??? I ??ama????ppp?? a??????????????????? w?????? n ????d td ?????""???????????????9M9??ABA????????ASA????????obob,b??????,1,???????606?00,00?,Be,B???????????????????????"I"???se????????? l ?oto??????? anis ani?????????? b ????????? f ??? b bi b??????????????????????t t at ???????or ???oko?????????????e ??????????heshe???????????????ara?s s???????e ge ????er????stostor????rer?e ie ?inoin??????ateat?lyl?????????????so so???chche????????????????????MoM???????????????????? ha h????ooo????rir???es ?bubutbu??????cucululoul??? s??ipipp?in???????????mam?????co?com com???????????????????is is?? ani? anise anise ?????????????ronro?????? is is ??? e???????????quaqu?????????????????d ad ?
. I am happy and will order more when I need them." 12999,B001VNEA9M,ABH34FS4FASPO,SueBob,0,0,5,1324857600,Best anise seed in bulk,"I use quite a lot of anise seed in baking -- for biscotti especially, but also for cookies, and some meat dishes. The little jars in the grocery store are inordinately expensive,so I checked the internet. Most spice companies had good prices but ridiculous shipping costs. to the rescue! This anise seed from Frontier is of excellent quality, potent and ar
?omo???????pap???????? pe p????ctc???, ?????at? a ? g ??eae?at at pat ????????????l l d ?????iti???ly ly??????de???""?131303000??????0E0?VTVT0T?4C4C,C?????????999????,",?????????"H"????????????????nd nd?faf?????""??,3,???,5,5,5??????22022?808??00,H00,HoH?? c ??an an y ?????????5 5?????. o. ofo???it???????? b??isi???,?????????????umu?mim???trt?awa?????rieriese????re re????????????? ta t?????????????y ay ?????????????ma?y ?be??? bia bi??????becbe??us??????????????????? c ca canandandiand??????SPS???????????oso??????????HariHar???????or or? pr p?????y my ??chc? m??????????????????herhe?re're????us???????th??????boboubo???th?????erfer???? c??????????????????tut??re ???? b? bit bite???????????????????? do d????on?? ch c???y ??
omatic, packaged perfectly, and at a great price. I will definitely re-order." 13000,B000EVT04C,AE7WX7VY993TE,"N. Lee ""Happy husband and father""",3,3,5,1302220800,How can you beat 5 lbs. of bite-sized bliss?,"Haribo's gummi strawberries are some of the tastiest candy available. I may be biased because I've loved gummi candies (ESPECIALLY those from Haribo) for pretty much my entire life. There's just something about the perfect combination of texture and bite that make chowing down on chewy fr
???t-t???ava????????????????ppppypy ??????it???<b<????????????trt???beb?????s s??????????????y fy ?????it???frf??????soso o???????lll???? w wawasa??????????????????????nd???????an???????????????????ar?ibi?o ?????e ae ????mmm??????????????ca?????????????????????, ????????????????????e ??ruruiru?it it??it it wit ?????????? t?????????????heheyhe?y oy ???viovi??????????t ??????????ke ??????? s????????ri?eses es????chc???av??????or??????ta???tinti???????o t???????ut????hey? d??????????????????as as? if i??????????terter ???thantha????any any??th??r ??imiim?itait???on?????rawra???rrrryrry rry????????ououtou?????????br???????????TheTh????cacan??ie??????re sre ?? g ???d ?????can can???
uit-flavored candy a happy activity.<br /><br />Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits so naturally I was overjoyed when I found out many years ago that Haribo made a gummi strawberry candy that, as a bonus, even looked like the fruit it was trying to imitate! They obviously don't taste like actual strawberries which have a sort of tartiness to them, but they do taste as good as if not better than any other imitation strawberry flavor out there.<br /><br />These candies are so good I can jus
?t t??unu??????????m m?????o o? or o? t????? a ???a a t?????- ?fof??r hr ????? ( ?whw???????gug??ltl?il??? ad a????t It ???ava?????oneon????n tn th??e pe ?asa??t a??t wt wo????????? p ???????????t bt beb?????ateatene???????herhe?????belbe?iei??ve ve????, I, I'I???????????????????d ld lo????????a ca ??ndn?y ????ciciai???st????at???can?????l l????s s ms ???ch ?????????oodoo??ese??s as ?????is??????????????<b<??r /r ???????>A>???? my m????mi??????????th???m am ????welwell??????????yoy??????????ca???? g?ete???enoen?ougou?gh gh???????em,em??an??????n ???y wy ?ifi?????o ???????????al???????ke ke????mi? c?????????? th? that tha?t mt ????????can pcan pup???do????????????? or or???o po ??????.<.????/>????????????????????????????y ??lalavavoav???
t munch on them - two or three at a time - for hours (which I guiltily admit I have done in the past at work). The price can't be beaten, either - believe me, I've looked high and low for a candy specialist that can sell this much sweet goodness at this low a price!<br /><br />And my family loves them as well. My two young boys can't get enough of them, and even my wife who doesn't really like gummi candy all that much can put down a dozen or so pieces.<br /><br />If you like strawberry flavored
????????anandan??lol?vev? g ??????????hih?ghg??y y ry rer??????????????ryry ????????? e eve??????smsmam??lel???????????ifi????????? sc s????s s ys ?youyo???- -??ouou ou???????beb??did?isais?ppppop??ntn?ede???????????00000000E0EVE???4C4?,A,????KUK?????8T8??F,F??. ????????????111???979?929??00,00??wew??om?e,e,T,?hehes??e ae ??????? g?re???????th???????? t th???????????????????rir???? o ??????zoz?????you you???an'an't?? lo l????????efe?in????ly ly? a a g a gog????bub?y.y??????2,2?????EV??????????????N8N8G8GTG???,S,???an,an?2,2,22,??5,5,15,????383???80080?,M,MyM???????iti????????? c???ndynd??,",????is is?is??, h, ?an????????, , m, mym????avoav???tete ??HarHa?ribribo? c?? cand can????. I. ????hasha?s as ??????????l l???tratrawa?????ry ry????????anand?? th??? sw s?????es??????non??
candy and love gummis, I highly recommend you try this (or even a smaller package if 5 lbs. scares you) - you won't be disappointed!" 13001,B000EVT04C,A3A0KU85T78T6F,K. Hoos,3,3,5,1170979200,Awesome,These are the greatest things in the world. At the prices on Amazon you can't loose. Definatly a good buy. 13002,B000EVT04C,A2BLJGGWN8GTXQ,Sean,2,2,5,1304380800,My favorite Haribo candy!,"This is, hands down, my favorite Haribo candy. It has a wonderful strawberry flavor and the sweetness is not
o?????owowew??ini?g.g??????030??????EVE??040???ATA??????VIV???1K1???ararar????????,2,,2??,1,??010?????????umu???????ntnt t????d d?????e e?????heherherer??????.... .???VEV???THETH?M!M!!!?????????shs?? th t???? wo w??ldl???omo?????????mam?lll?????izi????5 5?lblbsb? i ??? al a??t!t????????,B??000?????4C??????????????????????e ??????2,???4,4?????????????????????t ????oduod???t ft ?roromro????aia??, ???????????y"y??,"W,"????se????o ??????????????an?d d wd ?????????to? t th???sts?torto?re re????hth??????????aca??oro???????he he? gu g?????????????by by??????????????od???, bu, but? t?? they the??ar?????????? s??????????????es??????????????????????? a???e i?n ???????y.y. y.?????ibibob??????oducodu?????heheshe???
overpowering." 13003,B000EVT04C,ATHKWWYVIRN1K,sara1987,2,2,5,1301788800,yummy,"cant find these anywhere else.. LOVE THEM!!!! do wish they would come in a smaller size, 5 lbs is alot!" 13004,B000EVT04C,A374BNXY49Q1EB,Seabee Wife,2,2,4,1247702400,"Good, but product from Spain, Not Germany","We used to live in Bonn and would go to the store right by the factory. The gummies sent by Amazon are good, but they are not the same as the ones that you get when you are in Germany. Haribo produces these i
????pap?????ndnd d t ??????????t t??????????????S.S??1131???5,5????0E0?VTV???????9E9?????FVF????????ara?????eae?????cac???????????","???5,???????969??????GuG???????????berbe?rir??s s?? to to??????????????e ??asa??y y?lil?ttt?????um????????????ra??????????????e fe ???????ermer?an?y ?????????????????????????sedse???it????????????????gu??mmimmi ????????pe???????????? the??????es?? ??????????sis?st?en??????aweawes???????????????? s?wew????????????or tor ???is is?ququau?antan??ityit?. ??????e ye yoy???r fr ?frifr???????????????????????hem??????????nen??d ??0 0????nd????? t? the them the?????ma??e ?sus?????ou????et et???????????f yf ????????en'en't'?t et ?eat??? t?? thes these??, y?ou??ha?vev?en'
n Spain and then import them to the US." 13005,B000EVT04C,A29EVR9VFVUL7H,"Carpe Bean ""carpe_bean""",4,5,5,1193961600,Gummi strawberries to DIE for,"These tasty little gummi candy strawberries come from Germany and are not to be confused with our inferior gummi worm type candy in the States. Great consistency, awesome flavor, and sweet deal for this quantity. Once your friends and family try them, you'll need 10 pounds of them to make sure you get a few. If you haven't eaten these, you haven'
?t t?lil???d.d???131????????????0404C4???3V3????9Z9??GDG??????J.J. . P PiPiti?tmtmam?n n??????gog????c3c3"3?"""""?????,5,????919111??686808???????????e e?????dhd?ooo????????n In ??????ed? t ??he he??????it it????? li l??????ele????g ?????????????ere??iei?es!es?? I ?????otot ??igi?g ig ???o o? sw s???tst????????theth??????? j ??????rigri???t at an?? d ?ono?'t'??????????likelike ??rtr?ifi??????????????ng??. . ??ar??????????it?????ma??keskes ????????t ????mym??cac?andandiand??s!s??!!"!!????????????????????2F2???????IAIANA??6,????????????????????606????ARA?NIN??G!G!!!!!!!?! ! ????nonotno???ordor??????heshe?e ??in in?????????????????????????oneon????dodo do????? or o????????se?????????????er???. N. ??o po prp????????on on???????kekenken ?????ro
t lived." 13006,B000EVT04C,A3VZSV9Z3GDP0W,"J. Pittman ""MangoSlic3""",1,1,5,1191196800,Just like childhood,"When I opened the bag it was like smelling fresh strawberries! I'm not big into sweets, but these are just right and don't taste like artificial flavoring. Haribo definitely makes the best gummy candies!!!" 13007,B000EVT04C,A2F5B4DCWIANQ6,Vicki,0,0,2,1342569600,WARNING!!! Do not order these in the Summer!!!,"Be cautioned, do not order these in the summer. No protection was taken to pro
??????tht???e e f frf???? th t?he he?sus?????????????o o?????eceeceie??ede?????????????ofo? g ????y y? go g???????he he ehe ?ntn???????? w ?asas s l???uiu??d wd ?????? r??ece?iv????????????080?????????040?????IQI????M6M??BHB?F,F??drd??gag???????3,3?????????????trt?awa?????y ?????????????recre?????d ?????lb?? ba?g g og ?????????'s 's o????????????y ??re????oodoo??????t nt ?otot ???e ?sasama?????mm?i'i'si'?s ys ???????d ?in? G ????????. T. ????????????????it it???romrom ???the the??????. A. ???terter ???????????oro?ded??ed?ed ted ?????????????????????????? t th???????????????????????????????????????eee????o ?flf??????????????????????re???????ing????????????000???T0T04T0?4C,4C?????LBLBOB?U6U6X6?GNG?????
tect these from the summer heat, so I received a 5 lb bag of gummy goo! The entire bag was liquid when I received it." 13008,B000EVT04C,ANIQX6JM69BHF,adrigal,0,0,3,1339372800,Strawberry Gummi's,"I received my 5lb bag of gummi's on time. They are good, but not the same gummi's you find in Germany. They look like it from the site. After I already ordered them I read another review that state's the same thing. I guess I need to fly to Germany for the real thing." 13009,B000EVT04C,A1NXLBOU6XGNPB,Je
?? C ??e,e,0,???????323?242?383848404??????ele????t,t????ere? t ?????aca?titioi??. .?????rdrdederereer?d d???ese?? f fof????????tht??r ??????????????thdth???????????s ??????????ed?. . ???heyhe??wew??ere ere?rer????y y fy ??????????tat??tet?ed ed a am a???iningin?????an????1??010??????????????A1A????????????D,D?????? F ?????h,h,0????5,????151???????HaH?????o So StS????????????"T"????????????sts?????berberrr??riesrie????e ??????????????y y fy fly f???or????. ??????????????????????????????veve ve?? the th??? a a a??ryry ???? w ??????????th?????1?????????????T04T0??????????????AUA????nt????io,io??,0,0?,4,?,1,12,1292??161???????re???y ???odo???FuF????y ty ???????bo??????isis ?or????????????????????? w?????
n Coe,0,0,5,1322438400,Excellent,Super transaction. I ordered these for my father in law's birthday. He was so thrilled. They were really fresh and tasted amazing. Thanks. 13010,B000EVT04C,A127SIEPQTO6AD,Polly French,0,0,5,1321574400,Haribo Strawberries,"These gummy strawberries are YUMMY and very flavorful. We are big fans of Haribo, give these a try you will love them." 13011,B000EVT04C,A20U26U25BKAU3,Antonio,0,0,4,1298160000,Pretty Good,"Funny thing about this order: I thought these were a
??did??fef???????????ofo??ststrt????ererrer?y y g ???????????????????????a a???????renre?nt nt???????????andan????????I ??????????????in???to???uyu???????lkl??. .????????deder?????heh????????????????????????thith??ki?ngn????????????????st?ra??????ie?s s?????????oko??????????nd??????????? o???????? w?????????HoH?we??verve???? I w I ???????????????????????????ucu??? si s?????I ?dod???likli??ke Hke ?????o ????mimiemies????in gin gegen??????????d th?????e ste s?tratr???????es??ar?e ?tat??tyt???????????esses????????ne???????????he???d th???????re?????? ba b??????m ??my my????er? o?n n J ???. ?4t4th???????????????plp??an an? to to ????derde??????????????ul??ar ar????????????????
different kind of strawberry gummy that I like from a different company (and which I have yet to find to buy in bulk). So I ordered these gummies by mistake thinking they were the strawberries I was looking for and it turned out they weren't. However, I was not disappointed that much since I do like Haribo gummies in general and these strawberries are tasty nonetheless. I've nearly finished the entire 5lb bag from my order on Jan. 4th, but I don't plan to order these particular strawberries aga
i????NoN??????????????ididnd??????kek??ththeh????????be????useus???he?rer?????ana?????????rar??be??????umu?mym?????t t It I ????? m ??????????th?ese?????????, ???rir?bob?!)!).)?????? do d?n'?t ?t let lete???????????????e de ???????????????????uru???????????????. T. ThT??? pr p???? i ?? r ????t ????? th???5l5lbl??s ws ???? l ???t ???????whw??ileile e ae ??and and?????y ay ?arear???? g???at????ualua?????""1131303010????????VTV????????2O2?????QUQUZU????TeTer????a Pa ???????????5,5??????242??????eae???????????????????rierieses,es????hesehes??????????lly????????tat?????ing ing? an a???????????tet?. ? T ?????wew????????????fof???????au?ghghtgh?terte???bib??????????????????????????ry ry????????????????13,13?,B0,B???
in. Not because I didn't like them, but because there is another strawberry gummy that I like more over these (sorry, Haribo!). But don't let my preference dissuade you from purchasing these. The price is right and the 5lbs will last you a while and they are of great quality." 13012,B000EVT04C,A3R2OV2KPQUZQ4,Teresa Parker,0,0,5,1246924800,Really cute Strawberries,These are really great tasting and oh so cute. They were perfect for my daughters birthday party!! Strawberry Shortcake. 13013,B000E
V?T0T040???A3A??0F0???????????"A"??????????sos?n n " ???JoJoyo??????.c.cocomo???????,0,,0???????050?12??0,0,H0,?????????????chc???????????????he??e ?sts?????ere?????gumgumm???s s??ava??e je ??????he? r ?igi???????avoav?????d d???????grg?reare?t ?ch??ew.ew????????ThiTh?????????? b bab?g g? go goeoes????lol????waw?y ?????????ulu??????fl????????? / />????????? are are e ie ?ntn??? ba b??????????????akeake ???ninici?????co???tit?????or???????topto??????????akeakesake????or aor ???cakca?e.e????r /?>T>Th>The?hesehes?????ndind??ies ies?? are??????????????s cs ?comco?pl????e we wiw?????????wbewb????????ki?????gregr????totop??????????iseis?d ????aceac?es ??????e ?e ste s?tratr??be??rryrr???dende?????ng ng???????? K ??ds? w ?wilwi??????????????ec?aua???e t????? ar? are are c are ??
