{"text":"Haskell in Green Land: Analyzing the Energy Behavior of a Functional Language - https:\/\/sites.google.com\/a\/cin.ufpe.br\/castor\/saner_2016__Haskell_final.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1 In this paper, we attempt to shed light on the energy behavior of programs written in a lazy purely functional language, Haskell. We have conducted two empirical studies to analyze the energy efficiency of Haskell programs from two different perspectives: strictness and concurrency. Our experimental space exploration comprises more than 2000 configurations and 20000 executions. We found out that small changes can make a big difference in terms of energy consumption. For example, in one of our benchmarks, under a specific configuration, choosing one data sharing primitive (MVar) over another (TMVar) can yield 60% energy savings. In another benchmark, the latter primitive can yield up to 30% energy savings over the former. Thus, tools that support developers in quickly refactoring a program to switch between different primitives can be of great help if energy is a concern. In addition, the relationship between energy consumption and performance is not always clear. In sequential benchmarks, high performance is an accurate proxy for low energy consumption. However, for one of our concurrent benchmarks, the variants with the best performance also exhibited the worst energy consumption. To support developers in better understanding this complex relationship, we have extended two existing performance analysis tools to also collect and present data about energy consumption<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":8,"dup_dump_count":3,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":2,"2024-26":1,"2024-10":2,"2024-30":1,"unknown":2}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Security Experts Hack Surgical Robot - http:\/\/www.technologyreview.com\/view\/537001\/security-experts-hack-teleoperated-surgical-robot\/\n\n \"The control console connects to the robot over a standard network, which the attacking computer is also linked to. This set up allows the attacking computer to intercept and manipulate the signals sent in both directions between the control console and the robot.\n\nThe team tries out three type of attacks. The first changes the commands sent by the operator to the robot by deleting, delaying or re-ordering them. This causes the robot's movement to become jerky and difficult to control.\n\nThe second type of attack modifies the intention of signals from the operator to the robot by changing, say, the distance an arm should move or the degree it should rotate and so on. \"Most of these attacks had a noticeable impact on the Raven immediately upon launch,\" say Bonaci and co.\n\nThe final category of attack is a hijacking that completely takes over the robot. This turns out to be relatively easy since the Interoperable Telesurgery Protocol is publicly available. \"We effectively took control over the teleoperated procedure,\" they say.\"<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":8,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2017-13":1,"unknown":6}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Jobs Inside the API - https:\/\/putanumonit.com\/2018\/08\/09\/jobs-inside-the-api\/ The lady with the iPad is in a rather tragic position as an output device for the system.\n\nThe \"BAMF\" booking agent however has a very important role in the API which isn't spelled out here: _authentication_. He's basically the sudo interface, with the power to rewrite flights at will. And for whatever reason our narrator has the right kind of speaking-to-manager powers to use him as the sudo interface.\n\nEvery bulk customer service process has its \"exceptions\", and this is clearly one of them. The role of humans is to understand the exception and turn it into pieces which the API will accept, either through the normal interface or the sudo interface.\n\nSee also [http:\/\/www.harrowell.org.uk\/blog\/category\/callcentre\/](http:\/\/www.harrowell.org.uk\/blog\/category\/callcentre\/) \\- it's a short series, start at the bottom.\n\n\" Asymmetric legibility characterises call centres, and it's dreadful. Within, management tries to maintain a panopticon glare at the staff. Without, the user faces an unmapped territory, in which the paths are deliberately obscure, and the details the centre holds on you are kept secret. Call centres know a lot about you, but won't say; their managers endlessly spy on the galley slaves; you're not allowed to know how the system works.\n\n...\n\nInappropriate automation and human\/machine confusion bedevil call centres. If you could solve your problem by filling in a web form, you probably would have done. The fact you're in the queue is evidence that your request is complicated, that something has gone wrong, or generally that human intervention is required.\"\n\n Hah, this is wise... and this whole conversation is evidence that tech does need the humanities, as many of these problems could be helped if more engineers spent more time reading Kafka...\n\n Call centres are not a creation of engineers, but of suits - exploiting people on both ends of the phone to profit for themselves. Getting engineers to read works of Kafka won't do anything to solve this problem.