diff --git "a/Egyptian_English_parallel.json" "b/Egyptian_English_parallel.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Egyptian_English_parallel.json" @@ -0,0 +1,2678 @@ +[ + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ازيكم يا جماعه؟,How are you guys?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عايز احكيلكم حاجه غريبه جداً عنى.,I want to tell you a very funny thing about me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا كنت عايش ف السعوديه لفتره طويله جداً لحد ما اتخرجت من الثانويه.,\"I was living in Saudi Arabia for a very long time, until I graduated from high school.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد التخرج رجعت مصر عشان أدرس فى الكليه، و بقالى دلوقتى اكتر من خمس سنين عايش فى مصر.,\"After graduation I came back to Egypt to study in college, and now I have been living in Egypt for over 5 years.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الغريب انى طول الـخمس سنين اللى قضيتهم هنا، و خلال كل الاجازات اللى كنت بزور فيها مصر (لما كنت عايش فى السعوديه).,\"The funny thing is that during all the 5 years that I have spent here, and during all the vacations on which I was visiting Egypt (when I was living in Saudi Arabia).\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عمرى ما زرت الاهرامات!,I have never visited the Pyramids!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاهرامات، و ابو الهول طبعاً، هما اهم و اشهر المعالم السياحيه فى مصر على الإطلاق.,\"The Pyramids, and the Sphinx of course, are the most important and famous tourist attractions in Egypt, for sure.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الناس من كل أنحاء العالم ممكن يسافروا لمسافات طويله جداً عشان بس ييجوا و يشوفوهم.,People from all over the world may travel for very long distances only to come and see them." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اكيد معظمكم يعرفهم و يمكن بعضكم زارهم قبل كده.,\"Surely most of you know them, and maybe some of you have already visited them.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاغرب كمان انى عايش فى الجيزه، نفس المحافظه اللى فيها الاهرامات!,\"What’s even funnier is that I live in Giza, the same governorate where the Pyramids are located.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المسافه بينى و بين الاهرامات مش هتاخد وقت اكتر من عشرين لتلاتين دقيقه لو انت سايق عربيه.,The distance between me and the Pyramids wouldn’t take more than 20 to 30 minutes if you are driving a car." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحقيقه انا قريب جداً منهم لدرجه انك ممكن تشوفهم بالعين المجرده من فوق سطح العماره اللى انا ساكن فيها!,Actually I’m so close to them that you can see them with your naked eye from the top of the building that I live in!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مع ذلك عمرى ما رحت.,And yet I’ve never been." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عشان اكون صريح، انا رحت مره لعرض قريب من الاهرامات اسمه “الصوت و الضوء.,\"To be honest, I went once to a show near the Pyramids called “Sound and Light”.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس برضه كان بعيد الى حد ما.,But still it was kinda far." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مقدرتش آخد صوره جنبهم، و مقدرتش المسهم.,\"I couldn’t take a picture near them, and I couldn’t touch them.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عشان كده المره دى مينفعش تتحسب، خصوصاً لواحد مصرى!,\"So this does not count, especially for an Egyptian!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس خمنوا مين اللى خدنى للعرض ده؟,But guess who took me to that show?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عمتى الامريكيه!,My American aunt!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "(زوجة عمى) اللى بتيجى مصر فى بعض الاجازات بس.,(my uncle’s wife) who comes to Egypt on some vacations only." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مع ذلك زارت الاهرامات اكتر من مره و عارفه المعالم السياحيه فى مصر احسن منى بكتير.,And yet she’s visited the Pyramids more than once and knows the tourist attractions in Egypt much better than me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حاولت ادور على سبب مقنع ممكن يبرر ليه مزرتش الاهرامات طول المده دى، لكن ملقيتش.,\"I tried to look for a convincing reason to justify why I’ve never been to the Pyramids all this time, but I didn’t find any.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس عارفين المفروض فعلا ادور على ايه؟,But do you know what I should really be looking for?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "موبايلى.,My cell phone." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عشان اكلم صحابى و احدد معاد معاهم عشان نروح نزور الاهرامات فى اقرب فرصه.,To call my friends and make plans with them to go visit the Pyramids at the earliest opportunity!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "امبارح كان من اسوأ ايام حياتى.,Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اليوم ابتدا بإن امى صحتنى من النوم و قالتلى اصحى علشان تجيب العيش.,\"The day started when my mother woke me up and said, “Wake up and go get the bread.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الجمله اللى دايماً مبحبش اسمعها، لكن صحيت و خدت قفص العيش و الجنيه فى جيبى.,\"”–a sentence I never like to hear, but I got up and grabbed the bread basket, and [put] a pound in my pocket.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و نزلت رحت للاقرب فرن، جنب بيتنا.,\"I went downstairs to the nearest bakery, next to our house.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لقيت الطابور كبير شويه، حوالى خمستاشر واحد.,I found that the line was a bit long–about fifteen people." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قلت مش مشكله.,\"I thought, “No problem.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اقف و خلاص اهى كلها ساعه و اجيب العيش و اطلع اكمل نوم.,I’ll just wait for an hour to get the bread and go back upstairs to finish sleeping." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد ما عدت ساعه كنت خلاص اول واحد فى الطابور.,\"” After an hour had passed, I was finally at the front of the line.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فجأه الكهربا قطعت فى الفرن.,And suddenly the electricity went out in the bakery." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و صاحب المحل قال مفيش عيش غير لما الكهربا ترجع.,And the shop owner said there wouldn’t be any more bread until the electricity came back on." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الجمله دى كانت زى الصفاره اللى بيبدأ بيها الماراثون.,And this sentence was like the whistle that starts a marathon." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "جريت فى سباق مع الناس اللى كانت واقفه فى الفرن علشان نروح الفرن التانى اللى فى الشارع اللى بعده.,\"I ran in a race with the other people waiting at the bakery to get to the other bakery, which is on the next street.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لحسن الحظ على بعد ميت متر لقيت الفرن التانى فاضى.,\"And luckily, from about a hundred meters away, I saw that the second bakery was empty.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "زودت من سرعتى و وقفت اول واحد.,\"I increased my speed, and I was the first in line.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كنت فى منتهى السعاده كإنى كسبت سباق فى الاولمبيات.,\"I was over the moon, as if I had won an Olympic race.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لكن حطيت ادى فى جيبى، ملقيتش الجنيه اللى مكنتش نازل بغيره.,But I put my hand in my pocket and didn’t find the only pound I had brought." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى كل المجهود و السباق اللى انا كسبته راح على الفاضى.,\"So, all the effort and the race I won were all for nothing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مكانش قدامى غير حل واحد–ملوش تانى– انى ارجع البيت.,\"There was only one thing I could do–go back home, so go back home I did.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فعلاً رجعت البيت و اخدت جنيه تانى و نزلت وقفت فى الطابور من اوله.,I went back and got another pound and went to the bakery and stood in line all over again." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتعلمت انى لازم اصحى بدرى علشان اجيب عيش يا إما اخد معايا اكتر من جنيه.,\"And I learned that I have to get up early in order to buy bread, or take more than one pound with me.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت فى اعدادى لما جربت اسوق عربيه لاول مره.,I was in preparatory school when I tried to drive a car for the first time." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان عندى حوالى اربعتاشر سنه، و ابويا قرر انه يعلمنى انا و اخويا، الاكبر منى بسنه، ازاى نسوق.,\"I was around 14 years old, and my father decided to teach me and my brother, who is one year older than me, how to drive.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا فاكر اليوم ده كويس اوى.,I remember that day very well." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت خايف جداً و اخويا كان بيتعلم اسرع منى بكتير.,I was very scared and my brother was learning much quicker than me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتعلمنا الاساسيات و جايه وقت التطبيق.,We learned the basics and it was time to practice." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان الموضوع ماشى كويس معايا لما بابا كان بيقعد جنبى و انا بسوق، و كنت بتحرك كويس بالعربيه، الى حد ما.,\"It was going well for me when my dad was sitting next to me while I was driving, and I was moving well with the car, kinda.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لحد ما فيه مره بابا قالى انى المفروض ابدأ اسوق لوحدى.,\"Until one time, my dad told me that I should start driving alone.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتفقنا انى امشى بالعربيه بالراحه جداً، و هو هيجرى جنبى عشان يدينى تعليمات لو احتاجتها.,\"We agreed that I go very slowly with the car, and he would run beside me to keep giving me the instructions if I needed them.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس مكانش ده بالظبط اللى حصل!,But that was not exactly what happened!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دورت العربيه و بدأت ادوس بنزين، و لما العربيه بدأت تتحرك اتوترت شويه و دست بنزين جامد .,\"I started the car, and began to step down on the gas, When the car started to move, I got a bit nervous and I hit the gas harder.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العربيه بدأت تسرع، بابا معرفش يلحقها و بدأ يزعق، و انا بدأت اترعب جداً!,\"The car started to speed up, Dad couldn’t keep up with it and started to shout, and I really started to panic!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لحسن الحظ، افتكرت ادوس على الفرامل قبل ما اوصل لنهاية الشارع، اللى كان طوله حوالى مية متر، و العربيه وقفت اخيراً.,\"Luckily, I remembered to hit the brakes before I got to the end of the street, which was around 100 meters long, and the car finally stopped.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعاً الموقف ده اثر عليا و فضلت مصدوم طول اليوم ده و بطلت اتدرب على السواقه لفتره.,\"Of course, that situation affected me and I remained in shock all that day, and I stopped practicing driving for a while.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس رجعت اتعلم تانى و اتحسنت جداً، بقيت حتى احسن من اخويا اللى كانت بدايته احسن منى بكتير.,\"But I went back to practicing again, and I really improved. I even became better than my brother, who had had a much better start than I did.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا فاكر برضه انى مره عملت حادثه.,I also remember that I had an accident once." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس كانت بسيطه الحمد لله.,\"But it was a minor one, thank God.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فقدت تركيزى و انا سايق و خبطت عربيه مركونه.,I lost my concentration while driving and hit a parked car." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن لحسن الحظ مكنتش ماشى بسرعه اوى و مكانش فيه اضرار كتير.,But luckily I wasn’t going too fast and there wasn’t much damage." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "صاحب العربيه كان غضبان جداً فى البدايه لكنه طلع راجل كويس.,\"The owner of the car was very angry at first, but he turned out to be a nice guy.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ابويا اتفق معاه انه هيصلحله العربيه و المشكله اتحلت بشكل ودى.,\"My father agreed with him that he would fix the car for him, and the problem was settled in a friendly manner.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "استمريت فى التدريب و ادائى بدأ يعلى جداً لحد ما بقيت سواق محترف.,I kept practicing and my performance started to get really high until I became a pro at driving." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بقيت بخرج مع اصحابى كتير بالعربيه و باستخدمها فى معظم مشاويرى.,\"I started to go out with my friends by car a lot, and used it for most of my errands.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و طبعاً ابويا و امى استغلوا الموضوع كمان، و بدأوا يبعتونى كتير عشان اشترى حاجات من بره.,\"And of course, my father and my mother took advantage of it too, and they started to send me a lot to buy things outside.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الموضوع كان بيبقى مزعج جداً فى بعض الاوقات، بس انا كنت بحب السواقه، و الحقيقه مكانش عندى خيار تانى!,\"That was really annoying sometimes. But I liked driving, and I actually had no other choice!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و زى ما راجل حكيم قال مره: مع القوه الكبيره بتيجى مسؤوليات كبيره!,\"And as a wise man once said, “With great power comes great responsibility!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "امبارح اصحابى احتفلوا بعيد ميلادى، مع ان عيد ميلادى مش ميعاده امبارح ولا حتى الشهر ده.,\"Yesterday my friends celebrated my birthday, although it wasn’t my birthday yesterday or even this month.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "“بس وقت عيد ميلادى كنا كلنا فى امتحانات،” فا ماحتفلوش بيه لاننا كنا مشغولين.,\"But at the time of my birthday, we were in exams, so we didn’t celebrate it because we were all busy.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا اتفاجأت لما وجدت اصحابى بيقولولى هنخرج كلنا مع بعض.,I was surprised when I found my friends telling me that we were all going out together." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و هيبقى يوم مميز، لانه عاده بنتفق على الخروج من قبلها بفتره.,And it was going to be a special day because we usually arrange these things a bit ahead of time." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قالولى فى الطريق انهم هيحتفلوا بعيد ميلادى.,They told me on the way that they are celebrating my birthday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحنا دريم بارك مدينة ملاهى و ركبنا الالعاب كلها كلها.,We went to Dream Park and we rode all the rides." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدها ركبت حصان و ركبت جمل.,Then I rode a horse and rode a camel." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتصورت مع احلى حيوان انا بحبه، النعامه.,\"And then I took a photo with my favorite animal, the ostrich.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت عايز اركبها كمان بس قالولى ان ده مستحيل طبعاً.,\"I wanted to ride it too, but they told me that was impossible of course.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحصان كان بنت اسمها بشرى، اسم غريب لحصان بس حلو.,\"The horse was a female called “Bushra,” a weird name for a horse but cute.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعدها رحنا مطعم و كلنا.,\"After that, we went to a restaurant and ate.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا كلت فراخ بالبابريكا و اصحابى كلوا فراخ مقرمشه و همبرجر.,I ate chicken paprika and my friends ate crispy chicken and hamburgers." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدها جابولى التورته اللى كانت حلوه جداً طبعاً.,\"Then they got me a cake, which was so good, of course.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتصورنا كتير و انبسطنا.,We took a lot of pictures and we had fun." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى المطعم دخنا شيشه و شربت شاى مظبوط.,We smoked hookah and I drank sweet tea." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اعتقد ان اصحابك دول احلى نعمه انت ممكن تحصل عليها فى حياتك.,I believe that your friends are the best blessing you can ever get in your life." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "واحد من اصحابى اسمه احمد، سورى الجنسيه هو.,\"One of my friends, whose name’s Ahmed, is Syrian, \"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و برغم اللى بيحصل فى بلده و الدمار و الحرب ساعد فى انه يعمللى عيد ميلاد و يبسطنى.,\"and despite what is happening in his country and destruction and the war, he helped to make me a birthday party and make me happy.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "امبارح كان يوم مميز و هفضل دايماً فاكره.,Yesterday was a special day and I will always remember it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و هنفضل نضحك دايماً لما نفتكره.,And we will all laugh when we remember it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "امبارح مع بداية شهر سبتمبر، كان لازم ادفع لابنى مصاريف الشهر الجديد فى الحضانه.,\"Yesterday, the beginning of September, I needed to pay for my son’s fees for a new month at pre-school.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مع تأخير مرتبي، لقيت ان افضل حل انى موديهوش خالص.,\"But with my salary not paid yet, I found that the best solution was not to send him [to school] at all.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طب و بعدين؟,\"Well, and then?\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قررت آخده معايا الشغل.,I decided to take him with me to work." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا كان قرار ندمت عليه بعد كده.,And of course it was a decision I later regretted." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طول الطريق للشغل فضلت احفظه الوصايا التلاته: النظام، الهدوء، النضافه.,\"All the way to my work, I kept dictating him the three commandments: Order, Quiet and Cleanliness.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه منكرش، الولد كان ملتزم الى حد كبير.,\"To be honest, I can’t deny that the boy was committed to a large extent.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طلب نسكويك و مسك الـIPAD و فضل يلعب.,He asked for a Nesquik and held the iPad and kept playing." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اكل سندوتش و شرب عصير و دخل الحمام تمان مرات.,\"He ate a sandwich, and drank a juice, and went to the toilet eight times.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل ده جميل.,All that was okay." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المشكله بقى حصلت النهارده.,Today was the problem." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلاص، الحاجات اللى عملها امبارح و كانت مسلياه، اتعود عليها، و بقى عايز اثاره اكتر.,\"Well, the things that he did yesterday and were fun for him, he’d gotten used to, and he needed more excitement.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد ما شرب نسكويك و قعد قدام الكمبيوتر شويه، بدأ يقوم يستكشف المكان، يفتح الدواليب و يقفلها، يفتح فى الادراج، يشم الـUHU، يدبس اى ورق بالدباسه.,\"After drinking Nesquik and playing on the computer for a while, he began exploring the place, opening and closing cupboards, opening drawers, smelling UHU [glue], stapling paper.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اكتر حاجه ضحكتنى لما لزق tape على عينه، قعد يقوللى: انا مش شايف حاجه!,\"What made me laugh most was when he put tape on his eyes and kept saying, “I can’t see anything!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاسوء كان لما دخل الحمام.,” But the worst was when he went to the toilet." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا انا اعتمدت على انه دخل امبارح تمان مرات، خلاص اتعود و عارف المكان، وسبته يدخل لوحده.,\"I trusted in the fact that he went eight times yesterday, and he is used to and knows the place now, so I let him go by himself.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فجأه سمعته باعلى صوته بينادي: ماما ماما رحتله جري، خير: يا حبيبي، فيه ايه؟,\"Suddenly, I heard him shouting loudly, “Mom! Mom!, ” I hurried to him and said, “Honey, what’s the matter?\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لقيته بيقوللي: ماما، انا مش عارف افتح الميه.,\"” He replied, “I can’t turn the faucet on.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتغظت منه بصراحه.,\"” Honestly, I was so peeved.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قلتله: يا حبيبى ما انت استعملتها امبارح.,\"I told him, “Sweetie, you used it yesterday.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلص يلا و اخرج.,\"Come-on, finish up and come out.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و خرجت من عنده و فى نيتى قرار، قرار واحد بس: بكره الصبح هستلف الفلوس و هيروح الحضانه.,” Then and there I had one intention: Tomorrow morning I’ll borrow money and he will go to the pre-school." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العيد فاضل عليه ايام قليله و الناس كلها بتستعد.,\"There are just a few days left until the holiday [the Sacrifice Feast], and everyone is getting ready.