VT04C,A370FTMPRF0AIK,"Aleta Jackson """"",0,0,5,1234051200,Huge pack of chewy gummies,"These strawberry gummies have just the right flavor and are a great chew.<br />This 5 pound bag goes a long way and is full of flavor.<br />If you are into baking, they make a nice decoration for the top of cupcakes or a cake.<br />These candies are eye pleasers complete with strawberry looking green tops and raised places on the strawberry denoting seeds. Kids will love them because they are cut
?e e??????lll?? as a???????????????,B,????EVEVTV??4C4??A2A??????T0?????????????"bw"b??""??,0,??,0,,0??,1,?????????0,0,H0,????????????????????ROR??K!K?????????ar?????????e!e????herherere ??elsel???????????fifini?d d??????????? s smsme??????????????asteast?? g ???od,od?????????soso so?mum?chc???unu???????? b ?????s ms mam????be be? go g??????utu?t tt ????? a??? B ????ERE???A A???????ryry ?????????e ?hahadha???anyan??oto???r r?????????????????????????? p ???plp??????? t?he????????ar???????brbr ??????r /?>D>????????in????thethe the???????????? g??in????o ????? t? too to????????oncon??????????????????t yt yo???ha???????"?1313013???????00E00EV00E?????C,AC,????????YNY?PSP?FGF??,"Z,"??????nyn?????DXD???????CK
e as well as tasty." 13014,B000EVT04C,A2KGET4T0H6KO,"bwk ""bwk""",0,0,5,1232928000,Haribo Strawberries ROCK!,"These are awesome! Where else can you find candy that smells good, tastes good, and is so much fun! Gummi bears may be good, but these are BETTER. A must try if you've had any other gummies. I love suprising people with these at parties.<br /><br />Don't think the 5 lb bag is going to last too long once people find out you have it!" 13015,B000EVT04C,A2D72VZ2YNPSFG,"Zombunny ""PDXMODCHICK
??"""",""?0,0????????090??848?0000,0,"0,??????, ,????mmymm?? Y Yu Y???????????? m ???????????????...?????????????????'t'????????????ofo??tht????. .?????aka??? a a a w ???ileile ???????????ugu?h h????ve ve?pop?ounoundn?s s??????umm?????:):))?????????00000????????????1I1??????4E4??F.F??FaF??s,s??,0,1,0,1,1??????292??????????????????s is ??s ts ?????????prp??cec??I ???ve??????? f?????????o.o?????e ???nd???????????????an??d td ?thethe the t????????????????ri?????. ?????????y!y????30130???????????4C??,AP,A???WWW?XNX??????????MaM??ththe????????3,3?????????????VeV??????errer???, b, ???????????rea?????????y,??????????it?????m m??????d ld ?ic???????????ie?. ??utu??I ????????carca?re ???????
""",0,0,5,1220918400,"Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I love me some Gummies...",I still haven't eaten all of these. It takes a while to go through five pounds of gummies :) 13016,B000EVT04C,AWZN1IGFR054E,F. Fass,0,1,5,1192924800,Yummy!,This is the best price I have found for Haribo. The candies are fresh and the texture is just right. Great buy! 13017,B000EVT04C,APRCWWXN9S5KE,J. Matthews,0,2,3,1319155200,"Very berry, but very greasy","Okay, I admit it, I'm a red licorice junkie. But I don't care for Red
????????????wiw?zzzzlz???s;s????eye??????????'t't ?????? th t?? " ????oto?????? d??????????????????????????????pip??ala??s as ara??????y ??asa???????????????? go g???? a???d td ???? o?fff??? a??????????ongong g????????hehe he ohe ??e ?drd?awa??aca?? i ?????????????????? to???????veryver???ili??y t???????????as??? f ??????????stast?ar ar????in??. ????????? the the???errer??????avoav????????????n.n. . J. ??????????????????bob???t st ?????wbewb?????lil???orior?iceic??. W. ?ar?nin??ing:ing: :?????????????ouounou?nd ???g ??f f? li l????????????? the ?hoh???? w wi w?illil????????????????the the??????????????????????????veve ve hve ????yoyouourou?r cr ?????on??""1????8,8???????T0T040???A2A?KOKOGO?7J7J4J??XAX?????????0,0?2,2?,2,,2?????
Vines or Twizzlers; they just don't have the ""tooth"" I desire in a good whip. These spirals are very tasty (almost too good) and they offer a good, long chew. The one drawback is that they tend to be very oily thus the reason for my 3-star rating. Still the berry flavor is spot on. Just what I love about strawberry licorice. Warning: Having a 5 pound bag of licorice in the house will weaken even the mightiest willpower. You've had your caution." 13018,B000EVT04C,A2KOG7J4DXA5F1,Ter,0,2,2,13070
??929202?0,0?HaH?rir??????????,","B"???????tht????cac???y y?????ryr????t at ?s ?????????? s ??acackc??????t at a t a??an?????gug???????????. S. ???????????????????tat????. B. ????????????awa?????? f??avavovoro??????k.?????e be ?????? g???an?tit???. S?o ????s ???????f ???????????????? of of ?kikidi??????eae???????????????dvd??rtr??????? fi f??? p ???????bagbag,g, , t??heyhe?'r'??e ne non????kidkiddddid?????1?????,B,?00??EVE?T0T???????????????O8O?????e ?L.L???????sos?????5,5?????13????808?????T T I ???????? F ????COC?????PT?????,","N,"?NotNo????????????????????????????ibi???????????? at a???????????s ????? pr p????y,y?????????ioi???lyl??? ha hav??????????? a an a?nd nd and ?arear?????????????????
59200,Hariubo Gummi,"Bought this candy to try it as a fill in snack. Not a fan of gummi stuff. So, that was my mistake. But, the strawberry flavor is ok. The bag is gigantic. So it's good if you have a lot of kids to eat them. They advertise a five pound bag, they're not kidding." 13019,B000EVT04C,ACG9G2WPTF6O8,Dale L. Robinson,0,5,1,1313884800,NOT INTENDED FOR CONSUMPTION!,"Not tasty... and almost impossible to chew at all! Items are pretty, but seriously, have no taste and are like chewing rub
?beb?????131303?????000?????040?????9M9?UOU?RKR?CBCBNB????,D,??????????0,?????????757525????????r r?????????ndn???????????tnt?????"A"?????????????????????????wsw???I I w ??s s????kikin??g fg ?????rdrd d td tot????yiy??????? H ??rir??o ?????wbw??rrr?????mmm??????????????????er???????ppp?oio???tedte?????????????????y. y.??????????? th????????andiand??es es??????hah??????iki?e ?st?rarawawbaw??????????????r fr ??????or aor ?and???cec????????????????blb??????????????s s as ?t ???l.l??????ddd?????n,n?, t, ?????gumgu??i ???candcandi?es?????ck ck??????????. . . ??AftAf????sa???li?????????????? t th? the the?????trawbtraw???berriberrie??????ama???????ng tng ???? thr th?????wa?y ?th??????aia??????????????????????gugusgu?
ber." 13020,B000EVT04C,A39MUORKCBNRX6,David Lim,0,5,1,1300752000,Poor Flavor and Lack Sweetness,"After reading other reviews, I was looking forward to trying the Haribo strawberry gummi candy. I was very disappointed with this candy. Although these candies are shaped like strawberries, their flavor and scent do not resemble strawberries at all. In addition, the gummi candies lack sweetness. After sampling several of the strawberries, I am going to throw away the remainder of the bag. Disgust
i???!<!??r r???????????? t ??? H ??rir?bob? g ????????????s.s???ThT??ses???ana?did?ese??????wow??????ulul.l.".????020212?,B,????????????????4N4?????NON????omo???peape????"""?ho?memepmepe??????????????????21???00000???ooooro???uau???tyt?y ay ??d d T Ta T??????I I h ???e ?????chach???d ?th??????gumgu?mmimm??ca????iesie????????????? a an a??????????d ad ? p?????????bubutu??th?thesthe????strst?awa????????????asteast?????err?????????????ndndendednded ??????????? the th???ouo?????131?30230???????EPE??8X8???,A3,A3Q3?FYFYHY????JJJ??LPL??????DeD?zzz????i "i ????????????d"d""?""","""?,1,,1?,1,,1,4,1,4,4???404???????????????oodoo??????faf???????????ch??,"????????te??????e ae ???? fl f??avoavor????an?????????ac??????mam??????????? w ???? n ne n?veverve?????
ing!<br /><br />Try the Haribo gummi peaches. Those candies are wonderful." 13021,B000EVT04C,A6X3R4N4XNPNO,"Homepeach ""homepeach""",0,6,1,1215216000,Poor Quality and Taste,"I have purchased these gummi candies in the past and not had a problem, but these strawberries tasted terrible and I ended throwing them out." 13022,B001EPQ8XS,A3QFYHV5IJJKLP,"B. Dezzani ""cooking dad""",1,1,4,1240185600,Very good for factory gnocchi,"Better texture and flavor than most. Machine made gnocchi will never appr
???????????????????????????e e b bob?xex?????shs????pop????oeo?s s?????????madma???????t tt ???????????????????????d ad ????????blb?????ryr????????????? t ???n n? ba b???????????????gongo?zoz???????d cd ??????????????B0B???RYR????????XPX??CDC??8K8??5Z5??????dyd??????en?????,5,??????????????????????????o So ?esesaes???e Me ??so???????vev??beb?????????????????????????as aas ???alala?????resre??in???fof????lmlmom???t 2t ????????s as ?andan?, ?, be, b??ie?????????????????????????????????ththoth????a ???????????????and????so?lul??el??????liclicic?????. . ??t ?????????????????ndend??????????e ????? mea me?????????????as??as a as a?????in??? sa s?uc?e ?????????????????????
oach handmade, sort of like boxed mashed potatoes vs homemade, but these are about as good as possible. Try boiling and then baking with gorgonzola and cream." 13023,B000RYBDLE,A2XPMCD68KU5ZM,Gladys Queen,1,1,5,1258416000,Angelo Pietro Sesame Miso,"I have been using this product as a salad dressing for almost 20 years and, believe me, when I say that it is, without a doubt, tangy and absolutely delicious. It also gives a wonderful taste to meat when used as a basting sauce when grilling or broi
??ini??????????iti????trt?????'m'm m?????aia?????????????l l r ??ala???????e e ie ???""???020??,B,???????DLDLELE,E?????SUS???YXY?H3H???????hrhrir????nsn????0,0????????222??????????????????ded?????ou???????sis??????????????????????? is i????????awa???????intintr????????????o ???????el?ici?cioci???????ressres????. ??????d ?????o ???y sy ???????ndnd d sd ??????nonooood?lel?s,s, ?anandan??????????????????si?????????????lalad?. ??I I hI ??havehave ???rvr??d d td th??????????? to to m my m??????y fy ????????? an a??? it i?????waywa?s ???????veve ?re?????????. It. I??is?, ?byby ?y fay f????????av???it?e ?dr???????g."g.?"1"???????B00B0????????????????SZS?YUY????,S,????????. . R. RoR??sense??????????????393?111??????
ling. Give it a try, I'm certain that you'll really like it." 13024,B000RYBDLE,AXDTSURVYXH3O,E. Christensen,0,0,5,1342224000,Incredibly delicious dressing,"My co-worker, who is from Hawaii, introduced me to this delicious dressing. I add it to my salad and somen noodles, and I have a quick Asian noodle salad. I have served this salad to my many friends, and it always get rave reviews. It is, by far, my favorite dressing." 13025,B000RYBDLE,A1MH21BSZYUBET,Sheila G. Rosenthal,0,0,5,1339113600,G
?rer??t t s ?ala??? d ?????????????avavev? b ???????sinsi???tht??s s??oro????earea??. .??????oco?alal al??????mam??kek????useus?d ??o o????ryr???????????in?g,????d ????? s?????pedpe???????...??????hadha??????????t ???????ererier??ing ing i ?????lil????""??????????00R00??BDBDLD??,A,A1A1O1?????????XFX?O,O??????????????"""?quq???it????mavma????"""""????,0,,0??????151???00???ThT??? on o??????la???????????ng Ing ?????,"???????????y ?dod???????ke???nyn?????????????sin?gsgs,s?????????????????de??????? M ?????????d ?????? us u??es es???t o???ve?ggggig????. . I. ???is??liliglighg?t ?????? l li lit?????????ny ny???????vivin??grg?????).)??????e te ??????????????erfer??l l??? th?e ?sesesse???e ??????????????wew?eri????????
reat salad dressing,"I have been using this for years. My local supermarket used to carry the dressing, and then stopped. So ... I had to resort to ordering it online." 13026,B000RYBDLE,A1OTC9YLZTOXFO,"Sara Sutton ""quality maven""",0,0,5,1311552000,The only salad dressing I use,"I generally don't like any salad dressings, but this is wonderful! My husband even uses it on veggies. It is light and a little runny (like vinagrette). The taste is wonderful - the sesame is not overpowering, nor
??? t ththeh??mim??????(I(? l lol??????y y a ?ndn?????ama?????????oto??????llllyl??????????????tete,???????hihis????????ngn????is pis ????????? ?????ouo?????? lo l??????????????????ing?? ne n?w w??o o?????????in?iti??lyly ly??????????is ois ?????????????????020?????????BDB???????????F4F???3Q3?????R,R??,0?,4,4,4?13?090989828?????????????..,..,",??????wawas? y???my?????idi??'t'???????????it it h ???d Md ?SGS? h????? bu??t wt ?????am am???ki????ing?????????odo??????s ???lil?cicioi??????MiM????????????lsl??ofof ?????????????? sa s???e e we ???????????????m ??of??u au ?????re??n n o ??????????ili???????????,B0,B?000000R000RY???????2L2L1L????0Q0???3X3???????d,d??,0,0,0,???????191969??????,An,A???????iei??????
is the miso. (I love soy and sesame, but not usually the miso taste, but this dressing is perfect.) If you are looking for something new to try, definitely give this one a chance." 13027,B000RYBDLE,A42123CF4TF3Q,AAAR,0,0,4,1309824000,Yummy...,"Item was yummy. Didn't realize it had MSG haha but who am I kidding, the product is delicious! Mix 2 spoonfuls of this special sauce with cut up firm tofu and green onions, voila!" 13028,B000RYBDLE,A2L1G7K0QY73X4,Ffred,0,0,5,1301961600,Angelo Pietro Se
??????MiM??????ese??ini??,",???????????r r??????? w ???????????????????????isis is? wo w???????????resress?in????????????????in in Ain ??????a.a????hehene????????????????????????????????????lele le???????d d??t ???? ma m??te?????herhere???he??lo????d.d???ShS?????s ??ablableabl?e te toe to ?????r ??ror????hehe ?ma??????????? b ?????????ase???6 6 u ??iti??) )??????????????????????le??????????????????I lI ??veved? i?? a?s ???ch???????e ??????? w???s us un?ab????????finfind???????????????????????? Ma M???on,on???????????????????anand??wa?was was r ???????eded ??to to??rdrderd????????ase ?????????lil????. I. ?I tI ???o o??rde???????on lon ???????om? t??e ????uf??????????. I . I??hadha?d nd nono ???robro
same Miso dressing,"My daughter in law was able to purchase this wonderful dressing at a market in Atlanta. When that market closed, she was not able to find it no matter where she looked. She was able to order from the manufacturer by the case (6 units) on line. When I sampled the dressing, I loved it as much as she did. I was unable to find it in my home town of Macon, Georgia, however and was relegated to order a case unit on line. I too ordered on line from the manufacturer. I had no prob
l?eme??????? m ?? o ??ded???????????????d rd ?????ththeth????erver?ici??????celcelll??ntn?. . ? I I??????y y wy ???????????resre????????s ???oreor?????????y ay ???????????in in?????????? m??rkrkek????n n????antan?it??eses s ms mos m????cucusu?tot???? f ???ienie???????????????????VTVTOT????383?????????PKP?M,M???C4C?949?1,1????1,51,?????38????00??HaHal???wew??????ftft ???????,",?MyM???????????????e ?ou?t ??? t to t????sos?????????as as?? p ??erfer????????t ????at at?????y cy ??oulou??? al a??????arear?????d ed ?????. . . ???????at????????????????????????????eie?????? pa p??kak????????the??mam?ailai??!"!???????????????8K??????6M6???????OTO????. L. ?al?????,3??4,4???282??404???????ooo??d sd ??????????????????????