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> The \"above\/below API\" metaphore is a good update for the description of a process affecting most jobs ever since the industrial revolution happened. The API of yesterday was the production line, where you are the one designing\/paying for\/maintaining the line, or you do what the line needs you to do. We notice a difference simply because the new production line is computerized, so this dynamic now applies to \"intellectual\" jobs as well - it's just another form of mechanization.\n\nA lot of books from the '60s and '70s (and before) are worth re-reading, they've exhamined this scenario extensively, back then.\n\n<\/comment> I've been pondering the theory that economic activity is a sort of glue that keeps humans occupied, and that humans being occupied is generally better than humans being unoccupied.\n\nFor example, there are theories that posit that economic activity and global trade prevent war due to the dependencies that those processes create - can't destroy those you are dependent on without destroying yourself. However, it's equally easy to slip into chaos when those processes are manipulated or corrupted - see present day.\n\nPerhaps what we are really seeing here is that the underlying forces that control life have not changed at all. Survival, competition, environmental change, adaptability, intelligence and evolution - if you believe in those concepts - are still the root forces driving everything.\n\nWhat we have now are many layers of abstractions on top of the underlying forces. Literally in the term API is \"interface\" implying the abstraction on what could be either a human or machine process. Even machines compete for resources, since they have plenty of requirements to continue functioning - although they have different capabilities that go far beyond human abilities, and other areas where they lack the abilities humans have.\n\nEconomic activity is yet another type of abstraction designed to, hopefully, ensure the survival of a majority - although that too is an arguable point I'm sure.\n\nI really enjoyed reading the article - this is mixing social science\/humanities with IT\/IS - a favorite topic.\n\nI personally believe that man and machine are both of nature (a strong opinion, but quite debatable I'm sure). As such, we should be able to describe our relationship in terms of natural relationships - for example, parasitic, symbiotic, etc. This \"above and below\" the API and involvement of humans in those activities seems to imply something similar.\n\nThanks for sharing!\n\n I don't think it's simply a binary occupied vs. unoccupied. If you are overworked (too occupied), then there are one set of potential problems (e.g. negative impacts on physical and mental health). If you are unemployed (too unoccupied), then your economic opportunities might be limited. Scaling either situation across many, many human beings results in negative social consequences of one form or another.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> I totally agree with this article, except:\n\n _\" That's what tax preparers are \u2013 they use the exact same software that anyone can use at home, but they allow you to talk to a human instead of learning the software\"_\n\nIMHO this is one of those edge cases where software might simplify the process 99 times out of 100, but a skilled\/experienced human may help avoid uncommon but costly mistakes. There is enough nuance and vagueness in taxes that it pays to have a human look over your numbers -- even if they use software to do it.\n\n Taxes cannot be completely automated because they are laws. Laws are expressed in language, and language is not exact - _even our own understanding of such language will change through the years_ , as any constitutional scholar can attest.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> The lady with the iPad situation sort of happened to me at McDonalds yesterday. I ordered from their touch screen. Their system told me to come up to collect my food but when I got there the person working asked me if I was different order number, i said no and she told me to stand away, I told her the system has told me to come up and I had not even finished speaking before her colleague handed me my order.\n\n<\/comment> From the comments:\n\n\"Mcdonalds around the world with those touchscreen ordering kiosks as well as live staff \u2013 the live staff are just essentially operating the touchscreen for you behind the counter.\"\n\nThey are not. I always use live staff because I cannot order no ice in the drink from the touchscreen.\n\n Every McD's I've seen in the last decade has forced the customer to pour her own drink? The one closest to me right now just leaves stacks of cups next to the touchscreens, presumably relying on a combination of the honor system and hidden cameras to catch soda thieves.\n\nIt's funny to think back to when I was a kid and Burger King was the first to innovate pouring one's own drink. They discovered they could save more by firing the drink-pourer than they spent by allowing customers to refill their cup. As kids, we just enjoyed the opportunity to mix up some suicides...\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Paul, the Left Hand's Milk Stout is one of my favorite beers. You were meant to try that beer that day.\n\n<\/comment> That link name is probably the reason why corporate proxy blocked it.