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اكيد انا واحد من الناس دى، بحيث انى بساعد امى فى تنظيف الشقه.,\"And of course I am one of them, as I help my mother clean our apartment \"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اجيب شويه حاجات من السوق استعداداً للعزومات و الزيارات اللى بتحصل فى العيد.,and get some goods from the market in preparation for meals and visits that take place during the holiday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل اللى فات ده كوم و اللى جاى كوم تانى، حيث انى اكتر حاجه بحبها فى تجهيزات العيد هى انى اروح مع ابويا علشان نروح نجيب خروف العيد.,\"All of these things were a far cry from what was next, as the thing I like the most about these preparations is going with my father to buy a sheep.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بالفعل جهزنا نفسنا علشان نلف على شوية جزارين.,And we prepared ourselves to look around for some butchers." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و حاطين فى حسابنا المواصفات اللى عايزينها.,And we took into account the qualities that we wanted in it [a sheep]." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحنا لاول جزار، لقينا عنده كذا خروف كويس، بس كانت المشكله ان الخرفان كانت منفوخه و حجمها كبير.,\"We went to the first butcher and found he had some good sheep, but the problem was that the sheep were swollen and their bodies were big.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ده بسبب ان الجزار بيحط ملح كتير فى العلف بتاع الخروف، فبيخلى الخروف يشرب ميه كتير فلما تيجى توزنه، بيبقى وزنه كبير بسبب الميه اللى فى جسمه.,\"And this was because the butcher put a lot of salt in the sheep’s feed, and it makes the sheep drink a lot of water, so when you weigh them, they weigh a lot due to the water in their bodies.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فرحنا لجزار تانى، لقينا عنده خرفان بتجرى و صحتها حلوه و النوع ده مبيبقاش مليان دهون.,\"So we went to another butcher, and we found he had sheep running around and their health was good and this kind of sheep doesn’t have much fat.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتفقنا مع الجزار و كان بيبيع الكيلو بحوالى تمانيه و تلاتين جنيه.,\"So we made the deal with the butcher, who was selling [them] for around 38 Egyptian pounds per kilo.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و المشكله كانت فى نقل الخروف من الجزار لبيتنا.,The problem was how to transport the sheep to our home." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد محاولات كتيره قدرنا نحط الخروف على عربيه نص نقل، وصلته لحد البيت.,\"After many tries, we managed to get the sheep onto a pickup truck, which transported the sheep to the house.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس بمجرد ما العربيه وقفت الخروف نط من العربيه و طلع يجرى فى الشارع.,\"But as soon as the car stopped, the sheep jumped out of the vehicle and started to run down the street.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و طبعاً الشارع كله طلع يجرى وراه، و الحمد لله مسكناه و هديناه شويه، و جبناله شويه برسيم علشان نعرف نطلعه على سلالم العماره و دخلناه البلكونه و ربطناه هناك.,\"All the people in the street started running after him, but thankfully we were able to catch him and calm him down a bit, and we gave him a little alfalfa, so we could get up up the stairs of the apartment building, and we put him on the balcony and tied him up there.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و احلى حاجه انى كل يوم هاكله بأيدى لحد ما ييجى يوم العيد.,And what’s nice is I’ll feed him by hand every day until the day of the holiday comes." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ازيكم يا جماعه!,Hi. How are you all?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من يومين كان اول يوم فى عيد الاضحى.,Two days ago was the first day of the Sacrifice Feast (Al-Adha)." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عيد الاضحى هو تانى و اكبر اعيادنا كمسلمين، بس الحقيقه فى مصر بنحتفل بيه سوا: المسيحيين قبل المسلمين.,\"The Sacrifice Feast is the second and the biggest holiday for us as Muslims, but actually in Egypt we celebrate it together: Christians before Muslims!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العيد اربع ايام و اهم حاجه بتميزه هو “دبح الاضحيه”، توزيع لحمتها على القرايب و الفقراء، بس اللى بيقوم بالمهمه دى عندنا هما الرجاله.,\"Al-Adha is four days and the most important thing that distinguishes it is “the slaughter of sacrificial animal” and giving its meat to family and the poor, but the ones who carry out this task here is the men.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اما انا، فالعيد بالنسبه ليا بيتلخص فى تلات حاجات اساسيه: الحاجه الاولى هى صلاة العيد.,\"For me, the holiday boils down to main three things: The first is the “Eid Prayer”.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و دى بتبقى فى اول يوم بعد وقت شروق الشمس بكام دقيقه كده.,It’s performed on the first day within a few minutes after sunrise." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الناس بتنزل من بيوتها و تتجمع فى المساجد و الساحات الواسعه عشان يأدوا الصلاه.,\"People come out of their homes, gather in the mosques and spacious squares to perform the prayer.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بالنسبه ليا ده اعظم جزء فى العيد و اكترهم بهجه و فرحه لأنه بيتيح ليا انى اتفرج على شروق الشمس على النيل و انا فى طريقى للصلاه.,\"For me that’s the best part of the holiday, and the best part is the joy and pleasure because it allows me to watch the sunrise over the Nile river while I’m on my way to pray.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ده مش متاح ليا فى الايام العاديه لأن مينفعش انزل لوحدى فى وقت بدرى زى ده لأنى بنت، شىء مؤسف فعلاً!,This isn’t allowed for me on normal days because there’s no way I can go out alone at such an early hour because I’m a girl!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحاجه التانيه هى الفته.,It’s a real pity!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الفته و ما ادراكم ما الفته!,The second thing is “al-fatta”." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ده افشخ اختراع امى بتعمله.,And what do you know about al-fatta!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و تعتبر الاكله الاساسيه لعيد الاضحى.,\"It’s the best creation my mom cooks, and it’s considered the main meal for the Adha feast.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عباره عن رز و عيش و لحمه بيتعملوا بطريقه معينه.,\"It consists of rice, bread, and meat prepared in a certain way.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس صدقونى: اللى مداقش الفته قبل كده فتوه كتير اوى.,But believe me: he who hasn’t tasted al-fatta before is missing out." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تالت حاجه مهمه ليا هى “العيديه” و ده طقس لازم من طقوس الاعياد من ساعة ما كنت صغيره.,The third thing that is important to me is “al-eidiah” and that’s been an essential holiday ritual ever since I was little." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العيديه ده مبلغ من الفلوس اياً كانت قيمته بناخده من قرايبنا (خال، عم، جد، اياً كان) لما نتجمع فى العيد، اياً كان، انا عمرى ما بكبر على العيديه.,\"“Eidiah” is an amount of money–whatever its value–we get from our relatives (uncle, grandfather, whoever) when we get together on the holiday.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "باقى ايام العيد بقضيها فى البيت، اكل و نوم، نوم و اكل.,\"However, I never get too old for “al-eidiah!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مش بقدر اخرج او اتفسح بسبب الزحمه الشديده و اللى بيترتب عليها م�� تحرش و قرف!,\"” I spend the rest of the days at home, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العيد بالنسبه ليا بيكون خلص كده.,I can’t go out or hang out because of the excessive crowds and the harassment and filth that comes with it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس مبيكونش خلص بالنسبه للاطفال و الولاد.,\"For me, the holiday is thus over.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاطفال بيكونوا مقضيينها لعب فى الشارع طول اليوم بـ”الديناميت و البومب” و دى عباره عن مفرقعات.,\"But it’s not over for kids, and boys.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و يرموها على اللى رايح و اللى جاى.,Kids spend all day playing in the street with “dynamite and bomb”–which are firecrackers." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مش هنكر ان الحاجات دى زمان كانت ممتعه بالنسبه ليا و كنت بلعب بيها كمان، بس دلوقتى بقت مجرد ازعاج ليا، او تقدروا تقولوا ان كل ما بكبر بيقل احساسى بالعيد.,And they keep throwing them on everyone who passes by." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و على النقيض الولاد بيحسوا بالعيد بطريقه مختلفه تماماً، مليانه مغامرات و اكشن.,\"I won’t deny that this stuff used to be fun for me, and I’d play with them too, But now it has just become annoying for me, or you can say that the older I get the less I care about the holiday.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس الافضل ان واحد منهم هو اللى يحكيلكم تجاربهم.,\"On the other hand, boys feel differently about the holiday all together, full of adventure and action.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يلا كل سنه و انتو طيبين.,\"But it’d better for one of them to tell you about their experiences Happy Blessed Adha Feast, all of you!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت المفروض رايح احضر كورس و ده شىء كويس.,\"I had to go attend a course, and this is a good thing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن اللى مش كويس انى مكنتش اعرف عن المكان غير انه فى محطه اسمها ثكنات المعادى.,\"But the bad thing was that I didn’t know the place, except that it is at a station called Sakanat Elmaadi.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ده كان الجزء السهل فى الموضوع.,And this was the easy part." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دخلت المترو، قطعت تذكره و ركبت و نزلت المحطه.,\"I went into the metro [station], bought a ticket, got on [the train], and got off at the station.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اعتمدت على المثل المصرى اللى بيقول (اللى يسأل ميتوهش).,I relied on the Egyptian proverb “He who asks never gets lost." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لكن نسيت حاجه مهمه ان الناس مبيحبوش يقولوا معرفش.,\"” But I forgot something important: that people [here] don’t like to say, “I don’t know.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "سألت اول واحد قابلته.,” I asked the first person I came across." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قالى: خش يمين و بعدين تانى شمال.,\"He told me, “Turn right, then [take] the second left.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لما وصلت هناك ملقيتش السنتر اللى هاخد فيه الكورس.,\"” And when I got there, I didn’t find the center which I was going to take the course at.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و سألت واحد تانى قالى: انت ايه اللى جابك هنا؟,\"So I asked someone else who said to me, “What brought you here?\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انت ترجع من مطرح ما جيت و خش شمال و بعدين تانى شمال.,Go back to where you came from and turn left and then the second left." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قلتله شكرا.,\"” I told him, “Thanks!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مشيت و قلت اسأل اى حد و انا ماشى علشان اتأكد.,” I walked and decided to ask anybody while I was walking to make sure." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و المشكله ان كل واحد بقى يقولى طريق مختلف و من اللحظه دى اتأكدت انى تهت.,The problem was that everyone told me something different." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لكن الحل المنقذ هو انى سألت واحد من بتوع الديليفرى، لان هما طول النهار على الموتسيكل بيوصلوا طلبات فى عناوين مختلفه.,\"And from that moment, I was sure that I was lost.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و حافظين الشوارع زى اسمهم.,\"But the solution was to ask a delivery man, as they are on their motorcycles all day delivering orders to different addresses, so they know the streets like the back of their own hands (lit.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قالى على الطريق الصح.,like their names)." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الحمد لله وصلت و حضرت الكورس.,He told me the right way." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لكن و انا راجع مكنتش مركز، فركبت اتجاه غلط فى المترو.,\"Then, thank God, I arrived and attended the class.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اكتشفت بعديها بمحطتين.,\"But on my way back [home], I wasn’t paying attention, so I went the wrong way on the metro.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحت نزلت لقيت خريطه متعلقه فى المحطه.,\"And I realized this after two stops, so I got off and found a map in the station.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصيت فيها و اتأكدت من الاتجاه اللى هركبه.,I looked at it and made sure of the direction I was going to take [the metro]." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لاول مره فى اليوم اركب الاتجاه الصح و انا متأكد.,\"And for the first time that day, I went the right way and was sure of it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و عرفت بعد كده انه يأما اعرف العنوان اللى هروحه كويس يأما اسأل بتوع الديليفرى!,I learned from that that I either should know the address I’m going to very well or I should ask a delivery man!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اترددت كتير قبل ما اكتب عن الموضوع ده، بس قررت اكتب عشان جزء منى مصدق ان، بطريقةٍ ما، الكتابه بتشفى الواحد.,\"I’ve been quite hesitant about writing on this topic, but I decided to write on it because part of me believes that writing, somehow, heals us.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من تلات اسابيع تقريباً، كنت بقلب فى الفيس بوك عادى قبل ما انام، 
و كل حاجه كانت طبيعيه لحد ما جيت عند بوست فيه صوره لشخص كان زميلى فى تدريب التنس بقاله تلات سنين، قريت الكلام اللى مكتوب على الصوره، و قريته مرتين كمان و كل مره فيهم كنت بتمنى اكون قريت حاجه غلط.,\"Almost 3 weeks ago, I was checking Facebook before going to bed.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الصوره كان مكتوب عليها انه توفى فى حادثة عربيه و كان فيها دعاء ليه.,All was well until I saw a picture of a friend of mine whom I knew from tennis practice and had been my friend for 3 years." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احساس الصدمه اللى جالى ساعتها عمرى ما مريت قبل كده.,I read the photo caption." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يمكن مريت بوفاة ناس قريبين ليا قبل كده، بس عمرى ما عدى عليا وفاة حد من سنى!,\"I read it two more times, each time hoping that I read it wrong.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الفكره نفسها كانت صاعقه.,The photo caption said he died in a car accident and had a prayer for him." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و انا رايحه العزا بتاعه، و انا بلبس اسود، مكنتش قادره استوعب ايه اللى بيحصل، كنت حاسه ان عادى انا نازله اشوف صحابى بس المره دى هيبقى فيه حاجه ناقصه، فيه حد ناقص بمعنى اصح.,It was my first time to experience that kind of shock." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا عندى عشرين سنه.,\"I may have experienced the loss of close ones before, but I’ve never lost someone my age!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وعمرى ما اديت فكرة الموت وقت افكر فيها، و مكانش عندى فلسفه ثابته تجاهها اقدر بيها اواجه الموقف.,The idea itself was terrifying." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وفاة صديقى ده فتحت عينى على حاجات كتير اوى.,\"When I getting ready to go to his funeral and wearing black, I couldn’t comprehend what was happening.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فى الاول، و لمدة اسابيع، فضلت فكرة الموت بتروح و تيجى فى دماغى، كنت بعانى عشان اقوم من السرير الصبح، و وقفت كل شغلى و اتأخرت كتير فى تسليم الواجبات المطلوبه منى فى الكليه، و مكنتش عايزه اتكلم مع حد.,\"It felt like I was going to meet up with my friends as we normally do, but this time something would be missing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس لما بدأت افوق من الصدمه اتعلمت كتير.,\"Someone would be missing, to be precise.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وفاة صديقى فكرتنى ان وقتنا فى الدنيا دى محدود، فا لازم يبقى لينا رؤيه لحياتنا، و لازم نفكر ايه الرساله اللى احنا موجودين على الارض هنا عشان نحققها.,I am twenty years old." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و احنا شباب، سهل اوى نقع فى فكره ان عادى نضيع معظم وقتنا فى حاجات ملهاش لازمه و بنقول احنا لسه صغيرين و قدامنا وقت طويل، فا بنأجل قراراتنا المهمه.,I’d never spent the time to contemplate the idea of death." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "غلط.,I didn’t have a solid philosophy regarding death to help me face the situation." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "نظرتى للوقت كلها اختلفت و بقيت مقدره كل ثانيه من كل يوم و بحاول استغلها.,The death of my friend was eye-opening for me on so many levels." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بابا دايماً بيقولى: مع المشاكل اللى بتقابلك، بتيجى هديه مستخبيه.,\"At first, and for weeks, the idea of death kept roaming back and forth in my mind.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا عارفه ان مفيش حاجه فى الدنيا ممكن تعوض وفاة الصديق، بس هعتبر الدرس اللى اتعلمته ده هديه مستخبيه.,I struggled to get out of bed in the morning." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اهلاً بيكم.,I stopped working altogether and delayed delivering all the required assignments at college." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يوم السبت اللى فات ابنى الكبير حمزه جه صحانى من النوم، و قالى: ماما ودينى جنينة الحيوانات.,I didn’t want to speak to anyone." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا وديته قبل كده مرتين، و من ساعتها و هو متعلق بالمكان.,\"But when I started getting back on my feet, I realized I learned a lot.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و دايماً يطلب منى اوديه.,The death of my friend has reminded me that our time in this life is limited." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اكتر حاجه بتعجبه هناك لما الحراس بيسمحوله انه يوكل الحيوانات بايده.,So we should have a vision." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بالنسبه لابنى الصغير سلمان، كانت اول مره يروح و هو مدرك.,We should think about the message we came to this earth to fulfill." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا بالتالى الموضوع كان بالنسبه له مبهر جداً.,\"When we are young, it’s really easy to fall prey to the idea of wasting our time doing useless stuff and saying that we’re young and we still have a long time ahead of us.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حمزه بقى المره دى كان مركز معايا فى الاتجاهات و بيقرا معايا الخريطه.,So we postpone taking necessary decisions." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مثلاً كان عايز يشوف الكانجارو.,This is wrong." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قدر ان هو يلاقيه عن طريق ان احنا اتبعنا ارشادات الخريطه.,My perspective regarding time changed." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من ضمن الحاجات اللطيفه اللى شفناها كان البحيره بتاعه البط.,I’ve become really appreciative of every second of every day and am trying to make use of it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لما بيطلعوا من البحيره بنشوفهم ماشيين ورا بعض، زى ما بيقولوا عليه طابور البط.,My father always tells me that “with every tribulation you face comes a disguised gift”." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان شكلهم ظريف اوى.,\"I know there is nothing in the world that would compensate for the death of a friend, but I’ll regard the lesson I’ve learned as the disguised gift!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و طبعاً الاساسى ان احنا بندور على الاسد.,Hello!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الاولاد يقعدوا يقلدوا صوته.,\"Last Saturday, my older son Hamza woke me up, and said to me, “Mom, take me to the zoo.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا لاحظت انه الاسد كان عمال يلف جوه القفص بتاعه.,\"” I had taken him there twice before, And ever since then, he’s been attached to the place.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى كان احساسى انه هو منزعج.,And he always asks me to take him there." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بظن انه منزعج من الحبس.,The thing that he likes the most there is when the zookeepers let him feed the animals by hand." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه هو فكره انه الاطفال يقدروا يشوفوا الحيوانات و يتعاملوا معاهم.,\"For my younger son Salman, it was his first time to go while being aware.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هى فكره لطيفه و مسليه للاطفال.,So it was so amazing for him." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس فى نفس الوقت ان احنا نحرم الحيوانات اللى طبيعتها انها تعيش بحريه فى الغابه و الاماكن المفتوحه… نحرمهم من الحريه دى ده شيء يعنى مش كويس.,This time Hamza was concentrating with me on directions and reading the map with me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بتخيل انه لو اى حد فينا مكانهم هيبقى حزين جداً.,\"For example, he wanted to see the kangaroo.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى بشوف انه ممكن نعمل مزرعه فيها حيوانات داجنه و اليفه.,He was able to find the way by following the map directions." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاطفال يستمتعوا و يشوفوا الحيوانات و يلاعبوهم و يوكلوهم، و فى نفس الوقت الحيوانات دى متعوده ان هى تعيش فى اماكن زى المزرعه.,One of the nice things we saw was the duck pond." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انما الحيوانات اللى عايشه فى الغابه و متعوده على الحريه، احنا منحرمهاش من ده.,\"And when they came out of the lake, we saw them walking single file, [or] as they call it, “in a duck row.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لانه يعنى آدميتنا تخلينا منبقاش انانيين تجاه بقية المخلوقات.,” They looked so funny." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بتمنى فى يوم من الايام انى اخد ابنى لمزرعة الحيوانات بدل جنينة الحيوانات.,\"And of course, the main target was to look for the lion.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بتمنىالكم دايماً رحلات لطيفه.,And the boys started to mimic its roaring." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شكراً.,I noticed that the lion kept turning around in his cage." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد اسبوع مجهد و متعب فى الكليه قررت انا و صحابى ان احنا نخرج نتفسح و نشم نفسنا شويه قبل ما نخش على الامتحانات.,I felt like it was upset." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قعدنا نفكر هنخرج فين لحد ما واحد صاحبى قال: انا هعملكو مفاجأه، هنروح مكان اول مره نروحه.,And I guess it was upset for being confined." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كلنا اصرينا ان احنا نعرف ايه هو المكان ده لحد ما قالنا شارع المعز.,\"Frankly, the idea of letting the kids see and interact with the animals is nice and fun for the kids.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاسم كان غريب بالنسبه لى و كان اول مره اسمع عنه.,\"But at the same time, depriving animals that are used to living freely in the jungle and open spaces… depriving them of their freedom isn’t good.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المهم جهزنا نفسنا و جه يوم الخميس.,\"I imagine if any (one) of us was in their situation, he’d be so sad.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلصنا الكليه و ركبنا المترو.,\"So… I think we could make a farm with domestic and tame animals, where kids can enjoy seeing, playing with, and feeding the animals while these animals are already used to living in places like farms.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المشوار كان طويل شويه، بس المكان كان جميل جداً.,\"But the animals living in the jungle and used to freedom, we won’t be depriving them of this.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من اول الشارع بتلاقى باب اثرى اسمه باب النصر ضخم جداً و شكله جميل.,Because our humanity should prevent us from being selfish toward other creatures." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان كان كله تراث و اثار اسلامى.,I hope one day I’ll [be able to] take my son to the animal farm instead of the zoo." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و من اجمل الجوامع هناك جامع الحاكم بأمر الله.,And I wish you all nice trips." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دخلنا الجامع ده.,Thanks." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الساحه بتاعته جميله جداً مليانه حمام و قناديل و عمدان.,\"After a difficult and exhausting week at college, my friends and I decided to go out and have some fun before the exams start.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شكلها جميل جداً و برضه كان فيه حاجه زى نافوره.,\"We kept thinking about where we should go until one of my friends said, “I’ll surprise you by going to a place that we have never gone before.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس معجبتنيش اوى.,\"” We insisted on knowing the place, so he told us Muizz Street.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "صلينا العصر هناك.,\"The name was a little strange for me and it was the first time to hear about it Anyway, we got ready.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قعدنا نتصور و نصور المكان.,It was Thursday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد كده دخلنا كذا جامع تانى.,We finished school and took the subway." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كانوا كويسين بس مش زى جامع الحاكم.,\"It was a bit of a long journey, but the place was amazing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان فى المجمل رائع، بس كان فيه شوية سلبيات زى ان نضافة الشارع مش اوى بالنسبه لمكان اثرى.,\"At the beginning of the street, you can see an enormous, historical gate called Nasr Gate, and it looks so nice.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كمان مفيش حاجه بتحكى عن كل مكان، زى مثلاً اتبنى ليه و امتى و الحاجات دى.,The whole place was full of Islamic heritage and monuments." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس زى ما قلت المكان تحف، و فيه ناس كتير فى مصر مش عارفه.,And the most beautiful mosque there is a mosque called Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لازم يفكروا يزوروه فى اقرب فرصه.,We went into that mosque." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "سبايدر مان المصرى… ده اسم واحده من الصفحات اللى اشتهرت فى الفتره الاخيره على الفيس بوك.,\"Its courtyard is fabulous, full of pigeons, lanterns, and columns.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "صاحبها شاب مصرى جميل اسمه عاطف.,They looked so nice." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قرر انه يلبس الزى بتاع سبايدر مان و يحاول يرسم البسمه على وشوش الناس.,\"Also, there was something like a fountain, but I didn’t like it so much.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بينزل للشوارع و الاماكن العامه.,We performed the afternoon prayers there." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و تحديداً اماكن تجمعات الاطفال زى المدارس.,And we kept taking photos of ourselves and of the place." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بيتصور مع الناس و الاطفال.,\"After that, we went into some other mosques.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و احياناً بيوزع عليهم هدايا من غير مقابل.,\"They were nice, but not like the Al-Hakim Mosque.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "على صفحته بيحط صوره مع الناس اللى قابلهم.,\"The whole street was fantastic, but there were some negatives, as the street was not that clean for a historic place.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "او بيحط صور كوميديه ليه بتعبر بطريقه ظريفه عن معاناة الحياه اليوميه فى مصر.,\"And also there was nothing to tell about the places, like why they were built and when, and things like that.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "زى مثلاً زحمه المترو او الجرى ورا اتوبيسات النقل العام!,\"But as I said, the place is amazing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من غير ما يكتب حاجه، صوره بتكون معبره اكتر من الف كلمه… و بتدحك!,And many people in Egypt don’t know about it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اللى فكرنى بيه ان الاسبوع ده هتبدأ الجوله التانيه من الانتخابات البرلمانيه فى مصر (انتخابات مجلس الشعب).,They should think about visiting at the earliest opportunity." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كنت قاعد فى يوم على الفيس بوك، من حوالى شهر كده، ايام ما كانت الجوله الاولى من الانتخابات شغاله.,Egyptian Spiderman… This is the name of a page that got famous recently on Facebook." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و شفت بوست ظريف جداً على صفحته.,\"Its owner is a nice, young Egyptian man called Atef.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "البوست كان عباره عن ان سبايدر مان قرر يدخل انتخابات البرلمان!,He decided to wear the costume of Spiderman and try to draw a smile on people’s faces." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "نزل سبايدر مان الشارع، و عمل حمله انتخابيه جامده جداً.,\"He goes down streets and to public places, and especially places where children gather, like schools.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لم حواليه اهل حتته، و اتصور معاهم صور كتير، و عمل فيديوهات حلوه اوى عن الحمله الانتخابيه.,And he takes pictures with people and children." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و علشان انا على نياتى شويه صدقت بجد انه ممكن يدخل البرلمان و فرحت جداً.,And sometimes he passes out gifts to them with nothing in return." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و خصوصاً ان رأيى السياسى مش مع البرلمان الجاى ده اوى.,\"On his page, he puts his pictures with people he’s met.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "او بمعنى اصح، مش مع البرلمان الجاى ده خالص!,Or he puts comedic pictures of himself that express in a funny way the struggle of daily life in Egypt." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طلع الموضوع مجرد هزار.,\"Like for example, how crowded the subway is, or running after public transportation buses!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس كنت اتمنى ينزل الانتخابات فعلاً، و كنت هنزل انتخبه اكيد.,\"Without writing anything, his pictures are more expressive than a thousand words… and make you laugh!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لان الوضع السياسى فى مصر دلوقتى مش اكتر من نكته كبيره!,What reminded me of him is that this week the second round of parliamentary elections (Elections for the People’s Council) in Egypt will begin." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و يمكن البرلمان مع سبايدر مان مكانش هيعمل حاجه للناس برضه، لان ايد لوحدها متسقفش.,\"And I was sitting one day on Facebook, about a month ago, back when the first round of the elections was running.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس ع الاقل كان هيكون دمه خفيف شويه!,And I saw a very funny post on his page." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اللى انتو شايفينها قدامكو دى فى الصوره عربيتى القديمه، بعد ما طلعت من حادثه رهيبه انا و صحابى.,The post was about Spiderman deciding to enter the elections for Parliament!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحادثه دى حصلت و كان راكب معايا كل صحابى و رايحين نشترى شوية حاجات نقصانه قبل ما نطلع رحله كنا مخططينها.,\"Spiderman went down the street, and he made a very powerful election campaign.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الظريف فى الموضوع ان انا ده كان تالت مره ليا اسوق فيها!,\"He gathered the people of his neighborhood around him, and he took a lot of pictures with them, and made very funny videos about the election campaign.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اللى حصل ببساطه شديده ان انا كنت ماشى بسرعه كبيره و كنت نازل من نزلايه من غير ما اهدى.,\"And because I’m a bit naive, I really believed that he might get into Parliament, and I got really happy.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كمان كنت بحاول اعدى من عربيه من على يمينها، فا فجأه لقيت تاكسى واقف بينزل واحد.,And especially because my political opinion doesn’t support this coming Parliament much." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا حودت تانى شمال و ساعتها فقدت السيطره.,\"Or more correctly, it does not support this coming parliament at all!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العربيه بقت عامله زى الغساله مره واحده و عماله تروح يمين و شمال.,It turned out to be just a joke." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مره واحده راحت طالعه فوق السور و ماشيه بجنبها لحد ما خبطت فى عمود نور و رحت نازل على التاكسى اللى كان واقف.,\"But I was hoping that he was really going to be in the elections, and I was going to vote for him, of course.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و المصيبه ان كان فيه واحد نازل منه و بيحاسب طيرته من غير ما ياخد باله.,Because the political situation in Egypt now is nothing more than a big joke!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحمد لله الحادثه دى كان ممكن نموت فيها كلنا، بس ربنا كان رحيم بينا و محدش حصله حاجه، غير واحد من صحابى لما شاف عمود النور جاى عليه بسرعه حط ايده على الازاز فا اتعور.,\"And maybe the Parliament with Spiderman wouldn’t do things for the people, either, because one hand cannot clap.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "(بس ده بسبب غبائه، انا مليش دعوه.,But at least it would have been a bit funny!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": ") نصيحتى لكل الناس اللى بتسوق بسرعه، ارجوكم خلى بالكو على حياتكو و على حياة الناس اللى بتركب معاكو.,What you see in front of you in this picture is my old car after my friends and I got into a terrible accident." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بما انى من اسيوط، و دى مدينه صغيره بامكانيات صغيره مقارنة بالقاهره اللى هى عاصمة مصر، عشان كده القاهره بتعنيلى مدينة الاحلام.,\"The accident happened while all my friends were riding with me, going to buy some stuff we needed before we set out on a trip we had been planning.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من فتره واحد من احلامى دى اتحقق، و هو كان انى ازور برج القاهره.,The funny thing is that this was [just] the third time for me behind the wheel!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تخيل كده انك بتشوف المدينه الكبيره كلها من على ارتفاع ميه سبعه و تمانين متر، و ده بيساوى تقريباً تسعين دور!,What happened simply is that I was driving too fast and was going past a ramp and I did not slowdown in addition to that I was trying to get past a car from its right when suddenly I saw a taxi dropping someone off right in front of me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "واو!,So I veered left again and lost control." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فيه جمال كده؟,\"Suddenly, it was like the car had turned into a washing machine, and kept kept going right and left.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى الواقع، الحقيقه مكانتش اقل جمالاً ابداً عن التخيل.,And suddenly it jumped up onto the fence and moved along it until it hit a street light and I crashed into the taxi that had stopped." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان منظر رائع، مش ممكن يتوصف ابداً.,The worst part is that there was someone getting out of it and paying the fare who I sent flying before he knew what was happening." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لازم تشوفه بس!,Thank God!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قبل ما اطلع البرج، تحت كان فيه زى شجره ضخمه ليها افرع كبيره نازله منها.,We all could have died in this accident." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان باين انها فى المكان ده ليها آلاف السنين.,\"But God was merciful toward us and nothing happened to anyone, except for one of my friends.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت مشدودالها تماماً.,\"When he saw the street light fast approaching, he put his hand against the glass and hurt it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بالرغم من انها كانت مبهره بس كانت مخيفه شويه.,(But that was his foolishness; I had nothing to do with it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لزقت فى دماغى من ساعتها و فضلت مرتبطه دايماً بالزياره دى.,) My advice to everyone who drives fast: Please take care with your life and the lives of the people riding with you." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فى قمة البرج، كان فيه شوية منظارات “تليسكوبات” للناس اللى حابه انها تبص بنظره اقرب.,\"Since I’m from Asyut, which is a small city with small facilities compared to Cairo, which is the capital city of Egypt, so, Cairo means to me “The City Of Dreams”.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حجزت تذكره و استخدمت واحد.,\"A while back, one of my dreams came true, which was to visit Cairo Tower.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المنظر كان اقرب شويه، بس طبعاً مقدرتش اشوف كل التفاصيل.,\"Imagine that you are seeing the whole big city at an altitude of 187 meters, which is equivalent to almost 90 floors!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس انا حسيت انى شفت كل حاجه او تخيلت، مش عارفه اوى.,Wow!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شفت ناس واقفه فى طابور عشان تشترى عيش.,What beauty!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و شوية عيال صغيره طالعين من مدارسهم بيجروا ورا بعضهم.,And actually the reality wasn’t less beautiful than the imagination." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شفت ولد و بنت ماسكين ايد بعضهم و فيه ابتسامه حلوه مرسومه على شفايفهم.,It was such an amazing view that can’t be described." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فوق هناك، انا اخدت نفسى كانى ماخدتوش قبل كده خالص.,You just have to see it!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ساعتها حسيت فعلاً بالسلام الداخلى.,\"Before I went up the tower, downstairs there was something like a giant tree with huge pendulous branches.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اهلاً بيكم.,It looked like it had been in that place for thousands of years." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الدنيا مطرت امبارح.,I was totally fixated on it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طول الليل سامعينها بتمطر.,\"And although it was impressive, it was kind of scary.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "صحينا الصبح، لاقينا الشوارع غرقانه.,It’s been stuck in my mind since then and has always remained connected to this visit." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اخدت وقت طويل جداً الصبح عشان آخد قرار ان احنا ننزل شغلنا و انزل الولاد المدرسه.,\"At the top of the tower, there were several telescopes for people who wanted to take a closer look.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "للاسف اصبح نزول المطر عندنا بيسبب ازمه و حالة فوضى عامه فى الشوارع.,I booked a ticket and used one." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ممكن كمان لا قدر الله تحصل حوادث عربيات احنا مكناش كده.,\"The view was much closer, but of course, I couldn’t see all the details.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن واضح انه مع تغير حالة الطقس عامة على مستوى العالم، فا حصل تغييرات فى شكل الحاله الجويه فى مصر.,\"But I felt that I saw everything or imagined [I did], I don’t really know.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى احنا زمان كنا نعرف انه مصر جوها معتدل فى الصيف و دافى فى الشتا.,\"I saw people standing in line to buy bread, and few kids coming out of their school running after each other.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انما حالياً اصبح الصيف شديد الحراره و الرطوبه، و اصبح الشتا شديد البروده.,\"I saw a boy and girl holding each other’s hands, with lovely smiles drawn on their faces.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الامطار لما بتحصل بتكون تقيله جداً، و بتتكرر كتير.,\"Up there, I took a breath as if I had never breathed before.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و برضه احنا عشان مش معتادين على ده، فا شوارعنا مبتبقاش مستعده لاستقبال كميات المطر دى.,\"And at that moment, I really felt inner peace.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس خلينى ابص للجانب المشرق.,Hello!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "برضه نزول المطر بينضف الدنيا.,It rained yesterday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بحس انه الشجر لونه زاهى، المبانى بتكون نضيفه.,All night we could hear it raining." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الشوارع لو مفيهاش برك ميه فا بتكون برضه نضفت.,We got up in the morning and found the streets drenched." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هو عامة حالة الجو اصبحت مختلفه عن زمان كتير.,It took me a very long time this morning to decide to go to work and let the kids go to school." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لو برضه هنبص للجانب المشرق، هنلاقى انه لو جنبنا شهر اغسطس اللى بيكون الجو فيه حار جداً، و الايام اللى بيحصل فيها المطر الشديد فى الشتا، هنلاقى انه جو مصر يظل من الاجواء الجميله جداً.,\"Unfortunately, rainfall has come to cause a crisis here and general chaos in the streets.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اللى ممكن الواحد يستمتع فيها بالخروج فى اى وقت.,\"And car accidents may happen too, God forbid.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شكراً.,It wasn’t like this before." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اهلاً بيكم.,\"But apparently, with global climate change, the weather in Egypt has changed.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاعياد فى مصر دايماً مواسم للافراح.,\"Previously, we thought that Egypt’s weather was mild in the summer and warm in the winter.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا فى عيد الاضحى اللى فات كنت معزومه على تلات افراح.,\"But now summer has become extremely hot and humid, and winter has become extremely cold.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا بحب الافراح جداً.,And the rain has become heavy and this happens over and over." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس بييجيلى صداع من التفكير: هلبس ايه و انا رايحه الفرح؟,\"Also, because we are not used to this, the streets here are not well prepared to consume this much water.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و معنديش وقت ان انا اقعد ادور على اللبس المناسب.,But let me look at the bright side: Rain cleans everything." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه فيه فرحين من اللى كنت هحضرهم مريحينى كانوا جداً لانهم افراح سودانيه.,\"I feel the trees are greener, the buildings are cleaner.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الفرح السودانى بيبقى مسموحلى ان انا البس فيه الزى التقليدى للمراه السودانيه و هو التوب.,\"If the streets didn’t have puddles on them, they’d also be clean.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "التوب ده عباره عن قطعة قماش طويله حوالى تلاته متر و بتكون مشغوله مطرزه.,\"Overall, the weather became so different from how it used to be.