lems with my order, and I would rate the service excellent. I really wish the dressing was more readily available in the local market in quantities more customer friendly." 13029,B001HOVTOO,A38K59JXNU7PKM,TRC4941,1,1,5,1323820800,Halloween Gift Basket,"My grandkids live out of town so this was a perfect gift that they could all share and enjoy. And what's better, as a kid, to receive a package in the mail?!" 13030,B001VP88K2,ABY6MTNOH8POT,K. Lally,3,3,4,1328140800,"Good size, durable","I am wr
???iningn????????? b ?ehe????? of o??????ogo?????? e ??????s ts ???? p ?????????????s ??????rlrlyly ??????????ewe????, t, th?thisthi??????a sa sis???blb?e e b bo b???e fe ????????? d do d????ndn???? k ???psp?s hs hi?????cucupu????. ???????????????????o ????ueu????/ /?sps?lil?intin??????g og ?? c??hiphi??pinpi??????ouo?ldl????????ai??.".""???????B0B????P8P888??????????GWG?????????JaJ??????????1,11,???848????????pl????er??????n tn ?theth??????? h ?houho???"W"?e ?????htht t???hesheses???or??????twt??o do ???s:s: : a??????ou???, ????r ?an???????lf???????ab???????????????????ar ar o ol old ol??, 8, ??????nd????????rdr??lal?????x.x????????f ??the??? bon bo???????????????????????ke ke? in? t?????????????r ????? the?????
iting this on behalf of my dog, who enjoys this product. He's a fairly strong chewer, this is a sizable bone for 40 lb dog and it keeps him occupied. So far have had no issues w/ splintering or chipping. Would buy again." 13031,B001VP88K2,A1RN9FGWEUHDPS,JJames,0,0,1,1348444800,Splintered in the first hour,"We bought these for our two dogs: a 65 pound, year and a half old lab mix and a six year old, 80 pound shephard/lab mix. One of the bones splintered and broke in the first hour of them che
w???g g?iti?? ????eme?ovo??????? im i??ed?????y y a ????hahavave?? re r???????? a? r? ref re????????????aza??????? t ?heh???ro??ucu???????/>/?BeB????re?fu?? w ??th??????e e ae ?????at??? y ??uru?r dr ???????????????sisizi??????pip???????atat at?br?oko??e a????rereare?lll???????d ??????????sedse?????e ???????e ie ???????lloll?wewed??""??303????????CRC???COC????????ZPZ????????WaWat?ere?r Nr ??t,t,0,???,5,?,1,????1313713?606?00,00,W?ESESTS???COACO???????INI???????????????????????I ???rsrst????????????d ?ArA??rowro????d d sd spd s???ingin????teterte???? L LaL?s ?????????I ??????????beb?????ve ??ow? g gog????it?? ta t????????o o? it?????????nsn????????????n In ???retre??????????me me t?o ?????????????? I' I'd'??lol?adad ad????on?? it?
wing it. I removed it immediatly and have requested a refund from Amazon for the product.<br />Be careful with these and watch your dogs. It is a sizable piece that broke and really could have caused some damage if swallowed." 13032,B004CRCYCO,A2Q6JZZPCIEQ6P,Water Nut,0,0,5,1342137600,WEST COAST SPRING WATER MUCH BETTER!,"I first experienced Arrowhead spring water in Las Vegas. I couldn't believe how good it tasted, so it made sense that when I returned home to Pennsylvania I'd load up on it.
??????????????ini???ouo???????????y iy ?????????????????ofo? N ??vav?????????????ododnd?ese?s s I I I???oulouldld d o ???er????????ou??h h?AmA?????. . . ?MyM?y py prpro????m m?non??? be b?????????????f ef ec????omiom????????'s'??imi??????????????pap?y ??whawh??????paipa?d ??????????????????? on??a a????ulu?ara?? ba b??isi?? ??????????????ege??????lll???????a ????apa???er wer wa??y ty ??? ge get? i?t ????????utu??? H ???????????E ??RRR?????ADA??????????????????NPN????????LDLDIDISI?????????????,2,?,2?,5,?,1,??636????????HiH??gh gh?????it????andan??d ald a?????rourounu?????????????????????????? o on?????????t tt to???finfi?????he he? mo moso?st st? nu n?utrut???tioti?????????oooodoo?d fd ???r tr th?e ??????????. ???????????
To my chagrin you can't buy it anywhere East of Nevada. Thank goodness I could order it through Amazon. My problem now becomes one of economics. It's impractical to pay what I paid to get water here on a regular basis. When I'm in Vegas I'll find a cheaper way to get it back, but I HAVE TO HAVE ARROWHEAD!!" 13033,B000261NPI,ATEF8LDISJK8E,luvpugs,2,2,5,1163894400,High Quality and all around excellent.,"I have been on a quest to find the most nutritious dog food for the last year. After tryin
???vav??ioi?usu????ana??s ??hihisi???nen??????theth?e de ded??ini????e ae ?????????us?????ne??. . M ?????????arear???ene??ororsr??bub??????y ????efeef?r r???e ????pyp???????e ??o o?? the? s se?ni??????????. ?ThT????????????e ie ?is is lis ????dedded ?????? pr p???teiteinin in a ?and??nunut?????tst?????chc? m ?????e the theheihe??r cr ????? s sh s??ne??. T??heyhe?y ly ??????e thee th??fofooo??????????? i?? g ???????heahe??th????????????nd??hah??ve ve????nd?lelesesss??en??ergergyg?????????????????????A3A3G3????B3B?VUV?????,E,??????h ???joj??,3,?????????????20?????irpir?lal????????????????????????????????????e ????gogoo????I I??lovlovelov????e theme the?. ????firfi?rstrs?????????????????r r??oun???trt???? fl f??ghg???????awa??????????faf?allal????????kedke?d fd ?
g various brands this one is the definite and obvious winner. My dogs are seniors but they prefer the puppy recipe to the senior recipe. The puppy one is loaded with protein and nutrients which make their coats shine. They love the food, and are in great health, spirits and have boundless energy." 13034,B0011XKHY4,A3GFWSB3VUEG20,English major,3,3,5,1281139200,airplane cookies! YUM!!,"These cookies are so good. I love them. I first had them on our round-trip flight to Hawaii last fall. I asked fo
????????? I ???????tlt?? d ???coc??erere???tht??? a ??? a a??at????????????? dr d???ststotorore??????he????????y ay ???re ore on?????zozon?, ,???o!o??ThT??y ??????? d de d????io??s s???t ??????????????ststostopo????atiatinati?? t???????????????????????????o Io ???????????ha???EnE???y!y??????353??B0B000???????4,4???????2C2CTC??????DiD??na??????iniin?k,k??,2???????????????WoWor?ldl?'s's 's????? c??????,",???fifiri??st st r??an an????????ththe????? coo co??kiekiese?s ws ?????e ie ?in in G GeGer???????ururir?ingin?g tg ????????st????????????? T???? w ??????????ngng ng? th the th?em em a???????????????andan?????????????????????????????????????ri???dsd?????????????????????? C??hrihris????????henhe?????????ulu????finfi??
r extra. I recently discovered them at a national chain drugstore and here they are on amazon, too! They are so delicious but it's hard to stop eating them once you start...or so I hear...haha. Enjoy!" 13035,B0011XKHY4,AWGQTY2CTI6D9,Diana Daginik,2,2,5,1337126400,World's BEST cookie,"I first ran across these cookies while in Germany during the Christmas season. They were selling them at a festival and I was hooked. I would contact my friends to send me more each Christmas when they could find
??heh???atat t?????vavararirioi??s s??eseststst?????????exe????imi??e Ie ?????????o o????m ???s ??n ????????a fa ???ghg?t ???henhe????????d d??????coc??????????????d ????????????erner????????????areare ???????????????????y.y????'m'?????derde???????????odo?????1?303030????000????????????????5D5??????ChC??????????unu???,2?,5,?,1,???787???606???????iei??????? Te T???????,T,?TheTh??????????s s as ??????fff?icicuc???? to? f fi finindin???in in??y ?lol???????or???. ?? r??cec???????????ralra??????agageg?es ??? c co coo?ki??????Th?????????to?? my m???????????ou?????y ??of of???????????n ??whiwh????????????????me bme ???cauca?useus?e te th???? se????? h hah??pepen????whewh?en en????????????????? at at t t?he????????
them at the various fests. The next time I ran into them was on a Delta flight when I found they could be ordered on the internet. They are amazing, a MUST try. I'm ordering some today!" 13036,B0011XKHY4,A4V879L5DDDCJ,Cheryl Mintun,2,2,5,1327881600,Cookies for Tea Time,These cookies are difficult to find in my local store. I received several packages of cookies. They came to my door without any of them broken which impressed me because that seldom happens when I purchase them at the store.
??303????B0B?????????,A,A1A?SJS?JZJ????UNU???S,S?wew?bubusu????1,1???2,2??343??717?????,b,???????,S,??mem???????e e ce ?cooco?kikiei?s s?we?????rur??blb??????I I a ?lsl?????unu?d d??utu?? th t?ata??th??????ooo?????????titini?????se?????oro?????505???aca?h h a?????algal?????s.s?. . P PaP????? m ??oreor?????at at??? p ?erer er??????somso?me me???????ed ed c?oo??kieki?????????t gt ???we??????????????notno??????????????????isis is????????????..???????????????????????Y0Y??5O5????????ebbeb??y "y ???????FoFoo??diediewe?wifwi?e&e?&#3&#34?34; 34;?????y ?????kek???????..???????????????????00,W00,WaW?????????????ti???????heshe?????????????????cocoo?ki????? wh w???t ct ???? I I s???????cec????t tht t????? the theyey'y??re ??cricr??????????????????butbu?te
13037,B0011XKHY4,A1SJJZ4W5UNWRS,webuser,1,1,2,1346716800,biscoff,Some of the cookies were crumbled. I also found out that these cookies routinely sell for $2.50 each at walgreens. Paying more that $4 per for some crubled cookie did not go well. I will not be purchasing this items again. 13038,B0011XKHY4,A5Y70Y025O34P,"Debby ""&#34;Foodiewife&#34; is my moniker for...",1,1,5,1322870400,Warning: Addictive,"These are delicious cookies. what can I say, except that they're crisp with a brown butte
??y y f ????oro?? ???eye?'r'???vevere?sas?tit???, ,????tht??????????re?at??????????akeak??crc?usu?tst?. ?????????illil? p ???yiyini?? a?ror?????wiw?thth th?????????????????ntnt t??????????bub??t It ? n ????d td tot???idided????eme???. O. ????????????y ??ama?il?y y ey ?????????????? p?????????ip??s."s.??????????010??????4,4????DRD???919????X,X??il??????????1,1??,5,????30930??323??00?,M,?????SOSOLO???? F ??VOV?RIR??????????,",??I fI ????t ???e ??he???????????lanla???????s ?pup???? w????????????udu?dedde?????m ??witwi???????pucpuccc???o.o. ??t ??as? p?er???ctc????ru???hyh??????????????????????ctct ct?????vorvo???likli??ke cke ?carca?am?????nd??????am?????????yoy?????????? s se s????coc????????????o no ??t ??????
ry flavor. They're versatile, as they make great cheesecake crusts. I'm still playing around with creating different recipes, but I need to hide them. Otherwise, my family eats them like potato chips." 13039,B0011XKHY4,A1ODRMH91DNTX,Silverc230k,1,1,5,1309132800,MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE COOKIE,"I first ate these in Ireland. This pub I went to included them with cappuccino. It was perfect. Crunchy, sweet with a distinct flavor like caramel and cinnamon. If you have no self-control, I do not recomm
???? b ???iningn????ese?? " ?"b"?isi????tst?????????????????XKX????????????6U6???8D8????????????????????????????udu?????,1,?,1?,5,?????????202????????? ta tasa??????EuE?????eanea?n cn ???kik???,M,?? w ?ififefe ??????tlt?????avavevele?ledled ??n ????????nd???ovove????????????????????????s ts ???y ??????????vinvi??. ?ShShe??????????e te ???oro??derde?? so somo?? f ??????????????e ae ???????????????re??at at p ?rir??? f????th?themthe??????mam???on.on??. Sh. S????????????????y hy ha????y w???h h? th t???ta????e a?????igi??h qh ??????y ????????????????ean??????? c co coo?ki??????erer er????????s as an?and and?rerelre???ivi???????? t th?eme???tooto??????tetel?????? t??? t tr trur?????????????hemhem ?m tom too???????????01011011X?
end buying these ""biscuits""." 13040,B0011XKHY4,A32NEDX6UVV8DE,"John G. Svinos ""Harleydude""",1,1,5,1305331200,Great tasting European cookies,My wife recently traveled on Delta and loved these Biscoff cookies they were serving. She asked me to order some for her online and I found a great price for them on Amazon. She has been very happy with the taste and high quality of these european style cookies. Her friends and relatives love them too. To tell you the truth I love them too. 13041,B0011XK
??????2S2?????NAN????IXI?,R,RoR?ses??ara?y y??? N ????????,1,,1?5,5,1????????000?????lilini?????oko??ese???ThT??e ce ???okiokieiesie????????alallllyly y gy ?oo???????likli?e ?????????li?ne??' ' o ofo??ere??ingin????? an anyny)ny?????????????es es?wew?????welwe?????????d, d,???????????????ene????? w??re? a??go???d vd ???????????????????????????????????????t t???nanata?ioi?onaon?al al s ???????????4242,2?????1X1?????4,A4,?3L3????M6M???FNF????PrP??????????ai??????5,5,15,?13513????????,L,???vedve?????????? pa p????geg?e c???e ??s ???????????br? / ?????????: :?th?????ck??ing? w??as as????ood ood? an and????t t dt ?????eded.????? /> /???????????????????en en l ??ook??ing??????????????????e ?????okieoki?????????whw???????w w a an???ha?
HY4,A2SFVKANAZ3EIX,Rosemary M. Nolan,1,1,5,1252886400,Airline cookies,"The cookies are really good, unlike many airlines' offering(if any). The cookies were well packed, none were broken and were a good value. I have subsequently found them at a national store." 13042,B0011XKHY4,A3L9CMM6BGFNXP,Pritesh Desai,0,0,5,1351036800,Loved it,"The package came as promised.<br />Packing: the packing was good and not damaged.<br />Product: i had been looking for these airline cookies for a while now and hav
?e e???unu?? i ??? I ???ava???lol??kek???????????????????????? w ??????? a?blb????????????I.I?. S. ?hoh???, , t ???esees??ara??????????????????es es????????????n dn ded????, ????ly ly?????e ie ???did??fef?????????????????sas??? g ???ata??ta??steste.e????????,B,B0B??111??????,A,??????????????????ddd????SiSioi???????2,2??13413????444??????????n Bn ??????itsit??"M"?????????????s ts ?theth?????????uitui?s ?????? th??????t It ????????sus????????heherher r? an a??????y ay a a?FaF?????ly Ply ?????????????????rrr??????????????n ???????????????????therther ??????????????????????chch ch? in incnclc?????????eae?????canca??????????? an???????? o?????????, ?neneie??????? of of?? whi wh??????????ulu?????secse?
e found it. I have looked in stores locally and was not able to find. I. Short, these are the same cookies you find on delta, only name is different. It is the same great taste." 13043,B0011XKHY4,AQBC0HKPFVBEN,Chiedd apSion,0,0,2,1343174400,Broken Biscuits,"My wife loves these biscuits so I thought I would surprise her and buy a Family Pack of 5. They arrived packed in a box with the other items I purchased which included a heavy can of syrup and a can of pectin, neither of which were fully secu
??????????????e ???x.x????th??ugu?h h? th t????????????? g ???????as uas ?sus?????????????waw?????ryr???isi????oioin??tedte????ncn????o o m??????f f????????????????????ror?kek?????????blb???????ndn???????????oubou?? w?hehethe?theth?er er w we w??e wie w????bub??????????n-n??in??e ae aga?????????040??????????HYHY4Y?4,A4,???9B9??????????????hoh?????CaCap???????????ua?rbr????"""""","?0,0?,0,,0??,1,13????828????0,C0,CrCrar???kedke??CoCoo???eses,s??WhW???e ???thes??????ookiookie???ar???????? ta tas ta????????ou?????avave???likli?????????????????co??????????????????????e wee w??????ol???????ha??ve ???????????????of of t? the????????s s es ?????????????d a????stst st? ha??????????cookcoo???es es c????????ed oed ?? b?rorokro??????
