近日,韩国咨询机构SNE research公布了今年1到7月全球动力电池装车数据。今年1到7月,全球动力电池装车量362.9吉瓦时,同比增长49.2%。中国六家电池企业入围前十,并且以62.9%的整体市占率在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势。 Chinese companies continued to dominate the global power battery market in the first seven months, responsible for over three-fifths of battery installations worldwide, said a report by South Korean market consultancy SNE Research on Wednesday. 9月6日,韩国市场研究机构SNE Research发布的报告显示,1-7月中国企业在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势,全球动力电池装车市占率超过60%。 According to the latest report, six Chinese battery companies were among the Top 10 such firms globally in terms of battery installations, with a total market share of 62.9 percent, from January to July. South Korea followed with three firms and Japan with one. 报告称,今年1月到7月,中国六家电池企业全球动力电池装车量跻身全球前十,整体市占率62.9%。前十名还包含三家韩国企业和一家日本企业。 Specifically, Chinese battery giant Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd maintained its leading position with total installed capacity of 132.9 gigawatt hours, up 54.3 percent year-on-year. Its global market share stood at an impressive 36.6 percent. 中国电池巨头宁德时代位居榜首,其电池装车量132.9吉瓦时(GWH),同比增长54.3%,其全球市场份额高达36.6%。 Chinese EV maker BYD ranked second worldwide at 58.1 GWh, up a whopping 94.1 percent year-on-year. South Korea's LG Energy Solution followed with 51.4 GWh. China's CALB, EVE, Gotion High-Tech and Sunwoda were also among the Top 10. 中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪以58.1 GWh电池装车量位居全球第二,同比增长94.1%。LG新能源以51.4GWh的全球装车量排名第三。中创新航、亿纬锂能、国轩高科、欣旺达四家中国电池企业也入围前十名榜单。 SNE Research said BYD has shown a noteworthy performance in the first seven months and has achieved broad popularity based on its price competitiveness in aspects such as in-house battery supply chains and vehicle manufacturing. SNE Research表示,今年1-7月比亚迪表现突出,通过自供电池及汽车制造等垂直一体化,在价格竞争力上占据优势,在市场上获得了较高的人气。 Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said: "The notable performance of Chinese battery companies can be attributed to rising demand from major overseas consumer countries for renewable energy and new energy vehicles. Also, local companies have made great technological advancements in lithium battery manufacturing." 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示:“中国电池企业的亮眼表现可以归因于海外主要消费国对可再生能源和新能源汽车的需求不断增长。此外,中国企业在锂电池制造方面取得了巨大技术突破。” Similar views were shared by Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center at Zhejiang University's International Business School. Chinese battery firms have exhibited increasing strength in overseas markets, he said. 浙江大学国际联合商学院数字经济与金融创新研究中心联席主任盘和林表示,中国电池企业在海外市场表现出越来越强的实力。 Currently, more than 10 Chinese power battery companies have announced plans for overseas investments. 目前,已有10多家中国动力电池公司宣布了海外投资计划。 "For local battery firms and related companies in the industry chain, the global battery market still has the potential to grow manifold in terms of scale," Pan said. 盘和林说:“对于中国电池企业和产业链中的相关企业来说,全球电池市场仍有潜力在规模上实现多方面增长。” Over the past few years, CATL, for instance, has tried to penetrate overseas markets, and has been enjoying rapid growth in Europe and North America. 过去几年,宁德时代持续开拓海外市场,并在欧洲和北美市场实现快速增长。 At the IAA Munich Car Show on Monday, CATL's principal engineer Gao Pengfei said the company plans to manufacture its ultra high-speed charging Shenxing battery not only in China, but also at its facilities in Germany and Hungary. 在9月4日举行的德国慕尼黑车展上,宁德时代工程师高鹏飞表示,公司计划不仅在中国生产神行超充电池,还将在德国和匈牙利的工厂生产。 Shenxing, made with lithium iron phosphate (LFP), is able to deliver a driving range of 400 kilometers with a 10-minute charging time. It was unveiled in August with the company saying it is the world's first super-fast charging LFP battery. 神行超充电池采用磷酸铁锂材料,充电时间为10分钟,续航里程可达400公里。该电池于8月推出,宁德时代表示这是全球首款磷酸铁锂4C超充电池。 LFP chemistry offers cost advantages compared to nickel-cobalt-manganese batteries used in cylindrical cells by automakers such as BMW and Tesla, Gao said. 高鹏飞称,与宝马、特斯拉等汽车制造商采用的镍钴锰酸锂圆柱型高倍率电池相比,磷酸铁锂材料具有成本优势。 编辑:董静 来源:中国日报
Chinese companies continued to dominate the global power battery market in the first seven months, responsible for over three-fifths of battery installations worldwide, said a report by South Korean market consultancy SNE Research on Wednesday. According to the latest report, six Chinese battery companies were among the Top 10 such firms globally in terms of battery installations, with a total market share of 62.9 percent, from January to July. South Korea followed with three firms and Japan with one. Specifically, Chinese battery giant Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd maintained its leading position with total installed capacity of 132.9 gigawatt hours, up 54.3 percent year-on-year. Its global market share stood at an impressive 36.6 percent. Chinese EV maker BYD ranked second worldwide at 58.1 GWh, up a whopping 94.1 percent year-on-year. South Korea's LG Energy Solution followed with 51.4 GWh. China's CALB, EVE, Gotion High-Tech and Sunwoda were also among the Top 10. SNE Research said BYD has shown a noteworthy performance in the first seven months and has achieved broad popularity based on its price competitiveness in aspects such as in-house battery supply chains and vehicle manufacturing. Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said: "The notable performance of Chinese battery companies can be attributed to rising demand from major overseas consumer countries for renewable energy and new energy vehicles. Also, local companies have made great technological advancements in lithium battery manufacturing." Similar views were shared by Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center at Zhejiang University's International Business School. Chinese battery firms have exhibited increasing strength in overseas markets, he said. Currently, more than 10 Chinese power battery companies have announced plans for overseas investments. "For local battery firms and related companies in the industry chain, the global battery market still has the potential to grow manifold in terms of scale," Pan said. Over the past few years, CATL, for instance, has tried to penetrate overseas markets, and has been enjoying rapid growth in Europe and North America. At the IAA Munich Car Show on Monday, CATL's principal engineer Gao Pengfei said the company plans to manufacture its ultra high-speed charging Shenxing battery not only in China, but also at its facilities in Germany and Hungary. Shenxing, made with lithium iron phosphate (LFP), is able to deliver a driving range of 400 kilometers with a 10-minute charging time. It was unveiled in August with the company saying it is the world's first super-fast charging LFP battery. LFP chemistry offers cost advantages compared to nickel-cobalt-manganese batteries used in cylindrical cells by automakers such as BMW and Tesla, Gao said.
近日,韩国咨询机构SNE research公布了今年1到7月全球动力电池装车数据。今年1到7月,全球动力电池装车量362.9吉瓦时,同比增长49.2%。中国六家电池企业入围前十,并且以62.9%的整体市占率在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势。 9月6日,韩国市场研究机构SNE Research发布的报告显示,1-7月中国企业在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势,全球动力电池装车市占率超过60%。 报告称,今年1月到7月,中国六家电池企业全球动力电池装车量跻身全球前十,整体市占率62.9%。前十名还包含三家韩国企业和一家日本企业。 中国电池巨头宁德时代位居榜首,其电池装车量132.9吉瓦时(GWH),同比增长54.3%,其全球市场份额高达36.6%。 中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪以58.1 GWh电池装车量位居全球第二,同比增长94.1%。LG新能源以51.4GWh的全球装车量排名第三。中创新航、亿纬锂能、国轩高科、欣旺达四家中国电池企业也入围前十名榜单。 SNE Research表示,今年1-7月比亚迪表现突出,通过自供电池及汽车制造等垂直一体化,在价格竞争力上占据优势,在市场上获得了较高的人气。 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示:“中国电池企业的亮眼表现可以归因于海外主要消费国对可再生能源和新能源汽车的需求不断增长。此外,中国企业在锂电池制造方面取得了巨大技术突破。” 浙江大学国际联合商学院数字经济与金融创新研究中心联席主任盘和林表示,中国电池企业在海外市场表现出越来越强的实力。 目前,已有10多家中国动力电池公司宣布了海外投资计划。 盘和林说:“对于中国电池企业和产业链中的相关企业来说,全球电池市场仍有潜力在规模上实现多方面增长。” 过去几年,宁德时代持续开拓海外市场,并在欧洲和北美市场实现快速增长。 在9月4日举行的德国慕尼黑车展上,宁德时代工程师高鹏飞表示,公司计划不仅在中国生产神行超充电池,还将在德国和匈牙利的工厂生产。 神行超充电池采用磷酸铁锂材料,充电时间为10分钟,续航里程可达400公里。该电池于8月推出,宁德时代表示这是全球首款磷酸铁锂4C超充电池。 高鹏飞称,与宝马、特斯拉等汽车制造商采用的镍钴锰酸锂圆柱型高倍率电池相比,磷酸铁锂材料具有成本优势。 编辑:董静 来源:中国日报
近日,由浙江大学和苏格兰爱丁堡大学领导的一个国际科学家团队研究了204个国家29种癌症在所有14岁至49岁人群中的发病率,结果发现,2019年50岁以下人群癌症发病率比1990年增加了79%。死亡病例最多的是乳腺癌,其次是气管癌、肺癌、胃癌和肠癌。死亡病例增长最快的是肾癌或卵巢癌。科学家称,遗传只是因素之一,饮食习惯、生活习惯等也是促成因素,环境因素的影响程度尚不清楚。 [Photo/unsplash] The number of under-50s worldwide being diagnosed with cancer has risen by nearly 80% in three decades, according to the largest study of its kind. 一项同类型最大规模研究发现,全球50岁以下被诊断患有癌症的人数在三十年内增加了近80%。 Global cases of early onset cancer increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019, while cancer deaths of adults in their 40s, 30s or younger grew by 27%. More than a million under-50s a year are now dying of cancer, the research reveals. 全球早发癌症病例从1990年的182万例增加到2019年的326万例,而40岁、30岁或以下成年人群的癌症死亡病例增长了27%。研究显示,目前50岁以下死于癌症的人群每年超100万。 Experts are still in the early stages of understanding the reasons behind the rise in cases. The authors of the study, published in BMJ Oncology, say poor diets, alcohol and tobacco use, physical inactivity and obesity are likely to be among the factors. 对癌症病例上升的原因的研究仍处于早期阶段。该研究发表在《英国医学杂志·肿瘤学》,研究人员表示,不良饮食、酗酒吸烟、缺乏运动和肥胖可能是风险因素。 “Since 1990, the incidence and deaths of early onset cancers have substantially increased globally,” the report says. “Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, the restriction of tobacco and alcohol consumption and appropriate outdoor activity, could reduce the burden of early onset cancer.” 报告称:“自1990年以来,全球早发癌症的发病率和死亡人数大幅增加。提倡健康的生活方式,健康饮食、限制吸烟饮酒以及适当的户外活动,可以降低早发癌症的风险。” Previous studies have suggested that the incidence of cancer in adults under the age of 50 has been rising in various parts of the world over the last few decades. The latest study, led by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou, China, was the first of its kind to examine the issue on a global scale and the risk factors for younger adults. 此前研究表明,在过去几十年中,世界各地50岁以下成年人的癌症发病率一直在上升。这项由苏格兰爱丁堡大学和中国浙江大学医学院领导的最新研究,是首次全球范围内就探究早发癌症问题以及年轻人的风险因素所进行的研究。 In this global study, researchers analysed data from 204 countries covering 29 types of cancer. 在这项全球研究中,研究人员分析了204个国家29种癌症的数据。 They looked at new cases, deaths, health consequences and contributory risk factors for all those aged 14 to 49 to estimate changes between 1990 and 2019. 研究了14至49岁人群中的新增病例、死亡病例、健康危害和致病风险因素,评估1990年至2019年间的变化趋势。 In 2019, new cancer diagnoses among under-50s totaled 3.26 million, an increase of 79% on the 1990 figure. Breast cancer accounted for the largest number of cases and associated deaths, at 13.7 and 3.5 for every 100,000 of the global population respectively. 2019年,50岁以下人群中新发癌症病例总数为326万,比1990年增加79%。乳腺癌病例和相关死亡人数最多,分别为全球每10万人口13.7例和3.5例。 Cases of early onset windpipe and prostate cancers rose the fastest between 1990 and 2019, with estimated annual percentage changes of 2.28% and 2.23% respectively. At the other end of the spectrum, cases of early onset liver cancer fell by an estimated 2.88% a year. 1990年至2019年,早发气管癌和前列腺癌的病例增长最快,估计每年分别增长2.28%和2.23%。另一方面,早发肝癌的发病率估计每年下降2.88%。 A total of 1.06 million under-50s died of cancer in 2019, an increase of 27% on the 1990 figure. After breast cancer, the highest death tolls were linked to windpipe, lung, stomach and bowel cancers. The steepest increases in deaths were among people with kidney or ovarian cancer. 2019年,共有106万50岁以下的人死于癌症,比1990年增加了27%。死亡病例最多的是乳腺癌,其次是气管癌、肺癌、胃癌和肠癌。死亡病例增长最快的是肾癌或卵巢癌。 Based on the observed trends for the past three decades, the researchers estimate that the global number of new early onset cancer cases and associated deaths will rise by a further 31% and 21% respectively by 2030, with people in their 40s the most at risk. 根据过去三十年的观察趋势,研究人员估计,到2030年,全球新发癌症早发癌症病例和相关死亡人数将分别增加31%和21%,其中40多岁的人面临风险最大。 Genetic factors are likely to have a role, the researchers said. But diets high in red meat and salt and low in fruit and milk, along with alcohol and tobacco use, are the main risk factors underlying the most common cancers among under-50s, with physical inactivity, excess weight and high blood sugar contributory factors, the data indicates. 研究人员说,遗传因素可能起到一定作用。但数据显示,高红肉、高盐、少水果和牛奶的饮食,以及吸烟喝酒、缺乏运动、超重和高血糖是50岁以下人群中最常见癌症的主要风险因素。
[Photo/unsplash] The number of under-50s worldwide being diagnosed with cancer has risen by nearly 80% in three decades, according to the largest study of its kind. Global cases of early onset cancer increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019, while cancer deaths of adults in their 40s, 30s or younger grew by 27%. More than a million under-50s a year are now dying of cancer, the research reveals. Experts are still in the early stages of understanding the reasons behind the rise in cases. The authors of the study, published in BMJ Oncology, say poor diets, alcohol and tobacco use, physical inactivity and obesity are likely to be among the factors. “Since 1990, the incidence and deaths of early onset cancers have substantially increased globally,” the report says. “Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, the restriction of tobacco and alcohol consumption and appropriate outdoor activity, could reduce the burden of early onset cancer.” Previous studies have suggested that the incidence of cancer in adults under the age of 50 has been rising in various parts of the world over the last few decades. The latest study, led by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou, China, was the first of its kind to examine the issue on a global scale and the risk factors for younger adults. In this global study, researchers analysed data from 204 countries covering 29 types of cancer. They looked at new cases, deaths, health consequences and contributory risk factors for all those aged 14 to 49 to estimate changes between 1990 and 2019. In 2019, new cancer diagnoses among under-50s totaled 3.26 million, an increase of 79% on the 1990 figure. Breast cancer accounted for the largest number of cases and associated deaths, at 13.7 and 3.5 for every 100,000 of the global population respectively. Cases of early onset windpipe and prostate cancers rose the fastest between 1990 and 2019, with estimated annual percentage changes of 2.28% and 2.23% respectively. At the other end of the spectrum, cases of early onset liver cancer fell by an estimated 2.88% a year. A total of 1.06 million under-50s died of cancer in 2019, an increase of 27% on the 1990 figure. After breast cancer, the highest death tolls were linked to windpipe, lung, stomach and bowel cancers. The steepest increases in deaths were among people with kidney or ovarian cancer. Based on the observed trends for the past three decades, the researchers estimate that the global number of new early onset cancer cases and associated deaths will rise by a further 31% and 21% respectively by 2030, with people in their 40s the most at risk. Genetic factors are likely to have a role, the researchers said. But diets high in red meat and salt and low in fruit and milk, along with alcohol and tobacco use, are the main risk factors underlying the most common cancers among under-50s, with physical inactivity, excess weight and high blood sugar contributory factors, the data indicates.
近日,由浙江大学和苏格兰爱丁堡大学领导的一个国际科学家团队研究了204个国家29种癌症在所有14岁至49岁人群中的发病率,结果发现,2019年50岁以下人群癌症发病率比1990年增加了79%。死亡病例最多的是乳腺癌,其次是气管癌、肺癌、胃癌和肠癌。死亡病例增长最快的是肾癌或卵巢癌。科学家称,遗传只是因素之一,饮食习惯、生活习惯等也是促成因素,环境因素的影响程度尚不清楚。 一项同类型最大规模研究发现,全球50岁以下被诊断患有癌症的人数在三十年内增加了近80%。 全球早发癌症病例从1990年的182万例增加到2019年的326万例,而40岁、30岁或以下成年人群的癌症死亡病例增长了27%。研究显示,目前50岁以下死于癌症的人群每年超100万。 对癌症病例上升的原因的研究仍处于早期阶段。该研究发表在《英国医学杂志·肿瘤学》,研究人员表示,不良饮食、酗酒吸烟、缺乏运动和肥胖可能是风险因素。 报告称:“自1990年以来,全球早发癌症的发病率和死亡人数大幅增加。提倡健康的生活方式,健康饮食、限制吸烟饮酒以及适当的户外活动,可以降低早发癌症的风险。” 此前研究表明,在过去几十年中,世界各地50岁以下成年人的癌症发病率一直在上升。这项由苏格兰爱丁堡大学和中国浙江大学医学院领导的最新研究,是首次全球范围内就探究早发癌症问题以及年轻人的风险因素所进行的研究。 在这项全球研究中,研究人员分析了204个国家29种癌症的数据。 研究了14至49岁人群中的新增病例、死亡病例、健康危害和致病风险因素,评估1990年至2019年间的变化趋势。 2019年,50岁以下人群中新发癌症病例总数为326万,比1990年增加79%。乳腺癌病例和相关死亡人数最多,分别为全球每10万人口13.7例和3.5例。 1990年至2019年,早发气管癌和前列腺癌的病例增长最快,估计每年分别增长2.28%和2.23%。另一方面,早发肝癌的发病率估计每年下降2.88%。 2019年,共有106万50岁以下的人死于癌症,比1990年增加了27%。死亡病例最多的是乳腺癌,其次是气管癌、肺癌、胃癌和肠癌。死亡病例增长最快的是肾癌或卵巢癌。 根据过去三十年的观察趋势,研究人员估计,到2030年,全球新发癌症早发癌症病例和相关死亡人数将分别增加31%和21%,其中40多岁的人面临风险最大。 研究人员说,遗传因素可能起到一定作用。但数据显示,高红肉、高盐、少水果和牛奶的饮食,以及吸烟喝酒、缺乏运动、超重和高血糖是50岁以下人群中最常见癌症的主要风险因素。
9月4日,瑞幸咖啡正式宣布与贵州茅台达成战略合作,成为首个与贵州茅台达成战略合作的中国连锁餐饮品牌。茅台、瑞幸联名推出的“酱香拿铁”正式开卖,多个相关话题迅速冲上热搜。 Luckin Coffee has joined forces with Kweichow Moutai, the maker of China’s fiery national liquor baijiu, for an unusual offering: alcoholic lattes. 瑞幸咖啡与中国知名白酒制造商贵州茅台联手推出了一款与众不同的产品:白酒拿铁。 The popular Chinese coffee chain rolled out the so-called “sauce-flavored latte” with a jolt of liquor for 38 yuan ($5.20) on Monday. Customers who order with an online coupon will be able to receive 50% off for a limited time, it said. 9月4日,中国人气咖啡连锁品牌瑞幸推出白酒风味“酱香拿铁”,售价38元。使用在线优惠券订购可享限时5折优惠。 据了解,“酱香拿铁”使用白酒风味厚奶,含53度贵州茅台酒,酒精度低于0.5%。 For its new tie-up with Luckin, each cup has just a tiny fraction of liquor, with an overall alcohol content of about 0.5%, according to Luckin.The company suggests, though, that drivers, teenagers and pregnant women should refrain from drinking the latte. 瑞幸表示,每杯“酱香拿铁”酒精含量为0.5%,仅含有微量酒精。不过, 不建议司机、青少年和孕妇饮用 。 “美酒加咖啡,就爱这一杯”。联名饮品上市后迅速引发热议,你的朋友圈是否被酱香拿铁刷屏了? In Beijijng, the Moutai-flavored latte sold out in some Luckin Coffee branches before midday. And many branches had to close their online ordering system as orders surged. 在北京地区的部分瑞幸咖啡分店,酱香拿铁上午就销售一空。随着订单激增,许多门店不得不关闭在线订购系统。 People have been sharing their reactions after trying the latte on social media, with most agreeing that the aroma of the baijiu is very strong. Some people said they even felt dizzy after drinking the coffee because of its alcohol content. 人们在社交媒体上分享了对酱香拿铁的评价,大多数人都认为白酒味儿很浓。一些网友表示喝完感觉头晕。 在受到消费者追捧的同时,关于喝完“酱香拿铁”后是否能开车的话题也引发不少网友讨论。 针对大家热议的“‘酱香拿铁’喝了以后到底能不能开车”,北京市交管局法制科工作人员表示, 消费者喝完含酒精饮品后不要再开车 ,血液中的酒精含量超过20毫克/100毫升就被认定为饮酒驾车。 瑞幸咖啡酱香拿铁酒精度低于0.5%,消费者喝完后血液中的酒精含量是否会超过20毫克/100毫升的安全值? 对此,上述工作人员表示,不能简单以饮品中的酒精含量来计算。“本身吃的粮食可能就含有酒精,这些含有乙醇的饮料、食物,会进一步增加你血液中的酒精含量。而且每个人的体质不一样,对酒精的吸收情况也不一样。所以不能简单根据饮品中的酒精含量来换算。” 这些食品也要注意 在酒驾醉驾查处工作中,民警曾发现不少因食用含酒精食品而“被动酒驾”的案例,驾车前应谨慎食用。 榴莲、菠萝蜜、荔枝 :糖分含量高,入口后短时间内会产生酒精,其含量可能会达到酒驾范围,吃完约十分钟后体内酒精才会被逐渐分解。 蛋黄派、草莓派、巧克力派 :为了防腐需要,这些食品中往往添加了一定含量的酒精,在刚吃完时可能会被查出酒精超标,出现“被酒驾”。 酒类入馔 :醪糟制品、醉虾等食物本就含有一定酒精或使用酒类烹调,食用后进行酒精检测,可能会出现“被酒驾”的现象。 来源: CNN 中国日报网
Luckin Coffee has joined forces with Kweichow Moutai, the maker of China’s fiery national liquor baijiu, for an unusual offering: alcoholic lattes. The popular Chinese coffee chain rolled out the so-called “sauce-flavored latte” with a jolt of liquor for 38 yuan ($5.20) on Monday. Customers who order with an online coupon will be able to receive 50% off for a limited time, it said. For its new tie-up with Luckin, each cup has just a tiny fraction of liquor, with an overall alcohol content of about 0.5%, according to Luckin.The company suggests, though, that drivers, teenagers and pregnant women should refrain from drinking the latte. 。 In Beijijng, the Moutai-flavored latte sold out in some Luckin Coffee branches before midday. And many branches had to close their online ordering system as orders surged. People have been sharing their reactions after trying the latte on social media, with most agreeing that the aroma of the baijiu is very strong. Some people said they even felt dizzy after drinking the coffee because of its alcohol content.
9月4日,瑞幸咖啡正式宣布与贵州茅台达成战略合作,成为首个与贵州茅台达成战略合作的中国连锁餐饮品牌。茅台、瑞幸联名推出的“酱香拿铁”正式开卖,多个相关话题迅速冲上热搜。 瑞幸咖啡与中国知名白酒制造商贵州茅台联手推出了一款与众不同的产品:白酒拿铁。 9月4日,中国人气咖啡连锁品牌瑞幸推出白酒风味“酱香拿铁”,售价38元。使用在线优惠券订购可享限时5折优惠。 据了解,“酱香拿铁”使用白酒风味厚奶,含53度贵州茅台酒,酒精度低于0.5%。 瑞幸表示,每杯“酱香拿铁”酒精含量为0.5%,仅含有微量酒精。不过, 不建议司机、青少年和孕妇饮用 “美酒加咖啡,就爱这一杯”。联名饮品上市后迅速引发热议,你的朋友圈是否被酱香拿铁刷屏了? 在北京地区的部分瑞幸咖啡分店,酱香拿铁上午就销售一空。随着订单激增,许多门店不得不关闭在线订购系统。 人们在社交媒体上分享了对酱香拿铁的评价,大多数人都认为白酒味儿很浓。一些网友表示喝完感觉头晕。 在受到消费者追捧的同时,关于喝完“酱香拿铁”后是否能开车的话题也引发不少网友讨论。 针对大家热议的“‘酱香拿铁’喝了以后到底能不能开车”,北京市交管局法制科工作人员表示, 消费者喝完含酒精饮品后不要再开车 ,血液中的酒精含量超过20毫克/100毫升就被认定为饮酒驾车。 瑞幸咖啡酱香拿铁酒精度低于0.5%,消费者喝完后血液中的酒精含量是否会超过20毫克/100毫升的安全值? 对此,上述工作人员表示,不能简单以饮品中的酒精含量来计算。“本身吃的粮食可能就含有酒精,这些含有乙醇的饮料、食物,会进一步增加你血液中的酒精含量。而且每个人的体质不一样,对酒精的吸收情况也不一样。所以不能简单根据饮品中的酒精含量来换算。” 这些食品也要注意 在酒驾醉驾查处工作中,民警曾发现不少因食用含酒精食品而“被动酒驾”的案例,驾车前应谨慎食用。 榴莲、菠萝蜜、荔枝 :糖分含量高,入口后短时间内会产生酒精,其含量可能会达到酒驾范围,吃完约十分钟后体内酒精才会被逐渐分解。 蛋黄派、草莓派、巧克力派 :为了防腐需要,这些食品中往往添加了一定含量的酒精,在刚吃完时可能会被查出酒精超标,出现“被酒驾”。 酒类入馔 :醪糟制品、醉虾等食物本就含有一定酒精或使用酒类烹调,食用后进行酒精检测,可能会出现“被酒驾”的现象。 来源: CNN 中国日报网
2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会2日在北京开幕。在当日举办的“服贸会‘北京日’京津冀协同招商推介暨投资北京全球峰会”上,京津冀三地联合面向全球发布277个招商引资项目,招商总额894.5亿元;51个重大项目签约,签约金额达1045.47亿元。 图片来源:新华社 A total of 51 projects with a contract amount of 104.5 billion yuan ($14.39 billion) were signed across the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region at an event of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services on Saturday. 9月2日,在“服贸会‘北京日’京津冀协同招商推介暨投资北京全球峰会”上,京津冀地区共签署了51个项目,合同金额为1045亿元人民币。 The event, which was hosted by the Beijing Municipal Government and was under the theme "Investing in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei for a New Future," aimed to leverage the unique advantages of CIFTIS and build a platform for investment attraction and cooperation among Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei province while showcasing the prospects and opportunities for coordinated development in the region. 此次活动由北京市政府主办,以“投资京津冀 赢得新未来”为主题,旨在发挥服贸会平台优势,搭建京津冀三地招商引资对接平台,展示京津冀协同发展的前景和机遇。 Yu Yingjie, deputy mayor of Beijing, said that as one of the most developed cities in China's service industry, with the highest degree of openness and the best business environment, Beijing would deepen the "streamlining of administration, delegating powers, and improving regulation and services" reform. 北京市副市长于英杰表示,作为中国服务业最发达、开放程度最高、营商环境最好的城市之一,北京将深入推进“放管服”改革。 "We would fully implement the reform plan for the business environment, creating a market-oriented, rule-of-law-based, and international first-class business environment and would strengthen the protection of foreign investors' rights and interests and shape a more stable, fair, and predictable development environment," Yu said. 余英杰表示,北京将全面落实营商环境6.0版改革方案,精心打造市场化、法治化、国际化的一流营商环境,加强外商权益保护,为其提供更加稳定、公平、可预期的发展环境。 Deputy Mayor of Tianjin Li Wenhai said Tianjin would continue to focus on building a national advanced manufacturing R&D base, a core area for northern international shipping, a demonstration zone for financial innovation and operation, and a pilot zone for reform and opening-up. 天津市副市长李文海指出,天津将继续锚定“一基地三区”目标,即全国先进制造研发基地、北方国际航运核心区、金融创新运营示范区和改革开放先行区。 Jin Hui, deputy governor of Hebei province, said the geographical advantages of Hebei would bring potential and opportunities for future development. 河北省副省长金晖表示,河北地缘优势将为未来的发展带来潜力和机遇。 "Currently, the Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage of large-scale construction and undertaken some functions relocated from Beijing. With the implementation of policies, Hebei would more effectively gather resources," Jin added. 金晖表示,目前,雄安新区已进入大规模建设与承接北京非首都功能疏解并重的阶段。随着政策落地生效,河北将更加有效地集聚资源、吸引要素。 Data from local authorities showed that the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region made a collective announcement of 277 investment attraction projects to the global audience, with a total investment of 89.45 billion yuan. 活动上,北京协同天津、河北面向全球集中发布共277个招商引资项目,招商总额894.5亿元 The projects covered a wide range of areas including next-generation information technology, pharmaceuticals and health, intelligent manufacturing and equipment, technology services, artificial intelligence and green energy. 这些项目涵盖新一代信息技术、医药健康、智能制造与装备、科技服务、人工智能、绿色能源等重点产业。
A total of 51 projects with a contract amount of 104.5 billion yuan ($14.39 billion) were signed across the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region at an event of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services on Saturday. The event, which was hosted by the Beijing Municipal Government and was under the theme "Investing in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei for a New Future," aimed to leverage the unique advantages of CIFTIS and build a platform for investment attraction and cooperation among Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei province while showcasing the prospects and opportunities for coordinated development in the region. Yu Yingjie, deputy mayor of Beijing, said that as one of the most developed cities in China's service industry, with the highest degree of openness and the best business environment, Beijing would deepen the "streamlining of administration, delegating powers, and improving regulation and services" reform. "We would fully implement the reform plan for the business environment, creating a market-oriented, rule-of-law-based, and international first-class business environment and would strengthen the protection of foreign investors' rights and interests and shape a more stable, fair, and predictable development environment," Yu said. Deputy Mayor of Tianjin Li Wenhai said Tianjin would continue to focus on building a national advanced manufacturing R&D base, a core area for northern international shipping, a demonstration zone for financial innovation and operation, and a pilot zone for reform and opening-up. Jin Hui, deputy governor of Hebei province, said the geographical advantages of Hebei would bring potential and opportunities for future development. "Currently, the Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage of large-scale construction and undertaken some functions relocated from Beijing. With the implementation of policies, Hebei would more effectively gather resources," Jin added. Data from local authorities showed that the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region made a collective announcement of 277 investment attraction projects to the global audience, with a total investment of 89.45 billion yuan. The projects covered a wide range of areas including next-generation information technology, pharmaceuticals and health, intelligent manufacturing and equipment, technology services, artificial intelligence and green energy.
2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会2日在北京开幕。在当日举办的“服贸会‘北京日’京津冀协同招商推介暨投资北京全球峰会”上,京津冀三地联合面向全球发布277个招商引资项目,招商总额894.5亿元;51个重大项目签约,签约金额达1045.47亿元。 图片来源:新华社 9月2日,在“服贸会‘北京日’京津冀协同招商推介暨投资北京全球峰会”上,京津冀地区共签署了51个项目,合同金额为1045亿元人民币。 此次活动由北京市政府主办,以“投资京津冀 赢得新未来”为主题,旨在发挥服贸会平台优势,搭建京津冀三地招商引资对接平台,展示京津冀协同发展的前景和机遇。 北京市副市长于英杰表示,作为中国服务业最发达、开放程度最高、营商环境最好的城市之一,北京将深入推进“放管服”改革。 余英杰表示,北京将全面落实营商环境6.0版改革方案,精心打造市场化、法治化、国际化的一流营商环境,加强外商权益保护,为其提供更加稳定、公平、可预期的发展环境。 天津市副市长李文海指出,天津将继续锚定“一基地三区”目标,即全国先进制造研发基地、北方国际航运核心区、金融创新运营示范区和改革开放先行区。 河北省副省长金晖表示,河北地缘优势将为未来的发展带来潜力和机遇。 金晖表示,目前,雄安新区已进入大规模建设与承接北京非首都功能疏解并重的阶段。随着政策落地生效,河北将更加有效地集聚资源、吸引要素。 活动上,北京协同天津、河北面向全球集中发布共277个招商引资项目,招商总额894.5亿元 这些项目涵盖新一代信息技术、医药健康、智能制造与装备、科技服务、人工智能、绿色能源等重点产业。
研究发现,年轻时心肺健康的人,年老时患癌症的风险更低。但是,专家也指出,为了健康而锻炼永远不会太晚,哪怕是做家务也是一种锻炼。 Photo/Pexels Being fit earlier in life is associated with a reduced risk, in some cases of up to 42%, of developing nine different types of cancer in later life, according to a large long-term study. 一项大型长期研究显示,年轻时身强体健可以降低年老时患上9种不同癌症的风险,某些情况下甚至能将风险降低42%之多。 The new study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , drew from data from more than 1 million male Swedish conscripts between 16 and 25, who were followed for an average of 33 years from 1968 to 2005. The results suggested that good cardiorespiratory fitness – an individual’s ability to engage in sustained aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming – was associated with a 42% reduced risk of lung cancer, a 40% reduced risk of liver cancer and a 39% reduced risk of oesophageal cancer. 这项发表在《英国运动医学》杂志上的新研究查看了超100万名16岁至25岁瑞典男性士兵的数据,从1968年到2005年这些人被跟踪调查平均长达33年。结果表明,心肺健康的人患肺癌、肝癌和食管癌的风险分别降低42%、40%和39%。心肺健康意味着能够从事跑步、骑车、游泳等持续的有氧运动。 It was also associated with a lower risk of head and neck, stomach, pancreatic bowel and kidney cancer. 年轻时心肺健康的人,头部和颈部、胃部、胰腺、肠道和肾发生癌症的风险也更低。 Reducing cancer risk is not the only reason to exercise. There are compound benefits across emotional health and preventing cardiovascular disease. The lead researcher, Dr Aron Onerup, said “some physical activity is better than none, that more physical activity is better for optimal health outcomes”, and emphasised that it is never too late to get fit to reap health protective benefits. 降低癌症风险并不是锻炼的唯一理由。锻炼能够提升整体的情感健康水平,预防心血管疾病。该研究的首席研究员阿伦·奥内洛普博士表示,“有锻炼比没有强,锻炼得越多,身体就越健康”,他还强调,为了健康而锻炼永远不会太晚。 As for how much exercise, Dr Claire Knight, senior health information manager at Cancer Research UK, recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week, but said: “You don’t need to run a marathon or join a gym – anything that gets you warmer, slightly out of breath, and your heart beating faster counts. 那么需要多大的运动量才能有效果?英国癌症研究院的高级健康信息主管克莱尔·奈特博士建议每周锻炼150分钟,但是他指出:“你不需要跑马拉松或去健身馆,只要能让你热起来、稍微有点气喘、心脏加速的活动都可以。” "It doesn’t matter if you go for a brisk walk, a cycle with a friend, or even get the housework done, these could all count as ways to be active.” “无论是快步走,还是和朋友一起骑车,甚至是做家务,这些都是锻炼。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels Being fit earlier in life is associated with a reduced risk, in some cases of up to 42%, of developing nine different types of cancer in later life, according to a large long-term study. The new study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine , drew from data from more than 1 million male Swedish conscripts between 16 and 25, who were followed for an average of 33 years from 1968 to 2005. The results suggested that good cardiorespiratory fitness – an individual’s ability to engage in sustained aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, and swimming – was associated with a 42% reduced risk of lung cancer, a 40% reduced risk of liver cancer and a 39% reduced risk of oesophageal cancer. It was also associated with a lower risk of head and neck, stomach, pancreatic bowel and kidney cancer. Reducing cancer risk is not the only reason to exercise. There are compound benefits across emotional health and preventing cardiovascular disease. The lead researcher, Dr Aron Onerup, said “some physical activity is better than none, that more physical activity is better for optimal health outcomes”, and emphasised that it is never too late to get fit to reap health protective benefits. As for how much exercise, Dr Claire Knight, senior health information manager at Cancer Research UK, recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week, but said: “You don’t need to run a marathon or join a gym – anything that gets you warmer, slightly out of breath, and your heart beating faster counts. "It doesn’t matter if you go for a brisk walk, a cycle with a friend, or even get the housework done, these could all count as ways to be active.”
研究发现,年轻时心肺健康的人,年老时患癌症的风险更低。但是,专家也指出,为了健康而锻炼永远不会太晚,哪怕是做家务也是一种锻炼。 一项大型长期研究显示,年轻时身强体健可以降低年老时患上9种不同癌症的风险,某些情况下甚至能将风险降低42%之多。 这项发表在《英国运动医学》杂志上的新研究查看了超100万名16岁至25岁瑞典男性士兵的数据,从1968年到2005年这些人被跟踪调查平均长达33年。结果表明,心肺健康的人患肺癌、肝癌和食管癌的风险分别降低42%、40%和39%。心肺健康意味着能够从事跑步、骑车、游泳等持续的有氧运动。 年轻时心肺健康的人,头部和颈部、胃部、胰腺、肠道和肾发生癌症的风险也更低。 降低癌症风险并不是锻炼的唯一理由。锻炼能够提升整体的情感健康水平,预防心血管疾病。该研究的首席研究员阿伦·奥内洛普博士表示,“有锻炼比没有强,锻炼得越多,身体就越健康”,他还强调,为了健康而锻炼永远不会太晚。 那么需要多大的运动量才能有效果?英国癌症研究院的高级健康信息主管克莱尔·奈特博士建议每周锻炼150分钟,但是他指出:“你不需要跑马拉松或去健身馆,只要能让你热起来、稍微有点气喘、心脏加速的活动都可以。” “无论是快步走,还是和朋友一起骑车,甚至是做家务,这些都是锻炼。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
想喝酒又害怕宿醉的痛苦?好消息是,英国一家公司正在研发没有副作用的人工合成酒精,未来的某一天,也许你将能毫无顾虑地享受“喝酒”的快感。 Photo/Pexels London-based GABA Labs is working on a type of synthetic alcohol called ‘Alcarelle’ which reportedly provides the relaxing effects of alcohol without hangovers, balance deficiencies or any of its other negative side effects. 总部在伦敦的GABA实验室正在研发一种名为Alcarelle的人工合成酒精,据称这种物质可以像酒精一样让人感到放松而又不会产生宿醉、头晕或其他酒精引起的不良副作用。 Gamma-aminobutyric acid, aka GABA, is a neurotransmitter that blocks certain signals in the brain, thus producing a calming effect. When alcohol reaches the brain, it binds to GABA receptors and produces the same effects, relaxing and calming people down. The problem with alcohol is that it also has other negative side effects, like hangover, movement difficulties, speaking and thinking problems, etc. GABA Labs is currently working on a type of synthetic alcohol called Alcarelle that is supposed to provide all the positive effects of alcohol consumption, but none of the bad ones. GABA全称是伽玛氨基丁酸,它是一种能够拦截大脑特定信号从而产生镇定效果的神经传递素。当酒精到达大脑时,就会和氨基丁酸受体结合并产生让人放松镇定的效果。问题是酒精会带来其他不良副作用,比如宿醉、行动困难、言语和思考混乱等。GABA实验室目前正在研发一种名为Alcarelle的人工合成酒精,据称能够提供饮酒的所有快感,同时又没有任何不良的副作用。 "It feels like what a glass of wine feels like,” GABA Labs founder Dr. David Nutt told The Wall Street Journal . “It feels relaxing. It makes you a bit more chatty, a bit more socially engaged with people.” GABA实验室的创始人大卫·纳特博士告诉《华尔街日报》:“饮用这种人工合成酒精的感觉就和喝真正的酒一样。它会让你感到放松,让你有点爱说话,更喜欢和人交际。” Apparently, Alcarelle is a tasteless substance that can be added to other drinks – alcoholic or non-alcoholic – to boost their tipsiness potential without the negative side effects. If people could get their ‘fix’ from synthetic alcohol without suffering damage to their liver, heart, brain, etc., that could potentially save millions of lives. 显然,Alcarelle是一种添加到其他酒精或非酒精饮料中的没有味道的物质,能够让人产生微醺的感觉却又不会产生不良副作用。如果人们能够从这种人工合成酒精中得到满足,他们的肝脏、心脏、大脑等器官都不会受到损害,那么这种人工合成酒精将可能挽救数百万条生命。 Dr. David Nutt revealed that he and his partners at GABA Labs hope to launch Alcarelle by 2026. The product has been in development for quite some time now, but the regulatory approval process has been very slow. 大卫·纳特博士透露,他和GABA实验室的伙伴们希望能在2026年前推出人工合成酒精Alcarelle。这一产品已经研发了相当长的一段时间,但是监管审批流程走得很慢。 One potential stumbling block for Alcarelle is the fact that it’s not a natural product, unlike alcohol, which has been produced and consumed for millennia. However, the founders of GAB Labs claim that just because something is natural, doesn’t automatically make it good for you. Plus, they are betting that, for many, enjoying the positive effects of alcohol without the hangover will be ‘a pretty powerful reason to partake of it even if it’s not natural’. Alcarelle上市的一个潜在障碍是它不是天然产品,而天然的酒精饮料已经被生产和饮用了上千年。不过,GABA实验室的创始人表示,天然的东西也不一定对身体有好处。而且他们很肯定会有很多人爱上这种既能享受酒精快感又不会宿醉的饮料,“光是这一条强有力的理由就足以让人去饮用它,即使它不是天然的”。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels London-based GABA Labs is working on a type of synthetic alcohol called ‘Alcarelle’ which reportedly provides the relaxing effects of alcohol without hangovers, balance deficiencies or any of its other negative side effects. Gamma-aminobutyric acid, aka GABA, is a neurotransmitter that blocks certain signals in the brain, thus producing a calming effect. When alcohol reaches the brain, it binds to GABA receptors and produces the same effects, relaxing and calming people down. The problem with alcohol is that it also has other negative side effects, like hangover, movement difficulties, speaking and thinking problems, etc. GABA Labs is currently working on a type of synthetic alcohol called Alcarelle that is supposed to provide all the positive effects of alcohol consumption, but none of the bad ones. "It feels like what a glass of wine feels like,” GABA Labs founder Dr. David Nutt told The Wall Street Journal . “It feels relaxing. It makes you a bit more chatty, a bit more socially engaged with people.” Apparently, Alcarelle is a tasteless substance that can be added to other drinks – alcoholic or non-alcoholic – to boost their tipsiness potential without the negative side effects. If people could get their ‘fix’ from synthetic alcohol without suffering damage to their liver, heart, brain, etc., that could potentially save millions of lives. Dr. David Nutt revealed that he and his partners at GABA Labs hope to launch Alcarelle by 2026. The product has been in development for quite some time now, but the regulatory approval process has been very slow. One potential stumbling block for Alcarelle is the fact that it’s not a natural product, unlike alcohol, which has been produced and consumed for millennia. However, the founders of GAB Labs claim that just because something is natural, doesn’t automatically make it good for you. Plus, they are betting that, for many, enjoying the positive effects of alcohol without the hangover will be ‘a pretty powerful reason to partake of it even if it’s not natural’.
想喝酒又害怕宿醉的痛苦?好消息是,英国一家公司正在研发没有副作用的人工合成酒精,未来的某一天,也许你将能毫无顾虑地享受“喝酒”的快感。 总部在伦敦的GABA实验室正在研发一种名为Alcarelle的人工合成酒精,据称这种物质可以像酒精一样让人感到放松而又不会产生宿醉、头晕或其他酒精引起的不良副作用。 GABA全称是伽玛氨基丁酸,它是一种能够拦截大脑特定信号从而产生镇定效果的神经传递素。当酒精到达大脑时,就会和氨基丁酸受体结合并产生让人放松镇定的效果。问题是酒精会带来其他不良副作用,比如宿醉、行动困难、言语和思考混乱等。GABA实验室目前正在研发一种名为Alcarelle的人工合成酒精,据称能够提供饮酒的所有快感,同时又没有任何不良的副作用。 GABA实验室的创始人大卫·纳特博士告诉《华尔街日报》:“饮用这种人工合成酒精的感觉就和喝真正的酒一样。它会让你感到放松,让你有点爱说话,更喜欢和人交际。” 显然,Alcarelle是一种添加到其他酒精或非酒精饮料中的没有味道的物质,能够让人产生微醺的感觉却又不会产生不良副作用。如果人们能够从这种人工合成酒精中得到满足,他们的肝脏、心脏、大脑等器官都不会受到损害,那么这种人工合成酒精将可能挽救数百万条生命。 大卫·纳特博士透露,他和GABA实验室的伙伴们希望能在2026年前推出人工合成酒精Alcarelle。这一产品已经研发了相当长的一段时间,但是监管审批流程走得很慢。 Alcarelle上市的一个潜在障碍是它不是天然产品,而天然的酒精饮料已经被生产和饮用了上千年。不过,GABA实验室的创始人表示,天然的东西也不一定对身体有好处。而且他们很肯定会有很多人爱上这种既能享受酒精快感又不会宿醉的饮料,“光是这一条强有力的理由就足以让人去饮用它,即使它不是天然的”。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
8月28日,工信部、国务院国资委联合发布《前沿材料产业化重点发展指导目录(第一批)》,涉及超导材料、石墨烯和液态金属等15种材料,目标是加快前沿材料产业化创新发展,引导形成发展合力。 An employee works on the production line of graphene products at a manufacturer in Changzhou, Jiangsu province. LI BO/XINHUA China aims to accelerate the industrialization of new materials like superconducting materials, graphene and liquid metal that are now considered critical to the development of high-tech industries, the country's top industry regulator said. 工业和信息化部称,中国计划加快超导材料、石墨烯和液态金属等新材料的产业化发展,目前这些前沿材料被视为对高科技产业的发展至关重要。 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission jointly released a list of important new materials whose industrialization will be advanced. 工业和信息化部和国务院国有资产监督管理委员会日前联合发布了前沿材料产业化重点发展指导目录。 These materials represent the direction of the development of the new materials industry, which is an important entry point for building new growth engines, the ministry and the commission said. 工信部和国资委表示,这些材料代表新材料产业发展的方向与趋势,是构建新的增长引擎的重要切入点。 They also called for their subordinate bodies to encourage enterprises to advance the industrialization of graphene in sectors like rail traffic, aerospace equipment, new energy and new-generation information technologies. 他们还要求下属机构鼓励企业推进石墨烯在轨道交通、航空航天装备、新能源和新一代信息技术等领域的产业化。 Also, more efforts are needed to promote the industrialization of superconducting materials in sectors with growth potential like nuclear engineering, electronic equipment and new energy vehicles or NEVs. 工信部和国资委指出,还需加大力度推动超导材料在核工程、电力装备、新能源汽车等具有发展潜力的领域的产业化。 China's top leadership has attached high importance to manufacturing. For its part, the central government has unveiled a string of policies for industrial upgrades. 党中央高度重视制造业,并推出了一系列推动产业升级的政策。 In a report delivered to the fifth session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, on Monday, Zheng Shanjie, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said more efforts will be made to promote the building of a modern industrial system. 国家发展改革委主任郑栅洁8月28日向十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议提交的报告称,将大力推动现代化产业体系建设。 MIIT said in a guideline on Tuesday that China aims to establish an advanced manufacturing technology innovation system by 2027. 工信部在8月29日发布的意见中提出,中国计划在2027年建成先进的制造业技术创新体系。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
An employee works on the production line of graphene products at a manufacturer in Changzhou, Jiangsu province. LI BO/XINHUA China aims to accelerate the industrialization of new materials like superconducting materials, graphene and liquid metal that are now considered critical to the development of high-tech industries, the country's top industry regulator said. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission jointly released a list of important new materials whose industrialization will be advanced. These materials represent the direction of the development of the new materials industry, which is an important entry point for building new growth engines, the ministry and the commission said. They also called for their subordinate bodies to encourage enterprises to advance the industrialization of graphene in sectors like rail traffic, aerospace equipment, new energy and new-generation information technologies. Also, more efforts are needed to promote the industrialization of superconducting materials in sectors with growth potential like nuclear engineering, electronic equipment and new energy vehicles or NEVs. China's top leadership has attached high importance to manufacturing. For its part, the central government has unveiled a string of policies for industrial upgrades. In a report delivered to the fifth session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, on Monday, Zheng Shanjie, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, said more efforts will be made to promote the building of a modern industrial system. MIIT said in a guideline on Tuesday that China aims to establish an advanced manufacturing technology innovation system by 2027.
8月28日,工信部、国务院国资委联合发布《前沿材料产业化重点发展指导目录(第一批)》,涉及超导材料、石墨烯和液态金属等15种材料,目标是加快前沿材料产业化创新发展,引导形成发展合力。 工业和信息化部称,中国计划加快超导材料、石墨烯和液态金属等新材料的产业化发展,目前这些前沿材料被视为对高科技产业的发展至关重要。 工业和信息化部和国务院国有资产监督管理委员会日前联合发布了前沿材料产业化重点发展指导目录。 工信部和国资委表示,这些材料代表新材料产业发展的方向与趋势,是构建新的增长引擎的重要切入点。 他们还要求下属机构鼓励企业推进石墨烯在轨道交通、航空航天装备、新能源和新一代信息技术等领域的产业化。 工信部和国资委指出,还需加大力度推动超导材料在核工程、电力装备、新能源汽车等具有发展潜力的领域的产业化。 党中央高度重视制造业,并推出了一系列推动产业升级的政策。 国家发展改革委主任郑栅洁8月28日向十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议提交的报告称,将大力推动现代化产业体系建设。 工信部在8月29日发布的意见中提出,中国计划在2027年建成先进的制造业技术创新体系。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据中国商务部消息,中国商务部部长王文涛在京与来访的美国商务部长雷蒙多举行会谈,宣布在中美两国商务部之间建立新的沟通渠道。双方围绕落实中美元首巴厘岛会晤重要共识,就中美经贸关系和共同关心的经贸问题进行了理性、坦诚、建设性的沟通。 China and the United States will establish a new communication channel between their commerce authorities, according to a statement released by China's Ministry Commerce. 据中国商务部消息,中美两国商务部之间将建立新的沟通渠道。 During his meeting with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Monday in Beijing, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and his US counterpart agreed to form a working group. This group will comprise deputy ministerial and bureau-level government officials from both countries alongside business representatives, to seek solutions to specific commercial issues, said the statement. 中国商务部长王文涛和美国商务部长雷蒙多周一在北京会晤时同意成立一个工作组。声明称,该工作组由中美副部长级和司局级的政府官员组成,并有企业代表参加,以寻求解决具体商业问题的办法。 The working group will hold deputy ministerial level meetings twice a year. Wang and Raimondo have agreed to maintain regular communication and to meet at least once annually. 工作组将每年举行两次副部级会议。两位部长同意经常性沟通,每年至少会见一次。 Both sides have initiated an export control information exchange mechanism, serving as a means to interpret their respective export control systems and enhance communication. They will exchange information related to export control in accordance with their respective laws. 双方还启动了出口管制信息交流机制,作为解释各自出口管制制度和改善沟通的机制。双方将按照各自法律,就出口管制信息进行交流。 The Chinese commerce minister emphasized his serious concerns regarding various issues, including the US Section 301 tariff measures on China, semiconductor policies, two-way investment restrictions, discriminatory subsidies and sanctions on Chinese companies during the meeting on Monday. 王文涛重点就美国对华301关税、半导体政策、双向投资限制、歧视性补贴、制裁中国企业等表达严正关切。 In addition to stressing that broadening the concept of national security is detrimental to normal economic and trade interactions, Wang highlighted that implementing unilateral and protectionist measures goes against market rules and the principles of fair competition, ultimately harming the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains. 王文涛表示,泛化国家安全不利于正常经贸往来,实施单边、保护主义措施不符合市场规则和公平竞争原则,只会损害全球产业链供应链安全稳定。 Despite multiple assurances from the US that they don't intend to decouple from China, Wang expressed the hope that concrete actions would align with these statements. 王文涛表示,美方多次表示不寻求与中方脱钩,希望美方将表态落在实处。 来源:中国日报网 编辑:董静
China and the United States will establish a new communication channel between their commerce authorities, according to a statement released by China's Ministry Commerce. During his meeting with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Monday in Beijing, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and his US counterpart agreed to form a working group. This group will comprise deputy ministerial and bureau-level government officials from both countries alongside business representatives, to seek solutions to specific commercial issues, said the statement. The working group will hold deputy ministerial level meetings twice a year. Wang and Raimondo have agreed to maintain regular communication and to meet at least once annually. Both sides have initiated an export control information exchange mechanism, serving as a means to interpret their respective export control systems and enhance communication. They will exchange information related to export control in accordance with their respective laws. The Chinese commerce minister emphasized his serious concerns regarding various issues, including the US Section 301 tariff measures on China, semiconductor policies, two-way investment restrictions, discriminatory subsidies and sanctions on Chinese companies during the meeting on Monday. In addition to stressing that broadening the concept of national security is detrimental to normal economic and trade interactions, Wang highlighted that implementing unilateral and protectionist measures goes against market rules and the principles of fair competition, ultimately harming the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains. Despite multiple assurances from the US that they don't intend to decouple from China, Wang expressed the hope that concrete actions would align with these statements.
据中国商务部消息,中国商务部部长王文涛在京与来访的美国商务部长雷蒙多举行会谈,宣布在中美两国商务部之间建立新的沟通渠道。双方围绕落实中美元首巴厘岛会晤重要共识,就中美经贸关系和共同关心的经贸问题进行了理性、坦诚、建设性的沟通。 据中国商务部消息,中美两国商务部之间将建立新的沟通渠道。 中国商务部长王文涛和美国商务部长雷蒙多周一在北京会晤时同意成立一个工作组。声明称,该工作组由中美副部长级和司局级的政府官员组成,并有企业代表参加,以寻求解决具体商业问题的办法。 工作组将每年举行两次副部级会议。两位部长同意经常性沟通,每年至少会见一次。 双方还启动了出口管制信息交流机制,作为解释各自出口管制制度和改善沟通的机制。双方将按照各自法律,就出口管制信息进行交流。 王文涛重点就美国对华301关税、半导体政策、双向投资限制、歧视性补贴、制裁中国企业等表达严正关切。 王文涛表示,泛化国家安全不利于正常经贸往来,实施单边、保护主义措施不符合市场规则和公平竞争原则,只会损害全球产业链供应链安全稳定。 王文涛表示,美方多次表示不寻求与中方脱钩,希望美方将表态落在实处。 来源:中国日报网 编辑:董静
一吃饱就犯困,很多人都有这种情况。很多时候,只是因为你吃多了或者摄入了太多高糖高脂肪的食物,但如果你在调整了饮食之后困倦感依然没有消失,那么你就要注意了,这可能是身体亮起了红灯。 Photo/Pexels After a busy morning, lunch can feel like just the pick-me-up you need — but sometimes the meal you thought would energize you is the very thing that makes you want to nap at your desk. 在忙碌的早晨结束后,午饭是你所需的能量补给站,但是有时候这顿饭不仅没有像你想的那样让你重振精神,反而让你在办公桌前打起盹来。 Feeling tired after lunch, or post meals in general, is known as postprandial somnolence — or, colloquially, the food coma. 吃完午饭感到困倦,或是一吃完饭就犯困,被称为餐后嗜睡症,也就是俗称的饭气攻心。 Part of this phenomenon is due to basic physiology: When humans eat, most of our blood goes to the digestive organs to process the food, said Sandra Arévalo, director of community health and wellness at Montefiore Nyack Hospital in New York state. 美国纽约州蒙蒂菲奥里·奈阿克医院社区卫生和保健部主管桑德拉·阿雷瓦洛指出,这种现象一部分是因为自然的生理反应:当人类进食时,大部分血液都流到消化器官去处理食物了。 The tendency to get tired after eating isn’t inherently suggestive of something amiss. But there can be additional factors that exacerbate this natural response, making getting through the rest of the workday or any activities feel like a slog. Here’s what to watch out for and how to make adjustments. 吃完就犯困不一定意味着身体出了毛病,但是有一些因素会加重这种自然反应,让接下来的工作和其他活动变得很艰难。来看看应该注意哪些因素,以及怎么做才能减轻饭后的困倦感。 Heavy or sugary meals 油腻或高糖的饭食 When it comes to why you feel overly tired after eating, a common cause is consuming meals that are heavy in terms of quantity or quality. 如果你饭后觉得特别累,一个常见的原因是你吃得太多或太油腻。 Some people overeat instead of stopping when they feel comfortably satiated. Not eating breakfast can also lead to overindulging later in the day if excessive hunger makes controlling your appetite difficult, Arévalo said. 有些人吃饱了还吃,结果就吃多了。阿雷瓦洛表示,不吃早餐也容易造成午饭吃太饱,因为过饥会让你难以控制自己的食欲。 Sometimes, however, the makeup of certain foods can contribute to tiredness. Fats are the hardest nutrient to digest because their molecules are much larger than those of protein or carbs, said Julie Stefanski, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. If you had a meal high in fat — such as fried foods or pizza — that could make you feel tired. Meals high in added sugar or refined or highly processed carbohydrates can have the same effect. 不过,有时候,特定食物的成分也会引起困倦感。营养与饮食学会发言人朱莉·斯特凡斯基指出,脂肪是最难消化的营养物质,因为脂肪分子比蛋白质或碳水化合物的分子大得多。如果你的餐食富含脂肪,比如油炸食品或披萨,你就容易感到困倦。含糖量高或精制以及高加工碳水化合物也会产生同样的效果。 The fiber in so-called whole foods slows the absorption of sugar into the body, which means they don’t cause blood sugar or insulin spikes and instead give you more stable, lasting energy, said Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic. 克利夫兰诊所的注册营养师克莉丝汀‧克派崔克指出,所说的天然食品中含有的纤维会减慢人体对糖的吸收,这意味着全食不会导致血糖或胰岛素飙升,能给你提供更稳定持久的能量。 “A five-minute walk or something helps to improve circulation and alertness, as well,” Arévalo said. 阿雷瓦洛称:“散步5分钟之类的运动有助于改善循环,让你更清醒。” Poor sleep 睡眠不佳 Sleep regulates your hormones, including your digestive ones, according to Kirkpatrick. And if you’re sleep-deprived, your body’s likely to suppress the hormone called leptin that signals “I’m full and don’t need any more” or elevate ghrelin, the hormone that commands “feed me,” she explained. Being insufficiently rested can also negatively affect your decision-making skills, emotional regulation and a brain region that regulates food intake, making it harder to resist cravings for highly palatable foods. 克派崔克指出,睡眠能调节激素分泌,包括你的消化系统中的激素。她解释道,如果你睡眠不足,你的身体会抑制瘦素的分泌,这种激素会发出信号让大脑知道“我已经饱了,不用再吃了”,你的身体还可能增加胃饥饿素的分泌,这种激素会向大脑发出“喂饱我”的信号。睡眠不足还会给你的决策能力、情绪调节能力和调节食物摄入量的大脑区域带来负面影响,让你更难抵制美食的诱惑。 Blood sugar issues 血糖问题 For some people, post-meal fatigue can signal something more serious. 对有些人来说,饭后的困倦感可能意味着更严重的问题。 “Statistics show right now that a lot of people in the US have diabetes or prediabetes and don’t know it,” Stefanski said. When someone can’t properly metabolize carbs and therefore has a high amount of insulin in the blood, that can diminish energy levels, she added. 斯特凡斯基表示:“数据显示,现在美国有很多人患有糖尿病或前驱糖尿病而不自知。”她补充道,如果一个人不能很好地代谢碳水化合物,从而让血液中含有大量胰岛素,这会让人精力不济。 If you regularly feel drowsy after eating even after making dietary adjustments, ask your doctor to administer the hemoglobin A1c test. The test measures average blood sugar levels and shows how much glucose is attached to hemoglobin in red blood cells, Stefanski said. 如果你常常在吃完饭后感到困倦,即使在调整饮食后也没有改善,你应该让医生给你做糖化血红蛋白试验。斯特凡斯基说,这一试验会测量你的平均血糖水平,看你体内红细胞的血红蛋白上附着了多少葡萄糖。 “If that’s high,” she said, “it shows that your body is struggling to metabolize food and metabolize carbohydrates.” 她说:“如果糖化血红蛋白水平高,说明你的身体难以代谢食物和碳水化合物。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels After a busy morning, lunch can feel like just the pick-me-up you need — but sometimes the meal you thought would energize you is the very thing that makes you want to nap at your desk. Feeling tired after lunch, or post meals in general, is known as postprandial somnolence — or, colloquially, the food coma. The tendency to get tired after eating isn’t inherently suggestive of something amiss. But there can be additional factors that exacerbate this natural response, making getting through the rest of the workday or any activities feel like a slog. Here’s what to watch out for and how to make adjustments. Heavy or sugary meals When it comes to why you feel overly tired after eating, a common cause is consuming meals that are heavy in terms of quantity or quality. Sometimes, however, the makeup of certain foods can contribute to tiredness. Fats are the hardest nutrient to digest because their molecules are much larger than those of protein or carbs, said Julie Stefanski, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. If you had a meal high in fat — such as fried foods or pizza — that could make you feel tired. Meals high in added sugar or refined or highly processed carbohydrates can have the same effect. The fiber in so-called whole foods slows the absorption of sugar into the body, which means they don’t cause blood sugar or insulin spikes and instead give you more stable, lasting energy, said Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic. Poor sleep Sleep regulates your hormones, including your digestive ones, according to Kirkpatrick. And if you’re sleep-deprived, your body’s likely to suppress the hormone called leptin that signals “I’m full and don’t need any more” or elevate ghrelin, the hormone that commands “feed me,” she explained. Being insufficiently rested can also negatively affect your decision-making skills, emotional regulation and a brain region that regulates food intake, making it harder to resist cravings for highly palatable foods. Blood sugar issues For some people, post-meal fatigue can signal something more serious. “Statistics show right now that a lot of people in the US have diabetes or prediabetes and don’t know it,” Stefanski said. When someone can’t properly metabolize carbs and therefore has a high amount of insulin in the blood, that can diminish energy levels, she added. If you regularly feel drowsy after eating even after making dietary adjustments, ask your doctor to administer the hemoglobin A1c test. The test measures average blood sugar levels and shows how much glucose is attached to hemoglobin in red blood cells, Stefanski said. “If that’s high,” she said, “it shows that your body is struggling to metabolize food and metabolize carbohydrates.”
一吃饱就犯困,很多人都有这种情况。很多时候,只是因为你吃多了或者摄入了太多高糖高脂肪的食物,但如果你在调整了饮食之后困倦感依然没有消失,那么你就要注意了,这可能是身体亮起了红灯。 在忙碌的早晨结束后,午饭是你所需的能量补给站,但是有时候这顿饭不仅没有像你想的那样让你重振精神,反而让你在办公桌前打起盹来。 吃完午饭感到困倦,或是一吃完饭就犯困,被称为餐后嗜睡症,也就是俗称的饭气攻心。 Part of this phenomenon is due to basic physiology: When humans eat, most of our blood goes to the digestive organs to process the food, said Sandra Arévalo, director of community health and wellness at Montefiore Nyack Hospital in New York state. 美国纽约州蒙蒂菲奥里·奈阿克医院社区卫生和保健部主管桑德拉·阿雷瓦洛指出,这种现象一部分是因为自然的生理反应:当人类进食时,大部分血液都流到消化器官去处理食物了。 吃完就犯困不一定意味着身体出了毛病,但是有一些因素会加重这种自然反应,让接下来的工作和其他活动变得很艰难。来看看应该注意哪些因素,以及怎么做才能减轻饭后的困倦感。 油腻或高糖的饭食 如果你饭后觉得特别累,一个常见的原因是你吃得太多或太油腻。 Some people overeat instead of stopping when they feel comfortably satiated. Not eating breakfast can also lead to overindulging later in the day if excessive hunger makes controlling your appetite difficult, Arévalo said. 有些人吃饱了还吃,结果就吃多了。阿雷瓦洛表示,不吃早餐也容易造成午饭吃太饱,因为过饥会让你难以控制自己的食欲。 不过,有时候,特定食物的成分也会引起困倦感。营养与饮食学会发言人朱莉·斯特凡斯基指出,脂肪是最难消化的营养物质,因为脂肪分子比蛋白质或碳水化合物的分子大得多。如果你的餐食富含脂肪,比如油炸食品或披萨,你就容易感到困倦。含糖量高或精制以及高加工碳水化合物也会产生同样的效果。 克利夫兰诊所的注册营养师克莉丝汀‧克派崔克指出,所说的天然食品中含有的纤维会减慢人体对糖的吸收,这意味着全食不会导致血糖或胰岛素飙升,能给你提供更稳定持久的能量。 “A five-minute walk or something helps to improve circulation and alertness, as well,” Arévalo said. 阿雷瓦洛称:“散步5分钟之类的运动有助于改善循环,让你更清醒。” 睡眠不佳 克派崔克指出,睡眠能调节激素分泌,包括你的消化系统中的激素。她解释道,如果你睡眠不足,你的身体会抑制瘦素的分泌,这种激素会发出信号让大脑知道“我已经饱了,不用再吃了”,你的身体还可能增加胃饥饿素的分泌,这种激素会向大脑发出“喂饱我”的信号。睡眠不足还会给你的决策能力、情绪调节能力和调节食物摄入量的大脑区域带来负面影响,让你更难抵制美食的诱惑。 血糖问题 对有些人来说,饭后的困倦感可能意味着更严重的问题。 斯特凡斯基表示:“数据显示,现在美国有很多人患有糖尿病或前驱糖尿病而不自知。”她补充道,如果一个人不能很好地代谢碳水化合物,从而让血液中含有大量胰岛素,这会让人精力不济。 如果你常常在吃完饭后感到困倦,即使在调整饮食后也没有改善,你应该让医生给你做糖化血红蛋白试验。斯特凡斯基说,这一试验会测量你的平均血糖水平,看你体内红细胞的血红蛋白上附着了多少葡萄糖。 她说:“如果糖化血红蛋白水平高,说明你的身体难以代谢食物和碳水化合物。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
中国有句谚语,笑一笑,十年少。外国也有句老话,笑是最好的良药。事实上,经常大笑确实对身体有好处,尤其是心脏健康方面。新研究发现,大笑能够减轻冠心病患者的炎症,改善冠状动脉扩展功能,降低心脏病发作和中风的风险。 Photo/Pexels The old adage that “laughter is the best medicine” may contain an element of truth when it comes to heart health. 老话说,笑是最好的良药,这句话在心脏健康方面也许是有道理的。 A study has demonstrated that having a chuckle causes the tissue inside the heart to expand – and increases oxygen flow around the body. 一项研究表明,笑能让心脏内部组织扩张,从而增加在体内四处流动的氧气。 Patients with coronary artery disease who engaged in a course of laughter therapy had reduced inflammation and better health, the research found. 研究发现,采用“大笑疗法”的冠心病患者炎症减轻了,身体变好了。 "Our study found that laughter therapy increased the functional capacity of the cardiovascular system,” said the lead author, Prof Marco Saffi, of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre in Brazil. 该研究的首席作者、巴西阿雷格里港医院的马克·萨菲教授表示:“我们的研究发现,大笑疗法能改善心血管系统的功能。” The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Amsterdam, the world’s largest heart conference. 这一研究结果在阿姆斯特丹举行的世界最大型心脏病学会议——欧洲心脏病学会年会上公布。 In the trial, scientists carried out a first-of-its-kind study to examine if laughter therapy could improve symptoms of patients with heart disease. 科学家在这项研究中开展了一场史无前例的试验,看大笑疗法能否改善心脏病患者的症状。 It involved 26 adults with an average age of 64, all diagnosed with coronary artery disease, caused by plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. 平均年龄为64岁的26名成人参与了这个试验,他们全都确诊冠心病,这种病是由给心脏供血的冠状动脉内壁斑块的累积导致的。 Over three months, half were asked to watch two different hour-long comedy programmes each week, including popular sitcoms. The other half watched two different serious documentaries, about topics such as politics or the Amazon rainforest. 在三个月的时间内,有一半的患者被要求每周观看两个不同的长达一小时的喜剧节目,包括受欢迎的情景喜剧。另外一半患者每周观看两部不同的严肃纪录片,涉及政治或亚马逊雨林这类题材。 At the end of the 12-week study period, the comedy group improved by 10% in a test measuring how much oxygen their heart could pump around the body. 在长达12周的研究结束时,科学家对他们的身体进行检查后发现,观看喜剧的小组成员心脏供应全身的氧气流量增加了10%。 The group also improved in a second measure that tested how well arteries can expand. 另一项检查发现,该小组的成员的冠状动脉扩张功能也改善了。 They also had blood tests to measure several inflammatory biomarkers, which indicate how much plaque has built up in the blood vessels, and whether people are at risk of heart attack or stroke. The results showed that these inflammatory markers had significantly reduced compared with the control group. 这些人还抽血检测了几个炎症生物指标,这些指标能显示出血管中积聚了多少斑块,以及是否有心脏病发作或中风的风险。结果显示,相比对照组,这些人的炎症指标都显著降低。 "When patients with coronary artery disease arrive at hospital, they have a lot of inflammatory biomarkers,” said Saffi. “Inflammation is a huge part of the process of atherosclerosis, when plaque builds up in the arteries. 萨菲表示:“当冠心病患者就医时,他们的炎症指标都很高。炎症是动脉粥样硬化过程中表明动脉斑块累积的主要症状。” "This study found that laughter therapy is a good intervention that could help reduce that inflammation and decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke. “这项研究发现,大笑疗法是很好的干预手段,有助于减轻炎症并降低心脏病发作和中风的风险。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels The old adage that “laughter is the best medicine” may contain an element of truth when it comes to heart health. A study has demonstrated that having a chuckle causes the tissue inside the heart to expand – and increases oxygen flow around the body. Patients with coronary artery disease who engaged in a course of laughter therapy had reduced inflammation and better health, the research found. The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Amsterdam, the world’s largest heart conference. In the trial, scientists carried out a first-of-its-kind study to examine if laughter therapy could improve symptoms of patients with heart disease. It involved 26 adults with an average age of 64, all diagnosed with coronary artery disease, caused by plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Over three months, half were asked to watch two different hour-long comedy programmes each week, including popular sitcoms. The other half watched two different serious documentaries, about topics such as politics or the Amazon rainforest. At the end of the 12-week study period, the comedy group improved by 10% in a test measuring how much oxygen their heart could pump around the body. The group also improved in a second measure that tested how well arteries can expand. They also had blood tests to measure several inflammatory biomarkers, which indicate how much plaque has built up in the blood vessels, and whether people are at risk of heart attack or stroke. The results showed that these inflammatory markers had significantly reduced compared with the control group. "When patients with coronary artery disease arrive at hospital, they have a lot of inflammatory biomarkers,” said Saffi. “Inflammation is a huge part of the process of atherosclerosis, when plaque builds up in the arteries. "This study found that laughter therapy is a good intervention that could help reduce that inflammation and decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke.
中国有句谚语,笑一笑,十年少。外国也有句老话,笑是最好的良药。事实上,经常大笑确实对身体有好处,尤其是心脏健康方面。新研究发现,大笑能够减轻冠心病患者的炎症,改善冠状动脉扩展功能,降低心脏病发作和中风的风险。 老话说,笑是最好的良药,这句话在心脏健康方面也许是有道理的。 一项研究表明,笑能让心脏内部组织扩张,从而增加在体内四处流动的氧气。 研究发现,采用“大笑疗法”的冠心病患者炎症减轻了,身体变好了。 "Our study found that laughter therapy increased the functional capacity of the cardiovascular system,” said the lead author, Prof Marco Saffi, of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre in Brazil. 该研究的首席作者、巴西阿雷格里港医院的马克·萨菲教授表示:“我们的研究发现,大笑疗法能改善心血管系统的功能。” 这一研究结果在阿姆斯特丹举行的世界最大型心脏病学会议——欧洲心脏病学会年会上公布。 科学家在这项研究中开展了一场史无前例的试验,看大笑疗法能否改善心脏病患者的症状。 平均年龄为64岁的26名成人参与了这个试验,他们全都确诊冠心病,这种病是由给心脏供血的冠状动脉内壁斑块的累积导致的。 在三个月的时间内,有一半的患者被要求每周观看两个不同的长达一小时的喜剧节目,包括受欢迎的情景喜剧。另外一半患者每周观看两部不同的严肃纪录片,涉及政治或亚马逊雨林这类题材。 在长达12周的研究结束时,科学家对他们的身体进行检查后发现,观看喜剧的小组成员心脏供应全身的氧气流量增加了10%。 另一项检查发现,该小组的成员的冠状动脉扩张功能也改善了。 这些人还抽血检测了几个炎症生物指标,这些指标能显示出血管中积聚了多少斑块,以及是否有心脏病发作或中风的风险。结果显示,相比对照组,这些人的炎症指标都显著降低。 萨菲表示:“当冠心病患者就医时,他们的炎症指标都很高。炎症是动脉粥样硬化过程中表明动脉斑块累积的主要症状。” “这项研究发现,大笑疗法是很好的干预手段,有助于减轻炎症并降低心脏病发作和中风的风险。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
最近,巴西一家探险公司推出的大瀑布边“空中野餐”在外网走红。只要花费450美元,就可以在塞普尔图拉瀑布上空悬吊的木桌上享受美酒佳肴。这项服务吸引了一些冒险者前来体验。 A Brazilian adventure firm is offering thrillseekers the unique opportunity to enjoy a picnic at a wooden table suspended above the thundering Cascata da Sepultura, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. 巴西一家探险公司为爱冒险者提供了一项特殊服务,该公司在南里奥格兰德州塞普尔图拉瀑布上空架起了野餐木桌。 The breathtaking experience recently went viral thanks to a short clip posted by an American couple who found it while looking for special things to try in Brazil. In the video, Christianna Hurt and her boyfriend can be seen casually enjoying some snacks and a glass of red wine at a picnic table suspended on a bunch of metal wires high above Cascata da Sepultura. The whole experience apparently lasts only 15 minutes and costs $450, but it’s definitely something you’ll never forget. 这个令人心跳加速的野餐体验近日走红网络,起因是一对美国夫妇在巴西冒险时发布了一段视频。在视频中,可以看到克里斯蒂安娜·赫特和她的男友在一张野餐桌旁自在地享用着小吃和红酒,而野餐桌悬挂在瀑布上空的一条钢索上。整个体验只持续了15分钟,花费450美元,但这绝对令人永生难忘。 “It’s only about a 15-minute experience total… the experience is more about the scenery, not the food,” Christianna told Mail Online. 克里斯蒂安娜告诉英国《每日邮报》网站:“用餐时间总共只有大约15分钟……更多的是欣赏风景,而不是品尝食物。” They needed to briefly walk through the river itself to reach the zip-line platform that’s been built into the waterfall’s edge, she reveals. 她透露,需要先穿过一小段河流,才能到达瀑布边缘的滑索平台。 Christianna and her boyfriend were then strapped into a harness and took a seat on the picnic table, which was secured to the zipline. She explains that the Rota Aventura crew then ‘rolled’ the table along the zip line, leaving the couple dangling over the cascading water. 克里斯蒂安娜和男友绑上安全带,在野餐桌旁就座,野餐桌固定在滑索上。随后,工作人员沿着滑索“滑动”桌子,让他们在飞流直下的瀑布上晃来晃去。 The two were strapped into safety harnesses and seated at a picnic table secured to a sturdy zip line. The table was then rolled out over the thundering waterfall where the couple unpacked their food and drinks. A photo op and drone video was also included in the price of the experience. 这对情侣系上安全带,坐在一张用结实的锁链固定的野餐桌旁。桌子悬吊在水声轰鸣的瀑布上方,他们在餐桌旁享用食物和饮料。项目费用还包括拍照和无人机视频拍摄服务。 编辑:董静 来源:Oddity Central
A Brazilian adventure firm is offering thrillseekers the unique opportunity to enjoy a picnic at a wooden table suspended above the thundering Cascata da Sepultura, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The breathtaking experience recently went viral thanks to a short clip posted by an American couple who found it while looking for special things to try in Brazil. In the video, Christianna Hurt and her boyfriend can be seen casually enjoying some snacks and a glass of red wine at a picnic table suspended on a bunch of metal wires high above Cascata da Sepultura. The whole experience apparently lasts only 15 minutes and costs $450, but it’s definitely something you’ll never forget. “It’s only about a 15-minute experience total… the experience is more about the scenery, not the food,” Christianna told Mail Online. They needed to briefly walk through the river itself to reach the zip-line platform that’s been built into the waterfall’s edge, she reveals. Christianna and her boyfriend were then strapped into a harness and took a seat on the picnic table, which was secured to the zipline. She explains that the Rota Aventura crew then ‘rolled’ the table along the zip line, leaving the couple dangling over the cascading water. The two were strapped into safety harnesses and seated at a picnic table secured to a sturdy zip line. The table was then rolled out over the thundering waterfall where the couple unpacked their food and drinks. A photo op and drone video was also included in the price of the experience.
最近,巴西一家探险公司推出的大瀑布边“空中野餐”在外网走红。只要花费450美元,就可以在塞普尔图拉瀑布上空悬吊的木桌上享受美酒佳肴。这项服务吸引了一些冒险者前来体验。 巴西一家探险公司为爱冒险者提供了一项特殊服务,该公司在南里奥格兰德州塞普尔图拉瀑布上空架起了野餐木桌。 这个令人心跳加速的野餐体验近日走红网络,起因是一对美国夫妇在巴西冒险时发布了一段视频。在视频中,可以看到克里斯蒂安娜·赫特和她的男友在一张野餐桌旁自在地享用着小吃和红酒,而野餐桌悬挂在瀑布上空的一条钢索上。整个体验只持续了15分钟,花费450美元,但这绝对令人永生难忘。 克里斯蒂安娜告诉英国《每日邮报》网站:“用餐时间总共只有大约15分钟……更多的是欣赏风景,而不是品尝食物。” 她透露,需要先穿过一小段河流,才能到达瀑布边缘的滑索平台。 克里斯蒂安娜和男友绑上安全带,在野餐桌旁就座,野餐桌固定在滑索上。随后,工作人员沿着滑索“滑动”桌子,让他们在飞流直下的瀑布上晃来晃去。 这对情侣系上安全带,坐在一张用结实的锁链固定的野餐桌旁。桌子悬吊在水声轰鸣的瀑布上方,他们在餐桌旁享用食物和饮料。项目费用还包括拍照和无人机视频拍摄服务。 编辑:董静 来源:Oddity Central
今年上半年,我国服务贸易继续保持增长态势。服务进出口总额约3.14万亿元人民币,同比增长8.5%。从长期趋势看,我国服务贸易呈现出以下特点:我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固;传统服务贸易仍然保持优势地位;知识密集型服务贸易持续增长;服务贸易创新发展试点城市作用突出;服务贸易数字化发展步伐加快。 China's service trade maintains rapid growth momentum with the country's consolidated power status in service trade, China Economic Times reported on Thursday. 《中国经济时报》24日报道,我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固,服务贸易继续保持较快增长态势。 In the first half of this year, China's total import and export of services reached 3.14 trillion yuan ($430 billion), up 8.5 percent year-on-year. 今年上半年看,我国服务进出口总额3.14万亿元人民币,同比增长8.5%。 This growth rate is faster than the growth of trade in goods and outpaces the growth of trade in services among the world's major economies. 这个增长速度超过了货物贸易增长速度,也跑赢了全球主要经济体的服务贸易增长。 The reasons behind the rapid growth rate despite downward pressure in global economy are mainly the policies and measures taken by the Chinese government, said Li Jun, director of the institute of international trade in services under the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation. 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院国际服务贸易研究所所长李俊表示,在当前世界经济恢复乏力的背景下,这一增长态势得益于中国政府采取的政策措施。 On one hand, China has opened up its service industry and issued supporting policies for service trade in the past few years. The rapid growth is considered as a result of policy effects. 一方面是过去几年服务业开放和服务贸易支持政策持续发力,政策效应不断释放的结果。 On the other hand, it is also closely related to the continuous liberalization of border control measures in China's travel field.These measures include expanding group tour destinations; increasing air routes and flights; and driving cross-border tourism, study abroad and cross-border business activities. 另一方面,与我国旅行领域持续放开边境管制措施,比如扩大团队游目的地、增加航线航班,带动跨境旅游、留学和跨境商务活动等因素密切相关。 In terms of structure, knowledge-intensive service trade grew rapidly, and its proportion continued to increase. 从结构来看,知识密集型服务贸易增长较快,占比继续提升。 In the first half of this year, the import and export of knowledge-intensive services reached 1.36 trillion yuan, up 12.3 percent year-on-year, accounting for 43.5 percent of the total import and export of services, up 1.5 percentage points year-on-year. 今年上半年,知识密集型服务进出口1.36万亿元,同比增长12.3%,占服务进出口总额的比重达43.5%,同比提升1.5个百分点。 Most of the knowledge-intensive services are digital deliverable services, indicating that the import and export of digital services is an important driving force for the development of service trade and is also the future development direction. 知识密集型服务大多为数字可交付的服务,表明数字服务进出口是带动服务贸易发展的重要动力,也是未来发展方向。 As an important way of service trade, service outsourcing has also maintained a sustained and stable growth trend and contributed to the overall growth of service trade. 服务外包作为服务贸易的一种重要方式,也保持了持续稳定的增长态势,对服务贸易的整体增长作出了贡献。 In the long run, China's service trade power status continues to consolidate, with the traditional service trade still maintaining its dominant position, and trade in knowledge-intensive services continuing to grow. 从长期趋势看,我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固,传统服务贸易仍然保持优势地位,知识密集型服务贸易持续增长。 Furthermore, pilot cities for innovative development of trade in services play a prominent role in promoting its development and the digital development of trade in services has been accelerated, according to Li. 此外,李俊表示,服务贸易创新发展试点城市在促进服务贸易发展方面发挥了突出作用,服务贸易数字化发展加快。
China's service trade maintains rapid growth momentum with the country's consolidated power status in service trade, China Economic Times reported on Thursday. In the first half of this year, China's total import and export of services reached 3.14 trillion yuan ($430 billion), up 8.5 percent year-on-year. This growth rate is faster than the growth of trade in goods and outpaces the growth of trade in services among the world's major economies. The reasons behind the rapid growth rate despite downward pressure in global economy are mainly the policies and measures taken by the Chinese government, said Li Jun, director of the institute of international trade in services under the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation. On one hand, China has opened up its service industry and issued supporting policies for service trade in the past few years. The rapid growth is considered as a result of policy effects. On the other hand, it is also closely related to the continuous liberalization of border control measures in China's travel field.These measures include expanding group tour destinations; increasing air routes and flights; and driving cross-border tourism, study abroad and cross-border business activities. In terms of structure, knowledge-intensive service trade grew rapidly, and its proportion continued to increase. In the first half of this year, the import and export of knowledge-intensive services reached 1.36 trillion yuan, up 12.3 percent year-on-year, accounting for 43.5 percent of the total import and export of services, up 1.5 percentage points year-on-year. Most of the knowledge-intensive services are digital deliverable services, indicating that the import and export of digital services is an important driving force for the development of service trade and is also the future development direction. As an important way of service trade, service outsourcing has also maintained a sustained and stable growth trend and contributed to the overall growth of service trade. In the long run, China's service trade power status continues to consolidate, with the traditional service trade still maintaining its dominant position, and trade in knowledge-intensive services continuing to grow. Furthermore, pilot cities for innovative development of trade in services play a prominent role in promoting its development and the digital development of trade in services has been accelerated, according to Li.
今年上半年,我国服务贸易继续保持增长态势。服务进出口总额约3.14万亿元人民币,同比增长8.5%。从长期趋势看,我国服务贸易呈现出以下特点:我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固;传统服务贸易仍然保持优势地位;知识密集型服务贸易持续增长;服务贸易创新发展试点城市作用突出;服务贸易数字化发展步伐加快。 《中国经济时报》24日报道,我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固,服务贸易继续保持较快增长态势。 今年上半年看,我国服务进出口总额3.14万亿元人民币,同比增长8.5%。 这个增长速度超过了货物贸易增长速度,也跑赢了全球主要经济体的服务贸易增长。 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院国际服务贸易研究所所长李俊表示,在当前世界经济恢复乏力的背景下,这一增长态势得益于中国政府采取的政策措施。 一方面是过去几年服务业开放和服务贸易支持政策持续发力,政策效应不断释放的结果。 另一方面,与我国旅行领域持续放开边境管制措施,比如扩大团队游目的地、增加航线航班,带动跨境旅游、留学和跨境商务活动等因素密切相关。 从结构来看,知识密集型服务贸易增长较快,占比继续提升。 今年上半年,知识密集型服务进出口1.36万亿元,同比增长12.3%,占服务进出口总额的比重达43.5%,同比提升1.5个百分点。 知识密集型服务大多为数字可交付的服务,表明数字服务进出口是带动服务贸易发展的重要动力,也是未来发展方向。 服务外包作为服务贸易的一种重要方式,也保持了持续稳定的增长态势,对服务贸易的整体增长作出了贡献。 从长期趋势看,我国服务贸易大国地位持续巩固,传统服务贸易仍然保持优势地位,知识密集型服务贸易持续增长。 此外,李俊表示,服务贸易创新发展试点城市在促进服务贸易发展方面发挥了突出作用,服务贸易数字化发展加快。
经常放屁是健康出问题了吗,放屁特别臭需要警惕吗?密歇根大学胃肠病学教授威廉·杰表示,“人的肠道每天可能排气5-15次……这是完全正常的。因为胃肠道功能、胃肠道菌群以及摄入食物存在差异,这些因素都决定了肠道排气的频率、多少以及气味。” Dr. Mark Corkins, division chief of pediatric gastroenterology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. “There are two sources of ‘gas,’ and not all gas is gas. Part of what we pass is air. We all swallow some air, and some people swallow a lot of air. Now that seems to be odorless.” 田纳西大学健康科学中心儿童胃肠科主任马克·科尔金斯称,“‘屁’有两种来源,一部分是空气。人们会‘吃下’一些空气,这些经肠道排出的空气是没有气味的。” Real gas, on the other hand, is primarily the byproduct of the fermentation of food in the colon, said Corkins, who is also a professor of pediatrics. “Our colon has (billions of) bacteria living in it. … If we don’t digest (food), the bacteria will.” 科尔金斯称,真正的“屁”主要是食物在结肠中发酵的气体。“人的结肠里有(数十亿)细菌……这些细菌会帮助消化未消化的食物。” Some odors are more pungent than others for these reasons, experts said, but there aren’t any smells that are red flags. 专家称,由于以上原因,有些“屁”闻起来更臭,但气味不是危险信号。 Gas isn’t as much of an indicator of gut health asbowel movement frequency and texture. But dietary choices can lead to more or less gas. 排便频率和质地是衡量肠道健康的指标,放屁却不是。但饮食选择可能会导致放屁多或放屁少。 Factors of flatulence 胀气原因 Gut flora are important because they help the body make vitamins and produce some of the sh ort chain fatty acids that feed our colon lining, so a little gas (from those processes) is good, Corkins said. “Otherwise, we’re not feeding our flora, which actually is a symbiotic relationship,” he added. 肠道菌群对健康很重要,有助于身体合成维生素,并产生一些短链脂肪酸,为结肠内壁提供营养,所以(在这些过程中)肠道产生适当气体有益健康。 But what can especially lead to gas, or excessive amounts of it, is eating foods that are more difficult to digest and therefore more likely to ferment, experts said. 但专家表示,食用不易消化的食物容易导致排气或过量排气,因为这些食物在肠道内更易发酵。 The old classic is beans, and there’s a protein in beans that tends to be difficult to digest. 最常见的易导致胀气的食物就是豆制品,豆类中含有一种不易消化的蛋白质。 Beans are one source of FODMAPs — fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These areshort-chain carbohydratesor sugars that, for some people, are poorly absorbed by the small intestine, leading to digestive issues such as gas, cramping, diarrhea, constipation or stomach bloating.Foods high in FODMAPsinclude certain vegetables, fruits, starches and dairy products such as cauliflower, garlic, apples, peaches, milk, wheat and high fructose corn syrup. 豆类是可发酵低聚糖、双糖、单糖和多元醇(发酵性碳水化合物)的来源之一。对一些人来说,这些是这类短链碳水化合物不易被小肠吸收,从而导致胀气、肠痉挛、腹泻、便秘或胃胀等消化问题。发酵性碳水化合物含量高的食物包括某些蔬菜、水果、淀粉和乳制品,例如花椰菜、大蒜、苹果、桃子、牛奶、小麦和高果糖玉米糖浆。 “Many of us unknowingly do eat a lot of FODMAPs, but everyone has a little bit of a different pattern as to how well they can absorb and metabolize these,” said Dr. Rena Yadlapati, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology at the University of California, San Diego. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校胃肠病学系医学教授蕾娜说:“许多人在不知不觉中确实摄入了很多发酵性碳水化合物,但每个人对它们的吸收和代谢能力都不同。” “Some people will, alternatively, have trouble when they eat a lot of red meat,” Chey said. “In fact, (for) pretty much everybody, if you eat enough red meat, you will not be able to properly digest or absorb all of it, and it’ll get down to your colon where it’s fermented to produce gases and chemicals.” 杰说:“有人摄入红肉时也会出现以上症状。事实上对几乎所有人来说,如果摄入红肉过多,都将无法完全将其消化吸收,最终在结肠发酵产生气体和化学物质。” “The other thing is making sure that your bowel habits are regular,” Chey said. “Individuals that have constipation are much more prone to getting bloating and flatulence. The reason for that is, if things move very slowly through the GI tract, they have more time to interact with the bacteria in the GI tract, particularly the colon. And that’s going to produce more gas.” 杰说:“保持规律排便也很关键。便秘的人更容易腹胀和胀气。如果食物在胃肠道中移动得很慢,就有更多的时间与胃肠道中的细菌作用,尤其是结肠。这会导致肠道产生更多气体。” 来源:CNN 编辑:董静
Dr. Mark Corkins, division chief of pediatric gastroenterology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. “There are two sources of ‘gas,’ and not all gas is gas. Part of what we pass is air. We all swallow some air, and some people swallow a lot of air. Now that seems to be odorless.” Real gas, on the other hand, is primarily the byproduct of the fermentation of food in the colon, said Corkins, who is also a professor of pediatrics. “Our colon has (billions of) bacteria living in it. … If we don’t digest (food), the bacteria will.” Some odors are more pungent than others for these reasons, experts said, but there aren’t any smells that are red flags. Gas isn’t as much of an indicator of gut health asbowel movement frequency and texture. But dietary choices can lead to more or less gas. Factors of flatulence Gut flora are important because they help the body make vitamins and produce some of the sh ort chain fatty acids that feed our colon lining, so a little gas (from those processes) is good, Corkins said. “Otherwise, we’re not feeding our flora, which actually is a symbiotic relationship,” he added. But what can especially lead to gas, or excessive amounts of it, is eating foods that are more difficult to digest and therefore more likely to ferment, experts said. The old classic is beans, and there’s a protein in beans that tends to be difficult to digest. Beans are one source of FODMAPs — fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These areshort-chain carbohydratesor sugars that, for some people, are poorly absorbed by the small intestine, leading to digestive issues such as gas, cramping, diarrhea, constipation or stomach bloating.Foods high in FODMAPsinclude certain vegetables, fruits, starches and dairy products such as cauliflower, garlic, apples, peaches, milk, wheat and high fructose corn syrup. “Many of us unknowingly do eat a lot of FODMAPs, but everyone has a little bit of a different pattern as to how well they can absorb and metabolize these,” said Dr. Rena Yadlapati, professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology at the University of California, San Diego. “Some people will, alternatively, have trouble when they eat a lot of red meat,” Chey said. “In fact, (for) pretty much everybody, if you eat enough red meat, you will not be able to properly digest or absorb all of it, and it’ll get down to your colon where it’s fermented to produce gases and chemicals.” “The other thing is making sure that your bowel habits are regular,” Chey said. “Individuals that have constipation are much more prone to getting bloating and flatulence. The reason for that is, if things move very slowly through the GI tract, they have more time to interact with the bacteria in the GI tract, particularly the colon. And that’s going to produce more gas.”
经常放屁是健康出问题了吗,放屁特别臭需要警惕吗?密歇根大学胃肠病学教授威廉·杰表示,“人的肠道每天可能排气5-15次……这是完全正常的。因为胃肠道功能、胃肠道菌群以及摄入食物存在差异,这些因素都决定了肠道排气的频率、多少以及气味。” 田纳西大学健康科学中心儿童胃肠科主任马克·科尔金斯称,“‘屁’有两种来源,一部分是空气。人们会‘吃下’一些空气,这些经肠道排出的空气是没有气味的。” 科尔金斯称,真正的“屁”主要是食物在结肠中发酵的气体。“人的结肠里有(数十亿)细菌……这些细菌会帮助消化未消化的食物。” 专家称,由于以上原因,有些“屁”闻起来更臭,但气味不是危险信号。 排便频率和质地是衡量肠道健康的指标,放屁却不是。但饮食选择可能会导致放屁多或放屁少。 胀气原因 肠道菌群对健康很重要,有助于身体合成维生素,并产生一些短链脂肪酸,为结肠内壁提供营养,所以(在这些过程中)肠道产生适当气体有益健康。 但专家表示,食用不易消化的食物容易导致排气或过量排气,因为这些食物在肠道内更易发酵。 最常见的易导致胀气的食物就是豆制品,豆类中含有一种不易消化的蛋白质。 豆类是可发酵低聚糖、双糖、单糖和多元醇(发酵性碳水化合物)的来源之一。对一些人来说,这些是这类短链碳水化合物不易被小肠吸收,从而导致胀气、肠痉挛、腹泻、便秘或胃胀等消化问题。发酵性碳水化合物含量高的食物包括某些蔬菜、水果、淀粉和乳制品,例如花椰菜、大蒜、苹果、桃子、牛奶、小麦和高果糖玉米糖浆。 加州大学圣地亚哥分校胃肠病学系医学教授蕾娜说:“许多人在不知不觉中确实摄入了很多发酵性碳水化合物,但每个人对它们的吸收和代谢能力都不同。” 杰说:“有人摄入红肉时也会出现以上症状。事实上对几乎所有人来说,如果摄入红肉过多,都将无法完全将其消化吸收,最终在结肠发酵产生气体和化学物质。” 杰说:“保持规律排便也很关键。便秘的人更容易腹胀和胀气。如果食物在胃肠道中移动得很慢,就有更多的时间与胃肠道中的细菌作用,尤其是结肠。这会导致肠道产生更多气体。” 来源:CNN 编辑:董静
当地时间22日,日本政府举行相关阁僚会议后正式宣布,将从8月24日开始将福岛第一核电站核污染水排放入海。 图片:新华社 Japanese government announced Tuesday it has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean on Thursday, weather conditions permitting. 日本政府22日宣布,决定在天气条件允许的情况下,于24日开始将受地震破坏的福岛第一核电站的核污染水排入大海。 Despite raging opposition from both home and abroad, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the controversial decision following a ministerial meeting held on Tuesday morning. 尽管核污染水排海计划遭到国内外强烈反对,日本首相岸田文雄仍在22日上午召开阁僚会议后宣布了这一有争议的决定。 Representatives of the country's fishing industry on Monday reiterated their firm opposition to the ocean discharge plan during Kishida's meeting with the head of Japan's national fisheries federation in hopes of gaining understanding. 21日,岸田文雄与日本全国渔业联合会会长举行会谈,就核污染水排海计划向日本渔业从业者寻求理解。日本渔业代表重申了他们对该计划的坚决反对。 Hit by a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and an ensuing tsunami on March 11, 2011, the plant suffered core meltdowns that released radiation, resulting in a level-7 nuclear accident, the highest on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. 2011年3月11日,受9.0级地震和海啸双重影响,福岛第一核电站发生堆芯熔毁,导致放射性物质泄漏。福岛核泄漏事故属于7级,这是国际核事件分级表中分类为最严重的等级。 The plant has been generating a massive amount of water tainted with radioactive substances from cooling down the nuclear fuel in the reactor buildings, which are now being stored in about 1,000 storage tanks. 为冷却反应堆建筑中的核燃料,产生了大量被放射性物质污染的水,这些核污染水目前储存在大约1000个存储罐中。 In 2015, the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the plant, made an agreement with fisheries cooperative associations of both Fukushima prefecture and the nation that they will not proceed with any wastewater disposal "without the understanding of relevant parties." 2015年,日本政府和福岛第一核电站运营商东京电力公司与福岛县渔业协会联合会和日本全国渔业协会联合会达成共识,在没有得到利益攸关方的理解前,不会对核污染水采取任何处置措施。 A total of 88.1 percent surveyed expressed concerns over the government's plan to discharge treated radioactive wastewater into the ocean, as the disapproval rate of the Kishida-led cabinet rose to an eight-month high, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by the national news agency Kyodo. 日本共同社最新民调显示,岸田文雄领导的内阁反对率升至八个月来新高,88.1%的受访者对日本政府的放射性核污染水排海计划表示担忧。 编辑:董静
Japanese government announced Tuesday it has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean on Thursday, weather conditions permitting. Despite raging opposition from both home and abroad, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced the controversial decision following a ministerial meeting held on Tuesday morning. Representatives of the country's fishing industry on Monday reiterated their firm opposition to the ocean discharge plan during Kishida's meeting with the head of Japan's national fisheries federation in hopes of gaining understanding. Hit by a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and an ensuing tsunami on March 11, 2011, the plant suffered core meltdowns that released radiation, resulting in a level-7 nuclear accident, the highest on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale. The plant has been generating a massive amount of water tainted with radioactive substances from cooling down the nuclear fuel in the reactor buildings, which are now being stored in about 1,000 storage tanks. In 2015, the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the plant, made an agreement with fisheries cooperative associations of both Fukushima prefecture and the nation that they will not proceed with any wastewater disposal "without the understanding of relevant parties." A total of 88.1 percent surveyed expressed concerns over the government's plan to discharge treated radioactive wastewater into the ocean, as the disapproval rate of the Kishida-led cabinet rose to an eight-month high, according to the latest opinion poll conducted by the national news agency Kyodo.
当地时间22日,日本政府举行相关阁僚会议后正式宣布,将从8月24日开始将福岛第一核电站核污染水排放入海。 图片:新华社 日本政府22日宣布,决定在天气条件允许的情况下,于24日开始将受地震破坏的福岛第一核电站的核污染水排入大海。 尽管核污染水排海计划遭到国内外强烈反对,日本首相岸田文雄仍在22日上午召开阁僚会议后宣布了这一有争议的决定。 21日,岸田文雄与日本全国渔业联合会会长举行会谈,就核污染水排海计划向日本渔业从业者寻求理解。日本渔业代表重申了他们对该计划的坚决反对。 2011年3月11日,受9.0级地震和海啸双重影响,福岛第一核电站发生堆芯熔毁,导致放射性物质泄漏。福岛核泄漏事故属于7级,这是国际核事件分级表中分类为最严重的等级。 为冷却反应堆建筑中的核燃料,产生了大量被放射性物质污染的水,这些核污染水目前储存在大约1000个存储罐中。 2015年,日本政府和福岛第一核电站运营商东京电力公司与福岛县渔业协会联合会和日本全国渔业协会联合会达成共识,在没有得到利益攸关方的理解前,不会对核污染水采取任何处置措施。 日本共同社最新民调显示,岸田文雄领导的内阁反对率升至八个月来新高,88.1%的受访者对日本政府的放射性核污染水排海计划表示担忧。 编辑:董静
2023世界机器人大会8月16日在北京开幕,今年的主题为“开放创新 聚享未来”,旨在展示全球机器人前沿技术和最新成果,搭建技术产业交流合作与开放共享的平台。近年来,在制造强国和数字中国建设引领下,我国机器人产业实现蓬勃发展。据了解,2022年中国机器人产业营业收入超过1700亿元,继续保持两位数增长。机器人市场应用加速拓展,2022年工业机器人装机量占全球比重超过50%,稳居全球第一大市场。 图源:新华社 Humanoid robots with the appearance of Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907) poets Li Bai and Du Fu have been a hit at the ongoing 2023 World Robot Conference. 在正在举行的2023年世界机器人大会上,唐朝诗人李白和杜甫的仿生人形机器人备受瞩目。 "Their body shapes and expressions look natural. They simulate the voices and actions of real people and interact with the audience. They have already been utilized in many fields including culture, tourism and education," said Zheng Yaxin, an official with EX Robots. 伊艾克斯机器人公司郑亚新(音译)称:“它们的形体和表情自然,可以模仿真人声音和动作,与观众互动,已经应用于文化、旅游和教育等许多领域。” The seven-day event began on Wednesday in Beijing, featuring the participation of around 160 robot enterprises from around the world. These companies showcased nearly 600 sets of robots, with 60 of them making their world debut at the event. 为期七天的世界机器人大会16日在北京开幕,本届博览会吸引了160家国内外机器人企业携近600件展品参展,其中60款新品将在博览会现场全球首发。 Xin Guobin, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said, "The robot industry represents advanced manufacturing and is leading human society to an intelligent era, boosting world economic development and improving the well-being of mankind." 工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌表示,机器人产业是现代化产业体系的代表,正驱动人类社会加速进入智能时代,推动世界经济发展,增进人类福祉。 According to the International Federation of Robotics, the global installed capacity of industrial robots in 2022 registered a historical high of 531,000 units. The economies in North America, Asia and Europe have integrated robots into social life, demonstrating their remarkable vitality. 国际机器人联合会数据显示,2022年全球工业机器人新增装机量为53.1万台,创下历史新高。北美、亚洲和欧洲的经济体将机器人融入了社会生活,展现其非凡的活力。 In the exhibition areas of Realman Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd at the WRC, many visitors experienced a robot massage, which relaxes the muscles on the back and shoulders. 在睿尔曼智能科技(北京)有限公司展区,许多参观者体验了机器人肩背按摩服务。 "The robot's visual sensor can identify people's physical characteristics. It then uses this information to generate the massage trajectory. With proper control of pressure and temperature, the robot arm conducts the massage operation," said Chao Jiaqi, a marketing director of Realman Intelligent Technology (Beijing). 该公司营销总监赵佳琦(音译)称:“机器人的视觉传感器可以识别人体特征,利用这些信息生成按摩轨迹。通过适当控制压力和温度,机器人手臂可以进行按摩操作。” Chao added, "Realman has suppliers and distributors in many countries including Germany, Japan and the United States. We also have close cooperative relations with Sony and Siemens." 赵佳琦补充道:“睿尔曼在德国、日本和美国等多国都有供应商和分销商。我们还与索尼和西门子有着密切的合作关系。” Chee Fai Tan, president of ASEAN Smart Industry Confederation, said that the robot can carry out high-precision work while simultaneously improving productivity. It has been widely applied in manufacturing and agriculture to aid the lives of many people. 东盟智能产业联盟主席陈志辉表示,这款机器人可以在提高生产力的同时进行高精度工作,已被广泛应用于制造业和农业,协助人类生产生活。 The multi-arm fruit-picking robot was also eye-catching at the WRC, which enabled the audience to have a direct understanding of modern and intelligent agricultural development. 本届大会上同样受到关注的还有多臂水果采摘机器人,这款机器人令参观者直观感受到现代智能农业的发展。 "The robot arm and the fruit-picking devices are capable of automatically picking and storing 400 to 500 pieces of fruit per hour. To enhance efficiency, it works around the clock and has the ability to minimize fruit damage significantly," said Li Tao, a staffer with the research project of multi-arm fruit-picking robot. 多臂水果采摘机器人研究项目的工作人员李涛(音译)说:“机器人手臂和水果采摘设备能够每小时自动采摘和储存400至500个水果。可以昼夜不停地工作以提高效率,并能够显著减少水果损耗。” The robot has been applied in Beijing and East China's Shandong province, which plans to further expand to overseas markets like the United States and Australia, Li noted. 李涛称,该机器人已在北京和山东地区应用,并计划进一步扩展美国和澳大利亚等海外市场。 Swiss technology and engineering firm ABB Group showcased its collaborative robot arm at the conference. Du Haiquan, a sales consultant with ABB, said, "China has a huge market potential. The ABB factory in Shanghai is set to provide quality products with advanced techniques for the Chinese market and the Asian-Pacific region." 瑞士ABB集团在本届展会上展示了其协作机器人手臂。ABB的销售顾问杜海泉(音译)说:“中国在机器人领域拥有巨大的市场潜力。ABB上海工厂将为中国以及亚太地区提供技术先进的优质产品。” Jose Vieira, president of World Federation of Engineering Organizations, also emphasized the importance of coordinated development of countries around the world, "We are delighted to see the robot industry contribute to a sustainable future." 世界工程组织联合会主席何塞·维埃拉 强调了在相关领域开展全球性合作的重要性,“我们希望机器人产业能够为全球可持续发展贡献力量” 。 "The robot industry will continue to make breakthroughs in more scenarios and bring benefits for our people," said Chen Ying, secretary-general of Chinese Institute of Electronics. 中国电子学会秘书长陈英表示:“中国机器人产业应用场景将持续扩展,为人类带来更多福祉。” In 2022, the operating income of China's robot industry exceeded 170 billion yuan ($23 billion). Xin noted, "Robots should play a vital role in resolving the common challenges in this world, such as the climate change, healthcare and food security, to make more people worldwide live a better life in the future." 2022年中国机器人全行业营业收入超过1700亿元。辛国斌指出,要将机器人的应用推广与气候变化、卫生健康、粮食安全等人类共同挑战联系起来,造福全人类。 来源:新华社 编辑:董静
Humanoid robots with the appearance of Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907) poets Li Bai and Du Fu have been a hit at the ongoing 2023 World Robot Conference. "Their body shapes and expressions look natural. They simulate the voices and actions of real people and interact with the audience. They have already been utilized in many fields including culture, tourism and education," said Zheng Yaxin, an official with EX Robots. The seven-day event began on Wednesday in Beijing, featuring the participation of around 160 robot enterprises from around the world. These companies showcased nearly 600 sets of robots, with 60 of them making their world debut at the event. Xin Guobin, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said, "The robot industry represents advanced manufacturing and is leading human society to an intelligent era, boosting world economic development and improving the well-being of mankind." According to the International Federation of Robotics, the global installed capacity of industrial robots in 2022 registered a historical high of 531,000 units. The economies in North America, Asia and Europe have integrated robots into social life, demonstrating their remarkable vitality. In the exhibition areas of Realman Intelligent Technology (Beijing) Co Ltd at the WRC, many visitors experienced a robot massage, which relaxes the muscles on the back and shoulders. "The robot's visual sensor can identify people's physical characteristics. It then uses this information to generate the massage trajectory. With proper control of pressure and temperature, the robot arm conducts the massage operation," said Chao Jiaqi, a marketing director of Realman Intelligent Technology (Beijing). Chao added, "Realman has suppliers and distributors in many countries including Germany, Japan and the United States. We also have close cooperative relations with Sony and Siemens." Chee Fai Tan, president of ASEAN Smart Industry Confederation, said that the robot can carry out high-precision work while simultaneously improving productivity. It has been widely applied in manufacturing and agriculture to aid the lives of many people. The multi-arm fruit-picking robot was also eye-catching at the WRC, which enabled the audience to have a direct understanding of modern and intelligent agricultural development. "The robot arm and the fruit-picking devices are capable of automatically picking and storing 400 to 500 pieces of fruit per hour. To enhance efficiency, it works around the clock and has the ability to minimize fruit damage significantly," said Li Tao, a staffer with the research project of multi-arm fruit-picking robot. The robot has been applied in Beijing and East China's Shandong province, which plans to further expand to overseas markets like the United States and Australia, Li noted. Swiss technology and engineering firm ABB Group showcased its collaborative robot arm at the conference. Du Haiquan, a sales consultant with ABB, said, "China has a huge market potential. The ABB factory in Shanghai is set to provide quality products with advanced techniques for the Chinese market and the Asian-Pacific region." Jose Vieira, president of World Federation of Engineering Organizations, also emphasized the importance of coordinated development of countries around the world, "We are delighted to see the robot industry contribute to a sustainable future." 。 "The robot industry will continue to make breakthroughs in more scenarios and bring benefits for our people," said Chen Ying, secretary-general of Chinese Institute of Electronics. In 2022, the operating income of China's robot industry exceeded 170 billion yuan ($23 billion). Xin noted, "Robots should play a vital role in resolving the common challenges in this world, such as the climate change, healthcare and food security, to make more people worldwide live a better life in the future."
2023世界机器人大会8月16日在北京开幕,今年的主题为“开放创新 聚享未来”,旨在展示全球机器人前沿技术和最新成果,搭建技术产业交流合作与开放共享的平台。近年来,在制造强国和数字中国建设引领下,我国机器人产业实现蓬勃发展。据了解,2022年中国机器人产业营业收入超过1700亿元,继续保持两位数增长。机器人市场应用加速拓展,2022年工业机器人装机量占全球比重超过50%,稳居全球第一大市场。 图源:新华社 在正在举行的2023年世界机器人大会上,唐朝诗人李白和杜甫的仿生人形机器人备受瞩目。 伊艾克斯机器人公司郑亚新(音译)称:“它们的形体和表情自然,可以模仿真人声音和动作,与观众互动,已经应用于文化、旅游和教育等许多领域。” 为期七天的世界机器人大会16日在北京开幕,本届博览会吸引了160家国内外机器人企业携近600件展品参展,其中60款新品将在博览会现场全球首发。 工业和信息化部副部长辛国斌表示,机器人产业是现代化产业体系的代表,正驱动人类社会加速进入智能时代,推动世界经济发展,增进人类福祉。 国际机器人联合会数据显示,2022年全球工业机器人新增装机量为53.1万台,创下历史新高。北美、亚洲和欧洲的经济体将机器人融入了社会生活,展现其非凡的活力。 在睿尔曼智能科技(北京)有限公司展区,许多参观者体验了机器人肩背按摩服务。 该公司营销总监赵佳琦(音译)称:“机器人的视觉传感器可以识别人体特征,利用这些信息生成按摩轨迹。通过适当控制压力和温度,机器人手臂可以进行按摩操作。” 赵佳琦补充道:“睿尔曼在德国、日本和美国等多国都有供应商和分销商。我们还与索尼和西门子有着密切的合作关系。” 东盟智能产业联盟主席陈志辉表示,这款机器人可以在提高生产力的同时进行高精度工作,已被广泛应用于制造业和农业,协助人类生产生活。 本届大会上同样受到关注的还有多臂水果采摘机器人,这款机器人令参观者直观感受到现代智能农业的发展。 多臂水果采摘机器人研究项目的工作人员李涛(音译)说:“机器人手臂和水果采摘设备能够每小时自动采摘和储存400至500个水果。可以昼夜不停地工作以提高效率,并能够显著减少水果损耗。” 李涛称,该机器人已在北京和山东地区应用,并计划进一步扩展美国和澳大利亚等海外市场。 瑞士ABB集团在本届展会上展示了其协作机器人手臂。ABB的销售顾问杜海泉(音译)说:“中国在机器人领域拥有巨大的市场潜力。ABB上海工厂将为中国以及亚太地区提供技术先进的优质产品。” 世界工程组织联合会主席何塞·维埃拉 强调了在相关领域开展全球性合作的重要性,“我们希望机器人产业能够为全球可持续发展贡献力量” 中国电子学会秘书长陈英表示:“中国机器人产业应用场景将持续扩展,为人类带来更多福祉。” 2022年中国机器人全行业营业收入超过1700亿元。辛国斌指出,要将机器人的应用推广与气候变化、卫生健康、粮食安全等人类共同挑战联系起来,造福全人类。 来源:新华社 编辑:董静
在2023投资北京全球峰会上,梅赛德斯、拜耳、红杉资本等企业负责人分享了投资北京的经验,他们均为北京国际一流的营商环境点赞,并表示对北京未来发展充满信心。 New energy vehicles on display at the ongoing Zhongguancun Forum on Friday. ZHANG WEI/CHINA DAILY Beijing will continue to be an attractive investment destination for foreign investors, as the city is at the forefront of technological innovation, has a sound business environment, and makes greater efforts in driving reform and opening-up, said executives at multinational companies, investors and government officials at the ongoing Zhongguancun Forum on Friday. 跨国公司高管、投资者和政府官员5月26日在中关村论坛上表示,北京将继续成为外商来华投资的青睐之地,因为北京始终走在科技创新前沿,拥有良好的营商环境,而且大力推动改革开放。 They made the remarks at the 2023 Invest Beijing Global Summit — a major event of the Zhongguancun Forum — where domestic and foreign companies signed a cumulative 60.8 billion yuan ($8.61 billion) worth of investment deals, covering 39 projects in the city from top tech sectors including biotech, intelligent connected vehicles, green energy as well as energy conservation and environmental protection. 这些言论是在2023投资北京全球峰会上发表的。作为中关村论坛的重大活动,投资北京全球峰会重大签约项目共39个,签约金额608亿元,涉及生物科技、智能网联汽车、绿色能源与节能环保等多个高精尖产业领域。 "I am confident that Beijing, with its clear commitment to continuing with China's reform and opening-up policy and constantly improving business environment, will remain an attractive choice for foreign investors," said Hubertus Troska, board member of Mercedes-Benz Group, in a video message. 梅赛德斯-奔驰集团董事会成员唐仕凯通过视频表示:“我相信北京将继续坚定不移地落实对外开放政策,不断优化营商环境,继续成为更多外商来华投资的青睐之地。” Stating that he has lived in the city for years and has experienced firsthand its amazing and positive development, he said: "I am a Beijinger." 唐仕凯自称是个“北京人”,他说自己在北京生活多年,亲眼见证了北京惊人的积极发展。 "Our joint venture in Beijing has become the largest production site of Mercedes-Benz in the world," he added. 他还表示,合资企业北京奔驰已经成为梅赛德斯奔驰全球最大的生产基地。 Carl-Alexander Scheef, vice-president of Bayer Healthcare Co Ltd China, said: "Beijing's efforts in driving reform and opening-up and favorable policies have attracted Bayer to become one of the first multinationals to settle down in the city." 拜耳医药保健有限公司中国区副总裁谢飞凯介绍说,拜耳是最早扎根北京的跨国企业之一,北京市的改革开放力度和利好政策吸引了拜耳在北京落户。 Local government officials have visited the German company's factory in Beijing several times to better understand its development needs and the healthcare firm has also received speedy Customs clearances, he said, enabling Bayer to have full confidence in its future development in the city. 他说,拜耳获得很多通关便利。北京市、区政府多次来到拜耳北京工厂,现场调研拜耳发展需求。他表示,对拜耳未来在北京的发展充满信心。 The Chinese capital has become a major hub for technological innovation in the country. According to a white paper by the Beijing Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, the city topped nationwide in the number of artificial intelligence companies, the number of published papers about AI, AI computing power and industrial agglomeration ability in core areas. 北京已成为中国科技创新的重要枢纽。北京市经济和信息化局发布的白皮书显示,北京的人工智能企业数量、人工智能论文发表量、人工智能算力发展和核心区产业集聚能力均位列全国第一。 Of the world's top 100 institutions in terms of the number of AI-related patents granted, 30 are headquartered in Beijing, according to the white paper. 白皮书显示,在专利授权数量全球排名前100的机构中,总部位于北京的机构就有30家。 "Foreign companies are warmly welcome to actively participate in investing in Beijing for more exchanges and cooperation, as Beijing is one of the first pilot cities to develop international consumption and an innovative business environment," said Sheng Qiuping, vice-minister of commerce. 商务部副部长盛秋平表示,北京是率先开展国际消费中心城市培育建设和营商环境创新试点城市之一,热忱欢迎外资企业积极参与“投资北京”相关活动,深入交流沟通,努力达成更多的合作成果。 Zhou Kui, partner of investment firm Sequoia China, said among the Beijing-based companies that it has invested in, 50 have completed initial public offerings and 43 have become unicorns, referring to privately held firms with a valuation of $1 billion or more. 红杉中国合伙人周逵表示,目前红杉在京投资的企业中,已有50家完成了首次公开募股、43家成为了独角兽(估值在10亿美元,成立时间不到10年,且没上市的企业)。 "Beijing has long attached great importance to the development ecology of the venture capital industry, offering sufficient talents for cutting-edge innovation, and providing rich application scenarios for technology implementation," Zhou said. 周逵指出,北京市长期重视创投行业发展生态,为前沿创新提供了充足的人才储备,为技术落地提供了丰富的应用场景。 "We firmly believe that more original achievements and leading companies with global influence will be formed in the future in Beijing," he added. 周逵认为,北京未来将会形成更多具有全球影响力的原创成果和领军企业。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
New energy vehicles on display at the ongoing Zhongguancun Forum on Friday. ZHANG WEI/CHINA DAILY Beijing will continue to be an attractive investment destination for foreign investors, as the city is at the forefront of technological innovation, has a sound business environment, and makes greater efforts in driving reform and opening-up, said executives at multinational companies, investors and government officials at the ongoing Zhongguancun Forum on Friday. They made the remarks at the 2023 Invest Beijing Global Summit — a major event of the Zhongguancun Forum — where domestic and foreign companies signed a cumulative 60.8 billion yuan ($8.61 billion) worth of investment deals, covering 39 projects in the city from top tech sectors including biotech, intelligent connected vehicles, green energy as well as energy conservation and environmental protection. "I am confident that Beijing, with its clear commitment to continuing with China's reform and opening-up policy and constantly improving business environment, will remain an attractive choice for foreign investors," said Hubertus Troska, board member of Mercedes-Benz Group, in a video message. Stating that he has lived in the city for years and has experienced firsthand its amazing and positive development, he said: "I am a Beijinger." "Our joint venture in Beijing has become the largest production site of Mercedes-Benz in the world," he added. Carl-Alexander Scheef, vice-president of Bayer Healthcare Co Ltd China, said: "Beijing's efforts in driving reform and opening-up and favorable policies have attracted Bayer to become one of the first multinationals to settle down in the city." Local government officials have visited the German company's factory in Beijing several times to better understand its development needs and the healthcare firm has also received speedy Customs clearances, he said, enabling Bayer to have full confidence in its future development in the city. The Chinese capital has become a major hub for technological innovation in the country. According to a white paper by the Beijing Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, the city topped nationwide in the number of artificial intelligence companies, the number of published papers about AI, AI computing power and industrial agglomeration ability in core areas. Of the world's top 100 institutions in terms of the number of AI-related patents granted, 30 are headquartered in Beijing, according to the white paper. "Foreign companies are warmly welcome to actively participate in investing in Beijing for more exchanges and cooperation, as Beijing is one of the first pilot cities to develop international consumption and an innovative business environment," said Sheng Qiuping, vice-minister of commerce. Zhou Kui, partner of investment firm Sequoia China, said among the Beijing-based companies that it has invested in, 50 have completed initial public offerings and 43 have become unicorns, referring to privately held firms with a valuation of $1 billion or more. "Beijing has long attached great importance to the development ecology of the venture capital industry, offering sufficient talents for cutting-edge innovation, and providing rich application scenarios for technology implementation," Zhou said. "We firmly believe that more original achievements and leading companies with global influence will be formed in the future in Beijing," he added.
