import logging |
import math |
import pickle |
from pathlib import Path |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import seaborn as sns |
import torch |
from datasets.utils.logging import disable_progress_bar, enable_progress_bar |
from sklearn import preprocessing |
from sklearn.metrics import ( |
ConfusionMatrixDisplay, |
accuracy_score, |
auc, |
confusion_matrix, |
f1_score, |
roc_curve, |
) |
from tqdm.auto import trange |
from .emb_extractor import make_colorbar |
from .tokenizer import TOKEN_DICTIONARY_FILE |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
with open(TOKEN_DICTIONARY_FILE, "rb") as f: |
gene_token_dict = pickle.load(f) |
def preprocess_classifier_batch(cell_batch, max_len, label_name): |
if max_len is None: |
max_len = max([len(i) for i in cell_batch["input_ids"]]) |
def pad_label_example(example): |
example[label_name] = np.pad( |
example[label_name], |
(0, max_len - len(example["input_ids"])), |
mode="constant", |
constant_values=-100, |
) |
example["input_ids"] = np.pad( |
example["input_ids"], |
(0, max_len - len(example["input_ids"])), |
mode="constant", |
constant_values=gene_token_dict.get("<pad>"), |
) |
example["attention_mask"] = ( |
example["input_ids"] != gene_token_dict.get("<pad>") |
).astype(int) |
return example |
padded_batch = cell_batch.map(pad_label_example) |
return padded_batch |
def find_largest_div(N, K): |
rem = N % K |
if rem == 0: |
return N |
else: |
return N - rem |
def vote(logit_list): |
m = max(logit_list) |
logit_list.index(m) |
indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(logit_list) if x == m] |
if len(indices) > 1: |
return "tie" |
else: |
return indices[0] |
def py_softmax(vector): |
e = np.exp(vector) |
return e / e.sum() |
def classifier_predict(model, classifier_type, evalset, forward_batch_size): |
if classifier_type == "gene": |
label_name = "labels" |
elif classifier_type == "cell": |
label_name = "label" |
predict_logits = [] |
predict_labels = [] |
model.eval() |
evalset_len = len(evalset) |
max_divisible = find_largest_div(evalset_len, forward_batch_size) |
if len(evalset) - max_divisible == 1: |
evalset_len = max_divisible |
max_evalset_len = max(evalset.select([i for i in range(evalset_len)])["length"]) |
disable_progress_bar() |
for i in trange(0, evalset_len, forward_batch_size): |
max_range = min(i + forward_batch_size, evalset_len) |
batch_evalset = evalset.select([i for i in range(i, max_range)]) |
padded_batch = preprocess_classifier_batch( |
batch_evalset, max_evalset_len, label_name |
) |
padded_batch.set_format(type="torch") |
input_data_batch = padded_batch["input_ids"] |
attn_msk_batch = padded_batch["attention_mask"] |
label_batch = padded_batch[label_name] |
with torch.no_grad(): |
outputs = model( |
input_ids=input_data_batch.to("cuda"), |
attention_mask=attn_msk_batch.to("cuda"), |
labels=label_batch.to("cuda"), |
) |
predict_logits += [torch.squeeze(outputs.logits.to("cpu"))] |
predict_labels += [torch.squeeze(label_batch.to("cpu"))] |
enable_progress_bar() |
logits_by_cell = torch.cat(predict_logits) |
last_dim = len(logits_by_cell.shape) - 1 |
all_logits = logits_by_cell.reshape(-1, logits_by_cell.shape[last_dim]) |
labels_by_cell = torch.cat(predict_labels) |
all_labels = torch.flatten(labels_by_cell) |
logit_label_paired = [ |
item |
for item in list(zip(all_logits.tolist(), all_labels.tolist())) |
if item[1] != -100 |
] |
y_pred = [vote(item[0]) for item in logit_label_paired] |
y_true = [item[1] for item in logit_label_paired] |
logits_list = [item[0] for item in logit_label_paired] |
return y_pred, y_true, logits_list |
def get_metrics(y_pred, y_true, logits_list, num_classes, labels): |
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=list(labels)) |
macro_f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average="macro") |
acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) |
roc_metrics = None |
if num_classes == 2: |
y_score = [py_softmax(item)[1] for item in logits_list] |
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_true, y_score) |
mean_fpr = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) |
interp_tpr = np.interp(mean_fpr, fpr, tpr) |
interp_tpr[0] = 0.0 |
tpr_wt = len(tpr) |
roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) |
roc_metrics = { |
"fpr": fpr, |
"tpr": tpr, |
"interp_tpr": interp_tpr, |
"auc": roc_auc, |
"tpr_wt": tpr_wt, |
} |
return conf_mat, macro_f1, acc, roc_metrics |