red inside the box. Although they tasted as good as usual, my wife was very disappointed since so many of the biscuits were broken, probably around 20%. I doubt whether we will buy these on-line again." 13044,B0011XKHY4,AKM9BCPIKJH6V,"Nicholas Capozzi ""jaguarboy""",0,0,2,1340582400,Cracked Cookies,"While these cookies are very tasty, I would have liked that all the cookies in the package were whole. we have opened 4 out of the 5 packs each pack had almost half the cookies crumbled or broken. I
?fof?????ou??????out??tht?????coc?oko??????hih???????????ltl????????????he???????aca?k k???n wn ????h h I ?? wa w???????n ????e ???????????????????????? 4 4 4??ac???s is in????????? a?????f f??hehemhem m??er???????????e ??hi?????x x? co c??????ava????eee??en aen ?????tlt????ara??gerge?? an??d bd ?????er er???????.".""??????,B,????????????????HFH??O6O???????oro??y,y,0,0,0??????13313??242?????????tyty ty???????????ed,ed,T???????re?? wo w???derde???l ????okiok???????? if i????? c?????????????????????????ewew w???????e ee ?endend ??are????wa??s ????ckckeck??????????????????1????6,6,B??????XKHXK???4,A4,?????????ZFZ????????isi???up???,0,????5,15,????????????o.o?. G. GoG???.,.,S,???? goo go???? I I????????
found out about these cookies while on a Delta flight. The two pack in which I was given were not damaged I was given 4 packs in all and all of them were fine. The ship box could have been a little larger and better padded." 13045,B0011XKHY4,A30U9HFDO6IE3X,Horty,0,0,4,1338249600,Tasty but Cracked,These are wonderful cookies but if you care about appearance a few on the end are always cracked-up pretty good. 13046,B0011XKHY4,A2BE41ED9ZF1DA,KWeishaupt,0,0,5,1332374400,So. Good.,So good. I can't ge
?? e ene????h h o ofo? t tht?eme??..????????ysy????????r r??ororeor?????? p ??????????. .????y y????????mam?????..??????,B,??????G5G??A,A????PLP????XJXJMJ???????stst st T?omo?,0,???,5,??13??202050?????0,g0,???atat t ct ??offof???,","T"???re???????????? b ?????r ??thethen???????????????t ?? g????d pd ?????? w ?????????or?????????????st?e,????????betbett??? o?????? m???ReRede?????????????????? a ?AmA??????pup??chc?????? G ?????????? f fr f???? wa w?re???ousou??????3030430??,B?????????S,S,A????EFE??T2T??QUQ?8,8,"8,"N"??iai??ZiZ?????????????????kok??ch??an"an??????????,12,1?828????????????ter?? an a???ChC????er???????USU????????????e ??gotgo??????cac???????uiuiki???becbe?caucaus?????t wt ??????ea????????????
t enough of them... I always ask for more on a plane ride. They taste amazing. 13047,B002FKG5MA,A36PLK10XJMGYQ,Just Tom,0,0,5,1342051200,great coffee,"There is nothing better then good coffee at a good price, well flavored, great taste, even better out of my Red Soxs mugs, also a Amazon purchase. Great deal from warehouse." 13048,B001FA1K5S,A10PEFZT2ZQU8,"Naia Zifu ""Kawaii Koneko-chan""",2,2,5,1282003200,Better and Cheaper Than US Version,"We got Mexican Nesquik because it was cheaper, but I w
????????rir?ses???whwheh?? i ?t t??????????tat???ed? d ???????????ndn??beb??te??? th t???????????vev?????n.n?????????s as ?? da d?????????cocololal???????????whiwh??????????????????""?131???9,9???????1K1?????????QBQBOBOTO?????B,B,L,?C,C,0,0,0????,1,13????222??0000,00?????astesaste????tt????tht??t ??memererier??????????????????sedse???? b ?uyu???thith??????????n vn ????????????????????????MaM?artar???ntn??????????uiu?? s?ele????g g??????ThT?? m??????????ers?????????????????ter ter? th?atat ???e e Ae ???????????ersersiersioersi?on.on. ??????on???????????? ta?????s ls ???ke ke?????colco?????????! !??????s s rs ?????er,er? a??????? c????ta??te????????oc????????? i? it. it??????????? ta?????????????the ??????
as surprised when it actually tasted different and better than the US version. It has a darker chocolate taste which I really like." 13049,B001FA1K5S,A2OYYQBOTHHY5B,LC,0,0,5,1338422400,Tastes better that American version,"I used to buy this Mexican version at my local Wal-Mart until they quit selling it. The mexican version tastes better that the American version. This one ACTUALLY tastes like chocolate milk! It is richer, and you can taste the chocolate in it. To me it tastes like the Americ
?ana? v ??rsrsis???n bn beb????????eye????????d d t th t???????ulu?????? th the th???ewew w????????sus????""???????la?, ,?????ch ch????sts?rar???????cac?usu?????????e ?AmA??erier??????er?????????stest???????????????????d ??t t dt ??es?n'n't'???????????e ???????choch???????. .?ItI?t tt ?????????? p ???????oleol??e no?????g g??xcx?????????? m ???? t????????? too to??????? t to???rir???. ??? y ???????e ???ch??cocolco????""????????????y thy thihishi???verve???????????s ts ?the???onlon?????????y fy ?ama??milymil?????l l d dr d?rinri??????????,B,??040????????????EIEIVI??3N3NBN??????????omo? o?????winwi?s"s????1,1?,1,,1,3,??,13,1??898989???????TaT?????????t i????trutr????ion????arear???ay??????","",???he ???????????????UCUCHC????malma??lerler r t th
an version before they changed the formula to the new ""less sugar"" formula, which is strange because now the American version tastes way too sweet and it doesn't even taste like chocolate. It taste like plain ole nothing except maybe milk that is too sweet to drink. If you like ""chocolate"" milk, buy this version. Its the only one my family will drink." 13050,B0045TDE46,ACAIEIV03NBHY,"J ""Mom of twins""",1,1,3,1318982400,"Tasty, but instructions are way off","The packages are MUCH smaller th
??n n??????? s ?tot???????????, , a ?andan??ththeh?????strst???tit?ono?? a?rer??waw?????????f f???u u?ma??????????s,?? th t?? i in???????????ns ans ???isi?e ?ththathatat t??ou??wiw???????????. ????t ot ???????? pl p???? I. ?t t tt tat????????ac???ge?s ?to???getget ??hah??. ??????uc?????????? $ $$$????????ftftet?? a?????. In. In ?adaddad????????it????allal?????????????? w????er er????mim????????t ???????sosou???. Y. ???ou nou ????d md ma???e ??halha??????t ??o o g????a a p?????er ???attat????????is?tetentencn????????????s ??offof????????all all t? tha th????brb?r /r ???<br<b??r />r /???s fs fas f????s ????vov????oeo??????it'it's's s es ??acactac??????s e?xpx????????A A???????????t ?????corco??????????????wew??t.t???? ad a?de???anan an e ege????th?er??'s?? no n?o oo obo
an normal store packets, and the instructions are way off. If you make muffins, the instructions advise that you will get 6-8. Not on this planet. It takes 2 packages to get that. Not such a great $$ deal after all. In addition, it calls for 2/3 cup water or milk. That makes soup. You need maybe half that to get a proper batter consistency. Two stars off for all that.<br /><br />As far as flavor's exactly as expected. A fair amount of corn-ness, not sweet. I added an egg (there's no ob
?viv???s s??????r r?????hehe e??ngn?rer??iei??????sts?) )?ana????bob???t at ????blb??????n n?????ugu?arar ???? tw t???????aga???? a?????????ac????n n tn ?thethe e me ?????byb? r ?????????ala???????????ses???andan?? br b?rowro?????????????????ha?d ???eae????exe????????r ?????????????e ??the????wewer???????e f???????????oro??????cocon???????????????ece??ivi??, ????ououlouldl????????y ?????in,in?????????th?? p pr prir?iceic????s ??????????ly?? lo l????. ???oo oo?mum??? m mo m???????or or???to???????????ag ag?????corco?nmn??ealeal l???d d bd ???in?g g??ow?????????????B0B????????6,6?A2A?ILILVL??IPI?????????????????????????808??,g,?????co??????eadea??ththith???????as as g ??odo??????t ?ge????????????? c ???cornbcornbr?breabre
vious binder in the ingredient list) and about a tablespoon of sugar to two packages, and cut back on the milk by roughly half. They rose and browned nicely, and had great texture.<br /><br />While these were fine from a flavor and convenience perspective, I would not buy again, unless the price was drastically lower. Too much money for a too-small bag of cornmeal and baking powder." 13051,B0045TDE46,A2ILV6IPPW6W7I,bon,0,0,5,1311724800,good cornbread,this is as good as it gets for great cornbrea
???? t ???tet?? l ?ikikek???omomem???????. . ????? o ?rdr??????aia?????050????????????????H7H???Z2Z??????????hrhrir?st?opo??????????n n?????he he o?????eae???"""""?,0,???????13413??646?323??????pep?????astas??,M,?????wi??????in???s ts ??ata????????odo??????????itit ???? al a?soso o a???as???? br b?????I I d ?????? it i????foforfo??? be b???imi??? an a??????????ala??y y hy ?????????????p p?? bet be???r!r??????????????????,A,?????????1F1????,G,GeG????e,e???0,?5,??134??????0000,?Ta????e le ????????????????????reere??e,e,"e,??????mim?????sesed?? to t???????ed ied in? S ????th ??? G GrGreGree???????????????r /r />/??????f ?????????????useus????????????ho?me?????????livli?ve ve?????????r />r /???it iit ???cocomommom????? tha th?? r ?????
d. tastes like home made. will order again 13052,B0056AL512,A2H7STZ2URUCOE,"Christopher Whedon ""the odd bead""",0,0,5,1344643200,Super Tasty,Made with things that are good for you it is also a tasty brew. I drink it before bedtime and it actually helps me sleep better! 13053,B000LRH7WG,A12XHJZ9Q1FPV6,George,0,0,5,1341964800,Taste like home made in Greece,"My Family used to Lived in South of Greece (Attika)<br />Few of my friends used to share home made Olive oil.<br />it is common that regula
?r r?HoHouo??e e??????ini? G ???ece??e pe ????ucu????wnw??????????????r /r ?>a>??? ho h?mem??? it i?? a ????gogoooodod od??????o o?wow?nd?ere?fuf?l!l???????SoS???ici???????????tat?sts????????? ha h??????????e ??in in???y ??finfi????<b????/>m/>??arkar???,(,???venve???in ?Gr??eecee?????<br ??/>O/>????????il il???????f f? is i????????????????????f af ananyan????????? d ???????.<.????????????????ne?????es????????????????on????f 3f 3 3 L ??trtre????????????????????? is is? so s??????????lwl???s s gs gig???????????????nestnes?????????????????at??e re ????????on?????????ch?chascha???.<b.<????/>N/>??????y f??????y ey ????y ??thithis?????????????as???tot???in???r.r???r ????????????????????????????????????<br ?<br /><br />m<br />??ke
r House hold in Greece produce own olive oil<br />at home. its all good and so wonderful!<br />So rich in Good taste. very hard to fine in any finest<br />market,(even in Greece)<br />Olive oil it self is enchance flavor of any dish or dessert.<br />Now this one comes in large portion of 3 Litre!<br />This seller is so honest always gives you a honest<br />exchange rate refrect on the purchase.<br />Now My family enjoy this from Breakfast to Dinner.<br />Replaces all Butter should use.<br />make
???????????????????????????????anan n t????????????????GZG???????????RHR??????E9E9,9???h h????????????,0,,0???13?????121????????ghg?????"M"????????ApA????oto?t Ft ?ili????? a ara??rivri??????????ftfte????oonoon,n?????y ???x x d ??ysy?????erer er???????ed??????rdr?????????????????????????????s js ???t ????I ?reremre???????ed ed ied ?????omom m??????hilhi?dhd???????heh???????ot?????????????ic?ot? t tu t????????s a??d d????ac???? I??m m tm ????????ed ted ?????? n ?nowno??????????upu????? of o????????????s;s? i ????????en en?????????????????? t to to to f?????????y y ly ?loclo??l l? ma m?arkar???????????????00?????73M73M,M,AM,??IXI???????????????????????.""."??,2,2,2,6,6,6??,1??????????0,a0,????co
s great Gerato too!<br />You can too!" 13054,B000GZW73M,A18M9RH9GHRHE9,bsh leucadia,0,0,5,1301011200,Delighted,"My Solo Apricot Filling arrived this afternoon, only six days after I placed my order, with free shipping. It's just as I remembered it from my childhood, when my mother made apricot turnovers and kolacki! I'm thrilled that I now have a supply of twelve cans; it's been increasingly hard to find in my local markets." 13055,B000GZW73M,A1IX5D2OQU62UK,"Olya ""OK.""",2,6,3,1241136000,aprico
????ili??????I I???? d ?isisasapappp????????????I eI ????ctc?????heh???????????adaded???ror?m m f???shsh h a ??????????brb???????????????????????????????EDE?? ap a???????????????igi??????????????I ?????????he he?ses?ll?er???hoh?ulu?????kek?????clc??ara??whw??????????odo???????..????565??????OOO???????1D1???????I7I????,M,???????ne ne??as????od????????121??73???202???THT??SES??????IEIESIE? D?O O??????ONO??????????ENE?ZYZ??E ?PEP??SIS???!!???ToT???uou??e ?????????????????n n????????????????????????????aya????the the fthe ???????????ala?ll ll P????????is ????or?????f Wf ??????grg???? [ [ [???. ???] ]?????????n Pn ????sin? i??????????????? W ?WinWi???rgr?????en pen ????????trtrar?
t filling,I was disappointed... I expected the filling made from fresh apricots.<br />And this one is made of DRIED apricots. Very big difference. I think the seller should make it clear what the product is. 13056,B000OOT3WS,A1DVD4BCLI734U,Marianne Dashwood,0,0,4,1267315200,THESE CANDIES DO NOT CONTAIN THE ENZYME PEPSIN!!!,"To quote from the Pure Fun website:<br /><br /> ""Today the flavor we call Pepsin is a form of Wintergreen [ . . . ] Pure Fun Pepsin is derived from Wintergreen plant extrac
?????????????wiw??? t ?????ldl?-f-???????????????r r???e ee ??????? i ????????????s s a ?ndn????????"<"<b<?r ???<b????????????????intin???????????????aveav?erser????ndnd nd???u'u?lll???non?????????imi????????????? thi th???cacan???y ty ??astas?teste???????????usu????? c ??????????feSfe????????xtx?uru??????YoY????????notno????keke ke???????stste????????the???????ma??io????????????????geg??ers ers????re?ala?l pl ?epe?sis????????? r??????antan???? t???s ??????. ???????????? rea re??on??I I?????????????foforfo?????????n ?????????hehe he mhe ???le????ingin?????????PeP????n"n????????????????????ara???????ing? t?????sos???atateat???e thee the ??????stist???????????????perpe?titietiese?????pe??psipsin????
t [ . . . ] with the old-fashioned flavor we enjoyed in the 1950's and 60's.""<br /><br />Think of Wintergreen LifeSavers, and you'll know approximately what this candy tastes like (minus the chalky LifeSaver texture). You may not like the taste, but the information about the dangers of real pepsin is not relevant to this candy. The only reason I can imagine for Pure Fun to use the misleading name ""Pepsin"" would be if they are trying to associate the digestion-aiding properties of pepsin enz
??????????????????????rer???????dydy.y?????oko?s ???kek?e te ???y y??????? m mi m?ististat?????????5757,7,B,???00O00??????????????????????????????mim??? " ???vev???dad????conco?sus???????,0,?,2,???,1?????00??????ewe???? P ????????????????ma????tit????????ele??d d a??s Cs CaC?andan??????isis ?????a va ?????????er??usu????odo?????. I. ?????s ns ??t ?la?????d ????????de??ntint??y ????????in:in: :???nan??????? s ??eveever?al??en?????s s ss ????retre????byb????the the??to?ma???????????ak ak d ???????????in;in?? An A????enzyenzym??????du?????????????????chc???ha??t st ???????s prs p?rotro?????s is ?????pep????nen????AlA??o ??????? as as? co c????????, ,??????????m m????????toma?ch? o ???? the????gsg??; A; An; A?????????????
yme with this wintergreen candy. Looks like they made a mistake." 13057,B000OOT3WS,ACDC5X61JY0NL,"L. Mccormick ""everyday consumer""",0,2,1,1265500800,Beware PEPSIN is a pharmaceutical labeled as Candy,"This is a very dangerous product. It is not labeled as to identify ""Pepsin: A name for several enzymes secreted by the stomach to break down protein; An enzyme produced in the stomach that splits proteins into peptones; Also used as coagulant, comes from the stomach of the pigs; An enzyme from
???gsg?????omo?????????????iti?h h??enennn????????????chchech?????"""?????????????????neneyney ?dod??n n???he he???ili?et?????dondo??t ????fof?olo?ledle???y ?th??????????n n On ?rgr?ana??c c??????y Py PeP??sis???????l l M ???t ???inwin????lsl???????se??????????idi?????????????e se ????????????oweow???a a 7 ????????oldol????to hto hah??????e e (e (t(??????????it it?????exe????lyly ?as??????pap???????????????le??? C?ANA???. ??????????y fy ??????PepPe???in in??SwiSw?rl???hih?????in ?????pi????????????udu???????he????? n ??ed??????????????ata???th???????????????????????00J00??????,A,??????EZEZAZ????P,P??en????ittit???????e,e,1,101?,1?1,1????,118,11?????????????d d id ??????o o?????n tn ?????h ?? d???? no n?