在2023投资北京全球峰会上,梅赛德斯、拜耳、红杉资本等企业负责人分享了投资北京的经验,他们均为北京国际一流的营商环境点赞,并表示对北京未来发展充满信心。 跨国公司高管、投资者和政府官员5月26日在中关村论坛上表示,北京将继续成为外商来华投资的青睐之地,因为北京始终走在科技创新前沿,拥有良好的营商环境,而且大力推动改革开放。 这些言论是在2023投资北京全球峰会上发表的。作为中关村论坛的重大活动,投资北京全球峰会重大签约项目共39个,签约金额608亿元,涉及生物科技、智能网联汽车、绿色能源与节能环保等多个高精尖产业领域。 梅赛德斯-奔驰集团董事会成员唐仕凯通过视频表示:“我相信北京将继续坚定不移地落实对外开放政策,不断优化营商环境,继续成为更多外商来华投资的青睐之地。” 唐仕凯自称是个“北京人”,他说自己在北京生活多年,亲眼见证了北京惊人的积极发展。 他还表示,合资企业北京奔驰已经成为梅赛德斯奔驰全球最大的生产基地。 拜耳医药保健有限公司中国区副总裁谢飞凯介绍说,拜耳是最早扎根北京的跨国企业之一,北京市的改革开放力度和利好政策吸引了拜耳在北京落户。 他说,拜耳获得很多通关便利。北京市、区政府多次来到拜耳北京工厂,现场调研拜耳发展需求。他表示,对拜耳未来在北京的发展充满信心。 北京已成为中国科技创新的重要枢纽。北京市经济和信息化局发布的白皮书显示,北京的人工智能企业数量、人工智能论文发表量、人工智能算力发展和核心区产业集聚能力均位列全国第一。 白皮书显示,在专利授权数量全球排名前100的机构中,总部位于北京的机构就有30家。 商务部副部长盛秋平表示,北京是率先开展国际消费中心城市培育建设和营商环境创新试点城市之一,热忱欢迎外资企业积极参与“投资北京”相关活动,深入交流沟通,努力达成更多的合作成果。 红杉中国合伙人周逵表示,目前红杉在京投资的企业中,已有50家完成了首次公开募股、43家成为了独角兽(估值在10亿美元,成立时间不到10年,且没上市的企业)。 周逵指出,北京市长期重视创投行业发展生态,为前沿创新提供了充足的人才储备,为技术落地提供了丰富的应用场景。 周逵认为,北京未来将会形成更多具有全球影响力的原创成果和领军企业。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
七国集团峰会近日刚刚结束,会议公报称要对华“去风险”而非“脱钩”。对此,商务部新闻发言人束珏婷表示:我们希望七国集团成员将不寻求对华“脱钩”的表态落到实处,不能一边说不寻求“脱钩”,一边滥用贸易投资限制措施,打压遏制中国发展。 A woman walks past a "G7 Hiroshima" flower installation near the Peace Memorial Museum, ahead of the G7 summit, in Hiroshima, Japan, May 17, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] Any country's attempt to push for decoupling from or cutting supply chains with China will harm its own interests and dampen global economic recovery and growth, officials and experts said on Thursday. 5月25日,官员和专家表示,任何国家试图与中国“脱钩”的行为都将损害其自身利益,并抑制全球经济复苏和增长。 Shu Jue­ting, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a news conference on Thursday that Commerce Minister Wang Wentao will hold talks with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and US Trade Representative Katherine Tai at the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting. The meeting is being held in Detroit, Michigan, in the US on Thursday and Friday. 商务部新闻发言人束珏婷25日在例行新闻发布会上证实,5月25日至26日,商务部部长王文涛赴美国参加亚太经合组织贸易部长会,期间将与美国商务部长雷蒙多、贸易代表戴琪分别在美国密歇根州底特律举行会谈。 The two sides will discuss China-US economic and trade relations and issues of mutual concern, Shu said. She called on the US and other members of the Group of Seven to deliver on their commitment to not decouple from China, which they made in a joint statement released at the just-concluded G7 Summit. 束珏婷表示,中方将就中美经贸关系和双方共同关心的问题与美方进行交流。束珏婷称,我们希望七国集团(G7)成员将不寻求对华“脱钩”的表态落到实处。 The nations said in the statement on Saturday: "We are not decoupling or turning inwards. At the same time, we recognize that economic resilience requires de-risking and diversifying." G7领导人在近日刚结束的七国集团峰会会议公报中表示,其并没有寻求与中国“脱钩”,而是在寻求“降低风险”。 But Japan, a member of the G7, rolled out measures on Tuesday to restrict exports of 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China. Shu said China firmly opposes the move, which she called an abuse of export control measures and in breach of free trade and international rules. 但G7成员日本于5月23日正式出台针对23种半导体制造设备的出口管制措施。束珏婷表示,中方对此坚决反对。这是对出口管制措施的滥用,是对自由贸易和国际经贸规则的严重背离。 Such misconduct will seriously damage the interests of enterprises in China and Japan, sabotage economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and impair secure global semiconductor industrial and supply chains, the spokeswoman added. 束珏婷表示,此举将严重损害中日两国企业利益,严重损害中日经贸合作关系,冲击全球半导体产业链供应链安全稳定。 The G7 countries should not talk about not decoupling from China while abusing trade and investment restrictions to suppress the country's development, Shu said, adding that any move to push forward "de-Sinicization" in the name of "de-risking" will only hinder cooperation and opportunity. 束珏婷称,七国集团成员不能一边说不寻求“脱钩”,一边又滥用贸易投资限制措施打压遏制中国发展。如果以“降低风险”之名行去中国化之实,那就是在去合作、去机遇。 China has always played a responsible role in injecting certainty into a world full of turmoil and new growth drivers into the global economy. The country aims to foster cooperation and offer opportunities to the world, not confrontation and risk, she said. 中国始终以负责任的态度为变乱交织的世界注入确定性,为全球经济增长提供新动能。中国给世界带来的是合作与机遇,不是对抗与风险。 Zhang Wei, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said the technology competition among major countries has long existed, while the trend of globalization and the industrial division of labor are inexorable. 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院副院长张威说,大国之间的技术竞争长期存在,而全球化和产业分工的趋势是不可阻挡的。 "Unilateral moves by any country could hardly change the economic interdependence of all countries. Forced decoupling and severing supply chains, which could have serious consequences, should be rejected," Zhang said. 张威说:"任何国家的单边行动都难以改变全球经济的相互依存关系。强制脱钩和切断供应链可能会产生严重后果,应该摒弃。" Shu, the spokeswoman, also noted that China's network security review over products made by US memory chipmaker Micron Technology is in line with laws and regulations and is a necessary measure to safeguard its national security. 束珏婷还指出,依法对美光公司在华销售产品进行了网络安全审查是维护国家安全的必要措施。 Shu said that the Chinese government remains committed to high-quality opening-up and fostering a more enabling business climate, and it is willing to share the nation's development opportunities with the rest of the world. 束珏婷称,中国政府仍然致力于高质量的开放和培育更有利的商业环境,并愿意与世界其他国家分享中国的发展机遇。 Enterprises from all countries, as well as their products and services of all types, are welcome to enter the Chinese market as long as they abide by Chinese laws and regulations, she added. 只要遵守中国法律法规要求,欢迎各国企业、各类产品服务进入中国市场。 On Monday, Commerce Minister Wang met in Shanghai with representatives of US companies, including Johnson & Johnson, 3M, Dow, Merck and Honeywell, according to the ministry. Wang said during the meeting that "China will continue to welcome US-funded companies to develop in China and achieve win-win results". 据商务部消息,5月22日,商务部部长王文涛在上海主持召开座谈会,强生、3M、陶氏、默克和霍尼韦尔等美资企业代表参加座谈。王文涛指出,中方将继续欢迎美资企业在华发展,实现共赢。 来源:中国日报 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
A woman walks past a "G7 Hiroshima" flower installation near the Peace Memorial Museum, ahead of the G7 summit, in Hiroshima, Japan, May 17, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] Any country's attempt to push for decoupling from or cutting supply chains with China will harm its own interests and dampen global economic recovery and growth, officials and experts said on Thursday. Shu Jue­ting, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a news conference on Thursday that Commerce Minister Wang Wentao will hold talks with US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and US Trade Representative Katherine Tai at the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting. The meeting is being held in Detroit, Michigan, in the US on Thursday and Friday. The two sides will discuss China-US economic and trade relations and issues of mutual concern, Shu said. She called on the US and other members of the Group of Seven to deliver on their commitment to not decouple from China, which they made in a joint statement released at the just-concluded G7 Summit. The nations said in the statement on Saturday: "We are not decoupling or turning inwards. At the same time, we recognize that economic resilience requires de-risking and diversifying." But Japan, a member of the G7, rolled out measures on Tuesday to restrict exports of 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China. Shu said China firmly opposes the move, which she called an abuse of export control measures and in breach of free trade and international rules. Such misconduct will seriously damage the interests of enterprises in China and Japan, sabotage economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and impair secure global semiconductor industrial and supply chains, the spokeswoman added. The G7 countries should not talk about not decoupling from China while abusing trade and investment restrictions to suppress the country's development, Shu said, adding that any move to push forward "de-Sinicization" in the name of "de-risking" will only hinder cooperation and opportunity. China has always played a responsible role in injecting certainty into a world full of turmoil and new growth drivers into the global economy. The country aims to foster cooperation and offer opportunities to the world, not confrontation and risk, she said. Zhang Wei, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said the technology competition among major countries has long existed, while the trend of globalization and the industrial division of labor are inexorable. "Unilateral moves by any country could hardly change the economic interdependence of all countries. Forced decoupling and severing supply chains, which could have serious consequences, should be rejected," Zhang said. Shu, the spokeswoman, also noted that China's network security review over products made by US memory chipmaker Micron Technology is in line with laws and regulations and is a necessary measure to safeguard its national security. Shu said that the Chinese government remains committed to high-quality opening-up and fostering a more enabling business climate, and it is willing to share the nation's development opportunities with the rest of the world. Enterprises from all countries, as well as their products and services of all types, are welcome to enter the Chinese market as long as they abide by Chinese laws and regulations, she added. On Monday, Commerce Minister Wang met in Shanghai with representatives of US companies, including Johnson & Johnson, 3M, Dow, Merck and Honeywell, according to the ministry. Wang said during the meeting that "China will continue to welcome US-funded companies to develop in China and achieve win-win results".
七国集团峰会近日刚刚结束,会议公报称要对华“去风险”而非“脱钩”。对此,商务部新闻发言人束珏婷表示:我们希望七国集团成员将不寻求对华“脱钩”的表态落到实处,不能一边说不寻求“脱钩”,一边滥用贸易投资限制措施,打压遏制中国发展。 5月25日,官员和专家表示,任何国家试图与中国“脱钩”的行为都将损害其自身利益,并抑制全球经济复苏和增长。 商务部新闻发言人束珏婷25日在例行新闻发布会上证实,5月25日至26日,商务部部长王文涛赴美国参加亚太经合组织贸易部长会,期间将与美国商务部长雷蒙多、贸易代表戴琪分别在美国密歇根州底特律举行会谈。 束珏婷表示,中方将就中美经贸关系和双方共同关心的问题与美方进行交流。束珏婷称,我们希望七国集团(G7)成员将不寻求对华“脱钩”的表态落到实处。 G7领导人在近日刚结束的七国集团峰会会议公报中表示,其并没有寻求与中国“脱钩”,而是在寻求“降低风险”。 但G7成员日本于5月23日正式出台针对23种半导体制造设备的出口管制措施。束珏婷表示,中方对此坚决反对。这是对出口管制措施的滥用,是对自由贸易和国际经贸规则的严重背离。 束珏婷表示,此举将严重损害中日两国企业利益,严重损害中日经贸合作关系,冲击全球半导体产业链供应链安全稳定。 束珏婷称,七国集团成员不能一边说不寻求“脱钩”,一边又滥用贸易投资限制措施打压遏制中国发展。如果以“降低风险”之名行去中国化之实,那就是在去合作、去机遇。 中国始终以负责任的态度为变乱交织的世界注入确定性,为全球经济增长提供新动能。中国给世界带来的是合作与机遇,不是对抗与风险。 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院副院长张威说,大国之间的技术竞争长期存在,而全球化和产业分工的趋势是不可阻挡的。 张威说:"任何国家的单边行动都难以改变全球经济的相互依存关系。强制脱钩和切断供应链可能会产生严重后果,应该摒弃。" 束珏婷还指出,依法对美光公司在华销售产品进行了网络安全审查是维护国家安全的必要措施。 束珏婷称,中国政府仍然致力于高质量的开放和培育更有利的商业环境,并愿意与世界其他国家分享中国的发展机遇。 只要遵守中国法律法规要求,欢迎各国企业、各类产品服务进入中国市场。 据商务部消息,5月22日,商务部部长王文涛在上海主持召开座谈会,强生、3M、陶氏、默克和霍尼韦尔等美资企业代表参加座谈。王文涛指出,中方将继续欢迎美资企业在华发展,实现共赢。 来源:中国日报 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
近日,约3.5万瓶气泡饮料在法国被销毁,原因是它们以“香槟”自居。“香槟”是一个受保护的专用名称,只有法国香槟地区生产的气泡葡萄酒才能被称作“香槟”。 图源:Twitter French border police have destroyed nearly 35,000 bottles of a soda drink that called itself champagne. 法国海关警察近日销毁了近3.5万瓶以“香槟”自居的气泡饮料。 Customs officials in the northern port of Le Havre said the bottles originated from Haiti, and contained a "bright orange liquid". 法国北部港城勒阿弗尔的海关官员表示,这批饮料瓶来自海地,瓶内装有“亮橙色液体”。 They were seized in October 2021 after customs noticed their label "Couronne Fruit Champagne". 这批饮料是在2021年10月被截获的,当时海关人员注意到饮料瓶上印着“王冠水果香槟”的名称。 Only sparkling wine products from the French Champagne region can use the title. 只有法国香槟地区生产的气泡葡萄酒才能被称作“香槟”。 The name is designated under France's Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) system, which is supposed to give them exclusive use of the word in countries that follow EU laws on distinctive geographical indications. “香槟”是法国原产地命名控制体系指定的专用名称,只要是遵守欧盟关于独特地理标志的法律的国家都不能滥用专用名称。 There are currently more than 121 countries that follow the ruling on the use of the name, according to the Champagne trade association. 香槟贸易协会称,目前至少有121个国家遵循关于“香槟”名称使用的规定。 Greek Feta, Italian Parmesan and British Stilton blue cheese are also protected by such rules. 希腊羊乳酪、意大利帕尔玛干酪和英国斯蒂尔顿蓝纹奶酪也受这样的规定保护。 图源:Twitter French customs said the bottles of the orange drink were intended for sale on the French market. 法国海关称,这批橙色饮料原本计划在法国市场上销售。 In October 2022, a Parisian court ruled the bottles should be destroyed as they infringed the AOC regulation. 2022年10月,巴黎的一家法院做出裁决,认为这批饮料应被销毁,因为它们侵犯了法国原产地命名控制体系的规定。 Charles Goemaere, director-general of the Champagne Committee said their destruction enforced the importance of the regulation. 香槟委员会会长查尔斯·高梅尔表示,销毁这批饮料强调了这一规定的重要性。 "This kind of use contributes to weakening the reputation of the appellation," he said. "The fight against the abuse of the Champagne name started in 1844 and hasn't stopped since." 他说:“这种滥用名称的行为损害了名称的声誉。反对滥用香槟名称的斗争从1844年就开始了,一直没有停止过。” Prior to being seized for infringement on the Champagne title, the same product had been subject to an investigation by France's Directorate for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud. 在因为名称侵权而被截获之前,该产品就受到了法国竞争、消费和反欺诈总局的调查。 It was recalled due to an excessive amount of benzoic acid - a common preservative used in food and drinks. 该产品因为苯甲酸含量超标而被召回。苯甲酸是一种在食物和饮料中常用的添加剂。 But the destruction of the orange soda is not the first time beverages have met their fate for using the Champagne name. 这并不是第一批因为使用香槟名称而被销毁的饮料。 In April, more than 2,000 bottles of American beer, called "Champagne of Beer", were destroyed in Belgium at the request of the Champagne Committee. 今年4月,应香槟委员会的请求,2000多瓶被称为“啤酒香槟”的美国啤酒在比利时被销毁。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
French border police have destroyed nearly 35,000 bottles of a soda drink that called itself champagne. Customs officials in the northern port of Le Havre said the bottles originated from Haiti, and contained a "bright orange liquid". They were seized in October 2021 after customs noticed their label "Couronne Fruit Champagne". Only sparkling wine products from the French Champagne region can use the title. There are currently more than 121 countries that follow the ruling on the use of the name, according to the Champagne trade association. Greek Feta, Italian Parmesan and British Stilton blue cheese are also protected by such rules. French customs said the bottles of the orange drink were intended for sale on the French market. In October 2022, a Parisian court ruled the bottles should be destroyed as they infringed the AOC regulation. Charles Goemaere, director-general of the Champagne Committee said their destruction enforced the importance of the regulation. "This kind of use contributes to weakening the reputation of the appellation," he said. "The fight against the abuse of the Champagne name started in 1844 and hasn't stopped since." Prior to being seized for infringement on the Champagne title, the same product had been subject to an investigation by France's Directorate for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud. It was recalled due to an excessive amount of benzoic acid - a common preservative used in food and drinks. But the destruction of the orange soda is not the first time beverages have met their fate for using the Champagne name. In April, more than 2,000 bottles of American beer, called "Champagne of Beer", were destroyed in Belgium at the request of the Champagne Committee.
近日,约3.5万瓶气泡饮料在法国被销毁,原因是它们以“香槟”自居。“香槟”是一个受保护的专用名称,只有法国香槟地区生产的气泡葡萄酒才能被称作“香槟”。 图源:Twitter 法国海关警察近日销毁了近3.5万瓶以“香槟”自居的气泡饮料。 法国北部港城勒阿弗尔的海关官员表示,这批饮料瓶来自海地,瓶内装有“亮橙色液体”。 这批饮料是在2021年10月被截获的,当时海关人员注意到饮料瓶上印着“王冠水果香槟”的名称。 只有法国香槟地区生产的气泡葡萄酒才能被称作“香槟”。 The name is designated under France's Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) system, which is supposed to give them exclusive use of the word in countries that follow EU laws on distinctive geographical indications. “香槟”是法国原产地命名控制体系指定的专用名称,只要是遵守欧盟关于独特地理标志的法律的国家都不能滥用专用名称。 香槟贸易协会称,目前至少有121个国家遵循关于“香槟”名称使用的规定。 希腊羊乳酪、意大利帕尔玛干酪和英国斯蒂尔顿蓝纹奶酪也受这样的规定保护。 图源:Twitter 法国海关称,这批橙色饮料原本计划在法国市场上销售。 2022年10月,巴黎的一家法院做出裁决,认为这批饮料应被销毁,因为它们侵犯了法国原产地命名控制体系的规定。 香槟委员会会长查尔斯·高梅尔表示,销毁这批饮料强调了这一规定的重要性。 他说:“这种滥用名称的行为损害了名称的声誉。反对滥用香槟名称的斗争从1844年就开始了,一直没有停止过。” 在因为名称侵权而被截获之前,该产品就受到了法国竞争、消费和反欺诈总局的调查。 该产品因为苯甲酸含量超标而被召回。苯甲酸是一种在食物和饮料中常用的添加剂。 这并不是第一批因为使用香槟名称而被销毁的饮料。 今年4月,应香槟委员会的请求,2000多瓶被称为“啤酒香槟”的美国啤酒在比利时被销毁。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
5月24日,中拉民营经济合作论坛在广东东莞举行。此次论坛以“携手共进、共创未来——新形势下中拉民营经济合作的机遇与挑战”为主题。去年粤拉贸易额超655亿美元,同比增长9.5%,占中拉贸易额的八分之一。广东与拉美合作潜力巨大,前景光明。 The Pazhou Ferry Terminal in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. [Photo/China News Service] The trade volume between south China's Guangdong Province and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) exceeded 65.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, up 9.5 percent year on year, according to the China-CELAC Private Sector Forum held on Wednesday in Dongguan, Guangdong. 5月24日,中拉民营经济合作论坛在广东东莞举行。论坛公布的数据显示,2022年粤拉贸易额同比增长9.5%,超655亿美元。 In 2022, China-LAC trade reached 485.7 billion U.S. dollars, up 7.7 percent year on year. 2022年,中国同拉美和加勒比地区贸易总额达4857亿美元,同比增长7.7%。 With the active participation of private enterprises, Guangdong has continuously strengthened its friendly exchanges, economic cooperation and trade cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries in recent years. The province and CELAC have paired 18 cities with sister cities, and 11 Latin American countries have established consulates general in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong. 在广大民营企业的积极参与下,近年来广东不断加强与拉美和加勒比国家的友好交往和经贸交流,与拉美地区缔结友城18对,有11个拉美国家在广州设立总领事馆。 In 2022, the added value of Guangdong's private economy was 6.98 trillion yuan, and the total import and export value of the province's private economy was 4.87 trillion yuan, according to the provincial government. 2022年,广东省民营经济增加值达6.98万亿元,民营经济进出口总额达4.87万亿元。 Guangdong will continue steadfastly promoting high-level opening-up, and building a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment to deepen its private economic cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries. 广东将继续坚定不移推进高水平对外开放,构建市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境,深化同拉美和加勒比国家民间经济合作。 【相关词汇】 贸易顺差 trade surplus 进出口总值 combined import and export value 中国货物贸易 China's foreign trade of goods 高质量发展 high-quality development 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
The Pazhou Ferry Terminal in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. [Photo/China News Service] The trade volume between south China's Guangdong Province and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) exceeded 65.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022, up 9.5 percent year on year, according to the China-CELAC Private Sector Forum held on Wednesday in Dongguan, Guangdong. In 2022, China-LAC trade reached 485.7 billion U.S. dollars, up 7.7 percent year on year. With the active participation of private enterprises, Guangdong has continuously strengthened its friendly exchanges, economic cooperation and trade cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries in recent years. The province and CELAC have paired 18 cities with sister cities, and 11 Latin American countries have established consulates general in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong. In 2022, the added value of Guangdong's private economy was 6.98 trillion yuan, and the total import and export value of the province's private economy was 4.87 trillion yuan, according to the provincial government. Guangdong will continue steadfastly promoting high-level opening-up, and building a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment to deepen its private economic cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean countries.
5月24日,中拉民营经济合作论坛在广东东莞举行。此次论坛以“携手共进、共创未来——新形势下中拉民营经济合作的机遇与挑战”为主题。去年粤拉贸易额超655亿美元,同比增长9.5%,占中拉贸易额的八分之一。广东与拉美合作潜力巨大,前景光明。 5月24日,中拉民营经济合作论坛在广东东莞举行。论坛公布的数据显示,2022年粤拉贸易额同比增长9.5%,超655亿美元。 2022年,中国同拉美和加勒比地区贸易总额达4857亿美元,同比增长7.7%。 在广大民营企业的积极参与下,近年来广东不断加强与拉美和加勒比国家的友好交往和经贸交流,与拉美地区缔结友城18对,有11个拉美国家在广州设立总领事馆。 2022年,广东省民营经济增加值达6.98万亿元,民营经济进出口总额达4.87万亿元。 广东将继续坚定不移推进高水平对外开放,构建市场化、法治化、国际化的营商环境,深化同拉美和加勒比国家民间经济合作。 【相关词汇】 贸易顺差 trade surplus 进出口总值 combined import and export value 中国货物贸易 China's foreign trade of goods 高质量发展 high-quality development 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
资料图 蒙大拿州州长17日签署法案,禁止短视频社交平台TikTok在该州运营,该法案定于2024年1月1日起生效。 In addition to prohibiting TikTok from operating inside Montana state lines, the law could also impose fines of up to $10,000 per violation per day on companies like Apple or Google that host TikTok in their app stores. 该禁令一旦生效,将禁止TikTok在蒙大拿州境内运营,并禁止谷歌和苹果等应用商店提供TikTok下载服务,若违反将被处以每天1万美元的罚款。 美国高喊“自由开放”,却在没有任何证据支撑TikTok涉嫌所谓“数据外泄”说法的前提下禁用TikTok,这是典型的美式双标和虚伪。 Nationalist fears of China led the state government of Montana to impose – or start trying to figure out how to impose – a ban on TikTok, the app that’s sensationally popular with young people, for everyone in the state. 美国有限电视新闻网(CNN)称,民族主义者对中国的“惧意”促使蒙大拿州政府寻求对TikTok实施禁令。 Many US officials have expressed fears that the Chinese government could potentially access US data via TikTok for spying purposes, though there is so far no evidence that the Chinese government has ever accessed personal information of US-based TikTok users. 据CNN报道,许多美国官员担心,中国可能利用TikTok监视美国用户数据,但到目前为止,没有证据表明中国政府曾访问过美国TikTok用户的个人信息。 美国企业在保护用户隐私和数据安全方面污点频出,美国政府却反过来在毫无根据的情况下对TikTok“下狠手”。近日,因涉嫌将大量欧盟国家用户的个人数据传输至美国,脸书母公司Meta收到了一张创纪录的“天价”罚单。这是迄今为止,欧盟对违反欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)的企业开出的最重罚单。 “Meta has been fined a record-breaking €1.2 billion ($1.3 billion) by European Union regulators for violating EU privacy laws by transferring the personal data of Facebook users to servers in the United States.” 据CNN报道,“Meta因违反欧盟隐私保护条例,将脸书用户的个人数据转移到美国的服务器上,被欧盟监管机构处以破纪录的13亿美元罚款。” 除了抹黑TikTok为“间谍软件”外,一些美国政客和媒体也经常攻击TikTok传播虚假或有害信息,或者影响美国青少年的价值观和行为。 But the Montana law is not targeting other platforms where there is misinformation, hate speech or content that is inappropriate for children. The Montana TikTok ban is focused squarely on China. 但据CNN报道,蒙大拿州的法案并不针对其他存在虚假信息、仇恨言论或儿童不宜内容的平台。该TikTok禁令只是针对中国。 对于蒙大拿州近期对TikTok签署的禁令,TikTok首席执行官周受资23日在出席活动时表示,这一禁令违宪,并有信心通过诉讼阻止该禁令。 来源:CNN,央视财经
In addition to prohibiting TikTok from operating inside Montana state lines, the law could also impose fines of up to $10,000 per violation per day on companies like Apple or Google that host TikTok in their app stores. Nationalist fears of China led the state government of Montana to impose – or start trying to figure out how to impose – a ban on TikTok, the app that’s sensationally popular with young people, for everyone in the state. Many US officials have expressed fears that the Chinese government could potentially access US data via TikTok for spying purposes, though there is so far no evidence that the Chinese government has ever accessed personal information of US-based TikTok users. “Meta has been fined a record-breaking €1.2 billion ($1.3 billion) by European Union regulators for violating EU privacy laws by transferring the personal data of Facebook users to servers in the United States.” But the Montana law is not targeting other platforms where there is misinformation, hate speech or content that is inappropriate for children. The Montana TikTok ban is focused squarely on China.
资料图 蒙大拿州州长17日签署法案,禁止短视频社交平台TikTok在该州运营,该法案定于2024年1月1日起生效。 该禁令一旦生效,将禁止TikTok在蒙大拿州境内运营,并禁止谷歌和苹果等应用商店提供TikTok下载服务,若违反将被处以每天1万美元的罚款。 美国高喊“自由开放”,却在没有任何证据支撑TikTok涉嫌所谓“数据外泄”说法的前提下禁用TikTok,这是典型的美式双标和虚伪。 美国有限电视新闻网(CNN)称,民族主义者对中国的“惧意”促使蒙大拿州政府寻求对TikTok实施禁令。 据CNN报道,许多美国官员担心,中国可能利用TikTok监视美国用户数据,但到目前为止,没有证据表明中国政府曾访问过美国TikTok用户的个人信息。 美国企业在保护用户隐私和数据安全方面污点频出,美国政府却反过来在毫无根据的情况下对TikTok“下狠手”。近日,因涉嫌将大量欧盟国家用户的个人数据传输至美国,脸书母公司Meta收到了一张创纪录的“天价”罚单。这是迄今为止,欧盟对违反欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)的企业开出的最重罚单。 据CNN报道,“Meta因违反欧盟隐私保护条例,将脸书用户的个人数据转移到美国的服务器上,被欧盟监管机构处以破纪录的13亿美元罚款。” 除了抹黑TikTok为“间谍软件”外,一些美国政客和媒体也经常攻击TikTok传播虚假或有害信息,或者影响美国青少年的价值观和行为。 但据CNN报道,蒙大拿州的法案并不针对其他存在虚假信息、仇恨言论或儿童不宜内容的平台。该TikTok禁令只是针对中国。 对于蒙大拿州近期对TikTok签署的禁令,TikTok首席执行官周受资23日在出席活动时表示,这一禁令违宪,并有信心通过诉讼阻止该禁令。 来源:CNN,央视财经
5月23日,大华银行(中国)有限公司发布最新研究报告《大华银行企业展望调查报告(中国篇)》。报告显示,中国与东盟企业“走出去”和“引进来”热情不减,应对全球通货膨胀、供应链多元化和可持续转型成为企业的主要关注点。 A view of the booth of UOB during an expo in Shanghai. CHINA DAILY Chinese companies as well as their counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expressing a keen interest in exploring business opportunities in each other's markets, propelled by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact taking effect early last year, according to a report released by United Overseas Bank (China) Ltd on Tuesday. 新加坡大华银行(中国)有限公司周二发布的一份报告显示,受去年年初生效的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》的推动,中国企业和东南亚国家联盟的企业都表达了在彼此市场探索商机的浓厚兴趣。 The survey was conducted on 588 top executives or decision-makers of Chinese mainland companies with an annual sales revenue of 100 million yuan to 4 billion yuan or higher. 该调查对588名中国大陆公司的高管或决策者进行了调查,这些公司的年销售收入在1亿元至40亿元以上。 Specifically, over 40 percent of the surveyed companies planned to expand their operations in Southeast Asia over the next three years. Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia were the top three investment destinations for Chinese companies, the survey showed. 调查显示,超过四成的受访中国企业计划未来三年向东南亚扩张,排名前三的投资目的地是新加坡、泰国和马来西亚。 Hotel and property, construction and infrastructure, as well as consumer goods retailing were the three sectors that companies on the mainland were most interested in overseas. 酒店和房地产、建筑和基础设施以及消费品零售是中国大陆企业最感兴趣的三个海外行业。 Southeast Asian markets have stronger demand for these sectors as they are still at a relatively earlier development stage, said Adaline Zheng, alternative CEO and head of wholesale banking for UOB China. Meanwhile, China has taken the lead worldwide in these industries. 大华银行中国副行长兼批发银行部主管郑濬说,东南亚市场对这些行业的需求更强,因为这些行业仍处于相对较早的发展阶段。与此同时,中国在这些行业处于世界领先地位。 The poll found that about 40 percent of companies in the ASEAN region wished to expand their businesses in the Chinese mainland. About 46 percent of wholesale companies and 45 percent of construction and engineering enterprises from ASEAN economies have expressed such plans, showing the strongest willingness. 调查发现,约40%的东盟公司希望在中国大陆扩展业务。东盟经济体中,约46%的批发企业和45%的建筑工程企业也有此计划,表现出最强烈的意愿。 Companies from Thailand and Singapore were the most interested in investing in the Chinese mainland market, according to the UOB report. 大华银行的报告显示,泰国和新加坡的企业投资中国大陆市场意愿最强烈。 UOB's findings are in line with the overall trend. 大华银行的调查结果与总体趋势一致。 Data from the General Administration of Customs in early May showed that ASEAN continued to be China's biggest trade partner during the first four months of the year, accounting for 15.7 percent of the country's total foreign trade value. The value of bilateral trade jumped 13.9 percent year-on-year to 2.09 trillion yuan by the end of April. 中国海关总署5月初的数据显示,2023年前4个月东盟继续稳居中国第一大贸易伙伴地位,双边贸易总值为2.09万亿元,同比增长13.9%,占中国外贸总值的15.7%。 Amid the ongoing economic recovery, market sentiment is generally upbeat in China, as 94 percent of the interviewed company managers believed the business environment is sound at present. On the outlook for their companies' performance for 2023, 92 percent of the company managers held a positive attitude. 在持续的经济复苏中,中国的市场情绪普遍乐观,94%的受访公司经理认为目前的商业环境是良好的。对于2023年的企业业绩展望,92%的企业经营者持肯定态度。 Despite the overall optimism, companies should address two major challenges — of soaring inflation globally and diversified demand in the supply chain, said Jimmy Koh, managing director for the group strategic communications and brand department at UOB. 大华银行集团战略传播和品牌部董事总经理Jimmy Koh表示,尽管整体形势乐观,但企业应应对两大挑战——全球通胀飙升和供应链需求多样化。 Although inflation is expected to be lower in the next six months to two years, 89 percent of the surveyed Chinese mainland companies said they would remain affected, especially by rising cost of operations and raw materials, according to UOB. 大华银行表示,尽管预计未来6个月至两年通胀率将有所下降,在受访的中国大陆企业中,有89%的企业称仍然会受到影响,特别是运营成本和原材料价格的上升。 来源:中国日报 编辑:yaning
A view of the booth of UOB during an expo in Shanghai. CHINA DAILY Chinese companies as well as their counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expressing a keen interest in exploring business opportunities in each other's markets, propelled by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact taking effect early last year, according to a report released by United Overseas Bank (China) Ltd on Tuesday. The survey was conducted on 588 top executives or decision-makers of Chinese mainland companies with an annual sales revenue of 100 million yuan to 4 billion yuan or higher. Specifically, over 40 percent of the surveyed companies planned to expand their operations in Southeast Asia over the next three years. Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia were the top three investment destinations for Chinese companies, the survey showed. Hotel and property, construction and infrastructure, as well as consumer goods retailing were the three sectors that companies on the mainland were most interested in overseas. Southeast Asian markets have stronger demand for these sectors as they are still at a relatively earlier development stage, said Adaline Zheng, alternative CEO and head of wholesale banking for UOB China. Meanwhile, China has taken the lead worldwide in these industries. The poll found that about 40 percent of companies in the ASEAN region wished to expand their businesses in the Chinese mainland. About 46 percent of wholesale companies and 45 percent of construction and engineering enterprises from ASEAN economies have expressed such plans, showing the strongest willingness. Companies from Thailand and Singapore were the most interested in investing in the Chinese mainland market, according to the UOB report. UOB's findings are in line with the overall trend. Data from the General Administration of Customs in early May showed that ASEAN continued to be China's biggest trade partner during the first four months of the year, accounting for 15.7 percent of the country's total foreign trade value. The value of bilateral trade jumped 13.9 percent year-on-year to 2.09 trillion yuan by the end of April. Amid the ongoing economic recovery, market sentiment is generally upbeat in China, as 94 percent of the interviewed company managers believed the business environment is sound at present. On the outlook for their companies' performance for 2023, 92 percent of the company managers held a positive attitude. Despite the overall optimism, companies should address two major challenges — of soaring inflation globally and diversified demand in the supply chain, said Jimmy Koh, managing director for the group strategic communications and brand department at UOB. Although inflation is expected to be lower in the next six months to two years, 89 percent of the surveyed Chinese mainland companies said they would remain affected, especially by rising cost of operations and raw materials, according to UOB.
5月23日,大华银行(中国)有限公司发布最新研究报告《大华银行企业展望调查报告(中国篇)》。报告显示,中国与东盟企业“走出去”和“引进来”热情不减,应对全球通货膨胀、供应链多元化和可持续转型成为企业的主要关注点。 新加坡大华银行(中国)有限公司周二发布的一份报告显示,受去年年初生效的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》的推动,中国企业和东南亚国家联盟的企业都表达了在彼此市场探索商机的浓厚兴趣。 该调查对588名中国大陆公司的高管或决策者进行了调查,这些公司的年销售收入在1亿元至40亿元以上。 调查显示,超过四成的受访中国企业计划未来三年向东南亚扩张,排名前三的投资目的地是新加坡、泰国和马来西亚。 酒店和房地产、建筑和基础设施以及消费品零售是中国大陆企业最感兴趣的三个海外行业。 大华银行中国副行长兼批发银行部主管郑濬说,东南亚市场对这些行业的需求更强,因为这些行业仍处于相对较早的发展阶段。与此同时,中国在这些行业处于世界领先地位。 调查发现,约40%的东盟公司希望在中国大陆扩展业务。东盟经济体中,约46%的批发企业和45%的建筑工程企业也有此计划,表现出最强烈的意愿。 大华银行的报告显示,泰国和新加坡的企业投资中国大陆市场意愿最强烈。 大华银行的调查结果与总体趋势一致。 中国海关总署5月初的数据显示,2023年前4个月东盟继续稳居中国第一大贸易伙伴地位,双边贸易总值为2.09万亿元,同比增长13.9%,占中国外贸总值的15.7%。 在持续的经济复苏中,中国的市场情绪普遍乐观,94%的受访公司经理认为目前的商业环境是良好的。对于2023年的企业业绩展望,92%的企业经营者持肯定态度。 大华银行集团战略传播和品牌部董事总经理Jimmy Koh表示,尽管整体形势乐观,但企业应应对两大挑战——全球通胀飙升和供应链需求多样化。 大华银行表示,尽管预计未来6个月至两年通胀率将有所下降,在受访的中国大陆企业中,有89%的企业称仍然会受到影响,特别是运营成本和原材料价格的上升。 来源:中国日报 编辑:yaning
近年来,美国大规模枪击事件频发,枪支暴力已经成为困扰美国民众的一大问题。最新民意调查显示,如今有六成美国人认为遏制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要。 A woman lays flowers down at a memorial at Robb Elementary School, one year after a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, US, May 24, 2023. REUTERS/Evan Garcia The highest percentage of Americans in a decade say they think it's more important to curb gun violence than protect gun rights, according to a new poll. 最新的民意调查显示,认为遏制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要的美国人占比达到了十年来的最高水平。 The finding comes a year after the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, the second-deadliest in American history. Multiple other mass shootings that have taken place in the time since that one. 这一调查结果是在美国得克萨斯州尤瓦尔迪的一所小学发生大规模枪击案一周年之际发布的,这一惨案在美国史上最致命的枪击事件中排名第二。在该惨案发生后,美国又发生了多起大规模枪击事件。 But the survey of almost 1,300 adults also shows Americans' views on guns are mixed, with little consensus on what to do about gun violence. 但是这项涵盖了近1300名成年人的调查也发现,美国人对枪支的看法不一,在如何应对枪支暴力上也没有达成共识。 Fewer Americans say they feel their community's schools are safe from gun violence. And while a significant majority feels the answer to mass shootings is stricter gun laws, the percentage believing the solution is more people needing to carry guns has jumped 10 points in the last four years. 认为自己社区的学校不会发生枪支暴力的美国人变少了。尽管绝大多数人认为应该实施更严格的枪支法规来防止大规模枪击事件,但是将更多人持枪视为解决之道的美国人占比在过去四年增加了10%。 6 in 10 say controlling gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights. That's the highest in 10 years and includes 4 in 10 gun owners. 57% say schools in their community are safe. But since 2019, that's down 8 points. Those saying their local schools are not safe has jumped 10 points. 六成美国人表示,控制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要。这是十年来的最高比例,其中还包括40%的枪支拥有者。57%的人认为,自己社区的学校不会发生枪支暴力,但是这一比例相比2019年下降了8%。认为自己所在地的学校不安全的美国人占比增加了10%。 27% said banning assault style guns would have the biggest impact, followed by mental health screenings. 27%的美国人认为禁止攻击性枪支的作用最大,认为心理健康筛查作用最大的人占比紧随其后。 A significant portion (1 in 5) of the population, though, doesn't think anything will work. 不过,也有相当一部分人(五分之一)认为什么措施都没用。 More than 6 in 10 say their first reaction when they hear about mass shootings is that there need to be stricter gun laws. But those saying people need to carry guns has also gone up by 10 points since 2019, from 25% to 35%. 超过60%的美国人表示他们听说大规模枪击事件的第一反应是需要实施更严格的枪支法规。但是认为人们需要携带枪支的美国人占比也相比2019年增加了10%,从25%增加到了35%。 41% say they or someone they know has experienced gun violence, for example, by being threatened with a gun or as the victim of a shooting. 41%的美国人表示自己或自己认识的人遭遇过枪支暴力,比如被人拿着枪威胁或曾是枪支暴力的受害者。 The groups that were the most likely to say so were those 30- to 44-years old (53%), parents with children under 18 (52%), gun owners (49%), people who live in big cities (48%), GenZ/Millennials (47%) and non-whites (47%). 30岁到44岁的人这么说的可能性最大(占53%),其次是有不满18岁孩子的父母(52%)、枪支拥有者(49%)、住在大城市里的人(48%)、Z世代/千禧一代(47%)和有色人种(47%)。 Non-whites were 10 points more likely than whites to experience gun violence or know someone who has. 相比白人,有色人种遭遇枪支暴力或认识的人遭遇枪支暴力的比例高出了10%。 People in states with more lax gun laws were also 8 points more likely to say they or someone they know has experienced gun violence , 45% to 37%. 此外,相比枪支法规较严格的州的居民,枪支法规较宽松的州的居民表示自己或自己认识的人遭遇过枪支暴力的比例高出了8%,前者为37%,后者为45%。 英文来源:美国国家公共广播电台 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A woman lays flowers down at a memorial at Robb Elementary School, one year after a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, US, May 24, 2023. REUTERS/Evan Garcia The highest percentage of Americans in a decade say they think it's more important to curb gun violence than protect gun rights, according to a new poll. The finding comes a year after the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, the second-deadliest in American history. Multiple other mass shootings that have taken place in the time since that one. But the survey of almost 1,300 adults also shows Americans' views on guns are mixed, with little consensus on what to do about gun violence. Fewer Americans say they feel their community's schools are safe from gun violence. And while a significant majority feels the answer to mass shootings is stricter gun laws, the percentage believing the solution is more people needing to carry guns has jumped 10 points in the last four years. 6 in 10 say controlling gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights. That's the highest in 10 years and includes 4 in 10 gun owners. 57% say schools in their community are safe. But since 2019, that's down 8 points. Those saying their local schools are not safe has jumped 10 points. 27% said banning assault style guns would have the biggest impact, followed by mental health screenings. A significant portion (1 in 5) of the population, though, doesn't think anything will work. More than 6 in 10 say their first reaction when they hear about mass shootings is that there need to be stricter gun laws. But those saying people need to carry guns has also gone up by 10 points since 2019, from 25% to 35%. 41% say they or someone they know has experienced gun violence, for example, by being threatened with a gun or as the victim of a shooting. The groups that were the most likely to say so were those 30- to 44-years old (53%), parents with children under 18 (52%), gun owners (49%), people who live in big cities (48%), GenZ/Millennials (47%) and non-whites (47%). Non-whites were 10 points more likely than whites to experience gun violence or know someone who has. People in states with more lax gun laws were also 8 points more likely to say they or someone they know has experienced gun violence , 45% to 37%.
近年来,美国大规模枪击事件频发,枪支暴力已经成为困扰美国民众的一大问题。最新民意调查显示,如今有六成美国人认为遏制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要。 最新的民意调查显示,认为遏制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要的美国人占比达到了十年来的最高水平。 这一调查结果是在美国得克萨斯州尤瓦尔迪的一所小学发生大规模枪击案一周年之际发布的,这一惨案在美国史上最致命的枪击事件中排名第二。在该惨案发生后,美国又发生了多起大规模枪击事件。 但是这项涵盖了近1300名成年人的调查也发现,美国人对枪支的看法不一,在如何应对枪支暴力上也没有达成共识。 认为自己社区的学校不会发生枪支暴力的美国人变少了。尽管绝大多数人认为应该实施更严格的枪支法规来防止大规模枪击事件,但是将更多人持枪视为解决之道的美国人占比在过去四年增加了10%。 六成美国人表示,控制枪支暴力比保护持枪权利更重要。这是十年来的最高比例,其中还包括40%的枪支拥有者。57%的人认为,自己社区的学校不会发生枪支暴力,但是这一比例相比2019年下降了8%。认为自己所在地的学校不安全的美国人占比增加了10%。 27%的美国人认为禁止攻击性枪支的作用最大,认为心理健康筛查作用最大的人占比紧随其后。 不过,也有相当一部分人(五分之一)认为什么措施都没用。 超过60%的美国人表示他们听说大规模枪击事件的第一反应是需要实施更严格的枪支法规。但是认为人们需要携带枪支的美国人占比也相比2019年增加了10%,从25%增加到了35%。 41%的美国人表示自己或自己认识的人遭遇过枪支暴力,比如被人拿着枪威胁或曾是枪支暴力的受害者。 30岁到44岁的人这么说的可能性最大(占53%),其次是有不满18岁孩子的父母(52%)、枪支拥有者(49%)、住在大城市里的人(48%)、Z世代/千禧一代(47%)和有色人种(47%)。 相比白人,有色人种遭遇枪支暴力或认识的人遭遇枪支暴力的比例高出了10%。 此外,相比枪支法规较严格的州的居民,枪支法规较宽松的州的居民表示自己或自己认识的人遭遇过枪支暴力的比例高出了8%,前者为37%,后者为45%。 英文来源:美国国家公共广播电台 翻译&编辑:丹妮
生病往往会让人食欲不振,这时很多人会选择喝点骨汤,补充营养,帮助恢复。但是骨头汤真的健康吗?对此专家进行了解答。 While bone broth can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts don't view the popular beverage as vital addition to your wellness regime. 虽然骨汤可以提供一些有益的营养物质,但专家们认为这种流行饮食并不是健康必需品。 Is drinking bone broth good for you? 喝骨头汤对有好处吗? Made by simmering animal bones in water for a long time with vegetables, spices and sometimes other ingredients like apple cider vinegar, bone broth can be "part of the puzzle, but is not a quick fix," Laura Ligos, a registered dietitian nutritionist and specialist in sports dietetics says. 注册营养师和运动营养学专家劳拉·利戈斯说,将动物骨头与蔬菜、香料和其他食材一起在水中长时间炖煮,可以“有一定营养,但不是灵丹妙药”。 "The goal is to help to pull out important nutrients from the bones, like collagen, gelatin, amino acids like glycine as well as minerals like calcium and magnesium," she says. "It's these nutrients that are extracted from the bones that have been shown to be helpful with gut, skin, hair, and nail health and there is some truth to that. That being said, we need more than just bone broth to be able to improve overall health." 她说:“(骨头汤)能促使骨骼中的重要营养物质被提取出来,如胶原蛋白、明胶、甘氨酸等氨基酸以及钙和镁等矿物质。这些营养物质已被证明有助于肠道、皮肤、头发和指甲的健康,这是有一定道理的。话虽这么说,我们需要的不仅仅是骨汤来改善整体健康。” Benefits of bone broth include providing humans with certain nutrients from the connective tissue and meat of the bones, which in turn can aid in strengthening of muscle and bones, explains Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. 纽约莱诺克斯山医院的注册营养师詹娜·利特解释说,骨汤的益处包括提供来自结缔组织和骨头肉的某些营养物质,这反过来又有助于增强肌肉和骨骼。 "Specifically, bone broth is rich in collagen and certain vitamins and minerals, such as, iron, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc and other trace minerals. Collagen and fat-soluble vitamins are known to improve hair, skin and nail health," she adds. "具体来说,骨汤富含胶原蛋白和某些维生素和矿物质,例如,铁、脂溶性维生素、锌和其他微量元素。众所周知,胶原蛋白和脂溶性维生素可以改善头发、皮肤和指甲健康,"她补充说。 Currently there is not enough research to support the benefits or detriments of bone broth on gut health, Litt says. 利特说,目前还没有足够的研究来支持骨汤对肠道健康的影响。 Do I need bone broth in my diet? 我需要喝骨汤吗? The short answer? No. 简短的回答:不需要。 While almost anyone can try it, Ligos says it's important to zoom out and look at the big picture when thinking about nutrition. 虽然几乎任何人都可以尝试,但利戈斯说,在考虑营养问题时,重要的是要放眼全局。 "There likely isn't one food item that's going to be the golden ticket to our health. It's a combination of things that we do that can support our health over the long haul. Bone broth can certainly be a part of that — but not the only part of that." "没有一种食品会成为我们健康的金钥匙。保持健康需要多管齐下。骨汤当然可以成为其中的一部分,但不是唯一的一部分"。 For example, if you're interested in improving skin, nail and hair health, simply increasing protein intake in your diet has been shown to yield results, Litt says, pointing out that "the use of bone broth is not required." 利特说,例如,如果你对改善皮肤、指甲和头发健康感兴趣,只需在饮食中增加蛋白质摄入量就能产生效果,并指出"不一定是喝骨汤"。 来源:CBS 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
While bone broth can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts don't view the popular beverage as vital addition to your wellness regime. Is drinking bone broth good for you? Made by simmering animal bones in water for a long time with vegetables, spices and sometimes other ingredients like apple cider vinegar, bone broth can be "part of the puzzle, but is not a quick fix," Laura Ligos, a registered dietitian nutritionist and specialist in sports dietetics says. "The goal is to help to pull out important nutrients from the bones, like collagen, gelatin, amino acids like glycine as well as minerals like calcium and magnesium," she says. "It's these nutrients that are extracted from the bones that have been shown to be helpful with gut, skin, hair, and nail health and there is some truth to that. That being said, we need more than just bone broth to be able to improve overall health." Benefits of bone broth include providing humans with certain nutrients from the connective tissue and meat of the bones, which in turn can aid in strengthening of muscle and bones, explains Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. "Specifically, bone broth is rich in collagen and certain vitamins and minerals, such as, iron, fat-soluble vitamins, zinc and other trace minerals. Collagen and fat-soluble vitamins are known to improve hair, skin and nail health," she adds. Currently there is not enough research to support the benefits or detriments of bone broth on gut health, Litt says. Do I need bone broth in my diet? The short answer? No. While almost anyone can try it, Ligos says it's important to zoom out and look at the big picture when thinking about nutrition. "There likely isn't one food item that's going to be the golden ticket to our health. It's a combination of things that we do that can support our health over the long haul. Bone broth can certainly be a part of that — but not the only part of that." For example, if you're interested in improving skin, nail and hair health, simply increasing protein intake in your diet has been shown to yield results, Litt says, pointing out that "the use of bone broth is not required."
生病往往会让人食欲不振,这时很多人会选择喝点骨汤,补充营养,帮助恢复。但是骨头汤真的健康吗?对此专家进行了解答。 虽然骨汤可以提供一些有益的营养物质,但专家们认为这种流行饮食并不是健康必需品。 喝骨头汤对有好处吗? 注册营养师和运动营养学专家劳拉·利戈斯说,将动物骨头与蔬菜、香料和其他食材一起在水中长时间炖煮,可以“有一定营养,但不是灵丹妙药”。 她说:“(骨头汤)能促使骨骼中的重要营养物质被提取出来,如胶原蛋白、明胶、甘氨酸等氨基酸以及钙和镁等矿物质。这些营养物质已被证明有助于肠道、皮肤、头发和指甲的健康,这是有一定道理的。话虽这么说,我们需要的不仅仅是骨汤来改善整体健康。” 纽约莱诺克斯山医院的注册营养师詹娜·利特解释说,骨汤的益处包括提供来自结缔组织和骨头肉的某些营养物质,这反过来又有助于增强肌肉和骨骼。 "具体来说,骨汤富含胶原蛋白和某些维生素和矿物质,例如,铁、脂溶性维生素、锌和其他微量元素。众所周知,胶原蛋白和脂溶性维生素可以改善头发、皮肤和指甲健康,"她补充说。 利特说,目前还没有足够的研究来支持骨汤对肠道健康的影响。 我需要喝骨汤吗? 简短的回答:不需要。 虽然几乎任何人都可以尝试,但利戈斯说,在考虑营养问题时,重要的是要放眼全局。 "没有一种食品会成为我们健康的金钥匙。保持健康需要多管齐下。骨汤当然可以成为其中的一部分,但不是唯一的一部分"。 利特说,例如,如果你对改善皮肤、指甲和头发健康感兴趣,只需在饮食中增加蛋白质摄入量就能产生效果,并指出"不一定是喝骨汤"。 来源:CBS 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
市场监管总局近日发布的数据显示,今年一季度,全国新设个体工商户503万户,同比增长14.3%。 A vendor dressed in a frog costume sells balloons at a popular pedestrian street in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Saturday. [Photo by Li Changlin/For China Daily] A total of 5.03 million self-employed businesses were newly set up in China in the first quarter of 2023, up 14.3 percent year on year, China's top market regulator said Monday. 市场监管总局22日发布数据显示,今年一季度,全国新设个体工商户503万户,同比增长14.3%。 As of the end of the first quarter, the country's registered self-employed businesses had reached 116 million, accounting for two-thirds of China's total business entities, according to the State Administration for Market Regulation. 截至一季度末,全国登记在册个体工商户1.16亿户,占经营主体总量的三分之二。 New self-employed businesses in the cultural, sports and entertainment sectors registered the fastest year-on-year growth of 39 percent in the first quarter, the regulator said. 今年一季度,文化、体育和娱乐业新设个体工商户同比增长39%,涨幅在各行业中居首。 The administration will take effective measures to promote the high-quality development of the businesses, it said. 市场监管总局表示,将采取有效措施促进各行业高质量发展。 【相关词汇】 服务贸易 services trade 高质量发展 high-quality development 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment 高技术产业 high-tech industries (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
A vendor dressed in a frog costume sells balloons at a popular pedestrian street in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Saturday. [Photo by Li Changlin/For China Daily] A total of 5.03 million self-employed businesses were newly set up in China in the first quarter of 2023, up 14.3 percent year on year, China's top market regulator said Monday. As of the end of the first quarter, the country's registered self-employed businesses had reached 116 million, accounting for two-thirds of China's total business entities, according to the State Administration for Market Regulation. New self-employed businesses in the cultural, sports and entertainment sectors registered the fastest year-on-year growth of 39 percent in the first quarter, the regulator said. The administration will take effective measures to promote the high-quality development of the businesses, it said.
市场监管总局近日发布的数据显示,今年一季度,全国新设个体工商户503万户,同比增长14.3%。 市场监管总局22日发布数据显示,今年一季度,全国新设个体工商户503万户,同比增长14.3%。 截至一季度末,全国登记在册个体工商户1.16亿户,占经营主体总量的三分之二。 今年一季度,文化、体育和娱乐业新设个体工商户同比增长39%,涨幅在各行业中居首。 市场监管总局表示,将采取有效措施促进各行业高质量发展。 【相关词汇】 服务贸易 services trade 高质量发展 high-quality development 固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment 高技术产业 high-tech industries (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
2023年前4个月,广东、江苏、浙江、上海、北京、山东等外贸重镇进出口总值均突破万亿元。其中,广东进出口总值为2.52万亿元。民营企业对外贸的拉动作用明显。 Containers are transferred at the China-Kazakhstan International Logistics Base in Lianyungang, Jiangsu province, on Nov 25, 2022. [Photo by Wang Jianmin/For] Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong provinces — the major export-oriented economic powerhouses in the country — as well as Shanghai and Beijing, each saw their total value of imports and exports exceed 1 trillion yuan ($141.8 billion), according to the latest data put out by local authorities. In particular, Guangdong's foreign trade volume hit 2.52 trillion yuan during the first four months. 当地部门发布的最新数据显示,中国的外贸大省——广东、江苏、浙江和山东,以及上海和北京进出口总值均突破万亿元。其中,广东今年前四月进出口总值达到了2.52万亿元。 Cumulatively, the trade of four provinces and two municipalities amounted to 9.31 trillion yuan and accounted for nearly 70 percent of the country's total imports and exports, which stood at 13.32 trillion yuan in the first four months, according to calculations based on official data. 基于官方数据的计算发现,四省两市前四月进出口总值合计约达9.31万亿元,占全国(13.32万亿元)比重接近七成。 The production lines at Bolison, a Foshan-based additive supplier for the plastics industry in Guangdong, have been busy as the company landed new bulk orders from Vietnam and Iraq in late April. 广东佛山塑料助剂供应商宝利兴公司4月底收到了一批来自越南、伊拉克等国家的新订单,目前正在抓紧生产。 Li Baoxing, general manager of the company, said overall exports grew 50 percent year-on-year in the first four months as its self-developed lead-free additives became popular among global buyers. 该公司总经理李宝兴表示,公司自主研发的无铅助剂受到全球客户的欢迎,今年前四月出口总量同比增长了50%。 The lead-free feature makes their additives environment-friendly, and this enhances the quality of plastic products, he said. 李宝兴介绍,添加无铅环保助剂生产出的塑料制品质量更好。 Private businesses like Bolison are playing a bigger role in the country's foreign trade, the data showed. 数据显示,宝利兴这样的民营企业在我国外贸所占比重越来越大。 Imports and exports by the private sector totaled 7.05 trillion yuan in the first four months, and accounted for 52.9 percent of the country's total foreign trade, up 4.6 percentage points over the same period last year. 今年前4个月,民营企业进出口7.05万亿元,占我国外贸总值的52.9%,相比去年同期增加了4.6个百分点。 The imports and exports from private firms in Zhejiang, Shandong and Guangdong, for example, took up 80 percent, 74.2 percent and 60.5 percent, respectively, of their total trading volumes during the period. 举例而言,今年1-4月,浙江、山东和广东的民营企业进出口占本省外贸总值的比重分别为80%、74.2%和60.5%。 While China's foreign trade is on track for a steady recovery, private companies are facing multiple headwinds and mounting pressure. The government must step up support to help these enterprises explore newer markets and secure orders, industry insiders and experts said. 尽管中国外贸正在稳步复苏,民营企业也面临着多重挑战和与日俱增的压力。业内人士和专家表示,政府必须加大支持力度,帮助这些企业开拓新市场,争取更多订单。 In a bid to help businesses expand their markets and secure new orders, Zhejiang introduced a package of measures to keep foreign trade stable and improve its quality, according to a circular issued by the provincial government on Tuesday. 浙江省政府5月23日宣布,浙江推出一系列举措推动外贸稳中提质,帮助企业扩展市场、增加订单。 It has pledged efforts to help 10,000-plus firms to group over 1,000 businesses delegations to travel overseas and attract more export orders in traditional markets like the European Union, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Australia, according to the circular. It will also scale up support to help them further explore emerging markets such as ASEAN economies, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa, it said. 浙江省政府承诺将组织全年超1000个团组、10000家外贸企业拓展市场工作,深耕欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等传统市场,更大力拓展东盟、中东、拉美、非洲等新兴市场。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Containers are transferred at the China-Kazakhstan International Logistics Base in Lianyungang, Jiangsu province, on Nov 25, 2022. [Photo by Wang Jianmin/For] Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong provinces — the major export-oriented economic powerhouses in the country — as well as Shanghai and Beijing, each saw their total value of imports and exports exceed 1 trillion yuan ($141.8 billion), according to the latest data put out by local authorities. In particular, Guangdong's foreign trade volume hit 2.52 trillion yuan during the first four months. Cumulatively, the trade of four provinces and two municipalities amounted to 9.31 trillion yuan and accounted for nearly 70 percent of the country's total imports and exports, which stood at 13.32 trillion yuan in the first four months, according to calculations based on official data. The production lines at Bolison, a Foshan-based additive supplier for the plastics industry in Guangdong, have been busy as the company landed new bulk orders from Vietnam and Iraq in late April. Li Baoxing, general manager of the company, said overall exports grew 50 percent year-on-year in the first four months as its self-developed lead-free additives became popular among global buyers. The lead-free feature makes their additives environment-friendly, and this enhances the quality of plastic products, he said. Private businesses like Bolison are playing a bigger role in the country's foreign trade, the data showed. Imports and exports by the private sector totaled 7.05 trillion yuan in the first four months, and accounted for 52.9 percent of the country's total foreign trade, up 4.6 percentage points over the same period last year. The imports and exports from private firms in Zhejiang, Shandong and Guangdong, for example, took up 80 percent, 74.2 percent and 60.5 percent, respectively, of their total trading volumes during the period. While China's foreign trade is on track for a steady recovery, private companies are facing multiple headwinds and mounting pressure. The government must step up support to help these enterprises explore newer markets and secure orders, industry insiders and experts said. In a bid to help businesses expand their markets and secure new orders, Zhejiang introduced a package of measures to keep foreign trade stable and improve its quality, according to a circular issued by the provincial government on Tuesday. It has pledged efforts to help 10,000-plus firms to group over 1,000 businesses delegations to travel overseas and attract more export orders in traditional markets like the European Union, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Australia, according to the circular. It will also scale up support to help them further explore emerging markets such as ASEAN economies, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa, it said.
2023年前4个月,广东、江苏、浙江、上海、北京、山东等外贸重镇进出口总值均突破万亿元。其中,广东进出口总值为2.52万亿元。民营企业对外贸的拉动作用明显。 当地部门发布的最新数据显示,中国的外贸大省——广东、江苏、浙江和山东,以及上海和北京进出口总值均突破万亿元。其中,广东今年前四月进出口总值达到了2.52万亿元。 基于官方数据的计算发现,四省两市前四月进出口总值合计约达9.31万亿元,占全国(13.32万亿元)比重接近七成。 广东佛山塑料助剂供应商宝利兴公司4月底收到了一批来自越南、伊拉克等国家的新订单,目前正在抓紧生产。 该公司总经理李宝兴表示,公司自主研发的无铅助剂受到全球客户的欢迎,今年前四月出口总量同比增长了50%。 李宝兴介绍,添加无铅环保助剂生产出的塑料制品质量更好。 数据显示,宝利兴这样的民营企业在我国外贸所占比重越来越大。 今年前4个月,民营企业进出口7.05万亿元,占我国外贸总值的52.9%,相比去年同期增加了4.6个百分点。 举例而言,今年1-4月,浙江、山东和广东的民营企业进出口占本省外贸总值的比重分别为80%、74.2%和60.5%。 尽管中国外贸正在稳步复苏,民营企业也面临着多重挑战和与日俱增的压力。业内人士和专家表示,政府必须加大支持力度,帮助这些企业开拓新市场,争取更多订单。 浙江省政府5月23日宣布,浙江推出一系列举措推动外贸稳中提质,帮助企业扩展市场、增加订单。 浙江省政府承诺将组织全年超1000个团组、10000家外贸企业拓展市场工作,深耕欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等传统市场,更大力拓展东盟、中东、拉美、非洲等新兴市场。 英文来源:中国日报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据路透社5月22日报道,美联储22日发布一项调查报告显示,通胀高企削弱了美国家庭的财务安全感。54%的美国成年人称,他们的预算受到了物价上涨的“巨大”影响。许多民众表示,他们不得不减少储蓄维持生计,对退休生活感到不安,并暂缓购买一些商品或选购更便宜的产品。 The inflation wave that crested at a 40-year high last year and remains elevated has eroded U.S. households' sense of financial security, the Federal Reserve reported Monday, with many saying they had reduced their savings to make ends meet, felt less secure about retirement, and had delayed purchases or swapped into cheaper products as they shopped. 美联储5月22日表示,美国通胀率在2022年创下近40年来的新高,通胀高企削弱了美国家庭的财务安全感。许多民众称,他们不得不减少储蓄维持生计,对退休生活感到不安,并暂缓购买一些商品或选购更便宜的产品。 A shopper pays for produce with a credit card at a farmers market in San Francisco, California, US, on June 2, 2022. [Photo/VCG] In an annual survey showing the corrosive effects of inflation on Americans' economic confidence, the Fed said the percentage of respondents who said they were doing "at least okay financially" in 2022 tumbled by 5 percentage points - the most since the survey was launched a decade ago - to 73%.The Fed launched the "Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking" in 2013. 美联储发起的“家庭经济和决策年度调查”显示,73%的受访者认为2022年“财务状况过得去”,同比下降5%。创下了自十年前启动该调查以来的最大降幅。该调查自2013年启动,研究通胀对美国人经济信心的消极影响。 The share of those saying they were worse off shot up 15 points to 35%, the highest level by far since the Fed first started asking that question in 2014. 35%的受访者表示个人财务状况恶化,飙升15%。这是自2014年美联储首次提出该问题以来的最高水平。 Those who considered their retirement savings "on track" fell to 31% among those not yet retired, compared to 40% in 2021. 在尚未退休的人群中,认为自己的退休储蓄“正常”的人降至31%,而2021年这一比例为40%。 The survey also suggested Americans' souring mood about their own finances carried over to their view of the national economy. 调查还表明,美国人对个人财务状况的不满情绪蔓延到对美国经济的认识上。 Even though the unemployment rate has been low, below 4%, since January of 2022, only 18% of respondents rated the national economy as "good" or "excellent," down from 50% as of 2019. 尽管美国失业率持续处于低位(低于4%),但自2022年1月以来,只有18%的受访者认为美国经济“良好”或“优秀”,低于2019年的50%。 The survey was conducted in October, and the results included responses from a representative sample of 11,775 people. 这项调查于2022年10月进行,受访者包括11775人。 Annual inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index peaked at 9.1% last summer, the highest since the early 1980s, and remains elevated now at 4.9%. 2022年夏天,美国以消费者价格指数衡量的通胀年率达到9.1%的峰值,为20世纪80年代初以来的最高水平,目前仍保持在4.9%的高位。 Fifty-four percent of adults said that their budgets had been affected "a lot" by price increases, with parents of children under 18, Black and Latin American adults and those with disabilities ranking among the most likely to report an impact from inflation. 54%的成年人表示,他们的预算受到了物价上涨的“巨大”影响,18岁以下儿童的父母、黑人和拉丁美洲成年人以及残疾人是最可能受高通胀影响的人群。 Indeed, overall one-third of households cited inflation as their main financial challenge, up more than fourfold from 2016. 事实上,总体而言,三分之一的美国家庭认为通货膨胀是他们面临的主要财务挑战,这一比例较2016年增长了四倍多。 来源:路透社 编辑:董静
The inflation wave that crested at a 40-year high last year and remains elevated has eroded U.S. households' sense of financial security, the Federal Reserve reported Monday, with many saying they had reduced their savings to make ends meet, felt less secure about retirement, and had delayed purchases or swapped into cheaper products as they shopped. A shopper pays for produce with a credit card at a farmers market in San Francisco, California, US, on June 2, 2022. [Photo/VCG] In an annual survey showing the corrosive effects of inflation on Americans' economic confidence, the Fed said the percentage of respondents who said they were doing "at least okay financially" in 2022 tumbled by 5 percentage points - the most since the survey was launched a decade ago - to 73%.The Fed launched the "Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking" in 2013. The share of those saying they were worse off shot up 15 points to 35%, the highest level by far since the Fed first started asking that question in 2014. Those who considered their retirement savings "on track" fell to 31% among those not yet retired, compared to 40% in 2021. The survey also suggested Americans' souring mood about their own finances carried over to their view of the national economy. Even though the unemployment rate has been low, below 4%, since January of 2022, only 18% of respondents rated the national economy as "good" or "excellent," down from 50% as of 2019. The survey was conducted in October, and the results included responses from a representative sample of 11,775 people. Annual inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index peaked at 9.1% last summer, the highest since the early 1980s, and remains elevated now at 4.9%. Fifty-four percent of adults said that their budgets had been affected "a lot" by price increases, with parents of children under 18, Black and Latin American adults and those with disabilities ranking among the most likely to report an impact from inflation. Indeed, overall one-third of households cited inflation as their main financial challenge, up more than fourfold from 2016.
据路透社5月22日报道,美联储22日发布一项调查报告显示,通胀高企削弱了美国家庭的财务安全感。54%的美国成年人称,他们的预算受到了物价上涨的“巨大”影响。许多民众表示,他们不得不减少储蓄维持生计,对退休生活感到不安,并暂缓购买一些商品或选购更便宜的产品。 美联储5月22日表示,美国通胀率在2022年创下近40年来的新高,通胀高企削弱了美国家庭的财务安全感。许多民众称,他们不得不减少储蓄维持生计,对退休生活感到不安,并暂缓购买一些商品或选购更便宜的产品。 美联储发起的“家庭经济和决策年度调查”显示,73%的受访者认为2022年“财务状况过得去”,同比下降5%。创下了自十年前启动该调查以来的最大降幅。该调查自2013年启动,研究通胀对美国人经济信心的消极影响。 35%的受访者表示个人财务状况恶化,飙升15%。这是自2014年美联储首次提出该问题以来的最高水平。 在尚未退休的人群中,认为自己的退休储蓄“正常”的人降至31%,而2021年这一比例为40%。 调查还表明,美国人对个人财务状况的不满情绪蔓延到对美国经济的认识上。 尽管美国失业率持续处于低位(低于4%),但自2022年1月以来,只有18%的受访者认为美国经济“良好”或“优秀”,低于2019年的50%。 这项调查于2022年10月进行,受访者包括11775人。 2022年夏天,美国以消费者价格指数衡量的通胀年率达到9.1%的峰值,为20世纪80年代初以来的最高水平,目前仍保持在4.9%的高位。 54%的成年人表示,他们的预算受到了物价上涨的“巨大”影响,18岁以下儿童的父母、黑人和拉丁美洲成年人以及残疾人是最可能受高通胀影响的人群。 事实上,总体而言,三分之一的美国家庭认为通货膨胀是他们面临的主要财务挑战,这一比例较2016年增长了四倍多。 来源:路透社 编辑:董静
近日,日本政府解除了口罩令,但很多日本人发现,自己已经忘记了如何微笑。于是,他们求助于专家,通过微笑培训来重新展露自然笑容。 Photo/Pexels After wearing masks in public for three long years, many Japanese are signing up for smiling classes to learn how to smile again without looking awkward. 在公共场合戴了长达三年的口罩后,许多日本人都报了微笑培训班,学习如何看起来自然地微笑。 Smiling used to be a natural response, but apparently, three years of hiding behind a mask have left many Japanese unable to smile naturally. Some of them are now paying so-called smiling educators to teach them how to display their pearly whites again without looking awkward. They participate in specialized classes where they are taught how to stretch and flex various parts of their faces and even their neck muscles to smile properly and actually convey happiness without looking weird. 微笑原本是自然反应,但显然在戴了三年口罩后,许多日本人已经不会自然地微笑了。有些人现在付费给所谓的微笑培训师,让他们来教自己如何再次展露看上去自然的笑颜。他们参加专业课程来学习如何伸展和绷紧脸部的不同部位甚至颈部肌肉来绽放自然的笑容,看上去快乐又不会显得奇怪。 "A smile is only a smile if it’s conveyed,” Keiko Kawano, a radio personality-turned-entrepreneur, told The Japan Times . “Even if you’re thinking about smiling or that you’re happy, if you have no expression, it won’t reach the audience.” 曾是广播名人的企业家川野惠子告诉《日本时报》:“笑容只有表现在脸上才能算是笑容。即使你心里想微笑或你很快乐,如果你面无表情,观众也不会知道你在笑。” Kawano said that she has taught smiling classes to around 4,000 people so far and has also helped train around 700 certified “smile specialists” since she started her work in 2017. However, demand for her services has skyrocketed recently after people started giving up the medical masks they have been wearing for the last 3 years. 川野说,迄今为止她已经给约4000人上了微笑培训课,而且自从2017年开始从事微笑培训以来,已经帮助培训了约700名获得认证的“微笑专家”。然而,自从人们开始摘下戴了三年的医用口罩后,最近她的这一服务需求量暴增。 "I’ve heard from people who say that even if they’re able to remove their masks, they don’t want to show the bottom half of their faces, or that they don’t know how to smile anymore,” smile trainer Miho Kitano said. “Some say that they see more wrinkles around their eyes after using them more to smile, or they feel like their face is drooping because they haven’t been using it as much as before.” 微笑培训师北野美穗说:“我听人们说,他们即使能摘下口罩,也不愿意露出自己的下半张脸,因为他们已经不知道怎么笑了。有些人说,他们在笑的时候会更多地用到眼部肌肉,结果在眼角看见了更多皱纹,还有人说,因为他们不像以前那样经常笑,所以觉得自己的脸部肌肉开始下垂。” Smiling instructors like Kitano claim that exercising one’s smile is just like training other parts of the body. It’s all about the muscles, so exercising the expressive facial muscles is the most important thing. 北野和其他微笑培训师表示,训练如何微笑就和训练身体其他部位一样。微笑就是肌肉运动,因此训练富于表现力的面部肌肉是最重要的。 A standard smiling education class begins with a stretching session, after which participants are asked to pick up small handheld mirrors and observe themselves as they follow the instructions of a trainer who teaches them how to flex their facial muscles to convey the warmest and brightest expression of happiness possible. 一节标准的微笑培训课是以伸展运动开始的,然后培训师会让参与者拿起一把手持小镜子一边观察自己,一边按照培训师的指令来伸展面部肌肉,尽可能呈现出最温暖最明亮的快乐笑容。 Interestingly, instructional smiling classes have been a part of Japanese culture for several decades, because of the people’s notorious difficulty to convey their feelings through facial expressions, but they’ve once again risen in popularity after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were lifted. 有趣的是,微笑培训课作为日本文化的一部分已经有几十年的历史了,因为众所周知日本人难以通过面部表情来传达自己的感受。在新冠疫情限制措施解除后,微笑培训课又再次流行了起来。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels After wearing masks in public for three long years, many Japanese are signing up for smiling classes to learn how to smile again without looking awkward. Smiling used to be a natural response, but apparently, three years of hiding behind a mask have left many Japanese unable to smile naturally. Some of them are now paying so-called smiling educators to teach them how to display their pearly whites again without looking awkward. They participate in specialized classes where they are taught how to stretch and flex various parts of their faces and even their neck muscles to smile properly and actually convey happiness without looking weird. "A smile is only a smile if it’s conveyed,” Keiko Kawano, a radio personality-turned-entrepreneur, told The Japan Times . “Even if you’re thinking about smiling or that you’re happy, if you have no expression, it won’t reach the audience.” Kawano said that she has taught smiling classes to around 4,000 people so far and has also helped train around 700 certified “smile specialists” since she started her work in 2017. However, demand for her services has skyrocketed recently after people started giving up the medical masks they have been wearing for the last 3 years. "I’ve heard from people who say that even if they’re able to remove their masks, they don’t want to show the bottom half of their faces, or that they don’t know how to smile anymore,” smile trainer Miho Kitano said. “Some say that they see more wrinkles around their eyes after using them more to smile, or they feel like their face is drooping because they haven’t been using it as much as before.” Smiling instructors like Kitano claim that exercising one’s smile is just like training other parts of the body. It’s all about the muscles, so exercising the expressive facial muscles is the most important thing. A standard smiling education class begins with a stretching session, after which participants are asked to pick up small handheld mirrors and observe themselves as they follow the instructions of a trainer who teaches them how to flex their facial muscles to convey the warmest and brightest expression of happiness possible. Interestingly, instructional smiling classes have been a part of Japanese culture for several decades, because of the people’s notorious difficulty to convey their feelings through facial expressions, but they’ve once again risen in popularity after the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions were lifted.
近日,日本政府解除了口罩令,但很多日本人发现,自己已经忘记了如何微笑。于是,他们求助于专家,通过微笑培训来重新展露自然笑容。 在公共场合戴了长达三年的口罩后,许多日本人都报了微笑培训班,学习如何看起来自然地微笑。 微笑原本是自然反应,但显然在戴了三年口罩后,许多日本人已经不会自然地微笑了。有些人现在付费给所谓的微笑培训师,让他们来教自己如何再次展露看上去自然的笑颜。他们参加专业课程来学习如何伸展和绷紧脸部的不同部位甚至颈部肌肉来绽放自然的笑容,看上去快乐又不会显得奇怪。 曾是广播名人的企业家川野惠子告诉《日本时报》:“笑容只有表现在脸上才能算是笑容。即使你心里想微笑或你很快乐,如果你面无表情,观众也不会知道你在笑。” 川野说,迄今为止她已经给约4000人上了微笑培训课,而且自从2017年开始从事微笑培训以来,已经帮助培训了约700名获得认证的“微笑专家”。然而,自从人们开始摘下戴了三年的医用口罩后,最近她的这一服务需求量暴增。 微笑培训师北野美穗说:“我听人们说,他们即使能摘下口罩,也不愿意露出自己的下半张脸,因为他们已经不知道怎么笑了。有些人说,他们在笑的时候会更多地用到眼部肌肉,结果在眼角看见了更多皱纹,还有人说,因为他们不像以前那样经常笑,所以觉得自己的脸部肌肉开始下垂。” 北野和其他微笑培训师表示,训练如何微笑就和训练身体其他部位一样。微笑就是肌肉运动,因此训练富于表现力的面部肌肉是最重要的。 一节标准的微笑培训课是以伸展运动开始的,然后培训师会让参与者拿起一把手持小镜子一边观察自己,一边按照培训师的指令来伸展面部肌肉,尽可能呈现出最温暖最明亮的快乐笑容。 有趣的是,微笑培训课作为日本文化的一部分已经有几十年的历史了,因为众所周知日本人难以通过面部表情来传达自己的感受。在新冠疫情限制措施解除后,微笑培训课又再次流行了起来。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮
人力资源社会保障部、财政部近日印发《关于2023年调整退休人员基本养老金的通知》,明确从2023年1月1日起,为2022年底前已按规定办理退休手续并按月领取基本养老金的企业和机关事业单位退休人员提高基本养老金水平,总体调整水平为2022年退休人员月人均基本养老金的3.8%。 [Photo/IC] China announced Monday that it will raise the basic pension payments for retirees in 2023, marking 19th consecutive annual increase. 人社部、财政部22日发布《关于2023年调整退休人员基本养老金的通知》,这是国家第19年连续上调退休人员基本养老金。 The average monthly payment for pensioners of enterprises, government agencies and public institutions is set to be lifted by 3.8 percent from the 2022 level, according to a circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance. 《通知》明确,从2023年1月1日起,为2022年底前已按规定办理退休手续并按月领取基本养老金的企业和机关事业单位退休人员提高基本养老金水平,总体调整水平为2022年退休人员月人均基本养老金的3.8%。 Last year, China raised the basic pension payments for retirees by 4 percent from level of the previous year. 2022年,我国基本养老金总体调整水平为2021年退休人员月人均基本养老金的4%。 China has put elderly care high on its agenda as it copes with an ageing population. 在应对人口老龄化的过程中,我国已经把老年人照护放在重要位置。 Official data showed that by the end of 2022, the number of Chinese people aged 60 or above had surpassed 280 million, accounting for 19.8 percent of the country's total population. 官方数据显示,到2022年底,中国60岁及以上人口已超过2.8亿,占全国总人口的19.8%。 The country has recently released a set of guidelines to facilitate the building of a "basic elderly care system" amid efforts to pursue a proactive national strategy regarding population ageing and ensure equitable access to public services. 我国近日发布了《关于推进基本养老服务体系建设的意见》,实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略,实现基本公共服务均等化。 【相关词汇】 人口高质量发展 high-quality population development 人口老龄化 population aging 人口构成 demographic make-up 劳动人口 working population (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
[Photo/IC] China announced Monday that it will raise the basic pension payments for retirees in 2023, marking 19th consecutive annual increase. The average monthly payment for pensioners of enterprises, government agencies and public institutions is set to be lifted by 3.8 percent from the 2022 level, according to a circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance. Last year, China raised the basic pension payments for retirees by 4 percent from level of the previous year. China has put elderly care high on its agenda as it copes with an ageing population. Official data showed that by the end of 2022, the number of Chinese people aged 60 or above had surpassed 280 million, accounting for 19.8 percent of the country's total population. The country has recently released a set of guidelines to facilitate the building of a "basic elderly care system" amid efforts to pursue a proactive national strategy regarding population ageing and ensure equitable access to public services.
人力资源社会保障部、财政部近日印发《关于2023年调整退休人员基本养老金的通知》,明确从2023年1月1日起,为2022年底前已按规定办理退休手续并按月领取基本养老金的企业和机关事业单位退休人员提高基本养老金水平,总体调整水平为2022年退休人员月人均基本养老金的3.8%。 人社部、财政部22日发布《关于2023年调整退休人员基本养老金的通知》,这是国家第19年连续上调退休人员基本养老金。 《通知》明确,从2023年1月1日起,为2022年底前已按规定办理退休手续并按月领取基本养老金的企业和机关事业单位退休人员提高基本养老金水平,总体调整水平为2022年退休人员月人均基本养老金的3.8%。 2022年,我国基本养老金总体调整水平为2021年退休人员月人均基本养老金的4%。 在应对人口老龄化的过程中,我国已经把老年人照护放在重要位置。 官方数据显示,到2022年底,中国60岁及以上人口已超过2.8亿,占全国总人口的19.8%。 我国近日发布了《关于推进基本养老服务体系建设的意见》,实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略,实现基本公共服务均等化。 【相关词汇】 人口高质量发展 high-quality population development 人口老龄化 population aging 人口构成 demographic make-up 劳动人口 working population (来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)
有多少人对糖又爱又恨,希望有种神器能让自己尽享甜蜜的同时又不长肉。阿斯巴甜、三氯蔗糖等非糖甜味剂便成了众多甜食党减肥的“救命神器”。近日,世卫组织发布指南建议不要使用安赛蜜、阿斯巴甜、糖精等非糖甜味剂来控制体重。该组织称,这些非糖甜味剂的摄入会增加成年人患糖尿病,心血管疾病或死亡风险,并且对于减肥来说没有任何实质性的作用。 [Photo/unsplash] On Monday, the World Health Organization released new guidelines warning the public not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight loss, revealing that it may actually do more harm to the body than good. 5月15日,世界卫生组织最新发布的一份指南提醒公众,不要借助非糖甜味剂减肥,这一表态意味着非糖甜味剂对身体健康或弊大于利。 New findings showed that artificial sweeteners — like aspartame, a sugar substitute found in Diet Coke — don’t do much to reduce your waistline. In fact, long-term use of these fake sugars could even potentially increase the risk for Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality in adults, WHO said. 新的研究结果显示,添加在无糖可乐中的阿斯巴甜等人工甜味剂,对减肥没有任何效果。世卫组织称,长期使用非糖甜味剂可能增加成人患2型糖尿病、心血管疾病患病率和死亡的风险。 “Replacing free sugars with NSS (non-sugar sweeteners) does not help with weight control in the long term,” said Francesco Branca, WHO’s director of the department of nutrition for health and development, in a statement. 世卫组织营养促进健康和发展司司长弗朗切斯科·布兰卡说:“从长远来看,用非糖甜味剂代替游离糖无助于控制体重。” According to WHO, some of the most common non-sugar sweeteners include “acesulfame K, aspartame, advantame, cyclamates, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, stevia and stevia derivatives.” 根据世卫组织,最常见的非糖甜味剂包括"安赛蜜、阿斯巴甜、安美、甜蜜素、纽甜、糖精、三氯蔗糖、甜菊和甜菊衍生物"。 Branca advised that people should instead try to focus on eating foods with natural sugar, like fruit. 布兰卡建议人们主要摄入水果等含天然糖分的食物。 “People need to consider other ways to reduce free sugars intake, such as consuming food with naturally occurring sugars, like fruit, or unsweetened food and beverage,” he continued. “NSS (non-sugar sweeteners) are not essential dietary factors and have no nutritional value. People should reduce the sweetness of the diet altogether, starting early in life, to improve their health.” “人们需要考虑其他方法来减少游离糖的摄入量,例如食用含有天然糖分的食物,如水果,或不加糖的食物和饮料,”他继续说道。 “NSS(非糖甜味剂)不是必需的饮食因素,也没有营养价值。人们应该从生命的早期开始完全减少饮食中的甜味,以改善他们的健康。” WHO noted that these new guidelines are applicable to everyone except for those who have preexisting diabetes. 世卫组织指出,该指南适用于除糖尿病患者以外的所有人。 The review was compiled through 283 studies, according to CNN, but some of them were observational, which means that they just show an association. 据CNN报道,这项审查是通过283项研究汇编而成的,但其中一些是观察性的,这意味着它们只是显示了一种关联。 The new guidelines include a wide array of non-sugar sweeteners, too — including ones that are naturally occurring. 新指南也包括范围广泛的非糖甜味剂——包括那些天然存在的甜味剂。 However, a statement put out by the Calorie Control Council, which is an “international association representing the low and reduced-calorie food and beverage industry,” maintained that these artificial sweeteners were still safe for consumption. 然而,卡路里控制委员会,即 "代表低卡路里和减卡路里食品和饮料行业的国际协会",发布的一份声明坚持认为这些人工甜味剂仍然可以安全食用。 ‎“A substantial body of evidence shows that low- and no-calorie sweeteners provide effective and safe options to reduce sugar and calorie consumption,” said Robert Rankin, president of the Calorie Control Council. “This is supported by rigorous reviews of this evidence by the world’s most highly regarded health and regulatory agencies, who have validated the role of these ingredients. "大量证据表明,低热量和无热量甜味剂为减少糖和热量消耗提供了有效和安全的选择,"热量控制委员会主席罗伯特·兰金说。"世界上最受重视的健康和监管机构对这一证据的严格审查支持了这一点,他们已经验证了这些成分的作用。 “Along with exercise and a healthy diet low- and no-calorie sweeteners are a critical tool that can help consumers manage body weight and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases.” "伴随着锻炼和健康饮食,低热量和无热量甜味剂是一个关键的工具,可以帮助消费者控制体重和减少非传染性疾病的风险"。 The International Sweeteners Association also pushed back on the new guidelines in an emailed statement to The Post. 国际甜味剂协会也在给《纽约邮报》的一份电子邮件声明中对新指南进行了反驳。 “There has been an overwhelming amount of scientific literature supporting low/no calorie sweeteners’ utility for weight management, including the WHO-commissioned systematic review itself,” the organization stated. 该组织表示:“有大量科学文献支持低热量/无热量甜味剂对体重管理的效用,包括世卫组织委托进行的系统审查本身。” “The International Sweeteners Association believes it is a disservice to not recognize the public health benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners and is disappointed that the WHO’s conclusions are largely based on low certainty evidence from observational studies, which are at high risk of reverse causality.” 国际甜味剂协会认为,不承认低热量/无热量甜味剂对公共健康的益处是一种伤害,并对世卫组织的结论主要基于观察性研究的低确定性证据感到失望,这些研究极有可能出现反向因果关系。 WHO advised that the new recommendations encompassed “all synthetic and naturally occurring or modified non-nutritive sweeteners that are not classified as sugars found in manufactured foods and beverages, or sold on their own to be added to foods and beverages by consumers.”However, it does not apply to artificial sweeteners that are found in hygiene products, like toothpastes, skin creams or medications. 世卫组织表示,该建议中提到的“非糖甜味剂”包括了所有合成的、天然存在的或经过修饰的非营养性甜味剂,这些甜味剂不属于加工食品和饮料中的糖,也不属于消费者自行添加到食品和饮料的糖。但不适用于牙膏、护肤品、药物等含有非糖甜味剂的卫生产品。 It also does not apply to “low-calorie sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols),” which are technically sugars or sugar byproducts that do contain calories. 该建议也不适用于"低热量的糖和糖醇(多元醇)",从技术上讲,这些糖及其副产品确实含有热量。 This is not the first time that non-sugar sweeteners have been at the forefront of a health debate. 这不是非糖甜味剂的健康性第一次受到关注。 Last year, a study found that artificial sweeteners could potentially cause diabetes because they can “alter the body’s microbes,” resulting in a change in blood sugar levels. 2022年,一项研究发现人造甜味剂可能会导致糖尿病,因其可以“改变人体肠道微生物环境”,从而导致血糖​​水平发生变化。 “In subjects consuming the non-nutritive sweeteners, we could identify very distinct changes in the composition and function of gut microbes and the molecules they secret into peripheral blood,” Eran Elinav, senior author and professor at the National German Cancer Center, told South West News Service at the time. “德国国家癌症中心高级研究院兼教授艾瑞·埃琳娜曾对英国西南新闻社表示:‘在食用非营养性甜味剂的受试者中,我们可以确定肠道微生物的组成和功能以及它们分泌到外周血中的分子发生了非常明显的变化。’” Another study out of the Medical College of Wisconsin last April found that these sugar substitutes could potentially affect the liver’s ability to detoxify itself. 2022年4月威斯康星医学院的另一项研究发现,非糖甜味剂可能会影响肝脏解毒能力。 来源:纽约邮报 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
[Photo/unsplash] On Monday, the World Health Organization released new guidelines warning the public not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight loss, revealing that it may actually do more harm to the body than good. New findings showed that artificial sweeteners — like aspartame, a sugar substitute found in Diet Coke — don’t do much to reduce your waistline. In fact, long-term use of these fake sugars could even potentially increase the risk for Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality in adults, WHO said. “Replacing free sugars with NSS (non-sugar sweeteners) does not help with weight control in the long term,” said Francesco Branca, WHO’s director of the department of nutrition for health and development, in a statement. According to WHO, some of the most common non-sugar sweeteners include “acesulfame K, aspartame, advantame, cyclamates, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, stevia and stevia derivatives.” Branca advised that people should instead try to focus on eating foods with natural sugar, like fruit. “People need to consider other ways to reduce free sugars intake, such as consuming food with naturally occurring sugars, like fruit, or unsweetened food and beverage,” he continued. “NSS (non-sugar sweeteners) are not essential dietary factors and have no nutritional value. People should reduce the sweetness of the diet altogether, starting early in life, to improve their health.” WHO noted that these new guidelines are applicable to everyone except for those who have preexisting diabetes. The review was compiled through 283 studies, according to CNN, but some of them were observational, which means that they just show an association. The new guidelines include a wide array of non-sugar sweeteners, too — including ones that are naturally occurring. However, a statement put out by the Calorie Control Council, which is an “international association representing the low and reduced-calorie food and beverage industry,” maintained that these artificial sweeteners were still safe for consumption. ‎“A substantial body of evidence shows that low- and no-calorie sweeteners provide effective and safe options to reduce sugar and calorie consumption,” said Robert Rankin, president of the Calorie Control Council. “This is supported by rigorous reviews of this evidence by the world’s most highly regarded health and regulatory agencies, who have validated the role of these ingredients. “Along with exercise and a healthy diet low- and no-calorie sweeteners are a critical tool that can help consumers manage body weight and reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases.” The International Sweeteners Association also pushed back on the new guidelines in an emailed statement to The Post. “There has been an overwhelming amount of scientific literature supporting low/no calorie sweeteners’ utility for weight management, including the WHO-commissioned systematic review itself,” the organization stated. “The International Sweeteners Association believes it is a disservice to not recognize the public health benefits of low/no calorie sweeteners and is disappointed that the WHO’s conclusions are largely based on low certainty evidence from observational studies, which are at high risk of reverse causality.” WHO advised that the new recommendations encompassed “all synthetic and naturally occurring or modified non-nutritive sweeteners that are not classified as sugars found in manufactured foods and beverages, or sold on their own to be added to foods and beverages by consumers.”However, it does not apply to artificial sweeteners that are found in hygiene products, like toothpastes, skin creams or medications. It also does not apply to “low-calorie sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols),” which are technically sugars or sugar byproducts that do contain calories. This is not the first time that non-sugar sweeteners have been at the forefront of a health debate. Last year, a study found that artificial sweeteners could potentially cause diabetes because they can “alter the body’s microbes,” resulting in a change in blood sugar levels. “In subjects consuming the non-nutritive sweeteners, we could identify very distinct changes in the composition and function of gut microbes and the molecules they secret into peripheral blood,” Eran Elinav, senior author and professor at the National German Cancer Center, told South West News Service at the time. Another study out of the Medical College of Wisconsin last April found that these sugar substitutes could potentially affect the liver’s ability to detoxify itself.
有多少人对糖又爱又恨,希望有种神器能让自己尽享甜蜜的同时又不长肉。阿斯巴甜、三氯蔗糖等非糖甜味剂便成了众多甜食党减肥的“救命神器”。近日,世卫组织发布指南建议不要使用安赛蜜、阿斯巴甜、糖精等非糖甜味剂来控制体重。该组织称,这些非糖甜味剂的摄入会增加成年人患糖尿病,心血管疾病或死亡风险,并且对于减肥来说没有任何实质性的作用。 5月15日,世界卫生组织最新发布的一份指南提醒公众,不要借助非糖甜味剂减肥,这一表态意味着非糖甜味剂对身体健康或弊大于利。 新的研究结果显示,添加在无糖可乐中的阿斯巴甜等人工甜味剂,对减肥没有任何效果。世卫组织称,长期使用非糖甜味剂可能增加成人患2型糖尿病、心血管疾病患病率和死亡的风险。 世卫组织营养促进健康和发展司司长弗朗切斯科·布兰卡说:“从长远来看,用非糖甜味剂代替游离糖无助于控制体重。” 根据世卫组织,最常见的非糖甜味剂包括"安赛蜜、阿斯巴甜、安美、甜蜜素、纽甜、糖精、三氯蔗糖、甜菊和甜菊衍生物"。 布兰卡建议人们主要摄入水果等含天然糖分的食物。 “人们需要考虑其他方法来减少游离糖的摄入量,例如食用含有天然糖分的食物,如水果,或不加糖的食物和饮料,”他继续说道。 “NSS(非糖甜味剂)不是必需的饮食因素,也没有营养价值。人们应该从生命的早期开始完全减少饮食中的甜味,以改善他们的健康。” 世卫组织指出,该指南适用于除糖尿病患者以外的所有人。 据CNN报道,这项审查是通过283项研究汇编而成的,但其中一些是观察性的,这意味着它们只是显示了一种关联。 新指南也包括范围广泛的非糖甜味剂——包括那些天然存在的甜味剂。 然而,卡路里控制委员会,即 "代表低卡路里和减卡路里食品和饮料行业的国际协会",发布的一份声明坚持认为这些人工甜味剂仍然可以安全食用。 "大量证据表明,低热量和无热量甜味剂为减少糖和热量消耗提供了有效和安全的选择,"热量控制委员会主席罗伯特·兰金说。"世界上最受重视的健康和监管机构对这一证据的严格审查支持了这一点,他们已经验证了这些成分的作用。 "伴随着锻炼和健康饮食,低热量和无热量甜味剂是一个关键的工具,可以帮助消费者控制体重和减少非传染性疾病的风险"。 国际甜味剂协会也在给《纽约邮报》的一份电子邮件声明中对新指南进行了反驳。 该组织表示:“有大量科学文献支持低热量/无热量甜味剂对体重管理的效用,包括世卫组织委托进行的系统审查本身。” 国际甜味剂协会认为,不承认低热量/无热量甜味剂对公共健康的益处是一种伤害,并对世卫组织的结论主要基于观察性研究的低确定性证据感到失望,这些研究极有可能出现反向因果关系。 世卫组织表示,该建议中提到的“非糖甜味剂”包括了所有合成的、天然存在的或经过修饰的非营养性甜味剂,这些甜味剂不属于加工食品和饮料中的糖,也不属于消费者自行添加到食品和饮料的糖。但不适用于牙膏、护肤品、药物等含有非糖甜味剂的卫生产品。 该建议也不适用于"低热量的糖和糖醇(多元醇)",从技术上讲,这些糖及其副产品确实含有热量。 这不是非糖甜味剂的健康性第一次受到关注。 2022年,一项研究发现人造甜味剂可能会导致糖尿病,因其可以“改变人体肠道微生物环境”,从而导致血糖​​水平发生变化。 “德国国家癌症中心高级研究院兼教授艾瑞·埃琳娜曾对英国西南新闻社表示:‘在食用非营养性甜味剂的受试者中,我们可以确定肠道微生物的组成和功能以及它们分泌到外周血中的分子发生了非常明显的变化。’” 2022年4月威斯康星医学院的另一项研究发现,非糖甜味剂可能会影响肝脏解毒能力。 来源:纽约邮报 编辑:董静,李蕙帆(实习)
热爱冒险的美国人是出了名的爱搬家,然而调查发现,美国人现在是越来越不爱“动”了。过去,美国人会为了一份新工作搬到另一个城市,而现在美国人宁愿换工作也不愿换房子。这是为什么呢? Photo/Pexels After two years of grousing that no one wants to work anymore, America's employers might have a new line of complaint: No one wants to move. 过去两年来,美国雇主一直在抱怨找不到人干活,如今,他们又多了一件烦心事:没人愿意为工作而搬家。 After steadily falling for decades, the rate of Americans moving for work fell to a record low of just 1.6% in the first three months of the year, according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas. 再就业服务公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的数据显示,美国人为工作而搬家的比例在今年1-3月降到了历史新低1.6%,过去几十年来这一比例一直在稳步下降。 "This is the lowest quarterly result that we've seen, among all the job seekers we've worked with, since 1986," said the company's senior vice president, Andrew Challenger. 该公司的高级副总裁安德鲁·查林杰表示:“就我们合作的求职者而言,这是自1986年以来我们见过的最低季度水平。” Challenger is an outplacement firm, meaning it's hired by companies that are conducting mass layoffs to help those workers find new employment. In the 1980s and '90s, a third of the workers surveyed by Challenger said they regularly moved to take a new job, but that figure has been dropping for years. Challenger是一家再就业公司,它受聘于大规模裁员的企业来帮助下岗员工寻找新工作。据Challenger调查,在上世纪80年代和90年代,三分之一的受访员工称自己为了新工作定期搬家,但是这一比例多年来一直在下降。 The trend is evidence of a decline in the dynamism of the US economy, experts say, while also undercutting the historic narrative of Americans as a population of pioneers and risk-takers boldly venturing into new terrain in pursuit of opportunity. 专家称,这一趋势印证了美国经济活力的衰退,同时也削弱了美国人作为敢于追逐机遇开疆拓土的先驱和冒险者的历史形象。 A confluence of factors lead to Americans' declining willingness to relocate for work, according to economists. First, despite businesses' push to bring employees back to the office, remote jobs are still plentiful for white-collar workers — that gives them options if they decide to seek new position. 经济学家指出,多个因素导致美国人越来越不愿意为了工作而搬家。首先,尽管企业敦促员工返岗上班,白领工人仍然可以找到很多远程工作,这让他们想换工作就可以换。 The pandemic-fueled run up in home prices, coupled with the surge in mortgage rates over the past year, also has made it much more difficult to move as housing costs have shot up much faster than incomes. 其次,疫情推高了房价,再加上去年按揭利率的飙升,住房成本比收入的上涨速度更快,这导致搬家难度大增。 Skyrocketing housing prices are a major roadblock to mobility. Nationwide, home prices have soared nearly 25% over the last two years, coupled with mortgage rates that have more than doubled since the start of 2022. The typical monthly mortgage payment for a single-family home now takes up half of a purchaser's monthly disposable income, up from about 30% pre-pandemic, according to research from Pantheon Macroeconomics. 房价飙升是流动性的一大障碍。从全美范围来看,过去两年来房价已经飙升近25%,按揭利率自2022年初以来已经涨了一倍还多。潘西恩宏观经济公司的调查结果显示,如今单户住宅平均每月的按揭款已经占用了购买者可支配月收入的一半,相比疫情前30%的比例大增。 Meanwhile, nearly 1 in 4 existing mortgages today have a rate under 3%, the research firm said. That's contributing to many homeowners feeling "locked in" to their current home, loath to trade it for a new place shackled to a much higher mortgage rate. 与此同时,这家调研机构发现,目前近四分之一按揭房的房贷利率不到3%。这让许多房主不愿舍弃现在的房子,因为不愿将其置换成一个房贷利率高得多的新房。 "[M]ost existing homeowners are not going to move unless they absolutely have to, due to death, divorce, or an—irresistible—job offer," Pantheon said in a report. 潘西恩公司在一份报告中称:“当前多数房主都不愿搬家,除非遇到了不得已的情况,比如死亡、离婚或难以抗拒的新职位。” 英文来源:CBS新闻 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo/Pexels After two years of grousing that no one wants to work anymore, America's employers might have a new line of complaint: No one wants to move. After steadily falling for decades, the rate of Americans moving for work fell to a record low of just 1.6% in the first three months of the year, according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas. "This is the lowest quarterly result that we've seen, among all the job seekers we've worked with, since 1986," said the company's senior vice president, Andrew Challenger. Challenger is an outplacement firm, meaning it's hired by companies that are conducting mass layoffs to help those workers find new employment. In the 1980s and '90s, a third of the workers surveyed by Challenger said they regularly moved to take a new job, but that figure has been dropping for years. The trend is evidence of a decline in the dynamism of the US economy, experts say, while also undercutting the historic narrative of Americans as a population of pioneers and risk-takers boldly venturing into new terrain in pursuit of opportunity. A confluence of factors lead to Americans' declining willingness to relocate for work, according to economists. First, despite businesses' push to bring employees back to the office, remote jobs are still plentiful for white-collar workers — that gives them options if they decide to seek new position. The pandemic-fueled run up in home prices, coupled with the surge in mortgage rates over the past year, also has made it much more difficult to move as housing costs have shot up much faster than incomes. Skyrocketing housing prices are a major roadblock to mobility. Nationwide, home prices have soared nearly 25% over the last two years, coupled with mortgage rates that have more than doubled since the start of 2022. The typical monthly mortgage payment for a single-family home now takes up half of a purchaser's monthly disposable income, up from about 30% pre-pandemic, according to research from Pantheon Macroeconomics. Meanwhile, nearly 1 in 4 existing mortgages today have a rate under 3%, the research firm said. That's contributing to many homeowners feeling "locked in" to their current home, loath to trade it for a new place shackled to a much higher mortgage rate. "[M]ost existing homeowners are not going to move unless they absolutely have to, due to death, divorce, or an—irresistible—job offer," Pantheon said in a report.
热爱冒险的美国人是出了名的爱搬家,然而调查发现,美国人现在是越来越不爱“动”了。过去,美国人会为了一份新工作搬到另一个城市,而现在美国人宁愿换工作也不愿换房子。这是为什么呢? 过去两年来,美国雇主一直在抱怨找不到人干活,如今,他们又多了一件烦心事:没人愿意为工作而搬家。 再就业服务公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的数据显示,美国人为工作而搬家的比例在今年1-3月降到了历史新低1.6%,过去几十年来这一比例一直在稳步下降。 该公司的高级副总裁安德鲁·查林杰表示:“就我们合作的求职者而言,这是自1986年以来我们见过的最低季度水平。” Challenger是一家再就业公司,它受聘于大规模裁员的企业来帮助下岗员工寻找新工作。据Challenger调查,在上世纪80年代和90年代,三分之一的受访员工称自己为了新工作定期搬家,但是这一比例多年来一直在下降。 专家称,这一趋势印证了美国经济活力的衰退,同时也削弱了美国人作为敢于追逐机遇开疆拓土的先驱和冒险者的历史形象。 经济学家指出,多个因素导致美国人越来越不愿意为了工作而搬家。首先,尽管企业敦促员工返岗上班,白领工人仍然可以找到很多远程工作,这让他们想换工作就可以换。 其次,疫情推高了房价,再加上去年按揭利率的飙升,住房成本比收入的上涨速度更快,这导致搬家难度大增。 房价飙升是流动性的一大障碍。从全美范围来看,过去两年来房价已经飙升近25%,按揭利率自2022年初以来已经涨了一倍还多。潘西恩宏观经济公司的调查结果显示,如今单户住宅平均每月的按揭款已经占用了购买者可支配月收入的一半,相比疫情前30%的比例大增。 与此同时,这家调研机构发现,目前近四分之一按揭房的房贷利率不到3%。这让许多房主不愿舍弃现在的房子,因为不愿将其置换成一个房贷利率高得多的新房。 潘西恩公司在一份报告中称:“当前多数房主都不愿搬家,除非遇到了不得已的情况,比如死亡、离婚或难以抗拒的新职位。” 英文来源:CBS新闻 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,拼多多一名22岁女性员工,在凌晨1点半下班途中猝死,事件在网上引发关注。 1月4日下午,拼多多方面确认,12月29日凌晨拼多多员工张某霏在步行回家路上晕厥倒地,最后不幸离世。 The Pinduoduo logo is seen in this photo taken July 17, 2018. [Photo/Agencies] A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is an employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital. 12月29日凌晨1时30分,电商拼多多员工、22岁的张女士下班回家时陷入昏迷,随后在医院离世。 在舆论不断发酵之际,知乎上一个认证为拼多多官方的账号在“如何看待网传拼多多员工加班后猝死一事”的问题下面的回答令网友哗然。 有网传图片显示,疑似为拼多多的官方账号评论称: 你们看看底层的人民,哪一个不是用命换钱,我一直不认为是资本的问题,而是这个社会的问题,这是一个用命拼的时代,你可以选择安逸的日子,但你就要选择安逸带来的后果。 As the incident went viral, on Monday an account registered as the company posted a comment on saying, "Everybody is trading life for money; You can choose to stay comfortable but you must bear the result." 随着该事件不断发酵,1月4日一个注册为拼多多的知乎账户发表评论称:“哪个人不是用命换钱;你可以选择安逸的日子,但你就要选择安逸带来的后果。” The comment was deleted within 30 seconds, but a snapshot of it has gone viral, triggering fierce discussions online. 这条评论在30秒内被删除,但一张截图在网上疯传,引发了激烈的讨论。 在对该事件的说明中,拼多多称,从未发布过网传截图的“官方回应”,坚决反对截图上的观点。 不过,知乎官方账号称,“拼多多”系知乎注册用户,其身份真实无误。关于上述争议内容,“拼多多”帐号确实发布过,但在30秒内删除。 随后,拼多多发表致歉声明,承认了拼多多官方账号曾发布此内容,但系拼多多营销合作供应商员工用个人手机发布,该言论不代表任何拼多多官方态度,拼多多官方对该言论表示强烈反对。事件系拼多多对官方账号管控不严导致,向公众表示真诚歉意。 Pinduoduo apologized saying it was not their view, but that of an individual who acted irresponsibly, even promising action against whoever was responsible. 拼多多道歉称,该言论为不负责任的个人观点,并非拼多多的态度,甚至承诺对责任人采取行动。 据《北京青年报》报道,记者从上海市长宁区劳动保障监察大队获悉,接到网络舆情后,劳动保障监察部门已对拼多多公司的劳动用工情况进行调查,会对该公司用人合同、用工时间等情况进行检查。 Shanghai labor security department started an investigation on Pinduoduo’s employment conditions on Monday, according to the Beijing Youth Daily. 据《北京青年报》报道,上海市劳动保障监察部门4日开始对拼多多的劳动用工情况进行调查。 尽管拼多多道歉了,并和知乎上的回答“划清了界限”,但相关言论再度引发了关于职场加班文化的全民大讨论。 中国日报评论称: 劳动是大部分人的常态,劳动也是大部分人改善生活的主要手段。崇尚奋斗是不变的主旋律,提倡奋斗也是一种积极的价值观。但是,奋斗和劳动如果被异化成“拿命换钱”,那就变味儿了。 We live in an age when everyone is struggling for a better life, mostly by laboring. It is positive and healthy for society to praise the struggling spirit, because that is how wealth is created and society moves forward. However, the struggling spirit should never be interpreted as “trading life for money”. 我们生活在一个人人都在为更好的生活而奋斗的时代,劳动是改善生活的主要手段。提倡奋斗是积极和健康的价值观,因为这是创造财富和社会前进的方式。但是,这种奋斗精神决不能被理解为“用生命换取金钱”。 我们劳动是为了更好的生活,人要是没了,创造的财富又有什么用?钱要靠努力去挣,但从来都不是、也永远都不该是拿命换的。“拿命换钱”,这个表述就离谱。 We struggle for better lives of the people, ourselves included; the people are the ends, not means, of that struggle. If life is being traded for money, then the wealth created and accumulated this way is of no use. The phrase “trading life for money” is rather weird because life can never be traded for money. 我们为人民的美好生活而奋斗;人是奋斗的目的,而不是手段。如果用生命换取金钱,那么用这种方式创造和积累的财富是毫无意义的。“用生命换取金钱”这句话相当离谱,因为生命永远不能用金钱来换取。 从劳动者个人角度,当努力学习知识,保护自己的合法权益;从企业角度,应当尊重自己的职工、自觉遵守劳动法律法规;从国家角度,则应当公平立法并严格执法,让劳动者创造财富的同时,也能更好享受到财富和社会进步带来的便利。 It is important for the laborers to know their rights and never compromise. Enterprises must honor the law and respect their employees’ rights. For society, it is necessary to legislate more good laws and strictly enforce them, so that laborers get better protection. Laborers create wealth, and they should enjoy the wealth they create. 劳动者要了解自己的权利,决不妥协。企业必须遵守法律,尊重员工的权利。对于社会来说,有必要制定更多的法律并严格执行,使劳动者得到更好的保护。劳动者该享受自己创造的财富。 记者:张周项 编辑:左卓 来源:中国日报 观察者网
The Pinduoduo logo is seen in this photo taken July 17, 2018. [Photo/Agencies] A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is an employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital. As the incident went viral, on Monday an account registered as the company posted a comment on saying, "Everybody is trading life for money; You can choose to stay comfortable but you must bear the result." The comment was deleted within 30 seconds, but a snapshot of it has gone viral, triggering fierce discussions online. Pinduoduo apologized saying it was not their view, but that of an individual who acted irresponsibly, even promising action against whoever was responsible. Shanghai labor security department started an investigation on Pinduoduo’s employment conditions on Monday, according to the Beijing Youth Daily. We live in an age when everyone is struggling for a better life, mostly by laboring. It is positive and healthy for society to praise the struggling spirit, because that is how wealth is created and society moves forward. However, the struggling spirit should never be interpreted as “trading life for money”. We struggle for better lives of the people, ourselves included; the people are the ends, not means, of that struggle. If life is being traded for money, then the wealth created and accumulated this way is of no use. The phrase “trading life for money” is rather weird because life can never be traded for money. It is important for the laborers to know their rights and never compromise. Enterprises must honor the law and respect their employees’ rights. For society, it is necessary to legislate more good laws and strictly enforce them, so that laborers get better protection. Laborers create wealth, and they should enjoy the wealth they create.
近日,拼多多一名22岁女性员工,在凌晨1点半下班途中猝死,事件在网上引发关注。 1月4日下午,拼多多方面确认,12月29日凌晨拼多多员工张某霏在步行回家路上晕厥倒地,最后不幸离世。 12月29日凌晨1时30分,电商拼多多员工、22岁的张女士下班回家时陷入昏迷,随后在医院离世。 在舆论不断发酵之际,知乎上一个认证为拼多多官方的账号在“如何看待网传拼多多员工加班后猝死一事”的问题下面的回答令网友哗然。 有网传图片显示,疑似为拼多多的官方账号评论称: 你们看看底层的人民,哪一个不是用命换钱,我一直不认为是资本的问题,而是这个社会的问题,这是一个用命拼的时代,你可以选择安逸的日子,但你就要选择安逸带来的后果。 随着该事件不断发酵,1月4日一个注册为拼多多的知乎账户发表评论称:“哪个人不是用命换钱;你可以选择安逸的日子,但你就要选择安逸带来的后果。” 这条评论在30秒内被删除,但一张截图在网上疯传,引发了激烈的讨论。 在对该事件的说明中,拼多多称,从未发布过网传截图的“官方回应”,坚决反对截图上的观点。 不过,知乎官方账号称,“拼多多”系知乎注册用户,其身份真实无误。关于上述争议内容,“拼多多”帐号确实发布过,但在30秒内删除。 随后,拼多多发表致歉声明,承认了拼多多官方账号曾发布此内容,但系拼多多营销合作供应商员工用个人手机发布,该言论不代表任何拼多多官方态度,拼多多官方对该言论表示强烈反对。事件系拼多多对官方账号管控不严导致,向公众表示真诚歉意。 拼多多道歉称,该言论为不负责任的个人观点,并非拼多多的态度,甚至承诺对责任人采取行动。 据《北京青年报》报道,记者从上海市长宁区劳动保障监察大队获悉,接到网络舆情后,劳动保障监察部门已对拼多多公司的劳动用工情况进行调查,会对该公司用人合同、用工时间等情况进行检查。 据《北京青年报》报道,上海市劳动保障监察部门4日开始对拼多多的劳动用工情况进行调查。 尽管拼多多道歉了,并和知乎上的回答“划清了界限”,但相关言论再度引发了关于职场加班文化的全民大讨论。 中国日报评论称: 劳动是大部分人的常态,劳动也是大部分人改善生活的主要手段。崇尚奋斗是不变的主旋律,提倡奋斗也是一种积极的价值观。但是,奋斗和劳动如果被异化成“拿命换钱”,那就变味儿了。 我们生活在一个人人都在为更好的生活而奋斗的时代,劳动是改善生活的主要手段。提倡奋斗是积极和健康的价值观,因为这是创造财富和社会前进的方式。但是,这种奋斗精神决不能被理解为“用生命换取金钱”。 我们劳动是为了更好的生活,人要是没了,创造的财富又有什么用?钱要靠努力去挣,但从来都不是、也永远都不该是拿命换的。“拿命换钱”,这个表述就离谱。 我们为人民的美好生活而奋斗;人是奋斗的目的,而不是手段。如果用生命换取金钱,那么用这种方式创造和积累的财富是毫无意义的。“用生命换取金钱”这句话相当离谱,因为生命永远不能用金钱来换取。 从劳动者个人角度,当努力学习知识,保护自己的合法权益;从企业角度,应当尊重自己的职工、自觉遵守劳动法律法规;从国家角度,则应当公平立法并严格执法,让劳动者创造财富的同时,也能更好享受到财富和社会进步带来的便利。 劳动者要了解自己的权利,决不妥协。企业必须遵守法律,尊重员工的权利。对于社会来说,有必要制定更多的法律并严格执行,使劳动者得到更好的保护。劳动者该享受自己创造的财富。 记者:张周项 编辑:左卓 来源:中国日报 观察者网
多年来韩国一直在同少子化问题和人口老龄化问题作斗争,然而过去的一年给了韩国又一个打击。人口普查数据显示,去年韩国死亡人数首次超过了出生人数,总人口第一次出现负增长。 Photo by Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash South Korea recorded more deaths than births in 2020 for the first time ever, prompting calls for action to revive the country's falling fertility rate. 韩国2020年记录的死亡人数有史以来第一次超过了出生人数,这促使人们呼吁出台措施提高不断降低的生育率。 For years, South Korea has struggled with a growing demographic crisis. The country's fertility rate has repeatedly hit record lows, and ranks near the bottom of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Meanwhile, South Korea's population continues to age, sending the country into a demographic decline. 多年来,韩国一直在和日益严重的人口危机作斗争。该国的生育率屡创历史新低,几乎在全球垫底。与此同时,韩国的人口继续老化,导致人口减少。 But last year's census data, released by the Ministry of Interior and Safety on Monday, appears even more alarming. 但是韩国内政安全部周一(1月4日)公布的去年人口普查数据更令人担忧。 There were only 275,815 births, a record low -- compared to 307,764 deaths, a 3.1% increase in fatalities from the previous year. This is the first time South Korea has hit the "population death cross," when the number of deaths surpasses births, the ministry said in a news release -- and the first time the total population has shrunk. 数据显示,韩国去年新生儿数量只有27万5815人,创历史新低,与此同时,死亡人数达到30万7764人,同比增加3.1%。内政安全部在新闻稿中宣布,这是韩国首次出现死亡人数超过出生人数的“人口死亡数拐点”,也是总人口第一次出现缩水。 The population continues to age rapidly, the census showed: 32.7% of people are in their 40s and 50s, and nearly a quarter are over the age of 60. 普查数据显示,韩国人口继续快速老化:32.7%的人口为四十多或五十多岁,近四分之一的人口超过60岁。 "The constant decline in birth rate shows that low birth rate remains as a big issue in Korea," the release said. "There needs to be a fundamental change in the governmental policies such as welfare, education, and national defense, accordingly." 新闻稿称:“生育率的持续下降表明,低生育率依然是韩国的一个大问题。政府需要相应地在福利、教育、国防等政策上做出根本改变。” The release didn't mention causes of death, or how much the Covid-19 pandemic influenced last year's figures. The pandemic has killed 981 people in South Korea so far, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. 新闻稿没有提及死亡原因,以及新冠疫情对去年数据的影响有多大。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的统计数据显示,迄今为止疫情已经导致韩国981人丧生。 But Korean experts have previously warned that the pandemic could skew the number of births and deaths -- both because of the higher number of Covid-related deaths, and because the circumstances of the pandemic could discourage couples from having children. 但是先前韩国专家曾警告,疫情可能会改变韩国的出生和死亡人数。一方面是因为新冠疫情导致更多人死亡,另一方面是因为疫情会遏制韩国夫妇生育的愿望。 In a report published in December 2020, the central Bank of Korea warned that the country's falling birth rates and aging population would likely "accelerate" due to the impact of Covid-19. The pandemic caused greater job and income insecurity for young adults in their 20s and 30s -- potentially disrupting their plans to start a family. Economic and personal anxieties may cause them to delay having children; in some cases, a temporary postponement on childbirth could turn permanent, said the report. 在2020年12月发布的一份报告中,韩国银行(央行)警告称,该国的生育率下降和人口老龄化可能会在新冠疫情的影响下“加速”。受疫情影响,二三十岁的年轻人工作和收入更加不稳定,从而有可能打乱他们生孩子的计划。报告称,经济和个人焦虑或许会让他们推迟要小孩,在某些情况下,暂时推迟生育可能会转变成永久不育。 The bank warned that South Korea may soon have the highest proportion of elderly people in the world, and urged stronger policies and childbirth incentives to sustain the country's economy. 韩国银行警告,韩国的老年人比例可能很快将达到世界最高水平,并敦促政府采取更强有力的政策和生育激励措施来支撑该国经济。 Women wearing masks walk in a shopping district amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Seoul, South Korea, January 4, 2021. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji Other countries with low fertility rates have also seen their demographic difficulties deepen during the pandemic. Japan, which has struggled for years with low birth rates and an aging population, saw the number of reported pregnancies and marriages fall in the first half of 2020. 在其他生育率低的国家,人口难题也在疫情期间进一步加剧。多年来一直受低生育率和人口老龄化困扰的日本2020年上半年报告的怀孕和结婚人数都出现下降。 In October, Japanese Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate Tetsushi Sakamoto told reporters that the pandemic might be discouraging people from getting pregnant and starting families. 去年十月,日本少子化对策专任大臣坂本哲志告诉记者称,疫情可能会阻止人们怀孕生小孩。 There are similar reasons behind both Japan and South Korea's population decline -- a major one being a demanding work culture that makes it difficult to balance careers with family life. 日本和韩国人口减少背后都有相似的原因,其中一个主要原因是严苛的工作文化,让人难以平衡事业和家庭生活。 There is also a trend to delay or avoid marriage. In 2018, a majority of South Koreans aged 20 to 44 were single, according to the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHSA). Among those who were not dating, 51% of men and 64% of women said they chose not to date so they can enjoy their hobbies or focus on education. Many say they just don't have the time, money, or emotional capacity to go on dates. 晚婚或不婚的风潮也在韩国蔓延。韩国保健及社会事务研究所的数据显示,2018年大多数年龄在20岁和44岁之间的韩国人为单身。那些没有在约会的单身人士中,有51%的男性和64%的女性称,他们选择不约会是为了从事自己的爱好或专心学习。许多人表示,不约会只是因为没有时间、金钱或情感能力。 In an effort to combat the falling birth and marriage rates, South Korea's government has implemented a number of initiatives and policies. In 2018, the government lowered maximum working hours from 68 hours a week to 52 hours last year, with some experts pointing to the declining fertility rate as a motivator. 为了对抗生育率和结婚率的下降,韩国政府已经实施了多项计划和政策。2018年,韩国政府将每周最长工作时间从68小时缩短为去年的52小时,一些专家指出生育率的下降是一个刺激因素。 More recently in December, the government released its 4th Basic Plan for Low Fertility and Aging Society, which lays out their plans for population policy over the next five years, including offering cash bonuses for childbirth, subsidies for childcare, and expanded benefits for multi-child families. 近期的举措是,韩国政府于12月发布了第四次低生育率和老龄化社会基本规划,规划中部署了未来五年的人口政策,包括提供生育现金红包、育儿津贴,并增加了多孩家庭的福利。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo by Tanaphong Toochinda on Unsplash South Korea recorded more deaths than births in 2020 for the first time ever, prompting calls for action to revive the country's falling fertility rate. For years, South Korea has struggled with a growing demographic crisis. The country's fertility rate has repeatedly hit record lows, and ranks near the bottom of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Meanwhile, South Korea's population continues to age, sending the country into a demographic decline. But last year's census data, released by the Ministry of Interior and Safety on Monday, appears even more alarming. There were only 275,815 births, a record low -- compared to 307,764 deaths, a 3.1% increase in fatalities from the previous year. This is the first time South Korea has hit the "population death cross," when the number of deaths surpasses births, the ministry said in a news release -- and the first time the total population has shrunk. The population continues to age rapidly, the census showed: 32.7% of people are in their 40s and 50s, and nearly a quarter are over the age of 60. "The constant decline in birth rate shows that low birth rate remains as a big issue in Korea," the release said. "There needs to be a fundamental change in the governmental policies such as welfare, education, and national defense, accordingly." The release didn't mention causes of death, or how much the Covid-19 pandemic influenced last year's figures. The pandemic has killed 981 people in South Korea so far, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. But Korean experts have previously warned that the pandemic could skew the number of births and deaths -- both because of the higher number of Covid-related deaths, and because the circumstances of the pandemic could discourage couples from having children. In a report published in December 2020, the central Bank of Korea warned that the country's falling birth rates and aging population would likely "accelerate" due to the impact of Covid-19. The pandemic caused greater job and income insecurity for young adults in their 20s and 30s -- potentially disrupting their plans to start a family. Economic and personal anxieties may cause them to delay having children; in some cases, a temporary postponement on childbirth could turn permanent, said the report. The bank warned that South Korea may soon have the highest proportion of elderly people in the world, and urged stronger policies and childbirth incentives to sustain the country's economy. Women wearing masks walk in a shopping district amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Seoul, South Korea, January 4, 2021. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji Other countries with low fertility rates have also seen their demographic difficulties deepen during the pandemic. Japan, which has struggled for years with low birth rates and an aging population, saw the number of reported pregnancies and marriages fall in the first half of 2020. In October, Japanese Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate Tetsushi Sakamoto told reporters that the pandemic might be discouraging people from getting pregnant and starting families. There are similar reasons behind both Japan and South Korea's population decline -- a major one being a demanding work culture that makes it difficult to balance careers with family life. There is also a trend to delay or avoid marriage. In 2018, a majority of South Koreans aged 20 to 44 were single, according to the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHSA). Among those who were not dating, 51% of men and 64% of women said they chose not to date so they can enjoy their hobbies or focus on education. Many say they just don't have the time, money, or emotional capacity to go on dates. In an effort to combat the falling birth and marriage rates, South Korea's government has implemented a number of initiatives and policies. In 2018, the government lowered maximum working hours from 68 hours a week to 52 hours last year, with some experts pointing to the declining fertility rate as a motivator. More recently in December, the government released its 4th Basic Plan for Low Fertility and Aging Society, which lays out their plans for population policy over the next five years, including offering cash bonuses for childbirth, subsidies for childcare, and expanded benefits for multi-child families.
