3?7070000,0,B,??00100111131?XJX?QWQW,W?AGAG3G?TDTDPDPBPB8B???E4E4L4L,L,","P"?aba?a a??"e"??????ono?icicncnunutu?t"t""?","???,1,12,12,2,5,5,5,1,12??606?383848????,"O,"OMO?G,G? W WhW?atat t a a a la lil?fefe e s sas?vevere?",","","I"I I?ha?veve ve? a a p ??rere ?brbre?eded d G GSGSDS? a??d ???d ??rorobro??lemle?s s?fof?? y yey?????wiw?thth h u upupspsesetet ?ststotomomam?chch,h, , e, ea??iningn? g ?rar?ssss s as anandnd nd?ththrthro?wiwinwi??????bibililele le i ?in in t th thehe e me momor???ngng ng ang anandand d td ??enen n?????d d nd nonotot ?eaeateat eat???s hs ?herhe?r sr ststostomomaom?achach ???? t to toooo o u up ups upsesetse?. . I ?t t ft ??inain?lll?y y d dad?wnwnened??onon on????ththathat? d du dueue ?e toe t???thrthrothrowowiwinwingwing g ug ?up up b bi bilileile e ie ?in ?ththe? a?m m w wa w?as as tas ??thatthat t tt th?the the fthe fo?odod d wd ?waswa?s ns nonotno?t st stt stat??in?g g wg wi?thth th? he h???. . ? I I e ??venven ?tr?ieied??fefeefe?ediedining? h he her her ?bebefefo??re re????ing?ing ting toto to b be bed?ed aed ?at at nat ??ghghtht t at anand? s st s??llll ll??idid ?d nod n?ot ot w??orkor?. . . I. ?I tI trtritrietri??ed Eed EvE?o o ao anandand and Iand I ?cocououlould? n ?not? b be???eveveeve e te the t
3700,B00113XJQW,AG3TDPB8GFE4L,"Paba ""electronicnutt""",11,12,5,1236038400,"OMG, What a life saver","I have a pure breed GSD and had problems for years with upset stomach, eating grass and throwing up bile in the morning and then would not eat as her stomach was too upset. It finally dawned on me that due to throwing up bile in the am was that the food was not staying with her. I even tried feeding her before going to bed at night and still did not work. I tried Evo and I could not believe th
ee e c chc?anangngeg?? S ?heh?e de ?oeoeses s n non?t t???t t ut usus s us upup p?atat ??igighg??t tt tot? g go go ?ouoututstsisidided??? S ShSheShe e we waw?s ?ha??ining? 3 3-3-4-? b bob?wew?? m mom??eme?ene?tsts ts e ?veververyry y?dadayay ??andand d n no n?ow ow s shshehe he?hahashas s 1s 1 1 o oro? s?omomemetmetit?memesmes s 2s ?. . . ?I I h ha hava?ve ve h ha had ha?d hd heherher r or onon n?????EvEvovo o lo lalarargr?? b bi bititetes??fof?? a al almlmomosmo?t t at a a y yey?ar? n? now now w a an andn??shshesh?e he ?hashas has n no?t t bt bebeee?? s?icickck k o on o?cec?e. e. e. I It I??isis s ts ththethe e h???he?her her p ?ror?oteoteiein? i in???thith?? f fo foooodo?d td ththathatat at? st statayaysay?s ws wiwitithith h??erer r lr ?on???r r ar an?and and h? has has s ms ?adade?? al?l l ol ofof f o??r r lr lir livive?s s ss soso o mo mumucuchch ch b be b?ttt?terter.r?. . T. ThTha?nknk k yk yoyou?, , t th t??hankhank k y?ouou ou E EVE??!!!??""3??0101,1,B,?000?011011313X3XJXJQJQWQW,W,A,A3A3F3?MLMLCLCPC?RTRTRTRMRM8M8K8KGK?,","J"JaJananeane ??chchachacachchech?? " """"b"bib?rdrd d ld lolovlo??ver"ver"""""""",",1,1010,0,1,11,11,1,51,5,5?,12,1??13137137272828080000,00,S,?o ?wowor?thth th i?t!t???WeWe e h??aveav??a a Ga GoGololdldedenden n Rn ????ieiev?erer er aer ?andand ?
e change. She does not get us up at night to go outside. She was having 3-4 bowel movements every day and now she has 1 or sometimes 2. I have had her on the Evo large bites for almost a year now and she has not been sick once. It is the higher protein in this food that stays with her longer and has made all of our lives so much better. Thank you, thank you EVO!!!" 3701,B00113XJQW,A3FMLCPRTRM8KG,"Jane Schacher ""bird lover""",10,11,5,1231372800,So worth it!,"We have a Golden Retriever and h
?adad d b bebeeeenen n f fefeeeedee?iningng g h hihimi? t ?heh??WeWelellllnl?esesss??dodogog g fg ?oooodod.d. . H ?e ?atatete e ie ?t t???grgrurududgd????lyly y s ?????e de ??cic?dededded d td toto ??inindin?d sd so???ththithin?ing ing e elelselsese.e?. . ?I I r rer??ad ad t th thehe he i ??ingringreredredidiedi?enten?s s os ??n tn ?thethe e Ee EvE??o ro re?red red m memeame?at at a anandnd ??asas s rs rereareala?llylly y iy im???resre?ssesseded.? I ??gagawawkwkekeded ed a??t tt ??the the??pripricicece e be bubutu?t dt dedecde??de?ded ded c chcheheahe?pep?r r??ogog og? fo foo??d id ?????t rt rerearealrea??lly lly a?? ba barargrgagaigain? i if i? y yoy??r ?dodogdog g wg wowonon'on't't 't e?atat ??it it o oror ??etet et? an anyny ??enjenjojoyoymy?menmentnt ???t t o?f f if it?. ???hehe he fhe fifirfirsrstst ?t tit t???e we wewe we f fe f??ed ied ?it it tit toto to h?im?? he h?e pe prprepret?tyty ?mumucu?ch ch? in inhnhah?alealeded ed ied ited i?- - a an??d wd wid wili?ll ll l lil?iteitereraeralallal?ly ly??o o so sisitit it bit byb?y ty ?the??bab??g ag ???d ld loloo?k k? at at at? it it t lt li?keke ke? it? m?igighg?t ?jujusust? o op o?penpe?n in ifif f hf hehe he she ststastar?es? a at? at i at it?it hit ???d ??enoenouougoughgh!gh? I I I? ag agrgregreeee ee? wi witithith h t? the th????firsfirstst st rst
ad been feeding him the Wellness dog food. He ate it begrudgingly so we decided to find something else. I read the ingredients on the Evo red meat and was really impressed. I gawked at the price but decided cheaper dog food isn't really a bargain if your dog won't eat it or get any enjoyment out of it. The first time we fed it to him he pretty much inhaled it- and will literally go sit by the bag and look at it like it might just open if he stares at it hard enough! I agree with the first r
eeveviv?ewewew?r r?tht?ata? l ?ooooso?e e?ststotooooloolsls s a ara?e e ae a a?fafaca?to?r r br bubutut ??ele???veve e we wiwiti?th th? ti t???e te th??? w ???l l c clcleleaearar ar u upup.p. . H ?e ?isis s js jujusustst st??? h hahaphappppyp????hathat t wt wewe we w wi wili?ll ll k kekeeeepe? o onon n b bubuybuyiyini?g g i itit it? fo foror ???im,im???ltlth??ugughgh h???? wis wishs?h th ththeth?e pe ???cece e we wee werereer?e ae a e a l li litittittltlele le m ?ororeore e re rereare?soson?abablb?le.le.".""?373707?2,2,B,B0B???131?XJXJQJQWQW,W,A,ATATIT?FOF?1J1???A8A?BQB?,E,ElEllllill?? A A.A. . C. ???ekek,k,5,5,5,5??????252535323242????,G,?rereareatrea??FoF???!,!,I,I ?????? be bee???fef?eedeedid?ingin??mymy y Gy ??????e e re ree r?d d? me meaeatea?t ft ?orormormumululala a fa foforfor r ar ?aboab?outout ?6 6??ononton?thsth?s as anandnd d ad alallll ??I cI cacan? s sa saya?y iy is? W ?OWO??. B. BeBefefo?forefore e Ie I I sI ?stast??teted? h hi himim im? on on ?ththith??is fis ?foofoodod d hd ??e he hahadhad ??proprobobl?ememsm?s ws wi?th?th sth ?kikinin in a al all alle??gig?iesie?s as ans and?? be?in?ing ing??icickickyk?y ay ?abo??? f fo??od.od. ?AlA?lthlt?ouougou?gh gh t th the the the p??ricricece ce f? for for ??thi?s s fs ?foo?d ?is
eviewer that loose stools are a factor but believe with time that will clear up. He is just so happy that we will keep on buying it for him, although I wish the price were a little more reasonable." 3702,B00113XJQW,ATIFO1JHBA8BQ,Ellie A. Creek,5,5,5,1225324800,Great Food!,I have been feeding my GSD the red meat formula for about 6 months and all I can say is WOW. Before I started him on this food he had problems with skin allergies and being picky about food. Although the price for this food is
??a a?lil???lel? d dad?unu?titini?g g?itit it i?s s??orortr?? t th?e e pe prpririci?e!e? Y YoYouou u f fefeeeeded d? ab a?ououtout t h ???f f? th t?e e ae ??ouounou?? y yoyou? n non?ormormamal?lyl? w wo wou?ldl?d sd ?in??ce ce? it i??s ss soso o???trtri?enentnt nt dnt dedenensensese ?so? o ono?e e be bab?g ?lal?ststs??usus s as ?almalmo?stst st a a a?mo?ntnthnth ??he?rer?e ae a e a b ba?g g og ofof ???ririnrinana a wa wowouwo?ldld ld l la l?astas??usus us a ab abo abou?? 2 ? w we weeeekeeksks.s? H HiHisis s s??in?? al allllelerle???eses ??lslso??clc?lealearareredre??upu? i in i? a???utut ut? mo m?ontonthth th? an a?d d hd hihisis is c cocoaoata??hahashas s ns nenevnevev?r r l lo looo?keked? b be bete??erer er a an and and d td ththethe the d?anand?rurufuffff f if isis is gis gog?oneone ???oo.oo. . T. ThThe?? on onlnlyly ly d do dowownw?n sn ?sidsi?de de i is?? wh w??n n yn yo?u u fu ?irirsrstst st sst swswiwititcit?h h oh ovove???itit it cit ?an? c????? s so?mem?e le loloo??se se sse ?stostooooloo?ls-ls???ut ??it it git gegetetsets s bs bebet??er??ononconcece ce tce th?theitheirir ir d??gegesgest?iviveve ve? sy sysy?stest?? g gegetge?ts ?adadjdjujus?tetedted.d. . A. AlAllll ll i in in in a al all all l? if i?f yf yoyouyou you???n ?afaff?orordord ???o fo fe?
a little daunting it is worth the price! You feed about half the amount you normally would since its so nutrient dense so one bag lasts us almost a month where a bag of purina would last us about 2 weeks. His skin allergies also cleared up in about month and his coat has never looked better and the dandruff is gone too. The only down side is when you first switch over it can cause some loose stools-but it gets better once their digestive system gets adjusted. All in all if you can afford to fee
d? t ththehemem m E EVE?O O i ??s s?wew??l l w?oro?th? t?hehe he? in invnvev???memenentnt!t?3?707?3,3?B0B000010111131?XJX??W,W,A,A2A?MVM?3M3M8M8Q8QBQBSB?????,","C"??A A " """"h"hahalalclcycyoy??gfgfxf?"""""""","??3,33,3,3,53,5,5,1,121242?323?090?6060000,00?,Be,Bes?t t?fof?odod d fd foforfor r?yo?urur ?bebes??? fr frir?enendend,d,","W,"WhWhehenhen n I I I g ???t mt mymy y d dodogo???? di didid ?a a l ??? o ofof f r ?es?eae?rcrchc? r?ege?arardardidiningng ng? do dogog og f fo f?oodood d ad and a??d dd ??g g fg fofoofo?od od?? ing in?reredre??enententsts.ts. . T ThThe??re re a arareare e h hih??h h qh ququau??itityit??dodog? f? foo foododsods ??ikikeke ?th???s os ononeon?e oe ???t tt ththeth?rere,re, ,?bubutut ut y yo you??prp??bababablb??y wy wowon?'t't ?fifin??d td ththe??m im ?? r re reg re?ululalarar ar s susupupeper??ar?keketketsts.? W WhWhiWh?lel??e the t?hishis s fs fo?foodfoo?d md ma???bebe be m ?ororeor?e ee ??pe?nsn?ivi?ve ve t th tha th?n n on otothot?herher her d do dog dog ?g fog foooodoodsood?, , i, ?? i?s s ws ?welwell? w wo wor wortrthrth h ih it?. . I. InInnn????a Ea EvEvov?? is is is o on o??e oe ofe of f tf ththethe the f fo? food foodsds s ts ththathata?t wt wewerwe?re ?NONOTOT T a?fff???teteded ??y ?th?the the rthe re??alallall.l. . A. AlA??
d them EVO its well worth the investment! 3703,B00113XJQW,A2MV3M8QBSDIJI,"CJA ""halcyongfx""",3,3,5,1243209600,Best food for your best friend,"When I got my dog I did a lot of research regarding dog food and dog food ingredients. There are high quality dog foods like this one out there, but you probably won't find them in regular supermarkets. While this food may be more expensive than other dog foods, it is well worth it. Innova Evo is one of the foods that were NOT affected by the recall. Also
,, , t ??e e i iningngrgrer?did?enentn?s s a ararere re h he???ththith?ierier,r, ?anandn? d dod?n'n't't t h ha havaveve ?hihigighg? w whwheheaheatheat/t/g/grgragraia?? c ??ontontet?????? n ??ststyt? a?ddddi?titivi?vesves.s.<.???r /r ?><>?<br<br r /?>M>MyMy y Dy ????rmr?an? u ?sesed? t to to o h ha??ve ve? a a l lol?t ?t oft of f d??andandrdrur?fff?f af anandand and h ha had ha?d sd sosomomeme ?skskikinin ??rorob???msms.s. s. A AlA?soso so h?erer er?popoooopop p w?asas as r rereareal?lyl???us?hyhy,y, , a, al, a?momosost?? di diaiararrarrhrheheahea.hea. .?WhWhehenhen n?I I f ?ininainalallallyally y sy sws???chchehedhe?d hd ??r r tr ?o ?InInnn?ovo?? E EvEvovo o Ro ReR?ed ?MeMeae?t t It I'I??d wd wiwiswi?hehedhed hed I I' I'd'd 'd? do d???e ie itit it s sosoosoononeoneroner.r. ??hehe he? do doe doesesns?n'tn't ?neneeeeded ed ted toto to e eaeateat ??uiuititeite e ae asas as mas ????, ??ndnd nd h? her he??cocoaco?at at i is i?s bs bebeabe?utu?tiftifuf?????o o mo ?mormorere re dre dadanandandrand?rufruff? p pr p?????msms ms a an a?nd nd hnd heherher her s sk ski?n n in isis ?".""?373707?4,4,B,B0B?010?1313X3XJXJQJQWQW,W?A3A?F1F1212020P0PNPNAN???I9I?L,L,","G"GiGiningingegerer ?MuMululvulva?lele le " """"k"kokoio?wowololflf"f?"""""",",5,5,5,6,?,5?,1,12?343?222?404?000000,0,H,
, the ingredients are healthier, and don't have high wheat/grain content or nasty additives.<br /><br />My Doberman used to have a lot of dandruff and had some skin problems. Also her poop was really mushy, almost diarrhea. When I finally switched her to Innova Evo Red Meat I'd wished I'd done it sooner. She doesn't need to eat quite as much, and her coat is beautiful! No more dandruff problems and her skin is great." 3704,B00113XJQW,A3F120PNA8NI9L,"Ginger Mulvale ""koiwolf""",5,6,5,1234224000,H
a?ppppypy y?DaD?nen???WeW???avaveve e te ?wow? G GrGrer??? D Da Dan?eses es???d d i itit t it ?s s??ververyry y hy haharhardrd d fd foforor r u usus ?tot?o ko ??epep p t ??e e we wew?igi?htht ??n n? th t?hemhe??<b<brb?r /r />/><><b?r ?r />r />E>EVE?O O i?s s ts ths thehe he f ??rsrstst t dt ??g g f??odo?d td th????bob?thth th o ofof f t? the theme? e ene?jojoyoysy?. .? I I I d dedeaearea????enenjenjo?y y ny non?? h?avaviavini??g tg toto to c ?hahashasese e te the t??hem hem d do d??n n an anand? m mamakakeke ke?susururere re t th?atat at tat ththetheyey y ey eay<.<b.<brbr br??/></><b<br?? /> />I>I I hI ha?veve ve a??soso ?nonotno??cec???e thae th???ouourur ur o ol oldldederder ??DanDane?? is? m mo mor?e e ae acactctitivtiveve ve sve sisinincin?? h he h??hahas? b be beeeeneen n en eaeateatitinti?ng ng??EVOEV????We We??ee?d d t??hemhem hem ahem ? m??xtx?urureure e oe ofof of t th? the the??nnn?novnovav?a Ea ?EVOEVO EVO R ReReded d Md ?eaeateat eat a?ndnd d Id InInnnnonnovova???VOVO VO L ?arargr??e Be BiB?iteite e De ?ry???ogog og F FoFoooodood.d?3373707050?,B,B0B000???3X3?JQJQWQW,W,A,A1A1O1?4R4RJRJJJJ8J8080W0?4444E4?M,M,","N"??GriGriei??ahahnh??""""s"scs?oo?byb?mgmg4g4747"7""?",",0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5,15,?134134949393030808888080080??PePererfr?ece??? fo for for
appy Danes,We have two Great Danes and it is very hard for us to keep the weight on them.<br /><br />EVO is the first dog food that both of them enjoys. I dearly enjoy not having to chase them down and make sure that they eat.<br /><br />I have also notice that our older Dane is more active since he has been eating EVO. We feed them a mixture of the Innova EVO Red Meat and Innova EVO Large Bite Dry Dog Food. 3705,B00113XJQW,A1O4RJJ80W44EM,"NGriewahn ""scoobymg47""",0,0,5,1349308800,Perfect for
ttht?e e s spspoporortr?ini?g g d dod??,","I"I I h hahavaveve e ae a a 2 ? 1 1/1?2 ?yeyeae?r r o ?ldl? 6 6060 0??poupounundnd d Gd GeGere?mamanan n?wiwirirereheha?irir ir p?oio?? . W ???fefeeeeded d td th?isi???oooodod d dd ??rir?inging g hg huhun??tintingng ng s se s?easeasosonon ??duedu?e te toto o h??? i ?incincrcrereareasa?ed???etetatababob?oliolici??nen?eedeedsd?????e e be ??urnur?s ?soso so m??anyany y c ??lolor?ieieses,s, , h he h??ea?tsts s 8s 8 8 c cu c?psps s os ?????thisthi?s fs fofoofo?od od?a ??ayay y (y (w(??th???eaealeal)l?. . . W. WeWe We u ?se? t th the? l lal?argar?????teteste?s ts ?to to h? hel he?p p?kekeeeepeep p tp th?e e te tae tarartarte?r r ar ?andand ?plp?laqlaquq?e e oe of??f of ofof of h? his his ?s tes teeeetee???(a(?and? t?o ????w w h hi? his his?ea?eatieat?ing??? ?DuDueue ue? to to to t th the th??hih????ququaqualalialitityity y oy ?of ?ththithis? f fo f?oodoo?, , h, hehe he che cacanca?n kn ?keekeepe?p up upup up? hi his his his e his enene?rgr???, k, ke?keepkeep ?hihishis ?weweieig?htht t u?p,p, ???and and rand ?recre?ovove?r r mr momororeore e qe ququiquicickicklklyl?y fy frfroromom m? sc s?cracr?pepes?/b/bubumbumpm?? f fr froromrom m rm rurununnunninin???? the the the f??ielieldld.ld?. . O. OuO?? v ve?t't's'?s es exexax
the sporting dog,"I have a 2 1/2 year old 60 pound German wirehair pointer. We feed this food during hunting season due to his increased metabolic needs. He burns so many calories, he eats 8 cups of this food a day (with zeal). We use the large bites to help keep the tarter and plaque off of his teeth (and to slow his eating). Due to the high quality of this food, he can keep up his energy, keep his weight up, and recover more quickly from scrapes/bumps from running the field. Our vet's exa
cctc? w ??rdr?? w?ere??, , " """"Y"YoYououru? d dod?g g i isis s as ana? e exexaxamampmplp?? o ?f f?peper?fef??ct ct h heheae?ltlthth.h.".""? Y ?YouYo???ayay y t th?ini?k k? th thehe he? pr priricicece ?onon ?ththithisthis ??oooodo?????hihigi?h,h??bub?t t it itit t i?s s ws woworwortrth? i it it.t? ?YoYou? g geg?t t wt whwhahata?t yt yoy?ou ou p??? f foforfor.r. ??AlA??o,o?, c, coc?onsonsis?ded?er er t? the the ?cac???ede????ersersisiosi?? o of of f tf ththithisthis this f fo foooodoo?. . ?ItI?????? n ?iciceic??waw?ay ay tay tot???eee??/h/?ydy?rar?ateat?e ae a a da dodogdog g ag ?ftftet?er er aer a a la lol???g dg dadayay ?huh?ntntit??g g -g ? j jujusu?t ?gigivi?ve ve? th??m m a?n ?hohouourour r tr to??sesetettettlt?le le? do d??n n fn fifirirsrst?. ???n n an a a sa sisidsidede de n no notote??, w, wew?e fe fe?ed??DiDiaiam?on?d d Nd ?at?ur?alalsals s Bs ??eefee?f af anandand d Rd RiR??ice ice??n ?n thn t??he ohe ??f f sf se??so?n.n. . . W. WeWe e he hahavhaveve ?nono o do didig?eseststistiviveiv??isississusueu?? t?raranra??sitsi??on?ining?? fr f??m m om ??e e te toto ??thethe e oe ote o?thetherther r (r (w(wewe we s??ititcitchc? o ov oveverver r ar a ?peperpeririori?od od o? of of? a a f fe few fe? w??ekeksk?).)??3
ct words were, ""Your dog is an example of perfect health."" You may think the price on this food is high, but it is worth it. You get what you pay for. Also, consider the canned version of this food. It is a nice way to feed/hydrate a dog after a long day hunting - just give them an hour to settle down first. On a side note, we feed Diamond Naturals Beef and Rice in the off season. We have no digestive issues transitioning from one to the other (we switch over a period of a few weeks)." 3
7707???B0B?0101111313X3XJX?QWQW,W,A,?11116116H6H2H212??UMU?????,M,M.M. .??vavanansns,s,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,1,?13413414?535323282??00,00,E,?xcx?elelll??ntn? n ?ututrtrir??ioiono??"C"CoComo?plpleletletet?, , p prprorototeteiteini???asases?d d? nu nut?ri?titiotionon.on. . . M ?y y d dodogogsg? l lol?vev? t ththihisis.s...??alaltl?thothouo?ghgh h?I'I'm'? n no n????ururere e te ththeth?e pe pipibibbbblb?le le a acactc?uaual????tatas?te?s ?itit,it????e e ie ??hah?alealeses s is its it ?soso o??as??. . . ;. ?)<)<b<?r r / />/><>?<br<b?r /r />/>R/>ReRegegag?rdrdidininging g t th t?? o ot?heherher r ur ususesersersrs s ws ??o ?ha?ve? h hahadhad ?didiadi??rhrheheahe? i isississu?eses:es?? M My My y gy ga??trtrotr????ckckyky ??SDS??(i(??? th tha th???a ???rd?? ??? t th thi th?inkin? o ot oththetherther ?GS???owownwnenere?rs rs??ilill??unundndedererserststast?andand!d????asas as h ha had ha??ththith?is is ais asas ?wew?ellell.l. ???ninititiit?alallallyall?, , I, I I o ov ove?rfr?ed? t?? this thi??fofoooodod,d?, t, ththithinthinknkikin?ing ing t? tha?t t ht hehe he nhe ?neene?edeed?ed ed ted ?o ?bebe e ee ??atiatining?ing ting th?the the? sa sama??e ae amamoamou?ntnt nt? as a??hehe he hhe ha?had had b bebeebeenen en?eaeatea???g g tg ??the the othe ??otheoth
706,B00113XJQW,A116H21PUM9HC8,M. Evans,0,0,5,1341532800,Excellent nutrition,"Complete, protein-based nutrition. My dogs love this...although I'm not sure the pibble actually tastes it, she inhales it so fast. ;)<br /><br />Regarding the other users who have had diarrhea issues: My gastro-picky GSD (is that a word? I think other GSD owners will understand!) has had this as well. Initially, I overfed this food, thinking that he needed to be eating the same amount as he had been eating the othe
?? s sts??ffff.f.<.<b<brbr r /r />/>Y>YoYouou u??eee?d d M MUMUCUCHCH H l lel????ofof f?ththihisis ?prprorodo?ucu?t.t. .? I ItI???is is?nunututrt??enentnt-t-d-???ses???anandn?d nd nonotot t at alallll l f?ilillllell?r r lr ???e e? ot o?thetherer er f?ooood???? I If If ?yoy?ou ou o ov o?erer-er???eded,ed, , y, yoyouyou u iu ?ncn?rereaeasase? t th thehe e re ririsrisksk k o of o?f uf ?npn?lelealeasasaas?antant t st sisididede de e efeff??ct?s.s.<s.<b<br<br r /r />r /?<b<br<br <br?/>/>I/>???s s as a a b bibitit t pt pr??ceceye?, , a, ??d ?I I h hahava??n'n??t bt brbrobroko?kenken n d ?owownwn n tn th?? c cocosostst st p peperer er der dadaya?y, y, b??ut ut??in?cece ce y yoyouyou you f fe feeeedee?d ld le??ss ss??t ???ghghtht ????co???petpetitit?ivi?ve ve w ?it?h h o ot oth othe???br?anand?s ?ifif f sf sosomomemeoeononene e we wawas? i?ncnclnclilinlinenedned ?toto o?""""r"?unun un t th?e ?nunumnu?beb?erser?""?.".""33737070707,7???010??3X3??QWQ????2V2V4V4T4TTTT1T1Z1?JVJVYVY2Y?G,G,S,SaS?m,m,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,1313213252?80808080800800000,00,N,NoN??momorore?? sh shehedhe?did?ingin?,M,MyMy y??if???swswiwitwitctchchehedhed hed o ou ouru?r dr dodogdogsgs s ts toto to?? thi thisis ?fof?oodood ?ababobououtout t 4t 4 4 m momonmontnthnthshs s a?gog?o ao anand? s
r stuff.<br />You feed MUCH less of this product. It is nutrient-dense, and not all filler like other foods. If you over-feed, you increase the risk of unpleasant side effects.<br /><br />It's a bit pricey, and I haven't broken down the cost per day, but since you feed less it might be competitive with other brands if someone was inclined to ""run the numbers""." 3707,B00113XJQW,A32V4TT1ZJVY2G,Sam,0,0,5,1325808000,No more shedding,My wife switched our dogs to this food about 4 months ago and s
?hehe e?hah?s s v viviri?tutuaualallllyl??gog???e fe frf???? va vaca?uuuumumim??? d ???ly? t toto o o on?cec?e ae a a w ?eeeeke?. .? T ThThe?? do d?gsgs s hs haharha?dld??ly sly ?he?d d a atat t? al allll ll a an a??mom???. ?NoN?o mo momormorere re?brbrur??shish?ingin?g ng neneene?ded?ed ed a an and an?d td ?heheiheirir ir?coc?at?s ?arare??vevereryr?y sy sos??t t at ?ndn?d sd sh??ny?. ? W ?e e he ?havha?ve ve u ususeused?ed oed oto??erer er? gr grar??n n f frfrefreeee ee f fo fooo??s s ps prpre?vi?ouoususluslyly ly aly ?andand d ld lilikikekeded ?ththe?m m bm bub?t ??thith?s ?on?e e ie is???efe?ininiin??elelyly ly tly ??? b be besestst t wt we? h ha hava?ve ve tve trtririeied?. . . I. ItIt't's'?s p?riricri?ceycey ?bubutbut t w??e ae are arere ??blblele ??? f fe f?eedeed ?d thd the?m ?1/1/2/2 2? of of f w wh w??t ???? we werereere ??usiusining? o on o?n tn th?the the othe ot?heherhe? f? foo food?s s as ans andnd nd s ?stistilillil??mam?ainaintaintataiainain ain t th the??sasamamem???weiweigighghth?. . . T. ThThiTh??is fis fof?oodood d id isis ?we?ll?ll wll woworortorthth th???e e pe prpriprici?ce ce a an? and and t th the? d do?gs? l ?ovoveve ve ive ?,8,B,B0B?010111131?XJXJQJQWQW,W,A,?2S2SCS?2H2HXHXXX?FRFRQRQFQ?LYLY,Y,J,J.J. ?LOLOPOPEP?Z,Z,0,???