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لونها بيكون يعنى لون زاهى اوى.,\"But, again, looking at the bright side, we’ll find, if we put aside August with its very hot weather and the days with the heavy rain in the winter, we can still find that the weather in Egypt is quite nice, so that one can enjoy going out anytime.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بتتلف على الجسم بطريقه معينه.,Thanks!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و خلاص هى دى بتبقى اللبس اللى بروح بيه الفرح.,Hello!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعاً حاجه سهله و بسيطه و فى نفس الوقت فى منتهى الشياكه.,\"In Egypt, the holidays are always the season for weddings.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الفرح السودانى انا بحضره لانى انا متجوزه راجل سودانى.,During the last Sacrifice Feast I was invited to three weddings." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "افراح العايله عنده كلها كده.,I like weddings so much." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دايماً الفرح ده بيتسم بتفاصيل جميله اوى.,\"But I get a headache from thinking, “What shall I wear to the wedding?\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اولاً هما عندهم يوم العقد، بعد ما بيكتبوا وثيقة الزواج.,” And I don’t have time to be looking for a suitable dress to wear." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بيروحوا على بيت العروسه يعملوا احتفال جميل.,\"But frankly, there were two weddings I was going to go to which were a relief to me because they were Sudanese weddings.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العريس بيقدم فيه المهر و الهدايا والعطور للعروسه.,\"In a Sudanese wedding, I’m allowed to wear the traditional costume of the Sudanese woman, which is “toob” This toob is a long piece of fabric, approximately three meters long and embroidered.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بيكون يوم لطيف فى بيتها.,And its color is so bright." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده بيتعمل يوم تانى اسمه ليلة الحنه.,It is wrapped around the body in a certain way." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ده بقى بيبقى مرهق اوى للعروسه.,And that’s it!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العروسه فيه بتبدل حوالى توبين، تلاته، اربعه.,That’s the outfit I’ll go to the wedding in." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل توب بترقص رقصه و بعدين تغير و تلبس اللى بعده.,\"So easy, so simple, and at the same time so chic!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس بيبقى يوم جميل.,I go to these Sudanese weddings because I’m married to a Sudanese man." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "القاعه بتكون مليانه بخور والسيدات كلهم لابسين التياب المطرزه.,And all his family’s weddings are like this." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان بيكون فى منتهى الروعه.,These weddings are always known for their very nice details." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يوم الفرح بقى بيبقى اللبس العادى بدله و فستان فرح.,\"First of all, they have the agreement day, after they write the marriage document They go to the bride’s home and have a beautiful celebration.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن برضه السيدات بيكونوا لابسين التوب السوداني.,\"The groom gives her a dowry, gifts, and perfumes.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا فى الفرح اللى رحته لبست توب ازرق كان مطرز باللولى.,It’s a very nice day at her house." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الحمد لله حاز على اعجاب اللى شافونى بيه.,\"After that, there’s another day called the “night of henna”.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و من ساعة ما رجعنا من الفرح انا و ابنى حمزه بنردد الجمله اللى كان بيقولها المغنى: ابشر يا عريس ابشر.,And this is very exhausting for the bride." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هو الفرح السودانى حاجه جميله جداً.,\"The bride changes into two, three, or four toobs.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتمنى انه تتاحلكو كلكو فرصه تحضروا فيها فرح سودانى.,\"She dances a dance in a toob, then she changes [clothes], and goes for another dance.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شكراً.,But it is a lovely day." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من صغرى و انا بحب الرسم و القرايه اوى.,\"The hall is full of incense, and the ladies are all wearing the embroidered toob.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعتبرهم هواياتى المفضله.,The place becomes incredibly fabulous." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول مره ارسم كانت من زمان جدا لما كان عندى اربع سنين.,\"Then, on the wedding day itself, the clothes [of the groom and bride] are an ordinary suit and wedding dress.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ايامها رسمى كان عباره عن شوية خطوط عشوائيه مش مفهومه.,But the ladies are also wearing the Sudanese toob." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد ما كبرت شويه و ظهر حبى الشديد للرسم بقيت برسم حاجات اوضح شويه، يعنى: مثلا ورده، عربيه، الشمس، شجره، ناس، بيوت.,\"In that last wedding I attended, I wore a blue toob embroidered with pearls.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ماما و بابا بعد ما ظهرلهم حبى للرسم شجعونى جدا، وجابولى الوان و ورق علشان ارسم عليه.,\"And thank God, it gained the admiration of everyone who saw me wearing it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كانوا لما ارسم اى حاجه يقولولى “برافوا عليكى”.,\"And ever since we came from that wedding, I keep singing with my son Hamza the phrase that the singer was saying, “Cheer up, oh groom, cheer up!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كبرت و كبرت معايا هواية الرسم.,” The Sudanese wedding is a very lovely thing." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت عايزه احسن مهارتى فى الرسم.,And I hope that you all have a chance to attend one." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا بقيت برسم كتيركنوع من انواع التمرين، و فعلا رسمى بقى احسن كتير.,Thank you!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه انا اتبسطت جدا علشان تعبى جاب نتيجه، و حسيت ان فعلا الواحد يقدر يحقق اى حاجه طالما انه عنده امل و بيحاول مره و اتنين و تلاته من غير ياس.,." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلينا بقى نتكلم شويه عن هواية القرايه.,I have been in love with drawing and reading since I was little." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الهوايه دى بدأت معايا متأخر شويه عن هواية الرسم.,And I consider them my favorite hobbies." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بدأت و انا عندى ١١ سنه.,The first time I drew was long ago when I was four years old." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وقتها كنت بروح المكتبه بتاعة المدرسه علشان اقرا القصص و الحواديت.,\"Back then, I was drawing random lines with no meaning.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس لما كبرت، بدأت اقرا فى مجالات اكتر.,\"And after I got a little older and my passion for drawing had appeared, I started drawing things more clearly, you know — for example, a flower, a car, the sun, a tree, people, houses.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا مثلا كنت بقرا كتب علميه و تاريخيه و دينيه و احيانا كتب فلسفيه، و كمان بقرا روايات بوليسيه و روايات الخيال العلمى.,\"After my passion for drawing became apparent to mom and dad, they encouraged me so much.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل كتاب او روايه بقراها بياثر فيا، و كمان بيشكل جزء من شخصيتى و طريقة تفكيرى.,They bought me color pencils and paper to draw on." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى من الاخر، القرايه فتحت مخى، و نورت روحي، و زودت ثقافتى، و علمتنى كتيرعن العالم، و عن نفسى.,And they’d say “well done” to me whenever I drew anything." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا من محافظة اسكندريه، او زى ما بيسموها عاصمة مصر التانيه و عروسة البحر المتوسط.,\"I grew up, and my hobby of drawing grew with me.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كمان اسكندريه متسميه على اسم الاسكندر الاكبر، و طبعا كلنا عارفينه و سمعنا عنه.,\"I wanted to improve my drawing skills, so I drew more often for practice.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بحب اتمشى فى البلد.,\"And indeed, my drawing skills improved so much.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بحس انى مثلا فى ايطاليا.,\"To be honest, I was very happy because my hard work paid off.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يمكن ده عشان الرومان عاشوا فتره كبيره فيها، فا بتحس ريحتهم لسه موجوده فيها.,And I felt that anyone can really achieve anything as long as he has hope and tries time after time without despair." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "النهارده زرت مكان تحفه بجد و هو قلعة قايتبباي.,Let’s talk about my hobby of reading now." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قلعة قايبتباى من اهم اثارات اسكندريه القديمه اوى و موجوده كمان فى منطقه قديمه اوى اسمها بحري.,This hobby started a little later than my hobby of drawing." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول ما قطعت التذكره و دخلت، شميت ريحة زمان و اتخيلت ايام المعارك.,It started when I was 11 years old." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حاجه كده تخطفك و تبهرك فى نفس الوقت.,\"Back then, I went to the school library to read tales and stories.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "القلعه مبنيه مكان فنار اسكندريه القديم.,\"But when I grew up, I started to read in more various fields.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بناها السلطان الاشرف قايتباى من حوالي سبعميه سنه و اتكلفت وقتها مية الف دينار.,\"For example, I was reading scientific, historical, religious, and sometimes philosophy books.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "القلعه كمان معموله فى الاساس عشان تحمى اسكندريه من الهجوم اللى بييجى من ناحية البحر و عشان كده القلعه متحوطه بالبحر من تلات جهات.,I was reading detective novels and science fiction novels." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كمان مليانه بالدهاليز و فتحات المراقبه و الرمايه اللى بتبص على البحر من جميع الجهات.,Every book or novel I read affects me and also shapes a part of my personality and my way of thinking." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعدما خلصت زيارة القلعه، شفت كمان شوية سياح كانوا جايين يتفرجوا على القلعه و بيشتروا شوية حاجات تذكار.,\"To sum up, reading opened my mind, enlightened my soul, increased my knowledge, and it taught me a lot about the world, and about myself.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدين رحت على معرض الاسماك البحرى.,\"I am from Alexandria governorate, or, as it is called, the second capital of Egypt and the bride of the Mediterranean Sea, Also, Alexandria was named after Alexander the Great, who we all know or have heard about, surely.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هو موجود فى نفس المكان.,I like walking in the city." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تذكرته حوالى بخمسه جنيه، هناك اتفرجت على اسماك اشكال والوان.,While walking I feel that I am practically in Italy." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلصت زياره المعرض و كنت حاسس بالعطش و الحر الرهيب فا رحت ضارب واحد زبادى كبير من جيلاتى عزه.,\"That might be because the Romans lived in it a long time, so you feel their trace is still present in the city.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "جيلاتى عزه يعنى اسكندريه!,Today I visited a very wonderful place: the Citadel of Qaitbay." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه طعم الجيلاتى ملهوش حل.,\"The Citadel of Qaitbay is one of the most important ancient monuments in Alexandria, which is found in an ancient area called Bahri.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حتى فكرت انى اخد كم علبه للجماعه عندى فى البيت.,\"Once I bought a ticket and went in, I felt a sense of ages past and imagined the battles.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اسكندريه فعلا ماريه و قريب اوى ان شاء الله هحكيلكم على حته تانيه فيها و انا متاكد انها هتعجبكم.,Something grabs you and fascinates you at the same time." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هكلمكو النهارده عن شهرجميل جدا، شهر مميز دايماً للمصريين، مش للمصريين بس ده، للمسلمين عامتاً.,The castle was built in the place where the Lighthouse of Alexandria had been." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هكلمكو عن شهر رمضان بالرغم من الناس لا بتاكل ولا بتشرب من الفجر لحد المغرب الا ان الناس بتبقى نشيطه وبتقدر تشتغل و تكمل شغلها.,It was built by Sultan al-Ashraf Qaitbay about 700 years ago." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هحكلكو فى الاول ازاى الناس بتستعد لرمضان.,And it cost one hundred thousand dinars [to build it] back then." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل الناس بيبقى ليها استعداد لرمضان زى الاطفال بيجيبوا فانوييس رمضان بيحتفلوا بيها.,\"Essentially, the castle was built to protect Alexandria from sea attacks.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بيشتروا زينه رمضان و يعلقوها فى الشوارع علشان شكل الشارع بيبقى جميل.,That’s why the castle is surrounded by the sea on three sides." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فيه ناس بتشترى ياميش رمضان زى البلح و المشمشيه و الزبيب و حاجات تانيه.,And it’s full of passageways and slots for surveillance and shooting that look over the sea from all sides." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هحكيلكو بقى عن ازاى بنقضى يوم فى رمضان من اول لما بصحى لحد لما نتسحر.,\"After visiting the castle, I saw some tourists coming to look at the castle and buy some souvenirs.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول لما بصحى من النوم بتوضا و اصلى و اقرا قران.,\"And then, I went to the marine fish exhibition.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كدا انزل اشوف امى عاوزا حاجه من تحت و انزل اشتريها .,\"It’s located in the same place, The ticket cost about five pounds.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كدا لما ارجع البيت، ممكن العب مع اخويا او العب على الكمبيوتر لحد لما المغرب ياذن.,There I saw fish of all different shapes and colors." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كدا بنفطر و بنشرب عصاير كتيره زى البلح والتمر والسوبيا.,\"After visiting the gallery, I felt thirsty and terribly hot, so I went and got a large ice cream at Ice Cream Azza.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فيه عصاير مشهوره تانيه فى رمضان.,Ice Cream Azza is [a significant shop in] Alexandria!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بناكل اكل جميل.,\"Frankly, the ice cream tastes very nice.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دايما الاكل فى رمضان بيبقا مختلف عن اى شهر تانى.,\"I even thought to buy another cup for my wife, who was at home.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد كدا لما نخلص الاكل و نصلى بنزل مع اصحابى نخرج او نلعب بنج بونج او بلاى ستييشن.,\"Really, Alexandria is Godly land.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "او نتمشى و نشرب عصير او ناكل ايس كريم او حلويات زى الكنافه او القطايف.,\"Very soon, God willing, I will tell you about other interesting places, which I am sure you will like.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس المشكله ان الوقت بيجرى بسرعه بعد الفطار الواحد مش بيلحق يعمل كل اللى هو عاوزه.,\"Today I will talk about a wonderful month, a month always special for Egyptians–not just for Egyptians, but for Muslims in general.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد لما اخلص لعب بروح اشترى الزبادى و الفول علشان السحور.,I will talk about the month of Ramadan." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بنتسحر و نصلى الفجر و بعد كدا بنام.,Although the people don’t eat or drink from fajr [before dawn] until maghrib [sunset] people are still active and can work and go about their business." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بابا جابلى فانوس صغير كهديه بمناسبة بدايه شهر رمضان.,\"First, I’ll tell you how people prepare for Ramadan.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل الناس فى مصر بيحبوا شهر رمضان، سواء كانوا مسلمين او مسحيين، و بيحتفلوا بيه كل سنه.,Everyone has preparations to make for Ramadan." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و انا كواحده من الناس المصريين بحب شهر رمضان اوى، لان الشهر ده مرتبط بالنسبه لى بالفرحه و بالبهجه و لمة العيله و الصحاب.,\"For example, children buy Ramadan lanterns that they play with.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قبل بداية رمضان بكام يوم انا و اخواتى عملنا زينه علشان نزين البيت كنوع من انواع الاحتفال بالشهر الرائع ده.,People also buy Ramadan decorations to hang in the streets to beautify the streets." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عملنا الزينه من الورق و استخدمنا مقصات و صمغ .,\"And people buy Ramadan yameesh [mixed nuts and dried fruit] such as date, dried apricots, raisins, and other things.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "التعاون مع اخواتى علشان نعمل الزينه بيقربنى منهم اكتر و اكتر كل سنه .,Then I will talk about how we spend the day during Ramadan from when we get up until suhoor [pre-dawn meal]." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فى رمضان بنصوم من الفجر و لحد المغرب.,\"As soon as I wake up, I perform the ritual ablution, pray, and read from the Quran.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى بنفضل طول النهار بدون اى اكل او شرب و بليل بناكل و بنشرب عادى جدا.,Then I go see what my mom wants from outside and I go out to buy it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول مره اصوم كانت و انا عندى سبع سنين.,\"After that, when I come back, I might play with my brother or play on the computer until the evening call to prayer.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت صغيره اوى وقتها.,\"Then we have iftar [sunset meal] and drink different kinds of juices, such as date and sobia.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كان الصيام صعب عليا و علشان كده كنت بصوم لحد الظهر بس.,And there are other famous juices during Ramadan." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لما كبرت شويه و بقى عندى عشر سنين، بدأت اصوم فتره اطول من النها.,And we eat wonderful food." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس برضه مكنتش بصوم اليوم كامل.,The food at Ramadan is always different from any other month." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دلوقتى انا كبرت خلاص و بقدر اصوم طول النهار من غير اى مشكله.,\"Then after we finish eating and praying, I go out with my friends to go out or play ping pong or PlayStation.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فى رمضان بيكون فيه وجبتين اساسيتين .,Or we go for a walk and drink juice or eat ice cream or sweets like kunafeh or katayf." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول وجبه هى “الفطار” و بتكون بعد المغرب على طول، و تانى وجبه هى “السحور” و بتكون قبل الفجر بساعه او ساعتين.,But the problem is that time flies by so fast after iftar that you don’t have time to do everything you want." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل الناس فى مصر بيلتزموا بميعاد الوجبتين دول و علشان كده فى التوقيت ده الشوارع بتكون فاضيه و المحلات بتكون قافله، و كل الناس بيكونوا فى بيوتهم قاعدين مع عيلاتهم و اصحابهم.,\"After I finish playing (around), I go buy yogurt and beans for suhoor.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من الحاجات اللى بتكون موجود فى رمضان بس “المسحراتى”.,\"We eat suhoor, perform the fajr prayer, and then go to sleep.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المسحراتى شخص بيطبل على طبله صغيره طول ما هو ماشى فى الشوارع قبل الفجر بساعه او ساعتين، علشان يصحى الناس علشان ياكلوا لاخر مره قبل ما يبدئوا صيام.,My dad gave me a small lantern as a gift for the beginning of Ramadan." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و غالبا هو بينادى او بيغنى اسامى سكان الحى.,\"Everyone in Egypt loves Ramadan, whether they are Muslims or Christians.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى نهاية رمضان بيروح للبيوت الموجوده فى الحى اللى اشتغل فيه علشان يجمع بعض الفلوس الرمزيه.,And they celebrate it every year." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل رمضان بصحا لوجبه “السحور” على صوت المسحراتى.,\"And I, being Egyptian, love Ramadan so much because this month is related in my opinion to joy and happiness and the gathering of family and friends.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كل اللى حكيته اكيد بقى واضح جدا قد ايه انا بحب شهر رمضان.,\"A few days before the beginning of Ramadan, my siblings and I made decorations to decorate our home as a kind of celebration of this wonderful month.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رمضان سعيد على الجميع.,\"We made the decorations out of paper, and we used scissors and glue.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اهلا بيكم.,Cooperating with my siblings to make the decorations makes me closer to them every year." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "السنه دى ٢٥ يناير كان بالنسبه لى يوم له اهميه خاصه جداً، مش لاسباب سياسيه و لكن لانه كان بداية رحله جميله جداً قمت بيها انا و اسرتى الصغيره لاحب مكان الى قلبى: الاقصر و اسوان.,\"During Ramadan, we fast from dawn until sunset.