多年来韩国一直在同少子化问题和人口老龄化问题作斗争,然而过去的一年给了韩国又一个打击。人口普查数据显示,去年韩国死亡人数首次超过了出生人数,总人口第一次出现负增长。 韩国2020年记录的死亡人数有史以来第一次超过了出生人数,这促使人们呼吁出台措施提高不断降低的生育率。 多年来,韩国一直在和日益严重的人口危机作斗争。该国的生育率屡创历史新低,几乎在全球垫底。与此同时,韩国的人口继续老化,导致人口减少。 但是韩国内政安全部周一(1月4日)公布的去年人口普查数据更令人担忧。 数据显示,韩国去年新生儿数量只有27万5815人,创历史新低,与此同时,死亡人数达到30万7764人,同比增加3.1%。内政安全部在新闻稿中宣布,这是韩国首次出现死亡人数超过出生人数的“人口死亡数拐点”,也是总人口第一次出现缩水。 普查数据显示,韩国人口继续快速老化:32.7%的人口为四十多或五十多岁,近四分之一的人口超过60岁。 新闻稿称:“生育率的持续下降表明,低生育率依然是韩国的一个大问题。政府需要相应地在福利、教育、国防等政策上做出根本改变。” 新闻稿没有提及死亡原因,以及新冠疫情对去年数据的影响有多大。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的统计数据显示,迄今为止疫情已经导致韩国981人丧生。 但是先前韩国专家曾警告,疫情可能会改变韩国的出生和死亡人数。一方面是因为新冠疫情导致更多人死亡,另一方面是因为疫情会遏制韩国夫妇生育的愿望。 在2020年12月发布的一份报告中,韩国银行(央行)警告称,该国的生育率下降和人口老龄化可能会在新冠疫情的影响下“加速”。受疫情影响,二三十岁的年轻人工作和收入更加不稳定,从而有可能打乱他们生孩子的计划。报告称,经济和个人焦虑或许会让他们推迟要小孩,在某些情况下,暂时推迟生育可能会转变成永久不育。 韩国银行警告,韩国的老年人比例可能很快将达到世界最高水平,并敦促政府采取更强有力的政策和生育激励措施来支撑该国经济。 在其他生育率低的国家,人口难题也在疫情期间进一步加剧。多年来一直受低生育率和人口老龄化困扰的日本2020年上半年报告的怀孕和结婚人数都出现下降。 去年十月,日本少子化对策专任大臣坂本哲志告诉记者称,疫情可能会阻止人们怀孕生小孩。 日本和韩国人口减少背后都有相似的原因,其中一个主要原因是严苛的工作文化,让人难以平衡事业和家庭生活。 晚婚或不婚的风潮也在韩国蔓延。韩国保健及社会事务研究所的数据显示,2018年大多数年龄在20岁和44岁之间的韩国人为单身。那些没有在约会的单身人士中,有51%的男性和64%的女性称,他们选择不约会是为了从事自己的爱好或专心学习。许多人表示,不约会只是因为没有时间、金钱或情感能力。 为了对抗生育率和结婚率的下降,韩国政府已经实施了多项计划和政策。2018年,韩国政府将每周最长工作时间从68小时缩短为去年的52小时,一些专家指出生育率的下降是一个刺激因素。 近期的举措是,韩国政府于12月发布了第四次低生育率和老龄化社会基本规划,规划中部署了未来五年的人口政策,包括提供生育现金红包、育儿津贴,并增加了多孩家庭的福利。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
好的电影总能引起人们的思考,值得反复观看,细细品味。下面这10部励志电影或许能在2021年给你一些新的启示。 《她的马拉松》 BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON (2019) Brittany Runs a Marathon is an earnest and hilarious dramedy that finally gives Jillian Bell a role worthy of her gifts. 《她的马拉松》是一部严肃而又滑稽的喜剧,最终给了吉莉安·贝尔一个值得她天赋的角色。 《奎迪》 CREED (2015) Creed brings the Rocky franchise off the mat for a surprisingly effective seventh round that extends the boxer's saga in interesting new directions while staying true to its classic predecessors' roots. 《奎迪》让洛奇系列重回银幕,作为该系列第七部作品产生了惊人的反响,这部电影在忠于其经典前作的基础上,将这位拳击手的传奇推向了有趣的新方向。 《阿甘正传》 FORREST GUMP (1994) Forrest Gump may be an overly sentimental film, but its sweetness and charm are usually enough to approximate true depth and grace. 《阿甘正传》可能是一部过度感性的电影,但它的温馨和魅力足够接近真正的深度和涵养。 《隐藏人物》 HIDDEN FIGURES (2017) In heartwarming, crowd-pleasing fashion, Hidden Figures celebrates overlooked -- and crucial -- contributions from a pivotal moment in American history. 《隐藏人物》以温暖人心、取悦大众的风格歌颂了美国历史上一个关键时期被忽视的也是至关重要的贡献。 《头脑特工队》 Inside Out (2015) Inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving, Inside Out is another outstanding addition to the Pixar library of modern animated classics. 《头脑特工队》富有创造性,画面华丽,感人至深,是皮克斯现代动画经典作品中的又一杰作。 《朱莉与朱莉娅》 Julie & Julia (2009) Boosted by Meryl Streep's charismatic performance as Julia Child, Julie and Julia is a light, but fairly entertaining culinary comedy. 有梅丽尔·斯特里普饰演的茱莉亚·切尔德精彩助阵,《朱莉和朱莉娅》是一部轻松但相当有趣的烹饪喜剧。 《最后的假期》 Last Holiday (2006) Although Queen Latifah's bountiful life-affirming spirit permeates the film, director Wayne Wang is unable to revive this remake with any real flair. 尽管奎恩·拉提法积极向上的精神弥漫在整部电影中,但导演王颖却无法以任何真正的才气让这部翻拍作品再次流行。 《少年派的奇幻漂流》 Life of Pi (2012) A 3D adaptation of a supposedly "unfilmable" book, Ang Lee's Life of Pi achieves the near impossible -- it's an astonishing technical achievement that's also emotionally rewarding. 李安的《少年派的奇幻漂流》是一部根据所谓的“不影视化”的书改编的3D电影,它实现了近乎不可能的目标——这是一项令人惊讶的技术成就,在情感上也令人满足。 《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) With exhilarating action and a surprising amount of narrative heft, Mad Max: Fury Road brings George Miller's post-apocalyptic franchise roaring vigorously back to life. 《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》以令人振奋的动作和惊人的叙事分量,将乔治·米勒后世界末日系列生动地复活了。 《涉足荒野》 Wild (2014) Powerfully moving and emotionally resonant, Wild finds director Jean-Marc Vallée and star Reese Witherspoon working at the peak of their respective powers. 《涉足荒野》是导演让·马克·瓦雷和演员瑞茜·威瑟斯彭在各自巅峰时期的合作,这部电影感人至深,引起了人们的共鸣。 来源: 沪江英语
BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON (2019) Brittany Runs a Marathon is an earnest and hilarious dramedy that finally gives Jillian Bell a role worthy of her gifts. CREED (2015) Creed brings the Rocky franchise off the mat for a surprisingly effective seventh round that extends the boxer's saga in interesting new directions while staying true to its classic predecessors' roots. FORREST GUMP (1994) Forrest Gump may be an overly sentimental film, but its sweetness and charm are usually enough to approximate true depth and grace. HIDDEN FIGURES (2017) In heartwarming, crowd-pleasing fashion, Hidden Figures celebrates overlooked -- and crucial -- contributions from a pivotal moment in American history. Inside Out (2015) Inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving, Inside Out is another outstanding addition to the Pixar library of modern animated classics. Julie & Julia (2009) Boosted by Meryl Streep's charismatic performance as Julia Child, Julie and Julia is a light, but fairly entertaining culinary comedy. Last Holiday (2006) Although Queen Latifah's bountiful life-affirming spirit permeates the film, director Wayne Wang is unable to revive this remake with any real flair. Life of Pi (2012) A 3D adaptation of a supposedly "unfilmable" book, Ang Lee's Life of Pi achieves the near impossible -- it's an astonishing technical achievement that's also emotionally rewarding. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) With exhilarating action and a surprising amount of narrative heft, Mad Max: Fury Road brings George Miller's post-apocalyptic franchise roaring vigorously back to life. Wild (2014) Powerfully moving and emotionally resonant, Wild
好的电影总能引起人们的思考,值得反复观看,细细品味。下面这10部励志电影或许能在2021年给你一些新的启示。 《她的马拉松》 《她的马拉松》是一部严肃而又滑稽的喜剧,最终给了吉莉安·贝尔一个值得她天赋的角色。 《奎迪》 《奎迪》让洛奇系列重回银幕,作为该系列第七部作品产生了惊人的反响,这部电影在忠于其经典前作的基础上,将这位拳击手的传奇推向了有趣的新方向。 《阿甘正传》 《阿甘正传》可能是一部过度感性的电影,但它的温馨和魅力足够接近真正的深度和涵养。 《隐藏人物》 《隐藏人物》以温暖人心、取悦大众的风格歌颂了美国历史上一个关键时期被忽视的也是至关重要的贡献。 《头脑特工队》 《头脑特工队》富有创造性,画面华丽,感人至深,是皮克斯现代动画经典作品中的又一杰作。 《朱莉与朱莉娅》 有梅丽尔·斯特里普饰演的茱莉亚·切尔德精彩助阵,《朱莉和朱莉娅》是一部轻松但相当有趣的烹饪喜剧。 《最后的假期》 尽管奎恩·拉提法积极向上的精神弥漫在整部电影中,但导演王颖却无法以任何真正的才气让这部翻拍作品再次流行。 《少年派的奇幻漂流》 李安的《少年派的奇幻漂流》是一部根据所谓的“不影视化”的书改编的3D电影,它实现了近乎不可能的目标——这是一项令人惊讶的技术成就,在情感上也令人满足。 《疯狂的麦克斯4:狂暴之路》 《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴之路》以令人振奋的动作和惊人的叙事分量,将乔治·米勒后世界末日系列生动地复活了。 《涉足荒野》 finds director Jean-Marc Vallée and star Reese Witherspoon working at the peak of their respective powers. 《涉足荒野》是导演让·马克·瓦雷和演员瑞茜·威瑟斯彭在各自巅峰时期的合作,这部电影感人至深,引起了人们的共鸣。 来源: 沪江英语
从高腰裤、阔腿裤到紧身裤、喇叭裤,牛仔裤的流行趋势不断变迁,一起来看看曾经风靡一时的8种牛仔裤潮流都是怎么兴起的。 Photo from Pexels 1. ACID WASH 酸洗牛仔裤 The acid washing process has its roots in 1960s surf culture. According to CRFashionBook, the trend really took off in the 1980s, after Guess released “the first pair of ‘pre-washed’ bleach-splattered jeans.” 酸洗牛仔裤源于20世纪60年代的冲浪文化。据时尚杂志《CR》称,这款裤子是在20世纪80年代盖尔斯品牌推出了“第一条被洗出漂白斑块的牛仔裤”后真正流行起来的。 Photo from Pexels 2. MOM JEANS 老妈牛仔裤 Just the term mom jeans conjures up an image of high-waisted rigid denim jeans with straight (but not tight!) legs. Supposedly, the high waist was meant to cover the tummy and prevent it from spilling over the top of the jeans, creating the dreaded muffin top—but usually, all it did was accentuate any visible fat and make you look frumpy to boot. 单是老妈牛仔裤这个名称就足以让人在脑海里浮现出硬挺的高腰直筒(非紧身)牛仔裤的画面。按理来说,高腰裤本意是遮住小肚子,防止讨厌的腰部赘肉堆在裤头上,但这种裤子却往往突出赘肉,还让你显得很土气。 muffin top: 腰部赘肉 to boot: 再者;除此以外 According to Emma McClendon, a fashion historian and the author of Denim: Fashion’s Frontier , “In the history of jeans as a garment, that high-rise, straight-leg, no-stretch-denim [template] is actually very typical.” That basic shape endured into the 1960s. The term mom jeans didn't become popular until 2003 (a.k.a., the era of super stretchy low-rise jeans) thanks to a Saturday Night Live sketch. 《牛仔裤:时尚先驱》的作者、时尚历史学家爱玛·麦克伦登指出:“无弹力的高腰直筒牛仔裤其实在服装史上一直是基本款。”这种款式到了20世纪60年代还很常见。老妈牛仔裤这一叫法是到2003年(超弹力低腰牛仔裤的时代)才流行起来的,这得感谢《周六夜现场》的一出短剧。 Photo from Pexels 3. JNCO JEANS 阔腿牛仔裤 These ultra-wide, baggy pants featured briefly in the ‘90s teen movie Clueless as the signature look for skater guys—which was exactly who they appealed to at first, before they became so popular that they could be found pretty much everywhere. The jeans debuted in 1993 and eventually boasted leg openings up to 50 inches. After becoming incredibly popular in the '90s and then falling out of favor, JNCOs have been revived several times. 裤腿超宽的牛仔裤曾是上世纪90年代的青少年电影《独领风骚》中滑板少年的标志性装扮,这款牛仔裤最开始吸引的也是滑板少年,后来变得非常流行,简直随处可见。阔腿牛仔裤于1993年推出,后来裤腿设计得越来越宽,最后居然达到了50英寸(127厘米)。上世纪90年代,阔腿牛仔裤风靡一时,后来就逐渐失宠,之后阔腿裤潮流又屡次复兴。 Photo from Pexels 4. SUPER-RIPPED JEANS 破洞牛仔裤 The first pairs of ripped jeans probably happened from actual wear and tear, and some have suggested that the trend of ripped jeans originated in the 1970s with punk bands. But eventually, the trend went way off the rails: Jeans with slashes up and down the legs could be bought new, often for exorbitant prices. Sometimes the tears went beyond rips to become full-on holes in the jeans. 第一条破洞牛仔裤很可能是穿久了磨破的,有些人指出,破洞牛仔裤的潮流源于上世纪70年代的朋克乐队。但后来这一潮流玩过头了,人们甚至会花高昂的价格去买一条从上裂到下的新牛仔裤。有的破洞牛仔裤上不止是有裂口,而是有大窟窿。 Photo from Pexels 5. BELLBOTTOMS 喇叭牛仔裤 Bellbottoms may date as far back at the 17th or 18th centuries, when they were worn by sailors on American Navy ships (where they were eventually phased out in the years after World War II). Bellbottoms rose to prominence among youth of the 1960s as an act of rebellion. 喇叭牛仔裤或许可以追溯到17或18世纪,那时候美国军舰的海员就穿这种裤子(二战结束后喇叭裤逐渐被淘汰)。上世纪60年代,年轻人开始流行穿喇叭牛仔裤来表达自己的反叛。 6. DENIM STIRRUP PANTS 马镫牛仔裤 It's likely that stirrup pants originated in jodhpurs, which were worn during horseback riding; those little pieces of fabric, and later elastic, were added in the 20th century. In the '80s, stirrup pants became a bonafide fashion trend, eventually being made in bright colors and denim. 马镫牛仔裤很可能起源于骑马裤,原本是在马背上穿的,20世纪开始在布料里加入弹性纤维。上世纪80年代,马镫裤真正开始流行起来,并改用颜色明亮的牛仔布制作。 Photo from Pexels 7. DENIM HOT PANTS 牛仔热裤 Denim hot pants are an extreme form of jean shorts where cheek coverage seems to be optional. According to CRFashionBook, the trend began with "short shorts" in the 1950s; then, at the end of the '60s, British designer Mary Quant designed hot pants. They had an inseam of a mere two inches. Hot pants were made from a variety of fabrics, including denim, and were worn by men and women alike. 牛仔热裤是一种超短的牛仔裤,你想多短就有多短。据时尚杂志《CR》称,这一潮流始于20世纪50年代的“超短裤”,后来在60年代末,英国设计师玛丽·匡特设计出了热裤。这款热裤的内接缝只有2英寸(5厘米)长。热裤用包括牛仔布在内的各种布料制成,男女皆可穿。 Photo from Pexels 8. PLEATED JEANS 皱褶牛仔裤 Originally, according to Max Berlinger at Bloomberg, pleats in pants were "a practical design feature to increase comfort at the hip." The denim version of pleated pants became especially popular in the 1980s. Pleated jeans are making a comeback recently. 据彭博社的马克斯·柏林杰介绍,在过去长裤上的皱褶是“一种实用的设计特点,以增加臀部区域的舒适度”。20世纪80年代皱褶牛仔裤变得特别流行,近来也有复兴的迹象。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo from Pexels The acid washing process has its roots in 1960s surf culture. According to CRFashionBook, the trend really took off in the 1980s, after Guess released “the first pair of ‘pre-washed’ bleach-splattered jeans.” Photo from Pexels Just the term mom jeans conjures up an image of high-waisted rigid denim jeans with straight (but not tight!) legs. Supposedly, the high waist was meant to cover the tummy and prevent it from spilling over the top of the jeans, creating the dreaded muffin top—but usually, all it did was accentuate any visible fat and make you look frumpy to boot. According to Emma McClendon, a fashion historian and the author of Denim: Fashion’s Frontier , “In the history of jeans as a garment, that high-rise, straight-leg, no-stretch-denim [template] is actually very typical.” That basic shape endured into the 1960s. The term mom jeans didn't become popular until 2003 (a.k.a., the era of super stretchy low-rise jeans) thanks to a Saturday Night Live sketch. Photo from Pexels These ultra-wide, baggy pants featured briefly in the ‘90s teen movie Clueless as the signature look for skater guys—which was exactly who they appealed to at first, before they became so popular that they could be found pretty much everywhere. The jeans debuted in 1993 and eventually boasted leg openings up to 50 inches. After becoming incredibly popular in the '90s and then falling out of favor, JNCOs have been revived several times. Photo from Pexels The first pairs of ripped jeans probably happened from actual wear and tear, and some have suggested that the trend of ripped jeans originated in the 1970s with punk bands. But eventually, the trend went way off the rails: Jeans with slashes up and down the legs could be bought new, often for exorbitant prices. Sometimes the tears went beyond rips to become full-on holes in the jeans. Photo from Pexels Bellbottoms may date as far back at the 17th or 18th centuries, when they were worn by sailors on American Navy ships (where they were eventually phased out in the years after World War II). Bellbottoms rose to prominence among youth of the 1960s as an act of rebellion. It's likely that stirrup pants originated in jodhpurs, which were worn during horseback riding; those little pieces of fabric, and later elastic, were added in the 20th century. In the '80s, stirrup pants became a bonafide fashion trend, eventually being made in bright colors and denim. Photo from Pexels Denim hot pants are an extreme form of jean shorts where cheek coverage seems to be optional. According to CRFashionBook, the trend began with "short shorts" in the 1950s; then, at the end of the '60s, British designer Mary Quant designed hot pants. They had an inseam of a mere two inches. Hot pants were made from a variety of fabrics, including denim, and were worn by men and women alike. Photo from Pexels Originally, according to Max Berlinger at Bloomberg, pleats in pants were "a practical design feature to increase comfort at the hip." The denim version of pleated pants became especially popular in the 1980s. Pleated jeans are making a comeback recently.
从高腰裤、阔腿裤到紧身裤、喇叭裤,牛仔裤的流行趋势不断变迁,一起来看看曾经风靡一时的8种牛仔裤潮流都是怎么兴起的。 1. ACID WASH 酸洗牛仔裤 酸洗牛仔裤源于20世纪60年代的冲浪文化。据时尚杂志《CR》称,这款裤子是在20世纪80年代盖尔斯品牌推出了“第一条被洗出漂白斑块的牛仔裤”后真正流行起来的。 2. MOM JEANS 老妈牛仔裤 单是老妈牛仔裤这个名称就足以让人在脑海里浮现出硬挺的高腰直筒(非紧身)牛仔裤的画面。按理来说,高腰裤本意是遮住小肚子,防止讨厌的腰部赘肉堆在裤头上,但这种裤子却往往突出赘肉,还让你显得很土气。 muffin top: 腰部赘肉 to boot: 再者;除此以外 《牛仔裤:时尚先驱》的作者、时尚历史学家爱玛·麦克伦登指出:“无弹力的高腰直筒牛仔裤其实在服装史上一直是基本款。”这种款式到了20世纪60年代还很常见。老妈牛仔裤这一叫法是到2003年(超弹力低腰牛仔裤的时代)才流行起来的,这得感谢《周六夜现场》的一出短剧。 3. JNCO JEANS 阔腿牛仔裤 裤腿超宽的牛仔裤曾是上世纪90年代的青少年电影《独领风骚》中滑板少年的标志性装扮,这款牛仔裤最开始吸引的也是滑板少年,后来变得非常流行,简直随处可见。阔腿牛仔裤于1993年推出,后来裤腿设计得越来越宽,最后居然达到了50英寸(127厘米)。上世纪90年代,阔腿牛仔裤风靡一时,后来就逐渐失宠,之后阔腿裤潮流又屡次复兴。 4. SUPER-RIPPED JEANS 破洞牛仔裤 第一条破洞牛仔裤很可能是穿久了磨破的,有些人指出,破洞牛仔裤的潮流源于上世纪70年代的朋克乐队。但后来这一潮流玩过头了,人们甚至会花高昂的价格去买一条从上裂到下的新牛仔裤。有的破洞牛仔裤上不止是有裂口,而是有大窟窿。 5. BELLBOTTOMS 喇叭牛仔裤 喇叭牛仔裤或许可以追溯到17或18世纪,那时候美国军舰的海员就穿这种裤子(二战结束后喇叭裤逐渐被淘汰)。上世纪60年代,年轻人开始流行穿喇叭牛仔裤来表达自己的反叛。 6. DENIM STIRRUP PANTS 马镫牛仔裤 马镫牛仔裤很可能起源于骑马裤,原本是在马背上穿的,20世纪开始在布料里加入弹性纤维。上世纪80年代,马镫裤真正开始流行起来,并改用颜色明亮的牛仔布制作。 7. DENIM HOT PANTS 牛仔热裤 牛仔热裤是一种超短的牛仔裤,你想多短就有多短。据时尚杂志《CR》称,这一潮流始于20世纪50年代的“超短裤”,后来在60年代末,英国设计师玛丽·匡特设计出了热裤。这款热裤的内接缝只有2英寸(5厘米)长。热裤用包括牛仔布在内的各种布料制成,男女皆可穿。 8. PLEATED JEANS 皱褶牛仔裤 据彭博社的马克斯·柏林杰介绍,在过去长裤上的皱褶是“一种实用的设计特点,以增加臀部区域的舒适度”。20世纪80年代皱褶牛仔裤变得特别流行,近来也有复兴的迹象。 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
求职旺季,你会想到“金三银四”“金九银十”,可是你知道吗?在这些求职旺季里,你面临的竞争也会大很多。但是在某些所谓的“淡季”却是求职成功率最高的时候。嘘!HR从来都不会告诉你,夏季求职是最聪明的选择! Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels 1. Interviewers are less pressed for time. It's a slow season in many industries. Accounting firms, for example, are busy in the winter and early spring, so summer is a great time for them to build and train their staff. 1.面试官的时间比较宽裕。对许多行业来说,夏季是业务淡季。例如,会计师事务所冬季和开春时期业务繁忙,所以,夏季对他们来说,是打造团队,培训人才的最佳时机。 2. The jobs are there. The employer is keenly aware of the number of jobs currently going unfilled due to a scarcity of skilled candidates. A recent poll of 900 managers who hire techies says that 65% hope to add staff in the second half of the year --that is, starting in July. 2.职位空缺依然存在。招聘者很清楚,由于有经验的求职者数量不足,所以职位空缺的数量依然很大。招聘网站Dice.com最近对招聘工程师的900位经理进行了调查。结果显示,65%的受访者希望在下半年增加人手,也就是说,从七月份就得开始招聘了。 Besides candidates enjoy one distinct advantage during the summer: You face less competition if other job seekers are buying into the summer-slowdown myth. 此外,在夏季求职还有另外一个独特的优势:如果其他求职者都相信夏季不是找工作的好时间,那你面临的竞争就少多了。 3. Contract-to-hire positions are more abundant during summer. Many organizations bring in contract employees to fill in for people on vacation, or for people who have timed longer leaves of absence like sabbaticals to coincide with summer. These temporary positions could turn into permanent jobs. 3.夏季的临时职位更多。许多公司都需要招聘临时员工,填补休假员工的职位空缺;有些员工为在夏季多休几天,特意安排了休假时间。而这些临时职位有可能会转变成为固定职位。 4. There are more opportunities for in-person networking. Summer is a social season. So take advantage of occasions like golf outings and neighborhood get-togethers to expand your professional network. 4.夏季为打造人脉网络提供更多机遇。夏季社交活动频繁,求职者应充分利用打高尔夫球、与邻居聚会等机会,扩大人脉关系。 5. Interviews may be sped up. While summer vacation schedules can prolong the interview process, they can also expedite it. Hiring managers may decide to pack a whole series of interviews into as little as one day, to avoid the complexity of scheduling multiple meetings. 5.面试程序可能会提速。虽然夏季的休假计划会延长面试的过程,但是,招聘方也可能加快面试的步伐。招聘经理有可能会化繁为简,把所有面试尽可能安排在一天内进行。 6. Summer may make a transition easier. Since the pace of work may be somewhat less hectic, job candidates may find they have a better chance of getting acquainted with prospective colleagues and bosses. 6.夏季换工作可能更容易。夏季的工作节奏可能较慢,求职者可能有更好的机会与未来的同事和老板相互了解。 来源: 沪江英语
Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels 1. Interviewers are less pressed for time. It's a slow season in many industries. Accounting firms, for example, are busy in the winter and early spring, so summer is a great time for them to build and train their staff. 2. The jobs are there. The employer is keenly aware of the number of jobs currently going unfilled due to a scarcity of skilled candidates. A recent poll of 900 managers who hire techies says that 65% hope to add staff in the second half of the year --that is, starting in July. Besides candidates enjoy one distinct advantage during the summer: You face less competition if other job seekers are buying into the summer-slowdown myth. 3. Contract-to-hire positions are more abundant during summer. Many organizations bring in contract employees to fill in for people on vacation, or for people who have timed longer leaves of absence like sabbaticals to coincide with summer. These temporary positions could turn into permanent jobs. 4. There are more opportunities for in-person networking. Summer is a social season. So take advantage of occasions like golf outings and neighborhood get-togethers to expand your professional network. 5. Interviews may be sped up. While summer vacation schedules can prolong the interview process, they can also expedite it. Hiring managers may decide to pack a whole series of interviews into as little as one day, to avoid the complexity of scheduling multiple meetings. 6. Summer may make a transition easier. Since the pace of work may be somewhat less hectic, job candidates may find they have a better chance of getting acquainted with prospective colleagues and bosses.
求职旺季,你会想到“金三银四”“金九银十”,可是你知道吗?在这些求职旺季里,你面临的竞争也会大很多。但是在某些所谓的“淡季”却是求职成功率最高的时候。嘘!HR从来都不会告诉你,夏季求职是最聪明的选择! 1.面试官的时间比较宽裕。对许多行业来说,夏季是业务淡季。例如,会计师事务所冬季和开春时期业务繁忙,所以,夏季对他们来说,是打造团队,培训人才的最佳时机。 2.职位空缺依然存在。招聘者很清楚,由于有经验的求职者数量不足,所以职位空缺的数量依然很大。招聘网站Dice.com最近对招聘工程师的900位经理进行了调查。结果显示,65%的受访者希望在下半年增加人手,也就是说,从七月份就得开始招聘了。 此外,在夏季求职还有另外一个独特的优势:如果其他求职者都相信夏季不是找工作的好时间,那你面临的竞争就少多了。 3.夏季的临时职位更多。许多公司都需要招聘临时员工,填补休假员工的职位空缺;有些员工为在夏季多休几天,特意安排了休假时间。而这些临时职位有可能会转变成为固定职位。 4.夏季为打造人脉网络提供更多机遇。夏季社交活动频繁,求职者应充分利用打高尔夫球、与邻居聚会等机会,扩大人脉关系。 5.面试程序可能会提速。虽然夏季的休假计划会延长面试的过程,但是,招聘方也可能加快面试的步伐。招聘经理有可能会化繁为简,把所有面试尽可能安排在一天内进行。 6.夏季换工作可能更容易。夏季的工作节奏可能较慢,求职者可能有更好的机会与未来的同事和老板相互了解。 来源: 沪江英语
许多人在年初都会写下很多美好的新年决心,但是最终实现的人总是寥寥无几。既然新年决心难以坚持,为什么大家还要一年又一年不厌其烦地下这个决心呢?其实,新年决心是一项历史非常悠久的传统,早在四千年前,古人就播下了新年决心的种子。 Photo from Pexels Every time a new year rolls around, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation they've always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did this tradition come from? Why does this tradition live on when so many people fail to keep the resolutions they make? Well, we can start by blaming the ancient Babylonians. 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,找一份新工作,或者去休那个心心念念的假期。但是,为什么我们要在新年下决心?这一传统从何而来呢?为什么这么多人都坚持不了新年决心,这项传统还是能延续下去呢?追根溯源,这要从古巴比伦人说起了。 Around 4000 years ago in Babylon, the earliest recorded celebration honoring the coming of a new year was held. Calendars weren’t as they are today, so the Babylonians kicked things off in late March during the first new moon after the Spring Equinox. The collective ceremonial events were known as the Akitu festival, which lasted 11 days. The festivities were dedicated to the rebirth of the sun god Marduk, but the Babylonians made promises in order to get on the right side of all of their gods. They felt this would help them start the new year off on the right foot. 大约在四千年前,古巴比伦举行了最早记载的新年庆祝活动。那时候的日历和今时不同,古巴比伦人的新年庆祝活动是在三月末,也就是春分后第一轮新月出现的那段时间。这种集体庆祝仪式被称作阿基图庆典,要持续11天。庆典的主题是太阳神马杜克的重生,但是巴比伦人会在庆典上许诺,以取悦诸神。他们觉得这会帮助他们顺利地开始新的一年。 Resolutions continued on with the Romans. When the early Roman calendar no longer synced up with the sun, Julius Caesar decided to make a change. He consulted with the best astronomers and mathematicians of the time and introduced the Julian calendar, which more closely represents the modern calendar we use today. Caesar declared January 1 the first day of the year to honor the god of new beginnings, Janus. The Romans celebrated the New Year by offering sacrifices to Janus. 罗马人延续了新年决心的传统。当罗马早期日历不再与太阳同步时,凯撒大帝决定作出改变。他和当时最杰出的天文学家和数学家讨论后,推出了儒略历,这部日历更接近我们现在使用的现代日历。凯撒宣布(现代日历中的)1月1日是一年的第一天,以纪念起源神雅努斯。罗马人用向雅努斯祭祀的方式来庆祝新年。 To this day, the traditions of the ancient Babylonians and Romans continue on around the world. So much so that Google launched a Resolution Map in 2013 where people could add resolutions and see others adding theirs in real time. However, no matter how many people participated in Google’s project, the numbers are bleak when it comes to the amount of people who maintain their resolutions; only eight percent of people are successful in sticking them out. 直到今天,古巴比伦人和罗马人的传统依然在世界各地延续。谷歌还在2013年推出了新年决心地图,人们可以往地图上添加新年决心,还能实时看到其他人添加新年决心。但是,不论有多少人参加了谷歌的这一项目,最终坚持下来的人数量少得可怜;只有8%的人兑现了自己的新年计划。 Photo from Pexels 最常见的新年决心: Lose Weight 减肥 Get Organized 变得有条理 Save More Money 攒下更多钱 Enjoy Life 享受生活 Get—and Stay—Healthy 变得更健康,保持健康 Learn Something New 学习新的东西 Quit Smoking 戒烟 Help Others Pursue Their Goals 帮助别人追求目标 Find Love 寻找真爱 Spend More Quality Time With Family Members 和家人度过更多美好时光 If those failed resolutions above look familiar and remind you that the whole concept is a bust, or if they inspire you to create your own list of promises for 2021, just remember that this tradition is destined to live on. We have 4000 years worth of history telling us so, and that's a statistic that's hard to argue with. 如果上面这些夭折的新年决心看起来很熟悉,让你想起所有失败的决心,或者激励你定下自己2021年的新年目标,那么,请记住这个传统注定是要世代流传的。过去四千年的历史就是这么传下来的,这个谁也无法辩驳。 所以,你的新年决心是什么呢? 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo from Pexels Every time a new year rolls around, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation they've always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did this tradition come from? Why does this tradition live on when so many people fail to keep the resolutions they make? Well, we can start by blaming the ancient Babylonians. Around 4000 years ago in Babylon, the earliest recorded celebration honoring the coming of a new year was held. Calendars weren’t as they are today, so the Babylonians kicked things off in late March during the first new moon after the Spring Equinox. The collective ceremonial events were known as the Akitu festival, which lasted 11 days. The festivities were dedicated to the rebirth of the sun god Marduk, but the Babylonians made promises in order to get on the right side of all of their gods. They felt this would help them start the new year off on the right foot. Resolutions continued on with the Romans. When the early Roman calendar no longer synced up with the sun, Julius Caesar decided to make a change. He consulted with the best astronomers and mathematicians of the time and introduced the Julian calendar, which more closely represents the modern calendar we use today. Caesar declared January 1 the first day of the year to honor the god of new beginnings, Janus. The Romans celebrated the New Year by offering sacrifices to Janus. To this day, the traditions of the ancient Babylonians and Romans continue on around the world. So much so that Google launched a Resolution Map in 2013 where people could add resolutions and see others adding theirs in real time. However, no matter how many people participated in Google’s project, the numbers are bleak when it comes to the amount of people who maintain their resolutions; only eight percent of people are successful in sticking them out. Photo from Pexels If those failed resolutions above look familiar and remind you that the whole concept is a bust, or if they inspire you to create your own list of promises for 2021, just remember that this tradition is destined to live on. We have 4000 years worth of history telling us so, and that's a statistic that's hard to argue with.
许多人在年初都会写下很多美好的新年决心,但是最终实现的人总是寥寥无几。既然新年决心难以坚持,为什么大家还要一年又一年不厌其烦地下这个决心呢?其实,新年决心是一项历史非常悠久的传统,早在四千年前,古人就播下了新年决心的种子。 每当又一个新年来临,人们总要设定提升自己的目标。他们发誓要减肥,找一份新工作,或者去休那个心心念念的假期。但是,为什么我们要在新年下决心?这一传统从何而来呢?为什么这么多人都坚持不了新年决心,这项传统还是能延续下去呢?追根溯源,这要从古巴比伦人说起了。 大约在四千年前,古巴比伦举行了最早记载的新年庆祝活动。那时候的日历和今时不同,古巴比伦人的新年庆祝活动是在三月末,也就是春分后第一轮新月出现的那段时间。这种集体庆祝仪式被称作阿基图庆典,要持续11天。庆典的主题是太阳神马杜克的重生,但是巴比伦人会在庆典上许诺,以取悦诸神。他们觉得这会帮助他们顺利地开始新的一年。 罗马人延续了新年决心的传统。当罗马早期日历不再与太阳同步时,凯撒大帝决定作出改变。他和当时最杰出的天文学家和数学家讨论后,推出了儒略历,这部日历更接近我们现在使用的现代日历。凯撒宣布(现代日历中的)1月1日是一年的第一天,以纪念起源神雅努斯。罗马人用向雅努斯祭祀的方式来庆祝新年。 直到今天,古巴比伦人和罗马人的传统依然在世界各地延续。谷歌还在2013年推出了新年决心地图,人们可以往地图上添加新年决心,还能实时看到其他人添加新年决心。但是,不论有多少人参加了谷歌的这一项目,最终坚持下来的人数量少得可怜;只有8%的人兑现了自己的新年计划。 最常见的新年决心: Lose Weight 减肥 Get Organized 变得有条理 Save More Money 攒下更多钱 Enjoy Life 享受生活 Get—and Stay—Healthy 变得更健康,保持健康 Learn Something New 学习新的东西 Quit Smoking 戒烟 Help Others Pursue Their Goals 帮助别人追求目标 Find Love 寻找真爱 Spend More Quality Time With Family Members 和家人度过更多美好时光 如果上面这些夭折的新年决心看起来很熟悉,让你想起所有失败的决心,或者激励你定下自己2021年的新年目标,那么,请记住这个传统注定是要世代流传的。过去四千年的历史就是这么传下来的,这个谁也无法辩驳。 所以,你的新年决心是什么呢? 英文来源:Mental Floss 翻译&编辑:丹妮
当时钟在午夜十二点敲响时,数百万人将开香槟放烟火庆祝新年,其他许多人则将举行一些更为奇特的庆祝仪式,诸如熔铅、跳椅子或吃葡萄。 One of the world's oldest shared traditions, New Year's celebrations take many forms, but most cultures have one thing in common -- letting one's hair down after a long, hard year. 作为举世同庆的最古老的传统之一,新年的庆祝活动有多种形式,但大多数文化对新年的庆祝都有个共同之处——就是在度过漫长、辛劳的一年之后好好放松一下。 For much of the globe this involves sipping bubbly with friends until the sun comes up, seeing out the old year with bonfires and flares and off-key renditions of Auld Lang Syne. 对于世界上许多人而言,庆祝新年就是和朋友一起彻夜不眠,喝着气泡酒,在篝火前哼着跑调的《友谊天长地久》,欣赏着烟花,直到新年的太阳升起。 But others have rather more curious habits, often steeped in superstition. 但其他人则有着更为奇特的风俗习惯,这些风俗通常都和迷信密切相关。 In Finland, say tour guides, people pour molten lead into cold water to divine the year ahead from the shape the metal sets in. If the blob represents a ship it is said to foretell travel, if it's a ball, good luck. 据导游说,在芬兰,人们会把熔化的液体铅倒进冷水里,通过铅在水中形成的形状来占卜新的一年的命运。如果铅团的形状像船,这意味着新的一年将要去旅行,如果是一个球,就预示着好运。 In Denmark, people stand on chairs and jump off in unison as the clock strikes midnight, literally leaping into the new year. 在丹麦,人们站在椅子上,在午夜钟声敲响时一起跳下椅子,这象征着人们跨入了新的一年。 The Danes also throw plates at their friends' homes during the night -- the more shards you find outside your door in the morning the more popular you are said to be. 丹麦人还会在除夕夜向朋友的家扔盘子,第二天清早你在门外发现的陶瓷碎片越多,就说明你越受欢迎。 The Dutch build massive bonfires with their Christmas trees and eat sugary donuts -- one of many cultures to consume round New Year's foods traditionally believed to represent good fortune. 荷兰人会用圣诞树点起巨大的篝火堆,在篝火前吃甜甜圈——许多文化都有这种在新年吃圆形食物的传统,人们相信圆形食物代表着好运。 Spaniards, in turn, gobble a dozen grapes before the stroke of midnight, each fruit representing a month that will either be sweet or sour. 西班牙人则会在午夜钟声敲响前吃下十二颗葡萄,每一颗葡萄都代表新一年中的一个月,葡萄如果是甜的,那么它代表的那个月份的生活就是甜的,葡萄是酸的,那么就意味着相应的月份会过得比较糟糕。 In the Philippines, revellers wear polka dots for good luck, while in some countries of South America people don brightly coloured underwear to attract fortune -- red for love and yellow for financial success. 在菲律宾,狂欢者会穿上圆点图案的衣服,因为这象征着好运,而在南美的一些国家,人们会穿上颜色鲜亮的内衣以招来好运——红色代表爱情,黄色代表经济上的成功。 Despite regional and cultural differences, for most the New Year's festivities are a chance to let off steam before the annual cycle starts all over again. 尽管存在着地区和文化的差异,对大多数人而言,新年的庆祝活动是一个让人们可以在新的一轮循环开始之前放松减压、发泄情绪的机会。 "This is a holiday that is about relaxation and letting go," explained George Washington University sociologist Amitai Etzioni. 乔治华盛顿大学的社会学家阿米泰•艾丘尼说:“这是一个让人放松和释放自己的节日。”
One of the world's oldest shared traditions, New Year's celebrations take many forms, but most cultures have one thing in common -- letting one's hair down after a long, hard year. For much of the globe this involves sipping bubbly with friends until the sun comes up, seeing out the old year with bonfires and flares and off-key renditions of Auld Lang Syne. But others have rather more curious habits, often steeped in superstition. In Finland, say tour guides, people pour molten lead into cold water to divine the year ahead from the shape the metal sets in. If the blob represents a ship it is said to foretell travel, if it's a ball, good luck. In Denmark, people stand on chairs and jump off in unison as the clock strikes midnight, literally leaping into the new year. The Danes also throw plates at their friends' homes during the night -- the more shards you find outside your door in the morning the more popular you are said to be. The Dutch build massive bonfires with their Christmas trees and eat sugary donuts -- one of many cultures to consume round New Year's foods traditionally believed to represent good fortune. Spaniards, in turn, gobble a dozen grapes before the stroke of midnight, each fruit representing a month that will either be sweet or sour. In the Philippines, revellers wear polka dots for good luck, while in some countries of South America people don brightly coloured underwear to attract fortune -- red for love and yellow for financial success. Despite regional and cultural differences, for most the New Year's festivities are a chance to let off steam before the annual cycle starts all over again. "This is a holiday that is about relaxation and letting go," explained George Washington University sociologist Amitai Etzioni.
当时钟在午夜十二点敲响时,数百万人将开香槟放烟火庆祝新年,其他许多人则将举行一些更为奇特的庆祝仪式,诸如熔铅、跳椅子或吃葡萄。 作为举世同庆的最古老的传统之一,新年的庆祝活动有多种形式,但大多数文化对新年的庆祝都有个共同之处——就是在度过漫长、辛劳的一年之后好好放松一下。 对于世界上许多人而言,庆祝新年就是和朋友一起彻夜不眠,喝着气泡酒,在篝火前哼着跑调的《友谊天长地久》,欣赏着烟花,直到新年的太阳升起。 但其他人则有着更为奇特的风俗习惯,这些风俗通常都和迷信密切相关。 据导游说,在芬兰,人们会把熔化的液体铅倒进冷水里,通过铅在水中形成的形状来占卜新的一年的命运。如果铅团的形状像船,这意味着新的一年将要去旅行,如果是一个球,就预示着好运。 在丹麦,人们站在椅子上,在午夜钟声敲响时一起跳下椅子,这象征着人们跨入了新的一年。 丹麦人还会在除夕夜向朋友的家扔盘子,第二天清早你在门外发现的陶瓷碎片越多,就说明你越受欢迎。 荷兰人会用圣诞树点起巨大的篝火堆,在篝火前吃甜甜圈——许多文化都有这种在新年吃圆形食物的传统,人们相信圆形食物代表着好运。 西班牙人则会在午夜钟声敲响前吃下十二颗葡萄,每一颗葡萄都代表新一年中的一个月,葡萄如果是甜的,那么它代表的那个月份的生活就是甜的,葡萄是酸的,那么就意味着相应的月份会过得比较糟糕。 在菲律宾,狂欢者会穿上圆点图案的衣服,因为这象征着好运,而在南美的一些国家,人们会穿上颜色鲜亮的内衣以招来好运——红色代表爱情,黄色代表经济上的成功。 尽管存在着地区和文化的差异,对大多数人而言,新年的庆祝活动是一个让人们可以在新的一轮循环开始之前放松减压、发泄情绪的机会。 乔治华盛顿大学的社会学家阿米泰•艾丘尼说:“这是一个让人放松和释放自己的节日。”
新年前夕,国家主席习近平通过中央广播电视总台和互联网,发表了二〇二一年新年贺词。 President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year speech on Dec 31, 2020 via China Media Group and the internet. [Photo/Xinhua] 双语全文如下: 大家好! Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all! 2021年的脚步越来越近,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福! The year 2021 is arriving. From China's capital Beijing, I extend my New Year wishes to you all! 2020年是极不平凡的一年。面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,我们以人民至上、生命至上诠释了人间大爱,用众志成城、坚忍不拔书写了抗疫史诗。 2020 was an extraordinary year. Facing the sudden coronavirus pandemic, we put people and their lives first to interpret the great love among humans. With solidarity and resilience, we wrote the epic of our fight against the pandemic. 在共克时艰的日子里,有逆行出征的豪迈,有顽强不屈的坚守,有患难与共的担当,有英勇无畏的牺牲,有守望相助的感动。 During the days when we addressed the hardships together, we saw the heroic spirit of marching straight to the frontlines, holding posts with tenacity, taking responsibility to get through thick and thin, sacrifices with bravery, and touching moments of helping each other. 从白衣天使到人民子弟兵,从科研人员到社区工作者,从志愿者到工程建设者,从古稀老人到“90后”、“00后”青年一代,无数人以生命赴使命、用挚爱护苍生,将涓滴之力汇聚成磅礴伟力,构筑起守护生命的铜墙铁壁。 From medical workers to the people's army, from scientific researchers to community workers, from volunteers to those who built the projects, from seniors to youths born after the 1990s and 2000s, numerous people fulfilled their missions at the cost of their lives and protected humanity with sincere love. They pooled their drops of strength into tremendous power and built an iron wall to safeguard lives. 一个个义无反顾的身影,一次次心手相连的接力,一幕幕感人至深的场景,生动展示了伟大抗疫精神。 Many figures marched ahead without hesitation, many relays were accomplished hand in hand, many scenes showed touching moments, all these vividly illustrate the great spirit of fighting against the pandemic. 平凡铸就伟大,英雄来自人民。每个人都了不起! Greatness is forged in the ordinary. Heroes come from the people. Every person is remarkable! 向所有不幸感染的病患者表示慰问!向所有平凡的英雄致敬! Our sympathy goes to all the unfortunate ones infected with the coronavirus! We salute all the ordinary heroes! 我为伟大的祖国和人民而骄傲,为自强不息的民族精神而自豪! I am proud of our great motherland and people, as well as the unyielding national spirit. 艰难方显勇毅,磨砺始得玉成。我们克服疫情影响,统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展取得重大成果。 Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be manifested. Only after polishing can a piece of jade be finer. We overcame the impact of the pandemic, and made great achievements in coordinating prevention and control and in economic and social development. “十三五”圆满收官,“十四五”全面擘画。新发展格局加快构建,高质量发展深入实施。 The 13th Five-Year Plan has been accomplished in full. The 14th Five-Year Plan is being comprehensively formulated. We are accelerating the pace to set up a new pattern for development, and are deeply implementing high-quality development. 我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。粮食生产喜获“十七连丰”。“天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。海南自由贸易港建设蓬勃展开。 China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth, and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan. China has seen a good harvest in grain production for 17 years in a row. China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 (Mars mission), Chang'e-5 (lunar probe), and Fendouzhe (deep-sea manned submersible). Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port is proceeding with vigor. 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。 We also defeated severe flooding. With the military and civilians heedless of danger and difficulty, and standing in unity, we managed to minimize the damage of the floods. 我到13个省区市考察时欣喜看到,大家认真细致落实防疫措施,争分夺秒复工复产,全力以赴创新创造,神州大地自信自强、充满韧劲,一派只争朝夕、生机勃勃的景象。 I inspected 13 provincial-level regions and was glad to see people carefully implementing coronavirus prevention and control measures, racing against time to resume work and production, and sparing no efforts to advance innovation. Everywhere were vibrant scenes of confident, resilient people making the most of every minute. 2020年,全面建成小康社会取得伟大历史性成就,决战脱贫攻坚取得决定性胜利。 In 2020, China made the historic achievement of establishing a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieved decisive success in eradicating extreme poverty. 我们向深度贫困堡垒发起总攻,啃下了最难啃的“硬骨头”。历经8年,现行标准下近1亿农村贫困人口全部脱贫,832个贫困县全部摘帽。 We launched the final assault on the fortress of entrenched rural poverty, and cracked this "hardest nut". Through 8 years, under the current standard, China has eradicated extreme poverty for the nearly 100 million rural people affected, and all the 832 impoverished counties have shaken off poverty. 这些年,我去了全国14个集中连片特困地区,乡亲们愚公移山的干劲,广大扶贫干部倾情投入的奉献,时常浮现在脑海。 These years, I have visited 14 contiguous areas of dire poverty. The unremitting efforts of the folks and the wholehearted contribution of the poverty-eradication cadres often come to my mind. 我们还要咬定青山不放松,脚踏实地加油干,努力绘就乡村振兴的壮美画卷,朝着共同富裕的目标稳步前行。 We still need to stay tenacious like a bamboo deeply rooted in the rocks, keep our feet on the ground, and work hard to paint a magnificent picture of rural vitalization, and steadily march ahead towards the goal of common prosperity. 今年,我们隆重庆祝深圳等经济特区建立40周年、上海浦东开发开放30周年。 This year, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, among others, and 30 years of the development and opening-up of Pudong in Shanghai. 置身春潮涌动的南海之滨、绚丽多姿的黄浦江畔,令人百感交集,先行先试变成了示范引领,探索创新成为了创新引领。 As I stood on the southern coast as the spring tide surged and on the colorful bank of the Huangpu River, my mind was filled with a myriad of thoughts. Pilot trials have become models and leading forces, and explorations to innovate have become leading forces of innovation. 改革开放创造了发展奇迹,今后还要以更大气魄深化改革、扩大开放,续写更多“春天的故事”。 The opening-up and reform has created miracles of development. In the future, we should further deepen reform and expand opening-up with greater courage, and create more "Stories of Spring". 大道不孤,天下一家。经历了一年来的风雨,我们比任何时候都更加深切体会到人类命运共同体的意义。 We are not alone on the Great Way and the whole world is one family. After a year of hardship, we can understand more than ever the significance of a community with a shared future for mankind. 我同国际上新老朋友进行了多次通话,出席了多场“云会议”,谈得最多的就是和衷共济、团结抗疫。 I had many phone calls with friends from the international community, both old and new, and attended many "cloud conferences". What we discussed most was staying united to combat the pandemic. 疫情防控任重道远。世界各国人民要携起手来,风雨同舟,早日驱散疫情的阴霾,努力建设更加美好的地球家园。 We still have a long way to go in pandemic prevention and control. People from all over the world should join hands and support each other to early dispel the gloom of the pandemic and strive for a better "Earth home". 2021年是中国共产党百年华诞。百年征程波澜壮阔,百年初心历久弥坚。 2021 will see the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China. Its 100-year journey surges forward with great momentum. Its original aspiration remains even firmer one hundred years later. 从上海石库门到嘉兴南湖,一艘小小红船承载着人民的重托、民族的希望,越过急流险滩,穿过惊涛骇浪,成为领航中国行稳致远的巍巍巨轮。 From Shikumen in Shanghai to the South Lake in Jiaxing City, the small red boat (where the first CPC congress concluded) bore the great trust of the people and the hope of the nation. The boat has sailed through turbulent rivers and treacherous shoals, and has voyaged across violent tidal waves, becoming a great ship that navigates China's stable and long-term development. 胸怀千秋伟业,恰是百年风华。我们秉持以人民为中心,永葆初心、牢记使命,乘风破浪、扬帆远航,一定能实现中华民族伟大复兴。 The CPC bears its eternal great cause in mind, and the centenary only ushers in the prime of life. We adhere to putting people at the center, stay true to our original aspiration, keep our mission well in mind, break the waves and sail out for our journey ahead, and we will certainly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 站在“两个一百年”的历史交汇点,全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程即将开启。征途漫漫,惟有奋斗。我们通过奋斗,披荆斩棘,走过了万水千山。我们还要继续奋斗,勇往直前,创造更加灿烂的辉煌! At the historic crossroad of the "Two Centenary Goals", the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country is about to start. The road ahead is long; striving is the only way forward. We have strived, broken through brambles and thorns, and crossed ten thousand rivers and thousands of mountains. We will continue to strive, march ahead with courage, and create brighter glory! 此时此刻,华灯初上,万家团圆。新年将至,惟愿山河锦绣、国泰民安!惟愿和顺致祥、幸福美满! At just this moment, the festive lanterns have been lit, and family members gather for reunion. The New Year is coming. I wish our land to be splendid, our country to be prosperous, and our people to live in peace. I wish you all a harmonious, smooth and auspicious year, full of happiness! 谢谢大家! Thank you! 编辑:唐晓敏 左卓 来源:新华社 CGTN
President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year speech on Dec 31, 2020 via China Media Group and the internet. [Photo/Xinhua] Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all! The year 2021 is arriving. From China's capital Beijing, I extend my New Year wishes to you all! 2020 was an extraordinary year. Facing the sudden coronavirus pandemic, we put people and their lives first to interpret the great love among humans. With solidarity and resilience, we wrote the epic of our fight against the pandemic. During the days when we addressed the hardships together, we saw the heroic spirit of marching straight to the frontlines, holding posts with tenacity, taking responsibility to get through thick and thin, sacrifices with bravery, and touching moments of helping each other. From medical workers to the people's army, from scientific researchers to community workers, from volunteers to those who built the projects, from seniors to youths born after the 1990s and 2000s, numerous people fulfilled their missions at the cost of their lives and protected humanity with sincere love. They pooled their drops of strength into tremendous power and built an iron wall to safeguard lives. Many figures marched ahead without hesitation, many relays were accomplished hand in hand, many scenes showed touching moments, all these vividly illustrate the great spirit of fighting against the pandemic. Greatness is forged in the ordinary. Heroes come from the people. Every person is remarkable! Our sympathy goes to all the unfortunate ones infected with the coronavirus! We salute all the ordinary heroes! I am proud of our great motherland and people, as well as the unyielding national spirit. Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be manifested. Only after polishing can a piece of jade be finer. We overcame the impact of the pandemic, and made great achievements in coordinating prevention and control and in economic and social development. The 13th Five-Year Plan has been accomplished in full. The 14th Five-Year Plan is being comprehensively formulated. We are accelerating the pace to set up a new pattern for development, and are deeply implementing high-quality development. China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth, and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan. China has seen a good harvest in grain production for 17 years in a row. China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 (Mars mission), Chang'e-5 (lunar probe), and Fendouzhe (deep-sea manned submersible). Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port is proceeding with vigor. We also defeated severe flooding. With the military and civilians heedless of danger and difficulty, and standing in unity, we managed to minimize the damage of the floods. I inspected 13 provincial-level regions and was glad to see people carefully implementing coronavirus prevention and control measures, racing against time to resume work and production, and sparing no efforts to advance innovation. Everywhere were vibrant scenes of confident, resilient people making the most of every minute. In 2020, China made the historic achievement of establishing a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieved decisive success in eradicating extreme poverty. We launched the final assault on the fortress of entrenched rural poverty, and cracked this "hardest nut". Through 8 years, under the current standard, China has eradicated extreme poverty for the nearly 100 million rural people affected, and all the 832 impoverished counties have shaken off poverty. These years, I have visited 14 contiguous areas of dire poverty. The unremitting efforts of the folks and the wholehearted contribution of the poverty-eradication cadres often come to my mind. We still need to stay tenacious like a bamboo deeply rooted in the rocks, keep our feet on the ground, and work hard to paint a magnificent picture of rural vitalization, and steadily march ahead towards the goal of common prosperity. This year, we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, among others, and 30 years of the development and opening-up of Pudong in Shanghai. As I stood on the southern coast as the spring tide surged and on the colorful bank of the Huangpu River, my mind was filled with a myriad of thoughts. Pilot trials have become models and leading forces, and explorations to innovate have become leading forces of innovation. The opening-up and reform has created miracles of development. In the future, we should further deepen reform and expand opening-up with greater courage, and create more "Stories of Spring". We are not alone on the Great Way and the whole world is one family. After a year of hardship, we can understand more than ever the significance of a community with a shared future for mankind. I had many phone calls with friends from the international community, both old and new, and attended many "cloud conferences". What we discussed most was staying united to combat the pandemic. We still have a long way to go in pandemic prevention and control. People from all over the world should join hands and support each other to early dispel the gloom of the pandemic and strive for a better "Earth home". 2021 will see the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China. Its 100-year journey surges forward with great momentum. Its original aspiration remains even firmer one hundred years later. From Shikumen in Shanghai to the South Lake in Jiaxing City, the small red boat (where the first CPC congress concluded) bore the great trust of the people and the hope of the nation. The boat has sailed through turbulent rivers and treacherous shoals, and has voyaged across violent tidal waves, becoming a great ship that navigates China's stable and long-term development. The CPC bears its eternal great cause in mind, and the centenary only ushers in the prime of life. We adhere to putting people at the center, stay true to our original aspiration, keep our mission well in mind, break the waves and sail out for our journey ahead, and we will certainly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the historic crossroad of the "Two Centenary Goals", the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country is about to start. The road ahead is long; striving is the only way forward. We have strived, broken through brambles and thorns, and crossed ten thousand rivers and thousands of mountains. We will continue to strive, march ahead with courage, and create brighter glory! At just this moment, the festive lanterns have been lit, and family members gather for reunion. The New Year is coming. I wish our land to be splendid, our country to be prosperous, and our people to live in peace. I wish you all a harmonious, smooth and auspicious year, full of happiness! Thank you!
新年前夕,国家主席习近平通过中央广播电视总台和互联网,发表了二〇二一年新年贺词。 双语全文如下: 大家好! 2021年的脚步越来越近,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福! 2020年是极不平凡的一年。面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,我们以人民至上、生命至上诠释了人间大爱,用众志成城、坚忍不拔书写了抗疫史诗。 在共克时艰的日子里,有逆行出征的豪迈,有顽强不屈的坚守,有患难与共的担当,有英勇无畏的牺牲,有守望相助的感动。 从白衣天使到人民子弟兵,从科研人员到社区工作者,从志愿者到工程建设者,从古稀老人到“90后”、“00后”青年一代,无数人以生命赴使命、用挚爱护苍生,将涓滴之力汇聚成磅礴伟力,构筑起守护生命的铜墙铁壁。 一个个义无反顾的身影,一次次心手相连的接力,一幕幕感人至深的场景,生动展示了伟大抗疫精神。 平凡铸就伟大,英雄来自人民。每个人都了不起! 向所有不幸感染的病患者表示慰问!向所有平凡的英雄致敬! 我为伟大的祖国和人民而骄傲,为自强不息的民族精神而自豪! 艰难方显勇毅,磨砺始得玉成。我们克服疫情影响,统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展取得重大成果。 “十三五”圆满收官,“十四五”全面擘画。新发展格局加快构建,高质量发展深入实施。 我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。粮食生产喜获“十七连丰”。“天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。海南自由贸易港建设蓬勃展开。 我们还抵御了严重洪涝灾害,广大军民不畏艰险,同心协力抗洪救灾,努力把损失降到了最低。 我到13个省区市考察时欣喜看到,大家认真细致落实防疫措施,争分夺秒复工复产,全力以赴创新创造,神州大地自信自强、充满韧劲,一派只争朝夕、生机勃勃的景象。 2020年,全面建成小康社会取得伟大历史性成就,决战脱贫攻坚取得决定性胜利。 我们向深度贫困堡垒发起总攻,啃下了最难啃的“硬骨头”。历经8年,现行标准下近1亿农村贫困人口全部脱贫,832个贫困县全部摘帽。 这些年,我去了全国14个集中连片特困地区,乡亲们愚公移山的干劲,广大扶贫干部倾情投入的奉献,时常浮现在脑海。 我们还要咬定青山不放松,脚踏实地加油干,努力绘就乡村振兴的壮美画卷,朝着共同富裕的目标稳步前行。 今年,我们隆重庆祝深圳等经济特区建立40周年、上海浦东开发开放30周年。 置身春潮涌动的南海之滨、绚丽多姿的黄浦江畔,令人百感交集,先行先试变成了示范引领,探索创新成为了创新引领。 改革开放创造了发展奇迹,今后还要以更大气魄深化改革、扩大开放,续写更多“春天的故事”。 大道不孤,天下一家。经历了一年来的风雨,我们比任何时候都更加深切体会到人类命运共同体的意义。 我同国际上新老朋友进行了多次通话,出席了多场“云会议”,谈得最多的就是和衷共济、团结抗疫。 疫情防控任重道远。世界各国人民要携起手来,风雨同舟,早日驱散疫情的阴霾,努力建设更加美好的地球家园。 2021年是中国共产党百年华诞。百年征程波澜壮阔,百年初心历久弥坚。 从上海石库门到嘉兴南湖,一艘小小红船承载着人民的重托、民族的希望,越过急流险滩,穿过惊涛骇浪,成为领航中国行稳致远的巍巍巨轮。 胸怀千秋伟业,恰是百年风华。我们秉持以人民为中心,永葆初心、牢记使命,乘风破浪、扬帆远航,一定能实现中华民族伟大复兴。 站在“两个一百年”的历史交汇点,全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程即将开启。征途漫漫,惟有奋斗。我们通过奋斗,披荆斩棘,走过了万水千山。我们还要继续奋斗,勇往直前,创造更加灿烂的辉煌! 此时此刻,华灯初上,万家团圆。新年将至,惟愿山河锦绣、国泰民安!惟愿和顺致祥、幸福美满! 谢谢大家! 编辑:唐晓敏 左卓 来源:新华社 CGTN
如果有个地方能改变命运,你是否愿意一键重启人生?动画电影《心灵奇旅》试图给出一个异想天开的答案。豆瓣评分 9.0 ,Metacritic 媒体评分 85,烂番茄新鲜度 93% ,《心灵奇旅》这部全球范围内“毫无争议的好电影”你看了吗? The new film from the director of Up and Inside Out has the aesthetics of a whimsical adventure, but its themes are very raw. 这部新影片由《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》导演执导,彰显着异想天开的冒险美学,但主题却十分质朴。 If Disney’s animated-movie formula relies on tales of heroes and princesses, of villains destroyed and personal freedom achieved, then Pixar’s formula is far more mundane. For decades, the computer-animation studio has made movies that portray transcendent feelings and experiences as the products of ordinary jobs, performed diligently by strange little beings behind the scenes. Monsters, Inc. , in 2001, revealed that our fears were created by cuddly, blue-collar creatures. Inside Out , in 2015, personified our emotions as brightly colored sprites pressing buttons and pulling levers. Now, Soul imagines how our personalities are created at a cartoon summer camp, where smiley blobs and squiggles convene to generate human souls. 如果说迪士尼的动画电影模式依赖于英雄和公主、坏人受到惩罚、个人自由得以实现,那么皮克斯则更加接地气。几十年来,这个计算机动画工作室将超凡的情感和经历描绘成普通工作的产物,由银幕后奇怪的小人物勤勤恳恳地扮演。2001年上映的《怪物公司》告诉我们恐惧是由一些胖乎乎的蓝领怪物创造出来的。2015年上映的《头脑特工队》把我们的情绪拟人化为色彩鲜亮的精灵,他们会按按钮,拉操作杆。如今,《心灵奇旅》想象我们的性格是在一个卡通的夏令营产生的,那里有欢乐的小球和线条聚集在一起,产生人类的灵魂。 All three of these movies were directed by Pete Docter, the man who is also behind Up . One of Pixar’s foremost auteurs, the filmmaker is enamored of using animation to conjure worlds rooted in abstract metaphor. Soul , which debuts today on Disney+, is his most conceptual film yet, largely set in a realm known as “the Great Before,” a cloudy land where human personalities are created and zapped into our bodies upon birth. The ambition of Docter’s world building is laudable. And the smaller, human narrative he tries to tell within that universe—about a jazz pianist who finds himself stuck in the Great Before after a near-death experience—is sweet and charming. 这三部电影都是由皮特·道格特执导,《飞屋环游记》同样是他的作品。作为皮克斯最杰出的导演之一,道格特喜欢用动画来构建一个基于抽象隐喻的世界。《心灵奇旅》于12月25日在Disney+首映,是他目前最抽象的电影,主要是以一个“生之来处”的世界为背景,人类的性格在这片灰蒙蒙的土地被创造出来,出生时便伴随我们。道格特构造世界的野心是值得称道的。他试图在这个宇宙里讲述一位爵士钢琴演奏家在经历了一次濒死后发现自己被困在“生之来处”的故事,这种更细微的、人性化的叙述温情而有魅力。 Docter has wrestled with “grown-up” themes before and managed to cram them into an easy-to-understand story arc. Up began with the emotional hammer blow of an aging character losing his wife before he embarked on a new adventure. Soul sets an even tougher challenge for itself by apparently killing its lead character within minutes. But Docter finds clever ways to travel between the heavens and Earth, using the odd, nonphysical world Joe finds himself in to teach valuable lessons about finding joy in life even as it disappoints us. 道格特之前一直在探讨“成长”的主题,并且设法将其浓缩在容易理解的故事情节中。《飞屋环游记》一开头就是情感冲击,一位老人在开始新的冒险之前失去了自己的妻子。《心灵奇旅》设定了一个更难的挑战,开始没几分钟就杀死了主角。但是道格特想到了一个聪明办法,在人间和天堂之间穿梭,利用乔所处的奇怪的非物质世界告诉我们一些宝贵的道理,教我们在生活中寻找快乐,即便生活令人失望。 We are all born with dreams, Docter seems to be saying, bubbling with ideas and personalities that are created even before we come into the world, but Joe’s story proves that there is more to life than that. Essentially, Docter has made a Pixar film for kids that tries to run at the nature-versus-nurture question and ends up splitting the difference. Compared to Pixar’s recent spate of sequels to past hits, Soul is a loftier project—a messy but expansive story worthy of its director’s grand ambitions. 道格特似乎在说,我们生来就有梦想,在我们来到这个世界之前就充满了想法和性格,但是乔的故事告诉我们,生活不只是这些。从本质上说,道格特让皮克斯的儿童电影试图探索先天与后天这一问题,并最终达到折中。相对于皮克斯最近多部大热影片的续集来说,《心灵奇旅》的主题更加崇高,故事虽然杂乱但内容丰富,对得起制片人抱有的宏大野心。 来源: 沪江英语
The new film from the director of Up and Inside Out has the aesthetics of a whimsical adventure, but its themes are very raw. If Disney’s animated-movie formula relies on tales of heroes and princesses, of villains destroyed and personal freedom achieved, then Pixar’s formula is far more mundane. For decades, the computer-animation studio has made movies that portray transcendent feelings and experiences as the products of ordinary jobs, performed diligently by strange little beings behind the scenes. Monsters, Inc. , in 2001, revealed that our fears were created by cuddly, blue-collar creatures. Inside Out , in 2015, personified our emotions as brightly colored sprites pressing buttons and pulling levers. Now, Soul imagines how our personalities are created at a cartoon summer camp, where smiley blobs and squiggles convene to generate human souls. All three of these movies were directed by Pete Docter, the man who is also behind Up . One of Pixar’s foremost auteurs, the filmmaker is enamored of using animation to conjure worlds rooted in abstract metaphor. Soul , which debuts today on Disney+, is his most conceptual film yet, largely set in a realm known as “the Great Before,” a cloudy land where human personalities are created and zapped into our bodies upon birth. The ambition of Docter’s world building is laudable. And the smaller, human narrative he tries to tell within that universe—about a jazz pianist who finds himself stuck in the Great Before after a near-death experience—is sweet and charming. Docter has wrestled with “grown-up” themes before and managed to cram them into an easy-to-understand story arc. Up began with the emotional hammer blow of an aging character losing his wife before he embarked on a new adventure. Soul sets an even tougher challenge for itself by apparently killing its lead character within minutes. But Docter finds clever ways to travel between the heavens and Earth, using the odd, nonphysical world Joe finds himself in to teach valuable lessons about finding joy in life even as it disappoints us. We are all born with dreams, Docter seems to be saying, bubbling with ideas and personalities that are created even before we come into the world, but Joe’s story proves that there is more to life than that. Essentially, Docter has made a Pixar film for kids that tries to run at the nature-versus-nurture question and ends up splitting the difference. Compared to Pixar’s recent spate of sequels to past hits, Soul is a loftier project—a messy but expansive story worthy of its director’s grand ambitions.
如果有个地方能改变命运,你是否愿意一键重启人生?动画电影《心灵奇旅》试图给出一个异想天开的答案。豆瓣评分 9.0 ,Metacritic 媒体评分 85,烂番茄新鲜度 93% ,《心灵奇旅》这部全球范围内“毫无争议的好电影”你看了吗? 这部新影片由《飞屋环游记》和《头脑特工队》导演执导,彰显着异想天开的冒险美学,但主题却十分质朴。 如果说迪士尼的动画电影模式依赖于英雄和公主、坏人受到惩罚、个人自由得以实现,那么皮克斯则更加接地气。几十年来,这个计算机动画工作室将超凡的情感和经历描绘成普通工作的产物,由银幕后奇怪的小人物勤勤恳恳地扮演。2001年上映的《怪物公司》告诉我们恐惧是由一些胖乎乎的蓝领怪物创造出来的。2015年上映的《头脑特工队》把我们的情绪拟人化为色彩鲜亮的精灵,他们会按按钮,拉操作杆。如今,《心灵奇旅》想象我们的性格是在一个卡通的夏令营产生的,那里有欢乐的小球和线条聚集在一起,产生人类的灵魂。 这三部电影都是由皮特·道格特执导,《飞屋环游记》同样是他的作品。作为皮克斯最杰出的导演之一,道格特喜欢用动画来构建一个基于抽象隐喻的世界。《心灵奇旅》于12月25日在Disney+首映,是他目前最抽象的电影,主要是以一个“生之来处”的世界为背景,人类的性格在这片灰蒙蒙的土地被创造出来,出生时便伴随我们。道格特构造世界的野心是值得称道的。他试图在这个宇宙里讲述一位爵士钢琴演奏家在经历了一次濒死后发现自己被困在“生之来处”的故事,这种更细微的、人性化的叙述温情而有魅力。 道格特之前一直在探讨“成长”的主题,并且设法将其浓缩在容易理解的故事情节中。《飞屋环游记》一开头就是情感冲击,一位老人在开始新的冒险之前失去了自己的妻子。《心灵奇旅》设定了一个更难的挑战,开始没几分钟就杀死了主角。但是道格特想到了一个聪明办法,在人间和天堂之间穿梭,利用乔所处的奇怪的非物质世界告诉我们一些宝贵的道理,教我们在生活中寻找快乐,即便生活令人失望。 道格特似乎在说,我们生来就有梦想,在我们来到这个世界之前就充满了想法和性格,但是乔的故事告诉我们,生活不只是这些。从本质上说,道格特让皮克斯的儿童电影试图探索先天与后天这一问题,并最终达到折中。相对于皮克斯最近多部大热影片的续集来说,《心灵奇旅》的主题更加崇高,故事虽然杂乱但内容丰富,对得起制片人抱有的宏大野心。 来源: 沪江英语
即将告别2020年,这一年,全世界的人们都经历了太多。在这个反思和总结的时刻,让我们来回顾一些名人名言,也许能给你带来启示,让你以全新的心态拥抱2021年。 Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯 重要的不是你活了多少年,而是你活出的生命有多少分量。 Albert Einstein阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 不要努力去做一个成功的人,而应该努力去做一个有价值的人。 Walt Whitman沃尔特·惠特曼 始终面向阳光,阴影就会自然地落到你身后。 Steve Jobs史蒂夫·乔布斯 你的时间有限,所以别浪费生命过别人的生活。 Mark Twain 马克·吐温 你人生中最重要的两天是你出生的那一天和你明白自己为何出生的那天。 Maya Angelou玛雅·安吉罗 我了解到,人们会忘记你说过的话,忘记你做过的事,但永远不会忘记你给他们的感受。 Paul Walker保罗·沃克 记住,无论你觉得自己有多优秀,你也永远没有资格轻视任何人,永远。 Lev Tolstoy列夫·托尔斯泰 每个人都想改变世界,但没有人想到改变自己。 Helen Keller 海伦·凯勒 每当一扇幸福之门关闭,就会有另一扇幸福之门打开,但我们往往长久凝视着关闭的这扇门,而看不到已经打开的那扇门。 Henry Ford亨利·福特 如果你事事不顺,记住飞机是逆风而不是顺风飞行的。 Farrah Gray法拉·格雷 筑造你自己的梦想,不然别人就会雇佣你筑造他们的梦想。 Thomas Stearns Eliot托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特 只有那些敢冒走过头的风险的人才知道自己能走多远。 Pablo Picasso巴勃罗·毕加索 每个孩子都是艺术家。问题在于如何在长大后还能保持艺术家的灵性。 Amelia Earhart阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特 最难的是下决心行动,其余的就是坚持。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
即将告别2020年,这一年,全世界的人们都经历了太多。在这个反思和总结的时刻,让我们来回顾一些名人名言,也许能给你带来启示,让你以全新的心态拥抱2021年。 Abraham Lincoln亚伯拉罕·林肯 重要的不是你活了多少年,而是你活出的生命有多少分量。 Albert Einstein阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 不要努力去做一个成功的人,而应该努力去做一个有价值的人。 Walt Whitman沃尔特·惠特曼 始终面向阳光,阴影就会自然地落到你身后。 Steve Jobs史蒂夫·乔布斯 你的时间有限,所以别浪费生命过别人的生活。 Mark Twain 马克·吐温 你人生中最重要的两天是你出生的那一天和你明白自己为何出生的那天。 Maya Angelou玛雅·安吉罗 我了解到,人们会忘记你说过的话,忘记你做过的事,但永远不会忘记你给他们的感受。 Paul Walker保罗·沃克 记住,无论你觉得自己有多优秀,你也永远没有资格轻视任何人,永远。 Lev Tolstoy列夫·托尔斯泰 每个人都想改变世界,但没有人想到改变自己。 Helen Keller 海伦·凯勒 每当一扇幸福之门关闭,就会有另一扇幸福之门打开,但我们往往长久凝视着关闭的这扇门,而看不到已经打开的那扇门。 Henry Ford亨利·福特 如果你事事不顺,记住飞机是逆风而不是顺风飞行的。 Farrah Gray法拉·格雷 筑造你自己的梦想,不然别人就会雇佣你筑造他们的梦想。 Thomas Stearns Eliot托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特 只有那些敢冒走过头的风险的人才知道自己能走多远。 Pablo Picasso巴勃罗·毕加索 每个孩子都是艺术家。问题在于如何在长大后还能保持艺术家的灵性。 Amelia Earhart阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特 最难的是下决心行动,其余的就是坚持。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
在中国人的记忆中,皮尔卡丹是耳熟能详的大品牌,它的创始人皮尔·卡丹是时尚界的传奇人物,他让高档时装走进老百姓的生活,他的商业帝国遍布世界各地,他的名字注定无法被遗忘。 French fashion designer Pierre Cardin poses in front of his 1954-1956-1957 fashion creations in his museum called "Past-Present-Future" in Paris November 12, 2014. REUTERS/Charles Platiau Legendary French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98, France's Fine Arts Academy announced on Tuesday in a statement on Twitter. 法兰西艺术院周二(12月29日)在推特发布声明表示,法国传奇时装设计师皮尔·卡丹去世,终年98岁。 "The Perpetual Secretary, Laurent Petitgirard, and the members of the Academy of Fine Arts are deeply saddened to announce the death of their colleague Pierre Cardin. He had been elected on 12 February 1992 to the chair of Pierre Dux," the Fine Arts Academy said. 法兰西艺术院称:“法兰西艺术院终身秘书长洛朗·珀蒂吉拉尔和艺术院成员沉痛宣布同事皮尔·卡丹去世的消息。他于1992年2月12日荣任法兰西艺术院院士。” His creations adorned many stars of the day, among them Elizabeth Taylor, Barbra Streisand, Jeanne Moreau, Jackie Kennedy, Charlotte Rampling, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. 皮尔·卡丹设计的服饰曾为许多当红明星增光添彩,其中包括伊丽莎白·泰勒、芭芭拉·史翠姗、让娜·莫罗、杰奎琳·肯尼迪、夏洛特·兰普林、甲壳虫乐队和滚石乐队。 Cardin was among the first designers to capitalize on the business side of fashion, becoming a household name thanks to powerful branding. 卡丹是最早投资商业化时装的设计师之一,并借助强大的品牌力量成为家喻户晓的人物。 He also broke with tradition through his futuristic designs -- and by producing landmark unisex and ready-to-wear collections at a time when both were effectively unheard of. 他还曾打破传统,设计出未来主义风格时装,生产出标志性的中性化成衣系列,这两者在当时都是闻所未闻的。 Cardin was born in 1922 in San Biagio di Callalta, a small town in northeast Italy about 20 miles from Venice. He was born Pietro, but he became known as Pierre after his family relocated to France to escape fascism two years later. 1922年皮尔·卡丹出生于意大利东北部小镇圣比亚焦-迪卡拉尔塔,距离威尼斯约20英里(32千米)。他出生时名叫彼得罗,但两年后为逃避法西斯主义举家迁到法国后被改名为皮尔。 As a young man, his first steps into fashion coincided with a move to Paris, where he worked on the costumes of Jean Cocteau's film version of "Beauty and the Beast." In 1946, he was hired as a tailor by his subsequent mentor, Christian Dior, who had just opened his couture house in Paris. 年轻的皮尔·卡丹初入时尚界时恰逢他搬到巴黎,当时他为让·科克托拍摄的电影版《美女与野兽》设计服饰。1946年,他受雇于后来的导师克里斯汀·迪奥当裁缝,迪奥当时刚在巴黎开了自己的高级时装屋。 Four years later, at the age of 28, Cardin founded his own eponymous fashion brand, first designing theater costumes, then moving into haute couture in 1953. 四年后,28岁的卡丹以自己的名字创立了时装品牌,起先是设计戏服,然后在1953年开始进军高级时装界。 eponymous [ɪˈpɑːnɪməs]: adj. 以……的名字命名的 French designer Pierre Cardin poses with models at the end of his 2009 spring/summer and autumn/winter ready-to-wear fashion collection show in Theoule-sur-Mer, southern France, October 6, 2008. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard 皮尔·卡丹的时装创新 His breakout creation was the bubble dress -- so called for the bubble-like shape of the area between the waist and the hemline -- which he designed in 1954. It proved commercially successful worldwide, setting the stage for a string of fashion innovations. 皮尔·卡丹的突破性作品是1954年设计的泡泡裙,以腰部和下摆间的区域形似泡泡而得名。事实证明,这款泡泡裙在世界范围内创下了商业佳绩,为一系列时装创新奠定了基础。 Hoping to make designer clothing more accessible, he launched his first ready-to-wear collection at the Printemps department store in Paris in 1959, a move so scandalous that it got him expelled from the Chambre Syndicale, the body governing French haute couture (he would be reinstated shortly after, before leaving of his own accord in 1966). 卡丹希望让设计师服装走进千家万户,于是1959年他在巴黎的春天百货推出了自己的第一个成衣系列。这一令人震惊的举动让卡丹被法国高级时装协会除名(不过他很快又重新被协会接受,后来他在1966年自己退出了协会)。 Displaying an early business nous, Cardin was among the first foreign designers to open shops in Japan, China and Russia. He pioneered modern branding by lending his name to a variety of products -- including perfumes, watches, cigarettes and even frying pans -- raising eyebrows in the traditional fashion world and earning serious money that he invested in real estate. 卡丹早早地展现出了他的商业头脑,成为最早在日本、中国和俄罗斯开店的外国设计师之一。他开创了现代品牌的先例,将品牌授权给香水、手表、香烟甚至煎锅等各种产品。这种做法让传统时装界侧目,也让他赚了大钱,开始投资房地产。 nous [naʊs]: n. 理性;精神;心灵;常识 French fashion designer Pierre Cardin, 97, poses during a presentation of a collection made in partnership with Pierre Courtial, a young designer he trained himself at his Studio Pierre Cardin in Paris, France, February 27, 2020. REUTERS/Charles Platiau Among the designer's property purchases were a Provence castle, once owned by the Marquis de Sade, and the famous Maxim's restaurant in Paris, which he transformed into a global chain with locations in New York, Beijing and elsewhere. 卡丹购入的房产包括曾归萨德侯爵所有的波城古堡和巴黎著名的马克西姆餐厅,后来卡丹将其打造成一家全球连锁餐厅,在纽约、北京和其他地方都有分店。 In the 1960s, Cardin combined his interest for space exploration with a fascination for technical fabrics, by creating the groundbreaking space age unisex collections. 20世纪60年代,卡丹将他对太空探索的兴趣和对高科技面料的痴迷结合在一起,设计出了开创性的中性化太空服系列。 One of his standout garments, a pink dress comprised of molded 3D shapes and made from a fabric of his own creation, Cardine, was famously worn by actress Lauren Bacall in 1968. 卡丹最出色的作品之一是一件用自己独创的卡丁布面料制成的3D塑形粉裙,因1968年女演员劳伦·白考尔穿过而名噪一时。 Both of Cardin's home countries offered him recognition: In 1987, Italy named him a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, while in 1991, France made him an Officer of the Legion of Honour. The same year, UNESCO made the designer a goodwill ambassador. 卡丹的两个祖国都对他表示了认可:1987年,意大利授予他意大利共和国特等功勋称号;1991年,法国任命他为法国荣誉军团军官。同年,联合国教科文组织任命他为亲善大使。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
French fashion designer Pierre Cardin poses in front of his 1954-1956-1957 fashion creations in his museum called "Past-Present-Future" in Paris November 12, 2014. REUTERS/Charles Platiau Legendary French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98, France's Fine Arts Academy announced on Tuesday in a statement on Twitter. "The Perpetual Secretary, Laurent Petitgirard, and the members of the Academy of Fine Arts are deeply saddened to announce the death of their colleague Pierre Cardin. He had been elected on 12 February 1992 to the chair of Pierre Dux," the Fine Arts Academy said. His creations adorned many stars of the day, among them Elizabeth Taylor, Barbra Streisand, Jeanne Moreau, Jackie Kennedy, Charlotte Rampling, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Cardin was among the first designers to capitalize on the business side of fashion, becoming a household name thanks to powerful branding. He also broke with tradition through his futuristic designs -- and by producing landmark unisex and ready-to-wear collections at a time when both were effectively unheard of. Cardin was born in 1922 in San Biagio di Callalta, a small town in northeast Italy about 20 miles from Venice. He was born Pietro, but he became known as Pierre after his family relocated to France to escape fascism two years later. As a young man, his first steps into fashion coincided with a move to Paris, where he worked on the costumes of Jean Cocteau's film version of "Beauty and the Beast." In 1946, he was hired as a tailor by his subsequent mentor, Christian Dior, who had just opened his couture house in Paris. Four years later, at the age of 28, Cardin founded his own eponymous fashion brand, first designing theater costumes, then moving into haute couture in 1953. French designer Pierre Cardin poses with models at the end of his 2009 spring/summer and autumn/winter ready-to-wear fashion collection show in Theoule-sur-Mer, southern France, October 6, 2008. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard His breakout creation was the bubble dress -- so called for the bubble-like shape of the area between the waist and the hemline -- which he designed in 1954. It proved commercially successful worldwide, setting the stage for a string of fashion innovations. Hoping to make designer clothing more accessible, he launched his first ready-to-wear collection at the Printemps department store in Paris in 1959, a move so scandalous that it got him expelled from the Chambre Syndicale, the body governing French haute couture (he would be reinstated shortly after, before leaving of his own accord in 1966). Displaying an early business nous, Cardin was among the first foreign designers to open shops in Japan, China and Russia. He pioneered modern branding by lending his name to a variety of products -- including perfumes, watches, cigarettes and even frying pans -- raising eyebrows in the traditional fashion world and earning serious money that he invested in real estate. French fashion designer Pierre Cardin, 97, poses during a presentation of a collection made in partnership with Pierre Courtial, a young designer he trained himself at his Studio Pierre Cardin in Paris, France, February 27, 2020. REUTERS/Charles Platiau Among the designer's property purchases were a Provence castle, once owned by the Marquis de Sade, and the famous Maxim's restaurant in Paris, which he transformed into a global chain with locations in New York, Beijing and elsewhere. In the 1960s, Cardin combined his interest for space exploration with a fascination for technical fabrics, by creating the groundbreaking space age unisex collections. One of his standout garments, a pink dress comprised of molded 3D shapes and made from a fabric of his own creation, Cardine, was famously worn by actress Lauren Bacall in 1968. Both of Cardin's home countries offered him recognition: In 1987, Italy named him a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, while in 1991, France made him an Officer of the Legion of Honour. The same year, UNESCO made the designer a goodwill ambassador.
在中国人的记忆中,皮尔卡丹是耳熟能详的大品牌,它的创始人皮尔·卡丹是时尚界的传奇人物,他让高档时装走进老百姓的生活,他的商业帝国遍布世界各地,他的名字注定无法被遗忘。 法兰西艺术院周二(12月29日)在推特发布声明表示,法国传奇时装设计师皮尔·卡丹去世,终年98岁。 法兰西艺术院称:“法兰西艺术院终身秘书长洛朗·珀蒂吉拉尔和艺术院成员沉痛宣布同事皮尔·卡丹去世的消息。他于1992年2月12日荣任法兰西艺术院院士。” 皮尔·卡丹设计的服饰曾为许多当红明星增光添彩,其中包括伊丽莎白·泰勒、芭芭拉·史翠姗、让娜·莫罗、杰奎琳·肯尼迪、夏洛特·兰普林、甲壳虫乐队和滚石乐队。 卡丹是最早投资商业化时装的设计师之一,并借助强大的品牌力量成为家喻户晓的人物。 他还曾打破传统,设计出未来主义风格时装,生产出标志性的中性化成衣系列,这两者在当时都是闻所未闻的。 1922年皮尔·卡丹出生于意大利东北部小镇圣比亚焦-迪卡拉尔塔,距离威尼斯约20英里(32千米)。他出生时名叫彼得罗,但两年后为逃避法西斯主义举家迁到法国后被改名为皮尔。 年轻的皮尔·卡丹初入时尚界时恰逢他搬到巴黎,当时他为让·科克托拍摄的电影版《美女与野兽》设计服饰。1946年,他受雇于后来的导师克里斯汀·迪奥当裁缝,迪奥当时刚在巴黎开了自己的高级时装屋。 四年后,28岁的卡丹以自己的名字创立了时装品牌,起先是设计戏服,然后在1953年开始进军高级时装界。 eponymous [ɪˈpɑːnɪməs]: adj. 以……的名字命名的 皮尔·卡丹的时装创新 皮尔·卡丹的突破性作品是1954年设计的泡泡裙,以腰部和下摆间的区域形似泡泡而得名。事实证明,这款泡泡裙在世界范围内创下了商业佳绩,为一系列时装创新奠定了基础。 卡丹希望让设计师服装走进千家万户,于是1959年他在巴黎的春天百货推出了自己的第一个成衣系列。这一令人震惊的举动让卡丹被法国高级时装协会除名(不过他很快又重新被协会接受,后来他在1966年自己退出了协会)。 卡丹早早地展现出了他的商业头脑,成为最早在日本、中国和俄罗斯开店的外国设计师之一。他开创了现代品牌的先例,将品牌授权给香水、手表、香烟甚至煎锅等各种产品。这种做法让传统时装界侧目,也让他赚了大钱,开始投资房地产。 nous [naʊs]: n. 理性;精神;心灵;常识 卡丹购入的房产包括曾归萨德侯爵所有的波城古堡和巴黎著名的马克西姆餐厅,后来卡丹将其打造成一家全球连锁餐厅,在纽约、北京和其他地方都有分店。 20世纪60年代,卡丹将他对太空探索的兴趣和对高科技面料的痴迷结合在一起,设计出了开创性的中性化太空服系列。 卡丹最出色的作品之一是一件用自己独创的卡丁布面料制成的3D塑形粉裙,因1968年女演员劳伦·白考尔穿过而名噪一时。 卡丹的两个祖国都对他表示了认可:1987年,意大利授予他意大利共和国特等功勋称号;1991年,法国任命他为法国荣誉军团军官。同年,联合国教科文组织任命他为亲善大使。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
想要升职加薪吗?如果你是有点地中海的中年男性,那你可能该去理发店换个短发或光头造型。 Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy from Pexels Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine, dominant and, in some cases, to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair, according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院最近的一项研究显示,人们认为剃光头的男人看起来更有男人味和统治力。在某些情况下,他们比头发较长或者头发稀疏的男人看起来更具有领导潜力。 Some executives say the style makes them appear younger—or at least, makes their age less evident—and gives them more confidence than a comb-over or monk-like pate. 一些男性高管也认为,光头的发型让他们看起来更年轻,至少没那么显老,而且和讲究地将头发梳向一边或者秃顶比起来,这种发型能让他们感到更自信。 Wharton management lecturer Albert Mannes conducted three experiments to test peoples' perceptions of men with shaved heads. In one of the experiments, he showed 344 subjects photos of the same men in two versions: one showing the man with hair and the other showing him with his hair digitally removed, so his head appears shaved. 沃顿商学院管理学讲师阿尔伯特·曼尼斯做了三个实验来测试人们对光头男人的看法。其中的一个实验是这样的:他向344名参与测试者出示了一个男人的两张不同的照片,一张是留有头发的照片,另一张是经过处理的光头照片。 The study found that men with thinning hair were viewed as the least attractive and powerful of the bunch, a finding that tracks with other studies showing that people perceive men with typical male-pattern baldness as older and less attractive. For those men, the solution could be as cheap and simple as a shave. 研究发现,头发稀疏的男人被认为是最没有魅力、最没有力量的一群人。这一结果也与另外一些研究相符。有研究表明,人们认为典型的男性脱发让男人看上去更老,更缺乏魅力。对于这些男人来说,既便宜又简单的解决办法就是剃个头。 New York image consultant Julie Rath advises her clients to get closely cropped when they start thinning up top. "There's something really strong, powerful and confident about laying it all bare," she says, describing the thinning or combed-over look as "kind of schlumpy." 纽约形象顾问朱莉·拉斯建议客户在头顶开始稀疏的时候就把头发剪短。她表示,“光头给人的感觉是强壮、有力和自信。而头发稀疏或者梳向一边的发型则有点邋遢。” 来源: 沪江英语
Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy from Pexels Men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine, dominant and, in some cases, to have greater leadership potential than those with longer locks or with thinning hair, according to a recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. Some executives say the style makes them appear younger—or at least, makes their age less evident—and gives them more confidence than a comb-over or monk-like pate. Wharton management lecturer Albert Mannes conducted three experiments to test peoples' perceptions of men with shaved heads. In one of the experiments, he showed 344 subjects photos of the same men in two versions: one showing the man with hair and the other showing him with his hair digitally removed, so his head appears shaved. The study found that men with thinning hair were viewed as the least attractive and powerful of the bunch, a finding that tracks with other studies showing that people perceive men with typical male-pattern baldness as older and less attractive. For those men, the solution could be as cheap and simple as a shave. New York image consultant Julie Rath advises her clients to get closely cropped when they start thinning up top. "There's something really strong, powerful and confident about laying it all bare," she says, describing the thinning or combed-over look as "kind of schlumpy."
想要升职加薪吗?如果你是有点地中海的中年男性,那你可能该去理发店换个短发或光头造型。 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院最近的一项研究显示,人们认为剃光头的男人看起来更有男人味和统治力。在某些情况下,他们比头发较长或者头发稀疏的男人看起来更具有领导潜力。 一些男性高管也认为,光头的发型让他们看起来更年轻,至少没那么显老,而且和讲究地将头发梳向一边或者秃顶比起来,这种发型能让他们感到更自信。 沃顿商学院管理学讲师阿尔伯特·曼尼斯做了三个实验来测试人们对光头男人的看法。其中的一个实验是这样的:他向344名参与测试者出示了一个男人的两张不同的照片,一张是留有头发的照片,另一张是经过处理的光头照片。 研究发现,头发稀疏的男人被认为是最没有魅力、最没有力量的一群人。这一结果也与另外一些研究相符。有研究表明,人们认为典型的男性脱发让男人看上去更老,更缺乏魅力。对于这些男人来说,既便宜又简单的解决办法就是剃个头。 纽约形象顾问朱莉·拉斯建议客户在头顶开始稀疏的时候就把头发剪短。她表示,“光头给人的感觉是强壮、有力和自信。而头发稀疏或者梳向一边的发型则有点邋遢。” 来源: 沪江英语
英国经济与商业研究中心的年度报告称,2028年中国经济将赶超美国,成为全球最大经济体,比疫情前的预测提早了五年;印度有望在2030年成为全球第三大经济体。 A man wearing a mask walks past the headquarters of the People's Bank of China, the central bank, in Beijing, China, as the country is hit by an outbreak of the new coronavirus, February 3, 2020. REUTERS/Jason Lee China will overtake the US to become the world's largest economy by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast, a report says. 一份报告称,2028年中国将超越美国成为全球最大经济体,比原先预测的提早五年。 The UK-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said China's "skilful" management of Covid-19 would boost its relative growth compared to the US and Europe in coming years. 总部在英国的经济与商业研究中心指出,中国对新冠疫情的管控“有方”将在未来数年提高中国相对美国和欧洲的经济增长率。 Meanwhile India is tipped to become the third largest economy by 2030. 与此同时,报告预测印度将在2030年成为世界第三大经济体。 The CEBR releases its economic league table every year on 26 December. 经济与商业研究中心每年12月26日都会发布经济竞争力排行榜。 Although China was the first country hit by Covid-19, it controlled the disease through swift and extremely strict action, meaning it did not need to repeat economically paralysing lockdowns as European countries have done. 尽管中国是最先遭受新冠疫情打击的国家,但是中国通过快速和非常严格的措施控制住了疫情,这意味着中国无需重复欧洲国家实施的导致经济瘫痪的封锁政策。 As a result, unlike other major economies, it has avoided an economic recession in 2020 and is in fact estimated to see growth of 2% this year. 因此,和其他主要经济体不同,中国在2020年避免了经济衰退,事实上估计中国经济今年还能增长2%。 The US economy, by contrast, has been hit hard by the world's worst coronavirus epidemic in terms of sheer numbers. More than 330,000 people have died in the US and there have been some 18.5 million confirmed cases. 相比之下,美国经济遭到了世界最糟新冠疫情(确诊人数最多)的重击。疫情导致美国逾33万人死亡,确诊病例达到了1850万之多。 The economic damage has been cushioned by monetary policy and a huge fiscal stimulus, but political disagreements over a new stimulus package could leave around 14 million Americans without unemployment benefit payments in the new year. 货币政策和大额财政刺激方案缓解了美国经济受到的冲击,但是针对一项新经济刺激计划的政见分歧可能会导致来年约1400万美国人领不到失业救济金。 The report says that after "a strong post-pandemic rebound in 2021", the US economy will grow by about 1.9% annually from 2022-24 and then slow to 1.6% in the years after that. 报告称,“2021年疫情后经济出现强劲反弹”之后,美国经济将在2022年到2024年达到约1.9%的年增长率,此后几年增长率将放缓至1.6%。 Credit: BBC By contrast the Chinese economy is tipped to grow by 5.7% annually until 2025, and 4.5% annually from 2026-2030. 相比之下,报告预测中国经济每年将增长5.7%,并保持这一增速直至2025年,而且在2026年到2030年间将维持4.5%的年增长率。 China's share of the world economy has risen from just 3.6% in 2000 to 17.8% now and the country will become a "high-income economy" by 2023, the report says. 报告称,中国在世界经济中所占的份额已从2000年的3.6%增长到现在的17.8%,中国将在2023年成为“高收入经济体”。 The Chinese economy is not only benefitting from having controlled Covid-19 early, but also aggressive policymaking targeting industries like advanced manufacturing, said CEBR deputy chairman Douglas McWilliams. 经济与商业研究中心副主席道格拉斯·麦克威廉姆斯表示,中国经济不仅受益于早早地控制住了新冠疫情,还得益于针对先进制造业等产业的积极决策。 经济与商业研究中心的其他预测: The post-Brexit UK economy will grow by 4% annually from 2021-25 and 1.8% annually from 2026-30. 脱欧后英国经济将会在2021年到2025年实现4%的年增长率,2026年到2030年实现1.8%的年增长率。 India had overtaken the UK as the fifth-biggest economy in 2019 but has slipped behind it again due to the pandemic's impact. It won't take over again until 2024, the CEBR says. 印度已经在2019年超越英国成为第五大经济体,但由于受到疫情影响又被英国赶超。印度想再次成为第五大经济体要等到2024年。 India's economy will go on to overtake Germany in 2027 and Japan in 2030. 印度经济将在2027年超越德国,2030年超越日本。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A man wearing a mask walks past the headquarters of the People's Bank of China, the central bank, in Beijing, China, as the country is hit by an outbreak of the new coronavirus, February 3, 2020. REUTERS/Jason Lee China will overtake the US to become the world's largest economy by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast, a report says. The UK-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said China's "skilful" management of Covid-19 would boost its relative growth compared to the US and Europe in coming years. Meanwhile India is tipped to become the third largest economy by 2030. The CEBR releases its economic league table every year on 26 December. Although China was the first country hit by Covid-19, it controlled the disease through swift and extremely strict action, meaning it did not need to repeat economically paralysing lockdowns as European countries have done. As a result, unlike other major economies, it has avoided an economic recession in 2020 and is in fact estimated to see growth of 2% this year. The US economy, by contrast, has been hit hard by the world's worst coronavirus epidemic in terms of sheer numbers. More than 330,000 people have died in the US and there have been some 18.5 million confirmed cases. The economic damage has been cushioned by monetary policy and a huge fiscal stimulus, but political disagreements over a new stimulus package could leave around 14 million Americans without unemployment benefit payments in the new year. The report says that after "a strong post-pandemic rebound in 2021", the US economy will grow by about 1.9% annually from 2022-24 and then slow to 1.6% in the years after that. Credit: BBC By contrast the Chinese economy is tipped to grow by 5.7% annually until 2025, and 4.5% annually from 2026-2030. China's share of the world economy has risen from just 3.6% in 2000 to 17.8% now and the country will become a "high-income economy" by 2023, the report says. The Chinese economy is not only benefitting from having controlled Covid-19 early, but also aggressive policymaking targeting industries like advanced manufacturing, said CEBR deputy chairman Douglas McWilliams. The post-Brexit UK economy will grow by 4% annually from 2021-25 and 1.8% annually from 2026-30. India had overtaken the UK as the fifth-biggest economy in 2019 but has slipped behind it again due to the pandemic's impact. It won't take over again until 2024, the CEBR says. India's economy will go on to overtake Germany in 2027 and Japan in 2030.
英国经济与商业研究中心的年度报告称,2028年中国经济将赶超美国,成为全球最大经济体,比疫情前的预测提早了五年;印度有望在2030年成为全球第三大经济体。 一份报告称,2028年中国将超越美国成为全球最大经济体,比原先预测的提早五年。 总部在英国的经济与商业研究中心指出,中国对新冠疫情的管控“有方”将在未来数年提高中国相对美国和欧洲的经济增长率。 与此同时,报告预测印度将在2030年成为世界第三大经济体。 经济与商业研究中心每年12月26日都会发布经济竞争力排行榜。 尽管中国是最先遭受新冠疫情打击的国家,但是中国通过快速和非常严格的措施控制住了疫情,这意味着中国无需重复欧洲国家实施的导致经济瘫痪的封锁政策。 因此,和其他主要经济体不同,中国在2020年避免了经济衰退,事实上估计中国经济今年还能增长2%。 相比之下,美国经济遭到了世界最糟新冠疫情(确诊人数最多)的重击。疫情导致美国逾33万人死亡,确诊病例达到了1850万之多。 货币政策和大额财政刺激方案缓解了美国经济受到的冲击,但是针对一项新经济刺激计划的政见分歧可能会导致来年约1400万美国人领不到失业救济金。 报告称,“2021年疫情后经济出现强劲反弹”之后,美国经济将在2022年到2024年达到约1.9%的年增长率,此后几年增长率将放缓至1.6%。 相比之下,报告预测中国经济每年将增长5.7%,并保持这一增速直至2025年,而且在2026年到2030年间将维持4.5%的年增长率。 报告称,中国在世界经济中所占的份额已从2000年的3.6%增长到现在的17.8%,中国将在2023年成为“高收入经济体”。 经济与商业研究中心副主席道格拉斯·麦克威廉姆斯表示,中国经济不仅受益于早早地控制住了新冠疫情,还得益于针对先进制造业等产业的积极决策。 经济与商业研究中心的其他预测: 脱欧后英国经济将会在2021年到2025年实现4%的年增长率,2026年到2030年实现1.8%的年增长率。 印度已经在2019年超越英国成为第五大经济体,但由于受到疫情影响又被英国赶超。印度想再次成为第五大经济体要等到2024年。 印度经济将在2027年超越德国,2030年超越日本。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/pexels] 世界上没有比真正地了解一个人的本性还要困难的事情。有没有什么单一的指标最能揭露任何一个人的本性?Quora网友总结了几种方法。 获得2.7k好评的答案@Vijay Gedigeri "If you want to know what's a man really like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals".- Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . “如果你想了解一个人的为人,就要留意他是如何对待他的下级的,而不能光看他如何对待与他地位相等的人。”——小天狼星布莱克,《哈利·波特与火焰杯》 获得229好评的答案@Sarah Chang What they're most proud of. 他们所为之自豪的事情。 获得437好评的答案@Paul Denlinger Their questions. 他们提的问题。 Questions reveal what they are focusing their attention on, and also what their blind spots are. 人所提的问题能够揭露他们到底关注什么,还能揭露他们的盲点。 获得3.7k好评的答案@Abhisek Pattnaik "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."-Abraham Lincoln “几乎所有人都能忍受逆境,但是如果你想知道一个人的品性,就请给他权力。”——亚伯拉罕·林肯 获得5.1k好评的答案@Brett Williams How they treat receptionists, waiters, call-center employees and anyone in a service profession. It speaks volumes about their character and their ability to deal with problems in a rational way. 看他们如何对待前台、服务员、客服人员以及任何服务业者,这能充分说明他们的性格以及他们是否能理性地解决问题。 获得1.4k好评的答案@Sripriya Reddy Their phone's lockscreen wallpaper 他们的手机锁屏图片。 When you get to see someone's lockscreen, you're seeing something this person wants to be reminded of everyday. Something that they would like to look at even before unlocking their phone. It is like a window to their soul. 当你看到某人的锁屏图片时,你看到的是这个人希望每天都能记起的东西,是ta希望在给手机解锁之前就能看到的东西,这就仿佛是他们灵魂的窗户。 Their wallpaper may be of their pet, selfie, parents, children, partner, current car/dream car, favorite actor/singer/sportsperson, favorite Bible verse, a beautiful scenery or even the default wallpaper. 他们的壁纸可能是他们的宠物、自拍、父母、孩子、配偶、现有的车/想要的车、最喜欢的演员/歌手/运动员、最喜欢的《圣经》章节、一张漂亮的风景照甚至是系统默认壁纸。 As a die hard cricket fan, my lockscreen has a picture of AB de Villiers (South African cricketer) at a press conference. 作为板球运动的死忠粉,我的锁屏是德维里尔斯在记者招待会上的一张照片(他是个南美板球运动员)。 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/pexels] "If you want to know what's a man really like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals".- Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire . What they're most proud of. Their questions. Questions reveal what they are focusing their attention on, and also what their blind spots are. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."-Abraham Lincoln How they treat receptionists, waiters, call-center employees and anyone in a service profession. It speaks volumes about their character and their ability to deal with problems in a rational way. Their phone's lockscreen wallpaper When you get to see someone's lockscreen, you're seeing something this person wants to be reminded of everyday. Something that they would like to look at even before unlocking their phone. It is like a window to their soul. Their wallpaper may be of their pet, selfie, parents, children, partner, current car/dream car, favorite actor/singer/sportsperson, favorite Bible verse, a beautiful scenery or even the default wallpaper. As a die hard cricket fan, my lockscreen has a picture of AB de Villiers (South African cricketer) at a press conference.
世界上没有比真正地了解一个人的本性还要困难的事情。有没有什么单一的指标最能揭露任何一个人的本性?Quora网友总结了几种方法。 获得2.7k好评的答案@Vijay Gedigeri “如果你想了解一个人的为人,就要留意他是如何对待他的下级的,而不能光看他如何对待与他地位相等的人。”——小天狼星布莱克,《哈利·波特与火焰杯》 获得229好评的答案@Sarah Chang 他们所为之自豪的事情。 获得437好评的答案@Paul Denlinger 他们提的问题。 人所提的问题能够揭露他们到底关注什么,还能揭露他们的盲点。 获得3.7k好评的答案@Abhisek Pattnaik “几乎所有人都能忍受逆境,但是如果你想知道一个人的品性,就请给他权力。”——亚伯拉罕·林肯 获得5.1k好评的答案@Brett Williams 看他们如何对待前台、服务员、客服人员以及任何服务业者,这能充分说明他们的性格以及他们是否能理性地解决问题。 获得1.4k好评的答案@Sripriya Reddy 他们的手机锁屏图片。 当你看到某人的锁屏图片时,你看到的是这个人希望每天都能记起的东西,是ta希望在给手机解锁之前就能看到的东西,这就仿佛是他们灵魂的窗户。 他们的壁纸可能是他们的宠物、自拍、父母、孩子、配偶、现有的车/想要的车、最喜欢的演员/歌手/运动员、最喜欢的《圣经》章节、一张漂亮的风景照甚至是系统默认壁纸。 作为板球运动的死忠粉,我的锁屏是德维里尔斯在记者招待会上的一张照片(他是个南美板球运动员)。 来源: 沪江英语
2020年,无论你是居家办公还是在线上网课,中国日报网英语点津依然默默陪伴你的英语学习之路。“权威发布”为你奉上官方英译素材,“新闻热词”帮你了解时政新闻,“双语新闻”带你浏览各国新鲜事,还有新开辟的“一课译词”,用简短的内容填补你的碎片学习时间。 新一年到来之前,为你盘点这一年点击量最高的10篇文章,希望来年,你们的关注会继续。 No 1 “天问一号”成功发射 中国首辆火星车亮相 Tianwen 1 was launched on its Mars mission carried by a Long March 5 rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on July 23. 7月23日,“天问一号”火星探测任务搭载长征5号火箭在文昌卫星发射中心实施。 Depending on the two planets' orbits, Mars is 55 million km to 400 million km from Earth. It is estimated it will take the probe seven months to reach Mars. 火星距离地球大约5500万公里到4亿公里,按照这个距离,探测器大约要飞行7个月才能到达火星。 中国行星探测任务(planetary exploration missions)被命名为“天问(Tianwen)系列”,首次火星探测任务(first Mars exploration mission)被命名为“天问一号”,后续行星任务依次编号。“天问”来自中国伟大诗人屈原的长诗《天问》。“天问”这个名字表达了中华民族对于真理追求的坚韧与执着(the Chinese nation's perseverance in pursuing truth),体现了对自然和宇宙空间探索的文化传承(culture of exploring nature and the universe)。 点击图片查看原文 No 2 2020年政府工作报告(双语全文) 2020年5月22日,国务院总理李克强代表国务院,报告政府工作。 The covid-19 epidemic is the fastest spreading, most extensive, and most challenging public health emergency China has encountered since the founding of the People’s Republic. Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and through the hard work and sacrifice of our entire nation, we have made major strategic achievements in our response to covid-19. At present, the epidemic has not yet come to an end, while the tasks we face in promoting development are immense. We must redouble our efforts to minimize the losses resulting from the virus and fulfill the targets and tasks for economic and social development this year. 这次新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来我国遭遇的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的重大突发公共卫生事件。在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,经过全国上下和广大人民群众艰苦卓绝努力并付出牺牲,疫情防控取得重大战略成果。当前,疫情尚未结束,发展任务异常艰巨。要努力把疫情造成的损失降到最低,努力完成今年经济社会发展目标任务。 查看原文>> No 3 蚊子会传播新冠病毒吗?专家是这么说的…… Mosquito season is upon us, and considering that these bloodsuckers are known to transmit diseases, people are concerned: Do mosquitoes carry the coronavirus? And if so, can they transmit it to humans and infect a person with COVID-19? 又到蚊子季了,想到这些吸血昆虫会传播疾病,人们感到担忧:蚊子会携带新冠病毒吗?如果可以,它们会不会把新冠病毒传播给人类,让人感染上新冠肺炎? Short answer: it's unlikely. Official guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) says there’s no information or evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted through mosquito bites. 简单来说,答案是:不太可能。世界卫生组织的官方指南称,没有信息或证据显示,新冠病毒会通过蚊虫叮咬来传播。 点击图片查看原文 No 4 《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》白皮书(双语全文) 国务院新闻办公室6月7日发布《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》白皮书。 To keep a record of China’s efforts in its own fight against the virus, to share its experience with the rest of the world, and to clarify its ideas on the global battle, the Chinese government now releases this white paper. 为记录中国人民抗击疫情的伟大历程,与国际社会分享中国抗疫的经验做法,阐明全球抗疫的中国理念、中国主张,中国政府特发布此白皮书。 查看原文>> No 5 经合组织报告:中国将是2020年G20唯一实现正增长的国家 China is the only G20 country for which output is projected to rise in 2020, with its economy growing 1.8%, compared to a 3.8% contraction in the United States and a 7.9% decline among the 19 countries that use the euro. Beijing reported Tuesday that retail sales were higher in August than they had been the previous year — the first time sales have increased in 2020. 在二十国集团中,经合组织预计只有中国的2020年经济产出将增长,预期经济增长率为1.8%,相比之下,美国经济预期将下滑3.8%,19个欧元区国家将下滑7.9%。根据中国政府9月15日发布的报告,中国8月份零售业销售额高于去年同期,这是2020年零售额首次出现增长。 点击图片查看原文
No 1 Tianwen 1 was launched on its Mars mission carried by a Long March 5 rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Center on July 23. Depending on the two planets' orbits, Mars is 55 million km to 400 million km from Earth. It is estimated it will take the probe seven months to reach Mars. No 2 The covid-19 epidemic is the fastest spreading, most extensive, and most challenging public health emergency China has encountered since the founding of the People’s Republic. Under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and through the hard work and sacrifice of our entire nation, we have made major strategic achievements in our response to covid-19. At present, the epidemic has not yet come to an end, while the tasks we face in promoting development are immense. We must redouble our efforts to minimize the losses resulting from the virus and fulfill the targets and tasks for economic and social development this year. No 3 Mosquito season is upon us, and considering that these bloodsuckers are known to transmit diseases, people are concerned: Do mosquitoes carry the coronavirus? And if so, can they transmit it to humans and infect a person with COVID-19? Short answer: it's unlikely. Official guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) says there’s no information or evidence to suggest that the new coronavirus could be transmitted through mosquito bites. No 4 To keep a record of China’s efforts in its own fight against the virus, to share its experience with the rest of the world, and to clarify its ideas on the global battle, the Chinese government now releases this white paper. No 5 China is the only G20 country for which output is projected to rise in 2020, with its economy growing 1.8%, compared to a 3.8% contraction in the United States and a 7.9% decline among the 19 countries that use the euro. Beijing reported Tuesday that retail sales were higher in August than they had been the previous year — the first time sales have increased in 2020.