\n\n<\/comment> This article is really funny.\n\nI wrote the API for [https:\/\/RinkAtlas.com](https:\/\/RinkAtlas.com), as well as everything else that is RinkAtlas. So I thought, based solely on the title, that the article might apply to me.\n\nIt doesn't really apply to me, since I live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania and drive my car nearly everywhere I need to go.\n\nBut the references to airlines and airports are ancillary to the points he's making about jobs in this world economy in 2018.\n\n Almost every single comment you've posted so far mentions your website. While it's great that you're proud of your creation, it is not a valid reason to pitch it especially when it's completely irrelevant to the discussion.\n\n OK, thanks. If you feel that way, probably others do as well. I'd delete that comment if I could.<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":8},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Show HN: Humaaans, generate human illustrations in one line - https:\/\/github.com\/jktzes\/humaaans I really like the tagging system on this. Very KISS and allows for other parameters in the future with zero learning curve: speech balloons, backgrounds, props (park bench, sofa for \"sitting\" option..).\n\nEven additional actions (aside from sitting, jogging..) can be easily added. Not sure how far you want to take this (story telling?) but... it's currently a remarkably user-friendly base\/template!\n\n Well, somebody just read my mind! Thanks for the kind words BTW! I aim to make this asset library configurable and easy to contribute. The final goal is to enable designers to contribute their SVG files without any code. Thanks to designers like Pablo Stanley, this kind of templates can be developed. I hope this can become a new way for designers to collaborate with each other. Anyway, I'll see you in the 2.0 release!<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":7},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms - http:\/\/www.jezzamon.com\/fourier\/index.html This is great as it doesn't just explain the basics, it also shows how they are used in MP3 and JPEG files.\n\nI always had a very vague \"throws away data that's not perceived\" idea of how MP3 works. With the background from this I was able to really understand the wikipedia page and found this great Ars[0] article from 2007 to cement my understanding.\n\n[0] [https:\/\/arstechnica.com\/features\/2007\/10\/the-audiofile- under...](https:\/\/arstechnica.com\/features\/2007\/10\/the-audiofile- understanding-mp3-compression\/)\n\n<\/comment> This is incredible.\n\nIf I wanted to collect things like this to teach my kids, where do I look? How do we gather amazing resources like this in one spot?\n\nI particularly love that it focuses on one topic and nails it.\n\n Something that's become quite popular in recent times are \"awesome lists\"[0, 1]. This isn't the common use-case for them, but it might be worth looking into.\n\n[0]: [https:\/\/github.com\/sindresorhus\/awesome](https:\/\/github.com\/sindresorhus\/awesome)\n\n[1]: [https:\/\/awesomelists.top\/](https:\/\/awesomelists.top\/)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Wow. This is by far, hands down, the best way I have ever seen this explained. Just excellently done.\n\n Exactly my thoughts also. Thank you Jez!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Very impressive end enlightening indeed.\n\nSmarterEveryDay published a video on this topic few weeks back: [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ds0cmAV- Yek](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ds0cmAV-Yek)\n\n<\/comment> At the time of writing the Gibbs phenomenon -- the overshoot occurring at discontinuities of a square wave, which does not go away no matter how many harmonics are included (see [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Gibbs_phenomenon](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Gibbs_phenomenon)) -- is not correctly represented in these visualisations, implying that important aspects of the underlying maths are obscured. In my opinion this limits the didactic value of an otherwise impressive presentation.\n\n Yes, apologies I made some approximates in the article!\n\nInterestingly if you're talking about discrete time fourier transforms (which is what we usually deal with in computers with jpegs, mp3s, etc), then you can perfectly represent a signal with say, 1024 samples using exactly 1024 sine waves without worrying about that effect. It's only in the continuous time variant that you have to worry about things like the Gibbs phenomenon (which you do run into once you start translating to real world output)\n\n Right! I did assume a continuous space because that's what it looked like to me. Hence my pedantic comment which was sort of comically at odds with the light-hearted spirit of your article :) Very nice work. Thanks for sharing, and for the clarifying remarks!\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Slightly unrelated, here's a beautiful mathematical approach to the discrete fourier transform with evaluating a polynomial at the nth root of unity in the complex numbers:\n\n[https:\/\/ocw.mit.edu\/courses\/electrical-engineering-and- compu...](https:\/\/ocw.mit.edu\/courses\/electrical-engineering-and-computer- science\/6-046j-design-and-analysis-of-algorithms-spring-2015\/lecture- videos\/lecture-3-divide-conquer-fft\/)\n\n<\/comment> Very cool.