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "علاقة الحب بينى و بين المكان ده بدات من حوالى ١٠ سنين لما رحت هناك اول مره.,\"In other words, we go all day without eating or drinking anything, but at night we eat and drink very normally.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت ساعتها طالعه فى رحله تبع جمعية بيوت الشباب.,My first time fasting was when I was 7 years old." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قضينا انا وصاحباتى ٧ ايام كانوا من اجمل ما يمكن، لدرجه انى قعدت فتره بعدها بادور جدياً على شغل فى اسوان عشان اروح اعيش هناك بصفه دايمه.,\"I was too little back then, and fasting was hard for me, so I only fasted until midday.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و يمكن يكون حبى للمكان ده كان من ضمن اسباب ارتباطى بجوزى اللى جاى من نفس الارض السمرا الطيبه زى ما بحب اسميها.,\"When I got a little older and turned ten, I started to fast for a longer period of the day, but I couldn’t fast the entire day.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "نرجع ليوم ٢٥ يناير، اتحركنا من القاهره بالاتوبيس مش بالقطر.,\"Now I’m all grown up, and I can fast all day without any issue.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه كنت متخوفه شويه يكون متعب، لكن على العكس، كانت الرحله مريحه لانه السفر كان بالليل و كان الولاد نايمين.,There are two important meals at Ramadan." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "استغرقنا ٨ ساعات و وصلنا الاقصر الصبح الساعه ٩.,\"The first meal is “iftar”, which is directly after sunset, and the second meal is “suhoor“, and it’s one or two hours before dawn.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المفاجاه اللى عملهالنا احمد جوزى كانت انه احنا مش نازلين فى فندق، انه كان حاجزلنا فى رحله نيليه.,\"Everyone in Egypt is committed to these two mealtimes, and because of this, at these times the streets are empty and shops are closed, and everyone is in their homes sitting with their families and friends.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى هنقضى ٥ ايام على باخره وسط النيل و الخضره و الارض الطيبه.,Among the things that are only found during Ramadan is the “musaharati”." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنا متحمسين جداً كلنا.,The musaharati is someone who plays on a small drum while wondering the streets one or two hours before dawn to wake people up so they can eat for the last time before they start fasting." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بمجرد وصولنا حطينا شنطنا، و بعد الاكل اتحركنا مباشره على البر الغربى لمدينه الاقصر.,And he usually calls out or chants the names of the residents of the neighborhood." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول حاجه اتوجهنا لوادى الملوك.,\"And at the end of Ramadan, he goes around to the houses in the neighborhood he worked in to collect some token money.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لما دخلنا شوفنا مجسم كبير بيوضح شكل الجبل و المقابر اللى محفوره جواه، اد ايه هى عميقه و متشعبه.,Every Ramadan I wake up to musaharati’s voice for the suhoor meal." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "نزلنا فعلياً ٣ مقابر منهم، و عجبنى اوى نقوشات مقبره رمسيس السادس.,\"After what I have told [you], it’s surely now very clear how much I love the month of Ramadan.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لما جيت قبل كده زمان دخلت مقبره توت عنخ آمون، اللى طبعاً كانت روعه، بس المره دى مكانتش مفتوحه.,Happy Ramadan to everyone!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده اتحركنا على معبد الملكه حتشبسوت.,Hello." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعاً ده رمز للجمال والفخامه.,\"This year, the 25th of January was a day of very special importance for me, not because of political reasons, but because it was the beginning of a very beautiful journey that I took with my small family to the most beloved place to my heart: Luxor and Aswan.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ازاى عملوا الصرح الانيق ده جوه الجبل!,This love between me and that place began 10 years ago when I first went there." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "؟,\"At that time, I was on a trip with the youth hostels organization.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مش بس المعبد اللى مبهر، لكن كمان لو وقفنا قدام المعبد و ادينا ضهرنا ليه و بصينا، هنشوف منظر المدينه كلها من فوق الجبل.,My friends and I spent seven days [there] that were simply wonderful." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "منظر مش هتنساه.,\"So much so that I took sometime after that to seriously look for a job in Aswan, so that I could go live there permanently.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "معبد حتشبسوت على اد الابهار اللى فيه لا يضاهيه فى الجمال من وجهه نظرى الا معبد ابو سمبل، اللى انا بعتبره شخصياً دره المعابد المصريه القديمه، اللى فعلاً تجربه الوقوف قدامه لا يماثلها شئ.,\"And maybe my love for that place was one of the reasons for my getting together with my husband, who comes from the same good, dark land, as I like to call it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الموضوع لسه طويل.,\"Getting back to the 25th of January, we set off from Cairo by bus, not by train.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هاكملكو الحكايه المره الجايه.,\"To be honest, I was a little afraid that it’d be exhausting, but on the contrary, it was comfortable because it was at night and the boys were sleeping.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا راجل عاشق للموسيقى.,\"It took us eight hours, and we arrived in Luxor at 9 am.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من اكتر الحاجات اللى بديها حيز من اهتماماتى هى الموسيقى بجميع انواعها.,\"The surprise my husband, Ahmad, made was that we weren’t staying in a hotel, [but] that he had booked us on a Nile cruise.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بقضى وقت كبير بختار الاغانى و الموسيقى و الفرق اللى بسمعهم، و عشان انا كده فا ليا صحاب كتير ليهم نفس الاهتمامات.,\"That meant we’d be spending five days on a ship surrounded by the Nile, the greenery and the good land.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كمان بيعزفوا على آلات موسيقيه.,We were all very excited." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "امبارح كلمت صديقى العزيز حسام، عازف العود، و قالى انه هو و اصدقائه فى البيت عنده و عاملين يعزفوا.,\"And as we arrived, we put away our bags, and after eating we went directly to the west bank of Luxor.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول ما قالى كده رحت نازل على طول على الرغم من ان الدنيا بتمطر و الشوارع غرقانه.,\"First, we headed to the Valley of the Kings.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحت واخد عربيتى و رايحله.,\"When we went in, we saw first a large mockup showing the mountain and the tombs dug in it, and how deep and manifold they are.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لما قابلته كان معاه اتنين صحابه بيعزفوا على الجيتار و الجميل فى الموضوع ان العود و الجيتار لما بيتجمعوا بيطلعوا خليط جميل من الموسيقى الشرقى و الغربى.,\"We went down into three of the tombs, and I really liked the engravings in the tomb of Ramses VI.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حسام عزف منفرد الاول اغنيه جميله لام كلثوم و بعديها باهى صديقه رد عليه بمقطوعه جميله لبيتهوفن، و انا قاعد مستمتع جداً بسماع الموسيقى الجميله.,\"When I came [here] years ago, I entered King Tut’s tomb, which of course was magnificent.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد ما كل واحد عزف لوحده قرروا يلعبوا مع بعض فا عزفوا اغنيه لفيروز.,But this time it was closed." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعديها اغنيه جميله جداً لنيرفانا اسمها The Man Who Sold the World.,\"After that, we went to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و انا كنت قاعد مستمتع جداً و بغنى معاهم على الرغم من صوتى الوحش.,It is a symbol of beauty and might." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحقيقه انى كنت مروح مبسوط جداً من هذه الامسيه الفنيه الجميله و نمت نوم هادئ و عميق.,How did they make that elegant building inside the mountain!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاِسْبوع الجاىّ عنْدى اِمْتِحانات ميدْتِرْم!,\"And it’s not only the temple that is impressive, but also if you stand in front of the temple with your back to it, you’ll see a view of the whole city from up on the mountain–a scene you’ll never forget.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا بدْرِس فى كُلِّيِّة الهنْدسه و السّنه دى هِىَّ آخِر سنه لِيّا اِن شاء الله.,\"The Temple of Hatshepsut, with all the dazzlement in it, from my point of view, can only be rivaled by the Abu Simbel temple, which I personally consider as the jewel of the ancient Egyptian temples, where really the experience of standing in front of it is a priceless experience.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المفْروض اتْخرّج فى يونْيو ٢٠١٦.,There’s still a lot more to tell." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ايّام الثّانويه انا كُنْت طالِب مُجْتَهِد و مُمَيِّز جِدّاً.,The subject is still long." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كُنْت محْبوب مِن المُدرِّسين و كُنْت دايْماً بنافِس عَلَى المراكِز الاُولَى فى الترْتيب عَلَى فصْلى و عَلَى المدْرسه.,] I’ll finish the story for you next time." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكِن الوَضْع اِتْغيّر لمّا دخلْت الكُلّيه.,I am a man who adores music." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فى تانى سنه مجْموعى اَجْبرْنى اِنّى ادْخُل قِسْم غَيْر اللى انا كُنْت عايْزُه.,One of the things I dedicate my time to most is music with all its genres." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "القِسْم اللى دخلْتُه اِسْمُه الهنْدسه الصِّناعيه.,\"I spend a lot of time choosing the music, songs, and bands I listen to.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مكُنْتِش حابّه اوى اَوْ بِمعْنَى اصحّ مكُنْتِش اعْرف كِتير عنُّه.,\"And that’s why I have lots of friends who share with me the same interests, as well as play musical instruments.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فِضِلْت مِتْضايِق لِفتْره طَويله.,\"Yesterday, I phoned my friend Hossam, a lutanist, and he told me that he and two of his friends were at his house playing music.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مكُنْتِش مُهْتِمّ و مكُنْتِش بحْضر اىّ مُحاضْرات و مكُنْتِش بذاكِر غَيْر ايّام الاِمْتِحانات.,\"As soon as he told me that, I immediately went to see him even though it was raining hard and the streets were covered in water.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بسّ الحمْدُ لله كُنْت بنْجح.,I took my car and went to see him." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بسّ طبْعاً بِمجْموع وِحِش جِدّاً.,\"When I met him, he had two of his friends with him playing the guitar and the nice thing is that when the lute and guitar are together they produce a beautiful mix of Oriental and Western music.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "معَ مرور الوَقْت بدأْت احِبّ التّخصُّص بِتاعى و اِكْتشفْت بعْد كِده اِنّ ده اكْتر تخصُّص مُناسِب لِيّا و لِاِمْكانِيّاتى!,\"First, Hossam did a solo of a beautiful song by Om Kalthoom, after which Bahi, his friend, responded with a piece by Beethoven, and I was truly enjoying listening to the music.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اعْتقِد دِلْوَقْتى لَوْ رِجِع بِيّا الزّمن هفضّل القِسْم ده عَلَى اىّ قِسْم تانى.,\"After everyone played a solo, they decided to play together.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لِلاسف اِكْتشفْت الكلام ده مِتْاخّر شُوَيّه، بسّ اِتْعلِّمْت اِنّى لمّا اكون مُجْبِر عَلَى حاجه مُعيّنه، و معنْديش خِيارات تانْيه، اِنّى ارْضَى بِاللى ربِّنا اِخْتارْهولى و احاوِل اسْتفيد مِنُّه لِاقْصَى حدّ.,So they played a song by Fairouz." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لِاِنّ فى النِّهايه مُمْكِن تِكْتِشِف اِنّ ده كان الطّريق الانْسب ليك مِن البِدايه.,\"After that, they performed a beautiful song by Nirvana called The Man Who Sold the World.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المُهِمّ، بعْد درجاتى السَّيّئه جِدّاً السّنتَيْن اللى فاتوا.,I was really enjoying myself and singing with them despite my awful voice." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قرّرْت اِنّى اسْتعيد تانى ايّام الثّانَويه.,\"In the end, I went home very happy with this nice, artistic evening and had a calm, deep sleep.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "السّنه دى انا بحْضر كُلّ المُحاضْرات و بذاكِر بِشكْل مُنْتظِم، و ناوى كمان اِن شاء الله اِنّ انا انافِس عَلَى ترْتيب كُوَيِّس عَلَى الدّفْعه.,Next week I have midterm exams!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاِسْبوع الجاىّ همُرّ بِاوّل اِمْتِحانات رسْميه السّنه دى.,\"I study in the engineering department, and this year is the last year for me, God willing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بِالرّغْم مِن اِنّى عدَّيْت عَلَى اِمْتِحانات اصْعب مِن كِده بِكْتير بسّ حاسِس اِنّى قلْقان شُوَيّه زىّ ايّام الثّانويه تقْريباً.,I should graduate in June 2016." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يِمْكِن دى علامه كُوَيِّسه؟,\"In [my] high school days, I was a very hardworking and distinguished student.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا اِتْمنّولى التَّوْفيق لِاِنّى اكيد هاحْتاجُه.,I was loved by the teachers and I was always competing for first place in the rank of my class and the school." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اهلاً بيكم.,But the situation changed when I entered college." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يوم ١٤ / ١١ ده كان يوم ميلادى.,\"In the second year, my grades forced me to enter a department other than the one I wanted.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بابايا و جوزى و ابنى فاجئونى بتورتايه حلوه اوى.,The department that I entered is called “Industrial Engineering”." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كتبولى عليها كل سنه و انتى طيبه.,\"I didn’t like it much, or in better words, I didn’t know much about it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و جابوا حلويات كتير.,I remained upset for a long time." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان يوم حلو بمعنى الكلمه.,\"I wasn’t interested, and I wasn’t attending any lectures and I wasn’t studying except at exam time.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هقولكو بصراحه، انا تميت السنه دى ٣٥ سنه مبحبش بقى موضوع انى اخبى سنى و افضل طول عمرى عندى ٢٢ سنه و الكلام ده.,\"But thank God, I was passing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و عشان الخمسه و تلاتين بالذات انا بعتبرها نقطه فاصله، او هى منتصف العمر فعلياً.,But of course with very bad grades." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا قعدت مع نفسى شويه افكر انا اتعلمت ايه من اللى فات و عايزه اعمل ايه فى اللى جاى.,\"Over time, I started to like my major.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول حاجه انا لازم اشكر ربنا على كل الناس اللى حطهم فى طريقى طول حياتى لان كلهم هدايا حقيقيه.,And I found out later that this is the most suitable major for me and for my potentials!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بدعى ربنا انه يقدرنى اسعدهم كلهم و اللى بعد منهم اقدر احافظ على التواصل معاه.,\"I think now if I went back in time, I would prefer this department over any other department.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تانى حاجه المواظبه.,\"Unfortunately, I found that out a bit late.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتاكدت فعلاً انه الواحد يقدر يعمل معجزات لو واظب على حاجه و لو بقدر بسيط يومياً.,\"But I’ve learned when I’m forced [to do] something and I have no other choices, that I’m content with what God has chosen for me, and I try to take advantage of it to the maximum limit.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بالنسبه لى ده بيحل مشاكل كتير زى عدم توافر الوقت او الظروف المناسبه عشان اعمل حاجه بحبها.,Because at the end you might find out that this was the most suitable path for you from the beginning." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن لو خصصت لها وقت بسيط كل يوم هنجز فيها كتير.,\"Anyway, after my very bad grades in the past two years, I have decided to call upon the days of high school.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "زى ما بيقول نبينا: أحب الأعمال إلى الله ادومها وإن قل.,\"This year, I’m attending all lectures and studying on a regular basis, and I’m also intending, if God wills, to compete for a good rank in my class.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تالت حاجه انه مفيش حاجه بتيجى متاخر.,Next week I’ll go through the first official exams this year." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هى بتيجى لما الواحد بيكون مستعد و ده زودلى حماستى انى ابدأ فى الحاجه اللى انا بحبها، مكسلش و مقولش اتاخرت.,\"And even though I’ve been through much harder exams than this, I feel a bit worried… like in [my] high school days.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بالعكس انا اقدر اتعلم اى حاجه و اتقنها واستفيد منها و افيد الناس كمان حتى لو عندى ٧٠ سنه.,Maybe this is a good sign?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مش برضه كولونيل ساندرز قدر يأسس كنتاكى و عمره ٦٥ سنه؟,\"So, wish me luck because I’ll definitely need it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يبقى انا كمان هقدر و انتو كمان هتقدروا.,Hello!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل سنه و انتو طيبين.,November 14th was my birthday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فصل الشتا خلاص على الابواب.,\"My dad, my husband, and my son surprised me with a very beautiful cake.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل واحد ابتدى ينزل الهدوم الشتوى و يشوف ايه اللى ناقصه عشان يشتريه و يرتب هيتعامل فى روتين حياته اليومى ازاى.,They wrote Happy Birthday on it for me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا عن نفسى بحب الشتا لاسباب معينه، منها ان لبس الشتا احلى و اشيك و فيه نوع من الاناقه.,They brought lots of sweets." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الشتا يعنى راس السنه قربت باحتفالاتها و اجازه الكريسماس، و لو الواحد معاه فلوس ممكن يقضى الكريسماس بره.,It was a sweet day literally." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كمان الشتا هو الوقت اللى اتجوزت فيه و بحتفل فيه بعيد جوازى.,\"I will tell you frankly, this year I turned 35.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حاجه كمان ان النزول فى الشتا من البيت بيبقى اقل من الصيف و ده بيخلى الترابط الاسرى للعايله اكتر.,I don’t like hiding my age and staying 22 all my life." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المشكله بقى انى من الاشخاص اللى بيسقعوا بسرعه جداً.,\"And because I consider 35 a special turning point, or it’s actually the middle point of life, so I sat by myself thinking of what I’ve learned before and what I want to do in the future.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مش بستحمل الجو الساقعه خالص.,\"First of all, I must thank God for all the people he has put in my path all my life because they are all real gifts.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و عشان كده انا بحب الصيف اكتر من الشتا.,And I pray to God to empower me to make them all happy and to stay in touch with those who are away." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الصيف يعنى البحر و البنات الحلوه، انما الشتا يعنى الصحيان بدرى الصبح فى عز البرد عشان تروح الشغل.,\"Second, persistence.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ده غير ان الطرق كلها بتبقى غرقانه ميه و السواقه بتبقى خطر اكتر من الصيف.,\"I’m sure that one can perform miracles if they persist in doing something, even in small amounts, on a daily basis.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاسبوع اللى فات زرت اسكندريه بلدى الام.,\"For me, this fixes lots of problems, such as not finding quality time or the right circumstances to do something I love.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى اسكندريه الشتا ليه طعم تانى خالص غير باقى مصر.,\"But if I specify a small period of time every day, I’ll accomplish a lot.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يمكن عشان هى بلد ساحليه، يمكن عشان هى البلد اللى اتربيت فيها.,\"As our prophet says, “The deeds dearest to God are those done regularly, even if a little.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المهم انها ليها طعم تانى خالص.,\"” Third, nothing comes late.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "القعده على القهوه مع الصحاب و انت بتشرب الشوكولاته السخنه و انت شايف بره الدنيا بتمطر على العربيات و الناس ماشيه بالشماسى و صوت البحر و الموج العالى.,It comes when one is prepared." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل ده بيخلى اسكندريه ليها مذاق جميل فى الشتا.,\"And that increased my enthusiasm to start [doing] what I love, not to be lazy or to say “I’m late.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ازيكو؟,\"” On the contrary, I can learn anything, excel in it, benefit from it and also benefit people, even if I ‘m 70.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المره دى خدت الولاد و رحنا اليابان.,Didn’t colonel Sanders establish KFC when he was 65?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى مش اليابان اوى بس قريب منها!,\"So, I can too.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و انا صغيره دايما كان بابايا يحكيلى على الشعوب و الحضارات و الفنون المختلفه.,And so can you." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وده خلانى عندى دايما شغف ان انا اتعرف ع الحاجات دى.,Happy year to you!