous guy screwing it up against my repeated protestations. I am so lucky to have this opportunity to bring the project back from the brink of destruction.On second thought, no thanks.Here is my 2 weeks.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is for @BGKB and those who want me to be polite when I'm not at work (Harden up petals, I'm only polite at work) https:\/\/blog.pukeko.net.nz\/2018\/08\/30\/let-bradley-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i couldn't get --- had major #depression-- and then found out it was a #spiritual #parasite. #healing #energy #energetichealing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nist plans cybersecurity framework update #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user ...unless you are good with an accused rapist sitting on the highest bench in the land. I'm sure your female constituents would love to hear you explain that away... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thousands rally in Germany for migrant rescue missions.Idiots! #deportThemAll #deportAfricans #deportMuslimFreeloaders #destroyQuran #destroyDeathCult #IslamNotReligion #destroyMosques #banSharia #banHijab #banBurka ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes. And you wouldn't accept that you're better. Because that's just how nice you are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hope all them sandwich\u2019s have cheese to go with their wine \ud83d\udc37#MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user the waiter was black himself.for fuck sakes!stop looking for fucking under every rock.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Dream on!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"coldplay!!!! #6yearslater #coldplaywembley ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On a Sunday, in 1983, two 'white' females held up signs for Marcus Allen: \"We want to bear MA's children.\" I told my wife, \"I will never watch another anti-white NFL game, again.\" I have kept my Word. #Foundations","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Time to fire up the grill. #z1 #h1z1 #justsurvive #daybreak #earlyaccess #alpha #zombie #apocalypse #survival #pcgaming #gaming #mmo #developers #artdesign #graphicdesign #h1z1db #h1z1forums #survivorsrest | https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/c\/BuzWeaver","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fl woman screaming racial slurs aims gun\u00e2\u0080\u0099s laser pointer at black mcdonald\u00e2\u0080\u0099s customer \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eric u got alot of balls ... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@SenTedCruz lie #1 \"we cannot\" -- who says so?[NEWLINE]lie #2 \"4-4\" you literally just made that up[NEWLINE]lie #3 - \"constitutional crisis\" -- we passed that when you screwed Obama\/Garland, so thanks for caring[NEWLINE]lie #4 - \"contested election\" -- shame on you. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Resign now #BidenHarris #bidenharris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My favorite DM is the one I have between both my accounts... It's where I @ people to block them... And I send myself dick pics ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user are you looking forward to get a #ending #nuru #massage? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @LakersSBN: The Lakers have the best group of rebounding guards in the NBA. @LakerFilmRoom is here to show you how that will help the team. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"24hrs passed & i'm still too angry about this \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a9 to coherently talk about it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have the caucacity to not give a shit about starving nigglets in apefrica.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nothing like a river island sale shopping spree to cheer you up #retailtherapy #riverisland #shoppingqueen #alwayscheersyouup \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00b8\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user FOLLOW THE MONEY \ud83d\udcb0 MONEY \ud83d\udcb4 MONEY \ud83d\udcb5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I've just started a new series on deception analysis for premium subscribers. If you haven't joined up yet, get in now. I'll be talking about basic principles while explaining more thoroughly in companion videos. I'll also be going over current events and showing you the principles in action, while taking your questions. It's all only for subscribers so don't miss it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER As if Politically Correct Speech and gun control laws are not attacks on the Constitution! Your hypocrisy is showing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Crawl back in your hole you hideous witches. I am sure you either of you former whores would be thrilled if a man would simply touch your skank ass. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THE POWER NARCISSIST has been flying off the shelves at DARK TRIAD MAN\u00ae since release last week. Read this excerpt and ask: Who drips poison into YOU? Do you understand WHY? Will you make it STOP? http:\/\/bit.ly\/POWERNARCISSIST Get your copy today!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No. She is a liar.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@The_Gambit Ha. He ain't welcome in Washington State or Nashville. Serpas is straight trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you like her but the pussy is just a little loose for your liking ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @eaglesfan167: #Eagles 5hrs till the birds kick some ass###bleedgreen","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"In the UK\u00a0 taking away guns is not the answer as seen in this video and now you can be jailed for a pen knife.\u00a0 I wonder what his bloke will get? 5 years for kitchen knife possesion in his own building? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user They thought she would win so they could implement the last part of their plan to use the guillotines from China and blades from Mexico. #MAGA #LockThemAllUp #confirmkavanaugh #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessTheWorld #GodBlessOurMilitary #100thMonkey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user WHITE CRACKER BITCH YOUR MOMS A SLUT BITCH ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Definitely. Ted Kennedy's immigration bill was possibly a mortal blow to this country. He's definitely the dumbest of the Kennedy's. A complete nit wit. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user yoga on the grass!! awesome workout!!! #yoga #workout #growth #lovelife @ the landing at\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Poland: our country is safe because we haven't taken in refugees. - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey @user thanks for delivering those two laughs. coincidentally, you receive two bags of popcorn. what a #waste. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow - NZ play the weak fascist snowflake backwards little brother to Australia - I suspect they will not be taking refugees from the UK Caliphate - shameful! - I really hope your people get ashamed in time to save yourselves NZ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user anderson cooper is crying rn at the top of his broadcast talking about the orlando victims. damn. #orlandoshooting","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"brick by boring brick. \u00e2\u009c\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #blonde #blueeyes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my #dad posted this to my wall today on #facebook and it made me so , i really needed it\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What a freaking ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Nagaland Deploys More Troops on Assam Border to Check Influx of Immigrants via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lol you are so tight \ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @sassytbh: a girl tweeted \"you might be ghetto if u bring food from outside into the movies\"\n\nno u might be stupid if u pay 4.99 for a b…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What's everyone New Year's Resolutions? If you do this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are such a lucky slut girl !!!! I envy you \ud83e\udd24 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats want more Gun Control! I say, Just go to the range and practice,.. you'll get better \" URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hope they got some kind of doggy \u2018Listerine\u2019 for the poor chap. Must have tasted like a ripe armpit and various bodily fluids.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was kind of shocked. He is gone now. From my feed at least ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user And don\u2019t forget #supplymanagement! He has been stubbornly clinging to that that tax. It also distorts all of international trade deals. Just makes life less affordable for the average working family. Only the Liberals... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes ma'am, and we'll warm up @TheRealDonaldTrump45 before we shove him in an oven. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This is a premeditated attack by Democratic liberals and she is being rehearsed. Enough of the scam show. Vote Kavanaugh to SC. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Its in here.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER If gun control worked Chicago would be a safe place. It isn\u2019t. If national gun control worked Mexico would be a safe place. It isn\u2019t. Don\u2019t believe the lyes. Did alcohol prohibition work? No. Did drug prohibition work? No. Will gun prohibition work? No.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I think it's fair to say that my cock and attitude have let me breeze through quite an amazing life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It's Bull Shit. We all know. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and another one “@07Cannon: Two hoes? RT \"@xoxo_imaunicorn: y'all know what we are?! 😂😂\" http:\/\/t.co\/XI5Aod1FAo”","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's the niggers who are racists, I was told this by a jamican guy I know, their totally different..i loath Nigerians most blacks from Africa I can't stand.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user My thoughts and prayers are with the families. Random mass shootings, which plague our nation, are not normal and we as a country can't allow them to be normalized,\"\" Craley said\"\", The truth is these mass shootings are becoming too \"\"normal\"\". Gun control would certainly help.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what!?\u00e2\u0080\u00a6@user @user @user @user @user #caturday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" scoopwhoopnews: 80-yr-old hindu man #gokaldas beaten up by cop in #pakistan for eating \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just imagine the tyranny we\u2019d be living under had these leftwing tryants waging war on us and our duly elected president and the American Republic itself gained tyrannical control of the US Supreme Court the neocon\u2019s #NeverTrump crew was trying to deliver to them? #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #sotomayor speech from 2001 recirculates after trump comments on judge's mexican heritage #blog #silver #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Now that\u2019s the pot calling the kettle black! Liberals are nothing but bullies! Antifa-Bullies!!! Trump Haters-Bullies!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Restore the Imperial House of Brazil. The world hasn't yet seen how great it can be. You might be able to *GET* the book 'Democracia, o Deus que Falhou', by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, if you visit this link:\u00a0https:\/\/libgen.pw\/item\/adv\/5a7007323a04464df78edc6...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That\u2019s what this whole mess boils down to and everybody knows it now ..... votes !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user @user unfounately, current #gop only see #reagan like this now... ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Build a wall in a yr. Give illegal immigrants one yr to come forward. Make it easy for them to stay. In 1 yr crack down. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @jgalt666: Don't let a crisis go to waste.Dems Exploiting Ebola to trash Repubs opposed to Obama’s choice for Surgeon Gen, http:\/\/t.co\/…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I'll answer for You!! when you have a different opinion to them you're a racist...when they lose an argument you're a racist...if you love Britain you're a racist...liberals are week people...it takes a strong person to to not be one of the sheep ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user we have it dvr'd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Symbols of Liberty and Tyranny Side by Side\u2014 in America\u00a0http:\/\/libertyunderfire.org\/2018\/07\/symbols-of-liberty-and-tyranny-side-by-side-in-america\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Joba Chamberlain looks like a homeless guy that won a contest. #Yankees","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"#Refugee\" said \"I'll kill 10s of you, and then I go back. I can EAT HUMANS NOW.\" those #Rapefugees are #invaders, #pedophiles, #terrorists, #rapists, #cannibals, #jewish servants,!! #Islam is not a #ReligionOfPeace !#WhitePeople WAKE UP.! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"honestly the amount of interalized misogyny n slut shaming I have is incredible. I feel like a whore and an awful person 4 buying condoms \ud83d\ude43 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/zh4Zrv4-O-s Never thought of it this way.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"alreemgroup #aly_alshahawy #ad #cute #summer #photographerdubai #sun #hair #mydubai\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are low class asshole. You wear your suits and talk about the 1% or call us deplorable all while you sit behind your antifa and hate filled lying son of a bitch party and call yourself honorable. At least my pappy would be proud of me for being a man and standing true.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The (pedophile) empire strikes back https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=GyubwcJ4X2U","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just because you have a piece of paper calling you a 'citizen,' doesn't make you American. Just like Mexico sends back her ILLEGALS, who actually are the same race as Mexicans, so, too, will America restore the They all have to go' mindset of the Truman era. Because you will NEVER be American.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't remember him saying it would get done within14 months. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The real @user @user bho & holder also killed @user Officer Brian Terry with his #FastandFurious debacle. many others died because of your negligence??#buildthewall#DeportThemAll #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #noworkforEWI ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Missed this from @user and @user last week, but it will probably stay relevant for quite a while: @user has made a killing convincing towns to pass anti-immigrant ordinances and then (mostly unsuccessfully) defending them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user c'mon u r going 2 believe this #gayshaming out of fl? expect better from u. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you're not being watched by now, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I was think she jisoo but I\u2019m Focused I found she is taeyoun ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So the first thing you do is put the black guy up and call out that we are using the race card. Shows how racist you are. Maybe put a Latino or woman up next.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that is what i call serive. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What EVERY DAY post-#FISA declassification is going to be like FOR PATRIOTS. #GreatAwakening #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA @USER Perp walks will make spectacular Christmas gifts #QAnon URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every refugee deserves:\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u00b2 protection\u00f0\u0178\u008f\u00a0 shelter\u00f0\u0178\u00a4\u009d a chance to start overand...\u00f0\u0178\u2018\u2122 underwearThanks to @user & #PUMAbodywear, for playing their part with a 1 for 1 campaign ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I know someone who would beg to differ...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"feels #1day #myhea ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @SexyKarenFisher: Oh it's Saturday funny time! You better redneck necognize! http:\/\/t.co\/qc4mgs3ejp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JulieOwenMoylan Coz she has a uterus...and is BAME... \ud83d\ude24 #fucktrump #BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1300 for the eggs sunny side nicca .. @EastsideDame","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shylock & Wongs: 3 Incidents of Democrat Bigotry In 3 Weeks - Media Mum http:\/\/t.co\/rX8ynPg1Yd via @BreitbartNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you for this article, truly. Those \u201cnot all men\u201d comments below it... I don\u2019t know how you keep your sanity. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this 12 days off is going to be amazing #earnedit #rest #relax","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Haha \ud83d\ude02 Trump is still winning. It\u2019s fun to watch the liberals literally go insane. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Uhhh no. Sadam gassed the shit out of the Kurds (sp?)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user less than a week til @user \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Almost 1 of every 4 human beings is retarded, pedophile, terrorist, incestious, sadist, delusional or just crazy. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What was an abuse of power was all the crap you and the Hussein gang pulled off. Your big contribution was the Fast and Furious caper to bring in gun control in strict contravention of the 2nd amendment. But don\u2019t worry. Justice is coming for you and Barry\u2019s band of outlaws. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch who is u talking to that's my brother been since we was younger bitch u better find u something to do lame ass hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a born day salute freddie gibbs bihday #freddiegibbs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This reminds me of conservatives wanting to know if Monica was on her back or her knees. Is it really needed to decide these guys are sleeze bags? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I have long thought that liberals are children trapped in adult bodies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user OMG MY Heath bleeds for your daughter and your family. Hold her tight and keep telling her how safe she is and that your will always be there for her. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Resident Evil 0 vs 1 HD via Empty Hero https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=U3qNZ4Vn2PY","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"anas + nimra + farishta + mawia + khushal 960 + 952 + 503 + 484 + 435 = 3334 the number of marks obtained is too damn high :p","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Can you believe we just had a President with a fake ID? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #thanks to all those #dead #white #dudes from #europe. ain't a #nigga in da #list. blm #rapechucktodd\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Someone tell @RSherman_25 his dreads are part of the uniform. I'd pull your hair too. Why are you trash talking? Cut your Doodoo braids.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sweden\u2019s chief prosecutor admits \"police can't enforce the law in areas controlled by Muslim migrants\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user That\u2019s a people Chicago hell gun control works in their town ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Brownies brownies brownies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 because they don\u2019t exist! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user whats wrong with dead #antifa? I don't understand I thought the only good antifa was.... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"folded like a tent @user only someone as ruthless as hillary @user can beat her. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER HAHA! You try so hard to be condescending but i'm sure you and stormy can relate! But you are correct on how sad Trump really is. Old man literally owns the Viagra company. Jokes on you kid. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck the Steelers bah on my mama that\u2019s some racist shyt they doing don\u2019t wanna pay that dude and call him selfish for not wanted to report","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user when ur flight is delayed 2 hours so you miss your connecting flight \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0083 #yay #lovelife","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"hehehehe i LOVE that book! but Chapter 14 is my FAVORITE!!!! :D ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Chequers delivers Brexit (changes the relationship with the EU). It does not deliver leave the European Union\"\" (referendum question.) I think we should stop using the word Brexit to mean leave, and actually say \"\"leave the EU\"\". \"\"Brexit\"\" meaning willfully mutated by remainers.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good day, honkies. ...I said GOOD DAY! ...honkies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the only person behaving as an idiot would be seen as you @user & #dumb @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch you a hoe, tf. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sad people can't be laid to rest in peace #pray #orlando #orlandoshooting #funeral #gay\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watching the recent presentation - it occurred to me that engineers dont understand humans. apple has fallen in love with itself. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user be careful using that term about @user and other -s - once you tweet it, they are almost\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"PSA for all liberals, socialists, 'progressives' and people who demand 'pronouns'","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Charged With Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Girl In North Carolina @user @user Tell me again why there should be Amnesty?#BuildTheWall #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DeportThemAll #ChildRape Automatic#DeathPenalty ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@erinscafe We hate them more than the Cowboys and Yankees.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So called \"refugees\" in Europe. via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My first encounter with a Zionist was my Christian pot dealer. She did some stereotyping of Jews as lawyers that twist laws, or Pharisees, but supported Israel's existence and said the US must support Israel for God's favor. I just think it should be allowed to exist, regardless of religion.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"snake, spiders, alligators, grizzlies, etc....very rarely harm anyone...yet everyone ...even Black people...when they see one...think they are in danger....why is that???\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER gfy ...the NFL should get no protection from the police...and no support from our military...the league will slowly die on this road of shame!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Congratulations! This is a fucking badge of honor!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"no im not attracted to asian ppl bc im not asian\" what if i tell you no im not attracted to u bc im not (inse race here) hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It may well be 'not all men' but it's effected every woman and girl in some way, shape or form. And it IS the responsibility of ALL men... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user That stage was such a pain in the ass for terrorist hunt I loved it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dream catcher#handmade#first attempt ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user 1. Never said you were taught. 2. You called me bitch first. 3. I don't fuckin\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm not screwed any more than you are. Been hearing this same dream of the liberals. What do you think happens if Trump gets removed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain\u2019t dumb ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is a newer track but it rocks https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=__M69NRmbWU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Grab em by the pussy!!! What's the problem?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Protest in Amsterdam against Turkish invasion of Afrin. Fine, I get it, I\u2019m with you. Why for fucks-sake, why always with the pro-communism bullshit overtaking it all?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Amazing how the POPE is afraid of the truth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Me- cusses out person for driving the wrong way in a parking lot Also me- drives wrong way in a parking lot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@judgedread\u00a0 i jumped off of being Pro because...well...duh. And now this? It\u2019s just reaffirms my reasoning","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you whorey ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user State Sponsored Kids Protesting the 2nd Amendment? Youth invasion of D.C. took place as young fascists-in-training were corralled into D.C. to demand that govt strip away the liberties of all in the name of gun control ' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user The definition of snowflake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i can feel the distance. . . . . #vscocam #instapic #vsco #mypic #like #trocolikes #plant \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"3. Ik 'not all men'. But if you feel the need to say that, you're missing the bigger picture, & putting the blame back on victims\/survivors, ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user does #hollywood present as a stereotype? #solidarity #onelove ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BITCH MINSEOK CENTER IS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL A WHOLE MAIN DANCER ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Female Logic: 'I HAVE to go through my hoe phase before I can become a real women and be in a relationship.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And like EVERY other time when the shit hits the fan, Russian bot armies start hashtags in support of him, abetted by people who should know better. #Trump2020 [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxReturns","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@JukeJuke_9: Lance Stevenson gone leave Indiana” he trash anyway","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It\u2019s quite apparent she abhorres the constitution. Stupid woman. She thinks she is so much better than anyone else.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when i feel - recognizing, expressing & managing anger. printable activity, color and b&w ver ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER EXCELLENT! Her welfare check awaits.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The team even know he is Ass","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bitch shut up u a whore ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Industrial Engineer? Here are 2 well rated resume services that will do a quality job. - http:\/\/www.occupational-resumes.com\/Industrial-Engineer-Resume-Services-and-Writers.php #industrial_engineer_resume","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SendThemBack #NoMigrants \u2066@ParisJeTaime\u2069 #Paris suburb home to 300,000 illegal immigrants, report says ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This country is being led by crawlers to other religions from immigration to Education vote no to Europe and save our nation now ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Damn I think your redskins lost @KxRxSxB","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another happy customer #dog #treat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why are you bothering me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The Dregs of Society\" are ISIS, ANTIFA, BLM, Planned Parenthood, Illllegal aliens, Pedofiles, and liberals. This is who the Democrats support. Once again, accusing others of what YOU, Biden are guilty of.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #koreans & joseon people in japan, will abuse the for claims of own rights by rough demo. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Impeach Trump and #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You do realize how ridiculously radical all these tweets sound right. Who are you trying to mobilize antifa? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The enemy within seems greater at this point than compromising sources and methods. It\u2019s the sources and methods we Conservatives are concerned about! #draintheswamp","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are such a losing Democrat....No one believes what you say...You speak well but part of crooked Democrats....Pers Trump has done more for the USA than any other President put together....LOSER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Crawl back in your hole, you're nothing but a fame whore tv judge ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"'White people can't breed'..is that why your momma took a nigger dick when she had you?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"100% TRUE! and she is stupid as well! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You are name calling a decorated disabled veteran. - shame on you. Know your subject before making slanderous remarks.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Could it be the Chinese Space Station crashing to Earth in The Pacific near Tahiti?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thanks! the restaurant looks amazing too! love the new look \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER You are whoring yourself out for NRA $$!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Man I hope I don\u2019t die before Florence hits.. I heard he is going to be a great time!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@jennerific713 @realDonaldTrump Too late for masks! She is dead already! #vote #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The situation is pretty simple their parents brought them in illegally the act of crossing the border was illegal we can say we can forgive you and give you amnesty and nothing else for crossing the border now get the f*** out as you have no legal standing to remain.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hope @AndrewAnglin\u200d uses his lawyer to make Newsweek an offer on their brand name and dot com address.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Does this line sound familiar it is too soon to talk gun control\"? This the the typical NRA funded GOP response to NRA sponsored mass murder.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Better take an extra antidepressant Cher it\u2019s a done deal. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"real talk ion see how a girl can fuck a nigga who nowhere near deserved it and claim you won't fuck a nigga dat actually deserve it lol ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(Part 3) Hey, Potato.\" \/\/Yeah? \"How is our inkling girl sidekick so OP?\" \/\/...Good question. \"She really is strange, isn't she?\" \/\/Yeah; but she IS our sidekick.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Trump is done. You are a Anti-Ameican pro-Trump azz!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I myself have had quite enough of hysterical and damaged and fearful women claiming to speak for all womankind. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"at the airpo. flight delayed... #travel #family #awesome ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#holiday bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. when you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I actually would love to go on a head to head debate with you to to show you not all Men are like this, you know with facts! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this look sums up my @user #im703boulder experience this past wkend. & #thankful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think he could be called a turncoat talking out of both sides of his fucking mouth Lindsey Graham can no longer be trusted ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER spoke about a migrant found to be a member of #Islamic State, telling @USER viewers We don't want her here\" as he makes his case for swift deportation of convicted terrorists URL #auspol #saparli #adelaide #abetterway URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The fact that she is disrespectful and blatantly rude has nothing to do with her situation\ud83e\udd2a","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FEC Democrats Waging \"Underground\" War On Drudge, Conservative Media https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-02-16\/fec-democrats-waging-underground-war-drudge-conservative-media","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"11\/COPY: @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why let k. toure go when he always gave us his all in matches!? #lfc #ynwa","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Conan Obrien needs to get a life with that $80 million..monkey food maybe.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Dont Believe #Democrats and @user Lies Illegal Aliens work the Same #Jobs that Americans Work taking Jobs From Citizens and lowering Citizen Wages #WalkAway #VoteDemsOut #BlackTwitter #Jobs #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome #NoAmnesty #Immigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Fuck yeah! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Stay safe you are an inspiration to me. And practice those kung fu skills if they ever show up again :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They took it there bro you know I'm civil. RT @lilmissStoney: @VikkiNoSecrets wait a minute! Lol. Don't get ghetto V!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Liberals = Always someone else's fault.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what happened in the #80s stays in the 80s! #80smusic #mylebeach #music #fun #beach #love #life #vacation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Say it loud say it proud refugees NOT welcome here! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #Conservatives #Republicans are #TRAITORS to #America ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user when you don't know don't misinform belmont park is bigger than flemington not tight have you been there?did you watch? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IngrahamAngle Does Joe have any clue as to how fast his party will be taking him out if he wins? Such a farce. He would be president for maybe a day, maybe a week before they claim he has dementia, is unfit and they advance that giggling nit wit Kamala.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh you are in England? Your views on gun control stopped mattering in 1776. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You sure that\u2019s not a tranny ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Henny... Why do you outside. Where u and ya pussy ass sister at. We just wanna talk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Holy shit pt 2 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"getting all my @user ducks in a row today!! #cleaning #blogging #organising \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Legal Fellow, Priyanka Bhatt...according to the SCOTUS, immigrant detention isn\u2019t meant to be punitive, yet this facility perpetrates human rights violations. #ShutDownACDC #AbolishICE #InsideAtlantasImmigrantCages ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Munchausen syndrome by proxy; https:\/\/torontosun.com\/news\/world\/my-baby-killed-h... Mother should be in a fucking cage","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives: Always dying on the wrong hill.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user so she is disgusting to you because she is a Rangers fan! you are disgusting to me because you support breaking up the union! #proudtobeBritish \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You tried to spazz out on me too whore for waking your narcoleptic ass up \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes you are. you\u2019re just too blind to realize it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is the difference between a grateful immigrant and an illegal gimmegrant! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump That's because we dont have early voting here! Wait until November 3 you POS! #VoteHimOut2020 #Biden2020 #WeWillVote #WeWillPrevail #NovemberIsComing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Import 3rd world savages. Have 3rd world savagery. It's almost like there's some kind of link there. Rapefugees Unleash Coordinated Fire-Bomb Rampage Across Sweden.\/news\/2018-08-13\/sweden-burning-migrant-gangs-unleash-coordinated-fire-bomb-rampage-across-multiple ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Big night tonight! Battle Royale between @realDonaldTrump and a vegetable, @JoeBiden. Let's see if #ChinaJoe blows a gasket, falls asleep, or wanders off aimlessly like his policies. The Trump kids will be there so interesting to see if Hunter shows up. #Debates2020 #Trump2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DiscoDodgeballRemix was added to Game Sense yesterday. #videogames #gaming https:\/\/gamesense.co\/game\/disco-dodgeball-remix\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this pig has to be forced to do what he is doing ,no pig in it s right mind would fuck a mussie","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user my passion comes full circle! wow! i want 2 be in orlando aft trump. pulse & disney. hea aching over child at disney. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER its so cool that the blind idiot god\" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Trump kicks dem butt - its so fun. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One mans trash is another mans treasure #believe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Surrender of Divinity - Conquerors of the Apocalypse: http:\/\/t.co\/9Qv5RsY1p3 via @youtube >Oriental Black Metal Hell!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"“@__Black_Jesus: “@lil_aerii: Happy new year 🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊” check yo clock Hun we got another hour lol..”they just did the lil count down thing","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@a Menu glitch on webpage via mobile view.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this is the happiest iv been in a long time, feel a weights been lifted & im not being dragged down anymore \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb #newbegginings ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I miss Pope Benedict XVI so much. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Looks Like The Jokes On Liberals Again. #FortTrump #Poland #BoomingEconomy ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I\u2019m glad someone doesn\u2019t support trump. It doesn\u2019t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren\u2019t also pure trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yes Comie (communist pun intended) WE do and will emerge stronger when u & all ur cronies are put to death at Gitmo. WE THE PEOPLE WILL INDEED BE STRONGER. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He's going to need a pair of running shoes so he can look for work when he's sees we're not supporting his dumb ass movies anymore. \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f#walkaway","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That. Is. Not. Scary. At all ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The older I get, the more pleasure it gives me to see young people marry well, have healthy families & be happy.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER If Trump wins 2020 and growth continues will the crazy liberals still be thanking Obama 6 years from now. Of coarse the will because when the argument is lost all that is left is too dispute the facts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I hate a man who thinks his irrelevant opinion matters\"\" ass bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user no joke! i'm tired of #celebrities acting like i'm #threatened by them leaving. also they're too to move to #mexico.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you aware that Hillary Clinton said she was going to use Nuclear weapons against Russia. That was after she sold the 20% of our weapons fuel. She is a complete idiot.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user We all know that the left is going to believe all those lies demo liberals rats are there to destroy President Trump \ud83d\udc4eNov is going to be red \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@LanceTHESPOKEN Statement of the Day: Ppl who RT @ChiefsatWar are even dumber than he is. The ole birds of a feather type of deal.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER poor triggered snowflake. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"yep, every reason on this list works for me! #workout #motivation #beautiful #wow \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It\u2019s almost as if we\u2019re deliberately attempting to defy nature. We\u2019re doing the reverse of what we should be doing, with everybody\u2019s silent acquiescence, and nobody\u2019s batting an eyelid.\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You really have to let it go. He's going to get confirmed. You can continue to kill babies and gun violence will continue despite gun control. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I can\u2019t cuz that nigga retarded smh","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the most impoant thing is to enjoy you #life\u00c2\u0097to be \u00c2\u0097it's all that matters. - audrey hepburn","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I used to do signifing monkey by heart. Played it for the wife and she is like what the hell?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But because his submissions were not taken under oath, it means nothing.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is like \u201cHoly jesus fucken Christ\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Utter horseshit. \u00a0Who knew the police would use 9 year old girl manipulation tactics. Alarming.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I\u2019d love to see an Alan Moore takedown of EVS. Only issue is I am 100% certain Alan Moore doesn\u2019t know who he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The argument will be made that the assault was decades ago and there have been no other complaints against Kavanaugh. But his lying in current and ongoing. That is enough to vote against him. He is now aligned with Trump in the way he handles accusations. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What are you? Some kind of nigger lover?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is an egomaniac and doesn\u2019t like to lose so he will spend money for free agency and his drafts are better ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall. Trumpty kept screaming and no one was listening and Trumpty is losing it all. [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020 #virus #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpBidenDebate","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"is there half n' half available?\" sorry, just whole milk. *dumps coffee out in front of us* seriously? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is correct","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"why did @user kick @user of the flight because he spoke arabic. #boycottdelta","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I've said that many times. Liberals and Conservatives are two sides of the same coin and that coin is in the back pocket of the wealthy Canadians.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Not a bad prize on offer just for nominating a holiday destination for a travel award. Let's get some Kenyan places in the mix: https:\/\/britsinkenya.com\/2018\/08\/03\/6-night-kenya-...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Fuck yeah!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user You are as nasty as he is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Taxpayers Funded \u2018Unprecedented\u2018 #Armed Protection for #GunControl Sen. #KamalaHarris | Breitbart URL via @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user America wins with President Trump... Not Google. #MAGA #AmericaFirst ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user When we say #BuildThatWall at this is how @user respond!#RETWEET ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I just threw up in my mouth. #LockHerUp #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #school board seeks to oust member for jabs at #obama... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I believe it is a bergenia","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is a disgusting anti \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 traitor! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the Left resents supporting those who can't take care of themselves. The Right resents supporting those who can take care of themselves.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #FamiliesBelongTogether is #Democrats and Illegal Alien Scam for Open Borders #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #GOP via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is fun, I asked him for proof and he blocked me. I was about to joke about how he'd go from The Antifa are the real Nazis!\" to similar alt-shite talking points, boy that sure was providing proof quickly.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Welcome to Gab Cody Hill","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Sorry Andrew but your policies will be too close to the Liberals policies and you don't seem trustworthy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i arbitrarily decided to root for peru and now i am ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"celebrating bihday pay \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 #chill #chillout #nightlife #pay #snapchat #dog #troll\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cuffing is not DEAD If everybody stop being a hoe then you can cuff \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffe\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude05 But nahh being fuck Buddies in style at #myasu ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The 9\/11 disease that\u2019s given men breast cancer and already killed 2,000 heroes \u2013 and the death toll is set to overtake those that died on the day #911","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Botox treatments?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so very funny ah ah \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080\u00e2\u009c\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb#friday #evening #smile #picoftheevening #soveryfunnypictures\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"_ #windows10 split screen #browser! #techie #sgig 301","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Come on Texas I know your not ready to hand over your guns to liberals!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@greenfield64 No Way! @realDonaldTrump F**K Trump Wish him the best but you know what, he knew the risks and should have worn a mask. #BidenHarris2020 #screwtrump...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hey bethany_rose91, you may want to check for latest updates on #glastofest \u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5_ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user going for swimming & later #iftar with cousins in #khanpurdam. best cure against scorching heat. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Da best piece of pussy I got was from a bitch at waffle house that hoe was from Mississippi.. Pussy was tight and slippery ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't believe in evolution.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @OGMarcusC: I hate stereotypes. Preconceived notions that black men are athletes or criminals.. Black women are ghetto and confined to t…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Or he is part of the fraud they pulled together.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" - beautiful women, and handsome men are less likely to be admonished by women for their advances. However, by empowering anti -rape - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"windy asfck... #bemean #berude #letitallgoaway and #beyou #sweet #lovely #and #real ...\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user my angel nicole. #niece #nicole #familytime #turkey #kemer time #beinlife\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#psychic truth:what changes do i need to make in my life to be ? let's look..balancedenergie.com ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#hump on that #hump day #humpers\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9 @ edwardsville, pennsylvania ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Paul Weston\u200f\u00a0@paulwestonlibgb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user A voice from the frontline of domestic violence that the gun lobby cannot drown out. #cdnpoli ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BuildTheWall NOW #GreenCardsForDACA #NoChainMigration No-Lottery #IllegalSentHome get in line... #StopTheInvasion NOW #AmericaFirst #OneFlag \u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00ba\u00f0\u0178\u2021\u00b8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is really shocking, just days ago, he signed keshi's condolence register, now people will be signing his own today!!! #rip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Disgusting.. pedophile ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user flip flop day.\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u009f may it be a flipping flopping awsome successful day.\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0088\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"thank you \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a santa \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0085 , for the best christmas present ever #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #yeg #canada #ottawa @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is truly dumb as shit. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @user Pls shut the fuck up bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER You are deplorable despicable disgusting! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"reading and re-reading this lovely conversation between JJLA speaker @user and @user about her novel EVERYONE KNOWS YOU GO HOME for @user \ud83d\udcda\u26a1\ufe0f\ud83d\udcab ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1 more friggen day!!!!! #wedding #sorrynotsorry","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Welcome aboard Gen'l! I got banned first time for reposting facial pictures of Erik Clanton to major media sites after his Antifa bandanna fell of. Said I was \"spamming\" and demanded my government ID. Fuck 'em - I sent the avatar you see now and told 'em I went \"Trans-species\". Tards have no sense of humor..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa? Lol. Really stretching there. Hee hee. He\u2019s going down for obstruction of justice too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stop comparing and wishing \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008abe happy with what you do have and work for what you need and want.#gratitude ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your comments are reflections of ignorance and @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"found it. http:\/\/www.whsports.se channel 2 you're welcome","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The dems have done this since they were the KKK. Except back then they accused black men of raping white women then lynched them. Same play from the old playbook. Everyone of these liberals crying outrage are fake if they aren't pressuring Ellison to resign.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@JustinGomezABC A religious man..putting seniors at risk. No mask..heat..in a community of seniors.. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/ar4DTInZzh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user absolutely love this place. fantastic welcome from carlos, receptionist. 5th time here. room request granted as usual. #318 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Why are you wasting time replying on twitter (trolling) on behalf of people making under that amount? Seems like someone is just a propaganda pusher...or likes gloating to other #MAGA's that they got screwed by Trump. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"welcome to my home! #friends #enjoy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#friendsarena polar bear climb racing: angry polar bear climb racing, the polar bear living in cold places ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Colin Kaepernick is the classic stooge. \u00a0Raised by white family that; gave him opportunity, he might never have had. \u00a0Yet here he is \u00a0acting like, he is underprivileged and defending gangbangers and tattooed rappers. \u00a0Where in the hell did his parents being white go wrong. \u00a0They showered him with a great home and white siblings to grow up an enjoy the good life. \u00a0He falls for a BLM Afro American Communist indoctrinated hussy! \u00a0His life changes forever to what he was going to grow up to be anyway. \u00a0A communist idiot with no class and no job.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"While rogue #FBI & #DOJ officials were cooking up the #RussianCollusion hoax, the #Chinese were intercepting every one of #HillarysEmails & the #AwanBrothers were collecting info for #Pakistan from #Democratic members of Congress.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"46, ya, too old to know whats going on..ok junior. if you dont brush your tooth, your hillbilly moma is gonna get upset,then drunk, then fucked,,,again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Oh it\u2019s ok because 45 reversed the most important issue on mental health he got rid of the mental health conditions on gun control. Great job! What a guy! He is a liar proven over & over again. But you worship away that\u2019s your right","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a #business against | by villy wang | #tedinstitute ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mondrian - Plastic Reality EX4.1 has been released! Read up on some of the new features and six new screenshots right here: http:\/\/lantanagames.com\/mondrian-plastic-reality-e... #indiegames #gamedev #indiedev #mondrian #makeamondrian #arthistory #art #creatives","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i know!! 6 weeks \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b8\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Gab needs to let us know who has muted us! I loved when i seen a twitter user had blocked me. Means im winning!!! Come on Gab! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I would have thought a nazi incel spunktrumpet like Shapiro WOULD actually feel rage about an Antifa film. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@tariqnasheed The only Blk people voting for \u201cJim Crow\u201d Joe Biden - [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]& \u201c Lock\u2019em Up\u201d Kamala Harris [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Are self hating N_[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]They hate themselves, & their race.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]We need a civil war amongst Black Ppl[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]purge \ud83e\udd9d[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]If COVID could take out most of these self hating N_ [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It would be to our betterment","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is an invasion. They are not \"refugees\". This is an attack on the US, buy the #Democrats! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Elon sometimes opens his mouth only to replace one foot with the other","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Please!!! Let\u2019s not let another 2016 happen! #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut #DumpTrump https:\/\/t.co\/RSZUrujgmi","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bob is an old man living in the past. He has no idea what the working class has been through. Promises from both the Dems & Rep career politicians with their expensive law degrees and never worked a day in their lives. It took @user to finally listen and take action. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Active shooter Middleton WI Multiple police agencies respond #MAGA #TrumpTrain @user @user #KeepAmericaGreat2020 @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LPT: prep your emergency light source in case of a power outtage. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user up and ready this morning! fixing to head over to @user with @user for #prosperendingnow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger. It's not cute, it's trashy #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" bihday sister \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac\u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00ac","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You won the\" life time recipient for Hysterical Woman \" a long time ago. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user in second place. we can only dream of that now. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" wheniamalone #alone #lonely #noonecares ness #upsetting #dipressive #stay_strong does anyone else... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It appears that #China #propaganda machine is working very hard to promote the greatness of their #military to their general public & the world. #China is right now very afraid of #USA trained #ISIS agents infiltrating their Large #Muslim population in Northwestern China. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/ycmtr2uh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user As Catholics RUN from Parrishes ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With Jews You Lose. Unless you are a Honduran criminal or rapist needing a ride while making your way towards the US border.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Your right to free speech doesn't negate my rights to ignore you, or to point at you and laugh.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bitch ass whore ass motherfucker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it is so to witness how divisive #theunitedstates has become! #democrats insult #republicans & vice-versa! aren't we all #americans?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is the only way I will agree with war","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"things that make me alone time with my dogs in the morning. not saying a word and enjoying the scenery. #atpeace","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Now Comes The Pain............... #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #WWG1WGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ohhhhh am gonna miss my mornng coffeeee, this sounds very very very weird, am totlly tired with this science!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Now since all Indians been mapped thru Aadhar Card. Flush out illegal immigrants,whose No has grown substantially in last 10Y. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How about the fact that \"screaming Jew at globalists\" just plays right into the scam they started some 60+ years ago with the \"but, we where victims of genocide\" excuse they have been using to shutdown debate ever since. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Got knocked out in the first round and one a shitty decision","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Odd. Stating opinions comes with an attack (cunt and assumption of a streamer using boobs for attention.) It was verbal diarrhea from a person who ought to know better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user pathetic how #donaldtrump so easily tries to make this #orlandohorror about him! #ego #tragedy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Who doesn't support her? Better question is why in hell would I believe someone when liberals are lying 24\/7? Shit a california professor recently attacked a man with a lock in a sock... How many women have faked attacks on them sense the election? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Women should support women! telling them they are hysterical is abusive. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BrianOkert I have been mostly banned on Twitter. lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Maybe she should drop the angry b$*@USER routine and try something funny everyone can enjoy....like non political jokes. Don\u2019t think she is capable of doing that.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Principled conservatives know Canadian liberal media 24\/7 @user Hate news is only to help Justin Trudeau It\u2019s obvious You\u2019re one who\u2019s being manipulated and that hurts Canada. Read my 60 pinned tweet thread for explanation. I see you ignore Trumps support Israel ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user #quebec2016 turning left onto steeles!! !!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Illegal Alien Killed Mother Of Two In Drunken Crash via @user @user When is it enough?How many more have to die before you do your job?#BuildTheWall #EndDaca #NoAmnesty #BanSanctuaryCities#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Again, money went to the Foundation. Wow, what a crime. \/s There has been no evidence of trading favors for donations, or the Clintons lining their pockets.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if he can slip and run 9.88, imagine what he can do when his race goes smooth! #neverdoubtusain #roadtorio \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008c","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER When the abuser projects... Look in the mirror Mark - you are crazy & angry.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user i've been a fan for decades and i don't even relate to any of these crazy story lines. what has happened!? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA said I.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Me bro","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Glad her career is ruined by the way. She deserves to be ruined after what she done. Just because she WAS a celebrity doesn't mean she should be excused. Doesn't mean she is above the law. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Who is fawning? And who are you to decide who is and who isn't reasonable? It is fully possible to be reasonable and still be wrong. I'm guessing you have never watched Daves show and are going by what you have heard from people you are fawning over.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The NRA supported gun control when Reagan was governor of california when black people began buying guns.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"America's MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY is the:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#depression is not something 2b ashamed of, if u #feel u feel it. #staystrong it will get betta\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095 #mentalillness ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Conservatives just keep doubling down on being terrible people.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Surely he didn't do anything to damage Veterens Affairs? If he sullied a reputation it was another department?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thank you, Mr. President. Promises made, promises kept. This is why America elected you.#MAGA#BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Griffin thinks she is funny but she's not. She's a disgusting pig!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user and if you're in ANTIFA you are one of them shit for brains. Here worship your queen she needs her toe cheese licked out. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Antifa FACIST. Don\u2019t let these mean anti-Americans use a fake title. They are FACIST.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WE THE PEOPLE WON IN 2016 AGAINST THE TYRANNY AND NOW AGAIN THE PEOPLE WILL WIN AGAINST THE GLOBAL TYRANNY[NEWLINE][NEWLINE] WITH @realDonaldTrump IN THE @WhiteHouse AMERICA WILL NEVER DIE[NEWLINE] GOD BLESS AMERICA AND AMERICANS, AND PEOPLE HAVE READY THE BEER FOR THE NOVEMBER 3th[NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #KAG","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER For what??? Lies and rumors being spread by liberals with their known pattern? Hell NO.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#buildthewall U.S. Marshals: Illegal alien wanted for murder in Mexico arrested in SC #endchainmigration via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be n #healthy the memories of a man in his old age, are the deeds of a man in his prime. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 roger waters ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Remember when Liberals were called the snowflakes? Conservatives now have the sads about a hollywood award show.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Meanwhile the same women need only to be 1. Not fat 2. Not a cunt And can't even pull that off ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Or like blm and liberals over the past couple of years ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No gun laws have prevented the violence in Chicago or DC where laws are far more strict. Gun control laws lead to the deaths of innocent people who can\u2019t protect themselves from criminals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"always.. #motivation #projects #instamood #original #businessowner #makingmoves \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Did everyone else's parents use to refer to the Power Puff Girls as \"Powder Puff Girls\", or were mine just exceptionally retarded?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And I am just over the #justdoit #nike","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER No way.... Way too much talent on the Goonies. I\u2019d like to see yall vs them tho real shit my gz.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Went from the last person I'd talk too, to the women I crave on the daily in all about 10 months. Life's really a bitch \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user God did not appoint trump. The devil appointed him and I will make sure I do my part to make sure he doesn't get reelected by voting. He is no pious man and definitely not even spiritual. He's the scum of this earth. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"MAGA are PERVERTS AND DEMONS-PERIOD! NOTHING IS SACRED OR INNOCENT WITH THESE MUTTS OF SATAN ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Maybe we do need gun control. Lefties can not handle the responsibility. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I've had this car 18 years. It is as solid as the day I bought it with 1km on the clock. German engineering at its finest. 95,000 kms on the clock now and not a scratch. Sadly, I don't think Germany will be able to get back to those days for many years now, if ever.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Senator Ted Cruz visits immigrant detention centre ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Girl Flowers Yellow Beauty Nature Summer Woman","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We need a Deterring Border!!#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #FoxNews #MAGA #AmericaFirst@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dominos is ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"anybody who says against men doesn't exist, hasn't tried to buy disney\/looney toons-themed #scrubs in men's sizes\/cuts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is excatly WHY we need it !!!!!\u00a0 Make some noise, write or call your congressmen and senators they ARE YOUR GOVT. EMPLOYEE !!!\u00a0 BUT YOU HAVE TO REMIND THEM OF IT..... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i had such a beautiful day that i would disrespect it by not going to sleep smiling #grateful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I'm sick of this bullshit. Fucking hysterical media, hysterical feminists, pussy fake conservatives. Come asteroids, come ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WOW...THE BEST PPL I AM CONNECTING WITH...#MAGA..#KAG...THANKS TO ALL OF YOU...xoxo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" livelypics: whenever a famous personality dies, someone at wikipedia has to change all the verbs to the past tense. #motivation","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now playing : danny wright - \" tapestry of life\" on #melancholy #melancholymusic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user little @user was hitchhiking, or that he dare be taken on a ride (lit & fig). @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"this cute rodent is the first mammal to go extinct due to human-caused climate change\" #gadgets ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I find it Funny she has a name that is probably Scottish or Irish but she is supposed to be latino?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user And his son the ANTIFA masked hater is normal? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HEY\u00a0Brian Krassenstein\u200f screen cap this shit mother fucker you faggot peice of shit. I hope no crazy dumbass flips out and posts your dox on some other site that be a shame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's a time for chatter but then there's a time to read and learn and grow. Move on with life and do what's best for you and your family. #homeschooling #family","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I so hope you are a real person because this is a perfect tweet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just got Higher Truth in the mail today. This song struck me so much, I had to learn it. This is my first full run-thru. Take it easy on the criticism. R.I.P. Chris Cornell. You were the best. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy bihday tooooo meeeee \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0084 \u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0082 bihday #bihdaygirl #bornday #9june #happines\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Oh shit this will trigger some bigots","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are \u00a0you on Twitter or Facebook if not you need to be, don't hold anything back make the world hear your important message. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"shut the fuck up you know youre that bitch, whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Will antifa fill the streets when kavanaugh is confirmed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"mondaymorning #understanding#sharelove#peace @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Morals? You mean like aborting an infant? Falsely accusing people? Antifa violence? Censoring free speech on campuses? Looting? Lying as you fill the Deep State? Those morals?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Can you imagine being married to that crazy b#tch? Good God! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER One really horrible incident I could show you hundreds of antifa but they didn't kill anybody YET!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LiveAndUncut: When I say Tainted I don't necessarily mean hoe or scandalous. It could be a number of things.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user these simple tips and advice can make you a #successful and #singlemother! pic.twi.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So many issues facing Australian voters but the single obsession of Australian Conservatives is bullying transgender children... URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"never forget that #lovewins! #prayfororlando #orlando #homophobia #solidarity #usa #pulse\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"avec les copines! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 #friend#love #pay#instamoments#\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f cleimxxx helenhckx mariescreve @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Wow, what a fantastic way this cunt has found to denigrate actual survivors of rape & sexual assault. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And we don't give two fucks what you pretend to think in attempt to silence us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#bluesky attack bull game 3d: do you really think that his head was empty around the city. each side is su ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Royalty is the biggest scam in human history until politicians. NO ONE alive has blood more special than anyone else.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"With a border wall, all we're doing is creating a basin for illegal immigrants and trapping them in. We need to round them up, deport them and then increase border patrol to stop more of them coming in.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/search?ludocid=7091197853591521983&q=Cash%20For%20Strips%20Phoenix%20485%20S.%20Watson%20Rd%20Suite%20103%20Buckeye%2C%20AZ%2085326&_ga=2.107256898.1576974707.1522118416-885662511.1496472199#fpstate=lie: cash for my diabetic test strips here in phoenix","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When you're out drinking all night vs when the bill comes ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Or was it that the local government was taken for themselves!!!! Imagine that a government more worried about their own pockets rather than their peoples.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user maybe it was democrat antifa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Feinstein and Schumer are political assassins. Thank heavens that @USER has been able to give a few in the GOP courage to not fold this far. Conservatives need to hit back hard on these political criminals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d dude I didn't even bother to read the whole sentence\ud83d\ude15 I almost went to Instagram to check\ud83d\ude11 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Baffles me how #Soros commits #Sedition against almost every country in the world and still allowed to walk as a free man.\u00a0 #Corruption #Collusion ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I like to fuck meme makers and never talk to them again just so I can see the angry sub posts... I'm an asshole like that ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user She hardly tweets unless its to give a shoutout to getup or antifa it seems. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yatzie, those days are gone, sadly we\u00a0 are stuffed, we have now Burkas hijabs and Barbarians all over the place, we need arevolution and start thining them out IMMEDIATELLY","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happy father's day!! #clapton #hackney #hackneywick #homeon fathersday #fathersday #dad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#SecureOurBorder #SexTrafficking #WomensIssues #Slavery #PoliceSo you think #ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) is evil? One of the things they are... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user time to get myself up and sta watching the new season of #ointb \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 i'm super excited, binge watching time #loveit \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives have killed hundreds 100000 people as a direct result of conservative policies DWP figures she is such an imbecile Tony Blair put 6% into the NHS Gordon Brown 5.5% that's not fit to be an MP 1.5% she's stealing the National Health Service of us. Chemical attacks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NPR","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslims prefer fucking goats and Jews prefer sucking on baby dicks.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Just got on twitter because of this farce today. Imagine this, I make a report on You. Calling you names and telling people how big liar and asshole you are without reason. Would you be angry? Of course You would be. Its a same with me. You can fuck off to help some rapefugee ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"There's a reason they called that feminist claptrap \"The Vagina Monologues.\" These pussy-helmeted bitches can't maintain a DIALOGUE with any reasonable human being. #histrionics","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user says social housing is good and in the same breath talks of climbing the ladder. Hypocrisy incarnate from a failed lying politician lining her party's pockets with tax money for real estate builders @user building their failure of lies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user And these are the *people pushing for gun control \ud83d\ude12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bet she already left town....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are sick people! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @KySportsRadio: For years two fan bases (UNC and Indiana) have said they do things \"the right way\" while UK and others are rogues. My ho…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Life's a slut, a dirty hoe, either way I can't bitch. -Young Jeezy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The possibilities are endless... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You obviously have no clue and CLEARLY you are not American! China became the largest foreign holder of US Debt in September 2008. They have been a major holder of US since at least 2000. YOU ARE WHATS WRIND WITH AMERICA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Remember Tina. You can always sleep when you are dead! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why does this not surprise me? Such audacity! Trump should be forced to defend these business practices to the same immigrant base he's always stoking with hatred, including @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"SCOTUS an alien seeking admission to the U.S for the first time, having the least \"connection with this country,\" has the most limited due process of all whatever authorized by Congress This means no judges Deport ASAP ! #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #NoDACA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fuck bfa im going back to rift","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rachel has outdone herself this week with a video released just in time for @LaurenSouthern\u00a0and @stefanmolyneux\u00a0s event here in New Zealand this evening. #FreeSpeech\u00a0 https:\/\/www.whaleoil.co.nz\/2018\/08\/a-naive-idiot-i...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sweden\u2019s U-Turn: How Liberals\u2019 refugee policy turned public AGAINST migrants - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yep. They had to produce this article to shut up the liberals.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone ugly slides in your DM.... Naked... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals would still vote for him. They'll claim his comments were Taken out of context and that he is still a man of integrity.\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And Nero Goodell fiddles while the @user burns. Glad I took up golf. #BoycottTheNFL #BoycottNike #JustDont ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER What do you expect from a man that claims He is the Christ Vicariously He's a liar and the leader of liar's serving his father the author of all lies.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Back in the Saddle - James Low ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#emmastone is speaking out about in #hollywood. they'll steal her jokes and given them to men #movies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my happiness\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0099 11.june.2016 #myboys #mylife #myworld #mylove #leicester #pogi #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @FunnyOGtweets: When rednecks fool around with the aux cord http:\/\/t.co\/Tyzuro7qR5","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"pt2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Seems we can't even hold onto advancements in signage in re gun control. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user so sick of all the pre-programmed #hillbots rhetoric! enough, already!! how about unity, patriotism and love for fe\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Liberals complain of not having time to evaluate records but they sit on an anonymous letter for weeks and wait like a criminal to assassinate the character of a good man at the end.Despicable. @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Feminist Women are Women who have sadly gone down the collective insanity that is Modernity and have adopted Kike Tactics to not only LITERALLY Kill and Maim Men but also to Psychologically Dominate their own Women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f 3 years of aho! i'm so excited!!! the team has so much young talent! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa #caniac #hockey","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@IMNOTMAKINGITUP Hey u just followed me not long ago. Gonna nip that in da bud. like ur bio tho. U know the white devils stole our our","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @hoes: Emma Watson http:\/\/t.co\/fGKF5aUklo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Oh for heaven's sake. \ud83d\ude44 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#kuturns15 bihday\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 #loveyou\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thank goodness! the pussifucation of america continues! but we'll play when it is 35 degrees. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If only we could simply rise up and kill every nigger and jew in America just like niggers did to whites in Haiti, but our police state is locked down pretty tight. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That bitch scanned me like I wanted her boy \ud83d\ude02 bitch, I'll clock your jaw and look you dead in the eyes and say \"I don't fucken want him hoe\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user hurry up on the ham and cheese ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @BigmackNigga: Smoking isnt a game you could get killed monkey see monkey Dooo don't smoke if your not a smoker y'all are the reason ...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is such a piece of shit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ES is fake. She willing joined them and stayed with them for months. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This dumb Berk drives in circles through town on his bright yellow cycle with music blaring incredibly… http:\/\/t.co\/ukothl3MOH","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Burqa Beer!!! The Craziest Real-Life Story You Never Heard!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm such a little pussy ass bitch on my period what tha fook ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@yooperslayer better off banning teabaggers and their anti American supporters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hopefully your obesity catches up with you by then ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another nail in the coffin of the NFL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=d9p3kwQQNx4 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is from the Babylonbee and their usual playfulness but it isn't a bad definition. Several other SJWish terms also skewered in this piece. Social justice (new definition):\u00a0A Marxism-inspired construct that sees everything in terms of power vs. the powerless. This\u00a0woker\u00a0version of social justice demands that you bow to all of the government\u2019s plans to reform society OR ELSE. When someone...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user story of his life ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Keep up the good work - https:\/\/509208lawgroup.com\/services\/estate-planning\/ #Estate_Planning_Attorney_Spokane #Estate_Planning_Spokane #Estate_Planning_Coeur_D'Alene #Estate_Attorney_Spokane #Estate_Planning_Lawyer_Coeur_D'Alene","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER U a bad bitch now lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user HE SUFFERS FROM MENTAL GLITCHES---DEMENTIA? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We have the real facts......you suck pussy grabber MOTHER Fucker ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"All that is not the gov. fault.......so many yummy things to buy, and so little resistance to it, and much of it worthless ...... People tend to buy the maximum amount of house, maximum amount of auto...and all with no Master Plan.....Till they end up with a great coffee table and no house to put it in...... Our ancestors did not face the temptations that we do","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Took you this long!! He is a beast and has been for yonks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sweden has finally had enough. If only, our lame-brained government would do something similar. #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamnWall #DeportTheSoftInvaders #StopAnchorBabyCitizenship #EndChainMigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Im such a fucking cunt bitch and i dont even mean to be goddammit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good- that soundtrack you DMed me with was fire as fuck and I still listen to it often\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffd Bad- My tracks are better\ud83d\ude2d (joking I\u2019m shit) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Everyone calls u btch, and u don't like it? Bitch like whaaat?! Who wouldnt be called bitch u wore like a whore waiting for someone to dig their dick so stfu barbie yo' nigga disagree! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lulu:why soraka got her shoes on in the pool soraka:those are my hooves you bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i thought garbage men were supposed to bring trash to the dump but they wouldn't take me ha ha ha. self depreciation ftw.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Save #FreeSpeech","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Why are you talking? You have zero credibility with anyone! You lied to the @user and you lied to America. Slither back under your rock! Your wife said you were going to be \u201cthe John Dean\u201d of the scandal- you are \u201cthe George Costanza\u201d #liar ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Comey has pissed on the us Constitution..he is a rat and needs to go away or face consequences ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"movie is out in febuary, then it's the long 6-8 month wait until bd's are ripped, and subs who knows. the death of fansubbing hurt movie releases and ovas bad. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just saying as soon as that scene in that episode of #oitnb i lost all interest in the show #oitnb #pissed #mad #upset","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I\u2019d drag my nuts over a mile of broken glass, just to finger flunk your shadow! Hehehe","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Who really listens to those post menapausal angry yentas except hardcore liberals and femanazis?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"(new york post) #real life bird is at large : this bird is not in the mood to play.. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Buy into the stock market goyim, we will make you rich!\u00a0 LMFAO","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And he is planning to run in 2020? Joe lost his natural mind...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user @user #army #peru #lovebts #youngforever i want go to korea :'( ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What pic is this??? Well #IMHO it's the #Negroid & failed Congressional candidate @kharyp over @TwitterDotCom cheating on his #Mudshark wife to boff slut & #Mudshark @Shannonr815. Shannon, if it were up to me you would have been tried & executed for conspiracy to erode the #BillOfRights","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What will it mean for #NewJersey to be a #sanctuary state, as #Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy promised as a candidate? This is what it means @user !!!#IllegalAliens #BuildTheWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user has the same lack of morals as her mother! Abortion is murder! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You know we will bitch stop talking like that we gotta paper to get nigga \ud83d\ude0e\ud83e\udd1f\ud83c\udffd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AngryWillHelms Genius, the politically correct term would be \"intellectually disabled.\" It's highly offensive to use the word retarded.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm so deeply saddened by #orlandoshooting , almost numb from pain. rhetoric & anger is palpable online. i'm sick of the sick people. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You mean like Hollywood actress .@USER ? She supports #Antifa and uses their handbook as her profile pic. Rants about #MeToo yet her brother Alexis Arquette was abused as a child and she is silent about it \ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffd #Hypocrites #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A tractor and some steel cable would make short work of that.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It will be sad for me as well. The Speaker of the Parliament has called for him to be banned from UK. That is an official representative of Her Majesty s Government.\u00a0 Special Relationship is bullshit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why Is The CIA Infiltrating The 2018 Congressional Elections?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER help! I already have a verify account but when I try to use it it wants further details (passport) which I don\u2019t have with me. So I phone instead and after two minutes of pointless messages it tells me you are busy and hang up!!! What rubbish service.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I never call you an American! #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I can jig, but I can't jig jig. 😂 like that new jigging got so much in it that you could do, you really gotta be in shape for it.😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@HillaryClinton Sorry #CrookedHillary isn\u2019t gonna happen!!!! Joe Sleepy Biden and Kamala are the worst candidates in American History. #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Break 1,000,000 views.GO.Help me share this to everyone.#pizzagate","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"todays donkey #zionazis are proud of murdering real palestinian semitic children - thats what i call\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ann, actually glad @user willing to give up seat to release confidential e-mailsThis will open up floodgates to release Tarmac Bill & Killary Clinton emails@AnnCoulter \"#CoryBooker & #KamalaHarris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at Kavanaugh hearings\"#MAGA #qanon ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Good. Maybe they\u2019ll give it to him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user today is a great day the astros and cavs won. #finals #baseball ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bull shit... stop putting words in people\u2019s mouths.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined\/jailed. I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user This women is a vile example of the far left lunacy. She is using the Alinsky, Rules for Radicals Handbook.\"\" No matter what u have to do, (lie,steal,use violence etc. )u must destroy the conservatives. They lack character & have no moral code.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@seanhannity trump and the trumplicans have caused more damage to this country than any other WH or GOP controlled Congress in American History!! #FuckOffLyinTed #BidenHarris2020 #BlueLandslide2020 The GOP and trump are DONE!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fiona Hill.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user thorpe park next week and beyonc\u00c3\u00a9 the week after \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Bono is utterly stupid ridiculous wealthy tax avoiding hypocrite fascist I can\u2019t listen to U2 again","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"people use tragedy like this to fuel their hate agenda towards entire groups of people and that's the opposite of helpful ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Unlike you I'm not about that life \u270c ANTIFA = KKK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I stand with you \ud83d\udc15\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"....and the LMSM baited Americans to blame the NRA.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"nope RT @DerekIsNormal: Just ordered Domino's. Am I trash?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Muh free-est nation on earth!11! :)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Money hungry hoes they can never get a crumb","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you'll never find another me. #me #myself #selfie #igers_malaysia #girls #strong\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"who is this guy... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They are required to warn us first: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user and the #teapay #biher #trump movement ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user <3 listen to my most beautiful best friend @user singing with her most amazing voice <3 <3 <3 <3 5 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"day 257-wipe away the tears #fairies #fairy ness #kawaii #mushrooms #eyes #watchingyou #nature #friendship ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Shout Out.......to GOD!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER 3\/ you can not like Justin all you want but the conservatives have no plan to even consider climate change and have been using BLATANT misinformation to lead people like yourself into believing that it\u2019s Trudeau\u2019s fault we\u2019re negotiating with a fucking sociopath down south","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER FUCKOFF YOU BEEN KNEW IM SCARED OF HIM@","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But a small state, low welfare, controlled immigration, right leaning free market capitalist Scotland OUT the EU, with a pro-UK trade & shared national security approach WOULD appeal to me. But thats not, has not & will NEVER be on the table.So it's a resounding NAW for now. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How Irish migration and the criminal mind were viewed in the Victorian era ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Only truly free markets can save us. Crony capitalism is destructive","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#sotrue #home #family #love money isn't everything and #blessed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"just launched our #pride collection on our website. go get yours now. #gay #gaypride #lgbtq #retweet #shop ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Since Zucc's back in the news, time to ruin another nascent meme. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dbhd","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Yes! We were. Back again. Thank you so much. Hope you are all well..\u2764\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The \"slaughtered human being\" on the dinner table with the children looks FAKE. The mans eyes are open, he has good color & no death mask. I can't tell if the legs, belly & but are real but the children don't look concerned, so I don't believe that part is real. But I totally believe what Killary & Huma did to that little girl, cutting off her face is real! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Sorry for the Democratic party is the party of hate they formed the KKK and antifa. The GOP it's finally got back in the office and the economy is booming and people have jobs wow overlook this. You liberal people are the most trashy ignorant things on this planet.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"expressions of , #misandry, #misogyny (ie #power) are pa of all marginalized groups, who live w\/ fear. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Not to mention the outrageous amount of taxpayer dollars spent on her for this Taxpayers Funded 'Unprecedented' Armed Protection for Gun Control Sen. Kamala Harris | Breitbart via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Name them. Who are these conservatives\"\" who are driving this dump truck of yours, and when they were passionate about deficits. Name them. Who are they?\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Good lord, man! Tag that NSFW!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user @user end times... i'm staing to wonder if god has totally turned his back on america.. this is sickening... @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"By his very nature, God cannot utterly reject Israel. http:\/\/soilfromstone.blogspot.com\/2017\/01\/god-neve...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This was her 5th or 6th child. If we did not give entitlements for all these kids they would be here having so many babies on the backs of American Taxpayers. This should be outlawed. #Stopimmigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER The \u2018AntiFa\u2019 crowd? What a quack.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When your best friend tries to go out of town without you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jennifer Aniston and Adam Aron are among the donors to The Lincoln Project, a group that produces anti-Trump viral videos https:\/\/t.co\/ZrXPhmSJnC https:\/\/t.co\/9DwTuEEBBJ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this makes me #mad & \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a1 on a afternoon walk & this is what i see \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0092\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 #animalcruelty #animalabuse #animalrights ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Kontraste: Die Clans - Arabische Gro\u00c3\u0178familien in DeutschlandSinds de jaren zeventig heersen Arabische grootfamilies binnen de georganiseerde misdaad in Europa. Mind you, zij waren eerst \"refugees\" uit o.a. Libanon.https:\/\/t.co\/v4QSHmRWYC ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Watching you two as my black cock grows harder and harder ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Damn bitch.. you raised a spoiled whore! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can not wait for wales vs nz tonight at eden park #cymruambyth @user come on @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the simple things in life make one happy #smile #photography #love #mysonshine ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Omer Asik so trash on the offensive side of the floor dude real life murky doo doo water","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f This Deplorable\" from the \"Dregs of Society\" says #PUBLIC_EXECUTIONS WILL MAKE CRIMINALS THINK HARDER ABOUT BEING POLITICIANS\u203c\ufe0f #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is great!\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Regular joes rockin tha boat that's us redneck yacht clubbb☀🎶","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"megaupload porn link porn video ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Investigation reveals it is highly probable it is an ISIS attack. Worst case scenario a joint ISIS-Antifa attack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":".@USER Thank you for signing #SB100 and for your leadership at the climate summit. Please also sign the gun control legislation on your desk. This is another area where California should lead the nation. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"watch \"elizabeth warren endorses hillary clinton\" on youtube - #betrayal #feelthebern","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The Ironic thing is you are more closely aligned with the far right. They are even agreeing with you. Look down the thread. some asshole just posted a thing about IQ in your defense. Fuck off with that shit!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user 36 weeks on this picture. 37 weeks on monday. not long now #babygirl #bumpie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let him quit, who friggin cares. Promote some rank and file street soldier agent to Director instead of continuing to put lawyer politico types in the position. Then you might actually get some honor back in the whole damn bureau!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user The current #GOP #Congress doesn't care what #Americans think. Most want Obamacare, most support the Mueller investigation, they don't support the tax scam, most want #responsibleguncontrol, most don't want to #BuildThatWall. Stop voting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"verified: shocking video of #myanmar police touring #rohingya civilians was shot at #koetankauk on nov 5, 2016.\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is way more creepier and says way more stupid things ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ik right some other racist makes a meme &they swear it's proof, what happened to #fakenews #fakenewsmedia \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"woman catcalled walking in #newyork shuts down harassers in best way ever #harassment #ny #manhattan","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user feel like... \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009d\u00f0\u009f\u0090\u00b6\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008e #dog #summer #hot #help #sun #day #more ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hell did they boycott McEnroe.....this is too much!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just threw up in my mouth. #LockHerUp #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How is it you had a document that all those women signed if you didn\u2019t know anything about the accusation. Sounds to me a cover up was planned. You are a disgrace to the office you hold ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"World should manage #refugee crisis humanely #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is treason. He went to Iran for what? To beg Iran to give them(the treasons) more time to get the power back so they can keep giving tax payers $$ to Iran the terrorists leader. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She just needs some bloke to grow a pair, and hatefuck some sense into her. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wheres the justice? Oh right. Shes an American. #BuildThatWall #MAGA2KAG #MAGAveteran ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump you will get my vote if you fire the stupid sob that made that call!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes it can feel like your old mommy is always ready to be intimate with you.Even at 68This lustful Mom's pussy doesn't stop soaking ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I am sure he is doing that in his organization. Also respect is a two way street. Law enforcement job is to protect and SERVE its citizens. It like they miss that part . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"there is only one requirement for the job of the us president: being male #stillwithher #hillaryclinton #neverump\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER i fully cant remember hes just always gettimg himself into shit like he never stops causing government based chaos i wish he would calm down","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user A tweet about 'rape jihaad'. Since non -muslim women without hijab are whores, they must be raped and be\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"mfw a hardcore antifa mystery meat racial nationalist in someone else's country is talking about victim status.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"also this girl tried to twerk me away from barricade FUCK YOU suck my dick! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happier and wrinkle free! :) what could be better? #botox #wrinklefreewednesday #westchester #nyc #medspa ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The \"Forgotten No More\" people WILL NOT forget our @user and the Republicans he needs to keep ALL his PROMISES! We will VOTE RED and then they WILL #BuildThatWall Happy to be a part of your T-lines! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @TheDrunkStory: \"My bro made out with an ugly chick at a festival while drunk so now he's known as Larry bird because he hits \"threes\"\" …","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Completely agree. I grew up around guns and there are plenty of responsible gun owners who fully support strict gun control laws. I\u2019m absolutely one of them.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump The amazing \u201ccure\u201d Trump keeps talking about is Regeneron\u2019s monoclonal antibody cocktail that was made possible by human embryonic stem cell and fetal tissue research that the pro-life Republicans are so adamantly against. The irony and hypocrisy here is astounding.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hate to break it to you #Liberals but in an 7 hour day, I had 12 customers and 12\/12 are Trump supporters! [NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Broke my toe on my second day in maga. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Driving both kinds of #nazis crazy.. heehee.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Goodell and my Lions both suck","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Any doubt that @USER have officially become The National Socialist American Workers Party is gone. With ppl like those on @USER and @USER acting as Der Sturmer and #Antifa as their Einsatzgruppen\/Waffen SS detachment.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You can't lump small l Liberal conservatives in with the far right nutbags.......","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER God he is terrible.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The left\u2019s Morality judgesA porn star and a scuzzy lawyer 'How ya like me now?!': Stormy Daniels & Avenatti take a victory lap after Michael Cohen\u2019s guilty plea #fboLoud #tcot #maga\u00a0#TrumpTrain #tpot\u00a0#AmericaFirst #ycot fboLoud\u2981comhttps:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/stormy-daniels-mic...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER UNDERSTOOD, Sir! Nation HUNKERED DOWN in our COMMITMENT 2 help you #MAGA, in your God given STABLE GENIUS words: Till The Bitter End\"... God speed Tziyon, Shalom! Con musica, Lucho, Latin Jazz Vocalist&Composer\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user needing your advise #don'tknowwhattodo #help","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Liberals are vile vicious and disgusting ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Big thank you to Irene & Ken Brasington for their generous donation to last week\u2019s fundraiser Immigrant Families Together which won them this post! \ud83d\udc95 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He needs to fade into the sunset quickly. His music sucks and no one cares about his political views. Unfortunately he\u2019s too ignorant to realize. Only concert I went to where a political diatribe completely. ruined it completely. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sometimes drastic & dramatic measures are the only means to bring back control & normality Time for the tolerant to become non tolerant#Europe #UK need to reclaim their ways of life and values hijacked & abused by #Muslim migrants courtesy of our liberal moronic governments ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I wonder if the Liberals realize how much the jihadis despise them? Probably not. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user #udtapunjab in a few hours! #bdayweekend #goodvibesonly","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump on abuse crisis: \u2018Sad\u2019 to watch because I respect Catholic Church \u2018so much\u2019 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VTV3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER why do conservatives not understand grammar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Who's in charge of this board? Can we get the concern fags and shills out of here please?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER They just need to go away. No one wants to see them in the media advocating for gun control. It's unseemly.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"training for #wyd2016 feeling inspired already #krakow16 #yearofmercy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Guys relax. Leave the twitter fights to the professionals. I mean vaginals. I mean women. #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #united states nfib business optimism index meets forecasts (93.8) in may #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the #jaguar #fpace. coming soon \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081 #jaguarstb #jaguarstellenbosch #jaguarfpace\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your pappy is a big fat fool the Democrats doesn\u2019t have to make him look bad he makes himself look just what he is an ignorant 5th level FOOL ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Glam Skanks -Karma\/Bad Bitch Double Feature [Official Video]: via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"big shouts to all real fathers out here # father's day\u00f3\u00be\u00ae\u009f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user She is a wannabe Hilary Clinton.. Can\u2019t stand that woman and anything that the NDP stands for. I believe that they are even more dangerous than the liberals! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hope they're brushed up on their very large negative numbers!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What Rizoli is on there too now? Or just a guest?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"check out all the stars who made our sister team, @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Dr. Ford \"I want to be heard! I want to be heard! I want to be heard!\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nz: kiwi flying high in the aftermath of rbnz - mufg #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER BS. No we don't support gun control. We support #2A that says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Go read some history and find out why. You are part of the reason.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\ude4bHello to all fellow patriots.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so with our #bursting #bright #red #organic #cherry #tomatoes #gardening #greenthumb\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals support conflicting viewpoints just to score political points. Power is an ugly business.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That's it throw race into it again. Did you forget what happened to all the WHITE WOMEN who accused Bill Clinton of sexual allegations. The Liberal Democrats rallied around him. Liberals are the most disgusting disgraceful human beings that God created ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The Disgrace is the Illegal Parent who brought their kids on their cirme spree to illegally invade the U.S so Taxpayers pay for their kids education WIC, and Medicaid! We Dont owe Illegals our tax dollars #SendThemBack #WalkAway #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER #Brexit \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 @USER #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @USER #EU #Brussels #Remoaners #Remainers #Quislings #FBPE #Non-Patriots #Anti-UK #Pro-EU #Traitors #snowflakes #bedwetters #LeftieLuvvieLiberals \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Cookin' up the cash, all I swear these hoes love Sosa Bitch tryna run up dope with my dick, that's your heart together Read ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Fantastic!!! The Alamo is sacred to us. She is a blight on the history of time. Better left erased!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER in the fake national emergency that was created by conservatives for their nwo bullshit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Doubling down was absolutely stupid. You never double down on a pair of eights! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Guess I need this on permanently now. Again #FuckEU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user meanwhile google violates free-speech at will ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is Jesus ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Have you ever seen the former Democratic hierarchy fight against the president so much??? We know it\u2019s because you\u2019ve been so corrupt and guilty of abuse of power. It\u2019s our darkest times with the DOJ\/CIA and Presidential cabinet","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cWho knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?\u201d Job 12:9 (KJV)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The last one was forced to resign by the NWO. He's still alive.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Barkley is trash","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER of course you're anti-American and you won't leave. You'll stay here because as an Antifa coward you can talk your nonsense with no fear of governmental reprisal. You haven't left yet and you never will.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What @user did was the YT equivalent of a woman making false rape claims. He fucked over any real doxxing victims in the future. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But you are one if the concubines whose reasoning capacities are embedded in your cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user pray for my country. 2days flooding. ghana west africa.. #pain #hus #ghana #westafrica ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@tayscalf must have run out of brownies","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Kalergi Plan for White Genocide,(funded by George Soros),through unending Turd World Mass Migration into ALL White Nations,..They Come..They Breed,Rape,Terrorize,Defecate,Leech,Infect and Plunder......WE DIE!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#RadioFreeNorthwest 218\nCovington reads responses & mocks FBI, Andy on Real Politics, Liv on her awakening, Gretchen\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/t9JyhAncPR","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Unless you live in Sweden the Gang Rape capital of the world. Where 1 million migrants were welcomed with open arms. Not vetted thanks to the liberals in power . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Indeed, the UNHCR reports that Albania treats asylum-seekers well.And what does that mean exactly ?#Albania #ImmigrationDebate via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"more people care about shark week than black history month -trevor @user #sharkweek2016 #june26 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Hungary prepares to pull out of U.N. migration pact: #minister #foreignminister #UnitedNations #Europe... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yeah, she'll be elected right after jill stein. a million words to describe urself and you choose \"gamer\", ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Every time this one bitch opens her mouth Im just like \ud83d\ude44 what else huh ? What else you gon complain about today hoe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"<God's chosen leader\" my ass! Fuck Christian conservatives!!!> Baptist pastor Brian Kaylor claims Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies to defend \u201cGod\u2019s chosen leader\u201d URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER The War on Free Speech = ANTIFA & Tech Giants","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WTF???\u00a0 You gotta be kidding!!\u00a0 ARGH!!!\u00a0 This francis is a FAKE POPE!\u00a0 He needs to be arrested, fired!\u00a0 Satan incarnate!\u00a0 FMR!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user you are indeed an ewu so I won't trade words with you. Anumanu. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Can't take what they dish out? Joe you are a snake that should be hung by the neck on a live cnn feed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"documents the life of refugees living in Cox's Bazar camps in an ongoing basis. View more at @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER He will lose his entire career?? You people are despicable. I know you do not believe in god but hell will be filled with liberals like you and Dianne","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Mia Marie Pope was Obama's classmate at an elite private school on Oahu.\u00a0 She knew where he lived, off Beretania St. in Honolulu. How do you live there, and go to Punahou? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the first pas for #projectarcturus are here from #mayhems - ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user The Institution only let her tweet when she behaves. She is a Window Licker!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user What is happening I'm lost ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Everyone wanna be carefree, a hoe, spiritual, allladat summer 17' like it's new \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude44 bitch, find yourself and stop following the hashtags ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"That's the weakest attempt at trolling I've ever read and I've read autism speaks before.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#oitnb what an emotional season!!! can't believe im done already! the wait for next season will be long... #love #shocked #rip #epic <3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We should be so lucky to see a Spain \/ Portugal final. That game was one of the best I have ever witnessed. Pure skill from both sides.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IMPORTANT: INFORMATION ABOUT AN ANTI-NEHLEN SHILL\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just kpop \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00aa\u00f0\u009f\u0094\u00a5 #dance #choreographer #bts #cl \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So I'm in the mood to start a fight. Let's talk about power tool brands. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yeah, there is a lot of truth in this. I was at a metal festival this weekend and it was 99% white. Lot's of black and death metal bands. The headliners Meshuggah I don't like that much, not enough melody and more groove\/rythm. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Train of thought ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hmm? That\u2019s not biblical. You may want to ask god if you are doing it right. I\u2019m pretty sure you\u2019re supposed to get in that church with all the \u201cpeople\u201d you don\u2019t care to be around. It\u2019s your persecution. \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yeah fuck pogba\ud83d\udc4d","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@gop are complicit. #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPComplicitTraitors #GOPHypocrisy #VoteBlue2020 #TrumpTaxReturns #TrumpTaxes #TrumpIsATraitor #AmyConeyBarrett #AmyConeyBarrettSCOTUS #AmyConeyBarrettIsAHypocrite #SCOTUSnominee #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/OQMlCyw8tj","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LIBERALS : TRUMP DOESN'T CONDEMN RUSSIA\u00a0 DOESN'T SAY NOTHING !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I\u2019ve interacted with for yrs. I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa. Never thought about blocking them. I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"http:\/\/www.rfdtv.com\/story\/37499649\/nanthaveth-associates-is-preparing-daca-renewals-after-district-court-mandate - In the wake of a recent order by the district court to continue maintaining the Deferred Action for ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"London Rising 006: Facebook\u2019s Social Credit, China x Silicon Valley Revisited, the Hypocrisy of #MeToo, Estrogen vs. Testosterone\u00a0https:\/\/www.podbean.com\/media\/share\/pb-3a3sn-97fe6...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user He is a crook ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user These liberals have no problem lying. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When she got you caught up and you're tryna figure out how you're gonna lie your way outta this one ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil lehman brothers went belly-up in september 2008 \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 #2016in4words #islam\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Nope. Not going to miss his sorry ass at all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"alcohol, drugs mixed with a bad temper is a recipe for disaster. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am awake and just because something is claimed by a self aggrandizing man only proves that that have made a claim and does not give proof or validity to that claim. Just because I decided to claim I am a billionaire and say it with conviction does not make it so just makes you delusional.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FireMorningJoe he is cut from the same cloth as all other conservatives. His misogyny and bigotry are always on display. He is responsible for Trump. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER My husband. He is also my first reader always.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are as cheap as cheap she is...Try with Bible and Quran if you really have guts","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"strongly against the wiggins for love deal. didn't like it then, don't like it now ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user He is quite #good ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"this. #treasonoustrump, unsatisfied with his #whiteisis #terrorism, has moved into nuclear terror in a new\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"less than 7 weeks to go! #chihuahua #puppy #bellamae #cute #guernsey #holiday #family #collect \u00f0\u009f\u0090\u0095 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if i was a #black female & not white , #pornisforlosers would be shut down for #govegan","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER This is why we need gun control","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Democrats only care about this crap when it furthers their mission: To destroy conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thought he'd fly off and return w\/\ud83d\udc1f but Debussy's a gr8 touch\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffd\ud83e\udd85","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"PSA: Reduced Fat Oreos are waxy and don't soften properly when dunked in milk. STAY AWAY FROM THEM, THEY'RE UNNATURAL! #DietSchmiet @Oreo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just the 2 of us\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a3\u00e2\u009d\u00a3 #me #selfie #myfriend #loveher #giannena #smile #thecomeback ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@joelockhart Oh FFS... I\u2019m so tired.[NEWLINE]#vote #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpIsARacist","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Follow @fulcrum_news to get articles like this... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user fixtures are out 2016\/17 \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0086 \u00e2\u009a\u00bd\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #onelove \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i liked infinity tho....too bad it never released as single \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u2018George Soros wants to remove Slovakia\u2019s anti-immigration government.\u2019 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER She is probs busy over school or something","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I hate sneaky hoes like bitch gtf back in your lane before I put you there. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Enough! #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll Send the criminals BACK to their country of origin (once we have a GREAT big WALL!) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#instagram's #bestfeature when you don't want to read #stupid #childish #rude #comments \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bd ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user June, sweetie, might I suggest that you tell this condescending bitch to shut her trap hole? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I have a better idea. Stay off Twitter and just use Gab. \ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc38\ud83d\udc38","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fingers crossed my new shoes arrive tomorrow.. #treat","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is an egomaniac and doesn\u2019t like to lose so he will spend money for free agency and his drafts are better","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"atm with the sibs :) #dreamgirls #dreamreso #unbiosibs \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IF FOR NO OTHER REASON, REMEMBER TRUMP\u2019S ADMINISTRATION IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ATROCITY AND VOTE STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT IN NOVEMBER! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER what the actual fuck..ill report them this is so fucked up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"karina bihday pay \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u00a5\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u0089 #pay #electro #bihday @ playa mendoza beach! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"Nurse\" (1981), starring Miss Michael #Learned; opening credits and theme music to a very good & a most compelling medical drama that aired on #CBS television way back in the old days when TV was much, much better than it is today. \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=lSvvfr4SkSg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i do not understand at what point @user will stop giving aiime to racist jeffrey lord. i don't get it @user @user #cheap ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We must change our immigration policies. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She can go where he is, she doesn't have to stay here. #deportALLaliens #secureOURborder #BUILDTHEWALL #NoDreamers #NODACA #MandatoryEVerify #NoVisaLottery #NOcitizenship #NoChainMigration ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER time for MAGA to flip it! \ud83e\udd17","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are right. Victoria is on the reverse...\ud83d\ude31","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Is the U.S. preparing to house migrant kids on contaminated sites? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were watching 4 Corners tonight #QandA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@goldnsilvercoin the worst terrorists are republican teabaggers...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Made my wife take the Egghead Bible Challenge. Our two kids are obviously more obnoxious than that loop because this shit isnt phasing her at all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"share #laughter with your #dad for the #happiest #fathersday ever! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is nuts who would have ever imagined that the US would have concentration camps......he is the devil","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Do you think that bothers the evil Nazi democrats\/liberals they tried to rig a Presidential election and framing Kavanaugh is just another act of these evil Nazi democrats \/liberals politicians to destroy Democracy and America ! #Walkaway # Make America Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'am pretty sure for the 100th time I told you ALL POLITICS TO THE SIDE Not my fault Cale is a Sexual Predator and Jill committed Stolen Valor by stealing someone else Military Pictures saying it was her Son I could care less if they are Antifa or Proud Boys who came and 1\/2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER gun control! That is all these kids are asking for!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"H3H3, Just Jews being Jews.\u00a0 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=R25gYJ9afsc","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"BASICALLY, #GOP, #ROMNEY, right wing reactionaries, drudgies, teabaggers, libertaritards, all hate our education system and teachers.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Anti abortion is not about the sanctity of life. Its about the subjugation of women. If it was about life then the paradox you point out would not exist and gun control would be pursued. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i think its the hope for her abuser to get better that hits me. she is SO brave and strong to say she prays for him to see the light. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitches hollering it's tooo hot!! Well bitch go back to winter you can have that shit hoe you wasn't yelling it when yo ass was freezing \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\udc49 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Absolute state of that cunt that just served me in Dunne's. Ignorant bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER But they\u2019re still the number one Fake News Network.