\n\nOne idea that would be cool to see is a repeat of the video where the number of 'harmonics' is clipped.\n\nEg, show the video with only the first 5 circle components. Then the first 10, the first 15, and so on.\n\nWill see the drawing approach the final image, and get the idea the low-freq harmonics do the bulk of the work but high-freq ones give the small details to make the hand a hand.\n\n This is included in the article. Slide the slider below the animations to control how many circles will be used.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> This is really cool. I especially like the rotating circles visualization. Another video that helped me finally \"get\" Fouriers is the 3Blue1Brown video:\n\n[https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=spUNpyF58BY](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=spUNpyF58BY)\n\n<\/comment> Really fantastic work. Best interactive write-up I've seen of a technical topic in a long time.\n\n<\/comment> In the animation at the top, should use a different color for the circles vs. the hand\/pen.\n\n<\/comment> That was the most impressive opening demonstration. My eyes popped out of my skull.\n\n<\/comment> Beautiful! How long did it take to make this blog post?\n\n Oh man, it took me a while. I started in August and have been chipping away at it on the side, until now.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Amazing work! Thank you :)\n\n<\/comment> Epic ...thanks<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":7},"id":18879957},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Airliner crashes in French Alps - http:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/world-europe-32030270 First, this is a tragic loss of human life, and shocking that a plane crashed in Europe of all places. Will be interesting to discover the cause.\n\nSecondly, I just landed in Lithuania to visit my partner's family. I just spent six hours convincing my partner that it's safe to fly, especially on an Airbus A320. We land to hear that the same kind of plane we flew on had crashed in the Alps.\n\nMy partner will never trust me again.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":6,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2024-18":1,"unknown":4}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Alibaba-backed search startup Quixey is shutting down - http:\/\/www.bizjournals.com\/sanjose\/news\/2017\/03\/09\/quixey-alibaba-funding-mountain-view-shutting-down.html Quixey was a big sponsor to the college hackathon scene. They spent money on sponsorships all over the place. The engineers were for the most part good people, but the CEO Tomer was entitled and verbally abusive to people who got on his bad side. I think Tomer had a Steve Jobs complex. He would give talks about how great his startup skills were, and give keynote talks about how Quixey was changing the world. But it was apparent that Quixey had little traction and was going nowhere.\n\nAs time went on, Quixey kept sponsoring hackathons but Tomer would blow up at the students organizing them for little to no reason. He's a 30-year-old man, and he would be screaming at the top of his lungs at high school and college kids because he thought they had slighted the sponsorship. He threatened to not pay sponsorships after the fact, said he would tell his founder friends to \"blacklist\" hackathons, and even said he wanted to sue students for breach of contract.\n\nThat's most of my experience with Quixey the company. I never did use their product, but I'm not really sad to see them shut down.\n\n Ha! I remember that. It was all over secret.ly .\n\nThey freaked out because they weren't able to get the biggest room at one of the events.\n\nGood riddance, I say.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Quixey was the lead sponsor at a large college hackathon (I think LA Hacks) I was at a couple years ago. They were trying to build a search engine based on deep-linking into other mobile apps. A very good idea (\"why doesn't google also search your phone's apps?\"), but very hard to beat Google at it. The value needs to be very strong to get people to use it as a default search engine.\n\n angry-hacker Google does index the content of apps that is not available on the web if you want and let them do it. But you see them in serps only the if you have the apps in question installed.\n\n Quixey's tech could do it without the \"if you want and let them do it\" part .. by which I don't mean permissions, but that no special arrangements need to be made by the apps.\n\nIt is analogous to how google crawls websites with Javascript .. which are essentially applications that need to be \"run\" before you can get to their content.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> I once won $100 from their competition, but never figured out how they are going to be profitable. Independent mobile app search makes little sense when there are two App Stores (Android and App Store) with builtin search.\n\n My understanding of \"app search\" is that they weren't search for the apps themselves \u2013 they were making the _contents_ of the apps visible to other apps installed on a device. Quixey helped pioneer deep linking, iirc.