--- license: apache-2.0 datasets: - Ayoub-Laachir/Darija_Dataset language: - dj metrics: - wer - cer base_model: - openai/whisper-large-v3 pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition --- # Model Card for Fine-tuned Whisper Large V3 (Moroccan Darija) ## Model Overview **Model Name:** Whisper Large V3 (Fine-tuned for Moroccan Darija) **Author:** Ayoub Laachir **License:** apache-2.0 **Repository:** [Ayoub-Laachir/MaghrebVoice](https://huggingface.co/Ayoub-Laachir/MaghrebVoice) **Dataset:** [Ayoub-Laachir/Darija_Dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/Ayoub-Laachir/Darija_Dataset) ## Description This model is a fine-tuned version of OpenAI’s Whisper Large V3, specifically adapted for recognizing and transcribing Moroccan Darija, a dialect influenced by Arabic, Berber, French, and Spanish. The project aims to improve technological accessibility for millions of Moroccans and serve as a blueprint for similar advancements in underrepresented languages. ## Technologies Used - **Whisper Large V3:** OpenAI’s state-of-the-art speech recognition model - **PEFT (Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning) with LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation):** An efficient fine-tuning technique - **Google Colab:** Cloud environment for training the model - **Hugging Face:** Hosting the dataset and final model ## Dataset Preparation The dataset preparation involved several steps: 1. **Cleaning:** Correcting bad transcriptions and standardizing word spellings. 2. **Audio Processing:** Converting all samples to a 16 kHz sample rate. 3. **Dataset Split:** Creating a training set of 3,312 samples and a test set of 150 samples. 4. **Format Conversion:** Transforming the dataset into the parquet file format. 5. **Uploading:** The prepared dataset was uploaded to the Hugging Face Hub. ## Training Process The model was fine-tuned using the following parameters: - **Per device train batch size:** 8 - **Gradient accumulation steps:** 1 - **Learning rate:** 1e-4 (0.0001) - **Warmup steps:** 200 - **Number of train epochs:** 2 - **Logging and evaluation:** every 50 steps - **Weight decay:** 0.01 Training progress showed a steady decrease in both training and validation loss over 8000 steps. ## Testing and Evaluation The model was evaluated using: - **Word Error Rate (WER):** 3.1467% - **Character Error Rate (CER):** 2.3893% These metrics demonstrate the model's ability to accurately transcribe Moroccan Darija speech. The fine-tuned model shows improved handling of Darija-specific words, sentence structure, and overall accuracy. ## Challenges and Future Improvements ### Challenges Encountered - Diverse spellings of words in Moroccan Darija - Cleaning and standardizing the dataset ### Future Improvements - Expand the dataset to include more Darija accents and expressions - Further fine-tune the model for specific Moroccan regional dialects - Explore integration into practical applications like voice assistants and transcription services ## Conclusion This project marks a significant step towards making AI more accessible for Moroccan Arabic speakers. The success of this fine-tuned model highlights the potential for adapting advanced AI technologies to underrepresented languages, serving as a model for similar initiatives in North Africa.