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Not sure. Just woke up wanting to fuck some chuds up Might be the antifa super soldier serum or something idk","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Book sheds amazing new light on the profound relationship between man and beast | Daily Mail Online ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To whatever pussy bitch that broke into my car, FUCK YOUUUUU ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user This is a lie! To push a gun control narrative! The actual number is much lower. If you look up what they are using to reach that number you will see why it is so high. Always playing politics! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"serenity #bless #goodvibes #positive #igersbatangas #marianorchard #baletebatangas ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why are people saying don't let guys treat you like a yellow starburst? That's my favorite.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Only for conservatives. Liberals elevate the person and make them their Presidential nominee. Only a person like Trump seems immune.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That mocha colored chick doe>>>> think I fell in love😍😍😍","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #LPFirstTime HE is comingggg ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy saturday \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00af #cali #positivevibes #model #actress #fromrussiawithlove #style\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user happy matrix anniversary aser! #teammatrix #mydubai #celebrate anniversary ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is an activist liar who GOP wants to get under oath. She won't go and Kavanaugh gets nominated","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user feeling, smiley \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #selfie #smile #photooftheday #positive #positivevibes #summer #day# ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The #BJP will not support men's rights. What are *YOU* doing about it. See the blog, watch men of action! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @intelwire: Significant number of US tweets were Americans flipping the bird to IS. UK, not so much.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It is very easy to order our related papers to write services. You can fill out our quotation form or paper to write the order form first. We will check your information to give you the lowest price and try to reduce your cost.\u00a0https:\/\/www.drsessays.com\/order","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Mike Enoch gets most of the flak because he is more a public face than Jesse Dunstan, but Jesse Dunstan is far more problematic than Mike Enoch.\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, Congress isn't about the \"COUNTRY\", any more. It's about the \"next election cycle\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Show me a GOP\/Trump supporter mass shooter. You have a problem with me drawing and taking out a active shooter? When I was growing up in SSF you could open carry. Then the black panthers freaked out your elder liberals at the time and they took that away from us.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Maybe not a Muslim but possibly a narcissist ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#act4_southernsyria Apparently secret meeting this week bet #angelamerkel @user &Russia fm Lavrov&headRussian army- #Europe will come in&help rebuild #Syria ,which Russia wants -sothat what Europe wants most can materialize \u2018\u201c returnof #refugees -German journo #datelinelondon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I\u2019m not sad. I\u2019m fucking angry... angry that the GOP is embracing fascism. My grandfather was Antifa from 1942-1945. I\u2019m following in his footsteps. His friends didn\u2019t die in vain for nothing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user hey, @user <== have a tuesday ==> @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"that's harsh, even in these post #brexit, #xenophobia, times. what next, a charity called send the bugg\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user precisely why the deplorables are up in arms ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's okay, bro, I don't give a shit about Moonman.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"GOING HOME TODAY![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]YOUR GOING TO NEED TO FIND A NEW CRISIS [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/6MBYSsl0jw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"retweet to end womens suffrage ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I think it is a safe bet that Donald is clueless on everything because he is ignorant & lies so much. Ivanka knows everything & will flip on all of them to save her treasonous ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tonight: Exposing the truth behind the accusations targeting Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh. Also: Hurricane Florence damage totals rise in concert with the floodwaters & the blatant congressional republican betrayal that could cost them the election #MAGA #TCOT #KAG URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Twilight Zone : What changed Chucky?\u00a0 The out and out hypocrisy and lies from the Democratic party and it's leadership is astounding - how the hell any American could vote for these self serving globalists is beyond understanding! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"for fathers day too should take your dad to @user for the 2 for $20 he will love it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user celebrate the way you want when you sell things on kijiji. #confetti ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"VIDEO: (Part 2) London #BNP A Frame trailer with sound system delivering the most important message to the country. \"SAY NO TO IMMIGRATION.\" #Brexit #immigration #Trump #Britain #British #Patriots #London #england #UK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I can\u2019t think of a worse 3 game start for a coach at such a big time university in my life. 1-2 and almost lose to Fred Samford University lol I know it\u2019s Sanford. But yea they still owe him whatever he is owed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And they would only pass the cost in 2 the hard working American people...no fuckin'thank you...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5\/5 Canada has regulated firearms since the last quarter of the 19th century. Those laws have probably contributed to Canada having only 1% as many handguns in circulation as in the US. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Let's get to the bottom of this! DM me your zipcode and I'll check it out. We have your back and we will make sure you are enjoying the BEST that TV has to offer ASAP! *NevinBruce","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yes i did it! first victory this season @user #proud. @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I understand I sound cold-but I love Nintendo. This money grubbing bastards \ud83d\ude39 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER She is so gross. An obvious hack","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What the White House has come up with has been shot down by Crime loving Democrats #BuildThatWall #MondayMotivation #BuildThatDamnWallNow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Explanation: he\u2019s a son of a bitch","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Drop in the bucket compared to what we are spending on illegal border crossers, country shoppers and opportunistic migrants that the Liberals have lost control of.https:\/\/t.co\/jcuU5cPh4c ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Questions raised?\" The answer is always the same. Niggers using their own whelps as punching bags, then \"Ah dindu nuffin!\" Daycare my ass.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can lose weight, but you\u2019ll always be a cunt \u2665\ufe0f Don\u2019t come at me, I will shut you the fuck down ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user what is the name of the hole from where your shit?? dou you shit from your brain?\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A film you will have never seen before, and you will never forget. You\u2019ll go on a journey watching this film, and be taken into places you didn\u2019t know, places that can only come from a rare imagination that can write, direct and star in a film like this. But David Fussell is that man - his unique point of view makes him in the truest sense an artist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Pedos going down","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Immigrant accused of shooting cop has record, but wasn't deported: report ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Exactly, they can't please people these days. For all the shit the police deal with they get treated like shit in return, very sad >.>","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch #MakePolioGreatAgain #BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty #NoDACA #DemocratsAreDangerous ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the hive#thehive #kewgardens #holisticlifestyle @ royal botanic gardens, kew ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"06\/must-read-muellers-bumbling-and-hysterical-special-counsel-team-is-getting-pummeled-in-court-media-is-ignoring-all-of-this\/ \ud83e\udd21","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I should wash your mouth out with soap for saying that! I have the utmost respect and admiration for our cops. I don\u2019t have that for dirt bags who would break into my home. Gun control means a steady hand not an empty one. Go talk to Antifa buddies about being a drain","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Do it shithouse ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hong kong home happy kindle - #hong #kong #home ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user session at #ibm in #belgrade!together we work to make #hrsimple! thx dusica - great work! #employees ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What part of pseudoscience is that?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Parliament who trusts who any more more lies in putting up Petrol Prices and leaving EU will pay for the NHS lies Tax rises whose Health are we paying for really foreign staff interpreters support workers ,u managed to change immigration pol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER there is a culture in greek life but I think alot of that comes from presentation in film. once we are away from our parents people are more free thinking some I agree with some not. you really think every frat is maga crazy","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Welcome, frenchies! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You mean he is a ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user we are pleased to announce that we are joining @user parents will be receiving registration texts or emails ver\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" the most #powerful #brave #angering #hopeful thing i have read in a very very long time","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER C\u2019mon brah! Go finish your mother fucking apple cider beer and shut the fuck up!!! Adults are trying to have some fun on Twitter... \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffd URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Start with explaining why you think he is stupid rather than writing a question looking for attention.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I dont think at your job is the place to protest perceived police violence or whatever you are protesting\"\". If you really cared go to your local PD and protest there, taking a knee at a ballgame on your job doesnt take guts and only makes you look ignorant.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If they don\u2019t want to accept the results of the election they are welcome to leave the country. It would make me so happy. All their fear mongering with not interrupt us from enjoying the most widespread posterity in the nation\u2019s history.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the little things make me happy \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0080 happy friday loves \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #healthy #fit #love ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Happy Saturday night, Gabbers! Spread good cheer and have a laugh. Here's tonight's quotation: \"Wit makes its own welcome, and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good wit.\" --Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yooo y'all remember when Tyler said \"rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a 3sum\" now he's singing about calling him lol growth ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#oscar #tabarez #talks #luis suarez's #reaction #during #uruguay vs. #venezuela #suarezs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it\u2019s the best of both worlds. and the sex is better. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are all set! I have sent an email to your Gmail account to indicate the update. Have a great day! *HJF ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user To justify his death to racists & bigots. They're excuse will be well he had weed so he is a criminal & deserved to be murdered. Just wait till the excuses start. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was thinking the same thing","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This woman has some nerve. To even speak right now is beyond hysterical considering what's right around the corner\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#SaveEurope! Stop the #IslamicInvasion to prevent #WhiteGenocide!#DeportThemALL!There is no virtue in self-imposed cultural and societal suicide!Vote out evil open-border globalist politicians!#UK #France #Sweden #Germany#Belgium #Spain #Italy #Denmark#Netherlands #Ireland ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" video men and women in bed without clothes nude mother son sex","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user jews, christians and muslims all believe that good will prevail. #emiratis\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user FUCK ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER you are no patriot if you actively try and disrupt the will of the People simply because you lost the election. When has it ever been patriotic to undermine the Presidency? He is working to bring prosperity to every American.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bitch you ain't gotta call my phone, matter fact all you hoes can leave me alone!! \ud83d\udcaf ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I don\u2019t care if she is right or left go back to tv bitch one tv star in office is more than good #hollywoodisscum","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER You are my hero","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user bihday beautiful kajal\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008f ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please don't call it \"rescue\" - it's human trafficking #portsclosed #sendthemback #benefitseekers ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Truthfeed News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'JUST IN: FBI Deals Yet Another Devastating Blow to Democrats on Kavanaugh\u2019s Accuser' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@TeamTrump President Trump please don\u2019t let this son of a bitch crazy creepy pedophile motherfucker of Joe Biden and his brown paper bag bitch of Kamala Harris wining this elections do not let them win. Theirs fraud! We\u2019re standing by your side commander-in-chief","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"python27 and concurrency are not best friends, all the code i have 2 restructure to get concurrency with celery #developers #python","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i once met Rosey Grier of the Rams fearsome foursome at Nettie's Needlepoint shop in Century City, LA. He was very confident in his masculinity ... he wanted something to do during the long waits in his acting career.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looks like #canadians #cared more abt #americans slaughtering theirown @user @user @user @user @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Matteo Salvini, Deputy PM, Italy @user \"Now they (refugees) want war in our country\" \"Better we send them home\"#Salvini #Britain #refugeesnotwelcome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My 21 yr old son asks for prayer, he works FT at a wood door job, everyone -work 10 hr \/day, mandatory. \u00a0He also works PT, his own lawncare \u201ccompany\u201d, being pulled by FT job & is now trouble getting lawns cut for customers. \u00a0He also has: wife, 2 kids &1 on the way to support, He\u2019s exhausted & overwhelmed, wood like to quit the FT job but he doesnt make enough at lawncare.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Life a hoe but gaw damn shit just so good when you hitting it right ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"7 car and truck ramming attacks in Europe and America's gun control lobby URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why? Everywhere they go!! WHY?? Act like normal phucking people!! #Scum #NoMoreRefugees ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a9morning humor! happy monday\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008bbe happy no matter what!! #chantalstylz #istyle #humor\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Liberals have compassion ONLY for non Americans. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Antifa site distributes posters comparing Trump supporters to Nazis ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Correct Title: SC Cracks Down on Illegal Aliens Commiting Crimes Stealing IDS, SSN or Using Fake ones (felon) To take Jobs from Americans Illegals NOT ABOVE U.S Laws #SendThemBack #Immigration #NoDACA #Trump #MAGA via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Certainly does ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#FakeNewsMedia @user Left out one Fact Those migrants are being treated at U.S Taxpayers expense and are Public Charges Ripping off Taxpayer Treat them then #SendThemBack Not ! More illegal Draining U.S Resources NOT #HeretoStay #Trump #MAGA #immigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"it's never to late - never to late to sta over, never too late to be happy\" ~ @user #new ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The planes were the patsy; think Oswald. The planes were the excuse to bring the buildings down. PNAC specifically said we needed another \"Pearl Harbor\" to fight in the mid east. They got Muslims to take the fall so we'd attack them. Israel had a large hand in this.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"P.S. fuck feminist frequency tried fuck up gaming and now fucked up intel instead since apparently aye. , touche'","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user the one upstairs is loaded with roaches \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b7 the staff joke about it ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"awake. neighbours alarm clock beeping for last 30 minutes. driving me crazy, can't get back to sleep.. #tired","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"at the Texas border ICE is incarcerating immigrants from Central America, yet Texas voters installed a Canadian Cuban immigrant as one of their US senators six years ago. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"On Fox News, Maria Bartiromo asks Trump whether there are UFOs.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]@realDonaldTrump: \"Well I'm going to have to check on that ... I'll take a good, strong look at that.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm at the theatre waiting to see chitty chitty bang bang #funtimes #surprise ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hundreds of arrests at DC protest against immigration policy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined\/jailed. I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That is just awful ! He never was much anyway! A grown man acting like that; a bully ! Best to you and hubby Mark ! MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is one of the soros contacts for antifa activists ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1-100000 You are a semi-evolved monkey that is desperately searching for validation and meaning in life. BBQd you'd be ok with mango salsa.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"History will judge you well.\"\" - #QAnon ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Guess what? I don't believe you. #Debates2020 #Trump2020 #FakeNewsMedia https:\/\/t.co\/XEGRN4eanF","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I be lowkey puzzled when random hoes block me...like bitch ion even know you, fuck you mad at me for? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.2.18- Greg Hunter\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She\u2019s vile & hateful & just not funny. She needs to stay out of the news for the next 10 years until none of us remember how terrible a person she is...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user shoe shine booths are in trend for retail events but they're not being used effectively, this one was quiet. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user wants to bring in more of these people into #Canada. He is indifferent to refugees and terrorists coming to his country under the same banner. He and his party will be the death of a country.#Toronto#TorontoShooting #TorontoStrong ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Wtf, are you saying that #Trump is not literally #Hitler?\u00a0 Go ahead, say some shit about the Easter Bunny!\u00a0 I don't even know you anymore.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Coalition govt in #India's only #Muslim-majority state faces new threat to its unity as demands by pro-Hindu parties to deport #Rohingya #refugees continue @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lmao fuck u bae","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not a practicing Christian, because Vatican II is heresy. I do pray the rosary almost everyday, but I don't go to Church or anything. I would describe myself more as Agnostic than Catholic tbh.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"We could use your support as we work to recharter the California Young Dem Technology & Innovation Caucus. We missed the 2020 deadline but will be prepared for the next deadline! [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#cydtechcaucus[NEWLINE]#biden2020[NEWLINE]#technology https:\/\/t.co\/9hatJiIIda","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user .@user opening #cambriaawards16, celebrating those who make @user so special + excellent! ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER BOYCOTT NFL & NIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Darcy = Dorsey? I'm not sure why anyone was expecting a balanced platform when the owner is a satanist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Keep it going let\u2019s all remember VOTE!!! VOTE RED!! Let\u2019s do the #MAGA for our \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. \ud83d\udce3Yaay!! #MAGA!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a\ud83c\udf2a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are awesome! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa doesn't beat facsists to try to get them to change their mind - they know it's a lost cause to try to change a fascist's mind. They do it to scare them into hiding, to demoralize them, and to stop the spread of their hateful ideology. There is no forcing views on others\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is disgusting #grandmother #grandsons #exist #already ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user amenadiel's were my favorite. the massive triangle shape... the actor being hot.... the big connection spots.... kisses my fingertips ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=39FCau2TH5s ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You liberals... smh...tweeting stupid shit! Trump order elimination of isis (Obama didn\u2019t)....People! ..think about how people R not murder now (saved) because we hav killed of isis","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Shorty's dad taught him eveything about Pussygrabbing Sexual assault #trump family time. #maga girls have to stay silent. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Maybe they will Havana an Antifa race war & slam the dildos out of each others butts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Should @RealAlexJones go to #JoeRogan #JRE podcast?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"1. If your company does it - your company sucks. 2. If you don't know how to bypass beat it - you are a sucking cuck :D ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user you lame bitch that's all you can say... smh you a fake ass hoe like nobody l\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@MrAndyNgo Your mayor and governor are cancer [NEWLINE]That to be cut out of [NEWLINE]The body of your state[NEWLINE]In order for your state to survive,so next election vote their asses out[NEWLINE]#FILLGITMOAGAIN [NEWLINE]#SCAMDEMIC #TRUMP2020 [NEWLINE]#FREEKYLE [NEWLINE]#DRAINTHESWAMP [NEWLINE]\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"You are so right !!! Sad times in America !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"DHS expands power to initiate deportations for Immigrants with Criminal records, False Documents or Collect U.S Benefits 73% of Mexican And Central American on Welfare ! #Trump #MAGA Scott Puritt #Immigration #RedNationRising - #Montana - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I show do like The Jeffersons. Dat George make me wanna open up a dry cleaning stow and call all da white folk honkey","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@iamkrause \nI ain't never orderin from no colored pizza stow","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user obviously we have a liar on denial full of all kind of excuses a cruel person,with the mess of immigrant lost without their parents show a men with no feeling for humans,congress is shock with all his actions,his own party against him. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user its #hot & there is no escape.now #rent #ac's #coolers & many more only at #renting! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER FBI and Doj lawless? Why so many guilty pleas and cooperation? Sure is strange all of trumps campaign is going down in a first ball of flames yet conservatives still fail to admit the unprecedented level of corruption by GOP and make the needed corrections. Sad","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"GOOD ! NowCentral Americans STOP COMING TO THE U.S ILLEGALLY BREAKING U.S #Immigration Laws Detain and Deport ASAP Angel Families #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Die bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I also provided an explanation but go ahead and create your strawman.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is talking about herself dude...ignored.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally eating sushi \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d @user #me #italian #girl #sushi #boyfriend #oishii\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not a big enough spade for Mr shit himself to dig himself out The UK did vote to stop shitty nations and immigration on the whole but as he puts it time to put our own people first ask Germany and Sweden about crime going up trouble is Migrants can demand not what they earned ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user You are a liar Ed. You have always been a liar. The people in Puerto Rico lives in squalor. Govt officials hid supplies sent. Miss reported death toll due to hurricane. Stop lying! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It says everything. When your principles hang on the fraudulent word of a porn performer. What integrity have you got left?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user now your completely changing the subject - thread just got boring - good evening #stillbadjournalism","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"one can't know how hard to be a father untill they become. someday we'll realise it. #fathersday","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @duttyOGshake: for real this game is pub trash let's do drugs and get smashed","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@ItsMeGrizz dink now uknow thats not true","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@StarbucksSanae Are you sure about that, slant? They're plagiarists, and you have no idea who I am.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She will be remembered as the witch that used her genitalia to make a false claim against a good man b\/c she is a die-hard democrat that hates republicans so much. She is willing to ruin a good mans name all in the name of power. Democrats are crying wolf way too many. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This is what the media does. Threats and banning free speech. #TrumpTrain #RedWave #MAGA #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst #FakeNews ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey didn't you know that Jews proved the protocols were a forgery hahahahahah >.<","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And this traitor thinks he is?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Ireland #EU must raise concerns asap about Russian current plans to return #Syrian #refugees@simoncoveney @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"stop being a bitch online you look like a low class hoe selling herself to nasty bois ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Have u seen plight of Delhi under AAP misrule. Encroachments by illegal migrants all over side lanes.Urge u to check Nizammuddin Round about towards IHC. Illegal migrants squatting all over till HUDCO on both sides. Filth all around.Buses ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Liberals are trying to destroy all conservative men. Time to criminally charge and jail these liars that try to destroy a man.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thank you @user for you follow ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I wonder if she is still in love with the drug dealing boyfriend that worked at Burger King.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER HYPOCRITE!! You run a commercial about ur support for gun control & protecting kids showing ur kids. Really! U support ABORTION. What\u2019s the difference in that and a gun? They BOTH KILL! @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He wants his 5 min of fame.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER There should be a serious FBI investigation into this woman\u2019s motives behind this political hit job. This kind of shit is NEVER done to anyone other than conservatives. Such bullshit.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Marshall Mathers creative rap name is M&M - genius \ud83d\ude02","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user what's the difference between a jew and a pizza? a pizza doesn't scream in the oven. jokes #jewishjoke\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Totally agree! #Trump2020. Now @user if we conservative hunters and gun owners could just teach u urban guys hat Federal Public lands are paid and protected by conservatives! #keepitpublic ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It would be civil war.\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER This is mainly @USER fault. He is to blame","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Really? Can you show me the studies from countries that have common sense gun control to support your statement. Thx.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user A Santuary City while they support the illegal immigrants & their citizens do without ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I can\u2019t believe you replaced the American flag with the Antifa flag!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When I'm trying to figure out how my dick hasn't fallen off yet ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We have a stupid problem. Conservatives don\u2019t just hate studies by smart people (smart people suck) that show data (data schmata) and facts (#fakenews) but just being near one can turn somebody into a nitwit. #cdnpoli","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"quizzes you have to pass #university #latvia #bruno #nofilter #today","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol nigger I'm 15 years old, I'm just much smarter than you so you think I'm old hahahaha","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My mail-in ballot arrived! So excited to drop this baby off at the post office. #VOTE #VoteEarly #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user If you want more shooting just call G Soros! He\u2019s always happy to oblige with that! He pays antifa well ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"loosing punjab bjp and badal family is very upset - now rss to keep of country interest in mind to avoid bjp and sad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Thank you. If you think something is not strict enough regarding our current gun control laws then due tell. But I have a feeling you have no clue what our current gun laws are and you just hoped on to the ban trolly ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jeff Flake is a political eunuch http:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/2017\/12\/24\/flake-w...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why do 'Liberals' believe girls are the sacrificial offering to third world a-holes. See this with muslim rape gangs, central american illegals. I thought females were also a protected group, and if not we should bring back chivalry. Swords and all.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @user \"You too skinny, imma hurt you\" Girl if you don't shut the fuck up and ride this dick. Imma be aight. I got Obamacare.\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"for single parents: a guide on #happiness and love\" by rossana condoleo #aga3 #divorce #dads","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You know that the conservatives are worried when they try to show some heart.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Has a lot what sir?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER #CrookedHillary are you drunk again? Go back to bed granny.#TrumpTrain #MAGA #Deplorables #DregOfSociety","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The name alt right is to make people think its a right wing group.just like ANTIFA that are fascist. BLM that really to they all black lives dont matter.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This women & lib -left like are suffering from hysterical blindness & they will be the death knell for United kingdom ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Carrey is a sick man!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @DreCordero: Always interesting to see people who trash La Liga react to products of La Liga on Premier League clubs.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I was like \"aye its Friday\" then I got that direct deposit and then I was like \"AYEEEEEE BITCH ITS FRIDAY UP IN THIS HOE FUCK YOU MEAN BOI\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#music puts its accent to your feelings, when you're #happy or and most of the #time gives answers to your wounded soul. @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ThePakistanGuy YA Allah!This filthy skank needs a \"cage match\" to bring her to righteousness.What I mean is, she needs put into an ISIS Cage, sprayed with petrol...and then a lighted match is thrown in. Ha...now that's how you cure sinful behavior in a w ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER It appears to be paired with a WOO-HOO so he must think he is on his way to a brothel.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Young immigrant from Houston was detained by ICE for two months. Exactly why laws like SB4 are harmful. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Action talks and BULLSHIT walks ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"TWITTER SUSPENDS BENGHAZI HERO After Criticism of President Obama! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@washingtonpost PLEASE! Like he needs them going up against a brain dead candidate like Joe Biden. Biden will melt down, stutter, stammer and gaffe and you and your MSM pals will still declare him the winner. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Trump2020 #FakeNews","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And that is why we are the people we are today. Because of the true working man\u2019s values that were instilled in us by our immigrant parents\/grandparents, who did it the right way! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"James Earl Ray did nothing wrong.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My client who died of #COVID19 didn't feel 20 years younger. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpCovid19 [NEWLINE]#COVIDIOT [NEWLINE]#WhiteHouseVirus [NEWLINE]#BidenHarris2020","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I have. He is desperate to see what I'm saying and report me. Shame as he usually says nothing. Another antifa pussy no doubt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"20 years ago Prof. Sowell pointed out in his book on the subject, no matter how often the Left's policies backfire and hurt people, the Left are never held accountable, so no-one learns to spot that Leftism is cancer.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey, did you ever want to hear my drunk raspy voice talk about a Louder with Crowder sex dream? Check out the latest episode of Thought Cops! https:\/\/t.co\/kOXKtPWmhb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT against the POOREST and most VULNERABLE in our society just keeps on rolling. So much for #ChristianMorals eh? If you voted for this SHIT then HANG YOUR HEAD IN SHAME. @USER #JC4PMNow #POVERTY #DisabilityRights URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yeah sorry girl but he is right if you actually look up the history. They were created in LA to fight back against violence by Bloods\/Crypts","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user You are one of the best teachers I know my friend! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user josh as slave leia ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Outcry Over #Immigration Policy is About Politics, Not Reality #NoBanNoWall #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is how simple it is, not only for wages, but for other nice things in our country - like universal health care. Not possible with this many illegal immigrants in the country along with porous borders and employers wanting unending flow of cheap labor. Consensus won't happen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Time to face facts if you try to deport illegal immigrants the race card comes out detention centers its not good enough dont come here then ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user ...pat you can buy seats anywhere in the houston stadium for the semi vs. argentina..there were seats front row at midfield","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER When I turned the speech on it sounded to me like Liberals becoming another nasty party\" with his personal attacks on various individuals.\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Democracy doesn't have a finishing point @USER & @USER ! It is an ongoing process! URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Bet Ford is a part of antifa and the Berkeley gang","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Eminem did gun control\" a machine gun kelly come back\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth as we count down to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20th! We have a growing list of special events to raise awareness, agreement, and action as we welcome refugees to Memphis. Check... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Yall gone stop gasing these hoes up .idgaf if yo ass fat . Bitch you black Asf and disgusting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Islamic ideology.. blind following of a deity is insane ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Oh this is gonna get some Antifa idiots shot so fast... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 they don't even realize gun owners are usually really aware of what's going on around them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user The funniest thing about her is how easily triggered she is!!! Well that and how ugly she is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i cant wait to have the monies so i can buy shoes, im gonna be that broke bitch with way too many shoes and not enough for stuff i need ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Are @USER and @USER all over this? Gun control Utopia Chicago needs them right about now. #JustDoIt #UsOpen #Serena #MAGA URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user had 2 sit on the phone 4 an hour & twenty 2 not resolve issue & ur email says u'll reply in 5-7 days. #horribleservice ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"and thats where we can end being civil. look i dont eat muslims excrement even when you rebrand it with jew gassing. fuck off. you r just like them you want to stop and you cant stop them when you emulate them.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i like kitties. #cats ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no liberal believes that. we are the pay of inclusivity who believes in equality for all, anywhere. you are train\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Do you, the hysterical moron even know what the 25th amendment is?? You should shut the fuck up before I cut you up ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslim migrants complain \"Croatia is not up to our standards, we want Germany\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user What a skank whore she is, I see she's wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat, she must be one of his Hos. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user I\u2019m not affiliated with any party. You don\u2019t care if he is innocent or not. You\u2019re just a party jackoff. See how that works. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user These people are absolutely insane! Liberals have been attacking white men for years and it is getting worse. The path they are pushing for will create another civil war which there will not be a recovery AND they are too damn stupid to see that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Just cause you dont think he is funny doesn't mean he don't deserve a show or just because he is a man. Men work just as hard as women. He been in the business for year's. Let the pros handle this","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER A black hobag","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"smiling, cheering, crying ... #americanninjawarrior ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Great summary and analysis of what really happened from the Outer Light ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Had to create a whole fake page just to talk shit. \ud83d\ude44 sis is really just miserable #sad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I read fine, and likely better than you given my experience. She's an hysterical woman looking for attention and trying to make some sort of issue out of two things that have nothing to do with each other. It's a tennis match. Do you know the rule? I do. Tell me what you read. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She doesn\u2019t want to be near him. And if he watched the show. She never said anything about loving him she said I don\u2019t want to ruin my chance to get to the us. She is keeping it real. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Truth is that this is taking place on the AFRICAN continent. This is just the natives waking up to what was done to them. Many white countries around the world have already offered all of these white farmers and their families not only a home but actual farmland to rebuild their lives in a safe country.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Holy fuck dude. Looking at your feed you really take the Alex Jones dick DEEP don't you. Holy shit man. Does he make you swallow ?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"True, since I sent Hogg my copy of Seej","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This reminds me of another quality video lol. He ain't fittin to front for these peckerwoods! http:\/\/t.co\/AYpwHr0J62","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Asked Jacob why he was such a whore when we split up, & he said 'to piss you off & it worked' bitch you thot \ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Rapes Girl, Cops Horrified By What Else He Did During Attack @user @user If this doesn't tell you to#DeportThemAll You don't need to be in office since you do not have Americas interests at heart! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Are you Equipped to interact with and advocate for local refugees and immigrants? Join our new workshops designed to prepare you to best serve and advocate for the vulnerable. Read more and sign up today! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user hello there sunshine! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0095\u00e2\u0098\u0080\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #sunshine #missohiousa #redhead #summerstyle #summeime ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Lol they have no idea Nazis were socialist. Their complete inability to grasp reality is so mind blowing. Antifa is no shit calling for a civil war to defend slavery. The confederacy considered Lincoln a fascist too... hmmmm. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"they have been exposed so much already,still they sit there committing more crimes.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Coming from one of the most corrupt AG\u2019s!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Spotify hits 180M total users but lost \u20ac394M in tepid Q2 earnings \u2013 Spotify is racing to sign up users before Apple Music can, even at the expense of its finances. According to its second quarter earnings report, it reached 83 million paid subscribers, up 40 percent year-over-year.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user got really excited hearing you on Rico\u2019s stream only to find out you still aren\u2019t streaming because of ram issues. ::lesigh:: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is anyone surprised that a President who would commit treason with Russia to get elected would pick a rapist for the Supreme Court?#MondayMotivation #Deplorables #MAGA #MarinesagainstTrump #KavaNO #BlueWave2018 #PostponeTheVote #Kavanaugh #StopKavanaugh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 you for buy give we all","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #IllegalAliens are Lawbreakers! #sendthemhome ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. - Will Rogers #thestressninja #lifecoaching ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user NOT LONG NOW BEFORE YOU ARE IMPEACHED .. YOU YELLOW BELLIED SELF-CENTRED CUNT ...... NEVER DID NATIONAL SERVICE .. COWARD! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"> Nobody gets killed in the name of Bob Challenge accepted!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER please don\u2019t make the same mistake with #Kavanaugh! He is a perjurer who is also a Trump lackey. #VoteNoOnKavanaugh URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"It's good to be able to go to bed knowing I live in a neighborhood that's policed. We don't worry about #thugs here. We love our #police. #Goodstuff","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ur evil and a need for reassurance and comfort from others (male only for some reason) \u00a0is \u00a0normal!!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2016 is almost over, so ... #bunch #darkest #moviefone #postholiday #nowthattheholidaysaredone #news ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"studying in parks and feeling cool #parks #summer #friends #studying #exams #fun #cool\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my very first survey came today and it was good, that's what happen when you have a great suppo, kudos to my team! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a #salesforce","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"7 ways to make yourself a #happier person every day #success #happiness #mindset #mindfulness #entrepreneur","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user GOOD 'IDEA' TBH #refugeesNOTwelcome #Brexit #BoundaryCommission #BoundaryReview ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I love it that the wet liberals are so frightened by the US. And yet are so keen to deal with the non-democracy that is Europe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Just keep putting your violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods beating up strangers they know nothing about out on the streets for voters to see. That will do it. Voters love violence & lunatic liberals out of their minds. TAKE TO THE STREETS VIOLENT LIBERALS!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" friday ladies have a great and #glamtastic weekend @user @user @user @user @user \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u00b7\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0085\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Throw the first shovel of dirt right in Hillary's big mouth. #unt","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Energy. (Not what Quantum Theory preaches). Life is a part of nature. Nature is created by energy. O yes, they are connected. As above, so below. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THIS whatever it is under the sheet and more worryingly what it may be hiding under the sheet has probably been GIVEN FULL BRITISH CITIZENSHIP by a corrupt Government who are \u201clocked in\u201d to the NEW WORLD ORDER\u00a0 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Former MSNBC journalists expose the channel\u2019s \u2018pro-establishment bias\u2019 ~~ see article here: http:\/\/www.thelibertybeacon.com\/former-msnbc-journalists-expose-the-channels-pro-establishment-bias\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"on my way to abs-cbn... #apprentice for a day, see you soon ian & jodi #journey\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm only fuckin doctors and lawyers from now on. At least if they go nuts I know they have somethin to lose unlike these sluts workin retail ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"See me ride out of that sunset, on your, colored TV screen #TNT #ACDC","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"JEWS ARE NOT JEWS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Look at antifa..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy pride! #pride #friends ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Italy says France, Malta agreed to host some rescued migrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ICE launches new immigration sweeps in L.A. area; at least 100 detained so farhttps:\/\/t.co\/v3IIyMkZi2#AgainstAllEnemies #MoreOfThisPlease #TheICEManCometh #StopTheInvasion ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Yet this kids in chicago killing each other daily cause u doing so much good in your home state with gun control right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taking of Salah for the Ox is like forcefully ramming a broom up your arse, just why would you do it #LIVMUN ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The monetary costs will run into the billions for Trudeaus illegal immigrant crisis. Non-monetary costs?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fact or Fiction.. #VoteHimOut# #VoteBlue2020 Biden# https:\/\/t.co\/Xs4Y5WXzeM","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Time to start firing Judges who dont detain Immigrants so @user can deport ! If he was detain and not given a bond that Citizen would be alive ! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Took the words out of my mouth. He is just horrible. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And you are the immigrant ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0090 will always give you a smile \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f @user #beauty #love #smile #flowers @ soho ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user You have to remember that these individuals are still men by sex and biology. You could counter that by saying trans women could rape women in their prisons. It would be easier for them as they have a physical advantage. Being trans is problematic from all angles. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Completely turning away from porn was one of the best decisions I ever made. Though it took effort, it was much easier than I thought it would be. I owe much to the provocations of anonymous shitlords. This is an expression of gratitude, and can hopefully serve as inspiration for others.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"my\u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f is breaking for you #orlando #florida #loveislove ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Here is the problem with the left....they can\u2019t have an intelligent debate on an issue. Want to prove a point? Have Norm on and question him about his comments and have points to counter his comments. Instead the left just silenced him. Shows their lack of intellegence.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user father's dayyyyyyyyy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user LOOK UP #Kavanaugh STOP THIS SHIT!. #MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Tbh these days i just don't like people in general i just don't connect with people these days just a annoyance..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The science has been settled on the harmful effects of 5G. Stop Bill 637!\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gHy0DlcfdoE","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"saturday shooting @user #beretta @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm a moon \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099 #celebrate #fatherday #weekend #goodday #pretty #red #girl #hair #fun\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I do not believe Erick Erickson exists. I do believe he is a Democrat PR firm creating a \u201cRepublican\u201d persona to have it say idiotic things to discredit conservatives. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER wow @USER you didn't look up permanently\" and \"suspends\" before placing them next to each other in a fucking headline? #youhadonejob\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user For a moment I thought you were about deaths Sounded fucked up sick at first. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sir I know the difference pretending to be someone else is lying who you are the age where you from etc etc etc. but thats not the point the point is a lot of people are doing both and they been doing it since forever to kill their victims. And it sucks!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"6 days ago I had a dream that I sat next to Kamala in the Oval Office and I said Mr. President as Joe extended his hand to me. Let me be right for the sake of not just the United States but for the World. Dreams do come true.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Thank you, Mr. President!! Today in MD, 4 MA13 convicted on multiple robbery charges. 3 of the 4 are illegals. NC, an illegal kills motorcyclist in hit and run. #BuildThatWall !!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our neighbors need to know they'll be safe in school, or when getting critical health care. @user MUST sign SB35 to keep our immigrant communities safe. #ilgov #twill ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Hoes Will Get A Room. Invite you. Swear Up & Down You The Only Nigga She Invited. Then When You Get There That Bitch Be Full Of Niggas \ud83d\ude10\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Some of y'all should stop posting stories before people realize how annoying and unfunny you really are... Fuck around and lose followers ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Please someone explain this post. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The NFL should follow this. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your friend tells you they just got an android ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just because it isn't a sexy diagnosis doesn't mean it gets low quality care. You are making an incorrect assumption.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you should see Maryland and NY drivers, most where I live will let you over, in Maryland and NY they take that shit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was speaking about the shitty Germans who came to ruin my nation.\u00a0 The US would have been better off with no Germans or Jews, that is indisputable.\u00a0 \u00a0 Germans and Jews are both rats and destroyers of the White race.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Jose Soto: Reflections of a former gay teabagger http:\/\/t.co\/XtMMuzyK","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"White male's build this world yet are the recipient of the modern day left wing hatred and just trying to survive in a post male menstruating world.. Hard times bring strong male's.. strong male's bring good times.. good times = weak males https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qmVn6b7DdpA&feature=youtu.be","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I had to click on it just to see what the hell you were talking about. I still don't know. Is your war on conservatives like the war on christmas? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Just proves she's a plant. Motivation is crystal clear. Definite bias. Your definition of far right is interesting since it's been proven time and again liberals play the smear campaign each time. Accusers then disappear.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user you are amazing too Mr. O Broin and I never get tired of saying it to you. This is my way to tell you how much your teaching Gaelic keeping this language alive means. I am so proud. Tapah a Leibh. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"discussing republicans is the same thing as critiquing . we can't ignore the consequences.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1. End the War on Drugs 2. Slash the shit out of taxes across the board 3. Repeal unconstitutional gun control laws ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"while #neonazi and #altright attack fellow #americans with and #hate the real enemy laughs at our gates. #putin","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user BULL CRAP! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is so stupid","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user projected sales for five years.. hahaha #staups are not govt depaments ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Feminists' husbands #ThingsTimHowardCouldSave ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user good work today cobblers \u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Muslims freaking out after Italy's general election as the anti-immigration Lega outperformed expectations - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Moore just got Don elected again. Liberals never learn. He\u2019s more unlikable than Trump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Trump publicly lusted for his daughter and GOP still elected him. Let's stop pretending that morality or decency means jack shit to conservatives.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I know right. It pisses me off he is so busy giving himself credit while we are all scared to death here in nc. I don\u2019t trust him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@WalshFreedom Joe, I bet you're SUPER excited for the upcoming debates -- America will finally get to see your useless, unfit candidate in action! #NoBiden #Trump2020 #MAGAA #PresidentialDebate #WW3","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user States. Kavanaugh will destroy any chance at federal gun control in our lifetime. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nzd\/usd has limits to how high it can go, time to fade? - anz #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That doesn't happen in #shitcago, they just catch and release there.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK \"CONgress\" - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I Can Fuck Any Bitch I Want But It Not About That At The End Of The Day. I'm Way Passed The Hittin Hella Whores Stage. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Man I\u2019m glad I can make y\u2019all\u2019s day. I just be saying stupid shit on the fly. I ain\u2019t trying I\u2019m just dumb lmao URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Our office was featured on NPR on a story about \"Anxiety Grows Over Anti-Immigrant Actions: 'We Feel They Are After Us'\" Listen to WRC staff and immigrant commentary on the topic or read online:https:\/\/t.co\/WNOWT2Rq6w ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hope they give Orenthal another 9 1\/2 years and let him rot and die in that hell hole. Karma is a bitch and so is OJ. #feedOJ ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well if they tried to make me thier housemade they are wrong cause there is storm about to come they better whatchout #hatethemall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@FuckKennyJ trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user mine I tell him if you act like antifa I will knock your block...you wanna get bad...i dont care how handicap I will take you down ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you don't wear your retainers...... so just can't do right !!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0091","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#feeling so and - just trying to remind myself that there are #goodpeople in the world and that i'm #blessed.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user stop these chelski fans. #equality #diversity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I either laugh or turn into a complete psychopath when I'm mad, either way, no one is safe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So much for #UCLA being the team to beat they are trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"New Mexican President To Create Border Force To Stop Illegal Immigrants, Drugs From Central America Surprise ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Fighting the lies with one letter. #Q #QAnon #QArmy #MAGA #WeThePeople #followthewhiterabbit #WWG1WGA #SpyGate #RedWaveRising #EnoughIsEnough #WalkAway #propaganda URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bc she a stupid hoe \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb it\u2019s her loss... I\u2019ll always be here for you \ud83d\ude0d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user This information is out there and should be fully investigated and considered before he gets a life time High Court appointment. Conservatives refused to even give Obama\u2019s person a hearing so please stop acting like they play above board while everyone else goes low. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NRC MEANS SECURITY.WE WON'T COMPROMISE WITH OUR NATIONAL SEVURITY.POLITICS WIRH ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WON'T BE EVIDENCE AND PROOF AND STAY AT ASSSM.BANGLADEDHIS MUST GO HOME. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump First, you did not win the debate. You were unhinged, disrespectful & a clown. Second, go ahead, cop out, you will be doing us all a big favor. November 3rd cannot come fast enough! #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Same here but the more he talks the dumber he looks WWGIWGA MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@teapot Great GIF. Got a source URL for @gifs?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Sorry Tomi not all men were raised correctly! I was raised that all women are ladies until they prove otherwise!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user ty for the charizard pimp i mean really thank you sadly i was too late for the marshadow haha i mean really man ty :) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Greeks have been around way before the black movement was around. Greeks taught them to say nigga....lol (thats how they call themselves not meant as a racial slurr...well their racial slurr.)","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"At Pennsylvania rally, Trump again calls for the death penalty for drug dealers https:\/\/search.app.goo.gl\/vybF Shared from my Google feed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This pajeet bitch needs to seriously fuck off.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"jessica want christmas bdsm \u00e2\u0098\u0091\u00ef\u00b8\u008f \u00e2\u008f\u00ae #\u00d1\u0083\u00d0\u00bb\u00d1\u008b\u00d0\u00b1\u00d0\u00ba\u00d0\u00b0 #cam","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why is she under the white hot spotlight?...SHE IS the victim of this Trump like abusive animal... #StopKavanaughNow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Google CFO is a joke! And so is the idiot who hired her for this position. #Googlearecorrupt #BestuseQwant ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#DegenerateArtist Sniffs whiffy balls involuntary, cuz a FAIRY walks DOWNTOWN HAIRY, #climatechange all our scary sense of hillbilly sneeze>","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you can do a lot with an extra hour! #boat #water #sailing #summer #refreshvalet #carwash\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I believe gun control should consist of guarding your firearms from thivery and kids. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Say: \"Glory to my Lord! Am I aught but a man,- an Apostle?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Migrant crime has also been a rising problem in Italy and Salvini highlighted recent Interior Ministry data that showed that more than half of the people arrested by police in the last week were migrants. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This is the VetsResistSquadron\" is Bullshit.. They are girl scout veterans, I have never met any other veterans or served with anyone that was a gun control advocate? Have you?\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@eruditetina @Orgleader Hey @RevJJackson why dont u get \"involved in black on black situations\"? 'Cause hate whitey? B honest now #MikeBrown","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"and we all KNOW how the polls are so telling.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 hours to go until our music video is released! #music #edinburgh #scotland #band @user #musicvideo #a @user","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user wow #blackpeople in #harlem are worried bout #whitepeople and #latinos moving in if that was reversed it would be called ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Rep. Luis Gutierrez:\u00a0\u201cSessions, he\u2019d just love for black people to be in the back of the bus again. He\u2019d love for women to be in the kitchen. He\u2019d love for gay people to be in the closet again, and for me, not to have a microphone to be able to speak to anyone\u201d........even though....... #News #Politics #Racism #Sessions #Congress #Senate #Government","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#happy #white #kwanzaa, the #holiday only #african #whitesupremacists #celebrate. #happykwanzaa #happyholidays #merrychristmas","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I usually feel the need to downvote when I see entire comment threads calling users niggers and kikes with 80 upvotes and zero downvotes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Accurate numbers be damned eh? Let's pretend that hard working entrepreneurial tax paying Canadian Conservatives are as gullible as the Trump base. I'm sure they don't mind having their intelligence insulted at all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I guess that it what happens when you are the most hysterical woman in Congress. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Van of Leaf strikes again.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We in this bitch together \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffd\u200d\u2642\ufe0f ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER No. No it\u2019s not. Well maybe in deep blue lib controlled CA with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation which doesn\u2019t apply the law to illegals.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Lol only ones I see attacking anyone is your crybaby liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Refugees cost American taxpayers over $8 BILLION EVERY YEAR. They cost more than they contribute. I only can afford 1 child. Why do I have to pay for refugees who hate America, call me infidel\/Kafir AND raise, house & educate their children who are taught to hate America too? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"keep filling up the side ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #allahsoil most victims in islamic extremist attacks continue to be muslim. #emiratis #2016\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Another one bites the dust. No taxpayer prison expenses ever for this thug. https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/black-lives-matter-activist-fatally-shot-in-new-orleans\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sloppy fat girl get trolled http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6120557\/Me...","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@XxminijokerXx I HATE birds! They just piss me off about the fact that I can't fly!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yes his brain was effected. He is one of the sharpest attorneys in America. But maybe it effected your brain is tge what you meant? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#EndPC: Teaching guide for #Portland public schools celebrates Islam, communists, terrorists, #abortion; promotes #GunControl & transgenders\"~> URL #EndCulturalMarxism\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"shocking events in orlando - now will the usa review their gun laws or do more innocents have to die first? #horrific #unforgiveable :(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sign this petition to demand Congress stop privatizing detention and incarceration of immigrant families and asylum seekers. Sign here: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"remember when #tcot whined that the media didn't go after obama full on? now it's \"unfair\" and \"childish\". ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I don't see a narrative collapsing at all. But I do see people trying to pass a FAKE narrative-that the attack never happened. It did.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER May as well ignore her since all we are doing is giving her the attention she so craves. She was such an adorable child..... but she never had a good enough body for nude love scenes so now she is searching for the attention she desires with bovine fecal posts.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user \"today is here\" -everyone going to blast ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"God has only chosen those whom he has chosen.\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She\u2019s a great comedian. Where as you are a great....nothing.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I will boycott them too.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Evidently, people on Twitter don't like the use of the term #IllegalAlien or #IllegalAliens and consider it \"hate speech\". It's the legal term. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user just realized i look a little cross eyed on my license #lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Then stop being a whore and tell her? Dumb bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Enjoy yaaa whore \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 fcking whore hai oldie ARY ki.... Shes been fuckedd by everyone an anyone.. Ugly bitch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"WATCH: The #FreeTommy Movement https:\/\/www.therebel.media\/watch_the_freetommy_mov...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I know what that storm is gonna do...but those photos are just the shit bro. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my name often times auto corrects to leukemia ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"front street eats presents: #father's day to all the great father's in the #world ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"team friday #friday #tgif #fridayfun #friends #fridaynights #fridaynightshenanigans @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user still blocking #customers #worst #car #dealer","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER can you pls get rid of holly he is so uneducated of sports. Wheb you have sportscasters who have been throgh the sport and are professional in their presentation he looks like a joke","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"Deconstructs, criticizes, and debases every aspect of your history and culture\" \"Makes criticism of his history and culture illegal\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user have fun!!!! #nashvilleuktour ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i blame hudson.. best way to defend is attack..a vardy & drinkwater intro would have got russia on counter #euro2016 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER lemme rap on that shit. I'll do a video floatin downstream in a coffin like in horrorland lol","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Thinking about the \"boom boom boom waaay ho\" video makes me laugh at least once a day.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER hey Samsung on your website you declined me. 2 times for credit I can afford your phone without your ass this is my second one maybe next time even though I hate iPhone I'll buy iPhone so screw you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He gone tell me he gotta come to MY house so ME can wake him up for work in the am\ud83d\ude12 bitch have one of yo hoes wake you up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gross","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"less than 2 weeks till we move into our flat in town \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00ef\u00b8\u008f excited especially bout catching the tram to work \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 #sad #awesome \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ab","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER it's literally a narrative that is on par with Nazis punch, antifa punch, they are two sides of the same coin.\" noooOOoOo one of these groups wants to exterminate or deport all PoC and Jews, the other just wants to prevent them from doing that, and this comparison benefits fash\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is there any happiness in humanity boy #cry #alone","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He is a professor that is literally just teaching classical Western intellectual culture via #youtube; never really understood the opposition!?! Likely #Libtarded \/ #Antiwestern trolls ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user keep standing your ground. interview represents #fakenews & blatant misrepresentation of valid statement\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user happy 4th birthday big bitch! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I told you to shut your baboon mouth asshole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user He is the worst and creepy too ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2 hours until #e32016 begins with @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"# it isn't to target #illegals and\/or #criminals. it's just plain #commonsense. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0098 @user @user @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I believe that Melania Trump is an abused woman maybe not physically but definitely mentally by an abuser husband and she is afraid to speak out against her abuser. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Colin cowherd is a clown just when you think he's going to make a point he just spews out garbage there is no way you look at both goff and trubisky and say goff has the higher ceiling. Maybe the higher floor but only bc he is in yr 2 of Mcvays offense","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Boy, they sure hated being separated from their kids, didn't they?#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorderThe kids shouldn't get to stay!!! #DeportThemAll #EndFamilySeparation!#StopCatchAndRelease ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"prepare cocktail pay #sweet #bali #cute #balinese #prepare #boy #instadaily #instalike\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Simple: to stand #WithRefugees.By protecting 68.5 million refugees and displaced men, women & children forced to flee their homes.#WhyIJoinedTwitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No shit God doesn\u2019t like ugly. That\u2019s why he\u2019s persecuted these rats all throughout history. Well that, and they killed his son. The baby dick eaters will be held accountable again. As will you for supporting them. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You are the most hysterical woman not there ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"b\/c she likes black men and rap music? Huh lol RT @Magssca: @WaymoTheGod in general she wants to be colored","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I knew he will b dead \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 He is brave \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"[1466360435.42] update @ #social #analytics #smile #nascar #success #hustle ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The \u201dbeautiful people\u201d still don\u2019t get it..Shameful! keep digging @USER 'Dregs of society' support Donald Trump. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MAGA URL via @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user im going to call you an old cunt everyday from today ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"black trump suppoer smacks down cnn repoer for race baiting #trump ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user #Brilliant bigotry.. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And if you ask me, you a bitch ass nigga if you let another hoe disrespect the mother of your kids \ud83d\udc50 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Apparantly that rule of law doesn't apply to Republicans\/Conservatives baselessly accused by Dems","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Your followers might not know it but God knows (or whoever is in charge) what kind of lying monster you are. Don't think because you have that skank Paula White by your side that you won't go down in flames. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And civil rights,\" like the 'right' to kill your own child transcending a child's right to life...from the same people that insist on more stringent gun control laws to 'save the lives of children.' Let that sink in...\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How in the hell did Guy Verhofstadt ever survive middle school without being drowned to death in the toilet by his upperclassmen?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If you manage that, I'll buy you a bottle of my favorite Scotch and personally deliver it.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@user @user i gotta say if scott walker is withdrawing his endorsement, trump has gained a little lustre. #nottrueatall","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"If only Prince Harry had a friend like you...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@JoeBiden put every damn ad back on TV. trump is a liar and clearly isn\u2019t sick. No way he has Covid and then goes for a joy ride. #BidenHarris2020 #jasonmillerisaliar","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey @realDonaldTrump I appreciate you risking your life and those in the vehicle with you, to reassure the country that nothing has changed and you are still batshit crazy. Point made, go back into the hospital, please. #COVIDIOTS #COVID19 #TrumpVirus #TrumpCoupPlot #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/crBZyFxnw6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ReleaseThePrimarySources #ReleaseAllOfIt #NoMoreMemos #FISAbuse #IGreportNOW #democratsDIRT","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This all I get \ud83d\ude22 damn these haters deleting you IG for no reason... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user But those are illegal immigrants children Candace. They have more rights than our American children.#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user #Germany @user @user here is a nice Rapefugee telling everyone how much he loves his new house, car, 3k euros, and all the white women he can have in germany. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user you've delayed the flight even more now! such a disgusting service you provide. no suppo staff to assist in depaures ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"As far as im concerned #Refugees not welcome . ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"just #binding the #rules #friday ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Clearly you are not a weather person. Worst conditions are due for tomorrow. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"happy flag day! #flag #day #holiday #america #murca #patriotic #redwhiteblue ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Odd how conservatives keep getting exposed of being child fuckers. Thats why they're against abortion. More victims","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm thinking about making a youtube channel where I just read fiction that's in the public domain. It will be good practice for seriously doing audiobooks: all my voice work so far has been shorter than books and I haven't had to edit it myself.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Daniel, there's no cow tipping and hoe downs in Jackson... This city living lol","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"damn even french twitter know more about american national basketball association than moi ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user I\u2019m really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit. Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user what a great night of usa winning their copa america game and lebron led the cavs to victory!!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER So it moves forward. Damn the facts as long as you keep up the narrative! The Dangerous line is the sliding scale line that you bunch of liberal idiots use to vilify Conservatives or justify the actions of liberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"are you ready? #flyinbangkok #conce #scream @ impact challenger muang thong\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What's worse than a girl who gives rough handjobs? A feminist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER There are more good people than criminals. If the good people are armed the criminals won\u2019t stand a chance. In the USA the cities with the highest violent crime rates are those with the strictest gun control. The Swiss are all armed and trained - violent crime is rare.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sikhs carry a small ornamental knife. Why? Because their religious law was changed after jihadists tried to invade their land: Every man must carry a sword to kill Muslims bent on killing them. The ornamental knife is still carried as it meets the minimum requirement under their law and custom because a sword is no longer really the effective weapon against jihadists. If the goatfuckers need another object lesson, they'll use guns this time.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER stop this BS. A woman murdered him in his own home! This is so incredibly irresponsible and I am outraged that you are blaming the victim who is a black man. What does him having weed have anything to do with his murder in his own home?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user 'We all need to share the burden of migration\" NO WE DON'T! \"We\" are a sovereign nation and people who have no obligation or burden to any migrants anywhere. YOUR job is the wishes and best interests of the Irish people. Please try not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"oh cool a new follower....fuck, its a cam whore\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Conservatives, if you are not a gun\"\" person, I believe you need to become one. If these Nov. elections don't go well for the Dishonest Dems, I think the violence will get worse. All Conservatives will need to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user The FBI would be the proper authority to administer this polygraph despite their corruption at the top of their organization. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I'm telling yeah she is leading Steve on... look howa she always likes all Steves tweets. What a hooch ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And the heathen had the cashier void everything that wasn't free! She was indignant that Nutella is not paid for with my fucking tax dollars. I don't hate lightly but I'm letting the hate run through me with these mf's. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Here's a pic of a sunset I took - also from the American mid-west.\u00a0\u00a0We have the best skies here.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user om ah BITCH lol i love you domo \ud83d\udc96 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Has your heart melted too? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user freshsta twitter page is now up and running! news and photos to follow...! #phonicsounds #freshsta","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER is just trying to make good with his libnut elitist Hollywood degenerates after the roasted him in the media for questioning vaccine safety.