\n\n Isn't deep linking by definition a feature that had to be implemented by iOS and Android?\n\n Definitely \u2013 but I would consider that to be separate from simply finding apps in the app store.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> They've been on a downward slide for a while. I think many are thinking, \"Were they still alive?\" From what I've heard, they have good engineers so their tech folks should land well.\n\n<\/comment> Not a surprise. Many other sites tried (and failed) to do app discovery\/recommendation without having a defensible competitive advantage (ie selling analytics and ads may not be enough). Other apps in the overlapping third-party app store \/ update notifier spaces have met a similar fate (ie Bodega) while some survive (ie Ninite, Secunia PSI).\n\nalternativeto is currently a leader (ad-supported) but doesn't have a \"moat\" around it other than popularity.\n\n<\/comment> I would remember their Quixey Challenges. They had some nice problems as part of them and if you were able to spot the bug correctly, you got $100 + a hoodie.\n\n<\/comment> The conspiracy theory is that they are an attempt by the Chinese goverment to search user apps.\n\n<\/comment> Several previous posts here in the last two weeks. No comments.\n\n[https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13880373](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13880373) [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13873035](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13873035) [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13830314](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13830314) [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13827524](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13827524) [https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13827185](https:\/\/news.ycombinator.com\/item?id=13827185)\n\n > No comments\n\nIs this the startup equivalent of having a funeral where no one shows up?\n\n Oh, I deserve punishment for this, but Startups are so 2017...\n\nReally, seriously, though the startup drum has been beat very hard indeed - not merely by the magnifier anything which reaches mainstream press from anywhere thought to be technology. But I forget when I last read about a startup that either was developing technology, or was a startup in the sense I originally understood. I think I lost the appreciation I did have, when to pivot became a seemingly overnight, instantaneous, blanket verb to admit no wrong and plow on burning cash regardless of a total failure to relate real world to prospectus.\n\nWhat I have enjoyed seeing from afar, is much more valuable, however, than the spectacular sums sunk in startup mirage wells: the idea that it is a good thing to swing for the fence, in particular when young and resilient to life's knocks (albeit tempered massively by the new new new medieval economy of absent social and financial safety) and the widespread promulgation of baseline knowledge how to handle just starting a company, and demystifying the corporate world, I believe will pay dividends in eventually spurring - me a sincere hope - a renaissance of small business. Because there sure is not much, sometimes I look, thriving in the penumbra of ZIRP funded corporate giganticism. I was just reading Berkshire Hathaway's 1990 report, yesterday. BRK was still counting in millions and tens of millions, and hundred of millions in equity... This epochal inflation has happened while so many grew up, it may be that economic historians, at least of the contrarian kind, ponder whether the startup boom was not a fear induced, hysterical, reaction to the absolute necessity to hit ball after ball out the park, in the early 21st century, to dare dream of a home and family.\n\nedit, somehow auto correct dumped \"romanticism\" in the least fitting place...\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> Starting a search engine in 2017 is kinda like starting a stagecoach company in 1917.\n\n How so?<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":9,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2017-13":1,"unknown":7}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Sedentary Behavior May Thin Memory-Related Brain Area - http:\/\/journals.plos.org\/plosone\/article?id=10.1371\/journal.pone.0195549 Sedentary behavior inhibits quality sleep, which has been shown to impact memory.\n\nI wonder if researchers tracked the quantity and quality of sleep (REM vs NREM) among study participants. From the graphs it doesn't look like they did.\n\n From the abstract, it looks like they just gave the participants a survey, and did an MRI. Actual time spent with the participants probably wasn't more than a few hours for just that (probably for cost reasons too).\n\n<\/comment><\/comment> Perhaps a sedentary person makes fewer notable memories (their surroundings don't change much), and the respective area of the brain atrophies?\n\n<\/comment> \" No significant correlations were observed between physical activity levels and MTL thickness. Though preliminary, our results suggest that more sedentary non-demented individuals have less MTL thickness. \"\n\nSo, this wasn't conclusive? Just in case i may walk my dog twice as much but not much can be done with a software engineering job and sedentary hobbies.\n\n<\/comment> Somewhat crazy idea but anyone know if sedentary behaviour or poor memory are associated with graying hair at the temples?