he has virtually gone from vacuuming daily to once a week. The dogs hardly shed at all anymore. No more brushing needed and their coats are very soft and shiny. We have used other grain free foods previously and liked them but this one is definitely the best we have tried. It's pricey but we are able to feed them 1/2 of what we were using on the other foods and still maintain the same weight. This food is well worth the price and the dogs love it. 3708,B00113XJQW,A2SC2HXXFRQFLY,J. LOPEZ,0,0,
55,5?121272727?3232626464040000,0??OGOG G?FOFOOO?D,D,","T"???s s w wawasas s as a a n ?ewew w???odo? f?oro? m ?? d ?ogo?, , a ?ndn???e e?seseee???s ts toto o???veve ?ada?jujusuststet?d d vd ve?ryry y wy wewelellll l?toto to t?hihishis s ps prprorododuoducuctct.t???ThaTh?ankank k y ??u,u??anandan?d Id I I??isishish h t? the thererer?e we we?re? m?ororeore e ce ?????nsn?s as avs avavaia?lalabablb??e fe ?forfor r tr ththihishis his i ititetemtem.m.".""3?707??,B,B0B0000400?5I5?K1K1C1CKCK,K,A,ALA?X2X2O2OSOS5S5S5SES???278278,8,J,JaJ?ckckikieie,e?5,5,55,5,??,1,13,1313?141464656565?0000,00,D,De,D?elielicicic?ou?s!s??,","M,"?y y hy huh??babanand? a an andnd nd I I I aI ara?re re nre ??? c cocofco?fef?ee ee d dr d??nkn?ererser?, , b, bubutut ?wewe we?lol??ve ve? ho h?ot ot c ch chohocococolco?latla?te.te. ??e e he hahatha?tedted ?ththethe ?titimimeme e ie itit it? to t??k k tk ?to to hto ?heahe??t ut upup p? th the the the w?at??er,er?anand?and tand ththethe the m me mese?s ?s ths the? d dr dry dry y my mim?? s?omome?titimtime?s s ms mam?kekeskes.s. . W?e e se sas?w w tw ??atat at t th? the the K the KeKeueururirigrig g c??ffffeffee?ee mee ??ke?r r dr ?idi?d od otothot?herher r t????gsgs s ls lil?keke ke?? hot hot t ct chcho?cocolcolacolatate???????eae??, l, liliklikekedke???hahat
5,1272326400,DOG FOOD,"This was a new food for my dog, and he seems to have adjusted very well to this product. Thank you, and I wish there were more coupons available for this item." 3709,B0045IK1CK,ALX2OS5SE4278,Jackie,5,5,5,1311465600,Delicious!!,"My husband and I are not coffee drinkers, but we love hot chocolate. We hated the time it took to heat up the water,and the mess the dry mix sometimes makes. We saw that the Keurig coffee maker did other things like hot chocolate and tea, liked that
i itit t?wawasas s a ala?mom?stst t it ?nsn?stast??t t ht hohotot ?wa?tetere?, , a????bob?ugu??t ?ononen?. . I I I??rdrdederereer?d d ad ?anoanotothot?erer er? br braranandan??ofof f h ?hotho?t ct chc??coc??ata?te te?k-k-c-cucupu?, , a, ?and?? ab absbsosololuolututeteltelyl?? ha hat??ed ed????. I. ItIt t ht hat h?d d a?? we w??rdrd rd a??lmolm?ostos??memete?al?lilicic c?tatastast?? t??atat at? wa w?? n non?? s swsweweeeetet et o or or r c ??ocococolco?latlatetel????. I . I w wa?s ?wow???iei?ed ??I wI ?waswa???d d md ?y y my ?monmoneneyney y oy on?? a a m mamakakeker??I ?I woI wou??d d nd ?nevne?erer er uer ususese.? I I I d ??cic?de??d td toto o t tr tryr?y ay ananoanotanoththeherher r br ??ranrandnd nd? an and and d pd pupururcrchchachasaseaseded ?ththethe e Ce CaC?fefe e Ee EsE??apapepeses ?DaDararkrk k C ?ho?hocohocololaolatateate ate C Co Cococoocoaoa,a, , a?ndnd ??we we a? abs absosolsolulututeutele?? l lolovoveve ve i it?! ! I It It t it ist i??swswesweeeeteet t at anandand ?chcho?cocolcolacol?ateatelate?ly ly wly wiwitithithohouhoutut ut b be beieineingn?? to tooo?o bo bibitittitte?r(r?whwhihicichich h i?s ??hyh?y Iy I ?ororiorigigigininain?allallyall?y sy ststesteesteer?????wa????roromo????e ?dad???k ck chcho??ololaolatolatete)te?. . I. I . I f. I fuf?llllyly ly rly rerececocomcommm
it was almost instant hot water, and bought one. I ordered another brand of hot chocolate k-cup, and absolutely hated it. It had a weird almost metallic taste that was not sweet or chocolately. I was worried I wasted my money on a maker I would never use. I decided to try another brand and purchased the Cafe Escapes Dark Chocolate Cocoa, and we absolutely love it! It is sweet and chocolately without being too bitter(which is why I originally steered away from the dark chocolate). I fully recomm
e?ndnd d?tht?isis s p prprorododuducuctc??!"!??373?1010,0,B,?0000404545I5?K1K1C1?K,K??1K1KCK?7979U9??BQBQUQ?XAX?H,H,S,?????onon n S ScSchchohokokok?rar?,2,2,2?,2,,2?1,1,1,13,1323?23235352520200?0,0,A0,ArA?tit?fificiciciaialal l t?asaststete,e,",?ThTheh?ses??cuc?psps s as ???e ae ar??tiftifificficacalallallyly y s ??eeeetetetentenen??d wd ?itithth th s?ucucrucraralralolosose??- - I I I d ??dnd?'t'???reare?alial?zeze e ue ununtntitiltil ??I tI ???eded ed o ?oneon?e, e,??andand d ed enendendededed ?up? w wiwitwith?th ath ??lilit??lele ?bibitit it??f f? a a h ???dad??cheche,e, ??hihichichch ch m mam?adeade ??e e ce ????? t th t???iningn??redre?diedien???lilislist?? - - i it i?t it ?isnis???t nt ?notno?tedte?d od onon on?? the th???roronro?nt nt o of of of t? the the the??oxox.x. .? T Th??y ??defdefifinfi???elelyly ly h ha havaveve e ae ane a??arartartiartififiificiciicia?l ?tatasastas??, ,? I I? wo wououluldl??nonotnot not b bu b??y ty ththeth?? a ag a????.".""3"37371371111,1,B1,?B00B0???5IK5IK1K1CK1CK?,A,A3,A????2A2ASA??1M1?P5P?M,M,L,?ynyn n Bn BaBar???,2,,2,2,2,2,2,32,?,1,13,131,13171737343???0000,00,"??"D"DiDieietiet"t"""" ""??re???t",t",","I,"I'I'm'm m dm didie?ti?ngng,ng, , a, an??? I I u I ususese se tse ththethesthe?se se ase asas as
end this product!!" 3710,B0045IK1CK,A1KC79UOBQUXAH,Shannon Schokora,2,2,1,1322352000,Artificial taste,"These cups are artifically sweetened with sucralose - I didn't realize until I tried one, and ended up with a little bit of a headache, which made me check the ingredient list - it isn't noted on the front of the box. They definitely have an artificial taste, I would not buy them again." 3711,B0045IK1CK,A35OY2ASP1MP5M,Lyn Barr,2,2,3,1317340800,"""Diet"" treat","I'm dieting, and I use these as
aa a????rereae?t"t""??tot????seselelflf,f, ,?whw?ene??I'I'm'm m?crcrarava??ngng g c ch chohoco???at?e.e. .? I I I u ?susuau?llllyly y b brb?rewre? o ononene e o of o?????sese se & & & o?nene ne o of? m my m?y cy co?fff??e e Ke K-K-c-cucupupsp??????heherhe??plplalaila?in in o or or r hr ?aza??elnelnun??).).<.<b<br? / ?><>?<br<b?????oro???? c??aloal?oriorieieses,s???????nonotot t a a a ba ?ada?? wa wayay ?to? s ?at?isi??y ??a ca chc??cocolcolalatlatete e ce ?cracr?aviav????wh??en en y yoyouo???? o on on on? a a " "" ""c"cacal?aloraloririe??bubududgdgegetet!t???""3373?1212,2,B,B0B000040?5I5IKIK1K?CKC?,A,?1G1GJGJ9J9595L5?6666D6???N8N?,J,JeJ??ffrffrereyrey y Ry RoR?othothmhmam?n,n?1,1,1,1,,1????303?848?414?60??,Y,YuYumummmmymy my D ?ararkr??ChChohoc?ol?atate?,E,EvEvevenen en men my?my kmy kik?dsd?s ls liliki?e e te th???. . T. ?heheyhey ??re?re are ?alwalwawayaysays ?asaskskikinkingng ng f fof?? h ?hothot ?co?cocoacoa.a. . I. ItItsts s ns nos not? t to toooo o so ?weweeeeteet t at anandand ????y y cy chy chohoc??lalatlatylat?. . I. It. It t it is? n ??t ?susupsu?ere?r h??ghgh h i ?in ?susugsu?ar?? or?????ororiorieorieses es? so so o io it?s s a? g ??reareatat at???ttttlt?e e t
a ""treat"" to myself, when I'm craving chocolate. I usually brew one of these & one of my coffee K-cups (either plain or hazelnut).<br /><br />For 60 calories, it's not a bad way to satisfy a chocolate craving when you're on a ""calorie-budget!""" 3712,B0045IK1CK,A1GJ95L66DTUN8,Jeffrey Rothman,1,1,5,1308441600,Yummy Dark Chocolate,Even my kids like this. They are always asking for hot cocoa. Its not too sweet and very chocolaty. It is not super high in sugar or calories so its a great little t
?rereaeatat.t. . E ????y!y!!?373717??,B,?000??5I5?K1K?CKC?,A,AWAW3W?ICICGC???VAVADADMDMTM?,D,D.D?. L. ??attatt,t,2,2,2,3,3,3,13,1,1,1,??030363?8989696060000,00?,Aw,Awfwfufulu?,",??hih?? H ?oto? c ?oco?coacoa a i is? t ??e e?nanasaststit?esestst st t?asastastitinti?g g? in insnststastanantnt t ct ?cocco?coacoa coa I ?'v'?e e ee ?veverver r??adad.d?. I. I I k knknon?w w i it it't's's ?nonotnot t gt gogoio??ng ng t to t? t ta????e le ??kek?e te th??e re rerearealal l t?hihinhing?, ,????t at afa??erer ?juj????ththrthre?e e ce cucupu??s Is I I cI ?an?'t't t bt ?rir??g ?mym??elelflf f t? to to?fifininiin?ishishihinhinghin???thethe the? bo boxo???. I . I t th thi thininkink k I I' I'l'llll ??jusjustst ???ror?ow ow t th?emem m o ouo?ut.ut. . O. ?uru?r kr k-k-c-cucupcup p?mam?chchihin???isis is ais ???outout t at a t a??ono??h h o?ldld d a anandand ??thethe ?cocofcoffffef?e ?flflalavavov?rsrs s ws ?e'e'v've'v??e tre tririeri?d ?ara?re re a al a?ll ll f fi fin???soso o wo wewe we?wawanantantetedted ?d tod to ?trt?? t?? the the? co coc?oaoa.a??ThTheTh?e fe fie firirs?t t tt trtrytr?y wy ?????ververyvery y wy way watateatereryery y sy so??? t th tho thou??hth?t tt tht t??? cu cupup up s sis???e ne ?ee??s s ts toto ??e e re ree r?edueducu?ed???. Th. Thi?s s rs re
reat. Enjoy! 3713,B0045IK1CK,AW3ICG16VADMT,D. Latt,2,3,1,1303689600,Awful,"This Hot cocoa is the nastiest tasting instant cocoa I've ever had. I know it's not going to taste like the real thing, but after just three cups I can't bring myself to finishing the box. I think I'll just throw them out. Our k-cup machine is about a month old and the coffee flavors we've tried are all fine so we wanted to try the cocoa. The first try was very watery so I thought the cup size needs to be reduced. This re
ssusulu?tsts s?inin n??usu???a a?swsweweeeeteteterer r?cucupu? o ?f f?hohotot t wt ?atateterter.r. . S StS?icickck k???thth h c co c?offof?""3373?1414,4,B,??040?5I5IKI?1C1CKC?,A,A1A1B1BCBCDCDND???JCJC7C?DADA3A??"M"?. . H. ?ene??y y " """"R"?HSHSMSMoM?e"e"""""""?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,2,2,2,1,131?484808?121?80???AfA?te???asaststeste,e,","T,"ThThehesesese e? ha havaveve e ae ana??arartrtitifti??iciic?ala?? sw swe?eteteeteneneener? a af a?fteft?ertertatasta?steste.ste. . N. NoNotot ot p plpleleaeasasaasan?t.t?. I. I I w wo wouo?uldul? n ?ot??pupururcrchc?asaseas??ththethemem m? ag agag?in?. ?ThThiThisis s ts th?the the f fifirfirsr?st st K ?cucupcup p hp ?hotho?t ct ??oco??lalatateat??I'I'v'?? t trtririeieded,d, , I I'I'lI'llll ?kekeeeepee?p lp lol?okokikininging.g."."."3??715715,5,B?00004004545I45?IK1IK1C1CK1CK,???XEXE7E7G7G8G8F8F6F6K6KGK?BXBXXXX,X?VaValal,al?,0,,0,0,0,0,?1,1,1,13,13434034050585?242404????asastas?te te l liliki?? m ?ududdd?y ??watwate?? m ma mayayby?e e be ???auaus???itit it i?s s os ?outout t ot ofof of d ?atateate!ate!?!?!?!,!,T,Th,T?isis is p pr prorododud?ctc??ta?tasttasteteste?s ls liliklike?ke mke ??dd????atateaterater ?mam?aybaybebe be b be?becabec?ausau????t t it ??????? of o??da?te?!?!?!!?! ! ? I I??onon'n't't t kt knknonowno?
sults in just a sweeter cup of hot water. Stick with coffee." 3714,B0045IK1CK,A1BCDNEGJC7DA3,"M. Henry ""RHSMoe""",0,0,2,1348012800,Aftertaste,"These have an artificial sweetener aftertaste. Not pleasant. I would not purchase them again. This the first Kcup hot chocolate I've tried, I'll keep looking." 3715,B0045IK1CK,A1XE7G8F6KGBXX,Val,0,0,1,1340582400,Taste like muddy water maybe because it is out of date!?!,This product tastes like muddy water maybe because it is out of date!?! I don't know
?bubutut t I I'I??l l?non?t ?bubuybu? t ?hihisis s a ?gagaiaini??3?7171616,6,B,B0B??4545I5IKIK1K??K,K,A,A2A2121C1CZ1C?IJI??LXL?R1R1A1??,","O"?lil???a a?""""S"StStet?adadyd?y Sy ShS??ppp?erer"r"""""""",",0,0,0?,0,,0,4,4,4,1,131?343414101???0000,00?,An,Ano?th?er? Y YUYUMU??Y!Y??,"G,"GoGoooodod d???ststitin??? an andnd ??thethe the p prprir????? i isis is p pr p??ttttyty ??oooodood.d. . I?t't's's ??lwl?aya?s ?sosolo??d od ouo??????KeKeueuru?rigri?.c.???, ,??so so? I I c cocomcomeme e?heher?e ?toto o?mam?keke e te the t?hishis s ps pupururcurchc??aseas?, ?I I l ???e ?DaDara?k k C ?hohochococolcolal?tete!te! !?ReReaeaseaso????oror r??? st statararsars,s, , t, ?thethe ??pripric?ininging ing iing isisnisn'n't't ??rereareatat at b ?butbu?t it itit't'st's s os okokak??.".""3?71717717,7,B,B0,B00?4545I45IKIK1IK?1CK1CK,K,AK,?A1ZA1?RLRLULUPU?GSGSRSR3R?MXMXKX?K,"K,"J"JeJeaeanean ?WiW?ll?iaiama???""""f""???""?""",""",0,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,5?,13,13333333323232?84840?0,????ATAT T P PRP?ODODUDUCU???!!??!,T!,ThT?hishis his i is is ?s a s a w wow?ondonded?erferfuf?l ??DarDa?rk rk C Ch Chohoc?ol??ateat??flflalavlavov??. . . M MuMucu????deedeepepeperper ???ava??r ????n n tn ththethe ?MiM???k Ck Ch?ococo???ateate.ate
but I'll not buy this again. 3716,B0045IK1CK,A21CZIJ7LXR1A1,"Olinda ""Steady Shopper""",0,0,4,1334102400,Another YUMMY!,"Good tasting and the pricing is pretty good. It's always sold out on, so I come here to make this purchase, I love Dark Chocolate! Reason for 4 stars, the pricing isn't great but it's okay." 3717,B0045IK1CK,A1ZRLUPGSR3MXK,"Jean Williams ""fjw""",0,0,5,1333238400,GREAT PRODUCT!!!!,This is a wonderful Dark Chocolate flavor. Much deeper flavor than the Milk Chocolate.
? T ?heh? M ?ililklk k C ChC?ocococolo?atatet??isis s?gogooo?d d b ?utut t?dodoeoese?s ns nonotot t ht hah???e te ?hih?is is? de deeeepep p f flfla?vovoro?? ?WiW??? b be be e be ?buybu??ngng g t ththithisis is ais!.!!!!!!!!!??7171818,8,B,B0B?0404545I5IKIK1K?CKCK,K,A,A3A3737W37WRWRSRS6S6G6GFG?VUVU4U4747878,8,S8,StS?tevte?? C C. C.,.???,0,,0?5,5?131?33330330606565656060000,00,B,Ba,Badad d rd rereve?ieiewewewerersrs ?s nes n?eedeed d td toto o s ?tit?r,r?"T"?TheTh?e he hohothot ??hohocho??la??? K ?-C-CuCupupsps s ds do?n'n't'?t wt ??orkor?k lk ?ikikeke e t?he? c cocofcoffffefe e Ke K-?Cu?? ? T?hehe he che cocofcoffcof??e e Ke K-e K-C-Cu-Cup?s s hs ?havha?ve ve ave ? s sc scrcrereereene? i in?sisididede e te th?e ??upup up???o ko ke?epep ep? th the?he che cohe cofoff?eeee ee g gr gror??ndn?s ?inin in t th?e e Ke K-e K-Ce K-Cu?Cup,Cup, ,? it it t at ala?soso o mo ?aka?keskes ?ththeth?e le ???st st d dr droropro?p op ofof of l ?liqli?uiu?? t to to to f fa falallall l il inintinto? y ?ouourou?? cu c?up up aup ?s s ms mumucuchch ch c co c?offoffefeefee fee?as?? th the the the? fi fir?stst st dst drdriripi?. . . T. Th?ThesThesese e Ce CaC?fefe fe E EsEscs??pepe ?HoHotot ot C?oc?oaoa a Ka K-K-C?upups???ono??t t ht hat h?aveave e ae a ??scrscrereereenreen ?ththe?? ch chohochocohocololaolat?e e pe pop??dederde?
The Milk Chocolate is good but does not have this deep flavor. Will be buying this again.!!! 3718,B0045IK1CK,A37WRS6GFVU478,Steve C.,0,0,5,1333065600,Bad reviewers need to stir,"The hot chocolate K-Cups don't work like the coffe K-Cups. The coffee K-Cups have a screen inside the cup to keep the coffee grounds in the K-Cup, it also makes the last drop of liquid to fall into your cup as much coffee as the first drip. These Cafe Escape Hot Cocoa K-Cups don't have a screen the chocolate powder
eeme?ptp?ieieses s o ouo?t t o?? t ththehe e K K-K??upu??asas ?fafasastast t at ?as as i iti?t ct cac?n,n????? th t?atat ?ththeth?e le ?asast? a am amom??ntn?t ot ofof f wf wawatateat?r r? to to o co coc??e e oe ?outout t ot oft of ?th?the the K Ke Keueururir?g g i is is s ms ?mosmoststltlyly y?wa?tet?er er a an andn? i??t st ?ititsits s os ono? t th the th?e te tot?p p op ofof of y ?ouourour ?cucupup.up. . S SoSo o So STSTITIRIR R? it it it b bebefe?ororere e de drd?rinrinknkikini?g ?it??, o, otoththetherthe???sese e ae alallll l y??ou ou t ta tasast??e ie ?is is t? the? s??eeeetete? . . A AlAlsl?so so? th the thes thesese se K K- K-C-Cu-Cupupsups s as ararere re?mam?dede ?fo?r ?8 8 o?z z? se sererver?iningin??si?zez??, s, soso so uso ususe????the the athe ?ppp?ror??ririari?ate? c cucupcu?p sp sisiz??e fe foe foror or y???ur ur t ta tas taststeste.e.".""3?7171919,9,B,B0B??4545I5IKI???K,K,A,??V0V0N0NDNDCDCMCMAMAXA?YQYQHQHNHN,N,B,Be,Ber??erer,er,0,0,0?,0,,0,2,?,1,131333????080808?00,00,W,WaW??aterateryry,y,T,?heheshesese se wse wewerwerere re are a a?lil?ittittltletle e de die d???appap?oioinintintitinting?. . T. ThTheTh?e he ?ot? c?hohochococolcolalatlate?? is? v ??eryery y wy wawat?ereryery ery a an and and d td th?the the fthe flf??vovor?or ior ?is is ais a a ba bib?it it? st s????ge?.....?kikinkindnd nd o of
empties out of the K-Cup as fast as it can, so that the last amount of water to come out of the Keurig is mostly water and it sits on the top of your cup. So STIR it before drinking it, otherwise all you taste is the sweetener. Also these K-Cups are made for 8 oz serving size, so use the appropriate cup size for your taste." 3719,B0045IK1CK,A1V0NDCMAXYQHN,Berger,0,0,2,1330300800,Watery,These were a little disappointing. The hot chocolate is very watery and the flavor is a bit strange...kind of
p ?lalasaststiticic c??asastas??ngng.g? H ?avavevene?'t't t?bebeeeenen en?aba?lele e??o o??ini?d d?? g ?ooo?d ?brbrarana?nd nd??f f h hohoto???hohocho?ololalatlatete e fe foforo? k ?eue??igigg3373727202?,B,??0404545I5IKIK1K1C1?K,K?A3A??HAH?9I9?MEME9E9E9??8V8V,V????grgreretet ?ScSchchmchmim?dtdt,t,0,???0,10,1,1?1313232532??62624240400???ryry y G GrGrorovoveve ve???uau???e ie ?insinst?eaeada??"A"AfA??terter r tr trt??in?g g????verve?ralra?? of of ??hehese?se se k k- k-c-cucupupsps,s???e e te ??rerewre? t th the? r reresrestst st? of of of t? the the e be bob?x x a aw awawayay.y. ? I ?t ?ononln???ev?erer ????ata???d fd flf?lavla??orlorlelesle??? br brorowro?? w? . . W. WeWe e t??henhe?n tn ?tritrieiede??th?e e Ge ?GroGrovoveove ?SqSquSq?uaruare? d ?ararkark k?ch?ococo?lalatlatelate e ce cococcoco?a a? k- k-c k-???ps,ps?, a, an???we?rere re mre mumucuch? h ha hapa?pipieierier.r.".""?37372?1,1,B1,??04?5I5IK5IK1??CK,CK,A?1515G5?U5U5Q5QRQRYR??2S2SPSP6P?,C,CaC???acacece ??mimitmithth,th,0?,0,0,?5,5?,13,1????56560600000000,?DaDarark?? ch chohochocohoc?olaol?ateate ate? co coc?oaoa,a,","T,"ThThih?s s ss se?ememsms s ts toto ?bebe be? th? the the b be bes??t bt brbrabranandand and t th tha th?at at
plastic tasting. Haven't been able to find a good brand of hot chocolate for keurig 3720,B0045IK1CK,A32HA9IME9E88V,Margret Schmidt,0,0,1,1325462400,Try Grove Square instead,"After trying several of these k-cups, we threw the rest of the box away. It only ever created flavorless brown water. We then tried the Grove Square dark chocolate cocoa k-cups, and were much happier." 3721,B0045IK1CK,A15GU5QRYM2SP6,Candace Smith,0,0,5,1321056000,Dark chocolate cocoa,"This seems to be the best brand that
I??hahavaveve e t ?ririeieded.d. . O ?ththeherersrs s h ha h?aveave e be ???n n v ??ryry y??eae???inin n fn flf??avoavoror,r??bubutut t n non?t ??tit??s os ?nene.e. . . I I I wI wowououlu?d d t tr t????y ry rerece??mmm???d d td ththith?? f ?or? M MoMom???whwhoho o?? hav have? s smsmam?llll l c chchih?ldldrldrerenre?n an ana?d d nd ne?eded ed t?hehe he h?otot ot? ch chohochococolcola?tete e ae ??teterter r p plp?laylayiy?inging g i in in ??thethe ?snsnonownow.w?. . G. ?raraba?? th?e ?ma?rsrshrshmhmemelmelllloll????anandand d ed en?joj??? G ??amammmmimmieie ie???iti?? ( ?6 6 g ?raranra??kikidi???""3?727222?,B,????5I5????K,K,A,A3A3434343A3AFAFAF??1J1JZJ?QTQTYT?,M,MuM???uxux,ux,0,0,0?,0,,0,2,?2,12,?323202??646484808????ururere re p pu p?utsut?s ts ththethe the? ch???k k ik ?? c ch cha chal cha??olo?lat?e,e?"S"Su????tot?o bo ?be be?a a h hi h?it it w?itithith h c ch cha chal chalk chalk-k-a-a-a??holholilici?s ?eveveververyverywywhwhewher?e,? f?roromom om? fi f?rsrstrst t st sis?p p??o o lo ??stst t tt ththithisthis ?prpro????t t st sut s?ggggeg???s ??itsit?s Es EuEururouropo?eaeanean n hn he?ri???gege ge d dedeeeepeep p ip in?in tin ththethe ??chachalalk??miminmine????f f??ou?ththetherthernrn n Fn ?raranrancrancec
I have tried. Others have been very weak in flavor, but not htis one. I would truly recommend this for Moms who have small children and need the hot chocolate after playing in the snow. Grab the marshmellows and enjoy! Grammie Smith (6 grandkids)" 3722,B0045IK1CK,A343AFAT1JZQTY,MuxDux,0,0,2,1320364800,Sure puts the chalk in chalkolate,"Sure to be a hit with chalk-a-holics everywhere, from first sip to last this product suggests its European heritage deep in the chalk mines of southern France
..<.??r r / />/><>?<br<br r /r ?/>S/>?omomeme e s ?eeeemem m?tot??beb??mam???ngn??a a??asasese se f foforor ?????nlnlyly y?hahava?iningin?g 6g 606?? ca calalolororiorieieses,s, ,??utut t tt tht?e e Ke KeKeueuru????ChChahaiha? L ?ata?tet?e oe ononlon?? h ha has? 7 707?, , a, anandn? t th t?hathat ?prp?ododud?ctc???ctctuct??allal??ly tly tatas??teste? p prprepretettttytty y gy ??odod.od.<.<b.<brbr br / /> /><><b><brbr br /br />?I I? ha?veve ??et? t to t??fifin????a Ka ?KeuKe?uriurigig-ig?cocom??atatiat??lele e he ?otot t ct ?hohochococolco?atateat?e te th?at? s st statanta??s s us ??? to? p pl p?lailainin in o ol o?d d Sd ?wiwisisss??MiM??????cocooco?pepeded d fd frf??m m am a ?tutubu? o or or r ar ?a fa fofoifo?? p??ackac??????ndnd nd?SwSwiSwisiss??Mi?ss??isisnis?'t'???ha?hat hat g grgrereaeatat ??to to b be begegig?in in win wiwitwith?, ?, al, altlththothouo?ghgh h? it i?t st susur??e ie ?is is? ch cheheahe?pe???th?thantha? t? thi this?is sis ??tuftu???.<b?r r /r />r /??><br><b?r /r />r />Ir />?I wI wow??dedere????? th the th?e se ?izizeze ?e ofe of f tf ththeth?e K?eu?ririgri?g cg ca?psp?sulsulele le l ?imimim???s ts ththethe the? am a???ntnt t ot ?f ???co?a a aa an?d d pd popowowdw?derdere?d ?mimilmi??? th?atat at cat cacanca
.<br /><br />Some seem to be making a case for it only having 60 calories, but the Keurig Chai Latte only has 70, and that product actually tastes pretty good.<br /><br />I have yet to find a Keurig-compatible hot chocolate that stands up to plain old Swiss Miss, scooped from a tub or a foil packet. And Swiss Miss isn't that great to begin with, although it sure is cheaper than this stuff.<br /><br />I wonder if the size of the Keurig capsule limits the amount of cocoa and powdered milk that can
b bebe e p puputu???ntntoto o?a a?cucupup,p, ,?soso o wo whwhahata?t et ?ndn?s s?upup up t ththehererer?e he hahasha?s ts toto to? be be e se ??rorono?g g a an andnd nd h hih?ghg??? c co c?mpmprproromro??sesede?.".""3?727????000?4545I5IKI??CKCK,K,A,A3A?I4I4I4I3I3T3TETEME???O4O4242,2???ririsistis?inineine,e,0,?,0,0,,0,3,3,3,13,??181848464??00000000,?CaC?fef?e Ee ?scs?apa?eses s Ds ???? C ChC?olololoaoatateate ??otot t ct coc?cocoacoa,a????s s ps prproprodo???t t it ?is is?non?ot ot? sw s?eeeetet t et ent enonounougughgh gh f ?oror r m meme e ae anandnd nd tnd tat?ststest??? be bet be?tet?er er????th th m?ararsarshs?memelme??lowlowsw?s as ala?rereare?dydy ?inin in? th t?? c cu c????whiwhililel?e be ?rerewrewi?ng?? W WaW?ate?ryry y ty ??xtxtut?rere re? wa w?as as a a a d didis??appappop???tmtme??nt.nt..3??724724,4,B,B0,B0000400??IKIK1IK1C??K,AK,A1A1313T13T0T0V0?3L3?HOHOTOTHTHDHDLDL,L?"E"E.E. ?TrTrerea??ntsnts s "s """"t"??ee?""??,0,0,,0,0,0,0,??,1,13?171747424274272720720000,00,A,Ab,Absb?solso?ututeutelelyly ly?DeD?elielicicicioiouousus,s,","T,"ThThiThisis is iis isis ?a ?mum??h h b be bet bett betteterter ?HoHot?ot Cot Ch?ococoocololaolatateate ate t??anan an s so som???ofo? t? the the e re re?viviei?wsws ws w wo w?oulouldld d???vev?e ye yoy?ou ou b be bel belilie?