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لما ولادى ابتدوا يكبروا شويه، حبيت ان انا اشارك معاهم الشغف ده.,The winter season is knocking at our doors." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قررنا نبتدى بالثقافه اليابانيه.,\"Everyone is starting to get out their winter clothes, and make a checklist of what to buy, and arrange how to deal with their daily routine.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خدنا بعض و رحنا قضينا يوم فى سفارة اليابان فى القاهره.,\"As for myself, I love the winter for specific reasons.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول حاجه دخلنا نجرب اللبس اليابانى.,\"For example, winter clothes are nicer and more chic, and have a certain elegance.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حمزه لبس و ظبط نفسه.,\"Winter means the new year is near, with its celebrations and the Christmas holiday, and if you have money, you can spend Christmas abroad.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و سلمان اتشجع لما شافه و لبس هو كمان.,\"Also, winter is the time when I got married and I celebrate my anniversary in it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتصوروا صور جميله اوى.,\"Another thing is that we go out less in the winter than in the summer, which increases family bonding.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و من ساعتها فضل سلمان مده طويله جدا كل ما يشوف حد يقوله انا لبست اللبس اليابانى.,The problem is that I am one of those people who gets cold very quickly." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان فرحان اوى.,I cannot tolerate cold weather at all." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعدها كان فيه ورشة عمل لتعليم فن الاوريجامى و ده عباره عن فن طى الورق بطريقه تحوله لاعمال فنيه غايه فى الروعه.,And that’s why I love summer more than winter." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الورشه كانت معموله للمبتدئين و ده كان مناسب لسن حمزه.,\"Summer means the sea, and hot chicks, while winter means for me getting up early in the cold weather to go to work.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عملنا فيها فراشه و عملنا بوكيمون.,Not to mention the fact that the roads become covered in water and driving is more dangerous than in summer." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حمزه كان مبسوط اوى بس سلمان كان قاعد يشخبط على الورق و ينزل تحت الترابيزات.,\"Last week, I went for a visit to Alexandria, my hometown, where winter has a different feel than the rest of Egypt.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يعنى الموضوع ده لسه كبير على سنه شويه و احنا ماشيين اخدنا معانا شوية مجلات جميله اوى بتتكلم عن الحياه و الثقافه اليابانيه.,\"Maybe because it is a coastal city, or maybe because it is my hometown, where I was raised.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اليوم على بعضه كان ممتع لينا كلنا.,\"But anyway, it has a different feel about it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ان شاء الله ناويين نكرره قريب فى اماكن تانيه نشوفكو قريب فى مغامره جديده!,\"Spending time in the coffee shop with friends while you are drinking hot chocolate and you watch the rain as it pours down on the cars outside, people carrying umbrellas, the sound of the sea and the roaring waves.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا بشتغل فى اتصالات و دى شركه من اكبر شركات الاتصالات فى العالم.,All this gives Alexandria a lovely feel in the winter." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتصالات دايما بيفكروا فى افكار جديده يجذبوا بيها العملا بتوعهم، و كمان بيفكروا دايما فى الموظفين بتوعهم ازاى يحفزوهم و يخلوهم عندهم حب للعمل و افكار جديده تجيب عملا جدد و دخل للشركه.,Hi!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتصالات كانت الراعى الرسمى للنادى الاهلى، و ده للى ميعرفوش اكبر نادى فى مصر و عنده اكبر جمهور.,This time I took the boys and went to Japan." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الشراكه دى استمرت من اول انطلاق شركة اتصالات مصر لحد السنه دى، اللى حصل ان فودافون (الشركه المنافسه لاتصالات) فازت بعقد الرعايه للنادى الاهلى و اعلانات شركة فودافون كلها بقت عن النادى الاهلى.,\"Well, not exactly Japan, but close!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتصالات قررت انها ترد الضربه و اعلنت انها بقت الراعى الرسمى لنادى من اكبر النوادى فى العالم و هوا نادى برشلونه، و نزلت بحمله دعائيه كبيره جداً للموضوع ده و عشان تحفز الموظفيين بتوعها قررت انها تعملهم مسابقه مبتكره جداً.,\"When I was little, my father used to tell me about different countries, people, traditions, and arts.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المسابقه عباره انك تاخد صوره لنفسك مع لوجو نادى برشلونه و لوجو اتصالات مع هاشتاج Play_Big# و تعملها بوست على السوشيال ميديا زى فيسبوك و انستجرام و اكتر صوره هتاخد معجبين صاحبها هيسافر برشلونه على حساب الشركه.,This instilled in me a fondness to learn about these things." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المسابقه كان ليها هدفين: الهدف الاول ان الموظفين يعملوا دعايه و ترويج لاتصالت و الهدف التانى ان الموظفين يحسوا بالشراكه دى و يحبوا الشركه اكتر.,\"And when my kids grew up a little, I wanted to share this love with them.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "النهارده كان اخر يوم فى الامتحانات.,We decided to start with Japanese culture." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا كنت فرحان جدا انى هخلص امتحانات و اخد الاجازه، و اقدر اعمل كل اللى انا عاوزه فى الاجازه، خصوصا ان الترم كان صعب جدا.,We went and spent a day at the Japanese Embassy in Cairo." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان مليان امتحانات و واجبات كتيره كان الواحد بيخلصها بصعوبه.,\"First, we tried on Japanese costumes.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد لما خلصت الامتحان، اتصورت مع اصحابى صور للذكرى.,Hamza put one on." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لعبنا بلاى ستيشن مع بعض.,\"Salman was encouraged by his brother when he saw this and put one on, too.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد كده قعدنا نتفق هنعمل ايه النهارده.,We got some really nice photos." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتفقنا اننا نخرج ناكل مع بعض و نتمشى او نلعب بعد الاكل.,\"For a long time after that, Salman kept telling everyone he would meet, “I wore a Japanese costume.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس قلنا الاول لازم نستريح، نروح البيت و ننام شويه.,” He was really overjoyed." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد كده ننزل و عملنا كده و روحت البيت نمت شويه و بعد كده قابلت اصحابى و رحنا النادى طلبنا الاكل اللى احنا بنحبه و اكلنا و بعد كده شربنا عصير و اتصورنا و قعدنا فى النادى شويه نتكلم عن اللى هنعمله فى الاجازه.,\"After that, there was a workshop for Origami, which is the art of folding paper to make fascinating art pieces.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كان فيه افكار جميله جدا سمعتها من اصحابى هحاول انفذها، زى مثلا تعلم لغه جديده او برنامج جديد و فيه اللى عاوز يسافر يستمتع بالجو فى اسكندريه او شرم الشيخ.,\"The workshop was for beginners, which was adequate for Hamza’s age.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده اتمشينا على كورنيش النيل.,We made a butterfly and a Pokémon." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الجو كان جميل جدا اتمشينا كتير و الوقت عدى بسرعه.,\"Hamza was so happy, but Salman was scribbling on paper and going under the tables.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "محستش بالوقت مع اصحابى.,He was a bit too young for that activity." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "استمتعت جدا باليوم.,\"As we were leaving, we took a few really nice magazines that told about Japanese life and culture.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اتقفقت مع اصحابى اننا لازم نتقابل فى الاجازه.,\"All in all, the day was very delightful for all of us.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعد كده روحت البيت.,\"God willing, we intend to do the same again in other places soon.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كنت تعبان جدا بعد يوم جميل جدا.,See you soon on a new adventure!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "غيرت لبسى و دخلت نمت بس كنت سعيد جدا انى خلصت امتحانات و الاجازه بدأت.,\"I work at Etisalat, which is one of the top telecom companies in the world.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قررت اعمل حاجه مختلفه المره دى.,\"Etisalat is always thinking of new ideas to attract customers, and they’re always thinking about how to engage their employees, as well, and instill in them a love for their work and make them come up with new ideas to bring in new customers and revenue for the company.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا بحب امارس الرياضه فا سمعت عن لعبه جديده اسمها Street Workout.,Etisalat was the official sponsor for Al-Ahly club." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بدأت امارس اللعبه و بدأت تشدنى و بدأت فعلا احبها.,\"And it is, for those of you who don’t know, the top soccer team in Egypt with the largest numbers of fans.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كانت حاجه جميله جدا انى الاقى ناس فى مصر بتلعب اللعبه برضه.,This partnership had lasted from the launch of Etisalat Egypt until this year when Vodafone (Etisalat’s competitor) won the sponsorship contract for Al-Ahly and Vodafone commercials were all about Al-Ahly club." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كان هدفهم انهم ينشروا اللعبه فا نظموا يوم الناس تتقابل فيه و تتمرن مع بعض.,Etisalat decided to hit back and announced that it has become the official sponsor of one of the biggest clubs in the world: Barcelona!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كان اليوم يوم الجمعه وكنت لسه مخلص ثانويه عامه و كنت متحمس جدا انى اشوف ناس بيحبو نفس اللعبه و بيلعبوها.,\"It came out with really big publicity campaigns about this, and to inspire its employees, it decided to make a very innovative competition for them.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و رغم ان المكان كان بعيد و مرحتوش قبل كده الا انى صحيت بدرى و ركبت مواصلات و رحت المكان.,The competition was that you should take a photo for yourself with the logo of Barcelona and Etisalat and post it on social media like Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #Play_Big." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان كان جميل و كله جناين و الهوا نقى.,And the photo which will get the most number of ‘likes’ wins a trip to Barcelona paid for by the company." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان هو حديقة الازهر و هو بقى مكان مشهور دلوقتى فى مصر.,The competition had 2 goals: the first one was for employees to make some good publicity and promotion for Etisalat." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انبسطت انى قبلت الناس و بدأنا تمرين.,And the second goal was for employees to feel more engaged and love the company." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا كان معانا ناس مستواهم عالى و التمرينه كانت شديده.,Today was the last day of exams." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس عجبنى ان الناس كلها كانت بتحمس بعضيها و تشجع بعض.,\"Of course, I was very happy that I’d finish my exams and have a vacation, and be able to do anything I wanted during the vacation, especially since the semester was so hard.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و رغم ان انا كنت تعبان بس قدرت اكمل التمرين.,It was full of exams and lots of homework that was hard to complete." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتصحبت على ناس كتير و اكيد هتقابل معاهم تانى علشان اتمرن.,\"After we had finished the exam, I took pictures with my friends for memory’s sake.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و اكيد برضو هاكمل تمرين لوحدى علشان اعلى من مستوايا.,Then we played PlayStation with each other." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و الصراحه كان يوم من اجمل الايام اللى قضتها فى حياتى.,Then we sat around to make a plan for the day [lit." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رغم انى تانى يوم جسمى كان مكسر و مكنتش قادر اتحرك بس الواحد لازم يتعب علشان يلاقى.,we sat to agree on what we’ll do today]." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يوم الاتنين اللى فات كان شم النسيم.,We agreed to go out to eat together and go for a walk or play after eating." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و رغم انه يوم اجازه و كان نفسى انام لوقت متأخر لكن سلمان ابنى الصغير معندوش الكلام ده.,\"But we decided we needed to rest first, so we went home and slept a bit.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عينه مظبوطه ع المعاد اليومى للصحيان.,\"After that, I met my friends and we went to the [country] club, ordered food we like, We ate and drank juice, we took pictures and stayed at the club talking about what would we do during vacation.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعاً لما بنصحى بتبتدى الدوشه.,\"There were some great ideas I heard from my friends that I’ll try to carry out, such as learning a new language or program.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بيصحى جوزى على صوتنا.,And someone wanted to travel to enjoy the weather in Alexandria or Sharm al-Sheikh." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قررت انى اسمحله فى اليوم ده يستمتع بشويه نوم زياده.,\"After that, we went for a walk along the Nile Corniche [waterfront park].\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول ما صحيت انا و الولاد، لبسنا و نزلنا.,\"The weather was so beautiful that we walked a lot, and time passed quickly.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مكانش فى دماغى اى خطه للخروجه، لكن كنت نازله اضيع وقت.,It just flew by for me with my friends." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ركبنا العربيه لقيتها محتاجه بنزين.,I really enjoyed the day." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بدأنا باول خطوه.,My friends and I agreed that we should meet over the vacation." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحت على اقرب ماكنة سحب فلوس، و بعدها ملينا بنزين.,Then I went home." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "جنب البنزينه، محل السندوتشات اللى بيحبه حمزه ابنى.,I was so tired after a really nice day." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ماله؟,I changed my clothes and went to bed." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دخلنا خدنا سندوتشات طعميه.,But I was very happy because I had finished exams and vacation had begun." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان ع الترابيزه اللى جنبنا اتنين اجانب.,I decided to do something different now." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بما ان المحل قدام الهرم، اتوقع�� انهم رايحين يزوروه.,\"I like playing sports, and I heard about a new exercise called Street Workout.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و هنا جتلى الفكره.,\"And I started to do it, and it started to firm me up, and I started to love it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يلا يا ولاد، عاملالكو مفاجأه.,It was so nice to find people in Egypt practicing the same sport." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ودخلنا على الاهرامات.,And their goal was to spread this sport so they organized a day for people to meet and work out together." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حمزه انبهر.,It was a Friday and I had just finished my high school." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رغم اننا ساكنين جنب الهرم و بنشوفه من العربيه دايما، لكن رؤيته عن قرب مبهره جدا.,the school week finishes on Thursday] so I was so excited to see people love the same sport and practice it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان عايز يدخله بس انا اقنعته يأجل الموضوع ده للزياره الجايه.,\"Even though the place was far away and I had never been there before, I got up early and I took some public transportation and I went there.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دخول الهرم تجربه شيقه بس مرهقه.,\"The place was beautiful, with lots of gardens and the air was clear.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا جربتها قبل كده.,\"The place was Al-Azhar Park, which has become a famous place in Egypt now.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اخدته على متحف مركب خوفو.,I was happy to meet the people and we started the workout." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دى بقى عجبته جدا.,\"Of course, there were some people at an advanced level, and the exercise was tough.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المتحف بيديك متعه الفضول و الترقب و التشويق.,But I like that everyone was encouraging and motivating each other." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الاول بتشوف الحفره اللى كان فيها المركب.,\"Although I was tired, I was able to complete the workout.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدين تطلع بالتدريج لحد ما يظهر لك المركب بالحجم الطبيعى فى مشهد مهيب و مذهل.,\"I made a lot of friends, and I’m sure we’ll meet again to work out together.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كانت تجربه مبهره جدا للاولاد و ليا رغم انى دخلته قبل كده.,And I’ll definitely continue to practice on my own to increase my level." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن كل مره بيمتعنى.,\"To be honest, it was one of the best days of my life.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مطولناش.,\"Even though the next day my body was exhausted and I couldn’t move, “no pain no gain.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كانت زياره سريعه.,\"And although it was a holiday and I wanted to sleep in, my little son Salman didn’t have the same idea.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و وعدت الاولاد اننا نكررها قريب.,His eyes open at the same time every day." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خرجنا و رحنا نشرب عصير.,\"Of course, once we wake up, the noise begins.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى طريقنا للبيت، حمزه كان بيقولى هنلاقى بابا صحى.,\"And this wakes my husband, too.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و انا بقوله هيكون نايم.,I decided to give him the opportunity to sleep more that day." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اول ما وصلنا تحت البيت حمزه قعد ينادى: يا بابا اصحى يا بابا.,\"As soon as we woke up, we got dressed and went out.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا طلعنا و كان لسه نايم.,\"I didn’t have a plan for the outing, rather I was just going out to kill time.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لما صحى بيقولنا: انتو صاحيين من بدرى؟,We got into the car and found it in need of fuel." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قعدنا نضحك.,So we started with the first step." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احنا عملنا مغامرات و رحنا الاهرامات.,I went to the nearest ATM." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا كانت رحله لطيفه جدا و مفاجاه.,Then I got some gas." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و ان شاء الله نكررها.,Beside the gas station is the sandwich shop that my son Hamza likes." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "النهارده كان يوم جميل علشان انا و اختى الصغيره نزلنا نتفسح.,Why not?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "النهارده كان اجازه فا انا على طول استغليت الفرصه و رحت فاجئت اختى و قلتلها: يلا بينا نخرج نتفسح.,We went in and got falafel sandwiches." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هى اول لما سمعت الكلمه السعاده بانت على وشها و ردت عليا بكل حماس :”ماشى انا موافقه”.,At the table beside us was a foreign couple." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتفقنا انا و هى على التفاصيل بتاعة الفسحه دى و قررنا اننا نروح الجنينه اللى فى الحى بتاعنا.,\"And as the shop is in front of the Pyramids, I expected they were going to visit it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "جهزنا كل حاجه انا و اختى.,I then got an Idea." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لبسنا و جهزنا شنطه فيها ازازة مايه و ازازة عصير مانجا و شوية سندوتشات و كوبايتين فاضيين و شوية فلوس و علبة مناديل.,\"“Come on, kids.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده اتمشينا لحد الجنينه.,I have a surprise." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لما وصلنا دفعنا رسوم الدخول مكانتش غاليه، كانت عباره عن جنيه واحد للفرد.,” And we went to the Pyramids." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دخلنا بقى الجنينه و اخترنا مكان كويس نقعد فيه.,Hamza was amazed." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الجنينه كان فيها شجر عالى و ورد الوانه جميله.,\"Although we live beside the Pyramid and we always see it from the car, seeing it up close is really amazing.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان فيه ورد ابيض و ورد احمر و ورد بمبى و ورد اصفر, و الالوان دى كانت عامله منظر تحفه و مخليه الجنينه شكلها حلو اوى.,\"He wanted to go inside [the pyramid], but I convinced him to postpone this until the next trip.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا اختى الصغيره كانت مبهوره بالورد جدا، حتى من قبل ما ندخل الجنينه.,\"Going inside the pyramid is an exciting experience, but it’s so exhausting.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فضلنا قاعدين حوالى تلات ساعات.,I’ve tried it before." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدين سبنا الجنينه و مشينا.,I took him to the Khufu boat museum." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى السكه للبيت اشترينا جيلاتى لينا احنا الاتنين.,And he liked it a lot." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هى اختارت طعم المانجه و الفانيليا و انا اخترت طعم الفراوله و الشيكولاته.,The museum gives you the joy of curiosity and anticipation and suspense." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا اتبسطت اوى النهارده علشان كنت سبب فى سعادة اختى الصغيره.,\"First, you see the hole where the boat was first discovered Then you gradually go up to where the boat starts to appear to you in its true scale in the majestic, marvelous scenery.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بجد كانت فرحانه و متحمسه جدا.,\"It was an amazing experience for the kids and for me, even though I’ve seen it before.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اما انا فا كنت فرحانه و متحمسه اكتر منها بكتير.,But it gives me pleasure every time." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد ما رمضان خلص و الواحد زعلان انه خلص، العيد بدأ و الواحد سعيد جدا بالعيد.,We didn’t stay for long." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتفقت مع اصحابى اننا هنعقد مع بعض من يوم الوقفة من بعد الفطار لحد صلاة العيد.,It was a quick visit." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد الفطار اللى محدش كل حاجة علشان خلاص بقى مفيش صيام تانى قابلت اصحابى.,And I promised the kids we’d do it again soon." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قعدنا على قهوه.,We exited and went to drink some juice." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قعدنا طلبنا اللى عاوزينه.,\"On the way home, Hamza was telling me we’d find dad awake.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قعدنا نتكلم هنعمل ايه.,And I told him we’d find him still sleeping." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلصنا كلام بس كنا جعانين.,\"When we arrived in front of our building, Hamza started shouting, “Dad!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحنا اكلنا و كان المحل زحمه جدا.,Wake up!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "استنينا شوية عقبال لما مكان يبقى فاضى.,\"” Of course, when we went inside we found him still sleeping.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اكلنا و بعد كده رحنا وسط البلد.,\"When he woke up he said, “Did you get up early?\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان كان زحمه جدا مليان بالناس.,” We laughed." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الناس بتحفل بالعيد.,We had some adventures and went to the Pyramids." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فيه ناس بتفسح و تروح سينما و فيه ناس بيشترى لبس العيد.,\"It sure was a nice, surprising trip.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احنا كنا بنتفرج على المحلات.,\"And God willing, we’ll do it again.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان فيه اطفال بيحتفلوا بالبلالين و البمب و الصواريخ و مسدسات اللعبة.,Today was a great day because my younger sister and I had a picnic." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتمشينا.,\"It’s a holiday today, so I took the opportunity and surprised my sister and said to her, “Let’s go on a picnic.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده قلنا كل واحد يروح البيت يستريح شوية و نتقابل فى الجامع عشان نصلى الفجر مع بعض.,\"” As soon as she heard my words, happiness was clear on her face, and she answered me enthusiastically, “Okay, I’m in.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "روحت البيت و استحميت و كلت الكحك و البسكويت و ريحت على السرير شويه.,\"” She and I agreed on the details of this picnic, and we decided to go to the park in our neighborhood.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده نزلت اصلى الفجر.,My sister and I prepared everything." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قابلت اصحابى.,\"We got dressed and prepared a bag with a bottle of water, a bottle of mango juice, some sandwiches, two empty cups, some money and a pack of tissues [napkins].\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كان فيه ناس بقالى كتير مشفتهاش قابلتها.,\"After that, we walked to the park.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قاعدنا نتكلم مع بعض من بعد نهاية الفجر لحد صلاة العيد.,\"When we arrived, we paid the entry charge.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الواحد محسش بالوقت خالص.,It wasn’t expensive–just one Egyptian pound for each person." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحنا صلينا العيد.,We entered the park and chose a good place to sit down." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كانت الساحه مليانه بالمصلين.,There are tall trees in the park and flowers with beautiful colors." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و المكان جميل جدا.,\"There were white flowers, red flowers, pink flowers, and yellow flowers.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و البلالين الملونة اللى ماسكينها الاطفال و بيجروا فى المكان.,\"And these colors made for a great view, and they made the park look very beautiful.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و فى وشهم السعادة والفرحة علشان العيد.,\"Of course, my little sister was very amazed by the flowers, even before we entered the park.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "صلينا العيد و روحنا لعبنا بلاى ستيشن و بنج بونج.,We stayed for about three hours." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده كنا تعبانين علشان منمناش غير ساعه تقريبا.,\"After that, we left the park.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "روحت و نمت.,On our way home we bought some ice cream for the two of us." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كان يوم جميل جد��.,\"She chose mango and vanilla, and I chose strawberry and chocolate.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اهلا بيكم.,I was very happy today because I was a reason for the happiness of my little sister." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلصنا جولتنا فى الاقصر، و ركبنا المركب فى اتجاه اسوان.,\"Honestly, she was really happy and very excited.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لما دخلنا الكابينه بتاعتنا و فتحنا الشبابيك منظر شط النيل و السفينه بتشق الميه.,But I was much happier and more excited than her." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كأنك فى فيلم بس الهوا و الميه بيلمسوا وشك و انت بتتفرج.,\"After Ramadan is finished, and I was sad because it ended, Eid began, and I was very happy for Eid.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احساس جميل جدا… كان اول مره اجربه.,My friends and I agreed to get together on the waqfa [eve of Eid] from breaking fast until Eid prayers." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تانى يوم الصبح وقفت السفينه عشان نزور معبدين فى الطريق.,\"After breaking fast, which no one eats because there is no fasting after that, I met my friends.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "دايما كنت بحب اسمع شرح المرشدين و اعرف قصة كل معبد و معانى النقوش اللى عليه.,We sat in a coffee shop." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لكن المره دى الولاد كان ليهم رأى تانى و عشان منزعجش باقى المجموعه، اقنعتهم يمسكوا ايدى و نروح نكتشف المكان بنفسنا.,We sat down and ordered what we wanted." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الحقيقه اكتشفت ان ده شىء ممتع جدا و خلانى اشوف حاجات اول مره اشوفها و امر فى حتت مدخلتهاش قبل كده.,Then we discussed what to do." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خلصنا جولتنا و رجعنا السفينه عشان نوصل اسوان، ارض السحر و الجمال.,\"We finished talking, but we were hungry.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احساسى لما وصلنا مش عارفه اوصفه.,\"We went to eat, and the shop was very crowded.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس هقدر اقولكو انى ما زلت بدور على طريقه اعيش بيها هناك بصفه دايمه.,We waited a bit until there was were empty seats." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فى اسوان ركبنا فلوكه، شفنا التماسيح، و رسمت حنه على ايدى و شربنا عصير قصب.,\"We ate, and after that, we went downtown.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ده غير طبعا زرنا السد العالى و المتاحف و المعابد.,It was so crowded there with people." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بالليل ع السفينه حضرنا جلابيه بارتى.,People were celebrating Eid." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لبست فيها التوب السودانى بتاعى.,\"There were people strolling around, going to the movies, and people buying clothes for Eid.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و سهرنا نلعب كوتشينه، و بعدين فى الفجر شفنا السفينه و هى بتعدى الهويس.,We were window shopping." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وصلنا الاقصر تانى عشان نزور اكبر معبد مصرى قديم معبد الكرنك.,\"There were kids celebrating with balloons, firecrackers, fireworks, and toy guns.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "سياسة التجول بحريه انا و الولاد اسفرت عن اننا اكتشفنا بير قديم ورا البحيره المقدسه و كنا لسه مكملين لولا ان واحد من الحراس نصحنا نرجع بدل ما نتوه.,Then we walked around." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بالليل رحنا تانى نفس المكان عشان نشوف الصوت والضوء.,\"After that and we agreed that we should all go home and rest up, and meet in the mosque to perform the dawn prayer together.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المكان بالليل مهيب جدا ومخيف شويه.,\"I went home, took a shower, ate kahk and cookies, and took a rest on my bed.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المره الجايه نفسى يكون معانا وقت اكتر نلف فى المدينه و عايزه نركب منطاد فى الاقصر.,Then I went to perform the dawn prayer." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وعايزه كمان اروح ابوسمبل و اشوف الصوت والضوء هناك.,and meet my friends." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الرحله كانت تحفه.,There were people that I hadn’t seen in a long time that I met." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدها الولاد بقوا يلاحظوا مفتاح الحياه مرسوم كتير حوالينا.,And we talked from dawn until the Eid prayer." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اظن هنحتاج رحله تانيه قريب نكمل مغامراتنا فيها.,Time flew by." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اشوفكو قريب!,Then we went to pray the Eid prayer." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "السلام عليكم، يا صحابى!,The place with so crowded with people praying." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عاملين ايه؟,It was very beautiful there." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يارب تكونوا كويسين.,There were colorful balloons that children were holding and running with there." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "النهارده عايز احكيلكم عن يوم جميل عشته مع اصغر عضوه معانا فى البيت.,And on their faces was happiness because of the holiday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احنا عيله تقدر تقول علينا عددها مش كبير انا و اخويا و اختى و والدى و والدتى.,\"We prayed Eid, then went and played PlayStation and ping pong.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اخويا اجوز من سنتين.,\"After that, we were tired we had only slept an hour.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و خلف حد لذيذ و عسول و هى بنته حبيبه.,I went back home and went to sleep." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "النهارده عيد ميلاد حبيبه.,It was a really great day." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و دى مناسبه مينفعش انى افوتها او اعديها كده بالساهل من غير ما احكيلكم عليها.,Hello!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حبيبه عمرها دلوقتى سنتين.,\"We finished our tour in Luxor, and the ship headed toward Aswan.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يااااه السنين عدت بسرعه.,\"When we went inside our cabin and opened the windows, we saw the bank of the Nile and the ship cutting through the water.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا لسه فاكر يوم ما اتولدت.,\"It was as if you were in a movie, but the air and water are touching your face while you are watching.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت شغال فى القاهره و اتصلت عليا اختى و بلغتنى بالخبر.,A very lovely feeling–the first time I tried it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت طاير وقتها من الفرح لانها كانت اول عيل صغير نشوفه فى عيلتنا الصغيره.,\"The second morning, the ship stopped so we could visit two temples on the way.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حبيبه دلوقتى بدأت تنطق شوية كلام زى بابا، ماما، عمو، تيته.,I always liked listening to the tour guides and knowing the story of each temple and the meaning of the engravings on it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و دلوقتى كمان بتنطق اول حرف بس من اسم عمتها.,\"But this time the kids had another idea, and as not to disturb the rest of the group, I convinced them to hold my hands and go to explore the place ourselves.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عمتها اسمها زهراء لكن حبيبه مسمياها “زا”.,\"Actually, I discovered that this was so exciting.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يوم عيد ميلاد حبيبه فكرت اجيبلها هديه محصلتش، بس كنت محتار لانه سنها صغير والحاجات اللى تعرفها قليله اوى.,\"It let me see things I hadn’t seen before, go through places I hadn’t gone into before.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فكرت كتير اجيبلها ايه؟,\"We finished our tour and went back to the ship to get to Aswan, the land of magic and beauty.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ايه؟,I can’t describe my feeling when we reached it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدين لقيت نفسى بشتريها شويه بلايين.,But I can tell you that I’m still looking for a way to live there permanently." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خصوصا انى كنت شايف انها بدات تسحف و تتحرك فى البيت.,\"In Aswan we took a small boat, saw alligators, I had henna drawn on my hand, and we drank sugarcane juice.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كنت حابب اجيبلها حاجه ملفته و مسليه زى البلالاين.,\"And of course, we visited Aswan dam, museums, and temples.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بالليل حضرنا حفلة عيد ميلاد حبيبه اللى كانت بتبصلنا باستغراب احنا و بنحتفل بعيد ميلادها، تحس انها كانت عايزه تسألنا انتو بتعملوا ايه؟,\"At night on the ship, we had a galabiya party, where I wore my Sudanese toob.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ابوها عبدالله جابلها هديه فستان صغنون على قدها.,\"We played cards all night, and at dawn we watched the ship go through the locks.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مامتها جابتلها فيونكة شعر اطفال لانه شعرها كان بدأ يطول.,\"We reached Luxor again to visit the largest ancient Egyptian temple, the temple of Karnak.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اما انا فاديتها البالونات اللى جبتها و نفخت منهم واحده.,\"The free wandering policy allowed me and the kids to discover an ancient well behind the sacred lake, and we were going on, but a guard advised us to go back before we got lost.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصت حبيبه للبالونه باستغراب اوى لدرجه خلتنى ضحكت من نظرتها، و بعدين خدتها فى ايديها و بصوابعها الصغيره بدأت تحركها.,At night we went there again to watch the sound and light." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بحب براءة الاطفال اوى بحسهم حد نقى و جميل.,The place was so majestic at night and a little bit scary." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "احيانا كتير اوى بسأل نفسى يا ترى حبيبه لما تكبر ممكن تفتكر اللحظات الحلوه دى؟,\"Next time I’d like to have more time to wander in the city and I want to take a hot balloon in Luxor, and I also want to go to Abu Simbel to see the sound and light [show] there.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و كمان تفضل بنفس البراءه دى؟,The trip was amazing." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتمنى طبعا.,And the kids came to notice The Key Of Life more and more around us." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اسيبكم دلوقتى عشان الحق اكل حته تورته و كوباية عصير من يد حبيبه.,I guess we’ll need another trip soon to continue our adventures." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اسكنرية.,See you soon!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عروس البحر المتوسط اللي اغلب المصريين بيعشقوها، انا بقى مش بحبها.,\"Hello, my friends!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بجد والله، رحتها كذا مره وعمري ما قدرت احبها، بس الجمعه اللي فاتت صحينا بدري و قلنا يلا نروحها، تغيير جو يعني.,How are you?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وصلنا ع الضهر وطلعنا اوضتنا ع البحر.,I hope you’re well." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بهرني المنظر من فوق.,\"Today, I want to tell you about a nice day I had with the youngest member of our household.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "البحر والسما ونضافة وروقان الكورنيش.,\"We are not what you can call a big family: Me, my brother, my sister, my father, and my mother.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ايه الجمال ده!,My brother got married two years ago." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الجو كان حلو مش برد فخدنا الولاد ينزلوا البحر.,\"He had a cute, nice baby named Habiba.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "القعده كانت جميله، قعدنا لحد المغرب و شفنا غروب الشمس في البحر.,Today is Habiba’s birthday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رجعنا على اوضتنا ونمنا بدري من التعب.,I cannot pass this occasion without telling you about it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الصبح صحينا الفجر، فتحنا البلكونه على منظر يجنن.,Now Habiba is two years old." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا صورتهولكو.,\"Oh, the years have flown by.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قعدنا نشرب الشاي.,I still remember the day she was born." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و لاحظنا ان الاسكندرانيه تحت بيتمشوا ع الكورنيش.,\"I was working in Cairo, and my sister called me and told me the news.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قلنا يلا نشاط ع الصبح، ننزل احنا كمان.,I was full of joy because she was the first baby in our small family." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "نزلنا اتمشينا و اتفرجنا على شباب واقفين بيصطادوا.,\"Habiba has now started pronouncing some words like dad, mom, uncle, and grandma.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تابعناهم لحد ما طلعوا و لاقيناهم عرضوا السمك بتاعهم للبيع.,\"And now, she’s started pronouncing the first letter of her aunt’s name.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا فرحت اوي.,\"Her aunt’s name is Zahraa, but Habiba calls her “Za”.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان نفسي من زمان اكل سمك لسه طالع م الميه.,\"On Habiba’s birthday, I thought about getting her a memorable gift, but I was just confused because she’s a baby and knows very few [things].\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "خدنا منهم ورحنا وديناه يتشوي.,I thought a long time about what I can get her." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وخدنا بعضنا ورحنا نزور متحف المجوهرات الملكيه.,What?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وبعديه طلعنا على مكتبة اسكندرية، وحضرنا عرض في القبه السماويه هناك.,What?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه المكانين كانوا ممتعين جدا.,And then I ended up buying her balloons." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده ختمنا باكلة السمك، مش هكلمكو بقى على جمالها.,Especially because I saw that she had started to crawl and move around the house." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بصراحه انا بعد الزياره دي اكتشفت اني بقيت من العشاق.,and I wanted to get her something striking and entertaining like balloons." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مكنتش مصدق اللي بيتقال عن مجمَّع التحرير من كلام الناس والأفلام.,\"At night, we attended Habiba’s birthday party.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت فاكرهم بيبالغوا، لحد ما في يوم اضطريت اروح اطلَّع ورقة.,And she looked at us in amazement as we celebrated her birthday." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "أول مرة كنت رايح الساعة ١٢ الضهر وكانت الامور عادية جدًا.,\"You could tell she wanted to ask us, “What are you doing?\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس عرفت لما سألت اني كان لازم اروح من الساعة ٦ قبل معاد شغل الموظفين.,\"” Her father, Abdullah, gave her a small dress in her size.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وأقف في طابور عشان آخد الاستمارة اللي هطلَّع بيها الورقة.,And her mom gave her a children’s hair bow because her hair has started to get long." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اتضايقت جدًا لما عرفت ده لأن المجمَّع في القاهرة، وأنا من محافظة تانية فبسافر مدة طويلة عشان اوصلٌه.,But I gave her balloons and blew one of them up." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تاني مرَّة، رحت بدري جدًا السَّاعة ٥ الصٌبح، ورغم ده مكنتش أول واحد موجود في المجمَّع، ولقيت ناس بايتين هناك.,Habiba looked at the balloons with such astonishment that she made me laugh from her looks." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وقفنا في طابور كبير جدًا لحد ما المجمَّع فتح السَّاعة ٩.,Then she holed it in her hands and began to move it through small fingers." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت فاكر انَّي لمَّا أدخل كل حاجة هتبقى سهلة، بس عرفت لمَّا دخلت اني هقف في طابور تاني كبير للاسانسير، وبعده طابور للقسم اللي رايحله.,\"I like the innocence of children, I think they’re pure and beautiful creatures.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كلمة طابور بتوحي ان الامور منظَّمة، لكن الطَّابور المصري مختلف، ملهوش شكل ثابت ومحتاج خبرة في التَّعامل معاه.,I’ve often wondered if Habiba will remember these wonderful moments when she grows up?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد معاناة لأكتر من ٦ ساعات لأن المكان كان زحمة جدًا، خرجت ومعايا الورقة اللي كنت عايزها.,And will she also keep this innocence?" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "المُضحك أنّي في خلال ال٦ ساعات المملين دول، اتعرَّفت على ناس من محافظات مختلفة ولمَّا خرجنا مع بعض، احتفلنا لأننا كنَّا حاسين أنَّنا عملنا إنجاز.,\"I hope so, of course.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من فرحتي وأنا خارج مبصيتش في الورقة وخدتها وجريت، وبعد ما روَّحت، اكتشفت أن اسمي مكتوب عليها غلط، قعدت اضحك بشكل هستيري.,Allow me now to eat a piece of cake and drink a cup of juice from Habiba’s hands." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعًا رحت تاني والمرة دي اتأكدت أن كل حاجة صح لأن زى ما المثل بيقول: “محدِّش بيتلسع من الشوربة مرتين”.,Alexandria." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "أتمني أنِّي مضطرِّش اروح المكان ده تاني خالص.,\"the Bride of the Mediterranean, which most Egyptians love.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من اكتر الأماكن اللي كان نفسي ازورها النوبة او بلاد الدهب زي ما بيقولوا عليها… معرفش ايه سر حبي وفضولي الكبير للتعرف على البلد دي وثقافتها… يمكن عشان واحنا صغيرين اتربينا على شخصية بكار… او يمكن عشان طول عمرنا بنسمع ان اهل النوبة ناس طيبين… الأسباب كتير بس في الآخر قدرت ازور المكان ده … ومن اول ما وصلت وانا كل حاجة مستغرباها وحاباها في نفس الوقت… من اول البساطة اللي في كل حاجة… للغة النوبية الغريبة اللي مش فاهمة منها غير كام كلمة شبه العربي واللي دايما بيتكلموا بيها مع بعض لكن معانا يتكلموا باللهجة المصرية العادية….,\"But as for me, I don’t like it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الجمال والبساطة في كل حاجة هناك من اول الطواجن اللي بياكلوا فيها… للألعاب اللي الاطفال بيلعبوا بيها وبيعملوها من الطبيعة حواليهم لبساطة بيوتهم من جوة والوانها من برة واشكال المثلثات اللي مزخرفة كل حتة… حالة من البساطة والروقان مش هيحس بيها غير اللي راح وشاف الناس دي في صفاء ونقاء وجمال قد ايه… لدرجة تخلي ست تطلع على الجبل الصبح تسوي الرملة على الارض لمدة ساعة واكتر!,\"Really, I had gone there several times before, but I never could like it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "برغم كدة في حاجات خلتني احس بغموض ورهبة وخوف… النوبة الصبح كلها الوان وبساطة وحيوية وانبساط لكن بالليل حسيت بخوف شوية… ومن اكتر الحاجات اللي رعبتني هناك التماسيح!,\"But last Friday, we woke up early and decided to go there for a change of scene.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "التماسيح جزء اصيل من ثقافتهم لدرجة ان الاطفال بيلعبوا بالتماسيح الصغيرة!,We arrived around noon and went up to our [hotel] room overlooking the sea." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وبيوت كتير في النوبة فيها تماسيح حية جوة قفص حديد طبعا… في واحدة من البيوت دي قلت اطلع على السطوح عشان ابص على المنظر من فوق وبلف بعيني كإني باخد صورة بانورامية لقيت تمساح طوله مترين جمبي على السور في اخر اللفة الـ 180 درجة دي!,The view was amazing." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "طبعا اترعبت ونزلت جري رغم ان بعد ثواني من التفكير اكتشفت انه متحنط… بعدها بقيت بشوفه متعلق على ابواب البيوت وابتديت اتعود على الفكرة.,\"The sea, the sky, and the cleanness and quietness of the Corniche.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "يوم الاربع اللى فات كان يوم مهم جدا بالنسبه لى.,What beauty!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان مناقشة ماجستير واحده من اعز اصدقائى وصحاب عمري.,\"The weather was beautiful, not cold, so we took the kids to swim.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان لازم اصحى من بدرى عشان الحق اكون معاها من قبل ما تبدا.,The place was so lovely that we stayed until sunset." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "تفاصيل اليوم ده اكيد بتبقى مهمه جدا للشخص اللى هيتم مناقشته… حاجه كده شبه تحضيرات لما يكون فيه فرح او خطوبه.,\"We went back, and we were so tired, so we went to bed early.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "زى اى مناسبه اول ما بتبدأ كله بيحاول يصور.,\"The next day, we woke up at dawn, opened the balcony to see a fascinating view.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بيبقى فى مواقف كتير على جنب و توتر مع بداية الحدث.,I took a picture for you." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "على قد ما كان فى حاجات كتير كوميديه على قد ما كانت حاجه مؤثره وج ميله جدا.,We had tea." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و مش هنساها و هى بتقدم فى المقدمه لما اتاثرِت وعيطِت و هى بتشكر اهلها على دعمهم.,And then we noticed the Alexandrians walking along the Corniche." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من المعروف ان اليوم ده لازم صاحب الرساله يسمع انتقادات كتير بس فى الآخر بيبقى معروف انه كده كده ما دام وصل للمنصه يبقى اكيد هياخد الدرجه فى الآخر.,\"We said, “Come on, some activity in the morning!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الا انه لما الدكاتره قاموا وقفوا فى الآخر بعد ٣ ساعات من الانتقادات والتعليقات على الرساله حسينا كده بنفس احساس العد التنازلى و وكإنّنا بنستنى لحظه النطق بالحكم.,\"” We went down to have a walk, and we watched some guys catching fish.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد ٣ ساعات من كلام فى تخصص اغلب الحاضرين مش فاهمين منه حاجه و مستنيين اللقطه الاخيره دي… اخيرًا جت اللحظه اللى كلنا كنا مستنيينها… ووقفت لجنه التحكيم و وقفنا كلنا عشان نسمع النتيجه… و صاحبتى اخدت الدرجه و باباها بدأ يدمع… و احنا كلنا الفرحه مش سايعانا و احنا بنسقف.,Then they offered their catch for sale." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و رغم كل التعب و القلق و التوتر على مدار السنين دى كلها الا ان فرحه النجاح او الوصول لهدف واتمامه فرحه ليها طعم تانى كده.,I was so happy." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الفرحه اللى عبر عنها عبد الحليم لما قال “ده مفيش فرحان فى الدنيا قد الفرحان بنجاحه”… الاغنيه كانت فى ودانى و احنا بنتصور و بنحتفل بعد ما خدت الدرجه و اتمنيت لو كان ينفع زى اى مناسبه تانيه نشغل موسيقى خلفيه وتشتغل الاغنيه دى فى الآخر.,I always wanted to eat fish straight from the sea." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس مين عارف يمكن فى يوم من الايام تقاليد واعراف المناسبات دى تتغير ويسمحوا بحاجه زى كده.,We took it to someone to grill it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "من يومين، كنت قاعد في البيت بحاول أذاكر عشان عندي امتحان مهم تاني يوم.,Then we went to visit the Royal Jewelry Museum." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت حاسس أني مش عارف اركّز.,\"Afterward, we went to the Library of Alexandria and watched a show in the sky dome there.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وفجأة، اتّصل بيّا صاحبي عمرو، وقالّي أنٌه كمان زهقان من المذاكرة، فاقترحت عليه ننزل عشان نذاكر سوا في المكتبة على أمل اننا نشجّع بعض، ووافق.,\"Honestly, both places were fascinating.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قمت لمّيت كل كتبي في الشّنطة وخرجت.,\"After that, we finished our trip with the fish meal–and I won’t talk about how delicious it was.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عدّيت على صاحبي الأوّل وبعدين اتمشّينا لحد المكتبة.,\"Really, I discovered after this visit that I, too, had become a lover [of Alexandria].\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لمّا وصلنا، كنّا متحمّسين جدّا، وبدأنا نذاكر فعلًا، لكن كانت كلّها نص ساعة بس قبل ما نفتح حوار ملهوش أي علاقة بالمذاكرة عمرو قرأ عنٌه عالنت.,I didn’t believe what was being said about Mogamma El Tahrir by people and in the movies." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وهو ان نظريّة التطوٌر مش حقيقية.,\"I thought they were exaggerating, until one day when I had to go get a document processed.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حاولت اقنع صاحبي ان مش كل حاجة عالنت صح ولازم نصدّقها.,\"The first time, I went at 12 noon and things were quite normal, but I found out when I asked that I was supposed to have been there at 6 o’clock, before employees’ working hours and stand in line in order to get the form that I would use to issue the document.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عمرو كان فاكر أن الّنظريَة بتقول أن الإنسان أصله قرد، وعشان أثبتله أن الكلام ده غلط، فضلت أدوّر على كتاب داروين نفسه، ولمّا لقيته، ورّيته أن معظم المعلومات اللي قرأها تلفيق من حد معندوش فكرة عن النّظرية أصلا.,\"I became annoyed when I learned this because the Mogamma is in Cairo and I am from another governorate, so I had traveled for a long time to get there.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "العجيب في الموضوع أن رغم ده كله، صاحبي فضل مصمّم أن النّظريّة مش حقيقية.,\"The second time, I went so early, at 5 in the morning.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ولأنّي متأكّد أن عمرو دماغه ناشفة، كبّرت دماغي، ومحاولتش أقنعه تاني.,\"And despite that, I wasn’t the first person present in the Mogamma, and I found people had spent the night there.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد ما خلّصنا كلام، بصّيت في الموبايل لقيت أن الوقت سرقنا، ومذاكرناش كتير زى ما كنّا عاملين حسابنا.,We stood in a very long line until the Mogamma opened at 9 o’clock." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان لازم نمشي عشان المكتبة هتقفل.,\"I thought that as soon as I entered, everything would be easy, but I saw when I entered that I would stand in another long line for the elevator, and after that, a line for the department that I was going to.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مكنش قدّامنا حل غير اننا نسهر لمّا نروّح.,\"The word “line” suggests that things are organized, but the Egyptian line is different.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "شربت قهوة كتير، وطبّقنا أنا وعمرو ليلة الامتحان.,It doesn’t have a consistent structure and requires experience in dealing with it." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "لمّا رحنا الجامعة تاني يوم الصبح، كنّا متوترين جدّا.,\"After struggling for more than six hours because the place was so overcrowded, I left with the document that I needed.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "عمرو كان بيهزّر ويقول: “أنا مستعد أقتنع بنظرية التطوٌر لو الامتحان طلع سهل.,\"The funny thing is that for those six boring hours, I met people from different governorates, and as soon as we got out of there, we celebrated because we were feeling that we had accomplished something.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "” خرجنا من الامتحان وكنّا مبسوطين جدّا، لكن طبعّا عمرو مغيّرش رأيه ودا اللي كنت متوقعه!,\"Out of my joy, while leaving, I didn’t look at the document, took it and ran off.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "رحت الغردقه.,\"And after I had gone home, I found out that my name was misspelled on the document, I laughed hysterically.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت فرحان خالص.,\"Of course, I went again and this time, I made sure that everything was right because as the saying goes: “No one is burned twice by soup.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس كنت لازق في مكنه.,” I hope that I don’t have to go to that place ever again!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "معرفش ليه كنت لازق.,\"One of the places I wanted to visit most was Nubia–or “the Golden Land,” as they call it.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كانت بتضحك.,I don’t know the secret behind my love and curiosity to know this place and its culture… maybe because we grew up as children with the Nubian cartoon character Bakkar… or maybe because we usually heard that Nubian people are so kind." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل يوم في البحر في البحر.,\"The reasons are many, but eventually, I managed to visit this place… and from the moment I arrived, I felt both surprised at and in love with everything… starting from the simplicity in everything… to the Nubian language that I didn’t get except a couple of Arabic words, which they always spoke amongst themselves while speaking in Egyptian Colloquial Arabic with us… The beauty and the simplicity are in everything over there, from the pots they eat out of… to the games and toys the kids play with and create from the nature around them to the simplicity of their homes inside, and their colors outside, and the triangle shapes decorating everywhere… a state of simplicity and relaxation that no one could feel except those who have been there and seen how these people live in purity, clarity, and beauty… to the extent that would make a woman keep spreading the sand over the mountain for an hour or even more!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بفضل اعوم اعوم مع صاحبي محمود.,\"Despite that, there were some things that made me feel a sense of mystery and fear… Nubia during the day is all about colors, simplicity, livelihood, and cheerfulness, but at night, I felt a little scared… and among the things that scared me most were crocodiles!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنا بنلعب مع بعض كل يوم.,\"Crocodiles, over there, are a rooted aspect of their culture, to the extent that kids play with small crocodiles!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ماشي؟,Many Nubian houses have living crocodiles… in metal cages of courses." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وبعد كده، كنا بنسبح.,\"In one of those houses, I thought of going up to the roof to see the scenery from above.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وكان فيه لعبة شطرنج كبيره.,\"And as I was taking a panoramic view, with my eye, I spotted a two-meter crocodile lying next to me at the end of this 180-degree turn!\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان فيه اجنبيين.,\"Of course, I was terrified and ran down the stairs, although I was able to realize it was mummified after a couple of seconds.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا صاحبت واحد اجنبي اسمه روما.,\"Later on, I started seeing them hung on the doors of many houses, and so I began to get used to the whole idea.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وبعد كده انا فضلت …ارمي سهوم كده.,Last Wednesday was a very important day for me." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حاجات كده انا برميها.,It was the MA defense for one of my best and lifelong friends." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "نيشان.,I had to wake up early to be able to be with her before it started." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده فضلنا نلعب مع بعضنا ونمرح.,The details of these days are definitely very important to the person who will be asked to defend their thesis… a bit like preparing for an engagement ceremony or a wedding." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وكان تلات ايام بس.,\"Just like any ceremony, once it starts, everyone tries to take photos.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بس كانوا فرحانيني*.,There are always side situations that occur and stress when the event begins." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "والبوفيه حلو خالص.,\"As much as there were so many funny situations, the whole event was so touching and very beautiful.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وكمان كان كان… كان فيه مكنه بتنزل لبن بالشكولاته.,I will never forget when she was reciting the introduction and was moved and cried when she was thanking her family for their support." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا كنت باخد ايام وايام لأ.,It is common on that day that the MA holder-to-be will listen to a lot of criticism but will eventually take the degree anyway since they have reached the stage already." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده كنت انا ومحمود بنلعب مع بعضنا دايما.,\"However, when the professors stood up at the end, after three hours of criticizing and comments on the thesis, we got this feeling of a countdown, as if we were waiting for them to verbalize the decree.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كل يوم نروح البحر ��نلعب شطرنج مع بعضنا.,\"After three hours of talk in a specialization which the majority of the audience had no idea about and was only waiting for that final scene, at last, the moment that all of us were waiting for had come.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ونعوم ونلاقي اسماك.,\"The jury committee stood up, and we all stood up too to listen to the result.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا شفت اسماك ومحمود لقى سمكه ميته.,My friend got her degree… and her father started to weep… and we were all clapping and over the moon." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "ومش شاف اسماك عايشه.,\"Despite all the effort, worries, and stress throughout all these years, the joy of success or reaching and finalizing a goal has another taste of its own.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "انا شفت اسماك عايشه.,\"That kind of joy that Abdel-Halim expressed when he said in his famous song, “There is no one happier in the world than someone who is happy with his success.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "بعد كده انا كنت فرحان جدا جدا جدا.,” The song was playing in my head while we were taking photos and celebrating after she got her degree." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "وكانت تحفه.,If only we could play it as background music just like at any other occasion." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "الغردقه كان طريقها طويل بس انا مش زهقت.,But who knows!" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كنت بلعب مع محمود دايما.,\"It may happen that, one day, the traditions and protocols of such [academic] occasions change to allow something like this to happen.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مش بزعل ابدا ابدا ابدا.,\"Two days ago, I was home trying to study as I had an important exam on the following day.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "السلام عليكم.,I couldn’t really concentrate." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "أنا سلمان.,\"Then suddenly, my friend Amr called me and told me that he, too, was sick of studying, so I suggested that we go out together to study at the library in the hope of encouraging each other, and he agreed.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "هحكيلكم قصة عن لعبة كابتن أميركا.,\"I got up, packed all my books in the bag and went out.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "كان يوم في الأيام أنا كنت بلعب.,\"First, I went by my friend’s, and then we walked to the library.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا بابايا نده عليا و ورّاني لعبة على النت.,\"When we arrived, we were very excited, and we indeed started to study, but it was just half an hour before we started having a discussion that had nothing at all to do with studying… something about which Amr had read on the Internet.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا عجبتني.,It was that the theory of evolution was not a fact." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و قلت لبابايا: بابا ينفع تشتريهالي؟,I tried to persuade Amr that not everything on the Internet was true or we need to believe." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قام قالّى ماشي.,Amr thought the theory stated that humans’ origins were monkeys." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "اشتراهالي.,\"And to prove to him that this was false, I started looking for Darwin’s book itself.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "قام لعبت بيها.,\"When I found it, I showed him that most of the information that he had read was a fabrication made by someone who basically had no idea about the theory.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "و بعدين بعد ما لعبت بيها بشوية، بقت مش عجبتني.,\"What’s strange is that, despite all that, my friend still insisted that the theory was not true.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "فا أنا فا إدتها هدية لاخويا.,\"And as I was sure that Amr was stubborn, I let it go and did not try to persuade him further.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "توتة توتة خلصت الحدوتة.,\"After we had finished talking, I looked at my cell phone and realized that we had lost track of time and had not studied as much as we had planned.\"" + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حلوة ولا ملتوته.,We had to leave because the library was closing." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "حلوه.,There was nothing else we could do other than stay up late when we got home." + }, + { + "Arabic Sentence,English Sentence": "مع السلامة!,\"I drank a lot of coffee, and Amr and I pulled an all-nighter the night before the exam.\"" + } +] \ No newline at end of file