2020年,无论你是居家办公还是在线上网课,中国日报网英语点津依然默默陪伴你的英语学习之路。“权威发布”为你奉上官方英译素材,“新闻热词”帮你了解时政新闻,“双语新闻”带你浏览各国新鲜事,还有新开辟的“一课译词”,用简短的内容填补你的碎片学习时间。 新一年到来之前,为你盘点这一年点击量最高的10篇文章,希望来年,你们的关注会继续。 “天问一号”成功发射 中国首辆火星车亮相 7月23日,“天问一号”火星探测任务搭载长征5号火箭在文昌卫星发射中心实施。 火星距离地球大约5500万公里到4亿公里,按照这个距离,探测器大约要飞行7个月才能到达火星。 中国行星探测任务(planetary exploration missions)被命名为“天问(Tianwen)系列”,首次火星探测任务(first Mars exploration mission)被命名为“天问一号”,后续行星任务依次编号。“天问”来自中国伟大诗人屈原的长诗《天问》。“天问”这个名字表达了中华民族对于真理追求的坚韧与执着(the Chinese nation's perseverance in pursuing truth),体现了对自然和宇宙空间探索的文化传承(culture of exploring nature and the universe)。 点击图片查看原文 2020年政府工作报告(双语全文) 2020年5月22日,国务院总理李克强代表国务院,报告政府工作。 这次新冠肺炎疫情,是新中国成立以来我国遭遇的传播速度最快、感染范围最广、防控难度最大的重大突发公共卫生事件。在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,经过全国上下和广大人民群众艰苦卓绝努力并付出牺牲,疫情防控取得重大战略成果。当前,疫情尚未结束,发展任务异常艰巨。要努力把疫情造成的损失降到最低,努力完成今年经济社会发展目标任务。 查看原文>> 蚊子会传播新冠病毒吗?专家是这么说的…… 又到蚊子季了,想到这些吸血昆虫会传播疾病,人们感到担忧:蚊子会携带新冠病毒吗?如果可以,它们会不会把新冠病毒传播给人类,让人感染上新冠肺炎? 简单来说,答案是:不太可能。世界卫生组织的官方指南称,没有信息或证据显示,新冠病毒会通过蚊虫叮咬来传播。 点击图片查看原文 《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》白皮书(双语全文) 国务院新闻办公室6月7日发布《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》白皮书。 为记录中国人民抗击疫情的伟大历程,与国际社会分享中国抗疫的经验做法,阐明全球抗疫的中国理念、中国主张,中国政府特发布此白皮书。 查看原文>> 经合组织报告:中国将是2020年G20唯一实现正增长的国家 在二十国集团中,经合组织预计只有中国的2020年经济产出将增长,预期经济增长率为1.8%,相比之下,美国经济预期将下滑3.8%,19个欧元区国家将下滑7.9%。根据中国政府9月15日发布的报告,中国8月份零售业销售额高于去年同期,这是2020年零售额首次出现增长。 点击图片查看原文
2020年是很不寻常的一年,对于电影界也是如此。尽管受疫情影响,今年上映的新片不多,但是也不乏优秀的电影。根据豆瓣评分,我们筛选出了本年度最精华的十部电影,快来将它们一网打尽吧! Poster of Soul . (Credit: Pixar) Soul 《心灵奇旅》 豆瓣评分:9.1 In the first Pixar cartoon to have an African-American lead character, Jamie Foxx provides the voice of a music teacher who dreams of making it as a jazz pianist in New York. But just after a successful audition, he falls down a manhole, and finds himself in an astral realm where human spirits are assigned their personalities. And things get even more surreal from there. 《心灵奇旅》是第一部主角为非裔美国人的皮克斯动画电影,杰米·福克斯在本片中为一名梦想在纽约成为爵士乐钢琴家的音乐老师配音。但就在一次成功的面试后,他掉进了一个下水道,醒来后发现自己来到了一个灵魂世界,在这里人类灵魂都拥有自己的个性。自那以后事情就变得越发离奇。 推荐月份: 12月 Still from Nomadland . (Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures) Nomadland 《无依之地》 豆瓣评分:8.7 When Fern (Frances McDormand) is widowed, she can’t afford to live in a house of her own, so she packs her few belongings into a camper van, and drives off into the Nevada desert. She soon discovers that she isn’t alone: there is a large community of senior citizens who have been forced to live on the road, supporting themselves with short-term jobs along the way. What makes Nomadland unique is that while Fern is played by an Oscar-winning actress, nearly all of the people she meets are real nomads who recount their own experiences. Written and directed by Chloe Zhao ( The Rider ), the film is a “hybrid of documentary and fiction”. 费恩(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德饰演)失去丈夫后,她住不起自己的房子,于是就收拾了仅有的一点个人物品放在露营车上,开车去了内华达沙漠。她很快便发现,自己不是一个人:这里居住着一大群老年人,他们被迫住在公路上,靠着沿途做点短期工作来糊口。这部电影的独特之处在于,尽管费恩的扮演者是获得奥斯卡奖的女演员,但费恩在路上所遇到的几乎所有人都是真正的流浪者,他们只是在讲述自己的亲身经历。这部电影由赵婷(曾执导过《骑士》)担任编剧和导演,是一部“纪实和虚构相混合的影片”。 推荐月份: 12月 Still from Wolfwalkers . (Credit: Apple TV+) Wolfwalkers 《狼行者》 豆瓣评分:8.1 The year’s finest animated film doesn’t come from Dreamworks or Pixar, but from Cartoon Saloon, an Irish studio specialising in Celtic folklore and stylised hand-drawn 2D art. Their latest rousing fairy tale is set in the mid 17th-Century, when English soldiers are trying to tame the wild woods near Kilkenny. One hunter’s daughter learns that there aren’t just wolves in the forest, but “wolfwalkers” who can change into wolves at night. Richard Whittaker in the Austin Chronicle praises “a heartwarming story of family and friendship, a family-friendly examination of the horror of repression, a bracing adventure about two girls finding themselves, and a stealth art history lesson… Wolfwalkers stands proud as a new classic.” 今年最杰出的动画电影不是出自梦工厂,也不是出自皮克斯,而是出自卡通沙龙动画工作室。这家爱尔兰电影工作室专注于凯尔特民间传说和风格化的手绘平面艺术。他们的这部新片讲述了发生在17世纪中叶的一个激动人心的神话故事,故事里英格兰士兵正试图攻占基尔肯尼附近的一片原始森林。一位猎人的女儿知道森林里不仅有狼,还有夜里会变成狼的“狼行者”。《奥斯汀编年史》的理查德·惠特克称赞该片是“一个关于家庭和友情的暖心故事,从家庭角度对恐怖压迫的审视,关于两个小女孩寻找自我的令人振奋的冒险,以及一堂润物细无声的艺术史课……《狼行者》是当之无愧的新经典。” 推荐月份: 12月 Still from The Croods: A New Age . (Credit: Universal Picture) The Croods: A New Age 《疯狂原始人2:新纪元》 豆瓣评分:8.1 The prehistoric family from 2013’s hugely enjoyable cartoon, The Croods , makes a welcome return, so we can expect more frenetic adventures, bizarre hybrid animals, and endearing vocal work by such well-cast actors as Nicolas Cage, Catherine Keener, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds. In the much-delayed sequel, they meet another family, the Bettermans (voiced by Peter Dinklage, Leslie Mann and Kelly Marie Tran), whose advanced lifestyle and technology makes the Croods look even more primitive than they did already. “The Croods lead with their heart, and the Bettermans lead with their brain,” says Joel Crawford, the film’s director. “Of course, there’s conflict, they face challenges, but they learn to appreciate each other’s differences. There’s a lot of wonderful, powerful themes. But it’s a ridiculous comedy too.” 2013年的超欢乐动画《疯狂原始人》中的史前家庭即将在万众期待中回归,我们有望看到更疯狂的冒险、古怪的杂交动物,听到尼古拉斯·凯奇、凯瑟琳·基纳、艾玛·斯通和瑞恩·雷诺兹等杰出演员的可爱配音。在这部姗姗来迟的续集中,这家人遇到了另一个家庭——贝特曼斯一家(由彼特·丁拉基、莱斯利·曼恩和凯莉·玛丽·陈配音)。这家人先进的生活方式和技术使得本就原始的克鲁兹一家显得更加原始。该片的导演乔尔·克劳福德表示:“克鲁兹一家是用心去生活,贝特曼斯一家是用大脑去生活。当然,冲突是存在的,他们也面临挑战,但他们学会欣赏彼此的不同。电影中有很多奇妙、有力的主题。但这也是一部荒诞的喜剧片。” 推荐月份: 11月 Still from Tenet . (Credit: Warner Bros.) Tenet 《信条》 豆瓣评分:7.7 If any film is going to tempt crowds back to cinemas, it’s Christopher Nolan’s Tenet , a brain-frying science-fiction blockbuster with a high concept and a higher budget. John David Washington stars as a secret agent who learns about mysterious weapons that move backwards through time, and then dashes off on a mission to find the man responsible, a sadistic Ukrainian arms dealer played by Kenneth Branagh. Tenet is a Bond movie that squeezes Back to the Future 2 and Edge of Tomorrow into its last act. After six months with almost no new films in cinemas, it’s good to see a film so crammed with exotic locations, snazzy costumes, shoot-outs and explosions that you get six months’ worth of entertainment in two and a half hours. 如果说有哪部电影可以吸引大众回归影院,那就是克里斯多夫·诺兰的《信条》,这是一部成本超高的高概念烧脑科幻大片。约翰·大卫·华盛顿在片中饰演一位特工,他得知可以令时间倒流的秘密武器后,就火速开始了寻找罪魁祸首的任务,后者是肯尼思·布莱纳格饰演的一名残酷成性的乌克兰军火商。《信条》本质上是一部007电影,结局是《回到未来2》和《明日边缘》的集合体。在经历了几乎没有新片上映的六个月后,能看到一部充满异国风情、新潮服饰、枪战和爆炸场面的电影真是棒极了,在两个半小时内就过足了六个月的瘾。 推荐月份: 9月 Still from Onward .(Credit: Disney/Pixar) Onward 《1/2的魔法》 豆瓣评分:7.7 Dragons, unicorns and other fairytale creatures are usually consigned to a mythical past resembling Ancient Greece or Medieval Britain, but the big idea behind Pixar’s latest animation, Onward , is that they are all still alive and kicking in the US today. Tom Holland and Chris Pratt (better known as Spider-Man and Star-Lord) provide the voices of two elf brothers who go on a road trip – or a magical quest, depending on how you look at it – in an attempt to bring their father back from the dead. Ben Travis writes in Empire that Onward is “pure, perfect Pixar – a film with such warmth, whip-smart humor and creative energy that it’s a sheer joy to spend a few hours in its presence”. 龙、独角兽和其他神话生物通常都被安排在古希腊或中世纪英国这样的神秘过往,但是皮克斯的最新动画《1/2的魔法》的故事设定却是这些神话生物全都活蹦乱跳地生活在当代的美国。汤姆·赫兰德(蜘蛛侠)和克里斯·帕拉特(星爵)为两个踏上公路之旅——或探寻魔法之旅(取决于你怎么看,目的是让父亲起死回生)——的精灵兄弟配音。本·特拉维斯在Empire网站上写道,《1/2的魔法》是“一部纯粹的、完美的皮克斯电影——拥有暖心、机智的幽默感和创造性活力,观影的几个小时完全是在快乐中度过的。” 推荐月份: 3月 Still from Saint Frances .(Credit: Oscilloscope Laboratories) Saint Frances 《圣·弗朗西斯》 豆瓣评分:7.4 Kelly O’Sullivan is both the screenwriter and star of this sensitive indie comedy about Bridget, a directionless Chicago thirtysomething who gets a job as a six-year-old’s nanny. Of course, Bridget is soon learning as much from Frances (Ramona Edith-Williams) as Frances is learning from her. Saint Frances was the audience-award winner at last year’s SXSW festival, where Brian Tallerico at RogerEbert wrote that “the movie really snuck up on me and walloped me emotionally in the final scenes in ways I wasn’t expecting”. The reason: “we believe in its characters... Bridget makes mistakes, but they feel organic and genuine, not designed as ‘movie lessons’.” 凯莉·欧·沙利文既是这部情感细腻的独立制作电影的编剧,也是主演。这部喜剧片讲述的是一位没有方向感的三十多岁芝加哥女性布丽吉特的故事,她给一个6岁孩子当保姆。当然,布丽吉特很快就从弗朗西斯(拉蒙娜·伊迪斯-威廉姆斯饰演)身上学到了很多东西,而弗朗西斯也从她身上学到了很多。《圣·弗朗西斯》在去年的西南偏南电影节上获得了观众选择奖,影评网RogerEbert的布莱恩·塔勒锐可写道:“这部电影猝不及防地征服了我,结局以一种出乎意料的方式深深触动了我的情感”。原因是“角色让人信服……布丽吉特会犯错,但这些错误都自然而真实,没有说教意味”。 推荐月份: 2月 Still from Hillbilly Elegy . (Credit: Netflix) Hillbilly Elegy 《乡下人的悲歌》 豆瓣评分:7.4 JD Vance’s fraught account of his poverty-stricken Appalachian upbringing in Ohio was a New York Times bestseller in 2016, when it was viewed by some commentators as a window into the soul of US white working-class. The film of Hillbilly Elegy is directed by Ron Howard ( Apollo 13 , A Beautiful Mind ) and written by Vanessa Taylor ( The Shape of Water ). Both writer and director have worked on Oscar-winning hits, but awards-watchers have their eyes on its two female stars: Amy Adams plays Vance’s unstable, drug-addicted mother, and Glenn Close is the tough grandmother who raised him. “Between them,” notes Yohana Desta in Vanity Fair , “the pair have 13 total Oscar nominations but zero wins – making Hillbilly one of the more intriguing titles on this year’s awards circuit. Will one of them finally break their Oscar spell next year and land an acting statuette? Will both of them win? It’s possible!” J.D.万斯于2016年登顶《纽约时报》排行榜的畅销书《乡下人的悲歌》讲述了自己在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚山脉穷苦和忧患重重的成长经历,该书被一些评论家视为窥探美国劳动阶级白人灵魂的窗口。改编自该书的同名电影由朗·霍华德(《阿波罗13号》和《美丽心灵》导演)执导,瓦内莎·泰勒(《水形物语》编剧)担任编剧。导演和编剧的作品都曾获得过奥斯卡奖,但是片中的两位女星则被视为奥斯卡奖的有力角逐者。艾米·亚当斯饰演万斯的喜怒无常的“瘾君子”母亲,而格伦·克洛斯饰演将他养大的顽强祖母。《名利场》杂志的尤汉娜·德斯塔指出:“这两人一共获得了13次奥斯卡奖提名,但从未获得过奥斯卡奖杯,这使得《乡下人的悲歌》成为今年有望角逐奥斯卡奖的电影之一。明年她俩当中是否有一人能够打破奥斯卡魔咒,获得一座最佳表演奖小金人呢?或者两个人都获奖?这也是有可能的!” 推荐月份: 11月 Still from Emma . (Credit:Focus Features) Emma 《爱玛》 豆瓣评分:7.2 Did the world need one more Jane Austen adaptation? Not really, but this enchanting, colourful version is a very welcome addition. As Emma, Anya Taylor-Joy captures the heart and warmth beneath Austen’s bossy, match-making heroine. Johnny Flynn is irresistible as her improbable love, Mr Knightley. And Bill Nighy gloriously steals every scene as Emma’s comically overprotective father. 这个世界还需要再多一部简·奥斯汀著作的改编作品吗?其实不需要,但是这部引人入胜、生动有趣的电影却是锦上添花。安雅·泰勒-乔伊饰演的爱玛捕捉住了奥斯汀笔下的这位喜欢发号施令和做媒的女主角温暖的心。魅力十足的约翰尼·弗林饰演最终和爱玛相爱的奈特利先生(这是爱玛没有预料到的)。比尔·奈伊饰演的喜剧感十足、过分溺爱的父亲也极为抢戏。 推荐月份: 2月 Still from Ammonite . (Credit: Ascot Elite Entertainment Group) Ammonite 《菊石》 豆瓣评分:7.1 Kate Winslet plays Mary Anning, the Victorian fossil hunter whose discoveries on the Dorset coast made her a heroine to palaeontologists, but who was never quite accepted by male scientists in her lifetime. Saoirse Ronan plays Charlotte Murchison, an aspiring geologist who visits Anning’s home in Lyme Regis. BBC Culture’s Caryn James says that Francis Lee’s “exquisite” period romance is “visually stunning, emotionally enduring [and] brutally honest”. 凯特·温斯莱特饰演维多利亚时代的化石猎人玛丽·安宁,她在多赛特郡海岸的发现使她成为古生物学家心目中的女英雄,但是她始终不能被同时代的男性科学家完全接纳。西尔莎·罗南饰演胸怀大志的地质学家夏洛特·默奇森,她拜访了安宁在来木镇的家。BBC文化频道的卡琳·詹姆斯表示,弗朗西斯·李的这部“优美的”年代爱情电影“具有视觉冲击力、情感持久力,而且极其坦诚”。 推荐月份: 11月 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Poster of Soul . (Credit: Pixar) Soul In the first Pixar cartoon to have an African-American lead character, Jamie Foxx provides the voice of a music teacher who dreams of making it as a jazz pianist in New York. But just after a successful audition, he falls down a manhole, and finds himself in an astral realm where human spirits are assigned their personalities. And things get even more surreal from there. Still from Nomadland . (Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures) Nomadland When Fern (Frances McDormand) is widowed, she can’t afford to live in a house of her own, so she packs her few belongings into a camper van, and drives off into the Nevada desert. She soon discovers that she isn’t alone: there is a large community of senior citizens who have been forced to live on the road, supporting themselves with short-term jobs along the way. What makes Nomadland unique is that while Fern is played by an Oscar-winning actress, nearly all of the people she meets are real nomads who recount their own experiences. Written and directed by Chloe Zhao ( The Rider ), the film is a “hybrid of documentary and fiction”. Still from Wolfwalkers . (Credit: Apple TV+) Wolfwalkers The year’s finest animated film doesn’t come from Dreamworks or Pixar, but from Cartoon Saloon, an Irish studio specialising in Celtic folklore and stylised hand-drawn 2D art. Their latest rousing fairy tale is set in the mid 17th-Century, when English soldiers are trying to tame the wild woods near Kilkenny. One hunter’s daughter learns that there aren’t just wolves in the forest, but “wolfwalkers” who can change into wolves at night. Richard Whittaker in the Austin Chronicle praises “a heartwarming story of family and friendship, a family-friendly examination of the horror of repression, a bracing adventure about two girls finding themselves, and a stealth art history lesson… Wolfwalkers stands proud as a new classic.” Still from The Croods: A New Age . (Credit: Universal Picture) The Croods: A New Age The prehistoric family from 2013’s hugely enjoyable cartoon, The Croods , makes a welcome return, so we can expect more frenetic adventures, bizarre hybrid animals, and endearing vocal work by such well-cast actors as Nicolas Cage, Catherine Keener, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds. In the much-delayed sequel, they meet another family, the Bettermans (voiced by Peter Dinklage, Leslie Mann and Kelly Marie Tran), whose advanced lifestyle and technology makes the Croods look even more primitive than they did already. “The Croods lead with their heart, and the Bettermans lead with their brain,” says Joel Crawford, the film’s director. “Of course, there’s conflict, they face challenges, but they learn to appreciate each other’s differences. There’s a lot of wonderful, powerful themes. But it’s a ridiculous comedy too.” Still from Tenet . (Credit: Warner Bros.) Tenet If any film is going to tempt crowds back to cinemas, it’s Christopher Nolan’s Tenet , a brain-frying science-fiction blockbuster with a high concept and a higher budget. John David Washington stars as a secret agent who learns about mysterious weapons that move backwards through time, and then dashes off on a mission to find the man responsible, a sadistic Ukrainian arms dealer played by Kenneth Branagh. Tenet is a Bond movie that squeezes Back to the Future 2 and Edge of Tomorrow into its last act. After six months with almost no new films in cinemas, it’s good to see a film so crammed with exotic locations, snazzy costumes, shoot-outs and explosions that you get six months’ worth of entertainment in two and a half hours. Still from Onward .(Credit: Disney/Pixar) Onward Dragons, unicorns and other fairytale creatures are usually consigned to a mythical past resembling Ancient Greece or Medieval Britain, but the big idea behind Pixar’s latest animation, Onward , is that they are all still alive and kicking in the US today. Tom Holland and Chris Pratt (better known as Spider-Man and Star-Lord) provide the voices of two elf brothers who go on a road trip – or a magical quest, depending on how you look at it – in an attempt to bring their father back from the dead. Ben Travis writes in Empire that Onward is “pure, perfect Pixar – a film with such warmth, whip-smart humor and creative energy that it’s a sheer joy to spend a few hours in its presence”. Still from Saint Frances .(Credit: Oscilloscope Laboratories) Saint Frances Kelly O’Sullivan is both the screenwriter and star of this sensitive indie comedy about Bridget, a directionless Chicago thirtysomething who gets a job as a six-year-old’s nanny. Of course, Bridget is soon learning as much from Frances (Ramona Edith-Williams) as Frances is learning from her. Saint Frances was the audience-award winner at last year’s SXSW festival, where Brian Tallerico at RogerEbert wrote that “the movie really snuck up on me and walloped me emotionally in the final scenes in ways I wasn’t expecting”. The reason: “we believe in its characters... Bridget makes mistakes, but they feel organic and genuine, not designed as ‘movie lessons’.” Still from Hillbilly Elegy . (Credit: Netflix) Hillbilly Elegy JD Vance’s fraught account of his poverty-stricken Appalachian upbringing in Ohio was a New York Times bestseller in 2016, when it was viewed by some commentators as a window into the soul of US white working-class. The film of Hillbilly Elegy is directed by Ron Howard ( Apollo 13 , A Beautiful Mind ) and written by Vanessa Taylor ( The Shape of Water ). Both writer and director have worked on Oscar-winning hits, but awards-watchers have their eyes on its two female stars: Amy Adams plays Vance’s unstable, drug-addicted mother, and Glenn Close is the tough grandmother who raised him. “Between them,” notes Yohana Desta in Vanity Fair , “the pair have 13 total Oscar nominations but zero wins – making Hillbilly one of the more intriguing titles on this year’s awards circuit. Will one of them finally break their Oscar spell next year and land an acting statuette? Will both of them win? It’s possible!” Still from Emma . (Credit:Focus Features) Emma Did the world need one more Jane Austen adaptation? Not really, but this enchanting, colourful version is a very welcome addition. As Emma, Anya Taylor-Joy captures the heart and warmth beneath Austen’s bossy, match-making heroine. Johnny Flynn is irresistible as her improbable love, Mr Knightley. And Bill Nighy gloriously steals every scene as Emma’s comically overprotective father. Still from Ammonite . (Credit: Ascot Elite Entertainment Group) Ammonite Kate Winslet plays Mary Anning, the Victorian fossil hunter whose discoveries on the Dorset coast made her a heroine to palaeontologists, but who was never quite accepted by male scientists in her lifetime. Saoirse Ronan plays Charlotte Murchison, an aspiring geologist who visits Anning’s home in Lyme Regis. BBC Culture’s Caryn James says that Francis Lee’s “exquisite” period romance is “visually stunning, emotionally enduring [and] brutally honest”.
2020年是很不寻常的一年,对于电影界也是如此。尽管受疫情影响,今年上映的新片不多,但是也不乏优秀的电影。根据豆瓣评分,我们筛选出了本年度最精华的十部电影,快来将它们一网打尽吧! 《心灵奇旅》 豆瓣评分:9.1 《心灵奇旅》是第一部主角为非裔美国人的皮克斯动画电影,杰米·福克斯在本片中为一名梦想在纽约成为爵士乐钢琴家的音乐老师配音。但就在一次成功的面试后,他掉进了一个下水道,醒来后发现自己来到了一个灵魂世界,在这里人类灵魂都拥有自己的个性。自那以后事情就变得越发离奇。 推荐月份: 12月 《无依之地》 豆瓣评分:8.7 费恩(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德饰演)失去丈夫后,她住不起自己的房子,于是就收拾了仅有的一点个人物品放在露营车上,开车去了内华达沙漠。她很快便发现,自己不是一个人:这里居住着一大群老年人,他们被迫住在公路上,靠着沿途做点短期工作来糊口。这部电影的独特之处在于,尽管费恩的扮演者是获得奥斯卡奖的女演员,但费恩在路上所遇到的几乎所有人都是真正的流浪者,他们只是在讲述自己的亲身经历。这部电影由赵婷(曾执导过《骑士》)担任编剧和导演,是一部“纪实和虚构相混合的影片”。 推荐月份: 12月 《狼行者》 豆瓣评分:8.1 今年最杰出的动画电影不是出自梦工厂,也不是出自皮克斯,而是出自卡通沙龙动画工作室。这家爱尔兰电影工作室专注于凯尔特民间传说和风格化的手绘平面艺术。他们的这部新片讲述了发生在17世纪中叶的一个激动人心的神话故事,故事里英格兰士兵正试图攻占基尔肯尼附近的一片原始森林。一位猎人的女儿知道森林里不仅有狼,还有夜里会变成狼的“狼行者”。《奥斯汀编年史》的理查德·惠特克称赞该片是“一个关于家庭和友情的暖心故事,从家庭角度对恐怖压迫的审视,关于两个小女孩寻找自我的令人振奋的冒险,以及一堂润物细无声的艺术史课……《狼行者》是当之无愧的新经典。” 推荐月份: 12月 《疯狂原始人2:新纪元》 豆瓣评分:8.1 2013年的超欢乐动画《疯狂原始人》中的史前家庭即将在万众期待中回归,我们有望看到更疯狂的冒险、古怪的杂交动物,听到尼古拉斯·凯奇、凯瑟琳·基纳、艾玛·斯通和瑞恩·雷诺兹等杰出演员的可爱配音。在这部姗姗来迟的续集中,这家人遇到了另一个家庭——贝特曼斯一家(由彼特·丁拉基、莱斯利·曼恩和凯莉·玛丽·陈配音)。这家人先进的生活方式和技术使得本就原始的克鲁兹一家显得更加原始。该片的导演乔尔·克劳福德表示:“克鲁兹一家是用心去生活,贝特曼斯一家是用大脑去生活。当然,冲突是存在的,他们也面临挑战,但他们学会欣赏彼此的不同。电影中有很多奇妙、有力的主题。但这也是一部荒诞的喜剧片。” 推荐月份: 11月 《信条》 豆瓣评分:7.7 如果说有哪部电影可以吸引大众回归影院,那就是克里斯多夫·诺兰的《信条》,这是一部成本超高的高概念烧脑科幻大片。约翰·大卫·华盛顿在片中饰演一位特工,他得知可以令时间倒流的秘密武器后,就火速开始了寻找罪魁祸首的任务,后者是肯尼思·布莱纳格饰演的一名残酷成性的乌克兰军火商。《信条》本质上是一部007电影,结局是《回到未来2》和《明日边缘》的集合体。在经历了几乎没有新片上映的六个月后,能看到一部充满异国风情、新潮服饰、枪战和爆炸场面的电影真是棒极了,在两个半小时内就过足了六个月的瘾。 推荐月份: 9月 《1/2的魔法》 豆瓣评分:7.7 龙、独角兽和其他神话生物通常都被安排在古希腊或中世纪英国这样的神秘过往,但是皮克斯的最新动画《1/2的魔法》的故事设定却是这些神话生物全都活蹦乱跳地生活在当代的美国。汤姆·赫兰德(蜘蛛侠)和克里斯·帕拉特(星爵)为两个踏上公路之旅——或探寻魔法之旅(取决于你怎么看,目的是让父亲起死回生)——的精灵兄弟配音。本·特拉维斯在Empire网站上写道,《1/2的魔法》是“一部纯粹的、完美的皮克斯电影——拥有暖心、机智的幽默感和创造性活力,观影的几个小时完全是在快乐中度过的。” 推荐月份: 3月 《圣·弗朗西斯》 豆瓣评分:7.4 凯莉·欧·沙利文既是这部情感细腻的独立制作电影的编剧,也是主演。这部喜剧片讲述的是一位没有方向感的三十多岁芝加哥女性布丽吉特的故事,她给一个6岁孩子当保姆。当然,布丽吉特很快就从弗朗西斯(拉蒙娜·伊迪斯-威廉姆斯饰演)身上学到了很多东西,而弗朗西斯也从她身上学到了很多。《圣·弗朗西斯》在去年的西南偏南电影节上获得了观众选择奖,影评网RogerEbert的布莱恩·塔勒锐可写道:“这部电影猝不及防地征服了我,结局以一种出乎意料的方式深深触动了我的情感”。原因是“角色让人信服……布丽吉特会犯错,但这些错误都自然而真实,没有说教意味”。 推荐月份: 2月 《乡下人的悲歌》 豆瓣评分:7.4 J.D.万斯于2016年登顶《纽约时报》排行榜的畅销书《乡下人的悲歌》讲述了自己在俄亥俄州阿巴拉契亚山脉穷苦和忧患重重的成长经历,该书被一些评论家视为窥探美国劳动阶级白人灵魂的窗口。改编自该书的同名电影由朗·霍华德(《阿波罗13号》和《美丽心灵》导演)执导,瓦内莎·泰勒(《水形物语》编剧)担任编剧。导演和编剧的作品都曾获得过奥斯卡奖,但是片中的两位女星则被视为奥斯卡奖的有力角逐者。艾米·亚当斯饰演万斯的喜怒无常的“瘾君子”母亲,而格伦·克洛斯饰演将他养大的顽强祖母。《名利场》杂志的尤汉娜·德斯塔指出:“这两人一共获得了13次奥斯卡奖提名,但从未获得过奥斯卡奖杯,这使得《乡下人的悲歌》成为今年有望角逐奥斯卡奖的电影之一。明年她俩当中是否有一人能够打破奥斯卡魔咒,获得一座最佳表演奖小金人呢?或者两个人都获奖?这也是有可能的!” 推荐月份: 11月 《爱玛》 豆瓣评分:7.2 这个世界还需要再多一部简·奥斯汀著作的改编作品吗?其实不需要,但是这部引人入胜、生动有趣的电影却是锦上添花。安雅·泰勒-乔伊饰演的爱玛捕捉住了奥斯汀笔下的这位喜欢发号施令和做媒的女主角温暖的心。魅力十足的约翰尼·弗林饰演最终和爱玛相爱的奈特利先生(这是爱玛没有预料到的)。比尔·奈伊饰演的喜剧感十足、过分溺爱的父亲也极为抢戏。 推荐月份: 2月 《菊石》 豆瓣评分:7.1 凯特·温斯莱特饰演维多利亚时代的化石猎人玛丽·安宁,她在多赛特郡海岸的发现使她成为古生物学家心目中的女英雄,但是她始终不能被同时代的男性科学家完全接纳。西尔莎·罗南饰演胸怀大志的地质学家夏洛特·默奇森,她拜访了安宁在来木镇的家。BBC文化频道的卡琳·詹姆斯表示,弗朗西斯·李的这部“优美的”年代爱情电影“具有视觉冲击力、情感持久力,而且极其坦诚”。 推荐月份: 11月 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
最近,“童话大王”郑渊洁在社交媒体上火了。他因为在评论区和网友的有爱互动,频繁登上热搜。 郑渊洁这个名字几乎存在于每个80后和部分90后的童年里,这位“童话大王”曾于2011年登上作家富豪榜第三位。 Over the past four decades, Zheng has published countless tales, including the well-known “Pipi Lu” and “Lu Xixi” stories. He has a reputation as a writer whom the whole family can enjoy reading. 过去四十年里,郑渊洁出了数不清的童话,包括大家熟知的《皮皮鲁传》和《鲁西西传》。他的作品家喻户晓,一家老小都喜欢读。 影响深远的不仅仅是他的作品,更有他的为人。网友找出他2017年的微博,好奇他为什么不与地铁上读着自己书的小朋友打招呼,后来才发现他的“严谨”和慈爱(时年62岁)。 如今长大成人的小读者们亲切地叫他“郑爷爷”,他们发现郑渊洁的微博评论区“没有吵架和阴阳怪气”,只有有爱的互动。 他连送祝福都这样严谨又可爱: 看着这些评论仿佛让人“回到了看着童话书无忧无虑的童年”。 他用一颗童心待人,却并没有把读者当成幼儿。写故事时,他并不会润色粉饰来骗小孩。 普林斯顿大学Cotsen儿童图书馆在其官方博客上介绍了郑渊洁的性教育著作《你从哪里来?我的朋友》。 Where Are You from, My Friend , a comic-style sex instruction book for ages 3-13 hopes to win parents’ trust with the statement that its author Zheng Yuanjie, China’s most famous fairy tale writer, prepared the manuscript originally to educate his own son. 据称中国最著名的童话作家郑渊洁把教育自己儿子的性教育材料整理为手稿,出版成了书籍《你从哪里来?我的朋友》,这本漫画风格的书瞄准3-13岁儿童,希望获得家长的信赖。 图源:郑渊洁微博 对比起另一本涉嫌贬低女性小便姿势的性教育童书,该博文赞赏了郑渊洁的写法。 In contrast, Zheng Yuanjie’s Where Are You from, My Friend turns the narrative around on one occasion at least. A boy is curious why there are no urinals in women’s bathrooms. He is informed that, because girls don’t have penises, they don’t need the fixture to prevent splashing. Thank you, Zheng Yuanjie, for telling the truth. 相比之下,郑渊洁的《你从哪里来?我的朋友》至少在一件事上转变了常见的叙事方法。一个男生很好奇为什么女卫生间里没有站立小便器。有人告诉他,因为女生没有阴茎,不需要小便器这样的固定设计来防止尿液四溅。谢谢你郑渊洁,告诉了我们真相。 纵观他的作品,豆瓣评分基本都超过8.5分,每本书都能获得数万条评价。 不妨一起回顾一下他带给我们的童年故事吧。 Pipilu is a typical naughty child, but he is also righteous, kind, courageous and responsible. He is always bold and often does things unimaginable. Once he made a double-bang firecracker with bamboo and flew to the sky. 皮皮鲁是一个常规定义下淘气、调皮的孩子,但这并不妨碍他正直善良,勇敢有担当。他从小就胆大,经常做出一些常人无法想象的事情,有次过春节他居然自制了一个竹竿二踢脚,巨大的“二踢脚”带着他飞上了天空。 He makes so many adventures, like changing the way people live by adjusting the clock of the earth, meeting Uncle Hat and taking part in melon seeds cracking competition, getting caught in Three-eyed Kingdom and becoming a "minister". With the help of Uncle Hat, he learns driving and then comes across noctambulant animals. All these experiences teach him not to bully girls or adventure blindly, not being snobbish or tell lies, and to be honest with friends. 皮皮鲁一路奇遇,拨动了地球之钟改变了人们的正常生活,又遇到瓜皮帽叔叔参加了嗑瓜子比赛,误入三眼国被抓了,还当上了“部长”。在瓜皮帽叔叔的帮助下学会了开车后遇到了动物园里梦游的动物们。这些童话般的经历,让他在过程中体会了不要欺负女生、不盲目冒险、不势力眼、不说假话、对待朋友要真诚等等道理。 Luxixi, No.1 female figure in Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale, is the twin sister of Pipilu. She is cute, kind, smart and studious, quite different from her brother in many ways. But she is righteous and courageous just like her brother. 郑渊洁童话中的女一号:鲁西西,她是皮皮鲁的双胞胎妹妹。鲁西西乖巧善良、聪明好学,和哥哥皮皮鲁性格截然不同。但是,身为女孩子的鲁西西也和哥哥一样充满了正义感和勇气。 Shuke the pilot and Beta the tanker, who were supposed to be villains don't want to be little mice living unearned lives anymore. Instead, they want to get food through hard working and win friends by helping them first. They change their bad image with real actions and eventually win the friendship of all. Mice Shuke and Beta can be seen the synonyms of justice and kindness. 飞行员舒克和坦克手贝塔本是过街人人喊打的普通鼠辈,偏偏不甘于只做坏名声不劳而获的小老鼠,他们用劳动收获食物,用乐于助人收获朋友,用实际行动改变着人们对老鼠的坏印象,也最终收获了所有大朋友、小朋友的喜爱和友谊。所谓“英雄不论出处”,鼠籍出身的舒克和贝塔,也能成为正义、善良的代名词。 郑渊洁的个人成就早已有目共睹——连续31年为月刊杂志《童话大王》供稿而手握世界纪录,笔下的皮皮鲁、鲁西西、舒克、贝塔等角色深深影响3代人,作为首位中国作家获得联合国授予的国际版权创意金奖……汶川和玉树地震期间,他还曾捐款150万元给当地儿童。 支撑起这些的,是浮华背后细腻温柔且强大的内心——对社会有冷静的体察,对人又有平等的关爱。 中国国际广播电台(CRI)在报道里称: [He] likes to be alone and refuses to have any relationship with literary circles or the various associations of writers. To him, his imagination works best in his own world. 他乐于独处,不爱与文学圈或者各种作家协会产生联系。对他来说,他的想象力只有在他自己的世界里才能大放异彩。 Vocabulary narrative [ˈnærətɪv] n (尤指小说中的)描述;叙述 urinal [ˈjʊrənl] n (男用)小便池,小便器 fixture [ˈfɪkstʃə] n 固定设施(如房屋内安装的浴缸或抽水马桶) righteous [ˈraɪtʃəs] adj 公正的;正直的 studious [ˈstjuːdiəs] adj 勤奋的;好学的;用功的 编辑:左卓 来源: The Script Road 第六声 CRI
Over the past four decades, Zheng has published countless tales, including the well-known “Pipi Lu” and “Lu Xixi” stories. He has a reputation as a writer whom the whole family can enjoy reading. Where Are You from, My Friend , a comic-style sex instruction book for ages 3-13 hopes to win parents’ trust with the statement that its author Zheng Yuanjie, China’s most famous fairy tale writer, prepared the manuscript originally to educate his own son. In contrast, Zheng Yuanjie’s Where Are You from, My Friend turns the narrative around on one occasion at least. A boy is curious why there are no urinals in women’s bathrooms. He is informed that, because girls don’t have penises, they don’t need the fixture to prevent splashing. Thank you, Zheng Yuanjie, for telling the truth. Pipilu is a typical naughty child, but he is also righteous, kind, courageous and responsible. He is always bold and often does things unimaginable. Once he made a double-bang firecracker with bamboo and flew to the sky. He makes so many adventures, like changing the way people live by adjusting the clock of the earth, meeting Uncle Hat and taking part in melon seeds cracking competition, getting caught in Three-eyed Kingdom and becoming a "minister". With the help of Uncle Hat, he learns driving and then comes across noctambulant animals. All these experiences teach him not to bully girls or adventure blindly, not being snobbish or tell lies, and to be honest with friends. Luxixi, No.1 female figure in Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale, is the twin sister of Pipilu. She is cute, kind, smart and studious, quite different from her brother in many ways. But she is righteous and courageous just like her brother. Shuke the pilot and Beta the tanker, who were supposed to be villains don't want to be little mice living unearned lives anymore. Instead, they want to get food through hard working and win friends by helping them first. They change their bad image with real actions and eventually win the friendship of all. Mice Shuke and Beta can be seen the synonyms of justice and kindness. [He] likes to be alone and refuses to have any relationship with literary circles or the various associations of writers. To him, his imagination works best in his own world. Vocabulary
最近,“童话大王”郑渊洁在社交媒体上火了。他因为在评论区和网友的有爱互动,频繁登上热搜。 郑渊洁这个名字几乎存在于每个80后和部分90后的童年里,这位“童话大王”曾于2011年登上作家富豪榜第三位。 过去四十年里,郑渊洁出了数不清的童话,包括大家熟知的《皮皮鲁传》和《鲁西西传》。他的作品家喻户晓,一家老小都喜欢读。 影响深远的不仅仅是他的作品,更有他的为人。网友找出他2017年的微博,好奇他为什么不与地铁上读着自己书的小朋友打招呼,后来才发现他的“严谨”和慈爱(时年62岁)。 如今长大成人的小读者们亲切地叫他“郑爷爷”,他们发现郑渊洁的微博评论区“没有吵架和阴阳怪气”,只有有爱的互动。 他连送祝福都这样严谨又可爱: 看着这些评论仿佛让人“回到了看着童话书无忧无虑的童年”。 他用一颗童心待人,却并没有把读者当成幼儿。写故事时,他并不会润色粉饰来骗小孩。 普林斯顿大学Cotsen儿童图书馆在其官方博客上介绍了郑渊洁的性教育著作《你从哪里来?我的朋友》。 据称中国最著名的童话作家郑渊洁把教育自己儿子的性教育材料整理为手稿,出版成了书籍《你从哪里来?我的朋友》,这本漫画风格的书瞄准3-13岁儿童,希望获得家长的信赖。 图源:郑渊洁微博 对比起另一本涉嫌贬低女性小便姿势的性教育童书,该博文赞赏了郑渊洁的写法。 相比之下,郑渊洁的《你从哪里来?我的朋友》至少在一件事上转变了常见的叙事方法。一个男生很好奇为什么女卫生间里没有站立小便器。有人告诉他,因为女生没有阴茎,不需要小便器这样的固定设计来防止尿液四溅。谢谢你郑渊洁,告诉了我们真相。 纵观他的作品,豆瓣评分基本都超过8.5分,每本书都能获得数万条评价。 不妨一起回顾一下他带给我们的童年故事吧。 皮皮鲁是一个常规定义下淘气、调皮的孩子,但这并不妨碍他正直善良,勇敢有担当。他从小就胆大,经常做出一些常人无法想象的事情,有次过春节他居然自制了一个竹竿二踢脚,巨大的“二踢脚”带着他飞上了天空。 皮皮鲁一路奇遇,拨动了地球之钟改变了人们的正常生活,又遇到瓜皮帽叔叔参加了嗑瓜子比赛,误入三眼国被抓了,还当上了“部长”。在瓜皮帽叔叔的帮助下学会了开车后遇到了动物园里梦游的动物们。这些童话般的经历,让他在过程中体会了不要欺负女生、不盲目冒险、不势力眼、不说假话、对待朋友要真诚等等道理。 郑渊洁童话中的女一号:鲁西西,她是皮皮鲁的双胞胎妹妹。鲁西西乖巧善良、聪明好学,和哥哥皮皮鲁性格截然不同。但是,身为女孩子的鲁西西也和哥哥一样充满了正义感和勇气。 飞行员舒克和坦克手贝塔本是过街人人喊打的普通鼠辈,偏偏不甘于只做坏名声不劳而获的小老鼠,他们用劳动收获食物,用乐于助人收获朋友,用实际行动改变着人们对老鼠的坏印象,也最终收获了所有大朋友、小朋友的喜爱和友谊。所谓“英雄不论出处”,鼠籍出身的舒克和贝塔,也能成为正义、善良的代名词。 郑渊洁的个人成就早已有目共睹——连续31年为月刊杂志《童话大王》供稿而手握世界纪录,笔下的皮皮鲁、鲁西西、舒克、贝塔等角色深深影响3代人,作为首位中国作家获得联合国授予的国际版权创意金奖……汶川和玉树地震期间,他还曾捐款150万元给当地儿童。 支撑起这些的,是浮华背后细腻温柔且强大的内心——对社会有冷静的体察,对人又有平等的关爱。 中国国际广播电台(CRI)在报道里称: 他乐于独处,不爱与文学圈或者各种作家协会产生联系。对他来说,他的想象力只有在他自己的世界里才能大放异彩。 narrative [ˈnærətɪv] n (尤指小说中的)描述;叙述 urinal [ˈjʊrənl] n (男用)小便池,小便器 fixture [ˈfɪkstʃə] n 固定设施(如房屋内安装的浴缸或抽水马桶) righteous [ˈraɪtʃəs] adj 公正的;正直的 studious [ˈstjuːdiəs] adj 勤奋的;好学的;用功的 编辑:左卓 来源: The Script Road 第六声 CRI
当地时间周四下午,英国政府宣布与欧盟达成脱欧协议(Brexit deal),取得了脱欧过渡期(Brexit transition period)的重大进展,为一周后有序脱离欧盟做好准备。 A No 10 spokesperson said: “We have taken back control of our money, borders, laws, trade and our fishing waters. The deal is fantastic news for families and businesses in every part of the UK.” 英国首相府发言人表示:“我们夺回了对英国资金、边界、司法、贸易及捕鱼水域的掌控权。对于英国各地的家庭和企业而言,这份协议都是一个好消息。” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gives a statement on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, in Brussels, Belgium December 24, 2020. Francisco Seco/Pool via REUTERS 欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)在布鲁塞尔召开新闻发布会,称这是一份“公平”的协议,强调英欧“是长久的盟友”。 在这段被认为是送别英国的发言中,冯德莱恩先后引用了英国文豪莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)、披头士乐队(The Beatles)、诗人托马斯·艾略特(T S Eliot)的诗句和歌词,与老朋友友好分手。 “It was a long and winding road, but we have got a good deal to show for it. It is fair. It is a balanced deal. And it is the right and responsible thing to do for both sides,” she said. “At the end of a successful negotiation I normally feel joy. But today I only feel quiet satisfaction and, frankly speaking, relief." “这曾是一条漫长而曲折的道路,但我们终究达成一致、有所收获。这是一份公平、平衡的协议,对英欧双方都是正确而负责的事情,”她说道。“在一场成功的谈判结束时,通常我会感到愉悦。而在今天,我只感到欣慰,直白地讲,是如释重负。” *A long and winding road,《漫长而曲折的道路》这首歌被收录在披头士1970年的专辑《Let it be》中,由乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼作曲,灵感来自披头士乐队面临解散的紧迫形势。 “I know this is a difficult day for some and to our friends in the United Kingdom, I want to say parting is such sweet sorrow but, to use the line from T S Eliot, what we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is often a beginning. So, to all Europeans, I think it is time to leave Brexit behind.” “我知道,今天对于有些人以及我们的英国朋友们是艰难的一天,我想说,‘离别是如此甜蜜的忧伤’,或者引用诗人托马斯·艾略特的诗句来说,‘我们称之为开始的通常是结束,我们迎来的结束通常是开始’。因此,所有的欧盟朋友,我认为是时候让我们放下英国脱欧这件事了。” *Parting is such sweet sorrow. “离别是如此甜蜜的忧伤”,引用自莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet) *What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is often a beginning. “我们称之为开始的通常是结束,我们迎来的结束通常是开始”,为英国诗人托马斯·艾略特名言,他曾于1948年被授予诺贝尔文学奖。 同时,在伦敦召开发布会的英国首相约翰逊(Boris Johnson),也做足了准备。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a news conference in Downing Street on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, in London, Britain December 24, 2020. Paul Grover /Pool via REUTERS Some sharp-eyed viewers have been remarking on Boris Johnson's tie which is covered with a fish pattern. 一些眼尖的观众一直在评论约翰逊的领带,上面印满了鱼样花纹。 Fishing rights were particularly hotly contested during the talks and part of the reason why the deal took so long to thrash out. 在英欧谈判过程中,曾就捕鱼权发生激烈争论。这是协议花了如此之久才达成的原因之一。 据欧盟2018年发布的报告,2011年至2015年,欧盟各国平均每年在英国海域的捕捞量是76万吨,而英国在欧盟其他国家海域的捕捞量只有9万吨。对比这样的差距,也就不难理解双方为何在捕鱼权问题上争执不下。 约翰逊的领带,是否象征着英国在该问题的谈判上取得优势? 而除了捕鱼权,这份据说长达2000页的协议都包含了什么?为何它的达成是英国脱欧历程中关键的一环呢? The deal contains new rules for how the UK and EU will live, work and trade together. It will start on 1 January 2021. 这份协议包含了英欧居民生活、工作、贸易往来的新规定,将从2021年1月1日起生效。 当前这份协议意味着: No charges on each other's goods when they cross borders - known as tariffs - to keep down the cost of trade; 双方货物过境时不收取费用——称为关税——以降低贸易成本; No limits on the amount of things which can be traded (known as quotas). 双方可以交易的货物数量没有限制(称为配额)。 舆论普遍认为,英欧双方进出口贸易零关税和免配额的待遇有效避免了“无协议脱欧”(no-deal Brexit),也被称为“硬脱欧”(Hard Brexit)可能在边界地带引起的混乱。 英国政府表示,该协议覆盖的贸易额每年价值6600亿英镑(约合5.83万亿人民币)。 英国的脱欧过渡期即将于今年12月31日结束,理论上在接下来的一周,该协议需要英欧双方完成立法程序才能生效。 英国议会已发出正式通知临时召回休假中的下议院成员,于12月30日就该协议展开辩论和投票。 欧盟议会已表示无法在一周之内完成立法程序,不过这不影响协议在明年1月1日生效。 There's a lot of detail to go through and it may take some time to fully understand what the deal means for everyday life, including going on holiday or studying in the EU in future. 协议中包含许多细节,可能需要一些时间才能完全理解这份协议对日常生活到底意味着什么,包括对未来去欧盟度假或学习的影响。 距离英国全民公投决定离开欧盟已经过去了4年零6个月,简要梳理脱欧时间线,就能明白冯德莱恩用“漫长而曲折”形容这一过程毫不为过。期间,英国甚至经历了三任首相…… 脱欧历程回顾 2013.01 时任英国首相戴维·卡梅伦首次提及“脱欧” 2016.02 英国政府内阁确认公投日期 2016.06 英国正式举行全民公投,52%支持脱欧,48%支持留欧;卡梅伦辞任英国首相 2017.03 特蕾莎·梅在出任英国首相后启动了《里斯本条约》第50条,英国正式启动脱欧程序 Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” 《里斯本条约》第50条规定:“任何成员国都可以根据自身宪法要求选择退出欧盟。” 2017.04 特蕾莎·梅提前发起英国大选,想要巩固政权 2017.06 大选后,英国执政党保守党失去议会下院多数席位,特蕾莎·梅被迫组成“悬浮议会”——保守党需要与其他党派组阁形成联合政府或组建少数派政府,形势反不如大选之前 2017.07 英欧开始谈判 2018.03 特蕾莎·梅牵头的脱欧协议草案被指责使英国让步太多 2018.07 时任英国脱欧事务大臣戴维·戴维斯和时任英国外交大臣鲍里斯·约翰逊相继辞职;当天共有18位梅内阁重臣辞职,表达对梅脱欧协议草案不满 2018.11 英国和欧盟初步达成脱欧协议草案,欧盟27成员国已签署,特蕾莎·梅需要推动英国议会投票通过该草案 2018.12 特蕾莎·梅遭遇英国议会强烈反对,投票推迟至次年1月 2019.01 脱欧协议草案首次议会投票被否,票数432比202,票差悬殊创下英国历史记录 2019.03 脱欧协议草案二次议会投票、三次议会投票均被否决,英国没能在《里斯本条约》第50条启动两年内完成脱欧,原定3月29日的脱欧日被迫延迟至4月12日 2019.04 特蕾莎·梅再向欧盟申请推迟,脱欧日被延迟至10月31日 2019.05 特蕾莎·梅宣布将于6月7日辞职 2019.07 鲍里斯·约翰逊成为英国首相 2019.09 约翰逊称自己宁肯“死在阴沟(dead in a ditch)”,也绝不寻求延期脱欧,誓要带领英国在10月31日前脱离欧盟 Johnson says he would rather be “dead in a ditch” than ask for another Brexit extension, insisting that the UK will leave the EU by October 31. 2019.10 约翰逊在议会遇阻,脱欧程序停滞不前,约翰逊提前发动大选;欧盟同意英国脱欧延期至次年1月31日 2019.12 约翰逊在大选中获胜,赢得议会多数席位 2020.01 英国正式退出欧盟,双方随即将围绕未来关系展开谈判 2020.02 英国正式进入长达11个月的脱欧过渡期,在不到一年时间内,英国要与欧盟、美国等主要贸易伙伴达成贸易协定 2020.07 英欧谈判无实质进展,同时英国错过了申请延长脱欧过渡期的最后机会,“无协议脱欧”可能性空前增大 2020.10 因谈判分歧太多,约翰逊暂停英欧谈判,表示欧盟不重视双方对话 2020.12 谈判重启,英欧达成脱欧协议 至此,英欧之间轰轰烈烈的分手大戏暂告一段落。如果说“Parting is such sweet sorrow”,在这场告别中,甜蜜与忧伤各占几分,恐怕还需要时间告诉我们答案。 (来源:中国日报欧洲分社、中国日报双语新闻微信 作者:韩宝仪)
A No 10 spokesperson said: “We have taken back control of our money, borders, laws, trade and our fishing waters. The deal is fantastic news for families and businesses in every part of the UK.” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gives a statement on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, in Brussels, Belgium December 24, 2020. Francisco Seco/Pool via REUTERS “It was a long and winding road, but we have got a good deal to show for it. It is fair. It is a balanced deal. And it is the right and responsible thing to do for both sides,” she said. “At the end of a successful negotiation I normally feel joy. But today I only feel quiet satisfaction and, frankly speaking, relief." “I know this is a difficult day for some and to our friends in the United Kingdom, I want to say parting is such sweet sorrow but, to use the line from T S Eliot, what we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is often a beginning. So, to all Europeans, I think it is time to leave Brexit behind.” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a news conference in Downing Street on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, in London, Britain December 24, 2020. Paul Grover /Pool via REUTERS Some sharp-eyed viewers have been remarking on Boris Johnson's tie which is covered with a fish pattern. Fishing rights were particularly hotly contested during the talks and part of the reason why the deal took so long to thrash out. The deal contains new rules for how the UK and EU will live, work and trade together. It will start on 1 January 2021. No charges on each other's goods when they cross borders - known as tariffs - to keep down the cost of trade; No limits on the amount of things which can be traded (known as quotas). There's a lot of detail to go through and it may take some time to fully understand what the deal means for everyday life, including going on holiday or studying in the EU in future. Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” Johnson says he would rather be “dead in a ditch” than ask for another Brexit extension, insisting that the UK will leave the EU by October 31.
当地时间周四下午,英国政府宣布与欧盟达成脱欧协议(Brexit deal),取得了脱欧过渡期(Brexit transition period)的重大进展,为一周后有序脱离欧盟做好准备。 英国首相府发言人表示:“我们夺回了对英国资金、边界、司法、贸易及捕鱼水域的掌控权。对于英国各地的家庭和企业而言,这份协议都是一个好消息。” 欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)在布鲁塞尔召开新闻发布会,称这是一份“公平”的协议,强调英欧“是长久的盟友”。 在这段被认为是送别英国的发言中,冯德莱恩先后引用了英国文豪莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)、披头士乐队(The Beatles)、诗人托马斯·艾略特(T S Eliot)的诗句和歌词,与老朋友友好分手。 “这曾是一条漫长而曲折的道路,但我们终究达成一致、有所收获。这是一份公平、平衡的协议,对英欧双方都是正确而负责的事情,”她说道。“在一场成功的谈判结束时,通常我会感到愉悦。而在今天,我只感到欣慰,直白地讲,是如释重负。” *A long and winding road,《漫长而曲折的道路》这首歌被收录在披头士1970年的专辑《Let it be》中,由乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼作曲,灵感来自披头士乐队面临解散的紧迫形势。 “我知道,今天对于有些人以及我们的英国朋友们是艰难的一天,我想说,‘离别是如此甜蜜的忧伤’,或者引用诗人托马斯·艾略特的诗句来说,‘我们称之为开始的通常是结束,我们迎来的结束通常是开始’。因此,所有的欧盟朋友,我认为是时候让我们放下英国脱欧这件事了。” *Parting is such sweet sorrow. “离别是如此甜蜜的忧伤”,引用自莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet) *What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is often a beginning. “我们称之为开始的通常是结束,我们迎来的结束通常是开始”,为英国诗人托马斯·艾略特名言,他曾于1948年被授予诺贝尔文学奖。 同时,在伦敦召开发布会的英国首相约翰逊(Boris Johnson),也做足了准备。 一些眼尖的观众一直在评论约翰逊的领带,上面印满了鱼样花纹。 在英欧谈判过程中,曾就捕鱼权发生激烈争论。这是协议花了如此之久才达成的原因之一。 据欧盟2018年发布的报告,2011年至2015年,欧盟各国平均每年在英国海域的捕捞量是76万吨,而英国在欧盟其他国家海域的捕捞量只有9万吨。对比这样的差距,也就不难理解双方为何在捕鱼权问题上争执不下。 约翰逊的领带,是否象征着英国在该问题的谈判上取得优势? 而除了捕鱼权,这份据说长达2000页的协议都包含了什么?为何它的达成是英国脱欧历程中关键的一环呢? 这份协议包含了英欧居民生活、工作、贸易往来的新规定,将从2021年1月1日起生效。 当前这份协议意味着: 双方货物过境时不收取费用——称为关税——以降低贸易成本; 双方可以交易的货物数量没有限制(称为配额)。 舆论普遍认为,英欧双方进出口贸易零关税和免配额的待遇有效避免了“无协议脱欧”(no-deal Brexit),也被称为“硬脱欧”(Hard Brexit)可能在边界地带引起的混乱。 英国政府表示,该协议覆盖的贸易额每年价值6600亿英镑(约合5.83万亿人民币)。 英国的脱欧过渡期即将于今年12月31日结束,理论上在接下来的一周,该协议需要英欧双方完成立法程序才能生效。 英国议会已发出正式通知临时召回休假中的下议院成员,于12月30日就该协议展开辩论和投票。 欧盟议会已表示无法在一周之内完成立法程序,不过这不影响协议在明年1月1日生效。 协议中包含许多细节,可能需要一些时间才能完全理解这份协议对日常生活到底意味着什么,包括对未来去欧盟度假或学习的影响。 距离英国全民公投决定离开欧盟已经过去了4年零6个月,简要梳理脱欧时间线,就能明白冯德莱恩用“漫长而曲折”形容这一过程毫不为过。期间,英国甚至经历了三任首相…… 脱欧历程回顾 2013.01 时任英国首相戴维·卡梅伦首次提及“脱欧” 2016.02 英国政府内阁确认公投日期 2016.06 英国正式举行全民公投,52%支持脱欧,48%支持留欧;卡梅伦辞任英国首相 2017.03 特蕾莎·梅在出任英国首相后启动了《里斯本条约》第50条,英国正式启动脱欧程序 《里斯本条约》第50条规定:“任何成员国都可以根据自身宪法要求选择退出欧盟。” 2017.04 特蕾莎·梅提前发起英国大选,想要巩固政权 2017.06 大选后,英国执政党保守党失去议会下院多数席位,特蕾莎·梅被迫组成“悬浮议会”——保守党需要与其他党派组阁形成联合政府或组建少数派政府,形势反不如大选之前 2017.07 英欧开始谈判 2018.03 特蕾莎·梅牵头的脱欧协议草案被指责使英国让步太多 2018.07 时任英国脱欧事务大臣戴维·戴维斯和时任英国外交大臣鲍里斯·约翰逊相继辞职;当天共有18位梅内阁重臣辞职,表达对梅脱欧协议草案不满 2018.11 英国和欧盟初步达成脱欧协议草案,欧盟27成员国已签署,特蕾莎·梅需要推动英国议会投票通过该草案 2018.12 特蕾莎·梅遭遇英国议会强烈反对,投票推迟至次年1月 2019.01 脱欧协议草案首次议会投票被否,票数432比202,票差悬殊创下英国历史记录 2019.03 脱欧协议草案二次议会投票、三次议会投票均被否决,英国没能在《里斯本条约》第50条启动两年内完成脱欧,原定3月29日的脱欧日被迫延迟至4月12日 2019.04 特蕾莎·梅再向欧盟申请推迟,脱欧日被延迟至10月31日 2019.05 特蕾莎·梅宣布将于6月7日辞职 2019.07 鲍里斯·约翰逊成为英国首相 2019.09 约翰逊称自己宁肯“死在阴沟(dead in a ditch)”,也绝不寻求延期脱欧,誓要带领英国在10月31日前脱离欧盟 2019.10 约翰逊在议会遇阻,脱欧程序停滞不前,约翰逊提前发动大选;欧盟同意英国脱欧延期至次年1月31日 2019.12 约翰逊在大选中获胜,赢得议会多数席位 2020.01 英国正式退出欧盟,双方随即将围绕未来关系展开谈判 2020.02 英国正式进入长达11个月的脱欧过渡期,在不到一年时间内,英国要与欧盟、美国等主要贸易伙伴达成贸易协定 2020.07 英欧谈判无实质进展,同时英国错过了申请延长脱欧过渡期的最后机会,“无协议脱欧”可能性空前增大 2020.10 因谈判分歧太多,约翰逊暂停英欧谈判,表示欧盟不重视双方对话 2020.12 谈判重启,英欧达成脱欧协议 至此,英欧之间轰轰烈烈的分手大戏暂告一段落。如果说“Parting is such sweet sorrow”,在这场告别中,甜蜜与忧伤各占几分,恐怕还需要时间告诉我们答案。 (来源:中国日报欧洲分社、中国日报双语新闻微信 作者:韩宝仪)
[Photo/Pexels] 谈恋爱的幸福总是相似的,单身的原因却各有各的不同。国外问答网站Quora上有人提问:“大家单身的原因是什么?”网友们的答案幽默中透露着些许辛酸。 获得628好评的答案@Rishi Kumar They are not single. They are in a relationship with their computers. 他们并不是单身,他们只是和他们的电脑在交往罢了。 获得183好评的答案@Joni Cham I'm single because: 我单身是因为: I am very, very, very picky. I figure I'd rather be single than be stuck in a relationship with someone I'm not totally crazy about. 我非常、非常、非常挑剔。我想我宁可单身也不要和我一点也不喜欢的人锁死。 Unfortunately, the few who pass my standards do not seem to like me that way. 不幸的是,少数达到我交往标准的人似乎并不那么喜欢我。 I'm lazy. I don't make much of an effort to meet people and get to know mildly interesting people. 我很懒。我不会花太多精力去结交朋友,也不愿去认识稍微有点意思的人。 I'm busy. I work a lot. Also, I do a lot of other things when I'm not at work and most of them do not involve meeting single men. 我很忙,我工作繁重,我在工作以外的时间也有很多其他事情要做,而这些事情大部分都不包括和单身男子见面。 I'm shy. I will not make the first move because rejection sucks. 我很害羞,我不会走出第一步,因为被拒绝太糟糕了。 获得37好评的答案@Syeda Younus I take relationships seriously, that is something I can't help, so I become pretty emotionally involved. This results in me being extremely picky. Also, because relationships are so important to me when I have one, it's not really compatible with my being extremely busy at this younger stage in my life. 我会情不自禁地认真对待感情,所以我会过分投入。这就导致我在这方面非常挑剔。另外,因为恋爱关系对我来说很重要,所以无法在我年轻的时平衡好恋爱和忙碌的工作。 Or maybe just because I'm young and don't really know what I am looking for, and thus I’m commitment-phobic. 或者也有可能只是因为我还年轻,并不知道自己真正想要的是什么,因此害怕给出承诺。 获得89好评的答案 I'm ugly. 因为我长得丑。 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/Pexels] They are not single. They are in a relationship with their computers. I'm single because: I am very, very, very picky. I figure I'd rather be single than be stuck in a relationship with someone I'm not totally crazy about. Unfortunately, the few who pass my standards do not seem to like me that way. I'm lazy. I don't make much of an effort to meet people and get to know mildly interesting people. I'm busy. I work a lot. Also, I do a lot of other things when I'm not at work and most of them do not involve meeting single men. I'm shy. I will not make the first move because rejection sucks. I take relationships seriously, that is something I can't help, so I become pretty emotionally involved. This results in me being extremely picky. Also, because relationships are so important to me when I have one, it's not really compatible with my being extremely busy at this younger stage in my life. Or maybe just because I'm young and don't really know what I am looking for, and thus I’m commitment-phobic. I'm ugly.
谈恋爱的幸福总是相似的,单身的原因却各有各的不同。国外问答网站Quora上有人提问:“大家单身的原因是什么?”网友们的答案幽默中透露着些许辛酸。 获得628好评的答案@Rishi Kumar 他们并不是单身,他们只是和他们的电脑在交往罢了。 获得183好评的答案@Joni Cham 我单身是因为: 我非常、非常、非常挑剔。我想我宁可单身也不要和我一点也不喜欢的人锁死。 不幸的是,少数达到我交往标准的人似乎并不那么喜欢我。 我很懒。我不会花太多精力去结交朋友,也不愿去认识稍微有点意思的人。 我很忙,我工作繁重,我在工作以外的时间也有很多其他事情要做,而这些事情大部分都不包括和单身男子见面。 我很害羞,我不会走出第一步,因为被拒绝太糟糕了。 获得37好评的答案@Syeda Younus 我会情不自禁地认真对待感情,所以我会过分投入。这就导致我在这方面非常挑剔。另外,因为恋爱关系对我来说很重要,所以无法在我年轻的时平衡好恋爱和忙碌的工作。 或者也有可能只是因为我还年轻,并不知道自己真正想要的是什么,因此害怕给出承诺。 获得89好评的答案 因为我长得丑。 来源: 沪江英语
2020年是多灾多难的一年,接踵而至的坏消息让人们焦头烂额,但是这一年也不是全然没有好事发生,比如下面这些振奋人心的好消息就值得喝上一杯。 Credit: Instagram 苏格兰为女性免费提供卫生用品 The Scottish Parliament passed a bill that will make pads and tampons free across the board, making Scotland the first country on the globe to end "period poverty." This is a huge victory for the civic groups that supported the bill, considering that nearly 10 percent of Britain's girls have been unable to afford period products, and 19 percent have resorted to using substitutes. 苏格兰议会通过了一项法案,在苏格兰全境免费供应卫生护垫和卫生棉条,这使得苏格兰成为世界上第一个终结“月经贫困”的地区。考虑到英国有近10%的女孩买不起经期卫生用品,19%的女孩不得不用其他东西来替代经期卫生用品,这对于支持该法案的民间团体是一个巨大的胜利。 Credit: Instagram 德国立法保护昆虫 Germany is planning to ban floodlights after dusk for much of the year as part of its bid to fight a dramatic decline in insect populations. The country's environment ministry has drawn up a number of new measures to protect insects, ranging from partially outlawing spotlights to increased protection of natural habitats. 为了应对昆虫种群数量急剧下降的问题,德国计划在一年中的大部分时间禁止在黄昏后使用散光灯。德国环保部已经拟定了一系列保护昆虫的新举措,包括部分禁用聚光灯,加强对自然栖息地的保护等。 Light traps for insects are to be banned outdoors, while searchlights and sky spotlights would be outlawed from dusk to dawn for ten months of the year. The draft also demands that any new streetlights and other outdoor lights be installed in such a way as to minimize the effect on plants, insects, and other animals. The use of weed killers and insecticides would also be banned in national parks and within five to ten meters of major bodies of water, while orchards and dry-stone walls are to be protected as natural habitats for insects. 户外将禁止使用诱虫灯,一年中有10个月禁止在夜间使用探照灯和空中聚光灯。草案同时要求,新的街灯及其他户外照明设备的安装方式要将对植物、昆虫及其他动物的影响降至最低。国家公园及主要水体周边5到10米的范围内不得使用除草剂和杀虫剂,同时,果园和干石墙将作为昆虫自然栖息地受到保护。 Credit: Instagram 巴西足球队男女同酬 Brazil's football governing body has announced that it is adopting an equal pay policy for both women's and men's football, becoming one of the first countries in the world to do so. 巴西的足球协会宣布,国家男子和女子足球队球员将享有平等的薪资水平,在全球创下先例。 Credit: Instagram 欧盟统一电子设备充电器 The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a resolution that will force tech companies to use just one charger type for a range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and e-book readers. 欧盟一致通过决议,将强制要求科技公司为手机、平板电脑以及电子书阅读器等设备提供统一、可通用的充电器。 Credit: Instagram 印度女性将能担任军队指挥职务 The Supreme Court ruled in favor of equal rights for women in the Indian Army, ordering the government to grant permanent commission and command positions to women officers on par with men. The decision means that all women will now be eligible for the same promotions, ranks, benefits, and pensions as their male counterparts. 印度最高法院裁定印度军队中的女性可以享有和男性同样的权利,命令政府允许女军官获得常任军官职位和担任指挥官职务。这一裁决意味着所有的印度女性军官在晋升、军衔、福利和养老金方面将与男性平等。 on par with:与……同等水平 Credit: Instagram 世界粮食计划署获诺贝尔和平奖 Every day, up to 5,600 trucks, 20 ships, and 92 planes are on the move, delivering food and assistance in some of the most remote and challenging parts of the world. They're all part of the WFP, assisting 100 million people in 88 countries. So in 2020, the agency was given the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and improve conditions for peace. 每一天,有5600辆卡车、20艘轮船和92架飞机在不停地运送食物和补给到世界上最偏远、环境最恶劣的一些地方去。他们都是世界粮食计划署的成员,为88个国家的1亿人提供援助。2020年,世界粮食计划署因为在消除饥饿和改善和平条件方面做出的贡献而被授予诺贝尔和平奖。 Credit: Instagram 谷歌浏览器将移除最烦人的三种广告 Engineers from Google confirmed that Chrome will stop showing three of the most frustrating ad types, starting in August. Long preroll ads, as well as midroll ads and images or text ads that appear in the middle of a video, will be gone. The decision comes after a survey conducted by Google on 45,000 people, in which the types of ads mentioned above were seen as the most annoying and intrusive. It is believed that Firefox, Safari, and other browser engines will soon follow in its steps. 谷歌工程师证实,谷歌浏览器将从明年八月起停止显示最烦人的三种广告。前贴片广告、插播广告和视频中间出现的图文广告将被移除。这一决定是在谷歌调查了4.5万人后做出的,以上提到的三种广告被视为最烦人、干扰性最强。据悉,火狐、苹果Safari和其他浏览器很快也会效仿。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Instagram The Scottish Parliament passed a bill that will make pads and tampons free across the board, making Scotland the first country on the globe to end "period poverty." This is a huge victory for the civic groups that supported the bill, considering that nearly 10 percent of Britain's girls have been unable to afford period products, and 19 percent have resorted to using substitutes. Credit: Instagram Germany is planning to ban floodlights after dusk for much of the year as part of its bid to fight a dramatic decline in insect populations. The country's environment ministry has drawn up a number of new measures to protect insects, ranging from partially outlawing spotlights to increased protection of natural habitats. Light traps for insects are to be banned outdoors, while searchlights and sky spotlights would be outlawed from dusk to dawn for ten months of the year. The draft also demands that any new streetlights and other outdoor lights be installed in such a way as to minimize the effect on plants, insects, and other animals. The use of weed killers and insecticides would also be banned in national parks and within five to ten meters of major bodies of water, while orchards and dry-stone walls are to be protected as natural habitats for insects. Credit: Instagram Brazil's football governing body has announced that it is adopting an equal pay policy for both women's and men's football, becoming one of the first countries in the world to do so. Credit: Instagram The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed a resolution that will force tech companies to use just one charger type for a range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and e-book readers. Credit: Instagram The Supreme Court ruled in favor of equal rights for women in the Indian Army, ordering the government to grant permanent commission and command positions to women officers on par with men. The decision means that all women will now be eligible for the same promotions, ranks, benefits, and pensions as their male counterparts. Credit: Instagram Every day, up to 5,600 trucks, 20 ships, and 92 planes are on the move, delivering food and assistance in some of the most remote and challenging parts of the world. They're all part of the WFP, assisting 100 million people in 88 countries. So in 2020, the agency was given the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and improve conditions for peace. Credit: Instagram Engineers from Google confirmed that Chrome will stop showing three of the most frustrating ad types, starting in August. Long preroll ads, as well as midroll ads and images or text ads that appear in the middle of a video, will be gone. The decision comes after a survey conducted by Google on 45,000 people, in which the types of ads mentioned above were seen as the most annoying and intrusive. It is believed that Firefox, Safari, and other browser engines will soon follow in its steps.
2020年是多灾多难的一年,接踵而至的坏消息让人们焦头烂额,但是这一年也不是全然没有好事发生,比如下面这些振奋人心的好消息就值得喝上一杯。 苏格兰为女性免费提供卫生用品 苏格兰议会通过了一项法案,在苏格兰全境免费供应卫生护垫和卫生棉条,这使得苏格兰成为世界上第一个终结“月经贫困”的地区。考虑到英国有近10%的女孩买不起经期卫生用品,19%的女孩不得不用其他东西来替代经期卫生用品,这对于支持该法案的民间团体是一个巨大的胜利。 德国立法保护昆虫 为了应对昆虫种群数量急剧下降的问题,德国计划在一年中的大部分时间禁止在黄昏后使用散光灯。德国环保部已经拟定了一系列保护昆虫的新举措,包括部分禁用聚光灯,加强对自然栖息地的保护等。 户外将禁止使用诱虫灯,一年中有10个月禁止在夜间使用探照灯和空中聚光灯。草案同时要求,新的街灯及其他户外照明设备的安装方式要将对植物、昆虫及其他动物的影响降至最低。国家公园及主要水体周边5到10米的范围内不得使用除草剂和杀虫剂,同时,果园和干石墙将作为昆虫自然栖息地受到保护。 巴西足球队男女同酬 巴西的足球协会宣布,国家男子和女子足球队球员将享有平等的薪资水平,在全球创下先例。 欧盟统一电子设备充电器 欧盟一致通过决议,将强制要求科技公司为手机、平板电脑以及电子书阅读器等设备提供统一、可通用的充电器。 印度女性将能担任军队指挥职务 印度最高法院裁定印度军队中的女性可以享有和男性同样的权利,命令政府允许女军官获得常任军官职位和担任指挥官职务。这一裁决意味着所有的印度女性军官在晋升、军衔、福利和养老金方面将与男性平等。 on par with:与……同等水平 世界粮食计划署获诺贝尔和平奖 每一天,有5600辆卡车、20艘轮船和92架飞机在不停地运送食物和补给到世界上最偏远、环境最恶劣的一些地方去。他们都是世界粮食计划署的成员,为88个国家的1亿人提供援助。2020年,世界粮食计划署因为在消除饥饿和改善和平条件方面做出的贡献而被授予诺贝尔和平奖。 谷歌浏览器将移除最烦人的三种广告 谷歌工程师证实,谷歌浏览器将从明年八月起停止显示最烦人的三种广告。前贴片广告、插播广告和视频中间出现的图文广告将被移除。这一决定是在谷歌调查了4.5万人后做出的,以上提到的三种广告被视为最烦人、干扰性最强。据悉,火狐、苹果Safari和其他浏览器很快也会效仿。 英文来源:Boredpanda 翻译&编辑:丹妮
圣诞节又到了,又是一个天上飞着驯鹿、家里摆着圣诞树、树下还有礼物的日子。 不过,小伙伴们虽然对西方庆祝圣诞的方式已经不再陌生,但你知道这些习俗都是如何起源的吗?英国《每日电讯报》总结了10种庆祝圣诞节的习俗以及它们的来历。我们为大家做了一个梳理,小伙伴们不妨一边玩耍,一边涨涨知识。 [Photo/Pexels] 圣诞卡片 Christmas Card Having helped set up the Public Records Office (now the Post Office), Sir Henry Cole and artist John Horsley created the first Christmas card in 1843 as a way of encouraging people to use its services. 在协助成立了公共档案室(后发展成现代邮局)之后,亨利·科尔爵士和艺术家约翰·霍斯利在1843年一起制作了世界上第一张圣诞卡片,以此来鼓励人们使用公共档案室的服务。 Cards cost a shilling (equivalent to almost £5.75 now) and stamps a penny (about 40p at modern prices). Advances in printing brought prices down, making cards hugely popular by the 1860s. By 1900 the custom of sending Christmas cards had spread throughout Europe. 当时一张圣诞卡值一先令(大致相当于现在的5.75镑),一张邮票一便士(大概相当于今天的40便士)。印刷术的进步使得卡片和邮票更加便宜,也让圣诞卡片在19世纪60年代变得极为流行。到1900年时,赠送圣诞卡片的习俗已经传遍欧洲。 [Photo/Pexels] 圣诞树 The Christmas Tree While Christmas trees have been around for a millennium in northern Europe, the first one did not appear in the UK until the 1830s. When Prince Albert put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841, he started what became an evergreen trend. 尽管圣诞树已经在北欧流行了近千年,但英国直到19世纪30年代才有了第一棵真正意义上的圣诞树。1841年,当阿尔伯特亲王在温莎城堡上第一次竖起圣诞树的时候,他开启了这一长青不衰的传统。 百果馅饼 Mince Pies Early mince pies were made of meat, fruit and spice and inspired by Middle Eastern cuisine brought back by the Crusaders. 受十字军东征带回的中东饮食启发,早期的百果馅饼包含了肉馅、水果和香料。 They commonly had 13 ingredients representing Christ and the Apostles, and were formed in a large oval shape to represent the manger. Meat had disappeared from the recipe by Victorian times, although beef suet is often still included. 通常来说,百果馅饼包含13种原料,分别代表着耶稣和十二使徒。而馅饼的椭圆形状则代表着耶稣降生的马槽。自维多利亚时期起,配料就不再包含肉馅了,但牛油仍然是常用原料。 [Photo/Pexels] 圣诞长袜 Stockings Leaving stockings out at Christmas goes back to the legend of St Nicholas. Known as the gift giver, on one occasion he sent bags of gold down a chimney at the home of a poor man who had no dowry for his unmarried daughters. The gold fell into stockings left hanging to dry. St Nicholas was later referred to by the Dutch as Sinterklaas and eventually, by English-speakers, as Santa Claus. 在圣诞节摆放圣诞长袜的传统,要追溯到圣·尼古拉斯的事迹。他是一个乐善好施的人。曾经有个穷人付不起女儿的嫁妆,他就顺着那家人的烟囱,往他家里扔了几包黄金。黄金正好掉进了挂在壁炉烘干的袜子里。圣·尼古拉斯后来被荷兰人称作“Sinterklaas”,最终被英语国家的人称作“圣诞老人”。 冬青与常青藤 Holly and ivy Synonymous with Christmas and the subject of a traditional British folk carol, both holly and ivy were originally used in pre-Christian times to celebrate the winter solstice. As they provide a rare splash of colour in the darkest month of the year, their popularity has endured. 这两种植物与圣诞节简直就是同义词,它们也是一首英国传统民谣的主题。早在基督教之前,冬青和常青藤就被用来庆祝冬至了。它们在一年中最灰暗的月份里难得地为大地增添了一抹颜色,因此它们也就一直备受欢迎。 圣诞爆竹 Christmas crackers London sweet-maker Tom Smith invented Christmas crackers in the late 1840s, inspired by traditional, paper-wrapped French bonbons. Even though he included mottos or riddles inside each, it was not until he found a way to make them “crack” when pulled apart that sales took off. His sons Tom, Walter and Henry later added hats and novelty gifts. 伦敦的糖果师汤姆·史密斯受法国传统纸卷的小糖果启发,在19世纪40年代末发明了圣诞爆竹。尽管他在每个爆竹里都放了格言和谜语,但销量一直不是很好。直到他找到了一种方法,让爆竹被拉开的时候能“爆”,销售量才突飞猛进。他的儿子汤姆、沃尔特和亨利后来又给爆竹加进小帽子和新奇的礼物。 火鸡 Turkey Turkeys originated in Mexico and were first brought to Britain in 1526 by William Strickland. Henry VIII enjoyed turkey and although the bird became fashionable in high society in the late 19th century it was Edward VII who made it de rigueur at Christmas for the middle classes. 吃火鸡的习俗起源于墨西哥,最初由威廉·斯特瑞兰德在1526年引入英国。亨利八世很喜欢吃火鸡。尽管这道菜在19世纪晚期已经成为上流社会的最爱,但最终是爱德华七世把吃火鸡变成中产阶层的节日必备活动。 Even by 1930, however, it took a week’s wages to buy one and turkey remained a luxury until the 1950s. 但即使到了1930年,买一只火鸡也得花上一周的薪水,因此直到20世纪50年代为止,吃火鸡一直是一种奢侈的享受。 [Photo/Pexels] 圣诞布丁 Christmas Pudding Also known as plum or figgy pudding, this Christmas staple possibly has its roots as far back as the Middle Ages in a wheat-based pottage known as frumenty. By the mid 17th century, it was thicker and had developed into a dessert with the addition of eggs, dried fruit and alcohol. 圣诞布丁也叫作梅子布丁或无花果布丁。这款圣诞的主菜可能要追溯到中世纪的一种叫做牛奶麦粥的食物,它主要以小麦为原料。到了17世纪中叶,它渐渐变厚,并加入了鸡蛋、干果和酒精而变成了一种甜点。 In Victorian times plum pudding was a Christmas favourite. It is traditionally made a week before Advent on what is known as “stir-up Sunday”. 在维多利亚时代,梅子布丁是基督徒们最喜欢的食物之一。传统上,梅子布丁要在基督降临节的前一周制作,那一天被称作“唤醒星期日”。 [Photo/Pexels] 槲寄生 Mistletoe Hanging mistletoe in the home is an ancient pagan practice adopted by early Christians. The word itself is Anglo-Saxon and the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe originated in England. Each kiss required a berry to be plucked until none remained. 在屋里挂一束槲寄生是早期基督徒从古代异教习俗中吸纳的一种做法。这个词本身是盎克鲁-撒克逊语,在槲寄生下接吻这一传统则起源于英格兰。每一次亲吻都要摘除一颗槲寄生的浆果,直到摘完为止。 圣诞颂歌 Christmas Carols Carols were songs and dances of praise and joy in pagan times and the practice of carol singing carried over into the Christian era. Carols have been written through the centuries but the most familiar date from Victorian times. Today, popular songs such as Bing Crosby’s White Christmas and Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody are just as much a part of Christmas as carols. 颂歌是异教时期用来表达赞美和愉悦的歌舞形式,唱颂歌这一习惯后来被带入到基督教时代。几个世纪以来都有圣诞颂歌的作品不断被创作出来,但最有名的要数维多利亚时期的那些。今天,流行的圣诞歌曲包括宾·克罗斯比演唱的“白色圣诞节”,以及斯莱德的“大家圣诞快乐”,这些颂歌都是圣诞的一部分。 怎么样?又涨了不少新知识吧?和小伙伴玩耍的时候,别忘了也给他们科普一下哦。祝大家圣诞快乐! 编辑:祝兴媛 实习编辑:洪泽华
[Photo/Pexels] Christmas Card Having helped set up the Public Records Office (now the Post Office), Sir Henry Cole and artist John Horsley created the first Christmas card in 1843 as a way of encouraging people to use its services. Cards cost a shilling (equivalent to almost £5.75 now) and stamps a penny (about 40p at modern prices). Advances in printing brought prices down, making cards hugely popular by the 1860s. By 1900 the custom of sending Christmas cards had spread throughout Europe. [Photo/Pexels] The Christmas Tree While Christmas trees have been around for a millennium in northern Europe, the first one did not appear in the UK until the 1830s. When Prince Albert put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841, he started what became an evergreen trend. Mince Pies Early mince pies were made of meat, fruit and spice and inspired by Middle Eastern cuisine brought back by the Crusaders. They commonly had 13 ingredients representing Christ and the Apostles, and were formed in a large oval shape to represent the manger. Meat had disappeared from the recipe by Victorian times, although beef suet is often still included. [Photo/Pexels] Stockings Leaving stockings out at Christmas goes back to the legend of St Nicholas. Known as the gift giver, on one occasion he sent bags of gold down a chimney at the home of a poor man who had no dowry for his unmarried daughters. The gold fell into stockings left hanging to dry. St Nicholas was later referred to by the Dutch as Sinterklaas and eventually, by English-speakers, as Santa Claus. Holly and ivy Synonymous with Christmas and the subject of a traditional British folk carol, both holly and ivy were originally used in pre-Christian times to celebrate the winter solstice. As they provide a rare splash of colour in the darkest month of the year, their popularity has endured. Christmas crackers London sweet-maker Tom Smith invented Christmas crackers in the late 1840s, inspired by traditional, paper-wrapped French bonbons. Even though he included mottos or riddles inside each, it was not until he found a way to make them “crack” when pulled apart that sales took off. His sons Tom, Walter and Henry later added hats and novelty gifts. Turkey Turkeys originated in Mexico and were first brought to Britain in 1526 by William Strickland. Henry VIII enjoyed turkey and although the bird became fashionable in high society in the late 19th century it was Edward VII who made it de rigueur at Christmas for the middle classes. Even by 1930, however, it took a week’s wages to buy one and turkey remained a luxury until the 1950s. [Photo/Pexels] Christmas Pudding Also known as plum or figgy pudding, this Christmas staple possibly has its roots as far back as the Middle Ages in a wheat-based pottage known as frumenty. By the mid 17th century, it was thicker and had developed into a dessert with the addition of eggs, dried fruit and alcohol. In Victorian times plum pudding was a Christmas favourite. It is traditionally made a week before Advent on what is known as “stir-up Sunday”. [Photo/Pexels] Mistletoe Hanging mistletoe in the home is an ancient pagan practice adopted by early Christians. The word itself is Anglo-Saxon and the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe originated in England. Each kiss required a berry to be plucked until none remained. Christmas Carols Carols were songs and dances of praise and joy in pagan times and the practice of carol singing carried over into the Christian era. Carols have been written through the centuries but the most familiar date from Victorian times. Today, popular songs such as Bing Crosby’s White Christmas and Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody are just as much a part of Christmas as carols.
圣诞节又到了,又是一个天上飞着驯鹿、家里摆着圣诞树、树下还有礼物的日子。 不过,小伙伴们虽然对西方庆祝圣诞的方式已经不再陌生,但你知道这些习俗都是如何起源的吗?英国《每日电讯报》总结了10种庆祝圣诞节的习俗以及它们的来历。我们为大家做了一个梳理,小伙伴们不妨一边玩耍,一边涨涨知识。 圣诞卡片 在协助成立了公共档案室(后发展成现代邮局)之后,亨利·科尔爵士和艺术家约翰·霍斯利在1843年一起制作了世界上第一张圣诞卡片,以此来鼓励人们使用公共档案室的服务。 当时一张圣诞卡值一先令(大致相当于现在的5.75镑),一张邮票一便士(大概相当于今天的40便士)。印刷术的进步使得卡片和邮票更加便宜,也让圣诞卡片在19世纪60年代变得极为流行。到1900年时,赠送圣诞卡片的习俗已经传遍欧洲。 圣诞树 尽管圣诞树已经在北欧流行了近千年,但英国直到19世纪30年代才有了第一棵真正意义上的圣诞树。1841年,当阿尔伯特亲王在温莎城堡上第一次竖起圣诞树的时候,他开启了这一长青不衰的传统。 百果馅饼 受十字军东征带回的中东饮食启发,早期的百果馅饼包含了肉馅、水果和香料。 通常来说,百果馅饼包含13种原料,分别代表着耶稣和十二使徒。而馅饼的椭圆形状则代表着耶稣降生的马槽。自维多利亚时期起,配料就不再包含肉馅了,但牛油仍然是常用原料。 圣诞长袜 在圣诞节摆放圣诞长袜的传统,要追溯到圣·尼古拉斯的事迹。他是一个乐善好施的人。曾经有个穷人付不起女儿的嫁妆,他就顺着那家人的烟囱,往他家里扔了几包黄金。黄金正好掉进了挂在壁炉烘干的袜子里。圣·尼古拉斯后来被荷兰人称作“Sinterklaas”,最终被英语国家的人称作“圣诞老人”。 冬青与常青藤 这两种植物与圣诞节简直就是同义词,它们也是一首英国传统民谣的主题。早在基督教之前,冬青和常青藤就被用来庆祝冬至了。它们在一年中最灰暗的月份里难得地为大地增添了一抹颜色,因此它们也就一直备受欢迎。 圣诞爆竹 伦敦的糖果师汤姆·史密斯受法国传统纸卷的小糖果启发,在19世纪40年代末发明了圣诞爆竹。尽管他在每个爆竹里都放了格言和谜语,但销量一直不是很好。直到他找到了一种方法,让爆竹被拉开的时候能“爆”,销售量才突飞猛进。他的儿子汤姆、沃尔特和亨利后来又给爆竹加进小帽子和新奇的礼物。 火鸡 吃火鸡的习俗起源于墨西哥,最初由威廉·斯特瑞兰德在1526年引入英国。亨利八世很喜欢吃火鸡。尽管这道菜在19世纪晚期已经成为上流社会的最爱,但最终是爱德华七世把吃火鸡变成中产阶层的节日必备活动。 但即使到了1930年,买一只火鸡也得花上一周的薪水,因此直到20世纪50年代为止,吃火鸡一直是一种奢侈的享受。 圣诞布丁 圣诞布丁也叫作梅子布丁或无花果布丁。这款圣诞的主菜可能要追溯到中世纪的一种叫做牛奶麦粥的食物,它主要以小麦为原料。到了17世纪中叶,它渐渐变厚,并加入了鸡蛋、干果和酒精而变成了一种甜点。 在维多利亚时代,梅子布丁是基督徒们最喜欢的食物之一。传统上,梅子布丁要在基督降临节的前一周制作,那一天被称作“唤醒星期日”。 槲寄生 在屋里挂一束槲寄生是早期基督徒从古代异教习俗中吸纳的一种做法。这个词本身是盎克鲁-撒克逊语,在槲寄生下接吻这一传统则起源于英格兰。每一次亲吻都要摘除一颗槲寄生的浆果,直到摘完为止。 圣诞颂歌 颂歌是异教时期用来表达赞美和愉悦的歌舞形式,唱颂歌这一习惯后来被带入到基督教时代。几个世纪以来都有圣诞颂歌的作品不断被创作出来,但最有名的要数维多利亚时期的那些。今天,流行的圣诞歌曲包括宾·克罗斯比演唱的“白色圣诞节”,以及斯莱德的“大家圣诞快乐”,这些颂歌都是圣诞的一部分。 怎么样?又涨了不少新知识吧?和小伙伴玩耍的时候,别忘了也给他们科普一下哦。祝大家圣诞快乐! 编辑:祝兴媛 实习编辑:洪泽华
随着英国疫情日趋严重,海外英伦游子返乡遥遥无期。英国一家公司趁机推出了来自家乡的罐装空气,供海外游子一解思乡之苦,甚至还提供定制服务。 Credit:My Baggage Thanks to ever-changing Covid-19 travel restrictions, many people around the world have found themselves stranded far away from home this year. 拜疫情期间不断变更的旅行限制令所赐,今年世界各地的许多人都滞留外地无法回家。 Over in the UK, a fast-spreading new coronavirus variant has led to several countries around the world imposing bans and restrictions on travel to the nation, meaning a large number of residents currently abroad will not be able to return any time soon. 在英国,一种迅速蔓延的新冠病毒新变种导致世界各地的多个国家对英国实施了旅行禁令和限制令,这意味着许多海外游子短期内将不能回国。 However, relocation website My Baggage has dreamed up a special gift for homesick residents that's quite literally a breath of fresh air. 然而,海外搬迁公司网站“我的行李”为思乡游子想出了一份特别的礼物,没错,就是一口新鲜空气。 The company is currently selling bottles of "authentic" air from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to provide UK residents overseas with the scent of home. 该公司目前正在出售来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的“正宗”罐装空气,让海外的英国人可以闻到家乡的气息。 Priced at £25, the 500 milliliter bottle comes with a cork stopper, so the recipient can keep opening it up and taking in the aroma whenever they need a pick-me-up. 这款罐装空气定价25英镑(约合人民币221元),容量500毫升,带有软木塞,让用户可以在需要提振精神时随时打开吸一口。 Aside from the four UK countries, the company can also take on special requests for any other specific UK locations, and say they've recently fulfilled an order from a Welshman who requested a sample of air from the mountainous region of Snowdonia in northwestern Wales. 除了这四个英国地区外,该公司还可以根据特别需求采集英国特定地区的空气。该公司称,最近他们刚完成了一个威尔士人的订单,从威尔士西北部斯诺登尼亚山区采集了空气。 Meanwhile, special limited edition bottles featuring air taken from the London Underground or a fish and chip shop in Norfolk are also available. 与此同时,该公司还出售采集自伦敦地铁或诺福克炸鱼薯条店的特别限量版罐装空气。 The team at My Baggage, who deal with international removals for Brits who are relocating, say they were inspired to launch the bottled air range after conducting research that linked the human sense of smell with emotional memories.‏ ‏ 为搬迁至海外的英国人服务的“我的行李”团队表示,他们推出罐装空气的灵感来自他们开展的一项研究,该研究结果显示,人闻到的气味会引发感性的回忆。 "We wanted to help them [UK residents living abroad] reconnect with home and we know from published research that our sense of smell is very evocative when it comes to emotions," says a spokesperson for the company. 该公司的一名发言人表示:“我们想帮助海外英国游子重新建立和家乡的联系,从已经发表的研究,我们知道我们闻到的气味很容易唤起感性的回忆。” ‏"By allowing recipients to take a deep breath of the air from their home country we're hoping to ease homesickness and help them settle into their new life, wherever that may be."‏ “通过让用户深吸一口家乡的空气,我们希望这样能缓解他们的思乡之情,帮助他们适应新生活,无论他们身在何方。” According to My Baggage, the vast majority of orders come from those who are buying the bottles as gifts for friends or family living overseas. 据“我的行李”网站介绍,绝大多数订单来自那些购买罐装空气送给海外亲友的人。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit:My Baggage Thanks to ever-changing Covid-19 travel restrictions, many people around the world have found themselves stranded far away from home this year. Over in the UK, a fast-spreading new coronavirus variant has led to several countries around the world imposing bans and restrictions on travel to the nation, meaning a large number of residents currently abroad will not be able to return any time soon. However, relocation website My Baggage has dreamed up a special gift for homesick residents that's quite literally a breath of fresh air. The company is currently selling bottles of "authentic" air from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to provide UK residents overseas with the scent of home. Priced at £25, the 500 milliliter bottle comes with a cork stopper, so the recipient can keep opening it up and taking in the aroma whenever they need a pick-me-up. Aside from the four UK countries, the company can also take on special requests for any other specific UK locations, and say they've recently fulfilled an order from a Welshman who requested a sample of air from the mountainous region of Snowdonia in northwestern Wales. Meanwhile, special limited edition bottles featuring air taken from the London Underground or a fish and chip shop in Norfolk are also available. The team at My Baggage, who deal with international removals for Brits who are relocating, say they were inspired to launch the bottled air range after conducting research that linked the human sense of smell with emotional memories.‏ ‏ "We wanted to help them [UK residents living abroad] reconnect with home and we know from published research that our sense of smell is very evocative when it comes to emotions," says a spokesperson for the company. ‏"By allowing recipients to take a deep breath of the air from their home country we're hoping to ease homesickness and help them settle into their new life, wherever that may be."‏ According to My Baggage, the vast majority of orders come from those who are buying the bottles as gifts for friends or family living overseas.
随着英国疫情日趋严重,海外英伦游子返乡遥遥无期。英国一家公司趁机推出了来自家乡的罐装空气,供海外游子一解思乡之苦,甚至还提供定制服务。 拜疫情期间不断变更的旅行限制令所赐,今年世界各地的许多人都滞留外地无法回家。 在英国,一种迅速蔓延的新冠病毒新变种导致世界各地的多个国家对英国实施了旅行禁令和限制令,这意味着许多海外游子短期内将不能回国。 然而,海外搬迁公司网站“我的行李”为思乡游子想出了一份特别的礼物,没错,就是一口新鲜空气。 该公司目前正在出售来自英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的“正宗”罐装空气,让海外的英国人可以闻到家乡的气息。 这款罐装空气定价25英镑(约合人民币221元),容量500毫升,带有软木塞,让用户可以在需要提振精神时随时打开吸一口。 除了这四个英国地区外,该公司还可以根据特别需求采集英国特定地区的空气。该公司称,最近他们刚完成了一个威尔士人的订单,从威尔士西北部斯诺登尼亚山区采集了空气。 与此同时,该公司还出售采集自伦敦地铁或诺福克炸鱼薯条店的特别限量版罐装空气。 为搬迁至海外的英国人服务的“我的行李”团队表示,他们推出罐装空气的灵感来自他们开展的一项研究,该研究结果显示,人闻到的气味会引发感性的回忆。 该公司的一名发言人表示:“我们想帮助海外英国游子重新建立和家乡的联系,从已经发表的研究,我们知道我们闻到的气味很容易唤起感性的回忆。” “通过让用户深吸一口家乡的空气,我们希望这样能缓解他们的思乡之情,帮助他们适应新生活,无论他们身在何方。” 据“我的行李”网站介绍,绝大多数订单来自那些购买罐装空气送给海外亲友的人。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
[Photo/Pexels] People are doing extraordinary things all the time. And there’s no reason you can’t be one of them. 每时每刻,总有人在做着不平凡的事情。你没理由不可以成为他们的一员。 Just think about what could happen if you choose to be that difference 50 times every day for the next year… You would have hundreds of thousands of small opportunities to make an impact. 想想看,如果你选择在接下来的一年里每天做50次这样的改变,会发生什么……你会拥有无数次影响人生的小机会。 Now imagine if you did that for the next 30 years… You could change over a million outcomes for the better. That would be extraordinary. 现在想象一下,在接下来的30年中,如果你坚持这些改变,你会让无数结果变得更好。这就是卓越。 Choose to be extraordinary. 下定决心,成就卓越吧! 1.Open the door for a stranger. 1. 为陌生人开门。 2. Say, “Thank you.” 2. 说声:“谢谢!” 3. Learn from your mistakes. 3. 从错误中学习。 4. Stop whining. 4. 不要再哭哭啼啼。 5. Fear less. 5.要勇敢无畏。 6. Be kind. 6. 要待人和善。 7. Let yourself be inspired. 7. 要多思考。 8. Lead someone. 8. 要指引他人。 9. Pay off debt. 9. 还清债务。 10. Pay more for quality. 10. 更多地追求品质。 11. Lend a hand. 11. 要帮助他人。 12. Let past mistakes go. 12. 忘记过去的错误。 13. Be invincible. 13. 要坚定不移。 14. Be more efficient with your time. 14. 更有效地利用自己的时间。 15. Plan to be successful. 15. 为成功制定计划。 16. Be an expert. 16. 学有专长。 17. Stop defending yourself. 17. 停止为自己辩护。 18. Decide to take action today. 18. 从今天开始,行动起来。 19. Fight mediocrity. 19. 拒绝平庸。 20. Laugh at life. 20. 笑看生活。 21. Go to bed tired. 21. 疲惫时上床睡觉。 22. Ask what you can do better. 22. 问问自己,什么事情可以做到更好。 23. Compliment a great idea. 23. 为一个很棒的观点喝彩。 24. Work on being patient. 24. 保持耐心。 25. Stay in mental shape. 25. 保持良好的精神状态。 26. Shake hands while looking the other person in the eye. 26. 握手时,注视对方的眼睛。 27. Assume the best in others. 27. 对别人做最好的设想。 28. Try something new. 28. 尝试新的事物。 29. Listen to your critics. 29. 听取对自己的批评。 30. Donate time to charity. 30. 花时间做慈善。 31. Teach what you’ve learned. 31. 教你所学。 32. Care about others. 32. 关心他人。 33. Pay attention to the details. 33. 注重细节。 34. Do physical labor. 34. 做体力劳动。 34. Share more. 35.分享更多。 36. Love someone. 36.爱人。 37. Have a dream. 37. 拥有梦想。 38. Get up an hour earlier. 38. 早起一小时。 39. Write down your thoughts. 39. 写下自己的想法。 40. Apologize more. 40. 更多地道歉。 41. Cry when you are hurt. 41. 受伤时,哭出来。 42. Have a purpose each day. 42. 每天定立目标。 43. Don’t stop until you finish. 43. 结束前,永不放弃。 44. Be passionate about others. 44. 要对他人充满热情。 45. Pay attention to the conversation. 45. 注意聆听。 46. Appreciate differences. 46. 欣赏差异。 47. Be less selfish. 47. 不要那么自私。 48. Ease someone else’s pain. 48. 抚平他人的伤悲。 49. Imagine the possibilities. 49. 考虑各种可能性。 50. Smile at those around you. 50. 要对周围人微笑。 来源: 沪江英语
[Photo/Pexels] People are doing extraordinary things all the time. And there’s no reason you can’t be one of them. Just think about what could happen if you choose to be that difference 50 times every day for the next year… You would have hundreds of thousands of small opportunities to make an impact. Now imagine if you did that for the next 30 years… You could change over a million outcomes for the better. That would be extraordinary. Choose to be extraordinary. 1.Open the door for a stranger. 2. Say, “Thank you.” 3. Learn from your mistakes. 4. Stop whining. 5. Fear less. 6. Be kind. 7. Let yourself be inspired. 8. Lead someone. 9. Pay off debt. 10. Pay more for quality. 11. Lend a hand. 12. Let past mistakes go. 13. Be invincible. 15. Plan to be successful. 16. Be an expert. 17. Stop defending yourself. 18. Decide to take action today. 19. Fight mediocrity. 20. Laugh at life. 21. Go to bed tired. 22. Ask what you can do better. 23. Compliment a great idea. 24. Work on being patient. 25. Stay in mental shape. 26. Shake hands while looking the other person in the eye. 27. Assume the best in others. 28. Try something new. 29. Listen to your critics. 30. Donate time to charity. 31. Teach what you’ve learned. 32. Care about others. 33. Pay attention to the details. 34. Do physical labor. 34. Share more. 36. Love someone. 37. Have a dream. 38. Get up an hour earlier. 39. Write down your thoughts. 40. Apologize more. 41. Cry when you are hurt. 42. Have a purpose each day. 44. Be passionate about others. 45. Pay attention to the conversation. 46. Appreciate differences. 48. Ease someone else’s pain. 49. Imagine the possibilities. 50. Smile at those around you.
每时每刻,总有人在做着不平凡的事情。你没理由不可以成为他们的一员。 想想看,如果你选择在接下来的一年里每天做50次这样的改变,会发生什么……你会拥有无数次影响人生的小机会。 现在想象一下,在接下来的30年中,如果你坚持这些改变,你会让无数结果变得更好。这就是卓越。 下定决心,成就卓越吧! 1. 为陌生人开门。 2. 说声:“谢谢!” 3. 从错误中学习。 4. 不要再哭哭啼啼。 5.要勇敢无畏。 6. 要待人和善。 7. 要多思考。 8. 要指引他人。 9. 还清债务。 10. 更多地追求品质。 11. 要帮助他人。 12. 忘记过去的错误。 13. 要坚定不移。 14. Be more efficient with your time. 14. 更有效地利用自己的时间。 15. 为成功制定计划。 16. 学有专长。 17. 停止为自己辩护。 18. 从今天开始,行动起来。 19. 拒绝平庸。 20. 笑看生活。 21. 疲惫时上床睡觉。 22. 问问自己,什么事情可以做到更好。 23. 为一个很棒的观点喝彩。 24. 保持耐心。 25. 保持良好的精神状态。 26. 握手时,注视对方的眼睛。 27. 对别人做最好的设想。 28. 尝试新的事物。 29. 听取对自己的批评。 30. 花时间做慈善。 31. 教你所学。 32. 关心他人。 33. 注重细节。 34. 做体力劳动。 35.分享更多。 36.爱人。 37. 拥有梦想。 38. 早起一小时。 39. 写下自己的想法。 40. 更多地道歉。 41. 受伤时,哭出来。 42. 每天定立目标。 43. Don’t stop until you finish. 43. 结束前,永不放弃。 44. 要对他人充满热情。 45. 注意聆听。 46. 欣赏差异。 47. Be less selfish. 47. 不要那么自私。 48. 抚平他人的伤悲。 49. 考虑各种可能性。 50. 要对周围人微笑。 来源: 沪江英语
尽管今年的疫情让好莱坞一度停摆,电影节、时装周、展会也纷纷取消,但是在文化领域还是发生了许多值得我们铭记的事件。一起来回顾2020年那些难忘的文化瞬间。 Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, arrive at the Endeavour Fund Awards in London, Britain, March 5, 2020. REUTERS/Hannah McKay Harry and Meghan retired as working royals 哈里王子和梅根王妃退出王室职务 The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced on Instagram that they would be "stepping back" as senior members of the British royal family in January. 今年一月,萨塞克斯公爵夫妇在Instagram上宣布他们将放弃英国王室高级成员的身份。 Prince Harry and Meghan gave up their royal titles and subsequent duties entirely as they packed up and moved to California. Far from shrinking into the shadows, their post-royal lives have been highly visible. 哈里王子和梅根王妃彻底放弃了他们的王室头衔和职责,并打包离开,搬到美国加州居住。离开王室后,他们非但没有销声匿迹,反而非常高调。 They urged Americans to vote in the US presidential election (a move criticized for breaching the British royal family's tradition of political neutrality). Then, in an op-ed for the New York Times , Meghan revealed she had suffered a miscarriage earlier in the year, another example of high-profile figures helping to break the taboo around pregnancy loss. And, like the Obamas, the pair is set to become Hollywood producers, closing a multi-year deal with Netflix that will see them create scripted series, docu-series, documentaries, features and children's programming. 他们呼吁美国人为总统大选投票,此举因打破英国王室政治中立的传统而受到批评。之后,梅根又在《纽约时报》的一篇专栏文章中透露,她在今年早些时候遭遇流产,成为公众人物帮助打破流产禁忌的一个范例。此外,和奥巴马夫妇一样,他们计划成为好莱坞制片人,并和网飞公司签订了一项为期多年的协议,将制作电视连续剧、纪录片、故事片和儿童节目。 Kwak Sin Ae and Bong Joon-ho win the Oscar for Best Picture for "Parasite" at the 92nd Academy Awards in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, US, February 9, 2020. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni 'Parasite' made history at the Oscars 韩国电影《寄生虫》刷新奥斯卡历史 Director Bong Joon-ho's widely-acclaimed South Korean thriller, "Parasite," made history at the 92nd Academy Awards in February, becoming the first non-English language film to win best picture. Bong also picked up the award for best director, and ended his gracious acceptance speech with the meme-worthy, "I will drink until next morning." 今年二月,导演奉俊昊广受赞誉的韩国惊悚片《寄生虫》在第92届奥斯卡颁奖礼上创造了历史,成为第一部赢得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的非英语电影。奉俊昊还摘得了最佳导演奖,并在彬彬有礼的获奖感言结尾表示“我要狂饮到天明”。(是不是非常适合做成表情包?) The wins were significant in an industry heavily criticized for its lack of recognition of non-white talent, as well as exclusionary casting choices. 在有色人种不受重视和选角标准过于单一并因此备受批评的好莱坞电影行业,《寄生虫》的胜利可谓意义重大。 Screenshot from the reading video Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt flirted on Zoom 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和布拉德·皮特线上重聚 The exes reunited for a charity virtual reading of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," and the internet, and Julia Roberts, grinned uncontrollably. "Hi Brad ... I think you're so sexy, will you come to me?" Aniston crooned. Pitt blushed. And for a brief moment, we forgot about all the bad news in the world and burrowed into a safe cocoon of nostalgia. 这对昔日的夫妇在一次慈善线上剧本朗读会重聚,一起朗读《开放的美国学府》,让广大网友(包括朱莉亚·罗伯茨)喜笑颜开。安妮斯顿温柔地说:“嗨布拉德……我觉得你好性感,你来我这里好吗?”皮特的脸刷的一下红了。在这短暂的一瞬间,我们忘记了世界上所有的坏消息,沉浸在了怀旧的思绪当中。 croon [kruːn]: v. 低声歌唱;柔情地唱 burrow[ˈbɜːroʊ]: v. 依偎;钻入 cocoon [kəˈkuːn]: n. 茧;卵囊 Credit: Netflix 'The Crown' blurred the line between fact and fiction 《王冠》模糊了现实和虚构的界限 Audiences devoured the fourth season of "The Crown," with many younger viewers introduced to the ill-fated marriage, and drama, between Prince Charles and Princess Diana for the first time. 《王冠》第四季的热播,让许多年轻观众第一次了解到查尔斯王子和戴安娜王妃之间不幸的婚姻和戏剧性的生活。 Concerns arose over the portrayal of royal members and its casting of future king Prince Charles in an unflattering light. Charles, played by Josh O'Connor, is depicted as a petulant, selfish serial-cheater who eventually drives the sacrificial lamb-like Princess Diana, played by Emma Corrin, to bulimia and depression. 该剧刻画的英国王室成员以及王位继承人查尔斯王子的负面形象引发了担忧。乔什·奥康纳饰演的查尔斯被刻画成一个暴躁、自私、多次出轨的人,最终将羊羔一般温顺而具有牺牲精神的戴安娜王妃(艾玛·科林饰演)逼得患上了暴食症和抑郁症。 bulimia [buˈlɪmiə]: n. 暴食症 The series' creative license -- especially in its re-imagining of private conversations -- has drawn criticism from some quarters, leading the UK's Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden to demand that Netflix include a disclaimer clarifying to viewers that they are watching a work of fiction. Netflix hasn't balked. 该剧的创意许可尺度(尤其是对私密对话的编造)引来了某些领域的指责,为此英国文化大臣奥利弗·道登要求网飞公司加上免责声明,向观众澄清剧情纯属虚构。网飞公司拒绝了。 balk [bɔːk]: v. 畏缩不前,犹豫;错过,拒绝(机会、邀请) Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889Re-creation: @clairesalvo Credit: Instagram People recreated iconic artworks at home 人们在家重现经典艺术作品 With most art exhibitions and galleries shut down, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles launched a social media challenge, inviting people to recreate their favorite artworks with three household objects. Among our favorites: swirling cloud formations of "Starry Night" (1889) recreated with spaghetti; a woman and bulldog posing as "Madonna and Child" (1290-1295), and two rows of colorful boxes, nodding to Warhol's famous soup cans. 由于多数艺术展览馆和画廊都关闭了,洛杉矶的盖蒂博物馆发起了一项社交媒体挑战,邀请人们用三样家中物品重现自己最喜爱的艺术作品。最受好评的有:用意大利面重现的《星月夜》(1889年)旋转云团、一个女人和一只斗牛犬组成的《圣母与圣婴》(1290-1295年)和两排五颜六色的盒子组成的安迪·沃霍尔的著名汤罐头作品。 Screenshot from Twitter 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, arrive at the Endeavour Fund Awards in London, Britain, March 5, 2020. REUTERS/Hannah McKay Harry and Meghan retired as working royals The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced on Instagram that they would be "stepping back" as senior members of the British royal family in January. Prince Harry and Meghan gave up their royal titles and subsequent duties entirely as they packed up and moved to California. Far from shrinking into the shadows, their post-royal lives have been highly visible. They urged Americans to vote in the US presidential election (a move criticized for breaching the British royal family's tradition of political neutrality). Then, in an op-ed for the New York Times , Meghan revealed she had suffered a miscarriage earlier in the year, another example of high-profile figures helping to break the taboo around pregnancy loss. And, like the Obamas, the pair is set to become Hollywood producers, closing a multi-year deal with Netflix that will see them create scripted series, docu-series, documentaries, features and children's programming. Kwak Sin Ae and Bong Joon-ho win the Oscar for Best Picture for "Parasite" at the 92nd Academy Awards in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, US, February 9, 2020. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni 'Parasite' made history at the Oscars Director Bong Joon-ho's widely-acclaimed South Korean thriller, "Parasite," made history at the 92nd Academy Awards in February, becoming the first non-English language film to win best picture. Bong also picked up the award for best director, and ended his gracious acceptance speech with the meme-worthy, "I will drink until next morning." The wins were significant in an industry heavily criticized for its lack of recognition of non-white talent, as well as exclusionary casting choices. Screenshot from the reading video Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt flirted on Zoom The exes reunited for a charity virtual reading of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," and the internet, and Julia Roberts, grinned uncontrollably. "Hi Brad ... I think you're so sexy, will you come to me?" Aniston crooned. Pitt blushed. And for a brief moment, we forgot about all the bad news in the world and burrowed into a safe cocoon of nostalgia. Credit: Netflix 'The Crown' blurred the line between fact and fiction Audiences devoured the fourth season of "The Crown," with many younger viewers introduced to the ill-fated marriage, and drama, between Prince Charles and Princess Diana for the first time. Concerns arose over the portrayal of royal members and its casting of future king Prince Charles in an unflattering light. Charles, played by Josh O'Connor, is depicted as a petulant, selfish serial-cheater who eventually drives the sacrificial lamb-like Princess Diana, played by Emma Corrin, to bulimia and depression. The series' creative license -- especially in its re-imagining of private conversations -- has drawn criticism from some quarters, leading the UK's Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden to demand that Netflix include a disclaimer clarifying to viewers that they are watching a work of fiction. Netflix hasn't balked. Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889Re-creation: @clairesalvo Credit: Instagram People recreated iconic artworks at home With most art exhibitions and galleries shut down, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles launched a social media challenge, inviting people to recreate their favorite artworks with three household objects. Among our favorites: swirling cloud formations of "Starry Night" (1889) recreated with spaghetti; a woman and bulldog posing as "Madonna and Child" (1290-1295), and two rows of colorful boxes, nodding to Warhol's famous soup cans. Screenshot from Twitter
尽管今年的疫情让好莱坞一度停摆,电影节、时装周、展会也纷纷取消,但是在文化领域还是发生了许多值得我们铭记的事件。一起来回顾2020年那些难忘的文化瞬间。 哈里王子和梅根王妃退出王室职务 今年一月,萨塞克斯公爵夫妇在Instagram上宣布他们将放弃英国王室高级成员的身份。 哈里王子和梅根王妃彻底放弃了他们的王室头衔和职责,并打包离开,搬到美国加州居住。离开王室后,他们非但没有销声匿迹,反而非常高调。 他们呼吁美国人为总统大选投票,此举因打破英国王室政治中立的传统而受到批评。之后,梅根又在《纽约时报》的一篇专栏文章中透露,她在今年早些时候遭遇流产,成为公众人物帮助打破流产禁忌的一个范例。此外,和奥巴马夫妇一样,他们计划成为好莱坞制片人,并和网飞公司签订了一项为期多年的协议,将制作电视连续剧、纪录片、故事片和儿童节目。 韩国电影《寄生虫》刷新奥斯卡历史 今年二月,导演奉俊昊广受赞誉的韩国惊悚片《寄生虫》在第92届奥斯卡颁奖礼上创造了历史,成为第一部赢得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的非英语电影。奉俊昊还摘得了最佳导演奖,并在彬彬有礼的获奖感言结尾表示“我要狂饮到天明”。(是不是非常适合做成表情包?) 在有色人种不受重视和选角标准过于单一并因此备受批评的好莱坞电影行业,《寄生虫》的胜利可谓意义重大。 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和布拉德·皮特线上重聚 这对昔日的夫妇在一次慈善线上剧本朗读会重聚,一起朗读《开放的美国学府》,让广大网友(包括朱莉亚·罗伯茨)喜笑颜开。安妮斯顿温柔地说:“嗨布拉德……我觉得你好性感,你来我这里好吗?”皮特的脸刷的一下红了。在这短暂的一瞬间,我们忘记了世界上所有的坏消息,沉浸在了怀旧的思绪当中。 croon [kruːn]: v. 低声歌唱;柔情地唱 burrow[ˈbɜːroʊ]: v. 依偎;钻入 cocoon [kəˈkuːn]: n. 茧;卵囊 《王冠》模糊了现实和虚构的界限 《王冠》第四季的热播,让许多年轻观众第一次了解到查尔斯王子和戴安娜王妃之间不幸的婚姻和戏剧性的生活。 该剧刻画的英国王室成员以及王位继承人查尔斯王子的负面形象引发了担忧。乔什·奥康纳饰演的查尔斯被刻画成一个暴躁、自私、多次出轨的人,最终将羊羔一般温顺而具有牺牲精神的戴安娜王妃(艾玛·科林饰演)逼得患上了暴食症和抑郁症。 bulimia [buˈlɪmiə]: n. 暴食症 该剧的创意许可尺度(尤其是对私密对话的编造)引来了某些领域的指责,为此英国文化大臣奥利弗·道登要求网飞公司加上免责声明,向观众澄清剧情纯属虚构。网飞公司拒绝了。 balk [bɔːk]: v. 畏缩不前,犹豫;错过,拒绝(机会、邀请) 人们在家重现经典艺术作品 由于多数艺术展览馆和画廊都关闭了,洛杉矶的盖蒂博物馆发起了一项社交媒体挑战,邀请人们用三样家中物品重现自己最喜爱的艺术作品。最受好评的有:用意大利面重现的《星月夜》(1889年)旋转云团、一个女人和一只斗牛犬组成的《圣母与圣婴》(1290-1295年)和两排五颜六色的盒子组成的安迪·沃霍尔的著名汤罐头作品。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
如果我们找到了心仪的工作,会有很多迹象表明我们对工作的喜爱。但是找到热爱的工作并不意味着这份工作很轻松。当工作中出现挑战时,或者遇到困难时,我们很难确定现在这份工作是不是我们注定要做的。 Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels Finding work you are truly passionate about can feel a lot like falling in love. You become infatuated, excited, and you can feel yourself changing for the better. But what happens when you get used to it? New is now familiar, and that loving feeling is not as “sparkly” as it once was. In some cases, when relationships last for this long (with a person or a career) it can be difficult to tell if you still want to be in it for the long run. Here are some signs that you’ve found the one. 找到一份令你激情四射的工作就像谈恋爱一样。你会为它着迷、激动,而且自己会越变越好。但如果你已经习惯了呢?新奇变成了熟悉,那种爱意不复当初一般蹦耀火花。某些情况下,当一段关系持续了很久(无论是对人还是对工作),你就很难确定自己是否还想长期经营下去。下面这些迹象意味着你找到了那份心仪的工作。 1. There are never enough hours to accomplish everything. 1. 总是没有时间完成所有的事情。 There is always a constant stream of work coming in. But you don’t let it paralyze you. There is so much to be done because you keep getting it done. You’re in the work flow, baby. Hemingway always stopped writing when he had more to say. It was better than writing ’til he ran dry, which meant picking it up the next day with nothing ready to write. This is you at work. There’s always a to-do list ready to go the next day. 工作总是源源不断。但是你没有因此被打倒。有很多事情还没有完成是因为你一直不停地在做事情。你在工作的进程中呢,宝贝。海明威总是在有更多想说的话之时停止写作。这总比灵感枯竭时还坚持写作好,因为这样就意味着第二天你再提笔的时候就没有东西可写了。这就是你的工作状态。第二天总是有一堆要做的事情。 2. You often remind yourself of the “bigger picture.” 2. 你经常提醒自己看得长远一点。 There are always going to be little mundane tasks that have to get finished—even if we don’t want to be the one to finish them. It’s easy to lose yourself in the nuts and bolts of a project without envisioning it’s completion. It’s even easier to get hung up on how difficult and time consuming the little projects can be. But when you love the work you do, you always find a way to see the forest through the trees and remind yourself of what you are working toward. 总有一些枯燥的任务需要完成——即使你不想成为完成这些任务的那个人。我们很容易就迷失在某项工程的繁复细节中,而忘了展望它的完成,更容易纠结于这些细节工作有多难多费时。但如果你热爱你的工作,你就总能通过树木看见整座森林,并提醒自己你究竟是为了什么工作。 3. Your frustration is born out of something not being good enough. 3. 你的失望来自于某事不完美 When we care about the work we do and something doesn’t live up to our standards, it can be really disappointing. If this frustration comes from wanting something to be better than it is and taking extra time and effort to bring it up to those standards, then you are actually doing work that matters to you. Even if the struggle feels like a huge pain, working toward the end result you want will give you an even greater sense of reward once you get it there. 当我们在意工作或某事不能达到自己的标准时,会非常失望。如果这种沮丧来自于想要某事变得更完美,并愿意花时间和精力使之达到标准,那么你所做的工作对你来说是重要的。即使这种挣扎让你感觉到极大的痛苦,朝着你预想的目标前进,一旦达到目标,你就会更有成就感。 4. You talk about your work during breakfast and dinner. 4. 你在早餐和晚餐时间谈论你的工作。 You seriously can’t help talking about the thing you’re working on, even if it frustrates you. You try to talk out the issue with your loved ones, thinking maybe another perspective can help you “hallelujah” your way to a solution. Complaining about your job does not fall into this category. There will always be days or even weeks at a time when things just feel like they’re working against you, but you keep talking about your work through every kind of phase. 哪怕工作再让你心灰意冷,你就是忍不住提到它。你试图和你爱的人讨论这个话题,想着也许其他人的意见能帮助你找到解决方法。抱怨工作可不属于这一类。总是有几天甚至几周,你感觉工作和你作对,但你仍然每时每刻都谈论工作。 5. You feel like the day just started when it’s suddenly lunchtime. 5. 你感觉还没过多久就到午餐时间了。 Have you ever done this? You’ve gone through a couple of tasks, maybe answered a few quick emails, or tidied up some things left from the previous day and are ready to dig into the bigger work when you look at the time and it’s 11:47 am? Where the heck did the morning go? If it’s easy for you to get into flow, meaning you’re working on something that is not too easy but not so challenging you can’t do it, you’re doing work that is juuuust right for you. 你有这样的经历吗?你完成了几个任务,也许是回复了几封邮件,或是把昨天剩下的事情处理完了,正准备大干一场的时候看了一下时间,发现已经到了11点47分。你惊觉时间都去哪儿了?如果你很容易就进入工作状态,意味着你做的事情既不简单但又不至于有太大的挑战,那么你现在的工作就是最最最适合你的。 6. You are constantly inspired by the people around you. 6. 你经常被身边的人鼓舞。 The things they seem to accomplish can sometime blow you away. You admire their tenacity in their work and you want to support them any way you can so that they can keep being awesome. You love what you are all working toward collectively as a team. Typically, when we are feeling good, we see the good in others. So by admiring the work of others, it’s coming from a place of admiring your own work as well. 他们所做的事有时候能让你惊呆。你羡慕他们坚毅的工作态度,你想要不惜任何代价支持他们让他们能一直这样充满干劲。你喜欢和他们作为一个团队一起工作。通常,当我们自我感觉良好的时候,我们也能看见别人的亮点。所以钦佩别人的工作的同时,你一定也喜欢自己的工作。 7. You find yourself looking at your extracurricular life in terms of work. 7. 你发现自己从工作角度看待业余生活。 You are not strict about mentally checking out of work when you don’t have to be there. You like your work, so you also like thinking about it outside of office hours. You find yourself solving problems, brainstorming ideas, and thinking in terms of how something in your life relates to something in your work. Like Newton and the apple, sometimes your greatest ideas come to you when you are far from the office. 当你不在工作时间,你不会严格要求自己不去想工作的事情。如果你喜欢自己的工作,你就会在业余时间也想着工作。你会发现自己在解决问题,思索点子,思考生活中的事情是如何和工作上的事情联系在一起的。就像牛顿和苹果一样,有时候最好的想法往往是在你远离办公场所的时候诞生的。 8. You don’t dread Sunday night. 8. 你不会在周日晚上焦虑不安。 For people who don’t like their jobs, every day of the week has a certain quality. Monday is for the blues, Wednesday is halfway there, and Friday is the sweetest day of the week because it means they are one lazy work day away from the weekend. Many Saturdays are occupied by a hangover, and Sunday, well, even though it’s a day off, it can feel like one of the most dreadful because another work week is around the corner. But when you like the work, Sunday is a great day! Just like most of the other days. It’s always so nice to have time to take care of our homes, spend quality time with family and friends, or just go out and explore. But when Sunday does finally come around, it’s almost exciting to get back to work after a refreshing weekend. 对于不喜欢自己工作的人来说,一周的每一天都有不同的特性。周一是忧郁的,周三就过半了,周五就是最开心的日子了,因为离周末只有一天了,懒散地打发一下就过去了。周六大多都是在宿醉中度过的,周日,好了,虽然这天也休息,但是却可能是感觉最糟的一天,因为下一周不远了。但如果你喜欢工作,周日就是完美的一天!就像一周其他几天一样。有时间照顾家里,和家人朋友度过有意义的一天,或出去探索一番总是令人愉悦的。但周日真到了,激动的还是在周末恢复精力后又能回去工作了。 来源: 沪江英语
Photo by Ken Tomita from Pexels Finding work you are truly passionate about can feel a lot like falling in love. You become infatuated, excited, and you can feel yourself changing for the better. But what happens when you get used to it? New is now familiar, and that loving feeling is not as “sparkly” as it once was. In some cases, when relationships last for this long (with a person or a career) it can be difficult to tell if you still want to be in it for the long run. Here are some signs that you’ve found the one. 1. There are never enough hours to accomplish everything. There is always a constant stream of work coming in. But you don’t let it paralyze you. There is so much to be done because you keep getting it done. You’re in the work flow, baby. Hemingway always stopped writing when he had more to say. It was better than writing ’til he ran dry, which meant picking it up the next day with nothing ready to write. This is you at work. There’s always a to-do list ready to go the next day. 2. You often remind yourself of the “bigger picture.” There are always going to be little mundane tasks that have to get finished—even if we don’t want to be the one to finish them. It’s easy to lose yourself in the nuts and bolts of a project without envisioning it’s completion. It’s even easier to get hung up on how difficult and time consuming the little projects can be. But when you love the work you do, you always find a way to see the forest through the trees and remind yourself of what you are working toward. 3. Your frustration is born out of something not being good enough. When we care about the work we do and something doesn’t live up to our standards, it can be really disappointing. If this frustration comes from wanting something to be better than it is and taking extra time and effort to bring it up to those standards, then you are actually doing work that matters to you. Even if the struggle feels like a huge pain, working toward the end result you want will give you an even greater sense of reward once you get it there. 4. You talk about your work during breakfast and dinner. You seriously can’t help talking about the thing you’re working on, even if it frustrates you. You try to talk out the issue with your loved ones, thinking maybe another perspective can help you “hallelujah” your way to a solution. Complaining about your job does not fall into this category. There will always be days or even weeks at a time when things just feel like they’re working against you, but you keep talking about your work through every kind of phase. 5. You feel like the day just started when it’s suddenly lunchtime. Have you ever done this? You’ve gone through a couple of tasks, maybe answered a few quick emails, or tidied up some things left from the previous day and are ready to dig into the bigger work when you look at the time and it’s 11:47 am? Where the heck did the morning go? If it’s easy for you to get into flow, meaning you’re working on something that is not too easy but not so challenging you can’t do it, you’re doing work that is juuuust right for you. 6. You are constantly inspired by the people around you. The things they seem to accomplish can sometime blow you away. You admire their tenacity in their work and you want to support them any way you can so that they can keep being awesome. You love what you are all working toward collectively as a team. Typically, when we are feeling good, we see the good in others. So by admiring the work of others, it’s coming from a place of admiring your own work as well. 7. You find yourself looking at your extracurricular life in terms of work. You are not strict about mentally checking out of work when you don’t have to be there. You like your work, so you also like thinking about it outside of office hours. You find yourself solving problems, brainstorming ideas, and thinking in terms of how something in your life relates to something in your work. Like Newton and the apple, sometimes your greatest ideas come to you when you are far from the office. 8. You don’t dread Sunday night. For people who don’t like their jobs, every day of the week has a certain quality. Monday is for the blues, Wednesday is halfway there, and Friday is the sweetest day of the week because it means they are one lazy work day away from the weekend. Many Saturdays are occupied by a hangover, and Sunday, well, even though it’s a day off, it can feel like one of the most dreadful because another work week is around the corner. But when you like the work, Sunday is a great day! Just like most of the other days. It’s always so nice to have time to take care of our homes, spend quality time with family and friends, or just go out and explore. But when Sunday does finally come around, it’s almost exciting to get back to work after a refreshing weekend.