be put into a cup, so what ends up there has to be strong and highly compromised." 3723,B0045IK1CK,A3I4I3TEMSAO42,christine,0,0,3,1318464000,Cafe Escapes Dark Choloate hot cocoa,This product is not sweet enough for me and tastes better with marshmellows already in the cup while brewing. Watery texture was a disappointment. 3724,B0045IK1CK,A13T0V3LHOTHDL,"E. Treants ""tree""",0,0,5,1317427200,Absolutely Delicious,"This is a much better Hot Chocolate than some of the reviews would have you believ
ee.e. .? M ?y y???fefe e?dodoeoese????T T d?rir??k k c coc?fff?feefe????alallllsl?s is ?t t " """"Y"?ucu??"""")"") )?anandn??? a am am m v vevereryry y py paparartrtitici?ululal??? ab abob?utu??mymy y cy cocofco?ffeffeee?, ,??UTUT ?wewe e ae agagrgreree? t tht?ata?t tt th???s is iss is s as ?? a??sosololulututeut?lyl?y dy dedelelieligighghthtft??ul ul h ?otot t ct ???co???tet?e. e. ?I I uI usu??e ae a e a m mem?didiui?m ?cucupcu? s ?izizeze ?sesetsettt???? a an and? i ?it it? se s??msm?s ts ?o o b beb??ththethe e be bebesbestst t ot ?nene e fe foforor r??hih?is is b?re?w.w?. . ?ThThihishi?????cocolcolacol??e e ce ?comco??s s is ins in n a as as ?? n nonot???o o co clc?oso?se se? se sec seco??nd nd tnd toto to s so som someme me o ofof of t th the the ??gregreaeat?? ho h??ot cot chcho?cocol?colatcolateteste??wewe we h?avaveve ve h ha?d d wd whw?hilhi??e t?raravaveaveleli??? E EuEururor?pep??? ho how howewevweveverver r tr ththithisthi?s ds dididdid d sd ?av?ave ave u usus us??irirfr??areare.e. ?BuBut? t? thi this?is iis isis is nis no?????at aat al?l l? ba b??d fd ?forfor ?anan an ian ?insinststastan?t t ct cut cupup ?ofof of pof plplelealeasasusurureure.e. ? A AdA??dindi?ng ng mng mamararsar????ll??wsws s os oror or? to topoppoppipin????witwi?th th? wh whihiphippppe
e. My wife does NOT drink coffee (calls it ""Yuck"") and I am very particular about my coffee, BUT we agree that this is an absolutely delightful hot chocolate. I use a medium cup size setting and it seems to be the best one for this brew. This chocolate comes in as a not so close second to some of the great hot chocolates we have had while traveling Europe, however this did save us airfare. But this is not at all bad for an instant cup of pleasure. Adding marshmallows or topping with whippe
d? c crc??ama? w ?ouo??d d td tat?kek??itit t o ovovev?r r?ththehe e te totopo?.<.<b<???/>/><><b?r r /?>I>?f f y yoyouou ou??re? o on o?e e oe ?f f tf ththeth?e oe one one?s s w wh whoho o w?anantn?s ?to?? th t?rorowow w y yo y?ouroursr?s as ?wawayay,y, , p plp?ea?sese e se sesensendnd d md mymy y w wa way way.y. .? I ? w?ili?l l g geg?t t rt riridid d od ofof of t th?emem m fm foforor ?yo?u.u. . . ??hah????!)!)<)<b<br<br <br / />??<br<br <br /<br />??I gI ??t ?ththith?s ?prpro??ucu?t ?didirirerecre?ctlct??y fy frfroromro?m Km KeK??ri?g g??s s os ononene ne??f f mf mymy my? tw twowo wo f ?frefreeee ?whw?henhen n I I I r ?regregigis?teterereerede?d md myd m?y ny nenewne?w bw ???wewer? a an andnd nd p?ururcurchc?hashase?d ??wowo.wo?. . C. CoCou??? n non?ot ot b ?eaeatea?t tt tht tha?t t pt prpripr??e e he heherherere,re?, b, bub???ata?t nt ?nornormrmamala?l pl ??pricpri???, , t, ththithisthi?s is isis is? th???dedea?l.l???br br? /> /?><b><??br /br ?/>F/>FrFro?rom rom t th? the the p the papacackckakagagege:ge: : 6 6060 0 C CaC??or???s,s, s,?2g2?g fg fafat?, , 1, 1111g1???CarCarbrbobohohyhydy??atateat?????????berbe??, 7, ??G G s sus?gagar??, 1, 1g? p pr pro?te?????. I. InI?grgreredredidiedi?ntntsnts:s: : S: SuSugugaug?ar,ar, ar, A ?lkl?kalkalil?zez?ed ed? Co Coco
d cream would take it over the top.<br /><br />If you are one of the ones who wants to throw yours away, please send my way. I will get rid of them for you. Thanks!)<br /><br />I got this product directly from Keurig as one of my two free when I registered my new brewer and purchased two. Could not beat that price here, but at normal prices, this is the deal.<br /><br />From the package: 60 Calories, 2g fat, 11g Carbohydrate, 1g Fiber, 7 G sugar, 1g protein. Ingredients: Sugar, Alkalized Coc
o?a a p pop???erer,r, ,?crcrer??memerer er ( (a(ana?? a ?llll l?ofof f t ththohososese e i ini?grg??didieienentn?s,s, , e, etetctc.c.".""3373???,B,B0B0000404545I5?K1K1C1CKCK,K?AYA?SMSMMMMOMOBO???G9G9B9?Y,Y??oooononenepephphahararmrm,m,0,0,0??,1,1,1?,13,1313171?08081816160600??SeS??ioiouo???y?y???????,??,",?ThThihisis s o on o???ha?s ?a a ma mam?jojoro? p?ror?blb?emem.m??ItI?'s'?s ws ?aaaaaaaaaaayay y??oo? w wawatwatet?eryer??, e, ev, e??en en? at a???hehe ?rerecre?omo?me?ndndend?d d sd sesetse?tit?ingingsgs.s?. T. ThTheThe e ce chc?hochococolcolalatatete te f flflalavlavovoror or i is is ???ay?, , a, anandan?d id ?t'???non?t t ot ovove?rlr?ly ly??????? (a (???thothouougou?h h??t t st ststi?ll??? isn isn'n?t t gt ??ea?t t dt dadar?k k c ch c?hochocohocolo?latlatete te fte flflaflavavovorvor)r).). . T. Th. The??rereareal?lyly ??ississus?e e ie is? t th tha th?at at t??erereere e i?snsn'?t t at ananyany ????eameamim??esessss,? a??? a ad a??dindi?ng ng?mi???k ok ononlonly???dildilul?te?s s ts ththethe ?flflaflavfla?vor? e ???? m mo mororeore.e?. B. BlB??chch!ch? I I' I'l'll???asa?ss,ss??, an, a?????m m? th thr throrowrowiwining?? th the? r re res?t t ot oft of ?ththethe the b ?boxbox x o?utut.ut."."."3?72?6,6?,B0,B?
oa powder, creamer (and all of those ingredients, etc." 3725,B0045IK1CK,AYSMMOBT0G9BY,boonepharm,0,0,1,1317081600,Seriously???,"This one has a major problem. It's waaaay too watery, even at the recommended settings. The chocolate flavor is okay, and it's not overly sweet (although it still isn't great dark chocolate flavor). The really issue is that there isn't any creaminess, and adding milk only dilutes the flavor even more. Blech! I'll pass, and I'm throwing the rest of the box out." 3726,B00
?454?IKIK1K1C1CKCK,K?A2A??J8J?VCVC7C737?45??SJS?,","O"OzOzgz?odo?dedese?s s " """"B"?BB??"""""?,0,???,1,1,,1?,13,1323?131??525202??0,N0,NaN?ststyty y w ?atatetere?y ?drdrir??k,k?,"J,"JuJ??st st g ??t t?a a?nen?? k ??ururirigrig g a?ndn? i imi?mem?didiaiatateat???y wy wewenentnt ?ono? a a a s seseaeara??h h f ??r<r?brb???>t>ththeh??bebesestest t dt ??arkark k r ?ricrich? b??ldl?d cd cocofofff?eee????ar?ibibobouou u?MaMaha?ogo???y)y) ) a? and and d od ?ththetherer er b br b?anandan????r r /r />?wiw??th th r ri ricichch ch tch ?asastastete te?(W(WoW?olfolfgfga??g g ig isis ??winwi??in?g ?soso o f fa f???) b) ?utut t rt rereaealeallllyly ly w??antantetedte?d td toto ?fifinindind<d?<br<br <br??>t>th>thehe he b be b?est??ho???cococcoco??as as???? g go gotot ot t th?thesthese?? fi firirsr? ?trt?ryiry?ing? t?o o go gigiviveve e te ththethemthem m??wa?y.y.<.?<br<br <br /<br />/>T/>ThThehe he ahe ar?e ?eve?venve??wowor?se?se tse ????? th t?he he phe pap??kakagagegeded ed k???ind ind y yoyou? g ge getet ??in in? th??e se ststostor?es?. .??ctc???llllyll?,<,<b???<br /><br /?? t th thi thin?k k Ik I'I'v've? f??ounound? b be bet be?teterter r ir ininsinststastanantant ant o es.??I hI hahatateate ate??? w
45IK1CK,A2WJ8VC73455SJ,"Ozgoddess ""BBB""",0,1,1,1321315200,Nasty watery drink,"Just got a new keurig and immediately went on a search for<br />the best dark rich bold coffee (Caribou Mahogany) and other brands<br />with rich taste (Wolfgang is winning so far) but really wanted to find<br />the best hot cocoas and got these trying to give them away.<br />The are even worse than the packaged kind you get in the stores. Actually,<br />I think I've found better instant ones. I hate to w
rririti?e e a ? b babadad d r ?eve?ieiewew w b bu butu?....i.ifif<f<b<brbr r / ?>y>yoyouou u w wawana?t t t ?o o?fifinindnd d ad a a Da DEDELE??CICIOIOUO?S S c ?ococo?a ?mimixix x i in? t th thehe e Ke ?-c-??psps.s........g.gegete?t tt ththehe he G GrGror?veve e (e ??tatata?ioionon)n? b?raran?d<d?<br<br r /r ?/>h/>he?rere re o on??AmAmamazazoz??? T ?he?y y a ar a????lwl?waywaysys s??ololdld d od ououtout t (t ?whwhihicichch h D DUDUHU? I I I k knk??w ?wh??y ny nonownow ??s ????y y ay ara?re re are a re a? fa f?ar ar???ettet???<b<br<br <br? /> /?ta?ststitintingn? b br bra branand?) ) b) bub????f<?brbr br / /> />y />yoyouyou ?pup??ut yut yoyouyouryou?r er eme?maimailil l o on on n a a a??aiaitit it?lilisistst,st? t th??ey'ey'l'?l l ll lel?? y yo?you you k??nownow now w wh whehenhe?n tn ththe??y cy ??mem???in ?an?and<and?<br<br ??/>y/>yoyou?you dyou dod?ontont ???ve?????wawaiwait?it vit ?verve?y y ly ?on???. . I I' I'd'd ??stost??? u ???? tho th?ougou?h,h??as? y yo youou'ou??l l fl ??ndnd nd y yo??u wu wawanwantnt nt a a ????<b<br?<br /<br /><br />o>oro?r tr ?wowo o eo eveveevereryry ry n ninigighghtgh?? ( (a(??? t th the??dadararkark,k, , m, mi??k ?anand?and pand pepepeppppe?rmr?minmintnt nt cnt co?combcombibin?eded ?boboxo??is? t th the the the b the ?bombombmb!b!!!
rite a bad review but..if<br />you want to find a DELICIOUS cocoa mix in the K-cups...get the Grove (Station) brand<br />here on Amazon. They are always sold out (which DUH I know why now as they are a far better<br />tasting brand) but if<br />you put your email on a wait list, they'll let you know when they come in and<br />you dont have to wait very long. I'd stock up though, as you'll find you want a cup<br />or two every night! (and the dark, milk and peppermint combined box is the bomb!!
?)I)I I j jujususts?<b<brb??/>/>s>??ntnt t a ? c coc??plp?? b boboxoxexese??ououtout t tt ?o o a a a?frfrir?enendend d o of of f m mimini?e e we ?hoh?o wo wawasas ?co???plapl?in?ininging g a ab a?bouboutu???howhow w b ba badad d td tht???k k???up up h ?hothot<t<bt<?br br??>c>chc?hocho?colcolalata?eses es w wewere?e.e.....?.s.?hehe'he'l'lll? b be be e te ththrth??llllelleded ?d tod to o go geg?t t mt ?y y c ca cararere re p ?acackckakaga??!!!?""33737272727,7,B,?000????K1K??K,K,A,A1A1010N0?2P2PHPH6H6L6?555??MNMN,N??A.A. . R ?eieininhinhah??t t "t ?"A?LRLR1R1"1?"""""??0,0?1,1,1,1,,1,1,13,1323202070?10104104040000,00,","Y,"?UCU?????alallll ll?susucu???aloal?sese se f fl flalavlavovoro?, , n nono o co chchochoco?col?atateat?",?GrG?osossos?! ????ri????ththeth?esees?e te the thihininkinkikininging ing? th theheyhey y wy wowou??d d ad atat at?leleale?astas??t tat tas??e e le lilikikeke ??e thee the e re reregregugululalarla??popowo??er?ed?ed med mimixmixe??. ?????? fl fla flavavo?r r ir isis s as alallall l fl fafakakeke ke s sw sweweeweet?eneneen?? ( (o(ododddd d sd ??incincece e se su??cracralaloalosalo?se se ise ?is is t th the the e le lae lasastast ast i in??re??ieienient????ndnd d nd ?no no?dad?????chochoccho??cola???. . ?I ?amam m???mmmmemeded ?beb?cac?us?
)I just<br />sent a couple boxes out to a friend of mine who was complaining about how bad the k cup hot<br />chocolates were....she'll be thrilled to get my care package!!" 3727,B0045IK1CK,A10N2PH6L55EMN,"A. Reinhart ""ALR1""",0,1,1,1320710400,"YUCK! -all sucralose flavor, no chocolate",Gross! I tried these thinking they would at least taste like the regular powdered mixes. The flavor is all fake sweetener (odd since sucralose is the last ingredient) and no dark chocolate. I am bummed because
? n ??w w?I I h ?ava?? a ? b boboxo???f f?ththeheseses?e ce cucupupsps s a?ndnd d??onon'n?? w waw?ntnt t tt ?o o d dr dririninknk k t th thehemhe?..3373?2828,8,B,??0505T5TAT?GBG?VSV???2W2?G9G???EHEHTHTXTXOX?6L6L,L?ViVicic,c??,0,0,,0?5,5?131??383?202?8080000,00??eae?llllyl? g gogoooodo?d pd prprorod?ucuctc?!,!??he??se se?????es es a ar arere ???usustst t et ene???ghg?' '??oro? a a a s ?nanacackc?. .??TheTheyey y ay ara?re re? de dele?ic??ouousus us a an and and d td ththethe e pe ?pripr???e ie isis s vs veverve?y y ry rereareasasosononaon????! !?? w wi w?ll? d de def de?ininiinit?elelyely y py pup?rcr?ha?sese se fse frfroromro? t th?isis is c ?omompmpapan?y y ay agy agagaia??.?37372372929,9,B,B0,B??4S4SFSFNFNFNFEF?G,G,A,A3,A3S3SISIZIZCZ?6060000P00PAPA0A?AWAW,W,","m"mimisississ-s-h-?ononeon??tyty y "y """??ififfffaf??any"any?"""""",",0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,?1313313?535393989??0000,00,B00,BeB?estest est g??ldldedenen en b be b?rrrririeri?es es Ies I'I?veve ve e ?ve?ver ver? ha h?d!d!,!,"!,"I"I ?trt?rieriedried d td thd t?isis is bis ?raranandan?d fd fifirfirsrstst st a an and and and I I I m I mumus?t t at adadmad?mitmit ?????cac???e se spspop??ileileded d bd bebecbe?cauca?useuse ?e sue sububsbse??ueu??tlt?ly ly???wewenentent ent??o o Wo ??holhole? F ?oooodoodsd?s ts to? t
now I have a box of these cups and don't want to drink them. 3728,B005TAGBVS,A2WG916EHTXO6L,Vic,0,0,5,1323820800,Really good product!,These bites are 'just enough' for a snack. They are delicious and the price is very reasonable! I will definitely purchase from this company again. 3729,B004SFNFEG,A3SIZC600PA0AW,"miss-honesty ""Tiffany""",0,0,5,1335398400,Best golden berries I've ever had!,"I tried this brand first and I must admit I became spoiled because subsequently I went to Whole Foods to t
rryr??anandnd d b bub?y y ay a a b?ununcnchch h m ?ororere.e. .?I I??ada?d td toto o g gegetet t?NaNava?ititat?s s a an a?nd nd f fof?un?d d td thd t?eyey ?wewere?re re s smsmamalallllel?er,er? d ?ririeier? a an??d ld ?leslessss s fs flflal?avoavororforfufulul.l. . S. SoS?o ho he?rere re Ire ?I aI amam m - ---- - t ththih?s ?brbraranandand'd?s ?gog?ldldedenen n b?ererrer?rieri?s s as arare?re lre lalarla?ge?, ?wiw??h h ah ??wow?ndndendererfer?fulfu? m mo m??? s?ucuccc???en??t tt ?exextx?uru? . T. ThThe? o ononlonlyl?y py ??oboblb?lemle?m im ?? s so s?mem??imimemesmes s Is I I gI ??t t t?hehe ??eeeede?s s ss ststu??????n mn ??y ty teteeteetetheth!h! !?ThTheTh?? h ha hav?????inyin???hi???? se s?eedeedsds ds?lil?keke ?ra???bebererrerrierrie?s s bs bus butut t t?t thet th?e be ??rrrryry ry i it i?seselse?f f r ?resrese???blebl?es es a a a l?ar?ge? g go gololdoldedenden n rn ?rairaisisiisin?. . T. Th. Thehe he fhe flflafl?avoavoravor r i?s s vs ?ereryery y sy st??ronrongng g a an? and and c cac?ptp?tivtivavata???ng ng???????ke ke a a ?lelemlemolemonon on?wi??th th t th thehe ?tatarta?tnt??esses?s s??re??ngtng???ofo?f af a ??raranranbnbe??ry?. . W. WiW?ithithiithinin in??aya?s s os ofof of??ncnconc?orporpop???atiatin?g g gg gogolgo??enen en b be ber be
ry and buy a bunch more. I had to get Navitas and found they were smaller, drier and less flavorful. So here I am -- this brand's golden berries are large, with a wonderful more succulent texture. The only problem is sometimes I get the seeds stuck in my teeth! They have tiny white seeds like raspberries but the berry itself resembles a large golden raisin. The flavor is very strong and captivating -- like a lemon with the tartness strength of a cranberry. Within days of incorporating golden ber
?ririeieses s i inintntoto o m mymy y d didie?? I I I h hah?veve e n ?ototiticiceceded d m my m?y iy ininsinsis?dedeses es a ararer?e te ?hahanhankn???g g??e.e. . G GoGololdldedende? b bebererrr?rieries??ar??e ne nanata?ururar?llllyly y vy ?ververyr?y ay anantntint?-i-in?flflalama??at?oro???. T. ThTheheyey y hy hahavhave? a an a?n an ada?didicdictc?tinti?g ?flflaflavavoav?or or??thathatat at I I I?wiwilill??glglaladladld?ly ly?cocono?ntintinntinunueue e t?o o fo ???ed ed? in intntonto.o.".""33737373030,0?B0B?0404S4SFSFNFNFN?EGEG,G,A,A1A?ONONTNT5T5B5?HMH?PVPV1V1111111,11?ThTheTh???ouoututhth th?FaFacace??0,0,00,??5,5,1,131?161606?044044848080000,00????! ! R ReReaealallal??ly gly gogoooodod!d?,","I"ImImamagmagigininein?e ie ifi? y yoyouou ou? ma m?adeade e ae a a? cr crarairaisisisinsin n on ??t t ot ofo?f af a a ba beberberrrryrry y ty ?thathatthat t tt tat?sts?ed?ed led lil??e e ae a e a l leleme?onon on i in ins inststest??d ?ofof of c? cra crananban?berberrber??? T Th??sese ?e are a?re re v vever?y y ty tay t???, , w wh whihic?h h I? I l I lolovo? ?I ?eaeateat t wt whwhohololeole e le ?lemle?monmonsn?s ss soso o to ta???t it isis is f fifin??? by by y my mem?e. e. T Th T??sese se a ar arere re nre nonotnot t st susupupep?er er s swsweweeeeteet t et ???theth?er,er?, w, ?whiwhicich? i is i?s rs ??frf??shshihinhi?"."3????,B
ries into my diet I have noticed my insides are thanking me. Golden berries are naturally very anti-inflammatory. They have an addicting flavor that I will gladly continue to feed into." 3730,B004SFNFEG,A1ONT5BHMPV111,The South Face,0,0,5,1316044800,Wow! Really good!,"Imagine if you made a craisin out of a berry that tasted like a lemon instead of cranberry. These are very tart, which I love. I eat whole lemons so tart is fine by me. These are not super sweet either, which is refreshing." 3731,B
?000?00Y00?STS?H1H??,A,A3A??TDTDCDC8C8383I3?OPOP4P4848K8K,K,","R"R.R. . H HaH?rrrririsis s???zoz?o-o-k-kek?epepep??0000"00?"""""??1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,1??262616181?88880880000,00,Y,YuYumummmmymy,y,","B,"BoB?tht? m ?my my b bob?ysys s hs hahavavev? a ??titis?m m a an a??? ar arere ??n n?sts??ricrictct t G ??CFCF F d didiei?tst??. . T ?hehe e fe fofoo?dsd??byb??ENE?ERER R G G G a ar are ar??veververyry y gy ??ood?. . . T. ?TheThesesese ?cocooookookikieiesie??? al a?ththothouougu?h h rh ?ataththetherer er c crcrurumumbum?lyly,y, y, a ar? are are d de d?lil?cic?ouousous!s!<!<b<?r r / />/><><b<br<br r /r />??y ???ounou?geg?estest t st soson? c ca c?llllsls s ts ththethemthe??'w'whwhihiti?e e ce coe c?ook??ies??. ?. I. ?? am am ?a a V ???Y Y p pip?ickickyky y ey eae??erer ?? b bu but?? do d? e ??jojoyoy oy? ea eat??ngng ng a a a w ??ititeite ?e coe cooe cooko?kiekie e we ?itithit?h hh hihimhim!m! ! ??ouou ou s sh shohououlouldld d td ???y ty ththe?them them w wi witith?? so s?????hohochoco?lalatateate ate? me m?elteltetedted d od ?on on ton ththe?them.them.....?oo?ohoh h dh ?divdivivinineine e :e ???3??323?????0Y0YS?THTH1TH?16,16,A,AH,A??8O8ORO??9Q9Q5Q??GCG?,"?GrG?ranrand?mam?a Ra ?it??a "a ""?RiRitRitat??"""""",""",2,2,2,32,3,3,5,5,,5,1,11,1?18618?797907904040400?00,c00,chcho
000YSTH16,A35TDC83IOP48K,"R. Harris ""zoo-keeper00""",1,1,5,1226188800,Yummy,"Both my boys have autism and are on strict GFCF diets. The foods by ENER G are very good. These cookies, although rather crumbly, are delicious!<br /><br />My youngest son calls them 'white cookies'. I am a VERY picky eater - but do enjoy eating a white cookie with him! You should try them with some chocolate melted on them...oooh divine :)" 3732,B000YSTH16,AH78OR79Q56GC,"Grandma Rita ""Rita""",2,3,5,1186790400,cho
??ololalata?e e?chchih?p p p popoto?atatoato o c co cooookokik?eses,s,T,ThT?eseseese ???okokiok??s s?ara?e e de dedele??cic??usu?. .?MyMy y?grgrarana?dadauaugu?hthteterter r? at atete te a a a?whwhohololeol??papacackc?agagege e te ththe? f ??rsrstst t?tit?meme ??hehe he the trt?ieiedie?? th the??. . S. ShShe?he hhe hahasa??sesevevevere?ralra? f??oodood ?ala??er???iesies ies a an a?nd nd f?inindndind??g g? a a d a ?deldelilicli?ciociou????weweeeetet t tt ??eae?at at i isis s as alalmalmomoso?st st i?mpmpo??sisibiblblele.le. . I. ?????ll ll b ?e e re rereore??dederderi?ngng ?sosoooonoo???ececacauausausese se s shsheshe e he ?hashas ?gogono???e the t?rorouougou?gh gh t??e e we ?whowh?oleole ole? bo boxo???lrlre?ada?y y ay ?andan?d hd hahashas has??reqre??es?tetedte?d md mo?? . I? a am am m s so s?o to ththath?ankankfk?ulu?l tl tot??hahavha?ve ve f fo??nd?nd tnd ???is is p pr p?rodro?ucuctct.t???737333??B0B00000??STSTHT??6,6,A,???DEDEEEE5E?IRIRMR??Z3Z3,3,"3,?J.J. . R. RiR?ichic?harhardrdsrds s "s ?"J"JR"J??"""""",",2,2,2,3,3,?5,5???16216?424252565?0000,00,T,Ta,Tasastas?y y cy cocoocookcoo?kieki?es,es,","S"SlSliliglighghtghtltlyly y cy cry crur??bl?y,y, , b???t ot ovo???ral?l ?a a v vever?y ??googoodo?? ??InIn ??y y oy opo
colate chip potato cookies,These cookies are delicious. My grandaughter ate a whole package the first time she tried them. She has several food allergies and finding a delicious sweet treat is almost impossible. I will be reordering soon because she has gone through the whole box already and has requested more. I am so thankful to have found this product. 3733,B000YSTH16,AWGDEE5IRM2Z3,"J. Richards ""JR""",2,3,5,1162425600,Tasty cookies,"Slightly crumbly, but overall a very good cookie. In my op
i??ioi?n n v ?ereryry y?sis??ili?ara? t ?o o C ?hih?psp? A AhAhoh??y by bubutut t??oro?e e a aiairi?ry,ry?????s s ds dedenensn??.".??373737343???0000000Y00YSYSTS???6,6,A,A1A???HKHK2K2D2DTDTJTJEJ?F6F?N,N,","C"ChChrCh?isis ??isiscischchehesessesse?r r "r """"b"babararbar?er?shs??p p????oror"or"""""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131?292919171?767606?00,00?VeV?eryer???ooo?d d??oo?kikieie,e,","L,"LiL?keke ?? l lo lotot t ot ofof f g ?lulututeutenen en?frfrereere?e fe fofoooodoo?s s ts ththeherhe?? i ?is is a a a? te ten tendn??ncncyc???to to c cr crurumumbm?lele,le?, b, ??t ?th????e ae are arrrririvrivevedved d id inin in v ve v??ery ery??oooodood ood c??ondondiditi?ioionion.n???ThT?he he v??anianil?lala la f fl flalavlavovor?ininging g??tat?andandsds ds?ououtut.ut. ? V VeVerVeryry ry g go?odod od f fo for? l li l?ghghth?t st snsnanaca?ki?ngn?g og or?or dor dedesdess????."."."33737373573?5,B5,B0?0000Y00YS00Y?STHSTH1H16H1?6,A6,A1?YIYI3I3535V5VDVD0D?9A9A8A?0101,1?DeDenenienisiseise ??ar?in??,0?,0,0,0,0,?5,5,15,121292952951513?6060060?00,00,g00,grgrereare?t ?co?okoki??e ie idi??asas s ws wiw???? th theheshe?se,se,"???on on i is is s gs gl??uteutenuten n fn ?frefr??e, e, b bubutbut but n non?? f fu f???anandand and t ta t??tyty y fy ?frefreefree,??soso so t th the th?ese
inion very similar to Chips Ahoy but more airy, less dense." 3734,B000YSTH16,A11MHK2DTJEF6N,"Chris Fischesser ""barbershop tenor""",0,0,5,1329177600,Very good cookie,"Like a lot of gluten free foods there is a tendancy to crumble, but these arrived in very good condition. The vanilla flavoring stands out. Very good for light snacking or dessert." 3735,B000YSTH16,A1YI35VD09A801,Denise Marino,0,0,5,1295136000,great cookie ideas with these,"son is gluten free, but not fun and tasty free, so these
a ?rer? g grg?reareata?!!!!!????puputut<t<b<?r r / />/?hihisi? i icicec?crc??reamream m?ono? t ?hehesesese e fe foforor r ar ? C ?OOOOLOL L s ?nanacackck.k?? T ??ststet?e ge gogooo?d d t?? h hihimhi?m tm ??oo oo j ?usu?? p???ini?????7373636,6,B,B0B0000000Y00?STSTHTH1H161?6,A6,??OVOVXVXBX?DLDLXL?0E0EFEFYF?O,O,","J"??anannnnana na??lil??to??n "n ??SuSupuppp?ere?MoMomom2m212??c"c?"""""",",1,1,1,2,2,2,4,?,1,12,1202??61612?8080000,00?UMUMMM?MMMMMM M?cocooookoo??es??,"M,"MyMy y h hu h?usbusbab??d d ed eae?atsats ??F,F, , a an a??d Id ?I dI dod?on'on't'??, a, an?and and i it itst???o o ho ???d ??? f ?in?d d hd ?himhim him??oooodoodidieiesies,s?, a, an, and? h he hes? a al alwlwawaya??s ts te??ptp?tedte??d tod to ?eaeateat t m ?inineine.e??NoNowow w?? he he h ha hasas as? so s?omeome e te ththith?ingin? I I' I'm'?m tm tem temempmptmp??ted ted t to to to e eaeat?, ?I ?th?ouougu??t t tt ?theth??y wy wewerereere e oe oko? c?ololdl?d bd ??ut ut i?f f? he hea heat?eded d ud upup up t th t?heyhey y ry rerea?llllyly y ty ?asastaste? y ?umu???."."."???737737,7??00?0Y0YSYSTYS??16??A1?DOD?E4E?KKKK4K4H4H0H0000Y00YD00YD,D,O,OlOld? G ??ezezezerer,er,0,??,2,,2,4?,1,12,125,12545474787878727?20020?0,P0,?ototatattato?to Cto CoCooook?ieiesies,ies,"?I I aI ?m ??