pigs' stomachs, used with rennet to make cheese."" I flushed my money down the toilet - don't be fooled by the Pure Fun Organic Candy Pepsin Swirl Mint Pinwheels - These are horrid and made me sick. I allowed a 7 year old to have one (thinking it was exactly as the package was labeled) CANDY. Stay away from Pepsin Swirl which in my opinion is fraud and the FDA needs to investigate this product." 13058,B000JUK4OS,AEDAJ0EZAVMOP,Ben Rittenhouse,10,11,5,1183852800,loved it!,"so even though i did not
???iki??????ryryty????? t th??? w ???????????sas????????????e e fe ????????ckc?????????st? l?????????????????frfroromo? t th????????? th? the the s????????wa??????????y wy whw?????????????t ?????d ???????d d td ???? s???????? wa was? s su s??????ede???y ??owo? m ?????? was wa????????? sa????lerler,r?, y, ?????ete?t at ?????????????ur ur m????????????????????? yo y????????mulmultl?????? ic ice? c ??reare????ar?ars,ars?????????se???arear??e gre g????????????re??k k???f f a??pip????ce ace ????le??t it ?? m???lt lt????????ur tur tot??gug??????????????????it ????????????iceic?e ce ????????tooto??????to??? a b a ba?????ardar??????????itit ?wa???? a h a ?hithi???ha??????ot ot? tr t???ed ed???????eacea?checheses ?oro???????s ?yey?et,et????t t tt ?????
like everything that was in the sampler (space food sticks are just like energy bars from the gym), the sampler was exactly what it said it would be, and then some. i was surprised by how much was in the sampler, you get a lot for your money. whats best is you get multiple ice cream bars, and those are great! just break off a piece and let it melt on your tongue and youll see it really is ice cream! took it to a backyard bbq and it was a hit! have not tried the peaches or apples yet, but the ic
??????ama? a ala????e me mam??????????????????????????????????050595??????????OSO??A1A????????OUO???3,3??????am???,7,???,4,???????????00,00???????????od,od????e ???????? I ???recrecec??iveiv?? i ??clc???es??????ckckak????????????????????????????oo?????????, ??????inkin??????????????2 p2 ?pacpa??????es des ??????????????????????? is i???tasta???????y my ??????omo?????????is is? th thah?t ?ththethe e ie ?????????m pm pa???????s a?????????? t???????????ololdl???????????ingin???eaceachc?????????ha?????ouo???t ??st?????????ce???????????????????????ta???ed????at lat ?ea?stst st??? se s?erver??????????? pac pack?ckagcka?????ThThiTh?????????ct ct??? w wow?rtrth? t??? s????e p?????ce (ce ???????????????
e cream alone makes this a five star product!" 13059,B000JUK4OS,A1JYXL9YXOUOA3,R. Adamec,7,7,4,1269820800,Pretty good,"The product I received includes 3 packages of ice cream, 2 space food sticks, 2 drink mixes, and 2 packages dried fruit. The food is tasty. My main complaint is that the ice cream packages are small- they only hold one serving each, and I have bought astronaut ice cream before that contained at least 2 servings per package. This product is worth the sale price ($20), but I don
''t'? t ?hih??k k i ????????????????h h?????????????$3$?????????????e pe ?rorodo????????crc??ptp?ioi?n n? is i?s ms mim?sls???????- -????onlon???rer?????????????????mixmi???????d 2d ???????ststi??ksk?????????no???osost????. T. ThT??? pr p?????????????insin??????s ts ??????????????ed??????????????1131????????00J00??K4K?OSO??A3A343?????????EUE??,R,????????f,f???,4,,4,5,???????60860??00000??????? t????elellel???,",?Th???it??????????????????ththith????????ge? a??????????uau?????. ????The The?????????nk????'s?????ttttyt?y cy ????????t ?th?eye???????eatea???????asa???ronro?aua?t ???od???. ?. O. ????????ava??????????????re??exe??enensensis??e e fe ?forfor r?whw??????????et,et??bubut?????????????ofo????????ltl?ty ty??
't think it's large enough to be worth $30. Also, the product description is misleading- I only received 2 drink mixes and 2 food sticks- also, no poster. The product contains less than you are led to believe." 13060,B000JUK4OS,A34I9X2XZ4NEUU,RAntcliff,4,4,5,1282608000,Kudos to seller,"The items you get with this package are good quality. The kids think it's pretty cool that they are eating ""astronaut food"". Others have said they are expensive for what you get, but it's kind of a novelty it
eeme? a ????????vav???ete????asa???ooo?d ???????????????????????????? wa w??? th tha th?????e ?pap?????????owo???d ud ????isi????????ofo???????????ed ed??????. ??????t t rt rer??actac??onon n????s ts ?????????n tn ????????????r ?? r??fuf?????bub?t ???????d ???????le??d td ththeth?????????????????????m ?mym???AmaAm???????????ntnt t wt ??s ????????g ig ?????? ?WiW????in in?????????????????vev??????????y ay ?askas???ing ing???? m???????????sos????????? they the????ulu????????me???????????ngng ng? it i??temstem??? I ?I r??ce?ceivcei?vedve??d thd thed th?e me ??missmissimissin????ite??? i???????? a a?co?up??le le???????s. Ss. ?ur????????????????? b?eee??????? t? to to??????????????????ems ems??????the?r ??????t ??oncon??????????????ellel
em and the variety was good for the price. My problem was that the package showed up missing 5 of the listed items. First reaction was to return to Amazon for a refund, but instead I emailed the seller and told them my Amazon shipment was missing items. Within 24 hours I received a reply asking for my address so that they could ship me the missing items. I received the missing items in just a couple days. Sure, it would have been nice to received the items together all at once, but the sell
?????????????odo???????????esests????st????????????????????????????????303????????????OSO???1P1???TRT?4Z4???C53C5363????mpm??????????,5,????919161???????YuY?????????fuf?n,n????????htht ???????oror ??????????'s'???????????????????e ??????????cec?-f-?foofoodod od? st stit???s ???????kidki??????iti????s ?mom???e oe ?? a??????????ia ia????????????? a " a ??????ed?????????????????????????????w w? sp s?pacpa??-f??????stistic???????asteast?????????????????lal??. ??ut?? th thi th????assas???????t ???????ood ood????h h t????????o o????????foofoodfoo???????????????t w?as?as pas ??????t.t????r /r ??????r />r />S>??e ???????th??? gi g??t t at an???????????????????on?? ap?plp???????d pd ?peape????s ??er
er making good on an honest mistake was greatly appreciated!" 13061,B000JUK4OS,A1PC5TR4ZLC536,iampoison,2,2,5,1291680000,Yummy and fun,"I bought this for my mother's 50th birthday. She loved space-food sticks as a kid but it was more of a nostalgia thing than a ""tasted amazing"" thing. We all know space-food sticks taste like modeling clay. But this assortment of food with the retro space-food sticks magnet was perfect.<br /><br />She loved the gift and the dried cinnamon apples and peaches wer
????ele???ioi???????wiw???????????ldl???????ini??????e ????ntn????????????de????? th??e se ?pap???-f-???d ???ckc????.<.??? / />/><>???????ThThehe he??????????y ???ctc??onon ?????????pa???????e ce ?????????s ds ????????s ?asas as????????131?060??????????4O4???????????????????OmO???????ac?????????rGr????""??,2,2,???4,4????101????????ea?lll???????...?? R Re????????????????g.g..?.. b.. ????nen?????timti??e me mom??re re???plp????????????????????????????????*F*??rsr???t tit t??me me?re??iei??????????on???<b????>I>??th???ghg???????????e e fe ??????as??????t.t????????????e f?re???e ???????????es????????ELE??CICIOIOUO??!!!?????????????????????ly???????? C ????chc???? ta t?
e delicious! I wish they sold them in large quantities outside of the space-food package.<br /><br />(The strawberry section of the space ice cream was delicious as well)" 13062,B000JUK4OS,A207BEA2T3BUY2,"Omar Ignacio ""OmarGold""",2,2,4,1281052800,Really good... Really interesting.. but next time more apples less bananas and icecream,"**First time review in Amazon**<br />I thought the space food was great...<br />The freeze dried apples were DELICIOUS!!! They were extremely good - Crunchy, tas
t??????eee?? a ??????????h h???lil?ittittlt????????? c ?ini??????. .??? w???ldl?????? a a b a ????????????th??t.t.<.<b<brb?????<br<b?????heh? I???????am????re? r ?????????????????ndn?????ll?????????weiwe?rdr?/i/???????titin?? t ???????????eye???re????earea???????ghg??tletles?????nd nd?????an?gugul?????????e ???????ici??? cr c???? c???es???hah????ele???????????mo???????d ?d red r??????????????keke ?????e cre c?rea?ream ream w????????? m?????t int in ????? mo m??? ty??oooolool.ool?????????br ?????????anaan??????????n'n??t lt li??e ?????t mt mumucu???---??????????????lik?like like????m.m??????????re????????weewe??????r m??.<?????><???r /r />?Th????roroto??in?in sin ??ic?????re????like?????ttlttle?????geg??????tst
ty, sweet apples with a little bit of cinnamon. I would buy a box of just that.<br /><br />The Ice cream were really good too and really cool/weird/interesting to eat. They are nearly weightless and rectangular freeze dried ice cream cubes that melt in your mouth and really taste like ice cream when they melt in you mouth. Pretty cool.<br /><br />The bananas I didn't like that much -- others may like them. They were too sweet for me.<br /><br />The protein sticks are like little bigger toots
??e e?????s s???????????t t??????????le?sss???????t at ????????e pe ??rotro??in?????????itait?mim???? ???? t ???????????waw?? s ??????????????????????tot????????ngn?ere?????t ant anyn??imimem?...?.. ..?????y ????? li lit??tletl??????ksk??????nd ond ??. ????ey???er?????odo?d ad ?????????????likli????hoh???????e.<e.?brb???????r /?>S>???????ouo????????? t??????????zez????????AsA????na??????od?????? h he?re???????uru??????cec?????????y y : ???????????????? wi w?????lik??e te th???ici?ce ce c ???????s ans and?????E E???e ???????????????????00J00?????S,S,A,?????4G4?9Q9??Z1Z?0C0???s.s??????shish???,1,???,3,?????????????????????e ???hatha?t i??s ps ????????..???????????vev?ed ed??? the the t?????????sis?
ie rolls kind of but a little less sweet and more proteins and vitamins. But that in no way shape or form did it stop my hunger at anytime... they are little snacks kind of. They were good also tasted like chocolate.<br /><br />So if you want to tried Freeze Dried Astronaut food well here is your chance finally :P I think you will like the ice creams and LOVE the APPLES." 13063,B000JUK4OS,A2N3R4G9QMZ10C,ms. sunshine,1,1,3,1336089600,Not quite what is promised...,"I received the two ""Missio
????aca?? S SpS??????ooo?????mpm?lel?????tht??????ononan???????e Ce ????????d ?????ace ace?????????ck?s"s???????????????hah?sesede??ini?n tn ?????aia??????ayay.y. .? I ?????????? p?an????eded ed????n ?I I??awa???he?m m??????? w??????pac????????????????on???????sss????? Pa P????"" ""? bo b?????? tha th????????th???????tatai?nen??????? As A???rtrtet????????e-e???????Sp???? F Fo?????""??ThT??????????? th the th?????????ingin???????n in ?in ?th?the the???ictic??ureur?, , a???????re? i?????ththith???????ththethe ???????boubo??? Sp S??pacepace ??????????ckscks ???????n'n???to????????rnrne?d ?aba???????????????????TheThe ????SpaceSpac????ood??????icksick???er???????????le le??reare?????I I oI ?ordor?er??d ??he????????plepl??????????????ri
n Pack Space Food Sampler with Astronaut Ice Cream and Space Food Sticks"" packs I purchased in the mail today. I initially panicked when I saw them - both were packaged in ""Astronaut Mission Pack"" boxes that said they contained ""3 Assorted Freeze-Dried Space Foods."" This is not the packaging shown in the picture, and there is nothing on the box about Space Food Sticks (I wasn't too concerned about the magnet). The Space Food Sticks were the whole reason I ordered these samplers, as a surpri
s???????????non??tatala??giagia a???r r??????enendnd.d. .??heh???? f?ini??allal????????????? b bob????? I?????????????????????odo????ici?ksk????nd nd? a a???gngnen?t ???????en??????ed ed??????, s, ???????? r ????iviveve e te th?????????????????????propr??????? H ????ve??, ?????ili?l l?????l al ??????chc?????????nd ????cei??vedve??? I?????s es ???????????????? gi g??????????????????t t????????ie???, , a, as? s???????in in????e p???????, ?????th????ox???????? so s?omeom?e t??earea?s ?ono?n tn ???????perpe????s ?fr??? b???????????????o ao ???d td thd t????add?????onaon??? Sp S?pacpa????FooFo??? St Sti????????d md ?magmagn???.<.????????r ???InI???erermrmsm????f tf th???????od iod ???msms ms t? the?????????????pretprettt??????h h?????t It ??
se gift of nostalgia for a friend. When I finally opened the boxes, I saw that 2 Space Food Sticks and a magnet had been added each, so I DID receive the product that was promised. However, I still feel a bit cheated and deceived - I was expecting a fun gift box to present to my friend, as shown in the picture, and the boxes had some tears on them, perhaps from being opened to add the additional Space Food Sticks and magnet.<br /><br />In terms of the food items themselves - pretty much what I e
??????ede?????d Id ???????pyp?????????????andand ????????elelyl?y wy ??hatha???? wa w??????????????r r??as??ed ed?????????????r ??revre?iei?wew????sas?idi??.<.???r /r />/???r ???OnO????????????te te??? be b?????????????f f????e oe ?????r r?eve?vieview?????r ?????????????????????o o a???it??on?????????s ts ??ata???????? l ?onongon????in??luludu???? i?????ulu?????????????????y ?y wey w?ereer??upupdp????ed ?????em???ed??? I I w???????t ??? b????????o ????arnar??????t tt ?thi???s prs p???????us?ed???o ???????it????????????????????????????????re?????werwe?????????????????!)!????at????????????????er iner i?????????<br? / />/></><b??????ve???allall,l?, I, ?????????thth th????????du????????????????
xpected and I'm happy with them(and definitely what I was prepared for based on what other reviewers said).<br /><br />On a side note - because many of the older reviews for this product refer to additional items that are no longer included, it would be nice if they were updated or removed. I was sort of bummed to learn that this product used to come with freeze-dried food (that many reviewers seemed to love!) that are no longer included.<br /><br />Overall, I'm OK with the product - I got the f
???d d?????????????????????? a ?ndn??????????????????????e e???????ct ct p????uru???nen???????? be b?e ue ?pdp???ted??? an a????????revre??????shs??ulu??????chc?????? pr p???uc??t ct ???re???????????aba????""????????000???UKU???????O8O??BXBX4X????H7H???????visvis,s,1,1,1????????????80????ovo??????????!!????????????th???.G.???t it ????oro??? g ??ftf???????????????omo????????????ly ly???????yoyou???????enentnt nt?sas??????ofo???????????????????reaream???I rI ?????y ??????ed? t? thi th??,a,an?????????????r mr ??re?? in i??????????ureur???!!!!?!"!???????5,B5,?????UK??4OS4O???????IJI????0Q0?HMH??,TF,T???????0,?5,5,15,??494989???????????reatrea??dedeade?al,al, ??????rerea???????oducodu???.",."???or??? pri pr???? al a??ne
ood items I was expecting and most wanted - but the product picture needs to be updated, and the reviews should match the product currently available." 13064,B000JUK4OS,A1O8LBX4PB9H7P,Travis,1,1,5,1293580800,Love this!!!!!!!!,"Loved this.Got it for a gift,but i tried some too.Really gives you a decent sample of some space ice cream.I really enjoyed this,and will order more in the future!!!!!" 13065,B000JUK4OS,A33Y5IJ8XM0QHM,TFish,0,0,5,1349827200,"Great deal, and great product.","For price alone
? t tht?????????????????l.l??? p ????ede?????is ??????r r????? a????coc???idide?????? th t???? t th?iningingsgs ??or??al??y y??ete???? i???ivi?????all??y iy ????ifi?????opo????forfo?????????????????juj????????????????????re??????ic?e.e?. T. ?he??oto???????????????????s js ju??????e ??????t tht thahat????t ct ???ta???????or?????thantha? t th? the the????pop????tantan ?????????m.m. ???vev??????r ??????lll????eee??n tn ?????????lal?????chichipip,p???or or?? the???ice???????? sa s???????? fo f????al???ananyan?whw?herhe????lsl??.<.???r /r ???????????po??ititait?an:an????????'v????eveever? h ??d d ad ??????aua????ice?cr?creacream? b ????forefor?????m sm ????????????is tis ?the????one one????'v????????. It. I?'s'??a ??????segse???enten?ed?????o ??choch??????
this is a good deal. I picked this up for $13, and considering these things normally retail individually in gift shops for $4-$5 each. So just that alone was pretty nice. The other cool thing was just the fact that it contained more than the Neapolitan ice cream. I've never actually seen the chocolate chip, or the ice cream sandwich for sale anywhere else.<br /><br />Neapolitan: If you've ever had astronaut icecream before I'm sure this is the one you've had. It's a bar segmented into chocolate
??????ililll???, a, ??????????????? I ???hah???a a??????rer??coc????ra?????toto o? a a?????? c??harha????mam??shs???ll??w.w????????er?????ghg??, ???????????????alkalk-k?????????????turtu??. . H. ???d ???t it ??????ur ur m ?????????? a ?????????????? w ??illil? s??ar???to? m me m????. T. ??????is is??heh???e ye ??????????????????????????e fe flf??????????hehe ?prp??dud?uctuc?????cece ????st??art??s m?????????????astas?????exaex???ly?? li l??????e ????????????ce???????????re?????tintingng.g.<.????/>/?????ve???? a a ???? s? sta st?????. It. It't???pr??ettettyt?y g??od??, a?????? gr g??reatrea???re??reat reat? fo f?????yo??e e we ????ha?s ??nevne???r hr ??d ?d itd i???????????????????/>???hocho?colco??????it????ChoChococo???????????: :??ThiTh???