如果我们找到了心仪的工作,会有很多迹象表明我们对工作的喜爱。但是找到热爱的工作并不意味着这份工作很轻松。当工作中出现挑战时,或者遇到困难时,我们很难确定现在这份工作是不是我们注定要做的。 找到一份令你激情四射的工作就像谈恋爱一样。你会为它着迷、激动,而且自己会越变越好。但如果你已经习惯了呢?新奇变成了熟悉,那种爱意不复当初一般蹦耀火花。某些情况下,当一段关系持续了很久(无论是对人还是对工作),你就很难确定自己是否还想长期经营下去。下面这些迹象意味着你找到了那份心仪的工作。 1. 总是没有时间完成所有的事情。 工作总是源源不断。但是你没有因此被打倒。有很多事情还没有完成是因为你一直不停地在做事情。你在工作的进程中呢,宝贝。海明威总是在有更多想说的话之时停止写作。这总比灵感枯竭时还坚持写作好,因为这样就意味着第二天你再提笔的时候就没有东西可写了。这就是你的工作状态。第二天总是有一堆要做的事情。 2. 你经常提醒自己看得长远一点。 总有一些枯燥的任务需要完成——即使你不想成为完成这些任务的那个人。我们很容易就迷失在某项工程的繁复细节中,而忘了展望它的完成,更容易纠结于这些细节工作有多难多费时。但如果你热爱你的工作,你就总能通过树木看见整座森林,并提醒自己你究竟是为了什么工作。 3. 你的失望来自于某事不完美 当我们在意工作或某事不能达到自己的标准时,会非常失望。如果这种沮丧来自于想要某事变得更完美,并愿意花时间和精力使之达到标准,那么你所做的工作对你来说是重要的。即使这种挣扎让你感觉到极大的痛苦,朝着你预想的目标前进,一旦达到目标,你就会更有成就感。 4. 你在早餐和晚餐时间谈论你的工作。 哪怕工作再让你心灰意冷,你就是忍不住提到它。你试图和你爱的人讨论这个话题,想着也许其他人的意见能帮助你找到解决方法。抱怨工作可不属于这一类。总是有几天甚至几周,你感觉工作和你作对,但你仍然每时每刻都谈论工作。 5. 你感觉还没过多久就到午餐时间了。 你有这样的经历吗?你完成了几个任务,也许是回复了几封邮件,或是把昨天剩下的事情处理完了,正准备大干一场的时候看了一下时间,发现已经到了11点47分。你惊觉时间都去哪儿了?如果你很容易就进入工作状态,意味着你做的事情既不简单但又不至于有太大的挑战,那么你现在的工作就是最最最适合你的。 6. 你经常被身边的人鼓舞。 他们所做的事有时候能让你惊呆。你羡慕他们坚毅的工作态度,你想要不惜任何代价支持他们让他们能一直这样充满干劲。你喜欢和他们作为一个团队一起工作。通常,当我们自我感觉良好的时候,我们也能看见别人的亮点。所以钦佩别人的工作的同时,你一定也喜欢自己的工作。 7. 你发现自己从工作角度看待业余生活。 当你不在工作时间,你不会严格要求自己不去想工作的事情。如果你喜欢自己的工作,你就会在业余时间也想着工作。你会发现自己在解决问题,思索点子,思考生活中的事情是如何和工作上的事情联系在一起的。就像牛顿和苹果一样,有时候最好的想法往往是在你远离办公场所的时候诞生的。 8. 你不会在周日晚上焦虑不安。 对于不喜欢自己工作的人来说,一周的每一天都有不同的特性。周一是忧郁的,周三就过半了,周五就是最开心的日子了,因为离周末只有一天了,懒散地打发一下就过去了。周六大多都是在宿醉中度过的,周日,好了,虽然这天也休息,但是却可能是感觉最糟的一天,因为下一周不远了。但如果你喜欢工作,周日就是完美的一天!就像一周其他几天一样。有时间照顾家里,和家人朋友度过有意义的一天,或出去探索一番总是令人愉悦的。但周日真到了,激动的还是在周末恢复精力后又能回去工作了。 来源: 沪江英语
接近尾声的2020,我们终于迎来各大媒体年终盘点的时节。IMDb近期公布了TOP10年度十佳美剧,你们都追了哪几部呢? Credit:Netflix 【No. 10 】 Money Heist Season 4 《纸钞屋》第四季 IMDb:7.4 豆瓣:9.0 Spanish show Money Heist dropped its Part 4 in April on Netflix. The plot has a gang of robbers who attempt to carry out the most perfect heist on the Royal Mint of Spain, and then on the Bank of Spain. The fifth and final season is set to air in 2021. 西班牙剧集《纸钞屋》今年4月在网飞平台放送了第四季。该剧讲的是一帮窃贼试图开展一场完美抢劫,先抢西班牙皇家造币厂,然后抢西班牙银行。该剧第五季也将会是最终季,2021年开播。 Credit:Netflix 【No. 9 】 The Witcher Season 1 《猎魔人》第一季 IMDb:8.2 豆瓣:7.4 The series is based on Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy novelseries, "The Witcher," and stars Henry Cavil as Geralt of Rivia. The show was on IMDb's MOVIEmeter Top 10 for seven weeks and had three of its cast members on IMDb's Top Stars and Breakout Stars of 2020 list. 《猎魔人》改编自安杰伊·萨普科夫斯基的同名奇幻小说系列,由亨利·卡维尔饰演利维亚的杰洛特。该剧集霸占了IMDb的MOVIEmeter十佳榜单七周之久,其中三位演员登榜IMDb2020最佳影星及新星。 Credit:Netflix 【No. 8 】 Ozark Season 3 《黑钱胜地》第三季 IMDb:8.3 豆瓣:8.5 Ozark is a crime drama series that streams on Netflix with the third season being dropped in March 2020. The story is about a financial advisor who moves with his family from Chicago to the Missouri Ozarks, where he must launder money to appease a drug boss. It has been renewed for a fourth and final season. 《黑钱胜地》是一部在网飞播出的犯罪类剧集,第三季于2020年3月放送。故事讲述了一位理财师随自己的家人从芝加哥搬到了密苏里州奥沙克湖,在那里,他必须帮一位墨西哥毒枭洗钱。该剧已续订第四季(终季)。 Credit:Amazon 【No. 7 】 The Boys Season 2 《黑袍纠察队》第二季 IMDb:8.3 豆瓣:8.6 The superhero show was created by Eric Kripke and based on "TheBoys" comic books by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The story follows a team of vigilantes as they attempt to expose a superhero-managing conglomerate. 这部超级英雄剧由艾力克·克莱普科执导,改编自加思·恩尼斯和达里克·罗伯逊创作的同名漫画,讲述了一群“义警”试图曝光超英管理集团内幕的故事。 The show is still on IMDb's Top 20 Shows and will air its third season in 2021. Jensen Ackles of "Supernatural" will join the cast as Captain America-inspired "Soldier Boy." 第二季仍在IMDb好剧榜前二十名内,并会在明年放送第三季。《邪恶力量》男星詹森·阿克斯将会加入,饰演以美国队长为灵感塑造的“士兵男孩”一角。 Credit:Netflix 【No. 6 】 The Umbrella Academy Season 2 《伞学院》第二季 IMDb:8.4 豆瓣:8.0 The Netflix original series carried a lighter tone into its second season, without skimping on the drama or emotion, IMDb said. IMDb表示,这部网飞原创剧集第二季变得更加平淡内敛,而不再聚焦狗血和鸡毛。 Created by Steve Blackman, The Umbrella Academy is a superhero series based on the comic book series of the same name. It has a family of former child heroes, now grown apart, who must come together to continue to protect the world. 由史蒂夫·布莱克曼担任编剧的《伞学院》是一部改编自同名漫画系列的超英剧。拥有超能力的孩子们生活在一个屋檐下被抚养长大成人,如今各走天涯,但他们必须再次聚集到一起来承担起保护世界的责任。 Credit: HBO 【No. 5 】 Westworld Season 3 《西部世界》第三季 IMDb:8.4 豆瓣:8.3 The latest season of "Westworld" took the story outside the park walls and introduced new cast members Aaron Paul, Vincent Cassel, Lena Waithe. This is the third year in a row that "Westworld" has made the Top 10 TV Shows list. 最新一季《西部世界》走出了园区,亚伦·保尔、文森特·卡索、丽娜·维特等新演职人员入驻。这是《西部世界》第三年登上年度十佳美剧榜单。 IMDb said its user interest stayed steady through some mixed reviews on the third season, keeping "Westworld" in the IMDb MOVIEmeter Top 10 for its entire eight-week run. It has been renewed for a fourth season. IMDb表示,他们的用户虽对这一季内容评价不一,但都还保持了一定的兴趣,这也让其连续八周跻身IMDb的MOVIEmeter十佳榜单。该剧已续订第四季。 Credit:Netflix 【No. 4 】 The Crown Season 4 《王冠》第四季 IMDb:8.5 豆瓣:9.2 The historical drama follows the private and public lives of the royal family and is now on its fourth season, set in 1970s England. Starring Olivia Coleman, Gillian Anderson and Emma Corrin, the show has gained a significant following of loyal fans. 这部历史剧展现了英国王室家族公共和私生活的方方面面,第四季以上世纪70年代的英格兰为背景。奥利维娅·科尔曼、吉莲·安德森及艾玛·科林领衔主演,这部剧唤起了不少忠实粉丝的追剧热情。 "The show's impeccable casting, rich period-appropriate costumes, and nuanced portrayal of the royal family's relationship makes the show an impressive work of fiction, based on historical events," IMDb states. IMDb评价道:“《王冠》完美的选角、精美还原的服装以及对王室成员关系细致入微的刻画,让它成为了一部基于历史事件改编的杰出文艺作品。” Credit:Netflix 【No. 3 】 The Queen's Gambit 《后翼弃兵》 IMDb:8.7 豆瓣:9.0 This limited series became the No. 1 title on IMDb and Netflix for nearly a month after it was released in October and placed Anya Taylor-Joy in IMDb's Top Stars of 2020 list. 今年十月开播以来,这一限定剧在IMDb和网飞上占据了近一个月的榜首位置,主演安雅·泰勒-乔伊也登上了IMDb2020最佳影星榜。 The show takes place in the competitive world of chess in the 1960s and was described by IMDb as "thrilling, fashionable, relatable and cautionary." 剧集展现了上世纪60年代充满竞争的国际象棋世界,IMDb形容其为“惊心动魄、时髦追潮、颇有共鸣并且有警世意味”。 Credit:Netflix 【No. 2 】 Dark Season 3 《暗黑》第三季 IMDb:9.0 豆瓣:9.2 The German series that's known for complex characters, timelines and realities delivered even more twists and turns in its third and final season. 德国出品的这部烧脑神剧以复杂的人物(关系)、时间线以及现实世界著称,第三季也是终季,再一次成功地把观众给绕晕了。 Credit: Disney 【No. 1 】 The Mandalorian Season 2 《曼达洛人》第二季 IMDb:9.0 豆瓣:9.5 The incredibly popular series was on the IMDb MOVIEmeter for its entire first and second season. 《曼达洛人》是难以置信的大热剧集,第一二季都在IMDb的MOVIEmeter榜上有名。 Season 2 brought Rosario Dawson and Katee Sackhoff back as AhsokaTano and Bo-Katan Kryze, and brought back Boba Fett, Djarinand "The Child." 第二季的《曼达洛人》有罗莎里奥·道森饰演的阿索卡·塔诺、凯缇·萨克霍夫饰演的波-卡坦·科瑞泽,波巴·费特和丁·贾伦还有尤达宝宝也悉数回归。 (来源:沪江英语)
Credit:Netflix 【No. 10 】 Money Heist Spanish show Money Heist dropped its Part 4 in April on Netflix. The plot has a gang of robbers who attempt to carry out the most perfect heist on the Royal Mint of Spain, and then on the Bank of Spain. The fifth and final season is set to air in 2021. Credit:Netflix 【No. 9 】 The Witcher Season 1 The series is based on Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy novelseries, "The Witcher," and stars Henry Cavil as Geralt of Rivia. The show was on IMDb's MOVIEmeter Top 10 for seven weeks and had three of its cast members on IMDb's Top Stars and Breakout Stars of 2020 list. Credit:Netflix 【No. 8 】 Ozark Ozark is a crime drama series that streams on Netflix with the third season being dropped in March 2020. The story is about a financial advisor who moves with his family from Chicago to the Missouri Ozarks, where he must launder money to appease a drug boss. It has been renewed for a fourth and final season. Credit:Amazon 【No. 7 】 The Boys The superhero show was created by Eric Kripke and based on "TheBoys" comic books by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. The story follows a team of vigilantes as they attempt to expose a superhero-managing conglomerate. The show is still on IMDb's Top 20 Shows and will air its third season in 2021. Jensen Ackles of "Supernatural" will join the cast as Captain America-inspired "Soldier Boy." Credit:Netflix 【No. 6 】 The Umbrella Academy The Netflix original series carried a lighter tone into its second season, without skimping on the drama or emotion, IMDb said. Created by Steve Blackman, The Umbrella Academy is a superhero series based on the comic book series of the same name. It has a family of former child heroes, now grown apart, who must come together to continue to protect the world. Credit: HBO 【No. 5 】 Westworld The latest season of "Westworld" took the story outside the park walls and introduced new cast members Aaron Paul, Vincent Cassel, Lena Waithe. This is the third year in a row that "Westworld" has made the Top 10 TV Shows list. IMDb said its user interest stayed steady through some mixed reviews on the third season, keeping "Westworld" in the IMDb MOVIEmeter Top 10 for its entire eight-week run. It has been renewed for a fourth season. Credit:Netflix 【No. 4 】 The Crown The historical drama follows the private and public lives of the royal family and is now on its fourth season, set in 1970s England. Starring Olivia Coleman, Gillian Anderson and Emma Corrin, the show has gained a significant following of loyal fans. "The show's impeccable casting, rich period-appropriate costumes, and nuanced portrayal of the royal family's relationship makes the show an impressive work of fiction, based on historical events," IMDb states. Credit:Netflix 【No. 3 】 The Queen's Gambit This limited series became the No. 1 title on IMDb and Netflix for nearly a month after it was released in October and placed Anya Taylor-Joy in IMDb's Top Stars of 2020 list. The show takes place in the competitive world of chess in the 1960s and was described by IMDb as "thrilling, fashionable, relatable and cautionary." Credit:Netflix 【No. 2 】 Dark The German series that's known for complex characters, timelines and realities delivered even more twists and turns in its third and final season. Credit: Disney 【No. 1 】 The Mandalorian The incredibly popular series was on the IMDb MOVIEmeter for its entire first and second season. Season 2 brought Rosario Dawson and Katee Sackhoff back as AhsokaTano and Bo-Katan Kryze, and brought back Boba Fett, Djarinand "The Child."
接近尾声的2020,我们终于迎来各大媒体年终盘点的时节。IMDb近期公布了TOP10年度十佳美剧,你们都追了哪几部呢? Season 4 《纸钞屋》第四季 IMDb:7.4 豆瓣:9.0 西班牙剧集《纸钞屋》今年4月在网飞平台放送了第四季。该剧讲的是一帮窃贼试图开展一场完美抢劫,先抢西班牙皇家造币厂,然后抢西班牙银行。该剧第五季也将会是最终季,2021年开播。 《猎魔人》第一季 IMDb:8.2 豆瓣:7.4 《猎魔人》改编自安杰伊·萨普科夫斯基的同名奇幻小说系列,由亨利·卡维尔饰演利维亚的杰洛特。该剧集霸占了IMDb的MOVIEmeter十佳榜单七周之久,其中三位演员登榜IMDb2020最佳影星及新星。 Season 3 《黑钱胜地》第三季 IMDb:8.3 豆瓣:8.5 《黑钱胜地》是一部在网飞播出的犯罪类剧集,第三季于2020年3月放送。故事讲述了一位理财师随自己的家人从芝加哥搬到了密苏里州奥沙克湖,在那里,他必须帮一位墨西哥毒枭洗钱。该剧已续订第四季(终季)。 Season 2 《黑袍纠察队》第二季 IMDb:8.3 豆瓣:8.6 这部超级英雄剧由艾力克·克莱普科执导,改编自加思·恩尼斯和达里克·罗伯逊创作的同名漫画,讲述了一群“义警”试图曝光超英管理集团内幕的故事。 第二季仍在IMDb好剧榜前二十名内,并会在明年放送第三季。《邪恶力量》男星詹森·阿克斯将会加入,饰演以美国队长为灵感塑造的“士兵男孩”一角。 Season 2 《伞学院》第二季 IMDb:8.4 豆瓣:8.0 IMDb表示,这部网飞原创剧集第二季变得更加平淡内敛,而不再聚焦狗血和鸡毛。 由史蒂夫·布莱克曼担任编剧的《伞学院》是一部改编自同名漫画系列的超英剧。拥有超能力的孩子们生活在一个屋檐下被抚养长大成人,如今各走天涯,但他们必须再次聚集到一起来承担起保护世界的责任。 Season 3 《西部世界》第三季 IMDb:8.4 豆瓣:8.3 最新一季《西部世界》走出了园区,亚伦·保尔、文森特·卡索、丽娜·维特等新演职人员入驻。这是《西部世界》第三年登上年度十佳美剧榜单。 IMDb表示,他们的用户虽对这一季内容评价不一,但都还保持了一定的兴趣,这也让其连续八周跻身IMDb的MOVIEmeter十佳榜单。该剧已续订第四季。 Season 4 《王冠》第四季 IMDb:8.5 豆瓣:9.2 这部历史剧展现了英国王室家族公共和私生活的方方面面,第四季以上世纪70年代的英格兰为背景。奥利维娅·科尔曼、吉莲·安德森及艾玛·科林领衔主演,这部剧唤起了不少忠实粉丝的追剧热情。 IMDb评价道:“《王冠》完美的选角、精美还原的服装以及对王室成员关系细致入微的刻画,让它成为了一部基于历史事件改编的杰出文艺作品。” 《后翼弃兵》 IMDb:8.7 豆瓣:9.0 今年十月开播以来,这一限定剧在IMDb和网飞上占据了近一个月的榜首位置,主演安雅·泰勒-乔伊也登上了IMDb2020最佳影星榜。 剧集展现了上世纪60年代充满竞争的国际象棋世界,IMDb形容其为“惊心动魄、时髦追潮、颇有共鸣并且有警世意味”。 Season 3 《暗黑》第三季 IMDb:9.0 豆瓣:9.2 德国出品的这部烧脑神剧以复杂的人物(关系)、时间线以及现实世界著称,第三季也是终季,再一次成功地把观众给绕晕了。 Season 2 《曼达洛人》第二季 IMDb:9.0 豆瓣:9.5 《曼达洛人》是难以置信的大热剧集,第一二季都在IMDb的MOVIEmeter榜上有名。 第二季的《曼达洛人》有罗莎里奥·道森饰演的阿索卡·塔诺、凯缇·萨克霍夫饰演的波-卡坦·科瑞泽,波巴·费特和丁·贾伦还有尤达宝宝也悉数回归。 (来源:沪江英语)
知乎上有这样一个问答: 距离这部2003的电影上映已经过去17年了,但每年圣诞,还是有不少粉丝会一遍遍重温:没真爱,不圣诞啊! 10个小故事(互相关联),当年最炙手可热的影视大咖+潜力新人,又名“圣诞跨年喜剧”,印度、波兰、日本抢着翻拍,好莱坞之后的如法炮制都没能再创佳绩。 《真爱至上》是那么独一无二,那么经典,那么温暖人心。它为我们展现的,是关于真爱和奇迹的颂歌,它为我们贡献了圣诞氛围下无数个经典又叫人难忘的瞬间。 Hugh Grant's David, the recently elected Prime Minister, is portrayed as decidedly quirky and goofy from the very beginning of the film. But it's not until he's truly alone in his quarters at 10 Downing Street that we finally get to see him let loose and embrace his nerdy side. 休·格兰特饰演新上任的首相大卫,在电影开头被描绘成一位十分古怪愚蠢的角色。但直到他一个人呆在唐宁街10号的住所里,我们才终于看到他放松下来,展现出呆呆的一面。 It's often said that love is its own language, and Love Actually truly shows that in the story of Jamie and Aurelia, who fall in love with each other despite the language barrier between them. 我们常说,爱有它自己的语言,《真爱至上》用杰米和奥雷利娅的故事向我们证实了这一点——即使是语言的障碍也无法阻止他们坠入爱河。 《真爱至上》用十个小故事,为我们描绘了真爱千姿百态的样子:它无关身份、阶级、地位、语言、年龄……它真实又浪漫,偶然又命中注定,令人心碎但还是要继续前行。论及我们爱《真爱至上》的理由,真的太多太多: It depicts love in a beautiful array of forms 它描绘了真爱各种美妙的形式 It shows love in many forms: the deep bond that can build between a stepfather and his stepson, the complex love between a sister and her troubled brother, and honestly, we’re not even sure what between aging rock star Billy Mack and his right-hand man, Joe. 它为我们呈现多种形式的爱:继父和继子之间深厚的纽带、姐姐和麻烦弟弟之间复杂的爱,甚至还有观众无法知晓的比利和他的得力助手乔之间的那种感情。 It’s sentimental, yet authentic 它很伤感,却也很真实 Unlike more saccharine examples of the holiday movie genre, this film doesn’t just focus on the happy stuff. Despite dealing in heartbreaking experiences like the death of a loved one, unrequited love, cheating and self-sacrifice, Love Actually somehow still manages to impart all of the classic warm and fuzzy holiday-film feels. 并不像很多煽情造作的假日电影那样,这部电影不只呈现合家欢的故事。尽管其中有不少让人心碎的经历,比如挚爱的离世、爱而不得、出轨和自我牺牲,《真爱至上》依然设法传递了假日电影经典温暖舒心的感觉。 It just never gets old 它永远不会过时 It never feels stale or outdated. Because the world needs more love, not less, and Hugh Grant’s prime minister offers an important reminder to that effect in the first five minutes of the film: “If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.” 它永远不会老土过时。因为世界需要的爱只会更多,从来都不会减少,正如休·格兰特饰演的首相在电影开头五分钟所提示的那样:“如果你仔细寻找,就会发现爱无处不在。” 《真爱至上》在一片浪漫的圣诞氛围中,每分每秒都是那么经典。 来源:沪江英语微信公众号
Hugh Grant's David, the recently elected Prime Minister, is portrayed as decidedly quirky and goofy from the very beginning of the film. But it's not until he's truly alone in his quarters at 10 Downing Street that we finally get to see him let loose and embrace his nerdy side. It's often said that love is its own language, and Love Actually truly shows that in the story of Jamie and Aurelia, who fall in love with each other despite the language barrier between them. It depicts love in a beautiful array of forms It shows love in many forms: the deep bond that can build between a stepfather and his stepson, the complex love between a sister and her troubled brother, and honestly, we’re not even sure what between aging rock star Billy Mack and his right-hand man, Joe. It’s sentimental, yet authentic Unlike more saccharine examples of the holiday movie genre, this film doesn’t just focus on the happy stuff. Despite dealing in heartbreaking experiences like the death of a loved one, unrequited love, cheating and self-sacrifice, Love Actually somehow still manages to impart all of the classic warm and fuzzy holiday-film feels. It just never gets old It never feels stale or outdated. Because the world needs more love, not less, and Hugh Grant’s prime minister offers an important reminder to that effect in the first five minutes of the film: “If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.”
知乎上有这样一个问答: 距离这部2003的电影上映已经过去17年了,但每年圣诞,还是有不少粉丝会一遍遍重温:没真爱,不圣诞啊! 10个小故事(互相关联),当年最炙手可热的影视大咖+潜力新人,又名“圣诞跨年喜剧”,印度、波兰、日本抢着翻拍,好莱坞之后的如法炮制都没能再创佳绩。 《真爱至上》是那么独一无二,那么经典,那么温暖人心。它为我们展现的,是关于真爱和奇迹的颂歌,它为我们贡献了圣诞氛围下无数个经典又叫人难忘的瞬间。 休·格兰特饰演新上任的首相大卫,在电影开头被描绘成一位十分古怪愚蠢的角色。但直到他一个人呆在唐宁街10号的住所里,我们才终于看到他放松下来,展现出呆呆的一面。 我们常说,爱有它自己的语言,《真爱至上》用杰米和奥雷利娅的故事向我们证实了这一点——即使是语言的障碍也无法阻止他们坠入爱河。 《真爱至上》用十个小故事,为我们描绘了真爱千姿百态的样子:它无关身份、阶级、地位、语言、年龄……它真实又浪漫,偶然又命中注定,令人心碎但还是要继续前行。论及我们爱《真爱至上》的理由,真的太多太多: 它描绘了真爱各种美妙的形式 它为我们呈现多种形式的爱:继父和继子之间深厚的纽带、姐姐和麻烦弟弟之间复杂的爱,甚至还有观众无法知晓的比利和他的得力助手乔之间的那种感情。 它很伤感,却也很真实 并不像很多煽情造作的假日电影那样,这部电影不只呈现合家欢的故事。尽管其中有不少让人心碎的经历,比如挚爱的离世、爱而不得、出轨和自我牺牲,《真爱至上》依然设法传递了假日电影经典温暖舒心的感觉。 它永远不会过时 它永远不会老土过时。因为世界需要的爱只会更多,从来都不会减少,正如休·格兰特饰演的首相在电影开头五分钟所提示的那样:“如果你仔细寻找,就会发现爱无处不在。” 《真爱至上》在一片浪漫的圣诞氛围中,每分每秒都是那么经典。 来源:沪江英语微信公众号
日前,英国卫生大臣汉考克表示,英国发现的高传染性新冠病毒新毒株已经失去控制,政府宣布疫情防控级别将提升至第四级。消息传出后,德国、意大利、法国等多个欧洲国家相继停飞往返英国航班。 Train staff boards the last scheduled Eurostar train from London to Paris ahead of travel restrictions imposed by the French government on the UK, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in London, Britain December 20, 2020. REUTERS/Toby Melville France announced on Sunday that it has implemented a 48-hour ban on travel to Britain, joining a growing number of European countries halting travel to Britain after a new strain of the coronavirus was detected in that country. At least six European countries have announced flights will cease if they haven't done so already, while France and Belgium have banned train travel. 法国12月20日宣布,对英国实施48小时的旅行禁令。在英国境内检测到新冠病毒的一个新变种毒株后,欧洲多国相继中断与英国交通。至少6个欧洲国家已宣布往返英国航班将停飞或已停飞,而法国和比利时已经停运往返英国的火车。 French officials said the 48-hour stoppage would give them time to find a "common doctrine" to stop the spread of the new COVID-19 variant. French President Emmanuel Macron tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday. 法国官员称,48小时旅行禁令将让他们有时间制定阻止新冠病毒新变种传播的“共同准则”。法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙上周四(12月17日)新冠病毒检测为阳性。 Germany, which holds the EU presidency, called a special crisis meeting for Monday to coordinate a response. 目前担任欧盟主席国的德国计划在12月21日召开特别紧急会议来协调响应机制。 Top health officials in Britain say a new, fast-moving variant of the coronavirus could be up to 70% more transmissible than previous ones. This strain appears to be driving the rapid spread in London and southern England. But there is no evidence the new strain is deadlier or would react differently to the vaccine, according to BBC News. 英国高级卫生官员称,一种快速传播的新冠病毒新变种传染性可能比之前的毒株高出70%。据BBC 新闻报道,这一毒株似乎加速了伦敦和英格兰南部新冠疫情的蔓延。但是没有证据表明这一新毒株更致命,或对疫苗会产生不同的反应。 As a result of the new strain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Saturday a new tier of coronavirus restrictions, the strictest yet, and canceled the planned five-day Christmas relaxation period that had been planned from December 23 through 27. 因为新毒株的出现,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊上周六(12月19日)宣布了有史以来最严格的一套防疫限制新措施,取消了原定为期五天(12月23日至27日)的圣诞节放松管控计划。 "I know how much emotion people invest in this time of year, and how important it is for grandparents to see their grandchildren," Johnson said Saturday. "But when the virus changes its method of attack, we must change our method of defense." 约翰逊上周六表示:“我知道人们对这个节日倾注了多少感情,也知道祖父母们是多么盼望见到孙儿,但是当病毒改变攻击方式时,我们也必须改变我们的防御方式。” Johnson also said the capital and other areas in southern England currently under Tier 3 — the highest level of coronavirus restrictions — will move to an even stricter new Tier 4 that requires all non-essential shops, hairdressers and indoor leisure venues to close after the end of business hours Saturday. 约翰逊还表示,伦敦和英格兰南部的其他地区目前实行的都是疫情暴发以来最严格的三级封锁限制措施,而且即将在周六营业时间结束后实行更严格的四级限制措施,这一新限制措施要求所有非必要的商店、美发店和室内娱乐场所关闭。 Videos went viral on Saturday night of Britons packing London train stations in a last-minute scramble to leave the city ahead of Christmas. British health secretary Matt Hancock described the rush to travel a "totally irresponsible behavior," according to Sky News. 周六晚上英国人涌向伦敦火车站赶在圣诞节前离开伦敦的视频在网上被疯传。根据天空新闻台的报道,英国卫生大臣马修·汉考克将此次扎堆出行称为“完全不负责任的行为”。 US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said on "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are investigating the new strain. But he stressed that even if it is found to be more contagious, it reinforces the importance of following existing social distancing guidelines. 美国卫生局局长杰罗姆·亚当斯上周日在《面向全国》节目上表示,美国传染病研究所、疾控中心和世界卫生组织正在研究这一新毒株。但是他强调,即使研究发现这一新毒株传染性更强,也只会加强遵从现有社交隔离指导方针的重要性。 "Well, very important for people to know that viruses mutate all the time, and that does not mean that this virus is any more dangerous," Adams said. "We don't even know if it's really more contagious yet or not or if it just happened to be a strain that was involved in a superspreader event. Right now, we have no indications that it is going to hurt our ability to continue vaccinating people or that it is any more dangerous or deadly than the strains that are currently out there and that we know about." 亚当斯说:“让人们知道病毒一直在变异很重要,但这不意味着这种病毒更加危险。我们甚至都不知道新毒株是否真的更具传染性,或者只是和超级传播者有关的一种毒株。当前,没有迹象表明这一新毒株会损害我们继续为人们接种疫苗的能力,或者新毒株比已有和已知毒株更危险或更致命。” 英文来源:哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Train staff boards the last scheduled Eurostar train from London to Paris ahead of travel restrictions imposed by the French government on the UK, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, in London, Britain December 20, 2020. REUTERS/Toby Melville France announced on Sunday that it has implemented a 48-hour ban on travel to Britain, joining a growing number of European countries halting travel to Britain after a new strain of the coronavirus was detected in that country. At least six European countries have announced flights will cease if they haven't done so already, while France and Belgium have banned train travel. French officials said the 48-hour stoppage would give them time to find a "common doctrine" to stop the spread of the new COVID-19 variant. French President Emmanuel Macron tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday. Germany, which holds the EU presidency, called a special crisis meeting for Monday to coordinate a response. Top health officials in Britain say a new, fast-moving variant of the coronavirus could be up to 70% more transmissible than previous ones. This strain appears to be driving the rapid spread in London and southern England. But there is no evidence the new strain is deadlier or would react differently to the vaccine, according to BBC News. As a result of the new strain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Saturday a new tier of coronavirus restrictions, the strictest yet, and canceled the planned five-day Christmas relaxation period that had been planned from December 23 through 27. "I know how much emotion people invest in this time of year, and how important it is for grandparents to see their grandchildren," Johnson said Saturday. "But when the virus changes its method of attack, we must change our method of defense." Johnson also said the capital and other areas in southern England currently under Tier 3 — the highest level of coronavirus restrictions — will move to an even stricter new Tier 4 that requires all non-essential shops, hairdressers and indoor leisure venues to close after the end of business hours Saturday. Videos went viral on Saturday night of Britons packing London train stations in a last-minute scramble to leave the city ahead of Christmas. British health secretary Matt Hancock described the rush to travel a "totally irresponsible behavior," according to Sky News. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said on "Face the Nation" on Sunday that the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are investigating the new strain. But he stressed that even if it is found to be more contagious, it reinforces the importance of following existing social distancing guidelines. "Well, very important for people to know that viruses mutate all the time, and that does not mean that this virus is any more dangerous," Adams said. "We don't even know if it's really more contagious yet or not or if it just happened to be a strain that was involved in a superspreader event. Right now, we have no indications that it is going to hurt our ability to continue vaccinating people or that it is any more dangerous or deadly than the strains that are currently out there and that we know about."
日前,英国卫生大臣汉考克表示,英国发现的高传染性新冠病毒新毒株已经失去控制,政府宣布疫情防控级别将提升至第四级。消息传出后,德国、意大利、法国等多个欧洲国家相继停飞往返英国航班。 法国12月20日宣布,对英国实施48小时的旅行禁令。在英国境内检测到新冠病毒的一个新变种毒株后,欧洲多国相继中断与英国交通。至少6个欧洲国家已宣布往返英国航班将停飞或已停飞,而法国和比利时已经停运往返英国的火车。 法国官员称,48小时旅行禁令将让他们有时间制定阻止新冠病毒新变种传播的“共同准则”。法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙上周四(12月17日)新冠病毒检测为阳性。 目前担任欧盟主席国的德国计划在12月21日召开特别紧急会议来协调响应机制。 英国高级卫生官员称,一种快速传播的新冠病毒新变种传染性可能比之前的毒株高出70%。据BBC 新闻报道,这一毒株似乎加速了伦敦和英格兰南部新冠疫情的蔓延。但是没有证据表明这一新毒株更致命,或对疫苗会产生不同的反应。 因为新毒株的出现,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊上周六(12月19日)宣布了有史以来最严格的一套防疫限制新措施,取消了原定为期五天(12月23日至27日)的圣诞节放松管控计划。 约翰逊上周六表示:“我知道人们对这个节日倾注了多少感情,也知道祖父母们是多么盼望见到孙儿,但是当病毒改变攻击方式时,我们也必须改变我们的防御方式。” 约翰逊还表示,伦敦和英格兰南部的其他地区目前实行的都是疫情暴发以来最严格的三级封锁限制措施,而且即将在周六营业时间结束后实行更严格的四级限制措施,这一新限制措施要求所有非必要的商店、美发店和室内娱乐场所关闭。 周六晚上英国人涌向伦敦火车站赶在圣诞节前离开伦敦的视频在网上被疯传。根据天空新闻台的报道,英国卫生大臣马修·汉考克将此次扎堆出行称为“完全不负责任的行为”。 美国卫生局局长杰罗姆·亚当斯上周日在《面向全国》节目上表示,美国传染病研究所、疾控中心和世界卫生组织正在研究这一新毒株。但是他强调,即使研究发现这一新毒株传染性更强,也只会加强遵从现有社交隔离指导方针的重要性。 亚当斯说:“让人们知道病毒一直在变异很重要,但这不意味着这种病毒更加危险。我们甚至都不知道新毒株是否真的更具传染性,或者只是和超级传播者有关的一种毒株。当前,没有迹象表明这一新毒株会损害我们继续为人们接种疫苗的能力,或者新毒株比已有和已知毒株更危险或更致命。” 英文来源:哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
“人工智能会取代很多工作”这句话你或许已经听到耳朵起茧了。但“人工智能会成为你的上司”或许还是个新鲜事儿。《福布斯》杂志描述的场景,你可能根本就不觉得陌生。 Photo by George Morina from Pexels You got a little too caught up in social media and lost track of time. You dash over to your home office to quickly log in to work hoping no one will notice your tardiness. 你太沉迷于社交媒体而忘记了时间,冲进家庭办公室快速登录工作,希望没有人会注意到你迟到。 Alas, as soon as you connect, you get an immediate message from your boss: “You’re 17 seconds late to work! Your performance score will be impacted.” Ugh! It’s tough working for an AI boss. 唉,一上线,你马上收到上司的信息:“你上班迟到了17秒!你的绩效将会受到影响!”给人工智能打工真难啊。 这跟你每天早上飞快跑到公司楼下打开钉钉打卡,却因为拥挤的电梯信号不好而没打上不是很相似吗? 工作早就被技术包围了。近日,亚马逊公司就发布了数款人工智能产品,以辅助工厂提高效率。 Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced five new machine learning services, including Amazon Monitron, etc. They will help industrial and manufacturing customers embed intelligence in their production processes in order to improve operational efficiency, quality control, security, and workplace safety. 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)宣布了五项新的机器学习服务,包括Amazon Monitron等。它们将帮助工业和制造业客户在其生产过程中嵌入智能,以提升运营效率、改善质量控制、增强安保与工作场所安全。 不过,提升效率的同时,牺牲的可能是部分员工的工作。 Verge 早前就报道了亚马逊公司是如何用AI监控员工效率并作出裁员优化决定的。 调查发现亚马逊的仓储部门裁员率很高,每年仅因为“生产效率”的原因,就要裁掉将近10%的员工。鉴于亚马逊在北美拥有12.5万名仓储员工,也就是说,有成千上万的人可能因为搬快递不够快而被解雇。 Verge记者Josh采访的一位前员工就是其中一员,他称因为这份工作而落下伤病。 His job was to take an item off a conveyor belt, press a button, place the item in whatever cubby a monitor told him to, press another button, and repeat. 他的工作就是从传送带上取下一件物品,按一个按钮,按监视器指示,放在一个隔区里,再按另一个按钮,如此往复。 After several months, he felt a burning in his back. A supervisor sometimes told him to bend his knees more when lifting. When Jake did this his rate dropped, and another supervisor would tell him to speed up. 工作几个月后,他感到背部灼痛。有位主管时不时告诉他抬包裹时要多弯曲膝盖。杰克照做了,结果他的效率下降了,另一个主管又告诉他要加快速度搬。 “You’ve got to be kidding me. Go faster?” he recalled saying. “If I go faster, I’m going to have a heart attack and fall on the floor.” Finally, his back gave out completely. He was diagnosed with two damaged discs and had to go on disability. 他回忆道:“你搞笑呢?再快一点?如果我走得再快一点,会心脏病发作,然后倒在地上。”后来,他的背完全支撑不了了。他被诊断出有两个椎间盘受损,自那以后都得忍受行动不便。 背后这套催人的监工系统会监控员工能否准时完成生产指标,还会自动计算员工的未工作时间(上厕所、打水等),并择机发出警告。 Amazon’s system tracks the rates of each individual associate’s productivity, and automatically generates any warnings or terminations regarding quality or productivity. 亚马逊的系统会跟踪记录每个员工的生产效率,并自动生成关于质量或生产率的任何警告或裁员决定。 Critics say those fulfillment center workers face strenuous conditions: workers are pressed to “make rate,” with some packing hundreds of boxes per hour, and losing their job if they don’t move fast enough. “You’ve always got somebody right behind you who’s ready to take your job,” says Stacy Mitchell, a prominent Amazon critic. 批评人士说,这些仓储分拣中心的工作人员面临着艰苦的工作条件:工人们被迫“提高效率”,有些人每小时要打包数百箱货物,如果行动不够快,就会失去工作。亚马逊著名评论家斯塔西·米切尔说:“总有人能立刻接替你的工作”。 AI监工当然不是亚马逊一家独有,很多其他公司也用上了AI绩效监工。 At MetLife’s call center, the AI boss monitors the performance of each customer service representative and provides instant feedback. If the customer service agent is talking too fast, the AI sends an icon of a speedometer. If the agent is not emphatic enough, the AI sends a heart icon. 在MetLife的客服呼叫中心,人工智能上司会监控每个客服代表的表现,并提供即时反馈。如果客服代表语速太快,人工智能就会发送一个速度表图标。如果客服代表语气不够笃定,人工智能就会显示一个心形图标。 At Marriott, they’re using Amadeus’s HotSOS Housekeeping system which is a robot directing the housekeeping staff on which rooms to clean. 万豪酒店使用的是Amadeus的HotSOS客房管理系统,这个系统会指导客房服务员打扫哪些房间。 AI is even managing software developers by reviewing the rate at which they are producing code and docking pay if the developer is working too slowly. 人工智能甚至会检查程序员的码代码速度来管理程序员,如果程序员工作太慢,就会被扣钱。 IBM公司甚至能让AI及时发现有离职意向的员工,并及时处理。 IBM HR recently developed a predictive attrition program that uses artificial intelligence to predict with 95 per cent accuracy which workers are about to quit their jobs and suggest actions managers should take to engage them. IBM人力资源部最近开发了一个预测性减员计划,计划里使用的人工智能能以95%的准确率预测哪些员工将要辞职,并建议管理者应该采取哪些行动来留住他们。 成为了管理者的AI,自然也就取代起了部分HR的工作。 AI tools are now starting to take over some routine management tasks as well —— what managers do mostly is identify potential, build teams, assign tasks, measure performance and provide feedback. 人工智能工具现在也开始接管一些日常的管理任务——管理者主要做的是识别潜力、建立团队、分配任务、衡量绩效并提供反馈。 记者Josh Dzieza认为,AI和雇员的矛盾在于,AI把人当做了机器——人的有些需求是不必要的。 A moment’s downtime between calls, a habit of lingering at the coffee machine after finishing a task. 在两通电话之间短暂休息会儿,完成任务后在咖啡机旁待会儿。 工作之余喝杯咖啡喘口气等等这些在AI眼里,都是可以被优化的部分,但雇员们肯定不这么认为。 但对于雇员来说,在算法看来引起效率低下的习惯,其实是他们休息和自主权的最后一亩自留地,随着这些小休息和小自由被优化,他们的工作将会强度更大、更紧张、更危险。 亚马逊公司为自己的辩护自然也没有得到公众的理解。 In response, Amazon has continued to tout the benefits of working for the company, pointing to their hourly pay rates and policies like parental leave. But it is clear that some workers, failing to meet productivity standards, won’t reap the benefits of a job at all. 为了回应质疑,亚马逊继续鼓吹为公司工作的好处,比方说时薪和育儿假等员工福利政策。但很明显,那些达不到效率标准的工人已经不可能得到这些工作福利了。 Notes dash [dæʃ] v 猛冲 conveyor [kənˈveɪər] n 运送者;传送者 disc [dɪsk] n 圆盘;圆片;椎间盘 dock [dɒk] v 扣除(部分工资等) strenuous [ˈstrenjuəs] adj 费力的;繁重的;艰苦的 attrition [əˈtrɪʃn] n 自然减员 downtime [ˈdaʊntaɪm] n 停工;休息 tout [taʊt] adj 标榜;吹捧;吹嘘 reap [riːp] v 取得(成果);收获 编辑:李雪晴 Source: The Verge, Business Focus, Amazon Web Services
Photo by George Morina from Pexels You got a little too caught up in social media and lost track of time. You dash over to your home office to quickly log in to work hoping no one will notice your tardiness. Alas, as soon as you connect, you get an immediate message from your boss: “You’re 17 seconds late to work! Your performance score will be impacted.” Ugh! It’s tough working for an AI boss. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced five new machine learning services, including Amazon Monitron, etc. They will help industrial and manufacturing customers embed intelligence in their production processes in order to improve operational efficiency, quality control, security, and workplace safety. His job was to take an item off a conveyor belt, press a button, place the item in whatever cubby a monitor told him to, press another button, and repeat. After several months, he felt a burning in his back. A supervisor sometimes told him to bend his knees more when lifting. When Jake did this his rate dropped, and another supervisor would tell him to speed up. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Go faster?” he recalled saying. “If I go faster, I’m going to have a heart attack and fall on the floor.” Finally, his back gave out completely. He was diagnosed with two damaged discs and had to go on disability. Amazon’s system tracks the rates of each individual associate’s productivity, and automatically generates any warnings or terminations regarding quality or productivity. Critics say those fulfillment center workers face strenuous conditions: workers are pressed to “make rate,” with some packing hundreds of boxes per hour, and losing their job if they don’t move fast enough. “You’ve always got somebody right behind you who’s ready to take your job,” says Stacy Mitchell, a prominent Amazon critic. At MetLife’s call center, the AI boss monitors the performance of each customer service representative and provides instant feedback. If the customer service agent is talking too fast, the AI sends an icon of a speedometer. If the agent is not emphatic enough, the AI sends a heart icon. At Marriott, they’re using Amadeus’s HotSOS Housekeeping system which is a robot directing the housekeeping staff on which rooms to clean. AI is even managing software developers by reviewing the rate at which they are producing code and docking pay if the developer is working too slowly. IBM HR recently developed a predictive attrition program that uses artificial intelligence to predict with 95 per cent accuracy which workers are about to quit their jobs and suggest actions managers should take to engage them. AI tools are now starting to take over some routine management tasks as well —— what managers do mostly is identify potential, build teams, assign tasks, measure performance and provide feedback. A moment’s downtime between calls, a habit of lingering at the coffee machine after finishing a task. In response, Amazon has continued to tout the benefits of working for the company, pointing to their hourly pay rates and policies like parental leave. But it is clear that some workers, failing to meet productivity standards, won’t reap the benefits of a job at all. Notes Source: The Verge, Business Focus, Amazon Web Services
“人工智能会取代很多工作”这句话你或许已经听到耳朵起茧了。但“人工智能会成为你的上司”或许还是个新鲜事儿。《福布斯》杂志描述的场景,你可能根本就不觉得陌生。 你太沉迷于社交媒体而忘记了时间,冲进家庭办公室快速登录工作,希望没有人会注意到你迟到。 唉,一上线,你马上收到上司的信息:“你上班迟到了17秒!你的绩效将会受到影响!”给人工智能打工真难啊。 这跟你每天早上飞快跑到公司楼下打开钉钉打卡,却因为拥挤的电梯信号不好而没打上不是很相似吗? 工作早就被技术包围了。近日,亚马逊公司就发布了数款人工智能产品,以辅助工厂提高效率。 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)宣布了五项新的机器学习服务,包括Amazon Monitron等。它们将帮助工业和制造业客户在其生产过程中嵌入智能,以提升运营效率、改善质量控制、增强安保与工作场所安全。 不过,提升效率的同时,牺牲的可能是部分员工的工作。 Verge 早前就报道了亚马逊公司是如何用AI监控员工效率并作出裁员优化决定的。 调查发现亚马逊的仓储部门裁员率很高,每年仅因为“生产效率”的原因,就要裁掉将近10%的员工。鉴于亚马逊在北美拥有12.5万名仓储员工,也就是说,有成千上万的人可能因为搬快递不够快而被解雇。 Verge记者Josh采访的一位前员工就是其中一员,他称因为这份工作而落下伤病。 他的工作就是从传送带上取下一件物品,按一个按钮,按监视器指示,放在一个隔区里,再按另一个按钮,如此往复。 工作几个月后,他感到背部灼痛。有位主管时不时告诉他抬包裹时要多弯曲膝盖。杰克照做了,结果他的效率下降了,另一个主管又告诉他要加快速度搬。 他回忆道:“你搞笑呢?再快一点?如果我走得再快一点,会心脏病发作,然后倒在地上。”后来,他的背完全支撑不了了。他被诊断出有两个椎间盘受损,自那以后都得忍受行动不便。 背后这套催人的监工系统会监控员工能否准时完成生产指标,还会自动计算员工的未工作时间(上厕所、打水等),并择机发出警告。 亚马逊的系统会跟踪记录每个员工的生产效率,并自动生成关于质量或生产率的任何警告或裁员决定。 批评人士说,这些仓储分拣中心的工作人员面临着艰苦的工作条件:工人们被迫“提高效率”,有些人每小时要打包数百箱货物,如果行动不够快,就会失去工作。亚马逊著名评论家斯塔西·米切尔说:“总有人能立刻接替你的工作”。 AI监工当然不是亚马逊一家独有,很多其他公司也用上了AI绩效监工。 在MetLife的客服呼叫中心,人工智能上司会监控每个客服代表的表现,并提供即时反馈。如果客服代表语速太快,人工智能就会发送一个速度表图标。如果客服代表语气不够笃定,人工智能就会显示一个心形图标。 万豪酒店使用的是Amadeus的HotSOS客房管理系统,这个系统会指导客房服务员打扫哪些房间。 人工智能甚至会检查程序员的码代码速度来管理程序员,如果程序员工作太慢,就会被扣钱。 IBM公司甚至能让AI及时发现有离职意向的员工,并及时处理。 IBM人力资源部最近开发了一个预测性减员计划,计划里使用的人工智能能以95%的准确率预测哪些员工将要辞职,并建议管理者应该采取哪些行动来留住他们。 成为了管理者的AI,自然也就取代起了部分HR的工作。 人工智能工具现在也开始接管一些日常的管理任务——管理者主要做的是识别潜力、建立团队、分配任务、衡量绩效并提供反馈。 记者Josh Dzieza认为,AI和雇员的矛盾在于,AI把人当做了机器——人的有些需求是不必要的。 在两通电话之间短暂休息会儿,完成任务后在咖啡机旁待会儿。 工作之余喝杯咖啡喘口气等等这些在AI眼里,都是可以被优化的部分,但雇员们肯定不这么认为。 但对于雇员来说,在算法看来引起效率低下的习惯,其实是他们休息和自主权的最后一亩自留地,随着这些小休息和小自由被优化,他们的工作将会强度更大、更紧张、更危险。 亚马逊公司为自己的辩护自然也没有得到公众的理解。 为了回应质疑,亚马逊继续鼓吹为公司工作的好处,比方说时薪和育儿假等员工福利政策。但很明显,那些达不到效率标准的工人已经不可能得到这些工作福利了。 dash [dæʃ] v 猛冲 conveyor [kənˈveɪər] n 运送者;传送者 disc [dɪsk] n 圆盘;圆片;椎间盘 dock [dɒk] v 扣除(部分工资等) strenuous [ˈstrenjuəs] adj 费力的;繁重的;艰苦的 attrition [əˈtrɪʃn] n 自然减员 downtime [ˈdaʊntaɪm] n 停工;休息 tout [taʊt] adj 标榜;吹捧;吹嘘 reap [riːp] v 取得(成果);收获 编辑:李雪晴
青春如棋,落子无悔。由胡先煦、张超、郝富申等主演的网剧《棋魂》,改编自堀田由美原作、小畑健作画的日本集英社同名漫画作品《棋魂》。在还原日漫原著的基础上,该剧进行本土化改编,打造了一个既燃情又隽永的故事,还火到了日本…… “To be honest, I have never felt so nervous when facing the camera. After all, this was the first time I played a leading role,” Hu Xianxu told Jiemian news. “老实说,面对镜头,我从未感到如此紧张。毕竟,这是我第一次演主角,”胡先煦在接受界面新闻采访时表示。 The 20-year-old is talking about his performance in the online series Hikaru No Go , which ended on Nov 27. It achieved a score of 8.4 out of 10 on Douban. 这位20岁的年轻人所说的是他在网剧《棋魂》中的表现,该剧于11月27日收官,豆瓣评分高达8.4分(满分10分)。 The series is a live-action adaptation of a classic 1990s Japanese comic. Hu plays a Chinese boy named Shi Guang who discovers a Go board in which the spirit of an ancient master player named Chu Ying is imprisoned. Influenced by Chu, the boy gradually finds his passion and dedicates himself to becoming a master player. 这部真人版网剧改编自上世纪九十年代的一部经典日漫。胡先煦扮演的中国男孩时光发现了一个棋盘,棋盘里沉睡着古代围棋大师褚嬴的灵魂。受褚嬴影响,时光也逐渐找到自己的梦想,立志成为一名围棋高手。 Hu and the character share a similar experience, though their fields are different. The young actor is now a senior at the Central Academy of Drama. 胡先煦和这一角色尽管身处不同领域,但都有着类似的经历。这位年轻演员现在是中央戏剧学院的一名大四学生。 “I liked acting at first because it made me get out of classes in school. I found my passion as an actor at 12 when I played a young boy Lan Yu in the film Song of the Phoenix,” he told Nandu Entertainment. The film’s director taught Hu to realize the meaning of being an actor. “一开始,我喜欢表演是因为可以不用去学校上课。我发现我自己对于表演的热爱是在12岁,那时候我在《百鸟朝凤》里饰演小男孩蓝玉,”胡先煦在接受《南都娱乐周刊》采访时说。这部电影的导演让胡先煦认识到了作为一名演员的意义。 Hu won the chance to play the protagonist of Hikaru No Go after an eight-year acting endeavor. “It’s challenging to portray the subtle emotional changes of Shi Guang because I didn’t have any experience of it,” Hu told Tencent Entertainment. He tried to understand the psychological activities by learning to play Go. 经过八年的演技打磨,胡先煦最终获得了出演《棋魂》主角的机会。“要演出时光微妙的情感变化,很有挑战性,因为我没有这方面的经验,”胡先煦在接受腾讯娱乐采访时表示。他学习下围棋,努力理解人物的内心活动。 Hu has been motivated by the unyielding spirit of Shi Guang. “I hope I can possess such a personality like him to pursue my acting career in the future,” he said. 时光永不服输的精神一直激励着胡先熙。“我希望我能拥有像他这样的性格,并以此来追求我未来的演艺事业,”他表示。 来源:21世纪英文报
“To be honest, I have never felt so nervous when facing the camera. After all, this was the first time I played a leading role,” Hu Xianxu told Jiemian news. The 20-year-old is talking about his performance in the online series Hikaru No Go , which ended on Nov 27. It achieved a score of 8.4 out of 10 on Douban. The series is a live-action adaptation of a classic 1990s Japanese comic. Hu plays a Chinese boy named Shi Guang who discovers a Go board in which the spirit of an ancient master player named Chu Ying is imprisoned. Influenced by Chu, the boy gradually finds his passion and dedicates himself to becoming a master player. Hu and the character share a similar experience, though their fields are different. The young actor is now a senior at the Central Academy of Drama. “I liked acting at first because it made me get out of classes in school. I found my passion as an actor at 12 when I played a young boy Lan Yu in the film Song of the Phoenix,” he told Nandu Entertainment. The film’s director taught Hu to realize the meaning of being an actor. Hu won the chance to play the protagonist of Hikaru No Go after an eight-year acting endeavor. “It’s challenging to portray the subtle emotional changes of Shi Guang because I didn’t have any experience of it,” Hu told Tencent Entertainment. He tried to understand the psychological activities by learning to play Go. Hu has been motivated by the unyielding spirit of Shi Guang. “I hope I can possess such a personality like him to pursue my acting career in the future,” he said.
青春如棋,落子无悔。由胡先煦、张超、郝富申等主演的网剧《棋魂》,改编自堀田由美原作、小畑健作画的日本集英社同名漫画作品《棋魂》。在还原日漫原著的基础上,该剧进行本土化改编,打造了一个既燃情又隽永的故事,还火到了日本…… “老实说,面对镜头,我从未感到如此紧张。毕竟,这是我第一次演主角,”胡先煦在接受界面新闻采访时表示。 这位20岁的年轻人所说的是他在网剧《棋魂》中的表现,该剧于11月27日收官,豆瓣评分高达8.4分(满分10分)。 这部真人版网剧改编自上世纪九十年代的一部经典日漫。胡先煦扮演的中国男孩时光发现了一个棋盘,棋盘里沉睡着古代围棋大师褚嬴的灵魂。受褚嬴影响,时光也逐渐找到自己的梦想,立志成为一名围棋高手。 胡先煦和这一角色尽管身处不同领域,但都有着类似的经历。这位年轻演员现在是中央戏剧学院的一名大四学生。 “一开始,我喜欢表演是因为可以不用去学校上课。我发现我自己对于表演的热爱是在12岁,那时候我在《百鸟朝凤》里饰演小男孩蓝玉,”胡先煦在接受《南都娱乐周刊》采访时说。这部电影的导演让胡先煦认识到了作为一名演员的意义。 经过八年的演技打磨,胡先煦最终获得了出演《棋魂》主角的机会。“要演出时光微妙的情感变化,很有挑战性,因为我没有这方面的经验,”胡先煦在接受腾讯娱乐采访时表示。他学习下围棋,努力理解人物的内心活动。 时光永不服输的精神一直激励着胡先熙。“我希望我能拥有像他这样的性格,并以此来追求我未来的演艺事业,”他表示。 来源:21世纪英文报
每个人都有自己心目中的年度最佳电影,来看看BBC文化频道专家推荐的2020年度佳片,你可能会有意想不到的收获。 Credit: Cartoon Saloon Wolfwalkers 《狼行者》 Anyone who has seen The Secret of Kells or Song of the Sea will recognise the Celtic mysticism and the ornate, angular animation favoured by their director, Tomm Moore. But Wolfwalkers is his most delightful yet. Its plucky heroine is Robyn (voiced by Honor Kneafsey), the daughter of an English huntsman (Sean Bean) stationed in Ireland in the mid-1600s. He has the job of clearing the wolves from a forest near Kilkenny, but when Robyn goes exploring, she finds that one of those wolves can transform into a human girl (Eva Whittaker). The girls' battles against destructive adults are exhilarating fun, and every frame is a work of art. 任何看过《凯尔经的秘密》和《海洋之歌》的人都会从这部动画的凯尔特神秘主义风格和华美、有棱角的绘画风格认出导演汤姆·摩尔的手笔。但是《狼行者》是摩尔迄今为止最好看的动画电影。勇敢的女主人公萝宾(霍纳·妮芙茜配音)是17世纪中叶驻守在爱尔兰的一名英格兰猎人(肖恩·宾配音)的女儿。他的工作是消灭基尔肯尼附近森林的狼群,但是当萝宾探索这片森林时,她发现其中一只狼可以变身为一个人类女孩(伊娃·惠塔克配音)。两个女孩对抗成人毁灭行为的斗争既有趣又振奋人心,每一帧画面都是艺术。 plucky [ˈplʌki]: adj. 有勇气的,大胆的 Credit: See Saw Films Ammonite 《菊石》 Kate Winslet gives one of the most dazzling performances of her career as the real-life Mary Anning, whose 19th-Century discoveries of fossils transformed palaeontology, although the credit went to men. Writer and director Francis Lee's exquisitely photographed and bracingly unsentimental romance finds Mary in middle age, scraping together a living in the seaside town of Lyme Regis. Lee invents Mary's affair with the married Charlotte Murchison (Saoirse Ronan), and Ammonite gained notice for the women's graphic sex scenes. But it is most notable for Winslet's empathetic and natural portrayal of a self-contained, defensive woman who begins ever so gradually to breathe. 凯特·温斯莱特在历史人物玛丽·安宁这个角色中贡献了自己演艺生涯中最惊艳的表演。玛丽·安宁在19世纪发现了彻底改变古生物学的化石,但是这一发现被归功给了男性。在作家兼导演弗朗西斯·李的这部画面唯美、清新内敛的爱情电影中,人到中年的玛丽在海边的来木镇勉强维持生计。在弗兰西斯·李的这部《菊石》中,导演加入了玛丽和已婚的夏洛特·默奇森(西尔莎·罗南饰演)之间的恋情,该片也因为两人的床戏而获得了关注。但是最吸引目光的是温斯莱特对女主角令人感同身受的自然诠释,一位沉默寡言、防备心强的女性终于开始喘息。 Credit: FilmNation Entertainment The Personal History of David Copperfield 《大卫·科波菲尔的个人史》 This joyous and endlessly inventive film by Armando Iannucci is a glittering achievement that raises the bar for Charles Dickens adaptations. And while Iannucci roots it firmly in the poverty and class system of Victorian England, it’s also bracingly modern, not least in its multicultural casting (Dev Patel is terrific in the lead role). BBC Culture’s review called it “a warm and lively David Copperfield for today”. 阿尔曼多·伊安努奇导演的这部创意无限的欢乐电影拍得很出彩,让人们对查尔斯·狄更斯著作改编作品的期望值都提高了。尽管伊安努奇的这部作品以维多利亚时代英格兰的贫民窟和等级制度为背景,但是同时也充满振奋人心的现代感,这不只是因为多元化的选角(领衔主演的戴夫·帕特尔表现很出色)。BBC文化频道的评论称之为“温暖又生动的当代大卫·科波菲尔”。 Credit: BBC Films Never Rarely Sometimes Always 《从不,很少,有时,总是》 This quietly profound drama follows 17-year-old Autumn (Sidney Flanigan), pregnant in a small town in Pennsylvania where abortion is restricted, as she and her cousin secretly take a bus to nearby New York City to terminate the pregnancy. The camera silently captures the heartbreak on Autumn’s face. The film is wrenching in its honesty yet exhilarating in its empathy. 这部安静而深刻的电影讲述的是17岁的奥特姆(茜德尼·弗拉尼根饰演)在宾夕法尼亚州的一个小镇怀了孕,这个小镇禁止堕胎。于是她和表姐秘密乘巴士去附近的纽约市终止妊娠。镜头默默地捕捉住了奥特姆脸上的心碎表情。这部电影诚实得让人心痛,同时又让人产生强烈的共鸣。 Credit: Bleecker Street Media The Assistant 《助理》 Structured as a day in the life, The Assistant stars Julia Garner as the lowly new employee who toils from before dawn until after dusk, answering phones, printing out scripts, unpacking bottles of water: imagine a more authentic, low-key companion piece to The Devil Wears Prada . The Weinstein-alike CEO may be the villain of the piece, but the film looks beyond one man to focus on a wider corporate culture. There are no big speeches or explosive confrontations, but there is tension throughout as we wait for the titular assistant to rebel against her boss... or accept that she is going to keep working for him, come what may. 《助理》讲述了朱莉娅·加纳饰演的低级新员工的一日生活。她从天不亮一直忙到天黑,接电话、打印文件、拆封瓶装水……你可以将这看成是《穿普拉达的女王》更真实、更低调的版本。哈维·韦恩斯坦般的首席执行官或许是片中的反派,但是这部电影关注的不只是一名男性,而是更广泛的公司文化。片中没有长篇大论的对白,也没有激烈的交锋,但是从始至终都弥漫着一种紧张的气氛,我们等待着这位助手起来反抗她的老板,或者接受她将继续逆来顺受为他工作的事实。 Credit: Focus Features Emma 《爱玛》 Did the world need one more Jane Austen adaptation? Not really, but this enchanting, colourful version is a very welcome addition. As Emma, Anya Taylor-Joy captures the heart and warmth beneath Austen’s bossy, match-making heroine. Johnny Flynn is irresistible as her improbable love, Mr Knightley. And Bill Nighy gloriously steals every scene as Emma’s comically overprotective father. 这个世界还需要再多一部简·奥斯汀著作的改编作品吗?其实不需要,但是这部引人入胜、生动有趣的电影却是锦上添花。安雅·泰勒-乔伊饰演的爱玛捕捉住了奥斯汀笔下的这位喜欢发号施令和做媒的女主角温暖的心。魅力十足的约翰尼·弗林饰演最终和爱玛相爱的奈特利先生(这是爱玛没有预料到的)。比尔·奈伊饰演的喜剧感十足、过分溺爱的父亲也极为抢戏。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Cartoon Saloon Wolfwalkers Anyone who has seen The Secret of Kells or Song of the Sea will recognise the Celtic mysticism and the ornate, angular animation favoured by their director, Tomm Moore. But Wolfwalkers is his most delightful yet. Its plucky heroine is Robyn (voiced by Honor Kneafsey), the daughter of an English huntsman (Sean Bean) stationed in Ireland in the mid-1600s. He has the job of clearing the wolves from a forest near Kilkenny, but when Robyn goes exploring, she finds that one of those wolves can transform into a human girl (Eva Whittaker). The girls' battles against destructive adults are exhilarating fun, and every frame is a work of art. Credit: See Saw Films Ammonite Kate Winslet gives one of the most dazzling performances of her career as the real-life Mary Anning, whose 19th-Century discoveries of fossils transformed palaeontology, although the credit went to men. Writer and director Francis Lee's exquisitely photographed and bracingly unsentimental romance finds Mary in middle age, scraping together a living in the seaside town of Lyme Regis. Lee invents Mary's affair with the married Charlotte Murchison (Saoirse Ronan), and Ammonite gained notice for the women's graphic sex scenes. But it is most notable for Winslet's empathetic and natural portrayal of a self-contained, defensive woman who begins ever so gradually to breathe. Credit: FilmNation Entertainment The Personal History of David Copperfield This joyous and endlessly inventive film by Armando Iannucci is a glittering achievement that raises the bar for Charles Dickens adaptations. And while Iannucci roots it firmly in the poverty and class system of Victorian England, it’s also bracingly modern, not least in its multicultural casting (Dev Patel is terrific in the lead role). BBC Culture’s review called it “a warm and lively David Copperfield for today”. Credit: BBC Films Never Rarely Sometimes Always This quietly profound drama follows 17-year-old Autumn (Sidney Flanigan), pregnant in a small town in Pennsylvania where abortion is restricted, as she and her cousin secretly take a bus to nearby New York City to terminate the pregnancy. The camera silently captures the heartbreak on Autumn’s face. The film is wrenching in its honesty yet exhilarating in its empathy. Credit: Bleecker Street Media The Assistant Structured as a day in the life, The Assistant stars Julia Garner as the lowly new employee who toils from before dawn until after dusk, answering phones, printing out scripts, unpacking bottles of water: imagine a more authentic, low-key companion piece to The Devil Wears Prada . The Weinstein-alike CEO may be the villain of the piece, but the film looks beyond one man to focus on a wider corporate culture. There are no big speeches or explosive confrontations, but there is tension throughout as we wait for the titular assistant to rebel against her boss... or accept that she is going to keep working for him, come what may. Credit: Focus Features Emma Did the world need one more Jane Austen adaptation? Not really, but this enchanting, colourful version is a very welcome addition. As Emma, Anya Taylor-Joy captures the heart and warmth beneath Austen’s bossy, match-making heroine. Johnny Flynn is irresistible as her improbable love, Mr Knightley. And Bill Nighy gloriously steals every scene as Emma’s comically overprotective father.
每个人都有自己心目中的年度最佳电影,来看看BBC文化频道专家推荐的2020年度佳片,你可能会有意想不到的收获。 《狼行者》 任何看过《凯尔经的秘密》和《海洋之歌》的人都会从这部动画的凯尔特神秘主义风格和华美、有棱角的绘画风格认出导演汤姆·摩尔的手笔。但是《狼行者》是摩尔迄今为止最好看的动画电影。勇敢的女主人公萝宾(霍纳·妮芙茜配音)是17世纪中叶驻守在爱尔兰的一名英格兰猎人(肖恩·宾配音)的女儿。他的工作是消灭基尔肯尼附近森林的狼群,但是当萝宾探索这片森林时,她发现其中一只狼可以变身为一个人类女孩(伊娃·惠塔克配音)。两个女孩对抗成人毁灭行为的斗争既有趣又振奋人心,每一帧画面都是艺术。 plucky [ˈplʌki]: adj. 有勇气的,大胆的 《菊石》 凯特·温斯莱特在历史人物玛丽·安宁这个角色中贡献了自己演艺生涯中最惊艳的表演。玛丽·安宁在19世纪发现了彻底改变古生物学的化石,但是这一发现被归功给了男性。在作家兼导演弗朗西斯·李的这部画面唯美、清新内敛的爱情电影中,人到中年的玛丽在海边的来木镇勉强维持生计。在弗兰西斯·李的这部《菊石》中,导演加入了玛丽和已婚的夏洛特·默奇森(西尔莎·罗南饰演)之间的恋情,该片也因为两人的床戏而获得了关注。但是最吸引目光的是温斯莱特对女主角令人感同身受的自然诠释,一位沉默寡言、防备心强的女性终于开始喘息。 《大卫·科波菲尔的个人史》 阿尔曼多·伊安努奇导演的这部创意无限的欢乐电影拍得很出彩,让人们对查尔斯·狄更斯著作改编作品的期望值都提高了。尽管伊安努奇的这部作品以维多利亚时代英格兰的贫民窟和等级制度为背景,但是同时也充满振奋人心的现代感,这不只是因为多元化的选角(领衔主演的戴夫·帕特尔表现很出色)。BBC文化频道的评论称之为“温暖又生动的当代大卫·科波菲尔”。 《从不,很少,有时,总是》 这部安静而深刻的电影讲述的是17岁的奥特姆(茜德尼·弗拉尼根饰演)在宾夕法尼亚州的一个小镇怀了孕,这个小镇禁止堕胎。于是她和表姐秘密乘巴士去附近的纽约市终止妊娠。镜头默默地捕捉住了奥特姆脸上的心碎表情。这部电影诚实得让人心痛,同时又让人产生强烈的共鸣。 《助理》 《助理》讲述了朱莉娅·加纳饰演的低级新员工的一日生活。她从天不亮一直忙到天黑,接电话、打印文件、拆封瓶装水……你可以将这看成是《穿普拉达的女王》更真实、更低调的版本。哈维·韦恩斯坦般的首席执行官或许是片中的反派,但是这部电影关注的不只是一名男性,而是更广泛的公司文化。片中没有长篇大论的对白,也没有激烈的交锋,但是从始至终都弥漫着一种紧张的气氛,我们等待着这位助手起来反抗她的老板,或者接受她将继续逆来顺受为他工作的事实。 《爱玛》 这个世界还需要再多一部简·奥斯汀著作的改编作品吗?其实不需要,但是这部引人入胜、生动有趣的电影却是锦上添花。安雅·泰勒-乔伊饰演的爱玛捕捉住了奥斯汀笔下的这位喜欢发号施令和做媒的女主角温暖的心。魅力十足的约翰尼·弗林饰演最终和爱玛相爱的奈特利先生(这是爱玛没有预料到的)。比尔·奈伊饰演的喜剧感十足、过分溺爱的父亲也极为抢戏。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
12月15日,美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟300次,以纪念因新冠逝世的30万美国民众,从天亮鸣至天黑。 [Photo/CGTN] The Washington National Cathedral tolled its bell 300 times to honor the 300,000 Americans lost to COVID-19 — once for every 1,000 dead. 美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟300次,以纪念30万新冠逝者,每一次鸣钟,都是1000条逝去的生命。 The coronavirus is still surging in the US as the infection case count surpassed 16.7 million on December 16, according to Johns Hopkins University. 美国国内新冠肺炎疫情仍然肆虐,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学数据显示,截至本月16日,美国已有超过1670万人感染新冠肺炎。 美国《华盛顿邮报》一名记者在推文中写道:“这是我所见过的最大的悲剧”。 夜幕笼罩着的国家大教堂,以鸣钟300次的方式纪念美国30万新冠逝者。人们前来观看,一些人低下了头,一些人默默相依着,这是我所见过的最大的悲剧。 ▌每40秒就有超过1人死于新冠 据美国有线电视新闻网络(CNN)报道,在美国,每一分钟就有超过1人死于新冠(Covid-19 now kills more than 1 American every minute)。 自从美国2月6日发现第一例病例以来,共有30万民众死于新冠肺炎。这相当于每天有961人因新冠肺炎离世。 但受到感恩节人员流动的影响,美国近期的死亡病例更是达到了新的峰值。 But this holiday season has been especially brutal, with more than 50,000 deaths in just the past month, according to Johns Hopkins University. 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据显示,感恩节期间,疫情形势更为严峻,11月死亡病例达到5万人。 In the past week, an average of 2,403 people in the US have died from Covid-19 every day. 上周,美国每天死于新冠肺炎的人数达到2403人。 CNN写道,这相当于每40秒就有一个人死于新冠肺炎。 ▌单日死亡人数曾超911和珍珠港事件 而美国官员日前接受采访曾表示,接下来的50到60天内才是最大的挑战。 美疾控中心主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德本月10日接受采访表示,接下来的2到3个月中,单日死亡人数或许会超过911或珍珠港事件。 "We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we're going to have more deaths per day than we had at 9/11 or we had at Pearl Harbor," Dr. Robert Redfield said at an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations. 罗伯特·雷德菲尔德在美国外交协会的一次活动中说:“目前看来,在接下来的60到90天内,单日死亡人数很可能会超过911或者珍珠港事件。” 据美国商业内幕网(Business Insider)报道,12月9日,美国新冠肺炎单日死亡人数达到3124人,超过了2001年911事件纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州和华盛顿的死亡人数2977人。也超过了珍珠港事件,该事件中有2403个美国人丧生。 美国本周开始接种疫苗,但本月10日时雷德菲尔德就表示,疫苗并不能明显改善接下来的两三个月的疫情形势: "The reality is the vaccine approval this week's not going to really impact that I think to any degree for the next 60 days," Redfield said. 在我看来,现实是,美国本周批准接种疫苗(现已开始接种)并不能对接下来的60天起到明显作用。 而要完成疫苗在全美的接种,则起码还需要几个月的时间。 编辑:李雪晴 来源:CNN 商业内幕网 国会山报等
[Photo/CGTN] The Washington National Cathedral tolled its bell 300 times to honor the 300,000 Americans lost to COVID-19 — once for every 1,000 dead. The coronavirus is still surging in the US as the infection case count surpassed 16.7 million on December 16, according to Johns Hopkins University. But this holiday season has been especially brutal, with more than 50,000 deaths in just the past month, according to Johns Hopkins University. In the past week, an average of 2,403 people in the US have died from Covid-19 every day. "We are in the timeframe now that probably for the next 60 to 90 days we're going to have more deaths per day than we had at 9/11 or we had at Pearl Harbor," Dr. Robert Redfield said at an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations. "The reality is the vaccine approval this week's not going to really impact that I think to any degree for the next 60 days," Redfield said.
12月15日,美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟300次,以纪念因新冠逝世的30万美国民众,从天亮鸣至天黑。 美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟300次,以纪念30万新冠逝者,每一次鸣钟,都是1000条逝去的生命。 美国国内新冠肺炎疫情仍然肆虐,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学数据显示,截至本月16日,美国已有超过1670万人感染新冠肺炎。 美国《华盛顿邮报》一名记者在推文中写道:“这是我所见过的最大的悲剧”。 夜幕笼罩着的国家大教堂,以鸣钟300次的方式纪念美国30万新冠逝者。人们前来观看,一些人低下了头,一些人默默相依着,这是我所见过的最大的悲剧。 ▌每40秒就有超过1人死于新冠 据美国有线电视新闻网络(CNN)报道,在美国,每一分钟就有超过1人死于新冠(Covid-19 now kills more than 1 American every minute)。 自从美国2月6日发现第一例病例以来,共有30万民众死于新冠肺炎。这相当于每天有961人因新冠肺炎离世。 但受到感恩节人员流动的影响,美国近期的死亡病例更是达到了新的峰值。 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的数据显示,感恩节期间,疫情形势更为严峻,11月死亡病例达到5万人。 上周,美国每天死于新冠肺炎的人数达到2403人。 CNN写道,这相当于每40秒就有一个人死于新冠肺炎。 ▌单日死亡人数曾超911和珍珠港事件 而美国官员日前接受采访曾表示,接下来的50到60天内才是最大的挑战。 美疾控中心主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德本月10日接受采访表示,接下来的2到3个月中,单日死亡人数或许会超过911或珍珠港事件。 罗伯特·雷德菲尔德在美国外交协会的一次活动中说:“目前看来,在接下来的60到90天内,单日死亡人数很可能会超过911或者珍珠港事件。” 据美国商业内幕网(Business Insider)报道,12月9日,美国新冠肺炎单日死亡人数达到3124人,超过了2001年911事件纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州和华盛顿的死亡人数2977人。也超过了珍珠港事件,该事件中有2403个美国人丧生。 美国本周开始接种疫苗,但本月10日时雷德菲尔德就表示,疫苗并不能明显改善接下来的两三个月的疫情形势: 在我看来,现实是,美国本周批准接种疫苗(现已开始接种)并不能对接下来的60天起到明显作用。 而要完成疫苗在全美的接种,则起码还需要几个月的时间。 编辑:李雪晴 来源:CNN 商业内幕网 国会山报等
What are some dumb questions you have been asked? 你都被问过哪些让人无语的问题? 获得6.7k好评的答案@Abhinav Gaur I work for a semiconductor company which makes electronic chips. On being asked about what I do, I once told to one of my aunts that after completing my electronics engineering, I had started working in a chip designing company. 我为一家制造电脑晶片的半导体公司工作。有一次,我的一位阿姨问我是做什么的,我告诉她我在完成电子工程的学业后,开始在一家芯片设计公司工作。 After a pause for few seconds, she asked: 停顿了几秒后,她问道: "What are your most popular flavors? Are the chips as good as Lays??" “那你最喜欢什么口味呢?那些薯片和乐事一样好吃吗?” I had no idea what to say. 我不知道该说什么好。 注:Chip双关,是芯片,又是薯片。 获得5.5k好评的答案@Nandita Rao Conversation with a girl on the Subway in NYC : 和一个妹子在纽约地铁上的对话: Her:"Are you from India?" 她:“你来自印度吗?” Me:"Yes" 我:“是的。” Her:"Really unfair how we Americans just start talking about Slumdog Millionaire everytime we talk to an Indian" 她:“我们美国人每次说到印度就只会开始谈论《贫民窟的百万富翁》,怎么能这样,这太不公平了。” Me(Surprised because I'd never heard that before):"Ya, that's really annoying" 我(很惊讶,因为我之前从没听说过):“啊,那确实挺讨厌。” Her:"I mean India isn't all slums. I was in Dubai last year, you guys lead a pretty luxurious lifestyle, dunno why only word about slums goes around" 她:“我是说印度不全是贫民窟,我去年在迪拜,你们过着非常奢侈的生活,我不知道为什么只有关于贫民窟的传言。” Me - "huh??" 我——“哈?” Her:"I guess its mainly because of states like Pakistan and Bangladesh!" 她:“我猜这主要是因为巴基斯坦和孟加拉那样的州!” Me – speechless 我——无语了。 获得2k好评的答案@Narayan Babu "Are you sleeping?" “你睡了吗?” 获得3.5k好评的答案@Jashan Gupta The most illogical question that every student in India must have been asked by his/her teacher: 在印度,每个的学生都曾被他/她的老师问到的最没有逻辑的问题: "Homework kaisa bhul gaye ? Kabhi khaana khana bhulte ho ?" Translation: 翻译过来就是: "How did you forget doing your homework? Do you ever forget eating food ?" “你怎么能忘记做作业?你有忘记过吃东西吗?” Just doesn't make sense. 这根本就说不通啊。 来源: 沪江英语
What are some dumb questions you have been asked? I work for a semiconductor company which makes electronic chips. On being asked about what I do, I once told to one of my aunts that after completing my electronics engineering, I had started working in a chip designing company. After a pause for few seconds, she asked: "What are your most popular flavors? Are the chips as good as Lays??" I had no idea what to say. Conversation with a girl on the Subway in NYC : Her:"Are you from India?" Me:"Yes" Her:"Really unfair how we Americans just start talking about Slumdog Millionaire everytime we talk to an Indian" Me(Surprised because I'd never heard that before):"Ya, that's really annoying" Her:"I mean India isn't all slums. I was in Dubai last year, you guys lead a pretty luxurious lifestyle, dunno why only word about slums goes around" Me - "huh??" Her:"I guess its mainly because of states like Pakistan and Bangladesh!" Me – speechless "Are you sleeping?" The most illogical question that every student in India must have been asked by his/her teacher: "Homework kaisa bhul gaye ? Kabhi khaana khana bhulte ho ?" Translation: "How did you forget doing your homework? Do you ever forget eating food ?" Just doesn't make sense.
你都被问过哪些让人无语的问题? 获得6.7k好评的答案@Abhinav Gaur 我为一家制造电脑晶片的半导体公司工作。有一次,我的一位阿姨问我是做什么的,我告诉她我在完成电子工程的学业后,开始在一家芯片设计公司工作。 停顿了几秒后,她问道: “那你最喜欢什么口味呢?那些薯片和乐事一样好吃吗?” 我不知道该说什么好。 注:Chip双关,是芯片,又是薯片。 获得5.5k好评的答案@Nandita Rao 和一个妹子在纽约地铁上的对话: 她:“你来自印度吗?” 我:“是的。” 她:“我们美国人每次说到印度就只会开始谈论《贫民窟的百万富翁》,怎么能这样,这太不公平了。” 我(很惊讶,因为我之前从没听说过):“啊,那确实挺讨厌。” 她:“我是说印度不全是贫民窟,我去年在迪拜,你们过着非常奢侈的生活,我不知道为什么只有关于贫民窟的传言。” 我——“哈?” 她:“我猜这主要是因为巴基斯坦和孟加拉那样的州!” 我——无语了。 获得2k好评的答案@Narayan Babu “你睡了吗?” 获得3.5k好评的答案@Jashan Gupta 在印度,每个的学生都曾被他/她的老师问到的最没有逻辑的问题: 翻译过来就是: “你怎么能忘记做作业?你有忘记过吃东西吗?” 这根本就说不通啊。 来源: 沪江英语
为应对气候变化,保护环境,许多国家确立了到本世纪中叶实现净零碳排放的目标。氢在今年成为首选的未来绿色燃料,而使用可再生能源对水进行电解来提取的“绿氢”更是受到人们的关注。 Aerial photo taken on Aug 19, 2020 shows wind turbines in Jiucaiping scenic spot in Southwest China's Guizhou province. [Photo/Xinhua] Hydrogen has taken off this year as the future green fuel of choice, with governments and businesses betting big that the universe’s most abundant element can help fight climate change. 氢在今年成为首选的未来绿色燃料,各国政府和企业都断定这种宇宙中最丰富的元素可以帮助应对气候变化。 bet big:押下重注 More than $150 billion worth of green hydrogen projects have been announced globally in the past nine months. In total, more than 70 gigawatts of such projects are in development, which could require $250 billion worth of investment by 2040, research firm Rystad Energy estimates. 过去9个月里,全球宣布了总额超过1500亿美元(约合人民币9830亿元)的绿氢项目。据挪威吕斯塔德能源公司估计,总共有超过70吉瓦的此类项目正在开发之中,到2040年可能会需要2500亿美元的投资。 China, Japan and South Korea recently joined a slew of European countries setting net zero targets for carbon emissions by the middle of the century. 中国、日本和韩国最近和许多欧洲国家一样确立了到本世纪中叶实现净零碳排放的目标。 While most developed countries along with China and India plan to boost renewable power output, the net zero emissions targets are driving a push to find ways to decarbonise industries that cannot be electrified and depend on fossil fuels. 时值大多数发达国家以及中国和印度都计划提高可再生能源产量之际,净零排放目标正推动各国设法使无法电气化而依赖矿物燃料的行业脱碳。 The main targets are those sectors that use coal, oil and gas as raw materials, such as in steel-making, cement and fertilisers, and in shipping and aviation. 这主要针对那些以煤炭、石油和天然气为原材料的行业,例如炼钢、水泥和化肥以及航运和航空行业。 To meet that expected demand, powerhouse oil and gas exporters from Saudi Arabia to Australia have set out policies to develop production and export of green hydrogen. 为了满足这一预期中的需求,沙特阿拉伯和澳大利亚等各大石油和天然气出口国已经制定了发展绿氢生产和出口的政策。 Hydrogen, long used as rocket fuel, is mainly used in oil refining and to produce ammonia for fertilisers. Today it is mostly extracted from natural gas or coal, called grey hydrogen, in processes that emit 830 million tonnes a year of carbon dioxide, according to the International Energy Agency. 长期用作火箭燃料的氢主要用于炼油和生产化肥中的氨。据国际能源署称,如今,氢主要从天然气或煤炭中提取,即所谓灰氢,提取过程每年排放8.3亿吨二氧化碳。 Hydrogen produced from natural gas and which eliminates emissions by capturing and storing the emitted carbon is called blue hydrogen. 天然气制氢将制造过程中排放的碳捕获并储存起来,其产品被称为蓝氢。 The holy grail is to extract hydrogen from water using electrolysis powered by renewable energy, “green hydrogen”, for under $1.50 per kilogram, to make it competitive with coal, oil and gas. 最令人向往的是以每千克不到1.50美元的成本、使用可再生能源对水进行电解来提取氢,即“绿氢”,这样它与煤炭、石油和天然气相比才能有竞争力。 electrolysis [ɪˌlekˈtrɒləsɪs]:n.电解 The key costs that have to fall to meet the sub-$1.50 target are the cost of wind and solar power and the cost of electrolysers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen. 要实现绿氢须降至1.50美元以下的目标,主要成本包含风能和太阳能的成本以及电解器的成本,电解器的作用是将水分解为氢和氧。 Renewable power costs need to fall by around 50% and electrolyser costs would need to drop by around 75% to meet that target, Australia’s renewable energy agency estimates. 澳大利亚可再生能源机构估计,要实现那个目标,可再生能源成本需要降低约50%,电解器成本则需要降低约75%。 The other main hurdle is transporting hydrogen long distances. To ship liquid hydrogen, it needs to be chilled to minus 253 degrees C. Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries is set to complete construction of the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier by early 2021. 另一个主要障碍是氢的远距离运输。液化氢必须冷却到零下253摄氏度才能装运。日本的川崎重工业公司将在2021年初以前建成全球首艘液化氢运输船。 It is much easier to ship hydrogen in the form of liquid ammonia, which needs to be chilled to only minus 33 degrees C, so most of the world’s big hydrogen export projects are looking to ship green ammonia. 运输以液态氨形式储存的氢要容易得多,只需将它冷却到零下33摄氏度。因此,世界上的大多数大型氢出口项目都考虑运输绿氨。 The European Union has set out plans which could require up to 470 billion euros of investment in green hydrogen by 2050. Germany alone is targeting 5,000 megawatts of electrolysis capacity by 2030. 欧盟已经制订了计划,到2050年可能需要对绿氢投资高达4700亿欧元。仅德国就打算到2030年达到5000兆瓦的电解能力。 Japan, a front-runner along with South Korea, is looking to sharply increase a target set in 2017 to import 300,000 tonnes a year of hydrogen in 2030, with new detailed plans expected in 2021 to help it meet its net zero emissions goal. 与韩国一道处于领先地位的日本正考虑大幅度提高2017年设定的目标,即到2030年每年进口30万吨氢。据估计日本会在2021年制订新的详细计划来帮助实现净零排放目标。 US President-elect Joe Biden wants to fund research into technology, including large-scale electrolysers, to help make green hydrogen costs match conventional hydrogen within a decade. 美国当选总统乔·拜登计划拨款研发相关技术,包括研发大型电解器,使绿氢成本在10年之内能与常规氢相当。 来源:路透社、参考消息网 编辑:yaning
Aerial photo taken on Aug 19, 2020 shows wind turbines in Jiucaiping scenic spot in Southwest China's Guizhou province. [Photo/Xinhua] Hydrogen has taken off this year as the future green fuel of choice, with governments and businesses betting big that the universe’s most abundant element can help fight climate change. More than $150 billion worth of green hydrogen projects have been announced globally in the past nine months. In total, more than 70 gigawatts of such projects are in development, which could require $250 billion worth of investment by 2040, research firm Rystad Energy estimates. China, Japan and South Korea recently joined a slew of European countries setting net zero targets for carbon emissions by the middle of the century. While most developed countries along with China and India plan to boost renewable power output, the net zero emissions targets are driving a push to find ways to decarbonise industries that cannot be electrified and depend on fossil fuels. The main targets are those sectors that use coal, oil and gas as raw materials, such as in steel-making, cement and fertilisers, and in shipping and aviation. To meet that expected demand, powerhouse oil and gas exporters from Saudi Arabia to Australia have set out policies to develop production and export of green hydrogen. Hydrogen, long used as rocket fuel, is mainly used in oil refining and to produce ammonia for fertilisers. Today it is mostly extracted from natural gas or coal, called grey hydrogen, in processes that emit 830 million tonnes a year of carbon dioxide, according to the International Energy Agency. Hydrogen produced from natural gas and which eliminates emissions by capturing and storing the emitted carbon is called blue hydrogen. The holy grail is to extract hydrogen from water using electrolysis powered by renewable energy, “green hydrogen”, for under $1.50 per kilogram, to make it competitive with coal, oil and gas. The key costs that have to fall to meet the sub-$1.50 target are the cost of wind and solar power and the cost of electrolysers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Renewable power costs need to fall by around 50% and electrolyser costs would need to drop by around 75% to meet that target, Australia’s renewable energy agency estimates. The other main hurdle is transporting hydrogen long distances. To ship liquid hydrogen, it needs to be chilled to minus 253 degrees C. Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries is set to complete construction of the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier by early 2021. It is much easier to ship hydrogen in the form of liquid ammonia, which needs to be chilled to only minus 33 degrees C, so most of the world’s big hydrogen export projects are looking to ship green ammonia. The European Union has set out plans which could require up to 470 billion euros of investment in green hydrogen by 2050. Germany alone is targeting 5,000 megawatts of electrolysis capacity by 2030. Japan, a front-runner along with South Korea, is looking to sharply increase a target set in 2017 to import 300,000 tonnes a year of hydrogen in 2030, with new detailed plans expected in 2021 to help it meet its net zero emissions goal. US President-elect Joe Biden wants to fund research into technology, including large-scale electrolysers, to help make green hydrogen costs match conventional hydrogen within a decade.
为应对气候变化,保护环境,许多国家确立了到本世纪中叶实现净零碳排放的目标。氢在今年成为首选的未来绿色燃料,而使用可再生能源对水进行电解来提取的“绿氢”更是受到人们的关注。 氢在今年成为首选的未来绿色燃料,各国政府和企业都断定这种宇宙中最丰富的元素可以帮助应对气候变化。 bet big:押下重注 过去9个月里,全球宣布了总额超过1500亿美元(约合人民币9830亿元)的绿氢项目。据挪威吕斯塔德能源公司估计,总共有超过70吉瓦的此类项目正在开发之中,到2040年可能会需要2500亿美元的投资。 中国、日本和韩国最近和许多欧洲国家一样确立了到本世纪中叶实现净零碳排放的目标。 时值大多数发达国家以及中国和印度都计划提高可再生能源产量之际,净零排放目标正推动各国设法使无法电气化而依赖矿物燃料的行业脱碳。 这主要针对那些以煤炭、石油和天然气为原材料的行业,例如炼钢、水泥和化肥以及航运和航空行业。 为了满足这一预期中的需求,沙特阿拉伯和澳大利亚等各大石油和天然气出口国已经制定了发展绿氢生产和出口的政策。 长期用作火箭燃料的氢主要用于炼油和生产化肥中的氨。据国际能源署称,如今,氢主要从天然气或煤炭中提取,即所谓灰氢,提取过程每年排放8.3亿吨二氧化碳。 天然气制氢将制造过程中排放的碳捕获并储存起来,其产品被称为蓝氢。 最令人向往的是以每千克不到1.50美元的成本、使用可再生能源对水进行电解来提取氢,即“绿氢”,这样它与煤炭、石油和天然气相比才能有竞争力。 electrolysis [ɪˌlekˈtrɒləsɪs]:n.电解 要实现绿氢须降至1.50美元以下的目标,主要成本包含风能和太阳能的成本以及电解器的成本,电解器的作用是将水分解为氢和氧。 澳大利亚可再生能源机构估计,要实现那个目标,可再生能源成本需要降低约50%,电解器成本则需要降低约75%。 另一个主要障碍是氢的远距离运输。液化氢必须冷却到零下253摄氏度才能装运。日本的川崎重工业公司将在2021年初以前建成全球首艘液化氢运输船。 运输以液态氨形式储存的氢要容易得多,只需将它冷却到零下33摄氏度。因此,世界上的大多数大型氢出口项目都考虑运输绿氨。 欧盟已经制订了计划,到2050年可能需要对绿氢投资高达4700亿欧元。仅德国就打算到2030年达到5000兆瓦的电解能力。 与韩国一道处于领先地位的日本正考虑大幅度提高2017年设定的目标,即到2030年每年进口30万吨氢。据估计日本会在2021年制订新的详细计划来帮助实现净零排放目标。 美国当选总统乔·拜登计划拨款研发相关技术,包括研发大型电解器,使绿氢成本在10年之内能与常规氢相当。 来源:路透社、参考消息网 编辑:yaning
上个月前往月球“挖土”的嫦娥 “五姑娘”,最近已经完成了采集、打包,发货的一系列操作,踏上了回家的路。 而跟着嫦娥“五姑娘”一起火起来的,还有一位95后小姑娘,她就是上个月嫦娥五号探测器发射升空时,文昌发射场上最年轻女指挥员周承钰。 最近,她还火到了国外,就连BBC等外媒也关注到了她: BBC:中国嫦娥五号任务背后的女性 英国Unilad资讯网站:中国最年轻的太空指挥是一位24岁的女性 加拿大《国家邮报》网站:你24岁时在做什么?认识一下周承钰,中国太空明星指挥 BBC在介绍周承钰时,是这样报道的: A 24-year-old female space commander has become a viral sensation on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang'e-5 Moon exploration programme. 一名24岁的航天女指挥,因参与嫦娥五号探月计划走红中国社交媒体。 Despite being the youngest commander at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, Zhou Chengyu is known at work as "Big Sister" as a sign of respect. 尽管周承钰是文昌航天发射场最年轻的指挥,但她却被同事们称为“大姐”,以示尊敬。 图源:BBC援引人民日报微博配图 不过,说起被同事们称为“大姐”的周承钰,Unilad资讯网站也提到了“big sister”这个说法: Known as "Big Sister" by colleagues as a mark of respect, the commander has become an internet sensation in China. 出于尊敬,同事们都喊她“大姐”,这位指挥已经在中国的网上引起了轰动。 英文中的big sister意指older sister,说的是年龄上比自己大的女性,也就是“姐姐”。而周承钰被同事们称为“大姐”,是因为这位女指挥素质过硬,“大姐”不大,但“大姐”很强。 从这个角度上讲,big sister不足以来表达她作为指挥的重要性和大家对她的尊敬,那么,英文要想表示“重要人物”又可以怎么说呢? ❶ Big wheel 大轮子?不!Big wheel指的是在某个机构或组织中地位相当重要的人。 He's a big wheel at the company. 他在公司里很有影响力。 ❷ Big cheese Big cheese在口语里常用,是个玩笑的说法,可以译作“头儿”,同样是指有影响力的人。 Who's the big cheese around here? 这儿谁是头儿啊? ❸ Big shot Big shot也可以表示“大人物”、“大亨”、“大腕”。 All the corporate big shots are meeting this afternoon. 公司的所有大佬今天下午会面。 ❹ Be (really) something 重要的人物都不简单,而这个短语则表示的是“了不起”、“有两下子”。 Imagine winning an Olympic medal—now that would be something. 想像一下贏得了奥运奖牌——那是很了不起的。 综合:BBC National Post Unilad 央视新闻 CGTN 来源:21世纪英文报
A 24-year-old female space commander has become a viral sensation on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang'e-5 Moon exploration programme. Despite being the youngest commander at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, Zhou Chengyu is known at work as "Big Sister" as a sign of respect. Known as "Big Sister" by colleagues as a mark of respect, the commander has become an internet sensation in China. He's a big wheel at the company. Who's the big cheese around here? All the corporate big shots are meeting this afternoon. Imagine winning an Olympic medal—now that would be something.
上个月前往月球“挖土”的嫦娥 “五姑娘”,最近已经完成了采集、打包,发货的一系列操作,踏上了回家的路。 而跟着嫦娥“五姑娘”一起火起来的,还有一位95后小姑娘,她就是上个月嫦娥五号探测器发射升空时,文昌发射场上最年轻女指挥员周承钰。 最近,她还火到了国外,就连BBC等外媒也关注到了她: BBC:中国嫦娥五号任务背后的女性 英国Unilad资讯网站:中国最年轻的太空指挥是一位24岁的女性 加拿大《国家邮报》网站:你24岁时在做什么?认识一下周承钰,中国太空明星指挥 BBC在介绍周承钰时,是这样报道的: 一名24岁的航天女指挥,因参与嫦娥五号探月计划走红中国社交媒体。 尽管周承钰是文昌航天发射场最年轻的指挥,但她却被同事们称为“大姐”,以示尊敬。 图源:BBC援引人民日报微博配图 不过,说起被同事们称为“大姐”的周承钰,Unilad资讯网站也提到了“big sister”这个说法: 出于尊敬,同事们都喊她“大姐”,这位指挥已经在中国的网上引起了轰动。 英文中的big sister意指older sister,说的是年龄上比自己大的女性,也就是“姐姐”。而周承钰被同事们称为“大姐”,是因为这位女指挥素质过硬,“大姐”不大,但“大姐”很强。 从这个角度上讲,big sister不足以来表达她作为指挥的重要性和大家对她的尊敬,那么,英文要想表示“重要人物”又可以怎么说呢? ❶ Big wheel 大轮子?不!Big wheel指的是在某个机构或组织中地位相当重要的人。 他在公司里很有影响力。 ❷ Big cheese Big cheese在口语里常用,是个玩笑的说法,可以译作“头儿”,同样是指有影响力的人。 这儿谁是头儿啊? ❸ Big shot Big shot也可以表示“大人物”、“大亨”、“大腕”。 公司的所有大佬今天下午会面。 ❹ Be (really) something 重要的人物都不简单,而这个短语则表示的是“了不起”、“有两下子”。 想像一下贏得了奥运奖牌——那是很了不起的。 综合:BBC National Post Unilad 央视新闻 CGTN 来源:21世纪英文报
英国确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快,感染人数已超过1000例。从12月16日凌晨起,伦敦防疫等级将升至最高级。 A woman holds a small bottle labeled with a "Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccine" sticker and a medical syringe in this illustration taken Oct 30, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England. 英格兰部分地区确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快。 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at least 60 different local authorities had recorded Covid infections caused by the new variant. 英国卫生大臣马特·汉考克日前证实,至少有60个地区发现了新冠病毒新变种造成的感染病例。 He said the World Health Organization had been notified and UK scientists were doing detailed studies. 汉考克还称,英国卫生部门已向世界卫生组织通报了这一情况,科学家已展开详细研究。 He said there was "nothing to suggest" it caused worse disease or that vaccines would no longer work. 他还表示,“尚无法确认”变种病毒是否会使病情更严重或者令新冠疫苗失效。 He told MPs in the House of Commons that over the last week, there had been sharp, exponential rises in coronavirus infections across London, Kent, parts of Essex and Hertfordshire. 他告诉下议院的议员们,在过去一周,新冠病毒感染病例数在伦敦、肯特、埃塞克斯和赫特福德郡的部分地区呈指数级急剧上升。 exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃl]:adj.指数的 "We've currently identified over 1,000 cases with this variant predominantly in the South of England although cases have been identified in nearly 60 different local authority areas. “我们目前已经确认了1000多例新冠病毒新变种感染病例,尽管在近60个不同的地区都发现了这种病例,但主要集中在英格兰南部。” "We do not know the extent to which this is because of the new variant but no matter its cause we have to take swift and decisive action which unfortunately is absolutely essential to control this deadly disease while the vaccine is rolled out." “我们不知道这在多大程度上是由于新的变异造成的,但无论原因是什么,我们必须迅速且果断地采取行动,这对于在疫苗推出期间控制这种致命疾病非常必要。” England's Chief Medical Officer Prof Chris Whitty said current coronavirus swab tests would detect the new variant that has been found predominantly in Kent and neighbouring areas in recent weeks. 英格兰首席医疗官克里斯·威蒂教授说,目前的冠状病毒拭子测试可以检测出近几周主要在肯特郡和邻近地区发现的新变异病毒。 The changes or mutations involve the spike protein of the virus - the part that helps it infect cells, and the target Covid vaccines are designed around. 这种变化或突变涉及病毒的刺突蛋白,刺突蛋白是使病毒感染细胞的部分,而新冠疫苗就是以其为目标设计的。 It is too soon to know exactly what this will do to the behaviour of the virus. 现在要确切地知道这中突变会对病毒的行为产生什么影响还为时过早。 Prof Alan McNally, an expert at the University of Birmingham, told the BBC: "Let's not be hysterical. It doesn't mean it's more transmissible or more infectious or dangerous. 伯明翰大学专家艾伦·麦克纳利教授告诉英国广播公司说:“人们不用太慌。这并不意味着它的传染性更强或更危险。” hysterical [hɪˈsterɪkl]:adj.歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的 "It is something to keep an eye on. “我们只是需要关注它。” keep an eye on:留意;密切注视 "Huge efforts are ongoing at characterising the variant and understanding its emergence. It is important to keep a calm and rational perspective on the strain as this is normal virus evolution and we expect new variants to come and go and emerge over time." “人们正尽力来描述这种变异并理解它的出现。重要的是要对该毒株保持冷静和理性的看法,因为这是正常的病毒进化,我们预计随着时间的推移,总是会有新的变种出现又消失。” Dr Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome, said it was potentially serious. "The surveillance and research must continue and we must take the necessary steps to stay ahead of the virus." 惠康基金会主任杰里米·法勒博士说,这可能会很严重。“我们必须继续进行监测和研究,抢先采取必要措施遏制病毒传播。” 世卫组织:没有证据显示英国出现的变异病毒表现有所不同 当地时间12月14日,世卫组织举行新冠肺炎例行发布会,针对英国发现一种变异的新冠病毒已在英格兰地区感染上千人,世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示,病毒会随时间改变,已有多种变异出现,关键在于其是否会影响公共卫生。目前这种变异病毒正在英国逐渐流行,需要与国际实验室合作观察这种变异病毒是否在全球范围内流行。 迈克尔·瑞安同时指出,病毒变异非常常见,问题在于变异是否会让病毒更易传播、是否会影响诊断或疫苗有效性,目前没有信息表明会出现此类情况。每次发现病毒变异,都要花时间评估其重要性。 世卫组织卫生紧急项目技术主管玛丽亚·范·科霍夫表示,世卫组织正与全球各地科学家合作研究每种变异,目前没有证据显示英国出现的变异病毒表现有所不同,研究人员正在观察中和抗体是否有变化。 来源:BBC、中国日报网微信公众号 翻译&编辑:yaning
A woman holds a small bottle labeled with a "Coronavirus COVID-19 Vaccine" sticker and a medical syringe in this illustration taken Oct 30, 2020. [Photo/Agencies] A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at least 60 different local authorities had recorded Covid infections caused by the new variant. He said the World Health Organization had been notified and UK scientists were doing detailed studies. He said there was "nothing to suggest" it caused worse disease or that vaccines would no longer work. He told MPs in the House of Commons that over the last week, there had been sharp, exponential rises in coronavirus infections across London, Kent, parts of Essex and Hertfordshire. "We've currently identified over 1,000 cases with this variant predominantly in the South of England although cases have been identified in nearly 60 different local authority areas. "We do not know the extent to which this is because of the new variant but no matter its cause we have to take swift and decisive action which unfortunately is absolutely essential to control this deadly disease while the vaccine is rolled out." England's Chief Medical Officer Prof Chris Whitty said current coronavirus swab tests would detect the new variant that has been found predominantly in Kent and neighbouring areas in recent weeks. The changes or mutations involve the spike protein of the virus - the part that helps it infect cells, and the target Covid vaccines are designed around. It is too soon to know exactly what this will do to the behaviour of the virus. Prof Alan McNally, an expert at the University of Birmingham, told the BBC: "Let's not be hysterical. It doesn't mean it's more transmissible or more infectious or dangerous. "It is something to keep an eye on. "Huge efforts are ongoing at characterising the variant and understanding its emergence. It is important to keep a calm and rational perspective on the strain as this is normal virus evolution and we expect new variants to come and go and emerge over time." Dr Jeremy Farrar, Director of Wellcome, said it was potentially serious. "The surveillance and research must continue and we must take the necessary steps to stay ahead of the virus."
英国确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快,感染人数已超过1000例。从12月16日凌晨起,伦敦防疫等级将升至最高级。 英格兰部分地区确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快。 英国卫生大臣马特·汉考克日前证实,至少有60个地区发现了新冠病毒新变种造成的感染病例。 汉考克还称,英国卫生部门已向世界卫生组织通报了这一情况,科学家已展开详细研究。 他还表示,“尚无法确认”变种病毒是否会使病情更严重或者令新冠疫苗失效。 他告诉下议院的议员们,在过去一周,新冠病毒感染病例数在伦敦、肯特、埃塞克斯和赫特福德郡的部分地区呈指数级急剧上升。 exponential [ˌekspəˈnenʃl]:adj.指数的 “我们目前已经确认了1000多例新冠病毒新变种感染病例,尽管在近60个不同的地区都发现了这种病例,但主要集中在英格兰南部。” “我们不知道这在多大程度上是由于新的变异造成的,但无论原因是什么,我们必须迅速且果断地采取行动,这对于在疫苗推出期间控制这种致命疾病非常必要。” 英格兰首席医疗官克里斯·威蒂教授说,目前的冠状病毒拭子测试可以检测出近几周主要在肯特郡和邻近地区发现的新变异病毒。 这种变化或突变涉及病毒的刺突蛋白,刺突蛋白是使病毒感染细胞的部分,而新冠疫苗就是以其为目标设计的。 现在要确切地知道这中突变会对病毒的行为产生什么影响还为时过早。 伯明翰大学专家艾伦·麦克纳利教授告诉英国广播公司说:“人们不用太慌。这并不意味着它的传染性更强或更危险。” hysterical [hɪˈsterɪkl]:adj.歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的 “我们只是需要关注它。” keep an eye on:留意;密切注视 “人们正尽力来描述这种变异并理解它的出现。重要的是要对该毒株保持冷静和理性的看法,因为这是正常的病毒进化,我们预计随着时间的推移,总是会有新的变种出现又消失。” 惠康基金会主任杰里米·法勒博士说,这可能会很严重。“我们必须继续进行监测和研究,抢先采取必要措施遏制病毒传播。” 世卫组织:没有证据显示英国出现的变异病毒表现有所不同 当地时间12月14日,世卫组织举行新冠肺炎例行发布会,针对英国发现一种变异的新冠病毒已在英格兰地区感染上千人,世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安表示,病毒会随时间改变,已有多种变异出现,关键在于其是否会影响公共卫生。目前这种变异病毒正在英国逐渐流行,需要与国际实验室合作观察这种变异病毒是否在全球范围内流行。 迈克尔·瑞安同时指出,病毒变异非常常见,问题在于变异是否会让病毒更易传播、是否会影响诊断或疫苗有效性,目前没有信息表明会出现此类情况。每次发现病毒变异,都要花时间评估其重要性。 世卫组织卫生紧急项目技术主管玛丽亚·范·科霍夫表示,世卫组织正与全球各地科学家合作研究每种变异,目前没有证据显示英国出现的变异病毒表现有所不同,研究人员正在观察中和抗体是否有变化。 来源:BBC、中国日报网微信公众号 翻译&编辑:yaning
There's a saying that goes “honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach”- those adorable furballs might purr and beg for a scratch behind the ears, but as soon as you turn your back, they're back to their scheming ways. Here's a list of cats that have been caught red-pawed in the act of stealing a tasty morsel . 有句谚语叫做“像够不着肉的猫一样诚实”——当着你的面,这些可爱的小毛球会边咕噜咕噜叫边让你给它抓抓耳朵背后的位置,一旦你背转身去,他们就会露出邪恶的本来面目。下面这组图中的猫咪都是偷吃被抓的小偷。 In truth, owners should be mindful when their cats try to get their paws on human food. Their digestion works differently from ours, and many foods, even ones they love, like milk, can give them upset stomachs or worse. Chocolate and onions are especially dangerous, and should be kept tucked away far out of reach. 事实上,当猫咪把爪子伸向人类的食物的时候,猫主人应该多加小心。它们的消化系统与人类不同,许多食物——甚至包括牛奶这样的它们喜爱的食物——可能会让它们胃部不适,甚至出现更严重的健康问题。巧克力和洋葱尤其危险,应该妥善保存在猫咪触碰不到的地方。 1 Cookie Thief 曲奇小偷 Awesome ! 精彩! 2 I Regret Nothing! 我毫不后悔! I'd do the same too. Anything for a yummy pancake! 我也会这么做的!为了一张美味的薄饼,什么都值得! 3 Stealing The Leftover Pizza 偷吃剩下的披萨 I yawned, and then "accidentally" ate your pizza. 我只不过打了个哈欠,“一不小心”吃了你的披萨 4 Stealing From A Child 偷小孩的东西 Love this!So cute and funny! 喜欢这张照片!好可爱,好有趣! 5 Smoked Fish Thief 熏鱼小偷 And he didn't choose the smallest one ! 作为一个小偷他还要挑大小 6 Disguised Thief 做好了伪装的小偷 The cat’s like "Nobody can see me!” 猫咪:“你们都看不见我哟!” 7. Determined Milk Thief 意志坚定的牛奶大盗 My cat does this!! Only when she can't get her head in the glass, she'll put her paw in the milk! 我的猫会这样!只有当她的头不能塞进瓶子的时候,她会把爪子伸进牛奶里。 8 Trying To Get To That Fish 很努力的想抓住那条鱼 Keep trying little guy. 坚持下去,小东西! 9 Balloon Thief 气球大盗 I awoke in the night thinking an alien was crossing my room. It was Bamboo kitty with a helium balloon on a ribbon. 半夜时分我醒来,还以为一个外星人正飞跃我的房间。原来是猫咪小竹叼着一只氦气球,气球上还扎着一根缎带。 10 Nose thief 偷鼻子的贼 That's a dedicated cat 多专注的猫小偷! 11 Kitty Has Big Dreams 小小的猫咪有大大的梦想 He really has bitten off more than he can chew! 它真是贪得无厌 12Thief Caught In Action 作案中的小偷被捕 YOU left the door open.....just sayin' 顺便说一句,明明是你忘了关门…… 13 Determined Kitty 意志坚定的猫咪 Look at those eyes, you can't even punish him, he is too cute. 看看那双眼睛,你都不忍心惩罚它,因为它太可爱了。 14 Tasting Starbucks 尝尝星巴克是什么滋味 Gracious pose! 优雅的姿势! 15 Trying To Get To That Cheese 努力想要触碰那块奶酪 I see you cheese! You cannot hide from me 我看到你了,奶酪!别以为你能躲起来! 16 Chicken Thief 烤鸡大盗 Kitty's Owner: You gotta share it with your siblings. Kitty: NOPE! HUMH! 猫咪主人:你要和兄弟姐妹分享这只烤鸡哟!猫咪:不要,哼! 17 Milk Thief 牛奶大盗 A nostalgic view, I love it. 很怀旧的风景,我喜欢! 来源: 沪江英语 翻译:小木
There's a saying that goes “honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach”- those adorable furballs might purr and beg for a scratch behind the ears, but as soon as you turn your back, they're back to their scheming ways. Here's a list of cats that have been caught red-pawed in the act of stealing a tasty morsel . In truth, owners should be mindful when their cats try to get their paws on human food. Their digestion works differently from ours, and many foods, even ones they love, like milk, can give them upset stomachs or worse. Chocolate and onions are especially dangerous, and should be kept tucked away far out of reach. 1 Cookie Thief Awesome ! 2 I Regret Nothing! I'd do the same too. Anything for a yummy pancake! 3 Stealing The Leftover Pizza I yawned, and then "accidentally" ate your pizza. 4 Stealing From A Child Love this!So cute and funny! 5 Smoked Fish Thief And he didn't choose the smallest one ! 6 Disguised Thief The cat’s like "Nobody can see me!” 7. Determined Milk Thief My cat does this!! Only when she can't get her head in the glass, she'll put her paw in the milk! 8 Trying To Get To That Fish Keep trying little guy. 9 Balloon Thief I awoke in the night thinking an alien was crossing my room. It was Bamboo kitty with a helium balloon on a ribbon. 10 Nose thief That's a dedicated cat 11 Kitty Has Big Dreams He really has bitten off more than he can chew! 12Thief Caught In Action YOU left the door open.....just sayin' 13 Determined Kitty Look at those eyes, you can't even punish him, he is too cute. 14 Tasting Starbucks Gracious pose! 15 Trying To Get To That Cheese I see you cheese! You cannot hide from me 16 Chicken Thief Kitty's Owner: You gotta share it with your siblings. Kitty: NOPE! HUMH! 17 Milk Thief A nostalgic view, I love it.