are great!!! I put<br />his icecream on these for a COOL snack. Taste good to him too just plain." 3736,B000YSTH16,A1OVXBDLX0EFYO,"Joanna Clifton ""SupperMom212c""",1,2,4,1207612800,UMMMM cookies,"My husband eats GF, and I don't, and its so hard to find him goodies, and hes always tempted to eat mine. Now he has some thing I'm tempted to eat, I thought they were ok cold but if heated up they really taste yummy." 3737,B000YSTH16,A1DOE4KK4H00YD,Old Geezer,0,2,4,1254787200,Potato Cookies,"I am ad
?did??tet?d d t ?o o??hehese????ooo? . T ThTheheyhey y t ta t?stste??mumucuchch h??etetttte?r r t th??? t th?e e re rerege?ululalara???nen? es. T Th?e e oe ononlonlyly y dy drd??w w b ba b?ckc? i ?s,s, ,?? tha that tha? t th the they the?y sy shs??ul?d ?bebe be a avavav?ilila?blblel??ini????ala???r r pr ?????geg?es es - - -? to to o ao avavoavoio??d b?iningin?ge ge e eae?tit?""????8,8?B0B0000000Y00YSYSTSTHTH1H1616,6,A,ARAR3R37?BGBG2G232?UFUFBF??6,?"C"ChCheherheryryly??WaW?alsalseserse?r "r ?"c"cec?ll??o jo jej?ellel??"""""""","??,2,????121242???91912120120000,00,t,ththeher?e ?ar??e me mumucmuchch ch b be betettet?ter? g ??utu?tenten n an ??d ??aiairai?ry ry f frfrereere?e ce cocoocookokiokieiesies,s,"s,?MyMy y s?onon on w ?ououlou?d d rd ra??theth?r ?hahavaveave ?nono o co ??cookcoo??e ??thathan??ononeon?e o?f f t th? thes thesese se c co c?ookookikie?s.s. . T. ?TheThe The t ta tas ta?stest?e ie ise is s? ok okakaykay.y?. T. Th. Thehe he??exextx?ururere re????ha?rdrd ?anand? w we weieirirdrd rd? ev e?enen ??hehenhen n mn ???rorowowawavaveavedaved.d. . S. ShS?horhortrt t st ???elfelf ?lil?fef??e ife if f yf yoy?ou ou a?re??bubuyu?ining???n ?bu?lklk.k. ??oto??aba?sos?lu??????? ter te?
dicted to these cookies. They taste much better than the regular ones. The only draw back is, that they should be available in smaller packages - to avoid binge eating." 3738,B000YSTH16,AR37BG23UFBF6,"Cheryl Walser ""cello jello""",0,2,2,1242691200,there are much better gluten and dairy free cookies,"My son would rather have no cookie than one of these cookies. The taste is okay. The texture is hard and weird even when microwaved. Short shelf life if you are buying in bulk. Not absolutely terr
iibi??e e b bub?t t w ??rsrsese e te ththahana? a ?vevereraragageg?. . T TrT?? P PaPamamemele?a'a?? c chc????lalatlatete e ce ch?ipip p c?ooookokikieiese????eyey y ay ???e we wowonwo?dedererferfufulu?, , o ?or or t ??ry ry a a a b ba baka??ngng g m mim?x.x?""3373737?9,9,B,???00100???X0X0K0K,K?A2A222?Z9Z9R9R9R?1N1N8N8L8??IQI??"T"T.T. . C. CoCololeolememaman? " ?"R"?ioio o?GrGraranrandndend?e Te ToT?m"m?"""""",",2,?3,3?,24,24,4,5,??12123?????40400?,W,??hatha?? ? ???? T Th Theheseseese e Fe ?ololkol?s s As ArA?? R ?RigRi?hth?t?,t???I I r re?ada? t?hehe he?nin?nen?e re rerevreviv??wsws ?s ths thahat??prprerecre??dededded d md ?me me a an and?? wo wonondnde?reredred d hd hohowhow w a? a p a prproprodo?ucu?t t dt ?depdepepenendndindiningin?g og onon on?? a p?er?sos?on'on?'s 's? ta t?ststete te c co cou coululdul??coconconsnsisisiststesten???y y ry re?recerec??ve? f ??iveive ?ststast?arsars.s. . . I IsIs s ss sosomso?metme?thithininging ing s ?ususps??cic??usus us???rere?re?<???? / />/><><b<br<br r /r />/>N/>NoN??pe!pe?? H ?erereer?'s?'s t's ththethe the? te ten??h h f fi f?ive???sta??r rr raratra??ing??inin in a a a r a rorowow,w???andand d Id I'I'm'????ugu? ?. T. ThThihisis is i isis is tis ?thethe ????????ucuceuce e oe ?f f???s
ible but worse than average. Try Pamela's chocolate chip cookies they are wonderful, or try a baking mix." 3739,B00016UX0K,A22Z9R91N8L7IQ,"T. Coleman ""Rio Grande Tom""",23,24,5,1237766400,What? All These Folks Are Right?,"I read the nine reviews that preceded me and wondered how a product depending on a person's taste could consistently receive five stars. Is something suspicious here?<br /><br />Nope! Here's the tenth five-star rating in a row, and I'm tough. This is the best sauce of its
kkikinindn? ( (o(oror r a ?nyn?????nd)nd) )?I'I'v'vev? e ?ve?r ?hahadad;d; ; a an a?nd nd? I' I?m m a?? o ?ldld d gd gug?y y wy ?hoho'o's's s b bebeeeene? a ar a?ouounu?nd.nd. .??JuJusustst t t ththeh?e re ririgighghtht ?sws?ee?tntnenesessss,s, , j ??ustus?t tt ththethe ??ig?htht ht?hohotho?tnetnesessess.s?? I? I'd I'?d ld lolovoveve ve t to to o s sos??? a a a c chchihicickc??en en?inin in i it it,t?, a, asa?s ws we??l l? as as s ds didipi?? eg egggg g r ?rolrollllslls ?an??d cd ?chichic?kekenken n nn nunugu????s.s.<s.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b??r /???he?sese ???ig ig b bo boto?tltleleses es w wow?n'n??t lt ?asastast ?anand??? I'l I'llll ll? be be ??acack? f fof?or or m ?ororeor??, f, fefere?r sr shshuhururere.e???AbA??solsolul?tetele??y my momormorere re? th thahanhan n wn ?worwortrth? w????th th tth ththe? l lil?tt??? p prp???e,e, e, t???s s ss ?stust?fff????houho?ldld ld b be be be s st s?anandandaandarardr?d id inin in ein eveveever?y ?ho?????alalo??g ??itithith h p pl p?<br????<b?<br <br /<br ?/>A/>AnAndnd ?mymy y sy sisinincince?rere re are apapopololoologo?ieieses es tes toto o to ?thothosose? o ot o?thetherther r rr re??ieiewie?werwersr?s fs fo???dod?oubou?titininging g yg yoy?ou.ou.".""3?747?0,0???0000100???X0X0K0?,A,A3A?616
kind (or any kind) I've ever had; and I'm an old guy who's been around. Just the right sweetness, just the right hotness. I'd love to soak a chicken in it, as well as dip egg rolls and chicken nuggets.<br /><br />These big bottles won't last and I'll be back for more, fer shure. Absolutely more than worth worth the little price, this stuff should be standard in every home, along with plumbing.<br /><br />And my sincere apologies to those other reviewers for doubting you." 3740,B00016UX0K,A361
33O3?HSHSES??B8B?RRRR,R,c,?ata??7,7,7?,5,5,5,1,?121242??686?808?0,0,R,ReReseststatauauru??ntntsts s s shs?ouo?ldl? s se serervrveve e t tht?isis.s.,.,","T"?hihishi?s ss ststust?fff? i isis is g ?oooodo?? M ?y y m mom?m m g ga gavave? m???a a?bobotottttltlel?e te toto o? go g?o wo wiwiti?th th? so s??e e ee egeggggrg?olollllsls s as anandand d wd ??e we wewerwerere e he hohoohookokekeded d ud ??onon n f ?irirsrstst st d didipi?. . T. ThTheThe e pe pepererferfefecectc? b?lelenlendn?d bd bebetetwtweweeweene???weweeweetweet t at anandand and s sp spip?cycy,y?? th thihis? s st stut??f ?isis is sis ?o o yo yuyumummmmym???thath?at at e evevevenven n pn ???plp?le le w whw?ho ho c ???imim m tm toto to? di disislis??keke ke " """???picpi??""? o oror r " "" ""A"AsA?iaian??"" "" o"" or?????y oy ?othot?er? k kikini??? of o????ot?icic ic? fa fara?re re f?in?d d id it?? de deleliliclicic?ouousou???3373747?1,1,B,B0B?00000010????0K0?,A,A2A2121V1?GNG??595?5959O59?8585,5,L5,LaLauauraurara ra?TeTer?es?e e He HeH?enrenriri,i,1??0,10,?12,12,5?,1,11,1??0303737137????,S,??EEEEE?EEEETEE??.......?? and Hand HoH??,","T,"ThThiThisis is gis ???? d?owownwn n in ?? m?y y Sy SeSel?f f Pf PrProrocroclclaclaiaimaimemed? C CoC?ondondidimdime??nt nt?QuQ?eeeenen en?NaNat????
3OHSEBB8RR,cat,7,7,5,1124668800,Restaurants should serve this.,"This stuff is good. My mom gave me a bottle to go with some eggrolls and we were hooked upon first dip. The perfect blend between sweet and spicy, this stuff is so yummy that even people who claim to dislike ""spicy"" or ""Asian"" or any other kind of exotic fare find it delicious!" 3741,B00016UX0K,A21VGNU5959O85,Laura Terese Henri,10,12,5,1130371200,SWEEEEET......and Hot,"This goes down in my Self Proclaimed Condiment Queen Nation
aasas s?? " """"k"kekeee?pep?r"r"""" "" I ? s sas?? i itit t? in i??ththehe e? as asis?anan ???rkrke?t t it ??gogo o? to t???oror r???5050,0, , a a a?huhugugege e be boboto?tltlele,e, , i, i ???okoke?d d a at at t tt ththethe e ie ini??rerede?ieienentn?s,s, ?nono o po prpre?seserervervav?titiviveveses s os oror or? ad adddded?ed ed????lorlorsr?s, s, g??oodood,d?, g, gogoogoodod,? s sa saiaidid d id ?? w wewenentent ?wiwit?h h e eveveverve?ytyththithin???, a, ?lslsos?o go ??goodgood,d, d, gd, ?gotgot t it itt i?t ht hohomo?e ?an??d Wd WOWOWOW,W?, i, it, itsts ts? am a?mazmaziz?inging!ing? G GaGararlarlilici???HoHotot,ot?, S, SwSweweewe?t,t, , I, I I aI ama? a? a d a ??ppp??in in f ?foofool? n ?nowno???3373747424?????001001616U6?X0X0K0K,K?A1A1M1MLMLAL??S8S8T8T7T7V7??JGJG,G,k,??nt?roronon,n,4,4,4,4,4,,4,5,5,5??232?292929?8080000000??BEBESE?? S SASAUAUCU?E E E ????!,!??ndnd d Id ??dod?on'on't't t mt memeamean??juj?stst ?fo?r r Ar ?si???an san sasausa?? T ThThih??s is ?? e?as?ililyl? t?hehe he b beb???t st sasau?cece ce? ev e?ver?! ! ! I??pup??t it itt it t it?onon on e??er?yt?hi? . . ? It It't's's ?go??tet?? o ou out? o?f f h?anandand.and. . ???gogo go o ou?t t ot ????y y wy wawayay ??o ?seseese
as a ""keeper"" I saw it in the asian market i go to for 2.50, a huge bottle, i looked at the ingredients, no preservatives or added colors, good, good, said it went with everything, also good, got it home and WOW, its amazing! Garlic, Hot, Sweet, I am a dippin fool now." 3742,B00016UX0K,A1MLASS8T7VQJG,kentron,4,4,5,1232928000,BEST SAUCE EVER!,And I don't mean just for Asian sauces. This is easily the best sauce ever! I put it on everything. It's gotten out of hand. I go out of my way to see
w ?hah?t t e ele?ses??I I c cacana? h hahavhaveve ?itit ??it??. . M MyM??lalat???t ?ththihini?g g?isis s p ?ouoururir?inging ?sosomomeme ?ovove??? pe p?ananuanutu?s s as an?d d c co c??atiat?inging ing?ththethe ?pepeaeaneanunut??s ws wi?thth th t th t??????cec?. . . T ThThehenhen n In I I eI eaeatea?t tt tht t?he he n nu?ts? w wi w?ithith ith?a a s ?po?onon n tn ?o o?kekeee?p p m mym?y hy hahanhandn?s ??lelea?ean.ean?. . S. SoSouounound??s gs grg??sss?s bs bubut? i it i?'s'?s ss ?so so d ????cic?ouousou?..?373747?3,3,B,B0B000???6U6UXUX0X0K0K,K??1D1DQD????OBO?6I6IWI????"W"WiW?????on on???. H. HaH?ckckeketke??t "t ?"L"LeL?dHdHeH??d"d"""""""","?3,3,33,????131303000010014001474727202?00,00,P,??rfr?ecectct ?CoConondondidimime?ntnt,t,","I,"?I uI ususese se t???is is i in in ??my my b ?ananqanquq???t kt kikititcitchc??hen hen f foforor r sr soso ?mamananyany y dy ?disdi??heshes.s. s. I ItIt t it isis is ais ?a pa peperpe?rferfecectect t bt blb??ndnd nd o ?? s?wew?eetee?t at ??and and? a a p pi pin??ch ch???f hf heheahe? ?. I. ??f yf yoy?? t to t?ossoss ?s chs c?hichi?ckeckenen n wn wiwinwingngsngs s is in? i? it, it, ,?yo?u u w? wil wi?l l h ha hava?ve ve s so s?omeome e ge grgregrea?eat eat b ba b?r r fr fofoofoodod ?inin ?yo?youryour ??wnwn n hn hoh
what else I can have it with. My latest thing is pouring some over peanuts and coating the peanuts with the sauce. Then I eat the nuts with a spoon to keep my hands clean. Sounds gross but it's so delicious. 3743,B00016UX0K,A1DQ2B9OB6IW18,"Winston C. Hackett ""LedHead""",3,3,5,1300147200,Perfect Condiment,"I use this in my banquet kitchen for so many dishes. It is a perfect blend of sweet and a pinch of heat. If you toss chicken wings in it, you will have some great bar food in your own ho
??e!e! ! ??non?ththeherer r i ??eaea:a: : c ??mbmbib??e e S ?weweee?t t?ChC?ililil? s ?aua?cece,e????avavyvy y m mamaya?ononnnnanaiaisises?e, e, g grg?ana?ululalata?ede???ararlrlilicli?, ???ineinelelyly ??hohopo?pep????ar??selselyly,ly, , g, giginingingeg?er er p?owowdwdederder,r, ?anandand d sd spsplplalasla?h h o ofo?? si sirira?ch???- -?ththithisis is w wiw?illill l g gi givivev?e ye ??u u?a ??delde??licilicioi??s s s sw s?weewe?et et c??hilhilili li??ololi?li pli pe??fefece??t ft ??r r br ?ururgrge??????sansa??wi?chchecheses,???grgrogr?ollol?s,s, s, ps, pop?otsotsts??ckc??erser??s, fs, ?ririeieses,es??, fi, fisishish,h?, o, oror or? ev eve?n n? ch?ic?kekenken.n? L ?ikike? I I I s???d ?- ?itit ???is gis ?oooodod ?byby y iy ??seselselfself,f, ?bubutbu?t st seserservr??s s as asas s as a s a g gr g?eaeateat t bt babasaseas?e fe fo?r r or otothot?herhe?r tr th???gsgs s (s (f(frfrofrom? s sa sal salaladla??drdre?ssssis?inging ing t?? m ma m?ariarininain?dede)de).)?. . B BuBuyuy ?ththithisthis ??sausaucuceuc??inin in b bu?lklk k a??s ys yoyou? w wi wilill????ndnd nd y yo?yousyouse??self self u us?in?ing ?itit it? on on n en ???ryr?th?thinthingthing!g?""33737474444,4???0000100?6U6UXUX0X0K0K,K???TQTQFQFDF??OIO?ALALLL?9M9?
me! Another idea: combine Sweet Chili sauce, heavy mayonnaise, granulated garlic, finely chopped parsely, ginger powder, and splash of siracha - this will give you a delicious sweet chili aoli perfect for burgers, sandwiches, egrolls, potstickers, fries, fish, or even chicken. Like I said - it is good by itself, but serves as a great base for other things (from salad dressing to marinade). Buy this sauce in bulk as you will find youself using it on everything!" 3744,B00016UX0K,A2TQFD9OIALL9M,
???????gog?,3,3,3?,3,,3,5,?,1,121?545414181828??0000,0,G,?rereaeatat t?tatasa??e!e!,!?"I"I I???veve e t?hih?s s?sas?ucucece.e. . S. SwSweweee??t bt bubutut ??otot ??oooo.o. . I. ?I uI ??e e ie itit t ot ?n n c chcheh?ckckekene?n wn wiwiningngsg?s is ininsinststesteaeadead d o ofo? b bubufbuffffafalalolo lo s sa sauaucauce??anandnd d wd ???h h p papan?? se seaearea?redred d sd ?cac?allalloloplo?s,s, ,? sh shrhrir?mpmp.p. ?. It. I??s ?veverve?y y v veverversversisit?ililele e ae anandand d dd ?ele?icicic?ouo?us!us!"!?3???5,??00???6U6UXUX0X0K0?,A,A2A2B2?1M1?KGK????HWH??M,M,","J,"?. . I. In. Ingngeng??sosololll?????reredred red S Sc Sch?wawara????"""""","????,4,??,12,1262606080???2020000,00,T,???i i?ChC???li li S Sa Sauaucauceauce,e,","T,"ThThiThis? s sa???e ???s gs ??odo??, b, ?butbut t ft fof???mymy y ty ta?ststestesstes ?s its it t it isisnisn'n't't t ht hot hotot ot e enenoenouougoughgh.h. ?????havhaveve ve h ha?d d od otothotheherher ?brb??andandsands s ts ???t ht hat hava?ve ve ave ???leleele???er er h he h?eatea?t t?ha?t t mt mamakakekeske?s ts ths thehe he s sa sau sauc saucece ce mce mumulu?titi i li lalaya???eded.d?. . T. ThThiThisThis ??sausa??uce uce s???msms s ts tos to o a ah a??ve ?ononeone e le la??yeryer.r."."?3737437?6,6,B6,B0B00B00000100?16U16??0K0K,0K
S. Smigo,3,3,5,1254182400,Great taste!,"I love this sauce. Sweet but hot too. I use it on checken wings instead of buffalo sauce and with pan seared scallops, shrimp. It's very versitile and delicious!" 3745,B00016UX0K,A2B1MKGF9XHW7M,"J. Ingersoll ""Fred Schwartz""",5,6,4,1260835200,Thai Chili Sauce,"This sauce is good, but for my tastes it isn't hot enough. I have had other brands tht have a sleeper heat that makes the sauce multi layered. This sauce seems to ahve one layer." 3746,B00016UX0K,
?A1A?3W3WOWOTOT3T?RSRSXS???D5D5,5?LDLD,D,2,??,2,,2,5,5,5,15,1313313333363676707040404??,","F"FoF?? a a a t tat?ststet?? tr trereaeata?, , s susubu??stist?tut??te te?itit it??oror or B ??Q Q s?auaucucece"e?,"?OnOncncece ce i in in n?? w whw?ililele e ye yoy?u u j juj?st?? wa wanantn?? a a s a spspipicicycy y d didififfffefere??nt? f?lalavavovoror.or. . S ?omomemetetitimime?s s w?heh?n n In ? h hah?aveave e ae a ?liligighghth?lyl?y sy ?eaeaseasosononen?? o oror or por ?lalailainin ?pipiepi?cece ce oce ofo? b ??efe?f of oror ?chchi?ckckekenen,en?, I, I ???ut ut s so s?????weweeeetee?t Ct ChC??li?? Sa S?aucau?ce ?ce once o?n mn mymy y ry rir?iceice.e?. W. WoWowow w? th thahathat t pt pep?erker??s us upup p t th the th?e we wh?ololele le p plplaplatateate.e. e.?OtO???r r tr titimtimemes? I I I cI cocooooko? t?? the the m memeameatat at? wi witithit??outout t st se?asasoasononion?inging g? an andn?d ad adadddd d wd whwhawhatat at eat evevever??y fy ?lalavla??r ??'m'm m i? in in?? the the ?momoo?d d fd fo?r r wr ?whewhenen en I I I r rerehrehe??at at iat it?. . I. I'?ve??ke?ptp?t ot ?pe?n n bn boboto?tltletleses s is in? m my m?y r?efefrefri?geger?at?oror or for fo??? mo mon?th?s s ws wiw??ithoithouout? a? any any y py ??obo?lelemle?.<.<b<brb?r /r ?><><b<br<br r /??IfI?f yf yoyouyou u hu ?havha??
A13WOT3RSXKRD5,LD,2,2,5,1333670400,"For a taste treat, substitute it for BBQ sauce","Once in a while you just want a spicy different flavor. Sometimes when I have a lightly seasoned or plain piece of beef or chicken, I put some Sweet Chili Sauce on my rice. Wow that perks up the whole plate. Other times I cook the meat without seasoning and add what every flavor I'm in the mood for when I reheat it. I've kept open bottles in my refrigerator for months without any problem.<br /><br />If you have
?nenevevev????ririeieded d t th thihisis,s? t th the the e s sasauaucucec??is?? th thi thici?kek?er er t th tha thanan n?HeH?ininzn? K KeKete?chchuh?p p??o o?yoyouou u c cacan? s sl slolowowlw?? a adadddd d sd swsweweeeetetnetnenesnesss?? an andnd d hd heheae?t t u unu?titili? i ?tst?s js jujusustst ?ririgrighg??t ft foforor r yr yo?u.u. . A ?nonotoththe?r ?wawayay ?toto o uo ususeuse e te ththith???isis is ois onon n sn st?eaeameamemeded ed v ve?gegetetaetabablblel??s as ???d yd ??you you c ca can?an aan ?addad?d pd pep??nunutu?ts ts o or? s sl?iciceiceded ?alalmlmomon??s s js jus j?ustust t bt ?efefoforforer??ses??????.".?33737474747,7,B,B0B00000?1616U6?X0X0K0K,K,A,ARARYRYGYGNG?P5P5U5??A4A4Z4ZRZR,R??ri?anan@an???adadoadow?s.s??aiairi??coc???2,2?,2,,2,5,??131303090?212191?920920000,00??ea??lyly ly n ??iceice ice?? s sw swe?et? b ?utut ut w wiwit?? a a a b bi b?? o of of f? a a k a kikic?k,k,",?ThThehe he? sa sauaucauce? w wa w?s s j?s juss just? f ???e.e. . H. HoH??eveveeverer,er, , I, I I c? can can'n't'???es???t ?t flt flalagaggggigin?? a a a p a paparpa??ticticucululalarla?r pr pipie?ce??ofof f if idi?ioi??y,y, , i, inin in?? the??hohopo?pe pe? th? that that ?sosom??on?e e me mimigigh??t b??e ae ab?lele le t?o o co ???vi?ncn??ce Ace AmA?