, vanilla, and strawberry. It has a texture comparable to a lucky charms marshmallow. It's very light, and almost chalk-like in texture. Hold it in your mouth for a moment and it will start to melt. This is where you'll really get the true flavor of the product. Once it starts melting it tastes exactly like the flavor of icecream you're eating.<br />I give it a 4/5 stars. It's pretty good, and a great treat for anyone who has never had it before.<br /><br />Chocolate with Chocolate chips: This i
???jujusu????nene e b bibigi?? bl b??ckc?? of o???heh???????????e ie ?????rer?????roromom ??????????oliol????? ba b??????????????????re?ncn??? be beie?ingin????at? i ?s ?it???ili???????????choch????latla???????????????????????????????????????t tt ???? o??? t???????oulou????????? f????m t??????apa????????????????????? a?ndn???????? i?s ???? t? the th?????e,e???andan?d td th??? ch??????ateat????hiphips???onon'on't'?????stest??????di???ferfe?renrentren??t tht t????no???????????olaolat??? ch?????????????>I>???ivi????t ????????tatarta?????hi????????s ??????????iteit???maima??lyl??beb???????????stst st??hapha??????????????????ola??????????<b????>I?ce??crc??????????????? Th?????????as????y ly ??????fa???vorivor?
s just one big block of the chocolate ice cream from the Neapolitan bar. The main difference being that is it filled with chocolate chips. There's not much to say about this one that would differ from the Neapolitan. The texture, and flavor is all the same, and the chocolate chips don't taste any different than normal chocolate chips do.<br />I give it a 5/5 stars. This one is my favorite mainly because I just happen to love chocolate.<br /><br />Ice cream sandwich: This one was my least favorit
?e e?ofof f??heh???unu??h.h???????? a ama? n non?t ??ooo?????? o??f if ????crc?????????wiwic????????????????? p ?lal??????ndnd nd t th?????????????????asa??????kek?????????cr?????????ndwindw???. ??hehe ?ch?oco??la????????wi???????t ?t tat t??keske??????g g????geg?r r????????????t t?????th????????re?reamrea?????????????, , s, so? y ????????ik??elyely ????????upup p?wi???????iei?ce??ofof of t?????hoh??ol?ata?te te?????????????????????????wit?? n?o ??ice???????????????????????. ??I jI ????????????????? the??????????e ????????ing ing t?????mumucu?????????????????????? that tha???????aia???ly ly? wh w???t It ?????????????????????s ??????????/></>?<br<b?r /???ho????olatola??????aceace ?????????f ??
e of the bunch. I just am not too fond of ice cream sandwiches in the first place, and this really does taste like an ice cream sandwich. The chocolate sandwich part takes a big longer to get soft than the ice cream itself does, so you're likely to end up with a piece of the chocolate breading in your mouth with no ice cream.<br />3/5 stars. I just don't like the chocolate breading that much, and I felt like that was mainly what I was eating with this one.<br /><br />Chocolate space stick: If yo
?u'u????eveve????ada? a ?????????????ara?????????st st????????ere????oco?????e ?????????????yoy????? a????ad????????whw?hatha????????????kek??????s ?????????ucu???????titici?????o o? a a??????fa?????????It??????veryver?????????ch???????????????t'??????????????????te?et??????t'st'??????ttytt????odo??, b, ?????it'it??????t st ???????????'d'?????nt nt??o ????????l t??????imeime.??????????????????. If. If f?? you yo??rere re??????in??d od ??????so???th?????????s es ???????? thi th??ingsing?s ts ???????????uc?k ??????uru?????s,s?????d bd ????????? you?r ???eetee?th th???d ???????????frfro??m tm ???????r r /????????????ut???????????acacec????ic????????????????th???e sie s??te???? bar ba??
u've ever had a slim-fast bar, or most any other chocolate protein bar you'll already know what this is like. It's pretty much identical to a slim fast bar. It's very chewy, chocolaty, and it'll stick to your teeth. It's pretty good, but it's not something I'd want to eat all the time.<br />4/5 stars. If you're the kind of person that hates eating things that get stuck to your gums, and between your teeth I'd stay away from this.<br /><br />Peanut butter space stick: This one is the sister bar t
?????e e???oco?????e ??pap???e s???????I'I'm'? n ????sus?rer?????? l ????e i??????ete??????ucuch???ItI????eme?s ?tot?????????????????b b????????????ututtut??r r c????eded d?????????????????????ososeos?st?????ingin??????an an?????? o????????esces???bebe be??????????be?????????????veverve???ada???????????????s ps ??????? bu b??utteuttere???????????????????t ????ounou?????????? t th?e ?e one o??es es???hapha?pedpe?????? e ?ggg????. Th. Tha?????prp?????y cy ???se?????????? th?????s ????e.e??VeV?eryer?y dy ????se ??lowlo? q ??????????andan?????r ???peanpeanunutnu?t b?ut?utteutterutte??. I. It. It ???as as??????? m?y y ly ?????????oro????? of???????????? w ????dnd??t ???????????? i????bubutbu??????rtr??????ly dly ??????? li l????e ite it,e it??????
o the chocolate space stick. I'm not sure if I like it quiet as much. It seems to mostly be a slab of peanut butter coated in chocolate. The closest thing I can think of to describe it would be if you've ever had those reese's peanut butter cups that come out around easter, the ones shaped like eggs. That's pretty close to what this is like. Very dense low quality candy bar peanut butter. It was easily my least favorite of the box. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I certainly didn't like it, and i
ff f I ??wewere???gig??????????????????????? n ???verver r p ??rcr???ses?e ie ?? o ??n in ???s s????????r /r />/???? s ???rsr?????t jt ??stst st?????eded ????????t wt ??????f af a a l ??wewerwer ???????????????theth?????????????? sn snan?ckc???????? su sur????? w??as ??ac?ke??d wd ?????????teite????????I ??ou?????th??????oro?????????? sn?acack???? r ??as???s,s???notno?????lonlo????pa??ce ce v ?????????????6,6????00J00??????,A,??????C9C9E9???UUUUVU?????????????,0???,1,??424??????00,00,o,??????vo?????e ne ??w w??ooo?????????...????er???e ???ve????????ast??ronro?????ic??????m ????????????itite?????in in? th?????????????k k?????????in?te?reres?titin?????????ortor?? t tr t????????butbu??t tht thehe ?ic??????????????sos?mem????
f I were given the choice I would never purchase it on it's own.<br />2/5 stars. It just tasted like it was of a lower quality than the rest of the snacks. I'm sure it was packed with protein, but I bought these for novelty snacking reasons, not a long space voyage." 13066,B000JUK4OS,A1RWI6C9ETHUUV,Tina rose,0,0,5,1342137600,our favorite new food tried ...ever,We loved the astronaut icecream .the other items in the sample pack were ...interesting and worth trying .but the icecream is awesome! 13
??????????UKU??OSOS,S????D3D?V0V???T5T???L,L?ala??sss?????,0,,0??????????606?00,00?WaW?????hih??,",????????????? a??unu?iqi?????iteit???????al??????????? a p a ??ece????t t??hrh????????????????????????????w w?????ththe?????y uy ???????y ???2 y2 ???????ld ld???d.d????u u????????????it it?eve?ere??y wy whw????????????????un???????ve?!"!??13??????????????OS,OS,A????????????SZS??NaN???????????090??1,1???0,?5,5?,13,1????707???00,????it?ini????????????? ma maka???s fs ??????????????ng ng???iftif?t ft fo???r anr a?ny ny c ch?????????????nsn???????ooo?or or??or????earearnr????????????the??????????????????It????????????gregr?????in in c co c??????tit?on????ithit??a ?tr??p ??? K ???ne??????pacpace????enten?????r andr an??
067,B000JUK4OS,A38D3V0PJT5THL,alyssa,0,0,4,1334793600,Was a hit,"This is such a unique item, we all wanted a piece at Christmas. my 2 year old nephew all the way up to my 52 year old dad. You don't see it every where so it was fun to have!" 13068,B000JUK4OS,A258C7C7UYQESZ,NannyTrutru80901,0,0,5,1333670400,Exciting Gift,This makes for an exciting gift for any child. It opens the door for learning about the space program. It would be great in conjunction with a trip to Kennedy Space Center and i
ss s???eae?pep??????n n??he??asa??ror??aua???fof?odo??????????? s ??????????????ftf???opo?????????????696?,B,??00?????????191????LXLXCX???JCJ??,T,???r,r?0,0???4,4??????????????????d.d. .????????????? ad a???????????"I"I I??rdr????? t???????????ly ly???? o??????????tyt??. A. ?ll? t th tho th???????or?s ????????pap??????????peope????????ve ve?beb??n ?????????????????d. d.?????st st?? of of????????s ?????OTO??????????A A??????????????????????r fr ???d ????pl??????????o o i?????actac?t ht ?????re????????????????th??????????????????????rorodro??ct?????d ???????????????????ze-ze-d-?????????????????????????the ???igi?hth???????????pacpa???????tlt?le.le????thisthi???foo??
s cheaper than the astronaut food that they sell in the giftshops there. 13069,B000JUK4OS,A194BBLXC4BJCW,Thor,0,0,4,1328918400,Not bad. Exactily as advertized.,"I ordered these simply out of curiosity. All those rumors about space food people have been spreading around. First of all this is NOT what NASA eats as their regular food supply. They do in fact have real fruits and other things like meat products and they do have freeze-dried snacks to reduce the weight on the space shuttle. this food
??????????????????????ig??? a ???coc??pap??redre???o o???ada??????ala? f fof???????????spspapacpa?e e? sh s??ttt?????????h h e??ereryr???ouo??d ???sts?????????ndnds? o ?????lll?????????litli?ereraer?????? ev???????ounou????????ts.ts?????ououlou?d ?ses??????is is?bebei????? a g a gog????d snd s?nacna???pa??k ??????hehe ?????????? s??pac???????ttltt?le le????????????geg??????th??r ????????????????w ??? t????I.I?????InIntn?????ti???????pa?pacepace pace????????????msms.????ut ut?????me??????laila??n wn ??atat at?? exa exac??????ou? a?????????sesedse????????t it ?in in???????????lerler.r?????o 4o ????chech????4in4i???heshe?s fs ????zez?e de drd???d ?????onona????ici????cre?????quq???????????????n mn ?????t cht c???????????????nd?nd tnd ???????????
is extremely light weight as compared to traditional foods. On a space shuttle launch every pound costs thousands of dollars so literately every pound counts. I would see this being a good snack pack for the crew of a space shuttle on the bridge or other space craft crew or the I.S.S(International Space Station)teams. But let me explain what exactly you are supposed to get in this sampler. Two 4inchesx4inches freeze dried astronaut ice cream squares one green mint chocolate chip and the other st
?????ere?ryr???ana?????/c/???????tet?????bob????????????d d????????ezezez???????????e ce ??reareama???????????????????????????????????????ror??aua?????aca??? fo f??d ????rgr??????? w ?witwi???? r ??fr????ra?tot???mam????????ne? c?????????e ae ?????heh?e oe ????? p ???????????terter.r?. S. SoS???basba?????llyll???????th????sh??? i ?? t??????ictic???????s ws ?whawh???????????????????????d sd ?samsa???er?. . B. BuB????????ou ??????e ???t dt ????mamakma?????e te ?thith?????. ?. So. S?o Io I I w wo wou?????dridr???k ak a a????? a???ounou??t ot ??????er?????????eateatit???? th???????fff?????????????????????????eamea??is????rokroke???upu?????????????s s?????????????at ??ma?llllell??er per ???ce??s os ?? o?f ??
rawberry/vanilla/chocolate combo flavor, and one freeze dried ice cream sandwich. You also should get two astronaut space food energy bars with a refrigerator magnet. One chocolate and the other peanut butter. So basically what they show in the picture is what you get in this food sampler. But if you ask me it did make me thirsty. So I would drink a good amount of water after eating this stuff. Oh and FYI the ice cream is broken up into peaces so you can eat smaller peaces of of it. So my opinio
????????eaeata????mpm?lelerer r f ??????????nen?y.y???????hah?veve e we ?????????th th?yoy??rsr???1?303?707?????????4O4???AKA??O5O545?7L7??????,p,????mim????????????????????????at???ifi????????? b bobou??????thithis???or???????php??? f????chc?????????ana??????ougoughoug????????????????????t t?????? y????????owo?w hw ??'s'????ini??? to t?????ve ve i? it; it????y ???y y wy wowou???d (d ?????'t 't???ea??? fo??????????tho?ugu?gh gh???m ??ur??e te ????? wo w??????iki?e ???????).)??????ve?ve fve ????ze?????ede?????????reamrea??mym????f f a an???th???? spa sp???????? t????????????????131?????,B0,B???????????3O3??????10P10???????N,N????,0,5,0,?5,15,???00???20?0,????eatea??????????????????,G???????ri??ce!ce??????????????