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER once again using people to advance herself #WalkAwayDemocrats","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And people still want to let them all in?!? #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #ICE #LockThemAllUp #SendThemBack ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Little ass boy\ud83d\udc12 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Don't forget this is Trumps fault. Just like how he is colluding to make the hurricanes worst. They forgot to tell us how this hurricane was also Trumps fault. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Bill has 4 new accusers. Will the media ask Hillary about them? Of course not. The media isn't interested in the truth.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Wow, cool! That sounds fun. This is an Ashford SampleIt\u00a0Loom. To my surprise, the quoted price was $149, but I got it for a little less since I took the weaving class. I say \"surprised\" because so much of the fiber arts equipment is so much more than that. I thought I was going to hear something like $500, so when she said $149 plus 10% off I was pleasantly surprised. I want to make scarves, bookmarks, decorations, and I'm hoping it's big enough to make tea towels. I'm still a newbie so I don't know about that yet. I like that it fits right on a table and it's portable for when I become completely addicted, lol.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"My favorite thing to hear is 'too deep, too deep' right before I go deeper ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Been liking this series on the translation of Karlheinz Deschner\u2019s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity). This snippet about 'The Council of Nicaea and the profession of \u2018Constantinian\u2019 faith' https:\/\/chechar.wordpress.com\/2017\/12\/09\/kriminalg...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Teach the children well #MAGA2020 #WeThePeople #MAGA #Qanon8chan (Constitution Song) URL via @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Could be Romford Young Conservatives! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You Conservatives want to talk about scandals! Really? Let\u2019s get started. If you have the balls. Let\u2019s get busy you chickens.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user that bitch ain't too good to be touched, whore has never had a job in her life and thinks she's better than somebody else. #RESISTANCE ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Please don't start with what he is concerned about. She wants to go out, if he has something planned or an idea of what to do. Movie or not, it's scary.\"\" Avery felt like there was something she wanted him to know, but she couldn't remember what off the top of her head.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Dishonored zone where you have to balance on dangerously high edges in a shitty ghetto overrun with rats and bloodflies ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\"black lives matter #bml except for mine apparently\". have the patience 2 watch this all the way through #jo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user pres trump has the right to release classified docs if it proves this investigation was biased before it began. Its almost 2 yrs later and mueller has nothing on trump. Damage of his presidency has occurred due to the liberals who are against him ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's \"cook-off\" day for #pcssfoods classes. to try some of these amazing creations! #pridepassionpurpose ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"OK, quick report on OpenNIC -- unofficial DNS service. I already ran bind for my home network, and configuring it to support OpenNIC domains too was very easy - about 15 minutes. There are no serious _technical_ barriers to making this widespread","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user father's day lunch followed by watching countryfile #perfectday #newwalkingtrousersforpresent ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"are you a little ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"20180917: Don Pittis CBC: Is the People's Party of Canada liberal? It depends on the definition URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#Europe #Germany #Rape #Islam #Muslims #Migrants #MuslimMigrants #Immigration #IslamicImmigration ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so sad about anton yelcin. an amazing talent, but a great, kind man as well. way to fucking early! f death. #ripanton #missu","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Only do much a man can take! Fuckin bitch cunts! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK OFF...is that freedom of speech enough even for your room-temperature IQ to understand?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"cameo scooting to school, love this expression #scooting #fun ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This Bitch Need To Go Back To Eating Whoever Dick She Eating Hitting Me Up Tryna Be Friends @user Your Friend Is Wildin Lmaoooo ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Darkies DGAF! RT @Maxin_Betha @80sbaby4life gotta chill wit his yellow #4thofJulyFly outfit man RT @dominicanraf http:\/\/t.co\/uImF6sDI","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Get that shit off my phone Bono - I\u2019ll never forgive you","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives long-term approach has a number of advantages including the ability to work with our supply chain and landowners to build more homes. \ud83d\udde8\ufe0f Paul Hackett, Chief Executive\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"In this new age of information warfare, with big tech and the #fakenews media rolling out ever-expanding censorship in the face of a vocal public going technetronic, remember... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll add one more: Did you realize that conservatives would decide that certain men should get a PASS for sexual assault?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"~ no simulcast today too busy ^. .^","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"HELP Come on @user your people are dying because of the #terroristswithin our govt and country. #DemocratsAreTerrorists, criminalize the brand. #BuildThatWall and send ALL immigrants packing before Dems send us packing or worse! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER OurCountry is being saved from evil slugs like Hillary Clinton. The Deep State is going down and I personally can't wait for Hillary to be brought in front of a Military Tribunal. The penalty for treason is death I believe.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER But it\u2019s so cute when conservatives try to do economy \/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Legit just LOL'd... Shit is funny asf ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Put the redskins in your starting lineup instead of the Dolphins...it'll be fun they said.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"want a lesson in and #hypocrisy? imagine if #obama had 5 kids by 3 different women and bragged about grabbing pussies #donaldtrump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Mob death threats? Has Antifa turned on her? Maxine Waters? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"word factory: race denial prevents healing! #southafrica #leadership #transformation #inequality >9 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user well don't do what you don't like it ok","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the *diversity officer* states (among other things) #killallwhitemen; yet, because she's an \"ethnic minority woman\"\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Obama owns #ANTIFA and #BLM. Still want to discuss the rise of radicalism? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"back to work, only lost my voice once today. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Corrupt dcrats in charge in PR the big problem","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i gotta hand it to you, @user keeping it pretty darn cool in the face of such blatant .\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die is a monster #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Omg, \"air-conditionned equality\" covers it perfectly :D You confused women and feminists though","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER People like you are the greatest campaign tools conservatives have. Thanks for your service to the #LoonyLeft!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And people still think this administration is the greatest since sliced bread. Ridiculous.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#WalkAway liberals......Your party is POISON. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#teamlandesk are ready to meet you at #sits16 #sitsselfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"And today everybody in the opposition knows that FSB (=Putin) bombed those homes so that it would help Putin to become a president, a national savior from Chechen terrorism during the Second Chechen War. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"That is why the left is focusing on that. It is an attempt to distract from the more important issues. (Seriously, who cares if they have information to let them target you with more relevant advertisements?) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks foe that we wouldn't known about it if you didnt. Tweeted it so thanks. Blue","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#redneck tow truck. #johndeere #4455 #america https:\/\/t.co\/iFInqwVRad","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yes,\u00a0 it's\u00a0 about time their names\u00a0 become known far and wide.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user obama\/jarretts who agenda was to destroy everything good about this country and inflict even bit of hate ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user .... you .... you ok? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Senator Mark Warner and Entire Senate Intelligence Committee Compromised, Corrupt and Finally Exposed\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Rosenstein\u2019s 300 Attorneys \u2018Helped\u2019 Vet Kavanaugh \u2013 Now Sexual Abuse Charges URL which go back to his highschool days and can't be proven & Named witness DENIES #Pathetic #ConfirmKavanaugh #PJNET #CCOT #maga #KAG2018 #Trump2020 #NoMoreProgressiveLiberals","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"soggy happy rhinos #win #wet #alaw @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user If you're encouraging people to boycott papa John's, why not encourage people to boycott NY times for their racism as well? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user yeah he had to go back to the faerie world to handle shit there ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #pos take that painting down asshole! fucking chump","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Hope you blisters","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ICYMI this desperate attempt by Conservatives to install #Kavanaugh while rest of the nation says #KavaNOPE. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Mexicans and Central America immigrants want US native speakers to speak Spanish. Joke does not! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"pimp all day , i even pimp in my sleep when i wake up i smoke a blunt before i eat. hoe don't violate bitch you know i taught you better. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Lol Anglo-Saxons\"\" most of you are a Melting Pot of ethnicities...\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user caption this! pearlman ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"in reading i saw this. might be the most astonished quote i read in a book. #awe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Oreo: @Honda Wow, and we thought we were the only ones with a luxurious interior #OreoLove #StufOfLegend","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Kerry is so full of shit he is undermining things and he knows it! The Iran debacle is his baby and he wants to keep it no matter what it costs!!!!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Chicago already has the toughest gun control laws in the country. Democrats want to disarm law abiding citizens but criminals will always have guns.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"So summer camp is relatable to detention centers? Liberals will paint any picture to get a non-existent point across. #maga URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user When one of those sides is white supremacists then it shouldn't be hard to say that one of those sides is the wrong side. Now stop trying to equate antifa with white supremacists. It just makes you look more like a white supremacist. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it's cody reed time! the @user are going to be very good soon with all these prospects! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So you\u2019re the same people who vote for less gun control when we have what I dunno 23 school shootings just this year and 2 fatal shark bite incidents since 1936. You sure really care about humans.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER It sure is. Hope he is in the grand final side","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ravenalegria13 @prattprattpratt I was impressed that anybody could chug a Smirnoff Ice that quickly.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Boom.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"black judge quietly removed from #philandocastile shooting trial with little explanation #newswithed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Vive la #France! And a lot of other nations too, as migrant sons lift #FIFA\u2018\u2030#WorldCup2018 #UnitedNations ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dont forget to check out my latest tune!\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/youtu.be\/V1aXasJrdB4","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Pm is looking like the extra in the Tory version of SAW 2018 who suddenly realised that she must cut off her own limbs to survive.If she escapes that particular nightmare she is still a politically deceased PM. It's impossible to appease MUKGA Tories that don't want a compromise URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You mean the way Hillary re-victimized all of Bills accusers?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user has got to go. Her time is up. We need people in touch with #reality that back @user and are not looking to destroy our great country.#MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #DrainTheDeepState #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":">Tfw She is a lesbian","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user He is german \ud83d\ude02 he play for \ud83d\udc16 club fcb ssshhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Trump plan -Immigrants classified a public charge no longer will get citizenship or green cards -definition of 'public charge' those who partake Temp Assis 4 Needy Families, nonemergency Medicaid, Children's Health Ins Prog, SNAP, subsidized health ins through marketplaces - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Cryptocurrencies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) https:\/\/youtu.be\/g6iDZspbRMg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More creeping sharia ..look who is doing it. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER What\u2019s your point. You are so clearly ignorant about the nature of sexual assault","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"is the crayola factory in kansas still in business? i can't find anything about it #crayola #crayolaexperience","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"9 months later.. i am back to my pre pregnancy weight and a pound less! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @Sttbs73: I see the crazy #teabaggers have given up on defunding Obamacare and have moved on to using veterans! #1MVetMarch","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Ion take hoe shit from nan bitch but that\u2019s the difference between a little girl and a grown ass woman they don\u2019t know when to SHUT UP ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all i wangle from my team is effo unfounately @user continue to show me why i should spend my hard earn money on you guys ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Matthey Hickley must be a woman. No man could be so illogical.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"working at @user as sales executive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"How did the medical community come up with the term 'PMS'? 'Mad Cow Disease' was already taken. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Apparently 300,000 immigrants a year is now 'normal'. This is white genocide!https:\/\/t.co\/rgN8YK6Z4oAfrica for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone IS White Genocide. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I can relate to this. A childs mind is incredibly vulnerable. I watched every horror film under the sun before puberty. It didn't do me any favors.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user We apologize for the delay in response here and wanted to follow up and see if you are still experiencing issues. Our engineers are in the final stages of mitigating impact related to the event. ^MA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hollywood is a shit hole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"countdown till my 19th bihday!!! #tomorrow #june20 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Historically that's usually the case.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"(2018-08-07) \u2014 To combat the threat of internet hate-speech from Alex Jones and others, Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Twitter today announced a new \u201cDon\u2019t Click\u201d button.\u00a0The feature will offer \u201canother option\u201d to users who feel compelled to watch or listen to hate speech and other material that \u201cviolates community standards.\u201d\u00a0https:\/\/bit.ly\/2LYy94a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user This bitch will be rape by Trump too and then denie it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#countrymusicawards wonder which country they were from country music left the country yrs ago ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"So KD leaving Russ means he's a bitch an hoe, but Lebron allowing Kyrie to get traded and y'all not... nvm ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user You nasty little slutty whore your Pussy belong to me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@elise_palmer sounds like gypos to me - they used to do this all the time where I lived","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"My bitch of a sister really be tripping over $12 dumb ass hoe. Got me fucked up ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#UKNews \ud83d\ude32THREE YEAR OLD child is victim of FGM in UK \ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21 Ghana\/Uganda parents in East London accused of FGM plus 10 counts of indecent image allegations. Sick fecks!!!!!!!\u00a0 They plead NOT guilty.. #TheRope! #KidsLivesMatter #BritFam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"as from 2nd july we will be open 9.30-11.30am on saturdays for a 1 month trial. use it or loose it!! #healthy#fit#fantastic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What you think she sees vs What she really sees","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wednesday \u00f0\u009f\u008d\u00b7 #gals #blondie #blackisbetter #vino ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"FUCKEN, HA HA I just spit on my monitor laughing, reading this post.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"*In class today* *Girl next to me* 'I hate how every girl dressed like a skank for Halloween' *Guy in front of me turns* 'IT WAS AMAZING ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"FUCK OFF REF. Martial was held back. U stupid cunt. What the fuck is wrong with you? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user END of Story. Where is the lying Liberals Witness \ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when did @user become @user when they inseed youtube videos and pivoted to allow people to post nonbiz junk. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Stop giving me quotes start giving me facts that prove gun control will work ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Fist pump was for the troops. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"wednesday cannot come soon enough\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Bruh this bitch so pale and ugly. Disgusting ass racist white cunt ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another low life coming out of the wood work! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"he got you two rings, just be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Soylent Green- Bring in the scoops.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tomorrow i'll be under the electric sky. @user \u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0080\u00e2\u0098\u0084\u00e2\u009c\u00a8\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u0099","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user thanks for the follow! DM for info about upcoming meetings and events #MaleDomination ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER God that's the one we should have used to remove Holder.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@sendavidperdue you are a disgusting and disrespectful individual; mocking Senator Kamala Harris\u2019 name.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]When Joe Biden wins and Kamala Harris becomes Vice President of the United States I guess it will be easier for you to say Vice President Harris.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Vote for Jon Ossoff @ossoff https:\/\/t.co\/sHpxZLoE5f","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @rickygervais: Have a great day, you lovely fellow apes :) http:\/\/t.co\/jZL7filv0q","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Talk about \"Drinking The Koolaid\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"RT @trayn1gga: Alabama is overrated this yr the last 2 weeks has shown too many chinks in their armor WV gave them hell too","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart #EndDACA#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall#ProtectAmerica#EnforceUSLaws#KeepAmericansSafe ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user spread the word & join millions for national day of healing jan. 17, 2017 #trht @user #\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When are we going to Get Rid Of the Invaders? The Parasites? This Scourge in our Land?What're we waiting for?!#DeportThemAll #Dobbs #FoxNews #MCGA #MAGA #AmericaFirst@realDonaldTrump @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@tristkiss @flywithkamala @d_king254 @KamalaHarris Love the \"vote early\" hashtag... because if you wait for any more damning info to come out with Hunter Biden then Joe and Kamala will lose by a much larger margin than they already are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#hamradio\u00a0#HamRadio\u00a0#CatholicGab \"Mr. and Mrs. William Morrison N9UPG\u00a0will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary with a family dinner Feb. 16 at the Patio\"\u00a0http:\/\/www.whig.com\/20180211\/william-and-priscilla-morrison#\/\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"oh no more bloody EU corruption ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user yup. i concur. as do nearly 3 million voters. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The men senators should allow citizens to question the ACCUSER. The citizens should be women and conservatives who love America and fairness.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Its time to give hunting licenses to border homes and make it year round open season on this invading force! Free guns and ammo to those willing to defend our borders!!! #BuildThatWall #BuildThatDamnWallNow ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Another has been trying to get back in the spotlight Paul McCartney go back to England shut up","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i am thankful for good health. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user the thing about @user and @user is that you feel like you know them! #centralintelligence ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks for the follow backs @Juanman\u00a0\u00a0@BentBow\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0@Thedude_abides","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"back...who missed me?....#greatfultogod #beendoinggreat #selfie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"More Migrants from Terrorist Nation Enter Texas Via Mexico This Week How many terrorists have already successfully crossed n2 the USA from Mexico? We will never know. #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall ##WalkAwayMovement #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER DNC corruption URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I came by to see if #GabTV has been improved. Nope. It still sucks. Have a nice day.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yeah we wont be deleting these accounts so neo nazi fuckface trolls can steal the names and troll others with them. this is my last day here in this raging dumpster fire. I'm off to mewe and freezoxee. fuck this shithole.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"if i find out that you're cheeky to my grandparents again,i will rip your throat and tongue out #annoyed","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#LeviStrauss Takes Stand On #GunControl #CBS #SanFrancisco URL #NoMoreLevis #guns #NRA #USA @USER #GOP #libertarian #conservative","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They want to erase all #genders by making made up genders, yet the MALE #gender is guilty of everything https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MiRwNW360MI","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user interesting that you take a tragedy such as this and use it as a soapbox to preach, jesus condemned religious aka you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Yemen's Mukalla, once overrun by al-Qaeda, tries gun control. \u201cIn other places, manhood is proven by carrying weapons. @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user lmfao i hate it when it does that, it always changes bb to bob :-( #emo","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Money better spent on American Mental Health or gun control Sandy hook Vegas Concert Theater Shooting Church in Sunny Springs","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"More than 600 migrants force entry into Spain's African exclave of Ceuta ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh yeah dude the Clintons killed Kate Spade. Jimmy Hoffa too. And my grandmother and grandmother.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looking for a Colt AR-15. Been wanting to add to my collection of handguns. Don\u2019t have a rifle yet, I\u2019ll get the scope later. But definitely set on it being an AR15 \ud83e\udd19\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Still made it farther in life than you. Stfu and get outta here if you aint supporting. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user it's hello kitty friday!! \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0096 have a fabulous day xoxo #friday #teacuptutucharm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Thanks to all those who came to protest Trump's visit in Leeds - around 1500 joined the Leeds Together Against Trump protest this evening - to send a clear message that Trump is not welcome here - and refugees and migrants are @user @user @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Amazing when reporters are scared of the truth!! Doesn't that tell you everything! #MAGA #ReleaseTheDocuments","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user you must be getting about buying yourself some new #lycra round about now #notlongtogo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Keep Fighting the Good fight Tommy ! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER He is the worst person.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Sessions is still making fudge. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They trying to hoe Todd gurley, Johnny manziel signed them helmets and got off but suspend gurley the rest of season","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER [Eric opens the door and runs to the couch.] Fuck yeah.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"be all that matters","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user i'm not sure that meickenhorst #knows what an #inspiration she is to #me! so that i\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is really getting sad.. Your spamming refresh to get the last word yet you have nothing of value to say. Just projections.. Iam not hurt your trying to label me a pedo, i know its not true. But i guess its telling how quickly you redirect","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"love puffs \u00e2\u009d\u00a4\u00ef\u00b8\u008f #dinner #lalove #smiles #saturdate #kebabs @ hossein's persian kebab ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the world really is going bonkers and it's really bad atm. #shootings #deathstroke #violence #hooligans at the euro. so :*(","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Apparently Twitter didn\u2019t like your Ellison post. Screen capped anyways and will post elsewhere.. #MAGA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i love youuu!!!! \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00b9\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nurse Who Praised Trump\u2019s COVID Response at Republican National Convention is Under Arrest for Shooting Woman During Argument here: https:\/\/t.co\/RUa7zoWUrL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user This is absurd. Read more about the history, politics, and true belifs of fascism. Antifa do not\/cannot do the bidding of ruling class because that's what fascism is for aka bootlickers. And u.s. liberals\"\" have always been right leaning.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Liberals sure love to spend other people's money !!!!!! Hope and change\" really works well for the Obamas who are multi millionaires. Their fortunes have really changed for the better !!!!!! If liberals have any brain cells left, they'd vote for President Trump !\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Westworld finale spoiler: Dolores defeats the Man in Black and ends up in Texas https:\/\/t.co\/fZoWWvGjBb","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" #international #sushi #day \u00e2\u0080\u00a2june 18th \u00e2\u0080\u00a2 celebrate with $2 off all #sapporo #drafts and #bottles \u00f3\u00be\u00a6\u0087 share... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"* Hundreds of Syrian refugees return home from Lebanon. #v4 #visegrad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#memes I'm looking for memes about how truly enslaved you are if you are fat cuckold to the NWO 'freedom' of capitalism. Who gots em?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Because the party of violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods beating up strangers they know nothing about is so great & honest. Good ole Keith Ellison the women beater can tell you that. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Truth About Why Tommy Robinson Was Jailed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Jack Posobiec: Donald Trump Jr Next to be Indicted ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Just turn the fucking truck around and send it back...why the fuck are they getting a day in court?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes. Of course. He is a perfect fit for the @USER . He is who they are.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I am talking about Brett. He is the one that is in trouble if he doesn't win and make a big move ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Oh, by the way, why does a Cornell grad misuse your versus you're?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln The current man in the WH is a total failure. VOTE! #Biden2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LMFAO. They are in WAY over their pointy liberal heads","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"can't wait to see inside the new main stand at anfield tomorrow so we can prepare the medical plan #ilovemyjob #crowddoctor","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"IT'S IN THE WORKS !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Tale of Madame Deficit","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"8 presidents, same policy on israeli settlements but only obama is slammed as a treacherous anti-semite. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"lornell gone ft me with my shi on that's been missing ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user smiling has a positive effect on racist and first impressions - ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user The choice is simple. If you vote Gillum you are voting for Socialism. If you vote for Ron DeSantis you are voting for everything that makes Florida great. #VoteRonDeSantis2018 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Judge on separation of immigrant families: \"if there's a hell, that's probably what it looks like\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user You are unwell ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"QAN Networks and QAN News Congratulates JOE BIDEN he is the 2020 46th PRESIDENT-ELECT and PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Also Congrats to KAMALA HARRIS the First Black Asian Woman Vice President-Elect and Vice President of the UNITED STATES.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Watch the Video\ud83c\udfa5 https:\/\/t.co\/EU1I4gYJiw","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"After its deal with Turkey to stop Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian & other refugees from reaching the European Union, what can the EU do to reverse Turkey's refugee abuses? Find out at the European Parliament in Brussels at 12:30 pm on 20 June #WorldRefugeeDay@HRW ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals want Bert and Ernie to be gay. WTAF. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i'm helping out with some tunes at this fab event on friday! come along :-) @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i commute 20 feet every morning to my desktop. that can be a long commute before caffeine hits. which does make me happy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"CNN says the rise of populism is \"destabilizing\" Europe. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i'm kind of addicted to this #avocado on #sourdough and #coffee #friday #breakfast #eatclean ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It is now forbidden in France to say: 'French people first, illegal migrants out' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Yeah, it\u2019s soooo \u201ctreasonous\u201d to try to get along with the other nuclear superpower \ud83d\ude44","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"im that bitch who goes thru the whole comment section to like all the comments talking abot jm it be like this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"looks like @user is going to have to be my date to go see the suicide squad movie \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b3\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00bf\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u00ad #suicidesquad ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you Julie. #RushFamily ?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Ca signs bill requiring women on corporate boards. This is sexism. What happened to merit? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"can grown women stop glorifying being a hoe, y'all don't realize the influence on the young bitches ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Not one of these \u201cjournalists\u201d mentioned the arrest of the corrupt mayor yesterday. I guess they were busy not getting blown away in the wind","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Hes a aunt bunt *CUNT* dunt eunt funt gunt hunt iunt junt kunt lunt munt nunt ou\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Lmfaooooo foh w that free thought shit Lmaoooo","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@KamalaHarris #VOTEBLUE2020 alert: Give ACB the same number of meetings with DEMOCRATIC SENATORS THAT MERRICK GARLAND RECEIVED from REPUBLICANS \ud83d\uded1","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You\u2019re the embarrassment who should be kicked out of the @USER","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user this hurts to look at ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"a bitch that can fight will be quick to tell you what your man is doing it's these scary hoes that keep quiet lmao ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER The problem is Trump is playing the Dems against the Repubs and he is neither. Trump is an authoritarian. To Trump there is no leaning. His goal is to conjure up hate. He has been part of America\u2019s under belly his whole life and brought it to the WH.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump via @user Smart move,they are invaders not refugees... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Oh, come on ... _everybody_ is allowed to mock the English. It's in the basic EU treaties.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER People died in Puerto Rico because of their government\u2019s corruption !!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"59% of Americans fear violence from Anti-Trumpers...behold the 'tolerance' of the hysteria-inducing Political Left in 2018: #Unhinged #CW2\u00a0https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=eFRHX6glTSM&t=...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm waiting for them to claim the walking man at intersections is racist.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"fun fact: this is a 1975 lyric and some local bitch tried saying this was about her & that I called her a whore in\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not a slut, just a whore ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s your answer \u201cshut the fuck up\u201d. You should join ANTIFA with all the other loudmouth punks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user WARNING,\"\" \"\"CAUTION\"\" WHENEVER A LIBERAL MAKES A STATEMENT, THINKING PEOPLE MUST DEMAND THAT DETAILS MUST FOLLOW. EX. MOORE'S DEFINITION OF RIGHTS MEAN OPEN BORDERS, RIGHT 2 SQUELCH FREE SPEECH, DEPICT L&O PERSONNEL AS OPRESSORS WHILE CHAMPIONING ANTIFA. NO LIE TOO BIG OR VICIOUS!\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\"racism in muslim societies\" by dr. eren tasar of @user #teaching #islam #sblaar16 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user they gymnasts faces when queenie walked in was priceless. #lovely #priceless","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Cameron some hands are bigger than yours saying hi with Obma knowing Disabled peoples Benefits were being attacked migrants not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Robert I have to ask, I hope you meen: how long will the PoliCe \"plague Britain\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"MOOD. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=A7l7xi-VqC0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user i sent u a twt sayin congrats but who r u 2tell me who 2tell my story 2?! if u dnt like it dnt follow me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nice. I wasn't sure if you knew by the comment you sent.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user not the point ~although it is a convenient excuse for conservatives to assume if ones against trump then tbey ate for for clinton which is just asinine. \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh shit the mafia have finally found me","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Michigan woman who lied about being raped in the parking lot of a Michigan college was sentenced to a 45-day jail term. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user She is!! Have you seen her tweets lately?? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Washington post is run by the people in the nwo, dont believe in the washington post. This article said what has been known since guns were evented, but that doesn't mean sexy sluts\/whores shouldn't be in the army.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\u201cI\u2019m mentally ill, having mutilated my own genitals because I cannot accept how God made me. You should absolutely\u00a0take my opinions on politics seriously.\u201d ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@BarackObama l voted and supported u and u pulled the rug out from under us, a nation and worse, cuz were not in \"your circle\" were trash.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Is there any other organisation where you can spend \u00a350k per year in expenses without having to produce a single receipt? Not very 'transparent' is it and don't forget, this is OUR money! #Brexit can't come soon enough. #britfam\u00a0https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/world\/997864\/EU-new...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the #regressiveleft is expanding is fascistic censorship to my home town. sad! #trump2016 #wwenxt #blm ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love my religious brothers and sisters, but @user FUCK YOU, YOU'RE NOT EVEN A REAL THEOCRAT YOU FAT USLESS BITCH. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"But the plant gets devoured by the animal, and the animal devoured by us, because nature, rather like I spoke of women before, is a cunt. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user Yeah! Liberals are all Look at me! I'm a victim just because a man held me down, covered my mouth and tried to rip my clothes off to rape me. Boo hoo. And his friend turned up the music too loud to cover up my screams and it hurt my widdle ears\"\" Get over it already, amiright?\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"thought factory: left-right polarisation! #trump #uselections2016 #leadership #politics #brexit #blm >10 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"think happy. be happy. . . . #handlettering #whiteaddict\u00c2\u00a0#minimal #whywhiteworks #behappy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What a bigot. He should be suspended from Facebook and Twitter.\ud83d\ude06","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This is so great. trump IS BRAGGING AT HIS CULT GATHERING ABOUT HAVING SO MANY DOCTORS WHEN HE HAD THE VIRUS (THE BEST DOCTORS IN THE WORLD), WHILE THE GOP SENATE IS RUSHING A SUPREME COURT NOMINEE THROUGH TO GET RID OF THE CITIZENS HEALTH CARE (ACA)[NEWLINE] FUCKING HYPOCRISY!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user life is sho it's time to live not just exists, do what makes you ! no more wasting time\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The future is femaleAverage 40yr old man: um women should stay in the kitchen,, ha clean my house hahahahaMe: ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"bag of dicks! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@GloriaBorger Trump abandoned NY and went to FL. I\u2019m not sure who won in this case.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user twitter is full of vile #altright #homophobic #theistic #trolls but man does it give me the juice to #fightlikeagirl\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"LOL \"jewish psychology word\". you are a special little snowflake, aren't you Barron. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I wasn't proposing scare tactics. I really meant what I said. Trump can easily pull the good maga Republicans and can easily steal enough votes from GOP Dem and independents and will bring fresh breath to our rotten politics. Think about it.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"And you're not German. Your the biggest kike i've ever met. You sound like a pussy asshole","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I confess. I'm autistic or something. I thought #Aerosmith #DreamOn was #LedZeppelin until like yesterday....... #retarded","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@amq","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"ak420 friendly media (550 cr adveising) doing all effos to suppo diy game of ak420. shame paki gangsters. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user radical groups are slaughtering people and all we can do is battle over what we're to call them, and talk about guns ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user The longer picture of migration from a 75M Turkey and add Bosnia will bring the end of our way of life as we know it alreadybad ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you're leaving the dick appointment and it was fire AF ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Tomorrow night you get dropped @user @user will make sure he is not robbed again you fraud ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"very excited to be involved in this - and shooting my first horror series! #actor #horror ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Its what the liberals do. Make stuff up and throw it at the wall and see if anything sticks. Too bad they didnt care about the accusations with credible evidence against slick willie clinton","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Has nothing to do with liking him or not. Has to do with CENSORSHIP! NO ONE should be censored! That is the point I am trying to make.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yup, that\u2019s the one.\u00a0 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Ask ur reporters to file stories on pathetic Delhi conditions after AAP came to power.Hawkers,illegal migrants,jhugis taken over ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Looks like Wolf just likes to drop names in the middle of the garbage he writes...All part of the Anti-Trump attack.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Have you ever popped champagne on a plane, while gettin some brain \nWhipped it out, she said \"I never seen Snakes on a Plane\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Does anyone else have any good ones?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"preemptive strike...send in the warthogs to crater the roads","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Liberals be like ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"sad girl wallpaper #4k #wallpapers #babes #girl #hd ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#DEMOCRACY Civil Disobedience is Paramount\" #DumpFord #Dictatorship #CONservatives #Liars #Fascists #ONpoli #TOpoli It\u2019s time for Ontario\u2019s other municipalities to stand up for local democracy URL via @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Why would they drag their feet? If they had something on you (which there isn\u2019t)...it be out by now. TOTAL WITCH HUNT! #MAGA #BestPres45 URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Awesome interview @a! You killed it with Crowder! https:\/\/youtu.be\/VOu30hBgPXg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are welcome. I don't always say it, but I'm so greatfull for this... everything. Thank you... we had nothing and you and Thor has given us everything. So if you ever need anything in return, just say the word and we will help,\" She truly was just so greatfull.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Who's Oboma??? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user i dreamt of you tonight, but when i finally got to hold your hand, i woke up. \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a2 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"When your girl been drinkin that lemonade so you gotta disguise yourself and get the fuck outta town ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#ripchristinagrimmie condolences to the family.. another victim to viral #gunviolence ... #news to sta my day ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user our pizza base already for our cob oven build thanks to @user for supplying some fantastic supplies. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Agreed. Bring your dollar bills! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And how is the investigation against your son the antifa Terrorist going ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"THAT'S my President!!!!!!!! What a great time to be an American!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user happy 16th birthday hoe!!! Have a blast bitch!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Haha. @Eric_StrikerDS\u00a0won't let me follow him any more because I like to remind him that the Alt-Right media embargo on @Patrick_little\u00a0was RACE TREASON. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sareena was wrong to behave like this. That is not racist just truth. I do not want my children watching this behavior. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"coming from an ultra #pos like @user surprise surprise @user @user @user #maga #usa at least they can play golf \u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u0087\u00b8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Liberals and Democrats are Psychopaths! Yep! Something wrong with all of them.\ud83e\uddd0\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER She is trending","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She doesn\u2019t want to be near him. And if he watched the show. She never said anything about loving him she said I don\u2019t want to ruin my chance to get to the us. She is keeping it real.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Got your ass lmao","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"brother ronaldo what wrong with yu? i'm so sad fr yu and others now! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"waiting to see @user #keshaatthelake ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Unfortunally I grew up in NJ so I know first hand what a slime bag Rev Al is, many on GAB may not know this lil ditty not being from the area, but this is how we in the north east feel about good ol rev Al... NJoy gabbies https:\/\/youtu.be\/J9CaoqWgSpg","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I was meeting with some neighbors for lunch, safely. Two Trump supporters said they believed that Joe Biden had Alzheimer\u2019s or dementia + they believed Biden would resign soon after taking office+ give the presidency to Kamala Harris. Where would they have gotten that idea?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"French chased away UK scallopers - even though we did nothing illegal. Le Drama !\u00a0 #UKNews\u00a0\u00a0https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news\/world-europe-45337091","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user as Libertarian all this shows me is how ugly and divisive the two party system is. Liberals are actually a lot uglier. All straight men need to leave the Democratic party. A party of men hatred. Leave! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user don't you just smell a conspiracy theory by Turkey in smashing up a entry point for refugees to go through Nice try Turkey ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user in 2 days i speak in dc at #shrm16 about my fav subject & the topic of my bestseller: social media at work. i'm a\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user yes bitch lookin good xx ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#UnsealTheDeals of #Congress Sexual Assault #SlushFunds NOW pls @user \ud83d\ude4f #MAGA bc #WeThePeople WANT to Know! The #Hypocrisy of #DoubleStandardDEMs is SICKENING! \ud83d\udc48 #DeclassifyFISA \ud83d\udc48 #DeclassifyRelease302sUnredacted \ud83d\udc48 & #DeclassifyPOWsDocuments while yr at it. \ud83d\udc4d #DarkToLIGHT ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Unfortunately gun control is long game and the house always wins. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"all i care about is finding that little girl safe & sound","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hopefully it is joking. I hate boycotting the Leftist entertainers but I do. Stop saying stupid stuff.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Dear Liberal #FakeNewsMedia This gesture you call a white power\" gesture is actually what we NORMAL people call the \"OK\" gesture. I realize this is not as fun as your make believe \"white power\" name but yeah. That's what it means. OK ? OK! #WalkAway #MAGA URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I used to love watching interviewers try and make Frank look foolish. He'd just talk circles around them and their 'points' and end up making THEM look foolish. Brilliant man.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The refugeesmedia report that this baby Asel is the first of 2018 in Vienna at 0.47. Many hateposters send bad voices. But in reality many other white babies (about 12) was born also earlier in Austria, just 1 minute after midnight in Styria and other places. Nobody report about. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I just figured out why T***p always plays \u201cYou Can\u2019t Always Get What You Want\u201d at his rallies. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]It\u2019s a message to his creditors. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxReturns [NEWLINE]#TrumpTaxes [NEWLINE]#TrumpMeltdown [NEWLINE]#MAGA2020 [NEWLINE]#MakeAmericaGoodAgain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"WHACKS AGAIN. 'Bitch, no the fuck you don't you damn skank.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"No. I respect him for sticking up for his wife but let's not forget that he's running around screaming MAGA & said slavery sounds like an option to him. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @ohmyev: it's crazy. if a female cheats, it's so wrong. she's every type of hoe there is but if a guy cheats, there's all these justific…","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"U.S.Sheriffs Fed Up as 25 Americans are Killed Each Day by Illegal Aliens @user @user #KeepAmericansSafe #DeportThemAll ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user because trump is a #fascist & a #bigot #misogynist #sexualpredator all proven by his words","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are as nasty as he is","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @druggedvibes: Top 5 Thot Tattoos :\n\n1) dream catchers \n\n2) bird feathers \n\n3) inspirational quotes that they dont live by \n\n4) animal p…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I see my D vitamins on top of that scary pile. Take a handfull once a week (about 50k IU).","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER You are a big blot on the dharmic Kashmiri Pandits community. In the name of modernity you have lost all sanity which reflects in the way you have supported this loony womans hinduphobia.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Maybe he thinks he is. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #rasenturnier im londoner queen's club: wawrinka scheidet aus #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i repost and like often ... there is an abundance of clear thinking patriotism on Gab. It is my pleasure to pass along posts i like","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"well today's wedding was rather beautiful! #photographer #norfolk #essexwedding\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I think he WAS black. But thank God the police here behaved professionally. She is SCARY! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"must be that \"thing\" soros said if obama doesn't get it done, he'll \"get someone who will!\" heard it my ears. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Can\u2019t rehabilitate a pervert zero tolerance So disappointed in this pope","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#newyear! new #prez. new #destruction. new #commercials. new !new order! new tweets. new #poopin. new kids on the block. new #america","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user keeping everything crossed for today. good luck! will be watching in work with all the kids!! #nervous #proud xxx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I wish I was just as fascinated with important things in life as I am with those 360 degree videos on FB when I'm high ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user She is a terrible person. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Well since your streams always have porn in the title im going to sa you love porn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"happiness explained. i really love this thought by mr. money mustache! #life ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bruh... @theofficialeg10 soo trash....","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Why have you forsaken us for @user and @user Keep your word for a change #BTW #DeportThemAll #MAGA ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#elections2016 #bullshit this is what happens when you don't bother to #factcheck #losers #yourealldoomed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@greenfield64 Not Biden's fault here. Campaign on and take advantage! All's fair in love, war, and politics. Trump himself has proven that last point over the last 4 years. #BidenHarris2020","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Half of the judiciary are abusing their powers trying to stop #Brexit. The other half, it seems, are stealing our money. How is it possible not to have utter contempt for our current crop of judges? https:\/\/www.thesun.co.uk\/news\/6642702\/three-immigr...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The ONLY thing that can wash away this problem is a Big Red Wave in November!#BigRedWave #SendThemBack #IllegalCriminals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Kate, gun safety\"\" is just a code word for gun control. There isn't anything \"\"safe\"\" about gun control. It just limits law abiding citizens. Law breakers ignore ALL laws. Wake up! You folks in MN need to get off the liberal wagon. Vote for Patriots Only ... Vote Red! \u271d\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\ude82\u2693\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dude, shut the fuck up. You sound like like a fucking pussy. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER She is delusional! Get rid of Electoral College so she and her corruption cronies can ruin the USA! They almost did!!! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump Administration Stands Behind Appointee Ximena Barreto, Rejects CNN's Smear Job Attempt to Get Her Fired http:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/05\/trump-administration-stands-behind-appointee-ximena-barreto-rejects-cnns-smear-job-attempt-to-get-her-fired\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the glass and marble saw has just arrived in a box half the size of a car... . ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why I Joined the NRA After Writing Gun Control Articles http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/05\/30\/joined-nra-after-gun-control\/ #2a #2ndAmendment #GunControl #Government #Corruption #Demoncrats #Guns #GunOwners #ArmedCitizens #FreeCitizens","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Do you support antifa like Gilbert does? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"an old man who is still agnostic is a damned fool that will simply never get it","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do people laugh at this stupid woman & her crazy hats in the U.S? We're finding it hysterical here in the U.K. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Doesn\u2019t the University of Wisconsin have entrance requirements or do they take anyone rejected by other Universities?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Haha the devil himself. Now exposed could not wait any longer to call for the wall not too be built. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you never wish death on anybody! to hear a wife wish death on her husband for a cousin was just wild to me ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Stop with your nonsense. You are a block. You are STUPID!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user already lamenting your last broadcast @user @user i don't think i can live without your voice every week ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Europeans are morons for electing people like this","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Lml 'no matter what color a girl is she's still a hoe' That's funny. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"One of our garden pumpkins has really taken off!! The shoe next to it fits my foot!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Nothing good on TV and the @Yankees are eating their balls 3 innings in. Great.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"5:26 you are my late night thoughts. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Don\u2019t use his NJ address. He is never there.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"selfie time \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008d\u00f0\u009f\u008c\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u0083\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u009f #selfie #yesterday #coveredincolour\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user That\u2019s really insulting because there are a lot of Latinos like me and there are a lot black conservatives who believe in God. We are not crackheads nor are we uneducated. These celebrities are garbage who know only how to read from a script that\u2019s all. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I wish just one would have the kahuna's to say that to the public at large.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"if this big troglodyte bitch texts my man again im going to put bullet holes into your knee caps. i don't fight big white bitches they dogs ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"received my order of #chia bars and am so ! i've been eating these for a couple years and\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Karma is a bitch and will get the asshole who did this ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"check out this flyer for #trump! yay titties! question: do we have to bring our own pussy to grab, or will pussy be\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Never was a True Church !","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Tories pretend to be so concerned with liberty for 'The Market' how about some FUCKING LIBERTY FOR PEOPLE. I ought not to go to gulag for smoking a joint or a tweet. Function of the right in 2018 must be to OPPOSE THE FUCK OUT OF THE TOTALITARIAN CLAMPDOWN ON INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY BY THE LEFT.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I have been censored by Tumblr. All three of my sites on there are now no longer visible to anyone but me. Perhaps I should not have been so critical of Islam. I have known for a long time that Tumblr are a bunch of SJWs, so I should not be surprised. I will be on here a lot more now.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I know exactly how it works. They steal money through regulations and taxes and the people can't do a thing about it because the government has the monopoly on violence. Why do you think democrats desperately need gun control? They want even more power over the people. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Retweeted DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT): British actress becomes fifth woman to accuse of rape...... ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is what BLM is all about. #BlackLiesMatter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just published the latest by Holly Blomberg: \"Smartphones And Human Suffering: the Intended Consequences of Progress\" about #Congo and the insidious nature of neo-colonialism in #Africa. What are your thoughts? https:\/\/ghionjournal.com\/congo-and-cobalt\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user could you please answer phones lines been on hold for 20 mins & still waiting #gettingannoyed ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH TO DISQUALIFY HIM!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"...We can no longer sit on the sidelines and remain silent on this issue.\" - Chip Bergh, chief executive @USER This is what #PeopleOverProfits looks like. \ud83d\udc4f URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i was founate to have this man in my life every single day. #father #day to all. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user bird #okweworkofficehouse #watchmkwork #delatejpayas #groupononwin #openepx #greegewekaziquee ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Um, no? Saying that Labour is the party of hatred\"\" implies they are the most hateful party, and therefore The Conservatives are less hateful. Whilst the claim about the Tories can be disputed, it's not whataboutery.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Goodell is the worst commissioner of any sport from any time in history","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you can take the nigger out of the jungle, but can't take the jungle out of the nigger!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the latest science u can use daily! thanks to @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user He is by definition an antagonist in certain canons, but by no means an objective villain overall. frankly, they put effort in the franchise to make players\/viewers sympathize with the character, even when he was the bad guy.\"\" so,,,arguable either way i guess\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Don't forget: Lex Luthor isn't the bad guy. He's just a Capitalist. Superman is the goodie two shoes illegal alien who pretends to be patriotic while pushing socialist propaganda.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"What fat boy can't paddle the boat so he has to hire and black over weight ( probably gay) woman to do it for him... Just being PC correct I suppose.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @SVL305: @VJtechsupport @YoungMcFly the real reason y she gave up rapping was because of ME.. i called her trash to her face n asked for…","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"try to make at least 1 person every day. in 10 years u will have made 3,650 people happy. #kc #ca #yoga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #nikkei 225 sees relief rally ahead of fed #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Hahaha BIG thighs is not going to make it ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I thought it was good too \ud83d\ude0a","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user She is just great. As long as she wins the title eventually ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am ceain. #i_am #positive #affirmation ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user But but but ..... But like her music sucks! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Our President isn\u2019t radicalizing anything! Your antifa\/resist mobs are! That\u2019s you gaslighting lol! saul alinsky much? #WeThePeople #GreatAwakening ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user there is no safe place for blacks in this country because of people like you #bitter ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@YellabeautyKC home coon","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#dtmag Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting Colorado cop has criminal history, yet avoided deportation, report says ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Black guy in class: *attempts to throw a paper ball into the trash*\n*misses* \nMrs. Mundy: \"You're a disgrace to your race, Marcus\"\n😂😂😂","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Far Left SOROS GROUP That Got Alex Jones Banned from Internet Platforms Was Created to \u201cDefend Free Expression\u201d ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user your comment = \u00e2\u0082\u00ac 5,- donation for #tefugeeswelcome \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 sucks","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER shit ode","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"my dad just drove past the chicago theater. long time no see you dirty slut ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Hmmmm what about the MEPs who we elect in the UK who attend the European Parliament to represent the UK? It\u2019s a framework under which we operate. We\u2019re not the victim until we leave and are then subject to rules we don\u2019t even control. It\u2019s a #BrexitShambles. Let\u2019s stop it. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Old pic. Trump is not monitoring anything related to the Hurricane. Pretty sure he is shitting his pants right about now","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user FASCISTS OF THE FUTURE WILL CALL THEMSELVES ANTI FASCIST. ANTIFA COMES TO MIND. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ben Sasse is 100% correct. Since 1973, all Ive EVER heard every two years for elections are hysterical women (all a Leftist act) about Back-Alley abortions. This shit is getting old! I didnt hear one other protest issue being yelled about in the Hearings. Thats pitiful. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"A Slut would call a Nasty Bitch dressed exposing herself Fun. Is this ur kind of ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Bitch you gay hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user i wake up to a empty phone every morning\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0095\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0082 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Serious traction, like with 35's BFG KM2'S in the mud kinda traction. But I truly think that the onslaught of multi culture being pushed in our universities has backfired. For those brainwashed few who will jump ship, let them jump. Snowflake DNA lacks backbone and critical thinking anyway. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"smoke out the old year and new year at the same time! marijuana unleashed at ibooks. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Lock him up! He is insane!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Ikkk he is a fucking prince 6al3 mn al stories bta3in Disney kida ahhooo\ud83d\ude39\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude39\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude39\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @Jim_Jordan: ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user will u charge 35% on yur own products made outside the usa? do tell! #hypocrisy #trumplies #bigot #nazi ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"ahhh! i've been waiting for this since forever! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER totally agree with you with the double standard. Why is there always a sexist argument when it involves Serena.She is not the shining light of the WTA. Carlos was just doing his job. Serena smashed her racket and had three audible obscenities against Ramos. Shrug.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" says aap behind making of 'udta punjab' movie #jobs #jobsearch #: #chandigarh: the controversy around cr... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DonLemonCNN @DanaBashCNN u both sorry to give racist @SenTedCruz a platform w his trash language Dana ur intvw was below kindergarten level","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user How dare you tell me what Antifa is doing is right. They are not fighting facism they are fighting for their own stupid cause. They are further from fixing facism than the republicans themselves ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Actually, yes I do. The cunt is the vagina. All women have one. It is a beautiful, wonde\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER America is better than swamp crud like YOU!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER $10 says he\/she is white. Any other white people notice how many shitty white people there are or am I the only one who sees this?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"work drives me crazy! so, i look for joy_that comes from @user #dances #inspiringwords #mybeaconoflight ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh GOOD WE CAN START REMINDING PEOPLE ABOUT THE WORST ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY OBAMA the I will not help blacks and Hispanics president that sent a plane filled with cash to Iran sent guns to Mexico so they could kill people and start a gun control riot and started Ferguson riot ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER All because she referred to POTUS as \u201cThe Donald\u201d. She is now \u201cThe Jourdan\u201d because of that letter. Cc: @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"He's holding the economy hostage and hoping he can verbally bribe you into voting for him.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]He lies in every sentence. \"Pelosi not negotiating in good faith,\" means HE isn't negotiating in good faith.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Don't be fooled. #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/fcPB9WxoC2","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" bihday sexy girl anal granny movie ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"President Trump should Appoint \u201cNOBODY\u201d to be the UN Ambassador and explain that it\u2019s becuz the UN is full of LOSERS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user That's why I am somewhat conflicted in talking shit or defending myself because there are so many VERY INTELLIGENT bright minds out there that have been held hostage by MSM propaganda Peddling. But uhave to read these Documents and dive deep to know who funds Antifa\/MSM\/DNC etc ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user know what mitch. sadly think majlr is over your head. you lash out at 1 of few last american leaders besides sessions. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER That makes zero sense as you are conflating biogenic with non biogenic emission sources.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER trump may not be the one who started this mess but he can stop it. If he doesn't he is part of the problem.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"fo woh officer in viral arrest video was \u00e2\u0080\u0098rude not racist\u00e2\u0080\u0099: chief #crime #officer\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Somalians have to go back!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives would do anything to eliminate the value of laborers in this country. People worked and died for this holiday. Don't want to see it lost to some fake Constitution worshiping by people who do not value the Constitution in any way such as the Far Right.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user That will give him something to try for. AZ says he is gone. He voted correct but his ideas on illegal immigration is not ours. (AZ) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"An entirely full flight; 3:00 in the morning, and only one person awake. Guess who, and doing what --- yes, @McAfeeExecutive, of course, and doing the only thing he ever does - working. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/34z8Y","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lv teaching \u00f3\u00be\u008c\u00b5\u00f3\u00be\u00ae\u0097 @user photography #ramodmalaka #coolsteps #dance #danceworkshop #matara #smile... ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user #Hillary smeared a young rape victim's reputation, practically calling her a whore while defending a rapis\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I love it! Do it! #BuildThatWall ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" \u00e2\u0086\u009d #us retail sales were reasonably strong at 0.5% m-o-m - rabobank #blog #silver #gold #forex","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user a friend told me she and the car were going the same way when the car lost control and hit her from behind then was dragged ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love it when a plan comes together \u263a\ufe0f #maga #nexit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"got an early shift tmw dear god i hate part time work..... but im gonna wake up and google who is the president of the united states and it better say joe biden! i dont like him or kamala but no more trump!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER real goal: To make everyone in Wisconsin as dumb as he is. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"nah we are supposed to go walking, but im getting hungy, so im getting traumatized online, gets my adrenaline going \ud83d\ude01\u00a0\ud83d\ude01\u00a0\ud83d\ude01","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#babies noh states tall easy swing & lock stairway gate #bouncingbaby","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user \"Most Hysterical Woman\" Touche' Ann,couldn't agree more. 2020 candidacy is already here. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@kaitlancollins @LaurieFitch3 Lying POS....both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris offered their wishes\/prayers for yours & Melanie's speedy recovery.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"when baylor wins im talking so much trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Irish Women Cheering Killing Their Babies - #MGTOW - MG569 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Conservatives apparently won't do anything because the only thing out of your mouth is words saying what you will do without explaining HOW you will do it. That's OK. We had a decade of Harper showing us the how. You obviously know what Canada thought of him after his majority. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@DavidBe81818392 @ReesusP @debcasalina @realDonaldTrump @nytimes @POTUS Not to mention that John Bolton, who closely worked with Trump, was there the alleged morning and confirmed Trump never said it. Trump and Bolton don\u2019t like each other at all, so I\u2019m sure he\u2019d jump at the chance to say he said it, if he really did","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"But if you believe Robert Francis @user , there are only hapless women & children sneaking (ILLEGALLY) across our border. #BuildThatWall @user #CruzCrew5 Sexual Predators Arrested Attempting to Re-Enter U.S. from Mexico via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Every politician should surrender their passports to show their faith in @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user body...temple.... bs\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 . . . . . #body #instagood #love #life #temple #pic #photooftheday \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"blacks turn everywhere they go into a concrete jungle https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Pia8ku7jUNg","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"finally the hour count down til we leave to victoria, b.c. open road & merry travels \u00f0\u009f\u009a\u0099 #scenery #mountains #ocean","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER LMAO you are too dumb... forgive my manners but this pile of shiit you just said can give cancer. URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Lmao. He\u2019ll be confirmed on schedule. Then we start the very short clock on RBG. And 1 or 2 or 3 more in the next 6.5 years. Along with another 30-40% lower court appointments. The democrat destruction over the last 10 years has been epic!! And hilarious. #maga ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user can't wait to see the asshole who did this. although i'm living among people like him everyday. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Then your gonna get bitten ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Makes you realize how good he is with words. Too bad the PC crowd keeps him toned down. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@AndrewAnglin apparently has more principles than @stefanmolyneux. Stefan is acting like a hypocrite and a coward. Please help me harass him until he lives up to his ideas, or until I destroy him. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9_iq6oDEh60 #FreedomainRadio #StefanMolyneux #FreeSpeech #SpeakFreely","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Good for them I wish we could ban all the TRASH New York assholes dump on our beaches here in FL. You have to pay to get on the beach now in most places or pay for a room on the beach to visit the beaches because we have to spend tens of millions of dollars each year cleaning up after tourist that can't seem to find the trash cans we put for them on the beach. Hell Daytona has to sift its sand in some areas that is very expensive. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@countdankula\u200d Has just been convicted of being 'Grossly Offensive' under the Communications Act in #Scotlandhttps:\/\/youtu.be\/7_MxAXaKzOU","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Post insightful OBS, crickets! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A number of the unreconstructed Southerners have been referring to the US as Weimerica for quite some time. \u00a0 And yes does sort of have that sort of vibe to it doesn\u2019t it depravity for its own sake.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Black Female Democrats Call for Changes in Party\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER was spreading #FakeNews about @USER FYI. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER I always found liberals and progressives to be the spartan ones. All the socialists I knew wanted to live as well as they could afford","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"so excited to see what happens! #cantwait #emmerdale ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Oh i get it, believe me. Fucking pussy ass bitch cunt hoe ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are all rapid dog's \ud83e\udd2a","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"150 \u00e2\u201a\u00ac is enough to life; a customer declares how this is easy possible. Normally refugees should get only bread and water and no money and they should sleep in a tent. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Holder should be in prison. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When someone with stank breath tries talking to you ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"It's about to get real. Be prepared. #shtf","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user It's a trap. Conservatives know as soon as they go public they're on the termination list. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user She just sounds like she doesn't need to be a cop. Not everyone is cut out for it. I think she got startled when he opened the door and in that short moment of panic pulled her gun and shot. Horrible.i just think she is not made to stay calm in situations. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@Patriot-Mom\u00a0and a pretty mom at that. Welcome.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"2be clear I fully support free speech. But especially when libertarians and conservatives are being silenced I don't want to read leftist trash talk in my timeline. I don't want them censored. I just don't remember following them. But it is enough that I can personally block.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Pop QUIZ #MAGA The New Antifa #Democrats Party are:","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Making out women are hysterical overreacters desperate to plague good men with false accusations is *not helping*, sister. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you never knew this day would actually come to see a mini you! #confused #delighted #happy \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"seems life is a bigger issue than transgender bathrooms for women. lucky we handled that danger. #realproblem ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And when they met he looked at her and said I'm in charge in you're my bitch. Even though he knew that she is a Domme and was there in that capacity. He tried to control the situation and take over and she had to shut him down and get the hell out of there so she didn't get hurt.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A Sudanese man was killed during an immigration raid on Saturday in Newport, Wales. This is a violent system designed to threaten, designed to terrify, designed to traumatise and re-traumatise. That kills. Allah yerhamo. May his memory be a blessing. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I know I must make a lot of you hoes sick; All I can tell you is get use to it bitch \ud83d\ude18 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"another example of #religiouspsychosis it's an epidemic of brutality & ignorance. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The Evil Empire Strikes Back","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":".@USER Live westminster\"\" utter bulshit conservatives cear nothing of the people living in social housing just look #Grenfell & It's tenants need say no more merits speak louder than words & Tory words are empty promises!\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"When you finally get what you deserve ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Be quiet SheDevil URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Republicans would not stoop so low....FAKE NEWSBOMBS","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sick, defective, failure of a country #SouthAfrica ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Okey let's build Ram Mandir..? Dare you to answer..!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user rewrite this story,santa fe,heard your voice in a dream,let it go, all coming bk to me now, any newsies song ;) ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Hey, I made you laugh, laughter is good....mission accomplished","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"what you have is what you are looking for. #positive #today #love #smile","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Sept 20 at 2:18 EST, expect emergency text message from trump. If it says no collusion,\"\" I'm gonna sue someone. #resist #MAGA\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall end #chainmigration replace #ImmigrationLottery ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Go away ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Your husband is a despicable person. He is a narcissist who cares about no one - including you- but himself. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The schoolgirls are up, I'll write in the sexy captions tomorrow when I'm sober.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Holler at ya boi\/girls@bogdutts\u00a0@HeHeSillyComics\u00a0@h8ku\u00a0\u00a0@VeyGraphics\u00a0@Umberman\u00a0Was hard to whittle it down to a few haha","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user It's alright Julia, we already know how vile you are, no need to ram the point home ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user praying for orlando... \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00be","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Bosnia's security minister wants #Army at border to curb entry of migrants ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"This needs to go viral! Please RT! #BuildThatWall ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Facebook employees are cephalopods ...