never tried this, the sauce is thicker than Heinz Ketchup so you can slowly add sweetness and heat until its just right for you. Another way to use this is on steamed vegetables and you can add peanuts or sliced almonds just before serving." 3747,B00016UX0K,ARYGNP5U9A4ZR,[email protected],2,2,5,1309219200,Really nice - sweet but with a bit of a kick,"The sauce was just fine. However, I can't resist flagging a particular piece of idiocy, in the hope that someone might be able to convince Ama
?zozonon n n nen??t t t tit?mem?. . T ThThehe e s sasaua???e ce ?omo??s s i ini?n an ? p ?acackck k?ofof f?2,2, , b bub??t ot ?oneon?e be bob?ttt?lele ???s s bs brbrorokokekenen.n?. Y. YeYepep,p??yoyouou u g gugueuese?ses?????, , A, AmAmamazazozonzo??se?ntnt t mt meme me a a ?nenewne???ac??k ok ofof of? tw t??, ?anandnd ?asaskas?kedke?d md meme me tme toto o?reretetuturu?n n tn ththe? u unu???ok?en? o?ririgigigininainalal.l?. I. ItIt't's's s os ononlonlyl? c cocoscostst t m?e ?a a la ?iti???? t ti tim?e,e, , b, bu???hoh?w ???uchuc? i it it' it's's 's? go goioininging g t?o o co cocoscostcost ?AmAmaAmaz??on on??? s sh shihipi? a an andnd nd? pr p?rocrocecesce?ss ss t?hah?t t rt ?retre??rnrnerneded ed b bo b?????e, e,?yo?ur? g gu g?uesuessss ?isis s as asas as g? goo goodod d ad asd as s ms mim?ineine.? I IsIs s is ?it it R REREAE?LLL?? b be beye??nd?nd tnd ?thethe e be boe bouounou??s ?s ofs of f pf poposossssiss???lilitlityt?y fy ?oror r s???eoe??one one? to? to h to hahavha??e se sps?lilit? a a a???ck? a an and an?d jd jujusustst st s?enentent ??? t th the the ?onone?one rone rerepre??acaceac?memenme?nt nt???ttttlttlettle?e?"?""3?7474848,8?B0B0000000100161?UXUX0X0K0?,A,A3A?OHOHLH???8M8?ITI?0I0??,C,?boboubougu?heherher,r,2,2,2,22,2,2,42,4,4,1,1313030101010101101121202
zon next time. The sauce comes in a pack of 2, but one bottle was broken. Yep, you guessed it, Amazon sent me a new pack of two, and asked me to return the unbroken original. It's only cost me a little time, but how much it's going to cost Amazon to ship and process that returned bottle, your guess is as good as mine. Is it REALLY beyond the bounds of possibility for someone to have split a pack and just sent me the one replacement bottle?" 3748,B00016UX0K,A3OHLFE8MIT0IZ,Cbougher,2,2,4,130101120
?0,0,G,GrGrereae?t t?SaS?ucucece!e!!!?!!,!!,A,A A r rereare???y y??re?reatreat t St Sa???e e????t it ?s s s sls????tlt?ly ly m ?orore??exe?pepenensnsisivi?e e te ththahanan n?inin n on ?th??????or?eses.s. . I ItIt t it ist is s gs ??????foforor or e eg egggg g r ro rololl??s os ?or or aor ? d ????in?g ?sasau??? f fo?r r mr ?ananyan??chchih?inein??e e fe fofoofoododsds!s! !? It It ?t ist is t is a ?alsalsoso o a a a? gr gre?reatreat reat? sa s??auceauce e te toe to ?mamakmakek??ChChi??? T ThThahaihai i? su susushs?hi hi? ro?llll.ll?3373747?9,9,B,B0B00000?161?UXU?0K0???OLOLWLWIWI0I0S0SCSC6C6L6LCLC9C?S,S?"F"??. J. JoJ?nenes??"""????"""""",",2,2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,121?959535?080??0000,00,T,?TheThe e Be ?esestest t nt ?o o do dod??btbt t at ababob?outou?t it itt i?!,!,I,I'I?veve ve b be beeeenen en???ininging ing?th?isis is? sa sau saucuceuce uce f fo foror ?ovoveverver r 9r ??yeyea?rsr?s ns no?w.w?. I. ItIt'It's'??amama?zizin??. ?. I . I u us usese e ie itit ?on? e ev evever?ytyththithinthi?g ?frf??m m s sp sprp?ining?ing ring rorolroll?lls lls??o ?sasalsalalada?ds.ds???375375050,0,B0,?B00B0???6U6UX6U?X0KX0????KIK???424??CCCCMCMNMN0N0,0,F0,??it?h,h,2?,2,2,2,2,2,52,5,5,15,12?919171767666646404?00,00,R00,???ll?y y gy ?ooood?? sa sau sauc sau?ce,ce??? m
0,Great Sauce!!!,A really great Sauce but is slightly more expensive than in other stores. It is great for egg rolls or a dipping sauce for many chinese foods! It is also a great sauce to make Chili Thai sushi roll. 3749,B00016UX0K,AOLWI0SC6LC9S,"F. Jones ""FJ""",2,2,5,1295308800,The Best no doubt about it!,I've been using this sauce for over 9 years now. It's amazing. I use it on everything from spring rolls to salads. 3750,B00016UX0K,A1KIZW42HCCMN0,Faith,2,2,5,1291766400,Really good sauce,"I m
a?ded? c crcrar????ranrangngog?ono? a ?ndn? u ?ses?d d td ththihisi? s sasauaucucece e ae ?s ?? d did????ng? s sa sau?cece.ce. . ??? w waw?as as?grgrereaeata??. . ? I I?lolovoveve e te ththethe e fe faf?ctct t tt th?atat at i itit t dt ?oeoese?n'n't'?t ht ??veve ve?MSMSGSG G i in in n in . . I. ?It It h ?hashas s ts ththe? r ri r?ghghth????ouo?ntn?t ot ofof f??wew??tnt?esessess.s. . . I??t it ?is is a? l li litittit?lele e se sps?picpi?y,y, , b bubutut t jt juj??t t tt tht thehe ??????? am a?moumoun??t."t.?33737575151,1,B,B0B?00??6U6UXUX0X0K0?,A,A7A7O7?5F5F9F9H9?WPWPYPY7Y7T7TBTB,B?"A"A.A. . S. SoSoro?re??? " """"w"wow?oodoodvd?vetvetct?h"h"""""""",",2,2,2,2,2,,2??,1,??888??6969696060000,00,I,?'m'm m w wi wit?? t ththe?the cthe cr?owowdwd.d?. B. BeB??t t a?ll? p ???popososese se? sa sau saucuceuce ?eve?verve?.,.,"?I I? us u??se tse ?thithis?is iis inin in a an and? o onon on m memeaeatea?????is?h,h????ulultl??y,y, y,??vegve??eses,es?, a, ??ll ?pupurpu?rporpos?e ?didipdip p e etet et a al al.l??ItIt'It?s s cs ch?eaeapeap p ap ?andand ?vever?y y? ve vereryry ry s sp I. I . I? ga g?aveave e be bibig?? bo boto??tletles? t to to o f fafamfa??lyl?/f/frfririeriene?ndsnds s as ats at ?XmXmamas?as yas ?eaearearsrs ?s ags ago? a an
ade crab rangoon and used this sauce as a dipping sauce. It was great. I love the fact that it doesn't have MSG in it. It has the right amount of sweetness. It is a little spicy, but just the right amount." 3751,B00016UX0K,A7O5F9HWPY7TB,"A. Sorrell ""woodvetch""",2,2,5,1288569600,I'm with the crowd. Best all purpose sauce ever.,"I use this in and on meats, fish, poultry, vegies, all purpose dip et al. It's cheap and very very special. I gave big bottles to family/friends at Xmas years ago an
dd d t ?heheyey y a ?rere e a?lll? h ?ooooko?eded.d. .?YoYouou u?wow?n'n't'? b ???sos?rrr??y yy ?ou?? br brorouougoughg??t tt ththithisis s s sasauaucucece e ie ini?toto o??youyourur r?kikiti?chc??n.n.".""3373???,B,B0B??00100?6U6UXUX0X0K0K,K,A,A2A2P2PRPR6R6N6?XGX??PAPA3A?KYKY,Y?GiGioior??ana??o Bo BrBrurununono,no?4,4?5,5???121242474?75275292??0000,00???an'an't? A ??fof??? a a a T TrTriripip p????ThThahaia?lalanandand?d?,??"H"?ere?re're's'??a a t ti tininyiny y cy ??onsonsosolso?latlatitio??: : e eae?sys?y Ty ThThaTh?? b ba bar?bebecbe???ed ed c ?chichicickcke?n!n! !?CuC???yoyouyouryour ???uau??l fl ?ryryeryerer er i inin in?quq???teterersers,s, ,? co c?ookoo? i?t t st ???wlwlyly y oy ?vever?er cer ?chachar?cocoaco?? o or? q qu q???klk?ly ly????? a h a ?hotho??ovoveov?n,n, , a, anandand and t th t?hen? b? bru br?ushus? i it? g ??eneen?eroer?ousou??y ?wiw?ithit??""""s"??eeeete?t ct chchi?lili i? sa s????"""" "" a an andnd d cd co?okok ok i? it it j it jujusustust t at a a fa fefewew w m mimin???ese?s ms mom???. ?MoMoso?t ??ut?hehen?titictic c??itith? ' 's'st'stitic?kyk?? r riricri?ce ce b bu b?ut ut a al?soso so d ded?li?cicioiouio?us us???th??? bro brow??n on or???redred d rd riricricerice.e.<e.<b<brb
d they are all hooked. You won't be sorry you brought this sauce into your kitchen." 3752,B00016UX0K,A2PR6NXG0PA3KY,Giordano Bruno,4,5,5,1247529600,Can't Afford a Trip to Thailand?,"Here's a tiny consolation: easy Thai barbecued chicken! Cut your usual fryer in quarters, cook it slowly over charcoal or quickly in a hot oven, and then brush it generously with ""sweet chili sauce"" and cook it just a few minutes more. Most authentic with 'sticky' rice but also delicious with brown or red rice.<br
?/>/?<b<brbr r / /> />I>InIn n T ThThah?ililalanandnd,d, , p ???plplel??sqsquq??t t??veverer r hr hihibibabacachchihi-hi-s-sis??eded d b brbrabrazaziz?erersers s o on on n tn ththehe ??sidsidedewewaw?lkl?s s as anandand d sd ses???? po poro??ioi?n n on ofo? t ththith???sosor???of? b ba b?rbr?ececucueu?ed ed c chchich?ckckekenen.n? S SoSomomemete??memesmes ?ththeth?y y t?rorotot ??aloal?ongongsgsi???e ie inintnteterer-er-c-?itityty y by ?ususesesses s as ass as s ts ths t?heyhey ?pupulull??in?tot? s?tatatatiatioionionsns,s, , a, anand? s se s??l ?chchichicchickckeckenen en t th t?ro?ugughgh h?? the th?e we ?inindindod?wsws.s. . D. DoD?on'on?t ?bebe be s sq s???amamimisishish!h! ! T?hihishis ?isis is a ?? tr tre trea?t t yt yoyouo?'l'llll ???me??beberber.r?. T. ThTheTh??e sae samameame ??e saue sa?cece ?????l el enenhen?hanha?ce? t th? the the f ?la?vov?or or o of of f af ananyany y fy fof?owlowl l fl frf?romrom m b bl blalacla?ckbckbibirirdrd ??to to c co conondon?dordor ?oror or wor whw?oooopopiop??g g c?raran?e.e?""??7575353,3?B0B000?00100?6U6UXUX0X0K0?,A,A2A??7J7?HRH?R2R2424R4RNR??1,1,M,MiMikikekeHkeH,H,1,1,1,11,1,1,51,5,5,1,13,1??595919?16816808??,F,FaFan??tastaststitictic!c!,!,T,Th?isis is sis sasauauc?e ?e ise is s vs ?ververyry y gy ??oodood d od onon on a???ththithinthingng g yg yoyouyo??
/><br />In Thailand, people squat over hibachi-sized braziers on the sidewalks and sell portion of this sort of barbecued chicken. Sometimes they trot alongside inter-city buses as they pull into stations, and sell chicken through the windows. Don't be squeamish! This is a treat you'll remember. The same sauce will enhance the flavor of any fowl from blackbird to condor or whooping crane." 3753,B00016UX0K,A217JHRR24RNK1,MikeH,1,1,5,1335916800,Fantastic!,This sauce is very good on anything you c
??oko? o oror r g grg?ililll? o or or ?yoyouo??cacana??usu?? i itit t a asa? a a a d ?ipi??foforor or v vevegeggggigieieses s es ?tctc.c. .? I ??t ht hahasas as?jujusustust t et enenonouougoughgh h h ?eae?t t tt tot??mamakakeke ?eveve??ytyththih??? t ?asastastete ??etettetteterte?..3?7575454,4,B,B0B?0000100?6U6??0K0?,A,??16O16??JNJNANAPAPOP?X3X??O,O,H,HBHB1B1919797474,4,14,1,1,1,1,1,51,5,5,1,13,1?313151???8080000,00,f,fafavave?,T,ThThihishis s is ?s s os ?nene e oe ofof f m?y y? fa favavoavororior??e e se sasauaucuceces?? to to o ho ?havha?ve ve h ha h?andandydy.y. ?WiW?ithith h th ththithisis is o or ord or?erer r y?ou? g ge g?? t tw twowo ??giagi?antant t bt bob?ttttlt?eses ?whwhihichichch h sh ?hoh??ldl? l lal?astast ast? a a w a whwhiwh?ileile.e??????tatastasts?te te??f f tf ththithisthi??s iss is s ps ?er?fefece?t!t? N NoN?? f fo for?or tor th?e e fe fafaifainintin?t ot ofof of??ea??t t ht hot howo?ev?,?B0B00B0?00100160016U6UX6UX0X0KX0K,K,AK,?353?X6X6J6JWJWQWQ8Q?U1U1T1?RNRN,N?J.J?. S. SaSara?gegenenten??,1,,1?,1,,1,5,1,5,5,15,131323292959525232?32032?00,00,T00,ThThiThisis ?gogoeoeses ?gr?eaeateat t it in? m ma mananyany ??disdi?sheshes?,",????whwhowholo?le le? fa??il??y ly lol?vevesve??ththithisthis this s sasausa?uceuce.e. e. I I I u us u????t t pt ???ma
ook or grill or you can use it as a dip for veggies etc. It has just enough heat to make everything taste better. 3754,B00016UX0K,A16OGJNAPOX36O,HB1974,1,1,5,1331596800,fave,This is one of my favorite sauces to have handy. With this order you get two giant bottles which should last a while. The taste of this is perfect! Not for the faint of heart however... 3755,B00016UX0K,A35X6JWQ8U1TRN,J. Sargent,1,1,5,1329523200,This goes great in many dishes,"My whole family loves this sauce. I use it prima
rrirililyly y t toto o r ?ece??reare?tete e a a a d didisishs? w ?e e he ??d d i inin n?MaM??i.i. . I ItI?? ad addd?s s? a a w wo wonondndedererfr??? s swswe?etet t at anand? s sp spipici?y ?flf???oro? t??o jo juj???t a??ououtut ?t ant anyny y sy sasau?cec??. S. SeSer?viv?iceice e oe on? t th thihis? o orordor??r r wr waw??s ss ?pepecectectataca??ulaularar.r. ??evevevereraeralal l bl bobotbo?tlt?ese?s as ar??rivrivevedved ??rorokokekenen n an an?d d rd rerepreplp?lacla?cemce?enenten?s s ws wewerwerere re? re r?eceeceie?vevedved ved w wi w??hi?n ?dadayaysys.s. . A. AmA?azazozonon on son sesererverviervicice?? wa w?as as f fafas?t,t, , e eaeas?y ??andand and r re rel reliliaiabablblele.le. . I. I I?lol?ve??Am??azoaz?on.on?. A. Al. A?sos??, t, ththeth?ereer?e ae ?arear???manmany? r??cic??pespes s ts ?thathatat at??ouou ou c cac?an an l lo looo?ok ok u ????sisininging g? th??is is sis sasausaucu?? t th tha thatat at aat a ?ve?ryr??gog?oodoo?. . I?t t gt gogoegoeses es s sp spe spec?ectaectacacuaculula?ryry ry w wi wit with?? co c?cocononuonutut ut m ?il?k,k, ?vevegve??etaetabablab?lesle?, , c, chc?hichickc??n n on oror or? sh shrh???p p ap anand?and pand papasastastaasta.a?. W. WeW?e le lo??ve ve ive ?".""?373757??,B,?00000?1616U6?X0X0K0????MUMUCUCICI9I9X9X6X6X6?R1R????RoR?sasa sa??? Ag A
rily to recreate a dish we had in Maui. It adds a wonderful sweet and spicy flavor to just about any sauce. Service on this order was spectacular. Several bottles arrived broken and replacements were received within days. Amazon service was fast, easy and reliable. I love Amazon. Also, there are many recipes that you can look up using this sauce that a very good. It goes spectaculary with coconut milk, vegetables, chicken or shrimp and pasta. We love it." 3756,B00016UX0K,A2MUCI9X6XR1WJ,Rosa A Ag
o???o,o,1,?,1?,5,5,5,1?323262626242?000??0,0,M,MyMy y??avavov???tet? s sas?ucu?e ?atat t?TiTijijuj?ananana a F FlFlalatatsat?,","I"I I?pupururcrchc?asases?d d t ?hihisi? s?au??? a ?as as i ?it it i??s ts th???exexaxacactc?t st sa??e e se sa?ucuceuce ????d ?at? t?hehe e he hohotot ?t sat sau?auceauc???arar r?ofof f??ij???na? F Fl Flalatla?s s (s (h(hthttttpt??///???ww.ww.t.?ijijuijuaijuananaanafa?lalatlatslat??cocomom/m??. .??ItIt t gt ?oeo?s ?amamamazazizini?g g w wiwit?h h s st steteate?k k???ostostatada?as?as bas ???t it in? m ??y hy hohomho?me me c cocooco????g,g, , i it it t wt ??orkor???wewele???s as ass a?s as a s a m ma marariarininainad?e e ae ane a?d ?d asd as ??s a cs a ??ndndind?me?ntn?.".""3?757?7,7?B0B??0001000161??X0X?K,K,A,A1A1Z1ZSZSQSQ9Q?7373I3I9I9P9P8P??K,K,BK,?elellellala,la,1,1,??1,51,5,???858??919??0000,00,","S,"SwSweweeweetet,t, , a, an?d ????st st d dodowownwn n r ?rigrighghtht ht? de del?isishish!h!"!?,","I,"I ?waw??as ias inintintrt??dud??????to to t? thi th?is is? sa sau saucuce??byb?y ay a a ga go??od od f?ririeri??nd nd? of o?f mf mimin??e fe frfro?m m C CaCam?????a,a, , w, whwhoho ho r???s ??s a Ts a ?hahaihai i r re r?estesta?ur??antant t at an?? b? . ? I I w
osto,1,1,5,1326240000,My favorite sauce at Tijuana Flats,"I purchased this sauce as it is the exact same sauce used at the hot sauce bar of Tijuana Flats ( It goes amazing with steak tostadas but in my home cooking, it works wells as a marinade and as a condiment." 3757,B00016UX0K,A1ZSQ973I9P8WK,Bella,1,1,5,1285891200,"Sweet, and just down right delish!","I was introduced to this sauce by a good friend of mine from Cambodia, who runs a Thai restaurant and bar. I w
o?ndnded?rer?? w whw?atat t??auaucu?e e w wa wasa??ususeseded ed i ?? t ?heh?irir r r raramamimiki?enensns s ws whwhewh?? t th theheyhey y???erverveveded ed ted th??eirei??de?lil?cicioiouousus us c ?ririsi?pypy y sy sp??rinri??? ro r??lsls.s. .? T ThTheheiheirir ir?aca??uaualal l s sa sauaucaucece ce?? was was s hs ???ndmndmamada?de,de, , b ?utu?t It ??? was??didirireirece?ctect??ed t?o o? tr t?y ???isis is b?raranrandnd.nd. . . ?SiSinincince?ce tce ththethenthe??, (, ?ababobououtout t 5t 5 5?yry?s ???o)o) ) m mymy y my mom??thetherther,r?, f, frfririerien?dsds,s, ??ndnd nd?I I hI hahavha?ve ve???ll ll u us u??d ?ththi?s ???ucuceuce ?on? f fr??eded ed ced ?hihic?ke???wiw??gsg???grg??ll??ed ??andand ?sasau?teteee????hi?ckckekenken,ken, , p, ?ororkrk,k???sprsprisprininging/ing/e/egeggg?g rg ???ls?, ????nd end ?vevenven ?sus?ushushihi!hi! ! I I I kI kekeekeepe??? the the e le ?arargr??e 2e 2525 5 o5 ozo? b bo botottottltlele e ie in? m my my ?frfrifridfri?ge???eaearar-ar?rorourounu??, , a, an, and, and d td thd thihishis s is isis is tis ?the???esestst t bt ?raran???I'I'v'?ve ?ususeuseded ed t?????faf? . N. NoNotot ot??oooo ?hohotot ot fot foforor or?? tho thososese se n non??ot aot ????ustustotomomemeded ?ed toed to ed to v ve??ry ry s sp spipic
ondered what sauce was used in their ramikens when they served their delicious crispy spring rolls. Their actual sauce was handmade, but I was directed to try this brand. Since then, (about 5 yrs ago) my mother, friends, and I have all used this sauce on fried chicken wings, grilled and sauteed chicken, pork, spring/egg rolls, and even sushi! I keep the large 25 oz bottle in my fridge year-round, and this is the best brand I've used thus far. Not too hot for those not accustomed to very spic
yy y?fofoooodo??, , b bub?t t i ?? m ???tltlyly ?sws??etet.t. .? T ?ryr?y iy iti?, , y, ?ouou u?wowono?'t'?t bt bebe e?didis?apappp?oio?ntn?eded!d!!!? : :o:??""??757?8,8?B0B?0000100?6U6UXUX0X0K0K,K,A,AIAI6I???XDXD6D656??3Z3?H,H,","D"DaDava?e e "e """?"Da"Davaveave"e"""""""",",1,?,1,1,,1???,12,1?848?858545444?00?,t,tht??e ue ulultltit?mamatate? s ???eeteet t at ana?d d? so souourour r s sa sauaucucece,e,"?asas s ms memenentntint?on??ed.ed.....?gig?veve ve t ???is is a a a? tr t?ry!ry! ?? in i?ststast?antan?t pt ???tyty y fy fofoofoodod,od?, f, frf??zez?? m me meae?atbatbabala??s s as anandan?d td ththithisthi?s ss ??aucauce?.......??grgrereaeatea?t ot ?? c chc?icickckekenen,en, , y, yo, youou ou??amameme me i it i??....a..ananyanytyth?thinthingng g?pa??rtyrty/y/s/?nanacnackck/ck?hah??pyp?y hy ?ou?our our f?oooodoo??d thd t?hatha??yoyouyou u pu pup?ut ut?? sau saucuceuc?e oe onon ?wowouwo?ulduld d wd woworworkrk k w wi w?ithith h t th thihishis.s???r r /r ???<br<b?r /r />r />h>???wevwe?verver r tr ththethe ?prprir??eses s fs ?frofromo?? so som some?me ome ofof f? th the th???venvend?ororsrs s Os OBO?SCSCEC??E.E. . . $ $1$1919 9 f fo for for r 2r 2 2?2525o5ozoz oz b bo botottttl?eses?es?? ? T ThT??his his s st stutufu?f ?is??$1?.5.5050-0?1.1.7.?? f fo? for for t? the? 1 ?0o0ozoz
y foods, but is mostly sweet. Try it, you won't be disappointed!! :o)" 3758,B00016UX0K,AI6FTXD65U3ZH,"Dave ""Dave""",1,1,5,1284854400,the ultimate sweet and sour sauce,"as mentioned...give this a try! instant party food, frozen meatballs and this sauce... great on chicken, you name it...anything party/snack/happy hour food that you put sauce on would work with this.<br /><br />however the prices from some of the vendors OBSCENE. $19 for 2 25oz bottles?? This stuff is $1.50-1.75 for the 10oz
bbobotottttlt?e e a ?t t??nyny y???iai?n n g grg?oco?ere??.....?.".""3?757??,B,B0B??00100??UXU??K,K,A,A8A8P8?T6T6969K9KRKR6R6565E5EEEEEEE,EE,J,?ohohnhn n Gn ??aya?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5?1313535050606969169121?00?,R,ReR?alalll?y y dy didififfffeferereer?ntnt t -t ??Re?al?ly? g?oooodod,d?"W"WhWhahatat at I I I????e e me ??sts?t at ?bo?utut ??hihisis s p ??rodroduducuctct ??is is?ititsts s us unu?iqiququeu??tatasast?e.e. . J JuJusustst st????ugughg? s ??icicicininenesesss?s as anandand d? sw swew????nesne?ss ss t toto o m mamaka?ke ke? it i?t dt didifdiff?erereerenerent? b bubut? i it? g?????wiwit?h h vh vivirirtrtutuaualallallyall?y ay ??ytyththithiningin?. . I. I ?hahavhavev????t t?rir?eded d cd cocooookoo??inging ing w wi witith? i it? it b it ?butbut t It I I cI cacan? i im ima?gig?inein?e ie itit it w wo wou?ldl?d ad adaddd?d a? l?otot ot t to to o so ??stewstewsw??? so s???s,s, s,? et etctc.c??. It. It t kt ke???? w we wele?? - ?- t- ththethe e le lalasastast ?bobotbott??le le I I I h ??d d gd gogot?ot lot lolosostos??t int in n mn ??y py ?an????? an and an??waw?as as s se seveve???????earearsrs s os olold?? wh whehenen en I I I f I fof??ndn?d id it????? i it??ststistili?ll ll tll ?????d ?d grd grereaeateat.t?. I?. It . It b be beleloel
bottle at any asian grocery...." 3759,B00016UX0K,A8PT69KR65EEE,John Gray,0,0,5,1350691200,Really different - Really good,"What I like most about this product is its unique taste. Just enough spiciness and sweetness to make it different but it goes with virtually anything. I haven't tried cooking with it but I can imagine it would add a lot to stews, soups, etc. It keeps well - the last bottle I had got lost in my pantry and was several years old when I found it and it still tasted great. It belo
nngngsgs s?ala??ngng ng w ??tht? t ththethe e A ?1,1, , H HeHeieininzn??575??????cecesests???shshih?rere ?SaSauaucu?ce,ce, , C, CaCatatstsus?p,p, ???c c a as as s as a a c coc?ondon??memene?? s ststastapaplp??.".""??767?0,0,B,??00?1616U6UXU?0K0?,A,A2A2727W7WPW?T9T9F9FAFANA?Z8Z?R,R,N,?iki???0,?0,0,50,5,5,1,131343474777?53536360600600,0,T0,TaTasa?steste'e's's ?GrGre?atat,at,I,? h ?adad d b brbror?ugu??t t tt ththith?s s as ass a??s a s a??dipdippppip?ingin? s sa s??cece ce?fof?? d?umumpmplplipliningingsings s as ans andnd d ed ege?g g rg ro?lll?s s Is I ?mamadadeade ?atat at h ho h? . I ?t t tt tat t??tete'te?? g grg???t t at ?nd? I?? th thihinhinkn? i it?? th the th?e se sasamameme me s sa sau sa??e e Ie ??geget???t t st ?omomeome ?ThThahaihai i????cecesces ??auausausese e ie ?it ?tat??asteast?es es? th? the the e exe?acactact ??amameame.e.e.3373?76176?1,B1,B0?000010016001??X0X0KX0?K,AK,A1????2S2SBSBABARARPRPCP?7S7?,","P"PePegeggeg???F.F?. M. MoM????leyle?y "y ?"d"?ououboublb?letletitigigegerge?"""""""",",0??,0,?5,5,15,13??4734732321216?0000,00,N,No,Nobobob?dyd?y Dy DoD???es Ies It? B BeB??????,"T,"??isis is i is is s ds dedele??cicioi?ousou?. . . ??t t mt ?makma?eses es aes a ?gog???memetmet t ct ?cooco??k ok ououtout ?ofo
ngs along with the A1, Heinz 57, Worcestershire Sauce, Catsup, etc as a condiment staple." 3760,B00016UX0K,A27WPT9FANZ8R,Nika,0,0,5,1347753600,Taste's Great,I had brought this as a dipping sauce for dumplings and egg rolls I made at home. It taste's great and I think it the same sauce I get at some Thai places cause it tastes the exact same. 3761,B00016UX0K,A1B742SBARPC7S,"Peggy F. Moseley ""doubletiger""",0,0,5,1347321600,Nobody Does It Better,"This is delicious. It makes a gourmet cook out of
a ? n nonovovivicicece.e. . ?PuP?t t?itit t ot ono? c chchihicickickekene?, ,?pop?????ststeteae?k.k.....??it it? is is s c ca ca a ca c'c?ese?st st b ??on.on?? I I I w wiwisishs? I? c co cououluldld d?sas?? i?t t it ini?n Cn ChChi?nen??e.e. e.? W ?e e l lolov?e ?? . W. We? p pu pururcrch??sese e ie ite it t ot ont on n An AmAmamaza?onon on P??imimeme.e. e. e. ??avavev?es es? a a t ?ririprip p t?o o t th t????marmarkrkerk??. ??akakeakes?es aes a ??on?dedererfr?ul? h hohosoststestes????ifi?t.?""3373767?2,2,B,B0B??00100161?UXUX0X0K0?,A,A3A3P3P4P4O4OYOYKYKFK?X1X1P1PDP?7T7T,T,L,LaL???y y Wy W W T TaT??lolorlor,r,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131??616111121????0,G0,GrGrerea???prp??duducu?t,t,T,ThThehe he b?es????sausaucuceuce ?onon on ton ?hehe he mhe ma?markmarkeketket.t. t. ? We We e ue ?se?? it? o onon ?alalml?osostost t at ananyny y fy fofoooodod od? pr prorodro?ducductct ct b?utut ut i it it ?isis is???pep?cic?alallallyl?y gy gogoo?d d od ?on on von ve?ggg????..3???3,3,B,B0,B00??16???0K??,AZ,A?L9L9F9?FXOFX?5K5KJK??GHG?,J,J.J. . W. Wo. Woo??stesterster,r,0r,0,?0,0,50,5,5,15,1313413454?1616116??00??,Ab,Absb??lulututeutele??????ove!ove?,","W"We???ooookoo?? a ?lolotlot ??f f C ChChiChininein??? d ??ishis??s s is ?
a novice. Put it on chicken, pork, is ca c'est bon. I wish I could say it in Chinese. We love it. We purchase it on Amazon Prime. Saves a trip to the market. Makes a wonderful hostess gift." 3762,B00016UX0K,A3P4OYKFX1PD7T,Larry W Taylor,0,0,5,1346112000,Great product,The best sauce on the market. We use it on almost any food product but it is especially good on veggies. 3763,B00016UX0K,AZL9FXO5KJFGH,J. Wooster,0,0,5,1345161600,Absolutely love!,"We cook a lot of Chinese dishes in
? o ouourur r h hohouousou?ehe??ldld d a ?ndn???hihisis s???eee?? c chc?hilhilili i s sa sauaucucece e i is?????USUSTST T H HAH???! ! ?OnOnene e oe ofof f? ou o?ur ur??avavov?rirititetese??isis is sis sesessesasama????chichicickckekenen,n, , b bubutut t wt wewe we c co cououlould??'t't ?seseeseeme? t ?o o g geg??? th thehe e fe flf?avavoavoror or j ??stst ?ririgrighghth?...?.. .. t? tha thatat ?isis,is?, u, ununtntitilil l?wewe ?adaddddedede?d td thd thi?s.s??? Y ?UMUM!M!!!???3737676464,4,B,????161?UXUX0X0K0??A3A3E3?CXCXDXDTDTATAWAWZWZOZ?YTYTXTX,X,T,???ne?r,r??,0?,5,??131?232313121292969??00,00??rereaeatat at S SaS??cece ce w w/ w/o/??ththeth?e ee exextxtrtreremreme? h?ea??!!!!!!!!,!,","I"I I l lolovo????sis??an an f?lalavla??r ?w/w/o/o /o t th?e ?e exe extxtrxt??remereme e he ?heahe??. ??I ?hah?ad ad t? thi thisis ??au?auceauce ??w/ w/ s??me?me wme wiw??gsgs s as at?at Mat ?elellllo?w w??usushus?roroooomom om??? K KnKnon?xvxviv?illillele,e, ??N.N. . . I. ?I iI ?mmmme?didia???lyly y? as a?kekedked d td thd thed the e be babarartrtetente?ndend?r r ir ??f hf ?he he c? cou coululdld ld f fi fin???ou???th?the the??raranandan?d od ofd of f tf ththethe ??sausa?uceuce e fe foe foror or mor ?me ??ece?auausau?se se i??t wt wat was? p ?ererferfef
our household and this sweet chili sauce is a MUST HAVE! One of our favorites is sesame chicken, but we couldn't seem to get the flavor just right... that is, until we added this... YUM!!" 3764,B00016UX0K,A3ECXDTAWZOYTX,Tanner,0,0,5,1323129600,Great Sauce w/o the extreme heat!!!,"I love asian flavor w/o the extreme heat. I had this sauce w/ some wings at Mellow Mushroom in Knoxville, TN. I immediately asked the bartender if he could find out the brand of the sauce for me because it was perfe
cctc?. .???mam??iningng g f flflalavavovoror!r!!!!!!!"!!?3?767??,B,???00100???X0X0K0?,A,A2A?F2F2O2O2O2G2??????ZRZ?,",?R.R?. W. ???lsls s?????PHP?ATA?MAMANAN"N?"""""??0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,15,??202040?515121?20020?0,T0,ThT??s ?isis is?ththeh? s ststutufuffff f??ouo? w ?ana?t.????ThiThis??isis is tis th??e be bebesestst st??wew?ete? C ?hi?lili i s?auaucucece e Ie ??hahavaveav??fofouounou?d d a ananyanywy?heherherere.e. ?SoSomomeme e se ?ayay y?iti?s s ts tot? s sw sweweeweet? b ?utut t ht heheyhe?, , i?t't's's ?a a S Sw Swewee?t ?Ch?ili?? s sa sau sauc??e ae an?d d id ititsits s ss sus?ppp??ses?d d td ?to to? be be e se swe s?weeweetweet.weet?. I. ItIt t h?asa??s a s a r rir??? f fu fulu?? f?la?vovorvo? t th t?hatha??eve?ereryryoyonyonen?e ie inin in?mym?y fy fafama?il?y y ly lilikli? ????n n? my my ?wiwififefe ??whowho o co cacan?'t't t st st?anandand and a an anyn???ininging g ag ?any?ononene ne w?ououlou?d ?coc??sisidi?erer er h?oto?t jt ?usust?st lst ?ovovevesve?s t???s s ss sas sauaucauce?. . I. I'. I'm'??? p pepepe?ppepperer er her heheaheadad d md mymysmyseselselflf.f???f ??youyo?????li??e e me meme me? an and and d ld liliklikelike like? a a l a ???tltlele ?e moe mor???kikicickick k t??ry ry a ad addddidining?