n is great sampler for the money. Just have water with yours." 13070,B000JUK4OS,AKUO547L5JPRV,plasmize,0,0,5,1320710400,Great gift idea,I bought this for my nephew for christmas and though I haven't given it to him yet I know he's going to love it; any boy would (can't speak for girls though I'm sure they would like it too). I love freeze dried ice cream myself and the space camp theme is great. 13071,B000JUK4OS,A3OFJES10PZGEH,SN,0,0,5,1320019200,Great Deal! Delicious!,Great price! I'm amazed at
t ??????????? a ????mbmblblel??????lecle????????????cec???ooo?d.d.<.??????ThT????????e ??????????r ar ?ll???ccc?????nsn????????????t nt ??ede???????????pip????????on on a a a??usu?????????uzu????????..1???727???????????S,S?????????????????ha?????CrC????re????????????????????,As,A??trotr?-F-FuFunu???? r re r?????????????????e Ce ?CraCr????????????????6060s0? e ???lyl?????????????? b ???????SpSpa??? F Fo??od od???ticti??s.???????????????????ere?re re??onongon????????????????????? th????s.s. ????????????ele???mam?ded???????????????re re bre ??in??ing cing ??mpmplmple??telte????????mem???????????????????ronronan???t it ??????reare??????o.o?. M. ??????????shsh h???????at at? it i??t hat h?? t? the??As?tr
the hard to assemble collection of Space Food.<br />They taste great for all occasions. You don't need to be camping or on a Russian Soyuz rocket. 13072,B000JUK4OS,A2ZKNGL20FBK2I,Shatzi Crabtree,0,0,4,1270166400,Astro-Fun,"I remember the Space Craze of the late 60s early 70s, and Mom buying Space Food Sticks. Originally they were long round tuby looking things. The box rarely made it home before being completely consumed. I like the Astronaut ice creams too. My only wish is that it had the Astr
??????????zaz?. . T ????????d d??? s ?selse??? th t?? p????? a atat ????he Ahe ??????????????????????ioio ?whw?????I I??????????nynywy???????e ?bob??????????iei?? i?????bib?????ala?????ut ut?????????e.e????????????00J00???4O4?????????????????"C"?????l Al ???????????"A"???????????????????????????????727????????oyeoy????????ldldi?dierdie??s is ?? A ??ghghah??isists?an????????t at ??????to? m ?y ??????????is is??????????ed ied ??in Kin ?????????????st?an????HeH??wa????thrth?ilill????to?to gto ?et? i??????d rd ?????????jo?yeyed?????. H. ?He He??????d ????????????????ele??????ol?oldiold??rs????nd nd?????? the???wawanwant? m???????131??????????????????K4?2K2?9W9?????8C8????. D. ??uguglg????4,4,74,????????666
onaut pizza. They used to sell the pizza at the Air Force Museum in Ohio where I worked. Anyway, the box of goodies is a bit small but enjoyable." 13073,B000JUK4OS,AAQF1FIR68QBY,"Carol A. Petska ""A Soldier's Mom""",1,2,5,1211587200,Enjoyed by Soldiers in Afghanistan,I sent a box to my son who is stationed in Kabul Afghanistan. He was thrilled to get it and really enjoyed it. He shared some with his fellow soldiers and now they want more!! 13074,B000JUK4OS,A3K42K9WUA2P8C,J. Douglas,4,7,3,123966
??????????lol?????tht?e e?asasts?????ooo?d d?bub????amampm?????????????????e ??????????on?? lo l?oveov??? th thehe he A ?ststrst?ronro???????????eae?????????????????? se s?????eded ??????????????? p prp??????. . H ?????fif????????????????????pap?????????(c(??????????le le??oxox x??t ?cac??????? a??????he ehe ?????yedyed d td ?????I ???????th??? pr p???????he???lovlo?????????????? th?????????????o to ?????????????????? b?us???bubutbu????the ???????ityit???????oooo oo?????l ?to??juj?ust?????????????e.e?? T ?he??? i?s ??????e ine i?fo?????th??the dthe ???crc????tioti????????bob??ut ut wut ????at yat ????????t but b?ut ?I ???????rprpr?prispri???d td tod t???????so so l??????. ???????????u u g???????f f?? the????????????cr
7200,Son loves the astro food but sampler small for the cost,My son loves the Astronaut Ice Cream which is why I searched and found this product. He definitely enjoyed the packaging (cool little box it came in) and he enjoyed that I found the product he loves to buy at the museums so the gift was not a bust but the quantity was too small to justify the price. There is more info in the description now about what you get but I was surprised to get so little. Simply you get 3 of the astro ice cr
?eae????acackc?s s?tht??t t????????ldl? b ??? i ini???heh?????eueumum ?gig???????????????a a???? s ???????tet??s ?ththath??? we w????nonotot ???????h h???teterte??????? m??????????t t wt ?????????????s t??????halha???????coc??st st?????????imi??3 3?????ks ks o of????e ??????o fo ??odo????????????(m(???seuseumum um s?hohopho????<b<???/>/><>????/>/>C/>???????????????? pac pa?ckscks s os ?of ??? o?????? a as a?str????????????? fr f???????? sa s???e se ???plplipl????????er?. . . ?????? a???????outou??a ??/3/???oro??re ere exexpx?????????????t nt no?w ??????reredred ?????? the ????????? bu but bu?????????t mt mo??????????3 t3 tit???? t????quq?ana??itityt?????????ro ro?????????????I I??avave? 3 ?3 s3 ???rsrs ????????????? o or or ??????????????????????
eam packs that you would buy in the museum gift shops plus a few small items that were not of much interest to my son. It would be less than half the cost to buy him 3 packs of the astro food at retail (museum shops).<br /><br />Check the bulk packs of 10 of the astro ice cream from the same supplier/seller. These are about a 1/3 more expensive right now compared to the sampler but you get more than 3 times the quantity of astro ice cream. I gave 3 stars instead of 1 or 2 because it is a uniq
?ueu????d d????? o ofo?????l l?gig?????????omo??ono??????????eses s t tht??s ????ror???????????????eye????ulu?d ?????? s??ara??????????quq??????????????iri? - ?????y 5y ???of of?? the th??as?????o ico i?ce ce? cr c??am????hichi?????????????5b5?????????????gi??????????th??? t????????r r sr ??ufufff???andan?d pd ?aca????gingingn?????????????????th?the the??xtxtrtratr????uc??ks.ks???????????00J00?UKU????????3A3????????????blb????dod??????????????????,R,?????????lll???of ??the?the ithe ??????li???????on on??????es?????ti?on?????? n ??????????????????? the b the ???. ? I ??????mim??????????????? 4 4 4 f???????em????13?07????B00B0??00JU00J?????S,AS,????????????6S6?S,NS,??????dud??tst?MaM??keMkeMeMeHeHaH??pypy,y???2,2??,1????
ue and sort of cool gift for someone who likes this astro ice cream. They would get 5 stars if the quantity was fair - say 5 of the astro ice cream which would be 15bucks at the gift shops then the other stuff and packaging is maybe worth the extra 5bucks. 13075,B000JUK4OS,AX83AU0X9943Z,Boblibido,3,6,1,1283817600,Rip Off,All of the items listed on the description were not included in the box. I was missing at least 4 food items. 13076,B000JUK4OS,A2214CQETQFM6S,NewProductsMakeMeHappy,0,2,2,13347
??727202??????lll?? d ?isi?apa?pop???tet???....,..?"F"????t t??????ete?t mt ???????? a ???????odo?diedi?? T ?heh?e 2e ??????????""? b ?ara???????????er???blb????OfO???ouo?????tht??????er????ici????????????????????re re???lil??????. ?BuB???fo???????????????????????non????????????. O????????hehe he mhe ???????????usust?????dvd???tit??????????d d dd di?dnd?????????? to t? t??e ???ridri??????131303????????JUJ????S,S?A3A????????5151H1HQHQEQ?,A?. . D. ???????????????383??????DoD?n'n'tn't t et ???????? any an????????ut?????????eam??,I,I I oI ?????ed?ed ted ??thisthi??????us?e ???he ?ti????????????e ??re?am???? and and? fo f?????sti????s..s.?..I..?I rI ??????????allal????????ea???. I. ?I dI ??on'on??????????????????????????????
07200,Really disappointed...,"First off let me say I am a foodie. The 2 ""energy"" bars tasted terrible. Of course the other 3 ice cream products are delicious. But for almost $17.00 it is not worth it. Oh and the magnet is just a advertisement and didn't stick to the fridge." 13077,B000JUK4OS,A3TVG8URL51HQE,A. Dahl,1,5,1,1323388800,Don't expect anything but ice cream?,I ordered this because the title says ice cream and food sticks...I received all ice cream. I don't have time to mess with a ret
?uru??? C ???????????tit????????itit'it????????tetede???????????????????B0B??2G2??HAH?????????????????6,6????????. . M. ???dad????,7,7,,7???121???88288??????vev??????odod ?coc?????e ae ata????????? p ????ce,ce????? d ??o no ??????o ????????????????????ndsnd?s is isi?s as ????ncn??????co?????. ?if??yo?u ???????????????le le d?ri??????????outout t 4t 4-4???????s a?????y (y ??? th thi th???? ou o?????????& &? br b???w cw ????????????s ??fivfi?ve ?????cesce???s ???cuc??????hih?ichich h ih ??th?in??????? ou???ra???????????l l????????you you????out? m ?????? to t?????e ??ee????toto to g??????ror???h h i?????????r fr ????r wr ????ks ks???t ct ??? l ?loslo??e a???????????l ol ??of iof ??s s fs fls f?ava??????? y???????t ????trt????????????
urn. Change the title if it's assorted ice cream. 13078,B002GWHAXK,A3EBLZM17S0GV6,Pablo N. Mondal,7,7,5,1288828800,very good coffee at a great price,"you do need to know that five pounds is a bunch of coffee. if you have two people drinking about 4-6 cups a day (i think our grind & brew carafe counts five ounces as a cup), which i think was our rate, it will take you about month to five weeks to get through it. after four weeks it can lose a good deal of its flavor, so you want to try to use it
?beb????e e t ?heh????????????????????ses?? p ????ioi????????plp????gag??????????, ,????????se? i? d ????t t??????? we w???????d ed ???? g ge g????????????????????? o????ofo???t.t?. . ???? t? the th?e pe ???????yoyou??????'t 't??????????????ifi?f tf th?? l ??????????????it it???tst?s as ? l???????ststastal??????????????????waw??s ?mom?????on on??? a?????????bagba? o?r r rr re??alial???????? y ??????????????????omo???????o o co coc??????po??l l??it???????????me me??ou????deder??? f?iv?e ?????nd nd??? a???????????????ou????ba?bagsbag??????ichich ?????????t tt trt t???????????????9,9???020?????XKX????????????KAK????????,7????????????00??????reatrea??????????ooo??d cd co?????????
before then. we keep the unused portion in ziploc gallon bags, otherwise i don't think we would even get four to five weeks out of it. for the price, you can't beat it, and if the last little bit gets a little stale then you can always move on to another bag or realize that you need to find someone to coffee-pool with next time you order a five pound bag. they also sell one pound bags, which i've not tried yet." 13079,B002GWHAXK,A14388CFZ5KADP,ML,7,7,4,1264723200,"Great Price, good coffeee","P
u?????ses?????????ono?????ururdur????????t t???????????????he????n ??????dayda?????? b ????? a?re? S ????? o?ili????????? i ??re???????ikikek??an?????????as??t ot ???????????????????????????????ch rch ro??ast????????ucu??s ??????ll ll?????ed????????????th th?? s sl s?ligli?????ly sly ????tet????oto?te te t? tha th?an an?????????d tod t??, b, ??t t ft ?????? f?or??5 5????????th?????????reareatreat t f????????????????????????????????????????K,K??????K9K?????????"R"???ha???d Wd ?????ileil???????????RDR??????"",""???,5,,5??,5,1,5,?262?686??????,y,yoy?ou ou g ?????a ta trt?ry ry?????---??besbe????????????????????????of?fe???cac????lsl??s ans a?? m ?????polpolilieli??? ar?e e de ??????????ly ?????????????????l l? ma m???
urchased these on saturday night and received them on tuesday, the beans are SUPER oily, which i really like and the roast on them is a really good french roast. Produces a full bodied coffee with a slightly sweeter note than im used to, but for 27 for 5 pounds this is great for my everyday coffee." 13080,B002GWHAXK,A28WBK9FUVZDG2,"Richard W. Eilers ""RICHARD E.""",5,5,5,1266883200,you gotta try this--best for the buck!!,"The coffee cartels and monopolies are desperately trying to control marke
tt t??rir???s,s? e ene?????????????eae??????ece?t,t??of?????????????atat ?????ucu?? f ????a ??er???????ono??????pr??????an?d d o ohoh h???? f????????????????$8$8.8?999???????ndn???????????????gr?oco?cerce???????????nonotot ?????????????e pae p????! I! ?? am am m?????na na??huhutu?t ut ????????yoy?????????to to????????????? a ??????nd? s??? f fo f??????r yr ??urursr???f!f????303???,B,????GWG?????????????CSC?????B,B??GlG???n ?????ubu???????????????????130130000500?797??00?????????? Co C?????!!!?????he he????OMAOM???????????????!!??????, ????offe?e e p?ri???s s as ?rere re?? goi go??????ror??????he???rooro???????????veryver??thithin???el??? s?????se?ar?chc?hedhed ????????on??????EBE?aya?????r sr sosomso????decdece?nt????
t prices, enter Coffee Bean Direct, offering a great product for a very reasonable price, and oh soo fresh too! That $8.99 a pound stuff at the grocery is just not on the same page! I am gonna shut up now; you need to go order up a bag and see for for yourself!" 13081,B002GWHAXK,A3RH2RZCSX76KB,"Glenn ""Scuba Diver""",3,3,5,1300579200,AWESOME Coffee!! The AROMA was wonderful!!,"Hey, coffee prices are going through the roof like everything else so I searched on Amazon and EBay for some decent pri
???????I I??? a??????????anan n?pep?rsr???????????????????????????? e ?????mom???in??. ????isis ???fff?eee?????????rbr?????s bs ?beabe??????ho????ananyan?y dy dod?ubu??????ror???th???????ntnt ????pepenpe????th??????????e Ie I ????w w??thith?is is? wa w????ooo???co?????????y ????? s ??????s os of????resre???co????e ????ns?????????????on?s s fs ???? s?hi????inging ing?????co???????????ro??g.? A A A??????? o ovo???????????????ouounou??? ? ???ou ou???an an???ardar???????y Fy ????????????????????? e?ve???onon on???le?? ???wiw???? be?? bu b?yiy?????frofr?? C ??????????ean ean?????ctct ?????y my ??re??????s ????????????????f f t????????? t???sese ?prpri?????????.".?????????0000200????????A3A???????NXN???
ces. I am a whole bean person and grind my beans fresh each morning. This coffee has Starbucks beat without any doubt. From the moment I opened the package I knew this was good coffee. My home smells of fresh coffee beans. With Amazons free shipping how could I go wrong. A little over $7.00 per pound? You can hardly buy Folgers at that price even on sale! I will be buying from Coffee Bean Direct many more times in the future if they keep these prices down." 13082,B002GWHAXK,A35TAQISNXVYQ
??????????????????T"T??","?????,3,??????818?606??????ntn???ftf?ere????????????????????? a a?gog???????l l????????eeee,e?????t at ??t lt ?????????r tr ??????ara??????????ror????????????ini???????letle????????brb????I I lI lil??? a?????k k?????? o??????ffeff??????ene??????lll??CiC??????talta???n.? W ???? I ?????eneenede?d ud ??? th?isis ???? I???????le?as??ed ed??????? the th?e ae ????? a?????theth????????????? be b???????he he??re????????f ?wa?s ?????????but but???????????????????? the ??burbu???t at aft a?fteft???????????? this thi?s ks ??nd????????ed ?ththe??nen??????????? m ?????131??????00??GWG???XKX???????YAYA6A?GMG????,"??????????geg??????""??ldld ?????sasaiail???"""""????????13?????767?????????