\n\n Interesting that you bring this up. I don't know the answer, but I'll be 29 this year and have just recently started getting some gray hairs. The most prominent are two gray patches right over my temples.\n\n Yes, it may be just a coincidence that this is so, with the temples and the temporal lobes being physically close to one another. But intuition makes me wonder.\n\n Biologically, this doesn't make sense. One of the more accepted causes of graying-1 is a build of of H202 in the hair follicle resulting in the hair not holding as much melanin. It seems unlikely that this would come from the brain, through the skull since that's not how the circulatory system gets in\/out of the brain (it mostly goes through the neck\/spine).\n\n1: [https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2009\/03\/10\/health\/10well.html](https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2009\/03\/10\/health\/10well.html)\n\n Indeed, but if control and resources (e.g. immune resources) are allocated via some kind of map in the brain then mightn't that make proximity relevant? (notwithstanding the bone barrier!) I admit it's a stretch...\n\n Again, not really how things work. You're assuming that the dermal layers closest to a section of the brain are somehow working with that section of the brain and that's not really how it works. The circulatory system (which is most likely what's responsible other than the skin\/dermis itself) doesn't route from brain to skin that way (because of the bone).\n\nThere is a pretty large concentration of veins\/arteries - 1 that come up around the temple, so that could be related to the frequency of graying starting there.\n\n1- [https:\/\/www.gettyimages.com\/detail\/news-photo\/superficial- ar...](https:\/\/www.gettyimages.com\/detail\/news-photo\/superficial-arteries-and- veins-of-the-face-and-scalp-news-photo\/143063936#superficial-arteries-and- veins-of-the-face-and-scalp-picture-id143063936)\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment><\/comment> \"Indeed, one can be highly active yet still be sedentary for most of the day. \"\n\nThat's a hugely interesting note there in the introduction.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":8},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"From 'dotnet run' to \"Hello World\" - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uhloQ0o5b0k Here's the talk abstract:\n\n _Have you ever stopped to think about all the things that happen when you execute a simple .NET program?_\n\n _This talk will delve into the internals of the recently open-sourced .NET Core runtime, looking at what happens, when it happens and why._\n\n _Making use of freely available tools such as 'PerfView', we'll examine the Execution Engine, Type Loader, Just-in-Time (JIT) Compiler and the CLR Hosting API to see how all these components play a part in making 'Hello World' possible._<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":9},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"Rosencrantz and Ethernet (2014) - https:\/\/www.shakespearegeek.com\/2014\/10\/rosencrantz-and-etherne.html [http:\/\/www.ultimate.com\/phil\/pdp10\/quux.poem](http:\/\/www.ultimate.com\/phil\/pdp10\/quux.poem)\n\nI think that I shall never see A matrix lovely as a tree. Trees are fifty times as fun As structures a la PL\/I (Which Dijkstra claims are too baroque). And SNOBOL's strings just can't compare With all the leaves a tree may bear. And COMIT strings are just a joke. Vectors, tuples too, are nice, But haven't the impressive flair Of trees to which a LISP is heir. A LISPer's life is paradise!\n\nMany people think that JOSS And others, too, are strictly boss; And there are many BASIC fans Who think their favorite language spans All that would a user please. Compared to LISP they're all a loss, For none of them gives all the ease With which a LISP builds moby trees.\n\nRPG is just a nurd (As you no doubt have often heard); The record layouts are absurd, And numbers packed in decimal form Will never fit a base-two word Without a veritable storm Of gross conversions fro and to With them arithmetic to do. And one must allocate the field Correct arithmetic to yield, And decimal places represent Truncation loss to circumvent: Thus RPG is second- rate. In LISP one needn't allocate (That boon alone is heaven-sent!) The scheme is sheer simplicity: A number's just another tree. When numbers threaten overflow LISP makes the number tree to grow, Extending its significance With classic treelike elegance. A LISP can generate reports, Create a file, do chains and sorts; But one thing you will never see Is moby trees in RPG.\n\nOne thing the average language lacks Is programmed use of push-down stacks. But LISP provides this feature free: A stack - you guessed it - is a tree. An empty stack is simply NIL. In order, then, the stack to fill\n\nA CONS will push things on the top; To empty it, a CDR will Behave exactly like a pop. A simple CAR will get you back The last thing you pushed on the stack; An empty stack's detectable By testing with the function NULL. Thus even should a LISPer lose With PROGs and GOs, RETURNs and DOs, He need his mind not overtax To implement recursive hacks: He'll utilize this clever ruse Of using trees as moby stacks. Some claim this method is too slow Because it uses CONS so much And thus requires the GC touch; It has one big advantage, though: You needn't fear for overflow. Since LISP allows its trees to grow, Stacks can to any limits go.