def get_cross_valid_roc_metrics(all_tpr, all_roc_auc, all_tpr_wt): |
wts = [count / sum(all_tpr_wt) for count in all_tpr_wt] |
all_weighted_tpr = [a * b for a, b in zip(all_tpr, wts)] |
mean_tpr = np.sum(all_weighted_tpr, axis=0) |
mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 |
all_weighted_roc_auc = [a * b for a, b in zip(all_roc_auc, wts)] |
roc_auc = np.sum(all_weighted_roc_auc) |
roc_auc_sd = math.sqrt(np.average((all_roc_auc - roc_auc) ** 2, weights=wts)) |
return mean_tpr, roc_auc, roc_auc_sd |
def plot_ROC(roc_metric_dict, model_style_dict, title, output_dir, output_prefix): |
fig = plt.figure() |
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8) |
sns.set(font_scale=2) |
sns.set_style("white") |
lw = 3 |
for model_name in roc_metric_dict.keys(): |
mean_fpr = roc_metric_dict[model_name]["mean_fpr"] |
mean_tpr = roc_metric_dict[model_name]["mean_tpr"] |
roc_auc = roc_metric_dict[model_name]["roc_auc"] |
roc_auc_sd = roc_metric_dict[model_name]["roc_auc_sd"] |
color = model_style_dict[model_name]["color"] |
linestyle = model_style_dict[model_name]["linestyle"] |
if len(roc_metric_dict[model_name]["all_roc_auc"]) > 1: |
label = f"{model_name} (AUC {roc_auc:0.2f} $\pm$ {roc_auc_sd:0.2f})" |
else: |
label = f"{model_name} (AUC {roc_auc:0.2f})" |
plt.plot( |
mean_fpr, mean_tpr, color=color, linestyle=linestyle, lw=lw, label=label |
) |
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color="black", lw=lw, linestyle="--") |
plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) |
plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) |
plt.xlabel("False Positive Rate") |
plt.ylabel("True Positive Rate") |
plt.title(title) |
plt.legend(loc="lower right") |
plt.show() |
output_file = (Path(output_dir) / f"{output_prefix}_roc").with_suffix(".pdf") |
plt.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight") |
def plot_confusion_matrix( |
conf_mat_df, title, output_dir, output_prefix, custom_class_order |
): |
fig = plt.figure() |
fig.set_size_inches(10, 10) |
sns.set(font_scale=1) |
sns.set_style("whitegrid", {"axes.grid": False}) |
if custom_class_order is not None: |
conf_mat_df = conf_mat_df.reindex( |
index=custom_class_order, columns=custom_class_order |
) |
display_labels = generate_display_labels(conf_mat_df) |
conf_mat = preprocessing.normalize(conf_mat_df.to_numpy(), norm="l1") |
display = ConfusionMatrixDisplay( |
confusion_matrix=conf_mat, display_labels=display_labels |
) |
display.plot(cmap="Blues", values_format=".2g") |
plt.title(title) |
plt.show() |
output_file = (Path(output_dir) / f"{output_prefix}_conf_mat").with_suffix(".pdf") |
display.figure_.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight") |
def generate_display_labels(conf_mat_df): |
display_labels = [] |
i = 0 |
for label in conf_mat_df.index: |
display_labels += [f"{label}\nn={conf_mat_df.iloc[i,:].sum():.0f}"] |
i = i + 1 |
return display_labels |
def plot_predictions(predictions_df, title, output_dir, output_prefix, kwargs_dict): |
sns.set(font_scale=2) |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=150) |
label_colors, label_color_dict = make_colorbar(predictions_df, "true") |
predictions_df = predictions_df.drop(columns=["true"]) |
predict_colors_list = [label_color_dict[label] for label in predictions_df.columns] |
predict_label_list = [label for label in predictions_df.columns] |
predict_colors = pd.DataFrame( |
pd.Series(predict_colors_list, index=predict_label_list), columns=["predicted"] |
) |
default_kwargs_dict = { |
"row_cluster": False, |
"col_cluster": False, |
"row_colors": label_colors, |
"col_colors": predict_colors, |
"linewidths": 0, |
"xticklabels": False, |
"yticklabels": False, |
"center": 0, |
"cmap": "vlag", |
} |
if kwargs_dict is not None: |
default_kwargs_dict.update(kwargs_dict) |
g = sns.clustermap(predictions_df, **default_kwargs_dict) |
plt.setp(g.ax_row_colors.get_xmajorticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right") |
for label_color in list(label_color_dict.keys()): |
g.ax_col_dendrogram.bar( |
0, 0, color=label_color_dict[label_color], label=label_color, linewidth=0 |
) |
g.ax_col_dendrogram.legend( |
title=f"{title}", |
loc="lower center", |
ncol=4, |
bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1), |
facecolor="white", |
) |
output_file = (Path(output_dir) / f"{output_prefix}_pred").with_suffix(".pdf") |
plt.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches="tight") |