ct. Amazing flavor!!!" 3765,B00016UX0K,A2F2O2GD72D8ZR,"R. Wells ""AZPHATMAN""",0,0,5,1320451200,This is the stuff you want.,"This is the best Sweet Chili sauce I have found anywhere. Some say its to sweet but hey, it's a Sweet Chili sauce and its supposed to be sweet. It has a rich full flavor that everyone in my family likes. Even my wife who can't stand anything anyone would consider hot just loves this sauce. I'm a pepper head myself. If you're like me and like a little more kick try adding
s?omo???SrSriririrar?chchah? H HoH?t t C ?hihililil?????cece e te tot?????s s a ??d d y yoyouo? w wiwilillill l l ?eaeararnrn n? to t?o lo ?ovovev???t t tt ?tootoo.o.".""3373767??,B,B0B000??1616U6??0K0?,A,A7A7S7SVS?QXQ??YXYXWXW9W9Z9?I,I?ChChoChoco??bib?irdirdid?e,e,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,??181??37737?760760000,00,b,bebesests???au?ce? i ?n ?ththethe ???rlrldld!d!,!,",?ThThi?his his i?s s ws ??th?ououtout t dt dodou??t ????e fe ?inineines??t st swt s???t t ct chchichilill??i [i [s[?ici?] ]??sausa?uceuce ?e ine i???he? w wo w??ld?. .??I I?ususese ?e ite i?t wt wi?withwith h h ?otot ot o ?? c cocolold? d ?disdishshe?s,s, ,? in incnclc?ududidindingng g??hihichi??ene?, ??venvenin??sonson n on oror or ror ?oaoasast? b ?beabeas??s.s?. . I It I???is is s su supu???b b s se seaeaseaso?sonison??g g fg ?oror or aor a ??lalaia?in in r riricrice?, , q, ququiu?inoin?oa,oa, , b, bubululglghghohouhourur r o or or r cr ????-c-co??s.?? S SwS??et???hohothot ??andand ??autauththethenthentntit?ic.ic. ?. I. ?I bI bubuybuy y 2 2 2 o of of f? th thehe ????geg?? b bo bot??lelesles s as atat ??? ti timime?, , r, rer?frf???gergeraratratete ?e the the?he ohe opope?n ??nen??anand? s sa s?veve ve t th??????k-k-u-upup up? as a
some Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce to this and you will learn to love it too." 3766,B00016UX0K,A7SVQXIYXW9ZI,Chocabirdie,0,0,5,1318377600,best sauce in the world!,"This is without doubt the finest sweet chilli [sic] sauce in the world. I use it with hot or cold dishes, including chicken, venison or roast beasts. It is superb seasoning for a plain rice, quinoa, bulghour or cous-cous. Sweet, hot and authentic. I buy 2 of the larger bottles at a time, refrigerate the open one and save the back-up as
????ururar?ncncec?. . C CoCouo?ldld d n nonotot t r ?unun n??y y v vav????d ?mem?nun?s s w wiwiti???outou?t tt ththith?s ?grg?eaeata?t rt re?d ?elelilixixixirir!r!"!""?373?676??B0B?0000100???X0X?K,K?A3A?????PUP?727???MGMG,G,","W"?????amam m???ylylol???"""??#3#?4;4;s;??irwirwmwm&m&#&#3&#?34;34?"""""""",",0,?,0,0,,0,5,5,5???121242?1616016?000000,?th?e e p plp???susursurere re?ofof f d ??iniininingin? i in i?.......,..,"?ththethertherere ?whwheh????pl??ententyty y oy of? t titimimemesmes s ws wewe e he hah?d d td ?o o????t ot ou??........b.bub????...t...ththe??n cn cacamameame e me mamaeae ?plplopl?y y sy ?we?etet t ct ?hihililiili i??auaucu?ce.ce.....?nonownow w w we we e ce ca??n en ??eat eat? in in in w???? t?he? s??ameame ame f flflal????, , e?xcxcicititiitininging ing t ta tasasts?e e ae asas as?beb???ing ???? on o?e e oe ofof of tof ?thethe the??avavoav?orior?iteite e re reresre??au?raranrantntsts!s!!!?!!"!!""3"?376376868,8,B,B0,B???????0K0K,0K,A,A3,A3R3RGR?PMP?AIAIZIZWZ?NQNQLQ?T,T???eyeycyca?t,t?,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,???13113101????2020000,00??ababubulbulo??us,us,","T,"ThThi???sasausa?uceuce e ie is?? so somomemetmeththithinthingng g og of??? p???mamanmanenenne?nt nt s st statapaplpleple ple o on
insurance. Could not run my varied menus without this great red elixir!" 3767,B00016UX0K,A3LF16PU72XRMG,"William Taylor ""&#34;sirwm&#34;""",0,0,5,1312416000,the pleasure of dining in...,"there where plenty of times we had to eat out...but...then came mae ploy sweet chili we can eat in whih the same flavor, exciting taste as being at one of the favorite restaurants!!!" 3768,B00016UX0K,A3RGPMAIZWNQLT,greycat,0,0,5,1310083200,Fabulous,"This sauce is something of a permanent staple on
??ouo?r r t ???lel?!!!??JuJusustst t a ab?ou??t et ?vevereryrytyththihini?? g gegetetst? a a a?dad???? or o???wowo,o, ,? or or or t?hrhrereee?e!"e!""33737676969,9,B,B0B000???6U6???K,K,A,A1A??IJIJXJ??5L5LUL????Q,Q,k,kak?teter?eveviev????????,5,?,1,1313030909595656464848080000,00,A,AW,AWEWESESOSOMO?E,E?"n"????trt?ululyly y s ?pip?cyc???y ?2 2 y yeyeaearar r or ololdl??lolovovevesves s ts ?thith?s s ss ??ufuffff!f?<b<?r r /r />/>g>?rereareatat at o?? c ?hihichi?kek?n,n, , e, ?eveev?en en c ch chi?hickhicke??n nn nunugu?gegetgetsts,ts??foforo?r sr spsprspririn??g rg ?olollollsls-s- - t th??? cr cri??spysp???nenese???ndnd ??????frfririeri?<b<br<br ????t't's's s ss sws sweweeeetee?t at anandand d sd spspisp??y y ay ?lll??inin in o???e se sos??veverve?ry ry???odod"d""3"37377377070,0,B0,B0B00B000??6U6UX6U?X0KX0K,K,AK,?2828282H2HEH?AKAKKK?1Y1?2J2JHJH,H?CoC???a,a,0,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,5,15,?1301306064???404?00,00,M00,MaMaeae ?PlP??y ?ChC?hilhilili i??auaucucece,e,"?I I? go? t?o o mo my? m mom?othot?erersers s hs hohomomeme ?ononeone ?dadayda?y sy sh?e e ce ?ooookookekedked d fd frfrifrieiedied ????ickicke?ken ken a?nd??riricrice?. .?I I tI ??ststest?e te th?e e c?hihic?hickehickenen,en, , i, it? i?s ?
our table!! Just about everything gets a dash or two, or three!" 3769,B00016UX0K,A1FIJXX5LUYR4Q,katereviews,0,0,5,1309564800,AWESOME,"not truly spicy my 2 year old loves this stuff!<br />great on chicken, even chicken nuggets, for spring rolls- the crispy ones and even fries.<br />it's sweet and spicy all in one so very good" 3770,B00016UX0K,A282HEAKK1Y2JH,Cobra,0,0,5,1306454400,Mae Ploy Chili Sauce,"I go to my mothers home one day she cooked fried chicken and rice. I taste the chicken, it is g
ooooodod!d! ! T ThThah???wawasas s?ththehe e??aya? I I I? wa was???ntn?rorododuod?cec?d d? to to o M ?aeae ?PlPloloyoy ?SwS?eee??t Ct ChChih?lili i???ucuceuc?? T Th Thi???sasauaucau?ce ce? is i?s Es ExExcx?celcellllelenent???eie??g g s ???etet et a ana??d md ?il?d d hd ?otot,t, ,? wi wil???nonot?? bu bururnr??yoy?ur? m ???thth th o ?r r?gigiviveve ?heheahearartr?t bt ???n.n?. I. I ?wiwilillill ill c cocono?ntint?inuinueu?e te toto ?pupur?chc?hasha??e te the thihis? p prpro?dud?uctuct ??chich?ckckeken?, , f, ?isi????anandand d od ???herher ?fofoooodoodsds ?ar?e e me mo??e e t?asastastet?fufulul.l. . T. ?ryry y iy itit t b?ece????? i?t t it ?is is G ?oooodood!ood!"!?3?7777171,1??00000?1616U6UXUX0X0K0K,K,A,A3A3T3T8T808?7D7DCDC1C1S1SPS??G7G????ckackay???,0,0,,0??,1,?303?101090?76760600?,","M"MoM??ve ve o ou o???????he he w wa way way,y??ke?tct?chuchupup p a an andnd nd b ba bararbarbebecbecucueue ue s?au??e!e!"?,","I,"??ususese se tse ththithis?is sis ststut?fff? o?n n pn ?prepretettettyty y my mum?uchuch h e eve?verve?rytryththithinthingng.g. ??ururkurkekeykey y sy ?sansandndwnd?wicwichchech??, ?hohomhomemememamada???sus?ushus??, , s, ?crcraramambmblbleledle??ege?gsgs,? c?hi??ckecken? n nu nugugg??etsets,
ood! That was the day I was introduced to Mae Ploy Sweet Chili Sauce. This sauce is Excellent being sweet and mild hot, will not burn your mouth or give heart burn. I will continue to purchase this product chicken, fish, and other foods are more tasteful. Try it because it is Good!" 3771,B00016UX0K,A3T807DC1SPEG7,mckay,0,0,5,1301097600,"Move outta the way, ketchup and barbecue sauce!","I use this stuff on pretty much everything. Turkey sandwiches, homemade sushi, scrambled eggs, chicken nuggets,
a anandnd d m momororer?? S ?o o????fef?ctct.t??NoN?t t???o o so ???cycy,y, ,?non?ot ot???? s sosouourur.r. . N. No. Notot ot tot totootoo o eo exe?pepenpensnsisivi?? e ?iti?heh??. ??ovo?ve ve i ?,2?B0B?00001001616U6?X0X?K,K,A,?1E1?4R4RNR??HXHXIXILI?WLW??,","R"RiRicichichah??d ?C.C. . R. ?obobib?nsnsonsono? " ?"r"riricickickrk?adadidioi?""?",",0,0,0,00,0,0,50,??121292999?808?161601600?,M,??e e Pe PlPlol?? S??ucucece e ie isis s G ??EAEATA???TUT?FFF?!,!,","I,"I I f ?irirsr?t t tt ?asaststest?d d td th??is is? sa sauaucau?????henhen ?I ?wawasas as?vivis???iningin?? in in n An AlA?asaskaskak?. ???t ??waswa?s ss ses?erverve?d d wd wiwitithith h f fi fis?h ?tatactacocosos,s, ??andand ??asas as tas ?thethe e pe peperperfrferfec??t ct cocomcombmbibinbinan?titioionio?n on ofof f? sw swew???t at ?andand and s?pi? . . I. ??cocoucoululdl?n'n?t t ft fifinfindnd nd??t t lt lo????lyly,y, y, s so s????orordordederereered? i it? f?ror?m m??mamazazozonon.on. . . I. It. I?'s'?????ilila?blb?e e fe ?oror or a??????on??blbleble e p??ricricece,ce?, a, an, a?nd ?is?is wis wowonondon?derde?rfurfulul ul w?itithith ith?? fis fi?h,h?, p, ?ororkork k? an a??nd cnd chchihicickickeick?n.n??. I. I . I h ha?ve?n'n'tn't
and more. So perfect. Not too spicy, not too sour. Not too expensive either. Love it." 3772,B00016UX0K,A1E4RN0HXILWL0,"Richard C. Robinson ""rickradio""",0,0,5,1299801600,Mae Ploy Sauce is GREAT STUFF!,"I first tasted this sauce when I was visiting in Alaska. It was served with fish tacos, and was the perfect combination of sweet and spicy. I couldn't find it locally, so I ordered it from Amazon. It's available for a reasonable price, and is wonderful with fish, pork and chicken. I haven't
ttrtririei?d d??t t o onon n b bebeee??, ,???t t nt nonoto?t st ??rere e i if if f? it i?t wt wowououluldl?d bd ?? g gogoooodod ?oror r?????? I ItI??s s?ala?soso o t tet??ri?fificic c o on o?n vn vev?gegetetatabablb?eses.s. ????hihigighghlhlyly y?rerecrecoc?mmmmem??d d td tht??s s ps ?ror?oduod?ctct!t!"!?3?777737?,B,B0B00000?1616U6UXU?0K0??A3A313?LELEVEVBVBRBRCRCICI0I0B0?QXQ?,g,gagamame?reretrettt?te8te?6,6,0,?,0,0,,0,5,????979?989??2020000,00?oho? m mymy!y!,!,",?SoSoooooooo ?gogoogo????I I???llllolowo?eded ed?sosomsome?? ad advd?iciceice ?anandnd nd t???ougou?ghtght t ot ououtou??ididede e oe ofof f tf ththethe e ce coconconvn?venve?titioion?alal al b bo b?x.x. . S. SlS?icice??d ud upu?? so s?omeome e c?ababbabbabagagege ge?????on?io?n ??andan?d sd spspr??nknklkleledle?d sd sod somomeome ome M MaM?e ?PlPloloyloy y cy ?hi?lili li???uc?e ?e one o?n in itit it w ???h ?so?somesome e Le LiLimimeme me jme ?uiuic?ice ice???oo,oo?, m, mam?dede de a a a n?iciceice ice sice sasalalaaladad ad w wi witith? a a a k a kikicickic?! !??ls?o ?veverve?y y gy ??goodgoo?d wd ??thth th?cicililalan?tr??o ao anand??dad?ikikokonon.on?""3"3737737747?,B,B0,B?00000?1616U16UX?0K0K,0K,A?3M3??K2K2F2F6F??4848A8?T8T8,8,T,?im?ot?hyh?y Dy DaD?ststi??
tried it on beef, but not sure if it would be good or not. It's also terrific on vegetables. I highly recommend this product!" 3773,B00016UX0K,A31LEVBRCI0BQX,gamerette86,0,0,5,1297987200,oh my!,"Sooo good, I followed some advice and thought outside of the conventional box. Sliced up some cabbage and onion and sprinkled some Mae Ploy chili sauce on it with some Lime juice too, made a nice salad with a kick! also very good with cilantro and daikon." 3774,B00016UX0K,A3M6K2F6V48AT8,Timothy Dastis,
0?,0,0,?5,5,1,121262?505060686??0000,0,"0,"P"??i i W ?eiei,ei, , P PFP? C ?hahanangn?s,s, , n, non?? m mymy y h hohouo?sese"e?,","I"IfIf f??ou?? ha havaveve e e eveveverver r w wowonondndedererereded d w?hahathat t t ththahat??de????ioiouousou?? di dipi????ng ng s sasauaucucece ?fof?r r tr ththeth?e ce crcrarabab b w wo w?ontontoton?s s as ara?re re?atat ??ei? w??ei,? o oror or? th theh?e ae amamam?ziziningin? s??aucau?? o on on n C?hahanha?ng'ng's's s cs chchihicickic?enen n in ?s,?????? i ?is is iis itit!t??brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br ??>I>I I l ?ovove? t th thi this thi?s ss sts?ufu??. . I I I dI ?is??ovoveov?ereer?ed ed i???whwhihilhilele e ae ate at t at a a?pepeipei ?????sosomomemeoe?oneone e he hahadha??le?ftft t at a t a????tlt?? o?f f tf ??isis is lis ?ayayiy??ing ing????t at ant andnd nd? I I q ???ick?? sn snanapappppepp?ed ?a a pa pipicpictctuturturere,re, , t, totootookok k? it it it t?o o a am a?mazma?onon on? an andnd nd fnd fo?unu?nd ?? . I. ItIt t it isis is gis grg?reareatat at??? p pr preretrettttytty y my ??uchuch h e ev eveververyverytyththi?ngng,ng??asa??prprerevrevivioiouious????ererser???ayay.ay. . . I? I w I ?asas as a al alslsoso so i in i?n an ???hahaihai ??resreststastau?raranra?t ?th?the the? ot oththe??r nr nin??htht t at ant andt and ?ththetheythey
0,0,5,1265068800,"Pei Wei, PF Changs, now my house","If you have ever wondered what that delicious dipping sauce for the crab wontons are at pei wei, or the amazing sauce on Chang's chicken is, this is it!<br /><br />I love this stuff. I discovered it while at a pei wei someone had left a bottle of this laying out and I quick snapped a picture, took it to amazon and found it. It is great on pretty much everything, as previous users say. I was also in a Thai restaurant the other night and they
uususes?d d t ?heh???ama??e se ???cece e oe onon n a ana??am???iningng g s sa salalal?d.d. .? T ?ryr? t th t?isis s o ?on on a??dodo o i iti? y ???rsrseselse?f f? sa sal salaladlad d cd ??onsonsis?ististitiningin?g og ??f sf sls?icicecedce?d md mamanangangogoso?, , l ??ttttut??e,e??ononion?on??, , a, an??d rd rer?? p pepepe??perpe? ? D ?rerenrencnchc?????oseos?e ie in?ingringreredredidiei??tsts ??in in t th thi this? s?tu?fff?f af ??? e ?vevereryryoryononeone e we wiwilillll l?? thi?nkn? y yo you?? a a ??masmasts??er er c chchech??.".""3?7777575,5,B,B0B00000001001616U6UXUX0X?????H5H5E5EOEODODWD?7S7S1S??KSKS,S,K,KrK?isis,is,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,15,121??474767??808?00,00,I,I I l lo lovoveve ve i it it!t!!!????hihishis s i?s s ts th?e e Be ?ESESTS??<b<brbr ?/>/>Y>YeY???rs rs a?gogo,go, ?I I uI ususeuseded ed ied ?it it & & & l lo?ve?d d id itit!it! ! M MoM?oveoveded ed &ed & & c& co??ldld ?nonoto?t ft fif?indind ?d itd it t at ??? ??I hI hahavaveve ?pup?urcurchchachasa??d d md mad m?anyan??hohotot/ot/s/swsweweeeet??? sau saucuce?s ?ovoveoverove??th?the the y??earearsrs,rs, , t, trt??in?ing ing? to t?o fo fifinfindnd d td ?thithisis is fis flf?lavlavovoror.r. ?ReRecececencentntlnt?y,y, , I??fof??nd?? it? a??aiainain ??t t Wt ?or?ldld ld?
used the same sauce on an amazing salad. Try this on a do it yourself salad consisting of sliced mangos, lettuce, onions, and red peppers. Drench those ingredients in this stuff and everyone will think your a master chef." 3775,B00016UX0K,A2H5EODW7S1KKS,Kris,0,0,5,1244764800,I love it!!,"This is the BEST!<br />Years ago, I used it & loved it! Moved & could not find it again. I have purchased many hot/sweet sauces over the years, trying to find this flavor. Recently, I found it again at World M
a?rkrkeketet.t...........n.?owow w?I'I'm'??adaddd??ctc??d!d! ! E ?vevere?yoyononene e h hahasas s m memene?titioiononeoned??grgrereae?t t w ??ysys s ts tot??usu?e e ie ??t.<t.<b<brbr r?/>/>M>MyMy y f faf?vovororirititeit?.............I.? u us usese se i itit it o on? m my my ?sasalalal???, , a al a?onongong g w wi witithit? a? l lilitittit??e e fe fafatfat-t-f-frf???e de drd??ssssisini??. . N NoN??, ?I I eI ?eatea???asastastyt?y sy say salalaaladads? e eveveverve?ry ry d dad?ay,ay?, (, (w(?itith?ououtut t tt tht t??e ce ?heheeheesesese!se!)!?.<.<b?????<b?<br <br / /> /?SoSododidiudiumu?m im isis s 2s ??0 0 m mg mg g pg peperer er t ?tabtablbleleslespspop?onon.on?...........a....??? t th the? a am a?ouounountnt nt o?f f a?ddddedd?ed ed fed flfla?vovorvor ?is? w wo wor?thth ??eveev?eryery ?mgm?!"!""33737777676,6,B,?0000000010?6U6UXUX0X0K0K,K,A,A2A2D2DED?NFNFEFEREREREDE?QGQ?P6P6,??ar?iaianannannene ne?SuSumummum?mermersr??0,0,0,?0,50,5,5,1,121242?292959505?40400?,Y,?UMU?,","T"ThThihisis is iis isis is ais ?? gr gre?at? m mu mulultl?ti-ti-u-us?e e se ??ucu?e.e. e. ?GrGrerea??t ft fof?or or?? usi usiningin?g ag as? a a a b a babas?asteast?e we whwhehenhen n g? gri grili??linling? - ? f?isishis?, ?ch???kekenken,n, ?shshrhri?mpmp,p, ?po?rk????etcet?."."??37737?77,77?,B0,B?000 I'm addicted! Everyone has mentioned great ways to use it.<br />My favorite....I use it on my salads, along with a little fat-free dressing. Now, I eat tasty salads every day, (without the cheese!).<br /><br />Sodium is 200 mg per tablespoon....and the amount of added flavor is worth every mg!" 3776,B00016UX0K,A2DENFEREDQGP6,Marianne Summers,0,0,5,1242950400,YUM,"This is a great multi-use sauce. Great for using as a baste when grilling - fish, chicken, shrimp, pork, etc." 3777,B000
1??UXU?0K0?,A,A3A3E3?YCYCICIUIUEUESESCS?JJJ?UWU?,","A"AnAnin???l l l ??vev?r r?"""?BaBararbrb b J J"J"""""""???,0??5,5?11117176761616?323202?0,0,Y0,???mymy y s ??ucu?e!e!,!?,"T,"ThThihisis s??au?ce? i isis is?anan n e ?xcxce?llllelenentn??blble?ndnd d o ?? s sw s?eee?t t at an?d d sd ???cycy.y. .? I ? l lo lovoveov? i?t t wt ??thth h e?ggg?ror?ll??? r rir???????stst ???ouo?t t a?nynyty?thith??g g t th?atat t nt neneeeedeedsd??an? e??trt?a a k kikicickic?. . . ?GiG??? i it it it? a a t tr tryr??""3373777?8,8,B,?0000000?1616U16UXUX0UX?0K,0K,A?3V3VMVMFMF0F070?EIE?LGLG8G???,","D,"D.D. . L. LaLatathathahama?? "" ""u"?nanamamaamatatratririxrix0x??""?""",""",0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,???11611696?333????00,00?MyMy y Fy FaF?vovoro?ritritet?e De DiD??pipinpi?ng ng S SaS?aucauceauc??"M"MaMaea?e Pe PlP?loyloy y Sy SwS?weewe?? C ?hihilhilili i??au?auce? i is i?s ts ?theth??beb?st??. I. I ?ususeus?e ie itit it i in insnststesteae????of of d ?????? sau sauc?e.e?. C. ?CheCh?ckck k ik it??ououtout.t. . O. OnO?cece ?yoyou?? tr?y y iy it??, y, yo?u'u'l'llll ll b??e he hohooookokek?d.d.".""3"37377377979,9,B,B0,B??00010001616U16UX16U?X0KX0?K,AK,A2A??828?4U4ULUL5L5050N0NSN?JBJ???. . L???dsdseds?y,y,0,0,??,5,5,,5
16UX0K,A3EYCIUESCJJUW,"Animal lover ""Barb J""",0,0,5,1176163200,Yummy sauce!,"This sauce is an excellent blend of sweet and spicy. I love it with eggrolls, rice, just about anything that needs an extra kick. Give it a try!" 3778,B00016UX0K,A3VMF07EILG8WV,"D. Latham ""unamatrix08""",0,0,5,1169337600,My Favorite Dipping Sauce,"Mae Ploy Sweet Chili Sauce is the best. I use it instead of duck sauce. Check it out. Once you try it, you'll be hooked." 3779,B00016UX0K,A20824UL50NSJB,M. Lindsey,0,0,5,
1???777787?242404?0,0,g,grgrereae?t t s sasaua???,","k"kik?dsds s l ???e e t tht??e se sasausaucuceuce ?onon n m ?ana?? t th thihiningngsgs.s...?.. .. g grgregreaeateat t ot ?on on r rir???, , c ?hi?ckckek?n,n, , s, sps??icyicy ?& & s sw s??ete??<b<???/>/><><b?r ?/>/>h/>hi?ghghlhlyl?y ry ?????memenendend.d.".""??78??0,B0,B0B000000001016??X0X?K,K,A,?1C1CNCNXN?QEQEAEA2A2N2?LRL?NKNK,K,CK,CyC?ntn??iai? M M.M. . M Mi M??lel?r,r???0,0,50,5,5,1,1111511?616?1181184840400400,0,G0,?rereare?at at S SaSauaucaucece!ce!,!,T,TrTririerieded d t th thi th??s ss sasausaucsaucece ce f fif?rsr?t ??at at oat ???r fr fafavavovorori??e e pe ???cece ce tce toto o e eaeateat eat??outou?t. t. W WaW?s ???ryry ??apa??y ?toto to b bebe ?abablblele le t to to o oo ??dederer er s so som???foforor or o ou o?ur ur???omeome ome???okokikinki??? ????eat?! ! ! S?pipicpicycy y Hy HoH??t a?ndn???weweeweet?!!337378781781,1,B,?B00B000?16??X0X0KX0?K,AK,A3A??FVFVNV????3X3XAXALAL8L8,8,D,D.D?. L. LoL???e,?0,0,00,0,0,0,5,5,?1111111181??070?20200?,P,?utut ?itit ??ve?ver ver a ??ll ll m?eaeateatseats,s?,"I,"I I l?ovoveove ?ththithisthis s ss sts s??ffff.f. ? I I ?puputut ut i it? o?veverver ?chchichic?ke?n n an ??d ?eve??n n sn ststestea??s.s. s.
1167782400,great sauce,"kids love the sauce on many things... great on rice, chicken, spicy & sweet.<br /><br />highly recommend." 3780,B00016UX0K,A1CNXQEA2NLRNK,Cynthia M. Miller,0,0,5,1156118400,Great Sauce!,Tried this sauce first at our favorite place to eat out. Was very happy to be able to order some for our home cooking! Great! Spicy Hot and Sweet! 3781,B00016UX0K,A3GFVNB9R3XAL8,D. Louie,0,0,5,1118707200,Put it over all meats,"I love this stuff. I put it over chicken and even steaks.