\n\nCOBOL input is a shame: The implementors play a game That no two versions are the same. And rocky is the FORTRAN road One's alpha input to decode: The FORMAT statement is to blame, But on the user falls the load. And FOCAL input's just a farce; But all LISP input comes pre-parsed! (The input reader gets its fame By getting storage for each node From lists of free words scattered sparse. It parses all the input strings With aid of mystic mutterings; From dots and strange parentheses, From zeros, sevens, A's and Z's, Constructs, with magic reckonings, The pointers needed for its trees. It builds the trees with complex code With rubout processing bestowed; When typing errors do forebode The rubout makes recovery tame, And losers then will oft exclaim Their sanity to LISP is owed - To help these losers is LISP's aim.)\n\nThe flow-control of APL And OS data sets as well Are best described as tortured hell. For LISPers everything's a breeze; They neatly output all their trees With format-free parentheses And see their program logic best By how their lovely parens nest. While others are by GOs possessed, And WHILE-DO, CASE, and all the rest, The LISPing hackers will prefer With COND their programs to invest And let their functions all recur When searching trees in maddened quest.\n\nExpanding records of fixed size Will quickly programs paralyze. Though ISAM claims to be so wise In allocating overflow, Its data handling is too slow And finding it takes many tries. But any fool can plainly see Inherent flexibility In data structured as a tree. When all their efforts have gone sour To swell fixed records, losers glower. But list reclaimers hour by hour By setting all the garbage free Yield CONSequent capacity: Thus trees indefinitely flower. (And trees run on atomic power!)\n\nTo men of sensibility The lesson here is plain to see: Arrays are used by clods like me, But only LISP can make a tree.\n\n \n \n - The Great Quux\n (with apologies to\n Joyce Kilmer)\n\n<\/comment> There's definitely a shortage of doggerel in this field.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":10,"dup_dump_count":1,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":1,"2017-13":1,"unknown":8}},"id":23031223},"subset":"hackernews"} {"text":"How the Internet Is Broken: Big Questions and Bad Answers - https:\/\/nextbison.wordpress.com\/2019\/01\/07\/how-the-internet-is-broken\/ I am going to keep posting the ledger of harms - [https:\/\/ledger.humanetech.com\/](https:\/\/ledger.humanetech.com\/)\n\nUntil we see all the issues in one place like a github issue tracker, solutions will always be piece meal and confined to personal experience.\n\nWe need more issue trackers like this, so that people with solutions to one issue or another have some sense of the big picture. Also Big Tech cant weasel out of one issue by talking selectively about another.\n\nWho knows, maybe one day we will get to proper integration\/system wide testing for fixes to social issues...\n\n I love this concept. I think it could benefit by branching out in a way that tracks different companies, then create different branches for these companies to track the people making these decisions. There is a huge problem with greedy and horrible individuals hiding behind a corporate structure. A company is by definition a group of people and since we treat companies now legally the same as people the same rules must apply. The reason why this works is the same as why shaming individuals who rape people (Weinstein, Stacey etc) works. The only way to improve things is by moving the goalposts in corporate ethics the same way it has been moved by the #metoo movement for sexual violence.\n\nthe reason why I think this works is that ethics is an individual thing that can only be applied on an individual level. If a CxO suggests to set up offshore structures to channel profits away then burn them to the ground (figuratively).\n\nthe tech to do it is already there: the darknet!\n\n \"The only way\" you are suggesting is not the only way.\n\nChanging people's thinking and behavior, especially that of highly misguided characters in power, requires as Psychologist Marshall Rosenberg would say, choosing between Violence and Compassion.\n\nIdeally for progress we want people to change the way they think about what they are doing, not spend their time defending it or how to get away with it. The latter being what we manage to keep doing.\n\nThis is where the choice of approach we take makes a huge difference.\n\nOur Natural instinct is to choose violence, punishment, judgement, name and shame etc. We want to see heads role for suffering caused.\n\nBut this approach takes the focus off the suffering of the victim, and puts focus on how to cause pain to the perpetrator. It doesn't get perpetrators to change the way they think - to reflect. Instead they react - play defense, and spend their time and resources on avoiding and skirting punishment.\n\nThink about this. Think about what Gandhi, MLK, Mandala did by not choosing this route. They didn't allow perpetrators to play that game. They showed us there is a big difference in outcomes when we tell a man - look at the pain you have caused VS you are