\u00a0\u00a0","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user plz don't u dare forget @user majority @user vote against #gunsense bills 4 @user long $$! @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh boy just wait! YOU ARE IN FOR A SURPRISE! Can't believe ANYONE to be that IGNORANT! LMAO!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"He's such a smarmy little fuck.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude02 You are delusional URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user Except those whole emails the prove what yer sayin is wrong. Hannity is paid 30 million a year to blame immigrants so you idiots happily pull the feeder bar for the guy gonna take away yer healthcare. Gotta say the stupidity is entertaining. #maga ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user you are disgusting and need to be ousted. Get out of politics because Schumer you are the corrupt kind of politicians Americans are so tired of. @user has led this country to thrive again and Brett Kavanaugh will be voted in. Americans stand with @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"A united #Resistance is the only thing that can save our nation -FOLLOW ALL WHO: [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]LIKE [NEWLINE]RT[NEWLINE]COMMENT [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]@realDonaldTrump is the biggest POS to ever exist in our entire multi-versal quantum construct & it's time for him to go. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#Resist #Biden2020 #CORRUPTDOJ #TraitorTrump https:\/\/t.co\/3hWfqAavsp","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm not good with social meteors","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I am officially done trying to have peaceful conversation with liberals. They are animals. They deserve to be removed from our republic. Either your believe in America or you are a fucking traitor. Get out of America. You are not welcomed by those of us who love our country.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Son please don\u2019t make me cry today because I never saw this shit ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"a hedgehog dressed in an octopus suit #cute #animal #mashup #hedgehog #octopus #love #james ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user just signed up for a free trial at bolton, need a lifestyle change and you guys look like the perfect answer to that, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'd rather we positively project gun ownership and eliminate so-called \"gun free zones\" in every location in America, save the court house.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"6 Reasons Your Right-Wing Friend Isn\u2019t Budging On Gun Control URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"1st - I never said \"ALL\" - I said those connected to a particular community that has voiced a specific intent to act against whites.\u00a0 Attempting to dismiss their existence or their message by extending it to \"ALL\" hardly avoids their contempt for white society.\u00a0 They exist and their influence is real.\u00a0 Ignatiev taught at Harvard for 20 years.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER At least you are honest about wanting a nationwide gun ban. I give you credit for that. And the only place you can show that gun control works is in an environment with controlled access. Of course gun control works if the only access to a place is through metal detectors.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"K-rrraft-verk! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user #Privilege Lane\ud83e\udd14 #MAGA Blvd\ud83e\udd14 Good Ole Days Avenue\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user I would temporarily change parties if the Republican party would Primary agent orange\"\" with a REAL, Republican, Conservative. That would MAGA!!! At least a great start.\"\" ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"could double up as the new EU flag too - it has surrendered to Soros and Islam","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"tbh, the rot had set in from the perspective of doctrinal rectitude in the Catholic Church long before Vatican II.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i have decided to be happy. #good #health ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user why just a wall let's build an empire #Trump2020 #BuildThatWall 207 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"101 followers away from 4000, thank you all new followers, something huge happening with #xgamer all will be revealed very soon. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall\/EndDACA\/End Sanctuary Cities\/End Chain Migration\/Pass Raise Act\/Enact E-Verify\/Enforce Travel Ban\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/Stop Diversity Lottery Immigration\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/End Diversity Lottery ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Ho, man, that was the prettiest girl I've ever seen. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user this world is not such a wonderful place anymore. gun violence no empathy and a serious disregard for human life is t\u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"has to have his big spoon open the soylent bottle","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"you're the pulse that i've always needed. \u00e2\u009d\u00a4 #ilovevyka #myalways #10 #mygirl #inlove \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER He is quite good at faking. Must have done it numerous times","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER EVERYONE should know about this. It's about time we called out these violent liberals that have gone so far off the deep end.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Article d\u2019un prof contributeur \u2018\u201c le f\u00c3\u00a9minisme dans l\u2019\u00c3\u00a9ducation nationale\u00c2\u00a0: \u00c3\u00a9criture inclusive et immigrationnisme anti \u00c2\u00ab\u00c2\u00a0White Male\u00c2\u00a0\u00c2\u00bb via @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Trump hasn't given up anything. He is profiting from his office and basking in the power and attention.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes as the Democrats and liberals continue to sabotage the November elections it would be the intelligent thing to do so say 20+Million Veterans URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Clearly it does bc the cheerleader is smaller than the other girl and she whooped that ass after being slammed to the ground and everything ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user finally home after amazing event. completed my fuherst distance & a pb -2miles #greatnohswim ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"there are so many people overdosing and dieing. fuck the disease of addiction. your the reason my best friend isn't here. #overdose","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i am thankful for my mind. #thankful #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#wcw for all the #ladies out here... feel #appreciated #loved #wanted #enjoy this\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"it's no surprise that #trump's chosen #administration is a mere basket of racists. though, #hillary is a #liar but\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Stfu bitch lol why u Salty I\u2019m tryna get twitter famous ya know","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"German Police Report: 100+ Germans victimized by migrant crime every day\u00e2\u017e\u00a1\u00ef\u00b8\u008fGermans 6X more likely to be crime victims by migrants than reverse#Germany#RefugeesWelcome#CultureWars#DoesntFitTheNarrativehttps:\/\/t.co\/yWMKCGhVIY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"share 6 steps you can take to stop a racist attack or intervene with a berating bully via @user","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I believe he is formerly law enforcement before a career change.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Aaron finding the sending if a locomotive funny. He is aware it symbolises the trains jews were sent to their deaths on.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"This is how sick the left is. They keep trying to push this shit that the KKK is right wing, and the Nazis were conservatives. Both are 180 degrees from truth. But they can fuck up a good painting for their obscene propaganda. Pepe doesnt have blue eyes either idiots.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Nonsense. Big Herbal and Big Nothing (Homeopathy) have never worked.\u00a0 Now they are trying to backfill and claim real medicine is a \"conspiracy\".","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER In a country where people openly abuse ram...krishna...tearing geeta is no bravery....real bravery would have been if she had done this with books belonging to other religions.....but then she is as big a coward as you are.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Well, since that prick Mayor has whipped up the hatred and POTUS upset every Pakistani on the planet, I'm jolly glad he's not coming to London.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user make happy was one of the realest things i've seen. there's so many comedians who would never put something like that out. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER bitch my life was flashing before my eyes","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Another Woman Has Come Forward With A Very Detailed Rape Allegation Against\u2026 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user MEGUMI IM SORRY I ASKED TO SEE YOUR TITS ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER You can't be this dense. The point is the same - you can't presume someone is guilty just because they're part of a group that's a popular target. For southern whites in the 40s, it was black men. For modern liberals, it's conservative white men. They're the devil\".\"","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"you can\u00e2\u0080\u0099t go wrong with jimmy choo\u00e2\u0080\u0099s! #aghareedwedding #aghareed #wedding #bigday #love \u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER way more accurate than most theories.Most history ancient Egypt ect is all made up BS . It\u2019s all been fabricated for us I don\u2019t claim to know why.But if you start looking into history ect there\u2019s no fucking proof of anything.Enjoy the show.Our consciousness is def changing #Doit","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user pathetic ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Illegal Alien Repeatedly Raped Girls From Two Generations Of The Same Family via @user #BuildTheWall #NeverAmnesty#DeportThemAll#DeathPenaltyFor Child Molesters!#StopTheDepravity ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER why do all crazy liberals have CRAZY EYES? LOL URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The only ones building on hate and division right now are the Dems and their enforcers Antifa and Naxine Watters.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Despite their situation, Boers are the biggest cucks on this planet. The church has brainwashed them with the \"niggers dindu nuffin mentality\". Because this is a PROFITABLE state of affairs for the church.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"corey's kitchen with my lady for a bihday breakfast for her #california #calilove #calilife #humbled ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user And republicans fall right in line and say these are serious accusations we must postpone the vote until we hear from her\"\". Many republicans are not interested in being conservatives.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#bbq\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0096\u00e2\u0098\u0086 #20160611#ktyd#bbq#incident#lol#enjoy #sorry#and#thankyou#love#friend#ma\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"the most worthless whore and bastard CUNT on ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"dont fucking facetune me you fat bitch whore phone ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#Republicans morals are stronger than #Democrat #Liberals Evidenced by trying to stop Liberals from aborting themselves out of existence It's the right thing to do Even though letting them kill off their young so Natural Selection would win would benefit us more #MAGA #KAG\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I sincerely hope.....we get rid of cuck judges before it gets that bad.....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#springfield gorilla simulator: you need to do to adapt to the environment. the need to tear the city. mat ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Looks like the soy-filled bitch isn't done flagging stuff. Here's a different version: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Eq-vKgrcxvM","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Taking a break from streaming, mostly due to the fact since August was well being plagued with stress and worry since recent events have made things less pleasant. I'll probably get back into things in October right now is not the best time to be honest.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user After the GOP wins the mid-terms easily there will be no reason we dont put on the masks and grab weapons to go all #ANTIFA on people like you clowns have been doing. Going to be so much fun!!!! ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Eric and Hussein just need to STFU and go away. Too many Americans died as a result of their Fast and Furious\"\" gun running scheme gone bad. Eric even defied Congressional subpoenas with Hussein's backing. Despicable.\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Shorter is better, one girl lied to me.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"not fun @DPD_UK when you have braxton hicks and cramps regularly from moving around. You try it!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"What ? No Clinton or Bush is available ? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"when you're like a #fool let it take you over...\u00f0\u009f\u008e\u00b6friday #letsdothis #behappy\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Too much makeup so trash..","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i still dont know WHO he is.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Check this out dlvr.it\/Qg5J3z","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I'm not sure about this... - http:\/\/hotmlmcompanies.com\/youngevity-review\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"no @user #bfv fans won't like this dating show. #superficial #adultcampingtrip","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Pretty much how the majority sees it!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"next attack wont be in japan. guaranteed. #smaimmigration #zeroattacks #istanbul #religionofpeace #reliability","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"\ud83d\uded1 Truthfeed News \ud83d\uded1 \ud83d\udc49 'Schumer and Feinstein Go HYSTERICAL and Issue Unhinged Demands to Delay Kavanaugh Vote' #MAGA\ufffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A #Prolife URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Do you have any idea how old he is? ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER The GOP has blood on their hands. GUN CONTROL!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER ANTIFA nut cases.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Elian Gonzalez Was A Dreamer Too, Liberals, Forcibly Separated From Legal Guardians #EndDaca #DACA #EndDaca #separatingfamilies #Durbin #separatingchildren #keepfamiliestogether MON11 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I feel like college is a massive waste of time, money and energy No one gives a shit All the kids went to college because they don't know what to do with their lives And a college degree doesn't guarantee a job Yet all the teachers think they're god Should I... #Gab #GabFam #MAGA #Trump","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control laws that don't have any control on guns. Hopefully a new mayor and government support can help the city. God bless this woman and her family.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user That\u2019s fucking rude to do that ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"this is cynical blackmail of pensioners who mr c thinks are most likely to vote against him and vote #brexit ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I hope they were Reporting on Gun Control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"yayy!!! that show i definitely on my list of things!!! ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#RoseanneBarr never hid her #Racism inexcusable but we know #Liberals sunk her because of #MuslimBrotherhood comment #Priorities #BlackLivesMatter we must #Unite to end #Racism. #RoseanneBarr has been an open #Racist for decades. 100 inexcusable. #PCLiberals #WakeUP end #Racism ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I gotta say though, the how I will change tag is better than 'not all men'. Like fucking duh, then it's not to you lol ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #johnfkelly. I remember the golden woman years in the NJ State Police being callked a cunt for 20 years. Sacred,I think not ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" @user as relevant as ever ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Let us keep the spirit of World Refugee Day alive #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"lol https:\/\/archive.is\/xiBw8","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER Hatred of the man makes people like this fool say things like this. Not reality.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" thinker's are intellectual refugees without any home or heah their thoughts seek asylum in the minds of men but rarely given a beh","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Must take decisive action for sealing borders with B'desh to prevent rampant illegal migration encouraged by one community ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Well she is better looking than the lying chicks lawyer","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"hell yea bitch dis go hard as hell flocka i will suck big dick team slut all day and week month year and century i love big naps ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The US bill is an illegal endeavour and cannot impact the current situation. It is a part of the \u201cdeal of the century\u201d which aims to revoke the Palestinian refugees\u2019 right of return and works hand in hand with the Israeli racist Nation State Law, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" @user father's day weekend to all of the father's ....","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER bt1100 ass malfunction","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"How many of these undercard scrubs are fighting tonight?! Let's do this!!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"They did it' - the path to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris\u2019s victory: five days in five minutes - video highlights made by @chworchi! https:\/\/t.co\/L2zmo4WNgA","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Some people get \"Peace Prizes.\" Some people advance actual peace. What does it say that these are seldom if ever the same people?","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"don't often shout about great customer svs but @user never fail to impress cyclist #newstuff #superquick","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Except you kind of are when it comes to gun control ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"be n #healthy you give before you get. \u00e2\u0080\u0093 napoleon hill ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"i'm so that i decided to rewatch #arresteddevelopment","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER There are many dumb arguments for gun control but this may be the dumbest and most common.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"what has today\u00c2\u0092s attitude to women got in common with that of norman bates? #psycho #feminism #hollaback ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #fathers #day to all the #single #mothers holding it down...you more of man then some of these bum ahh nikkas! #salute","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user and sorry if we are ethnically cleansing you in east jerusalem or bethlehem, but hey. \u00e2\u0080\u00a6","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user @user Golf? You want to compare time spent on golf? THAT. IS HYSTERICAL. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@AmeezysAngels96 I'm the trash","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'd punch that cunt in the fuckin mouth. Idgaf if she's a woman ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Trump administration ripped children from the arms of their parents and then failed to protect them! \u2014> HIV-positive shelter worker sexually abused 8 immigrant boys, court docs say ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Liberals are the worst sexists. Not all women speak truth especially political activists. Try judging the veracity of the allegation by evidence instead of gender. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"we've had a great day and we hope you have too. we're really about being an official member of @user from #today #membership","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":" ep 28 we discuss #thatguy #groupoffriends #drinking #faking #drunk #trysomething #redrain #mango #malibu","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Bitch I wanna know","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user REST IN PUSSY ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER It's clear that Trump is President and hillary still can't accept that. Too bad 'ause he's there for 6 more years. #MAGA","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"the anc never prosecute that type of offences against white people. just listen to zuma and malema and you know why. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Trump voters should thank these immigrant firefighters for saving their homes. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#trump\u00e2\u0080\u0099s pick for attorney general is shadowed by race and history #wellduh #sessions is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Just heard a brilliant response to 'not all men': 'You're right, it's not you - it's all of you.' ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER These liberals are responsible for the deterioration of American society. They should be ashamed but we all know they\u2019re not.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER If Obama's lips are moving then he is lying.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Obviously they do not care who they ruin due to their attacks on conservatives.... the left is out of control and blind as a \ud83e\udd87!!!!!","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@rosamystica11 I am still stunned by the election. It feels like a bad Bond Film... Joe Biden in the basement and Kamala Harris with a white cat on her lap, laughing hysterically","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"LMAO@ sacks of wet assholes....hahahahahaha\u00a0that's gotta be the funniest thing I've ever read.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER And with right wingers its about white supremacy and neo naziism ? Right?","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I'm pissed off no one has organized protests and marches against Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. We are what make them. They are NOTHING without us.\u00a0 FUCK THEM.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user now you wanna mock my country b\/c you have no pt.\u00f0\u009f\u0099\u0084 #libtards are the most s of all,b\/c \"it's not if\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"RT @LOHANTHONY: i'd never send my kids to private school because then they would never experience ghetto public school fights","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"i am a new york dude and like both golden state and cleveland. whoever wins wins. just glad there is a game 7. #nbafinals","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Worked at this school for one year. I have nothing nice to say about these colleagues, except he smiled and laughed like the fat Nigerian he is.https:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2018\/08\/07\/emails-reveal...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #VoteBlue2020 [NEWLINE]After a tumultuous month of news, Biden maintains national lead over Trump https:\/\/t.co\/YWiX9js2aM via @YahooNews","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Earth to Andrew, come in Andrew: its about immigration.Denying Canadians their right to survive and defend their racial interests IS 'racial hatred'. IN fact its White Genocide. Its a crime: Access to White peopl ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"... some cunt tagged my mom\u00b4s house - reason #43 I\u00b4m leaving this shit -hole for good ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Show me the lie. #fucktrump #saveamerica #vote2020 #biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/9BZkUN4wDK","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Receiving migrants is road to hell, says Czech PM ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@BarackObama @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris Thank you Barack for your encouraging words. I do congratulate Joe Biden, Kamala Harris for their effort. And all the Americans who voted.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#trump's hair is no mystery & he may be but he's not averse to #appropriating a few tips from black women. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Muslims still use there \u00e2\u0153\u2039 to wipe there asses and mary there own family. I'm not allowed to do that but Muslims can and have ten wives and draw welfare on all ten. I can't. Democrats brought them here as refugees and now they vote. Stop an ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why do girls follow me? All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are #WomenSuck ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Make America Great Again rally on Wednesday, October 31st in Fort Myers, Florida, ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e ....sick world...no humanity left \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009f\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u009e #prayers for peace and happiness in the world \u00f0\u009f\u0099\u008f\u00f0\u009f\u008f\u00bb ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"good morning \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a\u00e2\u0098\u00ba be happy \u00e2\u0098\u00ba\u00f0\u009f\u008d\u0080 #feelgood #life #joy #positive ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I saw\u00a0Lou Gossett Jr swim in a movie once. It looked totally natural and convincing. I remember saying to myself, \"Wow. Black men sure can swim.\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"greattits4ux - na: #horny #shy #nasty #slut #porn #young #naughty #nude #xxx #hot #kinky #snapshot #sexy #wet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Maybe he's late cause he can't get his huge feet into his shoes bitch I'm one step from slapping you ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"vandals turn a jewish family\u00e2\u0080\u0099s home menorah into a #swastika | #bigotry #newswithed ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user There is help for your mental illness. Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":" #father's #day to all the #homies @ the ritz-carlton, south beach ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Israel is the biggest terrorist state in the Levant and ME. USA is the biggest terrorist state in the world.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER And Twitter seems to be beholden to CNN","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER Wow those liberals are so uncivil and full of hate. #LickAWitch URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"don't get all huffy n puffy w me when i ask you to wait 2 extra mins so u can buy ur shoes at my register i need my commission bitch ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Big Brother is watching you. https:\/\/digitalcontentnext.org\/blog\/2018\/08\/21\/goo...","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/t.co\/IDa11zTMbP","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Fuck yeah you pussy boy ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Brett Kavanaugh stole my lunch money and kicked a puppy.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user our local stars were happy about 90% local but it was sad to see them not suppoing local brands on the the red carpet ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user I know. Booker and Kamala Harris were vying for most hysterical woman at the hearing but were drowned out by the paid harpies being arrested. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"it gets out #attention? @user and so provides the #oppounity to #choose . don't #worry #be ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Urgh. TMJ pain at full pelt this morning. All of the pain, very little sleep & Im off to a separated parents information programme as the court dont seem to buy that I cant communicate with my ex because hes an abuser but that Im a hysterical woman who needs teaching. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I hate that wee boy wae the squinty eyes in the game of thrones. #Suchaprick #hopehegetskilled","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I won't deny someone right to be a anchovy kunt eater if that's what they want, but don't think you will\u2026 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Would be nice if you quoted her complete answer. She is right the constitution guarantee the right to face your accuser. But than #EnemyOfThePeople only care about what pleases them","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user \" came at you sideways \" you're doing too much f you & your hot spot \u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0080 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She raps likes she will pop off but the only thing she popped was her butt implant. Now Remy is skinner than her even while pregnant URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user When the abuser projects... Look in the mirror Mark - you are crazy & angry. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user i am pro #brexit and but we will not condone this! very ! everyone is entitled to their opinion, that is democracy!","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"beware of the \"snowball effect\" black men. they're not our women ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Why can't North #Korea #KimJungUn give-up his #Nuclear #warheads & quickly sign a peace treaty with #USA & #ROK?\ud83e\udd14 Isn't he the almighty powerful #Dictator of North Korea? This video link 'Rules for Rulers' might explain why Kim Jung Un has to play the Global power game well; to get a peace treaty; and if he wants to stay alive. https:\/\/youtu.be\/rStL7niR7gs","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@MarkLevinShow 01MAY2018 https:\/\/youtu.be\/3SgEXQ4eViU #Mueller #50Questions #UMN #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #Teen #College #HighSchool #FFA @HomeSchool #Military #Militia @GOP #Conservative @USFreedomArmy @YAF @TPUSA #LGBTQ @msaUMN @StOlaf @ConsMilitia @taylorswift13 #PJNET Don Mashak, Cynical Patriot","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Parental neglect of migrant children ignored by Feds | Sheila Gunn Reid #Canada Disgusting Savages Destroying #CanadaHotels feces, urine, flooding & abuse of Staff! #DeportThemAll Ingrates! Animals take care of their babies way better! via @user ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh you are in England? Your views on gun control stopped mattering in 1776.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"beautiful message! via @user @user #lovewillwin #loveislove #loveconquershate #weareorlando #photo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I have irresponsible sex but I at least know my partners. (Benefits or being snipped) ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Gritting her teeth, the blonde then broke her shield and feeling pumped the blonde charged after him. Give me all you got!\" She then tossed some of her darts, aiming for his legs and would cause only minor pain. \"Show me how tough you are!\"\"","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER I don't understand how it's racist tho..","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"inside of the hotel\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u00a7 #vacation #mexico #rivieramaya #iberostar #bird #flamingo #animal @user ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 Oct 2018 - This Lady is Koo-Koo... Loco in la cabeza - Senate Democratic Candidate: \u201cI Don\u2019t Care\u201d if People Go Fight for the Taliban Against US (AUDIO) - https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/senate-democratic-candidate-i-dont-care-if-people-go-fight-for-the-taliban-against-us-video\/","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Why is Gab one of the most boring social media sites on the net? This is where I come when I can't sleep. 2 minutes in, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"The USUAL BLACK MORONS FOR THEIR DEMOCRAT HANDLERS.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"12 hotel guests killed in Corpus Christi with 9mm Ruger P89. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"NEW: the second presidential debate, scheduled for next week, has officially been cancelled, after President Trump refused to participate virtually.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"I love my bitch we be clowning I call her an my mom Facebook thots \ud83d\ude02 and she call me a Instagram slut \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude02 bitch got me fucked up \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude19 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER This sounds as relevant as the march in Mumbai by the woke snowflakes for Gun Control\ud83d\ude02. Abortion in India is legal and only the woman's choice is required. Take your circus elsewhere. Instead take up the issue of oppression of Hindus in India. This is at least relevant.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user #allahsoil islamophobia only serves to empower the extremists. #emiratis #2016in4words","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER I feel sorry for liberals after Far-left hijacked their name","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=J3BD8Qfpw50 #MAGA #MakeSchoolsGreatAgain","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER #Feinstein needs to go. Her husband should be investigated for his #China deals and the Post Office deals. She is conflicted and this is below dignity","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"BITCH\u203c\ufe0fstop calling me from block.. whoever you is ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Monday you slag ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER @USER But to go all antifa on ppl like friggen Milo? I don't buy that conservatives who like medicare don blackout and then going millennials for antifa protests.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user president jimmy caer leaving his religion due to ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Tell him to bring his goat and camel fucking faggot ass to America and burn a flag in front of me ... I will beat him into a trauma center bare handed that faggot pussy bitch don\u2019t have the balls to come here and do it","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"From #MeToo to Who Me? Where Are White Women Allies When A Black Woman is Called a Whore? ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"DA just don't want to accept that the days of whities running SA are over, especially arrogant, gloating whities. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Thanks for being a bad bitch we CAN believe in ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user could fund an entire school incl teachers\u2019 salaries and have then teach his own curriculum. Indoctrinating generations of youth however he sees fit...my gas tank on E rn ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"She likes big houses now she can accommodate lots of illegal immigrants ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"I say if these pieces of shit Republicans don't confirm kavanaugh, we should all vote Democrat so we can get the civil war started before we get any weaker.","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user Sloppy and pathetic. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user Who are you to judge a man. Is your name Jesus? Why fuss about the words he chose? How many did your Messiah @user bring home. Stop being a troll and wake up. #MAGA #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump #TrustThePlan ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user @user No no that\u2019s shaq silver back looking ass \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"[1465491180.88] update @ #social #analytics #growthhacking #conversion #f1 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user Trump you are right, stop illigal immigration and make USA better and dont care about left minded democrats without any reality and small brain. ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@RepLizCheney Another heavily armed white supremacist is attacking innocent Americans.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Is he a \"very fine person\" like #tRump's Charlottesville Nazis?[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Thanks for your \"leadership,\" white nationalist Liz![NEWLINE][NEWLINE]#resist #BidenHarris[NEWLINE]#gop #MAGA2020 #KAG2020 #wyoming[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]https:\/\/t.co\/PtF0EQLcKD","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"URL WHY isn't Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in jail? They are traitors to the United States and it's people! The US does not have a two-tiered system for lawbreakers. #LockThemAllUp #DeepState #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #WalkAway #impeachjeffsessions #DOJ ???","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"trump ally wishes mad cow disease death for obama #unfittobeinpublicoffice #ugly #reprehensible ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are so pretty!!??","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user If Isaac is 6'7 now how fucking tall is that guy behind you my dude\"\" ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER we are done debating. we win debates all the time and you liberals win by doing what you want in govt and elsewhere. We are going to defeat you in every way you defeated us now. Be prepared.","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user I found out today that Jesus isn\u2019t white and so now I can\u2019t go to church on Sunday AND I can\u2019t watch football damn Obama liberals ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"-Willie you just lost over half of your fans by getting involved in politics!! Fan no more!! I cannot believe you support open borders and gun control!! You have smoked too much dope! I guess that is what you and Beta have in common! URL","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user I wonder why you needed to bring up this point when I didn't mention anything about that. But it seems like you are uncomfortable talking about race. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user So you are clearly admitting big names big cast also reason of sanju aye dil yeh jawani barfi suceess \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"#party #partylite #Conservatives 1 book 150 subj insight site:My favorite #mythicalcreature? The honest politician URL","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Zionists are at the helm of it. Zionists goal is white genocide. They run all media. They are the puppet masters. But you're right about it not being all Jews. Some Zionists are not Jews...https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/NqSV97rxUJFi\/","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"The Democaust or Demopocalypse (whichever) will be fun times. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@josh4trump2020\u00a0@jevan\u00a0@Mittenman77\u00a0Ginsburg: \"I have about at least 5 more years\" on the Supreme Court https:\/\/www.axios.com\/ruth-bader-ginsburg-supreme-court-5-more-years-f50a431d-2302-44fa-aa92-5ce52c15e24e.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twsocialshare&utm_campaign=organic","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@USER I hope it was. Fucken dinosaur thought he Steinbrenner \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@user Keep up the good work while the liberals waste time crying and pointing the country moves closer to greatness again! MAGA ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"#NorthKorea announces amnesty to celebrate its 70th anniversary http:\/\/www.asianews.it\/news-en\/North-Korea-announc... via @asianewsen","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user So its ok for a man to put his hands on a women... stfu. We know how your bitch living. Smh ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"To believe that if Europe will help the poor in Africa will stop migration is wrong.Its not possible to help them, because the grow to much - overpopulation. So they will come always more. To stop them only camps to bring them back and no welfare will help. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user @user the real and #antisemites are @user and the #progressive minions, not freedom loving americans","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"@USER Amazing how the POPE is afraid of the truth","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"not a gd day tdy. no wonder it rain most of the day. #emo ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u008b\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093\u00f0\u009f\u0092\u0093 . #michealkors#white#bag#cute#instahapgy#instacool#instagram #0608 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"so i found this uncle by the road side at the market this morning and almost everything he sells could be a potential #diy project. ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"Actual animals however do object \ud83d\ude0f","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"“@PubesOnFleeK: My tweets trash”","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1} {"text":"Confusing circumstances seem to get in the way of your high ho... More for Virgo http:\/\/t.co\/nrAAI6dhVx","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"now new reading material for my #entrepreneurial #updates \u00f0\u009f\u00a4\u0093 #blessed #onamission\u00e2\u0080\u00a6 ","label":"NOT_OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":0} {"text":"@user @user stop w 'we have to worry about the children' No we do not-many R >20yrs old Go home and make your country better or enter ours legally #NoDACA we can't afford them ","label":"OFF_HATEFUL_TOXIC","label_value":1}