有句谚语叫做“像够不着肉的猫一样诚实”——当着你的面,这些可爱的小毛球会边咕噜咕噜叫边让你给它抓抓耳朵背后的位置,一旦你背转身去,他们就会露出邪恶的本来面目。下面这组图中的猫咪都是偷吃被抓的小偷。 事实上,当猫咪把爪子伸向人类的食物的时候,猫主人应该多加小心。它们的消化系统与人类不同,许多食物——甚至包括牛奶这样的它们喜爱的食物——可能会让它们胃部不适,甚至出现更严重的健康问题。巧克力和洋葱尤其危险,应该妥善保存在猫咪触碰不到的地方。 曲奇小偷 精彩! 我毫不后悔! 我也会这么做的!为了一张美味的薄饼,什么都值得! 偷吃剩下的披萨 我只不过打了个哈欠,“一不小心”吃了你的披萨 偷小孩的东西 喜欢这张照片!好可爱,好有趣! 熏鱼小偷 作为一个小偷他还要挑大小 做好了伪装的小偷 猫咪:“你们都看不见我哟!” 意志坚定的牛奶大盗 我的猫会这样!只有当她的头不能塞进瓶子的时候,她会把爪子伸进牛奶里。 很努力的想抓住那条鱼 坚持下去,小东西! 气球大盗 半夜时分我醒来,还以为一个外星人正飞跃我的房间。原来是猫咪小竹叼着一只氦气球,气球上还扎着一根缎带。 偷鼻子的贼 多专注的猫小偷! 小小的猫咪有大大的梦想 它真是贪得无厌 作案中的小偷被捕 顺便说一句,明明是你忘了关门…… 意志坚定的猫咪 看看那双眼睛,你都不忍心惩罚它,因为它太可爱了。 尝尝星巴克是什么滋味 优雅的姿势! 努力想要触碰那块奶酪 我看到你了,奶酪!别以为你能躲起来! 烤鸡大盗 猫咪主人:你要和兄弟姐妹分享这只烤鸡哟!猫咪:不要,哼! 牛奶大盗 很怀旧的风景,我喜欢! 来源: 沪江英语 翻译:小木
推特在一份公报中指出,#新冠病毒#及类似词汇的话题标签今年在全球范围内使用了近4亿次,“毫无意外地”使得新冠疫情成为今年最具标志性的事件。社交网络上排名第二使用最多的话题标签是#黑人的命也是命#,总计使用1.5亿次。 A woman walks past a costume rental store, with Santa Claus outfits outside, on December 10, 2020 in Paris as France is on a second lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus. [Photo/Agencies] The coronavirus pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement topped the list of conversation topics on Twitter in a tumultuous year, the messaging platform said Monday. 推特12月7日表示,在这动荡的一年里,新冠疫情和“黑人的命也是命”运动成为推特今年最热门的话题。 tumultuous [tjuːˈmʌltʃuəs]:吵闹的;混乱的 In a summary of trends, Twitter said the hashtag #Covid19 and other variations were tweeted nearly 400 million times, while #StayHome was the third biggest hashtag of the year. 推特在今年的热门话题总结中称,#新冠病毒#及类似词汇的话题标签在全球范围内使用了近4亿次,而#宅在家是今年第三大热门话题标签。 The number two hashtag of 2020 was #BlackLivesMatter, which spread worldwide after the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis, according to Twitter. 排名第二使用最多的话题标签是#黑人的命也是命#,据推特称,乔治·弗洛伊德死于美国明尼阿波利斯市警方之手后,这一话题传遍了全世界。 "Over 700 million Tweets were sent in 2020 about elections around the world and Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Narendra Modi and Kamala Harris were among the most Tweeted-about global figures." “2020年,关于全球各地选举的推文超过7亿条,唐纳德·特朗普、乔·拜登、贝拉克·奥巴马、纳伦德拉·莫迪和卡玛拉·哈里斯是推特上最热门的全球人物。” The most retweeted message was the announcement of the death of Chadwick Boseman, star of the ground-breaking superhero movie "Black Panther," in August. 转发最多的推文是8月份查德威克·博斯曼去世的消息。博斯曼曾主演突破性的超级英雄电影《黑豹》。 来源:推特截图 Tweeted by the actor's family with his account, the message garnered 7.5 million likes -- the most all-time -- and 3.1 million retweets. 博斯曼的家人用其账号发布了这条推文,获得了750万点赞,这是推特史上最高的点赞数量。这条推文还被转发了310万次。 Former US president Barack Obama's tweet about the death of NBA star Kobe Bryant was the second-most liked tweet of the year, with 3.9 million. 美国前总统贝拉克·奥巴马关于NBA球星科比·布莱恩特去世的推特以390万的点赞量成为今年第二受欢迎的推特。 来源:推特截图 Bryant's death made his former Los Angeles Lakers team the most tweeted-about sports team followed by Manchester United and FC Barcelona. But the NFL's Super Bowl LIV was the top sports event on Twitter this year. 布莱恩特的去世使他曾效力的洛杉矶湖人队成为推特上最受关注的球队,其次是曼联足球俱乐部和巴塞罗那足球俱乐部。不过,今年推特上最热门的体育赛事是美国职业橄榄球大联盟的“超级碗”。 英文来源:法新社 翻译&编辑:yaning
A woman walks past a costume rental store, with Santa Claus outfits outside, on December 10, 2020 in Paris as France is on a second lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus. [Photo/Agencies] The coronavirus pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement topped the list of conversation topics on Twitter in a tumultuous year, the messaging platform said Monday. In a summary of trends, Twitter said the hashtag #Covid19 and other variations were tweeted nearly 400 million times, while #StayHome was the third biggest hashtag of the year. The number two hashtag of 2020 was #BlackLivesMatter, which spread worldwide after the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis, according to Twitter. "Over 700 million Tweets were sent in 2020 about elections around the world and Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Narendra Modi and Kamala Harris were among the most Tweeted-about global figures." The most retweeted message was the announcement of the death of Chadwick Boseman, star of the ground-breaking superhero movie "Black Panther," in August. Tweeted by the actor's family with his account, the message garnered 7.5 million likes -- the most all-time -- and 3.1 million retweets. Former US president Barack Obama's tweet about the death of NBA star Kobe Bryant was the second-most liked tweet of the year, with 3.9 million. Bryant's death made his former Los Angeles Lakers team the most tweeted-about sports team followed by Manchester United and FC Barcelona. But the NFL's Super Bowl LIV was the top sports event on Twitter this year.
推特在一份公报中指出,#新冠病毒#及类似词汇的话题标签今年在全球范围内使用了近4亿次,“毫无意外地”使得新冠疫情成为今年最具标志性的事件。社交网络上排名第二使用最多的话题标签是#黑人的命也是命#,总计使用1.5亿次。 推特12月7日表示,在这动荡的一年里,新冠疫情和“黑人的命也是命”运动成为推特今年最热门的话题。 tumultuous [tjuːˈmʌltʃuəs]:吵闹的;混乱的 推特在今年的热门话题总结中称,#新冠病毒#及类似词汇的话题标签在全球范围内使用了近4亿次,而#宅在家是今年第三大热门话题标签。 排名第二使用最多的话题标签是#黑人的命也是命#,据推特称,乔治·弗洛伊德死于美国明尼阿波利斯市警方之手后,这一话题传遍了全世界。 “2020年,关于全球各地选举的推文超过7亿条,唐纳德·特朗普、乔·拜登、贝拉克·奥巴马、纳伦德拉·莫迪和卡玛拉·哈里斯是推特上最热门的全球人物。” 转发最多的推文是8月份查德威克·博斯曼去世的消息。博斯曼曾主演突破性的超级英雄电影《黑豹》。 来源:推特截图 博斯曼的家人用其账号发布了这条推文,获得了750万点赞,这是推特史上最高的点赞数量。这条推文还被转发了310万次。 美国前总统贝拉克·奥巴马关于NBA球星科比·布莱恩特去世的推特以390万的点赞量成为今年第二受欢迎的推特。 来源:推特截图 布莱恩特的去世使他曾效力的洛杉矶湖人队成为推特上最受关注的球队,其次是曼联足球俱乐部和巴塞罗那足球俱乐部。不过,今年推特上最热门的体育赛事是美国职业橄榄球大联盟的“超级碗”。 英文来源:法新社 翻译&编辑:yaning
12月末,日本上野动物园明星大熊猫“香香”将被送返中国。 得知“香香”即将回到中国的消息后,日本很多“真爱粉”表示“无法接受”。 日本东京上野地区举办各种送行活动,表达不舍、感谢与祝福。 People in Japan are bidding farewell to Xiang Xiang, the giant panda and by far the most popular attraction at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoological Gardens with celebrations and souvenirs. 人们纷纷用欢送仪式和纪念品的方式,来与东京上野动物园最受欢迎的大熊猫香香说再见。 The female panda is currently loaned to the Tokyo zoo and will be returning to China at the end of December. 这只雌性大熊猫目前被租借给东京的公园,将在12月返回中国。 为了送别“香香” ,海报邮票都安排上了! 上野动物园在其官网开设特别页面 回顾“香香”的成长历程: 日本邮便株式会社推出“谢谢 香香”个性化邮票: 除此之外,熊猫主题的食品,诸如蛋糕、饭团、和果子也都安排上了…… In preparation for her upcoming departure, a department store near Ueno is holding a “thank you” celebration for Xiang Xiang, where people can buy panda-themed merchandise and food items. 为即将到来的离别做准备,上野一家百货公司为香香举行了“感谢”的欢送仪式,人们可以买到熊猫主题的货物和食品。 Panda sweet buns and a strawberry and sour cream cake with cream shaped like panda heads are among the most favorite food items of the store. 熊猫和果子以及奶油挤出熊猫头造型的酸奶油蛋糕成了店里最受欢迎的食品。 如果觉得食物留不住,还可以选择纪念章,毕竟是纯金的…… A commemorative medallion with an image of Xiang Xiang is priced at 650,000 yen ($6,234) as it is made of pure gold. 印有“香香”形象的纪念章定价65万日元(约4.07万人民币),因为是纯金制成的。 照片和巨型熊猫气球也将会在近日展出。 Photo exhibitions and giant panda balloon featuring Xiang Xiang’s face will also take place near Ueno from Dec 23 to 25, according to Tokyo’s Matsuzakaya department store. 据东京松阪屋百货消息,照片展和“香香”脸形状的巨型熊猫气球也将于12月23日至25日在上野附近展出。 日本网友依依不舍 此前东京上野动物园每天都会在网络上更新“香香”的动态,大量网友热衷在此“云吸熊猫”。 网友:右手很可爱!脚也可爱!全部都可爱! 网友:香香早上好呀!今天又是可爱的一天! 要知道,因为太多人想要看到“香香”,动物园不得不引入抽签的方式,得“摇上号”,才能一睹其萌态。 Being the major attraction of the Tokyo zoo, Xiang Xiang enjoyed popularity in Japan since she was born in June 2017. The zoo had to introduce a ticketing system to reserve slots to watch her gambol around her enclosure. There is a daily limit of 6,500 people for Xiang Xiang alone, with slots typically reserved weeks in advance. 作为东京动物园的头号明星,“香香”在2017年6月出生时就倍受欢迎。动物园不得不采取抽签方式让观众们一睹其“萌态”。每天的参观上限是6500人,而且需要提前几周抽签。 得知“香香”要离开的消息后,许多日本网友留言,表达对“香香”的不舍: 网友:在冬天寒冷的早晨坐电车去见你,等了好几个小时之后终于看到了你的样子,不由自主地叫道:“好可爱,好小啊……”现在依然是幸福的回忆!谢谢你,一定要保重。 网友:“香香”回到中国后一定也会幸福地生活,然后成为妈妈。爱“香香”,一直都不会忘记“香香”! “香香”一定要回国吗?该找对象了! 按照中方与东京都签署的协议,“香香”本该在2019年6月满两周岁时归还中国。 The Tokyo zoo has three pandas, Xiang Xiang and her parents Ri Ri and Shin Shin. However, as Xiang Xiang is coming back to China in December and her parents’ 10 year loan will run out in February, the zoo is potentially under pressure over losing its favorite attraction. 东京的动物园共租借了三只熊猫,“香香”和它的父母“力力”(中方称比力)和“真真”(中方称仙女)。不过,香香这个月底就要回中国了,而它父母的十年租期2月也将到期了,动物园正面临着失去它最受欢迎的熊猫的压力。 由于“香香”在日本圈粉无数,日本多次申请延期,最终决定将“香香”归还日期延迟至2020年12月底。 “香香”回中国后,还将面临“找对象”的问题。 上野动物园园长福田丰称:“‘香香’现在3岁半,达到性成熟需要到4岁或5岁,要找雄性对象,还是中国选择范围更广,更为合适。” 让华春莹笑场的“香香”有多萌? 此前,在中国外交部的例行记者会上,一名日本记者询问华春莹,对于“香香”公开亮相有何评价。 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying introduces more about pushing back the return of Xiang Xiang during a regular news conference in Beijing on Dec 11, 2020. [Photo/] 因为发音问题,华春莹把“香香”听成了日本外务省事务次官“杉山”,严肃地回答了问题。经身边记者提醒后,华春莹恍然大悟:“啊!那个香香……” 日本媒体给了这个小故事非常积极正面的报道,说道: “对于日本的问题总是一脸严肃地给予回答的发言人,然而‘香香’却让她露出了笑容,熊猫‘香香’也为改善中日关系起到了推波助澜的作用。” 2017年6月12日,“香香”出生于日本上野动物园,无数日本网友竞相为它取名。 “香香”就是从322581个日本民众提交的名字中选出来的。 记者:中国日报东京记者站 王旭 编辑:李雪晴 参考:央视新闻
People in Japan are bidding farewell to Xiang Xiang, the giant panda and by far the most popular attraction at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoological Gardens with celebrations and souvenirs. The female panda is currently loaned to the Tokyo zoo and will be returning to China at the end of December. In preparation for her upcoming departure, a department store near Ueno is holding a “thank you” celebration for Xiang Xiang, where people can buy panda-themed merchandise and food items. Panda sweet buns and a strawberry and sour cream cake with cream shaped like panda heads are among the most favorite food items of the store. A commemorative medallion with an image of Xiang Xiang is priced at 650,000 yen ($6,234) as it is made of pure gold. Photo exhibitions and giant panda balloon featuring Xiang Xiang’s face will also take place near Ueno from Dec 23 to 25, according to Tokyo’s Matsuzakaya department store. Being the major attraction of the Tokyo zoo, Xiang Xiang enjoyed popularity in Japan since she was born in June 2017. The zoo had to introduce a ticketing system to reserve slots to watch her gambol around her enclosure. There is a daily limit of 6,500 people for Xiang Xiang alone, with slots typically reserved weeks in advance. The Tokyo zoo has three pandas, Xiang Xiang and her parents Ri Ri and Shin Shin. However, as Xiang Xiang is coming back to China in December and her parents’ 10 year loan will run out in February, the zoo is potentially under pressure over losing its favorite attraction. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying introduces more about pushing back the return of Xiang Xiang during a regular news conference in Beijing on Dec 11, 2020. [Photo/]
12月末,日本上野动物园明星大熊猫“香香”将被送返中国。 得知“香香”即将回到中国的消息后,日本很多“真爱粉”表示“无法接受”。 日本东京上野地区举办各种送行活动,表达不舍、感谢与祝福。 人们纷纷用欢送仪式和纪念品的方式,来与东京上野动物园最受欢迎的大熊猫香香说再见。 这只雌性大熊猫目前被租借给东京的公园,将在12月返回中国。 为了送别“香香” ,海报邮票都安排上了! 上野动物园在其官网开设特别页面 回顾“香香”的成长历程: 日本邮便株式会社推出“谢谢 香香”个性化邮票: 除此之外,熊猫主题的食品,诸如蛋糕、饭团、和果子也都安排上了…… 为即将到来的离别做准备,上野一家百货公司为香香举行了“感谢”的欢送仪式,人们可以买到熊猫主题的货物和食品。 熊猫和果子以及奶油挤出熊猫头造型的酸奶油蛋糕成了店里最受欢迎的食品。 如果觉得食物留不住,还可以选择纪念章,毕竟是纯金的…… 印有“香香”形象的纪念章定价65万日元(约4.07万人民币),因为是纯金制成的。 照片和巨型熊猫气球也将会在近日展出。 据东京松阪屋百货消息,照片展和“香香”脸形状的巨型熊猫气球也将于12月23日至25日在上野附近展出。 日本网友依依不舍 此前东京上野动物园每天都会在网络上更新“香香”的动态,大量网友热衷在此“云吸熊猫”。 网友:右手很可爱!脚也可爱!全部都可爱! 网友:香香早上好呀!今天又是可爱的一天! 要知道,因为太多人想要看到“香香”,动物园不得不引入抽签的方式,得“摇上号”,才能一睹其萌态。 作为东京动物园的头号明星,“香香”在2017年6月出生时就倍受欢迎。动物园不得不采取抽签方式让观众们一睹其“萌态”。每天的参观上限是6500人,而且需要提前几周抽签。 得知“香香”要离开的消息后,许多日本网友留言,表达对“香香”的不舍: 网友:在冬天寒冷的早晨坐电车去见你,等了好几个小时之后终于看到了你的样子,不由自主地叫道:“好可爱,好小啊……”现在依然是幸福的回忆!谢谢你,一定要保重。 网友:“香香”回到中国后一定也会幸福地生活,然后成为妈妈。爱“香香”,一直都不会忘记“香香”! “香香”一定要回国吗?该找对象了! 按照中方与东京都签署的协议,“香香”本该在2019年6月满两周岁时归还中国。 东京的动物园共租借了三只熊猫,“香香”和它的父母“力力”(中方称比力)和“真真”(中方称仙女)。不过,香香这个月底就要回中国了,而它父母的十年租期2月也将到期了,动物园正面临着失去它最受欢迎的熊猫的压力。 由于“香香”在日本圈粉无数,日本多次申请延期,最终决定将“香香”归还日期延迟至2020年12月底。 “香香”回中国后,还将面临“找对象”的问题。 上野动物园园长福田丰称:“‘香香’现在3岁半,达到性成熟需要到4岁或5岁,要找雄性对象,还是中国选择范围更广,更为合适。” 让华春莹笑场的“香香”有多萌? 此前,在中国外交部的例行记者会上,一名日本记者询问华春莹,对于“香香”公开亮相有何评价。 因为发音问题,华春莹把“香香”听成了日本外务省事务次官“杉山”,严肃地回答了问题。经身边记者提醒后,华春莹恍然大悟:“啊!那个香香……” 日本媒体给了这个小故事非常积极正面的报道,说道: “对于日本的问题总是一脸严肃地给予回答的发言人,然而‘香香’却让她露出了笑容,熊猫‘香香’也为改善中日关系起到了推波助澜的作用。” 2017年6月12日,“香香”出生于日本上野动物园,无数日本网友竞相为它取名。 “香香”就是从322581个日本民众提交的名字中选出来的。 记者:中国日报东京记者站 王旭 编辑:李雪晴 参考:央视新闻
和对的人结婚,就能幸福;找到一份理想的工作,就能幸福;拥有了豪宅,就能幸福……关于幸福,我们有很多“神话”,但是真相是什么呢? Photo from Pexels by Blu Byrd Happiness is a serious moneymaker. People around the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to avoid the tough stuff and feel good about themselves, whether that’s through prescription pills, going crazy with dieting and fitness, or that time-tested elixir of life: alcohol. 幸福是棵正儿八经的摇钱树。世界各地的人们花费数千亿美元来躲避难关、寻求快乐,要么服用处方药、疯狂节食和健身,要么求助久经考验的长生不老药——酒精。 As a psychotherapist who helps people bump their overall happiness level up a few notches, I’ve heard pretty much all of the myths out there about happiness. The worst part is that these myths actually make you unhappy (messed up, right?) – so ditching them is, paradoxically, part of finding happiness. 作为心理治疗师,我帮助人们提升整体幸福的层次。我几乎听说过所有关于幸福的神话。而最糟糕的是,这些神话其实会让你不幸福(乱了,是吗?)——所以,摆脱这些神话,反而是寻找幸福的一部分。 When you achieve [whatever goal you’re going after], you’ll be happy 实现了(你追求的目标),你就会幸福 Land the promotion, the spouse, the Lambo, the goal weight, the condo, whatever it is – you’ll finally experience eternal happiness. Hey, it’s not your fault for believing this, since you’ve likely been fed the American dream since the moment you escaped from the womb. 无论是职务晋升、寻得伴侣、购得跑车、体重达标,还是拥有公寓——实现了,你就会感受到无限的幸福。嘿,相信这种神话并不是你的错,因为你一出生就被灌输了这种美国梦。 But this logic is flawed. Achievements don’t protect you from feeling like crap, and they definitely don’t make you superhuman. Multimillionaires still get depressed. People with “perfect” bodies still get dumped. Steady, passive income doesn’t protect you from losing someone to cancer. If you can start appreciating where you are, rather than basing your sense of fulfillment on some future accomplishment, you’ll be much closer to happiness. 但它的逻辑漏洞百出。即使取得各种成就,也并不会让你感觉良好,更绝对不会让你变成超人。百万富翁也会有心情抑郁的时候。拥有“完美”身材的人也会失恋。稳定、被动的收入不会保证你身边的人不因癌症去世。如果你能开始欣赏目前的处境,而不是依赖还未实现的某项成就带来的满足感,你就会离幸福更近。 When you find the right person, you’ll be happy 遇到了对的人,你就会幸福 If you think being in a relationship is necessary for happiness, you’re going to feel inadequate and probably anxious when you’re single. There’s no doubt a strong relationship can make your life better in a lot of ways, but it’s certainly not a requirement. In fact, many people feel lonelier and more disconnected in a relationship than outside of one. 如果你认为只有谈恋爱才能幸福,那你会在单身时感到空虚,还很可能感到焦虑。毫无疑问,一段良好的恋爱关系能在很多方面让你的人生更棒,但这并不是必要条件。事实上,相比起单身,很多人在恋爱中感到更加孤独、更加与世隔绝。 When you’re unhappy, it’s natural to blame your relationship status, but try not to – instead of waiting for your “soulmate” to bump into you like your life is a John Cusack movie, see if there are other ways to meet your needs. You know, ways that are in your control. 当你感到不幸福,你会很自然地怪罪于情感状态,但是,请不要这样做,而要想其他办法满足你的需要,而不是等待你的“灵魂伴侣”突然出现在你面前,毕竟你的人生不是约翰·库萨克的电影。要知道,方法就在你的掌控中。 Being happy means you’ll never feel like crap 感觉幸福意味着永远不会心情糟糕 It’s no coincidence that a lot of these myths are clichés from fairytales, and nowhere is that more evident than humankind’s steadfast belief in happy endings. No! Not that kind! 许多这样的神话都是来自童话故事的陈腔滥调,这绝不是巧合——没有什么比人们对美好结局的向往更坚定。不!可不是那么回事! The “happily ever after” stuff just isn’t real. To be human is to feel, and it’s a guarantee that you’ll feel disappointment, loss, anger, guilt, sadness, fear, conflict, embarrassment, frustration, and so on and so on. These feelings are universal; happiness is about being able to make space for ALL these shitty emotions, not just the positive ones. They’re not a sign of brokenness or pathology. They mean you’re not a robot or a psychopath. “幸福永存”之类的话根本就是假的。人生在世就是要体验。你肯定会体验到失望、失落、愤怒、愧疚、悲伤、恐惧、矛盾、尴尬、挫折,等等。这些情绪人皆有之;幸福是能够包容所有这些糟糕情绪,而不仅仅是那些积极的情绪。这些情感不是衰弱或者病态的象征,而是意味着你不是机器人或者精神病人。 So, the next time you find yourself seeking happiness, double-check to make sure you’re not looking in all these wrong places. 所以,下次发现自己在寻找幸福的时候,要反复确认——是否在这些方面出了问题。 英文来源:《英语世界》 作者:梅甘·布鲁诺(Megan Bruneau) 译者:郑淑明、周鸿雁
Photo from Pexels by Blu Byrd Happiness is a serious moneymaker. People around the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to avoid the tough stuff and feel good about themselves, whether that’s through prescription pills, going crazy with dieting and fitness, or that time-tested elixir of life: alcohol. As a psychotherapist who helps people bump their overall happiness level up a few notches, I’ve heard pretty much all of the myths out there about happiness. The worst part is that these myths actually make you unhappy (messed up, right?) – so ditching them is, paradoxically, part of finding happiness. When you achieve [whatever goal you’re going after], you’ll be happy Land the promotion, the spouse, the Lambo, the goal weight, the condo, whatever it is – you’ll finally experience eternal happiness. Hey, it’s not your fault for believing this, since you’ve likely been fed the American dream since the moment you escaped from the womb. But this logic is flawed. Achievements don’t protect you from feeling like crap, and they definitely don’t make you superhuman. Multimillionaires still get depressed. People with “perfect” bodies still get dumped. Steady, passive income doesn’t protect you from losing someone to cancer. If you can start appreciating where you are, rather than basing your sense of fulfillment on some future accomplishment, you’ll be much closer to happiness. When you find the right person, you’ll be happy If you think being in a relationship is necessary for happiness, you’re going to feel inadequate and probably anxious when you’re single. There’s no doubt a strong relationship can make your life better in a lot of ways, but it’s certainly not a requirement. In fact, many people feel lonelier and more disconnected in a relationship than outside of one. When you’re unhappy, it’s natural to blame your relationship status, but try not to – instead of waiting for your “soulmate” to bump into you like your life is a John Cusack movie, see if there are other ways to meet your needs. You know, ways that are in your control. Being happy means you’ll never feel like crap The “happily ever after” stuff just isn’t real. To be human is to feel, and it’s a guarantee that you’ll feel disappointment, loss, anger, guilt, sadness, fear, conflict, embarrassment, frustration, and so on and so on. These feelings are universal; happiness is about being able to make space for ALL these shitty emotions, not just the positive ones. They’re not a sign of brokenness or pathology. They mean you’re not a robot or a psychopath. So, the next time you find yourself seeking happiness, double-check to make sure you’re not looking in all these wrong places.
和对的人结婚,就能幸福;找到一份理想的工作,就能幸福;拥有了豪宅,就能幸福……关于幸福,我们有很多“神话”,但是真相是什么呢? 幸福是棵正儿八经的摇钱树。世界各地的人们花费数千亿美元来躲避难关、寻求快乐,要么服用处方药、疯狂节食和健身,要么求助久经考验的长生不老药——酒精。 作为心理治疗师,我帮助人们提升整体幸福的层次。我几乎听说过所有关于幸福的神话。而最糟糕的是,这些神话其实会让你不幸福(乱了,是吗?)——所以,摆脱这些神话,反而是寻找幸福的一部分。 实现了(你追求的目标),你就会幸福 无论是职务晋升、寻得伴侣、购得跑车、体重达标,还是拥有公寓——实现了,你就会感受到无限的幸福。嘿,相信这种神话并不是你的错,因为你一出生就被灌输了这种美国梦。 但它的逻辑漏洞百出。即使取得各种成就,也并不会让你感觉良好,更绝对不会让你变成超人。百万富翁也会有心情抑郁的时候。拥有“完美”身材的人也会失恋。稳定、被动的收入不会保证你身边的人不因癌症去世。如果你能开始欣赏目前的处境,而不是依赖还未实现的某项成就带来的满足感,你就会离幸福更近。 遇到了对的人,你就会幸福 如果你认为只有谈恋爱才能幸福,那你会在单身时感到空虚,还很可能感到焦虑。毫无疑问,一段良好的恋爱关系能在很多方面让你的人生更棒,但这并不是必要条件。事实上,相比起单身,很多人在恋爱中感到更加孤独、更加与世隔绝。 当你感到不幸福,你会很自然地怪罪于情感状态,但是,请不要这样做,而要想其他办法满足你的需要,而不是等待你的“灵魂伴侣”突然出现在你面前,毕竟你的人生不是约翰·库萨克的电影。要知道,方法就在你的掌控中。 感觉幸福意味着永远不会心情糟糕 It’s no coincidence that a lot of these myths are clichés from fairytales, and nowhere is that more evident than humankind’s steadfast belief in happy endings. No! Not that kind! 许多这样的神话都是来自童话故事的陈腔滥调,这绝不是巧合——没有什么比人们对美好结局的向往更坚定。不!可不是那么回事! “幸福永存”之类的话根本就是假的。人生在世就是要体验。你肯定会体验到失望、失落、愤怒、愧疚、悲伤、恐惧、矛盾、尴尬、挫折,等等。这些情绪人皆有之;幸福是能够包容所有这些糟糕情绪,而不仅仅是那些积极的情绪。这些情感不是衰弱或者病态的象征,而是意味着你不是机器人或者精神病人。 所以,下次发现自己在寻找幸福的时候,要反复确认——是否在这些方面出了问题。 英文来源:《英语世界》 作者:梅甘·布鲁诺(Megan Bruneau) 译者:郑淑明、周鸿雁
在很多年里,纽约市政部门逐步停用了该市控制人行横道信号灯的大部分按钮,但一直没怎么声张。他们认定,计算机操控的计时器更好用。到了2004年,3250个按钮中只剩不到750个还能发挥作用。但是,市政府并没有拆除已经没用的那些按钮,令无数手指白费一番力气。 Photo by Nout Gons from Pexels Initially, the buttons survived because of the cost of removing them. But it turned out that even inoperative buttons serve a purpose. Pedestrians who press a button are less likely to cross before the green man appears, says Tal Oron-Gilad of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel. Having studied behaviour at crossings, she notes that people more readily obey a system which purports to heed their input. 一开始,按钮被留下来是因为拆除的成本问题。但后来却发现,即使无法控制信号灯的按钮也仍有用处。以色列本·古里安大学的塔勒·奥龙-吉拉德表示,按下按钮的行人不太可能在绿色信号灯亮起前就横穿马路。研究过人们在路口的行为后,她注意到大家更倾向于服从一个声称会听从他们的指令的系统。 Inoperative buttons produce placebo effects of this sort (the word placebo is Latin for “I shall be pleasing”) because people like an impression of control over systems they are using, says Eytan Adar, an expert on human-computer interaction at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr Adar notes that his students commonly design software with a clickable “save” button that has no role other than to reassure those users who are unaware that their keystrokes are saved automatically anyway. Think of it, he says, as a touch of benevolent deception to counter the inherent coldness of the machine world. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校的人机交互专家埃坦·埃达表示,失效的按钮之所以会产生这种安慰剂效应(placebo出自拉丁语,原意是“我会讨人喜欢”),是因为人们喜欢对自己所使用的系统有掌控感。他指出,自己的学生在设计软件时经常会加上一个可点击的“保存”按钮,但其实用户的输入都会自动保存,这个“保存”按钮仅仅是为了让对此不知情的用户放心而已。他说,不妨将这视作对抗机器世界里固有的冷漠的一种善意欺骗。 That is one view. But, at road crossings at least, placebo buttons may also have a darker side. Ralf Risser, head of factum, a Viennese institute that studies psychological factors in traffic systems, reckons that pedestrians’ awareness of their existence, and consequent resentment at the deception, now outweighs the benefits. 这是一种观点。但是,安慰剂按钮可能也有不利的一面,至少在过马路的问题上是这样。研究交通系统心理因素的维也纳FACTUM研究所的负责人拉尔夫·里瑟尔认为,行人意识到按钮无效进而感到被骗的怨怒,如今已让这种做法弊大于利。 Something which happened in Lebanon supports that view. Crossing buttons introduced in Beirut between 2005 and 2009 proved a flop. Pedestrians wanted them to summon a “walk” signal immediately, rather than at the next appropriate phase in the traffic-light cycle, as is normal. The authorities therefore disabled them, putting walk signals on a preset schedule instead. Word spread that button-pressing had become pointless. The consequent frustration increased the amount of jaywalking, says Zaher Massaad, formerly a senior traffic engineer for the Lebanese government. 黎巴嫩发生的情况可引为佐证。2005年至2009年间在贝鲁特引入的过街按钮最后被证明是失败的。行人希望按键后能立刻亮起“步行”信号,而不是像通常那样等待交通灯的周期性转换。因此市政部门停用了这些按钮,按预设的时间启动步行信号。曾在黎巴嫩政府担任高级交通工程师的查希尔·马萨德说,过街按钮无用的消息传开,随之而来的懊恼导致更多人乱穿马路。 Beirut’s disabled buttons are, says Mr Massaad, now being removed. They should all be gone within three years. New York has similarly stripped crossings of non-functioning buttons, says Josh Benson, the city’s deputy commissioner for traffic operations, though it does retain about 100 working ones. These are in places where pedestrians are sufficiently rare that stopping the traffic automatically is unjustified. However, internet chatter about placebo buttons has become so common that doubt, albeit misguided, seems to be growing about even these functioning buttons’ functionality. This suspicion, says Mr Benson, has spread beyond New York, to include places such as Los Angeles, where almost all the crossing buttons have always worked, at least during off-peak hours. 马萨德说,贝鲁特正在拆除无效的过街按钮,三年内应该能全部清理完毕。纽约市交通运营处副处长乔什·本森表示,纽约也拆除了无效的过街按钮,但保留了大约100个有效的。这些按钮都设置在行人稀少到已经不适合使用自动交通灯的地方。然而,网上对安慰剂按钮的热议,导致人们对有效的按钮也开始怀疑起来,尽管这是受到了误导。本森表示,这种怀疑已蔓延到了纽约以外的地方,包括几乎所有过街按钮都总是有效(至少在非高峰时段是这样)的洛杉矶。 Truth be told, though, the end may be nigh for all road-crossing buttons, placebo or real. At an increasing number of junctions, those waiting to cross can be detected, and even counted, using cameras or infrared and microwave detectors. Dynniq, a Dutch firm, recently equipped an intersection in Tilburg with a system that recognizes special apps on the smart phones of the elderly or disabled, and provides those people with 5 to 12 extra seconds to cross. That really will be pleasing. 但事实上,无论是安慰剂还是真的过街按钮可能都会很快消亡。越来越多的道路交汇处配备了摄像头或红外和微波探测器,可探测甚至统计等待过马路的行人。荷兰科技公司Dynniq近年在蒂尔堡市的一个十字路口安装了一套系统,能识别老年人或残疾人智能手机上的专门应用,为他们提供额外5到12秒的过马路时间。这的确会很讨人喜欢。 来源: 英语世界
Photo by Nout Gons from Pexels Initially, the buttons survived because of the cost of removing them. But it turned out that even inoperative buttons serve a purpose. Pedestrians who press a button are less likely to cross before the green man appears, says Tal Oron-Gilad of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel. Having studied behaviour at crossings, she notes that people more readily obey a system which purports to heed their input. Inoperative buttons produce placebo effects of this sort (the word placebo is Latin for “I shall be pleasing”) because people like an impression of control over systems they are using, says Eytan Adar, an expert on human-computer interaction at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr Adar notes that his students commonly design software with a clickable “save” button that has no role other than to reassure those users who are unaware that their keystrokes are saved automatically anyway. Think of it, he says, as a touch of benevolent deception to counter the inherent coldness of the machine world. That is one view. But, at road crossings at least, placebo buttons may also have a darker side. Ralf Risser, head of factum, a Viennese institute that studies psychological factors in traffic systems, reckons that pedestrians’ awareness of their existence, and consequent resentment at the deception, now outweighs the benefits. Something which happened in Lebanon supports that view. Crossing buttons introduced in Beirut between 2005 and 2009 proved a flop. Pedestrians wanted them to summon a “walk” signal immediately, rather than at the next appropriate phase in the traffic-light cycle, as is normal. The authorities therefore disabled them, putting walk signals on a preset schedule instead. Word spread that button-pressing had become pointless. The consequent frustration increased the amount of jaywalking, says Zaher Massaad, formerly a senior traffic engineer for the Lebanese government. Beirut’s disabled buttons are, says Mr Massaad, now being removed. They should all be gone within three years. New York has similarly stripped crossings of non-functioning buttons, says Josh Benson, the city’s deputy commissioner for traffic operations, though it does retain about 100 working ones. These are in places where pedestrians are sufficiently rare that stopping the traffic automatically is unjustified. However, internet chatter about placebo buttons has become so common that doubt, albeit misguided, seems to be growing about even these functioning buttons’ functionality. This suspicion, says Mr Benson, has spread beyond New York, to include places such as Los Angeles, where almost all the crossing buttons have always worked, at least during off-peak hours. Truth be told, though, the end may be nigh for all road-crossing buttons, placebo or real. At an increasing number of junctions, those waiting to cross can be detected, and even counted, using cameras or infrared and microwave detectors. Dynniq, a Dutch firm, recently equipped an intersection in Tilburg with a system that recognizes special apps on the smart phones of the elderly or disabled, and provides those people with 5 to 12 extra seconds to cross. That really will be pleasing.
在很多年里,纽约市政部门逐步停用了该市控制人行横道信号灯的大部分按钮,但一直没怎么声张。他们认定,计算机操控的计时器更好用。到了2004年,3250个按钮中只剩不到750个还能发挥作用。但是,市政府并没有拆除已经没用的那些按钮,令无数手指白费一番力气。 一开始,按钮被留下来是因为拆除的成本问题。但后来却发现,即使无法控制信号灯的按钮也仍有用处。以色列本·古里安大学的塔勒·奥龙-吉拉德表示,按下按钮的行人不太可能在绿色信号灯亮起前就横穿马路。研究过人们在路口的行为后,她注意到大家更倾向于服从一个声称会听从他们的指令的系统。 密歇根大学安娜堡分校的人机交互专家埃坦·埃达表示,失效的按钮之所以会产生这种安慰剂效应(placebo出自拉丁语,原意是“我会讨人喜欢”),是因为人们喜欢对自己所使用的系统有掌控感。他指出,自己的学生在设计软件时经常会加上一个可点击的“保存”按钮,但其实用户的输入都会自动保存,这个“保存”按钮仅仅是为了让对此不知情的用户放心而已。他说,不妨将这视作对抗机器世界里固有的冷漠的一种善意欺骗。 这是一种观点。但是,安慰剂按钮可能也有不利的一面,至少在过马路的问题上是这样。研究交通系统心理因素的维也纳FACTUM研究所的负责人拉尔夫·里瑟尔认为,行人意识到按钮无效进而感到被骗的怨怒,如今已让这种做法弊大于利。 黎巴嫩发生的情况可引为佐证。2005年至2009年间在贝鲁特引入的过街按钮最后被证明是失败的。行人希望按键后能立刻亮起“步行”信号,而不是像通常那样等待交通灯的周期性转换。因此市政部门停用了这些按钮,按预设的时间启动步行信号。曾在黎巴嫩政府担任高级交通工程师的查希尔·马萨德说,过街按钮无用的消息传开,随之而来的懊恼导致更多人乱穿马路。 马萨德说,贝鲁特正在拆除无效的过街按钮,三年内应该能全部清理完毕。纽约市交通运营处副处长乔什·本森表示,纽约也拆除了无效的过街按钮,但保留了大约100个有效的。这些按钮都设置在行人稀少到已经不适合使用自动交通灯的地方。然而,网上对安慰剂按钮的热议,导致人们对有效的按钮也开始怀疑起来,尽管这是受到了误导。本森表示,这种怀疑已蔓延到了纽约以外的地方,包括几乎所有过街按钮都总是有效(至少在非高峰时段是这样)的洛杉矶。 但事实上,无论是安慰剂还是真的过街按钮可能都会很快消亡。越来越多的道路交汇处配备了摄像头或红外和微波探测器,可探测甚至统计等待过马路的行人。荷兰科技公司Dynniq近年在蒂尔堡市的一个十字路口安装了一套系统,能识别老年人或残疾人智能手机上的专门应用,为他们提供额外5到12秒的过马路时间。这的确会很讨人喜欢。 来源: 英语世界
美国《时代》周刊刚刚揭晓2020年度人物:美国当选总统拜登和当选副总统哈里斯当选年度人物,韩国男子演唱团体防弹少年团当选年度艺人,勒布朗·詹姆斯当选年度运动员。 US President-elect Joe Biden (left) and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris. Photo/Reuters At some point during their time in the White House, every elected US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. 自从富兰克林·D·罗斯福以来,美国当选的每一任总统在入主白宫期间的某一个时刻都曾被选为《时代》杂志的年度人物。 On Thursday evening, the publication announced that President-elect Joe Biden continues the trend — with a twist: He is the first to receive the title alongside his running-mate, Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris. 当地时间12月10日晚,《时代》周刊宣布,当选总统乔·拜登延续了这一趋势,不过有一点变化:他是第一个和竞选伙伴(当选副总统卡玛拉·D·哈里斯)一同被选为《时代》年度人物的美国总统。 It is another “first” for Harris, who will become the first woman, first Black person and first Asian American to serve in the nation’s second-highest office. 对于哈里斯而言这是又一个“第一”,她即将成为登上美国政坛第二把交椅的第一位女性、第一位黑人和第一位亚裔美国人。 Photo/Twitter 防弹少年团再登封面 Ultra-popular K-pop band BTS has a global influence, and that star power is now being recognized by Time magazine. BTS was named Time 's Entertainer of the Year for 2020, with their own cover shot by Mok Jung Wook. 人气火爆的韩流组合防弹少年团粉丝遍及全球,而这一明星影响力如今获得了《时代》周刊的肯定。防弹少年团被评选为《时代》2020年度艺人,封面照片由摄影师睦桢煜拍摄。 The band is so influential that South Korean lawmakers passed the so-called "BTS Bill" earlier this month, which will likely give major pop stars the ability to postpone their mandatory national military service. Under the law, deferment waivers for military service would be granted to pop musicians who have won awards. 这一乐团的巨大影响力迫使韩国立法者本月早些时候通过了“防弹少年团法案”,该法案将让大牌明星获得推迟服兵役的资格。根据这一法规,获得过大奖的流行歌手可以延期入伍。 deferment [dɪˈfɜːrmənt]: n. 延期 BTS has won their fair share of awards. They have been nominated for seven American Music Awards, all of which they've won; four Billboard Music awards, which they also won; and they are nominated for a Grammy Award. 防弹少年团斩获的奖项数不胜数。他们曾7次获得全美音乐奖的提名并全部获奖;4次获得公告牌音乐奖的提名,也全部获奖;此外他们还获得过格莱美奖的提名。 Photo/Instagram 年度运动员:勒布朗·詹姆斯 In addition to Entertainer of the Year, Time also announced its Athlete of the Year: LeBron James. 除了年度艺人,《时代》周刊还宣布了年度运动员:勒布朗·詹姆斯。 James is not only recognized for his accomplishments on the court but for his social justice activism. James has rallied fellow athletes to demonstrate against racial justice and police brutality, himself wearing an "I can't breathe" shirt on the court in memory of George Floyd. 詹姆斯不只是因为在球场上的成就而受到肯定,还因为他为社会正义运动做出的努力。詹姆斯曾召集自己的同行一起示威反对种族歧视和警察暴力,为了纪念乔治·弗洛伊德他曾在球场上穿过一件“我不能呼吸”的T恤。 Photo/Instagram He has also publicly spoken out about the Breonna Taylor case and launched a nonprofit, More Than a Vote, which focuses on "combating systemic, racist voter suppression by educating, energizing, and protecting our community in 2020." 他还曾对布伦娜·泰勒案件公开发声,并创立了一个非盈利机构“不仅仅是投票”,该组织致力于“通过教育和激励来对抗种族主义投票者的系统性的压迫,并在2020年保护我们的社区”。 英文来源:哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网、华盛顿邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
US President-elect Joe Biden (left) and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris. Photo/Reuters At some point during their time in the White House, every elected US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. On Thursday evening, the publication announced that President-elect Joe Biden continues the trend — with a twist: He is the first to receive the title alongside his running-mate, Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris. It is another “first” for Harris, who will become the first woman, first Black person and first Asian American to serve in the nation’s second-highest office. Photo/Twitter Ultra-popular K-pop band BTS has a global influence, and that star power is now being recognized by Time magazine. BTS was named Time 's Entertainer of the Year for 2020, with their own cover shot by Mok Jung Wook. The band is so influential that South Korean lawmakers passed the so-called "BTS Bill" earlier this month, which will likely give major pop stars the ability to postpone their mandatory national military service. Under the law, deferment waivers for military service would be granted to pop musicians who have won awards. BTS has won their fair share of awards. They have been nominated for seven American Music Awards, all of which they've won; four Billboard Music awards, which they also won; and they are nominated for a Grammy Award. Photo/Instagram In addition to Entertainer of the Year, Time also announced its Athlete of the Year: LeBron James. James is not only recognized for his accomplishments on the court but for his social justice activism. James has rallied fellow athletes to demonstrate against racial justice and police brutality, himself wearing an "I can't breathe" shirt on the court in memory of George Floyd. Photo/Instagram He has also publicly spoken out about the Breonna Taylor case and launched a nonprofit, More Than a Vote, which focuses on "combating systemic, racist voter suppression by educating, energizing, and protecting our community in 2020."
美国《时代》周刊刚刚揭晓2020年度人物:美国当选总统拜登和当选副总统哈里斯当选年度人物,韩国男子演唱团体防弹少年团当选年度艺人,勒布朗·詹姆斯当选年度运动员。 自从富兰克林·D·罗斯福以来,美国当选的每一任总统在入主白宫期间的某一个时刻都曾被选为《时代》杂志的年度人物。 当地时间12月10日晚,《时代》周刊宣布,当选总统乔·拜登延续了这一趋势,不过有一点变化:他是第一个和竞选伙伴(当选副总统卡玛拉·D·哈里斯)一同被选为《时代》年度人物的美国总统。 对于哈里斯而言这是又一个“第一”,她即将成为登上美国政坛第二把交椅的第一位女性、第一位黑人和第一位亚裔美国人。 防弹少年团再登封面 人气火爆的韩流组合防弹少年团粉丝遍及全球,而这一明星影响力如今获得了《时代》周刊的肯定。防弹少年团被评选为《时代》2020年度艺人,封面照片由摄影师睦桢煜拍摄。 这一乐团的巨大影响力迫使韩国立法者本月早些时候通过了“防弹少年团法案”,该法案将让大牌明星获得推迟服兵役的资格。根据这一法规,获得过大奖的流行歌手可以延期入伍。 deferment [dɪˈfɜːrmənt]: n. 延期 防弹少年团斩获的奖项数不胜数。他们曾7次获得全美音乐奖的提名并全部获奖;4次获得公告牌音乐奖的提名,也全部获奖;此外他们还获得过格莱美奖的提名。 年度运动员:勒布朗·詹姆斯 除了年度艺人,《时代》周刊还宣布了年度运动员:勒布朗·詹姆斯。 詹姆斯不只是因为在球场上的成就而受到肯定,还因为他为社会正义运动做出的努力。詹姆斯曾召集自己的同行一起示威反对种族歧视和警察暴力,为了纪念乔治·弗洛伊德他曾在球场上穿过一件“我不能呼吸”的T恤。 他还曾对布伦娜·泰勒案件公开发声,并创立了一个非盈利机构“不仅仅是投票”,该组织致力于“通过教育和激励来对抗种族主义投票者的系统性的压迫,并在2020年保护我们的社区”。 英文来源:哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网、华盛顿邮报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近年来,“控糖”成了一种流行,不少爱美人士认为“戒糖=延缓衰老”。然而“戒糖”并非易事,因为添加糖潜伏在各种令人意想不到的食品中。很多“健康食品”实际都含有大量糖分,食品公司用麦芽糖浆、龙舌兰糖浆甚至果汁这些听起来更健康的名字给添加糖作伪装。 《纽约时报》的一篇文章解答了关于“控糖”的常见问题和误区,比如,为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康。如果你是“控糖小白”,一定要仔细阅读哦~ [Photo/Pexels] I have never understood why “added sugar” is more unfriendly to health than “natural sugar,” which can be found in abundance in so many fruits, starting with morning natural orange juice. Can you explain? 问:我一直不明白,为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康。很多水果中都含有“天然糖”,从早上的天然橙汁开始。能解释一下吗? The natural sugar in whole fruit (fructose) is accompanied by fiber and nutrients and makes a slow journey through your body. But when sugar is added to beverages or packaged foods, it’s more quickly absorbed and burdens the liver. Here are three good reasons to choose whole fruits versus foods with added sugar or fruit juice. 答:水果中的天然糖分(果糖)是由纤维和营养物质组成的,它会在你的体内缓慢代谢。但是,当糖被添加到饮料或包装食品中,它的吸收会更快,会加重肝脏负担。应当选择吃完整的水果,而不是添加糖食品或果汁,下面是三个理由。 Fiber: Whole fruits contain fiber, which slows the absorption of fructose. Sugars enter the bloodstream more slowly, so the liver has more time to metabolize them. 纤维:完整的水果都含有纤维,可以减缓果糖吸收。糖进入血液的速度会更慢,所以肝脏会有更多时间来代谢它们。 Satiety: Processed food is digested quickly as soon as it enters our intestines. Fiber-rich foods like whole fruits break down slowly and travel farther through the digestive track, which triggers the release of satiety hormones that make us feel full. 饱腹:加工食品一旦进入肠道就会被迅速消化。而全果这类富含纤维的食物则会慢慢分解,在消化系统中停留更长时间,从而触发饱腹激素的释放,让我们感觉很饱。 Gut Health: The slow journey of the fiber, fructose and nutrients in whole fruit essentially allows the body to feed the healthy bacteria in our intestine, supporting the health of our microbiome. 肠道健康:完整的水果中的纤维、果糖和营养物质在消化道中停留较长,方便身体培养肠道中的健康细菌,有利于体内菌群的健康。 [Photo/pexels] Why aren’t bananas and grapes recommended for people cutting sugar? 问:为什么不推荐“控糖”人士吃香蕉和葡萄? While most fruits make a slow journey through the digestive tract, bananas and grapes are particularly high in fructose given the amount of fiber they contain, so they give us a faster sugar spike. Dr. Robert Lustig of the University of California, San Francisco, calls grapes “little bags of sugar.” Enjoy bananas and grapes sparingly and opt for a variety of fruits. 答:虽然大多数水果被消化的时间较长,但香蕉和葡萄的果糖含量极高,考虑到它们的纤维含量,它们会让血糖飙升得更快。加州大学旧金山分校的罗伯特·勒斯蒂格博士说,葡萄堪比“小袋糖”。建议少食香蕉和葡萄,多吃各种各样的水果。 Can I eat dried fruit on a low-sugar diet? 问:我可以吃低糖的干果吗? Dried fruit is packed with nutrients, but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite. The risk is that it takes more dried fruit to fill you up than whole fruits. Raisins and dates are about 60 to 65 percent sugar, dried figs and apricots are about 50 percent sugar, and prunes are about 38 percent sugar. The good news is that dried fruit still has the fiber, and it can be a great snack as long as you are aware of how much you are eating. 答:干果富含营养物质,但在干燥过程中,水分会流失,这样很小的一口干果里就浓缩了大量的果糖。问题在于,要想填饱肚子,就得吃下比全果更多的干果。葡萄干和枣干含有60%到65%的糖,无花果干和杏干含有50%的糖,梅干含有38%的糖。好消息是,干果内仍然含有纤维,只要控制食量,它也是一种很好的零食。 Another way to weigh the pros and cons of dried fruit is to look at glycemic load, a measure of how fast your body converts a serving of food into sugar. Ideally you should eat foods with a glycemic load of 10 or less. Anything above 20 is considered very high. Prunes have a glycemic load of 10, whereas raisins have a glycemic load of 28. Compare that to whole fruits. Strawberries, apricots, grapefruit, lemon, limes, cantaloupe, nectarines, oranges, pears, blueberries, peaches, plums, apples and pineapple have glycemic loads of 6 or less. 衡量干果利弊的另一种方法是看血糖负荷指数,它是用来衡量身体将食物转化为糖的速度。理想情况下,食物的血糖负荷指数应该在10或10以下,高于20则是过高的。梅干的血糖负荷指数是10,而葡萄干的血糖负荷指数是28。以完整水果作对比,草莓、杏子、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、哈密瓜、油桃、橙子、梨、蓝莓、桃子、李子、苹果和菠萝的血糖负荷指数不超过6。 [Photo/Pexels] I use milk in my coffee. Is that added sugar? 问:我会在咖啡里加牛奶。这是添加糖吗? A quarter-cup of milk contains about 3 grams of a natural sugar called lactose. The sugar in milk is not considered an “added sugar,” and it doesn’t overwhelm the liver the way added sugar does. Adding milk or cream to your coffee and enjoying the naturally sweet taste of milk is a great way to kick the added sugar habit in the morning. 答:四分之一杯牛奶含有约3克被称为乳糖的天然糖。牛奶中的糖不算是“添加糖”,它也不像添加糖那样加重肝脏负担。在咖啡中加入牛奶或奶油,享受牛奶天然的甜味,这是从早上开始戒掉添加糖习惯的好方法。 Drinkers of soy and nut milks need to check the label. Many of those products have added sugar. If you love a few teaspoons of sugar in your morning coffee, try adding more milk and cut the sugar in half to start. 喝豆奶和坚果奶时需要检查食品标签。这类产品中有许多添加了糖。如果你喜欢在早上的咖啡里加几茶匙糖,试着加更多牛奶,然后把糖减半。 [Photo/Pexels] Can a few more details be provided about a no-sugar, no-grain breakfast? Doesn’t bacon have sugar? What if I don’t want eggs all the time? 问:可以提供关于无糖、无谷物早餐的更多细节吗?培根里含糖吗?如果我不想早饭总吃鸡蛋怎么办? With so much added sugar lurking in granola, cereals, pastries, breads and yogurts, you might as well just call it dessert. But readers have had a tough time figuring out alternatives to popular grain-based breakfast foods. Here are some ideas. 答:即食麦片、谷物、糕点、面包和酸奶中都含有大量添加糖,不妨把它们称为甜点。常见的早餐食品以谷物为主,读者们很难找到其他替代品。以下是一些想法。 High-protein breakfast: Eggs are a high-protein option, and while they are also high in cholesterol, many people can probably eat them in moderation without worrying about heart risks. But many people don’t want to eat eggs every day. Bacon is also high in protein but, like other processed meats, also shouldn’t be consumed daily. (Most plain bacon does not have added sugar, though if it’s maple-cured or brown-sugar-cured, it probably does.) Consider eating smoked salmon, tuna or chicken salad for breakfast. Make a vegan breakfast bowl of sweet potatoes, beans and avocado. 高蛋白早餐:鸡蛋是提供高蛋白的选择,虽然它们也含有高胆固醇,但许多人也许可以适量食用,无需担心心脏病的风险。不过很多人不想每天都吃鸡蛋。培根也富含蛋白质,但和它其他加工肉类一样,不应每天食用。(大多数普通培根是不加糖的,不过如果是枫香熏或红糖熏的,可能会加糖。)可以考虑早餐吃烟熏三文鱼、金枪鱼或鸡肉沙拉。或者用红薯、豆子和鳄梨做一份素食早餐。 Sweet alternatives: Try plain, unsweetened yogurt with berries and nuts or sliced apples with sugar-free peanut butter. Or just eat and savor a whole orange or make a fruit salad. 甜食替代品:尝试原味无糖酸奶,加入浆果和坚果,或者苹果片和无糖花生酱。要不就吃一个完整的橘子,或者做一份水果沙拉。 Greens and vegetables: Try a breakfast salad with avocado and hard-boiled eggs. Use a big kale leaf to make a breakfast burrito or egg salad wrap. Experiment with cauliflower to make hash browns. Bake a sweet potato and add salsa, yogurt or nuts. 绿色蔬菜:试试用鳄梨和水煮蛋做早餐沙拉。用一片大甘蓝叶做早餐卷或鸡蛋沙拉卷。做一个花椰菜版的土豆丝饼。烤一个红薯,加入辣番茄酱、酸奶或坚果。 If I can’t have orange juice, what am I supposed to drink in the morning? 问:如果不能喝橙汁,早上应该喝什么? Even though orange juice is a natural food, the juicing process eliminates much of the fiber and concentrates the sugar, making it a poor choice. Make juice a once-a-week treat. Instead, try ice water with an orange wedge. 答:尽管橙汁是一种天然食品,但榨汁过程会消除很多纤维,并浓缩糖分,因此这不是一个好的选择。每周喝一次果汁即可。你可以尝试橙子块加冰水来代替。 来源: 英语世界
[Photo/Pexels] I have never understood why “added sugar” is more unfriendly to health than “natural sugar,” which can be found in abundance in so many fruits, starting with morning natural orange juice. Can you explain? The natural sugar in whole fruit (fructose) is accompanied by fiber and nutrients and makes a slow journey through your body. But when sugar is added to beverages or packaged foods, it’s more quickly absorbed and burdens the liver. Here are three good reasons to choose whole fruits versus foods with added sugar or fruit juice. Fiber: Whole fruits contain fiber, which slows the absorption of fructose. Sugars enter the bloodstream more slowly, so the liver has more time to metabolize them. Satiety: Processed food is digested quickly as soon as it enters our intestines. Fiber-rich foods like whole fruits break down slowly and travel farther through the digestive track, which triggers the release of satiety hormones that make us feel full. Gut Health: The slow journey of the fiber, fructose and nutrients in whole fruit essentially allows the body to feed the healthy bacteria in our intestine, supporting the health of our microbiome. [Photo/pexels] Why aren’t bananas and grapes recommended for people cutting sugar? While most fruits make a slow journey through the digestive tract, bananas and grapes are particularly high in fructose given the amount of fiber they contain, so they give us a faster sugar spike. Dr. Robert Lustig of the University of California, San Francisco, calls grapes “little bags of sugar.” Enjoy bananas and grapes sparingly and opt for a variety of fruits. Can I eat dried fruit on a low-sugar diet? Dried fruit is packed with nutrients, but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite. The risk is that it takes more dried fruit to fill you up than whole fruits. Raisins and dates are about 60 to 65 percent sugar, dried figs and apricots are about 50 percent sugar, and prunes are about 38 percent sugar. The good news is that dried fruit still has the fiber, and it can be a great snack as long as you are aware of how much you are eating. Another way to weigh the pros and cons of dried fruit is to look at glycemic load, a measure of how fast your body converts a serving of food into sugar. Ideally you should eat foods with a glycemic load of 10 or less. Anything above 20 is considered very high. Prunes have a glycemic load of 10, whereas raisins have a glycemic load of 28. Compare that to whole fruits. Strawberries, apricots, grapefruit, lemon, limes, cantaloupe, nectarines, oranges, pears, blueberries, peaches, plums, apples and pineapple have glycemic loads of 6 or less. [Photo/Pexels] I use milk in my coffee. Is that added sugar? A quarter-cup of milk contains about 3 grams of a natural sugar called lactose. The sugar in milk is not considered an “added sugar,” and it doesn’t overwhelm the liver the way added sugar does. Adding milk or cream to your coffee and enjoying the naturally sweet taste of milk is a great way to kick the added sugar habit in the morning. Drinkers of soy and nut milks need to check the label. Many of those products have added sugar. If you love a few teaspoons of sugar in your morning coffee, try adding more milk and cut the sugar in half to start. [Photo/Pexels] Can a few more details be provided about a no-sugar, no-grain breakfast? Doesn’t bacon have sugar? What if I don’t want eggs all the time? With so much added sugar lurking in granola, cereals, pastries, breads and yogurts, you might as well just call it dessert. But readers have had a tough time figuring out alternatives to popular grain-based breakfast foods. Here are some ideas. High-protein breakfast: Eggs are a high-protein option, and while they are also high in cholesterol, many people can probably eat them in moderation without worrying about heart risks. But many people don’t want to eat eggs every day. Bacon is also high in protein but, like other processed meats, also shouldn’t be consumed daily. (Most plain bacon does not have added sugar, though if it’s maple-cured or brown-sugar-cured, it probably does.) Consider eating smoked salmon, tuna or chicken salad for breakfast. Make a vegan breakfast bowl of sweet potatoes, beans and avocado. Sweet alternatives: Try plain, unsweetened yogurt with berries and nuts or sliced apples with sugar-free peanut butter. Or just eat and savor a whole orange or make a fruit salad. Greens and vegetables: Try a breakfast salad with avocado and hard-boiled eggs. Use a big kale leaf to make a breakfast burrito or egg salad wrap. Experiment with cauliflower to make hash browns. Bake a sweet potato and add salsa, yogurt or nuts. If I can’t have orange juice, what am I supposed to drink in the morning? Even though orange juice is a natural food, the juicing process eliminates much of the fiber and concentrates the sugar, making it a poor choice. Make juice a once-a-week treat. Instead, try ice water with an orange wedge.
近年来,“控糖”成了一种流行,不少爱美人士认为“戒糖=延缓衰老”。然而“戒糖”并非易事,因为添加糖潜伏在各种令人意想不到的食品中。很多“健康食品”实际都含有大量糖分,食品公司用麦芽糖浆、龙舌兰糖浆甚至果汁这些听起来更健康的名字给添加糖作伪装。 《纽约时报》的一篇文章解答了关于“控糖”的常见问题和误区,比如,为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康。如果你是“控糖小白”,一定要仔细阅读哦~ 问:我一直不明白,为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康。很多水果中都含有“天然糖”,从早上的天然橙汁开始。能解释一下吗? 答:水果中的天然糖分(果糖)是由纤维和营养物质组成的,它会在你的体内缓慢代谢。但是,当糖被添加到饮料或包装食品中,它的吸收会更快,会加重肝脏负担。应当选择吃完整的水果,而不是添加糖食品或果汁,下面是三个理由。 纤维:完整的水果都含有纤维,可以减缓果糖吸收。糖进入血液的速度会更慢,所以肝脏会有更多时间来代谢它们。 饱腹:加工食品一旦进入肠道就会被迅速消化。而全果这类富含纤维的食物则会慢慢分解,在消化系统中停留更长时间,从而触发饱腹激素的释放,让我们感觉很饱。 肠道健康:完整的水果中的纤维、果糖和营养物质在消化道中停留较长,方便身体培养肠道中的健康细菌,有利于体内菌群的健康。 问:为什么不推荐“控糖”人士吃香蕉和葡萄? 答:虽然大多数水果被消化的时间较长,但香蕉和葡萄的果糖含量极高,考虑到它们的纤维含量,它们会让血糖飙升得更快。加州大学旧金山分校的罗伯特·勒斯蒂格博士说,葡萄堪比“小袋糖”。建议少食香蕉和葡萄,多吃各种各样的水果。 问:我可以吃低糖的干果吗? 答:干果富含营养物质,但在干燥过程中,水分会流失,这样很小的一口干果里就浓缩了大量的果糖。问题在于,要想填饱肚子,就得吃下比全果更多的干果。葡萄干和枣干含有60%到65%的糖,无花果干和杏干含有50%的糖,梅干含有38%的糖。好消息是,干果内仍然含有纤维,只要控制食量,它也是一种很好的零食。 衡量干果利弊的另一种方法是看血糖负荷指数,它是用来衡量身体将食物转化为糖的速度。理想情况下,食物的血糖负荷指数应该在10或10以下,高于20则是过高的。梅干的血糖负荷指数是10,而葡萄干的血糖负荷指数是28。以完整水果作对比,草莓、杏子、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、哈密瓜、油桃、橙子、梨、蓝莓、桃子、李子、苹果和菠萝的血糖负荷指数不超过6。 问:我会在咖啡里加牛奶。这是添加糖吗? 答:四分之一杯牛奶含有约3克被称为乳糖的天然糖。牛奶中的糖不算是“添加糖”,它也不像添加糖那样加重肝脏负担。在咖啡中加入牛奶或奶油,享受牛奶天然的甜味,这是从早上开始戒掉添加糖习惯的好方法。 喝豆奶和坚果奶时需要检查食品标签。这类产品中有许多添加了糖。如果你喜欢在早上的咖啡里加几茶匙糖,试着加更多牛奶,然后把糖减半。 问:可以提供关于无糖、无谷物早餐的更多细节吗?培根里含糖吗?如果我不想早饭总吃鸡蛋怎么办? 答:即食麦片、谷物、糕点、面包和酸奶中都含有大量添加糖,不妨把它们称为甜点。常见的早餐食品以谷物为主,读者们很难找到其他替代品。以下是一些想法。 高蛋白早餐:鸡蛋是提供高蛋白的选择,虽然它们也含有高胆固醇,但许多人也许可以适量食用,无需担心心脏病的风险。不过很多人不想每天都吃鸡蛋。培根也富含蛋白质,但和它其他加工肉类一样,不应每天食用。(大多数普通培根是不加糖的,不过如果是枫香熏或红糖熏的,可能会加糖。)可以考虑早餐吃烟熏三文鱼、金枪鱼或鸡肉沙拉。或者用红薯、豆子和鳄梨做一份素食早餐。 甜食替代品:尝试原味无糖酸奶,加入浆果和坚果,或者苹果片和无糖花生酱。要不就吃一个完整的橘子,或者做一份水果沙拉。 绿色蔬菜:试试用鳄梨和水煮蛋做早餐沙拉。用一片大甘蓝叶做早餐卷或鸡蛋沙拉卷。做一个花椰菜版的土豆丝饼。烤一个红薯,加入辣番茄酱、酸奶或坚果。 问:如果不能喝橙汁,早上应该喝什么? 答:尽管橙汁是一种天然食品,但榨汁过程会消除很多纤维,并浓缩糖分,因此这不是一个好的选择。每周喝一次果汁即可。你可以尝试橙子块加冰水来代替。 来源: 英语世界
全球权威色彩机构潘通刚刚发布了2021年的代表色——极致灰和荧光黄。极致灰象征着平静和刚毅,荧光黄则象征着乐观和活力。潘通希望这两种色彩的组合可以为人们带来希望和力量。 Credit: Pantone Color Institute As 2020 nears its tumultuous end, the Pantone Color Institute has taken up its annual task of forecasting the color that will best reflect the year ahead. 2020年即将在一片混乱中走向尾声之时,潘通色彩研究所发布了代表2021年度趋势的色彩。 And, in a decision befitting a complex time, the color authority -- which standardizes swatches for the design industry -- has revealed not one, but two hues for its Color of the Year: the neutral Ultimate Gray and vibrant yellow Illuminating. 在这个复杂的情势下,为设计行业提供标准色卡的这个色彩权威机构本次发布的年度色彩不是一个,而是两个:极致灰和荧光黄。 swatch [swɑːtʃ]: n. 样本,样品 Pantone's swatches for its latest Colors of the Year: Illuminating, a vibrant light yellow, and Ultimate Gray, the first neutral shade to ever be selected. Credit: Pantone Color Institute "It's a combination that speaks to the resilience, the optimism and hope and positivity that we need, as we reset, renew, reimagine and reinvent," said Laurie Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, in a video call along with executive director, Leatrice Eiseman. 潘通色彩研究所的副所长劳里·普雷斯曼在和执行董事莉雅翠丝·艾斯曼一起参加的视频通话中表示:“这个色彩组合代表了我们在重置、重启、重构和改造过程中所需要的适应力、乐观、希望和积极性。” It's the first time an achromatic shade (gray) has been selected, and the second time two colors have been chosen. In 2016, the pale pink and blue hues, Rose Quartz and Serenity broke the norm when they were presented as a gradient. 这是潘通首次选择非彩色颜色(灰色)作为年度色,在一个年度选出两个代表色则是第二次。2016年潘通曾打破常规,选择水晶粉和宁静蓝两种色彩的渐变组合作为年度色彩。 achromatic [,ækrə'mætɪk]: adj. 非彩色的 gradient [ˈɡreɪdiənt]: n. 渐变 "Two extremely independent colors highlight how different elements come together to express this message of strength and hopefulness," said Pantone VP Laurie Pressman. Credit: Pantone Color Institute Though Pantone selecting two colors might be seen as hedging its bets -- a gray or yellow, depending on how 2021 unfolds -- Pressman and Eiseman want people to consider the colors' impact as a unified pair, hinting at the importance of solidarity in the coming year. 尽管潘通选择的这两种颜色好似在两面下注,是灰色还是黄色更合适,取决于2021年的走向。不过普雷斯曼和艾斯曼希望人们将这两种颜色作为一个统一的整体来看待其影响,暗示着来年团结一心的重要性。 "Two extremely independent colors highlight how different elements come together to express this message of strength and hopefulness," said Pressman. 普雷斯曼说:“两个极为独立的颜色凸显出不同的因素如何一起传达出力量和希望的讯息。” The only other time an optimistic yellow hue has been selected was during another widespread economic crisis. For 2009, Pantone chose the lively Mimosa, projecting a sense of hope as the Great Recession of 2008 rocked North and South America and Europe. 在此之前,潘通唯一一次选择乐观的黄色是在另一轮大范围的经济危机期间。2009年潘通将充满活力的含羞草黄选为年度色彩,给遭遇2008年大萧条的北美、南美和欧洲带去希望的感觉。 The color choices of Ultimate Gray and Illuminating mark the second time Pantone has opted for two different hues. Credit: Pantone Color Institute According to Pantone's press statement, Illuminating is associated with optimism and vivacity, while Ultimate Gray encourages "feelings of composure, steadiness and resilience." 根据潘通的新闻声明,荧光黄与乐观和活力有关,而极致灰则鼓励“平静、稳定和柔韧的感觉”。 In her own research into color associations, Eiseman has found that yellow is often associated with "cheer" and "happiness," due to its correlation with the sun. 艾斯曼在对色彩关联意义的研究中发现,由于黄色和太阳的关联性,所以黄色往往和“开心”、“快乐”联系在一起。 Pantone's selection for Ultimate Gray, however, is a bit more complicated. Though it was selected for its qualities of fortitude and reliability -- it's the color of stone, and a classic neutral in a wardrobe -- according to research, gray is linked with negative moods like sadness, fear and disappointment. In a year marked by mass illness and economic anxiety, such a selection isn't off base. But Pressman thinks gray can be a bit more versatile and open to interpretation. She and Eiseman point out it's a mid-gray, not a "heavy" shade. 不过,潘通对极致灰的选择则更复杂一些。灰色是石头的颜色,是衣柜中的经典中性色。尽管选择灰色是因其刚毅和可靠的隐含义,但研究显示,灰色与悲伤、恐惧和失望等负面情绪有关。在被群体性疾病和经济焦虑困扰的一年,这一选择并非毫无根据。但是普雷斯曼认为,灰色可以有更多面,有更多不同的诠释。她和艾斯曼指出,极致灰是中灰色,而不是深灰色。 Studies have found that the color yellow is most often associated with joy, while gray can be a bit more moody. Credit: Pantone Color Institute However people interpret Pantone's choices this year, Pressman and Eiseman emphasize the strength of bringing two disparate colors together. 无论人们如何解读潘通今年的选择,普雷斯曼和艾斯曼强调了将两种不同色彩结合在一起的力量。 "What we were trying to demonstrate was how you have different elements that come together, and it's that coming together that expresses the strength and the hopefulness," said Eiseman. 艾斯曼说:“我们试图展示的是,如何将不同元素结合在一起表达出力量和希望。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Credit: Pantone Color Institute As 2020 nears its tumultuous end, the Pantone Color Institute has taken up its annual task of forecasting the color that will best reflect the year ahead. And, in a decision befitting a complex time, the color authority -- which standardizes swatches for the design industry -- has revealed not one, but two hues for its Color of the Year: the neutral Ultimate Gray and vibrant yellow Illuminating. Pantone's swatches for its latest Colors of the Year: Illuminating, a vibrant light yellow, and Ultimate Gray, the first neutral shade to ever be selected. Credit: Pantone Color Institute "It's a combination that speaks to the resilience, the optimism and hope and positivity that we need, as we reset, renew, reimagine and reinvent," said Laurie Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, in a video call along with executive director, Leatrice Eiseman. It's the first time an achromatic shade (gray) has been selected, and the second time two colors have been chosen. In 2016, the pale pink and blue hues, Rose Quartz and Serenity broke the norm when they were presented as a gradient. "Two extremely independent colors highlight how different elements come together to express this message of strength and hopefulness," said Pantone VP Laurie Pressman. Credit: Pantone Color Institute Though Pantone selecting two colors might be seen as hedging its bets -- a gray or yellow, depending on how 2021 unfolds -- Pressman and Eiseman want people to consider the colors' impact as a unified pair, hinting at the importance of solidarity in the coming year. "Two extremely independent colors highlight how different elements come together to express this message of strength and hopefulness," said Pressman. The only other time an optimistic yellow hue has been selected was during another widespread economic crisis. For 2009, Pantone chose the lively Mimosa, projecting a sense of hope as the Great Recession of 2008 rocked North and South America and Europe. The color choices of Ultimate Gray and Illuminating mark the second time Pantone has opted for two different hues. Credit: Pantone Color Institute According to Pantone's press statement, Illuminating is associated with optimism and vivacity, while Ultimate Gray encourages "feelings of composure, steadiness and resilience." In her own research into color associations, Eiseman has found that yellow is often associated with "cheer" and "happiness," due to its correlation with the sun. Pantone's selection for Ultimate Gray, however, is a bit more complicated. Though it was selected for its qualities of fortitude and reliability -- it's the color of stone, and a classic neutral in a wardrobe -- according to research, gray is linked with negative moods like sadness, fear and disappointment. In a year marked by mass illness and economic anxiety, such a selection isn't off base. But Pressman thinks gray can be a bit more versatile and open to interpretation. She and Eiseman point out it's a mid-gray, not a "heavy" shade. Studies have found that the color yellow is most often associated with joy, while gray can be a bit more moody. Credit: Pantone Color Institute However people interpret Pantone's choices this year, Pressman and Eiseman emphasize the strength of bringing two disparate colors together. "What we were trying to demonstrate was how you have different elements that come together, and it's that coming together that expresses the strength and the hopefulness," said Eiseman.
全球权威色彩机构潘通刚刚发布了2021年的代表色——极致灰和荧光黄。极致灰象征着平静和刚毅,荧光黄则象征着乐观和活力。潘通希望这两种色彩的组合可以为人们带来希望和力量。 2020年即将在一片混乱中走向尾声之时,潘通色彩研究所发布了代表2021年度趋势的色彩。 在这个复杂的情势下,为设计行业提供标准色卡的这个色彩权威机构本次发布的年度色彩不是一个,而是两个:极致灰和荧光黄。 swatch [swɑːtʃ]: n. 样本,样品 潘通色彩研究所的副所长劳里·普雷斯曼在和执行董事莉雅翠丝·艾斯曼一起参加的视频通话中表示:“这个色彩组合代表了我们在重置、重启、重构和改造过程中所需要的适应力、乐观、希望和积极性。” 这是潘通首次选择非彩色颜色(灰色)作为年度色,在一个年度选出两个代表色则是第二次。2016年潘通曾打破常规,选择水晶粉和宁静蓝两种色彩的渐变组合作为年度色彩。 achromatic [,ækrə'mætɪk]: adj. 非彩色的 gradient [ˈɡreɪdiənt]: n. 渐变 尽管潘通选择的这两种颜色好似在两面下注,是灰色还是黄色更合适,取决于2021年的走向。不过普雷斯曼和艾斯曼希望人们将这两种颜色作为一个统一的整体来看待其影响,暗示着来年团结一心的重要性。 普雷斯曼说:“两个极为独立的颜色凸显出不同的因素如何一起传达出力量和希望的讯息。” 在此之前,潘通唯一一次选择乐观的黄色是在另一轮大范围的经济危机期间。2009年潘通将充满活力的含羞草黄选为年度色彩,给遭遇2008年大萧条的北美、南美和欧洲带去希望的感觉。 根据潘通的新闻声明,荧光黄与乐观和活力有关,而极致灰则鼓励“平静、稳定和柔韧的感觉”。 艾斯曼在对色彩关联意义的研究中发现,由于黄色和太阳的关联性,所以黄色往往和“开心”、“快乐”联系在一起。 不过,潘通对极致灰的选择则更复杂一些。灰色是石头的颜色,是衣柜中的经典中性色。尽管选择灰色是因其刚毅和可靠的隐含义,但研究显示,灰色与悲伤、恐惧和失望等负面情绪有关。在被群体性疾病和经济焦虑困扰的一年,这一选择并非毫无根据。但是普雷斯曼认为,灰色可以有更多面,有更多不同的诠释。她和艾斯曼指出,极致灰是中灰色,而不是深灰色。 无论人们如何解读潘通今年的选择,普雷斯曼和艾斯曼强调了将两种不同色彩结合在一起的力量。 艾斯曼说:“我们试图展示的是,如何将不同元素结合在一起表达出力量和希望。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
来自国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国已经有超过2.5亿人正饱受脱发的困扰,平均每6人中就有1人脱发,大批90后也已经加入到脱发的阵营中来。 More than 250 million people in China suffer from hair loss, with an average of one in six people losing their hair, according to data released by the National Health Commission. Among them is a large number of the post-90s generation. 国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国有超过2.5亿人脱发,平均每6人就有1人脱发。其中大批是90后。 据CGTN报道,其中,20到40岁的男性占据脱发人群的主流(men aged 20 to 40 are the main group with the problem)。 一部分饱受脱发困扰的90后年轻人,开始尝试佩戴假发。假发不再是刻板印象里中老年人的专属。 记者走访发现,市场上的假发售价高低不一,头套在1000-1500元之间,发片价格稍低,从几十元到几百元不等。 The rising number of people suffering from hair loss has fueled a surge in the wig and hair transplant markets. 而受脱发困扰人数的上升带火了假发和植发市场。 According to the owner of one wig shop, the proportion of young consumers visiting the shop has increased from 10 percent to 25-30 percent now, China Central Television (CCTV) reported. 据央视报道,某假发店的老板表示,年轻消费者的比例从过去的10%增长到现在的25%到30%。 Different from elderly consumers, young consumers are more concerned about their looks. And they prefer to choose products such as hairpieces or hair toppers to create a more natural look. 而和老年用户不同的是,年轻的用户会更加在意外表。他们会更倾向于购买看上去更自然的假发片。 除了假发片,植发也已成为90后消费主流,在目前的植发群体中,20至30岁的年轻人占据了57.4%。 To save the receding hairlines, many people have turned to hair transplant surgery. Around 57.4 percent of consumers who conduct the treatment are people born post 1990, the survey unveiled. 为了挽救后退的发际线,很多人选择做植发手术。调查显示,在目前的植发群体中,九零后占据了57.4%。 Statistics show that the worth of China's hair transplant market jumped from 5.7 billion yuan (868 million US dollars) to 16.3 billion yuan. In 2020, the market will exceed 20 billion yuan. 数据显示,我国植发行业市场规模由57亿元跃升到163亿元。而在2020年,市场规模可能超过200亿元。 上海进博会上展出的植发辅助机器人。图源:新华社 但相比假发,植发的花费还是要更高,在数千到数万元不等: However, hair transplant surgery is still expensive for many young people, and the price varies from thousands up to tens of thousands of yuan. however, many say the price is worth it if the results are good. 然而,植发手术的花销对于一些年轻人来说还是太昂贵了,价格从几千元到几万元不等。然而,很多人说如果效果好那这笔钱还是值得花的。 所以说,使年轻人脱发情况增加的主要因素是什么呢?专家表示,过度焦虑会影响头发正常的生长周期。 In an interview with Peking University First Hospital dermatologist Yang Shuxia, she noted that "excessive anxiety can, in a way, interrupt the normal growth cycle of hair." 北京大学第一医院皮肤科医生杨淑霞在接受采访时表示,过度焦虑会影响头发正常的生长周期。 However, Yang suggested that people don't need to be panic about the hair loss. Instead, she urged people to try to notice their significant changes in the past few months such as experiencing constant anxiety, irregular daily routines or rapid weight loss, and then wait for three months to see if those symptoms go away. 然而,她表示人们并不用担心脱发问题。相反,她让人们关注自身数月以来显著的变化,比如说经常性的焦虑、不规则的作息或者是体重的快速下降,过三个月看症状是否消失。 She also explained that not all types of hair loss are the same. Pattern hair loss, for instance, can be inherited, while alopecia is caused by problems with the immune system. 她也解释道,并非所有的脱发都是一样的。有些脱发可能是遗传性的,而斑秃可能是免疫系统的问题。 编辑:李雪晴 参考来源:CGTN 央视财经等
More than 250 million people in China suffer from hair loss, with an average of one in six people losing their hair, according to data released by the National Health Commission. Among them is a large number of the post-90s generation. The rising number of people suffering from hair loss has fueled a surge in the wig and hair transplant markets. According to the owner of one wig shop, the proportion of young consumers visiting the shop has increased from 10 percent to 25-30 percent now, China Central Television (CCTV) reported. Different from elderly consumers, young consumers are more concerned about their looks. And they prefer to choose products such as hairpieces or hair toppers to create a more natural look. To save the receding hairlines, many people have turned to hair transplant surgery. Around 57.4 percent of consumers who conduct the treatment are people born post 1990, the survey unveiled. Statistics show that the worth of China's hair transplant market jumped from 5.7 billion yuan (868 million US dollars) to 16.3 billion yuan. In 2020, the market will exceed 20 billion yuan. However, hair transplant surgery is still expensive for many young people, and the price varies from thousands up to tens of thousands of yuan. however, many say the price is worth it if the results are good. In an interview with Peking University First Hospital dermatologist Yang Shuxia, she noted that "excessive anxiety can, in a way, interrupt the normal growth cycle of hair." However, Yang suggested that people don't need to be panic about the hair loss. Instead, she urged people to try to notice their significant changes in the past few months such as experiencing constant anxiety, irregular daily routines or rapid weight loss, and then wait for three months to see if those symptoms go away. She also explained that not all types of hair loss are the same. Pattern hair loss, for instance, can be inherited, while alopecia is caused by problems with the immune system.
来自国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国已经有超过2.5亿人正饱受脱发的困扰,平均每6人中就有1人脱发,大批90后也已经加入到脱发的阵营中来。 国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国有超过2.5亿人脱发,平均每6人就有1人脱发。其中大批是90后。 据CGTN报道,其中,20到40岁的男性占据脱发人群的主流(men aged 20 to 40 are the main group with the problem)。 一部分饱受脱发困扰的90后年轻人,开始尝试佩戴假发。假发不再是刻板印象里中老年人的专属。 记者走访发现,市场上的假发售价高低不一,头套在1000-1500元之间,发片价格稍低,从几十元到几百元不等。 而受脱发困扰人数的上升带火了假发和植发市场。 据央视报道,某假发店的老板表示,年轻消费者的比例从过去的10%增长到现在的25%到30%。 而和老年用户不同的是,年轻的用户会更加在意外表。他们会更倾向于购买看上去更自然的假发片。 除了假发片,植发也已成为90后消费主流,在目前的植发群体中,20至30岁的年轻人占据了57.4%。 为了挽救后退的发际线,很多人选择做植发手术。调查显示,在目前的植发群体中,九零后占据了57.4%。 数据显示,我国植发行业市场规模由57亿元跃升到163亿元。而在2020年,市场规模可能超过200亿元。 上海进博会上展出的植发辅助机器人。图源:新华社 但相比假发,植发的花费还是要更高,在数千到数万元不等: 然而,植发手术的花销对于一些年轻人来说还是太昂贵了,价格从几千元到几万元不等。然而,很多人说如果效果好那这笔钱还是值得花的。 所以说,使年轻人脱发情况增加的主要因素是什么呢?专家表示,过度焦虑会影响头发正常的生长周期。 北京大学第一医院皮肤科医生杨淑霞在接受采访时表示,过度焦虑会影响头发正常的生长周期。 然而,她表示人们并不用担心脱发问题。相反,她让人们关注自身数月以来显著的变化,比如说经常性的焦虑、不规则的作息或者是体重的快速下降,过三个月看症状是否消失。 她也解释道,并非所有的脱发都是一样的。有些脱发可能是遗传性的,而斑秃可能是免疫系统的问题。 编辑:李雪晴 参考来源:CGTN 央视财经等
为了提高本国的生育率,日本政府可谓是绞尽脑汁。最近日本又决定资助人工智能婚恋配对项目,希望高科技的“红娘”可以帮人们找到真爱。 Photo from Pexels by Dương Nhân Japan plans to boost its tumbling birth rate by funding artificial intelligence matchmaking schemes to help residents find love. 为了提高不断下滑的生育率,日本计划资助人工智能婚恋配对项目来帮助居民找到真爱。 From next year it will subsidise local governments already running or starting projects that use AI to pair people up. 从明年起,日本政府将补贴那些已经在运营或刚刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府。 Last year the number of babies born in Japan fell below 865,000 - a record low. 去年日本的新生儿数量降至历史最低点,不足86500人。 The fast-greying nation has long been searching for ways to reverse one of the world's lowest fertility rates. 长时间以来,这个快速老龄化的国家一直在寻找逆转世界最低生育率的方法。 Boosting the use of AI tech is one of its latest efforts. 促进人工智能技术的使用就是日本最新的一个尝试。 Next year the government plans to allocate local authorities 2bn yen to boost the birth rate, reported AFP news agency. 据法新社报道,明年日本政府计划给地方政府拨款20亿日元(约合人民币1.3亿元)以提高生育率。 Many already offer human-run matchmaking services and some have introduced AI systems in the hope they will perform a more sophisticated analysis of the standardised forms where people submit their details. 许多地方政府已经在提供人工婚介服务,一些政府推出了人工智能系统,希望能够对人们提交的标准化详情表进行更精密的分析。 A few of the existing systems are limited to considering criteria such as income and age, only producing a result if there is an exact match. 现有的几个人工智能系统只限于分析收入和年龄等标准,只有在完全匹配的情况下才会出结果。 Local media say that the funding aims to allow authorities to harness more costly advanced systems that take into account factors like hobbies and values. 当地媒体称,这项拨款旨在让地方政府采用更昂贵的人工智能高级系统,可以分析爱好和价值观等因素。 "We are especially planning to offer subsidies to local governments operating or starting up matchmaking projects that use AI," a cabinet official told AFP. "We hope this support will help reverse the decline in the nation's birthrate." 一名内阁官员告诉法新社说:“我们计划重点向运营或刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府提供补贴。我们希望这一支持能帮助逆转日本生育率下降的趋势。” Japan's population is projected to fall from a peak of 128 million in 2017 to less than 53 million by the end of the century. 据估计,到本世纪末,日本人口将从2017年的峰值1.28亿将至不到5300万。 Policymakers are racing to ensure the country's contracting workforce can meet the expanding costs of welfare. 决策者正在和时间赛跑,确保日本不断缩水的劳动人口能负担不断增加的福利支出。 Photo from Pexels by Polina Tankilevitch Sachiko Horiguchi, a socio-cultural and medical anthropologist at Japan's Temple University, thinks there are better ways for the government to bump up the birth rate than subsidising AI matchmaking - such as helping young people earning low wages. 天普大学日本分校的社会文化和医学人类学家堀口幸子认为,政府有比补贴人工智能配对更好的方法来提高生育率,比如给那些低工资的年轻人提供帮助。 She pointed to a recent report which suggests a link between lower income levels and the loss of interest in romantic relationships among young Japanese adults. 她指出,最近的一份研究报告表明,日本年轻成人的低收入水平和无心谈恋爱有关联。 "If they're not interested in dating, the matchmaking would likely be ineffective," Dr Horiguchi told the BBC. "If we are to rely on technologies, affordable AI robots taking over household or childcare tasks may be more effective." 堀口博士告诉BBC称:“如果他们对约会没兴趣,那么婚恋配对很可能没有效果。如果我们要依靠技术来解决问题,让平价的智能机器人帮忙干家务或照顾孩子可能会更有效。” Analysts have long pointed towards the lack of support for working mothers in Japan, where there are strong expectations women will do all the housework and raise children alongside doing their jobs. 很早以前,分析人员就指出日本的职场母亲缺乏支持,日本社会有一种很强的观念,认为女性除了工作,还应该包揽全部家务并养育孩子。 The government has said it wants to encourage more women into full-time employment in recent years but the gender gap has grown. 近年来日本政府表示,想鼓励更多女性做全职工作,但是性别鸿沟却一直在扩大。 Japan ranked 121st out of 153 countries in a 2019 report on gender equality by the World Economic Forum, slipping down 11 places from the year before. 世界经济论坛2019年关于性别平等的一份报告显示,日本在153个国家中排名第121位,相比前一年下滑了11位。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Japan plans to boost its tumbling birth rate by funding artificial intelligence matchmaking schemes to help residents find love. From next year it will subsidise local governments already running or starting projects that use AI to pair people up. Last year the number of babies born in Japan fell below 865,000 - a record low. The fast-greying nation has long been searching for ways to reverse one of the world's lowest fertility rates. Boosting the use of AI tech is one of its latest efforts. Next year the government plans to allocate local authorities 2bn yen to boost the birth rate, reported AFP news agency. Many already offer human-run matchmaking services and some have introduced AI systems in the hope they will perform a more sophisticated analysis of the standardised forms where people submit their details. A few of the existing systems are limited to considering criteria such as income and age, only producing a result if there is an exact match. Local media say that the funding aims to allow authorities to harness more costly advanced systems that take into account factors like hobbies and values. "We are especially planning to offer subsidies to local governments operating or starting up matchmaking projects that use AI," a cabinet official told AFP. "We hope this support will help reverse the decline in the nation's birthrate." Japan's population is projected to fall from a peak of 128 million in 2017 to less than 53 million by the end of the century. Policymakers are racing to ensure the country's contracting workforce can meet the expanding costs of welfare. Photo from Pexels by Polina Tankilevitch Sachiko Horiguchi, a socio-cultural and medical anthropologist at Japan's Temple University, thinks there are better ways for the government to bump up the birth rate than subsidising AI matchmaking - such as helping young people earning low wages. She pointed to a recent report which suggests a link between lower income levels and the loss of interest in romantic relationships among young Japanese adults. "If they're not interested in dating, the matchmaking would likely be ineffective," Dr Horiguchi told the BBC. "If we are to rely on technologies, affordable AI robots taking over household or childcare tasks may be more effective." Analysts have long pointed towards the lack of support for working mothers in Japan, where there are strong expectations women will do all the housework and raise children alongside doing their jobs. The government has said it wants to encourage more women into full-time employment in recent years but the gender gap has grown. Japan ranked 121st out of 153 countries in a 2019 report on gender equality by the World Economic Forum, slipping down 11 places from the year before.
为了提高本国的生育率,日本政府可谓是绞尽脑汁。最近日本又决定资助人工智能婚恋配对项目,希望高科技的“红娘”可以帮人们找到真爱。 Photo from Pexels by Dương Nhân 为了提高不断下滑的生育率,日本计划资助人工智能婚恋配对项目来帮助居民找到真爱。 从明年起,日本政府将补贴那些已经在运营或刚刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府。 去年日本的新生儿数量降至历史最低点,不足86500人。 长时间以来,这个快速老龄化的国家一直在寻找逆转世界最低生育率的方法。 促进人工智能技术的使用就是日本最新的一个尝试。 据法新社报道,明年日本政府计划给地方政府拨款20亿日元(约合人民币1.3亿元)以提高生育率。 许多地方政府已经在提供人工婚介服务,一些政府推出了人工智能系统,希望能够对人们提交的标准化详情表进行更精密的分析。 现有的几个人工智能系统只限于分析收入和年龄等标准,只有在完全匹配的情况下才会出结果。 当地媒体称,这项拨款旨在让地方政府采用更昂贵的人工智能高级系统,可以分析爱好和价值观等因素。 一名内阁官员告诉法新社说:“我们计划重点向运营或刚启动人工智能婚恋配对项目的地方政府提供补贴。我们希望这一支持能帮助逆转日本生育率下降的趋势。” 据估计,到本世纪末,日本人口将从2017年的峰值1.28亿将至不到5300万。 决策者正在和时间赛跑,确保日本不断缩水的劳动人口能负担不断增加的福利支出。 天普大学日本分校的社会文化和医学人类学家堀口幸子认为,政府有比补贴人工智能配对更好的方法来提高生育率,比如给那些低工资的年轻人提供帮助。 她指出,最近的一份研究报告表明,日本年轻成人的低收入水平和无心谈恋爱有关联。 堀口博士告诉BBC称:“如果他们对约会没兴趣,那么婚恋配对很可能没有效果。如果我们要依靠技术来解决问题,让平价的智能机器人帮忙干家务或照顾孩子可能会更有效。” 很早以前,分析人员就指出日本的职场母亲缺乏支持,日本社会有一种很强的观念,认为女性除了工作,还应该包揽全部家务并养育孩子。 近年来日本政府表示,想鼓励更多女性做全职工作,但是性别鸿沟却一直在扩大。 世界经济论坛2019年关于性别平等的一份报告显示,日本在153个国家中排名第121位,相比前一年下滑了11位。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
当地时间1日,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)确认,被誉为地球“两大眼睛”之一的阿雷西博射电望远镜塌了,彻底结束了观测寿命。 A satellite image shows an overview of the Arecibo Observatory after it collapsed in Puerto Rico December 6, 2020.[Photo/Agencies] The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed overnight, according to the National Science Foundation. 美国国家科学基金会称,位于波多黎各的直径达305米的阿雷西博射电望远镜设备平台一夜之间坍塌。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)1日报道,NSF当天在推特上说,“阿雷西博射电望远镜的平台一夜之间坍塌,所幸没有人员伤亡报告。” Engineers assessed the damage and determined that all three of the telescope's support towers broke off, sending the 900-ton instrument platform plummeting down to the dish below. The telescope's support cables also dropped. The observatory's learning center was significantly damaged by the falling cables as well. 工程师们评估并认定了损坏情况:望远镜的三个支撑塔全部断裂,重达900吨的接收平台坠落到下面的碟形反射盘上。此外,望远镜的支撑钢缆也已断裂。望远镜的学习中心也被坠落的电缆严重损坏。 据悉,阿雷西博望远镜于1963年建成,口径305米。在“中国天眼”FAST2016年9月建成前,阿雷西博望远镜是世界最大的单口径射电望远镜。 2017年飓风“玛丽亚”重创波多黎各,造成阿雷西博望远镜钢缆第一次断裂,此后钢缆多次出现断裂。就在11月19日,NSF宣布,该望远镜将被关闭并以可控方式拆除,但相关计划还没实施,就发生了坍塌事故。 Following two cable breaks in August and November, experts determined that the radio telescope was so structurally unsound that it had to be decommissioned. 继8月和11月两次钢缆断裂后,专家们确定,阿雷西博岌岌可危,将面临关闭。 长期在阿雷西博天文台工作的物理学家门德斯(Abel Mendez)告诉美国《商业内幕》(Business Insider)记者,“当我得知此事时,我完全崩溃了(I was totally devastated)”。 "It's hard to take. It's like losing someone important in your life. Yeah, 2020 — it's not good." “我很难接受这个事实,这就像失去了你生命中重要的人。2020年不太走运。” 门德斯表示,“现在唯一在做类似研究的地方是中国500米口径球面射电望远镜,它比阿雷西博要灵敏。失去阿雷西博,就失去了一天24小时监控微弱无线电信号的能力,现在我们只有一只眼睛了。” "The only place that we have to do something like that, that'd be sensitive or more sensitive than Arecibo, is now FAST in China. ...The United States lost all that capability because it doesn't have Arecibo." “中国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)是唯一一个能做类似研究的了,它比阿雷西博更灵敏。……没了阿雷西博,美国就失去了这项本领。” "If you are monitoring a source of interest which is in the weak radio spectrum, you need two big radio telescopes: one pointing toward something during the day, and the other through the nighttime." “要监控微弱无线电信号,需要两个大型射电望远镜:一个在白天观察,另一个在夜间观察。” "If you lose Arecibo, then you lose the ability to monitor — 24 hours a day — a faint source of radio signals. Now we just have one eye." “失去阿雷西博,就失去了一天24小时监控微弱无线电信号的能力。现在我们只有一只眼睛了。” 《商业内幕》称,美国失去了其最优秀的小行星和外星人搜寻者(The US has lost its best asteroid hunter and alien seeker)。 CNN称,该望远镜对射电天文学的重要发现以及行星和太阳系的研究贡献巨大。阿雷西博在发现太阳系外第一颗行星的过程中发挥关键作用,并帮助天文学家识别了飞越地球的潜在危险小行星。1974年,阿雷西博发现了第一颗双星脉冲星,间接证实了广义相对论的预言。此外,该望远镜还绘出第一幅金星表面的雷达图,并在1992年首次发现太阳系外的行星系统。 编辑:陈月华 来源:CNN 商业内幕网 新华网 央视新闻
A satellite image shows an overview of the Arecibo Observatory after it collapsed in Puerto Rico December 6, 2020.[Photo/Agencies] The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed overnight, according to the National Science Foundation. Engineers assessed the damage and determined that all three of the telescope's support towers broke off, sending the 900-ton instrument platform plummeting down to the dish below. The telescope's support cables also dropped. The observatory's learning center was significantly damaged by the falling cables as well. Following two cable breaks in August and November, experts determined that the radio telescope was so structurally unsound that it had to be decommissioned. "It's hard to take. It's like losing someone important in your life. Yeah, 2020 — it's not good." "The only place that we have to do something like that, that'd be sensitive or more sensitive than Arecibo, is now FAST in China. ...The United States lost all that capability because it doesn't have Arecibo." "If you are monitoring a source of interest which is in the weak radio spectrum, you need two big radio telescopes: one pointing toward something during the day, and the other through the nighttime." "If you lose Arecibo, then you lose the ability to monitor — 24 hours a day — a faint source of radio signals. Now we just have one eye."
当地时间1日,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)确认,被誉为地球“两大眼睛”之一的阿雷西博射电望远镜塌了,彻底结束了观测寿命。 美国国家科学基金会称,位于波多黎各的直径达305米的阿雷西博射电望远镜设备平台一夜之间坍塌。 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)1日报道,NSF当天在推特上说,“阿雷西博射电望远镜的平台一夜之间坍塌,所幸没有人员伤亡报告。” 工程师们评估并认定了损坏情况:望远镜的三个支撑塔全部断裂,重达900吨的接收平台坠落到下面的碟形反射盘上。此外,望远镜的支撑钢缆也已断裂。望远镜的学习中心也被坠落的电缆严重损坏。 据悉,阿雷西博望远镜于1963年建成,口径305米。在“中国天眼”FAST2016年9月建成前,阿雷西博望远镜是世界最大的单口径射电望远镜。 2017年飓风“玛丽亚”重创波多黎各,造成阿雷西博望远镜钢缆第一次断裂,此后钢缆多次出现断裂。就在11月19日,NSF宣布,该望远镜将被关闭并以可控方式拆除,但相关计划还没实施,就发生了坍塌事故。 继8月和11月两次钢缆断裂后,专家们确定,阿雷西博岌岌可危,将面临关闭。 长期在阿雷西博天文台工作的物理学家门德斯(Abel Mendez)告诉美国《商业内幕》(Business Insider)记者,“当我得知此事时,我完全崩溃了(I was totally devastated)”。 “我很难接受这个事实,这就像失去了你生命中重要的人。2020年不太走运。” 门德斯表示,“现在唯一在做类似研究的地方是中国500米口径球面射电望远镜,它比阿雷西博要灵敏。失去阿雷西博,就失去了一天24小时监控微弱无线电信号的能力,现在我们只有一只眼睛了。” “中国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)是唯一一个能做类似研究的了,它比阿雷西博更灵敏。……没了阿雷西博,美国就失去了这项本领。” “要监控微弱无线电信号,需要两个大型射电望远镜:一个在白天观察,另一个在夜间观察。” “失去阿雷西博,就失去了一天24小时监控微弱无线电信号的能力。现在我们只有一只眼睛了。” 《商业内幕》称,美国失去了其最优秀的小行星和外星人搜寻者(The US has lost its best asteroid hunter and alien seeker)。 CNN称,该望远镜对射电天文学的重要发现以及行星和太阳系的研究贡献巨大。阿雷西博在发现太阳系外第一颗行星的过程中发挥关键作用,并帮助天文学家识别了飞越地球的潜在危险小行星。1974年,阿雷西博发现了第一颗双星脉冲星,间接证实了广义相对论的预言。此外,该望远镜还绘出第一幅金星表面的雷达图,并在1992年首次发现太阳系外的行星系统。 编辑:陈月华 来源:CNN 商业内幕网 新华网 央视新闻
环保组织“摆脱塑缚”的年度审计结果显示,可口可乐连续第三年成为世界最大塑料污染源,百事可乐和雀巢紧随其后。这些饮料巨头被指责在减少塑料污染上毫无进展,尽管他们一直宣称自己正在积极解决。 Photo from Pexels by alleksana Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé have been accused of “zero progress” on reducing plastic waste, after being named the world’s top plastic polluters for the third year in a row. 连续第三年成为世界最大塑料污染源的可口可乐、百事可乐和雀巢被指在减少塑料污染上“零进展”。 Coca-Cola was ranked the world’s No 1 plastic polluter by Break Free From Plastic in its annual audit, after its beverage bottles were the most frequently found discarded on beaches, rivers, parks and other litter sites in 51 of 55 nations surveyed. Last year it was the most frequently littered bottle in 37 countries, out of 51 surveyed. “摆脱塑缚”组织的年度审计结果显示,可口可乐是世界最大的塑料污染源。该组织调查了55个国家和地区,在其中51个国家和地区的海滩、河流、公园和其他场所发现得最多的垃圾就是可口可乐的废弃饮料瓶。去年该组织调查了51个国家和地区,其中37个国家和地区最常见的垃圾是可口可乐饮料瓶。 It was found to be worse than PepsiCo and Nestlé combined: Coca-Cola branding was found on 13,834 pieces of plastic, with PepsiCo branding on 5,155 and Nestlé branding on 8,633. 可口可乐的塑料污染比百事可乐和雀巢加在一起还要糟:在13834片垃圾上发现了可口可乐的标志,在5155片垃圾上发现了百事可乐的标志,在8633片垃圾上发现了雀巢的标志。 The annual audit, undertaken by 15,000 volunteers around the world, identifies the largest number of plastic products from global brands found in the highest number of countries. This year they collected 346,494 pieces of plastic waste, 63% of which was marked clearly with a consumer brand. 由世界各地的15000名志愿者开展的年度审计活动识别出哪些在最多国家出现的国际品牌的塑料垃圾数量最大。今年他们收集了34万6494片垃圾,其中有63%都带有明显的消费品牌标识。 Coca-Cola came under fire from environmental campaigners earlier this year when it announced it would not abandon plastic bottles, saying they were popular with customers. In March, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé and Unilever were found to be responsible for half a million tonnes of plastic pollution in six developing countries each year in a survey. 今年早些时候,可口可乐因为宣布不会弃用塑料瓶而遭到了环保人士的炮轰。可口可乐的理由是塑料瓶很受顾客的欢迎。今年三月的一项调查发现,可口可乐、百事可乐、雀巢和联合利华每年在六个发展中国家产生50万吨塑料垃圾。 "The world’s top polluting corporations claim to be working hard to solve plastic pollution, but instead they are continuing to pump out harmful single-use plastic packaging,” said Emma Priestland, Break Free From Plastic’s global campaign coordinator. “摆脱塑缚”组织的全球运动协调员艾玛·普瑞思特兰德称:“在全球造成最多污染的这些公司声称在努力解决塑料污染问题,但实际上他们却在继续生产有害的一次性塑料包装。” Priestland said the only way to halt the growing global tide of plastic litter was to stop production, phase out single use and implement reuse systems. 普瑞思特兰德说,抵挡全球塑料污染潮的唯一方法就是停止生产、逐步淘汰一次性塑料用品以及推行回收利用系统。 "Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestlé should be leading the way in finding real solutions to reinvent how they deliver their products,” she said. 她说:“可口可乐、百事可乐和雀巢应该带头研发能真正解决塑料污染问题的产品新包装。” Up to 91% of all the plastic waste ever generated has not been recycled and ended up being incinerated, in landfill or in the natural environment, according to a 2017 study. 根据2017年的一项研究,过去产出的所有塑料污染物中有多达91%没有被回收,最后都被焚化、扔进垃圾填埋场或自然环境中。 Photo from Pexels by George Becker This year’s global audit of branded plastic waste revealed that single-use sachets, which are used to sell small volumes of products such as ketchup, coffee and shampoo, were the most commonly found type of item, followed by cigarette butts, then plastic bottles. 今年的全球品牌塑料污染审计活动揭示,用来出售小剂量番茄酱、咖啡和洗发水等产品的一次性小包装袋是最常见的塑料污染物,其次是香烟头,然后是塑料瓶。 sachet[sæˈʃeɪ]: n. 香囊;小袋 Simon Mbata, national coordinator of the South African Waste Pickers Association, said: “The majority of plastic we come across cannot be recycled. We find it everywhere, in our waste stream, on our land. When it is buried, it contaminates our soil. Whatever cannot be recycled must not be produced.” 南非拾荒者协会的全国协调员西蒙·马塔说:“我们捡到的大部分塑料都不能被回收。我们到处都可以见到这样的垃圾,在我们的废物流中,在我们的土地上。当种垃圾被埋起来后,就会污染我们的土地。任何不能被回收的东西都不应该被生产。” Coca-Cola said it was working to address packaging waste, in partnership with others, and disputed the claim that it was making no progress. 可口可乐表示,正在与其他机构合作解决包装污染问题,并驳斥了“零进展”的指控。 "Globally, we have a commitment to get every bottle back by 2030, so that none of it ends up as litter or in the oceans, and the plastic can be recycled into new bottles,” a spokesperson said. “Bottles with 100% recycled plastic are now available in 18 markets around the world, and this is continually growing.” 可口可乐的发言人称:“我们向全球承诺,到2030年会回收所有饮料瓶,不让它们成为垃圾或进入海洋,然后将回收的塑料制成新饮料瓶。目前在世界各地的18个市场上可以买到百分百可回收的塑料瓶饮料,而且这个比例正在持续增加。” The spokesperson said Coca-Cola had also reduced plastic use in secondary packaging, and that globally “more than 20% of our portfolio comes in refillable or fountain packaging”. 这名发言人表示,可口可乐还减少了二次包装的塑料使用,全球“超20%的整装产品都采用可重复使用的包装盒或喷泉机”。 A spokesperson for PepsiCo said the company was taking action to tackle packaging through “partnership, innovation and investments”. They said it has set plastic reduction goals “including decreasing virgin plastic in our beverage business by 35% by 2025”, and was also “growing refill and reuse through businesses like SodaStream and SodaStream Professional, which we expect will avoid 67bn single-use plastic bottles through 2025”. 百事可乐的发言人表示,该公司正在采取行动,通过“合作、创新和投资”来解决包装污染问题。他们声称已经设定了减少塑料污染的目标,“包括在2025年前将饮料业务中的全新塑料包装减少35%”,并“通过SodaStream和SodaStream Professional这样的气泡水机实现更多的饮料补充和塑料瓶再利用,我们预期到2025年将减少670亿个一次性塑料瓶的使用”。 A statement from Nestlé said the company was making “meaningful progress” in sustainable packaging, although it recognised more was needed: “We are intensifying our actions to make 100% of our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025 and to reduce our use of virgin plastics by one-third in the same period. So far, 87% of our total packaging and 66% of our plastic packaging is recyclable or reusable.” 雀巢在一份声明中称,雀巢在可持续包装上正取得“重要进展”,不过雀巢也意识到还不够:“我们正在加强行动,争取在2025年前实现所有的包装可回收或可重复使用,并在此期间将全新塑料的使用量降低三分之一。迄今为止,我们所有包装的87%和塑料包装的66%是可回收或可重复使用的。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo from Pexels by alleksana Coca-Cola was ranked the world’s No 1 plastic polluter by Break Free From Plastic in its annual audit, after its beverage bottles were the most frequently found discarded on beaches, rivers, parks and other litter sites in 51 of 55 nations surveyed. Last year it was the most frequently littered bottle in 37 countries, out of 51 surveyed. The annual audit, undertaken by 15,000 volunteers around the world, identifies the largest number of plastic products from global brands found in the highest number of countries. This year they collected 346,494 pieces of plastic waste, 63% of which was marked clearly with a consumer brand. "The world’s top polluting corporations claim to be working hard to solve plastic pollution, but instead they are continuing to pump out harmful single-use plastic packaging,” said Emma Priestland, Break Free From Plastic’s global campaign coordinator. Priestland said the only way to halt the growing global tide of plastic litter was to stop production, phase out single use and implement reuse systems. Up to 91% of all the plastic waste ever generated has not been recycled and ended up being incinerated, in landfill or in the natural environment, according to a 2017 study. Photo from Pexels by George Becker This year’s global audit of branded plastic waste revealed that single-use sachets, which are used to sell small volumes of products such as ketchup, coffee and shampoo, were the most commonly found type of item, followed by cigarette butts, then plastic bottles. Simon Mbata, national coordinator of the South African Waste Pickers Association, said: “The majority of plastic we come across cannot be recycled. We find it everywhere, in our waste stream, on our land. When it is buried, it contaminates our soil. Whatever cannot be recycled must not be produced.” Coca-Cola said it was working to address packaging waste, in partnership with others, and disputed the claim that it was making no progress. "Globally, we have a commitment to get every bottle back by 2030, so that none of it ends up as litter or in the oceans, and the plastic can be recycled into new bottles,” a spokesperson said. “Bottles with 100% recycled plastic are now available in 18 markets around the world, and this is continually growing.” The spokesperson said Coca-Cola had also reduced plastic use in secondary packaging, and that globally “more than 20% of our portfolio comes in refillable or fountain packaging”. A spokesperson for PepsiCo said the company was taking action to tackle packaging through “partnership, innovation and investments”. They said it has set plastic reduction goals “including decreasing virgin plastic in our beverage business by 35% by 2025”, and was also “growing refill and reuse through businesses like SodaStream and SodaStream Professional, which we expect will avoid 67bn single-use plastic bottles through 2025”.
环保组织“摆脱塑缚”的年度审计结果显示,可口可乐连续第三年成为世界最大塑料污染源,百事可乐和雀巢紧随其后。这些饮料巨头被指责在减少塑料污染上毫无进展,尽管他们一直宣称自己正在积极解决。 Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé have been accused of “zero progress” on reducing plastic waste, after being named the world’s top plastic polluters for the third year in a row. 连续第三年成为世界最大塑料污染源的可口可乐、百事可乐和雀巢被指在减少塑料污染上“零进展”。 “摆脱塑缚”组织的年度审计结果显示,可口可乐是世界最大的塑料污染源。该组织调查了55个国家和地区,在其中51个国家和地区的海滩、河流、公园和其他场所发现得最多的垃圾就是可口可乐的废弃饮料瓶。去年该组织调查了51个国家和地区,其中37个国家和地区最常见的垃圾是可口可乐饮料瓶。 It was found to be worse than PepsiCo and Nestlé combined: Coca-Cola branding was found on 13,834 pieces of plastic, with PepsiCo branding on 5,155 and Nestlé branding on 8,633. 可口可乐的塑料污染比百事可乐和雀巢加在一起还要糟:在13834片垃圾上发现了可口可乐的标志,在5155片垃圾上发现了百事可乐的标志,在8633片垃圾上发现了雀巢的标志。 由世界各地的15000名志愿者开展的年度审计活动识别出哪些在最多国家出现的国际品牌的塑料垃圾数量最大。今年他们收集了34万6494片垃圾,其中有63%都带有明显的消费品牌标识。 Coca-Cola came under fire from environmental campaigners earlier this year when it announced it would not abandon plastic bottles, saying they were popular with customers. In March, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestlé and Unilever were found to be responsible for half a million tonnes of plastic pollution in six developing countries each year in a survey. 今年早些时候,可口可乐因为宣布不会弃用塑料瓶而遭到了环保人士的炮轰。可口可乐的理由是塑料瓶很受顾客的欢迎。今年三月的一项调查发现,可口可乐、百事可乐、雀巢和联合利华每年在六个发展中国家产生50万吨塑料垃圾。 “摆脱塑缚”组织的全球运动协调员艾玛·普瑞思特兰德称:“在全球造成最多污染的这些公司声称在努力解决塑料污染问题,但实际上他们却在继续生产有害的一次性塑料包装。” 普瑞思特兰德说,抵挡全球塑料污染潮的唯一方法就是停止生产、逐步淘汰一次性塑料用品以及推行回收利用系统。 "Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestlé should be leading the way in finding real solutions to reinvent how they deliver their products,” she said. 她说:“可口可乐、百事可乐和雀巢应该带头研发能真正解决塑料污染问题的产品新包装。” 根据2017年的一项研究,过去产出的所有塑料污染物中有多达91%没有被回收,最后都被焚化、扔进垃圾填埋场或自然环境中。 今年的全球品牌塑料污染审计活动揭示,用来出售小剂量番茄酱、咖啡和洗发水等产品的一次性小包装袋是最常见的塑料污染物,其次是香烟头,然后是塑料瓶。 sachet[sæˈʃeɪ]: n. 香囊;小袋 南非拾荒者协会的全国协调员西蒙·马塔说:“我们捡到的大部分塑料都不能被回收。我们到处都可以见到这样的垃圾,在我们的废物流中,在我们的土地上。当种垃圾被埋起来后,就会污染我们的土地。任何不能被回收的东西都不应该被生产。” 可口可乐表示,正在与其他机构合作解决包装污染问题,并驳斥了“零进展”的指控。 可口可乐的发言人称:“我们向全球承诺,到2030年会回收所有饮料瓶,不让它们成为垃圾或进入海洋,然后将回收的塑料制成新饮料瓶。目前在世界各地的18个市场上可以买到百分百可回收的塑料瓶饮料,而且这个比例正在持续增加。” 这名发言人表示,可口可乐还减少了二次包装的塑料使用,全球“超20%的整装产品都采用可重复使用的包装盒或喷泉机”。 百事可乐的发言人表示,该公司正在采取行动,通过“合作、创新和投资”来解决包装污染问题。他们声称已经设定了减少塑料污染的目标,“包括在2025年前将饮料业务中的全新塑料包装减少35%”,并“通过SodaStream和SodaStream Professional这样的气泡水机实现更多的饮料补充和塑料瓶再利用,我们预期到2025年将减少670亿个一次性塑料瓶的使用”。 A statement from Nestlé said the company was making “meaningful progress” in sustainable packaging, although it recognised more was needed: “We are intensifying our actions to make 100% of our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025 and to reduce our use of virgin plastics by one-third in the same period. So far, 87% of our total packaging and 66% of our plastic packaging is recyclable or reusable.” 雀巢在一份声明中称,雀巢在可持续包装上正取得“重要进展”,不过雀巢也意识到还不够:“我们正在加强行动,争取在2025年前实现所有的包装可回收或可重复使用,并在此期间将全新塑料的使用量降低三分之一。迄今为止,我们所有包装的87%和塑料包装的66%是可回收或可重复使用的。” 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
近日,上海永康路上,多了一家特别的咖啡店,店员通过“熊爪”将做好的咖啡从墙上的“山洞”中递出。顾客在等待咖啡时,还可以和“熊爪”互动。 A Shanghai coffee shop called Hinichijou has gone viral among netizens because of its quirky concept which involves an employee wearing a furry bear claw to serve customers through a hole in the wall. 上海一家名为Hinichijou的咖啡店因为奇特的服务概念走红网络,这里的员工戴着毛茸茸的熊爪,通过墙上的一个洞为顾客服务。 这只萌翻全网的“熊爪”背后,其实藏着一个暖心的故事…… “熊爪出没”的背后 暖心又安心 这家被网友亲切称为“熊爪咖啡”的店铺名叫“HINICHIJOU”。咖啡店采用无交互式的购买体验,饮品单二维码挂在墙上,任意款咖啡售价均为20元,顾客可以自助扫码下单。 Located on Yongkang Road, Hinichijou's shopfront is nothing more than a grey wall with a hole through which coffee is served. There are no seats nor tables. Customers simply scan a QR code hanging from the hole to place their orders. 位于永康路的Hinicijou咖啡店店面不过是一堵灰色的墙,墙上有一个洞,里面有咖啡供应。没有座位也没有桌子。顾客只需扫描挂在洞上的二维码就可以下单了。 制作完成的咖啡会从洞口由毛茸茸的“熊爪”递出,可爱的小熊爪还会对你“比耶”,送出玫瑰、握握手、摸摸头等,卖萌技艺100分。 其实,咖啡店本身是个公益项目,店长是一位聋哑咖啡师,在咖啡冲调比赛中还得过奖;而用熊爪递咖啡的店员是面部烧伤者。两人都是上海市残联技能培训班的学员,他们通过这种特别的方式,为顾客带去暖心的服务。 The store is managed by three disabled individuals, including the deaf-mute manager who won the first prize in coffee brewing at the sixth National Professional Competition for the Disabled. 这家店由三名残疾人管理,其中包括在第六届全国残疾人职业比赛中获得咖啡冲调一等奖的聋哑经理。 工作人员为熊爪消毒 摄影:中国日报 高尔强 咖啡店里也有其他工作人员负责叫号、提醒等工作。若是碰上“选择恐惧症”的消费者,也会有工作人员走出来进行讲解和推荐。 防疫期间,店家每天定时清洗消毒“熊爪”,让客人们多一分安心。 店主:希望给残障人士提供更多就业机会 咖啡店最初的红火是由这只毛茸茸的“熊爪”带来的。 当顾客逐渐了解到墙洞之后的故事,以及这家咖啡店为帮助生理残疾人士就业的初衷后,“打卡”的人变得越来越多。还没正式开业,这家店就已是点评网站上咖啡排行榜第一名。 Since beginning trial operations on Nov 15, the store has drawn hordes of customers and become one of the most searched items on short video sharing site Douyin. 自11月15日开始试营业以来,这家店吸引了大批顾客,成为短视频分享网站抖音上搜索最多词条之一。 某点评网站截图 “熊爪”咖啡的创始人王海青表示,很高兴通过自己的努力,让更多人关心关爱残疾人士,帮助他们创业就业。她说:“我们未来计划招募更多的残疾人咖啡师,还会为残疾人提供咖啡技能定点委培,给他们更多的帮助。” According to the café's cofounder Wang Haiqing, one of the reasons Hinichijou was founded was to provide more employment opportunities to disabled people. 据咖啡馆的联合创始人王海清介绍,Hinichijou创立的原因之一是为残疾人提供更多的就业机会。 “熊爪”咖啡有心地选择了国际残疾人日12月3日作为店铺正式开业的时间。 店家也承诺,每天给每一位持有残疾人证的客人,提供一杯免费特调咖啡。 Hinichijou officially opened on Dec 3, which marked International Day of People With Disabilities. People with disabilities can receive a free cup of coffee at Hinichijou. Hinichijou咖啡店在12月3日正式开业,这一天也是国际残疾人日。残疾人士可在这里免费享用一杯咖啡。 在寒意渐深的冬天,这家街头小店,让不少网友直呼,“太可爱,太温暖了”! 还有网友表示,“知道了背后的故事,一定要去支持一下。” 记者:贺琦 编辑:左卓 来源:央视新闻 周到上海 新民晚报 @021视频 新华社 中国日报
A Shanghai coffee shop called Hinichijou has gone viral among netizens because of its quirky concept which involves an employee wearing a furry bear claw to serve customers through a hole in the wall. Located on Yongkang Road, Hinichijou's shopfront is nothing more than a grey wall with a hole through which coffee is served. There are no seats nor tables. Customers simply scan a QR code hanging from the hole to place their orders. The store is managed by three disabled individuals, including the deaf-mute manager who won the first prize in coffee brewing at the sixth National Professional Competition for the Disabled. Since beginning trial operations on Nov 15, the store has drawn hordes of customers and become one of the most searched items on short video sharing site Douyin. Hinichijou officially opened on Dec 3, which marked International Day of People With Disabilities. People with disabilities can receive a free cup of coffee at Hinichijou.