IItIt't's's s v vevereryry y s swsweweee?t,t, , a anandnd d j jujusustst t a? b bibiti?t st sps?icicyc?. . ??usustust t at a a?lilitittittltlele e g gog?ese?s as a ?lol?ngn??wawayay.y."y.??3737878282,2?B0B000?00100?6U6UXUX0X0K0K,K?A3A393909?8E8?1G1????5252G2???esessessisicicaica a Za ZtZ?ara?dudusust??1,1,2,2,2,52,?,1,13,1313?22224243432320200?,H,HiH???lyly y Ay AdAddd?ic?tit??ng!ng!,!,","I"I I d dididdi?d nd ???t pt ?ururcrchchahasa??e te ?hihisi?s ps prpror?du?ctc??ofo?f f o ?of of A AmAmamazazoz?on.on. . I. I I pI ?purpurc?ha??sedsed d td ththethe e 1e ?? o oz oz.z?. b. bobot?tltletle e ae ?t t a? l lo loco?ala? s??ororere,e?, a, anandan?d Id I I mI mumusust????ay ay???'s's 's? on o???ofof ?ththe? m ?osostst st? ad a?ddidd??ictiictin?g g sg sas?ucucec?es es?I I hI hahavhaveve ve e eve?verve???hadhad!d! ! I I' I'm'm m? a ??prepret?tyt?y py ??ckc??y ey eaeatateaterer,er?, a?ndnd nd? a a v a ve??etetaetarariariaian? a??t tt ththathat?????? sa?uc?es?es pes ?lal?ay ay aay a ?kek?y y ry rorolrole? i in i? m??kikin?ing ing? an an n an avavever??gege ge m me mea???a ???reare?at at?? one on?. . T. ??hishi?s ss sa?uc?uce uce? is i?s As ?LMLMOMOSO?? p ?ererfer?ecectct.ct?. I. It. It't'st'?s vs vever?y y sy swswesw?eeteet,t, t, a an and and ??hashas has a a a s a ststrstroronro
It's very sweet, and just a bit spicy. Just a little goes a long way." 3782,B00016UX0K,A3908E1G8IL52G,Jessica Ztardust,1,2,5,1312243200,Highly Addicting!,"I did not purchase this product off of Amazon. I purchased the 12 oz. bottle at a local store, and I must say it's one of the most addicting sauces I have ever had! I'm a pretty picky eater, and a vegetarian at that, so sauces play a key role in making an average meal a great one. This sauce is ALMOST perfect. It's very sweet, and has a stron
gg g g gagararlrlilicic c t tatasa?tete e?ata? f ? I ItIt t it isisns?'t't ?asas as t th t???k k a as a? t th the th??ReReded d?HoH??t bt ?raranandnd,d, , w whwhi??? I I I d did?dndn'n'tn't ??likli?e ?mum?chch ch a at at t a??l l ( ???hichickhic?, , n, ?otot ot a as as as f fl flalavavovororfrfufulu?, , w, wawaya? t??o o c chchuch?nknkyky)y).)?. T. ThT?hishis s ss ????e e we ?ouoululduld d bd ?e e ae apa???opopr?iaiat???fof?or or?????drdrer?? w wh whoho o lo ??likelik?e ae a e a l lilitlittt?lele e ke kikicickick ick f?oror or tor th?eieirir ir c ch chi chicick??en en n nun??geg?tsts s as an?d d wd ??atat at????. . M. ?y ??onon ?lolovovevese?s ss sps spip?icyicy y fy fo?odod ?jujusust?? li liki?ke ke h ??his his?mom???y.y. . A. AnA?notno?thetherther r????us us i is? t th the ther the?re re a ar arere ?ononlon????0 0??ala?lorlorir?eses es? in i?n 2n 2 2 t ta taba??lesle?pop??nsns,s, , a, anandand and t th tha thatat at mat mumucmuchch ch sch sasausaucuceuce uce? go goeoes?es aes a a l lo lonongong ?wawaywa?y. y. 1 1 1? gr graramram m o ?f f f?ibibeberber,r, , t, totoo?! ! T ?TheThe e oe ononlonlyonl?????ngng ?I I? ha h???e a?e a he a hah?ardard d td ?imimem?e w?itithth,th???ndnd nd t th thi th??is iis isis is jis jujusjustst st ast a a pa peperersrsorsononaonalal al i is issssus?e,e??is?is tis ?thethe the t te t?xtx?
g garlic taste at first. It isn't as thick as the Red Hot brand, which I didn't like much at all (thick, not as flavorful, way too chunky). This sauce would be appropriate for children who like a little kick for their chicken nuggets and what not. My son loves spicy food just like his mommy. Another plus is there are only 70 calories in 2 tablespoons, and that much sauce goes a long way. 1 gram of fiber, too! The only thing I have a hard time with, and this is just a personal issue, is the textu
?rere e o ?f f t ththehe ?reredre? c ???llllil?? T ThT??y y? ta tasaststeteses s g grgre?atat,t, ,?bub?t t t??heyhey hey h ?ava??e ae a a??ververyr?y ty ?thith?n,n, , c, clcleleaearar r?"""?sks?inin"in""??? tha thatat at??asas as t? thi thisi???ororrrrir??le? c??ununcnchchychy ??exextxtut??re re? on on n s sosomomeme e oe ?of of?? the the e pe pip??ceces?. . N. NoNotot t at alall?, , j, jujusustst st s so s?omeome.e?. I. I I? ge g?t ??t t st ststust?ckc? i ?in in?mymy y my momouoututhuth h?anandn?d od onon ?my? t?eee?ethet?h ah anandand d id it?? hi hit?s ??a na ??rvr?ve ve t?? that that ?mamakakekeses es? me m?e fe fef?eeleel l a? b?itit it qit ququeuea??y.y??StStitilillil?, , I, I I eI ???t i?t t a?nynywywawaya?y ly lololo??anand? w wiw?illill ill? co c?ontonti?nunueue ue t to to o??o o so soso so b be b?ecaecauaususeuse e te ???s s is is??? one on?e oe ofe of f tf ththethe e be ?esestest ??auaucaucecesce?s Is I ?hahavha??ve Eve EVEVEVERER R t? tas ta?stesteded!d? I I ???oulouldl?d rd rerecrecoc??memenme???????oneone e te toe t??trtry? t th thi this this s ss ?auaucauceauc?e fe fie firi??st,st, , a, anand?and tand ththethenthen n tn trtrytry ???heherhersrs rs i?f ???? a ar arere re nre nonot? f ?ulullllyll?y sy sa?titistisfsfifie????ThThiTh?is is sis ??ucuceuce e ie isis is ais ?mamazmazizininging.g??
re of the red chilli. They tastes great, but they have a very thin, clear ""skin"" that has this horrible crunchy texture on some of the pieces. Not all, just some. I get it stuck in my mouth and on my teeth and it hits a nerve that makes me feel a bit queasy. Still, I eat it anyway lol and will continue to do so because this is one of the best sauces I have EVER tasted! I would recommend anyone to try this sauce first, and then try others if you are not fully satisfied. This sauce is amazing. I
t????? a aba?ououtut t $t $1$1.1?5050 0 a at at t tt tht?e e?sts?oro?e e fe foforor or??2 2 o ozoz.z??bub?? i ?f f y yoyouou ou l lil???e te th?e e ee ?as?ini??sss?s os ofo??orordorded??iningin? o??lilinli??? or or r c cac??'t'?t ft fifin?? i it it t nt neneanearar r yr ?youyou,u? k knknon?? t ?thath???? w wo w?oulouldld d pd papayay y?AmAmam?zoz?n'n'sn's s ps ?ri?cec?e f???or ior ?t t at ananyany ?dad?ay!ay! !?BuB??y ty th??s ?sas?ucuce?. . I. I I dI dod??'t?? ca c???e we whw?herhe????? h hohowow,ow, , j, ?usust? b bu buy?? it?. . Y. YoYouou'ou?lll??fafala??? in i? l lo lovoveve!e!"!""33737878383,3,B,B0B?0000100161??X0X?K,K,A,?F1F?PVPV3V3D3DIDICIC0C?XMX??,R,?obobeb?ertert t At AsAshs??tonto????2,2,5,5,5???81815155555?2020000,00,C,??asassassis?? C CoCon?did?memenentnt,t?MaMaeae e Pe PlP???y Sy SwSweweeeete?t Ct ChC?ilili? S SaSau?cece ce? is is s bs ?becbe?omo?in??? a a????andan?darda??d cd co?ndndidimdimemenment?? on on on m ?y ?y diy din?ne?r r tr tatabtablblele.e?. I. It. It t ht hahasas as j ???st ?ththe? r ririgri?htht ht b bl ble??nd nd o of of f sf swswe???? an andnd nd hnd heheaheatat;at; ; M MaMaeMa??e Ple P??y y ey enenhen?hanhancn???s ts ?thethe the tthe ?tastast?e e oe ?of of a?llll ll mll ??at? a? and and d fd ?
t was about $1.50 at the store for 12 oz. but if you like the easiness of ordering online or can't find it near you, know that I would pay Amazon's price for it any day! Buy this sauce. I don't care where or how, just buy it. You'll fall in love!" 3783,B00016UX0K,AF1PV3DIC0XM7,Robert Ashton,1,2,5,1081555200,Classic Condiment,Mae Ploy Sweet Chili Sauce is becoming a standard condiment on my dinner table. It has just the right blend of sweet and heat; Mae Ploy enhances the taste of all meat and fi
sshsh h f ?ooo??s.s. . C ?atatstsusupu? i ?s s?alalmlmomososts? a a a c coconondn?imi?ene??t ot ofo? t ??e e??????. S. SaS?alsalsas? a an a?nd nd M MaM??e Pe PlPloloyoy y a ar a?e e te ththeth???nsn?wewere?????787???B0B?00001001616U6UXUX0X0K0K,K,A,A1A1V1VTVTHTHOHOTOTQTQFQFPFPRP???VT,VT,j,juj?mpm?ererberboboyoy,oy,0,0,0,1,1,1,3,3,3?,13,1303?191?61616?0000,00,","J"JuJusu?st st O OkOkak?y,y, ,?ToToooo oo?SwSweweeweetet"t?,","I,"I I w ?asas as e exexcxciciti?ede? t to t???ryry ?ththithisis is s ?sausa?cec????aseas?ed ed o onon on t??he he r rerevreviv?ewewsws,s, , b, bub?t t it itit'it???non???thinthingng g? sp s?pecpe?ciacial?. ?FoForo? m mym?y ty tay tas???, ?itit'it'sit's s ws wawayway y t??oo oo soo ?swesweeeetet et a an and and d nd ????neneaeararlr?y y sy ??icicycy y ey enenoenouougughg?h (h (e(eve??en en m my m?y ky ?ididsds ds? ag agrgrereeree)e).). ???t rt re?mim?nd????me me o of o??hohon?eyey y my mimixmi?ed?ed wed ?itithit?h sh ?swesweesweetet ??picpickc?lel?e re re???ishis?, , s, soso ?ifif f tf ?thath?at at s??ounoundndsnds nds g gog?oodoo?d td toto o yo yoyouou,ou, , g, gogo go f fo f?or or? it it.t?. B. BuB?ut ut i if if ??youyo??rere re? mo mororeor?e ie ??te?reresrest?eded ??? s so som some?ththithinthingthing g mg momormo?re re sre ???icyic?y, y, h hohothot ?anandan???eveeven??a
sh foods. Catsup is almost a condiment of the past. Salsa and Mae Ploy are the answers! 3784,B00016UX0K,A1VTHOTQFPRFVT,jumperboy,0,1,3,1301961600,"Just Okay, Too Sweet","I was excited to try this sauce based on the reviews, but it's nothing special. For my taste, it's way too sweet and not nearly spicy enough (even my kids agree). It reminds me of honey mixed with sweet pickle relish, so if that sounds good to you, go for it. But if you're more interested in something more spicy, hot and even a
l?iti?tltlel??????, , y yoy?ou ou m ?igighghth??waw?ntn???o o???epep p l lol?okokikiningng.g.".""3?787?5,5???00?1616U6???K,K?AAA????YOYOUO?IHIHWHWFW?,D,?. . S SuSunun,n,1,1,1,1??1,31,3,3,1??4343030303636868080000,00?ToToo? m mu mucuchch,h,T???ses?e ae ararer?e ve ???? l la lar??e ?bobotottttltt?lesles.s. ??t t it ???? g gog??d d d ?ipippp???g g? sa sauauc?e e we wiwit?h h a a a? sw swewee??/s/?pi??y ?flf?avavovoro?..3?78786786,6??00?010?16U16???0K,0K?,A3,A3E3E3E3Y3YJYJOJO2O2V2??3YZ3YZUZ??,L,LiL?dgdge?memeieisististeterer,er,2,2,2,1??5,15,1,1,11,121?959?484?161601600?00,G00,?ueuesessess s Is I'I?m m?inin in??hehe he M MiM?inoinor?itityit???I I w wa wasas s ls loloolookokiok?inging ing??oror or a a a g a go?odod ??weweeweetet ??andan?d sd sod s??r r s sa?uc?? f?or?or cor ?chichicickckekenken n a an a???babasaseaseded ?ono???thethe e re rerevrevivieiewewsws,s, ??????? a a a c a chchachanancan?e.e?. . ?WeWele??, ?non?o oo ononeon?e ie ?in in tin ththethe the???mimilmilyly ?li?ke?????is? s st s?ufu?f-f- -??t ?t tat tasastastetestes s ns nonotnoth?thinthingng ng l?ikikeke ke? sw swe sweeeet? a?????d soud so?ur ur s sa sau?cece-ce- - m- ??oreor?e le ?lik???e whe whah?t t i???sas?ysys ?it?
little sour, you might want to keep looking." 3785,B00016UX0K,AAJ1IYOUIHWF,D. Sun,1,11,3,1243036800,Too much,These are very large bottles. It is a good dipping sauce with a sweet/spicy flavor. 3786,B00016UX0K,A3E3YJO2V3YZUM,Lidgemeister,2,15,1,1295481600,Guess I'm in the Minority,"I was looking for a good sweet and sour sauce for chicken and based on the reviews, I took a chance. Well, no one in the family likes this stuff- it tastes nothing like sweet and sour sauce- more like what it says it
iisi?- - C ChChihililili i?SaSaua?cece.e. . N NoN?w w?I'I?m m s ?tut??? w ?itithth h t twt?o o h huh?geg? b bobotottt??eses.s?. . S So Somomemetetitimimemesme? r ?eaeadadid???? th theh?e le lalababeb?l l??? r??ealeallllyl? a ?ll? t? tha thata? m ?atattat?erersrs.s."s.?33737878787,7,B,?000??HTH??O8O?6,6,A,A1A1919393G3???6Y6YBYB7B?7T7TDT?,E,EmE??ilyil?y Hy ?. . H. HaHara?riris??1,1,1?,5,?,1,13,1???39393??0000,00,G,GrG?reare?at at???r r????ckc?enen n c cu c?rrrryrry ?didisdi?heheshes,s,","I"???ava??????en en?ususis?ingin??ththithis?is cis ????y y py pap?st?e ???r ?seseveveverve??? y yeyeaearearsrs rs n ???, , a??? i???ma????s as a a g grgrereareatreat ??disdishdis?. . A. AlA?th?ououg?h h ih ?it it d ?oeoes?n'n't't t bt bebeabe???ea??tintingng ng I In Indndindiai?n ?ou??, ?ititsit?s ts ????e bee b??t t pt papaspaststeste ste I I I h ha hav haveve ve u us u??d ?foforfor for? at at t ht ?om?e ??dis? E. ??venven ??????? t??isis is iis isis ?a a "a ?"h"??t"t"""" "" p papaspastpaste???I I wI wowouwo??d d cd cocononsnsi?dederer er i it it it? mi milildild.d.".""3"3737837?8,8?,B0,B??1H?TKTKOTK??6,6,A6,A1A1PA1P5P??UJUJ3J?B7?ARA??W,W,M,MaMat?atthatthehewhe???. ?CaCar?pep
is- Chili Sauce. Now I'm stuck with two huge bottles. Sometimes reading the label is really all that matters." 3787,B001HTKO86,A193GWS6YB77TD,Emily H. Harris,1,1,5,1302393600,Great for chicken curry dishes,"I have been using this curry paste for several years now, and it makes a great dish. Although it doesn't beat eating Indian out, its the best paste I have used for at home dishes. Even though this is a ""hot"" paste, I would consider it mild." 3788,B001HTKO86,A1P58UJ3B7ARFW,Matthew T. Carpe
nntntet?r,r,2,2,2?????131?020???565606?0,0,E,EaEasasysy y?InIndndid?anan n c cocooookokik???atat t h ?omomem?,","P"PaPatataataka?'s's s s ?aua?cec?s s hs ??vev? m ?ananyany ??seseses es?bubutu??? a ?lwlwawayaysy?s ms mamakmakeke ?????asiasicic c c?hihicickickekenken n cn ???ryry.y? A ? f frf?ieienendnd nd f?rorom?? In I?ndindia??tatauaugaughghtht ?ththi??s rs rerececicipipepe ??o o? me me,?? an andnd nd nnd non?w w? I I? al a?lwalwayaysay???avaveave e ae a e a j ??r r o oro?r tr twtwowo o oo onon ?ha?ndnd.nd. . . ??? y ?ouou u w wawanwa?nt nt y yo y?ou ou??an? g gegete?t ot on?e e oe ofo??th?e ?InIndIndi?anan an pan pipicickicklick?eses/es/r/?relrelilisishsheheses es aes ?as as?? g?ararnarninisishish.h. ??ThThi?his his i ?is is???asyasy y by bubutbut t it ?is is ais a ?bibitit ?t tit timi?? c co cononsonsusumu?in?g g w?itithith h a al?? t?he? d didicdici?ngng ng?? and and d? sa sau?teteite?? . . T. Ty. T?pipicpicac?allallyly y ty ?thethe the?re???pepe pe a?s s ws wrwriritrittttetenten ???kekeskes ????hohouhourur ur o or o?r sr sos?o fo frfrofrom?om som sts?tartartrt t tt tot to o fo fio f?iniin?ish????? and and s se s?ervervevesves s 3s ??4 4 a ad adudulu?tsts.s. ???I aI al????ys ys m ma makakeake e ae ate at t lt lelealeasastast t at ??dodououboublb?le le b ba bat batct???
nter,2,3,5,1302825600,Easy Indian cookingat home,"Patak's sauces have many uses but I always make a basic chicken curry. A friend from India taught this recipe to me, and now I always have a jar or two on hand. If you want you can get one of the Indian pickles/relishes as a garnish. This is easy but is a bit time consuming with all the dicing and sauteing. Typically the recipe as written takes an hour or so from start to finish, and serves 3-4 adults. I always make at least a double batch;
iitit't?????stst t a asas ?eaeasasyasy y a an andn? t ???t ?waw??y Iy I I?hahavha?e e??efe?totovoveverversrs ?toto to f frf?eee?zeze ?anandnd nd e eve?ververyver???e e ce cacanan an? ha havaveve ve?plple????y ty to?to eto eaeatea?. .? Y YoYouou u??cancan n?us?e e ae ane anyn?y ry ?icicece,e, ,?bubutut ??asasmasmam?atiati i i isis s ss soso o f fr fraraga?raranrant? t????t it it? i?s s ws whwhahathat hat?I I pI prprerefrefef?r.r?. . ?SoSomomeme ?InI???anan an gan gr?ococe?ri?ese???havhavehave ?frfrofr?ze?n n Nn ?aaa??an yan ??u ?cacan???eaeateat eat i?n n tn ththethe ?ov?enen n fn fof?? a an an an e ev eve????ororeore ?sas?ati??fyfyiyiningng g d did?innin?nerner.r.<r.<b<brb?r /r />/><><b?r ?r />r />I>?IngIngr?ede?diedienententsts:s?<b<br<br <br / />/>1/>?-1-1 1?½ ½ l lb lbsbs s cs ??icickickeken? b br bre??astast t ct cuc?ut ut i in int intoto ?1-?2"2?" " c cu cububeb?es<es<b<br<br <br /<br />/>1?? cu cup cu?????fafatat at p pl plal?in? y ?yogyo?ururtrt<t<b<br<br <br /?>S>SaSala?t<?brbr br / /> />3>3 3? tb tbsbs bs?PaPatataataka?'s's 's c cu cur currrryry y py pap??asteaste,e, e,? fl flalavlavov?or/or/h/heh?eateat ??epepep?endendi??ng ng o onon on y??ourour r tr tat??asteaste<aste?<br?<br /<br /><br /><<br />?<br<br <br /<br /><br />1<br />1 1 (1 (g(gegeneneenereroerouousou?) )??spsp ?cu??inin in sin ?ee??<b<br<br ??
it's just as easy and that way I have leftovers to freeze and everyone can have plenty to eat. You can use any rice, but basmati is so fragrant that it is what I prefer. Some Indian groceries have frozen Naan you can heat in the oven for an even more satisfying dinner.<br /><br />Ingredients:<br />1-1 ½ lbs chicken breast cut into 1-2"" cubes<br />1 cup nonfat plain yogurt<br />Salt<br />3 tbs Patak's curry paste, flavor/heat depending on your taste<br /><br />1 (generous) tsp cumin seed<br />
11 1 ( (g(geg?????usus)s) ) t tstspsp p m mumusustustatarardr???eee?d<d<b<brb? / />/>1>?1 s1 smsmamalallll l o ?ninioion? d ???ed?<b?r r /r />/>3/>3 3 c clclol?veveses s g ?ararlarlil?? d di d?iceic?ed<ed<bed<brbr br / /> />2>? m?edediediui?m m p popoto?tattatot?es??? di???d ?sas??e e s?izizeze ?asa?s cs chchihicickic?enen en c cu cububeb?es<es<b?? / /> />2 />2-2-3-?3 c3 ?ar?rorotrotsts,ts, ?di???ced ced s sa sam?e e se sis?izeiz?e ae ase as s cs chs c?hichi?kekenken n? cu cub cubebesbes<s?<br<br <br /<br ?/>1/>?1 11 ?4 4??z z c ca canan ?di?dicedic?ed ed t to t?mamatma?toetoeses es?wiwiti?h h j ?uiuiciceice<ice<b<br<br ????? cu cup cup p fp frf??ze??n pn ?eaeasas<as??<br <br /?<br />2<br />2-?3 3 t3 tbtbsbspsp sp c co c???ini?? o oi oilil<l<b<br<br <br /?<br />S<br />SaSalaltal?? to? t???tet?<b<br<br <br /<br /><br /><<br />?<br<br <br /?<br />1<br />?. . A AdA???chchichicickickeicken???ogo?uru???, c, cucururrur?y y p?as?asteast?e a?????bobou?t ?½ ½ t½ ?tsptsp p sp sa?ltlt t tt ?to to a ? b ?bowbowlw?; ;??ixix x??hohoro?rourougughghlhlyl?y ay an??????t mt mamarma???atate?? wh w?hilhi?le le y ?youyou u p pr prerepepap?arear??ve?gegetgetatabtablb?lesles<?brbr ?/>?2.2??HeHeaeateat t ot ?ilil il i in? l ?arargargege ge?fr?yiyininging g pg pa?n ?ov?er? m me??diudi?um um h hehea???ununtntit?il
1 (generous) tsp mustard seed<br />1 small onion diced<br />3 cloves garlic diced<br />2 medium potatoes, diced same size as chicken cubes<br />2-3 carrots, diced same size as chicken cubes<br />1 14 oz can diced tomatoes with juice<br />½ cup frozen peas<br />2-3 tbsp cooking oil<br />Salt to taste<br /><br />1. Add chicken yogurt, curry paste and about ½ tsp salt to a bowl; mix thoroughly and let marinate while you prepare vegetables<br />2. Heat oil in large frying pan over medium heat until
h?otot<t<b<brbr r / />/>3>3.3? A AdAdddd d c cuc??inin n s seseeeededsd? a anandnd d md ??????d ?seseeseed?s,s????irir.r. . . T ThTheheyey y??rer? r rereareada?y y wy whwhe?n n mn mu?st???d d sd sed see??ds ds???arartart t t toto o p popopop.p. . . D. DoDo o no ?otot ot l ?etet ?tht??m m b bubururnrn.n.<.<b?r r /r ???. . A. Ad???ono?ioi?on on a an a?nd nd g ?ararlarlilici???. S. ?auaututet???ntnti?l l s so sofoftft.t. . . S?titirti?r cr ??onsonststastanstantntlnt?y y oy oro?r er elelsl?? i itit t wt wiwilillll l bl buburburn?.<??br br / /> /?5.5?. A?dddd dd? ca c?arrarrorototsot?s as an?d d pd ?potpotatatta?toeto?s.s?. ?. Sa. S??tete te u ununtuntitiltil til? po pototaot?totoe??s as ars are? j jujusustus?t at ababobououtut ut? re reae?adyady ?toto to e ?eatea?t. t. ?YoY?ou ou h hah???e te toto to sto ?stistir? v ?ververyr?y fy frfrereqre????ntl?y ???r tr ?thetheyey ey??wilwi?? s st sti st?ickick/k???burnburn.?? I I I d ?o o no noo n???le?t t at ant anyn?ththith?ingin? c? car ca?amamemeleliel????.<b??r /r />r />6>6.6?. A. Ad. Add. Ad???hihicick?en?/y/??gugur?t t mt mi??tut?ureure.? S SaSauSaututeute ?a a?fefewew w m mi???ute?s s us un??il? c ch c?hichi?kekenen en i is is s as abs abobouboutut ?ha?lfl? c?ooookokekedke?d td ??rorouro??h.h. . ?LoLowo?erer
hot<br />3. Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds, stir. They are ready when mustard seeds start to pop. Do not let them burn.<br />4. Add onion and garlic. Saute until soft. Stir constantly or else it will burn.<br />5. Add carrots and potatoes. Saute until potatoes are just about ready to eat. You have to stir very frequently or they will stick/burn. I do not let anything caramelize.<br />6. Add chicken/yogurt mixture. Saute a few minutes until chicken is about half cooked through. Lower
??eae?t t?toto o l lolowow.w.<.<b<brbr r / ?>7>?? A ?ddd?? to t?mamatatoatoeo?s s?anandnd d ld ?etet ??imimmmmem?r r ur ununtntitilil l t?hehe he j jujuiuiciceceses es c ??okok k d dodowownown n a a a b bib?t,t, , a an andnd nd????ickic?ene??isis s cs cocoocookokeokeded d td ?hrhror??ghg??.<b.<?? / /> /?8.8. . A. AdAddAdd d pd pepeaeaseas s fs foforor r cr ?colcololorlo?. ? A Ad Adddd dd??ala??t tt ?? t ta tasaststete.e??.<br.<br r /r />??. ?SeS?erver?e e o ?veverver r fr frfreres?hlh?y y c co c?ookoo?kedked d bd babasasmasmamatmatiti ti?????e. e. ?ReR?mememmembm?erer er? to to to s?oaoaka?????e be babasbasms??matimat? r?ic?? p prpri?oror or? to? to c to cocoo?kik??g g o or o??itit it w wiw?illill ?be? h haharardrd.d.".""?373787898?,B,?000?1H1?TKTKOK?8686,6,A,AOAO0O060???ORO??7P7??HT,HT?"A"AuAututh?oror or Aor ?ilileileeeen? S ??tewtewawar?t t "t ??ChC??????n'n's's ??AutAuththo?r r &r ? P PuPu.u......."..","?0,0,0??5,5?131343??929262?4040000,00,T,ThT?he ?BeBes?t t Ct ??rrrryry y Ay ArArorourounundund!d??PaPat??ak'ak's? m ?makmakekeskes s ts ??the the b be besestest est c cu cururrurry? a ar arorourounround?. . I. I I f fr?eqeququeu?enten?ly????e e ie itit it iit in?? my m??YeYele?lo?w w C ?ChiCh?ick?enen ?????y ?DiDisishis? w?hihichichch
heat to low.<br />7. Add tomatoes and let simmer until the juices cook down a bit, and chicken is cooked through.<br />8. Add peas for color. Add salt to taste.<br />9. Serve over freshly cooked basmati rice. Remember to soak the basmati rice prior to cooking or it will be hard." 3789,B001HTKO86,AO06BFORS7PHT,"Author Aileen Stewart ""Children's Author & Pu...",0,0,5,1347926400,The Best Curry Around!,Patak's makes the best curry around. I frequently use it in my Yellow Chicken Curry Dish which
iisis s a ? f faf?vovoro?ititet? w ???h h b bobotothth h mh mymy y h huhususbsbab???? an and? s ses?vev?? y ??ara? o ?ldld.d..3373?9090,0,B,B0B?0000100?N4N4848888G8G,G?A3A3F3FHFHWH??RWRWRWRFRFQFQWQWDWDGD?G,RG,RoRobo?ere?t2t212???0,0,00,0,0,50,5,5??31318188?090?606??,M,?y y fy ???vorvo?ritri?te te t te?a a oa ofof f a?llll l??imi?e,e,","I"I I f fi f?rsrstst t?drdraran?k k t th thihisis is? te t?ea ea a??t Nt NaNan??????ouo? L LoLodo?geg??onon n tn ?thethe ?NoN?ortorthth th S ShShohororeore ?e ofe of f Mf ??nnnnen?sosototaota,a, , a an and an?d bd boboubougbou?hth?t at ???mamalallll ll p papacackc?etet t ut ?p p? th the ther?e.e. . I ?I wI wawasa?s hs ?????d,d???so so a????r ??I hI hahadad d dd drdrudr?nknk k tk ththethe the f fi fir firsrstrs????it it I? b bo bouougou?ghtght t It I I wI waI w???tedted ?toto o g ge???mom?oreore ore? of of f tf ththithisis is tis te?tea tea A ASA?APAP.P. ?WaWasas as??laladad ad t to t?o so ?seesee e ie it?it fit fofor? s sa salaleale ?e ine in n sn ??chc?h ah a ?hihighighgh gh q quq??ant?itityity ??erereere.ere??I I uI ususeus?d d t????? a a a c coc?offoffef???dr?ininkin?kerker,r, , b, bubutu?t It I t I?mumuc?h ?prp??feferfer r tr ?teatea tea -tea ---- - s?pep?????cacal?lyl??, A, AsAshshbhbyb???AfA?ftefterernernonoooonon on?TeT?ea
is a favorite with both my husband and seven year old. 3790,B0001N488G,A3FHWBRWRFQWDG,Robert216,0,0,5,1318809600,My favorite tea of all time,"I first drank this tea at Naniboujou Lodge on the North Shore of Minnesota, and bought a small packet up there. I was hooked, so after I had drunk the first bit I bought I wanted to get more of this tea ASAP. Was glad to see it for sale in such a high quantity here. I used to be a coffee drinker, but I much prefer tea -- specifically, Ashbys Afternoon Tea
??- -??owow,w, , a anandnd d I ??jujusustst t g gagavaveve e a??ayay y a a a?bab?g g o ?f f??ofoffof?eeee e Ie I'I??l l n ne neveveverve? d drdririninknk.k? I I I n ne?ve?? q ququiuiti??e ge gogoto??whwhyhy ?BrBriritritit??h h p ?eoe?plp?e e ae ??e e se sos? i inintintot??te?a,a, ?bub????-- --???ete?heherer r tr ththithisis is i?s s a? a t a ?ypy?icicac?l l Bl BrBriBrit?is?h ?te?? o or or r nr nonotnot,t, ?I I dI ???'t't t kt knk??? - ??-- I-- ?I nI nonow? s seseeee ee w wh w???ththetheyey'y??d bd bu?ilildld ??the?irir r ar afaftf?terte?no?ononson?s as ??ouo??? a a a h a hih???-q-ququaqu??itityity y ty ?tea?tea ltea ?iki????thi?s ?on?e.e. . S. ?ubu?lilimlimeme.e."e.""3373797?1,1,B,?0000101L1?1D1?YAYAAAA,A,A,?1T1TUTULULMLMIMI4I4141H1HYHYTYT5T5O5?,J,??ustus???,2,2,2,2??5,5?131313111111121120200??00,00,b,beb?stst st c?of?offeoffeeee,ee?"T"ThThe???ev?alali?a a B BrBreBreaeakakfkfafasastst st Bst BlBlelenle?nd nd ind isis is pis ?perperhrhahapapsps s ts ?thethe the? be bes??t ct cocofco?fefeefee e Ie I e I?hahavha?ve ve e ev?er? p pu puru?chc?hashasesedsed.d. ?? It It t it is?is fis ?ulull???ododid?eded,d?, w, wiwitithithohou?t ?bebeibein?g g bg ?it??ter?. . . I. ItIt t at al??? i is is is m mumucu?? c ch cheheaheapapeap????? p pu pur pu
-- now, and I just gave away a bag of coffee I'll never drink. I never quite got why British people are so into tea, but -- whether this is a typical British tea or not, I don't know -- I now see why they'd build their afternoons around a high-quality tea like this one. Sublime." 3791,B001L1DYAA,A1TULMI41HYT5O,Just G,2,2,5,1311120000,best coffee,"The Gevalia Breakfast Blend is perhaps the best coffee I have ever purchased. It is full-bodied, without being bitter. It also is much cheaper to pur
cchchahasases? t ??rorouo?ghgh h A AmAmamazazoz?n n - - - w wiwitithth th F FrF?eeee e se shshihipippppipiningng g??oror r p prprir?meme e me mememmembm?erersr?? C ?anantnt't? b be??t t i ???""3373??2,2,B,B0B0000101L1?1D1DYDYAYAAAA,A,A,?2V2V9V9Y9YDYD2D?9X9?191?3N3N5N???A.A?. R. ReReie??beberbe?g g "g """"u"upuppppepp?er er e ?as?t t st ?idided?e me moe momom"m?"""""",",1,?,1?,5,5,?131313161696??525202?00,00,D,DeDelelilicicic?ouousous,s,I,I'I???e te trt???d d? th theh?e oe otoththetherer er ger ?evevavala??? f fl f?avavovororsors s a anandan??ththithisis is? is i?s ts ?thethe the o ??lyly y? on onene ?i i l liliklikeke ??frf?renrencnch? v vavanva?ili?lala la s ??in??s)s)>)??ItItst?s ls ??likelik?e ye ?ouourou???regregugulula?r ???up up o?f f c coc?fff??? t th?at? g gogoeoese??wiwitwith?th ath ananyan?y fy flf???reredred ?crcre??memermerr?37379??,B??001001L1L11L1D?YAYAAYA?A,AA,?141?737?8H8H3H3Y3YYYYXYX7X7Z7ZCZC,C?JoJohohnhn n Pn PoPopopp?,1,1,,1,1,1,1,1,51,?5,15,135,1313103101?69??0000,00,R00,RiRigighghtght t ft ??r ?me??,"H,"?av??e de drd?ununknk k? th?is??asas as?mymy ?""""s""ststastanandandaandara?d ?brbre???? f?or???eaearea???. . H HoH?wewev?erer,er? t ta tasastasteast?es es c ch cha???e,e, ?an?? I?'m'm m b?egegig?