C,"T. Duham ""Mr.T""",3,3,3,1295481600,burnt after taste,"Yes this is a good deal on coffee, but at least for this variety and roast I was kind of let down.<br />I like a dark roast on coffee, French/Full City/Italian. When I opened up this bag I was pleased with the aroma and the oil on the bean. The brew itself was good, but I couldn't shake the burnt after taste, this kinda ruined the next cup for me." 13083,B002GWHAXK,AC9QTYA6GMYDH,"Terry Hedgecock ""old bay sailor""",2,2,5,1331337600,coffee
????obo???"W"???????eeeenen n????iningng g???????????ee ee f ??r r?????????eae??r or ??????????e ?????onton????lalana????andand d????????????????????????mim?indind ?????????????ouo????????? l?oto???of of c?ofoffof???????and and???????l ?????????????????????r r tr ?????ee oee ????ou?r ???eekee??????????lasla????????????t ft ????e we ?weewe???????????t'st'?????ill???????????????? wa was?as aas ?t ?????st????????????????o o???????s ?????hishi????at???d cd ??????ee dee ??ininkinkekere????AnAndnd nd wnd ??????????rieri?????????? it it ??????????????????????ter?, ?fo??lloll???ng????????????? co??mem?????hah????? it w it ??as ????????????????hatha?t wt ????; B; ?????, B, ????? to? A ????????ththethe ?prp???ce ce i is i?????s,???hihiphi??in
snobs,"We've been buying this coffee for over a year on the once a month plan, and still love it !. Never mind the ""Five pounds is a lot of coffee, and it will lose it's taste after three or four weeks'"" It lasts us about five weeks, and it's still as good as it was at the start; at least to us less sophisticated coffee drinkers. And we also tried buying it direct from the roaster, following one review comment that it was much fresher that way; B.S., Back to Amazon; the price is less, shippin
g?????????????? a ana???????coc???????is is??????????????, ???d ?????? as??????. . A ??tet?????ara????????ookoo???????t't???????????rir??????ff?ee???fr??????atat ??hasha??????mem?????????vorvo??????????or.or. ??t'???ju?justjus???theth????????roroaoasast??????????????? f??????????????and???he????????stust?????, an, a??????gig???????????? t?o o?????e ae a a??????????????ththe??????????me me??? t???e we wae w???? a????st?ili?? b?e e a?ccc??????????BuB?????? st s????????????????e'e??? n ???t nt ?ea??lyl????peper?????enoueno???gh tgh ??o mo mamakma?? t? the? r?????????????????in?e ?????????dgd?eme????s.s.<.???r /r ???er?ryry ??????????????????????r /??RuRur??al al??????????????????020??WHW???K,K?
g is reliable, and the coffee is just as fresh, and just as good. After years of looking, it's our favorite coffee, from what has become our favorite vendor. It's just the right roast, just between french roast and the weak stuff, and forgiving enough to make a mistake with the brew time or the water and still be acceptable. But as stated earlier, We're not nearly expert enough to make the really critical fine point judgements.<br />Terry and Judy Hedgecock<br />Rural Arizona" 13084,B002GWHAXK,A
3?????050??8N8???W,W??????eoe??ese??? " ?"d"?????nin??g g?wowomo??n"n??","???????????222282???0,0??xcx?????ntnt t??ofo???????anan an????celce??????????ce,ce??I'I???e be ?ee?n n??ooo??in??g fg ??r r?????????????eeee ee???????e e le ??????????????s.s?????????????????????? o of? n nunumu??rorouro?s ????????anand?? fi f?????? j ???????iniin????d d????5l5lbl?????g og ??????????????""??ttt???///??????ma??????????p/p??propr???ctc????????????""?????k k??ra???????an San ????oso???????? B??????????e,e??????unu?d ???ag<ag???????????ou?ghg??????? fl f???????as????od????????????????????????did????????????????aka?kenke???y by ?????????rur??inein???????????upup p? of of f?????????? tho thou?oughoug?ht ??????y ay ?????therthe
35OK40568N92W,"B. Leonesio ""designing woman""",1,1,5,1321228800,excellent coffee @ an excellent price,"I've been looking for a great coffee for the last six months. I've gone throw lbs of numerous brands and finally just finished my 5lb bag of the<a href="""">Dark Brazilian Santos, Whole Bean Coffee, 5 Pound Bag</a>. I thought the flavor was good, but it lacked the acidity which I mistakenly believed ruined a good cup of joe. I thought I try another
?????ror??stst t??as as???? v vav??????? e ?xcx?????ntn?. .? T ???is is??????wiwini?nen?r.r. ??????????oro?? is i????????????????? we w????????ncn??d.d???????bib?tete ???s es ???????????aka?e e se ??tit???yiyin????????????ovo?????????shs???. I. ??????ortor??????is ??is ??????erfer?ecectc??????""??303????B0B????????K,K??B1B??AOA????N9N????????va????????????????00000??????????d ad ?????????ll gll geg???fof?? t??he ????ce?????????????????????????????e ????ve ve??????????????st cst ???ffeff??e I????e he ?hadha??waw????shash??????rowrownw???andan????gag????? an????ro????ubu???. T. ???????????bebes??t c?ofoffof?????? ev eve?r ?ha????as?????th???ug?h ?th???didigi???????????????ofof of??? ro r???????????th???????. ????
CBD roast as the value is excellent. This is a winner. The flavor is rich, full and well-balanced. The bite is enough to make satisfying, but not overly harsh. In short, this is my perfect cup." 13085,B002GWHAXK,AB1RAOEL2N9MU,Donovan,1,1,5,1308960000,As good as you'll get for the price,"This is not the best coffee I've had. The best coffee I've had was shade grown and organic and from Cuba. The second best coffee I ever had passed through the digestive system of a rodent. I'm that guy. This
??ofo?????????rerete?tyt?????d.d????? t ?heh????stst,t? n ?????ngn??????????????bubutu???tasta??y y ay ????????yayaba?lele.e???????t ??????lalarla??s as ???ouounu????he?????ou ou???????????????6 d6 ???????s fs fof????????????? of o????o'o? c?lol??? c?of????????ici????hi????????????y sy ?upu?perpe???????????t ???rrrrerenrentn???????es es ies ????????in???redre?ibibl?????ala???brb????????????wawas??? l ?it???le le? wo w??ri??????ou?????he he r ?????????????????????y ??re???? r ro r???????ut ut??????????????????? it i???????????no????t thet th???ararkar?esestes?t ft frfrefr??ch????as???????r br ?????????eaeanea???????????? a n a nin???????ly ly? sh s?????? to to?? the th??.".?????868??B0B???GWGWHW?AXA?K,K,A,?????T8T?363???JBJBVB????p,p,1,??,1,,1??,1,12,1????
coffee is pretty good. Not the best, nothing spectacular but tasty and enjoyable. And at 6 dollars a pound when you pay the same 6 dollars for 12 ounces of 6 o' clock coffee (which this is vastly superior too) at current prices it's an incredible deal.<br /><br />I was a little worried about the roast, some places say french roast but really don't mean it. This is not the darkest french roast ever but the beans do have a nice oily sheen to them." 13086,B002GWHAXK,A3CIYT836ILJBV,mlp,1,1,5,129591
???000???????SUSURU????SESE,E???????????????????? t ????????????lyl??nin?????????. .?????ea?d ??heh????viv??wsw?? b bu b?? g ???? i ??????????hoh???e be ?asa??? o ??? pr p???ini??. . T. ????? pr????????????????????e.e????TheTh?e b??????ara?????arkar?????????? a??????ryr?????grg???t.????????????????r r??????????????ada?d t??o po ???? a????it it s ?sevseve?veraver??????eses es????????????e b??an?s ?did??????t jt ??m m??????????????oi????es???. . I. ???????k mk ????of??feefee ???????wiwit?????????ng ng? in i?n in ?????????????mam?????e a re a ?????????????l l???????witwi?? n??? bi b??tet?????ess.ess. ?????huh?usbus????nd and ?and?????ene???? thr th????h ???the the?????s qs ?????ly??. ?. I . I??lwl?aya?s s hs ha?ve?ve sve ?????alal ??????s os ?
3600,NICE SURPRISE,"This coffee proved to be a really nice treat. I read the reviews, but gave it modest hope based on pricing. That proved to be a mistake. The beans are dark and oily and very fragrant. I used my burr grinder and had to poke at it several times so that the beans did not jam due to their oiliness. I drink my coffee black with nothing in it, and this made a rich wonderful cup, with no bitterness. My husband and I went through the 5lbs quickly. I always have several kinds of
? c ???fef?? f ??omo??????h h t ?o o??hoh?ososes?, ,????? fo f?unu???????????????????????hishi?????e me ?????ththathan??non??? ???m ?bab??????r r??y y????conco?nd ????, , a, an??????in?g g mg ??re???ro????????brb??and????131??????????WHW?????A2A2C2??????????????????????on on?"""??????igi??"""""??????????????????,P,??????????GuG????a ??????????asa?? - ? 5 ??B,B,"????? i ???? my my???????????frfrofrom?????????my my???????? t??????????an ?????????prp???so???hihichi??????as pas ??????y gy ?????. I. I I???kek????he he f fr????????????????????????as ?it??????????????????????????????????d t??????e the thae th?????e ?????????????d. d.? It I????oio???y ay ???????????rom??????????ewsew??????derde???lll????
coffee from which to choose, and found myself turning to this one more than not. I'm back for my second bag, and trying more from this brand." 13087,B002GWHAXK,A2C7IUZZ1ZNXYD,"T. gibson ""Snosbig""",1,1,4,1295827200,Papua New Guinea French Roast - 5LB,"This is my 2nd order from them, my 1st was the italian roast espresso which was pretty good. I like the french roast a bit more as it does not have any of the charred taste that the espresso did. It's oily and very aromatic, brews wonderfully in
????frf????h h?????????I I?????????d!d??1?????????2G2??HAH???????SES???A4A4L4??????????????. .????????t t???????""?????,1,,1??????717???808??,","G,"????????ava?????Gr???? v ????e"e??"I"???av??????????ry?????easea??d d???tht???????? B ?ea???DiDiri????????????????????bubuyu??ingin?????hoh???e ce cocofco???ee ????om om t ??????????????y ???yey?????owo?????????????rkr??????????????? h hahav???fofouo???nd tnd ??????o o??e ??????plp??as???????or ????????????????????. I . I g ?ririn?d ????????fo??????e e ae ??d ???????????????????????, ??????the????lavlavovorvo????s ss ?????????? b???d,d???butbu??ve?????????th th a??t tt ???the sthe ?ama?????????. I . I h. I ??have????????MoMoco??a ?JaJ??a ?<a<?a ha ??refre??""
my french press & I recommend!" 13088,B002GWHAXK,AQ0SE89A4L2T,"Gregory J. Linscott ""Greg""",1,1,5,1287100800,"Great flavor, Great value","I have been very pleased with Coffee Bean Direct, and have been buying my home coffee from them for nearly a year now. I enjoy darker roasts, and have found this to be very pleasant for daily consumption. I grind just before use and brew in a French press, and the flavor is strong and bold, but very smooth at the same time. I have tried Mocha Java <a href=""
h????????wwww.ww????zozono?????/g/gpg????odo??ctc???????WHW????????ofo???e e??eaeana??????ct????chchaha a J ???????yly????WhW?olole?? Be B?????CofCo?ffeff????5-5?PoP???d d? Ba B?????????ara??? Br Braraz???iai??????hrh??????????????wwww.???az???????/g?????????????02?GW??????"">""??????e ???an?????recre???Da?rk? B???azi????an,an?, W, ????????ean?????????, 5?????ndnd nd? Ba?g<???>,???????? Bl B??nd?????????f="f=????ttptt????wwwwwww????mazma?zonzon.???m/?gp????rodro??????00?????AQA????????CoffeCoff??? Be Bea Beanan ?an Dian Dir?????????????lenlendlen???, Wh, W?holholele ?BeBea????ofoff?ee????5-P5-?PouPo?????agag<ag</????????k k Sk ?umu????????????ref=ref?=""="????????????amamaamazama???.c???????p/prp/prorod?uc?uct/uct????02G????????"">C"">Co"">C??offe???e Be??????????t D???????????ra,ra??"">Coffee Bean Direct Mocha Java Style, Whole Bean Coffee, 5-Pound Bag</a>, Dark Brazilian <a href="""">Coffee Bean Direct Dark Brazilian, Whole Bean Coffee, 5-Pound Bag</a>, Donut Blend <a href="""">Coffee Bean Direct Donut Blend, Whole Bean Coffee, 5-Pound Bag</a>, Dark Sumatra <a href="""">Coffee Bean Direct Dark Sumatra, W
?hoh?????eae?????????????PoPouounu????????a>a?, ???d ???tyt??????????????NeN???????????a a ha ??????????????www???ama???????????p/p?prpror???????000020??????G"G??>C>?????????????????ct ct????????as?t t Pt ??????NeNewNew ?Gu??????, W, ??????????? Co C??????? 5- 5-P-Po-Pou??? B Ba??g</g<???????eye????????????????gog???, ????????????d pd ???????? a ????he???????? m ???lilis???????theth??????oro??????????????d d td ?????faf???????080898????????????,A,?????9Q9??717???LOL????????gag????,1???,1,12,1??616????????????????????e, e, Ge, ????????ustus??mem?? s ????????????????li????????????ar???ro???????????oto?t qt quq??tete e ee ?xpxpr??????. T. ?????????????larla??ro???? i ??is dis ???????
hole Bean Coffee, 5-Pound Bag</a>, and City Roast Papua New Guinea <a href="""">Coffee Bean Direct City Roast Papua New Guinea, Whole Bean Coffee, 5-Pound Bag</a>. They all have been good, but I would put this at the top of my list of the flavors I have tried thus far." 13089,B002GWHAXK,A1KPG9QI71YILO,G. Duggan,1,1,5,1276128000,"Great Coffee, Great customer service","So I like really dark roasts but not quite expresso. This particular roast is dark but
? n ?????heh?????ara??????pep????ofo????????ecectc??<b<??????f f??ouou u g gogo o t???th??eirei?????e e te ?????e ae ?????????????????atiatioi?nsn???????chc? r ??asa????????s ?????????tot???rdrdeder?????u ??????? ( (e(?espespe??iai??????uiu??? s ?hih?p p??f ????u a????a a p ?ririmi??e me ?memme??????. T. ???????e ????dud???????eryer???????????????cofco???ee ee??si?????????prprepr?esses??o go ????? a an a?????ewew.w???????ifeif?????nknksks ???????????thethe the b???t ??cof??feefe?????hah??????ver?? ma?????????????????????????????thethemthe?? an????gotgo???????sws?werwe???witwi????????halha???hohouho?r.r?????I tI th?????????keskestkest ????????????befbe???e ???pr????????????????DaD?ark????ma????????????? C ?????s s ws ????ch ch???????in?????
not their darkest per coffee direct.<br />If you go to their site there are great explanations of each roast. It is cheaper to order thru amazon (especially quick ship if you are a prime member). This one produces very very smooth coffee using my Capresso grind and brew. My wife thinks it makes the best coffee we have ever made at home.<br />I emailed them and got an answer within a half hour. FYI the 2 darkest they have before expresso roast are Dark Sumatra and Dark Celbes which I'm going to
???? n ??xtx??titimi?e.e????????rereae?????fff???????at??????e.?????igi??lyly y ry ????mmm????.".?1???909?????2G2??????????XUX?????????????. . S ??. N. NoNoyo?????"l"????????????o o???????????3,3????292??????????????ERER R G ????T T???????????????????T ???OLO?E E????? F ???? C COC?FFF??????????????????E ?DRD???K K A ??????????????????NDN?????E ????? Q ????ITI?Y Y???????AN?TIT???. ??O O W ?????O FO ?ORO??CO????EE EE?? BEA BE???DI???RECTRECT,??????????N'N????????????????????N'TN'T ????KE.KE???THITH?? B??REWRE?????HE????? A????ARAROAR???ATIAT?C,C, ?NO???????ER?????GR????????FFE??E. E.??????G G??????Y TY ??????VE???OUO?ND?????G IG ????THE? W?????????????D ??????????? COFF COF?????????CT CT I?? T??
???STS????ALA?????RAR?ALLALL.L.".??????????020?????XKX?,A,A5A?????1Z1?8W8???S,S,",????? P ??????????"""??????ckc????????????????????????? a ???????iti???,"N,"??????????cocofofff?????utu???efe?iai?ntn??????????t ast a? g ????? as a?s os ?othot??rsr?????? D??rkr????razra?????n n? is i???et???????n mn ????????onon ??????he????al???ian ian????????????sss?????????e be ???st st?????he???????????an? D???????li??????????? l ??vev????????oao??t ?????????"??13013??????????????????????????4F4F5F???????eses,es,0,0,,0,0,0,0,??2,12,??959???60?00???????????.,.?????sus??????drdri?nkn????renre??h h? Ro R??st?????ithit????Pe?????s o??r tr th????CosCo????????????????????of?offeoff???????a a da ?is???incin???ve????rnr?? t?????e,
BEST DEAL OVERALL." 13091,B002GWHAXK,A513PQ1Z8W90S,"Adam Petramala ""BadRock""",0,0,3,1310256000,Not a favorite,"Not a bad coffee but defiantly isn't as good as others. The Dark Brazilian is better in my opinion and the Italian Roast Espresso is the best of the Coffee Bean Direct line, if you love dark roast coffees." 13092,B002GWHAXK,A3EFQGRDA8S4F5,A. Ades,0,0,2,1295136000,Not Great.,"I usually drink French Roast, either Peet's or the Costco variety. This coffee had a distinctive burnt taste,
m?????????????non???????tht??????etet't??. . I ?? i ?s s????kak??????bub??????tat????? n ????????????amamem????????. . W. ?ili???????????????bu???wiw??????ly????????in lin ?atattt???'s,'s, ???herhe?re re??????????????????????? b????????milmi??""???090????????????????P7P??????HOH???,d,dod??frf?an???,1,????3,?1313413414???????????????? w wi???? no not no????????????????AfA??terte??????in?????he?her her???viv??wsw???on on? th?is?????????, I, I I??????????cecedce??????d ?????ryr?? ?s o.s o??.,.?????ut rut ??realrea???????te???s mus muc??????re ???ikeik????he he?????pep???????arart?????ndnd ???????. ?. I. ???????n'n?t t et ?????co???????e toe t??StS?tarta?bu????????? e eveveeven????oso??. ??????ntn???????gig????????
much more pronounced than Peet's. It is drikable, but certainly not in the same league. Will not return, but will only use in latte's, where the taste is mitigated by the milk" 13093,B002GWHAXK,ARP7B7O5VHORU,donfranko,1,2,3,1341273600,"OK, but will not order again","After reading other reviews on this coffee, I was conviced I had to try it. It's o.k., but really tastes much more like the cheaper WalMart brand coffee. It doesn't even compare to Starbucks, not even close. I wanted to give it a