近日,上海永康路上,多了一家特别的咖啡店,店员通过“熊爪”将做好的咖啡从墙上的“山洞”中递出。顾客在等待咖啡时,还可以和“熊爪”互动。 上海一家名为Hinichijou的咖啡店因为奇特的服务概念走红网络,这里的员工戴着毛茸茸的熊爪,通过墙上的一个洞为顾客服务。 这只萌翻全网的“熊爪”背后,其实藏着一个暖心的故事…… “熊爪出没”的背后 暖心又安心 这家被网友亲切称为“熊爪咖啡”的店铺名叫“HINICHIJOU”。咖啡店采用无交互式的购买体验,饮品单二维码挂在墙上,任意款咖啡售价均为20元,顾客可以自助扫码下单。 位于永康路的Hinicijou咖啡店店面不过是一堵灰色的墙,墙上有一个洞,里面有咖啡供应。没有座位也没有桌子。顾客只需扫描挂在洞上的二维码就可以下单了。 制作完成的咖啡会从洞口由毛茸茸的“熊爪”递出,可爱的小熊爪还会对你“比耶”,送出玫瑰、握握手、摸摸头等,卖萌技艺100分。 其实,咖啡店本身是个公益项目,店长是一位聋哑咖啡师,在咖啡冲调比赛中还得过奖;而用熊爪递咖啡的店员是面部烧伤者。两人都是上海市残联技能培训班的学员,他们通过这种特别的方式,为顾客带去暖心的服务。 这家店由三名残疾人管理,其中包括在第六届全国残疾人职业比赛中获得咖啡冲调一等奖的聋哑经理。 工作人员为熊爪消毒 摄影:中国日报 高尔强 咖啡店里也有其他工作人员负责叫号、提醒等工作。若是碰上“选择恐惧症”的消费者,也会有工作人员走出来进行讲解和推荐。 防疫期间,店家每天定时清洗消毒“熊爪”,让客人们多一分安心。 店主:希望给残障人士提供更多就业机会 咖啡店最初的红火是由这只毛茸茸的“熊爪”带来的。 当顾客逐渐了解到墙洞之后的故事,以及这家咖啡店为帮助生理残疾人士就业的初衷后,“打卡”的人变得越来越多。还没正式开业,这家店就已是点评网站上咖啡排行榜第一名。 自11月15日开始试营业以来,这家店吸引了大批顾客,成为短视频分享网站抖音上搜索最多词条之一。 某点评网站截图 “熊爪”咖啡的创始人王海青表示,很高兴通过自己的努力,让更多人关心关爱残疾人士,帮助他们创业就业。她说:“我们未来计划招募更多的残疾人咖啡师,还会为残疾人提供咖啡技能定点委培,给他们更多的帮助。” According to the café's cofounder Wang Haiqing, one of the reasons Hinichijou was founded was to provide more employment opportunities to disabled people. 据咖啡馆的联合创始人王海清介绍,Hinichijou创立的原因之一是为残疾人提供更多的就业机会。 “熊爪”咖啡有心地选择了国际残疾人日12月3日作为店铺正式开业的时间。 店家也承诺,每天给每一位持有残疾人证的客人,提供一杯免费特调咖啡。 Hinichijou咖啡店在12月3日正式开业,这一天也是国际残疾人日。残疾人士可在这里免费享用一杯咖啡。 在寒意渐深的冬天,这家街头小店,让不少网友直呼,“太可爱,太温暖了”! 还有网友表示,“知道了背后的故事,一定要去支持一下。” 记者:贺琦 编辑:左卓 来源:央视新闻 周到上海 新民晚报 @021视频 新华社 中国日报
秋天是一年中最美的季节,因为有绚丽多彩的树叶和金灿灿的落叶铺就的“地毯”。新研究指出,今后你看到这一秋日美景的时间要提前了,因为气候变暖将让秋天的树叶提早变色和掉落。 Photo from Pexels by Alex Rusin As the days shorten and temperatures drop in the northern hemisphere, leaves begin to turn. We can enjoy glorious autumnal colours while the leaves are still on the trees and, later, kicking through a red, brown and gold carpet when out walking. 随着北半球白昼缩短、气温下降,叶子开始变黄。当叶子还在树上时,我们能观赏到秋日的绚丽色彩,在外出散步时,还能踩着红色、棕色和金色的“地毯”。 When temperatures rise again in spring, the growing season for trees resumes. Throughout the warmer months, trees take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in complex molecules, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. This, in a nutshell, is the process of photosynthesis. The more photosynthesis, the more carbon is locked away. 当春天来临,气温回升,树木重新焕发生机。在温暖的月份,树木从大气中吸收二氧化碳并将其储存在复杂分子中,氧气作为副产物随之被释放出来。简而言之,这个过程就是光合作用。光合作用越多,被锁住的碳就越多。 We know that carbon dioxide is a major driver of climate change, so the more that can be taken out of the atmosphere by plants, the better. With the warmer climate leading to a longer growing season, some researchers have suggested that more carbon dioxide would be absorbed by trees and other plants than in previous times. But a new study has turned this theory on its head and could have profound effects on how we adapt to climate change. 我们知道二氧化碳是造成气候变化的主要因素,所以植物从大气中吸收的二氧化碳越多越好。随着气候变暖导致植物生长季延长,一些研究人员认为,树木和其他植物吸收的二氧化碳将比以前多。但是一项新研究颠覆了这一理论,并可能对人类如何适应气候变化产生深远影响。 The researchers, led by Deborah Zani at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, studied the degree to which the timing of colour changes in autumn tree leaves was determined by the growth of the plant in the preceding spring and summer. 由瑞士联邦理工学院的黛博拉·扎尼领导的团队研究了秋天树叶变色的时间受春夏生长情况影响的程度。 Temperature and day length were traditionally accepted as the main determinants of when leaves changed colour and fell, leading some scientists to assume that warming temperatures would delay this process until later in the season. Studying deciduous European tree species, including horse chestnut, silver birch and English oak, the authors of the new study recorded how much carbon each tree absorbed per season and how that ultimately affected when the leaves fell. 传统上,气温和白昼长度是决定叶子何时变色和掉落的主要因素,这导致一些科学家认为气候变暖会推迟这一过程。新研究的作者们考察了七叶树、银桦树和英国橡树等欧洲落叶树种,记录了每棵树每季吸收的碳量及其最终对落叶时间的影响。 deciduous [dɪˈsɪdʒuəs]: adj. 落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的 Using data from the Pan European Phenology Project, which has tracked some trees for as long as 65 years, the researchers found in their long-term observational study that as the rate of photosynthesis increased, leaves changed colour and fell earlier in the year. For every 10% increase in photosynthetic activity over the spring and summer growing season, trees shed their leaves, on average, eight days earlier. 研究人员利用泛欧洲物候学项目的数据,经过长期观察发现,随着光合作用速率的提高,树叶变色和掉落的时间都提前了。泛欧洲物候学项目对一些树木进行了长达65年的追踪记录。研究发现,在春夏生长季节中的光合作用活动每增加10%,树叶掉落的平均时间就会提早8天。 Photo from Pexels by Johannes Plenio Climate-controlled experiments on five-year-old European beech and Japanese meadowsweet trees suggest what could be behind this unexpected result. In these trials, the trees were exposed to full sun, half shade or full shade. The results show that there is a limit to the amount of photosynthesis that a tree can carry out over a growing season. Think of it like filling a bucket with water. It can be done slowly or quickly, but once the bucket is full, there is nowhere for any more water to go. 对五岁的欧洲山毛榉和日本绣线菊的气候控制试验揭示了这一意外结果背后的原因。在这些试验中,树木分别被暴露在充足的日光中、半阴以及全阴环境中。结果显示,一棵树在生长季中能发生的光合作用总量是有限的。你可以将其想象成用水桶打水。你可以慢慢地将水桶装满水,也可以快速地装满,可是一旦水桶满了,就再也装不进水了。 This research shows that deciduous trees can only absorb a set amount of carbon each year and once that limit is reached, no more can be absorbed. At that point, leaves begin to change colour. This limit is set by the availability of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and the physical structure of the plant itself. Nitrogen is a key nutrient which plants need in order to grow, and it's often the amount of available nitrogen that limits total growth. This is why farmers and gardeners use nitrogen fertilisers, to overcome this limitation. 研究表明,落叶乔木每年只能吸收一定量的碳,一旦达到极限,便无法吸收更多的碳。从那时起,树叶就开始变色。这一极限是由树木可获得的养分(尤其是氮)以及树木本身的物理结构所决定的。氮是植物生长所需的关键营养素,而氮的获得量往往会限制植物的总生长量。这就是农民和园丁使用氮肥来克服这一限制的原因。 Together, these constraints mean that carbon uptake during the growing season is a self-regulating mechanism in trees and herbaceous plants. Only so much carbon can be taken up. 总之,这些限制意味着在生长季吸收碳是树木和草本植物的一种自我调节机制。植物所能吸收的碳是有极限的。 herbaceous [hɜːˈbeɪʃəs]: adj. 草本的;绿色的;叶状的 In a world with increasing levels of carbon in the atmosphere, these new findings imply that warmer weather and longer growing seasons will not allow temperate deciduous trees to take up more carbon dioxide. The study's predictive model suggests that by 2100, when tree growing seasons are expected to be between 22 and 34 days longer, leaves will fall from trees between three and six days earlier than they do now. 在大气中的二氧化碳水平不断上升的今天,这些新研究发现意味着气候变暖和生长季延长不会让落叶乔木吸收更多的二氧化碳。该研究的预测模型表明,到2100年,预计树木生长季将延长22至34天,树叶掉落的时间比现在要提早3至6天。 This has significant implications for climate change modelling. If we accept that the amount of carbon taken up by deciduous trees will remain the same each year regardless of the growing season, carbon dioxide levels will rise more quickly than was previously expected. The only way to change this will be to increase the capacity of trees to absorb carbon. 这对气候变化建模具有重要意义。如果我们认同无论生长季长短,落叶乔木每年吸收的碳总量不变,那么二氧化碳水平的上升速度将比原先预期的更快。改变这一局面的唯一方法就是提高树木吸收碳的能力。 Plants that aren't limited by the amount of nitrogen available may be able to grow for longer in the warming climate. These are the trees which can take nitrogen from the air, such as alder. But these species will still lose their leaves at roughly the same time as always, thanks to less daylight and colder temperatures. 在气候变暖的情况下,不受氮肥限制的植物生长时间可能会更长。这种树可以从空气中获取氮,比如桤木。但是入秋后由于白昼缩短、气温降低,这些树仍然会在和往年差不多的时间落叶。 But on the upside, with the prospect of some trees losing their leaves earlier and others losing them at the time they do now, there might be the prospect of prolonged autumnal colours—and more time for us to kick through the leaves. 从好的方面来看,由于一些树提早落叶,而另外一些树和现在落叶时间一致,我们未来看到秋叶美景的时间可能会延长,这意味着我们将有更多时间可以踩着落叶走路。 英文来源:Phys 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo from Pexels by Alex Rusin As the days shorten and temperatures drop in the northern hemisphere, leaves begin to turn. We can enjoy glorious autumnal colours while the leaves are still on the trees and, later, kicking through a red, brown and gold carpet when out walking. When temperatures rise again in spring, the growing season for trees resumes. Throughout the warmer months, trees take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in complex molecules, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. This, in a nutshell, is the process of photosynthesis. The more photosynthesis, the more carbon is locked away. We know that carbon dioxide is a major driver of climate change, so the more that can be taken out of the atmosphere by plants, the better. With the warmer climate leading to a longer growing season, some researchers have suggested that more carbon dioxide would be absorbed by trees and other plants than in previous times. But a new study has turned this theory on its head and could have profound effects on how we adapt to climate change. The researchers, led by Deborah Zani at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, studied the degree to which the timing of colour changes in autumn tree leaves was determined by the growth of the plant in the preceding spring and summer. Temperature and day length were traditionally accepted as the main determinants of when leaves changed colour and fell, leading some scientists to assume that warming temperatures would delay this process until later in the season. Studying deciduous European tree species, including horse chestnut, silver birch and English oak, the authors of the new study recorded how much carbon each tree absorbed per season and how that ultimately affected when the leaves fell. Using data from the Pan European Phenology Project, which has tracked some trees for as long as 65 years, the researchers found in their long-term observational study that as the rate of photosynthesis increased, leaves changed colour and fell earlier in the year. For every 10% increase in photosynthetic activity over the spring and summer growing season, trees shed their leaves, on average, eight days earlier. Photo from Pexels by Johannes Plenio Climate-controlled experiments on five-year-old European beech and Japanese meadowsweet trees suggest what could be behind this unexpected result. In these trials, the trees were exposed to full sun, half shade or full shade. The results show that there is a limit to the amount of photosynthesis that a tree can carry out over a growing season. Think of it like filling a bucket with water. It can be done slowly or quickly, but once the bucket is full, there is nowhere for any more water to go. This research shows that deciduous trees can only absorb a set amount of carbon each year and once that limit is reached, no more can be absorbed. At that point, leaves begin to change colour. This limit is set by the availability of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and the physical structure of the plant itself. Nitrogen is a key nutrient which plants need in order to grow, and it's often the amount of available nitrogen that limits total growth. This is why farmers and gardeners use nitrogen fertilisers, to overcome this limitation. Together, these constraints mean that carbon uptake during the growing season is a self-regulating mechanism in trees and herbaceous plants. Only so much carbon can be taken up. In a world with increasing levels of carbon in the atmosphere, these new findings imply that warmer weather and longer growing seasons will not allow temperate deciduous trees to take up more carbon dioxide. The study's predictive model suggests that by 2100, when tree growing seasons are expected to be between 22 and 34 days longer, leaves will fall from trees between three and six days earlier than they do now. This has significant implications for climate change modelling. If we accept that the amount of carbon taken up by deciduous trees will remain the same each year regardless of the growing season, carbon dioxide levels will rise more quickly than was previously expected. The only way to change this will be to increase the capacity of trees to absorb carbon. Plants that aren't limited by the amount of nitrogen available may be able to grow for longer in the warming climate. These are the trees which can take nitrogen from the air, such as alder. But these species will still lose their leaves at roughly the same time as always, thanks to less daylight and colder temperatures. But on the upside, with the prospect of some trees losing their leaves earlier and others losing them at the time they do now, there might be the prospect of prolonged autumnal colours—and more time for us to kick through the leaves.
秋天是一年中最美的季节,因为有绚丽多彩的树叶和金灿灿的落叶铺就的“地毯”。新研究指出,今后你看到这一秋日美景的时间要提前了,因为气候变暖将让秋天的树叶提早变色和掉落。 随着北半球白昼缩短、气温下降,叶子开始变黄。当叶子还在树上时,我们能观赏到秋日的绚丽色彩,在外出散步时,还能踩着红色、棕色和金色的“地毯”。 当春天来临,气温回升,树木重新焕发生机。在温暖的月份,树木从大气中吸收二氧化碳并将其储存在复杂分子中,氧气作为副产物随之被释放出来。简而言之,这个过程就是光合作用。光合作用越多,被锁住的碳就越多。 我们知道二氧化碳是造成气候变化的主要因素,所以植物从大气中吸收的二氧化碳越多越好。随着气候变暖导致植物生长季延长,一些研究人员认为,树木和其他植物吸收的二氧化碳将比以前多。但是一项新研究颠覆了这一理论,并可能对人类如何适应气候变化产生深远影响。 由瑞士联邦理工学院的黛博拉·扎尼领导的团队研究了秋天树叶变色的时间受春夏生长情况影响的程度。 传统上,气温和白昼长度是决定叶子何时变色和掉落的主要因素,这导致一些科学家认为气候变暖会推迟这一过程。新研究的作者们考察了七叶树、银桦树和英国橡树等欧洲落叶树种,记录了每棵树每季吸收的碳量及其最终对落叶时间的影响。 deciduous [dɪˈsɪdʒuəs]: adj. 落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的 研究人员利用泛欧洲物候学项目的数据,经过长期观察发现,随着光合作用速率的提高,树叶变色和掉落的时间都提前了。泛欧洲物候学项目对一些树木进行了长达65年的追踪记录。研究发现,在春夏生长季节中的光合作用活动每增加10%,树叶掉落的平均时间就会提早8天。 对五岁的欧洲山毛榉和日本绣线菊的气候控制试验揭示了这一意外结果背后的原因。在这些试验中,树木分别被暴露在充足的日光中、半阴以及全阴环境中。结果显示,一棵树在生长季中能发生的光合作用总量是有限的。你可以将其想象成用水桶打水。你可以慢慢地将水桶装满水,也可以快速地装满,可是一旦水桶满了,就再也装不进水了。 研究表明,落叶乔木每年只能吸收一定量的碳,一旦达到极限,便无法吸收更多的碳。从那时起,树叶就开始变色。这一极限是由树木可获得的养分(尤其是氮)以及树木本身的物理结构所决定的。氮是植物生长所需的关键营养素,而氮的获得量往往会限制植物的总生长量。这就是农民和园丁使用氮肥来克服这一限制的原因。 总之,这些限制意味着在生长季吸收碳是树木和草本植物的一种自我调节机制。植物所能吸收的碳是有极限的。 herbaceous [hɜːˈbeɪʃəs]: adj. 草本的;绿色的;叶状的 在大气中的二氧化碳水平不断上升的今天,这些新研究发现意味着气候变暖和生长季延长不会让落叶乔木吸收更多的二氧化碳。该研究的预测模型表明,到2100年,预计树木生长季将延长22至34天,树叶掉落的时间比现在要提早3至6天。 这对气候变化建模具有重要意义。如果我们认同无论生长季长短,落叶乔木每年吸收的碳总量不变,那么二氧化碳水平的上升速度将比原先预期的更快。改变这一局面的唯一方法就是提高树木吸收碳的能力。 在气候变暖的情况下,不受氮肥限制的植物生长时间可能会更长。这种树可以从空气中获取氮,比如桤木。但是入秋后由于白昼缩短、气温降低,这些树仍然会在和往年差不多的时间落叶。 从好的方面来看,由于一些树提早落叶,而另外一些树和现在落叶时间一致,我们未来看到秋叶美景的时间可能会延长,这意味着我们将有更多时间可以踩着落叶走路。 英文来源:Phys 翻译&编辑:丹妮
藏族小伙丁真走红已经有一段时间了,外交部发言人华春莹甚至都在社交媒体推特上转发了他的笑容视频。 图源:新华社 网友们很满意他最终的去向是为家乡理塘的旅游做宣传,但担心给他开的薪水不够多。 四川省甘孜州理塘县文旅体投资发展有限公司的负责人介绍,这份月薪3500元的工作只是劳务合同,公司不会参与丁真其他商业收入的分成,且会派老师上门教他普通话等等。 "He'll get a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan as well as insurance and subsidies. We'll check the qualifications of the companies that want to cooperate with him to prevent him from being cheated. We'll take no bite of the income or the presents he receives," he said. “他每月能拿到3500元的工资,还有保险和津贴。我们将审查那些想和他合作的公司的资质,以防他受骗。我们不会从他的收入或收到的礼物中分成”。 走红后不久,时差岛发布的一段3分钟的视频,拍的就是他和理塘,质量非常高,以至于B站上涌现了不少将该视频剪辑成高级广告的二度创作。 视频里的雪山、湖泊、草原、寺庙无一不让弹幕背后的观众惊叹——它们和丁真一样天然与纯净。 理塘也终于火了。 这个海拔4000米的“高城”拥有蓝天、白云、雪山、草地。出了理塘城门就是高山草原,70多公里外就是闻名遐迩的海子山。 没有空气污染,这里的能见度常常能达到几十公里。就连网红目的地稻城亚丁离这里也不远。 丁真走红后,一同出现的是理塘旅游的繁荣之机。 图源:新华社 旅游平台携程的数据显示,理塘这座刚刚脱贫不久的县城搜索量在丁真走红后飙升。 On Ctrip's website, searches for Litang started going up on Nov 20. In the week from Nov 23 through Sunday, the search average shot up 620 percent compared with the previous week and was four times greater than during the National Day holiday in October. 在携程网上,对理塘的搜索从11月20日开始上升。在11月23日至周日的一周内,搜索平均值较前一周猛增620%,是10月国庆假期期间的4倍。 Shine的文章报道说,理塘在藏语里的意思是“像铜镜一样平坦的草地”。 Dubbed "the city in the sky," Litang is located over 4,000 meters above sea level and 654 km from Chengdu, the provincial capital. In the Tibetan language, Litang means "flat grasslands like bronze mirrors." 理塘被称为“天空之城”,海拔4000多米,距省会成都654公里。在藏语里,理塘的意思是“像铜镜一样平坦的草地”。 著名旅游系列丛书《孤独星球》(Lonely Planet)也没有漏掉理塘这颗川西明珠。 Rich grasslands flecked with nomad encampments stretch away from the dizzyingly high (3886m) town of Litang and, off in the hazy distance, hills pile upon hills and buckle up into soaring mountain peaks. Both the scenery and the altitude will leave you breathless, and getting out to see it – whether on horse, motorcycle or foot – calls for spending at least a couple of days here. 富饶的草原上点缀着游牧民族的营地,理塘海拔3886米,高得令人炫目,草原从这儿一直延伸到远处,在朦胧的远处,群山层峦叠嶂,形成高耸的山峰。这里的美景和海拔都会让你喘不过气来,无论是骑马、骑摩托车还是徒步旅行,都需要在这里呆上几天。 For Tibetans, Litang occupies another exalted space as the birthplace of holy men, including the 7th and 10th Dalai Lamas and many revered lamas. Their birthplace and the town’s large monastery, Chöde Gompa, draw devoted pilgrims from afar. 对藏人来说,理塘作为圣人的诞生地,在他们心中有着另一重崇高的位置,第七世、第十世达赖喇嘛和许多受人尊敬的喇嘛都出生于此。他们的出生地理塘县和县里的理塘寺都吸引了来自远方的虔诚朝圣者。 从《孤独星球》的文案可以学到些什么呢? 说到游牧营地,可以用到fleck这个词表示星星点点一般点缀在草地上的感觉。提到海拔,普通的high可能就不够了,加上dizzyingly,表示令人晕眩,这个高度马上就可感知了。 用到breathless(没法呼吸,令人窒息),还不忘双关一把,说醉人的风景(scenery)和可能引起高反的海拔(altitude)都让你屏息不已。 丁真的家乡是在四川不错,但他的藏族身份容易让人误以为他是西藏的。甚至有网友一拍脑袋决定为了他一定要去西藏玩玩儿。这,也在微博上掀起了一场各地旅游部门的狂欢——“争夺”丁真。 网友p图 Interestingly, some careless fans originally thought Tamdrin's hometown was in the Tibet autonomous region and expressed their wish to travel there, which prompted Sichuan's media groups and tourism department to demonstrate the fact on Weibo that Tamdrin belongs to them. 有趣的是,一些粗心的粉丝原本以为丁真的家乡在西藏自治区,并表达了到西藏旅游的愿望,这也促使四川电视台和旅游部门在微博上表示其实丁真是四川的。 However, their counterparts in Tibet took the chance to promote the region's own tourism resources and invited Tamdrin to its capital Lhasa, a place he had expressed hope to visit one day in an interview. 然而,西藏的同行们抓住了这个机会来宣传当地的旅游资源,并邀请丁真到拉萨去玩。丁真曾在一次采访中表示希望有一天能去到拉萨。 Over the weekend, more provinces and autonomous regions around China, including Qinghai, Gansu, Shandong and Zhejiang, joined the rivalry for Tamdrin's visit as well as tourists' attention by showing their sceneries on Weibo. 上个周末,包括青海、甘肃、山东和浙江在内的中国更多省和自治区通过在微博上展示自己的风景,加入了邀请丁真以及争夺游客关注度的竞争中。 看完如何用英语介绍理塘,我们再来回顾下英文报道里是如何形容丁真的外貌的。 《南华早报》就比较通俗,用的是good looks(好看的长相)。 Ding Zhen, a 20-year-old ethnic Tibetan man in China’s Sichuan province, has found fame online for his good looks, leading to him receiving job offers and accepting one from a State-owned travel company. 中国四川省20岁的藏族小伙丁真因长相出众而在网上成名,他因此收到了工作邀请,接受了一家国有旅游公司的工作。 Shine则比较细致,说的是Bambi eyes(像小鹿斑比一样的大眼睛)和a bright smile(一个阳光的笑容)。还援引了网友的形容词——wild(野性)、sweet(甜)、pure(纯真)。 With Bambi eyes and a bright smile, 20-year-old Tibetan herdsman Tamdrin became the latest Internet celebrity after a video clip and photos featuring his handsome face went viral online. 20岁的藏族牧民丁真有着斑比似的大眼睛,还有灿烂的笑容,他因此成为新晋网络红人,此前,展现他帅气面容的视频和照片在网上疯传。 Being "wild, sweet and pure," as his fans described, Tamdrin stands out from most internet celebrities for his innocence, the traditional Tibetan costumes he wears and the breathtaking views of his hometown in the background of the videos. 粉丝说丁真“野、甜、纯”,他凭借纯真,穿着的藏族传统服饰,和视频背景里令人叹为观止的家乡景色而从大多数网络红人中脱颖而出。 还有一些报道用到的词是innocent(天真无邪的)。 Ding Zhen, a Tibetan man from Litang, Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, became an online celebrity overnight due to his innocent looks. 来自四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘的藏族小伙丁真,因长相天真无邪,一夜之间成为网络红人。 丁真的颜可能只是他吸引到大众的第一步,他为家乡理塘所作的贡献才是人们长久地喜欢他的理由,也是喜欢上理塘的一个契机。 编辑:左卓 实习生:纪璎笑 来源:中国日报 孤独星球 《南华早报》 ECNS
"He'll get a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan as well as insurance and subsidies. We'll check the qualifications of the companies that want to cooperate with him to prevent him from being cheated. We'll take no bite of the income or the presents he receives," he said. On Ctrip's website, searches for Litang started going up on Nov 20. In the week from Nov 23 through Sunday, the search average shot up 620 percent compared with the previous week and was four times greater than during the National Day holiday in October. Dubbed "the city in the sky," Litang is located over 4,000 meters above sea level and 654 km from Chengdu, the provincial capital. In the Tibetan language, Litang means "flat grasslands like bronze mirrors." Rich grasslands flecked with nomad encampments stretch away from the dizzyingly high (3886m) town of Litang and, off in the hazy distance, hills pile upon hills and buckle up into soaring mountain peaks. Both the scenery and the altitude will leave you breathless, and getting out to see it – whether on horse, motorcycle or foot – calls for spending at least a couple of days here. Interestingly, some careless fans originally thought Tamdrin's hometown was in the Tibet autonomous region and expressed their wish to travel there, which prompted Sichuan's media groups and tourism department to demonstrate the fact on Weibo that Tamdrin belongs to them. However, their counterparts in Tibet took the chance to promote the region's own tourism resources and invited Tamdrin to its capital Lhasa, a place he had expressed hope to visit one day in an interview. Over the weekend, more provinces and autonomous regions around China, including Qinghai, Gansu, Shandong and Zhejiang, joined the rivalry for Tamdrin's visit as well as tourists' attention by showing their sceneries on Weibo. Ding Zhen, a 20-year-old ethnic Tibetan man in China’s Sichuan province, has found fame online for his good looks, leading to him receiving job offers and accepting one from a State-owned travel company. With Bambi eyes and a bright smile, 20-year-old Tibetan herdsman Tamdrin became the latest Internet celebrity after a video clip and photos featuring his handsome face went viral online. Being "wild, sweet and pure," as his fans described, Tamdrin stands out from most internet celebrities for his innocence, the traditional Tibetan costumes he wears and the breathtaking views of his hometown in the background of the videos. Ding Zhen, a Tibetan man from Litang, Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, became an online celebrity overnight due to his innocent looks.
藏族小伙丁真走红已经有一段时间了,外交部发言人华春莹甚至都在社交媒体推特上转发了他的笑容视频。 图源:新华社 网友们很满意他最终的去向是为家乡理塘的旅游做宣传,但担心给他开的薪水不够多。 四川省甘孜州理塘县文旅体投资发展有限公司的负责人介绍,这份月薪3500元的工作只是劳务合同,公司不会参与丁真其他商业收入的分成,且会派老师上门教他普通话等等。 “他每月能拿到3500元的工资,还有保险和津贴。我们将审查那些想和他合作的公司的资质,以防他受骗。我们不会从他的收入或收到的礼物中分成”。 走红后不久,时差岛发布的一段3分钟的视频,拍的就是他和理塘,质量非常高,以至于B站上涌现了不少将该视频剪辑成高级广告的二度创作。 视频里的雪山、湖泊、草原、寺庙无一不让弹幕背后的观众惊叹——它们和丁真一样天然与纯净。 理塘也终于火了。 这个海拔4000米的“高城”拥有蓝天、白云、雪山、草地。出了理塘城门就是高山草原,70多公里外就是闻名遐迩的海子山。 没有空气污染,这里的能见度常常能达到几十公里。就连网红目的地稻城亚丁离这里也不远。 丁真走红后,一同出现的是理塘旅游的繁荣之机。 图源:新华社 旅游平台携程的数据显示,理塘这座刚刚脱贫不久的县城搜索量在丁真走红后飙升。 在携程网上,对理塘的搜索从11月20日开始上升。在11月23日至周日的一周内,搜索平均值较前一周猛增620%,是10月国庆假期期间的4倍。 Shine的文章报道说,理塘在藏语里的意思是“像铜镜一样平坦的草地”。 理塘被称为“天空之城”,海拔4000多米,距省会成都654公里。在藏语里,理塘的意思是“像铜镜一样平坦的草地”。 著名旅游系列丛书《孤独星球》(Lonely Planet)也没有漏掉理塘这颗川西明珠。 富饶的草原上点缀着游牧民族的营地,理塘海拔3886米,高得令人炫目,草原从这儿一直延伸到远处,在朦胧的远处,群山层峦叠嶂,形成高耸的山峰。这里的美景和海拔都会让你喘不过气来,无论是骑马、骑摩托车还是徒步旅行,都需要在这里呆上几天。 For Tibetans, Litang occupies another exalted space as the birthplace of holy men, including the 7th and 10th Dalai Lamas and many revered lamas. Their birthplace and the town’s large monastery, Chöde Gompa, draw devoted pilgrims from afar. 对藏人来说,理塘作为圣人的诞生地,在他们心中有着另一重崇高的位置,第七世、第十世达赖喇嘛和许多受人尊敬的喇嘛都出生于此。他们的出生地理塘县和县里的理塘寺都吸引了来自远方的虔诚朝圣者。 从《孤独星球》的文案可以学到些什么呢? 说到游牧营地,可以用到fleck这个词表示星星点点一般点缀在草地上的感觉。提到海拔,普通的high可能就不够了,加上dizzyingly,表示令人晕眩,这个高度马上就可感知了。 用到breathless(没法呼吸,令人窒息),还不忘双关一把,说醉人的风景(scenery)和可能引起高反的海拔(altitude)都让你屏息不已。 丁真的家乡是在四川不错,但他的藏族身份容易让人误以为他是西藏的。甚至有网友一拍脑袋决定为了他一定要去西藏玩玩儿。这,也在微博上掀起了一场各地旅游部门的狂欢——“争夺”丁真。 网友p图 有趣的是,一些粗心的粉丝原本以为丁真的家乡在西藏自治区,并表达了到西藏旅游的愿望,这也促使四川电视台和旅游部门在微博上表示其实丁真是四川的。 然而,西藏的同行们抓住了这个机会来宣传当地的旅游资源,并邀请丁真到拉萨去玩。丁真曾在一次采访中表示希望有一天能去到拉萨。 上个周末,包括青海、甘肃、山东和浙江在内的中国更多省和自治区通过在微博上展示自己的风景,加入了邀请丁真以及争夺游客关注度的竞争中。 看完如何用英语介绍理塘,我们再来回顾下英文报道里是如何形容丁真的外貌的。 《南华早报》就比较通俗,用的是good looks(好看的长相)。 中国四川省20岁的藏族小伙丁真因长相出众而在网上成名,他因此收到了工作邀请,接受了一家国有旅游公司的工作。 Shine则比较细致,说的是Bambi eyes(像小鹿斑比一样的大眼睛)和a bright smile(一个阳光的笑容)。还援引了网友的形容词——wild(野性)、sweet(甜)、pure(纯真)。 20岁的藏族牧民丁真有着斑比似的大眼睛,还有灿烂的笑容,他因此成为新晋网络红人,此前,展现他帅气面容的视频和照片在网上疯传。 粉丝说丁真“野、甜、纯”,他凭借纯真,穿着的藏族传统服饰,和视频背景里令人叹为观止的家乡景色而从大多数网络红人中脱颖而出。 还有一些报道用到的词是innocent(天真无邪的)。 来自四川省甘孜藏族自治州理塘的藏族小伙丁真,因长相天真无邪,一夜之间成为网络红人。 丁真的颜可能只是他吸引到大众的第一步,他为家乡理塘所作的贡献才是人们长久地喜欢他的理由,也是喜欢上理塘的一个契机。 编辑:左卓 实习生:纪璎笑 来源:中国日报 孤独星球 《南华早报》 ECNS
我们经常在电视上或影院里看到动画片,但很少思考制作一部动画片需要多少人的努力。从历史悠久、员工众多的大公司到名不见经传的小型制作室,我们选出了5家最佳动画工作室。此排名基于这些公司所取得的成就,相信大家也会认同。 《海绵宝宝》剧照 (来源:尼克罗迪恩) 5. Nickelodeon Animation Studio 第五名 尼克罗迪恩动画工作室 If a pantheon were erected in honor of all the truly great cartoons of our childhood, Nickelodeon would have a spot reserved for it by all the Generation Y adults still coping with their nostalgia. Beginning in 1990 as Games Animation, Nickelodeon hit it big from the get-go with original programs like Doug , Rugrats and The Ren and Stimpy Show . The television network dipped into live-action game shows too with Legends of the Hidden Temple and Figure It Out , but it was the animated series, given the name Nicktoons by the studio, that stood out as a testament to the quality of the channel among both kids and adults. 如果要建造一座神殿来纪念我们童年时代的优质动画,尼克罗迪恩一定享有一席之地。所有千禧一代的成年人仍有怀旧之情。1990年成立之初,尼克罗迪恩主要进行游戏动画制作,推出的原创动画《道格》《淘气小兵兵》《莱恩和史丁比》大受欢迎。这家电视网络公司也将其业务范围扩展到真人游戏秀,比如《神秘的古庙》和《寻找答案》。然而令尼克罗迪恩备受瞩目的还是它的动画连续剧,工作室为其取名为尼克卡通,无论对孩子还是大人而言,该电视频道都称得上是高质量、高水准。 We’ve already compiled a list of the very best shows in Nickelodeon’s illustrious history, including many of the best animated series the studio has offered. Of those series, a few that have stood out include SpongeBob SquarePants , Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius , Invader Zim and Avatar: The Last Airbender . In 1998, the company would make its first foray into cartoon features, releasing its theatrical film The Rugrats Movie . Since then, other Nicktoon favorites have made their big screen debuts including Hey Arnold!: The Movie and both SpongeBob releases. 我们整理了尼克罗迪恩辉煌动画史上最优秀的节目清单,包括许多最佳动画系列,其中最为出色的是《海绵宝宝》《天才小子吉米》《外星入侵者》和《降世神通:最后的气宗》。1998年,公司首次进军动画电影领域,发行院线电影《淘气小兵兵》。此后,尼克卡通又成功发行了几部深受大众喜爱的动画电影,如《大头仔天空》和前两部《海绵宝宝》。 《功夫熊猫》剧照 (来源:梦工厂) 4. DreamWorks Animation 第四名 梦工厂动画 Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. That’s been DreamWorks Animation’s story since stepping on the scene back in 1994. Don’t get us wrong – they’ve left an indelible mark on the animated film and television world in that short time. By now, we’re all familiar with their logo of a young boy fishing from his seat on a crescent moon. Ever since that logo first appear more than two decades ago, audiences have received that kind of creativity and while it’s never failed to impress, the reactions have always been just slightly short of that which comes from our top three ranked choices on this list. “总是配角,从未主角”,这是自1994年问世以来,梦工厂动画的真实写照。不要误会,他们确实于短时间内在世界动画电影和电视界留下了不可磨灭的印记。如今,大众都很熟悉梦工厂的标志——一个坐在月牙上垂钓的小男孩。自从20多年前这个标志首次亮相,观众们就一直感受到了其非凡的创造力。不过,虽然梦工厂给观众留下了深刻印象,但比起榜单上排名前三的动画制作公司,其反响总是稍逊一筹。 DreamWorks began as a business venture between Spielberg, former Disney executive Jefferey Katzenberg and music executive David Geffen. After recruiting some heavy-hitting animators to join their squad, the team went to work, releasing their first feature Antz in 1998. Since then, the studio has consistently turned out one of the best track records for cartoon features and television, including films such as the Shrek franchise, the Madagascar franchise, the Kung Fu Panda franchise, both How to Train Your Dragon films and Trolls . 梦工厂由斯皮尔伯格、迪士尼前执行官杰弗里·卡岑伯格和音乐执行官戴维·格芬投资创立。聘请了一些重量级的动画大师加入后,该团队开始投入运营,于1998年推出了首部故事片《小蚁雄兵》。自那时起,公司在动画电影和电视领域屡创佳绩,其中包括《怪物史莱克》系列、《马达加斯加》系列、《功夫熊猫》系列,以及《驯龙高手》系列和《魔发精灵》。 《辉夜姬物语》剧照 (来源:吉卜力) 3. Studio Ghibli 第三名 吉卜力工作室 Hailing from Koganei, Tokyo in Japan, Studio Ghibli has not only the honor of being one of the most beloved producers of anime in the world, it’s also the company of co-founder and acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki. If every family-friendly anime feature or Pixar movie of the last two decades has won over its audience with its heartfelt tales of virtue, it’s only because their creators have stood on the shoulders of giants like Miyazaki who have continually crafted some of the most imaginative and visually captivating pictures cinema has ever seen. It’s on those shoulders that Studio Ghibli’s reputation has rested and so far its founders haven’t faltered. 吉卜力工作室位于日本东京小金井市,它被誉为世界上最受喜爱的动漫制作公司之一,著名导演宫崎骏也是该公司的联合创始人。如果说过去20年,每部适合家庭观看的动漫或皮克斯电影,以其感人至深的美德故事赢得了观众青睐,那只是因为它们的创作者站在了像宫崎骏这样的巨人的肩膀上,他们不断推陈出新,创作出前所未有的、最富想象力及视觉魅力的动画电影。正因有宫崎骏这样的大师级人物,吉卜力工作室一直享有很高声誉,始创者也仍初心未改。 After the success of his 1984 film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind , Miyazaki launched Studio Ghibli on June 15, 1985 with producer Toshio Suzuki and fellow director Isao Takahata, who would later go on to direct Grave of the Fireflies for the company. While many companies were run like businesses with an agenda, Ghibli always felt like a passion project between friends. Miyazaki and his allies would go on to release eight of the fifteen highest grossing anime films in Japanese history with notable movies such as My Neighbor Totoro , Princess Mononoke , Spirited Away , The Tale of Princess Kaguya and When Marnie Was There . Reaching to fans in the United States, Miyazaki has made a name for himself as not only the greatest animated director of his generation, but perhaps of all time. 继1984年电影《风之谷》大获成功后,宫崎骏于1985年6月15日与制片人铃木敏夫、导演高畑勋共同创立了吉卜力工作室,后者随后执导了《萤火虫之墓》。许多公司都是如商务运作般制作动画,但吉卜力工作室始终像朋友之间的热情协作。日本历史上票房最高的15部著名动画电影中,有8部由他们团队创作发行,其中包括《龙猫》《幽灵公主》《千与千寻》《辉夜姬物语》及《记忆中的玛妮》。宫崎骏在美国拥有众多粉丝,他不仅是他那一代最优秀的动画导演,甚至可能是迄今为止最伟大的动画导演。 《魔发奇缘》剧照 (来源:迪士尼) 2. Walt Disney Animation Studios 第二名 华特迪士尼动画工作室 Disney is a name that has become synonymous with so many words over time that it’s hard to keep count. It’s an umbrella of imagination and adventure that covers every facet of entertainment. It’s through timeless classics that the studio first made its mark and we’re forever indebted to them for giving us so many childhood memories to cherish for a lifetime. 随着时间推移,迪士尼这个名字已成为无数词语的代名词,它是一把由想象力和冒险精神织成的伞盖,涵盖了娱乐界的方方面面。正是这些永恒的经典作品让迪士尼崭露头角。我们永远感谢这些作品,为我们提供了如此多的童年回忆,值得珍藏一生。 Founded in 1923 by Walt Disney and his older brother Roy, the two siblings began producing silent short cartoons in their small studio in Los Angeles. It was the introduction of none other than Mickey Mouse which kickstarted the company’s career. Mickey would of course go on to become the face of the business, but it was the 1937 feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs which brought renowned attention to everyone on board. Since then, the company has released upwards of sixty different full-length features, each one a testament to the remarkable strength in quality Disney holds for itself. With classics like Pinnochio , Bambi , The Lion King , The Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid to name a few, along with more recent examples like Tangled , The Princess and the Frog and Frozen , we’re not in the minority in saying that Walt Disney leads by example. 1923年,华特·迪士尼和哥哥罗伊共同创立了迪士尼,两兄弟开始在洛杉矶的小工作室里制作无声动画短片。米老鼠的问世,开启了公司的事业,米老鼠也理所当然地成为迪士尼的企业形象,但直到1937年《白雪公主和七个小矮人》上映,迪士尼才真正家喻户晓。此后,该公司发行了60余部动画长片,每一部都体现了迪士尼一贯的高制作水准。工作室曾制作出《木偶奇遇记》《小鹿斑比》《狮子王》《美女与野兽》《小美人鱼》等经典,最近又推出了《魔发奇缘》《公主与青蛙》和《冰雪奇缘》等动画,就作品而言,工作室一直处于领先,持这种看法的人不在少数。 《寻梦环游记》剧照 (来源:皮克斯) 1. Pixar Animation Studios 第一名 皮克斯动画工作室 For three decades, it’s produced stories which have exceeded the ideas of what a cartoon should be by appealing to children, their parents and pretty much every age group out there. It begins with a thought, the basis for the story. From there, regular meetings are held with trusted members of the company to transform that idea. Criticisms are tossed away for open discussion and everyone is inviting when it comes to restructuring a feature for the betterment of the final product. It’s all about creating an image of acceptance and quality with your audience. 过去30年,皮克斯动画不仅吸引了儿童及其父母,还触动了几乎各个年龄段的人群,由此超越了人们对动画的固有印象。由一个故事构想,即故事梗概开始,公司定期召开核心成员会议,完善构思。在调整某一特色以更好呈现最终作品方面,公司摒弃一味批评,鼓励公开讨论,欢迎所有成员发表意见。这一切都是为了把控作品质量,令观众满意。 Every Pixar picture to date, as well as the short films that preceded them, have been the result of the writers trying to surprise themselves by being candid about their own story’s flaws. We all know the resulting filmography – the Toy Story franchise, The Incredibles , Ratatouille , Up , WALL-E , Finding Dory – the list goes on and on. Not every moment has always been a success, but the positives have far outweighed the negatives. It all began in 1986 with an investment from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Since then, the desk lamp logo for the company has become one of the most memorable symbols in cinematic history. With releases for Cars 3 , Coco , Toy Story 4 and The Incredibles 2 , the anticipation only grows for what’s next. 迄今为止,每部皮克斯电影,以及之前的短片,都是编剧们坦诚面对自己故事的缺陷从而成就的惊喜之作。比如我们都知道的《玩具总动员》系列,《超人总动员》《美食总动员》《飞屋环游记》《机器人总动员》《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》等——作品数不胜数。成功并非总是如影相随,但发展道路上的积极因素远超消极因素。1986年, 苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯对其进行了投资。此后,公司的台灯标志便成为电影史上最令人印象深刻的标志之一。随着《汽车总动员3》《寻梦环游记》《玩具总动员4》和《超人总动员2》的上映,人们对其未来抱有更高的期待。 来源:《英语世界》 作者:特纳·明顿(Turner Minton) 译者:赵晓囡
5. Nickelodeon Animation Studio If a pantheon were erected in honor of all the truly great cartoons of our childhood, Nickelodeon would have a spot reserved for it by all the Generation Y adults still coping with their nostalgia. Beginning in 1990 as Games Animation, Nickelodeon hit it big from the get-go with original programs like Doug , Rugrats and The Ren and Stimpy Show . The television network dipped into live-action game shows too with Legends of the Hidden Temple and Figure It Out , but it was the animated series, given the name Nicktoons by the studio, that stood out as a testament to the quality of the channel among both kids and adults. We’ve already compiled a list of the very best shows in Nickelodeon’s illustrious history, including many of the best animated series the studio has offered. Of those series, a few that have stood out include SpongeBob SquarePants , Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius , Invader Zim and Avatar: The Last Airbender . In 1998, the company would make its first foray into cartoon features, releasing its theatrical film The Rugrats Movie . Since then, other Nicktoon favorites have made their big screen debuts including Hey Arnold!: The Movie and both SpongeBob releases. 4. DreamWorks Animation Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. That’s been DreamWorks Animation’s story since stepping on the scene back in 1994. Don’t get us wrong – they’ve left an indelible mark on the animated film and television world in that short time. By now, we’re all familiar with their logo of a young boy fishing from his seat on a crescent moon. Ever since that logo first appear more than two decades ago, audiences have received that kind of creativity and while it’s never failed to impress, the reactions have always been just slightly short of that which comes from our top three ranked choices on this list. DreamWorks began as a business venture between Spielberg, former Disney executive Jefferey Katzenberg and music executive David Geffen. After recruiting some heavy-hitting animators to join their squad, the team went to work, releasing their first feature Antz in 1998. Since then, the studio has consistently turned out one of the best track records for cartoon features and television, including films such as the Shrek franchise, the Madagascar franchise, the Kung Fu Panda franchise, both How to Train Your Dragon films and Trolls . 3. Studio Ghibli Hailing from Koganei, Tokyo in Japan, Studio Ghibli has not only the honor of being one of the most beloved producers of anime in the world, it’s also the company of co-founder and acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki. If every family-friendly anime feature or Pixar movie of the last two decades has won over its audience with its heartfelt tales of virtue, it’s only because their creators have stood on the shoulders of giants like Miyazaki who have continually crafted some of the most imaginative and visually captivating pictures cinema has ever seen. It’s on those shoulders that Studio Ghibli’s reputation has rested and so far its founders haven’t faltered. After the success of his 1984 film , Miyazaki launched Studio Ghibli on June 15, 1985 with producer Toshio Suzuki and fellow director Isao Takahata, who would later go on to direct Grave of the Fireflies for the company. While many companies were run like businesses with an agenda, Ghibli always felt like a passion project between friends. Miyazaki and his allies would go on to release eight of the fifteen highest grossing anime films in Japanese history with notable movies such as My Neighbor Totoro , Princess Mononoke , Spirited Away , The Tale of Princess Kaguya and When Marnie Was There . Reaching to fans in the United States, Miyazaki has made a name for himself as not only the greatest animated director of his generation, but perhaps of all time. 2. Walt Disney Animation Studios Disney is a name that has become synonymous with so many words over time that it’s hard to keep count. It’s an umbrella of imagination and adventure that covers every facet of entertainment. It’s through timeless classics that the studio first made its mark and we’re forever indebted to them for giving us so many childhood memories to cherish for a lifetime. Founded in 1923 by Walt Disney and his older brother Roy, the two siblings began producing silent short cartoons in their small studio in Los Angeles. It was the introduction of none other than Mickey Mouse which kickstarted the company’s career. Mickey would of course go on to become the face of the business, but it was the 1937 feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs which brought renowned attention to everyone on board. Since then, the company has released upwards of sixty different full-length features, each one a testament to the remarkable strength in quality Disney holds for itself. With classics like Pinnochio , Bambi , The Lion King , The Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid to name a few, along with more recent examples like Tangled , The Princess and the Frog and Frozen , we’re not in the minority in saying that Walt Disney leads by example. 1. Pixar Animation Studios For three decades, it’s produced stories which have exceeded the ideas of what a cartoon should be by appealing to children, their parents and pretty much every age group out there. It begins with a thought, the basis for the story. From there, regular meetings are held with trusted members of the company to transform that idea. Criticisms are tossed away for open discussion and everyone is inviting when it comes to restructuring a feature for the betterment of the final product. It’s all about creating an image of acceptance and quality with your audience. Every Pixar picture to date, as well as the short films that preceded them, have been the result of the writers trying to surprise themselves by being candid about their own story’s flaws. We all know the resulting filmography – the Toy Story franchise, The Incredibles , Ratatouille , Up , WALL-E , Finding Dory – the list goes on and on. Not every moment has always been a success, but the positives have far outweighed the negatives. It all began in 1986 with an investment from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Since then, the desk lamp logo for the company has become one of the most memorable symbols in cinematic history. With releases for Cars 3 , Coco , Toy Story 4 and The Incredibles 2 , the anticipation only grows for what’s next.
我们经常在电视上或影院里看到动画片,但很少思考制作一部动画片需要多少人的努力。从历史悠久、员工众多的大公司到名不见经传的小型制作室,我们选出了5家最佳动画工作室。此排名基于这些公司所取得的成就,相信大家也会认同。 《海绵宝宝》剧照 (来源:尼克罗迪恩) 第五名 尼克罗迪恩动画工作室 如果要建造一座神殿来纪念我们童年时代的优质动画,尼克罗迪恩一定享有一席之地。所有千禧一代的成年人仍有怀旧之情。1990年成立之初,尼克罗迪恩主要进行游戏动画制作,推出的原创动画《道格》《淘气小兵兵》《莱恩和史丁比》大受欢迎。这家电视网络公司也将其业务范围扩展到真人游戏秀,比如《神秘的古庙》和《寻找答案》。然而令尼克罗迪恩备受瞩目的还是它的动画连续剧,工作室为其取名为尼克卡通,无论对孩子还是大人而言,该电视频道都称得上是高质量、高水准。 我们整理了尼克罗迪恩辉煌动画史上最优秀的节目清单,包括许多最佳动画系列,其中最为出色的是《海绵宝宝》《天才小子吉米》《外星入侵者》和《降世神通:最后的气宗》。1998年,公司首次进军动画电影领域,发行院线电影《淘气小兵兵》。此后,尼克卡通又成功发行了几部深受大众喜爱的动画电影,如《大头仔天空》和前两部《海绵宝宝》。 《功夫熊猫》剧照 (来源:梦工厂) 第四名 梦工厂动画 “总是配角,从未主角”,这是自1994年问世以来,梦工厂动画的真实写照。不要误会,他们确实于短时间内在世界动画电影和电视界留下了不可磨灭的印记。如今,大众都很熟悉梦工厂的标志——一个坐在月牙上垂钓的小男孩。自从20多年前这个标志首次亮相,观众们就一直感受到了其非凡的创造力。不过,虽然梦工厂给观众留下了深刻印象,但比起榜单上排名前三的动画制作公司,其反响总是稍逊一筹。 梦工厂由斯皮尔伯格、迪士尼前执行官杰弗里·卡岑伯格和音乐执行官戴维·格芬投资创立。聘请了一些重量级的动画大师加入后,该团队开始投入运营,于1998年推出了首部故事片《小蚁雄兵》。自那时起,公司在动画电影和电视领域屡创佳绩,其中包括《怪物史莱克》系列、《马达加斯加》系列、《功夫熊猫》系列,以及《驯龙高手》系列和《魔发精灵》。 《辉夜姬物语》剧照 (来源:吉卜力) 第三名 吉卜力工作室 吉卜力工作室位于日本东京小金井市,它被誉为世界上最受喜爱的动漫制作公司之一,著名导演宫崎骏也是该公司的联合创始人。如果说过去20年,每部适合家庭观看的动漫或皮克斯电影,以其感人至深的美德故事赢得了观众青睐,那只是因为它们的创作者站在了像宫崎骏这样的巨人的肩膀上,他们不断推陈出新,创作出前所未有的、最富想象力及视觉魅力的动画电影。正因有宫崎骏这样的大师级人物,吉卜力工作室一直享有很高声誉,始创者也仍初心未改。 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 继1984年电影《风之谷》大获成功后,宫崎骏于1985年6月15日与制片人铃木敏夫、导演高畑勋共同创立了吉卜力工作室,后者随后执导了《萤火虫之墓》。许多公司都是如商务运作般制作动画,但吉卜力工作室始终像朋友之间的热情协作。日本历史上票房最高的15部著名动画电影中,有8部由他们团队创作发行,其中包括《龙猫》《幽灵公主》《千与千寻》《辉夜姬物语》及《记忆中的玛妮》。宫崎骏在美国拥有众多粉丝,他不仅是他那一代最优秀的动画导演,甚至可能是迄今为止最伟大的动画导演。 《魔发奇缘》剧照 (来源:迪士尼) 第二名 华特迪士尼动画工作室 随着时间推移,迪士尼这个名字已成为无数词语的代名词,它是一把由想象力和冒险精神织成的伞盖,涵盖了娱乐界的方方面面。正是这些永恒的经典作品让迪士尼崭露头角。我们永远感谢这些作品,为我们提供了如此多的童年回忆,值得珍藏一生。 1923年,华特·迪士尼和哥哥罗伊共同创立了迪士尼,两兄弟开始在洛杉矶的小工作室里制作无声动画短片。米老鼠的问世,开启了公司的事业,米老鼠也理所当然地成为迪士尼的企业形象,但直到1937年《白雪公主和七个小矮人》上映,迪士尼才真正家喻户晓。此后,该公司发行了60余部动画长片,每一部都体现了迪士尼一贯的高制作水准。工作室曾制作出《木偶奇遇记》《小鹿斑比》《狮子王》《美女与野兽》《小美人鱼》等经典,最近又推出了《魔发奇缘》《公主与青蛙》和《冰雪奇缘》等动画,就作品而言,工作室一直处于领先,持这种看法的人不在少数。 《寻梦环游记》剧照 (来源:皮克斯) 第一名 皮克斯动画工作室 过去30年,皮克斯动画不仅吸引了儿童及其父母,还触动了几乎各个年龄段的人群,由此超越了人们对动画的固有印象。由一个故事构想,即故事梗概开始,公司定期召开核心成员会议,完善构思。在调整某一特色以更好呈现最终作品方面,公司摒弃一味批评,鼓励公开讨论,欢迎所有成员发表意见。这一切都是为了把控作品质量,令观众满意。 迄今为止,每部皮克斯电影,以及之前的短片,都是编剧们坦诚面对自己故事的缺陷从而成就的惊喜之作。比如我们都知道的《玩具总动员》系列,《超人总动员》《美食总动员》《飞屋环游记》《机器人总动员》《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》等——作品数不胜数。成功并非总是如影相随,但发展道路上的积极因素远超消极因素。1986年, 苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯对其进行了投资。此后,公司的台灯标志便成为电影史上最令人印象深刻的标志之一。随着《汽车总动员3》《寻梦环游记》《玩具总动员4》和《超人总动员2》的上映,人们对其未来抱有更高的期待。 来源:《英语世界》 作者:特纳·明顿(Turner Minton) 译者:赵晓囡
北京时间12月3日23时10分,嫦娥五号上升器从月面起飞,携带月球样品成功进入预定环月轨道。这是中国首次实现地外天体起飞。 A Chinese spacecraft carrying the country's first lunar samples blasted off from the moon late Thursday, the China National Space Administration announced. 中国国家航天局宣布,一艘载有中国首个月球样本的航天器于12月3日晚些时候从月球发射升空。 This represented the first-ever Chinese spacecraft to take off from an extraterrestrial body. 这是中国首次实现地外天体起飞。 extraterrestrial /ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl/:地球外的 China's Chang'e-5 probe, comprising an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a returner, was launched on Nov 24, and its lander-ascender combination touched down on the north of the Mons Rumker in Oceanus Procellarum, also known as the Ocean of Storms, on the near side of the moon on Dec 1. 中国的嫦娥五号探测器包括轨道器、着陆器、上升器、返回器四个部分,于11月24日发射,着陆器和上升器组合体于12月1日平稳着陆于月球正面的风暴洋北部吕姆克山脉附近。 点火起飞前,嫦娥五号着上组合体(the lander-ascender combination)实现月面五星红旗展开,这是中国在月球表面首次实现五星红旗的“独立展示”。 Before the ascender was launched, the lander-ascender combination erected a small Chinese national flag to honor the country, the administration said. 在上升器发射之前,嫦娥五号着上组合体竖起一面中国国旗以示敬意。 这面闪耀月球的五星红旗重量只有1公斤,在正负150摄氏度的温差下仍能“保持本色”。 月面起飞前亮国旗 模拟动图 作为中国探月工程“绕(orbiting)、落(landing)、回(sample returning)”三步走的收官之战,嫦娥五号任务会从月球采集约2公斤月球样品返回地球。 此前,经过约19小时月面工作,嫦娥五号探测器于12月2日22时顺利完成月球表面自动采样,并按预定形式将样品封装保存在上升器携带的贮存装置中。 点火起飞后,上升器经历垂直上升、姿态调整和轨道射入三个阶段,进入预定环月飞行轨道。随后,上升器将与环月等待的轨返组合体交会对接,将月球样品转移到返回器,后者将等待合适的月地入射窗口,做好返回地球的准备。 After the samples were collected and sealed, the ascender of Chang'e-5 took off from the lunar surface, and is expected to complete unmanned rendezvous and docking with the orbiter-returner in lunar orbit, an unprecedented feat. 来源:国家航天局供图。图片摄影:张高翔 第一面“织物版”五星红旗 五星红旗能够在月球上实现独立展示,主要依靠月面国旗展示系统辅助。该系统由月面国旗、压紧释放装置、展开机构三部分组成,长约半米。系统在折叠状态下随探测器升空,着陆月球后按照指令解锁打开。 与嫦娥三号、嫦娥四号以及玉兔月球车上的五星红旗采用喷涂方式不同,嫦娥五号这面“织物版”五星红旗是一面真正的旗帜。这是五星红旗在月球表面的又一次成功展示,也让中国探测器在月球上再次打上“中国标识”。 五星红旗月面展示模拟图 宇宙中拥有很强的电磁辐射,月球表面环境恶劣,温差可达正负150摄氏度,这就决定了普通五星红旗无法在月球上使用。 如何保证五星红旗展开时拥有足够的强度,保持平整,研制团队围绕这一问题做了很多理论研究和模拟试验。五星红旗展示系统技术负责人程昌表示,科研团队在选材上花费的时间就超过1年,最终挑选出了二三十种纤维材料,通过热匹配性、耐高低温、防静电、防月球尘埃等物理试验,最终决定采用某新型复合材料,既能满足强度要求,又能满足染色性能要求,从而保证五星红旗能够抵御月表恶劣的环境,做到不褪色、不串色、不变形。 “虽然这只是一面薄薄的五星红旗,但科技含量十分高。”五星红旗展示系统项目指挥马威感慨道。 编辑:左卓 来源:央视新闻 参考消息 新华社 中国日报
A Chinese spacecraft carrying the country's first lunar samples blasted off from the moon late Thursday, the China National Space Administration announced. This represented the first-ever Chinese spacecraft to take off from an extraterrestrial body. China's Chang'e-5 probe, comprising an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a returner, was launched on Nov 24, and its lander-ascender combination touched down on the north of the Mons Rumker in Oceanus Procellarum, also known as the Ocean of Storms, on the near side of the moon on Dec 1. Before the ascender was launched, the lander-ascender combination erected a small Chinese national flag to honor the country, the administration said. After the samples were collected and sealed, the ascender of Chang'e-5 took off from the lunar surface, and is expected to complete unmanned rendezvous and docking with the orbiter-returner in lunar orbit, an unprecedented feat.
北京时间12月3日23时10分,嫦娥五号上升器从月面起飞,携带月球样品成功进入预定环月轨道。这是中国首次实现地外天体起飞。 中国国家航天局宣布,一艘载有中国首个月球样本的航天器于12月3日晚些时候从月球发射升空。 这是中国首次实现地外天体起飞。 extraterrestrial /ˌekstrətəˈrestriəl/:地球外的 中国的嫦娥五号探测器包括轨道器、着陆器、上升器、返回器四个部分,于11月24日发射,着陆器和上升器组合体于12月1日平稳着陆于月球正面的风暴洋北部吕姆克山脉附近。 点火起飞前,嫦娥五号着上组合体(the lander-ascender combination)实现月面五星红旗展开,这是中国在月球表面首次实现五星红旗的“独立展示”。 在上升器发射之前,嫦娥五号着上组合体竖起一面中国国旗以示敬意。 这面闪耀月球的五星红旗重量只有1公斤,在正负150摄氏度的温差下仍能“保持本色”。 月面起飞前亮国旗 模拟动图 作为中国探月工程“绕(orbiting)、落(landing)、回(sample returning)”三步走的收官之战,嫦娥五号任务会从月球采集约2公斤月球样品返回地球。 此前,经过约19小时月面工作,嫦娥五号探测器于12月2日22时顺利完成月球表面自动采样,并按预定形式将样品封装保存在上升器携带的贮存装置中。 点火起飞后,上升器经历垂直上升、姿态调整和轨道射入三个阶段,进入预定环月飞行轨道。随后,上升器将与环月等待的轨返组合体交会对接,将月球样品转移到返回器,后者将等待合适的月地入射窗口,做好返回地球的准备。 来源:国家航天局供图。图片摄影:张高翔 第一面“织物版”五星红旗 五星红旗能够在月球上实现独立展示,主要依靠月面国旗展示系统辅助。该系统由月面国旗、压紧释放装置、展开机构三部分组成,长约半米。系统在折叠状态下随探测器升空,着陆月球后按照指令解锁打开。 与嫦娥三号、嫦娥四号以及玉兔月球车上的五星红旗采用喷涂方式不同,嫦娥五号这面“织物版”五星红旗是一面真正的旗帜。这是五星红旗在月球表面的又一次成功展示,也让中国探测器在月球上再次打上“中国标识”。 五星红旗月面展示模拟图 宇宙中拥有很强的电磁辐射,月球表面环境恶劣,温差可达正负150摄氏度,这就决定了普通五星红旗无法在月球上使用。 如何保证五星红旗展开时拥有足够的强度,保持平整,研制团队围绕这一问题做了很多理论研究和模拟试验。五星红旗展示系统技术负责人程昌表示,科研团队在选材上花费的时间就超过1年,最终挑选出了二三十种纤维材料,通过热匹配性、耐高低温、防静电、防月球尘埃等物理试验,最终决定采用某新型复合材料,既能满足强度要求,又能满足染色性能要求,从而保证五星红旗能够抵御月表恶劣的环境,做到不褪色、不串色、不变形。 “虽然这只是一面薄薄的五星红旗,但科技含量十分高。”五星红旗展示系统项目指挥马威感慨道。 编辑:左卓 来源:央视新闻 参考消息 新华社 中国日报
华纳兄弟日前宣布了一个重磅消息,将取消院线窗口期,2021年上映的所有新片将同步登陆流媒体平台HBO Max,其中包括《黑客帝国4》和《沙丘》等备受关注的大片。 Still from"Matrix 4" (Credit:Warner Bros.) In a momentous decision that could upend the way movies are distributed in the future, Warner Bros., the world's second-largest movie studio, announced it would stream all of its 2021 movies at the same time they hit theaters. 世界第二大电影公司华纳兄弟宣布2021年影院上映的所有电影将会同步登陆流媒体平台。这一重大决定可能会颠覆电影未来的发行方式。 The movies include "Matrix 4," "Dune," "Judas and the Black Messiah," "Space Jam: A New Legacy," "The Suicide Squad" and the film adaptation of "In The Heights," among others, WarnerMedia announced Thursday. WarnerMedia is the parent company of Warner Bros. and HBO. Shares of movie theatre operators AMC (AMC) and Cinemark (CNK) fell more than 15% on the news. 华纳兄弟和HBO的母公司华纳媒体集团周四(12月3日)宣布,这些电影包括《黑客帝国4》、《沙丘》、《耶稣是我同伙》、《空中大灌篮:新传奇》、《X特遣队:全员集结》和根据音乐剧改编的同名电影《身在高地》。消息放出后,影院运营商AMC和喜满客院线股价应声下跌超15%。 Although movie-watching habits have been changing for years, with cheap big-screen television sets and ubiquitous streaming services, the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated those trends. Warner Bros.' announcement, however, is a massive leap that none of its competitors has yet taken. The movie theater distribution business remains lucrative and crucial to Hollywood's bottom line. 尽管这些年来由于白菜价的大屏电视机和无所不在的流媒体服务,人们的观影习惯已经发生了改变,但是新冠疫情加剧了这些趋势。然而,华纳兄弟宣布的这一决定是一个飞跃,它的任何一个竞争对手都从未迈出过这么大的步伐。现在影院发行业务依然赚钱,对好莱坞的盈亏底线也至关重要。 "No one wants films back on the big screen more than we do. We know new content is the lifeblood of theatrical exhibition, but we have to balance this with the reality that most theaters in the US will likely operate at reduced capacity throughout 2021," Ann Sarnoff, chair and CEO of WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Group, said in a statement. 华纳媒体工作室和网络集团的主席和首席执行官安·萨尔诺夫在一份声明中说:“没人比我们更希望电影能回归大屏幕。我们知道新内容是剧院的生命线,但我们必须与眼前的现实相平衡,美国的多数影院可能在整个2021年都会客流量不足。” The studio announced last month it would run "Wonder Woman 1984" simultaneously in theaters and on the streaming service on December 25. The decision followed the studio's release of "Tenet" in theaters last summer, which faced disappointing box office sales. Disney (DIS) and Universal Studios (CMCSA) have chosen to release some of their films directly on streaming services including "Mulan" and "Trolls: World Tour," respectively. Unlike those two movies, however, the Warner Bros.' theatrical slate won't cost HBO Max subscribers anything extra. 华纳兄弟上个月宣布,将于12月25日在影院和流媒体服务平台同步发行《神奇女侠1984》。在刚刚过去的这个夏天华纳兄弟在影院上映了《信条》,结果票房不理想。迪士尼和环球影业选择直接在流媒体平台上发行一部分电影,包括迪士尼的《花木兰》和环球影业的《魔发精灵:世界之旅》。不过,和这两部电影不同,华纳兄弟的新片不会让HBO Max的订阅用户额外再花一分钱。 Still from"Dune" (Credit:Warner Bros.) WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar said in Thursday's blog post that the studio's 2021 slate includes 17 films such as "The Little Things," "Tom & Jerry," "Godzilla vs. Kong," "In The Heights" and "Dune." 华纳媒体首席执行官贾森·基拉尔在周四(12月3日)发表的博文中透露,华纳兄弟2021年将上映的17部新片包括《小细节》、《猫和老鼠》、《哥斯拉大战金刚》、《身在高地》和《沙丘》。 "Our content is extremely valuable, unless it's sitting on a shelf not being seen by anyone," Kilar said. "We believe this approach serves our fans, supports exhibitors and filmmakers, and enhances the HBO Max experience, creating value for all." 基拉尔表示:“我们的内容非常宝贵,但是如果人们都看不到就会毫无价值。我们认为这种方式可以为影迷服务,支持影院和制片人,提高HBO Max的体验,从而为各方面创造价值。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Still from"Matrix 4" (Credit:Warner Bros.) In a momentous decision that could upend the way movies are distributed in the future, Warner Bros., the world's second-largest movie studio, announced it would stream all of its 2021 movies at the same time they hit theaters. The movies include "Matrix 4," "Dune," "Judas and the Black Messiah," "Space Jam: A New Legacy," "The Suicide Squad" and the film adaptation of "In The Heights," among others, WarnerMedia announced Thursday. WarnerMedia is the parent company of Warner Bros. and HBO. Shares of movie theatre operators AMC (AMC) and Cinemark (CNK) fell more than 15% on the news. Although movie-watching habits have been changing for years, with cheap big-screen television sets and ubiquitous streaming services, the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated those trends. Warner Bros.' announcement, however, is a massive leap that none of its competitors has yet taken. The movie theater distribution business remains lucrative and crucial to Hollywood's bottom line. "No one wants films back on the big screen more than we do. We know new content is the lifeblood of theatrical exhibition, but we have to balance this with the reality that most theaters in the US will likely operate at reduced capacity throughout 2021," Ann Sarnoff, chair and CEO of WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Group, said in a statement. The studio announced last month it would run "Wonder Woman 1984" simultaneously in theaters and on the streaming service on December 25. The decision followed the studio's release of "Tenet" in theaters last summer, which faced disappointing box office sales. Disney (DIS) and Universal Studios (CMCSA) have chosen to release some of their films directly on streaming services including "Mulan" and "Trolls: World Tour," respectively. Unlike those two movies, however, the Warner Bros.' theatrical slate won't cost HBO Max subscribers anything extra. Still from"Dune" (Credit:Warner Bros.) WarnerMedia CEO Jason Kilar said in Thursday's blog post that the studio's 2021 slate includes 17 films such as "The Little Things," "Tom & Jerry," "Godzilla vs. Kong," "In The Heights" and "Dune." "Our content is extremely valuable, unless it's sitting on a shelf not being seen by anyone," Kilar said. "We believe this approach serves our fans, supports exhibitors and filmmakers, and enhances the HBO Max experience, creating value for all."
华纳兄弟日前宣布了一个重磅消息,将取消院线窗口期,2021年上映的所有新片将同步登陆流媒体平台HBO Max,其中包括《黑客帝国4》和《沙丘》等备受关注的大片。 世界第二大电影公司华纳兄弟宣布2021年影院上映的所有电影将会同步登陆流媒体平台。这一重大决定可能会颠覆电影未来的发行方式。 华纳兄弟和HBO的母公司华纳媒体集团周四(12月3日)宣布,这些电影包括《黑客帝国4》、《沙丘》、《耶稣是我同伙》、《空中大灌篮:新传奇》、《X特遣队:全员集结》和根据音乐剧改编的同名电影《身在高地》。消息放出后,影院运营商AMC和喜满客院线股价应声下跌超15%。 尽管这些年来由于白菜价的大屏电视机和无所不在的流媒体服务,人们的观影习惯已经发生了改变,但是新冠疫情加剧了这些趋势。然而,华纳兄弟宣布的这一决定是一个飞跃,它的任何一个竞争对手都从未迈出过这么大的步伐。现在影院发行业务依然赚钱,对好莱坞的盈亏底线也至关重要。 华纳媒体工作室和网络集团的主席和首席执行官安·萨尔诺夫在一份声明中说:“没人比我们更希望电影能回归大屏幕。我们知道新内容是剧院的生命线,但我们必须与眼前的现实相平衡,美国的多数影院可能在整个2021年都会客流量不足。” 华纳兄弟上个月宣布,将于12月25日在影院和流媒体服务平台同步发行《神奇女侠1984》。在刚刚过去的这个夏天华纳兄弟在影院上映了《信条》,结果票房不理想。迪士尼和环球影业选择直接在流媒体平台上发行一部分电影,包括迪士尼的《花木兰》和环球影业的《魔发精灵:世界之旅》。不过,和这两部电影不同,华纳兄弟的新片不会让HBO Max的订阅用户额外再花一分钱。 华纳媒体首席执行官贾森·基拉尔在周四(12月3日)发表的博文中透露,华纳兄弟2021年将上映的17部新片包括《小细节》、《猫和老鼠》、《哥斯拉大战金刚》、《身在高地》和《沙丘》。 基拉尔表示:“我们的内容非常宝贵,但是如果人们都看不到就会毫无价值。我们认为这种方式可以为影迷服务,支持影院和制片人,提高HBO Max的体验,从而为各方面创造价值。” 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
当你想到远方某地或某种文化的歌曲,脑海里浮现的是什么?是熟悉的,还是完全不同于你习惯的、令你费解难猜的独特曲调?遍览各种文化,我们出于不同的目的写不同的歌,比如,为了宗教游行、舞蹈,或者让啼哭的婴儿安静下来入睡。《科学》周刊上发表的一项新研究结果分析了音乐如何通行于世界各地,尽管它在各个文化内部存在着令人难以置信的多样性。 Photo by 42 North from Pexels “Cultures all over the world have different kinds of music in each society, but what this means is when you zoom out, society’s musical behaviors are pretty similar,” says lead author Sam Mehr, a psychologist at Harvard. 哈佛大学心理学家、论文第一作者萨姆·梅尔说:“世界各地的文化在每个社会都有不同种类的音乐,不过这意味着当你放眼全局时会发现,社会的音乐行为十分相似。” Mehr started working on the project after he kept reading a trite line at the top of research papers that said, “music is universal.” But every time he came across the statement, there wasn’t a citation to back it up. 梅尔开始致力于这项研究的起因是,他在科研论文的开篇总是读到这样一句老生常谈:“音乐无国界。”可是每次他碰到这种表述,都没有用来支撑的引证。 To see if there was any substance to this claim, he and his fellow researchers created two databases: one with descriptions from anthropologists of what happened when music from 60 was playing, and another of 118 audio recordings from 86 different societies. 为了验证这一说法是否有任何实质性的依据,他和其他研究人员创建了两个数据库:一个是人类学家描述的60年代音乐播放时出现的情况,另一个则是来自86个不同社会的118段录音。 He found that there were three characteristics of behavior that consistently characterized music: formality, arousal (or how calming or exciting a song was), and religiosity. Most societies had music that fell into more than one category. 他发现,音乐始终有三种行为特征:礼节性、情绪的唤起(或者说歌曲能起到多少让人平静或令人兴奋的作用)和对宗教的虔诚。大多数社会拥有不只一类音乐。 Given those categories, both machines and foreign listeners were able to pick out a song’s purpose in further tests. The researchers investigated responses from community scientists across the globe, looking at how well they could identify the type of tune based on samples from an online quiz. 根据这些分类,机器和外国听众都能在进一步测试中分辨出歌曲的目的。研究人员调查了全球各地研究社会群体的科学家的反应,看看他们可以在多大程度上依据在线测试样本确定曲调类型。 People did a decent job guessing the themes, especially for dance songs and lullabies, says author Manvir Singh, a Harvard Ph.D. student in the department of human evolutionary biology. “Music appears in this huge diversity of behavioral, social, emotional context in human societies,” Singh says, “but it does so similarly across societies.” 哈佛大学人类进化生物学博士研究生、论文作者曼维尔·辛格说,人们在猜测音乐主题方面表现得相当出色,尤其是在辨别舞曲和摇篮曲时。辛格说:“音乐在人类社会如此纷繁多样的行为、社会和情感背景下出现,但它在各个社会所扮演的角色极为相似。” Daniel Levitin, a cognitive scientist who’s done similar research on music and evolution, believes this kind of systematic approach to understanding music is long overdue. He also says that the study points to an evolutionary history between music and humans. 一直在音乐和进化领域开展类似研究的认知科学家丹尼尔·列维京认为,早就该用这种系统性方法来理解音乐了。他还说,这项研究表明音乐和人类有着共同的进化史。 “The musical brain may have led to things that we take for granted in human nature, like compassion and empathy, because music uniquely can help us achieve those states,” Levitan explains. “Not to mention awe, appreciation, and gratitude.” 列维京解释说:“音乐头脑可能带来了人性中我们视为理所当然的一些东西,比如同情与共情,因为音乐可以很好地让我们达到这些状态。敬畏、欣赏和感激就更不用说了。” For Mehr and his team, the hunt for data is just the beginning. The lab is running more detailed quizzes to dig into how people respond to what they hear. They also hope to do studies on different populations like infants to see how they react to tunes like lullabies from faraway societies. 对梅尔和他的团队来说,搜寻数据只是个开始。实验室正在开展更为详尽的测试,以便挖掘人们对自己听到的东西有何反应。他们还想对婴儿等不同人群展开研究,了解他们对来自远方社会的摇篮曲等曲调作何反应。 Singh says he also hopes to analyze lyrics and the way they shape people’s feelings and actions, even if it’s in a language they don’t understand. “Exploring the lyrics allows us to better understand how music can induce these emotional or behavioral responses,” says Singh, “but also, in a broader way, the world view of the people who are singing.” 辛格说,他还想分析歌词以及它如何影响人们的感受与行为,哪怕使用的是人们听不懂的语言。辛格说:“深入研究歌词让我们更好地理解音乐如何带来这些情感或行为反应,并且从更广阔的意义上讲更好地了解歌唱者的世界观。” 来源: 英语世界
Photo by 42 North from Pexels “Cultures all over the world have different kinds of music in each society, but what this means is when you zoom out, society’s musical behaviors are pretty similar,” says lead author Sam Mehr, a psychologist at Harvard. Mehr started working on the project after he kept reading a trite line at the top of research papers that said, “music is universal.” But every time he came across the statement, there wasn’t a citation to back it up. To see if there was any substance to this claim, he and his fellow researchers created two databases: one with descriptions from anthropologists of what happened when music from 60 was playing, and another of 118 audio recordings from 86 different societies. He found that there were three characteristics of behavior that consistently characterized music: formality, arousal (or how calming or exciting a song was), and religiosity. Most societies had music that fell into more than one category. Given those categories, both machines and foreign listeners were able to pick out a song’s purpose in further tests. The researchers investigated responses from community scientists across the globe, looking at how well they could identify the type of tune based on samples from an online quiz. People did a decent job guessing the themes, especially for dance songs and lullabies, says author Manvir Singh, a Harvard Ph.D. student in the department of human evolutionary biology. “Music appears in this huge diversity of behavioral, social, emotional context in human societies,” Singh says, “but it does so similarly across societies.” Daniel Levitin, a cognitive scientist who’s done similar research on music and evolution, believes this kind of systematic approach to understanding music is long overdue. He also says that the study points to an evolutionary history between music and humans. “The musical brain may have led to things that we take for granted in human nature, like compassion and empathy, because music uniquely can help us achieve those states,” Levitan explains. “Not to mention awe, appreciation, and gratitude.” For Mehr and his team, the hunt for data is just the beginning. The lab is running more detailed quizzes to dig into how people respond to what they hear. They also hope to do studies on different populations like infants to see how they react to tunes like lullabies from faraway societies. Singh says he also hopes to analyze lyrics and the way they shape people’s feelings and actions, even if it’s in a language they don’t understand. “Exploring the lyrics allows us to better understand how music can induce these emotional or behavioral responses,” says Singh, “but also, in a broader way, the world view of the people who are singing.”
当你想到远方某地或某种文化的歌曲,脑海里浮现的是什么?是熟悉的,还是完全不同于你习惯的、令你费解难猜的独特曲调?遍览各种文化,我们出于不同的目的写不同的歌,比如,为了宗教游行、舞蹈,或者让啼哭的婴儿安静下来入睡。《科学》周刊上发表的一项新研究结果分析了音乐如何通行于世界各地,尽管它在各个文化内部存在着令人难以置信的多样性。 哈佛大学心理学家、论文第一作者萨姆·梅尔说:“世界各地的文化在每个社会都有不同种类的音乐,不过这意味着当你放眼全局时会发现,社会的音乐行为十分相似。” 梅尔开始致力于这项研究的起因是,他在科研论文的开篇总是读到这样一句老生常谈:“音乐无国界。”可是每次他碰到这种表述,都没有用来支撑的引证。 为了验证这一说法是否有任何实质性的依据,他和其他研究人员创建了两个数据库:一个是人类学家描述的60年代音乐播放时出现的情况,另一个则是来自86个不同社会的118段录音。 他发现,音乐始终有三种行为特征:礼节性、情绪的唤起(或者说歌曲能起到多少让人平静或令人兴奋的作用)和对宗教的虔诚。大多数社会拥有不只一类音乐。 根据这些分类,机器和外国听众都能在进一步测试中分辨出歌曲的目的。研究人员调查了全球各地研究社会群体的科学家的反应,看看他们可以在多大程度上依据在线测试样本确定曲调类型。 哈佛大学人类进化生物学博士研究生、论文作者曼维尔·辛格说,人们在猜测音乐主题方面表现得相当出色,尤其是在辨别舞曲和摇篮曲时。辛格说:“音乐在人类社会如此纷繁多样的行为、社会和情感背景下出现,但它在各个社会所扮演的角色极为相似。” 一直在音乐和进化领域开展类似研究的认知科学家丹尼尔·列维京认为,早就该用这种系统性方法来理解音乐了。他还说,这项研究表明音乐和人类有着共同的进化史。 列维京解释说:“音乐头脑可能带来了人性中我们视为理所当然的一些东西,比如同情与共情,因为音乐可以很好地让我们达到这些状态。敬畏、欣赏和感激就更不用说了。” 对梅尔和他的团队来说,搜寻数据只是个开始。实验室正在开展更为详尽的测试,以便挖掘人们对自己听到的东西有何反应。他们还想对婴儿等不同人群展开研究,了解他们对来自远方社会的摇篮曲等曲调作何反应。 辛格说,他还想分析歌词以及它如何影响人们的感受与行为,哪怕使用的是人们听不懂的语言。辛格说:“深入研究歌词让我们更好地理解音乐如何带来这些情感或行为反应,并且从更广阔的意义上讲更好地了解歌唱者的世界观。” 来源: 英语世界
英国卫生和社会保健部表示,英国已批准美国辉瑞和德国生物新技术公司联合研制的新冠疫苗紧急使用授权,下周起英国民众就可以接种疫苗。这是有史以来研发最快的疫苗,从概念到批准上市只花了10个月,完成了通常需要十年才能走完的研发步骤。 A small shopping basket filled with vials labeled "COVID-19 - Coronavirus Vaccine" is placed on a UK flag in this illustration taken November 29, 2020. Picture taken November 29, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic Britain has become the first country in the West to approve a COVID-19 vaccine for public use. The UK Department of Health and Social Care confirmed in a statement to British news agencies that the vaccine developed jointly by American drugmaker Pfizer and Germany's BioNTech would be distributed starting next week. Pfizer was the first of three major Western pharmaceutical companies to apply in both the US and Europe for emergency use authorization. 英国成为首个批准新冠疫苗供民众使用的的西方国家。英国卫生和社会保健部在一份发给英国媒体的声明中证实,美国制药商辉瑞和德国生物新技术公司联合研制的新冠疫苗将从下周起开始发放。辉瑞是三家大型西方制药公司中首个在美国和欧洲同时申请紧急使用授权的公司。 "The Government has today accepted the recommendation from the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to approve Pfizer/BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine for use," a Department of Health and Social Care spokesman told the Press Association of Britain. The spokesman said the emergency use authorization followed "months of rigorous clinical trials and a thorough analysis of the data by experts at the MHRA who have concluded that the vaccine has met its strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness." 英国卫生和社会保健部的发言人对英国记者协会表示:“政府今天接受了独立机构英国药品与保健品管理局的建议,决定批准辉瑞和生物新技术公司研制的新冠疫苗投入使用。”发言人表示,在经过了“数月严格缜密的临床测试以及药品与保健品管理局专家对数据的全面分析,最后专家得出结论认为该疫苗符合安全、质量和有效性的严格标准”后,才发放了紧急使用授权。 In line with planning in the US, British front-line healthcare workers, care home residents, the very elderly and people with underlying conditions that make them particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 complications are expected to get the first doses of the vaccine. Pfizer's vaccine, like the Oxford and Moderna formulas, requires two doses about a month apart. 同美国的计划一样,英国一线的医护人员、养老院居民、高龄老人和特别容易发生新冠肺炎并发症的基础病患者将优先接种新冠疫苗。辉瑞疫苗和牛津、莫德纳的疫苗一样,都需要接种两剂,间隔时间一个月。 UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock called it "fantastic news" that Britain's regulator had deemed the first vaccine safe, and vowed that distribution would begin from Monday. He told the BBC Breakfast show that vaccinations would "start with the most elderly and with people in care homes." 英国卫生部部长马特·汉考克表示,英国监管部门对首批疫苗安全性的认可是一个“特大喜讯”,并宣称疫苗将从下周一开始发放。他告诉BBC节目《早餐秀》说,疫苗接种将“从最年迈的老人和养老院居民开始”。 Prime Minister Boris Johnson also hailed the news, confirming in a tweet plans to start rolling out doses from next week. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊也对这一消息表示欢迎,并在发表的推文中证实下周起将开始疫苗接种。 Screenshot from CBS website "It's the protection of vaccines that will ultimately allow us to reclaim our lives and get the economy moving again," Johnson said. 约翰逊表示:“疫苗的保护最终将让我们找回过去的生活,让经济重新运转起来。” Hancock, Britain's top public health official, noted the logistical complexities of distributing the Pfizer vaccine, which needs to be stored at around -94 degrees Fahrenheit, but said Britain would get its first 800,000 doses delivered next week. The UK has a total of 40 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine on order, enough to fully treat 20 million people. 卫生部部长汉考克指出了发放辉瑞疫苗在物流传输上的复杂性,该疫苗需要在零下94华氏度(零下70摄氏度)的温度条件下储存,但他表示下周第一批疫苗共80万剂将运送到英国。英国共下单了4000万剂辉瑞疫苗,足以让2000万人接种。 A dose of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination of BioNTech and Pfizer is pictured in this undated handout photo, as Britain became the first western country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, in Mainz, Germany. BioNTech SE 2020, all rights reserved/Handout via REUTERS Two other vaccines, one developed by US-based Moderna, which also requires sub-zero storage, and one made by British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in conjunction with Oxford University, have also applied for emergency use authorization in the US and Europe. 另外还有两种疫苗也申请了美国和欧洲的紧急使用授权。一种是美国莫德纳公司研制的,同样需要零下温度的储存条件,还有一种是英国制药公司阿斯利康与牛津大学联合研制的。 Both Pfizer and Moderna have said that data from large-scale human trials, involving tens of thousands of people, showed their vaccines to be about 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 infection. AstraZeneca/Oxford found their vaccine, which works in a different way, was up to 90% effective with a certain dosing regimen. The Oxford-developed vaccine is much cheaper to produce, and to distribute as it only requires storage at refrigerator temperatures. 辉瑞和莫德纳都表示,涵盖了数万人的大规模人体试验的数据显示,他们的疫苗防止感染新冠肺炎的有效性可达约95%。阿斯利康和牛津大学发现,在特定的接种方案下,他们这种疗法不同的疫苗有效性可达90%。牛津疫苗的生产和发放成本要低得多,因为该疫苗只需要在冰箱的温度条件下储存。 Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla called the UK move "a historic moment in the fight against COVID-19." 辉瑞公司的首席执行官阿尔伯特·布尔拉将英国此举称作“抗击新冠疫情的历史性时刻”。 None of the human trials on any of the three leading Western-made vaccines have found significant adverse affects. Some side effects commonly associated with long-used vaccines, including soreness around the point of injection, fatigue and headaches have been seen in the trial data. 这三种领先的西方研制疫苗在人体试验中均没有出现过严重的副作用。长期使用的疫苗接种时常见的一些副作用,包括注射处酸痛、疲倦、头疼,也在试验数据中出现过。 A dose of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination of BioNTech and Pfizer is pictured in this undated handout photo, as Britain became the first western country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, in Mainz, Germany. BioNTech SE 2020, all rights reserved/Handout via REUTERS Logistical issues aside, epidemiologists and public health officials worldwide have warned that another major hurdle to putting the coronavirus pandemic behind humanity could be mistrust of the vaccines that become available. 除了物流问题,世界各地的流行病学家和公共卫生官员还警告说,让人类摆脱新冠疫情的另一个主要障碍可能是民众对现有疫苗的不信任。 A CBS News poll carried out in early September found rising skepticism about the coronavirus vaccines in development, with most voters saying that if a vaccine were made available this year, their first thought would be that it was rushed through without enough testing. 美国哥伦比亚广播公司9月初开展的一项民意调查发现,越来越多民众对当前正在研发的新冠疫苗持怀疑态度,多数投票者表示,如果今年疫苗就可以上市,他们首先想到的是该疫苗没有经过足够的测试就仓促完成。 Just 21% of voters nationwide said in the survey that they would get a vaccine as soon as possible if it were available at no cost, which was down from 32% in a survey conducted in late July. Most said they would consider it, but wait to see what happens to others before getting one themselves. 全美只有21%的投票者在调查中表示,如果可以免费接种疫苗的话他们会尽快接种,相比7月末的调查结果(32%)下降了。多数人表示会考虑接种疫苗,不过要等一等看看别人接种疫苗后的反应,然后自己才去接种。 This pandemic has seen pharmaceutical companies and research institutes work with governments and independent regulatory agencies to compress the usually-years-long process of developing and approving vaccines into a much shorter time frame. 疫情期间,制药公司、研究机构和政府、独立监管部门协同合作,压缩了疫苗研发和审批的流程,原本通常需要数年的时间如今得以大大缩短。 The pace has been completely unprecedented, but the entities involved, along with outside experts in infectious disease and vaccinology, have insisted throughout that the process is being compressed safely, largely by overlapping steps that normally come sequentially, rather than by eliminating any steps in the trial and certification process. 这一速度完全是史无前例的,但是有关单位以及外界的传染病和疫苗学专家始终都坚称,这些流程是在安全前提下被压缩的,主要是通过将正常情况下按顺序进行的步骤同时进行,而不是略去了测试和认证流程中的任何步骤。 overlap[ˌoʊvərˈlæp]:v.在时间上部分地重叠,同时发生 Hancock, the British government's health chief, told UK broadcaster Piers Morgan on Wednesday that, if they could get it approved even though they weren't in a high-risk group, he would happily get vaccinated live on television next week with Morgan to show his trust in the vaccine. 英国卫生部部长汉考克周三(12月2日)告诉英国主持人皮尔斯·摩根说,尽管他们不属于高风险群体,但如果可以获得批准,他很愿意下周和摩根一起在电视上直播接种疫苗,以展示他对疫苗的信任。 英文来源:哥伦比亚广播公司 翻译&编辑:丹妮
A small shopping basket filled with vials labeled "COVID-19 - Coronavirus Vaccine" is placed on a UK flag in this illustration taken November 29, 2020. Picture taken November 29, 2020. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic Britain has become the first country in the West to approve a COVID-19 vaccine for public use. The UK Department of Health and Social Care confirmed in a statement to British news agencies that the vaccine developed jointly by American drugmaker Pfizer and Germany's BioNTech would be distributed starting next week. Pfizer was the first of three major Western pharmaceutical companies to apply in both the US and Europe for emergency use authorization. "The Government has today accepted the recommendation from the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to approve Pfizer/BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine for use," a Department of Health and Social Care spokesman told the Press Association of Britain. The spokesman said the emergency use authorization followed "months of rigorous clinical trials and a thorough analysis of the data by experts at the MHRA who have concluded that the vaccine has met its strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness." In line with planning in the US, British front-line healthcare workers, care home residents, the very elderly and people with underlying conditions that make them particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 complications are expected to get the first doses of the vaccine. Pfizer's vaccine, like the Oxford and Moderna formulas, requires two doses about a month apart. UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock called it "fantastic news" that Britain's regulator had deemed the first vaccine safe, and vowed that distribution would begin from Monday. He told the BBC Breakfast show that vaccinations would "start with the most elderly and with people in care homes." Prime Minister Boris Johnson also hailed the news, confirming in a tweet plans to start rolling out doses from next week. Screenshot from CBS website "It's the protection of vaccines that will ultimately allow us to reclaim our lives and get the economy moving again," Johnson said. Hancock, Britain's top public health official, noted the logistical complexities of distributing the Pfizer vaccine, which needs to be stored at around -94 degrees Fahrenheit, but said Britain would get its first 800,000 doses delivered next week. The UK has a total of 40 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine on order, enough to fully treat 20 million people. A dose of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination of BioNTech and Pfizer is pictured in this undated handout photo, as Britain became the first western country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, in Mainz, Germany. BioNTech SE 2020, all rights reserved/Handout via REUTERS Two other vaccines, one developed by US-based Moderna, which also requires sub-zero storage, and one made by British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in conjunction with Oxford University, have also applied for emergency use authorization in the US and Europe. Both Pfizer and Moderna have said that data from large-scale human trials, involving tens of thousands of people, showed their vaccines to be about 95% effective at preventing COVID-19 infection. AstraZeneca/Oxford found their vaccine, which works in a different way, was up to 90% effective with a certain dosing regimen. The Oxford-developed vaccine is much cheaper to produce, and to distribute as it only requires storage at refrigerator temperatures. Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla called the UK move "a historic moment in the fight against COVID-19." None of the human trials on any of the three leading Western-made vaccines have found significant adverse affects. Some side effects commonly associated with long-used vaccines, including soreness around the point of injection, fatigue and headaches have been seen in the trial data. A dose of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination of BioNTech and Pfizer is pictured in this undated handout photo, as Britain became the first western country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, in Mainz, Germany. BioNTech SE 2020, all rights reserved/Handout via REUTERS Logistical issues aside, epidemiologists and public health officials worldwide have warned that another major hurdle to putting the coronavirus pandemic behind humanity could be mistrust of the vaccines that become available. A CBS News poll carried out in early September found rising skepticism about the coronavirus vaccines in development, with most voters saying that if a vaccine were made available this year, their first thought would be that it was rushed through without enough testing. Just 21% of voters nationwide said in the survey that they would get a vaccine as soon as possible if it were available at no cost, which was down from 32% in a survey conducted in late July. Most said they would consider it, but wait to see what happens to others before getting one themselves. This pandemic has seen pharmaceutical companies and research institutes work with governments and independent regulatory agencies to compress the usually-years-long process of developing and approving vaccines into a much shorter time frame. The pace has been completely unprecedented, but the entities involved, along with outside experts in infectious disease and vaccinology, have insisted throughout that the process is being compressed safely, largely by overlapping steps that normally come sequentially, rather than by eliminating any steps in the trial and certification process. Hancock, the British government's health chief, told UK broadcaster Piers Morgan on Wednesday that, if they could get it approved even though they weren't in a high-risk group, he would happily get vaccinated live on television next week with Morgan to show his trust in the vaccine.
英国卫生和社会保健部表示,英国已批准美国辉瑞和德国生物新技术公司联合研制的新冠疫苗紧急使用授权,下周起英国民众就可以接种疫苗。这是有史以来研发最快的疫苗,从概念到批准上市只花了10个月,完成了通常需要十年才能走完的研发步骤。 英国成为首个批准新冠疫苗供民众使用的的西方国家。英国卫生和社会保健部在一份发给英国媒体的声明中证实,美国制药商辉瑞和德国生物新技术公司联合研制的新冠疫苗将从下周起开始发放。辉瑞是三家大型西方制药公司中首个在美国和欧洲同时申请紧急使用授权的公司。 英国卫生和社会保健部的发言人对英国记者协会表示:“政府今天接受了独立机构英国药品与保健品管理局的建议,决定批准辉瑞和生物新技术公司研制的新冠疫苗投入使用。”发言人表示,在经过了“数月严格缜密的临床测试以及药品与保健品管理局专家对数据的全面分析,最后专家得出结论认为该疫苗符合安全、质量和有效性的严格标准”后,才发放了紧急使用授权。 同美国的计划一样,英国一线的医护人员、养老院居民、高龄老人和特别容易发生新冠肺炎并发症的基础病患者将优先接种新冠疫苗。辉瑞疫苗和牛津、莫德纳的疫苗一样,都需要接种两剂,间隔时间一个月。 英国卫生部部长马特·汉考克表示,英国监管部门对首批疫苗安全性的认可是一个“特大喜讯”,并宣称疫苗将从下周一开始发放。他告诉BBC节目《早餐秀》说,疫苗接种将“从最年迈的老人和养老院居民开始”。 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊也对这一消息表示欢迎,并在发表的推文中证实下周起将开始疫苗接种。 约翰逊表示:“疫苗的保护最终将让我们找回过去的生活,让经济重新运转起来。” 卫生部部长汉考克指出了发放辉瑞疫苗在物流传输上的复杂性,该疫苗需要在零下94华氏度(零下70摄氏度)的温度条件下储存,但他表示下周第一批疫苗共80万剂将运送到英国。英国共下单了4000万剂辉瑞疫苗,足以让2000万人接种。 另外还有两种疫苗也申请了美国和欧洲的紧急使用授权。一种是美国莫德纳公司研制的,同样需要零下温度的储存条件,还有一种是英国制药公司阿斯利康与牛津大学联合研制的。 辉瑞和莫德纳都表示,涵盖了数万人的大规模人体试验的数据显示,他们的疫苗防止感染新冠肺炎的有效性可达约95%。阿斯利康和牛津大学发现,在特定的接种方案下,他们这种疗法不同的疫苗有效性可达90%。牛津疫苗的生产和发放成本要低得多,因为该疫苗只需要在冰箱的温度条件下储存。 辉瑞公司的首席执行官阿尔伯特·布尔拉将英国此举称作“抗击新冠疫情的历史性时刻”。 这三种领先的西方研制疫苗在人体试验中均没有出现过严重的副作用。长期使用的疫苗接种时常见的一些副作用,包括注射处酸痛、疲倦、头疼,也在试验数据中出现过。 除了物流问题,世界各地的流行病学家和公共卫生官员还警告说,让人类摆脱新冠疫情的另一个主要障碍可能是民众对现有疫苗的不信任。 美国哥伦比亚广播公司9月初开展的一项民意调查发现,越来越多民众对当前正在研发的新冠疫苗持怀疑态度,多数投票者表示,如果今年疫苗就可以上市,他们首先想到的是该疫苗没有经过足够的测试就仓促完成。 全美只有21%的投票者在调查中表示,如果可以免费接种疫苗的话他们会尽快接种,相比7月末的调查结果(32%)下降了。多数人表示会考虑接种疫苗,不过要等一等看看别人接种疫苗后的反应,然后自己才去接种。 疫情期间,制药公司、研究机构和政府、独立监管部门协同合作,压缩了疫苗研发和审批的流程,原本通常需要数年的时间如今得以大大缩短。 这一速度完全是史无前例的,但是有关单位以及外界的传染病和疫苗学专家始终都坚称,这些流程是在安全前提下被压缩的,主要是通过将正常情况下按顺序进行的步骤同时进行,而不是略去了测试和认证流程中的任何步骤。 overlap[ˌoʊvərˈlæp]:v.在时间上部分地重叠,同时发生 英国卫生部部长汉考克周三(12月2日)告诉英国主持人皮尔斯·摩根说,尽管他们不属于高风险群体,但如果可以获得批准,他很愿意下周和摩根一起在电视上直播接种疫苗,以展示他对疫苗的信任。 英文来源:哥伦比亚广播公司 翻译&编辑:丹妮
出国旅游时,除了做行程攻略,了解当地风俗习惯、文化礼仪也是必要的。有网友在问答网站Quora上提问:“当我去别的国家时有什么绝对禁忌吗?”,网友们回复了到不同国家的注意事项,来看看高赞回复。 Photo by Alfonso Escalante from Pexels 获得1.2k好评的答案@Makiko Itoh Japan: 在日本: Don't tip anyone. No one. NO ONE.Tipping is just not part of the culture. Don't even leave the small change. People will come running after you with it. Seriously. 不要给任何人小费。不要给。千万别给!日本没有小费文化。甚至连找零都不要留下来,他们会追着把钱还给你的,真的,不骗你。 Don't go into people's homes with your shoes on. You may run into this at certain temples and shrines, restaurants or traditional inns too. If you see other people taking their shoes off, do the same. 去别人家里一定要脱鞋,有的时候你去某些寺庙、神社、餐厅,甚至传统旅馆都要脱鞋。如果你看到别人脱鞋了,那你就跟着一起脱吧。 Do not enter a bath tub without washing yourself outside the tub first, especially at onsen springs, or at public baths. 在进浴缸前一定要把自己洗洗干净,尤其是在进温泉或者公共澡堂前。 Stay on the correct side on escalators. In The Tokyo you stand on the left. In Osaka you stand on the right. Follow what other people are doing. 在上电扶梯时要站对边。在东京你要靠左站,在大阪你要靠右站,总之别人怎么做你也怎么做就行了。 获得359好评的答案@Balaji Viswanathan India: 在印度: Kissing in a public place. In some jurisdictions this can get you into jail under "public obscenity" (a lot of our laws are stuck in the Victorian era). Although the law enforcement cuts some slack if the couple is married, if the couple is unmarried things can get really messy. 在公共场合接吻。在某些司法管辖区,你会因此以“公共猥亵罪”而被捕入狱(印度有许多条法律还停留在维多利亚时期)。尽管执法者会对已婚夫妇从轻发落,但是如果是未婚情侣的话,事情就会变得麻烦起来。 Shorts/skirts in a place of worship. Dresses that show anything above the ankle is generally frowned upon in most places of worship and in some places officially banned. This applies to both sexes. 在礼拜场所穿短裤或短裙。在大部分礼拜场所以及官方明令禁止的地方,不论男女,穿着裸露脚踝以上部位的服装都会引起他人不悦。 获得414好评的答案@Judith Meyer Germany: 在德国: As far as I'm concerned, there's only one "absolutely not" rule for Germany: 就我所知,在德国就只有一件事是“绝对不能做的”: Don't do the Nazi salute. Not even in jest. It's a crime and every year there are tourists arrested for it. Also don't carry any Nazi symbols on you. 不能行纳粹礼。开玩笑也不行。这种是犯法的,而且每年都有游客因此被捕。同样地,你也不能携带任何带有纳粹标志的物品。 获得319好评的答案@Katherine Makhalova Russia: 在俄罗斯: Don't give even number of flowers as a gift. That's for dead folks. Proper bouquet will have 1/3/5/7/... flowers. 送礼时不要送偶数倍的鲜花,那是送给死人的,通常来说花束里花的数目是1/3/5/7之类的。 获得780好评的答案@Xu Beixi While in Singapore... 当你在新加坡的时候······ don't feed birds. They'll fine you. 不可以喂鸟,不然你会被罚款的。 don't spit. They'll fine you. 不可以吐痰,不然你会被罚款的。 don't urinate in public. They'll fine you. 不可以随地大小便,不然你会被罚款的。 don't bring durians into enclosed areas. They'll fine you. 不可以把榴莲带到密闭的房间内,不然你会被罚款的。 don't smoke in public. They'll fine you. 不可以在公共场合吸烟,不然你会被罚款的。 don't bring pets into public. They'll fine you. 不可以把宠物带到公共场合,不然你会被罚款的。 don't eat or drink on public transport. They'll fine you. 不可以在公共交通工具上吃喝,不然你会被罚款的。 don't litter. They'll fine you. 不可以乱扔垃圾,不然你会被罚款的。 don't walk around naked in public. They'll review or even take away your prestigious scholarship. Then they'll fine you. 不可以在公共场合裸奔,他们会重新评估甚至会取消你的名校奖学金,然后你还是会被罚款。 don't bring more than 15g of heroin here. They'll kill you. (Capital punishment in Singapore) 不可以带超过15克的海洛因来新加坡,你会被处死的(在新加坡这可是死刑)。 来源: 沪江英语
Photo by Alfonso Escalante from Pexels Japan: Don't tip anyone. No one. NO ONE.Tipping is just not part of the culture. Don't even leave the small change. People will come running after you with it. Seriously. Don't go into people's homes with your shoes on. You may run into this at certain temples and shrines, restaurants or traditional inns too. If you see other people taking their shoes off, do the same. Do not enter a bath tub without washing yourself outside the tub first, especially at onsen springs, or at public baths. Stay on the correct side on escalators. In The Tokyo you stand on the left. In Osaka you stand on the right. Follow what other people are doing. India: Kissing in a public place. In some jurisdictions this can get you into jail under "public obscenity" (a lot of our laws are stuck in the Victorian era). Although the law enforcement cuts some slack if the couple is married, if the couple is unmarried things can get really messy. Shorts/skirts in a place of worship. Dresses that show anything above the ankle is generally frowned upon in most places of worship and in some places officially banned. This applies to both sexes. Germany: As far as I'm concerned, there's only one "absolutely not" rule for Germany: Don't do the Nazi salute. Not even in jest. It's a crime and every year there are tourists arrested for it. Also don't carry any Nazi symbols on you. Russia: Don't give even number of flowers as a gift. That's for dead folks. Proper bouquet will have 1/3/5/7/... flowers. While in Singapore... don't feed birds. They'll fine you. don't spit. They'll fine you. don't urinate in public. They'll fine you. don't bring durians into enclosed areas. They'll fine you. don't smoke in public. They'll fine you. don't bring pets into public. They'll fine you. don't eat or drink on public transport. They'll fine you. don't litter. They'll fine you. don't walk around naked in public. They'll review or even take away your prestigious scholarship. Then they'll fine you. don't bring more than 15g of heroin here. They'll kill you. (Capital punishment in Singapore)
出国旅游时,除了做行程攻略,了解当地风俗习惯、文化礼仪也是必要的。有网友在问答网站Quora上提问:“当我去别的国家时有什么绝对禁忌吗?”,网友们回复了到不同国家的注意事项,来看看高赞回复。 获得1.2k好评的答案@Makiko Itoh 在日本: 不要给任何人小费。不要给。千万别给!日本没有小费文化。甚至连找零都不要留下来,他们会追着把钱还给你的,真的,不骗你。 去别人家里一定要脱鞋,有的时候你去某些寺庙、神社、餐厅,甚至传统旅馆都要脱鞋。如果你看到别人脱鞋了,那你就跟着一起脱吧。 在进浴缸前一定要把自己洗洗干净,尤其是在进温泉或者公共澡堂前。 在上电扶梯时要站对边。在东京你要靠左站,在大阪你要靠右站,总之别人怎么做你也怎么做就行了。 获得359好评的答案@Balaji Viswanathan 在印度: 在公共场合接吻。在某些司法管辖区,你会因此以“公共猥亵罪”而被捕入狱(印度有许多条法律还停留在维多利亚时期)。尽管执法者会对已婚夫妇从轻发落,但是如果是未婚情侣的话,事情就会变得麻烦起来。 在礼拜场所穿短裤或短裙。在大部分礼拜场所以及官方明令禁止的地方,不论男女,穿着裸露脚踝以上部位的服装都会引起他人不悦。 获得414好评的答案@Judith Meyer 在德国: 就我所知,在德国就只有一件事是“绝对不能做的”: 不能行纳粹礼。开玩笑也不行。这种是犯法的,而且每年都有游客因此被捕。同样地,你也不能携带任何带有纳粹标志的物品。 获得319好评的答案@Katherine Makhalova 在俄罗斯: 送礼时不要送偶数倍的鲜花,那是送给死人的,通常来说花束里花的数目是1/3/5/7之类的。 获得780好评的答案@Xu Beixi 当你在新加坡的时候······ 不可以喂鸟,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以吐痰,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以随地大小便,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以把榴莲带到密闭的房间内,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以在公共场合吸烟,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以把宠物带到公共场合,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以在公共交通工具上吃喝,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以乱扔垃圾,不然你会被罚款的。 不可以在公共场合裸奔,他们会重新评估甚至会取消你的名校奖学金,然后你还是会被罚款。 不可以带超过15克的海洛因来新加坡,你会被处死的(在新加坡这可是死刑)。 来源: 沪江英语
在新词层出不穷的2020年,却有一个词同时被韦氏词典和词典网)选为年度词汇,这个词就是pandemic(大流行病)。 Photo from Pexels For the first time, two US dictionary companies on Monday declared the same word their word of the year: “pandemic”. 本周一(11月30日),两家美国词典公司宣布了同一个年度词汇“大流行病”,这还是有史以来首次。 The challenges of 2020, Oxford Languages said, “brought a new immediacy and urgency to the role of the lexicographer. In almost real-time, lexicographers were able to monitor and analyze seismic shifts in language data and precipitous frequency rises in new coinages”. 牛津语言表示,2020年的挑战是“给词典编纂者带来了一种新的即时性和紧迫性;词典编纂者几乎是实时监测和分析语言数据的突然变化和新词陡增的频率”。 seismic [ˈsaɪzmɪk]: adj. 突然的 precipitous [prɪˈsɪpɪtəs]: adj. (变化)突然的;急剧的 Because the coronavirus pandemic brought on gargantuan language changes, the report said, “2020 is a year which cannot be neatly accommodated in one single ‘word of the year’.” 报告称,因为新冠疫情造成了语言的巨大变化,“2020年不能用一个年度词汇来概括”。 gargantuan [ɡɑːrˈɡæntʃuən]: adj. 庞大的,巨大的 Merriam-Webster and disagreed, though both also noted enormous shifts toward other related words. 韦氏词典和Dictionary.com不同意这一观点,不过二者也都指出了其他相关词汇的巨大变化。 Pandemic “probably isn’t a big shock”, said Peter Sokolowski, editor at large for Merriam-Webster. 韦氏词典的特邀编辑皮特·索科洛夫斯基说,大流行病(当选年度词汇)“很可能并没有让人大吃一惊”。 "Often the big news story has a technical word that’s associated with it and in this case, the word pandemic is not just technical but has become general. It’s probably the word by which we’ll refer to this period in the future.” “重大新闻报道往往含有与大流行病相关的术语,在这种情况下,大流行病不只是一个术语,而是具有更普遍的意义。它很可能会成为将来我们指代这段时期的词语。” John Kelly, senior research editor at, said searches for “pandemic” spiked more than 13,500% on 11 March, the day the World Health Organization declared an outbreak of the novel coronavirus a global health emergency. Dictionary.com的高级调研编辑约翰·凯利表示,世界卫生组织在3月11日宣布新冠肺炎暴发成为全球卫生紧急事件后,对“大流行病”一词的搜索量在当天暴增超13500%。 The spike, he said, was “massive, but even more telling is how high [pandemic] has sustained significant search volumes throughout the entire year”. 他说,搜索量涨幅“很高,但更能说明问题的是该词在全年都保持着极高的搜索量”。 Month over month, lookups for pandemic were up more than 1,000%. For about half the year, the word was in the top 10% of all lookups on, Kelly said. 凯利指出,自那以后的每一个月,对“大流行病”的搜索量涨幅都超过了1000%。半年来,该词在Dictionary.com上的搜索量一直排在前10%。 At, searches for “pandemic” on 11 March were 115,806% higher than spikes experienced on the same date last year, Sokolowski said. 索科洛夫斯基称,在韦氏词典的网站上,“大流行病”一词在3月11日的搜索量涨幅比去年同期高出了115806%。 Pandemic, with roots in Latin and Greek, is a combination of “pan”, for all, and “demos”, for people or population, Sokolowski said, adding that the latter is also the root of “democracy”. 索科洛夫斯基指出,pandemic(大流行病)一词词根源于拉丁语和希腊语,是pan(全部)和demos(人或人口)的组合。他补充道,demos还是democracy(民主)一词的词根。 The word “pandemic” dates to the mid-1600s, used broadly for “universal” and more specifically to disease in a medical text in the 1660s, after the plagues of the Middle Ages, Sokolowski said. 英语中的“大流行病”一词要追溯到17世纪中期,当时被广泛使用的意思是“普遍的”,在中世纪大瘟疫后特指17世纪60年代医学文本中的疾病。 The pandemic, Kelly said, also saw searches grow for words including “aerosols”, “contact tracing”, “social distancing” and “herd immunity”, along with the intricacies of therapeutic drugs, tests and vaccines that can help save lives. 凯利指出,疫情期间“气溶胶”、“接触者追踪”、“社交隔离”和“群体免疫”等词以及救命的各种复杂的治疗药物、检测和疫苗词汇的搜索量都出现了增长。 Merriam-Webster began designating a word of the year in 2008, with “bailout”. Its word of 2019 was “they”, after lookups increased by 313%. 韦氏词典从2008年开始评选年度词汇,当年的年度词汇是“救助”。2019年度词汇是“ 他们/她们 ”,当时该词的搜索量增加了313%。 has been in the game since 2010, when it went with “change”. Its word of the year in 2019 was “existential”, in a year that climate change, gun violence, the nature of democracy and Forky from Disney’s Toy Story 4 helped propel search. Dictionary.com从2010年开始评选年度词汇,当年的年度词汇是“改变”。2019年度词汇是“ 和存在有关的 ”,这一年气候变化、枪支暴力、民主本质和迪士尼动画《玩具总动员4》中叉叉的搜索量也大增。 Oxford Languages went with two words last year: “climate emergency”. 牛津语言去年的年度词汇“气候紧急事件”包含两个英语单词。 Kelly, Sokolowski and Oxford Languages noted other search trends in 2020. After the death in May of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer, words around racial justice experienced spikes, including “fascism”, “anti-fascism”, “defund” and “white fragility”, Kelly said. 凯利、索科洛夫斯基和牛津语言还指出了2020年的其他搜索趋势。凯利称,在今年五月乔治·弗洛伊德死于明尼阿波里斯市警察的膝盖下后,和种族平等有关的词汇搜索量大增,包括“法西斯主义”、“反法西斯主义”、“停止拨款”和“白人脆弱性”。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Photo from Pexels For the first time, two US dictionary companies on Monday declared the same word their word of the year: “pandemic”. The challenges of 2020, Oxford Languages said, “brought a new immediacy and urgency to the role of the lexicographer. In almost real-time, lexicographers were able to monitor and analyze seismic shifts in language data and precipitous frequency rises in new coinages”. Because the coronavirus pandemic brought on gargantuan language changes, the report said, “2020 is a year which cannot be neatly accommodated in one single ‘word of the year’.” Merriam-Webster and disagreed, though both also noted enormous shifts toward other related words. Pandemic “probably isn’t a big shock”, said Peter Sokolowski, editor at large for Merriam-Webster. "Often the big news story has a technical word that’s associated with it and in this case, the word pandemic is not just technical but has become general. It’s probably the word by which we’ll refer to this period in the future.” John Kelly, senior research editor at, said searches for “pandemic” spiked more than 13,500% on 11 March, the day the World Health Organization declared an outbreak of the novel coronavirus a global health emergency. The spike, he said, was “massive, but even more telling is how high [pandemic] has sustained significant search volumes throughout the entire year”. Month over month, lookups for pandemic were up more than 1,000%. For about half the year, the word was in the top 10% of all lookups on, Kelly said. At, searches for “pandemic” on 11 March were 115,806% higher than spikes experienced on the same date last year, Sokolowski said. Pandemic, with roots in Latin and Greek, is a combination of “pan”, for all, and “demos”, for people or population, Sokolowski said, adding that the latter is also the root of “democracy”. The word “pandemic” dates to the mid-1600s, used broadly for “universal” and more specifically to disease in a medical text in the 1660s, after the plagues of the Middle Ages, Sokolowski said. The pandemic, Kelly said, also saw searches grow for words including “aerosols”, “contact tracing”, “social distancing” and “herd immunity”, along with the intricacies of therapeutic drugs, tests and vaccines that can help save lives. Merriam-Webster began designating a word of the year in 2008, with “bailout”. Its word of 2019 was “they”, after lookups increased by 313%. has been in the game since 2010, when it went with “change”. Its word of the year in 2019 was “existential”, in a year that climate change, gun violence, the nature of democracy and Forky from Disney’s Toy Story 4 helped propel search. Oxford Languages went with two words last year: “climate emergency”. Kelly, Sokolowski and Oxford Languages noted other search trends in 2020. After the death in May of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer, words around racial justice experienced spikes, including “fascism”, “anti-fascism”, “defund” and “white fragility”, Kelly said.