chase through Amazon - with Free shipping for prime members. Cant' beat it." 3792,B001L1DYAA,A2V9YD29X193N5,"A. Reisberg ""upper east side mom""",1,1,5,1316995200,Delicious,I've tried the other gevalia flavors and this is the only one i like (french vanilla stinks)> Its like your regular cup of coffee that goes with any flavred creamer 3793,B001L1DYAA,A14738H3YYX7ZC,John Popp,1,1,5,1310169600,Right for me,"Have drunk this as my ""standard brew"" for years. However, tastes change, and I'm begin
?nininingng g t ?o o s ses??sese se t th t??? i ?t't's'??a a l lil?ittit??e e?ono? t??e ??liglighghtht ?sisidided?e fe ??? m mymy y??atatuat?ririningin?g tg tatasasts????? N NoN?tht?in?ing ing w wrw??ongon??wiwitithith h? it it t -t ? i it?'s's 's?bebetetttteterter r tr ththath?n n mn momosostst st r ?esestestatautaururauran?t t ct ?ofo?fef?eses es b by by y ay a a wa ??de? m ma mar ma?gigin???3373797???B0B0000101L1L1L?DYDYAYAAAA,A,A,A2A??AUA?9999G9G1G?QDQDDDDVDVBV??TMTMSMS,S,1,1,1??,5,?,1??989818161???0000,00,G,?oooodod d c co???ee?? wi w?ithith ith g grg?reareatat at? se serervr??cec?,","I"I I w?asas as? su sur??ririsrise??d td to?? le l?ara?n ???thattha?t At AmAmam?zozonon on s se?llllsl?s Gs GeG?vavalaliliali??co?coffcoffe?e,???hi?chch h lh le?d d md meme ?toto ?seseaseararcarchch ch A ?AmaAmazazoazonon on fon ?forfo????heherer er h hoh?usu?sehsehoholholdld d id ?iteit?msms s as atat at gat grgregreaeatea?t pt prpripr?iceices?. . I. I ?wi?shsh h ah alallall l? sh shohophoppppip?inging ing cing co?ululdld ld b be b?e te the t?hishis s es eaeaseasysy.y.<.<b<?r r /r ?><><b<br<b??r />r /??pdpdadat?e:e: : 1 ???242?/1/1111.1?. . H HoHowow w c ca c???? the???pripricprice? g?o o fo ?roromro? $ $1$1515.5?0000 00 t?o o oo ovoveverer er $er $4$?????. ?YiY??es
ning to sense that it's a little on the light side for my maturing tastes. Nothing wrong with it - it's better than most restaurant coffees by a wide margin." 3794,B001L1DYAA,A2QAU99G1QDDVB,TMS,1,1,5,1298160000,Good coffee with great service,"I was surprised to learn that Amazon sells Gevalia coffee, which led me to search Amazon for other household items at great prices. I wish all shopping could be this easy.<br /><br />Update: 12/24/11. How can the price go from $15.00 to over $47.00. Yikes
??? g gugueuese?s s n nono o?mom?rere e??eve?alaliliaia a???or or m me m?e ie ?f f t ?hahata? p prprir??e e ie ise is s cs cocororrorrerecrectc??""3?797?5,5,B,B0B??1L1?1D1DYDYAYAAAA,A,A,???I8I8383U3??TKTKSKSXS?GOGO,O,","m"?ananynydydrdryr?ririvri??rsr??Z Z?"""??ananyan???ryrryri?riveriv??sA?Z"Z""?",",2,?,3,3,3,5,5,?121292?464616??606??,L,LoLovo??? th t?isis s Bs BrBrereareakakfkfaf???t Bt BlBlel??d-d?grgrereareatrea?t gt ??iftift,t,"????ckc?iningng g s st?ufufff?erer er g gi gif?ift ift f fo f?or or for fa??ililyly.y. . ?LoLovLoveve ve tve ththith?is is b brbrar?andand d & ? b bl blelenlendnd.nd. . . F FuFulullll l? bo b?didieieded,d, ,? no noto?t tt totooto??dad?rkrk,k???notnot ?t tot toooo o wo wew?akak.ak. . ??usu?st st?ririgri????. . T. ThThi?s s hs hahashas s bs bebececo??e ??a fa fafamfamifam?ilyily y? fa f?vov??ititete e te th?at? e ????yoyono?e e le ??ookoo?s s fs ?forforwrwawarardar?d td ?to to r re receceeceieivi?ininging.g.".""3"37??6,6??????1D1DY1D???A,AA,A1A?9R9RARA3??FFFF1F?B1B1Z1ZOZ?O,RO,ReRenenoeno ?J.J??CyC???,2,,2,3,3,,3,5?,1,??8989393434734727202??00,C00,CoCofoffffeff???EvEveververy?ththithinthing? t? tha th?at ??is ??stast??eded ed i inin in t th the th?e ie ine infn??formforma?titioion? i?s ?exe?aca??ly? w
I guess no more Gevalia for me if that price is correct?" 3795,B001L1DYAA,A34I83UGTKSXGO,"manydryriversAZ ""manydryriversAZ""",2,3,5,1294617600,Love this Breakfast Blend-great gift,"Stocking stuffer gift for family. Love this brand & blend. Full bodied, not too dark, not too weak. Just right. This has become a family favorite that everyone looks forward to receiving." 3796,B001L1DYAA,A19RA3RFF1B1ZO,Reno J. Cyr,2,3,5,1289347200,Coffee,Everything that is stated in the information is exactly w
?hah?t t I I I?ha?d d r ??cicieievevev?d.d?? t tht?hanhanknk k y yoy????797979?,B,B0B?0101L1L1L1D1?YAYAAA??A1A1H1HCHCOC?DLDL5L5757878282121D1D11D?,A?mamana??a,a,0,?,0?,5,?,1,131?4949191313613?00?0,?A A G ?rereare?at at W WaW?? t?o o W Wa Wakakeke e U ?p,p,","I"I ?pupururcr??hasha??ed ed? th t?isis s c coc?fff?eeee e fe foforo??mymy y gy grg?anandan??atathathehere?, ,?anan an o ?ldld d vd ve?t t at ?and? l ??fefelfe??ngn? c?of?fe??e de drd??? . H. HeHe e te ththoth?oroorouougoughghlhlyl?y ey enenjnjojoyoyeyeded ???t at ant a?nd nd w ??e we ?werwerere re? ab ablblel?e te toe to o so ??harhare?re mre mamanmanyny y sy ?totororior??s ?ovoveverve?r ar a a n ninicicec???otot t ot ofof of??evevaev???a.a?. I. ?I wI wowououlou?? d dedefe?ininiinititeitelely? r??ecoecomo?mem?endend d td ?thithis? b brb?ranra?nd,nd, , e, ese?pepececieciaialallallyly ly tly ththi??s bs ?blebl?end???toto to a?nynyony??e e te the t??t ?lo???s s as a a ga gogoooodod d bd brbrebrewe??. C. ?heheehe?ersers!s?""?37379?????00100??1D1DY1DYA?A,A,AA,?2H2?0L0??939333???BAB?N,N,K,KnKnon?otsotscsco???????0,50,5,5,15,??464?97976976060060??,","W,"?on?de?rfr?ulul,l?, s, sms??ootoothth,th, ?ri?ch? t ta tasa?steste"e",",","S,"?eveveev?eraeralal al? Ge Gev Gevaval??ia ia
hat I had recieved. thank you 3797,B001L1DYAA,A1HCODL57821D1,Amanda,0,0,5,1349136000,A Great Way to Wake Up,"I purchased this coffee for my grandfather, an old vet and lifelong coffee drinker. He thoroughly enjoyed it and we were able to share many stories over a nice pot of Gevalia. I would definitely recommend this brand, especially this blend, to anyone that loves a good brew. Cheers!" 3798,B001L1DYAA,A2H0LE9337ABAN,Knotscott,0,0,5,1346976000,"Wonderful, smooth, rich taste","Several Gevalia
b?raranandnd d?cocofofff?eeee'e's's s?hahava?e e b bebeeeeneen n a amamom?ngng g m mym? f faf?avoav?rir?tet???foforor or y ???rsrs.s??.....??elelvlve?? N ??irir,r, , S SiS?gngnanatatut???e Be BlB??ndnd,nd??TrT?radradidit?ioiononaonalal l R RoR??stst,t, , e, ete?c.c. . ?ThThehe ??rereare?kfkfafasfastst st B BlBleBl?endend ?isis s ms ?my my " """"g"?o o?toto"o"""" "" e eveve?ryry ?dadaya?y gy ?ririnrindnd.nd???ItIt't?'s 's g ??t ?a a p pep?rfrfe?ctct ??lelenle?? o ?of of????d ???chch h? ta tas?te?, ??????fificic c a ar aroromomama,a, ??andand d fd fufulullll l tl tat?ast??, , w, wiw?ithith h vh ve?veryvery y ly lolowow w a ac a??diditdityt??an?and and? ha h??shs?nenes???? J JuJ?stst st ist ini?crcreredre??blbleble e ce co?ffffeffeeee!ee!"!""3373???,B,B0B000?1L1L1L?DYD?AAAA,A,A,A2A2Y2?XUXU4U4S4?GGGGUGU7U?WLWL1L1,L1??icichicha??el,el,0,0,0,0,0,,0?5,5?131323?777707080?808?00,00,M??y fy fafavfa?ororiorit?e ?e coe c?ofeofeeee,ee,",??? tr t?rieri??d td ?hihisis is c?of?fefeefe?e te twtwowo o yo yeyeayeararsars ars a?gogo go??nd?nd fnd fofoufounund?nd ind ?it it m mu m?ch? b?etettetteterter ter? th thehenhen n on oto?thetherer er??ra?ndndsnd????of cof cocofcoffcoffefeefee fee I I I h ha??d hd ha?d d bd bebefbe?forfore?. . S. SiSinSi?ncence e t?hehenhen hen I I I h I
brand coffee's have been among my favorites for years....Velvet Noir, Signature Blend, Traditional Roast, etc. The Breakfast Blend is my ""go to"" every day grind. It's got a perfect blend of bold rich taste, terrific aroma, and full taste, with very low acidity and harshness. Just incredible coffee!" 3799,B001L1DYAA,A2YXU4SGGU7WL1,Michael,0,0,5,1327708800,My favorite cofee,"I tried this coffee two years ago and found it much better then other brands of coffee I had had before. Since then I h
a??e e b beb?ene?????iningng g G GeGevevav???a a c cocofofff?eeee ee??t t?AmA??zozonon.n?? Am Amamazmazo?n ??offoffeferfe?? a a a g gog??d d p prpririci?e,e, , e ???en en l ??wew?r r t ththahanan n tn th??at at o onon on? th thehe ?GeGevGeva??liali?a oa ?onlonli????sts??rere.e?""33838080000,0,B,?00001001L1L1L1D1DYD?AAA?,A,AZAZXZX7X7E7EZEZIZ?IFI?MFM?I7I?,R,R.R. . W. ?isi?e,e,5e,5,5,8,8,8,5,5,??232373787??28280??0,G0,GrG??atat at cat co?ff?eeee!ee!,!??ThT??? br brereareakreakfkfaf?stst st b bl blelenenden??hahasha?s as ??wawayaysy?s bs ?beebe?en en oen ononeon?e oe of???y y p pe per????alal al f fafavfa?or??teteses s fs ??omom m G Ge Gevevaevalalialiaia.ia. ???ivi?vesves ?whw?ololele le n ??w w r rerea??sonson ??o o g ge g?ttt?ininging ??p p e???lyly y oy on??SaSatatuatururdr??ay.ay. ?. P. PlPlulusus,s?, t, th?e ???azazoazonon on pon pr?iciceic??cocouco?ldld d nd non??t bt bebe be b?eae??!"!???38038?1,1,B,B0,B00001?L1?DYDYADYAAAA,AA,A,A3,A??0N0?APAPOP???NTN??V,V,M,M.M?. W?hihititeite,e,3e,3,3,5,5,,5,5,5,,5,1,5,?12712??979797?2020000,00?????vava va? co cof?offeoffeeee,ee,I,I I l lo l??ve ve????livlivaliva a ca ?????e.e.Ie.?tsts ???t t bt bit bitittit??r ?lilikli?e e se soe s?omeom?e o?f f???e ?brbraranandan
ave been buying Gevalia coffee at Amazon. Amazon offers a good price, even lower than that on the Gevalia online store." 3800,B001L1DYAA,AZX7EZIIFMFI7,R. Wise,5,8,5,1237852800,Great coffee!,"The breakfast blend has always been one of my personal favorites from Gevalia. Gives whole new reason to getting up early on Saturday. Plus, the Amazon price could not be beat!" 3801,B001L1DYAA,A3L0NAPOQINTIV,M. White,3,5,5,1278979200,Geliva coffee,I love Geliva coffee.Its not bitter like some of the brand
?????d d i itit t s ?ete??wewelellll l?ono? m mymy y s st s??mamacachc?.I.?????? t ?tootoo o??ayay y iy ?itsit?s ts ?hehe e be ?ese?t ?cocofoffffefeee?e Ie ?I eI eveveververyr?y hy ha???anandand d Id I I tI trtririei???d a d a l ????ofof of??xpxpep?nsnsisiviveve ve?brb?anandandsands s as ?s ?wewelwellll ll??s ?s ths thehe he l?esessesseserse????xpexpenensensi?veve ve tve ?thithisis s is is?? mi midid ?prpriricri?e e ae ??? I I I lI ?lovlo?ve ? .I w wiw?ll??co??titini?ueu?e te toto to b bu b??y ty ththithisthi?s fs ?rmr? A AmAmamazmazozonon on e?ve?veryvery ?y thy thrhrereeee ee? mo m?onton??ss3???2,2,B,B0B?010?L1L1D1DYDYAYAAAA,A,A,A1A1K1??2M2MDMDNDNNNNDNDFDF4F?C9C?,D,DeDen??isis is Sis S.S. . K KiKin?seseysey,y?1,1?3,3,5,5,5,1?232373757505070727??00,00???evaev?lil?a a??s ?s ths thes the ?e bee bes??,G,Ge,Gev?evalevalilialia a Ka KaK??ffeff?ee ee iee isis is bis ??y Fy FAFARAR R t th thehe ???stst st?cocofcoff?ffeeffee e oe ?on on ton ththeth???<.????/>/>E>EsE?pepecpeciciaialiall?y y ty thy they the e Ce ??as?tatara???anan an?pepeapeababe?rrr?ry ry a an a?nd nd? th the the e Pe ???uvuviviaianian ??rgrgagananian??..338380?3,3,B3,B0B00B001?L1L1DL1?DYADY?AA,AA,A,A2,A?I5I5O5?C3C?????PCPC1C1,1,E1,E.E. ?IrIrerenrenene e Ge ?ouo?lel?ettet?e,e,9,9,?171
s and it set well on my stomach.I have too say its the best coffee I every had and I tried a lot of expensive brands as well as the lesser expensive this is mid price and I love it.I will continue to buy this frm Amazon every three months 3802,B001L1DYAA,A1KX2MDNNDF4C9,Dennis S. Kinsey,1,3,5,1237507200,Gevalia is the best,Gevalia Kaffee is by FAR the best coffee on the market.<br />Especially the Coastarican peaberry and the Peruvian organic. 3803,B001L1DYAA,A2I5OC3AQBTPC1,E. Irene Goulette,9,17
,?5,5,1,?232343454565696969606000?,B,BeBese?t t C ?????e e?OuOutu?ThT?ererere,e,","G"??vav?lil?a a i isis s t ththehe he?bebesestes??cocofoffoffe?e ????ereere ?isis is?- - a alalwalwawaya????ele?lol?w,w, ,??ev???? bi biti??? .?I'I'd'? n?ev??r r d drdririninknk k a an anyny y?oto??therthe?r br brbraranandnd.d?""??808?4,4,B,B0,B0000700?TGT????Q,Q,A,??H0H00?B6B616??D0D030?9,9,D,DaDava?e5e555??9,09,0,0,00,?0,10,1,1?,13,1?34134171797929?????AlA?momosostst st B ??ugughg?t,t,"?? w wewenentnt t tt toto o c chchehecheckck ?ououtou??anandand d fd fof?ounou?nd nd o?utut ut? th t??t t tt tht the?he fhe frf??igi?ghtgh?t it isis is $is ???.0.0000 00 o on on n a an? $ $1?1.1.0?0 0 ( (c(???ne????????fr?es?h h p ?ror???cec?)?)??!?!!!! ! ?RIR?DID??ULULOLOUO?????"3"??0505,5,B5,B0B00000000X000?2C2CWC?TMTM,M,A??9Z9?4242F2FGFG7G?RJRJZJ??V,V,J,?ono??WiWin?tetertersrs,s???,3?3,3,5,5,,5,1,12,1???656?12?0000,00,R,ReReae?al al L LiLicicocorcoriricri?ce,ce?I I rI ?recrececeiceivivevedved ?a ?bob?? o of of f t? thi thisis ??forfor r Cr ?hrhririsri??mamasa?. . I. ItI?t it ist is s rs re??allal?y y gy gogoooodod.od. ?NoNot?ot oot ovoveverve?lyly ly s ststrst??ngn? l ?liklikek??mo?st??blblalaca?ck ck l li lic
,5,1234569600,Best Coffee OutThere,"Gevalia is the best coffee there is - always mellow, never bitter. I'd never drink any other brand." 3804,B007TGL2TQ,A4H00B61AD039,Dave559,0,0,1,1341792000,Almost Bought,"I went to check out and found out that the freight is $14.00 on an $11.00 (canned, not fresh produce)??!! RIDICULOUS!!" 3805,B000X2CWTM,A29Z42FG7RJZAV,Jon Winters,32,33,5,1201651200,Real Licorice,I received a box of this for Christmas. It is really good. Not overly strong like most black lic
oororirici?e.e. .??t t?isis s i in indn?eeeeded d?sos?ftft t at anand? i it it t ht hah?s ???vevere?y y s?????e e???grgrer?ediedieiene??t lt lilisistist ?wiwititht???O O H ???h ?FrFrur??totososes?e Ce ?or?n n???ruruprup p l ?liklikek??mom?ostost ?cacanandandydy:y:<:<b<brbr r??>M>MoM???assassesesse?<b???/>???eaeatat t Ft ?lolouourur<r<b<br<br <br / /> />L>LiLicicoicororior?iceice e Ee ???raracact?<b??<br /<br />?NaNat??uraur?l l F Fl?ava?or? ( (A(AnAninisiseiseeeedeed ???l)l))???060?,B,?0000000X00??CWCWTWTMT?,A,A2A2X2?E8E8T8T8T?SZS?Z8Z?1D1??,J,JoJoco??sts?a a Ba ??ouvouvivie?r,r,2,?2,2,2,22,22,2,52,5,5,1,111191979737333313121?0000,00?,Jo,Jono?esesisiningng g f ?oror ??mormorere re P ???andaand?,","T"ThThih?is is i?s s ts ththethe e be bebesestes?????icorico?ricricece ce?????? O OrO?r ar at? l?ea?st??th?the the b bebesbe??st Ist ?'v'veve ve e ev eveverver ver h ha?d d od oror or cor ?cancan n cn coc??ceceiceiviveve ?ofof.of. . . ?ThTheThe ?ononlonlyly y py prp?obo?le?m m i is is is??hahathat t nt ?owow w t th tha thatat at mat ?y y 1y 1212-12-p-papac?k k? is is is g is gogononeone,e, , i it it' it's's ??harha?d d td toto to??conconcn?cencent?raratra?e e oe one on ?mymy my w ?or??k ak ?? I I I g ?go go? th?ro???? P?an??anda anda w wi witithithdh
orice. It is indeed soft and it has a very simple ingredient list with NO High Fructose Corn Syrup like most candy:<br />Molasses<br />Wheat Flour<br />Licorice Extract<br />Natural Flavor (Aniseed Oil) 3806,B000X2CWTM,A2XE8T8SZZ81DS,Jocasta Bouvier,22,22,5,1197331200,Jonesing for more Panda,"This is the best licorice ever! Or at least the best I've ever had or can conceive of. The only problem is that now that my 12-pack is gone, it's hard to concentrate on my work as I go through Panda withd
?rar???l l?anandn? c cacan??otot t t ?hihini????? a an anynytyththith??g g?bub?t t Pt PaPan???.".?3?808?7,7,B,B0B0000000X00X2X2C2?WTW?M,M?A3A?PWPW3W3M3MJMJBJBQB?TWT????,M,M.M. . L LeLewewiwisi?,8,8,8,8?,5,5,5,1,?262??171797?2020000,00,R,RER?ALAL L l ??coc?rir??e,e??ThThi?? i is? r rereaeal?? li l?icoic?orioricice????t t it ??is sis sosof?t,t, ,??asas ?grgrereareatat t tt ?asastastet?e, e,?? and an?d id isis is vis vevere?y y??eaealea?ththythy!y! ! L?ovo?ve ve i it it.t??????8,8,B8,???00X00X200X2C2CW2C??M,M,AM,A2A?205205U5UHU?TCTCGCGSGSPSPZPZEZ?I,I?G.G. . S. ScSchchehece??erer,er??,5,5,,5,5,5,?5,15,12??575767606?000000000,00,A00,AlAllll l Nl NaNat?ururaralral ??icicoicoricoriricricece e C CaCan?'t't t bt ??e be bebeabe?at,at?? h ha havave?ve bve be??n n e ????inging ing????ndanda a L????icoriicoricice??fof?? a a a?nunumumbmbe?r r???f yf yeyeaearea??s as an?? i?? i???haharhardr????r ?sosomso?eoe??e e we ?hoho o? lo l???s ?lilicli????riceric???o ??eat? a an?y ???he?r ??raranrandnd.nd. . . T ThThiThis???is is ais al???nan?atu?raralral ral ( (w(??icichich h? is is is?whwhawhatat at m ?akakekeses es i it? it t it ?tastaststete te?grgregreaeat?) )??roromom m t th t?he he? li lic licocor?icice?ice rice
rawal and cannot think of anything but Panda." 3807,B000X2CWTM,A3PW3MJBQTWPYS,M. Lewis,8,8,5,1268179200,REAL licorice,"This is real licorice. It is soft, has great taste, and is very healthy! Love it." 3808,B000X2CWTM,A205UHTCGSPZEI,G. Schecher,5,5,5,1265760000,All Natural Licorice Can't be beat,I have been eating Panda Licorice for a number of years and it is hard for someone who loves licorice to eat any other brand. This is all natural (which is what makes it taste great) from the licorice r
o?otot.t? ??rer?shs? a ??waw?ysys s b ?ececacaua??e e?ofo??ththehe e ue ununiniqiququeue ?papacackc?aga?iningng g a an andn?? th t?he he?momosostst t f flf??vovororfr???..?383808?9,9,B,?000?00X00?2C2??TMTM,M,A,?121?M1M1V1VOV?U8U8S8S1S?DRDRNR?,J,J.J. ?EDEDSDSASALA?L,L,5,5,5,5???,5,1,5,1212612646?5555050404040000,00,","E"EXEXCX?ELE??ENENTNT,T?TATASA??Y,Y, , C CHCHEHEWEWYW?Y,"Y,",",","T,"THTHEHESHESESE E? CH CHEHEWHE?? A ARA???TA?ST?Y Y? AN ANDN??? CHE CH?EWYEWY.Y???THETH?E PE ??ICI?CE CE I ISI??EXEXCEX??LL?LLENLLENTNT NT F FO FORO? W WHWHAH?T T Y YOYOU??GEG?T.T. ?WEW?E HE ??VEVE ?E PLE PLELEN?TYTY TY A AR A?OUOUNOU?ND ND F FO?????RSRSESELSE?VEVESVES ?ANANDND ND TND ???SHSHAHARHARERE RE W WI WITI??? FA FAMAMIM?LYLY.Y. Y. G GR GREREAREATAT AT T ?REREAREATREAT ???OR OR L LIL?ITTITTLTLELE LE??IDIDSDS.DS.<.<b<?r r?????USU?S TS THTHETHEYTHE?Y AY AR??E GE GOGOOO?D D FD FOFORFOR R YR YOYOUYOU U? WI?TH???O O AO ADA?DED?ED ED?JUJUNUNKNK.K. ?JU?STST ST L LI L??OR?ICICEIC?.<.<b.<?br br / /> /???REA???BUBUYU?Y, Y,? GR GRE GR?ATAT AT TAT ?TAS?TETE.E."E.?3?818?????000000X0X2X2CX2?CWTCW??,A,A1,A1M1MUM?QUQUKUK1K1M????1616,6?,"D,"?anancncicininging ?BeB?arar ?"""?VaValalaalar???"""""""",",5",5,5,55,5,5,55,5,5,5,1,12?575??12012???0,?ThThe