在新词层出不穷的2020年,却有一个词同时被韦氏词典和词典网)选为年度词汇,这个词就是pandemic(大流行病)。 本周一(11月30日),两家美国词典公司宣布了同一个年度词汇“大流行病”,这还是有史以来首次。 牛津语言表示,2020年的挑战是“给词典编纂者带来了一种新的即时性和紧迫性;词典编纂者几乎是实时监测和分析语言数据的突然变化和新词陡增的频率”。 seismic [ˈsaɪzmɪk]: adj. 突然的 precipitous [prɪˈsɪpɪtəs]: adj. (变化)突然的;急剧的 报告称,因为新冠疫情造成了语言的巨大变化,“2020年不能用一个年度词汇来概括”。 gargantuan [ɡɑːrˈɡæntʃuən]: adj. 庞大的,巨大的 韦氏词典和Dictionary.com不同意这一观点,不过二者也都指出了其他相关词汇的巨大变化。 韦氏词典的特邀编辑皮特·索科洛夫斯基说,大流行病(当选年度词汇)“很可能并没有让人大吃一惊”。 “重大新闻报道往往含有与大流行病相关的术语,在这种情况下,大流行病不只是一个术语,而是具有更普遍的意义。它很可能会成为将来我们指代这段时期的词语。” Dictionary.com的高级调研编辑约翰·凯利表示,世界卫生组织在3月11日宣布新冠肺炎暴发成为全球卫生紧急事件后,对“大流行病”一词的搜索量在当天暴增超13500%。 他说,搜索量涨幅“很高,但更能说明问题的是该词在全年都保持着极高的搜索量”。 凯利指出,自那以后的每一个月,对“大流行病”的搜索量涨幅都超过了1000%。半年来,该词在Dictionary.com上的搜索量一直排在前10%。 索科洛夫斯基称,在韦氏词典的网站上,“大流行病”一词在3月11日的搜索量涨幅比去年同期高出了115806%。 索科洛夫斯基指出,pandemic(大流行病)一词词根源于拉丁语和希腊语,是pan(全部)和demos(人或人口)的组合。他补充道,demos还是democracy(民主)一词的词根。 英语中的“大流行病”一词要追溯到17世纪中期,当时被广泛使用的意思是“普遍的”,在中世纪大瘟疫后特指17世纪60年代医学文本中的疾病。 凯利指出,疫情期间“气溶胶”、“接触者追踪”、“社交隔离”和“群体免疫”等词以及救命的各种复杂的治疗药物、检测和疫苗词汇的搜索量都出现了增长。 韦氏词典从2008年开始评选年度词汇,当年的年度词汇是“救助”。2019年度词汇是“ 他们/她们 ”,当时该词的搜索量增加了313%。 Dictionary.com从2010年开始评选年度词汇,当年的年度词汇是“改变”。2019年度词汇是“ 和存在有关的 ”,这一年气候变化、枪支暴力、民主本质和迪士尼动画《玩具总动员4》中叉叉的搜索量也大增。 牛津语言去年的年度词汇“气候紧急事件”包含两个英语单词。 凯利、索科洛夫斯基和牛津语言还指出了2020年的其他搜索趋势。凯利称,在今年五月乔治·弗洛伊德死于明尼阿波里斯市警察的膝盖下后,和种族平等有关的词汇搜索量大增,包括“法西斯主义”、“反法西斯主义”、“停止拨款”和“白人脆弱性”。 英文来源:卫报 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据《生命时报》报道,澳大利亚科学家的一项研究表明:如果人类时常保持两分饥饿,其寿命可最多增长30%。报道说,在年轻时经常吃撑,危害甚至会影响两代人的健康。哪怕是短期暴饮暴食,不仅体重会上升,对全身的伤害也会持续多年。 Photo by Horizon Content from Pexels Why do we eat so much? 为什么会吃多? One reason is buffet lunches – they need no explanation. Business dinners that last for hours also encourage people to eat too much. Dinner parties with friends are also culprits, as being in a good mood gives you an appetite. Eating too quickly because you are busy can also be a problem. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to receive a warning of overeating, so wolfing lunch in 10 minutes is not a good idea. Finally, skipping meals due to work pressure can lead to binge-eating in the evening. 原因之一是自助餐,这无需多言。持续时间过长的商务宴请也会让人吃多。与朋友聚餐也是罪魁祸首,因为心情好会让你胃口大开。工作太忙吃得太急是个问题。大脑接到吃饱了的信号需要20分钟,所以10分钟的狼吞虎咽不是个好主意。最后,由于工作压力而不吃饭会导致晚上暴饮暴食。 What wrong about overeating? 吃多会造成什么问题? “Taking in half the food that your stomach can contain is enough for you to survive. Eating too much places a burden on your organs and causes many health problems,” heath education expert Hong Shaoguang said. 健康教育专家洪昭光说:“每天摄入的食物,只需要达到胃的容量的一半,就足够人一天所需了。否则,只会让机体超负荷运转,造成一系列健康问题。” Health risks: 健康风险: Obesity: Countless scientific studies have proved that obesity causes heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and other complications. 肥胖:无数科学研究证实,肥胖会带来包括心血管疾病、高血压、糖尿病、动脉硬化以及由此引起的各种并发症。 Gastropathy: Overeating can cause severe indigestion even damage the gastrointestinal tract. 胃病:吃得过饱所带来的危害是严重的消化不良甚至损害胃肠道。 Fatigue: Overeating slows brain reactions and accelerates the brain’s aging process. 疲劳:吃得过饱,会引起大脑反应迟钝,加速大脑的衰老。 Cancer: Japanese scientists have found that overeating can switch off a gene that combats cancer. 癌症:日本科学家发现,吃得太饱会抑制细胞抗癌因子。 Dementia: Japanese experts have found that 30 to 40 percent of senile dementia patients overate when they were younger. 老年痴呆:日本专家还发现,大约有30%—40%的老年痴呆病人,在青壮年时期都有饱食的习惯。 Osteoporosis: Regular overeating decalcifies bones and increases the risk of Osteoporosis (brittle bone disease). 骨质疏松:长期饱食易使骨骼脱钙,患骨质疏松的概率会大大提高。 Source: 英语世界
Photo by Horizon Content from Pexels Why do we eat so much? One reason is buffet lunches – they need no explanation. Business dinners that last for hours also encourage people to eat too much. Dinner parties with friends are also culprits, as being in a good mood gives you an appetite. Eating too quickly because you are busy can also be a problem. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to receive a warning of overeating, so wolfing lunch in 10 minutes is not a good idea. Finally, skipping meals due to work pressure can lead to binge-eating in the evening. What wrong about overeating? “Taking in half the food that your stomach can contain is enough for you to survive. Eating too much places a burden on your organs and causes many health problems,” heath education expert Hong Shaoguang said. Health risks: Obesity: Countless scientific studies have proved that obesity causes heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis and other complications. Gastropathy: Overeating can cause severe indigestion even damage the gastrointestinal tract. Fatigue: Overeating slows brain reactions and accelerates the brain’s aging process. Cancer: Japanese scientists have found that overeating can switch off a gene that combats cancer. Dementia: Japanese experts have found that 30 to 40 percent of senile dementia patients overate when they were younger. Osteoporosis: Regular overeating decalcifies bones and increases the risk of Osteoporosis (brittle bone disease). Source:
据《生命时报》报道,澳大利亚科学家的一项研究表明:如果人类时常保持两分饥饿,其寿命可最多增长30%。报道说,在年轻时经常吃撑,危害甚至会影响两代人的健康。哪怕是短期暴饮暴食,不仅体重会上升,对全身的伤害也会持续多年。 为什么会吃多? 原因之一是自助餐,这无需多言。持续时间过长的商务宴请也会让人吃多。与朋友聚餐也是罪魁祸首,因为心情好会让你胃口大开。工作太忙吃得太急是个问题。大脑接到吃饱了的信号需要20分钟,所以10分钟的狼吞虎咽不是个好主意。最后,由于工作压力而不吃饭会导致晚上暴饮暴食。 吃多会造成什么问题? 健康教育专家洪昭光说:“每天摄入的食物,只需要达到胃的容量的一半,就足够人一天所需了。否则,只会让机体超负荷运转,造成一系列健康问题。” 健康风险: 肥胖:无数科学研究证实,肥胖会带来包括心血管疾病、高血压、糖尿病、动脉硬化以及由此引起的各种并发症。 胃病:吃得过饱所带来的危害是严重的消化不良甚至损害胃肠道。 疲劳:吃得过饱,会引起大脑反应迟钝,加速大脑的衰老。 癌症:日本科学家发现,吃得太饱会抑制细胞抗癌因子。 老年痴呆:日本专家还发现,大约有30%—40%的老年痴呆病人,在青壮年时期都有饱食的习惯。 骨质疏松:长期饱食易使骨骼脱钙,患骨质疏松的概率会大大提高。 英语世界
《剑桥词典》日前宣布,“隔离”成为其选出的2020年度词汇。在此之前,《柯林斯词典》宣布 “封锁”一词成为2020年度词汇 ,而《牛津英语词典》则表示, 2020年度词汇实在选不出来 。 A street in Phuket, Thailand, is largely deserted during the pandemic. [Photo/Xinhua] Cambridge Dictionary has revealed its word of the year is “quarantine”. 《剑桥词典》日前发布消息称,其评选出的2020年度词汇是“隔离”。 The dictionary’s editors said that it was the third most searched-for word of the year, but comes in at number one once you discount words that recur almost every year, such as “hello” and “dictionary”. 该词典的编辑们说,“隔离”在今年的搜索量中排名第三,但如果去掉“你好”和“词典”这类几乎每年都出现的词,“隔离”就跃居榜首。 recur [rɪˈkɜːr]:vi.复发;重现 According to the dictionary, “quarantine” was searched for the most in between 18 and 24 March, when restrictions began to be imposed due to the pandemic. 根据《剑桥词典》的统计,“隔离”一词在3月18日至24日之间搜索量最大。由于新冠疫情,各国在当时开始实施限制措施。 Cambridge Dictionary has said that the word acquired new meaning during lockdown and has therefore been given an added definition. 《剑桥词典》称,在封锁期间,“隔离”有了新的含义,因此也有了新的定义。 "A general period of time in which people are not allowed to leave their homes or travel freely, so that they do not catch or spread a disease," it reads. 《剑桥词典》中写道,疫情期间的“隔离”指的是“禁止人们离家或自由旅行的一段时间,这样人们就不会感染或传播疾病。” Alongside “quarantine”, other coronavirus-related words, including “pandemic” and “lockdown”, ranked highly on Cambridge Dictionary’s most popular list for 2020. 除了“隔离”,“大流行”和“封锁”等其他新冠病毒相关词汇也在《剑桥词典》2020年度词汇榜单中名列前茅。 There were also several new words added to the dictionary, including “HyFlex”, which is short for hybrid flexible, a term used to describe a style of teaching that sees some students participating in a class virtually while others are also there physically. 此外,《剑桥词典》还添加了几个新词,包括HyFlex,它是hybrid flexible的缩写,用来描述一些学生远程上课,而另一些学生则在校上课的教学方式。 "Elbow bump" was also added as a way of referring to a friendly greeting that allows people to maintain social distancing. “撞肘”也被添加到《剑桥词典》中,这是一种可以让人们保持社交距离的友好问候方式。 In a poll, readers were asked which words they think should be added to the dictionary this year. 《剑桥词典》在民意调查中询问读者,认为哪些词今年应该被添加进词典。 Among the most common words were “quaranteen” - a teenager in lockdown, “lockstalgia”, feeling nostalgic about lockdown, and “coronnial”, a person who was born during the coronavirus pandemic. 最常见的词汇有quaranteen(封锁措施下的青少年)、lockstalgia(对封锁的怀念)和coronnial(新冠疫情期间出生的人)。 nostalgic [nɒˈstældʒɪk]:adj.怀旧的;乡愁的 Wendalyn Nichols, Cambridge Dictionary publishing manager, said: "The words that people search for reveal not just what is happening in the world, but what matters most to them in relation to those events. 《剑桥词典》出版经理温达林·尼科尔斯说:“人们搜索的词汇不仅能揭示世界上正在发生的事情,还能揭示与这些事件相关的、对他们来说最重要的事情。” "Neither coronavirus nor Covid-19 appeared among the words that Cambridge Dictionary users searched for most this year. “冠状病毒”和“新冠肺炎”都没有出现在《剑桥词典》搜索量年度榜单中。” "We believe this indicates that people have been fairly confident about what the virus is. “我们认为,这表明人们认为自己对这种病毒非常清楚。” "Instead, users have been searching for words related to the social and economic impacts of the pandemic, as evidenced not just by 'quarantine' but by the two runners-up on the shortlist for Word of the Year: 'lockdown', and 'pandemic' itself." “用户们反而一直在搜索与新冠疫情的社会和经济影响有关的词汇,这不仅体现在‘隔离’这个词上,还体现在年度词汇榜单的两个‘亚军’:‘封锁’和‘大流行’上。” Cambridge Dictionary’s announcement comes after Oxford English Dictionary revealed its words of the year, announcing for the first time that it has found it impossible to name any single “word of the year”. 此前,《牛津英语词典》公布其年度词汇,这是该词典首次宣布,当年的年度词汇无法选出。 Among the words chosen this year were furlough, bushfires, WFH, lockdown, moonshot and new coinages like Covid-19, blursday and covidiot. 今年入选《牛津英语词典》的年度词汇包括“暂时休假”、“丛林火灾”、“居家办公”、“封锁”、“ 登月”(英国政府给大规模新冠测试项目取的名字),以及“新冠肺炎”、“模糊日”和“新冠白痴”(指新冠疫情中过度囤货或到处走动散播病毒的人)等新造词汇。 coinage [ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ]:n.新造的字及其语等 The annual selection reflects “the ethos, mood or preoccupations” of the preceding year, the OED said, but this year the tribute to linguistic change could not be encapsulated in a single word. 《牛津英语词典》称,每年的年度词汇评选反映了前一年的“社会风气、情绪或关注点”,但今年的语言变化无法用一个词来概括。 encapsulate [ɪnˈkæpsjuleɪt]:vt.概述 英文来源:独立报 翻译&编辑:yaning
。 A street in Phuket, Thailand, is largely deserted during the pandemic. [Photo/Xinhua] Cambridge Dictionary has revealed its word of the year is “quarantine”. The dictionary’s editors said that it was the third most searched-for word of the year, but comes in at number one once you discount words that recur almost every year, such as “hello” and “dictionary”. According to the dictionary, “quarantine” was searched for the most in between 18 and 24 March, when restrictions began to be imposed due to the pandemic. Cambridge Dictionary has said that the word acquired new meaning during lockdown and has therefore been given an added definition. "A general period of time in which people are not allowed to leave their homes or travel freely, so that they do not catch or spread a disease," it reads. Alongside “quarantine”, other coronavirus-related words, including “pandemic” and “lockdown”, ranked highly on Cambridge Dictionary’s most popular list for 2020. There were also several new words added to the dictionary, including “HyFlex”, which is short for hybrid flexible, a term used to describe a style of teaching that sees some students participating in a class virtually while others are also there physically. "Elbow bump" was also added as a way of referring to a friendly greeting that allows people to maintain social distancing. In a poll, readers were asked which words they think should be added to the dictionary this year. Among the most common words were “quaranteen” - a teenager in lockdown, “lockstalgia”, feeling nostalgic about lockdown, and “coronnial”, a person who was born during the coronavirus pandemic. Wendalyn Nichols, Cambridge Dictionary publishing manager, said: "The words that people search for reveal not just what is happening in the world, but what matters most to them in relation to those events. "Neither coronavirus nor Covid-19 appeared among the words that Cambridge Dictionary users searched for most this year. "We believe this indicates that people have been fairly confident about what the virus is. "Instead, users have been searching for words related to the social and economic impacts of the pandemic, as evidenced not just by 'quarantine' but by the two runners-up on the shortlist for Word of the Year: 'lockdown', and 'pandemic' itself." Cambridge Dictionary’s announcement comes after Oxford English Dictionary revealed its words of the year, announcing for the first time that it has found it impossible to name any single “word of the year”. Among the words chosen this year were furlough, bushfires, WFH, lockdown, moonshot and new coinages like Covid-19, blursday and covidiot. The annual selection reflects “the ethos, mood or preoccupations” of the preceding year, the OED said, but this year the tribute to linguistic change could not be encapsulated in a single word.
《剑桥词典》日前宣布,“隔离”成为其选出的2020年度词汇。在此之前,《柯林斯词典》宣布 “封锁”一词成为2020年度词汇 ,而《牛津英语词典》则表示, 2020年度词汇实在选不出来 《剑桥词典》日前发布消息称,其评选出的2020年度词汇是“隔离”。 该词典的编辑们说,“隔离”在今年的搜索量中排名第三,但如果去掉“你好”和“词典”这类几乎每年都出现的词,“隔离”就跃居榜首。 recur [rɪˈkɜːr]:vi.复发;重现 根据《剑桥词典》的统计,“隔离”一词在3月18日至24日之间搜索量最大。由于新冠疫情,各国在当时开始实施限制措施。 《剑桥词典》称,在封锁期间,“隔离”有了新的含义,因此也有了新的定义。 《剑桥词典》中写道,疫情期间的“隔离”指的是“禁止人们离家或自由旅行的一段时间,这样人们就不会感染或传播疾病。” 除了“隔离”,“大流行”和“封锁”等其他新冠病毒相关词汇也在《剑桥词典》2020年度词汇榜单中名列前茅。 此外,《剑桥词典》还添加了几个新词,包括HyFlex,它是hybrid flexible的缩写,用来描述一些学生远程上课,而另一些学生则在校上课的教学方式。 “撞肘”也被添加到《剑桥词典》中,这是一种可以让人们保持社交距离的友好问候方式。 《剑桥词典》在民意调查中询问读者,认为哪些词今年应该被添加进词典。 最常见的词汇有quaranteen(封锁措施下的青少年)、lockstalgia(对封锁的怀念)和coronnial(新冠疫情期间出生的人)。 nostalgic [nɒˈstældʒɪk]:adj.怀旧的;乡愁的 《剑桥词典》出版经理温达林·尼科尔斯说:“人们搜索的词汇不仅能揭示世界上正在发生的事情,还能揭示与这些事件相关的、对他们来说最重要的事情。” “冠状病毒”和“新冠肺炎”都没有出现在《剑桥词典》搜索量年度榜单中。” “我们认为,这表明人们认为自己对这种病毒非常清楚。” “用户们反而一直在搜索与新冠疫情的社会和经济影响有关的词汇,这不仅体现在‘隔离’这个词上,还体现在年度词汇榜单的两个‘亚军’:‘封锁’和‘大流行’上。” 此前,《牛津英语词典》公布其年度词汇,这是该词典首次宣布,当年的年度词汇无法选出。 今年入选《牛津英语词典》的年度词汇包括“暂时休假”、“丛林火灾”、“居家办公”、“封锁”、“ 登月”(英国政府给大规模新冠测试项目取的名字),以及“新冠肺炎”、“模糊日”和“新冠白痴”(指新冠疫情中过度囤货或到处走动散播病毒的人)等新造词汇。 coinage [ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ]:n.新造的字及其语等 《牛津英语词典》称,每年的年度词汇评选反映了前一年的“社会风气、情绪或关注点”,但今年的语言变化无法用一个词来概括。 encapsulate [ɪnˈkæpsjuleɪt]:vt.概述 英文来源:独立报 翻译&编辑:yaning
[Photo?pexels] 警告:这是一篇关于死亡的文章!你现在也许想要点击关闭键退出。 That’s because, researchers say, our brains do their best to keep us from dwelling on our inevitable demise. A study found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorizing death as an unfortunate event that only befalls other people. 研究人员说,这是因为,我们的大脑竭尽全力不让我们老去想那不可避免的死亡。一项研究发现,大脑将死亡归类为一个只会降临于他人的不幸事件,借此使我们逃避关于生死话题的恐惧。 “The brain does not accept that death is related to us,” said Yair Dor-Ziderman, at Bar Ilan University in Israel. “We have this primal mechanism that means when the brain gets information that links self to death, something tells us it’s not reliable, so we shouldn’t believe it.” 以色列巴尔伊兰大学的亚伊尔·多尔-齐德曼说:“大脑不承认死亡与我们有关。我们有这种原始机制,这意味着当大脑收到将自我与死亡联系起来的信息时,某个声音就告诉我们,它不可靠,因此我们不应该相信它。” Being shielded from thoughts of our future death could be crucial for us to live in the present. The protection may switch on in early life as our minds develop and we realize death comes to us all. 屏蔽掉未来终有一死的想法对我们活在当下至关重要。这种保护可能在我们生命的早期就开启了,随着心智发育,我们渐渐认识到人人都终有一死。 “The moment you have this ability to look into your own future, you realize that at some point you’re going to die and there’s nothing you can do about it,” said Dor-Ziderman. “That goes against the grain of our whole biology, which is helping us to stay alive.” 多尔-齐德曼说:“一旦你有了这种展望自己未来的能力,你就意识到,你到某一时刻会死,而你对此无能为力。这违背了帮助我们活下去的整个生物学原理。” To investigate how the brain handles thoughts of death, Dor-Ziderman and colleagues developed a test that involved producing signals of surprise in the brain. 为了研究大脑如何应对关于死亡的思考,多尔-齐德曼及其同事设计了一项关于大脑产生惊讶信号的测试。 They asked volunteers to watch faces flash up on a screen while their brain activity was monitored. The person’s own face or that of a stranger flashed up on screen several times, followed by a different face. On seeing the final face, the brain flickered with surprise because the image clashed with what it had predicted. 他们要求志愿者观看在屏幕上闪现的面孔,同时对其大脑活动进行监测。志愿者本人的面孔或一个陌生人的面孔在屏幕上闪现数次,随后是一张不同的面孔。当看到最后一张面孔时,大脑闪现出惊讶,因为图像与它的预测相冲突。 Various words appeared above the faces on screen. Half of the time these were death-related words such as “funeral” or “burial”. The scientists found that if a person’s own face flashed up next to deathly words, their brain shut down its prediction system. It refused to link the self with death and no surprise signals were recorded. 屏幕上的面孔上方配有各种单词,一半与死亡有关,比如“葬礼”或“埋葬”。科学家发现,如果一个人自己的面孔配上与死亡相关的字眼闪现,他们的大脑就会关闭预测系统,拒绝将自我与死亡联系起来,不发出惊讶信号。 Avi Goldstein, a senior author on the paper, said: “This suggests that we shield ourselves from existential threats, or consciously thinking about the idea that we are going to die, by shutting down predictions about the self, or categorizing the information as being about other people rather than ourselves.” 论文第一作者阿维·戈德斯坦说:“这表明,我们通过停止做出关于自我的预测或把死亡信息归类为事关他人而非我们自己,以此屏蔽死亡威胁,或者说,免于有意识地思考我们终会死亡的念头。” Dor-Ziderman added: “We cannot rationally deny that we will die, but we think of it more as something that happens to other people.” 多尔-齐德曼还说:“我们在理智上无法否认我们会死亡,但我们更多地把它看作发生在他人身上的事。” In the not-so-distant past, Zor-Diderman pointed out, our brain’s defences against thoughts of death were balanced out by the reality of death around us. Today, he believes, society is more death-phobic, with sick people confined to hospitals and elderly people to care homes. As a result, he suspects, people know far less about the end of life and perhaps come to fear it more. 多尔-齐德曼指出,在不太遥远的过去,我们大脑对死亡思考的防御被周围有人死亡的现实抵消。他认为,当今社会对死亡的恐惧更甚,病人被关进医院,老人被送进养老院。他怀疑,人们对生命之终结的了解因此少了许多,也许结果更加害怕死亡。 Arnaud Wisman, a psychologist at the University of Kent, said people put up numerous defences to stave off thoughts of death. The young in particular may see it as a problem for other people, he said. 肯特大学的心理学家阿诺德·威斯曼说,人们想方设法抵御对死亡的思考。他说,年轻人尤其可能会把死亡看成是别人的事。 His own work had found that in modern societies people embraced what he called the “escape treadmill”, where hard work, pub sessions, checking mobile phones and buying more stuff meant people were simply too busy to worry about death. 他的研究发现,在现代社会,人们欣然接受他所谓的“逃避性劳动”,即辛苦工作、酒吧聚会、查看手机和购买更多东西,忙得无暇担心死亡。 “However, it is not a solution to the problem itself,” he said. “So we need to keep escaping.” 他说:“然而,这不是解决问题本身的办法。所以我们需要不停地逃避。” 来源: 英语世界
[Photo?pexels] That’s because, researchers say, our brains do their best to keep us from dwelling on our inevitable demise. A study found that the brain shields us from existential fear by categorizing death as an unfortunate event that only befalls other people. “The brain does not accept that death is related to us,” said Yair Dor-Ziderman, at Bar Ilan University in Israel. “We have this primal mechanism that means when the brain gets information that links self to death, something tells us it’s not reliable, so we shouldn’t believe it.” Being shielded from thoughts of our future death could be crucial for us to live in the present. The protection may switch on in early life as our minds develop and we realize death comes to us all. “The moment you have this ability to look into your own future, you realize that at some point you’re going to die and there’s nothing you can do about it,” said Dor-Ziderman. “That goes against the grain of our whole biology, which is helping us to stay alive.” To investigate how the brain handles thoughts of death, Dor-Ziderman and colleagues developed a test that involved producing signals of surprise in the brain. They asked volunteers to watch faces flash up on a screen while their brain activity was monitored. The person’s own face or that of a stranger flashed up on screen several times, followed by a different face. On seeing the final face, the brain flickered with surprise because the image clashed with what it had predicted. Various words appeared above the faces on screen. Half of the time these were death-related words such as “funeral” or “burial”. The scientists found that if a person’s own face flashed up next to deathly words, their brain shut down its prediction system. It refused to link the self with death and no surprise signals were recorded. Avi Goldstein, a senior author on the paper, said: “This suggests that we shield ourselves from existential threats, or consciously thinking about the idea that we are going to die, by shutting down predictions about the self, or categorizing the information as being about other people rather than ourselves.” Dor-Ziderman added: “We cannot rationally deny that we will die, but we think of it more as something that happens to other people.” In the not-so-distant past, Zor-Diderman pointed out, our brain’s defences against thoughts of death were balanced out by the reality of death around us. Today, he believes, society is more death-phobic, with sick people confined to hospitals and elderly people to care homes. As a result, he suspects, people know far less about the end of life and perhaps come to fear it more. Arnaud Wisman, a psychologist at the University of Kent, said people put up numerous defences to stave off thoughts of death. The young in particular may see it as a problem for other people, he said. His own work had found that in modern societies people embraced what he called the “escape treadmill”, where hard work, pub sessions, checking mobile phones and buying more stuff meant people were simply too busy to worry about death. “However, it is not a solution to the problem itself,” he said. “So we need to keep escaping.”
警告:这是一篇关于死亡的文章!你现在也许想要点击关闭键退出。 研究人员说,这是因为,我们的大脑竭尽全力不让我们老去想那不可避免的死亡。一项研究发现,大脑将死亡归类为一个只会降临于他人的不幸事件,借此使我们逃避关于生死话题的恐惧。 以色列巴尔伊兰大学的亚伊尔·多尔-齐德曼说:“大脑不承认死亡与我们有关。我们有这种原始机制,这意味着当大脑收到将自我与死亡联系起来的信息时,某个声音就告诉我们,它不可靠,因此我们不应该相信它。” 屏蔽掉未来终有一死的想法对我们活在当下至关重要。这种保护可能在我们生命的早期就开启了,随着心智发育,我们渐渐认识到人人都终有一死。 多尔-齐德曼说:“一旦你有了这种展望自己未来的能力,你就意识到,你到某一时刻会死,而你对此无能为力。这违背了帮助我们活下去的整个生物学原理。” 为了研究大脑如何应对关于死亡的思考,多尔-齐德曼及其同事设计了一项关于大脑产生惊讶信号的测试。 他们要求志愿者观看在屏幕上闪现的面孔,同时对其大脑活动进行监测。志愿者本人的面孔或一个陌生人的面孔在屏幕上闪现数次,随后是一张不同的面孔。当看到最后一张面孔时,大脑闪现出惊讶,因为图像与它的预测相冲突。 屏幕上的面孔上方配有各种单词,一半与死亡有关,比如“葬礼”或“埋葬”。科学家发现,如果一个人自己的面孔配上与死亡相关的字眼闪现,他们的大脑就会关闭预测系统,拒绝将自我与死亡联系起来,不发出惊讶信号。 论文第一作者阿维·戈德斯坦说:“这表明,我们通过停止做出关于自我的预测或把死亡信息归类为事关他人而非我们自己,以此屏蔽死亡威胁,或者说,免于有意识地思考我们终会死亡的念头。” 多尔-齐德曼还说:“我们在理智上无法否认我们会死亡,但我们更多地把它看作发生在他人身上的事。” 多尔-齐德曼指出,在不太遥远的过去,我们大脑对死亡思考的防御被周围有人死亡的现实抵消。他认为,当今社会对死亡的恐惧更甚,病人被关进医院,老人被送进养老院。他怀疑,人们对生命之终结的了解因此少了许多,也许结果更加害怕死亡。 肯特大学的心理学家阿诺德·威斯曼说,人们想方设法抵御对死亡的思考。他说,年轻人尤其可能会把死亡看成是别人的事。 他的研究发现,在现代社会,人们欣然接受他所谓的“逃避性劳动”,即辛苦工作、酒吧聚会、查看手机和购买更多东西,忙得无暇担心死亡。 他说:“然而,这不是解决问题本身的办法。所以我们需要不停地逃避。” 来源: 英语世界
从年头盼到年尾,《神奇女侠1984》终于要上映了,同样将在12月上映的佳片还有乔治·克鲁尼的《午夜天空》、汤姆·汉克斯的《世界新闻》、皮克斯动画《心灵奇旅》,还有改编自爱尔兰神话的动画电影《狼行者》。 Still from Wonder Woman 1984 . (Credit: Warner Bros.) Wonder Woman 1984 《神奇女侠1984》 A year on from the day it was originally scheduled to come out, Wonder Woman 1984 is finally leaping into cinemas – and onto a streaming platform – making it 2020’s first and last major superhero blockbuster. Gal Gadot returns as the Amazon warrior princess, this time battling Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah in the 1980s; and Chris Pine is back as Steve Trevor, even though he was killed off at the end of the previous Wonder Woman film. But don’t worry if you can’t remember what happened in that one. The sequel, the film’s producer told Indiewire, is “a stand-alone film in the same way that Indiana Jones or Bond films are, instead of one continuous story that requires many instalments”. 距离原定上映时间过了一年之后,《神奇女侠1984》终于要在影院和流媒体平台与观众见面了。这使其成为2020年第一部也是最后一部超级英雄大片。盖尔·加朵以亚马逊战士和公主的身份回归本片,这一次她对战的是20世纪80年代的猎豹女(克里斯汀·韦格饰演)。克里斯·派恩再次出演史蒂夫·特雷弗,尽管他在前一部《神奇女侠》结尾时已经被杀死。不过你不用担心自己忘记了第一部的情节。制作人告诉Indiewire网站说,续集是“一部故事独立的电影,就像《夺宝奇兵》和007系列一样,而不是一个需要许多部才能讲完的连续的故事。” Released in cinemas on 25 Dec in the US, Canada and Scandinavia, and from 16 Dec in the UK and around the world. 该片将于12月25日在美国、加拿大和斯堪的纳维亚半岛上映,12月16日起在英国和世界各地陆续上映。 Still from The Midnight Sky . (Credit: Netflix) The Midnight Sky 《午夜天空》 George Clooney’s snowy science-fiction adventure is set in a post-apocalyptic future that might even be worse than the real world in 2020. As well as directing and producing, Clooney stars as Augustine, a scientist stationed in an Arctic observatory. He needs to contact a spaceship so that he can warn its astronauts (Felicity Jones and David Oyelowo, among others) not to return to the ruined Earth. But the only antenna with a signal strong enough to reach them is miles away across the icy wastes. The Midnight Sky is adapted from Lily Brooks-Dalton’s novel by Mark L Smith, the co-screenwriter of The Revenant . 乔治·克鲁尼的这部科幻冒险电影故事背景设定在世界末日之后的未来,也许比2020年的现实世界更糟。除了担任导演和制片人,克鲁尼还在这部白雪皑皑的电影中饰演驻守在北极天文台的科学家奥古斯汀。他需要联系一艘宇宙飞船,警告飞船上的宇航员(菲丽希缇·琼斯和大卫·奥伊罗饰演其中的两名宇航员)不要返回已经毁灭的地球。但是唯一一根能够联系上他们的信号足够强的天线距离这片冰雪荒原还有好几英里。《午夜天空》改编自莉莉·布鲁克斯-道尔顿的小说,编剧马克·L·史密斯曾参与编写《荒野猎人》的剧本。 On Netflix from 23 Dec 该片将于12月23日在奈飞平台上线。 Still from News of the World . (Credit: Universal Pictures) News of the World 《世界新闻》 In News of the World , Tom Hanks plays a widowed Civil War veteran who makes his living as a roving storyteller. When he finds a 10-year-old girl who was abducted by an indigenous tribe, he takes her across Texas to reunite her with her aunt and uncle. Adapted from the novel by Paulette Jiles. 在电影《世界新闻》中,汤姆·汉克斯饰演一名丧偶的内战老兵,他以到处流浪讲故事为生。当他发现一位10岁的小女孩被一个土著部落拐走,他就带着小女孩穿越德克萨斯州去和她的姨妈姨父团聚。本片改编自波莱特·吉尔斯的小说。 Released in cinemas on 25 Dec in the US and Canada, and on 1 Jan in the UK and Spain. 该片将于12月25日在美国和加拿大上映,明年1月1日在英国和西班牙上映。 Still from Soul . (Credit: Pixar) Soul 《心灵奇旅》 In the first Pixar cartoon to have an African-American lead character, Jamie Foxx provides the voice of a music teacher who dreams of making it as a jazz pianist in New York. But just after a successful audition, he falls down a manhole, and finds himself in an astral realm where human spirits are assigned their personalities. And things get even more surreal from there. 《心灵奇旅》是第一部主角为非裔美国人的皮克斯动画电影,杰米·福克斯在本片中为一名梦想在纽约成为爵士乐钢琴家的音乐老师配音。但就在一次成功的面试后,他掉进了一个下水道,醒来后发现自己来到了一个灵魂世界,在这里人类灵魂都拥有自己的个性。自那以后事情就变得越发离奇。 manhole[ˈmænhoʊl]:n. (下水道的)人孔;检修孔 On Disney+ from 25 Dec 该片将于12月25日在Disney+平台上线。 Still from Nomadland . (Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures) Nomadland 《无依之地》 When Fern (Frances McDormand) is widowed, she can’t afford to live in a house of her own, so she packs her few belongings into a camper van, and drives off into the Nevada desert. She soon discovers that she isn’t alone: there is a large community of senior citizens who have been forced to live on the road, supporting themselves with short-term jobs along the way. What makes Nomadland unique is that while Fern is played by an Oscar-winning actress, nearly all of the people she meets are real nomads who recount their own experiences. Written and directed by Chloe Zhao ( The Rider ), the film is a “hybrid of documentary and fiction”. 当费恩(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德饰演)失去丈夫后,她住不起自己的房子,于是就收拾了仅有的一点个人物品放在露营车上,开车去了内华达沙漠。她很快便发现,自己不是一个人:这里居住着一大群老年人,他们被迫住在公路上,靠着沿途做点短期工作来糊口。这部电影的独特之处在于,尽管费恩的扮演者是获得奥斯卡奖的女演员,但费恩在路上所遇到的几乎所有人都是真正的流浪者,他们只是在讲述自己的亲身经历。这部电影由赵婷(曾执导过《骑士》)担任编剧和导演,是一部“纪实和虚构相混合的影片”。 Released on 4 Dec in the US and Canada, and 30 Dec in France 该片将于12月4日在美国和加拿大上映,12月30日在法国上映。 Still from Wolfwalkers . (Credit: Apple TV+) Wolfwalkers 《狼行者》 The year’s finest animated film doesn’t come from Dreamworks or Pixar, but from Cartoon Saloon, an Irish studio specialising in Celtic folklore and stylised hand-drawn 2D art. Their latest rousing fairy tale is set in the mid 17th-Century, when English soldiers are trying to tame the wild woods near Kilkenny. One hunter’s daughter learns that there aren’t just wolves in the forest, but “wolfwalkers” who can change into wolves at night. Richard Whittaker in the Austin Chronicle praises “a heartwarming story of family and friendship, a family-friendly examination of the horror of repression, a bracing adventure about two girls finding themselves, and a stealth art history lesson… Wolfwalkers stands proud as a new classic.” 今年最杰出的动画电影不是出自梦工厂,也不是出自皮克斯,而是出自卡通沙龙动画工作室。这家爱尔兰电影工作室专注于凯尔特民间传说和风格化的手绘平面艺术。他们的这部新片讲述了发生在17世纪中叶的一个激动人心的神话故事,故事里英格兰士兵正试图攻占基尔肯尼附近的一片原始森林。一位猎人的女儿知道森林里不仅有狼,还有夜里会变成狼的“狼行者”。《奥斯汀编年史》的理查德·惠特克称赞该片是“一个关于家庭和友情的暖心故事,从家庭角度对恐怖压迫的审视,关于两个小女孩寻找自我的令人振奋的冒险,以及一堂润物细无声的艺术史课……《狼行者》是当之无愧的新经典。” On Apple TV+ from 11 Dec 该片将于12月11日在Apple TV+平台上线。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Still from Wonder Woman 1984 . (Credit: Warner Bros.) Wonder Woman 1984 A year on from the day it was originally scheduled to come out, Wonder Woman 1984 is finally leaping into cinemas – and onto a streaming platform – making it 2020’s first and last major superhero blockbuster. Gal Gadot returns as the Amazon warrior princess, this time battling Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah in the 1980s; and Chris Pine is back as Steve Trevor, even though he was killed off at the end of the previous Wonder Woman film. But don’t worry if you can’t remember what happened in that one. The sequel, the film’s producer told Indiewire, is “a stand-alone film in the same way that Indiana Jones or Bond films are, instead of one continuous story that requires many instalments”. Released in cinemas on 25 Dec in the US, Canada and Scandinavia, and from 16 Dec in the UK and around the world. Still from The Midnight Sky . (Credit: Netflix) The Midnight Sky George Clooney’s snowy science-fiction adventure is set in a post-apocalyptic future that might even be worse than the real world in 2020. As well as directing and producing, Clooney stars as Augustine, a scientist stationed in an Arctic observatory. He needs to contact a spaceship so that he can warn its astronauts (Felicity Jones and David Oyelowo, among others) not to return to the ruined Earth. But the only antenna with a signal strong enough to reach them is miles away across the icy wastes. The Midnight Sky is adapted from Lily Brooks-Dalton’s novel by Mark L Smith, the co-screenwriter of The Revenant . On Netflix from 23 Dec Still from News of the World . (Credit: Universal Pictures) News of the World In News of the World , Tom Hanks plays a widowed Civil War veteran who makes his living as a roving storyteller. When he finds a 10-year-old girl who was abducted by an indigenous tribe, he takes her across Texas to reunite her with her aunt and uncle. Adapted from the novel by Paulette Jiles. Released in cinemas on 25 Dec in the US and Canada, and on 1 Jan in the UK and Spain. Still from Soul . (Credit: Pixar) Soul In the first Pixar cartoon to have an African-American lead character, Jamie Foxx provides the voice of a music teacher who dreams of making it as a jazz pianist in New York. But just after a successful audition, he falls down a manhole, and finds himself in an astral realm where human spirits are assigned their personalities. And things get even more surreal from there. On Disney+ from 25 Dec Still from Nomadland . (Credit: Fox Searchlight Pictures) Nomadland When Fern (Frances McDormand) is widowed, she can’t afford to live in a house of her own, so she packs her few belongings into a camper van, and drives off into the Nevada desert. She soon discovers that she isn’t alone: there is a large community of senior citizens who have been forced to live on the road, supporting themselves with short-term jobs along the way. What makes Nomadland unique is that while Fern is played by an Oscar-winning actress, nearly all of the people she meets are real nomads who recount their own experiences. Written and directed by Chloe Zhao ( The Rider ), the film is a “hybrid of documentary and fiction”. Released on 4 Dec in the US and Canada, and 30 Dec in France Still from Wolfwalkers . (Credit: Apple TV+) Wolfwalkers The year’s finest animated film doesn’t come from Dreamworks or Pixar, but from Cartoon Saloon, an Irish studio specialising in Celtic folklore and stylised hand-drawn 2D art. Their latest rousing fairy tale is set in the mid 17th-Century, when English soldiers are trying to tame the wild woods near Kilkenny. One hunter’s daughter learns that there aren’t just wolves in the forest, but “wolfwalkers” who can change into wolves at night. Richard Whittaker in the Austin Chronicle praises “a heartwarming story of family and friendship, a family-friendly examination of the horror of repression, a bracing adventure about two girls finding themselves, and a stealth art history lesson… Wolfwalkers stands proud as a new classic.” On Apple TV+ from 11 Dec
从年头盼到年尾,《神奇女侠1984》终于要上映了,同样将在12月上映的佳片还有乔治·克鲁尼的《午夜天空》、汤姆·汉克斯的《世界新闻》、皮克斯动画《心灵奇旅》,还有改编自爱尔兰神话的动画电影《狼行者》。 《神奇女侠1984》 距离原定上映时间过了一年之后,《神奇女侠1984》终于要在影院和流媒体平台与观众见面了。这使其成为2020年第一部也是最后一部超级英雄大片。盖尔·加朵以亚马逊战士和公主的身份回归本片,这一次她对战的是20世纪80年代的猎豹女(克里斯汀·韦格饰演)。克里斯·派恩再次出演史蒂夫·特雷弗,尽管他在前一部《神奇女侠》结尾时已经被杀死。不过你不用担心自己忘记了第一部的情节。制作人告诉Indiewire网站说,续集是“一部故事独立的电影,就像《夺宝奇兵》和007系列一样,而不是一个需要许多部才能讲完的连续的故事。” 该片将于12月25日在美国、加拿大和斯堪的纳维亚半岛上映,12月16日起在英国和世界各地陆续上映。 《午夜天空》 乔治·克鲁尼的这部科幻冒险电影故事背景设定在世界末日之后的未来,也许比2020年的现实世界更糟。除了担任导演和制片人,克鲁尼还在这部白雪皑皑的电影中饰演驻守在北极天文台的科学家奥古斯汀。他需要联系一艘宇宙飞船,警告飞船上的宇航员(菲丽希缇·琼斯和大卫·奥伊罗饰演其中的两名宇航员)不要返回已经毁灭的地球。但是唯一一根能够联系上他们的信号足够强的天线距离这片冰雪荒原还有好几英里。《午夜天空》改编自莉莉·布鲁克斯-道尔顿的小说,编剧马克·L·史密斯曾参与编写《荒野猎人》的剧本。 该片将于12月23日在奈飞平台上线。 《世界新闻》 在电影《世界新闻》中,汤姆·汉克斯饰演一名丧偶的内战老兵,他以到处流浪讲故事为生。当他发现一位10岁的小女孩被一个土著部落拐走,他就带着小女孩穿越德克萨斯州去和她的姨妈姨父团聚。本片改编自波莱特·吉尔斯的小说。 该片将于12月25日在美国和加拿大上映,明年1月1日在英国和西班牙上映。 《心灵奇旅》 《心灵奇旅》是第一部主角为非裔美国人的皮克斯动画电影,杰米·福克斯在本片中为一名梦想在纽约成为爵士乐钢琴家的音乐老师配音。但就在一次成功的面试后,他掉进了一个下水道,醒来后发现自己来到了一个灵魂世界,在这里人类灵魂都拥有自己的个性。自那以后事情就变得越发离奇。 manhole[ˈmænhoʊl]:n. (下水道的)人孔;检修孔 该片将于12月25日在Disney+平台上线。 《无依之地》 当费恩(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德饰演)失去丈夫后,她住不起自己的房子,于是就收拾了仅有的一点个人物品放在露营车上,开车去了内华达沙漠。她很快便发现,自己不是一个人:这里居住着一大群老年人,他们被迫住在公路上,靠着沿途做点短期工作来糊口。这部电影的独特之处在于,尽管费恩的扮演者是获得奥斯卡奖的女演员,但费恩在路上所遇到的几乎所有人都是真正的流浪者,他们只是在讲述自己的亲身经历。这部电影由赵婷(曾执导过《骑士》)担任编剧和导演,是一部“纪实和虚构相混合的影片”。 该片将于12月4日在美国和加拿大上映,12月30日在法国上映。 《狼行者》 今年最杰出的动画电影不是出自梦工厂,也不是出自皮克斯,而是出自卡通沙龙动画工作室。这家爱尔兰电影工作室专注于凯尔特民间传说和风格化的手绘平面艺术。他们的这部新片讲述了发生在17世纪中叶的一个激动人心的神话故事,故事里英格兰士兵正试图攻占基尔肯尼附近的一片原始森林。一位猎人的女儿知道森林里不仅有狼,还有夜里会变成狼的“狼行者”。《奥斯汀编年史》的理查德·惠特克称赞该片是“一个关于家庭和友情的暖心故事,从家庭角度对恐怖压迫的审视,关于两个小女孩寻找自我的令人振奋的冒险,以及一堂润物细无声的艺术史课……《狼行者》是当之无愧的新经典。” 该片将于12月11日在Apple TV+平台上线。 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮
北方各地初雪都下了一阵了,应届生们关心的秋招也接近尾声。经历了重重面试的人大多都被问到过一个问题:“你对我们公司/这个岗位还有什么问题吗”( Do you have any questions for us? )多数人可能就说“暂时想不到 /没有了”。Reddit网友也发现基本没人反过来问招聘官问题。 [Photo/Pexels] Interviewers have often told me almost no one asks questions during interviews. 面试官们经常跟我提到说面试时几乎没有面试者提问。 有人想问薪水、工作职责等等,但又不知道如何开口。 Remember, at a job interview, YOU are also interviewing the company. 要记住,工作面试时,你同样也在面试这家公司。 An interview is a two-way street. The interviewer asks questions to learn about you, while you prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the position, the company and potential development within the company in order to make sure the position is a good fit for you. 一场面试是一个双向的通道。面试官通过提问来更多地了解你,同时你也该准备问题,向面试官就职位、公司、潜在发展等等进行提问,以此来确定该职位是否适合你。 Reddit网友TeamWaffleStomp认为,自己面试能成功全靠结束时问的那两个问题。 I'm currently working a dream job I'm barely qualified for. I'm pretty sure two questions I asked are what got me the job. 我现在在做的这份梦想工作我自己都觉得我有点配不上。我很确定他们录用我是因为我问的那两个问题。 问题1 "Could you explain your daily operations and schedule?" “你能告诉我该职位的日常工作和安排吗?“ 问题2 "Is there anything in my resume or any answer I've given that raises questions about my ability to perform this job that I can go ahead and address?" “我简历里面或者我刚刚的回答中有什么问题使得你们对我做这份工作的能力产生了怀疑吗?如果有,我想跟进解决下。” 第一个问题帮他弄清楚真实的日常职责是什么样的,这样一来,第一天上班的时候就不会有什么不愉快的“惊吓”。 第二个问题让他展示了自己的自省能力并且有机会在面试官面前挽救一把,同时,就算没拿到offer,也弄清楚了自己可以提高的地方。 A lot of an interviewer's task is listing out pros and cons very quickly for candidates. If you can take even two minutes to qualify your negatives, or even just acknowledge "Ah, I am aware that's a shortcoming of mine and I'm taking X/Y/Z steps to fix/address it", you basically erase them from the negatives list in that person's mind. 大部分面试官要做的事情是很快地列出候选人的利弊。如果你能花两分钟的时间来给自己的短板打下圆场,哪怕就是大胆承认:“啊,我知道这是我的一个短板,我正在采取一二三点步骤来修正/解决它”,那么你基本上打消了别人对你能力的疑虑。 比方说,常见的“问题/短板”可以这样回答: 1.、你两份工作间有很长的空档? "Oh, for that gap in my resume I was actually doing a lot of freelance work, but I didn't know how to format that into my work history." “噢,说到那个空档,那段时间我其实是在做很多自由职业性质的工作,但是呢,我不知道怎么把它规范地写到简历的工作经历里”。 2、你的旧东家查无此公司? "There's no references listed for that company because it went bankrupt, sadly. If you'd like I can offer the phone number of my old manager, or show some old pay stubs from my time there to verify my employment." “查不到这家公司是因为,很遗憾,它倒闭了。如果你需要,我可以把我以前经理的电话给你,或者我也可以给你看那时候的工资条,以此证明我在那儿上过班。” Something like that. Super easy, only takes about a minute, but you can wipe out a ton of negative speculation. 就像上面那样。很简单的,虽然只花你一分钟,但是你可以打消人家对你的大量疑虑。 不过也有人觉得这个问题比较冒险,本来人家可能没有记下你的短板,但是经你这么一提,面试官就开始想了。 It's a bold move and I find it doesn't really pay off. It means they have to think of all your negative qualities when they might not have even clocked any, and then you're leaving the interview with that fresh on their mind. 这个问题比较冒险,我发现这么问也不一定有用。因为可能面试官根本就没写下几条你的短板,但是这么一问意味着他们就得去想一下你是否有弱点。你离开面试地的时候,人家脑子里全是这个问题。 Maybe the only answer they could offer you on site was "Hmmm nothing comes to mind", but after you left, they would be looking for your negative qualities and you don't get to address them. 当时,他们顶多会跟你说:“呃…暂时想不到”,但你走后,他们可能就会开始找你的短板,而且你也不会再有机会去处理了。 不过反问问题这个部分有时候也会收到出其不意的回答,直接帮你认清一家用人单位。 网友ILiketheBike面试的时候只是想知道有什么员工关怀措施能把人留下来安心工作,结果人告诉他“喝酒啊”。 I took an interview at a non-profit. I had an inkling it was a fairly high-stress position, so I asked if there are company policies on encouraging employee sustainability and how the organization supported its staff. 我去面试过一家非营利机构。此前就得知这个职位压力挺大的,所以我就问,公司是否有政策可以鼓励员工留下来,以及贵机构是如何践行员工关怀的。 The three people who were interviewing me looked at each other, and the Executive Director chortled and said, "we drink". 面试我的那三个人面面相觑,随后主管大笑起来,说道:“我们喝酒啊。 It was immediately crossed off my list the moment I got up from the chair. 刚从椅子上起身我就在心里把这家机构划掉了。 甚至有公司在咖啡机旁边放啤酒的。这种公司不辞留着进ICU吗。 Ugh. I basically worked at a startup that was like this. They even had beer on tap, and I can remember a couple of engineers sneakily filling coffee mugs far too early in the morning and have a very vivid memory of my manager pouring a small bottle of hard liquor into his soda. 啊。我也在一家作风类似的初创公司干过。他们甚至有桶装啤酒可以接。我记得一大早就有几个工程师偷偷用咖啡杯接啤酒喝,记忆犹新的事儿还有就是,我的经理有次往自个儿苏打水里加了一小瓶烈酒。 … I quit shortly after. 不久我就辞职了。 除此之外,还有人问得很敏感——为什么有这个空位?之前那个人去哪了? I will ask why they have a vacancy. If they bash the previous person, I'm probably less interested. 我会问为啥有这个职位空缺。如果他们狠狠地数落之前那个人,那我就会对这家公司兴趣大减。 我们搜集了一些常见的可以问面试官的问题以及一些小贴士,按需取用哦。 1. What is your biggest challenge, and would I be in a position to help you solve this problem? 贵公司最大的挑战是什么?我的职位会帮到你们解决这个挑战吗? 2. Can you walk me through a typical day in the life of this role? 您能给我梳理下这个职位一天通常的工作流是什么样的吗? 3. What have you enjoyed most about working here? 您工作在这儿最喜欢的一点是什么? 4. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications? 您对我的资质经历有什么疑虑吗? 5. How will my success be measured in this role? What are the kinds of KPIs you have in place? 我在该职位的成功如何衡量?目前你们有哪些关键绩效指标? 6. Do you offer continuing education and professional training? 贵公司提供继续教育或者职业培训吗? 7. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with? 您能谈谈我即将共事的团队吗? 8. When your staff comes to you with conflicts, how do you respond? 当你的下属找来并跟你起冲突,你会如何回应? 9. What are some of the challenges that the predecessor faced in this role? 这个职位之前那个员工所碰到过的挑战有哪些? 10. Is this a new position? If so, why was this created? If not, why did the last employee leave? 这是一个新职位吗?如果是,为什么需要开设这个职位呢?如果不是,之前那名员工为什么离职? 11. I read X about (company name) in (media name). Can you tell me more about this? (This question shows you did your homework.) 我在……看到过贵公司的……您能跟我详细讲讲吗?(这个问题能显示出你为面试做过准备) 12. What is the typical career path for someone in this role? 该职位的通常职业路径是什么样的? 13. What are your expectations for this role during the first 30 days, 60 days, year? 您对该职位在30天内,60天内,或1年内的表现有什么期望吗? 14. What is the next step in the process? 招聘流程下一步怎么走? If appropriate, try to weave these questions in as the interview is progressing. It demonstrates to the interviewer that you’re proactive and engaged in the process. Alternatively, wait until the end - but if the question has already been answered during the course of the interview, don’t ask it. 如果合适的话,尽量把这些问题穿插在面试中。这样能够向面试官展示出一个主动积极参与的你。不然,就等到最后再问。不过如果某个问题之前已经解答过了,那就不要问了。 Don’t ask a question that can easily be answered by researching the company website, or on Google. 不要问那种可以轻易地在公司官网或者谷歌上找到答案的问题。 找到工作了的朋友们,如果有啥忘了问,赶紧拿着这些问题问上司吧。还没有定下来的也别急,春招快来了。 Notes qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ] v 使缓和:使减少刺耳或减轻 stub [stʌb] n 存根;票根 clock [klɒk] v 用机械设备登记或记录 chortle [ˈtʃɔːrtl] v 开怀大笑;哈哈大笑;高兴地咯咯笑 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:郭安琪 来源:Reddit, Academy of Learning, Karlka Recruiting, Energy Resourcing, Robert Half, Business Insider
[Photo/Pexels] Interviewers have often told me almost no one asks questions during interviews. Remember, at a job interview, YOU are also interviewing the company. An interview is a two-way street. The interviewer asks questions to learn about you, while you prepare questions to ask the interviewer about the position, the company and potential development within the company in order to make sure the position is a good fit for you. I'm currently working a dream job I'm barely qualified for. I'm pretty sure two questions I asked are what got me the job. "Could you explain your daily operations and schedule?" "Is there anything in my resume or any answer I've given that raises questions about my ability to perform this job that I can go ahead and address?" A lot of an interviewer's task is listing out pros and cons very quickly for candidates. If you can take even two minutes to qualify your negatives, or even just acknowledge "Ah, I am aware that's a shortcoming of mine and I'm taking X/Y/Z steps to fix/address it", you basically erase them from the negatives list in that person's mind. "Oh, for that gap in my resume I was actually doing a lot of freelance work, but I didn't know how to format that into my work history." "There's no references listed for that company because it went bankrupt, sadly. If you'd like I can offer the phone number of my old manager, or show some old pay stubs from my time there to verify my employment." Something like that. Super easy, only takes about a minute, but you can wipe out a ton of negative speculation. It's a bold move and I find it doesn't really pay off. It means they have to think of all your negative qualities when they might not have even clocked any, and then you're leaving the interview with that fresh on their mind. Maybe the only answer they could offer you on site was "Hmmm nothing comes to mind", but after you left, they would be looking for your negative qualities and you don't get to address them. I took an interview at a non-profit. I had an inkling it was a fairly high-stress position, so I asked if there are company policies on encouraging employee sustainability and how the organization supported its staff. The three people who were interviewing me looked at each other, and the Executive Director chortled and said, "we drink". It was immediately crossed off my list the moment I got up from the chair. Ugh. I basically worked at a startup that was like this. They even had beer on tap, and I can remember a couple of engineers sneakily filling coffee mugs far too early in the morning and have a very vivid memory of my manager pouring a small bottle of hard liquor into his soda. … I quit shortly after. I will ask why they have a vacancy. If they bash the previous person, I'm probably less interested. 1. What is your biggest challenge, and would I be in a position to help you solve this problem? 2. Can you walk me through a typical day in the life of this role? 3. What have you enjoyed most about working here? 4. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications? 5. How will my success be measured in this role? What are the kinds of KPIs you have in place? 6. Do you offer continuing education and professional training? 7. Can you tell me about the team I’ll be working with? 8. When your staff comes to you with conflicts, how do you respond? 9. What are some of the challenges that the predecessor faced in this role? 10. Is this a new position? If so, why was this created? If not, why did the last employee leave? 11. I read X about (company name) in (media name). Can you tell me more about this? (This question shows you did your homework.) 12. What is the typical career path for someone in this role? 13. What are your expectations for this role during the first 30 days, 60 days, year? 14. What is the next step in the process? If appropriate, try to weave these questions in as the interview is progressing. It demonstrates to the interviewer that you’re proactive and engaged in the process. Alternatively, wait until the end - but if the question has already been answered during the course of the interview, don’t ask it. Don’t ask a question that can easily be answered by researching the company website, or on Google. Notes
北方各地初雪都下了一阵了,应届生们关心的秋招也接近尾声。经历了重重面试的人大多都被问到过一个问题:“你对我们公司/这个岗位还有什么问题吗”( Do you have any questions for us? )多数人可能就说“暂时想不到 /没有了”。Reddit网友也发现基本没人反过来问招聘官问题。 面试官们经常跟我提到说面试时几乎没有面试者提问。 有人想问薪水、工作职责等等,但又不知道如何开口。 要记住,工作面试时,你同样也在面试这家公司。 一场面试是一个双向的通道。面试官通过提问来更多地了解你,同时你也该准备问题,向面试官就职位、公司、潜在发展等等进行提问,以此来确定该职位是否适合你。 Reddit网友TeamWaffleStomp认为,自己面试能成功全靠结束时问的那两个问题。 我现在在做的这份梦想工作我自己都觉得我有点配不上。我很确定他们录用我是因为我问的那两个问题。 问题1 “你能告诉我该职位的日常工作和安排吗?“ 问题2 “我简历里面或者我刚刚的回答中有什么问题使得你们对我做这份工作的能力产生了怀疑吗?如果有,我想跟进解决下。” 第一个问题帮他弄清楚真实的日常职责是什么样的,这样一来,第一天上班的时候就不会有什么不愉快的“惊吓”。 第二个问题让他展示了自己的自省能力并且有机会在面试官面前挽救一把,同时,就算没拿到offer,也弄清楚了自己可以提高的地方。 大部分面试官要做的事情是很快地列出候选人的利弊。如果你能花两分钟的时间来给自己的短板打下圆场,哪怕就是大胆承认:“啊,我知道这是我的一个短板,我正在采取一二三点步骤来修正/解决它”,那么你基本上打消了别人对你能力的疑虑。 比方说,常见的“问题/短板”可以这样回答: 1.、你两份工作间有很长的空档? “噢,说到那个空档,那段时间我其实是在做很多自由职业性质的工作,但是呢,我不知道怎么把它规范地写到简历的工作经历里”。 2、你的旧东家查无此公司? “查不到这家公司是因为,很遗憾,它倒闭了。如果你需要,我可以把我以前经理的电话给你,或者我也可以给你看那时候的工资条,以此证明我在那儿上过班。” 就像上面那样。很简单的,虽然只花你一分钟,但是你可以打消人家对你的大量疑虑。 不过也有人觉得这个问题比较冒险,本来人家可能没有记下你的短板,但是经你这么一提,面试官就开始想了。 这个问题比较冒险,我发现这么问也不一定有用。因为可能面试官根本就没写下几条你的短板,但是这么一问意味着他们就得去想一下你是否有弱点。你离开面试地的时候,人家脑子里全是这个问题。 当时,他们顶多会跟你说:“呃…暂时想不到”,但你走后,他们可能就会开始找你的短板,而且你也不会再有机会去处理了。 不过反问问题这个部分有时候也会收到出其不意的回答,直接帮你认清一家用人单位。 网友ILiketheBike面试的时候只是想知道有什么员工关怀措施能把人留下来安心工作,结果人告诉他“喝酒啊”。 我去面试过一家非营利机构。此前就得知这个职位压力挺大的,所以我就问,公司是否有政策可以鼓励员工留下来,以及贵机构是如何践行员工关怀的。 面试我的那三个人面面相觑,随后主管大笑起来,说道:“我们喝酒啊。 刚从椅子上起身我就在心里把这家机构划掉了。 甚至有公司在咖啡机旁边放啤酒的。这种公司不辞留着进ICU吗。 啊。我也在一家作风类似的初创公司干过。他们甚至有桶装啤酒可以接。我记得一大早就有几个工程师偷偷用咖啡杯接啤酒喝,记忆犹新的事儿还有就是,我的经理有次往自个儿苏打水里加了一小瓶烈酒。 不久我就辞职了。 除此之外,还有人问得很敏感——为什么有这个空位?之前那个人去哪了? 我会问为啥有这个职位空缺。如果他们狠狠地数落之前那个人,那我就会对这家公司兴趣大减。 我们搜集了一些常见的可以问面试官的问题以及一些小贴士,按需取用哦。 贵公司最大的挑战是什么?我的职位会帮到你们解决这个挑战吗? 您能给我梳理下这个职位一天通常的工作流是什么样的吗? 您工作在这儿最喜欢的一点是什么? 您对我的资质经历有什么疑虑吗? 我在该职位的成功如何衡量?目前你们有哪些关键绩效指标? 贵公司提供继续教育或者职业培训吗? 您能谈谈我即将共事的团队吗? 当你的下属找来并跟你起冲突,你会如何回应? 这个职位之前那个员工所碰到过的挑战有哪些? 这是一个新职位吗?如果是,为什么需要开设这个职位呢?如果不是,之前那名员工为什么离职? 我在……看到过贵公司的……您能跟我详细讲讲吗?(这个问题能显示出你为面试做过准备) 该职位的通常职业路径是什么样的? 您对该职位在30天内,60天内,或1年内的表现有什么期望吗? 招聘流程下一步怎么走? 如果合适的话,尽量把这些问题穿插在面试中。这样能够向面试官展示出一个主动积极参与的你。不然,就等到最后再问。不过如果某个问题之前已经解答过了,那就不要问了。 不要问那种可以轻易地在公司官网或者谷歌上找到答案的问题。 找到工作了的朋友们,如果有啥忘了问,赶紧拿着这些问题问上司吧。还没有定下来的也别急,春招快来了。 qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ] v 使缓和:使减少刺耳或减轻 stub [stʌb] n 存根;票根 clock [klɒk] v 用机械设备登记或记录 chortle [ˈtʃɔːrtl] v 开怀大笑;哈哈大笑;高兴地咯咯笑 编辑:李雪晴 实习生:郭安琪 来源:Reddit, Academy of Learning, Karlka Recruiting, Energy Resourcing, Robert Half, Business Insider
那些年看过的动漫,有没有哪一句台词戳中了你的心? Quora网站近日请网友分享自己最喜欢的二次元经典语录,或许能让你忆起那段青春岁月。 《银魂》海报 (来源:日升动画) 获得26好评的答案@Govind Melitte Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you. -- Lelouch Lamperouge, "Code Geass" 幸福像玻璃一样,平时从未察觉,但它确实存在的证据就是——稍微改变看的角度,玻璃就会映照出光芒,比任何东西都要闪耀。 ——鲁路修·兰佩路基,《反叛的鲁路修》 A victory won through dishonest means is no victory at all. -- Kururugi Suzaku, "Code Geass" 用不当的手段得到的胜利没有任何价值。 ——枢木朱雀,《反叛的鲁路修》 获得27好评的答案@Jordan Burke "You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want." -- Ging Freecss, "Hunter X Hunter" “尽情地享受沿途风景吧,那里一定有比你所追求的更重要的东西。” ——金·富力士,《全职猎人》 获得96好评的答案@Magesh Sivasankaran Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can't remember. -- "Spirited Away," 2001 曾经做过的事情不可能忘记,只不过是想不起而已。 ——《千与千寻》(2001 ) 获得132好评的答案@Prateek Kedia "Life isn't about what river you live in but how you swim in the river you live in." -- Koro Sensei, "Assassination Classroom" “ 无论栖息于清流还是栖息于泥水,重要的是你怎么游。” —— 杀老师,《极速老师》 "I have no interest in living for a thousand years. It's enough if I can live through today." -- Portgas D. Ace, “One piece” “我对活一千年没有兴趣,我只要今天能活着就好。” —— 波特卡斯·D·艾斯,《海贼王》 "I'm the man who'll become the pirate king!" -- Monkey D. Luffy, “One Piece” “我是要当海贼王的男人!” —— 蒙奇·D·路飞,《海贼王》 获得233好评的答案@Sayantan Mukherjee We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let’s not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine forever. -- Hitsugaya Toushiro,“Bleach” 我们都像烟火一般,上升,发光,然后消散开来。但是当死期来临时,不要像烟火一样消失不见,而是要绽放出永恒的光辉。 ——日番谷冬狮郎,《死神》 获得260好评的答案@Kushagra Bhadauria If you have time to think of a beautiful ending, why not use the time to live beautifully until the end. -- Gintoki Sakata, "Gintama" 与其想着怎样华丽地死去,不如想想怎样华丽地活下去吧! ——坂田银时,《银魂》 Sorry, I'm late. I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life. -- Hatake Kakashi, "Naruto" 抱歉,我迟到了,我在人生的道路上迷路了。 ——旗木卡卡西,《火影忍者》 You and I are flesh and blood. I'm always going to be there for you, even if it's only an obstacle for you to overcome. Even if you do hate me. That's what big brothers are for. -- Uchiha Itachi, "Naruto" 我和你是亲兄弟,作为你必须超越的障碍,我会和你一起生存下去,就算是被你憎恨也要如此,这就是所谓的哥哥。 ——宇智波鼬,《火影忍者》 (来源:沪江英语 编审:丹妮)
Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible. But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you. -- Lelouch Lamperouge, "Code Geass" A victory won through dishonest means is no victory at all. -- Kururugi Suzaku, "Code Geass" "You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want." -- Ging Freecss, "Hunter X Hunter" Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can't remember. -- "Spirited Away," 2001 ) "Life isn't about what river you live in but how you swim in the river you live in." -- Koro Sensei, "Assassination Classroom" “ "I have no interest in living for a thousand years. It's enough if I can live through today." -- Portgas D. Ace, “One piece” "I'm the man who'll become the pirate king!" -- Monkey D. Luffy, “One Piece” We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let’s not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine forever. -- Hitsugaya Toushiro,“Bleach” If you have time to think of a beautiful ending, why not use the time to live beautifully until the end. -- Gintoki Sakata, "Gintama" Sorry, I'm late. I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life. -- Hatake Kakashi, "Naruto" You and I are flesh and blood. I'm always going to be there for you, even if it's only an obstacle for you to overcome. Even if you do hate me. That's what big brothers are for. -- Uchiha Itachi, "Naruto"
那些年看过的动漫,有没有哪一句台词戳中了你的心? Quora网站近日请网友分享自己最喜欢的二次元经典语录,或许能让你忆起那段青春岁月。 《银魂》海报 (来源:日升动画) 获得26好评的答案@Govind Melitte 幸福像玻璃一样,平时从未察觉,但它确实存在的证据就是——稍微改变看的角度,玻璃就会映照出光芒,比任何东西都要闪耀。 ——鲁路修·兰佩路基,《反叛的鲁路修》 用不当的手段得到的胜利没有任何价值。 ——枢木朱雀,《反叛的鲁路修》 获得27好评的答案@Jordan Burke “尽情地享受沿途风景吧,那里一定有比你所追求的更重要的东西。” ——金·富力士,《全职猎人》 获得96好评的答案@Magesh Sivasankaran 曾经做过的事情不可能忘记,只不过是想不起而已。 ——《千与千寻》(2001 获得132好评的答案@Prateek Kedia 无论栖息于清流还是栖息于泥水,重要的是你怎么游。” —— 杀老师,《极速老师》 “我对活一千年没有兴趣,我只要今天能活着就好。” —— 波特卡斯·D·艾斯,《海贼王》 “我是要当海贼王的男人!” —— 蒙奇·D·路飞,《海贼王》 获得233好评的答案@Sayantan Mukherjee 我们都像烟火一般,上升,发光,然后消散开来。但是当死期来临时,不要像烟火一样消失不见,而是要绽放出永恒的光辉。 ——日番谷冬狮郎,《死神》 获得260好评的答案@Kushagra Bhadauria 与其想着怎样华丽地死去,不如想想怎样华丽地活下去吧! ——坂田银时,《银魂》 抱歉,我迟到了,我在人生的道路上迷路了。 ——旗木卡卡西,《火影忍者》 我和你是亲兄弟,作为你必须超越的障碍,我会和你一起生存下去,就算是被你憎恨也要如此,这就是所谓的哥哥。 ——宇智波鼬,《火影忍者》 (来源:沪江英语 编审:丹妮)
要学会新东西,非得失败几回不可。然而,失败多少回才算合适?亚利桑那大学牵头组织研究,最近给出了一个精确答案。 Educators and educational scholars have long recognized that there is something of a “sweet spot” when it comes to learning. That is, we learn best when we are challenged to grasp something just outside the bounds of our existing knowledge. When a challenge is too simple, we don’t learn anything new; likewise, we don’t enhance our knowledge when a challenge is so difficult that we fail entirely or give up. 教育工作者与教育界学者早有共识:学习也讲究“最佳击球点”(高尔夫球、网球等运动中球杆或球拍上的最有效击球点,也称甜点或甜蜜区——本网注)。即在需要掌握刚好超出现有知识面的东西时,学习效果最佳。如果挑战过于轻松,我们就学不到新东西;如果挑战难度过高,我们完全应对不了乃至放弃应对,那就同样无法拓宽知识面。 So where does the sweet spot lie? According to the new study, to be published in the journal Nature Communications, it’s when failure occurs 15% of the time. Put another way, it’s when the right answer is given 85% of the time. 那么,“最佳击球点”究竟在哪里?《自然·通讯》将刊登的最新研究显示,15%的失败率是学习的最优难度。换句话说,能够回答出来的部分应在挑战中占85%的比例。 “These ideas that were out there in the education field – that there is this ‘zone of proximal difficulty,’ in which you ought to be maximizing your learning – we’ve put that on a mathematical footing,” said UArizona assistant professor of psychology and cognitive science Robert Wilson, lead author of the study, titled “The Eighty Five Percent Rule for Optimal Learning.” 这篇研究论文题目为《最优学习方法的八五定律》。论文第一作者、亚利桑那大学心理与认知科学助理教授罗伯特·威尔逊说:“教育界流行观念认为存在‘中等难度区’,在这一区间内学习,效率最高。我们用数学方法进行了验证。” Wilson and his collaborators at Brown University, the University of California, Los Angeles and Princeton came up with the so-called “85% Rule” after conducting a series of machine-learning experiments in which they taught computers simple tasks, such as classifying different patterns into one of two categories or classifying photographs of handwritten digits as odd versus even numbers, or low versus high numbers. 威尔逊与布朗大学、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校、普林斯顿大学的研究人员合作做了一连串机器学习实验,提出所谓的“八五定律”。他们教计算机完成一些简单任务,例如,把不同的图形分为两类,或者把手写数字的照片按照数字的奇偶或大小加以分类。 The computers learned fastest in situations in which the difficulty was such that they responded with 85% accuracy. 当研究人员设计的难度让计算机回答的准确率为85%时,它们学得最快。 “If you have an error rate of 15% or accuracy of 85%, you are always maximizing your rate of learning in these two-choice tasks,” Wilson said. 威尔逊说:“在二选一这类任务中,错误率为15%或者说准确率为85%时,学习效率就总是达到最高。” When researchers looked at previous studies of animal learning, they found that the 85% Rule held true in those instances as well, Wilson said. 威尔逊说,他们随后考察了以往的动物学习研究,发现“八五定律”同样适用。 When we think about how humans learn, the 85% Rule would mostly likely apply to perceptual learning, in which we gradually learn through experience and examples, Wilson said. Imagine, for instance,a radiologist learning to tell the difference between images of tumors and non-tumors. 威尔逊说,想想人类的学习特点,通常可能会适用八五定律的大概是知觉学习,它是依靠积累经验和案例的逐步学习。例如,设想放射科医生学习区分肿瘤影像与非肿瘤影像。 “You get better at figuring out there’s a tumor in an image over time, and you need experience and you need examples to get better,” Wilson said. “I can imagine giving easy examples and giving difficult examples and giving intermediate examples. If I give really easy examples, you get 100% right all the time and there’s nothing left to learn. If I give really hard examples, you’ll be 50% correct and still not learning anything new, whereas if I give you something in between, you can be at this sweet spot where you are getting the most information from each particular example.” 威尔逊说:“识别肿瘤影像是一件日积月累、越来越拿手的事情,需要经验,也需要案例。设想有三类案例,分别是简单案例、高难度案例和中等难度案例。假如案例非常简单,你永远全部答对,那就没有什么可学的。假如案例难度极高,你只答对一半,那同样学不到新东西;但如果难度介于两者之间,那你就会处于‘最佳击球点’,从每一个案例中学到的东西最多。” Since Wilson and his collaborators were looking only at simple tasks in which there was a clear correct and incorrect answer, Wilson won’t go so far as to say that students should aim for a B average in school. However, he does think there might be some lessons for education that are worth further exploration. 由于这次只是研究对错分明的简单任务,威尔逊并不就此认为学生应以平均拿到“良”作为学业目标。不过他确实认为,这项研究对教育或有启发,值得深入探讨。 “If you are taking classes that are too easy and acing them all the time, then you probably aren’t getting as much out of a class as someone who’s struggling but managing to keep up,” he said. “The hope is we can expand this work and start to talk about more complicated forms of learning.” 他说:“如果课程内容过于简单,你总能取得好成绩,那么你在这门课上的收获多半反而不及学业吃力但勉强跟得上的学生。我们希望扩展这项工作,着手研究复杂一些的学习形式。” 来源:英语世界
Educators and educational scholars have long recognized that there is something of a “sweet spot” when it comes to learning. That is, we learn best when we are challenged to grasp something just outside the bounds of our existing knowledge. When a challenge is too simple, we don’t learn anything new; likewise, we don’t enhance our knowledge when a challenge is so difficult that we fail entirely or give up. So where does the sweet spot lie? According to the new study, to be published in the journal Nature Communications, it’s when failure occurs 15% of the time. Put another way, it’s when the right answer is given 85% of the time. “These ideas that were out there in the education field – that there is this ‘zone of proximal difficulty,’ in which you ought to be maximizing your learning – we’ve put that on a mathematical footing,” said UArizona assistant professor of psychology and cognitive science Robert Wilson, lead author of the study, titled “The Eighty Five Percent Rule for Optimal Learning.” Wilson and his collaborators at Brown University, the University of California, Los Angeles and Princeton came up with the so-called “85% Rule” after conducting a series of machine-learning experiments in which they taught computers simple tasks, such as classifying different patterns into one of two categories or classifying photographs of handwritten digits as odd versus even numbers, or low versus high numbers. The computers learned fastest in situations in which the difficulty was such that they responded with 85% accuracy. “If you have an error rate of 15% or accuracy of 85%, you are always maximizing your rate of learning in these two-choice tasks,” Wilson said. When researchers looked at previous studies of animal learning, they found that the 85% Rule held true in those instances as well, Wilson said. When we think about how humans learn, the 85% Rule would mostly likely apply to perceptual learning, in which we gradually learn through experience and examples, Wilson said. Imagine, for instance,a radiologist learning to tell the difference between images of tumors and non-tumors. “You get better at figuring out there’s a tumor in an image over time, and you need experience and you need examples to get better,” Wilson said. “I can imagine giving easy examples and giving difficult examples and giving intermediate examples. If I give really easy examples, you get 100% right all the time and there’s nothing left to learn. If I give really hard examples, you’ll be 50% correct and still not learning anything new, whereas if I give you something in between, you can be at this sweet spot where you are getting the most information from each particular example.” Since Wilson and his collaborators were looking only at simple tasks in which there was a clear correct and incorrect answer, Wilson won’t go so far as to say that students should aim for a B average in school. However, he does think there might be some lessons for education that are worth further exploration. “If you are taking classes that are too easy and acing them all the time, then you probably aren’t getting as much out of a class as someone who’s struggling but managing to keep up,” he said. “The hope is we can expand this work and start to talk about more complicated forms of learning.”
要学会新东西,非得失败几回不可。然而,失败多少回才算合适?亚利桑那大学牵头组织研究,最近给出了一个精确答案。 教育工作者与教育界学者早有共识:学习也讲究“最佳击球点”(高尔夫球、网球等运动中球杆或球拍上的最有效击球点,也称甜点或甜蜜区——本网注)。即在需要掌握刚好超出现有知识面的东西时,学习效果最佳。如果挑战过于轻松,我们就学不到新东西;如果挑战难度过高,我们完全应对不了乃至放弃应对,那就同样无法拓宽知识面。 那么,“最佳击球点”究竟在哪里?《自然·通讯》将刊登的最新研究显示,15%的失败率是学习的最优难度。换句话说,能够回答出来的部分应在挑战中占85%的比例。 这篇研究论文题目为《最优学习方法的八五定律》。论文第一作者、亚利桑那大学心理与认知科学助理教授罗伯特·威尔逊说:“教育界流行观念认为存在‘中等难度区’,在这一区间内学习,效率最高。我们用数学方法进行了验证。” 威尔逊与布朗大学、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校、普林斯顿大学的研究人员合作做了一连串机器学习实验,提出所谓的“八五定律”。他们教计算机完成一些简单任务,例如,把不同的图形分为两类,或者把手写数字的照片按照数字的奇偶或大小加以分类。 当研究人员设计的难度让计算机回答的准确率为85%时,它们学得最快。 威尔逊说:“在二选一这类任务中,错误率为15%或者说准确率为85%时,学习效率就总是达到最高。” 威尔逊说,他们随后考察了以往的动物学习研究,发现“八五定律”同样适用。 威尔逊说,想想人类的学习特点,通常可能会适用八五定律的大概是知觉学习,它是依靠积累经验和案例的逐步学习。例如,设想放射科医生学习区分肿瘤影像与非肿瘤影像。 威尔逊说:“识别肿瘤影像是一件日积月累、越来越拿手的事情,需要经验,也需要案例。设想有三类案例,分别是简单案例、高难度案例和中等难度案例。假如案例非常简单,你永远全部答对,那就没有什么可学的。假如案例难度极高,你只答对一半,那同样学不到新东西;但如果难度介于两者之间,那你就会处于‘最佳击球点’,从每一个案例中学到的东西最多。” 由于这次只是研究对错分明的简单任务,威尔逊并不就此认为学生应以平均拿到“良”作为学业目标。不过他确实认为,这项研究对教育或有启发,值得深入探讨。 他说:“如果课程内容过于简单,你总能取得好成绩,那么你在这门课上的收获多半反而不及学业吃力但勉强跟得上的学生。我们希望扩展这项工作,着手研究复杂一些的学习形式。” 来源:英语世界
最近Glassdoor网站的一项民意调查发现,79%的美国雇员都表示,比起涨薪,他们更希望多点时间上的福利。由于2020年的封锁政策以及企业的线上转型,我们之中许多人的时间观念已经改变了。哈佛商学院的艾希礼·惠兰斯认为,以下四种方法可以让我们充分利用时间。 [Photo/pexels] If you feel that your perception of time has changed recently, you are not alone. 如果你觉得最近自己的时间观念发生了变化——你不是一个人。 Ottawa’s Christina Chenard is one of those folks whose sense of time has been revamped, and it has changed her life for the better. 常驻渥太华的克里斯蒂娜·切纳德也觉得自己的时间观念发生了改变,并且这个转变让她的生活变得更好了。 Before the pandemic, the director of alumni and donor relations for Carleton University, said she used to run around like a headless chicken: rising extremely early, getting two kids off to daycare, navigating traffic and then zigzagging around campus for meetings much of the day, before coming home to “collapse and start all over again.” 克里斯蒂娜·切纳德是卡尔顿大学管理校友及捐赠者关系的主任。她说,在流感大流行之前,她常常像一只无头苍蝇一样到处乱跑。每天起得非常早,把两个孩子送到托儿所,在繁忙的车流中穿梭,一天中的大部分时间都在校园里转来转去参加各种会议,最后回到家“整个人瘫倒,然后第二天又重复同样的生活”。 Now she works mainly from home, and time is opening up. Chenard sleeps more, commutes less and spends more quality time with her family. 现在她主要在家工作,时间也越来越宽裕了。切纳德休息的时间更长了,也省了些通勤的时间,和家人共度的欢乐时光更多了。 “What works for me is setting up blocks of time when I’m just not available for work, like when I’m with family or doing things around the house,” Chenard said. “I never would have done that before.” 切纳德说:“对我来说,给自己规定一些不能工作的时间段是很奏效的,比如当我和家人呆在一起,或者在家里做些什么事情的时候。以前的我是绝不会那么做的。” Similar calibrations are being felt around the globe. 其实全球人民都在经历着类似的改变。 For example, a survey from jobs site Glassdoor found that 79% of U.S. employees say they would prefer more time-related benefits over a pay raise – including vacation days (37%), paid sick days (32%) and a flexible schedule (30%). 例如,就业网站Glassdoor的一项调查发现,79%的美国雇员都表示,比起涨薪,他们更希望多点时间上的福利。这种福利包括假期(37%)、带薪病假(32%)和灵活的日程安排(30%)。 “This moment has made us all more attuned to things that are truly important in life, and changed our relationship to work,” says Ashley Whillans, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School whose new book “Time Smart: How To Reclaim Your Time & Live a Happier Life” will be released this month. “At the end of the day, time is our most valuable resource, and we can never get it back.” 艾希礼·惠兰斯是哈佛商学院的助理教授,她的新书《时间的智慧:如何找回时间,过更幸福的生活》将于本月发行。她说:“这个时间点让我们更加认识到了什么是人生真正重要的东西,我们与工作的关系也改变了。归根结底,时间是我们最宝贵的资源,我们再也拿不回来了。” Put time first in your decision-making, and instead of feeling permanently frazzled and worn out, you will find yourself becoming what Whillans calls “time affluent”. 做决定时,把时间放在第一位,这样你就会发现自己变得如惠兰斯所说的那样“时间富足”,而不是总感到疲惫不堪、筋疲力尽。 Here are four tips to create time affluence from Whillans. 这里有四个来自惠兰斯的小建议,可以帮助你实现时间上的富足。 Catalog it 学会做记录 In any review of your financial life, Job One is figuring out exactly where your cash is going. The same holds true for time. 当你在梳理自己的财务生活时,第一项工作永远是弄清楚你的钱到底花在了哪儿。对待时间也该如此。 Write down how you are spending your days, down to the minute, and then take a hard look at the results. Presumably, far too much time is being spent on unproductive periods like commutes; scrolling through anxiety-producing news feeds; or doing stuff you really dislike, mainly because you think you have to. 请记录下你是如何度过每一天的,细化到每一分钟,然后仔细看看自己写的东西。想必我们有太多的时间都花在了毫无生产力的东西上,比如日常通勤、浏览制造焦虑的新闻推送,或者做自己完全不喜欢的事情,而这些主要都是因为你觉得自己必须要这么做。 Buy more time 花钱买时间 Yes, you can essentially fund more free time for yourself, by outsourcing chores you despise – like, say, cleaning your house. It will cost you in monetary terms, but if you can afford it, the effect on your life happiness will be wildly disproportionate. 实际上,你可以通过外包你厌恶的杂事来为自己买到更多的空闲时间,比如你可以雇别人来打扫你的房子。这样的确会费一些钱,但如果你能负担得起,花这点钱其实能极大地提升你生活的幸福感。 Whillans even came up with a metric to quantify that tradeoff: “Happiness Dollars”. For instance, she estimates that outsourcing disliked tasks produces the happiness equivalent of an extra $16,000 in annual household income. Whillans甚至提出了一个量化这种交易的指标:“幸福美元”。比如,根据她的估计,把不喜欢的工作外包出去带来的幸福感能等同于家庭年收入增加1.6万美元。 Reshape your workday 重塑工作日 Making time-first decisions could change what your office life looks like – and with everything in flux right now, your bosses might be more amenable to creative solutions. 把时间放在首位做决定可能会改变你的办公生活。但现在一切都在变化,你的老板或许也更愿意接受创新性的做事方案。 If your day is clogged with time-sucking meetings, perhaps there are some you could skip. If your office reopens, perhaps you could negotiate working from home a couple of days a week. Multiply those time savings over the course of a year, and you are creating vast amounts of new space in your calendar. 如果你的一整天都被各种耗费时间的会议塞满了,或许你也可以翘掉一些。如果你的办公室复工了,或许你也可以协商一周在家工作几天。放眼一整年,这些节省下来的时间可以让你的日历空出大量的新空间。 Leisure time matters 合理利用闲暇 The point of generating more time for yourself is not so you can spend it all playing games on your smart phone or zoning out in front of a TV screen. 为自己创造更多的时间并非为了让你把它完全用来玩手机游戏,或者在电视屏幕前呆着一动不动。 That is “passive” leisure, and it is fine in moderation – but aim for more “active” leisure that is proven to produce real happiness, like having meals with friends, volunteering, exercising, or engaging in your favorite hobbies. 这些是“被动”休闲,如果能做到适度倒也可以,但我们要争取更多的“主动”休闲,比如和朋友一起吃饭、做志愿服务、锻炼身体或者发展你的各项爱好。“主动休闲”才是被证实能带来真正幸福感的方式。 “Time affluence doesn’t necessarily require major life changes, like quitting your job or retiring early,” Whillans said. “It can also be about smaller changes around the margins, like how you use the next 30 minutes. Use your hours deliberately, with more intention, and it will have powerful effects on your happiness.” Whillans说:“时间富足并不一定需要你做出重大的生活改变,比如辞职或提前退休等。它也可以是关于边际时间的小改变,就比如决定要如何利用接下来的30分钟。学会有意识地利用你的时间,做任何事都有明确的目的性,这会对你的幸福感产生巨大的影响。” 来源:英语世界
[Photo/pexels] If you feel that your perception of time has changed recently, you are not alone. Ottawa’s Christina Chenard is one of those folks whose sense of time has been revamped, and it has changed her life for the better. Before the pandemic, the director of alumni and donor relations for Carleton University, said she used to run around like a headless chicken: rising extremely early, getting two kids off to daycare, navigating traffic and then zigzagging around campus for meetings much of the day, before coming home to “collapse and start all over again.” Now she works mainly from home, and time is opening up. Chenard sleeps more, commutes less and spends more quality time with her family. “What works for me is setting up blocks of time when I’m just not available for work, like when I’m with family or doing things around the house,” Chenard said. “I never would have done that before.” Similar calibrations are being felt around the globe. For example, a survey from jobs site Glassdoor found that 79% of U.S. employees say they would prefer more time-related benefits over a pay raise – including vacation days (37%), paid sick days (32%) and a flexible schedule (30%). “This moment has made us all more attuned to things that are truly important in life, and changed our relationship to work,” says Ashley Whillans, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School whose new book “Time Smart: How To Reclaim Your Time & Live a Happier Life” will be released this month. “At the end of the day, time is our most valuable resource, and we can never get it back.” Put time first in your decision-making, and instead of feeling permanently frazzled and worn out, you will find yourself becoming what Whillans calls “time affluent”. Here are four tips to create time affluence from Whillans. Catalog it In any review of your financial life, Job One is figuring out exactly where your cash is going. The same holds true for time. Write down how you are spending your days, down to the minute, and then take a hard look at the results. Presumably, far too much time is being spent on unproductive periods like commutes; scrolling through anxiety-producing news feeds; or doing stuff you really dislike, mainly because you think you have to. Buy more time Yes, you can essentially fund more free time for yourself, by outsourcing chores you despise – like, say, cleaning your house. It will cost you in monetary terms, but if you can afford it, the effect on your life happiness will be wildly disproportionate. Whillans even came up with a metric to quantify that tradeoff: “Happiness Dollars”. For instance, she estimates that outsourcing disliked tasks produces the happiness equivalent of an extra $16,000 in annual household income. Reshape your workday Making time-first decisions could change what your office life looks like – and with everything in flux right now, your bosses might be more amenable to creative solutions. If your day is clogged with time-sucking meetings, perhaps there are some you could skip. If your office reopens, perhaps you could negotiate working from home a couple of days a week. Multiply those time savings over the course of a year, and you are creating vast amounts of new space in your calendar. Leisure time matters The point of generating more time for yourself is not so you can spend it all playing games on your smart phone or zoning out in front of a TV screen. That is “passive” leisure, and it is fine in moderation – but aim for more “active” leisure that is proven to produce real happiness, like having meals with friends, volunteering, exercising, or engaging in your favorite hobbies. “Time affluence doesn’t necessarily require major life changes, like quitting your job or retiring early,” Whillans said. “It can also be about smaller changes around the margins, like how you use the next 30 minutes. Use your hours deliberately, with more intention, and it will have powerful effects on your happiness.”
最近Glassdoor网站的一项民意调查发现,79%的美国雇员都表示,比起涨薪,他们更希望多点时间上的福利。由于2020年的封锁政策以及企业的线上转型,我们之中许多人的时间观念已经改变了。哈佛商学院的艾希礼·惠兰斯认为,以下四种方法可以让我们充分利用时间。 如果你觉得最近自己的时间观念发生了变化——你不是一个人。 常驻渥太华的克里斯蒂娜·切纳德也觉得自己的时间观念发生了改变,并且这个转变让她的生活变得更好了。 克里斯蒂娜·切纳德是卡尔顿大学管理校友及捐赠者关系的主任。她说,在流感大流行之前,她常常像一只无头苍蝇一样到处乱跑。每天起得非常早,把两个孩子送到托儿所,在繁忙的车流中穿梭,一天中的大部分时间都在校园里转来转去参加各种会议,最后回到家“整个人瘫倒,然后第二天又重复同样的生活”。 现在她主要在家工作,时间也越来越宽裕了。切纳德休息的时间更长了,也省了些通勤的时间,和家人共度的欢乐时光更多了。 切纳德说:“对我来说,给自己规定一些不能工作的时间段是很奏效的,比如当我和家人呆在一起,或者在家里做些什么事情的时候。以前的我是绝不会那么做的。” 其实全球人民都在经历着类似的改变。 例如,就业网站Glassdoor的一项调查发现,79%的美国雇员都表示,比起涨薪,他们更希望多点时间上的福利。这种福利包括假期(37%)、带薪病假(32%)和灵活的日程安排(30%)。 艾希礼·惠兰斯是哈佛商学院的助理教授,她的新书《时间的智慧:如何找回时间,过更幸福的生活》将于本月发行。她说:“这个时间点让我们更加认识到了什么是人生真正重要的东西,我们与工作的关系也改变了。归根结底,时间是我们最宝贵的资源,我们再也拿不回来了。” 做决定时,把时间放在第一位,这样你就会发现自己变得如惠兰斯所说的那样“时间富足”,而不是总感到疲惫不堪、筋疲力尽。 这里有四个来自惠兰斯的小建议,可以帮助你实现时间上的富足。 学会做记录 当你在梳理自己的财务生活时,第一项工作永远是弄清楚你的钱到底花在了哪儿。对待时间也该如此。 请记录下你是如何度过每一天的,细化到每一分钟,然后仔细看看自己写的东西。想必我们有太多的时间都花在了毫无生产力的东西上,比如日常通勤、浏览制造焦虑的新闻推送,或者做自己完全不喜欢的事情,而这些主要都是因为你觉得自己必须要这么做。 花钱买时间 实际上,你可以通过外包你厌恶的杂事来为自己买到更多的空闲时间,比如你可以雇别人来打扫你的房子。这样的确会费一些钱,但如果你能负担得起,花这点钱其实能极大地提升你生活的幸福感。 Whillans甚至提出了一个量化这种交易的指标:“幸福美元”。比如,根据她的估计,把不喜欢的工作外包出去带来的幸福感能等同于家庭年收入增加1.6万美元。 重塑工作日 把时间放在首位做决定可能会改变你的办公生活。但现在一切都在变化,你的老板或许也更愿意接受创新性的做事方案。 如果你的一整天都被各种耗费时间的会议塞满了,或许你也可以翘掉一些。如果你的办公室复工了,或许你也可以协商一周在家工作几天。放眼一整年,这些节省下来的时间可以让你的日历空出大量的新空间。 合理利用闲暇 为自己创造更多的时间并非为了让你把它完全用来玩手机游戏,或者在电视屏幕前呆着一动不动。 这些是“被动”休闲,如果能做到适度倒也可以,但我们要争取更多的“主动”休闲,比如和朋友一起吃饭、做志愿服务、锻炼身体或者发展你的各项爱好。“主动休闲”才是被证实能带来真正幸福感的方式。 Whillans说:“时间富足并不一定需要你做出重大的生活改变,比如辞职或提前退休等。它也可以是关于边际时间的小改变,就比如决定要如何利用接下来的30分钟。学会有意识地利用你的时间,做任何事都有明确的目的性,这会对你的幸福感产生巨大的影响。” 来源:英语世界
由于在家暴诽谤案中败诉,约翰尼·德普的名声一落千丈,华纳兄弟影业很快便官宣德普将退出《神奇动物在哪里》电影系列,取代德普出演格林德沃一角的将是“丹麦最性感的男人”麦斯·米科尔森。 Actor Mads Mikkelsen and his wife Hanne Jacobsen attend the premiere of "Falling" in Copenhagen, Denmark October 26, 2020. Ritzau Scanpix/Emil Helms via REUTERS Mads Mikkelsen will replace Johnny Depp as the villainous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in the third "Fantastic Beasts" movie, Warner Bros. Pictures has announced in a statement. 华纳兄弟影业在一份声明中宣布,麦斯·米科尔森将取代约翰尼·德普出演《神奇动物在哪里》第三部中的反派黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃。 Danish actor Mikkelsen, who has recently appeared in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," "Hannibal," and "Casino Royale," will play the dark wizard at the center of the action in the "Harry Potter" prequels. 近年曾出演《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》、《汉尼拔》和《007:大战皇家赌场》的丹麦演员米科尔森将在这个《哈利波特》前传系列中饰演核心人物黑巫师。 The movie, due for release on July 15, 2022, is currently in production at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden, near London. 计划在2022年7月15日上映的《神奇动物3》目前正在伦敦附近的华纳兄弟利维斯顿工作室进行拍摄。 It also features Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler and Ezra Miller among many others. 参演该片的其他演员还有“小雀斑”埃迪·雷德梅尼、凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿、丹·福勒和埃兹拉·米勒。 Depp debuted as Grindelwald at the end of the first "Fantastic Beasts" movie, but played a much larger part in the second installment, which charts the wizard's rise. 德普在第一部《神奇动物在哪里》的片尾以格林德沃的身份首次亮相,但是在第二部中戏份大增。第二部讲述了这名黑巫师的崛起。 Actor Johnny Depp attends the British premiere of 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' movie in London, Britain, November 13, 2018. REUTERS/Toby Melville On November 6, Depp wrote in a statement posted on Instagram that he had been asked by Warner Bros. to resign from the role. 11月6日,德普在Instagram上的一份声明中写道,华纳兄弟公司要求他退出格林德沃一角。 A spokesperson for Warner Bros. confirmed the news. 华纳兄弟公司的发言人证实了这一消息。 Earlier in the month, Depp lost a libel suit against the publisher of Britain's The Sun newspaper over the publication's claims that he was an abusive husband. 本月早些时候,德普在状告英国《太阳报》的诽谤案中败诉,该报将德普称作“家暴男”。 Depp referenced the decision in a statement announcing his departure and said he plans to continue his legal fight. 德普在声明中提到,华纳兄弟的决定是他离开《神奇动物》剧组的原因,并表示打算继续打官司。 The first two "Fantastic Beast" films were released in 2016 and 2018, respectively, and there will be five in total, according to creator JK Rowling. 前两部《神奇动物》电影分别于2016年和2018年上映,据原著作者JK·罗琳透露,该系列一共会有五部。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
Actor Mads Mikkelsen and his wife Hanne Jacobsen attend the premiere of "Falling" in Copenhagen, Denmark October 26, 2020. Ritzau Scanpix/Emil Helms via REUTERS Mads Mikkelsen will replace Johnny Depp as the villainous dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in the third "Fantastic Beasts" movie, Warner Bros. Pictures has announced in a statement. Danish actor Mikkelsen, who has recently appeared in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," "Hannibal," and "Casino Royale," will play the dark wizard at the center of the action in the "Harry Potter" prequels. The movie, due for release on July 15, 2022, is currently in production at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden, near London. It also features Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Dan Fogler and Ezra Miller among many others. Depp debuted as Grindelwald at the end of the first "Fantastic Beasts" movie, but played a much larger part in the second installment, which charts the wizard's rise. Actor Johnny Depp attends the British premiere of 'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' movie in London, Britain, November 13, 2018. REUTERS/Toby Melville On November 6, Depp wrote in a statement posted on Instagram that he had been asked by Warner Bros. to resign from the role. A spokesperson for Warner Bros. confirmed the news. Earlier in the month, Depp lost a libel suit against the publisher of Britain's The Sun newspaper over the publication's claims that he was an abusive husband. Depp referenced the decision in a statement announcing his departure and said he plans to continue his legal fight. The first two "Fantastic Beast" films were released in 2016 and 2018, respectively, and there will be five in total, according to creator JK Rowling.
由于在家暴诽谤案中败诉,约翰尼·德普的名声一落千丈,华纳兄弟影业很快便官宣德普将退出《神奇动物在哪里》电影系列,取代德普出演格林德沃一角的将是“丹麦最性感的男人”麦斯·米科尔森。 华纳兄弟影业在一份声明中宣布,麦斯·米科尔森将取代约翰尼·德普出演《神奇动物在哪里》第三部中的反派黑巫师盖勒特·格林德沃。 近年曾出演《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》、《汉尼拔》和《007:大战皇家赌场》的丹麦演员米科尔森将在这个《哈利波特》前传系列中饰演核心人物黑巫师。 计划在2022年7月15日上映的《神奇动物3》目前正在伦敦附近的华纳兄弟利维斯顿工作室进行拍摄。 参演该片的其他演员还有“小雀斑”埃迪·雷德梅尼、凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿、丹·福勒和埃兹拉·米勒。 德普在第一部《神奇动物在哪里》的片尾以格林德沃的身份首次亮相,但是在第二部中戏份大增。第二部讲述了这名黑巫师的崛起。 11月6日,德普在Instagram上的一份声明中写道,华纳兄弟公司要求他退出格林德沃一角。 华纳兄弟公司的发言人证实了这一消息。 本月早些时候,德普在状告英国《太阳报》的诽谤案中败诉,该报将德普称作“家暴男”。 德普在声明中提到,华纳兄弟的决定是他离开《神奇动物》剧组的原因,并表示打算继续打官司。 前两部《神奇动物》电影分别于2016年和2018年上映,据原著作者JK·罗琳透露,该系列一共会有五部。 英文来源:美国有线电视新闻网 翻译&编辑:丹妮
又一名传奇人物在2020年溘然长逝,他就是世纪球王马拉多纳。他曾带领阿根廷攀上世界之巅,也曾带给球迷无数欢乐。听闻噩耗后,名人、网友纷纷发文表示哀悼。 People decorate a statue of Argentine soccer great Diego Maradona before a prayer meeting, in Kolkata, India, November 26, 2020. REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri Diego Maradona, the Argentine soccer great who scored the “Hand of God” goal in 1986 and led his country to that year's World Cup title before later struggling with cocaine use and obesity, has died. He was 60. 曾在1986年用“上帝之手”进球并助阿根廷球队夺得当年世界杯冠军而后又饱受吸毒和肥胖困扰的阿根廷球王迭戈·马拉多纳与世长辞,享年60岁。 Maradona's spokesman, Sebastián Sanchi, said he died Wednesday of a heart attack, two weeks after being released from a hospital in Buenos Aires following brain surgery. 马拉多纳的发言人塞巴斯蒂安·桑吉称,马拉多纳于本周三(11月25日)死于心脏病,两周前他刚做完脑部手术从布宜诺斯艾利斯的医院出院。 The office of Argentina's president said it will decree three days of national mourning, and the Argentine soccer association expressed its sorrow on Twitter. 阿根廷总统府宣布三天国丧来悼念马拉多纳,阿根廷足协也在推特上表达了哀思。 他注定被世人铭记 Maradona captivated fans around the world over a two-decade career with a bewitching style of play that was all his own. 在二十年的足球生涯中,马拉多纳以独具个人魅力的踢球风格征服了世界各地的球迷。 Although his reputation was tarnished by his addictions and an ill-fated spell in charge of the national team, he remained idolized in soccer-mad Argentina as the “Pibe de Oro” or “Golden Boy.” 尽管他的声誉因为吸毒和担任国家队教练败绩连连而受损,但他在疯狂热爱足球的阿根廷仍是受人崇拜的偶像,有“金色男孩”的美称。 "You took us to the top of the world,” Argentine President Alfredo Fernández said on social media. “You made us incredibly happy. You were the greatest of all.” 阿根廷总统阿尔韦托·费尔南德斯在社交媒体上写道:“你曾将我们带到了世界之巅。你曾让我们无比快乐。你是最伟大的。” People gather to mourn the death of soccer legend Diego Maradona, outside the Diego Armando Maradona stadium, in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 25, 2020. REUTERS/Martin Villar The No. 10 he wore on his jersey became synonymous with him, as it also had with Pelé, the Brazilian great with whom Maradona was regularly paired as the best of all time. 和巴西球王贝利一样,马拉多纳穿的10号球衣几乎成了他的标志,这两人一直被誉为史上两大球王。 "What sad news," Pele said Wednesday. "I lost a great friend and the world lost a legend. There is still much to be said, but for now, may God give strength to family members. One day, I hope we can play ball together in the sky." 贝利周三表示:“真是令人悲伤的消息。我失去了一个好友,世界失去了一个传奇人物。还有很多的话想说,但我现在想说的是,愿上帝赐给他的家人力量。我希望我们有朝一日能在天上一起踢球。” Olympics superstar Usain Bolt also shared his condolences, posting a picture with Diego on his Twitter. 奥运会超级巨星尤塞恩·博尔特也在推特上分享了一张他和马拉多纳的合照,以表哀思。 Screenshot from Twitter Cristiano Ronaldo posted a heartfelt farewell, calling Maradona a friend, genius, magician and "one of the best ever." 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(C罗)在网上发文与马拉多纳道别,他发自内心地将马拉多纳称作朋友、天才、魔术师和“史上最佳”。 "Today I say goodbye to a friend and the world says goodbye to an eternal genius." “今天我要和一个朋友告别,世界要和一个不朽的天才告别。” "He leaves too soon, but leaves a legacy without limits and a void that will never be filled. Rest in peace, ace. You will never be forgotten." “他离开得太早,但他留下了一份无穷的遗产和一个永远无法被填补的空白。安息吧,朋友。你会被永远铭记。” Cristiano Ronaldo andMaradona. Courtesy of Cristiano Ronaldo 辉煌的职业生涯 Maradona said he was given a soccer ball soon after he could run. 马拉多纳曾说过,他刚会跑就有人给了他一个足球。 "I was 3 years old and I slept hugging that ball all night,” he said. 他说:“那时候我才3岁,我一整夜都抱着那个足球睡觉。” A rose is placed next to a banner of Argentine soccer great Diego Maradona as fans gather to mourn his death, at the Obelisk of Buenos Aires, Argentina November 25, 2020. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian Bold, fast and utterly unpredictable, Maradona was a master of attack, juggling the ball easily from one foot to the other as he raced upfield. Dodging and weaving with his low center of gravity, he shrugged off countless rivals and often scored with a devastating left foot, his most powerful weapon. 英勇、迅速、完全不可预测的马拉多纳是一个进攻高手,他带球前进时可以轻松地将球从一只脚转移到另一只脚。他在保持低重心的同时靠着躲闪和迂回甩掉了无数的对手。他经常用逆天的左脚进球,那是他最强大的武器。 In 2001, FIFA named Maradona one of the two greatest in the sport’s history, alongside Pelé. 2001年,国际足联将马拉多纳和贝利一起评为两大世纪球王。 Maradona reaped titles at home and abroad, playing in the early 1980s for Argentinos Juniors and Boca Juniors before moving on to Spanish and Italian clubs. His crowning achievement came at the 1986 World Cup, captaining Argentina in its 3-2 win over West Germany in the final and decisive in a 2-1 victory against England in a feisty quarterfinal match. 马拉多纳在国内外斩获了众多奖项,上世纪80年代初曾为阿根廷青年人足球俱乐部和博卡青年竞技足球俱乐部效力,之后又转投西班牙和意大利的足球俱乐部。他的巅峰成就是在1986年世界杯上,率领阿根廷队在决赛中以3比2打败西德队,并在对战英格兰的四分之一决赛激烈对战中以2比1取得了决定性胜利。 In fact, his "Hand of God" goal against England during the 1986 World Cup is one of the most famous moments in soccer history. 事实上,他在1986年世界杯上以“上帝之手”进球击败英格兰队,是足球史上最著名的瞬间之一。 Maradona was tracking down a ball and slyly used his hand to punch it over the goalkeeper into the net -- while pretending his hand never actually touched it. His acting job worked and the goal counted! 马拉多纳在追球时偷偷地用他的手将球越过守门员击入球网,同时假装自己的手从来没碰过球。他的表演起作用了,这个进球被判定有效。 Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro meets former Argentine soccer player Diego Armando Maradona in Havana April 13, 2013, in this picture released by Cuban website Cubadebate on April 15, 2013. Courtesy of Cubadebate/Handout via REUTERS "I am Maradona, who makes goals, who makes mistakes. I can take it all, I have shoulders big enough to fight with everybody," Maradona once said. 马拉多纳曾说过:“我是马拉多纳,我能进球,但我也会犯错误。我可以承受一切,我的肩膀足够宽大,可以和每个人作战。” "You can say a lot of things about me, but you can never say I don't take risks." “你可以说我这说我那,但你永远不能说我不敢冒险。” 国内网友听闻马拉多纳去世的噩耗,也深感痛心和惋惜,纷纷在微博上留言: 年初一代篮球传奇 年末一代足球之王 今年这是怎么了! 一月底带走了我挚爱的科比,十一月底带走了传奇的马拉多纳,2020真的够了 愿天堂也有足球 依旧做个桀骜不驯的球王 带走一个科比,带走了我的青春,带走一个马拉多纳,带走了我爹的青春 别了,永远的马拉多纳!今天,阿根廷和全世界为你哭泣。愿天堂也有足球。 一代传奇落幕了,一个时代的终结,永远的潘帕斯雄鹰。 *******R*******I*******P******* 这个世界从此再无“上帝之手”,愿“金色男孩”一路走好! 英文来源:美联社、路透社、TMZ Sports、新浪微博 翻译&编辑:丹妮
People decorate a statue of Argentine soccer great Diego Maradona before a prayer meeting, in Kolkata, India, November 26, 2020. REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri Diego Maradona, the Argentine soccer great who scored the “Hand of God” goal in 1986 and led his country to that year's World Cup title before later struggling with cocaine use and obesity, has died. He was 60. The office of Argentina's president said it will decree three days of national mourning, and the Argentine soccer association expressed its sorrow on Twitter. Maradona captivated fans around the world over a two-decade career with a bewitching style of play that was all his own. Although his reputation was tarnished by his addictions and an ill-fated spell in charge of the national team, he remained idolized in soccer-mad Argentina as the “Pibe de Oro” or “Golden Boy.” People gather to mourn the death of soccer legend Diego Maradona, outside the Diego Armando Maradona stadium, in Buenos Aires, Argentina November 25, 2020. REUTERS/Martin Villar "What sad news," Pele said Wednesday. "I lost a great friend and the world lost a legend. There is still much to be said, but for now, may God give strength to family members. One day, I hope we can play ball together in the sky." Olympics superstar Usain Bolt also shared his condolences, posting a picture with Diego on his Twitter. Screenshot from Twitter Cristiano Ronaldo posted a heartfelt farewell, calling Maradona a friend, genius, magician and "one of the best ever." "Today I say goodbye to a friend and the world says goodbye to an eternal genius." "He leaves too soon, but leaves a legacy without limits and a void that will never be filled. Rest in peace, ace. You will never be forgotten." Cristiano Ronaldo andMaradona. Courtesy of Cristiano Ronaldo Maradona said he was given a soccer ball soon after he could run. "I was 3 years old and I slept hugging that ball all night,” he said. A rose is placed next to a banner of Argentine soccer great Diego Maradona as fans gather to mourn his death, at the Obelisk of Buenos Aires, Argentina November 25, 2020. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian Bold, fast and utterly unpredictable, Maradona was a master of attack, juggling the ball easily from one foot to the other as he raced upfield. Dodging and weaving with his low center of gravity, he shrugged off countless rivals and often scored with a devastating left foot, his most powerful weapon. Maradona reaped titles at home and abroad, playing in the early 1980s for Argentinos Juniors and Boca Juniors before moving on to Spanish and Italian clubs. His crowning achievement came at the 1986 World Cup, captaining Argentina in its 3-2 win over West Germany in the final and decisive in a 2-1 victory against England in a feisty quarterfinal match. In fact, his "Hand of God" goal against England during the 1986 World Cup is one of the most famous moments in soccer history. Maradona was tracking down a ball and slyly used his hand to punch it over the goalkeeper into the net -- while pretending his hand never actually touched it. His acting job worked and the goal counted! Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro meets former Argentine soccer player Diego Armando Maradona in Havana April 13, 2013, in this picture released by Cuban website Cubadebate on April 15, 2013. Courtesy of Cubadebate/Handout via REUTERS "I am Maradona, who makes goals, who makes mistakes. I can take it all, I have shoulders big enough to fight with everybody," Maradona once said. "You can say a lot of things about me, but you can never say I don't take risks." *******R*******I*******P*******
又一名传奇人物在2020年溘然长逝,他就是世纪球王马拉多纳。他曾带领阿根廷攀上世界之巅,也曾带给球迷无数欢乐。听闻噩耗后,名人、网友纷纷发文表示哀悼。 曾在1986年用“上帝之手”进球并助阿根廷球队夺得当年世界杯冠军而后又饱受吸毒和肥胖困扰的阿根廷球王迭戈·马拉多纳与世长辞,享年60岁。 Maradona's spokesman, Sebastián Sanchi, said he died Wednesday of a heart attack, two weeks after being released from a hospital in Buenos Aires following brain surgery. 马拉多纳的发言人塞巴斯蒂安·桑吉称,马拉多纳于本周三(11月25日)死于心脏病,两周前他刚做完脑部手术从布宜诺斯艾利斯的医院出院。 阿根廷总统府宣布三天国丧来悼念马拉多纳,阿根廷足协也在推特上表达了哀思。 他注定被世人铭记 在二十年的足球生涯中,马拉多纳以独具个人魅力的踢球风格征服了世界各地的球迷。 尽管他的声誉因为吸毒和担任国家队教练败绩连连而受损,但他在疯狂热爱足球的阿根廷仍是受人崇拜的偶像,有“金色男孩”的美称。 "You took us to the top of the world,” Argentine President Alfredo Fernández said on social media. “You made us incredibly happy. You were the greatest of all.” 阿根廷总统阿尔韦托·费尔南德斯在社交媒体上写道:“你曾将我们带到了世界之巅。你曾让我们无比快乐。你是最伟大的。” The No. 10 he wore on his jersey became synonymous with him, as it also had with Pelé, the Brazilian great with whom Maradona was regularly paired as the best of all time. 和巴西球王贝利一样,马拉多纳穿的10号球衣几乎成了他的标志,这两人一直被誉为史上两大球王。 贝利周三表示:“真是令人悲伤的消息。我失去了一个好友,世界失去了一个传奇人物。还有很多的话想说,但我现在想说的是,愿上帝赐给他的家人力量。我希望我们有朝一日能在天上一起踢球。” 奥运会超级巨星尤塞恩·博尔特也在推特上分享了一张他和马拉多纳的合照,以表哀思。 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(C罗)在网上发文与马拉多纳道别,他发自内心地将马拉多纳称作朋友、天才、魔术师和“史上最佳”。 “今天我要和一个朋友告别,世界要和一个不朽的天才告别。” “他离开得太早,但他留下了一份无穷的遗产和一个永远无法被填补的空白。安息吧,朋友。你会被永远铭记。” 辉煌的职业生涯 马拉多纳曾说过,他刚会跑就有人给了他一个足球。 他说:“那时候我才3岁,我一整夜都抱着那个足球睡觉。” 英勇、迅速、完全不可预测的马拉多纳是一个进攻高手,他带球前进时可以轻松地将球从一只脚转移到另一只脚。他在保持低重心的同时靠着躲闪和迂回甩掉了无数的对手。他经常用逆天的左脚进球,那是他最强大的武器。 In 2001, FIFA named Maradona one of the two greatest in the sport’s history, alongside Pelé. 2001年,国际足联将马拉多纳和贝利一起评为两大世纪球王。 马拉多纳在国内外斩获了众多奖项,上世纪80年代初曾为阿根廷青年人足球俱乐部和博卡青年竞技足球俱乐部效力,之后又转投西班牙和意大利的足球俱乐部。他的巅峰成就是在1986年世界杯上,率领阿根廷队在决赛中以3比2打败西德队,并在对战英格兰的四分之一决赛激烈对战中以2比1取得了决定性胜利。 事实上,他在1986年世界杯上以“上帝之手”进球击败英格兰队,是足球史上最著名的瞬间之一。 马拉多纳在追球时偷偷地用他的手将球越过守门员击入球网,同时假装自己的手从来没碰过球。他的表演起作用了,这个进球被判定有效。 马拉多纳曾说过:“我是马拉多纳,我能进球,但我也会犯错误。我可以承受一切,我的肩膀足够宽大,可以和每个人作战。” “你可以说我这说我那,但你永远不能说我不敢冒险。” 国内网友听闻马拉多纳去世的噩耗,也深感痛心和惋惜,纷纷在微博上留言: 年初一代篮球传奇 年末一代足球之王 今年这是怎么了! 一月底带走了我挚爱的科比,十一月底带走了传奇的马拉多纳,2020真的够了 愿天堂也有足球 依旧做个桀骜不驯的球王 带走一个科比,带走了我的青春,带走一个马拉多纳,带走了我爹的青春 别了,永远的马拉多纳!今天,阿根廷和全世界为你哭泣。愿天堂也有足球。 一代传奇落幕了,一个时代的终结,永远的潘帕斯雄鹰。 这个世界从此再无“上帝之手”,愿“金色男孩”一路走好! 英文来源:美联社、路透社、TMZ Sports、新浪微博 翻译&编辑:丹妮
据英国BBC报道,一个国际团队近日研究发现,中国森林碳吸收量对全球的贡献被低估了( “underestimated” )。 BBC:中国植树造林的碳吸收作用“被低估了” 这一报告于10月28日发表在《自然》(Nature)科学期刊上,研究人员基于实地考察和卫星观测,分析出中国两个区域的新造树林吸收二氧化碳规模被低估了。 An international team has identified two areas in the country where the scale of carbon dioxide absorption by new forests has been underestimated. 一个国际研究团队发现在中国两个地区的新造树林对二氧化碳的吸收程度被低估了。 Taken together, these areas account for a little over 35% of China's entire land carbon "sink", the group says. 该团队表示,两个地区加起来,占中国整体陆地“碳汇”的35%多一点。 注:碳汇(carbon sink),是指通过植树造林、植被恢复等措施,吸收大气中的二氧化碳,从而减少温室气体在大气中浓度的过程、活动或机制。 而这两个被严重低估的碳汇地区,是中国的西南地区和东北地区。 The two previously under-appreciated carbon sink areas are centred on China's southwest, in Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi; and its northeast, particularly Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. 此前被低估的两个碳汇地区是在中国西南部的云南、贵州和广西三地;以及东北部,主要是黑龙江和吉林。 已被沙漠逼近的甘肃省敦煌市阳关镇边缘的绿洲。新华社记者 戚恒 摄 中国新造树林的减碳能力令专家吃惊 这两个地区的造林绿化面积扩展得很快,其带来的减碳能力让外国专家意想不到。 These provinces have established a pattern of rapid afforestation of progressively larger regions, with provincial forest areas increasing by between 0.04 million and 0.44 million hectares per year over the past 10 to 15 years. 这些省份已经形成了大面积快速造林的格局,在过去10到15年里,省级森林面积每年增加4万至44万公顷。 研究称,西南地区的陆地生物圈已成为中国最大的碳汇,约占中国陆地碳汇的31.5%,遥遥领先于其他地区。东北地区的生物圈则具有季节性,约占4.5%。 该研究的联合作者、英国爱丁堡大学的保罗·帕尔默教授(Prof Paul Palmer)表示,这些森林碳吸储库的规模虽然令人惊讶,但他指出,这个结论值得信赖。 图片来源:新华社 他对BBC说: "Bold scientific statements must be supported by massive amounts of evidence and this is what we have done in this study." “大胆的科学结论必须有大量的证据支持,而我们在研究当中做到了这一点。” "We have collected together a range of ground-based and satellite data-driven evidence to form a consistent and robust narrative about the Chinese carbon cycle." “我们汇集了一系列实地测量和卫星数据的证据,对中国碳循环得出了一个前后一致并且站得住脚的说法。” 尽管二氧化碳排放量约占全球28%,但中国已宣布争取在2060年前实现碳中和。 China's increasing leafiness has been evident for some time. Billions of trees have been planted in recent decades, to tackle desertification and soil loss, and to establish vibrant timber and paper industries. 近年来,中国的绿色植被增长有目共睹。最近数十年已经新种了数以十亿计的树木,来抵抗沙漠化和水土流失,同时还发展起了蓬勃的木材和造纸产业。 中国是全球变绿的重要力量 中国的净零排放目标,对全球的碳汇问题与气候变化都至关重要。 2019年,NASA曾发表报道称,与20年前相比,世界越来越绿了,而中国是促进这一改变的重要贡献者之一。 Data from NASA Earth satellites shows that human activity in China and India dominate this greening of the planet, thanks to tree planting & agriculture. 来自NASA地球卫星数据显示,中国和印度的植树造林和农业等活动主导了地球变绿的过程。 Satellite data (2000–2017) reveal a greening pattern that is strikingly prominent in China and India and overlaps with croplands world-wide. 卫星数据(2000-2017年)显示,中国和印度境内的绿化带非常醒目,与世界各地的农田重叠。 中国的绿化带是主导世界变绿的重要力量,即使在全球植被面积中占比不大,但增长速度在全球领先第一。 China alone accounts for 25% of the global net increase in leaf area with only 6.6% of global vegetated area. 中国的植被面积仅占全球的6.6%,但全球植被叶面积净增长的25%都来自中国。 编辑:左卓 实习生:纪璎笑 来源:BBC 《自然》
“underestimated” )。 An international team has identified two areas in the country where the scale of carbon dioxide absorption by new forests has been underestimated. Taken together, these areas account for a little over 35% of China's entire land carbon "sink", the group says. The two previously under-appreciated carbon sink areas are centred on China's southwest, in Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi; and its northeast, particularly Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. These provinces have established a pattern of rapid afforestation of progressively larger regions, with provincial forest areas increasing by between 0.04 million and 0.44 million hectares per year over the past 10 to 15 years. "Bold scientific statements must be supported by massive amounts of evidence and this is what we have done in this study." "We have collected together a range of ground-based and satellite data-driven evidence to form a consistent and robust narrative about the Chinese carbon cycle." China's increasing leafiness has been evident for some time. Billions of trees have been planted in recent decades, to tackle desertification and soil loss, and to establish vibrant timber and paper industries. Data from NASA Earth satellites shows that human activity in China and India dominate this greening of the planet, thanks to tree planting & agriculture. Satellite data (2000–2017) reveal a greening pattern that is strikingly prominent in China and India and overlaps with croplands world-wide. China alone accounts for 25% of the global net increase in leaf area with only 6.6% of global vegetated area.
据英国BBC报道,一个国际团队近日研究发现,中国森林碳吸收量对全球的贡献被低估了( BBC:中国植树造林的碳吸收作用“被低估了” 这一报告于10月28日发表在《自然》(Nature)科学期刊上,研究人员基于实地考察和卫星观测,分析出中国两个区域的新造树林吸收二氧化碳规模被低估了。 一个国际研究团队发现在中国两个地区的新造树林对二氧化碳的吸收程度被低估了。 该团队表示,两个地区加起来,占中国整体陆地“碳汇”的35%多一点。 注:碳汇(carbon sink),是指通过植树造林、植被恢复等措施,吸收大气中的二氧化碳,从而减少温室气体在大气中浓度的过程、活动或机制。 而这两个被严重低估的碳汇地区,是中国的西南地区和东北地区。 此前被低估的两个碳汇地区是在中国西南部的云南、贵州和广西三地;以及东北部,主要是黑龙江和吉林。 已被沙漠逼近的甘肃省敦煌市阳关镇边缘的绿洲。新华社记者 戚恒 摄 中国新造树林的减碳能力令专家吃惊 这两个地区的造林绿化面积扩展得很快,其带来的减碳能力让外国专家意想不到。 这些省份已经形成了大面积快速造林的格局,在过去10到15年里,省级森林面积每年增加4万至44万公顷。 研究称,西南地区的陆地生物圈已成为中国最大的碳汇,约占中国陆地碳汇的31.5%,遥遥领先于其他地区。东北地区的生物圈则具有季节性,约占4.5%。 该研究的联合作者、英国爱丁堡大学的保罗·帕尔默教授(Prof Paul Palmer)表示,这些森林碳吸储库的规模虽然令人惊讶,但他指出,这个结论值得信赖。 图片来源:新华社 他对BBC说: “大胆的科学结论必须有大量的证据支持,而我们在研究当中做到了这一点。” “我们汇集了一系列实地测量和卫星数据的证据,对中国碳循环得出了一个前后一致并且站得住脚的说法。” 尽管二氧化碳排放量约占全球28%,但中国已宣布争取在2060年前实现碳中和。 近年来,中国的绿色植被增长有目共睹。最近数十年已经新种了数以十亿计的树木,来抵抗沙漠化和水土流失,同时还发展起了蓬勃的木材和造纸产业。 中国是全球变绿的重要力量 中国的净零排放目标,对全球的碳汇问题与气候变化都至关重要。 2019年,NASA曾发表报道称,与20年前相比,世界越来越绿了,而中国是促进这一改变的重要贡献者之一。 来自NASA地球卫星数据显示,中国和印度的植树造林和农业等活动主导了地球变绿的过程。 卫星数据(2000-2017年)显示,中国和印度境内的绿化带非常醒目,与世界各地的农田重叠。 中国的绿化带是主导世界变绿的重要力量,即使在全球植被面积中占比不大,但增长速度在全球领先第一。 中国的植被面积仅占全球的6.6%,但全球植被叶面积净增长的25%都来自中国。 编辑:左卓 实习生:纪璎笑 来源:BBC 《自然》
11月25日,国家主席习近平致电约瑟夫·拜登,祝贺他当选美国总统。 Promoting healthy and stable development of China-US relations not only serves the fundamental interests of the people in both countries, but also meets the common expectation of the international community, Xi said. 习近平在贺电中指出,推动中美关系健康稳定发展,不仅符合两国人民根本利益,而且是国际社会的共同期待。 Xi said he hopes that the two sides will uphold the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, focus on cooperation, manage differences, advance the healthy and stable development of China-US ties, and join hands with other countries and the international community to promote the noble cause of world peace and development. 希望双方秉持不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的精神,聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系健康稳定向前发展,同各国和国际社会携手推进世界和平与发展的崇高事业。 On the same day, Vice President Wang Qishan sent a message to Kamala Harris to congratulate her on election as US vice president. 同日,国家副主席王岐山致电卡玛拉·哈里斯,祝贺她当选美国副总统。 来源:新华网
Promoting healthy and stable development of China-US relations not only serves the fundamental interests of the people in both countries, but also meets the common expectation of the international community, Xi said. Xi said he hopes that the two sides will uphold the spirit of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, focus on cooperation, manage differences, advance the healthy and stable development of China-US ties, and join hands with other countries and the international community to promote the noble cause of world peace and development. On the same day, Vice President Wang Qishan sent a message to Kamala Harris to congratulate her on election as US vice president.
11月25日,国家主席习近平致电约瑟夫·拜登,祝贺他当选美国总统。 习近平在贺电中指出,推动中美关系健康稳定发展,不仅符合两国人民根本利益,而且是国际社会的共同期待。 希望双方秉持不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的精神,聚焦合作,管控分歧,推动中美关系健康稳定向前发展,同各国和国际社会携手推进世界和平与发展的崇高事业。 同日,国家副主席王岐山致电卡玛拉·哈里斯,祝贺她当选美国副总统。 来源:新华网